I %IST -OF LEIVIIRS ILFAIAINING 'IN Joa . tho_PHILADELPHIAPOST' OFFICE Jur' to II o'callidt:P;lii - you,SAtutilaii!Oiltalskr blab& ; ' vie "11.5. Parilone atTlying for advertised. Letters sr, ps mention the nate ocHte.Liat. , '.. Open on Sunday from 7Y to•Mio'oloik A. lit, andl to 3P M. {roar OrplogcrelLtigt,pnia, OaLlet.lß6l.llotiee hilt ' , alit given that " the Postmaster General directs that Letters shall not be advertised until ilrf: l liv 19 AVi n r i e tla esMii"tifdilteltta 11t 'gb,puratlhly , & to r 11.- N 1i...,49,1r , ?i , •INT i, ci A s iVaq inT. ' • „ Arroiramith RJ„ Pidgin Callen „ Owen Mrs Mary Aspril Leiria Gamble Fannie Punsheon Miss Archbald Bits Grassy Sarah Petal Mary Anderson Mrs I' Gelainon Mary Potts Julia C .Adolph Mi t i o dalin - - Galoidargaret Peall Mrs Va m gig sev , , Ar Graham ilirs CL Penny hire Id Almadele Miss Redford Luny Paintor Margt Astiton-Annie W Hanna Mary Peachant Mrs AmoyHenrietta - Haydoc Mary Patton Mra M Ainaworth P ' , Haim h argaret Parker Mrs J Berry Mary H Hernt Lydi a Parmelee Mra A Benton Zonadi - ' Helium /try ' Peialunan Mrs A Babb Sarah •i• Haines re 0'i — Raymond H A Barnes A A Ha es Carols Richards Carole Ball Helen TT . Heintiok Sarah Randolph Mrs I: Ball Mrs - -, Harrington Kate , Rhoadem Miss S .11 mes Rambo Hams Aliso - Rennaoh John Barber Jane Harper Ellen Z Mrs - - Haitian Mary , I eygate Mrs lead Miss A Binder Cathe - ' ralley Mary T 'tam, idle Lise Bishop t irit Gee I - arvey Susan Litchard Mary • toying mein Fagsaty Rosana ' !tees Miss Mary Bliss Mrs Marc - Harlem Sarah - Bldillo r r Miss Bostick Beni It ' J-larvey Doj M os alta son Mrs Mrs , , , '. HiroshlingEliga ',John . , Bullock Mary I 'Hickman Lusts DiehardsOn A D Burton Amanda Hoff Miss Alien Richardaon V L Bradway Rachel - 'forme Jenne F RWonoy Mary Burr film M 8 , liolTinin ii L ReglesAnnie , Branernan, Mrs J Hunter Rachel tind - Alary II , ' Haddaon Mary A Moon Eliza, Boon Elsie M iirrldon Elizatd Bo arts Eliza 1 1 4 c n k e l ni S rrAV i ltoWn i‘ ai r lati, Mirr u T r initalla M Bonsquet Mad , _ atlas Anna Sehooltley Mrs It. Brewster Annie vitiman Mine B Shoemaker 1H <-1 3 14781 ZS i liTie ' gliSriflrd ai rll # Boles Eliza , , Mutter Elizab Hheill Margaret - Boswell Ell tab Johnson Sallie Shick Ann hl rrthir.blary .. • IscobtChirti B Sheppard Hhi (mars Mary a Joiner Mra Ann • Schott Mrs E odrfok Mary .. Johnson I, So her Louisa Battler Maria Jenks Mthi A Sheffield 81, Bustelliester 8 Jackson 10 Sager Mrs EAI Harris Mary Johnson re T Smolt Rosy Bowman ;thrall - Kayo Maria ShTner Jane picT;Tutil&L"'Will i tiftl h e t iTira ia ' gm m ilk i a n t i i ii e Bruce Helen ' It innear At A , , Smith Mary . E Bullock Sarah Roll. Catharine zenith Milts lil N Bostick- Beal R liennetiv Elitab Smith Mary E hire , . MB Margaret Skertitt Bridget Brook Sarah bancestet B E Sidilans Mrs A Brown Mrs Jane 'ions Mrs Amtie Smith Mrs M C Burns Teresa joavitt Cecelia Smith Mare E BWell i-dguie dopitidat S .12, Steelman Retina rown Sallie ~ ,Me Mrs Anna Surrejee Fanny Booth Ellen .1 t mrd Mrs Cecelia St Clair Bella Lit EmmtariMitrg; -AMU Rachel • • Stratton Mrs W C Vivant% ala Y A Lempson Eliza Sloven Sallie Cassady Elita Levy AlmiraD 2 'Spencer Matilda Chadwick Jos A . - Lapalie Sallie Sullivan Miss R. - Campbell Carol's Longabstlsit E Swipe 31,1 - thpittter Mrs S• - Imre litnOW It 111111,01 Mani Cam ro arallt McAleer Susan pear Phiebe Champlin Calob' McAleer Mrs L ' uthrop Mrs I. W Chadwick Joe A McGinley Mary tewart Kate Cinyton Jennie . Melneshanv C Sullivan Ellen Crnigg Alice MoCarthy Marg Bulltran At T Cohen Miss 801 l ~110 Neill Mrsß St Clair Minnie Cops Eliz'h McCarty Mrs M Sunimay Mrs A T Cooper Anny WOW° Margt Stewary M Gelatin Miss - Anti McClure Anna Idhi Ramey Mary Cvphom Amanda McCabe Rose harp Oyntl., CarmanCiwsh Emma II mi roy Widow , McMaster Mr IP names -McCabe Margt holmium Mary_ I cenre A E Cowan Mary Mcßride B J lomat Lon's*. Crocker Sarah McConnell Jane 'I hntnas Emma Cue Elio% ; MoMenatny MA Tatman Littio Connors Mary , - McAdam Ann "inner E Canis Mrs Julia Mclntyre Sarah "'antler Id Curen• Miss Mary McKee Ellen_ '''yoott Mary Dal,v2Mies Julia,. McLaughlin Mrs ''hointOon Sallie Deninson M b J T Trolmenten Mrs Halloran Ells% McCauly lane eckenahoets IL Mar vseland Atm TA tur rMrs J AMM Sirs M' Ji Thompson Mrs J 'myMahe I. tables Carrie E Tailor Ittre WaVis_Carol'e lime - ell Mrs hi 'robin Mrs iamitng Into " ranee Mrs Id Wankley Mra H Davis Esther Meyer Bertha hi 'Denise,' Ann .. menin Ellen -, whiting Cath , Dalin Mast Mealy Win B 8 Waok Mond, Dowolfkliza Maxwell Arra S ' Warth Martha B ihtviihion Stiehl Martin Mrs B Wallace Lomita ravis Airs Mary Marniatlnko L Wethenn Mina leveney :lane • Mathias Mary 2 Wanell Mary i ..) egirlon Madera Marker Edwin Wpm-or Mary iicksan J It Martin Margaret Weal Rachel Do Vero Alm I:I Mitchell Mrs C Watinough Mrs Durand Mary E 2 Al i nigh Mrs A J II .1 - hill'el Mrs-Juno Mindjet Aka T Warner Mro J Donohoe Annie Morgan Sarah V Warren Mrs Dolt Miss Morgan Kato White Mrs A G Byas-Miss AI A . Marne L B West Mary _C ryas M A . Moors Nancy Wholden mrs lit S 'Dungan Mrs A hlomn Anna Wilkins Mrs • Drew Airs ld. L • Moran Mar Williamson 0 H ipwyor Eliza Murray Mnthilde Willoughby Mra I •Eirloyson Maria Morris Sarah P Williams Mare. 'Easley Mieal Murphy 13ridzot Wilson Mrs Elliot Airs AF Murray Mrs Id Witherspoon Mrs Edwards Mary E Morgan Isabella 3 B -Elting, Fannie Myers Mary , Williams Miss EfiglelAtill Mrs H Moore Mary Williams B Emanuel Hiß9ll Moore Al Wright Mrs M I Fleming Mrs A Morris Mrs A Wood Mrs R E , Plerd hlarirtT Mount Eliza Woods Mrs M. A 3 Falcone li 2 Murdock Mrs 8 Wolgon Mrs Foiiivet Mad JMorrisoy Bus J- rril Madam Fuller Mary. ane Moss Laura i nvent Liztie Fowler Mrs hi Murphy Mrs hi enard Elitabtli Ford Martha Nauinan Jana Teillor Madam J 'Penh-Miss h ' Northrop Ann , Vanldtk Mrs B Freeman Ann Newton Mrs 'Visitors Mrs E •Frelen Mary Nally Ellen Young-Mrs 0 Fetchers Rapid Ohl H Yeaton Mary Frazier Maria, Owen Mrs Martha Zolkind Rachel Branch Annette • • . • GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Aiken Prof A B Crammer Capt J Hoiskie Ward II Allison Frank It Heston Ned Allen Clifford I' Cramp Goo M Henley }almond Alex tuder 0 Curtis Andrew Hordman Copt 3 Adams Jac 0 2 Curtis 3 AI Herbert John Varna Pm AI Craig H B Heston Edwd Anil* I) W Cresson C Hely Thos R Allmon Time L Cummings Jan Hess A Adams Thom Crowell Cant (3 11 Ilerdmen John Andrews &Co Crawford John Hoser Wm K Abraham Edw'd Curtin B E Higgins Thus A Abboy 11-G • Crawfmtl And Flagons Edw B Aldrich & Bro Carry Pb& Co 3 Bill John Allison Jim Crossid 0 HipJB Appel Henry Curtin Cant 0 E Hough H Bimini Armstrong W 33 cuester San A R lloloworth Eph Antoni J T Crossinan & Bro Hoke Henry B Armstrong Thos Crone .3 Holmes N & Son Arnold Alr Daniels II ADr Howard Thou J Arnold L B Donuts WR Holland Sohn Atkinson Win Davie Milton L Howell B A Anderson p C Darling V C Horton W I, Ankle Edward Davyjohn Holland Geo Anable George Domains A Howard W 3& II A thine Harm Davis Thos M. Horton A I & Co Armstrong If G & Dana Jose !t Horton Thou Son Dale Jobrill Hoffman Henry I' Ayer Geo W Dar. Griswold & flooley Rlll Solitude D S Co -Hough It 8 Ban Tilos l' Dwain WII & Burnt John Bancroft Geo Co Hughs H 26 Barr Thomas Dalton John S Huebands Clem L Barlow Nat h'l 2 800 John &Co Runmeker 1.3 A con Francis De• Roland Ai Hughes E P i luer Jacob Devlin Jae Hunt Wm G Raker. ohn Denning 83 dater 1 vino Otnil Bartholomew B PlenneitesW T lying Aaron Bur T 'l' UenWiddie David Irvin John De Belle Dr T Al. Irwin Geo x Illomew B Devitt F A l' Irwin E Fa allesta G $ ' Basal& Wm Jackson Tatiana akerBydne, F Dickey Jae Jackson & Nor- Barringer C L Dickenson Borst ram 2 aker Edward Donegan Richard Janney D Bart Handily J R. Doering M. P Jacobs Mons E 1 Bancropt Capt D Doule Jae James Dr 13 F Barnett Jos i Douglass Louis Jetreries EiD rn Densely John 2 Jaclaion G w Barr Henry 1./ow 3 B Jr Jackson Dr B H Baxter MY Dodd Wm I Jackal Rev R B irford Will Dow George 0 Jennings Henry Bellew P 3 Donne Josiah Jacob 31 Beall Samuel Doyle Patrick Jenks 4 8 Bennett WI/ NV Donahue Geo Jackson AM Bennett Thos Poole) rhllip B Johnson Dr Jl , Berryman W DordY Creorge Jones John II g° , II J ROIZ F Egi i w e e r l L l A r rick tleggieg. B. V Bout) We Dray ton Col F F Aaiun Junius ./leirn henry lirom a Loma Johnson Lancet' Benedict, Smith Durkee J A Jones Marshal A &Co Mulkey George. Jones J B Bost Jon 8 Dunlap Jug Joyce Dr Thos F 3cattie Prof W Dull A J Johnson Henry 'Llentharn WIF Nifty JB& Co Jones W W •deguor Geo Duncan Londile3 Johnson Win 'Becket 3 J 13 Jones Dr Moult' Beckley Dr 3 Eokliard Dr J Jones S R Beckett Henry Edgar John E Innen B R ennett W If Elliott Win Jones Rt Bean John V EVans Geo 0 Jones Rev 8 F Deny Pll & N E Eliot Mr , Jones Robinson Bookley Jacob Ellis John CH Jones W H Bird Freak AL Edwards Thos Jones Thom /Limey J2l. I) Edwards A Johnson J B Bender W lii Edwards Wm T Tones Win Bo sham John C Edie John BAI C Jonea Prof .1A Bingham Eilw Edmondson Dr J M D Billington Thom T Johnson Geo C Blake Rev CDI Eckenberry 1, Jones Hll Blitz Signor Eagle Look Co Juddell &Co Black Win IC . Editor Dollar Johnson 3 B Blakeslee It Times Kane Ina P it *gal Captn N Ecloye R I Z% o 1.1i:11; Thos Bowers Rev B Ellis rhos c Keru Wm Bowles Ben) Ellie Thomas & Kelly WJ Dr Booth Svdney Brotherelker Iltml Boot, John Evans Rev R C Lenet bide ' Iloarffinan Win English Matt Kelly Thos 0 Bowers John R 2 Ennis Jaaß 2 Keenan P Ender, Frost, & Ervin Geo Kent John Emerick John A Kerr Sarni A1!1 t e , ...'1 -. A Retain CAt Kennedy Wm M Berm Chas English T C Ketchum 8 P Boyer Sidney A Eugene Master Kelly John - Boyer John Ferguson 0 0 Keeney Henry ' tatt:A D ilirr t .!v i i . F l r e e d e rVl7 l3e De ifv, i taiii Brown C P.M. D Pallenstein & ~. Keemle & doh /1(01M J R Gansu • mend Brown Wm II Fawkes Mr Kline Reuben Brown Ephraim Fern Dr It King John B Brown NI & 8 Ppm W II Kroberger Chas Brown NV It Fisher Henry Knowl Dr I II I) Brown R R Minn Capt JAG King 11 H. , Brown Thou B Fitzpatrick 11 • Kraana C B r own W H ,k Fisher John King W B p ro Fisher Jos Kmghtron John Bryant John •FishorJos Act Kingebury Dr C A Bruce Henry. Fisher Andw lineup W 8 Bminner Wm Flanagan John Dwaine Wm M .Bryan J F. Fly nn Thou Lange Frhdk Brinton.)as Field Capt A B Lamer David Bronao E & 0 Florence W L Lawson Gen Bryon John W Fredette 0 Linden Jacob Brownies , John For Wm Langrehr Thend Brooke JJ Fuller W A AI Lamm Alr Brant Chas Fox John LapslaySaml W Biome et Sons Foulk Chas Large Hold H Bradshaw W .1.1 Faster Chas Lambert& Cates Bradlee Jas Frost A B Lang 1, Boman J France Chine D Leeta Jan 16 . Brooked .1 Furrows W F Leonard Sand Bradley, Kyle, & Fromm' David Lifeline Win AI Co Frankland J Lewis Clots ~. Brennan Alicid Freeborn NII Lee Arthur Direly Theo Footer Israel Lesetre Ohm / rythin John Fountan Thou Leavitt Chas W nets 0 $ Prink A G Lemon A J woman Geo Pox John Lemley Win E Broom Islas Furloni , Walter Lent I, B Briaung_Dr I/ E Millen Thos Leela Mr ,gragerJeaMd F Fraley Lt Jan Leslie Lein tiumn Dr 811 Francis W Lewis Lindsey Jar Burko Jan C Folwell Jos R Lindsey Jot nor 3L Jr Garrard Joe Linomnn L Button Chas Goldsmith BH. Logan John Buse IC Gallo hor Cl It Low John Bryn° Frannie Garner) Pi Lord Danl Bunting Jacob Gates & Morris- Long Thins liiirrtnalia WII son Lynch John Burton John Lot Gage Aaron Luckenbach Rev Buxton Wm Geary or Gary Mr WFt Buddy I'll Gal he on Imuseli Louis I yinutirotioli it H Galbraith Mr Lynes John Burk Wrn E Gourley John Loyd Franklin Byron John 11 Gans Jas Lothian Napier Carr Win Hart -Geddes Jas Jr mwe W 8 Cadwallader E J Geary JFM. 1) Linuard Jos Cullen John Gore 'rhos LODGES. Campbell ML Dr 2 Girard Aug Friendsliiit. No 23 Cahill tP t P v' V ej2 I l b qi r eipbellbtn A Gamble Adam ageP Cainuerso rr n Jon omore Andw Sony Guardian B il Carbon John J Gilbert AI lodge No li2 Carroll AI r Gi ll um J Secretary Penn Cavanaugh G A Gium; 88& Co Lodge No 26 Carter C ritaemon Hy W McFadden Ili. Castro Cartoon- Gushorn Wm F McCormick Wm Carlin Ito:er Godfrey John P r AleCleein Jos Caper Wl3 Cloalevillie 811 MoCarily Thos Carlaund Win Gowor II Biter McConnell Ed R. I Carey RODCiornion Rawl 311cDonald Alex Carman & Dob.. Goodwin Cant S aloAllister J H bins It Atepla)r W Capt. Carroll Rev W R Grayham J 11 McCann , (Mehl Connell 3 P Omani John G McCullough W Carpenter & Still- Grady Dann MlSManus Thou in ,. Grialwold Nelson McKeon Joe Carson 3 •M Grubb Edwd' McMullen Jos T c irmac f W3l D Graham Alex moatainn Andw Carlin Wm Gran John A McGovern P Corning Leonard Griffiths Jno I MeGuffin Bein'd Cembuil NCiraenoush -- McFarland John Cheesman Doctor Utter Edwd MeOuinnes Then Chase (dos Cant Gray Jo ly C McLaughlin F W Chance Edwin - Guest L USN McKibben Thos Chambers J Guild E win hlcAlath J B ChristieJesso • Graham Dr .1) McMinn, Jos Charlton UWP Mao McElwain Hold Chapman W G Ones Horace H Min:Mush Andw Chico n Cheri Griffin Geo W H MoEllis & Bro Chambers Jos Gavyit Pr C H McFadden C Chevalier Henry Grieve Jes A AlcFeters W A Chapman Henry Hann Thos I I.lcFarlain RD • Carroll Win Haines Fenton AleNoil BF 2 claro Win •Harniltant3ns MoNelsoir Thos Clark hielee Hale Linklion B Mack F J Clark E Bator•Thos R V Mohan Then T Clark Goo W Hall RAY I P Alasuire Samuel Clark JIV& Co Haldeman C 6 Maliand David Clawed Jon R. Ilamiltonljugh 2 Many W H ' rilark has P..- Harm ItonWin Mair Pm R • Coleman WII ' ' Hays 'A ', Clisby ev,A ~_NV HMIS W Malderam Wm Mal Colin Dime Clark II D•& Co Hanson Wtri W z gee ft ' Clark JATllefl RDISIDS Chas W &okay Robt Connolly Wmj Harrison Rev ,B Duet" Ift D Cohen Leon • Heasyelme Geo natters Ihmkof Corson Alniali Hart/ $ . _floret) , __, Copeland phalli Cannier J T . raanderAn Wl4 Cosmos Dental Moon, Harris 0 Marsdon Joe ' Cottle John & Co Marco Charles Cook Aphor , , Hayes II M ,„ , Mandl, Coriolis & - Coleman Fatriok' Burial' W CD eidellitlA illart.W &Co Alitrthewa Jon F Connsr ernes 2 Harrison Jas T Talbert MI. Mr:MCI '' ' .FIVII A II II6G111 " `leirifr j eTiton Conant 3 P Harvey Geo Marshall & Cii Courtnel „Win Hayes Thu II , Marshal Alex 'r c. d , ..e . A 5 irkill 2.-6 , drifinninins John Corp John - arper as' Marvin Jno J Costes & Dogma , 1 atoll N Matthews Win 1 faffgAj c , , V0,,8,. rrAit,6`go* , Co ; idarshal Sit e rr i 'll , c,Qatas &Co dri °ll"/ iki:Vi ir rn k A •,,Colaltartin ark Barnet Markle 8 A ...., 9-1)t1) Pilkapfk .L atityiertisp , .Martin Ilenry. ,Y, T 'w''' '' v i' 4 4111 1 613, V ' altll63llKObt , Martin 8 C.; ' . Relkharet &Co - Strickland B Mattocks Brewer Renter A Mattoon Edwd Manly B S Reddish T a Steel A W Menleson BReinhart T M Dr Staten!' Peter M Mears Joe T ' Reath!. Herman Stens John Miteraw N 2 Rich Nath'l Stalford John Murrell War M it mh 181140 J Swieler LA 2 totter J.B - Klee B,IVIIIIIIII inn E leguire John VI Eicher& FA B Sweeney T & Meek F B Rippart August Sons Melum Imo D Riles Jae. Street Jas Mideguod J 8 Richelm r Bummer Clarence Millen D P Rilfert Radint thutimer A T Minetree Jae J Rider John Sumpton Thos ft Miller Jno 8 Ricker, Mallory, Stigma T B Miller Edward G &Co Suiliven Andw 1 1 %,,iir m S r pencer Richmond & Tztgi r l i tm o l 4,pt. Milter CH. &. CI, Ritter Louis Taylor T F Millen W J Rhiehatht F 8 Tavlor 8 Mitchell J How' Rinhy Simon, Taylor F Redmd Moral 0 B Ripshee R Taylor Thee Mono Jos • Roberta George It Taylor Win N Moss Win R Copt Taylor E Capt Moore Chas F Robinson Tli Dr Taylor Henry Morton Gen Rev 2 Rowe Manly Taylor H F Moore Hamitt A Rodney Rev' Terhuen A H Morse N C Robinson Jan F Thompson Chan *Morn Thor; Robook C W Thompson TfC Moore Mr %Madsen L F Tillman Jonas Monfort Loamm Itoildey Michael Memo Clarence Mort Jos Robinson Ed e C Thomas F A Mores F • Rommel Jr JHr Thompson J P Morgan Chas Rowand 0L Dr Thomas W Monartvf At Roberts Mr bempsdtt It H Morris R T Roberto MI) E nhey Lantern Montgomery 11. Robertenti ll filte 8 P Moire Robt;At CO Weil Jan 8 Thompson J 8 Mom r A itunseliJ 8 Thotnas Jno Moore Jo Russell C 8 Thomson Jno It l'il , ouirphL Edw 3 u B Russell E •w ell John Trunth Wm am Turner W al Dr Monro 81) Capt Sanders Moses Townsend E 8 2 Madge J T 2 Scott E D Tuthill Levi Murray Patrick Scott Lyman Troth Cleo Murdock Alex'r Solna° J J Troves & Alit- Murphy Patrick S Scott Lucius H ellen Munrohow 0 T Bowman W Id Turner John L Nyco Win Banger .1 Tyson A C NelfJno A Sackett & White Tredwell N 111 Nagle N J Sneonnier A Treadway T Capt Neal Albert A &limit Jim AI obey Caleb 8 Rendus Bawl H Samuels Gen tibias J F Norcross Dant Sand Beni 2 orbit Wm II Norton H fl Smiley Mtn liirolt H C Nowell S T Col Scott J.V Idmar Isaac I Newkirk Dr Eeliittunn Henry i ii , 'Merlons I, 2 Norton Jno A Belden Gad A 'antiunion J A N Wedeln C6ll 1Ifxlh& co Will ` .1;?) I:3tr 11vin4;4 Seagrove J Al Winter if O`Grandy Jrlno Shank Jno H. Wireinati Wni O'Brien Jno Shear Edwd H Wild James P Oliver) C Shelton Win H Witman RB 2 O'Reily Anthony Sharploy Jno II Winslow Ninth O'Connor Mich Shofner Wm N Wingate W ()Maker hi° 'J Sheets Dm A Winn C H °Tone! Hugh Ski ppen Thou 1 Williams D H Oates Henry Shorewood Wm Wireinan Win O'Neil Jos Sinkler Chan Window Capt Parson Jae A Milian Chas Wilson; Yorker P 8J..,1 Skinner M. Hon WilhatneJ T Page,Jno W Simon Chu 'Willoughby J D Pereira. Mr tikerrett Joe B L Wilaciii Geofgo Payson Jesse L 2 Swenson Jas L Wising & Stearns Parker Edw i D Simpson Geo T Williams .1 ii Perry Geo T Sleeper T DRev Wolfe &Co Ponlian A Dr Starkey T A Rev Wolcott J 8 2 Paul Jae D Sloan Saud 0 Woods Jno Rev Parham Win M. Sloyer Jno W Wood Wm Parker E %V smith A G Woodward A Parente Horace &fifth Theodore Woodward CI, Paschall J Al Smith E J Woodward B W Porker Heel W Smith J H Rev Work Joseph Palmer John Smith A F Copt Wrigley W Patterson & Mur- Smith Jae ~ Wynne Gee W guionds Smith Alex r rine Jno Ii Patterson j J 11 S. B Varner J H Dr Peons D M meth B F Lt Wagner Chas PandOck thrum , milli David B abor Y3hetil F Peek Leonardßillawley Jnili WOther d W Dr Philo Glass tm Smiley' Jae Walker R J Hon Pollock J M. Small A H Dr Watson H 0 Perkins H now David Wade H W Pettit Clio* Snyder Wm H Warner Aug Petersen& Co SR Snyder A W Wally F Pfau) Snyder Wm. Watels Joseph Peck Henry Snow Jno Wart John Pennington Joe P SoOY Bawl Wainwright C P I Pierson & Conn- Somerville Jae M Walters Saint A Vtf Dr Walker ft P.-- -- Wm H 'ele •th Hr ---- Wall 5 ._ ___ Pierce Wm _. Solemn Henry Wan .i Piper Wm A Spann Ransom D Wakm - Ltio'n Pit Pierson John Spain E I. Ward 11,1Wii Price John C ' Scalia() hose 'Wallace Rat Petturaes &Co Spratt 0 M Rev Wh-rton Biro in h Platt J B Still Enoch .1 Co ' Potts DAt Stancliff.trus II Wenkley C C Pebler W Stine David Wethlngton Jos Potter C W Stewart Stephen Welding Jag Pouteh Hr Stein Chas White Dant N Pomeroy E W Sturdivant C C Whitman 0 P Peter Geo W Stewart A M WhitemenW A Porter Cline Stanl Chas Whiting W E Pmskaur Adolph Steel She R Wheeler KF' Princo , 111413 Sterns Daniel White Aaron Price Miehael &emu S 8 & Oro White Jos W Prescott 0 F &Ain .1 V & C 'Whitely & Co Pletrn iio TM letaffdrd Henry White 3 R Pruitt John Kama W White Aaron I Pratt R ht bundler Soo Wheatley Dorsey Protteck Grove !Hinton Beni FDr &Co Pratt Rutile N Styers Henry Williams John Rowell DV. A Starkey Win Williams D C in Fnan' Dani Stewart John C Winter Isaac J Reynolds U W Stinclicomb A D Wins 8 H Reynolds Joel 0 S. tmllon S C Rev Vanglitin loge ph Reynolds A W Stringe.r.Jilo 'Valance I K Capt Stung Win Voleittine Jno B Remington C Vlt Stewart Geo Quaokenhoss H Reid inn Mona Cyrus R M . • Reeves Jelen ' Staneliti Jae W Vernon Chris A Rhodes Chat C Stoth Wm Young Alex 1d Oeo Still Win Young Chan E id Thos B Steel & Gleason Yeager Frank Reid. McGneum, Steam Wm W Zellers Benjamin Kelley &Co Stilibs Henry ' Zoller Henry Reading Henry Stange J A It N. B. BROWNE, P. M. ARRIVALS. AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, TIP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT GIRARD HOUSE—Chestrint st., below Ninth. Glt Taylor, Wheeling - gee W Tracy, K'l' Mrs Ross, Charleston. S C tlid. Denrs. Charlexton Miss Ross, Charleston, 8 0 J A Ross, Charleston, 8 C jos flerengner, N Y AT Timener. N Y E Woollen. Del It II Mury, liVisaldn, 1) C 1.8 Wilson, Ga E 8 Moran. Ga. J 11 Multord, Ga J R Mott, On .1 C eosin & la, Mobile .1 R Sneerer. Mobile .1 T Thompson & wf. Mobile T W 'l' Smith, Mobile I: K Hunt & la, Les'n, Va Miss Hunt, Lex'n, Va R T Leech, Jr. Pittsburg Mrs Leech. Pittsburg Mice Butler. Pittsburg C Holmes & fin, St Louis A McKinney. Westin d, Pa J L Cooper & la, Cal B W Vick, Mil - E Barnes, Wilson, N C W A Duggan, Wilson, N C A Monroe & In. N 0 Miss Monroe. N 0 Mrs Marks. Mosts'y, Ala Miss Marks, Montey, Ale Dr JAI Williams & la. Ala Se m i Marks, Ala Jag Stebbins & la. N I' Mrs 8 K Batterle&dau, 1 1 1 Y F A Brewer,Spring'd,Mass Mrs TlPS:y.lth. Mass . Miss Brewer, liL7ss Miss Chapin. Masa Miss Mary Chapin. Masa Rev 0 Eli. arm* & la, Fla .1° L Moore, Memphis .1 E Hobbs & la, Alm lies Walton, Ala _ - J C Baran San Francisco Ilex) itneigek 64 0 cap_t_ll lA . Naglee, Cal W I Z SeVe. n boston P1:47.1,c1,13,14 NO ' C Van Rensselaer. N J A Bodine. Va 1,1 A Newton & la, Pittard I Misses Newton, Pittsfield J 8 Gillreson, Va .1 0 Edmond, Washington J S Richardson & la, S C Miss McDowell, 8 0 .1 E Davis, 8 C Chas Marsh. Chicago B W Oakley, Fort Wayne J T Seely. N Y 11 R Walker. N A' E Jonas, Quincy, 11l .T AT Turpin. Ga 13 P Moore, Maryland W F Johnston. Pittsburg J W Zacharie. N 0 I. Fraud. Mobile Dr 'l' C Lee. Ala 0 Whitfield, Mies Theo Whitfield. Kr Mrs Griffith. Alias B F Healep, California W It Cassell, Canton, Miss .18 Eck. Sandusky. 0 Ernest Parting. N Y . D McPherson, Australia 1.) 13 Taylor, N V W K Higgins: Lasing, KY I llylikfik.Cl, John Carty. Kv .1.1 sea N Y II C Reed, Malt - W V Cro.St , m & In, Halt Dit C C Garrett. Ala C Huse. 1.1 S A W H Russell, Mo 8 M Johnson. N Y 1 1 N Lockett. Texas B B Kirby, Tenn 8 M Rogers. Cie, 0 AI Bremen, Columbia, 8 C B. Winans, Jr. Baltimore Mrs 1 Royston. Vs. Master Royston, Va. T'Palor, Jr, Va T R Politer & la, Va. Miss y Foster. Va Miss Smith, Va A B Garland, VA R II Mean, Va A Mitchell & dau, N C fi Strodwielc. Ale, 0 Pickering, Mass J L Witten. V& T &Adams, New York B Le en. Beaten G A Ruch. Balt W P Rafter, Ireland I, Lamb, Phi la 11 Carlin. Brooklyn .1 Winters, Miss G Hyde & la. Mass W Bigelow & IS, Mass E Bynner & In, Mass CT McGuire & hi, lowa T Bartholoniew& la, Was's/ Mrs]) C Robbins, (dasgow 0 B Campbell, Vs, C Ciliates. l'a N Hunter. Pa , D Andrews, Pa MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth et.. below Arch. P Pierce. Me ITKeefer. Ind Jim 0 Walker. I nd W A Talbott, Ohio 7 0 I , nritne,Clearfield Geo Aurentz. Pittsburg 0 Wflow, Ohio .I . r Gibson, N C 3li Me ConnetieheY, N C F H Tuinberlake. Va C H Wilson, Va P A Barrier, N C R A fillikock. N C Dr J E Williamson, N C Miss V Williams. N C J M Hatcher, Ohio O W Peltier'. Ohio G Clark, Pittsburg T Mahon, Pittsburg II Kennedy, Allegheny T Pr _mate, Allegheny .1 IC O'Neil, Ohio .7 CWhyliank,_,Sr, Ind 3 C Wilybank. Jr, Ind .1 Rturnevant, Pa A Barnes, Ohio 0 W Bwipson, N 0 Alias Mebane, N C Miss Holt, N C R ft.Swipson; Va I II Conrad, Ithaca G H Conrad, Chicago TR 0 rlaby, Calais, 0 R 8 ,lamiron. Indiana, Pit M . Haller, Athena, Mo F K Womrat h. Kiln D Thornan, Ohio DJ Church, Canfield, 0 AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at., above Firth. W II Fliteraft. Phila .1 . 11 McCarty. Pa Geo Bullock. Virile W Penney. Wiliti, Del Craig, T Willa, Del Miss A M Terry, St Louis Jl4 Sutton & la. St Louis JD Pueor. N C J 131 Guthrie, Ind co M B Dodson. N C . I, 13 Pondletort. Va E H Grigg, Vs .1 W Quarles, Va A G Quarles. Ve, It SEllts, Jr, Vs, 1 W Baker, Va W Warmth, On T E Dunn, Va C E Campbell, Va W L Dunn. Va W if Price. Ve, C H Baker, Tenn O W Reynolds, Portsmouth JIA Snow. Mass E Young, Pittsburg 3 hI Armistead, Nashville J C battier & lady, N C J V Crane, Jersey Shore C C Seaton, N V E II Cheney Chicago Wm Martin, York. Pa P Crosby, New Boston, 11l Dr J W Wheeler, Texas Dr H 13usbee, Hartford C T Bartlett & In, Ohio 'Mrs W FAvers, Ohio J AlcFarlaud, Meadville M Kelley, Cincinnati .. A Dalton, ston D W Smith, NY . It A Jackson, Va. .1 M Moorhead, l Shore I, DSmith, Augusta, Ga Chu I) Brown, S 1 Emil Rottman, N Y A S Pardon, Suffolk, VI A IPIMAZIer. v,i A Baldwin, Jr, Vit W L Forney. Balt Al 3 Alston, Newark, N J Joh Brown awford. Augusta a N Alexander, Cal J T , Pat:nus WI; Smith, Pittsburg J ONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Sixth. N W Hammersley, LT El N 3 A Illaokrord, Flinn 1) Brooke,. Va V 13 Magill, Va G Curtis, Pa W H Broach. Pa' C A Kuncklo. MS V L Brasa & 14. Va .W Ware, N _0 J D Groves, NC G T Cornog, Moutg, Ala 0 Walton. N Y A C Wlghtman,Ean Fran D 8 Arnold, Monte, Ala G Sampson, pa RH Goopp, Bethlehem Jan 11191718, Balt G W Parker, Boston E A Dickinson, N Y 8 F Tate, Ala 3 HTrinee & la. N C N Van Horn. N V .1 11 Nickerson. Charleston WI. Hirst, Phils. Coln Widdie. Pliilit C IV Stokes, Plnla 1.1 Cobvell, Mtn ' , Jan B Morris,N 3 L A. Trigg. N .1 Beni 1. Dewcay, N Yi Jao Price, N Y 1) Stokes, hid FRANKLIN ROUSE—Chestnut street, above Third. J Lowe, Mane W E 011$1111111.11. Mane J M Ozlon, Boston W S Smith & wf, Trenton W Cowm, NJ Ii Halcomb, N V 0 M Pentz, vh .1 Planaean & 2 la, N 0 N C Moring,Doston I, Harwoode Philo C W Leeda.Trenton W II A Hopkins, Va Jao Johnson. Va I Gifford. Boston F Keith. Maas H W Rieke & In, Conn 1 Lewis. Newborn Norman Norton & la, Conn U 8 Van Vleek. Camden A J Campbell. Ohio A Campbell, Ohm J Campbell, Ohio .1 R Taylor. Ald C B Samson, 111 d GNeisler.Trenton, N .1 THE UNION HOTEL —.Arch street, above Third. O McCarty, Zanesville J L Tas for Zanesville ' 011 Lawton & ta,lowa City ES Stone, %Wins. Va HI Coe & wf, St Louis Miss E H Oilmen, Bt Lome IS P Underwood, Ohio G F Tangling. Ohio W Benjamin, Trenton, N J Alex Porter, Ohio J A Gardner, York Springs Jon Williams Ohio J C Collins Ada Chas G H Payne, Hy H W Pennock, Marlboro W C Bell, Sharon, Pa H R Ruth, Ohio Geo P Horan, Harrowgato NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third. .THenderson. New Castle WII Bright, Easton Reichard, Alifilinbure Hll Huntainger, Tamaqua Levi Qvier, Va T E 81011, Logan/rale, Pa Mien 8 O r Innis, Loganeville 1.11 Octet. Pottsville Wm Miller, vaston, Pa R D Meparlane. C West Samuel Landis; Halifax, Pa O W Omer, Pottsville W Ramsey, Pottsville J Long Pa Win Blaammo. Halifax Beal Weitzel, Reading Chits A Stair. Dallaidown Peter Oliphant. Codorus H W Mack, Cadwallader H R Hawman, Reading EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, above Race. Speakman. Del co D Detroit. Mauch Chunk J C Smith, West Chester R F Reed, Northumleland W Garrett, Chester co D B Nyce, Pluentavale 8 Levis, Del co L Watt. Lancruger co Mr Everhart. West Chester A Merrier, Phonoxville .1 it Shock, Montgomery co M Brook, Del co R II Coltman, Loncasterville BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second 1t... below Vine. 8 Bought, Backs co iWniton, Pluite Poulk ft Donn J Denney, OINK oo M Music Burke co J Beckman, Bucks co A I smeshore, Books ro J Itittenhouse do la, Nut W Kelsey, Yardley vi Ile V. Davison, Cheltenham It I, Cooper, Books co J Satoh, Hartsville G Pickering. Bucks co W Trimble, Pa L Borchus,Fa Lewis Buckman, Newtown J A Beaumont Books co Too Lord, ra Dr W Livlngsion, N Y W Pay, Backs co, Pa MJI Decker, Btroodslig A La Lae, N Y • MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et., above Arch, A Burrows, Deppait, NY He Verger, eal W Bows ; Bristol, Fa Spencer Middleton, N Jesse Al Kinght, Pa U Bennet, Allentown E T Allen, N Y C Simpson, Lancaster Ben V Marshall, Pittsburg C J Caulk, Hal City MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third et, above Callawhill F Beek, Allentown T 8 Hume!, Trexellown CFWilsn , .'j^todo , +rt DBHurrahk la,Pn W museum, Oiatt M L Lerch, Pa W . 61 Yowl W H Barnes, Harrisburg Joe YoutlgMlentown C i, La:3111118n, Boston Jag ideßryon, Pottsville J R Reddit, Luc en BALD Maint—Third streot, above Callewhill. ,T J Smith, Monte no, Pa Jacob Miller, Montg cn 'D C Heller, Rending.ll. K Albino, Phila tiWell OfoBe, /WM n D Jnyne. Wayne (11 lli Jno D Daun, 11l Oeo (Mrs, Pa HA Parry, Can, Ohio PASSENGERS ARRIVED In steamship Keystone State, from Charleston—J W B Seabronk, A Ellis, Cast J Wiley. T M Hesell, 111, Burns, Mr Sherhaminer. Mrs A M Huger. master Huger, Mrs M M C King, Mr Lynn, arid eight in the steerage. In lark A A Drebort. from fit Marta—Polar T Hug gins, Thos Huggins, sod Mies E Huggins. PASSUNGERS SAILED. In ship Tuscarora. for Liverpool—Wm Conard, of I Wade Way he ()twine and lady, of do; Mrs M It Twine. do• Eligabeth Townley, fill; Dr W A Garden, surgeon) do, and 92 in forward cabin and steerage. , THOS.PHILA B. DELPHIA N BOARD OF TRADE. F EON, JOHN SPARH R A VVR,( COMMITTEE OF ins MONTH. SAML. J. REEVES. LETTER BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE• PIIILADELPHIA. Ship Esther',palm •Itio de Janeiro, Oct 1 Bark Island'Hoine,Jeffrey— London, soon Bark Dem, ...Cardenas and Bagua, soon rig Ella Reed, Togo.. —.St Jago de Cuba, soon Brig gjam, Herdmnn , London, noon Brig Empire. Crowell, Kingston, Ja.soon Brig Ashby. Thomas Pert au ap, soon Brig Iris, Pierce.. ... • ,•. lingua lit name,O soon dehr W ...... lia soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 3, 1839. BUN R15E5..........121 SUN SETS -..- 5 47 HIGH - ..7 7 ARRIVED. Steamship Penney Teal, from Richmond. via Norfolk, 23 hours. with mdso and passenger') to Thomas Webster. Jr. Oil the Buoy on tha Middle saw brig Irene; at Ledge night missed ship Chicago. from Liver owl; saw three light brigs and about twenty schooners in the bay and river, bound elp Saw Imrk Ann Ellin.- both, for HaVntuv, at anchor o Bombay Book. Steamship Boston, Sallow hours from New York, whit mdse et passengbrato . J Allderilioe, Ship Walla ab ce. Lane, from Liverpool July 23d, with noise to Peter Wright & Sono. Bark A A Drebert. Hewitt. f,om St Marts 13th ult, with salt. &o. to Jattretche & Carstaira. Left no meets in port. On the 9th and 10th of Sept.. heavy rains visited lit Martins. destroying all the salt in the lame pond. es timated nt from 250.0Kgp to 300.000 bushels. Saw at Som brero brig Torrent, 101.1111 r. to sail about lath for (the U States. Sept 31, Mt 30 32, long 70 37, spoke sok Star, hence for liammyra. Brig Triumph, I Br) Outhnee, 23 days from Menton°, NB, with grindstones to captain. Bahr Lima, (Br) ')'Bryan. 9 day s from Halifax, with mdso to henry Winaor. Sept 27, lat 33 44 N. lone 71 15 ti', spoke Br brig Charlotte. from Ruin Key for Boston, short of provisions, and supplied her. Seim Sarah Cullen. Cullen. 0 days from Boston, in bal last to Vjan Dimeri. Norio° & Co. Bohr C A Rcektcher, Stubbs. d days from Boston, ill ballast nablitili. • Sala 1i znbetli, Shaw, in days from Eastpdri, with fish to EA Bonder & Co. Bohr Rancocas. Anderson, dah from Now Castle, Del, with wheat and oats to Richardson h Overman. Schr Cartliagena. Crap°, a days ,root New Buffo 11 1, with oil to Shobar. Bunting & Co. Bohr Vmhti Sharp, Sharp, 8 da) a from Manricelown, in ballast to capta in. Schr N Tyler. Fenton. 3 days from Georgetown, DC, in hallos( to Noble. Hammett & Caldwell. Rohr M J Carlini, norther, from ProVidence. Schr F C Smith. Smith. from Providence, Sehr Roston. Brower. from Prttvidenco. Rehr.kl3lrsoh, from Frtividetied. Schr I R Carlisle, Wihsimini, froth Provide'lcd Sehr non , ley, Rocketl, from New York. Schr John Rogers, Elliott. from Newport. Star W C Nelson, Endicott, from Newport. Schr Sophia Ann, Smith, from Roxbury. Bohr Chief, Chnmplin, from Norwich. Behr if Warwick, Shronslii re, from Newark. Bohr W II Rowe, Harris, from New Bedford. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Copes. Now York. J Ship Tuscarora. Dunlevy. Liverpool. Copn Brothers. Sabr J M Houston, Russell, Savannah, Pettit, Martin & Co. Fehr V Sharp, Sharp, Salem. B Milnes & Co. Rehr lindino, Risley, Now Haven, Repplier 3c Bro. Behr 0 F Hawley, Rackett, Sag Harbor, L Rothermel & Co. Schr John Rogers, Elliott, Edgartown, Noble, Ham mett & Caldwell. Schr Muer. Champlin, Norwich. Blakision & Cox. Schr New Jersey, Corson,. Boston, r Pharo, Cramer, Washington. Bahr §oplita tken, Smith. Pro,videtleei d Bohr blush Mtton, Vim huseli, Ndr ton & Co. Schr Yankee Tiny, Rinlay. lirrtford, do Schr K Stoneback. bake. Nantucket, do Fehr .Tolitl Beatty, Sharp. Washington, do Schr Hannah Warwick, Ireland, do do Fehr Valiant, Reed, do do Schr M R Carlisle. Smith. do ilo &C Sehr B F Woolsey, Edwards, Li nn, L enned .. Fehr R. Al Browning. Risley, Pawtucket, 4,1 RehrAmel n,Phividenre. do .1 Schr M Carlton, Shailler. Providence, N Sturtevant & CO. % Sofa „I 11 Johnson, Johnson, Providence. Basin, Ogle & Co. Schr W if Rowe, Harris. Providence j do Rohr Boston. Brower, Providenep. J R White. Behr F C Smith, Smith, Providence, Sinitickson & Glover. Fehr W C Nelson. Endicott, Newport, do & Bchr Anna Gardner, Hastings, Boston, E A Solider Co. Behr R J Merger, Robinson, Fall River, R R Corson & C.. Rehr Treasurer, Fisher. Boston, do Schr Samuel L Crocker, Presbury, Taunton, Mass, Twells & Co. SD- .1 Jeromo. Jerome. Alexandria. etc. T Webster. Jr. A t3teatner R Willing, Clay pool, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. 13/iICF,D. Ship Tdscarora, Capt Ditnlevy, for Uth - pool. left street wharf On Saturday at 1 P 111, in tow of tug Ameriet will, the following cargo: 613 Ws flour, Mg do ron, P bark, 310 for beef. 276 bags cloyerseed, . lihds to cco, 32 casks oil cake, 27 bags rags, a lot of S bales silk waste, and 44 packages. (Correspondence of the Exchange.) LEWES. Del. Oet, 1. The following vessels are now at the harbor. viz:— Brigs bliolunkun, for flarbadoes, Louisa. and Elisabeth Watts. fur Boston: Mira Anna Cole. B C 11usgell, Go vernor, Jacob Birdsall. L It Niekornon, S L Stevens, Knight, 13 B Wheelnr. Pearl. Melia. Albion. John Fer min', Fanny Fern, J M. Taylor. Marie), and ten others, detained by the east wind which ban prevailed the Mat two or throe days. The wind in now light from the southward. Nearly all the fleet are making sail, prepa ratory to leaving. Yours, WM. M. HICKMAN. ay TlMpattePH. (COPreapendelleo of the Phihulplobie ) CAPB ISLAND. Oct 2. A ohm, said to he the Tuscarora, for Liverpool. bark Ann Elinaboth. for Havana, three barks. llvo harm- Phrodite brlga, and several scheme re went to sea to-day. Steamship Keystone State, from Charleston. passed in et It o'clock this morning. Wind south—the weather has a stormy appearance. Yeas.THOS. B. HUGHES. MBMORA — Steamship City of Richmond. Mitchell, hence, arrived at Richmond 30th ult. Ship Calliope, Goodwin. from Liverpool 27th August for thisport, was spokont tth ult. hit 47. len H. Brig Almon Rowell, Rowell, for Philadolphia, sailed from Lubec 28th ult. - . . Brig Martha Washington. Anderson, (flint Nem for 1 1 " ftd I ri ll' a i '7 " 1 1 , r" ; t On " i71 . 1i 1 11 6 1 28"' cleared Net r LA` ' llrt B a P"ift' al Brie Fronton. A,herion. hence at I'ortlamß29th nit. Bchrs J C Runyon, hinting; 1. H Endicott. Leeds, hence, and Emeline Height, &elm, from Delaware City. at Pall }liver :Nth ult. Bohr Geo A Tittle, Adams, hence, at Charleston 29th ult. Behr Transport, Tilton, hence, at New Haven 29th ult. Behre W B Ferguson, Hart. and 8A Mount, Hodgkin non, hence, at Newport 28th tilt. Bohr Hornet, for this port, sailed front Newport lath ult. Bohr Adeline, Howe, hence, at Portland 29th ult. Bolan Shenandoah, Hewitt. and Percy Helmer, Gen d v. hence, atProvidence 28th ult. Bclir Monterey. Nichols, front Delaware Cl 4 , at Providence Sith tilt Bohr, Juliet, Chine, mut H W Benedict, Ellie, for this port. gaited from Providenee 29th tilt. Ruth yathgr, Da, in, hence, and Chas Love ring isn't. do or Taunton, at Bton 'warm 13th ult. thilir War Steed, hence arrived at Alexandria DI h tilt. Se ir,Dartiel Hickineit, Clear, for Philadelphia, Lid from A leXiindrin 11th tilt. Bolir W L Pprinse, Bucks-leo, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wihnmrlon, N C. 30th ult. sehrs Lydia Ann, iVenver; S P FGrwrx, Marion; Elate, Fac•ewere, tied l'il A Guest, pai reit, beam, arrived at Richmond:loth pit. Behr Maria Pickup, Baker, for Savannah, chi at Bon ton:lotliult. • . Fehr George J Jones, Crowell, ror Philadelphia, rid nt Boston 30111 ult. • . I•telir A M Aldridge, Bateman, hence at Beverly Mk ult. Sclir C H 'Vickery. Horton, hence via Layne:a, arrived at 'Win nola 20t h ult. Behr Now York Packet, Davis, for Philadelphia, aid from Luber, 28th ult. Beltrs A Hammond. Wine • It II 81111111 ton. Marts ; Aid. EnKlish ; I, A Ihmenhower, ; Btlret Magnet, Pur r, ;8 A Ilatomond. Paine; Northern light. Lake; II hoggehall. Tilton • .1 Clark, Scull ; Ilrpodraff RIM, Ma con ; rilniMgOtt. t wnnles. nod J B Dicknostn, Bnolh, from Boston, for Plolsdel Oita, sailed front Holmes' Hole 29th setae C M Neal, Henderson • Mary Haley,ey.• W II Bennis, Wheaton; 1 H Stheock; It L Tay, Sheppard, hence for Boston: W Saulsbury, Bledsoe]; Ossunn, Carmen, hence Inc S a lem; P A Saunders, Ro mero, do for Marblehead, and It G Porter, Hudson, do for Danversport, sailed from Bohner? Hole 20th ult. Sclera Mary Anna, Bowen; L M Stuart, Cole, hence for Boston. and Grecian. Matthews, do for Portsmouth, were at Holmes' Holeaetle ult. Soler Sarah Clark, Griffin, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 30th ult. Seler Matanzas, Crocker, hence arrived at Porthmouth 20th ult. RAILROAD LINES. 1859. ain -a 1859. - - FALL ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO'S LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW Yt/RIC AND WAY-PLACES, 1 , 11.051 WALIIVT-STRZET WHARF, Will leave as follows, v iz: TAM At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Cain. & Am. Accommodation 82 25 At 6 A. AI., via Camden and Jersey City, (Plew Jersey )Accommodation 225 At 0 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 00 At 11 A. M., by Steamboat, via Tawny and Jersey City, Western Exposes 360 At 12 P. Al., via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation...—. .......... 2 25 At 2 P. AL, via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Ex press 3 00 At 3 I'. AI. Steamboat, via Tacony and Jer seyyvening Express 3 00 At E ,by Steamboat, via Tacony anu Jer sey City, 2d Close Ticket At 6 I'. AL, via Camden and Jersey City Evening Mail 3 00 At 11 P. Al.„ via Camden and Jersey City, Southern Mai1.....2 25 At 5 P. 11,via Camden and Ambey.A . conniniodation, Freight and Passenger I-Ist Class Ticket.— 225 23 Class Ticket...„.... 1 50 The 6P. M. Mail Lino rune daily. The 11 P.M. South ern Mail. Saturdao si excepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, Ac., at 6 A. Al. and 2,tf, P. M. For itlatuili Chair, Allentown, and Bethlehem, at 6 A. Al.. via Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water Dap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Au. at 6 A. M., via Delaware. Lackawanna. and Western Railroad. For Albunt Holly. at a end 9A. M.. and 21‘ and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. Al. and 2 P. AI. WAY LINES Nor Bristol, Trenton, An, at .254 and 4 P. AL, from Walnut-street wharf. For Palmyra, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Borden. town, Ac., at 1234 ' 1. and 331 P. M. Steamboat John Neilson, lot Bordentown and interme diate planes, at 244 P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in termediate places, at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from talons anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over Say pounds to 1.0 paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 0100, except by special onntract. Oct.l, 1063. WM, H. HATZAIER. Agent. PIANOS. h r ovi OIIIOKERING & SONS, MANUPACTURBRA U PRIGHT P SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT PLANO-FORTE.% WAREROOMS /107 CHESTNUT STREET. Constant y io store a large stook of our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUAIEWIS. We have been awardethat the different Exhibition" in this country and A u glrtb AND SILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. RAVEN, BACON, 85 Cods r Nunn* & Mail% )lallert, Davie & Co.'s, and A. . Odle & Co.'s superior PIANOS. 'Also, Ala son k Hamlin's unrivalled MELODEONS and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Churehes and Leoturo Naomi., Sir Pianos and Melodeon to Rent, msll-1, SEVENTH aiia E. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. SCIIOIIIACKER k CO., 1021 CIIEBTNUT Street, respeetfullv invite the musio loving public to pall an d examine their now and sue cessful improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Raving converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding all the objeatione . generally made to the etyle ol Grand Piano, also diminishing the cost of , the same, In volume purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, Wi nces, depth, and evenness of touch, with exquisite deli cacy end sweetness, these SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIFULLY-FINISHED IN ST are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomlmns, and are pronounced by critics to be for su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in thin n ' Tr "" rn t ibtairta Dr. 3l l43 ,4l ;irgaVA ' itre t n a iiVii t rrd n the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding the Prize Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition, New York.lea3. eel-tf IJAMS AND SIIOULDERS-1,700 Pieces City-Bmoked Hama and ehouldere, for sale by second ADLER & ol A8.02i Skeet, door above I,ront. THE PRESSorTHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1859. MILLINERY GOODS. (APENINg, -pAK—A__phoice assort ...L."ol oof nt FRENCH FIDWERB. FEATHERS, 4PA D-URESESES, PRI DAL prREATILES, RUSSIAN i.H.VEI , and M161414E111 GOODS. THOS. R. ENNEDY & BRO. 629• CA' 720 CHESTNUT 14t... and 13 south SECOND& rto MILLINERS, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERs. We have now an stock, of our own importutioe and from the LARGE AUCTION SALES OF NEW YORK, BONNET SILKS. JOINED BLONDS, BONNET SATINS, GAO DE AFFRIqUES, VELVETS, FANCY BONNET MATERIALS, GRO DE NAPLFS, LACES, FEATHERS, • ILLUSIONS, • FLOWERS, RUCHES, NETS, CRAPES: BONNET RIBBONS, VELVET RIBBONS, PLAIN RIBBONS. The above are the newest and moot feel, ionable geode, and will be offered at a small advance on the test. WARBURTON, 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, 306 SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW SPRUop, ,a7-tf tr ,,,„ J. lIAMBERGER, No. 11t North ititi,SECOND Street, is prepared to exhibittlie most complete stock of liltllinery Gmals,comprinink Ribbon., Flowers, Feathers. Blonds, Laces, Ruches, Velvets, and other Bonnet Materiels. Also. a handsome mood moot of Pattern Bonnets, to all of which he would in vite the attention of Merchants and Milliners. N. 13.—Goods daily received from Auction, and sold M the lowest prices. at)-4m• t r im MISSES O'BRYAN, 014 CHESTNUT ILIA Street. will open Paris Millinery for the Fall. on THURSDAY, the 29th inst. 10.5 Itt. PSOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER- CHANTS will find a njplendid ansortinent of Fall lterY. at Mtn. M. 8. BISHOPS, No. 916 CHESTNUT Street. nu.94-1m N O. 21. Now open, the cheapest assortment of 'MILLINERY GOODS in this city, BOW for each, or on short lima, at whollisale RIBBONS, FLOWBRS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, VELVETS. SATINS, BONNET MATERIALS, and STRAW GOODS, To which we call the attention of the trade, as we are closing out our FALL IMPORTATIONS AT UNUSUAL LOW PRICES. No. 21, M. BERNIIEIM & CO., No. ;a]. e 23-1 NO. 21 SOUIH SECOND STREET. CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, dm. BAILY & BROTHER, NO. U2O CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN TO-DAY A LOT OP ENOLISD. TAPESTRY CARPETS, OF NEW PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, AND ENGLISH INGRAINS AT SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. ata-titaetif TO MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON it SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 1.16 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to our largo stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED CAL CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for shades. The largest stock of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market, at prices which defy competition. aidl-gm M'CALLUM & CO., CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. Also, Importers and Dealers in CARPETINGS.: OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, BUGS. &O. WAREHOUSE 6IYI CHESTNUT BT., . (Opposite the State House.) Southern and Westarn buyers ere respectfully Invited to mill stui-2m GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT, WRAPPER, AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY. W. W. R NIGHT, bOll AllOll STREET. BUPERII DRESSING GOWNS Of the newest tittles. The beat aesortment in the city alwa)a on hand, HEAVY UNDER CLOTHING 128-6 t OF Al,l, KINDS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, LONGCOPE & PEARCE, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have now in store a full assortment in their line, to which they Invite the attention of their customers end hovers of such goods. aub-tm y W. SCOTT—late of tho firm of Win V • chaster & Scott—GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and PHJRT MANUFACTORY', 81 CHESTNUT Street.(nearly opposite the Girard Gouge Philadelphia. J. W.S. would respectfully mill the attention of his former pittrona and friends to his new store, antl is pre. Pared to fill "Mere for SHIRTS at short niitiee. A perfect fitguarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied with fine Shine and Collars. KNIT JACKETS, the Cheapest in the city, at the ItlanttNeton, from elf) per dozen up. aopertor, article of Ribbed Rollin and Lined Jacket.. Abet, Honiery, Shute, Drawer.. Comfort., &c. JOHN OAOBB\ . & SONS, nB-120 No.lo FETTER Lane. Third. above Arch. JNICHOLSON, . • Ittannfaeterer of EIHIRTA J LINEN and al A WILLER BOSOMS and Cl&LA118. A large and choice assortment, and wrra, MADE, al wayn on hand. unto which I particularly invite the at team (truest' and prornnt• a,rnKsnotty-rime buyers S. E. corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets, Prithanxt.onia. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. HANDY BRENNER. NOS. 23, 25, AND 27 NORTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the side of all kinds of AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, AND IMPORTERS or GERMAN, BELGIAN, FRENCH, AND ENGLISH HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Keep constantly on hand a large stook of Goode to any Hardware Dealers. BUTCHER'S FILES, By the cask or otherwise. BUTCHER'S EDGE TOOLS, BUTCHER'S STEEL OF VARIOUS KINDS. WRIGHT'S PATENT ANVILS AND VICES, SHIP CHAIN, And other kind/ in every variety. SOLE MIENTS FOR HARP'S REPEATER PISTOL, WEIGHING ONLY (Of OUNCES. SHARP'S NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PISTOLS. EDWARD 8. HANDY. /NO. O. BRENNER, C. P. ORSENNE. aull-tf PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—Wo would reepectrfully call the attention of the liens. t flhrd'vra H ARDWARE, TTI4IO incur extonnive Stork of BlRh{- ltailiAM which we offer at aemall advance by the package. Orders for direct importation solicited, end Goods de livered either an this city, Now York, or Ns; Orleans. W. 0. Son* 411 COA1111};:ftely. Street, • Importing and Coinmission Merchants. And Agents for Foreign and Doinestio Hardware. autilt-tf CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. _ TURNBULL. ALLEN. & CO., NOS. 23 AND 25 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Donlan, in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARIL PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. iiiiralerohants supplied with Glass at Manufacturer's Moms I ault-Sin BOYD ifa STROUD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. Hove now on hand a complete stook of QUEENS WARE. OLASSWARE, and FRENCH AND RNOLD3R CHINA, At their OLD STAND, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH ST., four doore below Merchntita' Hotel, to which they invite the attentton of WHOI,I3ALE BUYERS. AGINTA eon SITTADVEIL flbAes. aus-3m SPANISH OLIVES—In bulk, in prime ord "' for r i AN w LIIOII/0 South FRWIT ittreell EDUCATIONAL. tri NOLTSET ANT) CLASSICAL BOARD ING 8011001, FOR BOYS, MOORT JOY, "M -eager County, Pa, 'The Winter Sceaton of fico mmdhe rominenera on the Ist of November. For citctilar, call at 609 CIIESTN UT btroet ; or, addreao the Principal. C. t.. MOORE. gb;-Invrflin AIRS. GERTRUDE J. CARY will resume the duties of her School. as usual, on MONDAY. September 12th. Northwest corner SPRUCE and JU NIPER. el-w G EORGE FF,JAX BENKERT, ntoPEsstnt OF MUSIC, NO. SM CHEitny St r eet. PIANO, ORGAN, VIOLIN, HARMONY. TIIO,ROUON RAPS. COUNTERPOINT, COMPOSITION, INSTRUMENTATION, he., ike. Music Composed and Furnished fur any number of Inetrutnents. EV. JAM ES T. lIELM'S School fur _LIP the higher education of a limited number of Young Ladies, 1313 CHESTNUT Street. Circulars, stir terms, relerence, kr., may, lie had on application. QINGING CLASSES NOW FORMING, IN 1.1 winch 'Ain bo langht au Volt portauitt to 3 Corrovt koowledgo of perlortatilg, either Swett or heroin!' CLAASMI—MONDAV and THURSDAY AP TERNOONB, Hole & to 9, and O to 'I o'clock. tittNTLENlEtett CLAFO I —MONDAY and THURSDAY IiVENIN6B, from 8 to B o'clock. A. IL 'TAYLOR. Noll It 'l' kV rti tzt rent. AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. Schools, sett Collin/t. mupplual wntln competent Teachers. for itcy Department ; 'reech oes with positions. Permits gratuitously aupplied wait school circulars. tierce to ' , Resits Amherst Heiken, Stem; De. Lowell Meson; Mason Brothers; Hon. Theo. Frelinglno seen, LL.D.; Hon. John C. Riven. it a/. SMITH. WOODMAN ; CO., 316 ISBOADWAN', New 1 ork. and stati tim SW (MIES wr Street. l'lnbitleleimi. wiitTE HALL AUADENIY, TIIREF, MILES WEST OP lIARRISBUEU. Pa.—The 18111 Senn.Annuidliession will commence on ItIoN DAY, the 7111 of November nest. The attention of Parents and Guardians is to iced. The location is pleasant, the course of instruetion extensive, and the terms mode rate. Good vitt references sit en. The Nominal can Lo seen et ery afternoon itt the UNION HOTEL from the leth till the Ilth of October, inelunit a. For Circu lars address D. 11f.,N se2l-Int‘ until/11 , 114f. r, nROAI I -S',CRF,ET INSTITUTE F 0 II ilnum ADI t oilpPrind Re.sion. For terms and particulars, apply to Mts. 1./ 1 .:001SE, Printipal, No. Btl BROAD Btreet, below roPiat. h2I-180 MUSIC.--A. R. TAYLOR, Teacher of OA Si mow; nod Piano, 616 North TWELFTH. Btroot, below Coates. $l3 VIUSTON'S WRITING ACADEMY, -EA EL E. corner EIGHTH and SANHOM threats, OP .t f o n 4VPie l t7M n r l) a A ra l‘ t i o . rl ' n ' t 9 id t ;.l .' a ir ;ant Minh:ens hand in imparted. To Lathe,' a neat and gracehil opintolnry styteh Cld3xri Fit vote. Cardi writtcn, and east, de scraption el Penmanship neatly executed, all-thit TVIESDAIES CIIEGARAY AND D'IIER- J-LA. VII.1.1"8 BOARDING AND DAY SCIIOOI. FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHILADELPUIA, No. 1809 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE STREET. Madame CHEOAR,A Y respectfully informs her friends and the public in senora], that independent]) of her Boarding and Day School, directed be herself and her niece, Mine. PREVOST. In NEW YORK. she in tends, in connection with her niece, Mine. MIN, opening in 911LAD I ELPIIIA an Institution "rtrneVe.glori, l ::ll paN:WperTlP.A!>`,,'‘..epiriirv,:ocor4 al te rs on and a fter the 12th day of September, and the School will open on the lath. A CAD nmy or Ti ritoTE,lT.ti: EpiscovAi.untißeit, LOCCBT add .1 UlC'i PNiR Streets. Tho A utuutual SossiOn Opened on MONDAY,Se teut bee r nth. 11PPlicatioils ftir Ildmilision may bn made to the Pri cii!al, nt tho Academy, daily (except on Saturdo t be tween Nand 12 o'cick A. M. JAMES W. ROBINS. A. M., Prinoipal. EI)UCATIONA L.—M 8g ELLA WATSON 215 North TWELFTH Street, will recommence giVlll7, Infltructionson the PIANO, nt her own residence or those of her Pupils, alter 13eplember let. 18.59, au2.5-thrt&ln-2m• fitEMAN ALLEN, A. M.,Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. llen way he applied to nt the reeolence of hie father, Professor Allen. No. ZIP Booth sEvENTEENTit Street, PR IN G GARDEN ACADEIY FOR YOUNO MEN AND BOYS N. E. cur. EIGHTH ano BUTTONWOOD BOWL—Resumes duties 510N DAY, September eth. Number limited; .11 Perils tin der the immediate care of the Principal; the govern meM is that of purely " moral suasion ;" reports sent to create weekly ; the Alma, Intellectual, and .Physical Education of Boys will he carefully and cOnseientiounly attended to. Catalogues gratuitously at the Academy, or SO North Eighth siseg.l. auCS-aw F. IiONI,EAYY 1,030, Principal. PRICE -STREET ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE R. BARKER, PRINCIPAL. The Fall Term of this Institution commences Septem her 6th, 1659. The course of instrughon jannprises all the branches of a thorough English Education. together with the Latin, Greek, and French Languages. aunt-tf ►iIHIE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEE A- RE's Bonrdinic and Dity School for Yminc ',rubel! 1703 WALNUT Street, reopen' WEDNESDAY, Sep ember 7th, att2-pin R IT'rENIIOUSE ACADEMY—N. E. cor ner CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streak entrance on Eichteenth tamer. The neat Gessam wit commence I3EXI'k:IGLIER FIFTH, Me. , LUCIUS BARRI/MI. ttPrineipals JOHN 11. WESNOTT. A LEEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANK PORP, PENNSYLVANIA, six links !rpm Market streot. Philadelphia. The course of instruction in this School comprc hen sive and thoroMill. Parents and Guardians who intend to place their daughters or wards at this Institution will do well to mako immediate application to Max. E. L. THOMPSON. s3-tf Principal and Suponntondent. nRYANT Fr. , STRATTON'S NATIONA AIERIANTILE iC(111,1 , 0{11, 17atctl . 14,t Phil riptoo, ottther EVIe,,ITH a pfIP,STNUT eV York, 1 WNW * clEvelruktl t hOd tior tp Arm/twin, en fir anna Ntivnallel VENTRAL INSTITUTE. N. W. CURNEI of TENTH snit SPRING GARDEN :Drools, 1.11 be reooenesl MONDAY. September (‘ Boy even:Gott fo any DIVISION in the PUBLIC GRAMMAR SCHOOLS for BUSINESS, or for COLLEGE. sell rlw • H. G. McGill RE. A. M.. Princapal, 'IRS. BARTON'S BOARDING AND • DAY SCHOOL. FOR YOUNG LADIES, Nu. 1929 CHESTNUT street. - Phila. The Winter Term will open on the necond MONDAY in September. 'mine Ladies received of any age—and taught whatever pertains to a thorough Education. French spoken in the family. For Circulars and par. haulers. apply as ablve. DW &Cal-6w DANCING 71ZARD'S DANCING ACADEMY, N. E. corner of Allen. and BROII D Ste.—Mr.llAZAlll), from Pam, and well known in this city he having had the largest and most fashionable Dancing Academy for ninny years, has the honor to inform his former patrons and the_publiu that ho has returned to this city. and will open a Dancing Academy at the place above named, on MONDAY, the 2dth of fiopteinlfer. Mr. 11. will elan teach chaises in schools and private famil;es. Mr. It's style of &teeing is plain. easy, and graceful, and can be acquired an a short tone. An ens) and grace nil de portment, as well an in perfect knowledge of the present style of dancing, such as is done in the very best eff etely, will be imparted at Mien to the scholars. and no tints wasted in learning old steps and dances that are out of fashion. For hernia, references, etc., apple at the hall. anli-Sun STOVES STOVES! STUN , E S!! AL" JAMES SI'EA R No. the Al ARK ET ttf•l'll PET, le now prepared to meet the Wants of the public more cotopletely in all the detail:4(4Mo Clove tunic than any other establishment in Philadelphia, in prhol of whtch he invites COMPARATIVE I,: I Ally tTION. The following are among his own popclar Ins entions, set oral el which have ;dread) obtained a national repu tattort as Stir panning in 'CCU, rice andtcuttotny (MI other Stoves io nee. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gas-burning Cooking Stove, acknowledged to be the beet Stove lor remit) use in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated fine conetiming Cooking Range, now rapid!) coming Into general use. JAMES SPEAR le the Patentee of the Improved St- Per n A tr-tirla this-consinning Parlor Still e. JAMES SPEAR in the lot enter of the Improved (Patented) Ornamental Slot e l'rn. which Irmo its twenty and utility is like!), this season, to tie unit er ''.lntrr gi I EAR ie the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR ns the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated RailwaN car Heater. For ell of the above the Inventor very Justly clams advantages which roqutre but to be understood to> the Piddle to he univorsAllY aPpreeinted Unit preferred to tiny other articles of that class in the market; and lie would lierchr extend a cordiel Invitation to all Persons in Ws nt of Stoves to call and eXIMMIO for thorium!, en. Parties wishing to examine will have evert attention shown them, whether intending immediately to put- Chase or not. ti22-3nt CHARLES JONES, N 0.305 North 8 ECON I) Street, (Successor to A. J. Gallagher, would respectfully call the atten tion of dot!. desamg Stove; to hts extensive assortment of Cooking, Heating, nod Parlor stoves. I have purchased the exam%o right to tho rebid totes end reputes. in Philiidelploa, 01 iiallaglier'a Celebrated " Interning Star" nod "Sunrise" Gas.huroing Cooking Stores. n ell known for > ears as the most ii.itisfaetory Cloves in the markot. Alto, his new Plat-top Cooking Stove Da) light.'' w !Itch combines all tl.n useful im provements, and operates admirably. I also manu facture, inn impel or manner, Silver's tins-burner of the best Russia Sheet Iron. Them, aro tho most &imminent and easily managed Parlor Stoves in use, CABINET WARE. 11[0CrUET & HUTTON, " AIANUFACTURERS OF DESKS AND CABINET FURNITUR E NO. 239 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Office, Bank, and School Furniture, Extension Tables. Bookcases, Wardrobes, eta CABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 SMITH SECOND STREET. in connection with their extensive Cabinet Business, are now manufacturing a superior article of mt,i,lAuD TABLES, and have now on hand a lull supply, tinciheil with MOORE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by all who have used theta to be superior to all others. For thequality and finish of these 'Ethics the manu facturers 'bier to their numerous Petrone throogliout the Urom. Who are familiar With the oharauter of their work. iv46.arn BRUSHES. CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN -•- PHILADELPHIA.—Look at the follownic fmt of oen for liontlscrubn, end compare theme with those bought elsewhere) : No. 1, b 3 knots. MX per 'loam!. N 0.3, 63 knots, 75 N 0.3, 61 knots, 87 No. 4, 80 knots. 100 No. 5, 83 knots, 112 No. 6,100 knots, 125 No. 7,104 knots, 150 No. 8,150 knots, 175 " lIEN HY C. ECKSTEIN, 63 North THIRD Street, below Arch, rlultulelphitt, Im a l SALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES. VAULT DOORS, DANK HOOKS, For Hanka and Wren. Equal toa ny now in toe. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, ko., Ow good tenni no any other eataldishment in the United States, by EVANS h. WATSON, N 0.28 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, PLEASE GIVE US A CALI,. FAMILY CHOCOLATE SUPERIOR QUALITY. EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Manufacturer and Importer of French and Spaniel OIIOCOLATE. More S. W. corner Alt ell and NINTH Street/ a9.3rn (Parton, 111 Filbert street.) GRAIN MILLS GRAIN MILLS,- For the Farm and Plantation. The IRON-DUSK MILL has no equal for Grinding Fine Meal, Feed, Coffee, Spi nes, eta., by hand or power. Price SS, $26. and $46. Now In operaton at 126 South SECOND Street. Agents wanted in every county and State ,_by aulUani EILIR.L.O 04 CO, NOTICES. OFFICE OF SECOND AND THIRD STREET PONTA UFA RAILWAY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, ni WALNUT htreet PIIILAVELeIIIA, Sept SO, ISSO. A Fourth Inatahnent of FIVE DOLLARS per share on Second Haile of stock of above Cotnpayy ho due rovep, able at tine officc, roe or before the Iltet day of mber next. ROST. xnuroN, fmwtnl Treasurer. SPECIAL NOTICE.---Dealers in Good year's Patent Vulcanited Robber Suspenders, Braids. Webs, and all other fabrics and articles made by combining, fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanized rubber, are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of m the United Mates. Alerchants and dealers are in% ited to ex amine e 'Emmons now in store, and to sive . their orders for, the On rfg_ . T Wig tti the nodersiimed, EXCLUSIVE OWNS t vip"rxri..es ACID EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE 'PATEIIT Ott these good!, wh ich , embrace all the stiles heretofore 'Mind:notated or tm poltrabn,VlßNS‘47l7,l MANUFACTURE and HELL —and the Terins—may TO, obtained on application to me at No . COURTLANDT Street, N.Y. n2l-1Y HORACE H. DAY. N ° TICE.---Perhons having business with the FLOUR INSPECTOR will call at No. 14 VINE Street, between the hours of 9 o'clock and 3 D. 111., whore they will find the inspector or hie Deputy, F. 31 MESTER. (i. 11. LAUNLAN, jet Flour Inspector. LEGAL NOTICES. IN TILE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF CIIILADEI,PIIIA. MI Estate of CAROLINE B. TllOllll'StlN, Deceased. the Auditor appointed 11 the Court to audit Rett!e, and iohunt the Fitt...tint of LEWIS C. CASSIDY, Ad nonistrator of the estate of CAROLINE B. THOM SON. deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. *III meet the parties interested. on WEDS the 12th dav of October. teat, at .1 'docko P. Ai, at his Office, 00 CE Street. in the city of Philadelollut. s2:l a fin-it HENNESSI Auditor. ITHE ORI'IIANS' COURT FOR. THE CITY AND COI N PY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SA %I El, 'V Deceaseil,ilntestate.) Estate of ANNA W V. Decoaattil. t Testate.) The Auditor appointed In , the Court toaudit. settle, end ad mat the +t au of El.! K PRICE. Adminet rat, d. Inn. ol thn estate 111 AAHIE I, WEBI . , de ceased, and the seemly) al ELI K. Ph Executor of the tat will, ate, of ANNA whdT. deceased, and to 111,0•0 1 1 1/Ql'll , OlM MOOD, the neat of kin and )anises, accortlinz, to their mists in respect to both estates, talon., Into cleei the dilltrilittitens he retolare made among them hl slid A Welt. n 8 Adann,trattir of said Satnitet R eat, and otltie indebtedness Oiler egtaie to lilt estate. add the indebtedness Of legatees to her estate, will 'fleet the parties interested for the purposes of Ins appointirielit, ol MONDAY, the 34 dab ot en:- tuber, PAM) at !o'clock P. M• ni hot tlties, No, 1 South FIFTH street, 111 the oily of Philadelphia. .10.11 N SAMUEL, 121-wfilt Auditor. IN THE ORPILANS' CotritT FUR THE A. CITY AND COUNTY OF rifILATIELPHIA. Eatate of JOIIN MORRIS, Dear:reed. The Auddor appointed try the Court to audit, and adjust the fiyst amild heal account of JOHN J. MOR- N, Adunnietrutor of the emtAte of JOHN MORRIS, llece teed. and to reln.rt llibtrlblaloll of the hek eee i n lht h.tudeot the At t ountnlft, will meet the puffier In tereeted, for the.11tp• , 1341,1 hue nppuinimen6 Oil TV ES DAY, Ortokir 4t l h. 1N59, at 4 o'clirek P. M,. at hie office, No. 1;2 WA I,NTT rr•t root, or the rat of PilliVlVlphl4. 61..Ottlili SERGEANT, 621-wfuiSt Auditor. 11l E 0111'11ANS' WET FIR THE A..o.Try AA .. . misjy nuk.,,ll).:LylliA. 'VIto Andttof appointed It) the Court to audit, settle, and ndpld the final account of WILLIAM It. LEI F:l4 Actin.: Executor of the will of WILLIAII A. MAR SHALL, deretoted, and to make thatribution of the balance in the hlnds of said accountant, will meet the nartlen ielerenled for the purpeien of not apechntnient• MONDAY, ticteher 17th. 1879 t 4 o'clock, P. M.. at the ot WILLIAM ft 1.1-...JEE, :94 WALNT Dl rest, In the cat aZt fruiwSt IN TILE cowiT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHI LA PALM, ...... A. MARNIIALL., Decemse.T. The Auditor urpointed by the Court. to Rua, nettle. end /Omit the last and only account of CHARLES I.I.INNIiI end WILLIAM IL. LEJ Et:, Taw.... tsp. iointed under the will of WILLIAM A. MARSHALL, tteeenmed, and to make dultralsition of the ImlAnce the hands of m,aul Accountant. will meet the parties tn toremted. for Be r , ,,,,ye• pf him nropmetwent.en MON DAY, th•tohn r Ih, 1469, at 4 o'ctock,y M., the office of WILLIAM lt. MUM.% WAL‘i Street,. in the cit. of Phdadelphta. A.:3-rrnok st M EDWINA', DR. MOFFAI"B VEGETABLE LIFE PII. 1,8 AND PHOENIX 1111PEIlft hove been thorouchl) tested. and pronounced a sovereign retard) for di hoops., flatulency. heart-burn and headache, cosh %mimes diarrhom, fevers of all kinds, rheumatism, omit. grayel. worms. scurvy. ulcers, eruptive corn- Omni., suit 11101.11:1, I') al pelaa, COILMIOII COW/ and in fluenza. irregularity and all derangement of the female atom, des. ond VMIOIIII other disease* to ahnh the human frmort is liable. For 'ale by the proprietor. Or. W. 11. MOFFAT, Me 0110 A DWA Y. Now York. and by Druggists generally all over the country. sti-d&WIY A' TRER PROOF QF THE WONDER FUL EFFECTS OF TROAELL'S etIifIALUIA SALVE. Pinta., July 7th. IMII. Mr. E. W. Tao sm.—Dear Sir have been troubled with the "NEURALGIA" for the last 14 years. and Imo suffered the moat excruciating palm compelling nta at times to give up my business entirely. I could not eat, arid sleep was a stranger to my eyes. I suffered 1110113 than tongues ran tell. I had the advice and aid of varain4 physicians, are used other remedies. hit all of no avail. Having noticed ynto advertisement in the papers. I concluded to call on a person *horn 1 Mid learned was cured of a case of 20 years standing.He applied the "SALVE" but once, and I felt immediate relief—a second application removed the pain entirely, and I now feel like a different man. Since then 1 have slept well—something that I have not done for mouths, being obliged to sit up all night in a dur. Alp appetite tine returned, and 1 feel grateful to you for the restora tion of toy health. CHARLES H. BAKER, Tobacconist, CARROL Nicest . above WOOD, Kensington. Fire eiln, wholesale and retail, at S. W. corner SIXTH and PAR RIBH Btreeta, and at T. R. CALLENDER ic Co.'s. N. W. corner Third and Walnut ids. ap2o4( WINDS AND LIQUORS. CARD.---MAREUII.--SUR—AY (CHAOS-- PAONE), JANUARY In, 1660.—1 n consequence of Ilia frequent invitations roomed by me_t n orenew the shihtnetit6 toy Chotn ne Winesto the a ea States, I beg leave hereby 01 1F1 4 1;rrit my flintier customers and the public in g eneral hat e appointed Mem. EX. BROUWER, ANCHER. & cu., sole Agehts ih the United States, for the sale of my Champagne Wines. My Wines have been no long and favorably knotcn In the United States. It will be unnecessary to cohitrient on their quality, further than to say that my new shipments will in no way he found inferior to the cornier °um 1111.1.1 WART SALMON, SILLEGART SALMONS OHAMPAONE WINES, both CABINET and VERZENAY, for sale and con stantly on hand, in lots to suit purolinaers by F. C. 11110 U IVEI4 ANC IIIR, & CO., ap27-6m Cl BEAVER Street. New York. (CLARET. -100 CaSili4 Barton & Guestier's ` l .- 1 St. Julien; 1100 du. St. Este phe ; 300 dn. Waahing ton Morton St. Julien' 100 do. do. Mime's, pinta ; 60 do, Chateau to Rows ; 60 do. do. Leoville ; Scotch Ale, in atone and glass; Younger's, Harver'e, Falkirk Brown Stout and London hater, In store and nir ante by dun A.IIIER Ira). 310 South FRONT Street. itOTELS. MUItRAY ROUSE, NEWARK, 01110, la the largest and pest arranged Hotel in c.entral Ohio, is centrally located and is easy of access from ell the roman of travel. It contains all the modern improt 5- manta, and ever) convenience for the comfort and no counnodation of the traxelhna public,the Slaermi Rooms are large and it ell ventilated. The Pole, Rooms are aell armored and carefully furnished for fnmilice and large Ira, ellin4 partied ;and the House will be kept as a first-class Motet in eters respect. fl. A. SI UnRAY & 11RO., au7l-31n Proprietors. WETHERILL HOUSE, SANSO Street went or Sixth.—Thu deservedly favorite lace having been purchased by the undersigned, will heresfler be conducted on the most enterprisins scale, Thu hest Brune, lb stem, and Refreshments, prepared in the choicest solo. and the finest Lteuors, front the most popular irnportirK houses, always on Band. The patronage of the public, in respectfully invited AMIN J. BARTRAM. tr Private Rooms for Suppers, Arbitrations. Gout mittees. Societies. Ste. shl-Itu 1 1 1 11 E UNION, ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. UPTON. S. NEWCOMER. • The eituatv;ii of this 110TEl 111auperiorly adapted to the wants of the Business Pit Pilo; and to those in search of pleasure, Passenger Railroads, at Molt now run past, and in close proximity. ethic.] a cheap and pleasant nde to all planes of interest in Of about the ci tr. is. 23-em MACHINERY AND IRON. SAMUEL V. idIiRRICE, Z. V/1.0.313•N KZREM WILLIAM IL NEVEM SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. MERRICK. & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River. and Marine service, Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &r.; Castings of all kinda, either Iron or Brunk Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, /cc. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, ouch as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Patin, Open Steam ' Trains Defecatorn, Filters, Pumping Engines. &e. Sole Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus •, Nrtemyth's Patent Steut Hammer • and & Aspinwall Wolsey's Patent Centratgat Sugar Drain ing Machine. au 04 DENTISTRY.—'Chu improved sets %boa.. of ANTI FICIA I.TEETR, still manufactured at POT ARCH Street. Philadelphia, lip 1. LUKENS. fit. 11., Surgeon Dentist. The Al niers! Plate sots of Teeth are superseding :ill others, principally from the folio, rug reasons: Flint mineral in u•tvi in plate of Sold or silver. for platen, mating theta one-third lighter, and at the same time lunch stronger, an their greatest thickness in where the totals have shrunken away inure, thus perfectly restor ng the anatomical shape and contour of the mouth and lace, and giving the exact origins' expression to the features: the) v. ill stand better in Nemec., and net or get out of repair; they are responsibly warranted for a lifetime • there are no crevices for the aecnioninlation 01 pat Melee of food; that are wholly free I mini all gal -1,11110 'lotion, and can not or produce pnlintntion of the heart, headache, sore throat, neinnisiai or ner,ous none. • Dr. LUKENS' offief,, 907 ARCH litreot, Pll.l.llelphut ; oleo 333 PEN:sISYLVAN IA Avonuo, Wnshlngton, I).G. T IRMILEY'S FOoD FOR CATTLE, (As Imported from Encland./ FM' Horses, this food Is indispensable i n promoting and alltartilllarZ all the animal functions I health and vigor. For MIMI CoOn it is invaluable, lucre ism,: the quantity nod undo, ino the qualit) of milk For Sheep nod nos alto etlact produced in ono month all exceed all expectation. The Wilda.n of this food may be attended with a sub traction °loftier food. to the patentor one-third, thereby rendering its application one of economy. While at the aanie time It materially riqsitts the digestive poiser of i Cry .thimal, in extracting a Larger portion of nourish. meet front the ordinary Mod. It hich would otherwme be lost, consequent upon the impaired or defective actior of those organs. Depot, 2U2 DOCK Street. PHILADELPHIA. m NTON'S ENCAUSTIC TILES for 11 - floors. Ornamental Chimney Tops for cottages. linden Voice and Fountains. Vitrified Pipe for drain, rind Water conduetprri Imported and for sale by S. A. HARRISON. fra, 15 1010 CUE:M . I'N irr Street. ZMANCHESTER SCALES. IA!. No. 23 North SIXTH Street may be found a POsgeneral assortinent,ot COU TNER SCALES. rouTABLE PLATFORM SCALES. DORMANT WAREHOUSE SCALES, HAY AND COAL SCALES. Alan, RAILROAD TRACK SOALES furnished at short no tice All warranted to indicate standard u bight, accu rate and durable. The sty le and finish of the above goods best known by examination. 51.3-thstit2in GEO, W. COLI3Y & CO. NEW PLANING MACHINE, Embracing 1 I The Andrews Patent of 1815, with matching works for dressint, Hoards. Plank, & c. New Principle ol Feeding. Great Saving of Power. Machines of vanons nines, 24 to Si) inches wide, for single or double sorlsem ng, with or without matehing heads, for sale nt No. Z 3 Noah SIXTH Street, Phila. Call and OX3IIIIIIO. 05-thstll2lll GK(I. W. COLBY k CO. DRILLS AND SIIEETINGS FOR EX PORT. BROWN, BLEACHED, AND BLUE DRILLS, HEAVY AND LIOHT SHEETINUS, Suitable for Export, for rude 1,1 PROTBINGHAM ex WELI.S, 84 South FRONT St., and 9a LETITIA Street. S W. GROOME Sr. CO., • Nitlere and Shicrre 0( scHuILKILL, and ROAD TOI' BITUMINOUS COAL. Office. No. 140 South PoItV,TH supet. ItitoAD Street. below WIN', aroll-Oa VIOLA 0 El.l'lllA. SUGAR -HOUSE MOLASSES.-150 tioroes,:and banes. for solo by JAAIEIS URAIIAM 00., nva:l Ia:TIT/A Street. SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., No. 429 MARKET STREET BALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS. On Tuesda) :Morning, 1)14 9th, at In u clock, by cataloguo, on 0 inonthe reili( 400 rikeLagem and lots drum) , and staple imported and doineche dry g o ods, R a in oles and eatalo.nes earls on morning of sale FEINTED CA :111 E . AT F, I,L A , AND Inn )1.. • Oil 'Neck%) Morning, October Scotch printed Cashmere a/wall, 12-4 printed and broelie-luncler Stella ebowts. 14 4 Wornpl cid and locket ',haw!. NEW STYLE WOOL LONG SHAWLS. OXI WO/colored all-wool plaid long shawls. 3,t00 DOZEN 110:11ERY AND' kiL,OVES. Also, an ittroten of 3 IN dozen enflaming of - doz. white, Imo-lett, and mixed cotton - hace. doz. do to , do r o half hone. doz. cotton, Berlin. sulk . . find Cashmere gloves. EMBRELLAII. cores Scotch Kinofilm whalebone frame limbre;!l` CAMBRIC HAW: ERCIIIEFS AND eCA RFS. ran 3, ohiz. printed der cambric nandkerchtets. Svo doz. ~.e/o - 11)0 Jun, chenille sexes. EMBROIDERIES. 10 lids new styldjscorlet and hook goners and glen es AUCTION NOTICE SPECIAL AND ATIRACTIVE SALE B.IItONV I UIS of well.knom 11 mann fis•tsirm and of ME.. , SIttl. C. F. SCtiIIiCIDER & CO. FI•fINF,j 4 B, 131311 , 11,EY,h CO., ED MARK ET BTR EKT. will 3YI;.:DNIE:_ 4 DAY NIORNINO, Oefrlmt Orb. Igo a In Wi‘loi a. FIVE TilliCaANL/ I PIECES SAXON DRESS 0(11M entirely fresh goods, lust landed .1 'lean:era Eortmsla and New York. and yoniiiFtin.; 01- 1,0:10 pieces double-. kith Union plaida, Id tern susertur bt) les. among which will be found a scrub rnt: o 3 of soul! checks. h 220 nll wool plaid• in ter) superior quality. newest - P.a.. and beauttlul assortments .S(Y) b i^ket sOles Elutnes double width. in bip! TIM sir in and as ainenta—is sets desirable d r,n. nie et. 950 do du tangle width. far) it ribbed urn? fiennne favordas—an en tirely new artto e. and seep desirable. 2,9) ancres, in splendid alwrtruents, superior poplin nimbi, • IN BA) mte re Luz t.. cloth face, very den raibp, 10) excellent and hews qiialilf With Cilin sin per, huh lust roil finis, and serf soiree. 250 ver) laeasy and high cost, brocaded Adeuna—a new nr tele. lfAfifty inches wide illPllll lime and poll credit—an en tirely new- article. wttn stripe. rennin; down. and lit excellent assortments. 110 fill) inch fine brine pod de &chit—superior qualtty excellent assortment& and very Mon cost. sr The above sale conprines the most excellent as ilkirt"nent of &stony dress sends Ever offered in this Market, and the ettenttort of the trade Is partleularly re_ s eMt Veit. 11 —lt is the intention of the owrrers to sell every lot. PIIILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 MARKET Street- and 321 ;Tr trims Street. SALE- OF CARPETS. On Tuesday Morning . . Oet. Mt. at 11 , 1 o'clock precisely, wilt be sold. by cata logue. on 6 months crett, about 111pietes of carpeting. comprising invoices from Cite beat mismufsetarem, em- Miming, in parr - Faso perfine quality all-worsted and lit not 1-I ;aerate carpeting. •-• pa medium trnalities ar. ps a t W(411 lill,ng do. ps 4-4, 3-I. arilob d dnimuslr woollen Venetian dm pa 4 4 and 3 4 heavy n.S . I —pa 4-4 nd 3 I eidt , i4e LC. Di 4-4 .tlyer wutlity r 3( di, tt.r Catalmmes on morning of said. HALE OF SA CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. - On Thursday Mormng. October nth, at lt) o'clock precisely, will ta sold by catalogue. on four months' credit, near CUPS men's and hole boot., shoes, salters, brogans, slippers. mershoes. c.; ladies and misses' boots. gaiters. shoes. beg. slippers, Jenny Llnds, or ershoes, Ac.. enibraclng a large and desirable assortment. suitable for the present I rule. The early attention...7l buyers 111 melted. ea .ne rale w,ll be peremptory. FT rmalop., early on the morning of sale. 1-1 SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 -R—F• CHESTNUT D_TfillET. onorwita Streets. km SA Rouse. between FOURTH And FIFTH Streets. 1.1.: OF gm LOTS EN1010)1t1h.R1Fle. BONNET AND Tit tEI MAI INO ti BONS. MI LL!NERY GOODS, 61:11:11ANTOWN titYol)B, Ae.. A.. On Wednesday Morning, Oct. Lai. a ill M. srld L. leatalo, ire. on a credit. coul meeemg.c at W o clock precisely, a full sewn went o f the ready early on the morning of sale. SHIPP:AO. Ali% THE BRITISH AND NORTH .7 15 ANIERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- - - - riom rllff sewn no I.lviwrooto Chief Cabin Passage.— Second Cabin Passage. 76 1110111103 TON TO itvraroOL. Chief Cabin humus...-. ..... Second Cab'', Pagenge.. The eh! ps from Boston call at Helfax. PFRa Clpt. Ji P: dklus, 'CANADA, Capt. Lang. el RA Ili A, Cayt. Stone, AMRICA, cant. Molar. ARIA Capt.h.. , Lott, IN IA IiARA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon EUROPA. Capt. J. Leitch, There veeec!e catty a clear WRIT. bent mast-bead ; alp stprboard how; red on port bow. Juekile, !"Plvel N York, Wednesday, Sent. :S. ARABIA, :Rood, " llogton. Wednesday. Oct. b. ARIA. Lott. N York, Wesktasday, Oct. If. CANADA, Lang. " Bealoa. WedetalJay, Oct- CO AF It ICA . Shannol2, " N York, WeJnewlay,_Dat.ll. EUROPA, Leitch, " Boston, WedneadaY. ;101%2, PERSIA. Judlone. " N York, WadnotslaY, Nov- V. AMERICA, Millar, " Boston, Wednesday, N0v.16. esSIA, Lott, " N York, Wednesday, Nov. If. litt,ths , nvt encored until paid for. AL eaneneicod SargeOn en board. The no of .thnsc sid pi will not be accountable for 601 , 1. Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry. Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of laolline are &Knee tberetor and the value thereof therein egprqsand. For freight try pas sue apply to E. CUNARD, IkOttin.6 Orden. or New Yk. FOR THE SOUTR.-CRARLFS TON OR BA . VAInfAR §TEANSHIFS. FREIbIiT REDUCED. Heavy Freteht at an average of /11117.5.3 per cent be low New York Steamalt.p_ratee. FOR CHARLESTON. 8. C. The 11. PtaimshiplaliliTi*lSTATE. Cap- Gain Charles P. Marshinan, will tali on Wednesday. Oct sth, ftt In A. M. -•• . • . Through In 43 to ISO hour, only 40 hours at Sea. FOR SAVANNAH. Ga. The U. S. Mail St;ainship STATE. OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garton, will sail on 3lunday, October 10, al 10 o'clock A, M. Through in to to tro hours, only Is hours at Sea. AGP"SaiI Ina dt>a changed from every Satorday to every five dat a Goode received, and &Ha of Lading manna etery (M)>. tle„ splendid first-chum vide-wheel Rteamskter KEY STONE ti CATE and STATE OF GEORGIA not► run as Dann e evert ten day.. than forming a five-day commu nication Itith Charleston and Sat swish, and the South. and Southweet. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Bhips con nect with at eatnera for Flonda ani with radrohb., ate.. for all places in the South and4oututtregt- INSURA CS Freight and Insurance on a largo proportion of Goods chipped &nth and be found to be tower by these ship. then by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. . . N. B.—lnsurrin,e on all Railroad Freight ix entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston at Savannah. the Railroad o.inpanies tAkinE naks from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this nude gd to ik) per cent eheapar than by the Inland Route s as will b seen by the foil. Jong sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia ria I Saner, ton rind N 'Pannell steamships. INCLUDING A1t....•.L.S on thA hrite [nate. except (Tom Charleston and Saran tuth to Alontsotnery : INLAND PARE. To CharlciPa— 116 90 Charteston—.......92l SO Savannah.— 15 1.0 Savannah -- 31 03 Augusta........ DO W M 16111118.-----•••- 3 /i 00 Mac0n....... 21 00 Macon.— .... 33 75 Atlanta— .23 00 Atlanta..--_.31 ger 00illflibus—.. 23 OU Columbuie —..... 63 aa , Albany.. . . DO Annul —— • 3 Oil Montgomery. .. 26 IV MontgoinerY.--. (UN htobile ... 36 co Mobile. ...... 90 New Orleane .. 39 76 New a) No tolls of lading signed after the ship hars For freight or passage apply on board, at second wharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON, Jr., Southwest corner FOUTH and CHESTNUT. Afenta in l l i ,, h .z r ,, l n es n t a on . }I 11NTER 6 3c.. !A 'ELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Cambria every Tire wins. For Flondt from Havennah. steamer' SL Alan's end I. John's. every 'Node) and enturday. .1)= GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP COMPANY.—STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY—for eV. PROM NEW TOR[. GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, October 12, it 12 oloek, norm. ED I N 111 RU H, Ctunnung. Wednesday. October 33. at 12 o'clock. noon' /sec( GLASGOW. OLAGnOW, Thompson, Wednesday, Reptember 11. EDI NM' ROIL CIIIMOMS. 'Wednesday. rleptember 23. Rates of Passage 'ruin New York, Philadelphia. or Boston, to iiinAZOW. Belfast. Dublin. orlon donde ro . first c lass., 73. Eteerace. found with an Abun dance of properly cooked provolone, gap. An experienced Surceon attached to each steamer. No charge for medicines. Fur freight or passage, apply to wORXMAN ll CO., No. 123 WALNUT fitreet. Philadelphia. ROBERT CRABS ) ap22-t( No. i 9 BROADWAY. New fork. U. S. M. STEAMERS PDX HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON, A sar.m, Captain Lines, will sail July 93, September 17, November 12. FULTON, Captain Wotton, Till sail August 30, Onto ber 13, December 10. First Cabin paaaace•— ellO Second Cabin passase... 76 1 For freight or passage. ape to WI 1,13 . AM rim L 50 7 ,1. Agent, At the Warehousing Company's Philadelphia Office, Tobacco Warehouse. DOCK Street. Phila. re= 6m WASHING AND IRONING. WASHING AND IRONING DONE Lades EATNESS and DESPATCH. for Single , and Gentlemen, Families. Bccuchne Schools, Hotels. Steamboats, gec., at DONOVAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY. No. Ll 3 South SI XTII Street, corner of Prune. Family Shuts and Collars patent polished. Everything washed by hand, on the com mon wash-board. The whole business is strictly attended to by female perattvea. Mrs. DONOVAN, .0 10-1. Stmerindendele. Atom.: PRoor II(' THE WONDERFUL EFFECTS OF MONELL'S AMERICAN lIAIR REP. BATOR. IkockDELPII: s, Septeber This is to cortiOr that I nns Isuld formany ye th ars, and was Ti.semounentlett to try tour Reptrator and Int we Procured three bottles, used it for three months. u hick has caused my hair to grow, and although not quite a thick as before, tot nt is constantly swum, E. M. JONES. No. e 9 North Third street. LADri t r 7, 1 , 430. tqr..l. F. MONEt,.,Dew, mi ,Slr—rt. Septembe r llie 111110 81 th l,o III) hair commenced ballot.; out. sd much so. that I wa a. 111 tact, fearful of becomin4 bald; but hear.]: of the won derful power of sour Iloparator, I was induced to buy a bottle. and alter toun.; one-half of it no hair not only ceased coining out. but commenced crowin: finely, and I have now as thick a suit of hair as ever I had. N. Ail iherri . street. For enle T 11 , TEAS A. Co. Sole Agent., N o CHFST.NUT Street. Ise2,6m A lM PREPARED 'l , O RECEIVE EVERY devription of Family and Domostie Goods. having Hewing Machines of the host manufacturers. as also the most approt ed and skilful operators articles finished with nosiness and despatch and at such prices that defk compeion t. . ktiaa M. A. SM ITHLM S. 11. corner of PI NTH and PRUNE, 1 , 77 Im [.'tundra Otttea. EOLER & SNIITII, corner SECOND AEA And GREEN, have acquired a great reputation by the wise and prudent course they have pursued since their etrinmencement in business, by selling a first-rate article et a low Sarre. 15,000 BOXES AMERICAN AND FRENCH WINDOW GLASS—The most approved brands, and 01 every size and quality required for say and • nontry trade. at price. astonishingly low. Send your orders to ZIEGLER & SMITH. Prue. Saint, Glass, and Varnish Dealers, corner SECOND and GREEN Streets. 31.3-tf PURE CONFECTIONERY, 51ANVFACT17.1tFD EDWARD A. lIEINTZ, !Ate of 8. Hermon. Store B.W. corner ARCH and 'NINTH street& .Sm 1F:481..4r 814 Flll,B rt. .treat.) - VADIES' HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI- A-A SETTS, and CURLS, manufactured in the very best and newest Parts holes, and of which we constantly keep a very large assortment on hand, sold wholssare and retail, at the lowest possible prices. Order from fill WWII Of the country solicited, and promptly attended to. Also, a new NAIR ON superior to any in use. M.No. 12 TENTH St, au2o-am• Between Market and Chestnut. REFINED SUGAR.-500 barrels various Ja.ivgrade.. L5O 15105 crushed, sifted and powderfor JAMES GRAHAM & o At CO., aa11.1,• by T.RTITTA rvo MACKEREL. --1;10 bbls. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, in assorted orminal packages, of the latest catch. for sale by • C. C. SADLF.R k CO„ • of A Reff Street, second sloes etyma Pront. J 4 I CONOMY MESS ;SHAD—Nos. 1 and 2 -:4 4 a prime article, in stern and for Kale try WM..I. TAYLOR k CO, au= 1.18 80 UTH • M• THOMAS k: BONS , • Nos. Mend 10 BOUTS FOURTH STUMM. (Formerly Nos. 0 and 0.1 STJCKS AND REAL ESTATE, TUESDAY NEXT AT NOON. Pamphlet catantognee note ready. rentaininffall de meriptions, of all the eropettles to be sold on Tuesday next. Ith nt 12 0 clock. POOU. tozether enth a loot of mica let, sth. Ilth. I.Sth. and Ztli October. and of mil estate at private wile, cotnprtung a very lamp amount of valuable property. CARD.—PUBLIC SALES REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS AT THE EXCHANGE. — f3aIes of real estate and necks will hereafter be held at 12 o'clock soos,and to the evening at / o'clock. FALL SALES STOCK AND REAL ESTATE. Seventh Fall Sale. 4th October, at the Exchange. Eighth Fall Sale, sth October. on the inenunee -- IXIL deuce and furniture. No-WI Santoro street. Ninth Fall Sale, 11th October, at the Exchange. Tenth Fall Sale. 14th October, on the Premium—resi dence and furniture, Nn. 259 South. Berentan nth stmeta aEI., youth Fall Sale, October. at the Exchange. NW' l'art of the handbills for each of the &twee sake now ready. STOCKS, te. On Tuesday. Oct. Sd. at 13 o'clock. noon. at the Philadelphia Ba ckless, will Ile sold— z"; accodnt of whom it may concern -6 hlownt alonsh Cemetery Company. 1 shire Point Breeze Pi rk AMOCIatIOU. ES hirer 'Northwest )Mini; Company of Michigan_ ri iesesow Qortzate Sena Willore-spon and Elmira R• 11 road Co. Ic shares CEYrnmocos:4lt4 rmat— per share paid. &awn ticket Arch st. - tet Tne3"e• SEVENTH FALL BALE--CIE OCTOBER. AT NOON. Willaclude-- YALTA BLF. Inhek store and dwellmg. No, 21€ writMILLB." Float Corso! between Race and Vote. Peremptory Sale—""TfiFl3lßAßll The valuable property k., u 31,115. watts steam ens toe coal •ard. &c., N. ntli,""etr north of Poplar . Lot hd bY 1.4 . feet. Ira " k two 'oat& i 6, flak abearlote. TAN ERN DITELLINCL—Three-steCT bo ck M 14711 and threllins, southeast corners( Carpenk °' lad r aT kef Myptia, 1VA`66611 Fd'th and 3'1116. Wllll a L. - smry trick de elite. in the rear. on l'irker west, ts." bottreark.l r.Caretahsts. kct—VALUABLE BCRINESS PRO ERTV.—Yoor-sterr brown-stone and brick !meadow,. "t.t. CI Walnut street. and fire-shtrs brick tmaattei tottMort No.= Ltsrmony street, beret. Thud and Ti4.3rth. MODERN RUIPENCE.—Fonr-story bnek rasa de nee, No. =1 Nth Twelfth street, above Baca h JfITH Mt.; MTH .!..:T.—Tlitee-dotyjatck dwelLuk, tti9 North Ett.hth street, store wltsce. torah a ihrte.st.nrN hitch boogie 16 the inc. PM L enin litrtell- E y „di m i , i 'en,,,ptory, Sate—Estate of War. Davis. TA UA Br. r, WHARF AND LOTS, ,BRISTOL., PA. —Con! wharf Ani three Mukha: lots. trootinz on Ina Del3w rarer. Rnoclin - gi en.i Cenlyr streets, LIP by MP feet. air Bale abionnte. f.LFAIANT 3....0LFRN RESlDENCEL—lledemtaree literr brick resolener. .!bree;nlotl bent baildies. , ‘ „d 7.11.10U11-311,1 ArtClo6.l,4lt Of Six teenth wept. leer f roc a. Lkitort deep to aback Street. VALUABLE FARM 11 . 0 STORE STAND- - V‘.-ik acre,. on the German:tors.`mil Pottstown tunnels. In hickory Town, PO mouth Mostaosners count,. Pa. V A LUA BL E DW ELL( t'nek d" 2 " tnz No. Mr/Penal Fifth street. above USINESS STAN D.—Tbree-story by. ik t..str. +. 4 dwelling, southwest corner of Trent.-firs.` aka Link t streets between Arch end Filbert. :BA DLION Sr.— i wo-rtory brick dwellim,_ street. between Race Vina and Ek'nUan and Tweiflli greets. VALUABLE BEVERLY PROPERTY. nis-i Lathe Int. Brriod street, 190 yarns from the eteamboat boning. lOt by Re feet_ .tore nod awelhe;, Brost street, Be surly, lot id feet front. 150 feeldeep. DwellYna. Third :tweet. De .‘ll4lbO2Al, Not f,try Pall feet. Neat Bnck dweller. Lurid !Meet, above Weems, but R' by En. two fronts. Revere N.! V.l LUABLE DELAWARE WHARF. fit fret Piecing-a bT aa fret, with privilege of MO feet more. brick Sc., Beech street. between Sloyelemairia and rlsenrew • t reety. Kreyropton. ILANDeniNIE 310DEBN li_E-IDENCE. No. MD cruce st rent, ',lnt all modern improvements and ma • en,enrer. NEAT MODEP.X REFIDENCE. &mak ersteread street. between Walnut end Laareat aareetaorak mo dern improvements and eraaseisieleees. LARLLE ANL. VALUABLE LOT. tea feet freer, es Twenty-third street. near Girard Cvikae. PERV.3I.PTORY SALE.-7 three-arory !mirk S. W. enrntr of Flerench and Basel Pmts. TWO-STORY BRICK COTTAGE, Market street. Camden. N. J LOT OF iiftol:ND. east rule of Fret street. &bees ce : exteisi throe; hto Water street- 'I. rose. . . .. • . . LT OV GROUNV. with two-aum, bnek dwelliteg. N. E. eerner or Almor.d and tlomefact streets. Nta•- !er-ch 1•111,11. t hte RieStsw,.d.) . • . Kr:ISLE ASS COACH-HOUSE. Perth este Robert son , erect, bet seen Farrah and Briar azd ZKltl and Franklin street& TENTH FALL SALE—Drn OCTOBER. Sale on the_rreinises—No.2.3oSnatitSewnoneenth street_ NEATRESIDENCE AND FURNITFRE. - - • On Friday 3olte.ns. Itth inst.. at, 10 o'clock. en the preinAes. :le. r. Sonth errf.teenth v rert. elm tide. above hymns street. the neat rinaleta lour. story bnek rnessuste. v - d.b Wee lt.ol, back /444clir. and all the LEI,Clenl conveniences. Lot 19 hr 140 stet. pence or lees. SPLENDID Pi RNITURE. MIRROR.. cum:nixie, CILANDELILILS. FINE CARPED!. ALyretior, Oetnbe r 3d. at Id o'clock. to eatslorde. at No. 933 Wa7 - nut street. cot:sprigs at milt of ten elegant rosewood drawing-room furniture, tne ormolu mountings. co s ered with fine green plush; suit of elegant rosewood drawing-room furniture, covered witk Lae green plaakg richly carrell ; very supenor rosewood sideboard; ele gant rosewood centre table; elegant rosewood etagere ; Belem, d TOWIrOCki bookcases; 4 elegant grime Woes telle certain.; 3 crimson and garnet bosses:elle do.: lar e m Preset-plate mantel and pier mirrors. in rich gslt frames; ksmisorue ems chandeliers; supersor drams room furniture; reel etemitt rosewood wardrobe*: bedsteads. &ram g Nr , ws, sad washrtsivas to. match; hue carpe ts; stain clamber furrow* =Pen°, mat. treelaer. tte. The cabinet furniture was made to order by Georce I. IlenkeLs. Full particulars is es-Ws-goes. 1143 - May De examined oa the mormag of sebe,at 3 o'clock. !Vale No. tit North Sigth Street. fiASPBO3IE UIt.NITUR E. APEnift CARTM CHANDELIERS. FRENCH Jr.C. On Tuesday .Stornmr. .gth, at too'eloek, at N. HI N'xilo Sink street, ea :alc.gr.tr, the entire furniture of a gentleman leartng tne cat , , et r.n. Ihi ag suit cf ha adsotne ncrew.cd4ramins ,*ll,llll,l,,t.y. is l‘rocatel:e covers. kw Fraura chum dinner and tea vale. ansrnor arasme-room and than, tar Is rmture. tuehstiCs ass seta of handlienna painted and adt cottage farn2tare, taw. tha luttnes furnito re. air' lava he asaaubed at 8 o'ckvit oa ib maxitiag of the sale le,th eata'-ognea. SALE OF NI ISCELLA NEOUS BOOKS. Oa Tuesday EN en:na. Oet. 4th. at the auction store. a coliectrea of te.a.te ors vaneos a bracts. *or For partitulArs see Cat.lloll.ll. erPERIOR - FURNITCI6:: 3LLEIRORS CHANDELIERS. &e. On Wectrerb,y Morn:nt. Oeteher Sth.at II vectors, at No. htl tabaCal Creel. t 7 catalogue, the entire leaseehold furn•ture,supertornsee wwslseven netave piano. nude b) Net er; alit of rose - Wood drasrine-room furniture. Fresel elate =mini eurrors. sas rhandehers, dravrins-rvorn sae chsnttr tetr.tvare. Lee testae r beats. lair neattreaaea, le. the L.t rim iture. store res.,lence leaf be sold pct nose tU sale furniture. *sr Fteo partleulare tE ratalreues. MM!=TME=O= . . FIFX.NITI. HE, t• R.1.1C11.1.1...ATE.A.U.R -RORt.. PIANO- f - Off rk: BR!. zzSE..LS CA1111.71. Va Thursday Morita( ' At 9o'clock. at the A,tettott etoner.an aisettirteett ci exerl:ent se-<mtt-ttaad furtuture. eZecsat piano kites, fist' mirrors, c,rpeu. etc.. Iron fspithes dectmas rerno•rd to the store for cent en_esce of sa.e I M. GUNLMEY h SONS, • REAL ESTATE ArCTIO?fEERS. No-SVWALNLIT STREET • - . CARD.—J. M. Giumaey .. ttra. anctiossers..n.li beAll legutu tales a RAW F Staab. km. Ake - hoia (animus u dvelltus. In. On oar Private Bale Reenter a-Mahn,' be foaled a very large amount of real OMNI, saalathag own do locnotloa of oat, sad connt t. ry J. M. li M.YEY & 8058. Real &man Broker". No. I WALNUT street. belay Stilt. OS ES NATRANS, AUCTIONEER AN 0 CON:MISION 31Jakala:12, B. E. corset El X TH and RACE Strpeta. MORI', TO L 0.6,111 LLRGZ (.2 Oa me re hand.ze generally. arld on all amens 91 valve. ALL *EMS 01,ER ORR I,II:NDRIP LoLLARS T.SIPITI [INT. ?RR VON Tll. includlng storsge. &e., at Nadal's' Pnsesjal Entabbehment. e PUBLICer of SIXTH and RACE Ma GREAT ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY!!! Money liberally advanced to large ey amatl agsbeatte,, from one dollar to thousands, on role and silver 'Late, diamonds, watches, jewelry, frorlier -meets, muted! to strrments, furmture. dry goods, Moline:, 's ;Toren", (I gam hardware.entlery, books, hones. critetire.heraeay and all art,zles of valve, for any length of tame agreed on, at Nam/ *es' Pe , cirar. E*reaurrotiez, southeast corner of Sluts and Race streets- PROVISORY MITES, with collateral, di 110011 e ted ad tire lover. market taiEAT BA RUAINS IN WATCHES. TEWELjty. .4c.. AT PRIVATE SALE at NATHANS' PRINCI• PAL F-STA BEI SIIENIENT, b. E. corner. of SIXTH and R.ACEStreetn—Tne following articles Intl be sold for lees tuan halt the usual store pnces : Fine gold Ea; hsh patent fall Jewelled and plan. of the most approved and best make, in hunting eases and double bottomed. Fine gold escapement lever and lemne watches. In hunting ease and open face. some of them are extra full Jeweled, and best make. Silver English patent lever watches, escape ment lever and (spines, to hurit.ng case and open face. some very superior; Enrlish, Swiss. French, and unartier watches; fine gold vest, fob. neck. and chil dren's chains ; fine gold pencil eases and pens. bewelese, breastpins. finger-rings. ear-nags. stn. medallions. and Jewelry generally. Superior Havana Cigars at $ll per thouaar.d t in boxes of 25.0 each, will ha sold by mute box or a...aunties, to melt purchasers. :Cameros,' Caber articles, Er., &a. Er. AT PRIVATE SALE. A superior fire-proof chest, 4 feei high by 3 fest wide. Aso. watebes. and teselre of every de-stmts.& IVILLIALS & BOYLE. AUCTIONEERS AN D COMNISSION MERCHANTS. No. le N. rth MAIN r.TREET, Sr. Loris, Mo.. ( lormerly with Messrs. Myers. Clashorn & Co., Phrladelphia.) offer their tITVICCS to the merchants, mannfaetnrers. and others of PhiLadelphia, for the sale of dry goods, ear - Pettis boots, shoes. hardware. Jewelry. &c.. &e. Om. Cash advances wrade on reeerpt of goods 111. Settle manta made three days after sale. Meu , sre. Myers, ClAshur% k Co., l'hiLs Stuart & Brother. nuts. Van Wyck, Townsend, k Warrens, New York. Lkl3. Curve & Wood, Chroar, & Co, St. Louis, Mo. Crow, McCreary, .4. Co., , b and-I'm sr-Tr VB. PALMER'S ADVERTISING • AGENCY, N. E. orner FIFTH and CHEST NUT. ttt Subseriptlons taken for toe best City and Country Newspapers. at !nest cash prices. se.34en M A R TIN A; QUAYLE'S STATIONERY. TOY. AND FANCY GOODS E .h/ P / M. I= WALNUT STREET, DILLOW ELEVENTH, PHILADELPHIA. MZEMM A L LKX. McKINNEY, ATTORNEY 4T LAW, GREEISSIMRO, PA, prsettre in Westmore'snd. Armstrong, and In ntinacountles. sell-ti urBE ..IDAIS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE s.l) CHESTNUT Street. ton-agds Parcels. Pack ages. Ztlerchs-olise. Bulk Notes. :nt Spec.e, either by Its own lanes. or in connection with other Express Cc en names. alt the yroaciple towns and cities of the United States. E. S. SANDFORD. wt-tf General Superintendent. 'rum. D. E.SIORY & CO. -"" OFFICE No 146 South FOURTH Bt4Philsds., Sole Agents of OEO. C. POTTS & CO., Miners turd Shippers of the LOCUST DALE COAL From the Locust ]fountain. Year Ashland. apt-6m] scHuytlina, COUNTY, FIL NOTICE.—The Copartnership heretofore N existing between the Subscribers is dissolved by mutual consent. TillB DAY. T 1103.1 AS T. MASON having purchased CHARLES E. RuBINSON'S enure interest in the Concern. is alone authorized to settle the business of MASON & THONIAET. MAKIN C. B. ROBINSON. Pa IL AM, Sept. T. 1.5 V N.B.—The DRY GOODS JOBBING Sexiness vitt be nnt:nnert At No. at .MARKET Street. ender the male AlllO, by THOMAS T. MASON. rHil d.PA.,Fept. T, I. 111-1 m 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the .1 . 4 firm of WA RNICK. CHADWICK, 4. BRO. is this .I.st diesolveq. The Heater. Range, and Store busman ifi be emttuued under the name of CHADWICK t ' SRO at the Vert - head corner of Bar) and RAZZ Streiis. JOHN K. twria FRANcia A. K.ADwiCK. rhiladelphis, ALIT 1.11,1&" Mali BALM BY AUCTION. ==VM=I Sale Nrt : `US . Sansoßt Strfet. MMEiZ7EI ST. LOUIS MO BUSINESS CARDS. COAL. COPARTNERSHIPS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers