*S x: f; ' l -4 04:0 1 4 1 1P*.441 4 01 41 :' :.. loe*mii4 tirot nr . .Ya9ifo ." f ilitik :Di .: e er.AliT:a,S' 'e 1, r. -e C.ai i i r if i Ares, e noefej . ' ,en n .entllBt lL•j taoleblenfe,rieVo -;strlt4rekuV.. ,_ aio. ' n - *Yertr :.. .' , i l .SattiValiipeialitivnini strsar but beeft4ll; 'l .4llraitla iirit . :0 1 4 1 :4 . 137:mr,...rhu it, ~,„.. ....,„.Rirkt, and %he prides , are each; ..,.- ProVudenn ere nutet but dullifhlekey - AO at lAnc,lo4.9lesulte, yea ilew'York unphanarld•-,k .. ,4104 . 4,741r, , ..pt5,Ap;..G0tt0a r Tee Joist adiles _ taped= Mir. neneski - ..andA, Detre np in, t e .-. 4natimilo daft' at or 1 .40' 'Wen e.. Ike 0 ' a° "I k, ' rerf A VlZ I TeNb ai neVattl. I tif larzeVre i tlai gilt* bltrat2ll3noteeTpornfree4oo oalca. 4 4 e f el 4 itina lit t ii.u. , ipter,r.l.l oi., x 0 WOO 6 s Plv . 0400 - •klytilignotbtui an , vanaing teridenoy. - " • 00-147Ria*s;i9jtoxiii!maiiate.,91'1,,000 batekat ,1 4 1E*0inactild.tiO EttOi*A- : 641104, : t.O der ' of i.„ vs att0g:0..r.0,.)111T01......,...p,e001)eit:e1, MOW. i , r... 4. .; ~. , :.,... 00 ii inane Vreeyaqyeer,.,;... , :...:. &JAW . xpome,of Wel' rie ::..,.....-.....--,.‘ •- • 7844:* otaloatOrbrer ch . 11811111*. 'i .• -4.700:000 ; : 2. 090 1 710 - 4 6 1" .': r .. 114 1 1 4: 164 ., it i #'.. " . *l : - .: 111' 7 55 : 5 / :0( C j ' :‘;'-' VOW • `Armat ISI - ONO SOfree inn at to $; .. Balee of th e week, Lam.bereeknupOrre.e Isea basil; stook --hYlott. TOMO harrg ‘ aginket.ae.we h4ke tut year. . nn on l'iew l'oric I t7l:, , t3ro4uicounti on London " 1 nter.° 0 4 31,17,11 4 4 • - , >t , •• ;., „ : ..: .'., - ‘,. 1- ~,' ( tug latea.Yll.." Dee. - 13.—linge .ftte,-14, shade highere ' ThAss oreraglng trl9.lfranids are saleable. at Mis o6 ll . 11117: .Vall:ll 4 4feirel l i E l ' aVe a n 1 • ailln an reara,„;.7 oia,liex liniket,l,l ot , i heataad , ...or. are Tfonitthri Aastatif Bunitnp hit6.L=oll3inikdar moraine /44 Mr* Waiter, islin-lirds II It/yawn& towsuddp, - ,n Utile .east otthe.borough,- started to °sip lwarlref;,," learingcordy wiXto t infant Add, aid a Hide girl of ten years,al home. About dr o'clock ktre. Wager. whilt*preparing breakfast, was'earryineitigtd ituniiaCtsep`tuber4 bal. only 9 • atin.of Met a'risfki when thckught.„ Aosigfcticitinithe labip ttkei Thal& was spilled upon kasetdrisseand satawited lonian/a took'fire, sukt letotV , Aisietencif.ceisid be *Were& 'nearly` *rem threaftot olothingisenburntgron her, body, Aftilthetkfraiiik hiaCteek: was - chavind and burnt to Ander' 4)i." Dunlap was called; bit the ter sibiliAnipTl4, she' iraifered, were beyond modloal til/, - ;cansing , kek - c(eath o\dosk the same morning. .The little girl snatched rsto the child , at the intanatitof therieeident, and Ors thn_tilarnito tha neiglitsirs;,, „whq;:returning, :found Mrs. W. undi endr 4 hoilpiass. Arkat is warning agetant the uscrotttibi %limitable artille:, 7 lforrisoton'lle. P46 l le4ioPte, al, , AlOtlikpeauxemmir WoOn.-- MayorrWood's infant daughter died, en Ttoriaki ,11144.dieStige 'nf. twenty-four days.' Marsha! t htaea.ynnoiinaec to=day drat, In consequence et bie timeist , berdarements. May or Wood will hot wicolvii his Men ds on New laisi's day' as it is MVP tc4algrilortath r Expliss last evening. CI-TY •ITtMS. . • , Breettmeit :TretrottAptitcat , Vdtiton'.—Feer:astit'• blishniente hare titeittilintedimia spiritedly to the holi day firma of this prosent Mason then - our entemnsing . frien4 A-Fahlentagtott No. din Chestnut street. - (.12tywit i effall.), , ;(64,07.0n1yt0ck the Pk:mention of pie.. Muting the lei - gayest. steel' of craved !, the world, but wears tass'njunitteint • r in., informing _thlinublii. of this biow"On Moadaylest,jihrexitliettriets Ware alive with Christmas glen-Mddantaiiht renowned Christ:Ms treat ,140alled. and spauglett. etal; deemetedOuthe meat 11001 air' and, d9rn- streets. upon the shoulders of an ebolar'llercules. whO seemed to enjoy ariteitinilistlie universal attention whieb he attracted. This home, his become, one °Ms instils/How of our I otty:asidtlie man whei has arityit made its acquaintance Is behind the' age: We haiebeen led to these remarks incidentally; onfoldeot id itiferring,t6M4Fahl,entan's ergibliehment ittbletime m detract an error in • iddefiehttilliehintontia-aPiwairsi in our eolumni re. *pectin By One - Of those ineenttabbiend 6 eareount shlY2strelitretYpoitierldeal elveretwebleVerinted doeu remits, Gies Andarlhe "ere of the most 'expert proof readerove momor leas. liable. we-Were made to say Air. Mr. Eshleman's sales of cravats alone• on the ea' today - regions; hid am:meat - WM the anemone' mon big of texViotisalut. Wi should have said eleven thou-, seed Enehangem that have copied our former state meet,: willpledsemakethiscorrection. ' • -; - lostrtl3 CLAMeII 6TOTES.-719e have frequent ti to mist! to the etevee ma nufaetured and sold,hylOr. - Jekii3.oliirli,:tit his-store, No. 1008 Market etriet:saliaine eifpirlerloany 'Others inwts, and allude the Midget mein, freiftlielliet that hie preparations"' to - supply the Woblio-trektes the demand his been-are 04abatO• hishittreproved Silver's alkisht gas ocntikunum heating stoic* for eartors, chambers: dining teems, no:Wing-rooms, offices, etcetera, are the most eompteteover invented: , They tonatuni less coat, give mbie heat, are more easily 'managed,' and ICS*. -leas attention than, any -other atom in the market. Mr. ,Clarhe:rneaufectores them with an eye to the Perwm4 ',nre*nr-.ltis,:innte, end' therefore delivers them in knittenefl i ede, of the, bast and most durable ma terteis that tor t ate 04#10 airs satisfaction would be lantoWehleo.'Ta tiotht megrim* argil one he sells, and obits atVitMalf NI, take - bi Ck. .whsn not found , upon Mal, to natively tiatishattory. this alternative e 1341 v -even; rendered, mmesiskiy;einlY proves thi truth of Cuticemaike otion'the glorai 'blob bear his lisiii...l'ltr,,aliqk's:444bushinent , at 1008' Market etreet,lir one of the most noted stove Ware kajlitiellOt* *. _ ri6,ra Bo Satersci are itadlifettnielittihAt 476 i advice last week , reenacting thei,toprigt - Y of , sentleinen giving a Judielons PrO 11141Lnalrtnthelle adretrable instrumentsOn making pre-' tbeirjadies,beehein largely noted - upon, and - 'that the - , AlfarrufEoldoir.,l , as usual. name off. with fl mug, goliwg4-Idrill.M. d Baker's' office; No 720 Arch d etreet.WfittillferaliffilifeintettWitif Muttoraers for seism] ' dare.even ;"ytrytmt week, and, *et Multot doubt - filet NeenYeaeiglay will find this anterior /amity in a - "nen O triMinerhetteit,thll iteempristely' 1 44 - 50414 4, ,VALeciliNV-TTRAPPEU ledrodnetion of -, the holiday season Mrs *digit rttiat:oniirMghterini , inagniticant atenhof Wrappers :and general dßßfniadttn entldroj gesre4i o.Wilbore & Co.. EN a and 7 Nrttlillinthritriet vliatilietrinitirtinent. we foutidj . iri tootilMi intlitheliinedel Mere yesterday. to be still Inviiried'iratina, , The%dinngs of re-day writ donot -Isse Matey ficenit enother lieary inetnime c , . 4 tili n frii' Win , * i-!llirestibiinsivesit White tO the'vontrary, the Angst artystoMinrotii.' o 4 ,rigttklln -, WI; !!Prer mirifir,seekeees Virdat eitheslth *ad hyoid age . tatity;youthei and 'alat4," if loath knew_ what age would Ofoo.ltwoold bnntttaet end esinp;tt. Imitation the ennniennunpie rattly tb,osa who deposit ia 3" The Frank lin Berton Fond,. Ile south peatnltieet,WaLekilek ,rat, Phitadelehls. , for theywither are. or_ soon becom e, nomon:root Ail denial's to this elVand - reliable cotn *lWY nen birivithdrawn - trithiitit' netree.- withAlei*r 'Soit.intsrair.., See advertisement m another Xiltirthirlitsgtovasristrr, ... 7. 1.:41" have seldom Been :seer, dataidiCfmreeVentient in any building than ',Lan WM: Mid" in the &web of the Messiah, et Locust and Juniper stream ' - oritSdielta eppisraneo ham been • nen' - much changed for the bitter', by the reintiraTaf, the lid: intim Mom Open, iehiehniere neither usefulnor mos, maittal,"ind the enteetAtids of ar-lmitation of Piston stone in sloes of tbediscoliimi meatier white inside the somr.oreseent Is still more 17219144 The walls have ' be besutifaby frescoed bY Werner, asides of arohe'ii - inttodhoOd beak of the Mil* it the gente. of which is basetifal tlio,e outdover it the word, " God is Lore." , ' The elinrohlittobe reopened to.laerrOW s with 'services by. Dr. Wilhancsot, the pastor.,- , flppylinin ..florte Fos:mama GOODS:Egret: tlefligi7gYA : oo :Itilforilnent of goidrin ibis line kapt b!-Mr.Bratioar, Wider the' Girard Route, has frptite . iy, sat'ain aaiuil in Wla OouritrY.. It; etihiaceri overythioi bloating to that branch of trade, to profuse from vat!, of nooks to aai stessnt Wrapper Worth thirty dollars. Loss's cholas fieshimporiod 'l'esa ; also, cheap * a t Sumo and Oeiterel Brownie& • ." , - , AMVINTIt 'end .811031 , X. lint 11ZIAT 411711.—The *jest , -And'oboiceet as nottnsititil tiriginal Stereoscopic Planks. ..suitable for. Neer irier l Prweendot Alt' Emporium 18 I. onth Eighth street. ; Citation " k , Co. , tk,# 4311A00r, C kr r kg meal for *nu. . ittinftli;yettitir, nitneei-eoe. Port eatetith hetitir•msrketettiet. - ' „ *wort Otitie.,-1111ProgsdEpaetaolee, motuated la Igo** *lodic Stsditistirewoopea and Views, in tirelt !variety es! st realised VIM . ; at AL, .7 amino I, Op* an, Nitiouth Poor* street, below Chestnut. Witorlantlar timilir'.;•-;••' Ikt * boas' St oar Yeast's whalicity beldt otO qoPelisis °Memel detatrt, at would meet cheerfully retioancend -the no. of thin . Oeletirsted Bitterer awe , remedy Without as equal for ferkotirie, Bar "appetite! ;sod ' iniearybk A healthy tistato,the , . , Thew Rusk no. very extensively „patronised in tie feadink Nerierela capitals. (where they an' highly re• commended by the mediae( • tecnityi) sod Wel/ eon. earned in the leading hoesitsho - - We advise those who may be wafering tram drsParels.. lees of Aninittittr. nervous debility,' ke.; to elm times Bitters's trial: - 111 r; Therna* - I , l3ittdiey, at the sentb• west oysters& Same sod Pi Ilk streets, is the pins; pat spat ftwitesste. ' , . Tan itiotosOClTY, Aft gtritrAL linsiptr Stralitt is Moiled *Byrn 0: %trans, inhlamattierof doing busmen. IsaingAtieletweef Wolof Owes sad ele gantly-Imnd hooks in the *tr. he sells at the lowest sahlithlng - letoee, and' prosittte each purohiserWith is file tioirliabittattd generous 's* of doing intairiere,thit ovules the Book Emporium."' No; ' tea Chtestant *freer, to be go sagerli ionght after by hoodteda of thoussods. - • , , . Of' A„ ARRYL- C0.'.111 C , 14 Chasipatt striet) ILf of istietee suitable fin , alto - War proem: 'Aortae containing onii &sea Nat poke, eithet 4We/1i plated, or 17017 hatolles. , ”- , A owls etattainiiia we &tied Desiatt sijarrillh Weis: with ivory; pesiii . or.plated handle*: • A 0 00 'opatelis SI a. pair -of fine' Plated aid silt Bait" Cettant sad Spboas. • .. • - A egoeoputoirfingo plated Knife, - Fork, and Spoon for ' sehifiL ,- • • • A. ouvoontsinine s'bsatlfol obeud,. and [Ned Child's que, - • -• • oiori:of rosewood oayitsinini s Dinner and Tea est of Tiebtii_Cittisol, With pearl, ivorr. - or- ;dated handler. *Used oontedereu - one'Osm elsi4a , N • ut Pinks, and two elsOi4' ffe,f - C*lrs: • • woo about Postalahla rull'urestifset; Dinner sad Too sorriest& curri & Co.'s fine plated wore. -A beset - 1M inbeeed end plattd Pitohet, ,dalser and glloblafta_,mateh. A She BoisitfiurtMinuer or Bnpper 6- 7 ** = A ehthlP ahem! tu* - pliieed Cake Burks* or Fruit A tildedi-eAseediso pLte Spoon Vsse or Reek. A plated Zof hided ma, and thrw mutt* glass attsehodl; . , • • A "tor of I fit' 4, ebitsit Butter Diem. ' AldAele dusts Dish—ellat lfsn aim he need ee s But ter Diet: .5 1(011.131"011PillePrOl'lfi," O V DIrn dea fi de plated 7fitskiajilattc: ' ' •• Intaatiful pin 'O4 ithiersiiiiird Basket. • • A ins Toiuit•Rsokperrip poo r ; epond.holder. Snit?: firierAVOl. Crumb, oi.loe Oteeni Natti,-; ' elated Tete.tkoite set, with one and Sauter. ' APSeasSialaitlined with Bohemian Glaser Gold, Urn, Kettli,:oihcit 0111 i noises. AtSfeeAltohiri - with palest and Bowl. Chseile4Yosotable or 'Entree filth. A PriobetrßelittioeOsffi tier, miltA 0440 MOustints A beedgfolariory Biettesis. , - r - • " ." An eiessekrtioWl Y(?lketi VOA &add, or S Sewing Chair. '-' " .A . AtruoleseketibribiheAtontOlete for travelling.. A Jet ofgowentoirid - 114treebot 'Os Trays. . 4'eskvad Bread Tlate,irratOitor; .with Breed Knife . to attaeli. , .. , ...f.ehliird,Tshfe•orPiektot tiOeirOyipt'one thonsatOd itittWitlVtioolYotinteinierd allot wbfeh the ettektfes of thootlo4lo olivWfor presents fir:J.44;F. , • P. of 'iteeltilrer ki.l44fOreio - f. - "anAleir *, • • Varnishing ar -11611i010#064V'• *T" • '-„*.flitg , o4liii. - 4, .4,4pr614444i - oieoi; ~•Arb*AgriiiyMoitiaii4 'ankle ilifill*.Work Stands. 4.61450, ft* 100.60.. ',47.3••,., 1 lienßag: NYteigHtigrerg !ON 'OI4PTICPY Agit faihione.ble 'and crowded ihoroughfargwas thrown into a 'tato' of great exelte 4neekkg the rasping of a mad_ bull; that had. evidently ,__DrOtten ant of Wag ettolosnre, down , from Eleventh to -I*Yth:lliitiet,Whenlfwas gristly oriented in its career by 011inerEigurgeon., :To its progress We bovine rosiest,' 'Poet ewe bithres apple:lied • peanut ventlers,,jemped through h bilk window at the corner of Fourth and Bock streets, knocked over a newsboy, Mid iithen - captured had appended to one of his henna copy of " The row!" in which wig a long eulogietle article on the heautithl ,winter stylas of Clothing 'gotten up et the palatial store of Granville Stokei;No. eel Chestnut street. ...Towns is," Hays a. wrlt4r in the Speetator, " a iiltiof 'mistiming which seldom fails." Ire are of that opinion but found our way of reasoning on the laws of common sense, Gold, in these venal times, is a won darfut clearer of the , understanding ; hut truth in mightier, and will prevad—which axiom is Illustrated by the acquiescence yteldod to our arguments in favor of buy log clothing at the " Continental Clothing House" of fil, H, Eldridge & Co.,northeest corner 'of Cheetnut and Eighth Streets. Tun &tow ,Bronx.—The storm of. Thursday night illustrated the description once given- by a colored gentleman of a similar atmoepherioal demon- Stration. said: "First It' blew, and then it anew, then it thew, and then it frig!" We have had all these conditions of the weather within a short time, and it InS iniolved the 'necesintr of great caution to avoid taking colds. The only sure preventive of catarrhs, we knew of, in intek'oapricious Weather, is 'to keep one's Self chul - in the elegant end comfortable garments sold 'at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Ifoe.irti3 and etiChestnut street. above Sixth. 131,1POliTATIONS. , ,[fteported for The Press.l NEW ORLEANB-7Barkleaso R Davis. Rand-78 bxs 6 bales - 16 plgs rooks Atwood. Ralston & CO; 14 bales cot ton 1 box S & W.Welsb; 40, bales cotton order; 16 do T ‘Righardison & Co; 26 do Randolph &- Jorks; 100 do Bmaht & Bell; 290 bblunolssess etswart, Carson & Co; 60do 14 hbds sugar W Tracks & Co; 109 bhls molasses `Cochran & Russell; 246 do DO hhds sneer E C Kniabt & 'Co; 480 bids molasses 71 Wide sugar Harris, Hey; & Cn; 9 h olds moor, White, -Oros & Co; - 1)( Ws molasses lips & Jennlrors; se empty casks Gaul & Aust.n; D boxes D C Levy; Ido Morris, (esker & Co; 29 pits sundries various consignees. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PARE. ARRIVED. Steamship Pennsylvania, Tent, from Richmond, via Norfolk 30 hoursonth mites and passengers to Thomas Webster. Jr. Steamship Boston, Bellew. 92 hours fromlfew York, With nidee and totimenggirg to J Allderdioe. , Nark Irmo R Davis, Nandrl2 days from New Orleans, with cotton, eager, and molasses to Pettit , Martin & Co, City foe Boat. frohaltiuser. 4 hours from New Castle, having towed thereto the barks White Wing, for La- Rimyra. and keel Hallett. for Matanzas. Towed oath. hark Isaac R. Davis. train New orleanc 'Reports the toe to have considerably diminished. i • CLEARED. , • Edit Ella Red, Tux°, Sc Jato de Cuba, 0 W Hama dou is Elm ' Brig Ellen Bernard, Bourne, New Orleans, D S Stet son lc Co. f Sa ar Pathway, Langatati,St Marks, Fla, do (Coriespondenee of the Philadelphia Esohanae.) . LEWES. Del. Deo 29. find suiiei snow itorm yesterday. the wind being from NE.. I stopp ed anowing lent night. although the Weather still mummies olnudr end the wind from the nest. Bnea Wean Isle, Fairy. and May Queen, from Fort au Plume, with about fitteen.sehooners, are at the Gerber. Weather very cool. - Yours, . • W. M. RIGEMAN, • ' HT TELEGR ram. - (C° " P9 t/TE P IAt e A r IgI. e ), Pi k E Z 2 .lo "" "lif ' The pilot boat Herald. from s cruise, anchored in the rottilstead.thie afternoon , and _reports having supplied hie morning , with pilots the following vessel,: Barka ha Danett. from wos. Felon Maria. from Bp. en, and brig El Thurston, I t em Cardenas, all of which are now at the Breakwater. A steam proaelier, for N York, wont teloll this afternoon. Wind NW. bee 10. P hl—The brig Ocean Isle, from Turks Is'and for Philadelphia, went in' lest evening and is at the Breakwater. The pilot boat Leopidas 4s taken up her winter quarters in the Inlet. 7 citatuvrt. fOOrres;t s in t dello° of The Dress.) 1 , New Yong. Deo. 30 E Arriv ude.ed, S London. hips Catharine', from Manilla; Junerioan from BOSTONIDeo SO. The brig Meteor. Capi Rayner. from friansanilla for Boston, is at anchor off Scituate, with foremast gone. She has 4.1 t all her sails and an anobor. ORAELEA TON. D 4434. Atrived, chip Southern Eagle and bark Luny Eliza beth, from Boston; ships Caroline and Othello, from Li 'verponl; Wabash, front New York; barks Netherland, from Rotterdam ; Achilles. from Now York; brige Flora, from Havana; llamas. from Boston. At quarantine. chip Judah. In the offing, chip Bernard, from Cardiff. NS. DOO 30 Arrlved,ships S Patton and G r ana d a from MVOS lia_oo Jos Holmes, Trapani; Lemuel Dyer. from avret Augustus. from NewYorkt India, from Bristol; Simonds, from Liverpoo l ' Valparaiso, from Havana; Marshal, and bark O W Hall, from Boston. MEMORAND. ateamship Phlnane Sprague, Mat A thewe, for Philadel phia, cleared at Boston 29th inst. Steamship City of Washington, Petrie, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool, Stesniehip United Kingdom* Mikelreid, cleared N York yesterday for filassow. Whip Calliope, Coodwin, hence, arrived at New Or • ans yesterday. ' , hip Neptune's Car, Sprague, for Ban Francine, old at New York yesterday. Bark Robert Pennell. Huxford, cleared at New Be d ford 29th inst. for Philadelphia. • Bark Achilles. Spedden, from New York, arrived at Charleston yesterday. I Bath Teresa, Politer, from Martosiboath last, arrived at New York yesharday, Bark Island _gooey'. Thompson, cleared At New York Yesterday for New orleans. Bohr Bander, Hill, from Boston for Philadelphia, at NerwYork yesterday. .hr 0 Loesr, Snow, henee r arrived at Charleston rir ar for Baltimore. ' J Learning, TRW, cleared at New 'Jerk yester dahrefhorr B Mobile . o Marks 'Nth M s wiener, Carlisle, hence, arrived at Bt gt, ' Steamer J Jerome, Jerome. hence, arrived at Alexan• dwelt:Ms Mist. /Bomar W F Cushing. 'Farrington. cleared at N York ire i plt r a o h r frr i gr i al s et i n A l & D P Sellars, of Liverpool, Yamod & Prothingbam, or New York.announoes the Ices nt the ship Plumreh. front Now York for Ant werp, of Flushing. on the 14th Deo , mbar. Crew saved. t ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO TWKLVII O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT • GIRARD HODKRZ-Ohestnnt at.. below Math. H W Patriok, Athens, Fa H Tyler. N Y -J W Barnum. Qutnoy,lll. .1 A d'Abritnehie, lit Y BAA tree, lowa • , J 0 Wade &ha Ohio 0 W Skinner. Boston H 0 Eakins, N Y . BF Abbott,Boston ,' John Btiteen, N Y I 0 Brown, On Loco ' CS 'Weatherby, NY W A Owen & la, N y Miss 8 B Owen, Trenton John C Heenan, NY M Mendereon ,N Y 9 Charles Sin on, , N Y . Kelty, N y I A. Niche le. Cluenso - John W Ravin, Delaware 0 0 Little. Delaware, 0 8 L Merchant. San Fran -A Maynard & la, Boston hi 8 Johnson, S 0 NntBtith..BC , ,_ T Nuno.Nl liTf,ig v .M Y '' -, It Evitege if 11. Pittsburg lW Gibson,-Pittsburs - .15. D ;basin! - W IN ones. Menaphisaen J Grant. Davenport arneuPolloolc, Brooklyn Mrs R Pol oek. Brooklyn' Jon T Crowell. N J D A Mowry & Ft, Prov. Ki N M McQueen. Clinton. NY O W Robins. Clinton. N Y Nn! Fhermatl, N Y W T IJDnnean, NY .1 Wen. Savannah - I W Paine, Belt - Robt A Hubei. Bt Utile "'bop Brown St Louis Oeo F Riggs, N Y R Pierson, Charl N eston J A Pierson, ir Y A L Dickinson, k RH. Bkinker, Riehmond , Geo W CUMMITIII, Del Wm Temple, Del ' - CM Thompson. Boston B G Tompkins &Oa, N Y Chas B Toppal V' i t Ritylln. Bait „ ~, R B Ontlierwood y M iss neon, it y go ); Bates, N Geo ichroonji, le Y . Mr Loweribeim, N Y 4 C Carr.N't 0 Shipman, Pa 0 F NV file) i ban Franolim4 . , AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnat at.. above Fifth. W W Miller, West Chester II B Schofield. Phila. ' A Banton, Plata . John Lane, BOACSI 8 Idasioduck. N y Piiiii Hardie. N 1 ii g Flinn; Yt ' • Tinos Wileon. Bait ,Mr Dayton k la, Conn Mies y 1 M.Dayton, Conn I Tromnirk In Pittsburg Alum BD Phillips, Pittsh'g 8 T Langie, Oh io . T Hal St Louis a White. Cairo Wm ales k la. Boston Mist Brutes Boston F M rnoy. Ithaca. X y Ft Mitchell. N Y M 31 Wheeler, Rochester Dr T N Patterson, Balt W M Mathews. Md II P Stewart & la, Balt Dant Stewart, Balt P M.ltleb. Salem, N 1 C Evens & la. Salem. N I' to 2akthArtrr Conn ;WOO/ten NI ' 7Williams, Wis . ire 0 8 Barry &so, Balt I &Tauten kja, NY : tyli Treater:Barks oo it sqm..Taylo_r_. N Y U Wilson & la, Balt H C.Foote, re Y D Vitt, Wes on. Mo Jobs 0 Hewitt, poi 4. P McConnell, Del , :JONF I / 2 8' IMEL. , Chisstnit street, shove Sixth. P 0 Ferrell Ciihon, N Y - Tao A atenroe & la, Md H Hliss.Mi A .14 Collins. Md ' J Davey. Pkiir4 IR Brown, Ala Geo Dnothr. Ala II Smith , ~. TII Dameis,litiltimore It H Croihers B Johnston Pa 1.8 Vanßensselear, N I .1 Van Renesalear, N J use Dennis. 0 Mane. Ps Jai floott, Wil• Del obt 8 Kerr. Balt E Dowling, Baltimore K ohl A Carroll, Albany 'W F Goehorn, Vs Mansfield te la, Boston NT. LOUIS ILOT)3L—Zhestput it.. eb. Third. 41 8 Moeda, Pittabuts J 11 . 4 ,11 1 / 1 • N . y A. Brown, Del Jetawapir, N RII dema LB Flew. rtsi,stark ,*_1131:gletl; Boston tr j U m at ' i;Lisvißs w DI .N ; Miss, ougitto STATE® 'UNION HOTEL—ldarluit at, shims Sixth. John Jtresir, Germantown f rid Andermin, Pa 0 w Walker. Va jams, Lancaster, Pa W Llsht. lister, Pa Thompson. Philp F A H i givi ii, iMligric W Solebansh. Pa iirrDijils, tiessi:rn'e li g o T lPlTelirdln n . Y Pi r liii,De I IL Danbar. Pittsburg, Pe. , Geo W Pesion,li %Motown Hit Martin, Columbia, PP 4saao Rearlok, G_hlo 'John Elhirey. Obro . . Enoch Bishop. N J Joseph Pippitt, NJ ' A 0 Shaer. W'insport,PP Jan MoCenn,N y II Hriller, Columbia, Pa .. .... _ ~ MERCK/017'W HOTEL—Fourth street: below Arab. WMeLean, Mbionensinuw - Dr J Forney. Usrah 'per , r Roth,'N Y._ .LW Clark, N'l V asnr..P.cilleili.. Pals Moore. Dhrllnston P Pottehone, Wyoming If Deardsme. Honesdale Geo 'P Frasier, Pa JAI Lake, Middleton, Del ' THE VVION "HOTEL—Ara street, above Third Thos Palmer, N.l - John Davidson, N J Rohr Dickßuirsln W I, Davis, Brixton, Pa 0 Eato No well, • W Bisnobard, It Y Adams N Y NATIONAL NOTEL--Neoa etraat. above Thud. N yiensue; Bethlehem L L Oreenwelt.l.obanort A W Shope, Pa Geo D_Jecilison, Pa Jos 14 Porter. Pa Col Et it Byline. Pottsville C Hemel, Indiana I' T Curtis. Pittsburg gt. Thommion. Pa 8W Alert. Lanoseter /Liottnea, Del , O I: ,, i‘lar a. ',ammeter eo IS Walter, coateaville .1 1 :31I AEI, rat4ltyg: EirkmarLN Y W alter,, likes wAnusaus A 'Given k la, Da qc,F Vile . . , r , 'blaming, Jos Ilmberd, Pa I , outs, r ottayille BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second st. below Inns 0 8 Barnhart, N .1 0 Lane Phila James M Carver, Pa S am Price, Doylestown § Sutton, Boot* en Ono Pleirerinf. Sal 00 J6l T 11071400. 1300111 , Amos Bettert.nwe4, a ;Taylor, Molten° . ftobert N Boyd, o ne Corson, Middletown avid Simpson. Ha Bco hoe .1 Janney, Newtown L Janney. Newtown Jen BnAithf WaYl. roan o,niter0 , niter tri4 Jdflett,ll6o o r o y A 0t t o les, .,Poor%stf% u flnks co MIRCHANTB' HOUSE—Third et, above Oellowdll ed Heller. Pe A L °realer, Pr, Le rar Hook. Beks co Binewanger. Norrlst'n T Bue sco 5 W B .cke oo W Hoffman, Allentown W P Nobler, Milroy, Pa COMMERCIAL - ROTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut. Wm Frits. Unionville p Lindeirugle, Unionville W W Jelliies West Chester L y, Hook, Birdsboro . James 13 Burnett. Del .nt &.ut , Pottstown 8 B Stout, Pottstown J Tustin. 15 n. Ch'ston, C R C Roman , ri.Y T os Brown, MA John Jscohei. Pa : oo - J Jeffries; °tinnier po A Oerlelius, Union • . MOUNT VERNON NOTEI,-Beciond at.; above Arch. Weller. Imzerne W Weller & la, Luzern. to Weller, Nummit In Ward & laddum Wit Mill f'_Br me. Carbondale J Walker, N y u W Preaton t Newark Max Pike, Pit A M Cunningham, Balt Robt June.. Munger Edgerton, N Y , John R. Laud. N Y :BLACK BEAR HOTEL.—Third, above Dallowbill e 0 P shott,Doylestown E Maurer. Benhtelsville SAM Morris, Philo 4anies Cadwallader. Pa Motes Haldeman. Danboro Caliper li - ads . lb - barn , Oso Ojeceetut,Ches Valley F Eihott. Doylestown )) BALD, BAAL/3 HOTEL—Third it., above Callowhil ohn Shinier. Qnekertown W Hauser, Monts so Whitney, Reading, Pft, - BAOLE .flOTEL—Third street, above Ram 1 1 B a t n otgWeittltta 9 mitirrid, 4 4°.tptegt,.. g i giali Cheater oa : feti s t ,t t i anowoo Mt Vii,h4on oo nes, rblbs ter, f soma, Lora bland =ME THE' PIiESS.--iIHILADELI'IIik, SPECLAL'rums. . TIM llCldag BM - R.—How many persona abuse this dentist° and beautiful ornament,' by burning it with nteoholie washex, and plastering it with atom), which heft no afiliiity for the, akin, ant. Is not absorbed Burnett's Coco/tins, a compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, &a., ie unrivalled na a dressing for the hair, Israel:lily ab sorbed, and is peculiarly adapted to its various condi tions, preventing its falling off, and promoting its health) growth. See advertisement. dEt e3m BRONOrIIAL AVPHOTIONEL—A clergyman, writing !torn Morristown, Ohio, speaking of the bent- Baia' effects resulting from the use of "Brown's Bronchial. "I rochee," Ca)si "Last spring, I feared my lungs were becoming dangerously involved, and, until I used your Troches, could not preach alarm of or dinary length, without hoarseness t but now, (with the assistance of Troohes:l I have, in the past five weeks, Trenched some forty sermons." d29•thetu 31 THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT IS A USE FUL ONE.—M. FINKLE'S Sewing Machines are the best in the market for all kinds of family sewing Or manufacturing purposes. Perfect satisfactioh in watt guaranteed or the price refunded.'Price reduced to am vINICLE Dr LYON. 919 CHESTNUT Street, 'd29tiithe-tltr' over Le Boutether's now store. ELEGANT FALL. AND WINTRR CLOTHING— at Robert R. Adams', southeast corner of &vent?, and Market wee:a—Drem and Prook Coate of the beet quality; Business Coats, Promenade Coat., and Riding Coats, in all the latest etylos, and a stook.ot Overooats that cannot be surpassed in variety, style, or quality. A full and complete stook of Black end Fanny Cases mere Pants, of the best and choicest fabrics, and a su perb stook of Bilk, Velvet, Cashmere, Grenadine, Cloth, Satin, and Cassimere Vests, all out, made, and %rimmed equal to owstomer work, expressly for retail miss, an , will be sold at the mast reamtable prices, 06-amw&th-tojal NEw YSAR'S PitEsms.—Electro-Magne tics and Magneto-Electric Machines for Medics' use. Manufactured and for sale at No. Mi South SEVENTH Street. by WM. C. & J. NEFF. d3D 2t* . TTg &PUTS ARE REALLY MAGICAL I—JULES PIAuEL's ETRININNNX, OR BAIR INNOVATOR, prevents the hair falling off, by giving a healthy tone to the roots where baldness exists, it causes a new growth of colt; luxuriant hair, and it speedily restores gray hair to Its original life-color end beauty. Sold by all Druggists. and by JULES HAUEL dc CO., No. 701 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. (126-6tdWlt SALAMANDER FIRE-PROOF SADA& —A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason. able Mao, No. tk/1 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. hall LI EVANS & WATSON ONH PITCH CLOTHING OW THE LATM/1 STYLES, made in the beet manner, enpreanly for RE. TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling armee marked in Plain Figurer. All goods made to order Warranted satin. faotory. Our ONE-PRICE System is ntriotly adhered to, as we believe thin to be the era/ flair Vey of dealing All aro thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., nall-tf 804 MARKET Street. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MAMMIES. —Philadelphia Office, 628 CHESTNUT Stmt. Merchants' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT at by the Company. Branch offices in Trenton, New Jersey, and Easter nd Westohestar. Pa. , tell lID SHAMBN 8 SAVING . FOND—NORTHWBSI MIX= EISCoND and WALAII77 Eltreetc—Deposits re ceived in small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate afire Stu cent. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheeks without We of la , Otlice open daily, from 0 until 0 o'clook, and on Mon• day and Saturday until oin the evening. President FRANKLIN FELL t Treasurer and Secretary, CHAR K. MORRIS. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. N 0.2 Sewing ..... No.l Sewing edeohines ... . 90 The Family Sevin Machine, A 75 The Family Sewing ea I. M. SINGER & 00.. d 23 3m No. 602 'CHESTNUT Street. Gaorn it &um's I:llLmyyryan Nomimmes FAMILY Nrwins-MANumui, AT ILIIDIICID TRIM. no CHESTNUT STREET. PIIILAMILPIIII. OAS•LAMP Dior--81X17 AND ARCM. se2l-See SAVING FUND--NATIONAL SANNTY TRIM! Oeuvarry.—Ohartered by the Kate of Pannentvards. RULES. Money II received every day, end in may amount, rage or smell. L FIVE PEE CENT. Interest is paid for money from the day it Is pnt tn. 8. The money is always paid bank in GOLD whenever It le nailed for, and without notion. 4. Money is received from .2ixecutorm. Administrator:, Guardiags, and other Tmateem, in large or MOO BUMS SO remain a long or short period. 6. The money received from Depositors Is Invested to Reel Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Ranee, and oilier lint• Mass semintima. • S. Officer open every day—WALNUT Street, souti4ear poser Third street. Philadlphia. son auiuii - 134uDone &taw . ' Attosttam IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD ' FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. atB4m Phila., Office. 720 /own St. Agents wanted. THE PRIOS9 OF SINGER'S SEWINO MACHINES uh.val Balm!! isnocsb!!! MARRIED. THORDECRE—. fIORNORf: h -011 - Manday, le it inst., et West Cnestfr. R ev. New t on, Edward Thorbeekr; bile phis, Elennora Mar tha Carer, eldest (laud:ter otAnthuny Rohner. BENKERT—MICKLEY.--On the 97th Inst.. by Rev. J. H. Cuthbert. Gee. F, Henkert to Hannah C., daughter of 'M. , . Mickley. Elm all of thin city. pkNe. York city papers please copy. ° ALEX AND bR—NODIJIT.—On, Thursday evening, Dec. 29, at the residence of Oeorre Moore. P am by by Rev. R. A. Carden. Pr. 8. berria Alexander, of Fetter'', Grills. Centre 00., to Mary L ouisa daughter of thtlep Hamilton Robin. of Wilmintton, yet. GI bid NOHAM—ENO..—On the 58th of December, at the Church of the Saviour, West Philadelphia. by 11. v. floury A. Wise, J Robert P. Gillingham to Annie F., eldest datwhter or D. O. Enos, Es q., of this City. • CARLII,E—CBOTHERB —ln this_ city, on the 29th inst., by Rev. R. Jeffery. William B. Cathie to hltry Jena Crothere, both of Fbiladelphia. LOGAN—Me/I& LWAY.—On Thursday, 2t y i t th inst., by Rov. Beni. 8. Everitt, W. C. Logan, Esq., o this eity. to Mary A., daughter of Dr. A. J. :1104811m , of Black woodtown. N. J I,AphInN—KUNKI.E.—At the residence ,1 1' the bride s father,_ou WedmitulaY riling. Pen. hr Rev.Charlee Fhrebart, Edward J. Lawman to issis Landis. eldest gittiorbrtr or Donligtiq R.141e, of Middletown Dolphin en. Pl, - 00—CANTI.—On the 8t J h Met., st the reidence of Wm. Collins, kr Effendi!. ceremony, Dr. .1..8. Fla to Elisabeth all of this city. lIARRIB--WONDKRLY.--On Thursday, the 29th test.. at the First Reformed Dutch Church. by Rev Willits. Boon hf, Hams to Kate Wmulerly, alt of thin city. CBAPT—GABRILL—On th inst.. Edwin_Oraft of Gloucester county, N. J., to Mini Elisabeth W. killer this city'. HARRIS—BONS' LL,.—On the Nth inst.. by Rev. B. Durh i prow, 0. W. Httrris to Bailie Mansfield, dauth• ter 6A Tit% Odb v -lb a rtra I l f.a 11 ' the 124 iron, hr Rev. Thos. Brainerd. D. .. Mr, David Seatterghoo, of this city. to Anna, daughter or Alonzo W. Johnson. of Buffalo. 'N.Y. AL.OP—MaLAITOWT.II4.—On the 23d lest., by Rev. illi James McCaskie, Mr. Warn Almon to Miss Mary Alin MoLnunhlin. MARTTN—MIL' ER.—On the asp, in t., by BOY. San. 111pOriaki($. Mr. Rnhert Maytirr to miss naargaret all clans city. TYLER—LYLE.-011 the ret inst..hy Rev. J. C. clew, D. D., Mr Alexander Tiler. of Calvert p0.,h1d,, to Mita RebeccaJane_hyle. of this city. GAB4II,L—WHIG'—Ori the 28th inst., by Rev. L. H. Christian, Judson C. Deakin, of Burlington en.. N. J. to Louisa 0., eldest daughter of Thomas A. Wtight, of hie city. CLARK.—On Thursday_evening, 29th Met.. George P. Claric..youngeet son Elisahoth H. Clark, . the 26th year °this ace. 818 relatives end friends are Milted to attend the hr noel. from the residence of hit brother. C. W. Clark, NQ. 251 Sixth street. above Borneo, on figrniay morning, dandaf let, at le o'clock. s • tali omit papers Oman CODY. PR ST -wed the awning or the 28th Instant. after a short but severe illness, Prof. John Frost,l4,. D., in the 60th year of his ace. • The male friends of the family are requested to atterid the funeral from Ma late residence No. 216 Routh Far. teenth street, on Sunday, January Ist, at hail past one o'clock. • APP.—On Thursday evening, suddenly, Mrs. Sarah • 13inpp. ne notice or funeral will he elven. El`litioEft.—On the 29 , h inst., Mr.. Catharine leltinge'r,lli the eld year of her age. Fpneral from her late rephienoe; Fen, of Vohoylki'l, oo asunday_nfternorm, at ro c in ch , 11OCKIUN.—Qn the 19th Int., Mr. John 0. Booklus, in }h 40th year or Oil; sae. .o le lew il l not_ e be Elven of interment. RDIN.-1. the M. Virdin, !Wed M rears. Fpneral from his lite residence,B4 Riehmond street, LlYanday afternoon. at f o'olonk. AMB.—On the 29th met., Margaret Lamb, aged 90 yearn. Funeral from the residence of Wm. T. Jordan, 420 N. Twenty-third streat, this afternoon. at 1 °Week. ' ELAXIIN,.—pn the th inst., Wlpiton Mahon, in the Met yenr of his aye. Funeral from the residence of his father. Wm. Efettne, Marriott street, above Fifth, on Sunday afternoon, op o'clock. the 29th Met., him Ann Strain, wife of Wm traln. aged 41 years. Funeral from her husband's residence. northwest cor nemock,, Front and Carpenter streets, this morning. at Ili ict,hrr.-0 Q the 24th inst., Mrs. Sarah Klett, relict of John Iflett, in the 42d t ear of her age. Funeral from her late residence. Walnut lane, Otr mantown, on liuminy afternoon. at o'clook. RUE.—On the 27th instant, Mr. lames Rue, aged 72 years. Funeral from his Into residence, Ifollingaville, near Unimeshurg, on Sunday morning at lifio'elock. • BNlyELy.—An the MI instant, Jacob Hntvoly, aged 47 ream Funeral from the residence of his hrothor. L. Fnively No. let R lohmopti street, Wow Shaokamaxon, lbw Oat urdef 14fternoon; ill 2 0.21002. MOURNING MOUSSELINES DEGAINR 15 CENTS.—RESSON k SON blip) reduced 10,090 yerde of imported Black nod White Moußelines Detains to mill 15 *ants. MOURDIJN_O RTORE, Np. CIiEbTNUT Street. B LACK THIBET LONG SHAWLS.— Now In Store, a full auortmenl of Lupin's Blank hibot Long Shawls. Atsn, La m 4 lark Cullman's, Merinos, Win Deolienes, Velvet Poplins. Tailleafin, Velour Reps. Mousseline de Laines, Bombazines, dn. WESSON & BON, Mournins Store, 415 808 OMESTNUT Street, PRESIIYTERIAN ENTERPRISE. Rev. B B. ADAMS will preanh at ARO ADWi t lf II B,E. flornm nr BROAD Rad es • RING GA ROLM w stre •rollogßow (Sabbath I MORNING. at 104. and E.S Er+ WI at PG. Prayer Meeting at ip O'clock A. N. . . The ANNIVERSARY of the SABBATH SOROOL will be held et 9 o'clock P. M., when Addresses will be made by E. E. Adams and others. It" r,G. BY REQUEST OF TIM YOUNG MEN'S CHRIt TI AN ASSOCIATION, the flev. Dr. Pin! ARDS Chu r ch,ver a Pennon (1), Y.l in the West Areh-itreet on TO-MOHROWlSabballi) HY N°. 8. et M E. eek corner Alit.4l and EIGH HTEIsNT Stres, at o'ol . REV. PETER CARTWRIGHT, D. D,, w urr it h stic , c n estu A lk p iogrr A eze v eoltiu D f N the n nt , , ED) 11. below Green. on TIT AIDA nod WEDNES DAY EVENINGS, the 3d and Ith of January Tickets 25 cents dSI ft* crTHE NEW YEAR JANUARY I , 18 60 1 -lin M, E. OftUF OH—FOURTH Bt eet, be nw Arch.—Fretuthtne In the aiming et IQSb o'clpok, by thn pnator. Nev. A. COOKNI•N Vvening N. by Rev. F. HODOROW. The lent, are all free. m7NEW YEAR SEHNICE..-OLD PINE RTREET CHU WOE, eouthweet otanow of PIKE '0 Cr TH Streets', will be 9pen foritellitinoe i ge h 3 I to 're tt f e lLow Sear) EVENING. rha It. ra.SP IRI T UAL 114111 tB•FANNIE BURBANK FEGTON, of Maseaohnaette, a Ultima-medium avtli Umtata. under eoirit • oontrol. at BANuOM-KTREET HALL. on DUNDAY, at lOX A. M. and 73i P. M. Admitsion ante. It* N T C E .—THR COUPONS CIF TICE Bonds of the GREEN AND COATER-STREET r PTENGER , RAILWAY COKIPANY, doe January 16, IR S will he bald ptesentatlon at the Office of tho Company, 42 WALNUT Street. °wand after that date. HARRY CONEBLLY. 4allttneeth ifORMIT.f. frr RSV: ii. GRAT7L'AN GUINNESS WILL Kenai' THlti itiaturdayl EVFe LS 0. 2 at 7/i (mock. in Rev. Dr. Wylie'. Church. ROAD Flynn, below Spruce. On TO-MORROW (Sa bath) MORN. itiG. at 10%0'6,104. in the Rev. Mr. eterrett a TWENTY-SECOND and WOOD Streets. Afternoon. at I o'clock, he - will add rex. the Sabbath Bob ends con nected with or. Wylie's Church; the whole of the lower ran of the ChurOh will be reserved for" Teachers ("Rd Solialara Evening. at 7% o'clock. in Rev, Or. Write is Church, BROAD Street, Wow Spree.). For peltweek's Formes see Nri onday's patient It. enunour OF TIM ii:PIEJIMY -1 .4 corner of CHESTNUT and FIFTEENTH Eta.— Bylimoint rowed, the Nev . R. A. GARDE Rector of The Churoll of the jnterneasn_ L r " will D. V.) preach the Annual Borden before the " Mom Misalonarg NNo oiety in the above-named Cluirelii on SABBATH EVFliti January tat. at TS. o'clock. Nt. Carden has been requested to repent the sermon enotled , " A room Trout the departed in Christ." A collection in tad of the Eloeietf will be taken up after the Pennon. THOM. T. AT 11° Chn,mno con-moue. on Public Meetings. Pft AYER MEETING.— Irr A noon Prefer Meeur , under the aphittp of thl young Men's Uhristinn demon' odor,. will 1* hod on riATINIT) AY NIGHT. from H to I2's o'clock. In the First Helm med Prosierterisn Choreli, t Rev. Dr. lie's,)BßOADStreet. below Spruce. Clirisiiann ofeverY nom. ere Invited to unite In welcoming the adrOht of the New Year in solemn worship. `lt* THE CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH, Locurn Street, east of BROAD. Rev,Dr. 11.1,1AMSON. Pastor, 'will he reopened for Public Service TOM ORROW. at 1031; end 73i _p. M. Subject, morning, " The Bounties of Divine provi deuce ;" afternoon. "The F,xaltation of Ilomantly to Chria , ." The nubile invited to attend ~ • N. 8.--Communion at the close of the Morning Jar mo THE DISEMBODIED STATE .OF irT 3. TH ‘ F. SOUL ONE OF CONSCIOUS EXIST ENCE."—Rev, Dr. BARTINE. on thin anbjeet, '•TO hi Oft OW (Sabbath) AFT E RNOON , at a% n oloeb, to the American Mechanics' Bali, corner of FOURTH end 01:0NON /Street, 11* rrr THE 'FORTY-FI FTII I a w NUALER MON TO THE YOUNG wtll preached te the Fifth Sachet Church, RANSOM Street. by Rev. M. WINSTON, Pastor, on SUNDAY EVENING, Jan. lot, at 734 o'clock. The I , ollllt of both eexam are invited. It* - 1 - G4I7IIIIR_CH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, T. E. STOCKTON. Pastor. N. W. co!. GIRARD 'Avenue rind THIRTEENTH Street. Preaehinti-434”. RATH ht9SNINII,IO% °Week. AU invited. Bee Bibit Time', this day. It v?o r 4; NlNPolittriotr, NE{P FORK. WILL ppring Gezden end Ninth streets. zit Iclookail i nrn; in;. and 7 Evening. The public are invited. 0 rter MOVAMENSINO SOUP SOCIETY . The undoreigned thankfully acknowledge the follimine donations Cochran & Russell.' Serve non. Fearonir & Smith, 1 tierce rice. r Flanssen & Pone. 2 sacks salt. 100 pounds riot. wni. B. Smith & Co.. 1 barrel flour. Roberts & Walton. 1 ton eon!. Raton k Sheen: I toll tmel. The Soup Mune wilt he opened MONDAY, January 2d. for the distribution of Soup and Broad to the tutor. Further donatunis reauconlir u urdicalidA vFEN. 104 South SIXTH Street. 0t 1 1.1,11118 WEST, I ' South SECOND StreeL , 11 ° Committee of Supplies. ' tryNEW BUILDING SOCIETY. CALUU4 LATED to terminate in four yenta—Seventh . 0E0R613 BUILDING AND LOAN 4188001A TION.—..The firs WEDNESDAYg' of this Januaryooiation will be held on Eventne. 4th. hho 7 3 6 o'clock, at the house of Mr. IL WARD, Na. 6DERRY Street, above Third. The election for offi cers will then take niece, and such other business trans acted as may come before the meeting. The Constitu tion of this /tumid= contains many valuable im provements not found to other Building Sr inches. All persons desiring to join a Building Society based on liberal principles aro invited to attend. examinethe Constitution. and subscribe for stook. Shares •2 per month. Interest charged only on the net amount loaned. ADAM 11. DIETRICH, President NO. Wit. Joun VOLK.VAR. Secretary FIO. tern. al-gt ITTSTATEMENT OF THE UNION t NK, as required by the second section of th , Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth , apOroved the 11th day of October. A. D. 1857 s Amount of loans and di5e0unt5................1934,41S TO specie .... ... ................... 88,788 91 due from Other banks... ...... 69,11/ 711 of notes hi circulation ..... • 94,160 00 " deposits, including balances due to other ban ke... • ttfi.rel LS PIIIL‘DELPITI A. December 50, 7869. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Sc: 1, James Lesley Cashier of the Union Bonk, being sworn, depose endear, that the above statement Is cor rect to the best of my knowledge and belief. JAMES Cashier. Sworn before me, this thirtieth des of December. A. D. 1059. r. (I. EL L TAKER. Notary Public,. NOTICE.—TILE SEALER. OF 7# Iv mons AND MEASURED for the nerthern die, riot of the ear notifies the putho that Ina °Mee is at 418 North TH int) Street, above Poble. Market people. and others using Weights, Seales,or aleasures, Op. purchase or sale,) are requested to bring the same to his officio, and have them adjwited as the law directs. ANDREW NODL,E, Sealer of Weights and Mennorete For the Northern Diatriot, i - G. , NOTICE.—THE ANNUM, MEETING \ of the Stockholders of the Second an Third-, Streets Pawnor Redway Company will he eld at their office.= WALNUT Street. on MONDA . Jen. 9th, IMO, at 11 o'clock, noon, at which time and 4OO an election will be held for R President end twelv e Direc tor,. to serve for the enduing yaar. ,123-0 THOS. LOUAIt, Secretary. NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE WEST. DIOREI 4 AND COhIPANY, No. 3130 Routh r Tgr:street, corner of W'ilhaa'e alloy. Delo.ll, 1659. At a meeting of the Directors held this day a dividend of eight per cent. was declared on the capitol stook. payable to stookholdere or their legal representativeaat the office of the company on and after JANUAR:I d. lea The transfer Wt)its will be closed until January 6th next. dtg.tja4 F. H. JACKSON. Treasurer. [O•OFFICE OF VAN DYKE & CO./ No. diit SOUTH. THIRD STREET. PRILADILPIIIA, Dec t, 1859 TO THE RECOND•MOR GAGE BON 11 LDIAR OF THE WILLIAMSPORT AND ELM RA RA. • ROAD COMPANY.—It is deemed proper to :immune& to those who desire to participate in the advae4m of the proposed reorganfifition of th , s Company-amass tagerawhich canine strained in noothertway—itisfaeoes. ig miry that they execute the power of ettorner, now largely sned. an thus become parties tat owner sine or We rteld w en new Ottatilleti. F. VArt DYKE, .1a.,. Attorney for Secopd-Mortgage Threelholiters. N. B.—An riseessment of SI pet thousand hal been laid to meet presentoontingent expensee. 1 , 12 t PIIILADELPMA CITE. leAllia SENDER RAIL_W Y COMPANY. let HTRIET. Da q. ?WM. The annual meeting of tile stockholders of t ie Phtla delehis City Passenger Railway Company will be held at the Mhos of f the Company, No. 151 Suoth.FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, January 9th. lees, et 10 tradock. M.. at which time an election will be held fore Pr dent end six Directors to Serve the enstune ttiNtiNDLYi . dludja9 . a • neoseyory. oc IT ED lIVTCHEItit AND It.-1 PRON krti''-NbTICK-1163 annual ;helve( Stockholders will be held an TURS Ay. January .at the office Willow street, between Fifteenth en in teenth streets. at I o'clock P. H., for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing_yeeliondolheariekthe Report of the lust year. JOPIATIIAN ONSAL.L., Phila., Dec. M, '69.—d20-ttaths et` Secretary OFFICE OF TILE EAST AIAIION V' RAILRoAD COMPANY, Pumann,eqta, Deo. IM. The onnontmeeting of Ho xtoakbolders of, the pom pon', and an election for o ffi cers to carve th# ensatrot year, will be held at the offtely of the company, No. iter I IDH AHY St., on MONDAY, the' 9th Jiinnaii%ww, aI 10 n'olock. A. M. A. MOIN d29.tulhitlit4 Trqnsurer and Sec ithery. firOI 7 FIDE OF THE LITTLE ODHUYL KILL NAVIGATION RAILROAD AND COAL CMPANY, Pott:saccrulA, Deo. ID, . The annual mee t ., a the atookholnera °nth's enrn pry.ogheenhelp.cti?n for 'ottl o cer t t i o Ito r n viAll y o . ggppeHlppllrt rear. will stfa4noMBAl 4 l_,..tht ;1" - ' 11 Amery next, st 1034 n'olook, 4. 74. W.ALN, JR, aU-tuthatlaß T(0%11111, and nonreptry. OFFICE OF THE ENTERFIWIE IN SURANCE AN @. N. W. 'Weer of $T [and and WALNUT Streets. 1411441111LPHIAr of the IT; ISIO, OTICE.—The Annual_Aleeting_o the toekholders o ENTERPRISE INEIITRANCg COMPANY will be old on MONDAY. the 9th day. ofjenUarr, ISM, at ten o'clock A, AL, at the Office of the Wimlnoly. An Election for Twelve Directors. to serve the on suing year, will be held on ibe sat, day, at rho inane Place. hetWeen the home of 10 o °look A. Al. and S o clock P. AL dll-tja9 CITA pip W. CORE. NeerstarY. JEW 1•11 FIEFUGEES AT GIB. RALTAR.—The Rev. ISAAC LEFSER will Pe; an Add reg. neon the above suldeet, at the Flynn soma in FItANKI.IN Street. above Green. on SATUR DAY. December Slat. at 101 d o'olnck w hen contribu- Vone may he made in behalf of our suffering ri;d desti tute brethren from To:1room, whose heartrending eon. di Hon anneals.for Rueter to the humane of all breeds. Contribution' will be received and forwarded by either of the Undersigned officers of the Congregation A FRID T. JON ES, S. E. Third and Cheetnst. 11. PAT4.jil Itlari;et - yt.?l,• 11 .Vlll l‘oh.ft. Nort rhlrd sheet. JOSEPH N EWHOUSE L 80 4 North Broad etreet. li. LIEBER, ISS South Third street. 11E,IIMAN VAN BEM, all Franklin ntreet. AIOSEd NA'flf ANS, 5. E. Sixth and Once. CH.B. BLOOMINGDALE, 931 Franklin it. d 93-21.• ir--. UNIVEaSI TY OF PENNSYLVANIA— ordDE FARTMENT OF A RTH.—The nenonpl Term . Collegei rill oneii on Timm4y, 114, 44 dot or .Jan d ry . e n metes inr 011'10111Ni Will appear nt the Untvernity: at ef watrtatiaa. on that day at pal/ past 9 W.:dank A. hi. Tuition for viol' Term Thitty Driller& OhOllOE ALLEN. d3O-41 Secretary of the Femult, of Arta. OFFICE (AF ,TIIE CONTROLIADIS PUBLIC SCIIOOI.S. wain IiCTOOL DIII OF 1 4IT OP PEN IsidYLVANA, Puma naLettla, Dee D. )859. At a meeting of the Idontroilere of Public lielmole, Ft rst District of ;'ennsylvania, held at the Controll er Chamber. on Tuesday. Dee. fifth, 1849, the following re solution was adopted Resalord, That the S enretary of this Board bedi rooted not to issue the warrants due on the Slat December, un til the 12th Jsnuerr. 18/d an requested by Pipanee CoTinittoe ColticiteanitiLUlty Tranaurer, .rrp rant' J. dt) 3t neeretary. 117GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE. ANNUL. TY, AND TRUST cOMPANy rtiIPA PRIA:r December 53. 1169. The managers have thin day declared a dividend of FIVE; per sent. for the taut stx months. and An extra divide it of FLY v per vent. on the oapitalstook, paya ble to the stockholders. (dear of the Stall tai, on and after the 3d of JANUARY proximo. 4t JO itoi F. Jkstr.s, Actuary, frrOVVICE OF THE YAME INSURANCE eOhl PANT. No. 4ke, CRP krrNU'D Sir et, Phila. dellphia.—The annual meetiut of 0,3 Btoololdera of this Company will he held at their office on MONDAY, the9th day of January, Man, nt o'clock A., Alt election for Twelve Dirretors to nerve for the ensuing year, will ha held at the sumo eine° on. the SIMIIO day between tho hours of 10 A. hi., end ;P.M. dad-lint Whl. J. BLANCHARD. Reeretnry. rqrOFFICE OF TILE UNION MUTUAL IN. ISILHANCIi COMPANY.--PIIILADELPIIIA t Dec, 95, HA The Aonual Meeting of the fteripholders of the UNION muTum. tNSUS ANON: COMPANY, of Phi- Indelnhia. will ho held at the office of the Company. on Monday January 9. MO, at 12 o'oloott, (noon, at which time nn Election will lie held for Eighl Directors, to serve for the ensuing three yam. JOS. COL LISON, MI In Searetary. n- - -." • OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH AND pELAW,4 RE WATISR-OAP KAILROAD CO., irir.o4 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The Annual Ideating of thee 81 l ockholdere or the above -named. aorporation . will be gist on MONDAY. January nth. lilill); at it rd,. at whlo i time and place an Election will be held for a President and Directors to serve for the ensuing year. JOHN HANCOCK, 01 &Jag BT. IItiSURANen CONIPA.OI Cip• TUE STATE .44 , PENNSYLVANIA. Docemlter 03,1869. An election for Thirteen Directors of thie Oompany. tt, serve for one year. will be held at bee Company.' N 0.4 Exehange Buildings, on MONDAY. January otii. WO, between the hours of 10 o'clock AS. M. god I o'clock P. ht. WILLIAM HARPER, dria9 Secretary. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE COWS. TY PAASSNGER RAILROAD .—The Annum' Election for Preeident and Directors of the Delaware Counk Pisasenger Railroad Company:will he held at the n co ofJAMES MILLER, MARKS_.T titrost, west of Till Street, West Philadelphia, on mONDaY. the 9th da t i of January, 1060, between the burs of 10 A, M. and 3 A. L. DONNAFFON, d 2.1. JY Secretary. rir - X. OFFICE OF TILE WEtTICHEILELAND COAL COMPANY, Piimsr.'s,Deoeiriber 79, 1119. The annual meeting of the Stoeitholdens of thin Com- Sany Till ho held at their office, No. 230 Flnittat THIRD treet. on WEDNFS SA Y. the 4th (My of Jeattary,7o9, at 12 o'eloak, at which time an election will be held for eleven Otreotore, and a Secretary, and Treasurer, to serve for the ensuing year. d2O-1 4 F. If. JACKSON. &watery. O E A r lIE fITICE.—T ANNUAL . MEETING o tho Ntockholdora of the 011F.EN AND t E -STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY COM ANY wi‘l he halt) nt the office of the Company, i 33 LN UT Street, on MONDAY. January 9 , 1 8e 0 , at If por'oek. noon L at which time and pace an election will held for A President and twelve Direotors, to serve theyear entwin. d2O-till DENDY SITAR WOOD, Secretary. G IVE, AS A HOLIDAY GIFT, a life. alze PHOTOGRAPH in Oil. a Photograph In Wa ter Cloinre, a plain Mining Faith, or an AmorotYpe made at m oelet° and extenoive (Amory, BR OOMS Street, above Omen. lt• T _ADIP,S , S El•OE SKATES—The woFt, AI t om rartitblo ever need• Fine Steel SKATES end SKATE STRAYS, " 111 " pff . " 1 7, Vr i . e rPllollT, do3l-7t. 619 IitARKET Street, opposite Deeatur. FLNE TEAS, at very low prices, CAN ON COMPAttY, d3l-switit" 019 BEOOND Bt., above Vino TURDAY, • DECEMBER 31, 1859. NEW YUBLICA.TIONS WILL BE PUBLISHED JANUARY wr— FoorFAtii.l3 ON THE Buff RDA Rr OF ANOTIIF.K. WORLD. By Robert Bale Owen. Formerly member of Cellaress, and American Aliateter to Naples. 1 vol., 12ino, 51.26. 'I hin work is devoted to an Ins whether 000nslonal interfereneee from another world In this be reality or do union, It treats of the phenomena of elan, dreams, ionmairibullem. It (gamines the alleged evidence fur vresentimente, ascend-sight, houp.-hauntings, and at,- attrition, I reforms to the most approved modern Works onhalluoination, insanity, and the nervous sys tem. It inquires whether, when we set down the nar ratives of all ages t includins our own Mat touch on the marvel' re e rred to, pa mere vulgar aunotstitions, we Sr. overbolany any actunf i lhenomena. COMPENSATION; or, LW AI'S A FUTURE. By Anne hL N. Env/der, I v ol t , llmo. SI. TITLE lIUNTINCL By E. L. Llewellyn. I VOL. 12ino. 51. IV. DR. 0 R. WOOD'S LECTURES. INTRC r yDCTORY LECTURES AND ADDRESSES ON NI WO e L *JURY ECTS.—Delivered ohlefly before the edionl Urissee of the University of Penney!. ru. By Pra George D. Wood, M. D., ILL. D.. of the Univeraity of Pennsylvania. / vol., Elvo. el 15. RECENTLY PUBLISHED I BECK'S MRDICAe . JURISPRUDENCE, Any Hertsed Edit ELEMENTS OF MEDICAL lURISPA (WENCH% By Theodrio Romeyn Beok, M .D, , Lb. D.. Professor of Mate fa Medic, in the Abany Modica) College ; Mem ber of the Amerman Philogophi oryl Society : Honorary Member of the Medical Booieties of Rhode Island and ConneoticuLetp.; and John p. Beek, M. D., Professor of Mated& Modion and Method! Jorienrudenoe In the Ccl ego of Physicians and Surgeons of the city or New York . Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Pail,. Corresponding Member of *a Medical Nocioty of London eto., eto. Eleventh Edi tion. With Notes by an Assoniation of the friend. of ,Dr. Beck. The whole revised by Prof. C. R. Oilman M. D.. of the College of Physicians and Sprgeons of New York. Two vole. dm. J aw and Medical Stiles, IL MANUAL OF LIBRARIES, SOCIETIES, AND IN STITUTIONS, IN THE D_NITb,D AMERICAND BRI TISH PROVINCES OF NORTH . Containinaan Ifietoricel and Btatietilint Aocoun; of „IA - Warw. Colleges, end College Societies. Andesnles, Beminaries,_ and High Schools , Institutions for the Deaf, Dunib,and Insane ; Agnoultural. Ilia. torloal, Bcientlflo, Mercantile, and Young Men Christian. and other Altanolatione. Sy William J. Rhone, chief Clork of the Snuthionlan Institution. 1 vol. Ivo. 700 pp. Price a•I. LAMAR'S BIBLICAL INTF,RPRETATION. THE OROANON I.F SCRIPTURE; or the Inductive Method of Biblical Interpretation, By J. B. Lamar. I vol. 13010. 0 1 . IV. ()ERHARD ON THE CREST. -rug DIAGNOSIS. FATOOLOGY.:AND TREAT MENT OF THE GUIST. By W. W. Gerhard, M. D. Fourth edition. Revised and enlarged. 1 vol. Bro. Cloth, flip ; sheep, 83. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & d.11.7t 22 and It North FOURTH Street. WHAT EVERYBODY • WANTS EVERYBODY'S LA.WYER /ND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS. BY PRANK CROSBY, • or TDR PHILA.DYLPIIIA DAR. IT TELLS YOU How to draw up PARTNERSHIP PA PPAS, and give. general forme for AORZEMENTS of all litlnde. BILL' Ow BALE, LE•SES ono PETITION,. IT TELLS YOU How to draw up BONDS _end MORT" OSOZI, AFFIDAVITS, FOWERS Or ATTORNEY', NOTES and BILLS or XCHANOR. RECEIPTS and RR- Li IRS. IT TELLS YOU The Laws fqr tk COLLECTION or DEBTS, with the STATUTES o I..sturagioN. and amount and kind of property Ex F.MCS from Exxon- Ilea In !Met y State. IT TELLS YOU How to make nn ASSIGNMENT pro perly, with forme for C0%17‘011- TION with CREDITETRII, end the IN SOLVENT •••We 01 eTerT Sod*. IT TELLS YOU The legal relations eaueting between GUARDIAN end WARD, MASTER and APPRENTICE, LANDLORD and TENANT. IT TELLS YOU What constitutes Lien and SlAN nee. and the Lewes to 14•11111Aog DOWER. the Wire's RIGHT IN PAOPERTT, Divonca, and ALI- oNY. IT TELLS YOU Tho Law for klacurouca' LIEN' in every State, and the N4TuRALI ZATION LAWS of this country. and • how to comply with the same. IT TELLS YOU The law concerning PZ:010!18. and how to obtain one sod the _ Prion LA‘va to Yvette Lambs. IT TELLS I . OU Tan Law for PATENTS. with mode of procedure in obtaining one, with INTERPERENcsn, AssroNmEath, and TABLE or PEES, IT TE1,1,8 YOU How to make your WILL. and how to ADMINISTER ON AN ESTATE, with the law end the requirements thereof in every btate. 11' TELLS YOU The meaning of LAW TEAMS In general use, and explains to you the I,goieLsrics, EXRCTTIDE. and JUDIcIAL POWERS of both the (eral and State GOVERNMESTs. IT TELLS YOU ho wTi) K•Er 00T or bAW. showing how to do your business legally, thus saving a vast alnOUnt of property, vexatious litiga tion, its timely oonsulta.ion. Single eoplits will be sent by mail, postage pald, to EvERT PARmsn_, EVERT Mgcuariic. - Event MAN or PUelsrge. and Evanyenor In EVERT Sure, on re ceipt of 81, or in law style of binding at 8111 lsl.ooo A YEAR can be made by enterprising men, everywhere, in selling the above work, as our induce ments to all such are very liberal. For slnt In moles of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER. d3l-12t No. 817 SANEOM St., Phil4elphin. Pa A SUPERB BOOK FOR NEW YEAR.— Just received by Witmer from England a few cooler of OEMS FROM THE POETS. Printed on ttnted paper and Illustrated with 2.3 engra yymn, beautifully printed in Mora. In muslin gilt or Turkey extra. Also, a due Asenrtment of Holiday Book' in elegant reahlced prices. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTI EN. No. taX3 CHESTNUT Street. RUBLE 'ILIJES! BIBLE TIMES! ! 81-BL -BL TIMPE3 !! ! N 0.13 JA7ST 91.11`.—Let ell in grur.7;7BNt dkiTT! - 74,1ft if2a PattaacleAwAy,, e S. and other newsmen, Otli .41, 102 South TENTH Street. R,UPF'I,I , IMENT GRATIS. TWO DOLLARS PAR OL'ARTRR. POST-PAID. THE. ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. auteonetione to this Ilsoritehojidnrt illustrated weekly Journal and Oniler ) of PORTRAITd ENGRAVED ON STEEL or Eminent Persons. one of which, with Memoir, is Presented Untie. with every !lumber. Should be lent threat to the publishers and Agents fee he United States, HENRY A. BROWN k VO., 14 HANOVER. aptuvr, BowrON. srho have inuoh pleasure in stating. thqS alter this date they will supply the paper and portraits in weekly num ber", parts, end volumes, at the same PRICE AS IN LONDON, AND POSTAGE, end In all elutes IiVIIRCRIIMRPI can have theirß i ortraits seat In advance, separately, neatly pncheil, reentd. The Portal's are thus Immo tkfolly prerrved for [SWUM or the folio: Kan tLe, saber. which wil contain the latest heals, foraiktf: and colonial news 0 interest, la pages of excellent reading, enlivened end beautified by en average of 18 illustrations onwood, engraved in the highest style of art, is sent weekly, without portrait, fur the term of subloriptton, nn follow.: - . . . . 67 weekeonth 62 Pnritniti j 017.80-411 repaid Portlaita sent quattatly in vanna. weeks, Li rot traits grntiv , n advance, 12. SUBSCRIBERS MAY fi7ll,Eol` PORTRAITS for a subscription of is or 62 weeks from those already published, and the piper will be sent for a correspond ing number of weeks from the dole of subscription. BACK PORTRAITS IN pRINT, Any 'mule portrait (the Intuit roar Italia are always in print) my always bp yeti with s specimen number of the suer, to{ Dom pnnt.pald I - 00400AI motif or postage glehtiht; to any address in the Crated States. ANOTHER FAVORITE METHOD. The Erntrang-Room Portrait gaiter( of Elujnont Pornoungen, PORTS' OP THE ST;;/.. PIATBNORTRATTRAO WE RETAIL FOR np ay F oIdVE DO l f LLARB FIFTY CTS.!! tho' n i t_ iaFßATEu nha 01 I T W M WORL wi h Jou n rnal second In point of excellency and artietio laluty to o . . LONDON ILLcEirpIATED NEWBPAPER, A . I solss „ Yetig; w "t e rgr f s or frt i ri 6 tt 000t-Phid• ode, photographs, or Jraveings In the 13. p., intended for the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, should be addrmuied to HENRY A. DROWN & CO., 14 HANOVER STREET, BOSTON. THE TRADE turppinn. dd-whatMl N E IV sidk its ,wip ...BOOKS 813LLING EVERYWHERg. THE GREAT TRIBULATION; DR. CDMAIINQII Now Vohune, whioh hey already aw4kouott colt n proiti moue exottement throughout the religious columuott!. FIRST SERIES. One volume, 12mu. Muslin. Price I. " The great London Preacher bore sets forth hie views of the future in burning words, with the energy and zeal of a prophet sent from Clod, • * • His sermons will be rend with thrilling i N. E Obur . "r• WE AND TRAVELS OP lIUMDOLDT. With an Introduotton Ily 'MAIM TfYLOI. A popular and interesting laosraphy ; amnion' of h is travels: so remo of his works and nxtraots from t most Oaf watt stool portrait. Muslin. MOTHER GOOSE FOR GROWN FOLKS A lIOLIDAY 1300 R. A new and nttrnctivo Christiana Volume. Printed ea tinted mar. with (rontiapierm Billings. Elegantly bound in fancy muslin. Price 76 oenta. VERDANT OR ERN. A clever and amusing - sketch of adventures In an Rush& University. Illustrated wite nearly 200 hu morous wood outs. One vol. Neneri , th ihousund. Mum. ha. Price 31. Any of these Books will be sent by not, poetise free, to any parted the United States, on the racelpt of the priee, by RUDD & CARLETN, Publishers and Booksellers. dip-the•tf N 0.130 GRAND Br.. near Broadway. N NEW BOOKS ! NEW. BOOKS !—The GOLDEN RULE' or, Storiee on the Ten Corn mandmente, by the author of 4 . Trap to catob a Sun beam," &0.,76 rents. COSAIOII VIS11"TO HIS GRANDFATHER. 10mo., 'Migrated. 40 rental. SACRAMENTAL DICOURRES. By James W. Alex ander. D. D.. SA. THE REVIVAL IN IRELAND. Hy Rev. II Grattan TrIni I IWVI ' AN'II MIR ROR ; or, Word. to Semen, By A. I t . 0, E., 00 Demo, LI pti AND ADVENTURES OF DANDY JACK. BY Uncle Tobitie 00 cello. 'MOTHER 000eE FOR GROWN FOLKS, 13ma., 81. Fo - Sale by WILLIAMS, & ALFRED mARTIEN, d 23 No. OH CHESTNUT Street. ANNA BISHOP—DICKENS. The.e superb portraits on steel may still be obtained, and gill he sent. Inist•paid. to any address, at lth the 11.1.148TRA VED NEWS OF' THE WORLD. A la 7 eI eIA3 I IOPPIM H. A. ROWN & CO., 4110 sloth tr 14 'HANOVER Swot, 13oldob. rtionitol"S PIIII.ADELPIIIA CITY DIRI-ICTOR is o. TWENTY-THIRD EDITION. This Ivng•nt 1,111.14111. d and reliable Directory will be tattled in a few de4 e, !treat:. enlarged. and will be de livered In RIIIIIIOTI be rg, ae ugual. It will be for sale, also, at 33 S. SIXTH sti not, second floor. d30.3t A. hlekl,ROY. Compiler. JACKSON, PRINTER, JACKSON, PRINTER, T T JH I PRINTER. 8111014 gi r ree t te: rtt and CHESTNUT Streets, o. G 9. Nn. 439. No. 439. PRINTING OP All, RINDS. PRINTING OF Al,!, RINDS. PRINTING OF CARDS 51 l 50 I'ER how. CARDS Isl SO POW I 000. CARDS Si t 0 PER 1.009. d9t Or WEST INIINAN BITTERS —Thei r s cele brated Bitters are meeting tonsm,l, or. They must effectually and pernninentls are 01l rhenr den out of a wnot of prow g tuns and healthful action of the digestive organs. The, ern swirly recom rpepded by the Fsculty of the principal cities of the United Statesand Europa for the SvePtil cure of Dye pOPSiel. Liver Ctoraplalnt, Nervous Inqulitt . Fe, or and Ague. &o. THOMAS F. Bit ADM. Ag eat.Proaripni. d3l-lin ft enruer SI and SSR nth Streets. llttiES TAKEN TO WINTER on a Farm in Delmenre county. Excellent stable" and experienced tirootu. Apply Nn . 621 WALNUT litrow P.e.5. , 1 Moo., drO.tf 511.10ULDENS.-55 bhds. dry salt Shaul. dersJust reOelved and for sale by C. 0. DADIJR 110 AR MCH Street, door above Front WANTS. WJANTED-A SITUATION, BY A Tv Young Man so salesman inn Commission Has had considerable experience's, the Dry 000/ill Job- In` Maim', and can foretell the most nneinepmnahle reference from last employer. Address •H. F., ' at Ma son & Co.. eh Market street. WANTED—In a Shipping House, a smart, Intelligent You Man, about 39 years one who can speak U.rman. Address "W. R. Press Office, stating salary expected and reference. d. 10.20 FOREAIAN WANTED, FOR A LARGE oh Printing establishment In the oily of New York. lie pest be a thoroughly competent man. ca pable °Crating charge of Job Composition and Press- W of v k 1 3n laligl i e d r pla d a , a4a. To i liac It a man ali rA 111114- goatiOnis &C.. Box 2171 : ' l.l s Wer w l York name, ~ :f i r e , e ndlt2ant WANTED—A Situation by a Young Man, having several years experleace and a large susqualatauee with the near trade, in a Dry Goods Or Queeneware House; would have no objection to travel. Address " Dry °nods " Press office. d 29-30 WANTED—By the Ist of January, a Situation, by a young man of mid address, as Book-keer or Salesman. le acquainted with the ry-Goode pe Jobbing business, and can turnish unal -1 eptionatile referencing [font last employer. A note &d -ressed to " InWray care of J. F. D., No, n BANK Street, will meet with immediate attention. L199-3V COMPETENT and eiperienced Book A keepor, who eau furnish 'eliminators' recom mondation from his present employers. desire, it &tun Mon. Adlress H. U.." at Preis (Ace. d29.3t. _ _ _ PARTNER W/OTED.—An opening in an eatabliahad Commission Hansa (Dry (Modal of a partnership will oaour on the lit of the year. A't oune, native. business man, Who nould command from I/O,WD to 820,000, may address" Commission Business," Nt the office of this paper. po2l-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET FOR RENT. The store now occupied by CHARLES OAXFOAD A. SO4, No. d 24 CHESTNUT STREET Suitable for a JOBBING OR COAUMISSION HOUSE P ion given about the let of February next. d3O et T O RENT.—A large basement under No. 112 South FOURTH Street, near Chestnut. Ilea been used s a restaurant, Apply on the premiers. It* - nFOR SALE.—A very neat and desira- Lie TIVO-STO_RY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and Lot pf Land ef ttoty-mx sore.. attuete on, MAU RICE RIVER, with bona lending,abont one mile from Miliv)lle, m Cumberland county. New Jollier*, A good water power and a well-eu pptl ed auntie ( known aa Rave r• Run Sense) on the _premises. Will be cold upon reason able and accommodate!, terma. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, d3O-51* 1e3.1 BEACH Street. ir4g. FOR SALE—The entire Stock of BIRDS and CAOES t °omitting of a choice as sortment of Catiartea and Mocking Buda. at 30 ARCH Street. 0940 el STOREHOUSE TO LET—No 9 LE kIELVANT Street, above Sruce. first street west of Second. Apply to REEVE L. KNIOHI', diNfit Pct South SECOND St..aloye Sruee. • __ tot TO RENT—LARGE lIALL S. W Rat Corner CHESTNUT and TWEL,FTN_Stitete. W. A. Y.LIWARM dm-tr N 0.621 WALNUT Street froLET-3d, 4th, and sth Stories of the new Building. 413 ARCH Street. Well calculated for a Lula manufacturing business, having two sky lights. and water and water closets; also. gas andgas fixtures. Apply on the Premixes. dl4-111t. IUPER CENT,—We have for sale paper paying 30 per ant. per annum, ',soured ky deed of trust upon tirst-elass preyed,' in St. Louis. Thy at tention of capitidiste desiring safe investments /11 invi ted. BAKER. wtscorr.& Co.. d7-Im if IT South THIRD Street. To LET—The large six•story ware house No. MI Commerce street, suitable i , ir En rage or manufacturing purposes. Apply et o. SOS 2.IARKET Street. ‘l7-Im. gel (inn -A GENTLEMAN OF IN -9r-PIN-Fux-r• tesritr and business enalifieations desirous of entering into s ome 111 ,, reitire business where hie duties would be light. (with the above stim,l where ry evething proved antleftetnry. Reference mu red, as well as gi veil. Address " W. IL" Prom Office. de-tuthalut pi ARMS FOR SALE, ranging from 20 to %vim in im r , d localities, on easy. terms, KIR bsorarErleafilors"rnaPTMLLlNGs for lain or rent. APPLY to _R. R. CORSON, dl7-skw Im Itornstmen. Penna. FOR SALE—A Great Bargain.—A Manu featuring Eetabliehment with Steam Engine and Boiler, and a immolate set of Machinery for mintage turing an .rtiele from iron, now In oonalent nee for all building pupates. It ran be clearly demomtrated that the business will pay a handsome profit. Address WILLIAM HARRISON, 0.13 North ELEVENTH Street, with name and rest denim. ell Im• 110USE4 TAVERNS, and STORES. Ma Real Estate of every description tor sale or to rent. Apply to MAX RBI w'S, Real Estate Agent, No. S 7! North SECOND Street, in L. Tours! k Co.'s Seed Store All orders will be promptly attended to. English, frenoti, and German spoken. Go ll entor of Ground Rants. FOR SALE—A Valuable Lot of Ground, 141 feet by WO. three fronts, water and tai laid on one front; suitable for a church or factory. It is infla ted in the Houthwestern partof the city, to a rapidly =- proms pelithboThnod. arms easy. Address, for par ticulars, ' J. K., ' office o this paper. nnttf To LET—The Second. Third and Fourth !Rorie!' of the e.ntral and engem stores, NO.. n end 34 Routh DELAWARE Avenue, let h large Counting Room on the Beoand Floor. A . poly to TRAIN dr. hioNEONE, ES n22-tt 23 and 44 SOVTR WHARVe tarArroz - rOlt -- 21Tri --- rMILOO , II - TfIAT ZIA- wishes to engage in the COAL AND LUMBER Butinetg. The oubsoriber, absog changing his buginees, ofere ITYe A tit no_buylatil. two and a hag miles above hianayunk. The stock consists of mrdook and Pine Lumber, and Cr. Phe Fixtures, hinges, wagon!, carte, inv.).c.e_erythipg that is sermon for onraPing on tue LLIVIIiEIt AND COAL i rlo; )1;41 establiehed stand. and now doing a sidingoodusinesa, which the hooka will show. There the by the Y. & R. R. Road. and a landing aD Sohuylk ill. It will be mold at a verCw rate. and only two hundred dollars in pash mutt, Apply to . 6. SMITH. no2t-mwf 12t,* as above. LOST AND FOUND. L • OST.—Oortificato No. 118, for 10 Shares of Stook Rucibery and Erie Railroad Company, in the Immo of ANNA MARIA PEACE. Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to that Com- VIM for the r tim 850. e of 6 new Coddle:as, Decemb. 7,1 dB-tlikat" EDWARD PEACE. Executor. LOST—A ()ERTL' , ItJATE of two shires or stock (No. 3291 on tho Oonsolidation &Ink. Philattel ph:a. Wl4 LIAM LOWREY. Columbia. Dec. 4129-the BOARDING. BOARDING.—To rent, with Board, in 'a double house, a suite of handsomely furnished rooms, on Sret floor. Also, other rooms; 725 Muth Broad street. The house hAs °hanged tenants recently, and la now ready for bosrdors. d2a•sft• REMOVALS. rill MRS. M. A. BISHOP HAS RE VAIIMOVED from No. 915 to 1018 CHESTNUT Street next door input St. Lawrence Hotel, where Ladies will find a eplendid neeortment of Bonnet., Cape, end Helot dream. 71 ltt REMOVAL, HOOPES & DAVIS, Manufacturers Arid WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS, FURS, AND STRAW GOODS, Rare removed to No. 517 MARKET STREET 431 smith St RENIOVAL.—E. do F. 0. YARNALL CO. have removed horn 1I Market street to Ha SOUTH WHARVES and 09 P8.N.11 Bt. d.2.11n. WINES AND LIQUORS. CHARLES HEIDSIOK CHAMPAGNE. GEORGE WHITELEY. No. 180 SOUTH FRONT STREET, I. av➢ointed Agent for the sale of the above unri veiled brand of ONAA.IPAONE, And offer. It to the Trade at the LOWEST NEW YORK RATES. cox) basket', Quarts and Pint., now in BOND. diva NOTICES. IVO T 1 0 E IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Copartnerehm under the firm of DF.CIC."R k DELI, wee diseolved on the frouteenth day at Do camber hut:and MOSES BECKER ix alone authorized to settle the business, and assn the liquidation. wl MOSES DECKER. JOS. S. DELL. Philadelphia. Den. 19.18.19. dThattukth 1m• NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS.- 3.1 The CARBON IRON COMPANY will receive proposals until the 20th de , of February next for build hng an Iron or Wooden Railroad Bridge over the Le igh River. opposite their works at Perryville. in the county of Carbinn. The length wi Ibe about three hun dingle and fi OM spans, a fty feet, in either three or four s track. propnsals received, and further particulars obtained, on application at Perryville to the undersigned. DB.NNIS BAUMAN, PresMaat. December nth, 18.59. d3l-dtfelo OFFICE OF THE BESTONVILLE MAN ROAD TUA. ACOMPAN r) NY FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER RAIL . Pnitsner.Pnit. December a 1,1859. The Interest Coupons of the Bond. of this Cotup_nnr will he paid upon presentntion Fa their Mee, in Rea tonville, on and after MONDAY, Jenurrrr 2d between the hours of 9 and It A. N. A. D. DPILEAII. dal-St Treasurer. NAVAL STORES. 11 SOO bblx Spirits Turoontl no, SO do urudo.Tioeotine, 1402 do il)pping Roam, 100 do ar, 323 do Itoti. In store and for aalop t HA ROWLE_Y & d3I no . . Id AvER. AOKEREL.-660 bbls. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Idaelterel, In assorted Original Paelmes, of the latest mash. far sale by C. C. NADLER do CO., Al 011 Street. 24 door above Prost. d3l fIHEESE.-470 botrea Herkimer County Cbeestin store Lod for above bte. 0. VADLE & 00„ Sheet. So Ooor Yuma dal HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY WEEK. - Por a few days, to otos* out our FALL AND WINTER STOCK, We shall offer purchasers VERY GREAT BARGAINS T l iga h s i s an . Z e t a a m" ' C l i a p t attH i a l itt v , C: • mesa tocitthojawersh vlnnois TAS u CAI &Asa _d2B-101 Two doors 'bore aortic Tent fie. a HOLIDAY PRESENTS. a We gave Jut rquived a allo aad boauhfuj Liao ft mont of WATCHER,_ JEwELRY, ♦YD +SILVERWARE. &looted expreaaly for Holiday Presents, ooasiating In part GOLD WATORES. SUITABLE FOR EITHER LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. Some inlaid with diamonds and others enameled. IVATCiEFS 8 d I iMILIS FOR BOYS. Also, on_hand. a hesuu aasortsasot of DIAMOND JEWEL . 11Y. Wadi kinds, at redused.prioem. Dismoodul hiqsse44 In the moat exquisite style. Our style of Setting Diamonds cannot be ex celled in this nauntry. CO OurRAL sesortment of Jewelry embraces the following: MOSAIC. FLAIN, and FANCY JEWSL,BY or every desorlption, ouch se Gold Neck and Vest Chlllol, Studs, Blears Buttons, Gold Thimbles, renege, Tooth Picks, Arudetsj.ocketa, BILVEWARE. &Ivo( Spoons and Forks ; Cake. Butter, Ice Crean end } ruit Knives; rreeerre, flour and Bony Bpoone; Belt Cellar. Napkin Rings, Card Cases and Silver Nets, consisting of Knife. Fork, and Spoon for Children. with en endless variety of goods in our line, which we will sell at reduced prices. Gold and Jet Bisoolets of all kinds, of the newest de sign,. Y. B.—Old Gold and Silver purchased for cash or taken in exchange. t lease oak sod excionic at DOirll it It CO.'S. dl3-1m No.= CHLBTN Strut. F . P. DUBOSQ tie SON. Meanfootarers and Importers of JEWELICY. J. S. JARDEN & BRO.. ILosiotooturoro and tokportors of SILVER PLATED WARE AT FIRST PRICES! WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. The above. Wholesale Minim:aurora and Importers. dad that the reputation of their wares ham extended be t' ood the circle of dealers. to such an extant that the calla of commenters at their emoting-rooms cannot meet proper attention. The ad centime to them, an tonnufac re re. of direct acquaintance wt►h the wants and luta* of individuals purchasing for their own use, is too high ly appreciated to allow them to neglect the =Mom thu offered. For the mom convenient classification and dupla; of their CHOICEST STYLES. they have fitted ep the NEW STORE, No. IIORS CHESTNUT !STREET, Where they offer. at FIRST PRICES. eve desert tom of JEWF:LRY. in DIAMONDS. I. L SToN ES, GOLD. of themelet* stock of til Asset 11,A1ED WARE, of lout sitatity, la EC or BEIS. full assortment of }luauut sad Swipe WA/vets of tne most celebrated maker*. well be le the ease of F. CONSTANT RICHARD. to whose skilful charge our cuatoiner work can be conAdenilr entreated. die-bn WHOLESALE ROOS'S. 3011 CHESTNUT ST. WARBURTON'S 11:04 CHESTNUT Street, locoed eon abase Teeth. 306 South SECOND Streit, below Byrom FOR THE HOLIDAYS. REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETS, IN BRUSSELS POINTE, BRUSSELS APPLIQUE, VALENCIENNES, 'WELTON, ltd MALTESE. /Lao. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF REAL THREAD, CAMBRIA, AND ALENCON VEILS, COIFFURES, AND lIARBES. A so, A PULL LINE OP PARIS EMBROIDERIES. And every description alma by the yard. WARBURTON'S RIBBON, LACE, IdILLINERY,and EMBROIDERY STORES, 1001 CHESTNUT Street. above Tenth. dlt•tf if and VS S. SECOND Bt., below lima& USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A PINE WRAPPER; • MUFFLER, SCARF TIE, or SHAWL. One of Mess 1/1.10104 will be very am:dyeable to ►oa teutletruto Mends. ♦ TINE ASSORTIMIT OP EITEREOBOOPI6B, ►T W • W. KNIGHT'S. 600 ARCH STREET. PINE SHIRTS, HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING, AND orro-rr,o, Of all land*, dlO-4110. UMBRELLAS FOB THE HOLIDAYS. WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., 248 MARKET STREET. NAV' fin BALI FRENCH, ENOLL9A, AND ITALIAN SILK UMBRELLAS. ALtIO—An anortment or GINGHAM, with Fox's Pa tent Para g on Frames, the only Para g on manufactured. d2l.tjal SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON ft SON Invite walla attention to their stook of SILVIO WARN, Isaiah is now anturually large, affording s va riety of pattern and design untarpaased br any house the United States, and of finer %Imlay than is manors& tared for table use in any part of the world. Our Standard of Silver is 935-1000 parte pars fbe English Sterling 925-1000 Amerloan and Branch ..9004004 ~ Thai it will be seen that we give thirty-Bye parts pate, then the American and French coin, and ten parte warm than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver. and our Foreman being °Animated with the Refining De !Ailment of the United Staten Mint [or several yeara.we guarantee the quality as above (936), which to the flee , ' Mot tan be made co bt serviceabk. and will resist the notion of aside matA better takai limo ordistary .ussitatatirrod. Wit. WILSON & SON, 8. W. 00B5BR PITTR AND CIIIMBRY EiTEL N. B.—Any fineneas of Silver tue.nu(sotured as agreed upon, but positivair now inferior to Frosaut out gueril las /reader/I. Dealer,. implied with the lams standard as tried in oar retail department. Fine Silver Bars, 1109-1000 parts pus, oonstantly ft hand. esist-em CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING, AND these who wish to make their selections of HOLIDAY PRESENTS Would do well to call at CHARLES DUMMIEFS, No. 812 CHESTNUT STREET. Mr. D. wee the summer in Europe, making a selection of altogether NEW GOODS For his new Store, Nat opened He has an extenaire Stook of FANCY GOODS. TOYS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CRICKET, ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS. &0., Surpasses in elegance, entity, and cheapness darters anything before seen in tide city. Such as French Chins, Terra Cotta, Panto lamb's. Bohemian Glass. Bronze, Berlin Iron, Lars, Ladire Bags, Purses, Portmonninen, Chessmen and Gurnee of all kinds, Writing Beaky, Papier Maohe Goode, Toys of all kinds, Musical Instruments of all kinds. dylm PRVAPSTS FOR TELE HOLIDAYS ! ! TtioftNLE_y & CHISM HAVE RF.DUCED HE PRICES OF THEIR SOODB IN ORDER TO l ACILITATE THEIR SALES. They offer Special Burma , . in Vng Brame Shawls, ine Quaid)" of Bin ket Shawls. Aliases and Children's Blanket Shawls, Gentleme's and Soya' Shawls. CLOTH CLOAKS IN GREAT VARIETY t • Fancy Drsys fe°anent Black bilks, olt Fumed Mecinoes. Leine., Valeneiaa and Caltocea. BLANK P.Tes. FLANNELS. LINENS. and MUSLIM Cloths, Canine res. and &Catlett'. Marseilles Qudts, Calico. Comfortable., .kiLi 80. Gentlemen's Silk Hdkfc,Cravars. Linen HOY. of nu rown Importation. Hosiery, (Hopes, Lace Veils. iho., andTHOR NLEY CHUMPS, N. E. Corner EIGHTH SPRING GARDEN. WE SDP AND BELL FOR CASH. 821 IVORYTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE • HOLIDAYS. it I. well known that the most elegant, attistio, emote and beautiful PHOTOGRAPHS AND IVORY TYPES are produoed at MoCLEES' Nu. did CHESTNUT STREET. By the late reduotion in hie prices!, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, ea distinguished for their imperioury, ow new be pro cured at as low rafts as others fermisM as mrdimarY ar ticle for. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, 81.00. Mo CLEES, (126 011ESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTU OPERA GLASSES, Pearl, Ivory, and Japanned, with the linen Achromatic Lecomr. at M. J. FRANKLIN'S, Optician, 112 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. efl - Also, Improved Spectitelea, correctly Aired to the ayes AParoacoper, iStareoscoperi, And SWAM/corm Ac i va q in an *adieu variety. and at RF..11127S tiU CLTRISTAIAS PRESENTS.—The best Holiday Present would he n Harrel of Hatper's Fe"), (3 0:11hYr s et C lit "" 4 1 1 T 4tll: "Th ln e d 71crs e irst 11 1 4 1 n, Wont L alit ,I. hivIER. illSt-euf Floor D•poi, tevvßTn. and THIS ets. MIUSEXENTS. t - -,-- ALT-STREET THEATRE. STI FoIo Lass—. X. A OAR R i fi l iti ge t e gi r ; 1 7 tit .. 7411 k001:11*Wia. City! WisE. FAUST A. AI ..IRGUFAITF.. Niemli.tookitu. Mr. J. B. Robert.; nut. Dir. IL A. Perry ; Dtu cents. Attu Coma Previotia to th• Drama. l pomahr FROG Mat 11129. ma - Priv!. u toast Rents *seared Inthotkt r' mxtrtLe.V..u. No Qua at o ' clock t Bit oil to ems at Di o'clock. . WiIEATLEY CLARKEes ARCS writs irr T HEIR THIS IBATURDA EMMY_ 8, Natl. PSTEit WiLKIAn. Petai.4 4 i'ains, Mrs. Drew; John Adaral. Mr. Dol. CM.1113111 • 1111V1176 % 177 8fitlat e cTeTili. Scats or Paicaa.—Adzilasioa. ill aerate; thrinmi Boats is Dress Curcia.l7)4 coma: Paraftet.4o atlas. Doors open at halt 'Nut 4 o'alock Pattortaaao44 to comma:lu at T o't lock pram WT. TIAN RICE'S GREAT Snow. .1-• NATIONAL 'PINATAS. WALNUT Be" abort, Eta kilk. D. wi ggl e d . 14 , 01104 ., DAN RICE, EXCEL AR. the COMIC MULES, aad DAN RiCE'S PETS will appear in connection with other superior atoms. tms, tacladina the PERFORMING RINOCEROI. Performances to commence at kart part 2. Tba Wry Yes es Ere. a mat ai Arent eme rive writ be offend. Miss Fable Bsietaey. Mee Estelle Samara,. and Mad, lottsker their nip • eartrian scene of t h e Tat Axis GRA O I..B. Last nicht of the hippodrentute spectacle. DAN RICE'S DREAM a ppear .VA LRY. in which seat. ly 103 people sad horses Orand Flettni open horseback with art raociiinsr/ PMita OVI ship and ntl GS mae Extrema , to ar .8= tire troupe will appear Doors corn at f and ItY o'clock. Ferfotualine to ow:i nane* at ON and 73‘ o'clock. SANDERSON'S EXHIBITION BOOMS, IV JAYNE'S COMMONWEALTH EUILD/NO. CHESTNUT Atrom. nes &WA- HuLIDAY WEEK AT TRIODON'B 31115ATITE OP ARTS. CONTllll3hTtull OF THE CHRIEITM.Le V LP. THIS I SATURDAY) ) VF.NING. Doe— 11. citisrod the liotlowies elegant 'mon: Tim Pon ef liana& Batt-Piste of Cotonme. is American Wax Bummer. Washington and ha Gene rals. Whey Forge in Mid-Wintsr. the h tarsal Cdy. Rome, and et. Per's. Chinese Illemisattocs, Anna maim Flack-rote Venter. After r kutk the tern fto Wind of the Stems! &a. The exhibition terminating via the nemlet why the monster eteemshth, the Greet Easters. Grand performance THIS lc ATUADAY) Arms, Noon at Vs o'clock. Tickets, Si seats, Cliadvsn.ll Scot& Dams apse at -7 in the mains. To ecantornee at Tl. ;IffE ILENNEEICHOR BSSPEUTFULLY Worm the Peke flat their Aeorpoil DIMS BALL Intl mks place ea the Idiot t LEAL' Dem No exertions .ill be spared to =if this din. le anal. one of the most retest eaa sceial et tie swim. Further particulate hereafter. TES COILMITTILL Philadelphia. Die. Nth. ]let. 0411-1 r WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE ON SATURDAY. December JIM. The Exh , Muce pr larmumarla hi'LLlt ROSA SONREL.R. estatlAtt •• LOS '3ORRIQVIrP.OS,•• itipaaish Muleteers ernimmi the Prroois,) end SIOILNING IN THE. IPONLAYDR.." ?lumber nth the Fortran 9( Remelt. hT EDOVA RD KBL PX. Om from 2 Mil2k l 6 6 A ti l l i r riLa ELA Cie Erri Ea . Admission Z cents. 9IENIPLE OF WONDERS. Northeast corner of TENTH a0,,i1 CHESTNUT a tripe.. tires; and Novel A:tract:ea. jittLIDAY WErlf. /HONOR BLITZ. The soled. del histietta sad Yestriteore. TWO Ellasinoss C.if DA d rip g the Hot:dep.—in the /111.14..00al . daft,. rftl i llt AMY' P i ii&O a rAldLEl . 412 "2"1 22. at tl A. aed r. The Mediated Artossetea Reps Vantte r. ass of the sreatast pieces of michmuma ev.,..h,bited, Intl septet la 1.11/77 setrAuoge, zed per. fonm hie was...hots Gel 4 Adieuenos f emits. Lhildree littesta FINE ARTS. PAGE'S YEN US IS NOW ON EXHIBITION FOR A SHORT TIRE. AT THE ROOMS OVER MESSRS. CHICKSBING & SONG. NO. SOY CERMET STREET. ADMISSION IS cffarr& OPEN DAY AND EVENING. ASSN 31V DONOUGH'S GAIETIES—MOB St., above DEcoma. Find nit_ OF THE COMIC rAirromus FIRE TOW OF FEHO. ak A. AL Hernapars Ir aa HamCalattiair aa A. J. Limon sa Doe' Alin Mara as Ook%zit .. ht Alta. Taylor Altaa. Whel aa pley as t irj a. ?realms towittei. GRAND DIVERTISsEILF.XT CT ALL THE CO3iPANT, i)ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FLNE A RTS. 1.735 DRESTNOT STREMT, Is OPEN DAILY. i &says excepted., frost 3.Y hill P. M. Bartholomew's !tams of .. PARAI)IB R LOST , ' Now on Sibibinon for o short finis. !Amazon 26 cants. CholOren radar 13 Tess half once. Mures of Stook r m. aERSIANIA ORCHESTRA.—PubIic Re- N-01 Liam% every SATURDAY, at mrsicaL FIYND HALL, at ad‘ • o'olook Y. M. A package of amid onkel% one dollar. Caste tickets, M Dante. To t* had at G. Andres, and Beek & Lavun'a Maxie Btores. and at the door. A -CADINNIV Aar _ARTS. (Sontb•aatt GALLS tir.) groat Fabling'. "A Drit t l9 - OF IT With Lessin't wondrous Work of Art, "THE hIA RTYRDOM (Jr JOLLY $1.115." A e. also. speeimens of ACHENBACII.BV. cIodymAUSEPI, ItiLDE_ CIA I3Itd... T. lad HABEN. E.R. Witt es ealiibited from 9 A. 11. to 9 P. M., and Tte IO P. M.. dad) on ami atter December MI, blee. Adak/mon VI tents. did-tt HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS CARVE!) BREAD PLAYS AND KNIVE4, PATER 1 4 ,14CRE AN D CHINESE Tbk. POTS, JAPANESE AND SHAKER FANCY BASKETS, GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' TOOL CHESTa BOYS' SLEDS AND WAGONS, Ands satiety of FANCY ARTICLES, AT 1111 HOUSE-FURNInHING STORE. No. lotto CHESTNUT STREET, (Immediately opposite the Academy of Fine Ana. WILLIAM YARNALL. dl7-statti-tFI9 CHRISTMAS GIFTS.—STEREOSCOPES, AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. OPERA GLASSES mounted in PEARL. rvoRY. and VELVET, rex and elegint patterns. %alai doscopea, Po'yoramas, Mathematical Imminent., Claude Lorraine, or Lanciscape Mirrors. tiema.strtesl Models, Magic Lanterns. (Bohm. Barometers Mantel Thermometers. Eye-Oissaes, bold Bpectscles, Gold Eye-Glasses, &c. tre !'dcALLISTER & BROTHER. !Established an 17 , V., 724 CHESTNUT TREET. McALLISTER'S PRICEO and DESCRIPTI IS ) CATALOGUE (116 paves. WO of Opuced. Mathematical. and Phitorrophical imtrnmerts. fur nished gratis, on application. and maned free of aim°. d3al:ea-111 STEREOSCOPES AND STE.REOSCOPIO PICTCRES.—We hare just waived taw and beau tiful eteteoscoput elides, groups, statuary, ilindlesPeg. &s., &C., in great variety. McALLIBTER Sr. BROTHER. dd-Inv. Oat if No 72S Chestntit twee- COLD SPECTACLES, GOLD EYE- Qtarzes. Meroscopes. Kateidoacoprs. Msszefin 'AUL Poi) mimes. ond other, oruetex, srotoble eine for season. Mc ALLISTER'S. de 6-rnwk 'Oat • Chestnut Wool'. • STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. PLAIN .ND COLORED, from El to s3= per dozen, with Eta- TOM/POPO. iltitoreoaeopte Portrait or FllMiif Group for $3. With Bteraoscope. A Photograph for $l. aquat b arm retoaeo,i. 03.3 t. KAHN'S' GaDory.22o CREATNET Street OERA IiLASME6.—A large 10 beaun fel sinevitirent or opera [lessee. in every satiety of mounting—velvet, pearl, ivory. eeeinelfrni MeALLISTER h BROTIIER. Eetablteliefr 1791,1 Ch.stmt t ntroo4. 43-myrs thslif GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. • SPENCER'S GENTS, FURNISHING STORE. NO. 839 CHESTNUT STREET, GIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. DRESti SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, STOCKS, TIES. GLOVES, GAUNTLET MUFFLERS - AND SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY. lui-atath-2m-if R . 0. WALBORN & Co.. (NOW) NOB. S AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now a very superior assortment of Marts, Under clothing, Gloves, Hosiery, ate. Speoial attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, of *Mob orkairtif a fine amortment is constactir kert on hand. W. SCOTT--late of the firm of Wirt .' • cheater & Soott--GENTLENTEN'S Fußinsn [NO 11.[TORE and RHIP,T I:FACTORY. El 4 CREST:a UT Street.(nearis oppoalte the tstrord new.) Philadelphia. J. W. S. would reirpsottely can the attention of his former patrons and Mends to Ala new store, and is pre pared to ill orders for sHirra at short notice. A perfect fit rcwrentied. Wtholestide Trade supplied with Eno Shirts isni Collant. PAPER ILaIiGINGS, Azc. T° OLOSE BUSINESS. W. oder from now to the end of the Tear oar LARGE STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Persona wham! their Houma Papered', nun gee Mat BARGAINS By worn early HAAT, MONTGOMERY, & CO., d1.3-1M NO. Tl.l CHESTNUT STREET. E. NEW.LANL) Isc CO., LOO%INO.OLABS AND PICTURE-FRAML• MANUFACTURER/3. 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Anlxtansive stook of OIL PATNTINGS. tr. kg ‘t Inprir, ,sr Poem', BOA ARCH Street. abort 80:111. elnhin .79-to .1 f Cqtl3, Extra Grand BATA' C0,1fi41., id sod yala ltr Al A CO , O del- MA rox./fI IVllarru,
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