- TA, elv9rpok of oo Bible. : ißsiortoini 'rho Preact • , t - Otieseveitil months, thiv r .Nev. - Richard Newton, D.D.,:rector,.'Of St, ,(Episeo. patyChurelv,.Thira street; holoir' Walnut, has, been engaged ta delivering a course of month -17, fpOkroul Wiintel of ,the pi*. The Tegular_diacourse in - this interesting series was preched .iu that CdifiCk", on' Sunday evening, 16th init., to au overflowing congregation, the subjact,heing , _• - . ' , cc female Judge of Israel; the following passage being selected as the text tor the•occasion ‘. - •. 4. And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of IspP ' Oh,- she. judged., Israel at that limn.' And she Await -under the palm tree of Doborah„betwecn Ramalr.and Bethelfin Mount Rphraim,_ and the ehildren of Israel • came up to her for judgment." .Tadvadr,,4, . ;The Speaker introduced his chosen theme by saying that if ,wo looked itito the heavens at night, we saw Stars everywhere, yet we saw them more clusteringit some points than at others. These Waters male up the constellations. So it was in examining the pages of history. There were ,places„where certain historical collstellat,iona stood out in peculiar glory. In the hisbary - of Anierica the. Revolution fur nitfftett sttelliS constellation, as did the ~Eliza-, bbtlien age ttrthat'of grigland;,iliti Augustine toliarneottid' the. nu of Pericles_ to Greece. Thus also did the period of,tho tc Judges"— embracitrnhout three hundred ysiars—consti- States brilliant constellation itothe history of Died:Son nation:: In this constellation. the subjeetet his sermon, Deborah', was a star of the first magnitude. She was a Judge of Is rael. The speaker, thought it might be well here to say a - word about the use which was sometimes made of this historical fact he prove that it was right for women- to occupy public position& • ...The argument employed-was, that irathis ease God had .essidently allowed it. But, in answer to this, he begged his hearers to re member that God had also allowed bigamy, and other things which fib one thought for a moment *mein themsetves'right: This rule. therefore, vas good for nothing. The cause of Ala; erroneous decision was found, in the fact that mon did not take 'all the cireumstan cos ,ef the ease into, consideration. ,It must be remembered that the government of Israel was a Theocrats, and; that what:God in that case allowed should, therefbre, not be taken as a preeedent in cases where the circumstances , are altogether different. In takingsp his subject proper, the speaker remarked that the introduction of Deborah to the reader was singularly abrupt.. The text which he' had read contained the first intima tion of her existence,' and, then'slae came upon the stage as a judge of Israel. It was quite natural for the mind to inquire, what were the previous chapters of the history of one eleva ted to such a dignity; but her former history was suppressed.. We found her occuping the most honorable position in the nation. Her attaining unto it had evidently been under the directing hand of God, as the office was not au elective ono. Her elevation could , not have been the result of throritism, us making and unmaking officers under the' theit existing go vernment, was the prerogative 'of God alone. Her having been elevated to the judgeship was therefore the beat proof of her peculiar fitness for thatpost. It was, - in fact, an indication of her having possessed the highest order of men tal and moral qualities. 'ln that position she was necessarily required to anittain and enforce the 'authority of God, which she did for many years, to the satisfac tion' ef , her people—a fact which entitled her, the speaker thought, to be ranked among the noblest worthies .of earth, To have - aceoin. plished this, ells must have been a judge, full of wisdom, patridtlsm, and religion; indeed, so, true , and faithful must she have been, that envy itself could" not accuse, nor malice Vitiate, her 'course. • • She was, in the next place, to be conte plated as the deliverer of her country. Israel, at that tithe, had been in subjection to labin, King of Canaan, who, as the record stated, ce for twenty years mightilyoppressed them. The first - intimation we had of approaching help . 'dame through Deborah. The course pursued with reference to the conflict between Dirael and-their oppressors, and theirultimate deliierance through the, wisdom and courage of Deborah; were here graphically sketched by the speaker,. showing not only that much study had been devoted to the preparation of his discourse, but that the power of descri bing martial achievements was not among the least - of the'speaker's accomplishments. • The third aspect in which Deborah was Om tempikted ,Was as a' Poeta'''. Some of the sweetaidsaetry inlbewinid had been written by females, and It was an interesting fact to know that Deborah was the first female ever to strike the poetic lyre of whom we had any knowledge.- As to the character of her poe try, it was of the highest order, and, like David's, practical. And, then, how old it was notner"s writings:were valued' all the more for their great antiquity. Bat here:in the wri tings of Deborah, we had the most exquisite strains penned four hundred years before homer was born. Its "distinguished autlior had been compared by some one to a bee, having honey for her friends and a sting for her enemies. Tier writings abounded in the most lively_ sketches of her, age, and evinced a beauty which, oven under the disadvantages of translation, was most marked, and; - taken in the, connection which they stood, some of the ablest critics regarded , their poetic ex= celience as "unsurpassed by any author since her day. But he felt that a question would here arise In the hearer's mind witliregard to Deborah's course in thematter of Jael and Sisera, which it wits'his duty to meet. [The matter referred to may be briefly stated thus: ,Sisera was the captain of the Canaan itish army, who fought against Israel and was overcome by the latter, under the direction of Deborah. This captain, after his defeat, fled for 'his life, and In doing so was invited by Jael, an Ismelitish woman, into hor tent. The latter ministered to the, physical comfort of her discomfited guest, but; when Sisera was asleep, she killed him by taking a nail of the tent and with a hammer driving it through his temples 'into the ground. In consequence of this piece of apparent perfidy on the part of Jael Deborah composed a song of praise - to the Lord, in which Jae!, for this act, is eulo gized as blessed above all women.] Tbl9endorsement of what appeared to he a horrible murder, was regarded by some as a dark spot upon the character and life of De. borah. lie, the speaker, did n4so regard it, and for the following reasons_: -WC might, said he, doubt if two and two make four, or whether ,a straight line is the shortest; but we; &edit not doubt the uniform correctness of God's If we could so doubt, then what became of our confidence in the testimo ny of Scripture I This was his that proposi tion. But next, let it be supposed that Jael was sad a' hypocrite in invfling•Sisera to her tent. Certainly, up to the point of her doing this, there was nothing to throw Suspicion -upon her intentions being any other than hos pitable. Next, let it ho supposed that God, after her admitting him into her tent, com manded her in a communication to destroy him. This would certainly have been,Ged's right to do. Ife had the right to destroy the • life of sty Man, and 'whether, therefbre, he chose to employ a thunderbolt, or any other natural cause, br the band of Teel, to take the life of Sisera, whose right was it to find fault with the Almighty ? In the next place, the speaker contended, that the circumstances of the case necessitate the supposition that Jael was so comrnandii 'by God, though it was not HO expressed in the - history. It was impossi ble reasonably to assign any other motive for her conduct. , - This maa wade brawny soldier; probably never before defeated in battle, 'and for •a woman to attempt to ; take the -life of such a men was certainly extremely hazardous—too reuch'so ,entirely for any one with nothing to gain by success, and all to lose in case of a , failure. , Then, 'again. as at the preeent day, the rights of hospitality in that country were most sacred, which was another -.proof that her supposed treachery was riot from peril:Mai dr private motives. Furthermore, GOd's praise was enough toy prove that this act of Joel was not one of hypocrisy, as the latter Was always in the category of things denounced 'in the Bible, linked with vilest orhuman oft. feieee. If, fhen, we loolied'itt this affair in the light hero presented, the applauding song of Deborsh.:,would take rank with 'Abraham's offering up of Isaac, as having been God's way adopted for the fulfilment of prophecy.-, The last view in which this extraordinary Woman Was presented, was'as a re mother in Israel." She was the first to which this title was applied in the Scriptures. This appella tion-he did not regard• as having reference to her Maternal relations, but rather to the foster log spiritual, care and, guidance elni So faith fully exercised. • Though spoken of: as a wife, , there was, in fact, no, proof of her having been h' other at all. Yet, in the sense in which' she was called a "mother," eierY Christian wo man might, and, ought, to a "mother in 'lsrael;" and which would tell peweittilly'upon the' circles, in which they moved. In eencluallie',:' reference was also made to the ei re pleMode of Deborah in administering - Justice to the people. In* all 'this • she had " evinced a = rich possession of the womanly adornments spoken of by - the Apostle—the adornment pf et a meek and quiet spirit; " not "that 'outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and; ef, wearing of,gold, r or of putting on of lie wished thet,Deborah's lent example in this: respect Might be more generally , 'emulated by the :daughters of America. • The faith of this woman' was'also spoken , of as • a source of_ her marvellous powei,,apd enlarged upon 1,4 the speaker, in deaing,,as• the• great essential of every true , Christian. ;,' . • , ' • ESCAPE.--:A fire at Caiaittay; Fiance, has - dote - ooneiderable - demage to . the . eathedr ' , but the wiirktiof nit wbioh it edutiitiad'havi ei• eVed s ,The'Ainhhiehop:e wheieillbtoon IYXOte Ifts ' , :!Teleintique' and hie roligiout irprke t .ietotallgdeetxeyed.- - - - - ' 44.04 1.fiws lintrxerriair THROLOOICAT; Sanotanr.,-- Tirontyleee young men entered the Junior duet) tinr,(Pdieb - .lVafenned)" Theological , Seminary at 1407.Biunendok, h. J. at the beginning of the 4 'proetit terfin • Tide ie the largest number that hat interaat one time. - ' PERSONAL. AND POLITICAL. NATTolesi DEMOCRATIC COXIGTTIRL—The mem bers of the National Democratic CoMmittee are re quested to meet at Willard's Hotel, in Washington, !WC., o'n . the 7th day of December next, at 12 M., for - the purpose of fixing upon the time of holding the National Convention at Charleston, and the_ irantutetion of such other business as may sense before them. A full attendance is earnestly re quested, D. A. astAnt,UT s . Chairman. John 11; George, 0,;1.,. Vallandigbam, Julius Hesse, Secretaries.. - The Convention assembled at Cincinnati Juno 12, 1358, ordered " that each member Of the Democra tio National Committee shall have power to substi tute for himself, for the time being, any other per son to attend tho meetings of this committee, or to act in his stead, specially or generally." LW' The United States marshal of the Northern district of Ohio, Matthew Johnson, Esq., has created quite an excitement through the State by throats to have a large number of postmasters decapitated for not - obtaining subscribers to the National De mocrat, a nevi Administration organ at Cleveland, and for their faithlessness to the Administration. The ColUmbusStatesmatt reads him quite a lecture for his indiscretion and prosoription. It says : "Mr. Johnson fa no doubt 4"vroU•qualitied man for marshal,And, while he is confined to the,dutlett of that, office, will do no discredit to the Administra tion. ant as a couneeller and 'advisor as to the Polities of Ohio, or as to what is proper to be or not to be done in this State as to removals or ap poixamenti, neither his opinion nor that of the edi tor of the National Democrat can be relied on. We place no confidence upon the rumors put afloat by _the - conduct and conversation of these gen tlemen about the changes to be made in vari. ens Federal officers in Ohio, and hope there May he no truth in them, - and especially that no postmasters 'or other officers in Northern Ohio. are, to be removed at their request, unless . some bettor reason be given, and shewn,to be true than that the officials did not get a club of trabsoribers to the National Democrat.. There are some or seventy other Democratic . pipers in Ohio in addition to it, which were in ex istence long before it came into being, and will exist, perhaps, after its death is recorded, who have some alarms on the Federal offices, at least to the extent that no interference in its behalf shall work a detriment 'to them. It is exceedingly childish to make an indiscriminate attack on a large body. of honest and unoffending men, simply because they have not met the expectations of the gentlemen who got up' the Detnocral." • It is assumed by the Southern interven aiouists tbat- the, supporters of the Compromise measures of -1850, and the Kansas bill of 1854, un derstood that a Territory could settle the question of slavery when they eame to form a State Consti tution, and not before. Every one knows that the assumption is utterly false. Very few understood l uny such thing. So far was this from being under stood in 1854-0, the ablest Southern statesmen eon coded that the people of a Territory might settle the slavery question when they pleased.—bouts villa Democrat. THE QUESTION OP JERISDIOTION OVER. THE .I.IAR• PER'S PERRY INSURRECTIONISTS.—TIIO National Era says that Mr. Buchanan meekly succumbs to Governor Wise's peremptory assertion that the ;trial of the insurrectionists should be had before 'the Virginia courts, and adds : "Ile has, perhaps, 'done the best he could, under the circumstances. 'WO have the assurance that he promptly ordered trooph from Old Point and Washington to the scone 'of revolt, and that be actually went to the railroad depot in this city to give a word of encouragement to the marines, as they wore departing. Now, was not that grand ? Could Napoleon or General Jack son have done more? But, as to disputing the point of jurisdiction with a Virginia Governor, at such a moment of excitement and alarm, the thing is pre posterous to think of!" TOM Tnuun Borman.—On Thursday morning Mr: Charles Stratton, bettor known the world over ' as Gen. Tom Thumb, appeared at the police head quarters, corner of Broome and Elm streets, where his presence created quits an excitement among the detectives, police captains, and others present. The General, who, it appears, has been robbed of a costly set of harness and other articles, Game down from his home in Bridgeport, Conn., In search of his missiny goods. John Johnson, a calorie man recently in the employ of the General, on el, about the 20th inst., robbed his employer and tied to this city with his plunder. whieh ho disposed of and re turned to Bridgeport with all the assurance of an honest man. Ile was promptly arrested there, and, after incarceration, made a confession to the Ge neral, to whom he stated that the stolen harness was In ono of three livery stables in this city. De tective Ring was deputed to accompany the General in search of his stolen property. which he is ex ceedingly anxious to recover.—N. Y. Tribune. The Shippensburg News advocates the oleo_ tion of John McCurdy, Esq., as Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. ►Meekly Review of the rhiladelphiti Meirkets. OCTOBER 29th, 1939. Business, In most departments has been dull this week, and the Fall Trade In Dry Goods, and Boots and Phoes, is pretty much over for the season; the market for these articles exhibits no change. In Produce there is not moth doing. Bleadstuffs come in slowly, and the prices of most kinds ‘ have an upward tendency, with moderate Modems, however, to note. Bark—no change. Candierrare in steady request. Coal In more active and prices are firm: Coffee, Sugar, And Molasses are with out activity. 'Cotton was quite dull early in the week, but at the close there ,was a firmer feeling. Feathers are steady. Fish are dull and drooping. Fruit le more active, with receipts and sales of foreign to notice. Hides are unehanted. Indigo is attracting more atten. Lion. The Iron market is quiet. Lumber continues dull. Naval Stores are in better demand. without change in mice. Oils are morn active. Plaster is not so pleats) , Provisions are without much activity. Rico is Inquired after. Cloverseed is in mime. Tallow is rather scarce. , Teas are held firmly. Wool meets a steady inquiry at previous rates. The market for Breadetulfe has been buoyant and firm 'This week, owing to the limited character of the re celptalthe demand for Floor, however, hen been email, and noir some 4ft5.13(4) Ws found buyers Or export at 85p6.22f0r aneeifinenthe latter for soodetraight)brands; 85 .47%05.625i for extran, and $6.75 e 8.26 for family Flour. At the close, holders generally naked 80.22 for atm Olt superfine. but the demand Is mostly to supply the borne trade. within drove range of crime for superfine and extras, an *miser for fancy kite; the mar ket closes quiet but steady. Rye Flour is Rearm), and 7200200 -bids sold at 84.25 IF bbl. Corn Meal is also scarce, and all the Penna. Meal offered sold readily at 84 41, bia; nothing doing in Brandywine thin week. The following are the inspections of Flour and Meal for the week ending Thursday, October 27,150: fine..................... 229 " „......... 121 nye........ " Corn Bent " condemned.... ...... let • T0ta1...-....14.094 WREAT,—There has been n rood demand for prime and prices are better; !isles of MOW bushels Southern and l'enna at 1.22n130e for common to prime Red. elan ine,tit the latter rate. and 130:11fiki for White. Roe in amring aIOWIS, and in inctiVA ; sales of 3,000 bushels at no for Southern and 90o' for Penna. Corn conti nues in rood demand, and prices are better,. sales 30,000 bushels chiefly tbnithern Yellow. at M * . eta from More and in the earn, end 950000 afloat, closing to-day in demand at our highest quotations . Bats are dull and armee barely maintained ; sales of 20 WO bushels chiefly nt 41er42,3 for aoutherm and 41M6e for Penna. Barley hi in limited dotnand, with tattler of New York State at KIN Barley Malt in rather quiet, with sales of common and good at We:Cc. PlONS.—There luta 'been very little animation in the market. but the receipts and stocks of all kinds are vary light and holders firm in their demand.; sales of Mean Rork at 813.90.714.25; Mess Ordinary at SM. and Thin Mess at iith9.9o, coot, and short time. 'There is nothing doing in Prime city packed. Mean Beef sells for alnp ntures.„as 'wanted. at 1913irls. Bacon—There is 3 limited inquiry. partly for the supply of other filar bets, and prices aro Mandy ,• gales of 100 casks at 11qa, 33./c for rinin and fancy Rates; 103Solot(o for Hides, and 8%4 , 835e. 60 days, for Shmilders. Of Green Manta the market la bare with further sales of Hama at rate. and Shoulder! at Sarliliie, mostly nt the former r Lard—There is a limited Inquiry f sales or blils and tea 'at 1t lie:ll4e, and kegs at 12e, on tunic. Butter is in better demand 113' ; sales of solid at Ilerlflio, and Roll at in. Choose is selling at Win lio, and Eggs at 770.10 c, - , METALS—The market for Pis Iron ism:hanged; the receipts end stooks nre light and holders firm. hut tt era hes not been much inquiry. Salmi of Anthracite, in lots, at 823.50022.50 and 821.6048' ton, slx inhntlin. for the three number's, ott time. 200 tons Gas Pipe sold at 840 4fr ton. Of Scotch Pig there is n 0 stock in first Monis. Charcoal Blooms are worth 865. liars and Rails are - selling slowly et pre violin rates. LEAD.—There is but little stock of Pig Lead here In first hands, and no sales have come under our notice. COPPER. is very dull; sales of English Sheathing at 270. a , d Yellow Metal at 20e, six Menthe. BARK.; --Supplies of go.roition come in slowly, and No.l is in demand at ez aliv ton. Tanners' Bark is llll ohanre4; come Chestnut Oak sold at 811 tir cord. CANDLES.—Adamantine are in steadydemand. with sales of city made at 15180190 48' 121,4 Months. Sperm and Tallow Candles sell slowly, at nrevious quotations. COAL.—There has been more activity in the market, the de nand from the Eastward haying increased, but the amniay of vessels, and the advanced rates of , freights, have tended to cheek operationn. The current quotations are123,16r3 26 for Schuylkill White Ash ; end 83 250 836'0 Per ton for Red Ash, Impend broken, delivered on board, at Richmond. Lshich Cool is sell: ing at 833716 for prepared. and 81.60 for Lump. In Ilitomlnnun Coal. nothing doing. COFFEE.—The market is extremely quiet, the, clock of Rio being much reittuied, The demand is mo. , derato. but prices are less firm. gales of 800 bags, at , 10'4012e ort time for low grade and fair quality, , GOTTON —The market has been unsattled, but prices nt the close were somewhat firmer. Snies of' 1.000 bales liplends nt Itoletfo, sash and time. for middling and middling fair quniitles. and Gulfs at 12012 e—the latter four months—including samples at Ito. The following is the movement since the jot of tumiter last, as compared with the previous three yesra 1850. 151 M. 1267. 1656. Reo. at Ports.-- 603.150 450 OM 211.000 286,1221 ha. to O. Britain. 148 000 804100 67 000 20,000 France. 41400 .61 006 13 000 MAY) " other F Ports.. 131700 10.000 12 000 JIRO Total exporte••• • • 202 000 ,121.000 82,001 73 000 Stook 376.000 340.000 170.000 20,000 Of which during the oast weak, included in the above I Rao. at Porte... Mow 115,e00 aeon 89,000 Ng. to G. Britain. 63.060 25010 16.041 10 000 " France.... 12.000 9,000 8 000 Lew " other F. Ports 1 OXI 9 000 8,000 20)0 Total exports..... 66,00° 87,000 82000 19,M Susisiany.—terriptc—lncrease at the ports compared with 1859. a3OOO bides. Exports—lncrease to trreat Britain, 68000 bides increase to France, 71410; in. crease to other foreign ports, 8,000. Total increase in exnorte, 78,000. DRUGS AND DYES.—There line been very little doing. Among the sales wonotice Soils Ash at 21£02.ti0; Refined Borax 191510; Camilla Enda nt 15e; white Sugar of Lend at 11150. six months, and Indigo, Bengal, nt 8,1.4501.60. nix months. FEATHERS are held firmly, with sales of prime Western at 41060 e ie . Ih. cash, FISH.—The demand for Mackerel hes fallen off. and mean have declined 25x50148' Md. An invoice of 500 Ws No I sold from the wharf at 816 26, and some re. main unsold. The More retail Are 410011 and 890.025 for the three numbers. Codfish are nailing slowly at 63 7504. .Pickled !Lorena command 8303.5041' bbl, as in quality. FRUIT.—Sales of 7000 ekes, from a cargo of Mantea just arrived. are reported at 8114.602 M for Bunch Rai sins. and 82.6502,7049' boa for layers of smaller pkge in proportion. Domestic Fruit is steady ; among the wiles we notice some Green Apples at 8203 4fr bid. Dried Aviles rouge from 6to 60. ales of unpared Penchen at 600 e, se In Quality. Crenberriou are worth 812016 48 UM. ea in quelitYl.., FREIGHTS.—!b 'Liverpool, the only engagements 'snorted are 200 tee Beef at 4s; 12) tons Cloverseed at Sfri: and 1.200 bus Wheat. on terms not made.nublic. Fo London, the rates continue at 2(402216d. To Son rancisco. some ship_ments tyro making, via New York, *tin/0860 4p' foot. West India remains without chance. To Benton, the rates by the etaamer are 300 for Flour, 600 for .Pork, lie for Grain, and Se for Measurement Goode. Coal vessels are meanie and in demand, at a further advance t we quote, to Boston, 82.1002.20; Providence and Fall River. at 81.6001.80 W tightfisted, nt 191.26•, Baltimore , at 80090 o; Norfolk, 8120; and New York. 4_1.14101.16 tr ton. ifivaNCl.—The semen is nearly over and the sales of 611 kinds have been light; we notice the arrival ofi. Ca.'s of Fkonbrerowhlch. In going into store. GINSENG.—Nothing doing and prices ere 110111insl for both ptoile and clarified. RIDES continue dull; a cargo htis just arrived from Arta Cabello, and a lot of Caracas was disposed of on private terms, lOPB n of Now gs t iro l ; i n fi sT l i y 4 a b ego t t e i.N .' m . an tag / 1 0 t :ill ' o ia . ` 71 °ll.7kaillf frmn 6to 100 an i ll i t.iil=6.ent and no change to notice in prices; among the sales we notice %OMB Yill1(111 Nap Boards at 814016; thisqueliannit do, at 814019. and Hemlock at 810 IP' M. Spruce inlet is worth 84ivr11 and /Wards 81350; Lathe range from 81.08 to 81 75 St. MOLASSES_ line been very quiet, and the market nearly hole prime quiditY, which onlY wanted. A sale of 50 COM Muscovado was made at 300, and a small lot of tart Cuba at 20e, on time. trAyAr., STORES are coming forward more freely' woe. of 600bbis orimmon Reedit at 81.5215 Atv 310 lbs I 1,1)0(1 bbls N 0.,. from the wharf. tit 81,7601.8 , 5. 4 months. A lot of Wilmingten Pitch sold at 82, and Newborn Tar at 82.623402.76. spirits of Turpentine is i n steady request at but week's quotatioos; sales 300 Mils in lots, at 463104.712 Item the 'wharf, Blida's:647Mo from ;tore. THs- PRESS. - -PULLADPMAii .4' 11 . -I A D A -Y li .- :,9F. F P / R i . t .d:-.:? 9 ! 18 1 5, 19 - Of LB.—There naa Won snore activity in Lard Oil ; sales of 300 bbis winter at 9%4940.4 mos, mostly to go out of the market, and some summer at 'B5O. Linseed Oil is dull et ildgrate. Fish Oils are held firmly, bUt Witheilt much doing. Imports of Sperm and Whale Oil. and Whalebone, Onto the United States, for the - week ending Oct. 21 , 18591 - bble. sp. .bbls, wb. • lbs. bone. .-Total for the week..... 1,114 Previously . 81,101 176.597 1,812.400' From Jan. Ito date .... 83 237 196 897 1,812,406 Same time last, ear... 74.788 181,210 1,479,000 PLASTER. is unchanged; the last sale of soft was at * 2 6Vier2 76 per ton. ' 11,1011:—.The demand is limited, the stock here being mostly t o f low grades, Vlach am not wanted; small sales 31 SA I I I :I n A e n n i t nTote of 7.000 sacks Liven not Fine and Ground, anti 6,000 sacks Turks Island sodden private terms. , SEEM—TIM regeipts of Clm , erseed ate 'increasing, and it meta a good inquiry at last reek's quotations,. bales of 1100 bushels etimmon and eimuse quality at efi ' per bushel. Timothy ranges from 442.37.4 to 2.0234. Flaxseed is wanted by the crushers, and is taken on ar noal at el.safni.oo per bushel. EISUOAR.—The market is extremely quiet, but holders are firm in theix demands. and the stock is now very much reduced; sales of tal beds low grade and good quality Cuba at ea W4L7 05 time, part taken for refining. SPIRITS.—The demand her foreign is limited. and Brandies are firmly held. Gins are dull. Whiskey is dull and lower. with sales of Ohio Mile at 281410290. Penn. do at 28626)50, hhds at 271;e, and drudge at 26a270, Closing at the lowest figure. TALLOW la unobaused ; sales of oily-rendered are making at 16,qalle TEAS are held firmly, but the demand has fallen oil for all kinds, and there is very little doing. TOBACCO remains dull, and for Lear prices are un settled. Manufactured mega a steady inquiry from Veit P .-- r ch o e us nralre ' t is firm, but the demand is limited, the manufacturers cnerally.beinn well 'me rited ; sales of 60.020 lbs. in eta, ranging from 235290 for unneehed up to 60cratio lb, cash, for fine fleece, including 501110 foreign on terms kept private. Letter from New York. A FRESH ERUPTION OP " DEAN AND BOKEII"—THE GOLD CROP FOR TEN YEARS--OPENING OP THE Amin LIBRARY EXTENSION: lEPROVESIENTS— REMOVAL OF GOUPIL'S : ROSA 130NREUR'S "MULE BODISCO--MOSES 11. ORIN• NELL—THE BIG BALLOON : GETTING TO RIGHTS— EMIGRATION. (Correspondence of The Prese.l NEW YORK, 001. 27, 1859. The Dean and Boker affair has broken out in a now spot. A person named Louis Funks, (not Peter,) having become the holder of a mortgage given by Harry Bertholf to old Boker, commenced its foreclosure. Mr. Bertholf claimed, as offset, certain services rendered in the "Dean and Boker" nuptials, and board and lodging for Mr. B.'s daughter. On motion of Mr. Bertholf s coun sel, the court made the folloWing decision That the complaint be dismissed, with costs; that the bond and mortgage. and the assignment in the complaint mentioned, be declared inoperative and void; that the same be delivered up and cancelled, and that the same bo cancelled of record and ad judged not to be a lien upon the premises thereby mortgaged. So, Mr. Officer Bortholf got his house, and uncle Boker takes nothing by his motion. Such is the vivacity of the American character! A Wall-street gentleman showed me to-day a computation suede with considerable care by him self, of the amount of gold produced during the last ten years by the mines of California and Aus tralia. I won't bother you with a long tabular statement of the amount produced in earls year, but the grand total of the whole ten years' crop is $1,400,000,000. The opening of the extension of the Astor Libra ry Is a scatter of decided utility and comfort to au . Shore, literary snots, and students generally. Especially gratifying is it that all the encyclo pedias and other works of reference are thrown open to the use of visitors, so that they can be con sulted without specially calling for them. Since the extension was opened, about thirty thousand volumes have been added to the shelves, from which they were previously excluded for want of room. Tho number of books now in the library is about 125,- 000, occupying nearly half the available shelf-room. The reading-room, which it is intended to have on the first floor, has not yet been opened. Some new and valuable ideas Itilve been introduced in the management shine the extension. One is the re gistering of all the books called for, under differ ent heads, so as to show the intellectual tastes and habits of these who visit the library. That delightful lounging place for the genteel idlers of the town, Gonna's, has been removed to the corner of Broadway and Ninth street. Among the attractions now on view thero, is " The Mule Drivers," by Rosa Bonheur, quite as good, in its way, as " The Horse Fair." Dubufo's portrait of Rosa Bonhour is also on oxhibition with the pic ture. "Miss" Bonheur isnot exactly n beauty, but I notice that the bearded portion of the spectators look at her portrait with a certain sort of "yours affectionately" air, that is quite significant. Among the passengers arrived yesterday by the Persia, wore Madame "lodise° and servant, and Moses If. Grinnell and family. Thorn also came in the Persia several gentlemen armed and equipped with the proper documents to purchase cotton in our markets. The three four.ineh gas pipes connecting three different street mains with the big meter that is to register the gas for Mr. LOVit'e balloon are com pleted, and on Monday next the process of inflation will be commenced. About 700,000 toot of gas will be required to till it. The motor will register 100,000 feet per hour, if required. Tho escape valve of the balloon is spoken of as an admirable piece of work. Its full diameter is 3 feet 10 inches, filo valve opening 2 feet 0 inches. The valve con sists of two closely-fitted semicircular valves, closoly fastened to a brace, which is crossed in the centre. Bach of these valves is hold firmly to its place by three strong spiral springs of wire and three of india rubber. There are sixty-six separate pieces of wood used in its manufacture, the outside, or rim, being constructed of mahogany, and the valve doors of red cedar, all so firmly braced to gether that warping or loosening is impossible. Tho total emigration for the year 1859 promises to nearly equal that of 1819. Up to and inducting Ootobor 26, tbo number arrived this year is 65.284, being only about 3,500 short of those arrived in a corresponding period in 1859. IMPORTATIONS. --- (Reported for The PresS.l RlCllMOND—Steaniship City of Richmond, Mitchell —45 bxa tobacco Mercer & A ntelni 30 do pollen & Tai tt: 101 do 42 ea do Buoknor. MeCammon & Co; 92 hales cot ton b Wei dried fruit J S & E 1, Perot:3o hales domestics Thomas & Martin: 2.3 hats fruit 5 hales wool 2 pkg. WAX 1 bag feathers Parker Sc Toland; 20 bales rags Jessup Sc Moore:2 hags oyatera.Catigelly; 22 bags wool 42 empty casks 104 skits sundries va us consignees. EASTPORT—Schr Mary Fletcher, Crosby-103 Inns ma -hotel 1B bid, mll7OO his monied herring 100 Ws 241 do F: A Ponder & Co. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. HENRYSI BNOWDEN.i lIENRY BUDD. COMXIITIM OF TUB MONTE , J. B. LANCASTER, LETTER BAGS AT THE 11311CH/ET3' EXCHANGE, PHIT4DELPHIA. Ship Baranak, R0w1and............ ...... Liverpool, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PRILADELPIII4. Oct. 99. 1549 SUN --- 6 411 SUN SETS-0-.5 14 'UGH WATER.-- -.........-__ I ARRIVED. Stenmobin Cite of Richmond. Mitchell, from Rich -1110/111. via Norfolk. 26 hours, with Inds° and passengers to Thos Webster. Jr. Rehr Mary Fletcher, Crosby, 8 days from Eastport, win' fish, kr , to E A Solider & Co. Rehr H E Weston. Malov, 8 days from Boston, in bal last to N Sturtevant & Bohrl H Atwood, Rich, 6 days4rom Boston, in bal last to captain. Bohr Wni Wallace. Scull, from Egg Harbor, Fehr E Smith, Smith. from Salem. • Rehr I, ft batwing, Corson. from Boston. Bohr Aid. English. from Boston. Behr .1 II Allen. Allen, from New Haven. &lir Ontario, Vangilder, from Folly Landillg. pLEiRED. Stcanishin City of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, T Webster. Jr. Steamshie Delaware, Copes. N York. J Hark Old Hickory, Holmes. Havana. Jaime Baker. Brig T W Lucas, Perkins, Savannah, Pettit, Martin St Co, Fehr Pathway.(new)Langstalf, Charleston. captain. Bohr I, Clark, Boone. Providence. 1, Auflouried & Co. Bohr Glassblower, Marts. Providence, do Bar A Henderson, Ketchum, Bridgeport, do Seim C A Heckscher. Stubbs, Boston, do Bohr A Middleton. Jr. Sipple, Boston, do Bohr 14 A Monnt,Hodskinson. Boston. do Bohr IT E Weston. Maim., Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Silver Magnet, Perry. Roston. do Rehr 1.8 Loverint, Carson. Boston. do Bohr Wm Wallace, Seidl. Boston, NAN!' on & Rohr Blida. Carbury. Norwich. do 1118chr H P Simmons, Godfrey. Charleston, do b gohr C L Bayles, Tooker, Port Jefferson. do Sehr EJI Atwood, Smith, Boston. C A Ileeksher & Co. Bohr Aid, Coldish. Boston, do Behr E Smith. Smith. ()tinier Point, do Bohr Ontario. Vongilder. New Haven, do Bahr j Allen. Allen, New Haven. 0 Miller & Co. Rohr Knieht. Gage, Boston. D Pearson & Co. Bohr A Hammond. Paine. Boston, Nevins & Sawyer. • Fehr J Fermin]. Crowell. Providence, It It Carson &Co Steamer R Willing, Claypool. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BY TgtveßAPEr. (CorresPondenee o CA P Ehiladelphia Oct ISLAND. Oct N. 4 P M. The eter.atug America hes the packet ehtp \V onus, from Liverpool. in tow, nnw going in. A ship with double fore and main topeaile, summed to be the Cal liope. from i Liverpool, and a berm brig, are coming in. No vermeils n eight bound out. Yours. TIIOB. B. HUGITES. (Correspondence of the llndolphi ft Exchange.) LEWS, Dol , Oct. 24, 1 0 M. The following veanela are at the Brant ac tor: Solve Yankee Doodle, Leesbarg• N Smith, Martina. Mat thew yaw, Ja. Roanoke, D B Barnard. Lonuei Leo, Memento, '/ A Paine, Mercy Taylor, John 0 Form, and steamer Ameriea. Oct 27. 8A M.—The Above muds atilt romaid acme ther with e brig and nix fichoonors. which CRIIIO in this Mornin 2'. Wind N—weather conl and elondy. Yaw% WM, M, RICKMAN. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchenge.) INDIAN RIVER, Oct 10(9. The schi George 3 Weaver arrived here this morning, and reports that. in descending the Delaware bay, when off Onhansey. 21st inst. the conk ? Hiram Truitt. won knocked overboard by the mainsail, and wan drowned. Ten dollars reward will be paid by his parents for the recovery of his body. if brought here or to Lewes Doi. He Wpfo oil cloth coat and pants, and hat buttoned un der tho chin. He was 19 years old, and had a war on the elite, Yours, km JOHN T. LONG. MEMORANDA. Ktearnship Keystone Kate, Marstanan, hence, arrived at Charleston 27th inst. • Ship Isaac Jennes, Chipman, was loading at Trapant 27th ult. for the - United Statue. Bark Rtyal. (new, dad tone) Rouse, cleared at Balti more 27th inst. for San Francisro, Bark Pahhiin. Wilson, cleared at Baltimore 27th inst. for Montevideo and Damon Ayres. Bark Maria. Johnson. for West Coast of South Ameri ea. cleared at Baltimore 27th inst. Brig Martha Washington, Anderson, cleared at Port land 2dth inst. for Phtlatlelphin. Brigs Ava. Bennett, trout Dighton for Philadelphia. and Irene, Cole, from Boston for do, sailed from New port 26th Inst. Behr F Tyler. Ogden, sailed from Hartford 27th inst for Philadelphia. Bohr B C Scribner, Carlisle, cleared at Portland 26th inst. for Phtladelphia. Mira Oscar P Ilawley,Rackett, and Mountain Ave nue,'Oreenfield. hews at Providence 26th inst. Solna James Martin, Harding, Alinira T, Emerson, J Weldin, Smith. Colorado. Ale, Jos II Risley, Bosco , Sally Wheaton. and Albert Pharo. Crwalter, sailed from Providence 26th mat. for Philadelphia. Betas Willie, Brown, from Cubic for Philtuielploit; Tomah, Anderson, Basinful for do; Albert, Cotton, -Bar rington fordo; Sallie T Cliartre, Chartre. rannton for do, and Caroline. Rose, from St Coerce for Delaware Cit, sailed from Newport 26th inn). earner Thomas Pporka, Grumlor, for Philadelphia, sailed from Hartford 2101 inst. ItirARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, MARKET St., Phila. BUILDINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS WARMED AND VENTILATED BY CULYBC'E NEWGAN-BUR E NING WARM-AIR FURNAC. The above Furnaae has now been in nee during the last two winters in this airy, and basgiven univereal sat fisaetion. The large heating ItUrfnee being directly over the flame of the (ire ' and the conical tubes, through which all the drafts pare, tire en arranged as to consume the larger part of the gases from the coal, being en tirely of Cast Iron, with deep, sand knits, is now of fered to the public as the :nest complete heating appa ratus now in this market. C. w. being a practioal rpeolianio, will personally attend to all heating and ven tilating.- ALSO, Six sizes of Cooktpf Renge, adapted for hotel and private use. Collins httent C himney Caps for ventila ting andoure of smokily chimneys, with a full Ramat meet of Registers and Ventilators of every size and Pattern , Piro-plane Stoves, Bath Boilers, tco. Eir Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAS. WILLIAM% au22-tuthe4m Late SAFER & WILLIAMS. ALCOHOL, BURNING FLUID, and PINE OIL, in bide and hnlf-bhle. Manufactured and for salo by ROWLEY, 61111BITIMEN, 010 NO Id South Wherveih NEW PUBLICATIONS. CHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPEDIA _ (EDINBURGH EDITION.I A DICTIONARY UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE PEOPLE, Illustrated with numerous Maps and Wood Engravings. ' IN MONTHLY PARTS OF 61 PAGES EACH. Published by special arrangement with the Messrs: CRAM BEER. Printed from the same plates, UPQn the mine q uality of paper, arid executed in every partioular like the Edinburgh edition. The whole work to be comprised in six or seven volunies nvo. Parts Jto VI, mahout-6, already issued. Price 16 cents each. For sale by Booksellers generally, or will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt or therice, by the _publishers. J. 11. LIPPINCOTT /I. CO., 22 AND 24 NORTH. FOURTH STREET, o2L-tf PittlAlALPlttk. MANUAL OE GEOLOGY. DESIGNED FOIL THE USE OF COLLEGES AND ACADEMIES, EBENEZER EIRIAONS, State Geologist of North Carolina; late State Geologist of Now York ; Professor of Natural Motor, and Ge ology in Wtlliains College; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Natural Soleness of Philadelphia, This Is an entirely new work, and it is American in esti its feattired, Almost all our elementary treatises on this subject being reprints or compilations of foreign works, and illustrated - with cuts of foreign fossils. • In each chapter treating anon the systems of rooks, a general history of the period to which they belong is given, to which is added a description of the maks, and their order of sequence. Each system is beautifully il lustrated by tho organisms and foseila which it le known to contain. Tho atudY of Geology' in this country must be pur sued anions American rooks. But few European fossils and RVEIOIIIIOII4 era found on the American continent. This work will contain EIGHT HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS, DRAWN AND DESIONRD ALMOST ETOLIDOVELT FROM ORIGINAL AMERICAN FOSSILS AND SPECIMENS. This is holy an original feature, and its importance can hardly be over-estimated. Professor Emmons, tho eminent author of this work, stands in the front rank of Amerman geologists. The work is beautifully printed on fine white paper, and substantially bound in full oloth n for private libra ries. or in half leather with cloth soles, for use as olass-book. Price 81.25. SOWER, BARNES, & CO.. PUBLISHERS, NO. 37 NORTH THIRD STREET. 019-tna SCIENCE (a EDUCATION ART OF TEACHING BY JOHN OGDEN, A. M A very elaborate, philosophical. end thorough work on a great subject too much overlooked by thinking non , s * • Must be Immensely valuable to every parent and teaoher.—New York Observer, Sep tember 22. OGDEN ON EDUCATION Contnins, in a single volume, a 'treat donl of valuable material. The whole ruluect or human culture in laid before the reader, an d treated in simple yet compre honbom language. " * " Parente and telethon, should be induced to gutty this excellent work.—Mass. Teacher, Bept. OGDEN ON EDUCATION Hee many fcnturox, both liovaland ingenious, whioh entitle it to consideration as an original work.—New York Century. OGDEN ON TEACHING - • Enters very full)) and closely into the philosophy of teitching.—Philadelphia Pres, OliDhN ON EDUCATION Is Just the handbook for loathers who intend to bo rough and foremost in their profession. InteDist:lnt pa. rants would find it an interesting and valuable aid, an the hours when they" ponder an their hearts" how to bring up chiIdOGD—ETNON t E DUWT ICNnist. Is a very full and systeniatio work on the general sub ject of education. full of enegestive thoughte, tersely ex pressed, They deserve and denninppropor considc ranon. seasoned by that confidence in their author which Me evnteint. carefulness and experience beget.— Rhode Island flehoolniaster. .01.4 DEN ON EDUCATION Is a nnundjudinious, and original work. It does net deal in commettly-received notions. but really nature into the profound themes upon which it treats with groat strength of thought. keenness of preception and practical skill.—Zion'a Herald. Boston. tMethodist 1 OGDEN ON EDUCATION. The ideas are cearly, lucidly, and often eloquently presented. and the high importance of careful moral culture Is ever kept in view.—Now York Evangelist. Rarely have we seen a hook calculated to do more reel and permanent vood.-1 omacilla Courier. OGDEN ON EDUCATION Is by far the host work with which am equainted.— Cum, Knowlton, Principal of Hughes High &heel, Cincinnati. It should find a place in the library of every family as the most valuable contribution yet made in our lan guace for the advancement of educettem—A..l. ickolf, Into Superintendent nettle Cincinnati Putdie Schools. Ono volumemmo...bou roues.mace 8125. MOORE, Vr'IIiSTACII, KEYS & CO., Publishers, Cincinnati. For sale by OAU )9T (2&1-1 VOLK MA. 61 ESTN 1./ Street; 3. 3.1. LIPPINCOTT & C0., 025-lie-2t FOUR Street. e. T H &n. rifillE LATE PUBLICATIONS. 'WHITE'S EIGHTEEN CHRIBTIAN CENTU 51.2 n. EnfltuAlßNl3 TYPOLOGY OF SCRIPTURE 2 vlfl. e 3. TUI,LOCIPS LEADERS OF THE REFORMA TION. 81. MASON'S BRITISH NOVELISTS. 75 cents. MINK SEVEN DIAMONDS. By Rev. J. 11. Ripley. MINISTV.R'S WOOING. Br Mrs. Stowe. elm. Tilt: TENT AND THE KIIAN; or, A Journey to Palesono. 82. DICK AND HIS FRIEND FIDUS. By MIAs Trow brulro. 45 coati. PAYSON'S commwry WORKS. S vols. 8371. NEWT.N't4 LEC'PUR ES ON DANIEL. 75 cents. NvWTON'S BEST THINGS. 75 cents. BROOK FARM; or, Atneriesn Country Ide. CO cents. For solo WILLIAIM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, n 2.1 • No. Cud CHESTNUT Street. T HE PHYSIOLOGY OF COMMON LIFE R. APPLETON k Noa. 3lft and BIioADWAY. Publish This Pay, The PHYSIOLOGY OF COMMON LIFE. GEORGE HENRY LEWES. Author of " Beninde fitutheB " Lilo of Gcethe." 1111h/tatted with Cutir. Vol. 1., Cloth. $l. No scientific enbject can be so important to man ea that of Ma own filo. No knowledge can be be so inses santiv appealed to by the incidents of every day, as the knowledge or the processes by which he hoes or acts. At every moment be is to danger of disobeying laws which, wheat:11800ml, may Ming 'sensor autforing,de cline of powers, premature decay. Elanttary reformers preach in vain, became thee preach to a Pllblic which does not undorstand the laws of lite—leas tas rigorous as those of gravitation or motion. Even the sad experience of others yields us no lessons. unless wo understand the Priam's, involved. If one Mon is nenn to surfer from vitiated air, another is soon Wentluro it without appa rent harm ; a third concludes thud " it is all chance." and trusts to that chance. flad he understood the lv prin ciplec Invoed,.he would not have been left to chance— his first lesson In rosannumg would riot have been a ship. wreck. . . There is a daily-increasing demo for scientific know ledge. &nonce passes from its laboratories into the public, thoroughfares. But although thousands are now anxious to understand the chief pI9 stological laws, the majority cannot overcome their invincible repulsion from arintoimeal details, Many would rather remain ;gni - trent thin gain knowlerlte through suckpatbs. It is believed by the Author of the propound Work that a clear and accurate ponception of the chief plosioloeteal laws, sufficient for ordinary practical guidance and for anima trio culture, may be impressed upon the tnind,nnit illustrated by memorable facts, 'cahoot once appeal i ng to anntomic q l knowledge. It will tie his object to ex pound pe t rather than to teach science; and these pp en will be illustrated fry the most striking torts loth o ascertained. Assuming the position of a lecturer addressing a inlseellanenue audience, he will 1.111/110110 that beside the Medical fitudeut there sits an intelligent Artisan—beside the Man of Letters sits the Mother of a Family ; and lie will endeavor to le intelli gible and interesting to all, while reproducing the forest discoveries of European invostigators,und the results of orixiont ',torch. . . . . 1 ; 4 1 . 110 course of inquiry will include HUNGER AND THIR , T, the original incentives to activity; FOOD AND DRINK in their varieties, and thou relation to IN; DISESTION AND INDIOESTION, with the simple rules of diet the,y siksitest ; STRUCTURE AND USES OF PHI: BLOOD, out of which the fabric in Lntlt i,p; the historY o' the discovery of the CIRCULA TION, and the paths the blood takes,' the initiortant phenomena of RESPIRATION and SUFFOCATION; the curious processes involved in the question WIII WE ARE WARM, AND W KEEP 80; the many FEEb fit% ill] nervous —91)11;ral oacerned in DRAlN—and the tespective spheres of 01111. SENSES AN It SENSATIONS; the mystery and familiarity of BLEEP AND DREAMS t the disposition habits, ta• lents. trieks, features, and innindlem Involved in THE QUALITIES WE INHERIT FROM OUR PA ENTS; and finally, the solemn subjects of LIFE AND DLATR. D. A. & CO. HAVE RECENTLY PUBLIS H ED THE lIINTH EDITION OP THR CHEIHISTRY OF COMMON LIFE, JAMES I'.IOIINST4 r ,I4. A., K, n. s., F. G. S, - . • II LUtaIIATED WITH. NUMEIIOI. ENPRAVINCIS, 028-3 t 2 vols. 121uo, $2. THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE Thirteen Portraits sad Memoirs in Advance, from the DRAWING ROOM PORTRAIT GALLERY of Eminent Personages; AND the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD for thirtren toetka from the date of subtler' ptlon,.will be sent to any address in the United States, rout tree, on receipt of two dottors. AMONG the _portraits for the Bresent quarter will be found—lion. Edward Everett, aron Humboldt, Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Sir John Law rence, J. B. Huclkstone, Madame Anna Bishop. All orders. aubecriptions, and matters of business con nected with this Journal in the United States must be addressed toA. BROWN & CO., Id Hanover Street, Boston, where n s tork of the Paper end Portrait bailers Is constantly on hand, in weekly numbers, lorldatithtlY and monthly parts, and volumes. Specimen numbers add he sent post free to nay part of the United States for 16 cents. cash or P. O. stamps. erf-thetutli 1 86 0. DIARIES. 1860. tittiSS,SROTIIER. & CO. have Jot published their several editions of DESK AND POCKET DIARIES for the corning) oar. They are made of the best qua lity paper. in a matt and superior mini um, in every va riety of sine. shape, nod binding decidedly the best &It, lions of Diaries in the market. ' For SS le wholei ale and retail lit No. Pk MARKET Street. Memorandum and Blank Woks in great variety on hand or made to order at short notice, 028-tuthet 90,000 • 90,000 CELEBRATED COLLEGE BOOK. JUST PURTISIIER. in connection with Mr James Blackwood, the London Pubiinher, from Whom We have just received the etereo ty.r, plates, complete . , 'IIIE ADVENTURED OF MR, VERDANT GREEN. OF ox FORD UVIVERNITY. BY CUTIIBERT BEI)B. B. A. NIAKTIETIt TIIOI tylf. Three volume in one, with heart) 2to trations, elegantly printed, and hound in lnughu. I: wo Price $l. ,* The popularity of Ms humorous work of College lire and adventure in Mimeos's. The Ensfish Publisher, hi a letter to its, accomenn)- Joe the o n t o , writes: 1 have sold nearly ninety nand of VIMDANT Guano in Piirlsail. and _lon V 1.1.0 well with it. "JAMES BLACKWOOD." New Editions now ready of LOVE IL'AN101111). MICRELEVA great work. The "Sensation" hook of the day. 20th edition. Ono vol. Pries 81. ALEXANDER VON HUINIDOLDT. A yoeulnr Life and Trave oilhis celebrated myna:, m 1111 in tvgluntion by BAYARD TAILOR. One vol. Steel portrait. Price BOOK OF THE CHESS 00N0RP.63. A complete Eneyelopiedin on thin subject " The lEualid of Chess." One large volusno. Price 8110. These Books 1,0 gent by mail, pottage tree, to any Dart of the United fitatee,_on the reerapt of the inane. by 0, RBDD k CARLETON, Nl,llOOll end Books°Here. 010-the-tf No. 110 GRAND Bt., near Broadway, N OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS The undersigned elates that he has 'freqiientli for Pale books printed between the yeara 1470 and 11300; early etlitione of the Fathom of the Reformers n.nd of the Pu ritan Divinea; in Law, Braaiton, hyttleton, Putlendorif ()voting, l3owat, Coke, Hale, the Year Hooks, Recoils pae.,.are often to be found on Ina ehelvem; Cynlopedina Lexicons, Clasaio authora, History, Poetry, Philosophy, &donee, Political ECoIWIII9, Government, Atehltset ora l Natural History. Treatises neon these and other ntlroit subjects are being continually dealt in try him. flocks, In large and email quantitlea, purchased at the Custotn ;louse avenue Bookstall, OM.:STNtiIi street; above Fourth, Philadelphia, 'Gum CAMPBELL. IVIINTON'S ENCIAL*TIO TILES for .1.1.11. floors. Ornamental Chim d ny Toy! for oottaKes. ond 9. Imported and for sale by A Hoonduotors. ARMON. fob 1,441 11111) CEFAITNUT WOOL WINES A.l'fn LIQUORS. JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY ,MALT WHISKEY GEORGE, WHITELEY, Importer of Brandy, Wine, &0., 135 SOUTH FRONT Street, oiling for sole, in bond only, STEWARrS CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. eZ7.3m WE CALL ATTENTION OF THE V V TRADE to this really Superior article : ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A supply in :mooed paukaAes eon:star:fly on hand. Orders rooolvod for direct impartation. Afro—flonnesev Cogneo, Leßoy Cognac, 'London and Holland °ins, Claret in Wood and en. es. Climpagnes, high end low poem I.ONoCIYAMI', I inportOr. GEORGE 217 flonth FRONT, Philadelphia. GEORGE WHITELEY, No.ussovtil FRONT Biront. Importer of Brandy, Wines, An., offers for sale, in bond only, the following, anions other standard brands of brandy pinet, Caatillon, & Co., Thos. Hines &Co., Jules, Robin, & Co., Otani, Dupuy, & Co.: A. Boignotte, Alarott, Cameos, Pellovoiein, C. Dupont fc Union Proprietors, & F. Martell% Jae. Honnee"Y• o, Stuart's Paieley Malt Whiskey, and the choicest varieties of Madeira. Shert:y Port. Burgundy, and Rhine Wines, Patin Tree bin, Jamaica Ruin. Santa. Cruz Rum, Bordeaux Oil. &0.. &o. n 27-17 pARD.---MAREUIL--SUR--AY ((NUM-- PAONEI, JANUARY 161819.—1 n consequence ol the frequent invitations received by mo to renew the shipments of my Champagne Wines to the United States, Log leave hereby to inform my former customers and general ttl"' 6?g ee P .C . ta, k 8 United States, for the sale of my Champagne Wines. My Wines have been so long and favorably known in the United States, it will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than tosay that toy now shipments Will in no way be found Inferior to the former ones. nee. SALMON BILLEGART SALMON'S CHAMPAGNE WI R ES, both CABINET and VERZENAY, for sale and con stantly on hand,_iti IoW rhwohasert, by' • F. C. ROUWER, ANCITh R, & CO., ap27-dm al BEAVER Street. New York, CLARET. -100 cases Barton & Guestier's St. Julien; WO do. St. Estephe ; 900 do. Washing ton Morton St. Mien ; 100 do. do. Talenee, Dints; Ed) do. Chateau La Roeo t CO do. do. Leovillo ; Scotch Ate, in stone and gime ; Younger's, Harvey's Falkirk Brown Stout and London Porter, in Store and for sole by Rua A. MERINO.II.O South FRONT Street. SCOTCH WHISKEY. -- 125 puncheons Jamoa Stewart k Co.'s PAIRIOI malt, in bond and for sale by IiEORHE WHITELEY. CABINET WARE. HOCi-UET & HUTTON, MANUFACTURERS OF DESRS AND CABINET FURNITURE NO. 239 SOUTH TRIAD STREET. Office, Bank, and School Furniture, Extension Tables. Bookcases. Wardrobes, etu 19-yin rABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD TABLES. • MOORE & CAMPION, No. 251 SOUTH SECOND STREET, In connection with their extensive Cabinet Business, are now manufacturing a superior 1 , 1111010 of BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a full supply. finished with 11 OGRE & CAMHON'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these Tables the inane autumn' refer to their numerouspatrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. 1,25-em INSURANCE COMPANIES. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA INCORPORATED, IifARCII, 1839, a now prepared tci make INSURANCE upon Build ingg. Fprnituro, and Merohanthso generally. AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE This Company transacts its &einem' on the Murtial, PLAN ExcLvairm.y, ail the insured being alike inte rested; thereby offering great inducements to those who wish to insure economically as well as safely, Further particulars may tie obtained on enamelled to any of the Directors or at the Office of the Cranpany, No. 3 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. T. Ellwood Chapman, Inures tiraetll,, William 14 forlsiris, Thomas I'. Howlett, Joseph Hat ward, Frederick Catbnue. MALONh, President. EDIFY, Vico President. Benjamin Nalone, John J. J.) tle. William Bedell, Caleb Clothier, Robert F. Ei Ellwood 8..Da%19, BENJAMI JA ES RM JOHN J. Larch, Tl'oll9ll T. E. CHAPMAN, S. eerat• NOTICES ATEIV ORLEANS GAS-LIMIT CoNf ±- PAM .. .FARMERS' AND 51P.CIIANICS' BANK, Plllll 7.1.{.111k. Oct. 45, PM. Notice :s beret)) given to the Stock holders of the NEW 0111.1:AN8 GitS•l,liiflT COMPANY that the A.teney for the transfer of the Swot: and the PaYnient oP Dill- Itends of that t'onariany, has been closed, rind they are requested, without delay. to surrender the Certificates issued by this bank. and receive warrants of transfer to the company in Now ()Henna. W. RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. NOTlCE.—Whereas a certificate of Ten Shares of the Stock of the Philadelphia. German.. fawn, k Norristown - Railroad Company tlntorl April 2, 166a,enit nnial•ercil 3,74, in the name of IV.III. A. BALM, and mailed April 21, 1529, has met come to hand. notice is herebY given that application will be leads to the Board of said Company for a new certificate. and all persons are Called upon toshow cause Whf said certifi cate should not lon issued. A. 'l'. CHU% oaqnret. 216 001.11 Street. - NOTICE.--An application will be nicido IN et the next session of the Legislature of Pennsyl vania for the incorporation of a Ban*, with _xisheral hankies privatizes, with a capital of TWO lIIIINIDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, to be called the MANUFACTURERS' DANK, to he located in the city of Philadelphia. H2-s Gut OTICE.-3101INT VERNON' NUMBER. L —Thos. of our patrons 1010 have not received this monk, of the id.usTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD will all lie supplied about Ilia T4ll lest . our lire Mlle, t. m ibiber-mg four limes the iimintity. entire lv exhausted. We ore advisedf Mir further Sib e l ) by Cunard steamer dm in Now York OM. VOL All order, Lrr this or nnv timelier(elieloxine 15 cents) should lie addressed to HENRY A. .BROWN Co., It lLun,s Or street, Boston.on-thßtii3t OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Pit ILA DELP 'PHIS C tOllr IRO. The Donrd of Directors hove DA Y d oclared Senmsnnual Dividend of THH El', PER LIEN'f. on the Coortol Stook of the Comm). I'lear of Sttita Tax, po),t bre on and otter November 15th. tof.9. Powers of Attorney for Colivetton of Drvidonds eon bo hod on apphentont at tiro Oflleo of the Cm open No. 231 ronth THIRD htmo(, THDr3. 'P. VI TIT 11. 021-tdl TIV.M.ItOrr. ivoncE,—,l o instalment of two dollar 11 and fifty cents per sharp on the capital stock o the PHS..II.:OI' and the Oily NtlB.9ellger Patina) Comp, men of Co...neat( (Routes Nos.l rind 4111111 La due, an iculdo at do office of Jon a than Brook. No.= WM. Nl"r ettcet. on Nov. Ist. SRN ECA W. FLY, Plilludeiploo, Oct. 19,1 8 .:(9. dhtl 'from KJ PECIAL NOTICE...-Dealers in Good year's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Duluth, Webs, and all other l'abries and articlez made br combinine fibrous substances with threads or sheets of VAL:awned rubber, are notified that unless the same Ire properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my acti l / 4 ority, they cannot be lognlD disposed of in the United ClAtes. Meichantn and dealers are invited to ex amine sceetnictis now in store, and to love heir orders for the la nn: Trade bt the midersiened, EXCII,USI OWN Eh' OF THE T49LES ANU EXCLUSIVE ItIOIITS IN TII ENT for thane Foods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or im ported, and inane Othi. re. ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and SELL, —and the Terms—may be obtained en application to ice at No. 2.1 CO U RTLANDT Street, N. Y. lIOR . ACE 11. DAY, SCALES. S . FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES. i4el For side by VAIRSANKS & EWING, 022-1 Y 715 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. geIFAIRBANKS' HAY, COAL, AND cArrun SCALES. vor sale by •FA R BANKS lc EWING 71sCIIESTMIT Btreet , u-5-ff MANCHESTER SCALES. 66.1.4 At No. 2.1 North SIXTH Street may be found a Eedic. SiVirSCALES, PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALES, DORMANT WAREHOUSE SCALES, HAY AND COAL SCALES. AL., RAILROAD TRACK. SCALES furnished at short no tice. All wattanteil to indicate standout weteht, neat rate and durable. The ,14 le and finish of the above goods best known by examination. sla-thstulbn GEO. W. COLIIY & CO. r HOWE'S STANDARD SCALES.- 0 .70 S PRONG er ROSS PATENT.—CoaI, Capla n and Ray Sanl•a rnqun in 110 pit, Platform and Counter Scaler or every desoription. 'finny recento all Friction and Wear on Palls myna() of Knife Edam tic on Mho' Scales. Cali and nxtinnino before purchasing elenwhere. and Bee the lIIIPrOVNI I^ II I PENNINGTON GREEN. Agent, IP.' South SEVENTH Stroot, Philadelphia. DOINGS ()P THE PENNSYLVANIA SPATE FAIR FOR 1969. SIX FIRST Pia:NUL:MS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. Bost Ftirince tor Warming Dinlihnge. To ARNOble & Wit.cos. OAS CONSI , Miro; CONE FURNACE. Perqu'u. DES P POICrAIthE FURNACE. AitNof & W HAW, RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE. PHI 1. l'lmm !um. BEST COOKE% RANGE. T6kAll CHILSON'S (ILE OVFN COOKING RANGE. FM AT I'IIFMIVII. HEST PARLOR COAL GRATES. T., AIZ rat.” & LOW Uu . A dad 13 AtilC ET GRATES, BEST EN 1‘; ELLED :;LATE MANTELS. To A AUL° & For 11 very blind ionfe.ll aliefireolled Slats Man tels, very Slially Slushed. mid of superior workthans fp, FIIUST PREMIUM. ARNOLD ttic WILSON. Iwo cIiERTNUT stroet. B. M. FELT %now, thipt MMORE PROOF UP Fl WON I) ER FUL o C II TS OF MONELL'S AMERICAN HAIR Poir.surcepia, Stiptember 2 lth• 1 859. This is to eertil) that I was [mid for man) }ears, and was recommended to tr, tour Roparator ; Ind having procured three bottles, used it for three months, lolduh isc. alts.ed up bon, to g ow, and rilthoush not elate ae flock' tY011)I0, rot tt Is dinstantly M. JONES, No, 99 North TIM d street. A. Sontembor 2111,, 130. 21Ir. J. F. flux, Li • lhnr S —Some tune since my hair otiominneeil fallen, out. HO natal, an, nnt I WAS, in tact. 'earful of hoconang I.lid Ina liOnr.n{ of the won derful power of 'our Itutinrittor, I was induced to buy a Indite, and niter using one hall of it my hair not only °named coonn4 out, bat enuouenceil grin ow finely, and I have now as tlacic a roil of hnir as et er I had. JACOB EVANS, Ni,, 621 Cherry street. For rale In T. 12. A, Co., Sole Agents, No. 710 CHESTNUT cutest. Philadelphia. so2i•ein AMES' HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI- A-4 SETTS, end Clilll.B, manufactured in the very beat and newest. Parts nit 101. and of which wo constantly keep very lart,o itsmortment On hand. sold Wholosale and retail . , at the lowest miscible Vices. Orders tfom all parts of the count! , rolooleill, and promptly attended to. Alen, a now HAM DYE superior to en, in nice. M. 111.1p0IFI, No. 12 TENTH SI., finhv eon Market and Chestnut. 11 1 1KNOS ON' illtaaNl VA Ihinning ot the lit,t !two nal, and for wile, at ors' lon 0,1 w Ives, 1 , ) WEAVER, FruLLit. co.. (40 23N. Water streot, al:1(112/C, Dolaw are ay. EDUCATIOVAL. MESDAMES CIJEGARAY AND VILLI"S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG I,A 14:S. PHILADELPHIA, No. 7f07 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE STREET. Madame C KEG A R A Y respectfully inform her friends and the pebbo in general. that independently of her Boarding and Da? School, directed by herself and her nieoe, pREvosT, in NEW YORK. she in tends, in connection with her niece Mine. B HER 'MEV., opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution on precisely the same plan at the ono above me rittoneil. 05-3 m REV.JAMES I.DEL:WS School for the higher education of a limited number of Young Leultes,l3l..l CHESTNUT Street. Circular.. with tering, rttoteare, h e., may be Litt on application. el-lin A MbatilaN Sellool, INSTITUTE. -cm- Families, Schools, and Colleges, supplied with com patent Teachers, hit any Department; and Teach ers with poaitions. Parents gratuitously supplied with tlei.l . l el ret11,..4. Hofer to Faculty Amherst College, Mese.: Dr. Lowell ;Deena; Nlnson Brothers; Hen. Theo. Frelinghu) een. LL.D. ; Hon. John C. Three. Et al, SMIT WOODMAN, Sr CO., :Ng JID W DADA.V New York, amt se:/-Gm Gu7 CHESTS CT Street. Pluladelphia. 111N1 AN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the JUL VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen may be applied to at the residence of his father. Professor Allen. No. 210 South SEVENTEENTH Street. e6-2in• PRICE -STREET ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN PHILADELPHIA. GEODOE It, BALKED, PRINCIPAL. 'Tho Fall Term of this Institution commeecesßeptem_ ber 6th, 1859. Tho course of metrurnon ooloprimee all the branches elm thorough Eughlth F.:duo:lto'', together Will, the Labe. Greek, nod French LanzunKes.nlM-If A LLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANKFORD. PENNSYLVANIA, six miles from I% larket street, Philadelphia. The course of instruction in this School is comprehen- Sire and thorough. Parents and Guardians vho intend to place their daughters or wards at this Institution will do went° make immediate appli ca tion to TH Mits. E. L. O3IPSON, 53-2 m Principal and Superintendent. nRYANT & STRATTON'S NATiONAL u MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located et. Phila delphia, 8. E. corner SEVENTH end CHESTNUT; Now York, Buffalo, Clavelanth and Chicago, For in formation. call or wind for Catalogue. feh-tS WASHINGTON HALL, 810 SPRING GARDEN Eitreet.—D. L. CARPENTER, the Society 'I cache, of Feshionablo Dancing.. now ready to take Pupils at any tune, either Pm ate or in Classes. For 'reference, call and observe the respectability al ready begun. D. 1.. CARPENTER can be seen daily and nightly for terms, ke. This is hia twenty-nintn year as a Teacher in this city. MARSH'S MUSIC STORE, No. UN CHESTNUT Street, Puit.sost.putg, 'Where the hest make of PIANOS, ATELiODEONS, and MUSICAL INSTRU- Or EVERY owiicioti. Can ho obtained at the lowest Alandfacturers' Prices.' Constant]) publishing the latest Choice Compoiotions and Popular Music of the day. Alen, raceme.: Now Music (tally from all the eataloities in the E n ae t i st a r e , lierilera, Teachers, Seminaries. and (berg) last/ will be eunplied let the lowest wholesale rates. 01110(8 by mall will be promptly filled. Catalogues of Mum or Price List will be forwarded free of charge when ordered. 04.101 J. MARSH. Agent. EDITORIAL FROM TIIE PUB -1 I ST f kr(' LEDGER.—" Mr. Javier Ilellak has on exhibition seseral of J. Si C. Fishers pianos. One of there is a seven octal.° rosewood piano, full iron Ironic, hertsb,ome. but plain finish. '1 ho tone us most excellent and powerful, and the price only fi72o. lie lutes aloe one somewhat similar in appearance, which has all the la test improvements, LIePILIPS 1% now patent dandierovltich pros ents the piano from netting out of order. It is fin ished inn splendid manlier." I nese maims. tn.da splendid assortment of various mttkers, are for silo from 6175, or upwards loreash, or on Instalments, at JAMES BEI.LAK'S, 275 and 231 South FIFTH St.. above Spruce. New and second-Mind Pianos for solo. CIIICKERINU 41 SONS, DIANUFACTUREAR OF URAND, SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. WAREROOMS &7 CHES'IN UT STREET. Constant Jr, store a Wee ntoek of our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTR Uhl EN - 18. We hare been awarded, at the allerent Lchibitione m this country and Europe, 4:01,D AND SILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT, in 23-17 R V EN, BACON, & k' Co.'s, Nunns & Clarke. Pavia, & and A. H. Gale & Co.'s superior PIANOS. Also. Ma son & Hamlin's untrivalten NM - lA.II3EONR and HAR MONIUMS, so deeiroble for Churahes and Lecture Rooms. Ilfir Pianos and Melodeons to Rent. S. E. GOULD. milli-l7 SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. N GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN (IMO:WACKER lg CO., lOW CHESTNUT Street, respectfully invite the music l o vin g public to call and examine [llea new and sue cessful itoprovenient— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, end Action 0 the Grand Piano into Vint of a Square Instrument as °tiling all the oluections generally :Towle to the tulle o Grand Piano, also dininnaliinz the coat of the same In volume, wit) of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, and evenneas of touch, with exquisite deli cane and sweetness, these SUPERIOR AND REAPTIEL(L,LT-FINISHED IN STRUMENTS are wholly unequalled. The) have received the hishezt encommins, and are pronounced by wales to he far su perior to any instruments ever manufactured Ic this country. Constantly on hand y a large awl elezant assortment of nor unrivalled PIANOS. We have been au aided the First Prerrnimis, at all exlolittione ever exhibited, in cluding the Prize Medal from the Crysthl Palace Exhi bition. New Y0rk.186.3. sel-tf EMBIEEMI THE "FIERY STAR," GAS-CON MIMING AND RADIATING AIR-TIGHT BTOVE. fey Parlors, Halls, Offices. Mores, he. fin most economical, cheerful and healthy stove in the market. All who wish a heating stove that will give entire satisfaction are invited to call and see one of the . . in operation at our Warerooina. Every variety of S G to A ves S BURN ING. bran Plain and for Parlors, Kitchens, Chambers, Halls, &c., may be found in our assortment. Our RcOYAL ,elebrated SEASHELL, and Cooking Stores are DOUBLE-OVEN WARRANTER. amt. for excellence in operation, they CHALLENGE all competition. NORTH, 011,181.1, AND NORTH, No. Zig North SPCOND S'reet STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEA No. 1118 MARKET STREET, le now 'prepared to meet the amain of the publre more eomPletely an the demila of the Mot e trade than any other establishment in Philadelphia, in proof of 'which he invites COMPARATIVE EXAMINATION. . , . . Thu fonowine ere =one hla own popular inventions, let - oral of which have already obtained n national repu tation RR curtail= in orceihnee and economy any other Sloven to one. . , - JAMES SPEAR is the inventor end'Patentee of the Improved 0311-burnitie Cooking Stove, acknowledged to be rim lost Stove for family ace in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Oaxemontining Cooking Range, now rapidly coining intogeneral use. JAMES SPEAR se the Patentee of the Improved Sal ver's Air-tieht Una-concurring Parlor Clove. JAMES SPEAR 13 the Inventor of the Improved ( Patented) Ornamental Stot e Urn, which mom Its beauty and utility is likely, this season, to be univer sally adopted. JA.WES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-sr, tat Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR ie the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Rellwaoar For all of the a bove the Inventor very justly claims advantages which require but to be understood by the Pulthe to be uroterhally appreciated and preferred to on other articles of that class in tllO trial hot: and tie would 1.3;1 , 19 extend a cordial invitation toa l l persons in w.nt et Stoves to call and examine for themselt ex rattles's/Wong to exllnloo will have every attention shown them, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. W22-3rn OIiAItLES JONES, No 305 North SECOND Street. (Successor to A. J. Go would respectiolly mill the atten tion of those desiring, stocea to los extensive assortment of Cooking, Deaner, and Parlor stoves. have purclmed tic exclusive richt to the retail talei and repairs. in Philadelphia, of Gallagher'[ Celebrated Alornine Star" and '' Sunrise" (las burnin; Cookiiig Staves. well known for years an the teost satisfactory Stove, In Me mar Let. Alao, his now Flat-top Cooking Stove " Daylight," which combines all the useful im provements, nay operates admirably. I also Matto fetoture, in a impeller manner, Folvor's thus-burner of the best Russia Sheet Iron. These tire the most economical and easily managed Parlor Stoves in el6-3m CI A UTEON.—We hereby caution all per eons not to purchase ens Cindrins Stove or Stoves Hwith Hollow Ceettes or Hollow Oros Pieces en. err, pt ors mule t' us, on lye aro the osolusii e owners of the Potent for making Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross Pieces, and we shell prosecute ell persons who infringe On 0115 Patent to the 101 l extent of the law, STUART k PETERSON, Iron Founders, WILLOW Street. above Thirteenth. . HOUSEREEPERS LOOK TO YOUR udereht. Buy tour CO,ll, AT HICKS', a hero nothing but the Very best quality of and t4elut)l -kill Coal o. (dieted at the fo;loh - lhe reduced erh'he: Lehigh. Broken. Boot, and Moro ..... per ton. Schur " " Wlrrantod free loot Abdo or &mond full weight, nt HICKS' surd. nouthaut corner MARSIIALI. and W 1 L LOW. Cell nod FPO. oat-doa kJW. GROOME & CO., • Office lie south FOURTH Street, WHAM I'INE SCHUYLKILL, Dealers and Stumm' or Locust Mountain. Lehi:h, and Schuylkill C A 1,. 'Merchandise taken on is Mirth:i.e. ols 6m 1111C1:01tY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN .1YEillf;11 COAL, pre red without+, for sale nu best tarps. Apply at KNO pa WLES'S Depot, NINTH and WILLOW StreAtA lon.tl MACHINERY AND IRON. SANINI.. V. NISREIci WIAI/0111. SOUTIIWARK FOUNDRY FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETd, ettlla.Mtl, & VIII a. SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River. and MATIDII3ISTVICB, Rollers, Gasometers. Drake, trot:Boats, go.; Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, fee. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the Intent and most Im proved construction, Every.~ tlescrintutri of plantation Machinery, each no Sugar, Ow, and Grist Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trams, Defeeators, Filters, Pumping E 1141110.9, ho. Sole Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Suter Boiling Apparatus' Nasmyth's Patent Ste,tui Hammer; and Aspinwall & Wolsey'a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine. MI 5-1 SALAMANDER SAFES. 11 • A I arge usert teMtf is Jo wAT. _". B PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES. VA (Tyr DOORS, RANK LOCEB For Ranks and literal, , Egad to ftrlT now in use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &a., Ott Bs good terms ak, any other establishment in the United States. lo EVANSWATSON, No. Poi citEsT:irT Street, PME.delphia. PLF.A SE MVP. TM A CIAT,L. Rnis ti NEW PLANING MACHINE. Embracing The Andrews Patent 1 3 15, with matching works for dressing brands Plank, Now Prineirdo 01 FPOd , o. tire at Savant of Power. Machines of Various sizes. 24 to 20 inche s \cu. , , f or stogie or double surfareing, with or without matching heads. for silo at No. Si North SIXTH titrent, Call and eartonno. sl5-thaturto 001.111' k CO F A FIEOLER SMITH, corner SEI'UNTI .4 and GIEN, hay° acquired a great reputation by the, mi. - a ad dprudent (mum they ha% e mimed, gince their comm Incment in bunel in u gelltfirst-rate art n low fko ra. inin i, l4ll If Iti,t , -4,000 gallons Extra Bleached, Nt r. 1-ir what,. Od, Im bh!s, Extra rttlekPd Wind° Ott bl,lB. No.l yr. Lard Oil. 25 bbltt. No, 2 ;yr. Lard od. In Elmo, for sale Irk nil ItOWt.i . l, - • , 11141• R It. t t'n O LI l'E-.—Spairi;lk Qu•eitr in, store, and for sale by A. 8 , 1b1:11 . ,0, 080 14.) Boutn FRONT Street, DANCING. PIANOS. STO VES. FIERY STARS COAL, SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., No. 4P.3 MA RIZP.T STREET SALE OF INIPOWIED DRY 000D8. On Tuesday Morning, November 1, tlO o'clock, by catalogue, on 6 moaths' credit -IZ.YY,,tZfoegaulTia:ireglfvallectiT:iirdl;l9nlethderymgnicrlnzi of sale. pill - LIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 X MARKET Street. and MI MINOR Street. SALE OF WO CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, /ke. On Thursday Morning, November 3. at to o'clock precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, on four months' credit. 030 cases man's and boys' boots, shoes, gaiters, brogans, overshoes. gum sandals, Sc.; also. Indies' and misses' hoots. gaiters, shoes, tins, overshoes. &ie.:comprising a large and stoat destraMe assortment of city and E.s.stern manufacture. hutable for the pres , nt trade. Ala,, 2W oases pea am umbrellas. cr Catalozuen ready on inornincof sale, when buyers wilt find it to their interest to attend. LARGE PERENIFTuRY SALE OF NEW YORK READY-31ADE to dose th e ty,h,,, e o f a stock of a large New York manufacturer. On Friday :hominy, November 4, rit 10 o'clock Precisely, trill be sold, by cataln:ue. no entire balance of oink of ready-made clothinz, consistion of fine French black cloth frock end dross coats. French cassiniere pants and Pests, business costs. overcoats, taimsy, Naziism', sack coats, et 0., ma nn •Ing ovrry description and variety of a !MX.) Mara,- fax tura r. Fusers wilt find it to thar interest to attend, as the solo will be peremptory. mr,7" Catalogues early on morning of sale. B. SCOTT Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 - 1 1.-/F. CHESTNUT STREET ouosita the Cuitom I.l,„ , aohe'weonFotrßTß soil FIFTH Fcreeta. LARGE SALE OF FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES' AND htWEAR. On Monday Morronzi October 31st, by canto:tic. cominencine at 11 o'clock, an &moony° assortment of tashiminb.e furs. SHIPPING. p lIILADELPIIIA CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF.TIIE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, NO. 8 ILFACHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. ht. September 7th, 1539, the follow- ng gent:emen Were unanhannely elected Director"; he Company, viz GEORGE R. STUART, S. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTER, AND JOILN EDGAR THOMSON The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COAIPANY are now open at the above named Office, where all persona favorable to the enter arms are respretrullt invited to subecrthe. 2.9-tf STVAM DIRECT TO ALL PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND Iin.,LAND. FRANCE AND GEuMANY. ti.kM RI:Bo AMERICAN PAcKET COM PANY'S IRON MAP, STEAMSIIIPS. ILAN! \IONIA, CIpt.IT. F. Schweneen. eliXtl/N I A. Cnt. 11. Ehlers. BORI:6MA. Capt. N. Trautman. BAVARIA. Cnpt. H. Taut,. 'I'ECTONIA. Capt. 11. Ensen. 'f Kenn &comers Are all liret-elseti Ciyart-Inult vessels; are intended to nil from Pier 21, rtorth River, N. V., as follows surnIAMPTON, TIAITRE, AND nAmerRG, HAAIMONIA TUPIDAY Noemlar I, V`. at 12 o'clock M. l'esvise. including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New York . . nod front Southampton to London, enbln•ldd l 5.C.1111 Oabm. Si-0 I Steerage. °eta rho HAMMON IA wall be succeeded by the following SAXON 1A..... .. November Id. 1 1 01 2 1710 1 / 1 ....... RSDAY. December I. HAVAMONDAY. J•tounr. TEC roNri .wELINF6I)2I.I , February 1. Thrle shipit two fitted up with unlit rpassed accommo × for Passer, ers. and commanded lei experienced !Navigator,. An experienced Surgeon is attached to e ,cl, slug. Persons %mall= to engate prepaid passages can do so. on a ' , plied tion to the UndereLned. Fretrht enzared in Philvelphia will be promptly attended to by the New York Mont. and shipped tree of all voirinkissiem ' . ... Pot Pont:lit ur PassaFtwt , tml . Y exolnsively to .Agent. Office of the liamourg Am/toe:in Mail SteaniOnytt. 09.1-tf donthwent corner cOURTH and C.III".STMiT --4 t. THE BRITISH AND NORTH Bli AMERICAINI ROYAL MAIL STEAM n.S. VS.O5t KEW TORE TO LIVIITOOL. Chief Cabin Fugue. Second Cabin l'aamaze. e11.,10 LOSTON TO lava/ . 00G. Chief Cabin Passage ..----...... second Cabin Pas Sage•."• •, -• . --. The slops (tom Boston call at Rah fax. PERSIA, Capt. Juana. CANADA, Capt. Lang ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone , AVERICA. Capt. Millet, .ASIA Capt. S. G. Lott, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. 1 EGROPA ‘ Capt. J. Leach, Them vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; Breen on startnord bow; red on port bow. PE RS lA, Juilkinz, leayea N I ore, Wednesday, Segt.2B. ARABIA, Stone, • Boston, Wednesday. Oct. 6. ASIA. Lott, " N York, Wednesday, Oct. 13. CANADA, Lang. " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 11. APR ICA,Bhannon " N York, Wednesday. Get.. 5 3.. EU ROPA. Leach, . " Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 2. PERSIA. Judkin., " N York,Wedwasday, Nov. 9. AMERICA, .Millar, .• Boston. Wednesday. N0v.16. ASIA, Lott. " N York, Wednesday. Nov. it. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. T o owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gol , Silver. Bullion, Specie , _ Jewelry, Precious Stones or Is ,tale. unless bills of lading are silted therefor and the % lue thereof therein expressed. bop freight or pas tare apply to R. CUNARD, II Bowline Green. 11041 New York. FOR THE SOUTIL—CRARLFS TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an arernio of 715 . 71[31t per tient. to low Now York Steamghip raffia FOR CHARLESTON. S. C. The U. S. Mail Steam/tun KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain Charier! P. Maratunan, will gad on Saturday, Nov. ath, at Id A. M. Through in 49 Logo holm, only (0 bourn at Sea. FOR SAVANNAH, Gg. The U E. Mail Stearnghip STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, will WI on Monday, October at lu o'clock A. M. . . . Through in ag to 60 hours, only 40 homy at Sea. Sailinr davit changed from every Saturday to every five days. Goode resolved, and Silts of Lading, signed every day. The splendid first-elan s , de-wheel Steamships KEY STONY. STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days. thus forming a five-day sammu ideation with Charloston and Savar.n%h, and the South and Southwest. - • • • • • At both Charleston and Savannah. these Ships con neot with steamers for Fiords. and with railroads, lta. for all places in the 6otith and Southwest. INSURANCE Freirht and Insurance on it Isrge proportion of Goads shipped South will be found to be lower by these sh:ps than by Embus vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. A. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnseegsarY, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Conipanies risking all rags from these points. GS r.AT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 2.5 to 40 per cent. cheaper than b 7 the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia via Charles ton and Savannah steamships. INCLUDI NG MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery INLAND PARE. To Charleston— 815 00 Charleston 50 Savannah.— 15 CO Savannah-- 31 02 Augusta 20 00 Au;usta....—.— 26 00 Macon .......... 21 00 32 75 21 00 Atlanta-- 31 00 Cohidibus— 23 (10 Columbus -- 56 00 Alba ny .......... 24 00 Albany ST GO Montgomery .. 15i 02 Montgomery.._—_ 93 01 Moline 35 OXI Stade.— ...... 46 90 New. Orleans .. 33 75 New Orleans- 51 00 No bids °flailing eloteti after the Cup has eaiLehl. For freight or passage 53915 on board, at szcondwharf abovo Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON Southwest corner FOUTii anisCll FN UT. AF SSW in Cumlaston. T. 8. k T. G. BUDD. Ssvannan, HUNTO.' & GANIMELL. For Florida from Charleatottlnteamer Carolina even Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah. steamers St. Mary's ar.d St. John's. avers Tuesday and Saturday. 1523 GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP COMPANY—STEAM TO oh .0 )W. hivill—poOL, BELFAST. DUBLIN. AND LONDONDERRY—fm SAL /RON NSW TORI. GLABGOW, Tbon.sson, Wednesday. October 11, at 11 n'ellook, norm. EDINI3URti 11, Cumming, Wedneatla3 . October 2d, at 13 o'clock, noon' • 78031 OLASV , Pir. GLASGOW. Thompeop, Wednesday, Septemtetr 14. EDINBURGH.. Cummins, Wednesday, aestember ItAtes of Passage from New York, Phikwielpom, or Boston, to filaszow. Liverpool. Belfast, Dubhn, or Lon dunderrr, CI rat class. kn. Nterexe,found wah an Ann dance of properly cooled provisions. ow. An experienced Surgeon attached to each steamer. No charge for toedreines. For freight or ' , usage, apply to • WORKMAN th CO., No. 123 WALNUT Street. Pa itadelphou 11011FRT CRAI(I, ao3P-tf No, S 3 BROADWAY. New York. U. S. M. STEAMERS Fon A HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON, AI3.AGO, Captain Linea, will sail July 224 tiepteinber 17, November 12. FULTON. Captain Wotton, Win mail August JO, Ooto her tn. Decenther le. First Cabin Dotage— —Bl3O Second Cabin pageage.....— 76 For freight or immense, apply to WILLIAM NEILS'IN, Agent, At the Waretionging Conipanyie Poilldelphia Office, Tobacco Warehouse. DOCK Street. Stoll. ]en-6m LEGAL Iv THE InSTRICT COURT FOR THE CITV AND COVNTY 1W 11111,APIILP)11A, CDWAhI) 7. T.AAVR ENCE JACOB scijNF,l,l, and JULIANA. lire Wife..,actlishees of JACOB FIT- Ti rn.l. inns T ts!...t. No. t 93. rho Auditor appointed in dlbt , lilOtH the unit annum (torn the :q thy, order the n 1 ,0% e oroopeilin.s, of a ePrtnin linek bowie find lot 01 'round, on the e.st side of Street. :at, loot north, and of MASTER. Street ' 41,0 (rantin tin 711 'et in depth 'more paitieul nit i de seribed ed fit hiY °dire, No. 25.5 South FOEft TH Street on MONDAY. Novend.er 7. 1,10. ;2 I'. It,. when and w nem nil person 9 are repotted to hike their claims, Of lie debarred from ennow: upon 2 1 .0 card turd. 037 thstniut \V 11. sEitt.:EAN'r, Auditor. IN TUE ORE'[UANS COURT TILE CfTY AND COENTY OF A - VELMA. Estate of ROBERT FLEMMING, Deceased. Second Account. The Amlitor npvintnd hi the Cowl to a‘ol , t o.ttte mot ad; }it Eecond p.c.-mint of i% M BROWN: ho Cohort F. flours and Jiro Hiew,a, F, te _ cutoff, of HOBERT 1'1.1:N1\11:SU, dcce.isod, and to nialse ,ititribizinin of the I.llam, rho trunk of th e aeconntliit will meet the irirtien for pgrpntea of his 0110101 went. on MOND.Ay, to 7 t h LI 0l Novetober. 1,69 at .1 0 clock et his (ace. N0..13.350uth FIFTH Street, in the city of Pink & 02; tiritirt.t W. E. WHITAIAN. %Auditor. Ix TILE COURT OF CO.llO.'S PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHI LADEL PIII.I.--No LI of September Term. lieu, Ilivoree Co re. CA Riii.!Nr . NIETZGKER. by her next friend GOTT IED tiIEITBERT. re. EDWARD AIETZGKEt. Ed. M et2,..{,er. the Respondent in alaive care, VIII tale notice that LEONARD R. ELE'r CHER. Fag , the Eariminor appointed b) the Court to take the testimony et the witnessea of the Liliellant in above ease. bra ap- Poln" the lievelith da) ol Novembr, lar.d, at y'rlock t' M.. to tak testiinon) a nt the Wethenli rouse. .t.iiate en the north aide of SANSOI Street, elbow. Sixth Street, to the city of Philadelphia. 015-1150 GEORGE it. EARLE, Attorney for the Libeihet. Mi1V 7 47719 WEST CHESTER and ROAD v 07.31E1il A. arkX PHILADELPHIA RAIL- • . PALL ARRANGEMENT. On and after AV EDN E DSAY, Getober h. 1459. the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Station, N. E. corner of EIGHT.EENTII and MARKET Streets, at 7ad and 9 :51 A. M and at 7an mid SP. M. Leave West Chester, front the DEPOT. on EAST MARKET STREET, at 7 and 10 A. M., and 2.20 and 5 P. AL • ON SUNTLI.EB--Leetro Phitadelp his at 8 A. M., and 2 P . Id. Leave 'West Cheater at 7.30 A. M.. snit 430 P. M. HENRY WOOO, 5-If General Superintendent. FA3HLY CHOCOLATE og SUPERIOR QUALITY. EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Manufacturer and Importer of French and Sparrah ItocOLA Store S. W. corner ARCH and CINTH ..treeta ea am nil Flihert tareAt I Q.IMUEL C.111:BB, Agent for the Purchase Nand sate t)fitesi Estate, and the Colleetinn Rents. Sn,6 WALNUT Street. SALES BY AUCTION. MTHOMAS 04 SONS, - • Noe 130 end 141SODTE Foment gritpart tFormerif Nos. a sea mkt STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, TUESDAY NEXT. Noon and Evening Wax. Paniphlet catalogues now ready. containing ND de- Ern ptiona of all the properties to he sold on Tuesday next, tit inst., at 12 o'clock noon. and 7 o'clock in the evening. with a hat of exam Stn.lsth Ittd, and ath No vernier. and of real estate at pnvata sale, comprising a large amount of valuable property. CARD.—PUBLIC SALES REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS AT THE EXCHANGE.—BaIes of mat estate and stooks will hereafter be held at 12 o'clock soos.aed in the evening et 7 o'clock. fr Collthbutors having the option or either de. 11T Handbills of each property tweed separately, in addition to which we publish, on the Ss tarday preetrese to the sale, one thousand catalogues, ie perarain form, giving full descriptions of all the propertin to be acid on the following Tender. REAL ESTATIa AT PRIVATE SALE. RT Wd have a large amount of reel estate as Priest* sale, including every description of city and country property. Printed lista may be had at the auction store. PRIVATES ALE REGISTER. ET Real estate entered on our private wile register. and advertised occasionally in our DeWitt wale abstracts, lel which 1,000 copies are printed weeklyaree aching& STOCKS—Iei NOVEMBER. On , Nov. lat. at 12 o'clock, nTuesday oon. as tn. nabob:labia Ex ohnnye, wi ll be sold— X( shares liontur.gdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail road and Coal Co. . . 1 shore Yhit,rielpbia Library. For, account of wl omit rasp current -30 shares Hie hruondend Betutylllll Passenger Railway Co., .1 , 15 per Flare paid. C FEW — WAILSWORTH'S CHURCH. Pew No. 111 Arch -street Presbytenan Church (Wads worth's P. Pev No.,s2.Assiri, aisle 'St. Andrew's Churetr—Eighth street, aiofb hrieftee. FOURTERIIIM FALL FALY — NOVEMBER Ist, AT O'CLOCK, NOUN. Trustees' Sale—Estaus of Jaseph T. Bailey. deed. VAL 17 ABLJ3 RESIDE,'NCE, N 0.1319 Chestnut streeet, built and furnished in s superior manner. as. !dune d.ato- !LA MODERN RESIDENCE, N 0.706 Pine street. Lot 2hr 133 feet. Rs_ homed:ate no. Peremptory LL SENT.E.PR.E. , 3IDENVrarEL AND 31ARKET YARD," Bersnantown road, riesr Sa ve nth s t ree t. Lot IR fig frooL . llo feet deep. Ears ateolute. Trustees' Sale—vstate of Gideon Sea tl.dee'd. LARGE AND 'ELEGANT RESIDENCE, No. 99 Spellef. street {_Portico Rossi. HANDSOME 3.IODEILN WALNUT-STREET RE - SI DENCE, No. kn. east. of Eleventh. litA Immediate 1 1. 1 7.11140 D ERN RESIDENCE. pith wide yard, No. 52 Franklin street. ahove Sprit); Gerdett. HAN DSONI E MODERN R .51 D .EN CE4 .I‘o 1930 - Chestnut street. Peremptory t:aIs.—MODEILN DWELLING : N 0.1121 Mount Vernon street, west of Elereath. A 36 Sale eta.- lute. VALUABLE PROPERTY, known sa the "PENN FORK WORKS - -stone mall. 6 dwellings, shops, he_. 1.! , i AC ref. Thorpe's hne. German:owe. THREE STORY BRICK DWEL LL%G. No.BIS North Filth •treet, ei.ore Porta/. BUSINESS STANDS ANDDIVELLING.B.—Two-sed e-helr bock store sae de - elher, Na 916 Coates street. with three-story brick dvelloris to the rear, oe. Melo* street. FI FT PS..."!'llS FA VI. RA LF,;;?:,9XfIII - BER Lt. Executors' hs!e—Eetere of Thomas rbutess, Wailes* NEAT NIODERN DWELLING, No. ibltt Wailes* street lists Sprier Gerden , . TEREE-STORI - BRICK DWF-LUNG.7.C0.14 Chant street tints College &seam), opposite the Frenklut 111,1,1ret. TRRERSTORY BRICK D hLLING. No. S EL Stephen's place (rear of St. Stephen's Church h oppoeuts the Franklin 31arket. ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE- No. Ina Race street. near lA:An Sivare. IE% Immediate posseastpap. YALL'ABLE RESIDE‘Ch..So-ala Arch meet, west of Etrhth. lmmediate possess:on. NEAT DWELLING, No. Itta Marshall street, above Oxford. TWo STORY BRICK DWELLING, NO. trn Rodman street, bora-eon Ninth and Tenth and Lombard and South worts. Bt. SINES STAND.—Three-stay brink store &reinter, Nn. 1010 Thompson, street, corner of Alder, TARE?Tenth eel Eleventh streets. STORY BRICK. DWELLING. 1.311 Alder greet. SIXTEENTH FALL SALE. sh NOVE-1131 - 8, AT . Nt O. VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATIOS.—Tfe fire atory \ building known an the PhilaCelph - a Callene of hled.one, nonhwest torr.er of PLlth and Adelpht qtreet, GF.R . MANTOWN RESIDES . ..E.—Mastic scansio . n. stable, and coach house, Loiaa near.Fisber &- bole s- ono. MEti==l G FEY STREET.—Elandaorce four-story brick rest der ce, rireeo street. lot 17 feet In Inches t-IZSi feet to Mount Vernon street—two fronts. FILBERT STREET.— area-story brrck darrlint• brick stable, and lot. north Ede Filbert street—west of E. bteerth—two fronts. Peranytors SaIe.—LARGE LOT. GEMANTOW.N. southeast side of Ashenerul street. W feet front. fret fee: deep. WI Sale absoNate. SEVENTEENTH FALLSALS Sch NO AT 7 O'CLOCK IN 'IRE EVENING. Ex•cutors' Peremptory Sile—Estate of J. Gratz, deed. THREE STOIC 1 BRICK DWELLING, notttneast corner Locust and Dein streets ger SR. absolute. Truaws• Bale.—TbIR.EE-STORY BRICK -DWELL ING. n=r:Viirth Sixteenth street. Executors' Sale—Fstata of Supyte.e. deed. DWELLINGS. BUILDING LOTS, Re —Etcht.sro c.ertles 'Walnut .rst., York st.. and i'eonond xi . West fh.ladPlpto a- See tithorraptue slats and hantßelia. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. Tenth street- Pere raptor- Sate. to close an Estate. THREE-STORY BRICK DWEI.LIA O. No. PR Fe dent street. vest of cerentb. vith a two-story dwell- I,nr oo Jones street. tor' Sale strioiate. p:Sime FIVE DWELLINGS- —2 no-story No. no South Seventh street. below Shipper'. kith 2 thret-story_bnck and 2 two--story frame dwell ices in the rear. IN , Babe absolute. NEAT It ESIDENCE. No Rai Mount Vernon street. pert of Fifteenth. RT Immediate poesemion. MittM __-.13110 - 60 SALE OP VALUABLE MEDICAL BOOKS. Thu 3dornin,, °etcher 29th, at the auetinc Eyre, a eollectlon of rahz able medical works —Ens hah and American For parti.'eulara, see eata4oenei. PEREMPTORY SALE OF VALUABLE' AND BEAU TIFUL OIL PAINTaNGS Inslndrns can be. of Originals hy 80rL4 , ,A, g&milkoa s London. 313 d other eminent aessters. A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL WATER COLOR PRAWINOS, aLLEILEATED OLISII ARTISTS. On Friday . Morning, Noremixr 4. at the AueLau Store, Nos. •S and 111 South Fourth street. Cstalo nes anil to ready and the paintings An ranged three days previous. - • - Sale at Nog. LIS and Ni Smith Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE,FRENCR-PLATE MIR ROILS, PIANO - FORTE BRUSSELB CARPETS. On Thursday :doming, At 9 o'clock. at the Aucuso Store. an assortment excellent second-hand tanature. elecantylamo-fones. film Ir.irroce. carpets, etc., from fermium decla i m Louse keeping. removed to the core for consommes@ of sale. AT PRIVATE BiLLE-7-P,F . I JLOSOPRICAL APRA. A complete set of philosoplocal arm. rams. in worklag order, a portant nearly new. and the test London make. compr sine sets or pneamstie, electrical. xalpaale. che mical. and nowelMneoul apparatua. Can be seen at the Auction Store. hi. 013M31EY SONS, to • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS. No. eeo WALISIiT STREET. CARD.—I. Gemmel & Sons, auctioneers, will bald replay ea-es of Real Recite, Stocks, &e. A l so )10t16- hold tarmitare at dwellings. ea. On our Private Sale Regaster will always be fool a very lame amount of real estate, tact - Wing area de ecristion of city and etter.tt, ptcpert7. Jr. bl. GENibILY & soms, Real Estate Broke.-e , No. EX W ALN UT Street. to?oss "if ONES NATLIANS. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION .111E1ICR.ANT, LE. oorner rrti Arol RACE Streets. NATHAN S' t. R EAT SALE OF C FORFFITED GOODS. 2.t.V0 LOTS OF FORFEITED COLLATERALS. Op Tuerday Alorn,nz. November ht. M 10 o'clock. at 310.,es Nathane Ate t on sore. touthesat corner of Slsth and Rate Wean, —writ be yob.l— 2 tad LOTS OF FORFEITED 6001)3. Conaistine, in part, of superior overcoats, Raglans, sack coats, frock and there costs: cloth, cassime re. and other Fan 131001111 ; vests ci ST. nous kinds- superior COat. pant. nod vest patterns; elegant silk velvet. satin. and sit s drowse and dress patterns: nor brow he, Stella, state, woollen ris.ti, Canton crape. I.llr. ana other shawls; jack a civet ckaks, circulars, has tuts - silk and cloth dusters; circulars, dusters, basiueg, rad maw.-b. Las ; gentlemen's shawls, boot, shoe., umbrellas, dry gouda. trimmings. hrocatelles for caten , t-nrtkera. na er-elothinc.. quilts. blaxilsts, ssroada. patchwork terpar.es conilortal. let. shee , is..ke.; fine featherbeds, ingrain. En... Cs. sod other carpets. fine a-ker dl dotes, violins, accordeons. opera dosses. e:_tlery, car penter s tools, mathematical instruments, music, 111.d1- c.d. historical, and other books. travertine mints, carpet-boos, double and sinele-Larrel fowt.nt pieces. pistols. leather, harness. watches, jewelry. and a then sasd other articles. M. :a ATILANS. MONEY TO LOAN. Mona! TO LOAN. IN &VLSI OR %NALL ARIOIIICRIIs CIR me rchnndize generally, and on all artmlen of value. ALL urns °VIII ONa ('NaHRNDRID DOLLARS Two ?En RLDT. ?RR IdONI 11, including storage,at - Nathane Eetablutlonent. S. K. comer or SIXTH and HAG/ Sta UNEAT PCBIIC d.OOOMMODATICLN. MONEY! l; MONEY. ' Noce/ llbcmilY advanced in large or mad amonzte, Crow one dollar to thoustnda, on sold and etherP.latet t hgairkndg, niachce, tceretry. loirting-plecne, marita l lure, dry goods, clutlung, mccerms, at re, 1.1 hltrn re, cutlery, Arks. norms, Ti mclrs . kjazess,, and a 9 gruelea of value, for any length of tams aireai on. at NA:rusaa' ritiClP.ll. EitAa.tsrtttgaT, nordartast corner of sixth and Rune streets. PRO3IISSORY I%OTAS, Inch collateral, dupocautted at the lowe i st market rates. MURRAY HOUSE, NEU - ARK, OHIO, Is tine largest and nest arranged Hotel in central Ohro, to centrally located and is ewer of acceu from all the routes of travel. It contains all the modern unerore menu., and every coneen:ence for the comfort and comn.odation of the travelling public. The Sleep:mg limYms are large and veil .entlktted. The Suites of Rooms are well arranged and carefally furnished for (similes and large travelling names; and the Rouse aria be kept as a fast-clam Hotel Ira ererj_rereect. H. A. MEHRA\ & BRO., proprietors. THE UNION. ARCH STREET. ABOVE THIRD PE ILA DELPHI,. lIPTIPS S. 14RWchihtEE. The situation of this HOTEL TEL supenorly adapted to the wants of the Business Public; anoto those in search of pleasure. Passeneer Raiiroads, s‘hictt tow run Put. and in close proximity. alord a cheap and pleasant rule to all Disc.'s of Interest In or About the atty. ti SJ-1119 WASHING AND IRONING. WASHING _CO IRONING DONE t.- • wtth NEATNESS *oil DESPATCH, for S.nste Geotieo.on, Fanubes. Boarding -Sch.'', Hotels. Stestobnots. tic.. at YIONtWAN 8 FAMILY LAUNDRY. No.= South SYNTH Street, corucr of Frans. Family Shuts and Cohan latent p,hs,ed. - Ever' thing washed by hand, on the oom moo • . The whole bauress . strictly ortetand to b 7 thotalo immure,. Mrs. DONOVAN, t•-t, 1. rip.oWN F.IvEl.. HENRY. (Late of Ito ey Buchanan.) (Late 071 - 111 1 4 STurner.t EI L UVEI a I ENt , tl l: v INDEI'ai r jSiZ, E IIC - lITFO I :Z A 3O . I"STY. )ssorrpl. COLLECTIONS mile of Eattent Cbosos I n any part of Weatern and NorilreAte-o li(won. Mersts. R. Wo REFER T. od. NE,,rsh, ,k, lia),Attl.) 4 • Caleb Cope A. Co., ; Phils4leiplda. " t 4 i ter, Pr., A: Co., A t , ' Merchant. Init please cutout the *bore and at the held of '• Bdls Receo.alde." oo 11-]m MARTIN & QLTAYLE'S STATIONERY. TOY. am, FANCY GOODS EMPO 4: 1 U I. Mt WALNUT STREET, 010 In, 1 4JILADELPHL 1 1. constantly on hand Terfumary and 1011 At Mti lea. PURE CONFECTIONERY, 11.0,7 , CTCRED Br EDWARD A. HEINTZ. [Ate of S. Mennen. Sore S. W, corter ARCII and streets. am . Factory dl4 limn street.! Y. B. PALMER , .- ADVERTISING • AGENCY. N. .E. .f.rner FIFTH and CHEST- N UT. Subseriptions tnken for the best City and Coart'll Newspapers, at lowest coal pnees. e_S-Sra ALEX. McKINNEY, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. tiREENSBURAi. PA. Will rate in Westmoreland. Armstrong. and 1 Glaila couutieS. rflo GROCERS AND DitUGGISTS.-50 C,e3 Sapomnernr Concentr , ttedLSe•irtonr round air-t,ht Iron 4 the onl , , sell-ertatltshed andre hable :11antilteturell by the Pennerivan , a Ithrmfacturinz Conirtn% . and for sale to the trrde, follows: 6 Case+ , 130. ger pear,.); lit to Cae.s. J. It. URA v Sem: lanufnetta, , , N.. 9 Norte FROM. Street. 'ERE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFIcE ..t.7r, CH ESTNUT :street, forwards Parcels. Pack- CUPS Merchand•se. BMA - ra,•tes, and Speele, either by its t•wo Li :es. or in connection with other Ea press Corn paniel. to all the princlple towns and camsof the United States. E- S. SANDFORD. Ueserel Elzparintazdent ROTE LS. BUSINESS CARDS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers