IMMbizz EM I Ilk made en3feder. , *.. ddy (llght.t9 jqvc,tr: Large, banding Ai 20'; 5!.16 J.L.2,bertitrioii.,','Aetting Op . :Cie Rioter ehitting4 And, :etharAdnibli4tlMAlAttn th4ibird etorYi9qoapled by Ateink, poritaielni five 4t that pertionief '•-then*M:ilatilaglfate!y, • iibovelba'lpot, wed for a 'vitio,bit for the ..-. , J113 1 ,61.1 i. ,di5,e_bie)7; would Otirisitifiy have been burned ~tadanth inA ehort:Wnie, or,otee severely injured. arrested on Inispleion bt having flied the " .titeattler thaotrOie Of -obtaining theinsuranee on liiiproljert3i,And coichadited to aneyer. A nutn, ber of per4opi tieirb elosely "examined, but the air ceinitantlat evideooe against Kraft was so oonetu ,,,,!jtalkitt they V, 0,0 eubeeriuontly dinharged. Brown did not bare any dual statement or ... -, ,raddress - to the ruble. -Mrs. Brown, any* the In -:',dtiperufent, mays the t, her husband made no allusion mush a doeument - tte hiving' been written, or to any purposeof writing such a doonment. She thinks , tits Anal letter ptway justifying his enter prise and tires wet the redord he oared to leave- TO iho-elidi be criticised his manoeuvre at ..".11a,rper's Ferri as a blunder, but belated on the rlghtenuaness and propriety of, any well-conotdved and,well-executandseheine r= 4 slaves from bondage. , ' 4.` 4e2- "-John' Vitehel. in 'a ,nixaris rogar,ding the moiemont bOing made.rin Ireland to obtain - 'antneity for him and hit follow-exiles, declares , that be would ascent no amnesty: - He ndle-thnt be will never live in Ireland again under English rule, nnd yet bellopes to go beak and live in Ire land, EINAN CIA]. AND COMMERCIAL. ", NOlleV mllet.' • POMADE:PIat; December 8,1859, ' •the stock 'Market them no ebhnge In any extols. flat feature,. The 'Hoes pt investreent .seentitles are ann, tint all fancy etoche are depreised. Read. lug Railroad ebaree eold st 214. - The • moond-martgage himdbold ars . Abe Wil- Itarpspeit and Elmira Railroad Company held an adicarzed- meeting, at the Rzehange to•day. at obloh Mr. Y. M. Drexel presided, and Mr. J. 6. acted ae neoretary. A. Vandyke, Jr.,,eliairrean of the tore. mlttee appointed November. 12th, stated that at the time of the appointment of the committee the affairs of the eemartny wore verging upon s most - Winne and hazardous litigation. To obviate this, much labor had been bestowed in the 'delicate ne -gotietlowl which bed beano:m*4 oh between the two oommittees., Po that -all the feels In the ease " might be fairly understood there who were into 'rested in theta ' it had been deemed proper to met them forth length in the report, arbieth, if it was the pleasure of the meeting, he would read. He would fake oeeasian to remark; before reading the report, that. the committee had, In the prosecution of.their Jabors. ,tatten the counsel of a gentleman, high at the Philadelphia bar, as to the relative :rights of all parties in Intirest ; that, from this and other, considerations, the oommittee bad, to the full extant of their discretionary powers, consum mated the arrangement set forth In the report, which,' although perhaps not dntireiv in accord - twee irlth-their wishes, was the best that could be attained. ' - „ The defailt of . this settlement are fully set forth irkihe report.' By this arrangement (In the opinion of the committee) the. strongest 'safeguards are thrown' around alt the totereettot, the proposed new company. The present tfabliftias of . the earn --pony are rearmed from over $4,000.000 to $2,000,- - 000. Net thermic' is made the test of cable. The lames proposed upon the formation otthe new conk pen, are as follows: 'hiortattre bonds, rah Wiwi in 1890, et 7per gent Eater-at from .111' , . 3870, for $1, 04 0, 01,0 ' freferma 't ear cent. stook, amounting t 0..... Seu.S Asensio bee in all t 0.... es,oatkooo There - Imes are to be applied as follows : Ttho prestint lintd6re of,ote of rmsont fart-mettsnue bends the 81, loins of bonds • - 02,0000/0 ' To the holders, or 03714 clal ascend. - morrsge bonde or sreforred stook. $.180,000 ‘To bellies( of .eonfideptial debt of 000.000 Sn the holders of inoeoured debt of nomoon stork ~ 8100,co "To holders or, coupons MN irst - martrace,eri-come::i.::.. r.":•.••-...... ..700000 To COldercm prjraa4:tcOmmen stock. 660.000 - - 000,010 Td Monttlitr company from Itit ombarramm ants, underits he* orgardulion, a male by order of oonrt will he mule. ,fiatisfaotOry, arrangements have already been ef fatted In regard to the eliettebs, with the eomml ttee roprenenting the chattel bonds. --The oommitte it Of opitdon that under an arrangement eo (the interest of all being so carefully regarded' ' to the eatentuf the value of time intereste4 when the company fatly reorganised, and when our com mercial •pmsperity Is again in - any essential Ines sure, restored, this' toad, seventy-eight miles in length, era coat PtleiPthan $21,000 per mile, meet, in the opinion of the eemmittee, yield en ample return upon its now capital of 1i2,000,000. Tho • following resolutions were unanimously (Wonted_ after the reading of the repdrt : " • Reaellauf, That the report of the committee, he ticeepted, and that the plan adopted by them. eni the committee of the first-mortgage bondholders, for the rsoonetruakion - of--the oompanyslie, and is hereby, approved. - • , -- Rotoltita, That F. A. Vandyke, Sr., Esq., be re. crested to, net. for us in 'the entionimmetion of the plan, and that the bondholders clothe him with the powere necessary for the performahoe of ell - legal sate in the premisee. - The thanks of the meeting were tendered Mr- Vandyke for hie valuable services in the ealjust• moot of- difficulties. A power of attorney aulbori zing Mr. Vandyke to act es agent for the second. mortgage bondholder: was submitted and signed, by the gentlemen Present, and the meeting then • adjourned. " The New York Journal of Cotnmerre nye: We tiff - nee our netts! monthly statement of the retirements of ensile at this port sines January let, tune rorlsire •leren et:petite of the veer Reeoive om CAlifgrain sines Jan.l. • ......141.07,031 ImpertM fro„ foreign torte."... ~ ." ..—., 2an 7F7 Renewed from the interior and conarwlse.:.. 0 9.`8,915 TeVel revativeo, rev eliven mem 727 In banks ansitilub-Tressurs Jan. 30 2,38 000 Total amply— ;.—. Atio3.M7 Exporia to foreign Aorta, eleven Menthe-- af,C63,737 teem; In banks and gab Trees. Pen. 1. . 21600.009 If it could have - been ascertained at the com meneement of the year, that the foreign shipments of spool° from,thle pett.for eleven months would amount to nearly sixtyceight million dollars, no-, thing but min and disaster would have been appre hended.and yet thieemonnt bee been nob:Lally sent away. leaving nearly twenty-five millions still on depbsit in the banks and hub..traasory. We anti oipated large exports of coin. and bullion, and did look for greater. eiringeney in the money market than hiterevilted from this unprecedented move. ment•of oohs; ant have to confess' that we, are agreeably dlsappelnted At the result. - • •- The Virento State debt is represented, in the stnnualMessage of Governor Wise, to stand ,fol- Ortninol into:intim". to Ida Conran bonds and ili4oriptions 'lnce—.. Total Otwhteh ',doomed: ivoia debt.. —.. Of debt.... ,„„...„ 1,03%.657 Annual feitorest thorfori,.. The following is the amount ef coal transported Geer the Flotolton Railroad, for the week ending Deer &I, 1859 - Week. Pterimia, Total Tani. Toos. Tom,. ... —.19.6E6 01 40 ,917 04,M 11 Oor'9ing pariodlost plan 9,644 01 419.0101 09 446.211 19 Itiaren96 .... • . 8,117 01 10,281 00 ?Lau la ' - The following, iro t h e reoeipte of the Morrie flainl Company : -„F l otal to,Nov.. ass eek a4dine Deo. $, 3869........, 8406 18 Tntal 1.9 Nov.,. 1803 - 30 i • i 12,244 a Wellk eliding 4, 8,706 91 6% Tl , Increase, ' • - The yellowing "are the otirrent qUotationa for spool', demestio "exchange, &0., no thrnisheil by Orontes" 0., bankerx, No, 40 South Third streeit ' • • 'OI4 Amer. di411.... 1.004'014 A merloon gold. ~.1 col - ••- , ...1 4 1 1 21611.k5vere1RA1...... 4.85(01..47 J . pikionp , oalsrs I 0.06. l'involeons,lnt franca 8 2 1 . Nt3attiet • ,'_ . ;.: ...LOS Tea thtio rs .. diii/ " 1 11 1 .4 ri fy ik no ' s t :ri,• • ~ ,....., . , ; . ). 1 4 1 ~ ... , , ,, p,,, ,... i ! ii .A.m al erman oroiriii lot . itton'tkreh d0ub10mic..3.1.30 rertillt !!` 110 'Patriot . " ...).60 , • --' . issortmto It. pon.. ••• • Mot to 36 to ICtvelottitet... ft to x:: - ' litiritnre ....per to' t.i ' _ 1. dolor! j 0..... ft' to 3.4 , tohniond..,.. ..Y. to . t'i ~ .01. /.atria id !!? .. ff . hatleston;.. ft - to x ritudtfr o• •, • • -•'' "' 'Z o 1t4r00n01t.... Ito K. " " • oroord• • • ••• i to o' 0 Voi!... ... to 1 ....- Ivaidtvi 10....,. tot „ ti - ff orieviei.• Ao-li -, Jd'emblit , t l ' t ,, so I Ittobunt.„..,, ,id to If dim. -. - , -. _ .ititt r.L ilfairati STOOK 'EXCiiANGIE AMAX. Deaember $ ISM RIIPORTID IT d, E, 6Li.,Citexpk t ,lllob / W!iltint Street atRH BOAR - itio "cur efi. ... : .c.B . P. on{ luno Tenn 6.1.. - .',: ~ ft, It 7000 34 Px A& - , 61, IWO Wilm it 111 c..: ~ ..: .96 11 6 Demmer Meadow 11 C Ss , P. t, :. —.of, a -, $ do 0 &, e 7, '- •'• ''- ' ..' ' REDATP.I , I BOARDS. 9 Psiiddyl7duid A.... 874 r 4 do , . ...... NM 11.91001.... ..... . 41. i ,01 it endtn . g .._, N. TOK 7Mi &rip sest. ...ea. di 1$ Odln dr.4init, BA.. , .120., , , z 1' '- - *F.—. ..... .129}4 '•, 80 000 P A at semas A o s .: : .—. 81 / 4 3 n Poon m R s , d i itF..: 81 . s 3 i ' 7Farfst Mesh'sßSON ,-, --- -'',- • -•-, RBOOND BOARD. - - 3600 - PenstSsi ...... i 33341130 Pem R t c. ;. .44. 81 20 b 0 „ do, .... , „...„ IA .114:0 floh'i &v.:. NI. 89 op • 44,,, ,„ , , ~; „ 93 8 0 j&eo's ilfmk . • 23 100 Citi dar:...0 . & I; , 91,11 100 ()lAA WM' ti xll 164 :.. 4100 0 pi /9(.101 7s , .33- . ..,s g1i115)40.... .110 - ' Stst f i dostimle 7s; tsdi , 1 yar's at sietb's Lik btg 1 10 iiitt'iWia; 'IP - A t e n 9 :ll4 tinn . lis : l3 7 ti i 1 -L 2433) ••-- do ' 'l7 j ' 303 d 3d su R...,..,. 37 •' ' • ,- -- OLOBINB -2.110E11-4111M. - '' '''•", ' Da diked.) _. ' Bid. Aslird 11. 131.044434 4 11,..103 , S;Ibl Nav i vrof.....Boi 1336' . i'0104,4*-- ..., ..,9710' Itik" , iVinset & Mot.— 1 ; 8 "/..........:. :EN ~4 .t. Ist mort.46 48 - ' ~ 4 048....100* Ifra '4 , 3d mod. 9 10 E .. etile IL- ',........03 033 i Lona Isissd R. .114 )134 'me "di tIL; Rh o ,-- ... ,.rii 30 63 3i i !h0pf5h i •1ic .. 31 ... i?.42 49 , 1 --...,', 4 ,, mort 04'44 ph- -,• 'f-‘ ~ 00......... —.ea •••'.. , - .4" ,_do - A 111.701- nt 1 - :lien4rt... iii . - r..14 .873CASuf . 18isis li if Brti ilattrti• g irsosi&i , s 4 s, ri. M.' Preaus l trn ti d t - • crii - . inst. wok Hu 13d 44. 341t01L L .. • .% Soltail Pl' Ves 'ar.% /I.lo' Ra0r 4 41640.11111/4,:. ' n Boni risi a gtook. - .... • .18 ,I , :.• ~.. , 4 - - - , , ~ . - PhiladelpOdu Market# „ 4 ' .. , , . scimbiß,s—Evening. --' The Moor market birdie', to-diy 3 holders it earthier - - are loom mrsome to bell hut trio inquiry is mostly to supply the home trade et wines me m< from aja 261r6 76 for superfine and entree. 4:le MOO 23 tot eXtre famOy 'mid tie, toe for farioy,, brands, gem/Mier, to quality; there or to demand forehirment. bad.steederd all/v . 6110 '- • la gartgrally herd at 11,13.31/ Alr,bbl, slitlanuf findlne buy ,.'' fa ',,- Rye Offen end Lora , tell are fitebey but mita; the - ';' O mlr !4.110.d at stAls., and Penn. Meal at 11 , 3 la MY bin. i ,er ' ,----,„ , pelt ris mare ntent7 . nee dull today et Minutia quo- Ai'', tamp stleit resell about owe bUellelsymmtly Podia. 4;-1401rsit en ell salla for - fair to, proms lots, Inch:no n r some, mytare/ye white at 01.84. and aood to vino . do at SI tee i.r-,.i . titly , „:Rkis in ha Steildsiderriene,„' and„rthsur 2 non lin IYentnw .L .... eSn'lletraold atererefs: 4301111 k Sila. and Mere an ,..2 , : -, :•:;tiirirle Waste% rif etarli bu to note. at :TM for damp, and 7:71I - Agrejer,dry, leye,..,roostly m the care. Old Corn is .t Y Y :n 6 l/it ' Orterri ! zr 9t 4, l( hlc t iVyry c iert 5• 0 :r 1 ,5 a :1%11 ' 110 4 A; -;',-= eigde.Cfte„ter seethe , and 460 for Delaware., Um* le not - ,--, Ineolreq ter;ytinty,,Mt quelim„, Quell:Wren tta dull at $l7 ls;-tikienk: - X , syttoris.-Thesuarket Mahout stationary. and a - I ' .- en, , eli IMAlae-t 4 AU*” et about,irhylous rates. (honer's' - .. - , ,, ,:rtire randy 104, mAtiltatrade erahe , l i zramd slowly. and '.;':',-. thpie, is werl,littlo dbult.rbbout-it bigs,rinnarired dt. ..,. , :,..fro,nitirsi,r,Pales sold by nectar's at, Ike& brush. • 1 tunt ''...;:ltirtintrArrtAsire'vgli:ll4-2,l'Sile'edeek;.4.,l 1 . 1 . qui et 5 :4 —.«-. el , e'rcifteettetectle - bobtbeAu Hite et Sawa Di e w ba, the r ' ' 'fr''' l efikg " Vg/ado " :Pti ,"4-111 ti l gg e il i. belirge 6 rrian n d d y p IM eal hilltfor • Pensa;,, and airtefils Or ; i'o " Paliko iliii3M9l9; WA CITY ITEMS. , .Aw Ot,A.EAratitasti no 811.VX1t•WARE Man tt- PACTUTIT.--Of business houses here, denominated under the head of Silver-Ware Manufactories, that of Messrs. Wilson & Sous, !floated at the southwest corner of Fifth and Cherry streets, holds a prominent place. The head of this firm commenced business in DU when the model of executing ouch work wore far is fe nor to the mechanical facilities since introduced. The house has attained a wide celebrity in this and foreisn countries for the excellence and reliability of their fabrics, and have established a Silver-ware Manufac tory which is probably not excelled by any in America. An idea of .the extent of their business may be had, wlion we elate that the average am"unt of solid silver worked up by them in rations forms, and in the plainest as well as most elaborate and florid styles, is 20W ounces per week, while the high quality of the material used is shown by the fact that it contains 03 parts pure in every i Ott Their trade reaches all sections of this country, and the West Indies and south America. A fev , days ate Nee visaed Silvana ea ti department of their manufactory, from the forge room to the finish. ing rooms, and were amazed at the. variety, be ,uty, strenoh, and expensiveness of the machinery and utensils employed. We saw several splendid services of silver, about Win; shipped abroad, which will en hance the already hish character of the Mut for the superiority of their workmanship. In the store room the display of ellver-ware was brilliant, and we wore struck with the great variation of patterns to comma, fro ka, cups. goblets, pitchers, tea ants, &e., as well as with the admirable taste eiineed in the chasteness of the designs, and the exquisite fineness - of the work. Persona shopping for Chas:lnas „presents will do Well to examine thin stook before making their purchases. • GOODS soh Tint, GoLIDAVS.--Mesars. p. W. Canaille Son, 714 Chestnut atieet, have now in store a inagnigeent stook of fine Platen Ware, Cutlery, Tee Tray' and Walton, suitable for Holiday slits. Aire One Willow Work stands, Boys' and Gentleman's Toot Cheats, Bread Plates and Knives, French Cofietiers, and useful articles generally. • As Ausztne NawSPAPHit.—The largest sliest of Prost we have ev-ir seen is the ploytrated Quadrvpl.. Constalasion. published by George Roberta The Phi ladelphia agent Is A. B. Looms. and it is for stile by Adam Reese, at the Exchange. It measures leo teethes by 10. er B feet four intim b) a feet a inches. This is more than large enough for the limiest lured double hod. It is well filled, too, wl,h trading moor and il lustr4lons, which ere very handsome . ) , printed. lie urine le twenty lents. Certainly_ It Is one of the wondered the times $1 Boons—Wad GITTS. 7 -Every person who purehasea a honk of Evens. the great puh'mber and pro prietor or the rittl Book 'tore No 412 Chestnut *trent, gets therewith a prasent of a superb drabs pattern, suit of furs. gold %entail, or 80/7/0 useful and valuable art- Ole. varying in vela. from $1 to rpm with avers Monk gold a gift presented. The !stela publioltons always on bend, elegantly bound. for one dollar. CITHISTMAR Greys.—The public opinion in regard to the Stereoecope and Pinturee re, that they will be the Christms.e ,rroloot ot this year. Emporium, 18 South Eighth erten. JAG. CRUM. & CO. No NORM NO SOOTY', No EAST, No WERT.— Conservative men, without regard to sections) or party ere retinue to the derence of the Constitution and the Union. Their motto Is " No pent-up Utica °endues oar mwers. But, the whole boundless Continent norm' r Sneaking of Continent bUS totally to the Conti maga Cloth ng House of E. H. Eldridge & Co., N. E. earner of Chasten' and Eighth street's, when may h men the most splendid stock of roads-made clothing and niece goods in the civilised word. Call and see fur YoUrsolvog. TEAT Nutt , BALT' DLT,AR --WO were shown, yeeterday morning. one of the proposed new half del hire. On one tide ix n 'medallion portrait of Washing ton, with the 11 , ad wreathed with laurel; the word Liberty upon a scroll over the bust at the ly,ttoni the date, 18391 and around the whnl• the words United &steed America. in plain, weil•ndtpted Tabled letters On the reverse side, a wreath or train encurel.s the following words: •• Buy all v our garment• nt the Brown Steno Clothins Hall of noel:hill k. Infirm, No. 003 and den Chestnut street, above Sixth. The Portland Argus reports that Rev. Dr. °bickering and Rev. Mr. Moore, of that city, ex. changed pulpits on Sabbath morning last. When the latter was about half through with his dis course, at the Iligh.stroet Church, he suddenly stopped, and remarked that the sermon had cost him a great deal of labor ; but as it seemed not to interest the audience, and as many of them were asleep, he would proceed with it no longer. Ile then closed the service with a prayer and bene diction. MARINE INTELLIGENUE. lIRE FOURTH PAGE. ARRTVED. Steamship City of New York. Bosse. 66 hours from Boston. with incise and pnesensers to Henry Winsor. Passed bark Ann Elisabeth. from Ravens, et nnehor off the Brown et 9 Am; ship Clara Ann. front dhielde. at an ohor Wow Reedy Island: two berm brigs sine several ochre in the river ' bound up. Behr Bohemia. Clark, a days from Chesapeake City, with grain to Christian bc Curran. Sch withet Croft. Amnia. 6Curra nrom Chesapeake CI ty, grain to Christian & nT TALIPAR&PII. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exebiome.) CAPE ISLAN D, J,Dee 8-561) PM. - There are to, venele eight ot or out, nor boot I 'um any to-day. Wind NW. Weather clear ano cold. Yours, THOS. B. EVOKES, Steamship Circassian, Campbell, cleared at New York yesterday for Galwio. • Ship Culimiter. Russell, front LiTerpool, arrived at New York yeaterdni. Ship Beranek, flow/and. for Philadelphia, entered out. ward. at Liverpool 22d ult. Ship John :Merrick, Crabtree, for New Orleans, sailed Dow Havre al ult. HShip Jobe Trucks Teal. from New Orleans, arrived at yre lat Teal, fro m Fronts, from Baltimore, arrived at Havre 22. t Ship Dreadnought, Samuels, sailed from Liverpool 2.3 d ult. for New York. Ship Roswell sprayno, Drummond, for Philadelphia, entered outward at laverPool inn lilt. Skip Wm Penn. Mend. from Liverpool for Philadel phia. sailed from Falmouth 22,1 ult. Ship Enntint fier.r.for Charlpeton, cleared at Liver- Pool 22d lilt. Ship Tamerlane, Tinkhani. for Liverpool, cleared et Charleston Bth inst. with it 1.13 hales notion. Bark Now Lula, Reynolds, from Rio de Janeiro, ar rived at New Orleans Ith met. Bark Brunette. from Leghorn fur Philadelphia, when spoken 7th ult wee oft Mental. 25 H aug anland Some. Jeffrey, hones, arrived at London • Bark Para, Kennedy, fiom Rio do donel ro at New 01- !wink 6tn Jost. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HYPELS IST TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST main ' BIRAHD ROURE—Cliestnnt et.. below Ninth. W A Carter, N Y V I Rills D li .14 ni .n, N Y .WL M Phister J.Dor a t i , n , ii Y H Davie, Waterbnry,Conn Geo Daniels, N Y .1 N Rost. thirrielan .1 F tiltlotte Chinese, John buts. N Y Chas Hewett. Pottiville 4 II Jelloso_n, Richmond R J Chri.tien. II tohniond Mr i ore. Washintton Mies Dove. Waelamton R D Jaunts /c l's, 11.7 d Miss Tomer,Ald T li Whitney- & wI,N .7 Mots Paul. ri J ' Win P Downer . Buffalo Dant Richards Brooklyn 4 W Beecher, Brooklyn J J Re. nolds. N Y Mf.4 Bslorlurose nea ea Haldeman , Europe w A arren, alt S Lone, St Pout Marcus A Finch. 7C7' N Z frunebesttsr. Phila W Wright & la. On. 0 W Coy & In, Pittsburg Reiman ~ a tee. Marietta 0 WSI Babbitt. N J J Doane. Jr. A- n in. Roston T 8 "'nod. N Y Erie no Itle, Newburg, rt '1 B P Nichols & la, A r l Y Li4P , r , m r t hlk ' Y R B , menbin. Catenininti .7 R Arenstrnnz, N i Marshall oli';er.T4 AT W II paddock. IS / W P Denier et N Y W Ft (4,1 n->, eillteinotel . 'rhos new el, Baltimore .1 B Maddox. N Y If .1 Hastincs. Albany Br Ballard, NC R L Janie+, MIVIS .1, Baltimore R M Chtrk,Boston JD Barton to 110 R P Olenn, , Penn Mon M. E Monti, Tenn L A Canner & In, N Y Li 8 Pratt. I, nn, Base .1 Vernoldri on, I, nn, Mau ti 1 , Newhall. Lynn Men Band athettoniill .1 Middleton, n B Silbert k la, N. Ra.ven c m ues Glo N Wtddleton, N Y ...... R Wilmot. Savannah, Oa W H Gttiord. Hndsott, N S / P Sommer W Sanford, Pros. R. 1 .111 VII MI 1P ,{8u.321 $5444,152 2 SUMO 620 783 BP log aa 1 AMERICAN ROTEL—Cheetnnt oh. 'Firth Geo Glenn.' Roston A M Locke Boson J, beson. tees r 0 B Ciruk, Cnnn - . .1 F. Bre& Jr, Pitleburg J l'ilcCsity Heading 11 Currey, De) It Donee, N J J I ) PflP, ebeeer no Y. P vv,ll..ins N sr 1) P maker, N Y Jld ' , Avis &Ines Jae tienitruirt, Pilikburg Geo T Ni Rene, N Y Chile ii Repay. N Y p. F Knowles, N Y I. N Ree4ord , NA` W JasYnn Dike, N Y Mill; S bul'etoY, Minim J b linrdnity, Ps WScott, N ' H NnrOlin;er, N Y B Newell, N Y • ' J J [OW3'6 l =lll, X. l V 15% Pat CHANTS' RWlTL—Pourtn it.. below Arch. N D CoTtrielit, M Chunk C R Baer, Lanonater ' , Wm J Hytylan..Terta, City John k Nice, Potns ilte Rithard Koar, hfinetayille M Winoheater, ye Hon 1:1. PRtoele t Wtikenliarro C 11 Kramer, Troverton,Pa B ft Prnaor t sister, Mo t 3 P Hnemer. Albans A F . Poollpiugh h le. Ye Dr Lott St la Columbine,' P Mrs Pnriii, ooranton D L 31oKinuey, Jiluomsb't A RWeigley, Wu JONES' HOTHI., Chestnut street, Wave Et xth. A Thni: toinn. N Y Chu T 110110 way. 113 It Chas W vtrAiker. Salt 'V M O'Conher, Belt lA'in Bri ,, ht. Ala B Jones. Ala T It MeCle:en. Ala Au. uAtum Mee. N y EA 11 , then. Washington TS Mather. N Y B B_iti inn 1 ands. N_Y (I Albro. Cnnn J B Whiteh.n. N Y T A H Hm)th. Peoria, 111 A N liipore, N Y T 13 Ba)lay, .N Y E. Jneksun, N Y THE UNION HOTEL--Aroh street. above Third, C M Mows, Phils 1. Pahl, ,ck k la. P 4 N Woodwn tc la. N J A O Helensteiti. St Lou,,i Mte meliehfitam at son, Mo J Lonthor, ',Hoene 1411'Housdt1 N I lilies &mud, Del Mtn o etrottiL Det Mire A Stroud, PM 7 P Hoer. Pottsville MAIO II tioisse. Lewisen J I 1 ockey, Boston 0 W Dena. New York U Dollin4hant. 1%1,w York J Doering, Ohio Belden, New York 5T.1.0118 HOTEL-ohestnut etroet, above Third. w W Ts) lor ie la, N Y Jr M Pals. Conn nolde N Y •Jet Het molds Maims V J Wood et le, Trenton S N Weimar Mesa • NATIONAL HOTEL—Rana it.. above Third. Cent Weirli, Penn b Caroenter, Mich ja s . rear 800, Penn Vint Wood, N C Willie 0, Lancaster Sand Pratt Liverpool Jno Mullins. A nnville 11 ill Pratt N '1 J B Moyer, N Y V 9 F Voute, Pottsville EAGLE HOTEL—Thud street. above Race. 88 Batter. Williamaport Breton. Conn E U Way. Chester It Smith, Burlington II Fleming, wee t Point J Murray. Camden J It Brooker. Philo 111 Simpson. N C Horner, &Walt 'TM Andrews, Va Townsend rambradge N Weitaker en. N 0 Mrs Orilllth, Dol 8 Sharkey. Newtown T Hull & la, Vicksburg A WeSs. Readmit O Rrnegs en. Cheater 40 J N Ship .1 Wilke. Easton W St Esbit, PA STATEB UNION HOTP.L—Market es,. above Sixth. N Rarnard, Chester co. Pa .11i McQuade, Indiana, Pa E Brown. Bellelonte. Pn fi P Dunbar. P.ttsburg 0 Pr. Ilarriebete, Po J wtinthon 111 I ackinemi Va J B Watmougb, Baltimore II Ste art, Balt if (irsv. WeVehAtit.i W Watt, Westchester J Dinwidthe, Westchester 8 G Grow Harrisburg COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at.. above Chestnut. .1 0 Ely. Coatesville T Thompenn, Pottstown Chester en, Pa A Lasater, 111 R m Johns., Chester co C Pierce Ercilanur, M, Wilkinson, Ereiltloun H Cienv hind, hula N U William', Ohio T Woodman, Pa NOVA , VERNON HOTEL—Second at,. above Arch A untm E'rott. Doylestown Wm Pal's. Md .1 B W ikon, B Mon, Ma Chan Downes Pa John o Sa n nds .D epwos, Sann Y J W West, Lauesster Moit, N BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second at.. below Vine. N F Palmer. Scranton G Ooleman, Scranton P 11 Thompson , NJ W B Town, Puna I V Reading, Hatboro A R Johnson, NOW MIDI Jo. C Ti son, Mingon A B ISt"ckion• New Hone IttEqtfliANTle HOURIS—Tbird street, nh. canowinif Vi BIN ells & not. Pa M S Heiser, Pa John an der. Pa D A Albright. Reading .111Shneffer Reading G Weihn. I..ebe.non .1 yordv, Lebanon S Millet. Pa, F Bunbecknr, Pm, 1, BUtek. Beti; co, P. 40Aliehi ger. N J D. n Brunt,. N J ”msnSts ultrz4, pa J suds. . 'Ag i s e th a iS; P P l a toti n tte t ; P Ar Pa 'BLACK BUTBL—Tht,d It.. above Callowhill. John F Welds, Ps I ee Hchtnterer Porkiomen Slum*mac. ttmneetovrn. FI, Hartzal. lara , Trt Ftllntsn. Tylera port Pli Beeht-I, Rechtalvillo Manre , , Bea - Melva!, Sarni Mnrrir. tiro W redoll. Phtls Hiram Focht, Phtls J H Miller I.e .nn n. Pa Henry Vt4.llrOft B.rt.w no APO ntrim & CAD Tim, 11 Dani»ro 'newts Weiao. Lynnville nmel H Croila, Lynn vino BALD EMlLE—Ttruu street, etswe CellovSlll Boom 9 Sellers, Ps iathe4 McCoy. Po) lantown A S NIT. AllOntOltit P A CoinotiOal,Lehi 1h co to A /...Normso,-Nonti co James Motonv• nO7 , ectowA rhil odoot,ip Reve, II Y Anderson Calvin, Pli. raidiair. re mom Utisiaser, ra hIgNI . OILANDA SPECIAL. NOTICES. IVORYTTPDi AND PTIOTOODAPDS FOD TAB HOLlDAY9.—MoubEEB,Nn , 6tactivaristrr Fitreet,lll now receiving ordoro for wo Ir to he Millet, be fore the Hohdeve. Notoithstanchng the groat or tette superfluity of the Portraits at McCLEtti, the prices era now ail low AN elsewhere, Min Photo graphs $l. ELEGANT FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING— at Robert N. Adams', southeast comer of Seventh and Afarket swats...DlM and Frock Coate of the best quality ; Business Coats, Promenade Canto, and Riding Coats. in all the.latest sty les, and a Cook of Overcoats that cannot be surpassed in variety, sty le, or quality. A full and complete stook of Illaok and Fanny Cann mere Pants, of the lost end choicest fabrics, and a su perb stock of Silk. Velvet, Ciuditners, Grenadlue, anth. Satin, and Cumulate Vests. all out. made, and trimmed equal to customer work, expressly for retail sales, an will be sold at the most reasonable prices. ne.nmw.kth-to hal Ilemus' BOUDOIR SEWING MAonnin. IM PROVED DOUHLE•'I'HRLAD. FIRST. PR EM lI'M AT EVERW„FAIR. 023-3na PhDs, (Ave. 720 A RUH Et Agents wanted BALAHANSES FIRE-Pitt/OP SAFES. —A very tar;e moortment of SA LA NI A NDERA for sate at reason. abin moo; No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, sun tf EVA NH h WATSON GAB•LAutP DICPOT---M At AND ARM ga2l-140 Tral surPLY is scarcely equal to the de ran& PIP in:manse is the popularity of JULES HAUEL'S EAU A:MENU:NNE. OR HAIR RE. 4TORER. It prevents and cures boldnepa, promote' the , ro wth and Nulty of hair, and chunites tray hairs and wmakers to the original color. softness, and brilliancy of °nth. It is not a dye. Sold by all drugalata, and by JULIA HAUEL & CO., No. 704 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. didetWlt PRINTING—PRINTING--PHINTING. PRINTING—PRINTING—PNINTINCi. PRINTING— PRINTING—PRINTING. JACKSON, Printer. JACKSON, Printer. JACKSON. Printer. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, FII•TH and CHESTNUT Streets. FIFTfI and CBES rNUT Streets. ' Blank Books made to order. Blank Books made to order, Blank Books made to order. Cards and Circulars. Cheek. and Notes. Bills Lading and Bill Heade. ONB PRIOR CLOTHING OF TIM LATEST drags, made in the beet manner, expreesly for RE PAIL BALM 'LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All good' made to order warranted saris. hamory. Our ONE•PRICE System is strictly adhered 0, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. AU are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., see.-tf eat MARKET Street. GROVIIS it BAIREVO JILSBRATED NOIBILILSO FAMILT tisvnew-ItLesatqu. AT REMICIID MIMI. 730 CHESTNUT STREET, PUILADMPIitA. Tim Pnioze on BINGER'S SEWING MA GRINER HAWN! mu; !! RISIITIOZD ! I 112/4111 WHEELER (t WILSON SEEING MACHINES. —YhUadelphiltOfflae. Ca CHESTNUT Street. Merehants' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as .ry the Company. Branoh &Seen in Trenton. New Jenny, and Easton and Weateheeter. Pe. seltkim SAVING FUND—NASIGNAL SAFETY TRUST 3014PANY.—Ohartareci by the State of Pennsylvania. 1. Money is received every day, And in any amount, tiro or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT. Interest is paid for money from he day It Is put in. . . 3. The money is always paid back in 001..1) whenerrer is called for, and without notice. t. Money is received from Rxecutors, Admiststrasers, quardicas, and other Trustees, in large or small MIMS . 0 remain a long or short Period. 5. The money reneived from Daixeritors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and other first lings securities. S. Office open'isvm day—WALNUT Street, southwest nornor Third street. Phliviolcht 5515 BNAMSN 6 SAVING FUND--NORTITWEBT klOnNEtt Bacon. and Welder, 6tresta-6eposlts re 'mead in small and large amount*. (rem all °Menne of the eonunuruty, and allows interest at the rate of five per nat. per annum. Money may be drawn by °beaks without lose Of In erect, Offloe open daily, from p until 5 o'olook, and on Men lo' and Saturday until 9 in the amine. President, MANKLIN PELL: Treasurer and Secretary, CHAS Is ampule MARRIED RATTRNI3URY!..-FWING — On the Ist inst.. at Li• Mamma. wm. F. Rsttenbstry. of that Mane to titan id. A. ERIIIR. late of Malayan, near Lomicmdert.Y. [ratan. OSBORN—A RT ths dth inst., by Rev. Frail est; Church. Mr. Joint Osborn to Miss Letitia tater, beh of this mtv... . , . BINIOS—MONTYRE —Po the 7th inst.. by Rev. emiloren F. Ntn Roo. Chss. IL. Bum to bliss lou nY Molistuo, all of this city. , DDEDIN.—On the 7th inst.. Alertnder. son of Wrtt. t ad El.zsbeth Bream. ie the 76 , h t ear or his age. g F e u n n s e ukf.r om i s h e F Ta&nye m r ° e o n r w i n s pre24 s r eCleotrtkn.r gt, 1.506.1.1,04.-1.10 the nu test Befhare Coleus. In the 50:11 seer of his n. e. run Arel from his late residence. No. , M Shippen It.. this( e 'wren') et / 0 clack. PO tA , LING.—On the 7th inst.. John Dowling, Esq.. aced 69 )tars. Flinerel foim the residence nf Robert 'Udell'. D.. N 0.501 Pine street, hove Fifth, this (Friday) after " ao rql,L a a c l i e — i gt he 7th n t. An a Marts Delany. fn. font den:tour of WIIJ. /01tl e hfary n Delauy, tt.ed lb mos. and Id dale. Dotterel !rem the residence of her Parents. Nn 2/3 5ne1.111 Second, above South, this (Friday 1 aft:r. noon At 2re( lot k I,I7RENS.—On the 7th feet., dote 2% M.. datt;htar of 3nrob ono Leims, J •ukens wied 21.) , Ars. Fon , rot from the residence nf her lather Nn. lIM Sprinz Oard..n street; on thietthy alto:7100a, at I o rio,tr. DAEI.FTT.....ftn the 7th C tharine Hazlett, wire of Jnl•n Hazlett. 24 Near.. Funeral how the resdlrna• of her heshand, bark of 'o. 531 Jams 'mutt, this ftethuon,l cluck. • 181.;utvaim—nn the 4th inst., C , th‘rine, wife of :innbort jeominver. in the 4k) • ear of her Ave. Font front the residence ni her Tvishintl. No. 605 Christian atreet,.this t Friday I afternoon. at 30'oiook. BLACK AND PURPLE VALENCIAS, 2736 cents. Black nod Purple Velvet Poplins DIATOM Cloths, 27% cents.. muse " and 'White I,upfn's !deeps,line', 1 1 735' cents. Impnr,ed De Lames, le cents. 4, Velvet Poplins ftud Ve . our Hess. ote u rrl i l n ;l: 7 1%Pi l s e e r s i . nn" 4, Hulk Warp Cnahmeres end 12 , ,mbeztnes. Thi bet And BS) State Loug Shawl , . &o, Just, roomed hr SESSON & HON, Mot...tunic Stare, n 23 808 CHESTNUT Street, • SETE T TVALISM. THOMAS GALES I_3 FORS TPttArned to th ,, . city, will 1,...tur, at t.AN,ONI-PTHEET SW% DAY. et 11)% A. NI.. and 734 P. M. Adrtaisonn 5 epres. (19 2t. 1 3 REV. H. OR AVIAN ht. 1,0%1;88 tt' LLL preach on 8 ATUN DAY tha !nth in Vtnt. in Ret, Pr. Jones' Church. 84 , 10.10 E 8 reet, below Sixth, the niter:loon. at 14 o'clock. 09-2 t. r K I E 1 1 : 8 % : i GT' .rfi l . R 4lTTi j iV i hal i ny N in the lien. Mr. Chendlere church, Girard evenne. 3110 VP Hanover *limit; on Friday evening in the Rey, Mortitln)'s Church, I nrk met, welt of Frank ford mid; and. On &minim 1. road. . in the Day M. ,inhn inn's Church, Frenklord road. above Girard rt.enne he sergicee will nil commence et 1$ °Week. The oun4 Men of Kenetnrten are enemetly invited Limns and hone thin ittuthlul preacher. del-21" rr BY SPECIAL REQUEST, JOSEPH t , _5 PARKER, Esq.. will repeat hie Lecture on the Exeentien ni John Hrown, or the true and thin Una rhd..nth otont—he *ID alto review the addresses by Wendell Phillips and Rapt Weide Emerson, et Con ceit Pall, nn l3e Y V.FNINO, iteccutbar 10th. nt 7.1( o'clock. Tickets 15 tenth: Lad) and Deoloman. Tenants. OB 30 Trr nni .3 ;i; l se EYß rk Y T;n!. A 'Ar l d ( e l ln; i!!O;s7O ... R tFL mrstoAt, e rt No York Al.l. before thin F.Ve It LITERARY trvtom on CHU RlittAT EWLNINO. the 16'h or December. Subje4.t—" The Late War in Italy." (18-06 W I 1", LI AMSPO ft T AND ELMIRA - RAP ;MAD COMPANY. AN AD101.1110 , .D MI.JETING of the fivCOND MORTUAOh PON PRIII.,PER , ‘ of this comparo will he held nn TR URANA . the 8 h inn Ont at tweh. e o'clock. noon. 'the repent , ' their, and the nerceltamt pranred into for the reorotuzatlon of the erdormY will lot toshnotted. A lull and o•oropt attendance in desired. P. A. V Y Sat gl7-3t5 hief Corn., lex:nner. ra'A FAIR FOR THE BENEFIT OF TILE Westpro Pow dent Society 4mi Children's Home is von- oven. nt the Society's row butldin 4. as LOGAN or FORT Ft HS 1 . Street. north, of Market 14 nrkot ntrent care piss the Route over' three minutes, 07-3 t• rfrorFici: OF RECEIVER OF TAXES, PHILDELPHIA, December I Itia, leletTieh TO PAX l'a 8/18.—The Ta:F•payers of the eeee•el Wants of the Cite of Phibide'phia are here by notifi-td that if the Mate and City 1 axe.. due for the tear turn, We not Tutor before the Una day of January. 10). /aurae, will he °Weed 'hereon, and the names of nit delinquent tax sneers will be published, and thi rty seven cents int additional will be ellar:e I for publica tion. Also, after the Whoa. ofJanuary, ItYOO, a penalty of e par aunt will be added titan all taxes remaining' unpaid, end chats thereon for collection t A. I. c 1.0 MERFFILT, dt Receiver of Taxies. NOTICE.-THE BOARD OE :DANA GERA of the Lehigh Vnlloy Railroad company have thin day dnolnred r. Pt ides d a THREE ?Eft CENT, IN SI K. and THREE PER CENT. IN CARL on the stock or tho Company, Maar of State tax, for the year ending Met day of Onto - her, BPS. Payable to the Stockholder s standing on the Rooks of the C memo timidity. or their )Beal ropresentativrs, on and after the 11th day of ',EC. !OREN.proxitoo, at the office of the Company, No. 303 WALNUT Street. J N. HUTCHINSON, Treasurer. Philo— Nov 9, Ma nll-33ctu-lOt FA RM ILARS' cr BANK, PIT E DRYPIT t an Election held on the toll otin4-nested etoaholdt of this Bank: K. a. fklmroer• Fdwin M. I errin, John Aehhuret, George W Pasnum, nthony J. Antoln, Joseph Harrison. Jr., Willinnt If. And nt a Meeting th , MERCER. Kee. wee anal dent. El) WIN M. LEWIS WTI Lt +M ftCsTITTIN, Jr , Cr n29-lot AND MECILIAICS' ITA. Nov. 28, 1)559. ain of Noveinher,lB39. the ore wore elected Direotore Robert V. alasSel , Joshua D. Lintonantt, James H. Crontinsil, I pembeiton liUtohlt SOIL Francis Tate, John C Parr. Wootherird• a Directors this dap H, A. nimonov r. elneied Pres'. Fac•, Ytoe Prealliont, and nollitor. W. RUSHTON. Cashier. (1111NESE CoBll3lBB. —BO pairs, in went variety. for Tri ernree. kn.dtipt received at the CHINI:SE EIGHT kl troet, dO.Gt curnisuicr, INDIA DINNER. CHINA AND LACQ. FRITP PLATER.—A futl simply on hand and for IRK in tuts to rot balers at the ciiirct,sr. S fOR d 3 ft 28 South Ntreq.t nu waits, ALIA.; curnmer, SKATES! SKATES ! SKATES p k.. ID ( A .°. k m pr.s fro 21contl to 2D. 1 tcliPe' " n° Swage. enk Agent tot the celebroted Newark !Ogre. . . . . W. W. KNIUIIT. el 9 MARKET Strret, d2 -2t. exaokl) opposite llectitty L OOK ING-611. A SR ES', • t roduord oriono, J. COWPLAND, No, s' 8 uth Fourth Wont has on bent a lor4o noels of Frrnoh MU, Wrrnra in_ rtlt haws, rtchsy.ornninnnted or ploln. w hieh nra offnred 33 by .Duo to 123 by 33, at much halaw hornirr o_rloe3. Utde_eroticited. TOS ,, UA COW PLANT). 419-1 m N 0.63 South Fourth street. CI ERMA' , FANCY CAKES, such sa Mac. I curves. Cinnntrion Ptnrs. Anis Bread, Belgrade B roa d. p e pper N u ts. ifOrIOV Cokes. etn , nattsidn far Chris' mss purposes. are to be 11 , Id at N. E. corner EliMr% andllE.St NUT 'Streets. _ VOU DESIRE To AIAIGE•A HOLIDAY -R. Irma to jonr partnorin Oivp n life-site Irtaph Ull. mace at 1(101.44'14 Wyly, 84. MitroehabovoCinva, it • ,- RUSS —PIILLADELPIELA iITDAY; Dt.e.EMB.Elt 9, 1859. CURTAIN MATER! WI. 51A b S ? Nl wE C IG LI T .4.4,T s . t ,:l et 19 CHESTNUT ST , var,LADELPRIA. December 9, 1e39. W. H. DARRYL. & BROTH RE will sell— wide Frenoh satin. Wide french rope. Wide renoh %poetry. Wide ranch rocetelfe. Chintz. NlntArinli of evAry flPanription. EMDROIMR ED I•ACE WINDOW Town onanins. R 9 a rqr. --.............„ ... . ... Lace curtaina. Sl7 a pair. Lace curtains, 510 a pair. .moe curtains, 11 3 9 ta pair. are evening, ,p) a pat,. Lace curtain!. 125 a pair. Fare eurtline. 30 a pair. me curtains, . 40 a pair. Lace curtains, ,:10 a pair. 6,000 'WINDOW SHA 1,13 Painted and Gold Border, in store and (or alio at the following' prices, with a Good Fixture complete for each Oule. Gilt Bordered Window Shade and Fistulas, aLCO. Gilt Bordered Shade and Fixturee, 5 ..25. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures. $l5O. Gold Rendered Shade and Fixtures, *4.75. I Gold Bordered Shad. nrul Fixture., 810, (toll Bordered Shade end Faxturen, 2.7.5. Gold Bordered Shsde and 1 4 ixtures, 2fll. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures. 275. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 301. gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 5 76, Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 3.141. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures. 8376. Gold Bordered Shade and Zixtures, N.M. Gold Bordered Shade and Nixturoa, vas. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 54 50. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 5 75. .... Gold Borderer/ Shade and Fatorsa. $.5.00 Gold Bordered Shades merle to order, any style or sin. Muslin curtains at reduced puce,. Maclie eUrtadte. 11 fAI a pair. Muslin curtains, 'I 7 6 a 55jr. Muslin curtains., 200 itt pair. Mimin aortai.a, P 223 a parr. Muslin curtains, 12 tO a Wig. Muslin cui tains. 575 a role. Mullin curtaille. 3 110 a cur. M u. , in ctirtains, 53 25 a pair. "lualin curtains, 13 10 a pair. lushrt curtains, .375 a pair. Muslin curtains, E.( PO a pair. Muslin curtain.. 50 00 a 11.11 T. NEW ARSOII.I'MFINT WINDOW. Gilt carrycot. Ed, each. Gat cornier,. 62c each. Gilt cornices, ne each. Gilt cornices, .(N) acct. Gilt norniees, 5525 each. fall corniers. k 4.00 Ofteh. Oat cornices l+). W GILT CORNICES. Vr: N RY' U RICII. OF ALL SryLEs. . CiLE CURTAIN STOW,. 719 RYL CIIFSTNUT St.. d 9 21 below MONTH, North side. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. SUPERIOR DRESSING GOWNS, MANUFAOTURED AT W. W. KNIGHT'S, The newest and most beautiful styles always on band very mutable presents for the aettrosaing bailors, Suet received a lot of PURE SILK BRIM AND DRAWERS, EXTRA HEAVY. TIES, SCARFS, &c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES, PINE SHIRTS AT WHOLESALE, RETAIL, OR MADE TO ORDER. GU4R4NTIED TO FIT. R e O. WALBORN ed co., (NOW) NOS. 6 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now a very roverior assortment of Shirts, Under o)othing, Gloves, Hosiery, etc. • Spec,lal attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, of whisk a fine assortment is constantly kept on hand. oin-Surf r W. SCOTT---late of the One of Win ,' • chaster th Soott—cENTLEAIIMS FURNISH [NiI STORE and SHIRT SIANL7AOTORY, CHESTI4I4T.Street, ( nearly opposite the Girard House.) Rhfindelphis. I. W. S. would respeetfolly call the attention of hie former patrons and friends to his new store. and le Pro. pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short untie°. A Pinefit guarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied with Pine Shirts and Collars. 1121-17 it WM. A. DROWN & CO., gitA 246 MARKET STREET. SUPERIOR UMBRELLAS. VHOLESALE .INp RETAIL CHINESE, FANCY (ODDS PRINT PLATES, LACQUERED AND OILT, TEA TRAYS, do. do. TPA POI'S, do, do. WORK BOX EA AND TABLES, do. LADIES' C A DINE IS. do. do. DESKS, CADDIES, BOXES, Ac., do, SO Pairs ChMete Costumes, seeorted. 05 Ceees Cimino Dinner Bete, &o. 60 Fate Horton Clothe,' HeMoors, Irdin Vases, Allumei tee, Toilet Fete, Dishes, Pities, Cups and KUNST., dcu,, &o For sale It the CHINESE STORE of • ALLEN CUTHISEET, 2R South EIWITH atreet, 110-fmutt Up Stairs F OR SAVANNAH. TILE STEAMER STATE OF GEORGIA. CAPTAIN J. J. aAßvls, Will continuo to tooeive Freight till SATURDAY EVENING, and sail on MONDAY, the 12th lust., At 10 o'otook A. N. d9.2t. ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. £TII MDLLE. Ii0:•'5,1 BONIWAIR Yntitled "LOS BORRIQUEROS," (banish Muleteer!, erneitrg the melee.) nnd MORNING IN THE lIIOIILANDS, with The oolobratod Port it of beriolf, by EDOIJARD DUBIJIPE, On exhibition for n n 1 oft flub, c a ne oin A. M. till? r. M Attruismon 3 EARLE'S I A LbER TES. d 8 St SIO CHESNUT Street. RESPI BATOES. A simple apparatus, to ha worn over the Innuth, or filtering and warming the air, without hopadiug obtoration, Therm are admirably adapted to PROTECT THE LUNGS from COLD and DAMP, on Imam HEATED ASSEMBLIES. and k .enerally in INCLEMENT WEA THER. Imported and sold by EDWARD PARRISH, d»7-tf 800 ARCH Street nt'ERA GLASSES, I'varl, ivory, and Javiinnod, with the Amin Achrornatio Lent.p... at ti J FRANK LlN'd, Opticann. 1112 South FOURTH (+treat, below Chestnut. If?' Also. Improved fipentaclea, correct!) fitted to the even i 111.crobcoons, BiereOPVol,l El, and Remo - cape mar t •••••••••,, and at itAIDU?IrII di t if gIitEASE.-200 bbk., 300 half bbls., 140 1 , 4 minter bblo., aou cans Patent Tallow Grimm uitable.for wagons, carts, ears, and drays, for ' , Me •., -., . 4 • R NEW, & CO., N 0.16 Roll* EROkilt;NE OIL—A full unpply of tlu lova Oil. manufaatured by the Boetnn Company will be furnished to the t.ade. at the lowest prises. ht the sole MK ell t. fOT th Csty, ll,l4Y. ABB Buithi k . Nn 10 Stenlth Wtr tiV,4l W ARM AIR FURNACE. TILE NEW CONE FURNACE OA t 9 CONSUMER Will thoroughly Warm your house With ores-TIIIII/ Ll/66 COAL th•u is required by any other Furnace Safi°Notion mall oases guaranteed. t3aildings Warm( and Ventilated by 1010014) WILSON. ell E.STNUT Street. LATE MANTELS, The RR,heet and moat Beautiful Specimens of Enamelled Slate Mantel., over ()flared for sale in thia country. manuructitrod by lie, from Pennsylvania Slate stone, and for sale very low. ARNOIA & WILSON. 1010 OHERTNUT Htreet. WOKING RANGES. Al In want of the Beat Elevated Double Ove Cooking Range, will do well to call at AROLD a: WILSON'S, wkin.woir ( 01 0 H EFITNIIT ro. ILOVERIN(PS SYRUP, in hhds. and bbla., at redaoad prj A oes," 6 for Bala by *RA HAM & CO., 4131 r TT A R. f•liit XE S AMERICAN AND 1 5, 100 C F RII I/ ENI7II WIN 1)0W filottelft—The moat anoroved brands, and of every air and quality rooftree far City and. ountry tradP. al pr one antontshingly !ow. Sand your arc! trs to ZIEGLE & SMITH, Dna, taint. GilolB, And Varntnh Peelers, corner SECOND and GREEN St r.nrx .ilt-tf pint ADELPIIIA WOOD-I.NGRAVING COMPANY. 01 FOURTH Street,. N. VI, entper of Fourth end Clioidiint Atreelli. By 1•1100 . 8 P PBOTOOKAPHIC PRoi.;BsS. do-Ct•if O () FiNU PAINT—A very superior Br it 0 .• yobs. Pure French Anew white Li Ground to Zino, (Vieille Montagne Cc ehrge Oreen, venttw eliudea, in oil, Pore. Yellow, Verlethiri lied, ground in oil, pure. Etrimltirt 1.11 , W11, Brown Zino, ~ UN , Zino, " " Fore .te by W IRE RII c l, d I1107111?tr n t o rtUTOr. Nne?nn4,44s: oVilstt:o MACKEREL. —525 Barrels Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, in assorted original packages, of the hoes catch, for sale %3 C.C.Rt DLER& CO., da ARMS street. MI deer above Front. ET ANIS ANL) SIIOULDEMS.-2,300 pieces city smoked Mune and Shouldbre. 800 pieces (Ism nu,tnr-curod limbs for sale by C C. 8 ADLER St. CO.. d 3 ARCH fltreet, 2d door filmy., Front. 01•FIB9VFI1 T ° WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER cilANTs,—maniis aspe, all case, neatly 'Raked, gad for sale by the g r aeul i pr t rar r iths 4 1 t oy,e 4 e . New York 'deli. gal Ft '''' "' I AA 0t0.11314 Xi fi.WWWIh , ..—. . , • • Wide Ylvin Buie. Wide Turkish Cloth Satin De Larne. Damask lie ',line, Worsted Dseinsk. Turkey Red. Lace ourtnins, n j.nop ourtajna, 6f o n pair. ..... , Lace curtains, e 6 6 wil. Laps Curtains, B , EI a pmt. ace curtains, t 7 a Pair , ace curt ains, , a )! a pair. I ■ t Ace curtnlns, 9 n intr. AC@ ttll 'O por, • • nee Inee curtains, 1!.:11 pair. ..nos ontrunfi. nntr. teff cuqlins, Pl 3 A. uir. I; imp.. .. Lilco curtains, 11+5 p l ir. /oleo enrt.s!n!, X l3 a pair. • •• . • Loh cornices. slso each Gilt cornices. L 76 °soli GiIE cornices ‘. 200 each. (l cnrerreett, L-2 h) £'.ol Gilt coin moo. 81.715 ;.floti Hilt corniCa3, :,0206 806 wIRCH STREET. MANUFACTURERS Tho latest works of NEW PUBLICATIONS. GEORGE G. EVANS' • BOOS LIST. IF YOU WANT A BOOK._ % Where one yan g G et O TO EVANS BOOKS IN - EVERY DE,FARTMENT OF LITER ATUA E. AND U Worth from A 80 1 n e sts to $lOO. IS GIVEN WEI II EACH BOOK. SONGS.—The greatest Bo ng-book ever published. NOW EADY, TUE BOOK OF POPULAR SONGS. being a choice collootion of the bent and most popUlar nENTIM EN PAL. COMIC. NEGRO, NATIOciAL, IRISH. SoOTCII, NAVAL, CONVIVIAL. fincIAL,rATITETICI, AND AMUSING SONGS. BAL LADS, AND MELODIES, THE MOST CELEB A IIearti I UPER A. CONCERT, AIND AD SINGERS. NEGRO MIN STRELS, AN!) COMIC VOi3A LISTS . OF TII Et DAY, lot E coiner Thin Rice's and lbtn iro L iner's COMIO Burton's and Chapman 's HurnorotowChaunts. Cowell'. end Cunningham's Charecter Soma. Pale Morris and Jack Win in's Mortal." Tale*. Horn and Sanford'. Ethilipinn rltrams. Christy and Mood's Colored Piekinss. Bu kley nnd Campbell's Braliteat erns, Berney W Illinois nod Paddy Collins Irish Airs. Jinni Lind and Mulinie Bishop's Ballids. Le Grist, end OYEZ In, Wm Beautiful Sonnet. IsiiTial• FOR THE 01,0 FOLKS, SONGS FOR THE YOHN'4 FOLKS. SONiilt FOR T tfE SOLDIER. PO , OB FOR TIT SAILOR. SONGS Fos THE FARMER. SONIiS FOR THE MECHANIC. SONGs OF I OVE SONGS OF BEAUTY. ouipiled Born unbounded resourcAie, and selected with the greatest cini, hi one of the moat mond Handsomely W bm R n TE n R on O vo I TH m E , 12 A i V .. Moth, with gift. Price el. /HE BOOK OF PLAYS. FOR lIONIE AMUSEMENT AUD • PRIVATE THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. MI COLLECTION or 011D1Er3f.N A. •L AND SELECTED COMEDIES PLAYS, CHARADES. FTC., With n full ilnteription of Coutumee, Scenery. Proper &c., and et co direction relative ton priv.lte or pnhhr performance. The whole carefully arranged and adapted by Eli SILAS S STEELE. TB A MATTST. Handsoinels hound Inoue volume. Moo., th, with sift. Price 61. RCN' YOUR ROOKS FOR THE IItII.ID.tY fiGGRA FOR IST NI AS PR F.SENTS. BOOKS FOR NEW YE AR S of BOOKS OF ALL KINDS .YT I.VADrif ROW ESTABLISHMENT, 139 CIIESTNU I' STREET, Whore yen can get theni ea cheep at any Miler s t o r e in Din city. And 100 here the advantage of getting o Gift with erieh Rook that t ou purchase. • Cal In and one mai a• 111 emirs you that the bat DULOO in the City where you should purchase Book EV s is ORGE ANS' GIFT BoOK 'ESTABLISHMENT No. 439 cligterN UT St., Philadelphia Two doors below FIFTH, on the upper aide. NEW JUVENILE BOOKS! Published by AND NEW EDITIONS-' LINBSAY & BLAKIRT N. Publishers and Bookseller.. N 0.23 South SIX PH St., above CH FS PNUT. RUM al ACHB.11:8 PARABLES FOR CHILDREN. 2a illneoretione. THt YOUNG A MI . RICAN'S PIO URE GALLERY. 100 Ilmetration.. Clo.h slit. HE 110 , P: Bil , BY BOOK. Beautifully colored, with illustr,tioni. Cl^th. silt. 'HIE Aar%IAI.S OF THE BIBLE. Beautifully co lored trom Nainre. TH F. SA YINGS AND DOINGS OF ANIMALS. With illtr , tmtlooll, BUDS AND 81,0080M8, by Mrs. a :bee. With Illus trations. Cloth. LA I,PIN, OR THE WONDERFUL LAMP. 18 colored Illuqrs hone. CHIT-CHAT. OR 8110 AT TALES IN SHORT WORD ~ Cloth. AUNT MARV'S TALES, by Mr.. 'Hughes. With ll luetretume. LIBRARIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Neatly put !GI in Loses. THE YOUNG AMERICAN'S LIBRARY. 12 vole. and 100 raon. MRS LEt.'S ti YOUNG PEopLE'S LIBRARY. 4 Vol., nod numernm, illustrations. AUN P MARY'S LIBRARY. 10 volcond colored ll inetretione. THE GIFT T.I BRA kV, by Mary Howitt and others, 6 vale, numerous illustration, Si" A baron ollection ol JUVENILE BOOKS, or all sizes and prices 111001 a on lined. d 9 READY DECEMBER 10th. A new book by JACOB ABBOTT. FLORENCE AND JOHN. Bruns the first volume of the Florence Stories, a new series ni Juvenile Hooka, by JACOB ABBOTT, 'WOW of the Hobo Hooke," eto. One v01.16m0, beautifully illustrated from designs by Herrick. Price ee cents. THE OAKLAND STORIES. BY GEO. B. TAYLOR: Vol. 1, "Kenny." beautifully illustrated from designs by Lumley. ldnln. Price 60 cent. Thu ia • very entertaining and instrnctive book for children from firo to twelve years of age. OLD BATTLE-GROUND. BY 3. T. TROWBRIDGE, Author of " Father Brighthopes," eto. One vol., 13nt0., illustrated. Pm° f.O cents. Another of those rherinini , • tories, by the anthem. of Dosidilsw Jacks oi , d." • Num.) , Itlin , s Lovers." and thole, olatch ere road with delight by old and ) By the author of " Grote lleenhon's fSohool Pays," Ito.. ,to. THE WIFE'S TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS Ono volume 12rrin. printed nn WIG tinted paper, and hitodsoinely hound Price nI. THs is a rdiarinini idnr , • It &Rarities, in vivid the %amnia trial. and nullnnn s to which the frithful wile ie aulnerted, and Or final triumph over all. It ie written in a natural mid earl tali strlo, JUST I'INI.InftED, A new and improved edition of LIFE THOUGHTS. BY HENRY WARD BEECIIER. 1 vol. Nino. PTICO 81. NEARLY RUDY, HOLIDAY EPITION OF LIFE THOUGIII'S, Beautifully printed on lame tinted paper, and hand somely bouud. bill:LOON .t CO Publiehort;* (18.3 e No. 11s NASSAU ST., N. Y B - OKS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SAMUEL, HAZARD, 721 CHESTNUT STREET, 'Peke', - pleasure in infornoin, his customers, rind the Mho segment. that, notwithstanding the 'toneral dulness of the voice, he lots lIIMA EXTRA EXERTIONS to secure A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK ELEOA for tNT he BOOKS COMING HOI !DAYS. Believing that Mali 1111108 TH. (MODS 1.0.Y1Y1 ;Ni) THE TRADE. Be has determined to tt this season, at least, no Webb liahinent shall ear a ss Ina in THE VARIETY , T ELEOA Noy. THE :NOVELTY, and THE LO W PRICES of the STOCK Offered for the inapertlon of shown wiellins tomato cli HIS PAIAS PK ti BENTS. D eci ur ensured the ateno) for threale of tha publi cations in Philadelphia of the well-known house of ° THE APPLE ONli," OF NEW YORK, , lie is Cllllildol4 that with the other 1 . 011,01111101 at h is commend. he is eon filed to offer to the Philutelphoi , cultic a STOCK OF Ih,UKS hitherto uneorrosecd. ! Ills god( in now dotpliyell oncounters extending Vie whole Iln,,th distance ni' i2O feet , of fur store. thus rttfordina to porch users an opportunity of corftnotone at their Westin alt the hooka, troth 011 the shelve., and counters. The ninvirfment comprises— NPANDA If If AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, n fine hill and 6dl c.E b 11111110 k Li RoA RY EDITIONS OF THE BEST AUTHORS. CHOICE COPIES OF ILLUSTRATED WORKS, EL!. UANTLY RoLTND GIP r Flunks. SUPERBLY Ild.Uaflt YTED ENGLISH WORKS. 1.1.1 E NEV ANNE hid FOR MO. BIBLE, till ALL SIZES Every style of fundin,—suitnblnaa cell for the pocket as FOR FAMILY USE. THE OXFORD DITIONS in .rent verifier. PiIAYEA BOOKS of evert , good edition. Faintish and AMeTICI.II, and in every conceivable size and bind mph VELVET f'ALP. 'MOROCCO. OR WOOD. JUVENII F. PIO CURE AND TOY BOOKS; An assortment %insert, noted nitibberounvor ONE Tlit4lAVI l VAPIKTIEs WRITING CARES AND TOCRIS'IS CO3IPANIONS, Furnished or unfurnished. LADIES' ['RAVELLING BAGS. OF ENG LV•11 AND FRENCH MANUFACTURE. Ti o pnblro ace respectfully invited to call early in uhe seas that ilfut may have more leisure to loon over, and ho show! the SUPERB STOCK OF 1101.1 DAY BOOKS. Thnee persona (lemma,' It. eon make their selections inc.t and have the packamis laid aside, or sant on chriatinna Eve. Those looking about, preparatory to making pur chases, will receive every attention at t. HAZARD'S." (16 tu f tu St TOT PUBLISHRO, II; A Now Find Tievised Edition of BECK'S SIEDIOA. J UR'S i'ttlilfiFNOE. ELEMENTS OF hIEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. TIO.ODnI4E Rom sys .tim it, M. D., LL. Profewtor of Malaria :Media Ott. Alban, Mediell Cola o;; Mem ber alba Amorienn Philosophical ttoniat% ',honorary Moodier of tho Medical itidateueo of Rhode ionnd and Connecticut. etc. AND JAW; B. BECK, M. P., erofesser of Materlit Mechem and Med:tinl Jurisprudence in the t'elit.e of Pity am" end Nurseons of tlin Ens of New Toth; Correspondine tiienitisr of the Roynl Academy of Medicine of Para; EortesponiLns oi the !Oodles' histiets of Lon don. etc.. ete. Eleventh Edition, with:Votes be nn cintion of Oa friend. of I.W. Be , E. The whole yet ised Prof. LI R. Gilinitn• M. D.. of the Collet eof No 'limns plat Surgeons of New York. 2 vole., Bvo., MX) I.ages, friee e.o. Nonrh Ready COMPENSATION; OR. ALWAVI A 'FUTURE. Py Anne M. 11, Brovnter. Ono vol., limo. 15111 h. totSlo.hett. ran. tit. FOOTFALLS UNWOHLI).uoirN WIRY OF ANOTHER B Hon. floSort Onto °won, Lato Vinottor to Naples. One v. 112.1110. In Pore. ' A NOV 4.41 M. AUTHOR THE AUTHOR OF "ERIC; OR., 1.1 I"I'Llt II V 1.1T 1 I.E" .1. R. LIPPII 4 ICOTT k CO.. .11 St 22 rind 24 North FOURTI, HI met 0R TII YOUNG FOLKS !—THE a: BOOKS FOR TILE CHILDREN!! A Ofi EAT SPRAY/ OF JOVE ' , ILES! For ante at T. H PETE Iftillll & into rti Efts'. No JOY UN Es VS UT Street. In the wondrous number of excellent and entertnin tnK ttiiOEo foe the Volt NI FLO. MINI), the PETER SON BROTHERS have for ante nt CHEAPEST OF PRICES, for the Ho LIDAY S;iAgON ! The Reinke of the Rea!—Thu R eke of the Forest— ho Books of the thisert -The Books of the F uries— The thinks of 0 4 01 , 41—T1m Soaks of fle , utiful Prints and besot% ini , s—The Books of the Niirsery—The Books on linen, beautifully colored—Colored Al plinbets—coloted Blocks in flctes—and Letters on Pasteboard. IN FACT! Everything for the Young Peop l e, to make them toothy. wiser. nod bolter. COME TO PETERSON'S for 060 Books, Bitgant Books fOr CHILDREN rind Bin LS and F S II THE 111111. Re pETE IV ON'S! RI FILER FOR THE FAMILY. BIBLES FOR THE POCK El', 11114 es tor the Church Pow. and 11.11los 01 eves, description Printed. nt lower, much lower. octane than any Rook Bow in thin city. TO THE PRICES! of Bibles mid Prmor Honks, when Inn purpme• to put.. iikaie l at 15. PLTBittgli BRVAIIERS' 803 oliMatit7 Wm. Olt NEW PUBLICATIONS. 11 rillllB PICTURE IS FASCINATING . 1 1. AND EXCITING IN THE EX fItEME."- BOITON TRAN.CILIPT. REMINISCENCES RUFUS CHOATE, THE GREAT AMERICAN ADVOCATE BP HON. EDW. G. PARKER One °Wont crown Bvo volume. 822 pages. with steel Portrait. cloth. Price 81 VI Mon he ordered of any Bookseller, or will be sent I y the Publishirs, post paid, on rue ipt of the price. II " Cot. Parker gives." sass the Boston Aga, as J Daily Dee, "what Is more than a biography—a series of yearn: o s of Mae of the most remarkable. gifted. ye end internam men tow country has ever pos sessed ; and who, an an orator, was not, at the time of his death, surpassed to the wheln world. A mom at tractive hook has not been published for years. Nn ore will take it in hand without ~iving it an entire perusal and no one will la, it down without a feeling of cordial gratitude to the author who has performed kis task so The New York Csntury Moses a long notice of this "exceedinAy interesting voluine of renniecences of the great American Adoocnto "by ist)ing We turn thin interestins volume over to the publio with an as sumacs th,t they any dorit e from it not only a transient pleasure, but much Rolm instruction." The Berton Journal ease: " It in one of those books in ',hie)) the render in led on from pve to pate, and from chapter to chapter, each eacceedim; page and chapter revenlina twine new point of interest in the character of Mr. Choate, or Suing striking peculiarity of hie mind, and rendering it a matter of great eeltdo ni al to close the hook before it ie finisher." " A great sondes. in a most perilous endeavor."—Bas ton Pont, "Ho excelllently done that they will alwa's charm renders of taste and discernment."—Barton Traveller. "No other wan bad iamb materials for portrait of Clionte."—Fpringdad Run/di:on. •• Full of, genial , charactorist.o anecdote, incident, and narratit a of the grant man lust cone."—N. Y. Ob serrer. " Exceed'ly in Or•isti n 4.- New York Times.. "One of the moot intereatmc soothe of the fond we have ever Hist with."—N. V. Courier and Enquirer. "There to no end to the n.:rooable end ilLetrative quo. tationewe might make from this mien' mine of Choate wealth." — Sgrineield Republica*. Published by MASON BROTHERS. 5 and 7 MERCER STREET, NEW YORK, BOARD3IAN'S SERMON ON CHRIS- TiAN UNION. This der is published, Christian Union. A Hermon preathed in the Tenth Prealutensn Chnrch, Philadelphia, on RundA) evenin... November 27. 78.55, by Rev. Henry A. Foardman, D. D. 15 eta, or ei,:ht copies for one dollar. Sermons preached at the S tenmrbtt Services in re ference to the death of Rev. Antes NV, Alexander. n. D. by Rev. Charles Hod: e D. D.. end Rev. John Hall, D. D. Limp 30 etc. ; stiff never, 3b etc. The Divine Human in the Foriptures. By Prof. Tay ler Lewis. 12mo xl. LIP of flee. Richard Knill, of St. Petersburg. By ellyles M. Blood. 12ino. 76 cents. Foy late by 'WILLIAM 8. Sc ALFRFP MARTIRN. ho. 606 cirEsTrieT !meet AUTOGRAPH ETCHINGS AY ANIERICIAN ARTISTS. Speohnensehown and °Morn rtes vod br dx-3t• 8. Mc HENRY, 106 WALNUT Still ITELPFR'S DIPENIANO CRISIS—For Fen nt the Anti-Hirvery °then, No. lo? NORTH FIFTH Street, and at the Anti-Slaver) Fair arm weak. rt 3 3: Y SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. - NOW .1 READY, PATTONJS HISTORY OF THE UNITE:DSTATES, nto JOHN NeFARLAN. Aunt. Offwo of the Now American Clolupedia, Jambi H.: 4 1, 621 CHESTNUT Street. db-6t RETAIL DRY GOODS. IOLIDAYS. THOS. W. EVANS Its CO RAVE OPEN A VARIETY NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS ESIDROIDERIEE. LACL 000 De, With a bandgome aawrtment of GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, lEEE= GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR A FULL STOCK OF SILKS; DRESS GOODS, tcc., REDUCED PRICES i 3 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET r THE LADIES 0 A K FORD'S GREAT FUR ESTABLISHMENT, N 0.624 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH STREET, Are nelhne thou,. M; cheep. properatory to mnvi ng into their NEW STORKS. Their Stook Oootiati of RUSSIAN SABLE, DAMSON SAY SABLE, ,I , IINH. S VERY DARK SIBERIAN SQuißniiva. ROYAL. ERMINE, STONE :MARTIN, FITCH, &c., NAOS INN) CAPIR,II, HALF CAYES, TOPETs, 311.7FTEES FOOT MUFFS, LADIES' FUR SEAL MOVES, kiLE/OR AND CAND/A I4 E ROBES, OENTB' FUR COLLARS, FUR GLOVES, ETC All the above, will be sold et the lowest ramble 'prices SETS PROM 8 UPWARDS GRAS. OAKFORD ell SON. IMPORTERS AND FURRIERS, • No. 624 CHESTNUT STREET op-tt HOLIDAY GOODS. CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING, AND those who wish to make their selections a HOLIDAY PRESENTS Would do well to call at • CHARLES DUMMIG'S, No. 812 CHESTNUT BTRLET, Mr. D. wets this eumrner in Europe, melon: a rale° ou of altoothar NEW GOODS For hie new Store. Just opened KO has an extensive Stock of FANCY GOODS. TOYS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CRICKET. ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS, ko., Surpassot in etera , es. variety, end eheapnees o pone., nn) thing before neon in thig city. Such as French Chinn, Terre Chan, Parinn hirable, Bohemian Glees, Bronze, Berlin Irftn, Lava. Lad le.' Babb Purees, forlmonnaine, Chessmen, and (lames rlf all kmda,Writinc Desks, 'Papier Macho Goode, Tore et all kinds, :thawed Instrumouta of all kinds. dl Ln CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. GAIIPETINGS Tilt DIST XL II OF TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, and VELVET, Just imported and for ante, at REDUCED PRICES, By BEEVE L. KNIGHT, =SOUTH SECOND BTRFET. dd-et West side, above Berme. INSURANCE COMPANIES. HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSIT. Rioran COMPANY, Nu. ill WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. DIRHOTORS. M. W. 1111,1wia. Rohe. W. 11. Tnsitts J. Edgar Thomson, Wm. K. Hamlin, John 0. James, C. h.. Spanalor, John W. Seetoa. IL H. Houston, Witliarn Sainted, Wrn.l3. Love. Edwin 3300th, Charles F. Planer! H. S. Warne. John Ow ton John T. AMhoks, Edward A. WATII0 o H. T. Keunil. H. H. Shillinrfore prssideur—H. W. DAL tan N_,_ Vioe President—r K. WARNE. Snore tar, pro tem.—WAL H. LOVE. tint, T ut; M UTUAL COMPANY 01 7 NEW YORK. 81X MILLIONS OP DOLLARS. INVXSTFID I Wo n R m T v E r O V ER sa . o oN ,oMAI E.TATY The premium! pro T MYR th•o to Ulla, other Qolos - and the Dividends have neon aaaa ram. This is a StrirtlY MUTUAL iloirrtn. Thew, are no Stockhoids - s, No that ALL TH b. PROFITS SIMON° TO TITS INSURED. Pamphlets. and every information, TIM be had GRATIS, On application ln P. 11. 4 i CHFORD STAR R. Arent, S. W. corner 1 , 01.31 TH and WAI.NUT Streets. Pr.ADELPHIA REVERENCES: ni 'Phoes Mem John Welsh. Mordecai t. Dawson, Doors. 11. Stuart, Genre, M. Stroud, E. S. Whelan. irdon 11 , 113 OM, J. Fillher Lortmiug. oseph Patterson. WiiIIRM C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood. Arthur ~. Coffin. Thoingq 11 Powers, (tempo W. Tohn , l. William Mace, Ti,... n0.0t.... TIV kit' VHEESE.-535 boxes Herkimer Cout.ty ` 6, - ) Chsuslnstoreandfoo t . e s bz u ER CO., as AFICIII,Rownac,:a door above neat. ,WANTED—a partner in a Whole , alo Li (Mar House. doing 11 , 0 d Southern end West. ern tr t tnko the p 1 cent a intlritig oertne, All &111, lUh real name, hot 2.111, I hilt. P.O. di at' pARTNER WANIFD—In an establ6ll - Wholesnlo Bunt end Shoes House. wishios to Increase the burin eu. One who sun command ten to twant) thousand dothr , s. 12,4' mamma:atone th roll 11,t0 , , sent to •• E. F.., ' at this ctlea, will be in cons &nee. d9-it. - IRON LUMBER.—The Advertiier, a 31 - md.Pe-aged man. ener..etie and experienced in Ale-cantdo pursuits decmur to make a connection slant the first of the )ear 01111131 collie Of ospecial. and 'new' from ju.cU, to rt 7 R. inn trade as above named. All non niunicattona cuutairntiallt treated. Address 040 " IKON OR LUMBER." $ 9 O 000 AND ss,lloU—Wanted, cm "". first-elaaa mortgage aaeorits - D• C - tmlly altu.ted. Amo R...10n0t. cf 9 i‘0.121 SOUTH BEVEPa &roe. WANTED—In a Wholesale Clothing House on Market Street s eat-swan who can in fluence a t , f10.• trout Niloo in and Mal:South. Ad dress A 8.. at the office ut The cat St` 'ULTATION WANTED: 2 43Y A YOUNi', kw man as salesman-clerk or bookkeeper; the wholesale anis nosiness preferred; is *eh nemiainted saft the paint. Varnish nod .Ines nosiness; balms to lan em plolera ; would ::munitions now or in the span;. Ad dress R. R. R., office of Wie Fres., 3t• .—_—___ ft:1,000 Wanted - to invest from • •Wf. lie to ' in antisfactors bust nen. The Moo of references eiven and required Ad dress. With reel name and full particulars, 'T. 8.. o .'• ffice lilt,rr.: it melt. 1 beau:mint mar inwf•••6 o tf burners will warrrint. dti et' PARTNER AVANT ED.—An opening in AL an established Commission Houle Ors Grinds) of a p ittnstslop occur, n the tat of toe sear. As on',. net ics limoness loan. aho con'd commend from ff 10 RV In 0 fll . eidi.rn.•• Humus., ' t .12 office of this paper no2t tf r- iCOMMISSIoN MERCHANTS.—A -a. thorough Mooncalf man. of the be ohmmeter. with Peculiarly favorable advantages, end a 11 , 113dP0n, 111114AIla of cash capital, %mild eonneet ha mach - as an me tip e partner in en ewahltal .IP- .101IP9 1101114 It COILFIII6 won or other profitable business. The fr ort satisfacto rs references can be liven as to Ltd nhatactor and twin nese qn di fiemtiona. commumoattons wittrreal name, lent to Box No em. Piolaitelphia Post Oflice. will be re r crud in honorable confidence, and no one in embarrassed eirournstaremo need aptly. da-Cs• WANTED—By January Ist, a situation • • as BOOK-KEEPER, or in an Insuranon Com pany or Flanking II n :Auction' Book-keerr of laraaa e ftv bummed' acquitintrinco,n4irnidif,iiirto AA WANTED—To soli at a Bargain, the most dosirnhie Hotel Properts in Bucks courts, Pa. "situntod at New Hope, equal distance Iron] Phila delphia and Easton. For a viaw or the Property call on lie Premiers. For terms, &a., osll on or aldres■ B. W. KIRK. Danvilla. Pa. nl6-ew • ii=U=== POR SA LE—Tweive Lots in Mount lto• 11 " rieh Cemetory, in tho best Inentits ; . 7, A lot en - 01.,41 hintlenow iron rt , lin, A nely to, WILLIAM PrOTT. No. 4 WINFIELD ?LACE. ,Ehili street, above Arch. It. AI"NINTION OF COMMISSION Men, Johhers. and Whreerrala Pastors is twilled to throe gith•tantial. larse. new Si ORES on the a tit wee of Fors" H a lode south nt OrrEdVII.T 1 low ere furnished with ell n ndern conveniences. end sr l3 l -C hw ter reeconabre terms to desirable tenants. Irxe.• 9 1 0 LET—Store No. 323 Market street. A. Poissesion Januar) let Apply en the premises. • IA TO RENT—The tao new and hand some ttree-story Brink DWELLINGS. with bso..- buildows. end All the Modern itnorovem•nte Nos 1429 and 11.31 North T Etdrfli Street. above Master. Rent lon to • nod fermate. de-if-st , A. J OA I.LAG HER, Water. bolo's Vine. rpo' 'LET—The large six•story ware• ho4ae No. U 3 commercq street, suitable for ato• rote or rrinnufactuttri parPataat - Apply at N.. ,03 MARKET Milli' t. di -1m• JoPER ()EST.—We have for sale paper Paying ten per cent. per annum, secured by deed of trust upon' fityt-eb4l3 property in ht. Loam The at tention of o ipitalmts deeirin: invayrynents in invi ted. BAKER. WESeiPTT. & CO., dT-Imif IT SOUTH THIRD Street. tilOit SALE--A Great Bargain--A Mann : fncturin ; Establishment. with Steam Encine end Boiler, and a eninplete set of Alachiner, for mannfar titrinii an article from Iron. now in conatsnt or for al; nuililinv purposes. It can be Mandy demonstrated that the Mumma will psy a handsome Address, W ILLIAM HARBISON. No• 13 North ELEVENTH BTABET, with nanurand residence dl-Im° lOR SALE OR TO RENT—A Largi - orogen) trnitat. for II Coal ard. Manufacturing r Found rt purposes. saints on the north tide of POPLAR STREET. buttreen Heach street and Cohooktink orsek or caned. lately occupied as Gleent's omnibus et .b'es tte feet front, on Poplar street. and 160 foot to Leaellen street. and barn r a front on the canal of about 76 feet. These precut., are Celt adapted for a Foundry or Fite. tort the buildings ensilv convertible for either purpose. LUKENS RIIIoIVTGO3I. Rea BEACH ST.. Eighteenth ward. TLET—The Second, Third, and Fourth Stories of the relive% end 'minus twee. Nos. 22 end 31, South DELAWARE: Avenue. with large Counting Room on the Second Floor. Ayrlr to TUAIN & NIcICRONF. 22 end 24 sonll Arlie RYES. SCARFS, BETB, &c fa NO. 1924 CHESTNUT STREET.- = Flennt form Mnry IfOrSE FOR HALE; three story double Inck buildm.m. finished in the hest manner. end replete leaned modern conveniences. LM R 36 Wet deep to Saneom stroet. The )iard is wall supplied watt, shrubbery and dwarf pear trees. plums, The wlrie menial meat an complete order. Poesearion given Im mediately. Applt to Alessm. GUMNIF.Y SON, & D WAI NUT $ treet. opi , rwtA (vlciev.nrtence Square. nib tf HoUSES, TAVERNS, and STORES. Rail Estate of every desorudion. for salg or to teat. Arta) to MAN HEIN'S, I. state Arent, N 0.227 North SECON It tGreet, in L. Torrey IS Ca 'e Seed Store. All, orders will be er “mpri, attawpd En z G e h. Freueh, and German spoked. Codeator of Ground Roy". • - 018 am VOITER FUR SALE. Proposals en 'kJ &Med Rids cm Copper." Intl he receive] until the 10th Pereolher addressed to the Tee , surer or th.‘ Mint , PhibuiciPlim , tkr the t urchnse of stool 60 00 todin Is of Copper tarots. frost the nteltin.: of old rents. Riddors will state the mire odered per pound. and toe •suantity voro+ott to he tdken. to be paid for in 4n d coin. on err/ of the hula. as the Copper is de livered at the Mint. The cost of pdektrig, if necessary. must be Nano td the surrhaser. JAMES ROSS SNOWDEN. Director. Mint of the I'm led States, Philarls.,l7th Nov.. Me. nlB-flew tdlo VO.k. SALE—A valuable Lot of Ground, 143 feet by 100. three fronts. water and IRS laid no one front t suitable for a church or motor). It is situa ted In the geuthwestern rut of the nit,. in a reelal) tm erevie< liely.hbothoed Tams easy. Addreu, for t,r tieulare. .I. K.." office of thim paper. n4-ti TO LET—A Socond-story Room. ounce sleet to the grate R 0.1•0. ;unable tor a Lawyer's ()Mee. Aooh 81 CH F.erSl'T S , raot. afit APRIVAIT FAMILY, LIVING TN A ¢en 1 nniz.hborhood in thn centre of the city, will accununodwe twn :enticuict, wit full or putisl trotnl. Ho nn." Blood's I.llepat4 b. d7-6t• rVo CO3IMUN I ATINfLi ROOMS VA cant nt 103 WALNUT street. d6-6t• 'W ANTED—Furnished A partnienttt. with w every inoiht) for liousoktiopne,.Batn, ko., for Gentlonian and Wife,' t.l. 11010 a strictly Monte Forint). Address •• Merel,nt. Blood's n t .. Pateh. with Nu remota/mot mice, & to, nut LERE MOVAL-E. &. F. C. YARICALI, & f- CO. lvlve removed from t 2.1 Market stroot to as SOUTH WHARVE.. and 419 PENN StrnAt (131,- Pe 1010‘'..11...—Mits. M. S. illSiltiP has Remnypil her Millinery Establiyhment fmm 91.5 to IiIIOCH ES rN u r Street, next to St. Lawrenoe Hotel. • E O. THOMPSON. E. TAILOR, N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND WALNUT STS., TILE LATErT SH lONS, TILE NLWEST STYLES. THE Bur COOPS Always on hand, and ore.ors attended to personally. P. s.—Stran;ers vititing the city are soliettPd for their mensurn• and a tiers. n 2 a-fut.:lna NIPORT ANT TO CLEMYMEN, PUBLIC j SPEAKERS. AND SINGERS. LANCASESR'S DRONCHLAL bADENCIA. "A SLI4I , IT COLD." if its first symptoms are not arrested. ton often la. s the lonndstion of a varlet!' of Pulttionlry Compl tints, inuluiling Winter Com,h, asth inx. Bronchium. influenza. !Trani/on sod Soreness cii the Theo it. and other eontnitutionyl Jaren...merits. rho evil consequences of these doortlersmay he entity averted or subdued by keepitm at hand a supplY of tie above entiihrated LOZENinA which hive now stood the test of publie experience for several y ears. Contemn - I; neither opiates roe any mu... , snodYno. then ma) be tryfnlY taken by the 'OPP{ eta child or the most delicate fe male. Prepared only 50 THOMAS LANCASTER. ELEVENTH and WALNUT Streets 017 weft Philadelphia. Pa- TUE ALL-SUFFICIENT THREE!- THIESEMAR, 1,2. end S. Prntected by Ansel Letters Patent of Earland. Red secured hy the Peels ol the cobs de Pharr:same de Peril, V the hnMrrl6orl Vienna.t:Jicine. o.]iSt lNelo4e.haliou,eyenhrtorrhrea,and all_phi Meal thrall:awe. N 0.2 completely eradicates lag treces of Ocoee dieesses that have been hitherto treated I, the nauseous and Per - wiring nee of minimum nod cutiabs. N 0.3 has entirely supplanted the masticate use of mer ent') . t he rot.) min nig tote enlieter speed, relief dis persing ail impu,ities,*and roam; out the venom of dm- ESErd A R. Non. and S. are papered in the form of limn' ia. &sold - of teate and tiniriP end can be curried in the waistcoat pocket Sold in t n WPM end curried d dint. animate s administered by Velreau, callemend. RoirF. icmd. Ac. Price .f 1 each. or four CUSS fons9. which 3 •VPM 13 -in 527 canes, rhete -1,, there is a saving of $9 To be had. whrOemle and retell, of lir. BA R ItQW. 194 Bleeckar street. New York. Po , d glen at Ret by VALLI-NEWS A CO., corner THIRD and WALNUT Sirens.Phitagl.lphiit. and by T. W. DVOTT St SONS. 218 North SECOND Street. Whniewile and Retail Agents for Pe fssylvania. d3m ru EWA TED VAPOR BATIIS. SULPHUR, HOT- A IS. And STEAM BATHS.— Under the care of 11r. T. IL 11 111.3 ELY. 1121 SPRUCE Street. Hiehlt recommended by all the principal ph) E nnuis in the ms} for Rheumatism, Skin Theeasee, 85 - Odle, Conning and Colds, Female Diamea, fce. An. her. 0,1 PIeCEMIDICHNtIOIIII for lIVIMOL oil 21n D R. 31OFFArS VEGETABLE LI F E PILLS AND PI-lilt:NIX BITTERS have been thoroughlt tented. and pronounced a *overman remedy for d)spepsia , flatulency, heart-burn and headache. costiveness. diarthcea, fevers of all kinder. rheUmenem, emit, sfavel, worms, scurvy, uloent. eruptive com plaints, salt them: cryropel.. common colds and Iti - M 0 1 1 4 1 ., ttreestarity and all de rar,ernent ni the female system,piles. and V1,1101.1a ocher diseases to leh:ell the human frame is liable For sale be the proprietor , 11r. W. IL .NIOFFAT. Sas 11110aDWAY. Now York. and by Drelstiate getter-all , all over the cocotte. sst d& WIT .IE4 NEWLAND & LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAXII MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Au extenoiv%%took of OIL PAINTINGS, eta. Alla mg ‘, 1 , ...r .. Pn00m. 604 ARCH Street, allotre SIXTH /V NEY IMF:RALLY ADVANCED TO ANY AMOUNT—Upon WAteh4e. Jewelry Dotepo‘nds. bitver ITO". Merchardev. Ar., i• SON V: 4 rr CO.. /44 FAtAbri.r„.l i?„1„.„ . N . I H IND xnd GAsKILL §trr_4l4. below Leznyard cffir,m, 4 A. Al nls to i t grIANGS OF I:1616 -Standing and VA Running Rigging. nivinfentur.d of the beet man na', and for sale. s.t m‘nufacto en' lowe_st once,. by WTAVFR, & CO., /i, Water wear. IK4 N. Detaysta WA NTti 130ARDINC REMOVA_LN CLOTHING. itl E 1) ICINAL. ANIIRENIEWTB. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THI° nun cr) EVFNING. G.N. f, Ramnd and nnriti•ela last of tat of THE S C'I.IAN trEziPERS. Which cars , t t n.c.ibla M rernatnd. AnE, rAlasitNA e.pLSON 8R16i10.4 THR FIICTT lAN WERPERN earircasir toitig•urd tir Verdi f • the Grand Opalin Pir •. and on ....mill.' as balsa the o r iod•hr atd moot tirora ibis eeiebrsrod PRool-e..6 in Hat, b . is lo.ea erioritors. arid n" ii.". 4 "oo'n in I oodmi. ktat .10^. it was restored W i th an onthaaoir.m that has ',over tvait sittai-LNi by in. ' other i th heo Nora. in New York it he! been •itin for lone sacraissitai liiihts to crowded add dc.t„hted audiennes. PRfn kV , EVPMNri. Pee 9. &wood and poititi.:ely iu-in of Verdi's new Opert. In four sere. of PRE SICTI.I AN VESPER'S, Whir+ vitt,. given vith THE VNIQ PE ANP PI , TrRES(ItE DRESSES. Pr..ontilit a most faithfnl r•-crom of ,ye <rrtnmea of the thiro•enth century. Thl. hsce been nokda to Para. to , Vlo. sfeur Le Roy covaivierof the Grand opera. sal FirTANT Brosetti. en,* anrer from his ennotpal si,siscor in italt Per* Ft izasal RIM Ab'stti. THY, ItfEWREMENTa AND PROPER- Tt Ace from the eeleb•red mannfoetna of Arespieste nfang.f• armorer to his Neuter, the Emperor of the French. PR Ts;cIPAL CRARAnTEPS- The Princes. - M•rrs Agri , 0 .- ••••- • .- • • Sir The Governo. of .Nfort,rn Pig. PROFIT. Proeds Chief of the Consoirttors ....Sig ICRCA. 1111 - 01IntIT +l. • •'T^ ' by Modeine Morro. ei.lnori Nbat.t., Quince , ximiseg, Vrouza. Por6, he. Th. yo , o f R000rt..4 eiso each. will com mence 'I HIS MoMING, TO MORROW (SATl'llnri - i rvrwrw. rAe. 10. GRANG GALA 'ging r The greatest eineiroat.on cf oIITT TS. end OPE RAS @car offered in this city on one and the emir evening. --IRAVTA A. ror TM/. LCCIA LANlMnlvogieist The side of Seats. F 1 W. coed:aeries , ' IRIS MOWS. !NG. A3IERICAN ACAPEMT OF . NITTSIU To-mnr Rms. RATE" , nAti Do. /0, GH 4ND GALA NIGHT. !Wand arPeML.rlneLEe . AFELI:VA PATTI, THE DRPATEST COSIBINATIDN AND ARTTTfIit AND °TYRA!!! Erer orerod in +hie eds..- one rvii the rime 4999691' THE GALA 9F.RroRmA seg. trim ron•iTif nl-I , llSt s The fire net of Verdi's LA TAATIAIA. Maur. rev! eagpmNot:l ttit..gllODlC amea ...... . .. ear. T r he , of Dooivittee Oren of IA t All9tEtthltoS. ADT,LINA PATTI as ..... Piz. STDWLLIns. _ —EAT nitro. Sir. ERR] n.n . And third. the etieblintedlnai set of • Donizetti's IL TOLIUTO. Med• riAiZZANIGA at_ ........ PAW& AADIDITI Tto,Sieverun The eqle or Aril . olo. 'GRAND GALA SIGHT tommeLees THTQ moRNING Plefers CY A DMlSiiiiTirL To the Parquet. PlTquet Ctrg'.e. nTaTieleotil.---. el OS iteoerved Sent's in the lame. i+.eln•'tne admineion . IN Family C•rela. 50 rence: An,phirheot.e. r e n t.. The alio or Sent, wtll eommenre THIS PA 9, 9 A. M . At the Aundemt of Mania- at i_owtnn'o.end et Chinkerint's Plano Forts Wars ,Onfro...o7 Ch..enor ". GT. C! —"Me GA LA PFR FORMA NI.T eent- Tonne •it 7i,4 "Toning, Doo• 51 574. Lt: aICILI~V VESPERs.—NOTICF.- -a. The on giA fire reseeettl'c inff.rmed the. Pe-A"• -omt find colehrsted mneter s• rk. rift: sictuAN modun-d TO-M•ifiT, for ppf tivalp the het time- and can. nectar no circuity-soot% be ripa iced tin fir the present season. WALNUT-STREET TITEA'TRE. • T Sole Lenses.._...lre. M. A. OA R R EMON. Stale }lancer . . Mr. E F. REA.Mi. Baxinow, CI,. 10'4- E. sTUR.PEY. lit:Nr Fit R 1.. WILI TAMS Tale F“ IDS Isee le" 11{14ki ASM;RANCF. AND v F. MODESTY. Pl' : 1 4 11neY. "Wirilsern To be followed be the celAbralet Onms. entitled Elt,Vit.l , r. In wlucti Mrs. Barney Willi ma will enatainll itkt chsrset, re. To co Iclude wi.h the esreetafal Drama. entitled BRIAN D'INNN. Brian O'Ltnn. Mr. Williams. Prices a. newel. Seats secured three dace in edeance. THE GRAND GALA PERFORMANCE. z TER GREATT COMAIVATION OF AR 'f IFTQ AND OPERA., TO-SORROWISATURPAY) WITT, et the ACADEMY OF MV C. lb. 'aloof , el.•eornre.nce ,, THl'm MORNr:G. Wll BATLEY it CLARKE'S AR,CII BTR VET TREATER BENEFIT OF MRS. WOOD. THIS ( FR /DAVi Ti E ms VOW. VENING. Dee. 9. A PATOn Amsdis. if r*. Wood H. (its as r. DOIZEIVI; Mar oel. Air. Gilbert: E4entine. Ml= t fartn.. OBJECT OF INTEREeT. SceLt oF Pa ics..—Adnuonon. Xi cents ; ISeouredeeeto in Dress Cools. "Of cents; rennet, 93 cents. Doors open st half pest 6 n'olook; refformsnee to commenar st T n'elnek prfeisMy. D AN RICE'S GREAT 8130 W. NATIONAL THEATRE. We L LPICT Bk., aloft Eighth. D. MaLam. sole moriernr. JOE' ptiom a AND, THIR (FRIDAN't EVENING. Dm S. I&M. The lA:owned Eteph.tet. .I..•Fekte Einipoiee. tlas Vemenehe Steed. Dan Rte m s Pete. th• Ran garoo. end the httgerforming RITINtYIrEO4 PETE A'(D BARNEY DrPFE.Y. DAN PE R DREAM OP CHIVALRY. goeen n(! nya. Mine Wenn: John, Mr. Meet run Ewalt, Mr. Stars . ; Hrne,nt O f the law Revt Mr. Rowan; Aubeatt. Julien Rent; Armorer, Mt. Whittektr ;Wtrsi Men. Mr Green. et 0 oope n . n n.tPrl o'c ma lock. Performances to tentuaenen 73i elmces Emma. 01;13 FOLKS , CONCERT. Ths oritinsl FATIIER. KEMP. with hi+ Cam % artv of o n FOLK'S' TIVA one or the r anijige . Lnd n , rel CONCERTS at NA TIO NAL . RAIL, Tlild NSVING. The old Polka are very popular. Tickets rents. Children iScents. Dno:, noon it r. ennliM4l2Ce at d o'c4oek. La ETIt 014 )L IT AN }TALL JANICE'S J catfltloNvrEALTH BUILDING CIIESTNIT Statist. nese SIXTH. 'bird week of the lib:metal reroute of TRlODolra'a 74PcE ui n One of the mot novel, flresini, and !Ulla ars 03D1- bmoros o' beauty sad mechanical ATP ever intracond into this countri. is new open for the realm Vexes and exhitii•rd ern, DAD:linc donne thr seer. ard na Wh. GINNSPAS and PATI'FIDAI' AFTER YOOvA. Ternimat,ng With the terrific scene at the Storm it Eat. Assinsion.—Atiuts. YS eon's; Children order ten elm of s-e. 13 rents. P.r re o;en at 7,n the evening. and 3 o'n'oell in the terno,n. Igrnitn,ber tle licht Thentriyals envy Wedncainv And Soto day nftcfronrs. IaS.S ara dtf" PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FIFE ATM. Sys CLIWTNITT ' R'PET. fa OPFN Veit LY, Sunday* exem.ted.) from 9A. IL 6115 P. N. LIART , EIOLOMEW'S t.TATtiI OF • PARADISE. LOST. Nov on . Exh , bition fora *Mort tome Admintorz 25 cents. Children under 12 years is Shares of Storox a3O. ea tf DoNo GA lET E.c—RACit , above SE MVP —Chan_ e Bill. DLCHALICMA Pechgluzna.— Cown. Own. asisdlee. -- " A. AL IteriAness. IO - T - 4110 - itER. Lost Brother .. Billy Thome& NEW BAND OF SERF...NAM. it ar A. J. 1 even. A. 31 Bente:Wee. K. Berth's on. Bills Thomite. Nestor Vermin', Woi. miPro. Jose Willinna, Thomas Basket. al Ad mission .10. 15. end .15 cents. 'TEMPLE OF WONDERS. NotHtow comer of TENTS and CIIEHINV7 titrseto—Scoond Stria. CHANGE OF EN TERTAINMENT EACH EMU . SIGNOR BLITZ. • The great Ventri2oseist end ht.ietan. wilt rive Ns New-and Astonishinz Perfdresances at the above Vasil EVERY I , V SIVINII at 734 n'e.neti. and WETtIiEn , AY and tt ATI:RDA AFTERNOON,q, a: 3 o'clock. or*. V mines of Lanshabie Scenes in ENTRl4titill3.ll 1 acotuprehena Me Feats of NATIT RIT RASPING end it. INFLLENCES, and IDs LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Ad mimeo 26 cent'. Chtldrav 13 oats. Cl 1101.41 c LI oftCHESTRA.—P Ul3 ITO RehearaslS are PATURDAY at MUSICAL FUND HALL. 3.S o'clock r. A package of eig tickets. one Coll.v. tickets. cents. To be hag ie G. Andres. and Beck & Lasitotin Music atoms. ana nt the dolor. otS-3m LLGill... EN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COCNTY OF PRULADF.LFRIA. In the matter of the estate or camiLts sEcKER. Nrtire /!, hereby seven. that JOSF.PfI INF BP.CIFB. the , slilow of acid decedent Las 61:,1 alio roue her p , •Ition end surreisrutent (or If e rtfowenre to her r( Eu) .n mho. ont of :wad estate end taut the ro's& sr,l o infi ruled bs the Coin it 11 - ileis exrepttons ate fled Or {PR , Lrel,,ber H . Ida • d)1113 St* F. EI BYER, Averney for the lenoar. THE ORPHANS' CoURT — FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP FDLLADrI !RYA. it, ?ho Mitt!r of the estate at JACOB O,WALD, dem , own. Notice I+ her aid that CATITARMEOSt;CALP. thy doe of Few decedent. nes Med in and Court her tett? on and [arra ecnient for the r }-were era f yit lie oat f thr eital 1.111 That 1112 lIAL L A• a 111 creamed ha the Court. unless exreatrois are t led inertrt, CT u• 'r I,re. Orrernbm Id ait.'k 13 et' F. ITEYER. I. r the asid vridny. IN TI tdtPlIANs• cot Fog THE CITY AND corNTY CPPRII Arll.llll.A Ie the matter of the Estate or ALEXANDER ItALL deceased Stitt ettaben to the adm:it'slrition end Bnyehos of BAR kli. DAVIS. esesbirix of the hot will and testa.- 0111.exeuder deer isod. Tn. Auditar appointed by the Conn to ',Alt. oettlis, and nd aut the account < f He Administrator et PA a 'lt deceated. as executrix or the . Into ALEXAN DER II ALL. tieceased. arid to report distribrbrn balance in the hands or said nottsant.nt, ciii meet the psrt i es fu overeat et h a cifice 259 North FIFTH oostreet on WELENERDAY. Perember Hut IHO at 4 clock P GEOHHE W. THORN. dlsece St• Auditor. N TUE DISTRIL. T COURT FOR 1.1.1 E - 0 - CITY ADD COUNTY OF PIifILADP,T,OIII.O,„ Joseph Fietlme) or re Joseph bohurr. Fi. Is.. June T.. '83., No. 639. John P. Perch re. Joseph Sohurr. Pi. fa., Sept. T., '9 .N 0.16 White fr. Pen Vliet vs. Joseph Scharr. Pi. fa.. Sent T..'99. No. 17. The Auditor appointed be the Court to report distr. button of the turd nor from the sale of the persons( propertn.of the defendant. under the shore and randrr other IFTIra. will Attend to the duties of his &pro:velment nn NIONDAY A FThiP.NtiON. et e o'clock. Peermher to. mg,Lhi• office. at she Southeast comer EIGHTH And LOCL bT Streets. when and where ■llrerrmein rerosted ore reunited to present their elnime, or beide barred from cowl or in !Iron slid ford .17-10t* De!' PorOHERTY. P tor4or. HAVING FUNDS. A MEItICAN SAVING FUNO.—Compa- JAL fly, /towhead eoreer WALNUT POtißl ISTREr TR-open ddly from nine all .r. „clock. end on Moods% till ei tht to the ereeter. his old tnetttutionlans alma in !al on demand/ Vita oat notioo. INTEREST FITS PER CENT. mi r um p tt d 4ef demand in ;old and direr. TR/. STe Alen. Whilldin, President. Saul Work. V. Prerdeat C Farr. T E. Harper. Georre Ptidert. Lows Ste der. Thor, Per,eant.. Alb- C. Roletts, WiU,am Jet. Ptne. Jonas Rosman. H. H. Eatrid.e, J.Hownrd .3):0. s. wiLsos, Tressamr. CRY C. SIMMS. Seere:ary SF'itING GARDEN SAVING FUND 50.. KJ MEW OF PHILADELPHIA, Office, N 0.337 North THIRD Street t Consolidation Barth DiuMtn.) MUSTERED BY THE LEGIBLATMLE orrEnt- SYLVANIA. Dolomite resumed in same of One Dotter Lod entrazdfr and !ennui in G_ old, without noel*, pith EnT PlJt CENT. INTERWIT from the ite.Y OF deynot DU wit h. drawn. A reeponstble andArebable Salome btentettee hes. low been needed in the Northern senor the any, and • The Spring Garden Ravines Fund - e-letY • '..a chartered he the Legislature of Panel Weals to OW) Me tereernty., The Managers. i n e pssemss end loeltrit; O. bele bee, governed wholly by a desire to accommodate Vl= nose Interest and want. of the very huge and "I "onl"°°° w hich it le earrounded.. 0 1 1TcE OPEN DAILY. From 11 to tee o'clock; also, on Monday and Tynnela from I manta o'clock to Um ernataga {ceases a. rredenok Klett. Masao Sal*. John P. k.evY,„ p di t ~ .rt, H. Street. Dental Lndercorare ntt Stack*. Fosse Han. comb . LaMar*, Jobs Kesel:kr. Jr.. George steak', James 8. P.hithe,_ Jaoob Dock _ Joseph M. Crowell. ' Hon. Wat. PLlhrarde George waiirrer. Geo. T. TIT, Peer C. ELimaker. &loon H. JAMES. 8. pßitist .=gri Ys OW!, float. Bseretus, i wit, i 111 USIN bl,ls. Rosin Oil, sit ji.% grad leoVritn i sTArat a tias s2l 119. Li Min vA•f4. Alfred..
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