Weekly Review, of ; the ,Vhitideiptii a Markets. January 27,1880. The Produce market has boon devoid of, aotivity - tbiarieek,,,and'the denland for the leading articles ,•Qaercitrott Bark la' in demand, but the Market is bare. Breadstuff's continue dull, and forTlenr, Meal, Wheat, and Corn, prices are rather w,ralf:; , ,Dotton is in good request, and prices, are aTs6'•firm: - Coffee, Sugar, and Molasses aro alSo -- fitnit;;Mid the, stooks light. Fish are better. - In Fri& thereto more doing. Hides 'continue dull. Iron—Very little doing, Naval Stores are quiet. Oils, are held firmly. Provisions are also firm, but the transactions are limited. Rios le a shade better. '',-Oloverseed—The demand has fallen off, and prices, arelower. Tallow; Teas, and ; Tobacco are dull. ; Whiskey is nneettled and lower, and for Wool the 'demand continues very small. The Dry Goods trade is rather More antive; !Myers from the West and Southwest are coming in quite freely they talckhold rather lighter than usual, however, Mein tO , ,,the, difficulty in making colleotions at Unto; there is no change In goods of anikind, and, prioei4morally aro - ,welt maintained. Boots, bhoe4, rind Hard y/ are are also beginning to more elf utorefreely. - ' -" - The Breadstulicsnarket is without any marked change and tile fiperations of the poet week have been limited again. Of Flour the sales respell only about 6,000 bbis, in lots, at 65.60a5.75 for superfine, the latter for Brandywine, $5.7536 for extras, $6.23 ad 621 for familyPlofir, and $7a7.50 ' bbl for fanty brands, according to - quality, closing,:how ever, quiet at these figures. The sales to the trade have also been only moderate' the abere range of quotations, as to biaud and quality. ,11,y4x Flour and - Corn Meal continuo to meet with a ratted inquiry at $4.25 for the former and s3.76:Per bbl for the latter. • : • The fellowing is tie impaction of Flout and Meal, forlho week ending January 20,1860 Half barrels of superfine, nanasisof eu t erfino....„ ' • - -Total'— 15,1i4 continues/ Wheat s'till, but the offerings are light, and prices without' quotable change: Sales of 12,- 000 bus--fair and prime Southern and Penna. Red are reported at $1.8351.36, and White at '41.40a 1.50 per bus. Rye is scarce,. Penna. is taken on arrival aif :034 - ziind Delaware 'at 80, Corn is dull, and has slightly declined. Sales of 15,000 bus. Yellow at 75a76c,,m05t1y in the cars, closing doll at these ratesand,,Whheat /oa73e, Oats have been In limited.demand; and 10,000 bus. fair and prime Penna. sold at 4444.60, and, Delaware at 424,430. Batley it steady, and some New York sold at 80c. Barley Malt is in better request, and self• lull _hi lots at 9011100 a per bus. Uash -and' time. Puovislons.—The market is Ann iu consequence -- advance•ini• the -West. Supplies are . be kindling to Mat forward more- freely, but the Melte as - yet are light, and the demand for all kinds limited. Bales of 4(10 bbls Mess: Pork are, reported, part at 818, cosh and on Bue, and part on private terms. City.paoked Mess Beef sells in lots for ship's Mores at '813515 per bbl. 'Western ,Mess - Beef is dull at slo.so,per bbl.. No sales el Primo. Killed Hogs' come in slowly, and sell at trent $6.25a7 per 100 lbs. BMon—There is very little Inquiry, but prices are unchanged. RIMS are Marco, and sell at as in quality ; Sides at HUM, and Shoulders at Mao per fb, short dere. Greed Meats ate beginning to come in more freely, but there is very little doing; sales of Sides, in salt, at Sic, and Shoulders at Pc par Ib, on Halo, which' is an improvement. Lard—The stock is light and prices firm,' but without mush inquiry ; Bales of 100 tierces and bbls at 101alle, and 500 kegs at'llife per lb; on time. Rutter is dull ; them is a limited demand for Roll, with small salmi at I4a Ho. 'Cheese is worth 10alle, and Eggs 210 per 4.41,A1en. mrants.—The market for Pig Iron is firm, with some little inquiry for future. delivery ; at prices, however; below the views of holders; calms of, 1,000 tens No. 1, deliverable in this market, at a price not made public. 4. small lot sold at $23, 6 months. In Scotch - Pig nothing doing: we quote at .224.50 a 25 per ton.Bars,,Blo,ome, Billets and Boiler Iron , remain withoutquotable change. Lead—There is but little stock of Pig here, and sales Of 500 pigs Galena are--reported at S 5 00, ,_Oash. Coppor— English sheathing is held at 28e, and Yellow Metal at 22c per lb, 6 months, which is bettor: Banc—Of QaereitrOu the market to bare, and it is wanted it- an advance, with sales of No. 1 at $29a30 per ton. In Tanners' Bark. nothing doing, and there in little or none coming forward. CAND/:118.-7Sperta,alls dull at Mc,' and TallO ' st at 128130 per lb. For Adamantine there is a fair In., gutty, welt further 'sales of 3,500 'beans David 'Theta A Co.'s at a price not made public. Co.u, continues dull, There . are few orders coming forward, and but little shipping from Rich.' Mond. Prices continue as last quoted. The dc mend for home use has also fallen off. Corsmn. - :—Tho demand Is limited, but the mar ket is firm, with sales of 2,000 bags Rio at 11a120, and SOO bags Laguayra at /Sian° per pound, on time,' omi:in.—There is abettor feeling in the market,. and some holders are asking a farther advance. The stook,. particularly of grades above good mid-: filings, being very much reduced, the • demand, is mostly confined to this description. Sales of 900, bales uplands at Millie for samples, and Ilia, 1210 per lb, cash, for middling and middling fair dualities, enoludiog Some Gulfs at IffielSio, on time. The following la the movement since the let of September last, as compared with the previous three years - 1860. 1059. 1057. Rea. at Porta.... 2.012,0 0 2,190 000 1,220 000 ,1.812,000 France...., 274,10 279,000 . 106,000 leavi " other f ports.. 329.0130 ' 178,000 107.000 12.1.000 Total exp0rt5....1.443,000 1,1UT,000 70000 726 ow took on itend....1.043.000 870.000 67700 - &TAG Of wh oh during the past weak, included the above: geo.st Ports. 143,U0 120,00061,01.10 102 OW At. to U. Britain. 67.(0). 4 0 - 64,000 02 Vs/ '• Frame Z 4,000 12,000 MAO 13,909 " other ). ports. 12,000 11,000 9,10 13,01 Tothleacorta..,. 101.020 07.000 78.010 p ared s the ports , compared whh leaf year. 4=oo bales. 'Export,—lnorasse to Great firitaia, couteAred with 0029, 291,00 .bales ; de crease to r• rano, mut decrease to other foro/011 ports, ag.reo. Total increase to exports - , SG (W. , /Mods .t. 5 1, DYllB.—Tne sates have been mostly of a limited character, among which we natio() Opt nm at $5.95a5.87i. Soda Asti at 210. 011 of. Bur, gomot at $125 ; do: Lemon at $2.621; and Indi go at $1.4561.00 per lb, all 0 months, for Bengal. Faoir.--Several cargoes of Oranges and Lemons have arrived, anti sales aro making from the vessel, on terms kept private. In Domestic ,Fraiti there Is more doing. Dried Apples are in good demand at s6aoto per lb, for ordinary rind choice qualities. Dried Peaohea are selling at 14a16010r pared, and fial2o per lb for unpaved. Cranberries aro dull at s6al3 per bbl. There aro but low Groan Apples._ here; they are worth s3a 4.50 per bbl. ' - Pannnits.—There are but few offering, with sales of Western at 480500 per lb, as to lots Fisa.-i—The stook 'olefaakerel is Very light, and prices are looking up; a email invoice of No. I Bold at $16.12016.25; the store prices are $16.50 for No. I, $l5 for No. 2, and $10.50 or bbl for No: a: Codfish aro selling as wanted. at $3 75 per 100 -lba, and Herrings at 0363.50 per bbl, as in quality. - • Paxionrs.—There is not much offering to Liver pool ; we notice engagements of Clovereeed at 25a, and Quercitron Bark at 35s ; to London the rate is 25a3438. There is no vessel ttp for San Franoiaco; vessels suitable for the West Indies are scorch and in demand; engagements to north side Cuba are making at 396400 to Sugar, and life for„Moitteses; a bark has been engaged partially fall to Havana; . 4.,ttat 120 e per foot, and $6 per ton to New Orleans; ,-, we quote at So Mobile t BM Charleston and Savan nah, Go Wilmington, 5e per foot to Boston. The rates .by stoamshtp aro 25c for Flour, 550 for Pork, 00 for - grain in shippers' bags, and Sc for measure ment goods. In Coal freightsi there is little or nothing doing. Grasana.-I'here is - very little offering,- and no farther sales have been reported. Onetso is out of season, and there is nothing do ing in any desoription. Hum is extremely quiet, and of domestic there la little or no stook in first !muds. Hums aro, dull,'and without transactions to re port this week; the stock is accumulating. Hors.—l ho stock Is light, partiantarly new crop, - which are selling at 14aI8o per lb, for Eastern and Western; old Hops are unsaleable. BAT is firm, and sailing at 80a90o for prowl, , and 100a116a for prime Timothy. Straw, brings 60a70a the 100 lbs. - LUMBER.—There is very little deniand for - any description, and prices remain as last quoted; a sale at English Laths was made at $2 per lionessEs continueadull, solos of New Or lens at 50a52c, on time, mostly at the formerprice, to arrive ; of Cabs the sales have boon limitaiL NATAL STORES —There iit not mach doing. Spirits Turpentine is moving off as wanted at Minded, No. 2 Rosin at $1.87f, Grade No. l $2, and Pato at $3 per bbl ; a 'solo of Tar was made at $2 50 per bbl. No change in Pitch. ' Oins are unchanged, Sperm and Whale selling in a small way only at quotations. - Linseed is Stu at 66)6570, in casks and bbis, and Lard at 935950 per gallon. POTATOES are not so abundant; sales of Nova Scotia at 50a600. PLaavnit is scarce; the last sal. of Bon was made at $3 per ton. Rice.— Prices are firmer, with rather more doing; sales of 150 easks at $3.75a4.125. four months, chiefly from the wharf at $3.15a1, but there is now none to be had at our lowest quota tions. SALT is Unchanged ; tbere - have boon no further arrivals or sales • of either Liverpool or West - bas.oB.—The receipt's of- Oloversoed have in ennead, and , prides, have failen - off ; sales of 8,000 Wallets la lotiett 4.5,0.25 for fair and good quality,, and ss.3l}o.ollCfor 'Choice, lnolading 115 bags from seeond.bands ; -to go out of the market, at $5.25a6.87+.- , Timothy _Mario; alit! Wittig at • $2.50a2824. - tirlaYseetb sells pa arrival at per bushel. 13Priwis.—There Is tiorylittle doing in, foreign, and prices of Brandy coatiune on the advance. Ohm are unehatiged. .New - England Bunt sells as wanted at 850. Whiskey it in limited demand, and prises are the mune ; Sales of bbis at 24.a250 for Ohio, 2313250 for-Pennsylvanla, 2303ie for bhdairind 22a28,1 for drudge; . • • Bottaa.--Tbesmarket Is arm, but the Whist of stook tends to restrict business; small sales of (Juba at 71i7itt, New, Orleans at BtaBfo, and 4,500 bags Brasi4 before arrival, at no, all ea time, - Tatum is 'in rather bettor demand; sales of any -rendered 10}a101 per lb cash. "•.; - - • Taarare steady, withilmited sales of both Greens and Blacks: Tobacco, Continuos drill,. and the sales of both leaf Mid Manufactured are limited; a saran , lot of RentuelcY leaf sold at Sio, 6 months. • -•Woot;.t,—Thera Is very little demand in ally de- Seription, and -no change in prim, the market - generally being very quasi. 1 ,OItTATIONI9. • ROCatgilia—Bitrk -Juliette. ' Jonbert--40 half 24d qr • sio eighth pipee hrhody Hearg.Bohlens & Co; 20 -half 6 0 trailluegatitdit -94:471,Ciiigg.h16243:111231°.1617 IsrAridideeirgring:Ofslitab-tigray''l li taittir eighth do A deignette brandy Patterson & Benitez,: 60 teesithilef omit; e• 4r 144044 -brandy 'l4 - - eighth dd John eoiton VV-P Shoo &anise & Co; cog hgeor,LA.nig. &.Myets. .1 3 .. hags feathers Juntionoli &. Aufill-;..h3142b2 type ! r Johnson kCo• nareirjii2Urlras; tics ~ looter ! ‘ioine ro ij Cati j yap drioe apples Auetie e rt • ehtwells tieg„trtigh sows CuudtonSei 76 do dried 4 ides / 15 1f4 t ri;V:ti t • j A c zggi a . s til. 3' Zr a mez i n gc 9i 14 °"" Ai L rrtopT i f 9 l .7l4 . l.,efle.. E jtdildVl It C 2 51, li n irgi - ' atinen & CortbadttAtebahlt 'ASIR; atido - 2 hhdir do Aggress & - Antsobile do .fdt. --Wsk;4o 14464 'IMMO* 0441444444,i - BORAX, il3d. OP reds , IVETHERILIe &, BROWER; dil • Nne... a mI4 a N.sh REMIND Abut , sale bk •-• ;, I , , NVETHERLLL & atmuyitc" end ; tiFt4 EcWiA Met, , FHILADELFRIA BOARD OF TRADE, - ttMUDD wOOO,- • t • • ' S P;L-MORRtd. 00101111111 01 Till MONVII, JOSLPH O. GlitlSß, ,-. LETTBEL BAPS '- • AT TUN 11311iCIIMITeEXCIIALTIBE, Puir.ainwri • Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy . Liverpool, Fob 2 Slop Elroy Easie. itughtm, ~., Rio de Janeiro. soon Sark Marian, Smith .. Rio de Janeiro Jan 23 Bark Irina. Stephens..... ... Barba does, noon Sark Valetta, - Menoniale ........... ...,. Leaden, 1 1. 0 n BOA Hamilton. Htoteabury.. ~ ......:...matanzas, noon rig Alton Franklin, Clemente...," ... • • •Loodon, noon • rig Black Squall, Davin-, ..... ...".31:Tagn de Cuba. noon 'MARINE INTEX.LIGE CE PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Jun. 28, /860 . 12 -81,TX NETS w.A.TER- ,5 GO ARRIVHD. . Steamship City of Richmond, Roily, from Richmond. via Norfolk. SO haute,-with mdse and passengers to Thos Webster. Tr. . Bark Juhette, (Pr) 3onbert, days from Rochelle. with brandy,dre. to Patterson do Bonitos . Towed UP by steatutus ero. CLEARED. • Steamship City of New York, Boggs, Boston, Henry Winsor. - Bohr Pre Newton, Emerson, Cardenas, B & W Welsh. Bohr Win Hone, Scott, New York, 1) Cooper. (Correspondence of the Philadelpiiit Exchange.) LEWE, Del., Jan .26. The followlnnvessels were at the harbor yesterdaY morning: Scher Allen B Terry, Oil Bias. Elijah Shed.' don, San I. ma, P Simpson. W Tints, Chas P Todd, Tantamoun t ,t W B 'Newcomb. Jonathan Sparks , Anna Mar.,, Chalenge. John CI Williams, WBates. Levi Rowe, 3 It Deputy, and tour others, all of which loft last evening for their respective ports of destination. "There are now at the harbor three schooners, which ;name in last night. The weather has been quite like ;spring for the last peek. Wind W. Yours". W. M. MCKMAN. MEMORANDA. Ship John Spear, Spear, for Philadelphia, entered for loading at Liverpool dth inst. bhip Hi ppogrifie, Howes, cleared at Calcutta Nov 24 for Philadelphia—before reported cleared 3lst. Ship Arlo. Ballard, cleared at Savannah lth inst. far Liverpool, with 3817 bales cotton. Ship Brewster, Fessenden, for Boston, cleared at Cal outtadlkh Noy. • Ship Crignimbo. Gill, at Adelaide Oct 29 front Mel bourne, and sailed Nov 11 for San Francisco. Ship North Atlantic, Proctor, for Now York, cleared at Calcutta 27th Nov. Ship Clariesit Currier, Buntin, cleared at Calcutta Nov 30 for Boston. Shill State of Maim, Humphrey, sailed front Mel bourne Nov 17 for Callao. Brig Carolina, Boat, hence, via Yarmouth, NS, where 21‘ &T, '' r N e . l , ' . k . = ;!. !' .lWear,ll.Wa 4 tl ' , 4 a,t ' tlPal t , , ,ataina at St Marks 19:5 inst—arrived lam Sohr D S Mershon, Allen, from Boston, arrived at Sa vannah 34th trod. - Schr rd P Stephens, Cams, cleared at Baltimore 25th leer , for Philadelphia. Schr Semi P Godwin, Hendrickson, from Millard, Del, at New York yesterday. rchre CM les A liecksher, Stubbs, B C Scribner, Car lisle, Win L Springs; Buckaldo. and Star, Loveland, were dischargitur at St Marks 10th inst. Bohr Indus, Stokley, at Providence 29th inet. froth Sea ford, Del. .-... 12,W-1 ... 321 PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! . SAVE THE PIECES! ECONOMY! DESPATCH sr "At STITCII IN TINE AVEgII NINE." EU As accidents will happen, even in well-regulated fanti lia,tt is very desirable to bapn some cheap and eon content way tor repairing Furniture, Tors, Crockery &.o. SPALDING'S PREPARED MATE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready.and up to the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for binning chairs splintered venects. headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, alien, and other ornamental work, so popular with Indica of refinement and taste.. ThitiMlinirable preparation is used cold, being chemi cally hold in solution, and possessing all tan valuable qualities of the hest calmiet-makers' Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vast Y more adhesive. "USEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE." N. B.—A Brash accompanies each bottle. Price 2.5 conte WHOLTISALE DIIPOT, No. so PLATT ST.. NEIV YOR IC Address HENRY C. SPALTHNG & Co., Box 3,600, New York Put op for Deniers in e4aes oontatninK four, eir ht. and twelve dozen—s beautiful Lithographic Show-Card sooompanying esoh psokage. 47 - A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will awe ten times, its colt annually to every household:NW Bold by all prominent Stationers, Drugyiets, Bard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Nano , Stores. . Country_ merchants ehould make a note of SPALD IND'S PREP •RED GLUE, when making up their het It will stand any climate. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUES USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE, SPALDING'S PRFpAREn GLUE, BOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED LUE, SOLD BY SPALDING'S PREPARED SOLD BY HARDWARE DEALERS. spALDING% PREpARED GLUE. SOLD BY lIOUSE,PDRNURING sTGRRS, sPALDING% PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY FURNITURE DEALERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY GROCERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY COUNTRY AIF,RCIIANTS GENEALLY. Manufactured by HENRY C. SPALDIN ,NowO., 48 CEDAR Street York. Addrilit4Po2t &NO, Box N o. 3,090. Annexed is MiAlphabetioril List of Articles whosh, if damajed, may be restored to their original strength acd neetne" Bl 7 .4l.DlNG'S PREPARED GLUE. A---Mende ACCOUNT BOOKS ....A B.... Mends BUREA VS ....... ..... . B C.... Mends CR a (3 D.-34nd' DOLLS E.-Mends ETAGERES ..... .10 F....Mends_FONB H.. : ••Mends HARPS . .... .7.. .Mende JARS K.... Mends KNOBS L.-Monde LE ATHP.R-W0RK................ M.- Mends MIRRoIi-FRAMES N -.blends NEWEL-POSTS 0. - ... Mends 0TT0MAN5...:..... • ANO-FORTEB ... ..... P (/ ...Mends QUILT FRAMES., .... ..... R....Mende ROCKING-HORSES"...-..-- - - 16 - ft....Mende SOFAS T.... Mends TABLES U.... Mends Y.... Mends - V4SEB WI -Mends WOR K-DOXES.... - X-. Mends XYLOGRA PH Y.... fends YARD-STICKS. ..„ ' Z --Mends ZEPHYR WOOD-WORK •„_, /4. • •-In 9 41011160 1 1 . SPALDING'S PR EPA R UNI is useful in Ltbraries and Schools. 2.... P. -Mende PITCHEki P 3 • •A ~ Mends ACCoRDEONS A 3 ~...Mends LETT N:l4. h EALING .1..... 4 6....D....M ends DAGUERREOTYPE CA5E31..D.... 5 e.... 1 -.Mends IMAGER 7....N....M e oda BREAKAGES G. 8....11..M ends GUN 8 COCKS „-. . G.... SCHOOL-MX/KB.— 8. • • • in....P....M0nds PARASOLS 11. ...R....Mend RULERS 12 .. E.... Mends ELECTRICAL MACHIN E8..E....'2 13 Mends PAPER-HANG1NG5.......... P.... 13 ..A. -Mends A ftlll-C IT AI R 15 ...R....M ends RICKETY FURN1TURE....13....16 16...E.-Alen& FRASER HANDLES 18 Mends GLOBES 0....18 19 ... t ....Mends LOOSENED .„ 50.... ....Mends Upholstered FURNITURE_ „%r IT.. 21.... ....Monde EGG-13hATERS E.... 21 22 Mends ACORN- WOR ...• - .22 33.... ..... Monde CHESS-BOARDS 21 24......... Mende F IDDLES -.21 75 Mends SHELL-WORK-- 25 Monde FILLET-WORK 26 27...:.- -Mends HOBBY-HORSES ----Yr KALEIDOsCOP - .23 29 . .... Mends HONEY-80XE5...... ..... .3) 30.4 .... Mends PICTURE. FRAMES...-.. ......... 50 31.... - -.Mends SECRETARIES • ....... 32 ....Mende VENEERING 92 33.....-.. Mends EICIIOOI. FURNITURE......... .33 34... Mends PA PIER-MACES ........ -31 ..... Mends WARDROBES— .36 36. Mends PARIAN —.....36 CRIBS, .-. ..... •. 37 33.... Mends BAB Y-. 711 31 PHIS- - • ...- 33 Mends IVOR Y-WORK. 39 0.-. Mends AIATCH.SAPES ........... .40 41 -.Monde PIc:TURES ,„„ .. ..... 42......... Mends rILL-WHE .....43 OWEL-RACKS.. --.. A 3 44 ....Mende AM - WANDS.- ................N REDSTEADS-- • 4d Monde DRUMS. ... _ 47........... Mends CHESSMEN._ 43 Monde 13 ALI.OT.I3OXES .A 3 43-- -Mends HERBA Rlll MS., 49 60 -Mends BACK 41 A 111 MoN.JA DS.- • • .60 1 61 Mends 11AN D-BOX ES 51 52.- Monde•BOAILDR. • ......... .....62 93......... Mende B ASS.VIO L 8 64 _.Mends BILLIARD TABLES _6l 66--- ,Mende 65 66 • • 31 ends 111 R D-CAOP.B • 36 Mends )3110051 STICK'S 67 64..._..... Meads 11 1 .0 K CASES, ...... ......53 Mends BOOT-CRIMPS.,,-....- 59 C 0.... Mende BROSII-HANDLE5...............- -.......... M.- --- Mends BR tlBll NS 62 -.Mende CABINETS . • • • • R 2 63-......... Mends CHURNS es 64. ..... ....Mends `CLOCK-CAS E 5....... ............ ..64 05.... ...... Mends CRUTCHES 65 ends CUPBOARDS 67-.-. Mends CURTAINS .... 68 Mends CASINGS. Mends oADDI ....... .Mends CA M As,„ ....... ....... Ong 8arfi r &VIi.lifEtr:::.".::::::::11 74. - Mends CARD•OAsER,..„ .... 76 76 Mende 12jARIES .76 77,- Mends WORK„.BII3.NDS 77 _ Mends DR AUGHT-BOARD& • • 79 Mends 'DISH Es „ 90. -.Mends pi VANS .. .... 81 ' Mends DICE-BOXES:, «. . . .....:,......... 81 5i.._..... Mends D M1N0E5..,.•..,.................R4 &L.- ..... Mends FIR E BOARDS' . . ......... IS . • Mende EIAJTES Bends Mends G....... .87 88 Mends A N nubs _ gg 82..........Mende GUTTA-PERCHA WARE......... 89 90.. Mende K 1 91.......... Mends TOPS .91 92 Mende 011.GAN/3 ..... -• • • —..- ..... 93. -.Mends MODN(3 ..... Mends fie:WINO-MACHINE STAPN::..ri 96 Mends PAN.. Mends ;AST P.DOOTTERpfIRD W0RK.........9 7 ..... Mend* SID E 93 99 ...—. Men de WOODEN ...... 99 100........• Mends WILLOW WARE...-. ........... RIO SPATAO'S PEPHED GLUE. • SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDINGS BY GLUE, • aoLo BY GROCERS. SPALDINS PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY • , ,RARDWARE STOREI. PREPARTIT GLUE - SOLD ISY HOUBF,FURNISIIING STABS. • SPALDING PREPARED GLUE SOLD BY FANOY.thans SPLPLNG'S PREPARED GLUE SOLD BY COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENARALLY Manufactured ,if ,--- NNRY 0. SPALDING! & CO., street,4 u BoADV o t oa Addrees Peet ()Mao, Sox . -- _Put up in caries containing either Pour, Rigl.4 or Twelve 4:10E8111 0114 h—A beautiful LITHOORAPtirc Snow! ' tIAnD aocompanying (molt package. dkLely ri.. A U ~ ,v IUN 1 —ASTIR/LOU-1 ( I —LOOR N.., OOT!-0000 NEWS FOR ALL!—The d r m ier. fading • Idre. VAN HOR N e fp the beat; ohs sue ade when ail others um tailed. All who arc in rnoble, ail who bays e i n unfortunate, deoeived 127 alse nt rinieee, fly to her tor ashnoe p end oomfort. , irt eel airs she never fa it. Rho ea the seart h os 'CI Zit i tlC 12:11"ati:n3:)Pltra"4"tit 4 , ,t 4: imitate per, and aopy her adverfuomied. She shown fou the Ikenese of your haute wi p i kes ntl. or absent riend. It le well known to the public at largo that she s the imam,. only Organ who can show the Women in reality, and ositgrve entire eattsfactiOn On ell the oi:w -eenie of life, Whiqh can be tested and proved by thou. eilei both married and single, tyke dn . * imil i ferly ither., Como one ! come ell! to .1 . 104 - MidU RD *et, betiletia Jintiser obi Dros4. , i or. COPA,RTNERSHIP NOTICES LIMITED • PARTNERSHIP.--NOTIOE . 1 - 41 IS HEREBY f3IVEN, That the Subscribers have formed and entered into a Limited Partnership, under the provisions of the Lawe of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That the name of the Griner partnership to William D. Edson, and the general nature of the business the Manufacture and Sale of Boots and Shoes That Wil liam D. Edson to the General Partner. and John Saun ders and Illaopherson Saunders are the Special Part. none. all residing an the City of Philadelphia, The dapital to cool, contributed by the Special Partners Is Ten Thousand Dollars, each contributing Pine 'rhen ium,' Dams. The Partnership oommenees this TENTH DAY OP JANUARY. M 63, and is to terminate DE CEAIDER 31, 1501. WILLIAM D. EDSON, General Partner. JOHN SAUNDERS MACPHERSON BA iffiDERS. • Special Partner,,. January ICith, jail -dew THE FIRM OF S. D. EDSON & CO. HAS been dissolved by mutual consent. , WILLIAM D. EDSON will settle up the business of the old firm. The business of the Mannfactute and Solent Stools nod Simes will he continued at No. 13 North FOURTH Street, by WILLIAM D. EDSON, under a Limited Partnership., this day formed between him and JOHN SAUNDERS and MACPHERSON SAUNDERS. SARAH P. EDSON, WILLIAM D. EDSON. January 10th, 1830. fall-lm N 0 T 10E IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT -I- the Copartnerehip under the firm of DECK DELL wits thasolved on the fourteenth day of De somber mat and 1409Ett BECKER is Moon authorized to nettle the Malthus, and sign the liquidatom hlo3rB BEthaft, JOB. E. DELL, Philadelphia, Deo. 19, 1859. d3l-etukth NOTIUE OF LIMITED PARTNER:giII P. where.e we, the subseribers, have this day re newed and continued for a further period of three years, as hereinafter mentioned, the limited partnership en tered into on the Slat day of December A. D. 1856, to commence on the let day of January, A. D. 1851, under the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved March 2115 t, 1516, entitled "An Ant relative to Limited Partner ships," and all other enactments of the said General Assembly relative to Limited Partnerships—now, there fore. in compliance with the provisions of the said en actments we publish the terms of mid original and renewed Limited Partnership. no follows : First. Tho name or firm under which the Said original and renewed Limited Partnership woe and is to he eon ducted is that of J. T. PLATE & SCHOTT bER. Second. The general nature of its business was and is that of Merehanis in a general Foreign and Domani° Commission Business in the city of Philadelphia, and also in the business of Importing and Exporting And Vending Merchandise on account of the said Limited Partnership. Third. The said Limited Partnership wse and is corn poeed of JOHN THEOPHILUB PLATE who resides in the city of Philadelphia; of CARI. C. SCHOTTLER, who resides in the mid city of Philadelphia, and CHRISTOPHER F. PLATE, whose pine° of 'evidence is. at VT.Bent• in the free hannentio city of Bremen. The said John TheoPhilus Plate and Carl C. Sehottler were and are all the general partners in the said origi nal and renewed Limited Partnership, and the said Christopher F. Plate won and is the only enema Part ner therein. Fourth. The special partner, the t v d Christopher P. Plate, contributed, actually and in g od faith, in cash, the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars-to the capital or common stock of the said original Limited Partnership, no cart o f which has been 'withdrawn therefrom. Ilifth.The said original Limited Partnership com menced on the first day of January, A. D. 1857, and was to have terminated on the Slut day of DOClntinr, A. D. 1059. but the same hoe been renewed and continued for the further period of three yearn from the Met day of December, A. D.)652. and will terminate on the Slut day of December. A. P. 1882. Philadelphia, Dee, Slat, Ha. J. TREOPH. PLATE. CARL C. SCHOTTLER, By hie Attor n e y ß. in F fa R t . PLATE, c. ja4-ftw GODFREY FREYVAG. nISSOLIITION OF ARTNCRSIIIP.— A--P . The partnership heretofore existing under the firm of MORRIS & JONES & CO. expired on the Stet ulti mo, by limitation. Either of the partners will use the name of the firm in settlement. JACOB P. JONES and RfiIHARD H. DOWNING retire from the business, and the remaining partnere have formed a new copart nership. ISRAEL AIi.,RHIB, JACOB P. JONES,. RICHARD H. DOWNING, JOSEPH K. WHEELER, ANDREW WHEELER. Philadelphia, January 2, leo. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-ISRAEL MORRIS. JOSEPH R. WHEELER, cnd AN DREW W HEELER, partners in the late firm of MOR RIS & JONES & CO., have this day formed a copart nerehip, under the firm of MORRIS, WHEELER, & and will continue the Iron and Steel business in all its branches. tie heretofore enniluoted, at the old stand, MARKET and SIXTEENTH Streets. Philadelphia, January 2, MI. Jc2-tf LEGAL. NIXECU TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is AL:4I hereto given that Lettere or Adminiatratlon. , .Yilk the Will ?indexed. of LEWIS It. COFFIN, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Philadelphia; and all poisons indebted to said estate are requested to call and make pay meat, and these hav ing clams against the said deceased are requested to present the name to the undersigned for - payment. MS EY W. COFFIN, Ja2l-set No. Sea CHRISTIAN Street. VSTA.TE OF JOSEPH DIESINGER, DE. CEASED. I etters testimentary to the estate of JOSEPII DIE SINGER, deceased. having been granted to the subset' her, all persona indebted tothe Said est, to are requested to make payment, and those heron; rhtims to pungent them to JOHN P. PERSON. Fnecutor. No. 104 SPRUCE Street, Or to I:r o Attorney, FREDERICK HEVER, into No. 241 South THIRD Street. USTATE OF CHRISTIAN M. HULSE:- ZIA h 1 ANN. DEC'D.—Lectors testamentary to the Ro tate or said decedent having boor granted to the spb.. scriber, all persona tndebted to Ina .NAtitte are requested to make payment, and those having clamor to present them to JOHN HULA EaIAN N. Fisrotor. No. 918 LOMISARD Ht., Or to his Attorney, FILE DE RiCK 11 EYE.% dot- ti6t* Nh. 241 Booth 1 111 RD Zit. f,E'rTERN TESTAMENTARY TO THE JI- 1 Estate or LYDIA LOCKYER. deceased, haring been greeted to the undersigned. nil persons indebted to sold estate fan requested to make payment, nod those having claims to present the same to J. E. WAINWRIGHT, bal-edt. 1012 North PIP Pit Btront. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—The undersign ed. harm; been appointed assignee of tho Mer chants' batman. Company of Philadelphia. all per sona indebted to the sant A'ompany will pay the some, and MI pavane having claims against said Company will present the same, iroperlY authenticated. to JOHN J. PA triMsON,_ Areisneo. Itt South FOURTH Stmt., jaAt 3t - At Oftleo. of B. Bailey, third story, front. LE VEERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON •-•-- 41 the estate of CRAW - 4.3 A. It, IRVINE, de ceased. having . been granted to the subscriber. all per sops indebted to said estate will pieime male payment, and those haying elm lins wilt present thorn without de lay to JOHN 11. SAVAGE. Administramr. albet• No. 18 NORTH FRONT Street. SAVING FUPIII3OS. gPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO P ' .-7 CIETY OF PRILABELP,IIIA. Office, No. Sat North PHI ItD Street _Mensolidation Bay Bullpm.) CHARTERED BY TIIE LE ISLA-CURE ORMAN - SI LVA ft.. Depositerocalved in snots of One Dolhr sttd.o . twerAp, rN I PTIII I GI4 4I / 4 Z i git i l l o CP ° O e a ' ailtA v ill 6 40 ra wn A responirible and reliable Stwi r imi institution ban long been needed in the NorOern pa o the inty ! and "The Spring Garden Sayings FILM Soo a y " was o %adored by ,i i i . le l oria ,g tti re of Pe n a nztv n anliftvi t ti n ly t ., lz l i n s y ti tty: 4, gov n ernn wro i lly n tij m it desire and sooommosat'a I the busi ness interest and wantiof the very lam and entersrl in" nnnulan NVlTl l St n ifilklra I ' ' From SLOW o clock; aleo, on Monday and Tharfillal from a until S o'cloak in the evening, utanaenns. Prederiok Klett, rotten Smith, John P. Levy, io n. a. E. Strong. Daniel Underkollbr, redenok Starike, Francis Hart, mph P. LeGlere, John Kessler, Jr., George Rneoht, James S. Pringle, Jaoob Book, Joseph M. Crowell. Ron. Wm. didtwardd saorge Woelpper, Geo. T. Thorn, Peter C. Ellmaker Robert B. Bavidsop. AMES S. PRINGLE. President., Faunae HART. Elloretarr. Inao-Efir QAVING FUND.---UNITED STATES KJ TRUST COMPANY, corner TIMID and CREST NUT Streets. Large and small a unas rooeived i and aid bask on de mand without notios,with FIVE PERCENT', INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdra•ral. Offioe hours, ZOITI mita 6 o olook every day, and on MONDAY EV RINGS from 7 until 9 o'olook. from LI DRAFT Supwar for sale on England, Ireland, and Sootlsnd, ds. president—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. rruacurer—JAMES It. lIIINTER. PLINY FIBK. Actuary. tell-Iv V,AVING FUND---FIVE PER ()ENT. IN TEREST,—NATIONA SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, lidouthwett corner of THIRD, Philadelehia. Incorporated by the State of Pennaylva rila. Money m received In any Nam, large or mall, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office le, open 'very day from 9 o'clo c k In the morning till o °lock in the evening, and on Monday and Thurlday h e r r }WRY ( 11,. °1 11, h 1:1NER, LisP,RT BnIPRIDGB, Viao President. Wu.LTA.w J. en, Secretary. DIBISCTORS. /TOM Henry L. Bonner, F. Carroll Browder, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, corgrYjelliest Samuel K. Ashton, C, Landreth Mutton, James L. Stephenson. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made, In oonformlty with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Grmand Rents, and such Sniaolass securities as will al ways Insure perfect security to the depositor' end which Cannot fail to Me permanency saA stability to this Institution. and- 3y BURNEI COOOAINE. The following testimonial is conclusive of its ettlescy in the cane of DANDRUFF. . - - BOSTON. 00t. 30, 18t9, Niessra.fosgpst BORNT...Ig & CO.: a'ENTI.E, EN: I have Idled your CnCOAINII about six weeks, its eifoot is so marked and extreordiumg that I i it my duty to state it to you. My t complaint for several years liar been Nato 3V. with itching and irritation of the scalp. After !Wahine my hair, my coM•coller would be acv eyed with the 'white scales, (iiiigilluiTd which looked like a shower of snow; My barber tried various applications without effect. His abpse of your COCOAINE, and his obstinate refusal to use it, nrOVOLOiI roe to ortionleilind try it. hove sped lose then a bottle. The dandruff, and the Irritation which caused it, have entirely disoppeared, and Jr, hair wee never before in so goad condition. • lour obedtent servant, A. A. FULLER. BURNETT'S COCOA INE. A single application renders the hair Inn matter how stiff and dry) Bat and glossy for several days. It is oonceded by all who have oiled It to be the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the Work,. Preptlred by JOSEPH BURNETT A Co., BOSTON, and for sale by all dealers generally, at 66 centen. bot tle. d25-s3no MESSRS. ROSENTIIAL MORRIS, from Pi/mouth, England, manufaeturers o the celebrated t o Pantagoopm" Spectacle', respect ully solicit the pa tronage of the ladies and. gentlemen of Philadelphia 111111 'urns, to he superior ground spestricle The ye elide advaildtge derived from them is, t at in stead o vision becoming, strained, heated, weakened, and in numerous eases sermon!, injured, it is unnerved and strengthened, everything at one° becomes dear ad brilltant, and very aged persons are enabled to em- P eVW:fa ; 41:n4lin'ggri i .111'eV47. much lees magnifying power, and they do not require the frequent changes to the dangerous effeets of further powerful Resistance. Certificates con be men at,_the °Moe over Mr Christ man's store, 702 CHESTNUT Street, adjoining Ger miner' Photograph rooms. tile ly ENUAUSTIO TILEB for /Tx ficors. Ornamental Chimney Tope for ootteres. Rtriredli a g ' l l. o E r a dfA.79,2 %NW' ter co:Wotan& imported rum for Este t3, tor isailt aititiOrt, 111110.41' talmarr Fttrfict TIIF CONFESSION AND EX PER NNuE of an INVALID, published for the benefit . nod as it warning and caution to young men Who cutler from Nervous Debility. Premature Poesy, &e.;rispplying, at the game time, the means of bet! Cure, by one who mired himself. after haring been put to great expense . Darragh inerti a ( n c nrsltion and , Na k m ,„ NAY 1111i9,rnahe., Ifedgn t a a e u s t t h li r rnnltlyn. Kings county. New York, by enclosing a poet-pa , d addressed envelope. 3u23 3m I'A M 8 AND SLIOULDERS. —2,300 Pie City-Smoked llama end Shoulders. Aisn, nri I,lllt OZ4 u rt[C c l u t Vrgl, m 2 " ,i figof",l,l‘'re - R RIOK.DIAKING MACHINES which tern r the clay,. aniirretke ply par day. Brick Preseee, Tile Machines, Chit Wheele" Spaces. andjanstEnAit for. Coll te V. CARICK 8, OhilthlAiNTl) IV A Road. 'shore Fifth street. lar-em RRlCE.—Prime retailing' Charleston Rice q for sale by /AMES GRAHAM & CO.. LETITIA REFINED SUGAR.-500 bbls. crushed, coarse, and fipecpalvaard A coffee andyell.w Spoo• lon sale by JAMES cItABAM & CO., LETT • 71FLA itraM. , THE PREB,S-4)HffiAIDELPHM ,SATURDAY; JANUARY 28. 1860. _ -TO WEST CHESTER ' and intermediate lennta via ME DIA. Train. fur West Cheerer leave Philadelphia from the Depot. norlheaet corner of EIaRTREN Pit end ARIC ET Street., at Bn a n d nd t end 4 30 P. M. On SUNDAYS at 8 10 A. AI 2 P. AL Pa...lnver. Mr stations en the PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD will take the 8.10 A. 31., and 4 301'. Al. Traits jal9.tf frill, PENNSV.IN AN IA oil N -1 1 it A L RAILROAD. 260 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. Ermgonti• 1860. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD PI NOW EQUAL To ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains twin Boston, Now York and all point; East, end in the Union Depot at Vittaburd with Through Triune to and from MI points in the West, Northwest. and Southwest —thus furnishing fnellittee for the tranitegruition of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fut Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cartier Condnotors, All through Pas senger Trains provided with Lotighridge's Patent Brake—speed urn or petted oontrol of tha engineer, thus adding much to the eafuty ol travellers. Sleeking Care are attached to each Train . ' 'Woodruff's Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mall and Fast Linea, han ders excepted. Xe.alail Train levee Philadelphia at g A. N. Past Line, 11 00 A. 14. Express Tram leaves " 1000 P. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS 14:0L),0W5.: Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, S I'. M. Columbia 400 P. M. Parkesburg 430 P. M. Went Cheater Passengers will take the Mail, Parkes. burg and Columbia Train,. Passengers for Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo. Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 8 A. M. go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the othoes of the Company In Philadelplua. New York, Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Whims in the Went; also on board any of the regular Line of steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio river._ . or other Rout Fare 'always an low, and time as amok , as by any e. For 111T1110T Information apply at„the Passenger Sta tion, Rout head corner or Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western oonnections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chiongluake this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN EAST AND THE GREAT WES . The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the same of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Siiipppera of Freight, And the Travel v Merchants and Shippers entrusting the fransportation of their Freight to tine Clemently, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. Tim RATES OF FREIGHT to and front any point in the West by the PennsAvatna Railroad are at all tames as Javorahle as are charged by other ICadroad Campus its. afrv . Be particular to )Dark packages via Petura. Rail road. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the CM. party : D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; IL S. Pierce k Co., Zanesville, 0.; J. J. JohnstOd, Ripley, 0.; It. McNeely, Maysville, Hy.; Ormsby to Cropper, Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock k Co., Jeffersonville, Indi ana; H, W. Brown It Co., Cincinnati, 0.; Athern Hilbert, Cinoinnati, 0.; R. C. Aleldrinn, Madison, Ind.; Jos. E. Moore, Louisville, Ky.; P. 0. & Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, It. F. Sass, naler & Glass, M. Louis, A 10,.• John Har ris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt. Memphis, Teen.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, DLL W. R. It. )(omits, Alton, III.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. . . E. .1. SNEEDER, Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS, 80 North street Baltimore. LEECH H CO., 2 Astor House, or 1 &William et., NS LEECH & CO., No. 77, State/area, Boston. 11. H. HOUSTON, Gong Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOU PT, en'l Tioket Agent, Phil a. THOS, A. SCOTT, Gen'l Sup't Altoona, Pa, la2-ly 1859. LisAREN 1859. WINTER ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINER. THE gAmDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND'PRENTON RAILROAD a0. , 5 LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA_ TO NRW YORK AND WAY-PLACER. PROM WALNOT-lITREXT WHARF AND ANNAINOTON, WIN leave«e follows, viz: /ARIL At dA. M. via Camden and Amber, Cam. Zr. Am. Acoomm'odation . Am.®' 35 At 6 A. AL, via Camden and — Jerney City, blew Jersey /Accommodation.-- ••—• ..... TS At 0 A. Id., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail At Ill s 1: Si., via koneingion and — Jereey Western Express ..... • .... .....p 00 At 124 P. Al., via Camdea and Amboy, Aeoommo- Airill4:;; , la. Cau;;;WZitiTiniZ7 5 25 °° Evening Express _ 3 00 At P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, 3.1 Class Ticket.-- At 6 P. AI., via Camden and Jersey City E vening Mail • ... 300 At II P. M., via ban - 4in an;fiiizey taiiy7Guillern Atk P.ll4sitidi;mWeii and (Freight and Faunas er)—tat Class "fi0ket....... ! !6 WI Class Ticket 1 80 The SP. AI. Mail Line run - daily. The II P.M. South ern Mail. flaturdaya excepted. For Belvidere. Eaaton. Fleinington. tro„ at $ A. M. from Walnut-street wharf. and 3P. Al. from Kensington. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethieneni, at 6 A. M. vie Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water Gap Stroudsburg Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Alontrote, Great Bend, An. at 6 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna, Wentern itailroad. For Mount Hour, &CS and 3 A. M.. and 3 and /X P.M. For Freehold, at 0 A. Al. and p P. LI. WAY LINES Per Bristol, Trenton, Ito, at 3 and IX P. M. from Ken slag ton, rer Palmyra. firvertrin.Delanco,Beverly, Burl' ngton, Bordento7n, /go., at 32)4,3, and IX P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each rateenger. Peeeengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty Pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility toy baggage to one dollar per pound, and wall not he liable for any amount beyond 8100, except by spews! contract. WM. 11. OATZMER. Agent ds9 Camden and Amboy R. It. Co. - PHILADELPHIA, (I ER MANTOWN AND NORRIS AILROAD- WINTER ARRANGEMENT-- On atvl i i,t t tr tiv ii 2 . l, LW, Leave Philadelphia G 6, 7, 7.50, 9, IU, 11, and 12 A. M., I, 4,5, IS, 4,2, as, (I, 7,8, 9, W. end 113 i P. M. Leave t,ertnantaten 6 , 7, Di N , 4,2%, Sqi, 10, 11,A. M., ON SU - NI/AV& Leave Philadelphia 0.05 MI n. A. 01, 2, 2 ?4, and 10 P. 51. Leave tiermantown 8.10 min. A. M., LIP min., 6 / 4 1, and 9 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 2,:61 0, 1 A. M., 2,4, goi, 7, and 10 P. M. Leave Chestnut Dili 7.1,1, 7,40. 8.05, and 1240 M., 1.80, 2.40, 6.80, and 13.40. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 11.00 A. M., 440 P. 111, Lea.v.s Chestnut HIS 7.50 A. M., /280, 5.20, end 8.10 nun., P. M. FOR CONS110110(1)(E,N AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Naiads tphia 0,9, 11. 06 , min.. A. AL, 1.05. 3.03. 4;4, 574, P. M. Leave Norristown 6, 7, 9, 11 A. M., IK, 4K, nag P. M. ON SUNDAYS • Leave Pluladelslits.9 d ar I'. M. Leave Norristown 7A. hit nn P. M. FOR DIANA lINS Leave Philadelphia a, 751,9, 11.tta A.. 61., 1.06, 9.W, 8.06. Of. 661. 7%, and 113‘ P. M. L."Ve Manayunic IK, 8%,111i, and 1114 A. M., 2 , 3, 5, 634; and 83. C. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia A. M., 3,4114 PM. Leave Manayun736 A. 31,, ape Ix M. H. K. SM ITH, iienetal Superintssedent, IMPtiT. NINTH and GS KEN Streets. NORTH PENNSYL antitrap IiATVOAD. INTEt — AII 6101. Mb , For BEULETIE , DOYLELTO AAITTON, ALLENTOWN, MAIJOH CLUN HAE ETON. %L and aftei i STONDAY, Novena _e_rt usa..,Yassen• gar Trains tot andeWl idtreets, 11 P 1 o7 te lirtAtheVlad i linir.:Pw e rn pt , e gilin ok CAn nk, Hazleton, he., (Mmo./ at 9.30 A. sd. For Be ( Repre at 9.30 A. AT. and 3 P. V. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,/ it 8.41 TA. ht. and P. M. For Fort WashinstondAcoommodation. I at 6 P. M. THAINti FOR PHILADELPHIA : Leave Bethlehem. (Express,) at 8 A. M. and 430 P. AT, Leave Doyleatown, (Accommodation, ) at 7A. M. and 6.10 P. M. Leave Fent Washinnton,(Acoommodation,) all. A.M. ON SUNDAYS: PhilaPhiladelphia for Fort Washington at , 930 A. M. 1.11 delphia for Doylesto wn , at 4P. M. Doyitte.3 , oll for Philade phin, rtt 7 A. M. Fort Weald na um for P 11111(101Am, at 1.40 AT. Fare to Bethlehem, el .t 0; Macoh Chunk, e 2.60; to Easton. 81.50 ;to Doylestown, con ta. Through tiokete must be procured before entering the care. All Pareenger Trains (except Sunday Trnins) con nect at Barka street with Flith and jthsth-streets, and Second and Thud-street!, hummer Railroads. n 7 ELLIS CLARK. Meet. PhILADELPIIIA, WIL MINGTON, AND BAUM Monk RAILRWIL On all nitor MONDAY November 21,1210,. PAJZSBNGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Bellmore at 8.12 A. M. 12 noon, (Exereand end MD P. M. .. . For Cheater at 8.16 A.M.,15 noon, 4.60, and 11. M P. M. For Wilirdnitton at 8.15 A. AL, 12, 4.30, end ILO P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. AL, and 4..0 P. AI. For Middletown at 8.15 A. hi., and CIO r. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 4.30 I'. M. For M ilford ilford at 8.15 A. M., and 450 P. M. For eaford at 8,15 A.N., and 4.30 P. M. For mire,. at 05 A. M., end 4.30P.M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.50 A. AL, (Expand 10.10 A. M., and 6.25 P. 111. Leave Wilmingtonat 7,15 A. M. and 11.93 A. M0145%1111 8.40 P. M. Leave Laurel at 8.15 A. hi., and 9.40 P. M [aye Seaford at 6.45 A. N. and 4.05 P. A ., cave Milford at 7.80 A. M., and 4.85 P. Any° Dover at 5.06 A. M., and 6.00 P M. ' • ; ave Middletown at 10 A. M. and 7.05 p. pl. MVO New Castle at 10 55 A. M,. and 8 P bl. nave Cheater at 8, U A. M. B.= and pat , . 544 eve B4gtnnure for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.16 A. 15. TR,AIIB F ni E j li fedri : g a r m A itn.si 1140 , M. . • SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P. M., frcrn Philadelphia to Ilaltimert. Ohl at p.^ P. ht.. from Baltimore to Plolatiniptun. FREIGHT TRAIN, tot t h I'ABS.E.NG ER OAR litleohod, will ru, ns follows Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 3 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate places at CO P. Al. Leave Wilnonitten for Philadelphia and intirmediate Pi triit t lti V rio ' r t ii for Stemmer's Run, Maude, and lfarewood aids/ P. M. ne S. M. FELTON. President. - WEST C u llEsTElt . It A 1 L- Mi II 'KM ito - A R D °AD . 4 9 R iiepg M I NA and MAIIKLT ttreolt, e uany, (except . Bunday.) et 8 A. M., 12.0 P. M., and I I '. M. Leave West Metter at 7 20 A. M., 10.30 A, M.. and 3LO P. M. is 14-7 mir d gpfe PHILADELPID, • AND memst_ t ret t niA RAIL Ronn LINE— ROUTF ru,Wilkeebarre,' Buffalo chloaao, Rook Waal 14 ling ton, Montreal S 'r Hr. Yana , Milwaukee llor' LOUIS. Itfontreal , to au. a, Detroit, Dualietli, and Rt: ..Feseenger trains will leave the Philudelphleanl Read Ins Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and CA JAM RILL StreetsßAlLY. (Sin/days excepted,/ rut fo llows: 7.70 A. M., 0 DAY EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara FE, Buffalo Detroit , Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Itle.nd, tralenadit. Burlington, Pl.nd St. Louis. S.SQ P. M., NIGIIT EXPRESS. For Elmira ,_Niagara Falls, Builato, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,Rook Galena, St. Paul's brohnston, and St. Loue. Btßia, and 0 3 14 it'Z'uttirtallltnuiTtlrbllt` valley Branch. The 7.30 A. M. train connects at Rupert for lffilhee bajte,„Pittstort, BQranton, And 411 a RAILR O A D,n he LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG Baggage oheoked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Susponsion Bridge. IM. Tick - Ste can be proposed at the Philadelphia and AlrallinzatiktuNAl'filgilrP.l 4 ,Alrheeilcx! ger D TVIIB4II, I IiNTA D E4NSR i d;r i i - PP TRAIN Leaves the Depot, P rciad.ctreet, below 'Vine, dailr,quil day eacepted,) for all point. Wool and North, at 5 g'reizlite must be delivered before I P. M. to insure some the Ramp day. For further information, a t De of pply at Or to UM; irSt A k ' T Agent lne ; N. W. isomer BATH and CIiBISTN r u r throng, ant-tf Philadelphia. I) H I A Alf D CA, DINO WI.- ROAD, MORN NO and for P PRVII,LE,IILAD. INO and IARRit3 VRO,, Loaves the new Depot, at currier of BROAD and CALLOWIIII,I, Streets (entrances on Callowbill ) at 7.30 A. M., BATl.l',lBulidays• executed.) for porn! VILLE. HARRBIBURU, and ail intermediate points, nonneetins at Itarrtsburg with trains running to Pitts, burs, ChainberellimriTANtrpo, ho. Leave atSlO I'. M., DAILY, for PO ; fTEIVILLE and HARRIBBURG. (Bandayiexoeptedd tor READ IN G, and Intorme di V.T. n kt (a; RNNV.RarstAbve dS - - t. NOTICE.---CHESTER .4 4_ll/MIIvALLEY WENGER TItAINB FUR BOWNIN6TOWN AND IN TEEMED] AT_B S'PATIONS„—On a nil Olaf_ eth 10ece her. 18.19, the Paat auger Trains for DOWNING'roWN will Mart from the new Pr i euenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading - Railroad -Companiri (Omer of 11110 AD and CIALL,OWIIIIifi liltraata, (passenger en trances on MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, !eaves at 9.11 e . . .AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, Imre, et LSO Pl 4 I 1 DALY (Syndayrk exeepted.) Hr order of the Board . of Managers of the Philadelphia 4oadiug m•WlmoVorligiusPutyalsorelarr. RAILROAD LINES. WINES AND LIQUORS. CHARLES HEIDSIOK CHAMPAGNE. GEORGE WHITELEY. No. 186 SOUTII FRONT STREET, 4' IN appointed Agent or the rade of the above anti vatted brand of OLIAMPAUNE, Arid offer, it to the Trade at the LOWEST NEW YORK RATES 6CO Nukes, Q outs and PHIto, now in BOND. d3O-ti WE CALL ATTENTION OF THE V V TRADE to thie Buerior article ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. reply in assorted Paekages constantly on hand. ors reoei ved for direct importatinn. so—Hennewsv Cosnao, Leßoy Coins°, London and Rolland Gins, Claret in Wood and Cases, Champaenes, high and low prices . LONOCIIMV, p, 010-em 217 Routh FRONT, Philadelphia. GEORGE'WHITELEY, No. liS South ?Rawl' Street, Importer of Brandy, Wince, &0., offers for sale, In bond only, the following, among other standard brands of brandy: Finer, Castillon, & Co., Thos. "fines & Co.. Jule., Robin, & Co., Otard, llupuy, & Cu,.A. Soisnotte, Marett, Cameos, Pellevoisin, . Du_pont & Co., Ao . ac F. Martell°, Union Proprietors, Jas. Ifennessy. o, Stuart's Paisley Malt Whiskey, and the oholoest MIT stios of Madeira, Sherry, Port, Bur sandy, and Rhine Wines, Palm Treo Gin, Jamaica Rum. Santa Cruz Rum. Bordeaux Oil. &a.. &a sty-ly NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CONIPANV. ill,lllllrY, 1&O. * The holders of the I,ION PS of thin Company, duo JWLX 1.1800, can now receive, upon application at this o toe. TNN 'ER CENT, In cash upon the terms alle gl ed in the Circular attached. he holders are also entitled to the benefit of the (INKING FUND established by the Btockholdere, na net forth in the following rca pegeed at the meeting of Stockholders held January 9. 1960 Resolved, 9 hat the sum of $1411,000 of the blare net pronts of the Company, after pig) meat of the sum ne cessary for the extension of the bonds duo in 1860, the completion of toe road to Dauphin, the ear loans. the neceseary rolling stock and improvements on the fine of the road. and all the liabilities of the Company, except the bonded debt not matured, he set aside in each year no a Sinking Fund, (an addition to the 1150,00 i) already provided.) and shall be ap_proprinted to the purchase of such or the Wedge( the Company for which no Sinking Fund is already proladad and established, in the order of the priority ot the montages given to secure such bonds. soong as they eon respectively be obtained at or under par, and the bonds so purchased obeli be forth with cancelled, are That the Boar directedisrers be. and they are hereby. requested and to enter into inieh an agreement as shalt make the provisions in the forego ing resolution' an obligatory and binding contract of the Company. In pursuance of this resolution. the Company have executed the contract therein referred to. 8. BRADFORD, Treasurer. CIRCULAR Notice to the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co. Mortgage Bonds, Firstuly 1. MO. Those bonds are moored by tho u Mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to e 3,308.100, The net revenue for the last fiscal year was six time" the amount. of the annual interest on these bonds. The Managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty moms, the holders retaining the bonds and the winchmty the tram Freshhe precise condition in they are now held. sheets of Coupons for the intermit, psvniilo half -r earlr, will be issued. mks n Roman often per cent. will be given to the holders, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. Trim Bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of the Bonds, on their signing a recelot and presenting their ospective Bonds at the office of the Counrans• or to its " Prir il nis fo o r f e r n eg:ip i tl n irendorsement Will ho furnished on application. 14 order of the Hoard of Mehra. . McII.IIENNEY, Mats 1m Secretors. T ICK—OFFIOE OF THE DELA WARE AND NAniTAN CANAL AND CAM DEN AND ASI BOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPOR -IATION COMPANIES. Paisckroar, NHAV iE116114. Jan. TS, 10 , 30. The Directors of the above Commune ham this dal tleplared a Dividend of BIX PEN CENT. out of the minus. of the fast six months. payable to tilo,ktoo, k holds. or their basal reprosentlyes, an to. otter TUESDAY. the 2411, day ot January inet.. by RIG trA It G IPPEN, at the Companies' Wise, in Philadelphia, and by IRA BLISS, at tee Office of tapee Companies in New York. RICHARD STOCKTON, JAB. B. GREEN, Ti omnivore. "NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. The CARBON IRON COMPANY will reeeive proposals until the loth day of February next for build ing an Iron or Wooden Railroad Bridge ovef the Le high River, opposite their works at Parry vi e. in the county of Carbon. The length wit be about three hen • dred and fifty (360) feet, in either three or four opens, single traolg. proposals received, and fu her rtioulare obtained, on spl , tioationP4 Perryville the ndersigned. December 1eth,18.59 DENNIS BA MAN, President. . 431-dtioo ORN EXCHANGE BANK.--Ithiladel v-, phta, Nor. 28,1869. At. en Wootton held on the Het Instant, the following gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Bank: Alexander G. Cattail, Joseph Linthpqy, ,!totert K. Neff', Samuel T. Cann!, . ernes Steel John P. Gross, 3clmund A.4ouder, rarles Knecht. jttexander hildin, avid Vandervoer, Hugh Craig, Mlle H. Mingle, Christian J. Hoffman. And at the meeting of the Board THIS DAY, the fol lowtrisvefoxent were unarously eieeted: . CATTELA, freindent. . N 141 , ,Viae President. J. W. TOILWEI. °ashler. rigoTios (LIVEN THAT APPLIOA -4.1 tij win he made fora Certificate of l'enneriventa etate I an, an Diem) of one dated Auguat 4, 1558. No. 0. for itZtert sot to"ul.l4i.ig- BUSINESS CARDS. VB. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, for Princinl Novo paporo nod FeHodionls Olt, and Country ,... E. oar nor FIFTH nod CHEHTNiiT. Address " V. B. PALMER," Philadelphln. 1e134m I. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, No. 273 South FOURTH Street. 1313-6 m• WALLACE & BRODHEAD, ST EXCHANGE PIA/ME, NEW YORK. Stooks and 112148 bonnht sq,d. sold, on Coinmanaion. BRAnit, B. wAunce. LDWARD 0. IIR0141141). A ux. MONINNEY ATORNBA ) AT LAW, ti EAU UR°, PA. Will practise IA estuuneland, Armatzeng, and In. atansoounties. siell-li ?}VHS ADAMS NXPRESS CO., OFFICE 830 OTIESTNUT Street, forwards Panels, Bank egos, rehandtse, Bank riotea, and Specie, either b 7 Its own Lines, or in oonneati on with other Express Com panies, to all the ennoiple towns and cities of the United *fates. E. B. SANBFORD, aal-tf General flansttntendent EDucATIONAL. USTC LESSONS.—A lady Well qualified .1 I- eau take a few pupils. Inquire of Air. DECK, Musk] Store. t]32 Chestnut street. le2l-3t shsv NS'fftl.ll/TION IN CLABSIUS AND MATIIHMATFCS. ROBrkT 11. LAIIBER TON, Ph. D r In now open for nn ergagoment for one hour daily. All oonununientlens Undressed to No es !loath Eighth street. will reeene prompt attention. Mir EH F.Neitn—Prof. Cleo. Allen. No. 215 South Seven teenth client; Dr. George liuhrina. GIS Arch firmer: Flubp Plosiek kandetvh, Esq.. 219 South Fourth Wrest; Llod S. Siitli.Gubrarien. khilndelvhis Libre!): James Lesley, Jr.. 111 Marketstreet. te27-1M OUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, (WIT! 4- Primary and Seconder! Department attached. Southeast corner of DILLWI N apd GREEN litteete For Circulate ape!! at the School. E. eAVION, ryincipal. Entrance op DILLIVYN Street. inl2-Im* A MERICAN SOIIOOL INSTITUTE is a A reliable medium thronghxhhioh Solmole and fami- Bee MaY uLtaln coin etantteaohera. I'lrenta mar ob tu . i r , elpal . v:s beat Era lifthp:WAY, Nevi york, or nII-lf MO CHESTNUT Iltreet, Pluladelolda. BRYANT & STRATTON , S NATIONAL MERVNTILE COLLEI, Mooted_ at Philo, dolphin, B. corner &EVENT and ; New York. ufralo. Cleveland, CO sno t and Bt. Louis. por information. oall or send for Catalogue. fee-ti REMOVALS. REMOVAL.• -SMALLS CHANDLER WIIOI.ItHAIX GROCE(tv, hove rammed 11011 66 North et:COhrt) fitroet, to 123 MARKET htrrot ethovo Front. north aide. al DIACUINERY AND IRON. elirpaL V. MIMARIVA. S. VIVO HAN WILLIAM IL lonottel , SOUTHWARK FOHNI ) RY L FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET/I. MElMlttrrgoNS, ENGINEERS AND mAcitiNitiris. /11e4ufaoture Dish mot Low Pressure Steam Hnslees. ro end, Rorer, tdAnne lierel oft, 'erg, Gasometers. 'oldie, Iron Boats, co , ; Outing. Of a I loads. either ho m Ira or Jir. Iron Frame Roofs for ties Works, Work Short. Rail road !Rations, &o. Retorts and the Itlaohloery of the leteet end most im proved construction. Every doseription of Plantation Altm m hlnery, Koh as Susits, Saar, and v eouom a. Open ste Tram,. Del (hut eestore, lei Pumping 'nglnes, &o. Sole Agente for N, Patent Sugar roiliug Apparatus Liutuo ye! YaumA EHeern Hammer; tine krArg b ....wo., !retool uentnutou Sugariitiraa. RIL CORSON, REAL ESTATE . BROKER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRIS TOWN. PENNA. FARAH in Montgornery. Busks, and Chester ooun lion for sale nr exalter. GOOD MORTGAGE on forms negotiated. LIANDBOMIi IIW LLINGS for sale in Norria no's. dicim SUGAR•UOUSf ATOLASSES.--5041h113., ttereeeZand barrelsjqy jullgo JAAIM GRAHAM . h CG ILWATNII Iltre•t. S - bOAP—A simple preparation P-- 7 for oleansing Silver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrors. Mar ble, .to., far inpro enurement and armors than any other, One hall the laliur of bolls. 0109.ipc nisy he 5994 by anion this &sip, which cannot toughly Injure the finest lainis white, and as no xerubliong to restored, the envois in the wear of the paint in wash greater than the cost of the Soap, It leaves the surface ea pure and white no When new. hlhnufactureil only by the Boston Indexical Soap Co.upan), and sold by their appointed ittenteaTASSAll & &pot/wanes, Tlifli,Lrfli nil fItIESTIVIYI'. .91- SALADIANDER, BAFEB E‘ A lame e.ssostniont of EV AM.& WATBQN'it DIiLPHIA IdAriIrFACTUxED NALAMANDEIt BAFEti. For Banks VA and 6t ores. DOR% BAllx LUCAS, . IRON r D tu OaORS a . n S y H U w TE n R& &0., 0., Onto good terms an any other establishment In the United Staten, by EVANS & WATSON. N0..104 O.RESTNUT &resit, a, ftf.l,l/F* ploy OR A PALI'. Philadelphi attiaif WEST INDIAN BlTTEftS.—Theso cele. • T hinted Bitters are-meeting with general favor. They mold effectually awl permanently ewe all dew dent ruining out of a wabt proper tone and healthful action of the .Imenti re °wins. They are htrhly reemn• mended )t m by the Pneulty of the principal tams tne (lofted titles end bluropo for the speedy pure of Dys pepsia, iverComplolnt, Non - no, D ollity.. Foyer and Ague. &o, ' THOMAS F. IMAM F 4. Ptine ß oiAzent, el3l-lm S. nernnr SIXTH and fi Streets. pitIVY IVLLI.d CLEANED AT A LOW Pries, to obtain the contents. Address WILLIAM TIMSON, Poudretto Office. 111.5 North 13ECOND Stmt. 04-241. INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELA WARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANy. INCORPORATED BY MS LEGISLATURS OP PENNSYLVANIA, H 33. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Sreets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) CARGO, To all parts of the Worti. FREIGHT, 'INLAND INSURANCES On Goads, by River, Canals. t akesL_, and Land Carnage to all parts of he FIRE INSURANCE/1 On Merchandise neural'''. On Store., Dweiling Noose., ko. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November Par. Market Valet. /123,060, Philadelphia City 6 4fr cent. L0an...8113P60 00 100,000,Peampylvama State 6l' et. Loan 23.566 00 21,000 Pennsylvania State 6 fp op. Loan vow oo 63,000, U.S. Trearary by 4o cent. Notes and interest due ... 26,263 64 1330,000 C. S. Treasury 6 f' et. Notes and It:ter est due • • . :.,.. .. 30,616 00 $25,000 Temporau Loan it; Ilia - dify oil .nilis dolphin, . . . 26,000 00 860,000, Pennsylvania Railroad 3tl Mortgage 6fr cent. f10nd5....• • t • 41,600 00 $30,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad ifor . l7- 814,000 Weid g Millt f o r i= t i ti ati n e d n a ier — liasTi . t 113°° °° Company 7 IP' et. coupon bond, 7 12,600 00 18111,030,000 lihates stool! Germantown 0,6 6 . :iiiiiiiriirTrife;Warn - nd 9rinoi t y s. guarantied by the city of Ph i . Dom G delphia......._. . 1,. .._ egoog,loo share; Pennsylvania Railroad_ C°mPanY.--... : 1141g10, 100 eharea North Pennsylvania . liiii: road irp Company,. ~.- - --ehiladereh'' isroe rhiindeirphia Tug Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Com post, Ocean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Ha vre de Oy,pe Steam Tow Boat Cool pugy. Philadelphia Elohango C0mpany..»....._...... • ... •.. Imo oo 81133, Bnada 72o and Mortgages and Raid Estate, Of- 8°3 ' 718 64 fico Budding 36 Bills received - a for Ininiranoesi . 3;ad ..* * .* * * * **:"lB 7 l s ,69l Gil Balanco due at Ayenolea—Promi num on Ma nna Policia., interest, and other debt. due the Company Bony and stoat of sundry huurance c:orrive 83464 68 _ Cash on DepoViit ill . 3 ' 260 ." 67,060 31 DIRECTORS. Samuel E. Stokes, J. P. Pennton, Dears Mesa. Edward Darlington, R. Jones Brooke. rear M'llvaine. Thomas C. Murat bort Barton, mob P. Jones, James B. APFarland. Joshua P. Eyre, johg Pittab's .'l`: Morgan, A. B. Borger, hi MARTIN, President. . PIANO, Vies President, rotary. 416-dtf William Martin ,. Edmund A. Bonder. Theophilus Paulding, tohu Penrose, hn C. Davis, ames Trequair, !Warn Eyre, Ir., James O. hand, William C. Ludwly, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, George G. Leiser. Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, 1 O LIA HENRY LYLELR . Sera 'FAME [INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. ••• 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORF °RATED APRIL. MARY THE STATE OF ENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISER, DIRIOTORS : Samuel Wright. IL D. Threes, Wm. W. Walters. J. W. Evermea, has. Richardson, retry Lewis, Jr., West, ac:b &Tout, Thos. Wil son. Maitin ff ,' I v enlo Stert OP. ROE W. DAY, President. JONATHAN J. SLOCIJAL Vice Pres% WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. jell -tr 1" ,IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- A-4pAxy.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. Northeast corner of TRIAD and DOCK Streets. Assets, 115902,135 26. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of tlife—gmnts annuities and endowments—puroluises life interests in Real Eatate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees Trustees. and Guardians. TRUSTEES. Samuel 8. Stokes, William Martin James B. rtleFailandl. Joseph H. Trotter, James Ruston. ro, eephilue Paulding, ..duand A. Sootier, panel L. Hutchinson, hn W. liornor, Ills 8. Anther, Samuel .1. Chnstinne Joeeph N. Thomas, Jahn O. Brenner, ler, Easton. , L. IIfILLER__, President. . STOKES, Vice Pre t. tarr. aulit-IT Hamel L. Miller, Benjamin enema, Richard B. Newbold, Wltham P. Hanker, William H. Kern, Samuel C. i ISney, l i arlem Hallowed, rtenry C. Townaena. olnhue Kent, Mien, H. Can, till r ia n nikotztaon. Warner I. Hagan P D . lg.' Nl Mioht iLEL HAIL. E JOUN W. Matron. Baena 1 tNikS UR A F N P OES yCOAMNJPAA-NiXYE OF T *H4E f i I STAT N E ORAN N E-s LV AIXOSAEOED- Chartered in IT 8100,000—Assets, Jemmy 1, 188,8317,40 6G7100. All Invested in word and available seoutitiet—oop tingie to Mime on Veleik ~ „S Cargoes, DmMingo, Moen or inecChltadlii. kO. CI, 'o , llttil terms. Henry D. Sharrert,META 01.81 Ueorge H. Stuart, 811110011 'Rob y . Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Maaalexter,"Fobiaa Waner, Witham 8. /Smith, Thomas B A Wattsom• 4 , t(p D. Bndll, Henry G. Freeman. llaam 11. W bitty o. Vartes 8. Lewis. HENTIrt. 811AraHD, President. WILLIAM HA A PF.R. lisoretanr. le e-v6n gi II °WARD FIRE AND MARINE IN81J• Ai RANCE COMPANY, No. DI WALNUT !WM. Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. I. W. I , 3 . lllthrin. Robt. W. D. Trzltt; 'II V. James. C. Wm. K. Ramh C. E. tipmarler. elm W. Beaton, 4, I. Rtmeton, William Reigns'. O. Alitehell. hit'll i tl'. ' igeloo E. S. Warne. ohn Clayton . John E. Addloke, TAlward tt. W rne, R. T. Kenai'. R. 11. Shillingtord, Thomas 1... Unbars. rresident—M. W. BALDWIN Seeretarr.—EDWlN BOOTH , P Vice reaideut—E. S. WARNE. . del/ rIANoIi. NM- STEINWAY SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND rrANOB, 134/1.14.RE ORAN D. AND SQUARE PMNO9, now pre ferred in concerts end in private ercles by the best performers. Rooeived the first prennt me over the best makers, from jodses like Gottimbelk,_hl,cson. end olbers. ClAllense ell competition. 13 btitHUs B OTHERS. lone CHESTNUT Street. HOLIDAY PRESENTS PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. P/ANO-FORTF.S, MELODEONS. PIANO-FORTES. MELODEON& PIANO-FORTES, MELODEONS. Made by Rayon, Bacon, & Co., Norm & Clark. Halton, Davy, & Co., and °therm J. E. GOULD , BEllle. - NTH and CLIESTNITS. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIAIOB. OHOMAOKRR & 00., 1031 CIIESTNU Street, respectfully invite the Mule loving nubile to call and examine their new and sue easefulimp_rovement— * TRH PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Raving couverted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Orand Piano into that of a Square instrument, avoidins anti.. objections generally. made tq the style of Grand Piano, also dirniinalung the oust of the same. In volume, purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, and snivels of touch, with exquisite deb -1115111111011."="1111T1FULLY-FIN11311RD IN. EiT hIENTB are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums. and are pronounced by crams 6'l far en penor to any instruments ever manufactured an this country. Constantly on hand, a litrg_e and elegant assortment of oar unrivalled PIAN OS. we have been awarded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding the re Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New Y0rk.1863. sel-tf MEDICINAL. ]JO MORE PILLS, NOR ANY OTHER AIEDICINF..—For constipation. dyspepsia {indi gestion), nervousness, flatulency, phlegm. biliousness. hoer gomplaints. hysterin. neuralgia, sleeplessness, acultt), Congestion ; blood to the heed, heads. km lose of memory, indecision, nervous fancies, ralpitatlon, heartburn. eruption., impurams, fevers, Irritability, low spirits, therrlitel. dysentery. noises in the head and ears debility. olialootes, Pam. between the +boulder., cramps, spurns, name, and sickness, sinking. bbl, colds. catarrhs, °gush, asthma, bronchitis, consump tuie, debility soot. rheumatism, hie nalr rhoids. r RlTtedelloloLl3 Health Rectories Food, THE RE ALEN A ARABICA, a. a cost of a few cants per Ines , speedily eradicates the ablwe oisessee, also cluldren's nipsrptaints. nod saves fifty times its oust in medicine. it noes not interfere with a liberal diet but imparts a health, relish for lunch and dinner and re stores the faculty of dttestion ..nd,nervoui ant muscu lar energy to the must enfeebled. IVe extract a few out of cd.ocp wee: Cure hlo.Hfl. Lord BMW de Daniel, of many MITI . &riot aso 0r,14,816 neare Rev. lame. T. Campbell, ferderatusgs Rectory, Fakenham, Norfolk. Deo. 1/189. Gentlemen : I have long known and appreciated the virtues ol lid Barry's Revalonta Arabian rood At one tme I t, 01. it for eighteen months_Land whenever feel unwoll. I tale it for breakfast. When taken by HOW In this way, it invariably relieves the stomach and prepares it for oilier locid; while at the lame time it. llye, the bailout sood a breakfast Mhe coin donna. ti ri g cappx,,l indigestion. and portion arty w en the iver is more then usually affeeted consder it the best of all remetbee. It regulates the Wu and makes it flow nt coin, 'widish Would nut admit o f f mercury in any shape. In hers. a healthy now o is one of its earliest and best lIYMetOIIIII. You can make what use ,t pleas, of this communication. I ern. gentletnea, )aura. JetancT• esteem-Lt. Cure No. 49 &1 Fifty years' indogeribabte abort> iron) il)spopeni. neryousnetob abtlitila, carrot,. eonetleebee. Synalne, sieknes4 u nt v , ouun bare been removed by Ira Harry's exeollent F cod. 'M rut Cure No. 475, 1.1 Mr. Serpent -at-LW IN dicing ; I have taken the Revaleots Arobica Mr the teat elf weeks and have groat plecaurc in bearing wane.' to its odfcceY. For ) ears before I hod rouge to the egeet lent food I had been tormente, morn or lees by dy s pepsin. 1 am now emoy log per ea. digestion. and All the comment advantages, I MO . , cry dear sir. your trBll,lll .t.Va n keldm.„ l l. ' s i t ' i L re tl D ' u ' k i e r. ;rllialk l o . ;o., of dretumein. constipation. nervougnees, and liver cam- Plaints, which had 'mated all baths and magical treat ment. Cure No. Vail. Miss Elinal'oth Jnzola. of extreme nervousness. indigestion, t atheringl, low spirit", end nervous fancier. Similar testininnials from Dr. 17re, Dr. flamer. Dr. rihmtand, )Jr. Canipell, and IMAM thousand other re spectable parties Who onn be referred to Pecked with full instructions in can stare. $1 tO to 811. The Inner carriage free on receipt of ensh Sold at the Re vnie nta Arabic.. food lispot,ll3 South Third erreet, Philadelphia. be If. 111 UNIV.), Primo pnl Agent for the United States. Tr. Purvin. Jr., Chestnut end Twelith streets, G. L. tireckhouse. Eighth itld Green streets. J. Ilarkinson and B. Clarke. Main 'treat, Germantown; and th 'dash all Grocers arid Chemists. TUE ALL-SUFFICIENT THREEI TRIESEMAR, 1, ands. Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England. and secured by the fleet of the F.eole de Pharmacia do Paris, and the Imperial College of Medicine, Vienna. Not is Invaluable for exnaustion,spermatorthces,and all physical disabinties. N 0.9 colopletely eradicates all Ulnas of thou diseases that have been hitherto treated by the nauseous and per nicious use of °ovum and cuhebe. N 0.3 has entirely supplanted the an'ttrious nee of_nter oury, thereby motion tbe sufferer apeedY reliefie -Parsing all Indnunttea, and rooting out too venom oftlis eftnlESEMAß, Nos. 1, 2. and 3, are crenated in the form of a losengei devoid of taste and smell, and can be canted in the weletenat pocket. Sold In III) oases. and divided into separate doses,ae administered by Vely ogi y, Lalleniand. Rour,_ icord, he. Prier 6 3 each, or four eases for +99, whioli save. $3; and in 627 oases, who's by there to a saving of /9. TA be had, wholerelo and retail, of Dr. BARROW, 194 lileocker street, Now York. Rohl also at Retail by CALLAN Dr:R Si CO., corner TIMID and WALNUT eitreet,n and by T. W. DYOTT & SONS, dig North RECONII /treed., Wholesale and Retail Agorae (or fennel 1451 dam 749 LLICKOFFER'S ANTI-R.IIEIIM ATTU CORDIAL-91R I have been afflicted with rheu matism for A long period—a portion of tl.e time Lind no use of my limbs. Tried lour Cardin), nod in three di4 1 vas able to walk down stairs, and :n week the p sin entirely belt me. Ido cheerfully recommend the Cor dial to those who are Afflicted with that dreadful com plaint. Yours, Jas. W.Pflosni A, Broker, 611 Pine Prepared by THEODORE DILKS, Cheroot, N. E, opener PINE and SIXTH Ste. 014-3 m TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN NIER z- CHANTS.—VAN ROPE.--4 k ta t r u g i ttitgr ev:Zatooc of k roan n o. Rope , inofor " I' VaVrt, FITLER. CO. dllO W. lira or. an t i tl Whe rvoi• DRAWING AND PAINTINti MATE RIALS. Engineers' and ArAbitflote Stationery, Grecian l'aititrt alatonals, foliohwianta eet t gns nogg qint .M. 10.1 or Ltuldren, and also for Artists and tla ents. lotliree and Picture Prime!), vas Cards. Amerman and French, wens* gratis to the trade. SCHOLZ & 4A.N.ENTZKY. dims', .10 Wlll &WM. WiLIABOALE AND 1113 TAIL. otktin SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY, W. No. MARKET BTR} B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 CHESTNUT STREET. ccpposite the C 440121 HMSO. beta eau F'OUITH and FIFTH Strasta BALI OF FINE FASHIONABLE FURS, FANCY c.. &n. On Monday Morning, January 90th, commencinz at 10. q, o'clock, conststins nt the usual assortment of lure, in sets of two and threo pieces; fine mink sable half rapes and roods YAM'S far eft" and glove': fine; wolf, boar, and raccoon robes; Eno plain lined buffalo robes, Ao. SLEIGH AND CARRIAGE ROBES AT PRIVATE HALE. Now in .tore, at private sale, 50 Hudson Bay and Prat Ile wolf, hoer, raccoon, and genet belay robes, plain and lined buffalo robe.. CJ. WOLBERT Sc CO., AUCTIONEERS, 0 519 ARCH Street. between Fifth and Sixth. PCO IMPORTER PEAR TREES. This Morning, 28th tut, at II o'clock, at our mart, No. 819 Arch street, 0 French pear trees, all selected, and of the best known varieties; imported direct from the grow ers. and just landed at New York. sr May be examined earls on the morning of sale. FANCY PIGEONS. Also, a lot of fancy pigeon.. ipoIIIILIP FORD & CO , AUCTIONEERS, J No. MO MARKET Street. and All MINIM Street. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS AND enoEs, FRENCH CALF SKINS AND BOLL LEATHER. On Thursday Morning. February Yd, at 10 gr k will be sold by analogue, on four s credit, I COO oases men's, is)). , and youths' fir Quality calf, grain.eil file 's boots and brogan.; men and boy.' Congress tens. calf and patent leather ; Oxford ties. ladies and ices' boots, shoe,. ratters. slippers. gum overshoe' Acc., em bracing a large and desirable assortment of city and Fastern manufacture, worthy the attention or the trade. At the commencement of male, an invoice of French calf ektne and oak to.e leather. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. AIONEY TO LOAN.* 8230,000 to loan, In age or small amounts, Oh stook., gold and ether plate, diamonds, watches. jewel ry, fowling pieces. dry goods, clothing. groceries, ob. gent • hardware, cutlery, musical instruments, furniture, bedding, horses, vehicles, harness, and on all arttoles of value, for any length of time agreed upon, on more nor's! tetras than at any other establahment is thia city. ORBAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. At private sale, splendid piano forte, in nab rosewood case, cost eak; price 5160; fine 10 caret gold hunting cane patent lever watch, double time and independent anomie, only $133; fine gold hunting-case English pa tent lever watches. or the most approved and best makes, from 836 to 8100; fine gold double bottom En lish patent lever watches, beet make. from ISO to 810; fine 18-caret hunting-cage detached patent lever watches. 13sewels, from 813 to 836:open face do., from 810 to SV.I; fine 18 - caret gold Lem. e /minute eels Eetches at 820 •, open face do. , train 3310 t 0.410 ; surer nglish patent lever watches, in bunting Cates end double bottom, of the most approved and best make, from 810 to SE; American homing case silver patent lever watches at arm; hunting ease slaver duplex watches ; ditto double time. from au is 410; hosting cue silver lever watehea. NIL Jewelled, winds without a Icor, from die to SKI; Lemma do., from 813 to 816; hunting cars silver detached laver watshis 13 jewel., from 8 0 to 12; open face dq., from tppi• case silver Lawrie watches, 101 l Iswesnid. nun • to 310; open taco do., from 83 to .6; silver qua Pt watohes, from 83 to es ; silver French watches :om 81 to 93; gold patent housing case and Open face lever and Lepi ne t English, Swiss. and French Rohe., from 9110810; fine gold vest. fob, and neck chaliellat CO cents per dwt.; fine gold vela of oar-rings, breastpin. and bracelets; bands, Saner tinge, and Jewelry, of every de 'crimson. for less than half the towel gelling proses. *scoYee tooan, to Clint. to shits pyttynate s . on__dre mat every kind o f soothe, at lees rattle,/ eamenti men ani other establishment In DOOR u UTBALES Attended to personally by the anotioneer, at very low °barges. CONBIOENTB 801ApITED. ...?.onalicumtota of al end every kind fir goods solicdted tUbll9 Sale ; tw o-ta trds Ilia value of the goods will be advanced ia Intimation of the BMA, cabmen NATHANS. $801,6,18 157 SHIPPING. TIER BRITLSII AND NORTH balk% AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- 'om NEW ToIR TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage 0130 Seoond Chin Passage—.__.. Is 110 X BOSTON TO LIVIEVOOL, Chief Cautu Passage— en) Beoond Cabin Passage— .. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Harbor. PERSIA, Capt. hidlanz, CANADA, Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA; Casa IddlaT ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott, NIAI3ARA, CapL Andereon, AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white usat at mast-heed; green on starboard bOw; Felon port DOW. ARABIA, Stone, " pnrork. Wednesday, Jan. 11. EUROPA, Leitoh, " Boston,Wednesday. Jan. te. AFRICA. Shannon. " N York , Wednesday. ion. I AmMucA, Millar, " Boston, Wednesday, Feb. g. ASIA Loth " re Ycirk,lV'edoesclayi Feb.ls. CAIcADA, Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, Feb.2l. Berths not secured nit]] paid for. An eoperienned Surgeon on hoard. The owners of these ship. will not belecountable for Bonl v ,r, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Me unless bills of lading are storied therefor and the e thereof thermitem NA mied For freigktor pas sage apply to it. CU, . BowlathewGrnk. PHILADELPHIA CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OFATRE ABOVE. NAMED OORPOILATION, NV. 8 BUIRCIIIANTS' EXCHANGIL At 10 ceolook A. 01., tkittentber 70410/9, Ma Nitrat ing zentlemen .ere or.animouelT elected Directors the Common TIC GEORGE H. STUART, H. MORRIS WALK, MATTHEW W. BALDWLN, CHAS. MAOALRSTIR, ass JOHN EDGAR THOMSON the BOOKS of BCB3CRIPTIOft o the CAPITAL STOCK of Mid COMPANY are now open at the above named Ofdoe. where all Demme favorable to the enter /gee are rat pectrally Invited to ettbacnba. WA( aFOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.- NEW YORE AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The United States Mall Steamships ASAGO, :A) tons, David /4112811, Commander , and FULTON, 3 tons James A . Wotton, .Commander, will laws New Yors, Havoc, and Southampton, for the year 19,3, on thefollowing days : To meet new Teen irements of the Post Moe Depart ment, the days of sailing of the ARIGO and FULTON from HAVRE and SOUTHAMPT N. will, after their present voyages, be changed as Dolma from NEW VON K, save in the case of the present departure of the FULTON, which will take place on the 77th December, the sohedule remains unaltered: TAMIL:JEW 1010. VAS AND SOUTHAMPTON. FULTON....Deo.II. F ARAGO. den. 7. A Al3o. 31.... Feb. FULTON - - -Feb. S. F . ULTON . -_lPip b.te ...lee. NS. ILRAGO..-... Mc h. S. A RA 0 0_,.....M0b.27-.Mett. SP. F ULTON....Mob. 31. F ULTON....ApI. 24 ...Apt. 20. Therm steamers, built expreuly for Government ser vine, with double engines, under dealt, every attention has been taken in the oonstrnotion of the bull and ma chinery to insure safety and speed. The ships have five water -tight compartments enclosing the engines, so that in the event of collision or strandmg. the water could not reach them. and the pumps being free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would r se cured. Recent experience has de moue traesd the abso lute necessity of this mode of eottruction. Tne neco,emodstions for passengers are behaved to combine every comfort and convenience that can be de sired. From New York to Southampton or Havre—Flat Cabin. SI.M; Second do.. $75. From Havre or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, 700 francs ; Second do.. 3 forms. To passengers going to London these steamers offer the eulvantage of emp.only both to tame and expense. blooMe delivered in Landon. No Demme secured until paw, for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and nein pn re mesa pass thraus e h a t p h p e l P o it Othoe. Dit I.Y'/ P Cl7.gent.f Rroadirsy, New York. WILLIAM ISAL , Agent...Havre. CROSK EY & CO , Agents, Southampton. AMERICAN LU.ROPLAN EXPIt Kw.' COMPANY. Agent, Pans. NEILSON. Agent, Office, Tobaceo Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT Streets', Philadelphia. Plans of the ships eon be Seoll. net- Grdi.ll its STEAM DIRECT TO ALL pA 8 OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IE i PRIITCE GERMAN Y,__ THE HABI./ G Ahl E ICAN PA_QICRT COM PANY"B IRON MA STEAMSHIP& HAMMO lA, Ca t . F. Behwensen. M i nkfAti g ttneili r s a imma. BAVARIA, Capt. H. Tanbe. TEDTONIA. Capt. H. Eneeq. These Steamers are all first-alas. gejyda-built vassal/it are intended to sail from Pier 31, North River, N. as follows P LONDON, 80 1 MON, HAVRE, AND NA The 'lentil POTIPT I roe horsy stelmablv BO- R?aglA. %Apt. N. Trautman, BAB tons bullion. Will sat as above BATURDAI. DECEMBER Slat, at lio'elpok M. Passage, including Railroad Fare Dorn Philadelphia to New t ork, and from Southampton to London. rat 1, 41,4_40 I 85.,0. - ‘rid Cabin... lie !Steerage...B3a Fi The e IIORGBSIA will De succeeded by th e following 84:tathei M m: HA AMNIA-- —. WE prf'ESD Ali, February 1. XONIA. —...THL 118 DAY. March 1. TB --..TH gaDA.v. ?dare!' M. BA VAR1A........ ...MO 80, April P1i44011111111 roman* to Liverpool, Dublin, Del- Lau fork, Glasgow, Pane, and Antwerp, at throne' rates. There steamers are fitted op with unesuallegi atom ',iodations for trot, second, and third-class rauenters. The Second Caton neaommodatlons of these Ships are e tVtifigre! r OPptag 4 e=l e 7Plig ri londoci South ampton, Havre, and Namburn. to ,ets - ork. Parcels forwarded from Pnlitdelytda to all parts of Europe at reasonstile rates. Freight re sugad in rhgbuielphis will be promptly Wooded to by the New York Agent, and shipped free of alloornmusion. For Freight or Pasegge,appty exclusively to W. A. HAlirill. Agen. n2Ptr ° lY o o f rt t 4e al g MatTfillg AtaNUR THE SOUTH.-ORARUZ TON ARD SAVANNAH 5TE.113113H1343. F..:1011.T REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average of 11731111‘ percent. be low New 'ors Steamship rates. FOR CHARLESTON ,S. C. The U. 3. Mail Steamship REYSTUNI. STATE. Cap tain Charles P Marahman. WI on &tinder February 4, at )0 A.M. Through in 43 to SO hours NV 40 torus at Sea. FOR ElNAld, Ga. The D. & Ste m STATE OP GEORGIA. Captain John .1. Garvin. W il l "MI deot Saturday. Januar! Yd. at o'clock A. AL num:x.sh to NI to 4o boars, only 43 hours at Sea. Ofir &Wing days changed from every aitiirdsT to ;men five da d yt . Goods received, and 811111 of Lading signed ( 1170 migr,d,barst-otass sr -wheel Steamships REF STONE TA STAT OF GEORGIA_ now run u above every ten ys. thus ermine a five-day °omen q . oblation with Char anon aed Savannah. and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and B.yannahooile tut con nect with steamers for Fiends., and wan rear . for all plums in the South and noutherest. INEWRANCs. aliTmelt and losuranee on %tar, gepropoion Of Goods pped South will be found be lower b y these ship tbu t by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Fring_ht entirely annecesaary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad OR taking all nuke from these potent. OR EAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 23 to 461 par sent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, tog will be sap by the following sche dule. Through tickets from I hiladelphia ton and Savannah strearush imp, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except front Charleston =detain- I nab to Montgomery • MAIO P/1.13. ch&TlNltell ....-. eli 00 I char1a550n—................11/10 savannah.— 15 CO Savannah— -.. 51 00 ugusta__ 9000 Auinsta---- 1700 Alboo a......._.... 11 00 Itiaoon —.-.. 82 75 1 Atlanta----. 13 00 tlanta -- -. /100 lambua • VI 00 Jumbo'--__ dam bany -.-.. xOO blllll ................... pOO o .t a i r. m - . 7 -** SI 00 Niggtg.. - _,."...... - --...2 '42, Naval/tisane _. 89 75 New Orleans.— . ...- 11 00 No bills of lading . sisned after the ship has sailed. For frelght or Damara apply on board, at sadothd wharf above Ville street, or to ALEX. RERAN, Jr. Sonthwest corrisT r Fourga o nd p vte r , TN". dEents in Cha sato . . ._. tinvelrulah u . It tINT.KR 0: GASNELL. For Florida front Charleston,litsamor Carolina Scary T,eaday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary'a and t. John's. every :Cucuta' , and Saturday. NEW CROP NEW ORLEANS SUGAR 3Alll.l'fiuute&neCwoc.rWiPauSggettl.)r wale GUM tiIMIAUUM--Stvoneti. for sale by id 11 ° 519/A tz&SILITti BALES By AUCTION. M THOMAS & SONS, • 3.10 'ad 141 SOUTH YOUSITEI BTIEIISI. Periaerty Pros. al end 0.1 REAL ESTATE AN ia SToCKS. TLIEZDAY NEXT. At 12 o'c:ock • noon. Pamphlet catalogues( now regdy. oontslnint faD de semitone of all the properties to be acd. 7111,11.147 nest. SW January, et 12 o'euek. noun. ...V3 a hat of eaten 7th, 14th, and 21st Febtusry, compriang s !trio amount of property. ....gAßD.—pittir to SALES REAL ESTATE Anti a• =HB AT THE EXCELANGE.—fIaIata of real lee 'took/ even Tuesday, at the Exchange. wale Qontrawtors kering tea 01$1011 CA weer ea/a. Nu , mndbills of each .proportr mood sew - sum addition to whieh we pebitah. es the Saturday retr: age to the nefe °tie thousand eataforees. tat forte. mutt deacrinttons of all the provertiea to be wee on the ollowing_Tweattay. haveIZTATIs AT PRIVATE BALE. Rea • large amount of real estate at private sale, in lads every descrotwat of oily and eceiner7 property. Pn Mee hers long be had et the emotion *won PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. lir Real mate entered on oar private a xle register and advertised ocomionally tn our pewee...fa atetrxe ts (of whieh IRCeeoptea ant meted vaahtcof f aa Diener/. PALL 1361. Ea, STOCKS neiD REAL ESTATE. SRI Bale, 17. evening, at the Exchange. Igir Part of the handbill, for each of the atom Wet now ready. !MOCKS. LOANS. &c. Tuesday, • 31st inst.. at 12 o'cloc On k, noon, will ba sold at the Phi ladelphia Rich ante— seB2s Da!anus Mutual Insurance Company scrip of 84.9 to 1353. 835 Delaware Moths! Inzuraaes Company tote of 1.00. 1 share Philadelphia Li brarY. 1 share Mercantile Library. 1 annual share ill new shares) Ben Prartetato LAO Alsoaistion. itir7" Bale absolute. :STOCKS, LOAM, kg. On esday - , Feb 7 , at 12 °Naar*. up on will be DOLL At the 8k.% *ma I.xabsg4l-- For aeounot of whom it may mecum -7 Pools. et cuu each, Columba Coal and Iron Co. 3 coupon 7 per sent. bonds. $1 me each, of the 3!e- Cooley Mountain Railroad Company. REAL EBTATEGALE—IVO:ART 31. At 12 o'clock. noon. 0.- r•-•-• enle—r state of IN 'to am Camel dise'S. yenicz Dwygi.l.lNGS.-81.1 Slither-awry initial - end three frame dwell DM Germantown road Ur,: Mined street items fro. thens Liberties./ rlians' COWL tode—Estata or Meer Davitt.deed. IRR hDEEMABLE GROBND R ENT OF Bga A YEAR—par 01 ho—ouning not of lot +sect Coe of Be-- coed street, south of CNiatzt.near of taxes; secured byirsae4B9l.4UVVN-V"erotirRESIDENCE: with ride yard. North Broad street. west aide, abora Mauer. L i nt 30 by SOO fast. with two fronts. Hones M feet front, ninahed wilh every modem isupnyvencent .10 brick. stable and conch bona, on the missend of the lot, on Canal' street. Ifir Ste handbills. VALUA'oremptro7 Sale.—TWO LARGE AND BLEBUILDING LOTS. one at the northweit corner of Amber and hergeant Ursine. asilly fronts 00 the Brantford road and Lloyd street the other at the northeast corner of Coral end Sergeant Metes. with a. tront on Lloyd street, Nineteenth ward. The two to be SOLI as one lot, with *en fronts fir Sate athoicate TWO-it - TORY BRICK DWELLING. with biwk baild lugs, No 612 Cherry street went of Firth street. REAL ESTATrs 7th. At 11 o'clock. noon. Orphans' Court tale—Estate of Borden's minors. °LOT OP GROUND. sot:thereat Corner of Lessort. s VALUABLEets. West Philadelph.a. LOT. North Ftfth street. neat Artie. Le ir gtutroortfteiagdFrtisr Franklin s A r e e r e p t` t 'io A r ru e ttPs ".e , " Nr s fronts. with nen e dwelling emu stable. LOT North btxteenth street. out aide. ,bee taros , street "BTßH KITORY BRICK DWELLING, rest Ede of owan' street.north of Jefferson street. y NEAT MODIc.R.NIDWILLING. N 0.1114 South Fifth street, ttelow WltihliattOr street. Secosd ward. BUSINFI.B STAND.—Three 'tor , book tavern and dwelling. N 0.1161 Paw not Rossi. store Wharton az. Pemistery liate--by order or the Receiver. COLORED YAUr . DIGO. AND WARPS. A r TDB ARAIIINOO MI Ur, DEAR YRANKFORD. On Monday Alorrons, Jan 33, at 11 o'clgok, will be mkt at rublits sale. by or der of the receiver. at the Aramingo Milts near Brant ford. 1 ea lbs. blue and brown yarn, 131 lbs. red rare, laths. blue yarn. 213 lbs. gray yarn, 14 lbs. indigo to vats, al warps in looms. Sr Particulars in handbill,. A' Bale peremptory. Terme eash BTOCe .beeirer I Bsle—ian. eZ Arch, st..reet. OF LOOKINO GLASS AND PIGIURR FRAMES, ENGRAII:i6e, On Tuesday' Morning.. SW Enteral. at to o'eloce,at Na e...proht street, Er order of Joule ph Leto', liar.. receiver . the enure sPoek of ficusited and unfinished looking e•ass and gleture frames. Alan, a number of engravings. VI" to Full partieulars in catalogues three days Pfttini sale. Sale No. l&je n tstreitt. 'GENTEEL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, WI PETS. &n. On Wednesday ?demur. Feb. Ist, all° oltioeJr, at LW Otden attest. the set teal household furniture. CAMP% &11., at a tanulajli • cheina house keepu ttcc.. Also, yhe kitchen furcuttua. oir MAU be examtnett at 9 o'clock ra the mamba of the sale. Bal• at Atm awl South Fourth attest. ESUPS_RIOX PIMOITUR IRLNCH-YLATE RAMS, FLOG-POSTE, Bat tetELS CASPETa, On Thmsetey 31onuag. At 9 o'eloek. at the duettoe &ore, ea assortmeat of exeelleat seared Laud fan:Rare. elepat p.alo-krtea, firm totrrom. eariete L et a from amities dealaiet bouscreenuis, mama to U , NI store for ecerreaumee of oe. HENRY u TIONEER. I,EED3 & Co., .PC- IN NEW YORK. JINRDICOR'S abINTIAL BOER 8 17 . 1 1 1 ,4 8 1 414) a • r . iR f r a il d N AL l llAl t J L ittgEili OFVY.OII . 7(t l it i & R 1/711 11 P M r ' ir Y ilh k E tvizi THE E 1808 T EoLINI.BffT MIT 81N EU FOPS AND AM! RICA- - Will be sold at aneCon on the e reni era of 31st January and Ist February. At half put 7 o'cloc k. seek creme., at lb. brobronal Accdems of Depgn. Among she ilduatina are to be found those of Center, deaenbseb. Ro - hertsel,_ Ken tett, Purand, Coacear. Omer of Braman. Ed. Form Laminar,.e Si., Herong Yerboeekboven. i'coper, JUIVeS. Amen. .1f as Wm. ILut.GoTord. Bois efitoo. Blarwelt, E. Job ova Tait. G. H. Hall, Lilly U. bwicer. Pbattuck, and many others. The oboes evenings examined ot the above place. free. anti: tbe of sale, from 8 A. SE to 5P M.. ccd fmn, 7 le 10 B. - jalkormom-lt COAL. PERS LOOK TO YOUR H°infi 1 "r terSßest..Buy roar COAL AT RICKS'. where nothing but theeery beets - m*l3y or Lehigh aid Eeks3l - t.oal u offeretet tka tallow Its redeeed "netts. Rburlu 4 hATOkIIa. and Stars...--...S 4se r! tea,tea, f:ll l4 welette, el MatE Lard n , enathasi eee. r earner SIAASHALL wILLONT. ca asa W. GROOMS k CO. • Oboe Ida South FOURTH &mg.,. • WRARIP. PINE STR EET, scaunKahk. Dealers and Shippers 07 LOCUM MOlllltailf Letkb. Ind WM Cal COAL. Atarehaznline taken on wharfage. HI CKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN COAL..preputO with este, for ale to best Nrms. Apply at KNOWLES'S Depot. NES aadwiLl.nur streets st3-tt TH-I WEEKLY PRESS A NEW VOLUME I TEE WEEKLY PRESS entered ups4t a Now Vo lume with the New Yew. To aaT,mersb, that oar papal has been nonce/era!, would be to eve far too weak and indefinite as Wen, of oar noai don—for, not only /as TUB WEEKLY PRESS been eatablialted on a secure an.l permanent foals./ stint. bat it ix, in reality, a marrellons examile of the deg re a of lavor vbtoh a rightly-ooruluotett LITERARY, POLITICAL, A,ND NEWS JOURNAL oan reeeive at the hands of a Liberal and enlightsbed public. Our most grateful thanks are tendered for the patronage already bestowed upon on, and we shall spurn no efforts 'hick may serve to render the parer even more amateurs, useful, and tonalar is the future. ThAPOLITICAL course of THE WhEKLY PR E d need not be enlarged upon here. Independent, steads, and fearless, it has battled, unwararinaly and goalous ly, in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and Whir and tyranaioal leglianon; ever dcelsring and adherint to the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY conati notes the fundamental bowie of oar free irstanaions, and that the intelligence and patriotism of oar citizens will always be preservative of a wise, inst, avd sala tau Gov. arameaL Tbess ars: the principles to which THE WEEKLY PRESS has loan committed, and toeless it vall adhere. OUR NEWS COLUMNS ,nll...tien. to be the subject of unremitting *ere and attentioe, and all diligence be empioyed to make this peps a oompendium of all the pm:impairment* of fare - rest whi,mesanseire at home and abroad. The SiVERART character of TEE WEEKLY PRESkticor universally acknowledged to be of an cis vated 'Mau, ehall Oct only maintain its present huh steadies, but shall be enhanced by important and rent a- U. oontribusiona from aVe writer.. Deeming PL - r.17 T or WORM.' the meat alter nude private her enears,l public proenanty, we shall enrefaliy expLiile from Our columns everything which may resaotably le piti ;c .pip7 to re the SCOT. of improper taudzguy. rhe he'ca pure literature afford sufficient marcrial to reeks en AO CEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER, coatatt.rc the elements of excellence. without a on atria ; and the proprietor of the TEL L r PRESS MIT eskum that no peal Of IL family need hesitate to list ate aflame to under the nouns of skur member of his household. fro.. The general features of the paper. In addition toga POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS, Poetry. Skoteties, Ricer's/iv and Driven! and - jetted Ten, chosen for their lessons of hfe, illustra tion of history. depict - eve cf manners, and senora' merit—cod adapted. in the.r variety, to the tastes at both sense and s i lt ate.. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Due can Intl be taken to furnish cur re±dere Tr.th correct and !eatable report/ of the produce and uatta markets. made up to the kites: hou-. Among the Agreeable varlet! of ardelta in staae for the pritmes of TFLE WEEKLY PRE1. 4 .8, u taaS to mentioned that ire shall coatmecoe, IA oar Ns. Volume, the publiostion of TRIALS AND TRIIIMPits : Da. ANCIENT TIMER IN OLD VIRGINIA; an Original Noreatte or surpassing in!erest, 11 1;:ti21 Ly an author of seknoristised anday. Tn• cary ari'd rna through wTsial number' of the rata,. and Le. to worth more than the lam retained for a reo r's subscription. In a word. It will be The endeavor of thecae winteercal to make TRK WEEKLY PRE.SB conwsue s ivrmts FAMILY JOURNAL. ealtodying all tie, Diseraz!er.et.ie of a earefußy-prepired tewapaper. oar Subsenytions are respectfully admited. To Mose who propose patronmine the "WEEKLY IRESS,I promptitude in forwartlina their orders tx. the Now Ifoorme a earnestly recommended, u, taw present indications, it is believed that larva as the editlon may be which will be printed, it will not long be to furnish back noinners, in which ease disappu.ntment must occur. . . TERMS One Copy. one yea- . _ al Three Copies. one year. Po Five Copies, one year.... .._ P to Ten Copes, one yeas.-... (Si Twenty Copies, to one address, at the rate of SI per annum- Twenty Copies, to one address of each sub- Any person sending us a Club of Twenty or more, wil be entitled to an ex:recopy. NV a eonticue to send THS WEEKLY PRESS to Clergymen for SI. Subscriptions may commence at any time. T l / 1 31 always cash, sn aovance. All Letters to to add/awed to JOHN W. FORNEY No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, P Xx. ETTA_ CALCUTTA TWINE.—Just receiTeda ruperior lot of Not A ttaraff i nf fir Iva , r. 4121 r 1 1 ,16 neat. and a iYassTei,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers