M!!!E= [From the European Tjmep "0rfeb;t4;) , J, , ,, 4 -, Tuft Fronah-llevernment - has deohie4 on very comidernblyreglipift pintxmk"of , the army. , ‘Tae nobor of too - men° WIGS' morethan" over tovtards PAitts, Feb. 3. , -The rOnstitiazonnet phi:dishes a pastoral letter: eddressed in the Year 1810 by the Govern our Bishop of Orleans and Preachetin Ordinary of Louis X ',Lend , who Was prosecuted in 1791 for refacing to, take tee pale of the own constitution , of the camel. Ie the , lectet hloneuer,flouesese .Ptatea_ that it in not ap researy for the tame to tie a temporal severeten. ne• also clainis tlfa liberties of the Gothicism Church: , ,a • ~ Trig - Perin Pr:soak:lye: "It lineman oartaftt that the ennation of the annexation oriCentritt Ititlif b rp o he' decidel by an, anneal' t o do/v 04.1 Ve ir rVitige l atiure erne mat:tieing - Mt to thealloPir.Pl - au ' h curly ease , - inn of whiett will n smo 111 e fi t Mato nl onteidaminion in •ItalY,',.. The Foe. , aur talon Vie t '`` The' atatineant o au approach-. Me deal rtitrivf,the,pepedi yr i eil Iron kame dg ooht pletely falee '''" • - , Trim -Ft arer -griesee -- OP' Endaprri.—ks the, Trineees Alogrindiftira thridaartiniof.Prinee'Albert of l'oinaairt now abant ; Manner on , her eighteenth rear, MOM:. ttegi gu riamea sieve a letter from Tlambiug..to point to her4orniabighness on the prriliablia future ueennf Pandatul To.this it is merit hkely ttiat'e,nin emil creehitiinitol with the Prim:teat Frederick William may in some degree have .coutsittuted., het-that:May , have nrisith from ether ameootatasne, with which any Wen ors eloser relattonehip than that which. now exists Inv havemothinevaahaverendo,, It may be ere, herwr; ever. thitir Should be known that the Princess Amen-, drina ie n grout• favorite wit - }1 *Owe Prussian myatTamilv t end thelathe Wants end Immure- „ meets of her revel higlinees are " purified are re all re. /t speet a in neer)) dance with what:might., be, geooged. Of , expected-ine, ponces:ter ]sex exalted station., • - OP SPALW AND 'hie POPF..-The . ritis ° times erWeliciirAfiri - ;zipoiaina - chyhoiiti strangethridain to -the awagent, tinlooked:fde isontelica t ion of the airman of the Pope seems noWlikely, Motions. From relmble nitrites received - from Illadridat rota overt fgwoo tortelieve thgp the Queen,rof , Boun, not' , evithetandine she already hes enoitnti to look after. and , in spit • of the imptieltion Other Ministers, unsolved to , protact opeolet,hatemperal power and interest of Reims. The two Peanalesoindalie. Nuncio are husila forming , and coneneting molt roMbinlttinnil se would bring 'Moat elienge of cirriumetastisee much in:their favar.,:pet these cmitehinattons success:LOS thettnalt._fuln. if ty 3B and the Queen also must comprehend that Zimmer , An d France -never; -onenity uretextatcaerate anrinter., _ vention. The eulneots PititifiX must deal Arilth him, rind bitnalene,..Simin hes no right to interfere 3.n mat t.'" 64 tfitAlir Ma or tier proeinaci: The rive tam emeriti. anannch,under Austgaalnfittease Roy! en lit was bor?istateisteeanoolon. - - % l ira neiiiiint or the ptiblfalotionta and axpendl 4 , titre in Mailust mibliiheitinhovre . that theexPeaditurn exceeded the innome hr 42.019,6 1 3 3 lfisa S I . The ine,efee amounted t0*,,Z68,070,48995. - Sk • • eftlyrolfirtost Siatfit; SiVeitt..-Lord'Broukhain Has been e-doevorint tentless the Itrnlifaiffsrtrtht that it he yery.dinoreditAble to en ea a Wagon temtmairt se touch n a tion from tan, ,alaveholding-fitates of the Amerman itnana - payieginily.while,ourowrtossennlean Batieh Guinn* Jamalea, and elsewhere, could furnish tetwith large etiantitiea•"'Now, ell the, oratory m the world. hawe:sr fowerful or-perfect will not change this 'tete or thialmati lone at the Amerioan planter can tquigvreit its nisi in the mark et. -There is no sentiment; in the commercialtalent.•' Box fe,the cheapest market, spill • in the detrest.! /t o hard. yintotioal Mac ha, which, toe photo'', thi'merehrust. and the cotton spinner most alike he intinerioed s In theidigemaion to whiehwe have referred'. father it arniege,divelosuretranspired.namely a th•it hord-Perbyai government mid entered into-neeo t tat imiswith the French Goventhent baleptilt'the wet, Hill Coolie from the ant brlles,_provideaour, nelglibehtwahliagitre by therm iitorfation'oreloves tram- A frinkintathe french Wentjudies. Thatirepent Go' e- erne* had oentinued these necoriations.sind it Wile stated by Lord , Wodehouse. the Under Foreign Sean:t eary. that their were likely to he brought to a suceess• termination: le needlessto say that this deniara. Von line been etionzlo resented in. Certain quarters. Omit h been foetid with the importation of the Coolies into the „Eristsh Co plies of the West; but it now appears that the sixtem is regarded its to,unex erintinnable. that we cannot OM/ afford to' supply our own colonies, but nor neighbors also, with this mueh coveted desorption of immigrants. ' • - Won Tustin ;The Impending' change in the Wino trade, has fife& attention on a subleet whit*is likelY to nowsiderably trillnence the Mennen and of the people., Clap prohibitive duties with regard to wine ; have contributed materially, t h ere can be little eontit; to those ' drinking propensities amongst the lower visages in this country. ,whieti are attended eel, with; nhmes consequences pi morales well as in a phi went ytelef- The fact that mare, than a fourth' pert: Of the entire revenue of the Empire , weed from strong. drinks , establishes meonteetable the halt ninth this habit ,he, taken pf the greet mass of the Ppulation., Luring the first five peers of VP present 'century we imported six Million gallons of wine • at present, when the, population hes doubled itself,' we, itnrort eery nine 'million Fallo ' . Binge the tepetlofthe Corn-laws. fourteen years heck, our imports ol,oortrand cereal products from France have roes eased ardit.fold ; but the import of Wine has been neatly stationary. Nothing can show mere forcibly then time the prohibitory tendency of high duties. and this defect it leproposed to remedy too large extent in the new tariff , which Will cope into operation under the nowcommercial [mete with France., It has been mein. timed fet certain quarters that a long bine must elapse before wine; even if it were cheap. would supersede the love for inter nail enirite which at present existsamongst the Inn - win: pornietion in this country, end perhaer this may tee me: but the tendency of the present one in towards drinks which •are less stimulating and in torteatirie than the 'prevent national beverages. If wine could bit ,hid for anything like the prier of gond beer. ws in France, the consumption in arg land would be enormously increneed in the course of a few 'Ars and the coed understanding between our gelves aratour neigh hors very much promoted A large redueeop,of the wine duties would greatly menace our trade wit h the wino-produeme• countries of the Conti nent."lt eeetne tOln3 f e.nereliv understood that the Prat reillielioti in the - wine duty will be from en. 9.1. toes. per gallon; ona,thitt., after April next yenr, the duty will he relueea , to from' la . to ea. per gallon, ,according to strength. The duty on brandy. it is said. will be reduced to fie..--at prenentlt is leg: *lt is a remarkable fact- that we hese Infinitely less trade with the hi:mired millions if Petiole inhabiting the wine-proddineg 'countries of Europe, our imougliate neighbors, then we have with our own posnesaione and lion United Status. i Ecoxiicy.-The reports in tho nterortig,pipers of the delithe in alehouse of Commonethe preceding nicht are oneourarinf, as showing that all pertiesin Parlia ment are at length agreed on the noceeeity of cheek, the fesrtel increase whieh has been puny on year after cotr in the national expenditure, and which, if pereever 'elan dungen season of patios and prosperity, must lei at tendril with very serious conerquences when a time or lud ra4 AndheaCh_ graven! arrive', Mr. Wise moved', renovation to the etlect thet ft was desirable) for thellonso to ncinnnt, every year, neglect committee to inquire into and report upon the miscellaneous civil service ex-• Penditure, the payment* roads out of the consolidated fool. and the awe - mote of the woods. amens, and land revennea-departments of the Government, which it woe tenni d 4 .lrable should he heonght under the surveil luneo of the:House. The subject win introduced by the mover In re. , -.Mrs' able speech, supported by facts end flames, which showed an absolute necessity for the chat ye Pe did not in any way desire to diminish the national efficiency. but the pressure, of undue taxation tWin the I into nine', of the people, Was always a very pert lone experiment, 'Mid he maintained that "onerinoes suns orpublio money might be gaged, if a proper reva awn ware asern.rted by the representatives orals peo ple over the Ottprindtture. ' Perhaps the moderate tone in which Mr. wine nevanated his views. together with the sin nine:lets which he hroUght forward. man have cootribetni to the Aucceris of his motion. for there is nothing mete unpopular in the House, of Com. nierts.-ninlon,,Y more certain to defeat its object then Menace or blunter. ' But. whatever the onus'.. Mr. Wino thin year succeeded in a motion which he could not cirrytist year, end he defeated the Gov eminent by majority of twenty-eight-the very number by which in the Precious session his *elution was ig nored. In all podiabilitY, the defeat ' was net Teri en noying to some memberent the,Catunet; who feel that the evil hoe at length reached it magnitude. which is little less than appellrng and such a aback, is a reedy answer to r.ewderniutds and Importer ties with which ministers are assailed. In fact, Pr. Gladstone was lo comen: enough to acknowledge ehat_pstong rell the cpun try appeared to he mdiahrent about the emonet of the• maimed expenditure; so long would the house of Coin mane continue in the same mood; hut when the (entice out of doors inn n contrary direction, the reflection of, that reciter; would tie belt in the House-an argument very inninvil fora Chencellor orthe Exchequer to ad vance. and hoard for the first time, we should euppoee, from the Treaeury bawd'. ; • IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for the - Frau:l MEN? BEG 08—Bohr 8 B Wheeler, hioLaughlßr74s hhdo su4gr 30 do molasses 8 tr. W Welsh. 1',111L10:4CP/11.0394D oif,Tii.ADE. • bigl.'Ol,97,RRIV to:We/rumor 'xi Mon& JOSEPO C. GRUBS, 'LETTER BAGS ICERCIIMITY ILICIUNGS, PIIILAMELPMA. Ship Sarturtk. Rowland ....Liverpool; March 1 i i it: r n k lip: „ .:d Queeo, iii ßawan a, soon Bohr V Lonna. C01acm....1..,:-.7.1.:;.....11a=1:"0'1l saiLiztio `OF. THE OCEAR STEADIERS. FRCIE THE UNITED STATED. DAYS Canada .........- • ..BookOL .1Averp001....,....,:.Feb 22 .aired Rhogdooo.New Y0rk.. 2 1142K0vt......... Feb 22 Moe.. . ----New Vark.:Liveroopl.:--...--Pob 24 IC fu1g0ir01......:.N0w Y0112.'.1.112erp001. ...,..' Feb Z' Itobeloteehl.r.......Portlaed..LlVerpoOL.:-.........Feb 22 A rabut ..... ....iew,Yerk.,Liverpool t ..., .'....AFeb 29 Baxonia::,...,:._:M ett Xork—Rambarg _.....:—Maratk 1 (Aug 0w.......... ow 2 0rk..weex0w.......... r .Mar0h a Arun..-......... New York-Ham ' .—..243.r0h 3 ... • . 22os ton. Liverpool— .... . - .Maroh 7 Pu n rii, °*--- . '* " ....' 1i0w York..Liverpool...... - ...Maroh 7 Erliotrlrkk.......Nem York. .Liverpool ....-..olaroh 10 Athos New Yor2..Liverpool--..7liereb 10 - TO ARRIVE. • RIIIPS LIMITS Poe DLLS Baxonia.'..--.80113th61110011..New To rk,.............reb 4 Jinn canna -.0-Lien rpool..Yortlane, .... ......../eti t Si' lagg ow.. -• .. 131aaaow...New Y0rk............Feb 8 Eon. ea ............Liverpool..Boston .. . . . Sob 11 Jeri% ..... Liverpool.. New Y0r1.........../„Feb 11 Anglo Baxon Liverpool. Portland .—..........:Feb LS Arno.% .. ...... ....Li verpeol.-.New York... - ... Feb 18 A merlon. "....... Ltverpoolron ...: - .........., Feb 25 /kestrel aslan. L - .:.Liverpool.. .fivr Y0rir.:...........Feb 23 Fulton - ......blonthampton.. ea Y0rk...4 Feb 29 Circurelen..,...„-. Oalway..New Yorlf .. —... March 3 Thy California kliulBteameiseall from New York on the Sth and riah of each month. Tim Havana Bttners leave New York on the 3d 7th,_ 12th, 11th, and lit of each month, and Charleston. 8. C., on the 4th and 19th. . . . When the above dates fall On,i3nnday, the steamers will sad on Monday. except from New Orleans. • HISTORY OF , GEORGIA.- ^•-• Now ready. Vo'. 2d. A History of Georgia from its first discovers by Europeans to the adoption of the psesent Constitution. In MDCCXVI It. By Rev. William Hanna Ft.Vells, M. 11. D. formerly Yrofessnr of Relies ',atm, History. 0te.,., in the University of Geor gic In 2 vols. Bmo., with portraits of Oglethorpe and iiabernham. Volume eeoond. published be. E. If. BUTLE R & CO.. f9lO-9t 137 South FOURTH St. PORT OF PIitLADELPIIIA. Feb. 21. 1660.. I MARINE ittiTELLIGENCE. RUN 6 b 9-81121 SET 6 34 MOH DO CLEARED. Dark Laconia, BMW tiavaloozhiD 8 Stetson & Co BAILED. Tho Car Too Boat, Captain dobalinzar. loft Lombard etzent wharf at DM o'oicok yesterday morning, taking in WW the nark Joappli Maxwell, for Lagnairet. AT CHESTER. Behr 8 8- Wheeler, MoL,aughlin, 14 dere from Qat tho‘es, with sugar and %molasses to Alt W W et 7111.86MA111L (Correspondence of The Prefix.) ' • 011ARLIMION. Feb 20. MTh tfi, ship - Avelm. from Barcelona; 'barks Ham burg. from Ht. Johns. NF; Lyman, Martha, and sohr Helena, Isom Baotou.' MEhIORANDjc. 80amshin Filineas 'Sprague, Matthews, herne..ar rived at Boston 18th knit. Steamship quiaLsr vtlf,B)itifeldt, from /lassos, 6t N York 12ch met. titestaahitt 1)0 Nolo, Bollook, fronaltew Orioans and Ilmftraft, at Now York 19th snit. . Slap I BaLar, - Alleu; for Yinindolphis t entared outward at Lwerpoot .18 • -' tihtP Battle!' Wjthadlat Nickerson, hem° at Ponssoota yrevaotta tta Ilth rust. Shin Kaltunlftoof Timor, arrival atßrowersuven rom Ship H 8 Fink, Fish, (corn .Nroso . Orisans , for Pantos, Ivan towed Into Lorcenslat/net. Ottonarded. ' Snip .grlith Rona Untrue,' from Foci Chow, at N y'6o Ye li t :clc' raft lin - ofc Guok.-at Gibraltar - 26th tilt; hod 'taken in nargn froni shin dwedon. front Leghorn for t'hilvd. - Dark i•dary If 'Kendall, tittankland, Jar Matanzas. old (rain Havana 11th last, - Brig M Cobb,Comsat% for rhilidelphisiimiled from Matanzas nth inst. Brig Blizabeth Watts, Bryant, henna, arrived at Tri nidad 3d- nst. Near 13 Waticon.Willebn ff ? ' inst. for Basin. to load for rimy york, &lir Dramas, Carman, for lohiladolohia, sailed from Cionfuerns 7th Mat,' - • • r Rehr Pannie,Nance, for Phthidelphia,,via Cadens., sailed froniliavanit 13th inst. iv; Oben rne—Ar Nov%e, Hamlet, teeraty,l 3 ostent Mater, Bigelow ; New York; 2dthi Norwood, Htecleton, "overcool; Oman Ohielt...tirown. do; N lobe:Strong, Bos ton; Mat tide, Dteshenson. Liverpool ;" hlOnaren," Dill, London; Harrnseeket,Talbot,Liverpool Osborn Howes,' Ad ;mann, alaurttiust - Texas, Ayres, 14 6 w York; 29 th, Astreau. Stmcson_i "Milton; Deo 4, ArabiEldridge. Parket Hound; 9th: tied Dee, - lisystow.' Region; lath. Elise ac, IfinthOde, Nordennoitz, New York; 16th, T W Bears, Drew, .iew York; lath, Rosetta, Pierce- do; nth. Cora", modore, Post, do via Adelaide; Phoenix, London, Slit Nov 93111, Cyclone, Millettjeirtgacore; Deo I,'l em plat, Martin, (ream: Huntress, Owen, Callao_i 4th, James °beaten „Bryan, Guam;, TM Ellen•Dood,Kilby, Catlin); PM, Nimrod,' Pearce, Ca l cutta ; 16th, 19.111128 t, Lectraw, Bingacore, Arab, Eldridge, Ovum. : NAME: - 8 steamer Epildre m 1413 Dom 'rinidad - debit^ let inst. on a cruise. Left U steamer Water Witch, to sail next day on a bruisie.. , •Thallettftra,serlilitirith the echr Frank A llailitshieh Wet abandoned July 4 1868, Cape Breton, on her passage from PtuladelPtua to Cienfuegos. and towed her to Trinidad. The schooner wan in good.condition, entity, enarge: of the American" Consul, p.` „ : V.TO 4 : 0'; tote's 4tent at Min. Er Z 6 - 414 "00 / P'a k ;'1 3111 Pe1 ,14 kogo Wrona. low rat "' / t r Akurt r.stiCstroetAtkive LAVE I_ isooth WZAIN6I. CH4BE : i*Y4lso,ies Lferkulaer, County skirti mid &tilde by 0. a&mx& & co.. 4443.,4.1,-....d.. ! 4t0rm, Prrtnt fen JAN': --_./Zesisket; rime idsititr*PVVlT.- PitA4Ati.. tr a , Rg~EADY fiha meat inieraithiVand this most *oficlertifauttnkt tive of Arotio Life inA #perlenoe eyir writtea; AN 4,4C . T.10 ,. JpAT: .19IIRNEY. 1. iIAYES; LATE StIIGEON_TO TRU . KiNE,E*AIDITIO2I . . Tbis'voleme'deisiiribes ii3OilineY"inarla by a party of "eight; perabla?, front' the brig, Advance; during the Kane .ttipeditionon hopee, of cominunloating . with ;he oivil-, -iged itithabitants of Vriernavik; and thus finding en etiCaPe r rniaiilheir - Vrintier - Ofilittereiyhein 'they were' blooKroled, thpJouriterOfovot 1,000 miles to seeenipbsh ,this nervosa, the failure of their plans, their consequent_ sufferings:and narrow, removes from death, and their 'final return to their oonirlidies at the hrig.. It conned the meek' egoitifig portion of,the 'Kane ',expedition, and it was prevented from appearing in 'that book by the illness of Dr.liiies,who Wad thus unable to pre pare any ppoonnter It at that time. The oltapteredeeoriptive of .the two•weeks of famine, Of the coetintied ,plitris, of the Eseelmsux to murder 'there, of theiresoape by stupefying their enemies and Idookadin& them, hi .their taicor but; the atomic of the ,14,„,thitta and their, virgule 'after the party, the lofig Old fieutingeLlOninky.Pf hundreds of miles baok to the brig-i-these cannot be equalled Of int Prost, and are sor ioweolly aces pted as the experience of human beings,. Thb desolOtioni of Oa habit; of tile Esquimau, their ; stied' of lily. do. anti notbaspd, upon casual visits, but upon a .ions residence with them en their own huts, While the desoriptions of - scenery; and the Mrouni stances attending Arctic. Life; are nenuliarlivivid. tame Portion of the profits from the ' bbek will be gives to the outfit of the new • ACM cloak Amtie Expedi non; which sails in it few months, under command of Dr. Hayes, ' ' ' .In I vol. Igmo. , Priee,sl.2s. TA9114.131,D, &, CHASE, ieio•3t ,rtisuptiF4R4.; BOSTON. ' J\OW .tV4P.Vii AND . COPIES BIIPI'LLED WITROCT, DELAY. . • 30.000 COPIES BOLD IN ADVANCE OF' PUBLICATION. T 9, o,ENTlntis 'AND itEpAltLX_lll :'99VEriElalfilirefTlTlPAiffiver.E" ART JOHN BROWN, RY ,- 4ABBS.REDPATH, wyntAN AUTOBITAINAYAr/LIS CHILDHOOD In one ,elegant 12mo. volume of 4re Pages, - printed on superfine paper, and handeoinely bound In gilt cloth Billy illustrated, and embellished with a FINE STEEL PORTRAIT. PRICE ONLY $l. FOr sale everrwhore by the Publishers' Agents, and it their store. . Agents 'wanted to sell the work throughout the country. Copies maikid to soy address on receipt of price and :Ideas in stamps for postage. Address 1 1 .1-IA 4 SZER & ELORIDGE, PUBLISHERS, ' 114 andl.l6. WASHINGTON Street, Boston. felt-tuns:it THE PEOPLE'S GREAT BOOK EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS. br PRANK' C1i0861% OF Tthr FOILADELPHLI,HAII. . . Equally la.:tented to all the Statex I its. matter entirely reliable, end molly understood. and decidedly the beat book of the kind ever published. Every Merchant wants it. Every Manufacturer wants it. Every Meohanio wants it. Every Professional Man wants it. Every Sank Officer wants it. Every Bill end tote Broker wants it. Eatery creditor wants it. • Every Ihibtor wants it. twery insolvent wants It. Every Inventor wants it. Every magistrate wants it. ?ivory Lawyer wants it. Every Law Student wants it. Every Real Estate Owner wants it. Every Agent wants it. Every Conveancer wants it. Every Book -beeper wants it. _ Every Collector wants it. Every Politician wants it. )'very }Alter wants it. )Every Author wants It. very Publieher wants it. - Every SchoOPTeacher wants it. 'Every Clergyman worts it. Every Builder wants it. Every Ship Owner wants tt. Every Shipmaster wants it. Every Auctioneer wants it. . Every Farmer wants tt. Every Landlord wants it. Every Tamil t wants it. Every Married Woman wants it. very Single Woman wants it. - .Every Widow wants it. , Every Master Walltii iL Every APpprentine wants It. Every Steamboat Company wants it. Every,Bailroad Company wants at. .k.VerY Express Company wants it. EVOYI L insurance Company wants it. Every Guardian wants it. Every Minor wants it. Every Hotel-lreeptr wants it. "Every Adminbtrator wants it. Every Executor wants it. Every Arbitrator wants it. , Every Ooverrunent officer wants it, Every Petitioner wants it. Every Citizen wants it.- Every Alien wants it. Evers body_evert where wants CROSBY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR 1N...8C " StNESS. It contatrui plain and slmplo instructions to Every hody for transacting their businons according to law, with legal forme for drawing the various necessary pa yers connoeted therewith, together with the la Ex e m pt the States for C,ollection of Debts, Propertyp from Execution, Mechanics' L ens, Execution of Deeds And Mortgages. Rights of Married Women, Dower, Usury. Wills, &o. It W ill be sent by mail to tiny addressrstage paid, receipt of price, 81, or in law style, 1.26. For ein ;le copies, or for the book by hundre dds, or by thou sand6.6lPelt to, or address JGRNIv.POTTER, Publisher, fe2o4t No. on sANeon Street. Philadelphia, Pa. JUST PUBLISHED ! T UE ATLANTIC) MONTHLY, FOR. MAXCII, 1800 1 CONTENTS. The Preach Character The Pursuit of Knowledge under Diffioulties ; Implore, Pace • The Progress of the Eleatic Telesraph I Love and Self-Love ,• To the Muse; Screw Propulsion: White Mice' For Christie's sake ; The ISursery Blarney Btonn The Professorle htnry ; Is.the Religious Want of the Wee Met 1 RIVIEWS AND LITRRADY ellYwas.—Ludwig van Beethoven ; Leben and Bohaffen ; Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. the great American Advocate ; A. Ilie• wry of the Whig Party; Tho West Indies and the Spa mei Main ; The Public, Life of Cepta in John Brown; Poems, by Sidney Talbott ;%A. Good Fight, and other Tales; The Undergraduate. Repent American Publications. • - Tagus.—Single number, 25 cents. Three Dollars per year, postage paid to any P part of the United States. eLnes.—Two copies, we Dollars ; Five (moles. Ten ,Dollars ;.Eleven copies. Twenty Dollars . —the subscri bers pions their own Postage, viz= 36 cents per year. Clerapmen. Teachers, and Postmasters, will receive the Magazine at Two Dollars per year, as heretofore. Bubsoriptions may commence with any number ; and as - all thenumbera are stereotyped, bang numbers can always be furnished. - All orders should be addressed to , VOKNOR Ac FIELDS, Publishers, fe2o St 120 Washington-at., Boston. gGENES AND IMPRESSIONS ABROAD. y It. J. E Rockwell. D. I), Ilme. SA. LECTURES ON THE BOOK, OS REVELATIONS. By Rev. C. H - Sutler. D. D 12mo. ias. Snail/1.4 THE PROPER AND THE LESSONS OF HIS LIFE AND TIMES. By Rev. Robert Rale. 'l2mo. I. THE BIBLE BY ITSELF. An'Addrese delivered be fore the New York Bible t3oolety, November 27th, 18.19. tly_Williant Allen Butler. 18mo. 2.6 omits. WILLIE AND NELLIE; or, Stories About my Ca naries 80 cents. THE FAIRY TALES OP SCIENRE. A Book for foutb: John 0. Droegh. Illustrated. 16mo. 81.10. MAN—MORAL AND PHYSICAL. By Rev. J. H. Seam D. D. Mod. RI For Sale by W/LLIAM S. I& ALFRED MARTIEN. DM • No. cal Chestnut Street. ELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS FOR — . male. at the Anti-Blevery Office. It 7 North FIFTH Street. Also. the LIFE OF oATT. BROWN. fet6-6t• , HOTELS. CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILADEL v PAU, CQRNER OP _CHESTNUT AND NINTH STRENTS—OPEN.b.r FESTIVA/I HITH. Thlamernificent - establishment bits been erected by suha3ription ; the stockholders oornerieing a large num ber of the most enterin ming business men of the city in which assembled the Continental Congress that gave to the world the Declaration of Amerman IndiMend ems. The hotel has accommodations for about one thou sand guests. and is supplied with every modern im provement for the comfort end 'eonvenience of fami intsineas men, and the entire travelling commu nity. A vertical railway Is being eonstnieted upon a novel and scientific pnneiple, whieh renders aocident impos sible, affording the means of reaching the, highest 'to es without the fall lug of esoentliat hontinurd n flights °femora, giving easy 'access to the purer air sod quiet of the upper room. The spacious corridors for ventilation, and every protection against the dangers of fire, have been libe rally introduced., An extensivo tending room and businese exchange, with telegraph office and conneeting writing rooms, havebeenprovided on the first floor, The whole Of t 66 `ulterior arrenteniente end furnish been It ng have behder, the personal superintendence of PAEAN STEVENS, under whose managemgnt the success of the Revere Homo and Tremort House, Bos ton r'the pattlallouite nd Point altar Hotel, . Mobile and the P afth Avenue Hotel, New York, has been es tablished. The various departments of tho Continentid will be oonducted upon the same liberal scale which has earned for the above named hotels their well-known and ex tensive share of public favor. All communications for apartments, or upon any busi ness connected with thehouse, should be addreimed to Continental Hotel, in order to insure immediate atten tion. , . I fer 7-12 t1 3. E, STEVENS & CO. TO. THE P,IIBLIO. • CALHOUN'S ANNIJLAR. VEN s iiLATOR. The above went is deemed. by eclentiflo and praell oat men. to be the very best over of to the public, and needs only to bo seen in actual operation for ite merits to he appreciated. Nothing over Introduced it to ui rge s t , ly s i c ugmd Lo o r .p v i e r gatagiv i i i t o ti n t s tr i ul public Pkoaro and ertillux vessels, and for the mire of smoky otitinnes they have ,no equal. Manufactured and for sale., wholesale and retail, at the Heating and VentilattnK Warerooms of CIL AS. WILLIAMS. 1132 to Street, Phila. - Personal attention will be even to all deecriptions of heating and ventilating by the undersigned, who has hest' many years praotleitilyategaged in the above busi ness. Also for sale; Culur's yoelebrated Warm-air furnaces, cooking ,ranges, bath boils, recliners. Jen. by felSstuthem wrizumb. TO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND jllYstottiNs, Mrs. JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS FOR LADIES.— Aeon:mad of and highly recommended by the Aledical profession throughout the United States, 'Thirty Thou sand Inva ids having been advised by their phygimans to nee h er Bulgiest Appiffincos.- Rho would caution Merchants end others _against purchasing except at her residenee, 109 WALNUT Street, Where she can be eensulted daily, between the hours. of 9 ands. Her book of testimonials willbe given on application. fa 11-stuth-ty WiloH-MAKING MAOJEIINES which tem tho amend make 27,000 gilled ; Brjok Prelims, ITM ra rkr uh " 15 W %Skh? TO ...Vl4o;4't - ' W;lokit ROSENE 011.-100 bbls for sale of coAnnfacturor'e moos. YARNALL OGDEN, fo*lm (72 North THIRD Street. TIE' LEON, 411 CIihSTNUT STREET, above Fourth, North eidekhoe the very !best Nridadng and Chewing Tohneeetu rhiladopido. ratlni THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY; FEBRUARY 21, 1860. :ax~rvatanv-mar~ss<.,~w,t~Oc~lk~SQ+r~ ~K=»xxn.~c. ~ .-.:,r CbitirVig tfit i'. t.Elt i i idfs ' Aftthalik Aldi ".I'' R.RABII`IU RAILROAD COM PANY. - ' . i, Puiteostellratlanuary,ll, ,___The , olden of the BONDS of tits Company, tie JULY 1.1860. can nnw receive, Pell application at this office, TEN PER CENT. Irk UPOrt , the terms epe e °Med in the Circular attaolie • , ' _ • The hoidens are also entit ed to the benefit of the fiINICIN 0 FUND eetablished by the Utochholderei se sot forth in the nowing resolutions t rd.sit the meting of Stook olden! held January, ~ t , Re.tolved, That th e sum f 8110,000 o t o fixture net Prohts of the Company, a er payment o the sum co inage'', for the exteneitilli 0 „the kends due in MO, the 1 completion ot the road to auphin, the car inans, the necessary rollin g stookand improvements on the Imo of , the road. and a the'liabilitlei of the Company, exempt :the bonded deb not, matured, be set aside in coal year as a Sinking Fund, (Itt addition to the 11160,000 already provided;) and shall be appropriated to s e purchase of sunk of the bonds of the C o mpany for teli oh 00 Sinking l of the pnority :of the• mortgagee .11 yen to seure nob F.pind is already provided and estabished, in the order bonde. so long as they can Teepee rely be obtained at or under par. and the bonds so purchased shall be forth , with cancelled. fis , isfeg. That the BMW, Or Manafttre bp, and they are hereby, requested and directed, to enter into such an agreement as shall utak, the provisions in the forego ing resolutions an obligatory and binding contract of the Company. In pursuance of tide resolution. the Company have executed the contract therein referred to. , , • CIRCUL tt, BRADFORD, Treallurer. ' AR. Notiee to the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Th g eti l arrilliTiell i ii r e t e g re g d e es?1 1 .1ill' F i ' l l.f a lNglie on the road, amounting in the aggregate to ella&i,4o3.,The nehrevenue tor the last fi scal year Was mx times the amonntef thermal's' interest on these bonds. Tlie Managers propose to egtend therefor operiod of twenty yearn, the holders retaining the bonds , and. tin seourity of the Mods - ages in the precise condition in which they are now held. Fresh sheets of ,Coupona for the interest ,payable half-, early,' will be issued, ' 4 , ..1e A Bonus of ten per cent. will be given to the holders, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. -Th s is Bonus will Weald in cash to the bearers of the onde, on their signing e receipt and presenting their respective Bonds at the office of the Company', or to its agents, for endorsement.. : , Forms of receipt and endontement will be furnished on application. By order of the Board oflrtanagersd W. H. IteILWENNEY. ,Safti-Im , , , : Secretor . CoRN EXCIIIANGE BANlC.:—Philadel ; Shit', N0v.18,1869. At an Election held on_tho w nit'lnstant foll9Willli gentlemen were ohOsenpireetors of this B a nk i ..; Alexander _lig. gattou, . ions* Lindsay, .Bohert K. Neff. oniunl T. Canny, /nines Steel, ' • . °MIT. Gross. i • mund A. Bonder, arles Knecht, . Al exander Whildin, David Vanderveige. ', ugh Oging. • hilly H. Mingle. Millen= J.Hornusn. And at the meeting of the Board TIBB DAY, the fol lowing officers were unanlmonaly sleeted: A 9. oATEA .r.rasidant. AV a. ' , , i i. ; 4 1 9 . .IS F RitiO, triVifirgrd.e" ) SAVING , FUNDS. SPRING GARDEN SAVING.IIIND BO cirrit OF PEILADELPDIA: - i Woe, No. 391 North Tup ,... flet Acsnsolidahon B ...,„„5„ • ,.,, CHARTERED BY TEELErsuTuals OFFEND . . BYLVA lA. ' Disositi reoelVed is malts o Ono Dollar andowanis, end repaid in Bold, without none, ' with F I. E.B CENT. INTEREST from thp day of deposit with drrioSe- A respotudble and reliable Savings tustltution has IR beep needed in the No rthern part of he city, end " bring Darden Bayless Fund Boolety ' Wee catenate the Lenstature pf l'eat l u i r iz ylvtais to supply this necessity. The Ire-hieeere lesi 'he r d bi mt., h g: bbq soverned wholly by a le aGOanU4 . sass interest and wan or the very la end enters sing population s i T whioh it_is rpm . 0 FILE orE From, to VS o'o ookt also, o a ti reollai And Ifliantial from II until° o'olOolt %tab evening, KeEnteans. . olut h gle r 1X76 ‘,. ". . Stephen Smith, awel Underaolfaft •fre n de l r i f 1 11 . e hi tio re k e e e, ale Kart, • °bosh t tal t e , rl4 ohn Kessler, Jr., amee B. Pringle,. • 5 4 12110.1_, L • °Sash M. Crowell, ' Hon. Wm. MillwardJ :g7s7=te r 4 • rite...a T. l3; h il m vidsoß.. JAMES B. ra..u.10/....E a , Presiaen‘ PILLIIOIB HART. Siorettirv. - lEW-tI il SAVING FUND.--lINITED STATES f m TR.g e T tL COMPLNY, oomer THIRD and OMIT. N Mae and small rams T 6061,11 42 wtnald bast o 4r_ mend without notwe r with FIVE PEE CENT. llfff REST from the day of der etto i thp day of withdrawaL raT,Zl743rhuig t iro.7,....Tirowgr , " . " D F Bor sale on Brisbane, Mena, and Scotland.. trefoinT I SAROP ILS/LATVORD. renal I •e ' m•‘fAre.eB R. Eur Catt LINT FISK. Amour. sell-le CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST.—NATIONAL BAFETY TitUBT COAL ANY, WALNUT Street. Bouthweet corner of THIRD, PhiladelPhis. Incorporated by the State of PenneY/Ta- In& bioney tk received lit any sum, large or small, and In rarest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with dr+rwahe is open every day from II o'oloolkin the morning till o'alook in ite evening, and on Monde, and Thursday evernsmei 8 o'olet. thI 9 IELDBYDgE, I II4 I =ett. Wrabiszt J. a, fraorstary. IlBBdBolll. )pen. Henry L. Benner, F. Cayrdllßrow=ire Edward L. Carter, Joseph Barr, Beduin Selfridge, F B. rameLee, Sauel K. Aehton, Joseph Yorke', Q. m Landreth Munn', James L. thephorusin, Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are nyado, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate I'dtortgaSeei Uround Rents, and such .first-alias neourities as will al ways insure perfect security to the depositors, and whloh cannot fa ll to give permanency and stability to this institution. BUSINESS CARDS. WM. M. GRIMM. WM. W. IIAItIOIZIII GREINER 6t HARKNESS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 132 SOUTH WHAHvgg. felt.3m PHILADELPHIA. ALFRED L. ROUGH, PAPER MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, Orders solicited for every description of PAPER AND PAPER-MAKER'S ttATERIALB N 0.17 south SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. fell-em• IDe R. 00R.8 0 N, REAL ESTATE my. BROKER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRIS TOWN, PENNA. PA 1S Montgolllerr, BUOki, and Chaster wan- Del , cm sale or exchange. 00 MORTGAGES on farms nssonated.. BANDSOInE DWELLINGS for sale in Norris. own., .11114 m PAWSON & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS, NOS. bl 9 AND 32.1. MINOR STREET, Between blarney and Chestnut streets. PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWSON. JAS. B. NICHOLSON. ja27-1y• RR. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO , HER AND CONVEYANCER, Norristown, Pa. led Farms for into in Bunke, Montgomery, and Chen ter counties. Catalogues of Farms, with 11111 oeeerip tone, sent by mail. fee-gm WM. D. KELLEY AND GEORGE A. COFFEY, Attorneye et LIM hare removed to Booth SIXTH Street. below Cheatout. In2l-Im tr B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • • SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, for Prinainalfievi papers and Period:asls of City and C.ounttr, oor. ner FIFTH and CHESTNUT. Address " V B. PALMER." Philadelphia. IaLS-Sm MHOS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, No. 273 South FOURTH Street. WALLAOE & BRODHEAD ST EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORX. Stooks arid Bonds bought aud sold. ou Cozunuoilou. FRANCIS F. WALLACI. /INWARD 0. NRODHYL). oSS-4m* ALEX. bicKINNEY ATTORNEW ) Al LAW. 41/ARENS UR% PA, Will practise In Weitmoreland, Armin:mg, and In 111684 aotuities. sell. Bin THE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFIOI kV CHESTNUT Street, forwards Paroeb, PI10)1 , Iderobendise, Bank Notes, and dome, either by its own Lines' or in oonneotion with other Express to ciam s t t r i t te all the ennoiphy to o the and-tf Oenere,Superintenddent PIANOS. J. & C. FISCHER'S AND OTHERS' celebrated Newl York PIANOS. From 8180, upward, tr. 8 11 ok F otro for JAIL.dB7Lna monthly 219 & 281 booth FIFTH Bt.. above Serene, Im" Bole Agent. STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, RUARE GRAND, AND SQ. VARE P/ANOS, now pre ferred In concerts and in private (voles by the best performers. Reoeived the first premiums over the best makers, from Judges like tiottaohalk, Yleson. and others. Challenge alloompetitlon. BLASIUS B OTHERS, O da- lease tooll CHESTNUT Street. Ifffloi HOLIDAY PRESENTS! PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANEI.ODE O-FORTE ONB H. M. PIANO-F O . MELO PIA &It I L:rtn'oc. B a"., and others. Omni) J. V. 4 aotrLD, myl4-1.7 SEVENTH a nd ONESTNUT. mil A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANO& • • BONOMAOKEN fa 00” . fMI CHESTNUT Btreet, respectful', iror,te the mea t._ loving pnblio to call and examine their new and ana emia irnprovement— HE PARLOR GRAND PIANO: Haying converted the Tong, Touch, and Action of the Orand Piano into that of a Square Instrument, voiding &lithe oltleotictns generally made to the style of 111110 Piano, also dinunisbing the coat of the n volume, parity atone, great power, bnillaney, ta ll- nese, depth, emd evenness of toilet!, with exquisite e etnamthese EPERIOR e AND ULLY-FINISHED IN MENTB are Wholly unequalled. hey have received the highest enoomiums, and are pronounced by entice to be far int- Parlor to any iratnunents ever manufactured ttua conntry, usinatantly on hand, a largo and elegant assortraFt of oar unnvalled PIANOS. We have been awarde Ihe First Premiums, at all exhibition' over exhibits , t eluding the Prize Medal from the Crystal Palace t endon. New York. tang. eel- COAL. Pm P. EULER. ' i THEO. D. IMOIty KELLER & EMORY, Orrice No, lie SO WALNT stret e, Philadelphia, l'a,, LE A U CENTB FOR Bon euperior Broad Mountain White Ash, and N. }Washer & Co.'s celebrated .131aolt lloatk and Otto C 0 A Shipped by canal and railroad from liohuylkilli Haven Bohuylkill cio.. Pa. HOUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR Interest, Buy your COAL AT 1.1101(8 4 , where norbut the eery beetinality of Lehigh and Hatay,: 'oat is offered at the [Mown% reuuoed promo: t:eh, Broken, Hip an 44 nr ton, huylkill, ## # 1 4 00 4 Le a r N0t....... 660 " We i cented free from elate or duet and full weleht, M UM 8' _vita, southeast corner MARSHAI,I, an,. Wll. ON:. Call and see. b24-11M g,W. UROOME & co, 03106146 South FOURTH Street, APD WHARF, PINE STREET, SCHUYLKILL. Deaden and Shilmedie O[ Leonid Mountain, 0 Labial', and Schuylkill tJ A b liderohandiee taken on wharfage. -- - HICKORY AND BP.RING MOUNTAIN ' LEHIGH COAL,pralared with cam for ale beetJLentil t . Appl.l at KB °maws Depot, ri INT and wlLutiVir ntraata 43- HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. pAOKAGE JIAROWARE 110IISE.—We -11.. would reepeotfuil i p , ordi the attention of the Gene ral Hardwire Trad our extensive titanic of .131R MINOHAM HARD ARE, whiah we offer at a small µWarmer the paokage. Orders or dtreot importation colielted, and Goode de livered e ither in this Mt), New YorkTNew Orierum .. 18 Bon, CD COMM na Street, Importing and Commitut on Merohants. And Agents for Foreign and Doutestta Hardware, aute-tf SOAP AND CANDLES.-50 bozo; Deter give Bony; 100 boxes Olive Soap 200 boxel Ada mantine Camllea; 00 boxes Pperm Cxnelee. in store aqd fdr eel° by ROWLEY, AFIRE URN ER dc. CO., No 16 „ CO., t,-,44 , IIIBIJALANGE-,.OO2IDANLZB. I[ l l-TE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE ICOMPANY OF PUILADEPHIA. (FIRE INSURANdE tXCLESIVEL.Y.) COMPANY'S BUILDING. S. Itr. G 4 oli NEN. • FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. , •' ' ' DIREuToRs. ' - F. RATCHFORD STARR, Maim:DAIL DAWSON, WILLIAM MASK, ago. H. BTIARY, NALIRO FHA men, JOHN B. BnowS, Jour( M. Vwoon, B. A. FAIIHRiTocr, Bxrd. T. REDICK, ANDREW D. CASH, l i z nEN Y WHARTON. J ,Li:ARINCiER. P. RATOHF RD BTARR, President. C ARLES W. COXE, Beeretarr. tale-1y . . , . • IMITEO STATES LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY. AND TRUST COMPANY OF Plll - Office, IL E. corner of THIRD and OHESTN UT streets. I DIVIDEND FOR'TIIE YEAR 1889. The Directors, from the surplus or savin4 upon the business of the Company for the sear emhnq December 91,1869. Rave declined a BONUS to the Polley holders addedextent of TWENTY-FIVE PER (lENT., to be to the (mired amount, payable at death, or else the present value IN CAM at the option of the in aural. ASSETS. JANUARY 1, PM Omar on hard, and in bank5........544,262 10 Crud* in bank at Now 0r1ean5.....,. 11,616 42 Londe on nail, seeured.by ample ool inter:tie ...................... ..... 64.511 92 61120,350 14 I 'phi receivable. . —,..... 1111,8631 81 Sal estate, bonda, slid itio;Rages... • 106,916 83 Rank, railroad, oanal, and other stocks and eeematiee267,976 41 Loaned on policies. dafairediMM4l6s, and ll:datums due from Present mile of annual premtums Stophon Ri Crawford. Paul B. Goddard, M. D. James Devereux, Daniel Doidemap. William W. Godwin. Alex. C. Rad. M. U. IdTEPHEN R . . .. Benjamin W. Tinsley. Patrick Brady. Thomas T. Lan. George Jidik i h. B. Franklin Jackson. Pliny Fisk. RAWFORD. Preendeet. .TINOLP.V, Vice President. e uri. %lir 1 : 11 ,: . Aldt L .40.114 WU. BEN !AMIN W. JAM/1{ R. HUNT.sll,l3egr Examtners—rd C. Hart, ALAN., 10.5ICUANGE - INSURANCE COMPANY EZ-A —Moe No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INdURANCE on Houses and Merohnndiss generally, on favorable terms, either limited or per petual. DIRECTORS, Jeremiah Bontall, Joshua T. Owen, John Q, Oinnodo. ' ',Mortise Marsh, Beni. AI. Hollinshead, Sand. L. Pmedlf y, John MoDowell, Jr., Eard D. Ithhett, R.so.llalty, Jo n J.tirillith ARMO I% Hale. (Jiohlefonte.) ' J JEREmIAH BONSALL, President. PUN Q. GINNODO, Vine President. EDWARD W. DAVID, secretary 1e23-lutlisly (IFFICE OF TIIE QUAKER CITY IN 'L7, 13 CHANCE CO No. 408 WALNUT STREET FOURTH ANNUAL STATEMENT RUBII3EB3I _OtiNtlig t h THE CIUAREA CITY INSURANOR COMPANY. As Presented to its litookholdera. Jan. 3, 1850. Capital Stook.. Surplus, January t, - 1 . 50 124351.42 Premiums received in 1859: 83 Marine............ 156,480.20 Inland aviisin 314,07.13 Transpurtation... 42,012.10 Interest re0eived.....—........ 12,752.45 Salvage and reinsurance—....... 98,662.2980L29 LOSSES, EXPENSES, &c. Losses paid in ' .. ... $192,71.83 Dividend, Commiaslone to agents Taxes, licenses, office rent.. 83,983.85 Printing, tulvert.aing exp enses, &lanes paid in 1659. .... . . . ~. 8,485.33 Reinsurance and return prenu- AMBIT!. Bonds and mortgages on reed estata.... . 00 GroUnd rents " 10.00 60 shares Continental /lank, New York . 6,00000 60 /hares etiy liank,j'lliiiiitelphis 2,600.00 100 do Corti Radians° Rank, Philadelphia , Imo 00 60ebares lJnion Bank, 'all% 1,500 .° 0 Zi do Consolidated Bank 760.00 16 do Fennell /e. MetlhattiOr liank. Camden. N. J...,—.- - 900.60 2030 shares of Railroad, Canal, and other stooks, all paying 9 nor cent mar,kat vete 07,660.00 !Coupon bonds boaring.6 and 7 Der of 19,100.00 Negbnab:e Mils receivable , . 91,006.96 Cash in hands of agents and in transit Cub on hand and in •• . .2204 V, . . 813119,701.70 This Company contlnues to make Inspranoes against Loss on all kinds ol ?Ire, Marine, and Inland Risks, on the moat favorable terms. OFFICERS. Preel,lent—GEOßG. IL HART. Vine President—H. P. ROM. Beeretan and Treasurer-11. R. COGOSHALL. Asststant Rearetar)-8. H. BUTLER,. • DIREOTORti. George Hart, Foster S. Perkins, E. P. Roes. H. R. Coggshall, A. C. Cattail, E. W. Ballet', Andrew R. Chambers, Samuel Jones, M. D. Hon. IL AL Pullet.. ia27-tf H. R. COGGSHALL, Secretary. DELAWARI P MITTIJAL SAFETY IN nydattror.ANAMETHNNSYLVANligirmatrats OF PEA, Ms. OFFICE O. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VEMELS, ) MAT To all parts of the World. INL i D INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Ca n als. Lake and Land Carriage to an parts of the Uhion. FIRE INSURANCES Qn Merohandlik, henorally. on Stores Dwolhne lioness, he AB AkfIETS QF THE CO MPANY, November 1, /WA Par. Market Valve. 11271,060, Philadelphia City OW sent. Loan-41123"o co loo,ox t Pennsylvania State II 4p et. L0an..... 945115 03 21,0 W Fonnatlynnhe State a if , at. Loan...—, 211,000 00 21,000, U.S. Treasury S 1 qv oent. Notes and interest dna . .. . WWI St e 30,000 U. S. Treasury 9 Vl' Oi.ilOteii;i'd ithei est due, ..„, ,_,.. 90,61.9 00 835,000 Temporary Loan to the City or . Fiala dolphin .... . .. 890,000,' Pennsylvania Railroad 9d Mortgage ti lls cent. Ronde. - ... - _._ -. 10.1100 00 1990,030, North Pennsylvania Ronde...-....... Vitt gage 6 40 . cent. Bonds-- .. 11.300 00 814A991 West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company 7 ,ler at. coupon bonds LUSO 00 ODA% 900 shares stock Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guarantied by the Mt, of Phila delphia.. _. 15m, 00 scoop, no shares reiTt;i6Winciritiiiiiiew - i Com ikan y —......, --. u .— IMO 00 0.000. 100 allures North Vanllailvahia Rail road Company . - 910 00 Mares Philadelphi- • ureaiiiii raefilliti fie Boat and Ste * ITgA i rg i aincl iiiild Vk i rcp alnl yn : pany, voea n Stea ft hi l i g ,,lv.rak. Company, Phlladelb la _and - vre de Orace Steam Tow at Company, Fhlladelphni Exchange Comm,' --.. —...—...---. 1 , 511 0 00 430, Bonds 39o and Mortgages, and Real Edits. Of -oadeTM M floe Building. .2••-. • . • ... .. • ••--•• 75 . 303 Bala revolvable for Iniuranoes made 1&t.078 09 Balsame due at 4 . l genoies —Premium!! on Ma rine Polkone, interest, and other debts due the Company —2.. . . ea 4" ea Bone and stook of sundry ........... 'Coruna rues._ Club on co . Cat 31 DIRECTORS. ' rt l4llll l Mi ter - nnliitt t f3, k " , ' m o un HA. Pa u a dint, o e a it. Pearce, . e rabtlingtose ohs C. Davis . Jones Broke, Imes Traeustrr ,kesoer M'ilvelpe r ilium Erre, Jr., onans C. Hand, r,,. O. Hand, Robert Burton, tiliam C. Ludwig, /boob P. Jones. oee_ph H. Seel, James R. APFarlimas r. R. M. Huston, Joshua P. Eyre, (g l eorge 0. Larger, R ihl . thir g ral , g, hue ( ugh Craig, harles Kelly, .. A. D. Berler,. WILLIAM MARTIN, President , THOS. C. HAND, Vice Presides HENRY LYLBURN. Secretors. dle-dt VAMO INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. .2.• 458 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL . N MOLDY TILE STATE OP • PENSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RIBRO. DIItICTOBII 14 %IV" Valt t ; Chao. Maher son, Benry Lewis, Jr., WIN A. Welt, Jesob W. Stout, O. Wilson Davis, }van Morris, Thos. 8. Msrtin, hleolro Stern. GEORGE W. DAT, President. JONATHAN J. SLOCUM, Vioe Pres'L w WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Jan -ti LIFE INSURANUE AND TRUST 0031- 'ANY.—THE MUTUAL DIPE INI3U RAVE COMPAn s Nottheast corner of THIRD and D Rllls l lt r a ta L:l4t e l fo'rt a irw .226 horlerm of dife—grante annuilies and e dowateute—putehuses life interests In Real Mate. an makes all oontiaots depending ou the oontingenoieso ife. They act as :cantors, AdministratOlu t Amasses Trustees. and Guardians. 6 ., TRUSTEES. as in l eiknilli, Intt g iEMr . , io a nd tiewbold, me. 11, AleFarlande I into P . Hacker, osaph 11. Trotter. William si ll. Kern. antes Eustr : Samuel —Huey, • 'pheopts auldtnge Charles fallowell, _idmun A._ udet, leer gC. Talsneeude Mittel .__Eutelu*. rohn . !fr.- 3111 a P Mar,, genry -...... ,kndolpliue Kent, wilily's, H. Carr, P. V, Liuflow,' Witham Robertson, Warner M. Retain, P iel B A LEA Joint W. //MINOR. Beorei lam V:itgoGiCols ~o ll Ovrato s rerfan ' ose pgni . homm; John . Brenner. tkusjo.p, ' & l li4l6B4l,3e i rr i e d ste . Um, aul3-17 H OWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSIJ RANCE COMPANY, No. in WALNUT etreet Philode/phis. . DIREDTOR.II,_ M. W. Baldwin. Rad. W. D. Truitt"' tEdmr Thomson. Win. X. Hamlin. ohn W. Benton, • C. E. Bolingler, illiam }taigas'. R, H. Houton. J. 0. Mitchell. Wm. H. Love, , B. Warne. ' S ' rti Zlifilc l d ° l 63l4 ohn E. Addicke. T. Kemal, Edward A. Warner Themes L. Laden'. R. R. ehillingfore. President—M. W. ant,pwiN, ealdent—E. R. WARNE. Beoretarr.—EDWlN BOOTH . de/ MACHINERY AND IRON. eamirat V. YURI VAVSIdJ alldllllll, W TAX yl,lllllllaa. gOITTHWAR FOUNDRY, A.- 7 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON 6171.11H1M MEitairrgitiNS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, idanufactitrp H igh mist Low Pressure Steam Hakim. for limed, River, and Manly Benno°, Boilers, 0 asomet/rs, Tan I, Iron Boats, ko. Outin gs oral' kinds. either ron or rase. Iron Frame Roo for Gam Works, Work Bhopal, Ran. road Stations, &o. Retorts and Gap Alaohiaery of the latest end most lot proved oonstrootion. Every description of_ Floatation aLsobinerY, such as Sdaar•Olasn e aail i p w rist,pfills, l y u rionum Fans. Oven Steam WlrA D g e e r ni t for itoeuzl:Ze j Extrkltilin t kliPrirat _aftlYri i t;ff stoat &emit =au La . &slim & S. W y atom C e ntrin g Sagarattlin O ILS. -30 Bbls. No. 1 Western Winter Lard Oil, 2,000 gallons Winter Bleached Whale Oil I.goo gallons Hacked Whale Oil, 1,100 gallons Pure Tanner'. 00. 000 gallons Winter hlaohinery oil, aoo gallons Refined or Greasing Oil. 10 bble Kerosene Oil goy burning, in More and at factory. For sale by ROWLEY, Adll BIJRNKR,_& 00. Jahl-t( le So 11TH W HARVES. P ASTE YOU HEARD, OR DO YOU know where to get the heat Imported Cigar is City?tho Af not, I will toll you : go to out young friend, 1,F.0N, 411 CHESTNUT Street, above Fourth, North side, and you will be sure to be united. He oleo a line lot of Meeraohaula Pipes, Cigar Tubeg, Canoe. Cherry Stelae. ko. W6-1m JRFINED SUGAR.-500 bbls. crushed, tAit,..,72arrmiangy SYRUP MOLASSES, &c.-500 hbds. and hbipohowe aria mediumByr_ups. Also. prime Mum. tat+ i , :ll s of T sgs i. for gain by JAMES ORAHAhI J CS., TIE LEON, 411 CIIESTNTiT STREET, above Fourth. North aide, hag n lino assortment Meerschaum Pipes, Cigar Tull% Cherry Stems, Oents' Walking Canso, &o. .11128.1 m frAlt AND PITON 7-2501615. Wilnun — g ton Tar t kegs Wilmington Tau bbilf to In store, and flit. sale by ROW LEY, AniinUßN gt CO—No.IBFL whravem. IRENCII GELATINE, WHITE, BEST-- For Nilo by IN - ETHER ILI, It BROTHER, Nom. 47 And to No r th NROON (I Rtrig.l foil SUGAR for pelt by b II o h o 0 . % g A.ltus reet. as D YB I ST FIFTY* YEARS BE. BeR PP BAB A -; r,i- M AuortY FROM DYSPEZMA, DlaVrnhenit t o y p i l s e t . 1 i n 7 y B l l e L k il l E g s r4,) , ll A r e A RIN I o n l A g 1631 y d . u l e Q l2l [ l l rum the _Howell e finder° J. Blake.' MD:mt. 43 ,Elizabeth street. Ilth August, 1869. -D EA R him ain happy to infettn )ou of the great beneflt my dauahterhas received from the Peralenta Ambler'. She wee vary thin end delicate. eing too tall for her age. between ten and eleven, when she coin heneed Viking it. It Me made her quite strong and ealthy. I consider it tee most nutritious restorative food for children and delinate persona Believe me. dear Sire, truly yowl. I. J_, UM, 53 Union street, Third district, New Orleans. Munk 13th. 1656. For_ leyontenn yearn hard, been laboring under an insufferable a t - Motion. demurest of einem and on dizzy at times that I could not help myself; my stomach would fail me. and I thus became a helpleas. enervated inva lid. At last, on the 15th of Jun 0,185 t. I wag taken down with an ahnne flux and killing genie in the bowels. Often as I went to I oil at night, j thought I should never see the mourns. My medical attendant and friend, in whom wag all my trust, could do nothjnA to alleviate my Nuns" n' e, and sent rue to one of his colleagues, whose attendance proved ac unsuccessful, all the reme dial, wormed failing to rifford me anv relief. It was at this stage of my dlseeee hitt. on the eth of &Interfiber last, I luckily met one of my friend.. who told me that Mr. J. B. Monier had paned through the same ordeal. and had been radically rimed by pit Barry ' s Revalenta A rallies. Thereupon immediately began to make use of it. and. soon after, I felt relieved ; and the extraor dinary change Of the better I have gradually eons rieneed glace. owing to that excellent Farina, Intlinsea me to believe that I am completely °urea. 1 , . RERNAR I), Coinmerclal Abstract Clerk in the Collector's Office. CANE NO. 54 816. . . , [Film the Rev. Jamea T. crunpbeit, Ilvderatono Rec tory, near Fakonham, Norfolk ] December 5 1 h.18.59. OF,NTLEMEN! In all epees of 111fIlgedliOn. and partieu 'arty when the Liver is more than usually affected. I comities Du tlarry's Revalenta Arabica Food the tenet of all remedies. You can make what use nonplease of tine communication. am, gentlemen, yours. NO., JAMES T. CAAIRBELL. 45,810 27 1,007,570 80 Perfect digestion, strong nerves, and refreshing 'leen restored by . Du Berry's delicious henlth-reetorins Rave lent.% Arabian Food. Upwards of 00 000 cure' and many thousand testimonials. I anted, with full instruotious. In ministers t I lb el SO; In !Ds 812. The latter carriage fu gj? u ar ATI of 0V, 11. 243 Ihnuth ' United Planet, W! ! MU Ito, crannied Agent for the United States. and by all rooms and DrIIRSIMA. fetil•lin• WATITON'S PURE COD LIYFR OIL, PERFECTLY BWLET AND PALATABLE, mand factored 'at Newfoundland for the proprietor', from fresh and healthy liver', by stems, at a lovr .tempera tune, thus preserving the sweetnees and purity of the Oil ,while the natural fishy Bayer isperfectly covered, and; the oil rendered palatable and agreeable to the t ast a.- The_proprletors of this Oil spare no expense in having their Oil properly prepared at Newfoundland, the only late where the Guide morrhua 'Wand in abundance. The true Oil is frequently impaired by itdmixtures with oil from other spew* of the ()tutus farelly.and only that conking from the " flanks" can be relied upon as the genuine. Our thl has been analysed, and pronounced to be pure. and the perfeeti , n of fine quell ty—charaoterietice whiph enable it to maintain its superiority over all dther kinds Prepared and for sal s wholesale a A d re n &tail.CO by M., fulftrel Twelfth and Chestnut etre t. Philadelphia. THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND, DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR HAS universally supplanted all' other Ointmen&e_ and heeling applications to both the Eastern ant{ western. Hoedown, wherever intro dueed ; and iti istrieste merit a Qie true septet of its mopes, in cutipseova aff ections. whether the cause be cleculant or disease. BURNS & rk SCALDS 47.985 685 3304,6.69 are El 'inghifilly thet theta arocuieh pain end toflaininallon. by lithely aPpiloatien tlf this tner esnona Jirdfer,, and the flesh is renewed al if by a oharm s o.p blumish_or scar rememine. Fitl4ND NIJRSERY. Minaret' are ire:lora seithersts e r. Sternal in juries, especially from Fluid ana Lurf:ple.is Ft plosions—therefore every y mother should have this healmf preparation con- . 0 sternly .om hand. It heals sore breams, and quickly a, rerndvesthe TETTEII. or RINOWO_BIA.,_IO pram. knt ia the nursery TO TRAYELWERB BY, SEA D The Machinist. the Tre rj veller.and every other in dividual whose lot in Efe •-• throws him within the chance of accident from 0 ezplosion. Are or colli sion, should bear in mind ,71 that this Magi c Extractor is his beet and only friend. el It is both portable and cheap, and should ever be wi his companion. es a friend in needi There are tbod- 1, sends of hying wltneues to testoy to Its MarVellods vlrble• tu t u owe their sound limbs end muscles 4 to Its atoms effieaoy. The following_ are a few ~ of tho leading diseases for which DALLEY'a CAL PAIN EXTRACT OR is a PREVENTIVE al as well as CURE Horns. Erysipelas, Sores of all kinds, Bruises, Fistula, Shot Wounds, Boils, Frost Bites, Horofula, Broken Breast. Fever !Sores, Scurvy, Bites of Reptiles, Felons, Scalds, Cancer, Glandular Die-Neu rf, ()reeked Lips, eases. Heald Head, Chapped Hands, Mercurial Sores, Spr i e, Chilbleing, tlllee generally, Small /'oz, Cram Do rirnplell, Tu ote, Contraoted Cord* riles, Tetter, Chafes. Poison, Ulcers, Digenges of the Rheumatism, Venereal Bores. Skloi,&e. • M l i t e' Sold at the principa l epots.it Ilteglans. New Yor . and 21 and 161 Chartres street. New Orleans. by . WRIGHT & CO., General Agent. It can also be o mired of of all respectable Druggists and hlerchauts throughout the United ;Mates and Canada. T. W. DYUTT & SONS. 218 North Ali COND Street, fel! Wholeanle Agents for Penneyleannt. THE ALL.SUFFICIENT TUREE I— TRIECIEr,IS:I, 2, and 8, Proteoted by Royal Letter. l'atant of England. and secured by the Basleof the Heel° do Phermaine de Paris , and the Impanel College of Medmine, Vienna. No.l is invaluable for extsustion.epermatorrhma,and all phyaical No, 2 oolnpletely eradioatea all traces of those disease. that have been hitherto treated by the mammas and Per t:damns use of oopaivia and oubebe. N 0.3 has entirely supplaatod the Inlurlous nse ofyner eery thereby Maurine to the aUfferer speedy relief. the- Parsing all haParihem, and rooting out the venom °ldle etym. - - TRIEBEIIAR, Noe. I, t and 9, are prepared in the form of a lozenge, devoid of taste and smell, end can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Hold t o tin ort;ei, unit divided into separate doses, itsadnunistered by Voices°, Lallemand. Rocs, Ricord, Ai,. Price $9 each. or four oases for 89. which eaves 83. and ip en cases. where by there is aaaving of_ 49. I to be had, wholesale and k retail, of,Dr.IIARROW,I94 I coke/ street. Ness York. Sold aiso et_ !retail by CAL ENDER lk CO., corner I:24`.DlNfrrlAt'Ellif4ss,till ortt'B l lsP673l7 1 07, Wholesale and Retail Agents for Pennsy lvania. n 29 dim IN TIIE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS PHIA. rOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL CAL of Philadelphie, to the nee of JOSEPH PAYNTER, n. W LLIAM P. JONES. Levan Facies, Sepre mbe r Tff111.1859. P 0.328. The undersigned. appointed Auditor to dietrihute the fund in Court arising from the rale lir virtue of the above-Mated writ of all that certain lot, or piece of ground, situate on the north aide 01 Marker street, 377 feet 4 inches west from Second street, rd the Find ward, of the City of Pi.iliotelphirt, ono aining in front on flirt Marker 'meet. 00 fret 4 inches, and extending northward of that width 00 teat ; bounded went by mr..und of Albertson east by ground of John Donohoe, northward by a 1 feet wide alley and South Marker street. aforesaid. meet all pa•tice in interest at 1 o'clock P.M., on Wednesday the 28th day of February. EV.o at his office, 128 South NIX PH Street. Ph lade-- Ode. IiEORGE A. COFFEY, fel3-etutlidt Auditor. sen,sso a JANE WADE, by her next friend, BEN JAMIN M. FARM, verses JOHN WADE. Common fleas, December Term, 11389. To JOHN WADE—Sin Trot will take notice, that the testimony on the part of the libellant in the alio% o mei will betaken betere the Mxnminer upon TuesdaY• the sixth day of Starch A 1/.1450, at 4 o'clock P. 51 tie my office. No. 530 1 ,VAL.141/T Street, when and whore you may attend if snu thinkproper. THOAIAB J. DIEHL, Attorney for Libellant. felB 15t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. THE PARTNFRSHIP HERETOFORE extstiox between the subscribers, under the firm or nizmw & CRAVEN, Is this Ety ills.' yeti by mu tual agreement. The tinniness of maid firm will be net tled by TILOS. F. BRADY, wh.. is alone antherined to use the signature of the firm In hquid eti on. T 1105148 F. IIit.ADY. 19111 CRAVEN. Philedelphin, February 18,1814. ft.2o-.lt• NOTICE.-THE PARTNERSHIP HERE .II totem exletmc between mi, under the etyle of FRANKE!, & BAKER. has this day loon mittimlly Memolved by the withdrawal of JULIIS FRANKE!. front the firm, ho haring no Bather Internetin the bowies% Mir 8 EIIANKEL. February 19. tAle. w H BAKER. W. H. BAKER will settle the nfla , re of the firm, and will continue the bueinebe at the old eland No. 123 North 'MR D Ntreet. (Eat 3t • DISSOLUTION.-TIIE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersitned, under the firm of MEWL & WORSLEY, is this di. duwlvedb mutual consent The busi110,11•11 Ibe s•ttled by EDWIN ht. 111, who is only authorized tu use the name of the firm in liquidation. P.OWtN M MFIIL, The business will be continuedJ OHN NVOIISLEY. tt, EDWIN M. MEHL. Philadelphia, Fobrual, IL 1.500. fo2o 61.• THE firm of WEBER & RUCH is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be settled by either partner Signed, JNO,C.WFUER, Philadelphia, Feb. I, J OS. N. RUCH. JOS. N. RUCII, has associated with him n'. N. I.IENNFTT, end will continue the manufao ture of Shirts. Collars, liosome.prawers, Mel ails, &0.. under the firm of BENNE I' & RUCH, at ill dHUR'..I.II Alley, where they invite the attention of ealers in the above line of goods. BENNETT. rhilsdalphis, Feb. 13,180. JOb. N. HATCH. feli.l2t LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—NOTIOE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, That the Suhaoribers have formed and entered into a Limited Partnership, under theprovisions of 11,6 Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That the name of the firm or partnership Is William p. Edson. and the seneral nature of the busbies,. the Manufacture and Sale of Boots and Shoes That hani D. Edson te the General Partner. and John Saun ders end Manyherson Saunders are the Special Part nere, all residing in the City of Philadelphia. The capital in each contributed by the Special Partners is Ten Thousand Dollare,tacly contributins Five Thou sand Dollars. The Partnership commences this TEN Tti DAY OP JANisin. UARY. IMO , and is to terminate DI:- CI:AMER WILLIAM D. EDSON, JOHN SAUNDERS General Partner. MACPHLRSON SA (INDERS, Special Partners. January 10th, 1800. Jail-Jaw - INSTRUCTION IN CLASSICS AND 51ATITEMATIVS. ROBERT H. LA111.11:IFFON, I'h. P. is row open for an ensasement for one hour daily. All communications addressed to No laiNouth Eighth street, will receive prompt attention. Rer XRENCEI—ProI. Geo. Allen, No. 215 Booth Pima teenth at: eat ; Or. George ltuhrine, till Arch street; Philip l'aysiok hanalaph• Keg.. 219 South Fourth street; Lloyd P. Philadelphia Library; James Lesley, Jr., ell Irlarkerstreer. A MERIOAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a -IL reliable medium throush which Eicl.cols ana Fami lies may obtain courtent teachers. Parente may ob tam, gratuitous'', in munition and circulars of the beat aodoole. 6.11T11, WOODMAN, & Dag PRO 'WAY, Now Vora, or WI OIIEB r N UT Street. Phlladnlrhin. u RYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL fiIEFIQANTILA conyovs, located at Ph qa dolphin, S. F.„ onmer SF:YENTA end CH ESTN U ; New York, Nuffalo, Cleveland, Chicano, and St. Loup'. For Information. mall or Band for Donlon ye felEtf SALAMANDER SAFES A lame aaaortinant of EVANS tr WATEON'II FIIILADELPHIA MANUFAOTYR MALAIRANDER SAFES. LT OORS, For &aka V and &wo D w. BANK LOOKS, Equal to any onw In ore. IRON DOORS, tIIIUTTERN, ho., Claim good tering ma any other estaLlishinent In the United Stator, bi EVAN k WATSON, No, lON CH *STINRIT Street, rbiladelph to, eule-tf PILMAAFINIVIC VA A (TALL nRAWING AND PAINTING RIAIA. newton' and Arohiteete Stationery. Nolan Painting Matarialc otiationanialiesigna and Vanes. Mat Oozes for Ohildren, and also rot Artukta and 'rents. otntee and Picture Frarnee. atm Caida . Arnerinan and Planet'. ataloguea grans to the rett i WHOLESALE ANgiditleilikftli6tfailzkiLek AILEIDICU(AJ4 • . , COD LIVER OIL, 70H CONSUMPTION LEGAL. EDUCATIIMAL. BUIPROIG. FOR THE SOUTIE--UHARLES- ToN •Alip imyhy vat BTEAMBILIPL at D. Iletlvy Freight at ana verage [4911221N Der sent. be low New Yorctiteam4rates. FOR LRRIeN, 91_, C. Tho_ll.ll. ip KEYSTONE STATE. Cap tain Charles P. autrihnittn, will call on Saturday, Poly ruary 26, at 10 A.M. Ttu'Ollgh in 43 jp 60 :Wally RI hoariest Sea. FOR SA 11411, ea, The U. 61.1de1l a tITAtE OF GEORGIA , Captain JphiPJ. Garvin, will sal on Tuesday. February 21 at 10 o olook A, M. hrou hto6Bto 50 hoorah on l y tr 48 itea l Ls t At lea. m sihe i n ti=l u ere'rer antli e gs Of tang°. gel KEY tlillNiNlYinfieo.llfiromaleoP; run as ahoy/ ever ,y ten nays. thus formes a fiVe-day 0 0 0 1 14 1 Z Moat on with Charleston add Savannah, and the 1202... g andolawest. At both Charleston and Savannrih,these Shi96 neat with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, &S., for all places In the South enduthwest. INSURANCE. Frei ht and Insuranoe on a large proportion of Goods IhlPPen 8911th VIII be foymd to be lower by these ships rate than by galling vessels, the premium bins one-half the N. D.—lnninttioe mg all IStil (road Fnngtit entirely illigo6llfllly, farther thin nrleetop or Saveana&,,the Ratimaci C O ° l7l,rit MAIN !GT Ith s. Fare by this rout e ta to go per c en t. ohntper that by the Inland Mete, as will be T by the 'Malt/ring echo dom. Through ttokota from Mladelatua via Charles ton and Savannah steams e, rr curvy( NG MEALS on the trholo route, eioept Dam Charleston and Savan nah to Mont gotacti ISLAND PASS, We Charleston OH 00 eborlooton-*. -.48 1 Savannah,— 15 00 Savannah Augusta.-_ 90 00 Augusta— 00 21 RI Macon TO Atlanta... 11 00 Jittanta— 6 00 Columbus—.. GO Llolumbna 00 Albany 2400 Albany tlf 00 Montgomery—. 26 00 Montgomery.— COBB —56 00 r4otale.. 14 90 Now Orleans..., 59 TO New (Mama— el 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship has ruled. For (-eight or mirage apply on board, at seeondwharf above Vine street, or to AEd eui tIERGN, Southwest oorner FOUTH CIf&STS VT. Vets in Charleston, T. B. & T. 9 upp t Savannah. HUNTER A GAmhiELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Caroltna every Tlesday. For Flrida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary's and St. John 's. every Tuesday and Saturday. IetFOR, ENGLAND AND FRANCE.- NEW YORK AND HAVRE FrEAMSHIP CDM.PANy. . - The United States Mail Steamship' ARACIO, 2.600 tone, David L N ines, Commander, and FULTO, 3,6 M tone ift]nes A. Wotton, Commander, will leave New Tort, Havre, and So uthampton, for the year 1809, on the °Sowing days: 11; 1 31%i a e t lay ml i 2 ffi tlN from 'IA . ? on. arter i es V(Va h t srvri g n e e b :as d e o? t rimlrl t ;h76 olt . he FULT.N. which will take place on th December, the schedule remains unaltered: le / Fir... l ,Vg " . Fd "A". 91; g r. AM& Ip a t , L.B.itean b eh IS. 98 Feb b .. PDt.'l l Ntr.7 3,4 - puuroir"..'"Ail...."..' pr:36. Tneas meanieft, ol;lit. expressly for . uove ll m . ment Ug rian, with double engines, rind"r deek, every attention has been taken in the oonStrucbriti or the bull and ma chinery to insure safety and speed. The ships have five water -tight compartments enclosing the engines, so that iir the event of collision or, stranding, the water could not reach them, and the pummi being free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Repent experience has demonstmled the &bro il:l4i necessity of this mode of construction. Ttie accommodation for puiengers are believed to combine every comfort and convenience that can be de sires, From Nur York to Southampton or Havre—First COM, SJPO; Second do., VP. Flom Uarre or joethatngion to New York—First Cabin, 700 franCaiidgclOhd do., deg franca To osasengers going to London theta steamers offer the advantage ot economy both in time and 'avenge. Bugle delivered In London. No passage secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and news paper:imusittass through the Post Office. rOir twery apply IS gent. Inadway, New York. WILL AM (SA LI , Agora, ;tyre. CR_OSSKY & 00., Agents, So_gtharcipton. MiIt:NUN KUROPEAN EXPRI,SB COMPANY, Atne.DOCK and 141:i.SON, Mehl, Ofne, Tobacco Warehouse, FRONT Streets, hiltdelyhia. Plans of the ships can be seen, THE BRITISH AND NORTH ANiEEICAS SOIAL MAIL, STEAM . TROY HEW YOlii TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Caen ramie ---- BeGond Catlin l'assage--.-- 73 • • • ex eosToX TO LivisPool... Chief Cablit ri115Peg1.......- --.—.......en0 Peened cabin Renege . —..--.. „--- 60 The amps from Boston calla . tHables emit:ask Harbor. 1 Pb:RSI A. Como. Judk'ns, CANADA, apt Lang, ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Copt. Millar. Atli A. Capt. E. O. Lott, NI Ali A RA.Cept Anderson AFRICA. Capt. ehennon, EUROPA. Capt. J. Lett..b. SCOL IA . now btu'ding.l Tese vessel. carry a clear white It lit at mast-bead; green on starboard bow; red on port low. AIM A .ott, leave N York, Weduesda . Feb. 15 CANA V i. A, Lane. :: goV c da r e ln n e e tt . tll, r,e e t.. / 0 2 I t . A Pl i P A A . , ' l!ell e ch, " Botton: _ Wednesday, . 0 ' March 1 A •PIMA, Blt so.pou, " lb lurk. Wednesday 51arch 14 A‘l BRII.a. r,l:.'ar " won. Wednesday, !daubs' Berths not secure'd unit, pa Id for An expeemencod Burgeon on:boaro. 't he owners of these ships will not be necountatle for Bold, Silver, Bullion, dome. Jewelry. Precious Stones yr hibtr.ll, unless bill. of larlins ate signed therefor and the value thered therm expressed For freight or part .ge apply to Z. cIUVARD. fell 6, Fowltlis Omen. STEAM DIREOT TO ALL nt A tiz E O I 7 NO R G I A T At BRITAIN AND ljtK A 0, THE 11A3IBURO AMERICAN Pk ET COM pANY'S IRON MAIL STEAMSHIPS. c t ati. Y. flahvensan. B:it. N. 471Mta. ;11/t....u 11CC p i , o hl i. Cat s . , H. Tante. These Steamers ar e !. Clyde-twit vessel"; are intended to sad from Purr 01, North River. N. Y.. us follows FOR LONDON. SOUTHAPTON, HAVRE, AND HAMBURG. The eleitant and Powerful Iron Sorew StennuthiP BANC/lit/1..04. it. Ehlsm ex tons burthen.wilt sail as above. n on THURSDAY. MARCH Ist et 12 o r olook M. Pae.ohy, including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New ork, and from Southampton to London, Firet (In In-41001 Seoond Cabin. .Sen I Steerage—OM The NAXONIA will be "unneeded by the followmg Steamships: HAMM ONIA--..—.—. MONDAY. April 2. BOR WIRT A ....WE ON RADA .. April 11. !JAYA Mar 3. TED Mar /‘• OW Passenger" foristand nterpool. Dublin, Bel. fiat, Cork. %sego,. Peril, all AM - leery. st throush wee. • Tbese ate/Mere are attedirtk pmeastaned senora modfone fo first, doodad, flu id -clue Passenger& The oond able mown= at ens of these Ships are boa to thefirst-oltua tlf most alternate. Certificate, of sesame lamed Iftrln koadon, South ampton, lievre„ and ktionburg. to ffeir,York. Parcels forwerded rtuladelolua to all parts of Eil ripe at reestinable irate bretgbt eniased PfilLadelphis will be promptly attended to by toe lietr York Aient. and snipped free of all oommiumn. . For Fr•lsht or Passage, arnly exottonvell at the 011loe of the Hatnours Amerivin Mail taanientri._ n3-tI Northwest corner FOURTH and CIiEtSTNUT. WINES AND LIQUORS WE CALL ATTENTION OF TILE i s TRADE, to this really Superior article : ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. 4 supply in amorted paekages mordant], on hand. 0 em i t:calved for threat importation. Arlo— Manager Cognapt, c troyiinse r London sue golland ilia, Claret in W en ep, Champagnes. high and low 'niece. • ONG In_r. Importer. 010-em I'D &nth FRO T. Philadelphia. GEORGE WHITELEY, N. 136 South FRONT Street, Importer of Brsody, Wine., he., offers for eats, la bond only, the following, among other !standard brands of brandy: Pinet, Cup lion, it Co.. Thos. Hines & Jules, Rohm, & Ooh. °lard, OuPur, & 4. tieuguette, Moran, Aaauamees, ellermsitt. kurgitei.r7VA Liactrxrtetors• A4;10, Stuart's ratstey Malt Whisier,aud the choicest Mit:1 184 1 iiies, sl .ltrit ra t g h e e 74, F J ort itl ijar k unlY beig Crux Rum. Bordeaux Od. he.. " ems 37-11 CIGARS, TOBACCO, &o. ESTABLISIIED 1760. PETER LORILLARD. SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUFACTURER, 16 and 18 CHAMBERS STREET, (Formerly 11 Chatham street. New York,/ Would oall the especial attention of ()peers and Druggists to his removal, and also the articles of lug insnulacture, viz : BROWN SNUFF. Maeaboy, Eine Rappee, I" smit e Coarse Frappes Natchitoches, American lentlyimas. Copen h agen. YE LOW SNUFF. Bootob, Fresh Scotch High Tout Scotch , Hash High '?past, Freon Honey Dew OooTOBACtoh. or Lundy foot CO. SMOKING. I'INZ CST cIIKWING. SMOKING. No.l, I'. A. 1... or plain. St. Ago, N 0.3, Cavendish, or sweet SPenigh, Nos. 1 &3, mild Sweet Scouted Orinoco. Canister, Kitefoot. Tin Foil Cavendish. Pure Turkish. A CI router of Prices will he sent on application. N. B.—Note the new article of Fre.... Scotch Snuff, which will be found a superior article for dipping par t...ll ,t ,e FIAVANA CIGARS.—A full assortment, Jost received, In store and tiond, a attention of dealers is invited. t. FINW KT lir BONS. (1211 , 1 No 110 Nolth FRONT KerooL GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. W. SCOTT—late of tho firm of Win els ohastor & Noun—GENTI, EMEN'S FURNISH !NO 8 FORE and 811IRT SIAM:FACTORY, did CH ESTN UT Streeld nearly oppoaite the Utrard House,) J. W.B. would respectfully cad the attention of his former patron* end tripod, to hie now core, end la pre pared to fill orders for tilllit TS at short notice. s perfect fit guarantied. W lioLe•sle Trade aupio , l,l with 6neBMrta and Collars. JNICHOLSON, • Manufacturer of LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARS A large and choice assortment. and WRLI, MAIM, al ways on band. unto wtooh I particularly invite the at tentiou of OAIIII and frnMpt-paylOS seioßT balers S. K. corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets. Phil, delph IslB-Sin• PATENT. PROUtRED IN via UM I ED STATEN AND EUROPE. M H. itiMeON'ti offi ces. Forest !'lave. Iw. N. FOUR Street. Tire pro prietor visits IVeshinrton twice a month. and attends peo9 rsonall‘ to nil c tapes entrusted to bun. Residence 19 COATI.B stree Pamphlets on tho management of rejected .tpeltea boos, fereign patents, ass, of Interference. aid , etr (whir of reference. may be hof at the ahoy. on,ce, Be R Lia.:yo*, lowa, !Litt. 2.1, lea 7. DEAR : I take this occasion to state to you, that for several tears plat I hate teen acuunuited with the manner In whichl on have conducted your bustnes*. I Patent etilicitor. This h Is nlwaya been hot hl, creditable to) ourself and Patichetory to the Patent 0111 e You un deratoisl ,Tour cases well, nod prestcded thorn in that totellisittie totin which generally .inured succeed. 1 forward this certificate. hotline that it may tie service able to yOU in continuing to find that employment to your prolemon to which your intelltsenos, Industry, and courteous hearing. so at Justly entitle you. Yours, very truly Count to NIAIIOI, Blaney Howse,. Fee f Late Commissioner of Patents. - .ni• .[lii.t.sutntt LAND H. slll3norGll Co l'allta Agent.. Portiere in ..and Warrant.. 51,...ke c„ Northweat orner Till RD nod CltEd IN liT litreete, 11. 1,01 . 1 N. l'artmular attention paid to entering t,raftuated nmi3OLO zeros for sale at prices ranging from 12%; 10 73 rents per sere. Inclose merits arcared and taxes pald. :nolose stamp for Plat and I.3lllellisfl, ►UONNESSION AND EXPERIENCE A. of en INVALID, publigheil for the benefit and me n . warniug and a caution to young men who gutter from Nervous Debility, Premture Decay, & o .; at the same tune. the means of net! Cure, by one who cured hinigelf. alter hating been rut to great raven,. thro,igh medical imPonpon and quackery. nit !e mune.% mar be had of the author. NATHANIEL. NI AN FAIR, Eagi. Braun!, Ewa Brook!, n, /{ lope eountr. Now erk, , enclowne a post-tat r..ldresied envelope. tan Ito 11A Al S ANL) till(Wl,l.Etiti. LA City-timoked Items had Shoulders. Also, 90() Piece. extra layer cured }lame for sale by C r , C . ARCH Stroot. It.vro Irnnt QUILLS—For sale by WETIIERILL & llR(Yrjj FR N.v. 0 •nd db Nneth NVIICOst 11 P.... 1 fit FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES. For tale bv FAIRBANIN & EWING, - - 711 viIFSTNI'T l'hil• Itl r C or E ;;; l u 'r y lijko m re ta u i l l t i A n i t t e b ita a rl u e o stof t; V re l 10 rot, SALES BY AUCTION. FIURNESS BRINLEY ig GO. , 4n. 409 MA Ma l l' ' SALE THIS (Tuesday) id ORlslff el, FEBRUARY 11, Al in O'CLOCK. A CARD —Theattention of eurnhasets to reminded to oar sale of iniported and domestic cry goods, to be sold this I fuesda• imoroing. at 10 o'olock. by cata logue. on lila months: ',edit. &LLB 4)1 , INTUILTED AND DOMES= DRY GOO DS. This Morning. Feb. 21. at 10 o'olouk. by oatalogne. on six months' credit-- 409 nackagei and lots of fanny and staple imported and domestic dr goods. age maniples and oataktignes early on the morning of amo. SCOTCH SOLID COLORA AND FANCY PLAID o. This Morning. oases enlid cheek Pcotch gingham. n fancy phlti S , nt.ch gin 'ham. 01N0L1A.,1...4. CRAVATS. AND. ROMAL HAND EH cues 21 'set, sia .111,m cravat.. CM334)N2 - inoti Roam; p.ndkorchiefe. BOBBIN AND llldrsi BLAN is Mo r i si BRUSSELS LACES Thgi 16 carton's bobbin Moan. 6 do non block silk Brnittele den 7-8 AND 98 LONDON-PRINTED BRILLIANTS AND DELAINEN -8 cased 7-8 and 9.8 i'ondon-pnnte4 3 coded 8.8 I ontinn-printed oambrics. 2 et ens 1 8 I nndiin printed mnuplin de Isiset, BLACK VELVF:T RILIONd...!ANNODI • - t•HttAF EitANDS to 20 Lyon. litaok silk velvet r.blxino n sOOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 ORESTNUT STREET. cre Yuite the Caters AOllllB. hetyreen FOURTH erg! street... MST BPRING SAL E E OF EMRROIDERIES, WRIT OODs. &e. On Wednesday Itinnons. February St commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, by catalogue on a credit. Included in this sale the trade will find an attritive assortment of French needlework rollers and sets. French needlework hands and 'lmmune. Fre-eh needlework infants' w•iats and robes. Ladies' and gent's linen cambric, handkerelusfs. Fine to medium while cembnes• Bishop's lawns. plain and dotted Brim nainsooks. mulls. &o. . . Air Catalogues and samples early on the morning of sale. - • SPECIAL SALE OP SUPERIOR STERFOSCOP/C BOX, coo DOZEN VIEWS. &c., &e. On Thursday !dogma,. Pehrudr 23. commencing nt 10‘i o'clock. inoluded will be fonnd—superior walnut rosewood, mahogany. beorn wood, and MOrOCCO MareO3CIIPCS. plain and rnl"red ronps. Amen•an, lush. and Sings scenery. illuminated viewer, shies pictures. &c.. &c EP" Arranged for daminatinn on Wednesday after noon nod evening, and on the morning of sale. FIXTURr.B AT PRIVATE SALE. The fixture/ or a Ant-alas dry-geode 'tore, in perfect order ; oat 31.600 100 BUFFALO AND FANCY ROBES AT PRIVATE 84LE. Now errattrott for examotstiAn. to be mold to close an involeo. 100 plain and Hoed Buralo robes. fancy wolf nod bear robes, ko. (1 J. WOLBERT tc CO., AUCTIONEERS, Ls 019 Allen Await between Fifth and Stith SUPERIOR PURNITI , RE, CEICRERING PIANO, Ao . ke. This Morning. Feb. 21.1, at 10i; o'clock. at 519 Arab street, a largo assortment of superior walnut furniture. Malie express ly for ware-room sales comprising parlor *tate in dark green, dressing bureaus. tats, parlor chairs, cane-sea t chairs, mm 108460 washstands. rocking and arm chairs, sofa and bouquet tables. ere..eres. what-rote, splendid Jenny bind bedsteads. mattresses. pallusiters, bunt ings, white granite wife, china, 'Miss, salver-plated ware, Ice LARGE SALE OF RUPP IPOR. FHRYITU9S, FRENCH CHINA, WHITI , ORANITE WARE, kc., Tips Morning. flat i est., at 10 o'clock at 619 Ate} street— A tarts assortment of stitleflot fornitare. twiner/to tined by the best city workman, 1. 0 , wareroom Wtlea: French chins, white grarute wate, nlver•9lated *rim. he. pima. FORD A W., AUCTIONEERS, a No. 630 MARKET Htreet. and.6:l MINOR Ptreet. FRET HALE OF INGRAIN. VELOVAN, AND II BRIMSELR CARPETS FOR Monnol.l Feb. 210. et 10,'M o'clock. will he mold WO niete• qt. gra n. yeoman, hemp, and Brussels carnets, on au months' credit. FIRST OPRING TI LE OF INGRAIN AND VENE , CARPES Thus Morning, February SI. at 10% o clock precisely. sill be sold by cat-loose. on sit months' audit, 340 pieces of carpets, u follows: p eces superior all wool and worsted ingrain car peting. pieces superior 4-4, 3.4, and 58 worsted Venetian carpeting. pieces superior 4 4 3 4, and 5-8 damask woolltu Ve netian carpeting. rocas superior all wool scarlet and black icier-sin 'arson,. —pieces cu ps nor wool filling l.lack ingrain carpeting — l//il 2 e t:s e t s -17:e r ; l e n It n • , an d s 1 e e I rl; k on ' morning ' of sate. PEREMPTORY HALF OF I MI _cAtIEZI BOOTS SHOE B. AND BROGANS. - - - - On Thursday Morning. February SI et 10 o'clock pre tufty. Till be sold by ^atalosite. on four months' cred t. I OOD case' men's, hosl'. and Inuths' French calf and kip custnm• made hoots, Frennb °AIL nod patent leather Con ,reu g titers. and Olford ties; calf a"d bag' mnn- Jes; kip and th ck do; women's. snirees.' and chil dren's calf. goat. and moraceo boot', etiofern. te r i, tir& union Ung—.lll of the best city sad Eastern nuinufact urn. ett‘lognes and dSMP , ".ealir on morning of sale. ItOSES NATIIANS, AfJUTIONEER .ASD CONI!daION MERCHANT, southeast ..orner sf t.! TII ACK Streets. an X TO LOAN. , 8'230,000 to loan. la !Stet .or small amounts. of stocks, gold and silver plate , diaint'e 4 e. ternotres. dewed -77, fowlins piece. dry goods clothing. gremlin. to gars hardware, cut lery, musical instruments. Int:Mere, nodding. homes, vehicle., harness, and oa all articled of cable, rot any length o tune agreed upori, on , more ;.ties!terms than at any other eaushbahmimt thus (aft. GREAT CHASCE YOWROAINS. At private Male, Wend.' . in nes rosewood case, omit .9e l O. ewe SIAM; e I Wet se a t hunting cage patent lever 'Ovary, don le tone a3 l I pendent secotds. only 8118 ; find rte hunting-tale 2/11 . 01 2 11 pa• tent lever watched. ot the Meet approved makes, from 823 to 8100; fine gold do'sPfe bottom HE P ; an tg- Itch potent lover Welched, beat make. trots VA to al ; fine 18-caret Itnnting-ease detached intent fever watches. 13jewels, from/le 10 1 /31; open face do.. frmr. 22 910 to 9 ; fine le-earef g, Lep e humans MK. watches at .12o; open Dude do . rem 310 to 190; eilver Enclah patent !ever watches Ile hunting cues Ind double b.,lretn. of the most approved' aid best make, from SRI to .990; American hinittn4 case sOver patent lever watches atStli; Manias case silver 101411 watches; ditto double tune from plat* 510; hunt cue solver lever watches, fall jewened. winds withol, a key. from emu, Iv; Levine do., fro 23 411 to sio; hunting cue silver detached lever watohes, dlsmirels, from 80 to 113 ; open face do.. from 05 to 811;-Iller12113 case silver I.epine watches, fall Jewelled, from $7 to 410; open face do., from 1113 'a 16; silver suer watehee, from $3 to er.; silver French watches, f - om It to 91; gold patent hunting ease and open for lees , and Lepine, hah, Swam. and French watches, from $1 to SIC; Ace gold vest. fobs and neck chains at stleents peril t.;w fine gold seta of ear-rmss, breastuns. and braulets; bands. finger rice.. and dewelry.uf every as sonytum. for Ism than heir the usual selling prima $160.000 to loan, in some to suit aplicants, on dry and every kind of soods, at leta rata of charging than any other establishment in the city. OUT-DOOR BALES Attended to personally by the auctioneer, at very low charge.. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. . . Conala nmenta of MI and ever) kind of goods solieitee for public sale • two-thirds the value of the tools will be Olgivanoett In an'ticapation of the wale. MOSES NATHANS. ItAILttOAD LINES a. AP R TO WEST OLIESTIT and intermediate_points. sin ME DIA. 'fret's' for West Chewer e Philadelpeot from the Depot. northeast corner of ERMITHENTH and MARK ET Streets, et 810 A. 31.. end I and 4.30 P. M. On SUNDAYS nt 8 lb A. AI . and P. M. Flaxen, ere for statoms on the PHILADELPHIA and BALTINIO E CENTRAI, RAILROAD will sate the 4.10 A. NI.. and 4 311 31. Trains 1a154.1f rn; 21...NN81 ANIA CENT Ita L RAILROAD. 260 MILE'S DOUBLE TRACE. 186 O. T iYrt a TS m R lt 11if8 60. THECAPAO IT NY F N THE OA urraI. EQUAL THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. C,Onnetiting direct at folladeltill is with Through Truths from &icon. New 1 ors. and sil points East, sad to the Union Depot at Pittstrulg with Through Trains to and from all points in the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of P.m/mum unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express end Fast lonia run throne+ to Pittsburg, without chance of Censor Conductors. All thToush Pul len:yr Trains provuted wan Lo,ahrld,e • Patent Make—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thins adtlwA much to the •sfetv o 1 trsve.,ers... Srnoking Cars are attached to each Train_ . ; Woodran 14.esins Cars to Expreu and Fast Trams. Tao E.XPREBB R 1.1:i8 DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines. ban d ay• excepted. Mail Train !eves rdiladelplua at 8 A. M. Fut Line 1180 A. Y, Expleu TRAINSes 1050 P. hr. WAYLEAVE A 8 FOLLOWIt: H617111R14 ' Ad) 0 - lilVlio4l/1110; 1 7V l7 ;Nl , iii3as il. bt• Columbia .. 4 00 P. M. Partesbura 4. 113 P. M. West Chester Passenger' will take the Mall, Patter burs and Columbia Train*. ___ .. __. _ _ . • • • . . • Peasensere for Sunbury. Williamsport. Blisurs, B.'Ta to, Niagara Balla, and intermediate points. Waving Phi kdelplito at 8 A. hl. go directly through. Tickets Westward may be olitair al at the offices of the Company in Philinlelph.a. New York, Itortoc, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the %Veit ; &Igo on board acy of the regular Lane of ntonmers on the hluonutep; or Ohio riven. KAIMM=== for further information apply at the Passenger sta tion. B.iutheaat ooroer of Eleventh and Harkin Streets. The completion of the Western 00121:116CtIOM of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicr. make tinsels DIRECT LINE BETWEEN HE EAST AND THE GREAT W 'ST. The want/oboe of tracks by the Itillroad pyidare at Pittsburg, avoiding ell drayage or ferries' op Erctlit, together with the 'finite of time. are advantages readily appreciated by Stneepers of Fre:ght. and the Travel box Public. . Merchatto and Shisrs entrusting the trt nteortetton of their Freight to toe i'oruiesy.ean rely with conS denre .te I II E RAI bS I.F F R1.103/IT to end from any point in tile Wert by the PanntilYncit Itisiroad an a: at: farnr-tbi• as are rt rrnd 14 pig., tta.;.9.4 Crimple:tr. En= Fur Freight Contracts or Shipping Direct/n:1, apply to, or address either of the following Agento of the Coo:- OW, • - D. A. STEWART, Pikieborg; H.S. Pierne & Co., Laurent Pe .0.; 111. Johnston. Meal'. 0.; R. Meg sell, Mein aside, RT.; (Inner h en•gPer. Portnniouth, ; Paddock A , Co., leSeronsville. Inch nna ; H. W. Brown & Cincinnati, 0.; Athern & Hibbert, Cincinnati. 0.; R. ft. hieldrum, Madison. Ind.; Jog. F. Moore. Louissille , Ky.; P. D. (rifling & Co, Evansville, tatl.,• N. W. Oransto A Co., Ceiro R. Few . S, Stotler & Cilase.Bt. Louis. Into I John I. Hu ns, Nashville, Tenn.; Hams & Hunt. Aleinphts, Tenn.; Clarke & Ca., Chicago, III• W. fi. H. Koocta. Alton, III.; or to Freight Agents of kailroguis at different waits In the West. . . I.:. J. FlNEl:l l ERl'hiladelp!mt. 11&:IRAw & K &) N8, 20 North street. ?Alumni'. LEECH k CO., 1 Asu.r Holum, or 18. NV , llttas St ,N.i LEECH k CO.. No. 17. litste street. Huston, 11. It. 1101*YTON, Ger,*l Fre:tht Agent. Phila. 1.. 1.. 110UPT. Ocal Ticket A sent, 1•1•::•. THOS. A. SCOTT, Gerel fittp't l's.. Jl3-I.y PHILADELPHIA, IVIL AIIIYGTON, AND BALTI - 2,ILH Al). On and after MONDAY. November 11, INIII. PASSENiihR TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. For Baltimore at AU A. M.. 12 noon.l Express.) and 11.10 P. M. or C 41rm ta i r nic a M tajA ii! A 8...17.4, 13 21 ^ 7 . 41 , ..;; ; ,;1 1 , 1 .2f r. .4 1. or Na. Cleettell 5.13 A...... 6144.1 1 .1% Al. P . * or hloldletown at 0.13 A..., and 4 33P. M. or Dover at 8 IS A. f A. and 4 10 P IL or Ml at MS A. M.. and 4-10 i'. M. or Sna , ..rd at 3.13 A. M .Idd 4 31 P, AL Or L‘0r.. , 1 it 0 15 A. :1.. and 4.&, P. at. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Lest 8 n iltdoore al 83) A. No( Expresso 10.L1 A. IL. and 0.33 I'. M. Leave Wilmington atT.IS A. AL. and 1131 A. ALIA/1M eAO 1.. 21. Leas a Laurel at S.LS A. 51., and It 43 P. M. Lea) . .. Seaford at 6.43 A. 14.. gild 4.06 4'. 21. Leave Milford at 7.10 A. /1.. and LIS P M.' Leave Dover at 000 A. ..,And 0 nt) P M. ,eave Middletown at 10 A... and 7.03 V..m. Leave New Castle at 10.30 A. M. sod 4 F. M. ...,eave Chester at 8. 12 A. M., 2.22 and 0.10 P. M. rave Baltimore for. Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. At. TRAINS FeR DALTIMORE ;Alava rhe7t•r at 9.16 A. M.. lib and II el Y. M. sys Wltuar.stoa et 9.13 A. M.,17.16 Y. M., AM 1130 A. M. 5141 - DAYS Oply at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelplua Co Baltimore. Only at p is P. 31.. from, Baltimore to Philadelihta. FREII.4IT TRAIN. il run with P aa tit AIENGER CAR attaettial t m : Leave Petlattelehta for Perryvtlle and Intermeduta Dittoes at 3 P. M. Love W.lminjkm for Perryville and intertnedlata Imes at 4.41 P. Al. Lear, Wa!mortar! for Philadelphia and lahermsdiate Inns at 3.4! P. M. Leave Raltimorp for Otemmer's Ran. Chimes, add : firewood at 164 r. Id. 8. 1O"._ FELTON. Preektornt. ammiIWEST CHESTER R. 111.• ROAD TRAINS rt• Pt FiNgTI - VANI A H A 11,1t0A D. 1..4.Are Dept cor. F 1.1,11,N llt and MARKET btreetr, daty , If 'cep! Snnd+r.t at A. M., 111.)) P. M.. and 4 I'. M. 1,41444 Welt Cltoster 731 A. M.. WA A. AL, and 1.00 P, BALER BY AUCTION THOMAS & SONS, • m.. Ist la wyrn }burn Man. -- - • Formerly Road, alit a. salefilahW - Merra .. - e ta r reilt 42: and stooks every Tuesday. at ths =Num. a ooutribstore laving the apnea or 0400? WS. edrittee lland to er b lue tia ltte em4 aeblim r " . ... n &rrogra llara ; T m tpe adl thoeseeralemet. 121 giving full dteee . que ail ptariorties to be on the folio-014 REAL . ATPWM RIVATE ULM BT have & tarp ammo( real paste at *veal m a.. = L u dt" aTe v desensten of eity and iseenteß pruptrty. Punted hue Cal as tted %cite moss Mao* PRIVATS BAIA Izaprnsa. Kr Real estate entered on rag PIWZ;11 end advertised ooessforally in an: "Nut este of which 1,10 copies TO nutted ireetalYo free cefeltarse. REAL EST akTE AND STOCKS TEM DAY. Noun and ErealaS Salm . _ Pamphlet eatalooma pow reldir contain= lad de. eeripuons of all the properties to tie sokt oa Tuesday next. 21st mat.. at 12 o'o'oak. !Wm. and at . 1 o clock, °venom. Inca a lts• of Wee 33th inn.. and 66, 7th, and 13th Ranh. and of read *mu at Private rate. lITGOBB, LOANS Pk W, his . 71st mt.. at 12 o ' cloc k , noon. Day will be sold at the Phi t,u-• s 83 ONI preferred stook Americus Academe of Mullet 1 share Philadelphia Latter!. 1 share Philadelphia Athenletue. 1 snare klercanOle Lihrses. Pew No Id. middle aisle. Bt. Mary's March. I twist nal (20 new slattern Elm Frazzle.° Land dews I clntina. 1 share Contmantal Hotel, ter 11101—full paid. For account of whom it may cancans— ,' onsinal (so nsw)shares Nan Prazoisoo Land Aro "Ail:: • cent. bonds, Noe. 11 and IS , for 81069 each. „ 1 • -inty. low.. o Itta coupons eivached. Henry co Ar rent Mn• 4 columhis Coal and Iron Co.- 8 1 -100 1 4, , ,1 from Fob let, coupons attar. , „."TATE SALE—TH DAM. RE."-” Vococtosoon. At •NDBONE RESIDENCW PerOMPtoll . yam, No. Liu stable, coach house, sm. IMMO. STORY BRICK emus Peremptory itsIe.— THREE - • ¥" s o d p an i i i i and dwentop, northwest corner o. streets. sr Bale positive. STORY BM= Peremptory rode.— 'I WO THRSt. s t Krim. dwellists_ t Seventh street. above Faille. MiSq URI LAND.-7.1.9. , 77-Ual acres . ect4t-tr rent rarer. Rio es county. M , samri• °ea' seat and mad road; well timbered and water.. 4. REAL 'ESTATE SANE—THIS EVENING. At 1 o'clock, Exacutor's Bale—l- state of k. 23,40 Rottner. deo'd. TWO STORY BRICK DWE,'„Lifitil, Buttonwood.' It Tikrittiktlrlair GYOU74.It-ILENT of on. is liTh e .tsymußED BROCA D-RENT of SIX $ Yenr.-r+r ezoins Peremptory BaIe.—TARES-STORY BRICK DWI', Ll:4(i. north ride of Bunting don street, nrut of CILTIOn greet. Nineteenth ward. aiP'aile abeduta. 8111 L DIN 3-LOT, eut aide of eliteenth street, &bore Parish street. REAL ZaTATE ..I.ALE--FEBRUARV SittS, At is eekkik. wool. VALUABLE VODEEN aTORL—Fm"Va Welt store, e st ., wits orssesaial trop front. tio. Flatly street. above Market emelt Peremptory gsle.-1, R t: BUILDLNG AND LOT.-- Large brisk butidine. forearly need as a chor h, north west side t f Queer, street. .senn., Ltos Lutherao C..ureh ; hd by Na..et• TWO THR EN-STORY BRIO.. -1 * turner of Third and Buttes wood Meet.. Two (feats. VALCANLB FARM, 49 urea, arl33 Ile rose. ants, bounded northwest by the Ply trout.. and Liner lis, turns] ke ; snthin sight of the wesv.h,esoi station and three fourths or s note Gorr Fort Washigs:ton station. North P.netylvanta Nadi W. THRBE-BTOAY BRICK D'AET LING, s.lllll , man or »ashintton lor.et. between Eighth sad litatts streets, (hits Stoy sinansi at.) =MM/2113= SUPERIOR FUR' rruifv. IfFLUSIRLS CARPETS. ROW' CASES. he. On , nuday Morsu P ng. tat .17th insL, St 10 cedlo 'l ck. ergot. br Pita lo-ne the entire housebn'd furniture. fins esrpata, china. glass-plated • are. supenur secretary, GOOILCAIeII, and also the kitehen furniture. &11" Mar be examined on corning of tale at 80'elock. with catalcques. Adminixtreoes ssie. w o .jno7 A.eh a ne t ELEGANT FIJRNITUR e. SUPER' _lt rIA-NO, CU L TA11.48, FINE CARP hTS. &e. 012 i'vesda• Mora.r• I;gth ieet. el No. 117 .Arth street, by ttuktne. ht c.der of Adinimstrstor. the entire ele gant &living. molt!. ihning-room. and gnu:ober farm to re. very superior blereooll seven oder. piano. =do to order. by reh • rr LT The cabinet Para hare Iris cola* to order iry Cleo. I. }lrate)/; hesbeenieanehatashort time and tens eie.U.nt "'der- Nay be ensleiMl AI o'clock es the morning of rs!e. with catalog ass.: SALE OF MiFCEL(,A 4E0t75 BOOKS. Thta Ltr•eateK, .21 St instant, Pk en; eetaan nf bock, on cinch, hiblettih &Jr For partaeala.-s Kee estaleteee l'eremptory Si's ra the Premises—Peen Fluarr- LTERIUR ILE.'III , ENCE. ELEtLi.NT FIR ti- TURF.. Wedne.dliy. •• • . 3ldech 7th ea the premmes. HIT - Filbert street. ° sne Peen Ztqa‘re, the impeller residers eleruit l 7:- 'mute. tae paintors. ice— of I gentlmman deems' hoteekeeple... Vrdale ab-olute. Pt/liras:a to trandbdis and astaloram. VALUABLE ROoK9 FROM A FIRM DECLININO 7IIE IM,OR . _ Ufl k nra"sr Za an avortnent of r ralaabla work.. en Inter< suns sallecta, from. a bookAeller de ciinine Darr:est. Mfr For pirticulars yea catakvvei Dare at Noe. 1.13 sal 14.1Mast1 Strmt. SUPERIOR FILKNITLIRE. H-ruvris KIR ROM, ?lAN° Yu/RTE. BR ... CIIPETIS. Oa Thursday Sloadss. At 110'6ot-h. at the A4CLICII Stare, ea easerawit thlee . 11 . ea mm t seeert rp.. h.and f .tr_ erettere...e:% .s. seet eeeno- d ertee hothekeestzt, remairvd tot be tsar• for aosafir-saal of oak. ==a VALUABLE THY°. OffiCAL LIBRARY' OF THZ cOCHBANe. EAtt. en Fndly laacarng. Fah 21. will be sold lbw Imitable Ltuollolool Lbrary of the lota Whims Catnap. LK.. 07 order of oz.- . For rtrtieutars na catalocsia. RETAIL intl-Gottus nitotlHE AND STELF_A SHAWLS AT * FEDI:CED Extra Super Lams dter Be - rile LON: era le 44 t:Aiti. suAwLs athe ebrated nuke of Tbwearn.. hd , ant. It Co BLACK AND BROWN CENTRE BTELLAII, y j nm 43 to 1113 each Nay' 501114 Yrpate 11214 C4sored Centre do ruicEs AL , MEDI:CED. Also. Bleuttet Skates and Dents' Minds. Bed BLseksra. Wthinc• of French 'Merino.' end Winter Drees Goods. ell minced der Lame. ; god 1•4. US cents. Best style" at moli cants. Good Mixed Atsdpcnna and Plain De Le/nee, 12% CA AT GOOD' beqte reeeired. PnntAd Foulard Fairs er illtstas. new Prints. tee, Ate. Irish Linens, us coodstorik. CHARLES ADAMS, 11.13 EIGIF:I3 and ARCA Sttreens. ELIDES'S DE LAIISES. Fin, mode de hmer. rx era. F.xcekent Kula Y: 35 ned 33 etc Strer acanty att ecd A/ ca. Fuborie qua ity at 56 eta. rrintrd v. Ode lAtes. 37 to C ma. Blank c mbavnee. *action lot.. 311 It. WA-k ealk alp.eaa. &a. Mack Freiman lane soda. Si and el. Also. TMUSLINS. by Om rode and yard. 15HF:ET 3aGS ti tie pees and yard. I.INE_Vg. b. the mere sad yard. D 5 Ol Si( Tab's trner.s. to elpir A slimes NAHUM , and Do, he.. by Ike ddsra sr/ally. TOW} Lq.2%13 d,sen. from 56 cis. Co 26 par dozes. RED-BORDER.ED Fula Toss's laaatasa. and Day hey. FLANNELS- flee. low-Breed. and rik =Lied. for conors. bavo=. husean carer, MARSEILLES QUILTS, a:se Lames/tor. Alice&le. LINEN SHEETINGS, tome extra good sad cheep l IICELNOS, of every grade. A to MERRIMACK PRLNIE, A ed AMERICAN D MOPrI RY GOODSCON GENERALLY. t MD. fit) NINT•i and MARKET Sts. SARGAINP. FOR SIX WEEKS- Tim entlf Llt. CHIEN, N. E. wrest YIGRIII and SPRING would reepeetfaßy terms the en b' to geheratty that from wwIJILIA/u7 lt. Mehl eatal the Lis of March rho , ' nll SELL. 0000 S REGARDLXI 3 OF PROFITS I They Itmre an exce.'ent nock of Broche I:elA3 and AmetuAti Barges. Row elllrt.vc mad gaeeftt:og MOSLEM. 4:neu of c•ar Din 1131pOrtAW.S. Ilutne:s. C.a.; gad Caaarerra. A good mu, Ctooks Min ev. hsni. A LA• GE STOCK OP FANCY SLUM Rest make of bLhek mike. !dermas. De Lathe*. tiensla tor Plaida, Many of the shove goods s o MUCH UNDER CIO. N.B.—lt vnll INV to 'MD u • eml. fad BLUE PLAID A FLANNELS. Erecsat IhoeltTettavta. tee U. Cleats. oollee Lore Pitas Ks. Pratt, Wand a 6 , 911.1 Debase& el On and 41 BO WM Robes. wort! V aid Ftneat Wiek ltretaeeltrdsw 36 ten arida. LI eel:Mal-wool Piate.a. C.:M.61.103RM. VAS for beat FArtel Oualmerss. Good Goods at 41. and 41.15. Eatt.nets and Cum:terse. Si to .3 attr.. Vest nr, very ehrty 10 rent first-rata and Drs..eta. (Hosea, Lea. Hltu, ie.. o.olMall 1.41. COOPk.ii. a t-uNARD. NLNTH sad MARKET. N. B.—L!N /• N GOODS. a large Lad der..ralsl4 ak.ek of every desanitlon. aait SOUTHERN OIL COMPANY Or NEW ORLEANS, NA I lischisen va. r seat. balsa` Hsi el~- eat 15tr.,5..,2 a.;ent .n for ra...rod rtz ruins. El, •ry IVIT , T./O1 in,ar prlAlsz presets. I C. In.. nit I cr...., ItOT DO= 11•1 ..n./ 114 14 en o: :At Ss pe tat. ri seawall • t•• It 3•41 , ,an tsa•Pol qv rms. re:sr. Are tit. 6.1.2. 1 Lan i•Pkatell tanrl Inn airs.:yr" tas•spernaa ong.:4* Irk , 11 it ins s_ls3 to.:es on le !bit-Non 'Si Woven, Rail r.A.L Geo,ta. wtan no d..lersses vas peressut Ti. 4 aStso , lock Xisss• curs is partrealariy nrosts:ad. TO Psnrow!‘ arts Cestril Eas'omsd. Year Odense Pr •systas. Commons! Esfissts. et Now Orleaz.s. Belches's rater Rainer , ,_ RI. Lowas 1. FD.VAN OX Area. les .4.)stA FOE SL Tel Stnset. etAU TION !-AbTICOLotil !-LOOK tarr:_doon stF.Wrie FOR ALL!—Tie war ruling itra VAN HORN is tie twee: Lit no seed, w•es al otters hare (Lib!. AU who ar• to trosb's. r4l who rate teen at:arta:rate. deo-told etas procrars, re , her tor Sat,t, 11.191,r1- is /*Cr • flat. the kw' I. tetret wmo.:ne th• Of Lie r "prate er it 4 Lira tut tr•• rtrV4 preter.l•nt to try to ar.tate e-. sr.! c..pt ter alvertrasatelL Sat saows rnp the of soar trVriP3 trar.krataz.s. cc stem frlrn!. it It wen tames to the as'i, •s • ;aro list Lid Is the first sad en.' 'arson woo CSI JI.VIr tie Is lea. to rashly. sad eastAlre est: re sataNzLees oa al Lt. ooe.- es ras of bfe.wiLth win be ttirreo sad peered by Lica sands. both married wad mare trio dui" sadsaisrly Coate vast her. Coe ore * coed to No. LDS LO HD Pismo. td.tswew (en • 3 1 11 , I TON'S ILiOAUSTIO Mtiti tar Ornaraontstel•mr.r, Trio tat Cotlitll, 11i5c2,•3 Vases act 1. ccatsaut. V,s: f'.l4 (~,t &ems id Water ssmatinsus la r test scl :sr sa, 41.--eas )EH:}) SCUARS AND S\NIYS 2-I, FONG ,H r s- t.aaii ter ',tit ea . .:-Van next at 13 S WAT Et( .9.tcret, no , / .34 4 1fcr al a. at rerlet rrnevra for cr aa pravont brt 4 IVO tarreLa etnalc-crEninS c.atim 1n,3,44 rum r 4 371.'14 44141411, 114 L4 ,4 1.1 , 41;'11 C , 4a4 , 14..^.1 44 , 3 az: et's ?stoat cat Lnnal Node.. ALIO. RAn anal 114 - 1 .a. nn.l Fr•anh • ' ht./1./FIN°, de —tVboertr desires Elate Roof nt trope r:y en, or a Irak"! ems verse Licht. mad warranted. 1+3.,• namod.ato Larztice. by d.reeLag W THOMAS GRIFF•N, &star. NINTH sad 1110.1(PA/N 2 , L esita £r•te los re ratl-lak • SEI ,t :YONS. • iNIPURTFRs OF HAVANA C: , ;ARS, F NUN T ret., y Oi 4.11.11Wdi Cl 6A Rzl, yr: -A VI!) 07:Itt fxDf (2.111 Dt0,114.1 ,v,I• - - DENlisr. JEwELLER, ,12/ SIL CER-Pi.ATYR. MACHINIST. 622-Sautli. Ma mmtth Mmtar. Gut. F mer. ea.!maw . n is.. !qtrai. .heaki ha,* t riot 81IA Cr'S Aft 11.9/01 fit VEIL For sale by 8 kr• t. BAIL Y, last Irn 243 RACE At •1414. P1614/4":31111416 30() 8131 S Pnttiz lialicar, and Eartport . :Tt• Earni.g. 1 / 1 311k4 tLHiCk FL114..a awe •T.I pat. RV. J. T. 4 .11, , i1t ! _Op. 177 1.54 V.ornsa Cl- kit.N.S--k'or sale by II Li titAILL L DIOTIMP. 41 and O /Nom nom sum. us
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers