ataddts94llthalrEokatWf7ntlN '• "at from 829 to 19$) beadias la quality. ": Silas price. —"AI/ he arrivalsof fat-nosiest H. -- . 121. imhors Union - Drove Yaid Were I,oo44..lLikhkWll.teifeokUnniogn $l3 iiiNdistdOlogs striroui 814 t 048.60; a few era good eoreifogsraolditt, $9 100 lbszati Mar4eteg 27.1-34getiing: • Thera is ma obsagaia Ole 'Pima .ihuhend.frir Flour; and holder: ate fi rm ih their *lowa, sales`afame 6(10 this to note at tieltrfor superfine i• s6 , ‘lor, Ira. and par pbtfeffelttri Therais.vbrY "shmping inquiry, and the market is inaotive;' the tn.+ , • ,boyme , moderatele at the. ithove•fildires _far operant; - and extra and 9'6..59¢7 for fancy Mande: Bye Flour ..1 linikeorn'hlettl are unohnnged; -The foifner fa hell' at' 8428, road the latter MA3 6w,, pm. bbt: Njitiit enema tit slowly: and prime' lots' are , trAnteilit the 'advance . noted enturday.About 1.600 bus _prune "red sold at VA°. - .and 8 000 rue white at di rattler Clint atom.. RYe ie in •' steady demand "at 92d98i for Penna.: ' , Toni "oOntinnee - • dull. and about 2l® bus yellow Sold '•at 750180 in store and afloat: Oats are dull and Penott are glinted at:416143(0 - without sales. Baru in wanted: Ist No:1 Quotoitrou Hoist but wi out any o aif here .519 4c ton. Cotton-4h° haniket nge to note in acme on demand. 1 • , hrooeriee,- ere is , et ale dimmed ler,B,nEarand . ll.l9- , - whim' are selling at steady prises. Proyistons— Holders are firmer in their dernano; ana, Bnoon,reni - Mears are selling at folly _former rate. LA enta il , salo of Laid was made at itiqe , on t ime, 100 bale Park - on terms kentptivate. avatar andßheetii are dull; , a sato of paokod Wee &nada at tio 4 1, lb. Fieli--.910 chalice inliormarkst and sory , littio,doiny,SaidaThe demand for Clovereeed has fallenaffi and tt foltreineit WWI are • reported at 81.8005k9' but the latter for prime. 1800 bags "recleaned' geed - told at"tt Pneitte'bargennt ,, WhlskeY is • setting nfoderatobrOtti22. 4 4o for drudge, 330-for Nude, - Witt for Penheglgania bble, anitailqo for Ohio do, • - .piett , ;ifork Stock E; MO U. 8.60, 100 num V. 8. As, rata Blishouri Oo , 1808 Tenn e 096—..., • & • ' • do 'els% BM 8418 ft lsr mtg... 94 +OO Pel L W ns.. 01_ -1001 Hudson, ft lst m.,113 8011 Vlt I Cent bds.... 88 1000 do ..... 12 ,qk of Cominerao. 084 goo pon d ifio Mod ' • gio+lj _.• 660 9414. leo Pol,!Leek Ic•W R.lB • Now Jersey ft.. • ./Hgl Tas m iteitak are steady at $6.25 for Foto, and 6,660 for .Pearls. with tales of 00 tibia. not rik-iThe market for ti tate Mid Western Flour is without material change, with fair receipts. and sales of 7.em Wet at $4a4.85 for unsound; rillS:lOft626 +or en - gattlicelitate ;-$000 , 15.60 fort extra do ;.sll.lbet2 20 for suserfino Western; eliZeree.en'tiir extra do ; and 211.85 • 'me ,for - Aibietans Wanda or extra' round hods Ohio, ~.!Boathern Flour is unahauged. with sales of 1,200 bids at 1,.,3116405t6,711. for mixed •to rood.-add $6.2007 or extra .-brands.. - Canada Floor is ',quiet, With salsa or 3 77 bbls -0xtrant55354.376. • • • ' . - •.(10A isie—W heat inquiet and unc hanged , with no tales of moment to report. Corn is dul and drooping, with - sales of 6,010 bushels at 800820 for now white and 77 el • low. Gabler° quiet at 40043 c for &Inhere Tennsylva and eigatilo for Htate, Canada, and betters. - i,F,ROVISIONS:=-The Pork • market is. ettiadf., with salsa. of WO tibia at 81760 for-old Mess,- 8 BGO for - row do: 012.621 y. for mil Prima; mem or now do. Beef is in native- request at Grady abstained ie .tor t ttr 84 .1 2k4.50 m ine ofetini g ry - Prim o iiipaeked_Weiiera lilogra r n i d 811.e28557A3.7g1i0T `, extra Uttar ; „Bacon-in firni ; , Ciit Meats are turret at .7st7ho for Nimulders and a Air. Hams; Pressed jdoge are quiet at N.M.., tilltd in 'wood request arid ' l si f itd i i• -• arl l l h titetr o r)lVg . tinf 1 AniOSTZtel u rTfiet i ni le orni a lum lt. . • •• . Vinui is nominal at 216. ' CITY ITEMS. • MONTULT MiZTEOCV OP , TUB.. YOUNG AKYN'II CHRISTIAN ABSOCIATION,Ihe regular Monthly Meet , - trig of the Yowls Men's Christitia Ageootation wee held at the pansom-street Baptist Church last evening, Pre ' aidcnl George It Stuart in the chair. The meeting wan welLattanded, and characterized with an ,nnusual de gree of baimonyt and-interest, ' The itmetinivrtui opened by Mr: Marks, of Pittsburg, ' reading a jportkin of Scripture, which was follotted by a 'prayer from the Rev. Wina.R. Taylor, Thicnext fea ture in ordel, was, the usual ewer, which, in 'this in stance. was - delivered by Mr. Clifford P. McCall& tt Religion - in Emanate" wag las theme, and it was ere ditablytreated. • The thirty minutes discussion upon the 'esney was alt 'interesting part of the exercises, and was conducted in excellent spirit. At the .close of the dis cussion an- addriu, marked with ability and Christian zeal, was delivered by the venerable Dg.P.tottond a 'et yma prayer offered by the Rev. Albert Barnes. Addres ses were also made by Revs. W. J. ft. Taylor and John Chambers. - The various reports'Of the committees for the wore next yeed and lipproiied, the import 'of some of which was espeolally gratifying. That'devoted to the labors of the committee for seeking otit young men".and strangers coming to the city. was particularly telling in' Shia respect, as 'the statement of feats which it eon tamed was a very practical illustration of the good the Assciolitionle accompliahlng in this city. The appointment of twenty - delegates to attend the National:Convention of YOung ChristiliOseri ciationstto be. held In New Orleans on the_Uth of April 'nest, were also made. A very pleasing incident he the, prnetadinginf the evening was the reception' front hit Pike of two elegantly-bound euboontition'beekliofor, the nee 4' the Ass o ciation. On n=otion ',Manna maker, the Corresponding Seoretary, MN Prico's hand come present was suitably , acknowledged by a ennui "moue vote of thinks. The honr of adjenrnMent - was not reathednneil half peat ten o'clock. ' Onnia, 4tas9 4 , Ann gnSEttlitiattl3 EXPOnititc— In the department of China, Glees and Queenewars,, as in every other branch; hotels Ineindedirlilla ‘ delphis Presents more or less representative homes, which, from their standing end business chatneter, must wars command alreNelnes mercantile patronage front' the Squth and West. Under the head aboYe designated, we may mention the extensive house of Alesare. Turn bull, Anen t & Co.. Noe. 23 and ti South Fourth street. The capacioim tailicalyldch they'occupy Jo, at the pre sent time; literally packed with Rods, domestic) and foreign. the latter being all of their own direct impede, lion. ; Their preparations for a large trade verb never mere ample than at the present season . ; ,anciwe are happy to learn that their operationi, thus fir, here* been fully up to those of any former year., As this is one Of the houses.ueon which dirt malicious attempt was made to place them in a false light with their Southern caotomers, it is of gratifying eignificanoe that their trade. which is large pith that section of the Union, has experiermed no change in thigreepett; 'A rent, tracythlnc, a retro:able one, such as would natu rally grow from their contently-inereasmg facilities and their popularity with all who make their acquaint-, MICA. „ . Tnn 0n01101.A...PUUP.".--By the politehesa of the inventor, we had recently the opportunity of exami ning a new article in the ” pump" line, which, we think, is destined speedily to come Into general 11110. The water °heathers in this pump, initead'of being supblied with the 'ordinary valve'. are arranged 'with India • rubber bade , the substitution of which preolodee the Poatthility of getting out of working order by the iatrol. 'dilation of mud or othersabstanoes; and, at the alma time, theft is beffniieutit relaxed-as to allow tht(watir in the ti blis to flow out when the pomp is not being - worked, thereby obviating its freezing. as - the water elambere are imliodded under the aurface of the water. Those primps can be introduced in,any well at about the coat of:the „cheapest lot pumps; can he worked with one quarter: the labor, and are fully twice at dura ble. By attaching a hose; - water can be thrown over any ordinary-sized building. which ig another great de -- eideratum for the country. Tho model we examined is now on rxhibition at Mr. /tithing', Dock street, above second. north side. We regard the ingention - es a dent dedimprovernent;upon any purnp.thief 11'4 heretofore been introduced, and welbworthy the attentiod of the public. Mn. Frgrm'e FtCorm LigTintn.—The sewed of the iseriee of interesting lectures; on "The Creation," now in emitroas at Handel and Haydn' Hall, by I'dr. Field, will be delivered this (Tuesday) evening. Tho vest amount. of eciontifio knowledge brought itif bear upon this immense theme by the gifted lecturer is a matter of 'wonder and admiration with all who !Magill's'. The course a ill include mine, in all, and will be given regularly hereafter on Monday, Wednesday. and Friday evenings of einfli - week, until the Close.' They, are at` once intensely interesting and instructive. IFrom the Boston Evening Transcript.) • A New ERASZR.—Mr. K. G. Shaver; New Rayon, Conn., has just taken out a patent far an article of general utility, being a simple but highli-,finished in etrumentNoombinine, in one handle, en eraser, paper cutter, folder, and peneiteharpener. all readopt a mingle ateoe of steal. requiring no change, inakinr one of the most convenient. valuable;and useful articles for the counties-room utters studio, and achool-room eve invented orartioght, before the public. It lean inetnt 'went that will be adopted saloon as Peen. It will do all that in claimed for It. It: iq, a decided improvement on 'all former erasers herilefore sold by the trade. :It can be procured of all the prinelpst etationere in thenity, and bonkaollers generally. BILLIARD . TAILB!I invite the attention-of th6s4 dotlyouo of potoikaitng two Bret•olaaa Marti Ts 'Wes; of modern make. to the adeerteement which will be found in another column.' , - `'Tnt - 01.,tiant OUV.P.II. - MAIMISCIttrY ,bout o year ago - the Government of. Ruisia.ient Pro fessor Tisohendorf to. the lisst for Ott purpose of Mail • tuting a thorontilt search in the various Greek, Syrian, Persian; and Abyssinian monasteries for ancient manu script records supposed to exist there, and to secure them. If ;Mumble. by purchase.. Prof. Tischendorf has retnrned to ntissia, and brings with him. anions other rare roinains, the very oldest Greek' Manuscript Bible extant. Cannatay enough, one of the' parchments is endoreed as follows: "Buy all yourgenneate et the Brown Stone Clothing Ran of Rookh'll Wilson, Mow Gut end GOO Clam/taut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia' , . .(iires7 SMIVINO Kenning Wt.—The - ofeet Peering Machine Patent Cazei which has occupied the U: P. Court et Baltnnote rot noartr two mooths.. mas de cided on haturd* in Inver or .i..edd; Webater, & Co. Bon:rxrEns , and Western taerabanta can fill all racial for ourtsins, window-shades, 4amaski. Antics. cords, trissels; BEO., In a Satitlfactorr manner; at W. U. cirrlik. Bro.'s curtain store, In Chestnut street, Ns- Bonin Fla% feb23.6t thstu Stnttitu kt4ll VittattZliTSD—ThlUiltPUL!-70itOtt by a report of &public tturivizig that Mr. Bowers, of this city, who Wee tarred andfeathered in the South for too free an eapre■sion of opinion In regard to free and white labor. eerie eibittory of that blime operation, POW' POWellt 'lt ,was - only last week we 'read on the pantaloon' in the windows of Mr. Charlei Stokes' C 2 c.- thing Store, udder the oantinentalliotel,", a label I! On By ,Poweas,", wa thought what a pity he didn't "nut" and save hiineelf that fowl suit: but. on arriving at the, " Keyttone - Palace" to scrape an no quainutnee, we found tt ti•as not °id-rowers, the" Ce, lebTatid Pantaloon Critter? for there he was, arrayed in Frenoh Ogeettnetea# and. an is the OughWe with thin honve,rhdprire,masmarktdplafnlyort an of the e a r - Inintr. PULPIT. Tartruntas, %goblin Cord 'and. Tassels, Damask for Curtains, Lees end — Muslin Curtains, Jae. guard Calalns, Tassel Loops, Coats° Tameu, out Cornices and Bantle, Olinda CordOltaisteil and ..ratisels, Gilt and Ould-bordered Window /Made, ' wholesale and retail. W. H. CHERYL k B11(1.4 . 241 1 / 1 0ni0 Hall, felß••tnth6t Tutxaa WORM KNOWlNgt.'—`.‘ A cracked chin is poor reword for many troubles. An empty wallet in poor ehungry tguiro. Forty men will eat more meat In one day than ten men can eat in the SUDS time. Children who pick up a hot poker will put it doWn' again without the telling. ,An'eel pie giveth more Joy to a hungry man than' being Mired in a blanket. He that bath not a coat Will 'not need in have it brushed The pig is contented when it limb all its wants emitted: All that a realineedeth he , hathr provided he buyeth his clothes at the palatial store °tett/twine &phi,. No. 607 N. 13.—Thre _celebrated clothing establishment hag no conneetion with any other in the etfQ. • HATO AA, OOP-ES &I pAVIS. "No: - $1721*,A K T S KANunarmERS OF. ,AND IN„PirgilV,9ot. BILR, COSIO E ' RE ' BTitt.,..)Tva‘±dip:AtiA,P4.A. oTB, BLOOSIVRS,,RIII7itSVPiLIkik. PJ;OWERS , 1 "r• ' Invite itie".ottontioxi Of ego% and 'promotlOtoiqbuyers to out tittco:ondrll•solootod aro' ott: -..lql43tOtatAlPLOnF e. a °Al 6 l o l 4 l .sitt, • " - -• ""ARRFFALIPAI ONfilaihr /AST NIGNit CONi*jiTA.G.B4. 001 - per of ninth mid-Chestnut. OltirOn. Springfield _JrI G• Riehardal Ey 0 H Miot, , Dr It Whiting, C- C Skater, Philo N B Royston, Balt more 8 OreftT:tY N R h o ' b hi EVel tl i e k. N oiLd w 0 GiILIT 8 Sal e m ,A . Wm °worn! he la. N T Rinok & la. NY A Miller. Philp I wArhix env. MOIIOI I .I F Burr, Mt ,aolly,NJ Y WA Hill, Voile • ` AA J Anderson. Pa J Rosa st la, Chor Nation Mies Roess Cher Nation Miss S F Stapler, Oh Nation LW Stapler, Oher Nation JAI M Pollee Mogi W Acton, London Mtge Acton, Ip,~oh don- TL wornte, Philo B It Morrell, hila Russell Smith, ' 13 Leach, N Y J E Royer tows ' Geo Keeler Isaac L Shaik, J A Wright, Pa B Glenn, r, Balt W Brinton, Pa John Herr. Lancruner, Pa N HaeterY W H H J W A Jones, Zanesville • hlohlecken, Miss E W Crirlieen, Pa OA Gill, Balt J Gillet. N Y 0 W Ruisaell.ll Y • W 0 Vanier, N Y N Morrison, N Y 0 Put. Balt • Biloklin Baltimore S U Cadeweli, N Y bbarier , NY &le 8 brook & non. N Y OK Crook A. son, N.Y Saud Keyser, N Y Rohr Turnbull, Balt F. 1, Harding. It , A Lee oat, Vs • T W Roston. Va Riohd Harrison, Ya L Levonard N . 1 Brain, Fla -It Flit Beni Blosaon.N T W tiosman. Balt gluts St Jacksotom. Balt J W Glidden, Portsmouth L N Robinson, Portsmouth D A Gliddon, Kr Johnson, N Y Wil_pendleton, Ky E B Crocker &la NY A F Higgins la. N Y H L Eustis & 10, Nimes IV f,elkwk• N Saml A Meyers, St Loom CII amaport & la, N Geo Bat ley. et Louis Chan But Boston W F Wheeler, Boston Mrs F M Crone, Boston .1 A Bitol', St Loom G N Illoliktot, Pittsburg W.T Manly. Lex, Ky P Bowdito ,b Boston E Anderson, Or. ' W Tryon, N Y T 0 hioltinley,liarnsbg W W Smith, Wash, Pa T E Potter, nil& W Hall, Boston , GIRARD HOUSE — Chestnut nt, below Ninth. b rommual. I of Chas not. Jr, Wash, El Wilkins, NY .1' 0 Pray, N Y MAshly, Ky E (lorm, Ky H e.Leman,Lano Mr Smith, Pa John Clark, Pa hi B Hickman. Cheater co Mr Henry. Wilrn, Del -Mr Clarkson. Ga Ihi MeGinnesa, Troy, N Y John Samar, .blkton, Md A Street on 'l' June. Yorke , Wm Henford, Brooklyn fire Henford, Brooklyn A Maynard, Boston B Haenohertrotimolle F fl Archer. Salem. N J Wm Elba. pson,l4 J A Hughes, Shelby villa, 'Penn Sand Carpenter, Tenn Elias Compton & wf. W A roou, Ironton, Mo Geo W Small, Louisville Mica cuts. Louisville Howard, 1 ,,, Y T Whitcomb, N Y Geo Cochran, Brooklyn LA Freeman, N J Mr Beement rdr /Lotman, Pinta • Hon D Finney, Harrisburg Henry Peel. Mr Steinman. Lancaster hire Steinman, Lanoaster 0 D Hemphill, Mobile W It Hind, Mobile E R 'Mils, Mobile 0 N Clormbersburg J F Loa, Lancaster 0 Do Witt, 8 0 oSleirett, Pottsville ft Bannon. Pottsville Collitdinson,U 13 A • E Newell, Ga Mr Stewardson. N Y A Girod, Parie W S Johnston, tt Joseph P R Atarierloy, Newark, 0 Frank S tiont4N Y .1 TIRO, N Y • W K Clare, N Y Dr Hill.N Y Thos Hasitings.N Y Capt Tilor & la, N Master Re nUrrinktOn, Man W 8 Hart & la, On W C Maddock. N Y Dant e Gibbons, Balt It H Band. Balt • Mia Maynard & Own B Stowart, Philo Thna Humphrey,. 711 d O Whipple y.Ballt 1,,T Townsend, Balt T W Sadler, Prattsville Mr Colt, N Y E O Wald, Memphie A 0 Gray, Po J W Bradley, N Y W 11 Rookwell,N F H Bouthworth,.Brazil,SA I Campbell, Bloomfield Sweeney. N Y .Jaa Smith. Newark It V Blackburn, Ky ' 8 M,Keller, Va Thee R Bailey, Va F A Weninger, Cia, 0 MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth Street, below Arch I Frv v r, Bait A 3 Dambergel Now York P atod, bokeonville •F Pa Males, tray cold. Ky It T alley, AMY 601(1, KY S R Irsar. ambers T MeCome, Jr, Ky WO Mom, Paris, Tenn M Jones, Liberty. Mn F L Carlton, Miss JC Anin, Henderson, Ey T Foster, Galena, 111 HonGßßmrth,Pa P Pet to bone, Wyoming, Pa T White. York, Pa Hon N etrickland. Pa F May. Elkton, hid It B Winne, Sterling, 11l JAt Patterson( Sterling. 11l L Westbrook, Pike co, Pa J. I.' Barnes, Pike 00, Pa J W °Main! Mies M Kearney, Mule W H Keller, Miss 0 Feldmann, N Y a Marion, lowa W Parr, Pa Jvic., 4 %Lsltults li W.Bonsall, Norristown Geo Stem, Wanton C Glanz, , Easton Payne, St Louis P BYO:idol', Belt 8 T Atkin. Tenn E 'l' Pennebaker. Tenn Hon 11 8 Mott, Pike co Hon E W Hamblin, Pa Jae Howard, Pittsburg B Smith. Pittamirg Arthur urn, led John Peatoriug, NI, Geo W Bradley, NY .1 Buchanan. Sr Loam Chas .T Fuller. N Cant Tate, Mine K S per,ekeou. N Y Ferns. Buffalo 11.1 J Lyday, Ohio Jae Hadley, N Y J ff. Johnson, Mien J Nohlahan, Ma W A McCann, Pa R. White, Tenn G W Shelton, Conn P E Shattuck, Philo Joel B Danner, Pa I Tate, Mina lechaige‘r4eli. 28. :cutn: ' 1 100 00 d N Central. —'.ll 701.' . o 8411 lon 1 do HO go 00 ' '1,0071 703 i . 40 Eno A....,........ 9 2ou liu d dio . n Ric /1. , 0„... 959);4‘. 100 o ... - . 1 00 Ifarleui Arr.;b6o al , /*Heading it -10), 40 Alloh uent , .1711 9 Mica SAO 14••• 6%. 100 tiolOns & Clu.. L t ._ 07 . 400 Chicago & R 1 —l5lO VA 310 do ~.,. . '69 , ..; 180 Ind'oolis ........... ' . AMERICAN ROTEL—Cheatnut at.. above AM. 3 llCtunpbell,N C R Il ralenirider, N C H N Newbold, N Y' BI P Denny, Lesion K .I. Smith, Conn NJ Jordan h. In, N J Q ItayesPhila . J 11 Thomas. Pieta J Burgin, Plain ' .1 0 &Aeon CToppan, Boston .W B tiould, Newark, N J RJ 13 Minn. Newark, N 3 I Cooper. t's Y B Lewin, N Y . - oho Mainly. N Y JanWilur, Bethlehem B Mel lvalo, Leine co 'l' Buliivan. hld II 0 Miller. Tenn F N Otis, Brooklyn L ' ht IL Nichols. Pottsville J AI Frick. hitnproville B P Morrison. Mn P W Bewail - . N B Chidny. Easton ' H Beek. Trenton R B Watmongh, N Y JII Bailey, N Y . •• D Bliss. N Y lien W Cook, N Y J M. Whiteburst. Vit J W Lowden. RI . - F IC,Phcontx. ill 0 M Buckley. A i- Jon B Fenby, N Y 7.8 While; li Y , E Dnoolo, N Y W'B Westbrook. Bel' Benj W Jones, N l CJ Walton. Baltimore , . JONES' HOTEL—Cheanut Et.. below Seventh. C Stokes, Fhila C R Randolph, N .1 CL Hirk,N Y' . 41 F Bcokus N Y L at Rawlings. Va W McCann , A P Winoheater. Balt C R Floyd Dr I Darting : Pa John Layman, Balt A P May; Ark' " W F Brooks, NY W k. Hendry, N V" P A Freernan,.N i T D Cranither,N I L Pennant. Phila. D D Morris, Ya M D Lasso, Va 0 R Forbes, N Y " L lit. LOWIS• N Y F G Stokes, N Y 'V W Christopher, Balt W 0 Lewis, N .l ' DW Howe, N Y . P Brown, Coan - .b: A Ryther, Wash, D C • NATIONAL HOTEL—Baca street. above Third. T Smith, Wilkesbarre Ron R Keller. Pa J I tuel, Dauphin GP Henry, Allentown 0 H Quire; Tenn V W Harris Nashville 8J Kitimat, ?Melina , E L Rusers:Doyleittown P J Du Bois, New York .I'K Mosser,S Ilentown M M MeCorgle, Del T Spans, Phils J it Micei Schuylkill Haven A Zimmerman, Ind 0 Pyle, Lebanon, yft W- i t Waters, Pottsville H Bendier, Pottsville Mnl W Bickel, Pottsville O P Kurtz, Lancaster T Smith, Conn W Leslie. Slushing J Whitaker. Mt Clore 0 Warrant. Orwigaburg D Boyer, Orwnisbunt M Moser, Ormagshurn El Break, Barwick MistAIDIP, - EAGLE ItOTElr—Third street, above Awe. Thom finnaorson. PA Jas W Broom & Is, hos Yerolyke, Phil& - Oeo Hoglernen. Pa John It PAR& Jae Dyer, Burlington H noyer. Philo, • David Jones, N Y obt H Scott, Allentown Jon W West, Easton. Pa Philip °Word Montle, co J C Stroheckerßeading IA 10 Chamber k n, Ohio James Hooke, E aston Geo AI Porde, ston ' Geo hick Yenta, Baltimore ST. LOUTH HOTEL—l:Mutant street. above Third. D Berlin, NY' 0 TGlninet, la & den, Tenn R A Bosenbautn, Malaga W B Rosenbaum. halaga Thos,Tßdoorton. N Y J L Hasuer, Harrisburg Lltothetmel, Philo H A Cut hld L R Adm.! Aid • John Moist:Ong, Y A'Metz, N , NO Fay. N - it M Yar.e. Conn Mrs It Winslow. N Y Mrs Parker, Treetni• N J H A Parker, J Jag A Lewis. Lewistown Mrs G A Wolf!. Bsltimore Mrs J B Wolff, Baltimore YV Nichols, Brooklyn, N Y - THE UNION HOTEL,-Areh "treat, above Third. J K Siegfried, "Port Clinton It Wasson Pa 0. De Gems:l,l'6lla F Helfer, Heading Too Rifler,. Point Pleasant Trio Hitzmiller, Pa Jno M taring Pi J P II Fithian, It JBHolcomb,N3 TWarren t Sehuylla II oo Jno newt. CW, 0 1' Hama. N Y Alex. Etratton,Nl Goo H. Kinzer, Lane no 1) Eppley, Harrisburg .1 Kemmerer. Allentown W m Major, Pottsville P Siegfried k wf, N Y Frank Ling & wf, N Y FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second etreet, above Market. Wm P Cooper Dover. Del J L Crouch, Dover. Del Wm • easier, Dover, Del C W Geiser, Pa II Alice, Pa B A Nuxum. Oa Col b B Chietow, Va M. C Woodhull, N Y B it Baker. N Y Jno P Stevens, Ohio Miss N C Stevens. Ohio J Finch, Pittsburg Mrs Callolby , Pittsburg Mrs Lowe. Pittsburg R Beakers a: Is, Pittsburgt Levy. Cal AI Wray . Cal awes Riddell, Del co, Pa James Cook, Del van Thomas 2c la. Ma V G i lkey it la, ACheater Ati Woolley, Wills, Del P W Niekerson,,Del Col Durgee. N Y Ma) b Brice,:Ya COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut et. T Kirk, Chester oo Amos Kimble, Chester co Kin We. Chester co au ems', Chanter oo John Kelly, Aid J J Cumnimps• Canada W 8 B Harman, Canada West .1 Beesboron, Chester oo L A Hoopes. On Jas Paid, Pa A Lyons, Ai d J K kl.intte• Del Ja&Trainer, Chester co 'E Dickey, Oxford. Pa HI/tale/KM. Id London J Jackson, Philo Dr Duffield,Pe, - 011 Owens, fild • A Bowers, Pa 8 Latshavv. Newville, Pa E W Geunry,NY Sehnider. N Y • Soott, Elkton, Aid JD Moore, Bucks ea STATES UNION HOTEL—Market et., above Bath. Knnll B Ref B. WO. Del If: 8 Wood. N Castle, Del A Speakman, Coatesville , 1 Morgan r enates% the Jacob Ootrwalt, York, Pia nl timbre, Del W Ovemeleat, ?kola Reynolds, Cecil. idd D 'P J Miles,Columbla. Pa Jan MoCenu, N Y JP. Binger, Newport, Pa 8 K Reynolds, Boston N Lacsdon. N Y ' - Cline P Hauthner. 11l Jos Conlan ker, P on, Pa , EJ Roatch Ss la, N J L 'fr a BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second et.. below Vine. B B Hough.. Phil!' D 0 Brewer. PHA John Darnel, Philo. W G Longehore, Bunke co 0 W Kugler. Md .11 T Beaton, Newtown M W Kirk, Burks cq, Ps John 0 Parry, Newtown Mai J W pa' di Reading H Even.. Depoalt, N 1 J W Basin ric, Pa (leo W Kugler. bid Jee Newbold, Ducks, oo Col.' S. Brodhead. Pike co MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-43eoondsr.. above Arch. JW W est; Norristown L Warner, Bethlehem ,JTee Watktne,BrinburY 8 Borer, aentlina :Walter Southey, N J Jae Fisher, b Woe p_P Morrison. Norrietown Mns Oarrison,FAmon Wm Elehman, eistoti 0 Forrheo, West Chester Geo Comte, Port Jarvis Louie Collie . BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third it., above Cellowbill. G W Seigple, N Y J R Itammond; Va. H D Vsnhorn. Ph,la ' Joe Eltopp, Allentown Jacob Bove, Lansdale J Bunieton. Dunks ea W 33 Baumgardner, Pa- It Ttaidenbsch, haw, co Char tenon, Allentown A D'iltiner, Itlverso,wn BLACK DEAR 'ROTEL—Third st., above CaPowlith Jralry. Allentown An° Bola% Buinnevtorn T Cooper & la, Pa AI Cooper. eloopereburg Copt E P.rdunin Pa Col D D Dam. Jr, P1 , 1,a E Whitman, Bernville Jai Barger, Balmy' cu John Reppe'rrotn, Reading • BamlBmit. r money town R PProbst, Benton , John Strand. Pa MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Thud street, ab. Callowhill. .11 - Dowitian,phim;iavillel4l Oohs, Quakertown, Pa (t W sinner. Allentown - A Genus, Allentown He P Applebteli, k'et I T Burdm.. Allentown hOenmer, Preemarburit ' .1 Mama*. Bunke co, Pa CY roe hlsson, W 4.: , ater / Suborn, Philp L 13nteknaan.St Lo Is Le vi Buckman. Evoke co E Mark , Letmtion, Ps. J Leech, Itelblehent JSJonee, Presmansbora 81) Rader, Williamsport J R. Crawrottl, Williamsport . [Repotted for The Press 4 toe Onions, Carman-1M hhds 22 tee 1 bbl sugar 8 & W Welsh. PERNAMBUCO.. — Bark Imparador, Hubbard-80W bags sugar Lavrist Damon. _ 11EW YORK.— rtif ery R Milliken, Norden-3M bbds Nam= tir r. I da A J Spenaer , , Dole—t% bee sugar 48 hh c auseMol use gigue Joho Mason Cc Co; 29 ten honey 3 Mloigare Madeira & tin; 110 has cigars C 'fete;MO do Mitchell & Allen; 300 do John Wagner; 4 oases do 18 half and qr bids cigarettes W 0 Boulton; * cases cigars A Loner; 4 Fags mdse A Retrelint one c Ii a RWV:LB . ANB-13ohr Argus Eye, Nerson-129 bales cotton d Morris at & Co; Mkt° DOB dteVon & Co; 77 do Robinson & Co; ado ' Richardson tc. Co; es do order; 101 cash' sugar J . Mason & Co; 43 do 17d lib's molassEs 8 1r Ashton; 38 bales cotton W Trucks to Co; MU& 179 bblii molasses Salomon & Co; 2 page Us e Morris. Tanker & Co; 2 do Beidlemon & Da) ward; 1 hot 1/ Landreth & don; 4 chair radse order. 719 Chestnut street, HER FOURTH. PAGE. Dark Imperador. Hubbard. from Pernambuco 24th ult, with sugar to Lewis & Damon. Towed up by tug Matt White. Bailed in company with bark A J Hazard, for N York. Left bark Union. Lon% for Philadelphia in about to Mom. brigs It A Dither and C Cole, both for Balti more iittbout a days, , prig my E kidlike% Norden,B days from N York, with sugar to order. :Behr Vernon, Carman, Id days from Cienfuegos, with Sugar to tl & W Welsh. AMY 41-13tlencer, Dole, SO days from Havana, with Speare and cigars to John Mason It Co,- Experienced very hesiy weather the entire remise ,gala' Telegraph, Crowell. 3 days I rOPI New York', With Otte to Crowell & Collimo. Astir Beborati Jones, Petem, JO days from,Jaekeon vine. with lumber to Osman & Bchr Georee L Green, Green, 3 day a from New York, with mdse to Crowell &comp& Bohr John •Patntim. - /Di11.6 dews from Providence, with nide° to Crowell & Collins. Behr Jot 8 Buokmastertyragyer4 day Nu , Frede . 'rtoe, Del, with Corn to Jae Bewley ea Co. ~,.! t IMPORTATIONS. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED. Solo NV A Hammond. Cam. Galveston. lairus Baker: Sur J 8 Sbnver, Demur, Baltimore, A Uroved.;./ r. BY TELSORLYIT: Wortespbridsheevf Cis Philadelphia Exehadsel d CAPE ISLAND, N Febll-4 The bark EN; for Ai mood. and brig Orinpoo, The bark p'rigka,ilip'rin'ZiVosot,e,r,:),,. s .l,' life% last evening was err , If reported the o i ntic c yithite Wink'. from Lakusyta, as both barks oarriAkTiditle. • THOB E. U HY TRLEORAPH. - , - MOTTORROLEIOROO of The Press./ • •- Arm YonX, Fe Abe r "Airived;ship Monterey, from Sumatra; barks deen, from Matanzas; Cason, from Trinidad de Cuba; brigs Lucretia, from Cardenas; /timers, from Man hattan: BoATON. Fob 27. Belot% ships Vol ferino and Tarquin, from N Orleans. bark Carib, from Truidlio; brig R W Packer, from Cape Ration. The bark Atlas remains ashore. Six bales of cotton have been dragged out in a wet condition. • The Br brig Joan Baptiste, from Bt Thomas for Boil ton, w ith the cargo o f the brig Cronatudt, from Suri nam, is ashore near Provinostown. The era is break ing over her. BALTIMORE. Feb 27. • Arrived. brig Hry A Didier, from Pprnamtmoo re. Spoke Feb 9, t at2s 01 N, Mug 07 30. brig Nanny, from Now r ork for Aspinwall. Ship Maria. from St Jago. Spoke of the west end of Crooked Island, brig Chas Stage, for tit John. NB; 21st inst. lat 30, on the western edge Of the Gulf Stream, 'evoke bark Jnbilee, from Matanzas for Portland. Bark Wheatland, from Rio Jan 13th; when ME days out sprung a leak: Brig Fairfax, Travers. 13 days from Trinidad. Now Ontarsas, Feb. 27.—Arrived ship Mary Budge from Liverpool,. MERA. Steamship De Soto, B M Oullock NDA , sailed from New York yesterday for Dwane and New Orleans, Ship Onward, Flanders, from °anew, arrived up at Baltimore yesterday. Plop Phantom, Potereon, from Poo-chow-foe, arrived at New York yesterday. Phip David Crockett cleared at New York yesterday for Pan Francisco. - - . . • . Bark Floreets. Welsh wan at Rallis 27th ult, Bark Wessnoumoon• Wheldea, cleared at Now l ark Brig tor Montevideo. Brig Monte Christ°, Northrup, from Rio de Janeiro, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig Mary A Forest, Gillespie, from Bahia Jan 27th, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr Franklin. Brannon, for Philadelphia, cleared at Bt John, NB. lath inst. t3chr W C Mershon, Colo, from Mobile, arrived at N York yesterday. Bohm Antaree. Cordery, and Jesse Williamson, Jr, Vinernore, hence, arriveijat New York yesterday. dehr H Allen. - Higbee, cleared at New York yester day for Savannah. Soler Samuel Rotan, Gandy, trona Lavaoa, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr Ella. Carman, from Leipido, Del, arrived at N York yesterday,• SPEOIAL, NOTIOES. ONE PRION CLOTIIING OP 7118 LATEST /hym n. made in tho best manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Norm All goeds made td order warranted Natio .factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is atrial, adhered to, as we believe this to he the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES Ic 00„ seB-tf 004 MARKET Street. M. FINIMB'S LOOK-STITOH SHUTTLE SEW INa Micuwae are tho beet in market. Warranted to do all kinds of Family Sewing or Tailoring in the best manner or the price will be refunded. Price tif,o and nip:rude, 912 CHESTNUT Street, up stairs. feeltuths.6t* IMPORTANT TO TAILORS AND OTHERS.— The Grover gc Baker Bowing-Machine eoraPati, have Just introduced a new and superior Shuttle-Machine, large size, high speed, with latest improvement/. Price P'o. For Sale Rt N 0.730 CHESTNUT STREET. Philadelphia. 1e2.24 Szem'ax 9 8 SAVING FITND—NORTAWIST CORKER SECOND and WALNUT SDEHICIE.-DONOCHE TO nerved in small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of FIVE PER °ENC. ear annum, Money may bs drawn by checks without loss of in terest, Office open daily, from 9 until B o'clook,and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, OHAS. M. MORS'S. HARRIS' BOUDOIR SEWING MACHINE.-- IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD, FIRST PIIMITIY34 AT EVERT FAIR. Phlleutelphis 011)0,720 ARCH Bt. Agents wanted fell-8m SALAMANETR FIRE-PROOF BAYBI3.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. Set CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia.. aura-tf EVANS & WATSON. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. N 0.9 Bowing Machines —..5100 No.l Barring Maolnea....---- 90 The Family Sewing Machine, 76 The Family Sewing Machine...... —. CO L M. SINGER k CO., (123-3n3 Nn. au CREFITNUT !Street. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CompAity.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. .11ULT..8. 1. Money ur rineive..l every day, and in any amount large or Mails 2. PAVE PER CENT. interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. S. The money is always pitid back in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without natio,. 1. Plenty is rooeivea from Executors, Administrators, Guardians, acid other Trustees, in large or sraall mime, to remain a lens or short period. P. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgagee. Ormond Rents, and other find class eocarities. 6. Office open everyday—WALNUT Street, aoathweet corner Third street, Philadelphia. Jal9 BIARRIED. DRUNER—BOON.—Pti the Ilth inst., by Rev. M. H. Bisty Mr. David Bruner to Miss Moment+ Boon, both of this eits. (Doylestown papers please copy.) WHITE—BICENDLINGBH.—On Wednesday, 22d in stant. by the Rev. Henry Wendt at the residence of the bride's father, New Hanover, Montgomery county, Va., Mr. JoSeph White.of Placerville. California, to Miss Emma IL ' eldest caughter of Frederick Brendltnger, Egg., late treasurer of Montgomery county. Pa. ( Cali fornia,Cregon, and Careen Valley Papers will please e n171,--WOODSID.—On the 7th inst., by Rev. J. O. Maxwell, Mr. WilliH. B. &art to Miss Martha Jane Woodside, all of this city. SENKINB.—On the morning of the 27th inst., at the reside nee of her mother, No. HO North Seventh street, Mrs. James B. Jenkins, daughter of the late Jacob Rank. WYl,ll.l.—At Milton, Pa., on the morning of 27th inst., after a lingering and painful illness, Mrs. Sarah Murray Wylie. wife of Rev, W. T. Wy Ile. of that place, and daughter of L,. Johnson. Esc.,,of this city. The friends of the family are requested to attend her funeral. from the residence of her father, No. 7TT Pine street, on Wednesday afternoon, the 27th instant, at 2 o'clock. without further notice RHOADS.— (in the 25th instant, Jane O. Rhoads, daughter of bamtiel and Anne Rhoads. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, without further notice. to attend the funeral. on I In rd day afternoon, the kith inst.. to meet at her fatheVe house at 2 o'clock. Interment at Darby. BLOClUM.—Suddenly, on the 26th inst., Jonathan J. filocium. Ifia remains Will be removed thin ( Tuesdny ramm ing to Widcesharre, for interment. • - AIASQN.--Un the atth inst., of consumption, Mrs. Margaret Mason, in the Md leer of her age. The relatives and 'friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence No. 2t2 North Sixteenth street, this (Tuesday ) morninr, 25th inst., at 9 o'clock. To proceed to Cathedral Ceme tery. • • OARRETT.—On the 25th inst., Ezra T. Garrett, aged 58years. Funeral from hie late residence, southeast corner of Fifth and Race strr etc, this afternoon, at o'cloak. • TUSTIPL—On the 25th instant, John Tustin, Em., aged 'ft years. Funeral fromlis late residence, near Chester Surinam, Chester county. on Wednesday morning. at 10 o'clock.. M.U3TRY.—On the atth inst.. Daniel S.. moot Daniel and amen Murphy, aged 2 years, 8 months, and 23 dais. Funeral from the residence of hie parents. No. 440 Broad street. this mornine, at 10 o'clock J IO KIRATRIOK.—On the 25th inst.,James Kirkpat rick. Br., awed about ea team Funeral from his late )eaidence, No. UV Palmetto street, this manure, at IS o'clock. CRAGY R.—On the 26th inst.. Mary, wife of William R. Crarer, and eanahter of William and Mary &rani, lo the 38th rear of her are. Funeral from the residence of her husband, Broad street. below Germantown Road, un Thursday, at 13 • ki.A.RTIN.—On the 2tth inst., James Martin, in the Wd resr of his age. Funeral from his late residence. No. 222 Diekerson street. shove Second. this morning et le o'clock. • kIoCREEDY.—On the 26th inst., Bridget McCready, in her Sethear. Funeral t eem the residence of her son-In law, C O'Brien, No. 618 Christian street, this morning, aye o'clock. MYEll.B.—on the 28th inst., Margaret Myers, aged 102 )ears. Funeral from the residence of Samuel Ecketein. No. 940 Seventh 'street, above Poplar, on Wednesday after noon,at 2 o'clock. • WRING MOURNING GOODS. BPSSON & SON, No. 808 CHESTNUT Street, have opened a NU assortment of NEW SPR tati GOODS, and will receive doily the latest styles of deep end se cond mourning felines, mostly of their own importation, and to be sold at tea onutile prices. PHIL &DELPHIA MuIIUNINO STORE. 808 .:HESTN UT Street. N, B.—We will not remove to our new Store. No. 018 CHESTNUT Street, until soma time in March, when due notice will be given. SEVENTH ST. GEORGE BUILDING AND LOAN BUCIET f.—The third Staled leeting will be hold on Wit ONESD AY EVENINii, Munary _29th, at 7M o'clock. at Mr WA ‘t 1113 HOTEL, CHERRY Street. above 'I turd, to 'same the dues. n nd loan the fund,. The Constitution of this Society is bated en snob prinoi ploy that it only require, in dividuals tn. read it to he entieSed of the ,ante. Inte rest only charmed on the net amount loaned, and re duce d annually deducting interest on the amount paid on the stook. Borruwere ontf pay of their loons at ant time without losing any of the bonus. and min pay otr one or more atutrea et their loan et any time. and reduto theqnonth i lz dues l one idnlerest, the $2 rtt n ereetl i nT "an ' Raga n , 14:1",t2T. JoHN Benly. , lON 21' orMLECTURE ON NORTHERN PALES. TlNE.—Thev. J.J. M ARKS will deliver a lemu r ° s *Wiled, THIS EVEN' NU (TUESDAY ), in Rev. Dye DALEk , Church, RACE street, spar SI X TE k NTll t commersdins at 7% o'clock. Admission free. hIAWKOI deaoribes what °maunder his own °beer vatlon.and hes delivered a course of lectures on the lands he ViSited, with great success. and to delighted audiences in Pittsburg, from which place he comes highly oommendect by the leading men of that, city. It is proposed to have the course delivered In this hi•y. None should fail to heir this Bret and opening lecture. It OECOND*LECTUHE ON THE CREA TION OF THE UNIVERSE, &e., THIB VE" atEANDEL and HAYDN HALL. Eighth sheet. near ti teenat ?hi o'clock. Shimmy Whether the His- for of the Creation. as reoorded in Genesis, is intended to ha the History or the Rh) sical Creation, as written in the Three Kingdome of . ..More both histories compared and revieweu. TICKETd may be had at the 1/0; , 11, It IdT. ANDREW'S SOCIETY—A STATED Mooone_of this Society will he hold on WED- I , 8 OAY EVEN IN.o. 29th 'natant, itt half poet 'oven o'clock, in the FRANKLIN NOUSE. Members Nil planes attend without further notice. fe2B-2t OEOR , 4E YOUNG Secretory. ItrMR. F I ELD WILL DELIVER. A Course of Nine Lectures on the Creation of the oiverse, and specifically of the solar System mid the Egirth ; how vegetable/ were first formed, and the as cending grade of animals the first erected MAN, whether singular or plural, adult or infantile, the ve nous moos or families of mankind, not only es to color, but genius and type. The various systems of Creation reviewed. both from n theologioal and mann fio stand point, and the bearing of the !soli:aural record to known phenomena and ethnological foots, together with the lows and Immunise whioh govern universally in Crea tion and Revelation, entablishing on immutableprinci ples and laws the si , nd axiom that "All Truth is in harmony with Itself An exposition wants() be given of the Scriptural DE LUDE, together with IN relation to a real or supposed physical cataclysm! and the history and origin 01 Pro fane and smiled language, as well as the changes it has sines Undergone. The whole presenting a grand and comprehensive view, not only of Creation as a fact. but also et the modes operandi by which it wee and is effroted.;lll - addressed to all reflecting and intelligent minds. The Lectures will be delivered In HANDEL. and HAYDN It Atd,.(EIORTH Street. near Omni ' ) com mencing on MO . NDAY EVENING, Feb. 27th, at o'clock. end ontinued on TUESDAY and FRIDAY be had at EVENINi-iii. and eaoh succeeding hlonday. 'Wednes day. and Friday Evenings. 'lug for the Course, 191.50. Tickets admitting a Lady and Oentlem in $2. iokets for a wattle Lemur° 23 cents. May the Bookstores end at tne door. fe2s St qANNUAL COMMENCEMENT OF THE PENNHYLVANI ti. COLLEGE OF _DEN.TAT. on a / b i t& n i h Ifr k Zvirirs 17. Ve t ahi l i i rr gig , F in u er at &cloak, to whioh the punho are . roo t' 29th, Invited. Valediotory address by T. It_OuokinFrimm. Profemor of 974-1111LY' W. OAJ.VRRT DEAN, 03 NORTH ELEVENTH Street. TEM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28; 1860: Fr , -- :... 0101 , 10E PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD fIOMPAN i LADRLPIIIA, Februery 13. latel. "ATIOH STOOK HOIII.DESS —The Annual Ejec tion forDlrectore will be held on MONDAY, the filth day of March, 1860. at the Oleo Of the Company, Na. Illkitiouth THIRD Street: • The polls will be opened from 10 o'olook A. M. waffle o'clock D, Al, No eltare or ehorde transferred, within eixty daps next preceding the cleotion will entitle the 'under or holden, thereof to vote. • EDMUND SMITH, , fall-tM6 Secretary. LE T E N ON THE CREATION, IW 'H DBLITGIe, Ac.. NI/. GEORGE FIELD,. at , DEL and AYDN HALL. fe.46-Det WISP EPSIA.—FIFTy YFORS INDE 80.111BABLE AOONY from DY SAWA. Ner voltam, sickness at the Stomach, and minting, have been restated by DU-BARRI"Ii health•re. storing Iti,VALENTA ARABIC?. FOOD. Upwards of 50,000 owes, and many thousand testimonials. Prinked, with full instructions. In canisters. 1 pound. $111.60; 12 pounds, a t the latter carriage tee H 1 re point of cash, Sold at the .Depot, Hoot UMW Street, by U. 1111TNRO, Principal Agent for United Staten, and by all Owners and Druggists. DYSPhPBIA. Perfect digestion, strong nerves, and refreshing sleep restored by DU-BARRY 'l3 delioious, health-restoring REVALE.NITA A R ARICA FOOD. To be had as stated above, with ciroulars and testimonials from eminent parsons in England and America. fel3-Im. BLAOKBURN'S ALMANAC FOR BALE AT N. W. CORNER OF FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STS, FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE'S NOTES D. APPLvTON & CTO I ., 3 1 21.34.3 BROADWAY, I'UDLI9H Tlll5 DAY. NorEd ON Isailt4lNG: WHAT IT 18, AND WHAT IT IS NOT. HT FLORENOE NIGHTINGALE. 1 vol., 12no. decants. The following notes are by no means intended as a rule of thought by which nurses can teach themselves tei nurse, still lest as a manual to teach nurses to nurse. They aro meant simple to give hints for thought to women who have personal c barge of the health of inhere. I.very woman, or at least almost every woman. in Edo hind has, at ems time or another of her life. charge of the peraorsitt health of somebody, whether child or in s alid—i p other words every women is a nurse. Every day sanitary knowledge, or the knowledge of nursing, or In other words. how to put the constitution in such a state es that it will have no disease, or that it can re cover from disease, takes a high Meer. It e recognised as the knowledge which every one ought to havg—dts ti net from medical knowledge, which only a profession can have. • • If. then.. every woman must, at some time or other of her life. become a nurse—i e., have charge of some body's health—how immenss and how valuable would be the produce of her united experience if every woman would think how to norm I do pot pretend to teach her how; I risk her to teach herself; and for th.s purpose 1 venture to give her some Lints , A. /k. Co. HAVE /CRT IMEtteltßD: REVOL6IO' , IS IN ENGLISH HISTORY. Br 110 ben Vaughan, .D. D. Volume I, Revolutions of Race. Price 8A DOCTOR OLDHAM AT GREYSTONRS, AND HIS TALK THERFra One v01..12,n0. 81. ON 'ME ORIGIN Or SPECI HV MEANS OF NATURAL BEL , CTION; Or. The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Ll re. BY Charles Darwin. M. A. 1 vol.. 12mo. 8123 EVENINGS AT THE MICHOKOPE ; Or. Re searches among t h e Alinuter Organs and Forms of Ana mal We. By Hill!) H. Goose, F.H.B. 1 v01.,12m0. 81.50. SEVEN YEARS. By Julia Kavanagh. 1 v01.12m0. Cloth. 00 cents ; paper cavern. 37 rents. • EMI. ['Er N CHRISTIAN CENTURIES. By the Rev. James White. 1 vol.. Immo. 51.25 THE PATH THAT LEP A LAWYER TO THE CAT 4 OLIC CHURCH. 1 vol., Pro. 82.10. RESTATEMENTH OF CHRIRTIAN DOCTRINES IN 25 SERMONS. By Henry W. Bellows. 1 v01..12m0. Cloth, 81 25 _ fe2ll-3t POPULAR SCIENTIFIC WORKS, Published by . LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publabors and Booksellers. N 0.15 South SIXTH b treat. above CHESTNUT. I.—CAMS BELL'S SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE Illust , ated. Prion al. Z.—MILLER ON ALCOHOL, ITS PLACE AND POWER. Price 50 cents. 3.— LIZ ARS ON TOBACCO, ITS USE AND ABUSE. Price 38oent. 4—ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO. MILLER AND LI ZA. S. Bound in 1 vol. Price 15 cents. S.—WALKER ON INTERMARRIAGE. With %line trations. Prioe 75 conic 6.— RYAN'S PHILOhOPHY OF MARRIAGE. 1 vol. Price 75 cent& 7.—Pe 'SSE ON THE ART OF PERFUMERY. With Illustrations. Price 81 25, B.—WYTHE'S MICROSCOPIST'S MANUAL. With illnetratior e. Price 1115. I—BOLL ON THE MATNRNAL MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN. 'lnce 81. 10.—TILT'S FEMALE HYGIENE AND PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH. Prove 8125. 11.—SMITH'S DOMESTIC MEDICINE, SURGERY. Ac. fell COPAN I' NERSIIIP NOTICES. UNDERSIGNED have THIS DAY formed a nopartnership, under the style of J. E. STEVHNS & CO.. for thepurpose of oupducting the humeral of the Continental Hotel, et the Corner of CHESTNUT end NINTH Streets. PAHAN STEVENS. JAMES H. I'. STEVENS. February 16. feMot WINES AND LIQUORS. SPECIAL NOTICIr. TO THE PUBLIC. JULES MU & CO'S, CHAMPAGNE. New Yong. Jan. 21 WO. Messrs. DE BARRY & SCUM Mint, flittldriN, Agents of O. H. Mumm & Co., N. Y. ORNTT Intim.--Ilnwsne obtained Lettere Patent for a Trade Mark which had been preriourly entered at the United :it, tee Clerk's Office on the 21d of January, 1850, under the Copyright eel, thus full) proving the priori ty of nit chum and invention. I ner,3ler notify you to 'withdraw immediately from pubhe exhibitionomil deeist tram using,the Show Clods or Trade Marks now exhibited eopiribend used by you, lilt the reason they are infringements upon my inten tion, and injnring my btimine... Tour obedient Servant, Jamsq ME M: , Jr. U Polo Agent of JULES MI MM Co. , Champagne, 43 Beaver liPreeti Eeforrinr to the above letter we again state that we claim that the wines we Remit° America are of the bent and font clapped to that market and at eaunl prices are superior in purity and qyinlity to those of any oilier brand imported into the United States. We. therefore. cannot permit that another House of n similar name shall injure our reputation, or cause con fusion by using similar Trade Marks or tiliow Cards, and we feel that it it is our duty to protect our friends and customers trom the effects of such confusion, and therefore as explain to the public the distinction and real Merit. of both BUM lar moues. it the public will only take the trouble for its own beneht to COM pare, out winos with others and particu larly with those or a similar name, it will noon discover the reason why cud wines can be obtained by the trade, according to its quality, at less prices than ours, al though Waded at the same rate, and after such trial we feel confident that thoug h desirous of using first-elan wines will .leave myna upon having ours, and refuse to permit the substitution of those of a similar name for that of Munn h Cols. . Our Champagne Brandi; constant!) on hand are ae tal owe: .M 113151 k COA VBEISENAY CABINET. JULEB MUM Id & CO2I. he other brands, such as V&ReENAY DRY and MU PRIVA PE. only to special order. Tho Wines can he had of all the principal Wine declare throughout the United Bistei i as also the RHINE and MuIdELLE WIN I. of PEI"R ARNOLD Al UM M. JAVIPB MF.,I; ER. Jg , pole Agent for the U. 8.. 1'02741 No. 43 BEAVER 6treet. New York. FLAGS! FLAGS!! FLAGS !!! U. S. FLAG DEPOT, 49 801iTII THIRD EITREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. WM. F. SCHEII3LE, Wholerila end retail manufaeturer of Flag', Politi cal Banners, and Tranaparenclez. Flag, of all sizes on hand, and made to order as cheap, if not cheaper, than can be had elsewhere in the city. fefa.lm THOMAS & MARTIN, 217 CRESTNUT STREET, SEAMLESS BAGS. AWNINGS! AWNINGS!! AWNINGS!! WM. F. SCHELBLE, 49 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, Manufacturer of Awnings, Flags, and Fancy Window Awning,. All Awnings made at this establishment aro proofed to Prevent mildew, withont extra charge. fe24.lm BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN BOM STE ETS. ( Rear of Continental Hotel.) 111 - The largest collection ot carriages in this city may be neon at this establishment for private into. S?. Auction wiles of horses. Sc., ever, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. t& twenty-ninth reini-annual Philadelphia trade sale 0r'250 carriages wilt take Mace March 20th. In• chided to the sale will be DJ of Dunlap's celebrated light w.einns. Aar Full inarticulate in t, me. ALFRED M. HERRNEK fe23 Stit Aucaloneer rro BAKERS AND RETAIL GROCERS. - 13 - —Just received, 7 bide Bell Butter. suitable for 000kiOS for sale Nw. at CIIM W M !NO 196 SEV ENTH AVENUE, Eastern Market. fezi-2.0 PILADELPHIA AHEAD AGAIN. The subscriber returns his thanks In the trade for their liberal purchase (tithe patterns of the SI,EEVEB GARRICK, which was invented Lis him. and the models of the different sizes produced at his office, to the City of Brotherly Love. Our Spring ellen of patterns are toady for Hale, and we invite our customers to can and see them. J. it. SHANKLAND, No. SUI CHESTNUT Street, fez?-2t• Third Story. fl it SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER CIIANTS aro particularly invited to call and examine the new and xplendul rts.rtinoot of AliHiner), consisting of Bonnets, tire and If end-dresnea, at Men. ht. 8. 8181101"$, No. 1016 CHESTNUT Street. next door to the St. Lawrence Hotel. feTT-Im An, TO TUE SOUTHERN AND WESTERN YAW AIERCIIANTEi. Mu. M. A. KIN(7, Nn. V Bouth BEetiN I) 'direct, between M A H xrx and CHESTN t rr, hail now opened a splendid anortionnt of Fancy 811 and Straw I.IONNF 7B , to which alto invitee their atten tion. faM-Gt* pi RE-PR 00P SAFE FOR SALE "9cett'u Patent." Price. W. ; cost 8180. R. D. k W. H. PENNELL. le2BAt' 1021 MARKET Street. 46 rIMIE INDEPENDENT VIOLIN 11 PLAYER." Just_pubfished. Price 211 eta. MANSIPti MUSIC MORE. fe2 . 9.14t 1102 CHESTNUT Street. ()MS. -2,000 gala. Extra Bleached Ele -0,1; 11 41 1 VI l cL LiT24OI,V extra Bleached l Whale No Lard Oil, in store. and for sale by xoWLEY E A 14,1- BilitNKß k no.. N.. lAN Where „ SPERItt CANDLES.— 50 Boxes Sperm Candles. in store. And for snlo KowLBY, avtistriotmt, & co., No. 16 South Wharves. fad tf P,OSIN.-2,000 Mils. shipping Rosin, For Bale ty ROWLEY, ASHBURN - I%oa CSI,, fend-lf /0 HuUTf. WidARVES. NEW PUBLICATIONS. PIRIP MARSHAL EVERY NIRBMAN EVE,RY BUSINESS MAN SHOULD BUY A COPY. . HUNT'S, =EI APAQUAG IN ALL SIZES RETAIL DRY (MODS. SPRINCIr OP 18(K) NEW FOODS E. J. LEVY & 00. Are opening' daily a very GREAT VARIETY NEW GOODS, Selected with great ogre in PARIS AND LYONS, For then choloe RETAIL TRADE During this week they will receive near!) 130 OASES STAPLE & FANCY GOODS Of their own importation, from the steamer Arago and other ateamere now arrived. Of mans' of the goode, samples are now bring exhibited. The assort ment is not only very extensive, but is also remarkable for the very choice character of the goods The following ankles will be found in variety : FOULARD BILKS. ORENADINE FLOUNCED DRESSES FLOUNCED EAREGE RODBO. • SUPERIOR ORGANDIES. RICH CHINE SILKS AND ROBES, SMALL-CHECKED SILKS. PARIS LAWNS AND PERCALES, ENGLISH AND FRENCH CHINTZES. NEW PRINTED MOUSSELINE. NEW TRAVELLING MATERIAL. MOI.I3ELINEDE CHINE. MOUSSELINE DE SOIE NEW CIiiNTZES AND BRILLIANTS, JOGVIN AND ALEXANDRE'S GLOVES. SUPERIOR ENGLISH HOSIERY. SHIRTING LINENS of stmerior makes. !MEETINGS AND TABLE LINENS. NAPIfINS, DOYLIES, and TOWELLINOB LONG-CLOTH HaffITINUS BUPERIOR BLANKETS. CAMDRIO mitt JACONETB LACE MUSLINS FRENCH 111!SLINS CAMBRIC and JACONET EDGINGS BUYERIOR STEEL BKIRTP, of now forma A great variety of new articles for gentlemen's use DIOURNIvO GOODS, In all the new articles manufacture*, FOR SPRINO 809 awl 811 CHESTNUT Street. 3t SHETLAND WOOL, BERLIN QUALITY, 811ETIW _TFN cyNTSA I IT OZ. . , may . J O. MAXWELL A: HON. Trimmtngs. Plcirta, and Opting, _fe2l : rytr ELEVFINTII end CiIt.:TINUT. SPRING SILKS. THOS. W. EVANS S: CO ll= THEIR SERIN(' IMPORTATION DRESS SILKS This nuoTtraent )4 mmtly of DIRECT IMPORTATION ll= IVANUFACTURRIL9 IN ELTON'. Haring bean selected especially for T. W. E. x CO.'S RETAIL THADE, And will he found to embrace all tho NEWkST AND MOST FASMONATILE BTrus IMPORTED TIIIS SEASON PRICES REASONABLE Noy. 818 and 820 OHESTNUT STREET reas-9t CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER SPRING AND SUM MI GOODS NOW OPENED, Choice Ht) les of our own Importation, oolunrisill , t— METALLIOUEB tiOU VEANTF.. iu oolormas and mixtures, suitable fur Travelling and Promenade Dresses. NECOTAS, SUPERIOR FABRICS. Beroge Amdahl. Plain and Brocade. 4-4 Woven Challe)e, ha., &a. On hand— RICH COLORED DRESS SILKS. BLACK FLOURED DRESS SILKS. BLACK OROS DE BRINKS, all grades and modes. RICH FOULARD SILKS. We are now In daily rooeipt of new and desirable goods, eintable to the eeaaon. CURWEN STODDART R.: BROTHER, CIO, 462, and ,IS4 North SECOND Street, fell-dt Above WILLOW. THE LAST DAY IS FIXED FOR SELL in[ first (Pala, EEO ULAN. BER LINZEPHYRS, Double. Suter. or Split. AT In CENTB PER OUNCE. The price elsewhere hem; 2u cents por mines. ',tidiest who emus an assortment for future one will do well. MAXWELLS, fe..ll4fir ELEVENTH and CH FBTNU Ste. BAL CASHMERE KNITTING ZEPHYRS. in double, lone°, or Bohr, ore offer ed, for the Fremont. nt THE SAME PRICY, A 8 THE IstiTATlols AND MEDIUM QUALITIES OF EYES ARE Bold elsewhere. 20 een , e_oer J. G. AIAXWELE. & ST , I L TRIMMINGS, tfici itTs,_AND ZEP HYRS, fe23-t( if ELEVENTH end CHESTN FANCY DRY GOODS. BURNETT, SEXTON. & SWEARLNGEN• Wortera or FANOY GOODS. ENDLIBII AND GERMAN lIOSIIItY. MEN'S FURNISHING GOLDS, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. SKlRTS—Shetland Wool, Zophy re, apd VARIETIES. No. 418 Al 9lth.E't folB trtrel STILL AHEAD! DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEW SKIRT, (gBELLE OF THE SdbTH," The most Perfect and Beautiful Kip ever produced MADE WITHOUT CLA3PB, red warranted not to get out of order, to 8. 11, 15, 20, 20, 30, 33, 40, and ao HOOPS, EVERY LADY IS REQUESTED TO EXAMINE THEM DEFORE PURCHASING OTHER MAE HS. Wholesale Dealers supplied by DOUGLAS d SHERWOOD, SI, Ga. net .151'4111TE Street. felo-lin NEIN YORK. H DUHRING & CO., Not. 22 and 28 NORTH FOURTH STREET. Are now receiving, by successive arrivals from Eu rope, their SPRINT; IMPORTATIONS OF INOLIBU AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, Machine Sewing Silk and Thread—and solicit an in spection or their oompleto and well-assorted stook— ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO BODTRUEN AND ViTE.TFAN TRADE. fay-3ni D B SOIIENOIC CAN BE FOUND AT his office, No. 39 North SIXTIf Btreet, on Fri day and Haturday of each week. Mondaya a nd' Tues days are set apart for visiting patients in and out of the city. On Wednesday and Thursday of each week he in at his race, No, Mit BALTIMORE Street, Baltimore, Md. Bis terms for a thorough examination with the Respirometer, at his office or any part of the city, are $3; regular visitations afterwards,3o cents a vont. AU advice at his office free of charge ; and, in all cases where persons do not feel able to pay for having their lunge exaMined, they to n es, be oared for, and have the Same AttAritinll as Om tssworwd f • E - NOLTSH TOILET SOAPS.—Manufac tured by the Weet of England Soap Company,— For beauty of appearance, delicacy ofperfume, excel lence of material. end freedom from Mkeline or Irrita ting properties,.these soap. areOelieved to slaim envil rank with env in this market, either o f forevn or home menufacture. A prong the varieties are the rattle oii, Bonet suckle, Orange Flnwer, Rose, " All the Year Round," rink Nkin. Family Curd, Shown Windsor. Musk and Royal Eatra Ncented, The Tourist's Tablet. Th Court Te.blet,_and many others. Agents, WILLIAM. EYANBjr...*. CO., fe24-9tir 2a3 South FRONT Street, ORY.GOODS JOBBERS. pRINTS ! PRINTS II An awsortinont nninirpnaved in any market, ALL STANDARD MAKES DZIEZIMMI MERRIMACK, ' MANCHESTER, AMERICAN. HAMILTON, S RA(.. ..1,, P &OWTC, DUTCIIE9a. and other make,' Parties who buy largely of Pritlhi Will Lod it to their nd~antoge to examine this stook before aurobasing.. JOSHUA L. BAILY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER, 213 MARKAT STREET, PHILADELPHIA 1027-tt A LLE NDALE QUILTS. A FEW CASES OF THESE SCARCE GOODS FOR SALE BY JOSHUA L. BAILY, fert-tc 213 MARKET STVET A SPLENDID LINE OF DRESS GOODS, TO OPEN MARCIL ]ST, BY JOSHUA E. I3AILY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER, fe27•tf 413 MARKET STREET CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, LIPPINCOTT & PARRY. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 200 MARKET, AND No. 6 S. SECOND WS., PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of the Trade to their lame stook of SPRING GOODS FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, OP THE BO ST HOME AND FOREIGN MANUFACTURII, fon-Im JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO.. DEPORTEES AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. LINENS, WRITE GOODS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERII4, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, &o No. 727 GLIF.STNUT Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JOSEPH B. COOPER, WATCH MAKER and JEWELIift, No. 338 EPRIJCS treet, first door below SIXTH. Particular attention given to Repairing Watches, Clocks. and Jeweirr. fega ew- SILVER PLATED WARE Of the finest quality. at ItIANUFAO/THERV PRlfitB. J. S. JARI)EN A BRO., MAXT:FIeTCRIRS AND IMIORTHRC. Have now on hand an elegant stock of firet•olase Hoods in their line, a los es r n•w afore. NO CHESTNUT STREET. A full assortment or Jewelry, Silverware, and Table Cutlery constantly on hand. SAMUEL W. P.PPER, foil-tuthe•Om Supenutendent. BLUED STEEL AND PLATED SPECTACLES, Assorted in Dozen,, slash's for OTT nod COUNTRY TRADE. For Salo by BUTLER & McCARTY, 131 NORTH SECOND STREET. FRANKLIN BUTLER. EDW. MoCARTI fen-Sm a PRATT 6,1 REATH, N. W. COMM. PI FTH AND Al A RKIST STRE IMPORTERS 0 WATCHE',S. JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, &c., &c fe3-Im IVHOLESALIE CLOTHING. LIPPINCOTT, HUNTER. &SCOTT, IHANUFACTURERS wItoLEBALVBKALERH IN CLOTHING, 4:11 fIIARRET Street, and 419 MERCHANT Street, PHILADELPHIA. A full and complete line of every style and claim of machine-made Clothinx, hilly equal to that manfao- Lured in am other env. fa3-2m INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIRE 'INSURANCE BY THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY IPHIA ON IHIILDINOS P . H LIMIT LADk E L D OR , PERPETUAL, MERCHANDISE PUHNITI RE, Ac., IN TOWN 'lolt COI7NT RV. OFFICE, No. 305 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, 8=1.610 Invaded as follow., win: First Mortgagee on Improved City Property, worth double the amount 3135 610 00 Ground Rent, find chore ~.. 4'2 60 City of Philadelphia a per cent. Loan.,. .. . . 30000 On fenna)kanta R. R. Co.'e 6 per cent. ad 31ort • gage Loan. (COMM-.. 27 900 00 • Allegheny county 6 per ct. R. R. Loan— . ...• 10 ual 00 Collateral Loan., well secured..... 2 00 Huntington and Broad Top R. it. and C. Co., 0 f 0 The RelianMoetga ce Mutual insurance Co. . 24.3.30 00 The Count) Fire Insuracre Co. Stock 1 050 151 The Delaware M. N. Inauration Co. stook— .. 7ari Rennes Jeanie R. R. Company Stock...—. .. Loon or Commercial Bank Stork ....... 6 115 01 Mechanics' Bunk Stunk Vition M. Ina. Co Senn, emol • • • • • • • • • • • • BO' - ABSETS. .t.7.03,54:6 96. R Ails euel, abl e......... Book Accounts, accrued Interest, . 6 JIG 6/ Cash on hand and in hands of Agents....... 11,385 13 !macrons: Clem Tinslov, Itiamuel Ilisphatn, Wi , liarn B.Tboincson.lE9bart Steen. Frodertok Brown, Iwilliam Musser, Corn°hue Stevenson, Sent. W. Traver, John R. Worrell, Marshall 11111, 1.11. Carson, Z. Lothrop, • lobort Tohind,. harlot Leland, *rolleriek ',ening, Jncoh T. Bunting. chimes N. Wood. Hivith Bowtn, Jalllo3 8. Woodward. John Bissell, rittollurs B. AI. HINCBM AN See ht TINOLLY, l'resident man'. February 14. 18gi. ' feM thatu•fti I f T ILE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OR NEW YORK. As.eta, SIX MILLIONS OP DOLLARS. INVIIVID (WOR TH MVERI7RIn3 ,O nm O ALIJ, UM/. The premiums are rowelt then in, nanny other Comes tune, and tho Dividends have been This le striotly MUTUAL Compan Theo are no Stookhotdips, so that ALL THE PROFITS {MONO TO TU INIURIID. Pamphlets, and even information. eltl7 be had eilkT B. le, W o oor n app ner FOURTH and WALNUT btreetlication to F. RATCHFORD BTARR„Axent, s. . PHILADELPHIA REFEUNCEI: Mordecai Anton°, John Welhh. Motdoont L !Amami. • George H. Stuart, Pl.,Ard. E. a. Whelan, Johnl J. Fisher Learning. Joseph Patterson William C. Ludwig ohn H. Atwood; Arttow ei coffin. homes 11. Power'. George W. Toland. William aloKee, Thos. Wattaon. rislt-leit • REMOVALS. WM. D. KELLEY AND GEORGE A. Y COFFEY, Attorney' at haw, have removed to Ili Booth SIXTH Btraftt. helma Chestnut.• SAbIL. N. DAVIES & SON, BILL BROKERS, HAVE REMOVED TO felbim'l'vo. MS DOCK APR F.ET. RElvluVAtis-BMALL do ()HANDLER, WHOLESALE OROCERD Irmo removed from 0 North bECOND Street, to th MARKET Street, above Front. north aide. Jae --- GUMPERT, ‘A • IMPORTER. ALWAYS ON HAND, 1,000,000 11ABANA VIGARS, At No, Mil CHESTNY'r Street, Above U. S. Mint. • A D No. 40IH UHESTNU'r Street, Below U. 8. CUSTOM 1101'8E. (81-tutlia-12l • COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS ! IVORY TYPE S. DAGUERREOTYPES: AT MoCLEES', NO. Seltl CHESTNUT STREET, Below Seventh (opposite Jayne's Hall). $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $l. Those who desire a really splendid PHOTOGRAPH Shouldi nail at this THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED AND:BOST EX TENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN TILE STATE. Copley or DAGUERREOTYPES or Ambrotypoo. of any size. finished in 011AYON, OIL, Wayna-Liii.on, PJOTIL, or an IVORITYPEs. dlll.3in ()BICKERING t SONS, MANU FACTURERSof Grand. &bare, no p mitt YVA W N° FORTES. hrerooms,N.7l CHEBTNUT Street' rinnoa. to let, taken in ex_oliange, tuned, and itjut r o ft6At o ll ic aexe . cuon, DAL !gook r a lp 3 r a t i otl r VIVANTED-810,000;to invent in an ea- V tablishett business. (snrshere in tito State of withgents, lunnts.) tosetber with the 0 0TVICPII o f tip eXPe rienoed business man Address, with Ju l pa+ttrulall, Ke7stone." lath°, office. ce234:lt. WANT.ED—A Situation by a Lad 17 • C. D., Le year sdger 'or age, in a Wnolesale Etore. Address Office. It* A MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISIIES AN engazement M companion to an Invalid ;govern-. psi; to young .children ; or to eupertatend the alrbin. of a family. to objeettone to leave the city. Dishm testimonials' siren. Please address, with particulars, "West," 810041 . 11 Dispatch. fe29-10t• $l2 000 A PARTNER WANTED • with a eaph capital of from a woo to Vt , idtit n iW i e'aohu.ntriyottarexi me, d i f nels elate where an interview may by ban. fe23.7t* COCIIk.CO, $3OO —WANTED a situation by an tiPPtie ;ounr man. :Will loan 8.100. /address EXPMUENt.. D:soatch. It* FARM WANTED, of about 100 acres together with some. stock, within fifty or a hen u rer miles of Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania or New 30 , 007, onot near a railroad, for which will be given a Judgment o 81en. usual to money, at 6 per cent.; a tiiree.story rick Dwelling. modern conveniences com plete, except furnace. POPLAR Street, west of wen troth ; coat 54.000 subject to 81666, being ground-rent of 8100 per annum. A Igo 160 acres of fine r and_, situ led on Independence Creek, A tehis,pn County, Kansas, twenty miles from St. Joseph, Mo. Coat 810 per acre, end will be worth 823 within three •Care. Also a Noose and Lot in Germantown, worth SA000; has rented for 836 0 per annum ; mortgaged for 33 000 . - Aldo 8400 rash; In all what is worth Seven Thousand Cullers. Address. with description of location, Lend, anddints. and BtAck, P. R. WILLIAMS, te27-9t Germantown Poet Office. Pa. WANTED—By the Ist of next month, a Warehouse on the whee. Broad or hilatlret ate. A.ldrese '. Broad," et this ofGoe. fe2s-6t• WANTS.—The Citizens of Coatesville, Pa.. are desirous of having' an interview with a man or company of men. who will give a guarantee to supply a Cotton Factory with machinery and carry the same on fora eerie. of years. he advantages will I,e set out in the interview, and a building erected of imita ble alao. Address W. B. MENDENHALL. fen iit, Secretary. WANTED -A PURCHASER FOR A PATENT RIGHT, of great value ; would be wil ling to take on active young non. of good business euellfiontlons, who woold in% est t 4OO, as a full partner. Address " Taunton." Blood's (.Z et• WANTED—By a young Mau, a SITIJA• lON in It Ntiholerale Store. al Porter. Can write a fair hand. and wi - ul t ha willing to make himseif warn'. Aildrem " Porter." ()Mee of thug pnper. fez3-6t. WANTED -TO INVRIT, 55,000 OR more in a well-ertallheked businese. Address " Morphy,' Blood'. Dispateh. state the nature of the business, and. when and whore au interview MU b e had. 1022-et. FOR SALE AND TO LET FOR SALE, OR TO RENT—A FUR NISHED COUNTRY HOUSE of tanderate size, one and a half mile. from Old York Roan Station. N. P. R. R. A beautiful grove of shade trees near the house. Also. aniole flower, fruit. and vegehible gardens, and a good orchard. A fine stream of Water runs through the grounds. Rent two. Anplg fur directions to "Enrich Store." Old York Road Manor'. or 1618 LOCUST Street. Philadelphia. feltS St-tuths` nn BOOKS at 25 cents per volume• A oho." department well stored with good Woke, neatly boun only p nts ey.h. 70 5 CHESTNU T STREF;T.— Handsomc ly FURNISHED LODGING ROOMS to Let. niLLIARD TABLES FOR GALE.—Two fast-olgaa Billiard "tables, with Pi inch noirld , hedg, nod latest iniproved curloong, made last hlay— note Lunn; at the Mount Vernal House, Penn above Filth toreet. Reading. Apply to H. A. LANI Z. 2.1 - Esat MARK ET Aquare, te27-t[ Reading, Po. AYELLOW WARE POTTERY, now in operation in this city, with Tools. Mould.. hts:.. terisl. &c , on hind. will be sold. on reaeonsble terms, or exchanged (or Merchandise. Has the best kiln in the States, andran be leased to present occupants if deer. rable. Apply or address W. A.." No. 1035 VINE Street. (82740 F OR SALE (SERMANTOWN PROPERTY. WALNUT LANE. The handsome residence now occupied by J. Emery Stone, will be ready for occupancy by loth May neat. end perhaps, by arran,einent, sooner. Lot 139 by,234. The Mansion is 19 foot front ; 17 rooms, replete with every modern convenience, hooter, two ranges, baths, water oloaet, ran fixtures; around the house la 125 feet of piaz zas; upon the lot carriage house for three horses and two carriages, with room for driver; handsome shrubbery ; rem the cupolas stand view of the surrounding coun try ; adjoining the same two lots 75 foot each. 212 lest deep. Only 55 MO of mono , wanted on the whole. ;Alton., FREDE,RICK. SMITH, Roothoast comm. FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. Ceti-3t VOR SALE.—AII that Valuable Property -a: known as the BLACKWOODTOWN ACADElllin . located in t he healthy and thriving village of Blackwood town, Now Jersey. Tho 11:51n edifice is of brick, al by throe stories high, with basement for dieing room and kitchen, and as ern complete for a boarding school. is espec tally adapted for a female seminar - ; has ample spa sits, being well shaded. and will be sold at auction on TliiiltiSDAY, the lath of Starch, at one n'olook M., on the premises. Inauju s q s 1.! vF. 4 mom:. fok7-13t 5 iILACKIVOOLTOWN. cfm, lIERR'S HOTEL FOR RENT.—The lalik.Propri eras,' of the above melt-known Hotel wishes to retire, and otters the (total for rent. The furniture ssuil ba sold, or rented also. For pi Mculars. address 501.1 m J. 0. lIERR, Harrisburg, Pa. TONES' MOTEL—PHILADELPHIA The lease and furniture of this noted Rotel are for sale at a great bargain. The furniture is entirely new, having been put in Within a year. and the house now dOlne a successful business. Inquire of D. M. IsTIOER, in the Hotel, or of F. G. SCHWA. No.lB MURRAY Bt.. N. Y. felt-tf ADMINPqRATORS' SALE. HOUSES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AT A UCTION.—WiII be Fold at auction. WRDNESDAY, kl A RCH 7.180 e, at 1034 o'clock, A. rd. on the premises, the beautiful country reridenge of the Isle John M. Brewer. M. D.. situated in Beverly, New Jerser. on the southern bank of the Delaware river, consiating of 2 Aores of Land, Ilouce and Darn. The Douro tsof brick. two and a half stories high. with a Cupola; and contains 12 rooms. It was built nboutiten years since by the late. owner for his own no rupAnoy and is admirably located at a bend of the river, commanding an elegant view. The Land es trade to the water's edge, alforili ng a good opportunity (or the erection of 13athin c and Bout ROOMS. There unworn* to the city of Philadelphia by steam. boats and railroad. fiat era! times a day- thus melon, it a most desirable residence for a gentleman doing bust neer in the city. Immetfi rat ly after the Kale of raid house. will be sold the Burnt titre, Medical library and other Books, Medi cal Instrunienta. ace. . ALSO—Two othersmall Ileums belonging to the name owner, in the immediate %Imlay, hum of wood, two stories\ high. and worthy the attention of any person seeking a residence at a moderate rent. Sate -positive to settle the entire Estate. (Innditions Metre) and made known at time of sale. Deverly4l..l., Feb. 13, lons fell-th sat tut3l7W2t feM TO TIN ANI) SIIEET-IRON WORK ERS.—FOR SALE The entire stock in trade of the late .08EPII FEINOUR, comprising an as.ort merit of Tin and Sheet Iron \' , are, blares, Restore, esinbooses, &o , with the tools and fixtures of stores and workshops. Also, to rent, the Stores and Dwelling. An opportunity is now 4 - tiered to secure the business of this old established stand, which has enjoyed for many years a large share of the Patronage of the ship ping interest of Phioidelphia. • For tern's. inquire at the Executor's. at the Old Stand, Non. 313 and 347 South FRONT street. lel9.stuth6t FoR.SAL E- TnE 13ROADWASt FOUNDRY AND 3IACHINE-SHOP, ST. LOUIB, Missouri, ESTABLISHED IN PM. This lone-eetabliehed and well knoWii Foundry is of fared for sale on accommodating tonne. During the last eightreu months the Enildingil bare all been rebuilt, in the most approved modern style, and new machinery added. making the moat complete es fablishment of its one in the Western country. The Foundry Building is 95 by 65 feet, and furnished with Cranes. Cupola. Core Oven. he., &0.. complete. The Machine Chop is 19) by 40 feet, two and one-half stories high and contains &large an well-arranged set of Lathes. Boring and Planing filerellines. &0.. usually found in Shops for doing a geneml Machinery business. The stock of Pattern' a the largest and moat yalnable in the aity of Pt. Louie. Flaske.llX , i3. 3c.. about Black smith shop, Foundry, Machine plop, and Boiler yard in abundanoe. A moat excellent opportunity ie offered for two or three Practical niecha nice. with a small amount of Capital. to embark in a well- opablished menu Motu ring business. For particulars add ress. at St. Louie. Mrs . Le.l.lnuf CUDDY. CARPENTER. & CO. e 303 OW 0131 TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS. 'Fa A Retail Store and fixtures, well !neaten for busi "Ailt, 76 hy fort. three stories high, with water power and stesm fore feet courin g and finishins gocals.. A D i re House, a 0 byIN orith g ood water for dyeing, aqhls en p t r Y oper of ( t l ;ytirreter's lane, near the Germantown Railroad, being Do very accessible to the city, makes at very desirable, Apply to THOMAS pi.stF.l;l:lll... VW{ SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of cline= and Twentieth streets, having three fronts. amiable for ft church or factory site. For terms & 0 „ ddress J. ,at this offire. jalB tt pIAUfORY LOT FOR SALE.-•A Valua ble corner lot, 123 feet square, hating three fronts, admirably located for a factor) site. ut is situated in the southwestern part of the city. in a rapidly -1m proving oeighborhood. It will be cold on reasonable terms. For particulars, Wiese "K.," office of The Preai. jalg-tf wintsr CLASS BOARDING, with Parlor and Chambers, in a P ivate Family, 11 6 GIRARD CASH WILL BE PAID, AND TIIF. bichrot price. for ladle,' and pears' cast-off CLOTIII7.I, by addressing Box 517 Blord's bispatob. 1e24 120 EDUCATIONAL. ANY PERSON OF ORDINARY OAPA city ran learn to read end w:ite the correepond ng etyle of PIit)ZiOURAPIII: in one month. A r reeu eel knowledge guarantied. AVM. Y:LI. I .NO. Phonographer. 815 RACE street. VRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE.. M. E. corner 8 gVENTR end CHP:4II4 UT Streets.—The restates of 'Patients' name• show. over 190 now attendance. 79 have ea lered from Jan. Ist. WO. to Feb. 75th, lea,. All are in structed, indtviou di), to the duties of the counting house. Please gall and examine arrangement.; 3c. 11.4-1201 f "VW BOARD ING SCHOOL. 1 TI:sCARORA FEMALS [Nu riTurE will be opened at ACADEMIA, Juniata county, ra., on the Ist day of MAY next. For announcements eon tanyine terms. ho., apply by letter or personally, till let Ap r il, to the subscriber, at 1711 VINE Street, l'hiladel pion ; after that et AC ADEMIA t Juniata county. Pa. W. E. AtINEW. fe23-dtmyl . 1111 VIN F, tdieet. HARDWARE MOORE. HENS ZEY, & CO. HARDWARE. CUTLERY. and GUN WA:IRROULEE, No. 4.47 MARKET, awl 416 COMMERCEStreets . PHILADELPHIA. te.l-3mo STATIONERY. - SPRING TRADE. WM. F. MURPHY & SONS, PRACTICAL MANCTACTCRERS 07 BLANK BOOKS, STATLUNERS. ♦sn PRINTERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 399 CHESTNUT STRZET feaMMIT WANTS. . . , lIEND k;RSON '8 Bookstore. o 3AROH street. BOARDING. PERsONAL AMUSEMENTS. D SN MOE'S GREAT SHOW, WALNUT Street. atora THE EN r - vetetim THE ENTftrel AFLNi TUE ENTRIRGAB3I THE ENTLWRIAEM crested last lb, by the • PTARTLI AND - UNPARALLELED FEATS ' ATARTLI AND UNPARALLELED FEATS BTARPLENG AND UNPARALLELED FEATS 'THE BEALITTPTIL oy TRIt illyitlTt FUG TUE BEAUTIFUL AND DASHING NN DA HIND AN er DeBRING EtUESTINNE, tEhTit E UeSTR NNE, MAD'LLE ELLA ' oYARA atAD'LLE ELLA ZOYARA MAD'LLE ELLA 70XARA •.AD'LLP. ELLA ZOlv AHA I'N'LLE ELLA ZOYARA MAD'LLE ELLA ZOYARA HAD'LLI: ELLA ZOYARA AIAWLLE RI.LA 7.OY&RA MAD'LLE ELLA Z O YARA NIAWLLE ELLA YARA Wea Absolutely_ without pantlleL One et the lama: and most Ihshienableaudieneee ever Grcrecht tOgeteer l this etts honored her wonderful acts- int ', as SUCH with OLTB (IF AYYLAUdE are nrelr tritheued in this dlr. Her do proved indeed a MOST GRATIFYING TRIUMPH OP YOUTH__, BEAUTY, tiRAt•E• DATtuio, Aral I.INKQUALL b 0 PULL.. SHE APPEARS TO-NltiliT. • In connection with numerous other sittnietions•whloh will be foun4 described in the resiilar advertisement- Ifir Rine Performances First. DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW". NATIONAL, THEATER, WALNUT St., e'lawe Et nth. Ya tcze.—Drees Circle, 150 cents; irate,23 argai o legta s mPnvam Bo.ies. 76 Dents;Whole Frl -3 end $6. CliArox or rms. — Doors open at half past 6 o'clock. To commence at 7. recto (TUESDAY) EVFNINO. Feb. VI. The rmanoe will commence an th a selection of ACTS IN THE RIND. In which Mlle. ELLA ZuYARA, and the entire Fence. wan Troupe, will appear. Second appearance of the world-renowned svarstn sum, MLLE. RLLA ZOYAR A. Whose extraordinary feats of equitation have exciwd on unprecedented degree of enthusiasm lima:boat Europe. and who m nn:versailly admitted to he 'THE MOST GRACEFUL Min DARING FIEMALe. ARTIaTE Who has every ppeared wi l l con cl ude a, The performances will with the Geneous Spectacle of me OR :EI . i i EXHA F NT OF PIA3I, - IRE RINOII vOF" WAIN IJ T-STREET THEATRE. Rae Lessee ..flirt. M. 4, icejtavoi . , tale ..... Air. h. F. _CH' Snameas ...Mr. JCS . D. F._ HY. THIS iTUF4DAY 'WEN tritt. FAIL 211, OUR AMERICAN C , :itISIN. Ass Trenchant, tUar emertcan Coop n.l Mr. P. 6. ClDnfran• Mary Attradab, Alm C. Jenr.n. To conclude with THE WIDOWS VICTIM. Jrft 1111141 Cily, with trunattans or popular actors, Mr. F. S. Claar.frau. tkri'rioe kraal. deku esurred Trnthoct eF x tra chum Doors OrMla tit 63i o'clock ; Perform/saes to croc.raw • at 7 o'clock. WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCii• STREF.T T yEATEE. THIS I TUEP AYi EVENING. Feb. 28. Third reek a 013ECICAULTII NEW, g'LAT, Gelled the OCSOROGN: Oa. _LIFE IN LOUISIANA George Pe,ton, Mr. Wheatley ; Jep.n MoCkekey, Mr. Dolman Zoe, the Ootoroon. Mrs. John Drew. Scalar or Plicze.—Aditagalon pence. em,ure4 Seat) In Direr C. We. 37% cents; l i erquet. Po ot•nte. Doors open at 7: perfonneooel µ oonaintace 81 preoioeiv DAY AND EVENING EXHIBITION. " THE HEART OF THE ANDES," On view at THE ACADEMY OP THE PINE. ARTS, .1011.5 CHESTNUT Street. From 9A. M. SP. M.. and 7 till SP. Y. Admission 3 cents. Visitors ere requested to brusg Opera Glasses. far Gt• WILL OPEN FOR EXHIBITION, EARLE'S GALLERIES, bl 6 CHESTNUT STREET, ON TUESDAY. na TS. CHURCH'S GREAT FALL "NIAGARA?' ALTO. GIONOUX'S PAINTING OF " NIAGARA.' IBEX TEZ ANI11IC•71 AIDE. Pshibition boarg from 8 A.M.10 & P. M. 81:inisr.On 25 cents. Samson noketa [.d7 • oents. t CONCERT HALL— CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH. 818 RANI COWELL THE GREAT MUSIOAL COMEDIAN, Flattered by the krodness that has bean extended to In m. and the brilliant and moral anecear he hes soh end in Philadelphia. brie the pleasure flaw:concur, that he With. NIGHTLY cumint, OF PIIO I ) I RAMME. Commencing on MONDAY. Feb. 71th. These milt positively be hie last appearencea to Pat- Irdelphia, es Ms Southern and Western engagements commence early in March. Mr. YAM C()WEl.L.fterwrtrai hr Mr. end Mrs, jIMEs HICKS, Eli ERN - EVENING 'ILI a WEEK. N. B.—All the city paasenger cars connect with the Chestnut-et line, passing the doors every Eire rumurea. Tickets for meat ChicLerrng A Crons' &Walker s. and Beck & Lawton's. Commence at 8 o'clock. fesT-lyt ORAL 01{10 OF 'HIE SEASONS. SECOND CONCERT OF THE M SERIPS. lIARoNIA Sneak') MlclC SOCILTT. The direeters announce the Nerved Concert of the Society. to tale place on TUX hrIDAY EVENINO, March I, at :MUSICAL FUND RAM , when tho re mainder of Raydrie bea,diful work, TILL biAt.OlsS, will be performed. The entire Forint) Riii suota,a the choruses, and the solo parts will be aunt b.rttio sale p.rfonners an at the brat concert. with Vie accent...nal rrent or a full Orehentra , tinder the direction of LL °COLD RION Era Conductor of the Srerinty. In addition to the Oratorio a nelection of orscella neons niece, will be sane by . Professors FRAZER and A. R. TAYLOR_, nod (+thorn. Tickets FIFTY CENTS; for sale at Bert fi LAW totem, Lee dr Walt/Pea. and IL Andres', Chestnut street. To commence at 6 o'clock. fer.nt Fivi; EN Tit w K—SAN D E ttSuN HIBITION ROOMS—Jane's Commorm(l.l4• (new) killikltng t CHEST:4O street, near Sate, natal de. MORAL. ENIQUE, AND 'CBARNIING AMUSE.- NIENT. FSPRISCISDENTED SUCCESS OF THIO'2O.VS ART NIUdi.LIM. I o the programme fur this week wit. be inclakial Tangier. the seat of the present war between Spain and Morocco; Washington at Valley Fame ;.kotriripe upon etalziturs ; :Into:eon ensuing the Alp-, wth army of 30.00 men; the Bernardino Monast,ery ; the eutonotten Plaek-ropa Vaulter; the Strm at ow, FAMILY MATINEES on WEDNEBDAI and BAT- Ukto.kT AF TERNOON& Evening Entertainment—Poor open at 7 o'civil; to commence at 714. . . AdmisAdmission—Adults, 25 cents; Children, IS cents sion—Adults, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NUS! THE ULLMAN AND BTRANOSCH COMPANY will give one week's Opera, coamtencmg on MONDAY, .March S E. ery evening of that week a d.tferent Opera anl le given. The aria of the Company Rill nme poet ricel) he limited to :hit week. 2111 they are hoond by contract to open in Baltimore Monday. 3larrh Izt n. On MON BAN starch 5. Alva PAT f I will n.hpeet in the jit KBERos• *EVILLV,with Star-rem Cohlen.. sdim PA 1 3RIGNOLL HI. RR I, A3tc . l l l.+. On TUESDAY first and oni' night ot DE.R. F ta , • CHETZ Or WEDN Ia3DAY. Miss HAITI in I PL ANI. The sale of seats for the first three flute wilt cotn m•nce on I iiutisnAr, much Ist. at the Academy of Moe e, and at the Magic Stores of Messrs. De‘ls & Lam, ton. and at Coockenne k Son's. 1.23 If r.N'ilETIt QIJADtaLLE PA'tlY TO the CONTRIBUTING NIENTISF.HE Of the PIPLA DELYNIA 11.1FCK'N+ BAND, No I. will tate rlsec WEDNI.:SPAY EVENING. February 29+b, at CIA NATI +NAL GUARDS' HALL. 07' TICKET+ NOT TRANFER ABLE. SO TICE ETS O. U AT THF POOR. JAMES M A olzicz.; BECK. N 0.70 FLORIDA Stroet. Above Eleventh, Mow Fitzwetof. CAL Wui.,FWIIN AND CARL IIUILN- N-/ STOCK'S FOURTH CLASSICAL SOIREE Will take place on THURsDAr, !ouch 1, I& i AT THE FOYER OF THE ACa DEMI - OF MrS'O. For Proarammes and particulars see et the NinsSa. Stares. tuber's hers are requested ta show their tickets. Single tickets vise Dotter. eau be had in the evening et the door. The everstringed fraud Steirissny Plane in from Messrs. Blasius waren:sons, lON Chestnut street. 192,14 it AiellONtst below THIRD. till's GA LE'rIE.S —RAC% Lv.a. ISIM• MIR ATTRACT/DN. • L.AzT 'Mu NIGH NEW COMIC "' FUN TONIIIIS STAR. OF BEAUTY. The rollowlar eirtlsti will also Aurora: Y,g. LIDA Sk'll.TL. ALas EULIA PART Mira BIN 'LAI R. ENNANDF Z. THONI 1 % 11 LIANIS, NiggOLLS. CALLADINL. 808 BL Mt R. and a FELL and POWERFUL oft- CHE 4 l'R A. I.d lit Prof. SIMPSON. AISIA AL ' FINE ARTS. 1025 Cif ESTN L'T STR E ET. OPEN DAILY. cbundsyn excepted.) from* A. NI. II 5 P. M. PY toted—The Tenth volume of Etrrnva satevia " of Pitan.w. Adqumuon 25 een:c, Children under 13 see h 31.1 • rice Flh‘...• of Ittnet Stlo. ex-tt fIEti.MANIA URClLE'lltA.—Public hearsaLs every EIATURDAy, mrsicAL FrNP HALL at 3i oVock P. M. Tickets to be had at G. Andre's, and Hick k Lawton's Moan Storrs. F. 12.1 at the door. IR2I-303 p}MPLE Ub I'ON DEES, Northcant corner of TENTH and allESTri Smote. great and Novel Attraction. SIGNOR BLITZ. The eronderful telelicien eurid Yentnyntnet. W EXHIBITION EVER) EVENIN6 Duturiu trite EEK. Commenpina at TS o'clock. and on "NEDNEETAT d SATURDAY AFTERNOONS eta. The oelebrfo r e.) Automaton Rope Yaulter t one of the greatest **meet_ a Mechanism ever exhibited, will appear Lttevera exhibi tion. and perform his astomahing feats. !Minium.] :a Dente. Children Maims. JOSEPH LEA. NOS. DS AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET. Invites the attention of the Trade to his Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS, New ho t and dark /wing Wee, a great variety from MESSRS. BAWL SLATER h SONS. SUTTON MANUFACTURING CC , MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Also. THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Including many new standard Patterns. NEAT BLACK /a WRITES, PURPLES, fro. PA:CONY k IMIEPHERD PLAIDS, tr. PIDEDANDS, wa ND GRAYS. AND CHOICE •DUSTES WOOLLENS. FANCY CASSIMERES and DOESKINS, &k , ., FROM ROCK COM., OLENDALE COST., NEW ENGLAND COM.,CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS. SUPERIOR BLACKDo ISKL'i AND SITS 31iX 'IVREA?. Satinetta. Plain and Printed. of all nolo!, and nun' ties; eenrucky Jeans. Twills. Cords. Cutardirrtir, Kereey'e 'fereeds, compriaing one of the beat the country. - - AMERICAN LINEN COM. CRASH, RUCKS, SHEETINGS, &C Jall-3m CARRIAGES. OP THE XANPFACTURE OP WILLIAM D. ROGERS REPOSITORY, Np. 1009 cake "rNIJT STREET. 1 7 . 1 0 0_ tuf i tIT lER AND EGGS. WIiuLESALE A - and redid.—DOßDlN'it St HALF.I47 and 719 rast etn Maket. Hotels. riletain - antt, dc., suppLiPal nn tl3 Iva Ivorable tettll4. k teo-ct•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers