IMPORTATIONS. (11 - eglorled for the Premi -31ATA.R2A13-4013 _Mary Cobb, Conwell—ZO bade cloyed indawies 403 n o b le do $ hbdi Idneeovado do 1 15 bble do Stewart, Carson & - . , BIRD'S Ina:ND—BOW I lliebeth 3; 'Foolle d e-1 75 tone gusto hang' Bnkcc; !,4 Akinnat/psyVn OW& :-YIMIETtIYInIiPAILSOb.‘'.II;' BO:tea.llft too bbla colt herroin 200 do WAIL doironen). 4 CHARLEBTON.--Sobt nannolol4 l2 4 'bales cotton Henry Sloan& Son: 113 do' ,laitartreon &,Cor 80 do 'hoe &neer; 183 bare and puredi - Iron Tbrernmeon Co; 10,216 feet lavabo - 11 bagerfnut W eroprt bble Order. " PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE: tosErE 80UDEtt ClopuniTl.ll 01 VHI MOREL HOS. KLll9sltai.; • „- , JuSTTER BAGS - THiNtiltriattl3'llloll.lll9l, PHILAD11:2111. Ship 5 m ,wR0w1and... 4 ...........Liverv01, MANI 1 I hiPl Nlrc i g t park Fremont soot Bark Margaret, tie Janeiro, Feb 29 . Wig O H Ythat, Feb 29 " SAILING. OF THE , OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED' OTAT,EB. _ , . SHIPS 'LEAVE ' ton •.. s EATS Arabia ,-..,....New York-Liverpool —........Feb 29 United Kurstom.New York-Qlnegow.-,... -....• Feb 20 PllllOB AIN3 rt.... New 4ordway-........... -Marsh 1 , 8050nta.........„.....:N0w or -RaMburg .........-hjaroti 1 . Glasgow... ~.. • ..New Vor ."..G1e0g0w.........••.1% etch 3 Arago--..... —Neer for k Havre._._....-.. aroh 3 • Europa. - ---• ..-•-• Iton-e5erp001.'.....•.....tr0h 7 Jura..... ~.....:-Neur- wk.., tserpool ... ..- .. roh 7 , Edinburgit.....-New clik.-./..IPOIDDOi i: .. a.. lareil 10 Anslo 8ac0n ......-. rort nd . „Livensoo 4..44 arch 10' Altura. •—.....•New York -Lrferpool...-...:. ri arch 16 Nov& Bootian- ....Portland- Live rp001.........Mar0h 17 America.. • •.•.......805t0n:•.14ver000L.........Mar0h 21 TO ARRIVE. - Gwyn . .. LEAVE - ' ran - • OATS Jar .. . ........:. Liverpool-raw Y0r1....-..... «Feb 11 ,Apil i g l f i tioLuf.:....l..lverpool c liortland —.-..—ln 15 Prim.. ... ..... "...11= . -Nti f r '§g i 1t".7....—:14b 1 1 8 ow, Voik•-.lllopthormston- lew York .--...,.Feb 11 Nors Scotian ....Liverooolutland—• .-...Feb 22 Amerierr,........-.Livernool... et 0..... •---= Feb 25 A F us on...Boul Lv mo o on - le w t o r k ...—Feb 2 n Ciroaseian--. •-•..- Oalway-Nsw York ~. March 3 ' - The Paltiornla Mail Bliamen sail from New York on the_ 6thf 20th of each month. . • . The 981 Btoomers leave New York on the WWI. 13th rit ,anFA of coon month, and Charle s ton, IS. C .. or t4l i e 4th an ~ - . . I . - ep the 17 above dates fall on loam, the steamers will Mil on M onday . except from rI6 UTEELEE. t MARINE INTEILLIti-ENCE FORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 4l3 i 1860. aIN RISES. —8 97-13 UN .1.3 Wen WATER.-- 43 Bark Elisabeth J, Por 11=tom Bird's Island, via 8t Thomas. Mb gut, with guano, &o. to Jairus Baker. Loft at ByThomas ship Neptune's Favorite, from.Cal 3 . lac, discharging guano into shirr International for Cowes; bark Evadne. Davis, from Canso, in distress; Mohr, Masonioßorbert,disohst Wit HYpenon -Wood, from Port Spain for St John, PR, to load for ri York; borke Juniata, Marcy, for New Orleans next day; Prank Rowell, from windward for Porter is tleo soon; Manhattan. Gray, from Buenos Ayres, in d reks, dist. Brig Mary Cobb. Conwell, 13 days front latauxtui. with molasses to Steward. Carson & Co. 21st lost, lat 3611, lout 40, spoke sohr Thomas, front New York for Jaoksonvale, a days out—till well, and Wished to no re ported. Bohr I. Poster. Goodwin, It days [-mu Fortune Bay, BP, with fish to Jaime Baker. Bohr Arens Lye. Nickerson, 14 days'froin N Orleans, with sugar, cotton. tO D 13 Stetson & CO. Bohr Alert, Champion, 16days from_Charloston, with cotton, &o. to Pettit, Martin & Co. Yeas 12 days north 01 Bottom , . Bohr Enna, Facemire, days from Now York, with to coptant. Bohr 8 N Elmith,Smith,2 days from New York, with mdse. to Pettit - Martin to o. Boh r Wm lione, Scott, 3 days from New York, with Pulse to David Cooper. Bohr B T Garrison, Gatos. 1 day from Cape May, in ballast to N Bturtevant A Co. Bohr John Qadwalader, Naylor, from New York. Bohr Mall Bhgabeth, Madar from NeW York. Bohr Restless. Smith, from gir Harbor. Bohr H A Weeks, Godfrey, ram Tuokerton. CMCD Steamship Kaneohe° lVE.P , R and. New York. J Bohr Ahem Lea, Fester,Mobile, rettit, Martin Pc Co. Bola Mary Elizabeth, Plenary, Hew York, Tiverton Coal Co. BOhi 'John Cadwalarier, N'sylor t Boston. , do' Bohr A Weed, Godfrey, Hiotunond, Nobly, Ham aunt tc. CaMural • • _ . . Bohr Restless. Smith, Richmond, Tiler, RUM Co. Bchr 8 T Citunialp, Omni Boston, Sturtevant &Co Norrespondene S g T rf t EL Mun A dep his Z.:change./ ' CAPE ISLAND, PI J. Cabello, 9A M. The bark White Wing, from forte went in yesterday afternoon, an d a double-topsail bark went out. Wind southwest. YOUIS, &o. - THOS. H. HUGHES. MIsMORANDA. ' Steamship Boston, Bellew, hence, at New York 26th instant. • Sh ip Ship Susan L Fitzgerald; Green, from Baltimore, ar rived at Valparaiso previous to 10th ult. • • Ship Malay, from New York, arrived at San Francis ; Co 31st ult. - Shur Eagle Wing, Worth, from New York, arrived at San Frowns's° 311 inst. . bhip,Panther, Gannett, from Boston, arrived at Ban Bram:arm 3d ,net, • ° Bark Mary Edson,NioliersOn, for Boston, was at Meg - lona 4th inst. . - Bark Grapeshot; 'HOO3ll'OOll. from Rio Janeiro via Pernambuco, at New OrleariskinhAdt. • Brig Ornate. Baker, sailed from New Bedford Seth met for Philadelphia. • Brig. Ocean Spray, Stabile, from Palermo for Phila. deipilia. sailed from Gibraltar 8d inst. Brig Wm Moore. Taylor, at Slow York 24h inst, from Arecibo, PR, via Guyaulls. reports, no date, 60 miles SSE from bandy Book, passed through ?rue quantities of lard. and picked up 10 kegs marked 11, Graham & Co, Phila. echrs Alex Henderson, Ketehum; Mary A filieddon, Sheddon, an Smith D Bellows, Clark, hence at New York 2eto Inst. Bohm 3 B. Williams. Herring; Robert P King , Leeds, and A 8 Cannon, Nowell, cleared at New York 26th Inst. for is por rl t. Be th hr Chaotte Shaw, Shaw, sailed from Providence Behr F r a nkli n . ra River. , Brannon, cleared at St John, NB, lath last, for this port. Soling N Lank Fleming, from Frederica, Del; Milton, Steelman. from New Castle; C K Painter. Stephens, from Milord , Del; 3 L Rees. Rolmeg, from Bridgeton. /1.1.,, and Transport, Spalth, from Morris !Aver, at New York 26th inst. ttSchr Eva Belt, Lea at New York 26th ins!, from Nay West, waarun into night of 26th inst, 10 miles ESE of Absece,M, by an Unknown solar bound IL which carried away nobtrom and stove the bow in; partially stopped the leak with cotton, and was obliged to keep one pump going to keep her free ; did not ascertain what damage the other vessel sustained. Schr S Sturtevant, Stover, from Charleston, arrived at New York 26th inst. At the Chlorines Islands Jan 24, ship.Rrise Standish, Auteuil' ; Crest of the Wave, Colter Witch of the Wavr., Sold; Bethiah Thayer, Munroe; Orpheus, 'Howes • Chariot of Fame, Knowles, • and Conquest Soars, for Hampton Roads, Idg ; Gates. and Peruvian, Roberts, for do do; Rival, Rally; Jos, Jones. P_endletoll; Spark of the Ocean, Drummond • Samuel W Watts; Cincianatua. Doane; Weltileet, Me- Oileery ; State of Maine. Pearson, H find A Farwell, Williams all Ids for Cork ; bark 3IT B rockman , Brook man, for ampton Roads. ldg Ar at Valparaiso from Jan lito lath, ships LeVanter. Brown, from Ban Francisco; James Cheston. Bryan, Melbournt; bark Howard, Musans, Havana via Fault land Island. At Callao, Jan 25. slops juliet.Sinclair, durg, for Man cha Islands; South America, Berry, disr, John Bryant, Gardner, from Caldera for Wallahs Islands to load for Cork • Annawon, McNear, limpness York Sept 10, Magi bark Hugh Birekhead. Coney. from C,oblla. discharging. Freights far Muted States $l6l to England £2los. NOTICE TO M ARINERS. The Five Fathom Bank Light Ship tor the Capes of the Delaware) has parted her moorings, and is absent from her station. Sae will be replaced as aeon as eon' iblo, of which due notice will be given. BY order of the Lighthouse Board. IL S. BTELLWAGEN, Commander U. S. N. Lighthouse Inspeotor's Office, Philadelphia, Feb U. 1860. fe 26 St LEGAL. VANE WADE,' by her next friend, BEN JAMIE M. PARIS, reruns JOHN WADE. ' Common Pleas. December Term, IR9. To JOHN WADE—Sin: Yon will take notioe, that the testimony on the part of the libellant in the above ow. will he taken before the Examiner upon Tuesday. the sixth day of Marsh. A. D. 180), at o'clock P. M. et my *Moo. no. MO weiAtrr Street, When end where you may attend if yml think proper. THOMAS J. DIEHL, Attorney for Libellant. fele ISt -11. THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. City_ of Philadelphia, to the use of JOSEPH M. PAYNTER, vs. WILLIAM P. JONES. Levert PSCitigt September Torm, 1859. No. MA. The undersigned. appointed Auditor to distrihuto the fund in Court arising from the sale br virtue of the above-stated writ of all that certain lot, or piece ci ground, situate on the north side of Marker street 177 feet 4 inches west from &wed street, hp the Pint ward. of the City of Philadelphia, containing in front on said Marker greet, a 0 feet 4 inches, and extending northward of that width 60 feet; bounded west by ground of Albertson. east by ground of John Donohoe, northward by a g feet wide alley and South Marker street. aforesaid, will meet ah parties In' interest at 4 o'clock Wednesday th e Mtn day of February. 3666 'at his olnoe, 155 South HIXTff Street, Philadel ph feleia. -stuttdit OEOROE A. COFFEY, Auditor. P1A1 , 1019. J. & C. FISCHER'S AND OTHERS' celebrated New Y ork PIANOS. From .9/83. upwards to 'lgo. For sale for can, and on monthly in• stall:neat*. rianor to fa t, JAS. BELLAH. VP & XI South FIFTH St., above Spruce. fee ltn* Bole Azent. STEINWAY 1E SON'S N E W PA- TENT OVER-871N0 (IRANI) , TAILNOB, RU &RE G RAPID, .A4DI3Q, ARE ?alive,•ncrorpre lorr,ed in r eri j uZta t A: v at , s t . ..pfegrulit'OPerl'il D trit Itri r glioll/ Judge ' s like GottegalMazon.Andisthem Uhaudge slloorapootittom BLAB iI_BICIMERS, ds-i, BOLO liEntila Street. --- mt.ROLIDAY PRESENTS ! YIAN9_OELFORDHO FS, M !lAN OR ME . mV.LO ' • Made tly• Raven, Batson, co., & O l ark Hallett, llama, & and others. 14414► OBVSNIII AA 11. 00 1922 . uz gWin A GREAT I&LPROITEMENIL IN PIANO; • - • ' ' BOIIOIi4AGXE3t In, cfrEffrlfUT 'Street, respeotrolly Witt the multi lovzigrilik,gto sill and examine' their new and Ea. -•rc!! ' !-. - - ,I•IraktOR,AIRAND num. flaying converted the Ton, Toneh, and Cru m of the Grand Piano Into that •of Same Instrument', avoiding all th e ohieetionagenem Y made to the style M Oraod Deno, also diminishing a oisetglai em i t - in volume, amity cocas, great newer. - f t Ad nerve, dep th , and eyeless cabmen, wi th sue he de - 8111Intlarleinttittnsr-10110BEliD 114- are unetalledi Theylahreoefted the highest eneognams, an are pronounced by arnica to be far go - parlor to any tnunenta meet =annotated in Ms ocnintm - , • - COUti nay on hand, a aid bregaitt aseo t h oe it u i r ryirs T A led rf ai L eglu T gigniret i li= - 00 as Ti l t Medal from thit. Crystal PMaoe talon. ew or ' " 1101- HARDWARE "PACKAGE' KOUNEB. 101AOKACIE lIARDWAXEI 110USE-Vre ' would remetfully esti the attention of Mit:hal ' ho hardware Trade to9tty exteruilve Stook of Bla puriGHArit Itait.D'SVA-KO, walea oar et annual tadvanee by the Mmie. - Orders for di teat imeortaifon sollited. and Goads de livered either thin eity. zo L er fryer:meant rsW Bon. - • 010 4R B Street, Irapertig' and arnanstolittliabeata And /Loh& or Fololp, 4114 mambo Lars -tt TO WIIOLESALE DRUGGISTS 4ND PHYSICIANS. Mrs. I AMES BEITs• INVENTIONS FOR, LADIES. Annroved of end hlghly,recommended by the Aledieel profess/6n throughout Ufa United States, Thirty Thou sand Inva ids ham/ been advised by their phydiciane to use her Surgical Atiplianoes. She would caution Alerehante and uthero mating enfolutinne except at her residence, lOU WALNUT Street, where she Pan be consulted daily, between the bourn of 9 and 6, lier book of testimonials will be pvenon epplioatbm, fe 11-stuth-lr - ; u - Manninotnroi KURT% LINEN and MARBEILLEE BOSOMS D PuLLARS.. . • A larke 6 cholas , asitiment, and. WlLl.Ainix ways on Ika. ad.nraq Which particularly invite o . et- Venn= 0 . wan ood_protul-payinglgu7.nitax i V ilt E. . Oonny prtrECOrui and ANOPH. attests In . Is • BRICK-AWING MA abitem n o ig u t intekites o,o 9:l4l~ieeses "etnallifitt474lM2sB'Pl ''81( lOktli.,KERO3 . bb • ' tor sale at mandsoitu o - +qv. g owl, #14414 - o RI &rot, NEW PUBLICATIONS. Now READY. ADD SUPPLIED IVITHOUT DELAY. 30.000 CGIES - .splz IN ADVANOB OF PUBLICATION. THS'ONLY eTVNUTNA' ANT) 'RELLIRLE RI t qqß frit r .kN A NS I PT IC GI E TITh IY AZIFITY. P." LIFE OF CAPTAIN JOHN ,BROWN, BY JAMES REDPATIC, WITH AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF 1118 CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH. In one elegant limo. volume of 400 pages, printed on superfine paper, and handsomely bound in gilt cloth fully illustrated, and embellished with a ' FMB STEEL PORTRAIT. 'PRICE ONLY $l. For sale everywhere by the Publishera' Agents, and at their store. Agents wanted to sell the work throughout the country.' • • Copies mailed to any address on receipt of price and 21 mutts in stamps for postage. Address rgIiAYER iSc ELDRIOGE, PUBLISHERS, 114 and 116 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. - feli-tuthat JUST PUBLISHED-- SOUTH AND NORTH; on, IMPRESSIONS RECEIVED DURING A TRIP TO CUBA AND TEE SOUTH. HY ' JOHN S. C. ABBOTT. 1 Vol. Unto. 661 76 cents CONTENTS: • I—The Voyage. ll—Tropical Bane. lll—Cuba—The °polies. IV—The !Bares' Cabin and the Freeman's Capp. V—Developments, Social Fhilosonlitoal. and ) 4 pht4l. Vl—The River, the People. the Homes. {I— En of the Meeks, and Blarmy of the Whites. —liumrreation ; Its fdeneen and Frevention. IX— The Remedy for Slavery', Its Simplieity.and Safety. X—The Motive Power of Wa . Sse. _lat.-T u be Impertinent l e i i t : ?Vega the 07. r t 1 .7 C II ?i i B la 4r l y t 1 174 t y and its Finite. XI —Dissolution o toe UlllOll. FOR BALE BY ALI, BOBKEIBLLERB. The Trade ViU find it for their interest to send their orders direct to ABBEY & ABBOTT. faMthse.tu-St Publishers. un NASSAU Street, N. Y DHAVES'AROTIO BOAT JOUR NEY.—An A rotio Boat Journey in the Autumn of 1864. By Immo J. hayea. 12ino. 191.25. Home Peatimes; or, Tableaux Vivants. 12mo. SH. _ Speen in the Night ; or, Hymns for the Busk and Suf fering. Hmo. 78 cent*. Primitive Piety sioviged; on The Aggressive Power of the Christian Church. By Rev. Henry C. Emit. Fa month Thousand. 60 canto. Life of Thomas Chalmers, D. D. 18mo. 66 cents. Emma Wellred ; A Gift for Bohool Oirle. 18mo. 620. What doe. a LLD° Money Cost 7 18mo. 20 cent.. Mary Alden or, Decision of Character. 18mo. 280. For lisle by WILLIAM B. NoLFRED MARTIEN. fen 606 CHESPNUT Streot. A NEW BOOK OFT OS. HOOD'S. WHIMS AND WHIFFS. By Thomas Hood. Nov first pu blished . Edited by Epee Sargent. One volume. OWN AT OXFORD. Part IV, GRACE GREENWOOD'S NEW BOOK: STORIES F.ROld - FAMOUS BALLADS. HOIABY HOUSE. A new novel. ByMaior Mel trifle; author of that capital Mm o " The Interpreter." Cleats. HE COMPLETE POETICAL WORTS OF T. BU- G ANAN READ. 2 voloalmo., oloth. OBSERVATIONS AND ADVENTURES ON THE WEST COAST OF AFRICA AND ITS ISLANDS. By Rev. C W Thomas. DOCTOLDHAAI AT OREYSTONES , AND HIS TALK THERE. A book most favorably noticed br the_uress. -One vol., limo. WOMAN, The new book by the author of L'Annour. Translated from the Emelt of Idiohelet lig Dr. Fel tner, Editor or the Atlantic Monthly, •One vol. IL REVOLUTIONS IN ENGLISH HISTORY. By Ro bert Vaughan. D. D. Volume I on the Revolntions of !Owe. Bro., cloth. let TEE MAN, IN THE CLUB WINDOW; or, The Habits of Good Society. A Handbook for Ladies and tientjemen. One vol. t Bl.Ye. HUMANICS. The tudy of Mankind. By J. Whar ton Collns, Profeesor SUL n the University of Louisiana, Ilvo.odot . WILD PORTS IN THE SOUTH; or, The Camv Fires of the Everglades. By Charles E. Whitehead. Translator of Gerard. the LlolllCiller. One vol., with illuetratione. Ave r y entertaining book. MISS FARDOE'S LIFE STRUGGLE. Her last, and said to be her best, novel. ells. LIFE IN SPAIN, Past and Present. By Welter Thonibury. A most eharsolpg and ruant book of Adventures in Spain. le 0., cloth. 8 • LUCY CROFTON. The now neve . By the author or " Days of My Life" Iso. ra cents. DARWIN'S ORIGIN OF SPECIES, by means of Natural Beleation. 41135. For sale by SAMUEL RAZARGsJr., fe74-St 721 CRESTNUT Street. GEORGE, G. EVAIIS , BOOK LIST. •IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF ANY BOOKS, TEEAT GEORGE G. EVANS' 11 THER AT GEORGE 0. EVANS' U TIM AT GEORGE G. EV A NS' THEM AT GEORGE O. EVANS' ift Book Store, 439 Chestnut street, 01 ft Book Store, 439 Chestnut street, - Gilt Book Store. 439 Cheetput street, Tie the beat place in Me on. Books are eold as cheap as at any other Store, and yon have the advantage Of getting a handsome Gift, WORTH FROM ao CENTS TO 3100 with each book. NEW ROOKs: MICHELEPS WOMAN (LA FEMME). One volume, 12mo. With it Gift. Prose el. !JOVE (L'AMOUII). One volume, Ilmo. With a Oi Prioe 1. TITLE HUNTING. By E. L. Lerryben. One vo lume, I2mo. With a GiR. Pries 81.23. A LIFE STRI/GOLE. )3y Miss Pardue. One vol.. 12m0., pith a Om. Moe $1.23. SIR BOHAN'S GHOST. A Romance. One volume lamp. With a Gift. Price 81.2.3. TWENTY YEARS AGO AND NOW. A new end litter/Wing bcok. By T. S. Arthur. This book is supe nor to an ever written bi popular author. One volume limo . " With a GUI. 'nob B ALL 'VOYAGE OF THE " OX" IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS. One volume, BO O KS With a Gift. Frio* 81.61 ALL THE rt W BOOKS AB SOON AS ISSUED. Call in and one trial will assets You that she best Piaui in /ha city when, %mu shovkipurehass Books is GEORGE G. EVANS • GIFT MOOR ESTABLISHMENT, 439 031ESTNUT St., Philadelphia, fe2l4f ' Two doors below Fink. on the tipper side. MEDICINAL. fIYSPOPSIA. FIFTY YEARS INDE: SCRIBABLE AGONY FROM DYOFE.I'SIA, Nervousness, Sickness at the Stomach,- and Vomiting, have heen restored_tikpf Ilc c imgius health restorinti.RßYALE CA rom the Ifonorablo Isidore J. Blake.) YDNEY, 43 Elizabeth street, 17th August, 1869. DEon SlaS lam happy to Inform you of the reat benefit my daughter bas roomed from the ,Slevalenta Arabica. She was very thin and delicate, being too tail for her ag.e, between_ ten and eleven, when she com menced taking it. ft has made her quite strong and healthy. I consider it the most nutritious restorative food for children and delimits persons. Believe me, dear Sire, truly yours, I. J. BLAKE, March 13th 63 On, 186 ion 6. street, Third district, New Orleans. For seventeen years I have been laboring under an insufferable afiliotion. deprived of eleep, and so dizzy at times that I could not help myself; any stomach 'would fail mo. and I thus became a helplese.enervated inva lid. At last, on the 16th of June, 1354. 1 was taken down with an alvme flux and lolling pains in the bowels. Often as I went to bed at night, I thought I should never see the morning. Sly medteal attendant and friend. in whom was all my trust, could do nothing to alleviate any sufferings, and sent me to one of his colleagues, whose attendance proved as unsuceessful, all the reme dies prescribed failing to a ff ord ran any relief. It was at this stage of my dismuie that. on the oth of September lest,l luckily met one of my friends. who told me that Mr. J. B. Monier pad passed through the same ordeal, and had been radically cured by Dri Barry ' s Revalenta Ambito& Thereupon I immediately began to make use of it, and Boon after. 1 felt relieved; and the extraor dinary dotage for the better I have s_mduelly, expe rienced since, owing to that excellent Farina, induces me to believe that I am eomtiletoltomeo . B. BRRNARD, Comrtterolal Abstraot Clerk In the Collector's °Moe. CAER No. as 816. • . [From the Rev. James T. Campbell, Syderstone Reo tory, near Fakenham, Norfolk December Rh, 1849. 06NTLIniltn:In all oases of Indigestion, and_paruou tarty when the Liver is inane than usually sheeted. I consider Du Barren Revalenta Arabioa Food the best of all remedies. Yon can make what use you please of this communication. 1 am, gentlemen. JAMEB T. CAMPBELL. Perfect digetition, strong nerves, and refreshing sleep restored by Du Barren strong nerves, Revs lento Arablim Food. Upwards of 0000 ourss and many thousand testimoniale. Packed, with full inetruottpee, in oanieters t 1 fb 81.00; 12 fbe ay. The latter carriage free on receipt of cash. Sold at the Heoot, 243 South THIRD Street, b H. MUNRO, prtnelpal Agent for the United States, and by all Grocers and Druggists. fel9-Im* RUSHTON'S OOD LIVER OIL, 701 i CONBUMPTiON. SS's PURE COD LIVER OIL. PERFECTLY BWP.ET Arm PALATABLE, menu• featured rat Newfoundland for the Droprietore. from fresh and healthy hymn, by 'team, at a - low tempera ture, thus preserving the sweetness and purity of the Oil, while the natural fishy fl avor is pa:featly covered , and the oil rendered palatable and Agreeable to the taste. The_proprietors of this Oil spare no expense in having their Oil properly profaned at Newfoundland, the only Wain) where the Q adne morrhua is found abundance. The true Oil isfreimently impaired by admixtures with oil from other senates of thebiad family and only that owning from the " Banta can oe relied upon as the genuine. Our Oil has been enalreed, and pronounced to be pure. and the perfeont n of nue qualkty—oharaeteristios which enable it to maintain its superiority overall Other Prepared and for eels, wholesale and retell. by RABBARD & CO.. rattail Twelfth and Chestnut Watt, Philadelphia. . . THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND DA , LLEI''S Mitolo4.lf FAIN EXTRACTOR HAS universally supplanted all other Ointments and healing applications in both the Eastern and Western • ilenklepheree, wherever Intro duced { an tin Istria= merit is the true secret of Ile 111100611 in all tiadgeOlit affections. Whether the cause DO accident or disease, BURNS it M SCALDS tr i f instantly gelielld of § their anguish, pain and animation, DT a Vine/ 4 .ppui...l this mar e* lewd hanky, and the flesh a renewed as if by a eharmfa blemohnr_run roma nnine. RE PRIHND Onto THE NRERY. CM rem are rrespe sufferers from external in juries, expeoiadly from 7 Fluid and Comphene Ex plosione—therefore every Z mother should have this healing preparation con- stantly on hand. It heal. ItHitAftllt i "de quickly 11. Igri v n e rh t e h rtur py rnil 07 Ti a aiI, V n ELLPTRB j 3 asV SEA art u us,I2D. The aohni st A the Tra•veller.and every other in ri d:: vrihose i of in i ,Dfe 5 throws, bun within the 4 ,a rrionguld ‘ rraigk prif:ll traViViriiiZiltrZg; le his best and only friend. M A is both portable and cheap, and ehould evfic be cc hie companion, es a friend in need. • There are ou- sands of living w e CO LOOfttr to fie =rye! ous virtue, who Owe their got nd li mue , and mu to its laving efficacy. . he ollowligprea few ~2 of the brads.* EXTRACT- w lob ALL Y aMAOI- .1 OAl* PAIN 0H tea pN VENTIVE itt as waling CURE s INUM. Erysipelas , 1111:4v)foatl'And'' 21:,7' rout B ites, Sorccula* . Broke,. Breast, lever Sores, Scurvy, Bites of Repitles, eloas, Scalds* Canner, lanilular Dix- Sourf, Cracked .1114 s, awe, Scald Head, Chapped rids, • Mercurial Saw, Sprains, Chtiblains, acne generally, geBlll Pox, Cramp, itnples. Contracted Cm*, P rone IUI7IOIII. We tto r , Chafes. rson, Ulcers, Diseases of the heumatiem, Venereal Sores, Skin, ashes, km Sold at the prinelylal Depets,l4 Broad way, New York, ni t la end DI Chartres street. New (Weans, by „I. W I 0 H.r Sc. CO., General agent. It can Ok.o bp ob tamed of all respectable Druggists and Alerehants throughout the United Statue and Canada. T. W. DYCaT k SONS, 218 North SECOND Street, fell Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. _ TO TIN PUBLIC. CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The abf,ve patent le deemed, by scientific and email wo mon, te be the very best ever offered to the public, and peadd only to be seen _in notual operation for ita pietas tO be aPprecte.ted. Plething ever introduced is so perfectly annbaa lluded for vani dating private and public bulldingr so Dole,l betridtele. Mien* houses, mines, gt,,, turve.deff, and for the cure of smoky they h le i the rfaetureg nt lame * I: sa m e tpd retail, at OR B STRILL al4 11AI IyIARVAT B Street. Phila. Personal attention will be riven to all descriptions of heating and ventilating by the tind.ersisned. who hest peen matiy years praottcallY emsased)n the above bull gess, Also for sale, Ctilur's Justly:celebrated warm-air turenbee, °oolong ranges, bath boils, registers, ke., by toitt-otuthein 0114% WiLIAAMO, THE PIiESS.,' I orl t ELPILLA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, •18.40. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. TORN MYERS, HAVING SOLD OUT his business at the S. W. corner Broad and Hanson) streets, all persons having Orions against hint will tooease send the same, Mao, those w above indebte him WI please call id settle at the place. PlanteSpina, Feb, 24, MO. fe2s-6t DIERLADELPHIA, FEB. 26 1860.—YTIL -1 LIAM BIRCHALL and DANIELi. HAKIM having purohased the 'pianist of JOHN MYERS, have this day gone into joint partnership in the Warta Air Furnace and Range ManulhotorY , W. corner of ejn the above line. BROAD and RANSOM (late George; btreets, Inn- solicit the public patronag Ran es constantly on hand. Repairing prompt ly attended to. fe25.6t T HE firm of WEBER AI RUCE is this day dissolved br mutual consent. The button wilt be settled by either partner Signed, JNO,C. WEBER, Philadelphia, Feb.l, J OS. N. RUCH. JOS. N. RUOII, ? has associated with him H. K. BENNET I , and will continue the manufao lure of Shirts, Collars Roams. Maurer', Overalls, ho..u n dgr the firm of 'BENNETT & RUCH, at 217 CHURCH Alley, where they invite the attention of dealers in the above line or goods, _ H. K. BENNETT, Philadelphia, ree. 13, 186 G JOS. rt. RUCH. pelt-Ht - • • EDUCATIONAL. ' A MESIOAN SUBOOL INSTITUTE is a reliable medium thronshwhloh Schools and Fami- Uee may obtain own rent teachers . Parente may ob tain, gratuitously, in ormetion_and circulars of the beet 'dipole. B ITH WOODMAN, York,, BPS DROIiDWAY, New or au-tr 0309 CHEST UT Street. Philadelphia. IFERYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERQ.ANTILB COLLEGES, loostod at nips fa% r E k% liom and o and Per tmormatto. oad or Ind tor gamin.. to9-tf HOTELS. - - CONTINENTAL HOTEL. PHILADEL PHIA,,CORNER OF CHESTNUT AND NINTH STREETOPENS' , FEBRUARY MIL This magnifioent establishment has been erected by enbsoription; the stookholdere oomprising a large num-, per of the most enterprising business men of the oily in Mach asse Declarationental Congress Mat gave to the world the y of American IndePend nee. The hotel has accommodations for about one thou sand guests, 04 Hi supplied with even' 1110detil Provement for men, comfort entire nvenienee of Mini- Mt, business men, and the travelling commu nity. A vertical railway is being cottititioted upon a novel and scientific principle. whioh render: aomdent Bible, affording the moans of reaching the raheitt sto ries without the fatigue of asoending continued ni,7l , ta of stairs, giving easy times to the purer air and quiet of the upper rooms. The spawns corridors for ventilation, and every Protection against the dangere of fire, have been libe rally Introduced. An ()Volume reading room find business exchange, with telegraph nifiee and connecting writing rooms, havebeen provided on the first floor, The whole of the interior arrangements and famish ing have been midsr the personal superintendence of PARAN STEVENS. under whose management the success of the Revere Rom and Tremont BOUM Doe ton ; the Battle House and POut Clear Hotel, Mobile; and the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, has been es tablished. The various departments of the Continental will be yonder: ted upon the game liberal scale which has earned for the above named hotels their well-known and ex tensive share efnubile favor. All communications for apartments, or upon any busi ness conneeted with the house, should be addressed to Continental Motel, in prder to insure immediate atten tion. [fel7-12t1 J. E. STEVENS & CO. SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER 63 WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, US CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, Miebinee, with Operators, on lure to Private Amities. bRANCII OFFICES T West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J, 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton, Pa,tele-ant WILCOX & GIBBS' SEWING. MA CHINE.—The great and increasing demand for Wilcox & Gibbs' Sewing Machine in a guarantee of Its BANKS exeellenoe. Fries 810. Far eats at FAIR BANKS' Seale Warehouseale CIDISTNUT Street. feS-tf CIGARS, TOBACCO, &o. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD. SNUFF & TOBACCO ItANUFACTURER, Is and 18 CHAMBERS STREET, , Tormerly Chatham street, New York,/ Viroul oall the especial attention of Oyocers And Drug& sts to Me removal, and also the articles of his insurilaotnrs, BROWN SNUFF. Matbneiltappee Denngros., Puke virginit, Coarse 14ppeti, Natchitoo es, AmenoauCentleman, Copes igen. EIf.LLOW SNUFF. Boot*, Friuli Scotch, High Toast Sootoh, Irish High T oast, Fresh Honey Dew TSootch, OBACCO. or Lundyfoot. AMMONS. Flag cur cinrWlso. Immune, No.l, F. A. L., or plain, St. Sago, No. 2, Cavendish, or sweet, Spanish, Nos. 1 & 8, mix'd,_ Sweet Snouted Orinnoo, Canister, Kitefoot. Tin Foil Cavendigh, Fare Turkish. A CI router of Prices will be sent on application. N. B.—Note the new article or Fresh Bootch Snuff, which will be found a superior artiole for dipping pur poses. rfAVANA ORiABS.--A full assor ment, glitn4=743ilin atorees.VulndliTledgeatton d20.1f Na.SN Routh FRONT Street. COAL. PAIL P. mut. KELLER & EMORY, Office N 0.140 WALNUT street. Philadelphia, Pa., BOLE AGENTS FOR E. Borden' superior Broad Mountain White Ash, and Heeksher (a Co.'s celebrated Black Heath and Otto Shipped by oaunt mad railroad from Bohuylkill Haven l'a. 111 OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR .11-11tintereet. - Buy your OPAL AT MOW, where nothing nut the very besynailty of ',MLA and &buy'. gin poshi offered at the °norm( reducer,' yrieet: belugh,Brolitn, zip an Stgve--....—..i1e ge Diu ton. t_g h r u iMit_...,...,,,,„_, --- , -- 3 tO 1 " warranted free unm iguice . urluun and I' 11 weight at Wl C Lt 3 o . NP. ra dal i rat ies:et. corner MARISI"Ias4tV SW. GROOM & CO. KJ* Office 146 south FOURTH Street, WHARF, FIND BTRUE'F, BORUYLICIIab, Dealers and ShiSnarl OF Locust Mountaion, 0 Lehigh, and Dam Mill L Merchandise taken on wharfage. olLant HICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LERIOD. COAL,preparectielth ogre, fotegle or beetitgrote, APPIr et LNOWLEet3 Depot, DINTS and wILLOW Strada as-or MACHINERY AND IRON. SAMUEL V. MEERICY. J. VAITOLTAN ?AMUCK WILLIAM lI.A_MERRICY. SOUTHWARK FOU N DRY FIFTH AND WASHINGTOPI BTRENTS. PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture Rosh and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River. and Marine Iron Boats, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o.; Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gam Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, &o. Retort, and Gee Machinery of the latest and piped im proved construction. Every description of Plantation Maolnner,. smolt SI Sugar, Saw. and Gnat Mi'ls, Vacuum Pane. Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &a. Sole Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar Soihng Apparatus: Nasinyth's Patent Steam Rammer and Aspinwall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine aua-r GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. W. SOOTT---late of the ftrin of Win er • cheater in Boott—CaNTLEMENT FUltitalt- INOL VIVRE and mina meNoFnoToo eht CHESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Gward eased reftaktelebia. J. W.B. would reireeetfolty VIII the attention of hie totmerpati.on• And fitandi to Ws new store, and he ere parri to nu clam nillititt short eotioe. A ter sot fitanmantted. Who owl e Trade supplied with nue Marta add Collars. SOUTHERN OIL COMPANY on NEW ORLEANS. No. I Machinery Oil. at gaper cent. below the cheap est lubrioating agent in nee, tar railroad oar box'', sta tionary sngineli. sugar refinance. printing presses, ho. 'this oil Is chemically pure ; is entirely free from gum end sold, and In all changes of the temperature retains it, perfect limpidity. It has been tested against sperm, lard, manilla, Polar, Arctic, whale and elephant oil, and has defeated all with , the exception of the very hest sperm, alongside 01 rh' It ran for 3,315 miles on the Macon and Western 'f rau!, Georgia, when no difference' was percept ble. The attention of Machinists is particularly requested. naPer. TO Pennsylvania Central Railroad. New Orleans Pfraynne. Commercial Bulletin; niNpii , Orleans. Beloher's !user Refiner & tAty ,oll IS. .Dl, AN cOX E. Agent, 144 Smith POS/ttll Street Philadelphia. PATENTS PROOURED itx THE UNITED STATFB AND EVROPF,at 11.110W8ON'8 offi °es. Forest Place, 1234' 8. FOURTH Street. The pro prietor visits Washington twice a month, and attends personalit to MI eases entrusted to lam. Reddens No? COATES street. Pamphlets on the management of rejected applioa lions, foreign patents , oases of Interference. and a Oa oaltdof reference, may be had at the Kiwis offioes. natagoyon, lowa, Oct. Ski 1857. Dieu Sin : I take this occasion to state to yell , that for mayoral Years east I have bean acquainted with the manner In it/doh/on have omiduotedyour business :10 Patent Solicitor. This hea always been nighty creditable to yourself and satislactory kith° Patent VITIoe. You un derstood your ollaellell, and preowned them in that intelintelligible form wh i ch generally Insured success. ligible this certificate, hoping that it may be serviloe ab.a to you in continuing to find that employment In your profession to which your intelligence, Industry, and courteous nearing, so Instly entitle you. Yours, very tru Malan, Late Cumnilssioner of Patents. Hatter Ifomeon, Esq. fee-1110 SALAMANDER SAFES, A large mortal* of ot re PRIkADy s LPigAtetnIT so VIBM 4.:tuvi.' AIL For Hanka and Wren. BANK 100115 j, at to all IROVooRs, silifraffiN . the good terms_ao any other t rtabnaent ha th e Uult°4Bt AnNi& W 40N, 1i0.1104 ullFATNtotoot, PARAAR OMR WA A (lAN!. toot, TIE LEON, 411 CHESTNUT STREET, above Fourth, Morth stde, has the veryheat STll_T i c n and Chewmg Totowa in 1%115401p ia. A NEW AND WONDERFUL DISC/0- 1* VERY for the Cure of pheumatism and Gout. LESLIE'S MITE riu PILLS. This medicine is offered wit the utmost conlidenaaof AN being tbn most ell'oetua; remedy for the above dis eases ever yet disoovered. No denser need he aPPre heeded from its Use by mail, mos delicate. PlOO SI par box. Can be sent by on enclosing one ppo t a ge stamp and price of Pills. For sale b the sole agent, _ 115 A South HARPER, VROT Street, MARTIN & QUAYLE'S STATIONERY TO di If Y AND FANCY I)I 0001)3 E R (_, lO3b WALNUT STREET, HELOW re 21•1 3, pHILADELPIIIA. Conetantly on hand Perfumery and Toilet Articles. VUOIIET & SONS ,_ _NJ. IMPORTERS OF HAVAI,NA CIGAR& No. 216 South FROM T Street, Receive regularly a full asiortment of desirable 01- OARB, wlneh they offer at low rate ,, for omit or ap proved orad it. feWle AOKEREL.-500 bbls Primo No. 1., J-VA- toe bbla Lama No. S., 900 bbia Small No. a„ and on Itortment of ?linkage,. For sale by WM. J. TAYLOR k. 00„ us awl 124 :want wharves, RAILROAD LINES. 1860., agraltim 1860. WINTER ...IMAM:IE9IE —NEW YORINES. THe CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHLA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FllO9l PHIILADELPHIAA TO NEW 'YORK AND WAY PLACES, Froin Walnut Wi -stree e ll l t W 110 harf and ws—via Kennington Depot, ave as fo : Pmts. At 6 A 21, via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Accom modation ........ Ate A itkvia ilunden and - demi City (N. J.) Ac commodation.. . 26 At 9A. gd, via Camden and . Jersey Cite, Morniii3 300 Mail-- At 11 A 111, by Steamboat, via T&001111 and Jersey City. Western Express 9 (V At 123.i' P 91, vol Camden and Amboy, Accommo - . . 25 Atdation 2 P 91, via Camden nod Amboy, C. and A. Ex. 2 At 02 11: P M, via Kensington and Jersey City, Eve ning Express.,. . „... 900 At thi p M, via Keneinglon and Jersey City, Class Ticket............ •.. ...... ...,. • .... 926 At AL via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mad .... ...... 300 At 11 P 61, via Camden and Jorsei City, Southern I Mail Atel' M. via Camden and Amboy AC.1,01Y11 . n . n . a . 11- 225 Don, (Freight and Passenger, /—le't Class Ticket. 923 60 The 6P 91 Mail Lino runs daily. This 11 r Al, South ern Mail, Saturday,' excepted. For Belvidere Easton, Flemington, Ac., at 6 A 61 and 91, from Walnut-etreet wharf. For Maui% Chunk, A ilentown, and Bethlehem, at 6 A 91 via Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water (3ap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes'arto, Montrose, Brent Bend, &0.,M 6 A. Al., via Delaware, Lackawana mid 'Western H. R. For Mount Holly. at 6 and 9 A. 21., 2 and De P. AL Fur Freehold, at 6A. M and 2 ES. P. M. • WAY' LIN For Bristol. Trenton. Re., at Hi P. M. (rein Walnut street Wharf, and ask I'. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton. Distance, Beverly, Burling ton, Bordentown, Re. r at 12:4,3, and P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Bordentown and Intermediate Planes, at 23.4 F. AI, Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passen ger. passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount bey and 6100, ex cept by Special contract. 1427 WM. H. tiATZMER. Agent. hiLIWRINTO WEST METER and lntermediate points, vin ME DIA. Trains for West Chester leave FM1641.1114'4 from the Depot northeast corner of EIGHTEEN7II and MARIIV' Streets, at 8.10 A. 8.1.. rind 1 and 4.30 I'. M. On 8U DAyB at B.le A. M.. end 2P. M. Pussenese tor etations on the eHILADELPHIA and DALTIAIVRE CENTAAL RAILROAD will take the 8.10 A. M.. and 4,30 P. M. Trains. Jal9Ttf TEE PENNSYLVANIA I) EN TEAL RAILROAD. 260 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. wag 1860. 41.17:41CAPACrY 0 NJ8110.&0 in NO. EQUAL IN THs COuNT/tY. ••41.1021 PA S SENGER TRAINS c. EI E n T n T V !ER. di re c t g Pll ,at Z p phD Thro u ghPl l` T S S T U r a ft , O ns , from Boston, New York, and all points East, tedin the nion 'Depot at Pittabm with Through Trains to $lll from all ponds in theist, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilit es for the transportation of Pau/ingot' unsurpassed or Sued Aga comfort by MU other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to PiNgtiPra• without change of Career Conductors. All througo Pas senger rraing provided with Loughridge's Patent Brake—epeed under per feet control of the engineer, thus adding much to the eafetr of trareliere. snug/ins Cars are attached to each Trani; WoOdlre Sleeping Curs to Egprou and Fast Trains. he EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines, Sun day, excepted. Mail Train leavee Philadelphia at 84. PiL Feat Line 11. A. 11. napless Train leaves 10 CO P. M. WAY TRAINSoit LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Acmommation, via Columbia, 2 P. M. Columbia coo P. 11,1. rkesburg " 12.30 P. M. West Cheater Passengers will take the Mail, Parkes burg and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, BOA- Io, Niagara Falls, and intermediate Points, leaving Pill• lridelphis at 8 A. M. go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Doeton, or Bal- WiflTlNd a sgril t Arrytratt t o n gar a l ry_O r f t tg regular Line of bloomer on tue o hlueriseitipi Ohio riven IT 'Fars always as low , and time as amok , as by any other oute. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast earner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsvlvania Railroad to Chicago. make this the DIRECT LINE B GREAT WES. The connection of tracks by the Railroad 11ndge at Pittsburg, erg all drayage or fernage of Freight, together wit the saving of Brae, are advantages radii) , appreciated Shipppers of Freight, and the Iravel ling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the tranaponation of their Freight to Ode Company, can rely with confi de,ritonA.._ape dy _gd TES C OF tr FRIAGIET to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all limes as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. 19' Ds particular to nark packages" via Fermis. Rail- Fa Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the follow= Agents of the C om pany : STEr n t a RT, Pittsburg; R.S.P; e roe & co.,_Zano 110,04.1. J. Johnston,Ripley, O.; R. MoNeely, Mayevi . y.; Ormsby & Cropper. Portsmouth, 0.; ,Paddock Ss co.. Jeffersonville, Indi ans; H. W. Drown & Co.. Q.; .Atheyy; & Bibbert ta thiscanyintt, 04 R. C. Meldrum,_ Madison, Jos. R. owe. Louisville, Ky.; P. G. O'ltliey R. Emu Ile, Ind.; N. W. Orabara & Co., cane, Ill.; R. F. Sass, Bhaler & Glass, St Louie, Mo_.; John H. Mit es, Nashville , Tenn.; Harris lc f un: Memphis, Tqon.; Plento & co., Chicago, 111.,. W. H. H. Noonts, Allen, I.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points the west. N. I BNEEDEIL, PHiIadeI hie, YlT'ts.;.flortir,l h ;11.14 , e N . Y. E 1:11.1, & 03 0 8. R O .lAl . o , o.u N usps o c.T . l : ol:Gkre 6 , ; o 3 ol l o e Tn i ai r kFs e er e s t pAig , l ll gh o t neA Altoona, t ..ent pp a . 10-ly PiII.LADELPIiIA, WM ISINOTON, AND BALTI 1911vatoAD. On an after 310NDAY., November 31, 183 9 , PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELHIA, For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon, (Express,/ and 11.10 P. M. f F 2Airr t n e i r ni a to " n a Lt A L • P A l X n .n, 1 4 ,.4 41 1,; '1d 1 1 1 1 .10 ° ,;37.. iff' gn ' ', Pl="0. 8.15 A . . " 1441 PN. For ititfiltrih m . seiv,:i..33 P b .k. For Seaford at 8.14 A. M.: and ate l',. m. For Laurel at. 8.15 A. IG. and 4.30 P.m. TRAINS POR , PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 840 A. M., ttilyrsasd 10.15 A. M., end 6.25 P.. Le ILVe Wilmington at 1.13 A. M. and 11.30 A. M.,1.43 and 040 P. M. Leave Lea ofat 0.18 A.111._, and 3.40 P. M. iLeave Son San f ord at pis A. 31., and taa I'. M. .v. Mil ord at 7.50 A. M., and 4, _M.I Leave Dover at 1705 A. M., and Ltd 1.. M. Leave Middletown at 10 A, Is and 7.0 e P. 31. Leave New Castle at 104 A. M., and 8 P. el.. Leave Cheater at 8. 12 A. M., 2.22 and p.m P. I'd. Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at jp.l3 A. IC_ TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE • Leave Chaster at 2.45 A. 31,1248 and 11.40 P. M. A.fil Lmare Wilmington at OM A. AL, LW Y. AL, and Mx SUNDAYS (II! at 11.10 F. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore, 0 yat 4.1.5 P. M, from Baltimore to Philitdelptua, FR ICIRT TRAINonth PASBMIGER OAR &Gulled, will run rim follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate plum et;_P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate plu at eailmi R. AL Le m ave Wngton for Philadelphia and intermediate plazas nt SA P. M. Leave Baltimore for Stemmer's Run, Clime's, and Harewood at 344 P. M. n 5 . S. M. FELTON. President. TZIKO. D. wayar, . WEST (MESTER RAIL - °-'° ROAD TRAINS via PENNSYL VANIA B.t I LLROA.D. Lsays Depat oar. ELEVENTH and MAR HT tltraats, (eXcevt_flnday.) at 8 A. hi., 121 aatt 4 M. LsaVe Vat Sha t ter at LSO A. At .30 A.M..and MP M. is la-v P h i l ' I P ' T A O D W F NIIT 116 ( 11 RI ".. TOW A LAO D - On and r MO , Nov. 11, 1659, 1 7 0 OE TOWN. Leave. P hiladelphia 6,1, IN. 9, 10, 11, and A. M., 1, I, A, 3 0, 5. 63i. 3,7, 8, 9 10, and 1111 P. M. IL,eavle ermaw o N 0 , d , 7 ' 4 i, B,S Mt.ig. , 9M, 10, 11, A, A, Leave Philadelphl6966 nun. A. Al,l, 6%, and 10 P.M. 9 P. Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 8%, and M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD, Leave Philadelphia COO, 11 A. 4, r, and 10 P. AL Leave Chestnut Rill 7.10 LEI, 8.64, and IMO A. AL, 8.40, Am, 0.10, and 8.40. P.& ON 8 DAYS, nPLeave Philadelphia 9.06 A. AL, s. and P. AL 6x6x ave Rhestnut Roll 7.60 A. M., 12.00, 8.20, and CU VOR CONSHO IpIi HOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN, Leave Philade ri ia e, 9, 71.415,i. LUIZ M. .A. ,1.00,1 AL 414.1558. ad 114 P. Al. Leave Norristown 8,7, I, 11 4, Itl., 1%, EN, and I P. M. ON MO Leave Phi r ligelphia 9 A. AL stick, AL Leave thrOitAMINVYtt K. Leave . M., LOC 1 NI, 8.01, LNCO% and 113 i P. AL eave Manavunk 8N,7%.9%,11%, an d_lol A. AL, 9 , 9, 8, lOC and 8$ M. ON EIHNO.SYIII 14570 11 4144 P41 Leave ana . y liDlarr.Tl4lteanni,llBMangitenths. #ll‘.P si . I ELPILIA AND REMELMIRAJMILROADI4INE— tIC I' ROUTE to E lmira ,_yiiikesharre, Buffalo, lag% oek Island, Niagara I. edls, Ithlweakes, Bur ng ton, Montreal, St. Pant e , Detroit, Dunheth, and St. ova Palmeri ger twit:lawn' leave the Philadelphia and Read Inc Railroad I)epot,_ corner BROAD and CAL MW it rid, StreetsDAlLy. (Snudays ex netted, / as follows: T. 30 A. M. DAY_EXP REM& r_or Elmira, Niapara Palls, Buffalo,. Detrnit, Chicago, Milwaukee, gook Island, Galena, Bt. Paul's, Burlington, and St. I..sitos. • 3.50 P. M., MORT EXPRESS.. Poe EIMITIS,Ningsaa Palle, Eulfalo, Detroit, chioago. milwankee,Rook iml9ad, Gatc4e.Eq. rell'. Bar/moon, and St. bolos. A. • M. and L3O P. M. trains run through to HillititiatlßO, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon V l'lle7.4li e rlit. train Merit, at tilled ,AUK- BiDim necks ags °nked to Dainta ,ss ittlalo, a nd Suspension 'blokes win twi procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Lt s Ticket Offioa, Northwest corner orISIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and a t , the Passen ger I) lll2llBli.k ß ris r ag g fa r eltn 44;6 Leaves the Depot. orpui.etreet, below VI na, daily , (Sun ditf Oiceptedd In all points Want and North, nt 6P. M. * Ileum/Old beton, k sojourn going e mime da For intherantaynisktlon.tly Oslo 61611"8 gABl:l44,AVinsi, N. W. corner SWELL and PILIANVT rtFt e e ) eili, eol-tr • hiladelphia. NORTII PENNS Yl.- artlairi tlA v ß AN „DN. :N ARA.% Art l iNak / nar • i l s i f , %VIE r gr. " ' # orippfteri thoo m XI irremror ft 1,130, Pensen- WI ell Yo ' 7 l) tgaltiZt .5 11 111 0 O W f l eg qW For Bet ‘ehem, E t tt, Aueuto4, 'llisuoh °bung, Hazleton, k. 0., (Expyinue.l at For Bethlehem, (Pagress,) at 9.30 A. M. and 3 P. M. or DclihitoWh. (Aooonuncolanort, ) at IMO A. M. and 4 kr,. or h o W hi g n ( t o ; l 4F. l'ltAtg Kki4ILAIALF o f Leans Bethlehem, (notoress,) et 0 4%. h . and LlO P. 01. 3 1 0 .1.1DoylestoWn. (Amoommodation,/ at n 7 A. M. and LeaVO .I , Ort Witahlatroommodation,) at T, A.M. At; 6: phlladelDhle for Fort manna toe 9.30 A. M. illultphia f . for, hale to at/ .k. 'lrt a i l treigin n iton n lor 0411 4 11, ' at ito F. AL are to Brehm, $1.00; to Mauoh Chunk. 83.80 i to Easton, $l. ;to Doylestown,Bo cents. Through t oasts must be procured before entering the 'lli l'unpier Trains (exqept 1140 qty Tritlnal con rttZftiteli , t i tm i-"r"., and glielhrnt LZapgil, la Fifth OLAte. Mont. PHILADELPHIA A ND V VI A DING 'RAIL ROA 11 MORNRE It , for PO SLLE, RhIAD !NO end HAKRIIP ao, Loaves the new Depot, at wrap. of BROAD ond OALLOWRILL fiftee', lentranoes on Calltnol4,) et tao A. lit,, DAILY A LBundsie oxoepted,) for 1 0 f . Tti viLLH, n4tER/814u.“0 , any all Intermediate pointa, ponnen.pne at Ilorriebp.rx 1 E lotto Ramos to rick- Dull. UnaMplinlyparS 1 it f p, & th oy° &to . g o DEILY, for MTBV/L,LE and HAMM DO. _ Et ta trA lta g i el t Y , i Op/4111m exoepted,)for READ a . 144.1.hirmi, ct , 1., , v NU -- 1 :011EST ; ER VOI :1•A g14,011 8d4 OVISI l i tglXimi ln ift w liartir r ookrviii gde hn Oi e 11y...... &I SA I .. I t . Btrapiy 44,4 eeler 'en trgil'W'llAitt for Downingtoint, Navas at 1.30 A. , A muloox TRAIN for Downingtown, lima at teo . m. RALLy (Stmdar a exoeptod.) ai r d rimi zt oit i l l yoerd ot td muter, of the Philadelphia °ViliraillaiDlY,lll.llllllllY. EISURANOE COMPANIES. T HE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OT PIIILADRPTLIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.> COMPAIy_Y'S BUILDING. S. W. CORNER BOBATI-I AND WALNUT STREETS. DIREOTORB F. RATCRTORn STAnn t WiLtakx hloKis, NALBSO FR iZIER. pa M. oglra' AIT WILLB., RATO 111 7 ( 011AILES w . COXE, IMORDECAI L. DAwsox, oxo. H. B.I7ART, jONN H. BROWN, D. A. PAIINESTOCI, ANDREW D. DA3II, J. L. EARIXOISR. ORD STARR, rreuident. military. feo-11 i N 8 URA NCIE VOM P A N Y BENNSYLVANIA-FIRE OF TIIE •-sTATE or AND RI MA INSRANCE-110. e EXCHANGE BUILD LN C C dared In U 1794-Capital $300.000-Aseets, January I, "IMS AS e Itve T. Mod IKol Ko i tr ioand and available seouritier-oon- Onus to B s on Veseele and Cargoes , Bandana, Stooge otlderehendise, Aeqi l m o ter ,. Fry B. SherrerC George H. Stuart, - moon Toby, tannael Grant Or., Charles Ittsoalester; Tobias Wagner, otAthem S . Smith, Thomas B. Watteau, l B. Budd, Henry U. Freeman. lam R . White i Charles S. Lewis, HEN INS U. RD, ° EilaM President. WILLIAM HA R PRA.. Ragmen'?) , is S-wfm If 'UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE. ANNUITY. AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHI LADELPHIA. Office, S. E. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT DIVIDEND FOR THE. YEAR 1869. The Directors, from the surplus or savins upon the bualnese of the Company for the veer endins December 81, 1869.• have declared a BONUS to the Poltey Holders to the extent of TWENTY-FIVE PER 0.P.1vr., to ?re added to the insured amount, payable at death, or eine the taresent value IN CASH, at the option of the tn . AEBETS, JANUARY 1. 1860. Quill on band, and in bank 5........ 611.262 10 Cash in bank at New Orleans 11,578 4.2 Loans op call, oe ample 001- laterals ..... 64,617 02 $120,5543 74 111110101,875 83 Real estate, bonds, and mortgages.— 105,9r6 a 3 Bank, railroad, canal, and other stooks and 247,176 41 I,oaned on policies , deferred premiums, an d balances, ue from agente............... ..... 55,50 27 Present vane of annual premiums ... 1.057,570 00 DIRECTORS. Stephen R. Crawford. Benjamin W. Tingley. Paul B. Goddard, M. D. Patrick Brady.. James DowereuX, Thomas T. Lea. Daniel Deidemi. George Junkip. William W. G S. Franklin Jaeltson. Ales. C. Hart. 11 M. D. Phu Fisk, lITEPHEN R. R FORD. freatdent. BFNIA.MIIy T °LEY, Vice President Jarixe ROUNT.trit, tieoretary arid 'creilallrer. Medico! zatnt.sers—e4ql .Fd. Goddard, 111. D. Alex C. Hart. LIS. D. 1011-etuttil2t W4t VXOIIANGE INSURANCE COMPANY &IA —Slffieo N 0.409 WALNUT Btreet. FIRE INSURANCE on Iloueea and I%lerehandise generally, on favorable terms, either limited or per petual., DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Boma hahua T. Owen, toPpir.4.lrxite.t, Thomas Marsh. p at ii i v ta nt v ell. Jr., Edward 1). Roberta, John J. Griffith, Jam ei T. Ilitle,pi lJ agonLLte,, Provident.) ONBA 4.011 N Q. OINNODO Vies Provident. ILDWARP W. Davin:Pserebari JalA-tathil/P LIFE INSITRANOE AND TRUST COM ANY.—TIIE PENN MUTUAL LIFE EW 'N RAkCE COMPANY. Northeast oomer oTIRD and Do Ir _Btroate. _Assets, f gat= W. I 8 uREE LIYEB for the whole term of giro—grants anntuties and endowments—purehases life morel's in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the They of Life. They aot as Executors, Admintetrators, Assigneee Wrnstses, and Guardians. TAW:MEEK. an eIL. Ter, Samuel 6.lstokes, awn atm Mom giortin, lohard B . ewbolle ; 50 o l e h B iri . u M iti o p p a,u a ldi rLan n e g. , illiam P. Meeker, Jo se ph I. Trotter, William H. Kern, Ba 9: 1 ` ii ii t rer " ‘ Char s k al, murt i liplitier, pry C. Townsend. ante I. inoninsOli °lams Kent, i t ti , li n i i i W. ornor, it am H. Can, Ms IL Aroher, IP. V, Dullowo nol J. Qkriatlan , William Robertsonf mph M. Thomas, Warner M. Resin, John G. Brenner , P. B A rh er, II E LL . MILLER__, President.. BA L. E. BTOK , Vice Pres'k Jams W. Honwonaleoretarr. aulg-ty fIFFICE OF THE QUAKER CITY IN -8 URA NOE CO., NO. OS STATEMENTTEET. FOURTH ANNUAL PF BUSINESS AND CON OF THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, "."" As Presented to its Stockholders. Jan. 3, 1860. Capital Stock . 4200030.00 Surplus, January 1, ISO_ 121.341.42 Prenuunis received in 1049: Fire— .--.......... 8116,564.021 Marine. . • • .• 115,480. M Inland Na . ; i : iiitinin 3 % 06133 Transportation—. 41,01.1.10 Interest received .. _ Salvage and reinsurance—.... 11,752.46 LOBSES, E4PENBEB, ke. 300,043.19 Loam !mid In 11/ e1a,471.83 ,Fividend, Comm tons to 'gal aXeitt licenses, o es rent........ 83,143,83 rniting, advartieing ..t expenem. Salaries paid In 1a69... .. 6,483.23 Rouururanoo and reiurirjrii: was.. -- ........ ...... .... 47,3E468 1.150,29d.a6 ASSETS. Bonds and mortgagee an real estate .. . ... —•.— 4100.900 00 Ground rents in Philadelphia . • 11,110.02 60 shares Continental Bank, New York., 5,°00.00 60 shares City Bank. iniiadel phis 2,600.00 100 do Corn Exchange Bank. Philadelphia . 2,500.00 60 shares Union Bankllarla 1,500.00 23 do Consolidated ank dp.., 1,60.05 15 do Farmers eohanics' Bank. Camden, N.. • • . . 060.00 11030 shares of Railroad, Canal , arid other stocks, _paying 6 per cent market yalue 87.630.00 Coupon bonds bearing 6 and 7 per of 19,103.00 Negotiable bids reoeivable.PLOWS Cash in hands of agents and in transit 24,814.29 Cash on hand and In bank._......,20.677•46 61369.746.70 This Company continues to make Inspranoes againat Loss on all kinds et Fire. Marine, and Inland Rinks, on the most favorable terms. 01 4 p ICE RS. President—GEOßGE H. HART. Vice President—E. P. ROSS. Seeretarr and TreasuroL—ll. y U' e. COGGSHALL. Assistant Seoretary--S H. BPLER. DIRECTORS. George 11. liart, Poster 8. Perkins, E. P. Rose. 04. R. Coggshall, A. Q. Cattail, E. 'W. Bader, Andrew R. Chamber'', Samuel Jones, AL D. lion. IL M. Fuller. Jal7. tf DELAWARE MUTUAI SAFETY IN ItLATORB OF pp Y • OFFICE B. E., CORN D WALNUT Straits, 11 p_ll , t. MART 11 NOE ON VFADIAL To parts of the World, REIMI T, 'INLND INSURANCES On Goods, by River Canal', Lakes and Land Carnage FlRag• parts or (11 1 Merehatlist fenerally. ° Stwe iliagli n oWlit a ttlipArtY. November I, 1639. Par. • Marlin Talus. 1234360, Philadelphia C i ty 143 . 2nt. L0an.4.111 413,060 00 100 . 000 ...PannViranla awe a t . L00tt...... WOO 02 21,000 yonagyivapia filate_o pt, 21,020 00 M,000,U.8. Presser, ehl SP cent. Notes and intermit due ... . . 26,M3 54 130,000 V.P. Treasury 11F ot. Notes and due.." —' • 30,615 CO 826,000 Temporary ,Loan to the City of *Ada dMphia 85,000 860,000, Pennsylvania Railroad id Mortgage I tw moot. CIAO° 00 812,020, North Pennsylvania Ilitiaorlefort -00 814,000 WesttCl e rvflig n a t ii i a%eriiirri a Th7.4 40:1 Company 7 'f ot. coupon bonds 11,100 00 110,000,100 shares stooGorMantown Company, Interest and pruned pal guarantied by the oily of Pkula delphia..—.... . unix) g 0 61/00(Xl, 100 shares Pennsyl vania RallrOad Colncq ••••• 11,776 00 ru000.06346366 north P.onitsylvania Rail road CompanY. —• 810 00 *INC shares Philadelphia Io Boat and Steam Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Stamm Navigation Com pauY, Ooeap Steam liaviaation Company, Philadelphia and gia vre de Glace Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia R{011411141 Company 2,110 00 1.718 114 Iftrisna Mortgage', and, Egtt ' Oco Ai 114 ... .. ...—... 74.353 811 bi reoephaDle for Inaprapoas IIIIAM OS lance due at Agenctee—Yreiniutne on Ala rine Pole:doe, interegt, and othpr dePla OP O ttio 111,33 i Qa done and iltatif o f mlndry luslunneo wee-1,10 00 WWII on Deliona 4 , 101 i CCM 31 DIRECTORS. nem Martin C d Samuel E. notes, mood A. Eiouer, Henry F. Fronton, oil,enth.l:o!':ie ding . , Edward Darlington. ohn C. Davie, 11. Jonea Urooke, arnea Treenail., R e to n ni e air tv vain►, illiam E) re, Jr.. ~►►aßmen U. Hann, William C. Ludwig, Robert Burton, Jacob Y. Jones, lamas B. IR'Farlando i,s.V.irkiteuan i eon. Joshua P. Eyre. eorge O. Leiper. totl i ci IkEirele,Pittf , b's Relerlieft,,, ..,,,lor an, .. W I I, 1.1,1 AI iilklll4 . , T i'reeldenL THOS. C. RAND, Vice PreeldenL HENRY LYLBURN. Elearetatr. dle-dtf A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 111J—CRARTE R. pFRPET n. did WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. taring it largo paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and nvatlable Bm:urines, continue to incurs on Derellinr•. Stores, Furniture, Moroliandise, Vessels in Fort end their cargoes, and other Personal ProPe M. All losses liberally mid promptly adjusted. pin seineThos. R. M seineseinearis, John T. Lewis, s. John Weleiti, Jumps It. Campbell, el. snivel C. Morton, Edniiind O, Patrick Brady, Chug. W. FoUnttlY. it . .n.e) Minn!. THOMAS R. MARIS, President , ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, sooretary. fe22-t( FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 108 CHESTNUT Street, PHILAUgLPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL, 786 E BY THE STATE' OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS, 111TAKCTOtls: Samt , ILWANII. • t 1.!? t n ,, r7a B W tri. ViViPtil e o r a 41,. v t 1 1. ' 4,-.4 „..4 1 ,00t.. 0. . 0 'II. 'UL US p not. 1:1. 43 A1ar /411.: W. 1 14te l ttkp Stp ti r:. t. . 1(1 PAN J. 41 , J5cirf4", Ake F9e'L WILLIAMS 1. H AliCll4lt.p,'Sprutary. J.AII -tf SOAP AND OANDLES.-50 boxes Deter sive S C oap; 100 boxer Olive 800 • n 2OO boxer Adn a6nfordalabd I RoWLEYAS o BURNERt n 0 6 ,1 No , 16 B. Witven, fen Tptailing Oharlaston Rice for N4le by JAMBH M ro 00., LETITI LARGE AND VALUABLE STOOK of EMates ealline out at Greatly seduced Priem all7b CHkadTftUThtrcet. 820.000 worth Btaelard Weight Pats, compriaing an assortment of all sizes. Counter. Portable Platform, Warehouse, Hay, Coal, ( Vu tl r e ol 9 at i m .l e t. t a t i 4lll7(? a t l rfor their interest to call and exanune the almve Roods st , jqp, tab cliE4TrtiJT REET. hiladelollia. al. A DANIELS. The attention of country merchants ts called to the shove stook. FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES. w 7 E.. For "T° by 117~NH:M{`IG Y fP A 1 M 1 T, r phl~ MINTON'S BN(3 Boors. elin t agl i a n gtkter "Uagss. 11051 PID9 for Ord= and Water eondleors, PorrPOfid tOr &um", AU 81'1U IWO $9l REPINr.... ED SUGAR.-500 bbli. oruOod, tatai i :gr t Zet leifitriSt d ari e ett a lfPg lido ODFIBII.-000 qtla. Extra (irand Bank, in More and fur slate by WM. J. 'rayton_a 10 And 114 NO rt TIT whet,ral CUI3EBS—For sale by WETILERILL & and 0 North ISK00141) su... 101 SHIPPING. dir i k FOR THE 80IITH.---OHARIES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Vaight at an average of ri SUMS per gent. be low New or k Steantship rates. FOR CHARLESTON, S. 0. ode U. B. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE. Cap tain Charles P. Marshman, will Bail on Monday, March 0, at IP A. M. Through in 48 to 50 hours—only 40 hours at Bee. NOR SAVANNAH. GA. The U. B. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. (Jerrie, wiu sail on Wednesday, Feb ruary 19, at ID o'clock A. hy, 'I brooch in 68 to 60 hours—only 48 hours at Bea. SQ , Saihng days changed from a very Saturday Pr e'rerY live days. Goods received, and Bills of Lading signed avail day. The splendid Grst-glass side-wheel Steamships KEY , STONE STATE and STATE OF GEOROIA now run an above every ten days, thus forming a five-day commu nication with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these, Shire con nect with steamers for Florida. and with railroads, &c., for all places in the South and Southwest. INSURANCE. Freight and Insuranes on a large urciPertioß of G u r shipped South will be found to be lower by these • ipg than by sailing vein% the premium being one-ha the rate. N. H.—lneurauae en all Railroad Freight Is entirely Rnnecessary, farther than Charleston or savannah, the ailroad Companies taking all risks from these points. (MEAT REDUCTION IN VARS. Fare by this route 24 re 40 per Mit. cheaper than by. the Inland Route, al will he seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia. via Charles ton and Savannah stemma', pa, CLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Sayan , nab to Montgomery : To ghar1e5t0n........815 00 ''savannah........ 13 00 Augusta 00 Mac0n.......21 28 00 Atlanta 2310 Columbus 28 00 Albany . 24 00 Mont.gomery..... 26 00 .. 33 00 Pi l aw Orleans-- 39 70 EXCURSION TICKETS ' .... No hills of lading signed i For freight or peasam w hart above Vine street, Charleston.... Savanrah.. Augusta .. COmnbua. Albany 37 00 MonttometY 38 CO 419 90 tr(i'eACEletMaßVo7l —.ASS. trap i; on itns uit' on board, at second LEX. HERON, Jr.. CURT and CHESTNUT, INTER T GAMD, &ELL. Son, steamer Carob as every Southwest corner Agents n Charleston,2r, davannalt, - 11 uJ For Florida from Medal Tuesday. For Florida from Ramo St. John's, every Tuesday a ah, otPamera 13t, tdary's and • n 4 Winds,. FOX ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— FM YORK AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP =.ei Y. The ited States Mall Steamship s ARAD°, PAW tone, David Lines, Commander, and FULTON, Iwo tone James A. Wotjon, Commander, will leave new Yort, Havre, and Southampton, for the year 1869, on the Mowing days: To meet hew reenirements t at Post Moo Demirli ment, the devil of Mull of t JIO and FIILTO from HAVIIII and SO TRA. ON. will, after the r seer voyages, be o anted ea follows From N.RW UL...„, ~ the pop of t4iirsient departure of the UL ON, whom Intl take p on the 171 k December, the sohedele remains unaltsre : 711011 ...IN YOWL. i t polabli.....Dea.ll. F Wertnar.l7llZ°ll: AGO— tan. I. GO . —Jan. ttl.. —Pe D. 1. 1.11,T0N.. eb. I. LTON— —Fe b. 23.. AFeb. W. #r(lll .— ....... ! _blcit l i.t. / L' e n . H . ......i d j e 1 h ..2 1 4 17 .1;1 1 .. 3 4. ese eteamors, bunt expressly for tsorernment ser vice. with double engines, under , deck, every attention t ot:ne a r rtot e n l i .!iiel:ty " alt i ga n ekth:hinghtde ma water•tight compartments enclosing the engines, so that la the event of oraindon or stranding, the water &old tent rintah there. and the mime beteg free to work, the safely of ttie vessel mt nOsengere would be se cured. Replant eppenenae tut demonstrated the abso lute necewnty of Ms mode o fconstruction. Toe accommodations for passentere are believed to combine every comfort and 00UVOU1111:1041 that en be de.. sired. Prom New York to Iltrathentliton or Havre—Fiat Calnu, OM; Seoond do. ISM From Havre of Sontirmuton to rfew York—First Oabln,loo franca , 13,000 tIOAlf&le Topes:4MM going 10 fandon see s teamer s offer the advantage of economy both in tune and expense. Bseple delvers in London. No mime Muted nista paid for. AA expenenoed wergeort 0.9 t r .A.,, v ....., and newe piperr s mint FM trentonattil ` Oche t Vre' Y fi tlrwigel oluillab Now York, . . ' t Vie - W OH IL OR L tV & 0 irefit: It t ~-. Ala 10414 sul - opuir COMPANY, A VI. NVA.SQN_, Agent, OlSoe,Tobaooo Warehouse, D9O and WRIT etre.% PhilsAelphis. Plans of the shies ono be seen. alktmh.3l THE BRITISH AND NORTH BRI AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM PB. PROM RIM YORK YO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage ......... Spoond Cabin Passage —... FROM DOsTON TO LIVERPOOI.• Chief Cabin Pamir , Blr to end Oaten PIPOEIRO .• • • • • • • The ipa from Boston call at 'falai and Cork liar bor.. PERSIA, Capt. inciting. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar, ASIA, Capt. B. O. Lott, NIAGARA ,Capt.Andersnn AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EUB,OPA, Capt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white light at masthead green on starboard WI, ,• red on port bow, N ARABIA, Stone, leavo . York, Wednesday. Feb'y 29 EUROPA. Leitch, " Boston, Fedttesday, March 7 AFRICA, fitiannon," N. York, Wednesday, Marohli AMERICA, Millar, " Bmton&Wedneaday, March 21 ASIA, Lott. " N. Yorlel Wednesday, March CANADA, Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, April 4 ARABIA, Stone, " N. York, WednesdaY, April II NIAGARA, Miller, " Boston. Wednesday, Apr.l 18 rIA, " York. Wednesday, April 25 Berths notse tired until paid tor. Thxperieno d Siirgeon on board, e e owners of these ships Will not be accountable for Cold, Silver. Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor. and the value thereof therein expressed. For ' freisht 'or passage RP Ply tO E. ovNARD, 1101ing Preen, !few York. 1. STEAM DEREOT TO ALL ;41.7 1 60MR4 3 1 6 1.,4114TAL11 AND TRAg krivivotralria. B HA 1, H. . achwonsion. r o 1 11 apt. 14.4 1 ,Mian. .64RIA:Cmot.11. V. EU ON A, at. If, en. hese Steamers are all -*lams Olidio-built yeireelar are intended to 101 l from Pier ft, North Bleat, N. Y., as ollow': FOR LONDON, SONIMNPTON, HAVRE, AND into, Tho _elegant and_ ;;;;Fal fro. &maw Steamship BARONIA, Capt. A. - Ehlers, SAO to burthen, will mail atabove. on THURSDAY, MARCH DE. at If o'clock M. Passay, inoludiug Railroad Fare from 'Philadelphia to New ork, and from Southampton to Lo ndon, Fl A t e C tliablir Vine d is C lacti2 . l 3 4 B C BowingM " os ateamshi i Ai DirA.—.-I.IONPAY,ApriI 2. 0 A--.....DN /quay , April M. 8—.... EiliDAY,lday 1. TAU NIA—... ril ed MAY, May a. sir Passerigers forwa to 1101.ermul, Ittuldin. Bel fast, Cork, WiligoW, Filtrie. and hattetare, et through rake. m 2 i til 4 11 0.7,tr,___ I itoirzza gk eediA: The Aia n armommonatiOn. of therm ouip. are Dana the nit- clap tif rariet statp a rit iollk Carta pates of. wimp Mimed don, South- TlVOlS H E r gai a r i Vittdel e ptinf, ill parts of Etrope at mamas e rates. Freight engaged in Philadelphia will be promptly otteaded to by.tlie New York Agent, and chipped tree of all oommisamil. For Freight or Fume, apply sin at the ()Moe of the Romans Moslem. Mall taamaMps, nll-tf Northwest corner U Til. and URSTMIT. NicITIV*S• TiIiTO'I'IOE IS lIEREEY GIVEN, THAT 4.1 aPplioatiOti beµ Been made to "The Trustees of the fire larmintion of Philadelphia for the renewal or i dnol'orlsaen o T. 9 1861. which Lae heen lost, and any information thereof will be received by BREMER, REICEIEFtT.,St fenvetukth 1.21 Y 27 ARKE'r Street. CORN EXCHANGE BAN - K.-Z. I 4I*UL. phis, Nov. Se, MC At an Eleott°n i i ti4 of the'llet instant the fo ll owing gentlemen were o town Ciro of Opt Beak: faaandee O. cattail, 1,111°,,.._d5a1!.. Dart K. NOW, we ..Q4/17 . gimes Steel,. 9 . prom, Isdniund A. Bondor, ha i Ze_Reebht. Alexander Whildn, ay vandorveer, /141 Craig, hi B. nines. Christian J. Harman, And at the meeting of the Board TIM DIY. the fol. lowidg othoere were unanimour arrOd: irt Q. 4 'F.A. Te rh eetdent. B. b ~ vice caldera. I. .TO EY , Cae ler. HuBlliEN4 VARDB. GREINER & HARKNESS, 441 co ßOUlll mmikajort AIRROHANTB, fel4-3qt I LA DEL YU 1 LFREp L. HOUGH. rApEit MANUACTIMERB' ApENT, e ili e flp i t c Wr i til e gAt i rigi t,i g n haTF.RlALS 0.17 South r &net, Philadelphia. fell4m. R R. CORSO N A REAL ESTATE Ka.. BROKER AND CONVEYANCER. runumq- TOWK. PENNA. Pi e, itlEE to Montgoineri. Dirql. Aria Direttor won- Nip or sale or exolioys i D hIOHTqAW. farm ogotiated. HANDSOME DW INDS for male in Norria- Gliti. • AWSON & NIVLIOLSON, BOOKBINDERS NOS. 619 AND 621 NOD triaßET. Between Market and r.„‘eatant wean!. PHILADALrEIA. JAMES PAWSOII. JAS. 11. NICHOLSON. Jal7-Iy* RR. CORSON. REAL ESTATE . KER 1 D CONVEtalicEvt, Narristawa. Pa. Parma pr aala La *WO, DAMltoromery, and Choi tot countim Untaloguou of Farms, aMI full Oesorip lfdlli, goat by mail. fe6-3m IT B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND v • SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY. for Prinoiltal News sepsis end Periodist_Lis otiikt and Country, N.E. nor. ner FIFTH end CH i• 8T UT. Address " V, B. PALM 'R," Philajalp je lei S-aux wpraz, Attorney at Law, 4 . ND. in SOUth FOURTH. Street. rtlS-Sra• WALLACE ft BRODHEAD, sr EXCHANGE PLACE. NEW YORK. Stooks tutLl Hands bought sold, on C0171MIWOn• FaANOIS U. W&LLACI. NDWMID 0, 018401. A LEX. MOUNNEY, ATFEY Al LAW. ' 1 , 181117R0, PA, Win piAOVO6 in estmoreland, Anatirong• and In 4insoountieut. ApAids CO., OFFICE no °manta etrtgt, forwayda ?frill, ?pok es Idprohande, Bankate4, AA4 sap ita 011 LinesoOn ogna i r t yW r vatt:ov the 116:41% naerintendant BREAD MEOLIANICAL BAKERY ] S. W, COMer BROAD and VIN}; Street,. k'lltAliall.NßlA. This establiatsgeot iv now is speoevvroi operationveitY and night, and au respeottnify invited °ell and sae the Whole Propene of bread-raaKina for Mee Veil. The undersignit takes the liberty o saying that NI thirty-five YOMII has k een it practical Baker- i lea he ti Warr h ? Fil l anZ a .:l 447, 1 4= 1 g T on a e st o s f r e u r n s l wmoh time e has had the opportunity ot making to experiments, and observing ail the ImproVementh whiob have been made during that period. In this estaji d et t iment, o t f Wh!ch /14t4iftir ti3e man" fatl.lltari, LS. - shaovt's:„Ttii: tors possossed. kens Uoreittained in the purchase of floe none but the idundeet and beet shall ever d end be has no [levitation in saying thpt tlyeao, 01 u.e ht g de pan be de voted. tinsursastr in quality and weight by that made Lille Taipei! st ease. Families in Whin the Bread midi by. the Aleettnaloal Bakery has not been tried. or in 'sheik it viavi Dean tried mils at its oommenoement, hemp the machinery wee in "MO working ofelPf, era rospeotfully asked to give it atrial tiw, the undersigned behoving it would lead to mutualapvantage, vantage. JOJIN hIOXEY, Superintendent NEW OROP NEW ORLI/VTR SUGAR.— aZiu l 2 Whfl i tr.ll,°T.Srri 0 . owl; oracle,ll obt % THE PHRENOLOGICAL CABINET. liErsarrisallidli:vfOtWLEitt; the sale co a. Ab ik on ICenoi r ogy, &o. I irsi t IiWNOLOOLCAL EXAMINATIONS. The importance , of Phrenology. in the treating of the your's, the selection of ocoupatiOtitoodupenions, and rrt every depsrtmept of aohys life, la knowledged by unintelligent persons who ate &cattail) t. ed linieg i d f :s c aliptions from daguerreotypes will be sent by mall for two dollars. Catalogues of hacks sent gratis. JOHN L. CArEN, No. 923_CHESTNIY/' street, second OM, ill-Wrtegra lf-W eow .11A,LICII BY /MOTION. BRINLEY, 00 V IRITESS Tio. RN MARKET STREET. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. This Morning, Feb. M, at 10 090109 h, by catalogs., on sla months , smelt -400 'manes and lots of fancy and staple dry goods. DARFUR FRANCAISE—TO BE ROLpil FOR CASE, ON ACCOUNT 9F UNDERWRITERS. This Morning, Feb. M, at 10 o'clock, tor cash, on aocuunt of under writers— • 1 mule CO pieces Barone Fruncaise, damaged, per iftesmer Edinburgh. LARGE SPECIAL BALE OF SPRING SHAWLS— JEST LANDED. Ulll Vita Mnona., At 10 o'clock, a large aasottment of shawls, eonsmt- Mg of 104 and 11-4 fine to extra fine ntinted-border Melba shawls. _ _ _ _ _ . - 10-i and Lt-1 fine to extra fine sewed-on borders Stella abmeLe. 10-4 and 10.4 fine to extra fine nob srinled Cashmere alww)4, IFlrmlng a ec mplete assortment or all quannex. minim?: [l3 x z riNES, AND CHINTZ BAIL- Thu orning,: 5 cases Scotch fanny staid Min ggbatns. 2 cues London printed mouslm de linnet. Season 94ILondon chintz brilliants. 7-5 FRENCH DRAY D'ETE. pieces 74 fine Winger:me French blank drop d'ete UNDERWRITERS' SALE FOR CASH. 11121 Tbe Moralns, February 28th, at 10 o clock, for mob— ilo cases white ground prints. • 2 cases Bayulere robes. 1 case colored cambric,. 1 case Bayadere barege. ilightltdaramed per ateamers City of Manchester and City of Baltimore. ,e 23 50 . 31 00 31 OU STEEL WATCH-SPRING SKIRTS, This Mornmg, MO dozen BL to 40 eteelfwatclapring hoop skirts. BLACK 811.11 - -VELT RIBBOAS. An invoice of Lyons black eilk.velvet ribbons. SALE THIS MORNING. TESUDAY. PER. 29, AT 10 'CLOCK. A CARD.—The attention of purchasers is requested to our We of 300 packages and lot of fancy and staple imported dry goods to be sold tkie morning (Tuesday ) at 10 o'clock, comprising s large assortment. cOOO SPRING SHAWLS. NOTICE.—Thia morning, at 10 o'clock, an invoice of 6 000 spring shawls, eoneieting o[- 13-1 rich -printed Cashmere shawls. 4 d 120 oohl ground and silk stripe do. Me do border Stella do. 12-4 do broths border do. 12 4 rich, new style, silk shawls. 12 { rich smell palm pattern Cashmere shawls. To which the attention of this trade is requested. B 8 ____ _. ,OOTT Jr., AUOTIONKKR, No. 431 mare CHESTNUT STREET. apposite the Custom Emma. between FOURTH. and FIFT H_Stresta FIRBT SPRING SALE OP EMEIROIDERIM, WfIITE GOODS &e. On wedneliday M or n, February V, .commynoing at 10 o'clock preotsely, by oatalogne. on a credit. Inolniled to this sale the trade aril/ find an attratirt assortment of French needlework collars and sets. ireneb needlework bands and foaming, b. . ZIP needlework infanta ' Teirltouggretata. Fine to medium while orunbrion ishov's Lawrie. plain and dotted Swiss nainsooks. mulls, &e..Arti. 114' sal Catalogues and samples outs on the morning of e, LACES—MECHLIN NET. Also, a full line of rich black inkier's', wove thread edgings thread lace, hale lace, innsUn edgings, lace edg ;Doi blonde °Nobble nets. &lc., &o. PriziEt AND VELVET RIERONB. Also, riCh spring styles. plain solid colors. plaids sad stripe vault de site bonnet nbpons. black velvet rib bons, &o.; also, spring sire Paris artificial flower,. ELRY. • AIAN JE fine fancy cameo vaulted end Lava sate. and pins, gents' etrasoan BE and chased S studs , belt clam. &a. A. 94 UOOD. Also . a lige of fancy bead goods, n ecklac e s, bracelets, fancy beads, &0., &O. SPECIAL BALE OF Rid DOZEN STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES, REVOLVING ANA SINGLE BOXLS, Sio u an. On Thursday Moraine. March Ist, commencing at IN o'clock. comprising an assortment of Langbelm's plain and colored views. Epsiish plain Cad cotorad groups, sosnery, arenas. and Irish wanes, historical view., &a., &q. Also, walnut and rosewood revolving boxes boxes, views, sing a roorosoo, rosewood, and 'walnut 3rD. , /cc. Als, si superior fire-proof safe, made lox Evans dr Watson. and cost 5131. Also, a superior fire -proof chest. Firrr A PRIVATE BALE, Tho Worst 6 a rit-ol gg dry- goods story, m ported order; cost 31 13HELIP FORD 00 , AUOTIONMS, No. 430 ARR'ET Street. and VI 211.1N0R Street. SALE OF 240 PIECES OF I CARPETINGS. NGRAIN AND VENI TIAN This Morning. February MO, at 10% o'clock precisely, Will be eoldlby catalogue, on sin mouths' credit, about 260 piece; pu pating, oomprizing in part - nieces superfine 4-4 all-worsteil Anil wool ingrain carnetun. - pioool superSno 4 4 all-wool Ailing carpeting. —Woos gilterkne 4-4 woollen ingrain (=Willing. pieces superfine extra super quality royal 4-4,54, 4.8 damask Volution carneting. pieces superfine 4 4.3-4. and 5-8 woolleq °mooting. —.Piece. 4-4 rag and hat carpeting, ongostax a moat deatLa. le tuurortmen t, suitable for tha spume sales. Catalogues SUIT 'O:2 =MUDS of sale. SALE OP ASOO OASES BOOTS, MOM, LA BROGANS. On Thursday Adorning, ritarch lit, a4 / 10 o'olook precisely, will be gold .bn' catalogue, on tour months ' oredit,3 passe man ' s boys',and youths' Preach calf an kip hoots and tampng . ; men's, bola'. and youths' goiter., potent leather Oxford her anAgaitors: buiThalf-welt do looms; misses.' and children s call ; goat. enameled and kip boots, Women's, misses and children 'a oom pristng an asoortment of goods from first-class ragrorn and city msnufaoturers. Catalogues and samples early on morning of sale. At the commencement of sale— dosen French calf skins, and 3,0013 lba sole feather outtinge. biekiss. Also, in sale manias of 150 case, Scotch gingham Inn - - 11Also. in sale of Thursday, will be sold to close an es tate, 5,000 piece, of straw laces, gimps, and bonnet stock. J.WOLBERT & AUOTIONkERS, Ve 519 ARCH Street, bureau Filth aud Sixth. FURNITURE, pA.I TINOS. CH/NA, &.. This °nuns. nth Jo l t . at lao'olook,at 519 *rob street—. A large 'assortment of superior household furniture. French Chios, Liverpool and Waite mane ware, paintings, silver-Plated ware, final goat, ko. _ ItIFOSES NATEANEI, AIIOTIONEER Ario GOMI4IB4ION 111:13ECITAET, southeast carav of 121JtilEI and RAU Streets. MONEY TO LOliV 851.20.000 to loan, in la e Or areoupts, ca stooks. gold and milver plate, , wagehea. Jewel rt. fowling pieces, du a . g i vr44. 01- f ia ii tuir . d a m / oas t ? f ii ii n = ..Zi o i l valseTior assifenstit of ttat an , on mere 'Mut WY SS than di any er ell ant in me ottf. 41118,T OMANOE.I+O4. BARGAIN& Mutt-9,11w*. Meud4 piano torte, in nob rawrood cage, con du. price it ; fine 13-caret gold hunting cage patent lever watch, ouble time and independent seconds. only 805; brie g the most siProvt and hest makes, from 423 to 0100; fine gold double- ttups Eng lish patent lever watches, beef make . cua 419 to 114 C fine 18-caret bunting-ease de • patent lever watches. U jewels, from 410 to 4 ; ese4 leo' ciao from 810 to Sol fine 113-eatt iti guld rye hunting Oat e witches at 420; gun fact olfrOla.4 ll l t ol l 4 1 9: ulcer 13"" lbligttint e C ' Tf e tlie t° It h rO%d tWet coact k 1 4/1115 r ° S 1 9 1 8 4 :Z 1 4Eu oas: silveria n t•P ever watches a t 1 ;urse ease wirer plea watches; ditto dug ti tlws, ma all to 430; bunting case sitl . te less wh ital• 11l Jewelled. wind. without d ke.r. 4 1 4 to 4 ,. /iliP Up do., from 413 to 415; huntil cage ter do he lever watehits,l3 Jewett. fro to on i open face do., from ao to es; bunting case ver Loping watches. full Levelled, from 810; open face do., from 43 tlts ea; silver guastoir vetches, from es to OS; solver French watches, m orn 41 to iss; gold patent hunting ease and open ; t *irk and Le pine,. English, 131nss, and lineriBh vat; til to 810; fine gold vest, fob. mild 8 , 10E0684M a 50 cent/ per dwt.; fine gold sets 8„ ear-nun bteastplas, and bracelets ; handl, l i ege rrings,and loWelry, Of every de sorir•ti rn, .for lees t an half the usual selling woe& p ry to loan, Jerome to piaoplualete, an dry and every hind nf goals, at Meiuf insulin; than aril other eatablishment in t v. q Q. 65- . ae1,133 Attended to wrsooduy bY e anotioneer. at very low awe.... COMIGNMENTBIO/TED. CongiNuments or ettesory ' ri d of goods eolleited for pulses sale ; MAI r the oof the seeds wsl be advanced in sattopadon at e th hioalf.B IiATILLIOB. QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND 80 1,7 CIETY 01/ PHILADIALP lA. Criflooll s INo b /4 1 y Blot OLGUtlata BY 41. 1 r WIN OFFISNA s It 0 0, 47r i s „%aclut co o!e )o j i ii iiih an i t Tf% from the lail 01 deeosit with hen. A reei t ible sad_rellsble BevingOwtitntion bee r been in the florthem put or tpe oity, and ' The flril e :' en Wiese Fund downy ' wee qhartsre4 by e tentare of .Yennerivarne te =HO this ireeeliGitl• 11.4 NOM 10 organizing and mgan in Aanw evi governed Wholly by edam to whom nem Moor end wants of theLr=ei entei7X nine hosodation b i libloh it of 0 104 Ural 471, 4 From Ito vi if, elee, on Monday wel SUMO g-ft natal I o'oloort In the enuthog. wArieenie, . spelt Kleti. teltig6trn, e I Mut , obn tut loin A . GOA rf t . 041 E ~,,,,...„, ,„...k. • Leclen, • lei l x. T JAMM IL T h n *,,, FPANGLI Rant. Eteeretare. la.lo-.fl gAVING FUND:.-UNITED STATES PO' 'WU COMPANY , oorner THIRD and OR BT NT aims receise.S, and palLkaok otido 784iggligisr;:t7ivixzEthPetz,,Tiragiti. 4, hour., from 9 inns o'oloc .1 and on AY EVENINGS trona pl 5 o °won. DRAFTB foT We on Xn3Min.L and U 4484 441:r....t riREN R. CRAWFORD. '8 R. 1111NTKR. Y Actuary. SAVING FUND—FIVE .PER CENT. IN t FAT.—NATIONAL BAPETY TiIL4T CO wALNIa Stroot. &whored 0017/01 . Qf THI iv ladoivilia. isoorporated 4 the Nato or reasorirs; am. Money ioloooirod In an loin. 'Vitt or. and 11 - t.,......d from the day of await a ay of tri - draw& The offl i ee It open every da y from a dokoek in the 4 7 moriAti4 t_l I p'ol i f , 4% • tv •aixit, wad on Monday and Aushidat . ; .4., o dija Wiwi.* J. D. 414 , 444 lom:Tm a la ti t at ./..asmar, f. v . Brawstr . . uno,.. g eTh Y i nes,' U 4 r aiz/tat , James L . ksoutoo. oney is received and pal - ata maf° ' With th e To tko Jiorop . rito ar emad e , . In 00 z_onaikr. groNrilt.i.,`Puldiiira• ' " L' A"'""elfillt It**. 140•4144 , 4 its ZtlAL . ." "nre t r e ff eo .l 4 40 1 1titir to the uoiricork sod ih u a ro wL A. Poo Permute:toy an d itablury to ataty 30 0 BLS Prime Halifax and Eastport &)U boxes Sealed Herring, yioll belt bble White Fish, m store and for sale by Whl. J. TAYLOR & CO., d3l 112 and NORTH Wharves. FIRAWING AND PAINTING' MATE. Rjr ß po l g j na ' aztt . . th M te teZ tri3 IltatioUry. Wonsan fottohyp3Mll.9 Designs r Pent .uoxee for windfall, and saw for Artlati nod ioturso aud Rohm, rramel !IV Cicada, American and French. cluall gfill°l to ti rcrittk rt J,ANSET gy No. n Small LIGH4II DIDOIX.BAT,N AND ETA ri.,• 31IFSOURI LAND 8. E. /IL:ROUGE & CO., General Lan as Real Estate Ants, Dealers THIRD arrats. CHE STNUTo.. • Northwest comer and Streets, 8. LOUIS. lair Particular attention paid to enteritis Graduated Lands. 600,000 Acres for Bale at prices ranging from 1910 to Dents per acre. Patents secured and taxes Paid. Harlots stamp for Plat and Dammam. faie-3m TO COIN COLLEOTORS.—United States Coins ati , Medals surohased at a high premium .or exohatyud or Books, to., by EDWARD t.OGAN. North TVA II Street ; also, for sale, the following ( i l il l oa l d u as " talopos of rale of I. N. T. Leviok'e Was.' PO cents. American Ertore_Cards,(i3Q)go costs. Rarity o f . J. 3.151t0k ley's Dates and Degrees of of Uni ted States C Cataloguests. The three Inc SI oents. snivm conAN. fell lm* JAVA COFFEE. —l,OOO pocketsprime Nang° r sslo by JAMES GRAHAM &Ay., SAVING FUNDS. IltiLL43 BY AUCTION. THOMAS & SONS, • N 05.339 and 741 BOAITH FOURTH. STREET. ! Formerly rice. Or anclak) REAL ESTATE. Atrn STOCKS THIS DAY. At It o'clock. goon. Yomphlet ostakwww. now .r.“O, containing full de •Tetione of all the pro c cre to be sold on Tneedag 721105 t at la neon, _with • het of . 7 . . 1 13th, Vth and Mk March, and of real mate at enrage sale. 3.P.817:1G B.PR . La G. BALES-43TOCKB AND HEAL ESTATE. First unalt Bale-February 28th, at noon. at the Exchange. Becxmd BStint Bale-March 6th, at noon, at the Ex change Exchan Third g. Bring Bals-Earch tlth. in the evening, at the Fourth Spring Sale.-11srehith, on the premises, Penn aguare. elegant residence..' Peremptory 'ale. Fifth Bpruig Bale-March /3th. at noon, at the En chants. VW Part of the handbills for etch of the above sales now ready. „poxrustact_ 13 e Y 3 l_ PUPAL SATE. AMP AT THE EXCEM29EBnise or me i sends and a emery Tuesday, at me =mange. tkir contDhelots lumust the opium al eatt4er% Igir Handbills of sash wroserkg ' addition to Wtua we enbilsh. on tha=sf pre s to the ti one u k ousind e r i tcs„A= tie soi 1 = ulrui til i i ' AT Mr HALF., 1117" Ws ye a large &manlike" sends at priest' / eat, isoltsUrery dosonplons o &WI gad, oonnlsy i r property. n hits mkt be hal e l laratton stoic ATE PP ' LEG BP Real estate named on our nriv l lo a l,o l S t oter Led adwerlined conasiretaly in oar pubis:lWe ta (of whiblilktneopies are printed weekly,/ free o to Peremptory Bale. PlTOUNet,AsiAptgr, T ltarli inst., at 12 o'clock, noon. his Day will bet red at the Far obsalo— I fall share (20 new shunt/ Ban Pronoun° lied Asso • Motion. 2760 1 Delaware Mutual !mollies Com/toes Borir. 829. 1 share Philedelpbin 1 ibnary, 1 share Mercantile Library. SAM °Dimon &per cant. bond Logan County Mining and MannreetarinaCompeny of Virginia, interest par able in April and October. Also. without morns. for saeonnt of whom it inn 7 conoern -1 full share (Al new shares) Ban Pranciaso Laad A a sociation. REAL ESTATE SALE—THIS DAV. At 12 o' t. soon. VALUABLE maxim STORE.—FottrAttory store. watt orutel iron front. No. M North Sixth street, above arket street. Peremptory 11e.—L AS GE BUILDEYO AND LOT.-- Lettre_bnolt Wiling. formerly used as a ehnr.h, north west ride of Queen street. 6 ermantowto s %Mung tha M Lutheran urat' ; tot 93 by 9t feet. @' Safe TWO THREE-STORY BRICE. DWELI.II4O, coronet( Third mai Buttonwood streete..Two fronta. VALUABLE FARM, 4.9 aim, with inyrowesentaa bounded northwest by the Plymouth and tipper thathta tutupits tritttiA eight of the Wimaltiekon station. arol three fourths of P a mite from Fort Weahlnttoa station. North Penneylrania Railrned. MRBE-STORY ERICK DWELLfIttI. south tode of Washington Street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, (late MortuntoultA.l NE SECOND BPRIECI BALE—MARCH eth. - At 120 sleek, noon. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. with ldedard, rta. 533 North Thirteenth street, above n et. _ retempton BaIe.—VALLABE t E itaiLND —Your-story trier gore, Na ted Ne Thud street. be tween Arab sad Race streets. Bjr*(ale iambus. ISMALL PAEM. It term with leinansenetqL en the Rota. TM . . I mole ft)st Montgomerrine. De mite. trout Line •Lesinston station, on the etortli_raparyl vaunt Railroad. Mantiontery breath Pa. ao - moue &ate soteession. NM THIRD SPRING BALE—MARCH 6. At 7 d'olock.en the Brenton. Outrun' Count Sale—Estate of Ann master. deed. TWO-42TORY BRICK DWELLINO. fold) o. Be Spruce street. between Seecend and Third screatn.. Sala by order of m Bars—Estate l of Bezdarnta Milkman. derinu. THRES-BTORY BRICK DWELLING % 110.422 Irma street. between Fourth ant Fifth dram& Orphans' Cosrj_Bals—Estate of JelraMee r ai.k, FIVE DWKLLIN66. edit TAM strass—Three story brick 4 2 twcratory_bast a rt tiro Mau frame dwellings. No. SA North ThArd t, between Tamma• ny and Green ,tree t, Court ate of Men formate. diked. TWOYF,ARI,Y ROUND RENTS. $l7 and MA out of lots Walt tide of Bath sweet, north of Fitzwater Basil Eetate.—TWO-BTORY BRICK DWELLINO, west aide of Bath street, north of Fitzwater street Hama Estate.— TWO STORY FRAME DWELL ING,_north I) de of Vine street, west at Eighth street. HOTEL AND DWELL.NG—Frante hots). sondem:l corer of Fourth and Coates streets, nth Dues roma dwellings in the rear. FOUR' Tll SPRING BALE—MARCH rib. Pererpotory gale on the Previers—Penn Sparc. fIUPENIOR REBID N C B . ELEGANT FL RNI- 7 T RE. &e. On edneeday, March 7tli. on the premises. 14.1? Filbert street. ow . Bite rettst Einem. the sSeetto/ mulenes, elegant Iht AIM*. hoe teUntJAW ate 6. CU ESIIIIMAA cealmsas ho , elcoopiet. Wgale steolnte. my .eas Peitlelliftrs biltidiXna End estalapase. Administrart_Wa. N !Cur Arch street. ELEGANT TAM FUR I au_r a. I sitton. PANO, CV.It - CAREhTS, &. This Morning. .atis last ,at o'clock. at No . Arek. street. by eataloyue. by order or Administrator. Ike entire ele gant drawing- room, dining-room. and ehaniber funu =re. very implmor 1.001 , 1004 acres-octane piano, mots toos4,' by Wien. The cabinet fornitare was toads to ardor by Oao. J. Menkela hoe been in use but a short time. and to in eatiti4ent order. May be examined at d o'ok)ek on the Mail= dab. with eatidoesea.l CHOICE AND SELECT PRIVATE LIBRARY OF _STANDARD AND INTERESTING ALITRORS. Thu Evening. February ggtb. at the auction more. will be 5 , ;.41 a es lect private library of valuable and ataridaK,i, wh o m, together with elegant London - books, Waal of them Il lustrated with engravings. Also. atS o'clock— A eaterio; walnut bookcase. sir For partionLars ass claamieg. VALUABLE E!,;:iL rail AND AMERICAN MAIL AND ILLUS MATED WORK'S. On Wednesday Evening. rftrUltry VI, an assortment of valuabie Mulish ar..l Amerman boots, on slums interosttag subjects, to tether with a number of pistons! as d illustrated works. Sfdr For particulars see catalogues. Bale at ItriaTe 11FXRIOX FU 'I3VEZVF 1111.- &WM PLal4O- STE, _X Era On huniday Morning. - M p o'olook, at the Auction litore. ea searctineut of !legit neeond-hane Serail:um eleF h ehteo- de a n te j . r t. F mirrors, careeek eta., from ea I • renumast to the dare eltavesi of sale. Sale N 0.1190 Spruce Street. ELEGANT FURNITURE. MIRRORS. CIA• TAlteS t On Tuesday Morales. March 6th. M to o'clook. at Ng. OM Sprout street. the furniture of a gentleman declining housekeeping. Made to order e the beat quallty, ie use but a short time, snit in first-rate order. tiP Particulars in Caine., ST. LOUIS, MU. & BOYLE, AtrOTIONEERS W Y 1 . A p_ COMMISSION MEICSANTS , No., I, North MAIN Street. ST. LOOM, Mo.. (formerly with Mears. Myers, Chisholm. & Co. PhulathdphieJ oder their lemma tothe merelants, mannfeemirers, 5.114 others of Pluladel his. tor the sale of dry goods, car pets. boots, shoes..lewelrr. he., ho. Mr Cash advances made on receipt of na. lailr Settlements made thre EN e tiers atter REFERM. Marrs. Myers, Clagliorn, & Phila % "'& Brother Phila. an ek. Townsend a Nirszreras, New York. & B. Come & q„,ir eir p or t. " Wood, Christl s k Co .. Bt. Louis, Mo. Crow. MoCotarr. & Co.. - Isof-fmwlr RETAIL DRY GOODS. WInTE MARSEILLES QUILTS.—Just v (maid as invoice of all sizes and analities from 10-4 to 13-4. Some new and handsome desists. 11-4 and 12-4 Barnsle Linen Sheeting. Damask Napkins and Doylies. Damask Table Clothe and Table Linen. • Magary Diaper and Tow/Aline. One Sale super-heavy ROWS Crash at 9 and lii rents per yard. Oise Bal. of extra. sneer Whits do a!ltl.; sante. =A large stock of Ladies' and Germ' Linen Cambria Edicts. in Plaint. Conisd.Bem-stitehed, Colored Bomar. and Embroidered. Irish Shirting and Fronting linen, by the pear or yard. WHITE GOODS. Naasook, Cambric, Jacimet, 9a-:u, and Plaid Moa An invoice of Freneh Lane foliate. SltaVa. Mantle', ama, GOODSnio NEW being daily rewired. _CHARLES ADAMS. fain EIGHTH and ARCH. Streate. THORNLEY & CHISM Would N i E nei wT ts so lli pam Oo mN ig Gn baaftaczokod3g:m, of Boosht cheap for cash. and will he sold Conespoodinsly cheap. Among winch will as fmnd VERY RIOH FOULARD 44LIES. Neat Checked sad Plaid Silks. Rich Chaos kid Brocade Silk s, BES. BLAU. SILKS. Utlieb ful New Styles o Veal Goods. Fre,and EnalisatChintsea and BriSien tee. at RoMtiviie, tiood Hosiery , Be d Haw PPE! G CAbli I faEktes FUR BOYS' Wica R. The best mates oi Doineatic Mallow Irish .`ititutrifour own importation. &a.. All at Priori as Low as the Lowest. At the N. E. corve_r Fat EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. LUPIN'S DE LAINES, &e. firsa mods de Ismer. V{ eta. az-silent blanks 1166 sad 23 eta per quality at -Maud 60 cts.. übliro kli II tr at 64 eta. Hated wo o l ds lames. 37 to 63 ots. , laek bombazines, auction lots, el Uf , laek silk alpacas, AO. k French lace voila, $2 and $3, o. .1 Al USLINS. by the vac * ls and yard. BMhET i NOS. by the piece and yard. LINENS. be the piece and Yard ! DA SIAS§ Table /anions, in slottis. all slam NON 8 and Doylies. to the dozen or quality. TOW L 8 sa) dozes, ( ma 66 eta. to $6 per dozer. RED- OIIDERED fins Towels, Napktria, and goy - lies. FLANNEUIItan. low-priced, and silk =ICJ. MARSEILLES for oollan. bowfin. buicau covers, .le. ,k MARSEILLE'S QUILTS, also Lancaster. Allendale. r, lotaINEN, SHEETING'S, 60013 extra goal and chaap . ..ricirws,or every grade. Also, Al ERRI3IACK PRINTS. And AMERICAN DAN" 000D8 GENERALLY. COOPER A. CONAR.D. tell NINTH and M A sty- nAReIAINS FOR SIX WEEKS. -R-er THORNLEY & CHID! N. E. come/GUTH a im ed bb ltfß o lNAG l AßD hu k: l l l ,l4:ll o lve , jan speo wi tfuta I . 7, u a t a the let of /Ouch the_y_wil. BELL GOODS HtO4IEDLESB OF PROFITS: ni t s have ea exostieet stock of vogrAm.ret.m....rta. ~I t a.g . 14,fik i rminv:zukins., 111... k. Cloths. and Oassim -. A AL ltt n egial k OP t iriirALlS. pest make of black silks. - !Hammes, De Lniaes,Oomin Poplin Maids, AIL .. Mans of the above g _c,o_a w ill b. d MUCH UNDER COST RICE, N. B.—l t will Day 10 tire as a call - - B LUE PL;41.1) FLANNELS. Pedant Broobe Showto reaten Pretty 10 and az cent Maltse. 8& and $l5O Wool Robes. worth Ir sal 13. Ftneet Black Idonsmhnes, 35 tole coot& lloeut all-wool CASBIhIEREB. SUS for beat Fancy Conimeres. Good Goode at 51,11.111, and $ eattmate and Commeree, 40 to recent.. Vestmaa very cheap. SO cent ret-rate Shute and 'Craven. Gloves, nag, Edith, &o. motion rota. COtiPER S CON4IO NINTH. and MARK% N.B.—LINEN GOODS, a lane and deeirabie mai: t every deacnytion. WIRES AND LIQUORS. "iOALL ATTENTION OF TUB lu Ti l it e trg u l ° FVifillNg. tnnly in assorted i t constantly cgt haat. ire rt received for direct impo rt ation. —lletoress:r Colingo, Leßoy Coe - nao, London and sod Oins. Claret to Wood and Casee,Champasnes. hie s te ad low once,. LOGCHLikt.. Importer. ore-dra 111 Routh FRONT. Philadelptua. G EOMit WHITELEY, No.lllBouth FRONT Street. Importer of Brandt, Wines. &0., offers for iftg bone w as.the following, among other arandant of Windy Fillet, Outlaw:. & CO.. Thos. Hines & Co.. Met, Rohm. & Co.. Otard, Dam, & Co.. rimne4e. lderett, Depoixt & Co., 'irtjA"Mairistoge. & 1 7 .411.artAlls, . gra. Rennesey. , Stnart'reusT Mall Witt:goy, egul tkee choicest unites of Madeirajtken7. Port. Itrintstr, Sad Rhine Wines Palm Tres Gun, Janska Rum, Bents Cruz Rum. Bo rdeaux Oil. &a.. &a uP.t. FRENCH GELATINE WHITE, BEST— Por sale by WET BIRYTRINt, an. h .41.aida :WM iIIiCOA
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