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Mailed to eAtleriliere out a oity'm tHim Doa- GARB Piflit'ilfligito * • untifi:Vt • it 140111fiN4 Aar' yAgrp,,a-mwortni; ISTIV riet*llltil ;Mt DRWErliri *Was, ii#lYKlyt9qoEr 0 0 ,40* LACES. NOStBS.Y,' ctLovzo katerrs 'AnD snews L A 1-14-9:;74 .iv aiNivl ' 1 2 4 - PONXBRELAND,WIIOI4I3BALE J IN - PgraitlrOP. -444 3 Nr044 S 11 D, S PRENoIi - ANN.:EN6LISH LAStINGB, END • 8 / 1 0E4SNVIMOTITILWRIWARTIOLE8; Bolting Maohiae Hilt, hrobd arid Medias NO. 30 kNORVII,TIURD ET., ' AMU, Mr , _ - aWkI Q„. UPFIELD'N PATBNT -BOOT-TR/XL nk I SOWER A3ARN.P.S.' 00.3 }3A RN AND DEALERS IN NIIBOIDAOLNEOOD, BONOOD>, AND BLANK - BOOIDI AND StATIONBEY. N 0.5 7 tiotTglign, firitEIFIT:BELPW AROH TM /did 'Bodin of utlartki AND Kky r ii . . DRAMA NB! NSW - MEDIUM m, ON i3andarelnew wadee._Oreenlgiathi• DrOkits' ritholetioa, , Ao. /Dank. books,wratas. WraPing, curtain. aniEwan rapers.. , • ann-sm THQB, MELLUA as CIO 'HO. 9vvitlx =RD, irriaart Erptaim ?war , AND GiamP 4 :111 'O,'S I E .DRAAVRIttk Prim fifzeikai' t. - ' Join; Wan,. /Avon Runny.. . D. 8. 1 zvut. RIEGELe ; ttAXAP, r att • CO, tliexer,-Lamb, & C 0..) , siMPOliTßliff AND JOBfilißs No. 7 1 , 104.T1114D STREEthdykDRI.P.O.III.. 0 Is now of;itplisA 411'1u departments, and ready for Buyers. Prompristylux Dioramas from all parts of the 'Union ere rearotfhtly iolioited to o at/ and examine fot therasolvoi t :;% - ' —, ' . t -" ' sts-im cAmaKERs. 13 05 T0'•w 9 fl isßs. BOND'S IXTICA ORAUK3CAB ••FOR FAMILIES. g ? , , N ome: , , unineourx, 00 is itio. , :: , . - rißai . :: wognisaurr' ~ v , _ oimairiAts, BlTkiluz,or B7WiD. we bre iOosia,ottrtioofidot thLoelebrated make of Onsokoro, moh,ftqo: the Bale In barrels, boxes, and siC;Ite.TRBNiM Aanri, sixittE.Thuatvals. JOIEINS & SON. irdrovaim AND Drazanus uKTi i tqwxr ( "Mal ii" 11 / 1 "t 3 i Asitistts, isALLoons, RENETINOS, PATENT LUTHER, RENON Kill% ELIPpER UPPERS, LACETE, N. K. OOKEN;NOTIETE AND 611.0/1 STS. • "STOt.?*, , pRoKE4O,, NT,N:s . • i-;•1 , VE N ;,. • l t t,_, 1 1; - : , ;•:yff . 7:;;;Tf, 'STOatt:,./3ROji NO. 30 ,411114,0JILPNIA, •,„ • 7O OK A. N D 0N D OF AZ,I6 TOR ILNAPINO FASSENONN RAILWAYS IN_ PHILADELPHIA, to wbioli OtoFitalloi4' Stooks, 'Nadir end Corporatwn Loans tomtit sad sold au clop ion at the Boltrel Bmkers. ~,, P agiiisl,..EVßltts4lNG GOODS. Vr::"§OOTT=4; - lató of Alm firm of . r g N BPri V iMi lgr- t i r l ett*l ll l4 B l:=l n 2 1Vsld' El lits 8 e 811. •T. 011 1 ,4,1f4rp. i p. — Girul t the' fon, venom friendg new store , and is pre par toAtordersactrytit, aat V n art ricr d ec ra t i tli t i glair Airs: ° ° "" 1771:17, ttA] IWwxE TR,TiLTT; 131t0.. it 00.. . nat#olßs AND WHOLESALB DEALERS ',WA RI) ,W A ,R E ouviza,Y, GUNS, PISTOLS, IC., 529 MARKET',aura. 529 • BWAYir SIXTH, NORTH SIDE, &aft: , PHILADELPHIA. g 4 gENB4b-1717 Po , Otryi,icar,"AND tiUN - -:WAREHOUSE . Do, Vir_lll4lo4:4 AIM, 41:0 commaißoi alktra • - x. LOOI~ING . GLA s s LooRta,GLASSES. Now in otorolink 'sort exterotre and oloiant ueeott mot of ' . /g),OXINerSULASOES, t rat e rm="astd evetw, mitten. and et the meet 'eLstistt , . lathe moil elalMr 7 ato and the most ample Fumes. 4 •,, PLOOCING OLASSXB • ' ?howl tithe bag Siete, add In the tort antsterittil 4:ool{ll4liGithitall Fonalshokhr ms, are mearthotared oureerres is osr ows eatabutemzent. LOOKING GLABeEO - if ai timmairy 8, , 114 W ALI!!Irr framM to Moab, 11'.1 , JAMBS 8. BLltliEl h SOW '' 14:1311E8TNUT 'STREET, sikt-te;.V,•,"'.7...',` 11EDICINAL. MRS: wnisLow.- FbigatTri—arn Assa Felmx ti DA)? VII nlef f ir .""" P • FOR-OitILDREN TEETIIIITO t VA Vo t Wats! theimam or tafthini_4/19.^ , he I 0 ,rocluosm au lathaupetion ; inu AM' d' P ...itrieto towns. 8 0 It Depandusias At nether ttwill hive rest to foursome WileArniintAliq re , 'kV. 01 0 Arg, - Tea 0 °°°°°t "" d egg 134 ' ea:Va:d iiilh %ft; Iril '" i fiate 0 bon to %yr la ,T ,14 rEC - 1' AOU E. en, e ria 1 7 S On Ulf 0110 ~,; ~ f,iri ... ii,..., Me 1"I t : ' Or e :::: to d 1 : 4, tra lmd t:oTos. red , a i t ils Watt Or fili4ca 0 , .tinutelloll o klt l - Mgt risfrlAM Or ZMI 1 6 10%' % ? err e t tan a ll a l f eill ui i "" Ore n Vell % P.' r9toParin f rom ,-,% rut • vollit.'oe Z odtivaroralo r . 2,,,,„. A ...!; i it i llinz ittit r ls tai1. .,, 8 „, , ,c e a 8 F UM t,5 BA 8.. OF.CIa, It not oall to vas th_ ‘f , ,, blat.ttatit pain,: bat .la-, C l 6 V g yorear l 4a u rity ns fr. , . Nr tt i tin7o, i s iAl l a tirin it irli riti o. liT'' . G 10411,1,040 ow,- i d 11: 07iir j jj 'i'aj orila ct t' i ".2 , „ p x . -, ,n i i o no t, an. 's,,,ina . gm fromatiy a ~., ~. 6 world iitY ta, ailit7 pother arho . alui , ',ring Cram "ay t h e for amp nta ix. do hot let yeararejathaaa, nor t ' g r ei t art ° , ° t art top; W e ' tt Milli t a rt Vyi tr'w ' Ws=t4' rouo* the . .. tiff, , ti me f Wed, %l i g oljroo ' tc.,, v rilr e ;., viAmidat,fir , lzacyrnigri.4l4,Tibritarknot -00.u, Ai atrplotatel xaa , 1 b. 1100:,,(10AL oui wolfs. tit ,na tg:T„ . ,P,. ,t.m I u • FAIR,"',, PaixroaV ) 4 ' 9 4 ;i l tfitMVMAßP ETVY4 _,:ornovt litipm,stgEpt. • :00 . 10 '40114 AM410,. .VOL. 75. -GOOD W? 1, SALE! atieition of borers Is especially invited to the ' `BLANICET SHAWLS : LONG ELANKE,T SHAWLS, SQUARE BLANKET SHAWLS, .11114:Te.e 'LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, , • CHILDREIV'S'ELANICET SHAWLS, MEMO MIRDDEBRX; WASRINOTON, BATETATE, WATERLOO, WATERYLEIT, AND . PEACEDALE C 0.13 • Apo, FRENCH BLANKET SHAWLS, SCOTCH BLANKET SHAWLS, LONG AND SQUARE. • FIXEIRIif REVERSIBLE SHAWLS. ' A FULL LINE BRO CITE SHAWLS. LANG , 'BiocEE 80 AWLS, tiQUARE , BROCHE SHAWLS. OASOMERE & MERINO. LONG conStERE SHAWLS, SQUARE CASHMERE SHAWLS. ' LONG MELT SHAWLS, SQUARE 111.1BEl: SHAWLS. STELLA S HAW LS. BLACK AND COLPRED CENTRES. PRINTED BODDE - RED • STELLAR, DROCHE , BORDERED STELLAR, PRINTED 04SRMERE SHAWLs, MiSSER' STELLA SHAWLS, STELLA IttliAWLB, Comprioiog one 6f the largest suortmonts of SHAWLS IN THIS MA'RICHT Por solo to OAI3H AND PROMPT 81X-MONTHO BUYERI3. 'JOSHUA L. BALLY. 21a MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA 1 8 59 FALL IMPORTATION. 1859 JOEL -J. BAILY & CO.. No. 'fit) MARKET MEET, AND 208 0111311011 ' ALLEY, PRILADELPEIA, Nava received by meat arrivals, aad will continue to receive. during the season a fall and oomplete assort ment of FALL AND WINTER Gomm, Ocinnisiing in part of , RosiEny, eq.ovEs, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES', MISSEi, s OENTIP, IND .BOYS LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, , SILK AND COTTON SEIETS AND PANTS GENTS' PDENISEENG GOODS. Elacit and Fano , Silk Snarls, Tier, and Cravats. Linea, Cambric, and Silk Edkls. - I SITETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, &o. ' . Ago, a handsome stook of MUTE, LACE, and MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. .00 I TON, MIEBEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRO TS, a large and cheap variety. '.. "36 IN'S SYSTEME." BEST QUALITY RID Gi0va....4 splendid adortment of colors and sines. WOO, COMFORTS,ROODS, JACKETS, NUBIAS, Ate TriFathnewith slime assortmentOf CLARK'S supe pertor,siz-cord '' Silk-Fintahed" arid " Enamelled " SPOOL COTTON. - Also, their Sewing Machine Cotton, pinup on 'moot! of !MO yards eaoh, to which tho atten. ton of Bh(rt Makers and Afananotwera is Partlitnihuli recneited. . CA B / 1 . AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS are invited to examine sent. Stook, wind is one of the htiisilt end theititttnostlY, etiii offered to the trade.* 'SOT .Ci.)T 7 13:14341 ~ C .LOTHSTI- 1 Si* oip s d it-A s _Es STEELMAN, -IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GLOTTIS, CASSIXERES, VESTINGS, NO. 62 SOUTH SECOND' STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, Are daily mewing eidditiorta to ;their already lam gook Of • • t 1 A 14.1, - G,O DS. Comprieed in Dart of • BLACK AND dOLORED CLOTHS, " " • " BEAVERS, " 'CASSIMERES AND DOESKINS, PLAIN AND, FANCY CASSIMEM...I3, SILK,;VELVET, AND CASHMERE VESTINOS, N. 11.—A variety of Cloths and Beavers suitable for LADIES' CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, all of which will be sold at reasonable erica*. atel-tf • • STEWART & CO - • JOBBERS OP AUCTION 1100DS, 303 MARKET STREET, ABOVE TRIED, DANIS now in Store atoll line of • BLACK AND PAN CT SILKS, 'BROOM; ARV - OTHER BRAWLS, • BILK MANTILLA VELVETS, Of all grades, and all the new fabrics in Drees Goode, to whieh we invite the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTH BITTERS. . e3.3ni ' BITER, PRICE. & 00.. IMPORTERS AND "JOBBERS FORRIGN , AND DORIRSTIC DRY GOODS 815 MARKET STREET. J. W . GIBBS & SONS, • No. 631 iKARKET STREET. Ate 110 W openrnitiheir Pad, kirINTERITOCK O 1 GIOODS ADAPTED TO :IVI N 'S WE' A In whtoh will be found a itt assortnient of CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTINOS, TRIMMINGS. # O . ' anis-8m R. WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY- gOODS AND CLOTHING. NO, 3Q9 MARKET BTRBET. PHILADELPHIA!, FaU and Muter Crook lOW ocanntete and raadr far ar.64m MoOLINTOOR, GRANT, 4*. 00., IMPORTERS AND WVOLESALE DEALERS 111 CLOTHS, OASSIMEREs, VILEiTINGs, AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. N 0.382 MARKET STREET, (Up B aus4m • , alm . )PRIDADELPHIA., A, W. LITTLE 4 00., s ILK GOODS, NO. ' 325 NCARB:ET ST. SHAPILEI4I-1, RUE, 45: IMPORTERS OF WRITE GOOD!: ACM3, and LBROI.DERIBS. EO, EEO MARKET STR E ET. 1' P Our Stook, seineted in the beet Enumean markets by outset*. is lame and complete. aus-3m W ILLIAIVISON & 00., waoialsALE DEALBREV AND JOBBER/3 IN DRY GOODS, NO. 42 MAIVICBT STREWS, • • (And 414 Comoteroe street,' 11TW11N !On= AND DI7TH, NORTS SIDI. Ouretook, eepeotally adepted to Southern emit Wed Om tradey ie nov largo end complete in evergyeati outer: ' ens-tf 185n#41 imPORTATIONS.IBS9 ROSS & WITHERS. MARKET, AND MB COMMERCE STRDDaDt - PHIL4D'ELPHIA, liPODifikEtEl AND JOBBREW BILK , -PANGY_Ci.OOIIB, RIM/IC* A 011/0411 to Irb l 9l l they invOe the at **pi Of blab* Keith COMMISSION HOUSES. SHIPLEY, HAZARD,• & HUTCHINSON, NO. 112 CHESTNUT BT.. COMMISSION MEROHANTS FOR THE BELLE OF PHILADELPHIA.-MADE • GOODS. eS-6m T o R (PARSED GENERAL COMMISSION MERCIRANTS. COTTON, COTTON YARNS, SPERM, LARD, AND WHALE OILS, FLOUR, DRUGS, et OP' The ettontion of Manufeugurere is espocia//y culled to our SPERM OILS. Auf-dm No. 22 N. FRONT STREET, mina. CLARK'S SPOOL COT TON, Just rooolvedi A FULL ABBORTMENT IN WHITE, BLADE, AND COLORS, For sale by CHARLES FIELD, ITO. 20 NORTH SIXTH STREET, AUENT FOR PHILADELPHIA. s9-9m• WELLING, COFFIN. COMPANY, 1113011ESTNUT STREET, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF A. & W; SPRAGUE'S PRINTS. In great variety, Mounding Chocolates, Turkey Redo Greens, Blues, Shirtiest, and num Styles. BLEACHED (MEETINGS AND SKIRTINGS. Lonedale, Masonville, Slateraville Hope, Washington Union Mills, Blackstone, Cohaninet, Johnston, Belvidere, Phoenix, Smithville. BROWN SHEETINGS, SIIIRTINQS, AND OSNABURG B. Matoftea, Virginia Family, Groton, Minot, Eagle, • Manohester, Mee's A. Farm's, Blaok Hawk, Merrier A. Warren A, Ferment', Riverside, Oasee River, GLOMS. Sortontley'a, Pomeroy% Glenham Co.'s, and other makes of Blank and Fanny all wool and cotton warp Cloths to great variety. DOESKINS AND CASSIMERES. Greenfield Co., Batons River, Lewiston Falls, Steam's M. Gay Is Sons, Glendale, Berkshire Co.. and others, SATINETS. Steern'm Ayres & Aldrioh, TaR it Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Crystal Sprint", Swill River, Carpenters', Florence Carroll's, Detainee, Conversvtlle, An. BILESIAS.—Lonedele Co.',l.Bmith's, and other makes, plain and twilled, of all colors. Fanny Negro Stripes and Jewett oily and Irene Stripe", Denims, and Tickings. Rhode Island and Philadelphia Linsey', Apron Cheoke, and Pantaloon Stuffs. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels. Fishervillo Co.', Corset Jew!, &o. ame-dteepl—sepl-fmdewtf SMITH, MURPHY. tit 00 1 WY MARKET ST., AND 926 CHURCH. ALLEY, Are now opening their ]PALL AND WINTER STOCK or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. To whiett they uteito the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-TIME BUYERS. Angllet, VS69. auedm WAreuEs, jr.wELICK, deo. BAILEY & 00.. TOUCHILY BAILEY & KITCHEN, lan removed to the new Fire-proof, White Marble sore, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW TM GIRARD NOUSE, Now opening their Fall Stook of DicPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND PANOY GOODS, io whlob they invite the attention of the nubile. ILL VEILyARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WBOLLLLi MID Itil.Ul. SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite special attontion to their stook of OILVER WAKE, which is now unusually large, affording a va riety of pattern and design tinsurpasaod by any house the United dtates, and of finer ouality then le mariulao tured for table nee in any part of the world. Our Standard of Silver ill 93&.1000 parte pure The English Sterling 925.1000 cl 900-1000 ~ American and French... Thus it will be seen that we give thirty-five parts purer than the American and French"coin, and ten parts puret than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver, and our Foreman being connected with the Refining De partment of the United States Mint for mayoral years, we guarantee the aualitY an above 1934), which In the finest that ears be made to be serviceable, and will resist the notion of acids meek barter than the ordinary Mier vineefactured. WM. WILSON & SON, 8. W. 0011,NIM Mall AND OBTERRY BTB N. B.—An fineness of sliver manuillotured as agreed upon, bat posirlmiy now inferior to /Fund, and Amsri an standard. Deafen euppliod with the name standard ae used in our retail department Fine Silver Bars, 099-ICaO parte pure, constantly on hand. 1 S. JA ADEN IN *MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF SILVER-PLATED'WAN . N 0,304 CHESTNUT Street, above Third. (ne gain, Philadelphia. _n_etantly on hand and for sale to the Trado m HE.ATETH. commiNlON SERVICE BETH, 8, inT nyR 8, 0011 LETS, US, WAITERS,. AS E.ETH„ CSTORS, KNIVES, SPOONS. FORKS, LADLES. &e.. ending and plating on all kinds of metal, eoLh UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER ea FENNER. 1411.01,316 ALE MANSTFACTUft:EJS or HIABRELLAB AND PARABOLA. • 336 MARKET STREET, PHILA., Are 110 W Eaßtirkg more than DIVE HUNDRED DIV THREW(' insrAILIeheSTIMI of (11711)1(0110.0. of every else, from 23 to 40 e. Buyers who have not had 8. & melte of goody will Gnd their time well spent to lookteg over this well-made stook. which Melt:idea MAST NOVPJ,TIHe, MO( to be met with thittliero. an6.3m PAPER HANGINGS, &O. PAPER HANGINGS. NOW 111 TON TI MM TO PAMIR YOUR. ROUSE& HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., HO. 392 OIIESTNUT STREET, Have for OCSIO ovary variety of PAPER HANGINGS. BORDERS, eicio„ Which 'rill be sold at the lowest rates, and pat up by maul workmen. 100-11trio10 FANCY DUY GOODS JOUDEUS. SCHAFFER & ROBERTS, 4519 MARKET STREET, ' LMPORTERS AND JOBBERS HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES, LOOKING-OLASSES, *ERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, AND TAILORS' TRIMMING'S. Au64lnl MARTINS. PEDDLE. 8c HAMRICK. importers sad dealers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Five doors below the Merchants' Hotel, Offer forpale the most complete stock of Goods In their line to be rigind in the llama Siam, consistincin tiOBIERy, of every grade. ,OVB_, ili three hamdred vortetiet, irfkr:Vstim B 4 l l VAwE" . 11 R ft and COLLAREL _____ A r I)tEI3 9' .EI D AMCI I 6.74,NrVi I i R eragrp r i'zi T ß s : WAIL new designs, with an en ,ess verily of ....- Tit Wr c raligheLinvit the 0,..00t0,0 0 Id Wliin 4 18. AND SOU HERN ang-Irri nu) COGNAC BRANDY, V Is • gm, and Me Pjneta. o. do. Mord. . o. to. lionnitoq. Ift,bend, IMO lot tole Dr AzIWYMNO. KO iota FR VXf fitful, .°V ',.1111' PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 280 1859. CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. ZWISSEER Sz FIORILLO, 125 NORTH WIRD STREET, 11.51 , 6 for sale a large supply' of CIGARS OP THE REST HAVANA BRANDS. TOBACCO, - SNUFF, PIPES, &o. AGENTS FOR GAIL A: AX, GERMAN SHOEING TOBACCO AND CIGARS. oc2-1-31n A . MERINO. 140 SOUTH FRONT BTREHT, Ras in store and bond, end Offer• for 8530, a Large Assortment et in GARS, Reoeived direst from Havana, 01'01101066nd favorite rands• xne-t{ MILLINERY GOODO. 431 MARXET STREET. • 431 RIBBONS, ‘,.. Of arm kind. in it/menu varlet)!' NEW BONNET MATERIALit, BONNRT VBLVETB. SATINS. SRO DE NAPS, LINING BILKS, L F ENGLISH CRAPES, of the boot mikes. • FRENCH & AMERICAN ' FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ANODE% ko Also, newest Fall styles of 1 &UAW AND FANCY BONNATO, And STRAW GOODS:of every dosoiivuon. Now open, and presenting altogether the' most oom plate stook of MILLINERY 0001)8 In this market. Merchants and Milliners from every seetion'of the eountry are cordially invited to tell and *Zemine onr stook, whioh we oiler at tho 01,08138 T POSSIBLR PRICES. ROSENREIM, BROOKS, 6 00., 431 MARX.FT STILUIST. 6010-toorlo Je HILLBORN JONES, Importer arid Manufacturer of FANCY SILK, AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, ka The attention of City and Country Damien, invited to a large and varied stook of the above goods, at 432 MARI= STREET, Below PIATIL /TI N , J. lIAMBERGEI2, No. 116 • North WAG. SECOND Street, is prepared to exhibit the most oomplete stock of Millinery Goode, comprising Ribbons, FloWolll, Feathers, Blonds, Leone; !Luellen, Velvotei and other Bonnet Materiels. Also, a widows assort ment or Pattern Bonnets, to all of which rittsrotild in the attention of Merchants and Manners. N 0.--floods daily received from Auotioni and eolit at the l owest prides. 074 m• - HOOTS AND SHOES. HAZELL & HARMER; MANUYAOTORN.B.B ' AND WHOLESALE DEALERS or BOOTS AND SE - lOV,S, NO. 128 NORTH THIRD STRI4T. A full amorist/ant of City wade Boots and Ohcos oon stardly on hand. do-N J . W. MoOURDY & 'BON, 3EI OREBTNUT STREET, (11110011.) LADIES', ADEISES', AND DHILDREN'eI BODTD, 5110E8, AND OAITERB, musufaetureti OXVOII4II tor the Retell Trade oull4at FALL STOOK BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH IL THOM BON d ao 1:14 MARKET OTUEE7/1 Nave now on hand a Isnot (toot or BOOTS AND SHOES HvBRY VARIM,BABTERN ANL UM MAIM Purohe.sera vialting the oily will pioaao nail and ex amine their stook LEVICK. RASIN. & CO., BOOT AND fillOß WAREHOUSM AND MANUF ACIT RY, No. 403 MARKET STREET, Philndolphin. We have now on hand an extensive Stook of Boots and Shoos, of all Sewn rdicne, of oar OWN and EASTERN Manufacture, to which we invite the attention of South ern and Western buyers. sea-'m cLo•riRING. RAPHAEL P. M. ESTRADA, MERCHANT TAILOR. FINE FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND SUPERIOR FABRICS FOR CUSTOMER WORE, N 0.21 BOUT!! SEVENTH STREET, Pinta OELPRIA. RAPHAEL , , M. ESTRADA, havin a ssoc i ated with him el ARTISTIC CUTTER, Mr. JOHN HOPSON (late of Granville titokes . ,) respectfully invites the at tention of the public to hug pow astablishment, and his splendid stook of FURNISHING ttOODS for Cantle men's wear. lie has on hand a choice selection of Fabrics especial ly for customer work and a varied assortment of fa shionable READY- MADE CLOTHINii, to which ho invites the Attention of buyers, Each article warranted tojirantire satisfaction. 101 IN HOBSON, Artist. LIPPINCOTT, BUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURUID3 AND JODDHEA or 00M11102ti, MEDIUM. AND FINE CLOTHING. We Invite xpecinl attention to our nomplete limo( MACHINE-MANUFACTURED 000D9. NOB. 424 MARKET, A, 419 'MERCHANT BTB. aue-am DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &t. DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, &a. ROST. SHOEMAKER 41; CO. NORTHEAST CORNER YOUTH AND RACE STRIIRTB, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Dealers In WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, ice., invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS To their large stock of Goode, which they offer at the lowest market rates. oat•tf HATS. CAPS, &c [859. FALL 'TRADE. 1859. 0. H. GARDEN do CO., Manufaaturore of and Wholesale Darden in HATS, CAPS, FURS. SILK AND BTR AV?' DONNFMR, AND STRAW 0001)8, ARTIFICIALFLOWERS, F EAT HEM. ITOCHES, tcc., ten., NOEL 606 AND 602 MARKET STREET, Sonthwat corner of Born. EXTENSIVE STOOK, BEST TERMS, LOWEST anlB-Sm PRICES., CARRIAGES OF TILE MANUFACTURE OF WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, 1000 CHESTNUT STREET, 1011 10.2 m eIItpASEI.-200 bbls., 300 War bbls., 140 1 .." 1 qukrter We., LOW cane Patent Tallow n . fzut 2 1171414 8 • oth gi j e vitut FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1859 Literature. 1 , 4 Old Stone Mansion. By CitAtti.Es J. PETERSON, author of ,4 Cruising in the Late War," it Kato Aylesford," &c. 1 vol., 12 nio, pp. 367. Philadelphia : T. B. PntEnsoN & BROTHERS. Ono of the mo.t. difficult modes of writing fiction is in the tunas of Autobiography. Score succeeded with it in Rot) Roy." , A fen , ether novel-writers have made similar at tempts, but the general result may be stated in 0119 word—failllte. Mr. PETERSON, however, has. tried it, and has succeeded. Ile intro duces a young girl, early orphaned, whom a rich uncle in the city is compelled, for very shame sake, to take care of. In his house she is treated most unkindly, as poor relations too frequently are, while his own daughters are petted, and ono of them, growing up into a " beauty," being spoiled. In fulness of time, having risen to womanhood, Margaret Gray (tile heroine) accompanies her kinsfolk to a sea-side place called the Blufs, which is de scribed so tis to bear some resemblance to Cape May, or rather to Long Branch. There she wins the heart of a Mr. Talbot, one who, fu every respect, is a gentleman. Her cousin, Georgians Elliott, who has failed to win fondly find foolishly Marries an adventurer named Dosponcer; who has nothing but dash-, ing rnariecrS and a good wardrobe to recom mend him.' For this, she is repudiated by her pareida,:and retires with her husband to an old stone mansion in the vicinity of the which we take to be Philadelphia. Marga ret Grayi who unhappily quarrels with her lover on a point of womanly principle, in which. she , was right, is also turned out of doors by her uncle, and becomes a visitant of the Old Stone Mansion, with which great crimes are traditionally connected. What oc curs'there during that brief residence and in subsequent shorter visits forms the mystery and romance of the Lamy, which are power fully worked up quite in Mrs. RADCL/EFE'S maiiner,,but which we leave the reader of the book to discover for himself. Finally, after considerable suffering and anxiety, partly caused'by her having taken a situation at a fashionable modiste's, Miss (fray, more id despair than hope, goes to a country residence, called the hemlock Farm, some distance from the city, in titles!, of a situation as governess. There she encounters Mr. Talbot, (whom situ had believed married to another,) and the con clusion may lie guessed. The course of true love does at last run smooth, and Matrimony winds up the story in the most agreeable man ner. • The merit of this tale is fourfold o---t)?e plot 18,full Of interest, without being improbable ; the diaracters ate well drawn and nalurally brought out; the descriptions of country scenery aro actual pictures; and the occasion al remarks on society show Lana knowledge of tho world and keen observation. Here are few'refloctions which are singularly 'whoa : ble, 'though Written months ago, to "dia mond" marriages : "Why dotal the girl at eighteen give herself away to a Hob man, old enough to be her father, and who has nothing In coinumn with her talegaut `tastes and youthful enthustssui? • Ls it love that mares her See hew bite shooks, iuvoluntarfly, 'Mut Ltw tea he upproaohes, Liam., to what her maul tells of her toots bud hesitation en We eve of marriage. blab is just as much Sold, as the great satirist of our day has 'said, as if she had Leen at throassian state, lie: owe sanity, atal , ,the latbe lutPurtsubeattaohed to wealth by our parents, have sent tier uharms to the shambles, eased, as swat. lar chat uts eta gapped to We slays war Lots of. thaw ldwittutiple. Ofa houses wad laluitl, Wealth and pinnalop,. tashiou anti chow, new wen,' hearts have you separated—WM wahy SWILL IJ-041140.L0, It is Uveawu ILL you that marriage has uthist.d, Lit a great degree, to be the holy weroweut whteh Out de sigmad it fur, anti has bowman, instead, a mere bargain and sato. And the evil emus:clue:ices of such marriages do not cud with this au: they reach to eternity; they perpetuate themselves, through otaildien brought up to biekeriug house- Wes, through geueretteue utmost without cud. 66 'Meru are many of nay be.% who will road this, and say I exaggerate. They themselves arc war. tied. They Lave deliberately Odst or these they loved, to marry rich bleu who have no sympathy with them. Yet they Kru k they would tell too, happy. Ahoy rarely, Indeed, sue their Intaiuds, who are always at Inc club, ur the eutilititkhuuati, or the Quiet:. We all knew ouch women. They have the sleek skins the tlibutivuleal faces, the plump !orals of 0ra, , , , e,0; ttatlauut souls, and ate thervtore 'porno , that happiness is. The Made in llitta u. ,v: nuts the se,thbatd. Their atiabauda are like them. Tu Mob, Marriage is a Lucre soeial iustltution, and luau uuly the dream of whoul-buys awl seutnewatal lily) , go through tile decorously, the wouteu espootally, he pulse over quiekeuin,r, ice nerve over vibrateog. Sot thr them is the agony of the probe, or the rap ture of mil b.) utpalliy. Let thew vegetate with their kind. They cannot julge ler lee. Shall those who haw heard oulmutit music. deny there is a heaven ? Oh! there ore conic who, though tainting and weary outride tau ,guted, cod doeuttal turover to wander itt cede, hate yet listeued, epee at luadt, to the golden harp.., and lull early with thew to their graves the Wass ot thdt memory ; and be happier, in *heel their sorrows, than thew on %chola the beatthe vision nut or dawned !" We dismiss it Thu Oki Stono Mansion," with the recommendation of being, the best novel of American society published for many years. It would malto tho reputation of ts new author. It will greatly advance that or our tow who has already won his spurs by previous works of merit. PUBLICATIONS BFOEIVED nov T. Ir. P4TERSON & BRUTUERB Physiology of Counnon Life. By George if. Lewes. Author of "Seaside Studies." In two vols. 12tuo. vol. 1. Now York : Appleton. Parlor Theatricals; or Winter Evenings' Entor• taintnent• By the author of "The Magielan'd Own Book." Now York: Dick & Fitzgorahl. Tho Cornar Cupboard; or Yeota for Every Body. Illustrated. by 1,000 engravings. By the author of Inquire 1Y Rhin." New Yuri( : Pick (t, Fitzgerald 'ROM OAL:T S VOLK/Lift. The Sou of Ivo, or Arotio Adventures, by Percy 13, St. John. Roston: 31133713 m d: Baker. PROM LIPPINCOTT CO Spurgeon's flormons—Sixth Series. Now York : Sheldonolllo. lieusoludd Library.—Life of Vit toria Coloons, by T. Adolphus Trollop°. Life of Julius Carer, by Dr. Liddell, Dean of Christ Church. Now York: Sheldon it Co. The Iila• ',rents of Moral Science, by J. L. Dan, D. Do late President of Mercer ,Unir ersity, .to. New York Sheldon, Cu, Pnon B. 11. llurrnnasox i Co. Poonac, by JlllllO9 elaronco Mangan, with a bie. graphical introduction by John Now York : P. M. Ilavorty. Pooh W. IS. ZIEBER CO. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magatine for Ootober. Amertonu Edition. Now York: Leonard Scott & Co. FROM LEAHY, GETZ, tt CO. 1110100111 of Rev. George William ;by John (Allies, D. D. Revised and corrected; with addi tions. mow k Co. Wild Scenes on tho Frontiers , or, Heroes of the West ; by Fauereon Bounott, author of '' Ilubort tho Foundling," ,Lo. "DODGE Ter Die 0,4E8 !"—A gentlemen re• Intro an anecdote of the Mexican war, which bee never been published : " When the American army was forming line for the battle of Buena Viata, General Lane was riding up and down the Hue of hie Indiana regiment. The itteximua had stationed come B=ll gene on a neighboring height, which wore blazing away most furhmely on General Lane's regiment. But ne their gene were badly aimed, the b dla in every ease posed over their [wade, but euthcic , ,tly near no to came the men, en they htard the pusellar whiz of the belle, to luvoluntazily duck ' their head 5. • ‘i Gen. Lane happened to notice this, and in his rough, stentorian otue he bawled out : • • Indiana regiment ! No dodging'.' "In about Ere minutes after, the tremendous whiz of a twenty-four pound shot passed close by the head of the walnut brigadier, and in an instant in voluntarily he bobbed his bead. The men saw this, and unnitueneed a tittering . along the line, which the old general saw. Turning around with a sort of quizaimil expression, lie thundered out , Indians. regiment! Dodge the Lig onei "" MINNIttIOrA ELECTION.—TIIO St. Paul Tint., of Oc tuber 10, Kays: 4 , Additional returns to those already published swell the itopublican majority of the State to 4,106." Tho Pro/tar (Deinoomtio soya : "There gill be a Republican majority of not loss than T In the State Senate, and of not less than 34 in the Howse." n Ion," the Washington correepondent of the Baltimore San, Bays : "It is Etatod that the time for bolding the Na tional Demooratio Convention nt Charleston will be Axed for the 16th of April. The Republican Con vention will, perhaps, hd beretofero, be fixed for June, and the National Old-lino Whig Conven tion, if one ehould be hold, will bo summoned early in Jul'." To Texas and Back..-No. O. correepoodenee of The Presel Cizestervt.t.x,e, Parish Rapids, La , Ootober 10, 185 P. MY DEAR Paces t We loft the wharfboat at Red River Landing hut evening, at half past six, without the slightest feeling of . regret, though from -alt we could learn there was little renacn to an tioiputo any improvement in the accommodations through the country we vrere entering. Oar Va. hiclo was a tour-horse Trby-built conch, in very good order, and drawn by a very tolerable team; the moon woe shirting clear and bright, and the air 'Cool and bracing enough to make thick overcoats and warm clothing absolutely necessary for coin- fort. Our only fellow-passenger inside was rather of an original, end his naturally communlcative deposition won not rendered any the lest no by sundry potations of "test-up," as they cell the whiskey to be found in this region. lie was carpenter, and wits going out with Its oiliest ulna miles to a plantation, where bo wee huildiug reansion,house stnd seine . negro cabins., lie gave hie views nt tome length supon the eukleot of the stristcseracry of the Atchafalaya planters—an eels tourney fur which he could' find little 'oilier saute or foundation than the 'number of niggers a man owned. Poor White' folkes—that is those who had but few or no utggers, and especially the latter— Wen looked down upon and regarded with suspis oion. They were suspeetod of tampering with and inciting the negroos to sun, away. INC( was this suspicion altogether unfounded. Not that the poorer Oast of whites had. any tintasual sympathy with the ocOldliion of, the-_ iegre, or 'real desired° 119 R bit& frOo'; lint their actual' design was r e st steal him. This they effected, or tried to effect, bj. arou sing feelings of - discontent with his condition, and picturing to hint the more enviable position of the negro in the tree Eitates; , andpffering to - protide for him if ho would rtui away-: It the attempt was Successful, the unfortunate , negro, without2,apy• knowledge or nsperienoififhis own to guide,him, and relying implieitli , upon the represeotations and good faith ef his tempter, fourahlmself at last at some distant Point %Abe slave States, far from his master, and where he, wee entirely' unknowing and unknowcii and where his treacherous guide, now, foe the first time, displaying his true Wort, would sell iambi some trader or Planter who, not oversornpulons, was glad enough to get itegoOd hand at loss than the market price, The operation was simply one of stealing negroes Instead of stealing horses ;' the meaninsed were only ad far different ae the intelligence of the negro might' render nom, nary ; 'the sale otdhe ytelry property was ao•-, oomplished ray muolailltffskalkk Way- • About live Obit rood come,' rt* out upon the bank o akfaisitAi ?shie s is really one of the billOodi and in high water 14,navistrblisolliko way trout the eulf of Idesleo, into whieh it' empties at At chafalaya bay.. It Is ono of the streams 11; lot form the delta of the .Ittississinpi. '1414 ,time of the year the water Is low down between , banks, and nictitation in the upper part of the Bayou is Suspended, except for ()merlons' very light , draught boats. The banks are letieci r to prevent the water when it rises front overflowing the culti vated lands bask; and our . road ran along, Some times jest inside, and sometimes ou top, of the levee, which was fa plaires eight or teq. feel 4, and broad enough to allow two vtilA r es to 'drive abreast. After riding 'BOOlO four .along ibe Bayou we drove down the steep:lntik, whloh , la' acme thirty or forty feet above the present tevel the'wafet, and crossed the stream upon a long tlpka' boat, just broad enough to take the etage consfort , ably on board, and rotted by two negroes. In high water the stream spreads Itself out over the banks, rind sometimes fire miles ferriage is required at this point before a proper landing-place eon be reached. This distance is not, of course, in a di root lino across the stream, but still the direct breadth of the Bayou is much increased from what we found it—same One hundred yards wide. The water was thick and muddy, Lite that ot. the Mis sissippi. At the ferry we met a ileac of acme tiro hundred sheep en their tray to Texas, some parts of which are admirably adapted for wool-v/10in, and great pains are bekg taken to improve the breed of 'coup. At Cheney Me wo afterwards saw another hook of one hundred rows, destined also for Texas. Same of these were flee Spanish merinos. On the bank, Just sateen the ferry, we passed a camp of druren, who teem *ldes a .bairn 6 Sloirmsalliiiiiin Ana to the opposite direction, anti had stopped for the night. They had pitched their tent under the trees, built a large tiro at the entrance, end, covered with a large red blanket, their feet to the fire, looked as if they might pass a oomfortehle night. Their stock wore securest in a neighboring pen. Upon the opposite side of the Bayou, just at the ferry landing, is the town of Simaville, 'made up of a store and putt race, and souse half a dozen dwellings. About once in every ten miles we stopped to change horses, sometimes at a plantation, at others at a more shanty by the roadside _in charge of a negro hostler. At one plantation we were most agreeably surprised by finding some excellent eotrae ready and keeping hot for us on the coals. Tho old man oho hail charge of the stand was French creole negro, and knew what good coffee wasund how to make it, and though without milk or cream, It tasted deliciously, served up a , It Wa in a clean white chimi cup. We glally give Lim a dime apiece, and the greiteful retnembroneo of hi- cafe noir will keep the old negro himself long In our memories. Soon utter getting under way again after our soften, the road turned off from the Bayou and struck across a Heel; of land some three wiles wide, round which the stream makes a °insult of s o me twenty or to only five miles. This cut•utf saved us it long end tedious ride, but took us through a wild, desolate, and marshy swamp country, over a very rough piece of road; and we had the satl4liotion of being Informed that several murders had been com mitted Mang there In days gone by, especially Lithe winter season. The night, however, was most toe bright to favor any such attempt upon us, and we wore well prepared with means of lesistAnce, bad occasion called for their display. The road on both sides, except through the swankily out-off, was, so far as we could obs.•rve, lined with plantations of cotton and sugar—the houses and negro cabins presenting, a neat and pretty appearance In the moonlight. The Bayou La Glace, and Bayou Rouge, small tributaries of the Atohufalaya, we crossed on bridges. At nine o'clock in the evening wo heard tho balls of the different plantations ringing for the Degrees to be in their cabins; and at four next morning the bells were again beard for the negroes to go to work. At daybreak we were still eleven miles from Che ney% ille, and protty well chilled and tired from our cold night's ride. As the sun rose, however, it was more comfortable riding, and, rousing our selves from such slumber as we had been able to get, enjoyed the view of the country in the early morning. The plantations, seine of sugar and some of cotton ; the waving fields of sugar-cane shining bright and green, and the white bunches of cotton hanging from Ilan bursting bolls, glistening with den , in the morning sun. and dotting the dark green of the expanse of cotton loaves; the plant ers' houses, ninny of then, quite elegant in oppesr tine°, ono or two stories high, built of frame, • a piazza or gallery as they call it here, rat • g rotund each story; the negro quarters, wit) the cabins neatly whitewashed and arranged in t'no like small villages; the cotton-gins and presses in ens midst of the cotton fields; the sugar-houses, sow_ substantially built of brick, others slighter struc tures of frame, and the hands busily at work, some in tho fields 'picking option, some engaged at the cotton•gine and presses, ooLasionally some making brick for building, or cutting wood ready for con sumption at the sugar-houses when the boiling sea son should commence in a few days;—all these were new scenes to our oyes, and kept our attention and interest from wearying or flagging. At half past seven we reached Cheneyville sixty miles from Bed River Landing, and found tolerable quarters at the Bandon House. Cheney• villa is a pleasatut-looking town, situated out the Bayou Bocuf, a small stream, but navigable when the water is high,by small steamboats. There are three churches in the town ; ono built of brick. the others are frame, as aro all flue houses, but they aro making the brick fora new Episcopal church. We had expected to find a stage by which we could leave without further delay than woo neces sary for breakfast, and push directly westward en our journey. But, upon inquiry, we learned tb. rn was no coach until evening, mid that we twat du the beet we could to pass the day in this place. For- tunately, a Democratin barbecue bud been appoint ed to ho held here to-day, and we concluded to at tend, and learn all No could. It was held in a grove just upon the outskirts of the town. A plat form was erected for tho speakers, and chairs for the ladies and benches for the gentlemen were ar ranged in front. At ono side a long table was spread out, and the negro..servants were arranging it for the dinner. At a little distance a huge kettle was swung over a fire to boil a supply of coffee, while In another direction several sheep and hogs were in process of barbecuing—that is, roasting or baking whole, in pits dug in the ground, and heated with live coals. • •The speaking commenced about noon; the audi ence consisted of about thirty Indies, and perhaps one hundred gentlemen; such of them as could not find seats upon the chairs and benches provided ware sontlered In groups under the trees, some sea. ted on the grass, and others standing; the ladles, as a matter of course, were first provided with seats. The first speaker was Ron. Robert 3 TWO , CENTS. luta United States Distrieb Attorney for Louisiana, and a candidate for theeffice of Attor ney General of the:Rate. ,manner was pie.- sing, hie voice ,Food, and his dellyerf clear and fer : cible. The subject of his remarks 1744 the diffcr once in position of the Detuueratre and 14.positiou parties respectively—first, In reference to the man. ner in tebiell the two tiekets had been thatlct op and were presented for alb suitrageit hf the electors: and ',yowl, in reference to thb slaeory queition, in regurd to wbdth he plated the. Democratic party upon extreme e outhern ground, and, took ocoasion, to eulogize the Administration of President nacho-. . Lien on this Point alone. fie occupied bour in Ma speech; awl at Ito close "an invitatiddwas extended to uuy member of the Opposition to reply. The invitation wet not accepted, apd lie did 'net' care to stay fin; the ither speakers, or the'diiiner, which by this thnewits beginning to comir'the table hi great tibtindance,and was free to all. We have also bad an opportunity here of seeing the operations of a sugar plantation, tvberu the) have commeneed to wake sugar. It i early in the season; Init the (kilter plantationa ' eill he at work in e. fevi daYa: The' description of the plantation we visited must be reserved for aricither time. The lbllowing entry In the 'register. of Our hotel (loos not giTo us ninth Idea of the pleasitio'of the trip to Unionville. The entry is verbatim es fol lows : August 1859, ltogera, beorta, TOZAB : arrived to-day on the outgo nearly exhausted From heat, by being dot-tailed on tLe : . tfuresaid oonvey ante."• , T, T. • PERSONA]. AND ,r,otrritAib. Cr Louisiana 'and Ateryland. :wind up the Southern elemiono for:the yaarlss9, The letter votes on . %he la of November. • I,ouislana. choOso Governor, Lieutiniust Goveroor,}?!ecrets!s of Stab+, Aticrucy liener4l, udito . r s 'PrenSurty ; Sop erintendenl, of Public t Elocution, aculluniPte. prestent'ativstii Gdugresisrctu :iforlay; this '7th'or November.' GENZRAL •Pießen.--Smitlry statements •Inive been set afloat 'in the 'no wapaimia of the eountry that a well•organized movement was on foot for the , renomination 'of General Tierce. The New 'illiapahlrel'arriot emphatically contradicts - them. It says : ' ' . k ' In relettm to the Charleston Convention he,too epoken unequivocal language, and therefore wc hove nopeeleion to apeak for hitn. In view, how ever, of the deagbe persistently attributed to hint and his frlen4a, we, deem it nos mules to vernind the , the 'ntephatie language ,he used. °Ai sAu t Scujkila g .'glitispelie steams ut i t, to e Met.nav nu attention 'ActEherr, liitlyt Alnelem to it, In a loiter tit,litiohl, per ilous!, fyierid,".11,64..,8,,,,H. Parley, under ; data of Piltreayi Abll„ seye'" _ , ;',•• 0 F4lo.)itt - spepk, Atilt!, any certainty as to the p - ,rIQ4 444 04.., bit, whether it. be earlier .ot paten. }}ll be quite sure that I ahaii,finit,er no posriclfs cifr,,,,istoom,:cooseit tootoipro if. 111,1 sameipAisusoner calculated. to:libitur jilla quit pnewpa ithichniono pertain to,, ho life of a • . 11 41 v, , RVAro,,??.! 't; , • , • n o Wtiner.ie s liek, of dho dIE of tholtenic tuotithM ono of meet intimate friende in thit nity, in lett ~to bad alluded to the paregrapi4 to which ne „',refer, he tiacs' the fallow. lug lauguagei.. • Toe mae,ittritinted to my friends end my golf, to ethialtCyou refer, arqabsartl to the hat de, grqe• ovutaltaily enough suppose that It , Irouhl grtnufy-non tnyoielem. partial friends , to. vec to e again ut the head of the Government ; but sooh a restorstien might be anything but.ireco• , bl4l fad. 'Tcottld nor toinducect to' etre ` out my head tie the object,' if it were clearly iv! My troacit...li s nor cletesminetlea to retire:4om the, was not intrre,fixed than tau° . neyer again to be a caudiclafeihrarti office'. 'The prtipose whieh I el. premed twycuin Marsh, 7857: upon this subject, to abielnielylrroroaablo, and ibis ray hienda abould distinctly undOKstand.'' , '.' And e.nlisreceptiont at Manchester, not dontly with tibb ides that iCwiut itteceetiery,fOr bin, to remind histriends of what ell knew, Dot in tkt, outpouring of his feelii,gs, lie geld "And now, when any conneotiort on my past whir otinsialistation Is absolutely concluded, es 1 doubt not by walnut° oeusent, certainly by/ay um, irrevocable parpom, I hope fur some years or quiet use totnem antong you.' ' t' Prom the .trtete ,tionorel Pierce left the White House in iVashipition, Op to this hour, he has bevel uttered a wont on (Lis subject eaeept.ta ell matinee of thr3e.wiehti and tpurpoette , , Ilia limpe t 1101d4i /ID possibla elremsratudevr,', will be presented to the Oharteewn Couveution.r OFFICIAL. lit - SIRE ge.—dn exchange nye :` "Judge illnek's reply to Mr. bought has gone through the mails eitetielvely, bearing - tab (rink of • the Auurttey General, and marked *ollieial bunt neliS ‘ ' : The .4%yruate it el : M i k!,p4_.f.,o_---...4.,...- -" f11 sdnir - AtTurn ov Oenerai assumed the au. thority to rebuke a totte ; Stated judge Jules Cradlebaugh, in Utah. lie stews to be, better AIL what is no: his business 'then at what'll If the President would may appoint him not to bo At torney General, the duties would probably cow_ wand some of his attention. We favor been sang. ge•nion.—Lonlaville ,Di Anorrat. PiES(OVAL Or TUE Pt i SDIASTEn sr CitiCteaari.- 1 3 Y a Privet., tit:quite!: tiou Washington, rtelliVett at en early hour last evening, we gained the in. formation that the HOD demos J bnran had bees removed from the taste of postmaster of this city, and that tie ILA. John L. fattier had been op. pointed to fill the regency thus created. Whet ,special servion or Cot rd friendship the present incumbent has performed in behalf of the Presi. la ut of the United Stales that Le 6boultl reeeitro. this flattering notice at Ids hands, or what ant of die Ivor 116 SILICCILIOt hit% in:rpm/ate& it to not cosy to divine; but ne, under the . pres.cut Admiaic triuom, rewinds are said to be to swot:dung like on inverse ratio to the services rendered, the pre sent act 13 net perhaps meth out of character. We do not learn that Air. Ferias is likely to be scrioudy disturbed or greatly damaged by the rn her unusual notice Executive elemeney has taken of his eervices In a pecuniary point of view the loss trill seareely be uppieelable - , and as it re gards the honer. it is preti‘ble that quite as much is contained in the notice to quit as In that to enter and occupy. It 13 0,.100 tune since Mr lotion ceaqed to fear the effects of Executive proseription —the reasons by which it 13 dictated being too in scrutable to render the Oct irjorion? the reputa tion ot the sufferer, either 4 010 , era partisan. lire motive, in the present else to tl..iubtless of a personal character--having- rier ^ , o to some scheme intended to (Terre up, , lie ?election of C4Villthays fir the °mama. Presidential !•,..tion. There is soluethtug suggestive in , fret, that although ceasing to look upon Mr. lluelianan a suitable candidate for re-election, Mr. Eaten has never been known as a Douglasman, (he is a friend of Mr Breekinridge,l and is not understood to lee favorable to the claims of that gentleman. Ilia disruisial is, therefore, indicative of Pre:ddentiel 1 1 fears directed toward another quarter; and upon that point, may he instructive to such es are üble to eye the course of the it inl in the turning of the weathercock upon the top of the Presidential man sion —Cincinnati Enrirer. General Kellogg, of Brattleboro, has introduced into the Vermont Legislature a bill providing fur a heroic statue of Ethan Allen, to tie placed in the public grounds in front of the Capitol. Should the bill pane, the work will be entrusted to Mead, a young Vermont artist, who has edhibited extraor dimity talent as a sculptor. Buseell Waters, a wail-known hats drummer, died in Nose Haven on Tuesday, at the ego of My four, from inflammation of the bowels. Ile dritioine 1 through the Mexican war, and had two lingers shot off while in that service. lie was over six feet in height, and in the capacity of pioneer, which he often filled, he merle a conspicuous ap. pearance. Ito was fond of martial music and parade, and Ecarouly a llsmooratio demonstration has taken place for years in which he did nut take a conspicuous port. PAUL MURPHY Geist) Ilona,.—The distinguished chess player is about to bring his stay in the North to a close. Yestenlay evening he took leave of his friends at tho New York Chess Club, in the Lnni vernity Building. To-night he is to be formally entertained by a few of hie more Intimate Resod , ates, rind on Saturday he comes to Philadelphia. His entire score with his strongest opponent in New York, Mr. Thompson, to whom ha gigs the olds of a knight, stands t Murphy 16, Thompson P, drawn 2. On his way to New. erleaus. Mr. Morph} , will probably etep a day or two in each of the follow ing places: Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, C'horlestnn, end Mobilo. It is alto gether uneertain whether he will, as has been re • po red, return New York to reside, or will enter • to upon the preettee of the law to his native city. A correrpe.ndent of the St. Louis _Republican writes that the family cf Jr. Smit.b. the Meteloil " Prophet," still Jelin) hi Native°. No persue 51011i can prevail on Om to remove to Utah. His widow ha. married again, and, with her husband, keeps the Mention House, the only house of enter tainment that the city affords. The oldest son, who hears hie father's mime of "Joseph." is a Jul. Gee of the pence, and a usoful end very respected citizen. Great inducements have been offered h;in to remove to Great Solt Lake City, but he steadily resists all sash importunities. EFFECT of toe ExptosioN OF A LOCOMOTIVE,— The Indianapolis Journal gives an account of the explosion of the locomotive on the Bellefontaine road the other day, by which the enginoer and fire man were killed, and says of the terrible power of the explosion • The engineer wee found on his feet, with the en gine, leaning against it. and toner have been with it ashen it 'nude the frightful leaps from the ep.t where the deletion took place to where i• finally rested. It first jumped forward about one hundred feet, and made a hole in the ground. by the side of the track, deep enough to bury itself in. and a se cond plunge took it about fifty feet further, where it rested on its driving wheel , , leaning a little to ono side, and just far enough from the track to be out of the way. The forward truck of the engine was thrown back em the tender. and the two for ward freight cars end their contents were shattered to splinters. The railroad track was torn up—the rails twisted end ties scattered. The tender wee made a complete wreak, and the underworks of the engine brok. n into a users of small pieces almost Ind 'Bangui sir , hl e flow the engineer could have remained at hie post, we might say . , with the engine making the fearful and almost inarodible leaps that it did,ls a mystery. Be was found in the same place end nearly the same position, when dead, AP he occu pied when living and on duty. '1; THE WEEKLY,r.eI-LESS., raz Rasccir.Painis 311 Wend tiabeerOent by a(ul( per scam ft ad of at Three 04 ee:olo ale tri've Comm " Tea Copies, " Tweet) Copies," If - (ici - otte add:east add ruaut) Co yes. -•• ; Ito ;address oi each Su tee rtbe each— ..... •-• • ,/- 1 ° Per q club of Twenty-one Or Over.Vll W 8002•41. extra copy to the getter spathe OW& (aT Fultrttaatere are rowlested to set a weds for Tita Wearily Puss. cALrFoRrnA PUSS. Issued deuu-bduatldr to time (or the Califotala Etteataere. Letter from "New York. WITODRAWAL OP RIP. DR- Femme PROW TEL Bolus CATHOLIC ceCRCu—LARGE GOLD IN WALL STREET - 71/1 BLOW -ITECD--TRE L 6 CTPILII age tiel" : INDICATIONS Gli' ODRA? PROSPRILITT—TIT ING POSITION UP NUR EDITORS OP TUN Brame* Fes PINES-j-SZACCIRDE—IIII GOLDEN OV/SDu-7PAIR GP THE euggicex INSTITCTI— SIRTIN SENATORIAL DISTRICT NATTEAS--DICILIX -103 AND. TREY:INE 10-NIGHT. • 1 . Correapondence of The Prom I 7 ,* 'Wpm. YORIC, Oct 26, 1859. The withdrawal of the Rev. Dr. Forbes from the tteman Catholic windmill and church, and his re tOruption et rotations , with the Episcopal Church, occasions wee talk in eleriml eireles, but ie not re. tarried rot an event of sufficient magnitude to throw tbq community entirely off its balance. I heal that for some Months past he has been in eommtud ,:a tioil with s distingtdahed Episcopalian doctor of livinity, with a Predisposition to take the steps he 'tea taken in hie letter to Archbishop flogisea. _By the canons of-the General Convention of the Epic. opal church in the United States, a clergyman of .hat Church, ones deposed, cannot again be admit ted to its . mints' try ; Forhee, having been ,ribitted in England, where a different law pre vails, roe, en renouncing Romanian, be WWI bd• RIO to tharpriesthood. Such, lam told. is the tad. If to, and he ahould desire to restune Libor. he out accomplish that cbjeet by_ going 4 Eng,lund, th ere textually renoucing Raman I' s 0./h.:tsar, resuming priestly functions, and erco be canonically transferred t any diocese is the United Seethe.- - Although the modes:E m a om ems. whet of Atirstintaaallseetiola the teareuhtthus aneemplished. suede rkir.the present attends the - Chapel of St. Lake's vlospital;a heaml fur Institution br'the upper part tae city . of whr:h the Rev. Dr. Mahlenberg Is :Se tor, Dr. ' aud - bimielf Are old tsleo.ta, I ar o situ mkt, that many of the =f L Dr. F.'S Ate ttaci.vb, an heatipg of his contemplated ces.; .*.on, treat to him, and besought him with tea, t tr., leave distil., • street t had another sensation to day--a t..nd liege bat of gold. Melted yesterday by the ;;.ftia, °tutees, and valued at -it wee ixttiihUby B. Berard & Co., 0 ,04, qt-dealers, who purchased 00. E-14,000 bar re :deed by the previoda steamer. Both wets bought for shipment. - I ' :Theriot 1V0 0 4,30914:g as fresh and with atop et elastic ea * yen ter- of gee-and-thirty, is twicg at the knee Bletnec with his friend S:etson, cooking affer the inteziets of the absent Seward, uti, throe of the Republican party. wenderiel man is our remitter; knows every .oely that ja any 4 udy, in every county in the State; know! , what they have done, what they Jan do itow and judges shrewdly what they may be &date do fr. !Lel future. True to trip party and loyal to his fr• •- :3; genial and kihdiy in hie in ;sesooree w u Atreus:et .of people,ll it eurpriain' g that, with a reed,vd. eed * puerto! prom at et:Am strad, be show intpertal away over the lestioia of the Itt4rublidan paety in this Sate? Vretuledicittiona thrill far It IO Odit to DANIOLOO that tho lecture butinem, &Ariel/ the present eeeson, will .11410JA4 to prodpelitv, tbatvf nap previous KUM: „rho lectures already ',iron here and in Brooklyn Ward Beecher., Sid Ohm, enreis, - end Mitchell, Aare drawn herbed:m.ly, had a tremendous current -items everywhere• to lines set in theirfarer. Icc the neighwring title* and village* courses are ad terll3424 ; men of the highest /with; and culture OS engaged, and the determination seems to be to oak° it the people's amusement as welt as the peo da's instruettou; • Otorge - Vandeuhoff-has gone to .it. Louis to road four lectures, Srr which he pia ;odd a thousand dollars. Chew', Beecher, Beads- Ain, Saxe, Whipple, and'Emereaeowe iu eirraors Seery' demand ; had Meet who any - be regarded leentiers of the swami °lays, are, as ',texts's capons my "inactive itrietat." . Tout Corwin is ttivertieed fora Atmore Brooklyn, at which the • (chat will he guy celthe:-double the tolutelptieti: Think' of the epeeteeli _presented by the Mitten dthe :Cow York Ereerag-•Past, after -hating - vile through the ordeal &Setae(' th the folluteisit earagraph - ... , Srmtwesitairo.—Vre -hare eaten line atom - sautes to - day, from the garden of Mr. G P. York, Terry tesu—a part of tat third crop this year." Bp to Monday last, whin time" was called, 'ha receipts hew the militia tax amounted to . Aiwa' s3,llißt, whieb is nearly SIAM more than rat, takea. teat year. Thie mnotutt was from the serenty-Ste-e - ent sommutors. The remaiiting de lequenti Mad isej heaustrde,•the tenor,' and his wife oasts pas.. -*opus yesterday ea the OtleaaQtmen, (realism. Clio holy L1E04444 but has lived mostly in Italy, share, under toe came yr Ztdoura Atb:Atata, Ob. ..x.tintaltuld i iepetable PaSithte as a prima donna • The golden anOttO and his beautiful paling bride rare refereed:from Bastemkud ate nuw in clever tbe.gatts-aveuee ltetiJ - The fair of the AuterLan Institute alma on Se .rietwithattualaug the feet that inu:s pet- ' , was bare visited it (about 50000}, than an, peen-' ...as (sir, the Managers Iteltlede shoat /00100, on mutant of the apiculturel show and she steam AlLA,4ll.3. oofli d, .111 m tny end 31osart hall have agreed withdraw, In order that a committee of confer wo may egret, upou one candidate, and thus sate to tiiitriet W the Drol..eracy. The present nom'. oast are Itii he'd Smell and Parsons M===MMt:E=:l ituuss aras.ocuoic...l to epsok this oTaning at tin Absartll4lrstdostiou mcetivir. THE tiOURTN. rmstAkimayso rsoossimitis FlPported for The Yeese.l Tbs attaeasaell Of Pantie.. Witnesaes. and elseetatare to tea savant& coon vogarro 1.41.• and n tyraellutote,itmoatatere was tendered II- C 0 . 124 -0, OPOrttatVe. Thrs.te to a class , of ventte vine hate no Lannaress whitener in wart. ama apparently. is,,thess , may w he,* lb* rasurrs• the who opca v) mats that are =et-ea for the IllceOlit- In tint= °I rote crated Parise*. as mere idle laokrrs-as. La, r! su re or profit that can experience Ld n to tut growls of er4me man) of which smite the heart, ono d;+-wit Ms mural w en of the community We east "u .13 not Aeo n ' ana e snit eat that. it their ada is to " study hum .n atu" their ten t-book shoMa not be ,ut to caws mu.try. as 'de ctiotted and a not as 4 beaten sou wart-ram; but that un tie contrary . tee sr"- nut. 01 in' the busy hum of .La aor Itshop. the /cepa* .If domestic tor at the hinry hearthab me are Par ea tar .11010 lateheat , ns and entartathist th an th e maim TM.. o n ,. a wse and de.raditten WLicti they now so magerll sea. to hear. . . 1 iiTitt Maga ICY Corns—Jtidge Grier. —Th. Pr tmlvirda Salt Mantafattering Co. Early va., 'lawmen Conroe and Aare Barter. In cent!, The compinintiats are a ennapany incorpo rates under the tows ch the ante Or Penilinlaliaia. tbe conspiamants g lig, that Geot.e Thoutpsen- was the: tone- onenat. ty f tf first micentor o an improvement in devices for g up esusue alleles, - not knowa of used at the (.1, , P (II his spietentiott toe a patent. On the net day of October. laid, a patent was granted to Thomeemt tar the Immo , cnent. enden the nth day of laza:arr. ISII, he tranebreed ht. patent-Mint to the cornes. n aoll. to the let dal' 01 February. bah reissayed lett era patent were tbade to Tborupson for the improve ment. end he aialn transferred bin mitt to the corn plaments. toe ittioplairantsallete that the defendar Is bare in. tria.ed upon their neLts. as they are Cain [ theimprove merit in the cast e•n dtatrnt of Peneselyanta, without outoor.tt from them. tits tr./nom.; a Motion was made :a die. case. setter for an th,12110:00 rostra:nine the 4•- IoP.I mu; tram selling caustia alsaliee.paeled on tin cani . Lai/rued unient- the court gin = . -.net of the bal. and an 11111112CtiOn liraa mad noprocenceet. 2.2111..14 True big enri.htll. la admiralty. The .1 before the court woo as to reneltenon. ...c, , ii‘t: 9 4.lan opinion., este:day morrang, al nt the furled tcrien tbe court. osyrc.t to. Tre Bug C. c. Brost. In admiraitT i,peniiialq Judie filler. arid nos, Oda Calle COMIC+ 00 for h. Inn:. when app at from the degree of the Dis trict Court of' the noted Sties for the r intern pre trial of enoryis aria. intim( in .dwiralty, end having been argued oy then dvocates of Ins teesectire parties. it is ad ad,ed. ordered. and decreed. that the decree of the stud i nitric i ourt be affirmed, wrath costs wine re .light. et o 6 fpi to. by Jtulte Grier, eel decree on favor of the complainant. 13151122 CT l:021,07-4tidge ntroad. Alexander , Benson, Jr.. es. Peabody & Co. An action To recover r her money tuned paid. Mr. Benson while travelling to Enron, drew au Messrs. Beslxidy & CO.' on the stir ne th of a latter of credit from the Bank of Pennsyl vania. A rot then of the money thus drawn was paid tune by 31 r Denson to the a- ent in Europe, and by his plrirer here tic ter Bank of Penney Minn. 31r. Inter colt. f tit dete,liets. ..gc.t a non -sma.. on the tilt the litnkt . t navicol2ll Wad liable for the ta.alet. In Court soreed wuh halt. and dr re, tett non-tust. ;erne:l - - . that the ease would gyi to Inc Covreme Court. a" T. -ate, what d.aNaition might 1.9 made o f it ta 1/20 VIZ court. r , t toy 13. }1211C1 1 .11 as. Alexander Cheesboroush. An action on a 110 M-020, note tor three thousand dol ling. Bella fat planniti, and Sharpkes for deffmoe. On trial. DISTRICT COURT-4Eoga Hate.—Gyms Krauser and Henry Schreiner to the use of fly rue Ircaueer,re i , Li. J. Naylor. A score Betas on a MOrtia2e. Vardtet roe the pleintt ff for 4119.76. Dechert for plentaff, and Cur ler far defence. Wm. H. Armitsse vs. Charles Duey. An action on a boos account to recorer tar roods sold and dehrerail. Verdict for the plait:Wf for ff7at.B7. Robb for plaintiff, and Sober for defence. Untie Houseann vv. Fdward Davie & Co. A feigned Issue to try the ownership of a pair of' horses and a wa son. Verdict for the plaintiff. F. C. Brewster for plain tiff. and ft . M. l'h tiling for defence. H. Weir Workman & CO. vs. The Commercial Un real Insurance Comptinr. An action on a OMISOII/or7 note. Verdict for the plaintiff for 4015 44. Dropais for plotrittff. and Center for defence. Alockridte & Nads vs. Lightfoot and Shoemaker. Beare reported. Verdict for the Plaintiff for a1,V.0. Bullitt for plaintiff. and tarts for defendant. Eckstein & Brother a a. The Adnanistrators of Autos tue Sterol - 40, An action to recover for the fixtures of •101 . 0. On trial. Droesie for plat Mal. and parkland far defendant. PLaas—Judge Allisoa.—Margaret .110. Fan vi Iftdrnes. A proceeding under on e lar awe and tenant sc i t,to recover Prwastastun eertslet premi Nee. On true!. Speakman for plastid, and C. Bid dle tor defence. QUARTER Eq:SSIONR —Judge Thompson —The case of lingn Drawn charred with highway robbery which was centmenced on Wednesdar, was continue. , " vesterd, nor tuns. 'I he allied &ranee Was con I tted rut mienC e bt, on tee fourth of July. Mt. Joie Bremen, en ea Amer on one of the Delaware ate tmboats, coming op from the Wharf. stopped at Use tavern of Ann 1 temente. in Water street. Upon ann , os out be was snacked by a psrty of open, and Ms brenatren and money coder, He identified one of the part! as Brown. The dehnee was thst.UKrrif the offusisrse remark bets.' made. Bol tuan zed Brown tit the collar of bur coat and a alma le ensued. It was denied that there was ens Intenvon to steel. or ;het anythin. waa stolen. heriltcttetymitJ Gene 0 It Frirte to the tielemee. Patrick Rourke w s tried on the char.* of pasains et cceinterfolt note. Verdict Fndq. Elizabeth flo®a rd and 31a,aret Rodney, colored, yore tried on tio ehar.,a of mina; in St. Mary atleeti Verdict not t inky. Cuts , ES BLAIS.—Wuti IS lia?—Among the let ters found in •• Old Brown's" possession, RI a one from Charles Blair, of Collinsville. in this State, in rektion to a certain contract. Vie hire learned , he following foots with refetence to the matter. Mr thirty is a workman of the " Collinstiile Axe Co.:puny," employing the men under him, and fakir; u hat contracts he plestes. S o me time i n ISA or "flit Brown " come to Collinsville, cud contracted for a. thousand pikes to be used in li.ftr! , 3 Five hundred were finished for him at tuts time, andsthe other five hundred were left in the honda of the con:rector. Lest June, •• Old B . rowet" again made his appearance in rano, and requested Mn, Blair to finish -up the re mainder of the pikes, Btair asked him to what use he intended to put them, now that the Kansas disturbances were over? To this question Brown gave an evasive reply. The finirhirg .4 the con tract was given to a Mr. Bart of Emonville. It was found, however. that it would be impossible to furniat more then four hundred sad fifty of the number due on the contract—making, nine hundred and fifty in all. When these werr , sent, Blair tent with them the letter that has teen published. Whether such contracts are prefer ones tit make, we leave cur readers Jr! determine.—ilartfProi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers