=NM 14NANCLU. AND : COBIffiEItCIAL. • - The Money . Blereket: • • - • Vtinannutile, Sanitary 27, With abetter feeling at the Stoek Board this wanting there wig still but a limited business transacted. - Raid ing' Railroad shares sold at 1936 at the first beer& but &wed weaker. City loans are Min at, 103h' for the new and 99 for the old 'gene. State Eves sold at Ols• North PennsylvantWahares are at 194; the ten per cent. chattel Ittertgete Weal area shade Inglier. Jelling to-day at 99. kg. Of Chestnut and Rtainut-streate etook sales were made to-day at ISM, And of Spruce. and Pine-et/cent shares at 10.' The polies of the citywers lntiil9 engaged, fora little while this 'evening. notifying the etorekeepers alone their rearperawe beets to beware of a new eounterfeit Ave- 0 814n lull, purporting to be on the Mount golly Bank, New ' Terser.' Several attempts. we understand, Were made Oda afternoon to put them in oironlatton. The counterfeit detectors are no sootier issued than a. new fraud is thee sprung upon the nubile. The following testimony, given by Nathaniel Marsh, Esq., the receiver of the rew York and Eris Railroad, before a select committee of the 'law York Legislature, on the subject of pro rata freights, - Oentains some re nierkabie views which are well wortenoling, as coming front a practical railroad man cf enlarged views and cul tivated Intellect. -- Mr. Mande stated that - They could not compete with other made under pro INSta. The competing roads would carre ell the Western freight by bidding one oent under their advertised rates. either could they compete with the road of the Great Bend. or at Aurora, if the present rates *honed for Car prior rank over the °einem portion of the road were pro rata lot freight+ over the entire berth of the end: it Would make fretehte from Dunkirk not aLltvdollers per to end /hoard freights be pro reed from - the West tit table for which they could be obtained,it would bring rates for the milk to a Seine that would not pay one fourth the expense of trenopoilint it He coroodered that if Foreland or env other ina•boerd nity, see red totter femilities for internal trate° than New Pot it would take thitexport trade from the latter city He ed been mekurr-inentries of traneettentio steam earner.- n les ebont rates that they would carry geode and pro rtilne to Europe for. and he found them Unwilling to en ter into a combination upon rates that , could enable them to briar the trade of the West for Liverpool over the ark. road In comma. Rion With the Grand Trunk f*a t i i : The Jailer were making minegernento for a still a ' r sr redaction. They were nifonne greater bonitos ar t a Livening freight@ advanoes made upon the t h roleng be the &rents or the r o ad —thin nekine a mar st for them at onee. did lint regard Portland as t reel irolnt. bat Hubei). -T e gleenienAonneoted with that road were to corr.{ fre gbh' from uebto at thirty alultinas sterlint , per ton. or about 4 inv.-two rent, v-r one hundred pound,. or fourthclass rates With Insurance. the manic as from New _York. That w e much cheaper then t e Now.• ark rates. Under a pro torn I w_Gin New brignods - could- not carte one Milled of the fixeren,' fro ghte." If the pro rate Iry Ie lensed he should collect all tbe fan e in hie power,d prepeet the matter to the RoprOMO Court —otating en le teebititi to work a road under it and ask for their ad *o. The fimnd rnink vied wan considered a ,1 concern., The aid from the Government was wen to intemve the nanedne. and build up a werful inde pendent nation nor h lio*, •us to ant as upon tilts country.s recent annverserimi that be bad with a Prom neat aid Inilaeutixt Englishman, he asked elm what he thritieki of the Grand Train ass railroad- The Yell, was that it witanot looked unit- in Berland as mimed. but RS a poilt43l powor lho Oanadian Aeon- Aires were all guanintied by the 0 Irarnin.nt: r • The following is, the _mourn Of coal shipped by the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad, for the weekend ing Jarman' Mt lint, ' Tons. Flapped for the week enalne:Wedneeday.. 3 DiS Amount shipped pronOttaly this year....-• • • Total this year.......... : Bente date buit -tsars/Ise. 2,051 The following ill the &menet of Coal trantiorted on die Philadelphia and Reading Railroad dazing the week ending Thursday, Inanity ea. Ineo - From i 0 3rt Csrbon.: ........ ....... ottssillo.. ......... ........ • has li ill flatten.. i .. ..... . Auborq . : FOrt Clinton f,iSsiOsi Tottl gy for th . one week............ is seer 11.896 189039 0069 to same time hut year 00 agIidAMS.LPILIA Irria BEaBAII9B saLar lemur, !7.110. `, • , - trim at 8e lt. BLAYXI.I,IIMi SUX Maine 110:14t• .••• • • FIRBT BOARD. 7060Crtas 6i sig 6 rar & Muth 11k.... M% 166 ity 3 600r6, - 103 , 6 36 61orriatawn AR lota—co pro nyl NI6P 6087" 01 - IV Oa* a Wal-st R... 701‘ 601 N PAnnt I. M.. i. 6; 10 Meirri6 c_anol..el• di 48% 3 Mirlehill R........ 61 ."6 Girard 'Rank...—. oh' 741 • 6 lb Palma R- ' balm V 160 R Itaborn&mt 1 1 4 Mon &Am 11.•36./11' 210 6. 66 13i St d 0........—. 34077 16 Far & Meoh MC... 66 4 do 66.121 • 16 a 0..—.. 66 BETV7BB7 MOO Riiiidum R Cia 70.. 1 . 8.%* )(,":1 , d 0..., wil - • , SECOND BOARDS. •20 Common'r'tb 8k.... Bi IBS Hazleton coal_ 4 /5 BMW.' SO Norriatown SO a Chet & Wig et A.: IS 13 ... 21 , , A I nehin .. 133 76 9 Sfi ruoe ine.ot 0. 3 10 masleton - LS 4000 g..am 90 490069 76 MO 951m1ra clog 109 ad .. 21 SW , do • .... 21 % ." do t • .... 21 • mao 19 0 , o.digs '93 tots 88 39 _ high play-- .. 19 . 6 renns .11,..—.... 0,61 CLOWN° ritiogs—ersAilf, BUT DULL.. /fid. s /skad. "" - But. Asks& 6%.110 M— .—.. 99 Ite Naver...llK 18 '• .. Rh , — . :in Ir, V% Int x t roWrlg i e ten,,,,.. --•-•-•-•.-92 9941 " Ildr21:11% - 12 g /1........1.2•K UN (616a16 ~..is .DV bd. 360 ....931 - 78S. P9ll .17001 Bar, 99%1 "'"awrt 60 '411.93 - 94 I Forum X.-- 0 ss, " go ' 116 7 '• 61511 ':: , Gil ..:...., .... AS. 94 iiniiis t l ia ... i. ......l6g Lit.0,1 4.„........14,55; -, i , Montt .0,46.76,nt. - 46 B .. " : . , qt. IT' t. 4. _'6l7‘ Ics • '• prerattorao6 109 '214104211-11111.212 ^99 ' Solinsplay di '139 - .009( ON, mAeic ine-i6a11.66 99 stook- 0 7 GI . . T___.....Ty. I'l' ICI • briassrlso OokaaeroNDraCa.—We yesterday Yaidiebal a oommunioation over the signature of canialnine eartain queries respecting statements that here been heretofore published in this journal with reference to the brisinesi transacted et Mr. A. Eshleman's Cravat Store (bio;d2S Chestnut street. Jarsa'a Rail) popularly known as the world-renowned 0.P.. E. C. (These initials, by the way. notetthstendins oat explanation of them on one or two occasions, con. tines to be the 'Ojeda as much inquiry &Obis acre as 'nth! ersanixelittn.".4ismtxtv.l to-day - We tifhlifurit .4mr 'jailers trankinly to the questions propounded rasiptday. which vllloloubtless, he found both satisfac tory to "Meninges ". and interesting to the general leader. Bat we will let G. P. r. C. speak for himself. VIE BREARERB BR9KEN. tPor The Preseil Ds ttlfolagegass t It gives to molt pleasure to an. ewer" eon:Mentions!'" the queatiout ao moo:Wily put IQua through yesterday's Prom Question No I.—Wo answer by eating, let the eleven thousand cravats' ?peak for theresalver, corroborated by as m nr thousand goad-loolblit count sent/elm who Vim them. and The Press. a sheet tont knows ttO falsehood, We Were too Way that day to keep tally, but were told by a mend of ours, whore veraottmonnot be impeached. that lie counted eft Annetta andorty gold to one haw that day, by the watch. We were open from 1 o'olnok A. M. until 11 P. M.IIT hours.) Now, a little mathematioal nalcu ation will give the exact number sold. Question No.2.—We did not sell 20.000 Patent Eon. nulled Collars in one month; but we did sell (retail) ft SO in one month, at the 0. P. E. C Cravat Store, nun Chestnitt street. Qtl.leloll No. S.—Our " equally ridiculous and norrl idea" of a ehoapir•dreesed spruce pins—if You Please (sot" cedar bush"ldid increase our sales more than double thirty dollars a day during Ite perambulations in the city, or something rift did. Possibly it was all ow let to the grant variety and superior quality of our cra vats end the eadasdinglY low Price at which we sold them. Anything that will soothe our friends' .feelings wilt suit us. Baty° really nattered ourselves that it pram on account of that " ridionlous" tree. Question No. —We can, we think, beat the Jews. Ike Gentiles. and ears other person not wilting"so ficinad kt lice," sailing cravats. scarfs, ties, patent enamelled collars. and gents' famishing goods gene rally. "But as for how los do it," in the language of Stm Nnitiortal Bliskspesre, " Thereby hangs a late." But a fair Jaw twisters for Mr. " Monello.; r" lst Why did you net givens your real same.' • E. Do you keep a forniehing store in the eity t 'Sd. Do you sell scarfs, cravats seek•tiee, collars, toe. 4.33 4th. Do we "hurt roil moth, Bub ?" G. P. E, O. MILICIO73 COMMCTIONEIII29.—The bones of Monts. E. G. 'Whitman & Co.. Second street, below Chestout, has long been popularly, known as the chief emporium and merufactory of pure confections in this elty. They have obtained this reputation by rtnatly de- Winos It, in anti the finest quellty of ineredi cute, and perlng the oloseet attention to door. To en- Pay their delletoue goods onto to to make the eaquiunt in ea of alumni which ilothing else can take the place of again. " HAIM Bounorle."—This is tie title of the bed faintly seeing rrealiine out. The agent for it is D. Baker, No ro Arch street. The merits of this estebnited Instrument have been publicity ark now 'edged on various °muttons', 'and to all who have not Yet Bemired one we would hay. "Be wise, and do so without delay." - ' Tag greatest learning Is to be seen in the greatest pleinnese." as, for exempla, HertinentriFrank. line the great philosopher. 'Maclain e and economist; he was pro'olent In every underteklag. ar d every ela tion he fl led was performed with honor to hie - self, his ferrate, and hie bountrY. Ile also beeusathed to poste :lt/0w useful precepts whereby he li .ed find noted, snob Se "lake rare of the twat, the poised: will late tare etkontelvos ;" "A veiny a day is a groat a year;' , " filar and anon ;PCs the puise // youth knew - what ate moukt grave. it 'would kork get and tare ;" •' Mars fe no Companion- like the dollar;" "A dollar Sated is steal to two earned!' " Hs that lett doll' owtt4,llitt he IXat kept d'th mere, " and they who de pend their money. at 6 per eenti inttreet, In the Fronk.. Paving Fund, N 0.136 South, Fourth street, below Atesetnat, Philadelphia ate sure to prosper. hie Oaring Fund pays on demand, and weer sus tended. FAS SdilltiSliMilat in another minim. IF -Torn woos To (IST a superb engraving. and, perbaphs viteutble oil painting, ',absentee immediate p to he Costnepolenin Art Ageomation. It will. rest you but three dollare—and the engraTing 'hey give you is worth at !cast ten. You also get a beautiful tallgagnal for Dal year, and a chance in the annual sward of pre ' maims.* This year there are Ave hundred oil paintings and statuary. Bogy Co.& Co.ore the WOO. 'OOlllO/ Df Fifth and Chestnut. Remember, the original painting of the Village Blacksmith, whioli alone cost over three - thousand dollare, is to be given this year. A PLA3 pox ORGANIZIPO TUE Holl33.—Gapteln Botbdil onne rnneefved n notable plan for bringing an enemy to terms, by beatific his army in instalments. He proposal to lissome viii expert swordiman, and to ohalle4) the enemy to single combat, and kill them off at the rate of twenty a any. Acting on this hint, we suggest that, between the bailote, the meinbers of Con nell come to - lihibulelphis ten at a time, and procure for themeelves new, elegant. and comfortable garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhlll & Wil son, Pros. 603 end 605 Chestnut street. above Sixth. If they do riot get a Speaker In this way, they will at leant secure themeelves elegant snits of clothing, which will be a good deal gained. Onion oie Memos B.—Alfonso the Eleventh, surnamed the Avenger, King of Gmbh). weal born in' 1310. and died on the 96th of !derail, 130). Edward HT, King of England. made him, in 1340, a present, not con siderable in appearance, bet which became one of the Priming sources of the opulence of Spain. This wee a small honk ci the finest English sheep, of which the race, Immensely multiplied down to our own dap'. produces thOse.lrierineell of Spain, which have acquired so great renown, and are now so, extensively used in the menu , feature of, woollen goods. In turn made up into faahion able clothing at the groat clothing mart of Granville Stokes. No. 601' Cheeinut Wool. atAitirip' INTELLICIENCE. 1111114 POURT.II PAGE, . . . teematde Delaware, Cannon. 71 hoe from N York, ,i th nittee and ammonite!" to James Aliderghon. Bohr. Caroline. cornea, 3 days from durum River, gl, with 001010 JesL Bewley & Co. C o. Marian, ernith, Rio de anetro; ltnetei, Ife - whall k Co. Mt Lean Wiling, Clartali. Balliedore, .A. °roman SY TELBOILAPS., • (votTOOpoollenoo of TAIS PrOal.) Zw Yosl. Jan 41. 41 1 ,tifid , ilziP /1/41.0481r11,910440114195ictitt0, , , • MEMORAND A, .• . • emeitgAlp 'Phintattlirkraine raattlMl, (Toro lioatoefilas tart,' for rblarielphia. 9W*ll.lp loonabee, HOMO, ham. arrived at New On Red cleared to Tatum. 2 !hip Spirit of the Times. from IA venmel for Bombay, 14 days out, wee Emotion 14th ult. hit 30 long 25. AMP Ocean 1131r1, Chandler. from Bordeaux for New °Mani' exiled from Plvmonth eth lost. Ship -Franklin Raven, Seam from Liverpool, arrived at Calcutta Nov 29. Ship Mien Hood, Milky, from London, arrived lit Mel bourne Nov 2d. Bark Fortune, Nickerson, from Palermo, arrived at N York resterday_. Bark Tidal Wave, White, from Montevideo Deo 13th, arrived at New York yesterday. Deo 14Int 27 20. long 4200. spoke Fmk Lillias. of Boston, for River La Plate. Deo 20,1,0 23 31, long Ss 49. gam shin flnrry Hastings. of Boston. bound south. Left ship Isabella, of and for Bal timore in led, ys. Brig O n eow Stookham. Stinson , from Newport, Fag, ariti: d pAnaom.lilttli!'fgt:Vit h denteiehte went to nee from Cnarleston etth inst. Bohr 8 F 80111Xlab, cleared at New York gee- Order for ntitledelpina. Bohr genGotderdayrrey, Weeks, for Charleston, cleared at 'NEM York . Bahr C P Stiokney, Gerwool, cleared at Boston 28th inst. f tr Jacksonville. Soh, Neptune.' Magee, for Alexandria, sailed from Providence 26th inst. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO TWiLTS O'CLOCK LAST mein GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut et.. below Ninth. Tr 8 Bogota. Aln Miss Charles. Va Miss A Thompson, Yo a AI Prioe V., 'C R Coashall Philo Mod Root. Flinn NW gayly, l'a '. II 8 Hubbard, Jr,, Chicago .18 Moulton & la. St Louts Dr A Ro-fflinga & la, N Y Chas Hohi.lek Mr Marnard .Gilliert Travis. N Y R f., Broolott. V. W F Spotswood. Vit Thno P emtiti. 8 0 Geo A Halsor, Newark.NJ R 0 Bwoin.llC . M Ibildv. N Y J IS Broadbent, Bait .0 &Rutherford. Pt I nuts lion Fp Blair. Wash'n 3 B Carpenter & 10. N Y air Nari P e Mass 1., 0 over. a/ Y . G lie na , rt. Ky sv Gen Oihmm. Pittsburg II Poll A , la, Lexington Ky 'D W Roll. Laleington• Ky CI VT Bell. Lazing on. F T n n Ball. I.esirttou, Ky D M Craig. traington, By J•ks II Br Is NY If Atwater. Conn Isaac K l.ivermore, Boston hot l .° Piorroo N oat, N Y W H morY E I Lassa% Y D N Gregory. Jersey City T J Foster. Nit John 'T Hoyle. N , 1 John H Ball. Flan Fran (hoar F Mere. Danville Miss Briggs. N Y 1., a Marbury. Va John Rrovecson Va J W Gordo., R. John Falconer. )1.1,t_ 8 I Btoprord. N Y Max Rtrokosoh,N Y rt N Tot tor. Bristol John F Piot:roll, Balt johnlovermore,_Baston R Howe, N V__ John 8 Harden, alt 8 E Shute, N Y B hIEftCHANTB' 111 reL-N lurth street, below Arch. 0 H lleritwe'l, Harrisburg WL He Bourbon Ben ding Ton Dunlap. Pittsburg R.ei P Tb , mloonn• 11 a 0 BM., Tpun Thor, .cokere Essten .Toei-h Cole, Feeton Wo, %Tweeter :Baaten ern g 5',..." - °)lpri l l i Pr . „l,n'rid"et°n 117 h'IPATIIVe4C.hh non z., Hie.... Jefferson oti jji. n nPy. hlef t ee4ne u rt IW ' 1111 'r• C: l44 auq ua (S r i ti763%., t BY:Tiiiia 0 Riley. 0 N , Orinnen Or irl, Pa I , Miller. Texas % re A voiles. tells N II Pratt. Cenrt Chun sayre. a 1 R At"ll 4 ln. Marts, Als .1 gtein. , 011.10. rln R Trohllehstens, Mobile ObasL tdeed,Pettlebore &MERTGAMIN)TBL—Obeetnnt et.. above Fifth. .1 . Brown. Ma , • •-• B M Humes A , la. N Y Pll wint, Ran • 'l' A Baltic Pottrville P Roberts, Wept °hellcat . . 93 Burrell, Phila .1 B Borten. A 1 W 8 Orme. R I 0 Cainnbell. Altoona P n Aihartmon, N 0 M P. rattle. Balt R X Pron., Balt 00 Phillips. Balt* 30 Whit.. Del G.o Fl Bond & la, N Y A A Dow Put, Pa J 'Pomba. N n JAI, Jaekenn. Donlon Robert B Wolfe,' Va Wm R Virndeva•th t Oal Pk 0 eooker. Cal I. Marston Bait t Sterrett. MAte , J Boston G W Miller & la, Phil% JCNITS' HOTEL—Ohootout et.. below Seventh. C M Stokes; Del en, Fa Plitymphill. Del my, re C J 11.1dwin, N 1 Wm r Lender. N Y Awl linhbard. NT ' All Stryker. N V lamb n Stillwell, N Y 1 hoe Fish. ITtioe esse 'Keenan. rot Saml D .vie Phil* John Owklavul. Ye ro PNlhnan. Va nein NA, Ark W Tones Mum. A Route Vs .T Farbr'. 13,it A P AniLiaoh. taly. WTI WalliOP ri Y 11 OriMih. N Y V: J Moore, N V F Williams, Conn Tons Cwt. . 6.74916 . 1 091t0 10 49100 2V7 19 9 997 OR BT. 'LOMB HOTEL—Obestnat it.. ab. Third. A *tits mot. Pa R Thorne. N Y - Wtn MacDonald, Ark 13 T Woll9tlll , IN 0 ll Iv eheatham, 7 B Vaunt, Phil* 0 B Hansel, N Y C Wellington. Boston I. R Woolman,N .1 H et Soule, Jersey Car ° 0 elvidsar. '4 V A Durtua."'roy. N Y I. it Van A lien, %ZIT{ Ile, Pa W A Paraons. Conn J D Murphy. KIM , A.l Yates Pa " i Hashes, OA W 0 Boot. H K Strang. Ma . TER Vg(lollllTOTßlr—Areh street. above Third. Frank HowerrtLonts C Sanford. Pittsburg vote Mina, w sires Min W Bhafrar, ittabort W Uage,..voog, Pa D 0 W healer. Bannatik, NY in Whee'er. N Y Mina w h. ol „ T r y vatteraon. N J Wra CI Rent Plata ' R 0 WOMI. Honesdale, Pa .8 Casten, Honeetlale, Pa W Hawkey. Heneedale, Pa N Niles, Halt W Y tITTInn Halt A D Doss, Reading It W Marshall, Pa - FOUNTAIN HOTEL—florond elreet, strove Market. V, M rireeorT, Din 3 V RI .PA i Wm A Me own. Del V Jenki ae. .aelte co p I Tay r. Bach co JasJIVVIS. M 4 Tfine tnt. Chaster 13 Fr: Gear, NJ REt(l4le, D el en. Va P Rnhinir , n, Pet nen Rnblnene.Del It C Waloott, Ea patte City It D Hoffenlier, edlyro. Del P C Jones Jr, Del .18 Gear. Brlateten. 0 S COMMERCIAL 110TEL4Itxth it.. above Chestnut. David Scott. Elkton. Md rt Parker. West Chester 11•Trvelor, Reading H C rarer- Pottstown John Thompson. Pottstown J Piero°, N C L Feely, Chester co 8 rtightiossle, Doylestown HOCH. T 'VERNON HOTEL—Bea:A street.above Arch Bent "onnul, hi rlhunk J fl Knieht. Williamsport lid Campbell. N y 8 Tompiin. Trenton, N J Wm Blakesly ! Pittsburg it Williams, Harrisburg dIERCHANTB' HOTBIE--Third rt.. above CallowhllL 8 R Yana. Ruder eo, Pa B F Lerch. Allentown Gen P polebnob, Pa len Wnavar..Alinntown P winheitz Se la Mt J tonneat. Bethlehem R S I veil Bethlehem IltEnalor Bethlehem Snrol S Stahl, Pa Eslw Behrailey, Allentown qt.* CR BEAR HOTEL—Third st.. above Callowhill. TR 'Fishing, 0, Warrington Chu Harper, Jententown Tnuy Johnson „uakertmais Henry ?ushers N Signori WM Pilidates, muland Shutt. Boylest.wn nemlet ih.on , arheistown MHamer. Warrington .1 Van A rtsdelen. Peasterv'o Casper Ilnads By berry Mrilltoului Bel/am Mrs Capp Artsilalon. Pa A 8 Rods, Souttvimpton Noses Haldeman, Danbocr S.ml Gamer, Doylestown bone Th NATIOAL ROTRIr.-11VVVijo'h.for. Jn Phila nAI ink . J eAdinifi B"PiMer,D n" Di Ont p L e t e giv i ailiktristeg R a grii beFlemin x . Pa , non Cro p Ya 001 0 Carman, g • • 4lien 'EAGLE 'HOTEL—Third It.. above Caller/ 4111. T firloollv.Raitton bliss °lease's Eastort 0 Q Br•lnnor. Dothlahem Noah Kilter, eohnylkill oo N Hook. Jaokeonvflie • Jno Itookoy. N Y Etamual Smith, P aJonathan Ruth. Reading robn It Smith, Pa .1) Shall° , I..obtgb, Pa Chan 'Baum, Boot DO W Low ery,' Pa 8 J Kugler, Narrisburit • EAGLE ROTEL—Third stroat. ahnva RANI. Thal Griffith. Bo.ton HT Wells, Viskabing aimon Carr, Washington If .10nrs, Reading J M Conk. Del NI J. LPVill Pa 1 Wiokaraham. 'heater co 1 n Nnrth. Cheater on E W Jonas, 8a Miss M Johnvon. N Y R. 741 Nyco. Chi/taro* B 0 oa'rlamb. Del on, Pe, B Otte , kirk. oronto, C W Oeo ?W ickersham. Pa Chas North, Chestir sio , STATES WON ROTEL—Market et. s hove Sixth. E N Baryon, . N Y A nenraft. lola . Wesley, N Y A Beisht, oston fohn Dellamy Pittsburg E Westfall. L) conks en ID Hinting, Del John Matson, Rochester BARLEY SHEAF ROTEl,—Second at., below Vine. M Vol, PhDs .1 Featburn.Labaska Isaac corral Books co E N Miles, Bucks on Col Wilson Kansas J It Panner,Ducks no Amos Comon.:Middletown M Wires.). Pa E M Poulton. Middletown .0 won Snider. Pa Yardley, Pa A B Longshore, Pe Pat Ma M ann, Pa he Murray Pa E Piolcorins, Pa John Nolaey, Pa Jneob roller. Pa John 1 arue. Pa .1 Kin ay. Rolmeshurg F N'lrrt. liolmesburg Jos Silva. Holrcesburs 4 T Duffield. Newtown Jesse Leedom. Pa IC Taylor. Pa P K Frqs Dorlestown Watson P Magill, Pa 014 D Masan, Doylestown . . . .. .. SPECIAL NOTICES. WINDOW SICADISS, of t very style and nine, In store and made to order, °lmp and good. ?as sonto Hail, 712 CHESTNUT +street. It W. R. CARRYL & BRO. TRH FIRS DI CIIREITNIIT STREET LETTER PROM THEO. H. PETERS & CO. PITILAMPITIA, Jarman , 19, 10, blunts. FARILIL,EnastNo & CRIISTNUT STRINT. OINTLIINIHN I We have recovered the Herring's Patent Champion Safe, of your make, which wo bought from you nearly five year. ago from the ruins of our building, N 0.716 Chestnut 'street, which was entirely destroyed by fire on the morning of the 17th inst. So rapid was the program, of the flames, before we *oak' reach the store the whole interior wan one UlB3ll of fire. The safe being In the back part of the store. and surrounded by the most combustible materials, was eXposed to great heat. It fell with the walls of that part of the building into the cellar, and remained Im. bedded In the ruin., for more than thirty hours. The Safe was opened this is toning in the presence of a number of gentlemen, and the contents, comprising our books, bills receivable, money, and a large amount of valuable Opera, are all safe ; note thing was touched by fire. Respectfully yours, TItEO. Ti. PETER/1 The above Safe can be seen at our store, where the public are Invited to oall and examine it. FARREL, , HERRING, & 00., jan-tr 629 Chestnut street. (Jayne's Hall.) GILT WINDOW CORNICES all sizes, from EO oents to ftto cash. Oilt Barids,Bings. ka. Masora° Hell. 711 CHESTNUT Street. It W. IL C kRRYL & BRO. M. FiNKLE 7 8 SitivlNG MeoDUES AILS WAS ranted the best for all kinds of family sawing or manu• fecturint Purposes. If they do not wok well they wil be exohansed or the prlee refunded. Price SW and up. 'wards. 90 CREHTIMT Street up emirs. )ati-etuthet• To CABINET-MAKERS AND [hulasTuns. —A NI line of Reps, Damasks. Blushes, Japsneso Cloths, Lastings. Tufts. &0., wholesale and tetsil. TI9 CHESTNUT Street. It W. 11. CARRYL & BRO. Tog ilummf lima.—Flow many persona Abuse this delicate and beautiful ornament, by burning it with cacao/is washes, and plastering it with grease, *which has no affinity for the skin, ana is not absorbed! Burnett', Cowan*, a compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, ke., / unrivalled as a drooling for the hair, is readily ab sorbed, and ispeculisrly adapted to its various condi tions. preventing ill •falling off. and promoting its healthy ProWthi See advertisement. LAOS WINDOW CURTAINS, a•l styles and Takao, 'wholesale and retail, in the Mumma Hall, 719 CHESTNUT Street. It W. R. CARRY!. & BRO, 52AM/it; B SAVING EI7IID--NORTIIWE6I CORM SRCOND and WatattrT Streets: Deposits re oeivad In small and large amounts, from all Glasses or the community, and allows Interest at the rate of fire per cent. per annum Moe Mien daily, from 0 not caolook, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. Fieradent, FRANKLIN FELL; Trammrar and &minim'''. CRAB 11. MORRIS. PICTURN Comm, Nails, and Rings. Tas sale, all actors and sizes, at Masonic, Nall, 719 MEV NUT Btreet, N. side, below Eighth. It W. 11. OARRYL dr BRO. SiVING Ihnno---NATIONii, Serwri TRUST Clotrrerrr.—Oharteted by the State ot PenneyWog& RULES. 1. Money is received every doi, and in any amount, ergs or small. FIVE PER win. interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 3. The money is always paid bank in GOLD whenever it le celled for, and without %oboe. ' 4. Money is reoeived from Szenstors, Administrators, Rirardirms, and other Trout:me, in large or small sums. to remain a long or short penod. -6, The money.reoeived from Depositors is invested it Real Ream, mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first. Class securities. . . • O. 01I1ea open over,' day—WALNVlTtreet,ionthiem ornerThird street. Phtiadophi , l. sop i rABLIR, AND PIANO COVBRS, Wino and Frith Cloth's. W. H. HARRY!, & BRO , no CHEST NUT Street, helm" Eighth, 11168onlo Hail. it SALLIUNDBII PITIR-PAOOP SAPES.—A Vat 7 large woodmen t of SALAMANDERS for Data at reason able taloa*. No. tO4 ONSSTNUT Street, Plillsitelphla. said if RVANA Is WATSON GILT WINDOW SHADES, only each, with eubstantial fixtures, complete. ea 719 CIIKSTNUT Bt. It W. 11. DARRYL & BRO. ONE PRICE ()LOT/TING OH THE LATEST Strimsomula in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling pruses marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted sails feotory. Our ONE-PRIOE System =strictly adhered 6, as we believe this to be the only ftir way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES & gag tt 604 MARKET Street. Gaovau t Ruczn , s CILIQUATIID NOIBILISII FAMILY Biwiria-MArillirasb AT AZIDIICAD PEW'S. TOO CHESTNUT STREE7. PIULADELPMA. SINGER'S SEWING .MACIIINHEI. N 0.2 Sewing Maohinee....... • • No.l Sowing Machines.-- The Family Hewing Machine. A....., 76 The Family Sewingt 4 I. M. SINGER & CO., No. 602 GRESTNIIT Siraet. Ilennue BOUDOIR Sysviim INTAcmuce. IMPROVED• DOURLE•TIIREAD FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. ratt-Sir Philit. Offin, T2l ABM! At A cont. vmntsel DIAIIIIIILI. CLAR.K—WOOD.—On the morning of Tdlhi Inst., by Roy L. lie Pchweinitz, Thomas M. 'lark. of Lamas ter. to Fra-ces 1.. Wood. daughter of Thos. V. Wood.. HOYT—MILLER.—bn the 26111 inet., In this city, by Rev John W. Jeekson Samuel Hoyt. FPI of Luser . ne courier, P... to Miss ararv.ht. Miller. of Phila. 8' R Alif,EV—rd IS.' b.R.—On the 20th Inst.. by the A mine, Jamb Eltratiley, of Norristown, to Mica Andora Bowmen of Phila. WALKER—HOVI , E.—On the Tath inst., by Rev. Pr. Swentsel. Mr Joseph Walker to Mrs. Mary Rol le, br.i , th of this oleo. HAR.Riti—HI,EIVELL —January Nth. by John (3. Wilson. V. D. M.. Mr. Abort A. Harris to Muse Franc is !Orwell. both of thin cit.. • rinNNEl,L—OTTV.—lsnuery Vitt. he Ald. Wllliain P. Hilibsrd, Mr John 9 Donnell to Mite Joanna W, Otty, both or Delaware county, Pa. • CARVER- FOLWElii..—On the Ith October. 180, by Nev. W. t, It, Taylor. Will rim B. Carver In Miss aims Hartzog Falwell, daughter of the lato Robert Folwelt, of Camden. N. .1. WI HINSON oot,evELL—January filth, by the same. Mr. t. rederick R. W ilkinson ,or Trenton N.J., to Miss Harriet 8., dausliter of the late Robert Folwell. of Camden, N. J. IME ADAMS.—Op Thursday afternoon, the 20th instant. after a short illness. Henry 8. Adams, in the all year of bit are. His T.0101[1401 and friends. are reapootfally invited to Attend hi. funeral, from his into resldanno. No. 28016 Chostniti stunt, on Onoday rnornin.g. at 0 o'clock. tn terment nt Mount blemill Cemetery. DAVIS in the 28th mstant, niter a ehort E ma Mktillid. wife of Josenh M. Davie. end daughter of the late Andrew B. Kitchen, In the 21st year of her "fit , relatives And male friends of the family are re inactions invited to attend the funeral. from the resi dence of her husband. N 0.2017 Arch streot on Monday morning, 80th inst., at le &cloak. To proceed to Laurel fid • YOllllO.-01 th.ti2G`h instant, Sarah Anna, youngest daughter of A lexander and Margaret Young. '1 he relatives end friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral on Monday after noon next. at I o'clock, from her father'', residenc e, No 202 Pasesunk rood. HA L LoWim b.—On the 25th instant, Atrs. Julia Ann, &might r of the late Richard Rue, and wife of Wm. E. Hallowell, in the stet year of her ate. Funeral from the residence of her son, Albert N Hallowell, corner of flusannati and Beach ctreets,:n Sunder morning. at 10 o'clock. tii.llllllLEY.—On the 20th Inst.. Nancy, wife of Pat rick Gormley. in the Bth veer of her are. Funeral from the residanms of her husband. on the Byberm Road, near the Red Lion inn, on Sunday mom Inc. ar o clock. NA GLEE.—On the 2.3tlt:inet., William E. Nagle°, in the nt year of hie are Funeral from his late reeidenne, northeast corner of Ninth and Poplar streets, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, McCLOSKEY.—On the 25th trot., James, son of Jas. and Mary JaneMcCloskey, in the 6th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his parents. Bridge street, weal of Thirty fifth, West Philadelyhts, t h is minuet tlO o'elook cOUN.—On the nth inst., James Le Count, in the 82d year of Ma age. Funeral from the re&dsnee of his son-In law, Rev. Walter Prolor._2lJ, 830 South street, on Sunday after noon, at o'cloc k . • LBwls.—Op the 25th lent., Mt. Ineeph Lewis, In the 50th year of his age. Funeral from Ma late resldenee. Fifth street, above Susquehanna avenue, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 81dITEL—On the 26th Instant, Mary Ellen Smith. need 20.yeara. daughter of Susan end the late John E. Smith. Funeral from her mother's hoefiten.m. Coke place. Carpenter street, above Fourth, on Sunday afternoon at ci Meek. B BY.—On the 18th inst., Mr. Joseph Bailey, IV+ of_Manehester, England. aced 7.2 seam. Funeral from the retudenee of his son-in-law. Thomas Ferber, No. Mb illlMhinson street. above Thompson, and below Tenth etreet, hunday afternoon, at &Meek. KING.—On the 20th instant, Martha Jane, wife of names R. B. King, and daughter of George W, and Rhoda J. Stowinan, in the 21st year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents. No. 1128 WOO4l street, below Give. a nvenne, Eighteenth ward, onaltl7.2ofirritinitri'itiegekfartha, • only daughter of Jennie and Mary residence the t2t unc l e . of her atm Tuners' from the of her John Smith, Jr.. No. 1413 Race street, above Broad, this te sturdily / termoon, at 2 o'clock. BLACK ANI) PURPLE MOUSQELINES. Just reeelced all-wool, Parts printed, blank, and purple hLonselme Belames. flark gray mixed Mohair Debates, 11X amts. ark Kra. mixed Meonna cloths 33 ors. hmk sod white English Chintzes. UK etc it in block English Chtntson,l2l cm. Gray and black brutish 4...tuntzes. 12)( ote. Black Alpaces.M.2s .B. and a 7 ots. Block and white clotted Dlman, DIX ots. BESSON & bull Monnipx._Blore, du. eta ull Earn irr ntreet. t r y KEY. H. GR AT TAN GU I NN ESS will preach TO-MORROW (Sabbath, - atORN 1N at 10% o'clock. in Rev. Pr. Inset' Church. tßtrO/S, Street. b low D.xth, EVENING, at 1.);', o'clock, in Rev. Dr. Wylie's Church. DROAn Street. below Spruce. At this service the whole lower per of the chur h will be reserved for .once men, On IRON. DAY, WEDNEHDRY, and FittPkY-- - IIitENINT next. at 7) , 4 o'clock. he will -preach in Or. Wylie 'a Chu(oh. yeaarcing the other arronneernr meeting mi.. ,mstrtr - withineturers in the teeter* tOOnt., It. !firnrr~Sl9NAß~ 111P:*".Trlitl.—TVUE AN. nual tneetine or the klineionner Society of the let independentThnrch HROAuendS4NSOMStreete. will be held O.hIOR ROW AZT' , RttOON. eji o'clock. The rinnunl reeort will he read. end add delivered be the Hey. hleesre. bloClullouzh end Westbrook. end One, 11. Stuart, Esq. A CollOotirm will be taken in Aid of minion.. It'' rr TILE POOR —R EV. 3. LEYBUB N. D wpl preach TO-MORROW I 801)%th MM RN !NO. at )0/4 &ohmic. in the first M. P. Church. corner rbeeenth end Wnod sir. ets. After which n collection will be totem to aid hodtome Missionary Society In its mission to the Doorsick% THOMAS T. MASON, Chairman Como nue on Public Meettnre. TIVESIIVTERIAN ENTERPRISE•-•- RE V. E. R ADAMS -rannh at -ROAD I NatTli A LI, PoutbanatenrnatoPTllMA I) and FIP RING GARDEN Pl 7 P %EU TO MORROW (Rabbath vORIIING.nt IR4, •nd EVENING At A quartet to o'etnck. Prater Meetsna at 7P. M. gents (roe. I.' REV. J. L. BURROWS, D.P.. OF Richmond Vir-inin will preach in the BROAD STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. corner of Bumf end Brown. 114/ST 1.0.1r8 DAY 129th 'latent) htORN IN°. et 10K end Pvontna et7.4f lt• ril" ,, Tlll IF: ATSIING OF LAZARtfi."—ItF.V. 0; , e l lUt itSTF hoT3TAtegt . o 7n S AVO: rican Meehan co' Hell. corner Fourth and Genr e street's. All are welcome. It" a'RY BEQUEST OF THE i'OCltie. MEN'S CHRIW I lAN .A80 1 )1. VON. the Rea. Mr. 'T will deliver • ...mo n b. V.. on Tit-M. p_ ROW (fhthbOh) KVENING,ntIt‘ °Vont, in Concert Hell, Chestnut st eat, above Twelfth. rt, irrCHURCH OF THE COVENANT.— Rorviers In CoNnvRT ChPetnut above TweKtb al ree t evArr SUNDAY nt.10% n'oinok A. M., end o'cloek P. M., by the Rev. JAMES PRATT: Hector. C BURCH 01S T EPIPHANY-- Corner of CUESTNITT end PIFI'.FNTtr streets. Beryls(' at lUti A. M., and 7)11 P. M. Afternann Service omitted. )t. frrST. J011N , 14 P. E. CHURCH—BROWN &Tent, below Third—Rev. GRO. A. MIDGE R, Radar. S•rviraa 'vary SUNDAY MORNING, at 1O) o'clock, and in tho EVENING, at 755. It • frrii TEE STATE OF TEE DEAD.'"— The first or a fafgriug nr AisentimeN. on thi• nb ieet, by Rev. DR. DEED. SATIBAIII EVENING. at ball-patt 7.chureh Seventh above Erma. It' _ rrr TOMORROW EVENING, REV. A. C, OMAS will lecture on thn Destructinn of Soul and Rudy in Hell. LOMBARD, above FOURTH. nt Wrens: cave I. It' trrTHE FOSTER HOME ASSOCIATION irri4tPfullv noknoulodPo n donation of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, from the Pone of Mahn. it* rgb roIORCH OF TIIF WIERSTAII, (lINT I n rEtt4IALIST,) O t puer, EART Tißo It v * T ;elo)i I t.. l ite. li nVd 747. ni'ggicertTO- NO R Sp It • rrrIiPIIIITVALISM-111R8. TOWN eBND or Vermont a Trance-medium. will slit , are blown uvular Spint•oenttel at HAN 4 nal sTRFET HA NUND AY. at A. M. and 7).1 P. 'llose will be ber closing Lectures at this time. Admur ion 5 cents. it" rrr DR. SCUDDER'S SECOND LECTURE ON I , 11VA Will he delivered co_ Til 9 8D ‘ y Evening. 'winery Stet, o h. MSCL FU V D HAIL, commencing et 8 o el , o Donn, open nt 7 o'clork. Subjett—Phroloal Pecullaritiee and Beauties of the Pountrr—Snake Chnrmers—The Literature ot Indm— The e thieves and runlets ol Ilindostan. Ticket], for toe couree, 81 01 For a 4 , entleman and Lath'. 1 60 00 " Single Lecture, two Ladies. 4 80 ote Man he had at the vincrinsl bookstores and pub ice- Don houses • also et the °Mee or the Northern men ranee Comliany.42o Cheat nut street. and at tho toning of the Aesoclatton, Not 100 and lull Chestnut et. )643-et MAT A STATED MEETING OF POW RATAN TRIER Nn. 49. Improved Order of en. it Nam unanimously Rosolvod. That wo re turn our 'moor° thanks to The Iron. °Porto Connell, Peoretarr of the Mount Morinh Cemetery Company, for thn presentation of a lot in the Cemetory, It. OFO. MAR T ZM.L. Poo. irFe. NOTICE.—TILE ANNUAL MEETING of tho Smokholdern of the Oreno Rom N a rt. ration Company for the Eleotton of Fiyo Diyortoro And the trannartion of other hominess, will he hald nt No. 300 North DRIAIVA HE Avenue. on TUESDAY, the 7th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon DENNIR, in2l-let Pecrotary and Treasurer. ITTCENTRAL REPÜBLICAN PUBLIC bIEETINO of the Citizens of Pinta- Plehie will be hell at the Hall, northwest corner trp.vt. NTH anti CHESTNUT Streets. on BATOR DAY RVENINO, 23th inst., at 7N o'clock. addresses w II le delivered by William M. Bull. Faq., omit Doors° A. Cof fey. Esq. Mr. Cony will specially owl( of "'I he Con se•vntism of Hesublietin Pr.noiples, end Policy." It. rirSTATEMENT OF THE uriloisi BANK, ns required ,y the second section of tho Act of the . ()ono al .Assombly of this Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of October. A. D 18.57 Amount of Many and discounts. (107 00 " Armco 90 80 21 due from other banks... ...... .... 71 91 , i 18 of notes In circulation.... 101,0 X) OU &walla. Including balances due to other hanks 192 031 22 Plitt. • PELPI(rA. January 27, 1030. CITY OF PIIIL ADE I.l'lll 0. : I.James Lesley. Cashier of the Union Bank, beteg sworn, depose and say, that the above atatement is cor rect to the beet of my knowledeo nod belief. : JA NI F:8 LEBf,Sll'. Cashier. Sworn before me this 27th clay of January A.D. IM4 It P. C. P.I.LNI AKER, Notary Politic. orSUNBURY AND ERIE RAILROAD, Philadelphia, Jan.2l, 1820.—NOTICv.—The An nual Meetinp of the Stockholders of the Banbury and Frio Railroad Company will be held at the office. No 324 WALNIIy Street. on hIONDAy, tho 13th flay of Pah runty next, at 10 o'clock A. St, At this meeting nn Election will be held for ton Mana gTsi o opo h ll e e C to o mlpanat t o o er o e k P on.o you. ja2ltuthetti3 W. EDWARD SPOFFORD, See. VBIG MOIL% TAIN 1M PROVIVIENT COM PANY.—PIItt.ADELPHIA. ice is herein , men that the annual mortinx of the Stockholders of the Bic that Improvement Com pany will be held nt their Mitre. Southeast 0 rear of Front and Chestnut streeta,Philadolphia. on MONDAY, the 6th of Februnrynext, at It o'clock. M., whop nn 'Election will he held for floe Directors, to serve for the awning year. lan-iron WILLIAM P. JENKS, President. (r 3r. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. JANUAIIy Mb. 1836. The annual meow of thn Stoclthnhlere will be held At the Company'. Nn. EXCHANGE IMP ,I) HIGH nn MONDAY.Februatv 6 IWO et 1 o'clock P. M ja26-dtfes WILLIAM HARP Fu. Secretary. ZCARRON RUN IMPROVEMENT COM. PAWY.' Puitenntrnie January _II 18CO. ee in hereby Riven that the Annual Meeting of the .toekhnldent of the Citroen Hon Improiremep_t Corp- ChM , . will ho heM nt theitOf fi ee, P. E. eornerof oNT and PAIESTNuT Strewn. Philadelphia on MONDAY, the 6th of February pent. at 4 o'oloek P. M., when an Electron will be held for Piveorp,k,r. te rve fey th e erioulne.year i HAM 13, Tl,L ri gr im , t. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA , SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1860. w 1 11 'i t AlVlbtifiA " tilbiquellip ."1" ntAlin MUOIRIAT, WUNk 11AL on 1 DAN EVEN i rat, Jan, n, k the Couttteee m feet tooture In Philndearhik• Twhets&l aonts. Or s ^ E P en Mil to colninn nee nt 8 o'olook. n 24-. fq:N EW YORK ANI) 11111.11/14: PIULD ItAII,ROAD AND COAI4 CUMPAN noting of the Stookholders of this thunpanY wIG be eld at the anon of the ()employ, 1.40. S. Feud street, on MON ItAl. the ells de) of February nest, at o'oloek, A. M.. for the purpose of electing rive Dlreotors of said Company forto , ending tear. iniNh y rmINSON, tleora{etY• Philadelphia. January . PM titre@ OFFICE or TILE AND SAVANNA') e'rEAhl NAVItiAI IU (Z'ANY, No. " Nor h 15 hnrtea. lan. I f The ,itnnura ?dentine o the. Stoolhoolo • re of th . lo.. a eo . c.n r . any tho Bieution rive lanneentstia t pony pf (Ahoy hoolooes et'.l .hele_e r ir. o l IA ENciittrinh, (pod 0 0 0 , a. TUESDAY EVENINO, tho 7th of lebnvity_noOt• half volt novo o clook. VIAL ut.Nrin, J021.42t Secretory end '))reasuror. Lir()FPI!! F. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. 111,413Itt..1•111A1 fainter) . 11, 1,N0.. Noncli, 11x7. 0 2 . F 11 n rDI thh r gtti.—' he V I s o l i ; t i li)l l '4 +Y. ' ai a n 447 3 16. at 1V o look A. ht., at tho H.+ q.O WALL. The Amami :loctien Lareetare will he hqld tet, MONDAY, the 6th thy or Nlareh, Imo, at the 011106 01 tho Domenny, 236 &oath Till!!it Street, Johl-11 , 6 ED*11.1141) SMITH, IteoretarY. rue- ..-.,8100 }MAuI]ICE AIPiILA DEL PPNIA AND et the A naual Meeting the Ptookholde of the Philadelphia aPsl Rel4linsße Iroed Compeer, hel re d istiki -1850, the following gentlemen were ansnimotllir emoted Officers for 1560 A . '" Wfi t a ti g F. V. VICR PR BBIDIINq J. DUTTON El TENLE. J. DUppri EITRELI9. . E. it AS. NO I..I4I I Q . ALENTESII. BEI, ROU t. T, E ia—N. OKA& E. MITI". TRICASCRRR. S. DRAOFO , I , (II. I WM. D B .voLirENNEY. Rr order, 5". W. R. MoILDENNY. Beoretary. 'FEE WORKR OF THE REV. JOLIN CUMMINa.P. P. TORO , — THE REV. DR. CUMMING'S WORKS—vier e L LECTURES ON THE. APOCALYPSE. 3 vols. 75 Bents each. LECTURES ON THE. PARABLES. 1 r01.,125n0. 76 cents. 111. LECTURER ON THE MIRACLES. I vol„Limo. 73 Oentr. Ty, LECTURER of( DANIEL. 1 v01.,12m0. 7.3 °onto. V. TIIE SIGNS OF THE IribtEs. 1 vol.. Ilato. 75 cents. VI. FAMILY PRAYERS. 2 %Ist& mows each. MINOR WORKS. 3 vote 75 cents each. TWELVE URGENT QUESTIONS. I v01.,12nt0. 78 cents. )4 . • THE LAST OF THE PATRIARCHS. I vol., 12rno. 75 cents. The wsil-known reputation of Dr. Cummins has caused his works to be widely dlsseminated in this reentry. They aro everywhere regars.ed with greet favor.—Amori,n Baltimore. LINDiA & RIARISTON. Publishers, Ix2B-tf No. 25 S. SIXTH St.. above Chestnut. 1300K9! NEW BOOKS !- ± Poema—fh, thn Author of" John Halifax." Gen tleman. lxmo, 75 cantg. Chrktmn,Bythe Author of " The Home ward Path." 12mo. 30 mints. A %War History of tha Pelted States of Amelia& By fury 11 , witt. Illustrated. 2 vols. i2mn. 82. 1 3 00111116 By Ilenrr Timrod. 12rtm OO cents Cspt. NoConto^k'e I' (mature of the Voyage of the Pox. Illustrated Ifmo. 81 30. Poems—By Sydney Dot?ell. Blue and Fold. Mows. Still Hour; or Communion with God. By A. Phillip'. 38 roots. • • • vlohim Revealed; nr, The Fit and Booed Adam By 8. 3. Bei rd t D. D. ern. $2 40. For sale by WILLIAM B. & ALFRED_ IHARTIEN, 107 • N 0.509 CHESTNUT Street. COMPANION TO EVANGELINE We hero this day yeeelved, direetly from the Pub lishers, the new Engraving. tc BEATRICE CENCI IN PRISON." After the painting by Pereoger, the same eine and shape nit G G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK LIST. • BUY rnnit Boor AT GEORGE G. VVANB' BUY YO l / 8 800 X 8 AT ROROE G. EV•.NB' BUY Voeft 800 H 8 AT GEORGE G. EVANS' OiR gc.' . .SSlgAnnuutttrti.. Tu th e plitee in the eity. " Books are sold as cheap aa at Apr other More, and you have the adveptate Of Netting a handsome gift wilt sank Bonk. JUn'r PUBLIKBEn d A NEW BOOK, T. B. AEr TWENTY YEARS AGO AND ' IOW. "1 f the young man and maiden. whose feet a ye linger- Inc to beautlid inemlowa Rod flowery walk,, will ehooge the road wtoeli truth and reason tell them lead, to honor. amoebae. end happiness. our book will actomPludi its right work for them one volume.l2mn. cloth. With ia Oft. Pnee e l . NF.I0111;10R J AOKWOOD. By Paul Ore*ton, "80, he is home Main, la he ? ft runs in the family— hereditary. you know. Hamlet. husband, Lawrente—ho yes my oldest—cotnmittgd anicude." On• %Wm.+ limo cloth. with n rift. Price 81. THE DOOMED CHIEF, or !'O Years ARO Warriors our venerable , Basamore or today la old and filebil3. His roues's& is *One, and all. his tieunsels are those of n child, not like a man and it warrior, who wield preserve the being and uphold the ancient glory of by nation One yoluirie,l2mo., cloth. With a gift. Pries 81. UT. L ; Or, The Trappers of theintuttoßt. " Would the white ma the red men who once held know more of the star' or d theofln MI Ow 4 B. Hartley. " Full of truth, this book le this very Tomato' of blneraphy." One vnln me, limo. cloth, With A H gilt. 'Pykoell. TILE troy Eem Op THE " FOX" IN TR A all° BEM. By Captain attClintook, N.. I. . One volume Bvo., cloth With a Vti. Prime SI Rt. HISTORY OF THE FOLK GEORGES. Kings of 'Portend enntainine Personal Incident. of theiCes. nubile events of their reigns, end sketchei o their elder ministers. con, tiers. end favirltea, BY' meal 111. Smunker. LL. Ti. One volume, 11mo., cloth. With agift. Preen 81,23., THE ROM A:NCF, OF THE REVOLUTION.' A new and revised edirion. beautifully illustrated. ono rub:L.A. 'limo.. Moth. ith IRlft Price 6i.:12. • THE QUEEN'S FAT 4. A 'Pale 01 the Deja of King Herod. One Mora, Irma. Pr.ne THIS BIBLICAL REASON Win. One voL, 12mo. Price 011, ART OF DANCING. By E. Perrere. One vol., 11mo. Poen el. THE ADVENTURES OF JO ,I ATHAN HOME BRED. By Sam Slick. Jr. One volume. limo. Prim' t. eSEMoIFB OF ROBERT 'HOUDIN. Conjurer. Fdited by R. Shelton blackens's. One v...lante,l2mo. Pr Iri I COULD HR HELP IT DI A.. B. Rue. One volume, limo. Price 81.2t1. BOOK OF POPULAR /WHOM. The best collection of Bonn. ever , mtilishod. One vol.:mm.l2mo. Price 81 HE BOOK OF PLAYS, for Home Amusement and Private Theatrical Entertainmenta. One vol., Itino Price SI. BOOK OF HUMOROUS POETRY. One vol., limo. Prins 81. Au, TILE N. W BOOKS AS SOON AS ISSUED. ' Colt in, and one trial will assure you Mot sae best Place in Me city where you should j,nreAnie Socks is 14E0E6E. G. F.VANIP 011 7 'T poox_EsTAto,tennorr, lii t 99 OHERTNUT Bt., Philadelphia jal7-tf Two doors below Fifth. on the upper abl e. CAPTAIN JOHN BROWN'R LIFE AND lIRLPER'S IhIPHNDINO CRISIS. for rale at the Aatt•Btavor7 OtTioe, la North FIFTH fitreot. Jal7.6t• 511 RS. PR. WARD, RLEUTRnPATHTO 1 3 21VESICIAN, 636 North Twmprn street. corner of Melon. havint return' d from the Eant, is now prOrarrd to Watt upon Ladies (only). at her foal on,.o. who note he eolferinc with euretsle Perelreis, errmorrlinse from &derma ormns tit Vitus' Dance. Tumors (internei or externeD. Norm.° of the Cartilage ^r Joints, Faintness, Detweeeme of Mind. or Insenit2l D'szinem. rein or Weakness of Boine,Dromy. Coughs. Spesinoilie Or Nino). ere. The abot a are but it few of tho many 1.11.0nf tit whinfi hate beeninost simeessfitity treated by Mm. W.. without the use of poisonous mad, ones the knife Misters. burninr with caustm, or any of theirs tedious trammels ladies are n'ten sobjeCtod to. Mrs. W.. liming been in practice in this nit. for ten neon.. hoe rtOrences. from the hirheet authority. of many wonderful cure.. t adieu. 'who ha-s been under the care One row dinttnruished DoetOn. New York. end Phileutelphle. front tree Dye years. with organic disesteem hewn hese peently cured by her in its many Meek.. LOOMS Who have not been Ode to sit op from two to ten nears pare been made able to walk in one month. Ladies who are suhleot to any of • f tho areal variety of complaints incident to worthy .fwaol•r. ore rnepectfull‘ r cited to eonsult Alro, W., FRhE OF CH A ItOw. Ttoure-2 AM.to 12 M. Mule cut this out for future reference, lie TEE FIRM OF MeTLVAIN & KELLY is this day dissolved by mutual roneent. J. K. MeII,VAIN, Philadelphia, January 1.1&O. JOHN KELLY. The buelness of MeILV.IN & RES I,Y wtll ho set- Von lie JOSEPH KELLY. at the store, No. 1112 CHESTNUT St.. to whom all persona Indebted to wad firm are requested to make payment. J. K. MMLVAIN, JOHN K eLLY. I Imo hour.ht out an the effects of htellvain dr. Kelly, and will .-nrittnuo the Tnilnring business at the lonia Soto, 1022 CIik.HITIUT Strobl under the name of JOSEPH KELLY & BricaliEn. January Pth. 1593. A FACT WORTIT KNOWING —THE 1 - 2 - (lily (lore In On n Ilratqate minims how - vim! MI , nnn Cii to lit 1`1:: CON'S. 411 CHEST NUT. *Wye Avila Norilt ft." D LvON ken,e nna• but t r vans bed an ham'. A singl4 trial will °nava,. ant Ja2S-lia QI'EREoScOPIC VlEWS—Fresh arrival, P ,7 and eold at rrently red,teed price. et ltf i. F PISL(N, npao/an. 112 South FOURTH Street. below Chestnut. tom', Also, Improved Speptecles ocrrectly fitted to the ere- ebt. and warranted to stilt; microacopes. opera glass'., &c., in a groat variety and at the lowest i rice.. ints-at D o, LEoN, 411 011kSTNITT STREET, Fourth. North aide. has the very hest Eirnolain , : end Chewing Tobacco in Philedelphin. cAUTION.-1 hereby caution any person or persona from negotiating or receiving n note drawn by me to the mdero'lnilay a 'Bicknell, and ma turing February 4.1560, as I hews never renewed valve for the e - me. and it is my intention to elbow it to be protected, aril to contact rta anilection.. Number oil laud note being 111, amount 8535 25. a. s TIRRTRR, Ns :It Rooth THIRD St cot, Mille. Philadelphia, Ittnusra '7 18GO. in2B-st* DE LEON, 411 CUERTNUT STREET above Fourth. North aide, hes a fine easottmen ilfeeraelatuat Pines, Cum Tuber, Cherry atm,. Gents Walking Canes. &o.lda 1m BUTTER, DRIED APPLES. AND 'MAC H141.-23e 10,1 end kepi aline Dairy But ter ; 110 kers cookine do 1;59 Irgez new pried Applem and Poncho. on store and for ante b. , Di & Part,. We 50 N 0.31 pi ORTII witti RYER. HA VF: YOU HEARD. OR D w YOU know 'where to not the beet Imported elver in the City ? t f tint, lull/ tell rnu : err to our Young friend. pE 1,1:0N. 411 CII r STNUT Street. above Fourth, North side, and you will be sure to be suited. Ifs has Alen it lino lot of Itteereehnunt Pipes, Cigar Tulles, Canes, Cherry edema, &o. Jan 1m VERY DENTIST, JWELLER, IL -DA VF.R-PL &TER. MACHINI E -S ST. Cunmith. S Tin otnith. Plumber, lino-Fitter. and Artionne i n ,anneal, nhould il , Ve one of SHAW'S ARTISAN OAS-STOVES, For ante by SRA. , At BAILEY. Pad-Im 31.1 RACY Street. Philadelphia, Pa. IV:FOUNTAIN (LADE BUTTER.—A fine te T tist ° oi2chrluk r `P r OV' t il;'dr t rjr ec ß?ll:ll..lo l it l i s f; e ln it4 . tA t rebesere, by it. ht. JONES & M 2 MARKET Street. fiILUTP.-A Person whose Evenings are unenielnYed will give FLUTP I.PAPnI4B, on very moderate terms. Add roes' M. A.." this (Aloe. It' MONEY TO LOAN!—IIy the Penn Sa vines immolation laths southwest corns'. SIXTH and ASCII. (W) F. WAIN, Seo*y. viDER, CTDER.-10 bblq wore Wayne a./ oonnte Vidor, 10 bldg. Pure Old Cider Vinegar, Freak 801 l nutter. firkin firivi keg, alwave Cr. hank, choice lot of mound Potatoen and Beane. 14.3 MA "KA:l' atroet, North aide, 01011.11.1 W. I'. MENU. NEW PUBLICATIONS. JANDBAi( & BLAKISTON PAEDI. VAWiLINE. JAMBS Et. 'CARLE; 4; SON, 518 CIiatTNUT STREET. JOSEPR KELLY. JR24-6l COMMISSION HOUSES. JOSEPH LEA. NOS, Iti AND /IS utiEsTwr STREBT• Aritell the attention of the Trade to hie Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINES AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. New lietiand dirk spring Wei, a great variety from MESSRS. SAM'I, SLATER & SONS, BUTTON MANUFACTURING CO.. MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Also, THE lATIANTIO CO.'S MOURNING, lealading many new atandatd Pattetni. NEAT MACK & WHITER, PURPLES, LAV.'B, &e. SAXONY & VI U MAIM & SIDSDANDS. BLA I CK AND DRAYS, AND CHOICE DUSTER T WOOLLENS. FANCY CA1381%118E48 mad DOESKINS, ke., PROM ROOK 00M., GLENDALE COM., NEW RNOLANI) COM.,CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR BLACK 'SKIN AND SILK MIX TURES. Satinet% Plain and Printed, of all (mime and [lost • entnoky Jeans. 'I wane. Cottle, Geminates, Its , ewe', wale, to ale, oomprielna one of tto beet stooks the eountts. AMERICAN LINEN 00 M. CRASH, BUCKS, SHE ETINGS, &o. fallt.ltrp + SKELETON HILUITS. 1860 . SPRING FASHION. 1860. 'WOVEN GORE TRAIL SKELETON SKIRTS, MODE DE PARIS. OSBORNE ed OHEESMAN, ANSONIA, CONNECTICUT, ARE THE SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THESE ' CELEBRATED FASHIONABLE SKIRTS. Their Goode are all made with &medal referent., to the wants of a critical trade, and they are confident that for SYMMETRY OF FORM, QUALITY OF /MATERIAL, and PERFECTION OF WORKMANSHIP, TIfSIY ARS IngIQUALLRD 10 THIS OR IX ANY OTHIR COVNTRI. Being made under both the "Extension" and "Woven Skirt Patents," there a no liability for infringement. Our facilities enable us to all promptly the largest or ders, Per sale everywhere by the Trade , r.li.—Ladios should be partieular to see that "Woven Gore Trail, made by Osborne & Cheesinan," is printed distinctly on the band, as an evidence of genuineness. jeld.dfitkirmfet DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. JAS. R. CA MPBELL & CO.. IIItORTIRS AND IvaoANNALB DRAWERS IN DRY GOODS. LTNIENS, WHIM GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEBBS, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, ao. lellJmif No. 717 OHESTNUT Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. qi.cRIPICES! TRIMMINGS and ZE PHYR! Only 15 nents per ounce for BERLIN KRITTIIRG ZEFHYRS, Doolde. Single or bola. FOR A FKW DAYS ONLY. To make more room for our preferred quality Cash mere Zephyrs, we are preparing to mend our large re tail stock of Berlin Zephyrs to the New York auction rooms,. For Nome days prior to shipping them, ladies are at liberty to select thorefrom such shades u they may need, or any color, or black or "shaded," at 15 cent" Per cone • e FAnir TRIMMINGS. At still heavier reductions, to maks room for Spring Trimmings. Even °ash purchaser of Fancy Trimmings, receiving aeuant ty of Zephyr ae a boom. IS. MAXWELL FON. Trimmings, Skirts and Zephyrs. Rtore and Factory, , B.F. owner ELEV aba ft and CHESTNUT streets. la2Satuthn REMOVAL. THE AGENCY 01 , THIRION, IstAILLARD, & CO., IS REMOVED TO No. 104 CHESTNUT STREET. Boyers Dan now find a full and dole° airvortinant of the above aelebratad maaeof • WOOLLEN 000DS, on hand and for aalo! , T F. W. MELIZET CO. laid-fh.tuit ATENT FUR AND SEAL SKIN -- COATINGS. THE BUIIfiCRIDERS, POLE ACIINTII IN TUN tiNIVID BTATINI Por the %bore dooonotioa of roods of the well-known RHEIMS. RDWIN FIRTH & BOMB, ILECKMONDWIK E, YORK/3111R% F.XCILAND. Are proper nt to exhibit ample' of the vermin quail- Ws, end to take o•dera 4or inlineniete DT future deli very. to suit the ooneenience or th a trade, The go^de cannot be purchased through the ouetorn sty onannela In England, and all orders for the United States must go through the subgetibers. WRAY & AZT. PHILADELPHIA, and PANSHAWE, MILLIKEN, & TOWNIEND, 100-tut6&F , Sin New York. SALES 01 ANT 1121 D Of MERCHANDISE 11113VTIIT/ TWENTY-FOUR HOURS!!! (For cash or otherwiss.) WM. H. WEEKS. MERCHANDISR BROKER, 105 CHESTNUT STREET. JaHrttruk.thtf L' XORANGE INSURANCE COMPANY —ollitv No. 409 WALNUT Stre et. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Merolonnise gen etuaLerally . , on favorable terms, Dither hmtt,d or POT- P DIRECTOR& Jersialah Bona% Lets, T. Owen, nnw td. tilumodo, t,on,ne Marsh, Bent. M. Holtinehised, Jr.,Baull. 1,. PmeJl•y, John McDowell. io.dward Roberta, RIO. Hale. (B ell e f onte . th. James T. Hale/ J Eft Eh. AH EIONSALL, President. eRN OINNODO, Vice President. BDWARD W. DAVID, .'eoretury ia24.lnOiSty pAwsoN & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS. NM Al 9 AND sat MlNott. STREEr, Between Market end Chestnut street'. PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PA WSON. .IAtI. B. NICHOLSON JAH-ty• F,FINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS - C. DONOGHUE will continue business until May next, at 16 South WATER. Street, and now offers for sale, at the lowest market priers. for orialt. or on ap proved short Credits. 1 0110 burets steam-refined Sugars and,By rups, of various grades, moludin„ Lovering', Crushed and Pelverued and hfollor's Patentseut Loaf Sugars. Al. Rip and Java Coffee. Adamantine Can dhlowand We so lly's Brawl!, Brandy Coloring. ja27-3in. QOUTHERN MONITOR RICHMOND 1,7 ENQUlREll.—Busineia men detnrine Southern Trade oannot do better thin to Advert en in Southern import Wine N. E. corner Dock end Walnut streets. ja27.ot. 16., THE PIIRENOLOGICAL CABINET, EnTAßLisitnn HT FOWLER, WELL', ho. Asle open der and °yawns, for the ante o f kit O ..A n P r brerieklY, Phi Biology, rt ater.Cure, 0.; • t "iti a Iit t NOLOOICAL EXAMINATIONS. The importance of Perenology in the training of the young, the beinctian of nertiontionm and ennqmninnn, and in every department of active life, is (attend 130- knOWIOUnen ur au intnindent pernons who are linclUalut ed with its tutu. Written deseriptions from daguerreotypes will be "8210';',11 t ollInktlijspelinatrtralls. JOHN L. OAPEN, No, 521 CIRERTNIIT Street, 'ann.,' ',tors. dl-wAs am if-W now Ptilladelobts, PAPER HANGINGS.—The subscriber lowing bought from Mr. 1,01718 HELEOSE hie Stook eau Lenin of Store, No. 62i CHESTNU'E Street VIWIYH t / t Slifl e Ng.? at Ag:ct7 e tT:= I , To rcl tre . PoTtni rernnatits of Gold, Velvet, or (Scoed papere. sufficient for nor sized rooms, vestibules, halls, &o. which will be sold regardlege of coat, to make rooMfor new in voices of Fronch and Am j , r3on n manufeotureg. JAM.I.B BURK. JD.. Sucoegeor to I,buot Hemmer!, Importer MO Manursoturer, 628 CHESTNUT Street, at• Third Store below Seventh. OOINS AND MEDALS OF ALL KINDS, d Mineral ! , Sheila. Engravings. Autorrophg, Sta tioner!. and tremor Article., Bou g ht en Bod, W. IDLER. 11,11-Irn• Nn. 111 North NINTH. non, ARCH Nt. SYRUP MOLASSES, &c.-500 hhds. and bble. ohms and medium Symp.. Also. prima Moo oo-rado blo'RaPeo, lor male by JAMBI (MAHAN & CO., LETITIA Street. 1.9 GUM SOArtlONY—Vitgin, for Rale by WETHE4II.I. & BROTHER. Ins Ay A.mi 49 ndnrth NP.MINn FlfroAt QBEBOLD & BRO 'S NICE TOMATOES 1, 1 —To be had on and over, in the week. et STALL No, 21 FR ANK ly', LI N MARKET. jrCM-At• BURNT FLUID. ALCOHOL, AND PIN F OIL, In bntrola and Iv& nntroln. mnourno- Wed &rutin sale by ROWLEY, ASRBURNER CO„ Ign.lB R. harvetn. 141 %I AOKEREL.-485 bbla. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, in assorted Original ?mirages, of the latest amok. for sale _hy O. C. BADLI.R & CO., ARCH street. Id door whovft Frnnt. )nil JAVA OOFFEE.-1.000 pocket); prime Jr,vA Cone, formate by JAMES GRAHAM A CO., t.,I4TIVIA Stroot. ViN EGAIt.-100 bbl.t. Clarified Cider Vltty_ar, in store and for einle by ROWLFY, ABIII3URN...H. & CO.. 16 ',MYTH WFIA R VER. j 4 24 EIEME —375 tboxoe Ilorkinu r County Cheese, in store, and larvae by 0.0. SADLER & 00.. •61 ell for...r ad dn.,. Frmirla2l ITAVANA tROARS.—A full assortrt aJa lust received, in store and 'bond. le et Hon of denfere le Invited. H. U 0 U. T 80 , .12A-31 Nn 014 ...th van T Rirpitt. OIL AMBER—Rectitled and Common, for Saa " le by ;TAU Kit iEgoter' STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OP THE ROYAL INSURANCE CO. OF LIVIIRPOOL SCBSCRIBRD CAPITAL 110,000,00 PAID•UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 8,510,886 SPROIAL FUND lIRLD IN N. YORK. 3:f,055 ASSETS. JAN. 1. 1859. Rent Mate 820,00) 0166,000 OM In hand In bank.— 4.)M 0 6 alms Cash In hand' of agents.. 20,08$ 31 2 100110 Loons on bonds and Mort gages. (Real Eetate) Loans on lire nob olea Roche orate United Stale. and separate (Raton, held In New Y0rk........... Loans on State and Cal stock he'd in New York. 6.lga Loans on Realwar and other stook, Iq Oreat Britain 600,317 2 0 trA1.90.2 Railway and other ,tucks. 71,642 II I 536,200 1.000 :0,000 1/3,433 II 3 31,1f3 MAN 8 4 /1110.1 vows s 08,1110X6 Premiums. Fire Risks re volved is the year 18C41 Louse prod during the year " aeasrtaiaed but Dot paid ...... [106.10 2 6 a peo,Tto 96.662 I 1 0366 8,441 0 8 21,780 Nona. contested or in suit. Claims against the Com pany of every deecr(p• including one•auar• ter'sduty to Government. toil 12 a ISLAS FIRE BRANCH. FIRE INSURANCE, of all deecrlptlone, will be ef fected at MODERATE RATES OF PREMIUM, whilst the tars• Cepital of the Company forms as abso lute security to the 'seared. LIFE BRANCH. BATES OF FREMUM MODERATE. for those In• luring without participation in prate, and to those In suring at the advanced rates, 'which entitle them to a 'hare to the profits of the Company, it a behoved that no reliable Company, either in Europe or America, holds out greeter prospective advantages. PROFITS DECLARED Shia' FIVE YEARS Last Division of Pronto cool to TWOFER CENT. per ANN UM ON 817313 AMT.:RED, on, EIGHTY PER CHET. ON THE AVERAGE{ OP ALL PREMIUMS PAID, Added to the amount to be veld et Deeth. Loner ruilucted at Philadelphia, and promptly paid without riferenee to Liverpool, by GEORGE WOOD. AGENT FOR PHILADELPHIA, NO. 220 WALNUT STRHET. It liFitliß TO C. 11. Fisher, Han., B. it W. Welsh. Adolph E. Boris, Boa., Thomas .t Martin, Prost—Bulk Commeroe. Jamul, Asat.Bantso, &Co B. D. Comely', Bag., David B. Brown & Co., Cashier Philadelphia Bk. B. Morris Wain & Co.. I. Pem. Ilutchirion, 11. Troller & Co . John ()rise, Es+, B. A. Fahnastoek k. Co. Sarroyor—SAMUEL COPELAND. Inneotor—WM. A. SIMPSON. Attending. Phiainiss—Di. W. W. GORHAM). ConAußiat ThyMoina—Dg. RAM VSL Jacitsor. _ Pit ILA DILP ULA. 161166111 81. 1143. tiFFICE 0F TIIE QUAKER CITY 1N ... BUR AN OE CO.. No. ANNUAL WALNUT ST RRET. FOURTH ANNUAL STATEMENT OP 111111 BUSINESS AND PONBITION OP THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COBIPA NY, As Presented to its Stockholders Jan. 3, 1880. Capital Stock .. owe° eurplua..lanuary I. .. 121.331 41 Premiums received in 1800 (ire. 0118 654 S 3 ud ' 464.2° 878,001.13 jnl dr Transportation... 42.0111.10 Interest ransomed .... 11 Tale SAvage and reinsurance .. 05 882-19 S 6110,043.11) LOSSES. EXPENSES. Le. Leanne gain ... 9104 471 611 Dividend, Commissions to agenta ease. lineages. °Moe rent........( 65 083 M Printing, advert sing k espousal. Salaries paid in 1850.. • .. .. • .... Reinsursnoe ant retiirn"prerni ums. 30. ASSETS. 0204 Bond. mid mortgages on real estate 4103 Ono 00 Ground rents in Phi ladeleh is —,_ • 11,16040 to shares Continental Bank, NOW York..„ 6,000./10 ISO shares City Bank, Philadelphia 2,50.1.10 100 do Corn Exchange Bank, Philadelphia 2,600 no 00 shares Union Bank, Phil sit& 1,500 23 do Coneolidaied Bank d 0... 75610 13 do Farmers ft Meohantos' bank. Camden. N. J........., 901t0 111.10 shar•s of Railroad, Canal, arid other %tricks, all paying 0 per cent market value ....... 07.880 Id roupop bonds bearing a and 7 per et 10,100 pa Plegotiab s bola receivable' 01,004 9 / 3 Cash in bands of agents and in transit— 94.814.112 Cann on hand and in bank 477.14 $3,79,70 This Company continues to make Insuranose against 1,0011 on all kinds of Fire, Marine, and Inland Buie, on the most favorable terms OFFICERS, President—GEOßGE H. HART. Vice President—E. P. Ito9o, secretars and Treasurer—ll. R. COGGSHALL. Assistant Sec retail —S. li. BU PLE B . DIRECTORS. George H Hart, Foster S. Perkins, K. P. Ross. H. R. CotFilill, A. C. Cattell. E. W. Bailey, Androw R. Chambers, Samuel Jones, H. D. Hon. H. M. Fuller. Jasl..tf 11. R. COG OSHALL. SOO'lltari• OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IN SURANCE COMPANY. ritiLlaHL7nza, January STATEMENT of the AFFAIRS of this COMPANY, in 000formity with a provision of Rs obarter: Pronoun - to front January 1, 1359, to January 1,18J9. • • ....... am,920 9S Premiama earned on Manne and Inland Rieke dung the year endiez as above... 173.118 83 Reoeived trout tntereeta on investments. ... T.ltg 69 Lomita, Return Premiums, Re-inattranten. Expenses and Commas/ions, and &must roomed to pay loam unadjusted.......... 141 O 6 Net Rain— .. Balance e,gaiTud iii;;' - oi •• " •• " • ,• • 430,14 , 3 U tattallY provtoue year. 45.1e5 86 --- Balance to the debit of dividend aecourst ASSETS OF TUB COMPANY, January 1, MO. AIXO Pennerlvanis 5 per cent. Loans, at coat. 80855 00 10.000 Philadelphia oily 6 per pent. loans, " 10,300 00 7 00) City of Pitts urg 6 per pent. loans, " 6.700 00 000 00 47 1,620 Camdea and Amb o y R. Company, 0 per 0,300 COW Bonds 41,713 IX/ SAO North Pennsylvania R. Comp'y Bonds 0 per peat....... ... .. • •• • 3.750 00 100 Sharer N. Pennsylvania R. Company.. 0 060 CO " Philadelphia Bank 14 710 Cal 14,610 Chesapeake And Delaware Canal 14,610 00 86 Shares Delaware Mutual Safety In -45 Shares Delaware 11 . .. Cnmirany.• • •• • Sunday stooksviif Railroads. liteamboitt Com panion. and Telegraph Companies. and Cer tificates of Profits of Mutual insurance mats 0/ %imated present vahte ..... ewe 000 ® : tl la receivable for 81,4 d 67 ash in ......... 10,00 77 tie the Company for uneettled premiums, sal • , and other acc0unt5.............. Tf AV a RICHARD 8. SMITH, President. JOB. COLLISON, Seoretary. T t At u rig i alt c A f N i a a eat r il d n at their offloe January loth, M. the rillowloe gentle men were elected to nerve se Direotore for three year* , H. Deetouet, ElTarefggi: A. E. 13 0 21!,,, " orn:Ellik, ikunuel C. Cook, I 4 ,: t1" . . -R V7" - t i er: . otos. and Henry Samuel. for two Pears, who, with Richard P. Smith, Fi h„Tio.vezi., Hugh Campbell, od fray . Frey tag, rt=fr jzile,l3nalth. J. P. Btetner, ohs Yarnell, John H. Irwin, homes Pdilae, Albert Worrell, Charles_ Newbold. 71 bleorge Lewin, I Cleo. W. Hamadan, P. Salomon, constitute the Board of Diroutors, Jals Ift if JOS. COLLISON, Magnus ri• THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Assets: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, Milan IM 3 I4 . T H Vaita s it i ; ON kW, IMAM The gremlin= WE LovrEß Man In many other Comp• and the Dividend' have been *HEATER. Thir je a stria,' MUTUAL erpally. AMMO no to3kholderi, so that A THB P BELoNo To THE HiEra3D. Pamphlets. and 'ivory information. may be et had 111LATI5, on appligation to 8. W. oo rnY; POU R ' and PIIII.II.DELPHIA REFERENCES: T_hornem to John etch, Pilordeom L Dawson. tolatk e ? e tlart. :fisher Lsaiaing. ahem C. Us Ina. igt e n P PiL r lit t V i o: ' 2 . Arthur .3. conj., Thomas Ii Powers, George W. Poland. William McKee. Thos. Watt's)... ns-Illf. IJORSES TAKEN TO WINTER on a rano In Delaware Dona y. Bzealle❑t tr . 6011 4nd experienced Groom. Ap pl y No. 04 AL T PlNVirld 11t111,. SAL AMMONIA—For sale by WITH MILL & BROTITHR, 41 and 0 11011Ti e f o r CONa4 street. NEW YORE ADVERTISEMENTS. AUGUST BELMONT & CO., BANKERS. NEW YORK, Urn Lettere of Cmlit to TraTellers minable to ALL PARTS OF TILE WORLD, INZOIOII ?RI MESSRS. ROTRSCRILD, OF PARIS, LONDO V, FRANKFORT, rzENNA. NA PLR& 4413 THEIR CORRESPONDENTS. Jae et• PRINTED LAWNS. FAIRCHILD & FANSHAWE, 62 & 61 PARE PLACE, NEW TORE. HAVE NOW OPEN THEIR USUAL LARUE AND BEAUTIPUL ASSORTMENT Ol PRINTED LAWNS. ON THE BEST 1200, 1100, AND 1& CLOTHS. ORGANDIES and FANCY .11U8LINIS, and ROBES In GREAT VAR.ETY, all confined Styles, from the beet Gleeyow Printers. produced with the greatset care, and to welch they invite particular attention. WOVEN DRESS FABRICS, Comprising all Ms Novakiss of tbs Smoot BRILLIANTES, White sad Printed. GINGHAMB, New And °bolos Patterns, and o Largo Stook of MowsHomo= BRITISH DRY GOODS. 1113171 M BRADFORD STUFF GOODS, Both Staple and Fano', in Oral ViutetY IRISH LINENS. OV trt■ VVIILL• ['WWII BILL, OP PATRIOKS, monoLsoNs, DUICSEATHS, Ats 4 Mims, compriang avert deaoriptlon of ELAYS,BLOUBB,HOLLANDS,ORABS,SMIR T ma, and TABLE LINENS. AORNTB FOR J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX•OORD THREAD, Of which they have on hand end ere constantly reoeiv MS, every number and assortment, Whit. Led Colored 4.140, MARIANO RIIBINACOI AND RICCIARDI SEWINGS. 1113312 t-If WANTS. WANTID—Bp a first-class BOOK. KEEPER, a situation in a COMMAZICII House. Best of references given. Address "F. M .."at TAs Press o ffi ce. 'Jag. 41.. WANTED—By a Young Man who writes a fair hand. and a quiet at figures. a situation as Assistant Clerk in some Mercantile House. Address " Porter." office of thus paper. Jstg-gt• VITANTED—By a BOOK•KrEPER of thorough practical exaerienca r s situation )22 first-etashlerealoile House. Bank. or Inauranee Office. flaitafaltory references goren. Address •• Realit•." at this office. UV A N TED TO BORROW. $5OO ON I LL,. Jr:t wi llAV E state &scanty. Address "it;egtr.," A YOUNG LAD, WIIO IIAS JUST gmdeated from the Thoth flchool.wants a situation in a Wholesalo lionse.where he wol have an opportu nity of obtaining a knowledge of business . ae-dreso Templeton. ' Blood's Dispatch. Jests st. LAND WARRANTS WANTED, HIGHEST PRICE GIVEN, DREXEL & CO., a SOUTH THIRD STREET. FOR SALE AND TO LET PUBLIC HALE OF A FARM, LATE THE weeny of Abram Powell. deceased. eoutaining shout gIEVENTY ACR Mon Upper Darby. Delaware o um, beautifully 'Misted on the Delaware county. 10 d Baltimore t turnpike toed. 414 miles front Market- Street bridge. Philadelphia. and within a few rods of the new West C. ester it sifrivid. at Darbproatl The improvements are extensive and suoatantial. and a good Tommy of fruit on the place. It writ shown. on application to ABRAM. or SHER D POWELL, residing thereon. the tale. which will be positive. to commence at 3 o'clock P. M.. precisely on fifib day, the ninth of s•cond month,lFebrnsryd 15110, when the oonflittons will be mace known. BY ORDER OP THE HEIRS. AVALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC sAuE.—Will hairdo! at Public Vale, on TUESDAY . , Yarns jannlifl 31. at 2 o'clock. on the premEs. that Valuabi on wanh Darld Hater now des. containing Pon about sores . en being set in Tales timber. Me bal ance in shish state of ultteation; eiturited 13S crdi s from Prineeton, M. J., on the new rosd leading to Pearlier - ton. The farm is pleasantly located in • healthy. tor, ins country, near to the beet Occasional testitutions. It heel a lams apple otehard of choose fruit and a variety of other In:Mmes. The holdings are g ood. This in a rate cloaca for parents wishing to educate their chil dren. Tit rmseasy. lt• VGERIANTOWN PROPERTY —For ale or to Rent, a lame and eommodioeit 101'8E. with all the modern improvemente. corner or ARMAT street and NCIL,LIINV AV. NUE within Eve minaret aralaet_ ?Lurch -lamb _Situ., emit at ILENRIt I. TARR Marble Yard, Oltih:N Steed. above Seventh. Philadelphia. XIS et BILLS ON LONDON- El= OPPIECE OP PRWSBYLTANIA RAILROAD OOMPARY, Seathweat outer THIRD and WILLING'S Alley THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer TO RENT. TIM STORES TINDER TER CONTINENTAL HOTEL, ON Tllt . NLITII-STREET FRONT. Poeseesion will Le siren on FEBRUARY lat. MO. Applioetiorte will be received at the office of the Com pany, It the B. W. COR. NINTH and SAIISOM STREETS, lato-ti] Second Floor. (10AL LANDS, etc., etc.—About 71.11 Acres Coal 15e Building Lots, S Forms, ' , aria NOW Rotel, More. Stabling, &c.. &o. This propen e y is located in Luzern.) county, at the junction of the Sus euehanna and Laokawenna rivers. at the head of the Wyoming Fahey. directly opposite Pittston, and the lands of the great Pennsylvania Coal Coogan+. Ihe Lands have been bored and proved. Ihe great Pitts ton vein underlies the earns. Toe Lackawanna and Rionnahurg Railroad runs through the property, and has Station. Depot. An., Re., located thereon. The property will be sold a bargain to close a con cern. Apply to F. C. KISIGHT, President West Pittston Coal Co., joys t Cor. CHESTNUT and WATER St... Phda. ITNIFORMS.—For sale. FORTY GRAY I- 1 UNIFORMS. trimmed iriqi blitekdorood condi tion. to be sold cheap, Addrou •' 11. D. L." at this USG CV BUCKS COUNTY FARM FOR SALE.— A. handsome farm of ninety-one sores of land In Penn's Manor Falls Township one-third of a taste of a station on Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. one mile of canal, turnpike, and river. one sod a lislf miles from Tullytown and four males from Trenton ; large new Barn. trams Dwelling, good Land and Menses. Pnne 890 per acre. It is is good property and a very oheop one JUSIIUA PACKHOUSR, sutg-at • BRIBTOi, Bucks Co., Pa. ail TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS 15E1 A 1184418 ton) end fixtures, well !neaten for bua new. A Mill. 71. by It3 feet. three stnriee huh. with water power and steam for *enema and finrshing roods. A Dye House. en by ti teet.with good water for dyeing. and plenty of dry room. This property in Fisher's lane. near the Germantown Ratlroad, being so very aocemtble to the city. makes it very destrable. Apply to THOMAS FIEHFR. jarLef Fisher's Lane. Fill SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of Christian and Twentieth streets, hams three fronts, soltaNe for a church or factory site. For terms &c.. ddreasJ B .at tins office. JdlS tf pACTORY LOT FOR SALE.—A vah3a ble corner lot, Mt feet square, haying three faze., admirably Irevited for a factory site. It as attnated the !southwestern !Art of the city, in a repidly-im roeing neighborhood. It wall be sold on reasonable MIL For particulars, address " office oi Ter Prue, jalS-tf MaIIOTJSEi TAVERNS, and STORES, Real Estate of every deeorietion for tele or to rent. Aneig to EfErs'd, Real Estate Arent, N 0.127 North SECOND Street, In L. Tommy & Co.'. Seed Note. An maim WO 101 Promptly atteeded to. English, french, and uerrnan spoken. idoLuotor of Oround Neel.. Alp-Sm 0776,746 91 ROHR. dc DAVIS IV ASIUNG-MACHINE for Isle biILOWM & tdrIDE, Manua* torero, *7 STRAWBEaIItIr Street. hdadelehus. Br t his machine sweek's Task o so sirdinary-el zed family can he done before tirialeast. It le equal in ea wily to four women. sqd saves at least en per cent is wear and tear. Hundreds of thew are now In use. and the demand coati n time. Call and exa.mine for y °unlike*. County rubes for We on reasonable terms. Price of magus* 810, se to $l3. rLowitiANlollt BR rpv. 37 Er AWBRI4 R Ftreet. SADDLERY, HARIIiESS, &o. LikoEl & PHILLIPS; ' HARNESS, SADDLES, AND ROBr. , _ Tas Paws Mauer. at the WiktUri Fair. d IEIIJ-en dow, in Pa i nsas awa, ded the e Worldse beet TgLit Ittanal. at Fair, told in in Tort, in 1283, was also awarded to us for the beet Har ness. Having since then greatly enlarged our manufactanng fsoillisee, fill'eartf.T i btrariTA P public at .0.. so I, Ad SS South BPIF , TH Bt., above Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. The moat complete assortmept of a rticles In our line offhaaineve, sue pl us Hamm', Ladies find Gentlernelii • idingfiaddlts, Unving and 'dirig Whips fly F. nom Goren, fsr Summer and winter use. 5 and all other kin d• of robes. Ur goods are manufactured in the very beet style of vorkmanstop. and with but oris QUALITY OF IIEATHER, which is thebest the market gen tarnish. Attention is asked to the fonowlng sada of prices t Ord r ei s erviceable hatatees from .812 to re 111307 fin 80 to SS Plain double harness " 3 1 10 to B 3 Country hareem makers an be en hod heinous cheaper Man they can manulsoture them. ulll-stai&thim MONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED.— im It ANY INT—Vpok Wade!. 'onvelry, , allver Merchandme, !ie., THl goan tre qpitrborovozs i ezm . ABAUSEMENTS. UNIQUE AND ELEGANT MUSICAL %- 1 NOVELTY. DR AYTON'A PARLOR OPERAR ANT. PROVERB& CONCERT jiA LL. ctir.irrtrr Stree t. A SRORT 'NUE ONLY. EVERY EVENING, at 734 o'eocs. ezt..err.rt• BM, 4sy. Also. SATURDAY. az 1 o'elook. Doors *pas half as hoar ;a uiraise". - - - Commeector triON DAY. Jaeoary This anyel cowl eltract Eatertvernest.eo •Ix let tiLlaH BUFFO OPE rA. COALEI Y. AND LYRIC DRAMA of the aret ord. r.and 'perfectly car icrruoxattz t" as claret. ale treater, sower @neuter—a faro''e dariay a 1441.110,, of FLVF HUNDRED AND RIXTY-FtVE MIGHTP a 1-aadea and Henentratx alms is Ike. Ynrk.azat pronnuaeed by the Eaghais and Near York rpm the moat motriAt and &ha. nal eaterta,cnia, cyan% n and Mrs HENRI Dlt ATToN and ae-or . VEI RA. the GREAT VIOLINIST. en ti spears each I Tie 'fik TWO EVENINGS. /worm ddth add Sist. , the °ne NEVrve. trd JE JUDGE BY APPEARANCES, 1 ND DIAMO% DCI DIAMOND. Fer,ertlectlare see .mall 1., cm 8, 4 metlb otrOwned at tae ammo abwes or Manna! & noes. S7 Chestnut street. Beek d Law ton. au Elthstnet street, and at the wall fro= S A. AL. to M. . . Palcits.— Bodi of tYss) cont.' Eisisov. 25 teats. 2t WALNUT-STREET THEATRt:. 8010 •• • •Mrs. M. A. GARR ETTSON. Stamp %maser .. K r . F. F max elf, &tamest Aunt.___....— • r. JO& I) 1 4 VII MT Posmeelv la st lig of the 000 PER OPERJ. TROrPF_ TRIS fIIATURDAYI EVENING, NOR M. KOMI. All2lll Mile., ; )(taa Falco Groves°. MOBysalea co.*. _NR CREDIA. ,th Crates. Mrs. Paflield. ?noes au ascot ta moored vithet!t extra okarts. rs open at 6.4 o'clock ; Perfonaszoe to OGr..:ZiLOII u 7 o'clock WHEATLEY & CLARKE 6 mica. STREET ..TIIMATE TIIIB 18ATUMPAy il7Esrsg. }WERTH°. I" FRIE74II ) MT. Pea th eilY, f. V EQ. heallty ; Mrs. Fe11016:1.1, Mr*. John Drew. BOTTLF. IMP. yckok o , Mr, Dolman; Wlllltald..Mr. &Ail or PRICE./ mmalon, 23 cen , • BetnEll 3cate to Draw Circle.37M cents; Parapet. oc:Aa. Doers open at half peat 6 o'clock : perlorm pc to commence et 7 rielnok preeNely. DAN RICE'S GREAT SliolV. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT et, PIOT* Eighth. Palcss.—Dress Cirels,_3o cents; 23 cants,' Nests In Priva!• Bones, Is eents Whr4e Pri vate Boxes. 83 and PIA Casuist on Tims.—Doan open at I;saf r rs t 8 cleoet, Townsmen.° at?. THIS IS TURDAY! AFTERNOON and EVE 4 1.N0. Eleventh Night of the magatioent Seestasls and gorgeous Show Piece of the MAGIC NINO OW THE FOUR ELEMENTS FIRE. WATER, EARTH. awl AIR! Herbert _Mx. W rasal Anuipti. Mr, WhCrthkrrt Go.tah. Mr. J. Dame ; Fretine. Miss Rasinred • Emilio. ?disa Adetasde3 Spam of toe Wrer so Wilton ; Kora ie. ?dive Weds ; Stints of Is Tatford and 3dlss Es e ACTH IN T H ARENA. air Heats can be secured .4' the 3isgihil ins tins days in advance. AMERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THE GRAND BALLA-VD PROMENADE CON CERT, for the purpose of estAtinahnia a Regmy and Renewal Fond. to keep en the Properties .rd slid of the building, will tote Pines in the beriMinA. BaIOAD and LOCC,T Streets On TUESDAY EVENING. the Irth FEBS GAST neat. u t der the patronage of the lollorn i ag Indite. whe have sonsented to aid the otlect by their preen-ea nut inflnence i Mrs. Boahrod W. Adam,. Mrs. John Bolin. Wm. R. Angler, J. W..l.l.2eHrant, " John Better, " J. L. Latta. .ndolpti E. Bone, " Wrs. D. Lewta, Chailes t Bone. " John Lialesy, (teorre H Sober,l " 4, E. Nauru, J. B. Budd " T. iL Petersen, Henry B Drayton, " James 'M. Pe - 1 " Wm. S. Bid le. " Geo. G ?raid,. Jr, " W. Hayward Drat tom! " Franc Peter:. Robert . P. _Deena - e r r. :: E encase Ilogers, : Yornledit Dell , I e'. ' " G. D. rtt l e, "l l"' Jo seph . Fraser, " Junta D ms*, Jo R. Fry, " John P d e hell. . Coleman Fisher. ; " A. Murtha Enswarte. " Sinned W. Gnu, , " Nathan ru1er,;?.....: " Constant Goilloo, " J. F. Tobias. "V.:' ••W. W. Gerhard. " George i ion. W. B. Bart. " Wm. d. vans, ~ O liver Iloplonson. " George M. WharNak. ii R o bert M . Roemer. " George J. Wearer. Lau S. Wet,. nun. The following gen lames their usiethme i A. C. Omit, , J. C. Hand, I Pray . J. F . Steiner. I: N.ltodzi.a . i. ,y_ is atarmsa. F. Graff. Alex. m ilcocks. I J. TraenMr, John Cadvalader.l J. B. Bad& G. D Rneengarten, F. J. Dreier, E. F. Wolgunoth. L. J. Lehi. Henry M oss. yton. S. Bremen. Lin. L. .Rogera. w .Buward Dray ton. I F,... 1 ,...,„„. John Tucker, Davie. G. l'in Bec ker, ; Cau. L. Dane. i S. Heart' Norris. ohn Dalian, , A lfred Horner, Jr .R. Orne. .. i George Trots% J. P. Fraser. L. %. Mselnatte, win. B. Ran. I John linime. John Thornier, Charles Nein'. Jr., C. Galileo, R. I'. Mninisid. gee. G. Grogan, W. B. saunter.. C. Barns Geo. Grant, u. ilacalester, Jr., B. L. Mora, Semi. W. Ones, I O. itoplunson, John B. Kenney. • A. E. Pone. Evan Auer,. Y.''. Deflect, Jr, ; i'. Ve l at n ur n e,h. .ens cooper, ward K. s Uinta. '3. F. Roddy. l , cudl Shigyan, °ranch Mcklutrie, ' M. S. Swan.. aivi. J. Gr... • 3. Rambo. Kuhl. George J. Weaver. Charles Sha tee. N.M. Hooper. =.n. -- .- W C. Lading. E 3. P. Einctonson, H.111..e. 111.FE5.J.84". Gostaveis Rosie, W. 8. Carapoml. N. Ware, Carl Woltsok.a, M. Nisbet, IW.S, Steiner% 1,8. Leven° z. Jo, . Tots-s, real Pemberton. , T. B. Peterson, . I'. Steele, , . 3.11. Haddock. / Fghlreitancg. ; Robert Smith. W. D. keine, Jos L. Noranoll. .1. R. Caldwell. ! Co emse richer, D. P. cummingt, 1 W. V. %richt, 8.11. flromman. ; Alex. B. Coe. James W. Pull, iartn an jititn. Jr.. .V. J rank Peters. 1 ames 11,_Hilight, Y. W. Bailey, / ed. W. ba hate, ..b , .:yre o a n aZio. t tear; g:Zcat el. John . For - lief. Josue:amt. 2. Joseph Shipp/ n. ohn Gunter, ,E. it. Hotelman. Harry Buds, A.. Alarm, Stewart, Ic otert P Undror, A. Paler. . Crawford , ',./ tom as S pub, ; Armed , Oul. Fitzgerald. , W. R. Angier. William O. Vann. . Manmade , v- Harvey, J. B. Brown. I B. le. Seephe.d. A. B. Denekle., George G Preetory. Jr . N. Decatur Smith. f Rune ht 7 D•esii.of, Bickrird Paxton. • 1 George J. Waterman, Pa0..1 B. Godd,rd. Charles *Sm. . AV. Swearinsen„ 4. idea. ...i W. W. 6 orhanl. I James ß D.Sinith, o.l' Lamm, I Horace B. Fry. R. il. Yuma , I Henri S r lii ells, . Henri SI. Iv bninir ... Hite m R. Fisher, ha n n soge, . Jotua .I-- Li........ea. sores al . W hertort, Gibson Peacock. 0111 , 12 BIM, C. E. itetehmeon. The entire stage walla rat wait the Daunt OM ALI D•Ona arena, brilliantly lusionsien d. v,riint. by N g , averd Rimers, for the opera of -. TDe Simi an Veit p cen i aa r t age executed i in dth to ctoou n h i knd-siel of Doors open at M n'elock, Marie commennine et p and Dancing &silk o'elock. Gentlemen not marnuted 0.2 . the bail door vita can Sr overcoats, nor ladies With boanoug, donne the denci_pg. Ca R U 2 OF .ADMISSI , a; i For elle Gentlemen and two Ladies-- .... er. ..a Gentleman- - ... . . s Which can be istb; . obtained of MOO O . ( the gentlemen above-named. and at the ogee. Ice South Fut hi Id !Street. also of a Committee at the IA Ca 1.11.1111 . OA the da? and evening 01 the Ban. By order of the Stockholders' Sleeting WILLIAM 8 8311 R. Chairman. EDWARD SIIIPPEN. teo'y. 1513.28 Int, 9 1.1-44 Ivo alma enaeata4 to urn, MR. AND MRS. HENRI DRAYTO`•'S PARLOR OPERAS AND LYRIC PROVERBS. This amain and elegant bluweal ate Destaatm Entertainment w.O open at C CERT HALL. CHI to NUT Street MONDAY, Januar) 3u frw a tear nights may. Senor OW VERIA thexrP33 st or: engaged. Orchestra conduct by FIFER ENUEI For partieula.s see small Nils and f.tnre aciceruse menu. Pnoes—Body of HaU 60 coati. 13e,eoni, cents. i••• 25 gi mcDONOUGII'S GAIETIES—LAUB St.. below THIRD. ORNAT BILL TO-lIIGHTI nn wbpti opossum Mr. Hernandez %111 1;4e: enable celebrated Also. DRUM MARCH Bileasque P° Du Bn Com ooliT ic Aß PL: t ics iL , ll o ll :t a u ..E.7.43.vr jhello tedemona. All the COWPSZY nDOnr• Til°l ll . 'UF'S VARIETIES! (Cafe Chan ts:Ltd N. W. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. OREAT cONCENTRATION OF TALET, (EVEraY EN &NINO DURING. THE WEEK.) eisq-- bininr FUN, VARIETY, T&ITNT. and NOVELT ! In which Iv r. W. N. . I the as walled En..- der Bones.' appear.i In emtiunction with TWRNTT L t. &NO 1., rLEY.IOI. All of them • rtists s pencil' bait, In most varied P 00 Rit.31.11 B. eilibrrain, Coads end Sentimental ECM'. Ethiopian Deltas tions, C mit and Burlesque Dances. Orehasirsi Farces. Funny Sayings. instrumental twos. Comic Rr to.. &o. Commencus4; at 7Y. o'clock. ddri 'aissten 10 Ltd. It ja.12.4t. T. B. THOMET:P. Managed and Proprietor SANDERSON'S EXUIBITION ROOMS, CHESTNUT Street.pear Sixth. THIODON'S THEATa E. OF ARTS. THIS EMNING, Will be offered the following elegant scenes: The Port of Genoa. Waatungton and his Genera's. are truly re presented. NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS. In which Moving El:ores sre represented—go 'ether with life-like Nies, of th e General end tia Mar shals. The *rrovna Its:Slarch. MONKS OF MT. ST. BERNARD. After which the terrific scene of the Storm at Sao. The exhibition teronnatint with the model revr the monster steamship, the Great Eastern. Afternoon performaneeeon Wednesday and Seturder Tiokete, 26 Dents. Children, 16 elate. Doors open at 7. To eonunenoe at & GERMMI 'IA ORCIIESTRA.—PubIic Re hearsals Grey SATURDAY, at MUSICAL FUND HALL at Hi o'clock P. M. Totketh w b• had at Andrea. and Book & Lavton'a Mono 2:ores. art at the door. ]a_•l-Soi ANNIVERSARY OF THE 111) , ECHANTS' FUND.—The rade anntrersarr of thi• AiioCl-- tLOCt flil be held on WEDNF , DAY . V.VESIND. Feb. loan; o'etoek. at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on ',Stott °rearm, the annual moon of the Ecotrd of Ala eager. 'ell• be reed. Red nadrerms delt..ertd br the Run. JOAEril R. INGEROOLL. Rey Dr. BRA INF, D, Rua GLORGE L. BUZBIt The Mare. by OM Germeeta Sand, will 14 audit. the direction of CARL SRN/ Z. Cards or adintwon me be had r _erarattotaly, by. ap plying 10 EDMUND A. Bk/VD - B. N 0.3 DUCK Street; SAMUEL E. SToKES So. IS Q. FRONT Street; LIT W iti. ja.13.4tel N 0.33 N. THIRD Street. 91EMPLE OP WONDERS 11 Northeast corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Street& lifted and Novel Attracnon. eIIUNOR Bt.l Thenderful M ..v . . aftenan add Ventri',tt EXHIBITIO 'wo N EVER WEEKVV.:VINO DURING THE Commencing at Hir o'e:ous und nit SCR.BNEnIA , ,:i and BATCH DAY AFT bitNOONS at S. Tha ceteb-tte Ant.o.aton "Lope raulter.on, of the 'remelt rueeeu ?dacha/dare ever exhibited, will appear in even sal,' time. and perform. his utordatuut 18 1 4- Admission 25 cents. Children !Scents. DENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF 3 In: FINE ARTS. kze CBESTI'itiT STREET, Is OPEN DAILY. (Sunder' excepted.) fn3w. . till 6 r. Wanted—De Tenth volume of " flees& Sta., .e Yubt~a" Or Pualtois. Admission 26 ante. Children under 12 De. t,a MOO. Stove of Stook IX. BOARDING. BOARDING.—A Very Fine Sulie of two or three oftratnurtioating rooms, on Otte 1 door with or wanout private tals o. Addt rn. ROO - , Janil tuthstiobl Box to. PhtLs. r, G HANDSOME ROOMS WITH FULL t partial hoard, 628 &PKCCS Etrart. BOMIDING.—To rent, with B ard double house, s suite. of handsomely ferfCtl''.l rooms. on first ft ho us other rooms, —5 ~1 JSread street. The house his ebaufied len .nta ;), end to now ready for boarders. d.t-att" LOST—A CERTIFIOATE of two sto;c-s of stook (No. MI on CQnsolithren I' I', bMWILLIAM LOV.E t. VoMmblst 22( d 1 ,4" -CU i.`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers