p~"a'~%K~~.•.~.'~t`~rn.t , ::: z.~,<~ , :+~.f'a~ru:.+~crs*rtsar , .• :~;~: NM= ARC itistiwidettilonts, „. . ~ CONTINENTAL.-Kere,eorneref !Muth and,Ohastnut. L P Smith.Philir , •. -L -' ;-'l - 31,eviok. rhea, , . t B Eiamerit - Phtin r y•' - .; -,'•-, •7,ouis stabsyg,, 4 D, Nl' Inigragig 42- ~., ta ll i e r:Am, °Maga • Viej h o ro;t3i l l f"4l tlrp t idlll l :.,sol lf‘ __ -: - eo Rr, ripahlnirsi ye GefE. olonond.N Bedford aeon EON. it .-...”. - :--- •A, t a i I mash, Wash - • Miss Manton: Weak, `-'-, " -'' B F Leavens, Burlington 0 W Hesly,St Loma: - '.; - W, id Peeper,' Na. - •. EI, Davies and p• - •.„ : •'_-, , , • Miss E 8 Strong. ,- .' . ~... FT:te al , Pr?" ; ''"- - - - .: ' 4cPnFAs s _PArkikkd , -' - Alve s ,X r ‘ ,- • ' . r ..,• ; .& F W webb, u nt Louis 0 B OamabelL - Ph ' in ' 'A - 33 Heillr Fhlie - J T Berry. Louisville . Effnott. Louisville John Whitehead, PI 7, ' - =P 8 Thomas, Jr, Newark 000 Farness Piffle ' •• P OVan Vllet,'N Y E Sizbinsonaoston -, .7_ P Lewier - Ya - "--- Wm 8 Sherwood, Balt, • •-; Than W Sweeney, Phila Abner French, Boaton ,,, - B W Colt , NIY• ' p_O Coney. Newark, 0 , JIM Col/mato., N Y W N Davie, 11l „ 3 E Sruises,lll 8 0 worriaon, St - Lours - - - ' RI Wood. sr. Louie = T T Beattie & Ir. Louisville:27'A Bond. Vt A Dickson,Elt Louis - ' " llooPOPs"' ' - SElliott,NYit , • - W J Raynoldsrlioston '--' W 4 rioNultr. NC — ' 3E White, N V - P Hannay,' Wash, D 0 Freeman, Texas I` B Gibson, Qniney, Fla Geo 0 Ham, N Y _.„ T.l Southard. Nto. - W A Wyman, Boston 3 B TVIOY. N Y Mien E Trani. N Y - ' W W Hubbell, Philo. Dr Reinstein, Pa - Jan Treanor .k, la. Oa John Vokea . '. DH 0 Spencer & Wf, Tenn Mist Sue Spencer, Tenn Miss Sally Smear, Tenn T B flowning,,N Y , TM. Book. KY 0 Loner°, N Y R Ft Moore • Jr. N Y B H Fitasneh' - D I pit•huo, If. DI Y 0 Cabot, N - Y; " A E Bedirwick.-NI. 3 A Polharous, N 'Y Gen Sanders. Balt Lanes Thomason. Bait W w 'Ms" Or. la' TB Murray. St Louis ' Jrin .1 Slocum Woe. R I I Pf_endrleka, Balt -- T T Tanker, Jr, .phila - 8 Morris, A B Wentworth, Cin iLathrea, M uss • D P Wenynof, (a T Lancaster. Tann • L Zinner Ve. , P Miller. Belt - It el Hart. NV' ' tSimon, Balt ; , • A Boyd,2q , _• ~ W Corwirb_Cin, 0 , W Fairomin, orb, os. Meyer, N Y • L 0 Rountree , Texas I, Fullerton, Balt - , • - ..N It BArlll6lllll Oa Fif Womrath Pirtle W NI Wyetn, Chillloothe W R Holman, Ind ,B Butler Hier, Ark 0 B Denny, Da i tton, 0 - G 0 PM% Phi a T 0 Emory, M - W B how, Providence Than T Tyson hila : 3as 8 Smith. Phila. Wm 8 Sherwolad,Belt , PEW Field k In, Boston Jim Thompson. Tenn W T Blakeutore, Kr H E Ramos, Miss,. , 131 BARD HOUSE—Chestnut et., below Ninth. 0 0 Leeds, St Louis' ' W 8 Holloway. KY yr B Moore. Hy • ,C A Poulat.K 'r LE Garrett. St 'Louis 0 F Whitcomb, Rmton W 0 Schaeffer, Balt •, Jan Armstrong. Balt_ C AIN aobirmen. Outraio Dula .1 Monday, N W 13 Jordan. Petersburg,Cla R R Bemiring'. Clinton, Ga E K G Catohmes,, Vs John F Panama Ga, A Daniels. cis - , - R. hi DaVill. Oa I A Houser, Go R. T Byrd. Oa Cast B Si Giarrh, Clevelandr_pt J el Turner. Cleveland H. Coultor, Jersey_City 0 Acheson. Wheeling Chao 0 1 eaton N Y eillroadbmt Balt Wl4 Willson, Phila • W A Riddle St Joseph ' Jor r Goopholato „ • 'rhos A &att. Altoona 0' remelberser C B Hubbell. St.Loule J smott St Louie - - ' is P Wetmore_ Las I. A Ford'. • - • • - 1, at Dimon*. On M Jones. Oa •-. • •J W 14osler, MamPhia • H Pammore.Mamphis W 0 Bryan. Memphis BA Shook. Memphis Wm Footny. New Albany Alt Sweeties'', Ind • W P Hamar. Oa J 0 Whitff ald.rie, .. lg N Bailey. S C 'rhos Taylor, Jr: Richmon d J Wriamlifie Richmond Win Hater, wash - 11 9 Mal on N Y 0 w Mattison. learperevil ii Sanford &i lA. NY ivir Yanhoolc & la, Miss Alba Moßwin. Miss I. R TavolniAla • • 8 H Smith, Ala . • W ViSmort. Alai` - ~,,•...-W A Wayne. Ala r• T McAfee. Ala-i., - . ~ .-14111, 0 McAfee, Ala ht. Crone & la, Ala ,1% re Lona. Oa wfa H 1 bomolon, Cm. 0 '...... , Jaa le Kilbreth . Oin. 0 i 0 McClelland. Naahvilie 0 L Frtee. Estates W Wheeler. Buffalo Wm alnllnbfflt ~T Pendleton. Va John Loughrte t..A a S n A :lin..lin. 0 . era Aunt, hloptroal • A Storer. Motreal 3 4 _ _Boylan, Cm, 0 D 0 Martin. H alt ' 0 W Shaw. Dayton, 0 A Robinson,,ll tia4' ' rohlig"' "Ztt'iii. J N Davidson, Jr. N Y ' Oeo Readmi t St Lofts Ctl res. Rome . 04 ; 1 110r:.iaatt ... 3111 Booze. t3dt, Enterprise ' it Prohe l P, 'Car tel : 9'l" ies Hoven, Cal 0 S YPAMO.I_b N Y -, J Pat:Omn i Chicago ' C &Verdi, N y 8 W Rea. Phtla 4 Z Barnum, Balt • S N RredlAy, N-Y - . W P Davis, Mies r • r • 8 B Parker, Miss H P Smer, Mies W P Tamer. Miss E 0 Conner; N Y .JW Walker & is, Hy - - 8.1., E Bonnet. N 0 T Lucca. NO - 8 Chamberlain. & la. Oa • R W Snow. N Y . .• Ell fitropreqhtis Alex Whyte, N Y . B emit h. Ho .• bi Rifi:Altauur Hiner Jones Yorke, NJ - James Armstrong. Balt 3t. Yalget. Gin. 0 ~, -- R D Dandy, Cis, 0_ Spencer. Savannah. Os 8 Yates Levy, fiatoinnah H Barrington. bliss -' • 3 Sp:mien, NY . tO Johnston & la, Ry, . Miss cholas, Xy oho S Tacker ,Ala . A-B a damn, N 0 ' ~; " • 8J Searles. N Y . • • - , - " , , 81BRCHANT8' HOTEL-Pourth artist, beim - MO. LMhi Donovan, Harrisburg 3ATkf 00 owe n . Ala ' as Routledre, 111 T B Uttar 41Canass Broome, N Y - • Rthr Crean, Texas re N i n, 'kV J 8 Grail , s , Wmaport - Jtm E_gtilln, Coatesville kI Mars ,Troy,N Y ,t,. •R 0 Woods: Hy ~ v• T Garnson,Va. win Burr, N Y Al Lowry, Pa - , '' It L White. &mealier, Pa Molfhoroon. Ky = John Ore, Orrirown, Pa OA Hegares. Corm - . w J mlterr. Carlisle . ' ease Mo M ahon , MO J A AdertAti, Ku P Letdr, St Louis ' LO 8 tooklor.r ~1 Tenn A B Caller, Memphis, Tenn W 4 Brleter , Water Val .1 L Boron, KmN Hinman, Ala W 0 Beauwid; Alia I H nteinbent,Als H Whne;Tenn ' J H Printer, Tenn J O Sheeroz. Oxford, Tenn Chin Wagon, Sr Louie John Hunisin, AM • OiW 'Fromm No A F Alexander k ts, Teats - Job IV Goodwin, Tenn SI P Helper, N C ,'• ,- 11. W Pries, Salem. N 0 E, Dinette Ritz If Braumiller , Atlanta, Oa .7 13 Wells..Shelibville.Tenn John Morrow, Med • 111^ Anderson, Dalton, OA. A B Thumps , n, Texas IEI rt. Radioing. Pittsburg - W R Batts, Indiana 0 A Weller. Portainnoth 0 A 0 Henry. Ala W Whitmire& Ripley 0 - .E D Vaughan, Indiana R B Martin, Tenn , - , , ANHIO.4,BN FIDTEk-Obesizant..abotte Path, ' W H Iniumongenn • • Jes A AlleorTexsa • • ke Craven, rDa , Baird Blum. NY , Rotungray. vtugtrin J Kellum. Coviudon. Ky -• A Bacon, N 1 - , -. las SOWN _ft 'I Mal Thos Beagle, 4 0 .a. Wyytkog, NY. , • , 8 Mears, Albany - ,- B Hilliard A T eau H 0 Hiller, Botnerv'e A Tenn /no A Bead. Tenn -• J T orire. C,inton, KY Win Samoa& •Anginas, On 1 NI. Miner, Va',. , Jno Minster, Vs, Cot nary. Va - Thee Ciark..N Y 8 Johnston. Hasten, Pa B Nook' dr, Jn. 1.4 Y W PlPllbil. Asti - • H W Van Wagner, N Y• Wet a Folk, Brooklyn .. ... D Hickey, Nto , - P Nelbrick,N 0 - , , lONE/P. ROTHIO--OhNtnnt et.. below Eleventh. WI Melbaß. ,at Louis' i O hodes, NI R tDa m niels, NI - '' A L awrenee. N I L Ti PA R 8 Rensselaer, NJ W P olltichnel, N.l ' A Thomason, NJ W D DarlingiPa - -- Theo 0 Jones Pa' II B Jordan, ira , , John AI Larldw, Tenn W I Pl:Aline, Tenn • P Thurston, , Y 8 Jaws. daft. 'J ohn Sanders. "Y Levi Bowers,'_N Y . . ,O lo Baxge, li Y P 0 George, N ' Aims fitmeson. N Y Geo Bimpson , N Y Gen Briggs & la, N Y BT. LOUIS HOTEL-Chestnut street. above Third. 19 D Elfert, Camden. N J W Heinlein. St Louis P Munson. Cleveland, G 8 Griffith, Bait .1 0 Cole. Cincinnati Wm COWS 84 Louis David Builiford, It I JANgssim, ir s Al C J liktrie PIMA .1 B Craig. Philo CoMenj Allen, Boston • - .1 Kilburn, Burlington, Vt 8 11 Gates, thirlington, Vt THE UNI@N•HOTEL—Areh Daiwa. above Third. TO B Zeigler, Green Coatis BIll.;in, Pa - •- Wm K Cox, Maysville._ Ky JJ Wood. Marine, Ky - 31. Barker & la. Brooklyn 0 8 Brown & n, Pa J D Rotors, New Albany S Chamber., in. 0 N W Voil, _Honesdale. Pa Bl noldbaro Tenn J Prayer, Memptafe. Tenn H Hartle, Memphis, Tenn 3 H Conner, New Albany olt Topping, 0 t3TATEB UNION HOTEL—Market at...above Biz*. Thom Fitzpatrick, PA , MG Simpson, Albany F Kamp n, Ky lona* Benton, Florida John McCann, N Y . John arnith, James Aehmesd, Peter Bwine, N y - Davies, Phila. J . PI lams, Pada 8 Woods, Ptah A Brenner, Columbia James Simpson, Cmoinnatl Geo Wolbrit, Cm, 0 Joimson,-fit Louis T 8 Richards, Pa I A MoKep, Pa,.R. A McKee, Pa A Whyte, ri Y-. 3 Henderson, a, ilwaulree Jae Arnold. Bait B Cooper. Perry co, Pe. It J orlon, Centre co, Pa J Williams, Pa COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth et., above Chestnut. (tCanter, Pottstown Wm Jnelmon,Wil. Del ura Jaekson; oftener ea Wash Williamson, Del V 8 Baker, Pa J Jones. Boston . John." , ralne , , Chester no Coates,. Chest C Baldwin la, N Y TrumanE Ormrfonl Juniata co E V Richardson. Pa - Albright, t o B. A Green, Bedford, Ale Ladtmons, J MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Becoadetreet, above Area PeterWm atm.c.7,12.1,r.i..- vio.z.n,crf,tcfrrtltcriintln Penrose. Pa myra, W pornistown Samuel,. Pella H G Hugh•e, sa ndersono:olumban, 0, f t fltnith.fCen t. 0 _ r Knap, Covington, Ky tanwtd Ala John 8 Pen se la. Y-- its AI Ke ler, Trenton, NJ A Pryor, Petersburg, Vs Thoe H a ul P Pidgeon, Allentown 8 IdeiFate, Oalem, Had . FOUNTAIN HOTEL —flotond street. above Market.l. II filemborouigh New Hope Wilson Harding. N Hoge , ha. Todd New Rape J H Todd. Wolcott. Pa P Ham hen. Del a RentY . Prinen Buffalo_ _ 07.14; P :I t ._°7`41'dit; t tr,4BJr fddr:, , t7.-j .ise Smith , wait . Wm M a F& H B Bryant, Lake Superior Nehemiah Brown, N J ' • NAVONALLSOTEL—Raoe street. above Third. Win Faux, Pn. M O Fogleman, Pittsburg ?tor echrtildtb, Ohio H Oirree k la, Wilmiog's 8 Higgins, Nestling J Park. Scarborough Jammu N Y P Olip_bant. N I L W Lathe. shin 0 Id Howe, Moe kba 0 C Howe, Hues W E Bcod, Wh Alt D O 0 W Aga. amtueletown A H Light, Lebanon DC A Clark. Pin a Capt Robluon, Lug . * eo blre. T Parker, Pa H Bigler, Pn. J Vogel, Pittsburg "J Btaatun. Wilkesbarre EAOLE ROTEL—Third /street, ibove Ruth. ' John Filthy a la. Pa Talehandler, N V Chas C Nmith, Pa. , - Samuel Hood, Easton - robart 0 Brown, N Y 000 Bally Easton B Exhort. Allentown D H B wpm. Newark oj(lable. NJ - - I, W Davis, Pottstown .1 E oinmotish. Philo& 8 Cbambete, Pa lien tromp Newark Jos P Thompson. Bolton 1' btEastwick. N I' Chi's Geieenhinmer. Phtl& iioho P Nelson Easton "' -B W Non: Dino 44. P 4 M Pratt, Pottsville James Barnes, Trenton okt Thorn. Borllncton As W Penappacker. Pe W PerinipPlaker, Pa , W B Climbers. atiss 0 B Canby, Pottstown - Jameo Townsarid,.Pa , BAEDET, SHEAF HOTEL—BOOOnd it. below Vine trono Comfort.Boo:ks co E 1,, Flint, 8 Eastnn Barnsley. Itarriatmrn Robt T Linton, Newtown Ysrstler. Do. lestown John Davie's. Pa Jos 8 Hip, Doylestown • Wash Thomaa, II 8 W Thomae, Fox Chase . MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third street. sb. Callowhil4 R_W Haines. White Marsh Sam! Mo Pa Wllr, Allentown .E A Merritt, N Y BLACK BEAR ROTEL-110010. above CrOlowhill AUlton Cooper. NY: Polomon - Unldninithja - Marcos Prenman, Banton" , /no 8 Vandeploot. Philo J Hanger, s ait John Martin. Boston C Zettr, Pa - Jran Vanaartida.en, BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third et,, above OadhawhilL Ben) Bloom, Ohio P Pa Frank Yonnr.Burova co.lll John ftockby, Moot or Ps W B Hersh, Buck!' co. ka LEG&L MONROE COUNTY ss:, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the REAL Bhe.iff of said oniony greatma : • -^O , - We command you that 'allotted! Marquis G. L. Gaines, survivor - of John D. Mead. deceased, late, partners ender the firm of Gaines tc . m end, of your coon ty. by attend singular thoir goods and chattels. lands nod tenemerh 5, in whose hands or possession server the same may ba. so that they be and uproar hems our. Court of Common Pleas. to be holden at Ptrnudiburt. to and for said °aunty. on the 27th day of February next, there to answer !duos - riewhart, or Vea in ease, &o. And further, we eomhiarld you that vou summon all pentane ni whose hoods Or polatillikinthe Baia goods and chattels, or any of them. may be attach. d, so th a t. they and every of Glom be end 'Appear before the said court at 0 troudshura, en the 27th day of February next. to answer what shall be obleotedagainst them. and abide tteludeinent of the court thetelm And have you then t. ATitit i elsTA L Flen. (Merge Ba - rreii.Preeident of our A. dart at Stroinisburg, the titte day ' of January, A. D. 1860. - • JOMN -.EDINGER, A true cot M. _Prothonotary. Attest: ;floss ARDS, Sheri ff, fe2o-m6t .• IN THE: ORP ANS , : COURT FOR 'PA CITY AND COUNTY OP PIftf.ADELPMA: Estat of e.O RGE Pip Fat, deneered. NOTICK,ik given that the 'Widow ofpaid decedent has bled her Petition and Appraisement of the Personal MOMS elected to be retained br her under the pre- Vlslolllllnt the ant of Assembly of ltd, 'April. IS% and that Mt - sato* will heap proved hy the said Court unless exoeptgetsthereto abaft he filed on or before the 10th day et,nterehslBoo. It. WARRINEFt I . 2o ^mth' 4l. " . 'Attorney for Petitioner. KIM IS ItEREBY GIVEN. That the 4 ilowinteCertifinaten hive been, lent or destroyed. , ag r. ° ll lMi n gni e , n A 'ad lSST i . o 6 t oL ' le nm %g o al Wear Cooniany , , tbe r name of kLltaiitt. 245 , byt;oo'..:frilti9tr;Geltntit-PllBi ti;r 3 t At. ll —. l S 443* mom, at . I . reiroolo"vitrirs - or e ll itWfgareen. LMER DA1,1,E8.41° l ra nr thi BEC ND Sten% it SPECIAL' iPtleribES. „ , '” TIM 1 g OITAIILISS EISIDSTICK CIIAMPAGNR. --Tide is the purest RAM'. or Champagne now In tha Mallet, and IS called Charles Ileldsiook." • GEOROR WIIITILXY. No. 133 South Tonong street, is the agent. fe(l-mth tan HAIANI* s SAviNG Forlt—NOßTlEtwßse GeV= ezeinin and WALNUT inmate—Deposits re ceived ,In small and large amounts. from nil emcee of the Conniunty, end allow Interest at the retie of five per cent. per annum. Roney naia be diem by cheeks without loss of °Moe open daily, frOin t wattle eolook, Won Mon day and Ritarday until 9 in the evening. President. FRANKLIN FELL s Trammel. and Secretary. CHAR Id. MOKILIS. &Ropes Siwnta ALtOEINIIS. No. f Sewing Machines No. 1 Sewinatdaolgoes.,.._— 90 The Family 'Sewing Madam. A. TO The Family Baling Machine— • w tlB 9m _ • No. SU CHESTNUT Street. leummumat Frag-Psoop SAPBB.—A very lariaassortinent of BALAMANDBREI for sale at reason. Able plias,. Zia. PH CIILEPTNUT Street. Philadelphia. 6021 tf icy Mt ai WATSON • HARRIS' Botrborn SEWING MACHINE.— IhIPROPED EOUBLE-THREAD. Finn. PREMIUM AT EVICIIt FAIII. Philadelphia Office, 720 ARCH Elt. Agents wanted. Gama it Betzwa filarkillD NOMILES6 FAMILY BZWIIIII-MASKIIaII AT ILICEMOID PZIOEI, 710 ORESTNUT STREET• PHILADELPHIA• ON' PRICS OLOTMMG OF STIR LAMM Brume, made In the best manner. entreeel7 for MK TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling MOM marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted Wis. factory. Onr ONE•PRICE System us Maio* adhered 0, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing AU are thereby treated alike. JONES Se CO., seS4l 104 MARKET Street. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAY= Tai oeicnriy.—Chartered by the State of renneyleaala. L Kerney is received every day, and in any amount alga or =DM' L FIVE PER OMIT. intereit is paid for money from the day it is put in. • S. The money ii always paid back in @OLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. • 4. Money 111 received from Drumm, Arristeiresert, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small Sonar to remain a long or short period. g. The money received from Deportore la levered in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and other first due 'scurries. S. Moe open every daY—WALNU7 Street. eonthwea 0 0 , et vh,,d an,/ T. THE CHATTEL BONDHOLDERS OF the Cs TAWIBBA WIIIANSPORT and ERIE 1 LROA IA COMPANY are _requested to call at the OF ILE OF THE COMP s NY.3M WALNUT Street. between the hours of 12 M. and 3 P. AL. prFsent their bonds. end sign the power of attorney authorised by their Oommittoo, without doll : L At. JONES, h 10.9. . . P. ITUTOHINSON, It.. P. BOBBEN, K% fel3.6t , • Committee of Chattel Bondholders. OFFICE PENNSYLVANI', RAILROAD CIWI : 61116 - (khrot z itnil3 n t isizbr j r ry y t l i edr. Hon for Direetors will be held on MC D AY. u the fifth day of Marohnse. at the oirtee of the Company, No. 161 South THIRD Street. •. • . - The polio will be opened from lOo'oloek A. M. until 6 o' Lock P. in. No share or shares transferred within sixty days next preceding the elution will entitle the holder or holders thereof to vote. EDMUND SMITE. fel44Mit ISeeretary. PHILADELPHIA, FEB. 13 18.0. At a Special Mooting of the Board of Dire otors I oZOIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, held this day, Hou. OEO. W. WOOD WARD was unanimously elected President of the Company, to Blithe traoanoy occasioned by the &come of Boa. Joel Jones, JAS. B. ALFORD. Secretary. fell yr PAID FIRS DEPARTMENT-4160 PRE ild WM .—There has beep dew ns tedonth the e. ereigned. e fund which is designed to invite proposals fora plan to icrpanise a PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT for the City of Philadelphia. In accordant* with the wishes of the Contrilnitors, the in) : lronhers hereby offer a premium of ONE RON DA. AND FIFTY DULL. 4.R.8 for the best plan, in dotal . for such an organisation , °emblems* effieieney, economy. and simplicety. Bald plan must be presented to inther•of the Subsartheren on or before the 26th of February next. Jenuaryllo, WO. ~ wM. NE 4 LE II. O. MACASTER• WM. WEußff, • OEO. WILLA &MB, TROhIAB POTTER. tel-leknt GTDYSPEPSL4,—FIFTY YEARS INDE SCRIBABLE AGONY from DYS_PEPBIA, Ner vousneu.Sielnpese_nt the Ntomaelh and Vomiting, have been Avetercd DU-BARRY'S delicious, health re stortng RE - VALENTA ARABIOA FOOD. Upwards qf MAW cures, and Many thouutad testitnomals. Panted with full onstrnotions. in canisters._ 1 pound, 81.e0 is, Pounds. 812—the latter 011,718010 free ci_n re oelpt o cash. Sold _at the Depot 2 t3 South TRIAD Street, by IL MUNRO, Principal Agent for United States, and by all Orociers and Dru.giers, DYSPNPSIA. Perfect digestion, strong floret's, and refreshing sleep metered b . DU-DA.R HIPS. delicious, health-restortng RE VALE TA ARABIC& FOOD. To be had as stated above, wit hcirculars and reetimonials from eminent persons in England and America. fel3-Im. s dm— NEON AN CE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF P.E NNSYLVANIA. VitILADELPHIA Februazy 0, 1800. il. p vl 3- 1 4 4 1 0tt ' fil ' a tack teit's""4:.% Ted dt?)1 Ca teal Stack of the Company, payable to the Stock holders or their legal representatives, on demand. feT-10tif SHIPPING. FOR - SAVANNAH 'f K$ STEAIISHIP STATE OP GEORGIA, CAPTAIN GARVIN, Will continue to receive Freight until thin evening and sail to morrow, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Z. At 70 o'clock A. M Northwest cornor URTII and CUBSTN UT Streets It • STATIONERY. S PRINci TRADE WM. F. IV±URPHY EONS. VtACTI94.I. MASIIrACTURERS Or SI. ANK BOOKS,- TATIONERS, AND PRINTERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 839 CHESTNUT STREET. feto-am COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. ripEE PAR,INFRSECIP HERETOFORE 1 existing between the, subaoribers, unper.tha Gym of 13RADY & CRAVER., Is timidity dose yes by mu- Ima agreement. The business of said firm will be set tled by THOB. F. 'MACY, wls.izsloue authorizsd to use pe signature of the firm m liemdauon, Tiloshl.B F. RDY, JOHN CRAVER. Philadelphia, February 18.1868, te2o-3t• NOTICE.-THE PARTNERSHIP HERE. L tofu 0 (*misting between us, under the style of WARWICK', & BAKER. has this day been mutually duntolosd by the withdrawal'of JULIUd FRANKEL from the firm. he haring no further interest in the businees. • JUGIUB "HANKEL, Februari 18.10. If BAKKR. W. H. B4KB It w ill settle the allivrs of the firm. and will continue the. business at the old stand No. 223 berth rim h btreet. fe2o 3t. DISsOLUM , N. 7 -THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore Oxietine between the understened, under the firm of MEHL, & is thin dal . dissolved by mutual consent The busineNi be settled b 1 EDWIN M. M who ie only authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidation. • EW'N M MEHL, JOHN WORSIAY. The busineu will be continued by EDWIPI MEHL. Philadelphia, February 18,1860. WO tit" THE ATTENTION OF BOOK BUYERS II WIMP TO AN 111V01C.3 OT CHOICE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDITIONS OP TON BEST AUTHORS, , Now In Store. and for Sole b► SAMUEL HAZARD,, JR., 72C CHESTNUT Street. ter See Book, Column of this paper. felB.2t TO THE CIT'ZENS OF PEIIIADEL PUtei.—The Directors of the NATATORIUM AND PR% eIOAL INSTITUTF, ponslderins the ob jects of their Institution so highly , important. hare deemed 1. proper to issue an Adore's, in pamphlet form , to the citizens of Phiindelphia, widish is now in course of extensive eirSulation, and it is honed will reach the hands of and be rend by, every person kindly disposed to lend their aid and in behalf of the Institute. The Address sets forth' the value of the Institute to Phile del Mans. its beneficial influence in respect to health, and Mao theleneral plan and design contemplated by the charter of incorporation. swimming Pools; Baths of every variety, including the Russian. and Gymnasia, fo r both sox.% w ill eac h heperfect of its jund, and form important features of the Institute. The it cs has been place d at fi fteen dollars per shate,•and oath subscriber w ill entiti^d to the benefits of the Institute. in ettner depart ment. to the extent or the par V6lO or the amount subscribed, on surrender or his certificate in pay_ rig , and the rates will be greatly in favor of sub iatued that it liberal response VI ill be ro ver to the canvassers duly appointed. M order tint a very ea r ly commencement may be made in the emotion °rebuild ing suitable to all the wants of the Institute. Each canvasser wilt have with him wntteri credentials, duly' attested, empowerine him to obtain subscriptions. re ' Coins the amount subieribed, and deliver the martini- Gatos of stock. 1 The °Moors and Directors of tho Institute are as fol lows : President—PAUL B. GODDARD. M. D. Vim) President—EDW. 811IPPEN. Treasurer and Seeretarr—.lo9, W. DREXEL. DIRECTOR& • Paul B. Goddard, M. D o William Comae , Edw. Sulppen. Charles MlProvost, Marton moMichael, Ale ph W. Drexel, NamulllJ Reeves, Ferdinand J., Drees, Prof. Donn' Coupes.. ielg•thamdw A FACT WORTH KNOWING—THE A only_pinte in the pits to_ Ito eiLflrkt-rate_g_o_nnine Ited Havana Cigar in at HE LEON'S. CHEST , aboye Fmirth, North aide, DE LEON keeps none bat the very beet on hand. A ogle trial will convince pun of that foot. Jan-lm 1111 AOKEREL.-500 bbls Primo No. 1., 4-T-E606 bble Large 3., NO bbm Small N 0.3., and an Paakag" WM. 3. TAYLOR & -d3l 122 and 124 NORTH Wharves. ottaut.—Largo Stores to ktent at Ken singttoi Brew Dook. Ships' cargoes taken at low rates.(AP-PIY , ROIVLRY,ASHBURNRR, & • 1 ' -• I'ENN Street AboveLAATRRI. Or No ld &nth wHARVRO. , , 11[1E 4 E1R-460 , boxes Tferkimer County (Ibsen.; In atom - end forinde by C. C. SADLER & n(lG,Oreet. Fri don, ono. Arrant fen GEORGE B.' BLOAT &' CO.'S SEWING MACHINISS,_ reto4t* No, 1016 011.811TNUT Street, READY THIS D The most interesting', and the mo tive of Arctic Life and experience AN ARCTIC BOAT LATE SURGEON TO TUE KANE EXPEDITION Thu volume describes a Journey ioade by a party of night Persons, front the brig Advance, during the Kane Expedition, in hopes of communioat Mg with the civil ized inhabitants of Doornail*, an l thus finding an °soap' from their winter quarters whe,e they were blookaded, the Journey of over 1,000 lulu to accomplish this purpose, the failure of their plan I, their coneequent satferinge and narrow escapes from death, and their final return to their comrades at the brig. It formed the most exciting portion of the whole Kane Expedition, and it was prevented from appearing In that book by the illness of Dr. Hayes, who was thus unable to pre pare any account ef it at that time. The chapters descriptive of the two weeks of famine, of the continued plane of the Esquimaux to murder them. of their escape by stupefy ins their enemies and blockading them in theft snow hut, the escape of the Esquimaux and their pursuit alter the party, the long and . condnued Journey of hundreds of miles back to the brig—these cannot be equalled for interest, and are sor rowfully accepted as the experience of human beings. The descriptions of the habits of the Esquimmix. their mode of life, km., are not based upon mums' visits, but upon a long residence with them in their own huts, while the descriptions of goodly; and the circum stances attendant A ratio Life, are peculiarly vivid. A large portion of the profits from the book will be given to the outfit of the new American Arctle Expedi tion, which mails in a few months, under command of Dr. Hayes. BROWN, TAGGARD, & CHARD, HARPER , S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE No. CXVIII.) _CONTENTS. Melton. THE BALLAD OF VALLEY FORGE. By R. H. STODDARD. tutu. TRAM,: —The Old Continent&ler. LIFE AMONG THE LOGGERS. ILLUSTRATIONIL—PIIOI/plng the I Trees.—Vl ow or Bangor.—Up the Penobscot—Lumbermen.— acting Loga.—Timber Raft—The Jam.—The Bonm.—ln dian Village of Old Town —Saw-Mille near old Town.--Shipcing Lumber.—Loggers' Private Marks. A PEEP AT TH tiLb.PriA NT ILLUSTRATIONs.—Lost his Temper.—Father Adam's Jumping-MI: Pliv.e. —Don't Like tt—ln the Corral —Tied un.— , ,,rr.l Fonee.—Form of Corral An obstinate Brute —Sliding down Hill—Ancient Goad —Moderti Goad —A little Rend-work. LOST ON THE RAIRIE. COIN IN t ADP. CA. With thirly-four Illustrations of American Coins. Dlfia PPE a two, A FISH STORY. LITTLE BROTHER PART 11. 111 1 . FIRST COLONISTS OF FLORIDA. OUR CHRISTMAS-TRh E. A NIGHT IN A SNOW-STORM. LOVEL, THE WIDOWER. By W. M. TRAUMAS% PRAPTAR //. In which Miss Prior oiliest at the Door. ILLUSTRATIONS.—Time Waits —Beres boots- TITHOs/ITS AtinEn Trivysolc. lE.SfIaRCEIIL A NORTHWEST PABAOE. NIL NISI BON Uhl A THIBUrR TO IRVING AND hIACaUbAV. By W. M. 1 1 11ACK•RAT. MONTH Y RRCORD OF OURREN'T EVENTS. LITERARYL NOTICES. EDITOR'S TAHOE. EDITOR'S ANY CID IR. OUR FOREIGN BUREAU. EDITOR'S DRAWER. TOBACCO AND 18 U•ERS. ILLUsTRATIONS.—A rair of Snuffors.--New Styles of Smoking' Annaratus.—Teking Turns.—Foroee Ilabit.-011 - enaive and Defensive WeaDolll. Dog and Pipe.—Effect on the mg.—Before and a r Ma rri age.—P tactical Lesson.—Demoo rani and Aris tocracy. FASHIONS FOR MARCH. ILLUSTRATIONS.— Promenade Costume.— Street Dress. TERMS. One copy for One Year ...... ..... es.oo Two copies for One V oar 500 Three or more copies for one Year (esch),•• • 100 And an Extra Copp, gratis, for every Club of TIN t3vn - • Harper's Magasine a gagr i ier's Weekly, together, one year. 84 00. BOUND VOLUMES OP T HE MAGAZINE. SEMI-ANNUAL SI-ANNUAL OLUMIN of the Maga• sine have been published. Ve wilt send by Mail, pottage paid. to any place in es United States within COO miles of New York. any of these Volumes, neatly and uniformly bound in Muslin. upon t' e receip t Two Dollar' per volume When complete nets are purchased. we will mhke n discount or Tecenty.fivn per rent., for- warding the VoMmes by express,. the freight being at the expense of the rummer, These Nineteen - Volumes of the l'itagazire contain matter equivalent to more than One Hundred ordinate Octavo Volumes, and are illustrated by more than Six Thousand Enflaming, executed in the hi hest style of the art. HARPER & BROTHER/I. It T HE *OPLE'S GREAT BOOK. a ge COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, BY FRANK CROSBY. OF TIM FRILABRI.Pnis BAR. Equally adapted ro all the States; its matter entirely reliable, and candy understood, and decidedly the beat took of the kind ever published. Every Merchant wants it. Every Manufacturer wants it. Every Mechanic, wants It. , Every Professional Man wants It. Every Bank Officer wants it. Every Bill and Note Broker wants it, Every Creditor wants it. Every Debtor wants it. Everyir d isolvent wants it. Everylnventor wants It. Every agistrate wants it. 0. very Lawyer wants 4. very Law Student wants it. Every Real Estate Owner wants it. Every Agent wants it. Every Conveyancer wants it. Every Book-keeper wants it, Every Collector wants it. Matll i gtnanuiTll°. Every Author wants it. Every bliaher wants it. Every School Teaoher want. It. Every Clergyman wants it. Every Builder wants It. Every Chip Owner wants it. Every Slitpmaater wants it. Every Auctioneer wants it. Every Farmer wants it I Every Landlordwants t. Every Tenant yenta it. Every Married Woman wants it, Every Single Woman wants it. Every Widow wants it. Every Maater wants it. Every Appprentme wants It. Every Steamboat Company wants it. Every Railroad Company wants it, Every Express Company wants it. Every nauranoe Company wants it. Every Guardian wants it. Every Minor wants it. Every Rotel-keeper wants it. Every Adminiktrator wants it. Every Executor wants it. Every Arbitrator wants it. 'very Government ..tficer wants It. Every Petitioner wants it. Every Citizen wants it. Every Alien wants it. Everybody everywhere wept,' CROSBY'S LAWYER„AnCOUNSELLOR IN BC. A. HERON, Jr., SINESB. It contains plain and simple instructions to Every body for transseting their business iscoirding to law, with legal forme for drawing the various necessary Pa ters connected therewith, together with the laws of all he States for Collection of Debts, Property Exempt from Execution, Mechanics' Married Fseoution of Deeds and Mortg .gen, Rights of Women, Dower, I.lnury. Willa, &o. It will be sent by mail to any addressioatage paid, on receipt of price, 14E, or in law style. 1.15. For sin gle copies, or for the book by laundry 1, or by thou sands, apply to, or address JOAN F. POTTEA, Publisher, fe2d-rit No. Gl7 fiANeOhl Street. Philadelphia, Pa. JUST PUBLISHED ! rus ATLANTIC) MONTHLY, FOR MARCH, 1880 ! CONTENTS. The French Character; Tne Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties; implore Faoe ; The Progress of the Electric Telegraph I, 1 eve and Pelf-lane; To the Muse; Screw Propulsion: white Man • For Chrietis'a bake; The Nursery Blarney Stone ; li Professor's btorg ; Is the Religious Want of tic ago Met REYIEWS AND LITERARY N Tues.—Ludwig van Boothe; en ; I ehen and fichaffen ; Reminlsoncee of Rufus Choate. the Gloat American Ad kmonte ; A Ilia tort of rim Whig Party ; Tee West Indies and the Spa nish Main; The Public Lifeof Captain John Brown; Poem, by tddney Dohell ; A Good Fight, and other Tales; The Undergraduate. Reeent American Publications. TIMMS —Sunk/ number. 25 cents. Three Collar', per sear. postale paid to snY pallor the United !States. Occes.— IWO copies. Iva gnillare Pive copies. Ten Dollars; Eleven °Niles. Twenty Dollars,—the subscri bers pitying their own Postage. viz t 38 cents per year. Clergymen Tonchme, and Postmasters, will receive the Magazine at Two Dollars per year, as heretofore. dubseriptions may commence with any numbers and as all the numbers are stereotyped. bank can always ho furnished. All orders should be addressed to TICKNOR .b FIRLDs, Publiehers 135 Washington-st., QOENES AND IMPRESSIONS ABROAD 1 , -Y By R. J. F. Rockwall. D. D. l7mo. 211. LEOTURES ON THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. By Rev. 0. Al Sutler. D. 11 12mo. 481.25. Sollllll- L THE PRoPHE I*, AND PEE LESSONS OF HIS LIFE AND TIMES. By Roy. Robert Halo. 12mo. 421. THE BIBLE BY ITSELF. An Atldreee delivered be fore the New York Bible Society, November 27th, 1829. By_Willlnm ells n Butler. IBmo. 26 cents. WILLIE AND NELLIE; or, Stories About my Ca. navies illOoente. . . . . . • THE FAIRY TALES OF SCIENOE. A Book for Youth. By John C. Drrwah. Illustratod. lemo. 41.00. MAN—mow, AND PHYSICAL. By Roy. J. H. Imes, D. D. 12mo. SI. For Pale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN. N 0.606 Chestnut Street. N-7TE YENS' HISTORY OF GEORGIA.— Now ready. Vo'. 2d. A History of Georgia from its first discovery by Europeans tote adoption o the present Constitution, it /41),CXVIII. By Rev. W 11116171 Boon Foveae, M. D. D. L.. formerly srofessor of Belles Lettres, ltletory. sic., in the University of Geor gia. In 2 vole, Bmo.. with portraits of Oglet h orpe and Rabershum. Volume second, published to-dev. by 11. BUTLER & CO.. felo-21 )37 South FOURTH St. R ANKING'S ABSTRACT. JANUARY, 1600. LINDSAY Sc BLAK'STON. Philadelphia, publish— RANKING'S HALF-N EARLY ABSTRACT OF Tllt, aIYDIOAL SCIENCES, Being a Practical and Analytical Digest of the contents of the principal British, American, and Oentinental Journals. (pub lished during thepreceding six months.) Edited by W. If. Rani:int, M. I) °, and C. B Radclitre, M. D. No.lo. (July to January, 1880.) Enlarged a d improved. Terms, SI per annum, (postage free whoa paid for in advance.) LINDSAY & BIJAKISTON, Publishers and diudieellers. fo2o No. 25 South SIXTH St., above CIISSTN (I T. TUE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MEDICO CHIRURGMAL RP, VIEW, FUR JAN UARY,IB6O, (Quarterly.) Terms 4f5 pet annum Agents for the United Staten, 1,1.118. Y & BIJAKISTON, Pulthshsrs,Booksellers, and Iniporters,_ 8 Nn.2.5 Smith SIXTH Street, alioce Complete Catalogues of Medical Booleii wit! prices annexed, furnished 1111011 anal° Won. fete COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS ! IVORY TYPE S. is. DAGUERREOTYPES! AT MoOLEE NO. 020 CHESTNUT STREET, Below Seventh (ossosite Jayne's Hall). $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $l. Those who desire a really splendid PHOTOGRAPH Should call at this THE OLDEST-EsTAßLisnEn AND MOST EX• TENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN THE STATE. Copies of 'DAGUERREOTYPES ordirnbrotypes, of any HIM finished in CRAYON, OIL, NY ATER-tiOLOR • PASTIL, or as lvoarricrae. dl2-8m Cl 4 E ESE .—Choke Herkimer County Change. pine tipple end Fripesgo Chem. Supe dot' Goshen Butter. Eaatern Market. Meese stand. feln-6t' SU/COMB & SASSBTT. JAVA OOFFEE.- 1,000 rig ) e nitm o irt e AL or male b y M mleS" NEW PUBLICA. ' , t wonderful narre ver written, 'OURNEY. DR. 1.1. RAYS In I vol. 12tno. Price SIZ PUBLISHERS. BOSTON. , EVERYBODY'S LAWS ER PREss.—NDLADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1860. INSURANCE COMPANIES s ®SINE 80 DUY, AGENTS, 424 WALNUT STREFIT STATEMENT OP TUE CONDITION OP TIM HOPE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OITY OF NEW YORK, EIGHTH. DAY OF FEBRUARY. WO. In oornylinnoo with t h o Iwo of Penney' yawn FIRST. I. Capital stook —. 8200,000 2. Number of shame of stook nub eeri bed for ... 4,000 a 80 . Amount of asseesmonto or Metal monte on Kock paid in club ...All paid tn. SECOND. THE PROPERTY OR ABSETB HELD BY THE COMPANY. I. The value, or as nearly as may be, of the real estate held by the Company. ...... ........ None. 2, Amount of each on hand...... 81,805 70 3. Amount of cash deposited in banks, specifying In what banks the same is deposited s Park Bank $60,00000 Mea han ios' Bank... ............. 2,019 18 902,20 30 d. Amount of cash in hands of agents and In course of trans mission... ........ . ........... 40 ya B. Amount of loans secured by bond and mortgages, consti tuting the first lien on the reel estate, on which there is less than one year's Interest due and 0wing........_._..... .... B. Amount of loan■ on which in terest hoe not been paid within one year ........ 7. A mount duo Company on whloh judgments have been obtained, None, 8. Amount of smoke owned by the Connally, whether of any State or of the United States, or of any incorporated city of the United States, or of any other description, 'pacifying the number of shares. and the par and market value of the Wee Par Market United States 6 por cent. loan of value. value. 1859. D. Amount of stock hold by the oom pany as collateral security for loans. with the amount loaned on each kind of stook, its par and market value: 15 shares Shoe mid Leather Dealers' 8ank............ slaw f 1,4130 31,102 03 20 shares Harlem Gas Light 4 Mitre! Clinton Fire In• surname C0mpany........ 16 shares Wines' Fire In surance ComPanT 18 shares Weedily ton Fire insurance Company...... 60 shares East River Fire Insuranoe Company...." 760 765 000 00 200 shares Citizens' Fire In an ranee Company— .. 4.030 8.(a)3 50 Owes Harlem Ons Light Company .... 1,500 1,608 8,600 CO Premiums unpaid on policies issued Dille re0eivab1e............ ....... . 10. Amount of asses/monis on the stook of the company called in, and due and unpaid... Nene, 11. Amount of premium notes due and unpaid None, 11. Amount of interest on investments mode by the company, due and unpaid.— ..... 13. Amount of Interest accrued. not due 14. Amount of other propert) belonging to the company. THIRD. LIABILITIES OF THE COMPANY. 1. Amount of Lour 4 due stud unpaid 2. Amount of the claims for Imo, which ere in suit or oontested by the company 3. Amount of Losses during the year which have 'been paid.— ... 822,000 83 4. Amount of losses during the year which have not been settled 5. Amount of logien during the 'ear which are contested C. Amount of losses during the year reported to the company and not acted up0n..... 7. Amount of the dividends declared.__.... 8. Amount of dividends declared due and un paid. O. Amount of dividendo (either cash or scrip) declared and not yet 0. Amount of money borrowed and the na ture and amount of aeourity given 1. Amount of all other existing chili:teaseled the company, contested or otherwise.... X() 00 FOURTH. INCOME OF TILE COM PANY 1. Amount of cash prem'ume received.--. 411.5,077 110 2. Amount of premium notes taken by the company.— ....... 3. Amount of premium" earned 4. Amount of interest money received from the Investments of tho c0mpany.......... 6. Amount of income of the company from any other gources—..... ...... Nothing. FIFTH. EXPENDITURES OP THE COMPANY. 1. Amount of Imes paid daring the year...SAW 2. Amount of lows paid during the year. which aoorued prior to the year 97 fd 8. Amount at which the losses were es ti. mat. d an former statement, which were paid during the year No former statement. 4. Amount paid and owing for reinsuranoe Premiums ........... 8, Amount of return premiums, whether paid or unpaid. O. Amount of dividends paid during the year. 7. Amount of enemies paid during the year, including commissions and fees paid to agents and drums of the company...—. 8. Amount of taxes paid by the company... 9. Amount of all other expenses Ind expen ditures of the company ..... ............ . 11. Amount of promissory notes originally forming the capital of the company... • None, 12. Amount of said notes held by the company as part or whole of the capital stock thereof. JACOB REESE. fe2o.natv 2t THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF FIIILA.DEFIIIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUTLDING. S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. F. FIATCHEORD STARR, MORDECAI L. DAWSON. WILLIAM HoEric, Oen. H. 8. VART. NALBRO FR van, JOHN H. Daows, B. A. FA IiNtATOCI, j ggit N i. T.. twlllinl°Cl 4 . ADREW D. Cu, AS HENRY WILAIVION. J. L. D;RRINORR. F. RATCHFORD BTARR, rteaident. CHARLES W. COX F. Soormarv. fgati•iy THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURAIWE HOMFANY OF NEW YORK. Moots: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, INVIIIITID WORMTHMVERSI3 , ON ,MOO.LL . The premium, aro Dividen d sen in many other Comps niea, and the have been OEUVRE. Thus k a strictly MUTUAL C o mm. are no Stookholdera, so that A Thy. PBROO erre MOND To THE INSURED. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had 011•216, on applioation to F. FOURTH EITARR,Aaont, B. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Mopeds. PIIILADELPRIA REFEKEIVES: Rve'gr,biaff., 11)4 1 471;!kiart. /41 zi , ; , ,/ , 4 . ! 3troud. R. B. Whelan mph Patterson, Wiligi r Cettgl. ohn 81. Atwood, Arthur 0 Coffin, °man H. Powers, George W. Toland, Warn McKee. Thom. Welton. nti-lyif• SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER it WILSON SEWING MACHINES. IiENRY COY, Agent, 1138 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, 111nohines, with Operators, on hire to Private Families. BRANCH OFFICE 9: 7 West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. no CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton, Pa. lal9-0m ILOOX k, GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINE—The great and increasing demand for Wilcox & sowing Machine is a guarantee of its superior excellence. lice 41.15. 1?or nnle at PAIR DAMS' Beale Warehouse, 715 CHESTNUT tweet. feAktf SPRING OF 1860. L. J. LEVY &I CO. Are opening daily a very Wonted with grant ortre in For their ottutco' During thin week the) will receive nenrly STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Of their own importation, front the ',teenier Arago, and other steamers now arrived. Of many of the goals, samples are now being exhibited, The assortment is not only very extensive, but is Mao remarkable for the very choice character br the goods. The following article!' will lid found in Vll,Tiet) FOULARD BILKS GRENADINE FLOUNCED DRESSES. RICH CHINE BILKS AND HODES NEW PRINTED MOUSSELINE MOUSSELINE DE CHINE. MOUSSELINE DES OM NEW CHIMED AND DRILLIANTE SUPERIOR ENGLISH HOSIERY. SHIRTING LINENS, of iuporior makes MEETINGS AND TABLE LINENS NAPKINS, DOYLIES and TOWELINGS CAMBRIC and JACONET EDOINOB, SUPERIOR STEEL SKIRTS, of new forms A great variety of new articles for gentlemen's use. 6 In all tho new articles manufactured re2o-31 809 AND Sll CHEST NUT STREET. THE LAST DAY IS FIXED FOR SELL- A. ing Bretquality REGULAR. BERLIN KNITTING ZEPHYRS, Double. Single. or Split. AT Is CENTS PER OUNCE. The price elsewhere bank DJ eents per ounce. Ladies who secure an assortment for Intern UP will do well. MAXWELL'S. fe2o.6t ELEVENTH and Cli e STN UT Ste. . . up° co VA/ KO REAL CASIIMEILE KNITTING ZEPHYRS, in doable, s nele, or split, aro offer ed, In; the present. at THE SAME PRICE AS THE IMITATIONS AND MEDIUM QUALITIES OP ZEPHYRS ARE Sold elsewhere. 20 N so; or. .1. O. MAXWELL & SON, TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS. AND zKvitrits, fe2o-et ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. l'ar Market Amount value. value. loaned. 1,000 1,000 600 00 400 420 200 00 SOO CCO 47 , 0 OD BURNETT. SEXTON. Sa SWEARINGEN' Inporters oP FANCY GOODS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN Hint SHY. MEN'S FIIdNISHING GOODS, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. SKlRTS—Shetland Wool. Zephyr', and VARIETIES. No. 41V MAItIkEr DTREHT. (018.tuva gCO 990 700 CO 812 030 00 . 43413'33 19323 STILL AHEAD! DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEW SHIRT, TEE (, BELLE OF THE SOUTH," The most Perfect and Beautiful Skirt ever produced MADE WITHOUT CLASPS, and warranted not to got out of order, in SI, 11, 13. 20, 23, 30, 33, 40, and SO HOOPS, EVERY LADY IS REQUESTED TO EXAMINE THEM BEFORE PURCHASING OTHER MAKES. Wholesale Dealers supplied by DOUGLAS A SHERWOOD, 111, 59, and 55 WHITE Street, NEW YORK. .......- 'NO 00 1860 . SPRING. 186 0 . NOTIONS FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. M'OAULEY. BROTHER. & BREWSTER. No. its NORTH FOURTH STREET, Have a large and complete assortment of HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, FANS, BELTS, WOVEN TRAIL SKIRTS, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, and FANCY GOODS, To which thee invite the attention of first-01a5p.3137- DUHRING 45e, CO., Noe. 06 and 25 NORTH FOURTH. STREET. Are now reoelving. by Nuocreeeive arrivals from Eu rope, their SPRING IMPORTATIONS OF ENGLISH. AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, Machine Sewing Silk and Thread—and when en in spection of their emulate and well-seeorted stook— ISPECILLLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE. fea-am JAB. R. 04.1%1PBELL & 00., DRY GOODS, LINENS, WNITE GOODS, OLOTIIB, CASHMERES, PARBIDENT CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. WRIGHT, SMITH, & CO., CHINA, MAN, AND QUEENSWARB PITTSBURG AGENCY, GLASS, NAILS, ho., delivered from the /, notory AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. 5 North FIFTH Street, fe3-fmwem PHILADELPHIA. TURNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. Noe. 23 and 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. (Between Market and Chestnut streets.) NG' PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. OLAIIB, OPEN OR IT TIIR PACKAGE, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRIORS. rel6.2m BOYD 6a STROUD, IMPORTERS .t JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete Stook of QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and ENGLISH CHINA. At their Old Stand, No. 3U NORTH Fouirrit leer door), blow Merohnnts' Hotel, to which thet in vite the attention of WHOLIIRALE BUT lIR9, •TAonare /OR PITTSBUIM 0/Anl. fe3-ant TO DEALERS AND CONSUIIERS.-Al - on hand n stook of 1,000,000 fine HAVANA CIGARS, of the following brands, viz Cabanas. Fi garo. Commun. Portages, Tomato, Dlorniande, Fire. fly &Mlles, Frogramina. Chuolia, Conrnitin, Ifosa, &0., &a. Offered at wholnitale and Retail, by 0. KIM PERT, 400 i 011E,STIS CI! Street, below the Custom House. CHIOKERING & SONS, MANU FACTURERS of Grand, Square, and eight PIANO FORTES. Warerooniv,a7 CHESTNUT Street:. Pianos to let. taken In exchange. tuned. and gnawed. AI/m.ln connection, a full stock of Popular Wino, Murk Books, stn, 1131-Snlif DETAIL DRY GOODS NEW GOODS GREAT VARIETY NEW GOODS, PARIS AND LYONS, RETAIL TRADE IDO CABEB OF FLOUNCED DAREGE ROHM SUPERB ORGANDIES SMALL CHECKED SILKS PARIS LAWNS AND PIiRCALES ENULISH and FRENCH CHINTZES NEW TRAVELLING MATERIAL JOUVIN and ALEXANDRE'S GLOVES. LONG CLOTH SHIHTINGB SUPERIOR BLANKETS CAMBUICS and JACONETB FRENCH MUSLINS. 'MOURNING GOODS, FOR BPRIPIO FANCY DRY GOODS. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, aCI No. 727 CHESTNUT Street. THIRD-STREET JOBBING HOUSES 1860 . SPRING. 1860. FRESH GOODS. RIEGEL, BAIRD, 83 00.. IMPORTERS AND :JOBBERS OP FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, NO. 47 N. THIRD STREET, !PHILADELPHIA, Would respectfully invite the attention of Count'' , Merchant, to their LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF FRESH SPRING GOODS, Which they are now receiving in More. P Merohante would find it to their advantage to call and examine our stook. fe3-3m 1860. SPRING. 1860. J. T. WAY &Co ., IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALERS iN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, No, 98 NORTH THIRD ST.. Are now ready for the SPRIN G TRADE, And prepared to offer, to chew and prompt six months Buyers, one of the LARGEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE STOOKS In the country, and at Prices that will dcl'y competi tion, not only in this, tint to any.other city. Purchasers will find our Stook wall assorted at all seasons of the year. I. T. WAY, U. DUNLAP, W. P. WAY, % fe3-3m )o RO. P. WAY. 1860. SPRING TRADE, 1860. BUNN. RAIGUEL, & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN [FANCY DRY GOODS. 137 NORTH THIRD STREET, Are prepared to exhibit at their salesrooms the most complete stook of Roods ever offered by them, present. ing unusual attractions to the trade generally,' The stook comprises a complete assortment of every variety of SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTING'S, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND • TRIMMINGS. Also, a full and general assortment of Spring SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. To all of which they Invite the attention of CARR AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS. B. M. BUNN, V. C. BUSH, If. R. RAIOUEL, W. W. KURTZ, H. F. BUNN. fe IA-ttat Y AILD,GILLMORE, & CO. NOS, 40 AND 42 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDE RIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES. MITTS, AND 143-3 m SHAWLS. ANS PAC 'EI. REED; & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS 'IN DRY GOODS. NO, 130 NORTH THIRD STREET, (CORNER AND CURRAN RTC.) PHILADELPHIA. I. ANAPACII,.III., CRAB. E. Aroma. ANSPACII. hi. M REND, DAVID M. aWARR. (.3-2m MILTON CoOPIR. WM. M. PARHAM. Rm. D. WORK. COOPER, PARUAM, & WORK, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBERS . OP HATS. CAPS. AND STRAW GOODS. NO. SI Nonni. THIRD STREET. Ihr Constantly on hand a large assortment of Straw and Lane Bonnets, Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hate, Bonnet Trunudnge, Artifimal Flowers, Ruches, FAUST. WINEBRENER, & CO.; IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE. NO. 49 NORTH THIRD STREET, Above Market, n L ew Brown Stone Store, emoted on the Old City Hotel ot. PHILADELPHIA. DAVID VACS?. D.ll. WINEDBENVII. W. M. CARTER. fe3-2m HAZEL", Ss HARMER. bIANIIYAOTURERS WED WHOLE/SALS MALE:Be to BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 138 NORTH THIRD STREET. A fall assortment of City made Boots and Shoes pen sisl,. on hand. alo•tf LAING. 6,1 MAGINNIS, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in IRISH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS; FRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTING& SHOE MANUFACTURERS' ARTICLES: SvWING MACHINE BILKS, THREADS, COT TONS, NEEDLES, &c. SOLE AGENTS FOR Gurney's eeleb , ated In, Machine Silk, and Upfield's Patent Boot Trees. No. 30 North THIRD Street. fe3-Sat SOWER, BARNES. 83 CO.. BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS OF FELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS AND KEYS, EMMONS' GEOLOGY. BROOKS' NORMAL ARITUMETICS, SANDERS' READERS, &0., No. 87 NORTH THIRD STREET, (East side, below Aroh Street.) led Sot TO MEIfOIIANTS BUYING OIL. CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & SMITH, DIANUFACTURERS OF OILCLOTHS, 346 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to our large stock of FLOOR, TABLE, AND OARRIAOE OIL CLOTHS. GREEN GLAZI•D O.L CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for Shides. The largest stook of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in th% market, at prole' which defy competition. fe3 3m JAMES. KENT. SANTEE, & CO„ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Or DRY GOODS, NOS. 239 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, Respectfully invite the attention of buyers to their usual LARGE. AND COMPLETE STOCK Or FOREIGN A NI) DOMESTIC GOODS, Among whioh will be found full lines of BATES' AIILLS AND YORK COMPANY'S COT TON ADES. Also, a LARGE VARIETY 01 New and confined SI) les of PRINTS, MERRIMACK SECONDS, 4.e. fed -yin HENDRY & HARRIS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES. N. W. CORNER TUIRD AND ARON STREETS PHILADELPHIA HATS AND CAPS. HOOPES & DAVIS. No. 517 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS OF, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, FUR, WOOL, BILK, CASSINI:RE, STRAW, AND PANAMA MATS. CAPS, BONNETS, BLOOMERS, RUCHES, PALM fr. WILLOW HOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, &o. We reapuotfully invite the attention of WWI and ptock. rompt-pm ing buyere to our large arid welLeeleeted s felt ani COLUMBO ROOT—For sale by WITRE RILL k BROTHER, and North BEOOHD Btreet, , fen WANTS. A CLERKSHIP WANTED, BY THE ...LA. advetiser las some aetive experien Referenceness; fast penman,_and correct accountant. good Address " Trusty," Press office. fent.w m at A COMPETENT BOOK-KEEPER will kindnen. eloae, post, or examine books, adinst part ners usiness, or neatly and expeditiously execute any of writing.. Address A. Y. AI," Box rag Philadelphia Post °Mee. role Ia- WANTED TO RENT—A Modem Cot tage.. with five or six rooms, situated between the city and Germantown, within five minutes walk of a railway station. Rent, 817 a to .11279 per annum. Ad dress " A.ll. ft.," Box 1215, Past Oillee. fel&2l WANTED—A person well acquainted with Life Insurance and having experience in obtaining applications. A good opportunity is here offrted for building up a handsome income. Address Box On P. 0. fsl7-3t. ACTIVE, INDUSTRIOUS 1 9 0 °0 A Ken ts wanted. in all verse of United States. to wholesale and retail new and useful patented arti cles ;profit large. and business exclusive. Goods are desirable, and will sell to everybody, Addrese, with ate nip. 1.1. H I & CO., N 0.313 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Serino. fe113.3t. WANTED—By an active young man, a • • satiation in to Wholesile Store as an Assistant Clerk. Would he willing to make himself generally use MI to his employer. Address" K. L.," at thin office. fel7-4t. A BOOK-KEEPER, who will devote his whole time to the interests of his employer,w3hes a situation. Address "T. 8.," °thee of Vie Press. felt-St WANTED—TO RENT.—A modern • r dwelling house, situated in the western part of , ty. ' R0x:606, Post. the ei Rent from tan°. 9600 to .SECO per annum. fe tt . 6rttdaa FOR SALE AND TO LET A ROll-STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE. - , .. l .—The Store end Dwelling No. 211 Arch street. Terms easy. Appl) to WILLIAM R. ALLEN, N 0.833 ARCH Street . fell TV gyg• 'JO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— Jaunt, Machinery. Block, and Fixturea of large Manufactory .of PAPER ILANGIIPRIO, replete with every convenience for carrying on an extensive hen nas.. A desirable investinent to persona of energy who can push the bueinese For sale with or without the building. Inquire at 3= CHESTNUT Street. jalawfintf if 01 COTTAGES AT ATLANTIC CITY FOR FOR. SALE.—Fenr Cottages, built expressly, du nip" the last season. b) the C. and A. Land Company, to suit families epenumg the summer at this delightful watering Place. Forparticulars apply to JOHN sTEiv ART. Architect. _ , Va' WALNUT Street. or ISAAC LLOID. Secretary Cooper Point, N.'3. JONES' HOTEL-PHILADELPHIA . The lease and furniture of this noted Hotel are for sale at a great bargain. The furniture is entirely new, having been put in within a year, and the house now 'doing n successful busmen. . . . . . Inquire of D. M ATIGh,R, in the Hotel, or of F. G BCKIBA, No.lB MURRAY Bt.. N. Y. felt-tf pOR SALE —Ten acres of LAN It. on FISHER'S Lane, adjacent to Station on the Penn sylvania Railroad, five miles from tee any •; stone house on it; could be improved so as to make a desirable dwel ling, ; prloo 07,600 Apply to JOHN_S. HOFFMAN, tal4-12t att WALNUT Street. CHINESE AND JAPANESE GOODS.- A large quantity of Chinese and Japanese Pine Ap ple Bilks, Babie. Crepes. Pongee Hendrerohiels. and Curiosifies have Just been reoeived by the ship. Petry." "N. B. Pa'mer," end Windward." and will be sold at BWEST PE NN Square, fire house north HS btreet, at moderate ,prices. 'A splendid Oil Painting of bhanghae, with a view of the Custom House and shipping, also, a Japanese dog of great beau ty and curiosity, suitable for a Lady's get. fel4-6V rig OR SALE— TUB BROADWAY FotINDRY AND MACHINE-SHOP, ST. LOUIS, Missouri, ESTABLISHED IN IWO. This long-established and well known Foundry in of fared for sale on accommodating term... . . . . During the last eighteen months the Buildings have all been rebuilt, in the most approved modern style, and new machinery added. making the moat complete es tablishment of its size in the Western country The Foundry Building is fig, by 66 feet, and furnished with Cranes, Cupola, Core Oven. &0., &c.. complete. The Machine Phop is IMO by 90 feet, two and one-half storms high and contains stares and well-arranged set of Lathes, Boring and Planing Machines, fce., usually found in Shops for doing a general Machinery business. The stock of Patterns is the largest and most valuable in the city of*. Louis. Flasks. I 0015.&c.. about Black smith shop. boundry, Machine fdhop. and Boiler yard abundation.. A most ego - silent opportunity is offered for two or three practical meohanics. with a small amount or Capital. to embark in a well• es abluihed manufaoturing busineu. For particulars address. at Bt. Louis. Mo CUDDY. CARPENTER, & CO. it TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS sfia. A Retail Btore end fixtures, well Loostea for boil nese. . A Mill, 76 by 26 feet, three stories high, with water power and steam for seouring and finishing proem. A Pie House, 60 by 26 feet,with good water for dyeing, sad t.lenty of dry room. This property in Fisher's lane, near the Germantown Railroad, being so very &mean ble to the sty. makes it very desirable. THOMAS R. FISHER. I.l3 Aip i nly to Fisher's Lane. FOR SALE--A valuable Lot at corner of Christian and Twentieth streets. haring three fronts, suitable for a church or factory site. For terms !co., addrese J. 8., at this office. islB4 NIAUTORY LOT FOR SALE.—A valua blecornerlot, 115 feet square, having three fronts, admirably located for a factory site. It is mutated in the southwestern Dart of the city, in a repidly-tm proving neighborhood. It will be sold on reasonable terms. For particulars, address "K.,' office of The Press. meld-tf ea HOUSES TAVERNS, and STORES, lel Real Estate of every description,_for sale or to rent. Apply to MAX REIN'S, Real..Eset Agent. No. el North D Street, in L. Toerny & Co.'s Seed Store. All online will he promptly attended to. English, French, and German spoken. Collector of Ground Rents. nlB-3m REMOVALS. REMOVAL. --SMALL & CHANDLER, WHOLESALE OEOOEIO, have removed from 68 North bECOND Street. to LIS MARKET Street, above Front. north gide. HOTELS. CONTINENTAL HOTEL PEHLADEL PDIA, CORNER OF CIIhST:YUT AND NINTH bTREE rB—OPENroI 16 11. This matnificent establishment hag been erected ji snliscriion; the stockholders cornerisins_f her of thein most enterm ma businesl_,lno4a , a t . x v i a4 in wineh mumbled the Coespeut. , et Amerman Independ to the world the tirials--`• ease. notel has accommodations for about one thou sand guests. and is supplied with every modern im provement for the comfort entirennienc of fami- Ica, busmen men, and the travelling conanu uity. A vertical railway in being constructed upon a novel and scientific principle, which lender. accident impos sible. affording the means of reaching the highest sto ries without the fatigue of ascending continued nights of stairs. giving easy acceu to the purer air and soaiet of the miner rooms. The spacious corridors for ventilation, and every protectionlntroduced. againat the dangers of fire, have been lite ally An extensive rending room and busineaa exchange, with telegraph office and connecting writing rooms, have been provided on the first floor. The whole of the interior arrangements and furnish ing haves been under the personal superintendence of I'ARAN 8T hVENI3. neer whose maeapem•nt the success of the Revere House and Tremont House, Bos ton ; the Battle House and Point Clear Hotel. Mobile; and the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New Tort, has been es tablishes!. The various departments of the Continental will be conducted upon the same liberal scale which has earned for the above named hotels their well-known and ex tensive share of public favor. A 11 communications for apartments, or upon any busi ness connected with the house. should bo addressed to Continental Hotel, in order to insure immediate atten tion. felf-12t1 J. E. STE vli.NB ac CO. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. a PRATT & REATH. N. W. CORNER FIFIII AND 'MARKET STREETS. 1111PORTEI8 0 WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED D ARE, &c., ate feS-Im SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON invite nodal attention to their stook of SILVER WARE, wtneh ie now unusually large, affording a va nety of pattern and design unsurpassed by any how the United State■, and of finer quality than is manatee tared for table use in any pert of the world. Our Standard. of Silver is 935-1000 parts pair The English Sterling 925-1000 American and Frenoh 900-1000 " Thus It will be seen that we give thirty-five parts purer than the American and French coin, and ten parts purer than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver, and we guarantee the suakty as above IMO, which le the flied that ems be made to be serviesoble, and wall roost the aohon of acids with belles 144.41 CM engi nes, Biltior rumuystrarod. WI. WILSON & 80N, 11. W. CONNER PII7II AND OIDLRBY NTS ff. )3.—An7 fineness of Silver mensfietated as agemt soon, but partitively nom isU'srise Is Renck awl Awe( Oa standard. Dealers supplied with the same standard as sod In our retail department. WHOLESALE CLOTHING. LIPPINCOTT, HUNTER, &SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS rouThi.BALt: DEALERS IN CLOTHING, 4d4 iIIARIiET street, and 419 MERCHANT Street, PHILADEL PULA. ASII and complete line of every style and olass of mac ine-made Clothing , fully equal to that manfao tur any other oar. fal-fra ' HEATON & DENCIZEA. HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 007 COMMERCE and 510 NORTH STREET. AOENTV FOR THE SALE OF OUT NAILS, HOLLOW WARE. CAST, BLISTER,AND GERMAN STEELS, Which, with a complete assortment of AMERICAN HARDWARE They offer for sale et MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. fuSerftram rat LEON, 411 CHESTNUT STREET, Metre Fourth. North Bide has the very _Lea Smoking and Chewing Totem° in Yhiladelphiai CONOERT HALL •CHESTNUTT STREET. ABOVE. TWELFTH, The public are respectfully informed that the GREAT MUSICAL, ote Rol et, MR. SAM COWELL. 9)nfeasedly tho most gentlemanly and artiste Comp. cmahbie st (a f the ofthe ho has gained undying fame La the °r les o OLD WORLD, aa wall u ha NEW YORK BOSTrill Will null? at al4boPrne_nTamFodOUßßatlONTßll. 021 THURSDAY. FRI DAY,.:- AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, FebnlnlT 211 h, and 26thi In a number of his =Listed br GREAT CHARACTER SONGS, Mr. J BololicS. the eminent Concertina Performer arid Pianist. sea Mrs. AM the accomplished Voc J alist.ES mexe, Admission 25 cents. Front seats reserved for families. Commence st half past? o'clock. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MIISIO COOPER OPERA TRUIPE. THIS (MONDAVI EVENING, Feb. M. DER FREISCIIUTZ OR, TH, SEVENTH BULLET. Agnes, Miss Milner; Rodo ph. Mr. Bowler • Caspar, Mr. .to ogles Cook ; Kuno. Sir. Boudinot Pilate Ot ttenr.Mr.Warrie ; Zamuel, Mr. Burden ; ism. Mr. Riley • Hounim.n. Ladiea.Pensants, &c. M 11.11911 Director.— MR. H. C. COOPER. SS OM Parquet. Parq uet C IC ircle, e n s D BcoottISSION. y... W ota. No extra charge for reaerced Family Cada., .. . .... ..data Seats may be 1;4 at th e . Academy, Beck Lawton's. and Chickerinem.dady. from 9 bill. Doors open at 75 wok.k. Opera commences at X. Change of Opera every night. fe3 tf AA GRAND CONCERT OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC will be given up atd of RT. VINCENT'S HOME FOR DESTITL'TE CHM DREN. on TUESDAY EVENING. glst instant. at yjg o'clock. at CONCERT BALL, Chestnut. abore Twelfth •treet, Miss CAROLINE RICHINGS. the distingnish - ed and universally-admired Vocalist, has 11103 i reherollev vol unteered her services for the acme on. Mae Ricking. will sing an aria from " Valuate;' a Scotch ballad - Wha'll,t:e King but Charlie ;" Imitation a la raise— . /solute, end a new and be,utpul eons— cOMPoesd expressly for Miss Etchings, by George Kunkel. entitled • Only Waiting." Rig. &Indwell'. Professors Thunder and Newland. and a number of talented amateurs. wilt Rae assist in Gil musical performances of the evening. wickets 25 cents ; Reserved Cont. a 1 cents. fe73 Ft GRAND MUSICAL ENTEKTAINSIENf. The Conrert by the YOUNG LAT IFS or THE JOHN QUINCY ADAMS GRAMMAR BCllOO', fur the urchase of Piano, will take place FR/DAY EVENING. Feb 24. h. at the illtSl FUND aLL. Tickets Chestnut ;Leeale at Reek ho-awton s, ea. venth and ; & Walser's.Tß Chestnut str et. and at the door on the evening of the concert. fe.V at* w AIN UT-STREET THE =VIA h,. V Y Sole Lessee— Mrs. M. A. GARREttMVI Stews Manager Mr. E. F. !SAGE Ba Till u rt " 4Y LIAMLET, PRINCE Or . DEN3l.tst Runlet, r. J. E. ranch Laerkri, Mr. L. R Ilhewelt : Gertrude, Mrs. Du old. To =elude with A KISS IN THE DARK. Salim Pettibone, Mr. Vining Bowers. sir Prioes as usual Beats secured without extra charia. Doors oven at 63G o'clock Performanoe to commanos at 7 o'clock VITEE T A R T .F L ,T E T Y RE Ik (TR CL E. ABBE'S AROIL THIS S MONDAY. EVENING Ire& NI. Ne , •enth tosht of BOURCICAULT'S NEW PLAT. called the Ot.; foROON: Oa, LIPP. IN LOUISIANA. °sous Pe) ton, Mr. Whe‘tley ; .Intsob McCloskey, Mr. Dolman; Zoe. the Octoroon Alre.John Drew. SCALA or PIIICE3. — AdMIII[IOU. 26 wants, accusers Seats in Dress thrcle.3734 cents; Parquet. 60 cents. Doors open at 7; performances L. coralnetteS at TK preoi,ehr. TI AN RBA S ta•HEA I SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT St.. bye Smith. g a te . Circle. cents ; 21 le vs Whole Fri- Trli.H.tlllsl2.7,lTir Boxes . ` e s ' CIiAIIG It OF TIME.—DOOFB OM At half past 6 o'clock. To commence at T. TRIG EVENING. Feb. M. Will be presented the Gorgeous Spectacle of the k:LEPHAN roF .11: OR. cRE FIRE IC• NG'S VOW. Almoner, Mr. W H. Cage, Malec, Mr. Q. M. Lerwlai Chittagong, Mr. Wh ttahr. Tashi. Mr. Joben k r e i s; Rome. Mr Murray; BIN. Mr. Noyes; TheophMas rifle Mr Frank Drew ; Seib. Hr. Ithasten ; Kaho . Mr. hladsan • Hefe , t. r King ; Akber, Mr. Ater owl Drake, Mr. G. Holland; Berms...tn. Mr. J. Llama t In dention, Miss Ra) muted Attendant on tke Pm:lases. Miss Wilton ; Lulu. M , s. Hackett; Rosa Queen, Miss Cl, ra Robinson; Zillah. Miu A nine Langdale. The • erformanee wid conclude with a sa ection or ACTS IN 't e: rIN d, n which the OnginalHunLaiet. DAN RICE, appears. PIF TE EN TH WEv K-- ,, ANDEESON'S EXHIBITION ROOMS—Jayee's Comtr,onwsslth Bundles. O .llbBT. 1 . street. near &sot. THE WORLD IN MINIATURE. TH10 1 .0N"8 - MUSEUM. In the programme for this meek sill. be rimlnded Tangier, the goat of the presentwar between Siaths. and Morocco; Washington at Vail y FOrFB ;. Santis* upon Salzburg; Ns; oleon crossing t e Alp h ha army oi 30.M0 men; the tiernsribne Monastery; tho Automaton black rip •• Vaulter : the Storni s: r ea FAMILY MATINEES on WEDNESDAY tad eel'. URI/AY AFTERNOUNS. Evening Entertainment—Door open at ? o'clock; to commence at 7%. E=i=l I%ICUUM)UGH'S GAIETLLS--fialt)ll bt., below THIRD. IMMENPERIXCESS OF THE • STAR ON BEAUTY I lk SILVER SHOWERB. Thut Pantomime is pronounced by all to bo f4r saw rior any attempt at Comm Effects, the audieno. to tner I'grrnple2Lat; beauty. RE.V4LVING PILLARS. REVOLVIN4 PILLARS. REVOLIT NG PILLAAS. TELE TM:IL} AU. ATLAS. ATLAS. ATLAS ATLAS. fRYDIAS. e.yDIA.f. • rHTDIAS. RYIELAS. PRVDIAS. ADCIBIADES. ALCISTADFi. ALCIBIADES. ALCIRIAD The above lablean Inn form a group of NOTCHES. CAST OF CHARACTER?: HARLEQUIN A. M. IU RNANDEZ. .....H. CALLADINE. Pantaloon-- ...... • ..51.1JS WHELPLEY. __Star nf R." 4 " 1 " Also, will be preeinced the New Barletta of VIRGINIA HANKIE.; PENNSYLVANIA NIGGERS. hero wt., .L,nrer. .Juts Pries, Rhin Jn_ Clover Top. Cramps .... Sally snow - Also Singing and Dane 111 C. HERNANDF.Z in too wonderful (eau. or PostiorLag i together with NICIIO LS it zi pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Of TEN. Ja. FLEE ARTS. HC6 CHESTNUT STREET. js OPEN DAILY. t hinds) s exce sled, I from 9 A. 55. til 6 P. ht. Wantot—The Tenth eclitme of '• CrEis Elerscro Ttstigia of Piranere. Admuunon 25 cents. Children antler 11 yea half BhPiree of Stook 893. c I ERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PubIic Re hearsale every SATURDAY, at MUSICAL FUND HALL at 3l€ o'clock P. M. Tlcketa to be Led at O. Andre's. and Beek & Lawton's Alsace Stoma.and at the door. eall-Srn CIiURCLUS RAINTINCi, ••• THE HART OF THE AN0F.1. , ." Now on kind:talonst the ..SCADEMI OF FINS ARTS, 10 - Z CILEcTN UT Etteet. from a A. M. ull Una. Admission 23 cents. Venters are requested to tome Opens GLas‘es. fel II riIEMPLE OF WoNDERS, Northeast corner of TLNTH and Clll - I.ITMIT Streets. Ureat and Novel Attraction. dIuNUR 81.1 The venderful Nl.polan 11 ad entrilopinst. EXHIBITION EVENLKO DURINti TRH Commencing at . 73: o'clo.;k. end on WEDNESDA and SATURDAY AFT RNOO:n Bat 3. The celebrated. E Automaton Rope Vaulter, one of the greatest pieces Mechanismmer exhibited, inn appear riexhltl tron.Don. and perform hut am:ll=i. (eau. Admusmon dcents. Children la cams. d24-tf UMIII{ELLAS. SLEEPER & k'ENNER. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL 'MANUFACTURERS, No. 330 MARKET STREET, fe3-3m PHMLAPELFAId WM. .A. DROWN & UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURERK, No. 216 MARKET STREET. fo3-1m PIRILADY:LPIIIA. 3 OSEPH LEA. rms. 1M AND 1X CHESTNUT STREET, Invitee the attention of the Trsde to hie Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS MADDER PRINTS, New light and dark spun tiler, a great variety tram MESSRS. BAWL SLATER S. SONS, SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO. MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Alio. THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Inclndos many new standard Patterns. NEAT BLACK dr, WHITES. KIR MPS. LAWS. SAXONY & SHEPHERD PLAcOS, & 8.1.D1 , 111,ND5, BLACK AND GRAYS, A.ND CHOICE DIYSTVaI BTYLEB. WOOLLENS, FANCY CASSIMBRES: , md DOESKINS, Att, FROM ROCK COM., GLENDALE COM., NEW ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR BLACK DO • SKIN AND SILK MIX TITRES. Patti:lats. Plain and Printed. of all colors and quali ties; a entucky Jeans, Twills. Oords. Cstnrearetta. Ke raey'a ',Meads, oomprisins one of the hest stocks tII the oountry. AMERICAN LINEN CONE. CRASH, 'LUCKS, SHEETINGS, &c Intl-3m CARRIAGES, OP TUX 311.tirPACITIM OP WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 CHESTNUT STREET. No.loll. fell-imif DR. SCIIENCK CAN BE FOUIiD AT his offiee, 30 North `IITH Street. on Fri day and Battiriloy of eneh week. Monday a niet Tres days are set apart for rutting patients to and nut of thy city. On Wednesday and Th. raday of eanh a. ek he to at his office, No. 100 BALTIMORE Street, Bs!ttioore. Md. Hui terms for a thorourh examirritno to t' Resavometer, et Ma Odin. or Any pat o: 1:0 ..:t% 83: regiCar visitation. after.• ras,Socen , s s r•r.!. A.I advice at his office free of ehor..e ; ann. 11 .11 cast,: where persons do not feel Ohio to pay lot hie Junta examined, they wilt he eared for. a,',' r vetthe nowt. aftwittv b• I, .ra o•t-rArl AUKEKEL.-4911 bbls. Nos. 1. :; Mackerel, to assorted OnzEnel Pna • o r :re latest catch, for sale by C. C. tY.A.DLLIt & CV. tH , 11 s trtilt,,ddoo , above F rout. tll4
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