tc' i-cs ■!?'• , offered tbo t ,i *>*#ljtf h»W heard the-lactore whloh Jlri CortW I* ““' S ;>i»p«»!>!Wimwt« »»■“ Didtens " V*>fe#{J* ( ,g? v - J iSiirth of tlia brilliant Maria before the Pf M>« « Llta i ystmifatfitale " OM . aary tosoeirly to'procure a Mat- :■ . \ ! .- v C.Walborn fc Cbfi ifajr ■ N«i:* naafNorthSiith : V-’-WWaS biv.VlrMdrbortii.iiMd ftair superb - j.stoofcq? GentliraenVWtMPer* fa antfoipatioii of the 1 ■«Jtowa-tyiultmmUi th. '•*^ : "'#H»Misa®ft'»V*UW',Uibi* rnrmente; are ' .jotiiaat this estabhsbmontv.rre nepd hardly say that it -.' ' fi 'i/if plsei tk find, them fa tUo greatest variety and ■ <- ityi«cTbeiretoekpf o e» o,, P arai » ll fas Goods! in'tene •'VI l !s'»lsb nnshriassed, .' '. - ~• '^Box’i’CociK.—This artlolftisprepared % boat* purified •oooa-Ndt OH. It ponesses ex* i trimrdinaryproperties ‘for preserving and beautifying 'the Hair, and restoring its natural luxuriant and glossy ,;J;jappearan‘oe, - It is and the perfume w delioaleand rare. It i»,a beautiful artlole to dress ohil • .dfen’a bain- No lady, or gentlemen,should be •without it. • its is always the. oase when an article Is in demand, ..rivals havesprting up who would raaw© the publio be lieve that thelr* is the .(epuiue Preparation, but we i . have good reason for believing-that Pharos k Pox are I,:! the^ravehtoraand originalmanufacturers of this unri .vailed preparation for the Hair. We hare only to add, it)f JIoiAe fownat. 1 - ' $, L. Oapek, having had experience f., tn Practical Phrenology,V(il continue to make exarai " 'nations* and give written descriptions of character, ’ -without flattery or reserve; at the Cabinet, 922 Chestnut • stftet,’second story, south side; V. j ’ • E. W. CABUYi & Co.» 714, Chestnut Btreet, soil, ' wholesale and retail, every, variety of Table Cutlery, frothiS oenUperdozfinto slooper set. Thoirstookof . fine Table Cutlery is the largest and'most, complete of ' any in the. city. , , . V I CAStBYh A BROTHBR. , .* Curtains, * ' .BatinDamasks, ; French Brooatels, *-■’ ' Terry andßepß, ' 1 • ’ ; ' w ; GiU Cornices,Bands',’ . ,* J ’’ *£„,*“ Tasssleand Fringes, LacpCurta’nsr; - •* *■* Mnitlh Curtains, ' V \ EinVdPiano Covers, * -" '.-Window Shades, , Every style of material ift use for CutfAin Draperies, Purniture Coverings. Our stock Is unequalled for style, quality, quantity, and price. .Our store is 71# Chestnut street, in the' Masonic Hall, below Eighth street, North side, - ’ ' .W, H. Oa&etl k Batonmi. ; Tag Democratic Delegate ELKcriox.—Tho Democratic Delegate eleotiontock plaoe last evening, throughout the State. There was a warm contest; and the geiisiai result is looked for with-mueh anxiety. It is Understood thAt in all the district# there was a very decided .vote m favor of supporting, without respect to party, the Brown Stone Clothing Hall, of RookUill k ■ Witon, No*. #3 and 605 Chestnut street, above Biith. . -Parlor and Nirassnr Ebxrrrs,.Bronzed And irons, Fine Steel Fire-Irons* Parlor Scuttles, nod general ; Hou*e-furnssbing. Goods, at low prices, at J?. S. Farson t Go’s, 8. W.oomer of Second and Dock streets. .TauTHFini and enduring impressions of places and things given through the Stereoscope. The finest variety at the New Emporium, 18 South Eighth street ’/ ,• -• Jas.Cebmbr&.Co. ‘ Study your interests and give Love's Aaro Teas nud cheap Sugars a trial. , • > v Tiir World is Full or Musr«.—lt is heard in the rush ofihe river, the flow of the fountain, and the solemn swell of the sea; the wind sways the forest trees, and leaves unnumbered lift up their tnnefnl mur murs ; the moan of the lofty pines is an elegiac strain, and the tangled vines are Nature’s harpstrings, upon Which foil winds play. But the sweetest musioof aU, is in.that trntbfdl voice which ,tells men if they want elegant, beooming, and seasonable Clothing to go to the Palatial- Store of. Granville' Stokes, No. 007, Chestnut street. ’' A Sbrmoit or Hear Her.*—Rev. W. R. ger preached, last Sunday, a discourse in Boston, on,“JMean Men,” of whom, wo understand, there arcanum her of specimens in that city. Thosar 'mon was founded on the following text: \‘*The mean manbowethdown/'—(/mioA, ii, 9. • The preacher divided mean men into three classes: v 3. Aristocrats, who inherited wealth and posi tion acquired by the industry of their 'ancestors, Rhd who wished to appropriate. aU their resources to namporing themselves. . i. Beggar*,'who get a subsistence by wearying with their importunities, too mean to earn it them •aiW > ' •. J. Knaves, consisting of fast livers, gamblers, c bar-keepers, Ac. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS UP YO IiO’CLOORLABT XIOaT. - k HOUBB—Chestnut st.. below Ninth, . AgEastin.Balt vV 7 P/TRLuokett, Pa T.DeasLCum.O'. , ' ,mr*Warzlwirh nepMaaoi.'TeXß* ■ Rfl Bollins.Va ' 1 ' jmAioCullouah,N Y * ,-AH . Thosß Dillingham. Boston / /■'GeoßWflson.Norfolk r ‘ ;' i W*Hadnali. MiM 4 ‘ CD Crockett. Boston • - M H Parlay, St Johns, N B G H Perler, St Johns. NB ' . HoßHayward . FSEntHsh & ly. USM ' Mrpo<»e, Wasbinrton AtStrakosoh.'NY WTaylor & . EL Taylor, NY ; JohDCiarkfTmte! 1 Ang Bercman.N Y CLlrfdell & Ir,NC 1 i/K s ?, e fr nlown ' .• jf EH'nsiriieend.Conn „ . . . GWells,.Md-' ? <(‘CBjf-Benie fc la. N Y ChasLaiurNF Williams.. NY i , ■- HiD Weed & la, Bavannah Sayannah AQrmneli k la.N Bedford ’1 'J JWatthews. Balt , , . E.l Robeson, Pa ‘ - •-Gtoo'W Sparks & la, Del -.T Brown k U.St I/ouis •.HHHelacjr, Boston , GR Colby Ala. N Y , ■:V tgufTcy, Pa .> Hon F Watts, Carlisle • ;V'.jEßid(jfe,Pa. - ■ OHams.Pa^ , Appleton, NO - TD Loney, Balt •, Jt Y , JWIBoiNY ■; ,8 } Kimii, BoJtnn Lll Bonediok, fl V liC Oed w Dav & la, Va .. - : : A'-S CTate, NY - c > 4* WNflwwtarbwr, Cal Wash • , J A Godfrey, Union i . jßEwmantN Y, ThosCPerrin,SC W E Rider.N Y , , kI, Norte. Chicaso . 0 Maoalester, Torresdale JVt P, Frankhouae k la, V& ' - MtssDavidson, va . •; DHonstoh.Balt '< ST Wehbi Salem Samf Q West, N Y : B M Bailey, Richmond, Va B Etchelmrger St la, Va John s Coles. Va ' F Walker.-Va O P Hanson, Balt • Geo T Coulter, Balt H'Rseh.NY . • E B Addison. Jr,Va : . . Johns ftnox,JivV* -/ : R J Fetley A fa, Liverpool ■ r ßyronDavisoji(Rl MrMahon^ MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourlhjst., below Aroh. F'WJpnjtfßaß": Gen A Anderson. Pa * K MpbsJisn. Pji ' . , , Mrs A]den ; Cannonsburg , Mrs BirtowrWMb. Pa ’ Jns P Smith, Ohio KASkerr k wife,Pa • P P Emery,Boston WHByre . C 8 Lennox; Brooklyn ' fls.§F? ,y * II ® Hon W Bock, HAmsburs Jf ff. KntijJPottrnlle E Wethcrbea. Chicago. Ill* JP wjrUjniTrenton.NJ Hon JBGuthrie, wash T W WeUioftom Mom . B Barnet. Keaton. Fa ,J A lanes &U. Easton. Pa Bqht 8 Colder, Miss : J?«P r ?s** ,^ a 4* Mcmtonr, Pa H.Mudge. Wmgport S Beaforp, Luxerne co .w Colon. Pa OHopson,Cfinfon co - Lewis, York, Pa MBanUtx, York, Fa . .6 W Sylvester, N * ■W MoLe«l/Fft , , ; JMFnrrOr,NH AMERrOANHOTEL-Chestnutrt.. above Fifth, BanfECurtiss,<3)o,o. 'ELBtover.Cin. p r - JT Young. Ciij>oL . Wm Overend. Cm. 0 : . Sami B Ray. Cm. 0 _ Geo MeComas, Md -i • M'A-Forbasb, Worcester WmMMorris.NJ L W Johnson, Mas* ‘ W Leaman, Pa Geo &trllpn, Jr, Mass . James E Bird, Del * • John James, N Y wm Lewis. N Y . ft H Martin, B C FCPftiUy.ya •' JB McCrenrv,M Chmjk w Sharpe, Summit Hill R A Abbnit, Summit Hill w Hamer, Summit HiU ' Jos 8 Chahooo.Wjikesbarre j UßtoverAI«.NY - J)HCo®,NY JM Stolbanr, NY., JIM Gordon, N 0 fP§EX*Z, ' ■ . M« (Mbralth, Cel - JC Mnlt, Mui . Ijaswr"*" 1 n*«kV • eoW Compton, Md If 8 Mansfield. Mass *h« eed ' wiUism,lport JONES''HOTEL- Chestnut street. abqveSixth. EdwMcCann, Baltimore Ohasf E Sava**. Baltimore aJv BfeqemaafLaiioaster, Beoj 8 Bell. 8t Louis . Jjß Smith,'Me . . Jo* McDaniel &Vf, Bel , MiMMfiDMiieUOover, Del JI, Bradley. NY. . Mrs EP Star r. Charleston J R White. Baltimore H Anderson. Baltimore JCoudon.JrMd JohuTrippett.NY. Tho« R Abbott. Boston =. testis 'h™* 1 - AM»ni)49i)i M»m 'THE UNIOX HOTEL—Atoh •!,«(. above Third. ’ f P? 1 r GeoDßiddle.Pgr >:•- J AHau*,Gr«en Caatle.Fa . ; BBortoaufeia.RwtOQ LW Stewart, P* K.jH Johoemi, O.hio ,If Mawengef, Claval’d, 0 !*- !»4 n ?*r, ffiTOd^Aibanr r,./ i Cf«#;Hunoottanoo,ra wc Swan. Pa • <-XpKjror k-vnfoinJ. ’ BAble,Kftiton • Kft&nff *; u ’? a . CrßCopelMJa. K-Y- FGKline,M Chunk IRJBtTnlf.Ohio. • - .. Geo Jnhnson.Pa dims T/ohnyKaeton - - Beni Haywood, Pottuvilie aAJlßojj.rßtloili. JMii!ho]|an(i, Bt I.oma -ifi iV .i jBANKI.m HQU*S-Ohe«tnot ah, above Third. -- H- «p^ J P on “lS , f* Danville - IcU, Brooklyn v^Cßatterfiold.Md *JAT>SB Sixth. ®; \. S Jenkm*.Mechatuoaburg jnaOCrouee. Tyrone City - fttterMH,Pa-.i -Miaa'JjJ Hardy, Juniata Mrs M. jNrardr*/uautta oo ,M O Getty. Indiana, Pa liyer.Lyoommg,PA W HQlivar, ca ■ Biipbairi.Balt . ; ---- 'J-j • ='■ a NATIONiOi HOT3?i>—Pane Third. - - Jooftl»<mar f Mlner*vjlle' Jf C Morrison, Pottsville . panyfesle &_*oa.Ppttaye, MrAouto &.la/PhUa. ,/ ThosColeman,Lancaiter. Ja§GKe»*!er, Easton ---- ~ ■ GSUo.iardrAllenfcowii •**’ tjiJMoil, Betwi« f ; * .'*• if Garrison, pa -• . .-V ■ B Garrison, Pa .. (i MHowell.Oolnnibiftcn ! EDSmith, AUontoyrn - IfßJfaG&ty Joaostoyff : : ■ . SAIO.iysHEiP HjiTKfc&lsonii st.'.'teW y% ' ?AWa?Dßaiii Belviifrra Mfasßaedefyk*'?!. v il 0 14 3*l.BToonjpeon. Dpyle'lpy'b . D Merpok. Book* p.o • /. -.GFMefripk.fik., . lf!>r .W.SSTKfaittaf tMew Hopoi OSnyder k la, Pa ..* -- Isfestel/PisS" .VrPi BW%«°Th :«OTBi>-gii't(.rt. : , aKva'phirtnut,' i ;:•? , > " . ¥&' -i -BrACK SEAR ROTElj—Third «t„ above Cullowhili. T Seislove.Pa j , -. 0 Mojer.TWontgoraery co Hartsvillo Mrs Finnev, Hartsville C Smith, Sumneytown E Cfulwalader. Buckingham ' p Harper, Jenkintown, , 0 Roads. Byberrv RVs Roads, By berry ~ J Robb. Klineayillo A Clay ton,Buck co B Krubb, Lanwlale M Artmau. Zionsville D Woodring, I.ehuh co Abraham Aohey, Suraney n Lindford Roods, Bybarry "William Harrier, Pennslrg Jamea M.Thomas, Bucks co A M Bright, Bemville. D LooHe, Readtnr Nathan Landes, District, Sami Fetter, Bucks co Henry Freed, Pennsburtf D B Boyer, Boyerstown Levi R Lash; Coxtown Danl Lehr, Dauphin co , ’; BALD EAGLE—Tliird street, above Callowhill. John Roads, Montscorn’y co J G Winke. Lehich oo O L Krauss, Lehigh oo Aaron Kachline. Pa John H Ketterer* f.v John Ketteror, Pa Reuben Stover, Monroe co A Levenrood, Monroe co Eli Griffith, Montgomery co T Aber, Balt, ‘John T Berger, Pa Gen Levan. Lancasterco yhosMorrow, Lauco -N C HofTman, M Chunk MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ' SEE FOURTH PAGE. : (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) NORFOLK, Nov. 7. Since my last we bare in Hampton Roads the ships Enterpe, Arey.76 days from Caiino: Michael Angelo, Eldriuge, 110 days from do; Gerald of ihe Morning, Baker, 7C days from do, and Jas Hovey, Robinson, 81 days from do—all wijh guano to order, we havo a re port here of a British bark from Rio do Janeiro for Hampton Roads, in ballast, being ashore 20 miles N of Hattera*.. where she is likely to be a total loss Her Captain is here, but I oannot get to see him, and do not know either ,his name or tiiat of the vGbbol. Ho has stripped her, and is here with his orew. 11. V. B. BY TBLXGRAPR TO TUB PRESS. New Yokk.Nov.B. Arrived ship Ellen Austin, and Caravan, from Liver pool, , - MEMORANDA. Steamship Keystone State, Msrehrann, hence at Char ' lesion at S r M, 7th inst. Steamship Persia, Judkins, for Liverpool, cleared nt New York yesterday. .Ship Goloonda. Purringson, cleared at Boston 7th inst, for Ceylon and Calautta. Bark Chevallier. Anderson, from Rio do Janeiro, Sept 25. aruved at New York yesterday. , .. , . «-Bark Powhattan, Simmons, for Lloata, sailed from Marseilles l&thult. Brig America, Robbins, from Alexandria, at Ports mouth 4th inst. , Brigs Geo Harris, French, from Boston, and Jas Cros by, French, from Portland for Philadelphia, sailed from Holmes’s Hole. 6th inst. . A SohrBN Bmuh.Bmith,'for Philadelphia, cleared at New. York yesterday. . „ , . Bohr Riohd Thompson, Lloyd, henoe at Gloucester 6th Soiir F Warren, Coombs, hence at Calais 27th ult. , Bohr Carthagena, Crops, honoe nt New Bedford 7th Sobra Ann S Brown, Brown, and H H Godfrey, weeks, henoe, arrived at Washington, £> C» yesterday. HOLMEB’B HOLE, Nov 4. P M-Ar schs Daniel G Floyd, Racket t Juliette. Chase, and White Squall, Bharp, Boston for Philadelphia; Flv. Cheoseman, Nan tucket (or Philadelphia: E F Lewie. York, Portland for do; Niagara, Donovan, Rookport, Mass, from do, Sailed brig Wm Moore. „ 6th—Ar schs Lammot Dupont, Corson, and John R Plater.Gandy,Philadelphia for Boston: Fanny,May hew: R Gilfillan, Smith : Julia Maine, Preston ; Cnas M Neal, Henderson; Voshti Sharp, Sharp, and Mary Nowell. Covili. Boston for Philadelphia. 6th— Arschs Eliza Williams,Taylor; M ABhropshi,e, Shropshire; Ida,Clark; JaneC Patterson,Hand; 8 FSol liday, Seaman; Paucaeset, Waplea; CharlesP Stickney, -Garwood; J Ireland, Bteelman, ana Theresa C. Granny, Philadelphia for Boston; Ocean Ranger, Tibbetts, Now , Juliette. White Squall, Fly, E F Lewis. Niagara, Robert Gilfillan, Julia Maine. Charles M Neal, Vashti Sharp, Mary Nowell, and .sobs James If Stroup, Corson,Philadelphia for Boston; Tirrell. Higgine, Baltimore fordo. Sid, revenue cutter Morris. , ; 10 AM. wind Last—ln port the above arrivals of to day, and schs Lnnimot du Boot, John R Plater, Ida. Eliza Williams, M A Shropshire, J, O Patterson, SF Holliday, Pauganett, Charles P Stiokney, J Ireland, Theresa O. \ MARRIED. ALTEMUS—EYRE.—On the Bth inst,, by the Rev. Philip Brooks, Henry Altemus to Hannah 8., daughter of the late Nathan w. Eyre. „ ,* = HERITAGE—BATEMAN.—At Bhckwoodtown, New Jersey, on the7th instant, by Rev.flonj.B. Everett, Mr. Wm. W.Hontage, of Denton, Md., to Miss Augusta H, Bateman, of the former place. DOWNIE-SMITH.-On the Ist inst., by Rev.D.W. Bartine, Mr. Joseph SevelingeDownie to Miss Anna R. Smith, both of Philadelphia. RICHARDS—THOMPSON.—Nov. Sd. by Rev. Jolm Chsmliers, Mr. Davis B. Richards to Miss Jonnnotte Thompson, all of this city. * L * SPEIBE-CAMPBKLL.-On tho 19th Sept., by the Rev. Noble Frame. Mr. Peter M.Speise to Miss Alary Roberts, both of Philadelphia. . . * - DELL—VAlL.—October 25, by Friends’ coremonr, Thomas W. Dell, ot Philadelphia, to Jeannette H. Vail, of Gnakcrtown. N. J. * . GARDINER—MOIH.—At San Francisco, California, on the 13tb September, by Rev. Dr. Scott, Mr. Thomas Gardner, of Baoramento, to Miss Hannah E. Moir, of Philadelphia. >* McGOwaN—LOVB.—On the lltb October, by Rev. William Rhoads, Mr. Edward McGowan to Mias Annie Love, both of this city. * . HVNTER—PROCTOR.—On the 25th September, by Rev. Franklin Moore, Mr. Charles Edwin Hunter to Miss Mary Virginia Proctori both of this city. * SNYDEH-WATTER.-Nov. 6th. by Rev. I. D. Wil liamson. Cbsries H. Snyder to Magdalen, only daughter of Charles and Anna Watter, both of this city. * DIED. HAMPTON.—On theBth inst., alter aliagering illness, Elizabeth Hampton. Her relatives and fnonds are respectful!; invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of william G. Skillmsn, No. 1012 Wallace street, to-day, the 9th inst., at2o*clock. P. M.. without further notice. * HOLBROOK.—On SatardAv afternoon, 6th inßt., Capt. Benjamin Holbrook, in h s81«t year. Tho relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral,‘from his late resi dence, No, 7MSouth Front street, on tliia(Wedneßday) afternoon, Bth inst., at o’clock, without further no tice. To proceed to Trinitr Church. The Ship Masters’ Society Are also respectfully invited. * JONES.—Suddenly, on the 7th inst.. Wm. R. Jotios, son of Jacob and Catharine Jones, in the 22d year of his age. * Funeral from the residence of his father, No. 423 Rich mood street. Gate Queen,) Kensington. Eighteenth ward, on this (Wednesday) afternoon, nt 2 o’clock. * FOULKROD.—On the 7th inst., Mtvhaia, wife of John Fouikrod, in the 67th year of her age. Funeral from the residence nf her husband. John Foulkmd, No. 5 Romam Block, Fronkford, on Thurs day Afternoon, At 1 o’clock. ** GRAHAM.—On-the 6th inst., Mr. John Graham, in the 43d year of his ace. Funorat from his late residence. Market street, near the first toligate, West Philadelphia, on this (Wednes day) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * SHORT.-t-Nov, 6. Joaeph Power, eon of Benj. and Lizzy Short, aged 8 years and 3 months. Fanemi from the residence of his parents, No. 637 Marshall street, on this< Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * , KRYDER.—On the 7thinst„ Frederika Augusta Kry der, in the )#th year of her age. * PANCOAST.—On the 6th inst., Abbie Pancoast, in the 3?d year of her age. * Black velvet poplinu.-Jusi re ceived, best quality plain Black all-wool • ■ OTTOMAN POPLINS. Also. Block Velour Reps all qualities. So. Cashmeres, Lupin’s make. o. Satin de Chinos, all qualities. Do. Bombazine*, all qualities. Do. French Mennnes, Lupin’s make. •• Do. Thibet Long Shawls. Black and Second Mourning Bay State Long and Square Shawls. BESSON k SON* Mouruinr Btore, i)5 808 CHESTNUT Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. Cocin! Coml Com! PHALON k SON’S COCIN , THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE Made from COCOA-NUT OIL, FOR PROMOTING THE GROWTH OF THE HAIR, Tbit valuable preparation is rapid)? taking: the place of over? article now in use, asjt restores the hair to ils natural color and brilliancy. One trial will sat isfy all those who have used an? other preparation. FHALON & SON’S COCIN . Promotes the growth of the hair. FHALON k SON’S COCIN ■ Prevents the hair falling off. fHALON k SON’S COCIN . Kills and removes dati4?u£ FHALON k SON’S COCIN Gives new life to the human Hair. PHALON k SON’S COCIN Makes the Italy rich and glossy. FHALON k SON'S COdN Is the most perfect dressing for the hair. / FHALON k SON’S COCIN Leaves no disagreeable odor. . PHALON k SON'S COCIN Leaves no stieky substance. PHALON k SON’S COCIN Costs 25 and 00 Cents a Bottle. Be sure and ask for PHALON'S COCIN, and see that you get no other, as there are many imitations of this article in tho market. Prepared by PHALOf k SON, Manufaotams of the Golden Crest Perfumery, New York. For sale wholesale by W. B. ZIBBER No. lA3South Third slreot. T. S. PETERSON k BRO’fi.No. 206 Chesnut street. E. H. HUNT & CO N.W. cor. Fifth AChesnut BOLDEN’S No. 708 Market street. T. W. DYOTT A SON’S No. 218 North Second si. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND FANCY DEAL ERS. no7-mws(»t Elegant Fall and Winter Clothing— at Robert H. Adams', southeast corner of Seventh and Market streets— Dress Coats of the bent quality; Business Coats, Promenade Coats, and Riding Coats, in all the latest styles, andastook of Overcoats that cannot be surpassed in variety, style, or quality. .A full and complete stock of Black and Fancy Caisi mere Pants, of the best and choicest fabrics, and a su perb'stock of Silk, Velvet, Cashmero, Grenadine. Cloth, Satin, and Cawimcre Vests, all cut, mode, and trimmed equal to ouitomer Work, expressly for retail griet, and will bt sold at the most reasonable pfitts. , nMinw&tb-tojftl The Nb Plor Ultra !—Jules llaubl’s VEGETABLE LIQUID HAIR DVB hn« no rival in the world._ Perfectly harmless, its action is instantaneouK in changing the color of the hair into a soft, brilliant, natural brown, blaok, or auburn, without injuring tho hair or rendering it harsh, as is the case with other dyes. Sold by all druggists, and br JULEB HAUEL Sc CO.. No. 70i CHEBNUT Street, Philadelphia. fto7-d<stVn ' Harris’ Boudoir Sewing Machine. ; immiQved double-thread, first premium at every fair. o»,ra Phil*. Office, 730 ARCH St. Agent* wanted, ■ lloopland's German Bitters will post lively eure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Ao„ Ac. BOOFLAND’S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively oure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough Ao.» Ac. . : » , Prepared 'bp Br. 0. M. JACKSON t CO.. 413 ARCH Street, and for .ale by Druggiat* and dealer, generally. Frvee 76 cent, per bnttle. eeM-tf . ’Salamander Firb-Proof Safes.— Avery largeauortmont of SALAMANDERS for .ale at reaeon able «rioee, No. SOI CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, 'analf EVANS A WATSON ' • Thb w illook and Girds Sewing Ma cßUig. Tie CHESTNUT Street. Vhtladelphia. oe3l-tl Gas-Lamp _ Depot—Sixth and Aboii. ‘ . *e24-3ra , Qrovhr & Bakhr’s OlttjraßAXßD Noisbluss FawiliT Szwnte-hUcnnur, JLt JtUCKS. i 730 CHESTNUT STREET, pRIf.ADJSLPHJA. Saving Fond—National Safety .Trust tfo»*sr>-<Jhartered olPonusylvopig, LMcmey ia r waived every day* and in any amount* urge or gniall. . , , ,2, FIVE PER CENT, interest if pwd for money from thedayitif put in. . . VliThemdney is always paid baok la GOLD whenever . it Is called for, and., without notice. ‘ f< 4/ Money is received from Executors* Adminutratorst [ Ovdrdptiu, and other Trustees, in largeor small sums, f to temam ilong or short period, v A. The money feeelved from Depositors is invested in RealEttam, Mortgages, Ground Rents, aud other first- t ;, 1 l.pilhMf open every Street, southwest •ilßfrflfhlH ktryt; misdelpMa. w» THE PRESS.—PHLLA DELPHIAy WEDNESDAY, NOV] S ha u s Savins Fund—Northwbsi Cohnbe SScpND and Walmut Streets—Deposits re ceived in smkli and large amonnts, from allolassesof the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent. per anni}m. Money mayrbe drawn by checks without loss of in terest. f Office open daily, from 9 until 5 o’olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary. CHAP M, MORRIS. ' Onh Price Clotiiino op tub Latest Sttlss, mule in the beat manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST soiling prices marked in Plain Figures. AU goods made to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRIOE System is striotly adhered to, as we believe tbis to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby troaled alike. JONES & CO., seß-tf 604 MARKET Street. Tub Priced of SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES HAVE !. BEEN ! I &BDOOKD I 1 ! S2l-3m WnEEijm & Wii.son Sewing Machines. —Philadelphia Offioe, 033 CHESTNUT Btreet. Merchants’ orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company, Branch offioes in Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton and Westchester. Fo. seU-4m rr"y=" CHURCH OF the intercessor.- iKJr .The Corner-stone of the Church will (D. V.) be foul with the usual ceromonies, on THURSDAY AF TERNOON next, 10‘h Nov., at 3 o’clock, by theßt. Rev. ALONZO POTTER, D. D, Addresses will be made by several clergymen. The publio are respectfully in vited. A collection will lie taken up in aid of the church edifice. The ohuroh is located on Spring Gardori street, below Broad. no9-2t* |Y“5=» THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE •L? Contributing members of the PHILADEL PHIA BAND, No. 1. will bo held on FRIDAY EVEN ING, 11th inst., at 7K o’olook, at 803 LOCUST Street, (second door,> to make arrangements for the quadrille parties, to be given this season, no9-2t* JAMES M. BECK, Beo’y P. B„ No. 1. [THE PHILADELPHIA BIBLE UNION Lk3 will hole! its Boyontb Anniversary in tho Second Baptist Church, NEW MARKET Street, above Poplar, TO-MORROW, (Thursday,) at 3 o'clock I\M, anfl 7in the EVENING, Addresses by Rev. Messrs. Remington, Burnett, Campbell, Richards, and others. Public invited. no9-2t*r ry"3r*' BANNEKER*INSTITUTE~A’STATED itn? will be held THIB (Wednesday) EVEN ING, 9Ui instant, at 7% o’clock. It* T J. O. WHITE, Jr., Secretary. rVy* HISTORICAL LECTURES ON THE kj* Great Representatives of Modern Civilization, by the Rev. JOHN LORD, at CONCERT HALL. Sub jects: Lootnro I—Nov. 7.— Lord Bacon—Philosophy. “ IT-* “ 9.—Miohftol Ansrelo—Revival of Arts “ lII “ 12.—Cromwoll—Constitutional Froo dom. ** IV— “ 14.—Peter the Great—Absolutism. ** V— “ 16.—Pascal—Theological Inquiry. Single 25 cents. Throo closing lectures 60 cents. Commence quarter boforo 8. n9121416*4t ry-s=* NOTICE.—CALLAWAY MINING AND tLf , MANUFACTURING COMPANY.-A Special Mooting of the Stockholders and Bondholders in the above Company will he held on THURSDAY next, 10th instant, at 4 o’clock P.M., at Rooms Nos. 26 and 26 Washington Building, Bouth THIRD Street. Those interested are earnestly requested to attond, that measures may bo dovised to snvo tho lands and property of the Company from salo undor foreclosure of trusts, nB-3t* PROFESSOR COPPER’S LECTURES 'kj.on American History, at tho HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL.—Second Looturo on the lotlt instant, at 7}£ o'clock. Subject—The Fountain of Youth and El Dorado. «. Admission, to a single lecture, 29cents; forapoutlo man and two ladies, 60 cents. ' nB-3t* THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LEC- L? TURES are delivered on MONDAY. WEDNES DAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, and will be continued for twenty weeks, commencing at 7H o'clock. The first course, of ten weeks, will bo: Monday ovening—On Chemistry—By Prof. B.H. Band. evening—Mechanics of Fluids—By Prof. F. Rogers. Friday evening—Physical Geography—B, Trof. J. F. Frazer. Each member of tho Institute will receive a ticket for himself and ajadyon the payment of his annual contri bution, ai)d bis children, wards, and apprentices will re ceive a tioket, for the season, on the payment of Ono Dollar for each hlmor, or on tho payment of Tvo Dollars they will have the privilege of the Library and tho Lec tures. Lifo members will receive their tickets on application at the Actunr* s Office. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP, 83 per annum, or 823 for life. Now members pay one dollar additional the first year. Gentlemen wishing to beeom* members will please ap ply at the Hallof the Institute. SEVENTH Street, above Chestnut, to WILLIAM HAMILTON, n7-6t Actuary. |y3=* WESTERN BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. lk_s, November 6th, IB6o.—The “Exchange Bank, nf Pittsburg,” has declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., payablo to Eastern Stockholders, at this Bank, on and after tho llth instant. G. M. TROUTMAN, Cashier. n7-m tu w THE GRAND PAINTING, . THE MARTYRDOM OF HUSS. nl-tf WILL SOON LEAVE THE CITY OX™™™-’* LECrURES 0H AS ‘ .Prof. O. MITCHELL, the eminent Astronomer and rmod Orator, will deliver the following Course of Lec tures in the MustcM Fund Hall, under the auspices of the Young Men’s Christian Association; Tuesday, Nov.'l6th—The Btraoture und Perpetuity of tho Planetary System. Tuesday, Nov.Jßd— I Tho Motions and Revolution* of the Comets. Saturday, Nov. 26th—The Number, Distance nnd Magnitude of the objects comprising the Galaxy. Tuesday, Nov. 29th—The Motions and Revolutions of the Fixed btara. and the Translation of the Suns and solar Systems through space. Pickets for the course, one dollar. Tickets lor the oourso, admitting a gentleman and two Indies, two dollars. Ticket? for a single lecture, fifty cents. Can be had at the principal bookstores, and tne rooms of the Young Men’s Ohriotian Association, No. 1009 and 1011 Chent nut street. nol-tf rre* PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE.— *v,3 The Fourth Lecture of the Course will ixj deliveredl on Thursday Evening, Nov. ](), nt Concert Hall, by G. W. Curtis, Esq. Subjeot (by epocial requost) “ XJifirna.” Single Tickets, 25 oonts. Admitting Gentleman and two Ladies, 60 cents. no3-6t jrre TIIR CHATTEL BONDHOLDERS OF t^T^£.Xl I d( rAMSPOiIT AND ELMIRA RAIL r/^uu^f^tvniLftSo Wtuested to call at tho office of JOSEPH HARRISON, Jr., Washington Building, and sign the Power of Attorney adopted at the meeting held Nov, Ist.. At tho same meeting a resolution was adopt ed assessing fifty cents per bond to defray expenses. By order of the Committee. n 3 ot* nre» GERMANTOWN. ITOUNG-MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. COURSE OF LECTURES. TOWN HALL, . MONDA.Y EVENINGS. November I<, MORTON McMICHAEL, Eso. “ 31, Rev. A. A. WILLITTS. “ SS, Dr. R. SHELTON MACKENZIE. December 6, CHA’t. S. TANCOAST, Esq. “ 13, W, H. ALLEN. Esg. " 19, Rev. J. WHEATON SMITH. Tickets forßftle atNewaStand,depot, NimltandGreen; Parkor’a, Main street, opposite the Depot, Germantown; J\bez Gates, Mam and Uringhurst streets, and at the door on the evenings of Lectures. N. B.—Cars run up and down the turnpike. ojr GIRARD BANK—PHILADELPHIA Oo > tober M, 1859. rtotico is hereby given, that nn election for thirteen ensuing year, will lie hold at hoBANXINIJ HOUSE, on MONDAY. November 21st, between the hours of 10 A. M and 8 P. M. The Annual mooting of the Stockholders will beheld at the same place, on TUESDAY, Novoinber Ist, at 12 o'clock M. oelS-tngl W, L.BCHAFFER, Cashier. rr*s=» FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ BANK l *3 . Puilabklpjua, October 3d, ]fc9. Notioe is hereby given thatnn election for Thirteen JireQtorswiUbe heldntthe Banking House on MON JAY, NovemborSlst, 1869, between the hoursof 9o'clock A. M. and 3 o'elook V. M.; and a general meeting of the Stockholder* will be held on TUEBDAY, November Ist, at4o'clock?. M., at the Banking Bouse. o 4 dtn2l W. RUSHTON. Jr.. Cashier. nrs* SOUTHWARK BANK—PIULADEL i .3 , PHIA, October 3d, JBS9. Notioe is hereby given that an election for Thirteen Jireptors will be held at the Banking House on MON JAY, Noveinbor 21st, 1859, between the hour* of 10 o’olock A. M> and 3 o'clock r. M.; and u general meet* ng of the Stockholders will be hold on TUESDAY, No vember Ist, at 13 o’olook M. r>4-dtp3l F. P. STEEL. Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK.—OUT JJ? 4, 1859. The annual meetmq’of tho Stockholder* of this Bank vtllbehold ntthe Banking House on TUESDAY, the first day of November next, at 15} o'clock M. And the animal election for Director* will be held nt theiiankmg House on MONDAY, the 21*tdavofNo. vember next, between the hour* or 10 A. M. and 2 I\ M. 05-wfr&m tn2l B. B. COMEOYB, Cashier. rnft&r 1 ? C^ H A N1 c 5 * bank.-piiiladel- Ik 3 . PHIAf October 4tb, 1859, Notioo t* hereby given that an olootion for Thirteen JireotoT*. to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, November 31st, from 10 A. M. to 3 P.M. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be hold on TUESDAY, November Ist, at 12 o'clock M. ofi-wfrAm tn2l J. G. MITOHKLL. Cashier. [Y?* COMMERCIAL BANK OF FENNSLY- L 3, VANIA. Philadelphia, Oct. 15. 1859. Notice is lereby given, that an eleotion for THIRTEEN DIREC TORS to serve tho ensuing year, will l»o held at tho LINKING HOUSE on MONDAY, 21et November, be tween the hours of 18 A. M. and 3P. M. The Annual meeting of the Stockholder* will be hold at the same place on TUESDAY,Ist November, at 12 o’clock M. S. C. PALMER, opl7-mwf-tn2l* Cashier. n r 5 s * m ??J? I JML. SOCIETY' OF L CJITY OP PHILADELPHIA.—Mr. JOHN P. ARiUSON. the Agent of tin* Association, is now calling upon the public for the purpose of soliciting con enable the Managers to prosecute the im portant work of tho Society. A favorable reception and a liberal response is earnestly asked for him. ® v GEORGE H.'JTUART, President R. K. IKBFLICH. BecretarvF THOMAS T. MASON, Treasurer, a ... „ __ 434 Market street. Society'll Office, 631 North street oai-mwAs-Sw T ilE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF ‘*• THE FINE ARTS. „ NOTICE TO STUDENTS. BTho Evening Studies by gas-light, from tho Castaoi jwhJM statuary, ooimnenco on SATURDAY, October f om moneeß it« studies on MONDAY EVENING, October 3d, at 7 P. M. « .r , JOHN SARTAIN, *2o-H chairman of the Oommitteo on Imtructiou. AMERICAN CARPETINGS AND Oil. T HU KE-Pi.y, 1 INGRAIN, nml . of all VKNITIAV quahtoj. CARI’KTINGS. J RJAlio. Woollen Drnepels, Cocoa Matting, Ruga ami Door Mat*, for sale at lowest cash prices by _ 0 , aT , RKKYfc 1,. KNIGHT, 202 South BECOND Street, West 8 de, above Spruce. PNGUSII CAHPJETINGSj _ (Lata Importation*.) TAPESTRVTBRUSaELS, ... VELVET OAR PETINOS, ol tlie most approved make, for sale by fettEVE Ti. KNIGHT, South BECONP Street, >t9-ct West Side. npiIERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FAIL. . You aro sure of a likeness, and sou will get a sir I, ou Kflt a Life-sixe Photograph in Oil* at Rhi Mbit 8 Gallory, SECOND St.. above Green. It* Tlf ATTRESSES.BEDDING anil FEATH- A*X BRS, and BLANKETS of all Qualities, for Bale by ' „ REEVE L KNIGHT, n9-Ct 202 South SECOND, above Spruce, IMPROVED SPECTACLES, with the X finest Perispopio Glaaios. correctly fitted to the oyeu, ftt lIS South FoilßTlf StmJt. ljilX'it. JKjT Also, Microscopes, Telescopes, Opera Glasses, Drawing Instrument*, Sterooacopoifl’and Stnreoscopio Pictures, of latest importation and avredtiredpriee*. in a great variety. n 4 iftf POTICIIOMANIA! POTICIIOMANIA !~ XT The Art of Decorating Gloat .Tara, to make a close imitation oftne Chinese Vases.—we have just recoivod asplondid lot of Boston Vases, and French Fntichoma nia'Papert, which we sell at our usual rates. The great trouble in obtaining Gl*s* Vaaos is .now avoided, by u* iceoping them together g wm. our J '^ kNTZKV . n7-fit* 115 South EIGHTH Street. COACH AND WAGON SPRINGS, ol , the best steel, tampered. A supply on hand, light “ nB h l9?*' r, ’'“ 9W NKW oIARRET Streep DAN)!Si Ift OOfl BOXES AMERICAN . AND J.tWyv F R BNR H WINLOW GLASS—The mo«t approved brands, and of evelryjMe and quality required for city ami country trade. *{ oyioe* astonishingly low. Send your orders to ZIEGLER k. OMITH, Drug. ROSIN. —2,350 bula oxtrh quality ship ping Rosin, oartg of'J. T, I.urneil, .float. Forsale UJ , ROWLKY. ABII lIUhNkR, k OR.. n» No. in South WHARVVS. TAR —Just received, a large invoico oi Tar, in superior orcler and large hnrrels, and for NEW PUBLICATIONS. rjiHE NEW BOOKS OUT OP THE DEPTHS; THE STORY OP A WOMAN'S LIFE, Fourth Tlmir.aml, 370 paws, ]2rao. Nostir bouml. t'rioo 31. MEN WHO I-lAVE RISEN; A BOOK FOR BOYS. Ann WOMEN OF WORTH; A BOOK FOR GIRLS. Eight beautiful illustrations to each. Square 16 mo., £OO pages, Price 76 cents oach. THE POCKET GUIDE FOR AMERICANS GOING TO EUROPE. Containing information absolutely essential to everv one intending to go abroad, respecting Passports and how to yet them, with form of application: securing Passago ; Money, and how to carry it .safely; Baggage; European Hotels; Guides and Gratuities: the European Passport Bystem; Advice to Ladies; European Litr renov, with a table ot value in American Coin; Remedies for Sea Siokness; Custom House Regulations; Voca bulary of Words and Phrnsftß in French, German, and Italian; List of American Ministers, Secretaries ofLe gntion, and Consuls In Europe, Ac. NeatlSmo, lnco 60 cents. THE PHYSICIAN’S HAND-BOOK OF PRACTICE FOR 18(5(1. By Drs. Wit.lum Elmer and Louis Els bero. Morocco, gilt edges, pocket-lwok ferm with tucks. '81.25. In addition to a very complete liatof Remedial Agents, this little manual contains blanks for a " Record of Practice,” ” Visiting List.” •* Account Book,” properly indexed, Ao., Ac. For the use of Practising Physi oians it will bo found superior to anything hitherto published. ' MOUNT VERNON AND iTS ASSOCIATIONS, His torical, Biographical and Pictorial. By Benson J. Lobsino, author of “ Field-book of the Revolution,” 41 A History ofihe United Statos,” Ac., Ac. Illustrated withnoarly ICO fine engravings, from original drawings by tho author embmoiug views of Mount Vernon, va rious interesting objects upon the grounds, copies offa* motis pictures, portraits of Washington nndothor mom bers of tho family, ns well ns of distinguished person* bUtniiC. fee., 4co. silt contains inooh very valuable and interesting mat tor. now puhlitthml lor the first time, relating,to the Washington family, which Mr. leasing’s extensive ac quaintance nnd superior facilities have enabled him to collect, and will, the publishers bolieve, prove one of the most important contributions to the historical liter ature ofoufoountry yet published. While it makes no pretension to the character of Biography, it presents, by the conseßutivearrange'WAiit of facta and U.ustra tions, a completo picturo of the PRIVATE AND DOMESTIC LIFE OF WASHINGTON, for that lil>. from his early childhood, was Msociated with, Mount Vernon. Printed on snnerfino paper, delicately tinted, and bound m new nnd elegant styles. Small 4tn., 376 pages. Prices, g-3 60. 84 60 and SC. (In a fow days.) CAN VAfcBERg WANTED. 3 AUTOGRAPH ETCHINGS, by American Artists, Illustrated by selections from American Poets. Being acollootion of Drawings by DURAND, KENSETT, DARLEY,' GIFFORD, MIGNOT, EHNINGER, LEUTZE, JOHNSON, ami others, produced by a new application of Photo graphic Art, undor the supervision of Mr. J. W. EH* NINGER.' Crown Folio. Elegantly bound, Prieo $8 to $l2. (In ft few da)s.) Pinjle copies post-paid by mail on receipt of retail prj c# W. A. TOWNSEND & CO.. tin «rV-2t No. 4C Walker street, New York, PHILADELPHIA CITY DIRECTORY. la'tO.-Rocent Gianni and H«- tnovuh will be noted in the «l*nve work, if sent to the Publication office. 33 South SIXTH Street. Second Story. Th« attention of those concerned is particdar’y called to this notice. A. MoELROY, ltrp 33 South 81XTH Street. George g. evans’ book list. ALL ROOKS are sold at thei lowest prices. And BEAR IN MIND, that besides our Book hi the lowest retail price. THAT A GIFT, • Worth from £0 cents to fllno aooompanies each Book. NEW BOOKS. Memoirs of Robert Houdin—Prestidigitour. Onn vol.. 12hi0.. cloth, with a rift. Price »l. BA-\ ARU TAYLOR’S TRAVELB AT HOMB AND ABROAD. This is a new book by the celebrated Tra veller. Onevot.l2mo. doth, with a gift. Price, SliG. New Book of Humorous Poetrv. Ono vol.. 12mn, cloth, with ft sift. Price Si, THE OLD STONE MANSION. B» Clmrfe. J. P.tor son. On« vol., t2mo , cloth, with ft gift. PnceSl.2s. The Pillar of jure. (New Edißon.) By Rev. J H. Ingraham. One vol., )2mn., cloth, with a gift. Price 81.25. GOLD. FOIL. By Timothy Tiicomb. One vol., 12m0., cloth, with a grit. Price 81- “ ItalrA ILstorv of the War of Dv Maaame Julio do Martuerittos. One v01.,12m0., ciotfi. with a gift. Price 81.25. MEMOIRS OF VIDOCtL tho, French Policeman. Ono volume. 12m0., cloth, with a gift. Price $1.25. Lecture* for tho Pooplo. By. Rev. 11. Btowell Brown. One vnl.. 12ino..oloth,witha*ift Price $l. ADAM BEDE. By George Elliot. Ono vol.. Hmn..cloth, with agift. rrioe $l. Life of Pol. Daniel Boons. liifeofCni. David Crockett. Life of General Samuel Houston. Each in one volume, J2mo„ cloth, with a gift. Price VER DANT GREEN; Or, College Scrapes. One vol., 12iiio.. cloth, with a sift. Price «XJ6. fee Prince oftho House of David. .By the Rev. J, It. Ingraham. New and Revised edi tion. Onn vnl.. 12m0.. cloth, with a rift. Price $1.25. THE MINISTER’S WOOING. By Mrs. HB, Stowe. One v01.,)2m0.,c10th, withagift. Prioe $1.25, Three Per Qont a Mrfnth: or. Fast L*ving. Living and Loving. By Virginia Townsend. Recollections ofa Southern Matron. Lights nnd Shadows of a Pastor’s life. ByB.H. El liot. Each in one volume. i2mo., with a gift. Price $l. BEULAH. By,Augusta J. Evans. One vol.. J2mn.. cloth, with a gift. Price $l. LOVE(L’AMOUR». ByMiohelet. One volume, J2mo., cloth, with r gift, Price 81. The Ladies’ Hand Book of Needle Work. Tim American Traction) Cookery Book. Tho Book of Humorous Anecdotes. Woman and her Diseases. Pinch in ono vol.. 12mn.. with a gift. Price 81. ALL OFT.B. ARTHUR’S POPULAR TALES. Each in one vol.. 12ni0.. with a rift. Price $1.25. ALL OF MRS. SOUTHWORTH’S NOVELS. Each in ono vol.. 12m0.. with a gift. Price 81.26. ALL OF MRS. HKNTZ’S NOVELS. Each in one Vol.with tv gift. Price §1.25. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT F.VANS’ GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, 439 CHEBTNUT STREET, Where you can get BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. AND A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from 60 cents to $lOO is given with each book sold. one trial will assure you that the only place in the city to purchase Book* is GEORGE G. EVANR’ GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. Two doors below Fifth, on the upper side. Xr Rtrangors. visiting the city, are respectfully in vited to call nnd examine the large collection of Books, and get a Catalogue. n 8 St T OSSINQ’S NEW WORK. JLJ MOUNT VERNON AND ITS ASSOCIATIONS: HISTORIAL, BIOGRAI'HiCAIo, AND PICTORIAL. Orders rocoived bv S. McHKNRV, m WALNUT Street, who ia auen* also for DAItLKV’S ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF COOPER’S NOVELS. nB-10t QRKAT AND GOOD BOOKS. JUST PUBLISHF.D: THE PURITANS; Or, Tho Court, Church, and Parliament of England, during the roigns of Edward Yi and Elizal>eth. By Samuei. Hopkins. 3 vols. octavo. Vol. I. S2AO.J This volume is quite r* romarkable for historical ac curacy as for pictorial skill. Critics who have examined its authorities with scrupulous care, speak in the highest terms of its stern fidohty to truth. Mr, Hopkins will take his place with the leading liistoriansof the country Bancroft, Prescott, and Motley. “This work displays deep historical resoaroh, is ad mirably written, nncf must take a prominent place ill our moraturo.”—[Prov. Journal. “This noble and sightly volumeA attractive by its literary contents, as well asjiy its unsurpassed mechani cal execution. It has the interost ol a historical ro mance, so minute are tho details, sodramntio the narra tion. ko char.potoristio the conversations, and life-like tho descriptions."—[Christian Rogister. “ The volume is a series of pictures most skilfully drawn."—[Boston Post. “ Wo know of no work which can he compared with (Ins for an honest and intelligent judgment of those questions which conoorn the Turitan position and aha racier.’’—J N. Y. Evangelist. “Threo groat names appear in this age as pictorial liintormns—artists of rare ability— Merle D’Anbjgne, of Geneva, Prosoott, and Lord Macaulay, To theso we aro happy now to add the name of Mr. Hopkins."—[Pliila. Journal. THE LEADERS OF THE REFORMATION. Lutiifb. Calvin., and Knox, Dr J. Tun loch, D. D., author of “ Theism.” 12m0., cloth. #l. A portrait gallory of sturdy reformers, drawn by a keen c* 0 and a strong hand. Dr. Tullooh discriminates clearly the personal qualities of each Reformer, and oommondi and criticises with equal frankness. “ The contents of tho volumo nro not mere biographio dotails, but masterly, philosophical estimates of great characters."—l Presbyterian. 11 Thera is po man, perhaps, among tho distinguished wnters oi this ajte, more compotoni—D'Aubigno ex-' copied— to do justice to the great Reformers, than Dr. Tulloch."—l Intelligencer. “We common,! these sketches ns full of instruction, nmlulHooi absorbing interest. They are impartial, np procinlive, and oniinontly suggeativo."—[Boston Jour. “ Tho author shows a genial sympathy with hit llirnne, and discusses it with ability and oloquence."—[New \ ork Evnneolist. BRITISH NOVELISTS AND THEIR STYLES. Being a Critical Sketch of the History of British i’roie Fict'on. ‘By David Masson, M, A., author of the “ Luo and Tunes of .Milton." 1f1.n0., cloth. 75 cents. “ A genial and discriminating review ol British novel writers.”—[Scottish American Journal. “One of tho most oharining books published this joar.”—[Provulonco Journal. “ Ho is one of tho most critical writers of the age. ami hasprtHlucedacharming btK>k."—lCommeroml Bulletin. “ One of the very host works on British Litorary criti cism over written.”—[lMuladolpnia ArgiA .“Prof, Mnsson trents his jnany-hueu subject with singular pent and effort, and keeps his readers with Inin in acliarinad oirolo,"—(Providence Press. . “ Ono of the most instructive ns well ns entertnirmg J looks which the >onr lins produced."—[Worcester Pal ladium. GOULD & LINCOLN, No. 60 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. SJCJHLLEU’S SONG OF THE BELL. With the Original Text on the Oi>vo*tte Page. Price 10 cents. At t t§ ,K. LEYPOLDT’s! Foreijrn Bookseller and Importer. 1323 CHESTNUT, corner of Juniper, n9-St* Bolow the United States Mint. GOOD NEWS OF GOD. X MR. KINGSLEY’S LAST BOOK. A volumo of Sermons l» tho Rev. Charles Kingsley, author of “Hypatia," “ Alton Locke," “Sermons for the Times,” &0., entitled, THE GOOD NEWS FROM GOD. 1 vol.. 12um. $l. New edition now ready. “Ilis Bonimns are simple, manly, healthy exhorta tions, inspiring oulturoof mind anil obedience inaction, in tins light they aro worthy of being rend anil studied. Their devotmdal spirit is strong, though it is treed from worn-out conventional language, ana the thought frequently hfifi the great merit of being ingenious with out. being untrue."—[London Athenißiim. Trade supplied by M. D 0 (U Zap y l .' Pi IM [h LatTn nt VF.kY AJIERIDAN SHOULD READ DKLIST.K'B IHSTOftY OF INDKPENDENGK HALL, with Utograpbies of the Signors of the Declara tion of Indepondonee, and abounding with Anecdotes, inoulentii. nud Facts interesting to every American. Price SI 28. JAMES CHALLEPT & SON, nS-flt Street. (~|L,D BDUKS-ULD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS The undersigned states thnihe has frequently for sale books printed between theyear* 1470 and 15005 early editions of the Fathers of tho Reformers and of the Pu- Titan Divine.! in-Law, llranlon. Lrttlnton, Putfendorff GrotiuStDowatf Coke, Hale, tlieYear Books, Reports &o.» are often to be found on his shelves; Cyclopedia* Lexioons, qlaasio authors, History, Poetry. Philosophy, Science, Political Koonomy, Government. Architecture, Natural History. 1 rentisesupon these and other kindred subjeotsare being continually dealt in by him. Books, in largo and small quantities, purchased at the Custom- House avenue, Bookstall, CHESTNUT Stroot, above Fourth, Philadelphia. trivia-*™ tnUN fJAMPBRU,. CUGATi-lIOUSE MOLASSES.—ISO hhds. nJ tif rceB,!and barrels, for sale by «» )AMBBo teu & „^ new publications; JUST PUBLISHED: SELF-EDUCATION; on, the MEANS AND ART OF MORAL PROQREBS. Translated from the French of M. LE BARON DEGERANDQ, BY ELIZABETH P. PEABODY. THIRD EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS. One volume, l2mo „ Price $1.23. This work, notwithstanding that two large editions were printed and sold, has beonf >rsome time out of print. The importance of the subject, and the well known ability displayed in its treatment by the author who was the founder of publio schools in France, and who devoted his life and talents to the furtherance of practical and monl education among the Frenoh peo ple, have induced the present publisher to issue this new edition. A few obapters containing the metaphysical views of the author, which were omitted in the socond edition, have been restored in this. T. O. H, P.~BURNHAM, PUBLISHER, 143 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. *F“For sale by ALL BOOKBELLERB, and sont by mail, postage free, on receipt of the price. n 8 A9-2t NiOAV AND BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THE WAYERE EY NOVELS. In 48 Vote. CapBvo. Printed on a Beautiful Long Primer Type, AND ILLUSTRATED WITH OVER 1500 WOOD-CUTS A STEEL ENGRAVINGS, Published in commotion with Messrs. A. 8c C. Blace, of Edinburgh. PRICE PER VOL. 81,35. Vo’s. 1 to 8, inclusive, are ready. Tho remaining vo lumes of the aeries will be issued in rapid succession. FOR SALE BY BOOKSELLEHS OENERALLY. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. ( n&-4t 23 AND 34 NORTH FOURTH ST. r |hlE MISSING LINK.—THE MISSING * LINK; or. Bible Women in the Homos of the London Poor. By tho author of "Tho Book and its Story.” J2nio. 75 cents. THE PHBCIOUS THINGS OF GOD. By Octavius Winslow, D. D. 75 cents. KATE AND EFFIE ; or Prevarication. Illustrated. 60 cants. , THE FIRST AND LAST JOURNEY. Illustrated. 18mo? 40 cents. . , FOIL; Hammered from Popular Proverbs. b >^TjH ,ot JlTJ llo «” nb - I*mo. $l. THE MONEY KING, and Other Poems, By Jolm G, Saxo. With a Portra t. l2mo. 75 cents. ART RECREATIONS. 12rao. $l6O. For sale by WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, n« No. 6G6 CHESTNUT Street. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. gUPERIOR DRESSING GOWNS, MANUFACTURED AT W. W. KNIGHT’S, 000 ARCH STREET. Tho newest and most beautiful styles always on hand; very suitable presonts for the approaching holidays. Just received n lot of PURE SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, EXTRA HEAVY. TIES, SCARFS, Ac., OF THE NEWEST STYLES, FINE SHIRTS AT WHOLESALE, RETAIL, OR MADE TO ORDER, AND GtMRrfNTIED TO FIT. nD-djl C. WALBORN & 00., (NOW) NOS, S AND T NORTH SIXTH BTRBBT, have now n very superior assortment of Bhirts, Under olothing, Gloves, Hosiery, eto. Spooia! attention given to GENTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS, of whjoh a fine assortment is constantly kept on hand. ois)-3mif T NICHOLSON* Manufacturer of SHIRTS. LINEN and MARSEILLES . , BOSOMS nnd COLLARS. A large and choice assortment, nnd will MABR, always on liand, unto whioh I particularly invite tbs at tention of cash andprompt-paying short-tins buyer*. 8. E.ooraerofSKCONO And ARCH Streets, PHILADELPHIA. 013-]m* DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. p'ELT CAHPETINQS. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, MANUFACTURED AT TUB WASHINGTON MILLS, LAWRENCE, M*SS., FOR SALE ET JOSHUA L. BAILY. IMPORTER AND JOBBER, ’ * *l3 MARKET STREET, nB-lf PHI LADKLPIIIA. QONGO SHIRTINGS, MADE FROM AFRICAN COTTON, Warranted in nil ronpocts the produot ol FREE LABOR. For irate exclusively by JOSHUA L. BAILY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER, 213 MARKET STREET, n PHILADELPHIA, (JAS FIXTURES, &c. PHILADELPHIA (IAS-PIXTUBK WORKS H, F. WABtISR. W. 9. MISXBT. W. O. B. MSSEJLL. WARNER, MfSKEY. & MERRILL, MANUFACTURERS, STORE, No. 7X3 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WARNER, PECK. & CO., No. 870 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Would respeotfully inform the public that they conti nus to iKOnufactitre all kind, or GAB FIXTURES, GIRANDOLES, Apd that their large and varied stork comprises the simplest as well as the most elaborate patterns, design ed by thoir French artists. They also continue to keep at their store, No, S7G BROADWAY, a large and full assortment of their manfnetured good*. Dealo'gnnd others are invited to call and examine. r>B-)2t QOA.L OIL. PHILADELPHIA PHOTIC COAL OIL WORKS BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS Manufactured and for sale by HEIiME, MORRIS, & CO., THIRTIETH, NORTH OP MARKET STREET. ■B-Sin Jj}YE AND EAR, DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCHZISKRR, OCULIST AND AURIBT. Br, M. gives his exclusive attention to the medical ami surgical treatment of the EV E ami EAR. DEA PNESS of the longest standing removed both hr medical and surgioa) operations on the latest scientific principles. Dr. M. would lie pleased to receive mom* tars of the tned(oal faoulty who wish to witness his method of operating for tlio removal of Dealnosi, or any operation on the EVE and EAR. ARTIFICIAL EYKR INSERTED. Office South NINTH Btreot, above Spruce. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 1 F. M„ and from 4 to 6 P. M. iiT-lmif DEAF MADE TO HEAR.-—Acoustic Au ricles, Artificial Ear Drums. Cornets, Soniferous, over forty varieties of Ear Trumpets, Ea* Instruments in every variety, and of the most approved construc tional „ P. MADEIRA'S «. ...» . Instrument Depot, No. 115 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, nl-Bt* Philadelphia. WARM AIR FURNACE. » * the hew cone furnace , OAB CONRUMEII Will thoroughly Warm four house with oks-thuhi x,kbs coal than is required by any other Pomace. Satisfaction m all cases guaranteed. Buildings Warmed and Ventilated by ARNOLD* WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. ©LATE MANTELS, The Riohest and most Beautiful Specimens ol Enamelled Slate Mantels, ever oflered for sale m this country, manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania Slate stone, and for sale very low. ARNOLD A WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street, COOKING RANGES. All in want of the Best Elevated Double Oven Cooking Raoge,wiHdowelf*ocaUat wr , D^lU ,_ „ ARNOLD & WILSON’S, •elO-Jjwf 1910 CHESTNUT Street, .9, 1859. " <§ILK FANCY GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. D. J. LEVY & CO. Have reduced the prices of their entire stock of SILK AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Which comprises a very oboioe selection of Vll the NEW GOODS OF THE SEASON. The inspection of purchasers is invited. Their STOCK is now complete, in all the Depart ments, and many of their GOODS have been purchased at the large Auotion Sales, AT LEBS THAN THE FOREIGN COST. They offer to the public a large assortment of the BEBfGOODS MANUFACTURED IN EUROPE, at prices AS LOW as can be purchased elsewhere. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. n7-8t rjMJE PARIS MANTILLA, FUR EMPORIUM ELEGANT CLOAKS, PARIS, LONDON, and HOME MANUFACTURE, Now open in great profusion. NEW CLOAKS OPENING EVER Y MORNING, The largest stock in the eity. RICH VELVET CLOAKS, Plain and elaborate. HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS FINE CLOTH CLOAKS, MOURNING CLOAKS, ELEGANT COLORED CLOAKS, In Drop de Velour ; IMPERIAL PLUSH, in Stripes; ROYAL PLUSH, TARTAN, AND OTHER NOVELTIES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, JJANDSOME FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR. REAL RUSSIAN SABLE OAPEB, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. HUDSON BAY SABLE CAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. AMERICAN MINK SABLE CAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL CAPES. HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. also, # STONE MARTIN, FINE DARK GERMAN FITCH, and ererr othe r well-seasoned FUR. The largost assortment in the oity. It is rospeotfully submitted to Ladies that, in their soarch for articles in this department, their convenience will be better consulted at the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, which, being devoted exclusively to the sale of artioles for Ladies’Attire offers inducements not obtainable elsewhere. j. w. proctor & co., THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. nl-dxs-tf Black beaver cloths for ladies. .CLOAKS. RIBBED AND PLAIN. Also, Black French Lady Cloths of a lighter texture; a full line of the different prices just oponed. Also, a fine fresh Stock of WHITE GOODS. L'dios and Gents’ Linen Cambric lIDKFS, in great variety, BLACK ALPACAS, From 29 Cts to sli)o—Rich and Glossy. CHEAP EMBROIDERIES. . French and Swiss Worked Collars, on Swiss and Cam* brio Muslins. Al»'*,Betsat«ro&tl» reduced prices. PLAID GOODS REDUCED IN PRICE from 44 ands7K to SI ots. Rich Plaid Favoritasat2scts. BHAWLS! SHAWLS! A splendid stock of Broche, Blanket and Stella Shawls, very desirable. CHARLES ADAMS, og-smwtf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. Hosiery goods.—j. wm. hof- MANN. No. 9 North EIGHTH Street, has now open Ins rallßtock of Hosiery Goods, vis s Undervests and Drawers ptCartwTight and Warner’s superior manu facture, for ladies and misses’ wear. .Merino Shirts and Drawers, tor gents and youths. Menno Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and Gaunt lets, aud goods generally appertaining to the Hosiery business. J..W.H. respectfully solioits the attention of families to his stock, assuring them that his stock is un excelled for variety by any other in the city, and that his prices are as lowas those of any other regular house. N. 13.—N0 abatement made from the prices named. •31-wfmtf IyUSSIA CRASH. Six bales, comprising all Qualities of aheap real Russia Crash. Also, American and Scotoh Toweling. Scotch and Bird-Eye Diaper, Colored Bordered Damask Towels. CLOTH AND VELVET CLOAKS. Frenoh Sample Cloaks, of newest designs. New Shapes of Cloth Cloaks. Velvet Cloaks, Crotchet-Trimmed. Also, Lyons Black Velvets, alt widths. Tricots. Beavers. Castors, Chinchillas, Mixed Cloths, for Travelling Cloaks. BHARPLEBS BROTHERS, ng CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, CANTON FLANNELS, A_i Bleached and Brown, in various qualities, import ed by BHARPLEH BROTHERS, ng CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. MAGNIFICENT N&W GOODS OPEN -ITX INO DAILY!!! THORN LEY fc CHISM, EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, have an excellent stock of Iron* Bfoch* Bhawls at $8,910,912,9X4, $15,913, 820. $22, end $25. Sqimro Brocne Shawls. Stella Shawls. Ac., 4c. Inmx and Square Blanket Shawls Ladies and Mieses. Gents* and Boys* Shawls, from 9440 up. The Reversible Bhawl for sfi, worth 8?A0! CLOAKS. By the best New York and Philadelphia Manufacturers, from $3.50 up to $23!! 1 Wide Silk Velvets. Beaver Cloths, &0., Ao. gassimorea. Ratinetts.&o., for Men's and Boys' Wear. LACK SILK, 10 per cent, under regular prices ! Fancy Silks, unusually cheap. Beautiful Dress Goods, in great variety. The Prettiest low priced Delaines in the city. BLANKETS, of the best English and American •Manufacture. THORNLEY 4 CHISM Buynh/crCash. Thtv can't and won’t b« Undersold ! N. E. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. 030 LADIES’ FANCY FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATH. NOS. 415 AND 417 AROU STREET, HAS NOW OPEN HIS UBUAL CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURS, Made of stock selected by himself in Europe during the past Spring. 0028-3ra LJYRE & LAN DELL. FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared to suit families with their WINTER DRY GOOES. FRENCH MKRINOEB, LADIES’ CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4*4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Do. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS. UNSHRINKING FLANNELS, FANCY SACK FLANNELB, FINE STOCK OF BLANKETS, CASSIMERE3 FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. B.—'The above Goods are all at the low rates of ; the season. 0020-tN2U BRONZES, 40., 4c. fjIALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. A Newest Patterns Fall Cloaks. Winter Cloakadaily opening, i Black Beaver Cloaks. Black Tricot Cloaks. Bhok French Cloth Cloaks. Cloaks made to ord-r at oaeday’s notice. Prices ssto gift. COOPER 4 OONAKD, 010 NINTH and MARK! PASSIMERES, CLOTHS. Thick Plain Caaaimeres, Heavy Black Cassimeres. Stout Fancy Styles. Rugged Mixtures, Plaids and Stripes, 54 and 4-4 First-rate Black Doeskins. Black Broadcloths $1 JO to 9*. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths. COOPER 4 CONARD. 010 NINTH and MARKET. FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ BANK, Philadelphia, November Ist, 1869. The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, payable on demand. n3-fit W. RUBHTON. Jh„ Cashier. jyjECIIANICS' BANK, Philadelphia, Nor. The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Dividend of FIVE PERCENT, lor the list six months, payable on and after the 11th inst., agreeably to charter, nJ-iltll 1.0. MITCHELL. Cl>hi«r. GIIRARD BANK, Philadelphia, Nov. 1, r isw. The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT, out ol the profits for the last six months, payable, free of Slate tax, on or after the Uih instant, in con formity with the provisions of the Goneral Banking Law. W. L. fcCIIAFhER, n2dtll Cashier. (CONSOLIDATION BANK, Philadelphia J Nov. 1, 1869. , * ■ft The Directors have TIIIB DA\ declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on and alter the 10th instant. By order of the Board of Directors. n2*wfnitnh> JOS. N. PIKRBQL, Cashier. Bank of penn township, Phiia delphia, Nov. 1,1%9. , —. . . The Dlteotor* have TUISDA\ declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock for the last six months, payable on demand, dear of State tax.. n2-J2t JAMES RUSSELL, Cashier. CAUTION !—ASTROLOGY!—LOOK OUTS-GOOD NEWS FOR ALL!—The never failing Mrs. VAN HORN is the beat; she suc ceeds when all others have tailed. All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, deceived by false promises, fly to her tor advice and comfort. In for* affairs she tuvtr fails. She has the secret of winning the affections of the opposite sex. It is this fact wnich induces illiterate pretendors to try to imitate her, and copy her advertisement. She shows you the likeness of your future wife, husband, or aidant friend. It is welt known to the public at large that she is the first and only person who pan show the likeness in reality, and can give entire satisfaction on all the con cerns of life, whioh can be tested and proved by thou sands, both married and single, who daily and eagerly visit her. Come one! come allt to No.liM LOMBARD Street, between Jnniperand Broad. nB-et* SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF COTTON K 3 TWINE, for MlO bj EGBERT E. EVANS, oli-lnm UtOHESTNUZ Strnt. RETAILDRY GOODS. CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 OUESTNCT STREET. fIHARI'DESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and ElGHTHStraat*. DIVIDENDS. wants, - ■ - OITDATION WANTED—In some Mer- SsleimAn, or m lh » tss&rsag: CALESMEN WANTED-On Ist of Jsnu ary next, In a first-elas* Notion House, teenier » I trge and attractive stoolc of goods. Salesmen rollr ae quainted with and able to influence a large amonnt of trade, one from Pennsylvania, and one from V rvini* None need, apply unless they possess the above euehfi cations. Alt communications confidential. Address “p Q.,” at this offioe. * 'VI/'ANTED.-An Experienced Book-keeper V v and Business man win be open to an engagement from January Ist, with an Importing, Jobbing, or Ma nufacturing establishment. 8a isfactory city reference given. Address “ Books,” inis Office. Communica tions «trictly confidential. n7-3t* TVTANTfiD—By a Young Man, who has * * hadmany years experience, a Situation aa Sales* maa in a wholesale Cloth or Commission House. Can ?®«orafDended. andean influence trade. Ad dress ”D. P. V.?> p, tss Office. n7-3t* l-TOUSE OF REFUGE.—Wanted, a Male •* Assistant in the White Department. Apply to . JAMES J. BARCLAY, Chairman of thn Executive Committee, No. 3, ATHENAUM BUILDING. ANTED—A German Designer for all . .*/ kinds of Woollen Cloths. A permanent and lucra* tive position is offered to a German having the follow ing Qualifications, vu.: A thorough knowledge of the */«npb and Languages, an aocurate knowledge of Woollen Manufactures as earned on abroad, and it W«l!e,‘c&t*“ “ u » “« “<> f ‘“°J A prectical Weaver and Deiltner. and aona other need apply, to M South FRONT Street. 010-mwl-tf ti I.ETIT] A Street FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO CAPITALISTS, SPECULATORS, MECHANICS. AND FARMERS.—JOHNSON ie herewith hi. PATENT CHURN, and ml! Oder it for •ale, br Counties or States, from the place which will be made known at the next issue of the papers. The r j r A! )llte more Butter from the same amount 2* Muk and Cream, either sweet or sonr, than any other Churn now known or m use. and will do it in leu than four minutes. The sweet-milk Butter will be the best and largest yield. Respeotfuily, DANIKL JOHNSON. n9-tf WALNUT-STREET HOllik. TO LET—-The Store and Dwelling N. E. corner of OGDEN and ONTARIO Street, with modern improvements, and in complete order. Rent S2W. Key next door. Apply at SB5 North FIFTH Street, third door below Green street, at 8 A.M. and 2 and HP. M. afl-wfadt* TO LET—3d, 4th, and sth Stories of the new building 413 ARCH Street. Well calculated rpr a ugnt manufacturing business, having two sky lu hts, anu water and water closets; also, gaa and gas fixtures. Apply on the premisea. n9*et* rPO BOOK*BINDERS.—FOR SALE—A , First-class Bookbindery and Blank-Book Manu factory, looated.m Harrisburg, Pa., having a large run of custom—it being the only Jobbing establishment in the place. a > All the machinery is of the very best and nearly new, purchased about a year and a half ago. There is also a good stock of Binders’ Boards, Leather, Ac.,on hand, which will be sold at cost. There is an insurance of on it. , The proprietor, not being a practical binder, and wishing to engage m other business, will sell at an ftnu sual bargain. The terms will be easy, and a good, stead/ workman can purchase to advantage. Address or apply immediately, for full particulars, to GEO. A. BROOKS, _ nM;* Harrisburg, Pa, I7*OR SALE—A Half Interest in a Popu lar WEEKLY LITERARY PAPER, well es tablished, in a city where there is no other paper of its oiats It has a large circulation, and affords a most desirable opportunity for profitable investment to any one ef literary taste. Address, for full particulars, ” Z. Y X..” Baltimore, Md. na-7t*_ FOR BALE—A valuable Lot of Ground, U 8 feat by 100, three fronts, water and gas laid on ono.fronts suitable for a church or factory. It is situa ted in the Southwestern part of the oity, in a rapidly im proving neighborhood. Terms easy. Address, for par ti n4-tf TO BUILDERS AUD OTHERS.—The Materials in all the Market Houses, in MARKET Street, will be sold low in lots to suit purchasers, vis: Shingle Roof, 40,000 feet of Tin Roofing. 100,000 feet of Boards and Soantling, UQjOQO Pacing and other Bricks, Meat Hooks, Fire Wood, AOOO feet of Curb Stone, Ac. Apply SEVENTH, above Thompson street. nt-m* NATHAN W. ELLIS. f&g FOR SALE—The Mill Property, late of E*‘« BENJAMIN PARRY, deceased, situate in tbs bo rough of New Hope, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, con sisting of a Grist and Saw-Mill; the former having two overshot water wheels and three run of Burr Mill Btones, with Corn kiln, and the necessary machinery for manu facturing Grain, either for Grist or Merchant work: the latter has a convenient Log yard attaohed, and is driven by an overshot water-wheel, with cast-iron tearing; there is also a frame tenement on the premises. The Milts are turned by thy never-railing stream of water known as “ Great Bpnng Run,” and are capable of coins a large business. The Oanalson each side of the Delaware River and the Belvidere Delaware Railroad afford facilities for communication with the cities of Philadelphia and New ' ork. end for the transportation of freight at all sea sons of the year, which make it a desirable location ior any kind ofmanufacturing purpose. The above will be sold tow, as the heir* are desirous of setihnr the estate. For fortwir particulars, apply to CHARLES B. KNOWLKS«on the nrenuses.or to OLI VER PARRY, SEVENTEENTH Btreet, below Green, Philadelphia. 031-Ut* TO LET —A Second-story Room, conve nient to the state House, suitable for a Lawyer’s Office. Apply 431 CHESTNUT Street. sU BOARDING. A VERY ELEGANT SUITE OF ROOMS, on second floor, with b'umLto be let, either se parate or together, withprivate table if desired. Apply. N. K. corner SIXTEFNTIIandLOCUST Sts. nB-3t* LODGING 800 MS, for Gentlemen, second story, handsomely furnished, private entrance, gas, Ac. 302 UNION Street n4-4t* TWO Communicating .Rooms ; also, One small one vacant, at 1923 WALNUT Street. n3-4t* REMOVALS. Removal henry sxevenson, TAILOR, bees to inform his numerous friends and customers that he has Removed to33d CHESTNUT Street, second door below Fourth, South side, where he will keep a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Doe skins, Overcoatings. Cashmere Vestings, Ac., ahich he will be pleased to sell on the most reasonable terms. nS-lm* Removal.— martin * wqlff have Removed to No. 331 MARKET Street, Sooth etda, belov Fourth, where the, ofier & ehoiee ueortmeot ol Fill and Winter Goode, at verv low price*. «13-,m MILLINERY GOODS. a MRS. M. S. BISHOP, of 015 CHEST <UT Street, will open her New Show-Rooms, on RDAY, November sth, with a choice selection of Faris Millinery for tins Winter, at 2016 CHESTNUT Street, next door to the St. Lawrenee Hotel. n4-4t WINTER MILLINERY, Misses (MfcO’BRYAN. 9U CHESTNUT Street, above Ninth, will open Pans Millinery, for the Winter, on THURS DAY, November the 3d. 1839. nl-lgt* MRS. M. S. BISUOP, of 915 CIIEST WS»NUT Street, bas now opened & splendid assort ment of Fashionable Millinery. oS7-lm 729. N E w 729. FLOWER & FEATHER STORE, 729 CUBSTNCT STREET. Just received per late STEAMER, a ipleadid auort- HEADDRF.SSKS. BRIDAL WREATHS. FRENCH FLOWeWk^THER^,^ THOS. KENNEDY & BRO., 709 CHESTNUT BT., AND 43 S.BECOND BT. oo2S-3ml 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, AKD 306 B. SECOND ST., below SPEUCH ST. H&a now opened the largest and most beautiful assort ment of BONNET MATERIALS That can be found in the city. ALL COLORS.QUALITIES, AND PRICES. QOOOS CUT BIAS. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO MILLINERS. 0c25-tf-if . IVOTIIING CHEAPER! NOTHING BET i" TER!! Having the very best facilities, we ate determined to furnish, at the ’ J LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, the best And roost seasonable goods in BONNETS, trimmed or untrinuned. &IBIJON3, FLOWERS, RUCHbS, 4c., Ao. We have now a splendid stock of WINTER BONNETS. in variety of style and «uali»v, sure to please the most simple or the most fashionable. Also, a most complete assortment of Children i Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Beavers, Flats, etc. Beautiful Cloth and Velvet Caps for small boys. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 7J35 CHESTNUT STREET, 019-tf NORTH BIDE. HOUSE-FURNISHINU GOODS. Q.OODS FOR THE SEASON. BRONZED FENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT W.IRMERS, BLOWER STANDS. PLATE WARMERS, HOT water Dishes, Ac., Ac., AT THU HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES, NOS. 954 AND 1290 CHESTNUT STREET. JNO- A. MURPHEY & CO, oIS-wfmtf CHINA AND QUEENS WARE. granite and china TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, TOILET SETS , PRESSED GLASS GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, Ac., AT LOW PRICES. * WRIGHT, SMITH 4 CO., 019-wfmtf NO. 5 NORTH FIFTH BT. NEWLAND So 00., LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-ERA MB MANUFACTURERS,'' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL: An extensive gtock of OIL PAINTINGS, ete. All at venr Low Price*. 604 ARCH Street, above SIXTH, Philadelphia- *!9-tialif YRRAWING AND PAINTING MATE AJ RIALS. Engipeers’ end Architects’ Stationery. Grecian Fainting Materials. Potichomanin Design* end Vase*. .„,i Faint Boxes for Children, and also for Artist* and Btudauts. Pictures and Picture Frames. Playing Cards, American and Frenoh. Catalogue. Iran, to tho ggdea & janeNTZKY, No. 11* Snush EIGHTH Street. WHOLESALE AND H.ETATL. TZ" EROSENE OIL.—A full supply of the XV above Oil, manufactured by the Boston Company, will be furnished to the trade,at fewest prices, by tlio sole Meets for tins city,• ASHBURN EH, 4 CO„ No. 16 Anuth WHARVFB. n 9 DITCH.— 3OO hbls Best Pitch, Filming- X ton-use barrels, in store and for tale by ROWLfiY»ARHBURNKR. * CO.. n? M SOUTH WHARVES. - ' AJnjgHjreirrs-. OF'MUSIC.’, . MR. PATH. MORPHY, Hara« kindly coaeenied taplay tor THE BENEFIT OF THB MOUNT VERNON FUND, Tli* Management hard the pteasarj to asßoasee that on FRIDAY EVENING, the 11th At tb* ACADEMY OF MUSIC, He vtll PLAT FOUR GAMES, SIMULTANEOUSLY, blindfolded, against flayers OP THE first ability in this cm'. . T*k' ,t Witt he w arranied that thej can tie dutlnctlj mo from all part, of the house »»W 'fM “ * °’ clo ' k “ d ADMISSION. To a Secared Seat la the Pareoette, Paraoette Circle.aad Baleoar,» wu , Circle and Amphitheatre, S cent*. Ticket, can be had on Thnrada, *«nun,. at tha bookxtoreaot Parry k MeMtUan, W.B. A A. hUrtien Burn* A Sieg.and Samoel Haxard, jr. * STJT-STREET THEATRE. B°V* Le4 * 6 /- 0 v- Mft. 3tf. A. GARRETTBON. Aetie* and Blag* Manager— .Mr. E. F. ITEach. Basinets Agent Mr. JOS. D. JCURPHtT TfflS (WEDNESDAY ) EVENING, Xor. Wilt bap resented— w Ok. LOVE'S VICTORY. Waller u Geraldine, aided by tbs ftiQ strength of the e fitment artistes of the Watnot-street company. To conclude with the Coined* of the jL. Rirpn da jffyoMi rrieii as usnaL Beats secured three da: r« madronos 4 CLABKE’B ABCH '' STREET THEATRE. THIS (WEDHESDA|) o EVENII(O, Novambtr ». j‘.R To ooQoludo with th« ft ° D; A ” tOD1 °’ ; D KJOE’S GREAT SHOW. Ei,hth NATIMAL THEATRE. WALNUT St-,»boT. J. tJ?!Si]YI?P !rEaOAV> . A ?TERNOON, For.tni MMOial accommrd&tura of Pu«ot> Guardians all the diversified attractions of the Great p3 ‘ ,n ud DAN RICE, k“- •elf, vill appear and “cut ap. ’ * M T . r KVKKIHG, Nov. 9, Sf*ti Mfi E- BAH RICE « Ua . The Paraxon of K>phants.“ Lall* Bookfc:” the Talk *“S«n op?n.« 0 p?n.«S I »» <1, !4 r;M tbe F«fonntnf !fejuaoeeroe and ® ni ?. 6roo » foenea in the circle. bj^teg^agM^r nem * funay * ati °- A K v££P? ITIOK 0P di SSOLVING tojhZSufmt M.^ CHURCH. ARCH, on thii WEDNESDAY EVENING 9th inst., at 7Xo clock. Ticket* 30 cent*. Children, ’half prion—to be procured at the door. ouuraa> QRAND JUBILEE, “ : HONOR OP THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY SCHILLEJt’BBIRTHDAY, THLRSDAk, THE 10TH OP NOVEMBER, IS®, tU 7 o’clock P. M_ ' _ at m ACADEMY OP Mt’SIC. PROGRAMME. 1. Jabilee-rOvertnre... .CARL MARIA VON WEBER. 2. Oration in German GUSTAVOS RFMAIC via 1. Overture—Kjmont. .LTOWIG VAN BKKTfIOV?S. - 4. Oration m En|Usb Her. W. H. FURNESS, D. b. 1. rmrodocbon- 1 * LoheoKnn”’RICHARD WAGNER I. Jubilee—Poem by Fred. Freiligralh, read br Unveiling of the STATUE OF SCH^LLfeß.^^^^* j. schtllee-I«g t> a .. „ ANDREAS ROMBERG. G®Hn*a muni cal societies, ccn anting of 300 Ladies and Gentlemen. Many member* of tbe Coxilia and a large camber of other Amateur*. The followins Ltiie, M d Gentlemen hnrn BmUr con tented to siat tbe Solo parts: S^-SS&X HAJOHA * i K SEJ - Mr. JACOB. M» HAIfN. Mr. TEUPEL. Ms. SCHILLER, Mr.ZEITZ, „ ~ Mr. ARTHUR VOELDEN. * Musical Leader and Conductor—CAßL SEXTZ The Overtures, introductions, and Instrumental Music by the GERMANIA OROHEBTRA, atToSioS** ** 6 o'clock. Performance**commence Ticket*, at ts .and SO cent*, to be had of Sehanfer ft Koradi, Fourth and Wood street*; Andre ft Co., 1M SOU* TW ' ■*•« F - W - «- Reserved seats, at an extra ebarve of SO cents, no vfil;!^<£. r Ai the Academr of Moste on Wednesday, November Ah. and Thursday, fetaSl I'*'” 1 '*'” U.. W of, o'clock A, S’. Fiinou appljrlM for rwrred seau. who b»T» al rMd/ procar edllc * e t« »t SO cents, ciait Yukti tbcca ei ouagra %t the Box Offioo, ani obtain otbor tickota ud corraipoadmg chaokx. aoS-3t* THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA RE •poc tfollj ■ oboubc# that their FIRST GRAND FORTV PERFOBMEgs. HALL ’ Orcfcuta of Pne« of^utweriptioa—Tbree Ticket* for Sob •cnption Liit open HAndre’eanU Reek k. Lmtm'n at M.F. Hell. Bin«!e ticket*. GNR DOLLAR eMh; to be had at the door m the sight of the Concert only. For particnUrs Me programme. TUcDONOUGITS GAIETIES—RACE ST. THIS iis3&H£iii «Mk. fo«,d -•o upon ta# thrilling incidents of • THE MEXICAN WAR, A. M. HERNANDEZ AXT> . . . MON 8. CALADINB la tao principalcart*. GREAT RAND OP . v BEREXADERB, Giving th* be»t ENTERTAINMENT IN THE CITY. »3 tf W ILL SHORTLY CLOSB . * Tb« Elbilniion of DI'ESELDORF PAINT INGS, « th. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ineludlM THE MARTYRDOM OP JOHN HUSS. * Ojxn j/ulj, ircit.» A. M. UIUF. M.,mud7 toUP. M. AdtmwonZSe.aU. n3-tal3 fjiIRST GRAND CONCERT - or THU UNION ASSOCIATION. AT MV SIC ALFV Nlt HAIL, On TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 3,133fc TICKETS 15 CEN'TS. Door. QQ.n at fill o’clock. Coacrt oommooc. . 1 7 1 , HHEMPLE of wonders. A NorthMrt cora.r or TENTH and CHESTNUT BtreeU—Second Story. SIGNOR BLITZ’S NKW AND WONDERFUL DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENTB of MAGI CAL METAMORPHOSES. VENTRILOQUISM, and the LEARNED CaNARY BIRDS, at hi* NEWHaLL. EVERk EVENING during the WEEK, commencing on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at S. Adtmaiion 24 cent*. Children IS cent*. oSS-lm* ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC VF Rehearsals every SATURDAY at MUSICAL FUND HALL, at 3K o’clock P. M. A package of eight ticket*, one oollar. Single tickets. 29 cent*. To be o*4 at G. And re *, and Beck 4 Lawton’* Mutio Store*, any at the door. oIS-3m WOLYSOHN and CARL BOHN- Vy STOCK’S SPRIKS OF SIX CLASSICAL SOIREES, At the Foyer ofthe ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Subscription* will be remind at the Mcsio Btore* of G. Andre 4 Co., 1104 Chestnut street; Lee 4 Walker, 722 Chestnut street; Beck 4 Lawton, comer of Berentii and Chestnut streets; A. Bhmidt, 23 Sooth Eighth street, where the prospectus and programme* can bis seen. oH-Im MERCHANT TAILORS* O. THOMPSON. TAILOR, N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND WALNUT STS., Devotes entire personal attention to orders, and keeps always on hand a desirable Tiriety of GOODS FOR MEN’S WEAR. N. B.—PANTALOONS, as cut by me, are warranted to give satisfaction, and a* many find itdl£cult to ge suited, I issue this special notice. 802-wfm2mif SAYING PUNDS. OPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND SO* ►3 CIBTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Offioe, No.snNoithTHlßD Street (Consolidation Bank BnikJinr.) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF?£W SYLVAN IA. Deposits received in sum* of On* Dollar and upwards, and mpaid In Gold, with<mt notiee,with FIYH PER CENT. INTEREST Dorn th* day of deposit Uli with drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, asd “ The Spring Garden Bavmgs Fund society *’ was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, in organising and locating it. have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the busi ness interest and wants of the T*ry large aed enterpn ““ ™^°°olricvo&Tviit FromttolXo’clock: alio, on. Monday and Thcreday from 4 until So’clock in the evening. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith. Joan P. Levy. Hon. H. K. Strong, Daniel Undergoffer* Fredenck Stack*, Francis Hart, Joseph P. LeCleru, John Kessler, Jr., George Kneeht« George Woelpper, Geo. T. Thorn. Peter C. EUmsAsr. wWH Robsu B. Davvdeon. JAMES 8. PRINbLE, President, Fkascts HakT.Secretan. JaM-tfJ ORE PROOF OF THE WONDERFUL if A EFFECTS OF MONKLL’S AMERICAN HAIR REPARATOR. PatLabuLPHia, B*ptember27th, 1359. This is to certify that I was biald lor many years, and was recommended to try your Reparator; asd having Rrocured three bottles, used it for three months, which ascausedray hair to craw, and although not quite as thick as before, yet it is constantly trowing. ___ E. hi. JONES, No. 39 North Third street. PHiUDCLrHiA. September 27th, 1349. Mr. J. F. Dtar Sir —Some tune since my hair commenced failing oat, so much so. that l was, in fact, fearful of becoming bald; but hearing ofthe won derful power of your Reparator. I was induced to buy a bottle, and after asm* one-half of it my hair not only ceased coining out, but commenced growing finely, ana I have now as thick a suit of hair I had. JACOB EVANS. No. 424 Cherry street For «1. b. T. H. FKTERR 4. Co- Sol. Ajeoa. No. 716 CHESTNUT Street. Pmladelphia. aeSS-im SILVER SOAP—A simple Dreparation for eleaniing Silver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrors, Mar ble, 4c.. far more convenient and effective than any other. One half the labor of House cleaning may bfc saved by using this Soap, which cannot possibly injure the finest Zinc white, and a* no scrubbing is required, the savins in the wear of the paint is much greater than the cost of the Soap. It leaves the surface as pure and white a* when new. Manufactured only by the Boston Indexica) Soap Company, and sold by their appointed Agents, HAZARD 4C0.. Apothecaries, TWELFTH -and CHESTNUT. *2l LADIES’ HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI SETTS, and CURLS, maanfaetored is tie very best and newest Pari* styles, and o/ which ve constantly keep a rerj larie assortment on hand, sold wholesale and retail, at the lowest possible pnee*- Order* irosi all parts of the ooontry sohoited, and promptly, attended to. * Between Market and Cbastnot. SJALMON.—2S bblsr prime new No. 1 Sal- All the best brands, at low . »ri»i, 3. T. FLAHERTY. Importer of Cu«r«. No.CfCHESTNIFr Btreet. adjoimnj Girard Hmue. og-lm Choice pure tea.—love, fourth and CHESTNU3L Hu reduced bk Ikdlu JKacfc n dGreenT«34lo7?«a»P<rpowi4-AB4r|iuu tf ' . ; . } . i b»*.s * ’ 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers