't •'- t•I- ? • • ~ \\\% \ f' , i : ,• , / , - . . . \' '. t it 1, , i 1 4 / Z' ' ''' , •. ,, r" - - . *il, 4 * PX4P",PR j*, ~.. T4IO I *.AVAIR9 I rrj ; 1-, " ' '', := ,; - • -; ,', - -..---,„--- . ~ . , — c- : ga_ .-,,.--_...,, t, • . -,‘,,:‘,,,../,,;', -.)1J.. , .-' ., ..,.,,, , ,.,,2.-.. n ..„,,,,„ ~ „,•.",.-:,-.lstouivor.o**, ,,,, - ,, - , -. „ ~-„.; .„ ... ~ ~,,----- ,,,,,,:,.,., ~. , , 1 ~._-..; . <--_ . L ~;,,„_••,,,.., „ ear , •-,,,..,,,,,„..::....,..:.;,:::::.;?,,, •P i 'l4 .4. .\ -.. '.. _,..}. P'.'' iO'' . i Trnprr h .".. • -- :.,t , ".. , Is ii i -- Z.i t •D - . 34 1 11r ''' ~- -- ' ~..-,/•‘•',..''..: .... jt• • - 74 -1•• - ' - -.-- 'OMOB,Z(Pi'',4illAVOThirk,OritlirV,:' ,-;; : • • • ' ~ \ , ' , .., .- , , . •Ia - • '-' 't-',;',,' , -.-`;'-',• ' . 4'-)- :I'' -, „ t , - p i -'. " II ..-,'. ri ,fi ' .' ' : 'IPIO 4I e,'RES IMI V ..' -:,' - ‘.., .. ~, , , , ; .. . - - N..... ~. ' • ;.-:.!'. -'• ' : , '-le - ":. ... . ''''n?,.., •”. -,' : :.• -:-...,. .. !...,;0,!:"111iw-'-!—"--:- ,;. 11111 .. - lAI ryna'y CtAille]i!**1 3 04 0 0 1 411. : 04 01 0 1 *. - _ : ~ / : (~,,, . • • _i ". Kailedto,liebseribere out of the City at EitxDos.natte , ' _ , ~„ )1 -mole- - ' - ----,, ,A. r - -ti: *4 --- " ' - - -=' '------ .4. ---- .t - :::; -7 ,77 -7 7 7 .... , ~---- ...-....-......--, - -- .. —.. . „, .. ~. - rams mom% - FotneeDereetne 701 XAMiIt,•IIIORALet , -. ; r - ...... . ...... '..,,., • "..."----ro, ' Tien DOLleillet 701. Sex difolenet-tine_enaley in ad- „ ~. i i .. Yana; foe the tisateoniendLe . , I , , : XiiteliiMM.N.Ll2 PRESIW , . ~.. Menge bit enbecieibere out of' the an at 'nutlet DoLe .V 0 1. . . pHICAII s ELPHI.4, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1860. 14 . 4 p in A v sgs . ili & W m *, --,,, ~, , , 1 ..,. ~. t. ' _ •__ • L. 3.-- , N0.4172.44 TWO CENTS. . . . , . ' V ' 1 0,,fti0oiiii4448iiiiii-'.~:, - I COMMISSION HOUSES. . one of the beet desoriptione of a New England ell- An latereeting and Important State . „.. : . . _ _ - . , lege ever written. But the notices of new book. meat of the Iron Trade at Liverpool ___•..._ ' ' -* F l iallirX - X. 0 .;46/4EoSa : 1 152 CO., 4. r-t A ms.-aza.W 8a BROTHER 1.860. STRAW GOODS. 1860. 1860. 1860.Cljt rts 5 are the great feature of this month. First is a re- The following statement of the iron trade 4 view of Dr. Marx's biography of Beethoven, which at Liverpool, made Up to the Slat of DeeeM wantsAra DEALERS '' : : - , , . _ , review is to be continued ; then, a thorough knout . epi "O .' s: , '' • . , 1 HAVE REMOVED TO THOMPSON & JENKINS, ; , ing of Mr. E. G. Parker's very common-place Re. her, 1859, and forwarded to parties engaged in tee I elation of iron in this city, will doubt- FOREIGN AND DOMESEID - IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS ' AMERICAN WOOLLENS. 40NDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1860. miniseenoes of Rufus Choate ; next, a tremendous less possess a considerable interest to the iron Dlt Y.•• .0 . O.OD s S. . NO.; SOS MARKET STEEE T, . V OF i , , - Manufateurers of our State ; STRAW GOODS; Party ; then notices, duly peppered, of Anthony , The N[lEll2lllOB. No. 240 MAIIKEV iiitiDlT. - ' - . , FANOY CIASSIMERES, , Trollopeei new book on the Wed Indict, and Jam°. el Where they have on hand a complete anortment of HATO A ND s tar I._ ;Irlg 0 99 t fP.-1 ?.9 NEW SPRING STYLES. THE CORNIIILL MAGAZINE FOR FEBRUARY. Itedpath's Public Life of Captain John Brown (a , we. g n esee'2. 6 e NEW GOODS recenvine eveire diii let '' 1 - 1- - - - BONNE B , - ' - ARTIno FAL FLOWI3IOI, In the memorable end veritable history of Niche. decided catchpenny), and notices of three other go a US la.l. a n n Wr" CASHMARETS, e eieleele. 0:- e et CITY AND NEAR ' TILLER, Steen RUOILES, Ste. bas Nioldeby, mention is made of a culminating books, In terms of balanced eulogy. In one of C L 0 T H S , ALL COLORS AND QUALITIES. .21‘2,12•2 1 1 SIZE IX ~ , o • ; ' - NO. 028 MARKET STREET. . point in the hero's life, when the Brothers Cheery. these the reviewer says : " Calviniem should not 5 :5 - e :1 . lisl - as SEILAP.LEI44I3, BUF,;& CO.. . .. Buyers are requested to examine our stet. BLACK DOESKINS, PINE TO SUPER. Me (whom, by the way, we often met In the flesh, be epolt Calvanism, Thackeray Thaokaray, nor o 2. 6 412 4* • 't CIASSIMERES; VESTING/8, 8 1 co., under the .names of Daniel and William Grant) Courvoisior Corvoster ; neither should traveller be P, l ; Sir o FS 1. 1 8!, E Isepotleve of 1 ' ' THOMAS F. FRALEY is engaged with the above KENTUCKY JEANS, went Into their counting-house to witness the debut spelt traveler, nor theatre theater. These lastproe •'4 P . I . ! itet: E . ,' LINENS, ~ % , house,goesen the patrons's° of his friends. ILL•WOOL ripLi NO. of Nicholas as assistant bookkeeper under Tim vinclalisme, particularly, should net find a pthooln .I y • : la. t•-• WRITE 80038 , - ' ' Sulta4e for the fe3-Ihd SATINETS, Linkinwater. Nicholas, smiling an he did it, dip- a journal meant for striffents alt over the Enigiedi- •P: i $ • ` LAOII, . ~ ; : eeer ; . • SPRING SEASON, , ped his pen into the inketand before him, and spooking world ; and if, as we hope, contribution, . EMSEODISIUIiS, ~ , , PRINTED, PLAIN, AND MIXTURES. ` 1 NO. 820 MARKET STREET. ; V . 1 MT: .T.TNERY COTTON WARP CLOTHS, plunged into the aceounebooks, Tim Linkinwater, shell hoteifter appear in the new Quarterly [ Tks te Wg.: 1 I _ 5 ; 1 ; - , ALL GRADES AND COLORS. ' turning pale at hie audacity, following the nib of Undergraduate] from any jereone connected with ' iliKeli t l :g ,I :as !. illi r Oar present desk: seleeted in the beet lieropeasi Towhi+ they invite the attention - of buyers, fell -lm • ' ARD Markets by 01111Whele, le thwiest complete we have . ~. ,• ' TWEEDS, TALMA CLOTHS, ho. the , efiexperionced pen with strained and eager our neighboring University, if shotild' be a condi- - ever aloe& ; ' . Mean 614, pRN.-. : • te TRADE. : .' Issa • STRAW Gr 00 D S FOR SALE BY THE AOHNTS, epee, intil, to quote Dickens, "At loath ho drew a tine that the English standard °repelling should be o lo n ng t e e low breath, and still maintaining 'deposition adopted, in preference to any local perversiong." ti p. ;f . -.7.. P.. NE. 1 i , ' Elzeni "?, E - Et 1 v. • . EXOLUSIVSLY. I'''. . , tilted stool; glanced at brother Charles, The Magazine has' other good articles-and a few 1 pi : Lb:3E. FERRIS , & ialt)..' 1 . , RIORARDS, HAIGHT, & 00.4, I " . 1 secrecy pointing with the feather of hie pen to • which are extravagant, or weak, or both. " White 1 li t gB.R g' 'gf I ° - ... iiiro4iito or - _. „ ' DALE • ROB S , & ___ ,S sTR A W BERRY OTRE B T . I wards Nicholas, and nodded his head in a grave Mims" is a thrice-told tale of New York boaniing• legit-W.3. •g g ;g " ". r an-111km et 1 and eesolute manner, plainly signifying ' He'll houses . "Love and Self-Love" belongs to the ultra ' v wi i rkiErts.. ROS.ENREIM. BROOKS. j - do '' i sentimental .leas. But the papers upon the French WiTrtp,re g e •, 1, ' ',O. 1 , , . - 1 • Der. , %,§ 01 gs:l 1 - plii /' Mk, •!. -- , , . 5911MARKET, ' AnD 518 COMMERCE •ST., , &I 00.. W.ST, FOBES, A LLOYD, Of Mr. Thaokeray, in his new position as editor Character, The Pursuit of Knowledge tinder DM- g.§E.lg§:§t E EE.. v. • • • • . Ito., of and contributor to the Cornltal Ingazsne, collies, (commencement of an excellent story,) the ie lifill. 525 , MAR ; ; , ST I I7 ; , , , . ,PHILADELPIIIA, , 431 MARKET villain, NORTH BIDE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (the second number of which we have received History of Screw Propulsion, the poem called "For "Oil'a pa 2P.IES 1' N AND DiPoRT.ERS AND JOBBERS .. ...- - - os 592 COMMERCE STREET. , Na, 219 011E8TNIJT. from Callender d. Co., the extensive newspaper Christie', Sake," and The Progress of the Electric cSittE l §§ re g Eli F Z . , hi r . Onr stook le asteroid by a mea.bar of - Yee Am • " ' ; ~ , " o.r. , Are now opeaing, for the Spring Trade, the moat ex tensive and oholesse amok in the* line ever tweezed AND • and periodical agent, in this oily ,) we are much Telegraph, would be creditable to any periodical. 'BEST EUROPEAMMAIemrm Itele-ina EVIT/ir 41 'F4INC3t. ' GOODS. together' under (Maloof. ' 80 STRAWBERRY STREETS, ' declined to say "ditto "to Tone Linkinwater. In Hero is a bit about telegraphs, which is of general Diet ,la il v I 21 S.: • 5 ? z • . . ~...., .... ._ ...., . ..... earns roe era- plain words, "He'll do." The second number interest: "The great o d r i e e a ti t o ß gn ii i t s a h i l n n igs,ftehnattutrhaeoyf era of • g§igritil g tt F ' n . . . Haw mile a oomplete Moak, 'to wide& okmr.invita the RIBBONS of even. ooneeivable ,deeniption. oorroNADES. graphs "Th frublished on the first of February, is even better class known as oscillating telegraph-that Is , tele. SPEING., - ' - ' ' 1860. . attention of Wears. ' foltelm BONNET MATERIALS. ,, TICKINGS ;I.O Eg a F., Iri 1 5 g,. . -. - .than the first, and Blackwood, Fraser, and the graphs in which the letters are denoted by the num• it'ree : §l t se 1 1": I§2 :'. , _ , CRAWREESs STOUT 33 ' PO? - m - euNToiric , taikr & " •xx, V , PREINOR A.RTiPIO,III. PLOWERS. . CHL4ORS,_ publin Ifitteerary must look about them , for this ' P atekort AND - bontssno , r ' - 2 . 1 -m• '. - '"'' ' ' '''' r RUCEEt3, and all other mminary articles SHIRTING STRIPES, DENIMS, and young gallant has vitality, spirit, brains, and no- ber of motion, to the right or left of a needle or in. le •• - • ~- DRY GOODS, .. "1 . • IMPORTERS AND vrionisaut DEALERS IN . PHILADELPTUA-MADE GOODS GENERALLY. °°l4'• dicator. Those of France are of the 011 3 / 1 called zsgr. §fi 51JE I z.' ti - NO.OO MARKET STREET.- AVM ' Vo" .. ' ----' '' • '' ' ' ' S TRAW BONNETS IN IMMENSE VARIETY. Also, a full assortment of , The second number opens with a very amiable dial telegraphs, in which an index, or needle, is - gttEll gtE g:§ tl. ' N CLOTHS, CABaitmEEBS, VESTINGS,,, carried around the face of a dial, around the air- ;.3 in of which are placed the lettere of the CHILDREN'S AND MISSES GOODS, DO, ankle, by Thaokeray, called " Nil Niel Bottum, cum feren .k . .. p P..g EL s k r .. . I 7 . 7, „ - - i ' BLOOMERS, SHAKER . HOODS, dre. ISATINETTS, OASSIMERES, and WOOLLENS, in eulogy of Waehington Irving and Lord Macau- alphabet ; any particular letter being designated ' I .2§Kaigrg g l it li l WAt; S. STEWART & 00.. ,T41.L0 RS" : TRIMMINGS, , . - Of cleanable makes and styles. fete -tf lay. 'lt is followed by a chatty, anecdotal paper by the brief stopping of the needle. A similar eye ..., , . ihipiStaTEEtel AND -JOBBERS OF - . entitled " itoraslee Panics," attributed to W. If tom has been used in Prussia ; but, recently, the ,- SIL K NO ! , BEO MARKET 1:0/1MT, (UpStaixi,) Ooneoleue , Of one sueerloi facilities In obtaining our En Ni E . ' s l ltt. I 7 t American or recording I nstrument of Prof. Morse, supplies. we , flatter ourselves that superior induce- r ,ITT.LE, STOKES. & CO. Russell, the Crimean and Chinese correspondent °O•osoo - - 1- • has been introduced into this 11 as we as every other l o' :1 :11.27,§ I/ t . t 1 ?: . Are' mir opening their Seeing Stook, to witha l , th ey to . meets;moth as regards °holes, of Wootton and menders - •aes " of the Tstnes, and elm with equal positiveness to European country ; and even in England, the ea. • FANOY DRESS (mops - vote thl attention of the trade. , e s e_e m Bonin pries', assume be met with. fe.s4ne . -• • 303 MARItT Bee'lle . NO. 231 OIIESTNUT STREET. " Jacob Omnium," of the same journal, whose tional prejudice is genteelly giving way, and our to , l2l gy gg E Er. I 5, Aim Nov in seam and ate socurtau reasorturr a " • , . . real name is Biggins. Next tomes a translation American system is being introdu c ed. '"" aags"iineUt Vrhit il e u gav • _ = ~ m L'. 'LL &00 FOR from Horace, by Themes Hoe'', Eon of hiin who ha ' v ' e ln ev A er nie b ri e c o a n n u r e l d 3 . 6114freireradingeirtruments in- ...- zENtag' l 4 § t'§ F ! " - Purchased for cast, , to who& they lava* the atom- 'a.'" i 1 -HALLOW EVEN IN G ' FARTIES FOREIGN wrot The Song of the Shirt, of which the °rte. kinds, but only five are in epee:He w n at have e es w en a t hY geJ . Eg 2 .§ ,?,g I i IL PILT;r 1 11,11 ilSaaltrarillgry__nitabnl4d,__4lll". 'h . ~„,.., '• ! PHILADELPE74, nal anuserlpt is now in Philadelphia. We give namely. Tho eleotro-magneile timing Instrument ttinn gttl 2 ° stelae o! Peeled Moir eoa: l theov OA RAMO@ rid-Nigli r ' ' ,l ' ' BERTHAS, AND it foe his father's sake : of Professor Morse ; the electro•magnetie step•by. ' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF step' printing of Mr. House; the electro-magnetio CAPES, SETS, TO OOLDENHAIR. tgei; 1 1 7 4 et A HE I 3 coHN B. STR'i'llErt, - &iChr:).,. ' 8114 IC 5 SLEEVES, and OUSTS, PACIFIC MILLS A il ! Perrha-tell me o whose the happy lot synehronous printing of Mr . Hughes; the electro chemioal,rhethmic of Mr. Bath, and the combine- i§ttatg r it o " g l a 1 7 1. In Reel Laos, Onus, illusion, To Re thee on n concli of lavish roses- ' lion ;printiog, combining the essential parts of the AND _ We bathed IA odorotiedews. in hie fond arms enciollee /limbos instrument with portions of the House. NO. 010 MARKET ST ,; SOUTH SLOE, 'AB. TIIMIIW - ; Blond arid Imitation, t.r....?... Eg ..... E Ya 5 PHILADELPHIA _ ' DRESS GOODS vela name happy trot?' ?' The Morse apparatus la, however, more generally WHOLESALE DEALRES . ' • , ' ' FANCY ... DRY GOODS , in great varieties, of the For whom thole note of golden- { loved hair used in this country, and every other. Out of the gliig§g § § t§ 1 ; '' - Di - ' NEWEST STYLES, BY THE Dolt thou entwine In cunning etwelestness ? two hundred and fifty thousand miles of electric et.. BRITISH, mi . / . , INOLUDINA MINCH ' AID Abtait '"`""" FANO' DEHM FABRICS in every variety.ALSO. 44. 0.4, 11-4.9.4, 10-4 ILLUSION, Alas, poor boy! Who thee, In food belief, °armee, telegraph now in operation, or in the course of Deeming th ee 'wholly fair! construction in the world, at least two hundred 0'.8.1 Vii. A C LI. 1 iERIAt 'il 1 Y,Ti ; . D - R „Y .G . 0 0 D . hil" . , . BLACK-A - Panay DRESS SILO Of all desoriptions• TARLATANS, CRAPES, dm., , _ PACKAGE. How oft *hall no thy fickleness bemoan, thousand give the preference to it. • 0,-,• , i , ~,, "Although the Morse apparatus is a recording Also Oareete, 011-01etke, and Matting", boushe duly RIBBONbr OLOTBB , CRAVATS, - MITTS, 1 1.DYFE , Moll below the usual prime'. When fair to foul shall olianee-and lie, unskilful ono, yet, for the last six years the operators in this Matietteett '• ' 1 ' SHAWLS. MANTILLAS, LACER ALSO, In p ilota g e , beholds-with tempest wildly wilful- OAT REDUCED PRIMES. _ e r a -rat •country haver discontinued the use of the paper, esoE s evite s cHin, Ili Oessenele EMEROIDERIES. WHITE GOODS, Re., tee., WARBURTON'S. The happy calm o'erthrown! and confined themselves to reading by the ear, et•seseaoSe•te • ' , .e." Ve, 1 ' ' Have now open for the • BIOLLEY C L 0 T H S , R". who now hopes that thou wilt ever penis which they do with the greatest facility. By this : II iirn-e 1004 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth Street, • 'i Pf%l All void of care, and full of fond endearing, means a great saving is made In the expense of ! , ] - . )M00, - o,E.l3Falr e : .. I , - SPRING OF 1860 308 13outh 8110011 D Street, below Sarno*. OASSIALERES, AND DOESKINS, Know,' not that varies more than zephyrs ever-veering working the telegraph, and far greater correctness : The fickle breath of love. insured, as the ear is found much more reliable in '; • . ' ' . . 11 so 9V? • • o . _ „ . comprehending the clicks of the instrument than • ' '' 11 fit P . ; LA:FOLMOADE., es CO.. Thethassonment of the above GOODS, purchased be lets - rf • their Belem, With a general assortment of goods for men's wear. Al,! he lees he, to whom. like sane untried, oo Thou teemed fair! That my sea-gothe'e ended, the eye in deciphering the arbitrary alphabet of • , • • • ' . o e se 1 e''S ait dots and lines. . • • . - DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. fns -wi ' m nrk "' MY votive tablet proves. to those dark gate suspended • 1 eoeo F ..-: si EATS REMOyED TO IN THE VARIOUS EUROPEAN MARKETS. SILKS & WOOLLENS ! Whe o'er the wave, preside. " The rapidity of tho several instruments in tiree may be given as follows: Cooke and Wheetstone'e •; • , cat ; 4: Whs.+ they believe, is timureaseed in variety and LINCOLN. 'WOOD, & These rhymes, carelessness and eareth are down- needle telegraph of Great Britain, 900 words per : ' : . . NO.' 611 CHESTNUT STREET, s,.apneaa by NICHOLS. ' right bad ; but the spirit of the original Is well hour; Froment's dial telegraph of Frame, 1,200 ; d ...se.te I • .• , '-- ANY JOBBING HOUSE IN TEE UNION. No. 195 OHESTNUT STREET, proseried. There are three new chapters of An• Dragnet', dial telegraph, also French, 1,000; Ste- : . •: I, 1 1 .2..... ° i l eeeetz „TAN jcirs .EL A - r:r. . i ' '. Their stock of ' (Between Seventh and Eighth,) MOILWAINE & BACON. thr'hY Trollope'a now story, e Frawley Parson- loan's dial telegraph, formerly used upon the 11 1 ; 1 Prussian lines, 900 ; Bain's chemical, in use be- ;: • , .e. :: :2 Z ••” '''''te'f'"'" nave new In store a • age," which promises to be his best notion, and tween Liverpool and Manchester, an d formerly to I; 1 i .i.--ieite C r - ' - I DR.r.ss (loops CoMPLN•rrt NrOCE Of ' . then come, a poem by Alfred Tennyson, evidently a considerable extent in the United States, 1,500; I: • : t , WHIRS alltily ina iroi inannsit ' • I SPRINer GOODS. j ev06 . 1. No. 186 CHESTNUT STREET, fresh from the mint of his genius, called " Tithe. the Morse telegraph, in use all over the world, ;f i : : !setae' tia tramstase variety of fistelos, embalming the 1 '' ma it_ TAKE V R 'SPRING IMPORTATIONS. - —' ' • . 10111PAItilitte nus." It is the lament of Tithonus, upon whom 1,500; the (louse printing. used In the United R I -....e...,a , ' LATEST PARIS NOVELTIES. TRAW. RATS • to . IENNETIII. _ Aurora bestowed immortality, but omitted to add States to a limited extent, and in Cuba, ~ 8 00; e . OF •,. 1 I Ele' AND 1.-_ , .. reeele_eTßAW GOODE, Have, per the latest snivels, received a large stook of Hughes' and the combination instruments, 2,000. e eeeseeesthse . 4 1 . 1 ;!: 1 : 1 0. ei 2WsD .• , --O , Nei liVrB. and Perpetual youth, which would have made the boon The three last systems are American inventions. teetlerSee4e.:. 2 ' E FLO 'e : . RII3 SONS, and BILKS and WOOLLENS, adapted to the Clothing 11 ....,' ell . ' T• ERM 8 : To LL RY aiDS rN GENERAL, Jobbing Trade, 'melee wheal' are the following popular of value. Here it follows : Thus it will be soon that to our country is due the ' ' ''' ' 'l :a .0 e s • MEN AND" BOYS' WEAR, teh they respectfully invite the attention a TITHON US. credit or inventing the most rapid and the most ir weaiele • . ' SIX Manner CREDIT to merchants of undoubted 2. A haw. M jaeltt and short-time' buyers will find epeeist advert- make 'l6'l'l' universally•used telegraphic epitome." 11 .28:::•!. To wbile& ellerestyne the attendee of deahm ,la swab :.; ' s i s al", or . taste in exameung this stook before pun:theme. fe3-3161 C. NELLESSEN (Son of J. Itio Whole and Half Ends.sy ALVARO TIVINVgOV. "Ll' r.tle=tt Turning to the announcement part of this ms a• e r s - -‘,... - - es - e., ..e o ae0...., . ieetemo,me ! a rue l the woods deony end fall, Ay I -VEte'eßo a - _.__tr. ___ - six FER 011HT.Diseoust for Gash tu tea days.sine, we learn its publishers, Ticknor & Fields, o,ese e ee.,....eS • 11 ........ere PER - , F. BIOLLEY & SON'S " ei The conie sviper weep their burden to the ground, , _ i -.....- e jrNO; B.ELLISON &SONS. TWELVE " CENT. pet Annum,detheemt for ad- 01l HILL/BORN , JONES. NAMIEST, OR AUSTRIAN " ,111 Man s and tills the earth and lies beneath, have the following works in the press : The Marble i i G. C.• , 863• venal permeate . fns -fin&east • And after mans a summer dies the man. Faun ; or, 'Tho Romance of Monte Beni. By Na. • ri. . 2 . I, ""?. - $36---3I AM K 211 ST II BET, , lmporter and Manufacturer of SAXONY CLOTHS. of all mdse. Moore; oruelemm . ortality nototiLltsr.. 2 m I _,, :- v thaniel Hawthorne. 2 vols., IGmo. Conduot of os ,„ o oe- o oki i .oki, - 1 - 0 Le guErt, VAN OULAIN. & • FANCY SILK AND STRAW - Also, 84 and 0-4 DOESKINS , Consumes, I witherilowly rhino elm, CASSihiIiRES,FAN• Here at the meet limit of theorld, Life. By Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1 vol. Travel hire 1027 . 3 ; 4 `"Cq .34 ...: 0 1 ..•:• •• hl ' ' Ramon door below Prvorth,r BONNETS AND HATS. CY do., BIOLLEY'S SILK MIXTURES and TRI. - A whoe-hair'd shadow ronining like a dream and Study In Italy. By Charles Eliot Norton. 1 m ; otiXte2 m oomee. IMPOZINete AND JR411310 'O7 i GLASS. - ARTIFICIAL FLOWEftS, . COTS, SATIN DE CHINES, BLACK BILK SATINS. The ever-ellent spaces oldie Rest. Par•folded mist., and gleaming balls of morn. vol., 16mo. History, Theory, and Practice of the Eleetrio Telegraph. By George B. Presoott. Pro- s l eeto e :o....r , •,, ~ v.....zatti137,- -, • 1 01.... 11 I V.IIr4V. CLOTHS, CIASSIDEERES, 1 172111 TINGS, AN ' i kerserteel and Wholesale Nolen lel FEATHERS, RUOII/311, Its, ' COTTON BACK do., BLACK BILK VELVETS, , Alas! for tins gray shedow, ones a men- fusely illustrated. 1 vol., 12mo. A Name Never n• r •gal l " t t n • I oeeop. ~ • : ' TAILINtersTIIIMMINGIes '• , s,- •- : I ' BLAC K and FANCY BILK VESTIN Tee attention of City and Country Dineen is melted All ~ which ~ 0„,,, sate favorabl e Gll ' la , o mi lam So Florian.. in his beauty end thy choice, 1 Written ; (the story of young hearts that scaled the ; re :: :s Z,' Would inenestke attention of boy.,, vtii.-thrtr lame' '' 1 HOSIERY. lo a large sad vaned st oo k of the above goods et ' o'' are °ire "' '".' ''''' on term. . „Who neoleit him thy chosen, that he seeniel fel-wf&ndm - Greet Mountain, three thousand years ago.) With . .i .uv.r .. 4 . 4 . a . 0, ... ! 2 1 o.oma r Ikelsof FAlllff, 4ARSIMERIB, I'ESTINIMI, kad Att. ~ r' i • 482 MARKET STREET. I need thee, " Oive me iminorisiio..• other things, by the au'hor of " The New Priest in • - 5t .2 ,:4-gt.itkr g 01 or.;•eter -lionifilaalcesetPOßElSN CLOTERaiiia DOWS11101; -,_, 1 ' GLOVES, FANOT 00089 , se., feleein Below Fifth. 1101VLAIN AN D Then dude thus grant mine mitring with a smile, Conception Bay." Lake Hones. A romance. 6 ' - ' B6 66666 0! a woolop. lat*lkaelii sett Oolong aid offer thenolosive Wrist ~ . " ' ~, .• ,,, meemess ..a. Like wealthy men who care not how they give. r. Translated from the German of Fanny Lewald. By es; a-••'-t" i •e Eldkidelphia of HILOEST'S iiefebratid amid oft:Rothe .:*.i.o.witin Ica. 422 ritediEßT STREET. Bet thy grime Muni Indignsnt work'd their wills, °"1 NeNE 2 le and Deeekias; also. „Le. Favorite Sowings. eseeneseed e 1 LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. EMBROIDERED And boat me clown elid mere:land waited ine. Nathaniel Greene. Lookhart's Life of Sir Walter tagggn . Elig 1 f.i? .c.clsaF , .... - Moe. to the poodl e / end MACHINE TWIST in all •0"." 1 *!-': SPRANG. 186 fl - - - - And (heath they coati out end lee, left me mime!, Scott. Uniform with the' Illustrated Household •t,t.,s4,gg§fe..ggir .i I , . '° 8 lons. '' . ' • - -.*:-..' - fieikbn M .' . - l'. 1860. • SPRING. 1860. , CANTO N To dwell In preemie° of immortel youth, Waverley Novels." z 1 ...: t .6 . ;..11 1 2 Immortal Ste beside immertal youth, liAlt PER'S MAGAZINE. ---- BITER; PRICE, .& CO.. ' " S*. B 1., EY.•,MO L T EN , And all I Natl. In ashes. Can thy lose, S le ; 1 ,1 2 S - rels ' e l.' . e "I 'lbis March number, which we have received E . & WOODRUFF. _ , Thy booty, make amends, though even now, . 4 m aeththe. ...., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or . ' ' CRAPE SHAWLS. Close ovir me, the silver star, thy guide, from Petersons, epees with " The Ballad of Vai- atee• - o w e ee - t. • c il - 0 - e -- .....,te,„ ,t; IMPORTERS AND 'JOBBERS EVANS & HASSALL, Shines It those tremulous eyes that fill with tenrs ley Forge," by R. H. Stoddert , which, if printed ; r.tesn'e l l l e." ei 21 oX 2 e . 2. .FORRIGrt AND 'DOMESTIC , ;OW To harem,. Let me go :take bock thy sift : in the usual manner, would have been rather flat ra. ei ss woolese e. , . r POR SALE BY Why elould a men desire in any way P o Z ' SI L K . IMPORTERS OF To v.,. from the kindly race of con, prose. It professes to relate the adventures of ' o , r. 1 1 1 ..".5 ,- ~ IC D' R Y - 0 0 0:D S. : - . AND . . • Or tato% beyond the gonl of ordinarne " brave old Gran'ther Baldwin "-which amount to F 1-11. " ' lla- - :.EMtEEEg,SE4 ' -1 - $ .l .4 LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, R. E. EVANS: where all should pause, as is most meet for all ? nothing. The portrait of the old Gran'ther, by ‘ e .1 :11 7;th, '" ee l.' U •og `FANCY GOODS. ;,..,,, askeo N . ..a - ' P0.,813 MARKET S TR EET. A soft sir Inn, the aloud apart; there comes John R. Chnpen, is remarkably good, and worthy I NO. 511 MARKET STREET,' No. e 1 8. FOURTH STREET, 210 CHESTNUT STREET. A gimps° of that dark world where I was born. of being better illustrated, by the pen, than it is. e .,...„...,...„, r5 ,,„. ~.. ~, . .4 , - . - -- - - - ii,- t m ~...ww >. PHILADELPHIA. . i ,' • ,riuLADALPAIA, ilifewfma One morn the old mysterious glimmer stenla m In ; .r...-as -I Life among the Loggers is wtitten with great spirit neeofee.22o;e2 P 0 . 0 i • Pb Meese Are now ereParee to air hoses, seminal', a very large Ate now operdnit A fi ne asiortmetit of Prim thy pure brows, Sod from thy shoulders pure, m o, eosieete e• es - and apparent accuracy, and liberally Illustrated. "e""'"'""*"" ei e and desirable Steak iseetheds,replenithed by the ameval NO'TBIIII3IB FOR Tall SPRING SEASON, FARRELL & MORRIS. Ali bosom beating with a heart renew'd. e , e :: :2 at SPRING " GOODS. " - of eirem Steamer from Europe. fidasfmerem The cheeks heron to redden through the gloom, A Peep at the Elephant, in his native land, and e, z „ o l weieh se , . , , , ...., . • - , To wMoh they invite the attendee af "mien' tin-in' 1321 CHESTNUT STREET, Thysweet oyes brighten slowly close to mine. Corn In Amerioa, both well set off with numerous - ij orZaela ...... .....eta.ete.e. 2 13A.ROROFT 1 •& CO .. SMITH. WTTAfT AMS & 00, -, . ,_,-,. IMPORTERS. Ere yet they blind the stare and that wild team engravings, are also articles which we can oordially tnig ., q - n r Whbh love thee, yenning for thy yoke, arise, praise. The paper upon The Search for a North NO& 404 AND 407 MARKET BURET. • I ' ' SKELETON , SHIRTS. . And shake the darkness from their leosenel manes, West Passage is the very beat, we think, In the re ......lo ....TIP lea. 513 MARKET and 510 COMMERCE 0113., -----s•----------•------ - -------- , AND And teat tho twilight Into flakes of fire. some limit of space, yet written. There an three ~, ..,,,,,„..„ I" c.0..N0r. .., IMPOMTERII AND JOBBERS , i 1860. SPRiNG PASUION. 1860. co m Aria BIONM II R C 114 NTS Lo : ever thee thou groweet beautiful i . , extracts here from the Cornhill Afagazine, viz: ttla t alltt F 1 :: :g e. le siknee, then before thine answer given • . •or - - , . Haie NOW in store, sad arefiaily reeineutg seditious to, Se Deperteet, end thy tears ere on my cheek. Level the Widower, (with the last halepage omit- , ono? Me Lie•ROBST and moat . FORMER AND EOKESTIO.DAT GOODB,-,-,,.. ; .. - - .. • ' ...._— CLOTHS, en red hero,) Tennyson's poem, w hi c h we gave above, . 0r.04...e -.- WOVEN GORE TRAIL 11.-i 000b.O. Stook new omelets and rade for buten. RA-Ow !• '. COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS • CIAIMIMERES, / and Thackeray's tribute to the memory of Irving leUttleoitifiEN I te . „ DOESKINS. AND . ra...1:0' . „ SKELETON SKIRTS. I and Macaulay. Tbe Easy Chair, Foreign Burean, EilegOkl o ate. ; w•-•••th • or • and Editor's Drawer, are very good, this month. sE,Tg;tsT v ci . ..3.pack, . „ - ', - • . MODE DE PARIS. RAU:NETS. . From the latter we cull a few extracts : aeeee. ; ' AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN FABRICS r : : :a. . Vit. ,.„.., ? _ asvi l Memis. ,' : in Evanson. , • SPRING AND .. Seine years since a poor boy in-- county, vwitsp.&ma, named Timberlake, was sent to school, gra- ....esemosioess 6....... m 11 SZZor l I I M tr . . OWNAINTh It '' , AL I Z A r hi; rah& to let timid IN Nrir ' hOOlO in the centlattio OSBORNE Jo CIIE.EEIMA_N. SUMMER MATING% , tuitously, by a gentleman by the name of Kirke. zqq'za... -o 1 oeth.e. 'la Vial). D r ' /44 II ; _ ini s -t' HAY WARD, ' We have sasatyltyles of Staple Goods wows mum- - ANSON lA, CONNECTICUT, This boy was ploughing one day with a one•horse 1 o-eeh - - Imoolteee sad Wholeludar Deedem in lid lio the . . • MANTEL/1M team, and hi, horse being disposed to turn aside from the tree mirth, he bawls out to him. ' Wily 04 ... C. 1, eatts.f I - ARE THE SOLE MANUFACTUREEB OP TERSE PANTALOON STUFFS. don't you come hither I tell' you?' A gentleman ' 40455 , ,,1 AIR F oaooto,. 13 0 . .Y ,G• O ' O D IS . • • SOUTM I IRN ' TRADE. CELEBRATED FASHIONABLE SKIRTS. happening to be near, and overhearing the toys se""" ' 1 .1 A t,n : ::2 o. - . CLOTHING. ' . • - - . iisintiatiiimi for, and .canned sninedvely to, mu. Their °°°4l an all trade with "Pearl reference to alit l m ,„ etc.. Co. • exelemationosalls to him and says .1 thought I. Pirko sent you to school to learn grammar !' en es ee eal • 1 ra o .5. • neeee-." 4 1183 7. 4 7, 1 ,1 r'lo, l i ° ° / 4 /U P! T11161 ".", 1 " 1 4 14411 , gem ' .. f,,,,s.ft w i ls , the wants oils witieal trade, and, they are oonfeitut that ' Humph " retorts the boy, .do you think that • ;E: a .,.,......1.U0g0 5 r i ! n 0... or , WOLFE & C O . . I ant such a fool 111 to talk grammar to a done ?'" 2,l§F l yoUev . I t 1 _ , , wErtners Atrki,Tis - &i -•_ : -.- j , W. GIBBS & SONS. SYMMETRY OF FORM. "Not many years alone there lived in Knoxville, ' •TODllefiSee, one James P. Own-all, a very come 7; . 1 ' m : . '".. QUALITY OF MATERLtL, and WHOLESALE "ening', foppish fellow, of diminutive proportions, r: I 11 -..*'- ...2 , e i i 1 i.e, 1 0 , v 7 MoVERM,; 1 . , -:, - No. am, MARKET rrair, PERFECTION OF WORJCMANSHIP, CARPETING, OIL-CLOTH, AND MATTING ! Who 7" Very fond of displaying his wit. On one '' .- .. o= l . eo " is es 1 a :: S 7• IMPORTERS AND 108 ERRE , An now !ening their - ocomion ce he stood on Goy street, entertaining a . .. 1 1".etlgjeattei• • 1! te--4.5 h I l i r TROY LIT VISIIQOALLAD IN THIS DI IN ANY Creel there chanced to pass e groat big SPRING. BTOCS Or GOODS WHITELY. 'WAREHOUSE. crowd or Went . ; o Cons. `-' DR 'T -- (31 . 0 - 0 - DS .- - --- : - fellow from the ceePtrY. Jim remarked to the re i ooeem - ' '' ' Ro o tlet MARKET STROM. ' ' ' Adapted to Being made undertath die "Extensive" and "Woven crowd, 'lf rho Bible be true that all flesh is grass, " ---- e, Above Third, . , e • -MEN"S W E A R • Skirt Patentee , there is mo liability foe infringement. NO. ISt 011ESTNUT STREET, treat a lea , l of hay that is ." ter e" ..t. 1 ag,. - §voPsg g , .-.. e2oele sitisAWlts,Our Rollins' enable us to MI promptly the WNW , or' or A sen ey ye. phoenetphia Carpet Manufatenrere " Tho Hoosier turned round, And Lestowing a „__;; •,,,,,e. • 0.0.16. 1 „. e gterlt %moo. . l4lMay:one, , Janie& will be fcinnd,afisilassortment of den. fed-im withering glance upon tho crowd, said, 'ft must be : : :2' It Q A YVIIIMer s tsll-11M CLOTHE, DOESKeNB,IIESTINGS,TRIMM2I4OO, AO. . For sale evelywhers by the Trade . true, for even the asses are nibbling at ma.' oi e Bonin. , , ' A Connecticut eorreepondent gays : 'Having e _ .,,„..,emt " es t e to...esteh '. 4. , , , ',lll-Ini P.0.-Ladies should be Anteater tote. that "Woven WIROTHINGBAM A MILS, -4..6 .. .,,r I ---.—.....-----.--.........,made a call on a neighbor, I happened to take up kv.- ..1 a.1 - :., - ,.. 1 k p' - Gore Trail, made by Osborne I; Chessman," as printed ege PAPER MANIGIIN4IB.'fiIoo.. ! istihols en the band, a, an 'vitiates° of mullions's. an old family Bible, and on limiting over the family no-nn-n......, .coc c i - JaX-detlewmfet record, I saw an account of a birth written in this essei spessinso l emel 95 LSTITIA STREET, AND 34 SOOTY wise : 'Elizabeth Jones, born on the 20th Norern. oe MEDICINAL. I FRONT STREET. bar, 17e5, according to the best of her recallee tten ." " TO CLOSE BUSINESS a&RI, MONTGIOMERIC, & CO, 122 O.HB9TNITX STUNT, Will get out, through tau mater eat u mist, their large stook of PAPER k/ANGINCII3, " cooitetiosof OM" Yulety aonneoaid with as Wilma iT GREATLY mum num. PIER WIMON PAPERS AT 93 fltß OMIT. B. Naomi taming Welt Hams Papered,an fit great BARGAINS. JIOTJSE.FTJENISSING GO Wail: GOODS FOR THE SEASON, BRONZED FENDERS - AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE fIETf, FOOT WARIKETS, j ! tAIWBR ENNEWSB,:c3tTRB.II°7 , • AT TUX • 1101782-itIREISHINGIBTOREI3, NOS: 999.2111 i 1926 CHESTNUT STREET. IT1•10. A. biU,Rt,fitY • ac CO, entwine - BOOTNI AND SHOES. BORER et: B RO.Tli ER$3. , MAN yt&OTTREIIB AND 7110LMALE . vrplua., CITY AND, BABTERN-31*3 BOOTS : :4:Np SEWER;, Nom 439444434:3124tA1T STAMM ' .349c4 413441 330.43'3iittu., ' LEVICK RASINoye.4;3O., BOOT AND KROH - I ,ifAR I 4IOE6I • MANIINAOTONY. - • . . NO. 105 MARKET OTNNOT c i4ILLADBLPRIA. ;We hove pow on hmil lin.extensive stook of BOOTA JW.BfioliB.of termlegoriptiopief . - • OUP 0767:44e 14,8'0,101,11irliC/Talt*: to which :we invite the 14tertipn Fit Solithem4 end ifeiiietittniiinn , 4 raft o f t.futro,.pmd i,"llo.oi ititt.i.,4l4narm4kitip el .130M:E.R13 & SON. • • , aIPOSIPMIS AND WILMS 121 :CLOTHS, • OMMINGIREL VMSTINGS, , TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, Re.. SOUTH 'lTOtriMil STREET, 424fteen Market and Chestnut Stroeta,) PRILRIMILPRIA. reB-1m witmert s, maxi OUALKLIT SONIZIIi. A . , W. LITTLE & (JO.. ',BILK GOODS. No. 826 MARKET STREET. wan A SUPERB 'ASSORTMENT. • LINEN GOODS. OF MY OWN IMPORTATION. NOW OPENING, AND FOR BALE BY JOSHUA L. B A ILY, IMPORTED AND JOBBER, AIN MATOCAT 13TR ANT, PIIILADELPHIA fella MERRIMACK PRINTS. ?WINDY NEIN BTYLEB THIS DA A'. FEBRUARY WA, 1011 TAIT AT JOSI-IXIA L. 13AILY. N 0.918 NARICBT STREW, CANTON FLANNELS, SNOW OHO% AMOOKEAG, KBNNEDB<J, Bleached, Unbleached, end Colored CANTON FLANNELS. BY THE PIECE OR CAGE. JOSHUA L. DAILY. ' 414•MARKICT STREET, • . , 141841. - PHILADELPHIA. MRS. WINSLOW, AN EXPERIBNOED NURSE AHD ,FENA LE rhysloian; presents to the attention or mothers her SOOTHING SYR UP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, wltleh, greatly familltates.the jproopss of teething, by tdrturppg gun roduez all kr/tampion ; al. Al h i traglrieralba %ALM Depend upon here not It wi lt give rya to yourselves RELIEF AND HEALTH CO YOUR INFANTS. We hive put up and sold yealli, and oan say, in eon what we have never been medicine. NEVER HAt) OLE INSTANCE,TO E timely used. Never di diesatisfsetion by any one tra all are delist ed pooh ry, in terms of his es oat effects and medic vir matter " what we do experience,andpledgeour Inept of what we here de instrincie where the Infan exhaustion. relief will be minutes after the syrup is them pre paration ofost EXPEKI- N REF.B In NowEnglipad never-failin_g sitcom in 1110u8AND8 It not only relieves the Anoraks the stomach and and Elvis toga and energy BOWELSm instantly re- AND WIND vulsions. whioh, if not death. We believe it the the world in all oases HINES. IN CHILDREN, teething or from nrirother every mother who has the foregoing complaints. n o ; V i k r e ori biritigd i t i e d eo . . i o d /11t1, noe or t its me ioine, (ions for using w moo rain,illiget%:', l 7': on Kir Bold by Druggists tl pal Office, N 0.13 CEDAR Price 25 cents a bottle. JUST RECEIVED, FER V IG O. A oondenment of new and beitutlfoll EITEAEOBOOP,IO VIEWS* whloh we oder at very reasonable nrtoee. PHILADELPHIA. EDWARD PARRISH. pai-ef 9OO ARCH Street. P RIVY WELLS OLEANED AT A LOW Prim to obtain the contents. Address WILLIAM . TIMSON, Poudrotte Office, feB-1m• No. 1213 North SECOND Street. DORCAS, VINEGAR.-200 bbls. Clarified Cider • Vinegar ; e 0 do White Wine %rex,. in extra A rill trait Cnonl73orfinAmMr. CODFIBB.-600 uttle, Extra Grand Bank, In IWO and for gale la n LIS awl UN Mar Why wilt thou •ver mare me with thy tears, And metre me tremble Iret a saying learnt, In cwts far-off, on that dark earth, be true 1— 'The Gods themselves can not recall their gifts." AY Me ! ay met with what another heart In day. far-off, and with what other eyes I used to watch—lf I be be that wateh'd— The luold outline forming round thee, saw the dim curls kindle into sunny rings. Planted with thy mystic) change, and felt my blood wh rlo u pi th.f with ote th h e enzi glo . w n t a h u at d. s . lo g w m ly w e in ri g na d eri ew n: w al a l rm To ernse z Zal and thy portals, while I lay, Worn, and isould hear t. Nth kisses balmier . .. 4l ' l ,b n " . opening bode lips that kial'il Wlispennk I knew not what o :wIld and sweet, Lire that 'trance sons I heard Apcilrri 4 114 Willa nion lice a mist rose into towers. Yet bold me not forever in thine East: Row can my nature longer mix with thine t Coldly (lir rosy shadows Isatbe mo, cold Are all thr lights, and cold thy wrinkled feet Upon thy glimmering thresholds, when tho steam Floats up from those dim field. about the homes Of happy men that have the power to dia. And grassy barrows of the happier dead. Release Me. and restore me to the ground; Thou meat all things, thou wilt nee my grave ; Thou wilt renew thy beauty morn by morn ; I earth in earth forest them empty courts, And thee returning on thy silver wheel,. Tonnyson'a recently published sea. idyl, fur which he received tiro dollars a lino, and not Ilfty as reported,'was written many yoara ago, and not svon to the world, from the author's opinion that MO commonplace, but " Tithonua" we bear is :ally the latest production of his mind. George ugustus Bala follows with a first portion, rola. ng to the boyhood of frogarth, the painter. ionekton Milnes, a literary M. P., who published Poetry for tho Pooplo," and charged three dol. ire for the volume, comes next with a protty poem, Ither fooblo, in the stanza of Hood's " Dream of ugono Aram," relating how mother and daughter oth loved the same man, and the mother Barren „nod her own Inclination. Tho two closing sten - _ iLs toll how this happen : SHIPLEY, HAZARD, lG UIITOILINSON) ' she .poka—bar words were very low. But resolute in tone— ,• rw no outuntrurr Or.* ~ Dear chili; ! lie comes,—Nay, blush not so COEMISSION MERCHA NTS To have your motet known: 'Tis best, 'tie beet, that I should go— FOR THE BALE OF And leave you hero alone.” PHILADELPHIA-MADE irhen, as his steps grew near and fast, Ii law for both Clothiers sad Jobbers, in We MmHg CU . kTINGS AND OMIIIMBRII7II Ordenriaken for those &Cull" 10044 f or B P rkg trade. nIT-t! this article for over ten Gene and Iruth of h it, FLY I m a 13 J a g! y B t j fr ECK A OURx. when a know an Instance of who used . On the mt ion its operatics.. and • nomendationofits magi • tiles. We speak in this know," after ten years' reputation ter the fulfil ...l.:are. In almost evelf 1/1 sufferin( from pain and found In fifteen or twenty altimeter/I. g f &NA 1412d.F I I n t sad has peen used with OP CABER, (MRS from rein, but in bowel., eorreets acidity, to the whole slate m it lieVe ORIPINis IN THE t:OLIC and overcame con speedily remedied, end in beet and surest Tamedin IIYdENTISRY and J AR vrhother it, arises rom cause. We would say to child suffering from any of do not let your prejudices, others, stand between the relief that will be SURE—toIrY follow the timely used. Full three- Deny each bottle. None inile of COATIS & PER the outside wrapper. re e ho New e Y wo k rl . d. Prinoi -1125-17 Qv hand was on tho door. dlor Leo; by holy grace had cast IIM• The dovaod from its core,— And 011 On / threshold calm she pass'd The man glp 1 , )Well no more. li/I:CALLUM do C 30., This poem is gracefpily illustrated by Millais leorge 11. LeNt)ll snoceods, ycSW second chapter of CARPET MANUFAUTURRRS',, Studies in Animal Life, Arid Mre. Oaskoll cone. uenoes a story entitled Curious, if Trno," which OLEN ECHO OBRMANTONI N. womisos well. Life Among the Lig,httionsos" is' „ _ Also, Impanel" and Dealer' on a 'least original of all the artleka..itere,,for # re- OARPETINGS, en , . number of the North British Review itptic,i -• ntm..l and exhausted tho subject. Then comes n ; °IL Cr...IOTIS. urthe r portion of Thacticeray'm now story " Lovel• MATTINe_ i s Rues. &O. ho WOower," with two illustrations, one of which, ailed tr Decoy's Spectacles," has the female fact, WARSHOUr 4 E tiVtiIIISTNUT BT.. lid figure no correctly drawn, that we attribute it (O pr pairs the state Mouse.) oltioherd Doyle, rather than to Mr. Thaokeray, to So ch n i t i. h a rn and ' crnisin bar ars are Tell wadi Tar into va iter .to h r o y pu r ta and ea s r , i;c: r t;ra wel,so fa i alit his e end s,ic exhibit' one o e teh h e i s b .This ..... ------ Arase of Thackeray'a writing, which, it has alwayS A C ''... xt P Errl3. teemed to us, shows either poverty of invention or a remarkably good opinion of his own creations, Already, In this new story, wo are favored with glimpses of Warrington, whom we recollect In Pen. ierrnis and Tits Noccomes ; of St. Boniface's Col ley, at Oxbridge, where Pendennla led so fest a lifo , of Sherriok, wino merchant and bill discount or, nso in Pendennis : and of ()roof the 'Dowdy, yell known in Vanity Ear. Lastly, is nu Essay with,ut end, very Thaekerayish in spirit end ex prawn, which somo of the London critics 'athlete upon Thackeray, while others, more correctly, we sore, attribute it to Mr. Frederick Greenwood, Sub-editor of the London Illustrated Times. ATLANTIC MONTHLY. F. A. ELIOT & CO., Noe. 12 and St North PRO Street. are the BOLE AGENTS in Philadelphia for ROXBURY QI ARPET COMPANY, end have °omits; formals a fut). f Iffeortment of VELVET and TAPES? OARPETrj, ohoioe Pattern , . Also. n km to supply of the various, Blade of PETS P factored In Philadelphia oar and from P Anil all the best mannfaaturere. Der den 'twill find it to their interest to " d . i l h i e these good', whiob are offered lons," Inc° A favorainio terms. Agents , 7 A. B.—F. A. ELIOT & CO, being the &. varpet tr 1 rhitsdelpl ties for the 'aloof the Worsted.. New fares noun b y the Boxonville Mills (foraicac, fo rw England Wot sled Company,) and being:* have the Baldwin ,. Wilton, and Abbott Co r. the gentler hung au for keeping oonstantip le T various kinds of Carpets manaraatared I j IT i • ni O the most $ svorable term. , COTTONADES. Made by Weahlneton bill% GOODS. CARPETINGS. From T. B. Pugh, 01.5 Chestnut Street, we have an early copy of the Atlantic Morthly for March. It 11, In many respects, a very strong number. In "The Profsssor's Story," by Dr. O. W. Ilohnes, is (lODEY'S LADY'S BOOK "The Child'a Gift," a pretty picture, neatly en graved, is the frontispiece this month. Among the other illustrations may be especially mentioned a wood engraving of " Boswell's Introduction to the Literary Club," which gives a good idea of the original pisture. Among the tales in the present number the best Is "Lillian's Masquerading," very neatly told, not very improbable, and with no lack of incidents. There is a continuation of "Miss Blimtuens's Boarding House," extremely amusing, but a leetle overdone. Various articles In prose and verse, and a great deal about fashion, knitting, and domestic life, make up a readable number of what Mr. (Imlay, with great modesty, pronounces to be " the only lady's book in dinett es " In the literary notices we are told that a book is exquisitely gotten up." This Is en ob solete phrase, en out-worn TIOVILIOIIIIIAM, in fact, and should be discontinued. Tue Cnicnuo Cniu. Cog. CASK.—Tho lady who figured in the Chicago crim. con. case, says the Albany Standard of Saturday, in now in this city. We understand eho reached town last evening. The lady wan married in this city some five years since. The wedding was a gilt-edged affair, and led to an immense time generally. Trio lady Is very good looking, and ban three children. The has bead keeps the two oldest. The infant to kept by the mother. The injured husband will, wo under stan,d, allow his erring wife $2,000 a year to live on, and keep her, If possible, from becoming an outcast The husband having dealt thus generous. ly with his cloning wife, trill apply immediately for a divorce. It will be granted, of course, as the guilt of the wife is placed beyond n doubt. IThe Albany [Honda of Mrs. nureb—ono of the parties to the last Chicago scandal—charge that the husband has been guilty of a conspiracy to get rid of an honest, devoted wife, no that he may marry a young lady in Chicago, for whom he has manifented a warm attachment. Her friends, it Is said, nro prepared to prove her innocence, and to cnt;iblish a chain of testimony that will conviot the husband of conspiracy. NATURAL CORP/M-It is awell•known fact that in tho vast prsiries of Texas a little plant is always to he found whloh, under all circumstances of eli• mato, eliange of weather, rain, frost, or sunshine, invariably turns its leaves and flowers to the North. If a solitary traveller were snaking his way across those trackless wilds, without a gar to guide or compass to direct hint, he finds an unerring mealier in au humble plant, and he follows its guidance, certain that it will not mislead him. SOUTH CADOLINIAYS lx Taxes.—The Houston (Texas) Telegraph says: " Sine. Texas has been In the Union it has had six Senators in the United, States Congress, anti of these six Are have beau natives of South Carolina. South Carolina is not only a proud old State to hall from, but those who hall from her, in Texas, aro sous for any State to be proud of. Rusk, Henderson, Ward, Hemphill, Wigfall, in the Senate, are a glorious galaxy ; and let us add our own glorious Frank Lubbock, to say nothing of a host of others, and the list will absorb a largo portion of the best talent and brightest spi rits of the Lone Star State," Tale Fos or SUR TARANTULA —The tarantula has a deadly foe In the wasp, winch preys upon it. The manner In which the wasp attacks the taran tula is described by the editor of the Mariposa (Cal ) Democrat, who recently witnessed ire mode of operation. An ugly looking tarantula was shuMing along. at the urnsl awkwarl gate, lifting his long, unwieldy legs above the short blades of gnus, when suddenly the venomous Insect stopped short in its wanderings and raised itself up to its full height, as though watching the coming of some unwelcome visiter. It then quickly crouched be hind a tuft of dry gross, and remaining very quiet, seemed to make - himself as small u pxlible. A slight buzzing was heard In the air, and in a mo• went a wasp passed quickly near, hovering on the wing over his trembling victim. Like sumo bird of prey, the wasp remained' poleod a moment, and then, quick as thought,' darted down upon his enemy and stung him many times with great rapidity. 'The tarantula, smart-. log under the pain. began a retreat with all the speed of which he was capable; bat the wasp hung over him with revengeful tenacity, and again lad again struck him with his venomous sting. Gra dually the flight el the tarantula became slower and more Irregular, and at length, under the re peated thrusts of his conqueror, he died, biting the gram with his terrible fangs. The wasp then seized the tarantula and dragged him away. TRIO CLAY' MOSUVlNT.—Coupiatious among the series of improvements now progressing on Canal street is the preparation for the erection of the Clay monument and statue. The circle, in the midst of which the monument is to stand, is laid out and partly curbed. It is exactly In the cen tre of the intersection of St. Charles or Royal and Canal ,treed—the circle being the full width of the crossing street. In the change of Canal street now approaching that spot, the highway crossing will curve around both Aides of the monumental circle. The idea of placing the statue of the Sage of Ashland in a positton so central and so conspi cuous is applauded by all. It will be alike a great ornament to our greatest street, and a great honor to the illustrious dead. The erection of the statue, as most people know, is to take place on Clay's birthday, the 12th of April.—New Orleans Cres teat. Attntnzas to MISIPHIS.—We learn from the Memphis Enquirer that twenty ateirdent were committed In that city In 1859, and that the porno raters of fifteen hare not yet been diamond. THE WEEKLY PRESS, Tim Went, Pali/ will be wet to :aeteenbers br tealt (r amintet to idrree,) VISO Three C?pies .• Firs Copies, " 11111 L6ll .----- Tel .. " MOO Twentr Copies " "tO addins) Tventy Copierl, or over. " (to Wm. USD each fin beoribe r. each. L7A Por a Club of Twenty-one or over, ere triE send en titre copy to the getter-op or **CUD. lairPostmeetent are reuseeed to motes aitente Let Slim WILISZT CALIFORNIA PRESS. issued !Semi-Monthly to time for the Delionta Steamer& BY TELEGRAPET. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA • {IT OVRILAND MAIL AND TILIOLLPILI PROPOSITION TO IttaroTß THE CAPITAL TO MAN PRANOISOO—THE ILICTION OP SENATOR AAIUN'S SOCOZSSOR DENOCIICLC--TRX TRADE WITH JA PAN.I MALLOY'S BY•nolt. Fab. It_ The overland mall. with Pan Francisco ream to the Mk alt., gad tel•- gnaphic advice! °film filth. poised hers todny. The ateamirnir sonora. with New York dates to the Mb of lannall. Arrived at San Francrneo cos the 2641 i utilise,. A movement is on. foot to change the capital from Samancento to San - Fnincisco, which had caused coo taratios alarm at the former , plane The probabils the Xemoval ere, however. ernalL A ban has bees introduced MI the; for the erechon of State Inuid tnas at Sarimrsento. Ex - Governor Weller has published a letter denoun cing the proposition to bring on the election ors succes sor to Earn - tor Gum this winter. which is a year-us advisees of the proper time, as & Colltol3lleAted f'll4l op the aerials , and one of the most misname 'chi ter. The indiCaltiOnapoll are that, the erolact. Will be Om doaed. l 4. The homiest:rip Pint Quixote was to sail on the Seth nlt. co Chine. taking ISO passengers , and au= in Max n dollars. The tha J a pan . heer and Pare sailed from San Francisco for en the 2ith ult. to obtain cargoes of Caney goods. and other productions cif that country. which have been recently sold et etiormoun profits. Some skilful designers seemecanied the Pass, with the muscat) ,of furnishing the Japanese mechanics and arbsteiwith models! after which to masubetnre strtialss $ hotter asianed for the American market. fligh hope, are • adorned that such an emptoyment o' Aimless Isbor 'it move vastly profitable, and result in introdu cing t o common' sae in this country many useful fix tures. and househcki furniture of Pgalullte tame and beauty' at a moderate omit. The Rev. Mr. Gable end lady dished to so to Jayne es mission mem by nee Sr thes ; ~ !them easels. but the clyirter parties s refusal to permit it on h• plea that their ennence to th at country' al teach of A new religion might lead to trouble, and . hinds ,theoceurnereiAl operatio ns . - The ear woollen femora at ran Francisco ys to Me- . otowt operotwl. emo`roiur eighty opetertiwille. sad turnin out 100 blankets daily. Mr. Tendon. the extensive state-coach manager, wits sh oo t is tabooingnue - hundred an 4 twenty horses for, d Piaeerville and Salt Lake mail mate. A !Mill Meeting was held at Santa Clara. on tie 77th. - - to ti i expression to the feeling created hi th e oc,- 'AMU , . el sing of the New Almaden quicksilver mlbes. - tun" , timis ware Pawed deelanns that toe intonation. if ton mantinued. would destroy the business energies of the:country, and impair th a =sung interests ttanclith- I or out t entire State. Re letters be isaanad loth branches of the State feria true satins coney ma to catablirb a e Siir over land ail. and also urging the restoration o te wean marl mice to the emus of efficienc, wh.ch_ tireiraiktd whaniths malls warn tarried by the Peels Blatt Com- , 9 71;Chintints had been 'introduced into th e Arseinhiv d'olntlng that the miners in mt:ser hold the mama . relati as to the Government as t he molo miners. and asking Connat preventsra the removal of Newties which now operational in the Alai-dep it i rekailver mines. . . h question of tt a division of the State hos been made the special order in the Assembly for the Si of Fehrdary. A Wit has been intrcdneed for the enactment of a law compelling *he closing of bazaar., saloons. and ether place of traffic, cnt the flab - ath da-. Strong petitions. te °minis , the passage of Ode law. ate eltarairely lump to A donomreng resohthogi embed Nth bowies . 00 the EFgth u t ape Ming s Joint encomittvs to fatelie Pm- . tt,"n:D Ar "m l l l . r t"l.UllC O:VIF 2* Coaa. OREGON AND BRITISH 00I.L'MBLS. The steamer Pacific arrived at San Frenveco co the iith ul• . with Oregon dates of the Oh and Bridals Co lumbia-to the beanlt. A pouts had dupitehed, by the Maims of Pert land. Oregon. to examire and rtrnott the feats relative to th• Kimilkamen gold mines. The reports continue to be of exciting Character. The Pritish ship Teo Mynah arrived at Vancouver on the 76th ult.lr th a large number of yourtuart. after a voyage of three At/wired nod thirty days from e nee , d. The British Colombia Steam Navigation Company hove proposed to make the necenoary unetoremelra we Harrison river. Later from Havana. 'HEINLE OP THE Elm EXION LED ASHLATD. New On Lee WS. Feb. In.—The steamship Halms hei *mud from Ilmogna anth dater to tie Ista inst. Been amg at Havana wee dal). Sugar firm at Vitriiie. Stock in POO/ OHM !tram auusw PO-a:Oat tSe um* ronerlast you. Rtertlee exchange ISN. MIL on .New Yort , 24. Freights &all. T atop 1.70z00. from New York for New erlearewres t^ta y wrecked on Gingerbmad Abell, rot t , e IA fast. Toe cargo wee mainly surd in n defrayed ,tats. "j he ,* and thirteen pameneere were steed and taken to Naasan, N. P. The wreckers stripped the wreck aaa burled the MO. Tee ship Ashland. firm Boston for New Orteer.s.snts cello °rice. was wrecked on the d inst. on the Utile Lutes. Wreekent saved the necieg and seas. The crew were saved. . -- 1 From Northern Mexico. B. Lona, Feb.lB.-51morrs. McManus end Ilk: Inman. A mean., who hare just arrived in this city from Chi want. confirm the information recently reeeired by Stet Phelps. of We:Ai:Mon. they ;,fort. :cos: rl de °able condition of affairs in the State. Not only 14 tOtriCAV!. but the entire fereica corna - tio4. , had teen expelled from the country. and their pro ne Y OnnfilVard. e State is being overrun hr a considerable force of theiChurch Party. under IN , BIIIItO COSIMI, Muted arph albundred of the desperadoes pardoned out of prison by !Ammon. A, desperate attar' ?heare on the we r e defeatedTabsassay on the 18th ulLLiberals were with a loss of forty-fire men The mittiorodes at the ensitgl. in eonleheren - with the Amenenins, had sent to Fnrt Davis for United littaten e"4.Pre..at:itni 171 :t v ill n iga n 2oll e r, i g l. w ! o h i e th 4 o7 e pV1 4ms ; e hl i t ' ll mercy of the robbers ins on t Oven. at the head mantel. of one thooratal men, was mareh he the Liberia were friendly to the American,. bet arable to &Ford them in, PTOtetholl. Later from Brownsville. KIM" 011.3uots, Fah. 17.—8 r an amval from the Br/r -ent Brownsville advicee to the 9th instant hate beim mowed. It is repotted that recent disclosures have ha.nra s o a , but not as Yet valv,thed, the , ' shale the romplierty of the M.xleaa autborthez Inth ennions. and v0r.41 deolds csumtion ae to war with Mexico. Washington National Monument: PROPOSED ROYIMRE? OE TEE TITENTT-RECOND. Ike ARINGTON. Feb. 13.—0 n the 251 of Fehr:fitly it is proposed that there Audi se tie eirort mad- thronsh oat the United !litotes to retie sufficient fond' to ear, mottle wmt upon the Wasliiaston Nacional Monument dazing the coming year. Citizens in eve, part of the reentry can ecintnimte, through the portmarxrs of their respective Miwas About 1,000 poiitreasters have Naxos for the purpose placed in their offices. and have rolled within the past Cour months more than By There are nearly 2:Y.1100 moannoten who have not Men heard from. sad it is to be - hoped that they will cm (mo rale with the others. - lithe. will eaten tto do ni and f the retntns averams only ElS)par year. or I.IX ciente Pee month, the work can he kept in pretrete. A very 'light effort made in earth place throashoot :be GOUlrif amid insure the completion of the morameut to a few Shpt. relrtort of nevepapers are desired to call ....tendon to ibis patriot c enterprise. lion. James Guthrie and the Iron la. tercets of Pennsylvania. IMPORTANT POLITICAL MOVEMENT. WIABINOTON. Feb. IL—The goblathon of Mr. Guth rie's ireeintd 'nth regard to the iron Interests. has pro deoeti a ■eoeettno amass A portion of the Ito. Maturely. and if reliable. it le thou r ht mil prohabie re •nit io a general moremrattn Ms Meer before the meet ing of the Charleston C mention. Penalty tor the Violation of a Man. time Lew. CHlll.le. TON, Feb. Ik—The United Etats: eo3rt has esseasecl damages on Ctpt. Chlreh. ute•r• r of thehip \Tiniest Patton of TOO with the rest of the sea. This erns as action to recover the p , nsli no a tined undies the act of L. reetnrias the seater:of cesse'S, before obtainiat a cloArall:11. to debre r to the sonsetor a Ceir tlfied CODY of the ereer let. end bnag beck or aocoust for all persons compris:nz the crew. Railroad Accident. CLZTX2I,b. Feb It —The I.Vro Share cures* trete. while rumbles slowly, nser Furuso, yesterley sf:er• ROM. RS run :11tO by s t000rnot• re Irh rN ru rsvonn e s ill the tau. The euesur.er cent we, e b.d;, n ro k en. b r j: no serious lulu) to the intuetrs is re torte!. Vire in Boston Rooms. Feb. If —A Are Croke out I•rt ever.lekitt tea fs.ther stars of Messrs. manniitt. Glnxr. mouth 'Market street. destnseint the apoet penica of the hulkunz heql much of tk.e stock. Loca . 0 ON. sra.th Is coveted by IttlilltlLL Fire at Cincinnati CI‘CVOVATI. rOl l . Ii —A Ere es-em-nd P rs•—',Nr IN the litolr eptshlothmect of C. A. Byperer, No. N 3 14, ed- IV. DOLIZIAIEd 1110 h11 , 0 1 .11t U t't extect a en CO. The lose re month revered hr ir.ro•sePp. F ire at Bement, 111 Hzsr'r. /Lt.. Fels. ]S—The Hernizt nircell.7 H. /lust, were deetro•e,' t+7 srs list r.:sht. Lou 15,CU1. which Irma 'Made- Marine Intelligence NOZIOLZ, Feb. 11—The Stan.sh tin; Vic-tons. ftem Canienui. bound to Belntone.. with renieves. went Lahore on WltOttlien. in the Chen...peek* Bee, on rho 14th inst. She was bitted. and soon filled wtt) water. taitistasee hes been sent to her. Railing of the City of Washington. NIA' Your., Feb. U.—The staamfaiy, City of Wuh nttan auled at noon, wits 17 , / ro.ea.:e:s and RV epochs. nOBEIV:11 Toe Mates —r. S. Dual agent Prentiss brought Henry Runkle, of Monroeville, to thle city last evening. ender arrest for ?ebbing the malls at that place. Runkle hes been employed as a tele graph operator at the dept at Sfor.raevilla. The 'malls lie over night in the depot, end he had a 'tine 'opportunity to plunder. Re was lodged In jail. Mr. Prentice has been endeavonng to detect Kunkle for Rate time, and yesterday Es endenven came to something. Letters were trace-1 to Mtn roeville, the junction of the S. 31 A N. end Sceth• ern division of the C A T. Railrcads, where they unaccountably disappeared. A thornorh search wu at once instituted. and on Sunday last abect two bashes of letters were found in the unit cf a privy near the spot. Suspicion attsehed to the telegraph operator at that point, on the Sszdnehy, Stansteld, and Newark Railroad. a lad f.ftern veers of age, named livery D. Kunkle. and yeatar. day ha contented to having carried on a !plc.= robbing the mails fora perixi et nearly a year put. The mails were changed at Monroeville from the C. & T. road to the S. AM N. R. B.— and new rerso. and the mail bsgs frequently lay in the telegraph office, where it was cairomary to learn them Ibr the epsee of twenty-fowl:tont% and some times longer. Me said he used to shake the letters down to the mouth of the bag, and get possession of the letters by inserting a thumb and finger be tween the staples through which the strap taws by which the bag is fastened. lie seknowledgel that be got about $l5O out of the mails. but it is estimated that the sum of about :NO 13 missing To show how erneditione he was. a draft for .11153 was mailed as Oberlin for Mansted, oa Satnrdsv last, at 10 o'clock A. M and at 10 o'clock A. M . the following day the letter was found among the other letters in the privy —Cleveland Plats dealer, Feo.l6tlt. NEGRO EICITEIfireT it Nf.fTet - son.—On TV! , day a man visited Newburgh and endeavored to get an insane negro woman Into the saylna there. For some reason her admission was declined, and the man proceeded to the village hotel with the woman. A rumor greed through the town that the woman was a fugitive save. and that the man was berowner, and was about taking her bask to slavery. A large crowd, headed by the most prominent Abolitionists of the place, conzregated at the bo.el. The man kept perfectly cord during the excite ment, respoctfully tensing to answer any of the numerous questions that were pet to him by the crowd. He said, however, that the woman was craly, and that he was entaimas to . plena her in a ro pper retreat. This was not wittsfectory The crowd said they mast "liberate her." and they at length made themselves so disagreeable that the man took out his well-lined pocket-book, and that he would give any man in the etew.l, wt.> could give estisfaetery evidence cf his responsi bility and kilialteu, $2OO to take the woman cf hie heads. nobody took up the (Zee era the men left. We anlerstami he if from Kenthetiv, and that the woman is a daTlV—Plaindtater,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers