~•,,: „j7 - ... - :`, 11 -'' 1, ",:.46,• 4 '. , •`t'ii = . i:l,'," l P ' , ..... , ‘ . [ l 4 , .s4,44 , :agre.F..,o4 4 ssiTiOsi t r?i*),n. R 14.t1,111305ZL0 k i ti ttillZlNe A l lt t e Ty B l„ObirlasiiB: E Y:110(140, ruser *Ail • „ ni'Dnynanikh 4 0 2 . .A.HIGINTs Y , J -Troui4 *. v . 3on Reeetc.&tlifni 11:1418 m r N vt. ()Mit ,aaliti NtkiecrOkostwut idlast• above BIAL - 30hw•Ewi.0134 3 ' . 14 OcaliNn,Orti• 13 a Dower, l‘Pric •• _ 1) 8 Bonierli.N York' 2; om % . ' John Boil. N'Yqfk , 1) Oho Dhrk9k l 4l.4 - mAteith i V DAD .34a oltr - t•orc Bah •-• • J am 0.3, 13emil, ."114 tn,A RNA. Pat J'V " DeOrgo B• ll Viti md Kibler, Aid • . . r i l r OF lei • edctillc N Y " 6 1 1' ash •If • • JJJ r " V t. 1.4"114 `V'a Octd itfPicilt • LIN Oho N Y - w • AlphonsiiKaloahor, Philo , . F.R.parmr IlpooN—gbpotwat Street,'wboyel33.lcd, 01Y N 0 ' • Thil - DDritigt v rlubi PAT Fakm3 3 4 3 3a. , N y oh. a Dr 33 13. Otorron. Weloli DC ' • tklEfcciANTlY,Noi t ti-iVoittili 410WAnc,13. ,T KOhlor•V goo;Aassaros, vs. • WILE y, Ohio :_'PAB.§fiNgt.,Rlt Ali RIVED, o nnrß e eft from t3aven ,ln Irlin kp it e t pa rne i gi nO si l&a.if - Awi e ll an , John unk.:4 y t army 1 , , , e .41 ~.„,„ . nn winking, 'Alm Ellsois, 71 , Mut .. 4 r. ..1 1 t•VA i trig,/ on ' goy I Marilee. Al AoW-4T A Brrne,,Mißes. o .,4 3 ` , l6l — igiorn s ,,,F r n nege MA ; ° O d illlAre a t ri ‘ 60 : 611 . 4 " n4U , 4 r. r v a n k ; 1 , ,ronegg, ?an/ 110.1 e M== . . _ . - -- -IntNrour,4lv4,ot , ', - / - •' - - .-..-.- •.'..:;:, -:, ;., . , . - - ) -'' - 'iiltigilisie ' peillatlVAilitia.Ple,.sit) Callao; -- - -, • .'---" .' '• • • ~. „, • ,-, Ittatprox ano'sve, .. Arrived 4,1i - Aitti,' Shi - p - dalia, Lawrenen, froni Arrived: yesthieny. -baik- Ble, from Ba hia, awaiting - orders: bark/44140n, from Sombrero, . • 8 ini..Tlinin4 Wattsoni, Laprelle, from Gibraltar, at• hi Alasagiliult. - - - Br kt i lleiltime, Bathelier, sailed front Rochelle 17th J B43 4itiVite ' .. e iltliiiiis 1 ; 146744 hi - 3344;M Stillest.' I .l3ark. ashinelon manor. Collin.. from Ratans for Antwerp..sigilett frotrifitimouth (P.,22d ult.` • - tinge Ty Wien and .. Geo Awes, beam, , arrived at tie at inst.. _., - , - -- ,- -.• 'L.- -juts 0 Brosi; - Hilwitqeactfot Cardenas, Was stio ' • rtte..o lat SI 47 loan • • 'ii,,• `•gr h r. Aakep pl eated at Baston Rh instant for, --^ Br s -Idiu - 'l;it, .-• Ttirt *lee foilfennebilak, sailod .. 4„ , fret 110),155e-Tthlot toot. - - ; Brig Abialetts, Bib , Minn,' tor Portland, sailed front Holmes' Tiede 7th inst. ,-, - - Brll4- -MAY- kneels. Williansir - kir Philadelphia,: was joading'at Pon au Priinits 21st nit.' ... .• - Brig Elisabeth -Woo, HOLIBior, hence at Bbston 7tli ei -Brig,o.. s rucknam, Brsey. helmet at Boston 7th init. S - Brig Ali er, Martin- hence for„.s3lGasiters, 'l' 8., was .speken ult,lattalong - 68.16.' .- -- • , - • Biqa Hare, Rayner; timme for Portland was at Holmes' . 8010 7th Inst. ' . - -i - - - Grigg. sininer li Pendletnit.irorti Boston forPhilidelphis Laiiiieiffniiti Ito awe Role Ith inst. •- . - Brig W- II • epilvery:, Grillivir, from' Briatpl for • -- Innh.itolphiriowas at BerrOoft•BAlait• I ''' , , Pohe Charlet' 8 lioneyousiareis at Baltimore 7 th, lost, , Sell rs_E T Eholth, - I.44s,iiiil iniornar,lniihbard, • - henoa at Anton 7th'inst. • - - - "'" " ' • ' - Bohr Lemberg,. Bwift,olenred at Boston 7th Mat for' this eon, Bohr gi A Tittle, Mama,' cleared at Charleston sth • inn. tor dauksoe,yille.. - &lira Rtoh'd Borden, Arnold. and T•ewis Clark, Boooy, for ihialiort. sailed from Newport 611, lust. - - ' ' Sta! Borlabis, Jarvis, at Tnanton 6th lost, from Bris tol, Pa. • . - ilsotirs Reeenne,±Gandy; P C Smith, Smith; Minna, , Rocitulh, itisttin,Brower, Paphos Ann; Smith; I B - Johnson. J" non, and JE3 Weldin, Smith, hence at Pro' - 'Mar intrt,, ,, ,_ - - • „ 1 Bob Minnesota, tailed from Proyidenoe 6th inst. eethie Ent.' • - - ' 13olT,Makr-Plstoher, Crosby, hence, arrived at Emit- - - port •nit't nit. - ' - - - 864-(7T Ford. Pountiin, cleared at Newborn, N C, - fah lirigfor Philadelphia.. sti%lol4i t 2 44 Conei Molialref, hence, at Hartford ' , Behr, 111.3011er, ()Ward. sailed from Bohm' 7th Mat for ' • Philadolohirt ' ' Balsa _,T uther Okilit - - and 3 B Bleooker, hen* arrived -•• ritNew Gedfont tth inst. - Papas Pagerßobinson.-from Colmaset, arrived at rd 6th inst. • •., . • - Sets - fsorbam. Homier, fOriyhilarlelphit, sailed. from East prin.-27th ult, sad the Bleu Reed on the 17th. ' - 501ir..8.."p 13tirtori, cra4rrier,hence, at Richmond 7th instant' ,'- - - '' -•-- - ' - -- - 130 . 1 i7 34 Lank, Plummet; from Cambridge, at PT, York, Bth • B ttf ohr Clore, Durronshop Inains, `rit;Proyjdonce Ttli .i • etilir 73'P' Therripann. 'Phials, Washington, M J , Ciultori, and Tr .Jones sailed from Providence 7th that. for-Philadelphia.. • , , ..Bars lttarretta- Tilton. Tilton' and Swan, Collins, - honrarrrratiat Charleston 6th inlit. - So r Gen A-Tittle, Adams, Tor Jaoksonvllle , went to sea tom Charleston7th_ inst. • , - Ss r . 0 13",Peaseleo, Baker, hones, at Savannah 6th So raliiYomiThaiiitow, jailed from Nerhuryport 7th inst lorPhiladelphia, Sob raj m.vanot. ii, Ginnisn'; - 3 I Seniiir, Conititn , tint!: Paragon:sue& ; hencei r Edwiried and Jl' Cake from Alexandria . ntr vtd - ta , Bost4th Stli lank ~• • • - Gun 3 II Smith awl C 9,A140 7 , liOncei 4 / 7 4Ved at Max andria 7th hist. i••.. - " i'• • lite Madgre, Crudity. sailed [loin Bertfordfith Ind for Philadelphia. ,_ . , , . . . . DittostA :AvivSnorow Ahem. Awarded at the fate. Stele .Fltir. to A, 13. DAVIS & CO., FIF TEENTH 'Bad WILLOW, for the beet COAL, HAY. end VATTLVSCALES.' ' - - 7 , ,'' ". ocB-2t* Tl? PagtiSYLVANLi " '," -.• The anbeariberia ion r committee diit eismihe eon tenta, of ' a, ' BAbAIIaNDER - HAPE, of :BUM Sr WATSON, after ,beirgiapesed to a - strraeiria• on the fair iiirienda foielikt - hodia, resPeetfully represent— Ttmt after aeven corded oak wood anti three of pine had heitt 'OM - learned emend the - gate, it was opened, in the Igraine , * rif the committee, and the eontelate taken eat) dlitliOlratriredihatrioteerea seeri4euL 4-4 11 )41 W8i1i,: . -Maiiiitiftf,Ofirtriifere:roceited nittnintsMtMem: end sjarge3naaltAtdoMiniente, were, in the safe, and came ont entlielfuninintmL The , experdeent aatudied ne. of the eaadtoity of Safes of thin kind to Protect ointents•fronteeir fire to which than nanl be exposed.." - The aounditteii award, e'diploma and silver medal. GEO. , W. WOODWARD, IRO. W. GEARY. - RIITIIERFORD. ALFRED 8, GILLETT. Elk - MY:TM , 11. - JiloksomB, Co. resitt#ll invite theladiol of PhilwielPhil+ , and Vidal tr t4l# exaintrie ttioir nowluid iipprOvoS -, - .• FAMILY SEWING MAINIINES. • ..„ TheilAtletihinioi" tire tho Straight Noodle* and make thotook - atitoti olikoon both Woo of the cloth. Oleo. MI - JOMlSTPty . F. • 'Stteat, ogerMasord's Beak Store' ...-•• • th,O , VVlC4l4.Hign'a CEI.II39ATZD NOIMISt FOULS Omuta-Muir:um, 'AT ItiDIICED at No.OOI Broadwai. Mn. 4* 4 a few weak,. Oa - SEWING MA I - 1114Es jfiats 1,- aims:: a2l-3m vor Dpar—Sism 'ANA Arm. - - • ' te243m .AI!TORNE`II.—To the - .keraltof alas Public Lcelssr,—Bir—lt Is lamenta ble to - witness with whet vimlones both the public and Privtge cluitquiter or a trete wailed who becomes e be Itt4ehlle awe. Theyratt iendertaing waged,between the friends - respect tirtly Mr . Mann and etc . Knees*. candidates ' thf the ifiettLot Atterneyehtp, hail:lncome of* portico- Rely acitimoniona character, One of ourfineday paper! Preadult series °revive charges aro the present in - tomtit:it of that - Whoa.. Among et erg, it says t-'• We ' clutrite,hjol wlth_ketienting the fl oe ay, dealers, and Of l'eneetylogilailggeo l oiyof money per capita, atteellotleg to ;tier44ll4l . 4 0 , 11, 01,90 r adnarn. - • • ;Writer nen: riev4 refererieo td too - caees of the - eight ea era aerated under *Warrant mimed by Mayor 4) , , - wit ladtanse, - and subsequently hold to It. geedernlett. 4.15. Freeman; I - can only say that tha - mtarge is positively and absolutely without (nun datulai ' ' tee priMenutidtCof therm cases. I, was brought in . frequent, content _with - At. Mann, - who, by cour -4entl Menne; and bie promptitude in sating up Frfilnrt ig thr e e; TO td JrraPornole 7 corrdnid " , iron: beginulimW whmh was that Of gisfaithful and enerlioc officer, e remotgd-ferneimey , mloo strong prep: r L had pre ' vionsif, taken At,' *that • tuts - wim,to d before oora ineeeing theia proseemionn, 'cony -1 0 611 would bo en mrStamibility,,without VoniploYed private counsel. ' Two fright ware,nouviered, One wee sentenced. ands* gueritif pardoned bytbe Governor—The o th er. throng 'Ms ycsulonoved fora new toed, win e& wits atantmlibut, mu ttweacnitod the defendant died, The others, made ser Ocelot to New -York and elsewhere, wheitigwes dr d tbiot he bean:ken by the abler ,. qua,* fif_thit alienepter called ni otta." - have uotiefeertiai Knowledge ofor neimain times with Mr_ Idatin,beyond that, whichmew put of the surgeon. lion of these emies. end theyerote hare no other motive Ia writing' this coituntinieation than - the discharge of what I emnpolvf Lobe du:y4lf o the i t o e th i er dbargeepre - -. Paligaintliiiiirdmble ws it'r " , ....mort sitidint; animation, tbat sufficient was d ine t o the enimietion!trtwo of the defendants to convince the &het, Itigg ewe - proseceibr ,Seas ea earnest one, and theevqhmr aiirety, was only - a night. „The eon* of :Twice ifildwineetteult*srlili nod t communitY sellout:0 with the breaking on MIMS bonne*, awful. asthese defend- Veferncerried,' r'- - Hotel, nutaileipida,.o6tObet lOi -Its A, NOBLE, ENBIBISEmENT,..-THE tfolionrin explaine t f - , Fir:l'4l)=44llA, Lowlier/Rh/18591 Marahmt"The undersiang4 appreciating the tires impertaneeof honent,faittioodelictent intim nut totting of the , Civil Low gAAlen thin mty.' Vlerfrertih t : I CanCiTtriN it ion i llifalVT i ww ATiOthl , 4gianiestly noileit gent coroperstien vitt, - t theift in nem ring Lin eittetion believing that his amass ofinended bLthe bee t tortereste of the commoin . Vlll; t oleillitate _ • 30}111 ht OGDEN. -„.. AookToN oAvi,Dit z UU_B OW , r ifesti BMA LAMER TPLAUAIII! ' wILLIAPt Kett.JlY, , EDWARD ItATZ, - • F. 0.4R80L.L oRFAVSTPat, ' LOttelP. ihttvg, . , JAMES J.- fhpaigLidt E EritIMOAS, pl i AT.r. • Jon , - OEO. ' • Whf. PEI ar_ BEM: OWNSEND. • • 4011 LATTA.. 610,21 --' tp..•6lllV.AritifeoATECATßkElrs PAS - FIE R ItAllity,mr-COPdr4NF, of PhUadel ,:,p, tat 9F4, , -1941 ? .(. , t 7 14 ._:' ' 00tober 4, - I* ‘• ,i . t,te.Xtritinllnt.thi..Bggefon --Uispatc44 , :pintr, Sirs -' kigt a ti t gd t,i,3 ,iVTilu di g, '- xt e lzi,, , all, l ,4l i ;Pg ko llil 7 12 1 Vir t414 e yp S Ztrnrt ' a l fettisirtßi t tit r ee t , l . c olitTgr. i ,.rtittertline leiiittrittioll chop* thei Vreeit and Cqates, '''sttto ""' l, l l 9 l Znlll'ai*Vyglinfol - , :stl 9 " rd e le i nfi " "t r i n ° itat'igeeengliniet ,etvitnd in- - -,-i i " . ' , . - I,4lg t ,t r il i k t r a t ti n&tQ f - B &y. van plan for the pnrposei end tit t 1 tit nt ul trotiklini'pet4 tOlneute his elms - . i lirt - C i- P 'f 2145 - ' .i.1..... 1',-. li ' ' dor tile; De -•:. 'l ' ' `' 1 " *, etil -tre %r' . . 9 -'" I tt inns -OM ' ',.." -xeil i titt - ttli, 11 ' ' l '" 8 " , eve r e t tLfriietitir for int; "4 , 4 , - en trAllftter . innetth O.. , . ', 1 1, ;r41.1:24,./-atig fAiii)iiiiiiijolkiiii4i-ird`r!itsil 4- • t r ii - ,tik . ikftworlmilicolar.: , , .- ' -, 41...3_ - _ ~.ti. .. . ~..' -% - .4 . 9 1t,ki i i , , k -n dw* l g ' o r Ern m s? fIIatII,WA I D;Ti ~ . ...;,:iß ge• /,- - o :;.' f fi tth ei.Ontpa n 2. to ntt,knowitdeptrM, i 2-:;4 ' - '':' lir trg li t, Pl6 idgi r t titelt l at e :i l titleti 'iy, , i, • i . , n e'sf,", P 7 - - - ,,- 0 :- 4,.,-. i' , :) , - , , 1 I= -1, - 7 ~ .0 ftitilliititfitYkkitibititiio.o, falsehoods 11 P 7. '-; ' 'PVR.lllogia l t . ir : i4tileiftret; - '' 14 4t " V 'Ve r dii * eifigredn t i ' '' -' -- '' ' 4111r8/"Vlrl7°°ll"' - r:2-• '' 0 ''. 1441 - 1 ' - - poi 0. lent - " , A.z , ' • Ali On, „ d i t c Eli ,- root .e . ko ,, i , - itA ' ! " i' -, T. , : ',kiwi - , Aiiiiii4 I,toupw, s, -,;*,,., ttt, ,, :11 , ink: 5i, , ...:•? ; 1L'; %"1 , 1 0 . A ?-4 , , tre-r , ... , ..r.4. , 1 -. r t weituy e x.4;., 1.,-,, , , ,, ,,, 2 :1:a J , •,..,..A t vC Vi c toatioA'*'' ...wo . , I. _, Afr o • c,,,,! ; ,,r.--.. , ,,,1 it 1 "4 Ati>=: , - -...," ' ~~~~ -n :. a- A~=:::~:~fi: M'lrME=M== - VPARTIBAn tpfuguErionk..4 pletutno avdt ' . Weal campaign .revive s Mamie° tyle MuOlf On eettbad,Pkt .roilltiaetto *BMW tiO re OillStes been tou aide, Maze Irma ~ receet ettemple,, ,a refer to tan hh At of siandor ne in t e r /d o h, t o pgrediut the private erpnaaotiona of %Odle man to the vitimlar elite, end of nking smite abuse take the ; Owe etritir, dispassionate tintoultelon. It bea been said, With much feriae, that when , ivnian,commeee,es to Waite h is adversary, it is nn deeee that he ne yrniqUishod in argument, maid that lie has no weapon left, but thatwhieh is common to Billings gate fish women, and be angry, ignorant Men. A foreign er Who onto wiles among us on the eve, of an election, and heard the a.te heaped uponyhe rival eandidntee, ueolared hie ece ription tit, if all ho Imam wan true, both men should. bec ome t inmates or a tirison, in stead 'of heinir, pot In tione of ritepensibility and ,tioliera • , p." • unit T tin perilVtonnalgn era from former ones in come share's tiattihne .tr:dg:}37,,ttocns shoes individual has beett sainted fie the _ seevial o bject of attach and abuse.• 'This persecution it Peen no per sistent and ranee Due, and the object of it has been en nailed with awe tart, that if we did not know better , we alhoeld he induced to believe that there wan corns foot- Mittel in feet for what was Resoled, and some justice In„the dairignolations so titian - illy bee towed, But we hap- Pelt to know Mr. filannfor It is of him and his perseeu tient wo write, and we ,knew , im to be high.minded soil honorable 'gentleman, atrong in his attechimint to right, fearless - in his opeoaition to wrong , and full in luridness to 'his , fellow -beings, We know, too, that his official course bee been marked by efficiency and integ rity; and we are sneered that Immitigeted abase and slander heaped upon him will have eif affect eine those w'ho know his real oharac ter. • We have not set out to write an article in praise of Mr. Mann. although we will remark, incidentally, that soundness tine lawyer is frePly adknowleilted, and Iris ability as the progeouting, Mbar of the Common wealth is conceded by his enemies, an well ea claimed by ,ble (Honda. Our °Woo In to narrate an incident in hie offipial career which tots come to our knowledge, and which proves him to be the peaseasor of a kind, true, and gentle heart, and 'which pieties in his behalf with no eloquenee which a thousand slanders gannet weaken. A few Prosecuting . it became the duty of Mr. Mann, as the Officer of the Commonweelth, to sitaud at the bedside of a. women , who was living in a beim in Kennington, and who wag believed to be dying. Mr. Mann wee accompanied by nn Alderman And a eh) - glisten for the purpose of obtnitting the dy Inv declare. Bons of the sufferer to II need in the trial of the person through whose criminal practices she had been brought 'to ileatlee door. The poor creature had been barbaronalr treated, and she writhed in agony upon the bod on which she Inv.. Her physician had told her that there was no possibility of her living, in order to prepare her mind for the statement ahe had to make. The woman refused ta'tope, and she seemed unable to realize her Ore lu fate. "Oh 'I cannot die I must not die! I will not die I" she criedp ut in a tonei of desperation which wrung the stouteet heart/. M c. Mann said that, ni the state of mind the worn was in , it would be win less to take her testimony . sugeested• that a clergy man ;Mould be sent for, an ti that if he could reconcile the dying woman, and enable her to ceemose her mmil, bee testimony could then be taken. When the edictal tinders were- about leaving the house, Mr. Mann in ,quired of the Attending' physician If nothing could be gitt f 0r 4 1 1 1 4 d x ,rot r r e rzgo l a e , r bli a ty. w g.fa s , i i tr At fnovi like Ida patient, were poor, and that they were unable to ,tisistoiVany requisite attention UpOn her. Hood nursing 'end strietwateltfulnesenrey her might eared emne thing, . aud.if these eould be obtained, there was still a chande for her recovery. Mr. Mann at once directed that a competent nurse be procured, and that no pains or ex. pause should be spared to partite the comfort and welfare of the patient. This wee done, the poor woman hovered between life : end death for it t,tme ; but care, abut, and Cli f iC l tO ' rr i ntre t tiiii "' t i o n orr d a l t a t i riT Vat eV l s!• f lo t k ° a g Rh: , nu ea was iismissed, Mann having' paid her fifteen dollars for er services, besides paying the inc idental expenses of the woman's sieknees. The criminal who had destroyed the life ol • one poor girl. end who had en nearly sent another to her final amount. Wes tried. and thelestimony of the poor sufferer, whom we have de scribed, aided •to convict herof murder In the serried degree.. She is now expiating her crime in the East ern Senitiontinry. For this trial ...r. Mann received a fee of two dollars. The , expense of nursing the pyincipal witness for the Coulmonwentth came out of his own pocket, leaving very decided balance upon the wrong side, of the no count. In the wboleanle abuse which ha lieen heaped upon Mr. Mann,,mueli hen been said eoneenting tho fees tit; has obtained in MBank and battery cases which were ignored. The fees in suoh eases are. wo believe, from seventy-five centre to one dollar and fifty oents. It would only be fair to offset the one with the other, and when next the opponents of Mr. Mann _talk of ignored bills, let them alto tell of that scene in Kensington. with the woman in the atomics of depth, and a greatly abused 'fib:drier Attorney providing her, at Ina own sole ex_pense, with the attention which her condition required. To our thinking, one such nit of unostentatious kindness, Prompted by pure pimdness of heart, should outweigh whole catelegues of the vague and undefined ebarees which party clamor has mule against Mr. Mann. We have sufficient confidence in the public sense of fairness end detestation of anything like persecution to believe that the reeults. of next 'Ptiesilay's contest will pill to theme the men who have endeavored to blast the repu tation of a generous and efficient. public officer. It SHALL MOBS RULE OUR CITY 2 Since_the almost unanimous naminition of WM. B. fANN, Esq., for District Attorney, by the People's party, slander and detraction have been hurled against his character with unsparin r malignity, by the journals in the Interest of the Notional Administration. gentleman of Mr. Mann's attainments and probity, such unmerited abuse may wound his feelings. but it eanhot impair Ilia staneinx in the oommunitv. We can believe quit Ins 'manly and sensitive mama shud ders at ilia mature Ins political and personal euemiee 'draw riA offbeat career; but he can console himself with the reflection that the penalty he is now paying in but the same whipli every men of 'intellect and honor haibeen subleoted to. and feel a conecions pride in the rectitude of his intention!. It may be called the . rnalty of grentnens , resulting from envy and malice. 9 man of quilted worth ever e s caped such censnro. Vitt, nit °91 t 131 record unsullied, he may defy the worst ma eltinetiona his enemien. and smile in derision at such finite assaults. Who ie Wm. O. Mann. and whet are his chief ,oharacteristica f. He is the son of the Rev. Dr. Mann, a devoted minister of the Methodist Episcopal Plumb, whose intellectual acquirements and pinfi /newsy in lammagen has marked him out as one of the first men of the notion. Venerable in 'Years and vigor ous in mind. his three score years and ten have brought with them dignity and eminence. The respect of our people hes follovred him through a long and neeful ex istence, and a multitude of pupils hail him as friend and father. Under suck a tutor Wm. B. Monti was edit rutted, both in morals and general learning. until he eommenced the, study of the law with a gentlemen of 'the sternest morality and eminent - as is titterer. so ono acquainted with , Mr. Mann wilt deny hen the highest moral qualities, with the largest legal attainments. With tide superioritytramint, under eurh master minds as hie father and he legal imedepter. Mr. Mani" came to the Philtulelphia ar c and at once entered upon a marked cateer,bothasalawyer end honorable citizen. To a mind agate and logical. he yonsesses the most can. TOMS sensibilities and the noblest unPulsee with which man can he endowed'. In his breed resides the sacred °hammerer truth, and his Word line ever linen an Mali ention equal to %ha isallohly of an oath. Thnt the shafts Of envy,slimild be aimed at snob a worthy °Meer Is nt a matter Of Sarpriso when we consider the nature oft 6 burliness he him to transact, and the elacter the persons with whom he is °empanel], by s position as Blend; Attorney : to have intercourse. Ti those Win , liar with the onminal business of our ~Cnorte• the very feet that li Oleo e is bitterly Assailed Is proof th that „sharged tie duties of bin with frOMMltude and alinement oneness.' manyjhougande d offenders smart under the net indietten of the law, an with rancorous malignity the , Seeds hut Pervert lane minium areinst him afthe maker eftheir punishment. We areinalined ,to briieve ththe intelligence of our citiaene is not to _be etod t ith er by the prprueditrited totnanits of mai vitae °Metle Or Intent' the disappointed ambition, otprofeesional of i fi g im-soegern.. • we'reeetleet - ii molly the iingireuion Mr. Manemodsm upon the eider m 6 hers or.. bar, in conducting . , the first mite he had before tint Court . A gentlemen nt anti tient remarked,".There is a, rourh ifiemond, Met needs titlY,a eight ahriunon Make him sparkle with light. tinder that hold interior there glows a warmth excited w the remit generous emotions . With high so ial qualititill, and amind stored with useful information, ie must rise to eminence ip his_profession. and make is ;nark for good upon society.' Prophetic,. indeed, hes that remark become, and donbt Much whether there livea within thelonitsof Phiadelphia gentleman who enioys wider °stonier d l friendship, ranging thrOugh members of all petit eat Parties, and eVerY,the- , riot,' of tweed, than does !dr, nil it Will Very huntieht. He has earned it by his unbounded generosity. manly bearing, told noble dinintereetedness. In his private re !Minna. wherein there a citizen more sennitlye to the voice of Sulferitig humanity. er more liberal in Ins bens. factionn In tiis official capacity, when h avewe had his officer who was more strict in the tie misuse eds duty, or more unprejuditied the preseciltion of °Wen - Ore f - Thotecarlio enjoy an Intimacy with Mr. Mane keen of him as the very soul df boner. He hes MO great aEd o.° of entnitinn tense be lured fnim the Prrirrietiea of life I' the Vanity and glitter of mil hoist nociety. Wedded ' ‘) e t ea l :T . 7l;4lX e a k o i i• l o w l Wig:lOn% ' o h ( g enera l ct l itZguai in mustygt`,: I "771 igt:rird`cle vagaries '7; mond, practioal. and, beneficial. displexing itself in every remark he makes and in every official net ho ti forms. That he should have minims, who pursue nim with acrimonious reel . is no met i er of surprise. Many want blanket , . end others desire a more pliable end amiable District Attorney, because they expect to be answer file to the law. Should his eompetiter he elect 'ed, would not all the horrors to which the eamnittnlty wee formerly rableeted by lawless gemstone again re peated? We know the , slitmlierlits potrer et such or ganitittione, and are frequently made to feel the neces sity of lowing a prosecuting Milner who hag never had complicit, wan seen offenders . If the ballot-box is to he hard pure; Mr. Mann should be re-elected to the office 'Web lie has adorned by his talents, and sanctified by his integrity. PorZlYearshe has been a practising Atter ney.end in nil that time no Irvin mete upon his character. Relying upon Ids energy end ability. he is rearing a nu merous fnmilv with credit to himself and advantege to society, and thus far he hits been the architect of kis own position. It would be tieing Mr. Mann great injus tice to compare his eompentor with hirn in point of in tellect or legal knowledge. The one is an amiable, weak, and confiding men, indolent in the extreme. and hist pleb a person as could be "convinced against Ills Will” in matters topchinuthe Dublin peace, Mr. Minin, the contrary. is 'known to be bravo and energetin, eel ['- reliant lit everyemergency, and industrious to the last dal i:4" by lane iiidd act from iiinedaiintirthatibgehr!trolgi: Fro of political cabals. or swayed Indio official duty by ending perfumes behind tho curtain. A week man In an office like that of District Attorney would indict in calculable mischief upon our citizens. We are now an orderly oommunity, and may justly attribute our pre sent security to the resolute demeanor of 11l r. Mann. in the conviction of notorious onetime. If he ban falied to convict some of them. the fault Iles in the jerkin who tried them, and not in the District Attorney who nand his utmost effort* to bring them to justice. It would be a sad day for Philedelpha should his opponent be sun easeful. Riotons assem blies would then become ram pant, end disorder flourish unmolested. To prevent fatality, every orderly citizen shr,uld yobs for Mr. Mann. MEMBER OF THE - uolelt ' PHILADELPHIA BAR. THE DISTRIGYATTOAIIIIthiIIPTL, rr.f. • S7e drill attention to tho subjoined correspon dence: llsex Sin: A friend has shown me nn article in the Errning Argus, of 3 esterdny, in which it is stated that you fume said the election of Mr. Mann would be a public calamity. I desire to ask you if you entertain, or hare expressed any such opinion ? Very truly and respectfully yours, LIAM B. MANN. To Hon. Oswald Thompson, President Judge, Ste. October Bth, 1889. Wm. B. Btsa",:, Eaq—Dear Sir I regret to find that my name has been so unlustifiably made use of. Ido pot entertain such an optima, nor have I used ain't Imense. Very respectfully, yours ' A. a.. October • N Bth . 1559. OSWALD THOMPSO 010-. 201 he lnA RFECIA T. MEETING. OF THE RUMOR ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY wi l ho CIiARERON HALL, Cherry, above Sixth, on TUESDAY EVENING. October Ilth, 1852. AARON -M, row.stz, or Now York, will address the mooting. to which 'the p hu to invited. JOl. THOMPSON. President. 7fAV rA'HE ANNUA Contnbutore to• the VI l, held on the Ad inet., men were elected to fill visor teem: William D. Kelley, John Bindle. ' 8, Morns Wain, The Board le now_eonetßu • PRESIDENT, . 1 - William Withilt. TREASURER, 8. Morrie Waln._ , TRUE William D. Kelley, I John Biddle, ' John Putnam, T muel V. Aternek, ohnM. Ogden, - aeob P. Janes: p gratti4 . Bo i t:w . art, Inman B. WhAharn, • Henry J 3. Tatha m, By order of the eard. Wat • , WA.I4, g RICAL 4INUIe will he 1 , meti n nt 8 o'clock. ii It JOUR SORD AN. FREE , LEOT ORE. THIS EVENING. byProfesser !MALKIN% on "Diseases of the Eye, at the ECLECTIC UOLLEGE, Sixth and Cal- IdedieslOSio6.l4.2l CITE STNIIT Street. ft" MOMWOPATIIIIC COLLEGE OF PENN- T.SYLYAN'Ik nbertatree,i above Eleventh. T ; a iptrodupt9r9 i,eatures will be delivered in the M. 14.2 ( 411V li4ED,MONDAY, 10th, 8 o'clock, even . 0, J. HEMPIL, TUESDAY, 11th, 8 o'clock, r,Pa g .t, COXE, Jn.,'VEDNESDAY, 12th, 8 o'clock, :1 1 411FA'ROS. MOORE, THURSDAY, nth, 8 o'clock, Vol g iAr. 4. REED,PRIDAY.I4th.B o'clock, evening. Prof, J. DEAKLEY, SATURDAY, loth, 8 o'clock. 5 14,P. 1 .M. SEMPLE, MONDAY, 176,6tvelnak M. iffllga:l n Sf o g l 1 0 1 . b ?linlce, WI.DNESDAY and 6840 EEAKLEY. M-D.. Dean. LANDSDOWN LAND COMPANY.—THE. Ls annual meeting of the Stookklday_a o_t tltej i r t noe i down Land Co. w il l bo held on MOND AY. 734 o'clock P. ht. j oyer the Phcon4 ao House, Zane 71 . 1 8 e 4 i7t , a d a o_ v liti EleOtion i. il officers 111^ • - SMI.TRURST. Secretary. :r. JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. 3ouston of 1831-60.—Order of Introductory Lec turer ri ltanxi l it. Monday. October la, at 7 p, NI - _ in . macho , To enday, °donor 11. a t 7 _ _.P M ' : of t i a 3ross, need ny,,Ootobor,ll M 0 P. M. P.M. c . 1 3111 , Inud, fiat Ica ( glade, wedneeday, October 12, r tot bledrieniiThnistirti_, October 13, at 7 P hi i Mfr. Whraiso aim, /8484 . lil . .. tat ae 6 )1 rt ab umber 14, at r { . M. _-, r 9 , .4 1 1 5 , 0 . 5 1. 4. ftrolVtober 14, at 3 P.hi. r 03 1 i la , : v agrag , lah, kiatttilay, October 15. uP OPM O 7 4 r /la, D., Dean. 07-7 c TO rE V 01160.0 10 TOE CITY ON PHIL DELPIIIA A — he - Committee oflBlPerlit thn dice of t e People's Party of the County of Plula deli. in respectfully call your attention to the foot that T ~.T.,....„,0Q,„.,....,the.frep an independent that eitizens of this "CommonlyealtirWilY arm 'eery Err ' s v v i grn" w i lt' ' V o t gl:Ma n. a t rari'i r sigig u f 1 ' 1? 0 Ton . ties Of some o e f e the mom Important and responable State and county offices within their gift. There .are various cousiderations that combine to make this election one of more than ordinary_rionse- Trainee to the people of oily Slate and county. 'The in fluence whiehilie molt Of tile present State contest Hunt necessarily have upon that of the great national ntruiggle of 1850, must suggest itself to every reflecting mind als immense, and almost decisive of the fate of the American Renublic for years to come. It in ale° an incontrovertible litet that tho probability or otherwise of success in the county of Philadelphia seriously ands the result of a State election. infusing eitheylife and energy or confusion and dismay among our friends throughout. Let us F a ir e lo mind that the growth and daily inerease of prSigney of the never-te.be.forgotten die gracefid Adnunistration of James Buchanan, has been of such a character that only the most prompt and ener getic, 'efforts of the people can succeed itt checking it Our Government bar been diverted from ita legitimate functiens. for the purpose of foraingupon nn unresisting people institutimui distasteful to them, tied against which they have repeatedly ettented their abloirrenee. in the only manner recognised by a free people, at the ballot box. It has been, outdo the rneaneofezeiuding the ndmie sion of Territories into our sisterhood of States, because of the desire of their inhabitants to have secured to them the inestimable blessings only diffused where liberty pre vails. It has been mace a mere machine to defile work of an unprincipled and corrupt faction, and by it the treasures of our people have been wasted in the most shameful manner, and often upon men whose Reverie-a are engaged at useful labor in the penitentiaries ofour country, and this for no other or better reason than that they werethe favorites and pliant tools of a tyrannical Administration ever the knees eward all that crook the pliant hinges of the that thrift ii my follow fawning." An Pennaylvaniapilove all recognise the truth that the extensive industrial' interests ei our great, noble. but hi therto imemanazed Commonwealth, only need from thy National and Btato Governments just and encour aging legislation to make our people prosperous, inde pendent, and happy. Thin legislation has been denied as by the party against which we contend. and, instead of that fostering, parental care which every people have a right to expect and demand from the Govern ment under which they live they have been compelled to witness legislation calculated. in every sense. to pan der to the wealthy manufacturing interests of foreign lands. whilst the pauper labor thereof is brought into direct competition with that of our own eitizene, pros trating them to the earth, crushing tho American mane fiwturer. and depriving the American mechanic and laborer of the God-given right to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. Let us also remember that the majority given for the People's ticket on Tuesday next will be an emphatic evidence of opposition linen the part of Pennsylvenia and Philadelphia to the proposition, at first but faintly whispered, but now openly avowed.'for a revival of the infamous Armen slave trade, now rimer by the las lr nations, and which, if successful, would justly sub ent us to the reproach of the civilized world. To our standard-hearers in this eventful and im portant struggle we invite your dispassionate attention. For Auditor General, we hove presented tons Tito:W -AR E. Coctinnx, Esq., of York county. Mr. Cochran is n - distmguished meinher ef the liar of York county, and line given undoubtedevidence of his ability and incli nation to serve his fellow-citizens faithfully, by the honorable and faithf u l performance of the duties of the public rmit= to wl..ehi their confidence has hitherto elevated him. - Of the candidate for Surveyor General, Gen. Wm. IL Rant, au honored citizen of Reading—the estimation in which lie is held nt home, is testified to by the fart of Ms election, on the. Opposition ticket, to Congress, in the hitherto impregnable fortress of so-ordled Demon reer—old Perks. Again will old Barks roll up her thou sands for the good cause. With reference Moor county officers, permit us briefly to remark. Our fellow.citizenn have presented to us War. B. Maxim. lise . ,the gentleman who so ably fills the office.itt present.i'Ve. consider it to be of vital conse quence that this office should be tilled by one familiar with its operations, and an able lawyer; and, beyond all, should its occupant be one unstained by wheal. - tion in those frauds which, upon more than one occa sion, liars been developed to the startled ears of this community ~ nud who au tit as he to whom the public are indebted for the exposure of the most stupendous political frauds that have ever disgraced this or any other cit For the office of Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas is presented CHAHLes D. KNIGHT, Igsq., a gentle man whose character for integrity and ability, during a king sod active business career. especially recommend him for the important position named. To name particularly, rind comment upon, the qualify nations of the two candidates for Senators. and seven- teen candidates fur Assembly, Ismail lengthen this al ready too extended eommumeation beyond reason. We will only refer you to their names, no printed upon the ticket below. and challenge cOtnparison with the ticket °Peened ; and permit us to say, especially important is it to the conservative voters that our Legislature shall be in the control of mon of the People's party, Among their many important ditties before the expiration of the Senator's term will be the election of a United States Senator. The toss of one member may secure to the Buchanan Drumm ream of Pennsylvania the continuation of a representative in the United States Senate for six years longer. The committee of superintendence have addressed you at this leafth, because they are themselves Im pressed with the importance of the occasion; and will conclude with urging you In the most strenuous manner, to a prompt perforiunnoe of those high duties, whieh, as American citizens. you are called upon to perform. Let it lie remembered that it was by the united efforts of small bands of men that the blerelings we now enjoy , were scoured to us by our fathers; and let us not forger that without union, harmony, and a concentration or efforts, no greet enterprise can succeed. Perform. then, your duty as we have endeavored to perform ours ; and the light of Wednesday morning's nun will dawn upon us—still free—atilt further disenthralled from Buchannn Democratic influences, and one stop further advanced towards our groat National triumph of MO. STATE TICKET. FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE COURT OF C0,11.110N PLRAH. CHARLES D. KNIGHT. First District—PAßSONS EDMUNDS. lecond District—Wll2LlAM B. TURNER. birdDlStrict—CAA purth District—HENßY h. ISTRoNG. Fifth District—JOSEPH MOORE, hi. Siith Dist rict—CHARL FS O'NEILL. Seventh pistriot—J. }i.jsF,LT%sß,fir Eighth Diel.rict—EACOß E. RIDGWAY. • Ninth Dietript—NATHAN SPERING. Tenth District—S. S. PA NCOAST. Eleventh District—l 4 AAC A. SHEPPARD. • Twelfth District—RlCHAßD WILDLY. - Thirteenth District—JAMES HOI,GATE. " f•- Pe te tr4lgi s rar— t r.;PNlN l SlN • • • 'ateentb Wt. V Se ven . teen ara6?-81}Lf.4931vm, _ By order of the Committee of Superintendence. -- GEORGE W. FORD, Chairmen. THOS. J. SMITH, Secretary. olo-2t PENNSYLVANIA COLLEOE—IIIEDI caI Department, Ninth street, below Locust. duotory Lectures Will he delivered en follows Pror.lfarteltdrti, l'illinday (Maher 10th, at 4P. M. • Prof. assert. nhiday, erber iptti, at 6F. M. Prof. oobrecht, Tuesday, etcher Ilth, at 4 Pref. MMus. Tuesday, °etcher 11th. at 6 P. 61 Prof.pslow. Thursday, October 134.W1at C P. M. Prof, 4, Thuratlay, Octotar 11th, at 5 P. M. ndr. alum, Friday Cachet Itth.nt 6P. M. Medical itha Su micai clinics on Wednesday and Sat urday at noon. The public is in Oted to attend. 11° LEWIS D. HARLOW, M. D., Dean. irrDELECIA T ES TO TILE BOARD OF FOSEION 'MISSIONS 'deities the otty should see the celebrated rloturo of the " Mart ) rdoin of John Hum" liv Legging, 110 W exhibiting at the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Open from 9 A. M. to 5 F. 111., end 7 to 10 P. M. Admission, 25 cents. , THE PHILADELPHIA DANK.—OCT. 4, 1&59. The annual meetinßof the Stookholders of this Dank will he held nt the Banking House on TUESDAY, the first day of November next, at 12 o'clock AI. And the annual eleotion for Directors will be held at the Drinking House on MONDAY, the 21st day of No vember next, between the ours or 10 A. M. and 2 H. oil-wfrkm tat 13, 15, COAIEOYS, Cashier, 3 MECHANICS' BANK.—PHILADEL- MIA, October sth, 1839. Lobos 14 hereby given that an eleotion for Thirteen Direetors, to servo the prattling' year, will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, November Vat, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, November Ist, at 12 o'clock M. oh-wlr& m tn2l 7. G . MITCHELL, Deshler. IrBANK or comtEncE—YHILADEL PIIIA, October 1, M.—Notice is hereby given, n Election for thirteen directors to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, November 21, between the hours of 10 o'clock A, M. and 2 o'clock Y. K. J. C. DONNELL, tied-Malta:l Cashier, The annual meeting of the Stockholders will he held at the same place on TUESDAY, November 1 at 12 o'clock Al. J. C. DONNELL, oc3-mwftnl Caelner. WPROF. 0. S. FOWX.ER'S LECTIL. RES ON MAN, at MUSICAL FUND RALL.—TuEs- EVENING. Ort. ith.•• Self•Cultgre and Chili:run.' THURSDAY EV i ENIN4i, got. alb, • Anaheim er tho Mental Faculties.' SATURDAY EvErn NG, Oct. Bth, • Intellect and %Tammy , and their Culture." Corn among quarter bofore 8 o'clock, and olosing with yobbo axaminatinns. Those lectures will be found highly interesting nndin struutive. Tickets to the Course of 11 Lectures—Gents, e 1.20; Ladies. 78 cents; single tickets, 25 cents. Professional Examinations doily, and on evenings not !seen/printed to lectures, at the Phrenological Rooms, N 0.822 CHESTNIIT &red. Bee Programmes. 01-6 t A. P. A.—HARMONY LODGE, NO. 90 ClAtrill linlcltheir second annual festival at the Id F.- NICS' HAM,. Fourth and George streets, on THUIMGAY EVENING, 13th inst. Doors open et Di o'clock. :, Tickets , 50 cents, to be had at the door. . BOY ) .T C h amuse of Counnittoo. AVM. THOMPSON, Secretary. 08.60 trrFARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK —PHILA DEL Pll lA, October 3d, M. Notioe is hereby riven that an election for Thirteen Directors wilLJ,e held at the Rankine House on MON DAY, Noventher2lat,l369, between the hours of o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock I'. M.; and a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held - on TUESDAY, November let, at 4 o'clock at the Banking_ Roque. o 4 ittn2l W. RUKFITON, JR., Cashier, frrSOUTHWARK RANK—PHILADEL PLIIA, October ad, ISM. Notice hereby piven Met nn election roe Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on AWN DAY, November 21st, PA9,_ botwoen the hours of 10 o'clock A. AL and 2 o'clock P. M. ; and a general moot ing of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, No vember let, at 12 o'clock M. oi.dto2l P. P. STEEL Cashier. VI:PROF. 0. 8. FOWLIiR WILY, COM.' MENCE a Course of LECTURES ON LIFE, its Organs. Functions end Improvement, as taugt by Phrenology and Physiology. at MUSICAL FUB J J HALL, on THURSDAY EVENIIVO. Sept. 29th, and give professional opinions and advice daily at Me rooms. For particulars see bills end papers of the day. sla.tin MEETING OF TILE YOUNG MAN'S INSTI the Molting named gentle •Dien in the Board of True- Joshua W. Ash, M. Do Asa Whitney, Joseph Harrison, Jr. Iced es follows: • 1110E•PRESIDENT, S A ME W ET h William L. Rehm Israel Nathan P. Velloo, Nathan Edson. - Alfred L. EIWYUr M. D., Samuel C. Morton r., Samuel C. Joshua W. Ash, M. D., William P. Crosson, John J. Thompson, John Williams. . AM L. REIM, Secretary. HOPE COAL OIL WORKS. FIRST PREMIUM, FACTORY WOOD EITREET, WHARF SOUCY!. KILL, OFFICE 127 WALNUT STREET. DOINGS OF TIIE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR ISO. SIX FIRST PREMIUMS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. Bost Furnace for Warming Buildings. Tr. AnsoLD & WILSON. GAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. FIRST PREMIUM. BEST PORTABLE FURNACE. To ARNOLD & WILSON. RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE: FIRST PREMIUM. BEST COOKING RANGE. To ARNOLD & WILSON. CHILSON'S DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE. FIRST PREMIUM. BEST PARLOR COAT. GRATES. To ARNOLD & WILSON. LOW DOWN and BASKET GRATES, FIRST PREMIUM. BEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS. To ARNOLD J WILSON, For a very handsomo dards! of Enamelled Slate Man tels, very highly fi r igi s e T iL i a,ik E l i smioryorlimanship, ARNOLD eic WILSON. OCIETY.--A STATED Id THIS thfondny I EVEN the Hall of the Society. Jr., Recording Secretary. M. S u pt.FELTwELLiOIO:OIIEtTNUT street., B. ITALIAN HEMP ROPE.--Italian Hemp „Rone, White and Tarred, for Inclined Planes. Ma nufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FITIJER es ca. 010 23 N. WATER fit., find 22N. Wharves. T O WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER CHANTS.—NowiIa Rope, 1111 size', neatly packed, and for sale by the manufacturers nt the lowest New York prices. WEAVER, HITLER k CO., 010 23 N. WATER St., and 22 N. Wharves. THE FIRST PREMIUM WAS AWARDED - 111 . for the Life-size Photographe in Oil, ni the recent State Pair. nt Povreiton, to IL F. Re Mc and 617 North SECOND Street, above Green. Those who want infallible Likenesses and Superior Pictures, onn now be accommodated 11" RALB INSTITUTE, Norristown, Pa. —For Young Mon and,Born. Fur Circulars with partionlity., yams 010-6t,* JOHN W. LOCH, frinoiptl, 04E8§.. 7 .011013P.,1011A 14.0NDAY,i OCTOBER -1559, FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, THOMAS E. 00CHRAN, of York connty. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL OEN.M"ILLIAM IL K I 51, of Berke count). CITY TICKET. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM . B. MANDL FOR STATE SENATORS. Second Distriot—G FORGE R. HAIITH, Fourth Distriot—OEOßOE CONNELL. FOR ASSEMBLY. AWARDED AT PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR, It. 8. HUBBARD & 80N, NEW PUBLICATIONS. N E W•' 0`(.3 K THIS DAY PLIDLIBIIEb BY LITTLE, BROWN, ird C O , LAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, 112 WASIIINGTON, STREET, TEE LIFE AND TIMES OP JAMES MADISON BY HON. WILLIAM O. HIVES. V 61.1 Bvo Cloth $2.26. (To DR COMPLXTBD IN 'MIME OR POOR VOLIIMISIO Mr. Madison's career woe contemporary and closely Identified with the \Vat of the Revolution, the arduous labors of the old Congress, the completion of the Arti cles of Confederation, the formation and adoption of the Constitution of the United States, the political sues done which arose under the Administration of Wagli- Ington, the struggle oh parties which terminated in the olootion of Jefferson over Adams, and the complicated questions of foreign policy which led to the war of 1812 —a war commenced and terminated under bits own Ad ministration. In passing under review these great scenes of our history, the writer has been enabled, by across to the papers of Mr. Madison nod other original dooumente, to throw now light upon ninny dobateab'e passages of the highest and most permanent interest in American annals. Besides the career of Mr. afailison himself, of which no connected narrative line ever yet been given to the Public, the works will embrace authentio and illustra tive notices, founded chiefly on original and unpublished documents, of the most distinguished of his coetomPo raries—Washington, Jefferson, George Mason. Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Adams, Jar, Hamilton, King, and others. Whether the subject, the materials, or the dramatis persona:, be considered, the work, in its design, would seem well fitted to supply )et remaining and important desiderata in our national history, on questions which must ever engage the deepest interest of the Anierioan people. SITAKSPEARE'S COMPLETE WORKS NEW AND ELEGANT EDITION. Author of " Shakopeare's Soholnc." Now issued, Vols. 8,7, and 8, containing tho Histories Post Fro. Cloth 131 Al per vol. 'Uniform with V 015.7 to d (already issued), containing the Comedies. The remaining volumes of the work (2 to 12), with the Tragedies, and Vol. 1, with a Memoir of the Poet, and an Essay on his genius, are in preparation, and will be published as early as possible. This edition is trinversally . admitted to excel all others in the correctness of its text, In the accuraor and full ness of its information about Slinkspeare and his Works, and in the beady of its appearance. RECENTLY PUBLISLLED PALFREY'S HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND Yol.l, Bvo. Maps, Cloth, UM BARTLETT'S DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS Becond Edition, greatly improved and enlarged Bro., Cloth, 62.25. PLUTARCH'S LIVES, NEW AND ELEGANT EDITION II vols.Svo. Cloth, 510 IN PRESS AND PREPARATION, EVERETT'S ORATIONS AND SPEECHES Vol. 111, with a new Edition of Vohi. I and II Nearly ready. BAN CROFT'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES VOL.III. BRING VOL. II or THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BY HON. GEORGE BANCROF T. Bvo. Uniform with the Previous Volumes This volume comprises the period extending from the Battle of Banker's Hill to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, on the second of August, and includes among other things, the Siege of Boston, the Negotia tion of England with Russia for troops. written from papers from the Archives of England and France, in cluding letters of George 111 and of the Empress Cathe rine; the invasion of Canada, from private letters and papers of General Montgomery and his family; the movements of Prance and Spain, front very copious documents obtained in France and at Mednil ; the dis inclination of Turgot to the war; the revolution in the French Cabinet; the proceedings of Congress, in part from unpubltehed private Journals by the members; the insurrection in North Carolina, from very fall tumuli Robed contemporary accounts; the purchase of r man troops, from the fullest collection of payers, with letters of (Marge 111 nod the German Princes, Minis ters, and Agents; the hesitancy of the Central Colonies the movements for taking tip independent governments; the Virginia declaration of the Rights of Man; the Bat tle of Sullivan's Island, in part from new materials; the Resolution of Independent); the Declaration of Inde• Pendence ; the signing the Declaration; the status of the colored men before and after the Declaration; the true interpretation of the Declaration. The mane of manuscript materiels collected for this volume is very complete, and unfolds the origin and pro. green of every important measure. SOUTHErS POETICAL WORKS.. S volumes. BYRON'S POETICAL WORKS. 10 volunioa. AINIPOR.II wan. Tk3.P—BRITISH POET& ocs-vfm-Birif 44 . 0 90.000 90,000 • CELEBRATED COLLEGE BOOR. VIE SHALL I'III3bISII ON SATURDAY, In oonneetion with Mr. Amos Binckwood. tho London Poblmher, from ujiom we have luet received the stereo -71111'A1% R e lntift et kB OF MR. VERDANT GREEN OF OXFORD FNIFFROITIi. BY CUTHBERT BEDS, B. . NINETIETH TIIOI:SANH, Three yolumre in one. with nearly 2to humorous illus. tratione. elegantly printed, and bound in inuhlin. 12ino nice al • „ • The populwil) . or thie humorous work of College ice slid sdrenture is I nunepse. . . . . . . The English Pub li sher. in a letter to us, ammo pany lug the plates, writes: I have sold nearly ninety thou sand of WenDANT Gutsy an En Muni . and you will do we with it. "JAMES BLACKIVOOD." New Editions now reedy of LOVE (L'AMOUlth alicitaist's great work. The "Sensation" book of the day. 21.1 th edlOon. Ono vol. Frier, et, ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. A popular Life and Travels of this celebrated meant, with tatroduabon by fikyano TAYLOR. One vol. Steel portrait. Price Sol Offß OF THE CRESS CONGRESS. A complete Encycloptdid bit this subject " The Euclid of Chess." Ono large volume. Fried Lop. These Hooke will be pont by mail, postara rao, to any art of the United Staten , on the receipt ofibe,prose. RUDD & CARLETON. Publishers and Booksellers. 010-t&iratf fin.lXl GRAND St., near Broadway. N Y. OLD BOOKS--OLI) BOOKS--OLD BOOKS The undersigned states that ho hes frequently fdr sale books printed between the yeers lee and MO early editions of the Fathers of the Iteformere and of tire Pu• ritan Divines; in Law, Brteton, Littleton, Puffendorti Gusting, Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Books, Reports ike. c are often to be found on his shelves; Cyclopedia* Lexicons Chuang authors, History. Poetry. Philosophy, SMence, i trilltical Bconemy. Government, Architecture NatLLhillitory. Treatises noon these and other kindred pubjeots are being emitinually dealt in by him. Books in large and small quantitme,_pernhaeed at the Custom House avenue Bookstall, CHESTNUT Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. myle-a Yowl cAMPBELT, VSTATE OF JAMES McKEOWN, leo of the City of Lancaster, end state of Pennsylvania, deceased.—The undersigned, auditor', appointed by the Orphans' rood of Llncaster county. to diatribute the balance of the account of Solomon Sprecher and John B. Livingston. Executors of James Maeoun, late of the city of Lancaster. deceased, will meet the tattles interested for the purposes of their appointment. on MONDAY. etohor 31st. 1830. at 2 o'clock P. M., at the LIBRARY ROOM, in the Court Holm. in the city of Lancaster. JAkIER 1,. RBYNOLDR, SIMON P ROY. EDWARD MORTON. Lancaster, Penna. ole mit B RANCH OFFIUM OF THE N. Y. LIFE faiSURANCE COMPANY. corner of FOURTH and LIBRARY Ntreeta, Evans' Builduis. This old and reliable inatitation has opened en newt Amens on. It has prod to volume and orphans over one million three hundred thousand dollars; it hen declared an averse,, annual thvidendrd 40 per rent.; and has do posited, WI th the controller of N. Y. Mate, ono hundred thousand dollars, to scours policy bolder& No company in the world Wore tunic advantages to the Insured; noun morn stable or pro3ressive. E. W. TROTTER, General Agent. or No contented clam. W WE CALL ATTENTION OF THE TRADE to thin really Bileerior ertiele : ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A :supply in assorted naokaxes constAntli ou band. Orders received for direct unnortation. Also—Hennessy Coenne, Leßoy Cognno. London and Holland lima. Clara t in Wood nod Case. CillllllplWlloB, lush and low prices, LONGCRAAIP. Importer. ole•em ' 217 South FRONT. Plulatlelnliin. ARTIE & QUAYLE'S STATIONERY TOY AND FANCY HOODS WALNUTIII4,IO34I STREET, BELOW ELEVENT P Y, 00./111 HILADELPHIA Constantly on hood Perfumery nod Tmlot Ir AVM, STORES.-50 Spirits 'fur , iientino. in Store. 100 bbls do, do, and 1,000 Ws Shipping Rosin. to arrive. Foredo by ROWLEY, ASII RNER & CO.. 010 No.lo South Wharves. ALCOHOL, BURNING FLUID, and PINE OIL, in bbls and half-bids. Manufactured and fo r attle by ROWLEY, ASHBURNER a' CO., oln No. la South Wlla ryes. A-MERICAN RAVING FUND COMPA -EJ B - NY'S BUILDING, S. E. corner of WALNUT and FOURTH atreets.—Opon 1/1/11Y. from 9 till 6 &elm*, and on Monday till 8 in the crams. This old institution has alwnie paid in full, on demand. withoutnotice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sum paid book on demand, in Gold or Barer. TB USTEES ; ALF:SANDER WRILI.DIN, president. BAMIIEL WORK, Vice PrOalliellt. .101111 C. Farr, TE. Harper. George Nugent. Loma A. Godoy, Thos. Sergeant, AIM. C. Robortap John P. Simone, Jonas Bowman, 11. 11. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOIN C. Star, Soo. JOHN 8. 'Mises, Trene'r. 08-6 t if Silt: FOR A FULL COUNTING4IOIJSE V Course—Bookkeeping. Pentneeehlp, Arith. polio. he, TWININ , PB MERCANTILE INBTI. PUTE, N. E. corner NINTH and BPRINU GARDEN titreole. 08-3 It' To THE VARIETY TRADE.--110RAGE H. DAY, Nos. Hand 13 STRAWBERRY Street, to receiving fresh onnortntions of Silk and Cotton Elastic Cords and narrow Webbing, assorted Oita, nail colors, to which tho attention of the Jobbing Trade is nvited. ofl-30 BERTRAWS HAIR DYE.—Thin supe• rim Hair Dim in itiviied. and for sale, wholesale and retail. nt 144 North N INT!' street. od-et" V v VENETIAN BLINDS—To give gatislike tion. 11 t KRONEBERGERT, 18 North TWELFTH Eitroet. Ohl Blinds done up mod to new. 08-ot. GENTLEMEN WOULD DO WELL BY calling on 1)11.1{8 k NE148114,189 N. NINTH Bt., above Cherry, and have their old Garmente made to look equal to new, by cleansing or dyeing and repairing. ocB.2t* MIXED PAINTS, of any Tint desired, at No. 34 North TWELFTH Street. 08 -6t° BRAT/BOOK. 'NEW AIONROE COUNTY BUCKWHEAT .1- FLOUR, m 12, 25, end 100 lb ham Sweet Potetoea put up (or ',hipping. W. P. HENRY eoB-6t • Market street. near Serond, north toile. VI 3 AMS AND SHOULDERS.-1,700 Pieties City Smoked Hams and Shoulders. Also. s S A mEg . extC r O. S , u ARO H r A ed tr y H vt a , m mforo s a do by C. above Yro4t, NEW PUBLICATIONS. • SAMUEL HAZARD. = 38.. 794 ORSSTNUT STREET, Has the plessateof aonounalas Wide friends sad the public, that having succeeded to the business of HAZARD BROTHERS, He line made exteneive and beautiful alteration In he Store hitherto °adapted by them. The Store Wen been lengthened and more light introduced, it will now compare inyorebly with any similar eetabliahmont to the country. ARRANd.EM.RbIr OP TER SWIM, ' AND STOCK Roo boon mat% to toiombio, so touch RN tossNa, that or a LAMA" PUBLIC LIBBARYS The nooks having been arranged ltidirisions 6i:word ing to the eliarabter of their contents, and ow each division le lettered the subject, thus offering an 087 and phissaut method for persons to select at theit leisure such hooks as they may vrtah to purelmee or consult, THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED prOOK 01 BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ¢B LITE RATURE na ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDITION , ' IN EVERY STYLE OF RINDINCIS, le kept contently on band. Having connections with the venture! Publish= Houses 111 the Muted States, THE NEW BOOKS i Are rearived as tart As mimed, end THE NEW ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS Will be received 1,7 every steamer. A stook of BIBLES, PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS Is always kept on hand, veeerpeased in the VARIUTT Or TILE EDITIONS AND TEE nrcu,men Or TIM DINDINOO, At the request or Many customers, A STATIONERY DEPARTMENT, Under the charge of a special clerk, hoe boon added All the new stiles of PAPER and ENVELOPES MMUS on hand; and the latent novelties will Le received from London and hirin'. laricats, rause, con ronaroa and COMPANY sesta stanMed On Paper isithpuiextra charge. WEDDING and VISITING CARDS written, printed4sr engraved. RE.RAING TABLE, On which will be found the Daily Papers, Foreign and Literary Periodicals and Magreines, has been fitted up for the benefit of customers and their friends, and espe cially for those from nut of town, who are fresuently at a loss, white In the city, how In pass an hour. THE SOBOOL BOOKS In nee in the different Scheele can always be had, and a LIBERAL DIBCOVNT f 5 Invariably LIMO tV CLUOYMIN and TEACIIIinS. Having A BINDERY Connected with the establishment, partiottler atten ion will be poll to the Binding of Books, Music, &0., in he best and oheapeet manner. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all the ourrent Magazines, Enghoti and American TEE PRICES Will be as low as those of any house in the city, from which a libmal discount will ho made to CAI3II BUYERS, Thus offering to purchasers the advantage■ of the LARGEST ASSORTMENT LOWEST PRICES Every effort will be mane, not only to maintain, but to unman the well-known reputation of thin bowie for ELEGANT EDITIONS AND BINDINGS of TIIE BEST AUTHORS, , And to midis it ea well THE METROPOLITAN BOOK STORE AI A PLEASANT LITERARY RESORT oat-8t BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY WILL BE READY IN ABOUT TWENTY DAYS, AMERICAN REVOLUTION, From Newspapers and Original Daemon% by FRANK MOORE. w+. Agents eventeil for every county, and for Canada Apply to JOHN McFARLAN, Arm]. Hotel, 021 CHESTNUT Street. G. W. FAIRALAN, Agent for rinladelphis. elB•mthhn 13'00111 AND 8110 ES. HAZELTA & HARMER. MANUFACTURERS , "Vithi:SeirtM - 2.114Lit2S BOOTS AND SHOES. - NO. 128 NORTH THIRD STREET. A full assortrnant of CM . made Boots and Shoos con stantly on band. slO-tf B. P. 'WILLIAMS & CO.. NO.la SOUTH FOURTH STREE'r, WHOLESALE BOOT AND 8110 E WAREHOUSE.) Rave now on hand a full assortment of Eastern and Philadelphia work, to which they Invite the attention of Southern and Western Mordants. self-fm EENE, STERLING, & FRANKS, K WHOLESALE DEALERS to BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 413 ARCH STREET. Purchasers vlsitlng the airy Will please call and els mine their Monk. cult-tm J . W. MoCURHY $ HON 3ZI CHESTNUT BTRKET, (31 FLOOR.) LADIES', MISSES', AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS. Manufactured emoted, for the Retail Trade. aull-Sm FALL STOOK or BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. THOM BON a 00., 11l MARKET BTRE.L . I. Rove now on hand a lane stook of BOOTS AND SHOES EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN ANL OITY MADE. Purchasers visiting the city will please call and er amine their stook. LEVICK., BASIN. & CO., SOOT AND MOE WAREHOUSE - AND MANUF ACT ORY, No, 606 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. We have now on hand an exteneive Stook or Boots and Shoes, of all descriptions. of DUB oWN and HASTERT( Manufacture, to which we invite the attention of South ern and Western buyers. esNI-Szn JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. GEORGE WHITELEY, Importer of Brandy, Wine, &0,, i 3 SOUTH FRONT Street, offers for sale, in bond mil), STEWART'S CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAIBLFY MALT WHISKEY. 827-Sm CARRIAGES OF THE MANUFACTURE OF WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, 1000 CHESTNUT STREET. 1011 06-9 m NEW YORK SYRUP-300 bbls. assorted, / for We by JAAIEB GRAHAN & CO.. LETITIA Street. CHEESE. -320 Bnxes Herkimer-County Cheese, in *tore and for enlo by C. C. SADLER & CO. nt ARCM *treat. ononnd dnnr *born Front. GUANO--GUANO—GUANO —ln Store end for sale iii lota to putt purchasers. Farmers would do well to examine it before purchasing else where. Pnee e2O per 9,00) pounds,JOH IiacANEY, 08 -3t* WILLOW street N , below &mond. SALMON. -25 bbls. prime new No. 1 SRl mon, landlai fiom fitoara or Xonalnr torL._toll by i. TA YLUit & )22 and 124 N. WHAIIIII.B 300 BBLS, No. 1 HERRING-100 half bms. extra, Maokinaw White Fish, in Fame and Wilda ht• • WM. S. TAYLOR & UO., 122 and 114 North Vv M . o 8 .OVERING'S SYRUP, in Mids. and -11-• bbLa, et rtoduoed prioeft, for eV& /44148 & 00., TIA attest, CLOAKS AND FURS. G RAND OPENING PARIS LONDON CLOAKS. OF ELEGANT LADIES' FURS, FOR ONE WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1869 The gubsocibere beg to announce that they will hold an E.X P O S I T I O N OF THEIR IMPORTATIONS AND MANUFACTURES FOR TILE FALL AND 'WINTER SEASONS, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 10Tir, AND DURING THE WEEK, On arluch ogee/ion they will exhibit the largest COLLECTION OP ELEGANT GARMENTS EVER OPENED IN PHILADELPHIA J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. Till& PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. GRAND OPENING ELEGANT FURS LADIES' COSTUME, IN TRS FUR ROOM OF THE P ARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM THE SUBSCRIBERS Beg also to announce that, in compliance with the wishes of • 1 yelped customer", they have added o their establishment et FUR DEPARTMENT. In which will at all timer be found the lament display o well seasoned Unnnents, made up by the Net French workmen, and at PRICES which will COMMEND them to the economical es well 113 the most luxurious purchaser. EVERY GARMENT May be relied on am being exaotly whet ie represented as it is no earl of the view. of the eubeenbent to obtain an ephemeral notoriety by offering imitative manntee tures for the sake of cheap—but, on the contrary a reputation based on the permanent and durable foundation of public confidence J. W. PROCTOR & CO., IMPORTERS AND MANDY/03111RM CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, AND FURS, N O. 7 0 8 CHESTNUT STREET. PUVIoAPEUBIA WANTS. WANTED -5 TONS OF COAL. - no sacti4x9l: roe . CHINA, GLASS. QUEENSWARE, Address BOX 1987 oca mwf tf . _ WANTED--A German Designer for all 7 kinds of Wootton Clothe, A permanent and lucra tive position is offered to a German bovine tho follow- Dg qualifications, viz.:. A thorouo knowledge of the rench and EnitlAh Languages, art accurate knowledge of Woollen Manufactures as named on abroad, anti great OM end to/do in getting up new and fowl . ' I I I " of Woollen Cloths. A practical Weaver and Designer, and none other need apply, to S 4 South FRONT Street. clo-mwf-wf 35 LETITIA Street. $1 8,000 lil WANTED ON A - FIRST ortrass on Arst.-class, uneaseption nide security, without other encumbrance . Also. 8 ; 000 wanted on good security. for winch a _liberal yorsmilub will be pstg. Address • H. A. Salter," 403 LIBRARY street, for full berth:niers. 07-31 010,000 TO INVEST ON MORT GAGE. JAMES H. CASTLE, tt 115 South FIFTH Street. A YOUNG MAN WELL VERSED IN the Retail Trade, with a thorough knowledge of good,, desire, a SituNton either in II Retail,Wholesale, Jobbing,or Commaston Rouge. No objection toyoing West. Good city references can be given. Andress " Bue'nees," No. 700 Soutn Second street, Philadelphia. 01-3 t• WANTED—By a Young Man, a Situa tion in an Importing, Shipping, or Commission Houso, to learn the business. Address "A. A., 'at this office. 07-3 t. WANTED—By the Ist of November, a House with all the modern improvements. Lo cated between Vtna and Brown. and Fifth and Twljtb. Address" Box 2342," Philadelphta Post Office. 00-• t• WANTED—By a Young Man 19 years amts. a Situation in a Wholesale Store. Is In telliKeat and writs!' a fair hand. Compensation not so much an object as employment in an ,establishment where he can obtain a knowledge of Imams Best of reference given. Address," J. P.." at this office. ca-St. WANTED.—An engagement (between now and the let January) in a large and molar Dry Goods Jobbing- house,by an energetic; man having a large and valuable acquaintance; been in the trade in this city for the lam 15 years ; is thorou:hly conversant with alt the duties connected with the bus:nese, either bu; Inv or Whim: a valuable acquisition to a good house, or in aiding to establish a new one. Any c.ommunica tom addressed to ' . 9. HOWE," Philadelphia Pont Of fice. will meet prompt attention, and be held confiden. tinily, if desired. ori-wfm-3t. WANTED—A Situation as Assistant Clerk in a Wholesale house or Factory. by a young married man, who can furnish the best of testi monials as to character. Adorer's •• office of this paper. 03-ilt.• FOR SALE AND TO LET. A COUNTRY SEAT WILL EE SOLD AT PUBLIC SA ,E. the 15th inst.. at ONE o'clock, in Dreby town, Ibtrfiehl Township. Montgomery county, Pa., near lino Lexington Railroad Station. It contains 12 acres fine improved land. The improvements are all good. and nearly new. The location healthy and very desirable. For rnrther particulars, Inquire of DAVID BRDNER, oIC-st• • 118 North THIRD Street, Phila. FIST COMPLETED, AND FOR SALE CHEAP—Several of those handsome and couve vient DWELLINGS, south side of STILES btreet, be low Thirteenth. Gas, bath, hot and cold water, nice yard, and built ii the most suLetantial manner. berme easy to those wishint to provide a home. and a rare chance for inveatnient to catalust... AR O to JAMES W. PACKER. oeCt-2t. No. 124 t Girard avenue. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.—A hand enure Cottage and grounds on LOCUST Street, between Mary and William Streets, West Philadelonia. will he exchanged for a pleasant and convenient city dwelling. Lot 66 by 166 tor. back street. stable on rear. The house has all modern conveniences, and is in perfect order. Possession given numedtately. Apply to ROBERT REID_, on Premises, 08-6 t. or K W. corner RACE and JUNIPER. 811 a Box 014. 000 mM ITA IN CASH AND 81,000 IN Addres t o g i n...tiv:: c i f o r ne . d on song.ulgy. F° SALE—A medium size Fire-proof Sets Farrel Hollloe3 make. Will be sth3 at a low price. bavins no further use for it. by REIIN & EVERETT, N 0.103 North FRONT Street. 07-6t.if fie FOR SALR-1924 CIIESTNUT Street, Mal Handsome Four-story Dwelling in complete or der. Immediate possession. Threo-story Double Back ltuildines. Lot 236 feet deep to Satisom street; .= feet front; 2 Heaters; Gas in every Room; Hut and Cold Water, with MI modern improvements. Terms easy. Apply to 111mers. GUSIMEY & SON, WO WALNWT Street. of et APERSONAL CHANCE—The Storc to rent and Ftxtnree for sale. of J. H. dr S. A.I.On'S splendid Fancy G rocery Store. SEVENTH and BROWN Street& Inquire on the pre mines, or at their Tea Store, Fourth and Chestnut. of-et fig A NEAT AND UONVENIENT lot Dwelllnl to rent, No. fCt North SIXTH. Strset, Be® per annum. Apply at No ski Market street. ot.Gt ERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE —A large. handsome ui:nted Stone House, 03 feet f r ont, by W feet deep, with Kitchen beyond, awl CAPS: mots Cellar under the hullo aes. end Piazzas, which extend on three sides. Has Parlor, Dining-room. with large Cut Stone Bay Windows in each Li brary, Winter and Bummer Witches on the first floor. Ten Chambers, Bath-room, Water Closet and Conservatory on the up per floors. Store-room. Pantry, and numerous Closets. Replete with all the modern conveniences. and finished in the most substantial and tasteful manner. Hand some Balcony, front and rear, and commanding a fine View of the surrounding country - . The Lot has two fronts, WO feet on Tulpohocken street, and 108 feet on Washington street, by 378 feet in depth. The situation is one of the finest and most desirable in Germantown. and presents an opportunity rarely to be metwitli of securing a delightful residence. Apply to BOWLBY Pc CO., No. I Farquhar Building, 05 Airfin.6te Opposite the Exchange. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE —A Mare and oC STAGY B. CAMPION. Moent Molly, uurlington county. N. 3., on SATURDAY. Oot. S. at 1 o'clock. The above Mare is Jean old. sound and kind in all harness ; has trotted in pilblio 2 min. lases . lbe Colt 2 months old, and is Dronoapoed by competent hols es to b e one orp Pilms promtsms , kL:re Colts ever sired by •0. M. mr" Administrator._ pOR SALE. The Subscriber will diipose,of the entire Stook o FINE MONUMENTS. STATUARY, HED AND FOOT STONES, tc.L,. O. AT THE N MONUMENT MARBLE YARD. o. IMO ARCH Street, West of Eighteenth street el-tra Whl. HILL MOORE. FOR SALE OR RENT—A largeMt Mastic' Brick HOUSE, with all the modern im provements; hot and cold water, sae, hasten , . ho. m complete order, No. 96 Union etreet,Burlineton, , J . Apply to E. P. MIDDLETON, N. FRONT Street. or to TIMAS DUG DALE, ne2141 BURLINGTON, N. J. is AT PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, Oct. 22, 18EP, on the premiees "A Valley Perm." in Chester county. adjoining Ca!n Station. on Penn sylvania Railroad. three miles west of Downingtown. containing 125 Acres of excellent Quality of Lana. with good Buildings. and posseasing many advantages et water, roads, and other conveniences. For further par ticulars call upon !NO. E. FOX. Executor, 521-1 m• No. 11 South 'IIIIISD Street, Phila. TO LET—TO LET—TO LET—TO LET. JIL A Lane Second-story Room. Northeast corner CHESTNUT and VailTß Streets, 100 by 25 feet,satta ble for a Wholesale Boot and Shoe, or Straw business. Also, A Lane lanai-am Room, in the same build ing Also. A Large Second-story Room, 54 by S feet, S. W. corner BROAD and WALNUT. Also, A Lr rge Two-story Store, 'ln BROAD Street. above Pme,23 by 122 feat. Abell to J. H. EDWARDS, abl-m&thlm. 633 WALNUT Street. ENEW STORES TO LET.—Three large NEW Stores, on the east side of FOURTH Street. a little South of Chestnut street, are now ready for tenants. These Stores have been arranged and constructed with much care, with a view to appearance, strenxth. and convenience, havin: abundant light, and all modem improvements to adapt them to a lar..e wholesale busi ness, for which the location is peculiarly appropriate, hems within a few yards of the Custom House, and sur rounded by banks and other pubis() institutions. For terms ripply to EARL BHINN. sail-flow6t. No. 818 PINE Street. rilu RENT—The House 606 South NINTH Street; hes eleven moms, a fine yard. the usual conveniences, and is in perfect repair. l"&-wfm St• ►[W LET-A Second-story Room, cones -. nient to the Stets Hattie, sultable for m 14117001 Office. Apply Q 1 CHI Street. fpl FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.— The subscriber, in concentrating his business on Chestnut street, went of Tenth ■treet.otfent for sale, a, lib h and e larget er i n o l : l i g s r l o s u rg rii frontingaris t o o n ru t hk, a u r t Mar shall, and Master streets, amiable for almost an; large manufacturing Women. For pa Maniere l_neutro of ALFRED FITLhR, Cont• eNencer , :40.51 N . XTR Street. or to the subscriber, No. Me CHESTNUT St. sl6-1m WM. D. ROGERS. BOARDING. F IRST-CLASS LODGINGS for a Family with a private table it desired, at I= SPRUCE one door below Broad street. rt. ►TO PHYSICIANS.—An elegant OFFICE, tneether with a fine Chamber, to let to a rood ten ant. Bee been occupied by al ph) mem for Were earn. Locatio Pro s e desirable part of the city. Ad dress B. D. NV.,office. ocB-3t BOARDING—To be had, with elegant Rooms at the Southeast corner of EIGHTH and SPRUCE, No. NM ott-3t • R OAM) ANTED.—SI,2OO per year A-. for a Private Table. Parlor, and Chambers for a Gentleman and his Wife. Location South of Mar ket and North of Pine, between Eleventh and Nine teenth streets. Address "Y X.," this office. Refer anima exchanged. Communications strictly confidential. . .. . 07-3 t .. . BOARDING.—EIegant and airy Rooms, mingle end m euites t can be had with filet-eta. Board, for the Summer, Fell, and Winter, at MI6 WAL NUT Street. aue-Soi ALL -ENGLAND ELEVEN. THE GERMANTOWN PASSENGER RAILWAY CARS IV. . Ckft CAATAC'S ESTATE. Upon 'which the ()RAND CRICKET MATCH ose-It Ie to be played. THE CARS OF THE GERMANTOWN PASSEN. GER RAILWAY COM PA. -.,:s!e'Ad:rt-t NY will commence running through to Germantown on SATURDAY, October Bth. 1839, FARE To or from Germantown, or to or from the city, via Fourth or Eighth streets 12 cents, or a package of ten tickets for $l. To or from Logan 'e Run (Nmetutvn), or to or from the city, via Fourth or Eighth or a package of twelve tickets for et. Way travel to or Irom Ruing Sun, or to or (rein Germantown ........ *** Scent .. Packages of Tickets for sale wthe 'Depot& at DIA MON D Street or OF.RSIANTOWN, or at the Compa ny:, 01fice,22:3 DOGE Street. By order of the Board ofManace rs. W. M. GINGERLY, on-St Secretary. THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE. FOR HORSES!! FOR COWS!! FOR SHEEP!!! FOR P 108!! Try it once ; you will use it always • facts overcome Produdices. For Horses, it is indispensable in r.rn moti ny an sustaining all the animal functions in health and vigor. For Cows it is invaluable, increasing the quantity and improving the quality of milk. For Sheep and Pigs the effects produced in one month will exceed all 61- pectatioe. THOR I.EI, 8 FOOD FOR CATTLE has been awarded , ' a DIPLOMA by the, penne l ivanin State Agricultural Society at the hxhibit ton at Powelton, Mae. Depot. 202 DOCK Street PHILADELPHIA, fa. tplIE FIRST PREMIUM AT THE LATE -11. STATE FAIR was awarded to ALLMAN ZEHT , IDER, for the best Extra Farm!, Flour end In than Meal. all of which are formals as lamest cash p . ra4 et thetr Flour Divot, FOURTH anillWiE. o 4 AO[UNEffiEi~•r~~" WALNIIT , STREET THEATRE. THlSetre... lit. A. GAILBRIMSON. THIS /MONDAY) RVENINri Der. HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK. Hamlet. 31 r. Barry Sulhv; Claudius. Mr. Yarn; Gertrude, Mn. Duffield : Oghel an us: Mrs. Ana& COMM. THE MILLINERS' HOLIDAY. Lieut. Bowing, Mr. Basemnb. Beata or PlllCEs.—Dresit Circle, (Beare accused Intiv" out extra charge.) 50 cants; Parquet Meats sisonag.g 50 catits,l37M Beoond Tier and F 51111.4 CUCIO. OM 110 Tier. 25 cents Fnvate Boxeg, according to and woman. and ea Single Beats JD Onkel:Us and hints swixes.ls cents. Box Orrice open daily, from 10 until o'clock. when seats can be secured in advance. IVIIEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARC/f -ir E /WRT THEATRE THIS MONDAY) EVENING, Oct 10, RORY O 'hIORE. Rory O'More, Mr. Collins. To multi& with WARLOCK OP THE GLEN. Clanronald Mr. McCullough; Adele, Mrs. John Drew. Rost OW honss.—Adinission. SS mints ; Seennio mem in Dress Circle, MK °ante; Punnet, g 0 coo t s . Doors open at 7.0'0104 I nerrormance to commence at o'clock precisely. AMCERIAIi ACADEMY OF MUSIC. RAVELS AND MARTINETTI FAMILY. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, October 10. PUNCHINELLO. La Pclichinelle, Yocum America; Pea de Masao°. M'lle Maria Hennecart. Line Winds!. Moos. Mathieu. BIANCQ; OR, THE MAGIC /MORD. Bianco, Gabriel Ravel; Don Albino,_ Mathieu. Grand Evolutions on the TIGHT ROPE, by Marietta Zanfretta, Martinetti and Mastsr Paul. Pkicxs.—Parquet, Parquet Circle and littileoul,ao eta.; Family Circle and Amphitharitre.lacents. Boi Office open from IP A. M. till P.M, when Seats can be secured without extra charge. Doors open at T o'clock. Performance to commence at 7% o'clock. CONCERT HALL— LA FLTE DEB Nrtgrs. GRAND ELANGE. OF DANCING. SINGING. AND STAGE EFFECTS. TUE MARSH'S JUVE DT NILE COM - EDIANS, Who have removed from the NATIONAL THEATRE. TO THE CONCERT HALL. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS, Grand Performance for the accommodation or Children and Families. enmmencin. at 2 o ,emk. FRIDAY end SATURDAY NIGRT. The Doors trill be open at 7 o'clnck. Yerformanceto commence at 75:. ADMIsSION, cxxrs. cDONOUGIFS GAIETIES--BACS ST., "TX below THIRD. GREAT 81.1CDE88 OF T D. RICE. ORIGINAL " JIM CROW." WO. HERNANDEZ THE WONDER. EVERY VARIETY OF ENTERTAINMENT PIFORTLY BEST COMPANY IN PHILADELPHIA. /0, /3 ONO 21 MM.. THE MARTYRDOM OF HUSS is now -IL exhibiting. with other Paintings of the DIIS BEI.DORF COLLECTION. FINE ARTS. Southeast GattesT of the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Open natty. Rota 9 A. 94 961 6 P. M. and T to 10 P. M. Admitmoon 26 rents. 01-9 t AJ.NFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street. between Chestnut and Market. Open for the Season. DANFORD'S STAR TROUP& RDA larsest Company in the world. In their exoellemre ovary everibs. Every eveniene ereMa of Chariteeens Doors open at 73. Commands at d. Admission .16 cants. Chiildrea 13 amts. oc4-Im CRICKET.—THE GRA.ND INTERNA TIONAL CRICKET MATCH between the bast Eleven players or all England. end Twenty-two of th• United S tatesorill take place on the St. Oconee ?round, at the Northern terruions of the Tenth and S. eventh street Railroad. on MONDAY, WELNEriDAY. and THURSDAY, October 10, IT, and 13, aonunenctrin at XI o'clock A. M. BECK'd BAND has been cowed for the occasion. Comfortable nate will bo provided for the socommoda. Don of ladies. Stomas or ADMISSION.—Day tickets 50 cents; Selma tickets, tickets, Sl. To be had at the gate, or of the Secretary. By order of the Committee. CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, ail Walnut N. B.—Carriages will set down heads North on nth street. 03-Tt SPORTING. o lz, SUFFOLK PARK. TROTTING. THIS DAY. October 10th. $3OO PREMIUM! 8300! A GRAND 'HANDICAP EEP SWSTAKES. MILE BEAT& Three in five. between LADY TOWN, WILLIAM WHEATLEY, and SNEAK. George Nengent names Win Wheatley, to wagon. Al. Goodin names Lady Town, in harness. G. 'Whitson names Sneak. harneu or wagon. Admission Fifty Cents. N. B. The gates of the Park are open to the public, free. at all times, except premium d‘ya. JAILS R. KELLY, Presiden L. THE CELEBRATED SADDLE Horses. LANCET sad GEORGE M. PATCHE.SI. are matched to trot over tha g - I=PARK. Due :Notice wilt be masa to-mor row. lt IIOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. C. WALBORN & CO., (NOW) NOS. S AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET. hare now a very superior assortment of Shirts, 'Under clothing. Gloves, Hosiery, etc. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, or which n fine assortment is constantly kept on hand. oto-3mif HOUSEKEEPPHH, AND THOSE COMMENCING HOUSEKEEPLNG, Will find fir far the largest and mod useful stook housekeeping and useful articles m the city, comprising many new goods, just reserved from Europe. of • Wad never before for sale in Philadelphia, at the varapoise of JOHN A. MURPHEY & C 0., 922 CHESTNUT STREET, 1014 m w tf ABOVE NINTH. CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. BAILY & BROTHER. NO. 920 CRESTNIIT STREET, WELL OPEN Tii-DAY A LOT or ENGLISH TAPESTRY • CARPETS. OF NEW PATTBANS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, A-ND ENGLISH INGRAINS AT SEVENTY-FIFE CENTS. akhdelif TO MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS A.ND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 148 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to our large stook of FLOOR. TABLE. AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC. a beautiful article for shades. The largest stock of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market. at prices which defy competition. an3l-2m REMOVALS. REMOVAL. The Subscriber basics REMOVED TO 255 MARKET STREET, (The store for merly occupied by J. B. Moon & Sons,) Would call the attention of buyers to his Large nndwell• selected stock of CLOTHS, OYIRCOATINGS, CA.SSIMERES,RATINETTS, VEsTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. And all other goods adapted to Men and Boys' wear JOHN V. TERRY. oc3-lm 25.5 MARKET STREET. REMO'', AL - —MARTIN & WOLFF have Removed to No. 334 MARKET Street. South aide, below Fourth. where they offer a chows assortment of Fad and Winter Oooda. at very low prices. al3-21111 lIILLDTERY GOODS. WARBURTON. 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. 1.31:k 308 S. SECOND ST, e.r.Low SPRUCE ST. Bas just received a beautiful supply of COIFFURES, CACHEPEIONES, CROWN PIECES, AND BARBS, in real and imitation, of the newest Paris Feabions. WARBURTON. 306 SOUTH SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST. 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. oc7-tf-if MRS. M. A. KINtl- will open Winter Mil iv A. liner/ on THURSDAY. Octobor 13th. at N0..27 B. SECOND Street, above Chestnut. oca-et. $50,000 TO LOAN, IN BOMB TO SUIT APPLICANTS. upon 'Diamond', Watches, Jewelry, Ones, bier ohandise, Clothing, &0., on moderate terms, by JONES Jr CO. Brokers, northwest ooruer of THIRD and GAS KILL streets , below Lombard. Established for the las- Seyears. Office hours from A. M. to 7P. 111 Beoond-hand Gold and Purer Watches, b 7 eminiep makersorarranted genuine, for sable bean, ma th* orie mat one_ sucks... EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCHZISKER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. NI. gives his exclasive attention to the medical and surgical treatmeqt or the E l E and EAR. DE FN553 of the {mutest standing removed both hl• totdical and surf:cal orlon% on th ased :olateatigvie;:egbio riP3sc'gifeatileDiacedi.cal wish to eritueas Its method of operating for thereloval of Deafness, or any operation one) e iz11 3 110... E 4 tED (11 ( Strii7 loath NlNtnteer. slam SPRUCE. inn from 9 A. IR. to I PAL, and from 4 to 5 P.. . SAMUE L CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase and Sale of Real Estate, Nd M h a e W LNUnT o ßens m ENTON LEMONS.-250 boxes Menton, 7 Lemomitoymituitairriaratbr4
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