ivi,l2 - 41 , 4% v*r 7 ,7; 4 ai 44 .' 8 1 10 1 1*441tift01 ' 0iiiti0.110,040 1 :". 15 * 14.04,446 * t g iC t4P 0 9 4 o c it a giosjobseibeireaseit the atom Eft:Douai .4.** - 4301164/"V*llo444im fella= Mort 4 httatral-4inviiitbly 'A - 1 , 1600 0 ,00. 1 . 1 ,0 1 0 1 . di k e d,e '-, ;;; 1 11,-ZZl 7 l ' ; : *47* 4 bet thttiiiiAlßO ' DO , ",' ' _ . DRY.GOODA4OII/11E1111: - • - ,„ , ,S.V.R.UNT4S.:9F . ' AttiZ). 0 "': 'atilartrA. -PAILT ,==-1 • , '1!1133431 , A440 TRADE Iv , DRESR.GOODE3 ibtand - vtitiety,,g4t,sPle 1tY1414 . pat Riiimehoi9o.ls44 AOTAL tabiiow , 1 • v • • '•-••, t :40 , 1 1 MT I * 1 4*;'.1• 7 ' A ii k tifti o ' • z 1 4 39 4 PD5.; '4litilizogi • AIM liINGLIOII =I , frttllPLAtiTillpitr,WZO, , .4:)LICY1'1113; _ , cASS!iiitiERES s &13., AIiD A elan FABIBI Y I7IBTANAAED,mpo, 6001)131 mAinzEfsTREET, Wart!" '::; : etbills'ii4Ssimlttrz; 44. r, ouvrx *PARRY. imitozitizar 1 6 :} 10 $1f 44t#1, - OrP 14 0 i ,A : !! , •W$C 10 ; 41) ' ''% = • ' SaYtUt Alkatle*lon 0,2'1•144$ 91#1itrft sto?k• • • - : -, 111"EN AND BPX§"W - EfAIL' ROME :stie,w7af BRQTEIER, ITAVS_ltillitOrilD TO - 1 • NO: 'lll 1FA114.11 I" :STE B " •WAerf tiiy nave on ionnia ooinploio ansOrtnnent of • -- t 0 T .1-3 C B • - „ 0A111901211013, VESIING4, Am. ! ' • ' bailable !hr the ' . -- BPRING EIRABON ) . = ••• To -14* OW invite Li!aitiintiOn of txiinin., • 144 m" • WONG Tgadat , ' , 186 • • Mitt. ROSS t •63 - • i,` - • 7 691 #auarr, Axp 518 60E0 6144 j Mt -nttraziratini,- 0 111 40 1 0 124 P JGB/Wig stac" 6 VANOV:Ii - - 0)EN?L" • Astiiiiors:oo. .to ti!il a rat sOlatilog of boron. ; .„;;;$10.441%.; 1 Pia • -C i RAI7f:ASLO,••- iteairialiAND Trithaw D gate ; oumfa, ommonatti,*mcie, TAILORS' rAMiglittbi,ClE4 To, slat kat= Brow, (UPat) pw ;004 alai; a li s tiAl litOOk. to videll 11 4 11101 **Oard the MAL O4lll. . • r rglitAter & 004 AND JORBBRO OF . , FANCtDRRO&OOODII, • , . • 106 MARRET BtTH ea 4 nivi idolo, , AmiumertmAlitof rvArrat, , RI 0/441414 7 d - loirealie, to vinett. *et %Tito' thp attpp 7 'A n t " Thm Asont m anVlVOrili g to m oral e tee 'pew ttloa rontno "Ones amount yon ~„ , 30#711. R. 8r1110: CP-4 1 * 0 34 so.."*lii#FTivoimmcßrug. - AB*o . , 10014 BALD UM= • • lama, nialou, Arm ouuticust' :c# D 13 .9a - Pothigt"'!"" 32o tbxl 4 iht 641 / „ D WWI= REM* . :00$411. - a ro. B. EtrAsoxit soxis - '''' -•- Altrieoarldzotbelow Youth., litleinte She OP rh,JO elite 'Or - " ." , s : :AVllilluparsung4ll., • Vt. vt ', _ tf r i ghi... 1 ; e u rill,„F° 11 9... 0 ' ... Ate - l artO r2-r . o et the exert= Is n . 0 P ,Itteelhebnirted wake of 9 - r e r l . ` 0"4014441).144 sv elan l VA;lt -oo lIITS PRICE, & .CO IMPORMiI AND /OMNI OF - • lORRIGN AND D01E118;110 D R. G 0 rO. I}, B. -I%* US 'muter _ BTIZEZT. P,li tp ktx., arm - te4 GOODS 'amtortorr &pa.. t . MAIM' sO O . 4•4 AND4O I BTREftr, s , 0 ir N D ae , 4140 NTX A Nape. , :~—iinulYntal!!ik S; RING; 'l.BB ; _ - .t , ipoptll6_3lmios, • •Br yinninnon. 'lEll' .ffolgralk, Avesta H. AN* , .1-1414 WOOD, 'MABEilioi HAYWARD, , s Vkitoliinsi•Thinim - ;Sa 4 11F 12 0 '`" mon' • t .., '":" • • 2 * WHINC4 la so inittr striae, rbusdesta.' • , '::W I WIN APIOTIE. as . •:- ...- „• , :' • , - , ,'' - , '; :;.:,'IIoVEIGH. ~' . 1 *, 0,144)W4 ; 11 1, '7OIIBEIM ;4,:r i : : i . ''D itilt Go 0 Dfki , if fi l l". „,:- ~, ii• - , - •"• 2 ‘ - ±;° - _ - -"r ' .{':, ; , ~....1",, 2,1,”' - .... t. L ; - * ';', 4; ' ' ' •,. . - . 1.- 10 1 1 0 1 4 111AX '" - • --..---,T,---- 00.• I.II3LLIVONA.II.IOIB t"? - 4. - 14:1:11/11111r-SOOD11, rfoohlik.fmrfr dor tor - Ott JfAto f • • 1 „ j' , e; 0if. , , - 7 . , -. , 1 } s. , -,,,, , ~, , • , , ~_ _ • Vli ' ' ti 10.411, RUA di CIO 4 . !,_ - - , _ .- ~ •‘-'.... ,- .1.--- !. -- --"HPartenAt ,•'--....*,,, , _ ~ ' if . .. , --;;4i , ; ,..._,Te , ___„( 1,v , ,,i ..! , , s•i' , ' , ,; , `,4i, .;' , Ar. ~&'' ~: 1'1: V14 0 ,H11 , siki ;,- ,_ " v.:, -' --- •,` -,, - ' ~s 4Bp.ozniaran, 4 . .. , - ,-,4 4 - :4 - ;17 - livfaiwymixAssorfr - • - 2 ' ~.--., 0 , 4614 1xidto!* 4 ' 'tdiroti4ial _ _ .._-• „... . _ _ . , .IS lidS.V2 '" , :i r , ~.• ', ; ~ , • ' . "....; . • k.,;.. N\ \ ‘I t I 1 // /r'' . - --, F7 . .,..-. *34 4 * . dtt . .. . ~ . ..• .- . ! , , - .•_-,_ ~ t...." ... ,..; ' ,1„ ;A .... r. .. .. , , N. s s ♦ ‘ \\ ‘1 i: V, , . ..' i' # . .-:- , .12 1. , C, - py. l'1•!.." , ---:„ .. - "_.......r.,--4 r ''''---. :::_- t - -.- '., • . k t tr - . . is 9 i ( .s. ' f " ' - - .1., ,- -:- ~ .1 , " : !•"• • •••,:rW7 - 0 ,'• -• ;,1 - -- --- 1,,,,,„; -, - - • . :',-,14- 1 ,-- - rt - ' . :,f" . . , , "'..':.,-, " ~....•;i :-." , . '-.t . ~ 1 N., ',...--/ • - ' '" ll . / 7: .- - - tfl " .•- -- .. ~ , ~.,,, Pr..f4t, • - • ..--- --, oh,,,iosni ---,,, ..-. t e...•..:.; ... ~,.-:,,' .7i ... ',.. ' ..' ' ~- -t - • :•, , Ii. .;. ' 1116: ...: :--,'..'1,7....;.------.0....(,,:V.a55,,,w!i7,4'!-f..'• ' ' ..4r 7 ,:; .-,- ,:: ; i ..::, -',: - .:. -: '. ) 4. 1 ? , 1 I 'Lk ~,,,. No .„, , 1 1 - - , . - 7-..:.., : ,•,. ,:: ,T : -- -::• ( ,.-:.t1,.....;: . .:: f i'; . ...::•• 7.... T.- '`;::- '4-'• 777 y- 'T -;. - ..°- - F,.- ., ..-:•,•• ~ -..: ''...,,i,, , f . • ••1•':.•'•. .'' ,' ."- -:---_-_f 1. • Mil ' .. L I• . . , 0 , , . . . . . • ' -- - -- "' . '''..•.- - -..-: T f, - -' - '", - -'-- _ ~..-4... .......... 7 ,-, .-.- - -,rain t i 44 ..F.n.7,,,- 7 . ! _,. , i ,..04 .. -__ . ...ii,,,......---4 , ;....1.„,.- : ,.,..,,.. 1. - ---7,- -,„ --..., 1 •,0 , t' ,••• ', " ' ' ' .."" -- ' ' •• -. , , ...........,...42:2:4, -1 • -., , • . , . . • - •., ~ „ , • I I . i. ~ ' A ~ ~ t . ~ : rtl F ~ . ..} ,NOll - 3' - NO 185 •,, , eikaticoitikti:itittszs. •T ARRI V .At& 'LLBs „MORRIS, 1./liIRCHAN2I ) ° 'DS,9„GIOt NT STREET,. Ilimte mooted(' by the Watt Stemma NI essortatent of ORRAtex mai BAXONY, CLOTHS staa 6 1;' J. A. NMELLICAUL'B ' ,whole sad half please ; V4Y ,E # S 4 BP.P ... ntrr do; & OSLaBNATED DOESKINS. WWI afailtieof the V. 17 1/011116i iittNRIAL .CONSKINS BILK MIXED COATINGS; [COTTON WARP OIX/TINIs COTToNADES and viST PADDING.% . or, wheoh are offireit foraalti. 9N PAYOL'aiin • ' ' •4? ' P t) '' , *II . OIASSALB OARMINC4 . .OII;-.%0T11; AND MATTING *AARA*COUSE. NO. ili OffinViNliT STREET lIT Agency for PhilAdelplifti *trot hisiluizotalerf. DA-3m -. . _ •. . "30,A TENT tr AND SEAL SKIN COATINGS. bola 11i IT$ ut 7as Uivifiso F4ATVII For the above' dteenetiork or epode of the woll-keown minted* ; _ VIRT4_B; SONS. I ; ‘. )IBOICMONDWIIeI3. YOltKianitE. moum, .4tepraparlite to eeldtasiniplea of a various enili iee,end to take irdere f or Immediate or Mare dell 'tart. to lien the ooavetiettoe Of the trade. - • . The floods &meat, be enrehaaed thrtiaigh the oink= irf ohaaitils itiZegliad, sad all orders for the United maws am* so through The enbioribera, - : • • WAAY :BC. 4Tt.LILAN, . • -•- }zed , • PANSEIAIVE. MlLaffsN• & VilVie2Po - lalo-tathiceim ' • New York, - • • LlRgliii4Noll4,lll - . , , • - • & NrELLas. $1 SOUTH SENT, • AND VS LETITJA STREET. Are AGENTS for Got nee of Goode Diandadtarid bl tholonewtun Contidualds, viz t brnindyart;„ ; • . • MAT Peed. OWIEIIT, "tr Uzi • BArim, .„ Brown, .1114antied; and Colored Eltddtingn, Mains. diPtinni Ind Imp. - IZOBESOWS BLUE • PRINTS, ' '.' • HAMPDEN ,OGYPANY'S TWEEDS AND OOTTONADES In giant variety. "WASHINGTON MILLS - (yortnerly,Bay, &MO ; ISt fgqni l tztttdTAl;:g:trtsVdLV i tgri na nek e nvern, umtneres, and deot.s. Ken tare. to. and TWSOSIS, anta &MIXT, trAVARD,. IMITCHINEON, ' • 110:) liD OBEIMPHIPT ' .01:41IISSION MERCHANTS ' POt'PZIE SALE OP PEtILADRT:PHIA-MADE ' •.14," " GOODS. 1 CARPETINGS., CARPET . ITIACFTU , I9I343, r eutf Am 0 - htl43,o,ll4,urrowif. . Importers end DeiSers in OAi]E?LTINC3 S, . •- , • .Oll. CLOTHS, I, - -,'.lOL§A.TWIlqq, RUGS, &0. -vrAiunt Otta r OFIESTTIVS • (Semite the State 1t0...,) Southern itad Weatern Wien; ate reepootinily invit nt ed to eall: • ' i CARPETS. •'F. Ai ELIOT &TM. Nos SI and 84 North FRONT Street. are the 801 4 13 ACIENTS In Philadelphia for the ROXBURYCARPET OOMPANti and have orntrtnntlr aiiio`rtsieht of VELVET wad TAP,EBMY CiARI?'4IB, ofohotoApattomi, Alin, a Lirae euipli of. the various kinds of OAP: PETS tnanufaeturedin Philadelphia city and oodath 'fro* nearly all the bast 'manufacturers: • Dialers will And It their interred to call and examine these goods, whichareofiered for silo on the 'gloat favorable terms: LIOT tk'oo, being the Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the ;ale Of the Worsted and Carpet Tame mu Willi Sixoniille Mill. (formerly the New Enelead Worsted Company,) and being atente also for the •Thilderls, Wile= ' 'and Abbott Companies, have tadellarTeolUties for keeping oosstantly for sale the variesur loads of Carpets manataetared an Philedeloalet or: the most favorable tenet, (el7-gm BOOTO AND 8110,ES. BOXER 83 BROTHERS, mArnmAartquas AND woolasakus ° o l n AND EABTEV(•MADE BOOTS AND 'SHOES, #0 . 4443 . 9 and 431 114t2.315T WREEST. Below• FIFTH Infest* South side, b3-an " rtmimu.rw.A. LEVI° KRA SIN, 8a 00.. • BOOT AHD OHO WASHROOM AIATUUTAOTOBLT. 10.'1105 MOUT OMER, PHILADELPHIA. 4No Lava amine hendse extansiye *took Of BOOTS end 01190; Ot am, description; of , ,kftill OWN AND EASTERN, MANUFACTURE, which we Invite the attention of Southern and Western Doren: \ fWEm ' HAMS AND CAPS. HooP,,ps DAVIS. No. il7 *4 , 8 T STBEET, idANDNACTURDis or. AND WINDMMALE 'DRUMM! IN, PUN, wept,. BILK, °AMMAN, NTLO.W.ANDYANAMA , - HATS, OAPIIi BONNETS, BLOOMERS, RUCHES, PALM & :WILLOW HOODS, ARTIFICIAL PLOWER% Ito. We, respectfully invite the *Kalahari or cash and YraluntePaYlna by/ere to our large sod we tele•ers ,',.11011.ME.F111140118,111NG GOODS. I.lotifrit YCLETBRIENG BTORII. WILLIAM YARICALD. so; logo ,ON6B TIM BTREST, f ainaiedtately tipiieeite the, aosiienn , or Fine Attu) ' Invites, tie ,attention' of tIOUBEZEEPERB and dime to hie etenxive saeortment of vozgim HouinnErum 000D14 !ABLE curium NURSERY FENDERS, 011aP*1 DMA TTJIE AORBENB. PLATE Walitin3RBo TEA FOY& &a.. ke. mhl-thtestf & SONS, Iign_RTERS 0 CIGARS, Ivo.= &alb PrIONT „.; reguktrlr *Jail impartment o dorire r in d . wgr i j e t " .. xn, :DM r..! , t tow rate! ? or au eapp Nll ARTIN & • QIJAYLVS LTA- Erp_no,riF i ßl y P moyern ir FlNOlr 04:101X1 WALNUT StliggT. ' ' znoVir wampum. toWly valiantly onlend Pettomery end Toilet Article's. SPERM . OANDLES.-*5O Boxes Sperm Es_p t iiiirin atm!, rigd for Bal. ROLEY, fiEMBU SR, ac 80. IS Enitth Wharves. ED AT A LOW DEO WELLS baltPgtt con tents. Address WILLIA M li ei Fe viinrh RTONTlerwwt IO)L—, Pilule 'retailing Charleston Rice for szle in JAMES GRARAM k GO.. LUTITI p tow 'AOKE r R aI . 13ble. Nog. 1,2, it 3 gat e . Tre dr o l it i .irra. Zing C.td door Atxro4loo., :lAMB AMY 811011EDERS —l l 9OO PH Oe,a J. Oat Otpotoodurna tuid Shpulders ;elm 8 1 1/0 Pieces trylllitiLfurea Hams, roc smell C. SADLER4 yy,,MwsticreeiSiticscr gave not. • w 43 TRIMMTREET 40B1M0 HODS ' S RA-faUEL, MOORE, &Op., IMPORTERS WHOLESALE DEALERS DRY EkooDs. NOB. 940 AND 944 NORTH 1 THIRD STREET, ABOVE RAON, MAT BIDE, Their extensive Store having been remodelled ens blee them to eppropriste to &soh CiBB6 of Goode i A SEPARATE DEPARTIONT, DO:UMW% OINGIILMIL OMISIMERES, PRINTS, . BRAWLS, LAWNS, MANTILLAS, SILKS, HOSIERY, DREGS GOODS, . NOTIONS, WHITE' GOODS, ALSO. MERRIMAOE ADD 00011E00 SECONDS We have now open the LARGEST and MOST COM PLETE STOOK or GOODS we have ever offend to the Trade, to whioh we solicit the attention of CASH.4IW 81Z•MONTHB BUYSRS,; fen4m JAMES. KENT. SANT.p.E. ea CO„ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, NOS. 239 AND 841, NORTH - THIRD STRUT, - ABOVSf RAGS, Resiwitrour Invite the Att a ritton of bums to', their LARGE AND oomPurrn STOIC or, zoicsrow AND DOMESTIC 6 , 00D4 Among whieliwill be found fall lino of BATES' WWI ANT O SOI4I( COMPANY'S :00T. rieDm. LANGE VARIETY Of ROW and *oohed Styles of ; • ' PRINTS': fm MERRIMACK SECONDS, 114- 1860. SPRING TRADE, 1860 . BUNK. RAIGUEL, Bo 400., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN FANCY DRY GOODS. ART NORTE TRIED STREET, • Are prepared.to exhibit at their salesrooms the 11103 i complete stook of goods ever offered by them, regent ingumumal attraction, to the trade generally. ' Theetook canaries' e *omelets emortment or every variety of, SILICA RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, GI,OTHS, _ GASSIMERES AND. VESTING 34 HOSIERY, GLOVES. Jab TRIMMINGS. • BOW, a hill and SODOMI amortment of Bering SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. l'ro all of whloh they invite the attentiert. of CARR ANTI PROMPT BIX-MONTHS BUYER& B. M. BUNN, V. 0. BUSH, R. R. RAIOUBL, W. W. KURTZ, IL P. BUNN. fe 134 m • 1860. BP Rill 1860. J. T.,.WAY 004 INFORM AND WHOLBSALB, DRABBB ii POREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. 99 NORTH THIRD- ST., Are now ready for the •SPRING TRADE. And prepared to offer, to ruin sad Dining Silt amain Buyers, one of the LARGEST AND MOST AITRAOTIVE STOOKS In the wintry, sad at Price; Mot will defy lONVWI *ion, not only la this, bat in any other WO. PUTOWIMIII win and our Stook well assorted at all seasons of the me. 1. T. WAY, ll pee. H. mu". T. WAYS 64.31111 /IMO. P. WAY. YARD, GrIELMORE. & 00. NOLO AND a NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN BILK AND FANCY DRY HOODS, • WRITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS, EDIBROIDE RIBS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND feb SR BRAWLS. ANSPAOH. REED; & 00., WHOLIMLE DIMEREI fl DRY GOODS. NO, 180 NORTH THIRD BTREBTt (001111 IVIDD ADD DUMMY IMO PILMADELPHIA, I AXtrAClll w JL, °HAL E. Altllll4loll. WM. ANSTAOI4 JAL N. REIN DAVID No DWAIN/. fea-ha WILTON 000PIII. Wit. Y. TAILES.W. ROM D. WORK. COOPER, PARHAM, & WORK, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBERS Os HATS.' OAPS. • OD STRAW GOODS. NO. al NORTH TEEM STREET. SE" 004*Iltb , hema r, mom usoto r ntor Straw_ ra it m e r ,at, FAUST. WINEBRENER, & 004 IMPORTERS AND WHOLBSALE DRALERS IN HARDWARE, NO. 44 NORTH TURD STREET, goalie:a:v Brown Stone atm*, o!ooted on Ow .1 • lIHILAIIRLPHIA. DAVID TAINT. D. IN WINED= VA Y. ILLATILE. RAZELL 8a HARMEIt, IKANINAOTIMIREI WHOTmeril DIALIMa BOOTS AND SHOES. O. I 2 NORTH THIRD OTHRRT. • full assortment of City made Boots and Shoes eon stoutly on hand. old-tf LAING & MAGINNIS. [importers and Wholesale Dealers in IRISH, MOLTS% AND AMERIOAN SHOE' THREADS; PUNCH AND,ENOLLM LASTINOS. SHOE B EANUFACTURigIir Brzotss: grware AMINE BLUM ViIiNADS. COT TON% ND LES, &a. 801,,S AGENTS FOR Onnter'e celebrated hisoldne Silk, sad Updeld's Pateat Boot Trees. no , 80 Ninth THIRD Strait, tea-am A NEW AND NpNDERFUL DISOO --2- VERY for the Core_ofromethmt and Oont. • ti bESI4E't3 AttTli ITIRI Nubs. Thle m Wine ta egeredj the utotoatooneldenoe of tbi being a mate tteetua rowdy for the above els " 8 " eTerili 6100V4 , Nodenger need by r t pyre headed-frotn,lts •eatt by,the , GaOtt &Haat°. l' m o o Ilti per box; , CAP be spgt.tiv mail, an e °losing one postage % I stamp and arise Of Pilo . For aq the of a tent, AL h ilprsa, sto. Jo son it , k , 11,414. T THAD-STREET JOBITINGJEWtIi 1860. SPRING. - i t I. , 4 FRAM GOODS. ,0 1 RIEGEt. BAIRD, •ds 4 IMPORTERO , AND ,JOBBRRI • FOREIGN AND AMERICAN PHILADELF'HILA, DRY GO ODB, I N 0.17 N. THIRD t3TBPil'i IRILLUDELPILIA., Would vmpeetfany invite the fatalities of 00012137 Merohants to their LAME AND WELL:WIXOM FRESH SPRING GOODS,' Whleh they are now receiving in Store. Merohanta would find it to their advantage tQ cell and exenaine our stook. 'fewer ~•1 ? • , SOWER. BARNES. & 004 BOOKSELLERS • . ' , t • AND •.0 $ . PUBLISHERS OF ", ; ' , , ... FELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS AND lISTSI , EMMONS' GEOLOGY. ',, l .;','• BROOKS' NORMAL ARITEISWIIOO,I4 : ~ SANDERS' READERS. k 0.,, I • : No. 87 NORTH THIRD BTBB (Eat side. below Mak Street) f , T° MEROEIANT El BIIIING CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLAB()N ea. SMIT i. MANUFAOTURERS OP 011.-OLOTI ,140 NORTH THIRD STREET. PRILADELP A. We invite the attention of denim to our large kof FLOOR, TALE, AND CARRIAGE- OIL GLOM, GREEN OLAF.. D 0.1. GAMDRIO, i ' • a hesutiful artiote for Shades. , The law.' eatie* of WINDOW ' 811ADRS and BUFF ROLLANDB 0 1 VIS market. at prioee whieh defy enineetlttos. 'f • •. •• DRUGS AND CHEMICALS.; B A.FAHNESTOOK& • DRUGG/OTEI, • IMPORTERS, AND WIEOLESALS DZALION Ilf D8,D133, OKEILICIALS, 00188, BPONGRk 6X311101.11 AID roaatoa 1111111112(11•L And fdausfaoturere and Solo Proprietors of B. A. FAHNESTOOKT VBRISTFUNA, • Nos. 7 MA 9 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Rut side, a few doors above Market. fss-fm PMILADELPIII. IIy,IIGS, GLASS, PAINTS, ROBT. SHOEMAKER 6, 041 NORTHEMI CORNEA lODATE AND RAGA STEW" WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS; Importers and Dealers In WINDOW 111141APA11111. As„ Write the ettention 01 COUNTRY MERCHANTS To their large stook of Goode, said, they offer at the Wed market »ten CHINA AND QUEENSWAIH. Tumom, ALLEN, it 00., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS 01-IINA AND QUEENSWARE. Noe. 93 and 94 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. (Between Market and Cheataat streata,t 110"Plersaalla GLASS AGIDICY. GLASS 0 ' 74311 011 IT 11111 PACIIAOII, LT MANUFACTURER S' PRICE* fal6-tet BOYD As STROUD. WORMS A JOBBERS, 1. Rays now oo hand a oniaolino - Stoci o QUEENSWA RE. GLASSWARE, and ERENOLI and • ENGLISH CHINA. At rely. td Staid. No.llll wont' FOURTH ht., Cour owe low erohente Hotel. to which toy W rite t attsation o WHOLVIALI sumo. 10 - !moors TOIL PITIIMIIIe tiLlll/1. /4-11111 LOOKING GLASSES. LOOKING GLASSE.S.• JAMES S. EARLE & SON Hate now In store area large and eholooassortmeut of LOOKING GLASSES, ALL THE BERT PERNOR PLATS, And of a valley so nor to any Imported during .he Mat few yearn. The demagog are or the newest and mut elegant chater, lupine ng all the Frenoh and . at leh novenae*. Eton Olesses mid, to order, to fill seam t charge or o m ace. and et the Ter? kliffut ratsctt• mates rojelmd f ::applientlon„Bl mail or other wise RA BAnd..roPirnii.. Prefu l iA.,..'d no. TOult rft FRAmEd—the finest collection td le country. EARLE'S GALLERIES, nahl•tf 816 CHESTNUT STREET. lIARDWAftE. MOuRE.H.EN bZEY. ea CO. RAADWARB, OUTLBRY, end QUM No, 467 MARKET, and 416 COMMKROBStrsci PUILADELPRIA TOILET ARTICLES. aBRECKNELL'S "STUN SOAP," Recommended as the beet for produoing a CLEAR AND HEALTHY sitiN, made from the 011010E8T MATERIALS, withmt perfume. Imported and for nate by EDWARD PARRISH, fell thIT COO A ROR Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. JOSRPII B. COOPER, WATCII. STROM and .JEWED_BR, No. 6.3$ SPRUCE :ret first door beloW SIX l'H. altiendar attention men to Repairing Watch** , 0 00 s. and Se weir . Ml Ow' St.l.N.Ntt PLATED VARS _ol_ the Sued quellty, at PS Ale 11? Au ruit); PRII3SIS. J. S. J Arf.DBN ,Rtlr _A BRO., hieeerecTessan AND beyonyswe. ti aledgr i r il on h t an h d an elegant cool( of brat-olue Goode flba 8 e r IrEll'airr STREET. A full newntinent of J ewelry, Silverware. end 'TOW Outten' constantly on bend, SAMUEL W. PEPPER, anoerlstoodent. BLUED STEEL AND PLATED SPECTACLES, Anorted In Dozen., imitable for OM and COUNTRY TRAM!. For Sale by BUTLER ea MoO4RTY. 131 NORTH 11600 ND STREET. FRANKLIN BUTLER. UM, MoOART? fe2a4m NEW YORK ADVERT ISEAIENTS. AUGUST BELMONT & 00., BANKERS. NSW YORK, Isere Letters or Credit to Travellers srellebb to ALL PARTS OP TRH WORLD, rurouar THI PdEBBRB. ROTRBOHILD, or PAWS, LONDOV, FRANKFORT, VIENNA, NA PLEB, AND THEIR CORIIRSPONDENTS 01.2A-fini • UK nnELLAs. ST.FMPER & FENNER. WHOLE ALE . UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANDEAOTURER9, No. 330 MARKET SMUT, foS-Sin PHILADELPHIA 'WHOLESALE CLOTHING. LIPPINCOTT, HUNITER, &SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALVTSALERS IN 0 0 T H.I NO, 112 d MARKET Street, and 419 MER.OII.ANT Street. PHILADELPHIA. A fall mid complete nag 9tseety style sad Isake mactilaemade Olothicer rauf *VW to that g i ta tared sar othsr oier. • b‘DAY, MARCH 6, 1860. MILLINERY GOODS. 11860. 1860. MILLINERY GOODS. SPRING, 1500. The subscriber hes now open a impel for stook of MIL LINERY GOODS, oonsisting to part of — RIBBONS Ithaca, cup - Es evr.s. RANEAFE'n'io' fir R , and —A LBo— BONNETS. FLATS, BLOOMERS, AND STRAW TRIMMINGS, All of the latest and most fashionable stYles, to which ha Mines the attention of Merchants and Milliners. TOWS wishing to moo money by baying cheep will do well by calling on him before punclutaing ebowbere. M. BERNHEIM. No. Al SOUTH SECOND STAGE'', rata-gm Below Market street. 1860. STRAW GOODE. ' 1860. TROIVIPSOI4 64 JENKINS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRAW GOODS; EATS AND OAPS, BILE BONNETS, ART/FNUAL FLOWERS, • RUOLIES, ao, NO. 528 MARKET STREET. Buell are roporsted to 03atalae Mr 800 k. THOMAS F. FRALEY Is toototed With the above boom and *litwitO the pat ones of him friends. foS-Sto MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, & CO., 431 MAREET STREET, NORTH RIDE, Are now opening, for the Spring Trade, the most ex tensive and choicest stook in their lane ever collected together under one roof. RIBBONS of every oonoolvehie desoription. BONNET MATERIALS. FRENOR ARTIFIOAL PLOWERS. RUCHES, and Clobber Wilma articles STRAW BONNETS IN IMMENSE VARIETY. oinuasivis AND MISSES GOODS, DO. BLOOMERS, BRAKER HOODS, Ito. Oonscloas of our superior facilities In obtaining our supplies, we flatter ourselves-that superior Waal-. meats, ooth as regards choice of Wootton and mod ora tion in vines, cannot be met with. le., Sm FOR EVENING PARTIES BERTH % SLEEVES, and OWNS, Jn 8. 41 Lace. °rope, Blond eau! Imitation, la great vanetlu, or the NEWEST STYLES. AU°, 44, p. 4, 04, 9.4, 10.4 ILLUSION, TARLATANS, CRAPES, £a., Huh balcrw toe anal pries& WARBURTON'S. 1104 CHESTNUT Strut, above Tenth Etna, 304 South SBOOND Street, belay Serves Jall:rt •••TIZAIT"AND MILLINERY 000L 1 8. • LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS. No. 7!5 CHESTNUT STREET, Rave not ill ( Seeman Seventh end Eighth.l nom • SPRING GOODS. / ~trsaacrTO k t RAN. t .&_II9..PTRTS. Ig B t;)? A N D HI F? II 1447E 4 1 1' 8 RA , Vf 0 Q° ". . g, 0 . 1 d ! ,, ,,, iBNNA nEd To sr A they reapeotitly Invite the 'attention of meradianu. Cris sad sport•time buyers ant) find special advan tage in exandatnit thu soon wrote purchasing. Wain JHILL.BORN JONES, • Importer and Planufaotarer of FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEAT/MIL RUCHES, &a The attention of Car and Country Dealers Is tomted to a lane and waned stook of the above cool. at 432 MARKET STREET. fe3-dm Below Filth. IignOSPRING STOOKIB6O . • ARRANOED. One of the basest and most oompleto stoeb of goods in our lino in thig °wintry. The boat terms and the steepest prices. U. H. GARDEN & CO., Manufacturer' of, and Wholesale Dealers In, HATS, OAP 4, FURS. BILK and STRAW SONNETS, And STRAW GOODS. ANTITICIAL 7L0W.111., ISATIIIIII, IVCIRSG, An.. Nos. 600 and 60A MARKET STREET, S. W. oonmor Sixth. fel•ft WA:1101011101. SPRING OF 1860. MARTINS, PEDDLE; H.AMRPOK, 8a 00., No. 110 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Have now to store, and ant doll, receiving, complete lines of the following desirable goods, HOSIERY AND ()LOVES, SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS, PAR!. AND CANTON FANS, SUPERB BELTS, PARIS COSIsB AND BRUSHES, NOTIONS OF EVERY KIND, Adapted to Southern and Western Trade, to Pallet we Invite the attention earn-elan carers. le34m SHOE FIND/NGS WM. JOHNS ec SON. IMPORTER AND DEALERS IN BOOT, SHOE, and GAITER MATERIALS, ' HASTINGS. GALLOONS, SILEETINOS, PATENT LEATHER. PRENOH KIM LAGETS, SLIPPER UPPERS. ato. N. B..OORNXES NUMMI AM, ARO.II STRUM 1,3-3 m MRS. WINSLOW LTA. AN EXPRR4ENCIED NURSII AND FEMALE Physleisn preeenta to the sttention or mothers her SOUTHIIit* SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, whit* greatly facilitates the proem of teething, by soßeeiV y the gems. redoeins all inflammation; will al -1111 Al. .ta sad spasmodic action, and Is SRE TO HLOULATI Titli W ELS. Depend epos It, mothers, It will give mato yourselves awl RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put op end sold i k years. and can 467.1 con ra 1 1 itirii. IF Kffe I'g ob 1 8 Mr I.S time s', peed. over did disratuf•ouon y Key one ' tral all are delighted I spas 'in terms of highest , oil e octeltrut medical vir ‘ matter • whet we do I, elpenenoe,sndoledgeour punt ol what we her! de ' Instant's , where the la slit eahaustioo. relief wa i l be E Innurxxv,..,:,l4,v. c yth most ans - e,ttl- c nevorZli n N e w n n si ll°4 U Aol.fB A N 8 0 , 4 i g n rte ° 4 l ge erii i iaMint e l ". iib r i - Nrratlx .- Y_ tt ivgi. A,ND W IND o L'atalivl4.ll l 4, t=to teliTiditillkiiriA tO ethinn or frotnaniot a _ even mother who hag the Foregoing oornplunts no r f.'s° ora,:udloes o your OUlrerlillil child en . BURE—un. ABSOLU 1' ha use of thin medicine. ~,, Mims for acing will sumo . 1 genUlltB unieu the tan 11. Xl Kll4B, New York, ti on *lir Bold by Dirtathronl pat Office, N 0.15 DAR Carr Prule 76 cents is bottle. REFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.— o. Dorrooxim will continue business until May tent. at la South WATJ.R Street, and now offers for sate, at the levant mar et wipes, for cash. °ion en proved short credits. 4.000 barrel" tteem+reflped Sugars andantino, of various granllejt, tooludr Lannon 's irushed and liver :lona Mellor stint-out Loot gars, Also, io so ava Coill, A um:Latino Cow Kees Brsmis coloring, 1.11415, GAPES, BETS, COMMIX STOCK OY MEDICINAL. Itsbd:ncTlh Vo aver or ten 1: 11 :eil l bii / gT :tokuirez rt.. trirtix:.:l with tie operation., and ommendatiot,of it4Mlllll- tom We speak in this know," after tell year"' reputation for the fulfil- Mare. In almost every is eufferirot from Dojo and found la fifteen or twenty edininiatered. to theeresoription Ci , o t li i e ENO D AND SKIL . and se been used with P CASEN, hill from pain, but in wels, corrects acidity, to the whole system It heve (HOPING IN THE COLIC and overcome con speedily remedied, end in best and sweet remedy in DYEENTERY and DIAIt whether It arire from cause. We would say to child suffering front any of de not let your prejudices, others, at a n d between the relief that will be Ly SURE—to follow the timely used. Pull direo puny each bottle. None mile of CURTIS 4 PEN.- the outside wrapper. Ighout the world, l'rinoi set, Now York. Jl2B-11 RETAIL DRY GOODS. REMOVAL. 13ESSON Ba SON Re/makUy &nominalist Wilt CUSTOMERS AND TRH PUBLIC, That they have yemomi to NO. 918 CHESTNUT ST.. AND WILL orxiN ON TUESDAY, MARCH' ant, WITH ♦ 11W met or SPRING MOURNING GOODS, loolua.ng Bargain, to SECOND 'itot7,llNING mns•gt SILES . GREAT DEMONSTRATION IN SILKS. 0171:10 TO ?NZ *TAO:NATION DI TUE llti ALAZIXT. WE WILL OPPER OUR NEW AND ELEGANT AMOATIKINT OP DRESS SILKS, A DISCOUNT OF 20 TO 25 PER CENT. PROM REGULAR PRICES THOS. W. EVANS 4%; CO., 818 AND 820 CDCBTNUT BTRKET mAs•sc NEW GOODS L. J. LEVY & CO. An noq Vbeeitring • wary largo and chow* noon mint of FANOY GOODS, Selected fer their RI.TAIL ?S ADP., PARIS AA% LYONS. They +trill open. TAIS DAY, II crest eatiote of FairV i llinr i pgrs.r.;„. I. -biAR; ti o ■ 4.'10 "3 . ..i 1 141) SHAWLS. IFIA4 WI I! 1 o cl p, "NiV i .'N ;..c 41, Ain rAIItSJACON AND Clitrrt£69, With & atwi a usortimat of ,' . " ITEATL,A9, ' ( "iiittnlA.:.( 1, Q Woo otitoled bY don WTI,. and not to be Nand in etas r Mom , or the rim AU triU be airfoil at VERY MODERATE PROFITS. I .'" 809 and 818 CHESTNUT STREET. mbn-nt 1860. SPRING, 1860. CAMEL't3•IIAIIt SHAWLS. EMBROIDERIES 'TRAVELLING DIEM MATERIALS. In great Tariety of 'tilos. •nd at ma:lands produ, goy oponint. L. J. LEVY ed Co., 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. Dont,le-arldth Maneline de Chine, a nrw antole. or good taate and quarttyjnat r•aind. at 48 anal star yard. intaa-as BEAUTIFPL NEW SILKS!!'. TlioßNozy & COII.II, and SPRING OARDE.N. Would /noire atootion to a LARGE STOCK OF SILLY GOODS, Neat 'harked and plant a fur lie. flood qual.tv Foulard La for M. Vera rich Foulards for 76. ST and He. Bsauti brocade gilts. solid colors for #1 IL Molt enens mina. Poil de iega, arc.. &e. 'um HEST aLACK SILKS IMPORTfriD. Prom #1 par yard tip to #1 LO. o lf i a t. rr i Tylio: 04' , Iloads, embracing ever, north, A172'471 : 7. 131TAM Li!!! Our estAblistimoot has Inert mutated farrow kr 8 h i aritoavv A diinr s iett on. CRAPE_ oN iT er . EL Tllll3l BRIX. Aei tLAWLS,_and_ mh3 • LANX ST nHAWIAL AA. pUPI INS— Cha.;ri Poplins. Chen* }lrmo. Pti n d NOVer Pontine. INDwelirenadine Poplin'. lift Chino , mmandts. field women &On& bet.n lAstr• MIDI ?nod and Stripe Gavottes. Ches. Berets Astlekee.ll6., COM' Vied( a Yanety ittldnrkenwiljed. NEW ry, pc acurun OPUINAP,I3. Pink, Blue end Bet Yeroahee std Natant". New Meted Challitn..d Nue &Wan% eta. aNTs. b 1,2 in . new Meeelmat Menwheeter, Mew,' er. Bereave. ewe Knenen Prints, In style* to scut an tastes. White Wowed abittiee Prive. AvA/Pac. ON coSetath.tt dititiTH and ARCH Streets. FOULARD SILKS. I lust Wire ' P.l 5° ut r A RD', it.t csn•s—usa+l pries f 3 0.0t5. 1 Illutstsstsd Bouquet Fnolstil t4 r A it xm. SON sod A A bit Str. sts robLatoth tt gPitING 000D+ —BIIARPLES BRch. IHE SI B sr* oponinc new Rg . handsoca• stook BRltrVlAVitrlar ai very Dear Lawns. rii'vr,d,c7tri: niallies. _ ragilib t Fri_ll 4 7:olll. ivvred ft I 8 kgalt IA inns. mod ravolleriov. pant tilivrts. mkt! CH EXTR UT mull EIGHTH Stmts. WETLAND WOnt., BERLIN QUALITY, rill FR siteri 4 ,Ap h yrj.,. 4-r j t iti kALlTY. 33kItokIII IN ALA ZNYUYJIII. Donalf,Sinate and 4piss. J NIAXWr.L k Tnnic,pil 9.1! rts.aa Zait_hmk r. 147-rntr MAIN' VPIT sad c Emily LUPIN'S DE LAINES, &o. 3Tli ors. 14:1W mode d. t AMi r ntrit Y "1. rie Xel 'i dl Lei, BY et ote. *h.gai boreboinee, &Nebo:110U. flue. lack silk slpsoasii lariinob Uwe v a t io snls : ll2 find RR MMINA b Iy the tie°, aud yard. ro d. Phiz' -I(..t:yttiit'uv,,,, , 7ll„,y an Rim. Arg 018 and.Doyhes. by lb . don or euallt7. unfitinr kfriannir.t.vatklirs,trbor bee mARBEILas QUILTS, alp Launder, Scp. LINEN SHEETING& mom extra good and cheer Ws. TICKING& of every grade. MERRIMM . PRINTS. And 0 AMERICAN DB OCODSC3§IIIIRALLY. feU P ti and hIIkICET Ste. AWIIINGS! AWNINGS!! AWNINGS!! WM. F. SCHEIBLE: 49 8013TH THIRD STREET, MIDAIR CHESTNUT, hlanefnoturer of Awnings. Flan, and Vanes Window Awnings. All Awnings made at this establishment are proofed to prevent rnll4ew, wttbont extra charges Ala-lm TO 001 N OuLLEOTORS.—United btateg coins sod Modals yuroliased at _a_ dila mug or exchanged for_ Boats. ko., toy wA 48 North TNNI N./Street I also, tot Sale. the following Cataloguer; r Prioed Catalogue of gala of I. N. T. Loelok's Coins, 50 cents. Arne Hoop Stare Canis, Wall* orate. J. .1 .t . lickley Dates and Degrees of X.lllTlt7 CI un , te , d Starry Cone. IC cent.. the three Catalogues torg e Ire• well . fell irri.ne'D OMAN. COLUMBO ROOT—Bbr sale by WZTILE sum& RILL Jo and a Kona ammo Two CENTS. Cljt VitsS. TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1860. Taxation upon Knowledge. Following the example 01 the late Sir to. bete Peel, whose political proilgt he was, r. Gladstone te revising the British tariff Mt a wholetale manner, and thereby laying the hula of s system of lees oppressive, and more equal taxation than the British people base hlthato been subjected to. Gladstone's; revised of 1860 Is but a continuation of Peel' of Speaking of it, a leading English paper says, tsTo sweep from our tariff every Luc or every manufactured article, and to reduce the number of commodities on which Casten's' duties are levied from 419 to 44, at 'which 18 alone are really &vibrantly° ; to rider,* the duty on timber from Tx. ed. to le.; to abolish the duty on butter, tallow, Cheese, sad air" is a boon which in our °Maisel would at imiy time be cheaply purchased by the estiseillea for the moment of • simplicity of accounts, the facility of Lion, the absence of delay and annoys to travellers, the development of nide branches of trade which these duties, so In amount and so costly in collection, ho to check, all seem to us to call loudly forJ this clangs, and to commend It to the favorable conaldenition of the public." Among other taxes wholly removed is the impost upon paper, which has pressed serprely upon newspaper and general literature, ;von allk and carpet wearis . g, upon a great insmy trades, and, In short, upon all who use paper fbr any purpose. This tax is over three rents upon every pound of paper, without diitinc- UM) of quality, manufactured in the Bolted Kingdom, and nine cents for every pou9d im ported from • foreign country. Thie tut made it a proidbittie tax. As English per is almost Invariably sized, which comic! ribly Increases the weight, this has always seen a heavy Impost. It has seriously effected news papers and the publication of books. When a publisher issues a new book, to a certain ex tent it Is a rlak—a sort of lottery. Very much so indeed, ai the average of books which ytehl a profit to publisher and author Is not s i , ne to ten. In this country, where there Is o tax upon paper, the publisher may print essay copies of a book se he wishes; bat, td Eng lead, he had to pay to the Government • duty i d on the paper, in advance, equal I. the ea of the paper, and if the publication did n t suc ceed, thus irretrievably lost threAos is per pound upon all 'the paper It had cur . It was found, also, In flue weaving, that t e pat tern cards or th e Jacquard-loom, was of thick pasteboard , were made very ex nide* by the tax upon the paper of which tb were Made. The excise restrictions upon the mitenfec tura of paper were so exacting, annoying, and preventive, that the paper.mak7 really could not experiment on malmllacturin out of any other substance than rags. The Timei says. "Ile doubt, the Chinese nuke paper from bamboo, and from reeds, and M. Glad stone proposes to make his eluospepe (tram rhubarb, and after extracting the &mambo', to make the residuum Into paper. This may come to pant, bat unfortunately at the pm mut time neither the champagne or the paper so made would be suited to /With taste. We can make paper out of oitj a rk, or wheat straw, or bamboo, but we WS print a newspaper epos It. Ereotaally we hope that this may come. This motithas of duty will stimulate oar inventors ; but. mean while, we are at the mercy of the tag mar. chant. Whatever anbetenatee may bit used imppletnest the apply of this tinkle, the public may take It as an Indisputable Pict that paper, of any quality worthy to be called paper, must depend for its fibre upon rep. Ilere Ls the great difficulty of enabling the British public to enter Into the full advantage of this sudden boon. England does not produce rags enough; Ireland has her own use for kers; France, Belgium, Spain, awl Portugal, all rigorously prohibit the export of the article. Our only ()reign supply comes from Italy and Germany, and this supply Is quite incommensurate with the demand which is required to keep the article et • reasonable price." Bat Mr. Glad stone omitted stipulating. in the French Treaty, for the removal of the prehffiition en the export of raga from France. Bed he done this, Belgium and other countries might hare done the same. In the United Kingdom, the Anantity of pa per upon which duty is paid amounts to about 181 million pounds. The .Loslos TIMIS ex ults over the coming repeal of the paper duty, laying „ It can never bo to the taste of any producer to be made a tax-collector u well as a seller, and to have to add to the natural pine of his commodities a rum with which be has no concern, and from which be desirea no pro fit. The paper duties bare forced upon us the office of demanding from the public every year, under color of payment for this Journal, no leas a stun than 40,0001., no farthing of which went to the production of the paper we sold." Not. one gnarter•eent of the 100,000 thus sued to the Times is likely to benefit the public. The price of that journal I. eight cents for a single copy, or ten recta if stamped to go by post. Its proprietors could afford t reduce these prices by two cents, (for three Copies of their paper weigh over a pound.) but we are pretty sure that they will not so reduce it. Therefore, keeping up the old prices, the proprietors of the 7 1,1148 will gain $200,000 per annum by Mr. Gladstone's budget. No won der that they praise him and It. This is not the only boon which the Britiih Government, although it professes not to here a newspaper of its own, has conferred upon the Ttmea newspaper. The stamp•duty upot. every copy of a newspaper was eight cents, and the duty payable upon each adrertise- Ment was eightydour oents, up to the year 1838, Vara these were severally reduced ta. Iwo, an. to thirty-two cents. Instead of Riving the public the advantage of this re duction, the Timer continued Its old charges for the advertisements, coolly pocketing fitly. two cents additional upon each, and reduce its price from fourteen cents to ten, instead of to sight cents. This added enonnoasly to its profits :—lndeed, fully to the amount of $260,000 p...r annum. Again ; when the newspaper stamp and advertisement dudes were wholly repealed, In August 18.53, the Times gave its purchuers the benefit of only the former repeal, continu ing to charge its former prices for advertise ments, though the thirty-two-cent duty was abo fished. The successive reductions In 188 G and 1633, and now again of the paper duty in 1880, hare enriched the proprietors of th• Load** Tunis to the extent of at least $500,000 per ananw. No wonder that The TiMit strongly supports a party which does this. Tho redaction of the duty upon paper 101 have an effect, little calculated upon at pre sent, on the price of English books imported into this country. The New York Tribune says; " Like many other reductions of du ties, it will beitome time before the price of books is affected by it sufficiently to benefit the consumer, and, of course, in the mean time, it is so much added to the manstfactn reels proilt. Thus taking the circulation of The Cornhill Maga:int at 100,090, the num ber printed, each, of Nos. I and 2—the daty being three-fourths of a penny per copy, it will give to the publishers a bonus of £8 per thousand, or £BOO per month above the esti mate on which the project was established. As the duty has always been remitted, in the form of drawback, on books exported to to• reign countries, this change will make no ma terial difference In the coat of English books in this country, except, indeed, a slight addi tion to their price, as the usual calculation has been that the drawback received on the paper was sufficient to pay the expenses of freight, packing, &0., which must—when that ceases—be realised from an additional per contest) of plea." TUE W-F.F.4cPX PRESS- Tirs 'lr.._ ..7 rum vsi sag nag (Per Liam is ailhialsj as— --Ai-00 neap MA% ":" wYin Owe% " p Tea sersetrim Catiria.“ ant " ths sag= a *o4* ireeplkistelherJ - - - /or & Clidt Tiressr-wia or wwittoeurrit gad as Wm kW to Ow wom-war sarPsoniuudy on Inman n mires Aillaz, bt Wgiair haw CALITOAXIA Miss. Wool SialAtamtity la bp SP, 4 4Xdigruik Swaim (Far T. Prim % ) Tit Saiatosiunt. Xs. Lunn : Ity the pp m tart Oa ale stolid& Si cola *wmp k coptithini 545 J as beacitial lartitatbe vitt tie atom ?OWL! • Who sort a ass lasticses is is 11 , 14 atink stuatiett to tL trail lampigest. ssi sits Is; is Ike Ma* ilissicsi nut's( fireffuer. " I ' 3l mg ai finGlutiasessa asset ark .3.14 st•se. wattage Is. Boma eallstelassa Mods WS ss• Wit Ss Is a ssistadag Wool; if so, sky sot ma 'host sal if s jail's ita iftseitsto imam • Gressasoass.‘ll act al It so t 071111114141111 61, h Ur, 14 • 14 urr""C Pniarl *a bitatiuket sar.sl stes/4 s ,_ ra sang &SW sod t3Tast..isa " Sisal to no• r As' too miss, Is Owe dsTi d ortik- ralArl "" . Isobar Ws; t. stk—Who aft saistorsO'' I sappy* It maw kis, n tia setitrawilem says —" La.o Sasdases, asd.ssabos "Ir t sums Jet's, sly sot say sat ima Asti, Mel sat lama! Si a seal by Is irsry IWO ss Sad ygdf/-44: ; MAK eadussys aril at booip Wm. ang or (Wink gad II beg Oar rss des, missal ? ass tirsysiat bak Ssirsissi alp'? is biz litter. I ',shirrs list Wail ?say siSil*•Saftitittios u•saidci. poi 44- cot ie.44 sat., It mash* aril' is ter atimktalp• doss alma will b. sisits to a lfstsastra-'• Niagrasnaliallif Of 411 ,11 1114W1N, Mc The traw nil The Antal* peeting mfarsatithes :VA sp. cowed to ne.Priss, a UT fsyr se, m:kW as el am ulturstatiots of neirsfessi,:aurt so • , ciameoa. " Moto es ass kids that tons ins VW. sus* "is arum sets to prim. T trusts w Erg it is b *mad Ea Carialiw, An 3., Sm. rut Qta : ' " Mute is tba idarSa 'Bari ariad try do (nod Gam pima am I ad Wadi an DUNN nsaia.' • Caeusarateaticat to tlik ataiTaper: ari . samsi Eteuratgacch "a Locirrya Irr. "A Lockerea to Varna." Is Itistart kr Ittzto.:c Litt S. Sous 1, Is the pump semam4 ta• to se• used to : "My loalsimata ems suss Ms& r o Idiot, to two is Yda st." " Tbo lamb d the Captain" to mil Si t. Ivo gem ineckfia 4. tit* iamb of an do Capi744,' bat .stet saw It to sae& strioatiy, tog tbortisto a tat 44 it to the abcmt. • War TM hoot • Ds Sot.miale Locrusl-...aire ea ** itia linibto Lod toottettlro looms it Ore= a Minis esr IlitfOool•otkis goo ik.oit ems. Use attornatiott," a aids** oltft Ii tail to maks iatareaCmg. Dr. !eves amitln• anti an act ar that rapar'Scht },ll MiSit) PI , Ras pan carnat la tta Often e 4 salw.z.ul salt lit la • tiloipoi *Wu ar ea Ina .4RP. ass Ole; ea* who, brnag Issas blew, a rn rtalfty, la able top,,nlans Craw is 40 , 1117 von priselpir labia mats tt sea a 'la sual ondaiad it askew* lloakanama mad stir: Dr DOcala Thom ad Q. toso sag! 14,i-tar,. 41191 !Web bs preoria theta, bloat wars VA s Asp matzo* at tb. ratraret7. GENERAL NENS. Tastancsee —nen tore allariktres (P..; isms ire lamp sdstaskarmairst b mum tab •kii iiirselles. st Pit:Abet& T, Wei *Sae •as Pia. Ha vat it redda lu; attd antral is OM itaturry ass kite ears tr: 4.••• =sad Mai has titles okalest 7re Dm as do % m u , Al stn. .boat UM* earl tram ea tie - tart Atm X reepsessois g paaranina sail as stusisest Lai via:as:4 cum cep biota's@ kit Cal Pity le is sail e.tstesled L t be arbodly ace.: b tb• insananatinr !maims& A ItiArrlt es, serets:ssty immortal to oarscitatat s ratan Us lossiotsd area asst as s c . el* tile etre Ii parectiad iggratil - Steel "lasts. his siroar tin twig Fat. s a r g Seta/ up son Waist awl matt mkt item, lizaltaraas 'WA tarry OA um panne se tin atagnenwia uk telt arms VW ts tae slick rbay 1:4 =Llsis.sad 'mil furls se tit ed. kii4 s eimandharty frau Vas b dze cue* tr. merry Sim sad. so tin lltaw tai teas tiosebrireg kit bated girl aka asparwaes, at 1.47 mg is tabu Tkey Cu ecru* at is so z'y Add, *lse Mlle bey et leer yams Ts Itr am.. aria Lad Mani* es Ise am* ay....maul sirk kis site, L sutra ellerassal ad 'MAW Vat Sit Altai* Int tl• IR-.111-10 terc~does] Ss tads fora ass aNialk k U Mr. w.e der rat/ !rob IMO 011thlioatNawl tr 27 klailarlin , au*ShurYna Jaen, Suety. at ale 'entre a lea* sr ..arairsisat at Wasp sal • aura • nfin hem, dioali► ban aussigtiog a las um .:4, 'v ibe nu winning tin part at Carkilis, & Lear, rite b tia se: la ',Usk At Lr t • b• Used An Pra iron tat is apace tin I 11•14 s Stri• arms.; kat &Fa- PIM g 1.611 reps bens • ra...assl.a. f, era., 'V it s • 2 • .iltt311:1 drOMPa 6la w Srual val. Daft? rn:g I to be isseasibia tai it eta us. • its maid be rasaa—od is isacaserstsita -a a ver7 ;maids& wen" ail if core a nick ttio 135.1.14 tkuUsirstroa TIM !Ott'? et Vital aftli ..-3141Mit paid so übt is W i Ca. 1,0043141.: a e •airs Lary attrodkid *send rue' rs• Lervel Crigvi* sari fast OD Nagol • , Mr Naomi 114•4014 t. padmaeur : • vt•d: Oat to s,ms•o•al b bat. 4.1-:". 42 t • nag th• lifirt day; Qs: essulrs»t► et e :••: kat Col so Sarsmisy_ He m yillllll of ace, Lai • irrot-rierpotoolt :x .cb•rs bats boss is is aLuast ; .t is kapiod got so diusgarctogy. TI. tmr:•er TA: •s/ roual frt.= tl• city paririm ct eh• his Irmo to Rasdar• U urrectg tin til iota• obi* bat• Woo, sat<is.a•al •rS t,,-;," ....toe Ws up•risoetd a* szAntralle aft•c• Prue tu-Exvorto.e or lasso• PIIARCIL au, of Marytau& ¢s Ul* Di tug., raiart -ell • al lAD. Jules Allred Ptatt•, of Kaat mast, ,s r•t: t or of t 6• raitot Stets tar Ito Bua• of .1. r a tun eix pan trio ties .114 a Id Ut71 . 3.1.8 , tun 1. 1 . e prettse tres expir* Ewe•• •-• to. 2. ,r• row' cast—etirra nimbi re bete leposith.o. Mr. harts r•tsierd S, r --te . Denliir•, Eat. a Seitarrat ireaur.y.y. Ears vu oat Coat. Mr. Piture t IC rote•- Mr Platt. 00$ tat ettati Cz a alto s. d tom of Gar pram this re. e:ectai f, r a tee= f Ito years, atria f.r a :oral ruit.tt cx.! r f •!• sears, aad sire the Um he U jut te•eet 1 '1 - r ye, will matt. eztaa'4 be •em it grlt, a vest7.tvo years to Ilts Vertu 8 auto S. :Ace Lo Tits Roos Luau —The weritrsata at te• Caarattoes, Juba Rata. sells an V/ sal ta 4salieited, at skis bead et • datervm...2 ct to ritie, stayed is Clestsassere. Sercata4a. rcc -oemsday util lasa MezaiLay saf It, titer. .a.occe saffertiesr say+ : Tsty stayed aa •••ttmaiti WI. sad to fork tees wart ma rt•:- a. t • aura laid Mr. Rue teseerkad las tee !Brava+ fmaii•Laz aa4axharjed Livens gala id rasa. Eke Ittarei itg l'a?; to • -II st• amaze et oar cite sari saes +sell les The [mites sane etCl.:.. • •-• s , • ia • Claaasa," iralab. la Itaallia 1- , at 71t• taste !tam C.la,tazw•ia re :• riptsd it Ctaa•Le saes . e ..., vassal at , bet tottstefe d Cart Amore {-eel. .ei eablUal : Taking a SA sat of U, Wets itelen taws et L,eLeal awaseasla If sashes," •1143 Is. la Isitlee, tact=; Foes 0 1../ Etioexas Boast B leas is ie h, renietb 'tarot ste afee. a trite at Tire , • • r +worst Darin ike last +am, z g • mud be torrid mar inlilO• nit a Lie imtlay 1t..; St L..+02•.• is tdid, a... 4 was eJleivmd 3 , e HIS Is 131 i a. *al •2.cia:e.t A'' nt 3l ursori, sad I:ll,ter<Ll 4-• Ss raital los Le erne Oa,: e.l • ( rem sad to la) sod '3e a, v.e S e a :e LI •+, :a ;.ta 1343 Le miss sieved .1 etri tte St L .C..mart sad tented okra* years sal Ilea , I in 1447 kis address as Prelates et :Se C- , s•c -latbor and Rine C.alseseion vas .1:4 Be was also l'neteleat of the Wald; C :as:. Ineseitsated General Sean tat been the Isedist lawyer at the s: sciestiagli exaseigary la ;was* l•ft, a:4 Cts tatter at sevattesa slt.Lirtr, :tett at ell 1:1 4 earths_ Stele OT St7leletei!‘rt Curtlames —The rt , rot dog pree•fe+c ranstbalisa sacs] rt• h tribal icy H, bsilimkh of rate coverrence. An.] ly nave It to held la greater detestatha than b.: :ha satires them:stet& liMeed.l4o, vith th. it t.:r r,r of the mime Is $ Kresge. vapereM:kal ft= cf be etimlned, whom they betiore M ht cc: .• j with e.epernsturatponer arum v:•*:„1: au. hty eam prevail. At Damphin Raw, a: of the whiter, • tragafy va: et Int: ebleh makes one ahmider. A rear. 'irk 'y naaed Seehetzaketa mes armload by Cz!.:lt Ketchum, hte two reemin tan. to dada t. become • man-eate r. Alarmed at Le tk of math • calanuty, th cr errAtai to en re .t by pattitts away the ot.j.et at their dread became prow( stelae! tear Weareg- o.t• is? tt =impieties al man was lying kei•dris to c t :.mp, *boo Carta lad Sateheora Uri tt;,:r and harbarcogy mariormi him. They cot c C.; B rij then bast Ws body to asbas —Mat:rat: Gamely, Fri. 'II. as* Winning ways the WerITTI 114 , /.1 6srf One D. J. ilonseman rtIII4Ted to .2 Ur 2 Ohio (OW or fir* Jean MCC 32. Michigan hie wlf died. Subaqua:ly I• :.:,ca acquainted with a young lady to th•t Stir e„ •-d made an arrangement of mortice with LIT. EIS Of a sadden he Wanted to Tata, Ohl a, gni bee alone reatdvd, there. it few dap rt,„o the hted:sa stage carried • lady pasomper to oat wh", after arriving at the ho; el,• eat In The latter obeyed the sunumnaw, and ate m ..st diately after his entrant* into the rcrm est •-• coated by the lady. who asked if be was wi'arg. perform his engagemtht. At the 11::-A ti=• drew • six.barrelled rercirer, and. ycinti,c a: him, stated that she would gece him the rzzitr.ts if be refused. Under this inspieltint of the shooter, added to the charms of the yre.ng ,aiy, HoWleillas admitted that I: was and the ceremeny TIC at once perftrultd. Mrs- 11.13 Vii dently not a lady to be to with. 1Y" Witte, water srakh your ty_shisads' tots,- et. Last Thursday • I ;eintleman on a train front Washington to :low York, la st,..ci2mr.y .1 , 1 nil wire, bad occasion to take from his r•chst a zez , tobacco w rapped in taper. and lz.s:ra,-; of utl , :c the weed, as she supposed, draw oat a r 7 ... f bells, mounting to 1230, wk.' his wire snatched the suss from her hushaed's ban?. e threw It oat at the window. The gentleman ruturnoi M the cut us/21 i Numb. 41 Li, lost Wont,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers