= . 7 ki'`, - ; • SjJN~y'~p.,ell~G4Wt,;crc4/~^.'w r:.-il`ißK}~.~~tJt.r ~_ - >...n ~~ _ Ilsasiterte tit lren:A.t the%peried when theltates Of Gienoble aesenibled -at the Chu-: lean de yizille, were preparing the revolution of Bernadotte, then a sergeant; was quar tered briliat town. - Little dreaming of his fu ture eininence, he passed his time between his military duties, in cards and gallantry- He bad obtained 'considerable, reputation among his comradescomredes for his success in the latter art, and made it a point of honor to, sustain it. An opportunity presented itself on the famous day of "the tiles." On that day, as Is well known, the wotheir or ctOtiowe, mounted on the roofs of theii heinies, mended the royal troops with a shower rit tiles,' - Bernadotte, being engaged with his regiment in Rue Pertuisiero, was struck on the head by one 'of then projectiles, and fell." Ile was at first thought to bo dead, but, Manifesting some symptoms of life, he was oonleYed into a "neighboring cafe, and laid upon* a table, 1401 Is still preserved and shown. Ile was not, however, destined to the fate of Pyrrhus. , By degrees he began to re cover, and, opening his ,eyes, saw among the crowd who Were tendering assistance,' a fair young girl, whose bright blue eyes were suf fused with tears, and whose emotion was maid fest at , the • 'pain he appeared to suffer. Be raised himself on his elbow, and, gazing at her attentively, seemed struck with her beauty. After'a little time, gliding himself better, he called for a glass of brandy, and rejoined his regiment. , ' Quint being established at Grenoble, Bar. nadotto left no means unemployed to discover the fair unknown. For three weeks be con tinued his romantic search, when, one day, while pensively walking in . theJardin do Ville, ho saw ; her approeching. He watched her home, itrel,`returning the neat day, found the means of obtaining access to her house,'Ond declering-his love: The girlwas named Amelles ehe Walys : dreesenaker, and about eighteen yeara 'of age s, but there was a rival in the field —A young watch-maker of the town. Not knowing how to dispose of him, and, more over; being violently in love, Bernadotte spoke of marriage, thinking , by that means to over- Dome all ditilcuttiee.-, Bet hesfsped. 4 ".iT.*l . ,ioved tteitit6r4V4ivrikekilOr the hcirol but the first wits a wateb.maker,ind the other nothing at islinot even a king of Swe den.- She preferred the-shop to the haversack, and hemline the fiancée of the watch-maker. When Bernadotte heard her decision, his fbry knerene,imunds. 'He rushed to the house of his rival, and declared his love, and big pre. tenslani to the hand of Amalie, and challenged his rival to decide the lineation by the sword. The `w'at'ch-maker was' nothing loth, and the puttee met. The.citizeri, little accustomed to tho,Use.-of the -weapon, was soon severely wounded, . and Bernadotte. hastened to the Loose of bistnlstretia. Ate had been there but a few minutes, and had even forgotten the oc. carman which had just taken plate, when a loud kneekieg was beard at the donr.• It was the Wilunded lover of Ainelle, brought thither apparently In a ' dying- state. She was over whelmed with grief and horror, and, turning to Bernadotte, loaded him with the severest reproaches, and drove him 'from the htuse. He saw her for the tact time. In a month ehe became the wife of the watchmaker. Ber nadotte. when he heard it, determined first to shoot her, then to murder her husband, and finally - to-blew:out; his own brains. Fortu nately for ztaiiire crown, he did neither. The :blue 'eyed heroine of this adventure— now alive, a decrepid, crooked,. wrinkled old women, a servant at a common inn, and in a state of abject poverty—related the eircum tance . many years afterwards. "Ab, sir," said she, in concluding her story, te I should beVe done better if I had married Bernadotte should have been a Queen now, sir I—yes, a Queen, instead of waiting upon every body beret I should ban had a court and sub jecte,lnd fine clothes—l shOuld have been a Queen t Ab, I made a great mistake—a sad mistake l ‘ I ought to - have foreseen this, for, I assure yen, 'sir, Monsieur Bernadotte was not a common man. I had a kind of presentiment that something would happen—but what would you have T When we are young we do not re fleet I we are ambition was refase kingdoms, and make fools of ourselves I"-=-saying wnicls the Edited tome - When asked Whether she had ever beard any thing from him, she answered, "Never, air I rho ire tten to him several times since he became a Mug, but ho , has never returned any aueiver, Iffy husband says it is because did not •frank my letters. ,• It- is - very iittelyy and then' perkaiia, he may still feel annoyed at my refusal. .11', we were both free again, and I had any-mo ney, I would go to Sweden. Perhaps would marry me, or ;at any rate give me ide linen to mend. That would be something, after all." From a diadem to a darn I Could Love him self ever have conceived any thing more ro , mantic T TOO Voice OP' 0010 ' ON TUB PRESIDEXTIAL Qnsertoi:---The delegates from the Twelfth (Co. lambus) 'Congressional' distriot to the Charleston Conveittiett sire Dr. Wayne Griswold of Plokttway county, and Gaorge B. Smyth of Licking. Reso lotions intrigued by Mr. Chittanden, of Franklin, sustaining the Administration of President Bootie tan, were laid on the table, by a vote of 79 to 13. By the same vote the delegates were inatructed to support,Stephen A. Douglas for President: up. &Miter Yanoey, on his return from South Amerhsa, was •mtule the bearer of a magnifioent presonifrOM Gen. Urrialsa, President of the Ar• gelatine Confederation; to the ilon. Jae. B. Bowlin, CITY ITEMS. 'tar. A. A. Wrutris off Surrencra."—The lecture-going community will be afforded a rich treat to the new lecture whieh the Rev. A. A. Willits, of this met. Is to deliver before the Everett Lttarery Union on Pee%) asinine next. et Concert Hall. 'I he aubJeot of the lecture will be 0 Ennehins," end from the style of the letterer, we' may safely premien that all who are Predieposed to Patronize the gloomy side oflife's plc• Lure can attend this lecture with substantial benefit As nn eloquent* lecturer Mr. W)llits has few equals We bespeak for him a large audience. E. W' Ci t nittl, 4 Co.'s (714 Chestnut street) list of artielelseitabl. for a9lolider present, A one. contsining one dosen Nut ticks, either pearl, Plated. or ivory haat les. A ease containing one dozen Deiniert or Fruit Salem, with ivory, Pearl. or plated handles. A twee containing a pair of fine plated and gill Salt Cellars and Spoons. A ones containing& plated Knife, Fork, and Spoon for a child. A ease orrataining a beautiful plated, chased, and gilded Child); COP. - A rastior rosewood containing a Diener and Tee set of Table entities., with pearl., ivory. or elated handles. A ease ethetiinine one dozen plated Nut Picks, and two platedStuttrealts. • - - A ease or ohest ooettining a fall Breakfast, Dinner an ?ea memo,. of Cerryl k. Co.'s fine elated ware. A beautiful chased and plattd Pitcher, Salver and Goblet tArnaieh. . ' A fine Breakfett,Dinner, or Supper Curter, A richly , chased and plated Celts Beaked or Fruit A yilded.'eharnifi:end plated Spoon Vase or Reek. A plated FOR' Boller, with gilded ante. and Web. gmanto thin iittenbed. - • • . A Mr Of Bea platid Butte! Diehee. A Marto Seger Dish—that eau also. be mitt as% Dila tor Dub. A ease eimtaining two, di, or one &men fine plated Napkin A bountiful plated filar lee Card Basket. A fine Toast Rack. Syrup Cap. or Spoon.helder. A finely eneraied Cake Fish .pui, Crumb, or lee Cream Knife. A plated Tote.e-tote set, with Cep and Sumer. ' A Purer Basket. lined with Bohemian Otte. or Gold. ' A prated Urn, Kettle, or hot milk pg c bor. An foe Fitch, r, with r Meer and 80w1.... A ;dam chafing, Vegetable or Katie(' Dish. A French Retuned Cadger. with plated tdountints, A beautiful Canary Sod Cage. Au OW - gent Froneit Willow Wort Stand, 9r a Sewing Chair. A Lunah Musket, tarnished complete for travelling. A set of - Gold, Oilt, and Enameled Tee Trays. A earred,Dread Bate or Trenoher, with Broad Knife to metal. • - A atuleeTable or Booking Chair, with one thousand and ottof Othey Useful ettioloe, to all at which the attention of those tut Went of Christmas presents In in vited. dee. tf D. W. Carryl dr Co., roperaottners of fine Sliver Plated Wire, end' honeybees of House Furnishing ir tioles,7li Chestnut street. Falledeicala. Don - a Nati . Yams's Parent's to Tour deer rola , Con, buy one pair of those imported speetacles, mounted to gold, or 'fine nisei° steel, at M.J. Franklin's, cod elan, Id South Fourth Meet. below Chestnut. Jong D. Lova, dealer in Cheap Pore Tone and Coffees. Seventh alieStowti. , • rfOLIDAT (Itors.—d The ateroosoople and PlatliTaa la the moat epproynett Neer Yesi's freesia; you can of fer. It will prove a Kerne of Venom* for the whole year. BinpOrttuo, 18 South Eighth street, Jan, ()realer Co.' Ton PneittoeND'a liftpaAtin to the people of the 17oited' Stites woe . rote ved ietterday. It Is a calm, conservative doornail:a t demeoating sectionalism of all kinds, And edviaing all men—laying elide ellen. eerfluity of nauttainess—to be gentle and kind to eaeh other. and to wear only the elegant and fashionable eostunias of Granville fltokes t - the italebratod olothier. No. 607 Chestnut 'treat; New Its4tt'Lairrs.- - -(14old watches, gold tinge, gold weds, gold 'chains, sold' and etmeo arts. duo, moods, books, silver warn, rings, eta., OW etesented to tho ourohnaer'- of inch Si book at O. G. Evans's, the groptietoy'otgbe 13111,60Rk Emporium, Chettnut attest All4he;o4o-14bitotitIOIIS sold at the lowest inblicietionwriAeap and a t cotily gift presented. — jleper.—Preeent her Nrith.e4w4 t *ckirest; ecto.).l Improved setolrtg lifo '4l**-tthw inPit 'or:ou rand beautiful alto!. to be found. Ortmeioni 'Past Prkittinnis this year "o'eafrplott .'er,t,Fr.-NU•ann' aamthem: at 0m Chesnut ' • ,:e Obeitoot atretti jpyit%ii, &Ili Willow work urinal, Matilda fat.74oli4dO , Pt•Sfan. NOW from SIX' to „ WO; , • • ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL 'HOTELS VP TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST MOST GIRARD HOTlSR—Okestnut it., below Ninth. f t Otrimberl lin, li Y P R Roollttle.N Y 1) I Wills, N Y W Itrbsn & 11, Pet D Flcriner & to, Pa B Davie Richmond, Va II Cluny, Itol_ ' A If ibttrd. N ff Pr Ileinsrd. Montreal II Moncton, Montreal ,f Dfaircopth. Montreal Manrotettor. hinntroal \V It Ilerendege ~ old K Wrizht, Po F F (Team. Pa T Jones Yorko. N I W w.bstar. Md 0 K Arvarineer Wheeling . W F Bromfield., Boehm !Sr Ballo & In, Minister of H F Talent, Consul of India Chile o woollier N y Nis Tufts. Boston S Noonan Petrietideadzil'o Mies Wightmatt, Aleadv'e _I R North. Wnsh. DC pnl Cherry. Vs ' B Martin. Washinstan Mies Jennie Cherry, Vs Miss F. Cheap. Va birth Honk% Bolt Rohr. if Snow. N Y See Kin: & Is. N Y I, B Rota, N y F P Breed. Boston Chn 0 Rises. Washington It W Force Ohzrbsefon March. Phila Mine Alexondnr. Phila. W D Haler. Washington W M Finial, Washington Mims Bata, IC) It S Magma , Lemoseter W Csrnenter. tannaster HCBrowater. N Y T A Ifieemrd. Tomenster Potie Fnotnn A• do, Tenn Cr Fdz m raid Washington Chas N flliffit US A AI to C It Blunt (Inn fT M erefnmnn, Lane R W stomper, N Y Miss toobrooh. Did W C noon ai H thirbn, Fdinborit P W Smith St lowish Mrs Lithe, fizttimoth T S Sernender. N Y 0 it '1 omok . ins & la. N Y R W Strn Ron k la, N Y E Franklin, (ono niter c j Inches% T.enrantor . S Cro i If' At or, fo • t J o ooph afro FtrodfnrS.N Y MINA Bradford, N Y T Whiting*. I I C w Moyne & to. ti y W Wnlhrtint. PR. I.V I Rion, Jr. Cal W & Tower &'a, Brooklyn Silas atom% flfoo D m fly sthneof C • I w e Rust. Poston Herbert Thomas, Belton .1 W Plumnr &la Bolton Glen R A Shoff r tanaestor See AT Bonbor N y A Vc:(l4`7,kNe.l.Y7 R 0 Mince Than V iT t A , Mallory. r4 , F y n II n nd J A Nfehols. Lino/tau R TO Fs ithank, N Y J R Miss rt. N Y F GoWill, K. licOrar R Fouler. N J (.. W Fisher, Jr. Boston Miss Fisher, BeetOn H Molten. N Y i "t V T4rn7 . V2 hin s C Folur . or. Tlortford W Tt Tooker. Bolt ' books. P TP,Viniir N Y ' "vid4 n" W F Nord. Jr. (Ln 0 Wooster. N Y I Corey. Buono W R Smtth, Jr. & la, NY HD Meats, Mil 74F,RC.ITANTB' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arob. V R Giffin, Pa D "attack. Pa A Wilson . BelleTonle B / r,nn , r. Kook Nilsen NI P 'Abort 1 rfoosatar W W Wa.d re srf, Pa Mies Bolls A Mrhite, Tittsb Tas II nand.' Pal. I. J Mayer. P i ) Jaee F %Oho Prt llr R Frnnee. of B'' Vance Indiannoolln Jon Ftoonn. nob, D 0 Pitted Franc , . Wash, D C .11 W Vans, v .1 mien .1 euirn ? ixre. Pa D Poo., Morlden, Conn J B Proctor nee . J qfr , rkontrielc. I ittehurg fr N i Cr ilPr i enj, p„islmrg D t Monet Johnemvn O t, Peed, Clearfield A thili orison 1 In 11l hips Culherison in a ii. Bordwfol. Tome:tor co If F Brown Rending A, Knape. Aram', Pa P Wdeox. Wedeboro.. Pa' Rend rfet ii, teriin, Pa R Mamas, Hunting's Co dito2 Taifrertvirotteville A_ lenkms. Plymouth Min _nom PII month C 7, RYnnerson, stag 'John Famtnrino N Y i ‘ Pg:rri TnY 4 d lil I T'a T Darerhout Tunithannook A Pt me C.* ford oo 'D woman rd, lfooknk Pr Steels. N Y .., VAT ern. fl_hin-anehnrg Thai Snygor, Martinsburg N 0 Wilson, moVostown • A MAAJCIAN HOTEL—Ohcatnr et, abet'. Path. FTI Pitch & la, Conn Rinnirkson. Solon, N J 417 V ance,m Pin C e o PPror Cotintrint.N Y tt V. etme Ala. Pa n Tient Pierre. N If A P c , ore, A la.ron,. '‘. r ['anion. net john lioninehern Palt It FF Taylor Fria, Pa A E Vennode & le, Lane H Pnek Trenton A Aridnrron, Trnnton H_'l' Willisme, Trenton Louie Pnrr N Y won Curtin Pole:ware E _ .1 B Poona, N y_ . T N nnuxh.rty. Del no Pa 7 . m,..„.„,.. wash D 0 . t . Stream. Wash, Li C .1 13111faxo, N v ' J Borer, p, mese, flethe.r. Pa (leo IF paten. Pn D R trmdli. N Y Robt T ooldtft, M Chunk If t truth. font: wg C Roil, Mat 74 Id quenlen ,ft la. pelt tHJamseon, Bait N 0 !demist's, Del r reen Del ft t a ,,, s Whitling. ' 4 in K Harninon4l4B Wm Thotnfrp,Nloso W W Cameo, Tenn Win Snyder. Milton Jno F IA n Inc . . risscero, N y M.lO "opt. N Y Wonw B Maxwell, NY Oro Rosen! & hs N J pap....„„. r.ei I ,I P stoma, use Samoa P Malkin, N Y R D Murphy, Va JONES. HOTEL—Chestnut street. above 811tS. "r W Pions. Jr. N y V A Comb. PhDs Jae Mnrshv, Ralt P Painmn Pa rhea Ri ter. Pa J Penholder, Cana Jens froeneß.ii J P. a It 41.V0 ri Pm finwrlst fittit Jr , I,oferipth. bt trl f r v i n . i nj ini . 2, N . IYEs 11. Maguire Ralt Nr; rAnt. Nail A R M,veh. n , it .7 B Polish , net ticarieh. Lou T D Bel Nit B Gorturh. DaltPer.reh C Brewster, N Y W 0 Nye,. Jaren! OAP - li P Anner,. Pa .1 B Little Pc fa , N 7 Th"lnrwon,N I nen Mertin.N Y II Miller. re Y 1 , TlA , idAnn. Jr. Aran* Tankene. Roston Wet R arritepe, Md - P Pn.e.Pkls r N 18... Raiem. Mau i CCWlc.ni• rip T , fintein. Cin, 0 N Sliver, N J Alt r att i fiVe h lgli Y c N Dew , . N Y N R &NIA, 2 M C Nesbitt , Md leggin Rattan. hip R Hart. Va Reline Allen. s James DOdriolt.Yi DStiveng, Alt - RT. LOUIA HOTEL—Cheetnnt st.,_ah. Third. C prmt4,4, f 41 A nunter. pm A Beek isy. Bei D It 1141 e. Philo I H Fnroont. A y . J MeFerren k. le, Del f li!ri Teehlll, Del p ilii./. Trenton N H Nntrie, Mese tc gator,. Cli orlelitnn T H Plistw, jr. Milt etre Vorkor, White R ,Ol 0 P Themee. WWI .1 *dor. White all T II retie. Boston A Meyers St y F I Parninid, Albeit's , f, rorinen r ity R p Thnmrlloll, Conti T Potter. 1 R P Then p.nn. Ashland OEt Wilder Pn•ton. W r Bniaeli. Pir Y 0 Potter, Jr, R I T J Devine. Brooklyn STATES tnooN HOTEL—Market et. nhore Sixth. Mr el Looder.ColtiMbla coV t ,7 W Runt it in. Pa II Donnelly, N y m Idnurer,m y :4 Weill° Monter J R V . ”l. , nt. Lana on W 8 Pr.nk, Illno co M C Kirk. chador oo S Ttlinrenn,Oorrtatown P Pnviler. N Y I F Gonnnit.. pada Dickman. Crawford co Wm Tenbitt. Juniata o. rR Linn. Juniata co I Findley. Cttnoannoa Thome,. thin,. anon W Jo,lnt. Joglataco A A 10?rtin, Cniumine, Wm Collie.Phila. 0 W Hank to, Atlantio A 8 Low k'ht, LewietoWa I Runr Jr j Rawly. pfd F I faker. Malicia, Pa 1 K Pnbinomn te lA. Pa Si b •ma. Phila. P AN Par. Honrinedon, Pa I. ricer. Altoona W II Woo altoona ,_ Boca. 111 Fl 14,,en0n. ll n. I B A linnner. Lanceater so I R. 0.. I,Arrf. RCA' OD C . It Kelly. Pa 4 W Painter. MOIR 00 Y viva Pa Jahn Richmond, Ohio JAMS nCcßitiiiio, Pa II 11 WW. pa II T Dunbar, pa A Eater, N Y n E Gray, Wert Cheater THE UNION TIOTI,-.Areh street, ebove Third. Ohne Inhnerin.. flan R T Meet:. Bethlehem Mice Meek wtylohem ft RUfflef V, N 1 aen Routei. ICJ iiitlas Outer. Temeeue, ma Drain. eldem. N I . Street Del :teen ,ta Forreet Net Itt Lawrrnre. NJ ANI T riwrpnes. NJ 1 ,11” finwrenee N J ells! it A rurica NY eh i lS Reser. Tittnnete .rain mie Grarti. Pion Oren S R 10141 r N.l I A Carter. Wilco. Del W meson. Tronten 0 St anrndollnr, AS -.1 LLercr. , , ra - F Swarm-pa. - - 5Nv Bronnthrirgh. Pe, %Ire rna Citrrer, Tommepin WI. Crampon E Liberty Reel Revernod. Peitteiite J . 0 rir.brnor , Tironklsn Mice Al - Nolbmnk. Rtegelyn Ram' Thlclr. rerry wile li II time. Allentrlvn . PAn ri' a.' , 11(010ATM (4. Tr Prer.tt,o W It MAlbrithr. Reading A ;fere& Z , neivills, 0 .11. 0 Hoiden, N J T Brush, N Y COMMERCIAL HOllilL—Sixth et., above Chestnut, R DarLneton. Chester so 1) Kfinhle. cheetet CO A E.mble. Cheerer co D Humes, Chester co I S Kirk. Chester oo C Watson. 111 VIS + Kimble F Fancett W Alexander. Cheerer co J 4 .E.00n. rooe 11 Ii Scott. Elejon. Md 14 Jones, Milton,Pa 4' h em qtrsn'on" _ ['bile J A ThlrnAtt. wilm, eel J uncial.' rid k son. b C R Wile•, Pesch Bottom W H Lone. ghirlessburs H 9reweter.Phlrleyebur6 Dr Jno I,oeke.. Lewistown J Saloum, Null • P Wilezerd Dilwortbtown / "Inkeb A, lam. Pa D Pwert• Phcoms.ville Mies A Ewen. Phtenixville J . J Seltzer. nt Wm H Kirk. Chester co A Lsons, Port Deposit MI Oxo esPaghen k nm, Pa , •obt Calks/me & la, Pa .1 I( Mackey. Chester so Tti Crawford. hid A itieWillisms. Chester oo .1 P Demand. Chester oo T S Cope. West ("a s ter j u Gray, West Chester Alex Thompson, NY BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—SeOOOd et., te'ow Vine. 4 . 1 Fisher, Carbon co Wm Harp, Polet.ny, Pa F iii Ruth, Doy'eetown , yes Smaller. N Y Peter Petklev, York on Wm Nees, York en GIV.Vr Rotrhondioh, Pa J Benismin & la. NI M C Hart. N .1 A cedwollader. Pa .T M. W bite, Del shard Whits. Dr 1 Robert BAAnA, Bucks oo h,„. at Fe".,,. ba r ks so John hutch, TrerayiEe I, N MOH. Illgali oo John redwelleder. Pa Jesse Hill. t's. _Chem B I.ls. Plckeee M Cohen. NJ Thomas Ent, N.l A_ C Barber. N I Anderson Carr. Bucks co Thole 1 owlets. Jr.. Pa 3 Lawless. Socket* re lot Price. P a A 1) .'snoo. Pe_ Vendersrlft. Pa Wm Fenton. Pa Davul,m, 1 , ,,, J Price, Pa John A Barr, :Sass MBROVIANTIV HODBE—Third at., above Oillowhill D Ritter Allentown Wm Lilly. Ml.,hunk .A L Andersen N Y. 7 Ro , oris. N Y J 8 Burton, Philo Wm P Crompton, N J T Ramat], Po Wm 0 We Is. Pa Jr( Endo. Sunbury, Pa lotiri *foul i' :Lana , n. Pa I+ Mark. Lebanon, N It Zi 01MIST11/11 11. Pa John Stits.l. Pa f Ronlr. Lrisorno on. Pa 0 Ranc P a oam° 00, Pa 1,1 NPnjor Middlohnre I ,l3iish. Hondo!. Lona no. Pa J B A , mliti, Lebanon on CF B. own. Lefoll , n DDDDAlbriqt Peed's' , M abesson Lebanon /snide 'A Dulohor, Philo Coe . liffrfc la, Milton, Pa N AVON A 4, HOTEL—Rene street. ahnve Third. 71 o lnic . . , ;_1:1 ' 4=NY I, 9.7k .s al' c l l y a ., ts 4 Thil el an NV e bb. Phil?' r r_o2 no. Pchlh haven Filidne Ron t . 1- iohn Snmeena N .1- F voino, Bchlit Haven W Med._ Pot , Oli Whit a ker. Pe, M Eheldon, Pa Jacob 1-I " eimil•nc, Ferric ( ' John E'en, Del Ferqueen. Brhlli . Haved AG De Huff. I obnnon I) N Borne, Harris unt 814 Go olmrd. lehnnnn .1 M FO4B. ,r Pottivillo ,Q _NV Goiter Pnitseihn C e (iomoerling. Lane 00 WA w Hem; Moretti IroOk Goo Wee, 04 en. .- e, Tine Marlin. rol co, Fa J Glijilt,n, doctor 1, IV Leslie, Ohio 080 Hill. hunburb Pa Apx BE AR ROTEL—Third, above CaMAORI et. F Louder, wAmp Creek, Pe 8 Erdman, Sumnestown Gen Moter i hi or on At 8 over, Culp/114110 Pl‘lotzel, P_Ruptun co Wei •eni.orst. Mont co J it Pmer , Mon' co Chao Fora..., Hartovillo 4".:1-1(217 1 ,be. fr:itltgrf° aches, litemomtown lillhoo Rote Maoungie g Pri ed, P 4 rlilomen V Grim, M oruorte r Ynen r iN4frino."6 M lc Treichler. Pe W 7: Willman. Rron'nivillo John VI 13.2.1 der. StonoriviniOnioh Howe. Stonereillie I Pier. Hameln° 1 Hill. Earlirilie %Ibliftletittinii.% J tab, Barna*, ttnrrt ........ BALD GAO r..E ROTEL—Third at., above Calloyillllti 111 Welter. Phil* 3' C Riot', Phil* . Pt Terry. Lebanon. Pe J T erry. Lebanon. Pa Eghng/ . MillGriktirn c i f lit flhifilart, Nollarst'n I Onthar. Bea. 00 ' peseee Binomaborg 11 IC Baser N Y ' r Hortn . r. Po. - tg Dort. Allontoon 0 t ifnoljmon, poodint Browning. Reading .11 Rtonsliton. Milton, Pe A ..IIP6IIIMRII. Pa H trot.r.lG J Troxel. Luzern° coats' 74 emmerer. Pa i.., Schuler, Lehigh co, Pa F miter, Bethlehem ,1 H snouts'. Aihmtown irotore, Ilauphin Go CJ_Miller, ..arrisburg Smith, moat on Pi year,' Pennsburg school', Pennsburg molly'. VERNON HOTEL—Beonad st., above Arch. e'er W Willy:nit; Philads W .. m V Cnso. NI Mullhr, r 4 Y ml W Cops. N J ,) fv G Mortien, N Y , n odford. ?i J Morrie W KV< kA r, Pa R vsPI home. N Y B Williamson. WeitCbOINIJ Wollon,•, Vaste , n, Pa 4.ml Eljmnruaker, Pa AI) c!. , 11a1 to, Monroe co nal Pitt, •• Fte&-inT J C Prigs, wilminstnn Beni VatiKi rk. BethlObbM ILlll.ller, Tia ,, lslmrs R 8m th. I abanon. Pa W Ki'. Poston ago ffonry, Ea ttmnre 0 W hllllor. Pa C. Epistles, ~,' en Chester Hobs Van Pelt. NJ W . c.oraton.l4oomins no M Mathias, White Raven A PattsistOn, Pa BAOLE HOTEL—Third street. &bore Rao 8 Smith, NY J WAstnn, Re ton 0 Pairenn,N Y p simpinT, Norfolk R Bla.ibs, i N J 13 Nee. N R 01(8A. Boston C Henri. hiltula FOR SALE AND TO LET tie MARKET-STREET STORE TO =RENT.—The &ore. 333 MARKET street Pos. serptlo Snt* glyort Ist January. Apply on the premises. Oa g,fg STOREHOUSE 10 LET—No 8 LE• sEJLVANT &rest, above' ?bran, first strelt west of Booonti. Apply to RPIEVti L. KNIGHT, 1129 et 282 Routh w CON T.) M. 'drive fin pro. To 'r.`,leoend Third, Fourth. and Firth FLOORS or new bei'd uhsirre Alley, rear gas, kof Oirard Bal. Tile building Is 31xEl lees.; lou water, m Aopply to E. O. KNIGHT te_oo 1321-3 t• WATER and OH E 9 UT. TO LET—Three upper rooms of Store . al. No. 7I MARKET Street. Rent low to a rood tenant. at St" . CAMDEN AND M. BnY AN 1) PI7ILADELPIIIA ANL/ TRENTON It AII.ROAD CO,'N Holiday Exeiir• Marl arranzement for New Yoar. January ISt. 1830, between rhiltidelohke and Newyork.. A Hart for the XxeurluOrt to New nrk. turn and Fare for the Nxeureioo to Newn.• k Al fl return. 10 2.2eursion Tieliele ty ill he Fold in eh he linetifor Now York, On HATUHDA)r , the 810, hood to return on or Wore midy s _Januai 9,18,11 1.004 leave walnut tweet wharf at 6,9, and It A, 14.. and 124, 2.4. end Frnni hew York. at 6.7. 0.07011 A. Myr_72 M. , 2 4, en j 6l B l o 7 .m a n t ia W 21.11. OAT= E ,OST.—Cortificate ;So. 118 1 for 10 Shares of Stook Putibury dad Et Fnlaotul Company. In the Astno of,ANN MARIA P 'A CS. Notice le tin raln •itiVen that en .itindulation ha p on made to MO Com• pco yr e ? r or 6 DOW us rtifiaate. 340411601° . EDWARD MAO, lasento THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMIIER 28, 1859. FINANCIAL AND COMINERCIA.L. The Money ]Market. PIItLADELCIItA, December 27, 184. The transactions at the stock board lo.day wore light, with an upward tendenoy in many securities on the list. The money market, under the exam ple of the banks, continues easy, and the rates are =hanged. The bank statement shows a moderate bateau of loans, with a light decline in the sped° and deposit lines, The Indebtedness to Now York has been reduced upwards of sixty per cont. within a fortnight, yet the specie lino has not been ma t °Tinily reduced, OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. WSBILr AVIIRAGVInir THU PHILADELPHIA UM*, LOA:re. serci2. BANK,. ----- Deo. 10. Deo. 21. Ode, 19. Deo. 21. —-- --- --- - - Itiladelphin . .„ 93 211,000 93.241 flat 9718 000 - 9593 000 1 orth America 2 640 403 2,663 213 824 DU 107.) 81/ Farm h Mesh. 2,995 023 4,037,011 978 867 946,110 ComMo/014.1.... 1,44 001 1.46300 , 2410)0 241 000 goelytnies . ...... 1,03' 211 1.025 621 233,244 234 667 N. [Analog.— 1,275 100 1.249 000 151 000 1413.009 Southwark ..... 973 411 9 1 6 001 210 614 211 431 Kona; mtton ~.. 112) 411 833 613 169.141 1 1 2,601 Penn Township 640613 8 1 865 13010 t 137 911 Western 1,252 ron 1832 30 234 819 193 83) Man. &A 1 doh.. 1 Oil 875 1,170,72) 147 9hi 14 1 ,443 trn „ ) , 1133404) 614 977 135043 134 201 347 107 2 07,13 , 5 2 1193941 216 142 233 233 Tradesman's - Ca 910 1110 8 1 5 101 927 9.1 ea Consolidation.. 403,115 461144 10 464 51.155 City 705..01 717.111 91 112 121 214 Commonnoalth 314 ea) 406.4 1 )0 73 874 Ho 073 Corn E.Sollango 400.011 401 614 131300 85 2 , 0 Union. .... ..... . 371,601 370 445 01,64 69 0/3 Total 2.5 08101 25 221 030 1.611.999 i Eft 523 061 , 0016. 0111.CU4.Ait06. BANxii. -----.---- ---,. ---...-... ---- Ode. 19. Pec. 20. Deo. 19. liee.2l. Philadelphia... 11 616 000 01 493,0(5) 1213 000 . '8233110) North hmanoa. 1,632 112 1 414 172 248 243 261833 Farm & 51edh 2 941 641 30 9 157 4318.5 211 .5 , 0 conimar o cial_.. 622 COO 660 000 . 16.1 000 165 000 Mipelyttlice . ... • . 811,481 833 813 146 781 140,943 N. Liberties.— 1300 OW 611000 1121107 1 2 ok) aoutliwark ..... 611372 1310,281 97 093 01878 Kene,n ;ton .... 604 987 640.48• 121 235 144 LW 1 Ram Township. 571.3173 50 661 96,300 70,675 Western Wil 070 813 011 119 635 117 7,6 .. ."1 Mon. & adobe.. 649 210 G,5,100 112,750 104 490 unnerod ..... 401 834 461 342 77,1 6 78 91.1 irnrd ... 857 219 P 0.356 172 260 173 799 rade3man's... 412 431 4101304 SC 452 623771 Consolidation.. 242 721 241 201 94.946 05,183 city 103.1111 41 3 . 3 01 101 (70 93 170 (.444inni6111761444h 210 254 219 781 03 010 106 233 Corn EXohnnse 247 692 210 266 91 733 91 870 Union.— ...... 191,703 2)8,970 11.1,600 28 273 ----- --- - - Total . The aggrogtO weeks as tonal Bee. 11. Dee. 28. coital toek ...... , $11.644.3354111 617 3 4—1M0 2405 ,022 26 041 "5 24. 33t 0d9..1n0. 134 921 SpoCie 4 634 0)1 4 814 Ali —Dee 65.471 Due fm other Bulks.. 1.42r,419 1.2103 LI .. Dec. 51 070 Due to other Banks.. 2441923 2 671 pa, „Inc. 9.236 Dopoetts. 11 731 113 14 MU .. Des. 121 9 0 Cir0u1a110n............ 2.441,010 2,650,091,.. Dec. 11 635 L 144711. peels. Circulation. Devoette. Nov. 4..-21.182,462 671,164 1,111,113 16,635,781 lan. 11... 21.302.611 .770,701 1,011,033 11,465.24'3 July 5....11,311,925 ,635,817 2,431,181 /6,618,541 • 1661. 3....115,451.057 ass.saa 2,711,751 176.19 006 Feb, 7....21 412 63'0- .M 9.4311 2.10 463 /7 6 0 .7 April 4.-27.637 647 .318 043 3.425 19d 17,164 21 1) July 6... 26.416 4411 .827.053 2.942 208 16,481, 1 Aug. 8... 24 764 248 880 630 2 800 163 14.621 1.13 Ser. 6 .• 2 1649 746 Ass mg 6.772,857 14.991.972 Qe... 3.. 56.479,419 3211E3 2 747. 401 16 MO 765 10 .. 26 587 368 291 M 2 2 910 1153 16 429 025 1 " 17 .. 25 810 137 .217,765 2,873 401 19 35 7 .414 " 631.237 .021745 2.809 751 15 018 330 31... 22 665. 34 630,241 2.743 376 16 241 824 Nos. 7... 25,638.286 ,017.5113 2,737,103 13 4805 402 14 .. 24,411 723 .973.274 2,764,363 14 212 913 21 —.26 101 04 .765.369 2 651. 119 14 . 579,200 23 .. 25,077,432 313.321 2.679 Ml' 14 816 375 Dec. 6 ... 24 961.665 451.453 2 411 221 14,072 013 12... 21 911 169 661206. 2 673 635 14 691 619 19 .. 2.5 011 616 .011 97) S 641,9391 11 711 mg " 23 .. 25 223,03) 518 513 3 630 0.11 14,008,343 14/31338 14I)8.348 a compare With. Up Thu following statement of the btiFinefo at Clearing Gomm for the week ending December 1859, ie funlirhed by George Arnold, Erq , manager; Cleatlnra.'emcee. $11,7f 0 693 53 $122 415 54 9.061 .V 9 46 115 253.1 45$ 7541 75 1.6211 NI 1 9561 72 179 611 83 2 712 967 71 140 752 97 20 600 Si MI 00 69 December ID 0 ........ 319 385.935 115 $541,C93 95 The tanning ef.threedaye ptyinent into ono on Saturday last made the Clearing fence basilicas for today rather heavy, the exobangos amounting to $4,100.000, and the balance paid to $213 000. The Fitch and Slxth•atreet Railroad's coupons, due on January Ist, trill be paid at the Girard Bank. Mr. James Fulton Lae issued the first number of a seml-monthly publloallon, called the .Ltgat and Imturance Raporter, under his own edltorabip. Mr. Fulton has boon well known among unclorwrl- tn.' as as adjustor of fire losses, and general des. p2theur, and brings to hie new enterprise a praotl• oal knowledge of its subject in all branches. Die previous charaoter forbids the euppefillon that tho Legal and insurance Reporter will fail to be a useful aid to the merchant, tho manufacturer, and the business man, while the columns of his paper will supply a respectable medium of inter•eom• munleatton for underwriters. Wo wish him all sue• e Inlay 4 Bicknell's, for January Ist, 18GO, is oat, with fae•sirnilee of the countelfelt Hundreds and Tons on the Philadelprds Bank for a irontis• pteoe to the valwthth contents for the oounting• house end the etore•eonnter. PHILADELPHIA AMA EXCHANGE BALES. Doooutter .R.EPOIITID sy 8. K. SIATNAKER, 3143 i NalDntStreet FIRST BOARD. 1 620 xbt Penn 63. 24 162 Pa :Wins re ......b8 2^7S tkti City Os ._ ..,_. -- • . 046 2 rands ft 83is 400 Cit. 6s. 1' R........ 26}6 2 en ._ . ..... 2,4 i 4,0 do do ... 0.134 16 Union Ilk, Tenn. 10214 Oit pesos It td m • 6.5. .2 - di 6 41 0 '''' Van 01 141 Div Canal ....."8 , 76 Chas & *al SIR ...i. , it lisrtud'urt R.. .. 6041 6 Lehl:b .nay MX 4 Minehill ft .. ... .18 i 6 du.. —.... ...... .46,4 16.6t05d' 6 K gdys&ist 20!4' HE'LIVII6,6 0 Weatern 8ank.....•..01 1 !SECOND BOARDA. J 2 Western Bank... - . uoAti.b. IN City 60, 20 Min Er. Mach Bk.. . 2115 ow do ...031i I • do . 34), 00 do ". ...98)s 8 do ..... 2,36 KC* •o'sr h VIII K Gs. 87 10 City 10.1 Csm ea. do 4000 cats , " In ni,‘ 7a .. •33 , 6 Morn C nal. prof ,ltrii( 6Prnn It 110 Boar Mead R Ct.? 421,11 1.7L081N13 4:441. Gtd ..tskm U. Stat ea 63 . 74.,.102 igohl Nov etnek.... 7 794 1 4i " New.... 10 .14 112 I 7a let m0i1,.. 84 Penne. 8% --. '• al * moil— 14 leadin6 A .. rv " 0 . 614 EV,C ll . 4 `4 l , l lgtii;,it x 4,4 ruort 64 '44 Kg IN • • itk do 'B6 7l 71 6 41 thsta " .ancl.s °'. ;.:::: 8t) g 4 tiorjia ,anal C0n.4916 6094 • orel', 0034 Ito t AI Ishp I v rgold IlteH St doh Nov Imp CI.. 73 77 Rua Pc Vino-sits R.— 61 SAILINCI OF TILE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. 11111911 Liu. v$ pen p*Ta h im ti05,..........._ „Boaton..l,lverpool No 18 C svm or hin.in Now York.. .iverpool...-. —oo 91 United Ringoont.New York Gleerow .......,. ... no 3. North Amerman Port tentl-Livertm01.......-.P ee 31 Ifammonia New ork .Fouthemeton , pee 31 roman New ork tiny! hami.ton ....... en 31 Asja ....New ork..l.worpool.. —...... Jen 1 Hobert Lowe —New ork,.eihnthet..—...— .Jan A Kangaroo. • ......Now ork..fil mow —......... .J on I Amos ..... --New York .ile‘ re ... ............. Jon T tlungarlsn.— -.Portland Liverp00............J0n 7 TO ARRIVE. sum LIA V/ DOl Araco .........Sout Frampton .New York_.._. North Briton.. veroool Poiland Anna.— York ... Canada . Roston of s italtumora York.... Num:arum . orpool. Portland Kangaroo. Lor't via Que'in Now York A Liverpool—New Y0rk....... New York....Southampton..Plow Purnpa ...... . ...baarpool 'ippon Borueco.......Stortha moron .Now Southampton.. New York...—. The California Mad Steamers sail from New York on the 4th and 20th of each month. The Havana Steamer. leave New York on the 911.7 th, i2th.97th, and 27th of each month, and Charleston, 8. 0., Whe sth and 19th. hen the alma dates fall on Sunday, the steamers .rlll sail on Monday, except from New °leum PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. P. R appv. 1110111A3 RIIVIDER. Jr.? Covmlwras OP TUN AlO/1111 A. J. DERBYSHIRE. LETTIM BAGS 11,X1111L Anse'SICBANGIII. PHIL AVILPIIII. Ilsrk htndo. ......... onfuesos, soon Bart floni_liallett, Utile Itlntsrlsks, soon Mg Ells Rood, Tuso ...... Jaso do Cut*, 5000 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ?ORT OP PHILADELPHIA. Dec• A. 11.59 ScrN wT - 76-PUN SETO.— —_l9s ILO A ER. .620 ARRIVED. Brig Loengo. Xing. from Mangnnilla 6th Net tolvieeo. e Mar. a.. to Madeira & ....ohadn—vesse I too W. BernAdMl ft Bro. Experienced vie.y heavy weather TI fat 300 lon Ulna left hrtrs Isabolta Jewett. for lY York in shout 7dm Metnor. for "n•ton, 4 do; Br barks Milo for Enstitrid. 10 din Kosin (nr Helfnet,) half loaded for Channel. °Mora; Moulton. do do. Phip Turiontora. Punievy. from Liveol. Nov 11th. with mdse and 113 poeseniors, to Cope Rr rpo others. Had one limn and now death nn tho PaiWiti.o. On Sunday last.. about AO nolos SE Cope ifrolopen wan in nnmillny with huh Thus Dalrit, from La,uityra. The T wns towed ur de h 4,9l,l7,:m i ;. ril o'ny. 0 dogs from Boston; in bat tart frfohlo. Htl UMW:, Co. Behr A Cordery. Alien 6 days font Boston, in le net 0 h o nk, ibtmmett. Ilßohr bohn enotlinwln. Jones, Totem, days from Boston, in ket. to Behr J t3Bpnn, trnffinen.edsye from Wilmington, 11 with naval 00100 to Ti 4 Stow., & Co. P.hr Lit W aloe. HoiTm‘n. 6 day' rom Wilmington, N C. with nwral stores te D 8 etettton & Co. • N Behr T Lamed. Fr*oit;es.6l3ye frurri Wilmington. C. with towel stores to Jairus Baker. Briar Booth Tuttle. Mayo, 0 days from Button, with lode+ u. Ose A Wood. Behr I, A 11‘senhowor, Miller, 7 days from Boston, in Wiest to captain. Bohr Hero Term , . It days from Baltimore, with mdseto Thos Webster. . S Jr. Pehr B.rd. Lonedays from Indian Inver, Dal, with mom to Jas L Bawls) , is Cu. 01,EARRII. Steamship Keystone, State, Marehm on, Charleston, A ' oron. Jr. RI on rnahi p City of Richmond, Mitchell, Rlohmond, T abater, Jr. gtortmalop Reston, yellow, N Took, lee Ailderdics. Bork 001 e . Ryder. Dorton. Twolia & Co Bohr Chas 8 Caratatre, lioaaton, 111ubda , Pottit, Martin hr Alet. Champion. Charloaton. dn. Sala Dnetter,(Brl Smith, St. John, N B, E A Bonds? er. Bohr A Cordery, Allen, Chntlooton, Noble, Hammett Fakir S C ohr E Weston, ?dolor, New York, do. Str 13 I. Cam, Iler, Ralthnoro, A Groves, Jr. The U S AS elosmal;ln Ifoisione State s Cnal latch man, for Charlonton Bailed t to o' clock on Manna, morning . , wall a full frolght and a numbor of paaaanors. (oorreepondonea or the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE 181. AN 0, ri J. Deo 2 , -630 P M. Nothing hag bean Seen gout; lit or not to Wind Weather fine. )1103 13. Pao 27. 3 % P —The barks Imo H. Davis. from Now Orleans; Valetta. from Gibraltar; brio Fairy, from Per nambuco, and a Bremen twig from N York, went in this rooming. Wind NW. Wonther fine. T,ll. BY Teigons Pll. (Correspondence of Tflo Press.) • SAVA NNAH. Deo. 27. The slop Mary and Adolmo, from Leghorn tar Bos ton, put in leaking nadir. Nov }'oar. Deo 27. Arrived—brig Ida. from Matanrot, Below—brig Ar gyle, frnm Turk's Island An arrival rem Naples reports the arrival theirs of tbs sour Francis Newton, front Philadelphia HA Laur 0116. Deo The ship Flora Ntabontild in Nagacn on • The with the, eahr Ro y D r hence far ne The mahr filled and capatzed. All har Crow was saved, except nrto IHMII. Nzw Vane. Dee. 07. 'fhexhip Marearat. or Portland. from Now Orleens for (Mena , . cut tan loaded, was Let on the little Bahama Donee. Dec. 18 The cargo was nearly all AU ad, all be. in dry ozcept the lower Met. MEIVI(ANPA. ATr Mitrzhill. reports putting n, pilot on toardthe Denlenh br a Eliza. from N York for Wllminitton. T 'el • on Friday last. oS the Gls ht,thip. On Funday. op 'New Wag% 86N6 Di adz frotati Below Um Point, sax sohr Damsel (oyttar weasel l stink. Steamship Delaware, Shaw, hence at New York, VIM met, eteamship renneylVania. Teat, hence at Ittoltmond, 21th Ship onward. Flanders, railed from Canal, 17th nit, for Hamp ton Route. 8111PAlen., Ann, Rimmonds, for Caleutta.oloared at Boston 241 h ;net, etanmehip North Star. Jones. from New York for was nonken 221 'not. let 22 Inn 7340. StOrimihip 11ABnto, Minna k. for Havana and N Orleans salient I rom N York t mile May. Ship o,ean Belle, Srown,frorn Johnson lehnd, arrived at New York aesterday. Ship Hen Star. Itoborteon, from FOO-0110W•No arrived at N York 20th met Bark Virsinta and Estonian, from N Orleans. /*New Twit 27th het. mirk Lyndan. Davie, frortiChinoha Islands for Hamp ton Ronda. sailed from Cell , . P.th nit. Bark Boorge And Henry, '(rower, for filltimere,salled from felll9lle orevlolle to Oot 33 Bark Amnitn, Oldlans, hence, arrived at Norfolk Nth tact. Marks Weather 0011. MaCee. end Panne. Idatthetra, for Rio its Janeiro. Railed from Binh:mad 2111, init. ll , rk Buns aloe, Burnham, for Rio dn.Jantro, cleared at Baltimore 21th inst. Bark Florida, Monday, remained at Aspinwall itth inst. • . Mirk Penguin, 'Whoaler, from Amoy, arrived at Now York 2"th Wet. Brie 0 H Simpenn, Davis, honco for Wont Caicos, ar rived nt aTolno, 24th m e. doh r Lewis linllm4,Dotln,from Richmond, arrived at Now York 21;1, tors Setae Melvona Burin. from Smyrna, DM; Steelman, from New Cleve; N Lank. Stehhine, Irmo Pr tloricv denier. d tile. from mover; end nn ?Abet!, CLiath. ;rem bloom], Del, orrivetl at N York, YYth met. Mohr Wind. liener.anoi nt Ft Thomng h !net, to na , l in 43,1,5$ For TII His Island. Bohr Mon 111111er. Laws, balmy. armed at Providenco , • oonr Star, Crowell. Imo°, arrived at Providenoe, feth Fehr F. W Benton, Taylor, sailed from Providence 25th not for Hula. Edon Arnnn. t,mrhr and F Reed, Illatchford, Immo, nt nvad m Portland Sufi net. • . . Nob,. C II Iloters. Langley. for N Orleans. wont to sea frnm CllnrlAnton 2.34 I nst . Schr 111. tinrry, Woover, for Inektonville, cleared nt fln•onn 24th .1119 t. Fehr W B Ferguson. Whenton. henna at Salem 211.11 ins% Brij - 1r Bowe Birdler, Nino, from Boston for Philo, was at Newer rt 25th inst. Boor hinry Elisabeth, :Sled try, for Pails, elivired at N York yestordnv. Felts star, II Mifflin, Melvin. from Dover, DAL Watt rnnin. Norris. from Bon ran, and !.aeon, Beaver, hence Icy Vovnn, arrived lit N York real cost. Boor M Wrightinvon, '1 hatcher, from Boston, at Bal timore 25th wet. Behr Orman, Matthews, benne at Newbury port lola inst. SPECIAL, NOTICES ITS RUMPS AGE REALLY MAGICAL !—JULYS RAM's ETU/MIR:SINE, OR HAM REVOVATOR, proton a the hnir (Olin; by corms a healthy tone to the rants ; where baldness exists, it miles a now growth of atilt; luxuriant hair, and it speedilt restores gray hair to its °fluke] life-color and beauty. Sold by all Dintnista. and by JULES lIAUEL & CO., No. 704 CtIF.t.iTNUT Street, Philadelphia. d2il Huh Wit tong° 2,00.00 4 , so of provious Trze lIKST CIIIIISTMAS PRESENT 19 A USE• (Pre.—M. FINKLE'S Sowing Mnahtnes are the beet in the market for an londe of fordly sewing or menutneturing Purposes. Perfect entlifeetwon in work hitlitenteed or the erica refunded. Price reduced t 0.94). FINKLE et LYON. 913 ell ESTNUT Street, dtOtuthn-Qtr • over Le Boutolhe r.ow Aare. SMINDERS' Thirty-ninth. and Market attest*, This lea olseelesl school, of long etandinz, founded upon peculiar prinniplos of MORAL TRA WINO. Small amour pupils, which boots fdsehood and footers every vice to eo ninny schools, is hero cot only prohibited to theory but is prateared en fact by the hearty concurrence of the studentst and thus the teache , obtaine that information whioh is necessary to sympathy and advice. REALI It itt sufficient to say that SEVIN Acne& of Play-ground are here Aoroted to the development and amusement of the pupils ; that the echool rooms are lario and airy ; ant, in short, that 0 week's illness 47.18 never known in tAs seminary, Are articulated tor s useful and elegant education. Pranah, Latin. Greek, Mathematics, and History, can he pursued to any extent. The instruction us princi pally oral. Is particularly cultivated. The etudente are exercised daily in original and entarnpuranscus eloquence. AN INVITATION To vita the in , titution Winton the howl of 9 and 19 A. M. b extended to the public. Board and tuition for film months, commeneing at the time of admission .. . ens CO From Monday to Saturday. for Name period NO to NOM of all ages aro rocoirod, and many who attend are young n en, who by the purity of their morals, ur banity of their Mumma. end kihd attentions, aro of groat advantato t their yenuger companions. No Se minary is more select. Fe rther information can be obtained from Professor SAUNDERS, or from nay of the following sentlomen, oil rif whom Aare sane or wards in /ID Seminary : MA THEW NEW EIRE. A roh and Thirteenth. Bev. JOHN WESI BROOK, Sunday Schoc; Union. blalfll3lllN. Kit., Morrhants' Hotel. Hon. N. H. BROWNE, Ph bidelphia Post Office. Rev. Dr. NEVIN. Green and Nireteonth. SAML. S. WHITE, Esq.. Dental Codes°. E. A. DOUGLASS, Esq., Loluth OVA and Navigation Company. J. JENKINS ROSS, Esq., Wnshington Douse. Rev. CH AR, EWINO, Welt Philadelphia. CHAS. E. TPONISSON, Esq., 1311 Arch street. Rev. Mr. EMERSON. St. Georges, Del. Don. A. J. G LOS'? B F:NN ER, Washington. Cot. JOHN W. FoRN EY, Editor of The Peen. Iron. W el. BIGLER. 13. S. S. W5l. WlLtana Esq., Rittenhouse Square. de4-8t ELECUNT FALL AND WINTRII. OLOTTIINGI— at Robert H. Adams', rostrAeatt tom? olf Seventh and Market Atreets—Drew and Frock Coats of the best quality; Costs, l'notte nada Coats. and Riding Costa. iv all the latest attics. and n StnOk of O. muon that cannot be surpsasod in variety, style. or quality. A lull and complete stock of Mack and Penns Cass,. mere Pants, of the lint end choioest fabrics, and n su perb stook of bilk. Velvet. (Witness, Orenndide, Cm*. Satin. and Cumulate Vests. all cut, made, and tiIItUCCO .ont ..vs sn vs vezny NI 10..1 /Mimi. tsrpa 6. said at las moot v lll3 6llEit`it na-smwhth•to Jet ITOLIDAT PItr.SANTS. CONRAD METER, No. 722 ARCH dtroot, below Eighth, bolsi n bond an &mona niontof ouperiar PIANOS. in Limla XIV and I,l4inpT 4t)les, ench as thtne for which ho received tho Prize hledal from the Grand Jury at the Workra Fair. Lon don, 1881. t claw. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. N 0.2 Sowing *whines 81 xo.l.ewlng tcoohineo ........... The Family Sowital Nlnohine, A The Fout' , Sowln.: Machine . ..... f. M. SINOER dE9 3m No 603 CHESTNUT 6troot WARBURTON'S HAT FOR. TIM HOLIDAY AND Virvitze Swot, furnishes to Oent'emen Just cause for oytus mode their murh•ar rs hewers. An exstninatton a respectfully tobetted. 1.30 CHESTNUT Street. d:anuthem-at GUM & BAKES'S OJEULLAATED VOISZLESI FAMILY aISWIZI/4240111101, HQ CHESTNUT STREET. PIIILADRLPIIII. lIARRIEt' BOUDOIR SEWING MACHINE. IMPROVED DO USLE-TIIREAD FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY PAIR. oft S-am Phan. (Slim 720 A RCN St Avant' wonted, Witt .. Dee 17 , Dee 21 Dee al Deo 21 Doe 21 Dale 27 beet 31 Inn 4 .Fib 4 SALAMANDER FIRE-PRooF Slnts.—A vary largo natortzsept of BA LAMA NIIER6 for sole at roaaoa- Ablo prim's, No. 304 CIFEBTPiIfr Street, Philedelehin. sun tf EVANS tr wATeori ONN PRIOR OLOWIING 07 TIM LATEST Srrnss, made In the best mariner, expressly fur RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling Mons intuited in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted saris. fautm. Our ONE-PRICE System In strictly adhered to, as WI believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., 56841 1134 M A RR RT Eitrset. GAH•LAHP DDPOT---SIXTD AND AllOll. ren-ltak WHBELER & WILSON SWING MAOHLVES f'Allndolvhln(Mike 628 CHESTNUT Street. MeruWiwi' order, Wind at the SAME DISCOUNT &a by the Company, Branch talons to Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton nS•Weetehester. Pn salt-lm BALCH Pi 8 SAVIIii3 riIbra—NOILTIIIVI2BI 00881 Ca SzeonD end WAINI7T Streetil.—DoUovite ro oedvad In email and large amounts, from all clam' of the oommuntty, and allowainta rest at tho rata of fors pet oont. oar annum. Money mar be drawn bi drab' without k of t Wrest. .off4oe ooen dnily, from 9 tstll a o'olook, and on Mon ilny and Bittur , lny alibi 0 In the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and BeerOtarT.ollAB M. MORRIS, SAVING FUND—NATIONAL BAIIITT TRIM OoetrAny.—Ohiattered by the Btate of POILMISOWIIII.II. /tULELI, 1. Money Is roonivod every day, and In any suicnr.l, ergo or anion. I. FIVE PER DENT, Into teat Is paid for theory ircm the day It is pot in. I. The money is always paid book In tIOLD w Lem er it ie oalled for, and without notion, S. Money le received from E.TiCletord, Adsrtinisit alert, Cisourrilues, end other Trustee., in large or mall sum., to remain a loon or short period. &. The money received from Depositors le Invested to Real Estate, atortgares, Around Rents, and other first eines securities. 6. Mine open every day—WALNUT Street, nouthlr,lst oorner Third street. Phdndelohfn. to/A TIIA Pntas.a or SINOER'S SEWINO MACHINES HAVE! UEEN!! NEDUCSD!!! KATTF—JACK.—On Tuesday, the 20th instant. at Christ Churelt. Oreenshuyi h, Penn's, by the Rev, Tho u . B. bytnen. entisod by the Rey. John Cromltsh, too rector, Welter hetto, mvtl en.oneor. end Marra tot. eldest dnuehter of the late 'Ron. Judo Win. Jane of Westmoreland county, t'a. GOROON.—At Romlin r yn.. on Tumulay morning , be 271111 net. Hon. Davul F. Uoroon• HUBISERT.—pii the 2.5tb inst., Mr. John Ildbort, in he 7311 I onr of nil nzo. . • Tea reletives end friends or tho family Aro reeportrully invited to attend hie rowed f. Din Itie Into revdonee No. 1384 Palmer et eet. below woo. Er. liVenth ward. .n thie I IN odneedm I morn! tho 28th uwt. at 10 n clock , witt , out lather netiro, o proceed to idtury lu 11. 111:490N —On the et enfrpr of the 211 dud., Elisalioth ittitduneon, of 0 , 11301 Po. he friend el Ih. I tinily are reepectret'y Jerked to attend the tuner Fourth do) t morning, at IC, o'- clooe. MOURNING AIOIISSRLINES DELAINF. ' I P 15 CENTS —III.:SRoN w RCN have Tedneod 10000 yard, of imported thank and Whits Pdouselinoi 110n:dna to only 15 mita. . . ret,AOIC TOIBET LONG Nnw In Store, n hrii nneortment of Impin's Sleek bibet Lons D116'41'1 , 1. A go. I.utunle Hark Clehtneree, Merinos. Sum Vonlienee. Voivet rnpline. Tfinieues, Velour Itepe. Mooemeltne de. Lninee, Itombezines. An. SESSON A nUN, mourtuele Mort, dl5 R 55 CIIIESTNUT Street. P RIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW Priee to obtain tha cont.nto. Addrn.e WILLIAM It74ISION, Yoodrotte Offia, 1213 North SECOND meet. d7B 1m• at l7 .Tak WORLD'S TRUE REROES.”— A Poem entaltoi Tho World s True heroes" t dolteered by UEOttli.. W. PEA HOE. itse. ot West Chester, on TH . Unt4DAY E V ENING . Doe. 2)th, fit bs s lf. Plat setr_tn o cloak, tho lectors, moot of rt. Peol • Churdt, THIR r , treet, below Within', 'lf lket4 20 oeute, to be hod of D. M Wear's, 410 Welt ut finest. 'agfuSeodo of tko I:O4LN to Ito clovot,4 to floudsy 10. tftd THE 13TUDIM PUBLIC SPEARING ME= MARRIED. MOURNING , TGRE. No. 808 CH koTNU r Btreet ry - --ovvics OF IMF. FAME INSURANCE ' I 7 coMPANY. No 40 CD BUM r htrnet.ln. delphin.—The ennui! tneette; of tho Stochho'dern of Dux Colneeny will no held at their office. on MONDAY, theali der of Jane, Ho. .e wolock Al. An election for Twelve D ' irt eters to nerve for the ensuint rear, wilt be held et the ems piano on the IMMO day bete non the hours nllO A. hi. and 2P. M. (123 W M. J. 111:/t NCHA RD. Reerettrv. IY — t THE ANNIVERNARV OF THE FO4t t TER 110 M I AtiPOCI ATION will be held et the itiittrution, 'twentieth end Henniton streets. nn THENIDAY.I.)a... Vat. at 11 n'olools A. M. Addrees. 01 Will 111 deli vnnfd hr elven' elerr•inen The pub- HO ern respeetfutly inv.tott to be present. Thepavan per seaway cure run withtn a square of the Institu tion. d2S rr NIERCAINTILEHILARY—NOTICE6— ' t A lowing of rho .tooLhoitiere nr tho Aleninntile erinni‘ni . (mimeo to th e arbitrary 'teflon IV Om Present Donn! or Aleinftgerca ill Ire herd on FR I DAY E ANN ri. tart 34th wet., at o'clock:, in room Pin. Ylniatiolviort Exnlinntie. 1120t* T.—'l EC EL R XSIO DIVISION, Na. 1 2Of. S. of T.--'lho rumOorn oro regomood to l punctual In otton.lnneo on I'll UH9IIAY EVENING. Iho 29111 inntont. Important hopinose wilt he transacted. of Ist, , t , of mooting will oo conputnro/1 : d?..61 2 t OMIT, 111cCI , I,LoCII, R S. ir.r and LOAN E l ry , r A t p l F." ATIhoN Alnlll,,l,trulr.Z.l7l rnoeCtr of thin meriinintion will he hold the house of Mr. 11. 'X ittlt ; Nei Cherry strent. Riot Torii, no PV(.lllne, Denner 21111 nt 7.15 n'nlnek. t re. en, lorthor noloicriptione to too k, tot trntmet other tinionnne Ilpit eomo liorrirn the inentine. 'I lie cnnii emotion or that /1 11.1, C13tiall has 11114 joint°, othonti tint (hind in other Ilnildint Fititeleties ; it in anointed that It will elle, in Owed four • eerie :52 per low th. Internet elitiaied only on the net mount lonuoth tle3 It. OF TOE UNION 1107 UAL IN. SURAA , Ci: COMPANY —('iiTLIPELPIIIA. Pen. 21.1551. The Arm%) Mr...town' t Serrpherrinrs rrf the UNION :11 1 / 1 ; ir rerSt'rt ANCIE COM Nl'. or Phi hoeinhor, will he hold nt the r , ftree of the Cornennr. on Mood, Y. Jnrokri, C. IS'it.ott 14 o Hoek, turfen r et obieh twin nn El/reline Ire hold for Eight Direct as, to more for the emoting three !ems JOS. COI L(SON. - d 2, 111 Ceeretnry. A FESTIVAL FOR TUC BENEFIT 1? OF TII TA 11 NAFLE E. MI [Tun will hnhald nt JIANI)FL & AVON . ac F;•hth nrd Tann., Glreen ntreate. nn WEI) NFSD 'Y NIN nett. nt 754 ri eln •k. PrldrePime by remnant cler:ynian. Muse , and lairoshments during the a e• lung. AOlnisminn GO tante. tlrOt* VENN LVENtnr tho hov. nr. NV .I,e's church, ur d onu ln e t rOPE 4in i n ypnicr, et 7.4 423 bt' 01' THE WESTAIORELAND COAL COMPANY. Po ILAt.A, DOcemher 12, me, The aneunl mentlnv or the Storkhohlnr4 of this Corn piny will he hole t their ,ffien No. 21U youth Tim' I) Street on WE ONT B[l4Y. h electionlf tenuity ISO, at )2 o'e:o3k, at which haul nit will be held for eleven Dire)tore, and it See( OtMl g and Trecaurer, to serve for the ensuing year. rso.t 4 P. U. JACKSON, fineretari, OFI. ICE OP TIIIE I'ONSOVID TED COAL COMPANv. V% 'WALNUT etrert. Pelt • DeLrltle. Per. It 11.49. The Minim! )Martine n ( ho Plorkholdrra ell One Coin en), tea/ be held et their °Men. in Philadelphia, nn %10NOnY,n i way It 1&:$1 et 10 n'cinck A. Al.. for 'he killertion of Offcern to nerve the relleiej icor. end other d.ILtNRStt'OYrR. VIVA Secretary. A I IV E 9 ( I3 ItrEAGIIEit. Eta— berate the eatholio rhilopat inn arary Institute. in nld or the Cas_h"lin.,Raen Aellumn or the rive. on 'I'III'4FDV 1' ',camber In Fir 734 o'ol nh, et N 'Lone' Hall. MARK El' Street. 'able° Tvelith. "The Poets end l'atory of Ire! " Theltetn 25 eents. dtt et- DEVICE DE TIIIH LEAD/1l AND DRLA WA Rv, WATI.R-oAP RAILROAD CO., No. el WALK CT Street, l'hdadelphit. 'I he Annual Aleetin: of the Pto,kholdere or the porpornrion will be held on MONOA Y. Tnru , nry Orh. 16Z: et 12 Al. at whien time and place an ElPvtlnn %via be held Jar a Preanh.,,t a nd t o H nerve for the eneuini year. JOHN ANCOCK. d2l dual/ Trbenter and Btoretnry. REV. A. A. WILLITS 1.3 will &di l l. is hAr L' Lr ly , oture. BEYOEE THE EV E'I"ITERARY UNION, GONCttkr" I, FRIDAY E VENING. Ge L o, 30,1 t, teo9, st (totter heli.re M cielook. Tickets 26 cents. • Fir rale ftt Brown'e. Fifth linil Chestnut, and fit‘ek hnuso's, Eighth and Wean streets. dti-et• INSUANCE COMPANY OF THE r n 'R STATE OF PE.NNSYLVANIA. _ December Xl. 1359, An election for Thirteen Directors of this Onnionn•. to 101,0 for onn rear will he held at too Coropeor . s Sfricl. No. 4 Fsehangs limit/min. en NION DAY—loot/nil oth, /3 4 0, between the hours ol 10 o'clock - N.. nod I &don/ S. 111. WILLIAM ILO PEE.. dtla9 Socretniy. TOFFICE OF THE DELAWAR E COUR TV PA:410010ER RA ILROAD.—Tha Annual antion ler Pretitisilt end pireetore of the Delaware Count,. parreen.er 1140,W COMpeer will be held et the oillite of AM_Ef'S M ILLI R. 141ARKIT Sireet. Wet nj ' , refit, Well Philadelphia. nn MOP/ DAY. the rite gsf or Jefijlaty , between the hors or le A. Al. and I P. Al. L. BONNAPPO u N. d2r.ilJD Secretary. N of Ph T . l tUe rEa of ANNUAL clreets Pet.engnt Witlway Cornenne will he hold nt their ”filon..2an wAI.NI/ Stteet, on a nd Y. Jno. 911, lftel.nt 12 o'clock. noon. at which thine and men no election will be hold for n free dent and twelco Litreo tArc reserve 107 the ensuing 'mit. 02-0 THO 3. LOOAN, Seoretnry. - PitEmitlA. Extiamot: COMPANY-• Annual Motion, Dee. 30.—The Booksof this old rahal to Saviors Pu - d and Loan Company ore nhw rive for the foihscription of !Mires 80 each. paye hi' enheariptton. nr h instalment. of one or more chillers per week. 11 000 Mental on it sham. As a Say. mu Fund. it is uneaualled. the mono) teens loaned en rood wort:nice city,.seriet, he. The profits arc dtvidnd evert iIiVIMCMOIAM<Ittg the titnekhcvders tox ver vent. interest trod en money epnnited. and the de polkas paid on demand. Office .outhoutcorner of Twelfth rind Market streets 9.lstory. • hen dee, from 9to 3 o'elook and on Fridays until n'eleck P. For Constitutions had 8.1-laws collet the ~frien on d'a at* JOlll , l R. LACCtlit.tN. Ben'y. • NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE IT EST. MORELAN D COAL, COMPANY, No. 230 Foutn Thind street, ounneruf WillaWs P. 21. 1539. At o.MOOtin, of the Directoif held this day n dividend of oil per cent. was declared on the capital stook. made to stnnkholdsrs nr Ow Igen' roprOxintives at thn (liiiCB of the notnrtny on And Alter JAN 'AM' .1.1. 1671 rho trsn•fer ItoJits will ha ehopd ono Jnnunry Oth nixt tll2-tot4 F. 11. JACKSON. Ttensurcr. FIFIVE OF VAN DYKE A; SO., No. f. 2 0,3 SOUTH TRIM/ STREET. 'l'ol ur; KEComtr•ItiVOVICO I N A OCIVLIPPRB OF TRI DILI,IASIQPDRT ANO ELNIIHn HA I, fto ti COMFANV.—It is deemed otooor to nonounen rA chop., who desire to ptrtiolplto in the ncf•nn eeeee or the protoomo repreen , setion of th a Comp.inc—,Avon tAgetinineh cant oft/used in now herhrey—ttldnsooe rery that they execute the power of Attorney, rinlt • , ....e,••••.41c0d tau, bocome pittlot lit the owner slily of thin toa d when newt, orzameed. F. A. VAN DYKE. ht.. Attorney for Foeond Montero Romp° tiers. N. R.—An si.renment or el per rhou,and he, loon lent to meet pranent torrent expenses. d2l-lit OFFICE CITY PAS BENOE:II Rel I.W - com 162 SOUTH VoURTII 873[1 , hT. Pee. Irl o . The annual nieetioc of the M0.: of philn• dolphin City Promo:or Railte.tv Cowen! he hell It the office n 1 the Company. No 161 It uth FOURTH littett. on MON IIAN . Jenuery 7th. 13M, nt 10 o chicY A. M..l.lwhich lune no election cei I be held Torn Pam dont and cix Datectors to carve the entwine I per. W. M. AINOERL.Y, MAO FeereterT. --- y OM-Er—THE ANNUAL MEETING t.,3 f Op r tockhnhlnr. of the OUF.I ANO uATI.:B4ITEPET PABSENitEIt AILWAY COM PANY wit he hold at ilia Alen of the Croneeny. 43 WALLA CT fitreet. on MONDAY. Janwiry 0 18 0 at It o'e oak. noon at which time and piece en election will he held for President amt (WOWr lltrectors, to carve for the ear etniain, dN Ij DENDY RUA RWOOD. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN SUHASCP. CO\II'•NY. S. W. corner of I , Ant end WALNUT Weals.- Patient:Leiria, neeetnhOr 17 1R59. sona.-The annuli Meeting of the Stockhol.lets of TH ENTE. , PRI YE INHU RAN CO COAI PAN Y aria be held on aIONDAY. the 9 h day of Poway), lark, at ten A. ht.. at the (Im m o' the company. An bieetton for T. sire throotom to N.V., Ito en sainz year. Win he held on ihe mute dna, et the rune o' elec.. between the hours of 10 o aback A. ht. and 2 olnek ht. dl7-t.te9 CHARLES W. ooxr,. Secreterv. I,IEI.IAL. IN TIIFI ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE ra. CUT ANA CoUNTY op PriILADELPIIIA. in the matter of 00 totlte of CHARLES The Auditor appointed by the Court In audit smile, end adjust the sixth 'cannot of EMILY VY LIN a "1.t.t3 Fits hR(LIK VEZiN. and (Sr."! IA It TIV OERIIAB D. Executors of paid decedent. Alen the first account of Ch isles John Frederick Vest's and Beniernin • erherd, surriving executors of said dere dent, aim the stash nlO *axonal Pocounte of Chails• John tywdoricik Vetin Ernst !Wenn ever. Ermine! iirpnii sine Benininin Gerhard. trustees undo, the lost w.ll and testament of 'tut decedent ; also, the third wools, of F mile Venn. (Inflow john Fredonuk Venn. end Benjamin Gerhard. guardian., undst_the last will rhd lertsment of said decedent IF:only Venn actin{ sum•tioin.l also, the fiat account of Charles John Frede nrk Vexin and Benjerwn Oerheid. terms Inc guardians ceder the lest will end testament of said decedent C. J. F. Vern. neuns penman) end to report distribution of rho bolero:lee in the bands of the eiecountont. will meet the nettles interested for the purposes of his appwnt ment on 'I fitJHBDAY the Oth der of !armors 181) st 11 n'olock A. M,, at Me office, No. era WALNUT Ftreet, • JOliff M. ThOMA.I. dti wfmfit Auditor. rN TOE DISIRiCT COURT FOR THE ("ITV AND CrIIINTY OF FIIILADELPIIIA. MAX AN DER YOUNG to. JAMES BOYLE sr. All• minetretnr of Hobert Sept, deceased, with out line to terra-tenant. Sept. Term. 1859 No.oll. Ley. Fa.: Too Auditor Remote% by the Court to report distri• Initmn of the fund in Court. arising from the sale by the hheriff tinder the,. hove um of MI that certain !sat or piens of ground, with the four I,rioir mason o• or tenrments thereon erected, rustled in a eertntn rim No. • • Nate on the went aide of Pnowink road, het. ean Fitxwarer emit Catharine streets, in toe Into Martel of %loin:imago', bs•innine sat a stake by the ode of the said road. southwesterly 4 , 1 feet Hop ground now or fominrly of George Clyme r, t h en , y lot marked in the surd pills No. 2, note or foimerls of Tianniss Knock, westward 88 rat 714 snake., n 1.1 rest wide thence try tire same southwar d HI feet 34 Inchon to a in' marked in said Om No 4, formeris of n illiern Morrow, throne by the time eantwnot 12 feat 0-4 inches to tinsayunk mid niers, odi and thence In the same nnriheadwardly fent to the piece of bednnine.twhieh lot of stoned Patrick M ee Kann} and Ellen his *tin by an Holmquie dated thPbth (I yom f Fehru my. A . 1 1 .181'.!, recorded in tired hook ft. I . L. IT, Pate 124. ha.. I note , and convoyed unto Om aahl RObl)fl Cunningham m fee, subjeot to the pestilent Ms yearly rent °hark', or rum of tweaty•two dollars imprornnonts on thn sald int ',Toilet of four thme uteri brink no innii—nne of the!. Irmitine on the nisei unk sold and the other three id thorn Irontioe on nn alloy Inuit out over nano( the rear and of said lot Will attend to the duties of hie op• prontment on 1 nendar• Mei 10th of donna's. 14 - 0 At 1 P. ht., at lon office. Nn. 2'o sfieTll FIFTH 11:11,•1 in the rite ril Philadelphia. when and where all ranter intere•nd in the said fund are required to pre rant their clams, or oleo ho debarred and excluded tberrfroni. IdAAC MYER, Jo.. 8.18 Pit A uditor. I N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPMA COUDII Y, Juno Term, 1882. tin 1 )1 NNAir WOOD, by MK next friend, vl. OZOtt OE Vi ODD nen 71.188), flub for divorce a vinPute merriment:l. returnable January 14th, nom-tent , dolse no to, Vnsl. NICIIULSOII. d!Bwf4t* At orney for Lit:silent. p AMMON. HENRY. WARNER, MISKEY, & MERRILL, MANUFACTURERB OF OAR FIXTURE/3, BRONZES, &c., tiD. 718 DIIIISMIT /STREET, PHILADELPHIA Have jut finiehed, and havo now for salo, an un doubted Iskenere of the great natnot, made to Bronze 'they would also call attention to their large aaaort mont of BRONZES, PORCELAIN LANTERNS. PLRXISLE DROP LIGHTS, &c., &c., All sultoblo for Ifololsy Presents. ESTEV & GREEN'S PERFECT ELODY:ONP,—Pour of theme splendid in ntrumarits amend n antilydny esonins. Nit in time tot Christina' , and New Year's, LS A/A1t,31V9 alum • Nora, PUS CILLBTNuT Strout. dti•2t' A SPI,tIsIDID assertment of GUITARS, Flutimig 4iolma and Fnrtfolioa, have roar ar rived or AIARBIL'd ?duce ttoro, 1103 i NUT Ntreatcl2l-2t. NEW YEAR'S GIFT.—REIMER'S PllO. 'mount tc GALLERY, SECOND Stmt. A bove o,oln, a the Om to resort tote rot tho north ory o our money, ,tau gad pnoo ykotosrap,his sad, Amin. two. Is' NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW YEAR'S GIFTS ! SAMUEL HAZARD; hi., T2l CHESTNUT Street, Will oloott out, during Dile week , the bathe. of hie HOLIDAY STOCK of BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES. dwat GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BO OK STORE, BUY YOUR BOOKS A'l' EVAo. 4119 CHESTNUT NS STREET. ' !WY 10118 ROTA'S AT in VA wee BUY YOlllt BOOKA AT 4 YANI' NOV YOUR NOOKS AT Eve NS' BUY YOUR BOONS AT EVANS' 0111 Rook Store, Gift Rook Wore. No. e 3? ctteet. No. 4 Chestnut street. Tim the hest Once in the cuts. Books are siou eke tp ne al coy other store. And too heir • the advents.* Or corona n Od with each Book. YOU CAN OET Goon Doi.% 4. or CAN WORTHHOICE BOOKS. YOU CAN GET BOOKS F:ARINO. and All Books are sold at the publishers' lowest prices, BEAR IN MIND THAT A GIFT. 'Worth trom e•nt• to $lOO. ACCOALYANIEN NnClf WAAL. L•' All tho ,home Ilooka in ev A er L style of Binding, (corn 81 Upwards, ' , MI Glir with Pftell. ft ES sTo BOOKB In treat variety hound in th+ 10011 benuttfut style at Price. varying (nun el to on, and n hands o me venom wan each. AI WA 'ram for the Family, Church. or Pocket hound in oven et,te and at nrio^a eiirTln‘ from 41 to 152.3 each, acioomPanied w.th a bambini sm. RAYEOOS of all denominat P ions, hound intee moat harv'enme manner. in morocco rel I &vet. and at prices enriing from el to SM. and a 'lcridot prrsopt with each. HYMN TtOOK Prealoteri" n. Methodist. Banbat. I utheran. dm— in handsome bindiag from to Ca, and &mei gal with each. TISOI S on o kinds. upon on 111 F ,hose s. by the best write:l,l)nd nt all poem any a vnt able present with each. 4100HAPtilhe Of army eslehrp. ed pawn, and in every style of holdiay, end gift • .port with e eh Tfte i. 1.9 AND VoYAGES. The venting. of tie [nom noted and popular authors, (mob accomomett with a splendid present. mth.: )IS. The Works nr Oren' atendard writer, bound in stymy Variety of stvle. and illustrated with the moat beaubfut enerhyings. et Dikes vary•ns from $1 to $l3, and a tisndsoms present riven With each book. JOVE1)111,1, DoOKti In endless v iriety. end hr the most popular end pleas ins authors and remember grit a valuable present is given with each. ALBUMS Of ell ine.s humid w the molt beautif•l end Blue ratrd with splendid entre...oe. at ynees varytni from 81 to elf, end a beautiful etft Oren with sash. Day our BOOKB o kind. at EV - AN& 011eT BOoK ESTABLISHMENT, 432 eIIFrITNITT BTRET. Where you can get thew 114 alias as at any other store in the atty. And )nu have the adeenttage of sett as a Gift with each Hook thot you porches... Cat in, told one trial will atter, you ant the best Pines (n the city rohtrs you 'gout,/ purt,hos 4 Thar is , • I .,ORof* 0 ilVANell GIFT BOOK EdTAIItI,I9II.IIS.NT, 439 CHEST:4M Philadelphia. iiirt 61 Two door. below Fifth. on the upper elder. VAII.RSON BENNETT 'S DOLLAR .EL:4 MATH LY. JUST Our. JUST OWP Emerson Binnett's Buller Monthly. Emerson Bennett, hotter AlenthLyy. Polendufly IlluErstad. lendully Lmftrtt d. The Cheat oat mares , ne in the World. The Chenpest Massimo to the Woad. Price only Ten rents. Puce only Ten Cent+ IT CONI A INS A NeW STORY B 9 Eel en •nte BpysZTT. THP tSlic‘,l';Hl HET: A Companion to " Prairie Flower.' A Companion to " Prnme Flower.' For sate be ell news mains. Prioe only Ten Cents. B SURF. AND BU S Y IT. Price only fen Cents. EMERSON BENNhTT'S DOLLAR MONTHLY Contains the °wine chapters of The Mountain I.BY Or. Advmm.ures in the Wild mem. A Cornet mut) to Prairie Flower. Fplendidly lilustrated EMERSON is c.NOI in: 'S SHIT STORY, Prlce only en Cent,. Emerson son,ptt's bollsr Monthly Contains holutitul .tortes. Price only DOLLA R BIittEREON., BKNia E re MONTHLY unttalna heautprul Sketches. Pre, only Tau Cent,. Emerson Bowing's Podat Monthl7 Coconino beautiful Pimme, Price only Ten 'ante. Emerson Bennett's Dollar Monthly l.ont pp tnk L au l y y l ab e le Anecdotes. ENERHON BENNETT' T DOLLAR MONTHLY Contains various articles from the best Wilton. i'9l^e only 'I en Cents. Emerson Bennett's Dollar Monthly Conznina t., finest ony 'nal desues. Price ly 'ran Cents. Emerson flennatt's Coder Month'Y h the Cheapest and Best Maanion• in the world. Price only Ten Centel EMERSON HENN e.T v . s DOLLAR MONTHLY is said hr nil the newo.dealere. Price only Ten CeLts. It• BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! SELLING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICESI GAUT & VOLKIIAR, No.N)CIIISTNUT Street above Sixth, north ide, Would respectfully solicit the attention of the publla totheir SPLENDID HOLIDAY they now ear at a STOCIC. GREAT EE STANDARD AND MISCELLANLOUS DirdLnd AND Of every variety and subs of binding.? RAVER BOOKS, NEW YEAR GIFT'S. Stumble forA arteadiA MIT:IILt A &pp T O DOOR q. GAMES, are., Ito, A GREAT REDUCTION. Call and obtain FuR ONE WEEK ONLY! And enninn, the CATALOOtE, YLENDID AND ISEAVT/FUL Display ad %Isom mir Tables. DOM ail st .4 t Ctv) CHESTNUT Bm i at, pll SIOIAN'S POCKET DAY-BOOK WARY AND NT4ITING Idea P R 1570. Tho nbovo bate mennel fo.mor r pobbahed by C. J, Price, in now rends for delivery and berm prepared un der the surerintendence of several eminent member. of the profession, me tudiepenealMs toot er) pranusina Phr It is Virnind in the tollnwinc etylae. Anti will lei sent, tn o e tt t n e d i iiii n tea receipt of the price 50 I urkny inntmtco. onoka. with pocket Doublet fret o i n oTo n . " ; • tut e; moron To ; JOll7ll ti LI N. Pahhalor ant! inutortnr. 1111 iSt 97 Reath MYTH Street above Chestnut. NEW TIWItS! NEW 804 !—The 11 GOLDEN Ttl.:l,e:: or, 3:orien on tho Ten Corn. tonndoionte, by tho author of Trap to eat , h a SUII• be mi." Se.. 750.111. cosmull visor to 1113 GRANDFATHER. Mt° Itm•nt d 10 BACI2AMI.NTAI..I3ICOLIRSER. BY Jame.W. Alex audia. P. D. 92. HE EVI VAL INIR ELAND. 111 Rer.ll Grattan Ouinnt.sq. 45ran4. TII E CHRISTIAN'S MIRROR ; or. Words lo SOVIOn. D. A. L. 0. E., &) rAOI. LI PE AND ADVENTURES OF DANDY JACK. By rnelo Tnhina GO cent, MOTHER G110.,E. FOR GROWN FOLKS, limo., For Sale by WILLIAAI P. & A LF RF:D VARTIP.N. d 23 • h 0.0.0 CHESTNUT Stloat. VOR THE, MOTHER'S SAKE, and DAR. Lnio LEMMA E.—Th. erm•nt. l l odiuno of thee, Migutil4,l ballads h lwen ruhli. had wtth , n .he 1,.? (bur weeds m btAttril'S Mute Buars, 1102 CIL , . FiTNUT Street. d 28.21• el EN. [I ESS' GRAND MARCH, and GEN. HEST 00.1.0 P BRILL'AINTT.—Th.t• tirr , MU nifie•nt ,ornpneit , nne ”nw rnsly And for We at MAllFttl'a Music store,llo2 CHESTNU Street. da-21.• HELPER'S IMPENDING i RISIS _ ANTI. It W iNTS. COMMISSfOrsi MEPCIIANTS, MAN VPACTUB En and IMPORTERS. A business mmn of extentliva aoquaintnnee thronsh the Ind West, to open thr onantement, on the first of Janus,. IMO, Ton concern who diairc the set vo•elornitentlemin nrestensive business qua , &anon', this is it offence seldom met with. Undoubted reference Addres• " ronftlentiel." At the nfllce of BULLET FAINTHORNE,3B3noth Third Str.o:. ti3l 3t• ATIIO4OIIMILY COMPE PENT BOOK RFFPTIR desit , s re•eneeternent. The high Ott el te reference.. Would he wiMne In oot a. a elte. man if required. Mdrees ••Ledger.' PN, oil hoe. en T°BUSINESS MEN. LAWYERs, AND OTIIF,RB.—A To MK man desires a situation as C'ork or Book.keopor amonra leforoncrm far. welted. AddrePe " H. 8„" rare of 7h Pram dzs 2t• gin min —A UFWILENIAN OF IN teiritt and business analifioafions Is desiro of onterinr into some horative haziness ( wners hie duties eou'd ho lista. (with the shore sum (*hare evert tli.ns Proved sttisfact irre'Refersnos aitsd,u well it iv.n. Address "8. W. 11." Pros °Mts. elg•tutlielate TO CAPITALISTS —At the commence ment-a of the .ear thorn man be an opening for a sentirm en with Sib Manureo OM. az partner tha t C 32. tablishod first class . twin; business. mar lie made one of the extensor° and profitable( In thus bent... Address. strictly confident...l'lo A. of of this paper. 3t. vir NTED —By January Ist a situation • v as [BOOK-KEEPER, or in an inaurance Com pany or Banking Douse, by a practical Book-keeper of Large and infloential business acquaintance. Addroya " H. S." Box 211 I'. 0. rtee-lm• - 13:0ARTN Elt WA ..pentn4 in an estublished Commission Pouts (Dry Goods) of a partnership occur whohe hit of the your. A. younK. active. buo•nest men. could commend from SKI 000 to $2OOOO may addrees " Commumon Business." at r.ie °thee of this paper. no3e-tf 'WANTEO—A Situation as Assistant • • Bonk-keeper or entry Clark. Con recar to Meast.T. PRICI: PERRI.I, C HoWEI.L. SMITH. & I. A dores U W F. eye of PRICE. F ERRIS. & Co. 625 Markot street, Plolotteletus. d 2.4.31. AA PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPER WILL be wit for on enretzernent on the lit or JMII.IIINrY next. ReCeta to present omployera. tiddreu H. E. 8.," D• Nrttrh. 01-31* HOLIDAY GOOIHI. STERVOSCOPEO AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Being %bout to rehnvitgh the STERFSCOPICI3I.73I. NEsS, Are otter our ENTIRE STOCK OF VIEWS, of our own Importation, at REDUCED PRICES. EDWARD PARRISH, NO. 800 ARCH STREET. 00-tt CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—The best lqlas Present would he a Horrel of Harper's Fem. Onio St. Lou,.. Kentuolo , Ilolumore. or Peon. nyltnnin FAMILV FLOUR nw illethleheni Horkoteat 111W , t. croon Al STAN & ZoHNDER. dU OW' Flour DOPI, FOURTH and VINK ER& OOT AND I iERB DOCTOR—ran be eon3ulted at the El trtly Fbe‘f Ho.ol. N. 8F 'ON gt t el, . tolotelph.3. A :Art ennoplo Eseom•turo of the Heart. late s and t Moat free of char"). Its treats all thee tehe taut tlekdi it h^lr to; removes wa rt , C on , end bullion; wahou, the el,ktest pine lledio.nes reatonatde. All letters aboitle be coat to the Barley ttluvel. 523 It' Vit. W. LIVINto3TON,_ Ltho 25th November htat. eup• Ja...1 ' ,wed i n It Walnut street emntruir, Bible Fur Cuff. The biador win hauesornely rewarced leaflet tt et WOMRATirti, No. 40 AlLOli kthaet _ PO it* HOLIDAY Goons. HOLIDAY WEEK. For a A• deue, Co olose cot our FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Ws obeli offer purebaserw VERY GREAT BARGAINS In our Manufae , ured Goods. Ribbons, Plovers. and Tam wing a. boss and "4 lame Ceps sou Rata. W.e.. &a. WWa LI:ICM to sell res_aßliess of east. LINCUL Wu /ID kNI HOLE, faS CIIES_r/ tltr•oit _OB4O Two doors above Mums looms, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Wa hive Jut melrad a WM and boats! Wolf t men; of WATCH EEL • J E WELRY. AND tYLV gRWAR E. Eibleoted a:prewar for Holiday Pramual, ooasiatlag la part GOLD WAT7HES. BUITARUE FOR EITHER LA.DIEd OR 0 ENTLIMEN. Boyne tnlaid with &amend. and etherealmm.l.d. tO, SVATCHI.B s r i • OLE FOR BOWL Also, on head a Manta ful aueortment of DIAMO•D !EWE. RY, Of all kinds. at reduced Tames. Die monde Afm c gc,/ an the now P;ql/ HMO style. Our style of betting Diamonds meant be ex- Gel Jewe l rys tenantry. Our raccortment ofembracea the following; CORAL, ~. MOSAIC, PLAIN. and FANCY JEWFILJILY of ever', desoription. each as Onld Neck and' Feet Chains. Stud.. Weave Button.. Oo'd Thu:ebb:4. t (mode. Tooth Puke. An - islets t omits. &e. &o. nILYr.e WANE. Silver Spoon. end Forks; Pt.. Cake. Butter. In* Cream and Fruit Knive•; Preserve, Suter and Sorry Sponas; Salt Cellar. Napkin Hints. Card Curs and hilreir Mete. congener of Knife. Fork. and spoon for Chddren, woh an entnese 'retort of strode in our line. which we will sell at reduced prices. Uo'd and Jet Bracelets of all kinds, of the newest &- WM. P. B.—Old Gold end Silver purehaeed for mull or Mien in exchange. t lease cal and examine at LA DN11.7. C 0.13. dl.l o. CIik.STN !isnot. F. P. DUBOSQ it SON. Manufsctursra ea Importer, of JEWELR Y J. S. JARDEN &I 8R0.,. Manufaoturats and Importors of SILVER PLATED WARE AT FIRST PRIOESI WATCRIB.SE,WELES, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. The More. Wholesale hf•utufaraturses end importers, find thtt the re put mum of their wares has extended ow toed the circle of dealers, to Inch an extent that the cnUe of consumer; at them counting. mouse cannot Meet Proper %Pentane. The edematous to them, u manatee. to re. of d reo , acquaintanui .10 the went' and tastes of indavidnels purchising for them own are. as too Meh l! anarec.ated to allow them to neglect the custom thus offered • • For the more convenient classification and display of their CHOICEST STYLES. they have fitted up the NEW STORE, No. 101 IS CHESTNUTSIREET. Where thee cafes. at FIRST PRICES. eye!' desesip- Don of JEWELRY. in DIAMONDS, P .e RI, 5, STON I- S. 601.0. at d complete ohmic of 81 VER and 11, Al EU WARE. of the finest quality. in PIECES or !LEO'. A full assortment of Elotass arid Bortes WAICPIII of toe moat celelnet.d makers. will he In the cars of F. coNSTAN c ftICrIAR V. m woos* mita! Shure oar customer work can be confidently entrained. Malta WHOLI.9a LE ROO.llB, 304 CHEISTNCT BT. WARBURTON'S 1001 CIIESTN CT Street, sewed sore above Tenth. SOr South SECOND Street, below Seruee. FOR THE HOLIDAYS, REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETS, Di BRUSSELS POINTE, • e BRUSSELS A PPLiQUE, VALENCIENNES, HONITON, sad MALTESE. ALao. A PULL ABSORPMENT OP REAL THREAD CAIiBRIA.A3IIS ALENCON VEILS, COIFFURES, AND BARBIE. A-so. A FULL LINE OF PARIS EMBROIDERIES. Add every deaoription or Leas by the yard. WARBURTON'B RIBBON, LACE, MILLINERY.and EMBROIDERY STORES, 1001 CD EST NUT r treat. above Tenth, dU•tf if eatJ SW S. SECOND St.. below Spreiae USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A sun WRAPPER, MUFFLER, SCARF TIE, or SHAWL. On of there arttalea will La vary aceriataLla 40 TOU gentlmen &WAIL a 11.11 Atiolntl:Ct 07 STEREOBCOPEB, W. W. KNIGHT'S. 606 -UCH STREET. ?EYE SHIRTS, HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING. AND GLOVES. =WI UMBRELLAS tpoß TUE lIOLIDArs.+ WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., 246 MARKErt STREET. LATE toil SALL FRENCH, ENGLISH. AND ITALIAN BILK UMBRELLAS. • ALSG—AD SPIK , TSILOSt of GINGHAM. with Fars PA cent • onion Frames. toe only Paragon mandsontrod. SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON 451 SON tome spooial attention to their stook of BILVES WARE, which is now tinninially large, alfordm a va rests of setters and design arra:passed In say hone, the United ewes, and of finer enable than la nianafea lured for table nee in any part of the world. Onr Standard of Silver is 9354000 parte rui The DagNA Sterling .9254009 " American and Freneh 9004000 " Thus It will bosun that weer. thirty-6re parts pare: than the Amerman and French nom, and ten parts enrol thnz the Eng heti Sterling. We melt all our cern Other Ind our Foremen toms oonneeted with the Refining Ds eartment of the United States Mint for several sears, we .:oarentee the guatity es above talk). "lush is the Awls! that can De made to be s *bk. and will resist the o.otion of acids mans ewer than the erdiaary Biker nots‘fsetwod. WM. WILSON & SON) B. W. OORITER IiEPTH AND onatasT an. B.—Any fineness of Filen nanufsotured u weed upon, but positierlysl.ll4Ufeetee to Asia red Aomori ran standard. Dialers emptied Intl! the Maud u oNd !a our retell department. Fine Silver Seri, 099-1000 parts PM. eoultimilY on nun. auft4tri CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING, AND those who wish to make their aeleotioaa of HOLIDAY PRESENTS Would do well to oral at CHARLES DU misnces. No. Sl2 CHESTNUT STREET. Mr. D. arse this rummer an Eurotea =Jiang a relsouon Of altogether NEW GOODS. For his new 'Store, last °pools& He has as 'itemise Stook of FANCY GOODS. TOYS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTO. CRICKET. ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS. &er., Simmassa In slogans., vsrity, and cheapness of prio,s thing befoul isms in this r itf• Bush al Franot; Chins, Terre Gotta, roman mub'r. Bohemian Bronse, Berlin Iron, Lars, Lad I Fkgs, Parise. Portuonna ism. Chessmen end Game• of all kinds, Writing Peaks, Papier Meeks Goods, To" of all kinds. Musical Instrumental or all ktads. de 'm pRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! ! THORNLEY tie CHIRNI REDUCF THP PRICES OF THEIR HOODS M ORDER TO FACILITATE THEIR dAi..E.I. nay offer Special Banning Is I one4lroene Fine utility of 81a ket Shawls. Misses and i'bildren's Slanket Sham% Gentlemen's and Hove Shawls. OLOTH CLOAKS IN GREAT VARIETY I Fancy Dress Silk. Veellent Blank silks, V Fumed Ma I noes, Ds tames. Vala nem' 'i l ia Calicos.. BLANICt. fn. FLANNELS LI ENS. aced 111.78LItt8 ! Cloths. C.issinieres and Sn'tinet's. Marseilles Quilts. Calico Comfortable'. &0.. iket. Gentlemen's Silk Ildk Is., Cravats. &0.. Linn R&D, of uurowtt Importation. li on , r e. °loves, Loon Vella. do., eco. at Ttioß sIt.PY tr. CH ISM'S, N. E. Cornet WIRTH. and SPRING GA RDFN. WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH. d 24 VORYTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. It is wail known that the most eletant. artiste, chaste and beautiful PHOTOGRAPHS AND IVORY TYPES an produced at ateCLEEEP N 0.63 CHESTNUT STREET. By the ht. reduction in his prim. COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, so distinguished for their superiority, can now be pro cured at as tow rams as colliers furnish an ordatary ar tit is far. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS , 31.00. MoGLEES. ta% CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH dll-11n OPERA GLASSES, Pearl, Ivory, and Jape dried, with the treat &chromatic' Lensed, et it y i FRA. KLIN'S, Ottielen , 111 South Fin RTli Streit, below chestnut. fl Al.o, Improved SpeoMeleo, comedy fitted to Ole es es; Plieroecope•, Sterirecope.. and 6,17,0 % . 1..11. In as ondleas ',krone. and at RE U F. 26 P IMPS 1-2 tr OPERA GLASSES.—A large and beauti ful atom tment of 'opera &Asa in unary hrhogr mountiai—vetT.vsq,_ rm.". IL kg, &n. Ming. ilkswori Vag _ Winona mos AIItIISENENTB. WALNUT-STREET TEM MIL nls Lows— —4l r• M..1113ag • 173 role ----------- %h a . 111 4; 415 WWWitTip.1:4•111. CRP I rAVIT A 'E GO knit Mephiroollotes. lir. J. Roberta; agat. At. IL A. PlUr/ ; M srgoori to. Illr• Anna Cowl Promos to the Draws. • popular Farm Ark M. MR, titi - Pr coo as oinaL Seats *IOU rod "ration arty. Orono. at tlnlir,ra orPn at ax o'clock ; Porfonoasoo to oodulom eft rock WHEATLEY £ CLARKE'S ADM- ItTR EET BEATR "C FRS Vi T n R. 0, Doe. PETER WILICINEL rifler %Ira. Greif ; Jobs Atitimp, Yr. Nirod•nras Crnirecall. Mr. curbs. The performmivi will earmwtnew ntb NI Nlt POiN IR Oir ?BE LAW SCALII O• —Admission. 7/ MIMI; amine Sem in Dress Carle. 'OM coma Paziset. ants. Donn open et bag prat I e'elcck ; portorawbenis ootorriniee nt 7 n'elock rlrePtly. nAN RWE'S GREAT snow . NATIONA'. THEATRE. Bt.. sham Eithih. T Merriran.inLe_pfpneietor. EX Lite Pr. It FIIRMANCKS 12:1FFRY AFTERNOON PCHING THK PRESENT We Kn. All the Brdliant Rtnetto:s will he brosmat forward rn the wpm opeasion. DAsHl:su HoNSEHeIinFIIP AND CLAM) 0 1 .VAIPIC GAUVR. THE DREAM OF CHITALRY. in whirh the entire ....e ms. 1.11 appser. THE PratrORMING RHINOCEROS will b• 'atm dur'ad alteinceme only. to aseaxeus to staingem The original humorist. DAN RICE. Nsh:lr appears in uswoomiesilities. 'ro roneinde vi'h a COMIC PAN TOVIStR. Doors op”.• at n And n•elock. ferGerinearee to eneta• Insane at Val and P 4 o'ekr-k- WILL POiITITELY CLOSE ON ATITRDAT Dernber Slit. The Fxhibttion of hot La•not works 0$ RO.A. RONEIEt.S, onoted "LOS BORRIC/tr FOS," tIMMOMS Malotoara Crftamaz the Pyroimpos.) C " MORNING IN THE RIOT!! AND,S." Toother mnets tto P05t...1% Moteali. by EPOLta RD UST.:Pt. Opas from IP A M. anol 3P. M.. at EAR LI'S Oa LLV t• us C.111.13 - VMT STREAT. d 111,6 Adnlinina IS CC VAL SANDERSON'S EXHIBITION KOOKS, kJ Lit YX t:!A com oNw EA LT it BLILD4IIO. cat.s - rNtT mes, sins, H., LI DAY WEtif AT TBIODON . B THEATRE OFAJITS. CONTINUATiON OF 1 1112 CHRIMiAi FESTI VAL*. THIS f wEDNR.DAyI vVENING. Dft. Will to °tared the folkway elegant .teses Tb. on .f 4seer, Rath-Place of Columbus. A mimosa War Ntaamer. Waabiettee sad lea Gem sti. Va'lor Forge Is Mid- Wiatsr. the Retrial Rome. amt of. rotor's. Minim 1131=Zetme. Aug- MUMS t lack-rope Vaa tor. Altar • htch the tarn lbo tease at the Ilene at Bea. The ottatottoe tarelizattha 'with tits model 'Revd tbL. a . ..mutat .taxemble. the Great Fasten'. THIB !Redonda, • RTKR tt.o • GRAND DAY-L'ORT FESTIVAL Two periontheees Ibis day. ?last& - *RIM& Chi Wes. MINIM& Doors opoa et 2 o'clock in the eftry. noon. aPd is the gmmist. To eafeasoaao at aid 71L 911EMPLE OP WONDERS. -N. Northeast toner of TENT!! and CREWSWIT: Stag& unator4oYel naba'. HOdLIDAY An WX.I.- BIONOH DLlrz The wonderful Mobeioa oad Ventnjamit. TWO EXHIBITIONS Z.ICH BAY darifto the Hot ds)o—in tao Afternoon" at 3 . l3'elaik n_d ul_ the E v e nnes ot bo. MOoboy. Jammu, 3,1. TIMM, OR A. 31 n PERFORMANCES. tatotwebblut Hop at 11 M., 3. ami 771 M. The orolobrand A otoonokra Vann/ r. on. o the eteattat "leer of Matkoonta ever exhanted.will &mot imam, azilb.tiorL, sad oe [- farm lye ri al:ro &aee fcet• Itmt••ir.n rOntli. Child?". IS NM& THE SECOND aII'iNUAL 0 RARITY 01P 7112 SONS OF MdLTA, AT THE AMERICA:I' ACADEMY OP' KOZO. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Dila Utn. I.4ttn. saz Act !scam or ?az atrium Oaaaga COUNCIL or ELSITIN PICYNITLYANI.L. The soNs OF MALTA rensetfony isformtkkelfr few of Philadetplue that their SECOND /OM UAL CHARITY BALL will to urea to aid the aeons of tbe , Order. Tee Mama of Ctunty same Uksmeelessio all. By order of the Bapreme Grad Camketil of Eallikel Penney Irani& Annnernen conntirrYLA George W. naker, Wnhame C. Bridgas, O. iLl o Williarm. Wlraa m idi 11 2 0 2 . 71 e Male A. decline, lame D 11 . 111.4. anis! C. Madre. Tterinia Carilamile end, Sherwood. H i dA i rd y agi , inhard Price. Jr., /lames L./Mermen torts Plitt. r Oka Seed ABC Wllhem B. Hood, H. B. Costabell. James P. Perot. Berens( ERMsa. Robert P. King. Wean of noinceole. HOB. D. R. Jackman, Oen. A. Y. WILMA. Hon. A. 0. Curtin. Col. A. a napes. Hoo. Wni..ll:9lrard, Col. H. Richer& Meld* Hon. D. H Finney. Col. Wm D. Loom Jr., Hon. BH. timid/a, Cot. Chutes Wilhelm. Dam A.Bmlesi, ,:,A. Gsres• St. ))tarta. pr. gismo, Edwin _Lervis., Charles it Kinrstom, George W. Word, Them s ,,,, e , Reim:eh:4, Filil=ktigrall• Weibull: Gee Jona ism* , M• 14 Mi17. r B. are e. Witmer. Goons Boldin. ni Doddsrd . , Morton McMichael, . Weatoott rersarf, William °edger. rlas Oelifeni. tehen2dBgeVt.er. noes% i, 171 d i 4 4 I L= 3 . Ilium H. Kern, ae exhinston Korth. Joseph M roe,ll, j oup t p 1 4 , 0 0,,,,A, Orn , in 0. Pretlxirr,Jr..Androw liteler. Joseph F. i obou. Joseph 11. 1 honima, Cot. John W. Forney. a ithnsn B. Mans, Charles A. Ha leram, Frederick W. Osinele Cherie' H. Wien, atuberl J. Hemphill * James 9 Gibbon. H. N. Duseribeni, %V itti•tm C. Meliibben, Goon.* T. Thorn. NV ilium h. Campbell, Charles FTasting. Thomas J 1 Buser, J oseph El..Thompeoler Gnome &Mos John Wnitis, Epoch R. Pritchimem, Edirla T. Cease. Oeorte H. Roberts, Michael Errickeon, Marshall A. Jews. o .ursd Gr.".. F.. J. Hiechae,. t rederiek Garter. Leet.b ileac. Jobe Tionslar, batea MGM Te.oper.a Reyacid, kale K. Wm'', F4trard P Bamboos, ob Loodavelartar. Thomas ht. Mame. Reniame Rippqrser, — Edward C. MitWf, BOW, C. Haw.. m. ...hen W. W.lstole. ,i s , ~..„.... sr . iiiouT . C. C 1114%" Robert T. Chase, G. Pones Houle. Cards, .amitti.s s gentleman witir kis isdnita cm De ob soma of PAIII:KL BMB*. Treason/. oorner Twelfth and Chowat wean. ; a. HUNT & CO.. r. W. eornor , rl.lll and Cloastanit davits; st the office of ft. O. LOWRY. No. 211 Wilmot atm& or In the rasmosri of the Esienurs Ccaustittse. d.t3.3049 FINE ARTS. PAGE'S VENUS IS NOW ON EXHIBITION FOR A SHORT TOM •T THE ROOM!, OYER MESSRS. CHICKEBING & SONS, NO. SOT CIIESTXUT STREET ADMISSION 2i CZNIg. OPEN DAY AND EVENING 01- it Mc DONOUGH'S GAIETIES—LACE St., above SECOND. First ht OP THE OOMICN ic PANTOMIME *I FILE TOMS OP TCRO, i loth A H . M. Ff orasedes as M. Cniadia• as AJ. Larultt as E l i! &arm Ittiaarla as Cohaftbrss. Mrs . I na as lam BargALMA. . aelpisyL DiY BS Dam Mud. review to arkit.A. GRAIERTISJAMIINT • IT ALL PS COMAN. CHRISTMAN A FTEROON. 4:hand Feria:sues at W. "pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Or THE ?LYN ARTS. 10116 MEEITN•L'T STREET, Ti OPEN DAILY. i uide)e minted,/ fres I A. till 6 P. 31. . g omelet Statue or "PiarDlB It LOST" Now on ROI balms for is abort time. Adm.'s.= 36 ante. Children =der 13 Inn. halt price. /khans of Stook 3.31. ASV GERIVANIA ORCBESTRA —Public Ea- Murrill 'Tor? Anall:AT, Idtl 4 lc4l, FUND BALL at 3) o'clock P.M. A packaso or nen paws, ono dollar. B , atlo ttellota.26 amts. To be bad at O. Andre's. and Bock fr. Latina Stoma Brum% and at the door. .114..2111 m. OADEMY OF FINE ARTS, (Southesst , GALLERY.) "A Drretails great Paintig. E, AM OF ITALY." ith Leant's'. wood roes Wo.t or Art, "TILE MARTYRDOM oF JOHN Emu." As. a :sotn•na AOREM IO BACR.STMBIZE. HCONEX. cssieunt,SN. IL OE R RAM DT. Aunt &ENCLAVE'. Will be exhibited from II A. M. to 6 P M., and ft* V P. M. daily on and eta: Donember M. MIL Admutaten 161 wits. elet-tr H ANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY. 7Xllut coltUßT,_ Cipitsmts wha.K. ORATu 0 OF Tt3E 11181FIAH. Otrtu to um many applioatioas made try. the Wards or the Soelety for the perform/ors of . tits restow Oratorio, they hare *amid toprodeca it on TaII.SDY iMo WM. At Ceittibiti onismilttems at VA &elect. The Rolm will be ,nalatned bq. ladies and to of m*- 1.1 , 5104440 ability. end tae ehi yrs a nearly two hundred voices. All win be aneonn.nied by cSe then:tuna Orchestra. CARL BENTZ, Leader. The whole under the difflelOci of hlkt. R. CARR CRO6B. Conductor of the SoMety. Tithes ao cents. Far wee at Et•ielt & Lawtoes.ls. Youth and Cheetnot etree Chiektring's. Chemant street. above Eighth ; and W. H. Collaton'a.LH NOTti Eighth street. Early aophcatton for tickets is necealary, at a, limited number only will ba sold. an-sag CLOTHING. E U. THoMPSON. E. TAILOR, N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND WALNUT rr THE LATEST FASHIONS. TEE NEWEST Erna, THE BEST HOODS Alvin on hood. and orders attended so pereeseltr. P. 8..4,,,,, g , r , visions the city era solicited *editt manures and ctde re al-Wm-Iml .IVl E BTA l i i s C o j i t !" ' lNt t S ta, KElltreeYig W. Cornet This establishment is now in suctwastutopenition,, say and nicht, end all are respectfully invited to eall see the whole protean of bread.making for themselves. The undersigned takes the liberty at ming that Ph thirty-five years be has been a praobeal Bakep—ivs as apprentice. all five 11l Journeyman to one o r= houses in Beat and. and twenty-Eve en epeps e whioh time be has bad th e opportunity oi making MeV experiments. and observing an the tathroventente have been made durum that period. In this establishment, of which he has now the man seementonitddition_to.the °outwits laboreaving r imer,. be bag bow mantels of many Maas not t d. reCrnestrained In the purchase of doer, none hat the soundest and beat shall ever he used; and be ban via trengrtlau=4l that Bread c aU q easa bythe ordinary process. Families in wluot the Bread. made 07. the bleeknaleal Bakery has not beau tried, or is iamb it hoe been tried only at Its commencement, before the gruschmery Ina in Perieet Worions order, are respeetfuny asked to nine ft it trial aow. the undersigned believing it would tend be metal adamants. JOHN 13 2 MOXBY, myli-tf neserieteredeat TATE OF CHRISTIAN M. 111:11.41- AL& 34001,4. DECD.—Littera testsatootory t o slo tete of said deadest. hionsc toot. t rotted to the sob. ' A ntler. ti! woods todettiod to ill tan are rat.sitt4 to !mks voneens, and thool Witt ebsiats to vomit Wm Ks JOUN HUI aisitanN"sloltia • No. ns tomb =Ls Avartarr, 7 S RICK ff sea mit - 5 it
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