irttszt r Aic.,'s` - rittßoitißtsgit Litthotted foi Pfew o l.-• . ~.r , f „ ;: ‘ 'Oginottieferf iflY,TitsTittet, ; ei,BeentillnettriO, yea Mtn ithrIIDNIS (IT Joni( OSPIZ-Tnitio Div',e ,Peto ;,,;aintionoe-Ritstanits ow F, Canalitl"Bayineergiemin 2erl Demstren,_wti."lnierroor et.irectiney:Mann PON - TEN: 00100IONWIIALTIL-0116108 On JUDOE,AI.OIp9N-. r• No Winning or 11X Itray.-Yeriteidays,litthecenst of Oyer and Temlner, Indite dlliaiMend,TheMeeell bn the bench, the eneent , RiAliiiet Thcimpeon, obarged'oPi • G-themurder df Vibe Cards on the'tibridite Of tbelTO of April last. was maimed and oonoluded.:,l*-ekbefOro 10 o'clook, the vielnity-of BiXtli rind .Clostaut•itreele. was throneed by people' libeling teigainadmittehee to the oourt-room, and the rueh hun dred,' had to bedimptiointed. Iti:treofflfleereilYlMder - stood that F. Carroll Breareterelfielii Would Make the concluding speech for the defeede'nt the Opening of the ...em u mid this - feet MeterlidlY tended to increase the, excitement in Me; sieletsborliood. The defendant w,as seated - In the 'middle of the ' yriihner's hill Wan tenanoe wearing, the - Eliot anxiotts expression. 'After names,ef the 'intim' hid' been called by theclerir. molmo., stir arese,,andisMile the Meet pedfoendailenite suhmittedthefollowing- , ; ; , , DaTENDANTnI POINTS POE TOP Neitteth 00410 t 00N11-2 Defendant's:counsel respectfully. tentteat thelearned court. to °Mame the jury ae Movies • • - - • 1. That the Commonerealthms make nut _ each element "of ita • case beyond every leasonoble doubt . • :e , • . in everiorimineldagethe defendanyn gain must be winde out by evldenod stilliblentiy,oenelusive %occlude every renewable suPPreiltion 011111 tOrrigneann , :'Whig" ton's Crimitier Law. MN.. -- 2. That. evidence of tight le-tbe 'weakest etidence ;of A perseuiloirevek.`emiseioturnt innownee, might not have the coinage Atittand a trial, bet -might. al ' tholightnnowent,thinkit neeesenry to cinema his safety by flight." - Abbett,./..Bek. vg, Oeiniallteited in What ' ton'e &VC ••,-, . S. That, meonneetiOn with theevutenpe on thistaniet. - the Jury should consider the wounded, condition of the defendant at the thno,and_hilianbleinueur freesurrenNer " of hime-Iftbeirirou. 4 That ,evidence of, premone,good - oharaotrir is enti tled to greet eenslderation. -••k Thet•evidenoof Geed eliareeteriantiteele 1411- - cleat to raise a dou b t. Lawn 0. CassipT., - -F. Caen BRllVaten. _ Counsel for defendant. • Ilrewstar: addressing himaelt to the ruty4, then Did• that the gratitude of anneal Wite•due, herr !Jr the patient attention which they badmen ested in the levesiientme of the aces , to which no wee about to addreeabllTlSPlL The true lento Wee not, is It had been • -stetted by thoteetriet A ttheney-not whetheywe live in a Chilstien land. but whether the , prisoner at the ear was guilty o' the murder of John("Apia. form Pad m , n cr h a stuns in Nialed,,Acr appeal 'has been made for sympathy the ,onseer ; or thelConimoke wealth. whe cameras that -the 'oeMpanlons or tee dead . mem bee:ode-gelled him. Batelleus that „the witnesseei ' for the Consreonweialth never swerve except in favor or a defends t. Meters gentredutts otatehtellt. Peer fturineeN nor find It so with theelders, Tor,dtd Na-,, beiti. Who 'e falsely, accueed and, stetted. IBS district Attorney or, roue-minded *amen,' Jeze-o, bat, who seeercel he defendiset's blood by precisely the - n e nem eer of witneame as are brought Pero by Mr. Mann 'n in 'be 011,1114 °me 411" X Weed and Me. Bmwster. at crit,t lama o, f 0 ,1 * 5051m•nt.d uirinthe testimney or al: s it•yritnetisei for the, mosrention Jam 'it Toorittie:•WaCinfilith Striking disteince of, the nine who held tilatel in his heed. Be was flee to face with him. end I , lll o it )003 ilevetattinen with ei fir ehorn He hed .keevfa - arum :time end Pet . when he is eallsa an the sond he, ta i s, to say that he identifies the ,iwisoner_as -that pennon ; it wits monnlioht night, an the Commonwealth lees the lure to Ile what , heir owevel, mar tness'wil 'nut twalortli m e . to dn. Chrostlen hewer Wm the man, end the eond flash of the pistol' , 'He knew' the, defendant. end he. ton. f ifts to ,recornlee him.e"fileiger. , Save tee Commonwealth. e•felleveed hintwith his eye." Dells f• Consirlor Hie crowd atetlof e wetea:Mr :Condition.Ge , ger fair flame s riser-sew Catee fel t -enw Caple t s veht leg under.the who , lor the Staler f ari inge-We ■ Ore or his periltion as he fell-silt him picked 'up. end .• yet. all thili time bed, his eve on the meal Bowls this - possible end if possible,• still Omer utterly felled to, rernanife hen .7 A oly B. o dame. the Wile vitae/ml'4 the moseentien, ~,. ev &nee/ self.rontradiotory. and proven ter I vie other t stimany and eirountmeriee in the f011.4". 2 Adams ht. Of'-'ffse. 5 member of the Shaer . - Bora cowltem • He neased running with thatalieert• Sue when he commenced en rnnwith the pollee. [Laugh. .• ter.) i Beer Bloomer states that be did • not ten dame tti the corner ; and Adame•whe makes ao,,eatllel rur nrent rat' - from that. which he Nave hetOre,,oolCiper enrol. at The lion or ,the inquestoyetequeto eltrftlith • ,•• the derepdant le the murderer - •ettiyard i.tosueenburg sew diet , net ythe man who fired, and Yet does Notre - omelet the tinsoner,,lN , lliam R-Danole saw the man, and does not recoznise Th made: 'Now. observes five - men have their eyes on the man ; Weis saw' Motel! face. and do not way it was the derendent.• One saw the side of the (nen and the ether, Ores. who. Bay the ba-k not, piths defendant. attempts to Lathe 00minis - mon of this areas otime upon him -, „, • , t " Where. asked Mr. Brewster, Is the motive of Thompe_ win foe the murder of Capie? -They were unknown to etch other, and halm not even been proved to be mem ' ben (rival fire companies If ' °meson:le not the merderer. where is he. asked Mr.-Mann? We tome all ' h aria of John Caele. and douhtleas the avenger of blood NMI ripen hispath. It is not for the defence to point:out -the monde , . That la the homiest' of the Commonwealth Mind &reties. all the aelte sssss against Themppoo are. members of the - Shaer...Bose. a fact not ,nnurn poreart• In its bearing urea their testimony, ' The !ie . . dente of isthe Weakest of all evidenee.' The in.' mew fl ee. het 'the guilty - navel' surrender., Mr. .- - Byerly testifies that. at_the don the first two shots were heard, the defendant wee in -hie sight, emit of Telfth street He had no doubt in the weak! of thie fact '.John .1. Gallagher heard the f i rst alto shots. Atthat timethe defendant was stendidg in his company= the efdewelk. 10. wee confident that when these shots-were fired the 'defendant vegeta! of Twelfth street. Rudolph Co lemb.remembere heavingthe first two 'hots At that • • - time the starendanteans weedier with him. Gee H. - raw°, fifys !* wag cast of Twelfth street ; the ' e .' sealant wise standing hme when the shots 'were . red I sin quite eartabe_of that." Peter. Bloomer. an officer ocdthe Comtnonivialth. SNOWS that the first he saw of trufrkinindantwas on the ' east side of T he caw rins•Tilir amend of the four men: saw Thompson assaulted for hie life. wid hes d.theshnts nee. the ground es, that Themeeon was brutally lteatenby (Megan mut intro whrottnago,! to escape., These who . aitemptod life are ; s'' )- for k ih "go n e! 'tin. rtfelre e w errafTerzy- by us ihely story, indeed.. They evidently consulted their own in ' Jerome-when Ahoy !evolved keep away-from this _ eonrt ream. . afr. Browder spoke for two hours. wid hiereMarks. which were If stened to with the Mutest nterest, referred - in detail to the evideern of both sides- „lie woke of the • argue•eyed witness, °Neer Prettemen. mho, centre - had been reserved until , a ft er' the defeat° ad been closed,. ea Wring eiventeetimoey which was m. posable in i s very nature. and bontradieted by all the Other witnesses to the once. The evidence u to char - aster we/ most important. 'lt ie dilloult to nenuiro. but easy to 1030, Thlrty-one witnesses have oOli 0 from all nersuits d prOthadonli in life to beer cheerful testi mony to the good name and conduct of this prisoner. '1 hie evidence of Itself was su fficient to create a doubt, end where doubt already e xisted , ' to decide the case In fever of the defendant. ' Dating the biome portio n of 'Mr. Biewater's argu ment, Mr. Mann said that he believed the defence had „_been but recentiv - manufhotured: Mr. 80. with mime warmth, replied that it was a notorious-fat in this eounty, that the learned District Attorney had incurred - nubile demure 'be permittineiMr. Byerl7, a main wit nese for the defence in tine case, to goon a•inry who • were to try a warm and -li fe long friend of the latter. nail that he teen round that inr..Byerly was tree to his - oath, and cons-it:Led n friend- to whom' he was bound by the stroureet ties It will not do for the Di.trint Atter -Pt, ever to alter bin tune. and, leenfe goali:nen like Mr. Burly of perjury . when he knows thet the history - of the get few ye ere 'Mimes him as a truthotelling eiti , ee. It le eur province bero 10 defend this wane-mite, Itobert Thompson. It seems to be the' aim of the Dis trust Attorney to rather a wreath or laurel to' attest a professional, triumph 1.0 be 'fathered. fermi the .grea - of nn innocent man.- Let - the vontlemen of tee,jory welsh this aram carefully , and they will see that one entnees for the, Commonwealth Is isontradieted by six , .for the defence. and thus not Only a doubt of guilt, bat . a oertainty of innocence Ispresented. In the course of itme.wernity all have te de:M.ll.9m the fountain of ' justice. Let us he (fateful 'hat we do not miff' muddy its elements ; let us reflect that therein ewers* murder • then ens on the highway, and that that is the murder of The innocent at the hands of , . .• • - Hoping that the verdict ma: ei one arida In'the years ' - that Pro to come will not disturb your waking moments Of your dreams. one. bused' upon ;your coneetembees oonvietione one according to the amide's/tie in the eause„• / leave this case satisfied that you will discharge Your wpiee My. a , _ 'strict Attorney Mann closed the argument on behalf o the Commonwealth. 110 said that , this wee indeed a mow pain fat invectigation. There eon be none Braver or more important in all Ms consequences, for it is cow' to be decidederheiher a. deliberate murder, cominined In the poblio streets le the presence of a number of witnesses, can be perpetrated with Perfect Benefits'; - whether thereto any hamse power to arrest audeunieh the offender and whather nil public conedenais is to be wr hdrawn from the trial by hart of men charred with mender. These are questions. gentlemen of the Jury. most crave end important ; you are to decide them upon • ur responsibility to year fellow-men and to •Your Unser Barely the Vine has Pit &delved whey' juries 'min turn their eyes from •he Mute, become It is melancholy or painful. to dwell upon. and t we themselves; op to the embraces of falsehood : wearing the wee o f truth to fon. ittil i ti f erO ' i l A n ll7 ,i, gri;e, i irin r ermva d the a ti f :;; l i74sl,:l - , owp oaths Can it be that in thi life,proteeting Antra.- ration are lo be t inch, to leave the sub, twen of ern' O end alooffh4Now, rind in the end; h e i s t-ad of enelosin lour erase the dlvini goddess herself. you am Minn b•e. to embrace a °toed I f ireft be,MY Piece, ,:entiemoo. to aid you, it i t ean. in the ascertain. meet of the rte h. - t-conte-d or that. and that alone. J do rat fthn heft,e you gashing for or earniev any pe el:mime reward either ',mew, nor defeat In this note minis to me any en arquenees that ems de not chars, fn yon end lel Ye ere eimine watch and ward over the lives end eafet of • mil'ions. I am. aura:then. rhea you • will 'Me me a nor undivided ettew toe while I recapitu late the tort MOO' o f nte f ism it-for .1 be -I,eve Hurl) ran-the eat o this pr weer.. Mr. Man 'hoe called attent 'en to the folioWidg pro- Positions. which hearrued with great forcer not Cwt• shot when eteudins al or. near ' the ton me of the eheTer Hose owners 1 , , Steepen - street above Twelfth. and at the time spoken of by the vie ewes? eseered.-Wair he' not killed by the first or Mooed shot then flied'? Thsr4.-Wan h. not. killed by a Mew-of bullet. shot foorn rifted phooll -_ zeourot.-"id not the malt who WOW' at tif" neer the Southwest oorner of Twelfth end ()Moven amens, din , . charge the firstond second shots? . • enoethat penmen Wien t h ; he • a In- thrly- rn byffeemey end wash* not rs4iiedtis described Iry ell tom Wdalfteleil to tee - wise ? , •• - 150.14., Wes net that porton the prisoner I - Feneenl:-Cneeider Thompson e immedjete flight cm a onescieuseess on hie partof his an it. He was neat tendsd buy enactor anis visited seareily 'be some Of hie !etiolate fneriaf. The • Geese. Mr,ldeaghere ueblesh• tatty conies into court and states that he was en .„ wry art.,' the mu dar. Liable, as he to the entry. ed Perm Iv of the law, he, of course, is exCeedingly earn ral 10_11910g in his evidence. - • Th.sepointe were clear y stated an ensiled nrion the' Minds of the jurist's with a zeal and got that tan ''ed ili desire on the part nt the, Commons ealth's _Officer to do hie,Whelectitv in the case, fdr, kilannon his-reply - to Mr • 'wider: said Abet he gonght no - victim and waved net a, sine le drop of ihoblood of innocence, - -wanted- no tharela fathered, from the - graves 'of those 'Whom the law murdered -he desired to pot no sods on - the' testing piece of the tinnichteMalt ) executed-he *lowly discharged-MO - setorn and solerim obligation whew as pramecuting attorney for the ConifficetweVth, he p dated out, •in all its ghastly deformity, thee me orb oh had tensed the greet heart Of_ the filly to ;negate • with fear , and added another, to• theyory st howl- Melee whteh- but -a few short yeas* knee 'graded the n ma end fame of Phlledelphis, andstained Ler annals , tit the blood of elituatered andyneuevecops Tinning. . - t me, answer the yurpmea - or the derenceie this case so amigo poor John thaw, who 'now /deep* in a quiet" gr f ave, a seer.fine•at the shrine of,an unparalleled spirit violence; cannel may draw .his traduce non; ' had. dre,d abode arid parade them again end - MIMI roll/ the- MO? and vulgar gage . ; And ' ineintiate - that ft was but - right - abet Wh - sowed 'this wind . [should • reap -the, Whirlwind.-' •Allt ;not - gentlemen', • If John Came wee the votary of orror intim years that ' are itenejsubsequent reflection end eenlitunbeet In the ratan a solitary eel( maylliave wronght • rt . reformatory • , matt tore lot he Wert ol the „released eonvice.." Folly tewe may bare had their day with Cape; and a itter angel: *had ng with it s records of a thine o? pest. wooed ali s el• l oll hi c nVtg t oe brimbtueu and truth of a nobler, Notre, Be that as - - tliTn . 7l; i arlinriZti v i:Peggd7l l :, ‘ d a iii i ttl e snO t tr ni " "°l eloperion than the nnforgotten umortimete who repose. In the on id of the oemetruy To-day there is a•living. and startling reality preeented , to' our visloh. - If Cattle • „ ...wee. at. the time he was suddenly" and unwarned. „ shot down' in , the • etiblie: highway e , bullet of ice -midnight eassoin, the "bold , soao that tee d fence' chum then how terrib'eo-oh! how horrible and monstrous wee the guilt of his mar. derero - pho, with - lees than tiger mercy. aimed at the Lead or Capin and sent Mull in,e Witte torment to the awful, presence of &hist and rig h teous 4lod , "with his , • .nnrieteconed eine Atilt landeped Weed him: •imsgine eardlet.-Pletlire it'deed of, wickedness more revolt-, - 7ng In itir every aspect, nor glint form and shape to an act ()fain more cowardly or, °fedi. Bhanieand infaaty by MAC. and• by der' Moat accompeny.the- abandoned homieide. arid ten thousand vodkas could, never re move the brand of the firet,Murderer from 'the averted brow of the:Godless recreant who' le 1101nrilfhnlY in forreie.Robert,ThompeonisAir the Wok,' and the wit _ h ave; the stand. however, painful it gyo., to th e.* nalle.'ey twit recor d ed oaths', put t he teal of inefface able guilt - upon hire.- Gentlemen. e - fOult moo; nitre t "tad Its coneitattenesseare hie so e poseesilino, Mann referred to the, detainee as she commotion yesterday-as a seheme unihought a! Week sinus, andtroughtin with its balloting mach , at the test ram ,. meet to breakdown the- oaths of. benesto law-abiding men. The whole of it was the Verymboditnent of .:„ folathiliodthe Be was seen in Ito macre' re ft ntere, and the - trothsn utter istranger to its every artlchlatiod. 'There lad during the wit few. days been stint 'trees. 'doings in the viointty of the court room. Life-lorurfeee,men , who have waxed deeth and destruotion against woh other for yeareeniembers and adherents or, tho. Muffler - • and Moyameesing 11030-Cotutelet are tieartfratenii ,. ding with the love of, Da nte end iLnathati. i Banat r•- non.) Ma witnesses have. gentle rs7d alter, rind by „i t i r ;t e le . amiable corglenation. tunnel iidso_yght in her very telitelet... , hoye lean Hen. itag r arrii f man s o w i o nergi h ee k s: a _r b t e eriti ed th e g-P s ." ten .' whoin be had - vowed fo an. min e , I wYo e m ti as n- e t u 4l o ° ,l4 • - dam foes he figured in many etenee et rof tied bloce i _Abe a d, - „ % • - ir,Brareflthr. Orhere Is no evidence. of-thatfluit In tbje cause- tied eb eta oot now be referred to,. Mann, rooming, said that be knew his duty, and dlecluattie it fully 'and' fearlessly: Be hen neeledtbedletradofel state of MAP' tri erhiels be Isla Fretted. anAteltistlfied,hy *Reding, thereto, An yn-, • oly Combined"?' ad been perfected by noted outside -',- Cons to render t tat 'La mockery-ea, mere lame ; I ' 4AV:t h at ‘ :notragri t te d nee. G et t a h r i l e n g fs ritmli 6 r j etryl i ri ••.., the face. we Id yin peeeet.,wtille.the enemies to r aw said order pinned Vomit the' dignity of-the CoMPlIon• Wept, end swat to triumph over It; majesty , ' 'amid ookendyroutd,oot be their mot. dared ie look -Obesity:An the , (mom and :S trive -With , - an- honest, etToM.lo out: Ile _might -send -,- -inearto4, - Yeate - INA "Obit - DMIg .town _ ;,",, , 1 • a ; .o..iyatirrointrWskatml , eorrspetionr - vhhtli4as , :yese ,,, mg rasen hew mour ;Teo mast: Juoges -I=b l arelltft e et2Orgratttagarg lll474 a whom .1 le-course -of-- time,- he -should- return to -ateted dAP ,P1a11.44 Gods upiviteould a itt,Ovaealtilt•eta and dear Atiat .the , `been false to his duty or fa led to contest, inohby no eVell step of emboldened rope, towards the purity of trial by ury. Mt nn then want over all the testimony, selootitik the miss points on bWhsidoei oommetttleg upon them as mearly indiestbreor guilt;and lenforolug his views by fresment references to.the law on evidence and Orr credibility of witnesses., Tho witnesses for the Com monwealth gaye.-to their statSMeats to the 0 9reeel'e jury months sits, and now reiterate them without, it 4elleVirvritilitten.' itafenieniltut tho "OontN trary,attio t a trot; Y, ft mum Invention. the tender age of which is-beet -intestect'by its puerility. It is pn Anfaut of an. hour'e birth ,and, tared id t° life to beeorrie 'shivered and shaken to frax meets by the first blait of foot. The witnesses for the- State swear ,to the rittil,9ll2._Wpdnestlayi without pre vious concert ari kind, The defence, after havifig, the cause delayed by sweiarlng to the absence and me, terfaUttrif.4ltabinek who bitY6 , net and inning be pre ' dueled, arid who ,it Nan tritencled roger P 4 l brought into , the emelt ' room. ring a big wattle's. rft(ceen¢;erhorp,the littie;onee .ean -merely corigrete, to build up an Inconsistent plea of innocence to th i s most serlouseharge., . The District. At tiinfeY Were Want into am elaborite erellment to .show the. alienations of 6he prisoner as to his whereabouts. to be otradteted Dy a foot whielt could not be galsesid,i if what Thompson's friends allele as to his *Alton o n - the night of the murder he true, now in pm nemeptoomnain epee coma this pH-, sort nave am arnund inth - Tyrolfth street to be arrest _ed Toomey saw the man with the pistol. and bow him sheet.' That Mitnhe strualtrover the'head with the firs hont.„ Oration Gahror saw the, man with the pistel, and. ipaW him streak. [Hug area ware urma zhlin until lie _Was arrested by the officer, Mr. Adams, the of. finer, saw Thompson, Are the shots , saw him etruok with the horn, , and arrested him. What clearer chain of guilt :ootdd s 17001114 be presented to the oonsideration or_ ao intelligent and refits:loml him? Hew do we sooonol for the two disoharged °ham bervof 'the irudYtMent, ofdeath 'was found in the possession, of , TholiepeAttr. W.hen Wes that piaci dis charged. charged -find tne Omit. it* 'content.' took the, life'of s Ttregl n gti l gall t d:OrAl'Ti,efrom theyfritatiiir f.:W.Vires hinns f attacked. ne is alleged flow did he got to the.comnr where ho was arrested s These avemisin interrogatonei. but there: is no antrwering some. The truth. in it nutithell. is this: The defendart-proves,faistpabout , which men can nai rally be mittaken. while the Cratimbnirealth establis hes resets about which. any pnaphilitya mistaken. These point witionerrinn finger to the guilt of inobert Thompson, and,itisseur,duty,. gentlemeninf 'the jury, to find him guilty cf Murder in the first degree. In oonolosion. District Attorney Neon strenuously ap pealed to the fury to stand by the law as they found it • upon the, statute-bookedl the ; country.. 'Lot no undue nymynthy bins your minde 'either' ditectiod. for :or against, this,priforkunate young mr,. It is true he has many warm , friends. who have mustered around and snout him in the hoer of his extremist need. De has a fond, true:earted. mother, whose hopes , are ,aan , tred in n Min ; he has • 6 • kind 'father. who. In ]tie- yi one. of. the dim, future, nee -loped to the time - hen the lifoliop front his be set ilio lld multiply in years. and in the „stream o life -refieot the'purity of its soured He tine friends: lt Is trite, of respectability and influence; but the son hall Nwan dered. end is to the %e boss, of those, who-guided iadA stioded ills days in the spring time of hit enosi stands before the world as a mu dash" 'Arthur Spruce wan guilty for the greed or gain of the iniude• - two women. He had nnfrienii“end no °nuptial out a m etn her of the birwho, unread . defended him.-Itte not what the friends or relative, of the m 'Boner ate, but what ~has :the prisoner done Thie is the issue, andyour duty, however rain ul it m 6.5 he towards the criminal i is a sworn one to decide t Let the evidence. all the evidenee.ln the cause,. !rains. and' To consolendes etono7oe. the verdict. ,ln any event rest satisfied that m whinenblidation in th's instanoe has been ate entree art responsibility is now with you as the onstodians of the law and of the' lives of the membe rs of this community - . • • - .The address of the District Attorney was'tisterie to :With breathings Isttintlan, mad mode a marked im pression cm all who heard It. judge Allison charged the iintrfolly oh the law and the ihota : after whioh the jtiry retired for deliberation. and the court adjourned until eight o'clock in the evewns., ESAIIIIRMELWEI OP TEN "COIIRT—NO VERDICT. At 01 designated 'tour, last eve Th ing. th e court re essembled. the room being as closely...peeked with spec tato sa. dorinv thy day • session. '•ChOnl ,o7 ) Wee evi dently at sari. nuts,, largo melority o f f his friends were sanguine of an acquittal. Mr. H. Smith'. who has °barge of thejnry;said tbst they wouldpot come in un til this morning. an announcement which created no Anti° excitement Inside and outside. -The court then adjourned. and-Ttompeon was again removed Mora mealtime by idt. orter. - .Furman Mayliew,'when about to rake ohatto 0 - the Ja7 at the adjournment, um ob. jecited to by the, prisoner s counsel. and Mr. Smith was 'atilieinted nerforrn that duty.: Jr . -- w v AL - 4.1. 8 i . , • • WANTEW . D.--A•ANTED. 7 — young man from tho canon, aiistais a iftwstion ina store whore he would make himself generally useful; can coma well re. commended. Salary nate...musk an object luta perma nent situation., Ansinsee . ..V. ~. om oft Chip paper. ' fel.3t* . . , SutuAnorte WANTED. BY • A - YOUNG men as an essioteet book-keeper, or 'sett, aloft ; would work in esters, learn the, wholesale Dry Goods or Notion 8U51116113. and make hArnself %entrails., useful. Addneu.ALßLA. Press • tel ft* ST. LOUIS TEN, TER CENT. INVEST -141EPITS. , , • 61540 and $56000 wanted for live yearsby venom-i -bis parties on mortgage of business propertioir, very centrally situated. worth double the amount. Interest notes payable semi-annually in Philtulelphts, and ptinatinaptil,aarantten. R JONES tt l ijr! " , : • . . No. 120 South SEVENTH Street. ••WAntll- - ity a Young Man who writoa • a fair hand, and is inink at figures, a situation as_Assistant Clarkin some Mercantile Hones, Address aloe of this paper. - - Ja9B-6t* LAND WARRANTS WANTED, ' ICIGREBT PRICE arv2N, DREXEL & CO.. • 94 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Jo, lit FOR SALE AND :TO LET T 9 -1114'N. yll..ros.dom) AND THIRD STORIED oir ,► LARUE • GIUNITB BUILDING, No. 5 NORTH FIFTH STREET, AS 3Y /00YDET IN DEPTH'. • „ IftlB-wfmtf APPLY ON HE PREMIBEB. gri TO OAPITAr PWS.—FOR SALE -- miens Maetnuer , Stotai t vid ?f a lave fd enniseterr.of P PER A isCHNIEL re"^ oh every oonvepienee or missy &con an extensive busi ness. • aeorable investment to tleillOtla Of eqe nu who canpush the baldness Pot _W !A e tli or without the building. Inquire at $llll CEPATN UT Id UM. , jalgivfmtf ROR SALE 'OR TO LET—A neitt, ...ven,en. owns, No. 8 7 1 NORTH BIXTR Strom% • alB foe armi 4. ,d• sp. Apply atilo. 430 MAR r'r RtroPt. Jao-tinw4lt PUBLIC) biLIXOF ATARIA, LAT*. TLI E about rP?';l 'e laTil' A Zl a lrfig o , i r n el lipVe c r ° lrn e rty, ° l=i n r: mare. beautifully situated on the Uelaware County (old Btlumorei turnpike road. 011 es (foal Market stree brifisci , bjltidelphle, and . with In a few rode lof the new West Coaster fteuroad. at Dario -road elation. a gelmprovement; eye extensieff,atid eubstantlalwond ood variety of fruiter' the It will to ehown. on apaltestion BRAM or figIIFMD.POW.II.II,, residing thereon: The rate: w otr will be . PDPltieei to oollunionfl et3o'clook P. hf.. pineisely on MAL day. the _ninth br,stened thonth,(FetetelV . lBo4, when the oennitionewill *mane known:: [•. - • , Ja2o-10t" BY , ORDER OP THE lIEIRB. • GERMANTOWN PROPERTY —For ale or to Rent, slaves and ootrimodione ROUSE. with all , the modern improvemente, cornet of AR SAT Stine: and WILLOW AVr , NU.E. within five minutes walk Ollckareh-lane _stump. inquire at HENRY RN'S Marble Yard, GREEN Street, above Seventh, Philadelphia. - , Ja2B.6t jpg TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS. .:',A.Setttil Stare and !Unita', well Looatea for bald nerktll, 70 by 2S feet, three abniep bleb, with water power and item for looping end litualonc coot's. A Dre Rouse, se ttyae teet.witn good water for dyeing. I Vhil enti . 9ld t r iinet'a law!. neat Oe _Rearm: 70411 1 'g iso vary ape...Melo tooths etti r , m a t iamee very desirable. Apply _THOMAS IL FlettEß. Fisher's Lane. )11,SALEAStilailke Lot at corner: of Chriett;tn 'and Tar'eatioth ' , treats. havlng three front+. auttablotor a oburoh or faotorr sit*. For t.rov. &0.,, a4dra•v.l . Ulm oUIOII. jalB tf AO,TORX LOT FOR, SALE, -- A value,- , blee cornet 10t,125 feet Annexe. !Lavoie three fatiete, admitabl located tor &factory site It a mtuated 10 Abe deout We ten &Et or -Ike city, IA a rapielplin eircoruei 1. It Will be sole on _reasonable terum For,wirtio4 rat Wiese " K.," office o The HOUSE's.- TAVERNS. and t..TORES. Real Estate of every dessirri t E fgl i ttlo .7 to rent. APPI7 to Real A n " . 11 I r o l d i tV h & t3 q. P . V e r .:!! ` lV 4 Mro All orders wt be promptly atten ed to. Email, Frond, and birdman spOsen. Collsotor of nlB-3ro Orouaa Rants.' DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE. gusi eeti pad At lio tottro' Otatlonery. si o nimp st , m r-elar: . t g • i ' or %Ammon, rad Moo for Artlito and oinmaOards, 4cortoart and Frinoh. ' d os gra ll taa 6ta t:th7 o t o p me % i i ; 2sKY, wirifidaAtAitrit4.4freh F .' l o, ji ‘ T et".,i; SLATE ROOFING, &a —Whoever desiies •:thate ROOt DUt lrotterly on, or a .leaky One made get. toot - warranted. Ann hays immediate attention, y Minding to THOMAS GRIFFIN,BIater. NINTH and T.UOMFBON etreets. OW Slate ourehltaed. Jam -Int • 3(X)' BLS , lidlifax rind 'Eastport LOO bozos Sealed Herring, =halt bbli White Fyh, In atoresmilor orile_b Ait y wild. J. TAYLOR & Ign and 12S NORTH Wharves. M AtatißEL.-- 7 485bb18. Nos, 1,2, and 3 Man d terel, in minuted Onnb n itfaoksges, ot the latest vain An' anie_by O. HAULER AROH ikon. woinove trireme. • Jr.2l RUSLITON,'S . , COD WU 011.,, vos CONSUMPTION. AIACIE=For sale by A.V.i. VlT.TtartiLL BROWtilt. ,Nns. 47 RYA 49 Nnrth ttErION Mtroat TIN FblL—Light and heavy_ English and P '" h ' f "" le i g wE rr i g liii elt. Sß Jail Ping. and 4 or BROOM / D1. , E14,‘ 411' 011iSTNtrr STREtT, fibove Poutta, porta aideptradlyBbiTY beet amovait and Chewing I,9hapoon 11254111 ‘ , (IMAGE B. SLOAT4.• Co.'s BEITINQIKAoarruts, ,•.la3l-00 • • no. Usse OBBS - 'NUT Street. VIAWSON ' '& 'NICHOLSON, - BOMMIN)MRSIC A NOS.•OI9'AND Oils MINO STREET, Bet I neen ; Market end ph Pliestnut - stre e ts, ' ; • ,•• _BADBL _ JAMES PAWBON.- - B. :NICHOLSON Ja2l-13' _ _ LEON,'4II CHESTNUT' 'STREET' -LP above Fetid% North_elde, kits a flue assortnimit Meerschaum Puree, Cigar Tubes, Cherry &ems, Gents' Walking Canes, &a.' • Is2B lm M ONEY LIBERALiY , ADVAN,OED;.— AT^ , M i ll er •AßSC9itigru Withe d ir, 'orb?, noon. K,Z4 .21VSWIr-b.cov-nbard• ffr • 0111-Im, Ma -DB TIST,''LTEWELLED., SIL- Jul VER-PLATERVMAITERNIST, Gun-Smith, Tin smith Plumber; Illaa , Fittar, and Artisans in - Aenaral. should have one oriilll ‘ Arq ARTISAN GAS-STOV,ES, -.lifor sale by ; ; :BHA BAILEY,' ' RACE Street; Phllndslphis, VOL ,LIVRAP 3 B TA EDI, TO wurEit, og 'a 141 it Wash la Delaware , " ootintr. gaaelleAS stables OXperioBloBd, 40,00731. AVM PiD, ass WALNUT sweet. Newel nom ' ' " WA LNUT UGAR-119ursz_NUIdt4 08 ; 150 ,9410,14t*LrrebVkValk4M4TTriak :OriItONELLA —For sale by it:PAW!' KNLt I.Y AND tiiiAlittliG A. V 001i71M- Atfotneie6tPat, hive removed to us &mat tdixTli Otregt. below ylipitmat, /21/41Ale THROAT:ANDi LUNG DISEASES. . THROAT AND JMG 3318E48.88, ' THROAT -AND LUNG DDSHASE.S. ' Coughs p Colds, Coolie, Cold!. Omaha, Colds. 'Coughs, Bronchitis: Coro Thrtt. Motu:MOTH ,Bere T c troat, Asthma. (lunar, Aat ms, Quinsy. Asthma, ultuoi Croup. Whooping Co gib. croup, Whoophut oughd Infladutts °ha the Throstcpungs or Cheat, 1 corummpt on. Cdnaumption; Consumption. • All vhaesees of the , : above mature-paggh!) tutaaumb to that uotruniderest remedy, - • WISTAF,T,I34LI4AM. QF WILD 011BRIIYe WID,TAII'D, BALSAM OF virg,p Thepides porforined by WI truly remarkable remedy 'beer the attestition of many of the beet'and most tella ble individuals in the land ;arid the written testimony of the thousands who here, from its use, been the re cipients of the greateet *worldly blessing, restoration to health, is the most reliable and practical kind 'Of evi dence, and recommends it to the attention of. the af flicted as the oldest and, as alt who have used iE know, the beet and mot:reliable Cough DelasMentant. TESTIMONIALS TESTIMONIALS Thimortantletter from Rev. Jacob Rockier, well known, and highly restmeted throughout the State of renneyl - verbs/ HkNOVER, Fa., Feb. 16, VW. Ateliers. S. W. FOWLS & I.lo•Tolv—Dear her Raving realised in my family irrim i ent benefit frdm the use of your valuable preparatio i star's Balsam of Wild Cherry—it affords mo pie re to rewommend it to the subtle. Some eight years ago one of my dear It tens si v ined to be in a : decline. and little hopes' of her room' were entertained. then procured a bottle of your e Melmnt Balsam, end before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle tbere was a great Improvement in her health.- I have, In my individual' ease, made frequent nee of your valuable medieine , and have alm ware he benefited by it. I would, however, caution the public against imposition, because there is a good deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher- TY afloat throughout the country. • • - JACOB BURLS% , . Fresh and Reliable Testimony. " WLsTAliell BALII/44 Or WILD; 0111111 M—We OSII the attention of our readeri to the advertisement 'of Wester's' Balsam of Wild Cherry, in anothereolumn, and assure them they oan find no better remedy for coughs, colds, asthma, bronehial afibotions, or ally disease of the throat or lungs. . . " In August,lBsB, an estimable fnend of ours returned " from a visit in the Country, muoli emaciated, and tit " boring under a severe cough, which' had made such "rapid inkonda upon her constitution, that we felt "something must be done at once, or she would become " a victim of consumption. Raving known the bones " ()lel results whieh have occurred from the use of WIG. " tar's Balsam, we made purchase of some for her, and " we are happy to say that before she had taken the " Contents of one bottle her cough had entirely left her. "and she is now in the enjoyment of excellent health." [Olive Branch, 1unc26,1889.1 Taigimoliv from AfgAry respectable Wigan, of Gree ne. Alia York. easstis, N. Y., N0v.13,12.52 B. Fo'svms & Co., Boston,.'-- For several pure t have been obliged to have goes atonal recourse to some Cough Ramsay, being afflicted withapalmonary complaint, the nature or my business being such u to greatly aggrftvate the dispel,. I have Peed Most or the copular remedies of the day, u well au the prescriptions of esnimsnt [Middens, but have never found anything that' affords the relsef which Dr. Wistar's Balsam - qt Wild Merry always hos. I can truly say that tt is the bur -cough remedy in exis tence.. t know from experionoo that there aro worthless counterfeits °Eche tale Bold by uniortnmpled dealers. The genuine is prepared by you and has the written sigtukture of "I. Butts" On the outer wrapper. • I would also add that t have used the Balsam in my funny, by the advioo of physicians, with the happiest results. r Yours, Ovly, JOlitr,Pti ADAMS. " We can same our friends that Wistar's Balsam is "an excellent medicine for coughs, ko. There is no mistsko about it."—Letsisrown'i - Olfs Advccals, " Of all dimwits; those which fasten themselves on "the throat, ,unto Or OM should claim our Arstytt " tenuon, as neglect often leads to fatal results. The "remedy fortheee diseases is Wistar's Balsam of Wild "Cherry. It le truly fl.; Balsam with "healing on its "wings.'—Nashua Gazette., . nk slime trd A endorsement _.._ c • h ro b _ e ni l igendations of ' medical men can be used wit) , entire confidence for the amelioratiba endears of t e serious complaints ' or which ik ',prepared. We eel that we do the af ' servioe ta calling their attention to it."— etas Farmer._ Wietar's Miami of Iva' Cherry has achieved ' many remarkable cures of pulmonary disorders—its !success being so great that taken in time it is deemed ' a speoifio."—Saratogian. Nothing that we can say will add to its rePPIRP. or ' virtuosi Thole mho have tried it sad er srienoed ' its healing effects are it. best Judges. Bine' are oon. 'Tandy praising IV—BM/tin gion Banneri- "Years of steady trial have ',hoed this remarkable "remedy in a position rarely attained try any patent " compound, and it has btoome an article of household "necessity everywhere . —Batiou's Pictorial. AU who use this 'invaluable ReMedy speak in like terms of - „ . WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. A SOVEREIGN REMEDY'FOR THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES. Coughs, Colds. Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Bmnehitis. Sore Throat, Brouehitls, Sore Throat, Asthma. Quinsy, Asthma, Quinsy. Asthma, Vail, Gro Whooping Cough. Croup, Whoopinii ugh, flamstion of the Throat, Lungs or 0 es , • ' Co nsumption, Consumption, Columnist on, All diseases of the above nature readily sueoumb to that now universal remedy, WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. BEWARE OF VILE AND WORTHLESS COUN• TERFEITS. r , TEE ONLY OENUINk> . PURE AND MEDICINAL I Vlr B EiLIVAL Has the name of " I. BUTTS" Written with a pen. and the printed name of the pTo • prietors, S. W.VOWLii & On the outer wrapper. To purchase any other wore MONEY WARTED AND HEALTH JEOTARDIEBD . ' The main° RETAINS ITig VIRTUES IN ANY CLIMATE It cannot deteriorate, but improves with age. PREPARED BY S. W. FOWLE h CO., No. 18 TREMONT Stree ' " Boston. SOLD Dir Drugglite, Dealers •and Merchants, throughout the gtate. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, Wholesole Agoot,No. Slte North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. is6-3meow d&W THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND, _ DALLEY'S MMJICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR pi AS universally supplanted all other I. A- Ointments and healing, applications to both the Eastern ancl Western Hemispheres, wherever Intro duced; and its intrinsic merit it 'he true secret of ifs canoes! in all tatuttious, affationp. whetber_tho cause ,be astident or d”ra se. BURTIIB & nd SCALDS 0 are instantlyrelieved of v.! their anguish, pain and inflammation, by a timely , A application of this mars venous healer. and the flesh is renewed as charm oalini i sbAsette 6so t" Vil n a% ER Y. Children mefrequent M sufferers from external In inns., especially from Finfif and Compares Zt- Plotioril—therefere every 'mbther should have this healing prepar . ation con- 7, 1 stoutly on hand. ft hear .ore Brea sis, and quickly removes the TETTER. or RINGWORM, so preoa- len , *sweep TO TRAVELLERS BY BEA AND LAND. The Machinist. the TT/Ir' t " yeller. and every other in dividual whose lot in life throws him witb,n the Mance of accident from explosion, firs, or colli sion, should boar in mind that ibis Matto katractor is his best and only friend. in I k is both portable and cheap, and should ever be m his companion, as a friend in need. There are thou- sands ot living witnesses to testify to Itelmarvellona vi, me. who. owe their 'sound limb's and muscles r 7 to its saving efficaer. The following_ nip few .a of the fecutiiiyisrairs for which DAL LEY'it MAGI, CAI, BAIN XTRACT OR is a PftIi.VENTIVE pa well an C HE Burns, Erysipelas, Bores of all kinds, Bruises, . F Fistula. • Shot Wounds, Boils, ' • rost Scrofula,. broken Breast. Felons ores, Scurvy. nites of Reptiles, Betide, Cancer • Glandular Dig. Scurf. Cracked Lips, eases, Scald Read, Chapped Hands, Mercurial Sores, Sprains, Pains generally, Small Fox, Cramp, ' Pimples , • Tumors, 'entreated Cords, Files, etter, ("hales. 11'' icon, rleers. Comae; of the gheurriatlern, , Ve & nereal Soren, Skin,Rashes, o. Sod at the principal Depots,l4 Broadway, New York, and 21 and lel Chartres street. New Orleans. by J. WRIGHT & CO., Gemmel Agent. It can also he ob tained of all respectable Drug rats and Merchants throughout the United SUitee ane Canada. T. YOTT & SONS. Mg Borth e CORD Street, rely Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. T .ALIrSUFFICIENT THEE TRIP.Br MAR, I,_ 9, and 4, Protisoted by Roya Let t era Patent of England, esd moored by the Beals the lode Pharmacia de ftris, Ind the Impanel College o Medicine, Vienna. No.l l i ineainalkt for erthsuation, sparmatorrhas, end ill physical disabilities. N 0.3 completelparadioatea all newel of thaw dimmin% that have been hitherto treated by the nauseous and par. ilolonsuse of oopsivis and onftbi. N 0.3 has entirely ,mpplanted tee Wuxi= nee of f nier. Jury, thereby tailoring to the intiferer 'Reedy relie `.A ventine' all tritgaritissi and rooting out the venom of is- MIEBaftlAR, Noe. 1, S. and 8, are prepared in the form of a lozenge, devoid of taste and spell, and can be earned In the waistcoat pocket. Bold in tin oases, and itivkled into separate doses, ea adminiateted by Velmsn, Ullmann, Roux., /Word, &e. Pnoa 83 each, or four Me, for Se, which ur s3 7 t and in Sal came, when, by there le a saving 89. obe had , wholesale end retail, of Br. BARRO , 19/ Wacker rat: ot,New York. Bald abio st Ratall_ty CA ',EBBE corker PA D D I A TTAVII3I e rPoPi l / 11 1 ali Ma Di yr holeuile and Recall Agent, for rennsylvania. ea , . ntliblzu . . _ 7OLLIOKOFFER'S ANTI,RHEIIMATIO nt-a 0011. DIAL.—Sta i f have been afflicted with rheu matism fora long period—s portion of the Pune bad no use of my limbs. fried your Cordial, sad te thy') days f was able to walk down stairs and in 4 week t e pain entirely lett me; Ido cheerfully ecosamend t e Cor dial to those wh4, are Minded wit that dreadful oom plaint. ours, sp., W. rizWl4l, roker, tlakrinpat. Prepared by HhCpCiftE CU, 8, Chemist ; ` rt. E. earner PINE and 81,1(TH sts. li-Sm SAVING FUNDS. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND BO CIETY OF INTILADELPIN Moe, riy i &St i ft° a k I tti Bert ATE . (Op j ig i LdTtf2.l3 OFFEEIII - Dt"gtar°6ll. ll ln fn f i oI M L III SI AI w ta FAINT fhtV.Bl 4 front tie itay 01YeDoett ti. 'mut 'l re,6o ( inibid iiiitc r ib t idd Savings leatitntlon has long bee t? "8.:13 1 :Pk.'114./111:4we '4:gr . : TV tt, I, Magi. re 9:l' re g nasylvanta NI , noel/ this nvvvvaltl y i 9 eNagerm In orgotiging and Witting It, have been govern wholly by a delete to eutoommodate the nai ades interpi4 and wants oh the very large and entervn -414 " I "OIIIPCV I IIETFIT,V L PL " M" Ciang ; B9Otai n in tfte d dea Th , Itinalls. illiok Klett. Isevhap Imith, gererlArkfror. rreillitot . Blal g ,' 31,9019 kt, mph P. Wier% ohn Kell_ r, Jr., George Kneobt, tuna 8. Pringle,' c o on Doak, oomph M. Crowe% on, Wm : Malwudd 4 1 1 4 1 4121:=4 • 1 . fiatarvlar. : JAMES IL itl. Pre dent. FILLHOIs ' 7llmyr, Secretary. , laso-tt 11 SAVING , FUND.--lINITED STATES TZUST COMPAISY4orner THIRD and OMIT. NUT reets. Legoand small enms.riontrldu stidjetitgPifk %Se- Nwithout notiouonth .igv.n.rr t n. ut.t. 1 frEsE- S from tne der r deyonto i tnag 01 tritnertrirel. 74 %V vinfitigi N aV 7 0og 7 ,eg o t y, and on BRAFIS for sale on' grand " , Irdland, and Boosita, friuri f, upwar_de, . .. . _..._, . . retddent—SN E lVl 1. u TArresus. LINSTISit. Aetna. , sell4l SAVING FUND--FIVE PER OENT. IN TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST Cip , - I p i E i Ny, WALNUT Street, Southwest corner ef THI , p isuelelua., Inoorporated by the State Or F enny vs- Money is received in any sum, large or small, end in- Wert rabl from the day of deposit to the day of with dim . 90k0 is, open every day from 0 o'olookln the morning MI6 o olook in the yawns, and on Monday sad Thursdai k n _k n hVilV t L al litiNEß, Prisi r tit. Jima SE FraDOE, Vice Fre en& WILLIAIt I. BD, Booratatl. ... - . DIAICIOII.I. F.were n.RegrT 3 L. B r :nails'. L. i'lir ft forts? . , bert Seffndye, ramils z Lee, eel K. Ashten, mph arse& Landreth Munn , striae . Stephenson. °nay in received and payments made daily. he rnvestynente are made,to conformity with the nroyisiOli of , the Charter; In &al Estate mortsngos. tiround Bents, and such first.elass;confines as wtn al ways insure perteet 'motility to the depositor& alit which eannot fait' to stye pentutatittor end itAblliti to this Institution. , us. 2-1, THE PRESSe;—PIBLADELPMA; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1860. . . ' t .001 1 / 1 , xtq't-cios. pH 'SALB.SORIBEA,IIAVING relinsnished his Retail business to AURK, JR., I , , Has this day formed a COPARTNERSHIP with J OHN MARSTON, Jr., under the firm of BELROSE MATILSTON, For the Manufacture, cnalusively to the Trade, or the finer sorts of ' ' • - PAPER JUNO MOO, DECORATIONS, kr. Office, with samples, No. 807 CHESTNUT ST., SECOND STORY. FRONT. Jan. 23,1800-JaSO-re " HOODS BELROSE, DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. JOSHUA W. TAYLOR and SAMUEL B. SHINN, having riled with their interact tn stook,. fixturee, hop., to the nn of TAYLOR, SHINN, & CO. to JOSEPH L. JON 10 ho le authorized, to oolleot and reoelpt for all claim" of the old firm. JOSHUA W. TAYt OR, ' • SAMUEL B. sum/. . . rintamtphilt, let tno , 2sth,lBlo. fe.2. In" THE PARTNERSHIP— HERETOFORE -I- existing under the firm of PRICE, FERRIA, , tc Po., eXVITed. 41' limitation, on, December Met. IP9. The business Will be continued under the same etyle, by the undersigned, from that date. JOSEPH M. i PRIOE, ' RICHARD f . ICK, JR. , ' EEVEPU MIEN ' . Philadelehla, Feb. I, ISM. lel4it THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a Copertnerehip under the firm of WORK prANDINDIING & CO., for the transaotlo of a Rank' ipkln D ol t r e g e e t : and Colleotinegngefi . at v i to i lßouth R. 0 0. LENDINNIIiO, Phitedelphta, Feb. 1,1860 It. MuLEOD,. fel.Bt nISHOLUTION OF COPARTNERS4IP: The Copartnership heretofore exiiitlea , h e t4i.,, GEORGE T. G A UN and JOHN 0. BOCICIUS, under the firm of GEORGIC T. GAUN & CO., hes been dts solv , dby the death of John 0, Hoskins. the business of the late Arm will be settled by lb* sebaoriber, who will continue at the old stand from this date. GEORGE T. GALIN, Tailor. N 0.863 North SECOND Street, January Slit, 1800. fel•St. THEODORE AVNER 'withdrOvra from our firm this day. 1 1 73 1 1 8i 00K, BACON, k ien* Philadelphia, January DISSOLUTION --The copartnership hero tofore exiethin between the eubeeribers under the firm name of BROWN & Eo RINGER. m tide dday dissolved by mutual consent. The builneu wi It be t .tleal by either of the undereigned. LOUIS BROWN. Philo, ' Feb. 1, 1880. Y. B. ERRINOBR. V , OPARTNERSIIIP.--The unde rsigned l•-/ have thin der formed a copartnership. under the name end sty le of BROWN & EWALD, and will con tinuo the'ltlielesale armory bilinnose. at the old stated, N. E. corner Third and Vino street' I.OUIB BROWN, fel•et" CRAB. J. MALI., n 1.3 .. 1 0LU TION—NOTIOE.—The pa. nersh heretofore exlstins between the titlar. ( .lU l liel l ILlonfiulft,?c;64l4„Tr',AdBPg`Aig this owing_ hr and to them will. be settled ey JOHN 18. LENTZ. who alone is authormed to settle the same, JOHN 6.ENT, San. 30,1860. ' SHIRK. rrLIE UNDERSIGNED will continue the wholestle Wine and Liquor the old shind:lio. no North THIRD street. roil.. Inn so toe). froi-ovi JOHN S. LENTZ. in, /PARTNERS HIP. -J fiLIUS . L/ end NATHAN WEYL ',see We flay formed a copartnerahkp. under the Arm of BICKEL & Wh.YL. fpr the traneaotio or a wholeenle rind retail business in n_ Millinery end Faney Goods. Embroldenee. end Lacer, at MT North EIGHTH etrest, above ARCH. Philadelphia, Jan. lath, WO. fel.St IU 0 TI4IE —THE CO 'PARTNERSHIP of KREN & COATES. continued under the will of JOHN E. KEEN, deceased, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent of all the parties interested. t ABRAHAM COATE% "JOSEPH S. KEEN, Acting Ezeoutors of JOHN E. KEEL dtIiCO ATESone ed. AB. Philadelphia, January 10 MU NOTICE. The TANNINO BOBINEBB. from Oda date, will be continued by the subenribere as hereto fore. under the name of REgle & COA I EC. at Pie. PO North FRONT Street. ABR ARAM CO ATE% JOSEPH 8 AT E S, 8. COATEd. ' Philadelphia, January 10,1880: • je2T•fmw St' lIIIDTIDE.—The special partnership (ix /. IlitinFr between Richard M. Hunt, general putties'. (deiteased.) and Williatn Rioherdeon, special pair. expired, by limitation, on the 28th met. All persons be have claims 11 gai n e t the Mete ved .thnee indebted i ll oblige by calling at 47 South nuRTH Street. for t tlement. 8: B. RICHARDSON, Eamon' of. Je.9o-mwf3t* T HE FIRM OF MoILVAIN & KELLY is this day diesiolved by mutuconsent. thfNAIN, Philadelphia, January 1,1860. JO HNKELLY. The. businees of McILITa IN &. KELLY will be wt • tied by_ JOSEPH KELLY, at the store, No. NM CHESTNUT St.. to whom all persons Indebtedto said firm are requested to make Torment._ I hare bought out all the °nets of hlollvain R'eUy. and will continuo the the business at the Caine Store, 1022 CHbfaNUT Stroot, under the name of JOSEPH KELLY & BROTHER. JOSEPH KEILLY lIMTZESE72 THE UNDERSIGNED, ILERERT . gkve notice that we have renewed the Itmi , ed mtrtnership between Ue. which eornmenced on the 121 th of DECEMBER, 1868, and expired of the let of NO VEMBER, 1869, agreeably to the pronsions of the act , of Assembjy of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved March 21, 1836 . entitled " An Aot re'ative to Limited Parinershils,': and the supplements thereto The sitidpartuers ip is to be conducted as heretofore, tinder the name orb un of W. 0. BEARD. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the manulneinre !MI 10110 of Hats by wholessie, in the Ott of Philadelphia, Kate aforesaid. WILLIAhtv.BEAItI, who resides at No. MO North MONTH Street. in the Thirteenth ward, of the Oily of Philadelphia, is the general partner, and SAMLL _O. WALTON, who ire- Andes at No. Tettioutli FOURTH S treet , in the Third ward, of the City of Philadelphia, is the gees:mil Part ner. The said Epeeist partner contrlbuted to the oomion, stook of said firm the sum of thirty thousand dollars, which was actually end in good faith paid in asebr The saidirtnerthit C o mmenced on the firet day of NOVBMBE . fieli. anAls to terminate thn the first day et OVEMI/ 'it, . • " dl6-fat• - SAMUEL D.•wALTON. LIMITED PARTNERSHIF'.=-NOTNE IS HERESY GIVEN, That the Sebes:ltiere have formed and entered into *Limited Partnership, under the prOVIOIOI3,II of the b arren( the Comntedwealth . - of Pernimylvania. . That the name of the firm or partnership is William )11 Edson, and the general nature of the beelnessthe danufnepire and Sale of Boots and Shoes.. That „AlN liam D.- son tithe it Partner. sad John F‘atin dem sr{ hlarmhernon sanders Pyt nem. all residing in t e pity o ?hiledelplim. The ea pitai b in eimh eontributed t e Sepsis) 'Mors en Ten t,lfeßVlAVENr " lt l ip c. gra b i l e rl ei sqP i ti .4. 0 1 .r.A.N.d.o.s : 4 1860, and ln i to terminate - (mho) R 81, WI. • • WILLIAM D. gnscit{,..._ n u, norm rannff. EKHEYO eft NIMES, ' • P6lllll ran AIM; January 10th, 186() PRE FIRM oF S. D: EDSON t CO. $l,O, beets the/solved by mat* °own Wr Wn aD. EDSON will settle up the Intesoess of the old Arm. The business of the Maquinoture end 'af Shoes will be ...optioned et 15r0.12 NorthO. Ire , WILLIAM D. KDSON. under Linnet) SertAllre.SlYti t eligafritElttli t ZTVJATak i l. BAUt4i'k;" SARAH t#, EDSO_PE" wiptaspa, D. BMOC 101.1 m :finery 101 h, 1880 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNEROUIP.- The partnership heretofore existing bfteress the subsorihere, under the firm of 8. & F. C. lAKNA.t.I, & 00., is true day diasolvlbyyput ) toltiOnment. ftANCIEI Q. y uti ALL, OBLIPIi TRIM E. Phdl6d•lphla, Join. 36, UM." LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—AgreeabIy to the tro visions of an not of Assembly of the Commonwealt h of Pennsylvania. entitled " An act relative to limited pan nersh!ps," the eubsenbere have formed *limited pan t. erahin. under the name and firm of YARNALL, TRIMBLE, for the trammotion of the business of Im porting and lrealing in Soda Ash, and other e Minion/6 and Goners! Merchandise. in the CRY of Philadelphia. ELLIS Y ALL. residing in the 'l'vrenty-firat ward, of the oily of Philadelphia. JOSEPH TRIM iILE, re siding 'nth(' oity of Camden. In the State Of New Jar ney, and CIIA/tLe fIAII,7B,II.ORNE residi edelyphin are t its In the y E arg l irtTe r rT 1. 1 1"0 oeuntief Newcom, t YA R RN'ALL, residing tate of Penneil. name, is the only Special Par t ner. and has oontnbuted to the capital of thesaid partnership, and actually paid in mesh the sum of fifty thousand dollars. The said part nership is to oornmenoe on the 16th day of January. 100, and terminegt tigh4"./31tAtuf pees/W*4ldd . Vit ETU TRIMBI4 WIAHLEie Haltrt3HO l GNEr Genera Partner FRANCIS C. YAENAL. Special Part per. Philadelphia, Januar,' 16.1860. jan) 18t NOTIOE OF LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP. Whereat we, the eubsoribers, have this day ,re nowed and co ntinued fora further period of three years, MI hereinafter mentioned. the limited partnershin.en tared into on the Slat day of December,_A. D. ISM, to commence on the let day of January, A. D. 1867, under the provisions of Ch. Aot of the General Aasenibly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. approved March gist, DiSe, " oth e r Act relative to Limited Partner ships, ' and all enactments of the sold General Assembly relative to Limited Partnerships—now, there fore, in compliance with the provisions of the said ion. aotments we publish the terms of said original and renewed Limited Partnership, as follows, First. The name or firm under which the said original and renewen Limited Partnershi ic Taa and ill to be con ducted is that of J . T. PLATE & ROTTLER. Second. The general nature of its busmen was and is that of liderehante in a enteral Foreign and Domestic Commission Busmen o the Intl of Philadelphia, and also in the business o Importing and Exporting end Vending hitirehandise, on ;coconut of the said Limited Partnership. Third, Partnership. Third Limited4nrrepithiwes and Is corn ed ofJOrtri TREOPIII 1.18 r , who resides in the city of Philadelphia o OAR C. SICHOTTLER, whe resides q the said city o Philadelphia, and CH RIBTOPE RF. PtiA'nif t WhiNegleee of residence is. at present. n the me sweat( city of Bremen. The gold John Times flue kite and Carl 0. Behottler were and are all the general, partners in the said origi nal and rein. Wed Limited ertnetatilp, end the said Christopher F. Plate wee en is the only special part neithe"l'll sp ecial t th "d Ch Plarohtrited , in grid od fartztb:ll:: the sum of Fifty Thousand tile capittit or common sterile of the stud original Limited Partneretap, niLpart of whieh her been whi ne therefrom. Fifth. The said original Dented ,Paytnership coin. maimed on the drat day of anuary.t. I). 1867, and was to have terminated on the Slat day o Decemopr. A, D. 18611, but the same has been renews and continued for the further period of three years from theglat day of Delmber, A. D. 1869. and will teammate on the Slat day of <member, A. 1). 1881. Philadelphia, Dec. Wet, 186 p. J. THEOPR. PLATE, CARL C. BCHOTTL,EII, 011/1..P 11. PLATE. By his Attorney In fact. 1a2.6w GODFREY FREYTAG. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF FIDLADEL.HIA, In the matter of the Estate of EDWARD deceased. The auditor appointed hi ih_e_ c ourt to nudit settle, and adjust the rumount of THOMAS M. Bstrrl, noting Executor of EDWARD SMITH. deceased, and to To port distribution o( the balanco, will moot tho narju:a interested for the purposes; of lite appointmcnt. Woe office, at the southeast corner of LOCUST and EIGHTH &reels. on MONDAY,, February 6, Uti), at 4 o'oloob to the arternooh. .047-Hrurd6t DANIEL DOUGHERTY. ierFtfiße MESSRS. ROSENTIIAL MORRIS,' from Plimouth, England, manufaoturere o the eelebrated " Pantasoople" Spe c tacles, respeet iiily aolielt the pa tronage 01 the Indies end gentlemen of Philadelphia and vicinity, to their superior ground speetaole Kleiner, The valuable advantage derived from them le, that, et stead of vision becoming strained, heated, weakened, and in numeroue eases soriouely injured, it is preserved and strengthened, everything at once beooniee clear and brilliant., and very aged Demons are enabled ro Pip 10 a t K r o s s i lkte a - ti 1 1 0 • t :s u e n 4Thw::t p n n ... e s i Or/ much lees magnit o {rower, knit they do not regeire the frequent changes thndangercum offsets of further powerful assietanoe. Certifioates can be seen at the offloe over Mr Christ man's store, 702 CHESTNUT Street, adjoining Ser mon's Photograph rooms, MB IT REFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS - 0. DONOGHUE will eontinue huslneis until May next, at la South.WATEN. Street, and now offing for sale, at the lowest market plugs. for each. or on ap proved short credits. 4 WO barrels 'steam-refined Sugars and Syrups, of various grades, including Lovering's Crushed and PnlverMed and holler s Patent-out loaf Sugars. Also. iii and Java Coffee. Adamantine Can dles, and Kell 'a French Brandy Coloring. 1a27-kni. REPINED SUGAR.-500 bble. crushed; Tir dtr lFlN ,fi llitt e drAtri e tt a ler. isg J 1: 1- 7 JtciAn MIKA. TO WEST OILESTEII igMffilki and' Intermediate Taints, Ina ME DIA. Trains for West Chester teavePhtladesphot from the Depo t northeast corner_ nf BIOHTEENTH. apd MARKET Streets, at B.I B A. ed., and 1 and. 4.30 P. Id. On SUNDAYS at 8.15 A.) d.. and P. M. Passengers for stations on RA I LROAD ELPHIA aid BALTIMORE CENTRAL wi ll take gee 8.10 A, ed., and 4.30 P. M. Trains 4144.4 LEGAL. MMM RAILROAD 260 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. I 1860. ilanwpaw 1860. THE CAPAOITY_QF THIS _ROAD IS NOW EQUA I L TO ANY IN TILE COUNTRY. THREI =novel{ PASSENGER TRAINS ETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS/MAO, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains rom Boston, New York, and all points East, and in the r p eral? e rfol t n ' ti; ititrn4,:Litivorrigrest arroutuTsdt —thus furnishing Wadies for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by Mu other route. Express and Fat Linea ran through to Pittsburg, without Onus/ of Cars or Conductors. All through Pam ganger Trains provided with Loughridge's Pateht Brake—speed under portent control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking C ars ate etched to each Tr augy 'Woodrure Bleeping are to xpreas aud Fat T rains. The EXPRESS RUNS D LY: Mail and Fait Lines, Bun flneentigleaYes Thilailelphls at BA. M. , t Line " 11.00 A.. tt. __. '' .ll / 1 3rAY 1 1 1. 1q1k7rE;VE AS POT& 1 1 113 . 1 Harrisburg AooommodationTo p.m. C o l om bi a, 3P . M. Columbia 0 Parkeiburg Pauengers " EAU P. M. West Cheate r will take the Mail, Patkea burg and Co lumbia Trains. Passengers fr Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffs, 10. Niagara Fa lb,Aind intermediate points, leaving Phi. ladplphutolB A. M. gods rectly through. Tioketa Westward rosy be obtained at the offices of the Company Iti chirelthie, New ; . York, I l lottoq, or Bali `IIIII7:Va'SA.:: A. Vitt at o a o u ir board te 4 1 r:f t :lie regular Line of bteamers on the hltuissippi or Ohio Merl. Mir Ears always as low, and time as quack, as by +1 other Route. , For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The oomsletion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chiea_go,make this the • DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE, EAST AND THE . . . - GREAT WEST: The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, Fe advantages readily appreolated by Stupppers of Freight, and the Triwpf- Yablio. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this tlompany, can rely with oo9tl - t .1311T to and from any point in the est by the Penns,lvanla Railroad are at pit limes as faveraeto a: are charged by other Railreuld Companies. SW Re particular to mark packages" via Penna. Rail road. For Freight Contraots Of Shipping Direotioue, a ply to, or address either of the F ollowing Agouti of the - Party:, - D. A.. STEWART, Pittsburg; H.S.Pieree lttl 0., Zanesvi Johaston,RiPl y. 0.; R. MoNeely, Maysville, Ky.; Ormsby & Cron r Portsmouth., (./;; Pad Look, Jeilereonville, Inch; .., U. arta i iiiiii i iiiii i ii i & go. 'marmot', 0.; 'Atteria & lialbert,Cincinnati, 0,,• li.. 1 t) . Meldrnm,_ Madison, It Jo.. E. Moore, Louisville, y.; 'P. O. O'Riley k .. Evansville, Ind N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, 111.0 Y. Segts,Bhalar k Oats, Bt, Loom., Mo.; John H. Har ris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harr & Hu. Memphie, Tenn.; Clarke lc Co., Chicago, I W . N .H.. lcoonta, Align, DI.; or to Freight Agents o . Railroods at different points in the Weld. E. J. NAg v HDEktoßladely i kis. ay& e ! ) ., 9 AatO; Woug,tril e Mit ' i ' 47l°,ll,y. k . C No. 71 Btatestreet. f i tfeton. t pus. E t f../l i chliZ( } l4. l tefltfel.l4ll.7.l.. 08. A. BCO.T, Oen'l Supt Altoona, Pa, Jas-ly 1859. Eavaimin 1859 WINTER. ARRANGEMENT-NEW AA LINKS, TOE C#.MDE I AND AMBOY A Rib* DELP It FROMON RAIL LI PLADEIRHIA T 8 N IC II WAY-PLACER. Peoht WALNUT-STRUT WUXI. AND XNNSINGToN, WIU leove as follows, via RARI. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Cam, & Am. Accommodation $222 At 6 A. M. yin, Camden and Jamey Oily, (New Aqrger /A4ommodethon- X A M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning ad- • - .._ 00 At 10 { A. M., via Kensington and Jersey pay, iX At 12}2 P.. .. ., TM Camden and AmboY, .1100001M0- Al i ;V. 1 5: - & A. Si- 213 .72 . 17. - • - vi;t CVo ZiTi, a ArZ a .i CC' At 43einqhfi., C° Class ingot-- ; • X At 9 P.M., Tie Camden and Jersey C ity Toning Ma 3 00 At 1 1 • 1".741 7 ribitrndeiiiiiiaiiiiiiciii:STutlieil —. 2 X ad.via Camden and Ainboy,Aoglmmodation. (Fr fight and Peasenger)-bd Class Tinget... -- 2 X 2.1 Clime 1 60 The P. M. Mail Line tuns daily. The it P.M. South ern Mail. Saturday excepted. For Belvidere. Easton. Flemington. An.. at 6 A.M. from Walnut-street wharf. and 3P. M. from Kensington. . For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem, at 6 A. M. vie Lehigh Vallei to Railroad. For Wate r Oap , Strou inure dorann, Wilkesbarre, Delaware, gar m llr 'and d P.M, For ATAV, l giek l lan. d atti P. " WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, ko, at 3 and 41i P. M. from Ken 41g,t;Iletlmyrit, Reverton,Delaneo, Beverly , Burlington, Bordentown, at e . , at 12 3 2, 3, and 43i P. M. Fifty pounds of bag age only allowed each passenger. 'Faasengent are prohibited from taking anything as b. gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage prer pounds Abe paid for extra. The company limit t hei r responsibility for,Paggage to one dollar per pound, and .will not be liable for any amount beyond $166. except by ipitolal eontraoL WM. 11. GATZ2IER. Asent 422 Camden and Amboy R. R. Co. Igo PHILADELPHIA, GER MANTOWN AND ISOIIIS TOWnALLRO 0-- INTER ARRANGEMENT .On and after MONDAY, Nov. 21, 1839, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 780, 9, 10, 11, and II A. M., 1,2, 3, 334, 4, A, 534, 8,7, 8, 111 ,i 0 „ , and 11% P. M. Leave Germantown 6. 7. 7 6, 102, 984, 10, 11, A. M., 1,9 , 2,1, 04• 5 , 4, oui 7 010 P. m. brl dal YB, Leave Philadelphia 9.06 min. A. 81., 2 682, and 10 P.M. Leave Germantown 6.19 min, A. M.,1,19 min., 04, and 9Y.M. EIIDESITNTIT HILL RAILROAD. Lea's Philadelphia 6,17.60, 11 A. M., 3,4, 6,14, T, and 10 Pa. • I.4ive Chestnut RIII 7.10 7.48, 11.0, and 1240 A. M., PAO, 6.40, 6.60, and fi.P. . A. or( SUNDAYB, Leave Philadelphia par A. M., 6and 634 P. M. eave enhestsint Hill 7.00 A. !,t., /2.60, 8.20, and PAO In VORF:INEIROBOCICEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave hiledtpla 6,9, DM, Min., A.M., /06, 11.09, M teel'in d oraoirt6, f; I, 11 A. M., 134, 436, and 11 P.M. Leave ON BIINDAYB Leave R i gi d a tri P t h lk i l 9 A A ; M M jia a 2 / d r, 2 44 .1. vR DIAN AYUNA.. Leave Philadelphia c.7H, 9,11,0 A. M., LOS, 106, 8.81, GC Mi. 78t, and DM P. lc Leave Martayunt OM, 7)£,M2,9)2, and 11)4 A. M., 2.6, 6, 682, and 6M P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 1 and 624 P 24„ _ Leave Mansynnk 781 _A. 814 Bk, and 7% P. M. K. 8111 au, (moral Superintendent, NIN II and GREEN Street,. Ma 0 " PENNSYL- E 9 1 111 A DORM). For_ 'PETRI, lIEM, A I I O/1 1 1RT'OWW, EMITON. ALLENTOWN,. TIATIOR UN . K. 'HAZLETON. On and attar MONDAY 4 ovember7th,. IWO_ , Paxson rbrilinlittu oil hav e FRONT' and WILLOW Streets, For ° ll i ntehei t n,_ IC }..itit l o u nnlre e ntitti elt ,letnoh ()hunk, Hazleton, /4.,l &press) at 9.59 A. z... tior Bethlehem, ( Express ' ) at 9.30 A. M. and 3 P. M. or Doylestown, (Acmommodatsond at SAO A. AL and 4 : ?'''i'mlftll4lllBl.l4l?PiTits'ilV.Z`l° F.M. Deane Beth ahem, (Express,/at4A. 41. an., 4.10 y. M. Leave Doylestown, fAceommedationo at I A. M. and 3.1110 P. M. Fort Wanhinegi,fAcoo_mmodatlond et 7. A.M. miNPOV • F il t Was n .t 1730 A. plIttlal:??4, iiki.4"4l, ii. a . if It ' ylentown for . hilnnelpnia,'at at; A. : Port Wnshinntron for rlttladelkina, at 3.40 r. ht. Fare to Bethlehem, 771.30; to Mauch Chunk, 'Mt to Easton. 6LW ; to Do9lestown.Bo omits. Throe ti tickets molt be procured before altering the CMS. AB Pnwenner Tralnil I tAg oat Sunda, Train.) con ned at Berloo .treat with null and Seth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Pangqinger Railroad.. n 7 • PALLIB ()LARK. Anent. aptlimile PHILADELPHIA, W IL MINOTON. AND BALTI MOR ' RAILROAD. sod after MONDAY November AI. MO, Pt kIBS r TNOER TRAINS LEAVE PHII,ADELPRIA, For %Motor° at MS A. M., 12 noon, (Expreu,) and 11t0 .AL or Cheater at 8.13 A.M. , IA noon, 4.30, and 11.10 P. AL or Wthlungtonl3, 4.30,tuA 11.10 P. M. for New Cnatle. at 8.18 A. N., and 4. 8 0 P. AL or liddletown at 836 A. M and 4.80 . NI. or over at 8.16 A. Al. and .80 P. M. For , lilford at 8.13 A. ~ an d4.3oY. M. For Seaford at AID A. ~ and 4.5) P, AL For Laurel at an A. A ~ and 4.30 P. M, TRAINS FOR PIiIj.,ABELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. AL, (Ripreia,l 10.15 A. At., a l. l etre illhrtidneton at 8.15 A. M. and 11.30 A. M., 1.41 and 8.40-P. M. -. • • Leave Laurel at 21.0 A. M. and L 4.0 P. M. heave Rearm() at 6.45 A. M., and 4.06 P 1 . 4i 11. ftvp Milford at TA 51 OA. ~ and 2.2,6_1". .1 aye D over at 9.06 A. M., ri M. 9.00 P . eve iddletown at JO A. and 7.06 p. M. save New Oaetle at 10.56 A. M. and 8 Y. M. 1 save Cheeter at a, 12 A. M. 2.2 awl 9.16 Y. 04, Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad it 10.15 A. . M TRAINB FOR BALTIMORE :,1.',14Tiggt01it'9"ix. 1 11 .28 .,19 2 16 I PI. P.M., and 11.20 A. M. • .. Oty at 1 6 1.10 '. . M., from hiladelplue, to Daltimore. ly at ge lit, from :thinly! to Pdelphia. FR MOAT TRAIN, with PABBL. N GBH OAR attaohod, will run as follow's _ Leave Phflatl i elplue. for Perryville and intermediate P te e a a vri l Atienmiiton for Perryville and interraidlate places at_Cga P. Id. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate plaoos at 3.40 . i. Leave Baltimore fin Btemmer's Run, Chase'', and liar:mood at SA P. M. n 5 5. M. FELTON. President. WEST UIIE6TER RAIL TN. ROAD TRAINS TI 4. PENNSYL VANIA RA LROAD. Leave Depot ear. ELEVENTH and MARK Street'', daily, (except Sunday.) at 8 A. M.,1320 P. and 4P. Al. Leave West Cheater at 7 40 A. AL. 10.30 A. M.. and 3.60 P. M. je 114 tz PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE— . 4 s '• l; 'E to Elmira,Wilkesharre, Buffalo, bongo, Rook Island,F 111 isgara Falle,,lwaukee. Bur naton, Montreal, St. Pant's, Detroit, Danßoth, and St. Passenger trains will leave the PMladelphia and Read log Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and CALLOW HILL Eltro still IL,Y. (Sundays °scooted.) as follows, .7.30 A. hl.. DAY EXPRESS. For Elmira,_Nlagara Fella, Buffalo., Detroit, Chloago, Milwaukee, Rook island, Delano. Bt. Paul's, Burlington, end St. Louie. . . ti.SO P. M., NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira,Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Alliwaukee,Rook leland, Orilena,St. Paul's Burlin g ton, and St. Louis. The 7.30 A. AL and a t trains run through o r. eigt stopping ll"ions on thi-L-ibail The TAO A. train connects at Rupert for Wilkes barrePittetork, Scranton, and ail etatlonCon the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOAIIt lIU HO RAILROAD. Baggageoheoked to Elmira, Butralo,and Suipengion Bridge. 113. - Tiolreteaan be procured at the Philadelphia and E flyirla:;76iitli e TN T TY.'r's'ilg," l %';B rL h rhen t Plter ger 111181 f tf i )(l4t t gr i F e ß i t s f i lal V. 1 4 1 11.A A tN Leave, tie eon t, Broadet roe t, below Vine, daoy, (Sun "ettoepted,) for all imints West and Nortb, at 6 P. M. reirs moat he delivered before P. AI. to insure so es e Lamp day. For urther information, apply at Fret Depot, BROAD, below Vino, CRA . S. TAPPEN_, tienesigt_Agent, °T N I f i W. corner XTII and GIIIEBTN T S ee hiladelehla. IS PHILADELPHIA AND o R it A DING RAIL ROAD, MGR 0 IA 1 , :, for P "TSVILLB, READ -1 0 lid HAR t HISB HARRISB URG or BROAD and (Litrlfff VIE W S t e ' lt o il t, 1 '1 0'11TX:a on Cal .thwl ) al TAO A. HARRISBU R G, (SuCidays exoeptead for ru ci VILLE, HARRISBURG. and all Intermediate points, connecting at Harrisburg ,with train running to Pit ta burg, Chamborsburg, Cale. Bunburi. kit. _APTHRN ON LINE Lteve at 5.30 P. AL, DAI Y. for P TTSVILLB and HARRISBURG. ji,.; 4.30 P. AI .. DAILY, (Sundaysexaented,lfor READ IN t* ' and Intermediate points. a W. ki. MoIL.HENNY. Secretary. 11N NOTRIE.--411ESTER u.Dy DAILROAD—Dad- DENO - AM7P II DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERa E LATE BTATIONS.—On end after sth peoem• bep, ISA, the 'Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN aoll'atart froth the .new Paesener Depot of the Phila. dojebta O end R Plttl tirl Railroadts t Company. ZieUrißT: corner of trances o Callowblll._ RNL G TRAIN for Downingtown, !eaves at T. 30 4. 50 P A 'I'ERNOON TRAIN for Dowrilogtown, learn M , AILY (Bril i a i ya epeepted./ and ynlj u o g a=1 „ 01 oteo2gera of the Philadelphia OlLUElillYaleoratarr. :111*. CHARLES HEIDSIOK OHAVIPAGNE, GEORGE WHITELEY. No. 135 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Ie appolnted Agent or the sale of the above unri valled brand of CHAMPAGNE, And offers It to the Trade at the LOWEST NEW TORE RATES. SOO baskete, Q nuts and Pints, now in Bea% d25-tf WE CALL ATTENTION OF TIM v TRADE to thle really Superior snide z ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A emir in Assorted packages constantly on hand. Orders received for direot importation. Also---Hennessr Cogria_,o Leßoy Cognao, London and Rolland Ohm, Claret in Wood and Casey, Champagnes, high and low proms. LONGCHAMP. Importer. 010-stn 317 South FRONT, Philadelphia. GEORGE WEITELET, N 0.1321 South FRONT Street, Importer of Brandy, Wines, too., olfere for sale, in bond only, the following, among other standard brand' of brandy: Bmet, Ceatillon, & Co.. Thos. Rinse & Co., Jule., Robin, tt Co., ()lard, Dnour, & Co., amens . Seign , ette, C. MA Meatireevtot,.l., mon Propriekuw. fax. Hennerry. o, Stuart's Petgley Malt Whip et, and the choicest var atlas of Madeira, Sherry, or . Burgundy, and m Rhine Wines, Palm Tree O Juneau, ILum, Santa Onl2 Rum, Bordeaux Oil. ko., Ino sl/-17 NOTICES. O FPFIDE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. PIBjIL/311LN! ip. Jennary, keel The holdenof the BONDS of this Company, due JULY LY 1860, n now receive. upon application at this o ae, T FIN Pg.R CENT.In cash upon the terms spe cified in the Circular attached. The holders are ale° entitled to the benefit of the BlNlthr 0 FUND established by the Stoelcholders, as set forth in the following rep lotion,, peened at the meeting of Stockholders held January 9 Kesolved, '1 hat the sum of 8140.000 of 'the future net Areas of the Company, after pay meet of the sum ne cessary for the extension of the bond. due in 1660, the completion of toe road to Dauphin, tne ear loans. the neceasary rolling stook and improYements on the line of the road. and all the liabilities of the Company, except the bonded debt not matured, be set aside in each year as a Sinking Fund, (in addition to the tei6o,o(el already provided,/ and shall be appropriated to the purchase of such of the bonds of the Company for which no Sinking Fund is already provided and estnblished, in the order of the priority of the mon:ages given to secure such bonds. so long as they can respectively be obtained at or under par, and the bones so purchased shall be forth with cancelled. Itesolved, That the Board of Manama be, and they aro hereby, reauested and directed to enter into such an agreement as shall make the provisions in the forego ing resolutions an obligatory and binning ciontrriet of the Company. In pursuance of this resolution, the Company hare executed the contract therein referred to. rt. BRADFORD, Treasurer. CIRCULAR Notice to the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co. Mortgage Bonds, doe July 1.1800. These bonds are Secured by the First Mortgages on the road, ampunting in the aggregate to 83,305,400. The net reventie for the Inst final year was six times the emount of the annual interest on these bonds. The Managers proipose to extend them for a period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the Menages in the precise condition in which are now held. Fresh sheets of Cone for tee nterestypirable half-, early, will be issu e d,. 'e ABonus ol ten percent. will be given to the holders, in oonsideration of their assenting to the extension. This Bonus tri signing'd in cash to the bearer. of the Bonds, on their a Teeth t and presenting their respective Bonds at the oboe of the Company, or to Its axente, for endorsement. TOMO of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on appliantfon. By order of the Board of Managers. Ja2B Im W. H. MoILILENNEY. &mew. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS.-+ I- The CARBON IRON COMPANY will receive roposals until the 20th day of February next for build qg Iron or Wooden Railroad Bridge over the Le igh River. opposite their works at Perryville, in the county of Carbon. The length wi.l be about three hun dred and fifty MO/ feet, in either three or four spade. m f . f l oVefg . reoeived, and farther pertioulars obtained, on application at NTT/Vale to ;he twler_sitged.. DENNIS BAUMAN, Prestdent. December 19th. d3l-dtfeto CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel phia, N0v.18,1850. At an Election held on theatet laptant L the following gentlemen were noun Di TS of this Rank: Alexander 6. Mittel', oseph Lindsay, )tohert K. Neff, amuel T. Canby, . amen Steel ohn P. thou, Zdmund A. huder, reign Kneoht, Alexander W ildin, avul Yandervyer, Hugh Cr,., g, hihp IL MICSLO. Christiana J. Roffman. And at the meeting of the Board THIN DAY, the !bi lowing camera we re unanimously elected: A. 9. CA TTELL, Freindent. R. R. NEFF,Yin President, d3-tf * J. W. TORREY. Cashier. N N NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT APPLIOA fIea will be made fora Certificate of Feeneylewd' liKate Loan, to pLsoe of one dated August 4, n FERY.n 1808. No. 39, ta 300, ow la er d or pr und aot of Ail 6, MM. to LOUISA JEF- te-3m. DDSINESS CARDS. B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • RULISCRIPTIPN AGENCY, for Principal News litphltriatrEggi.and Country, N. E. oar- Address " PALMER," Philadelphia. Jal3-3in MHOS, M. MOLE, Attorney at Law, -11. Nn. 373 Routh FOURTH Street. tagoltm. WALLACE & BRODHEAD, ST EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORE. _ -41 Stooks and I to _pds bought and sold, on Co minion. tncts WALLA I . REWARD C. BRODUZAS. m • ALEX. DicKINNET ATTORNEy AT LAW, GREEPIB URti, PA. Will motto In Westmoreland, Armstrong, and In liana counties. .:111-tf TEE ADAMS EXPRESS (30., OFFICE DJ CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Pack nes, Merchandise, Bank Nctes, and Specie, either by its own Lines, or in conneotion with other Express - Denim to all the principle tones and 01 tins o the Muted Rates. ' S. ELOIDFOR , sat-tr General Superinten mat EDUCATIONAL. TWINING'S MERCANTILE 'NETT TVTE northeset corner NINTH and SPRING OAR tiEN Streets. Book-km*lm Penmanship, Cal ouleto, n, ao. Applications received from filerohnnts for Book-keepers. fe2.l2t* A OADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT J- 1 . EPISCOPAL CtlEßOar. The Rev. JAMES W. >CORMS. A.M. Principal. The Beooed Tem will he4in February let. The tui tion fee. payeb , e half >early in advance, is for the en htsr, w, ; for tho other grades 8M per annum. traps, these there are no charges. Drawing, Fuel, e French language, and the use of the gymnasium, ming atlordeo w thout addition to the prices named above. Circulars may be had at the .Aoademy.l3l4 Lo cust street. .8,37.1tri st nii,B liAttilLINE M 011 UR TELoHER. OP rim PIANO. ASO 6 , 247 No, Hi NINTH F treat NSTRIJoTION IN OLAESICS AND AtATIIEMATICS. ROB'. liT R. LABBEATON, Ph. D . Is now open for an e• easement for 01213 hour daily. Allcommumeatipns addressed to No 408 booth Eighth street, will receive prompt attention. ItErsasne es—Prot. Goo. Allen. N 0.216 South Seven teenth wept ; Dr. Oenrse !Winne. 614 Arch street; Phtlip Phystek liandolph. Esq.. 249 South Fourth street; Lloyd P. Smith. Librarian. thaladelphas Library,' James Lesley, Jr.,dtt Market street. har-Im VOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, (WITH Primary end, Secondary Department attached.) aouthesst corner of DILLWYN and GREEN Streets. For Circular , apply et the Beheol. PrincipaL Entrance on DILLWYN Street. Inl2-Irn• AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a reliable medium thronsh which Schools and Fami nes mar obtain, oomtatent teachers. Parente may ob tain, gratultou,Cy, in (otation and oircuktrs of the beet schools. B,f MAN, York , C., Sid BROADWAY . New ,or alf-tf ital ORES NUT Street. Philadelphia. ictRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL -u-r , MERCANTILE L CQLLBLIES, located at MlA delpbto, B. earner SEVENT,II, and CHER TtIRT New york, Cleve,land, Chmaso, and Bt. Louie. For infortaatum. oall or send for Catalogue. feg-tf REMOVALS. REMOVAL.--SMALL t CHANDLER, 11 . WHOLESALE GROCER°, have removed from 60 North SECOND Street, to 33 dd AitICET Street, above Front, north 'We. at MACHINERY MW IRON. WIVE. V. ammo[, 7. %WNW, INlXlltelt SOUTHWAr t ragnr FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTRREIII, KEltill i ek tu ts U itbN3, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Preemie Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service, ,Botlers, Ossomer, Tanks, Ironlkotta, &0..; Outings of tailor% either Tr or Drw o . rop ta r t,o 4 1,0. 8 r Sias W dm, Work Shops, Rail stmt., and flap Machinery of the latest and moat Im proved oonstruotion. Every description . of Plantation Machinery , rich as ql u rnrg , B a r ti:Vp?a n li/ b t f a i r t :;l Y u a inl i rlg Bole Agents or . Rilhaug's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus ; Naamyth'i Patent !Roam As Mir & Wolsey's Patent Centritaa dralit a - Ing P Msohine. an 14. y SALAMANDER SAFES A large asiortmy lie & WATSON'S PIIII.ADE4I . IIIA ANUFACTURED BALAISAND 'R SAFES. VAULT DOORS. For Banks and Stores. HAKE WOKE kora to an, nior nee. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS ho., OAtuLoud terms iiy,eny other establishment in the v d stt & WATSON., ane Av e l .a N 0.004 ORIBTNOT titreet, PI. RAAB iIiVR U A CULL Pkgatgute fIpHE CONFESSION AND EXPERIENCE of an INVALID, published for the benefit end as a warning and a caution to young men who euifer froin Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, &o.; ipply nit, at the name time, the means of Sell Cure, by one who cured himself, after having been put to great expense through medical imposition and stusickerl. Milne copies inay be had of the author, NATZ.A NIEL MAI - FAIR, Esq., Bedford, hest Brooklyn, Kings county. New York, by enclosing a post-pauladdreased envelope. 101.1n1 Pi.7ILVER SOAP—A simple preparatio for cleansing Silver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrors, Mar ble, &e.,_ far inure convenient and effective than an 7 other. One half the labor of House cleaning may be saved by using this Soap, which cannot possibly injure the finest Zino white, and as no scrubbing is required, the saving in the wear of the paint is much greater than tho cost of the Soap. It leaves the aitrface as pure and white es when new. Manufactured only by the Boston Indexical Son i Company, and sold by their appointed AgentedlAS ARO & CO.. Apotheoariea. TWb.I.FTI7 nit ( 'N IT. TON'S ENOAUSTIO TILES for 31 11 tioo m rameptal Chimney Tope for oottages. anion Vanes and Fount•une,___ itnfied Pipe for dmuas and Water oondnotore Imported and for Ba le by tab .4. • .Atßau; Vtlf Pm twrrill - .. Pr' -IL) EST ERN AN 1) SOUTHERN :11ER. CHANTS—MANILA ROPIL—A large awl well, ageortetetod of Manila Rope, manufamared an d f o g ale, at New York pn41,11 1 , am WON kailiNiAli SALES BY AUCTION. puß,NErps, BEWL AR M EY, ic No. of KET /4TRR7 7, FIRST SPRING SALE OF BRITISH, IRISH, SCOTCH, GERMAN. AND AMERICAN DRY" GOODS, - • - • On Tuesday. Morning, • Feb 7th, at 10 o'clock, on Dux months credit, by eau -108Ut- i-400 packages and lota of fanny and staple imported and domestic dry goods. Ig?" Catalogues and samples early on the morning of sale. UNDERWRITERS' FAGE—FOR CASH. . On Tuesday Morning, February 7th. at 10 o'clock— eases, 480 mecea..London plaid gingham& 2t races blnot alpsecas, damaged on the Tom* if importation. LARGE ESPECIAL, ABLE OF COTTON HOSIERY— MOT LANDED. , On Tuesday Morning, Feb. 7th, at 10 o'clock. Connoting of - awe women's white, brown, black, and mode co lored Cotton hose. cares children's white, brown, blank, and mode co. lorod cotton hose. —cases men's brown, whits, and mixed cotton half hone, COMPTISIIIIC a full assortment of all enahtme„ SCOTT Jr., poin AUOTIONEKA, No. u 431 •I'cliEsmirr sTaBEr A on,te the Curtain *lase. hatween FOURTH and FIFTH Street.. BALE OF A PRIVATE MUSEUM,UPON THE PRE MISES, No. 528 M ARISET ST., THIRD STORY. This Morning, Feb. 2d eornmenorna at lOX °Work, embracing meal valuable specimens of birds. animals. fuM, and reptiles. ST Open for examination on Thursday. 2d tut. PHILIP FORD lc CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. 550 MARKET street. and ER MINOR Street. J. IVOLBERT & 00., AIIOTIONEERS, • 519 A HOU S oNHO LDFURNITURE Bath. This Morning, Fab. Bd, at 19% o'clock. at la Arab street, a large assortment of household furniture. china, Bleu, he. Nogg NATrigg, mE AUOTIONEER corner of filXVIra M nj B B_ACE Streets. ANT. Inth"gt MONEY TO LOAN: $230,000 to loan, in la'ge or small amoanin, OA stooks, gold sad Elver plate, diamonds. watohee. jewel ry, fowling Duman, dry goods. plothing. groaeries, ol gare. hardware, cutlery, musioal instruments, furmture,. bedding. horse, , vehicles, harness. and on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed upon, on more liberal terms then at any other establishment in tills atty. GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. At private sale, splendid piano forte, in nob rosewood case, oost Emu pare fliso; fine la.saret gold healing case patent lever watch, double Hype and indevendeat monde, only CM: fine gold hunting-case pa tent lever watches. of the most approv and least makes, makes, from QM to $100; fine gold double Nom Bat he, patent lever watches. best mike, from 890 is OW; fine 16-caret lonting-oase detachedpatent lever watches. 13 Jewett; from $l5 to $3l; open floe do.. train ftto to QM; fine id-caret gold Lear - e bunting ease watches at eko, open lace do from 110 to 130 : silver Enallsh patent lever watches in huntinA cases and double bottom, of the mast approved midi:esti:take, from $lO to $3.1; Anierionn hunting case Elver patent lever watches at 490; hunting case Elver duplex watches ditto double time from $194 $1o; hunting case silver lever watchee, full Jewelled. winds with.nit a key, from $ll3 to QM; Lepine do., from 811 to 816: bunting case silver detached lever watches, Mjewels, from 19 to Qls; open face do., from Qa to $0; hunting case Elver Lemma watohee, full jewelled. from $7 to 810; open face do., Irom $3 to -6; silver nuttier watches, from $1 to 1:15; silver French watches, (tom el to 83 ; gold patent hunting ease and open face lever and Leone,. l nglish, Emote, and French watches, from $1 to $10; fine golveet, fob. and neck Mullis stet; ante per dui.; fine goldsets of ear-rings, breutpins. and braoelem; bands; neer rings, and jewelry, 01 every oe.- ecnotion. for leas than half the usual soiling price.. $4O OW to loan, in sums to mit appbcanui, on dry and every kind of geode, at less rate of charging than any other eetabbehment in the city. OUT-DOOR SALTS A tended to personally by the auctioneer, at very low chutes. CONSIGNMENTS 1301.ICITED. Consirnmenta of all and every kind of goods sidiolted for public sale ; two-thirds the valpe of the goods will be advanced to anWotpation of thesale. AIOSES4NATHANS. SHIPPING. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- 13111P8 ICRON ITW 70E3 TO LIVERPOOL. TAO* BOIToN TO LITIigrOOL. Chief Caws Passage— —.-- —..em Ellwood Cabin Passage-—..— eh Ton ships front Beston gullet f &Hsi and Cork Harbor. PERSIA, Capt. Indklus, CIA. _ARA, Cant Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Cant. Millar ASIA Capt E. G. Lott, NIAGARA,CapL ARdersOn , AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EUROPA. .Pt. J. Leltoh, SCOTIA, (now building.) Theee Teasels carry a oleigute light at mast-heed; re gen on etarboard bow ; r n port bow. ARABIA, Stone, " ork Wednesday, Jan. 18. EUROPA, Leitch, " Barton , Wednesday, Jan. 23. AFRICA. Shannon, " N York, Wednesday, ?Mx] AMERICA, Millar. " Boston, Wednesday. Feb. S. ASIA, Lott, " N York, Wednesday, Feb. la. A CAN LIA, Lang, " Boston. Wednesday. Feb.l2. Berths not scoured wall paid for. An experieneed Surgeon on board. Tr owners of these shipswill not be accountable for Gol , Silver, Bullion. Steele, Jewelry, Precious Stones or , Mal., unities bills of lading are zned therefor and the valne thereof therein_expreped. or freighter pu ma apply to E. CI-WARD, S whitheOwritg,,k. p lIILADNLPHIA LID ORNSONNT NAVIGATION COMPANY. dat. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OPATER ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, MILD NO. IS MERCHANTS' EICCHANEHiI, At 10 o'clock A. M., September 7tb, 1 'Jo, the follow ing gentlemen were nnanimonely elected Means the Company, vie, GEORGE H. BTUART, B. MORRIB WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CRAB. MACALEBTER, aro JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. Who BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named OEN,. where all persons favorable to the enter prime are reepeotfully invited to solmonbe. FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— NEW YORK AND HAVRE STEAMSTIMP CO. The United States Mail Steamships ARAO9. , 2,1100 tons, David Lines, Commander , and, FULTON, SAC tons, James A. Wottou, Commander. will leave New York, Havre, end Southampton, for the yew We, on the following days : To meet new requirements of the Poet Mee Davin.: went, the deys of Wilms °Otte A RAOO and FULTON from HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON, will, after teV present voyeees, be changed as follows from NE W yo FC, save in the gaze of the present departure of the FULTON. which will take vines on the 17th December, the soh edule romans unaltered: THOM NEW TORII. awl A AND SOUTHAMPTON. FULTON....Deo. 17. FULTON...Jan. 10... Jan. 11. ARAGO. Jan. 7. ARAGO JBO. 31. ... Feb. 1. FULTON. —Feb. FULTON . ..Z. - Feb.lS ...Feb. 2). ARAGO.— blob. P. ARAG0_.....2dc1i.27...510h. FULTON....Meh. al. , FULTO . N....ApI. Apt. Sa. Those steamers.built expressly for Government ser vice, with double eng i nes , under deck. every attention has been taken In the construction of the hull and ma chinery to imam safety and speed. The ships have five water-ti ht compartmenta enclosing the engines, eo that la the event of collision or stranding, the water could not reach them. and the pumps being free to work, the safety of the vessel arf passengers would be se cured. Recent experience as demonstrated the abso lute necessity of this no o construction. Toe aocommodations for passengers are believod to combine every comfort and oonventeneethat can be de sired. From New York to Southampton or Havre—First Cabin, 8130; Second do., 878. From Havre or Southampton to New York—First C , tbin. TOO francs; Secood do.. 300 francs. To passengers going to London these steamers offer the silvantage of economy both in time and expense. Specie delivered in London. No passage secured until paid for. An }o expetience r d s surgeon on bord. All letters and newe r/3m M ine through the Office. s afin ri Font mless) Now York. Wri.LtAtd. ISALIrt Agent news. r e gagrAlt Eifitifttak a ow ANY. Vinton. A M. P PWLSON. Agent, Offirm, Tobago° Warehouse, DOCK and FRONTStreets, Ptuladelyhts. Plane of lire skive can be seen. n29-taih3l FUR TILE SUUTIL—LIELARLES TONAIM SAV....N_.AD_IITEAMSHI2B. FREIURT REDUCED. Reim Fier. at an aye eof Pll7lllll per gent. be low New 1. or Steamshi OR GRA N. 8, C. The U. S. Mail fitemoship K STONE STATE. OaP• won Charles P. Marshman. w il l sail on Saturday February I, at 10 A.M. Through in LIEI to / non/NW 40 hiers at See. FO SAV AR, . The U. 8. Mail teams .p STA EUF OROROIA, Castel' John , .1. Elarvin, sail on Friday. February 10 at 10 o olook A. M. Iraq an 40 to Si home , only la hours at Sea. Eve liiTikab d =egreigaMiderninitig:lll:l,72 The aa • " The siendtd„first-olass sie-wheel Stos i rps KEY STONE T ATE and STAT EOF OISORG now ran as above ev3ry ten dap , thus F orming a hve ay oominn nleation with Chards:Min and Savannah, and toe South nail Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah,. these Slurs con nect v‘th steaers for Fbvida v t p i nd wlth railroetV. for all games i nthe South and divest. CR. Freight and Inaarancie on a lae proportion of goods shipp,W South will be found to ,e lower by these stops than by aMling ream% the premium bat= one-half the NN. 8.. Insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely groressary, farther than Charleston or rannah, the " Cum eall'elelYMPOlerine t these P"" Fare by d n this route .. cute, k .toile per cent. charmer be nb7 the .thenhby dol ton and Sa vanh vannah steamship a s, NC ~ING AL .A ST on the who route, exotet from Char n and Savan nah to Montgomery : mann 713[2. Ire Charleston...—. Id N Obarleston—.--“INII N Savannah.._. IS 00 rvannali— --. 81 00 APSrt4-- XI 00 usuata---- IS MI 20100 n.. .... St 00 an —-- II 73 , Vra% ------ : A git e l'ai. -- .11 00 bonyb —.— „, p a SS ) oulsomery—.. 26 00 t o inkomery.—.— BS 00 Mobile. • SS gil tine..._.._._ 411 00 soeW 01400.21—. so TS OW Orleans— SI 00 bins of Mtn esigned after the shill has trailed. For freight or passage apply on board, at setiondwhad above Vine street, or to HERON. Jr,,_ Southwest earner POI:Tad OFFESTIi VI. A L epts in g aries atta n ;iTAT L Eß o alitriELL. For Florida from Charleston, warner Carolina every 'l‘lesdar. For Florida from Savannah, steamers It. hlar7's and t. John's, every Tuesday and 06311/02Y. r, STEAM DIRECT TO ALL FARTS OF OILEAT BRIT:UN AND RE .AN FRANCE, AND GERMANY. THE El IBURG AMERICAN PACICET COM. FA `PS IRON MAIL STEAMSHIPS. HAMMONIA, Ca t. B. F. Schwa:deem BAXONIA, Capt. H. Ehlers. BORUSSIA Capt. N. Trautmar.. BAVAR lA,' Capt. Taube. TEUTONIA, Capt. H. These Steamers are all first-class Clyde-built vessels; are intended to mil from Pier Cl, North River, N. Y., as follows FOR LONDON, SOUTHAMPTON, HAVRE, AND HAMBURG L The elegant and powerful Iron Screw Steamship BO RUSSIA. Capt. N. Trautman. 2.400 ton' burthen, will awl as above. on SATURDAY, DECEMBERSIst, at 12 o'clook Passage, including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New York, and from Southampton to London, suet Cabin. fsloo I Sgoond Cabin— Bail Steerage-01S The BORUSSIA will be suoceeded by the following Steamships: HAM AMNIA-- WEDNESDAY, February 1. SAXONTA....--...7HURSDAY. March 1. TEUTOV—A— URSDAY, March 13. BAVAR A-. ..MON DA April 2. B Passengers forwarded 7 to Liverpool, Dublin, Bel fast, Cork, Glasgow, Paris, and Antwerp, at through rates. These ateamere are fitted up with unequalled acoom modations for first, Banned, and third-albs Passengers. The Second Cabin aocommotlatione of these Ships are equal to the first-olaes of most steamers. Certificates of passage leaned from London, Booth ampton, Havre, and Hamburg. to New York. Parcels forwarded from Plulatlelphia to all parts of Europe at reasonable rates. Freight enoaged in Philadelphia ark! he prompUr attended to by.the New York Agent, and shipped free of all commiasion. Ear Fright or Y'attagivpil . y axoluzively to 01)Ice of the Hamburg Ame . r l ;l4e l kihit= t h . .rge. 02-tf Northwest corner FOURT mad CHESTNUT NEW CROP NEW ORLEAIIS A;11 , 1i adiarrAeknn.o.7.l:?i7°. Bn lg . .. f t " "I&P REFINED BORAX, in store and for 0 sale WE s ' a IIERIA tc l BBwER, Nos. 47 8 800 Sawa afiLBS BY AUCTION. THOMAS 415.80Ai1y _ ! - • N 05.179 and 11 1410EITH-Mrll7RX$7, ' ( Formerly Nos. 117 IQ_ OdR.D.—PUBLIO . SALES SIR kOYZATN AND STOOKS AT THE RICRANGR.--eakm of real estate and stocks every Tuesday, at the Exehanze. Wl' Conant:edam haring the option of either sale Nl' handbills of each proPert7 leetled_ ,IN , • addition to mluoh we pabludt. on the PalaruaY Fermis to the sale on e tnomnd atta4cass. lis srageniet /WM, Mein on e of an the proPallitall to he sold MI Ine ownt . g Trie., ESTATE AT MUTE BAIA 1107" We have s largo amount of reel meats st Private sole, Inolndiac vit pivenptios of eity and onikock procortY. Prm I may be had at the septum store PRI A R. BALE REeirrEa.._ IQ' Real estate entered oa our private MSplea' and advertised oegamonallym our publio sale a lb (oywhial, lon opines are Printed weetly,)frse e chars sr PALI, SALES, STOOKS AND REAL isirrATE. Dad Fall Sale Jan. 77, 'yentas, at the Excluoge. /air Part of tito handbills Vot sack of the Um's Woo now ready. EITOOICiI,LOANN, *AL On Tuesday, Feb. T. at LI o'clock, noon. mill be sold, at the ?kik defame cymbal:l4o For auxquit of whom it may 7 bonds. 4 LOoo sash, Columbia. ": =3 Iron co, • 3 coupon 7 per cent. bon Com pa ny. each. of UM Ns- Caalsy Mountain Railroad For account of whom it may *mown— Immo 7 _per cent. coupon hands of the MaCaaley 9Mountain n ngronn ComParin with coupon' from Nor. Ist. trot e r a A P. • for other accounts -7 at mortgage 6 par cent. coulee bonds. co sash, Logan County !dining and filsanttiling Company of Vamps, rechtematue ran. lobar* Mercantile Library. REEL ESTATis BALH—FEBRUART At 12 o'clock. arum ODbans' Quirt Sale—Estate of Borden', est= LO OF OROUN_Q, south west corner of i Oda VALUABLEets. Norhiladelphia. LOT. h Fifth street, ass; aide. be tween George and Fmiklin streets Northern Labe:bees la feet (mitt. and Sier feet den to Apple street, twfb fronts. with frame dweller end stable. LOT North Sixteenth street. east side, above Fattish street. _ THREE-STORY ERICA:DWELLING, west side sit H N w A MODFRD DW f ELTeLIN 11G0 NotU 6 Routh Filth et eat below Washin non street. &weed ward. BUSINEB STAND.—Three-stors brick tavern asdl dwellin E. No. nu Pass, oak Redd. above m nwso. oLARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, southeast f Westminster avenue and Market street s Twenty. fourth ward. REAL ESTATE SALE—FEIJRUARY 14th. lOr hang' Court Sate—Fatats of Amos P. Hai keg. deed . Wu LO cis OF GROUND. Twelfth street, month of ii. L P I P IAIDE.Vi. „ . ari....... 4.11 South Eighth street, Cornet of,Lomtiord Creek THREE-STOR Y BRICK DA'ELLP I O. No. en Br. Eighth Street, above Wallaos rtreet, with a three-story brick house i• the rear on Lermn street. TH REA AND A HALF-STORY BRICK PAOTORY end lame lot, Hamilton and . t inn streets, betweoa Twantv-secend and Twenty-mini streets. fie AT MODR.eN Dvriti,Laift, b r it eorner of Eishth and Lombard streets, well bruit and has the me darn improvement. and cOnveb Lances- THREE DV% ELLlNGS.—'fikreeirtory MGR dye!. ling, no. 1223 Citristmn street, with two three ropy brick d wel int re to the rear. Peremptory Sala by order of Halra—Eatate of Elisabeth Poets, dELLlerealted THREE STONE DWNGS. micrAytrv,..K, southwest mde of Spring street, alto mina lands of b. O. Levering, Twenty-hest ward. Ifgr Sala absolute. REAL ESTATE SALE—FEBRUARY flit. At 12 o'q2ock. noon. Peremptory SaIe.—}IANDSORIR RESIDENCE.= stable, house, and side yard. No. Ull U avenue. . • • . Peremptory Saie.—THREE-STORY ERICH STORE and &ream. northwest corner of Seventh and f`armat streets. ET Sale positive. Peremptory talc—TWO THREE STORY BRIDE dwelhogr. Seventh street. above Parrish street. TWO MODERN TIIREE,STORY BRISK MEI, LINOS, east std. of .mnbson street. north of Wallace street. twin-yen Thirteenth street and Radio road. iNDS“NIE BROWN STONE REmIDENCE, so, 315 Beath Third atm et. belcrw Series street. VALUABLE mrscELLeivors roOrg. PPM; THI , STOCK OF A BOOKBET LVR DECLEMtia BUOLDMis. ' Thu, Evenuta. Feb. ad, at the go otioa store. a stook of valsatie nals oeltaneoaa works oft intimating ■utiaots, a podia' Ut quantities.. Br Particalan la catalogue.. SALE OP VALUABLE 311IDI4AL BOOKS. Fan', TTIB STOCK Oa A BOOKSeLLER DEL :LINING BUSINESS. . - On 13.•hirda. Erelvvm. V.}, 4 h. et the auction stone a .. ,, leation of in liable m•di eat works, mina Ing mini onto ail 1.00. M. as , ror particulars ...-.. _ SUPERIOR taea, ff at i Ptrit r lM 11 BOWS, 0 -F O RTE, DRUSBk. On Thruway Yoram. At !o'clock. as the Auction 8 0re,...r. sacorMocat nl , oellent second hand ftumtnre. elersat.stano-fortss. • mirrors carpets, anon front [amities d•clinot• oolicksemair, Warmed to tile store for convenient* of ST. LOUIS, no. ILLIAMS k BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No: IY North MAIN Street. ST. LOWIS, Ma. tfermsrly ehh Messrs Myers, Clashors. & Co. Philsdelphiai offer their services to the merchant", manufacturers, and others of Philadelphia, for the tale of dry goods. car pets. boots, Moos. Madman. Jewelry • &e., Ac. B Cash advances made on receipt of goods. sir &tiler:mats made three days after sale. BEFEKENCVS. Maur": Myer', Chutborn, & Co., Phila. Stuart & Brother Phil& Yin Wyck,Tcorneend. & Warrens. Nat York. L. & B. Curtis & Co., Nes York. ' Wood, Christy, & Co.. t. Lows, Mo. " Crow. McCreary, & Co.. " K@l-frawly USURAN CE COMPAN LES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENFISYLVANI_ ,A MS. OPTION 8. R. CO T HI R D AND WALNUT Streets, lidelphia. MARINE 171388 NEI URANCR kl 5 KLB i n ekT ITo all putt of the World. 'mem) Immo/cm On Goods. by River, Canals, Laker, sal Land Camas* appall gtritarE 8 On Nero senora:ly. ,On Storm ld o Mionßonses..t.o. a OF THE COMPANY. Par. November 1,1659. ' Markat Valet. 1113,060, Philadelphia City 5 ;ry cent. Loan-4MM 00 100 . ,_,_ Foamy Iva.nis State 0 42 , et. Loon— 93452 CO 21 , . Psomayl amnia &ate 6 iav ot. Loan.-- . CO MOM lA. Treasuri 04 V' cent. Notes and Internet dna . _.-. -„,. .._. „..-... 3522 54 8.10,8:0 V. B. Treasury eir et.Noies and inter est deo ~,, - 30.212 00 835,000 Temrrary Loan to 'tie — ditY 4 "rkils del3ss,o:o, Peansylvartm Railroad 317 Mortiais A sin cent. Bonds.,-, ....„ _., 43,7410 CO $81,600, North Pennsylvania Kailrosofillort 0/ 4,C02 Wanlltignati.Baza.d4.;iiiici - ,;. - , u - ‘'''' m Company 7 ier et. coupon bonds..,.. ISM CO /MAO, 3CO share, stock Germantown Gas COMM/, interest and principal guarantied by the city of Paili ilator' .• - , .. 15.003 , 0 85,036,100 akares Perinsywasitsr nalrroaa — Comte/U. - —..-- .. ~_.. 3,775 CO 11,005,100 shams rlOrth Permaylvania 'Kan n-Ad Company. -_,.. .-.•„. - • - 556 CO gime, shares Philadelpbm foe Boat and Steam Tug corms, ay. Philadelphia and ...._ .-._ ga - '4l4l'g r mew. Peiladelphis and vv., de Grain Steam Tow Boat Clompany, Philadelptua Exeharme 11Ohmpau 3410 GO s, n, L. read o MorVages, and Real EsUde. Of floe Bu i klieg ~ .. _ - 73,363 33 Bide receivable for Insurances 132,693 Balance due at 4 1 3encies—Premiums on Ma rine Policies, Interest, and otter debts due the Company Scrip and stook ............... - COOts‘s- Cash on Noposit in B*4 - Coal 31 4 R.D. PR% E . 8t I c ,.! 'el. eraYr t.. M a ts . Jones Bonk°. tear MC.I HmtoMaru.,. d s , is- MU . ft J r a a o m b aE. M'ParLati.. mho& P. Eyre, /obi B. Sem*le. Mob's, D. . Mork - an, A. REerter, .. lit4lN Preuder,t. D, T Vit;* President, rotsirv. die-du 'lllarn Muta t Edmund A. toirder, thoh e rft ul l. rudalng ' hn CAsvu k stage quart, glum lie, Jr.. [ da C. o wig. r. i l . ' llY..E a r i n'on, rge G. /par, ugl ies C Uy, I WHAM! /108. C. KERRY LYLBU T N. Bev viAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 416 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPLIA. INCORF MATED APRIL. WC BY THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. OONFINRD TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS, IRD ECTORII: &anal Wright. 72. B. Rimer, Win. W.Walters. J. W. Everman, Chas. Richardson. i stair Lewis, Jr., Geo,A. West, . snob W. Stoat, Q, Wilson Davis, van Morn.. Thos. B. Martin, lento Stern. 'GEORGE W. DAY. President. JONATHAN J. SLOCUM, Vice .Preet. WIILIAMB I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Jail -tf LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM - A-4P.ANY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE L.NBU. RANCE CO?,IPANY, Northeast corner of TIMID and DUCK Streets. Assets, gm= M. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of !life—grants anntuties and endowments—pnrehases hfe interesta :a Real Estate, as m akes all °entreats depending on the contingencies o Life. They act as ecutort. Admlnistrators, Assignee Tnageei. and eaardians el L. Miller, CM Samuel Samuel B. Stokes. rismin Coates, Witham Martin, e ard H. Newbold. James ft. AleFarlands William P. Recker. VJoeeph I. Trotter, William H. Kern, r tame/ hoston. Samuel C. Racy, ..: Theo:gill. Paaleanc, re/ Hallowell, Edmund A. Souder, enry C. Townsend. aniel L. lintelinsoe. sari Kent, ohn W. Rornor, . :Muni Carr. S. Archer, ; Du ow, cal J. cliristiar. Hiram obertson. Joseph N. ThOmns, Weiner JiLsain, John G. Brenner. P. 8. Mloh sr, Easton. RHII, EI i. . 11 AtE i ttiet r rr i e d & I E L - ^ ---- an...-Is JONZR W. HOlLviotr-3.sirei - INSURANCE COMPANY OF TUE OATE cf .BANNB_YLVANIA—VRE AND MA INSuRANcE—No. /iXOnANGB BUILD- Chartered in H94--Capital 4 1,203,1:00—Ansets, Jarmary I, Me. 4047,440 blI.lOO. All invested in sound and available seenritiee—con tinue to innre on Vaunts and Cargoes, Bolding., SWolce of Merobandise, dn., on liboral Lerma. - DIRECTORB i Henry D. Btaerrard. George 11. Stuart Simeon Totry, Samuel Grant. Jr.. ruirtes Macau :40r; Tobias Wagner, ata 8. Bmlth. Thom B. Watson. tin B. Budd Henry , G. Freeman, Mum R. White y, eorxe C. arso C C harles S. Leans, un. HENRY D. SHERRBRD, Preshlent. WILLIAM HA il PRR. Secretary le Sox tin rf HOIVARD FIRE AND MARINE INK.% RANCE COMPANY, No. CM WALNUT meet, Philadelphia, DIRECTORS,_ . W. Baldwin. Robt. W. D. Trutt I, J. Edgar Thome,on , Wm. K. Reunda s John O. James ohm W. Bexto;i i f r .al.lcagee4 . 8. Warne. El . ? . ytiftirlui. C. i t agler : Wra. H. Lore, Charles F. Nortorh John Clayton Edward A. Warne, R. H. Shilitugloras Thomas L. Laden. Yreardent—M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President—E. 8. WARNE. •sorstarr.—EDWlN bOOTH. dee OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO -YOUR -.--.- interent. Huy your COAL AT HICKS', where nothing but the very best quality of Lehigh and Seim, I kill Coal is offered at the following reduced prices: Lehigh, Broken, Bap and Stare.— • .84 23 ger t•-: , •• " on 11..66rga Nut Warranted tree 'from elate: or &tit and full we: ht, at HlCAS'_yard, southeast corner MARSHALL sal WILLOW. Call and see. ofd-em W. (MOORE & CO., Ng. °Moe 144 South FOURTH Street. WHARF, PINE STREET, SCHUYLKILL, Dealers and Shipper' -Lao t Monntaln. Le on 40, and Sohn> WU C 0 L . Merchandise taken on wharfage. HICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH t'OAL,prepPreJ with tete, for sale on Ler d tlArt hia stul t ett KNOWLES'S Depot. NIN'L'H H A" 4 AND SIIOULI .ERS. —2,300 ?met City-Smoked Hnms and F. houldars. SOO Itc es extra sursr-oured Hams. for as C. BAD 'Tt a. CO., ARCH Street, 3d door store Front. CALOUTTA T WlN.E.—Just receired,a Limier lot of etvtla v aiN n iftl itAlz ea n KW oust. iA §. inures. +two 0?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers