,Vo,ll,ootkpipi'AsuNDAY o appliTur • -rompit RAE:111. - ', • - Twit** Orirra,Pig Thum visTeib• tba glutton', Mailed toßui nbcrsi out of ths Pity it Om Dof.l.lls 4 , 13), , 1#142i1i,y. _PO* -D014443 'l/011kG)1040NTHe 2 TIII2ISII2POLLLS Ppitl3lX, 24021TRA-rittVanhar IA !W -rites for:the time =fared.. ' : • . 1 11 ,Ult;ft:i svat .itfin . 4 l ll:ooqixto oitirit'Tal Dor., , - STA,TIONE#Yi • 1860- 447),1860 WAt - 'tI+4I.IRVII.Y ai CriTSLlT.Mttlyrt, PlierioaiVott4inis • - .13 L.* • 870 O's 8, • Made al Cei o a n n e e n o s ri e t M d e • Stro l kl t i gi s tUr !err risortat n.*remoh§to...o riRY.434194 JOBBERS: SPRING - 'O6ODS: BARCIOFT & co.. NOB.-tOll •AND ♦Ol MARKET BTBBBT. xALPOR'TI7B.B.A:Np.,JO BBBRS toß*teN AND Bprqsro DRY scocinoyr ecuptaete and roody tor biome. - lebAtw VAX - NOPr. :1850: . - Higuacort. Imo.4iiv WARD. 0., JEIOIIAID_ WOOD. irx,r olamon 41.41/4/0 B. FeliAlia. WOOP,Aktisßarr, & HAYWARD, ' Immtitraftnd W7tolambßeaton tn D,11: et: - 0 'CO D' 13 OLOT/lING, ip3,4A N0.'804) MARKSlT'Ofreet.Philadelphis. . . WURTS; , AUTLE. AVVEIGH,, Ildro - irraas ADM JOBBER:0- 'GOODS, •' - • 31 . 0. 311 MMOWARKET BTRBET. , - 31betles Weds, Anoka, - foemsDo_X.'eloVttbt oht.,EV weimer. - JJf seeltißurein. FITHIAN; JONES. & CO.. iitAiants FORDIGN Alth' - , I)OMESTIC' 3? "t ao`o D S . No., 240 AIANKST'STRRIFf. NEN GOODS moor/hoe oval day for • • 'CITY ,AND _NEAR TRADE. hl-9m ETAPIAEIGH. RUE. & Importers of LIMO. WELTS GOODO, LACER; and - NO. 320 MARKET STREET. tcr Ode present stock, selected In the best inn:lo42m Velltelte .4,oeriefves,is the_.mast oomplete Ire have ellfrotrylred. -'• • • • ' 543402 pßron. FER,RIS..Bs CO.. • - II[POW/1111110r • ViITE_Igit Luv OOPS. - , - Ehd. MITTS, EMBROIDERIES. LACES,. ANT;IotaS, • Noe. MARKET Ealtiimr, • 629130MMERull STREET: , , • In til' OUT 4,00k,111 seleotod IT, a mati.bar 0 I lb. Ena. e '.; BEET EUROPEAN MA-RESTS. Man, Sp pto. . . 1860. abH4k'FFEES; STOUT CO. 401tDIDN AND DOMESTID, r, - DRY DOODO. . ' 1 NO. 11118 MARKET STREET. te3-Bsa , Afig. S. .&rE.F.,WA-l i tT• it 004 y, , , IMPORTERS 'AND JOBBERS OP' • -?par moil ethos, . . • :100 Me RIOT Street. -flare tow in store; sed ate a eonetentlr 'reeelvlne folleu r tmen'°, 4lll . l2 4 o/02 ° _ • ter . lhied.ro t rent., tratek ttlx !nett. no &teen- U V,/ Z":"Bh:imatilkArgitik:?llPol, tho_ pew =l4 leeimineett Enblee conittent4 outland. lea-am 3Q N. , JeksTRYIT.A.R . aco.; 01 4 :010In f it 14. M! D. '.IIIIIADIWPRIA. - 74nOLE8ALS DEA:LBO, - = , 1 • Darrow FABN011; asp AKTIRIOAN 13 (11 0 0 D S NrePte, Oil-Clothe. sod Alettingsitoneht duty et suoton.end • --VOLD AT REDUCED PRICER. f.3-lm DE 90171i,EY. LAFOURCADE. & Haifa itzmovap To NO. 63tellESTIsTUT STREET, JAYN.E'S HALL. 'l. Alma's *emir ass 1C0W,111.,2111' ;? - litgol 'SERIN 0 IMPORTATIONS MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Tiiihieth they Invite the 'Mention , of &elm in mkt , is e• • - po.B.nLTassoN& - spxs. `ll9 MARKET STREET. (80aoaddoor below Yotieb,) zAtOon*lno Ax - V - ioansits or VBSTINO9, A2ip TAILORB' Would.nits Ora. itientitii of buyers to their large lista df FANCY CABBl4l.Ellat' S. V caIT4NOB, and dtt retort niaktiof FOREIGN 'CLOTHS and DOEBICItiII.' 1120661ra and Cobra f and oiler the exelusive tale in leldladerattli of HILGEIVO oatebnsted taste of Claba and Doeskins i alto, 4at Fatiorits Colorant. (warranted 1 00 0 the nratel.) and MAMINE TWIST in all co. fa3.4ra ,P 7 1:40E„ IMPORTERS AND . JOSIBIIIta OF 7 :,-IYAREMN dUi'D DOMRBTJC 4;3. OODS, !-Nit. 8,15 ~.lifil2K4T STREET., PILILADELPIIIA 11A.11.1)WAItE. HAND', 'as -BRENNER; Nis, is, Jo, IiORTH •Flrra smin /WIXA,tI)ELPIIIA. 11'llOSNILL8 COMIGSKON glllll, Per the soli of all tlndi of ANCIERICAIF MANUFMT HARDWARE, LIWOR;0111 oi mutt" BELGIAN,' , misda; AND Brunauf iILfiIiDWARXr.A.VD • OITTLERT, jespecoistantli on Mod s isike' stook of Goods to or els lifordwire peelers. suTousa,4 HILL 'Bf the diet or Otherwise. MOlLliiin EMS TOOLS, *TRIM' )SFVARIGII7 ENDS. , I s AND -VIONOs. nnot ta tti 8 misty. - Noillassitesloll - 01,111010. ' immune - rum )1011%6 ILIPLBEI MID POTOIII. =maks. spin. , Tito. a. sulrnme. 1. P. mu m& = , ' I,IOOIIE,IIENOZEY,64 CO 14 . 114)748L ' A,-04Eirl, and OUN WW/ 10 t0.1; ‘ Dili ; adif:iiiilkilt; and. ill polthlßlialettlitii IfILDBtEtA i Oka -.°l' filat.=-A :lle r l '" rt E t . ,M„4..M . Wfieir Tre Nt, r,,Arii, Mal t i y„. •:. 0, ii. : .... . .... P ______ k tral 44040 4 1:40 1 -1iiiwPinAkt f ' 'in , _ d rigro l uitilommisi . i .....i*r i ra:1111, WUMMI At* VOL. 3.-NO. 159. DRY•GOODt3 JOBBERS. McO4NTOOK, GRANT, do 00., taITORTERS AND WHOLEBALBDALDREI IN ,OLOTILS, OABSTISLERES, VBSTINGB, TAItoORS' TRIMMINGS. ;No. ORR MARKET STREET, (Up Siam) An . new opal ig thelt Bpring Stook, to vrillelf they in lens the attelitipn of the trade. , fes4m • • W. CCISBS & SONS, No. SU MARKET STREET, ! Are now opening their 'srßirro spo'cx or GOODS Adapted to N'S.-W•E A R . In which will be found a felt iimortnisat of 'CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTING% TRIMMINGS, AO. faS-lut SOMERS & SON. . lIIPORTDAD AND DNANUNI uv CLOTHS. - (- CIABEINEREIL VESTINOS. - TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, No. 82 . 801:111 POURVE STREET, = (Between Idsyket endOliastwat Streets.) PHILADELPHIA. ' , tog-Int NIMLIAISI E. 1011111R3 CIIALKLIIT SOMIIIB. LAMBERT THOMAS &JEFFRIES, Whole:We dealers in AALNRICAN AND SUXOPBAN ' - DRY GOODS, NO. 428'MARKET AND 428 10010114 INT STREETS, (Between Fourth and Fifth.) Sr Stook f dtd-Wlto now oomploto and toady for buyers. en- SAS. R. CAMPBELL 86 CO., IMPORTIIRB ARD wnoLasata DIULIRB IN DRY GOODS, 014 ENS, WHITE GOODS, MOTHS,. OASSEKBRES, BLANK:NTS, STUFF GOODS, ac liill4inif No. 731 OHNSTNIIT Street. A. W. LITTLE &00.. SILK GOODS. No. 825 MARKET STREET. feS4m EMBROIDERIES, ISLEEPER & FENNER. VVEDLESALB UMBRELLA AND PARASOL ISANINAOTDRERS, No. 330 MARKET STREET, fa-ant , PHILADELPHIA, WM. A. DROWN & CO,. - ITIORELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURERS. No. 240 MARKET STREET. fe3-lm PRILADIILIPITIA. PAPER &e. '.q.l43§E • BUSINESS. HART, MONTGOMERY, & 00., NO. 8 , 22 (ißSErpitrr STRATA ;wingU,oat,throughthiswinterandneatlntt, . their lama dock pt • PAPER - HANGINGS, 'oo widstilig °timer, vaziotg conaeotad with the business. AT Gat l inlr'REDßOßD PRICER. 'Ira9 1116 :NOI TditrAT T i. 3o TSB OBNT. BB- Tama wanting their Rama Tama!, can get great BARGAINS. lOW CARPETS. F. A.. ELIOT k CO.. Nos. ea and ef, North FRONT Street. are the SOLE AOl 4 NTS in Philadelphia for the EORBIIRY CARPET COMPANY, and have oonetantlr for sale a full assortment of VELVET and TAPESTRY CARPETS. of ohms patterns. Aiddo s lame =MAY of the undone kinds of , CAR menolootured in Philadelphia eity and °minty, from nearly all the but manufaoturers. Dealers will And it to their interest to eall and ineunhie thee* good*, which are offered tot este on the ;nod faun able. terms. . B A. ELIOT & CO, being the Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of the Worsted and Carpet Yarns mum by the Ebtxonvillo Mdle (formerly the New England Worsted Company,) and bung agents also for the Baldwin. Wilton, and Abbott Computing, have peculiar feellitiee for keeping oongtantly for sale the various kinds of Carpets manufactured in Philadelphia, bn the most favorable term!. )al7•sm CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. • ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD. SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUFACTURER, M and IS CHAMBERS STREET, ((Formerly 41 Chatham arrant, New Tork,) Would call the neonatal attention of wooers Ito Amanulsoon/turs to , h i s removal, and abo the article' of hie m vm BROWN RHIFP. l' b e'itappt . al Ooarse Lppse iisteuitools g , Arnerlongintism i a i le urF. Cope an. tititPoset Sootolt, i Wit E fF*Fst, ma Honey Dew &Mob, or undy oot. TOBACCO. 111110IIINII. clrr CHIWITIO. eXOIIIIO. 1, 1 P. A. L. E . or plain, St. Tsso, - Cavendish, or sweet Spanish. 31c41,. / li t 9. milt , d, OwleitSeentad br innoo . Caniptep. raAte not In pit Cavendish, Pura Turkah. p,rqß —Dote fhle're,V . 1 1,:rtrATITZt; us; iraioh will 'Mr found a superio r for dinliiPS per owini - , JOSEPH LEA, NOS. D 8 AND 190 CHESTNUT STREET, Invitee the attantien of the Trade to his Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS, New light market spring tile', a great variety Dern MESSRS. SAM% SLATER & SONS, SUTTON MANUFACTURING'OO., • MONTMLI,O COMPANY. Also, THE ATLANTIC - CO.'S MOURNING, r !minding many new standard Pattern'. NEAT MACK & WRITES, PURPLES, LAV.'S, An. SAXONY & SIIEkHERD PLAIDS, & SEDZBANDS. Bh, AND GRAYEL AND GUISE DUSTER WOOLLENS, FANCY CASSIMERES and DOESKINS, PROM NOCK COAL,' GLENDALE GOAL, NEW ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. • • = EBERITARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR BLACK DO SICIN AND SILK AUX • TURES. Estitiotts, Plain and Tripled, of MI solos and van ties I enmity Jeans, Tor tfig, 001 to, Oftehmaro SU, Remy's ' A'w'ed' , comprising 00.) of the boat Nooks at the "pantry. 'AMERICAN LINEN 00M. °RASH,' RUCKS, SLIEETINGS, &o. ; HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. WILLIAM YARNALL. No. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET. IDentedistely opposite the Amigos,' of Floe Arts.) Invitee the attention of HOUSEKEEPERS end °gamete htetuttereive aigtoitiroint of - HOOSEEEEPIND (MODS. TABLE oUTLERT. - -NURSERY VENDERS. ' CHAFING DISHES. FIRE SOREKNO.' PLATE WARMERS. Jelt.tothetf - TEA POTS. &0., ate. RANT YOU BEARD, OR ti YOU 1 ,0 bet t ri , ; 4 4 ;inir t x, f i l ip I Vtorxrdgit7r.t.ign, ortt ri4s 4 11 n , g ygt i t•% it LP: T O I L :u tfT: il a" ' astiderl tii'.. 1 :14,7. °Lom /.'""' & Ica . ' L 41 7: atil Ito TAIO I 4 O MUTIL -21 . 618 . iv iß tf aaleam o ittatrie !Jim. \\\''r' iiii,',/ , • . . .. . _ , , . , ta We' ;:e.a . - • :. 1 - .0. - 7 . 1 \- s \ :‘,\, \'l tli ',' / _..-- 1 i 1 .. i ..,, 1 : - -/. ,47 -: -: :: -.: '.::- ~teit tt \ . .. . -------- , - /41 . .. . ~..'';.--,(;,.. . ' . 1 '''" '''.‘ ''''' .".--..,-:::- 1..ktii.,*..... s'‘' : . ...roolll lE . W . . '' ' ; :t : , t ' ' • ; 1 4 'n '. :• :..: . ' ' .:; l ' t r . tr ll 15e. / 1 ' . . 41". -f'.1,.....,1745,-P";-.Iii1:if.1.': ...' , - ;. 1 : , ;) , :: , j..., : i! - ":; ''.7""---' • , :7 ,-- 1 ii t ,0 , 1 .7 ' - :!,,r 7- : . :*::: 3 ''''''', ';'''-' ' : :{ l ' ".._.,„_:-. k0it,,,..-.-4.1 - 701mem •-•-1 oi , •• • --- ~- . -7 .•\ -•:,.•--•.=.,.,..- , ...;-111PE A • r . . .• . - .•.,-. e'. - . : --f • • ,!. . . .. -. .'3l` . '*' ~ ' apost.,:.•,:. :.- ••: -: • :;•-•.- - ..t ti gfi . Mir II L..dil _ ..... ..y...e __. ' I Iril\ .• . . „.. , ... 7. ! ... - ..t... ` , 1...c '',...%%.-..••••••••- Z-- . ----- i;. ".............. , ...44 .. . • . I VIIIIIRELLAS. CARPETLNGS. MILLINERY GOODS. STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS. • No. 795 ONESTNUT STREET, (Between seventh and Eighth,/ gave now in store a COMIMRTIS STOCK OP SPRINtI. GOODS, BISSIACINO STRAW, RATS AND BONT3TII. • DA, A N D 11.81111ESTRAW GOOD% FRE PLOWE Rd, RI HitoN.H. and biIIbLINERY 000litt ONERAL, To whioh they respeotfully invite the attention of merchant.. Cash and short-time buyers will find speoial advan tage in examining We stook before nutcheutom. fe3-am J . HILLBORN JONES. Importer and Manufaotoror of FANCY BILK VID STRAW BONNETS. • ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RISICHES, &o. The attention of City and Country Dealers is invited toil, large and vaned 'took of the above good. at COI MARKET STREET, • &Sim Below Fifth. 1860. STRAW GOODS. 18an tny. THOMPSON & JENKI,NS. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRAW GOODS. /LAU AND CAPS, BILK BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, Ao. NO. ORS hIARRET STREET. Borers are requested to examine our Moak. THOMAS F. FRALEY is sugared with the *bore house, and admits the pstronsse of his friends. feet-lm MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. ROSENIIEIM, BROOKS. & CO.. 431 MARKET STREET, NORTE BIDE, Aro now °reggae. for the Spring Trade, the most ex tensive and choicest stook In their line ever oolleoted together under one roof. RIBBONS of every oonoeleeble description. BONNET MATERIALS. FRENCH ARTIFICAL FLOWERS. JUICERS, and all other millinery articles, STRAW BONNETS IN IMMENSE VARIETY. OffILDREN'S AND MISSES GOODS, DO. BLOOMERS, SHAKER ROODS, &c. consolons of our superior fel:Males in obtoining our supplies. we Batter ourselves that superior induce ments, oath as resardseholoe of Retention awl modera tion In pine, cannot be met wi. h. fel-Bm LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. 1860. ,SPRING. 1860. EVANS &t HASSALL J . IMPORTERS OP LAMBS' DRESS TRIMMINGS, No, SI S. FOURTH STREBT, Are now opening a flue ancortment of NOVIILTMS FOR TRH SPRING SEASON, To which thei invite the attention of buyers. feS-lm WHOLESALE CLOTHING. LIPPINCOTT. HUNTER, & SCOTT. AIANOPACTUREREI WHOLECALVIRALERA IH . .1, 0 LOTHING. IS4 MARKET Street, and 419 MERCHANT fittest, PHILADELPHIA. A fitil and complete lino el every style and ohm of machine-made Clothing , fall; oarnia th at Itn'tnilw Wed in may other oltr. fe34m LEVIOK, RABIN, do 00., BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTORY. NO. 695 MARKET STREW, PHILADELPHIA. We have now on hand an extensive etoek of BOOTS and IDIOM of every deeonption, of OUR OWN AND lIASTERN MANUFACTURE, to which we invite the attention of Southern and Western buyers• fed Sin BOOTS AND SHOES. BORER & BROTHERS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE MIMS tx CITY AND EASTERN-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. Noe. 434 and 434 MARKET EITREBT, Below FIFTH Street, Eolith side, te3.Bm PRIGADELPIIII. SHOE FINDINGS. WM. JOHNS & SON. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN BOOT, SHOE, and GAITER MATERIALS, LAMING% GALLOONS, SHEETINOS. PATENT LEATHER, /TENCH RIDS, LAOETB, SLIPPER UPPERS, ko. N. B. CORN= FOURTH AND ARCH STRINFIS fe3-$m DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. B A.FAHNESTOCK ec CO. DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS, OHEMIGALI3, CORKS, SPONGES, AMERICAN AND FORME ESSENTIAL SO., Ana Efitheaatnrers and Sots Proprietors of B. A. FAIINESTOOK'S VIIRMISUGE, Nos. 7 and 9 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Beat olds, a few doors above Market. fag-Ign FIZILADHLPNIA DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, &o. ROW. SHOEMAKER &I GO. NORTIMANT 00ENER. IOURTII AND RACE STREETS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Imsotters and Dealers In WINDOW GLASS. PAINTS, W., Invite the attention of COUNTRY MEROI-lANTS to their lane etoolt of Goods, whloh they offer et the lowest market rates: oob-tf WATCHES AND JEWELRY. PRATT da REATH. N. W. CORNER FIFTH AND MARKET STREET% IMPORZEILB ) WATC it ES. JEWELRY, PLATMD WARE, &c., &o ta9•lm CHINA AND QUEENSWAILE. BOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS 4 JOBBERS, Have now on band a complete Stock of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARB, and FRENOII and ENGLISH CHINA At their Old Bri t id, No, 81114011111 FOURTH U. for doors below errata/Its floral, to wkdob WY In attention o yritooskr4 avrann. AOIII7II fon rinalusa ULAee. Aliktrit PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1860. A Widow's Soliloquy on n Poet's Offer of Marriage. It ITA VAILD OV TOWER A►LL. A Poet offers me hie bawd In sweet, PMll6l , liVil rhyme; He's poor, alu and only owns That be t e not worth a, dime. He thinks, however, that our love WOuld make our bins conolete, And hopes into my heart to walk With hie media feet. He hes one only friend, he says.— A cat—and ho would choose To keeppour puce, for then , of source, He could invoke the mnse. He'd rather have a cat than dog, I very plainlypee, That, muno.nemsted, writing rhymes, They may not dogerel be. But If his line. should tie the cream or all the poem* read, No churning could such cream convert To butter for me bread. The songs might be with fannies sweat. But would not sweeten tee; Atm what might be feastfog gods" Would not tio food for me. The meenure of hi, versa might be in all its parte complete, While with unmessured woe, I sighed For things to weer and oat. No vet win Fo T r Thous might helT' s e t ' s i re n by all the I ,r ‘ l ers • And perish by the lane. I boil one hnsband perish thus) married him when young— Ile perished by a lin hungemp, For he, else: was ! He swallowed brandy. wine. and gra— For well he loved them ell— Till he'd not genies enough to bur His Clothes at Tower Hell, HI. reason gone to that extent, Hispinions he obeyed ! Ho killed a Imo, end • y grope I was a widow made. No than with =worn it, soul nail win me. now, with rhyme.: • But one with mnsioln hie purse, From sweetly jinsher,dhems That in my wardrobe rem have A chance for seasons ail; And lie be droesod in Opiss the beet, From Beriusrei T HALL. I'll geed the poet thiereelY, • To wake turn from he dream • B,I IK metiNsir, your 'ones of love, Bu: make ms not their theme. hlovz.—Tielng determined to close Out the entire Winter sloe e In Its season, we oder inducements never before offered; suoh as place the bort Winter pennants within the reach of all. BEN BENTO., TOWER HALL, GS htdirest MILLINERY GOODS. FOR EVENING PARTIES BERTHAS, CAPES, BETS, SLEEVES, and CUFFS, ht Real Lace, Onsee, Elond end imitation, in great varieties, or the NEWEST STYLES. Arco, 4-4, 64, 5.4, 9.4, 10.e.ILLUSION, TARLATANS, CRAPES, Ao., Meet below the renal prior... WARBURTON'S. 1004 OHESTNIIT Street, above Tenth Street, 906 South SECOND Street, below Spruce. Jele-t[ SEWING MikCIIINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, ttn ORESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, Maohlnes, with °orators, on hire to Private Funnies. SEANCE OFFICE': West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 1.10 CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton, Pa. Jol9-8m WILLOOX . & GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINE.- him tteltipsi never fail to :riv.a_ag . : ginake y f e agiou. nee RILL Yor Ws at Tla WATCHES, JEWELRY, dre. SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON afd SON, briny needed attention to their stook of 131LV1f11 mini, which is now unusually large, affording aye. nets , of pattern and design unsurpawed by any house 'the United States, and of finer quality than is inantillaw tared for table nee In erg part of, the world. Oar Standard of Silver b 0344000 part. pure ,The English Storllng ",996-1000 American and Pronelt 000.1000 /v MUM At Will bsl MIMI that we glee thltie r -flee ewes Anna then the 'Woman end French win, mid tea guirte enter than the English Sterling. We melt ILE our owe ai1..., And we guarantee the ausltti as eV.* (SOS), which le Ihe Port that roe be made to be serviceably, and will reins* the action of wide tomer, bretlT rhea she emi gre Miter M•Als4faztsirsd. WU. WILSON & SON, B. W. DONNED FIFES AND 0112.1tItY P.&—Any Anneal a Silver mcnutachsed ea limed non, bat positively Koss folortor to hvgno and tauri eaw steuutard. Dealer" eePelled with the mane standard es used In am retail department. Fine Silver Bars, 999-IOW pits pure, ootertantly or, hand. au3l-Gm HARDWARE PA,CIiAO1 7 ; HOUSES. P ACKAGE lIARDWARE 11017 SE.—We would respeotfu t tlj tall the attention of the Clen_e rei HaPpittaro 'P red ootir extensive Stook of .1112- 111INUIlAhl BART) ARE, whioh we offer at a malt vivanore hi the pilotage. Urders or threat importation polimted, and Qoode de livered either in this city, Nil* York or.fiew orlevae. 4.l 7 4 k f hlittat i #, i t t 3 t;& ' Importing- and mmagiou And Agents [dr - Foreign and Domestic Hardware. aim-tf MEDICINAL. AI RS. WINSIA)W, LT. ~••• AN IirI'ERIENCF;II NURSE AN irftatAitTr. 'itralcian. presents to the attention of routTere her SOOTHING SYR( P FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, Kb greatly fr.nilitotee the prop es of teething., by eoft g the grime reducing all indenuriaben ; 1 / 1 , 1 I=Y P 11V1V.4 9 4 * r.Al3l 9 l ll lriVg: towELB. Jorommother. upon it, mothe. it will give reef t, yoursolgee 6414/EF AND iiIiALTIL TO YOUR INFANTS, We have eut,up end m 011... 4 to article for over ten La se c moan Taj, in P 4 , once and tint!' oft ti it, r t jArk w 34..4.k. JIA ii .e /1, 1 11i,. " 4 . 1 ?illV. Im - rtr‘ . Eh 04 PFAIT A 0 ultt , Whel ° ICIL Never did ono ;''' ' 4l, k oTo7 a "' dzi n ti e rtt:- Prosy aU are delighted En with its operations. rations. mad sprain terms of logbeg ~ toinrnenylahon Otte magi gal.eflbota.pnd at etoal vir Li , ' tube. ,1,11 e speak in thlg roe nee , whet ad el . g e s o t u i ' r A ' A n ilTit • ig l iNr ` 'Wo ' gill s . meat of whet we here de " Aare, In paned. .rise mitonot whore the Ir tent Pa , a soltoragrAm o r paint FESllo r6 , i' r ee o re lir t ! l tY:fi! '8 ,Vr n il_t'l=p' ow ; ,r tlynoid._ i... : tPF;R& 0 q(thl fled hildt.l 4 ,S DEB §in Nesr Deland an has been used wt Wier- silinx Burout; cra Eno BAN D 8 Of? DABES. It not only rel eves the cin .ahtld from pain, bud in rlsorateithe suenaoh and ^ bowels, caveats acidl t t i t . BA gtires tone fur energy to the a timu mil; t OrwltrAFlPV.rti r il 0 6 e dl e ,(Qand (were uneePle- Onar2rre ch, if. not „1 epeeday remedied, ecru 1 m tb, yy; e believe It tee .... Iroxiolasof est. reap IID kAlifilnehleltiill '" z 4 g= rl i ft riegs A A nilaltil W rEtLie:: ~.. ounce. ii whether . 7 u111.507 LI &Nor goinlcoig i elainre. , L i norlet a l l o n LeTelu g geTee, tort .v 410111044 of oth a cs.. stand botween ini— u r r° g ' ltikituYil • 1, 4, 7 fIVAPt"ro -4 th e Mof this medicine, if .. 71 tunely_tut4d. Full direo! I for nem will gloom im pen, trifeE bow.. N i ne unglue unlogir the fact pl Atolls ofOURTIStt YEN. INS, New York, is or lire outride wrapper. ....111 m &ild Ay Druggiststhroughout thrrirorld. 'Prins& .......cf j e gto,I3OI6DAN Street. New York. lyik-kg writes MI sante a hettill COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS! IVORYTYPES. DAGUERREOTYPES! eT MoGLEES'. NO, 630 OIIHSTNUT STAMM Below Eleventh (opposite Jayne's HAI). $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $1 Those who desire a really splendid PHOTOGRAPH Should cell fit this THE OLDEST-VSTA BUSHED AND !HOST ERTEN STYE PHOTOGRAPH UALLEItY IN TILE STATE. Copies of DAGUERRICOTYPES or Amhrotypes, o any else, finished in °EATON, 0/1., WATS/1.4 . 01.0M PAIITIL,Ot SA IVORTTYPne, STORAGE. GOODS TAKEN ON STORAGE AT V 66 Routh THIRD BTRISIIT. betwasa WALNUT and 13PRUOB, JUST RECEIVED, PER V IGO. A °amazement of now and beautiful STEREOSCOPIC) VIEWS, irtdoh we offer at very reasonable snoes. 4 EDWARD PARRISH. jet!-er 800 ARCH Street. 11/IAOKEREL.-500 bbls Primo No. 1., 703 bbl. 1 4 13734 No. 3., :00 WA Email No. 3., sod an tisrueo3 of l'ookigeo. or sale b 7 WM. J. TAYLOR C., IN and 124 NORTH wharves. nRICK-MAKI NG M AOHINES which tem olay andlftkoOOn t por day, Oriels Proem. g i Gos kr' 6 6 Oak 1 4 4tilltrMaa $944, Osa Cly Vim. FATITRDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1860, Speeches of Messrs. Pennington, Sher. man, Hickman, and Grow. Tht Herald of yesterday pottlisbee tho following rancid of the opecohea delivered at Wathington on Thursday night, after the olootion of Mr. Penning ton at Spanker, to the stranding party : SPEECH OF .M 1,111161% FENNINGTON. . • - 113istor Cameron introduood Eir. Penninzten, *to mid: I ant veer much indebted to you, my Mende. for the !demons visit you have made to me thin night. When wo hoar e notional stir, .t %lamp, enmities me that we belong to one conntry, and I hove no belief in the doctrine Slot too t me is neer at band, or non be, that we ore to be soporstod. (A Voico—" Three cheers for the Southern a:m;(o°min" mother a noe—" Div lip ") ISre are one prime, and I trust in Heaven we g hall over r: main go. (Orlesof • timid, and cheers 1 There will Mosele he, in free country like ours. di versrties of opinion. difterent views, and a greet variety of interests whleh mnot neces sarily prevail ; but there la a spirit of patriotism that burns in our hearts thot will rint vet bs extinguished. (Cheers j Our land ia a land of (roomful. eqr liberties wereachinved by the greatexertione and service. of our "fathers, and I believe no man in this generation wilt let thin bleered inherilanna go to pieties (Cries of " No, no;" " Never," and cheers.). And if we do wrong at one time, you remember the saying of Mr. Clay, that old patriot, when lie wont home to Kentucky. ether having voted for the compensation low ? On beinaltd dre.sed by clime old man, who said, Cloy. you eve done Wrong.'" . Weil." sac. he, "my friend. you were out ni n e . and on puling your trisect your anti go Ott w hat would you clotWoirtd , yon throw it airs/, or would try it over again - Nor." soot would pick the flint and try it over." Moore.] Now, f anything is clone wrong in this onxitry , a time•n elgleri-11:aitivaq;etivrilisaalroa".1.170eet no and a national ionor. [Cries "of Good." '"fhat's NO!. and cheers.] When t hoard the nationol air played, an you name in hero to-night. it wont to my Mart; and ( mud. aa long Oa our national lonia remain tide country will be united. [Cheered • Diseardent States! think no ruin to his sober senses can !MOO to any such promotion. (Cheers) I 'tell fort nor. thorn never was a greater imitate then to believe thot Northern men have any bad Polling* atainst South ern mop es of Good,' and eheeral—or tue body of Southern mon *semi Northern molt. (A voice. Wnat about Harper's Ferry t"J Never mind 'Har nett's Ferry. r(Ories - of •' Put him oat.") My friends that is e nine-dara world., My !need., it always be longs to republiaan institutione, that there moat be a soot varlet• of aublie opinion upon all oueutions, and our only remit, is to bear end to forbear, and the SIM! th of last' tations depends upon Ire of 001111. try. (Ones of tiOnod' anti ehterol if.° erenot. mauled with patnotin feelings, there is no hope for the stability of our country. (Cheere.l But my faith !sting that we all Inve our country, and that we will abide by h-r duality for good or fur evil. (Cries of Good" end cheers.] I thank you for the high compliment which I feel you •have bestowed tIPOO me by this wait. I am elle the Heine is organised. If this orronisation had been erected by the sele , tion of any other gentleman perhaps It would have been better. but be assured I will end"avor to discharge the arduous natieaof the high position to which I have just been elevated as best I can, and to preserve this glorious Cason intent. (Cheers.) SMIRCH 0/ KR. a Hinman. Mr. Sherman, being loudly called, appeared, and spoke an follows: Hy Palanne. Teams Alan ClaNTLlallin: I had retired t- seek rest and quiet. You summon me. and I obey. But I woe not praparelfor this kindly greeting of hand, hurt, nen voice, wing leaves toe almost without the )ewer of returning my thank,. We have met to eon gretulate each other upon the happy result of this day's tabor—a Repu allele Speaker is wanted, andtne nelamity 00111611. A Republican Beeaker is elected. end the pee- Pl. rejoice. A Republican Speaker Is elected, end stooks &dram:le. A Repuelican Speaker le elected, end gotten te worth Welton rent/ aliened and upwards—end may it advance higher.(deers I A !republican Breaker to elected. and ,lave property remains the name in value. [cheers] A Republican Speaker is elected. and the Union le safe. Whet:m.l SO it will ho when a Republican Prosideet is elected [prolonged cheers, end criers of" Rood") t for in that event every right ever's:titles of every State will be secured la his and,. The only dissolution or the Union which our adversaries fear is a dissolution of their union with the public, treasury. This is the "[mien" they Omer about : and It hoist be eon reseed they elind to it with a ninuere love. i.nurhier.] This it the source of their iniustine to no. We tell them our determined, only purpose, and they qiiole at us the language of some mazy lunatic. They regimens us u believing what we do not hohaVe; they Alt We intend What we do not in tend. and then they howl and rave at us. I tell you, my fellow.eitisons, if you take away the pressure of money, the pressure of olliee, you will not hear these Men reyinl out ' , Minion:" and endeavoring to sepa rate the people of one part of thin country from the oilier. [Cheers I Mr friends, we will conquer their in justloeova will bunt down their prejudices, we will quiet the feats of the few among thorn who are sincere. We wit! dolt with firmness and love, with brotherly kindness and respect Dissolve the Union of three States: Fel low-eiti sous. my people live ',for off. on the shores of ons of the heaut.fal lakes of the West. If they were to hear among them rueli talk _O5 we hear from the Democratic, oltlue holder. of the Federal capital, they would not hang th'm. but they would denounce and curse them. Dissolve the Union It can't be done. (thin, Kentneky, Tonneau:o.4nd Indiana have recently met end resolved it shall not be dame. (Cheers.) tell you, my, follow eitlaens, my heart is in thin contest—my hard is in it. IA inane. '' Your pocket, too.") Yes. rny pocket. too, end every energy that possess.ll6ll you. you will all live to see not only a Republican Speaker, but. i trust in Gad. a Recithlterm Breetdent. (Chum) My fel low-cotisene, let lie meet the now Speaker as the her tiger of cunning event.. The past is with our Inhere earlee—wa fortune In the present. Let us hope for the future. 80116011 or am. tucturatt. Mr. Illokman was nest milled opt, end Asia: Gun) amen r I really do not know why Inn ihould hers celled me nut on able ormaawin, for t certainly am retarded herein Olio city its a ennui of Miele. (Cries of " Wood,' and ahem) Your friends wilt !nand by ,yon. bet t hates ever been, able to understand egactir whit nay rebellion animists. 't i lt whites owing to the (epithet , I bare deelared un altering ettachment to the Union of thous Swathe. Maim or ",Clood," and eheerhfor the Union.) I have declared on more than On mites:on that this Union shall net be destroyed. Aeries. , " Geod. ' nail cheers) that there Is neonser house ''eating that will always preserve it—l Cries of '• Tt hernia, ").-03tIthati f ably portion ettbs people shall attempt at apy time to destroy the timonof the States, there wlll he a Wee nialority of the people° Prised cruet dctiirminatinn which will preserve it. (Cries of • Good end Chen,. I es.ee ee. ra of mine In the 'Moths of Representatives. at hieh ewe., not ptemeditatod at the time, but which. upon mature fee fleetiou. I would not euhtreet a single word or silatitts from, I Twat to night —" That If et may tim here after any portion of the people in the Bo o th s at. tennt to lever the l'n oat which new exists. and en ieh la conservative end prenervative of the nights and liberthe of the whele people. there are eighteen ITO ilione of people in the Northern free States that are determined to protervo it. I Cheers. and erica of • Eve ry time.'[ And Ip iy to ,you tra night. my 'ollow th llf it wa ll require the Stale of Virginia In arms to tohe Mid John Brown and seventeen men nod one cow—(cries of •• Gond".l—it will at tenet require more than too fifteen feeble, State* of the Routh to imenees fully colonel/ with the (nehmen meta, States of tee North. teeters. I I preach hot ono &wit:no—it le the dontr.ne that I stench at all times. and in all place.. and what any in PronnYlvanot I am not afraid to ilc• clam in the oity of Wasion•ton-1 'heersl-1 ear that there is no power in the combined (Amine of the gout's, when combined under the banner of dinunion, to com pote with the freemen of inn North and I gag now, once and fir all, this Union mutt and Adrift he pre served. (Chewy.] We have mann. MY fellow - citt- Ilene, that the election of n Bleck /I•mthlicen. as he la tolled, to the Speakershin of the HOW of Item mentatives at least has lot produced a darn Atoll, end we shall see hereafter, even if a Mark Repulilman Pre/I:dent shall be elevated into the Whdn House, that the Union will he Aired. I Cheers.l If, however, large Pubes Iney he divided in the North by name, there is ro division in sentiment an reranle the,, mainte nance of the conetitution end the Union. f Criesof Good.' and eheere.) Nor is there a d•viiledt South .• for I tell YOU, whether parties in that ;twine are walled merman. or Denmeretn, they ell fight under the same banner, and are enlisted for the maintenance ofd aingle volley. I Cries of " That's so.") So in the North. when the limo room., you will foul the divisions have dinar peered. and if there be a mingle men there who shall dancend from the pobor which it wilt then beenme our duty to venue, we will first hang /OM as A traitor, and then ettnnd to the Miter* Pout I. [ Cheers 1 Ido not wish anybody to he deoeived with retard to the stole of sentiment there. I know that there are a few men thorn NI hose principles you cannot discover, end whore 'wain who profiles to be upon the Preltherit mile. and to min them in this cry ',limb is now raised ateinit the preservetion of thin Union; but I tail you, when the day of trial Comes, these men will di rernime with° foe before the Northern blast (Cheers.] There will be no &vision then. I tell you. my friendn, when you ro home to night, rest reetirely echo your pillows tinder the remember that there rover was a tim • in the history of thin Re:while when the Unite of these States was morn ()emir secured than it 111 At . his tresent moment: and it it shall ever be in danger, I will ell you how it in then t r he preserve in by sending no here a nnited de mention finis the North into the llnuee or Represents , ' yen. pod then vim will see thitt thin err of "dhimion" will dinappear forever (Cheers 1 Gentlemen. theickin; you for VILA compliment, I bid you Komi night. • The rerensitora thou proceeded to the reeldesee of Hoe. Mr. Grow. who spoke as follows : Fellow eitizener I must. or course. rererd this very ettrnn4 nerine net es a complinent paid to me an individual. hut to mess a reprenentative of orinripte■ and measures cherished by in la tea portion of the freemen of the nation—ielieersi—those prineipleo that wo rn ees,nytsd by our (ether. upon the Goverment et tin en thee; formation. which underlie the eiriseture of our free Government. end whieh give to it vitalit• and sciences. Vie still maintain those erlemple. &minima hr Vi'aithingtos end Jefferson and the tether. of the Republie, and which are yet dear to the hearts of the present generation. and upon which those wieest end groatest of men esteldiehed, in this New World, a lioveretnent in which all men were tot. regeried In courts of frisbee an human being., entitled to tn• p r o- Inottnn of lore. liberty. and the purseut of happiness, f Loud ehlpins.l Having, to dots elos ed n (tint con filet of more than ei.ht weeks ins Attu Tr , to organise the National Leximiaturn. It in with reelnes of pride, (immune rot to us Mon , . but million, of freemen in the :states of this Union rejoice in the result. That Ion; con- Met is to day closed. in farts organism? the terwintere is tioncerneJ ; but Noe coniliet.lellowmitizens.i. colons of seetiona fits been represented—it is not cionfliet between the North end the Routh, or between any other 'Acton. of this Union, but it is a conflict an to en ele ment of politinnl eemioriv and the epitome of labor ex• %tins in Oda isountry. It is neontlict 'whether the un oenepiedirerrltories of this Union shell be now. end Continue to tie, the homes of the freerden—whether they shall tin dedicarod end nonseerated forever to f home. for free inen. or whether they shell be occupied by n i ovulation rimisrefing thence not only front your own Ptates. but broncht to this ei wry from the et ores of A from, by which the Torritnrre /had be filled up wan a Nark slave population. instead of being the homes of white freemen. ghat is the nonfliet of to disy reheeral—noi net a wer of the Bemiring of this Union. it 0 0 110 , ft on a rrillPl He of pohtrcat economy, and as to the 'ardent of Inbor that van hest des - elope the matertel interest of the rountry,nnd fester Its B rent Industrial interests (Cheers ) rho queptiou of the claw le, whether the men who own their own tabor. whose daily tort is the only means then have of obtnininz liveli hotel nod support for thomeelve. e (mollies, shall be the recipients of thin 'feat inherrunee, bequeathed bJ tour fathers--wfiether those who own their wen labor ere to ocicupy the Territeries of nue Union, boa from the flerrtulati , n that coolant which slavery everywhere Mints upon free lebor.nr. whether they era to tin ccoupiell tip thorn who own the labor of other., end whose °spits% ennefete in the bonen end mudss of the laborer. Thus conflict between the tabor that owns itself end the capitel art own. it has onused thin lons street ie in don ;tn.. and to .fay titmices the political element,' or the Republic. (Cheers. A noire—" free labor forever ; down with Den.rierary." I It is not a ren• (list between the Suttee of thin Union, or the peopleof cue notion tigainit the people of another section : but it is is conflict of these two element,: and ‘. a ask that the Government of the country, to far es it hes constitu tion's' rower, shell wield that power in behalf of the free I.lmr of the No th and the Routh, rind in behalf of the free labor of the world, and that It shall dedicate the imoecepied Torriterien of the Ninon to freedom, and to free homes for free men. I nut obliged to yi u. felew eitigene. for Ode mark of your kindness and respect. and receiving it es tendered to the principles of which I am en humble advocate. I bid you geed night, wishing you nil a long arid happy life. HARD CASe.—Tho free nogreee reoently'oxpolled from Arkansas : *'hose published an appeal to lb. Christian world to proteot them. They say Indiana shuts bar doors upon thorn. Illinois denies prairie homes to therm Oregon rill not receive them, and Minnesota le debating whether or not she will ad mit them. They complain of being forced Into a oold olimnto suddenly from a warm one, and pre sent a mad plature of tho distress that they sear. If their judiolone friends in the free States had lot them alone, it is quite likely that they mould have been still enjoying their freedom newelesteel in the South. TMA PLANTS TOM TAM &amt.—The Agriculture Bureau at Washington is about to distribute a nom bcr of ten plants to those Mateo south of Virginia but mono will be sent north until April There ar nn sada Olio year to be glean to members of enn gm., as has generally been clone heretofore. Ow log to the limited amount of appropriation on hun ! the office wee unable to purchase any. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. The Rome of Luther. A correspondent of the Rochester Democrat and American, writing from Dresden, furnishes an tote resting account of the home of Martin Luther, as be found it in a recent visit to Wittenberg. He tells us that the old oak tree, where the great Reformer, three hundred and forty years ago, burned the Repel bull, with its golden seal, is still standing by the roadside, with n fence around it. Ills desorip• Lion of tr e e old University buildings is evidently that of an enthusiastic observer. These buildings, it will be remembered, wore formed out of the still more ancient Augustine Convent, where Luther lived after his marriage. His room remains anal tared, except by the hand of Time. 'By the win dow are still preserved the two plain board sesta on which Martin and his frau supped, with the broad window-sill for e table. Here, too, is still seen the three-story black stove of modelled slay, with numberless panels and curious allegorical de vices, designed by old Martin himself. In another room is the professorial desk, frog which Doctor Luther used to expound Aristotle, which is also covered with enigmatical devices, for which Luther seems to have had a natural taste. Moil. of his symbols, however, were of easy interpretation, and. pointed some religious truth. Ono of his rings, for Instance, bore a cross stamped upon a heart. On ,hls monument, in the Wittenberg market plasm), are these wards from Luther's paraphrase of ono of David's Psalms, "Sine taste Burg lit unser Gott," or, as the Scotch version has It, "The Lord our God Is a strong tower." Oa the other aide stand these immortal words of his: " OS* 41 1 rk, so wird'S bestelrse7 let's Menvolienwerk, ward's unterzehea." In English : If it be the work of Qod it will en dure; If of man, it will perish. The wisdom of these linos was evidently tug. gaited to the mind of Luther by GamalleFs re mark in the Council reaps:A(l:g the accused Apo.- Gee, that if their teaehina• was of men, it would come to nought; but if of God, it could not be overthrown." What a volume of wisdom these words contain! If they were more generally sated upon by the theological Gamalieis of our own day, who deem themselves appointed of God to hunt down imaginary heresies, rather then to preach the simple Gospel of our blessed Lord, bow muoh time and temper might bo saved ! Few uteri have probably ever lived who invested with more dig nity the doctrine of "every man minding his own business" than Martin Luther. Returning to his room, to the University build- Ingo, we may add that the writer above referred to infers that Martin drank a great deal of beer, a oonoluslon whloh he arrives at from the also of his beer-mug, which is still preserved. ♦ very curious history of another of his beer-mugs is also told• Peter the Greet, when he visited Wittenberg, took a fancy to the mug in question, and even condo mended to ask it as a gift. On finding that his wish would not be gratified, he indignantly grasped the beer-mug and dashed It to pieces on the floor, cx. claiming that If Peter the Great could not have it no one else should. The pieces, however, are re. ligiously preserved, and Peter only made them the more valuable. The old semi-barbarian Czar of all the Retake lett his autograph on the door of Lu ther's study, at the time, In white chalk, whtch is Preserved to this day, under a glass protection. Tho Castle Church, In the town, is still standing, to the doors of which Luther nailed the ninety-five theses, and defended them from the pulpit; and under the stony pavement of this edifice his re mains are deposited, by the aide of those of his brother, Melanethon. Over their tombs are two simple brass tablets, with no Inscription upon them but their names and the dates of their death. The Late Dr. J. Addison Alexander. It has already been announced In them columns that the Rev. Joseph Addison Alexander, D. D., timperleed this life on Saturday afternoon last, the , at his residence is Prinoeton, New Jersey. Birdled In the flftyflrst year of hie age, having been born, in this oily, on the 24th of April, 1809. Although•an invalid for some months put, his mind retained its full vigor until the day preceding hiedeath. On the afternoon of that (ivy ho rode out in the open air for the drat time since his at teak of hemorrhage. While riding he was seized with a sudden sinking of life, which continued daring Friday night and up to the time of hie de. 00030, at 3 P. M. on Saturday. He died in his study. Ills disease was diabetes. ilia closing me. mente on earth were cheered in an eminent degree with the peaceful resignallonand hope of a devoted Christian. The current number of The Presbyterian con tains a notice of the deceased, from wash we learn the following biographic particulars : lie wee the 800 of Dr. Archibald Alexander, and a grandson of the Rev. JarnesWaddoll, of Virginia, the lemons blind preacher, immortalised by Wirt in the "Bri tish Spy." Ile graduated at Frio:Mon, in 1520, with valedictorian honors, at the ago of seventeen. In 183 D, his alma meter selected him for assistant professor of ausiont languages, which position he resigned in 1b33, in order to visit Europe. While there, he devoted a mason to study at tho Universi• ties of Hello and Berlin, and then returned to ac cept the Professorship of Oriental Literature in the Theological Seminary at rrineeteu. In 1533, hie chair was changed t. that of Biblical Criticism and Booleslitstical History, and in 1552 to that of Bibli cal and llooleE•Eastical History, a positterE which he held and adorned by hie ripe abilities as a 'Molar and sterling Christian attainments till the elate of his life. •Ey those who know Dr. Alexander must inti mately, his scholarship was regarded as without a superior in the Old World or the New, and there are few that have any acquaintance with his wri tings but regard them as among the moat valuable contributions to Biblical literature. lie was a copious contributor to the Princeton /review; was the author of several commentaries on d:r forent books of the Bible, and has, it is thought, left much rich material that con be rendered available for publication by tome other hand. As a preacher, Dr. Alexander's power consisted 0111411 more In his unyielding fidelity In proclaim• log the unsearehable flatted of Christ than in any realer affected graces of oratory, although for rich ness of thought and eimplielty of diction few public speakers were more attraotlve. flit dislike of es tontation was so marked that he could not bear to have hie name paraded in the newspapers, having, as we learn, positively prohibited any allusion being :made to his last illness In that way. llis funeral took place on Tuesday last, and was at tended by a very largo concourse of Mende. The tervioes were held in the rirst Presbyterian Church of Princeton, the COMM being preechel by the Rev. Dr. Hail, of Trenton, assisted in the solemnities by Dre. Spring, Potts, and Macdonald. The last remains of the deceased were gathered to the ashes of his distinguished kindred in the old Princeton graveyard, where many Bleep whose names were made illustrious by a life devoted to the great Matter's service. ECCLIBIASTICIaII RCN MAD —A resolution has boon euhruitted to the Swedish Diet by a clergy. man named Jansen, enacting that the entire Swe dish clergy shall henceforth have complete control over all printed papers or pamphlets eirouleted by hawkers, and that, msreoyor, severe purdah went shall be Inflicted on all !eyelen who shall disouss religious Ilubjeata without Ant having been examined and authorised by a Protestant clergy man. This proposition wits unanimously adopted and some members proposed even more stringent meaeuree. Tna Narnoorere are dimming important chin. gem in their exclusive ecclesiastioel system. Her. Dr. Eleven., the editor of the Adt orate and Jour nal, the widelycirculatod organ of that church in this city, contends that the next Ooneral Confer once should Inaugurate a system of lay representa tion, and in this view he is sustained by large numbers, both of tho clergy and laity. 'There is also quite a general wish exprested for an eaten shin of the term of ministerial apppointmont. 3ln. SPURGEON, in ono of his lettere, nye that in his own church " for more than five years, we have had all the fruits of a revival without Its excessive excitement. Tho number of converts seems to be as constant as if some divine law regu !sited and controlled their influx. Dun week brings its quota, until we have no room to accom modate them at the communion table, and are obliged to meet In two bodies, that all may thid a place." Manor , Ittoom Itort.—Dy recent Intelligence, per steamer Africa, we learn that itt. Hey. llishcp Bacon was in Home, end in the enjoyment of good health. We also understand that he met with a very favorable reception from the Holy Father. Tux 011101.1N0 lIELLS OF WASEIIINTON.— A oorreepondent of the Ilartiord Peat thus speaks of the gambling hells of Washington : " The gamblers, it If stud, have suffered severely by the scarolty of money hare, and wend well-known establishments aro reported as nearly bankrupt. There are about forty of these " hells," mostly on Pennsylvania avenue in the vicinity of the Nation al Hotel, although Jo Hall (who succeeded Pen. (Oaten) has fitted up a house near Willard's. Sup. per tables are lot Lightly at all of them, good fare and choice wince attracting many, who afterwards aro tempted to play. Of course the " bank" has great chances in its favor, or these establishments could not be supported, and this 14 generally known. But a fascination far the excitement, with the hope ofa ran of good luck, prompts hundreds to bastard more or leas. Strange ftothe are told of those afflicted with this ead mania of Indulging in ono of the worst of vices. A prominent politician now hero, when appointed mluister to a foreign court about ten years since, actually lost hie " outfit" and first quarter's salary the very day on which ho drew it from the treasury, and had hard work to borrow enough of money to leave the country with. A &seater, more lucky, once won over eight thousand dollar, In a single night ; and similar tales of gains and loans are told about men who occupy a high position in political life. It Is to ho regretted that some legislation cannot be devised, by which theca foul excrescence, on Ufa at the National Metropolis can be out off." TWO CENTS:4. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. A SPICIXIIN OF AS ArRICAIIRITIMt•—PIIOULTAZ. 1112210 r TIM KUM or DAIIONEY.—A correspon dent of the Boston Pat, writing from Bsdagri, Weet Africa, under the date of September 27, gives the following characteristics of an influential gentleman of Africa : " Dahomey is governed probably by the most tyrannleal monarch in the whole world. His word is lew. and whoever thwarts him loses his heed without the least ceremony, but I must say it is by ftr the best governed country I have seen in Africa. He is king of the most powerful and war like people on this eontinent, and is continually an gered in hostilities against the smeller and weaker tribes, to obtain prisoner,. many of whom are sold as slaves, end large numbers are offered as seed noes npon the death of an 61.60111i6 of his majesty. While was at Whyda b be offered up 360 lria time at the funeral ceremonies of one of his chiefs. At the death of King Onset, who died ,net November, SOO captives were killed, besides 2110 of his favorite wives. Since then the nember of victims killed by this blool-thirsty wretch for his father is 2,4110. Previous to my going to Why dab, the King had sent his messenger with his cane, commanding all people, both black and white, who were trading in bis country, to anpoar at Dahomey. to attend the grand =torn in honor of the late King. his father. As I was not in Why dab at the time. the message was sent to me. say. log that ha had been enemata' in hie expeditions, and had taken three thousand prisoners, whose blood would be used to wash the graves of his an cestors Wheisitier the King's name is mentioned. all within bearing fall down and kiss the putt,. and cover themselves with dust.. They would pet de liver the massage in toe radii I stood up and took off my bat. Yon hate to take the cane In your hand slntipg.tbedelivarrof the message, when you are supposed to be in direst eommunittation Isitb the King: the melanges& all the time are pros trate on the ground, Three men are always seat, one to watch the others, and see the message is given as remitted. This in always-the ease when any message is sent to the next world, to see that the wily is not lost. " The present King's title is Semmes Ramie., whieh means the lion, at whose name both man ' end beast flee. Abou t months ago the fetish told the King that the penile of a certain village were the means of the late King's death. He con sequently attaked them, and killed every soul—six hundred in number—not sparing one. So much for this wholesale butcher." TARIMILI CONIPLICT WITH A 9NACIA.-11 WAN only week or two rinse, says the Boston Traveller of the lot hist, that we announced the arrival at Sa lem, from Afrloa, of a monster boa constrictor, in sire one of the largest ever brought to thiscountry. Its length, in Its quiet state, was fall thirty feet, with a capability of extension, when in motion, to neatly forty feet. In its largest part it was some twenty inches in circumference. This snake was purchased by Mr. Goodwin, broker, of this city, and plaoed on exhibition at Horticultural Hell. School street, where it proved quite attraotive. Last week. however, his snake. ship exhibited symptoms of illness, in the form of indigestion, and upon one occasion Mr. Bishop, the keeper, removed a number of feathers of an lei. mai, which the reptile had swallowed, from his throat. On Sunday, the snake was treated to a warm bath, and Mr. Bishop wee again attempting to re move some obetrutione from Ito throat, when the snake exhibited Signe of hostility, erected its bead. seized Mr. Bishop by the hand, and eommeneed to coil its enormous length about the body of the keeper, in order to crush him to death. The other tendants, In the first moments of alarm. retreated but, recalled by the eides for belp of the imprisoned keeper, they armed themselves with clubs, cud commenced to belabor the snake, in 'order to induce him to release his hold. No impression was made, however, and one roll was already around the body of the unfortunate man, when a brother of Mr. Getvlisin came to the rescue with a large hammer. With this he shriek the snake two violent blows upon the heed, which. together with a violent choking about the throat, induced the reptile to unloose its roil. when Mr. Bishop erns at once set free from his horrible im priaonment. The snake Peon began to sink under the treatment which it had received, and, in two hours. was dead. Its remains were purehased by Mr. Vickery, of Lynn, who will have the skin staffed for preservation. EINOVGAR DR•ISLOPNIINS Sy URVIS OP • DRIAM.—Some time early In December last, a fa intly In this county had a child, of some eve years of age, died, and on the next day wu buried in a neighboring graveyard. On the night succeeding the sepulchre of this child, its mother had a dream in regard to her bet little one, that weighed sehea. lily on her mind that she would take no excuse or Be at off. but the grave must be ermined and see if the child's remain. were still there. She bad dreamed of seeing her child taken from the grave, and, although her husband went and locked at the 'grave, and told her it looked unchanged from the time they had left It. still ehe inflated on a further examination; and, finally, to satisfy his wife, and without any faith in the reality of the dream, the husband, In company with several neighbors, went to the graveyard, opened the grave, and then the little coffin; and, judge of their coronae, all was them except the mortal remains of the child. It wee gone. We cannot consent to ba considered as believer* in dreams, yet there Is something, In this instance, that will stagger the faith of the most Incredulous, and give them reason to deckle{ whether all the vi sions we sea when asleep are merely phantoms or not. This is. to us, a most singular else. and wo know It to bo true.—/rsilsanrs True eistutrican. To. PARIS Connaseoenexes—Tohn Mitchell. In his last letter to the New York Meth NMI, writing (rem Paris, December SOtb, sap: "At Oalignani's reading room, to which I fre quently resort, is to be seen every day an old man of mall cloture, with a foe of the keenest Intern. gene., a WI forehead, and thin grey hair; the brow is high and finely formed, and the face, when oat buried in the newspaper., reveals all the trait? of delicate and genial wit, which you are not as tonished to recognise there when you have beep] the name of the owner It is no other than Father n'Mahony, bat by his oft nom de pri me, Father Flout—the Paris correspondent of the London (Role—one of the most viciously anti-Irish of Lon don papers Indeed, he is not only corresporelent. bet one of the proprietors of that paper. It is sin gular to remark, by the way, that all the pried p.I eorreseendents of those London elvers are Irishmen The solemn person who writes from Parts every day to the new lea certain Mr. O'Mes gher—a person descended from the same Tipperary elan a regret to say) with the Thomas Francis of that slk. but having with him nothing .lee in cm tnort. The two predecessors of this Mr. °Weigher In the some ofilre were also Irishman - ; so that the French correspondence of the Times ha.. been for many years furnished by writers of the sister Island." itresiee DAMES —it is raid that the Russian babies look like so many idols with their bead, earned out, and the rest of the body left to block The appearnnee le roused by their being rolled up In tight bandages, loaning only the head on'; that they may be put away out of mischief and danger. On going into a Russian house, you may fled one little fellow left on a shelf, another hang la the wall on a peg, and a third hung over one of the main beams of the roof, and rocked by the mother, who has the card looped over her feet. " Why, that Is a child "' you exclaim. lathing clue. t 3 be mire you are not mistaken. "Of course—what shcald It be , " answers the mother. Yes, sore enough. I' is a child, hot so dirty you contact help aehlng— " When eves it washed ?" "Washed' what? wash a child you ionid kill it "' rp• The medical students seem to be to more successful in doing as they please at New Orleans than at the North. Several of them, as we learn from the Crenest of the 10th, undertook to exor cise the privilege of smoking in the amphitheatre. to the annoyance of all the female audience, and when the officers attempted to stop it, the straws interfered to prevent the elSeers from doing their duty, oro of them drew a pistol, which the officer took sway after receiving a blow on the head from one of the medical roasts, eel two other trade deeperato thrall. They were all arrested, how. ever, and lodged In jail. They would not fare worse even to Philadelphia. Circular. ZVI/ INIVILINCII COUP/NT, Hartford, Conn., Dec. IT, 1839. The -Etna Insurance Company have sought to deserve the confidence of the public by an honor able, onergetto, and liberal course of action in the trans ittion of its businesa fora period of more than forty years, and it is probebly a fact that its efforts have been crowned with success to an ex tant unparalleled in the bietory of any other fire insurance company in the world From small be ginnings the business hes, in the progress of time, become much larger than any of its cetemporaries and the income fur the past year will considerably exceed that of any previous one in ha history, amounting to nearly two million dollars. Bow has this remarkable and gratifying result been attained' The basis of the whole rests upon the simple principle that the compels) has always endeavored to obtain an adequate and remunera tive consideration for the liability assumed. A paying rate of premium is the only safe depend. ends and reliable security for an underwriter or the patron. Tho prompt and equitable adjustment of claims for loss and demage, upon liberal priori plea under the contract, has ever been the general practice of the company ; delays or a retort to liti gation, to determine Ito rights of ponies, rarely occurs, and to on all occasion avoided, If proctica hie, without a elt3Tlfiee of thous rights. The pay ment, In money, of all admitted olaims on or before maturity—never in a known instance In the whole bletory of the company—dud In the payment of over twelve million dollars for losses, has there boon a day's delay for want of mean,. The dwerinoinating property holder* in all parts of our country, and in the British North American Provinces, has o extended their confident* to the company and lie management far beyond all rea sonable expectation. and without a parallel. By a steady perseverance in the future government of the business cf the company to its past Editors, there is no reason to doubt that a like result will continue to hold good ; and that such an slminis tration will continue to prevail with every im provement acquired by past experience and untir ing devotion, is the purpose and determination of the managers For some time past there has been a large ie• crease of Insurance eompanles—mostly of small aspltals—in exeess of the growing wealth of the country. Some of these companies bare—to state the literal trots. -no experienced head, and appear to act upon the iZes that the business is governed by no fixed laws line all other department. or bu siness—but outside of the universal law of cause and effect—merely a game of luck and blind chance, and hence they Income risks and liabili ties without any regard to an adequate eonailera. tion A fad error re tAssa and testers tole rely THE WEEKLY PRESS. Tam Worsie Pomo win be rent to riaboortbereler Threetjereanam. to adviaeed copies, '• Five Come. " Teo " " —..........—Hat Twenty Cotta (to one address) WA Twenty Copies, or over, " (to address cC each Subscriber,/ I -X Fora Club of Twenty-cee or over, w• wilt rod as ears OM to the gettar-ap of the Cl ub. Er Postmaster' ars rammated to eat as Keats kr TILR WRILLY Pius. CALIFORNIA PRESS.. Issued Semi-Monthly Is tuns for the Califon Steamers. upon them for fall see:mtg. There is LC feet more certain than this, that anima en insurance company melee premiums sufficient to carer Lowe and expenses, they cannot furnish the **null, which they premise, and that harokruptay speedily follows. A practical experience acquired in the sthool of adrersity—of fire and good—qualifies this company to walk with unfaltering confidence, as upon a baton and unyielding path, and to adopt proper rates, based upon a /gem of ascertained are roger', welch ere as reliable as any data availa ble by human skill and labor. These eonstdera dons, if properly brought to the minds of intelli gent men, will be appreciated, and they will ly hesitate, if not decline, to trust their property in the hands of any company who offer to protect it upon terms materially Jere than thin company demand. . - From time to time, as the Increase of butinees has made :t desirable. the !Etna has added to its capital ; and to acknowledge and justify the extra. ordinary confidence and patronage of the public,. the company bare the pleasure to announce that on this day the fixed capital is still farther aug mented to the extent of fifty per cent- by appro. printing 5500,000 of the surplus—which removes from the power of the oompasy the temptetien and opportunity to divert it in the form of a dividend, and thus diminish the resonrees—and provides a bona fide, securely and productively invested capi tal of fifteen hundred thousand dollars, to be ex eltudvely held for the benefit of the policy-holders, with a earplug of more than ;500,000. An amount of material moonset unequalled by any other company in the `Union doing a fire business, and with it; lecithina its perfect organicatlon of agencies, almost half a century of experience. (no pecuniary means can scarcely equal this advert• tage,) and a porpoise of entire devotion to the proseoution of its business upon the same general principle of equity sad energy which has hitherto disaagnished its history—the public have every assurance of a faithful performance of its obit/a like/sadist any reasonable man con desire, and that generous public will no doubt continue to appre ciate these ehareeteristies. , Full rates of premium will guarantee' the pupa 'riority of the to policy, and insure a conticu anle of the largest business and the largest capi tal_ of any company in the ume department of buslca■c • Widourpread eortapondence msa other opportn ,nitliss for forming an opinion upon the subject make no fully aware that commercial and moneyed men demand, as the want of the times in matte:sof ineuranee, companies of Large capital and 11 "nr . ces, not subject to the sensitive fluetuatione usually Prevailing In a season of reverse s • and this mum qeration; with others, infnential with the com pany In responding to this reasonable public want in advance of all others. To conclusion, true policy &muds the =lute. suet , of fall rates of premiums, participially on all manufacturing property and 'pedal hazards, es alike vitally important to all parties interested, and the public will deem it a necerAt7 to reek oar pro tection, if they would obtain reliable indemnity in the day of misfortune. By enter of the Board, E. B. Brrzer. President, BomaLt. a Wumys, Agnate. it. W. corner Fourth and Chestnut stn. Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. PIIII.) , DILTEIA. Fibres re 3. Ugh There has been very tittle anunsbon in Cie ;Irodeos markets this reek. and business ge Acridly te dell far the season. Breadstuffs meet with a limited inquiry and for Wheat, fern. and Rye prices are rather tower. Qttereitron Bark is also lower. The Coal trade eon. Lance at a stand-eta Coffee is firm. Bazar is is de pend. bet the rant of supplies restrict. operations. ,IfoLsaiies is gull and lower- Cotton meets a limited in 'awry. and 'prices are weak. Fish hare earagewd. ID, Fruits there it net ranch doing. 'Seamiest in HAUL Iron—For Fig Metal there is some little demand for Spnng delivery. but generally ate aria* below the view of makers. Naval ate es sell slowly. Oil. ere held with more limners. Provision. are arm. sad for most bade better envie hare been reaLaed. Rtee is Cane•. halt— Seth ins doiar. - Clammed Is quiet: The and Tareco are very quiet. Wool commands Sell rates. The Drir goods trade is more satire, Ent without any marked r !mores to note in sill description. 8 a RADSTIIFFS are wilhost any matanal cheat* Lace the close ot Last week. bat the naertet genet. uy has ruled dull, there being very little expondenand tot Flonr, the sales eeiaprosins some 0 WS Wits only. at Ima '3OOO to 85.01% lor maed and so d arm eas sups, fi", The Pair for hall Was. 832106 tor F Mainz some of the latter on private terms, _Gad Flour at 86 30011.X1. sad fatty branch at Vs" ttiL '/ rsa•ipte and stocks are modems. --Ri• floor is tam laletnaatredfor.madtales are repotted id. a CMS • 41.= 40 , bbl, most beide re salami the latter vex. tors ..tte...l is also dull sail Pamir; Itama Mewl is otertd ai 43.75 y withott ADO Mg b 0 )0r 1 it that ''lie tollowtijs is the inapeetioo or tour and Meal for meek ending February loW a =Tele or superfine— RI Me emulsion ed ... ...... --••••• 14.L%1 WHEAT.—The receipts pare intreased,but the es. Maid is limited. and prices aro orseibod and lower] t ale" of /0 CM) tai fur and prima red at into Mc 'closing at and good and choice obits at a Lion 4 to. lire is is [[add r suns; and salsa. ciar4l4 - i4.44 Corn ie dell and lower. wan sates of /11:01 has 1,./14411 ilry sew I 'flow. at Taitinti. curdy at 7.10. Intl. rata. hod wait. at Nana. inuuding sumo damsaed p• talarbe OW - am dell; seats bus gold et 1,1111493 for eenua. and Oa for fair Pitiawara; aisle of bather Vall rands at CO* for read Maw York, and sarit.ultan at Mr i NC ' .17210.1 " —Tial l s melba u more colic,. cedar the t ea from.* Wetland purse generarir are bete• ter. bales of V. stern and eity -parted mass Purl at 11730 n:5 cub, and prim •at Vci ial-A to ti-micutd mess fleet the awes hats been in a aloe. way lot ab atoms at 011016 air bet and Beet t, ttte 0.04. eased Buis are not so plenty a - das at 07a rig too AO she. lituva —ream h. been more laeritry Oat the rraelpts cad 1640[111 =11:1311. and mesa ar• as es of Hama at 11613 e ;Sidra at lea Waa. aJd ars at aadha per lb Lad Al ea,. les ate a teen Mests hays increased ; the esteard CLC4444.440, ;rid pans loottos.ap; salsa at Hama za pickle at /th(4l 110 fin& ream at te, sad swookiera at Tani I.er p, sash cad abort time. Lard is hatter and the rusigts se stia:ll are 11411 L halal of CO Lard* and bbis . ltir,e par ih on t, ; kegs are worth Bader dutl solltd-itac•ed sillslowly at man., and ,t r.o ;sale, as La 111sItt.. Chess. set s at:94LO. Ens are scarce and worth ate is, dozes. 11 k I ALS —then has taw , . ..assn Pie hem for (elate dal; vet. r. matt tee chattel is arm; sales et a.- Sit tans 'Cu fle.te r jar Opt•leff svigatiou, at .t.l . and No 1. t 11 , n toe • Itha. errs ace =alto; at 0)1. all sad *ll V too ter t). l'±rte 13111-ter.. tS:otre Pm L• 4 at a II ICl,Svat .1:44. Buy.4=4 LW 410 t. so chat._ blis,P —The 'scot or Pit u tr.-. 111. ar..l so fsrslsr 19199 hare b,en report. d. COPPER--6 blobtheothlng ttt arsettl to !S•; tod ) ei:ow .`•le:al=e t rtmatt9- AM. to 9 is tuto at 3PcY 19,6 moats. NSR sa °gored r.or• frittls alai the lemsnd t.ems nritest, linces hate itse:isext. Vita aCesi at Ism 142 129•121 for ass, ase . tea for coarse iNunst. fa r.oners' Bark arthdax /int:MAX Milt' muse mute, sae :good Se:l2: cm cants 3.1•36 e Sr Cistsld..kts.— there is a fan titan Los mlT.ss..i. Aciarassuns. srlus ranker salts el I AA boxes u Oa Oa rs. Mar and six months; :per= amt ILL Qv Caad s. see dal, at aar laal s mmat•or.s raate.t a very seat. tat hoAana ors Iron time r d•ssamtm gip of 1230 bus lira at I da l 113, 0 lot lair up to for pam.s. mad lOW Ls, sus, ra at It.. a 1.3., to time. - - • -- ere trocbkayect, tat there are ' , try by eiders a‘r.l.n; lorwara ac.l tat Lase 5.141.14 fr , m ll . Rtchcaood. lee r.. - etpta age et an ta.q eteee .0 the demand, there twAti Karat., any tykarr) caceek for the ea ppil ot the c:ty Mae. CO t'l t):1 —Da) era ere eat d 'posed to ere:us total and two tasraet hut been very tnaot.•• (tannic • {rester 't art of the peat week, sew pr ace u• Nast vitas anetteea, rahnt. any Le•lit..Sl-LE 0 0 1 ; WO es es 1.11011/40 traw l nsa tr,.r, to kx., at from the fat atter:or ap to LtkialtSe ler tad ay 6.l . LitLtlid• en • oil 6, 4,WIS up.„... ey,,,-em e ec„ care Le snt of t egrember tut. u ccsattarett rata its PrOVICRS tans ;cm*: L LIM Mt. Rocket Ports ... 2 W t d. e 0 3 Sil !XS ax. LINA gel ILL to 0. lorritaisi.3,l4looo Arista it; 000 C 3.13311 Frazee .... 2la 1W 24 PO rs WV lot suit " other I sorra . letd i att.cui 113-we Iss sae regal exports... IWS :AO I tog gut;2: gag 13.2 ttOCX CO MAW MAW Csate e r 01 sh Ca CUrl3,l, i {as: We,. is the. e at Ports— . .1.1•41. .?.Rv Stow Or .50 Th. to &tam. h 10. V IWuOO2 MO " -. 3A ow I) 1...0 22 AP 3.. um other 1. port.. =UP tiltt IWO./ 414.10 n.tui b og roams* s t tare pot s. rete pared •un la.at )ear. 4:1 ati Sake. A.27ari•-lter•lut to breast fintetta, rouspired with 222). 411.0.0 Pass ; so .rease to F range. LS trig/. decrease to sitaor fsretsatorti g sissitt. Total increase is expotts.elt - tOO. DHI:GS AND Dtital.-ttanneee cwn tones d2.ll.witls- Tit Niece erisos• to pr.ret ht.es of Si. Sods at. the ;reach of Tartar at XL) ; acargo of St. Licata 0. 0 wood mini -ate terms, Lad socce Brats: oat 81h) a I.62Sis .ant .istiei FAL / -1 es t.cre of tot, Orsciel COI Lemons Which arr.red at the ekes. ct inrc my..c tag* asert c. 0.5.,: Cat, WI at c 1.:54 33. 3.2.3 tell os ,kr.ntl :elms. la other ['ten:Awns cl Fore:. a the es_sa are I.ciamsti* Fret meets a read? dessad ; cares of tined Aptles at 6a6ac F 15.. ed /eacteri at Ps Ise ter arilw.red and pared rogsrt-rs sod halret F. • :lets w0rthhi1..311..2). Crecherr..is ors set, co. 1iz,11.-1 he Cott to tee tenkra' ha ems 4 :try L. tit snit prtees of Is tare adra.tord; isles acct sting, at a lib, a now tenor/it. held at lb* dater sue.; N.?. Lt, ar.d he at 3.) bra A 1...11 ta rol;e of No I vu disposed t 4, treu ,t'n, .t atriat cam tis libt• Coash sittLa et wiget.d at rt 3 I's kr 1)a .cs. rittlea Hemag rinse et inn+ ha to 31. - ,4 4' et ma 03.1.1 t.. Fi.:ATHER.—The der,....sod is steady. pith &Wee cI Load it eas.rd at tadatio sY p. eaort Vase. tyre I 3.-. To I.itti pool We !rigout esia•ersea'a for Cie,ed at hie; Bare at 33e lr too; Tarriro at 6.1 4 , hid. and Ike': at th Leta., ve nnah at ton. ho 'repot tip for at Itssersco. obis co.euis ors melons 2ts. New art at are o f ;cot Yew. Is /citable for the West hulas are wrte; g erase masts were reported wraith side of Cubs al ..10 rak 1.0 Ma for Nu axe, and 43...r4. tr , he O7 hosttern freights •re tieensins el. The tattoo riot; 1c .oft aro ettln ZS* tor Ifloc r.3.5* for foit eggs:, tor isms. and 6doir lon meascrerrttt s Cot tret.ors rare facts ibaaiii ace a.ita to Ince 'fora*: trealr3 tnn. Cs INSENG.—There litt'is or colt:mg dc eg lEt eitirr crude or clarified We 44 . 0:4 A. torrnf./ 7i;*: cr E. trill-Nu -There is actiatr, d 0.14 to tter toistat:ca3. which role the same. It ...MY is extreosly Soffit, and to Wee of eater foreign sad diatestic hate bees resorted HI OrS are soil. and the cock his teen in:Towed ty theayrrgal 01 2765 Alnean, Innen rec.un tmo;.1; a atoll sale of elliscee wu made at Ile. n t. litrPS are inch. Sgt than Is yen I We rota._ry ; tables ci tattern aid Western et =era tO D. VA asps LTa not lb-Salad. EM!aIME=I L1.7318ER eaat!rsea itztratast. ti; a rano of Rae. et Laths siol at 12 to NI s tot of kitkata hs.sttlt $l7 Y V. otsafaraf • atuaa a wit 34,1 slant e. 310LAK52.3.,--, as =vast fa Ivry da.l, aad fat Nolor Or Woos ire motor" our cootatoto: 5.:.1 of tsri Cr. 34 It Ile. %3.1034) rrt-La err utfeaaa at dean, Cu LC.. NAVAL S ft)Rt , ...&—Very .::L•SCint .13 or.! Cootru.• lion; guard sales of ho, 3 azol I.or s rs4e• J s.l• rn at 11 Tsai 33 far flu tenth 41334. sc.3 l'itoa tni. tipults TV:10441t1511112INItt into., as as 4.. cuts; as P. of im) btia mttatt l / 2 31 , 1a 011.1.—Wade is is stow, oefaasof at rOr3 Wlttir Spero. Oil his • dos:vol. azd 13 sow to:4 firm J at 1 St pol Al OE3 ate =m343444; ea:ta of =attars at Sll 600 PLAtff 6R.—There a nose c0=3.3 Etrlfatl: as'. of soft ran at 13 Iff , toe. - - • KII:K ‘s to inederats relutst. Itt! er , ree Ir.; wee kV c.a. at{ ethic, oa_uvut. .1 the Ihtter 4,14,44 tied. BALI— cert. W. - 11.Y] CO farther art., Ca Of falai th:eeet.k.lXld ti. malign 42E^ PS—t.lot 'rued is to: b. acne. obi jr....1111112‘ noir:Vett sad barer;note, of 2tO 1. fa..e tc..l Inv • a•V,ty at Srer2.l24. ir.3 cute a: flu and ebacto at 9ivit72 V loan 2 oxfrad art• at ll to as tattoo. I trtietho is in ttetabod at • 1:3 tat Eurt t-ltde et our* in first biotin —The ett.oritat .1 at ^V,Ij I, •ke at of stra-k to operote ; snooti al.,a of t's:to at:' a att.: Near thifona at Vass...in- on scut =argot La aneaszsad. and a asal: tau at nem dott Brand/ and unit fi anotviona. Rama to !steady at 360 tor E. V. bisklii , e ; aa.sts d ou at 21•24t00 for Oleo; Ilarflint for Piaui =be lbe for blurs., and Ilf fa , s atton for drai n T A L. OW is tit:a-R.1114W ; aa.trta cf cal -rstodered tot. s oNo lb. 'to-3 count , , at Mo. b re.rt of M,4,ca :tatty vu =Of at 14 fb. cub. TEAS are delt, intlout say flung* la Irv* cr Ocrood. ibile. — CTO nos Cases as lase plated, alt a Rl** cots dame is coseafastured. Wo4)l,—The otoc4 le 0 , •.11.6rni heole is , *77 Iry tees ^tal. ard the eetet r ac 4o te rare parches* ea:l WI/WM lletr 11111M11.3.3t• e.ry at taa ',Kat aaa,a, ra w" I the mulct ewe, 1414
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers