• • • X.r.cf4:-a: Pe. risoasixix•••. - ; - - fliermted for Thorson. , - tadlow.—The - - assembling attkeneuill,,honi, yesterday, Morning, , of.ilia 'reetubeni ii•the" her: in this' court, was an • - -bit"aninsonstoned - "tibeerfulnest.y The teflon 'Of the cold raeasengitrfrom the icy king Ceilltio . - - ;li'ortiiiviis plainly, visible in the ruddy. fki 3 Ola!ri.bOi'diiring the re int delightful rairCf:yreittkor,. have te be 0,0 11 7: pp,in a 'mantle of dullness and" gloom, which:We are et lest-gratified to observe, is not impenetrable. Everybody ITR3 in the best humor, and; after the details of the great "(Teton ~.., , , „ nr):,masi meeting?' bad been folly and -good-mitered ly„disoussedi the ,„business of the ,day was proceed-, • ' sit systematically,dispisled of: The tel -I.;.eftlirlicin oasis- Was resumed, the pleas of. the Coin iinoriwealth being prosecuted by I)istriot Attorney ?•-„- _ lienry • Pinhersan and William llyall Were coa elotod of larceny of a' coat, _the property of • : " Fentenced to eight months each in the comity prison. - - " Charles.Davia and William Brown, colored, were convicted of • the -larceny, of .100 pounds of beef -Seetenoed, hi six Menthe each.- - . :.-Itiohard -Jones -and Daniel Geergo were con; '' , elated of *suit and battery. Sentenced to an im 'ilsoiirdent of three months eaeh. The same' defendttnts were acquitted on another hill of indlaiinent alleging a similar offence, - Eiltnbbth Dinrards,was convicted of the larceny :of some wearing apparel. This defendant was or hillificer'Sturgat. - Sentenced to six months t In the county --"i" A Youdg.andAtilau-lotakitig scaniii. sailing him. • gair William Anderson, was triaged convicted on u cliargt of-robbing the poor boxes" at St. The ' reec's ,Catholic- Church, .-Broad ~ and Catherine ,:- streets. Several' little girls, quite intelligent. in ,7 1 irfecrahoir and -addre'ss, learned - that :the theft was Oetinuitted ,hy,Andertou, while he was' on his knees seemingly engaged in prayer, prebablyitet. log unoli the principle, that It wflia better, to serve the devil heaven. lie was eon. viotodorherimponAdr. 11 C. Quinn, a member Of tho'ber, arose andaddresied Judge Ludlow as fol. „ lows Pi, ‘i" ' 1 - 4!. •7• - e" - - , * Mltylklsloisp your 'Annoy, - knosi this man • Andersen, Some time sleoe r he picked my wife's Peeket,iand•l detected , him in the sot lie was bronght into tide snort, where,tio entered a plea of ,7;," 'guilty,- end was senteneed to six months Imprison tnerit,rdo not think his pnniehment has been of any benefit to him, for he. seems to ho hardened. _when be robs,notonly chifroloachut lawyers also Mr. Geerg& Smith,-" And e specially a poor iwyer.". 'Laughter.) • - "" Judge Trnow—Taking the, oontrihutionSof - the • - Charitable, -.ilia' were to be devoted' to the poor , and needy, is certainly a - crime that' deserves se • yore punishment. , , • ;Niter come well-timed•remarha, the Judge nen' tensed •hiwCto two years - In the old county prison. - David — Dundee was conitieted of a charge 'of a,satinittind battery. Sentenced to sixty days. Alexander Chadwick was acquitted on a charge of ronlioions mischief. - _ • ~ . , , • little girl ; named Catharine Yorker, was con tooted of a charge of arson, in setting fire several times to the house of Mrs. Bancroft, where the was omploYed. ,The partionlars, of .thia case have - ,7itlrearlY been published at - length in The The defendent appears to have lad a Mania or slitting fire to 'muses,. She was arrested by Fire IllarthaVlllsekinirn. The jury recommended her • ?to the raerey ef. the court. Sentonee deferred. es.-- --Charles Londerbaok was acquitted of a charge of hiseultand.battery - on Washington Dater, 7, — ...11.1ehani-Tibben, an old convict; plead guilty to ' • ' the charge of the larceny of a push-cart, the pro - petty of Richard Garnet. Sentenced to eighteen • - , months in the county'prison. - •• wati placed on trial on the (Margo .'ersettingliquer.te miners, on the 7th of Peptem. her last. The giroseontion was represented. by • tok- R.: C. Quinn, -Rey.,-and the defence by Richard ,Ludlow,,Esq, -TheConitnonweelth produced sever loys wird fostifiedthei they purchased porter • and lager-beer-from eon of the 'defendant Op The other bend, the defence prodneed thitlmony to show the leed'ohtireateiref Mr. Dorman, and his , - 7 *” place , of husinesi, - 1, tied, the. Maidens and meroti. nary motive which- - prompted the prosecution.- ' Mr. Ludlow made 'an able aid 'argumentative ad e ' -dress to the jei", in which he, earnestly appealed - - them not to allow the law to be perverted from Sts legitimate purposes, in order that malice may it into a vest engine of oppreadon. :After a reply' fnim Mr. Quinn, and an impartial charge ftom Judge 'Ludlow, the jury! rendered a verdict - of guilty, with &recommendation to the mercy of the court. Sentenced to pay a fine of $2O, and . imprisoned for fifteen days. Miehael illeoneV:was convicted of_ an escoult - and battery oh his wife,' Ellen Mooney. It was the old store', of e,drnnken husband beating the woman - whom he had solemnly vowed to' " love, tweet-, and • , obey:" The wife was an ; unwilling- witness, And -like many a Violin' of - unmanly' brutality, was do-• circus to forgive and forget the injuries from 'which - suffered 'for years. The lury *ere not of ~se mould. and they rendere4 , a verdict in aeoordence with thefacts. Scutt:Mead to pay a fine ,of 'Shand:the mists: • • - - „ Th& Moe, WillitiC•Reating, 'obliged, with' ✓ arson. was continued until: this ,mornlng. at ten • o'clock. • Wm, B.rhankin has been retained as • coursed for thi. defendant.' - Cethariuo *Ragan; an .elderty and -miserable -,"'" looking - woman, was charged keeping a die. orderly bowie. --ThejurY-convieted her ; although ;they evidently pitied- the -defendant. Sentenced ; to thirty deya k the county prison. • • . ‘Thomas Lawrenoe was charge with committing an assault mid 'twittery on' William Smith. , The defendant freedrunk- in- the-Altnehonee when the , - offence was committed. !lie threw ti. whiskey hot tle -at the - complainant'e -head ' ~Verdiet Sentenced lo thirty days hi the emnityprieon. Vandeveor was charged 'with committing aayrstoult and -- „,battury.`on - WMIAM James.: The „7 - .',:tiefendant ins represented by -Mr. Nichols. - It ..:rippears.that the parties get into an exotted discus. ' • - 'sion about soine,oonnterfeit money, , whieh James idloged,Varideveerlad passed upon his wife;whon - the offence , was committed.- • The defence milled witnesses to prove' good character, and that the was struck -by James., Verdict not , platy, The costs to bo paid by the prosecutor and : • — the - defendant' Adjourned. • - 1 Do the civil courts, no- be - einem of interest was ..Us - rrep Srersa 'Disinter Conwr--Judge'Cad - • ' J 1 Clark, second-mate of the brig Enterprise; was put on his trial, charged with • the cruel and mailmene beating of Michael Rim ,.snit,olll said vessel. _ The case was fully, opened to the Cory by United States District Ater. ...EinualtWaui swine, and-testi fied that the defendant made , the- first assault on ' ' him; at Malaga, by knocking . , bite down with his fist. and kieking_hiurt, after he was down., Hewn • - again- Attacked and beaten otT Gibraltar, and sub- - ' trequently,mitil, the, conoluion'of the voyage. the • beatings were - alined:to' be of daily ooeurreuce ,The assaults were moStly,inedo, by the mato, while the witnesewai engaged at the wheel, and, quoting' - own ran gime, " for alleged bed Mooring." tostifled that, he shipped at Marseilles on . the 20th of •Auguat, fo‘r. Malaga and Philadelphia. llaeaid_tbat.theyleft litalage• on-the-10th of Sep tember, and from that time tq the 20th of October, , ; •,-when the vessel arrived at this port, he was beaten every day, and frequently as often as six times . - .day: - _ ' , • George Reed,* seaman on the same vessel, wee , „ called and: sworn.- 11e,-testified that on'the pet! Sage from hieing& to. Philadelphia, 'he saw the • tectuid mate strike Rimmit seleral- times, because helves'. dilatory at-his ,work. Onee he raw him " Wiese" , 'him cat the- 'wheel; saw the defendant " 4iinimit 'once ,saw the - complainant streak Once wheohe was - unbending the halyard. Rim- - Mit was slow.-about It, and -Mr, Clark - threw h amid Struck him. - o . -• , In attenng, Rimmit woggle, out of _ the course - _ , a point. Be shipped as a competent seaman, but. . - was incompetent to porter& the duty . : ,I think he go nomorgthon decor - mi. ,„littunit sent me 'f - !-I?`•f to-'Clark :bi - _ utile,' this - mattei, -- and 'said that if ' Clark would give him forty dollars he would leave The defence, Whioh wits ably ropreeentedly Mr. Ifohn O'Neill; called no, witnesses. Thous° was argued at length, the defence taking „jibe ground that the, evidence of -Reed was eaten • lated to make the jury discredit the statement of I -- - The Court instructed the jury that the throwing ''of a belaying-pie or any weapon, except under very • .extraerdinary carcumstanees, that would, endanger ' life or limb, was an, offence under the lIVW that stieuld l o punished ; but ho :left that matter, the „. .alle,gtetthrovring of the pin, to themes a• question of fait which they Were to decide The evidence ' his- also to' be taken with due allow c„f•':'njittesits the'detall aegivert by. hint Could hardly' be • hollered:, , • - ' , Thijury, aftor deliberation, rendered '* verdict "guilty." Judge Cadwalader then said : Clark, ram about- te - eentenee you, and I must say that I do not believe the evidence of the * last Witness. did. believe that testimony, 1 - • ; -• would Sentence you-to Ida mouths imprisonment. • As it il.leenterioe you to twenty days. District Attorney 'Vandyke submitted a number . of of Indictment against Jelin Cosgrove, :'lofitirging bite 'with cruel treatment of -seamen. •;withont ovidenee„and a verdict of not guilty was '• ...rendered. Cosgrove has - already been sentenced - • A young min, named /Alward •Iludson was acquitted on a charge of embezzling,* letter ' from ; Ithilthiladelphia post office ;-after. which the court adjourped.) ' 11 - 10ING'45' OP TUE PENNSYLVANIA BUTE FAIR FOR r . rgArr_PRENIIUMS AND Eli D1PL01 4 1&35, • 1-selit Furnnon lot Warming witting& • cokstitiNd - - - •Plfere - • • COIQLFIJRNACE )311B1' POitTAIIIikEURNAOLS. Tn Mutat° & vr_thntt, - jtIORMOND'ii PORTA ALE YURNAOY• Ping BEST COONINO - To rital & WILHoSi. :i7ILLUSON')3,I?OU I, E -O l y i pl COOKINO RANGE.' ' 4 IIESTPARM COAT:MUTE& T o Atiot,D WILAON. LOW-DOWN And'ItABICET ORATES, DEN .1A L E S 11ANTEL43. Tp Anxtito & wits° . ror a vory honthmons display At Ettaniolind gists Am tem very mom finished, and of sepppor workmanship, • • FIRST rttEMI UM. • , A,AIINOLD 'B6' WILSON. tolo - cursitpar; anal, R 4,lCl,l•Wnti.. ', '' , :lC / Ar U 'l' ION .i• otrn—Goop ritrwts ppli ALL!--The never -- tgr.sf.tiertaar'tticirttgla •la j as. Vi t; Wig le abr e ; „, tryobto, AO , who hay! beau usiortunate, deasivert ?, `,, wie alarmism, fly to her for advice and s oonnort x ars-41 , ..r0trs ifiri. letter pain - 1%0 lute the seorat of rtiotsi s A the afftotioss of the opkis Wpm. It is this 6,, 4 011000 as klutarate yammers to try• to /n- ,llklitErt sea ray her silver serriegi. Bite shows iiii,,,,, trelksti IMO NMI@ VI f, hos nd, or absent - ' ,fi' f i, , J A wmprenwri tote moll° at arts that she ~...- sr. a s it. T r verbal.* on show e theses* in ~,, , z I lt, 3 4Y,d f ll y , ( Z Ai l i m entire sa a notiqn on all oep. 1,1 , li vida o;, , ,, mm i e ge 4 lll4t . d hn ana d orreed 7 thirit • ; .”, visit itOr. Cotaft 0110 . 300 107011 . N0 to t l 4 ITO Street, her: Jumper t,1951 foul. . B-", , 1:.; I . 1 .47250 Imixes Menton ,Aevpg9=o;i6lo: etiOtatititAl°46l±l, 0.---270.bb1a Pickled liming, ' - t.Pstft e e lng 6 t 7ll "4 d 0e1.. - 4 0.- ff r off 00r I:mte ." ~. ,Ml E vari ==lls bltili*J„,so,halves' lib iit, --.-i- „-,,,- ..,4 1* - ti0 2 09 ki us - prittlelk ta ri bblo,#.o - S -,, ,: ,- : ,, , -- 2 - - - , 4 1 ~ , iMt."O 1 ! - 4 P4 .. -, :r _" • IifOOND. !Da 1 ! . ( 1 A, ' 4# ttit 4 iiiirad ilia/. tipittatiop by n 'nffiArin..thilti.v. opined some .!41,1144', 6 14 , Vtftypisai. by soling afirat-rstp' - ?4074 new blo t Imo. AFATWAitO - 0411Firil t Odint ' • RtBB 810" Ell ,„, ?b ill" atle . LA LETTER BAGS 141111113110A1115. exeRLIR4R. rt11L1L1111,4111.... Ship Tonawanda. Julius Liverpool, Deo 2e FOR'WEST CoMIT KI I I r A/RICA—The ship Julia Lair rence. Qnpt, Bponr. ml I sail from Plubmielphin on the lath Deeernimr for the est (Nast of Afnea. All letters and papers Intended for the.lT S Squadron on that sta tion, or other persons will be forwarded, if left at the Ydreign Letter Office, Philadelphia Exchange, on or he. fore thatdate. - . SAMAR° OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. - FROM THE UNITED STATES. SHIPS LRAMS VOR DAYS' North 8rit0n..... Dee to Dor klenedester.New Y0rk—01aeg0w.............D0e to York.„liremen.„....• 30 ..Boston..Liverpool ....Deo 14 TVllolllollth......New York.. Gibraltar, to'• .Deo 16 Fulton ' —New York..liam ...... .;.......oao 17 Edinburg.. ..... .New York.. Liverpool . Deo 17 Persia New York—Liverpool. ...... ....peo 21 A ..... Pee 28 United Ktugdom•New York..6Jnegow. 3, Asia ....New York..lverpoof....—. Jan 4 Robert Lowe.... New York..o braltar ,Jan o York..o 7 Arag0............New York Jan 7 TO ARRIVE. 511124: 1.1t4Y8 FOR DAYS Fulton- 'Bouthampton..New Cof Monehester•Olassow..New , Nov /8 Ocean Queen..BouthumUton..Now York .-. Nov 28 Edinburg-- Liverpool-New York Nov 2i Persia..».i Liverpool.. New York Nov 24 Bremen... 4 ..Bouthampton..New Y0rk...... Nov 29 Weser.„.-- -Soutlysinpton..New York Nov 29 UnitedKinidom. humour. New Y0rk......—. Nov 30 Ameries..........Liverpool. Boston.. ....... ....... Deo 1 Teutonia.......Bouthampton..New York.. -.......De0 4 Cite Wasbington.Liverpool .New York Des T Asia - - - - Liverponi-New Y0rk.......... Deo 10 Kangnroo New Y0rk..... ....Deo 14 l'rinoe Albert.... • .Galway New• York Deo 16 Can .I.lverpooi.;llnoton ...... 11' Cof altimore....Livorpool—New York.. ...—..1.343e 21 The California Riau Steamers sail from New York on the 6th and 20th oftrateh month. The Havana Steamers leave New-York on the 2,1, 7th, 12th , 17th, and 97th of each month, and Charleston, 8. C., o 4 h h e ettlg d s I ti l o h Pit dates fall on Sunday, the steamer e will nail on Monday., exeest from New Orleans. AIIMLINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILAIDEGPIIIA, Dee. 0. 1859 ON RISES., —7 EI—SUN SETS— . 4aB utGUWATER-- —.-- .1 tO AftklV.D Bohr C A Greiner, Weaver, from Boston. Bohr A 8 Morehou,Allen, from Salem. Sohr Anderson, Bowker, from Cohnesett. Bohr C A Greiner; Weaver. Boston, W ft Johns. Bohr D S Monson Allen, Boston, crown & Hewitt. Solar Anderson, ltowker. Boston. L Audenreul &Ce Ste Gaw, tier, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. • (Corresponden; of The Ppses.) - HAVRE DE GRACE. Dec. 8, 7859. The Kingeton iswind bound, and has now IS boats in tOw4allenand oonsigned as follows: piemingthu Mills,,wheat. rye, &o. to Perot & Bro; J Q A gdoConkey, tr,rk ti•J Bowley &Kip, and flour. &e. to dumber to n r Cmekey; Alice Welsh, W i ritn a lg ltrwatt & Peterson: Mary Ann McConkey, do to Ca hoon fe. Co; Two Brothers, wheat, ry e and coin to UM tobreMlllmin & Wright; vogan. bit coal to Wilming ton; Tiger, Major E 8 Renato, F Wemrick, John Kilo nor, ?annul. Dr IT West, Frontier, and West Branch , coal to Delaware City. Yours, An. W. E. W. (Correspondence of The Freest READING. Deo. 7. IMP. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Solittylkill Canal to-day, houndto Philadelphia. laden and 00118,11TIOLI no follows: Eliza R.eber, light to Elias Reber.' W &hover. lum ber to J R Deysheri-Frank Myere.'do to Fink & Lank; Wittman & Conrad, grain to P Mullion; & Bone. F. _ - _ hILIBORANDA. Steamship Ocean Queen, front Havre, arrived at Nen , York 7th inst. Ship Scot.% Wylie, from Calcutta for London, at Gravesend Yid ult. Ship Weymouth. Thorne, from Glasgow, at Calcutta, Oct la. i i f i r haillga, Tapley, for Hong Itoor,, Ailed from Car Ship AUDIO Bin, Sim for Mobile, sailed from Havre 211VVImeanza,(Hrl from West Coast of Routh Ameri. ea, reported for this port, anus spoken ith ult. tat 1770 d. ".100 3 . 5 ao Western Star, Knowles, from Boston June 11, at C S eon Toomas Waggon, Laurette, of Lisbon 15th ult, from Itlitlaka. , Rack Fredenek tennik, Sumner, for Boston, cleated 'at New Orleans sth inst. Bark Monmouth, Smith, from Marseilles, arrived at Monies leili ult. Bark Caroline Enema, Ellems, for Boston, cleared at New Orleans sth Dist. Bark Vireirua Ann. Gorham, remained at Buenos Ay,rea Celt?, uncertain. Bark Carlotta. Crowell, front Rio Janeiro for New Or leans, was SPOnen 6th Ult. lot 1111 8, lowa6 ; XI Bark Palermo, Ingham. one. was at Venice 13th ult. Bark A• 'an. (new, of Pro - idence.4l6 trone,l Crosby, cleared at Pm-Menne 6th inst. for hew Orleans. Brig Bparklini Pea, Wlsweil, for New York, was at Bueeol,Ayres Oct 77. Brig Empire, (Br) Rose, from Cornwallis, XS. for this port was ip the roads, Portland. 6th inst. Brig Daniel Webster, 193 tone. AZ (Wit at Istsboro, Mo.. in Pal, has been sold (hr about ,e 5 60D. Bohr J Prambes, Somers, hence at Savannah sth inst. Bohr Bobbie W Marts, cleared at Charleston 6th inst. for Boston. Behr F4V, Cluteseinan, from Connecticut River ftr this Pn EW I S w lirk " % i ni t% r Provide n ce f th b e. rem Or IS P° 4 ' l4l: t .1 " A r lifg r , t f,r Jersey City, cleared at lth met. Boston 7t1.1 fortotroot.. Nov. 22.—A di ?elect shlp,apparently Ante linen, was passed off Cape Clear. only lower toasts stand int. by the Hortensia, arrived here YALMOUTII. Nov. 21...-BlUn Athlone, of and from; Li verpool for Galveston. sprung a leakand u was abandoned 04 the Sth November. in hat 45 N. lon 11 W. with six feet Of water in the hold. The otew have been landed here by the PlLlfillUn brig Numneir Ziver. MEDICINAL. TUE OXYGENATED BITTERS ; Tux OXYGENATED BITTERS : DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, llfir As weft u IHDHIESTION, HEART-DURN• WATER-BRASH, ACIDITY, FLATULENCY, OP PREBSION'AFTER EATING, LOSS OP APPETITE, LANGOUR, LIVER COMPLAINT, FEVER AND NOCE, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE, PILES, FEMALE COMPLAINT!. GENERAL DE BILITY, and all Diseases arising from Imperfect Di vastron or Funatronal Disorders of the Stomach, are rapidly and aormanently cured by this distinguished and established Remedy. VALUABLE TESTBION IAL --(From a Distinguished Clergyman./ , "EAST TAIINToN, AlariN, Jan. 4, 184.9. _To nig EDITOR Or TRH CHRISTIAN MIRROR. Sir: vor more than twenty:five years I have been a sufferer from the dyepopms. Beside,' trying the patience of m 7 family glitalcians in the almost useless trial of their various prescriptions, I have tried a great variety of ptent mediesnes. with a similar result. Thrpugh- the kindness of Dr. W. G. Hanaferd. I received, in Mardi last, a half dozen bottles °CM° Oxygenated Bitters, from Mr. Seth W. Fowls & Cu,, Boston. I began to use theut.without any hope of deriving help from them, Being determined to give them a fair trial. I continued their use. but without any perceptible benefit till June. Since then. I have gradually unproved in health. till I chtiriely free from acidity of the stomach. and from the consequent flatulency, and the awful and almost distractingsiek hemlaelie, which eften, for daymegothar, has wholly uafitted me tor study and for all other min isterial duties, and rendered life a burden, Having de rived no great a relief, I feel that I owe it, as en 'norm'. con of gratitude to Messrs. Fowls & Co.. arid oleos duty to the public, to recommend tow Oxygenated Bitters, as, in my estimation. a sure remedy for that most try- Inv, most vexin. and eruct of diseases, to which poor human Iles is heir—the dyspepsia. Taken at an early stage of t he dissents', and I have no doubt of a iteedyand permanent cure. .llaving sullered no love, and tried so many different remedies with no good re snit: can recommend the Oxygenated Bitters with a confidence few others ban. If any of the readers of the 'Mirror are Buttering from acidity of stomach, and the consequent flatulency and sick headache, I hog of them to make trial of these Bitters withiut dY. JAMES eIa CUSHING. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS: THE OXYGENATED BITTERS!, Are purely &medicinal preparation, unlike any other ever compounded by science and medical skill; they are not one of the many alcoholic, preparations of Bitters, which impart is momentary stimulus, but never cure, and often increase the ohniacter of the disease; but :theyire apecolier and wonderful discovery of a well known physician. Dr. Green. The first trial of the medi cine will make these truths apparent. = ' PIMP/MED PAY SETH W. FOWLE & CO., Boston; T. W. Dyott & Sons, 2ISNor;h Seeond street, Philadelphia; A. B. Sands & Co., New York; Canliy & Gilpin, Baltimore, whole sale agents. Bold by druggista gad ruorohttuts throughout the State. CONSUMPTION, COLDS, COLDS, COLDS, COLDS, COLDS, Coughs, Coughs, Coughs, Coughs, Coughs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Hoarseness, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Bronchitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Asthma, Asthma, Asthma, Asthma, e • Croup. Crony, Croup. Croup, Croup, Croup, - Whooping Cough, Whooping Cough, . - Sore Throat, Sore Throat, Dlisasss of Throat, Coast, and Lungs. • ' - Spitting of Blood, - Pulmonary Anotion, and catlike Mumma, have an unfailing antidote in that groat Remedy, WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, READ THE FOLLOWING LETTER. FROM A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE GENTLEMAN : Woman, Montour co., Pa.. Oct. 22, ISM ' Title is to certify that I was pronounced by several phyaielaus as consumptive, and had an the symptoms of the disease, in it/ worst form, such as coughing, severe pains in the chest, shortness of breath, night-sweats, and extreme weakness and lassitude in my whole eve. torn. My family nearly all having died of the disease,. I had givertup all hone of recovery. as nothing gave me relief; but through the persuasion of a friend I was in duced to try Dr. Wistar's Balsam al Wild Cherry. The first bottle relieved me considerably, and the third bot tle opred me entirely. I now feel as well as I over did in my life, and am able to follow my occupation as farme r , as fully as any one. I also had astute, in a more advanced state of the dis ease, baying been conf ined to her bed for over a par - Mild pronounced beyond hope by our best physicians. She also was entirely cured by the Wild Cherry. but if reamed NIX or etslit bottles, and she still bikes it Duca sienally as a preventive, being naturally weak-chestad. would ' , leverets urge all who are similarly alllipted to try Dr. AN HMI'S BALSAM OP WILD COPHRY, an 1 ORI 'satisfied that but foryour pen valuable remedy my sis ter and myself would not now be living. I will cheer fully answer tar one who nifty address me on the sub. jeet, emaciate our eases more fully. - (Signed) JACOB MILLER. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF COLETERFEITBI &soh letters as the following, from a merchant:are dairy received: " Mir.Poun, Delaware, Oct. 26,1868. S. W' romp. & Co , Boston t Please send me a IWO, of Wiereals Bstaest, as I AM nearly out, and therein a great demand for it; it le ping wonders; it cures Cousar, Asthma, 'Mooring Cough, and Constansupm without Ail. There hoe never bean any of the genuine here until you sent me a lot some time sines, but plenty of the counterfeit. Yeats, truly, JACOB Y. FOOLS." AXMEMBER, THERgrofts, all mho seek health, that the my Genuine has the AVRITTBN ;signature of "I. BUTTS," an well es the printed name of the Proprie- IM, SEM W, BOYLE & CO., Boston, on the out side wrapper. TAKE NO MISR ; it were money wasted and health jeopardized. • WISTAWS BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY, WISTAWS BALSAM 01? WILD ORNERY. Prepared by S. W. FOWLE dr. CO., Breton. %yaw:imam: AOSTITe T. W. DYOTT & SONS, 218 North &WWI street, Philadelphia. A. B. SANDS & CO., New York. CANBY, OILPIN, & CO., Baltimore, • Sold by 'Druggists and Merchants throughout the State. • se3o-eolSm act Zpl , lifellOFFEß'S ANTI-R,IIEUAIATIO eadviato.z-ihn: I hare been afflicted with"rheu- Monism for a long 10110 d—a imrsioq or the tune had no gale of my limbs, Tried your Cordial, and ln k three days 4141 : i t t o I n 7 V k it .08r.inalrill;nileienolgielnd the tii i r! ills t e , tinge who, are thillated with that dreadful cm- P , 4 nr:.Yours, .riti,W. elswz,zri, Broker.= Pine Rt. r l'regatedliy. T F:000Rf: DllAti, Chemist, N. E. llnril 6 r . 1 1 'LH and MTH eta. . till-3,0 TAR.--Juai, - received, a large invoic.o 4 inae b pi., 41 impariorwiemt lazkvis t i t it4 . l i., fir _. at . No_ - ti. litierßlL OW Xll4sl=' at AT, .7-- ...._ , - . S§7 - 74TRAI) VIMAY3, f : TP E AIBER 9, .1859. AAttito'kb` iirisgagmE #IOTICE.--,MESTER. VALLEY RatlißCAC—Paft, Doogn t b Xli istrilvizere e ptz i gue.tra lihrZfe l ara and Ting Railroad 'Domani, aornor of BROAD and E NOR 'ING TRAIN for Downingtown, !wive' at LSO A. lg._ AETNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, team at 4.30 P. Y Monday! excepted./ BY order of the Board Of Manager' of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company. W. Tr. ati , ILHENNV. Paaretarr. PHILADELPHIA AND Bg r A Diu° RAIL ROAD, MOR CI LI , for PO RVILLIC READ -6 and HARRIS R6l, Leaven the Davot, at corner of BROAD and VINE Streets,_at TAO A. M.,DAILY.d Sundays fmented ' ) for POTTSVILLE, HARRIBBURO, and ad intermediate vfate, connecting at Harriabors With trains running to rittaburg, ChambertE hu ttN(di N rg. Cathode dunbutg, ,to.tir Leave at 3.30 P. M.:LAIIY, for PIYPTBVILLE and HARRIIIBUR G. At 4.30 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays mop teddfor READ ING, and intermediate points. do W. H. MOLTlENNV.Raitratnrir MARPRIENORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, NIAUOH CHUNK. HAZLETON. On and after MONDAY. November 7th, AN% Passau (l2itary.saenxdoeWtieldt°lV Streets, Yhiln~eFor et lehom, Easton. Allentow P ft, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, kc., (Express,) at RIO A. 111, Pot Bethlehem, Evereaa.) 9.10 A. M. and 3P. M. For DoylintoWtt, (AiMonimMlatinti,) at 8.40 A. 31. and 4 P. M. For ForkWaribitgpaicUeoHmAm D ode LtiPoHnl at 6 P. M. TRAINS OR PE d A Leave Bethlehem, (Express,) at 8 A. M. and 4.10 P.M. Leave Doylestown, (Aeounnuodanond at 7 A. M. and 3. 1 0 P. Id. Leave Fort Washinstona A eoomm odation,)M7. A.M. ON tuiNDAYIS: Riladelphin for Fort WashingtOn,at 0.10 A. M. tlactelptus. for Derterrn, at,4 P.M. yleatown for Phdade na, 'Or A. M. Rlgatttl i !;°;1.,2 Vgilltri`tc,tfl';; gii.; to Easton. 811.60 to joylentown, 80 (yenta Through tickets must be procured before entering the ears. All Passenger Trains (anent Sunday Trains) oon fleet at BeriSil etreet with Filth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. n 7 ELLIS CLARK. Agent. atittaiNgi v i :MANTRW E N L A P NI) N ' o f iNy3: TOWN AILROAD- INTE _ARRANGEM 'N - On and atter MOND/. V,Nov. 21, 1869, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 7.20, 9, 10, and 12 A. AL, 1 , 9 , 8 , B X, 4 ,8, 04, 6, 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, and 111 I'. nl. Leave oermantown 6, 7. 7.1 8, 814, 9.13", 10, 11, A. AL, 1,2, 3,4, 4X, 6,6, 6N, 9 10 P. M. ON 3 gIIND Leave Philadelphia 9.06 min. A. At., 1,6 X. and 10 P.M. Leave Germantown 8.10 nut. 1.10 ndn., a% and 0 P. M.- 'OIIESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6, .7.M, U A. M., 2,4,4 g, 7, and 10 P. M. • Leave Cheatunt Rilll,lo 7,40, 8.18, and 12.45 A. AL, and d 'O 6.40,6.40, 6.40, A , 40 litilifiDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 935 A. M., 2, and 634 P. M. Leave Chestnut 86111 7.20 A. M., 12.60, and 8.40 rains P. AI. F'OR stONEIROROCREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,0, 11.06, min., A., 41‘, isX, ug P. M. Leave Nornstown 6,7, 9, 11 A. M., LK, 4%, and I P. M. ON SUNDAYS FUR INAY LINK. Leave Philadelphia , 9,11.ue A. M.,1.09, 2.06, LW, 436, 6X, 7X, and 11;,, ,, P. 11 • LeaveManaluna 6.14, 754, 85:, 9X, and 8234 A. M.,2,3, b. OX, and 834 P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. Id., 3, and 6X P M. Leave hiantiyunkhl n PK, and im r. M. R. N. SMITH. OeneralEittpacintendent, nl9-tt DLP ,, T• NINTH and ii P.I.N Streets. RN.LROAD. gss PHILADELPITIA ? WIL. M MINGTON, AND BALT/- O A 1 On and after MONTOAS7 j November ]B6B PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PGILADEL FRIA, For Baltonore at 846 A. M., 12 110014, ( Bgpreliad and 11.10 P. AL Forcheater at 8.111 A. M., II noon, 4.30, and 11.10 P.M. For Wilmington at 13.16 A. M., 12. 4.30 and 11.10 P. 51. For New Castle at 8.15 A, M., and 4:V I:. 61. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M. and SO .M. so P 111 Pii r • grAid at a t t i M ig . legid - 4.30 For Seaford at 8.13 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. • For Laurel nt B.la A. M., and 4.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PaILAB,ELPILIA and Leave _Baltimore at 8.30 A. M., (Myren,/ 10.15 A. M., 0.26 P. M. Leave Wilming ton at 7.13 A. M. and 11.30 A. M.,Litiand 8.40 P. M. Leave Laurel at 8.16 A. 111, and 3.40 P. M. Vaivo eenford at 0.16 111 . „ and 4.0 P. M. ave Milford at 7.50 A. M., and 4.23 P. M. ve Dover at 9.00 A. M., and 5.00 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10 A. M. and 7.03 P. M. Leave New ()Retie at 1040 A. 01.. and 5 P. M. Leave Chaster at 8,19 A. M. 9.29 and 9.15 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.13 A. M. A FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M., 12.28 and 11.40 P. M. Leave Wilminston at 9.25 A. M..,12.65 P. M., and 1130 e. 01. - . . SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 5i.26 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREW 11 f TRAIN, wi th PASSENGER OAR attached. will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Places at 3 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryvillo and Intermediate places at 1.45 P. ht. Leave WilminAten for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 9.46 P. Al. Leave Baltimore for Stemmer'e Run, Chase's, and re llawood at 3.51 P. Al. 19. M. FELTON. Preeident. PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE—. IhUlOffeiMoElmira,_Wilkesharre, Buffalo, icago, Rock Island, Niagara Falls, Milwaukee, Bur -110012, Montreal, St. Paul's, Detroit, Dunlieth, and St. Lvuts. Passenger trams will leave ehe Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, DAILY, (Sundays exoested L t as follow: 7.su A. Al.,_DAg EXPRESS. ra, For Elmira Falls, Buiralo,_ Detroit. Chicago, hillwaukee, Rookisland, Galena, Bt. Paul's, Burlington, and 81. Louis, Niagara , NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira, Falls, Budalo,Detroit Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook Island, Guiana, St. Paul's B r ii,, g t o n. and St. Louis. itl.l° al. and 3 . 30 P. M. through t o 111tl katn runcebant Valley Branch. D he LACK- The 7.30 A. train connects at Rupert for Wilkes- Iss Aw rre A „k N it i tat,D D Schaibt o on ms a ß nd u a g l o t s R t A t i L il l & fl a t Baggage shocked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. Tickets °an toe ?ro s ined at the Philadelphia and Eimira Railroad Line 'Picket Office, Northwest corner ordIXTII and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Paissien ger Depot, corner BROAD and VINE. IHROUSH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad etreet, below Vine, daily, awn, day egcepted, I for allm ints West and North, at BP. M. Freights most be delivered 3 before P. M. to insure g°Pg i fttre M ll2V . information, aißp JI p at further SIXTH mt, onnD. below Vine Otto - OH. PPEK,__General Agent; N. W. cornend 011 - ESTNUT Streets, 001-tf Philadelphia. 1859. ,tom m,im 1859 ' FALL ARRANGEMENT—NEW S Y ORK 1.17.8. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PM A RELERIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD C '8 LINEB. F.R OM . PLIILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACE% YHOX WALNO7-STASET WRAP.), Wilt leave Re follows, via: Pang. At 6 A. AL, via Camden and Amboy, Cam. A Am. At 6 A. AL, via Camden and yersw, City. (New JerseylAociommodati on. ... .. 9 - At t A.M., Via Ctuudon and — Amy City, Morning Mail . ..... At II A. AI., 6' liteatalamt, vie. TionnY B :nd --* JelleT City, Western Expreen...... 3 00 At If P. AL. via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation.... As IP. N., iii baiiiikiiiid - iiiiiWy7 U. &A. ki: 1 8 . • -- press . •—..—.... . • —. 300 At 4 P. - 31., by Steamboat, ia, Timmy and Jar- Ari Cit Evening ?sprees P Steamboat,' :qr . - 300 soy city, v i thus, Ticket . .....„.. 86 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Jeremy City E rening Mai • .. , . 0 At 11 p. hL, via Camden and J arse) Uity, booth ern Mail At 6 P. lit,i4a .tianiden ... .. .... . - 226 (Freight and Paiaenger)—lat Clam 929 ad Clam Ticket.. • . 1 The 61. M. Mail Line rune daily. The 11 P.M..South arPOPßeilliteig4,2aTipt;ilO3rungton, ao., at I A. M. and Mi .M. Fp" Ma Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem, at A. vie Lehigh Valleiktallroad. or Water illap,Strcru 'burg, noranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose. Great Bnd, o. g _at 6A. Al., via Delaware, Laakawannek,_end Western Railroad. For Mount Holly. at 6 and 9 A.. M.. and 2 and 4 P.M. For Freehold, at 6 A. WA 114. Y L , and INES 3 P. M. For Bristol, Trenton, ko, at 23i and P. AL, from Walnut.street.wharL For Palmyra, Delano°, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, dc_ ,o. at 12)i, 1. and Mg P. Itt.. Steamboat John Neilaon,for ltordentown and interme diate Manes, at Mi F. 3L Steamboat Trenton, fol Bristol, Burlington, and in termediate plums. at 11 A. Pd. and 4 P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each passenger. Pasmingers aro prohibited from taking anything no bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifti pounds to be paid for extra, The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and win not be liable for any amount beyond SMO, except 'by epode' contract. Oot 1.1859. WM. H. GATZ 61FR, Agent. Tim PENNSYLVANIA OEN T It A:// -RAILROAD. 18.59. amiAtim 1859. TEE CAPACITY OP THIS ROAD Di EQUAL TO THREEANYOINTHEA CobNTRR. TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at PhdridelPhis With Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points Emit, and at the Union Depot at Pittaburg with Through Trains for Cm rinnati,St. Louis, Cleveland, Chicago, Burlington, St, PauPs,lndianapplle Louisville, New Orloans, and MI intermediate pmts . in Ohio, Indiana Illinois, Kentuc ky, Michigan, Wousonein, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebrasks---thus furmehing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and com fort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Care are attached to each Train . ; Woodruff's Sleeping Cara to Espreas and Pant 't rains. 'The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY Mail and Fast Linea, Sun daltl,itt leaves Ph at 8.00 A. AL Neateest Line 11.60 A t M. preaaTrainjaavea " 10.60 Ntght. n TRAINS I,EAVE AS FOLLOWS: Parkeiburg Acoommislation at 13.30 A. M. Harriabing Acoommsdation, via Columbia,2.oo P, M. Columbia 4 P. M. Passengers for West Chester will take the Mail, Farkesburg, and LIMCII4er Trains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Paw:anger Station. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa- In, NingaraFalle.and Intermediate points, leaving Phila delphia at 8 AV., go directly through. Tickets Weetward may be obtained at the office of the Company in Philadelplba, New York, Boston, or Bal timore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West; Mao on board any of the regular Lino of Steamers on the fdimussipm or Ohio Rivers. . . ask Fare always as low as any other Route. Thecnnection of the Western connections of the o Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE, EAST &ND THE GREAT NORTHWEST. The connection of tra cks by the Railroad Hilaire at Pittaberg, avoiding aki dra i ge or fertsge or Freight, together with the saving o F reight e at vantares readily i i ip u treginted nhiliperso an the Travelling . . • • - FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Routa Freights of all dominations can he for warded from Philadelphia, New York', Dolton, or MIS Indiana any sipiot_on the Reilrotult of Ohio. Hen took Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, on Missouri, by Rai road direct. . . . The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any port on the 01,10. Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois; Mississippi, Wisomunn, Misouri, Kansas, Arkansan, and Red Rivers; and at Cleveland. Sandusky, and Chicago, with Steamers to all ports on the Northwestern Lakes. 01f4211/lUrti Sluppereentrinting the transportation to tats Company, can rely with confi dence on Itsspee_dy transit. TILE RATES ON Fff Itifir to anipotnt in the West by the Pennsylvania R ailroad aro at all times as favora ble as are oharge.d by other Railroad Companies. r 1 1 . Be particular to mart manses" via Penna. Rail- Merchants in the West ordering goods from the Haat, will d Freight direct acts or be shipped by this Route. For Contracts or Hillmans Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany : D. A. STFWART, IL Pittsburg; Coyle & Co.Steubenville,O.; H. Pieree & CO., Zanes ville, O.; J. J. Johnston, Ripley 0.; R. filreoly, Mays ville, Ky.; Ormsby & Cropper, Forts:mut , 0.; Farldook & Co., Jefiersonville, Indiana; M. W.. rown c Co., Cincinnati, O.; Athern & }fibbed, Cincinnati, O.; R. C. Meld um, Madison ,Ind.; William Bingham, Louisville, Ky.; P. G. O'Riley & Evaneville, huh . ; N. W. Ora haul & Co., Cairo,'lll. ,F. Haas, St. Louie, Mo.; John R. Harris, Nashville, onto.; Harris fr _Hunt, Mg.mphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Chicago ,111.; W . H. H. Rime% Alton, In,: Murphy & Wall°, Duburine,lll.; or to Freight Agents oritaitroads at different points in tho West. Fatties attending to their own rielpments from the Beat will find it to their interest to call on the Agentsof the Company at the following plasm:before shlPPing • or letters addressed to either of them on the suldeot of freights. willineet with prompt attention: E, y. FNEEDP,R, Philadelphia. MADIAW & KOONS, 80 North street. Baltimore. LEEC & CO., 2 Astor House or 116. William t., N.y. Sue. lc. CO., 56 Mita atreei, Roston. - IP. HURON, Her Frei; ht Agent, Phila. • 4. HOir igen Wet gent, Phila. 'HON, A. 800 W, (44'1 tlup.t, Altoona, Pe. Ja,l-4 NOTfCEO. PENNSYLVOIA RAIL -ROAD doldrAtry hereby Rica notice, in an cordenee with the Provisions of an Act of Assembly en titled 'Ali Act relating to Liens of Common Carriers end Others.' approved March 16, MM. to the owners, the consignees. and to all other parties in any war.ln [eroded in. any of the scuds, wares, or merehenilise, mentioned to the schedule attached to thin notice, that the sameremains on storage at the respective Stations nomad below—that they were carried upon the tine of said Railroad at the date, and to the consignees men tioned in the schedule, and there 111 due upon tho same the respective Amounts stated in said schedule. Not co to hermit given to tho said owners, consigneqa, and par ties interested. in accordance with the provisions avoid Ant of Assembly. that uniess said goods. wares, or mer chandise are Maimed and the charges paid, they under the provisions of said Act of AssemblY, he wild by Public Bete, at the Depot of the eald Pennartvania Rail road Company No. )37 DOCK Street. in the city of rhita &lads, on M ONDAY, December 19th .1889, commencing. at 11) A.M.. and that the proceeds will be applied to OW payment of charges and expenses, atid the residing. if any. will be held subject to the Order of the owner of the property mid DATE. CONSIGNER. ARTICLES. FR h IOIIT AT PHILADELPHIA. 1851. Nov 7, Sulin Ilibbins, . 2 bble liquor, !a5 01 Feb . 2 bond tent boles, 7 05 eb 20, J W Peters, fl l a r y fe, t i/A3?1:1 1 ;e , 24 nun stooks 192 box drove, 581 July 20, dun, Smith, & Co, 2 bhla putty, 525 Aug 2,, ITO,h 117(t); 2 boxes of hate. ban of bass, 0 8.3 . 75 81 P t i l d, ft WrotY, ken butter, 75 box merobandise," 2 52 got 10, Richardson& Cade, box t0b , 0c0.7 50 Deo 27, 111yore,WInte & Co, 2 U 112908 inarb. , o, 1550 1W Feb 21, Jim John°, box bitters, slo Aprill' 4 "8 ,5 18 ,1 1)8111 ' ' k td lode, 32 V ' B e dr, " 04, IT, J' ne ,, dor, bbl whisk's, 129 May 28, Dar & Seek., box merobandme, 11 55 July 10. 013 Street, & Co, child's miash, 140 deptrl. R. Newlin, 2 empty Mils. 128 15?8 It 11 i ßtoti t tiwins, ' ,31 iii:i: l l l u i rai::: 7 4 g 7 B 1857. Jun 2, J Bohlen, 3. Stine & Mar 1, A P Tice, Brother, laiLinr ,, c r , i , ip , il Ia e , 1;1 Juno 20, 13 Barley. box merehandise, 311 July 22. IT Altman, butter worker,2 94 24, C Bradfield, box me ch%tee, 2 &I Auxl. I 13 Woolinan, bundle gee pipes, 73' Bept 25. i Ll..amblin, jot swing fixtures, 870 29, T 1, bambini, lot swing fixtures, 6 16 6 lames glimmer°. 133 bet 2, 11 .1 tineeder, 3. 1 , il colbuill• iron safe and prem.., 72 13 .. 28, 6i Benjamin. 3 boxes merchandise, 854 Nov 26, Thompedni & BMW att..,l hot Merchandise, 2 6 •`26, 41 1141510191816841, keg rider, ISt Dec 19, .h . Lloyd St, eu, txix boots, 1 73 29, P WllBhaller, oheet, I 64 1858. 14 . 1 r 1f t; l ' ; 'T j.llg7 v l e l'o, b bOir l' i i rrolTnaise. 8 02 0 " 24, Burnett & similar. trunk'. 5 40 " 27, Ta & 1 ItPege, bale wadding, 59 Aprl lb, Boring, C & 13,, barrel ell, i r • el DO dd. di), May 2, Adams Express Co. trim's'. a. Burnie Ci Jc. JJ, bernrl oil, a 53 .. 11, 11 Wdsen. stand, 3.1 Juno 74. C B Bodeen+, 3 mowing ineolones, 14 NI Aug 18. Blinds:. G & 11, barrel merchandise, 323 18, C K Melds. 1 bat. 246 LbCAL FitEIGTIT. ,1850. Jan 13. Bteelmall & Co, 260 spokes. 213 Nov 6, 811 Beek, 4 wind mills, 15 66 Nov June 19, A McAdams, chest merehatidide, 3 3 Aug 6, I MeLdlland, bbl Bedford Watir. 2 C. 5 Oot 11, 7 conred , box and barrel, 1 36 Deo 33, Brinydurat & Co. oroaa-out IIAW, . 103 ma. Duo i l l: Alitiolirutn, chest, chest, a 1 12 1 An 11 . ( 2 W V Herding, bbl Bedford Water , 3 1 June .F. Myers, box dry goods, July 7, 0 Solomon, tripod. 628 AT BALTIMORE. 3836 _ Doe V, Alagrair & Roane, barrel and bag, 396 AT LANCASTER. Marol 20, III! Eshbaux 11, pnotage, ea 28, II A lahbaugh, 8 boxes liquor, 70 May 31 I 'Urban, barrikl liquor, 73 ~" 11 Witmer, . box potatooe, 2 box°, liquor, 23 1 57 July 10, 0 Mosper, R R mar, 40 10, J J Ila)a, AT lIARRIBI3IIIIO. , . 6661. Ten 17, I winebronner, m . iner. Feh 16. I Winebrenner, 2 relearn./ 9 itt 1606 iam. Mar z. I Leehman. trunk. • 144 ' l4 P 6 il: is'ilvalloviih, Ivex.;n l ,nttgae. f2ti " f 6, I P lona, iron iurnitee, 40 13ept IT, I W Keith, 2 boxes, a SS IT, A Meerut. 2 boxes. 2 OS ',' 27, Brown & Co, pump and tub, 6 10 18se. .. . Mull, Moaklin & Roborts, box merchandise, 9 00 Juno 2, W Joie°, Schwa. table & bed'td 4 83 Nov 23, I Davie, I) Mao'tine, box and wheel, 133 1f.57. May 7, F A Brown, /meat 100 .fone 27, A BMWs', box oh, as July 33, Annie Purseuon, chest, 6DO Ant li. JametTemplo, castings. 310 Pent 21, Orem] & ROES, 2 Oar 10/1411 lumber, 31 31 Oot 29, .1 Jameson, box. 710 E Taylor, lot sundries, 33 00 1958. Mar Mar 1, 11 Holland, hox I) skins, 77 April 7, 11 Gilbert, barrel oil, 284 May 25, R J'avne. a boxes merchandise 814 Juno 5, 1 WlNtlkeson, 1 " " '- -- jily 21, 7 DRgegie, cannon Jc carriage, 11 00 trunk. 1 1 n068 07 :5 Aug 10, 1 Bauman, orate hair, George Powell, 2 boxes liquor, " " Eberle, & Miller. yen h .. 19. Falls. Fisher, & Co, 27 boxes honesniot4, furniture,aes: 0 50 t251) ." 24, 11 13 Parry, bent 18. D Little. saw summer, 11, 11 'Crick, sealer. Oct 11, 25 Parker, corn shelter & plasterer, 38 'AT DUNGANNON. laßt. Ali; 1!, 1) Miler, 3 harrols liquor, ?27 Sha papOr 1 Lox %PR, . 4" Aug 3!, l ' ia t i? n le'r X barrel liquor. ISO Al' NEWPORT. PI.O. APri 17, Fry & Driller. 2_ corny:planters D 23, C Decker. box &rill. . 3PO 37 Len May 11..7F McNeal, bay or boys, 35 Nov 2, A Cloilood, • box merchandise. 175 . . . .. AT PERRYSVILLE 18ed. Mar 4, 8 Okeson. piano box, Oot 17, Muller fr. Cleaner, orate queentware, Sept gl, J Gala empty keg and 1 jar, AT MIFFLIN. 16.13. Sept to, 3' Boar, box Mame, 1858. Jan 4, If Gast, keg and can, to Ant It, J 0 Burns, clove and plate, 28 lASB. May A Gaston k Hann, stove" 179 July x 7, Shomer, boxdrum,. su AT LEWISTOWN, 11 , 61. Nov 20, G C Jameson, Winnower, 13 28 1a.16. Deo 6, M Fabler, stook nutter, 1 on " J Grubb, ~ 1 00 1857. April 1, 114 Brown k Co, dolt, 59 Oet 17, John Irwin , 7 Pen InneliinorY, 11 28 1868. Jon 12, f A Mossy, ken liquor, is ~ G Foust. 2 barrels liquor, 2 70 " J (1 Yeager, 1 54. 2P hUe " 2 PM ".1 Me, ger, 2 ken 70 " 16, R 61nun, box axon 48 " 21. D Foust. barrel lojunr, Pit J.tly 1, J l'l Veneer, 1 S 7 An 3, 119 Chase. nape( packetae, 51 19, 2,1 A Benner, b bin R R goals, 11 99 " 25, A Thompson, reaper, 79 70 Sept 18, J Brocklinle, 2 bin paper henringe, 4 69 Al' MOUNT UNION. Jaw. Den 8,,,D Galbraith, 1863. Alta 28, A Btumph. stoNs, 7 00 23 barrels liquor, 'I 03 AT MILL CREEK. 1858. 2 barrels .244. 2 73 11:1 OT C B U rcrA t ; II". barrel whiekny. I 40 AT HUNTINODON ..• Eeot 1p W Whittaker. box. lAs G o t 16 , 1111 Price. 3 boucle oraokerc Ino Nov 19. A Stow?irt, cider mill, 1 03 17. A Morns. stove, 2 20 " IT. DL Mum, horse sower, 113.3 AT PETERSBURG. 1337. . . lea To'l eastern, as Dot and plate, ea June 16, lUre Reed AT . BPRUCLPiCanikEK 111; . 9.E Jones, 1959 alas & 2 pieces ma chinery, 9 42 Mar 13. II llondorson, ironpot, July 3, 1 A lilcCluro iT Ty lt o z N riu . it, Sept 29, Barger & Hooper, plough castings, 3 33 MS. F — eb 16, A llurterbaugh, windmill, 93 19. W Wikaman. box. 81 May 8, John Woooward, box 'rafting t 0015,28 Dee 19, George Guyer, corn eheller, 82 18CA. Jan 1. Baldwin Hatter, smut machine, 280 5, T 0& ti Lewis, box machinery, 109 May 17, ft Mandan, )4 barrel fish. 78 June 10, 11 F Rolls, box ratting tools, • - Cl 1887. Feb Z. Tana° I.llreY. wrought sand stone, 17 38 Ayr 24. Thomas Lawman, box sundries, 70 ?day 14. li ftatliburn, bundle rope, YR 20 W Dent, 77 30. John White, Vgaundrise, 17i June 20, J Copenhaver, half Inure! liquor, 00 July 2, If Stroup, boX sundnee, 100 Nov 28, W Lelble. . trunk za Dee 11. 1 Alcifinley, livalcrelsmiliriea, u 21, 1 T Bloom, 68 ISM. Jac it, I Mock & Drown, box coati , . x. 222 April 2, Amos Knee, box aundrion, 85 25, It Hoover, box and rope, Se " 20. 1 Moore, abwo and box, lel " 24. 11 ()Moo. rope, 22 " 21. 18_ Gamble, box and bag nide.), 111 " 24. 3 tinmeetk, box anndrien, 72 May 1, 1 F Lee, box aundnes, ' 72 3, W Bovor. box aundriee, 1 26 3, II lliabop. stove and bag mine. 1 • 00 4, 81 k J Callow, box sandrler, 1 li 14, 1, C Bloom, box maze, ,36 al, /Velm &,,NoCul looh, box, 7o ".. 22. DOI Nrevkn, rope, 7o " 23, H_Birder, " 22, W Yenkm, box mundriei, 1 13 box Nominee, 1 On " 29, J Darla box ann roue. • , Ico Aug 24, thunuel,Litraar, TIPTON. bundle rope. Co AT • lem April3o. T Waohburo. ALTOONA. box me robaXtbxo. 75 AT MM. April 4, }tarry Mann, I,4LX1 , 4LX mOrellandlau N 13, box marebßndiao A Koennn. is bundles iron AT HOLLIDAYSBURG. 19.57. Sept 2. Waltere&Weatliam, harrow, 2 82 Ocr, 11, I Rhoads, barrel onione, 4 27 I 11, AT WILMORE. plea. hardware, ---- • 1857. - .. Juno 11, Hoke &Woodford, box rafting twig, I 87 11, W Abner A , do do 90 T JOHNSTOWN. 1855. lot of glue, ra/mien, Jan 4, NV Orr, nails. oil, glass, car-( 707 slush, box, and 4 kegs. Aim 29, G W Munson, Schema omiget hag go, 125 1h95. Mar 10, A Babb, 2 Move plates, 30 Oct" 18, K A Johnston, Pox. 70 Deo 23, 1 7 Shultz, chest, 3 26 1357. s o p t 5, $ Hoover, . 2 boxes window glue VI 5 , 1 D„ eh. Int H 19 MAR. ' 11 29 Oct 20. I) Morrison, lot 11 11 goods, 162 Dee 18, 3,1 Kotler, ox soda. 26 " 20, Al Abbott, 0 bags nats,l3docorn, 250 1857. Oot 5, I Olion, 3 pas and bundle iron, 30 1818. May 13, _A Jallinn, halo dry goods. 75 June 3, D thilfitM T matneviLL box drugs E .. 25 A 1552. Deo 23, G W Lloyd, 2 empty barrels, 1 00 1h5.5 Juno 27. B Yerglin, 2einety half barrels, 100 Aug 15, I Bradebaugh, grain drill, ' 225 /566. May 23, A Willett, 1.40p1e0 no dose, aa Nov 7, 11 Collins. iron, 25 1857. ,T an 4, T Cunningham, mowing and reaping machine, 819 "1858. 28, II Johnston, trunk, 50 May 10, D Markey, client, 23 AT LATROBE. Ont 1, liar seedlesel, 7 bun loon, AT NEW FLoitENO.6. 1868, Nov 2, Wll Mo, bag of wheat, 1954. AT GREENSBURG. Deo 24, A Grossman, trunk, 320 ' 1865. Deo 13, IWW Huntingtlon,3 boxes, 1 79 1858. 1 D eo 19, 0 A Corr, 2 boxes marble, 23 1867. Aug .7, 8 Young, 2 braes diem. 25 2 boxes.) chest, 7, W Heair, 006 Oct 16, it Kelly, P R It, 8 bars, 0 bundle iron, 23 Ina Aprill4, 11 Kittanning,ST. L half ba M rrel liquor, 125 AT CA, 1859. June 20, James Burkholder, 6 bundles 1 7 oak. 66 AT BL ACK LICK. 1866. Novein,•D 8 Emmons, set timber wheels and AT PITTSBURG Int machinery, 9 67 . 1857. Dec, 34 ' K°. Ti l i t t i n l tt l e at , 8 rat s small iron, Tg0 9 .4 . A8 A. SCOTT. d 2-dt,119 General Suporintenibmt. NOTICE 1S °(HVEN THAT APPLICA tion will be made for a Certificate of Pennsylvania State Loan, in plsoo luLt : one dated August I, 11368. No. no, pign o u,:der al to 421 6, 104, to LOUIS JEt• NOTICES . tiFFICE OF THE COMMONWEALfII 'L. INSURANCENNSYLVANIA COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PE. PHTLADELPIttA, Deo 5. 18391 Thelloard of tilyeetora of the Commonweal ranee company of the State of Peonat Ivania hay, .1 Hid I)AY declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the capital stook of the Company. clear of State tag, for the ox monies en dint Nov. an, 1869. payable to the stock hnelere. or their legal yepreeentativea, on and after the 7th inst at tho name of the Company, No. 618 CHESTNUT Street. SAME. S. MOON. dirt Secretary. CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel phis. Nov. 58.1822. At on Election hold on the 21st instant the following gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Bank: Alexander O. cattail, Joseph Lindsa, Rohort K. New, Samuel 'l' Cenby, Ames Steel. John I Owes. Edmund A. Ponder, Charles Knecht. Alexander Wiuldin, Vanderveor, Hugh Craig Philip H. Mingle, Christieu J. Hoffman. And at the nieeting of the Ilonrd THIP. DAY, the fol lowing officers wore unanimously wetted: A. ii. Ce'rTF:LI., President. R. R. N EPP. Vice President. :13-tf J. W. TOR REY, Cashier. INOTICE.—HOLDERS OF THE MORT— _gaze Bonds issued by the Catuwissa. Williamsport. end Erie Railroad Company ere invited to call with in twenty dm e from tbis date, at the Office of the Company. mix A'ALNUT Street. between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, tinily. and sign the power of attorney under the rein:lnt:out peened by the Bondholders, at the meeting held on the 11th ult SAM PEI. V. AIERRICK, ROBERT BAYARD,. F. A. VAN i.YKE, Jr., J. N. HUTCHINSON, . W. MITCHE,.I, . ..P. HUTCHINSON, • Committee. WM, D. LKWIS, Trustee, Doom nor 6,1882. n2d-lut INSURANCE COMPANIES. 113=III=SUE COM'PA NY. PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED, MARCH, 1869, Is now preparod to make; INSURANCE upon Build Inge. Furu ;tura, and glorchandiee generally, AGAINST LOSS OR DA31A011; BY FISH This Company trontuts its Riitilhees on the Mot mit, PLais Eactosivaiy, all the insured being alike file ogled, thereby offering great inducements to thou who isish to insure economically as well as safely. Further particulars may be obtained on application to any of the Direetori or at the Office of the Company, No. S ROUTii FLI TR BTRtak, Benjamin Malone, 'P. Eiwood C,hayrrian, ohn J. Lytle, James Smedley, Willlamn H itwkina, yoleb Clothier, Thomas P. Rowlett, Hobart Y.., Evans, beech Hayward, Ellwood B. Davis, , Frederick Cadmus. BENJAMIN MALONE. PresidenL JAMES SMEDLEY, Vice Provident. Jowl J. Lollar. 'Pronnitrot. T. E. CHAPMAN. &era tr. DELAWARE IsSUTUAL SAFETY. IN SURANCE COMPANY, PHII.ADELPH. INCORPORATED IA 1835. The Mowing &element of the Affairs of the Com- Cany is nonrated in conformity 14 th a Frovision of its harter. PREVICMS Reoeivod from Nov. 1,1669, to Oct 31,1869 On Varine and Inland Risks .....93/,S 2 1 6 39 Onl/15.70 a 411,%61 Premiums on rohoion not !narked ol Nov.l, 181.81338 PRENIVNIN Marked cane earned, frpm Nov. 1.1868; to Oct. 31, IWO On Igraine . end Inland e3ll 88 On Fire 118,336 40 Interest, &n., reeeived (luring same period— 3nt28,527 n LOSOR3,EXEENSE3, ETC. Miring t h e year as above: ri Mane and Inland Ilatlaation Firo Lessee. sv i 946 70 Return Premium................. Alai 13 Reineuraneee, Cominiaatone to Agents, 'razes, h 048,20 84 Expenaes, Balaneg, Rent, Sta tionery, k.o._. 8urp1a..... .. ANSETS OP TOE COMPANY, • November 1, 1550: 6•121.053 Philadelphia Vitt Min per ot. L0an..3123 000 00 100,000 Pent/m. BWe Five per cent. Loan.... 03 556 CO 21 000 Do. do. Six do. do .. . 21,00000 25,000 United States Treasury 63 ,1 per can't. Notes. sou interest due 25,363 51 30,003 United States Trensttry 0 per cent. Notes 30,615 00 00,0133 Loan to the City of Phi ladelphia,2s,ooo 00 50,030 I'ennsylvantilroad 2d mortgage 6 per cent rids— 63.600 00 20,000 North Pommy vsnia .. . Rage Six ter cent. Donde.. 12,300 00 84,003 West Philadaiphia Passenger Rail way Company 7 per cent, Coupon .... 12,000 00 13,000 300 Shares Stock HermaniownThas Company, Interest and Principal guaranteed by tha t.lity, of Phila.., 05,0135 00 3,000 KO Shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company 5,000 RO Share pa s Tiorth Pennsylvania Rail- 3,775 00 road Company 1.210 80 bhares Philadelphia Ice boat and Steam Tug Company • • 1,200 00 1,000 2 Shares Ptillatle'plua and Savannah Steam Nsvisation Company . . • M) 00 190 3 Shares (Roan Steam Naviga'ion Company 350 6 Share, Philadelphia and Havre de 150 00 Drone Steam Tow boat Company. 600 00 3130 2 Shares Philndelphin E.:shuns° Company .--. 130 00 .8436,880 Par. 8111.949 29 Cost. Market Va1ue,8109,718 64 Bonds and Mortgages • 14arai 00 Real I..state • 61,36 J 36 Bills Receivable, for insurances made..... .. 181 Old 69 Ralanoes due at Agencies—Premiums on a rine Policies, interest, anit other debts due the Company 63464 68 Scrip and Mock of windy, i nsurance Coma- Wes Cash on deposit m Banks November 9. the 9. The Board cif Directors hat o TIIIS DAY declared n Cash Dtmdend Cm EIUHT PER CENT. on the Capital Stook of the Company. and 81.1 PER CENT. interest on the Perm of the Company, payable on and after the DIWOSAnx. d map Dividend of TWEN TY-11VE C e liM` kl o a n S the - Earned Premiums for the year ending October 01, 1830. Certificates for which will be Innen to the parties entiti to the same, on end after the first of December next. S. William Martin, DIRECTO B R arque! E. litukee. Edmund A. 80uder, J. F. Pemston, Them Milne Paulding, Henry "bran. t t : i;: 1 4:, °°' Edward Darlington, H. Junea Brooke, James Trauma ttpeneer APllrsine. William Eyre, Jr., Thrunse C. Hand, James C. Hand. Robert Burton, William C Ludwig, ,Inert, P. Jones. J tr 'e . ' A.. h H. Rant, lis in , James 11 NI Tarland, Joshua P Eyre C o 1 Cie 0. elver. John ii. Semple: Pittsburg Hugh Craig, D. T. Morgan, Charles KOHL A. B. Berger, wILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS C.ll, 'Vice Preaulent. HENRY I,YLBURN. Secretary. nil-1m A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. UAL. INCORPORATED IMO-CHARTER PERPET No. .310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and available Seouri Doe, continue to in pure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merehandize, Vessels in PQrt and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses libetallY and promptly adjusted. 7,:a%).tilio,tt. „..,,„„,. John T. Lewis, James It. Campbell, Sarnyela. Morton, Postno/Dradi, , Edmund G. Dutilli, S ham. W. Fontenot, 4. 7 sll(l l' E o ltErbOTT, President. THOMAS It. htl.lllB. tieoretarr. nal-le It FA Ai E INSURANCE CO.SIPANY , No. 411 CHESTNUT Btroet, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL 18.56, By TIU BTATE OF PENNHYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKII, DIRECToRS I SAMUEL WRIGHT.... • • Alt W ht, Bros., A Co. WILLIAM W. WALTERS. Wilnrn Ryan & CO. in.& BUIS RICHARDSON— J. C. Howe A CO L soling A. WENT.....• West, Fobes A LIOTd. ARCLAV LIPPINCoTT.— Lippincott, Bunter ,_& tioott.. JACOB W. STOCIT..— Chattees• Stout, & (30. BENRT LEWIN, Erps., A Co. 1/AVID R. 81EN5T..... • Davie & A. H. Rossnuans.-- . Rosenholm, Bnx&s, A CO. tottn B. John B. Ellison & Sone. Latin W. John W. Everman k. CO. HOMAN S. AIARTII &MIRO & Martin. GEORGE; W. DAY, Presidnnt JONA'rIIAN J. til.A./Cyl, Vine Pree't. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Soo Y. reut-tf NSURANUE 'I.)IIIPANY OF THE AL STATE OF PENNSYLVA—IR EXCHANGE NDMA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 13UILD INGS. ... Chartered in 1704—Cantal 4700,000,—Assets, Jammu li lea% 15.347,416 DO-100. All invested in sound and available seeuri ties.--eon thine to insure on Yessele and Caroms, Buildings, Stooks Olden:handles, &a., on bend terms. DIRECTORS: Henry D. Sherrerd, Oeorge IL Stuart, i i i irr ' re n s Ifir bl llgtsr. i Samuel Orant, Jr, 'robing Warner, aims 8. Smith, Thomas S. Wattsoini hi l lr il lt dd lihits,l Henry G. Freeman. Charles 8. Lewis. (horse C. Carson. HENRY D. SDERRERD. President. WILLIAM HARPER. Neurntnry Is 9-wfm O. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST Wig- PANT—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Assets, 844,r.5 MORES LIVES for the whole term of 'life—grants annuities and endowments—purchases life interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees Trustees, and Guardians. TRUSTEES. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel 8. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin. &chard 4! NCWholds Janice is. skyaTitnii, William P. Harker, Joseph 11. Trotter, • William H. Kern, James Huston, Samuel C. Huey, Thousloins Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Solider, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel 1, Hutchinson, Rodolphns Kent, John W. Honor, William IL Cnrr, Ellis 8. Archer, p_. V. Hallow, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph AI. Thomas, Waite: H. Rosin, John 0. Brenner, I'. S. Alinhler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SA hl L. E. STOKES, Vine Pres% Joins W. ROHNOR.Einoretnry. aulB-ly TBE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS. No. 40i3 WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. SURPLUS FIRM, MARINE, AND INLAND INSURANCE. Fire Insurance,limited and perpetual, on Buildings and Merchandise of all descriptions. Manna Insurance, Inland and Ocean, on_Yessels, Freight and Cargo to and from all earth of the World. OFFICISIt. 1.. F.(?RGE U. HART. President. . L. ROO Ville President. . R. CSjiii.SUALl. l Beoretam H. BUTLF.H. Asa t Seoretari. DlRkeToßfs. KW. Bailsy , Andrew R . Charnben. CLnrlen u. R. R. coggehall, Hon. H. M. Fuller. sul .E . ev . gal Hatt, LC. . Catkin, aster 8. l'arki WI, ae) Janes. H. D MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. Corner establishment INE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. This s now in eneeeasful operation, day and night, and all are respectfully invited to call and see the whole process of bread-inaking for themselves. the •,inilersigned takes the liberty of saying that for thirty-lave yearn he line been a practical Baker—five na PiPerentioe, and five as Journeyman in one of the lost tummy In Secitland, and twenty-five as mnater—during Whit* time he boa hail the opportunity of nicking many t ati s rianit i l i j,t , i 3 d a VAe rvgir t ail , m pro v eine nts whle h 11. n Oda estab islimenl l , write r inie hue now the man agement, inaddition to the oompleto labor-eating pinery, he has how finalities of loony kinds not hereto- Ire Ertl:glint ned In the purchase of Boor, none but ihe soundest and beat shall ever he used; and he has no minting in saying that Bread of all kinds can be de vered, unsurpassed in quality and weight by that made by the ordinary process. Families in which the Broad made by the hlenhanical Bakery has not been tried, or in which it has been tried only at its oommeneentent, before the machinery was in perifeot working order, are respeotbilly asked to give at ° stria now, the underaigned believing it would lead to muteal advantage. JOHN ti MOXEY, 01.01-tf euperintendent JR. SCHMIDT having been so often resuested to devote his time as to the inetrue tum of Music. and erpeoially of tnelto and the lielent* of COM.YOIIIThIN. now takes_pleasure to inform Ws kind friends and en honored publio,that he shall be haul to receive a limited number of pupils. Mr. 8. speaking . the FRENCH, SPANISH 800 unit and GLIX/L8 ii.17:61760 to with like facility, will be happy to employ either of them at the desire of the pupil. Chums will be formed after Lomer's celebrated sys tem t which low proved sr hastily successful in Paris and also in New York under Messrs. GOTTSCHALK, MASON & i , ornerck , and which is in Jut the system of all the celebrated conservatories in Euro as early applies tout for which is felPeCtflifiy solicited . . F o r t erms. he., Mr. H would respectfully request to apply to Messrs. CHU:KERING & SON'S rillllo Ware house. No. ho? Cnestnnt street, and Messrs. ANDRE & Co., No. /DA Chestnut street. Rae attyNCES C. Gebtav flatter, Em. N. Y. ;Messrs. Chick erne & Sons, H. A. Wollenhaupt. , Lee & Walker, •lauriatt litrakoaoh. Esq., " " Andre & Cu. W. V. - Wallace, Esq., " Hall k Son, N. W. Mason, " Nr.3. would also respectfully request the perusal of the following letters of Mr. 0077eCIIALe, the eminent Pianiat and Composer, (the first to a distinguished gentleman of this cant when Mr. 8. came first to l'ht latlelpliia: Mon cher F—. Mon am( Mr. Alston Igen:Ultra, se rendant a Phila.- delpkw. Jo n'ai pis resister au plaisir de me rappeler votriraimable souvenir en You, rateant conniutre un abetment homme et uu artiste Menages. Mr. SCHMIDT eat du Conservatoire de Leipzig t eon talent eat tree eminent et comma gentleman you. apemen bier, vita lee qualites qui Ica distinguent. Vona etea at *matte et at devoue aux artistes. que vous ne drive: You, en prop dre vett voue meme de you, lee vet r tons recommender : at quelque foie MTh aVeZ murmurs contra nee eapece. de lettrea de change tires. par ranlttle cur l'amitie pee Pon appelle Wipes d'intrixluction, soy ea d'avanne Ver ne/Ide qua ne units procurers !Weenie des ernes guy , oachent presque batten lee relations de la somete. Tout a voile de occur. Males chose a T. et agreeg Inca complitnents etffeotueuxe OOTTBCHALK. Trinidad de Cuba, 1 Juil. 1864. Habana, lele de CaPa. Febri HU. Pei examine avec manmade( dlnteret le pl an d'etu dee pour Pharmome et la composition cue Mr. Alfred Schmidt se propose de lain) estate a ses sieves, et JO ems he ure ux de declarer. qua Is le orois tree ohm r. tree consul et to plus favorable a un evancement rapids. Ii out du ream, itlentiquoquant nu fond a celui que suit le conservatoire de Paris. Jo cross BUM deVoir Mann mender lohMenreuietnent. Mr. A. Schmidt comma pro feesou r de Piano et de chant. b. Pl. (MTV:SCHALK. A MERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a I .—IL reliable ined,u in through which Schools and Fami lies may otnain competent teachers. Parent. may ob tain. gratuttouely, nforms lion and circular. of the beat schools. WOODMAN, ar. CO., S4B BROADWAY, New York. or nil.tf 6911 CHEDTNIIT litraet. Philadelphia. /UESDAMES CIIEGARAY AND D'IIER- A.LAL VILLI"B BOARDING AND DAY SOIICK>I, FOR YOUNG LADIE. PRILADELPHLA, No. ISX LO T. GAN SQUARE, VINE ST RE Madams CHEOARA respeotfolly tnforms her friends and the Debit° an general, that independently of het Suardms and Day _Sahool, thteeted by hemelf and her twee, ItErne. PREVORT, an NEW YORK. she an tiTsat9nan in I't sit • e p lan as the one Edam mentioned. Ottj 4m RI - - 110tRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL u MERCANTILE COL_IXOES. logatol Fmk r h obin, 13. E. corner SEVENTH zed CRESTNC:r; w yea, Buffalo, Olhvelpoll t and Chicago. For rp- MAIM MT ustaineve. feg-u ,AVING FUND :-- UNITED STATES 5,7 TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and smell acme received, and_paid back Q4Lpig mand without none°, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE AEU from the day i lif deposit to the day of wtthdrawal. Office houid,_Ohin detil 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVEN gBin f o'clook. DRAFTS for ante on Enland, Ifelandi and klootland, from upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—JAMEB R. HUNTER, PLINY FISK. Actuary, oft-stntb2m " A little, but often, fills the Pune." I'RANIILIN SAVING FUND---- No. 1.13 Booth FODIVTII Street. between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De- Posits on dervand. Depositors money eetiared by Orrernment State. and City Loral, tlrmind RdntJ, MOrtilisde. 40. This Company deems safety better then terse profile, consequently will run no risk with deem-' tone money. but have it at all times read, to re turn with 6 per cent. inter.e.st to the owner, as they hnve always done. 'xibum Cothcany never suspended. 8763 814 67 81,19,177 28 91,1349 80 ..... Females, married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right ‘ and intob deposits Gan be withdrawn oat., by their combat, Charterperpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mo ncy from trustee. and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Wednesday and daily from 9 to 3 o'clock, and on' Wednesday and ;Saturday evenings until S o'otk. DIRECTORS. Janob B. Shannon, Cense Ciders Under. John Shlndler, oeorge Russell, hlalsehi W. Elloan, Fklward T. Hyatt, Laws Krumbhaar, enry Delany, Moholan Hittenhonee, &then Smedley, Joe. H. Sathe[thwatte, phrturn Blowhard. Joseph W. Ltppumott. JACOB B. SHANNON, PreeldeaL 27111(8 CADWALLADIL'Imunrer. 18.1 22,21027 $390 al 30 V 7 A llnllxr 1114 , 70/I W:iffl-14/.1- AVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN- P.33REsT.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COSI FA N WALNUT Street. Sothweet corner of THIRD. Inoorvorated by the State of POZILISIIVIS- mm, large or mall, and s i.- i'""• ll "`" g u aZ a lr ' 7l.l6it to the 111, of wa ternt MAD drew&L The oboe Is oven ever) day from f 0 ' 13 „ 1 . 001 1. 111 the morning U1160'01001( s tbe sod tersht&Y, and Tanu lai r ih an s lif a rliN i o'al niN • vmr..RA' SELFRIDGE, Viereszdent. WILLIAM 3. REED, Secretary. Digicrose. Ron. Remy L. Benner, N. Carroll Browder, Edward L. Carter, Joseph 11. Bari, Robert Selfridge,tenets Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Loseph Yerkes, O. Landreth Munno, eery Difenderfer, Money Is received and payments made daily. Who investments are made, in cord - omit! with the provieinne of the Chatter. in Real Estate Mortgages, (ironed Rents, and inch first-class securities as will al ways insure perfect security to the depositor. , and which cannot tail to give permanency and stability to this Institution. ant-ly OM STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT IDIKR-MTRING GRAND PIANOR, REID RR GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOS. new pre ferred in concerts and In private circles by the hest nerformere. Received the first premiums over the best mature, from ithlAes like tiottantiallr M axo and , •thers. Challen.e all competition. 111.• Ulf HEO n. TIIRRS. dd.lrltßi Cii F.STNUT Street. '4.601 665 57 FRB HoLIDAY PRESENTS! PIANOO IAONS ,FORTES. MEL. IIAV-FORTES. ME Q I-01) t. .PIA, Ng. FoR TES. PIANO-PUPATE& MELODEONS. Made t . y Raven, Bacon, & Nunn' & Clark Ifalfett, l aws. . t CO., end others. • J. E. 0011 iv U Lp_, tail) - Is SEVENTH end CIAIESTT. CIIICKERING SONS, Ti 3Tfl MANIIVACTUHRIIS Or GRAND. SQUAR E , AND ()PRIOR - I Pi ANO-FORTF:S. WAREROOMM CIiESTNDT STREET. flonatan; In store M 1 larEgi stook of our BEAtrriFuL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS. We awe been awarded, at the dafferentbateau um We country and Europe ANDSILVER FIRST-CLANS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. Jall3-37 A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. SCHOISLACKER k CO., 1011 CILESTNUT Btreot, reepectfull. invite the mule lovige eybho to oall and einzune their new and one mutat tmeaxmeyik:7_,.. VIIV . RII.OII, GRAND PIANO. Raving converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Plano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding all the obJeotions generally made to the style of Grand Piano, also diminishing the cost of the same, In volume, purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ness, derh, and evenness of touch, with 020115/t0 0110.16Trgir MTIFULLY-FINISHED IN areRT wholly unequalled. They have received the Meted encommins, and are pronounoed by critics to be far su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in this country. Conetantiv on hand, a merge and ele g ant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. We have been awarded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding the Prize Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New York. lan. sel-tf GAS-BWRNINO COOKING S hat VE Wte tame important to the comfort of er . " 11115.11191 . family than a good Cooking nati on ? Gallagher's Morning Star give, entire emanati. It has two la•go oven, for baking and rooming. it pommies more ciiai untamed him any other stove. and net er fails to (imitate. It will bake bread, moat a turkey, boil din ner. byod a beefeteek, and heat water for washin i ;, all at the earn. bine. For sale only br CHARLEBJONFS,RM North Recond street, where HP splendid new Co iking Sins.) Gar light.ungurpassed by any tilt top cooking stove. may ho seen in daily suacessful operation. It bass large ex tended oven which hakes in the most perfect manner. I wonld also .Mt attention to my find premium Silver gos-consuming parlor stoves which are manufactured in the be,t manner, of heavy Roma Iron. CHARLES JONES, XS North RECON D Street, 4A i k STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES. :APE A R t . bbl. 1116 MARKET kir REET, le now prepared to meet the wants of the public more oompletelin all the details of the /Rove trade than any other esta blishment in Philadelphia. in proof of which he invitee COMPARATIVE E/C•SIINATION. The following are arsons hie own popular invenbons, several a N. Moll have already obtained a national repu• tation as surpassing in excalencs and economy any other Stoves in use. • • • . JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved oas-burning Cooking Stove, neknowledged to be the twat Stove for family use in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Oas.oonsuming Cooking Range, now rapidly coming into general use. JAM E 8 SPEAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver's Air-tight tine-consuming Parlor stove. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved I Patentedt Orpamental Stove Urn, which from its beauty and nullity is likely, this season, to be univer sally adopted. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JAMES SI'EAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway -ear Heater. Por all of the above the Inventor very Justly claims advantage]; which require but to be understood by the Public to be universally appreciated and preferred to any other articles of that class in the market; nrdt lie would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons in w .nt or Stoves to call and examine for themselves. Parties wishing to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending limed:ratify to Pur chase or not. e22-3m 11 OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR interest. Buy your COAL AT HICKS'. where nothing but the very host gualay of Lohiali nod BobuYl kill t.mal ie °flared at the following reduced prieen: Lehigh. Broken, Elf, and 5t 0r e........... ...t0n. Schuylkill, " 4 tO Lar,te Nut 3 " Warranted free from Mote or duel . n . n.l full traisbt. at HICFCB' nrd. arnitheßst corner NA ftriliAbli. and WILLOW. Call and 02t.-6m R, W. GROOAIE & CO., r-}. O Moe lte South FOURTH Street, WHARF, PINE STMT., SCIII 7 YLKILL t Dealers ant! Shippers Lomat Mountain, Lehigh, and Sehu COA Merchandise taken on wharfage. • 018 dm Ulf ICICORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN it it Liman' COAL,_preparod with pare, for tele no beet term. Apply at KriOWLEB'B Depot, NINTH and WILLOW E;treots o.=-Lf TO WES'EERN AND SOUTIIERN MER ehants.—A large otook of Manila Rope, all eject, manufacourod awl for nale, at the Invest New York WEAVE , 'IT ER, it. CO.. ° Or No.ll N. WATRR ! I nditeN ThelawareaP. SiIUGAR-HOUSE MOLASSES.-150 Was., tiorcesZand Carrels r for irtlo bt JAM Ka & CO.. vain r,vpiri Mt ',AM, AMX/13GL, BURNING P. UID. and PINE OIL, in 111.1,1 and half 6Lrn. Minifnrtiireo and for nalo by ROWLEY. ANHUI RNER N. 10 golith Vint.trcr• GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINK—This Medlin° never fade to vise en tre entieraotion. Price S:Y). For elle et 715 CHEST NUT Otreet. Ralf EDUCATIONAL. SAVING FUNDS. PIANOS. STO V Em. COAL. SI'`iIITCTION. IFIIR.NESS, BRINLEY, 8 No 114 MA REPT RTREVT SALE THIS (FRIDAY) SIORNIND. DECEMBER. O. AT 10 O'CLOCh. A CARD.—The ott•ention or Purchasers - is reeneagad to our wile this ( Enday morning, Dearrnber 9. at lo o'clock br catalogue on &nit:intim credit, oc:uprising a general eromrtment. NOT CE.—To Retailers. • Included in sale this morning -100 pieces 6 4 French colored merinos. 00 nieces 6-1 wool pin 250 wool long eh-w in. 10) sguare wool shawls. 300 ninth cloak*. 700 egrtons steamboat black velvet ribbons. • NOTWE.—To Dealers in Hosiery. This Morning. 5 u doz. cotton hosiery and gloves, coos • stin; of - white and brown dotton hose. brown end raised caftan ha Chose. merino, silk, and weoll an gloves. SALE OF FR k.NCH GOODS. This Morning. December 9, at 10 o'clook, by catalogue, on 6 months crod it 4N/ packages and lots of fanny and staple French dry goods. lE7' Samples and catalogues early on the morning of REVERSIBLE WOOL SHAWLS. This Morning. 200 12-4 all-wool revere' ble sii•vrle. SCOTCH ALL-WOO LONO SHAWLS, Ac. 1100 all wool Reach plaid long shawls. 300 childreree vinare 'halide. Al V.RINOS AND PLAIDS. 100 piecell 6-4 Mai* end noticed Preach merinos. Ben g.7r RISB - to No. 20 all silk block velvet ribb en. fast edges. CHENILLE. R. 4 AWL- AND SCARPS. 10014.4 rvh st , s, Pant ohanille /hew e. vo rch •t) to Paris cheni le eau fa pIIILIP FORD, AUCTDNEER, No. 630 NA TIRE? wiect.ano In MINOR %gest. BALE OF 1 Su BUFF LO ROBES. On Tuesday Moraine, Dec. IS. nt 11 o'clock p a ;sal , . will he sold, It'y cata logue. I :MC Nos. 1.3 3 and 4 buffalo solos. Also, 3igi superior lined and trimmed do. Tee strsntton atm.., is mine ted to this sale. SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES. BRoOANS, AND GUM OVERSIDiEs. On jhuriulag Morning. Dem lb. at Ilro'clhek precisely. will he sold, by cata logue, on four months' credit. about 730 cases boots. shoes. brogans. torn over-ohoex ; men's. hors' and youths' hest qualitg double-sole grained, thick kip. and loots; also. WOI116(1 s and misses' grained. Peeled, calf and kip two' s: a so, TOO pair women's, misses', and children's city mode goat welt boots. The attention of buyers is particularly requested to this sale. R SCOTT, Jr.. AUCTIONEER, No. 431 NAP. CHESTNUT 6THEET, tepointe the Castott Rness. between POUT' TA timid FIFTH Streets SALE OF FINE FANCY FURS. FOR LAMES' AND MISS'S' W -AR. ThANfprplns, Deo. 9, commencing at 11 o k.'cloc The above ealearill coats; o,_vis LADIES' FlUitti. A fine assortment of ladies' tanci fors.comzeisias sable. fitrh. mink, atone martin 'dyer martmalost tan squirrel. 10 sou of tom and three places, victorines, muffs. en calls to matoh. Mr Catalogues ready and furs arranged for examina tion early on the moraine of sale. lIIIIPPDEG. p lIILADELPHIA ASS CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. Saa AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF.TRE ABOVE. NAMED CORPORATION, MILD At NO. 0 MERCHANTS' KICCIIANGE, At 10 o'olook A. M.. September 7th, 38459, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously sleeted Directory the Comeetti,TlS t GEORGE H. STUART, 0. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAR. MAOALESTRR, earn JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOORS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above gamed Once, what all persons favorable to the enter prise are reereetfullr invited to sobeienbe. sa-tf FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— NEW YORK AND HAVRE BTEANISHIP 6).11 'AN Y. The United !;fates Mail Fteamships AR AGO, 300 tons, David Lines, domthnnder. end FULTON, 7.330 tone, James A. A otton. Commander. will leave New York, Havre. and Southampton. for the year 1869, or the following days: To meet new requicements of the Post Office 'Devitt inent, the days of sailing of the A R AGO and FULTON from HAVRE end SOUTHAMPTON will. after their resent voyares, be changed as follow, from NEW if, ti in the cue of the present departure of the ULTON. which will take pl ca on the 17th December, the schedule remains unaltered: Vies, NEW VIII. H•vez AND sorruswerox. FLTON....Dec. FULTON...Jen. 10 ...Jan. IL ARAGO Jan. 7. ARAtin ....Jan. 31. Feb. ITT, 1 ON....Feb. 4. FDLTOII"....Feb.g3 „Feb.M. 7dch.3. AR AGO F U LT05 . ....3ic h. 31. F LTON....A pl. IL - Apt. Z. These steamer.. built expressly for Government ser *me, with double engines. under deck. every attention ha. been taken •0 the construction of the hall and ma chinery to insure safety and erred. The Was have five water -tight comperunents enclosing the ensines• co that in the event of collision or attending, the water could not reach them. and the pumps being free to work, the setety of the vessel and passeneem would be me cured. Recent experience has demonstrated the abso lute necennity of this mode of conetruCtion. Tne accodimodetions for passengers are believed to combine every comlbrt and convenience that can be de sired. From New York to Southampton or Havre—First Cabin. $130; Second do.. $73. From Havre of Southampton to New York—First Cabin. 700 franca: Second i10..369 francs Topa...eon:erg going to London these steamers oder the advantage of economy both in time and expense. Specie delivered in London. No passage secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and news "P,.."4`gseitt , le th jM n l g e h il t p h AZ P l. ° o l"llCe. W . S. DRAY I yet Agent, t Broadway , New York. WILLIAM !SALIN, Agent. Havre. CROSKKY & CO., Agenia. Southamkton. AMERICA'S EUROPEAN EXPRISS COMPANY, Agent, Paris. WM - . N EI LSON. Agent, Ogee, Tobacco Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT Streets, Philadelphia. Plans °Ellie slurs can be seen. tbV tml"3l STEAM DIRECT To ALL PARTB4IF GREAT BRIT4IN AND =FRANC AND GEQJI NE, AN THE HAMBURG AIEBICAN PACKET COM PANI"I3 IRON 31Atr BTEAAISIUFS. RAMMoNIA, Capt. U. F. &Wessell. NAXONIA. Capt. 11,..Ehlera UORUBSIA, Cast. N. Trautman. BAVARIA, Cast. E. Taube. TEUTONIA. Cast. H. Essen. These Steamers are all brstabots Mole-built vessels; are ,nteaded to sail from Fier U. North River, N.Y.. as follows : • • FOR LONDON, SOUTHAMPTON, HAVRE, AND HAM BURG. The etas aat and powerful Iron &raw StearnshiP BA VARIA. Capt. 11. Tsube.2.4loo tons burthen, van sail as above, on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Lath. at Lt o'clock M. Passage, including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New York, and from Southampton to London, First CA bin. 8100 I Second Cabin.— S6O I Stems 0.. • * 135 The BAVARIA will be sueoneded by the folio - re - MS Steamships!: SA NOM ........711URSDAY. Deem her L • BO It 1:8NI Y, January T. TEUTON I A ...... EON ENDA•I . February I. HAM MONIA... . .... THURSDAY, March 1. efir Paulin sera forwarded to Liverpool. Dublin, BeL feat. Cork, Glasgow. Pans, sad Antwerp, at through rates. These steamer" are fitted SID with unequalled accom mod/llons foi Gest. second, and third-class Passengers. The Second abin accommodations of these Stuns are equal to the rst. class of most steamers. Certificates of passage tuned irom London, South ampton, Havre, and Hamburg, to New york. Freight engaged in Philaoelplua• will be promptly attended to by the New York Agent, and chipped tree of all commtsaion. For Freight or Passage, apply exclusively to W. A. HAM 'LL Agent. Office of the Hamburg American Med Steasishipe t _ rffi-if Northwest corner OURTH and CH hErrit UT. SlifiTlM BRITISH AND NORTH S a.t.MERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM . ram rnrw TOIL TO LITIATOOL. Chief Cabin Passage —..— SIM Second Cabin Passage.... .. —11 l THOM SoSTON TO LIVIRPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage —..— —.llO Second Cebin Paesage— . .. al The ships from Boston eall'ae ax ll and Cork Harbor. PERSIA. Capt. Indium CANA A, thtot. ',so k , ARABIA, Cat. J. Stone. AME C.A. Capt. Millar, ASIA Capt. b. G. Lott, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon EUROPA, Capt.]. Leitch. These rem., oa a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. AFRICA, Shama leaves I York, Wednesday. Dec.?. EUROPA,Andenion, " Boeton, Wed" " nesday, Dec Lt. PERSIA. Judi... " N York , w " . '"• rb " AMERICA, Millar, " Boston, Wednesday, Deo. ASIA, Lout, .. N York, Wedoesdsy. Jan 4. CANADA. Lan; ' " Boston, Wednesday, Jan. li. Berths not secuve,t until paid for. An experienond Surneon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Got Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or h tale, unless bills of lading are aired therefor and the t lue thereof therein expressed or freight or pas sage apply to E. CUNARD, i who; Eireen. not Nem York. FOR THE SOUTII.--OHARLF& TON AND SAVVINAILSTEAMFIRIPS. FREiCH A REDuCED. Heavy "Freight at an average of stylus pet oent. be low New York Steamship fates. FOR CHARLESTON. S. C. _ The U. S. Mail PteamsIoYKEYRTOI4FSTATE. Cap tain Charles P. Marshman, will sail on Thursday, Dec. ieth, at 10 A. M. Thronsh in 49 toe.) hours. only 60 hours at Sea. FOR SAVANNAH. Os. The U S. Mall Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA Captain John J.Liarsin. will sail on Monday. December 12. nt lo o'clock. Thrniiih in 58 to fry hours, only 48 hours at Sea. err/Salem day. changed from eve Saturday to evert five days. Goods received, and Min ry of emend etotry dtty. rhe splendid_ first-claw ode-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above ever, ten days. thus forming a five-day oomma ideation with Chmieston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships eon nect with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, for all places in the South and Southwest. INSURANCE ,rreAht sni insurance on large proportion of Goods Southwill be found to be lower by th en s k i p s than by galling vetilate, the premium bang one-half the rote, N. R.—insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or 1137enenh, the Railroad Companies talon A riskefronn these points. 1311 hAT RE U NION I FARE. Fare by this route 25 to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the foUovrine oohs dole. Throuth uoketa from Philadelphia via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, avocet from Mulattos' and savan nah to Montgomerl ilimann FIR% To Charleston— 8113 OS Savannah.— LS 00 Savannah— -- 31 CO Augusta_..,_ 20 00 Augusta...._.._._ 2610 Dineen.. 21 00 Melon..___ 32 76 Atlanta- 23 CO Atlanta.__....__ 31 OP ChSumbus....--. 23 00 Columbus &t 00 .tilbanY • 24 Ou Albany 37 CO Anntvomery.... 26 00 hlontromery. _ SS CO Mobile 33 CO 46 90 New Orleans ... Se 76 New 0r1ean5...._... 61 Oa to bills of lading segued after the Chip has willed. For freight or release arms' on board, at seeondwharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON. Jr., Southwest corner FOUTS. and_CHESTNUI", Arita in Charleston, T. 8. Sr T.'o. BU DD. Savannah, HUNT:4:R dt GA3I3IELL. For Florida front Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesda For F lorida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary's aid 81. John's. every Tuesda) and Saturday. 1713 IaigMENWEST CHESTER and ROAD eta MEDIA. P HILADELPHIA RAIL FALL ARRANGEMENT. On and alter MON DAY. December U r ns. the trams will Leave reiradelphot, from the ritatioh, N. E. corner of EIGHTEEN'PH and MARKET Streets. at 410 A. AL 1. and 4.30 P.M. Leave West Cheater. from the DEPOT, on EAST MARKET STREET, et 7.16 and 11.20 A. M., and 4.10 P. M. ON EIHNDAYR—Leave Philadelphia at BA. M., and II P M Lpepp wpm nhPOP , io 7 45 A. M., and 4 I'. at The t r , i ng lancing Philadelphia at &I 0 A. M. and 4.30 E. M. connect at Penneltou with the Philrtilelphia and llaltnonre Central Railrned. for I orwird Chaddaferd, Kennett Square, and Avondale. HENRY WOOD. oa-tr ,yeneral superintendent. M IN T ON'S ENOAUSTIO TILES tot floors. Ornamental Chimney Topa for cottages. Garden Vases and Fountains. Vitrified Pipe for drains and Water ormdootore luaroiteal and for tale tor B. A. IlltA RISON f.h la of VIA , i'MPSrNup otrA. OLIVES --Spanish Queen, inprime order in store, end for see by A. AIRRINO, 02) IA dot% Fltorci Weal. ": - 13)).LE8 BY AtICTION. MTHOMAS a SOHO, • Igoe. LV sad tel SIOM"H FOURTH STREET. Emmert, NOIL IR and eil.) SALES REAL ESTATE LED STOCKS AT THE HICHANGiL—SaIea et mil earabe end etoob herblbr be held at It o'clock Roo m in the evening at 7 o'clock. acv Contnbators brute the asses et either Ws. Handbills of each property bawd separetey. in addition to which ye putdrth, on Ma Retarder previous to the sale, one thousaad catalogues, la nerephiet tom vying ta li deeer4pl3,4l of all tbe properties to be e s ia oa the folio/rine 7. REAL ESTA ts AT PRIVATE BALE. Er We nom, . I.rge antorrtit of reel estate at prints este, including every aseertpbod of eitY sad, eceapPT PruPartr. Printed bete inar ba had at the anstioa efibe PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. IlEir mate entered of; cox privets este register sad advertised occasionally . = our public ante abetreate (of whack LOVorneute are emoted weekty.nrbof ethane PEREMPTORY BALE—RAILROAD BONII3. e Tuesd, Dec. 13, at 12 o'cloc O k oon, ay Oka Phaladelnlala Ei change. will be sold— Without reserve, for acceani of whom it may cos cern- -9 second mortgage bonds $1,400 each) of Om Canales and Atlantic, Railroad Co. For other goo:mate—l II Owes Acaerioan Academy of hula, nth Ce2m le ewes 31 'natal! Railroad ComwenY. fats Delaware Slotual Insurance COMpaal 'any, 1 share Mercantile Library. STOCKS, Lomia. On Tuesday. Dee. 20, at 12 c'etheir, upon. will he sold, at the •lIEMSO - sceount of wi om it msv concern- Li co Meech I. toothier #1520. Keokuk. Mount tie . negation Railroad Company, due Ja nuary 1 = REA' - TE- BALI:I-DECEMBER M. AT 7 G. Porempto " ni Halm-NEATE VENINM ODERN SIDENCE, No 21/ North Tenth street. south of Yens. 83g.. absolute'. BUILDING LOT. west side of Twenty.sistb street. north of Jetrerbon. Twentieth ward BUILDING LOT. east side of Buley street, north of Jeffersonon the rear of the above. Ophsa G- I S ' TORY S B -D KDWEL Lw _ d r e hea northeast corner of Washington. and Orange atreets. l °anoint!" ward. Same Estate.—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELL !NG. north side of Washo ;ton street east of Orgasm Same haute -3 TB RE}-bTORY BRICK DWaLL IN GS. east Ede of Grimes street north of Wahinston. RM. Estate. 2 THREE STORY BRICK On El L INGS. south aidl• a ten-feet alley, between Orange and Twelfti stida:hin -ton and Wallace streets. Same Estate.-3 THREE STORY BRICK DW ELL INDS. southwest corner of 2./sith and Brown streets, Thirteenth ward. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate oCJ. Ross Hnoyes, deed. 2 / SE bef-BY BRICK DWELL-12145. Jumper airy rest. north of Race. ti:4:7,VittltiZtllt.e°qhse:bee°"'"i•dese' trea t, west of St. John, i lots Nortnerre_Libernsa., NEAT MODERN DiViaI.LINO. 810 Lombard street. west of Eighth. Two treats. Diumbdirila peasesnion. Peremptory Salm-NEAT DWELLLIG, No. 170 Ad dison street. between Beyeareenth Anahi- lasenth and rice and Lombard streets. pa aale absolutes. Trustees' Sale-Dania or B. Dams dee'd. 6 THREE STORY BRICK DWFILL DAIS. northeast *enter of Somerset aadltudiaot streets, Twenty-thud ward la . REE-STORY BRICK DWELLING & No. DM Mamas street, between Master and Amason and EL' reeth and Twelfth Ito , sits. ker.8 , 24 S 5 STAN IL-Three-en:ay kriek More and N 0.516 North Front street, between Ginn mad Coatesosith 1 thrseart.ry onet dwellings in the rear. remptorY Sale. WELL-SECURED YEARLY GROUND RE • T. 8'A 1 42). on IA of or and Gamut p_ams to ev.d Brom street. above Be I.r at eet. Twenty-third ward. 61 feet on Be ad street 61 feet Gamesome° road, 192 rest deep. Two Dents. as. &Cs sh elate. REV ESTATE SALE, DECEMBER In, AT IRCON. Trustees' Sase—estate of .harsor. T Bane. e k ed. FIRST-CLASS CHESTNUT STREET YROPMITY. The valuable property. No Sal Chestnut street. west of the United emu* Czotorn Hones, between Frnirth and Fifth streets. 27 fest If inches ['MIL 325 feet in depth o Library_ street—having two fronts. B. caner ',lsno t/U. Fs , tieulare in handbills sad rittioysaptue plea, new ready. The tni ae swarth,' between the stare and Fail street Ars restricted. Trusted Peremptory Sa t le— eas Eetate of Ina litseratsr, &ed, TW . O.Ett ORY BR ICh. AND LWELL INGS. snot) weat corner of .1' rabtford road sad Mad !Ara l Nineteenth ward. !rm. -ate at solute. Same Fatata.--2 BRI Cli — EM hl..LINti Rammer et, north of Panes, FAshtesath ward. la Sate ands:An:a- Same katita.—T_BßEE-tilOitY hit - SICK DWELL !NU Inv 'ludo of Fifth streetaionb of mgslo abeohre. . . - VALUABLE. FARM AVD COUNTBY SE -T, 173 acres on the Bethlehem , urepilth.b; • de w•st of Mont omery square, Montgomery county, P5.,2) mules from rbilndeleb".. BUILD NO LOT. Becks street. west of Thine-es venal Twenty-fourth w•rd.au feet front, OD feet deep. Two fronts. I AL UABL BPPLNPBe ST AND.— Three-story brick enre and dwelling. No. iii bort% Beane streen, between Arch and Mace. baring a carom' into St freth'sailey. MISCELLANEOUs BOOxs. sTATIONULT, AND BLikiSK HOOKS. This Ithinsingi MMSf)UlZi=l;il Receiver's Second IS and IS South Rath et. STOCK OF EI : EGANT NAM*. - - On Parcrdny Morning, Dea.lo, as II res'nek, at how Shad *Booth Sixth st. by entatogne. to order at th e sees-m the entire stock of Messrs. k Febater.eoomprising a general assortme plans . rand action and Lows Xi it style az and 1. octave in elegaat aad plant rosewood muss. Ful!parlieubtrs in vivito:nes *.iT The attention of purehagera is particularly ye q tiered to this elle. The entire etoek owintifastared pressl wall great cere by Messrs Wi)hetm & nebular. ex y tot wardroom mks. and ctrl he sold without ro se r de. Exact tors' Sale Germantown. HOUSt.FIGLD I , ESN MULE- On ertay Afßtles. 13th lest.. at 11 cictock Tu . in Rit o tenhouse stout. fourth house above Green street. Germatoolirs. by o-der of the ex/wadies or Mania Came, decayed. a iisnana assort rn oat of household and katebea furniture. fir May be examined on the roomier of ale. VALUIBLE MEDICAL LIBRARY. Oa 'Tuesday sad Wednesday kvenines. Pee. 13 and If..e will sells valuable library of medi cal bock., nanny of tam scarce and eurioca. all in wood oondition. The collection as perticularly rack in French. fnithah, and American palinode, and in works on Met alt . For particulars see cutely/mu. and the books, aMilplrtall be arraneed Simi/aye previous. Sale etas . 131 and 141 South Puerta' Street. SUPERIOR P . 'RNITEICE,ER KNVH-YLLTMJI HORS. P FORTE HALBSSLII CdREIeTS.. Oa Thanday Women. At p o'clock. at the lumina Store. as aseottamat of exeeneet eemend-head furniture. elezaatralify . ... fine mirron,• (=pets. Me., from fa:allies hoahehaeltair,rmoolvd. to the more for ectal tate. Fsteulors' Fate. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. DEC. tS,AT 3 O'CLOCK. YALU/IBL , T .11:11.0GICA LIBRARY OF THE LATE REV. JOSEPH BELCHER, D. D. On Thursday A tlernoun. Dec. M. LW. , commenents at 3o dock. we wilt sell the exterstre and - .a'ut tbe.loalcal lihsatry of the We Rev. Joseph Belcher. D. D . by order or...locators. 0 tor rartetrats see estakrtmes. :Inch WI be ready too days armors, and the WA, turansed fdr exam/natty/1. Extensive Peremptory Rale. ROBEt'''OnD it ND WALK CABINET FULE/- TERI—STOCK OP O* O. 1. riVIKELI. On Friday !Jonas., Dec. Idth, at 10 o'clock. at the Iltareroottar, No. 621 Walnut meet- tha awe c f efegsa , Towne.] sad ermeing-tconl. (Nang won . lib all ad chamber ternditre compri- ins a general. assortment- CI mean. facared in the best man er. Ind at the beat ma:advt. Mr. Henkei3, for his 'tearer oat s des • end .ar anion. 112 T Th • attention et euretoeere ; mutat_ d to thin gale, es the entire stock in the catalogue trill to sold tthnot reserve. aa - May be examined Mira data 'mime to sCe, and on ,•• edneut it coo Moeda, &ream a till9 o'clock 11 - OSES NATIJANS, AUCTIONEER J.v-R. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, mahout eorzter of SIXTH and RACE Street.. GREAT CHANCE FOR CR RIS CMAS PRESENTS. NATHANS' GREAT eAL. OP FORP.ITED COLLATERAL 3. On Toesday ?laming, November 1.3. at 10 o ' clock, at Mores Nathuts' Aun ties store. southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets. in record-story sales room. entrance from Race at. Consist ng. m pert of Ina..nifieent 1111AtIC cme sold patent lever watches extra fun Jewelled and of the most approved and heat makers foil 18 lame eases; hamlet. case. double case and doable bottom fine gold Akers.er watches. of the moat approved and heat the moat of them heavy 18 karat cases fine gold deta had patent lever watches. aid leputa do., in miming cases and open feces best a stern. 18 tarot fide; eleenut 10 karat bunting asses patent lever weitio. es, apb udidly enamelled and net wax diamonds; do. whip enamelled and landasapit ; do. set with pearl ; fine IS karat mold hunting case double time and inde pendent aecond patent lever watches. for timing horses. &e.: Lonline ease, double case. and double bottom English ether atent lever watches of Pen makers; hunting case rulers duplex watches : - double time and otherhe silver inon watcher; hawing ease and open dahed pat nt lever end re pine watches some of them triad and set without the nse of a key; tine tins case doable ease. and other English. Brim and French watihes; diamond,; finger rm., and breast pin.; fine gold ves t, fob and necc chaine and elate ante chains; gold se ale and keas; fine gold vete!' caseronith pens; tooth ticks; cold and :elver spectacles; ladies' fins old necklace.; fine. gold bracelets and bands; sets game. lava, French peunttios. and other fine mold bre...tau:ls ; finger rings medallions. lockets. muds. ale-se batons, scarf .arns. kg.; watch., akera' tools, jewelte,a' ; fine old violins, some cry valuable ; +Lego:derma, Ines& horns, I Ivey 8 key Hates and other flutes, unwell itl sulinsents. CIGARS. 10 OM superior Hessias men LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS. 10 fine cloth cloaks. lets style. ent.rely nor. The cloaks lull Ge sold at 10 o aloe& precisely. We ..in t hen pro,,,,yi Int h thy sue nr vutehes leweirT. &o ieol".. 1.0-C7lB WIL LIAMS & BOYLE. AUCTIONEERS ANTI commsalmv MERCHAM No. North MAIN STREET, at. Loam, Mo. I formerly Messrs. Myers, Clashorn Co, Philadelphia.) er their terrines to the merchants, manufeebrrers, and °thereof Philadelphia, for the ask of err geode, earrete. boots, shoes. Dadra'. Jararr. ka, &e -lm, Cult advances made on reoeupt of anode. Ilah. Settlements made three lays after salsa amassers. Mora. Myers. Clagham. & Co., Phyla. Stuart & Brother. Rle. Van Wyek. Townsend. & Warrens, New York. L. tc B. ennui " Wood. Chnsty. & Co.. St. Lonis. Mo. " Crow, Mormyry. & Co.. • • 4 * mdl-f mac:lint:Ml AND IRON. SAYIVIL V. 111.31.111 CL, 3. VAV01L3.31131332.1VX. WU,LIAII H. . SOUTUWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRESti r VYl3l.Ar.Plibt. MERRIC & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines for Land, River. and Manna service, Dollars, Gasometers, Tax=on Boats, As.; Castings of kinds, either Iron or Iron Frame Roofs! for Gas Works, Work Shope, Rail road Stations, &a. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved condi - notion. Every description of Plantation Mactunenr, /10, as Sugar, Baw, Gnm Mille, Vacuum Paris. Oven S lam Triune. Defecaters, Filters, Pumping &vines. &e. Bole Agents for N. Rilheun's Patent Surer Boiling Apparatus ; Nurnyth's Patent Stem Hammer; am; Aspinwall & Wolsey'a Patent Cer.traingul Satan Drain inr Sinaloa@ COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES NOTICE IS HEN ERY GIVEN THAT c.parmer.hiy heretof o re ev e ti ne Mr. GEO. IA COLBI and the subscriber. wader the stile of GEO. W. COLBY .t CO is dissolved. GILA& A. DA-NIELS. DNA( IThil6delrhil, Nor. 16 JOTIOE [S HEREBY GIVEN, that the firm of WA fLNICK. CHADWICK BRO. a this d at v g . no T erul i d e V e tke ß' L n7 :l . r l' et t rirCMlT BRO , at the Northeist corner of SECOND arid RACK Streets. JORN K. c i 1111!!!!M80= IN SALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of • EVANS k WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES. VAULT DOORS. RANI LOCKS. For Baran and Stores. Eyes! to saw mow in age. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &e.. On la rood terms as any other estabtiyhp.ant in U. Muted StAtea, j. EVANs & WATSON. No.3OICRESTNuT Street, Pitilsolelptus. PLEASE GIVE US A_CALL„, _ CHEAPEST WINDOW GLASS in town, M DICE'S, S. W. weer ot SEVENTH and bbls cotta Nos. 1 and 2 !!LL Lcop ; : vox 011. Bb Wins Roain,stt t store, and Nl' sal* by ROWS:BY. 415}1131:31N5R, & CO.. .111 li Smolt 'WA A RVPS silWl t. l3 t BLS, N9 :. 1 LIERR . --I.Xo f " .7 "" v,lf t. -41 to 4/4 0 cov•uvra NEW YORK SYRUP-300 tails. assorted, for by JAMES OOH thapsHi
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