..I~t :. '~+2sSsf`y.i7-: ~a%.., .«,x'!^ -.asc.. ~~.ir.: ~rt~.•~ ~,#. , Bev. A. W.fltaifinAmstor of the tiptise church- , at Danversport,Mess., has became immne. , R:,l7AMith; a piinter; . forinerly of Dover Del.j), has been ordained s Mlnister In the Protes tant Enlace - Pei Cburob. •-• • Governor , Bitolle, of Meas., left, for, Detroit last ,M on day, where hawill deliver all agricultural ad dress on ThaisiAair MO may possibly Nisit Chicago, - A *Um.intim Washington . Stales accuses Dr. .L.Browne,.the agricultural , editor 'of 'the Patent Ofilce reports, with wholesale plagiarism in his ag rieultoral essays, and lipparently proves the charge.- Marshall Renshaw, principal of bummer, Aoademy, Byfield, Mass., has accented the op;. "allotment of. , Professor of Mathematics and Nato. rat Philosophy in Bitters College, N. J., and Will enter upon hie &alai in the doursenf twoor three weeks,. • „ Iton. Joshua It. Giddings Is still unwell in. Ver- Pont The beautifid .iinat Of Marne, modelled by King, of Boston, hits hien ant in marble by him for tho Burns Club of Cinoinnati, and forwarded to that 'Khe.Governor of New York has appointed the 24th of November next as a day of thanksgiving it that State. ' Prof. L. EL Chatfield-leetured before the Bin de• partment of the New York University laitMonday evening. The engagement of 'Miss Matilda heron, et the /toward Athenrenm, has been extended, in 6,onse qtreeof the great igueess of Mrs. Bateman's tan; ply "Geraldine," another fortnight. , 'Marc is a printer in ,IJ,ticia, Now York, who has *it finished walking ' six - hundred miles before .britalt,fast , Kb commenced, 17th April last, and has walked every morning, before breakfast; from two to 'ten lino, the average being four miles per day, twenty•ftve minim per week, at the least calm'. latton.r, Be has gained both flesh and strength since he began. Mr. John C. Rives has returned to Washington from Kentucky, and reports that Mr. Casey, of the United States -Treasury, is improving in. health:. .„ The Portland (Maine) 'Transcript states that ilia - fine: poem', in' the -Atlantic. Monthly for Otto bar, entitle& I. The Artist,Prisoner," attributed to John G. Whittier, was written by PauPAkers, the 'distinguished sculptor of Portland. Father, Taylor, for the first time Since his pro -treated illness, preached last 'Sunday afternoon at , the Bethel Church, Boston. Henry Ward Beecher inaugurated the lecture simian), last Monday evening in Providence, It. 1., by an address before the Young Men's Christian Union. . • Mr. Butler, the author of Nothing to Wear," la said to have written a story, more or less of the 'French school, which is about to bo published in -New York: • - • GENERAL 1 Tae WINANS STEAIISR.- , T1113 ! !inta noon the original' design of the Winans Steamer have boon completed, and Wo learn that -- it tithe intention of- her builders; geisitt hoes k Violent! ?Winans, to - Make the long-contemplated trial trip outside of her satire waters. Norfolk • will be,the first destination of the vessel, and she , will„ probably ,start for that port to•dav Or to -Morrow- The visit of the vessel to New York and other ports will be governed by •oircumstanceil • Tt, has been Suggested- to her builders and owners „„,,to-take the nondeseript vessel.to Portland. no., - on Abe arrival of Great Eastern there. That port would, in the event of such a determination, he the receptacle of two of the greatest wonders of the ma rine world. 'This 'original length . of the Winans' steamer was 185 feet, but it being demonstrated by Ccequent trials theta greater length insured an in , tweeso, of speed; several additions have been made, - andlhe length of the vessel now is 235'feet from point to point., ,The-vessel is now coaling prepare-, tory,to her voyfige,,witli 200 tons of the best Cum berland cont.—Balfteioti Sun,Vel: 4. , . THE Isfasvonotr AGAIST.—A few days 'since, while's, gang of Teen wore at work digging-marl in Ellenvillo, Ulster -county, New,Yorkytheystriesk upon an immense tusk-of a mastodon, witio4 When removed and measured proved - to be eleven feat in length' and - twenty-four inches in eircumferenebut the largest end. A portion of bone supposed to be. apart of a small rib was also found, and appeared to be about five foot long. The owner of the land where these remains were exhumed is still exca vating to Obtain the remainder of the skeleton, and is sanguine of success. A skeleton of an animal of The mune ,asriparett , epecies' was exhumed Oak a ~ year since from the same location, and was e'onvey - - ed toisurope and exhibited, and subsequently dis posed of for $3,000. , - - PAINTIV3 lIVIVIISP.—The Ca tholic church on Toronty'e Rocks, itor.bnry,'lttess:. undergoing-renovationo and enlargement, and 'one day last week a painting of the " Commit from the Cross," valued at, $500,' was taken from' ite pa titian. andlaid upon the tops of the pews. Bud 'decay' the *hide- ceiling ;gave wiy..tearink doyen' 'Oat gas fi xtures and chandeliers, and covering the piernve with plotter, so as to greedy injureiit. ittronrror, itertnun is reported! from. Cleveland„Oni e , Doveri, town "-thin, inspecting an illielt=intfmiey between hie wife and a' boarder. ebarpenter by trade, murdered the latter as he elept In bed. using an axe 'rut the instrument of destructionl ,then Initialed that Ids wife should help him to removelhi bleeding corpse from 'the house, -:which be laid besides a fence. I AT jhe_St."Lotis Fldr,a Min named Sass accepted a banter to iliat ,with fists, and passed foe that Mit (if 'eight of his frierids,, but al most intitantlyalcrearoed, and tunnies across the road fell dead, when it was_found he bad been stabbed by a three-cornered dirk which entered 'therneole and passed downward six inches. The murderer escs - ped. I Ttin 'Austrian expeditiOn tironrikthe:globe, at ti'e head of which was Dr. Scherzer, Is at length eompieted. The Novara, with all the scien tific collections en board, bbs safely arrived at Trieste, and the Austrian Gove rn ment wll seen publish - the remilbt.Of thietinportant eirouftmarl. gallon. Several savant took part in the expedi tion, NATHAN SARGENT, of ChatietlONll, Mass,, claims as a new article Of manufacture, •fi A Pa noramic Table-top," which consists of a table having suitable mechanism attached., to eshibit a long canvas, by - passing it over its top, thus changing two appearance of the top, or table cover, without thanging the cloth 44a". „ i = A wErsnimi raniv 'came otrat: the ' Manley , Howe, Bridgeport, Mass., on. Thursday last,' the a high contracting' parties" being W. G. IValler, Esq., -of - ,Baton Rouge, La., and Miss harslet, daughter. "of 'Dr. D. T. Edwards, 0.8. N. Com. Paulding, 'Capt.-:A. AL, Pohelli of California, and other'ilignitaries; were present. j A PEOULI:4-11 'BEO,UEST.—A citizen (Alone of the pleasant towns in Middlesex county, Mixt, has bequeathed the sum of $5OO to the silent poor of the viliage. `L 4 DOTJRTS.! YERTRUDAY'I titoostsols,oi. (Reported for TliciPreaLV OMB:We SGSEllege—Judge Lndlow.—The first and only business disposed of inthis court yesterdaY mornior s xs o fe i tegg e n tr b t , .lleAu o s i nt r y o of the h little Fill, 'nee of ATr i , t rAy is French, of Jersey, D t tlfdril t radin The Press of Monday.- It appears that the child in question. was really beautifuhand Intelligent hecond her years, woe loft in extreme poverty and distress by the death of her MothElr cal kixtuk eV , smog+. It wits' the dying 'Wien pi the parent th at the'litmily of-Mr. Frenali would provnie.for her,dausliter, and accordingly they took her to thew home. where she was kindly. cored for, sent to School. Comforlablrelioi and fed. while the only - duly impaled upon her wne the care of sortie younger children., She remained with-Mr. French for about eight monitor, when her gilder managed to abduct her to this city, Where she has since remained with a Mr. John Thomas in l'eatl street. who now restate We Opphientlon of Mr. French for the custody of the child. Judge Ludlow, in pronouncing upon the merits of the ease.saidtlutt it this was .a.question concerning the right of nu incorporate institution for ;font:Mien child • ten to bind appentinite out of the turistliction,ol thecourt, court, it would lie a legitimate eultect for run investi gation. , That, however, wile not IT) inane. The: weight of the evidence had satisfied him beyond a 8 doubt that the girl Maximal hod been eurreptitiously abducted. and this feet, under g decision of the hupreme Court of the-State, made it linperative upon him to order the return of the girl to the family of Mr. Prenelo If the Meter wag satisfied that she wee not properly: treated. her remedy was in the Conde of riewJersey, womb are opened to the protection of the oppremnid against the ohnretwor. The little thing, when operated of the de- Melon of the Judge, began weeping, 'end seemed very sorry at the idea of %ding • !Stag. Our ow ri impres sion is, that aloe has been hadlyedvised. end that with the faintly or Mr. rfetich there wilt be mote opportunity of mental and moral culture, than could Cnasild O , /to id rded with a persona. i limited gleans n Penni street. The tileitterto H Jtid_go Ludlow. alluded, relative to the right - in the Union omo to bind children as a ventwea out of the Mote. le now in issue helot° Jody, end, of the Supreme Court, in the Celle of Mgry Ann apneas, e girl From that institution, who was sent to DeloWarti, liftthelit the. knowledge Or consent of her mot ter. Otnn Atria Tnitionzn—Judges Thompson and flolton was put upon his trial charged with murder in killing Charles Ke en, on th e fieth of July. 11, by stabbing him with pair Of A nate on the left side of the chest. This defendant in t he elan whet 'tubbed a number of persons, at. the corner of Fourth and - Race streets. in the bitter part of the month ofJuly lest. lie stabbed Mr. Keen and other. persons, without any iro vocation whatever, with a pair of shears. ‘.llO ante, not if he was inime, and was loudly Arrested by police officer and locked up in the station-house. , Coroner Fenner.waa the first antneen called. and trial , fied—l held an inquest belowh.l:p body of the deceased. at 81 Bt. john street, Brown ; deceased op. peered to be dont tf, yearn of age; 1 saw a wound on hi left breast. ' - Dr:ft. Y. Brown, physician to the coroner, was called es e wttnese, and testified—l nimbi a pest.morlew axe rebuilt on on the body of-Charles Keen, t at his vet:plen t y, t i t t t .tfa l e 3 ,!/ the tiiTupe. Pper part of the fi ft h yih, mid about ' an inch and a half rom the ;tipple; the wound had closed when I saw it, end the len lan g was nearly destroyed from Inhumane. thin; ,the heart was; injured; the - wound, I should ledge, was About two inches deep; the cam:sof Charles Keen s death' was inflammation from the wound have _ described; beard that the encased was et the Imam tal from the time of the stab iing until lie died. ._ Cross-examined—The Wound 1 , 711.. one 111 t. I should - suppose would cause death , Wi thout rega rdto medical , treatment. • - - Charles Walton testified —I was et the comer of Fourth and Race streets at time of stabbing; I saw the defen dant there LI also saw Charles Keen there ; the first in formation f had of the affair wits, young Sluientaker cameeatt° the t manstore, s c ailmg to his father and i 17: meat the defendant Burma into the Wire, Withinpair of shears in his hand; lit stayed at the door 'atout. second, and then turned mem • he then Went out to _ wards tae - earner and met Mr. Keen; he e s w ind Mr. Kebn, while at the corner, several times with the ,cheere• he made very violent. ; Keen was Standing at the cornet when: lie was stabbed ; after etableng Keen lie , ran down Fourth, street, lon the weal intle V Mr. i'iggot ran over to catch him-'when the defendant stabbed Mr. Naga in the arm ; the defen , dent then turned. beak to Bate Ktreet, and came into otirietare, at Fourth end lingo streets ; whoa qua was coming 1 jerk Into the baok part of the !tone, and did 'not tee him ennui iin ; am employed at Bhoeninker's drug store, at ,the corner of Fourth and Rate atreels Mr. Keen after, he was Stalitmd, -milked around he pavement' two' or' three 'dream' calling for help ; he walked to the door of_ the attire walked - out on the pavement. - find in coming !wok feji Corona the sill of • the door; thenlinmediately Can fora doctor ; when rcatue back .1 toned' the attire that up, and _filled with persons ; .Mr. _Keen, Mr. Plaint, and the driver of an mes . e art were there; I dld _not. nee the wound upon Mr. He Retard witnesses ware called and teat fled jo, the name s t a te or &eta wore-given- b ttho above kt'ittters, after thintrthe P4Seefition PACat e t i 'helihrenu re wieoli Wag reP.V9gOlt ItY V. Cat., y and , Mr,X - eYser, oohed a tar& number 9 Witnesses - •'.r o ltroY ., , n ehal , tllo.ilOrtindailtwas and is totally- insane, was tins testimony, that 'evenliiittiel i gtrerc i irtAltriet Worn& Longhand, the ease woe kolunt ttod to the Ju ry by Mr, utoolidy with 'out it single word: The Jun rendered; verdipt of not gailtYinit thelftwend of insan ity, without leaving the bon., • - , - Constol4 l " , ,Pittag.i-Judghs' ThoMpkort and tbo Ridge Turnpike Contemn*. 'C'Ortiorarl ACAlitefetFllei,EyFreeitum to remove unfit ei the ft at •Atiadobbkrod the turntokit for travel ; Judge Ail son delivered the opinion of the enert—that the proceedings were fryrigular, and must be gnashed. - The abort decided that the abstractions were Authorized by law. and tanned no canon of complaint against the - turnpike Company. it woe sot a wow 01 *llea On thei part; on the contrarily it Was not in their power td prer vetitthe passenger railway company from laying their track; nor could the centenary work in laying the name be tiny ground to punish the turnpike company by &- privy% them of toll. Exceptions sustained and pro °ceilings quashed. 'IN TN'S :U. CIRCUIT CORRY, Judge Grier, yes ' Wedgy morning, the elm ofJoseph Battin vs. the Le high coal and Navgation Company was proceeded with. This 14 an action for damages for an altered violation of the Patent coalbteaker oflaintiff. The case of the elalnttff was opened by Mr. Rawls. who stated that Mr. 'Battin obtatned a patent for his coal-breaker in 1843, ana Horn that time untit'lBs6 he was compelled to legally combat primes for nn infringement of lice patent. He obtained verdicts in seven exerts in 1850, when hie patent, gmnted for a period of fourteen y ears, had but about six months to run. lie then went before the Commigsloner of Patents and asked an extension, winch was resisted by coal operators, but not successfully. An extension tor seven years was (Maimed. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. did not use the Bailin break er, but one which he claims to be his in all essential particulars. The questton to be determined la—is it an. infringement of. the patent ? When the former effete were tried ten days were ebnsumed in the trial, and it to probable that a week will be consumed in this. Among the former counsel for Mr. Battin were Hon. Gon. M. Dallas and Jade° Cadwatader. He is now represented hlr. Rawle and r Wm. A i . n .Porter. p Esa.; the Lehigh &ter!'y Shep p ar d, and counseliu the once. he does not sit with Judea Grier. On trial. - DISTRICT Cotin2-4lldfgellare.--Judge It. Peck, to the use of A. C. Ilicook, ye. Jacob Crawford. A Beim facies nor mortgage. Verdict for the plaintilf for $27 1 .28. Joseph Cox TM Isabella T. Jones, tuhninistratrix of Richard D. Jones, Jr.. deceased. An action on a pro missory note. , , NO defence, Verdict for the Plmntiff for $291.60. Adjourned. DISTRICT COURT-- . Judge Shorewood.—J. it J. Itt • Hockaday vs. B. Keegs & Kirbey. Action on a &alt. Verdict led the plaintiff for $l7lO. James 11. Freeman vs. H. & D. Killion. An action to recover the difference in the price of a horse. The facts of the ease are these The plaintiff bought a horse which the defendant warranted to be sound, and alter using him for some tune he discovered that lie was unsoun He notified the defendant to refund the money and take him away. The defendant did not comply. lhlr, Free man then sent him to auction to be sold. This action now is to recover the difference between the price paid for the horse and the amount received at auction. Jury out. John Deveney vs. Arthur Hagan. An action on, a promissory note. No defence. Verdict for the plaintiff f0rA222.93. Now that the election is rapidly, approaching, the pro bable reedit enters quite to into the conversation indulged in by members of the bar, in the court-rooms, preperatory to the commencement of judicial proceed ings. Si, far as we can team the precutting opinion among the attorneys in reference to the enerossing subject, it seems tobe nlmost ,generelly oonceded flint the successful oanditinte for District Attorney will either he Horn . It. Kettles or William B. Mann, and thnt it depends altogether on which of these gentlemen secures the greatest number of votes. Our legal opinion is something like that shadowed in lingoes Horoscope— an involunble reference—that the winning candidate " shall and must" bo elected. Our young friend William ',exiles, Jr., has removed his law office to No. 224 South Sixth street. The trial of John Sweeney, a young !nen Who is charged with the murder of Richard Parke, in the northern section of the city, some months sinee, has been fixed for to-day, in the Court of Oyer and Ter miner. The circumstances of this case are very pe culiar, many' believing that the wife of the deceased took the life of, her husband, being actuated by jealousy. Since the hommide, Mrs. Parks has died. The prisoner stronghr protests Ins innocence, although the deceased, on his death-bed, charged him with having inflicted the stab which caused his death. Daniel Dougherty, Est., Vilm a "lirritrill counse l gml for the e ac eZtt c elebrated male, wee convicted, about two year. since, for keeping a . panel house in Green's court, where strangers were nightly fleeced of watches and money by " the indignant hus band," who made his appearance through the venal, wilt shottly tie released from the Eastern Penitentiary, her time Just being about to (=Mfg. Het comrade. Frank Wooster, confidence man, the ' indignant husband,' and swindler generally, has three mere years to serve. ;Virginia was an intelligent woman,end of prepossessing nianners. Her hither was a clergy men in the State of New York. The arrest of these dangerous characters was effected through a well. planned and skilful detective operation on the part of Mr. Adam Trona, of the detective police attnehed to the of of Recorder Emu. IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for The PresAl RlCHMOND—Steamship City of Itichmond. Mitchell —ll2 bag 20 og tobacco Dohan & Taitt,___• 21 bag do Motz A -Boehm; 13 do Moroer & Antelo; 19 do Wardle & Steven son;lo do F 111 itettew; IWdoThas Webster. Jr; 42 bales "domestics Tredick, Stokes*. Co; 92 do WC11111.4, Coffin & Co; 80 Nags seed . (hove & Bro; 46 bolos raga 3 fable brandy to othorg. THO • PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. S. ~ JOHN SPARHAWKpi COMBIITTES OP TIM MOATS. SAML. J. REEVES. LETTER EARS „ . AT THIS AISTCSASTA' EXCHANGE. PRILADTLPSIA. Ship Bather, Leslie.. de Janeiro, anon Ship Baranak, ... .. Liverpool, soon Bark C Pay, Hustles,. •••• • • ......Rio do Janeiro, soon Ltsrk Power ........Pernambuco, soon Bark Island Walle,Jefrrep— London, soon Bark Penny, • ...Cardenas and Sanaa, noon ,Brig Ashby. Thomas York au Hirai n Brig Iris, Pierce ..........., 5enna grand°, soon Behr W Borings, •Bavana, WWI MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 5, 1859. SUN RFSIIi 6 161 SUN SETS -...-. 14 ARRTVEV. Steatnehip City of Richmond, Mitchell, from ItiOh . mond, via or m home, with Mee and pauSengers to Thor Webster, Jr. Steamship Kensington, Baker 48 hours from Boston, with eider, and passengers to it Winsor Ron. CM Brandywine raw a bark at anchor; understood her nam e to be Panama; a berm brig below Reedy Island; a bark, supposed to be the Reindeer:from Rio de Janeiro, and a berm brig, above fleetly Island. Brig Lucy Ann, WARS, gdays from Boston, in ballast to E A ponder & Co. • Br brig Malt, Dodge," day from Wilmington, Del, in ballast to B Bithr Mann° ia, Camel!, II days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell Jr Collins. Behr Three Sisters. Keen, 84 days from Richmond, Xa, with bran to Olt Cummings. Sohr Lan..st, Bayard, 1 day from Christiana, Del, with grillat to Ctomitian & Cllllllll. CLEARED. 1 3l 0 AlTiAin OtY NI inniaTowes, Iloatreb4l Winsor Steamship relmaylvxma;Tab ilipnmon (1,111 ea Wel. 4 8eli j r r6 roadfielit Flan, _Poston, D Cooper. Behr Reglena,Bmith E lloaton, L Rothe/mei & Co. Seta Wm Kennedy, uncial'', Alexandria, do Bohr E R Cogamaell, Salton, Savannah, do ir (Cotreepondanott or The Press. I amok:, Oct 4 1&6O. There are no bottle froththe kriask yap The Only one in' tole morning woo the ft . 1 4aCipp*.l1glIt.!Q liumphreye, Itotftnan & Wnal!. (Correspondence erne Prem.) , IkE4PINIa. Opt. 8,180. The following boats from the tiniorLOonal passed Into the sane ion Canal to-nay, bound to ra mien Ueo and consigned as 'allows: P Pringle limber to John Craig; John A 'Lemon, bituminous cord to H N Burroughs; Pocahontas and Mary, iron ore to E & G Brook; Tradesman, do to Eel,- art & Co; Col Eli filler, lumber M Trump & Son; Pennington & Ray mond , do to Jos Henry; Major J Zoo merman, dopa Snail Bolton & Co; Francis Marion, do to Win II bippinpott; Holden Cale, bituminous chid to H A & WBenisrpi _ „ igr,Annalnt TR in#gftgFP• ees, 4. The ship Castilian from Callao, aid bark' Theresn,'lm Bremen, arrived in tinpton Ronda yesterday. Bailed home, ship °fn. Wave, for Aierr Yolk. isteaneatiipr d i Spragee, sitiAtieWS,llsaan,4llive4 jairofl Ist Bark - hjary n,Niehertnie,Seileg from s oeten34 inst. for rho ohm, Dark White Wing, Ealinagrom Lag i taYfla nth !lib for Philadelphia, was passed inst. hit long Rtricgir, for Rio randy, sat ell iron[ itip Janeiro An: R. . Brig walla. / Dram) llabliert, was, loading at Hotter 'dain)3th ult. for Philadelphia. Brig Emplye,Crowell, hence, arrived at Boston 3d inst. Behr P. Weston, Msloy, hence at Wilmington, Del, 3d inst. for repairs. Rehr Lanny, hence, arrived at 4lisgandrin ad inst. Selirs Modern, Bartlett, Cliarlottiniluiv, Shaw, Clara, Crowell, Elliott, Weaver, Mary Miner, LaVesdienpri t and relpy, owlcr, front Delaware City, a Boston ins[. Behr loner, garrinntoni hones, arrived at Portland 147 t inutron,Thurto, henee;arylvdd at ritrivintryport 11 :3Pil t :Ladyfirtrolk, Baker, cleared at Boston 34 inst. for Philadeip 4. Splire Owens, Carman. and RS Miller, Oilford, hence, ara tr edAttSaleinist nat, Porter, luilson, beano, arrived at Danvers ad inst. , . . .Bohm laukskatep, Richardson, and tf Johtuon, Wok wFid. cleared at Salem Stith ult. for Philadelphia. aw &I hr Transport sailed front New /ln inst. ter P iladelphia. Schr James E Prioe,Burton t hence. arrived at BOLi more Sd Inst. Spirts Tnuroph, Mary 4alex, Leeshnit ri,Luoy Amine_ Whim, at MR, tiouluirson. Ji ' ay, dnepherd, J Etlicook,honce, and A Crem all, Pitch (ruin Demware UV, at Boston Ist inst. Bahia .11 coma, Ludlam. Tolegiaph, Allokeropp, W p Dennis, Wheaton, Theresa C. tourt, Henn. Payson. Eldndge, and Rphralin & Ante, Dole, hence, arrived at Boston ed inst. Rohr Aid, Bunker, cleared at Lost , m let inst. for phi. ladelphin. Bohr Lewis Clark, &may, bowie, airived nt Newport lot inst. Befit Jneob & Willttun, Matthews, hence, arrived at Portsmouth Seth ult. Sohra H B T TlMuipson, Barnes, and George 11 Smith. Mills, y k T Cramer, Huntley, and Casper nett, bbne, do for IMwtuoket, at Providence Ist inst. Sara Chu Carroll, Pratt_. Henedlet, Coldsmith, and Arletta, Robinson, 'Mind :rum Providence let inst. for Philadelphia. _ Sohn Shenandoah, Hewitt, Win Con. How*, and Pero Bodnar, Handy, sailed from Providence 241 lent. for Philadelphia. Schr W Saulsbury, Hudson, hence, arrived at 8410111 ]stint. Itchy James It Mitchell, Morris, hence, arrived at Taunton ht inst. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. The Subscriber haring REMOV - ED TO 55 MARKET STREET, (Tlio store formerly ocdupied by J. B. Ellison & Honed Would *all the attention of buyers to his huge end well selected stock of - CLOTHS, 0 VEIICOATINGS, CABER:BERES, BATINETTS. VESTINGS, TA MOSS' TRIMMINGS. And another goods adapted to Men and Boys' wear JOHN V. TERRY. 255 MARKET STREET. TAYLOR, GILLESPIE & CO., HAVE BEHOVED TO TUB UNION STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, No. 337 ST. JOHN STREET No. 119 SOUTH FRONT STREET iio-mwnotir REMOVAL.—MARTIN & WOLFF have Removed to No. 331 MA RKBT Street, South side, below Fourth, where they offer n choke Assortment of Rad and Winter Geode. at very low MUIR. 113-Em CIGARS, TOBACCO, &o. A . MERINO. ' 140 SOUTII FRONT STREST, Has in More and bond, and Offers for Bale, a Large Assortment of _ Reeeived direct from Havana, of oholoe and favorite Breeds. aue-1f GEORGE Will TEL EY, N 0.133 /Math FRONT Street, importer of 13randy. Wines, kn., offers for sale, in bond only, the following, among other standard brands of btandy Pinet, Castilian, & Co., TWO/inert & Co.. Jules, Robin, & Co., Chard, & Co.. A. Beignette, Merett, ' Cameos,- C. Dupont & Co., Union Proprietors, J & F. Martelle, bur. Hennessy. Also, Stuart's Paisley Malt Whiskey, and the choicest varmties of Madeira sherry. Port. Burgundy. and Rhine Wines, Palm Tref, Um. Jamaica Rum. Ha ta Cruz Rum, Bordeaux Oil, &0.. &e. a27-11y lIIOICORY AN!) SPRING MOUNTAIN LERIOII COAL,,pre,pared with ears, for sale on Lest terms. Apply at KNOWLEEI'S Depot, NINTH and WILLOW streets. s22.tf HAVANA large and hand daleeelrinretrlt of tho moat T llebrated brands, now oaRTIOtCITA ILEA TETE, • , 1 - 311 W A I.NII'V Rtrest, IIONEY - . —2O tiercesprime Cuban Honey, of very superior quality. in store anti for sale low. by CHA IMES TETM, aif-3 1 3 . /.90 WALNUT Street. 'Jr ' ELPIIIA IIitEDNSDAY _IIE P S.-- AD „ OCTOBER 1859. NEW PUBLICATIONS. A GREAT AND GOOD BOOK. JUST PUBLISHED: THE 'PURITANS; on, TOE CAURCII, COVET, AND PARLIAMENT EP ENGLAND DURING T AE REIGN/ OF EDWARD SIXTII 'AND &MARRED. BY SAMUEL 110PKIDiS Royal Bvo . . Tim Puritans have at last found a historian adequate for his work. Mr. Hopkins unites thoroughness of re search to a style of singular fascination; and his dra matic narrative and life-like portraitureti of the preach ers, courtiers, and popular leaders of one of the most stirring periods of English history will secure a simili tude of admiring readers. The kook has all the charm of it romanee,,while developing with great clearness and force the origin and growth of Puritanism. It will be a most valuable as it is a needed, addition to the history of the Brent Puritan movement in Eng land, which is so vitally connected with the religious and civil history of our own country. No work on this subject brings out so faithlully the causae and bearinga of these great events; and they are depleted in such lucid and graphic order as to interest readers of all classes."--1111NRY B. fimixn, D. D., Union Theol. Seminary, N. Y. " In my judgment the work possessor' all the qualities reduisite to tenure, if published, a wide circulation and, when completed, will furnish, I doubt not, the most vivid and valuable representation of the early Puritans in our language."—ALvait Boyar. D. D., Newton Theol. Seminary. Mr. lloplans has brought to his work the spirit of limit eoPreciation,of candor, and of conscientiousness. Ile has beenpatient of that laborious research and keen scrutiny of popular views and accepted relations which alone can discover and rectify any current errors. As hie work is one of the fruits made possible for us by the zeal with which annals of times past have been re corded in various places, so its faithful digestion of all existing materials will largely help to the writing of General History for the time to conic. I can speak most heartily of the work, and commend tt earnestly to public patronage. GEonas E. Egtis, D. D. GOULD h LINCOLN, 59 WASHINGTON St.. Boston HENRY, WARD BEECIIER'S SERMONS, PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INDEPENDENT. In addition to the interesting matter contained in every successive number of The Independent, the pub lisher is happy to announee that the Sunday Morning Sermons of Rev. HENRY WARD BERNIER will appear exclusively in its columns every week. They aro the only reports given to the press which receive revi sion from the Author's own band. Among other special contributors see the following well-known writers : Mrs. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, Rev. GEO. B. CHEEVER, and 'JOHN O. WHITTIER. a-•TWO DOLLARS a year, payable in advance Ai", eae JOSEPH . 11. RICIIABDS, PUBLISHER, Nn. 5 BEEKMAN Street, New York FOR BALE BY ALL NEWS AMTS. en.wthlirt DIRK AND Ms FRIEND EMUS. THIS DAY PUBLISHED. DICK AND HIS FRIEND FIDUS. By Catharine D. Trowbridge. author of Edward Chubut,' Ac., with illustrationa. IBmo. 4.sgente.. , . I hear somo)oung reader of tine little story exclaim: " What a lucky fellow that Atek way! How I wish I Moline!: a friend WI Enloe to whisper in tny ear what ought to do to become good and happy I" Thu have such a friend; you know him well, but you have always known a gbbyy another.B. a na r e im , RED MARTIEN, 01 No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. ROAN'S LIBRARIES.—Just Received, a complete amendment of Bohn's Standard, Scien- Laic, Pictorial. Antiquarian. and Classical Libraries, compriming over 300 volumes of the best authors, uni form in size and style. Having made nrrangeMents for a constant seemlyof the above beautiful and well-known editions of standard works. purchasers will always find die different volumes in stook. Any volume mold aegaratolg. J. RABIN, ikokmeller and lmporter, oLst No. South SIXTH St., below Chestnut, COUNTRY ADVERTISING.—TILE4IIkIE RICAN RERUBLICAN and OHESTIM odVIVTV DEMOCRAT, established in 1819, and published tit West Chester, Pa, sungented to the 111 ercltants and lousi ness men of Philadelphia, an a first-ctane medium for advertining. In the county of Chester, where it mainly circulates, there are four radronds terminal, gnt Phila delphia, and these roads annually carry to that oily hun dreds n yd y llo s imands of persons, all of whom go the ro to inrie w Ar i ze g az , wiled. QEI, W. iTARPE , vrovrietra. ILD BOORS=4AD BOOKS. -OLD BOOKS O The undersigned states that he has frequently for sale books printed between the yeirs ICU and lap; early editions of the Fathers of the Ha miners and of the Yu man Divines; in Law, Araeton, y ttleton, Pudynddrff Grot ins, Dowat, Coke, hale, tbe %ear Rooks, Reports ho., are often to be found onion helves ; Crelopedous Lexicons, Classio ?Latham, History, Poetry, philosophy, Science, Political Economy. Government, Archiloolure, Natural history. Treattseautontlieee and other kindred fuhjocta are !ming continually dealt in by him. 'looks, in large and email quantities, ppretiasest at the Custom house atlinge Aookstall, OithATNAT Street, above Fourth, Phdadelstua. mvPI-am JOHN CAMPIIRI.L. LEGAL NOTICES. IN TIIE ORPITAtIS':POIJRT FOR TILE CITY AND COUNTY Or 1110 , U.' I. Estate of CAROLINE B."1110AIVIRM, De 4lt y LPH oeeeed. the Auditor appointed by the Court to audit kettle, and Adjust the fteeouut of LEWIS C. _CASSIDY, Ad toltuntrator of the nitrite of CAROLINE D. THUMP- It tleceard. r nd to c uotk:rtrallitota t the , bat,ppe' Ppo p wrOFE t :thtir l itl 44 45 1 13trOet. In tile • 1 . 9 ' ' asp-wtrin- t 'l'. ENNESEIV Additor. I .. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIII , AEELTHIA. Dante of WILLIAM A. AllAlt4lllA L,Decreed. The Auditor Appointed by the Lunn to Audit nettle, n and adjust the final account of WILLIAM R. EJLE, Acting Executor of the will or WILLIAM A. MA R• Mg i n d lre 4 ring:iiiii i i i itli'd make ti7,b4Wringt thee parties interested Inc the purposes a W e appointment, on ISlONDAYt w Ooloberl7th it !m? , ot p , , ho .lock P k 9 *AI I III I I gi;eef; 41 . 4 , tit t jta L C l Nl t ilei hi ' ' 43 fr n ISt 4 is a. - ier I N THE ORPHANS' CM O- FOR TILE CITY AND COINTY OF PIET LATIELMJA. ihr rugt W r i t l ikp r otn b t l ea " b; i,i tt l e t t i f4 t r i tt artl, Vile. it il ie tu t t i n d n4lo nil . accou nt ,1. of illt ß A L inj ,„ ..Nita f i l:%il,,.-api l titii(l7,4 l kl. l 66..flypoiprzu:ilp twpfys,titoßy.q2v i roto!Titeeva.-, . .I, h „ ig; •hi j 80 ril;R e city of Pinta e pht. J. • rn IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Fact, THE CITY AND COUNTY OF I'HILADEL MITA. NAT YA. OAIIFF. b her next friend. Ali., 51, RO TOW? IyAUFF, September 1,1858, No. 45. ' StAr—rreasewcp Dorm that tliCourt nave stunted a rule on the r , siipbodeA lirlrfire/ .id Goff, in pie nhovo cern, to show cause why adi yore 'Metall, d'intrimo nit should not be decreed between the chore part leku returnable the Bth day' of October, A. N., 18,W, nt 10 o'clock A. M. Service of the said rule hoe failed op 44(4np or the absence of the said respondent. , 116 yr TopeptlMlL. s. T. VAN 8 41.vr, Att'y for labetkint. To Mr. Roasur IY. GAI:VE, Respondent. se2S-wf-lit TN Tiig COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE alTy 4 IWp gPInITY OF PHILADEL PHIA. • ELIZABETH T. PENNOCK vs. HOB ATIO PELT NOCE, Jr. flub. to Divorce. Juno T., 1809.N0.19. • On motion of P. P. MORRIS, for Libelant, n rule hne been Rrnmed in the above CflBo l returnable October Tatb, 1969, L 01100)/ uee Why 5. givoroe a v)noulo inntrimonp shouW not be decreed. Peraguni se rVing ofwotieepf this rylp, oroxinally returnable on tbe ;MI or'SopOptbor , iaa9,lllvvipic failed on necount of:the nbsence of ro von - nt , the Court have directed thin pubhen.ton. 529-w,ildt. NOTICE IS lIEREIIY QIVEN that ap _plication ban been made for_ a } p -iesue Certifi cate No. 168' of GERMANTOWN GAS STO IC, Five Shares, in the onme of Dr. T. F. DETTON, tin ed Janu ary 82d,1400, the same having been lost or mislaid. I.ti.MotigrioAßTFN. eueraer list Dr.j o ettob. Philadelphia..lune ga. 1859. I -vlin LETTERS Testamentary to the estate of uutiati LINDFNMAYEtt. late of Ili till of Philzulelphie, deceased, having' been grew to the subscriber, Persons indebted to sant estate w please make payment, end those townie . plaints will present them to MrII.I.IAM VOLLMER, executor, Ni. #ll South TWEI.FTII Street, or to Ms attorney. FRED ERICK MEYER, N 0.211 South TRIED Street. stilt-wet' COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE.—The Copaiktiershjp heratotore eaheipa betumea r tbe Setamtitere is dissolved by mptnel conis,nt, THIS YAY. , IlloAl MASA having purehased CHARLES E. ROBINSON'S entim Internet in the CdneArA. is close authorized to settle the hwithessAr AIAMON kr). THolllAo T. 141 CON, PHILADA, Bept.7, 109 C. R. ROSINS° . N.B.—The:DRY GOODS JORDIND Sliminess will be continued at No. 430 1414RKEtntreet. under the came name, by Tiioteas MASON. Fill LAMA., 84p1. TOW. 08-lin - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orm WaNJCK, Olju I)Wielf ,ptto, this day dissolved. Tie neater, Sense, and Sto ve business will be contain tinder the name or C AD WiSH. DRO., at the Nor eutoorear oi SECOND and RACI, Streets. JOHN a. CHADWICK, FRANCIS A. CHADWICK. Philadelphia, July H. 1889. ivl9-tr BUSINESS CARDS. ir B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING • • AGENCY, N. E. tomer Fjpill and pima- N UT. Buhaeriptions taken for the beat (My end Country Newspapers, st lowest rush price,. 9813 m InARTIN & QUAYLE'S ALE STATIONERY Toy AKA FANOY HOODS Enipokrunr, 1036 WALNUT STREET. MOW ItLEVENTIt, PHILADELPHIA ALEX. McKINNEY ATTORNIte ItiltW, °KREMS NW, A, Willeraotise in Westmoreland, Armstrong, end Ip wane counties. 481141 THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE .1 MO CHESTNUT Street, forwards retools. Pack ages, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and tipeeie, either by its own Lines, or in connection with other Express Coin antes. to all the ptineiple towns and °dies rh the United Stilton. H. HANUFUE (buena Sueerinten nt. COAL. THEO. D. EMORY & CO. OFFICE No lie South FOURTH Bt.,,Philada., Bole Agents of OEM C. rows & co., Miners and Shipper's of the LOCUST DALE COAL, From the Locust Mountain, Near Ashland, nprem] SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Pa. SW. GROOME & C 0.,. KJ. Banking and Shippers of LEHIGH, SCHUYLKI LL MINO , an CO BROAD TOP SEMI BITUM, Moe. No. 148 South FOURTH Street. BROAD Street, below boo Intern PHILZDELPHIA. GRAIN MILLS GRAIN MILLS For um Farm and ?Imitation. The IRON-BURR MILL hat no (NUM for Grinding Fine Meal, Peed, Cabe, Spi n eto., by hand or power. Yffat 188, $25, and SRI. Now in operator at 126 South SECOND Street. Agents wanted in every county and State, attir-Am RARE & 00 SUGAR- ) LOUSE MOLASSES.--1.50 toooes,:and barrels. for sale by. JAMES (MAHAN! Co., ToO1(1 L.BUTIA Street. lIOUSE•FURNISIIING GOODS. GREAT BARGAIN tt S FIRST-CLASS HOUSE-FURNISHING 0 0 0 D S. TO REDUCE STOCK, AT NO. 922 CHESTNUT STREET. ' JOHN A.,,-A,EURPHEY & CO. ne3 6t Vol. I. 82.20 GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. G ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AIM TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, LONOCOPE & PEARCE, NO, 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have now in store a full assortment in their line, to which they invite the attention of their customers and bitters of such goods. • . W. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win • • cheater k SnottGENTI.EMEN'S FURNISH INO STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 81 CHEfff N UT area t, (nearly opposite the Girard House Philadetphia. .1. W.S. would respectfully oall the attention of his former patmna and friends to Ms new store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied with fine Shirts and Collars. jell-ly KNITJACKETS, the Cheapest in the city, at the Mann factory, from RlO eer dozen up, etiperiormrticla of Ribbed Berlin and Lined Jackets. MPG. HOMO ry, Shirty Drawere, Coniforte, ke JOlter OADBBY dr SONS, 828-120 No.lo FETTER Lane. Third, above /trot,. NIOIIOLSON, e.• • Manufacturer of SHIRTS, LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS and CQILARB. A large and (dunce assortinentond WELL MADE, al ways on hand. unto which I particularly invite the at tention of Cann and promri,paying SHORT-TIME buyers S. E. corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets. PHILADELPHIA. 11114m* PAPER 4AN4:I : ITS, &c. PAPER HANGINGS. 2401 V 18 Tllll TllBll TO PAPER YOUR !LOUSES. • HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., . NO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET. • Have for sale every variety of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS. &C.. , Which will be sold at the lowest rates, and put up by careful workmen. ri3O-dhiolo WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. i HOWELL & BOURKE, IT SOUTH FOURTH STREET, timow MARKET AND OPPOSITE MERCHANT STEN*, Have on hand a large and splendid aeeortment of WALLL AND WINDOW PAPEAS To which Om Invito thpisttontlpn of WESTERN AND BOUTH IRN BUYERS. null-tm HATS. CAPS. &c. E T. MOOKRIDGE do CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS HATS, - ORM 4ND STRAW 000U$. BLOWERS, DITnEI3, AND FANOY FURS N 08.89 AND •1 NORTH FOURTH St, (Nearly opposite Merohante Hotel.) 1 stilktrn PUILADR LPIII A. 1059. FALL 'T R, ADE. 1850 O. H. GARDEN & CO.. AI anufaoturers of and Wholesale Dealers In 1-lATS, CAPS, ,FURS. BILIC A. STORTri ' tN BON al •8, N p A a R gii crh s, NOS. OM API ARt i ral EET, BoutbwestoornprofL XTENe lyE STOperlle Em , lB, LOWEST FrOPO 4 14.010; -- • " NOB. 19 AND :1 80U111 NOM= STREET. Manufacturers and Who!elude Dellends WOOL, FUR, AND SILK RATS LOW' NuIA, I u •a:; La., now open for Inspeotion a new and elegant Moot to whiett the attention of burins la invited. ang-int .„ M==MJA=l 114 1 41Y1T kift: NOS. 93, 93, AND 97 NORTH ?Ina STRUT PHILADELPHIA* WIIOWALE CODIMIBBION MgtoIUNTS, For Ilia 283 a of all kitide of A14,.:41190; HANUFACTURED HARDWARE, GERMAN, BELGIAN', FRENCE, 'AND ENGLISH H44DW44P4 D PPILPPI's Keep constantly on hand a large stook of Goods to sup ply Hardware Dealers. BUTOJIER'S FILBEI, By the oask or otherwise. BUTCHER'S EDGE TOOLS, BUTCHER'S STEEL OP VARIOUS KINDS WRIGUT'S I#4.IIIMT .11121 VITA OD VICES, opilki, And other kindn In evpri varlet/. HARP'S REPHATER PISTOL WEIGHING ONLY 8) OUNCE& SHARP'S NEW MODEL RIFLES AND YIETOLS. EDWARD 8. HANDY. /NO. 0. SKIMMER. C.l. ERINNEE auEl-tf ippAcKAOE 114405y44N - 11QUSE.—We A- would reeonetfolly call the aganlion or ale Gene ral 'Hardware Trade to der egiongffe. Woo g f etINGHAAI 11.1iHOWARE,Whieliiire tiger at a midi advanoe by the outrage. Orders for direct ininortatiou 7lieited, a/ Goods de livered either in this m y UOrbo v rie Orleans. Lion. 41 t OtiVWHII H Utteet. Importing and Collimation Ldereliante._ And Agent, for Foreign and Domestia Hardware. au24l-tf CDINA AND QUEENSWARE. TURNBULL. ALLEN. 00,, NO2. 23,AN2 23 WWI% FtlintT2. STREET, IM—POR'rFeRS sprp WbRIPPOP tlbaer. 011 INA, GLASS, AND QUEENBWARB. PITTSBURG GLASS matioy. irirMorohants OPPligul WW I 01 441 0 4Tariu tetotu roes ➢qua -sm . _ BOYD & STROUDi, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS,. Have now on hand a complete etnok of QUEENSWARE. GLASS WARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their Ow STAND, No, 32 NORTH FOURTH ST., four doors below Merchants' Hotel to whioh they incite thapppyon of WIIOLES4LF, Sp YESM. AUENTP vea I ITTeedh4 OeA.. 4 4115-3111 g li SALAMANDER SAFES. A lane Alsortnient or ' EVAN& & WATAON'II PHILADELPHIA MANDIACTURED SALAAIABDEII NAV a V A Viii tiAge, For Minim and ores. BANK LOCI% • IRON : Vatt a .VllVl r l i nk . &o., Onna rood terms as any other ealalaiehinent. in the Unlled 811frA,Ly N 0.20 itraftnttUrATli t tre i ' set a, PLKAHR nTvR ye A Mild,. , llUillditpaitt* SVER. SOAP—A simPle• - prejiaratiop for cleansing Silver Piste, Jewelry), Mirrors, Alia ble,c. Inc more convenient nett eget:tiro than upY other,One half the labor of House cleaning ne saved by using thin Soap, which cannot poceibly injure the finest Zone white, and as uo scrubbing is required, the saving in the wear of the wont in much greater than the oust of the floap. It lenveit the surface es pure end white ns when now. Alruinfactured only by the Boston Indexical Soap Company, and,Sold by that ted Agouti. MASSARO & CO.. Apothecaries, and CHESTNUT. THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE, (As Imported from lingtaini.) for Iforfiea, this food la intlipensable i n promotin an and austaining all the animal mamma i" health ant vigor. For Mitch Cows it of invaluable, jereltsinK the quantity nod ipahroving the qpnbly , of j•pr Sheep foul Plqg the effect produced in one month ill weed all expootatlorlp Tho addition nitrite food may be attended with <h traction (Knitter food, to the extent of rendering its application one of miontimr• whllo at 11'1 seine Mile tt materiallY emote the thgestl ye powers m every animal, in extracting a larger portion of nourish ment from the ordinary fried, Which would 0 1101Wole lout, Onn , eqUellt Upon the impaired or defective action of Smite organs. Depot, In DVOK intent, al7-tnot 13111APEI,Vittik. MINTON'S ENOAUS'i'IO TILES for Ornamental Chimney Tone for nonage/I. Garden Ornamental Chimn e y Ponntains. Vitrified Pipe for &ante and Water oendeotora Imported and for sale • r fah u tr. •. „ tom Aryl Stro. • &, 11.ANls oN,_ Am I.4ICONOMY MESS SHAD—Non. 1 and 2 a prime aniale, in store and Whi. TfoAr Y sale l spi na bOUTI W R ARY O. a . Prr'oritis.) * i PHILADELPHIA. AIT ItlriltTtos (tr sows Atom ros EDUCATIONAL. P ENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE-MEDD. CAL , DISPARTMENT. DR:Cill STREET. 1351,11 W LOCUMT, 8138410 N OF IM - 61.). FACULTY. D. Howson RAND, M. D., i'rofessor of HENRY IIAWRIHORNE I M. it., " ?metier) of Me theme. LeWle D. IlAnLow, M. D., " Obstetrics, t l / 4 a. WILLIAM B. HALYEY, Al. D., " Durgery. W. liomorn, TAGOAUT,P6I.I).," Materm Methea JA *ES AMIN MEWS, M. D., " InAttutesol Ale- diClllB. Wl4. H.OOIIRECIIT, M. D, " Anatomy. THEODORE A, DicHnk, Ala), Ho monstrator of Anatomy, The session of /259.50 will commence on MONDAY, Oct. 10, and terminate early in March Fine Clintques will be held each week during the entire session—two medical, twosurgyal, and one obstetrics. Second course students are furnished with tickets of admission to the Philadelphia or rennsylvania•Hospi tale, free of charge. Reon I for practical Anatomy are now4men. on-n i t LEWIS D. HARLW. AL 0.. Dean. GEORUE FELIX BENKERT, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, No. 521 CHERRY Street. PIANO. ORGAN, VIOLIN, HARMONY, THOROUGH BASS. COUNTERPOINT, COM PORITION, INSTRUMENTATION, 6r0., ho. • Music Composed and Furnished for any number of Instruments. REV. JAMES I. HELM'S School for the higher education of a limited number of Young Ladies, 1313 CHESTNUT Street. Circulars, with terms, reference. & mi may be had on nepliviii SINGING CLASSES NOW FORMINU, 1N which will he taught all that pertains to a correct knovleilgo of performing, either Snored or Secular Music. I AIII Re CLAgSR3—NON DAY and TIII/ItSIDAY AP TERNoons, 4106, nnd to 7 &Mork, IiENTLEITKVA CLoo , s—NON OAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, from 8 to 9 o'clock. A. R. TAYLOR. CM North TWEI.F VII Mrret A MERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. .rik. Families, Schools, and Colleges. supplied will,- competent Teachers. Bunny Department; sad Teach ers with positions. Parents gratuitously supplied with school circulars. Refer to Faculty Amherst College, Mass. • Dr. Lowell Mason; Mason Brothers ; Hon. Theo. Frthinghuysen, LL.D. ; Hon. John C. Rivet. Et al. SMITH. WOODMAN, Fr CO., Ma BROADWAY, New nrk, and se2g-Sou eiIIErITN UT Nicest. Pillindelphl, QT. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY KY LOCUST Street. west of Nixteenth, will. V., re open op MONDAY, September 12th, at 9 A. At. Applications for admission, if made belore the begin ning of the term, should tie made to the Principal. J. ANDREWS 11A1111111, A. NI., A,llO-wftrn-tf 1507 RAM: Street. _ MUSIC LESSONS.—A Young Lady, well qualified, can taken few pupils. Imo re of JA S. N. BECK, nt the Music Biore,OLtt CHESTNUT titieet. OS-wits 41 ENGLISII AND CLASSICAL BOARD. INC; SCHOOL FOR BOYS, MOUNT JOY, Lan caster County, Pa. The Winter fiensinn of Ova months continence' on the let of Noventlter. For circular, call at 609 CHESTNUT Arcot ; or, address the Princtpal. E. L. MOORE. 576-inwflnt MRS. GERTRIJDE J. CARY will resume the duties or 4 1 , i r e t r h t , 3 4 chool. as e uelg it o t p ., llONJDF, ikeNT . N t be . r 12th. N oat corn r 1.1- WHITE HALL ACADEMY, THREE 11111,ES WEST OF HARRISBURG, FA.—The 18th NomrAnnualBemionwillcouunenee 011 MONDAY, the 7th of November next. The attention of Parents and Onardians is invited. The location is pleasant, the course of instruction extensive, and the terms mode rate. Good oily references given. The Principal can be soon every afternoon at the UNION HOTEL from the 10th till the 14th of October, inclusive. For elroll - edition D. DENI.ING se24-Im* Harrisburg. Pa. BROAD -STREET INSTITUTE FU It YOUNG LADIES has reopened its Fall Seamen. Per tonna and particulars, apply to Mrs. 13 I'. COOKE, Principal, No, Oil UPOAD Street, below Poplar. 141-1111.* • MUSIO.—A. R. TAYLOR, Teacher of Singing End Nino:Ca North TWELFTH Street, below Coate'. art•lin• lUSTON'S WRITING ACADEMY, S. E. carper EIGHTH and SANSOM Streets, Open daily trent 9 A. M. toe P. M. "10 Gentlemen a rapid and Meant. business hand is imlarted. To Ldt,adiee a neat ami R rueful epistolary p,ire. Cards written, and every da mn ellen or Penmanship neatly executed. ela-lm HF JUAN ALLEN. A. Ai. Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen may be applied to at the residence f him father, Professor Allen, No. 215 Beath SEVENTEENTH Street. s6-2m• Q PRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR Q YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. con, EIGHTH ano BUTTONWOOD Streets .—Resumes duties MON DAY, September 6th. Number limited; all pupils un 40r the care or the Principal; the govern- Milt I , We; " mon! ;'oritttEr.4 1. 0 events week ;y; the 616mr, Ntrerrerruni, ienn . r BaliMPelp .10 mtrelitily and cannier snugly attended W. liing OS gi4l4 manly qt thp Academy, or 469 North Eight street. sum -6w F. DurfLEAvy LONG. Principal. .pRWEI-STREET ACADEMY, agmArtToyvc.twiumPit TA. GITOKUK It. BAKKEK, riciNcIPAL. The Fall Term of this institution commence. Seldom ber 6th. 1669. The course of instriiction comprises all the branches of a thorough English Education. together with the Latin. Greek. told Pre nob Languages. sun-tf THE AIiNNEs 0 4,811 4NI) MIN. 888 BE'S RailMIK qui .tily obitOkyitYfintiN 1704 W 'Mbbitir titrpof, rpppono w it l ep• ember b ALLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARS, FRANKFORT), PENNSYLVANIA, tux tulles fromfro Market street, Philaelphia. The course of instruction In this School Is comprehen sive and thorough. Parents and Ottani tans who intend to place their daughters or words at this Institution will do well to make immediate application to Alas. E: TRONIPSON, ea-tt Principal and Superintendent. BRYANT & OTRAJT I ON'S N4TIONAL mERcANVILI. Qo , ,G,pili, lneated ,at Phila. talialiet. S. E. corner HO f. /I and CHEI3NUT; fn:galiVa k ..mniWpg l ki ve it i ogin a e n t d ln Giumgu. ali-it VENTRAL INSTITUTE, N. W. CORNER •-•# of TENTif and I ti PR I Itr 0 4).. r ikp ß E4 street.. d wal b n;7olZ i tiN " Vti FlFroll.44l4lllVeirin.s, L aiarl ic4°!'4r ie r iP.7,ll l 4lllll , .. A• U...firlaPlPal. - ---- DANNNO, WASIIING'fON HALL. 510 SPRING w w GARDEN Street.—D. L. OA lIPF:NTEtt. the In dependent Soviet) Teacher or Fashionable Dancing, to now ready to Lake Pupils at any tuna, either Private or in Mmes. For reference, call and observe the respect ality, alread began. CARL ; ,ENTER ran he amen daily and nry or ter &a. rlos Is pis twenty-tinetilbaPei steelier to thrB city. •I• •. • -The pßop. S4R4pCO respectfully informs -a. the elite o] OM ha vhfr , lPeif tlia Oop.- aervetory of °anemic on October 10t I la. at .1,5 Noma EIA:VENTII HOW At the ftlololll o ninny families. the menaces of Aloiannt Ladle, will be dammed With hereafter. For fence', 4105 at the Academy. on the Tilt and Ikh Inst. 0) fa • IA AZATtIYB .DAN6IN6AUADEIIIY, N. E. r 1 )11111f of itßelf anil BRO!, 4 1 ) , V t . — A t ILII/Or p i fr1 1, 371 1 ;11 1 )M11 1 011, 4 1:.14 11 f 1 , .a 7 4 ni,i, l, ':,', iti O r a veers, .Di heti* t.in o n his. orniet p rope and the_puhe tha he Illtf ratUr4Od il l If MI oifY, 4p ril °poll n Uaneleg A along at Die pile abylve nall d i . i fe MONDAY. Me 36th of Elepteinher. Mr. li. Wl I ii teach classes in schools and private families. hr. 're style of dancing is plain, easy, and graceful, and ran be acquired in a short tone. An ettsy and KfaCO NI de portment, ns welt as a portent knowlsdge of the present litYle of liallolllg. /1110i1 as is done in the very best so ciety. will ho nolivuted at anon to the scholars, an I 110 t' , ll7 , n4Tdq i ii. illingniri)ArAgOg!l;r4*:ii ri fe the hall. lie to • MiM2ll 4 ALL PERSONS IN WANT OF A COOK STOVE, would nave mono, by rot tinr 000 of the Aintiv,ht. One-Conquining Nut. Penn Cook and Rance combined. It received 11w First Pre mium mid Diploma At the late Fair tE prdopip,iisi w „, r cin giore f i wi s pily Airligi l yc q kvig q {dt‘ir at thq pliitilin.; rir,r,e call Ong rip me fitie iii ri. ! et. iiq „eve. .111/111Woley place yqn ? n fine thqn l the olty. Mt 1 It iiiT,itNet. 03.31' SAMUEL KILL, STOVES! STOVES!! ,TA 44S 11 spl6 -Vft., A KM • )(SET, is now prepared to meet the wants of the piddle more completely in ull the dotage of the Stove trade than any other catabliehment in Philadelphia, in proof of which he COMPARATIVE IaXAMINATION. The following are among hie own popular inventions, several of which have already obtained a national repu tation as eurpassins craft/tee Bill economy any Noi r Btuvoi whi t , - JAME.I6 it is the Inventor rind Patentee of Ilia Improved Sait-lerarattst Ponhipe Stove, aoknowleilted to be the b. et. Stove tot Moldy' use in the world. JAM ES :WEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Oas-consioning Cookiek Range, how' rapidly cowing intogeueral JAM1:41811.411 la the Papule° of the Impro ell Gll sor'e 41r-tightlbie-yorcipi nit Fortier Sieve. JANI 1 . :11 Sil j e•Alt is lip IRTellhlr of the Improved I Patented mainsail Stove urn. which Irmo it, beauty nod utility IS .ely, thin sonnet, to be univer sally adopted. JAM KS SPEAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-sae rant Ironing Pan, JAhtKS SPEAR is the inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway car Heater. Fur all ol the above the Inventor very Justly. claim. advatitaree whiehroduhe but to be understood by tiro nubile, to he universally appreciated nod preferred to Non d ItlL h u ers:f t r il lleti t k n in i gr al a r l I 'i t ithe e liNln; in wont in -Veit r nail and examine for tlionisel. es, l'artion win odic to axamiee wilt have ll!Perk attention ItholVll then', intenaing lialoqinalln) to Dor citrate roe not. " te1..1.3111 1111 Altl. BM .1 NIC 8 , N 0.305 Wqrtli timporlp Street. ISpecessor to A. .r, he or,. would retliWtriOli yil the atten tion id those desiring stoves to is ostensive atisidlineitt id Scaling, and yr ittiwcf. I have pnrellase 00 ospl ii iistve VIP, felt stiies pod tepow. 10 )dads)o pa. 014 apaglitit Ott ebtated Morning Star snit " uprise as- eluting (Inking Stoves. well known lot years an the most satisfactory Stoves in tile market. Also, Ms new Flat-top Cooking Stove" Sat light," which combines all the uselul iin• movement', and operates admirably. I also manu facture, in a superior manner, Silver's Gas-h urnor the best Russia Sheet Iron. These are the most econonitoal and easily managed Parlor Stoves in use. •16-3 m EAIIINET WARE. HOC+TJET ITUTT I ON) A N tiltB (11 , 1) E. S IC S AND 0 A TS INIRT FURN R E O. 2.39 sorrif EtTRM:I'• B. I PP PUIIIIITU/lE HILLIARD TA.141.1.10. MOOII,F 4.1 CjAIVIPION. No. 34 ) SOPTII BIiCIONP eonnoottoo with thfo r ea teliewe tinlcoet Dimness, are now maaulacturinK euperior article ot 1111,1 , 1iyt I) " h au pllrt i alern wY al wnave aced t aim to ce surol'afeo,td: ll 4 1 7,ra1i hutch of these Tables the manu facturers (bier tll tloor Immortal; crittonwthroughout the who are familiar with the character of thou Work. 1176 Pin BRUSHES. 111111 E CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN rtlll4ll,l.lllA.—Look at the follow* list of tr o "T Thonnia. and onnipato Qom With those taint BPW ettl ; 0. I. MILTON, 83)8 per, Ammo. r. 2, 82 kilam, to. 2, M ktiptn, 87 Nil: 1. I' d No. et. ito ;00. im n gll. /04 k n o t s, •• o, e t Wilmot, MI " N :Ditty 0. ECK FAN % H North Street, her)v Aron. DRILLS AND SUKETINDS FOR EX. FOR DRO4 11141 A IF;(I D. AND 111.11 E VI" AND 110111' HILEETINOSI titd Pane inr Expnyt, for unitt by FROTH INOIIASI & Wiabbs. South FRONT St., and as LETITIA Street. noln-I• SPANISH 01.1XES—In bulk, in prime order. for mak I,y A AI {llNit t4A Moto h 1 , 11/INT titrwat "TAMS AN I) SHOUI,6I.:RS-1,700 14(7ces ill- City -Stnokud Ilmne and Shotll.lors, for 1100 11) vl C. C. liAla.Eft er, CO.. ARCH Street, mond door above Front. NOTICES. OFFICE OF SECOND AND TIIIRU STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY GF FRILADELFRIA, 226 WALNUT Ptilet• PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 30, Ing. A Fourth Instalutent of FIVE DOLLARS per share on Second Issue of Stook of above Company will be due nay able at thin Mim i on or haute the first dny on November neat. RUST. KELTON , a. 30 finwtnlTreasurer. SPECIAL NOTE:M.—Dealers in Good- N. , year's Patent Vulcanised Rubber Suspenders. Braids. Webs,, and all other fabrics and articles made by combining , fibrous substances withthreads or sheets of vulcanized rubber, are notified that milieu the same are properly stampe d labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States, merchants and dealers are melted to ex amine imemmens now in store, and to give their orders or the Spring Tra de to the under/ igr d, EXCLUSIVE OWNER OF THE TATLES A D EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS 1N THE PA'MNT for these goods, which, embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or im ported, and ninny others. SO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. E I COURTLAPIDT Street, N. Y. n24-1r HORACE IL DAY. NOTlCE.—Persona having business with the FLOUR INSPECTOR will call at No. 14 VINE Street, between the hours of 9 o'clock and 3 V . M. where they will find the Inepeclor or his Deputy. F. M. HIESTEJL i./. M, LA UMAN , 1017 Flour Inspector. PIANOS. EDITORIAL FROM THE PUB LIC LEDGER.—" Mr. James Delimit has on exhibition several ofJ. A: C. Fisher's pianos. One of them is a seven Wave rosewood piano, lull iron frame. handsome, but plain finish. The tone in most excellent and powerful, and the price only 8220. He tins also one somewhat similar in appearance, which has all the la test improvements, Weider' a new patent daintier:wide' , prevents the piano from getting nut of order. It is fin ished in &splendid manner." These Pianos, and a splendid assortment of various makers, see finr sate from WM, or upwards, for cash, or on Ingtnin"lolltB, ft t JAMES 279 and 281fiontli FIFTH St.. above Spruce. ;New and second-hand Pianos for sale. ca-lm• mil ()BICKERING & SONS, RAN%SQUARE, AND O PRIGHI INAND-1•0 RTES. WAREROOMS N 7 CHESTNUT STRPS:P. Constant yin store n tarp, awl, of Our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INA FRUMENTH. We have been awarded, at the different Exhibitions in this country and t u tVEII AN D SILVER FIRST-CLAM MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. Ja26-11 RAVEN, BACON, 5c Co.'s, Nunes k Clark's, Reinert,& Co.'s, and A. H. lisle & Co.'s superior PIANO& •Also,Ma son &_Hunlin's unrivalled MELODEONS and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Churches and Lecture Room. *# Pianos and Melodeons to Rent. J. E. GOULD. tnyl4-1, SEVENTH and CHEBTN UT. MrA GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. SCHOMACK ER & CO., uni CHESTNUT Street. respectfully invite the music loving public, to call and examine their new and cue cessful mprovemen t THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO.. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding rill the objections generally crude to the style of Grand nano, also iliminishins the mist of the same. In volume, purity of tone, groat power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, and evenness of touch, with exquisite deli cacy and sweetness these SUPERIOR AND EAUTIFULLY-FINISHED IN areUMN wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums. and are pronounced by critics to be Mr su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in this country. Conatantly on hand, a large and elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. We have been awarded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding the Prize Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New York.lBB3. RAILROAD LINES. 1859. ,INS Amw 1859 FALL ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND mow AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO'S LINE_ ,tt ROOM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES, 'How ‘VALNUT-sreliXT WIIACV, Will leave as follow. vizi TOM At 6 A. Al., via Camden and Amboy, Cain. k Am. Accommodation 212 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City,l New Jersey 2AceorninaJation 225 At 9 A. M.., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 9 00 At It A, M., by Steamboat, via Tacony and Jersey City, Western Fawns 200 At ITE P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation...—. ... . 225 Al 2 P.M., via Camden and Amboy, C. A. Ex- - pram 3 00 At 4 P. M. by Steamboat. via Taeony and Jer sey City, Evening Express.. ... 3 011 At 4 I'. M.. by . Steamboat. via Te r eupy age Jer- 333 At 3 CO At 11 F. 31., v Gaiiiilop anyl Jo 0 1IT.Ikqithera Mhi 2 X At 6r. Gamlen and Am I rierm inndstion. (Freight and Paslienger)—lat Class Picket........ 276 3d Clan 'Picket..... 1 au The 6P . M. Mail Line rune daily. The 11 P.M. 'South ern Mail. Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, Laston, Flemington, !kn., at 6 A.M. and 234 i0 P. M. Fof auoh Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem. at 6 A. 6.. Lehigh Vali/Railroad. scar Water Gap,.Strini atnirg 1/ 4 214 . i " AdV4to • ." Pm. riint'Hoilv. at Sand 6A. sc. and 2 % and F.M. For Fre ehold, at 6 21.* M. WA .ITilOl v k I n t ,; 1 44411 , 1 . '44 II f. n II *i and 4P. M., from ForTalinyra.4anoo. navel. Burlington. Borden- U ZI% fiVin a t t 3 l k kerlign 3 , ) &i i • nto wn and interme diate Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol. Burlington, and in terinediate pieces. at II A, M. and 4 I'. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each pauenger. reaaangers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their weaving apparel. All baggage over Ws Pounds to he paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage too ne ilollar piittio. add will lint 411414 WY any' nyo6lit neYead eseept by 'rectal contra. Oct. J. L J. W6l. : . GATZMER. Aient. MEDICINAL. DR. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PIMA AND rOENIX BITTERS hive been thoroughly plled. on pronounced a sovereign remedy o .illiouipsta, Amuapuy, lieart-hera and headeohe. oronmeness. ttlarrhma, fevers or all Sleds, rheumatism, ROM, kvayel. Waring. scurvy. ulcers. eruptive corn fllaintii, salt rheum. erysipelas, common colds end in uenza, Irregulanty and all derangement of the female s3stem.yoles, and various other diseases to which the human frame is liable. For sale by the proprietor, Dr. W. 1.1.)40FF.AT, 114 BROADWAY. Mew York. and by Druggists generally all over the country. 4.1-d.srlyiy NoTop i a_flo i gy 111E-ZONDKR 4. ut, #4I4Q" TACIIR.L 'f.l URALHIA EIALVS. Ith, Mt. F. IT. Tnnarlybb—Haltr kayo am I rpaPled h w al th vi.fla auAti:,04101, 1 1?:?1, 1 1 o , o l ll4 l l ltra d me Imes to give Up ITU .11.111 PISS en ti r e y. UOl eat, and Bleep was a stranger to my eyes. / ere more than tongues can tell. I had the advice and aid of venous physioiane, and used other remedies, but all of no avail. Having noticed hoar advertisement ip the papers, I concluded to call on a person whom I had learned wan cured of a cane or>u years standing. He applied the " SALVF," Mit once, and I felt immediate rehef—antiood .APPlMtlfr ITENVIIIV ATI *MIMI. At killevp t i p t 9 , 9 agtv: bei o g to up a nin In d MY. Y appetite has warned, and I blot arihopil hhh 1, n, for t plainer* tion of MI h • 111AgtHil H. BARRI, Totehooquish, OAR tract, above lOU, Kensicrog, For ealelrolesa e and retail, 0 W. corner XTH and , PARR. SH Streete, and at T. . °ALLEN HR C 0... N. W. corner Third and Walnut eta. ap.ld-tf WINER AND LIQUORS. CARD..-ZIAREIJIT,--SUR-AY 011AM FAUN El, JANUARY 111, IVO:l.—lnconsequence of freeueni invitation, receiyed by me to renew the MUMS DI InY Champagne Wi nee to the United Butte , I g leave hereby to inform my former customers and the pnbile in general, that 1 hare appointed edema. F.C. AROUWER, ec Pole Agent s ilia e t It yp y it :l74 l ..n lS e tn , o fof r t u he i. n o tit t o o x a p pl o ni u m . t alq,iN4 iggiNirrY the ay , gun infaitr , I iVOR4LS boUTNEVI,ti' gyi , ft, ...a tir roAl il§ nv tart CLAItEr- - - - -100 - 111tia — a,iton Berton Guestier's St. Julien: MO do. Bt. Este:le; 300 do. Washing ton Morton St. Julien; 100 do. do. Tedecce, mug; a) so. Chateau La Rose,. BO do. do. Leovilje : Scotch Al,. stone and glass ; Younger's, Harvey si l Falkirlt .I.l“rien !Stout and London Porter,. in store and tg Ittiy sub NiCNT Street. HOTELS. _ . J J URRAi HOUSE, NEWARIC. OHIO, in 010 titrgeat hi* arranged Hotel in gIntral( 1 1110. l centrally 'nutlet and to of access plan all the matey 01 travel. t c.tatatali nl the Modern litiphive -010011. and every convenience or llie °pallort and no onatalodation at the travelling pnhhr. The Sleeping Roomy are large and well ventilated. The Nintes Rooms are .ell arranged and earefiillr furnished lor families end largo travelling parties;; and the House Will be kept as a itrst.-olass Betel tit every revet. 11. A. MURRAI BRO., nail-3in Proprietor/. WETHERILL 110 US?, S4N S 0 M —Wig depervedly favorite s q"` ronr 1 ,41. 1 1 $l. ..derAn l e,i, will r i l ; P • 1 1." \ 1 1 14 ,,, 1 , 2 1 " ( ?t u jO, a ‘ * d‘o A l l„kil enterpnaint tip:tip. :.... o ...el r .tp.lliuT ', „Mere, aid n ' otrealiinents, prepared in tho anoluerit Alt le. ant i Ole A pest Jaipur', troll, (ho 'wet popular iinportunl, tiitlet%i nlntolm WI Itt“tt. 'Ape patronage of the pu blip is respenaihy jutil i tg Til . ro. LP Private limns far Buppurs. Ai lutraticinclutn inittoea. 80eiptiem. 4 P. Pilo-1111 —_— _ THE UNION, AROII FITKERT, ABOVE TRIED, PUMA DELPHI& UPTON R. NEWCOM ER. The situation of this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business Public; andto those in search of pleasure, Passenger Railroads, which now run pant, and in close proximity, afford a oheap and pleasant ride to all place* of intorrist in or alnat OR Ohio. 121-11 m MACIIINEVIN AND IRON. - - V. _M(I3 Vg. i r iam miz. t i, %4 • llBll•N WIREICE. QOUTIIWARK l eo UN Dia, NY FIFTH . AN P IVily/TGAI RTREETS. 111 RIER4I SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Fiorito Stew itpgineir, for Laud, Itiver,and Au. ;C af itin Pritne ei lade for Works, Work Show. Rail road titanium, 40. . Retire aiylGiir Iyachincirg attic latest and moat im °rat fiao r rlltig l . of Plantation INlaohincry, anch on Sugar, Sr ? and Gr a,t pitiv, t y ll aouom pas. tlaask Steam T irtil l tAis;:qt7A: Itile t irFtalro7ar 4 iSodins 4 . A 'llllll . l Vi W u l l ae"1 1 's ' l , .tent Cegtr e itaiil i gTar eWr:inn (us houtialle• aua,y DENTISTRY.—The Improved sets .sieee• of ARTivlciA I, TEETH, still ntaniarnetaireal at 707 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, by 1. LUKENS, M. 11.. Surgeon Pentist. The Mineral Plate seta of Teeth are superseding all others, principally from the following reasons: Pore mineral as used in plat e of gold or waver, for plated, nothing them ono-third lighter, and at the gaine time nataela stronger, nu their gralatead Clackamas ig bare the (tiling have athraapken away 1110r0, thus perfectiy rector are,porhe anatomical shape mitt contour ot Hot mouth anti anal giving the exliet original expregelop to the features t they wall stand better in xervace. APO PeVer get out }if repair: they are faipprianly watrnoted fora ['patina/It anare on erevicem tor nos accountant:at lon 0 paricies loud:b the) arc wholly free item all gal vanic animal, unit can never produce palantation of the heart. headache, gore titroata neap:Casa, or pet, ppp nese, . _ ' Dr, I.IDZKNIF4' AC's. 907 A ROIL ntreel, Phitntlelphin•, Alm+ P.ENID.4II..VA NIA Ax enuo, Witshing ton, D. C. 'TURPENTINE —75 bbls. Spts. IVIIISKEY.,— 125 puncheons P.- , Tames Stewart h. v 9,,,'s Paisley Malt, in bond and for ani. EMT F. 11 IT EI.EY. thi-am SI'TS. TURPENTINE, —5O tibia Spts Turpentine. In store and for aato by ROWLEY. ASH BURNER. h CO. a2l No. la Month WHARVES TVEIV Nos. 1 & 2 AIAUKEREL--A small n yoke of assorted manses, landing front steamer Kensington, and for amid by__ 22 - an • WM. i ti TA vim k iii , rn. in i t _ L • OVERINIPS 811W1', in Mid,. and ALAbble., nt reduced privet', for 81 , le to egg L MAI ES; GRA ET A / H TIA BMW M Sr. Co, , SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & Co., No. 129 MARKET STREET. BALE OF 5,000 PIECES BARONY DRESS GOOLE. click onnas, October Bth . at 10 o A CARD.—The sale of 8000 pieces Saxony dress goods, of the importation of Messrs. C. F . Schneider k Co. , will commence this morning', Wednesday, October nth at 10 o'clock. and comprises the most desirable assort ment ever odered at auction to this market. all bean g of the best fabric and easiest atyles, just landed item steamers Borussia and New York, to which the atten tion of the trade is requested. AUCTION NOTICE LARGE SPECIAL AND ATTRACTIVE BALE - - or - SAXONY DRESS GOODS, of the well-known manufacture and style of hlE'ffißS. C. F. SCHNEIDER & CO. FURNESS, BiIINLEY, & C co., 42) MARKET SE r & will sell, on WEDNESDAY MORNING, October oth, 18/59 at 10 o'clock. FIVE THOUSAND GOOD PIECES BAXONY DRESS S. entirely fresh Roods, just landed by steamers Borussia and New York, and consisting of -1000 pieces Jennie-width Union plaids, in very superior sty les. among which will be found a large portion or small checks. MI single-width • do do. :mall-wool plaids, in very supenor quality, newest de signs. and beautiful assortments. WO basket styles Ebrinos, double width, in superior styles and ate,rtnients—a very desirable assort ment. 250 do • do single width. 14.0 do ribbed and roeoune favorites—an en tirely new arti&e, and very desirable. 1.%) pod de chevres, in splendid aslortMente, superior poplin viably. 100 BAYttdere Lumps, cloth face. very desirable. 10J excellent and heavy quality lasting's, with satin stripes, high lustred finale. and very scarce. 220 very heavy and high cost, brocaded Admias—a new nreole. 150 fifty inches wide deed lame and poll d'eclat—an en tirely sow article, with stripes runnier down. and in excellent asaortmenu. 150 fifty inch tine !nine poll de idelot—superior quality, excellent assortmente, and very high cost NV - The above sale comprises the moat excellent as sortment of Saxony dress goods ever o ff ered in this market, and the attention of the trade is particularly requested. N,ll--lt is the intention of the owners to sell every lot. PIIILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 MARKET Street. and 621 MINOR Street. SALE OF COO CARES BOOTS AND SHOES. On Thursday Morning. - October 6th, at 10 o'clock precisely, will he sold by catalogue, on four months' credit, Skt cases men's and boys' boots, shoes, gaiters, brogans, slippers, overshoes, &c.; ladies' and mimes' boots, gaiters. shoes. ties. Jenny lands, overshoes, &c.,embracing a large and desirable assortment. suitable for the present trade. FRENCH CALFSKINS—MOROCCO AND XID DO. In sale, 150 dozen real French calfskin'; morocco and kid do. 200 CARES GINGHAM UMBRELLAS. Also, in sale, samples of WO cases gingham umbrel las, assorted sizes. The early attention of bluer, is invited,'. the sale will be peremptory. Rd - Catalogues early.on this morning of sale. 11.1. SCOT'T, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHESTNUT STREET. opporite the Curie= House. between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets. SALE OF GIIO LOTS EMBROIDERIES, BONNET AN'# TRIMMING Itt AWNS. MILLINERY GOODS. OERhIANTOWN 60008, Icq., &e. This Morning. Oct. gth, will be sold by Ileatedngue, on a credit, com mencing at 10 o'clock precisely, a full assortment of the alaiie goods. Included in vile this morning will be found— R ich endiroidered moonet and cambric collars. Fine to medium embroidered jaeonet bands and Bouncing lob neat .i.onnt edging. jeconet waists, tee. Rich Pans black lace veils. Honiton and Maltese lace collars. Ladies' and gents' linen cambric hdkfs, damask table cloths. Re. Rich fall styles trimming ribbons. Black and fancy velvet riblmns. White silk blonde laces and beltinge. A full line of Brussels and ninnure lace bobbin edging, gee. Bonnet velvets and satins. French flowers and feathers. Cords and tassels, kid gloves, lathes' cairns. gents army ties, 100 eases straw and Leghorn bonnets. plain and the nine trimmed.. GERMANTOWN GOODS. Abu), to lotv lathe■' and children's zephyr knit boosts, talfilail, cloaks, scarfs, Assisi lets, &c. Men's heavy blue 'Timed and white 'fihdershirts and drawers. _ . Tb cAR . EB CONGR EBB GAITERS. Also men s half welt calf Congress gaiters.. 114 T Catalogues ready early on the morning of sale. SHIPPING. pHILADELPIIIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. SIM AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OP.TRE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, 810 AT NO. H MEROILiNTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. N., September 7th, 1839, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors of the Company, viz: GEORGE 11. STUART, S. MORRIS WALE, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, GRAS. MAOM4ITER, AND .101131 EDGAR TROMSON. The ROOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of mid COMPANY are now apes at the above named Moe, where all parsons favorable to the enter prise are reapeatfully invited to subscribe. aft-tf NLTHE BRITISH AND NORTH AMBRICAIf ROYAL MAIL STEAM- 71tOlit 611. TWIT TO targaroot" Chief Cithan Passage..• • • • •.--..........11130 Beoond Cabin l'ameage.. - T 2 neon soirron iiiiisiiiii — oiii; Chief Cabin Pa5ea5e.........--.,,„........0410 Sewed . Cable r,.assaar.... . Pn a t b' l t r a ttityt iiik " *B . h; ' AE • I A , t , 4PiliCar. A, q'B. G. If• tilitti_ it L On Andsnron. APkti , *WU on. E.I4,UV , Mit. 3. Leitok n These lingo:mit/le mat mat-head ; I, l leh en it t ', eilm A l t 1 . , e, ife / Fp t r iretel . I tie P t t :r . 4, A ; 11.11.. Wednesd a y, Oct. 12. 0A t li .Aug. : go t toth Wednesday, pct. 19. At... A. ...00, • 1 ork, Wednesday, Oct. 3a. Ell A. pitch, " Boston, Wednesday, Nor.i PERSIA, Juncos, " N York, Wednesday. Nov. 9 AMERICA. Millar, .• Boston. Wednesday. Igor. A ASIA. ASIA. Lott, "N. York. Wednesday. Nor. ift. Bertha not secured until paid for. An experienced Ramo. 0 na Vehrti. / he eweenfa tu rryt ag r kesooontdable for Get. WA YS . tef I. lthr . Precious Mom. or . .us sa In ill mains are alined therefor and the TR ue thereof thereirteaud For (Meter 74 pas -atr 4 1 17 re ial•fi st • i Bowingrn. New York. s ian FOR THE SOUTH.-CIL3RLES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an image of 7 trrict per rant. be low New yore atesinstneretee„ _ FOR CKARLEBTON. S. C. The U. S. Mail Steamship LET/STONE BTATE. Cap tain Charles P. Marshals:lr sail on Wedneadaii Oct. eth, at 10 A. M. Through to 49 tow hours on_ ly 00 hours at Sea. FOR SAViNNAH, The U. S. Mail Steams tp STATE OF GRORDIR, Captain John J. Garvin, win sail on Ztheader, Oriteber 10". at 10 o'clock A. M. • Thrat In ea to em helm, only 40 house at Sea. irrie or dere (beefed froM every astu may to every nati4enede received, and GAM or Wise &treed re,Writiftg,Altfi s rii! r e X 1 7 4 ; abeve gyetttee!Uigapp - r?rwileg nAtti ° eo7ritni, Omn vent sad Mkeas . sad the South ittruit. Wo AMU:Ming these Po b s i l l maistlitrt.par{oa u O._ and a gTurcest. ' ' PISURANCE. Freight mil Insurance on a large proportion of Grds shipped South will be found to be lower by thaw lee than by sailing vessels. the premium being ene-bali the rate. N. 11.—Insuranoe on till ltAlrpa4 onneeetaarT.CATir Trin=ungtheTy.nt... Reamed ( omit! 0, 10N . - 1- N r eenticr ri thau Fare by tkii nude..., to 41) . c bf the Inland itterse Will. be Tors a a via dale. Throorn ttekete ttklin theten a w inga o vatut pu ig.6l%ceiLaLLNOlKAsaLLon naii ontganter.a : INLAND PaPI. CIS Char 00 sv,viinu.4._ /a Savannah .........-.-. 31 03 Augusta-. -... 30 Ou Augusta. 26 00 Macon 51 OD 32 70 Atlanta- SI 00 Atlanta---- -. 31 011 Columbus—. 23 pt Columbus . 36 uu A1bany.......... 34 NI Albany •----- 37 00 Montgomery.... XOO Montnoniery.—.- 33 OU Mobile 35 121 44 New Orleans ... 39 70 New ,51 00 No bills of lading signed after the %his Rot ittl/011. For taught or parotstos apply CIO latat 660041 d whim above Vine street, it! 1,3 0 IL Jr., 54141162reat 001651 F_IITM UT. A l nt4 Sii: T a lei lk in h n .:llll 3 l44Elek . r:A A. IVLL I For Florida frc2.ltor eaten, steamer ..vary 'rn,radal 9r, iFlorida froMjiaoannatt. stoainors St. Mary'. and St. Jag . ovary Tuesday and Natunisy. 1333 , GLASGOW AND NEW YORK -• EITHAMSHIP COMPANY.-BTEAM 191 oh . ROONV. LIVERPOOL. BELFAST, DUMAN. AN LONDONDERRY—for tau. /HOY NEW TORE. 61,,,g0,0W, Thompson, Wednesday. October 11. at U F,7)l 'l ;4ll3litt, Cummins. Wednesday, Octot*l4d. at 14 o'clock, noon' noiir otssoow. nt,mlGow, Thompon. vlosestsy, Beptarriber EDI NBUR6II, Gnrooins, eduesday, September 29. Rates of Brdopprf from OW York, Philadebtua, or ifl.. o, Akt9N,Livarpooll, Belfast, Dublin, or_Lon &mole fry. lust. c ions, steerake, found with an Ono dance of properly cooked provicam. All experienced Burgeon atteaned to each steamer. No charge for mediotops. For freight or kaisiagel SAPILV woRKMAN & CO., No. In WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, ROBIAT C RAN," No. ka BROADWAY. New fork. U. S. M. STRUMS von AVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON, ARAGO, Oeptain Linea, will mail Jial', September H i Nctretober► ‘1.3,T0r1, Captain Winton, Wlll nil Alma/RIO, Octo ber 10, Deeentber 10. First oeteu peewee.— $l3O Secchtlfflable 7f For It or plumage, apply to WILLIAM. NEILSON, Agent, At the Werahoneing_ Company's Philedelphie °Moe. Tobiteco Warehouse. DOCK Street. Phila. .023-6 m WASHING AND IRONING. kWASHING AND IRONING DONE with NEA'SN(I.3ISTtruIetIESALI,VAII, Gin Brat!. Folun;le, fro ' t i .: le,_7rlln a t:t" ft' 0.. at " l ANOVAI4I FAMILY J o % UN plo. 233 Booth 81 XVII &trent, 0011110 t Prune , F am ily Blurts and Whin patent polished. Ever> thins washed by hand, on the com mon wash-board. The whole bummed!. is ateiotly p3tetuied to by female nyerAteves. elm DONOVAIY, vy 10-11 Inapernplandedt 11 AM PREPARED TO RECEIVE EVERY desCription of rainitY mid - 110.43..0,0 hiceyds, letving Rewißß Maeltlnes o the heat Innuureeturere, as also the In.l tir.— PP Al7r 'i ti a el l e d s t k n ' i k e i te l l!lVATe r ntness and despatch and at such yricea that Oh roweetion. Alms A. A. tthIIHEItIA. N. E. corner of SIXTH nett PR UNE. Laundry Office. ZIEGLER & SMITII, corner SECOND and lilt Ii:F.N, have acquired a g teat reputation by the wise and Prudent coigne they have pursued inure their commencement in buggies', by gelling a first-rato article at a low figure. gl3-1f large - 11 - Tar, in auperinr order and large barrels, and for saleo igt N. WATAt'EnAnYligteLVXidhe&RVA'n. m ENTON LEMONS.-250 boxes Menton 1 , ..• Lemons, sound and in prime artier, for mile lip nI7 A. Al 1111 NO. imelmith Pll4o,ll*Mreet, ACIEREL, AND ALEWIVES. —9O t,bk. and no half hhla now No. 2; NO hbla. and 13 half hbb. new large N 0.3 blaokerel_,. thla. for wale by WM. J. TAYLOR & 800T41-WIIARVgaI. BALER' BY AUCTION. MTHOMASBONS • Nos. 1 1 $ and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STIES% t Formerly Noe. 17 and 0./ STOCKS AND REALN OON. ESTATE, THIS PAY, AT Pamphlet catalogues now ready. containing full de scriptions of all the properties to be sold on Tuesday next. 4th instant, at 12 o'clock, noon. together with a list, of sales let, nth, 11th. L9th. and nth October, and of real notate at private wile, comprunng a very lane amount of valuable property, • CARD.—PUBLIC SALES REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS AT THE EXCEANGE.--Ealas of real came and o.oollvill hereafter be held at MI o'clock soon, and in the evening at 7 o'clock. FALL SALES STOCK AND REAL ESTATE. Eighth Faliflablotth October. oti the ereonses--teld dente and furniture. N 0.303 &MOM street. Ninth Fall Sale, 37th October. at the Exchange. Tenth Pall Sale, 11th October. on the prentiseq--resi dance and furniture, No. Z 9 South Seventeenth street. Eleventh Fall Bab, 15th October. at the Exchange. LT Part of the handbills for each of the soon mks now toady. PEREMPTORY SALE—RAN FRANCISCO. On Tnesdn .y, Oct. llth. at is o'clock, noon. at tb•Plulsdelphia El eanore. will be sold— Without feSerTe, for Account of whom it may cOn.. CP ra -7 full shares tie) new shares)Sen Frars.-isee.l 'sued AD sociation. Shir Sale absolute. 17 shares Greenwich Improvement and Railroad Co. I share Point Breese Pork Aesociation. 10 shares West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Co. preferred stock. yEWB—CIIURCH OF EPIPHANY. kc. Pew94o. 44 Church of the Epiphany. No. Id do n. Pew No. 94 March of the Nativity. TENTIf FALL SALE—livw OCTOBER. Sale on the_memises —No. ra Smith fbiventeeeth street. NEAT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. On Friday Norman. Itth inst., at 10 o'clock. on the Premises. N0..159 South Seventeenth street, east side, above Spruce st re et, the neat modern four-story brick Mealuig itorr back buildings. and all the modern c o n v e ni e nces . Lot 19 ha 110 feet, more or leas. FURNITURE.—The furniture will be sold imme diately atter the house. ELEVENTH PALL BALE, OCTOBER 18,AT NOON, At the EFshanieonNnclude— TEA BV ORDER OF THE UNITRD STATES. Va.: the very VALUABLE MARBLE BUILDING. formerly the BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. Second street and Dock street. opprede the " Plahnletphia Ex change.' and near the Corn Exchange.' Second Street, the lot 73% feet by 291 feet. hacine four front.. T valuable property. formerly PHILOSOPHICAL HALL. Filth et reet. sou th - of Chestnut. Lot 70 fee (rent. Trustees' Nale.—The COAL LANDS of the NORTH CAR BON DALE COAT. CON PANY.S64 aereaSt perch. in Felt township. Larg,rne county. PR. r i l e dAdwinietratoe eremp Sale—Eatate B U SINESS Holland. dece—V ER 1 VALUABLE STAND. No.. len and lea E,tontla Second street. below Chestnut. Sale absolute. without reserve. VALUABLE FARM AND cors nu - SEAT. at not 58 acres near Bristol. on the Philadelphia and Bustol turnpike: Bucks meaty. Pa. harecubnes' Sale—Estate of D. sad S. Baal,. deed. VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION.—Three story , brick de edit' g. N 0.107 south Tenth street. below Chest not. Orphans' Court Bele—Petate of Joseph Wright. dee'd. VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 1 acre...with im provements. reenter Mill road. near Nseetown lane. - Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of James Brinford, deed. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, northeast corner of Sixth and Mare streets. south of losehord. ING Sameadi Estate mf .—THREE-STORV BRICK DWELL- Same i Estate.—THßEE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Jones' alley, in the rear of the above. Orphans' Court hate—Estate of Henry Jaaltorth. TWO TWO-STORY STONE DWELLINGS, Ger mantown. Orphans' Quirt Sale—F.stats of lobo E. Welch, deed. TWO-STORY FRAM E DWELLING, northwest side of Bniashunit street. Germantown. Peremptnry Sale.— ELEGAN'F MODERN RESI DENCE. No. WIT Walnut street. opposite Rdtentionae square. 'nth all the tr.odern conveniesces. LotE feet 7 inches front hr feet deep, to George street. ELEGANT RESIDENCE with statde. eosch-lwaw, he—Locust street. abeve W Sham street.Thenty-fourtA ward t late WeW PhiLadelphm t. Executor? Sale—Ertel. of Mrs. Anne L. Poalk. deed- YA LI7ABLE BUSINESS STAND.—thore and dwell ins . Kn. kW North Fourth street. above Arch. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No; nu Winter street, west of Twenty-first street. Executor.' Sale—Estate of Willoun Wage.. dee'd. TWO BRICK DWELLINGS. N0e.237 sad = North Fifteenth street. NEAT MODERN towsuto, No. 337 South Eigh teenth street, above Pine street. MODERNRESIDENCE, No. 6341 North Twelfth at. [ TWELFTH FALL. SALE OCTOISER IS, AT 1 O'CLOCK IN THE EYRNING, A t the Exchange. will include-- Orphans' Court S&Ls—Relate of David T wo-ercoux BRICK DWELLING, SIOZIRISL. cor ner of Master and Fourth streets Same Estate.—THßEE THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Fourth street, north of Pdastar.• Same Estate. THREE Two-snoirr BRICK DWELLINGS. nowt, we of Master street, east of Fourth. . • • Satre Eslate.—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING. northwest corner of 3t aster end Pink streets. Same Estate—TIVO,VORV FRAME STABLE, weld side of Pink .trees north or Mater. Same Estate.—THßEE THREE-STORY WES DWELLINGS. east side of Fourth street., honk of Master. with thred four story brick ttweltinns eh* rear. on Pink. street. Orphans' Coon tale—Estate of I rma Chew. dee'd. TWO-STOGY BRICK nwy. NO, No. VI South Seventh street. between Pitty,eo Itil Prue. Trustees' Pa rem m ate—Estate of AMOS Bell. BRICK OWKl.l.outh Sizth Street. between ShlvDch aVwtt rangle, Y Sate.—A Orel:lad-seat of SRI a year. Pro- Vhlrti IR ye . Now Jersey. Stseutive remold:l Me—Elate of Charles . El tits d 4 r x FAT TWO-STORI BRICK DWELL iro l ittlo . K D i Wil l ln e jlk Federal and Perk sty. Rea luoulbills of both the above sates, toorstom sad evening, BALE OP SUPERIOR FURNITURE, RAUSE CRC_ NAWARE,t LARUE FRENCH-PLATE MANTEL MIRRORB.CANE-BEAT AND wit! eta AIRS. SILVER TEA SE?. zaussma c.aßrErs, LARGE FIRE-PROOF. ice, CARD.--Oar sale to-morrow morale[, at the &arum atom, ',nil eonavoae.totara kgs oseettaat toerod hand fvolilnlF. 111 Ivo itod elegant Fre mei- plots =owl inirmot, rick 6lt Stamm a large anorosoot °Cosner grfal nN >rtPdlor elkairs. silver jos set. coado .b by Wil -4"te;,roTat2=l;4249lfati,2ll=77fAir: Ean atiraotare worth,r the attention of ta 716410041 f dailiota of nurokaatar. cliViLlnea sow ready. and Ora artrclea amazed Sor azamisatroa. We No. NB Sansom Street. • SUMMON Ft ILN I TURN. PIANO, 31 /RR02.9.., CHANDELIERS, rte. This Morning; October Stli. at 10 o'clock, a t No. NC Zissioaastmet.ft eatalogtie. the Mane household tr: - .,stlera, inseams rear. wood serer-octave piano. pails lor Meyer ; malt of rose wood drawing-roam furrukarc mirrors. say olutedeligya thswiag•roora aad chamber file feather toil, hair mattresses, te. Mao, the kilehea ruralrom tAi 14 , 71.6 nea 111111. t four story areal/ease wallto soli previous lekelffifol YWlpartisithare is eatalogees. Pale at N 139 and 141 Rooth Fourth Street SHPERIOIt FU RNITURE. NITURE, FRENCH-PLATE MIR RORS, PLANO-PORTS. BRUSSELd CARPET& Oa Thursday Morning. At 9 o'clock. at the Auccum Mora. an canortnient of excellent second-hand furniture. elegant Dann fortes. fins mirrors, carpels. etc, from familia s decennia tualseXeeFint. removed to the store for conrsaience of mile. Also, an elegant silver tea net. d pieces Also. a quantity of Nankai Ctnea, *Mod hare, tat glass ware. Ae. Also, a largequantity of Boston made chairs, recta's, serum eh , us. &a. Also, a large ate-proof info, made by Praxis & Wet- SALE OF VALUABLE BOOKS. WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS CAM ERA ( ) OSCURA, ENGRAVINGS, ARTISTS' NiAT F: it IA r. On Thursday and Fritts, Evenincs. October 6th and 7th. at the dart l on Store. a coliertion oC valuable London books. on various iratsects, Works on the Art of Painting, Am. Also. water color drisriogs, camera obscora, artists,' materials, earmints: &a. 11114 , For *articular: catalonea. X N. GUMMY & SONS, J • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER No. IX WALNUT shiNcr, CARD.—J. M. GammeT Nay, sartioseapy MN i rmit f ar saes o f Rea, Sk-alp. Ake. Mio bows- V& OR OW Private Sale Reglater Intl shwa to fond a tory Imp. &ow* of reel mate, itteltu . even cle seetetwe U wwz or"" J. EL 1' V tom Real &tate Broken, Na Vie 'WAIN U2' Street, below Ruth. m o , s N g omt r t g io n z A, LazaraNl e ER SLY:ISW RACE Streets. MONEY TO LOAN, MONIT TO LOWS , 1.1105 01 ala/13. A 1101114114 ei merehandiza setteredis. talon all trebles of vain. Ai. urns Oval oal BESDRltntOttia• runt Cm ex_sT. ran Mange, Ae.,at ...Nadas** Priseired ° be. *No Y ! MON. MON EY !!! Money rally advanced Isrge or small amounts, ?non one dollar to thousand% gold and silver plates diamonds. watches. r r7,f menineat ut strumeste. furniture, dry noted. elation,~ grocenes. ars. bardware.entlery,booh, rebieles, hareem, sad landless of value. fur is.u7 length of time agreed on. at. NATUA2C6' PRICSI,I. EaTAzusaxs.vr, sontheem ai of Sixth and Raee streets. PROMISSORY NOTES, with eidbiterak, litscoualed at . th e arrest market rates. GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHER, TEWElsity. Ay. AT PRIVATE SALE, at NATHANS' PAL EBTABIdSGMENT, S. E. corner of 51).T.11 sad RACE Streets.—The following artidleavillt• LAM: leas than had the tonal m 'noes: 'oes: Fine paid 141041 patent full jewelled and plain. of the matt approved and best make, in limiting eases and dosbAt sted. Fine go4l escapement lever and repine erstekes. to Mar bee clue ar t open face. some of them are esti% fell Jeweled, and best make. Silver I.ROIIII Attest Itver watches, ogress. meut lever lute tor. lemma rase sad open face. some easy as nor . sateen, Swim. French, and Iligtter tratehei; ne gold vest. fob, neck, east chil dren scheme% nue gold "soca oases bad pens. bracelets. breastpins, Sager-nose, ear-rnage, rands. medallions. and revelry generally. Seminar Hamm einem at $1 arlrr thomM, is boxes of la each. will be sold by single ai o it m a . peirobamn. Numerous fancy AT PR IVATE SALE. A superior ire-proof ehest, g feet high by s feat wide, Also. watches. and Rivalry of every deson;,tioe. BT. LOUIS, Taro. W ri k rA OTA " SLCIN a fPA"UTTN I:C T.or. ERC I l o. r l North MAIN ST Ware. hirers, Oleg & Co, Phdadel) Oder their sernke to the rue maaafacturers. asd °then, rs. - 1141elklus. for the sate of dry goods, carpets. Vsada, or ,k . hardware, jewelry , ft, ch. advances made on receipt of goods. nas. Settlements made throe days after salsa 1111121LEXCTS. Meese. Wars. CLighorn, P hi a ls. pails, zguart & Brother, Van Wyck, Townsend, & Warren., New York. L. & IL Curtis dr. Ca., . 6 Wood, Chnety, & Co, Bt. Louie. Mo. " Crow, McCreary. & Co., LADIES' HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS. FRI BETTS. and CURLS. marmred i c o nstantly hest and newest Paris styles. and of which we keep a cery large assortment on hand. sold wholesale and retail, at the lowest petsible pnces. Orders from all pular)t the country solicited, and promptly, attended to. Also, a new HAIR DV F e superior to am In use, M. MITOLY, No. 12 I'ENTII Between Ithrket and Che:rtang. RE FINED SUGAR.-500 barrels various grades. ISO bbls (+rushed. ilifted Lad r0v1)4., for sal: by JAM UKAHAM LETITIA Rtr."l. - _ MOKEREL.--130 bids. Nos. 1. 2. and J-T-M- 3 Mackerel. in auvivid crixinai nnekages, the Latest catch, for sale DI C. C. RADLER &CO„ 01 A AM Rir.t. xxsond dn.. "Inv, Frrint Po It E CONFECTIONERY, MANDPACTCRED DT EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Irate of S. Hannon, Moro S. W. corner ARCH and NINTH streetz. 811 Filbert street, 1111011 E PROOF OF TIIE IVONDERFUT. -mx. EFFECTS OF MONELL'S AMERICAN HAIR REPAHATOR. - PIIILADELPHIA. September 27th. This is to certif . ) that I was told tor man) )ears. awl was recommended to try )our Reparator ; awl 1,,; tic procured three twttles, used it for three months. which has mused my hair to grow, and althoush not quite as thick as before, )el it is CORStalltb No. 39 Nort E. h M Thi . JON rd street. Star DELPIIIA. SOpteMber r.th. ISgt. Mr. J. P. MO Dear Sir... Some time since my hair commenced fslltnt out.. much so. that I Ass. in fact. tearful of Isecomtn< bald; but beams of theou derfut power of ;tour RetarAtnr. t was. induced to Ls) a bottle, and :Met using one-hall of it ml hair not olds eased coming out. but CORI'S!e need yrowmc and I hare now itit thick &Butt of hair as ever 1 had. JACOB EVAN& No. 521 Cherry chest, For sale he T. If. PETERS A. Co.. Sole Agent*, :sc,. 716 CHESTNUT Street. t'hdldelphta. sew approved brands. and al scaly else and quality . reatured for city and t ountry trade. Al prices soitonisbiney Send your order* to XIIAILER & SAHTH. Druz. Paint, (11w , /and Yams& Dealers. comer SECOND and GREEN Rimers. Cu if _ fiAUUt) rve air MIN:Rion 4VALiTY. EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Manufaoturer and 1111PCiflor of , Freueb and Spanish L orOATF.- Store 8. W. maser AR CH and ft PiTH &Teets. ge-tu • - (Factory 611 FLlbert stmt.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers