TIIE PRESS. ,-MrliWi+lY; ) lo,lr• (13trulako:lttoilsamsq antEST. )044Ly_ /PRESS. . TwariiiipamtinacWirilludaytib.sto Lh.Y eiltrilbra: allied to Babeisribers out the il!ty at Biz Porixels .r.1 1 '614 Doitioui itos '14%0 Moines; TxsautOoLutioi VOY Bu ritortermomeirrmaigr : venal for the time MOW ' - X„ ta IfOaatibari ota of • tit* Citr at !Nan aan PIM "mum, In !Wyman.. • ' • s lalitia . oooOB JRAIIIERS. 'rsxraNa. 40g.DS. & '• 1,1101.3841 E reilatrati AIREHIN DPMBSTIO D.R :Y 0 0 D IS • 2 To; 840 MARKET int/MY infw GOODS 4.oeloilig.vvity 'ay' for ' ki- t fiaant, SI TAP LZY-- .01-1 . =E. & 00,. bitiOrtors bßilitia, ',VIM GOOD% • - • LAMB, abd - , 'l 3 / 4 DROIDIiII,EIE4 NO: 3a! kigallT ernizirr. ' ' 111177 Oi prawn! Wok, saloeuid M tint bog Phiiiiiitek Slarkipts tgr.prasyraf,,i!o,tki• ?wet eocohop,ro My, :bier - • p41.04..-IFERBi9osc'.oo, ' Nse. ,rt,TTfits4 , • „ - 1 1. 0EIR/LIBB, ' ifAl EigT BAN T D', • - .632 OCIMATER AN OA Mtn% Or gar =arcsatoree bag= S r =tabor a forte, / I ,IIPYT p)?.0,1033Ja1 mARKArrs. 1860. . ESTO, ITT So CO.: DOMSBIIO • - 1 f 14,4 9 1. 8 •MMULIT BTREB?A 111.14 m. . ISTEWART & liIPOOTIIIRO AND .10OBBBEI OP SILK FANCY DREW 00014, 210GALARKIT eget or galVir sf..l ". o,,ZOLTLiti l ikli the . aik a t i f h osab mutt prompt cm-months ouyers tl' ' "'tea ' mt,lo 0 eplgi e leg b a4,4l: : :n oy end the new neulxkuiv on mad. reg,ka, , . . j COHN 13; STRYICER & Mt 110 ,IiARKET ST., SOUTH * BIDE, AD. TEIDD , ' PRILADDLPHIA. WROLBBALE DE .LREB =ENO% AND. AMU= D' 13, "ir G O ,0 D lit . A.D6 wok', oil-010tkl, an d Mettinti, bought atltimilon, and - SOLD AT REDLIDED'PRIODIL 1611-ka DE COURSEY„ • LAFOUROADE, & CO.. RATE REMOVED TO NO. all CHESTNUT STREET, eIAYNE'S HALL, imam IUE LSE EOW 71IC;rliff WOLK SPRING IMPORTATIONS OF MEN . ANT) BOYS' WEAR, To w* Um dent. 9i. &hellion of dealers in anti 'gods, • jrNol3: - BLI.4S9IsTIictS9NS. 109 ,A.A.13,101T- STREET, (Booond ddorVolow PasOrtto - :MCPOATERI* .141 D JOBIliAll Olt 111,471112. ' OASSIMBRES,' , YEBTINGes , .- • -TAILORA' ; , , . nifiaanTlio ttis' &Winton 'of buyilmwto Owns kw Otn , JPANOCCIOSSISERILES; Vdlntlied. and dif- OLOTRS and DOBESICISS, in "Auks ;Cad Colois; and oflir.ihs assoloslve awls in Ptdlsdolphin of lIILGEIVA oolsbnitad soaks of Cloths tad Doisalciii; also, La Favorite; downsss; (narnated to Q. nowd.) sad MACRINF., TWIAZIn so • f!itb'?a FTER, PRICE, & CO., IMPORTRIO3 ANO JOBBBRO OF FGRBION AND DOMESTIC D, G.O 0 D Pp. 1115-MIR6JIT PHILADELPHIA ltddle ' SPRING GOODS. B.4.ROROVT & ,we. 4os AAD 407 suaFwr 'trraurr, /I.IIP.O3TARB J'OBBEIRS or YORRIGN ADD DoMBYTIO DRY 00%Di: Pato& now Gongola and reed; for tinier'. NUN SPRING, 1880. yvir . L l 4ll 3 l4 . erjo i r v tig=on. .To — wannittp, ' Azantsw H. - "Poopaa. 'M. WOOD, MAKER, .4 HAYWARD,' Imaarteriaad WhohnemDpedere la DR Y 'dr" 'CY D ix!) 'CIL6THING. swam No. 009 MARKET Skeet. Philadelphia. WURTS, AIIIST.IE. & MoVEIGH. impos.T.Eas AND JOBBBII3 • DRY GOODS, A No. b s t g e tf r enser anon, • y ri i a atirn;.N.olratirk,l EMLLDILIMIL. 011 flevirequer, j INfth Blyjala. - fiß tra. -• • ' #OGSE.fIUDNISIEUNG GOODS. HOUSE "FURNISHING STORE. ril•wwm;Tryv,wliq - .110. 1020 9 . IIII2TNUT MEET, (Itititeduilelf opposite the,Aoadeote of Fins Arts.) I n vitee the attention of 1101181i1CHEPER0 and Whereto Ina extensive eesortment of Train notisimßErinto doom, TABLE CUTLERY. NURSERY FENDERS, alum() DENIES. FIRE SCREENS. ?LATE WARMERS. TEA BOYS. Av.. /cm i&S-tntlistf ii , APER SLANGING& ago. TO CLQSE . BUSINESS. HART; SIONTGOIiERY, fc NO. 322 amitivivri , wraißrr, Win EA out, through this *aim' and eon sprite, their • large stok et PAPER HANGINGS. Ooasistiag of every variety oonneetedsrith the bunko.. AT GREATLY REDIMEE PRIORG. FIRE MN= PAPERS A! SO, PER OENT. BB LOW CIOST.' • Fermi Tenths thin Ronan Pavan& on An nit BAIMAINS. HOOTS ANR SHOES: BrtoTaErts. biAt4DP;AOTURNRA AND INIOIABALEI I:IBA,LIZES IN CITY AND BANTBRN-7AADB BOOTS AND .SHOES, .ticimiiiiand, 4 a 4 1 /diMt= STREET, , ; ;mow WWII Street, south Wet - LE,witilk itAtAIN; 4 C 0. .- ... *Of 4N1:91.Er0/1 WAS'S:IIOI3O— : - ,'"." . .'Atitf , tt F A 0 TOR Ir. „ . ! . , .„ ~ - . . . . 4, NO. 505 3 , 10.1117 STREET, PHIL I ADEILPHIA. we 1it44,00i,,0p hOsittailtztiiistoojitiotu Of WOO .- oa SAtlr.p,Ot_ovorraomotiitionot -.-. ', -- 'CiUki p tit-A3to,:gesTratto nottWAd'rif*: 10 iwStplif;iii.iiviti:tigi Attootiott ot tklittioro ~.:"..tiq-lin <'• • ' I,* lAt• = ' - f/ • , ..• yen , . ,•,. trtt li ," i //i 4/0;•..- , • , 40 * • R . , • ; , ' A - / • 7- - •.. I , • . ami • . . •. ; . . vie • R - _ • . • PP . • • • • 173. ',:inti;doiAiti JOBBERS. SHAW, de BR coTHER nAvr, itiamovßn To NO. alls 'ANNE T 13TNE ET, Where they tialia o hand a camellia* aomorteneat of • la , T- H S ; • • OASSIMENES VESTINGS &o. Maio ioi the AMMO 13HABON, (ro *Welt they tweite t.le attention of Muer& feld-Im SPRING TR&DR. lB6 O. DALE. ROSS, & WITHERS, . • 5211 MAROS% aitp 618 COMM/CROO 131, PMCLADELPICIA, IMPORTERS AND JOBI3IIIIB or SILK & ' FANCY GOODS. Itarencitraoi•totzttiotook, to whioli ties:lnvite Ow attention of bawl. 'felo-141 INtOOIE,- GRANT, & 00., . „ 10404T/I'RA AM') ViNOLIMIAiiSDIiii..ENN IN 'OOIIIB 3 0A1380.04103, VBEITINUO, £llO TAILOAS' TRIMMINGS, No. 388 MARK T STREET, (Np IStalm) An ow opening their Spring Moak. to irtitoh tfiq to. Into the attention of the trade. fillet , . J. W.:GIBBS & SONS. • - No. on Mitpa Mawr. now, orminj . their . A'r.g.r.rfor sioor or GOODS Adeeted to MEN'S WEAR. In videb "11l be fopd a fall'essottment of IMMO, poiaKINS,VBIITINGS,i'IIIMMN OS. Ito. he-tot , 1001WERIS & .SON. 111MOIT>®1 AND DRANIag tp cesentEßEs. • VMSTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, Ito., No. 32 SOUTH FOURTH - STEM% 4Dotwoon Market and Chestnut Strati,) P.TILLADELPRIA, WILIALkt S MAIM, OSIALKLIT NOIIIIIO. A . . NF., LITTLE & 00, SILK GOODS. N. 826 MARKET STREET. A SUPRRE ASSORTMENT :LINEN GOODS, OF MY OWN IMPORTATION, NOW OPENING, AND FOR BALE By JOSIITJA 'L. DAILY, lIdPORTER AND JOBBER, aIS BET 5T15113T, PHILADELPHIA. ke43-tr MEERENLA.OII PRINTS, Tware7, Ksw imam • THIS Diii;imuuvusx ars, you sus In • 13'01iiilitrAu" L. BAILY, NO. 913 BLOM BTRBET, felSll PRILADBLPIIIA CANTON. FLANNELS. KNOW MOB, m AMOSILEAO, KENNEDBO, • Blesohed, Unbleached, and Colored ,CIANTON FLANNELS. BY THE PISOBOR CASH. JOSHUA L. BAILY, • 213 MARKET STREET, MILLINERY GOODS: • ifatSPRIN__G STOOK] ARRANGED. -EN ID O. attic. largest and MORI soMpleili 'Kooks of goods In !Arline in this (*unity. The *et terms and the ehespest Priem • I-L'.GARDEN & Oa, nanifeettfrers of, and Wholesale Dealers in HATS,'OAPA, FURS, SILK and STRAW BONNETS, and STRAW GOODS, soILITIVICIAL PLOWIttI. 71tA21131t11. Bonitos. Noe. 600 and 606 MARKET STREET, B. W. corner Biath. fe7-gin SPRING OF 1860. MARTINS, PEDDLE; HAMRICK, ea CO., No. 80 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Save now in store, end are dells receiving, complete linen of the following deslrable goods, 'ILI HOSIERY AND GLOVES. SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS, PARIS AND CANTON FANS, SUPERB BELTS. PARIS COMBS AND BRUSHES, NOTIONS OF EVERY RIND, Adapted to Bonthemned Western Trade, to which we Invite the attention of first-elaso borers. 163.8 a, DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. B FAHNESTO OK 8c 00. DRUGGISTS ' IMPORTERS, AND WHOLESAILS DEALERS IN DRUGS ' anionoets, SPONGES, 111211.10111 AND WORZION ISe SMStIAL OILS, AO., bpd Manufacdurere and Sole Provision; of B. A. PAHNESTOOK'S VERMLFUGE, No.. 7 and 9 NORTH PIPTII STREET, • East gee, a few doors above Market, feiern PUILAD*FRIA MIIGS, GLABEI, PAINTS, &a. Roßt. SHOEMAKER & CO. 1 siORTHEAAT 00.11.Mit 011 BIS AND DADD OrRENTEI, WnOLEBALS DYLUGGiFITS, tikaerters sal Dealers to WINDOW DIAN/ 'PAINT& 8144,ponte the attention of atfUNTRY MERCHANTS vto their lure dock of Goods, srlitah they offer at the tweet market ratty. 044 ADZES' DRESS 'TRIMMINGS. 1860. SPRING, 1860. EVANS & HASSALL, IMPORTERS OF LADIES' 'DRESS TRIMMINGS, No. 01 11. FOURTH STltlint Ase itniroOoning Sao oaiortment of NOVELTIES' POll TAB 8141ING SIMON, T o *oh they Invite dot atte ntion or boson. ro3-Iln VINEGAR:7:4OO bbls. Clarified Cider tv e t White Wine ViEtgar o W t ilt? • . ;i: 116 — D180.--4306401. Extra-Grand Bank N.:" In Atm and for mile, TAynt.A. co., 311.01 011 NOR warm . 'lB6O 81RAW (OOD2. . •1860. THOMPsorT* lENXiisTs. . • OVORTirR/3 Arrt. Jonißs OF STRAW Coops; AND OAFS. , BILK BoNNETV, • , ARTIPIOIALTLOVERS. RUoßlie, Ay, ' • , NO. aim, MARKET STREET. ' Bigots are tegbeated to eked:atm our stook. , MOW 1; FRALEY is enraged with the above house, end solicits the patronage of his Mende. . deg-Iro • MILLINERY AXD ,STRAW GOODS IiXOLUSIVRLY. BROOKS. - • 481 /WRIT STRUT, NORTH UDR, Are nod °Solna, for the Boring Trade. the most ex tensive mid choloost steak in their hue em soUndati together under one roof. illElN)Nlit of every ooneelsable deeoription, i • BONNET MATERIALS. „ FRENORARTIFIOAL FLOWERS. RUCHES, and all other milliner? artless STRAW BONNETS IN IMMENSE VARIETY. CHILDREN'S AND MINES GOODS, DO. BLOOMERS, BEARER HOODS, km Consolowo of our inspector Isolates in obtatains our !swim we dotter massive, that stmenor Indus mute, ooth as regards choice of @ieation and modera tion in prioH, cannot be met with. fea-gai F ° R EVENING PARTIES BPLEtTHAS, 047/118, SETS, SLEEVES, sad 017778, In Real Lao, Drape. JRuelon, Blipi and Imitation. in greet valietlei, o[th• NEWIST EITYLIIB, ALSO, 4-4, 6-4, 0.4, 9.4, 10.4 ILLUSION, TIELATANB, GRAPES, Ao., *cob below the one ertoes. WARBURTON'S. 1004 CHESTNUT Street, above Torah Street, SOO South SECOND Street, below Sumas 1412-11 • STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. LINCOLN. WOOD, do NICHOLS. No. 785 CHESTNUT STREET, gave now In ee (Bet N wn Seventh and Eighth,) EO ()OWLETS STOCI Of SPRING GOODS. WIERACONO iTRAW HATS SONNET#I, IVEy DROV E B RAW GOODR, FRE e&IV I LM.t,ILNIBONii e rd MIIINERY GOODId I GENE L, To Irloon dm respoolluß7 invite la attention of merchants. Cash and abortAimp buyers voll find illegal Myna- Ws in modular Una afoot before purchasing. f.3-Ong. ••• HILLBORN JONES. Importer and rdamtfitoterer of FANCY SILK AND STRAW PIONNETS AND HATS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FBATIIIIRB, IMMO. ece. 'The attention of City and Country Dealer. 111 invited to a large and ?tried stook of the above goods at 1 482 MARKET STIIEET. ~iS 6m Below Fifth. 140ORE:,,HENSZEY.& CO. HARDWARE, OUTLERY, and GUN WA2IIIIOIIBE, No. 697 MASEET, and 418 COMELEROEBtraats PRILADELFILIA. faS-tea DOROAB, NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. 1860. 1860. SPRING SHAWLS. ALEXANDER CLARK. 1 81 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK, itfi NOW OPEN, AND OF/ERE TO THE WHOLE SALE TRADE, on liberal Mau, a lame and splendid stook of PRINTED (JAMMER& BRAWLS, STELLA SHAWLS, 'IN BROGUE AND PRINTED BORDER& Also, the LARGEST STOOK of WOVE BRODER BORDERS, IN BETS, Ever offered in thm Market, AB THE ABOVE WERE ALL BOUGHT PERSON ALLY, on the most Advantageous term, by the ad vertiser, be 14 enabled to offer them at orloes that ma. oommand the attention daft FIRST-CLASS BUYEEB fe3-1m ==MI! AUGUST BELMONT & CO., BANKERS. NEW YORE, Jerre Letters of Credit to Travellers available in ALL PARTS OF TEE WORLD, THROUGH MI • MEM& ROTEBOLULD, OF ?ASIR, LONDOY, FRAHM:IRn VIENNA, ,NA J ArLEf.f, AND THEIR CORRESPONDENTS efll-6m MRS. WINSLOW, EXPERiBNCED TIME AND PBMALE rhyeiotao, preeenta to the attentloo _of mother' her SOOTIIINii SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly faciiitetee the proems of teet l iinr ll e t eofteAlEgp , e i llotile d red uoia innammail t ion - tap ' " fitlßE H.= 4'l li ETift t a u v‘ i f i ßLB Depend 115.0111 t, mother., a will give teat to youreelves a IiRLIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. ire have put up and sold yenta, and can say. le con nr " isio ' :ie h t NT.tr e a r g een Ot.'l suANFJ timely, used. ever di dissatisfAction y any on trary,all are delighted spealt in term, of highest] cal effects end medical vial matter " what we do experlenocand pledgeour tnent of what we here de Instance where the infant exhaustion. relief will be Tp u ti ' t ill Seat gil t A/3 1 y.t7g t fie r WE P light i ta never- adliwz r i t st s It riot only relieves the vigoratee the stomaob and end jives tone and energy wiltelmost instantly re- BOWELS AND WIND vubdons,_whieb, if not death. We believe it the) the world, in all canon 0 RHQBA /N OfilLDßt N. teething or from anyothe every mother who hes the foregoing complaints nor the prejudices o rout suffering child and BURY—yea. ABSOLUT use of this medipine. i None for Wring Viltl 400071 fE i l l ig s lq u e n v i r e U l k, l T: n o t ; Sir Sold by Druggists t pal Who. N 0.13 CEDAR rrice Pd aunts a bottle. JUST REOEIVED, PER. G A consignment of new end beentifig STEEEOSOOPIO VIEWS, width Ti offer at veryressonable ortoel. EDWARD PARRISII. 101-tf • 800 ARCH Street. PRIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW Prigtao obtain the oontenti. Address Wlp e lil l A rn li Tihirivrt, roudrette Offlot_ _ tio. ma North SECOND Street. miLLpimaY GOODS. HARDWARE. ItILEDIOINAJL. thisf ide n ti t i °l'il:d for g e o r f t r .. , ble to sap oi Any 014. IP FAILRD no a 8 Fif CT A CURE. 3 , 7 en, we know an instance of who used it. On the con with its operations. and mine ndationof its masi • toes, We speak in this know," after ten years' reputation for the fulfil elate. In almost enrol is sutferin g from pain and found in fifteen or twenty ft t nin nag rei l ? !EI/UTZ&B t SiItRI end bas been used with OF OASES, child from pain, but in bowels, corrects Rolditr, to the wholes y atom It Have (3 Ri PING Ice Tif h. COLIC and overcome con speedily remedied, end in hest and wrest remedy in DYAENTRRY and D A whether it arisen (from otiose. We would say to child Hunting from any of do not let your prejudices, others, stand between the relief that will be t,Y SORE—to follow the timely used. Pull data- Mier eaoh bottle, None mile of CURTIS & PRE the outside wrapper. ughout the world. Prinol rest, Now York. 1726-1 Y PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUNRY 21, 1860. cosmssioN ndusts. WETBERED BRO.'S NWT 13TYIAR BINOLg•MXLLED SPRING OASSINIERTI.S. JUST RECEIVED AND FOB SALIg ROBERT E. EVANS. rewthstuie 218 ORE TNUT STREET. OGUIDO BBEININI • BLACK SILK SEWINGS. WARRANTED IN EVERY REEPAT EQUAL TO ANY SILK SOLD. For sale by ROBERT E. EVANB O 616-thotet 216 IiKEEITNUT STREET. FARRELL & MOR # IIB. fit OitESTNUT BTR.BET, IMPORTERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS OLOTIL9. OAIRILDERRED, DOESKINS, AND SURING AND AMUR 00ATIN65, 1 MANTHLBTO, WOLFE el: 00., WHOLESALE ' CARPETING, OIL-CLOTH, AND MATTING WAREHQUE3E, NO. 1012 CHESTNUT STREET, ifir Amor for Philadelphia Owlet hlanuesedurenk 149-Srn FROMM/HAM & WELLS, • LIITITIA STREET, AND $4 SOUTH FRONT STRUT. OOTTONA.DES. liftable for both Olothion and Jobbers, in lonro IDINSIMICR COATII4OS AND CIABRIDERETTI Made by Weabiaatee Mill& I?r n dhltfalrea for theme desirable goodi for apring trade. FROTHINGHAM & WELT S. 84 BOIPTH YRONT, AND 36 LETITIA STREET, Aga AGENTS for the sale of Goods Bitenufaotnied by the following Companies, Pis fdassionciarrgo, LACONIA., Oast/ Fay.gg, ar Litst, VWIOIIT, PII legman, BLITLIT. Brown, 01daed, and Colored Embus, Illdstings bank ann ROBESON'S BLUE FEINTS, liehiPmiN COMPAR Yid AND coTToNADts id greet varier,. WASHINGTON -MILLS (Former!, Dal idtate) ftawla, Plano and Table Cavort, Printed Felting!, Yl TlVAfilAZ i r,.ai d ia C io . t r t" a W nir I PlPtivicrri lc Satinets. an Tjaeaa. es ' aatu PATENT rya, AND SEAL SKU COATINGS. THE SUBSCRIBERS, lots AGENT/ IN ?)/i UNITED STATEN For the shove degonption of goods of the well-known reenafgature of MEM. BDWIN FIRTH tt BONE, 11E0KMONDWIKE, YORKSHIRE. ENGLAND. Are preparing to exhibit sample' of the venous gunn ies, and to take f or irranediate or future deli very. to mutt the oonvenenoe of the trade. The goods cannot be purchased through the custom ary channels in England, and all orders for the United Mates muet go through the subsoribere. WRAY & GI LLIL AN. PHILADELPHIA, and FANSHAWIL MILLIKEN, A TOWNSEND, 1810-tuthdiarn Now York. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, /b HIITINEINtION, NO 110 OFIEBTNOT HZ. COMMISSION MEROHANTS - ' , OR TIE SALE OP PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. o#l4nl CARPETINGS. M'OALLUM & CO., CARPET MANUFAOTURRitB, GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. Alio, Important and Dealers in CARPETING% OIL C3LOTHS. MATTING. RUGS. &O. WAREHOUSE H'S CHESTNUT ST.. (Cemite the State Rouse.) Southern and Western buyers are reepeetfUlly Invited to call. fee 3m CARPETS. F. A. ELIOT tc CO., Nos. 33 and 34 North FRONT Street, are the SOLE AG* NTS in Philadelphia for the ROXBURY CARPET COMPANY, and have constantly for sale a SW assortment or VELVET and TAPESTRY CARPETS, of chow° patterns. Also, a large supply of the various kinds of CAR PETS menufeitured in Philadelphia oar and county, from nearly all the boat manufteetarers. Dealers will And It to their lettered to oall and °Wenn these goods, which are offered for sale on the molt fevered° terms. 11 4 .11.—P. A. ELIOT & CO, being the Bole Anew in P,hiladelphis for the sale of the Worsted and Carper Yarns spun by the Baxonville Mills (formerly the New England Worsted Company.) and being agents also for the Baldwin, Wilton. and Abbott Companies, have peculiar facilities for keeping constantly for sals the various kinds of Carpets manu(aotured in Philadelphia, o the most favorable terms. SHOE FINDINGS. WM. JOHNS Bc . SON. ISIPORTER AND DEALERS IN BOOT, SHOE, atuf GAITER MATERIALS, LASTINON, GALLOONS, SHEETINOS. PATENT LEATHER, FRENCH KID 9, LACETB, SLIPPER UPPER/3. &o. N. E. CORNER FOURTH Amu ARM STREETS fo-em UMBRELLAg. SLEEPER & FENNER. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUPAOTURRRS, No. 336 MARKET STREET, fallm VBILADELPSTA WM. A. DROWN & 00,, UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUFAOTURERS. Pro, 216 MARKET STREET, tB -1I PHILADELPHIA AA FACT WORTH KNOWING -THE only plaoepp ie t e v t tvils o r ti : Veiny Invited Have g er NU above Fonrth, North side. best on hand. A l ets PelrUltxilnTrylVAhttirg.t., IIAOKEREL.-500 bble Primo No. 1., C , SOO bbla Law No; 8,, 200 Lbw Small No. A, and an eortment of Paokages. For sale 27 WM. J. TAYLOR CO., =I and 114 riOwni Whirves. ,• ,or 4, Vrtss. At tl;ti lasi meeting 9f the Geographical So ciety of London, held on the 28d January, an unusually largo number of members attended, to heat a paper read •urion the practicability of making a railway across tho Andes. Slr Roderick J. Murchison,' Vico President of the Society, was in the Chair, and among the mem bers ;present ware Lord de Blaquiere, Generals Sir G. Polloele„, rettlooli, Pox add ft Phil4o, Admiral htz-itoy, g irJohn Bennie; gir T. Fremantle; Sir J. Davis, ColonelslAtil; derson, Foie, and Willoughby, t33ptuinb 0911111-, son,' Ostairtl; C6eh; rano; Pattilled, taretal,, en : pike, RI 'N., Mr. IYarro,',l4LX, Consul Onnsen, Captains W. H. Walker, Allen `..Dung, Sydney Webb, Espinasee, Jenkins, n3l Herd, Messrs. E. 0. • Smith, Barrow, Crawford, Arrow smith, &c. We give these names of tra velled, educated, and scientific men, to shew bow much Interest the subject excited. On or dinary occasions, not more than half-a-dozen imembers' attend ? and we have boon present when thel meeting consisted of the Chairman, two other members, and the Secretary. There is something astonishing in the mere idea of having a railway across the Andes. Thirty years ago, (next• September,) the 'greatest anxiety. was felt, in commercial as well as is scientific circles, relative to the small bit, of railroad--only thirty miles long, from Liverpool to Manchester—which George Stephenson, the Father of practical and Oft ticable Itailwaylam, had constructed, at vast cost, amid great opposition, with surprising perseverance, and almost as an eXperlment. 110 succeeded, and We all know hew widely and hew beneficially Railwayism has since spread itself over meet retie of tho civilised world, lessening the length, and diminishing the expense of journeys, and if not, actually prolonging life, certainly giving us more time to live in. tut the idea of a Railway across tho Andes, from Caldera to Rosario, via Cor dova, is more stupendous than any, connected with this description, which has yet been broached. The paper read before the Geographical So ciety In London was written by one of the Fel lows 'of that body, Mr. William Wheelwright. Re is no obscure man, but a practical and ex perienced worker, Whose success In the estab lishment of steam communication along the shores of South Amelica, and the construc tion of a railway across the Isthmus of Pana. Sea, is well known; has been engaged for se. vend years in the construction of railways in Obili, in which he has had occasion to use sharp cams and steep gradients. Among Chow already executed is that item Valparai so to Santiago and Talcahuano ; from Caldera to Coplapo, Pabolion, and Cbanaxillo ; and from Coplapo to Tres Pantos. In their con struction he has used gradients of ono hula. tired and fifty-two end two hundred and fifty feet per mile, and carried theta to an elevation of six thotisand cis hundred feet above the level of the sea. ' The success of these various and difficult enterprises led Mr. Wheelwright to believe that, by a similar system, the Andes might crested and the tail run oti to Rosario, Cordova, Indistance altogether of 1,100 tulles. the route has been carefully explored, the elevations fixed by barometrical measurement, and tho Pass of San Francisco ascertained never to be blocked by snow, travellers cross ing it at all ineasona. Mr. Wheelwright thinks that the construction of such a railway, though difficult, is practicable, and the advantages that would accrue by opening up the South American States to commerce, the Rio do la Plata being navgable at the foot of Rosario for vessels drafting twelve feet of water, would be very groat; in addition to which It was stated that t would place England within fifty days comnunication of Australia. On the east of the Andes the slope is gradual, and presents Attie difficulty, while on the westers aide the descent is very steep, and li would require severe gradients. The heavy traffic, conalsing of minerals, would, however, be front the nouatains to the shore, and the carriages weld descend by their own weight, while the return traffic, consisting of lighter goods, might be drawn up the incline by powerild locomotives. It appears that the South American States are so fully alive to the advantages they will derive from tho execu tion o: this project that the Argentine Repub lic; hasofierod a free grant of land, five miles in breadth, on either side of the railway. BATINSTS PANTALOON STUFFS, Comments were rnado upon Mr. Wheel wright,s proposition. Admiral Fitz-Roy, who has beat one of the Lords of the British Ad miralts and previously had travelled in South Americo, declared that ho had tho greatest confldeace in Mr. Wheelwright, and believed the emstrimtion of the railway to bo practica ble, tht only serious difficulty being for about thirty piles, across the summit of the Andes, and, slould it prove greater than could l3 e. overcono, common roads might be made for that potion of the route, and, even with that break Mho communication, the railway would be of immense advantage. In answer to an objectiot front Mr. Hamilton, he stated that on somoof tho railways in Norway and in the United Hates gradients occur of ono In thirty, and ever as steep as one In twenty.fivo, and thtit potzerful engines, with ton wheels, four of them driving, have been constructed for drawing rains up these steep inclines. Captali Sullivan, of the Royal Navy, drew attentionto the navigability of the Rio de la Plata, staing that he had ascended to Rosario in a vossd of sixteen and a half feet draught of water. Here, it any rate, is a pretty good endorse ment of hr.' YiTheelwright'a project. If com pletod, wilt British money, it will place Eng land witlin fifty days communication with Australia, A REIZAIKAHL% WILL.—Ttle will of Mr. John Rose, a retred merchant of New York, whose de• cease was innounoed some weeks ago, makes a nonditionalbequest of $300,000 to the city of Now York, for do eduantion in agriculture of indigent white ohlidon. The condition is that a corm. ponding sue should be appropriated by the city, or raised byoharitablo contribution:, for the per. chase and rapport of a farm in tho neighborhood of New York, to be devoted to the education and training to acrioultural pursuits of pauper children. If this purptee be not carried out the $300,000 goes to the Amerban Colonization Society, for the de- portation aril support of free blacks in Liberia. The thecad was a bachelor, and a baoheler brother of logo wealth is constituted his sole ex ecutor, with the remainder of his estate—about ssso,ooo—plend in his charge for benevolent and charitablo dstribution. The only personal be• quests aro 'gift of $20.000 to his executor, and $12,000 to andher broths:, now advaneed In years. The whole vauo of the estate. principally in pro. duotive stook; is reckoned at $BBO,OOO. The foun dation of thb large wealth was laid in ono of the Southern cilia. rjr A Freshman has invented what is called a barotrope, a set of human locomotive, by which a man site on wleels, and walks himself along five miles in thirlyfive minutes on the Boulevard Mr :ear of Paris,tt noon, when the; street was most crowded. At tnother time the sarae men made thirteen rollesin ninety-six minutes, the °larches being so easy hat they offered to keep it up alter nate hours, da: after day, and thought they could, without difficulty, average fifty or sixty miles a day. A singuar thing about it is, that it beats the best turn-outs in steep grade, if they present a compact or pawd surface. Ausarten Or ilium—The Easter's Argus says that the Rev. Itl•. B—, pastor of the Congrega- Ronal ohuroh, n Gilead, Mo., on Sunday week tackled hie horn to a sleigh, took in some butter and eggs and i lot of tin-ware, and started for Gorham, N. ll.,about ten miles distant, to dispose of the former snd to have the latter mended. Arriving there, be was muott aatonlahed to learn, as he offered hi produce for sale, that it Ina fun- day. It woo wth some difficulty that he wee con vinced of the Set. Bat upon coming to the eon elusion that it waa Sunday, he said ho would re turn and preael to hie congregation in the after noon. TURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1860. Isltzitvily . 4:efais size Aniles. 1.?•31; , 4 1.f 4,11 The Periodicals. EDlNlltiltoll BB* Il&W The new number of the Rclin6argls Revietd, republished at New York has reached us through the hands of Mr. ti'. B. Eicher, diebt for the four British'Reviews and Blackwood. It opens With in 'Article frill of interest on that apparently ex• bantam eutlodt—.Mortallty in Trades and proles elond-:.and shows lied far Balance has boon Ali to cheek the evil., There follows a paper upou Raw- Boson's 'llerodotus,, and, another upon Professor Roger's deft' touching' the Coal yield' of North Atherica and Great Britain, To this succeed tyro book-criticisms; one eery iMidatory,, with well- Selected extract!, of Mrs', book upon Lord Elgin's Minden to , China and Japan; the other, carefully avoiding lengthened quotation, upon the second 'Series of ,A.Utp 2 /&p.744 *. tope, TVS Wit t le onCel;thei r *Attr Stitt aqui tie erei - liorell, eye? than Msoatday's ebrbrd''idtier Croke!s,, Beswelßs. Ootutson; The fact that,,Bii,,,r4W4 slatoon-Writes largely for Rllo4lierll Arasqs ine sought, loot. have in cluded the ,AifOurgh Pen"eitl to 'Mill his groat W. , rk with contumely. A great work, notwith- ; standing its author's Toryism, Allson's history of . Europe is, and it is a storehouse of facts, made Very acoessitdo by an excellent index.-,The article on the Molimatisation of Animals , is fall of in terest. That Upon the trogrens of Legal Reform tea tbick.en4,': 'at eulogy of Lord Brougham. The roost read article is a long notice of the re• oontly pu'vlished biography of Madame Recamier traditionally known as the loveliest and most grace = - tut woman'of the trot Yresch Revolution, and the first Empire. 'The , biography, by her adopted daughter, is largely quoted from, and we °bone with satisfaction, that all the extracts are trans. filed into English, the pratfall pedentio habit of the Edinburgh Review, being, to give extract" from Vrenoh and Italian books in the original langitago, which sadly tantalised two-thirds of its readers, who were not each good linguists as the reviewer. Next is s paper upon British Taxation, the object of which is to show John Bull that, though literally ground down to the earth, by fisoal bonbons of the heaviest desoriptlon, his taxation is that be pap less than Vrence, and "maul derably" less than the United States; that Ms reve nue is more economically eolleoted than the revenue of France and of the United States; and that the prOsent fiscal system of England, so far from pressing with any unfair severity upon the working classes,' Is not one-sixth of that paid by the middle and upper classes, and bears a much smaller proportion to their Income." This is an Impudent assertion, because it Ls flagrantly untrue, It is evidently put forth, at this time, in the Edinburgh Review, the think-and-thin partisan of the Whig party, now governing Eng land, In order to weaken the effect of Mr. Bright's recent exposuie of the weight and inequality of taxation in England, and to prepare the public mind of that wintry for new taxes, or a new loan of ten or fifteen millions sterling, which Mr. Gladstone, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, will moat certainly make the leading feature cf his torthooming Budget. A brief notice of Lord bfacaulay appropriately closes thin number of the Edinburgh Review. As wo here mention Macaulay, this may be a suitable occasion to state that Maws. Appleton, of Now York, have jut brought out, In an octavo volume of Tit pages, a new revised edition of Lord Macaulay's Essays. It includes all the content/ of Macaulay's own collection, with the Lays of oient Rome, several Essays which he did not Insert in his own edition, and his speeches on Installation as Lord Rector of Glasgow University, and on re tiring into private life. This is the most complete collection yet published In this country, and is re markably obeap. It is embellished with Aileen ley's portrait—a good, undattered likeness by the late Usury Inman. PETERSON'S LADIES' MAGAZINE. This, in our humble opinion, is the Moat readable of the ravaging. published In this city, and the illustration are almost uniformly good. '• The Trial of Patience," engraved by Illman, is a very capital 00ton—tellies its own story. It repro suits a lad, holding a great skein Of thread upon his bands, which his grandmother is slowly wind log off. Through the open door inviting play fellows aro to be seen, and his features empress how much tired he is of his compulsory task. work. A wood engraving, entitled " Covetousness," is also worth notice. There are the 'meet inArrwa lion and engravings about fashion, and an agreea ble melange of premed verse. Here is a specimen of the latter : IN MEMORIAM. ET CLARA MORRIOX Fair and serene the Sabbath dowsed—the day of peace and rest; Oh! fitting time for this sweet child to leave his mo- . . th•r'a breast For in this month, four years ago, upon a Sabbath day, They laid him on his mother's heart, where he bath lain alway, Ah, in that hour did mho divine he wail a treasure lent, That after him, with tender love, her eyes were ever lent! How hung the on etch prattling 'word! what deep jop and Barone Shone from her face like pictured esinta—a matchless mother queen God knew ehe oould not give hint up till days or trial SOTO Had robbed her boy of his proud erepatk, and changed the looks he wore. No, with that glorious dower of grace, that form so lithe and brave. Twould sure have rent her heart in twain to lay him in the gravo ! So days and woeful of wasting pain had changed he r daeing fair, And when God's messenger drew near, " Take gently" was her prayer. Calm and aerene the Sabbath sun sank In the burnished West— Calm and serene the sweet child passed into his Heaven ly rest. The eye of faith was given me to see the angels fair Who bore the spirit to its home up through the golden air, And now I know, m meadows green, by waters pure and still, Where neither tams nor sufferings come, the deer ohi'd welke at will. The angels lead him 1,7 the hand, Christ holds him nu his breast— Oh! mother fond! could e'er your love here give him loch a rest ? Rejoice! rejoice! the seers will Ace, 'the time soon come again. When he shall lie within your arms ; an angel free from stain! Rejoice! rejoice!—and yet my tears belie the ROTtill Say. Bo keenly iethic hour I feel thy anguish this bright day! On, weep no more—find some sweet spot--10M0 lone and lovely dell, Where you can Icy the oherished dust; and say, " child, 'tie well." And wheneo'er you think of him, think not upon this clay. But of the angel hosts of Heaven. where he shall dwell stymy, rir On the 221 of February the Democratic State Convention of Michigan will meet in Detroit. The Whig State Convention of North Carolina will meet in Raleigh. The People's party State Convention of Penn sylvania will meet in Harrisburg. The Opposition State Convention of Virginia will meet in Richmond. The Republican State Convention of Indiana will meet In Indianapolis. The Opposition State Convention of Tennessee will meet in Nashville. The National Union party State Convention of New Jereny will meet in Trenton. The Republican State Convention of California will meet in Sacramento, and the Democratic State Convention of lowa will meet at Dos Moines. DXATII OP THE DACORTF.R OP JAM{ Srarnesrs. Isabella Jane, the only daughter of the late James Stephens, who was executed for wife-poisoning, died at the residence of her aunt M-s. Hannah, in First avenue, on Saturday morning at hail-past seven o'clock, at the ago of eight years, mix months and fifteen days. Several weeks previous to her death the child sickened with scarlet rash, Of which she had nearly recovered, when one day she went in company with a servant to market, and overheard some one making the remark, "That Is the daughter of Stephens, the man who poisoned his wife." The stigma appeared to weigh heavily on her mind, and after returning home she fell into a fit. She last saw her father three days before his execution, when she was taken into his cell and bade him a very affectionate farewell. She was passionately attached to him, and continued to the hour of her death to deplore his cruel, and to her mysterious fate, the particulars of which had been communicated to her by her aunt. She could not understand why her father should be hung, and frequently atteated her belief in lais innocence of the *rime charged against him. On her death-bad she repeatedly prayed that God might have mercy on those who brought him to ouch an end. But a short time previous to ex piring, she bade an affectionate farewell to all in her presence, among whom were the Rev. Mr. Skinner, and other members of the Methodist church. She clasped a cousin, a youth of about ton years of age about the neck, and entreated him to meet her in heaven, where she expected to be with her father and mother shortly, and where she prayed all might coma. The child's ailment, according to the testimony of her physician, was " trouble ;" she appeared to pine away at the thought date fate which had befallen her father and mother. At 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, she was burled in the saute grave with her parents, in Greenwood Cemetery. Thus has passed away the whole family—husband and wife by_ violence, and their offspring of a broken heart.—N. Y. Trib u ne. 4 Tom Sayers, the champion, is in flue condi- tion. The Englieb 44 fancy " do not approve of the attitude of Heenan, the Benicia Boy. "lie holds hie hands up like a girl," woo the remark of a renowned ri•drvant bruiser of the light-weights, and added: " Tom will find his work cat out easy." Bat this may be mere prejudice and fancy. TWO CENTS. ' TLe . 1311 Region. (Cone nondenie of Tee Prem.) Keiratema, Feb. 17,1880 Ever sines the emitted settlements on the Alle gheny river, ,mineral all Us been collected at Ott tleek% sight • =lief ahoy, the =oath of Yraoeb steeit, at the town of Freaktle. - It rose in Roan quantities In the stream, or mu Iy margin, and was skimmed oft the =life= of the water. In aN those it was known bi the 'lulus ' l)(lspniie.ll en, and Weiland, for Its medicinal propertien ; on both bu- Ono beinge and &Wealth ialmats z. next, the more selentlinterm Istialbufalrock Was spitted to It; but its eels ware riot 'Waged or extended. • About &year ago somabody-aenoeired the kin of bodes darn Into thee rock, to try whet)** it could not be, 7 inetmeater Ariouitipi d alod re* a:peril:mita helskleterweliatasaCd esioiet 'began a t bie r ;Y pad the Arat well rue log moo esful beyond eledtittion, Others ware gate* iihdertaken, tad tlibe hare generally tiErded out well. One well yieida the incredible 'Sleuth, of a gallon a minute 'Of 'O7 oil ;'others yield half that qUattity I and lathy bitters enough i ta pay well. .01 *own, there is no' little 'mite. eat among. the people of that region, and proper ty has risen esormonely la value wherever there s a prospeot of gotp.g oil. - , „ Bat the'oll i area, s rapidly extending. A paying t ell has been 'sunk in the town of Franklin, eight bias eolith of Oil cecAc. A Mr, Hoover hu found II ori the bank of the Allegheny, three miles be ow Franklin. He Is still brains, with nefy ;roo tof in abundant supply. It is reported that a supply has been found at the Picker. or Hellen well, seven mllea below the town of Ma. ou, ou.thp (herbal riser. At libippeoeville; paver, flee beyond Clarkin, on the road to IFninklin, a ompany his been formed to try what can be found here; and rumois speak bf oil baring been disco. ered In Mercer pounty. This oil, when relined, gives an exceedingly clear fid brilliant light, and is free from offensive smell. This, doubtless. will ,outland to be Its principal qua. That it elute over a large extent of country is soaroely susceptible of doubt. The valley of the Clarion will probably be a good oil section ; but it Is more likely to exist in large quantities on the west side of the river. • This oil cannot fail to be due i, of the greatest sources of wealth to this region, r exceeding the iron and 'salt In this respect. The beginning of this business was very similar o the beginning of the salt birsinets on the Com inaugh. In 'many plaees "Mks" existed; and were well known to hunters in the early days of this country. These were " spoutyn or wet places, where a little water;sligiO l l saline, Mee from the earth, and to which deer and elks resorted to lick, and where the hunter, concealed in a little tlootb, constructed of brush, would await their doming. i These " licks " suggested the idea to the minds of some thinking men that salt water might be o%tainod by boring down a suldelent distance through the rooky strata: About 1912 or 'l3, dining the war with England, and when salt was doormously dear in this part of the country, Mr. William Johnston, an eaterprising and determined man who had resided on the Commaugb, near where Saltsburg now is, began to bore. The art kas little understood, the work bad to be dens altogether by band. and be enoorintered difficulties that would have discouraged most men. Croakers horsed around him, whose prophecies of failure and ruin annoyed him more than anything else ; and rice day be told one of them he would bore down to a: plane warmer than we like to talk about, and then be would need no fuel to boil his salt. At lest he struck a good stream of salt water, inserted his tubes and pump, erected his works, msde &st ride gait rapidly, and made a fortune. Of course he soon had plenty of follower,; and in a few years more the salt business on the Comnrausb, the kiskiminetu, and the Allegheny beesme an im portant interest, end so it continues to this day. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. 't The Washington correspondent of the New York TrsOnne says: ." The ofloisl report of the Committee on Rico. Hone of the Kansas Legislature on the dens= re. Pints has been received here, and gives a very dif fjwent complexion to the result as recently an ti oed by telegraph. That committee consists of mars. P. P. Eller, Y. M Chriatison, and J. C Lmbdin. They elate, upon information derived from the clerks of the several counties returned, mud members representing them, in both branches that the returns are very imperfect, and in nutn7 *wi7 Partial returns have been received by the Executive. They find that Doni- Phan county has returned, from four tewnshipe, 1,111 votes, and a population of 3,509. Yet, from reliable information, the registers .bow a registered vote exceeding 1,800, taring an ad- . ditional population of about 3,000. Atchison, returned with 963 votes, and a population of 3 723, has now on register 2.000, giving an addi tional population of 4 200. Riley county is not re turned, in which there are 850, and a population of 2.600. Leavenworth county has returned a vote of 3 ,445. and a population of 12 122. Reliable infor mation gives 15,000 as the population The deputy clerk of Lykins county states that between three and tour hundred votes do not appear in tb% re port, giving about 1,600 additional population. Morris. rottawatomie, and Washington counties ere only partially returned. and to some counties where there are six hundred voter,' only from fifty to two hundred registered votes are reported. In the five counties above.. mentioned, a population of 1,718 is returned, and a vote of 664; in the aggre gate, less than one-third of their actual vote or po pulation, which difference, if added to the popula tion now returned, would swell the total about seven thousand. The committee state that the census - returns, as eat,' :cod in the report of the Governor, chow ire .t neglect on the pert of the assessors in many of the townships, and some of the most populous counties. They End no returns from the countier of Clay. Dickinson, Mm;se, Osage. Wilson, and Dorn, for which the sm,lleet estimate made is one hundred and fifty vott-, each, giving a total of nine hundred votee, and a population of 3,400. This calculation is not based on any large increase of population in those fertile counties during the last elght months. The returns reported by the Go vernor show a partial and incorrect census taken in Joao, 1859, since when immigration into Kansas has been unprecedented, " The whole population, as reported by the Go vernor at the regular session, was 71,770; to which add the estimates for the foregoing counties, only Partially returned, and the total would be about 97,000 to the let of July, 1959, excluding several of the most popnions counties, from which only part of the townships was returned." 1:11,11LIIIPITTOV Aga Till FRIIII Neonoae.—ln TeßlLltepeech of Bailie Peyton, at Gallatine. in Ten nessee, he made a moat earnest and pathetic appeal in behalf of the free negro,' of Tennessee against a similar law which has parsed the House of Repre sentatives, and is now pending in the Senate of Ma ryland; saying that the peonleof Tenneseee had ever been distinguished for justioe, humanity and courage—that Tennesseans bad displayed their chivalry in winning the pioneer independence of the country—that they had poured out their blood on all the glorious battle-fields of the late war with Enoland, under Jackson. and in the Mealea.n war, under Taylor and Scott, and bad won for it the prottd title of " the volunteer State," and now look at the humiliating attitude she Is made to assume. Her legislation is based on fear—her million of gal. lent eons, it would seem, are alarmed at the pre sence of 8,000 or 7,000 free'pe none ofcolor—tgen, wo men, and children. scattered throughout the State. Is this jest , Is it necessary f—to make war upon these helpless, penniless, harmless creatures. Have they over be charged with, or suspected of, dis turbing our pesos or safety? He remembered in '33, when he ran for Congress. that Davy Tupanee, a free man of oolor, was one of his supparters, and voted for him; for at that time free negroea were allowed to vote. How this slavery question bee changed the hearts and minds of men. But Davy has paid the debt of nature, and is beyond this cruel law, should it past. *blob for the sake of Jac ties, for the asks of humanity, and for the honor of Tennessee, be trusted in God would not be the ease. Doracee re Now Oeteens.—The °anted for delegates to the State Convention at Baton Rouge, at New Orleans, was a very animated one. Both parties claim to have been victorious. The True Delta, a Douglu paper, gives the following repart of the result : The Election of Delegate' Last Night to the Baton Rouge Presidentsal Convention. The following era the delegate , ' eleoted last eight to the Democratic Convention, to meet In Beton Rouge, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Charles ton Convention to nominate • candidate for the Presidency. The gentlemen designated as Dangles men are pledged to vote for the greet Western statesmen. The others are not committed to any named candidata : let Representative District—O. D. Fancy, T. J. Semmes ' M. Aspill. 2d—E. P. Rareahrde,* J. C. Murphy,* Dr. E. Awls.* 3d—A. 0. Wilson, J. McCiosky, J. McCauley, R. Itsterbrook. 9th—John Claiborne, Geo. W. White. sth—Emile Duero, Joseph Genols, Bernard Aregoo. tilh—P. Latium,* Victor Labatut. 7th—P. Lacoste, P. A. Desforgea. Bth—Oscar If. Poynot.* th—D. Parra.* 10th—John Armstrong,* Alf. Phillips,* J. w Mader,* James Brewer,. T. P. White," 3. F Coffey. * DOURIV. • • The Delta (anti• Douglas) says : "The primary elections, last night, resulted in an o m osi complete triumph of the State•rights Democracy, and the utter annihilation of the last vestige or Douglasiom and squatter sovereignty. It will be seen, by the returns we give below, that the regular tickets of the old-line btate-rights De mocracy have been elected in every district bet two—the Second and the Sixth. In the Second, the Douglas ticket has en apparent majority ; but the return is accompanied with a protest by one or the secretaries, Mr. J. P. Horner, and the election will be contested on grounds of informality, and for other causes." Tun Unrox.—The following tea good one, gelato bare been produced under the Immediate inspira tion of a drink composed of equal portions! of Mo nongahela and Bourbon : The union of rye. and the union mom, Their union with lake lee end riv•rt The union wit sugar in one spacious horn. /lad their unnsavus union fo 00000 THE WEEKLY PRESS. ftltits rat telhabeenbotes mall rump. is sdlitaSki eln TIM* Pa, Toe " Won, Crniso, or over. " *bah Sabsenbar.) LIS Tor a Clap oll'oreory -Goa or am. ti wia orall ea cart eon cr ii*lrolior-av of ti Mb. Pritrastars W rigamillai to ad 4 as acsorlo 111Nr Wam hung. CALIFORNIA PRESS. Issued Semi-Kaasibr m bate for tie MIMS* Steamers. Ors Union Mu 11 ILussisnert.—The editor of the Brandon (Kim) ntsineldican thus deka his position on the disunion pestion: w Hall lease this State but no, then we will eeder at, 'leafle t , ter i n *lees, and ice and Tote for osar7 self for 00•0/110r.' Tim we will he ecsweeder in•shief of the army and nary of the Seib or MIS. sluippl,and Also editor and proprietor of lb. Brim-. don Ressehletwo. -If we can't led anybody ht the State to road it. we will OM, it replaity entry Thursday_ morning. and sit down and read it ear, self. belorriag it the duty of every sesofble Mu to hind a good 'piper. If we *Said it any time pt too mid, we edit, seed our Rte-eatieg, ideedoad- - thunder exellanges. eu Alalf Ake Heerereer thotsid bapptn Unmet , * may of 'there Manila is the as ins s dpeidiaatiimry Miselkewcwe wild the & ' lt ti rtri= " 2= aa j d olere rt s ta ge We aoa. ". ff tempo the ehtlitref - the Hoke by Puidishieg. MS &vote of the ploptouvold be taken at a grietta , time to sue if Meg should .be sold, and Mira-we ge , wa g 'MO AO. WIP mold attend to all Acid la Stain ied de tory well at It. If a emamiudoner at way,trme shoold paw Owen* the - wouldSa be biliwny to ask ,adeicrof Old Virginia. we treat him well,. and 'tend by him kr none tobacco. We would read' mete every we* Wash ington's Firenell Addres% *ed. Jeeken'e motion, Nallilleation Massage, . and Farewell Ad- . dress. We would reed and study the Holy Bible, and pray for the Deasomotty all thoet s' day. and spend our days in publishing a L'aieu paper." Bmortaa hlistossa StarDAID AV. - roootrr."—The Memphis Enprirrr Sods, in Itching throe,* the Moorhen Minium* for the yreeeni year, that that work ebrocieles, under its - obliaary hea:l, the death Jo .Louidena, in July. !IBS.), of "Mal. A. J. •Denelson, fqmerly prirate !secretary of General Jackson: and editor or the 'Weilkington Glob, and to tighlweserdsdate of the. American party for The Pre/idiot Neel - Soo is not diod, as the editor of the Swewsrer saw hies an the I nth last, whin be was in the 'MI Ins- Ijoyment of aznellent health. aad. 'AM:etch hews* once editor of the Washington . UltiONl, he. never was of the Washington Glcts . AMr A. J Ho f:mime died in Louisiana. In Jaly, 18.59. with 'oboes -Mo. A. J. Doyelson was conkunded, awl a mg. - dished reporting. his death was eitenrirely pub. (shed at the time , but it was subsequently oor ,reeted, It was this- eankendivg of tomes that led the American Abstain° into the error. 601711121t1r Tasos.—Tbe bug-twat of ft non-to , amours" " has. th is week. been obliged to bide its idimintsted lead, or rather may be aid to have been decapitated altogether. Southern Wail an haute are here In abundance, and two of the had. log boom which supply that trade turn notend• Misty made very beery sake. Others have been plotng, thus far , a satisfactory bulimia Ilis uthern-bound steamer, on Wednesday. was lined overflowing, tweutv-foar hears to advance of the ime of departure. No materiel diversion of the striboting business is forestisdowealin the pre. sent aspect of affair,: still lea does till gist° with which Southern buyers operate is the new styles Of men's and women's wear. foster Impreheesion of ilin Increase in thiscooso motion of " Vitriol* home span" to the neglect of farey troweling and &ants newassutss.—N. Y. Cesessariel dialree , 'User, Psb. Is. • ' ALLIGWYST COUTT AND ITO BOSTOI--A few *aye sines, the marshal of the Western Dhtrieil fold 1,000 sham of the county's railroad stook for 4oit dollar and ten cuts per share. Mash east the Sounty fifty dollars per share We now sow ad yertised at mar,bars sale 14 000 shareeof kilegb•- Valley. and 15.000 shares of roonellrrilließall ttad.—Pittsburg True Press, Fab. IS. Theatrical and Musical. 2==EM!=l • VISIT or ANT SIDOVICK Till T3l riITISD STATE!. Wa a» 1/SlTtd 11 tic LAII3I/11 correorprewtent. who to 4s fan o neh manor*. that Min Ame ftertzeteh_ oec efthe nee neocomo of tee da•. d•tenmtaed to visa • o Uottomi Settec ands 111 orrice hare to 8.3t..`b./ • If year—the eommenceutent of ottr writ thestricat 0000. Min Adelaide Goormbeim, the elder of the two . ■ten vike. • few piers roes. seder wed m waves- U 1 io on. of the the tree of this cm Ss, rre.iiVi 011. to roasted. aid wedded Nfe. A•an Prins.. to hem she r sa betrothed aor . i Mr and Mrs. Berney Williams are drawing crowded holies at the Howard a thenttea. I Mist J. M Davenport remairs *nether week at the Museum. aad er: doe's " Medea." , i 'anterior* , Othello” }so been brrn slit not at the tw Opera House, New Orleans. and "Martha" at the lasea. 1 Mrs Waller commenced a two.weeke engage , i l 4 ant et the th. Charles New Orbeis. on le eaAty wee,— • r. Walter hen sat Wis. Le the aremet.) Pb..... 64 "The Du :bra of Malt" e. Pope eared Fardibead. • Gar Mattneriag" you'd be the newt piece. i The New Orleana.Palta rays: .Talkies•S'astove. tie test km enmelian in the etry we 114. 'WM= Peer. tan. . r lb. Br. aim .trostreet neretre • Pe 1. murm ur fanny. sad keeps the =wham.* Is Si about ear eau, mar." i Mr. 'Mein Booth. the tru+4l4l6. bad a I , r/ult..- ..Ea at New (Means /an. it. and argot crowned with a lea atrial wreath. It la -earn reported that ha • itt eon lead bltaa Luba, the utters, to the bye:naiad altar. The New Orleans Pgrov..o iVre : " The attempt ofttMr. IMPS ARdirr.na to play 'Falstaff' we carnet c neidsr a success. The ornedy was smelly ',Widnes' s er two representstome The Patti perfume has just been intr3dneed he • Boston chemist. which is said tu hn Nit. as frarrst sa the vventhat is captivator's'. A photograph att.* 'oath -4 prima deans nu on each bottle. A rentleman lectured on the modern drama. a little while sun. He tasks two hours sod Jaeger to mpunon saes & W alk as la.oriAng irsoWlell: , Sallie Bt. Clair is at the St Loris Theatre. Thee are giving German drama at the Opera Homo. 04 Dr %erste& the mailroow or the Gensset Inter. th i s As:rim, and Ing wits, are _ members of the compuns. Nisi Kimberly brottgbt out the "Octoroon " at hloVicler's. Chien/0, nu the J9th ult. Margie Ilitebell is at Washirttan. Sba bag areynratam a new etmedy. wratea far bet by Cbsrles Gaoler. SAN FRANCISCO —Mr. Ifeekett lies been rleyine to'sood houses at the American. Pan Francisco; but , rot The house *a soma of the Journal. h&c. stated.. The comparatively pmt bouncya ts attrebuttal to the ad.. vanre of oriceanf admission. for Mr. U. :wild not Con rent to play at the old rates and insisted upon the solution of tha antra four bits to the dress eiscla end orchestra seats, winch raised the charge to one d liar and a MIL J B. Hoye and Miss Millie Coney ban sailed or California. Mt. Jobe T. Costello, a member of J W. Dino?. zoo's oontonoy, now is the West Indies. diet on thatth of January at Port of Praia. Trinidad, of taboo. forer. Ho was a tuitira of Fall Raver. Kr. L's compost to notr at )(Minton. Jamaica. Toe S OND , rf TIIIIATRISP —At DIRTY Tllne..'Deli rite Ground." with Fontor Vernon and Miss Page, and the pantomime were riven nfithtir. Velton's pontalar otters" Viotorino," in attl aft:rte. tiro at Covent Garden. • • . Bay's Be rn ard'. corned/. "The Fri" Genius." Lae been revrnod at rtre Ha.rearket. earl with the pawn warn. VMS criorrEor the hournni tar.. . . " The Crino et on the Hearth" has been irtrenarrfely laced at the Prineeses rob the folloarmr met lohs •ee rr hinele. Mr R•der t Triekleton. r .Meadove: eb Plummer. Mr. Frank A/Inherit; The Art , arer. Mr. atheartt Mrs. Peerytencle. blurs I eeleren B•rha., 11. ; May neither. brim Rae' Kieft.* Mrs. • iylillnr. Nina Co lb er t Tilly Frovlany, WSOLLM; • Pint of the Cricket. Miss I aid err. ' 4 St- NUT?* Era " and " al, Thamhbearte • formed , ch • 'IV ',^e'ratzn - „,..a fel i t th T elni ut! ''. lZelj lah.l " Alfred the Gres!. "The ffead or the Ferrule." AM "A Bete ImPoelor. • were onpolar at the nit:note At the new Adolph.," Lurlearna z" taa bronsht pro minently frirwardoied the " Chriessuis (Una" to listened to he a ripened sae mblvre. niphylv • • Shameful Behavior" ri ecodes "I be SHPn of the "names" at the Strand. (Crowed be " Yardville Brown," which cone:ides the evening'. eatert-th meets. A new comedies, entitled the ° szpe.a•ii Bur and " First Love," precede the paatomus• at the 1,1". A farce. eallea " Fneliehmen." "Morie Toya" • . A Ilnosehold Fairy." end .. Ptioph and J tidy," trill prise the hill of fare at the St. James , Mr. Pliers is dcint the teeing:ate at ea tier's At Antler's A mobitheatre a droll morceso. cared n o rainigcri the Deserter." is mom pore:, with 1.6 Pantomime. and an ahoodanes of wrotations bJ the ear " oriustee nf thee:tee The Queen's Theatre. under the Inv cerement of Yr. lames. las tacos a "torahs: stand is .• irdiebeird " te te/an two exeunt dramas. "Lore end Murder" add •• The Arab Boy." ••I ha Mutt Axe" rhaveca Its towns at the Victoria, with " Fat •, or the Felon's Son." in cone'usion- 'The %Mania revels ve. its plan of eew (P.m*. entitled m 'Woman's Wier The following ate the .verve Mail V rece;rts et Is several theatre" named, for •he three weeks suceeedias Chustrosa Drury I toe. RI 970: Covent Garden. 8 1 ,1180: Ere , - mane!. $1 ul3: Princesee RUC; t yceum 111411: ap Juntua ...Ur; Nem Adeipiti. MS: Benet .ttand• flare Royal Sarre'. MOO: Ciry of Icinsion. s2ao; Great Na tioreeiStanifted. flefi• Keys) Pavilion. tigi; Xew 811. t $240 • Tinley's, LW The Alhambra Patin. Pollreheio Itunitettion, mad Royal Coliseum Sr. ND It ern yerformages. T e Christen.' pantomimes state Wed and houses are paid to bars con L2i) 000. The boeltb of Miss Jane Reyootels. of the Hey. motet et. is an delimits that she aria nnaNs to areas: , a the drarnst.o sreforssame• berme b•r JJs Mstr •ed the Conit. at Wiadaor Conte. Mtn R. , noVa had tante rash for Helen. to "T 4. Efueshbosk..! the Nero se lected for - herforman-e on that occasion. Nast Amy Kedronot perstrasted Joh,. The London papers reaffirm • Thayer, that bra lately been denied—that 13alver is ensued tr?on • Bev PUY. It is /mid Madame Cetette has lately .yrlied to Mr. C. Dickons to irate • plat for Aar. Md. road* his haw in Manners irrtb . onit-set 2Sair nos fon otters. The Court Circular tolls us that " she oree mete. brutal Jobs Parr-y.los, retirement of sorra soars primer. anti., very micro] ormoinotomas . nom /*rams the ogee of "snob organat to null tows la Wales. Mrs. Hodann Kirhy was eery tottee•tenl at tb• Theatre Royal, veveutle, whir* Air Iralli.= at. Lady Don ware also eel!er in the holtday aaotoza•mat. Madame Clara !incelln. th• f.mno• tinter. re ram at tire. The nla-oar Mcr;cal A e.nd•tion hay to sine at their Fe•t•rel_ cad they nd'er.d her V 9 guinea. Madame st.d tan h•d nn ai•h to IfHti• Inez a Jonraey. . and tlecllaed Tn. committee added h. - 0 nine. m•ktos tO inmesa, and Madame wu taapted avid ytelded. Sladarne Enxliph friends are raid to here retained letters hose her. declaring that her nett aseaon is nositirely to be ter last one. A new nrirne donna, named Mlle Maria Rath; Open.t of Duprez, has made her debar at the Itahen , n Pane, as Arnim". "La lionztar..bols," and has made as immense success. Three dwarfs are now on exhibition in Paris. who ere `ressectieely of Italian. Asserian. aid Iluacarian orietn. Rto Joan measures thirty !stiles re hat lit and is sinlteen years old Vonderh , his twenty-6,e, an d ehunte lintel -one inches. sad Tiovolo is of the same nee, with the diatilcniirase of poysessine three inches more than his Austrian tire. bone of them Pleat French. hut they sine French wince wish ''ennan wor•e, te l ion h does sh- n ,t as well. These little fellow• are not in the least deformed, ars fall of saiety, and capitol actors. At the Theatre Deisset. Paris. a thrill and origi nal id er from Paul de Kock. The scene is •ni Constantinople. where's' arkish 'rand.! dies leaves his wires to the navy of fate. Now. a certain Parisian Cockney. trarellins In the East. has lost his beloyed. who hes been swirled off be villainous coma m. sad he msits Constantinople in order to rime, sa soap as possi ble. the two thousand seeable which the tobbem de mand at the ransom of his adored a nimadme. Fortu nately. at levet so be deems it two of the widows of the Turkish grandee fall desperasely in love with the ,r/rnt Perm Cozkney. mut twit seeds tom, by W.) of brit, to his stfectiona.one throned sequin. The sum is his wherewith to seems hut adored wife. sod the *noel men widows lose teeirmoney. their idol. and hare aloe! the satisfaction of coffin( each other a 1 the tit ly Amex where, ith the Turkish vrawbuOtry may be rife- Of mule, .*Armandine." clianninaly perimmed by Ml's. Bertha, is reamed, and the Cockney made happy for hfe. At the Court Theatre, Berlin, fibakere's ,* Winter Tale" is in rehearsal, straraed bY Ihntel stedt, the music by Flamm. It is intended to erect • theatre for dramatic performances in the Terkildi Lewis • at Tacaktaaar, near the senate of Solna Bevezict the most re-trai lo cality of Conatantiooplia A cores of rammer& Titay wriglits. and profesinonal trainer' for the satire elms. who are to wimp.. the " eoroptay." will be taken from Europe, ;LW the whole ostalltwqmint v.ll be or ganised on the most approved Buxopeaa system. Herr Richard Wexner is about, to pre . series °Commode acid operatic performances at the 'Theatre Italian. in ram ----- MN (to oar odetram ) lILIII (10 addre• ell IL=MO=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers