M4AUNE.INTFJAJdENCt. _ 7 - 11114 romtm i 14, Aug Nnhinc t homari in bt , et to to Radon Zt• Cletpont, Leg fitSIOVIiP-WeltiallialtaPpr o kkre" 811::::St,.'-'el64`1.1 - 7.714j,gret;tain,(11t.t., our • Unio ns e, Eaton, Bairgeriitoqtr C Ryer, Hackett; do; ntarllght. - Riehards. do; turmoil% do; rkedo; tomo, ewer,do; Gem ofthe ,bantine wnt; brigs A R., iterling, Comery,,from peorge Wn. 8C; Imogene, and li;xeou , tiie . Lee, kit dischsi so raritany',Counee. flptere.wtg; - Montrose; Winsloie, front floy,kiinah:intiolig, end others ' reported later: Left. at Bt Wm Loud, Brown, Toeahootiis;aeodele , urger the West, Burros% mid r ho& Damon Bartlett, all Moho coal, for _ft *ndeer. Franklin, for Aux Cayes, to ' eortdiit4.,vriEvin.id,l°lth for fit Domingo, ' do) brig Cotton one,Aerstrlip, Wen Philadelphia, Wachs: brig Than, and sohy BB finies,Just arrived Irma New York - I :tio_oble Rome. of , Outitlincre , Lowell, arrived , inieevarione of tbe 4othlnoti Fargo on Are in -' the loiter - 01dr and although every exertion ' was made to arrest ltslirogress. she nurnt,to the water 11 edge, in giVistom Abe' inset of the, lath ult: sails and rigging f i at t#ll. cargo (Wooed. = l2, , 1‘ litossilstatiffehitObeedimad.New York, /as Alliterdioe. Bark Helen Mario, Nickerson, Boston, Tweliii & Co. , Behr Henry N.utt, Baker, Calv,eaton, Jalrus Baker. tiohr 'Mather, Nickerson, 'Boston; Crowell & Collins. , , • - , MAMORANDA. • Steamshlri Boston, Bellew, hence, arrived at N York n'Trn' Oka, Teal, for Havre, was towed to Bea , from New Orleans 20th ult. Ship Hornet, Mitchell, from San Frarteisco, at N York es yteay.' • • liar rd kSoneea, reinhagen. °loured at New York yester day for Valparaiso. • Bark Amalie, Hadde, sailed front Ifolvoet lath ult. for Phihutelytua. ha n i)i% " t v d t t n . awam ' °v im' , for New York, was Areol- „Bohm Maria .Fleming. Shaw. anil N Ponder, Dor man, from Brandywine pt New York yos-terday. &Ins Flyaway, and J., W Nickerson, from Delaware City, arrived at New Bedford $d inst. -.. Bela W Loper, Robinson, hence, at N Bedford 3d inst. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, lir 'TO 12 O'CLOCK LA94 xiane GOURD HOUI3E.-Ohestrut at.. below Ninth ) 2 _Willimmilken - Miss Sauey, Bedford, Pa ,CisodtllATl,_ IS M. Malone, Pa W,P Shell, Ni W A Cathcart & In, Pa Mrs Looker, atrishurs A W Huntington Conn .11 D.Bajnail, .1 orfolk • Jon M Southall, Norfolk '' D B Ent ne I r a ' ' 0 Itppkine.N 0 • . - .Y. halk. N 0 W Williams, Tenn •. T F.Williaina, Tenn John P Cochran. Del - J Coebran,lieb . - Julian Cochran. Del . E 1 liltuesell,Cill,i 0 Robt Bo dVa -B A Litetions.l ii ~ John L j' o}ta , Pottsville : .13 0 Mayer. Fe. - L EH Aroer, Salem, NJ - ;11 D Douglas & Wife; Cann .1 W Kimball, Boston , Johtt Itingilhittl,,Prov . ~ WA Buckingham&la,Conn Miss BUCSITISh4M, COStl - Miss R Ripley, Conn ' N porta° Sr is - - • If Remington &la • 2ir Buffington ' W T Endes & ht, Boston to Buttes, Boston ' ' L Johnson & In,Bradford Its Johnson, Bradford W Ordway & l a, Bradford E Donlon , - • - •John W Quincy, N Y Mienimey, N If Miss M A. Quincy, N Y Chas} Clark, Buffalo J 0 Webster, Mass .: It Carter & la; Newark, NJ Miss 0 Smith,Newark, N J . WS Pierson, Newark, N J E Wleman Boston ciiffel, 3 Nolen,_N 0 . Miss E L Nolen N 0 lidjst _to Nolen. N 0 Miss MOSSIIISSr , MILES W W BUMP, N 0 John Mcßae & la, 8 C ' Thole 8 Bodd, 8 C • , ' Mita kludd, 8 C & T Batchelor la, Boston ' Dexter if Follett. Boston et2011111:1, . 'Chancellor Wedworth 3 D Sanders, Cal git Randall & fa, US A , Miss Nutttne..,,n N Y ' iss.Vganl,N 1 V Reernia_,ll N 0 E Henri, Del Miss W E Hooper, Aid B !Cabby & Is, Wish . Aliaa Franklin, Wash , Geo Broken & la,Al Y -W A Wells,'N Y• • R H McCain, Jackson, Ala N P Kemp, Boston 11 W hitei New Haven , Andrew 3 Polk, Tenn D 8 Chase. Augusta. Oa , 3 B Cristy_& la, St Louis - 0 v women & wf , N . ll Miss Hoffman, N B J 0 Oldger l ig Y ir - , ailm,K h i l igg i N Y id - EVAIIt7I,IP, Sava . nitah S Rmilli, ocr A 8 Lawrence ' Is; NV, • - A W McClure, Va ' MISS K. Bumgerdnet- ,W 0 GreepP,N V ~ _ C.Brayer.:Kingston, I. J Brayer,Kingeton, N N . Rev 0 A Henthe,r Ire d Wm R - Buroker, Brooklyn W T Brush, Jr NY - Rohl Harwell, Mobilo D 8 Mesainger'& la, Maes W .11 Talbott, Indianapolis 0 3 Morrison, Indianapolis B Fairbanks, Vermont It Border &Mt, Fall River N Dories. & wi. Fall River ° h Wood.N Y . %Molls & wi, N Y W W Stone & ori.NY _ A Hide, Vt J D Kinshury, Vt ' - Mr Witticher N Y I • A L Cooledge & In, Boston A Rubery,,Eigland . glen W Jessup Pa • Miss Jessup, a , A Maguire, N ( W II Judah & la. Fla B P Mookentree,_Bostci TII Cole & In, Biddeford Mrs A L White. Boston 'A, Prince & la, Brooklyn ••3 McClure, N - 1 1 • - • • Major Ramsey, N 0 . . E T Watts, Ala 0 W Ladd, N Y _ NJ Johnston , & In. African Wll Power. N Y ; • W 8 Slott &Is, Paris, Ky . , Dr W A Griffins. Kr W A Thurston: KY ;. J . APPold, Balt --F. 6 Haywood • , Selimpider,N y „..N a Hawes, Vs ..-- 'A C Senna &to Boston . ' C King, Charleston. /3 C Jos Arnolder, Baltimore-6' 1,5 r Cfniackellord. Ala ' -T T-A is C H Cameroo, Ala Geo I' Knight, England -T A Oakley, N 0 ' TA Robinson, Va A - Thomson, Va - . Chao T Pollard. Ala' John I' King ,Ga 3 }I Wyaran, N Y -.AI ll Nathan, Charleston .JAI 0 Brown, Ark Mr* EJ Dural, Ark Miss At L Rutherford, Ark 13 J Field . , • jam W MoCr ,ry. Ala R Et Waddle, Ala Mr Imeoli, Pittsburg HT Skekling, N Y • B D Smith, Va - A 0 Randolph ,_ -, •' - 0 Sanierd. N Y ' - -. , Miss Banfordai Y - • ' .1S Robinson, Va JONES' HOTEL-Chestnut Moist. above Sixth. H Prioo Va 8 H Jones, Vit . V B Brutes, hid J C Smith, Va Hft Bird, Va - ' -Pr A Kernel, Renton, Mo O F Steven s _, bhto T F Owens Norfolk, Va J Vickers, Norfolk, Va G A Cary, Va • .1 0 Cooper. Wheeling: Va H D Leauitt, Jr. Boston Rev Tilos Reardon, Easton G Robarts_,'Col co, Pa Atm Rdharts,Col Go, Pa C 0 Brice. N liCerby, Y - Ael Corn, Utica, N Y C A Richardson, Boston John A ken, Mass - 8 Maynard : hid Thos nn laid Oohs I Davis, • Thos W pp mmons, Md ffi John Wilkins , Belt W W Buffington; halt Carson,,Md - - Rev Mr llUtter & la,-N Y Rev Mr Chester &Pt, N Y W W Cheater & la. N . 1t - W t:trait.. New Bedford K Ctiiir,Buekspon, .Miss Miller, Roehester,NY Master ht Miller. N Y ' Jeremiah Skinner & la, Me P Beviia& la; Conn • CA Wood ward,Rl Win T EvaN „ `N I, I/Pham, Concord, N It A B Blair. V Place & la, NY 11 Settle. Tenn ' .ftihn At Crum, Va - Taylor & la, Cincinnati J B Tainmone, litd J klettrogor..Mil Joe remand!, ' C W Woodruff; N 0 ed W Taylor. Va 'Jacob Knip Jr. Halt Al) Rudolph. N V - C Stiles, West Ch ester HawkeN Y ' E Breibst,'N Y _ 1., Palmer , Delaware co,Pa Jacob MYets, N Y A L Barrett, Bait A H Avery, Boston R Basle, Washington H Dunning,Dbio ' PEBC Remits°, Vs Wll Rose, Va- Me4ttliewa, Conn AMERtCAN HO'PEL.-Chestnut et., above Fifth. • II Parker..W Cheste 8 11_11ackett, U 8 N ' H B Swope,Cleatfield r. • CB Newell, Clearfield - -ill L . :Conner, hl Chunk , U Leer, & la, Doylestown ill'A l trifilla j • a"" a ' a 1 4 D 1.11: 1 1;. I= l4 , 0' ' - 11 . ?Oiler, NC" ' T o,nauser. N C a ' . . Min 0 Anderson; N Y '- C Btatorl.W Cheater ' ' li P Join:won, 'TY nhoster -J Jo neon, W Chester 8 8 White, Phil' • • Jll We, Pblla • , O A Soinerley. Boston A J Johnson. Beaton , tsi,Boston • A .r.i COMO et 1 3 Sograve. RI _, 3 8 tettyman, hi p, & la, Mr-sso l igape & Ino B elt • V 8 WAD) Miss glans_ , Batt A 1 Barber Williaten ' Wm Miller, Williston Chen Mills & la, N Y Mm Clancy, N y • OM Crittencen, hitch Cynic A Lewis. Mich Rebt Mann, Pa • Jo kn Trailer. Wash F. glee, N Y • 11 Baldwin. NY Miss Hattie Trimble, Del Mrs W Maxwell. NY .1 11•Prettch, Boston Nkaripg, Boston j A Rue. N Y C XWBB, HArtiOrd F N Patterson, Pa ' WrriXerner, Pa • J 0 Dencicoltpan, N y W H Dright, Ashland, Pa • , IT_NION BOTED-Aroli street. above Third. , - D W Highbereer, Pa Roht Orr, Minion( Mies hi Fake, N Y 11 Num, Connally/110 W 8 Hubbell, Ohio A Dewed, pa. ' 13 Swaney Pa .1 Mandervilla, Ohio JD° Wellir, Pa , D 0 Skiing, Ohio Geo Iluzanl, Ohio P A. Fawcett, Ohio' 3no II Bunter, Ohio ' Jrio R Clarke. Vis W A Deltriek, T r, Ara A 0 Relninic ,r AllentownB W Wall, Pi 0 , • Win Ewntg, Wheeling R. Cottingham, Easton, Pa Ira Pay, hiechanirishurg D htiller.Cumberl'd co, Pa li Waggoner, Cumin co. Pa 13 Boardman to la, Conn ~Mrs P Anderson, Mese • ..MlO , ;Anderson, Mimi mipeA Andorson L MOns • , , awl , dersoi t tMio . 1 ,, ,I, 13iles &n T. Conn t ea / 0 1 pi elio mt n'y g r"}" "8 8 11" W r ytr A inl a r, -. P. ? IP tt t er Pc le, hi J . • '' l'es ii urieC rn' ' . 4 , 81. liw i N II IJ %lard, i•ir P a ' " 1/ tratral O r o .I'. M Norton,li J ' fie en, Auburn. Nl. Redman. Anburn.PT Y J iptecens, Conn JnO b Tayier;zaneevtito '1) moCarty, Zanesville , BALD ZADLE HOTEL-TM rase ab. Call o w luiL R.,FA0000,/e*OO Superior Wll Mellon, Conn Tll Clause, Carbon 00, pa T Monte, SI co, Pa Wyn g.eltner *Mk co. pa t Belot inan, ehighton •J J•Wolelager, Centreville 11. Phil 'a •A CalviA,„Faatori • , Reese, Jr, I J Bieber. Delaware City-'Wm Bieber. Del City 3 Rnye, Delaware City — A LBiecer,lebenon co,Pa ,• , • _MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-Second at. above Arch. F Fathom, Beekwoodtown 13 T Smith, Cape May, • VII Will i tgit i rie l t i t i ttly sPt II ?if i c i Pgre n , b 6Till'ik "Wn . $ Middleton, li Y - .• 7-M Kreiger, cloarficld Jonah A Brown, Pa L 11 Latrall, Allentown Miss Carrie Priceatt • .. • . " ' ..- COMMERCIAL HOTEL-Sixth et.. above Chestnut. A Maio, l'a _- - . • W 8 Jeeksony Del • • .• Mr Walker, Pa _ - • M A Toral, Clearfield %Too ale y , atiator co , Mint Ma um /poster co is 114.7filitUr 'it , main° - - '',T, value riz t litt k Pflo 0. i • ' Ter viltin , Lane -iic .14;4=1;) 4 Einnillanftl'r RRAANTIT' •lICTEP-Four? st...t t rlow AfOil. lant r iggloljimour g , 'fp c a tgr e h, "AP T McCreeiy &ow Beaver Itit t nai u itreik , Fleyfigl V11044441.1114,1101,', pit rinktri:6l+,l S 1 r4toltga 11 , . I "F`4,4illoit,. r oglit?p fr ' • 1 41 i 6 #lo ° . X I : . "DI M i r g i : i l it iAV OtW il e i li de ln Y i e n ' lt6 ' nit: l: P ci r riti d4l4l.?4 ,.. '' .., . j fi a li ji t u ri M all :. t : ht if ill :B 4 : °' C l la . l l :: '' ki ntl ")l t 'a ,:pru h :n d d .• 6 4. 5 T e „:;; 5 :,,,i:,:',: i t obi Bto leer. LynuoMnee -Jib donnti 1 I ' ' liftitra:lo:ol l i A ii(037?.074 C ' i ti p :14 11 i ... i . I ._,,,- ~ ,f, i tirA, °Tecate ilbl 4ii filnile , p .•.• illitonee, 0 '' IA li Un k la, / 4 4Ni '' ' J•, •-' NATIONAL 310 TEL-Inca Mimi. above Third. • Mihe MX Russell, Danville Mrs etednark Win, Pro ' We 1 111 C oTn A ti n h g e g ml 6 k2 5 F Aga)! Potts ville "a 0 D Jackson. g Pa • . Jll Me lake s Chicago .11FROO f Salt: , •• - • Mop Cathcart,Weehcle 11 11 EnghirMiliersville -.. Jno_ll. Shantz, ;Le henon Egos a eist. bane ea, Pa hf T Alotry i, Pa fil e ggltia l ,c a lg. Bethlehem C E 9 ltre k ,..P: • • 'EAGLE ROTRii-Third etrest.'above Race. LW Boltott,'Cantden, NJ BB Wagner, Barks co os W Yammer°, Pa • I Peirce, Chester co • is Peirce, Chester oo C OreenserattcLebenon -"1- ttiJ 4 0 . ? Cr fir l A te rV P ß ' '' ''' A P Ps ruile ° r he '• l44, f e ri ' gl i f i ftft ROTEL7,:%rigg o a . t r itas d - gallowhill. i ll 71404iLeielliOn ' ,e, Finney, pay4itte , etter_i gibed_ JA rte t• Harker, Jenkin n • - it ) , Burrrneytwn Jittuus Welker, Pearii.burg m Ittickntati,gyhme Thochlohr. Pa • : rt i t i n ia l l i • b u ' - • ilibm'il . P l 4 l eT, Oxwigeli'g • es loc. Bp ,vg ko l. ;1411 , -. 1 5° no , Pa 1071 1 17,Pa ll. ov l ii,,, F A nrpon 4, pe Ifill Pd , tit iign, lig • &rail lye,l 4 lle. eci en -111 selet4a BARIMTIAPAP:HOTEL - Asoond st,, below Vine • .6 Coma, tudi ItryantPlida .1 fluster ec FM Pb rt. , , Vttli.• lope •'- , 11 Reeder, Phil% • . Je mackweltiTiquivillo A &lir& n i e2:l ll° , • A 1 1.7,7, 11 =1„.... , •J 'r atacknonee, Burgs to J Tierney, Now ji ni , - Eel Miles, Pe Cll Bete Bucks (sora.... Edw Atkinson. Bucks co, Pa. Simpeon, Buck; co. Pe Wm Willsorbli J • 89 KoloherkiWits co A C Barber N 1 8 P Buckmenailwtown Wm Ilecithion. Cheltenham Ralph LoCchell, sucks co . MBRCHAIITS' HOU 'Bl ,-Thlrd et. Above Callowb ill. P Umbolte, Tremont, Fil 013 Miller, Pb. A Ditelhi Centre co V Palely, Shamokin , , Flibirdlliarinkin • • , col tv, Aux co Silas oiler, ,ano co Rev rm a ing ' P Albright, Reeding • hi 0 Crop, arby, ,Pa 1. Buchner Sunbury, l'a , Mr. Rader, Huntingdon It Pascoe, Lake Superior ~„ , . , STATES UTlTOPl—lllariret at., ober, t . 3 , Joth. F M Aid V " 114"1"111 'i A4 7 1 4150n &dude 846t6"; 4 1 ;111 ' 510 ' ' BA .111 1 in & la . ; Md,' # t i a arliVVil&libUr.g, Po 15/Jackman, Wilksburg ,P h 0 , dolluote Pa ; 3 W Cola, Ohio A °Dl437:Ceuiden J earner, Intl on, pi; I,y, oblvillonllOrg' T., A.4114,41'F: ialti i h t Jaltireqn to .1 touee, I oil' eu *lig ; li RI y ` . ribtgotio4,,T4 Ail.T bi lddP A .);l7,,r , Vp &YAM: ~4.Pird,l F ` a Ara, ilne cg, PI: ") yo.. ,yo V n . . 'FILANK FIs a ?cr i e i ttisTi "t 4 t SSPAVITIn Third ' i pti ori m ing . MI , if Y ' MP l k 1 151 "t°" 6 1 1 1 7 ' ' 41" t 4rilg Vis - qel , ' li It o , tra.S. 1 It , I,,,Ap t ow, a " ale '' , i t 1 filploll, pi a ' , f 4 oldwal , Raven ,' *Q intir 1 utitiOni y .. • . ir0n5...04 1.,. A l mrig4Y.,, I Y ( IlSrplo a , 1 t c v H i' ''7lr4 e L l l t t e ' 1 %e ve a .. Pt N lln . rm Altqn 1111 or. tver:, fi ti l ke ' MASI, '1 Mra VA , —R. , 1; . „ ill y 1 VRFIII4II ApppiAll 9 .t' I P 01 ' MARRIED. WISTER—BUTLER.—On Saturday last, October Ist, lage. at the Church cf the Eplphany, by the rector, Roy. J. W. Oraoraft, Dr. Owen Waiter to Sarah, daughter of Pieroeutler. all of Philadelphia. ' - GRAY—FIHATON,4m. tith, by they. M. R. Talbot, Chaplain in the Navy, Mr. John Gray, of Marcus Hook. Delaware county, Pm., to Aire , Margaret 'Fulton, of Philadelphia. LARASON—BOWEN.--On the 2d inst,by, Hit% Robt. H. Pattison, Mr. Robert G. Laraeon to Idiss Emilia D. Bowen, all of Philadelphia. DIED. , BACON.—On the morning of the 3d inst., John Bacon, in the Slat year of hie age. His frienus are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No, 923 Green street, on Fourth.* af ternoon, sth st 3 o'clook. laterinent at Front! Western ground. FREDERICK.—On the 3d instant, Mrs. Elizabeth Frederick,,in the friendsf her age. The, relatives and of the family are respect fully' invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, S. Frederick, No. 922 Callowhill street, on Thursday horning; at 10 °Week. To proceed to Literal Hill Cemetery. s s WHAY.-00 the-3d instant. Mrs. Mary R. Wray, yife crime, P. Wray,,[ n the 32d year of her age. Fawner from the, residence et her husband. No: 121 Cooing street, below New Market street, this afternoon, at 3 cicitlr.• - ,WALLACE.—On the 3d instant John, eon of Samuel and Eliza Wallace. aged 2 years, 3 months, and Si days. Funeral from the residence of his. parents, No. 2127 Cuthbert street , this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Smith, the instant. Mary A., wife of John B. Smith, the 33d sear of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 2110 Summer street, on Thursday afternoon, at o'clock. ' 111cCARTY-On the 3,1 mat, Daniel McCarty, in the 21th year of his age. Funeral rpm the residence of his mother, Mrs, Ann McCarty, Filbert street, west of Twenty-second, this afternoon. at 3 o'clock. McCORMICK.—On the 3d instant, Margaret McCor mick, slaughter of J. D. and the late Catharine McCor mick, in the )9thyear of her age. Funeral from the residence of Jter parents, No. 321 South Sixth street, below Spruce, on Thursday morn ing, at o'clock. . . . . ROE.—On the lit instant, Mr. Samuel Roe, in the 61st year of his age' Funeral from his late residence, Darby, this Mild nesdayj afternoon, at 2 o'clock. 461).11IvElt.—On the 2d instant, Hefty D. Driver, daugh ter of Samuel and Ann B. Driver, aged 12 years and 11 months. Funeral from the residence of her Parente. No. 2 2 6 Prime street,this (Wednesday la fternoon. at 3 0000 2 . * BURNSIDE.—On the afternoon of the atn fistula, Mary, wife of William Burnaido. BLACK IRISH POPLINS, all qualities, • Plain Grey Irish Poplins. Black Velour .Repe. laok Annelinee. lack Satin de Chines. lack Winter Glovee and Gauntlets. Mourning Brocade Mohair& Black cloth Cloaks for Fall. Mourning Balmoral Skirts. Black Oros ()nun and Poult de Bole Bake. Just received by BESSOli_k. SON, McuThinK Store. No. 806 GfIESTNIn.' Btreet. ErAT A MEETING OF TILE STUDENTS of the JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE, October ith, 1809, T. F. LEE, of Alabama, was celled to the Chair, and JUDSON A. BUTTS, of Geor gia, appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was briefly and appro priately explained by the Chairman, whereupon the following preamble end resolutiuna were offered by George W. Thonfas; of Georgia: Whereas, An all-wise Providence in its mysterious dispensation bath removed, by death, from our midst GEORGE A. PANCOABT— esolved, Ist. That we have heard with emotions of profoundest sorrow this inanities event. Resolved, 2d. Thatwe tender to his father and brother our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolence. Resolved,3d._ That we attend in a body the funeral of the deeeasd , from his late residence. Resolved. 4th. That A copy ot these resolutions be sub mitted to the family of the deceased. Resulted 9th. That a copy of these resolutions les in serted in The Press of this city, and the Medical and Surgical Reporte T r. . F. LEE, of Alabama, Chairman. JUDSON A. BUTTS, of Georgia, Secretary. 11* THE PHILADELPHIA BALK.—OCT. 4, I&s9.Zannual meetiniof the Stockholders of thin Bank will he held nt the Banking bonne on TUESDAY, the Drat day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. And the annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Douse on MONDAY, the 2lst day of No vember next, between the hours or IC A. M. and 2 P. M. on-wfrkin tO2l B. B. COMMA'S, Cashier. SPIRITUAL ISlll.—mn. J. V. MANS WELD of Roston,vrriting teal-medium, through w om ovor eighty thousand communications have been received, has Rooms at N 0.109 North SEVENTH Stre * et, where he may be found daily, from 9 to 15 o'clock. °COL Tig,ECIIANIC IS , BA NK.—PHILADEL IA, October Eh, 1859. Notice is hereby oven that an election for Thirteen Direetors, to serve the !Vienne year, will be held at the BanMns House on MONDAY, November 21st, from 10 A. M. to., P. M. .. , 'I he annuls:l ;nestingof the Stnekh(Hers will be held 4I on TUESDAY, Novainlst, at Is olook M. eit-wfrkm • G. MITCHELL, Cashier. TrDELEGATES TO THE BOARD OF FOREIGN MIBSIONG 'visiting the city should see the celebrated Picture of the " Mart, rdom of John Rosa.FINE " lw Leasing, now exhibiting at the ACADEMY OF ARTS. Open frpm 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., and 7 to 10 P. M. Admission, 25 cents. ob-it icyrPROF. 0. S. ;FOWLER'S LECTURES ON MAN. at MUSICAL FUND HALL.—TUEII r, EVEN)NO,Oet.4II." Self-Culture and Children. • TRURSDAI EVENING. Oct. Gth" Analysis of the Mental Faculties." SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. oth, " Intellect and Memory. and their Culture." Com mencing quarter before 8 ci'clook, and closing with pubho examinations. These lectures will be found highly interesting and in structive. Tickets to the Course of 17 Lectures—Gents, a 1.25 t Ladies, 76 cents; single ticket*, 22 conta. Professional Examinations daily_ and on evenings not appropriated to _lectures. at the i hrenologiaal Rooms, No. 9= CHESTNUT Street. Bee Programmes. ricrREV. PETER CARTWRIGHT, THE Old Pioneer Preacher of the' West, will Lecture in CONCERT HALL: THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENING of this week. Tickets ;In cents ; for sale by Parry & McMillan, Reek it Lawton. Porken pine & sins. the Methodist Tract Depository, and at the Hall on the days of the lectures. Vocal and Instrumental MUSIO will be furnished by a troupe secured for the aCCAlliOlg. Doors open at 64 o'clock. el-it if' ZFARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK rtut.angtvitts. October 3d, 1959. ee is hereby given that an election for Thirteen Directors win be held et the Banking House nit MON DAY, November2lat, 18W, between the hours of flo'clock A. M. and 9 o'clock Y. M.; and It general meeting of the Stockholder* will be held on TUESDAY, November let, at 4 o'clock P. M., at the Banking house. 04-dtn2l „ W. RUSHTON, Ja.. Cashier, s -m. SO U T.MW ARK HANK—PHILADEL PHIA, October 3.1,185/ Notice is hereby given that an election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on MON DAY, NoVember 21st. 1839,_ between the- hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clOok P. AI.; and a general meet ing of; the Stockholders will ho held on TUESDAY, No .veinber let, at 12 o'clock 111, ot-dtn2l P. P • STEEL. Cashier. at BANK OF / OMDIgRC6—I'~~[ILADbL IM P. October 1. 1809.—Notieo la hereby Riven, at an Election for thirteendirectors_ to gereelor the eneuinixenr, he held at the BANK ING 110 USE, on adoNDAI, November It , between the hours of 20 'o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. Id. J. 0 . DONNELL OutliV 0 ,. :3-trovrtn2l Tbe annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held et the seine Wade on TUESDAY, November 1, at 1; o'clock M. J. O. DONNELL .oe3-noirctnl, " Oashier. trj" niny, October i th : nt r Ylf i o'clock. Tli w . , o Rev. O. B. Fro 'Mash am, of ow of Brooklyn. and v. IV. f. Furness, D., of this city, will participate n'the occasional services. The public are cordially invited. , • St" ISTAFREE- LECTURES EACH MONDAY AND INF.DNESIIAY EVENINOS,Ly Professor LKINS, M. D., ECLECTIC COLLEGB, Sixth and Candwhill. Subject for this evening and Wednes dv eveninv." nikellflOS or tho Liver." /Medical Odiee, No.lol CUP.STNUT St. . ggo-30 THIRTENTH AND FIFTEENTH ,X E 6THEISTS PABBKHOKR. HAlLayity co* i li t elittarMt 6 01re g iVrliMa t tid t )Ten g elf- l it e r ra c t t c s ' rlirerd ar su ß ge il gWeklrr u gi t fi t e h d ° fi i r tY ma l iit 'b iato t : A A WALNU'r Street, Flilladelphia,un the 10th day of Go tober,l/0, at II o'clock A, fil..go organize Raid corn. Filar. and elect a President and Five Si rectors, and each other officers as may be deemed necesr or expedient. yward'Gmte, -W. A. wards, ' menet G. Kromer, - , D. D. Jones. ,4lreAlfred o,l(armerloe Armstrong, , George Williams, ;Thee. EL Cromberger, .1 W. to i rneYi . Y. O. Ellmaker, John m eet Joseph Wood, George Megee, zedwd. C. reedit, Thos. Watson t Y. H. Frees, 11-11.Coggehall, James Benner", Henry Haines, Den_dy Sherwood, . W. Fitzgerald, Hw Stephen I'. Hill, William Deal, C .Colket, and Gee. W. Simons, asorge A. Coffey. M. Bouvier, . 1 OS .121. Commissioner,. frrPROF. 0. S. FOWLER WILL C 0 I. FIERCE a Comae of LECTURES ON LIFE, ita V as. Organ, Floligruipt i nd Improve neat,Lyn frAte, " AIIIVIISDAVTE7ArNO S ypt. 14111 ` , and Five EQ16,4101131 opiolotto atttoosAalty Ma rooms. For oftrtioi!!ani ti Hit &AO PriiiilrO as day. el2-lm NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE GREATEST BOOK of the SEASON, Just published. by • GEORGE 0, EVANS OIFTJBOOK ruBLISH ri.). 4SiICHESTNUT St., and reeßllect tha so nt a hand me * amid, worth Irmo o oElml To woo, IS GIVEN WITH EACH HOOK. NOW READY' Aigmgias OF Roatorritomil l IltEmotha okitout t ltT HO DIN. htF,AIDI OBER't_TODDIN, A 'MOIR OF HORERT-HOUDIN. AM avisppolt,. - AMBASSADOR. AMBASSADOR, AMBASSADOR. . . Atrl HOB, AUTHOR, puTilon, AUTHOR, CONJUROR corb VROR CONJUROR. CONJUROR, WIZARD.WIZARD, WIZARD, , aiCH . OMANCER. • NECROAIANCHR, NECROMANCER, NECROMANCER, MAGICIAN, MAGICIAN, MAGICIAN, MAGICIAN, FROVESSUROPSLEMHT-OF-HAND, eto.,eto, etc. Written by Himself: • Edited by DR, It. !MELTON MACKENZIE. With *copious Index, carefully arranged. This book is full of interesting ?Ind entertaining anecdotes of the niterrielya of grant Waserd with the mist imilOOOd beYiksitig et 'of 'the present day, and gttes dtioriplions of the Manner of performing ninny of his most curio's tricks and transformations. .Bound In one volume of 446 pipes. 12iim., cloth. Price, IProm the London Times.) " It is admitted Drat Robert-Hondin did obtain great eminence in tile vocation, for lie was sent by the French Gotrettpueut oh a Sort Of toastonieli theltrans iingoltute rapt the influence co their M ara booty. He ws c Mles aii_Einnuiptdar lIMOIIg Cole M re. mid it Conjurer a i noniaanuntrdora. Ho now to do the triple trick at " nuthoreluno us professional pages and Yr l " 6l ‘ , TKLl,VMitminiter Review.) " Without any sarcastie intention, we might show that the Conjuror was really a man or greater ability than many successful nuttier. On the whole, we can recommend thew • Memoirs of •Robort Houdin' no Please t ' ,lB Ifni OOR 8 AT EVANS . 01FT..1300K ESTABLISHMENT, 4.39 , CHESTNUT Street, Where ou can set , BOORS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA TURE, and A HAM:18011TE PRESENT. Worth from to cents to eloo, is given With each boolisold. Catlin, and one trial trill assure you that the only Ph:gain the city Where ignore/mu Books at is GEORGE 0. Ey t tlia , GIFT-BOOR ESTABLISH ENT, N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Two doom below Fifth, on the upper side. 0" Strangers, visiting the city, ore respectfully in vited to call and examine the large collection o. Hooke, and geta Catalogue. ' ' • " •' ' " 05-ht S TC PT - FT I PN . li•n4 l 41 , ED VIP &Tam% , .1.40 NotITH =RD STREET, ovissvrtmc. MESDAMES CHEGARAY AND D'HER xv-s- VILLY.B BOARDING AND DAY 15CDOOL FOR yOUNO 4. 4 4D15. rHILADEI.FWA, No. % E WAN SQUARE, VINE Medinie CREGA A ta;oootfullir Informs her Nriss!Pi6 lll :o4 3 llVVVig eP rg:s l it i llid 11 - m lt s K . ti r : v _s°4 4 l. Ii t ILADR,P.*A Qrr Instqution 0. 4 1 23m m0ry !slip p tlte atate ,nonliouem Jlcrkiiucr•rounty Cheese, in store and rnrlmola .4l' l, ADLEß & • gt • 449/1 etroatisigivtgoof AbOye FOTO. NEW PUBIfICATiONS, NEW BOOKS. THIS DAY PUBLISHED IW LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., LAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, • 112 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. THE LIFE AND TIMES or JAMES MADISON BY HON. WILLIAM C. RIVES. Yoh I Bvo Cloth 5215. (To se COMPLETED IN TIME OH VOCE 'OMMES.) Mr. Madison's career wee contemporary and closely identified with the War of the Revolution, the arduous labors of the old Congress, the completion of the Arti cles of Confederation, the formation and adoption of the Constitotion of the United States, the political ques tions which arose under the Administration of Werth ington, the struggle of parties which terminated in the election of Jefferson over Adams, and the complicated questions of foreign policy which led to the war of 1912 —a war commenced and terminated under his own Ad ministration. In passing under review these great scenes of our history, the writer has been enabled, by access to the pagan' of Mr. Madison and other original documents, to throw new light upon mans debateab'o passagee of the highest and moat permanent interest in American annals. Besides the career of Mr. Madison himself, of which no connected narrative has ever yet been given to the public, the works will embrace authentic and illustra tive notices, founded chiefly on original and unpublished documents, of the most distinguished of his contempo raries—Washington, Jefferson, George Meson. Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Adam, Jay, Hamilton, Xing, and others, Whether the subject, the materials, or the dramatis persona, be considered, the work, in its design, would seem well fitisd to .ply yet remaining and important desiderata in our . onal history, on questions which must ever engage tho,deepest interest of the American people, SHAKSPEARE'S COMPLETE WORKS NEW AND ELEGANT EDITION. BY RICHARD GRANT WHITE, Author of " Shakepeare's Scholar." Now tuned, Vole. 6,7, and 8, containing the Histories Post Bvo. Cloth el GO per vol Uniform with Vole. 2 to 5 talmaily issuodt, containing the Comedies. The remaining volumes of the work (9 to 12), with the Tragedies, and Vol. I, with a Memoir of the Poet, and an Essay on his genius, ore in preparation, and will be published as early as possible. This edition is universally admitted to excel all others in the correctness of its text, in the accuracy, and full ness of its information about Shakeout. and hie Works, and in the beauty of its appearance. RECENTLY PUBLISHED , PALFREY'S HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND vol. I, 81( 0 . Maps, Cloth, .1215. BARTLETT'S DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS Beeond Edition, greatly improved and enlarged Bvo., Cloth, .52.2.5 PLUTARCH'S LIVES, NEW AND ELEGANT EDITION DT A. U. CLOUGH. 6 vols. Elvo, Cloth, &le. IN PII t ESB AND PREPARATION, EVERETT'S ORATIONS AND SPEECHES Vol. 111, with a new Edition or Vols. I and II Nearly ready. BANCROFT'S HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES VOL. lit, BEING VOL. tl or THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BY 110 N. OEOROR BANCROFT. Bvo. Uniform with the Previous Volumes. Thin volume comprises the period extending from the Battle of Bunker's Hill to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, on the second of August, and includes among other things, the Siege of Boston, the Negotia tion of England with Russia for troops, written from papers from the Archives of England and France, in cluding letters of George 111 and of the Empress Cathe rine; the invasion of Canada, fromprivate letters and papers of General Montgomery and his family; the movements of France and Spain. from Oary copious documents obtained In France and at Madrid ; the die inch nation of Torgot to the war; the revolution in the Front% Cabinet; the proceedings of Congress, in part froin unpublished private Journals by the tnembera ; the insurrection in North Carolina, from very full unpub lished contemporary amounts; the purchase of Ger man troops, from the fullest collection of papers, with letters of George HI and the German Princes, Minis ters, and Agents; the hesitancy of the Central Colonies: the movements for taking up independent governments; the Virginia declaration of the Rights of Man ; the Bat tle of Sullivan's Island, in part from new materials; the Resolution of Independents; the Declaration of Inde pendence; the signing the Declaration; the status of the colored men before and after the Declaration ; the true interpretation of the Deal:station. The inane of manuscript materials collected for this volume is very complete, and unfolds the origin and pro green of every important measure. MOU'IIIErS POETICAL WORKS. a volunie4. BYRON'S POETICAL WORKS. )0 volume. UNIFORM WITH THE BRITISH POETS. oes-wfm•3t•il CARD.- SAMUEL HAZARD. JR.. 724 CHESTNUT STREET, Hat the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the ntiblio, that having succeeded to the business of HAZARD BROTHERS, He has made extensive and beautiful alterations in he Store hitherto occupied by them. The Store having been lengthened and more light introduced, It will now compare favorably with any sinillar establishment in the country. THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE STORE AND STOCK Has been made to resemble, es much ae posalble, that Ora LARGE PUBLIC LIBRARY, The Books having been arranged in divisions accord ing to the chameter of their contents. and over each division is lettered the subject, thus offering an easy and pleasant method for persons to select at their leisure such books as they may wish to purchase or consult. THR LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK op BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITE RATURE or ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDITIONS EVERY STYLE OF BINDINGS, Is kopt constantly on haw,. Having connections with the vine nal Publishing lemma )11 the United States, THE NEW BOOKS Are received as fast as issued, and THE NEW ENOLIM PUBLICATIONS Will be received by every steamer. A stook of BIBLES, PRAYER AND IIYIUN BOOKS Is always kept on hand. unsurpassed in the VARIETY OE TILE EDITIONS AND TILE RICHNESS OP THE BtNDINO.I, At the request of ninny customers, A STATIONERY DEPARTMENT, Under the charge of a special clerk, has been added All the new styles of PAPER and 'mg v lILOPPS always on hand, and the latest novelties will be received from London and Pam, INITIALS, CHESTS. CORPORATION and COMPANY SF.ALS stamped on Paper without extra charge. WF.DDING and VISITING CARDS written, printed, or engraved. READING TABLE, On whielt will be WA the Deily Papers, Foreign and Literary Feriodioals and Mageainee, hoe been fitted UP for the benefit of ountomera and their friends, and ague (daily for those from Ailt of town, who are frequently- nt a loge, while in the city, how to pan an hour. THE 8111100 L BOOKS In no in the different Schools can always bo had, and a LIBERAL DISCOUNT is invariably made to CLRIOITASEN and TEACDEBB, Having A BINDERY Connected with the establishment. particular Alton lon will be paid to the Binding of Books, Mown, &0., in he beet and cheapest manner. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all the current Magazines, English and American, IV; Will ha as low as those of any house in the oily, tram which a liberal diseount will he made to PAMI BUYERS, Time offering to eureinteete ettivnntago‘ or %hi) LARThEST ASSORTMENT AT TIM LOWEST PRICES Every effort will be made, not only to maintain, but to increase the well-known reputation of this house for ELEGANT EDITIONS AND BINDINGS OV TIIV. BEST AUTHORS, And to make it as well THE METROPOLITAN BOOK STORE AS A PLEASANT LITERARY RESORT ne3-6t WILLIS' PUEAIS ILLUSTRATED.— Willie' PI:KUM richly Illustrated by more than one hundred engravings, trim , primal deeigne. In tor kllfittaliemedtParLWlCAL ECONOMY and other payers. By De Quincey._lihno. cent& f ALMOST A lIES,O,INE. '.ictr the anchor tiarles A r A h l te A t li p : r i o y . 4 1f, 8 R .0,1 t cleric .0.4 n. itiu; ion AkID RUB 41, yri It 49 Will 8115. DICK Alpjpoptiv n. e mu& the author of 0y,14000d Pact. lanto. 75 " MTLE W GI. 8. pr the aUthof of Unica. Idmo. 2.5c011te. _Eft!. Be l o iLLIwAm H. /6 A.LPRED MA_PTIEN, 06 No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. SAICCUEL CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase and sale of Real Estate, And the Cal:laic'', of Rents. ob-Im • OFFICE OF THE GUARDIANS OF POOR, No. 42 NorthßEVENTlLStrest. PROPOBAL.9 FOR WOOD AND C,OAL. Sealedgrorsals will be retteived at this Office until MONDAY,' Qtft fgetaht. et lOo'clock A. M.. Dar the Cup p!), of Wood hd tool the ensuing Winter, Mr the Out door Poor, in the several District.; to he delivered et such points. and in auch quantities, add at times to be hereafter designated.. • Coal to be gOO4l quality White Ash, (Stove) without slate, and well Actretted, (2,240 !bait° the ton.) to be weighed ectelaCe of deism:Y.llW iteeordanee with an Or dinance passed Councils, May 10, I the Wood to be of beet quality Oult."Ail of whirl) shall be subject to the inspection or tflO Doan . Or its Aerials. oa.et ' DERRlPriiErii Beereilry, THE PRESS.-PHIIA- DELPMA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1859. DR PQ S, VL1V1.10410,;.03* DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, • &c. ROBT. SHOEMAKER fic CO. p NORTHEAST CORNER FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, : NVIIO.L'ESALR' DRUGGISTS, importer's and Dealers in WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, &e., invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS To their large stock of Ocmds, which they offer at the lowest market rates. 0c.641. SPECIAL SALE. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, A LARGE ASSORTMENT NEW SILKS. PURCHASED AT THE RECENT AUCTION SALES. AT DEPRECIATED PRICES, =II EXTREMELY LOW. RETAIL PRICE IMPORTATION. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET oc.l-3t WINTER STOCK, STAPLE AND FANCY. EYRE & LANDELL., FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared tosuit families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINQES. LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4.4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE MINES, Do. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSIIRINKINO FLANNELS, FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STO,3IC OF BLANKETS, CASSIAIERES' FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. B.—The above Goods are all at the low rates of the season. 0034020 OPENING FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, W. P. CAMPBELL'S, ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Stu 01-41 OPENING. OF SPLENDID FANCY ()ODDS. L. J. LEVY & CO. INVITE-THE INSPECTION OF THE PUBLIC TO TON EXHIBITION (On their second Boor) OF THE CHOICEST MANUFACTURES OF THE • FRENCH LOOMS OF THIS YEAR. 410 THE COLLECTION EMBRACES .EVENING, DINNER, AND PROMENADE DRESSES, Au of which are carnal at very reasonable prices. The very large Importations of the premed Fall have enabled L. J. L. k Co. to purchase many choice Goods at lass than the Cost of Importation; their customers will receive the benefit arising therefrom. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. 'Ma C GOTHS 1 I CLOTHS I! ! SNODGRASS & STEELMAN, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, NO. 52 SOCTII SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, Are daily receiving additions to their already large stook of FALL GOODS. Comprised in part of BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHS, .6 44 BEAVERS, " CASSIMERES AND DOESKINS, PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERES, SILK, VELVET, AND CASHMERE VESTINOS, &c. N. 8.--A variety of Clothe and Beavers suitable for LADIES' CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, all of whirl, will be sold at reasonable puree. ,21-tf SILKS, SHAWLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! TITORNLEY & CIIISM OFFER THIS DAY Very rich fancy Silks for 78 and 87 cents. Exceedingly rich for fir. WOTtil eI 26. Black Bayaderem and Plain eolor Rake, &c., &e. THE BEST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED ! ! ! Over *LOW worth of Brochea Shawls. Stella Shawls, in black and colorod centres. French, Sco h, And American Woollen Shawls.. Plain and em roide red Crape Shawls. New styles o Cloaks opening daily. All the above goods being BOUGHT CLOSE FOR CARR. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Our More, helps centrally located, it as easy or access from all parts or the city and country. N. E. corner ERIIITH and SPRING HARDEN. ccl THORNLEY & CHIRAL RA PS 0 N'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY Have now open a fine u,ortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The whole from tho celebrated manufacturers, Hertz & Weeener, in Herne. Our customers oan depend on getting the beet mole ever o ff ered at retail in Phila delphia, at the lowest MOM ‘PLENDID ASSORTMENT EMBROIDERED SLIPPERer A...VAR/STY OP BLACII TASS ELS . nionauxit OIHICIEET CLOAK FRINGEd. PIEW AND BEALPTIVUL DRESS TRIMMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITUNG YARNS. ALL COLORS* ZEPHYR KNIT TALMAS AND CAPS. ZEPHYR KNIT GAITERS AND HLREVEN. A PULL lITOCE QV STAPLE TRIMMINGS. A T it A PSON '8 LADIES' TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE. Cor. OF 'EIGHTH. AND CHERRY BTB. al6-2m MEN'S TRAVELLING SHAWLS— A "I, inn ;frost variety of designs and mixtures, in chafing the finest goods in the market. Boys' Shawls and Knilany Wrpors. BHARPI _9B BROTIIMIff, of CHM la and mown'. B LACK CLOAK VELVETS—AII widths, of the beet Lyon, Goods, Just received, carefully ordered for customer trade, being smooth pile and bright color. Also, Black and Colore4 Bonnet Velvets. ItSLESS BROTIISS, of CHEB NUT end BIOBTH Streets. It h oYS , WIAR.. .11EN'S WEAR. -..-7 cooliT e .ll.l . r e gfylligl , ql l l.,v.r. Casaiineral riCii l llll4lreiiiit at Er (meta! Finer Frstlink in Fanny. ria)n, an d D ina. Black Peening, extra qua dr anOlean. /Women tote Beek Olathe L.lO tip. Ladle's' Lteht ninreil I i iiir• VU lc LlONAttak , tkt and IttAttxr.T. N. 11.—indneetnente to the atlantic trade. set° BLACK FIGURED SILKS. LYONS BLACK BMUS, In nil the new designs of neat figures and nagadeles. BLACK FLOUNOED AND JIJPE ROBES, of medium ad e demos. BLACKLOSSY OROS DE RHINE% of nll widths and qualities. BONNET'S BLAOR TAFFETAS, from inedinin to the most superb qualities, These goods have been ae leafed 1, 10, great call. ( or our city tr n a4t, BRA_RTLF.BB RacquEßS, ol CHESTNUT and }BORTH litreete - pALL SIIAIYLS )Np CLOAKS. AtteOon lota licwto. at et 59. Up), 02..5Ct, to IS 4 00 . Ft r gro s oltatalitantla, eau ana in.. ;`4 l,l t"::47C l i4 l4 f3t.ttel' EAl 4ll l t . `6latha. mate nmoramt 4 rims range littin.vo to a 0 . „„ t i ce 1 104 NOT 450 Mdk RETAIL DRY GOODS. FILL OPEN, BEING LESS THAN COST OF 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, DRY,GOODS JOBBERS. DRY. GOODS NOTICE. JOSHUA L. BAILY. IMPORTER AND JOBBER, 813 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1 Invitee eneeinl attention to one of the largest and choicest assortment 4 of WIN rER DRY GOODS IN THIR MARKET, EMBRACING All, THE NO VELTIEB IN FRENCH, ENDLISII, AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS. A superb assortment DROGUE, STELLA, AND BLANKET SHAWLS, • Of the newest and eholeent ENGLISII AND AMERICAN BLANKETS. All sizes and qualities. WRITE, SCARLET, YELLOW, OR EEN, AND BLUE WOOL FLANNELS. WELCH FLANNELS A GENERAL. ASSORTMENT CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATIN/ TS AND VESTINGS. The newest Printing!! in MANCHESTER DE LAINES IMIEM Standard makes 811ERTING9 AND SIIIRTINGS. CHECKS, TICK INGS, AND STRIPES, AND CANTON FLANNELS. A FULL LINE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS, AND THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF MERRIMACK PRINTS IN THE UNITED STATES JOSHUA L. BAILY, NORTH SIDE OF MARKET STREET, ABOVE SECOND, PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to gall normal attention to our stook of DRESS GOODS. Now exposed for sale EVERY RETAILER Who nuiy visit NEW YORK will he amply ;I.OA the swinge of liis trip, by selecting out of our splendid va riety styles different from those to be found in other 'markets, WE ARE NOW OPENING 60 CABER DEL AIN ES, new and really letauttful SOO WAMBUTTA PRIM'S, new styles, 100 " WARREN PRINTS. 1,000 CLOAKS, BACKS, AND MANTLES. 3,0;10 BRAWLS, Imported expressly for us. We have a rich supply of DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, OP POPULAR BRANDS, But to the ohm we ask your notice in particular. We shall not quote prices, but suffice it to say, that by this tuitertisentent we mean to arrest your attention, and the Goods and priced will enable you to arrest the at tention or yoArcustpniers the country round. DE FOREST. ARMSTRONG, & CO.. 80 AND 82 CHAMBERS STREET, W. S. STEWART 85 CO.. JOBBERS OF AUCTION GOODS, SOS MARKET STREET, ABOVE THIRD. Have now in Store a full line of BLACK AND FANCY BILKS, BROCHE AND OTHER SHAWLS, BILK MANTILLA VELVETS, Of all grade/, and all the now Gliwice In Drees Goods, to which we invite the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTH BUYERS. SPECIAL NOTICE. REOEIVED, PER LATE ARIVALS, A LARGE AND FULL ASSORTMENT OF BLUE, BROWN, AND BLACK CLOTHS, of the most desirable makes and finish. BLUE CLOTHS, medium and heavy. BROWN do., do. do. BROWN do., superior do. BLACK do., plain, twilled, medium, and Milky weight. DOESKINS AND OVERCOATINUS FOR BALE BY FARRE Ears ez MORRIS. 932 CHESTNUT STREET, 1121-dtnog Importers and Commission Merchants IW. PROCTOR & CO.. IMPORTERB, MANUFACTURERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, L A D I E S' , CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS To thotr Btock, compronoC Ey - my VARIETY OF STYLEA PUBLIC SALE OP PIIIRTY•SIX VALUABLE STALLIONS, BROOD MARES, AND COLTS.' On Thursday, The Iflth October, at 10)4 o'clock A. M., at Mile Farm, the residence of A. Mailliard, Fed.. opposite the Bonaparte %rounds, Bc,rdentown, N. 1.. will be sold -313 vainable stallions brood mares, end colts consist ing of therour h bred, half bred, and trotting stock. Among tho stallions offered, the following are espe cially recommended to the notice of breeders: Hermes, 7] ears old, by Mariner, out of the queen of the turf, Fashion, Joseph, 2 years old, by Hermes. out of Nese Antony. New Jersey, 4 years old. by George M. l'atchen, out of Patsey Antony. A magnificent colt, 16 hands high, well broken. and proinisitfe great speed and bottom. MT Catalogues, coutainlug full particuLars,r ow ready at the Bazaar. NEW STRIPED ROURNOIIB,I 0c.5-31if ALFRED M. 1/BRENESS, Auctioneer. In medium end firet-clue Omle, including FINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOIIIIi BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES' CLOAKS. &0., ho. BOURNOIIB WITII PLAIIIi, &a., kO., AU of which will be offered at Low Prices TO GASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 OIIESTNIIT STREET pRIOE. FERRIS, & (JO.. IMPORTERS OF 0001 M WWII MITTS itifiIBROIbERIEN MA LAC'r,t4, NTILLAS, &c. NOS. DS MARKET ST., AND 692 OOMMERCE ST. Sir Our Stock is solsoteri by ft member of the firm, In the BEST EUROPEAN MARKETS. IANILA ROPE.—A largo stock of Ma "a Roo, el eines, manufactured and for este, at the lowest riarr rlpdcyvti TBR & 00.. of No, al N. WATEI. DELAWARE Ac. DRY GOODS JOBBERS. SPECIAL NOTICE. For the accommodation of many or our CITY cum :4Ella who cannot leave their stores during the nine' buatneao hours at thie season, as well as to accommodate COUNTRY NIERCIIANT,t Who wish to economize time, the Vote trill be open during the month of OCTOBER, Every week day evening except Saturday. Tho salesmen will he in attendance to show buyers through the stock until 10 o'clock P. M. JOSHUA L. DAILY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER • OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, 2t3 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. oc3 tf 1859 FALL IMPORTATION. 1859 JOEL J. BAILY & CO.. No. 219 MARKET STREET, AND 208 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, • Nave received by recent arrivals, and will continue to receive during the season a full and complete assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Coneinting in part of HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS LADIES', MISSES', GENTS', AND BOYS LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, SILK AND COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Blank and Fancy Silk Scarfs, Ties, and Cravat,. Linen, Cambria, and Silk Hdkfe. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, ike. Alen. a handsome Mock of WHITE, LACE, and MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a large and cheap variety. "JOUVIN'S SYSTEME." BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES. A splendid assortment of colors and sizes. WOOL COMPORTS, HOODS, JACKETS, NUBIAS, lee Together with a large assortment of CLARK'S Buse- Parlor sir-cord " Silk-Finished " and " Enamelled " SPOOL COTTON. Also, their Sewing Machine Cotton, put up on spools 01'2,400 yards each, to which the atten tion of Shirt Makers and Manufacturers is particularly requested. CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS are invited to examine our Stock, which is one of the largest and most attractive ever offered to the trade. AT-2nl R. WOOD, MARSH, it HAYWARD, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. N 0.30 9 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Fall and Winter Stock soy complete and ready for buyerr. antl-am TENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT JOHN C. KELLER, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. This District is composed of the FIFTEENTH WARD. and the SECOND and SIXTH DIVISIONS of the FOURTEENTH WARD. oc4-7t. pEOPLE'S TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL. TIIOMALS E. COCHRAN, FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, WILLIAM E. KEIM, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY., WILLIAM 11. MANN FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, CHARLES I). KNIGHT. FOR STATE SENATOR—Second District, GEORGE R. SMITH. FOR STATE SENATOR—Fourth District OEOROE CONNELL. First District—PAßSON EDNIONDS. Second District—WlLlA AM B. TURNER Third District—CHAßLES HORTZ. Fourth Distriet—HENßY K. STRONG. Firth District—JOSEPH MOORE. sixth District—CHAßLES O'NEILL. Seventh District—J. 11. SELTZER. Eighth District—JACOß E. RIDGWAY. Ninth District—NATHAN SPERING. Tenth District—S. S. PANCOAST. Eleventh District—lSAAC A. SHEPPARD Twelfth Distriet—RlCHAßD WILDEY. Thirteenth Distract—JAMES HOLOAT E Fourteenth Distriet—J. B. ALLEN. Fifteenth District—J. F. PRESTON. Sixteenth District—GEOßGE WILEY. NEW YORK Serenteenth District—CHAS. R. ABBOTT. 5e264110c, CARPETINGS, OIL. CLOTHS, &c. BALLY So BROTHER. • NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS. OF NEW PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, ENGLISH INGRAINS SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS .22-ataerif TO MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention ol dealers to our large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for shades. Tho largest stock of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF BOLLARDS an the market. at prices which defy competition. au3l-2m 311' 4 0 ALLUM & 00 .. CARPET MANUFACTURERS, •LEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. Also, Importers and Dealers in CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, RUGS, &O. WAREHOUSE eO9 CHESTNUT ST., (Opposite the Slate House.) Southern end Western buyer, are respeotfully invited to Gall. aull-4m SALES BY AUCTION. BONE'S STANDARD SCALES.— STI:INQ s & ROSS PATENT.—CoaI, Cattle, and II " S"telZ,T;l7,l;,' pTitgl""knv:nglnir'i‘ottroMtr„l Scalar an polls P i.1, ; ,0 krnetefeet Edges, on other Scal es., Oair and exa mine before purchasing °Nowhere, end "a the I FEWITIGTON R _Ew l , deem, lle South SEVENTH Street. rdldttii" Philadelphia. 'EST Ch ESTER and PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD vie MEDIA. PALI, A RRANGEM ENT. On and Idler WEDN EDSA I% October 5. 1559, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Station, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.30 and 5.30 A. 1,1.. and at 2.30 and 5 P. 51. Leave West Chester, from the DEPOT. on EAST MARKET STREET, tit t 7 and 10 A. 111., and 3.70 a n d P. Al. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at a N,. nd 9 P. Leave West Chester at 7.30 A, AL, mid`Al P. 111 , ITHNR 5-tf General Superintendent. fIAUTION.—We hereby caution all per •J e ons not 10 purchage any Cooking Stove or Stoves with ollow Centres or Hollow Oros Voices on, f,rpt Mo. MO* 6y Its, fttl we ate the exclusive flWilet6 or the Patent, for oinking Hollow Centres or hollow Croon Pieces, and we shall Prot r eoute all persons who infringe ou our relent to their extent of the law, sTunter & ERSON, Iron Founders, IV I. AM Street, above Thirteenth . CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPANY.— In nooradanee with Resolution of the Boar of Itmere of ''T h ee Conttne_ntat Hotel c.p m pane, " a Fat instalment ot - TWENTI PER CENT or ONE HU, DRED DOLLARS upon each Share of the new Stock enbacrtbetl. will beinvade on or before WED. NESDAY. the sth day of (Molter, 1559, et the Office of the Treasurer, No. 813 ARCH Street. above Eighth street, SERGEANT PRICE, 03-9 t Tranourtr. POLITICAL. OT YORK COUNTY 1=1:17 FOR ASSEMBLY WILL OPEN TO-DAY EWE! WANTS. A PARTNER IS WANTED WITH 62/A) in an agency to be established at Cincinnati for the Bole of to first clue atticie. in which on active business in doing in thin city. Address A. R. B. ' Pre" office. lt• W ANTED z 40,000. --A person * with from eOO to $12.000 to take the interest of a retiring partner in a well.establinheti lioot end Shoe Jobbing Noose, now doing a good bonnets. Satisfactory refe rence given and required. Address "A. II." this office. 09-3 t• A YOUNG MAN who is disenga ge d eve , ninys, and frequently 4011001 m, Would like lo employ his leisure hours in seine way that - would war rant a fair compensation. Address" A. I. K.," this of fice. 03-30 WANTED—In a Douse just starting bu- T sines.. an active and energetic man. thoroughly nermainted with City and near trade. To the right sort ore man, a full opportunity for advancement would be iven. Address, with name and references, ** Dry Goode." at The Press Office. • 05.21. WAN'rED.—An engagement. (between • nnw and the Isl January energetic and popular Pt) tionde Jobbing bonne, by an man Wiring a large and valuable acquaintance; been in the trade in thin cite for the nut In years; is thoraurbly conversant with nil the duties connected with the business. either buruie or selling; a valuableacquisition to a goad house, or in aiding to establish n new one. An communica tion addressed to •i S. HOWE." Philadelphia Poet Of hoe. will meet prompt attention, and be held confiden tiall). desired. att-wfm-at* WANTED— 5 TONS OF COAL, IN EXCHANGE FJR CHINA, GLASS, QUEENSWARE, Addreess BOX 1957 0 ,, 3-tnwf tf WANTED.—The Advertiser wishes to obtain a Situation in a Wholesale House in this city. Has a good acquaintance South and West. Best (deity and Pittsburg referencesean he given. Address .1. A 1.," 433 Chestnut street. n4 -3t• WANTED—By a Young Married Man, a Situation as Salesman. City references. Pro vision or Grocery businmapreferred. Address" Samuel." this office, M-St• $15,000 —ASHTON'S COMM ER - • CIAL AGENCY, 506 CHESTNUT Street.—A Partner is wanted to join a competent and experienced man in the eonductang of the Exchange and Bulking businese. An opportunity in now offered by an opening promising large regulga. An active capital of from $15,000 to fi20,01:0 may be safely and pro fitably invested. 04-3 t. WAN TM-13y a Young Man, a situation in any mercantile establishment where he can make lommelf generally useful, either in the counting room or store. Address" R. L. A.," at this office. • WANTED—By it ----- midrle-aged Man, a situation as Porter in a wholesale Grocery or Dry Goode house. Beet deity references can be given. Address William, "Pres., office. 03 4t WANTED—An experienced Salesman in a Wholesale Dry Goods louse, doing a large Southern trade. To a competent person Who can fur nish trade a liberal salary will be given. Address "W. & C 0.." this office. n3-3t. WANTED—By a Young Man 19 years and a Situation hand. Wholesale Store. notntelligent and writea fair conuiesusation so much aa object as employment in an establishment where he can obtain a knowledge of businesa. Best of reference given. Address "J. P.," nt this office. 03.6 t. WANTED—A Situation as Assistant Clerk in a Wholesale house or Factory. by a satins owned man. whocan turnush the best of of as to character. Aduress '• P. L.," office a this Pacer. OS-st. 500 IVANTED—By a gentleman who imajUNt patente.clan invention of great merit and utility'. To one furnishing the amount an equal Internet will be given. Address for three 'lass, WM thr.P." Illornrs Dispatch. o yg t • - - AYOUNG WOMAN WISHES TO OB TAIN a situation to do 'frmework in a small II a good Cool and Ironer. Apply to 721 Morris street. 03-2 t. FOR SALE AND TO LET. WO RENT—The House 608 South NINTH Street; has eleven rooms, a fine yard. the usual conveniences, and is in perfect repair. 05-wfm St• BUSLNESS ROOMS TO LET.—A large Room, about 70 feet long, by about 20 wide, in the Building N 0.26 South FOURTH Street. between Mar ket and Chestnut streets. It is well calculated for the Wholesale Ladies' Shoe Business, An. It has a Hoist ing Machine, Hydrant, and other conveniences. Also a large Room. 60 lir M, in the drown 6tone Build ing, No. 720 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. It has a veil fine entrance, and is well lighted. Is calculated for a variety of ocoupations. Rents very moderate. Apply to L. W. GENN, 65- &f -2t• No. '726 CHESTNUT St., tip etaira. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE —A biro, handsome painted Stone House, 53 feet front, by 13 feet deep with Kitchen beyond, and capa cious Cellar under the buildings, and Piazzas, which extend on three sides. Has Parlor, Dining-room, with large Cot Stone Bay Windows in each Libnirv, Winter and Kummer Kitchen on the first floor. Ten Chamber., Bath-room, Water Closet, and Conservatory on the up per (loom Store-room, Panty. and numerous Closets. Replete with all the modern convenience.. and finished in the most substantial and tasteful manner. Hand some Balcony, front and rear, and commanding a fine tow of the surrounding county?. street, and K ha st ea w o f W n sh inooo n e et r eon , Tynfeokn depth. The situation is one of the finest and most desirable in Germantown, and presents an opportunity rarely to be met with of securing a delightful minden.... Apply to ROWLEY k CO., No. 1 Farquhar Building, c.s.wfm•Gt. Oppootte the Exchange. POR SALE OR RENT—A Ventral Pro m- ype rty, 270 South FOURTH. App.) on DrellllloM. It' ga FOE SALE-1924 CHESTNUT street, MEL Handsome Four-story Dwelling in complete or des. Immediate possession. Three-story - Double Beck Buildings. Lot ZS feet deep to Sansom street; 22 feet front; Heaters; Gas in every Room; Hot and Cold Water, with all tnodern improvements. Terms easy. Apply to Alesers. GUMNIGIC S; SON, CO WALNUT Btreet. 01 St A PERSONAL UHANUE—The Store to rent and Fixtures for sale. al. B. & S. A. LOVE'S splendid Floes Grocery Store,SEVENTH and BROWN Streets. Inquire on the premises, or at their Tea Store, Fourth end Chestnut. ► - IQ DRUGGISTS.—FOR SALE—A first -A. class Drug Store. wall looatryd and handsomely filtwo up. Number of Prescriptions conmotiaded last year. 10.000. Average business annually for the last seven years over 90,000. The Proprietor has engaged in another business. For particulars inquire of Bullock Crenshaw. Sixth and Arch, or Ziegler dc Smith, cm. Second and Green of-yt• --- 01 A NEAT AND CONVENIENT SlblDwelline to refit, No. RH North SIXTH Sheet. $4OO per annum. Apply at No ao hlarket street. or-at ADMIN ISTRA TOR'S SA L -A elk.C7A.very superior Trotting Mare and Patehen Colt will be sold at Public Cale, at the house of STACY B. CAMPION. Mount Belly. Burlington county, N. J., on tiATUR DAY. °eta, at I o'cloelc. The above Mare is ears old, sound Anil kind in all hairnet's; hms trotted in public 2 min. IS nor. The Coit is 2 months old, and is pronounced by competent judges to be one of the most P Mare Colts ever sired by G. AI. Patehen." Pale _positive, to close the Estate of late D. D. PEA COCK. THOMAS H. MOOR, 01.8 t • Administrator. L.1Q(101185--An o l d•establishe{l Wine - 1 - 4 and Liquor Store for sale. &hinted on MARKET Street. For further particulars, address " A.B. C.." Prrss Office. of-3V En FOR SALE—That large house and Lot, southwest corner of BM APR nut LOCUST Streets. Apply AMOS BURTON, na &SEVENTH Street, corner of Walnut. ocl-31* i n FOR SALE OR RENT—A large ma. Mastic Brick ROUSF., with all the modem im provements ; hot and cold water, gal, heaters. Ac.. at complete order, No. 90 Union street Burlington, ADDIS . to E.P. miubLErox, 6 N. FMST Streak or to TIIUMAB DUG DALE, sa2l-tf BURLINGTON, N. J. a NEW STORES TO LET.—Tliree large Four-story Stores. on the east side of FOURTH Street, a little South of Chestnut street, are now ready for tenants. These Stores have been arranged and constructed with much care. with a view to appearance. strength, and convenience, having abundant light, and all modern improvements to adapt them to a large wholesale busi nese, for which the location is peculiarly appropriai, being within a few yards of the CustomNouse, and sur rounded by banks and other public institutions. For terms apply to EARL SHINN, lOU-ft:Mt* No.BlB PINE Street. 11 0 LET—TO LET—TO LET—TO LET. A Lorre Second-store Want. Northeast corner CHESTNUT And EIGHTH Streets, 100 by 05 feet, suita ble for a Wholesale Boot end Shoe, or Straw homes/R. Also, A Laro 1 bird-story Room. to the same build inK• Also. A Lance Second-store Room, 81 h 1 25feet, S. W. corner BROAD sod WALNUT. Also. A LarKe Two-story Store, in BROAD Street. above Pine, Mby IAI feet. Apply to J. N. EDWARDS, 1333 WALNUT Street. ATALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. T The Sulecriber will oiler for sale at public auction, on TUESDAY, the 18th slay of October next., at 12 o'clock. at the Howard Douse, in the town of Elkton, in Cecil county, in the State of Mart laud, the follow tuf,cl.'t"iret.lL'ile.iiztiß a fine timber and wood lot, consist ' nt o o t f i, l7 . 4 . acres en d perches . v 15 8E24arag of fine cleared arable land, the balance in timber, and being in the whole 210 acres and 13 parches. Lot No. 3—tieing a rood farm, with suitable tmdd- Ines, consisting of 203 acres 2 roods and :1 perches -100 acres good wood and timber, and the Teat cleared land. Lot No. 4—Consisting of a fine wood and timber lot of tot acres 2 roods and 25 perches. Lot No. s—Also very fine '5 , , axl and timber land of 124 acres and at perches. . . . Lot No. 6—Consisting of 74 acres and 2 perches-62 acres cleared, nod the balance In tine timber. No. 7—Being 132 acres and 33 perches—all of which are cleared, except about 12 acres. No. B—Being a farm consisting of 181 acres I rood and 32 perches, NI till all suitable buildint upon it-100 acres cultivated land, and 81 acres in wood, easily cleared. No. 9—Being n farm of 197 urea 2 roods and SI Perches, of which there '122 acres of cultivated land, it, «II good buildings, the rest fine timber, No. le—Consisting of 132 acres of very fine land, with suitable buildings. N.. 11—A ten fine wood and timber lot of 93 acres and 6 perches No. 13—An excellent farm, with good buildini.s, con elating of 192 acres and 15 perches, all cleared except 40 acres di wood and timber land. Ni,. 13—A von fine farm consisting of about 236 acres. Intl.. an excellent farm-house and suitable Otn-bUliti- IIII(8. • No. 14 —Containin4 174 acres I rood and 19 perches of land, and ban upon it a large steam saw mill in good repair. No. 15—A wood and bother lot of SS acres 3 roods and 1 _perches. No. 15—Also, a lot of very fine timber mid woad, con taining ISI acres and 31porches. This property hes in a boilt , am) is situated in the low er Or southern part of New ittarile countt 'Delaware ; it is about squally distant from ithiliotelPhia nod Balti more, lietweee N and 70 notes. The road frnin XlasseY's XSc to Smyrna runs throurh it. It is distant from Bourne about 6 miles in s northwestern direction—it is about 8 miles froui Miigetown. and in situated between 3 and 4 miles from the :aware Railroad. This proper ty lieg oq ilia highest portion of the pi moonlit between the twit ha, el—the waters on the ono side running into the DelaWsre, and on the other into the Cheitapeale. The situation of the property is believed to be nary healthy awl tgeue le ant an acre of swamp land in naa part of it. Its natural wail is very fine, consisting of a Main of clay and sand, and when worn, wooly suscepti ble of finprovetuent. livery lot no harm has an outlet upon a Diddle rod' The woods consist Mr the most part of the various kinds of oak, chiefly tho white oak, wMch is very fine. The terms of the sale are one-fourth the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balance iu equal in stalments of 1. 2. and 3 years from the dal of sale._ credit pay mettle to hear send-annual interest, and to be secured hr the bonds rte notes of the purchasers. Those Who wish Brisker i t ilormatll.ll Will apply to the subscriber. or los wont. M r.. 1. 11. BULANN .who re sides at Millms ton, Kent county, Eastern Shore of Ma ryland, who will show them the Inuit. G. 1.. DrI,ANY, 1414-wslOt No. 59 Coortland street, Baltimore. me AT PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY. ...IV.. Oct. Zt, ts 4 9, on the premises "A, Valley to Chester count), atitotnine Cal' 'Mallon. on Penn sylvania Railroad, three mile. west of Downtngtown. containine 125 Acres nC excellent quality of Land. with xin , d BitilVss.. & nail pasaesting tunny adt antsces watt, riV4 and other convenienee For hut ber par- Li CV cai upon JNO.I.PDX. Executor at -110* Ne. Booth THIRD meet. Phila. To LET—A Second-story Room, conve x 'tient to 14 State House. Sirebe fora Lawyer's Offiee. AvolY 431 CHRSTN in t. ale FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.- The autworibot, in concentrating his busing., on Chestnut street. **pat ol 'Fonth street, utters for ante, upon re:mailable forms, log largo manufactory, with out large Daub ground trontinkon Siath, Mar. ilia% And 111 Rater Itr eta, tiotrilde for almost ant large manulneturior humans. For portookr. in ..l„. ALFRED FFFLER,moot,. No. Al N. NINTH Street, or to the autuloriber, No. Ridn CHESTN ROG UT St. sfiLlin M. D. ERS. FOR SALE. The Buheoriber .11e_poee a the entije Stook of PINE MONUMENTS„STATUARV, ,AN I) FOOT STONES, & ko. AT TIM NONUAIENT MARBLE 1 ARD, fio. ins ARCH Street, el fil Wait of Eildteenth etreet W:4, HILL hIOORE, AMUSEMENTS. L E I A 4L RE CLARKE'S ARCH BTREET THE ( WEDNESDAY) EVENING. Oct. a, IRISH AMBASSADOR. Sir Patrick ()Tien' pc. Mr. Collins. HOW TO PAY THE RENT. Morgan Rattler. erit6 Sews, Mr. Collins. To conclutte With the YOUNG SCAMP. HCALT OF Ps trim—Adult IVOR, scents ; Secured &eta in Dress Cirole47li cents; Parpuet.so mats. Doors onen at.? o'clock; performance to coalmine* at 7.4 o'clock precisely. _AVALNIIT-STREET TIIEATRE. Sole Leseee..... .M. A. GARRETTBON. TiliS ( WE LIN ESDAY I EVENINti. Oct. 5, SATAN IN PARIS. Clarice Delrille, Alma Marcie Mitchell; Count Heart de Beausotiel, Mr. She,. ell ; Creenet. Mr. V. 110.erV• PET OF' THE PETTICOATS. Paul, Mies 3 , 1 1 .6816 Mitchell; The C h erali er St. Pierre. Mr. E. F. Reach; Col. Bell it, Mr. Dakota. &axe or Petcxx.—Dress Circle. (Seats secured Intl- Out extra charge,) 50 cents; Parquet t Seats secured at 50 cents.)s7): ; Second Tier and Family Circle . and Third . Tier.ls cents ; Private Boxes. errs - mime to their locale, 85 and 83; Single Seats in Orchestrn and Pricaxe 80xea.75 cents. Box Office open daily, irons )0 until 2 o'clock. when seats can be secured in advance. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THIS(S AND MARTINETTI FAMILY. WEDNESDA F.YENING, October 5. LA SYLPHIDP. La Sylphide, Mlle Maria Heunecart ; Effie, Mlle Line Windel; James Reuben. Mons. Mathieu. M. DECHALUMEA U. M. Dechalumeau. Gabriel Ravel Roquinet. Francois Ravel; M'me Derbier, M'me P. Martinetti. TIC/HT ROPE, by Marietta Zanfretta, Yonne America. Pe icre.—Parquet. Parquet Circle and Balcou74o eta ; Family Circle and Amphitheatre.2s cent;. Box Office open !corn ]0 A. M. till 4 P. M.. when Beata can be secured without extra charge. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 7.1 i o'cksek. IUcDONOUGH'S GAIETIES—RACE ST., . 02 - below THIRD. GREAT SUCCESS OF T. D. RICE. ORIGINAL "JIbE CROW." Ater,. HERNANDEZ THE WONDER_ EVERY VARIETY OF ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY nirEs. BEST COMPANY IN PHILADELPIIIA 15 AND 25 CtNT.. TILE MARTYRDOII OF RUSS is7rcru exhibitint. with other Palatines of the DUS SELDORF COLLECTION. in the Southeast Gallery of the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Osen dady, from 9 A. AL WI 5 P. M., and 7 to 10 P. M. Admtatton 76 cents. of-Pt RANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, NJ ELEVENTH street. between Chestnut and Market. Oven for the Benison. DANFORD'S STAR TROUPE. the Awed Ceter a / 1 7 W the world, • In their excellencies avers evening. SANFORD no -mrs Evel7 evening in at great Role of Charanters. Doors open at TX.. Coonnenee & Admission X outs. Chlildrem 13 cents. oel -1 m SPORTING. CRICKET. -THE GRAND INTEILNA- N- , TIONAL CRICKET MATCH Twenty-twoe beat Eleven pla) era of all Entland, and of the United Statesmill take . vise° onthe St. George's Ground. at the Northern teronnua of the Tenth sod Eleventh street Railroad. on MONDAY, October 10th, and follow ing dsys. commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. BEC' t a bleAN has been enrased for the occasion. Comfo seats will be provided for the accommoda tion of ladies. or ADlUgatos.—Day tickets SO cents: Season tickets, 51. To he had at the gate, or of the Secretary. By order of the Committee. CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, secy. er Walnut street. N. B.—Carriages wallset down heads North on Twelfth street. 03-tt BOARDING. BOARDING.—EIegant and airy Rooms, mile and in elutes, a me nd W Lad ir-ith font-elan Board. for the Bummer, FAIL and Winter, at 1.115 WAL NUT Street. auS-len LOST AND FOUND. .OST.—On Monday afternoon, in TENTH A-IStreet. between Shippen and Raee. a lane CA MEO BREASTPIN, with a Golden Lapped Border. view of a Village. A suitable reward VIII ba given on Its restoration to N0.6x2 South TENTH Street. shove etti pima. Fro wit ii; rAI il sir, I suciworp CORNELIUS & BAKER, PIEANUFACTUILERS OP LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, GAS FIXTURES. &e. STORE, 710 CHESTNUT STREET. MANUFACTORIES, 821 CHERRY ST.. AND FIFTH AND COLUMBIA ES.ths to-2141 AVENUE. MARBLE WORKS. MONUMENTAL MARBLEIYORKS. Ras constantly on hand a very large assortment o MONUMENTS, ENOLOSIIRES, and GRAVESTONES, Of various designs, made of the finest ITALIAN AND AMERICAN AIARBLE9, Which he will sell at greatly reduced price& Is also prepared to execute orders upon the moat fernreblv terms, and respectfully invites the public semen, to examine his stock Detre purchasing elsewhere. ADAM STEINMETZ, Monumental hiarble — VrOrize, RIDGE AVENUE, below Eleventh strut. w [-Sin Ptuladelsdua. HARDWARE. 'FRUITY, BRO.. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, &c., 529 MARKET STREET. 529 BELOW SIXTH. NORTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. MOORE. HENSZ EY &CO., HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND GUN WAREHOUSE. NO. 427 MARKET, AND 416 COMMERCE STS.. PHILADELPHIA COAL OIL. PHILADELPHIA. PROTIC COAL OIL WORKS BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS Manufactured and for sale by HEIM, MORRIS, & CO., THIRTIETH. NORTH OF MARKET STREET 4A—in, FLEECE WOOL 1N NEW YORK. 100,000 POUNDS Of very li4ht MEDIUM FLI.F.CF-S. chiefly from Ohio, for sale la Nor York, at No. 64 FINE STREET. ty MESSINGER WRIGHT. E . NEWLAND & CO.. LOOKING.OLAS.S AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUF'ACTURERB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive atoelc of OIL PAINTLYGIL etc. Allat very Lov Prices. 604 ARCH Street, above SIXTH. Pittlettelehot, 819-oelit JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY GEORGE WHITELEY, Importer of Brandy, Wine, &c., LSO SOUTH 'FRONT Street, Orem for sale, in bond only, STEWART'S CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. 1:7-3m EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCHZISEER. OCULIST .AND ArRIST. Dr. M. sires his ea - L.1115.re attention to the medical and surgical treatment of the El E and EAR. DEAFNESS of the ',mutest standing cornered both by medical and surgical operations on the latent scientthc principle, Dr. ss. mould be pleased to receit e mem bers of the medical faculty who inch to wave. his method of operating for the removal of Deafness. or any operation en the E v and EAR. ARTIFICI al, EYES INSERTED. Oihee Via South NINTH S_treet.allove SPRUCE. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P J 6, and from 4 to 5 p. M. 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC RAZAAR.—Great Emponum for Steroosoripes And Stemoscopic Ytecs, American, French and Baldish. Open Glasses. Microscopes. and Ire Proved Spentacles, correctly suitod to the etas. et M. J. FRANKLIN'S. Optician. 112 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Kr A rhfirisl Haman Raox inisorrod ag-Invr Ifrl FURNACE I NEWCONE FURNACE. OAS CONSUMER thoroughly Warm your house with ONE-TAIBD LESS COAL thin is required by am other Furnace. Satisfaction mail cases guaranteed. Build:a. Warmed and Ventilated by ARNOLD k WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. SLATE MANTELS, The Richest and most Beautiful Speohnens of Enamelled Slate Mantels, ever odered for sale in this country. manufactured by us. from Pennsylvania Slate stone, and for sale very low. ARNOLD A . WILSON. tow CHESTNUT street. COOKING RANGES. All in want a the Beet F.terated Double Oren Cooking Range, will do welt to ea!! at ARNOLD & WILSON'S. se 10,1 mi f CRESTNU I' Street. $50,000 TO LOAN, FN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, 5. ninon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns. Mer chandise. Clothing. to., on moderate terms. by JONI'S A. CO., Brokers. northwest corner of THIRD and GAS KILL Streets. below Lombard. Established for the las 36 years. !thee hours from 7A. M. to 7P. M. Second-hand Golf and Silver Watches, by eminent makers warranted [ermine. for sale cheap, at one-hail the orie hut' coat. nut Sal II PRICES' OF McCLEES' COLORED -A- end Plain PHOTOGRAPHS said DAGrER REO 'I' P KS. so loot known tor their surer. , 60.) , fidelity. are now reduced to those of the second els,. Galleries. Plain Photographs for It. . oel-6t if No. 6:6 CHESTN FT CHILI HI 'S CLOTHING—Latest St. le: RA cl POZ•i! - Kl.Var Ale: Patte rns .I. nr on h,Nad,• A VIRTIN A: QUAYLE'S Stationery, Toy. /TA- and Fancy . Goods Emporium. lan VTALNI‘T Street, below . Eleventh. Pfula,delphia. Con rspsy 4 h‘nd Perfumer y and Toilet articles. 04:1,,T ATOUR 011,-413 baskets fresh Ohre Oil, of thn celebrated hrand.juvrecelred cod far .10 19 JAVRETCHE r CARSTAIRS. andß4 South FRONT .`'trees,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers