4A o P9rt i r ' ,• ' , ,43ErA Sicadt-41edniship kayston‘Mite. Marsh . , .4.0111 cioaflourl bum cotton !firs ftiohtad..: I-, mot. CO; /92 44 dattan'order• 87 tc4 riot. 98 bales oot too J t'ohnor gloVBOtes rloo 17 halos cotton order• 14 ' l l do 0 P Rolf; Itoktail Talmo: ed do Leeds & ()M o t 80 ~''_',• r&T , matt; woo fdassey. Collins & Co• lido Dalt -1-0f:-..rosete %tot '6ll 'do f, Tallman: '47 do Emile & Wolfe; ,-" 'lO4O T %oast -n do 'Porker &.Toland; 7 do 'D Birkoat -rick & Bon• 44oat W liarmont_ do Brown, Hal & go: - 2d do Hay & AtoDevittl.LdO JT Latta • 1 do langerieh • . 1 / 4 , Smith; do Wttaden & Ron; 11 do Afl Aron. Jr; 1 do-Dr Appall Ida Otis Willoons; 2do M NV' Bald- Witt El:00'3;340 various conislantira. ' . r - BRINE INTELLIGENCE. C.,' i ...0343.1roultis•PA0E- Etteemetrip City of Richmond. hlitchell, fromßloh ::•mond, via Norfolk,29 hounr, with noise and -parwengera •• to Thos Webster. Jr. • - • „ Bteamildp tteneinstorit Rabat, 48 hours from Boston, with mere and perwenaere. to of Wineor & Bon. - Ship 8 Ermigl4l4-eamer. 49 dre fom Liverpool, with Wee to 8 Balthrtn & Co. Lowed op by the City BOhr - Alary H Banks, Banks, 4 days from New York, ',witialr:dati to order. - tiohc•fially Ann. Corcoran. 8 deys from Yemomico, Ns: with lumber to .1 W B o n. • - Bohr Elizabeth Jane, Outen, 9 days front' Laurel, Del, with lumber to JWilecon. • SAILED. Ship Beranek. Rowland, Joy Liverpool, loft herberth SA the root or Walnut street at 9 A Mon daturdaf . in tow 7 of tug_ Aniertes, having on board to passengers, and a • °ergo oetnerlaing 167 blids tohaeon. 329 do tallow. See tea twef,lo d01ard.1433 bays clover seed. 101 bars bo x es cake, 2/53 salted htdes. 65 hhde 948 ones bark.l6o boxes Moon, 505 bbis dour. 223 bushels white corn, 13 hhds ' sheethstle me tal , 1 carri age , 10 lags mdse. - • - HT TYLIGIAAPS. t00X10550145011504' the P,Mll4elphia Exchange.) , CAPE ISLAND, /4 .4, March 4, 5 The ship &mak, for Liverpool, went to sea shout 12 o!olook Joist. night. Nothing observed going in or out to-day, Wind PiW—weather clear and pleagnot. ~• . THOS, it. , - , WITSLEORAIII. _ (Corrosvoudence of-Mhe Freak) - - . Now YORK. Araloh 4. tgrd , etr 3 7Btgfavirrirggg' —, 'vri.r.. ,ivki.iv! :, A, T errand Harbor, Cuba; oar Anita Damon, froVarroyo. '' • riiied, brig i koniciwe, frm il T u rigtii ni ttz ' Jllm il gob ' t e ~,e: o.,And - Aims Bland Feb 20, Left at Trinidad bark ndoor, from New York; at Ares Island, sqlw Ada ?snobs. loading for Bailin:fora; brig Jail Oarattde, from _ -.,. arsiturtbuto. - : ; • MEMORANDA. • ;- nmyma 17th alt. Steamship Fulton, Cope, from New. elark,nt , South. dhip Joseph Fish, • ito, for Philtdelphia, failed Item Liverpoo) lath ult. • • - • • Shlpa Intrepid and Robert Herding, from New York, et Nino ghat) nretsour to ntult .. . Ships Narragansett, Ord( Stream , IL Jacobs, and .1 -Baker, for Philadelphia , were loading at Liverpool ', XVl,teflngt. Kilburn, from Bhaughae,arrlved at • . Wm, Tamseott. Columbia. AM' Oreat Western, firin Liverpool ki a. iVe v a e . d f r r u clu r i e ile Y w or i i . 3 r d k qii t r . Aus 7 i2 l ,ttrmpnit i tivr ff ,,i ' ,ll . l i g i ih e r 4 o ). Boston for Ban Fran ' I ll g r . k w ei s d i rl2:4 3 ll l ota l i:ii, 3 Vo B o l i It ' skli g ag 9 a . r rived at eV-11month 14th aft. ark - Arosidia, for Philedelphsa, remained at London 18sh nit, tlfhinJloand'ing. tiff Imes, MittloMm. for :Philadelphia or 11Cfend Bawassret, Brown. for Ybiladel ` - *door !intimate. sailed Beni Providence Sd inst. ••• Behr D Bellows; Clark, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York 3d met, tinkr J Goodspeed. Perry, from New Bedford for PM . ' lodelphio at Now York &king.. - " Bohm ' JJI Deputy, Weinman. and Althea, Corson, torPhiladetplus, sailed from Providonto 34,1 met. Bcht• Jae .14 oilsoni• Burt, Mince, arrived at Taunton •-• s •- sat lost: • ' , Bohr 8 1. Crocker, Phillips, sailed from Teuntorilst hist. for Philadelphia. -- , - Now Orleans , Feb 23—Cloared, ships Regidatoi, VoTIL L , i d v a7oB 4 oo F j a ß n r t jartrZiol i =6lll2o. '.Cardenas. • „ . ARRIVAIS 'AT THE PRIN IPAL HOTELS, OP TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST MOAT ctiNTINBATAL-8; T, corner of Mali and Chestnut. nVlOVltAr.bley% . te " KY Qinvet..‘ Mosso 8 W Herren , Br ownsville Tphuni,lcuyler - W Kelley, proynevalls foiinTiL — ATili: - Evan Morris, Pa ,cpsa $.. reCogoAck, Milton ThoekBtahl6y.t3S. Vi L ia *lf 01 — aliniiiiiff , Jr, N Y W 0 Bantams. & la. Del • W 0 Alderson. E l y JO Clayton, Mo • - . • 'WS Clawativ.N J M-Stewart, Alex, Ya P Lord N Y J Bardenbers & la N Y . • j'lt Mulford Ca Mrs Dr Adolphus, Bait " A 1.• Myers. N Y 6 T Lane. Pa 000 B. Potts, Pottstown Henry Potts. Jr. Pottsto'n • Mum Bell Patti, Petf.stoarn Mies Bose Leaf, Pottato'n . Thee Taisho's. Haven , Win Taylor ds 21es, N • J C Bends, Boston M B Mance, Paila Dr 1 , D Clark. , Dr P 8 Butarnier, Philn Caet J J Sutzmyer, Phtla ' 0 Meares: N Y ••• .18 MoCalla, Phila E T Ello•ott. Jr, Balt • . Chse'Vesin, Torosdale -Alfred. Teem. Toreadale hi le roil!. kfartford - • "-P fI Drake N Y -,ddilroslrer &Lam, N Y . Valle Er, la, N Y Eg Clo, 0- W Cm; 0 A MoE' Boy.). _Halt A Gosaatt. Moo ' O W Bird, sY • • - B P Whalley LonisTiile Bala • 'll 13 Book, Warren on •- AT Bradshaw; Tessa Geo 1. roilsonne, Nashville , Cook. MI • •- ' -' 4 3 1 1 0 1 6 C tt P ,ll: j r7r n• 3 ,ll)Aul . taortie, WY N MagrattL , 815 Moffelt.,)ist. _ . —... .. ...mgrath. 6(3 • - • .. 8 Moffett: nd Chpt 'Hayworth. 'England . W Greenfield, Enslnnd Mose Smith, N-Y . J Holbrook & Ins N Y. tvti Gallop, Prov, It I N Thompson. Jr, N Yvevi hos P Wzlkoite, Tenn • 0 Co,'Eonn _ 4 .cnchcan. TAP° g•.#ffirk ef }I Wiii; * iiii: Aillily ~ riEiGeT. N C Mr Has - den, N.Y _ • W D toddy. Miss - 'I bosH Bralalett, NY .7 Cauedn, II V J Murrell. Tenn ' it i r t s!Vr ° o% l4 ,l3Yuti, - 0 W A Olsen, KY !,; , ,H. H v ilure, Wes F M Oallettna. Mimi ~ • , Win rh attar. lernalea, L I -Welter II w illard,lll -•'*. 11, i Willard. DI , - J tiumey.N Y , •1 : . t : y ",..Frfit li y,• . • . ~ ft .134rrtrt , k.. , I, 0 ' i Finken. Brooklyn •:1 l. PwAyr n i 4f.fi ß l r l aoklya " - - ?Ire Gin N Y '• -- Wi a setterd r :Pc i l tsburi . ' .' - B(l l Pi e giaknal.lia t trialeg 4 DW Dm:dam; Toni -,, 2 0 ~. gm! .4,wife : _ituit.'g 721', - 24,1DIL I VIV ti;: _ -- " - ' g 07,I n ertgiltli ti ?/ - ti : ~,....:. Rayne, As i • 11 ells, N. i • l , --; , ''."l.A.Vineli. PhDs' -..--, ' H b roman. Charlotti "..1 , rac o ]ben,Chstriotte T . : HMls's, Charlotte . inbann,Catsuleni 43 C p w bineu,- Piaui -: 11 , , , .I.Arbertion, Flo .2, ', .1 E Yids, Fittsburir • nt'A birtkip Vs ~ . ; ir p l Yiroudo i rbila ..: i l t•- 1 Si S ti 'i tta%ele ' N Y -, ' --- : - iits f oriklion, Connell Bluffs ." ''''''' 4 %Aden/ou r % Tenn .:' " N Parrett°, Tenn DFt ewell,N Y - . 0 11 , Armsty po t 11, i W Croaker, if y - -, it Haul!, N.l' ...,,_ ' 1 ' Ja l arj. k l i ,:rr i I N . - • 4 , namPtV ""k "Pl. ChlueL cc lit, Md. Vdw 13hippen t Phil ~ .., ~ Jos t slay, Waal, n 0 • .T M celTat;ll. B ' C Ctirobe 'I 0 ) ir't ' IY A DVRO)4 V gItri, 8 t John, NH I W Johnston, Ye . , ()LRAM) HOUSE—Ohestunt at,, below Ninth. ' '7 A Wrighl, Cie. 0 ' 3 0 Cooper, Ye 0 W alarahalt Paul C Sweeney. N 0 . bliss Beeeney, it 0 Yi fluent Crocker, Md _Mist A Crocker, MI • , Mine Croaker, Md ti Coles , N Y It It Hutchings GA ~ .. T .tirty. k :i' ' t Y (4 E R p g ]:=,ko l l r ombtor, 0 Be si r itf:Lene,% l C, ' T Withllrer At, la N Y , • - TIA Cooper, Mite; - - F W Bennett, Bali , • '. : - W-T ft nuncan,N Y - J A P tady,Mans •i• • - ii Carpenter. Toon A Y Jones, Tenn - =T ra idt m soon, N.Y. Jno K Shire, Balton, Pa, • B - mullen /c. la; N V . I' Borland, Halt • ' - &evens, Lancaster ,no Smith, N Y Is N Tuttle, N ,I ..,-, I) Hitcbcoolr.72l ins J Biagi Now Haven ti 0 Dorton k la, Ye •.. ~, A Hashes. Tnn Miss Teapot], Coiorado eltY A Devlin is I n, N J . Wilkinv, N.l Mr Wdm ma & la. N J . W Leland. N Y .-W " '.. Pembroke Et Nieman, Budu Fa H ... .4 W Glorati arrisburg '0 A Danville k. la, )(Anima Mine Wiloex,lCansas . AI Parker. N Y . , ~ O,H. plows NY ' ' .. ,A J Lutz, LI Louis A D 'WM_ _'Pl'lnYsi. - Mrs Patti, N Y . Edo , Cohan, HMS i , • t -Want Pasuwas, o, Y A Finley. tit Loins Ches:Adisean; Cleveland F Q Beeman, Heaton = .1 0 Miller, N4' • • Jit Callasliani N Y t ia Hyatt . Albeey 'Y , ft ' ,4l724 ° l l i d Y • _testerll. limiter,. bynabigtrit W 3 Rucker, Lynehburg lii Ceriedo, NY . p Ellis. N - Y D Williams, Ind . J 'Maxwell, hid 4 iii "Ede IT, ,Is y -J . Vllardy, Mosel* • • M - 3 6 tiiiiiinit;fif Mies BtevegA, Oldenburg, Rockville /G Coffin. Rockville Mrc:Wheland. N Y Tr& inclinnaplis Ono Cochran & N Y ties Cochran, N Y W & Dallhatn, Dalt co Minn Dalham, Bolt DrQuinn Weep, D C iten,..thuilh, Conn C Carter Penn' TbP;4ol .' ,Prairet Me Thomas A Bigonceianti - flll,,Ziles,_.ll.kustott B7iZoli:rteitu 0 nagi.g,jhot NIPh U.' M& Ohl. Columbia, C*T twortl, q C Rorie. Mlt, WIWI. Mr Btrakoaah ar. in, IV Y Miss Patti, N Y • AldgllMANUOTEL—Chestnotatteet, itbove B SvonvoiOle.rfield A. It hall, enn Earkbardt, t 4 0 D Nraver. C Moan. rtz - . • W R Bowmnn.N C SM Barrett. N . C. B A Bflent, Brooklyn " W MoOtatabln, N C W l Drummond, V OR. Kluralss, Wash, 0 B. Mara. Boston k; Wells. B oston - W 2.1 Weaver, Bharrnikin , 0 Robinson. 15 Falmouth R C Ellis. Pena . ' R Donu t Tenn - DWorth,_N-Alg $.9 worth, N w'Dlßoffit, N 0' Ben) N c_ A I. Robinson. ti,ittias)glc, KY - C Keill Boonevdle mf ttilWircii:Xt i . . C kiln, —..,,.6•6110. Aen. ti t n i art... 74 Ky k i lloiddpigtr y r46 8 Sheet. i ic 1., Lana ,3 M D 4 t ill.l3alt. Bani_an an la. Balt . F. B 4 ad, N Y as M Hualinyi, N 1 J A olatan - ion Dayaincaten ' Mrs arrant, Balt $ Carter, Ky ll' W McNeill. Tenn . .i l'aua Balt -- - kl3 w lt i algiO f in / ityoy, Tenn 7 resin,'lnd , stoner. Inil, - IhillaY Both. hits iltdemk, N Y 1 Lo. XI _A C Brlttain. Pail& - . 01Y-Re ek. - Tenn lion Jacob Bronirkrhila ilt CI Bell. Mine (.11Y'fintilton,N Y , . Briar, Ales. Va 0 McKay, Boston i , .. E Rogan, Button "-, ,'MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch' WI Saar, Somerset Pa W Fleming, Pittsburg Lk* at _Care. Allegheny W Oar, Easton _,SY A MoCalmousaoirs • - TM Roters,_PA l 'l4 71"1 - 1 4 :e n en tjh 1° ' wl„Finne, li . l Y ty, A atßowen. NO 4 ) ,,fwi e fftll,?, Pa W Thayer, Ohio ~ , g 1., Lowry, Ohio W Wrtglit,le. - J .1 Northcutt. Ca iA Myrick, Tenn' • - 'W 0 Scott, Tenn br,B till. NY• • • T G Cochran, Obio A. R gob. Loulsillte, Kr 'Sy' ir Mobter,__Tenn G .......: central!, Tenn • Chu Dean. Newark. 0 Con al Pirliallon, Erie, Pa 050 ..k, Waite, Pittsburg bt Murphy , - N 0 , - ,T W Keefer, Mo fp. McCulloch. Pittsburg W 0 NOM.% Mita Ail ri•reitnnio.N Y • i 'IP C Limberger. Mo A Stilwell. Paj W UMW__ ,its Hy 0 -tookton ,Alabama' g it 11. West. Miss . --• Jetrres,-Mss: 2 ,_ . H dtty..Miss -, ----- - Rimy; Miss" w '.l3ltaztirill, M ies i -A 0 Ward:Miss A ale Lend. Mies &Cotten, Callibud. Oa' E W ThOhlbrlti t At% • Mrs McAllister. Miss ._ Mon 3 C MoKibbin, Cal LFletcher, Ark . W I) Monroe, Ark Earn , r, N Y os Oherhout, Pa W A Porter, rs _ , Mon 148 Wrir, wilkesb '' Minh ullikon, Ind -.„ .j..as .1 Niartin. kula • , 21 p Cooper, New liotten,lB 1, B Manett. nd I at Duulac.,lnit II I ;:aggrogm.n . f.° &Walker. Cm, LI _Timothy Riven - - Wm Maine:ton, ohne-awn tiF Denham. ail at Lebanon, 0 Mtn Doan, Newark, 01 iss 8 N Harris n, Pri, Rotors Isl. Oilliland.' MSS - RII ohms, Miss t*??,2l"nr T 0 Passer}, Bath', Mo ntif AoLain, Tenn • 0 at L iinsoy N Y r. MoiNinr, bP,I Y. 5;3 Sorer. & Iti, Ark Lyons, Os - • RL Orates, Tenn „ EL-LOMB 110TE1,--Chissicut street, above Third, M D Welch, N Y . X Taylor. N Y Ols Sion. , ' E E Pritgbard,Conit Y.A 0 • Howl Enlists 0 0 Mrs Pala son, net • P Polio B_Y - „ A./1 Aospata, Y W Manning, Boston Piaolc,.ost _ J A Hopkins, Washington J b Willoughby, Va • David Hammy, NY Jaslbhrmon .1 Mulford, N J Millook l e' 0 J 6 Kauffman. Pa ~.,.....H4sotiols; - • W K - • K Hpousallar;Ohio la LX Ma ush J• son, i oOoodmea R s.. d O Liirdtly, 0 ..,,,ocirrinn. ~,,. • - .." I.,iindbry, l) , - Ili Z 0 F oa l edlkid bliss E P Posico, 141 d .•-• - 1.. - W Wilton & la, Ohio - --- Mimi Obileon,,Oino —... • . . , T/12, initort HOTEL—Arab Street, alms Thud, . ins 0 Wpm; Philo ,I It T ay lor dlalla --., - r;hos Spence, Pittsburg E c. .l . Frost. woollier --' - y orten•r, cm ~ , bt S Little, 11l - as llordon, lit AMoClusirey,lll ' : 1- , ....... - „t'C A Bassett, Ohio I) W Rowe, Chionlgrab'g -'.: - it Adams, Lea, NC . - James Smith, 4.ex, 14 0 At i Mrs IS C Also), hid Ceo B Contard, Reading ~ . -,.- 1 t : P-W.,,,Taudy. Tenn • It A Wilson, Tenn • --',. x , D el , Peoria, 11l- W H Rhodes N J . - chrlstian Hera t Pittsburg John Conrad„, , Jr, Pg, . i s ? Rowland,owlati, tone , J tt CerterrOvilm, Del Jo nor, %Foes . „ pEI Don% VA _ . _.,- , 48TATE8MNION'HOTEL—Harket 'Ude!. ab. Sixth. ~-; --. , 8L pilkinUardiantt as Sam! -Fauit,But z town, Pa t , ,-:. hittp hwing. watt ,Tra , 'y Simmons, WM i',.:. ~.. 4 t ifillg i, !3 ,, mg , ji 91vt , MS 15 , arak Itmasons, Dal i:n,i',;-, iva, ma, aoajcali.«.l.a c: -7.1'. ° A Priltraanta P Art, Pa --, , .1-±terou ,. .l.! . 0 KarUn Qantas ao.i Pa k 4- ,..:„., ..L. ukei vantra to, Pa B lviaoaanargipik, . , 6. - . - ,- , , , ,Tatat Pagarra t :i ri O ii tau ...... Jokt Wheats, Ps ~. ...0-,,, , ,gAra u kt i .T. .•, , , ara - , ,.. p ' ~...;, °irked,- etriatort,Pe. 1-.- .=' , 7rv-al` cr-lAvvia, - BartfAihr - .'jt= Viirattlcr , ' /Ur: -,:eVsq. /4 .o l W ich, • mi l n O st As IS'ld'uthAiPhirada ':, , 17,.% , ;;;:-100,4td swat ilautig.-Third:o„.baiioalloel t ilh v. - i i, - .,, , -'.,T ea ta dor, Plata - rotor eaactikr&- , . ~,..-, ...,, a Az. eft. --•-; -. _. T OlVanaluala,- Pa , : .,,ok* 4 ,;. s i , 1 flrytuu - i:,: f = -, /4 u Pant% 'PLUIV 0 , 4 . ' 1" 1 . 1 41.1 9 - . . , .. ;....-. 40 . . , ..,! .;' - .4. , , - , - ;,- : --,-.; ,'.„1 , ..z ~:,:, . .:Lk v'. ~,,' i• ~,' 3011 REP RVP,Rki-.Cheetzdid street, below Seventh. D 0 Stevens, lirds.... —...A M. Masters, NI. . . . Llt Harding ,=, . Itt 0 Nathan,. N Y i• W Jones, WY .s. A E May, Tenn B G Rice, N S . I` Bose. N 1 , ,V„..0 8 Randle, ProVidepes '•. ' A TbompsomN . 1 t eta: Jos A Thompson, rt J .1., Thompson, NJ ' ,• • A H Shover. NJ Deo W Hutton, N Y Mr Watson & la. N Y • Mr, Aaron &Int at y Thoe_ T hlarph,N Y Den Elman, NY , • , Lesktows&la,NY H AI HaMillet, (i l lt H at. Wittier. Balt John t 4 Dodo. alt I) Ad Lattimote.N Y .1, Al Quinn'. Phila o.llForoe,Phila 0 IC Lona. lad Jae Trout. BordentOvrti Chas 1.) Foster, N C , 1., It ftodes, Masa W E Dimmiok, St Louts W F Graves, Oa Howard Burke, Philo Miss A J Easton ,Phila T B Candi., Pa Geo E. Law, Ti In N inn M Lyon Ohio Jas Carlisle. Pa , W 0 Scott, flidiana 81. Jones, PP• 0 G Green, Y IT Rokera, Pa Id Plummer. Masa John Thomas. Me 8 Somers, Md F Snyder, Md A W Sone', Va . JW ocolntona & la, Ky Si' Ringgold, Balt COMMERCIAL, HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut. .1 P Osmond. Chester en Robt 'lnd.:son P A C R R H Du ffi eld. Pa pp Broadhead !'a .1 Buokwalter. WITISPort Wm . 10 "°. la t u r t:aml McWilliams , I n J L ,H,,erwq„ik el• ." v lii Ti Stanhope A In, r hila oorit..rmilf P• .1; Jae j Phifit Phew, iiVinf ... A H,r,rirgi: 1,1, I : C Author. Montgomery co :17,,,, 13 Lasater, Di I, Beek, Cheater ao Truman Coates, Pa Plrayner. Chester oo 800 Umsthad, Pottstown H Unger, Monigoinery no Alf Bouteher. Pa Lazarus Wohtel. Ark 8 Peters, AI Chunk E Swartz, H Chunk FOUNTAIN KOTE4—Beconnstreet;above Alnykot. Jas Manna, N J ' A Snotte, hid A 6:Outlet!, ga Dr Cadwallader, Pine Dill lax P Commtnas. Bait I, Q Pierce, Batt Wm A Morrow. "'Wilda Philip C Jennings, Cin E T Farron, Dover, Del 7'll Molivain, Del M litallvain, Del • Pr C P Simveon, Da MAIL 13 Small. Vs 0 W MoDawell, Md CI E Dickson, Smyrna, Del Mr Taylor. Texas Thom Flanagan. Pa A Whiggins, Milton, pa H. Buono, /4a452 ELODNT VERNON ROTEL—Second at.. above Arch, Layne Whipple, N Y J Donaldson, Lancaster • Mallard M Daniels, Banton John A Btanly, Pa M Lawrence, Easton NATIONAL BOTEL—Rnee street, above 'Third, It A C Clark. Harrisburg AAt Ashman. Livarp'l, FO, Frank Van Horn. At Cllunk H F Snyder, Pottsville Nana O Foster. Pottsi the - P 8 Illasins, Reading CA William. Monts ea, 0 FE nland, Atorr nu no. 0 C H Himson, Carbon co, ra..l A Summar, Puthmlie J L Hutting, Fine Grove .7 At Blum Pa k Jos Gormley, Lancaster, Pa J N Worl wife, Phil W Woolman, Phil d - lor, Williamsport B Leonard, Balt EAGLE HOTEL—Third St., abovelEnoe. N Ford. Pa .I.• Kenney. West Cheetor O D Ellie, Burlington • 1 Uarlo & (am, N k Z D Belly, hid Leonard Smith, Emden M H donee, N Y Wilson Worrell, Media, Pe Geo W Brown, N Y A Morrow. N J Amos Simpson Phil • 8 Jones, N Y Oeo Rumple, NY J W West, Pottstown —3— onEt.ACIC BEAR ROTEL—Third it., Move Callowhill Dg Bnuthempton Jobn 8 hepper, islontg co BITCRMAN—CONAWAV.—On the bit heat., by Rey. N. B. Bald wm, Mr. Benjamin J. Buckman to Mine Maria C. Conaway, both of this city. ELVINB—DAVIS —On the lit instant, by Roy. John Walker Jackson, Mr. John ElYins to Miss Kate Waltp Davie. all of Philadelphia. BAILY—MeC AND LESS.-0 the 28th ultimo, be Rev. A. O. MoAnley, Mr. Hugh Daily to Mies Mary McCoy. leas both of this oi tr. siGH—ROSE.—On the Ist instant, by Rev. C. J. Thompson, Mr. Benj. IT. Sage to Mies Mary Y. Rose, all of West Philadelphia. • GAM BI.P.—.C.LAWKO 4.—On the 29th J anuary, 1900_, by ' John O. Wttsoo V D.V., Mr. Robert bamble to Miss Sarah Jane Clawson, bath of this cite. COX—HALL-0n the UP. inn nat. by Rev. James Sed don, Mr. Thomas Cox, of Lewistown, Pa., to Mrs, Ma tilda Hall, of Frankford. KEELS R=PARRY.—On the 20th ultimo, by Rev. Joe. H. Kennard, Mr. Daniel Keeler to Mien Mary A. Parry, both of this city EDGIMAN—MIDDLETON.—On the 29th ultimo. by Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, Mr. Franklin legman to Mine Mary A. hliddleton. both of Haddon geld. N. J. MoCLELLAN—MM I LEY.—On theist instant. by Rev. Joseph V. Kennard. Mr. Robert McClellan, of the. H to Mine annah N. Smiley, of Great Valley, Cheater county. EVERRT—CURBY.—On the 23d ultimo. by Rev. Richard Newton. Ely Eyelet. of Montgomery county, to Miss Mettle O. Ourbv. of Philadelphia. R-8 EY E RUE i,T.—On the 03th ullimer by Rey. Father Stroble, hir Nicholas J. Roaster to Miss Emma Reyferhelt. both of this oily ; MOGRE—HUNTER.--Ort the Ist instant. by Rev. Dr. S. Townsend. Mr. Joseph Moore. of New Castle 0011011. to Miss Mary Mentor, daughter of Imo Hunter, Esel., of Delaware city, Del. ETITT.—On the 4th instant. Mary, daughter of John and Elizabeth atilt The relatives and friends of the family ace respect fully Invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her parents. Richmond street, Bridesburg, on Tues day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. POsTER —On bunday morning, March 4th, Wm. 33. Foster, Jr. . • • Funeral service at the residence of U. Edgar Thom son, Vim , northeast corner of Spruce and Eighteenth strects, en Tuesd% afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Remains lo for Interment. iltitn ' ex v o. 2 l,f J.,on the lot* ;n -atant. Mrs. Ellen Batchelder in the Sith year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, 141 York ntenet. Bur lington, N J.. thin (Monday) afternonnott 1 o'clock. • TILt , FX.n the let instant. Hugh Tilley, in the 72d Year of his aze. fuearal from his lota residence. No. 233 South Fifth street, above Spruce. thin (Monday ) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, YOCUAT.—On the Ist instant, of oonsumption, farm Yn cum, Jr .in thee year of lux ace Penwell from the residence of his parents. corner of Darby road and Church lane, (Hingstiming,) this (Mon &Art afternoon. at 1 o'clock. STHICIIOI6.—On the 24 instant, John Stratton, in the eth year of his age • Funeral from hla late residence. No. 861 Marshall 'tree , . thin (Monday) Mgrnong. pt 10 o'clock. CONRAD —On the gil instant. at Chester county, Ida It.. infant daughter of John R. and Anna F. Conrad, aged 8 months. Funeral this (Monday) morrow:. at 914 o'clock. at the; Reading Railroad deem, Thirteenth and Callmen ill. • COATRS—On the 1d instant, of consumption, George Conies. aced 12 yen,. CRUISS,—Uzi the 2d instant, Martha Cruise, aged 32 yearn. tlloollkl front her late rani denoe, 1737 South street, this °inlay) morumg_. at 10 o'clooie, • • BUCRANAN.—on the 26th ultimo, Apnea Boatman, arv3 3 rears and S week,. • Funeral from the restitenee of her parents. No. 734 South. Fiftatreet, above Dorman; this ( Monday) after. noon, at o'clock. RtMOVAL! will open thin?' NEW WORE. No. 91S CHESTNUT Street, above NINTH, On TtlEBAY,(hterdh 6t11,1 and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of Uttar customers end the public. t rchll-tf frrifalaTO.N4enfi3 - 51111413,4%'. ma, will meet, with their Bend, THIS 1 niondlyl EVENING. March 6th, at 7 n'e risk at the WFXSTONI, He Lt. R, W. corner TWELFTH sue t;REBFNIIT Streets, to nmeeed en mote to the ON AND Re TIFI CA'FIOsi MEETING at NATIONAL HALL. Let all attend to honor our standarcLhenrer. who Is n slertous enmesh) of the mime a...skins the man, and not the man the saes. 1N WM. MoCANDLPEItt. President rounni LECTURE ON THE CBEA. I VON OR THE UNIVIRSE. /co THI EVENING.at HANDEL AND RATON H.ll,l.:SubJeot .! The manner in which the EsYth was Created. anti from what—Why in a atnte of Fusion—Of what the Hon ie Composed, and Ileraohars t }leery investierded The rhrth of the Universe." Time of commeqtement ehansed to 8 o'olook precisely. aod the price of Course Tickets reduced. May be had at the door. le` fr''' LORAN SQUARE CIIURGR—VT NE I 1.... V and TWENTIE VII titreete. Preleltinir THIS (Monday ) evilly mi. at eight o'olook, by Rev. JOHN CHAMBERS. 9 H. Iv Ca RE heldLle-F OP EMIGRANTS. PROM TREt,enu i . l , }' ll held at the CONITINENTAI, on WEDNESDAY. the MI inst.. at 7 o'clock P. M. A general attendance It re. guested, es businees of importance will oblee before the Meeting. rehtl-At LECTURE.—BY REQUEST OF THE MECHANICS' RETREAT .5890GIATIoN, the Rev. FR NK LT N MOORE will repeat his leetnre on " The Falere Rote tzt America." at the ME CHARMS' HALL, 14. F. corner of FriGRA II and GEORGE streets. on TUESDAY EVENIN , next, at 7Ki o'clock. Tho °Meet of this looters is to aid the Me chanics' Retreat Assoolation—a society making efforts to !entire an asy tom for aged, infirm. and disabled me chub's who ere in destitute circumstance'. Tickets 25cents. Can be had at d mo3-St. the N oor. A LS, Secretary. NOTICE.—THE DIA STAGERS FOR THE relief and employment of the poor of the town cicrf Germantown, hereby rive moles, according to the terms of an act of Assembly, approved the 13 t h day of May, 1857, entitled'? An not reguitjng_publication of application to the Legislature of tins Commonwealth relative to Reel rfatate." that the? will apply to the Le sialatTre of the State of Pennsy 'cattle for power to sell their Reed Pante, sOnate on Rittenhonse street. Ger mantown. In the Twenty-second ward of the city of Plillndelphic said Real Relate Wins commonly nailed and known as " The Poor ROMA oropsrty of the town ship of Germantown." EDW. R. WILLIAMS. m3-6t' Becrottrr Board of Managers, Cat Wilson, Ark F H. Jones, lit I•ouia J F N Y B RaPZiiilVfouti 11Imnatd. Ask TILE SECOND NATION/ff. corivEN. 1...3 'MIN of the Merida of Tinton -Praynntimet les will be held in the SANSOM-13treet BAPTIST CHURCH. above EIGHTH street. on Tuesday, Moroi, 6th, at II M. As in no eity in the United States titer/tate mere rends of nion Pro/or-Mnea eau than in Philo delph we believe it in only neeoasary to rive ouch a notice as the foregoing. in order to Immo a full attend ance on that ocoasion, to engage in earnest prayer that the Mors of the Convention may receive the Divine fIrPOISON—POISON IN LIQUORS.— .HR. HIRAM COX, the great Anal, Oriel Che mist, n,u4 Liquor Inspector for Itamillon county, Ohio. will deliver a coerce of Five Lecture. in Notional Guards' Puilding. Rare street. between Fifth and Sixth streets. on the evenings of March 9th. 9th. 10th. Imo, and 14th, on the Poiennoue Nature and Ingredient; Limp.rei the Mode by which any one can readilr•Ana , lien the same; the Pernieious Inflows on the Human System. He will also mangle:Jure, in the ronaenee of the audience, some choice bat--=Liquorg t a b le Leo ure will be illuetritted by experimonts with su none. rates. Tickets for the coarse, admitting a gentleman and two ladies, ta. Single Lecture, admitting a gentlemen and lady. 25 nuts. . Forsale by the Janitor of the Nation.'Guards' Build ing; Mr Mande. Franklin Unll, Rural. below Arch street; Wm 8. Styles. 8. E. corner of Third and Vino streets; Andrews and Whiteman, Germantown svenno and Berke ;late Chatham/street, and at the Ran, on the evernngs of the lectures. mli3-3t. LECTURES ON PALESTINE AND YOYPT.—IIev, Mr. Marks. of Pittsburg, will deliver Three Lecture" on " Scenes and incidents of Travel in the GrdY Land and Vg First Leetere, nn MON DAY hiVENING, 6th inst., in Rev. Dr. Doles' Chtiroh, on RAC?, Street, near corner of Sixteenth street. "Scenes in and 0400L41113 dc;lr City—Bstpleberti and Dead Men." Second Lecture, on TUESDAY EVENING, oth inst., In Rev. Dr. Doke Church. On " Lower - Hutt. including Alexandria, Delta of the Nile; Scenes in and around Orand• Cairo; Oriental Maniere Ceremonials:. Third Lecture, on THURSDAY EVENING, oth int " Upper Egynt;' Visit to the Great Pyramids; Accent of the Nile: Ruins of Thal:tea •. Tombe of the Ancient Pharaohs; Cataract of the Nile; Nubia; Arab Blood Revenge. Tickets for course of Three Lectures.... 00 n , Single Adinission.....— 250. Lettuce to oummence at .1.( tot o'clock. mh2 4t Ea. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Atom!, ledo. The holden' of !h . ° bonds of tide Company. due July t. 1350. can now receive, upon application at thin office. to per cent. In cash, upon the terms specified fn the siren- IV ThLY ho dela are also entitled to the benefit tif a ',ink ing VW). of 6140 NO per annum, as establielled by the ?VT: Itini b l e A r e e anneal itTolftta het n y t g wmpfigy and ' ,ny reilordeu, tor•nr‘y the ionic into *fleet. 66 t DFORn. Treasurer. CIRCIILA Notice to the Holders of Philadelphia and Itotviing 8„,,,,,, 00 p Mortgage Vends, due July 1. Ital. These bonds are gocared by the fi rat mortgages on the road, amounting 1 the assretate to 83308 4130. The net revenue for the last fiscal tear was em time, the amount of the annual Interest on these bonds, The managers propono to extend them for a period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds aim the security of the mo , tgases_ln the proms° ecincition In which they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the Interest. payable half.yearly, will be mooned A brines of 10 per cent. will Le given to the holder.. in coninderation of then. assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in cash to the hearers of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their recrea tive bonds at the office of the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forme of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on application. 13, order of the Board of Managers, ml-tf R. H. Mc I bIIENNY, illeoretarir. MLECTURES ON TIIE CREATION DELUGs, Sc. by Mf. UEOROE FIELD, a R mid ItAYIDN BALL fe2s-18t elem. DVSPEPSIA.—FIFTY YEARS pr. SCRIBABLE AGONY from DYSPEPSIA, Ner vousness, Sickness at the Penmach, and Vomiting, have been restored ny DU-BARItY'B delioicn, health-m -otoring KEVALSNTA ARABIOA FOOD. Upwards of SO,NIO cures, and many thougspd testimonials. tanked with full instruetions, in canisters. I pound, Step tionints, $l2--the letter estrange freer ro adie etch Sold st the Depot, 242 South 'THIRD RD Street, , by. It . MUNTIO, Principal Agent for Vatted States, and by all Grocers and Druggists. DYSPZESIA.. Peifeet &audio, stronflierveß, and refreshing sleep V i riL d Z ave. 2.1°41%-::= ore, mrltb. curopArs mid tomtuno from. rained PK'S In mew awl Aottlois, 018.1141 MARRIED. BESSON & SON A"n. C. CILATG. Rnoratxry irr'OPPACP NAO DYKE & CO.. 'NS. Booth THIRD Street. • ' • TYI7I.4.IIELPIIIA, Feb. 29, IMO ~wiLutAIKErgoRT AND BOHR& RAI I 4 ROAD CO. Bu • ptetne Court have this day decreed the gale of th 'ha • " • ()TI d. CS given that the rower oflittomey adopted at the Meeting' of 4 Beeped Mortgage Bond holder., bald Deoember 9,1869, end already executed by a majority in Interest is still open for i sitra i tor4..„ ATV I C l 'it° ioaraireagfoto.Yrtgliah:s:rotect titlerir interests, under the agreement entered into by the vet trolls classes of owners, are demure to present their Bonds at this office, for register, where the power of attorney may be executed, and the bond, "stayed," F. A. VAN DYK Jr., tnb2.6t Attorney &mond Mortgage Bond oldere. - _ OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANV.—PHILADZLPTITA, February 130000. I aTIDE TO STOCKHOLDERS —The Annual Elea. don for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the fifth day of March 1530. at the OffiOti of the Company. No. 133 South THIRD Street. The mills wt l be opened front 10 o'clock A. M. until 6 o'clock P. 111. No Orr° orehares transferred within sixty days next Mood ng the eleotion will entitle the holder or holders thereof to vote. EDMUND SMITH, fell-thle Secretary, NEW PUBLICATIONS. WORCESTER'S QUARTO DIOTIONARY. ILLUSTRATED TRADE EDITION NOW READY, AND DOD BALD BY BOOKSELLERS GENERALLY THROUGH OUT TUE UNITED STATES. PRICE ONLY VA. This popular work is now ready for general distribu tion. Nowork of the same magnitude has ever been received with similar favor. Nearly ten thousand enpioe•havo already been distributed in this country and in England ; and although we are receiving from the manufactory upwards of two hundred comes daily we are as yet far behind our orders. The following briet extreme will show In what esti• 'nation the work Is held by some of the most eminent scholars in America. " Au authority among loholars everywhere."—Jsugg WAhitsn, LL. D. "The etenderd Diollonefi of our language."—C, C. FELTON, LL. D. " &manor to any Dictionary of our language.—M. B ANDIIIISON, LL. D. "A Droud monument of accurate eoliolareldp."— MAIM HOPKINS, D.D. " It is but a short time since that t was lad to com mend another Dictionary as, on the whole, and with some exception', the best and moat complete thing or the kind within my knowledge. The communication wag honestly given at tho time bus now at muss be withdrawn its favor of yours."—.DaNial, R. Goonwis, D. D. "Truly Et Thesaurus of the English lanpage."—J T. CusurLtst, D. D. "No scholar oitn afford to be without your Notion LOAD. D. D. "Mach superior to any other general Diotlonarr." OnOnoE P. Marten. "Them ie no department within the provinee ofa Dictionary that has been left imperfect."--ANDREW P. PRLDOI34. D. D '• I always felt myself wholly cafe to your hands, when I had your smaller Motion arr. But wtth thin • Levia than' it would be superfloue to look further."—Josarn tossultro, A. M. " I regard it as one of the best, if not the very beat. published in our Ianguage."—ARCHHISSIOP HUOIIICI. of New York. " The Dictionary is indeed a monumental work."-- LIVER. WENDELL HOLMES. M.D. " I bavo no doubt it is tho host.'—Asa GRAY, A. M. "It in an honor. not only to Boston, but to the whole country."—E. N.lloas 21..111, • " More than equal to InT expeetationg."-8. (1 BROWN, A. M. "The best and the Moat unexoeptionable Dictionary or the Engitnti leinguage."—Oso. B, EMERSON, LL. D. "In all respects, the best, the most complete, and learned."—lfOßACE WHATNR. LL. D. "It ts a Thesaurus of the languazo."—S. It TAYLOR, Lb. D. "The best Lexioon of tno English langunte."-. Ern d. Dtxtrnt., A. M. " !tie nn honor to our oountrr and to the Englieh Inn gunge."—lleNny A. Po/LAYMAN, D. D. "The one authority upon all :natter° of Enyhah taxi aography."—FAANcto Bowes, A. M. "The standard Dictionary of the Englieh language." —Jolt. PARK6B. LL. D. "Of all the Amerman DioUonarios or our Linguae°. your Quarto Edition will he henceforth the first I shag resort CO."-FLIANCIS LIEBISIL, A. M. " The new and authentic etymologies. the ooncistness and completness of the definitions. the MOW with which the different shades of meaning in synonrale are distinguished, and the conscientious tummy of the work in all its departments, give it, in my Judgment, the highest claims to pane favor."—Wtwent CVLLIIN ARYAN'S. ^ I concur with the °pluton of Mr. Bryant." —Wein :trine iRVING. "It is pure told. The great public Want of a Stand ard Dictionary of the English Islamist), which so long existed, is now supplied, thank /leaven .."—Oro. P. Monists, A. M. "1 oannot conoolve that it has left anything to be de wed in respect to definitions, orthography, etymology. pronunciation, copiousness, and whatever enter' into the idea of a perfect Diotionary."—W. B. SPHA(III3, D.l). SWAN, BREWER, & TILESTON, &31 WANUNGTON STREET, 131)3T0N. A FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. THE MOST FASCINATING 13001 C OF TILE DAY FANNY! FROM THE FRENCH OP ERNEST FEYDEAU, PREFACE BY JULES JANIN, DEAD WHAT IDLES JANIE SANS OP THIS WOES. It is the work of en ardent mind. It it the lad recital ofaeoutopen to every generous impression to even pess.on. and to every oriel. '1 he au forbidden ANNY mere hes strnighkon in lire narrntive of love. in a. language entirely new. and relate% you a story of n Ramon whirl few people eeknowledra ; and if I epenk thus, it n because. 6 let of all Id^ not wish to set a trap for your curiosity. It is at page Pt that Fancy's young lover lens the first stknoton s of the rbsease which strlkenitim to the heart—it in et page 06 that his OHS tress, ignore , tof the danger. brings her husband and lover tosether—that this maddened lover feels indeed with consummate Jealoury. nt this moment the drama really begins—at this hour the punishment is developed) and it is because we here see the adulterer carried away by tortures, and yielding under his own madness, that I have ventured to recommend you to it. niftier.= perusal. When tins madness and envy have :wised hold of Fanny's lover. nothing can be compared with that unfortunate creature. or his profound despair The e.oth shake* under bin feet; ha sees nothing but clouds. Phis happy life. whose every moment broutht itsjoy and festivity in 'perfect malefaction and bright sunshine. with nil the little fnlicities of ardent loge—gyps happy but guilty_ life is disturbed forever. Another. another than I!" In vein that ma, is her Intel - land, that man has authority over her—has right, Parental power, law, possession. domestic) roof, and the communits of this same fortunes. end legitimate child ren with thin women t obedient to hie every gesture, to the sound of his voice, to his whims. to hie pleneure. Tine woman belongs to him. I. Ifs • whose honor he ex teems se she esteems her own 'F/1.1111Y!I lover wi II neither free nor understand anything he felonious, he is furious he is mail. These pages conbun a great lesson ; they are full of eloquence, of admen. and of Jealousy. Readers. at the same time. ask if the story is true. They want to know if any human being lone undergone en mach puliermi. if tho lover of Fanny really authored this torture. ALAS YRS ! THR STORY 14 snug: Whenever Acumen from the soul and heart of a pant, IT TS TRUK. when clad with this degree of troth. of searing, and of sympathy and if I weep, anal if I [amble and it I wish tine child in this abyss of misery, Meer ASSUREDLY THE STORY IS TRUE —JoLER JA ONE V0L.12mu...........PR1Ct, FIFTY CENTR. Copies mailed on receipt of Prim Address, B. D., LUNN & CO.. Bookseller, and Publishers. No. 23 ANN threat, New York. For sale In 111 [lad el villa by It T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS. ALTBAUS ON MEDICAL ELEOTRI CITY. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. itblinhern and Seaksellorn, No. 2b South SIX H Ftroet. above CHESTNUT, bat pithlinhed. A TREATISE OY hDICA EIiNCTSIcITY, Theoretical and Practical, and He Unno m ihe Treat ment of Paralysis, laearalaia„ and oth or 1/111851111. By J. ALrHAO9, 11. D. In ono volume, /2mo. Price 151.25. 111115 DIXON ON THE EYE. LINDSAY & BLAKIBTON Have {art published. A GUIDE TO THE PRACTICAL STUDY OP DIA EASES OF TILE KM with an Outline of their htedieel and Operative Trea•ment. By JA DIXON, F. R. C. 8.. Surgeon to the Royal London Opthalmie Hospital. &c., &e. Front the enoonl London edition. In one volume. Itme. Price 1180. & BLAKIATON. - - • • - Publishers and Dooksrillem. Nn, 25 South AIXTIt ktrset, above Ili ERTN UT. 07 . COUPLITE, PSLICTO CAT • LOOVZII Of 411 the princi pal Medical Works published in this country, furnished upon fluidisation. mhs PATTI WALTZ, respectfully dedicated to the youthful Prima Donna. Mile Adelina Patti, by P. Tiedemnrin. EAT. publiehed M A 11SH'd Mom tore. 1103 CHESTNUT Dtreet. Price 22 cents. in.3.6t POLITICAL. A GRAND DEMOCRATIC RATIFICATION MEETING Will bo held at NATIONAL HALL, ON MONDAY EVENING, Tho Democracy of the °ay of Philadelphia remponding to the nomination made by the Reading Convention. FOR GOVERNOR; HENRY D. FOSTER, I=l RALLY! RALLY! DE MOCRATS ! Let our Watch word be VICTORY, and our aim to prrteot the CON STITUTION, the welfare and safety of the UNION. "The Democratic Flag floats proudly to tho Dreeze. , ' A Union of the Demooraoy for the sake of the UNION. A grand Democratic; Ratification Meeting will be held ON MONDAY EVENING, MARCH Mb, At NATIONAL HALL. MARKET Street, below Thir teenth, at 7H o'clock. Many distinguished Democratic Spoilkora are invited to addl./keit the Meeting. LET THIS BE A. GRAND DEMONsTHATIo:C OV THE UNION LOVINO PEOPLE, IN BAYOU OP THE 13111 , 311 T " STAR OF TUE WEST." The Democracy of the different Wards and Dtvisione will assertible, ON SATURDAY EVENIN(I, at 7,4 o'olook, at there usual Waco* of meeting, and metre the neoeassry arrangements to attend this great outpour file of the Democratic Party. 137 order of the Democratic Tows-Meeting Com mittee, SAMUEL G. ICING, 11* CHAIRMAN. "YOUR PICTURE PASSES THROUGH ti) hands of tho most skilful Artist to this enuntry. if you Rot a I,ifo.s,se Photograph in_ Oil, at REIMPAT eaIIery,SECOND St.. above GRE EN. It rillGAfto CIGARB,—A small invoice of FIGARO 0/GARBoiintiv damarod. For sale low, ! , r' {MARL VT.1 1 ,; inaoltß 349 w Q.,TE AIai Rtrtet, L PRESS•PUILAPAPRIA REMOVAL. BESSON & SON . Reepeotfullg announoe to their CUSTOMERS AND TIIE PUBLIC, That they have removed to NO. 918 CHESTNUT ST., AND wILL OrEN ON TUESDAY, MARCH 6rx, Witli A NOW STOCK OF SPRING MOURNING GOODS, Including Bargains in SECOND MOURNING mhs.ht GREAT DEMONSTRATION oWiNo TO TIIII lITANNATION IN TIM MK MARKET, NEW AND ELEOANT DRESS SILKS, 20 TO 25 PER CENT. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET mhs 9t NEW GOODS. L. if. LEVY iSc CO. Are now rooming a very lar g o and oltotoe wort moot of FANOY GOODS, Beleoted for their RETAIL TRADE, IN PARIS AND LYONS nay will open. %treat varlets of • FLOUNCED ORGANDY DRF.SsEst. NEW sTYLh RA it EDE DRF.SSEd. BARGE ANOLAISb. ItoitES AND SHAWLS, FLOUNCED PINA CLOTH ROOM, istr•NTF.I. LINEN CASIIIH,C4. NEw AND rtICII OIWANDIES. PARIS JACONETS AND CHINTZES, With a choir.° assorlmout of NEW BILKB, INDIA SHAWIIL AIANTILLAS, FOULARDS In Styles ordered by Dmeelves. end not to be found to other items of tho city. Alt will be offered at VERY MODERATE PROFITS. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. MbIS-St 1860. SPRING. 1860. CAMEL'S-HAIR 6.IIAWLS TRAVELLING DRESS MATERIALS /a great variety 0/ styles, and at moderate profits, now opening. L. S. LEVY ISa Co , 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET Doublo-width Mouseline de Chine, a new artiole, of good taste and oualtty,Just geoolvod, at 4t cents per yard. Inh -3l B EAUTIFUL NEW SILKS!!! Ell 3 lITII and MIRO GARDEN. Would invite ation ono to a LARGE tiTOOK OF BMX 000D8, Norte checked and plaid SION for 02c. Good euabir Foulard Bulks rnr Very rich Foulards for 75, N. and We. Beautiful brocade Bilks solid colors for $1 It. Rich obese Fat, Pout de Fol., Oro.. o. THE NEST OLOCK NILKB INFORM!), Frani 8 1 Per yard up to al CO. New styles of Dross Goods, embracins every novelty of the season, oponinxiimly. 811 A it SHAW LIU! Our establishment Iran been rondered famous for Shawl, of tvery description. OTELIA BoAWI).1. CRAP): ROTA WIS. TRIB,ET SHAWL!. BROORA till AWLS. end miry IMAM{ ET SHAWLS, ho. Q.PRING GOOD 4 —BIIIRPLESS 111 Eng are opt nln IC new and heirloom stook Ann UR' and Hummer &Ike. Moll Organdies. Very float Lawns. Foulard ?lobes. rrimtlla Moths. aalturs. lamas, seven flonnorm. Figured Blank Bilks. Black Tarlatan. Mixed Travolleriee. Spring Shawl., mh2 CH ESTNIIT and EIGHTH Sireoto. SUETLAND WOOL, BERLIN QUALITY, TEN CENTS PER SHETLAND WOOL. r XTs.A. TWELVE DENTS PER 12:. BARGAINS IN BERLIN ZEPHYRS, Double, Singh. and SEUL .1 G. MAXWELL A. SON, Trimminin Pkirte, and 4,eshErit, re 2740. 1. ELEVI. NTH. and cßk_ LUPIN'S DE LAINES, &c. Flee mode de lames, sm eta. Excellent blacks at 83 and 38 ets. Bu per quality at. 48 and 60 els. But line quality at 66 tits. Printed weal de Dunes, 37 to 83 eta Black bonibazines, section lets. CUD. gilltilri l Y k en ' e l if E 2 nail $3. Also, 11 NB, by the piece and ynrd. II SET • NOB, by tbe piece and yard. ENS. by the place and yard. DAM aliK Table Linens, In cloths, all sizes. NAPKIN, TOWELS, 3.10 doseu,,frem Mote. to 86 per dozen. RED-BOILDERtD rine Towels, Napkins, and Doy. FLANNELS. One, tor-pi - toed and silk mixed. MARSEILLES for collare, bowing, bureau covers, Ao. MARSEILLES QUILTS, also Lancaster, Allendale, e. LINEN MEETINGS, Some extra good and cheap lota. TiCKINGS, of every grAbuade. ~ 'MERRIMACK PRINTS, And AMERICAN DRY GOODS GENERALLY. relit N COOPE I NT it and M N AM A O, RKET Ns. HOSIERY GOODS. ---J. WM. 110 F. MANN, No. D North EIGHTH Btreet, hes now operLhie Fall Stook of Hosiery fl oods. viz: Uuder veils and Drawers of Cartwright and Warner's su.perior mapu famine, for ladies' and mines' wear, Marion Bhirte and Urawere, lor_gente and youths. Merino llostery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen limier) , , (Hove* and Haunt• fete, and goods generally appertaining to the Hosiery buelnese. J. W. H. reepeottully eolioits the attention of families to his stook. assuring them that hie stook is orp egoelled for variety by any other in the oity. and that his p6oes are as low as those of any other regular house N. B.—No abatement made from the prices named. szl-ofrof REAL 0 ASH MERE KNITTING ZEPHYRS, in double, ir Wel, or soli t, aro offer ed, for the nrouent. it THE SAME num: AR 'mg IMITATIONS AND MEDIUM QUALITIES OF ZEPHYRS ARE Sold elnewhern. 2u newv oar ux. J. O. MA XWEI..I, TRIMISHNUS, SKIRTS. AND ZEPHYRS. re2o-H ELEVENTH and CHES'PN UT, OPERA GLASSES. THE GREATEST VARIETY FOR BALE IFT pTO THE SOUTHERN AND WEST. ERN MERCHANTS. hire. 111. A. KING No. 17 South SECG4D Street. between MARK ET and CHHBTNU has now oo tied n splendid iissortnient of Fanny and Straw BONNETS, to %lath she inv,tes thins attention. n. 1,6 in INERAL-WATER APPARATUS, OF LTA the moat approved style and fin eh. He would also call the attention of all &timely and dealers In wets Appiranl/1 to examine hie mew U rn nud Ufalllns Pipe and fbrruping APperatue. /Ow, Belle of all kinds east and (implied to order. All kinds of brace work executed. N. tri—purt.ottler attention raid to reralring of nil kinds of Mineral . Water Avrnratug. kn. - JosEe HINPENVVII. LIT MINOR Street, Flitladelpkia. HAY, STRAW, AND DUSK, PACKING, HEEDING, Ann UPHOLSTERERS' 133}; BUCKLEY Sz SOMERS, 40 NORTH WHARVES, WA-CI (below AYPII.) DAMAGE! HAVANA CIGARS.—A fen CIGARS or the " FIOAIIO " brnnde, lett re calved, end elivhtly damn. ed. and for Halo low: by mhe-10t CIiAHLEB TETI:, l WALNUT Strout. cb LS.— 1 ,500 gallant; Extra Bleached 'Ur Winter Whale 011; 2000 gallons Extra Blenched Elephant oil; 2,6 , X) gallons Racked oil t 3 600 gallon, till. Ililetobinery oil; 6000 gallons Refined Oreasing oil; 60 barrelsEo. 1. Lard Oil, in Store, and for sale by ROWLEY. AfillifUßN f mb3 16 8-111.11 W HA R VES. VAN HAAGEN & 111cKEONE'S OMEN. TAL AWLEIIBI.VE SOAP is possessed of cleans• trig, properties which Sender St eminently nUyessist to and more economical thsn, all other cusps in the mar kat. inti 3 21" noUBLE- DISTILLED BURNING Fiuld, Meolnil, Pine Oil, Crystal KicieenVili ZOOInAH OHF NH fitt RETAIL DRY GOODS. IN SILKS WE WILL OFFER OUR ASSORTMENT 01. A DISCOUNT OF FROM RF.Olll,Aft PRICES THIS DA.Y, ESIDROIDERIEB M. J. FRANKLIN, 112 8011T11 FOURTH f.:treat MONIMYI MARCH, 5, 1860. SALEM BY AUCTION AUCTION NOTICE. 8 30,000. BY ORDER OF SHERIFF. BEST CITY-MADE • HARNESS. AT PUBLIC SALE, TO-MORROW (TUESDAY) MORNING, AT W O'CLOCK B. SOOTT. JR.. It 431 CUESTNIIT STREET. NEW YORIC. EDWARD J. WARREN, AUCTIO•PFTt AUCTION NOTICE. .VAN WYCK, TOIVNSEND, IVAIt Rl' NS TUB DA I, 6th INSTANT At 10 o'clock, at tam Sala' Rooms. ON VI NONTlfil' CREDIT, IMPORTANT, SPECIAL, AND PEREMPTORY SALE OP DRESS SILKS, Of the Importation of MESSRS.' CHARLES PATEN & CO., THREE THOUSAND PIECIN Of Om most ohoioe stile■ and qualities PARIS AND LYONS DRESS SILKS 600 ELEGANT FLOUNCED AND DOUBLE RIPE it 0 B E S. Con%tinnx In nut of oases plaid, striped, and cheek Gros de Naples mos cannolle lance Oros de Rhino. owe plaid and striped Poult de Sole, COSAI noli tnffots Imprime anaea rich Grua do Athens, royo oases rich Droplet Plll , lO IMPIIIIICI CMOS rich Urisailla hinoo droplet oases Broohe Da11161150 ousel sad colnrg, smell figured !hike M=! —oasos small plaid Foulards case' Paris punted Foulavde Enlusosile MOS Small figured 6a•illed Foulard Enlununa oases black broohe ilsmuse 13.1 k. exiles black broche kored Moire Antrrue oases mill figured blew* Bilks taaes plain colors Poult de Bois in all qualities and asses tilsok 1310*de Rhine and Taffetas OlulDrieing 1191 elegant assortment in 4, 6, T. and g Simmons, am doulAo lupe Value and Brealis Robes, Si' Catalogues and sample' on morning of sale. Ito. is VESEY Street. Nsw Yokc Mardi 1.1800. PAYER ItAlitill4oB. &a. [B6O. SPRING STYLES, 1860 • 01 WALL PAPERS. ROWELL SE BOURKE, Manufacturer. and Importer. or PAPER HANGINGS. No. 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, below 3farket. Offer unusual facilities to Southern and Western blu rs, a ev'endid stock of goods to seleot from, and ell of he newest and best designs. WINDOW CURTAIN PA PERS in endless varlet,. fe2l•Sr. WA L L PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, V Wholesale and Retell, at' reauced prices. lit NORTH FOURTH street. below Race. Hpinielceepers and oilier. would do well to give re a coll, and ecntnine Our stuck before purolpunot elgewhere. Room. papered at the shortest notice. br en roful workmen Don't tor rot the number—/ga NORTH FOURTH Street. below Race. Itol VQY .5c OOLE. in 3 dim TO CLOSE BUSINESS. HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., 1/0. 122 CHESTNUT STREET, Will mall ont, ttroush 024 wint , nd tett stry.c, their large stool, PAPER HANGINGS, =dating of ovary variety oontra...t,,lwitlt ton to mr,era, AT GREATLY REDUOED PR tOL3. !NE FRENCH PAPERS AT 30 rEB. OE:1T. BE LOW COST. fer.ODI Wanting their MIMS Papered, Daft gonnat TIARGAINS., late-tf NOTICES. QUPPLIES TO THE WATER DEPART- M ENT OP TIIP CITY OF Mr IrADt•D,PII/it. Scaled mown's will he received at the office of the Peuurtment, 919 Cll ER DV Street, until 130'clok noon, nib/30A)* the 13th of Minch, for such amounts of ANTIIIt ACITF.; COALoc the Chef konneor may or der for the use of the different Works, ear For debut lkill Works, about .. 4 WO Toes. Delawarel• " " Sitli Ward " " . tsJO " Fairmount " " .. • • " The coal to lie delivered at the several works. and mug be of the hen nualitx Lunn, or !Rosetta:kat, end tree from slate or lane. ike• Dols will be received for the supply of each works sis• peretely and must state the kind of cent to to, supplied. The coal will he weillted, at the Works. when de liverer') by an Remit of the 'department. I -inmates to to made [or ton of 2240 lbs. The Cesar Ensieser re• serves the rielff to refuse any article which or not in ovary respect satisfactory or whet it is eontratited to be ; also, to refuse any or alto( the buts. or make such disposition of them us racy be to the interest of the De• pertinent. HENRY F. hl. 111 NKINIIIN c mita 9 id Chief Engineer. Pi DWIN CLARK'S 111 WILY lAIPPOVED rid news) Patented Continued (irindnot end Bulling. or r FLOVR atILL, IMiIY in OPerMlllOll at No. 2:15 litre SINII,III'. HELOW PITILIe * A. Tile unrivalled Fleur TLII, incluilort the complete grinding rtyd bolting machinery, occupies V. space of only 4 feet nude, ri.ht feet high. and tuenty-nine feet long: manufacturing ritlon tuna small compass, at hingle operation, and with lot little more than RIX horse Power, Isnot, extra. o sirs. eonerfine, and allot the low or g at flour, erd the .!..norent hind. of °MO; pro ducing flour equal to r:Pnli'y the best flour made front giVell Elllloolll of 14 lian l , 1 y the bell% alerohant Flour Mills m the In I. atop°. Itemeruge rate of grinding 11 1-n 1 :Tin of superior flour per hour. 'Doe new. comp,.. co,p'ete. and r.lelirrited flour null tae loon carelully es %mined by many of the most ex 'women.] millers in Cul country, and they unsni tonuals bestow upon ir thn higl•ent ownineniktions ; and have R 1 von their testiniarrals of its intrintoo nuperiort ty .muil int minions° utility. high sr., inill.owneir, merchants, eepanltolc specula. tors, anti the puhho in COrlerli. ore re speelluil. invited to call and examine this highly useful end Justly vole brat e.l Hoot it ill Information concerning the porches° of the Patent Rigida for lqati s andcounties and thn for et en' portion of the Unruh! totes, West Britain. France, b e.(lr ninny, Ruston, and other Agricultural countries, wil e given Pr all persons addressing their letters to EDWIN CLARK. Patentee, N 0.211 RACE at., below Third, Philatl'a. Q 7 For further infortoition concerning celet.ra tod flour in 11, ideate to reed the yellow headlong, de• Nell hinK it. Ina ly COLUIthi) ! IVORY TYPES. DAGUERREOTYPES: AT MoOLEEIV. NO, 1126 CHESTNUT STREET, Below Seventh (opposite HAIM $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. I. Those who desire a really splendid PHOTOGRAPH should cell at this THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED AND MOST EX TENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN THE STATE. ennien of DAGUERREOTYPES or A mbrotrins. 0 'Lily sue, finisholl In CRAYON , OIL • WATIR - uOLOR YASTIL, Or an IVORTTTFKA. dl2-3nl 300 BI3LS Primo Halifax and Eastport Herring, 600 boxes Boated Herring, 21M half this White Fish, in store a ro j. . ll . dAI 111 told 124 N 6 ihrlh°l3" CHICKENING it SONS, 11ANU FACTIIRERS of Grand, Noma, and 1:p -light PiAtfo FORTES. Watetnionn, tiff CIiESTNI.7 Strew: Dimon to let. taken in exchange, tuned. and ropairi , ,l. Alo, in connection, full stook of Populy %1e.., Moon •tn 1431-UM fI.OLUMBO ROOT—For Halo by IVITIIE iJ RILL, tf. pßvpunt, H fold 0 rival Ul a n) Btrett, TERRY' PRICE, & CO., 23S BIARK}:T STREET. IMPORTIERS &ND 70111112 OF CLOTHS. C ASSIMERBI3. &0., Have now on hand a large and well-seteerad stook, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market nines. 11111.3 3m J e W. 0.11313 S dig SONS. No. 031 110.111 ET lITARET. Are now opening their SPRING SI'OC6 OF GOODS Adapted to MEN'S WEAR. In whloh will be found a full usortment of CLOTHE, DOESKINS, VEEITINGS.TRIMMIItOB, AO. fe3.llat A . W. LITTLE & CO.. SILK GOODS. 1860. SPRING. 1860. SIBLEY. MOLTEN. & WOODRUFF. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP BILK AND FANOY GOODS. NO. 531 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Are now prepared to otler bUyere, seaman?, a very large and desirable Stook of Goods, replerushed by the arrival of every Steamer front Europe. feta-Intwant AUOTIONEER JAS. R. CAMPBELL, & CO.. IiPOUTZRS MID WHOLCIALI DNALZIIII IA DRY GOODS. LINENS, WRITE GOODS, CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, STILL AHEAD! DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S "BELLE Ol' THE SOUTH," The most Perfect and Beeutiful Skirt ever produced 1514D14 WITHOU? CLASPS. and warranted not to get out of order. in 41. 11, 16, 20, 22, 30, 36, 40, and 60 HOOPS, EVERY LADY IS REQUESTED TO EXAMINE THEM DEFORE PURCHASING OTHER MAKES. BURNETT, SEXTON, ft ,SWEARINGEN I luportEre or FANCY GOODS, ENOLISII AND OSEHAN HOSIERY. MEN'S FUIINISHINO GOODS, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINOS. SKlRTS—Shetland Wool. ZakPliy rs. and VARIETIES. No. 419 MARI:L.ET erRIIEL fan Dm! H• 10.JHRING & Not. VS and QS NORTH FOURTH STREET. Are now redeiving, by successive arnvats (rain Eu rope, their .SPRING IMPORTATIONS • or .ER01.15111 AND GERMAN HOSIERY, OLOVFS, AND ShIALL WARES, hlentone Sewing Silk and Thread—and solicit en in spection of their complete and well-auortsd stock 1111PiCIA.L.Llf A.DAPTXD To 87'illift211 L\n W 711•Dlt. fe3-,,n ar ts aim TO i R A l y rH E D v T I O A W N, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. The PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are prepared to forwar.l Freights to HAOERSTOWN, without change of Can, and at low rates. For lut et Freight call at P.R. R. Freight Olltce. 113 CHESTNUT Street, or THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets. 11. HOUSTON, GENERAL FREIGHT AOEN r. ZELLER & WASON, Agents, HAGERSTOWN. Mn. PUILADA.. Feb. reht-tt INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE ENTERPEISE • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADEPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPA.IVY'S BUILDING. S. W. CORNER YOuRTIT AND WALNUT STREETS. F. RATCHFORD STARR, WILLIAM MCKIM, NALISO FlitZllll, JOHN 11. kTWOOD, BIN/. . I[DICRo EIRDST WHAR7O4, F. RATCHF , CHARLES W. COXE.Be T HE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COBIPANY OF NEW YORK. 11/1/TID I 1 IPPIAT 146fiT040Rot 01 AU/. TTTTTT WORTH OVER $13403,101 The premium', ate Lomita then In many other Comp,- glee, and the Dividends have been 0 ILZATIII. This ill a ettiOl4 MaTl7•l. Er_pqrif. Them ale De Btookholdera, so that A THE PROFITS pamphlets, gad every information, way be had OIATIO. On aliPllo6olou to F. PLA I'OH FORD STARR, /meet. B. W. earner FOURTH anti WALNUT btreeta. VHILADELPHIA REFERENCE 3: Thomas Robins. John Welsh. Mordecai L OMlreOne George H. Einar*. Oeurte M. Stroud, E. N. W helen, John H nen, J. Fhher Lesmng 759hr.tr' Witham C. Ludwig John h} . Atwood, Picchu- ii Gotha, Reines H Karen. tieorge W. Talmud. litmus McKee. Thee. Wausau. n2:l-IHf HEATON & DENCRAL; ft ARDWARE CailniaSSiON MERL' lIA NTS, 1007 COMMERCE and 010 NORTH RTREET, AOENTB FOR THE BALE OF OUT NAILS. HOLLOW WARE. CAST, BLItiTER.AND OERNIAN STEELS. Which, with a complete assortment of AMERICAN HARDWARE They offer for sate at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. fe3-wfutnti If THOMAS & MARTIN, 217 CHESTNUT STREET, roll .•t.% APAQ U A U SEAMLESS BAGS, IN ALI. SIZES. CARRIAGES* Or TEM MLNUPACTURS or WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 CHESTNUT STREET. Nn. 1011. felo.tout FIJAUS! FLAGS!! FLAGS!!! U. S. I'LAG DEPOT, 49 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT 'Wl‘l. F. SCIHEIBLE, Wholesale end retail manufacturer of Flue, rola, oat Banner*. and Tranieereneles. Flags of all aizat on hand, and mute to order am cheep, if tot deeper, than (tan lta had elsowhora In the MT, fe:1411 No. 825 11ARKST STREET. lILANKETB, STUFF GOODS, is No. 770 CHESTNUT 6treet. FANCY DRY GOODS. NEW SKIRT. Pealere embed bl DOUOLAB h StIERWOOD, SI, 53, nail SS WHITE Street, NEW YORK RAILROAD LINES. DIREO,TORS Mnamtrar Dawsox, Ono. H. ii•VART, .101 IN H. BRowx, B. A. FAHYI*TOCIC, AKDRIEW D. C.t.B, J. L. .11/114CIIII. ORD STARR, rroNident.. .otetar.f. WA-1y Auete: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, MS= PHILADELPHIA WANTS. 14AV NTED—SS,O O O, oit • Mortgage well meeured. Apply office 114E01/ di SIXTH prr•4l. below elmenut. ‘bs A3IIDDL&AGIID WIDOW LADY DE "AL alp.. Pa taaboa as Haaasksappr. Good It ItcaaNta Lyeapora her preatat maloyst. Norm &. Blood • Dmatoh. maalt• AIOI3NU MAN, 21 years of age, de- VIPs a 1111MII0B j had fro giz: . :45 , .. zu whni.soo iirop4rl of Voalcross on Jahlit• iddrau .. Hilary." al Ibis °Mop. AND OTHER SLIMS, TO $lB,OOO, Invest on mortzW, J R HMSR, 2:4 ItA FOURTH tenet. WANTED Ladies to sera for DE Rl7.sE's hook. Every roan i grwka 1.4 vrnMAII cogtemplatlo4 ir5, , 01.1 116 , e lank. t ?who, four stump to tio.t 24, Plltladelpiu4 P. U. fen I at • o,coo TO IN VFST, in an establ'el ed sioole.fanywhore is the kg* rf dun. out‘, toollotr with too cornices of in tiro mooed business man Adth r eso i with All """""' i• Xi) Woo." ot itos office. - • A SiIi)DLE•ACIED LADY WISHES enessement sa cOrnpnruon to an ino6d : goninn en to foung cluldren; or in arc. of a fmmily. Coo objection, to l e vee the city. Htilvit testioinomlo Ilan. Metes address. Intl souh. ,, Nri West." Illo.Krot Litsrateb. ten 10t• A 8 12,000* withs P e A ns i h tT e: ; : t .R 1 of l f V ro A co N 3 l looo ll r i r i r . tinr it , ,,, o 4 r .i t; br i o . r e n h u . where no Inters - my MAY lan had. NIA TV W • ANTk.D—By the lgt of next month, a Warehouno on the Thu', Broad or Slarket sea. Addrers Flrond "at thin °Men. 142 - ett • FOR HALE AND TO LET TO LET THE LARGE SECOND *Mr, of STORE. No. Hs DOCK Street, pear SECOND with counting-room ere proof, andi water. shelvmp. dr, . suitable for n Ten liocum. Asklaiosal etoreao roam if returned. Apple ta m 1,5 3t• DAVID IJILTINAN, on premises. FOR SALE.—A NIINERAL MAC 4 11 YE. In complete order, capable of bottbnr from nix to elpht bmsdred dozer' alsh. several second hand once. V. all be sold ches t y. ^pots to mIJULU. ts PON& 5td,4107• Su? FIRAIICH. street., T° T 11& LARGE BUSINESS 80031, SECOND STORY, 712 CHESTNUT STREET, Being well h g4ted, front and back, and isecessuble by a wide nod easy atAtr-ease. Alio, rooms orar it. Apydy on the premise.. to THOMAS C. GARRETT PLENDID FARM, coNVENTENT TO TO THE CITY. AT PUBLIC SALE—Contains 91 acrem.l4 miles from the ettr. in theenlist* of lint horn' and mules from the beautiful grate of Willow Grove. on the old 100 ro.d. Will be sold noder the hammer. on TUESDAY. the 6th of March. 1910 on the premises. The nmprovenientearei Large stone Mansion. with conveutent suit of rooms. loth of the twat ulster, •is and worirms.hi•: stone trochee wijointag• 'with good npartment• overhand; wel of rood Valet neat the door. together with a never-failing aping or soft water. which mar he MI en into an, part of the mammal. and which is introduced into the hitcher' and taro without the olio of a • NM." CAv., ire-house, are.. to Corte 'pond. 'hoice selecton of fruit.shade, mod ornamental trrer. he. _ Large stone. collar Rare, with stabling. carnets hone, and all necessary ont•boildmP. Also, stone tenant house. new him. opting house..4.c Re. To be sold attosetber. or theith the 1113IISIOP. Aic.. and .55 acres in one tat, and tenant Louse, ate, and .15 acres in the oilier. The firm I. called the 't Loller Farm," Is near one of rho hest seminaries of learning in the Plate, with , Ridely.celalirated and eery esters's, bbrayy. NMI DV. the door eaer7 few hours to the P. R. R. for the city A great chance for a city gentleman sock ing a pleasant country seat. Persona may examine the property at any time, and rill to cheerfully shown the seine by JOSIAH MARS:LC.I'. Pale to commence at 1 &clack P. M. roan CIS.. C. H. GIFN4S, Unt;ii street. PFTTIT k Cl).. No. Do South Seeoud street. . _ Wit. K. US. Genrantolt. F R NALB —1 he two HOUSES 114 Nos. 111 and 411 A RCl l l , O4O‘. 1.1051A.9 STENVAR [WON. Jr.. nth] lni PlI1':11.. Mireet. QlO CAPITA LISTS.—FUR SA LE The Machinery. Stoll. and Fixtures of • lane Manniuturt P APER HAttIiINGS. reests with et or) convenience for exrrrins on an extensity bau xites. A desirable investment to penning of ',ter n , who ono path the business For Laid with or walnut the la3uir• at ..3:1 CHEST:I (IT Street. Isle taint( 1. CIERMANTOWN PR PFRTY. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The vabtah'e ram and Country post. e , ntgon:ta et tee ol 111.hly cu . tteeted I Ind aitinted in the gown U° of (iertnnotn• n. l'ittladelphra rounti, and within cnotee of the depot to Germantown. uhe liotwalnn or tm. prop.rt. II not to be rirpiesed. barns !amide.] mn the aorta by Washtnaton lane. the weal by Enviably l rue road, and On the 4,1 0 1 hy street. and eet•hiu one-etahth el a code of the I.lrnekOn Turnpike. and aqu r.er u a rode of two : , ta t one on the Chestnut Ittll wan.b it th e 1.,,,,,a a t 0 e r p Redrew'. liteh erne., and Washlrt-t.31 lute The locnfion of the above property ie hub and heal. thy. the land well watered and tylm eery •dvar ta seemly for Cowes &toe. It commands an emmded crew or the surrounding country. and u let^re.e eat El• the atreete eunnult from uernhan , own, m lard down on the Sure.) or', eon of that datrtet. the yropre:ty :a I tid nut in fire Mee Ins. Lthogrephin planet ...bleb ma, otP•Lned on at plteathan to ether of the node r si,ned. Airs n valuable and hag/NOM° FlUWine L.A. ghosted no Mao bolus at rtet. /vat ticLsiocosastuvlo. era I.4lninz In (oust on said sheet 197 fuel. end to ids_psh about X9O feat h teas x area of also/CO /woos. Tee huh and obspes towards Sinntlel nil /Wel. upon which hoot ton row of largo and elssent olsule tre,Sl. Also, sere( tl fine Butkl.ror Lets s.dynntni end in the y ither's I t• thAtlon Gdua,Ptoira. For Bother parocoltrt and omit nests to ek.ONf.I.- lUSKOS. Jr.. Artnotest S. E. arr. SIXTH sotl TV W. I NUT St mots. Or tn 8411 L'Ff. B. It s.", y. mht-Ita• riBRAAN [OWN. 341 EVFRGREPti, SII.ADE, and FRUIT FLOWV.RING BNRUKS, Vf NE/. ROUT.. &c. For deacriptica onLatocue.vntti illustraure enctancg. ma dress 1. ,, N10 J. Gal+C. ru, Ererueea Nursery. Wcalburf Ntirr Insey. reM-ISt • HILLIAKD TABLES FOR I , ALE.—Two fitst•cllss Bilhsrd sbles. with ik inch snashts beds. And hint improved cushions. rase.' Out Nst— n..w nein( at tn. Mount rem,. House. P enn atvre Filth Vreet,Hetsdins. Apply to H A. 2. SJEut MARK FT feV- tf Rirtd.ng. fa. poR thAt Valunhle Property -At known se the 11 1.ACKWOOLITOWN ACS DEW:. locatted)o the he slthv slid thriving v.illar i e of Illaclvwcori sown, New Jersey. The ed Pee s of brier. ed I.y fu. three storm. high, with bleement or dieing rovrci and kitchen, and la ' , or, eornplein for a toot ,n: school. especially rulistitod fur a tem •Ie seminar. ; has armpit Rion lids, tieing well sanded and will be sold at arict.ori on Tts• tee (oth of March, at one Y. M., on the prenxisce. lawn" of JuNAS LIVERMORE, fe7.7-13t • fiLACKWOOLITUWN. imurs itoTEL FOR. KENT —The LEarroprietreas of the nbove we'.l-known Hotel Ictioe. to rettre, end odere the rtot.l 'or rent. The furn.tart Ira( l.e. enkt, or rented alto. For t leo ino i . (on 1m J. t. 3 HER o‘r ß. lierrWarg, lON ES' 110 TEL-1 3 111LADELPIIIA I E , The bane and furniture or this noted Hotel are for ante at n crept bantam. rye furniture to entirely res. lowinK bean put tit within a year. and the house now doing nr suceri,efiti bueinees. Inquire of D. M nTlist.R. in the Hotel, or of F. G. 13 311:RHAV Bt.. N. Y. fele-tf FOR SAI E—A valuable Lvt at corner of Mailo.l3a and T./antloth emits, tuvrißc tdree fronte..ottnblo lot & church or Notary site. For terms Ice.. It,.Jars's! 8., at this oth , e. ielD tt 14 - "IACfORY LOT FOR S.ILE —A valua: tie cornet tot 1:5 fret squats , latahos three fronts iulmiraolv looted tor a factory site. It is 'Ousted in Fho southwestern put vi the city, to a rar , d l l- , rn• proems nelghbosho. , ..l. It Nstfl be sold on reasoustts tame. For particulars. address " N.." office ot Ti. Prus. ja13.4( 1 . 1:11sONAL JI[ATRINIoNY.—A gentl umn of ample -• fortune. v. - 11 esn nilPre,LatA the ronifor9nrhl• 0. II J 0.11,114 to cotivs.ten••••• a Oorte•anr.lo... kdr of eilq,•Von and '0h:1.11/at Adaets U. " 11).,14 • r.,S 31• GENTLEMFN WorLD DO IVEIL hY cilnng on DILKS i KESSIL.II) North nhnve Ci.Arr..trtl nava %noir old Ismments manie.to kvk eq,ust to aelr,ll oleannynt or Oval and if 9 , 11- tnz.tald tt• ASII WILL BE PAID, AND TII. C highest pricft, for and mai cut of CI•OT It No, Ur 11,11re:sirs ±ox n 7 It2i LTV RI:WARDS. (1k:)11 REWARLP—Obtaining Goofs un '44,A.LF der false pretences A nun. about 3 feet 7 Incite In heipht eh tOrnp:eitutl. lather fu'l lice. with •lieht talk vette, and of p malts manna!—led wno raziatered in n title at the chut,hents[ lintel at W. A ftrjA:NzPt.m of New Vort — ttelled at tiro 1 , Wontreth'• nr et.r.g. on Sun Mae afternoon hat• end purchmed nix H. /I Sable Shift,. which Were Pent. With Itealptett tell for the Man, to the ' Coht nental " I he sod Kohl neon re sal veil the soak end tee hi 1 sad d•wn Tod withr,t harm: lor then All of Ire SW,. had a t Munched la the heat. andl,-1.111T,T, mark of " Itt k Fr 0.113 et Street. phis." ih the temps All ve on ar• esut,i , t ad a4.lnat Latin; IA rarely no the alerts tteetritte.l A ?event of 1:0 Mrll he Fold for the serest Svrtnllcr, and WO, (r. PI It, .0 `01 . • 1 'I In r ith eer. OhM. womanTii. It 113 ARCH. Street. LOST AND FOUND. LOST. --Abut 1 o'cl•wk. February (Wad bortyreto, (Whit c .. .c.Nt And Pront Dreel, Park. 1 1.1 X P • ,• vui ?PI! L!'or trwartlat . . I :es% tte avo, At Mr.. t.H A fiLk.6 FIELD :10 1:!, turrk.Nuot ptf Siolro. ft° E - 111TATI0NAL. MA It )‘!,: i c, (0 1, (1 c. 4 B. 1:%tol ois ,„!, F et:t F. N f 7 1 1 C1;4111, illl . ltV , rsl r , ' free tro Irt•tlt , Aml VICO. Cit e Wits call be natured nt 11,e Bourne of the Pres'', Wien Muted of P41)4031,02 t.I the 1 M C Ara , cmti,m and at 011 airP. • F ... to , !her Informer, •nmrutire .4 the itr,v. F. It. F.,wE K. N 41. 1 113 C ES IN r .11rest. wet I I demh Vie I,:th ~r at the Pkees er he ,e tcutrre are left. int‘i tec• ORITTENDEN'S PIIILADF LpiITA COM NIERcot, cot.t.Eut;N.Y. ,of n er EiEvFN - ni and CH Esirur etreetv —The reciter adenta hems showy over 730 now in ett•ndvn , e. 71Ms‘e •v - Wed from Jan 111. I,A) to Fcb Um INV. Alt are in structed. itloaaliall,r. ;,‘ the duties m the covinvog holm+. lens t•i:1 at4l 47,inremer.t..e. lc ftZ-14• It BOARDING. -------- TWO FASANT — CHAMBERS V. cANr...c, ELAN. LSZS WALNl:rtte. CURTAIN M VrEItIALS. 1860. SPRING TRADE. 1860. INV. HENRY PATTEN insite. the •ttentuon of dealers 1.1 the lids stock cf WINDOW' SHADES. OPR Vitt( MATERI ALF, AO I . I . IIOLhTFRY 6001}8. 0, HAND AT (131) CHESTNUT STREET, Which are aerie' to baron on the meet reeeecl`:e term. e,h3-•t• pEFINED SUGARS AND SyRUPs C. DON (n; ti E will "Kiwi nag business an al NI neat. at IS t.ouo n WATER Fareet. and now on , srvf.., ode, ftt pr,t m, for r:ln.erna •wp proved eirqt cretin:l IWO I , /ffsle !Of, e , l :ut Are andidinl?.. of t armor tr inlet, 1,1UOIII; Lois.' Jet ' . Gtvihrd VrlNarled And NIA era Potent rat 1 , 41 k}1141.. 61tn {tip andjat A Coffoa, Adx.usn'ire Cse, i 11.% sal Kny irenca BIWA! Co:6rilLll. J.+77-Ba* AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ' 1 111 i fats of.eats spouse* LY-•tee nbe Stu three as cat .. nt the Ameetran Wisee. ear et thhe Itunte etas* or Cearkerut• k hat sae I. It Lareau. niatm. tI; P *eat) sera ; AesibleAkee steas trete: I ore. ren do nett Anew Ds:F. POLLA In to ItimErt P.% abevae* dense tin est et too -a War t else n.1ret....1 at tee qratreastal Hatelorbete aim • ha sw• at, tot .140. Tax ut.t.xa.l4 n n IFTRAXIXICH OTELL bIitANT win c •• • ••••... of nee eve% s terntiest.eseeeskee -111 na, ira.7( y. MAW! 11. soda. liad.ti rxrci. "AY- 3 .fi the slums esate4 be triesi,l set sat ann.....us so tit O•rteten nu tempt by ro.v•vt arse n IteJunno re as 311154.7 Wore; :Pl. Par It • tis mu Abu rfi. Tit farevoil eye+ -es.. humps a.u.sd► enstru_t tr Mr deist u . ~adta to April. THIS (VOVID thr) F.T}l‘l 4, ll. & At a o'r ',ea P. 61 . tb• Vs. a .r ts ...„.ce, a )0". 'Arm mar r, t er deetrt-i , * 634 London. ositmut THS. 11. Mira 0 , wbieb enD be emu Intl the a - fIu:WA titre oadatsal eastern, vreeented- a-•ah se Mts. .I).Linin • ITI - AVN er , pq, `4ls, PATTI :di r.e.e.1•11,11. , 31;Lty etka Ow*. Vetere, poevisr iC1101.4,01: ea-amylt-.4 k o . dame Sort.. Oa. - papear Co orra EZJI-t3 ej •• Cream' the Rye." earl tea Altars tiara tees. seat* fett hat in fl•arow WZI On TV Fall tV. Sr. sod odd • wen nt 7 ketarre &Oersted Ours:4DV. Plt Ei.o Llt - 17.er Veit ell be Wee tor the fi st 0.4 nob bow I • evineet ear tut Imola nr a brat r sewn!. lamb e-rer timme DT Raitgat Bat FOll. AEA e I, , itr•-ar COLSON. SYR s ‘41.7 1 .LPR. On RETINPIID AY. 100,16.1 sad e.wt rout" eel" t. nreraresee bat o-• of 14. v Pain .61/ ,tali a 1 PUIRIrAAT ft t•eAte rt tnAne re BRIONost FERRI 4.4 PTllift. On THURSuAI eel, "neat asr to, aim Tor Tits. PEWS. uhl.-u .11 be gins ant! Qs ewe ineesilieesse se is hroneteher tut Os V D *AY. lest selsesrszat. ud tomb at Lae PA rrt. ( I.* • TVA DA Y. eras art.* ettstose ossn 'NI Orara to tonasseeee u WUEATLBY & CLARKIA &RCP. ItE F:r 7 1/SATRE TR". UnVDAY. evistrrnro Marg. 5. ETArt eight bct firs of BOLTICAVITS PiEW PLAT, vatted the OCT"ROON: na. I 1 7 E IN lOCIPIANA G•Arre Pe.toe. Ur. Wheatley,. laerb ltleCleakerf. Mr Doha'': Zoe. the 0ct0..11 X rlt. J•ka Drew. yk.eye P 2 ir Za..—AlIV. Maori. 8 Mat. ',wand 4 4kats to Dress Cire• WA setts; Part vim rms. door' open at 0.1 pirdorsumme r 001.11:dade 1113 73.; profusely. W ALN 1J T 4iT RUT THEATRE mekg. Le«. yirlYrl• Moamar ok rtis A firOxiiiiiril l rb rani a. no. TH. MODBI, or A W P PI gremlin. Bocsetot. Mr. P.B Material Tow. Xi. Eleteele ; Clam- al,. teen molls, Wool. Yr. ChTFEH II D B s MWA y N e D a . Mr.• r ae.tota. kliss Anna Co Cnt - ell ; Mama RAW. Mr& Is- A. Penni. apnea as araaL Beata wooed intboat oxeye er n : m.e . Doors area at 7 &cloak Pe ics at 71i o'clock AN RICE'S GREAT MOW. D NATioN.u. THEATRE. WALNUT 110— GNI*" EiAt4. Pirtcss--Drese Cutas. II mate tn . *, r centti gams to Frtmue Bette. SI cwa r ach.-1. rate Box.. 13 and IL Cr•ro or Tim • —Doers arra al Tor...lmam& at:hi THIS r hfOttr.AFb FT . FNINO. Afamta. a. LS.r.r. Tlts g • rforrcuuve vii cowmen ch It BerNErl if Tt" ft cLT. Wlom vE.La ZO Unpratedetted Feats FossitetrAafrm Mw esmted the great se saaatttrat. yr anis:a her imp prn‘ch,e4...ct of terror and ?sash. PAN RIC al. the .‘1,11,01i ll ammie z i a. nit swear Tt sAm • ion:. a :March tho Fmn age td neat' of Roam. from THE LEPEI ANT I MAY She par fo•TM.111.8,1 .1:1 aoudads vtli taw 601111011.111 Speetmle of THE MAGIC MO. QTXTEENTII WErK -SANDERSON'S EXHIBITION ROOM--)sip's ammoirunsiali I 11,1.) Bwd x. , CELIZT24 G 7 etrimis, war am*. semi Ede. pofITIVEL" lasT w v .IX rt .0 4 1TIV FLY Lit•T F. pv FO3l itVELY lASI WEEK BUT OX IXTRAORDINARY A Tilt CTIOXL BR iLLWirc,c,t43 • of THIOIXIS'a aRr US 310 DEL En-11E0710 , N OF THEE. ET 311:5EUM ass Ittarned a Meta tins as a ' , owl molt harms; astertvainaat e vommallag D. any other tat), coast , y or in Tao mlnartment em e,a boort of taormaian tho yot; , 11,1 an eryasrment kayo, tolta icToevdtaapo ~ .r r :y, tne Art a! carn=. yr.:l cot tuna a bolo allot •‘' unite March therefor• nut 11! I::IEQUIVCCALLY THE WEEK BUT (ENE! la too pro+ metro Orr tAtavt ek v.'. to motattod Tan. ler. Y!,* a* It. attar pre-meat oar hamara !Train aai Mor.co Wanit•lton at Ta.. 05 Font; Swam upon fa., :off Nygo:oran crysaias 1•1 ado army o' MOM tnea tY4y Foraardiza Moasian7 atnotatOn rook foR• V•Allef 'be flora fiefs FAMILY Marl% on WaDNIODA% sal BAT- CaDAY AFTEHNUO:4+. Es - anost Er toesoanent—Eyxo OMR at T *WWI' la oottotzo• At IN- Adfosaotol—Atea:ta. 26 osata; rs.Ui m y area CONCERT BALL. FOR A FEORT gF. • pog. Et • Kt.t•N"C BFR-NAO.'RE ANO ETHIOPIA" Et - RU. 54 ••• OPERA noun. •nethrt ROY 0.1 dcAt•gm/A ...iLuELE• a:.•Ad Preto DALS‘ I:••3 'Toe no'y e , ..nr.0t0 P• 10 or sl , nso . oto to eel woe& &Lathe otil i• •YE•sdeneY.Bl-111 pager= Ist ELL Ft41:1• et?EsA.S. 'MIR (MONDAVI e•WV.NINO. Ativr6 JIAb. Th. ryer:ormAnce mil eranomite.o v th • a.m.:* =was two of tit I *do eh...rues So•hr . thee.,. Re. 1•A e•melucti. , •th Bab Cl..• 'to tnetioltOi ()sorra of Lt ellt•114. SORtals T oerieTAlkwom.)(im G 4112,114114 a Swabia Bc-t•lty ; thirty:, it 1 1.3..1 , 1111.1d0e. ta• Aectscoe. Vir EN TY FIVi. OF:ATE. eAr Doon ortall4 tort 2 t pArkrestamp a easaseall at tat o'cock. It J ft. JONERTO‘. Atrel McDoNOTIGEVS GAIRTIES—RACK St- L.• THIRD. T.4.0E INA a &At„ _ . .13 R.2.ItANDIZZ- E:).1.6 - F.IIE .4" 'ELE Cs • belmod FELT x CAIM.• BA LET TRatrri. rs.stprit Trout+ v/13 ass.” .EVVP..I ii.rlP-'313411. 1.1.1 at 7 vla wart wc , rd.r.,.. s.-f0...w.• %CSC lad errs rece ,, se on &Wants,/ are_:_‘ T tZi L• 41113, 11Utsatc C splttas• 8E1V3.3.7C.7•3".Z: Are tho t, eau.lCeqaps.at *pp', FICK app. , ne 1fe....f 'd 87M - try TWENT • •:. 3 .E VEX CHUB 'A'S OItEAT FALL—NLAGASA. A t •t, 010:01:X'S Now ON "tt•i•• EX11 • itllll/ IN V:NTEA.` KAN LE'S 0 ALLF A tt m!, Ibckar,L r STRFET p.NNSYLVANTA ACADEMY or Tall A FINE' ARTA. stsOpjiESTNLT OPFN DAlll.lBaodays oszaradd Goa !• A. Wld P. M. W►eud—Tarr Meth rotate d " rtlio iti•-•44 " of FtliVll/i. Adausoon tit cor.ts. Mason sr.a4tr pm wen. %barn of asoek 1,-4ER‘I ANIA ORCIIWTRA.—Pubbe beam..e every eaTURDAY. st mrsrcaL. Prlve H at 3S o'c....vic P. M. Tickets to b. LA at . Andre's, stal Heck t Lavtne's thus team. sad as tae dw. riIEMPLE OF WONDERS. a Nott.h.vrt .00rner of TENTH std CELEXTIII77 Streets. latest sad Nonyl Attrsopon 410 NOR BLITi, 'Ms vr,—!erfml Parnail EXILBITIVN FIVFAN _EN VNLNE VI . 6 TOE WEEK. Catcon.temi st AFTVont. nod W RDNIMg , Ind SAT CADA I , FidnOONS at Tbe A utornnton Rope Van!ter. me or ino rrooloot /tsous 4( Mecham:am gm!, er.S.J.ved. yr- spireav ra revrt =tut*, two. and ye t f,rm his a.votlahlts feat. Adnuatcon 25 loom Cluldren Llevata tit-d WINES AND LIQUORS. pima. IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, FROM DE VENOSE k CO.. EPERNAY. FIANCE 9.3% by AR Re evec teLe Dealing tbreachost the beeezwy 715.5 655 5 , 55. rd rf Cd.AMP.L6NF. cm) tbt .stat 5.5 r VS. to the 1..^.n Cdottt...l r. raps. ass cc. e•ls 55-.1 55. ar..5 Loin Loll 11.. 11 vso tsr h.f.t I tra.:.• :1 et:9 5.51 of :New )o A. se, stars - • • .1- trerrs suntle :A de t cot w: • .• rsrels use Ms rrlet.l. .5. 55...,,t5 - • • Au e'Arse..l cry., t 0•15,5r.d a emon:Docl tas ev 55,5%5 say U.ezb ' • btrtt Lo ,s.-• • Wll4 5 la 4 rt . Me.* med at Its - . 1_ be r.e. - 45 Iu lm purl , 10 , v. • - • '- IL, Fo'll Ales!' v 1 Mem e .et. s -. S Noe. IM. 11) sad tri to.•A ' ,* A" e.Y. JOSEPH LEA. me. LW AND L CHESTNUT STEM. Inc-ilea Lao M1.1.7.1:011 Of %Se Trutt to LA Etoek c 4 COTTON. WOOLLEN. LIVEN AND PRINTED GOODS MADDER PRINTS, !low Silt •ad dark arm Wu. • mat viraerr trio MESSRS. BAWL SLATE" k SONS. SUTTON MAXCFACTURINO CO.. MONTEBELLO COMPANY. THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, it'ALLit OWL, rem sta-ndard Ftruirsa. NEAT BLACK & WHITE. PI:Art.IM LAWS. &s. SAXONY & Sil EPFLELD PLA,Vs. k !LIDERAVAL BLACK AND GRAYS, AND C1301,:E Dr3lsl STILES. ' WOOLLENS. FANC R &ad DOESS,VoIc tn. FROM P.Oci: COM . GLENDALE 00.11_, NEW ENO LAND COX., CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD }Md.& EBERHARDT tr. SONS' SUPERIOR BLUM DO • SIL'S /LED SILL XIX TURM Patsette. Plain Lad (*awl. IE4 iss3- 1411,1111, • 1,1113CAL7 Jirar-14 Cass.euvrlss. Koran'a tves4s. esaapnass ct* c: llos beet isioas LL Wa oustry. AYTRICAN LI?(FN C)X. CRASH, IIUCKS, SELL'ETLVGS, &e., 011.140 TO COIN Q )LLFCTORS..—United Cu. as ar 1 V.:1111parz1.....e.d at a 1s f or stehsn.ed I , r FOoss IZ -41 N.:l b TENTH :Street; lie. Lit fair-LS est/20'w.: rrns4 C.V.JIL7SIL, of *Co or I.:t. T. lArr...tra cezts Aner Fore Clots. 00 I 31)espsa 1. 1 M , ck'sy's Dstasll44 Arare.a a r Rants at rzi tad s C. xs. LS costa iaa rare* CaLC.lsss NSW t 4 aLli „n 1.2 a 11.• ss^lsnrs: sr. OUTIIEFLN AND ‘VE.. , ERN MER CHANTS •-• y tr'T t-A: ttC tae • ••• .31 -•••3 - 3 1. 'll'7. -palatal et Porsatt..i. •e< 114 at re. 'I. P. 111,0•Or . z.. xls do.nr tntl. St L aa ..- se R.,: rer 2, TO THE CIT ZFSS OF POT. kl4l.- FH,A ct IA4 NATAIniiIO: AND YtiV•lCal. •S• rs lecta et" ter, I:lV , r • ^ kit e 4 ,,,,•d t r ey . eer t• • t.. it'? !. tic.. I Et. Si.C,N,S. eitent.e• c f,a". lie: It iff.es ti.• Stags it. af.l tef fete by, • To -.01 .:- t (..rco , ^4 to trod ,k•,, a d ltefl to ••141.:I of z. • 'J. 7sa 5ed,...• pea 110 L.S. •- detps Ire. In 'of/Zell-CAI Ilteeleeo te ard a ar the wrens atm gad Cita.. 11_4ca;:s.te.' :11 ehvt•• of afityrjofetfi ffer . .re.raitt Po. - e• of oNsatssea.rret...“ %M t et..1.1 bested. Battu OS tier, rarst• •rr •• • Beaman titaam &L]. nett 'it sea as. sa.• Cies. t. ,, r * •• sad Xa•V . r•. ar!) sacs ta. prr , ..e: • ' . l ; and foe us;.,,lrsw twa!arts of iSO Itst.ta a Tit Li.: Sir to., %11ea...! at fifSara d v to so , ue *aro eerier trr In:, to oat,fl d to tl• !rafts of tbs • t.er dett.r.r-ffit fa lie eitaitt rf th.e eat CV. Of the aat..cr.Ned. eert Scare in ri.lc est. 34....1 tko rates (ATLI' of reAcltio re it ,4 t,: 'Saws,. 1r..: :4 1.1..N1 to tie s+n der sr.prltted. IS OrZlr act S lets 011-7 Lornmer.,..c.r,t cosi , it =AO* to that:Ns:J-0e ash, .t -rue ell Ore weits • f 1 , 4 Imat,tv.„ iaeb mr, T .!iftell with Sin smuts credtst,ss.e :• a , rs to ott-S.l as . sacr p wag rfe.. eel e• the eerefint se - Jaen:Ad. ass ee....sr tit e4rt-1.- Octet et e. , ek. Ito 0.1.,ers anl D..rectors of tie Ine-sata ass as Le : p,e. B RD. X. D. Presdent - FPW YN P. k X. ITOstusets.d DILIEI- L thri. - TOFS r . . 0 B. 00..e.v1. X. D 'Bet :Ir. is v., et rrrre 4 t. 'flofteq tie% ea IV. rase:. RAM tel l 1t... et. .a;,,.:.t0 1J Vralf. rtvt. Heim tNiett+ LISS-tat:re--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers