°`-'~~~Yith:'-+:~=rkv_ rtic24}`x , :lvh+-~tM:e.Lt. :'ai!:4 R .. RIVALS AT TH ' :711mo -.• PRINCIPAL-ROTE 1 1 .1' TO TWELYZ 0:010CA LAST MAT; P . .."! additional Arovats'see Fourth Page:] , . . .. - GMARD TlOUSPl—Chestnat st., below Nnith• L T Valentine Jr la, N V 'H B Disk/aeon. Va G, W Wales, Boston ' J T Walton, Ala A C .Tojkos,6la, - IA Freeman, N V e NV ' ,-- •'A ki Jnekson, II Y • .t, il ii l ii l tis e , y oi! , i: ska . ~ _, - . 4.,• . *ltu ra itin3. N C Mrs FIOWeTH Ueo E P ast Y ,Livarpool They Crowthors. LiA-orpoo) • Benj alien, Texas 0 N Hollingsworth, Yews °Sear Brothers. Miss N D Phillips, films - Seth Wlowle, Boston . Il ay ' l ea r k it' ' ' . trg e ri r i 4 - 111 .17 ih, Vall i i - Li: l ar ‘ e - 2fiss i g. 4 4 iilitiZe, lil . C • - ; r Berry, AMERICAN HOTEL--thbstrint ite. above Fifth hl,kyordt,t ITB :I (liraumsn, N Y H Loy', N Y - Alden Siblitty Dos Seuravd, Prov, R I, J W Jameson, Haft w Jameson, Unit - l'oreifull, Va t3eo Plunkett, St Paul JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Sttth. Jos litrcell Charleston, ft C Jun Wiley, Charleston, 8 C Burns, Charleston, SCHL Borne. Charleston. C T 31 Hassell, C r harlestnn,SC Wm B Seabrook. jr, 8 C Nid • N A Hardee, Bavannah.Oa 0 G enho, poterainiml,re, M Benjamin. Staten Island WU:Holt Mont'tr, Al Alfred Craven, 8 C STATES UNlON—Market st., abnps Sixth. Diioina, 11l - It W Stint!, Wright W Landueli - A 0 WA.thertil, Duntantion F Moat,. Fa Jamb Bare. Lancaster 'W Snnpo, Pc. 0 L'Pritke. Olga Donnie Clnrk. r co A hei 8014 Pa_ Jogeph Dodson, I'd W Cary, Pn " rt4Artz,,P. Jahn stawart.N J G It Omar, Pa W COD, N.Y ' Jae !galivant N J COMMERCIAL 11.0111.1,—,Sizth et.. above Cheating. R lindKnons. P 3:11 ORR L Carson. Wilinhurton MVorbison. Del T Romphrles. Month co W 'Pauli, Pinta J S alter, Chester co M 1 , :Mo n n., ib% 'W Josiah Jaekson, Phila -Mesh Jnokson. Chester co J W - Davis. Chester co John Pliohrer, Pa W A ]taker & la, Pa D 1 , 4 Valli Pa BGACIt BEAR HOTEL—Third st.; above Callowhill Letvi Temple. Hearteville Abel Betherthweit, .1.1 Clemens. Cheater Valley ItIARINE INTELLIGENCE. 888 *OIYRTIE PAGE " ARRIVED. '1.5 - S MIR Steamship Keystone State, Marshman. 50 hours , from Clierlaiston. SC, with !maw', rice, and pna season; to..AtersAleron, Jr. lot inst. at 430 25 miles north of Cape Bottoms. passed steamship State of georsiii. bones for SB9Bllllllll. Steamship Kennebea. Hand. 23 hours from Now York. With mdse and passensent to Jos Allderdice. Praised halos, Bonitos Hook. barks Amv and Oak . irons Beaton; ChoiCllloll4.l. tratil Lireir,nol. olf Morris tow of hark iotta D Tai.'from Rio de Janeiro, in tow of a steam tue, below Chester. . Bark Charlotte B Tay. Rushes. from Rio de Janoiro 23. with ODWO{, to Rutter. Newhall & Co. Behr Colombia Lloyd, ! days front Seaford, Del, with 'lambert o W Biwa. Sehr 1 R Mathey, Nickerson, 4 days front Bostou.with anise to David Cooper. Behr A Hammond; Paino ays from Boston, with 4601 Ingo limood to Crave 4r. Die. (c. 7 .Og;aI:UTIVAjr. WYORK. Oct 2. riared. ship jamas Nesmith. from Liverpool; bark -Boa 6ftrs Book, from Cardiff; brig Bonito, from Rio do Ja 11e. )341.LTIMORR. Oct 2. giviited;idiiPs Mos.. from 'Bremen. John If Jarvis. {Toni. Liverpool Stan from dn. The'Sgsr was boarded Aiwiltlik tat 48 4.1 N, long 29 21. bra hoot from the WheilEit CoehinrChina. of Pmvinoetown clean. Also arrived. ikehrs Yankee Doodle, Almira, Mist, and Eagan. train Yew York. NOIFOLX. Oct 1. Arrived, ship Repents. from fangs Island. New OaLltecs, Oot I, ittriied, ship Congress, from Boston. •, . (Per steamship Iliinsarianj Jr , r from Now York I7th. M. Thiirsiory at Falmouth; lot Amazon and Riga Packet. at Dealt il4t, Escort. at Livorpnhl. Arr from ,Nnw Orleans 19th, Fanny r i aler, at Oenon; 19th. Joitannesberic. at Deal. Arrfrom Charleston 20th. ETIIPit 110titZ. at Liver Pool• AST from Savannah 21st, Rosalind. at Liverpool. :31.1 for New York. —, Levanter. from Landaeli; 18th, Berner. from Pill; Win Tapsoott, from Liverpool; 20th, Lonont f_rnill bloat. RR Mr New Orleans 17th. &team° and C A Morrison from Deal; Ocean Romp, from Liverpool; 19th, Yoriok; from de.. - • 01,1 for R , av-mnsh 17th , ConiolVfrom Liverpool; Anne AIkatiORANDA ' Staamshi o Kensington, Baiter, cleared at Boston let Seat. for Philadelphia, ehip fltosheet Balitrin, Flagg, for Boston, cleared at hoe Orleans 30th ult. . . . Jonathan BlitYy Cobb, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston let inst. , Schrs 8 II Bailey. Bliley and Milo, Newman, sailed from Newlinryport Mitt alt. for Philadelphia. &lir Austin; Parsons, hence, arrived at Plymouth 29th - • • Rehr Mao, Imp, sailed. from 'Bristol Zeal ult. for Phtladel Olja,, Sehr ft S Henderson, hence for Salem, put into Nawport,auth ult. to bury Sielt4t , Vagtsr, seaman. aged =o,rhotoll from aloft Zall ult. and was Instantly killed. fiohr IV A Crocker. Endicott, hence for Dighton, was off Fall River 30th ult. TUZY TIIAT wooLD RE FREE ' Themselves must striee the blow." Meeting of the Demnoratin Citizens of the Seventh scant gall be held TIM EVENENfi, nt half-neat 7 o'clock ' ' at. OrNeill's 'Rail, BROAD and LOMBARD Streets. , " !telly! yally!Dernoorats. rally ! all who love the party for its pnnciples, and prove that the Popular Sovereignty Democrats have not gone over to the Opposition. than, for the ticket, the whole ticket, and nothing lase then the ticket: (It.] MANY DEMOCRATS. THE INSTALLATION OF 11E1 7 . JOHN Lk_3 N. KARCHER over the n Sena Gordon llyn'tn row Society will tike place at Bendel felionen Eighth and Sprin,eoarden streets. Werineetlay eve- JOIIS. October sth, et 7,54 o'clock. The Rnv. 0. p. Fro , thins - hem, of New York, - Rev. Samuel Long folloW, or 33rooklyo,non Roy. W, H. Furness. A ; A., or thin city, will partotioate in the occasional sermon. rile pnblic ere cordially invited. 2C. it,r'UNION TENT—E'ROADA AND GREEN BTREETS—Lnet nicht., 'lnteresting .serviees. Ad - drosses by ministers of different donominations. Lot oil oome•to tliis our farewell meeting. ministers will please take seats on the platfor m. GEO. J. ItIINGINB, Sopenntendent. irrANNITAL CONIPIIIiiTION,OFzi, A. OF B.—ne Friends and Advacalso orlintal 14- belly will meet in Convention on THIS MY. in FRANKLIN usu., 8t 10 A. M.. at.which Ihe De linntos rind others from variouspox of the Union. IL SEAVOIt. of - Roston. Dr. BTLWART, of 'hop. .1. BARKER. Ur:PA WYER. and mane other able Ex pounders of Correct Principles. will aid in devising how more efficiently to promulgate the Truth, and e conse quent exposure of Error, espeeially that form known as Superstition. It. ----- FREE. LECTURES EA('H MONDAY 1 - G . AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. by PrOrnsnor CALKINS: M. D.. ECLECTIC COLLEGE. ) :tixth and Caltowhill. Subject for thin awning' end rtlo4- dly - eranint... pi/10 , 11W11 Or tho Medical Chive, Nn. 1121 CHESTNU'r St. nea-3t• 1 BANK OF tOMMERCE—VIIII, 10EL t ,r b rota: October I, IN,9.—Notice is hereby Liven. that an Election for thirteen director,: to eerveior the enatuu year, will he held at the BANKING lIGUL , E. on MON Y, Ntwomber 21. hstween the hours of 10 o'clock A. At. sudZ o'clock P. hi, oclrawf that Jr. C. DONNELL. Cashier. The annual meeting or the Stockholders, ill be held nt the - smo place on TVErDA r, November I. et /2 o'clock At. J. C. DONNELL. oc3-mwftni. Ceebter. :N 0 T CE STF.A.AI FIRE EN iita,,..,LNEeop.d,brt,asoNtgarvorNraonst.T.ii,fl, Incutt itAb tiOelEft. at their Ex ibition. at Philadelphia, during the last four days of September, tire ?neatened to appoint each one Delegmteto a Conven tietriko be held sr the o ffi ce of the Society, No. I :3ItESTNUT St. Philadelphia. on TUESDAY EVEN ING, the 3311; of September. at 7 o'clock; and the Hand Fire Engine Companies each one Delegate. ill . ivult a Convention.. to be held at the flame plates, on 'WEDNES DAY EVENING, the Nth of September. to adopt rules and 70,411 k t -ions •to govern *tie etlatest. Title laltatlial a extended to ail Corepantett throluthout the United Statee. • - - !DAVID TAGGART, Prteident. A L G. Htterga, Secretary. • h2.fmkw-12t YOUNG. MEN 11 - UN lON DEMOCRATIC TIN TCLE S. —Areeetlng fit the 'YOUNCi MEN'S ON DE Mai/RAT IC CLUB will be held at the Club room. MI LiTARY HALL. Library eireel. Philadel phia. TUE:BCA St. October 4,1x53, 7.30 P.M., for the pur pose or Ratifying thAlsZcitninations made by the Demo crat, to be supperteirrit.the ensuing election. A Band of Mnsin will be in attendanon. The following members o f the Club have prouused la delsvor ad damsel: Wd linm A. F.dwargin. Joshua. T. Owen. Hon. B. Browne, (inden Biddle, Daniel Doutherty. Beni ' . 0 Brewster, Thno. Curler `Vino , Esq, Hon. William " JP All Denaorrnts are invited to attend. order or the Club, • WILLIAM C. PATtBABON, l'rnshleht AtTRENTICE6' 111tAltY COMPANY, —A special meeting wi t for held at the Library. .nont,r, FTII and ARCH littreete, on TRIM) ' DAY EVENIND neon, October 4th, at 8 o'clock. for the burpnee" of eenaulering the propriety of extending the .4130 011010 Library, nod of applying to the Court of Com goer, pleat thr authority co to do. lifottlek of toe kroaident, TIIOS. RIDGWAY. -6304 t., Secretes'. . . klitST 1 . 01HIL 1 1 3 1Ag s ly i - n v,r43EASON.— Will deliver his new jturnorona and ilatrrteal Poem On THE PRBRI. AT CONCERT- - HALL, _ On TIIf.:DAY ENTNING t Ostotiot 4. This POOH) lti Sl,lll to be the best production of this very popular Lecturer. Previous to the Lecture Mr. Bents alllt. will read a t ins pktidid Poetical Tribute to, the fete Dr. Kane. - Tiaketa tie had at all of theprincipal Book 'Mil Mustu !Stores . and at - th e Office of the flail during tbe day. Duors open at 7 ; Lecture quarter to 8 o'clock. Tiokets 2.1 cents. . 830-ft tr;"_, PHILADELPHIA I'OLL ' EIiE PliAll.- 11—i Tritcv.—The annual course or Lectures jp this tnstatutton will commence on MONDAY EVENING, October 3d, at 73 Weleek. and will be continued tri weekly. (on Mondays, Wednendays, and Frulays,) until the beokuninz of the ensuing !Unruh, Rol:ma - a BRIDGFI,M. D. Professor of Chemistry. WILLIAM Pft _OCT R, Jr., Professor of l'harmacy. ROBERT. P. THO Ali, M. D., t i rolowor of Malaria Medico. - Matriculation Tickets to be obtained of ALFRED)3. TAYLORAetrelitry, Corner of Witilltit and Ninth streets. LECTURES O.N MAIV—Iti PROFESSOR at MUSIC.A,L FOND AND 1 (1 1 7:LIPN, ITS !AWE!. ORGANS, FrNCTIONS, AND IMPROVMET AS TAUGHT BY PURE PHYSIC:II,OOY: • On 'Evenings and Subiects not fawn: TRURSDAY, Sent Health, Signs of Character and tßO_nolory, its - Proof. and Doctrines." BATT-G.:DAY. Oct. I —"Self-improveinentt Or, Good 411,nds end Bodjes, and how t 4 immur e both." TUESDAY. Oct. 4," Children', their Diet, Eseictse, Regimen, Schooling, anitlli oral Training andlOovern , went." , THuitewor 'oat. of the Preellaitioo, rind Grouping and Location of their Organs. ' SATIJRDAY. Dot. S—" lhe Intellectual Faculties and ttpeir Culture. Memory, Mental Discipline, Schooling, LAttention, leo," For balance of the Course, see programme and subse quent nil verfigements. ' Cotnmenc, ng atquarter hero." 8 o'clock, and closing With KW WC EXAM INATIQNS. Seats, 75 cents. Course Tickets (toEleven Looturcs,i Lady, 78 cents. Gentleman. 81.25 with Lady, - B t. rrpreseional Delineation. an,t Charts,with full written opinions and advice nit to health. avocations, self-im provornent, manngement of children, &c.., tee.. Daily, t'inii. ,, ireninse not appropriated to hectares, at Phreno logical Itoorhs, No. 002 CTIESTNIJT Street. s2B.et AND FIFTEENTH CIEII RAILWAY -COM TIIIRTEENTH 'STREETS PASSEN Letters patent having been the capital ,fork of the Thtrt '. Paesenyer Railway Company the SIVA subscribers are n 1 - WALNIPP.Street, Philaden toberelkee t - at 11 o'clock A. patty, and oloct a - President a other officers ns may be does ildward Gratz, mannel G. Itropier; John P. Verree, 917(11t ArtillitrOng, .- 1101. 060)1)11v . , .C. Ilmaker, fsop i Wood, oorgelegee, t .. 1. con g t,l7:k ;:i ti. ,), , ,to, sharwod. I. W. Plizzoteldt Alllirim Leal, fiel i Wt Simons, . issued to tho subsorilsers to leenth mid Pifteenth-etreets y of tho city of Philadelphia, mailed to meet et No, 327 (thin, on the 10th day. of On i. 141.• to organtre said em end Ph) Directors. and such . me d i pzczait2 w o a r r t d i3 s c r edien t. D.JD. Jonof fit • 'Alfred C. r.ner, George S 4 t 1 isms, J. W. Forney. • Al. Alchtic P. R. Pro hael, ' John Bteel, a Ederd. C. Pele, ne, 'tlenry Haines, - .limes - Benner', -Stephen P. Hill, ' - o.Colliet, and george A. Coffey. ,e7e. , 12t Comuniernonere. .•—• PROF. 0. 15...Y0W LER • CO -11 L 3 ArENCE Coarse of LECTIIREB ON Qrg t as, Funot ogy tsplnd ImprkfryngP.tijin RV? sat to ~tY ntllL FU V V69"4 1 1°1141 :6 1 121411211041r:f theilay, $l 2 - I nl :_ 4 9t rPou R ) bbla;;- 300 half bills., 140 ..-..::40attN04:, 2000 oan2 Patens Tallow resie;- -, I " , .*f yr wagons. carts. cars' And drays, for gala Booth - 11 -vieoun..-otti.-41.8.,-baskets --" oelebtpted binnd, look waived and ,J4NRETCHE CARSTAIRdi Aid= 7 Pod 204;SPOV FRONT Maid, 101-140!3VAPENT/Nrel7s; bbla: Spfs. ' ROWLEY' 44 ,%Varnight i atnittIoutit "WARII.6B,_OO " VOCt p . 0,1 1 71‘41;37-,,PINE; Si. .6 4 41 , 1 0 firgashlon 1! 14111i1i4ii, 011-1104# NEW PUBLIcApoNs._ CARD.- • , ; - SAMUEL HAZ A.RI), JR:, 724 CHESTNUT STREET, Has the pleastiro of announcing to his friends and the Public, that having sueeeeded to the businoss of HAZARD BROTHERS, He hag made extensive and beautiful alterations m the Store hitherto occupied by them. The Store having been lengthened and more light introduced, it will now compare favorably with any similar establishment in the country. THE ARRANGEMENT OE THE STORE AND STOCK ibis been made to resemble, as mush as postale, that of a LARGE PUBLIC LIBRARY, The Bloke having been arranged in divisions accord ing to the character of their contents. anti over each diviiion is lettered the stiblect, thus adoring an easy and plogesitt media for persons to select at their leisure such bodge se they may wish to purchase or consult. TII le LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITE RATURE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDITIONS lY EVERY STYLE OF BINDINGS, le kept constantly on hand. Havinz connection& with the prineiral Publishing Hennes in the United Statoa, THE NEW BOOKS Aro received as fast as issued, and TIM NEW ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS Will to received by every liteitmer. A stock of BIBLES, PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS le always kept on hand. uneurpmed in the TAM ETY OP TUX EMTIONS AND run lIICUNRSs OF TUC BINDINOs, At the request of runny customers, A STATIONERY DEPARTMENT, Under the charge of a special elork, has been added. All the new styles of PACER and Exvy.t.orEs Own> a on hand, and the latest novelties will ho reunited from London and Paris, CRRSIS, CORDORATIO:s and cost rAN y SEALS stamped on Paper without extra charge. WEDDINO and VISITINO CARDS written, printed, or engraved. ✓1 READING T4BLE, On whioli will be found the Daily Papers, Foreign and Literary Periodicals and Magazines. has been fitted up for the benefit of customers and their friends, and espe cially for those from out of town, who are frequently at lose, white in the city, how to pass an hour. THE SCHOOL BOOKS In use in the different Schools san always be had, and LIBERAL DISCOUNT IS inWalla* made to CLERGYMEN and TIVACIUSIIS. Haring A BINDERY Connected with the astabltAment, nartictder aßon non will be paid to the Binding of Books, Mum, &c., in the best and cheapest manner. SUBSCRIPTIONS IiRCEIVED For ail tim current Magasinos, English and Anietican THE PRICES Will be as low as those of any house in tho oily, from which a 'Usual discount will be insole to CASH BUYERS, Thus offering to purchasers the advantages or the LARGEST ASSORTMENT LOWEST PRICES Every of will he made, not only to maintain, but to itemise the well-known reputation et thin houso for ELEGANT EDITIONS AND BINDINGS BEST AUTHORS, And to mnke it as well THE METROPOLITAN BOOK STORE AS A PLEASANT LITERARY RESORT oc3-6t BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY WILL BE READY IN ABOUT TWENTY DAYS, DIARY OV TIIR AMERICAN REVOLUTION, From Newspapers and Original Documents, by FRANK MOORE Agents wanted for every county, and for Gummi& Apply to JOHN McFARLAN, Amide Hotol, 621 CHESTNUT Street. 0. W. FAIRMAN, Agont for l'hiladolphia E . DR. BALDWIN'S NEW BOOK zi,'.4lcEmA?t k'ftrii_l3oN, N 0.310 BROADWAY, N. Y., Have JnEtPubllebed REPRESENTATIVE MEN OP THE. NEW TESTAMENT. *Ow. C. BALTWiN. D. D., of Troy, N. Y. 1 vol. 12m0.,1nue11n.3.38 Rues. Priro ONE DO I. n. CONTENTS: iruN TIER HAPTHIT, THE HERALD PREACHER. /I Knon, THE FENSVAL AIA N. ITER, THE NIPCLYITZ MAN. JUDAS. TDB AVAIL/RIOTS MAN. JOHN, THE BRUITED MAN. THOMAS, THE DOTBTER. NICORENII/S• TIM REGIMEN INQUIRER. ANANIAS. THE LIAR. BTHPHEN, THE MARTYR BEACON. Tue NAM/ILIUM MORAL TOUNO MAN. AI/MITA. THE AL. j 1 LINISTIA N. THE OR. Hs CONVERTED MAN. PAY% tub GREAT lAN. LOST AND FOUND; Or. Life Amon; tbo Poor By Samuel B. Ralhday. UM/. Fore el. WORDS OF JESUS, AND FAITHFUL, PRIMISER, Bound in one volume, Icmci., Price3l cents. This edition, heretofore publlebod by bOlutsor k Proo r, will now be published exclusively b) us. B. & 11. Ara also publishing, al connection with LIT TLE, BROWN,* CO.. TIfE BRITIB.E ESSAYIRT: With Prefaces. Historical and Biographical. BY A. Chalmers, F. B. A., Complete itt 3)3 vdle, laino., muslin. - .Price, per volume. 73 come. A ND $R11 . 11 4 11 POETS: A (.:011.tPLETE COLLECTION PROM CHAUCER TO WORDSWORTH. Edited by F. 11. Child. Bnyloston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in Ilarmrd College. ONE HUNDRED AND TEN VOT.U.ITES are now ready. Prom, per volume, inl7lllolll, half calf, $1.50. SOUTHEI."B EEI4, In 10 'E rillinkvishitliiatiya DT ll l it l . t t . t October. LIE AND BOLD SERI ES. • • •vo's. ....2 vole. . 1 vol. Scott ......... 3 vols. Price, per volume, TO ten*. These Books Will be Bold td the Trade oil very liberal terms. _ 03..25 DICK AND lIIS FRIEND MU'S. THIS DAY PUBLISHED. DICK AND HIS FRIEND MUM. .13s Catharine M. TroWlwidse, author of .• Edward Clifford," &e., with Illustrations, 18mo. earenta. I hear corns ynuns render of this little story exclaim: ' , What a lucky fellow that Dick was! How I wish 1 het(' such A friend as Fidus. to whis in my ear what I ousht to de to hecomegood and hap py ! " ou hove such a Mandl you know liiin well, but you have always known him by another name. Published by WM. ft. it ALFRED MAR TIEN, 01 No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. BOHN'S LIBRARIES.—Just Received, a complete assortment of Bohn'd Standard, Scien tific, Pictorial. Antiquarian, and Classical Libraries, comprising over WO volumes of the best authors, uni form in site anti style. Having made arrangements for a constant supply of the above beautiful and well-known editions of standard works. purchasers will 11.1W1V8 find the different volumes in dock. Any volume sold separately. S. SABIN. Bookseller and Importer. of-6t N 0.27 South SIXPIi Bt., below-Chestnut. f',I r EORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST. 'OR ;ably soar BOORS nt GEORGE G. EVANS' 0 ift- Boolc Store, No, 420 CHESTNUT Street, where you get a GIFT. worth from CO eente to 8100, with any L'ook that you buy. you.. got any Bonk you want. if it is in print. NEW BOOKS. CHAMBERS' INFORMATION FOR THEPEOPLE. A now and complete edition. Two volumes, aro., slicer, onlv with over Bo NV engravings, and a handsome Gift. Price , (MACE TRUMAN. or Love and Principle. By &Me Rochester .Ford. Ono volume,llmo.. cloth. Price 81. LOVHfL'AMOUR). IlyAltelielet. Ono volume,Mino., cloth. Pries 81. RECOLLECTIONS OF A SOUTHERN MATRON, and a New England Bride. . One yolurpo,l2mo., cloth. Frio $1.26. MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, the celebrated French Po liceman, One volume L l2nim Price 81.22. LIFE OF COLONEL. DAVID CROCKETT. Written by himeolf. Oiving full accounts of hie perilous adven tures, &a. One rnl., thou. Pri c e 81. BAYARD TAYLOR'S TRAVELS IN GREECE AND R USSIA.—One volume, Slam. Price e 1.2.5. SYLVIA'S WORLD. Crimes which the Law- does not . Retch. By the mittn' of " Buoy Moments of an Idle Woman." One vol., 12m0., cloth. Price at. MBA LESLIE'S BEHA VIOR BOOK FOR LA DIES. One volumo,l2ino.. cloth. with a gift. Price 81. THE WORLD IN A POCKET BOOK. Ono volume. 12m0., cloth. with A gift. Price 81 2.5. ALL OF T. S. ARTHUR'S WRITINWI, and a hand "II.4I4OI:7IVIIIVATiI, sad a gift . el enoh. COOPER'S ROVE • and a gift. 81 one h I,l6Thl o tWT'S N VELI, and gi ft .l each . e" EI N S V " " t d 26 each. ikVAYNE_S_ID*B, 0 11.1.8,ae a gift. 8 . ALL THE NEW DOOMI, in every department of Literature, and A HANDSOAIE I'RESENT, Worth from go eents to 8150 in given with each book, at GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT-BOOKESTABLISHMENT, 01-It N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. SHELDON & COMPANY, No. 115 NASSAU Street. NEW YOLK, Publish this 'Day; LIFE IN TUSCANY. tic Monet SHARMAN CRAWFORD. 1 vol 12,00. Price, $l. [Extract moment , e Introduction.) " At the prexent when Italy in the central Point of attraction. no apology. it is hoped. will he ne cessary for oontribution of any information tending to throw a light upon the oho ratter,condition, and ideas of the people of that land. * • * * Avoiding totem, to whioh little interest can now possibly attach, I ven ture to hope that these impressions of the animas of Life in Tuscany.' derived from a ten months' sojourn in that country, will vrovo neither trite nor unscosiptar bl" ocl-d2tsiWlt NOW READY, SEPT. 17TH NUMBER OF THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. Witt. 1 , 0,1,0,14 r Wilf. POWELL FRITH, EsQ., pittoen cents. postpaid to any part of the U. H. The "Illustrated New* of the WOrld." with Supple ment gratis, will contain the following Portraits: September 2gth—Marlemomelle Titiens. October Ist—Thomas Wright. M. A. F. S. Le October Bth—Hon. Edward Everett (Boston.) Yearly, Sl.BO, postpaid Quarterl. 412._pleatiathl. HENRY A, BROWN Se CO., ell-31 14 HANOVER Street. Boston. oLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS . The undersigned states that he des frequently for salei ll= books printedth hereofr iet een a h ,P.ll,7,llfll,l I 1 4 9 '?i, early 7- rjten DiiLnesi in Law, Braaten, _y r ttleton, Pulfendoru Uretitie DONrate Coke, Hale, the Year Books, Repqrts io., atilett to he found on his shelves { Cyolopeollaa abseils' leaslo author,. , liistory. Poetry, Philosophy, ienoeto itiora Monorait Government, Arohnootiare, tural story. Vestige' ukontliese anti other kindred fa 'Wave being equimmilly der* by Min. Books, in ford small quanlibeikaoy mad at the Bair `ifq= Altdeferur mil ' 1611646 "1: 6"" t ' " 6 nalLS4re JOHN CAMPBELL, ITONEY.-20 tierces prime Cuban Honey, J of very Superior quainy b !lore aild law; by AttMitteet. NEV PUBEICVEIONS. S(ASCE' i3ERS TO SWEDENEORWS EX POSITION OF THE eOUR GOPPEI,S, Profen cot BUSH. are, informed tbh t the Work ho carried on ev, W. &Hayden, of Portland, Me, Subscriptions recdved by the Agent. JOAN IdeFARLAN. ARCADI HOTEL, 621 OIIESTNUT St. Orders received tor Hay ward's Gazetteer of New Eng la ond, e2 di. 00, and for Cranston House, by Mrs. It. A. Rcas, oh-lt CpUNTRYADVERTISING.-THE AME RICAN RERUBI,ICAN and CR E.STER COUNTY DEMOCR AT, estalvished in Roe, andypiblished at West Chaster, Pa.. is se.fgested to the IVl.Orobants and busi ness mon of Philadelphia, as a firet-olass ['taciturn for advertising. In the county of Chanter. where it mainly circulates, there aro four railroads terminating at Phila delphia, and these roads annually carry to that city hun dreds and thousands of persons, all of whom go there to make purchases.. Advertising solicited. GEO. W. PEARCE, 03-et Proprietor. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. The Subseriber having REMOVED TO 255 MARKET STREET, (The store formerly occupied by J. B. Ellison & Honed Would call the attention of buyers to his large and well• selected stock of CLOTH% OVERCOATINGS, CASSIMERES, RATIN ETTS, VESTING% TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, And all other goods adapted to Mon and' Boys' wear JOHN V. TERRY, •245 MARKET STREET. TAYLOR, GII,LESPIE & CO., HAVE REMOVED TO THE UNION STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, No. 337 ST. JOHN STREET No. 119 SOUTH FRONT STREET 619.1nwIlOtif REMOVAL—MARTIN & WOLFF have •- 41, Removed to No. Mt MARKET Street. 8001 side. below Fourth. where they oiler a eliotilA assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. at very low priees. el3-2m HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS tv PIRST-CLASS HOUSE-FURNISHING G 0 0 D S, TO REDUCE STOCK, AT NO. f.)22 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN A. MURPHEY & CO. 0c3.6C NOTICE. Tho undersigned has this day commenced the BANKING, EXCHANGE, ANe COLLECTION AT NO. 27 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Office formerly occupied by W C. Morgan & Co., and respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and tho public generally. CHAS. KOONS. oc3 3t. EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCIIZISKER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. M. gives his exelns,ve attention to the medical and surgical treatment of the El E Mid EAR. ARNI.:Sti of the longest standing removed both by medical and surgical operntionn on the latest acientifla principles. Dr. al. would ho pleased to receive Mein hers of the medical facility who with to witness his method Of operating fir the rrdvaldf Deafness, Or rthy operation oh the E E naiLE ARTIFICI al. EVES NINT H St VA, South NINTH Street, above SPRUCE. Office hours from A. M. to PM. and from 4 1 5 P. M. oct-lindf ALL PERSONS IN WANT OF A WCOOK STOVE, would save money by getting one iof the Air-tight. Gan•Consummc Wm. Nun Cook - and Range combined. it received the First Pre mium and Diploma nt the Isle Fair at Powelton, RA it tree considered the only Air-tight Cook Stove offered at the Exhibition. Pima call and examine one in use at my Store. am it ix therm)) . nlacb you can find them in the city. 11 21 MARKET Street. - . e3-2t. SAMUEL RILL LUSTRATED CATA- Uc AL LIS TER 'S IL LOGUE., lovonth Nlition of our priced Optical, Afatlioniationl, and We have Just issued thee! and illustrated Cataldzue of Phildsophleal iluttrumants CONT Mathematical bititruinents, Astronomical Telescopes, Galvanic Batteries, Magic Lanterns, Purveyors' Compasses, Purveying Chute, Bain Gauges. Maim :f4tecilliuuNonißel 6 Glasses, Matins Points, ir Pumps. .audgetttut Mindrs, li:intro-Magnetic Ma chines. NTS: Micnisonpoe, Microscopic Ott:vets, Stereoscopes, Poly Barometers, Connors Oboeurne, Kaleidoscopes, 81in Dials, Thensioietnre. MAryometere. dpeot RCM. hye Wasson, &0., .5:c., &a., ..to. PWlWennipaskes, Spy Glasses. ThlB Catalogue 11.16 mg, 11111hi 4 i1 gratis. in applicatml m to all 'id of the United SO 111cALLISTY. 72$ 081.31 .s, illustra4ons,l is fur 8, and Mailed free of charge ales. 4iCic BROTHER, Mulled 'n lug.) CHESTNUT Btreet. Philadolphin, rrflE PRICES OP ikICOLUS' COLORED and Plain PHOTOGRAPHS and DAGUERREO TYPES, so ioz Itnthrrt for their superior finish and fidefit). are_ reduced to those of the second class Galleries. Plain Photogninhe for $l. ocl-61 if No. lig CHESTNUT fitr • at. CIEN'rLEMEN WOULD DO WELL BY •-fll calling on DIMS'S & KENBII., 139 N. NINTH St., above Cherry. and have Him old Carinenta made to look canal to now, by cleansing or dj sing and repairing. ocl-9t• PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, &c.-10 per cent. off for 4.'n4h. nt PARKR Factory end Depot,ll7 N. tt INTII :Street. e e ls 4 In 11-et* IIQUORS.—An old-established Wine 4 and Liquor Store for 7alo. *dimwit on MARKET Street. For further particulars, address " A.B. ' Press Office. 01.3 t. fZUANO—GUANO.-100 tons of Guano in etore arid for adle lit 51) per LOWAIeCAN Needs, by EY, WILLOW etre. below Second. TAR --Just received, a large invoice of Tar, in superior order and lento barrels. and for sale by WEAVD:II, FIT LI.R, & CO.. el No. 21N. WATER and 221 . DF.I.AWARIi Av. HAVANA CIGARS.—A large and hand smoo assortment of the most celebrated brands, now daily expected end Int sale low, lia CHARLES TETE, 130 WALNUT Street. MOUNT VERNON PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS. Two of the }Tow. rent and front. and two of the TOMB OF WASHINGTON. Size, 13x10. Price of Set 86 00 Single View, Total, or Home... . ..... 1 60 The profile from the sale of these Views are to be de voted towards building a Parsonage in Grace Parish, Tipton, Cedar county, lowa, and St. Luke's Parish, Ho cheater, in same county and State. For sale at BROADBPINT & 00 'S. 814 CHESTNUT Street. Episcopal Boob Deposita , y. )224 CHESTNUT Street. BURNS & SIEG. ItO CITESTN VT Street. A. 8. ROBERSON, 910 0111:S5 NUT Street. B. NEW LAND & 00,004 ARCH Street. International Stereoscopic Company, le S. EIGHTH Street, and wholesale at J. R. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 22 North FOURTH Street. G EORGE WHITELEY. No. 135 Booth FRONT Street. Importer of Brandy, Wines. &a., oilers for retle, bond only, the following, among other standard brands of brandy : Pinet, Castilian, & Co., Thos. Thous & Co., Jules, Robin, EcCo., Otard.llupuy, & Co., A. Seignette, Moratt, Cameo, Pollecomin, J. DuPont & Co., Union Proprietors, & F. Martell°, inc. liennemy. Also, Stuart's Paisley Malt 'Whiskey, ritid the cboieast varmties of Madeira". Sherry, Pont. Burgundy, nod Rhine Wlnes, Palm 'Tree Jamaica Rum. Santa Cruz Rum, Bordeaux Oil, Re., &c. sIT-ly WARM AIR FURNACE. THE NEW CONE FURNACE OAS CONSUMER Will thoroughly Warm Jour holm with ONE-runto Leas COAL thin to required by any other Furnace. Sall/Notion in all oases guaranteed. Building'. Warmed and Ventilated by ARNOLD & WILSON, bile CHESTNUT Street. SLATE MANTELS, The Richest and most Beautiful Specimens of Enamelled Slate Mantels, over filleted for sale in this Denary. manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania Slate stone, and for sale very low. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. COOKING RANGBS. All in want of the Best Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do well to gall at • • ARNOLD & WILVN'S, TOM CIIERTNIITL Street. HICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIOH COAL, papered with care, for eV nn m best ter. Apply at KNOWLES'S Depot, NL TII and WILLOW Streets, e 2- tf NEW Nos. 1 & 2 MACKEREL—A small invoice of assorted packages, landing from steamer Kensington, and for sale by WAL J. TAYLOR & CO., mos • lig ROUTH WHARVES. L,OVERING'S SYRUP, in and ALA bble„ at reduced prices, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM & CO., ~30 [.MITI", Stew, NEW YORK SYRUP-300 bids. assorted, for sale by JAMES ORAII.OI & CO., nio LETITIA Btrant. NEWLAND & CO., .LA• LOOKING-GLABB AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WITOLIRBALB AND RETAIL. An extensive stock of OIL PAINTINGS, eto. All at ery Low Prides. 604 ARCH Streot, above liIXTIL Philadelphia. stit-onlif SILVER SOAP—A simple preparation for cleansing Silver Plate, Jewel IT , Mirrors, Mar ble, leo, far more convenient and ei active than any other. One half the labor of House clounins may be paved by using this Soap, which cannot posai lily injure the finest 7,ino white, and as no scrubbing is required, the saving in the wear of the paint is much greater thnn the cost of the Soap. It leaves the surface an pure and 'saute as when now. Manufactured only by the Beaton Indexical Soap Company, and sold by their appointed Agents,_HASSARD & CO.. Apothecaries, TWELFTH. and CHESTNUT. s2l- 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR.—Brent Emporium for Stereosnopasnnd Stereoscopic Views, A me rio an French and Enslinh. Opera Classes, atieroscopes, and improved Spectacles, correotly muted to the eyes, at ItL J. FRANKLIN'S', Optioisn 112 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Er Artiftoial Edo hooted. 01-Imir THE PRESS.—P}MsADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1850. RETAIL DRY GOODS. SPECIAL SALE. THOS. W. EVANS 86 CO. ON MONDAY, OCTOBER S, _ A LARGE ASSORTMENT NEW SILKS. vvßciinsEt) Al'ritE RECENT AUCTION SALES, AT DEPRECIATED PRICEt,, WHICH TIII:Y WILL OPFER 70 THEIR t1:97071LB0 EXTREMELY LOW, RETAIL PRICE BEING LESS THAN COST OF IMPORT A I'ION 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET ad -at WINTER STOOK, STAPLE AND FANCY. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared tomtit families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINOES. LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK 'VELVETS, BROM LONG SHAWLS, PINE WOOLLEN do., 4-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, De. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, I UNSHRINKING FLANNELS, FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STOCK OF BLANKETS, CASHMERES FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. IL—The above Goode are all at the low rates of the moon. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! OPENING SPLENDID CLOAKS, MONDAY, OCTOBER an, 1859 LA COMI'AONIE FRANCAISE Invite the inspeotion of the Public to the PARIS STYLES FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, Comprising all the latest novelties of the sea eon in nrcil BOURNOIS. Do. do. with Plan., OP THEIR OWN IMPORTATION The TOLEDO CLOAK. The SOLPERINO CLOAK. The HIRONDELLP. CLOAK. The PSYCHE CLOAK. The EUGENIE CLOAK. The IILIRGUERITTA CLOAK. The ELEGANT CLOAK'. The FEE NA ND CLOAK. The POLONAISE CLOAK. I The HORTENSIA CLOAK. The SILPHIDE CLOAK. Thos have alto on heed upward of 350 CLOARS THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, wtuoh they are offering at prices before unequalled TURNER & CO., ifi - P E N I N G FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, W. I'. CA3ll' B E I, L' S , 1121 CHESTNUT STREET, ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5.0 f DRESS SILKS, From the late Auction miles in NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CTJRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Invite the attention of buyers to a +tuck of FALL AND 1172VTE2 Which, for extent and variety is unrivelled. The abut e have all been bought at the late sales, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICEEL And will be cold at ekes prolite MERCHANTS will find in our stuck mom &made Gooch not to be met with elsewhere. 450, 432, AND 431 NORTH BEOOND BTREET, OPENING OF SPLENDID FANCY GOODS. L. J. LEVY & CO. INVITE THE INmeTioN OF THE TUBLIC TO THE EXHIBITION (On their second floor) OF THE CHOICEST MANUFACTURES OF THE FRENCH LOOMS OF THIS YEAR. TILE COLLECTION EMBRACES EVENING, DINNER, AND PROMENADE DRESSES, All of which are nflored at vory reasonable prices. Tire ver3 large Importations of the present Fall lime enabled L. J. L. k Co. to purchase many choice Goode at less than the Cost of Importation; their customers will receive the benefit arising therefrom. 509 AND 511 CHESTNUT STREET. s2B-tf CLOTHS CLOTHS I! ! SNODGRASS & STEELMAN, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, NO. 52 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, Are daily ITCOIO . IIK ndditionAl to their &rend; large stock at FALL GOODS. compri.d in Pad of BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHS, t • I I " BEAVERS. CAPSIMER ES AND DOF.AKINR, PLAIN AND FANCY CARSIAIHRES, SILK, VELVET, AND CASIIMERH VESTINOB, N. s,—A variety of Cloths and Beavers imitable for LADIES' CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, all of which will be told at reasonable prim. 12441 WILL OPEN, EXHIBITION MIMIMEI33 NEW IiTYLES, 810 CUESTNUT STREET STYLES OF SILKS, (ABOVE WILLOW.) PHILADELPHIA RETAIL DRY GOODS. SILKS, SHAIVLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! ! THORNLEY & OHISM T DA Very rich fancy Silks for lllB 76 a nd } 87 cents. Exonedittely rich for 81. worth 81 20. Black Bozaderee and Pinot color Hilke Sce., &c. BESI BLACK SILKS IMPOB I TED ! Over 81.000 worth of Brow heat Shawn,. Stella Showle, in Mark and colored centres. French, Scotch, and Animation Woollen Shawls. Plain and embroidered Cow. Shawls. Now iitt lon of Clool t e opening daily. All the Mown wr.0,1,1 home BO EG T CLOSE FOR CASH. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Our gore, being centrally located, it la early of aecesa from all parts of the eity and country. N. E. corner ElriliTli and BPILINO GARDEN. eel THORNI.EY & MINN. RAPSON'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STD., Him now open a fun tuotortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, ANL) SPLIT. The whole from the eeleloeted mAnorneturer., z & Wegener. in Berlin. Our customera can depend on getting the best article over °tiered at retail In Plain aelphin. nt the lowed prices. .I.LEN1111) ASSOH nik:NT RtORRoItIERKU tiLIerKAS. A CAKIKTY OM BLAcK CLOAK HANI)NoNIE CROCHET CLOAK FKINUKK. /4KW AND lIKAUTIFUL linden TRIMMIN(I4. WooLLKN KNITTINO YARN', ALL Ulf/AIRS. ZKTIIIK KNIT Tor,elu AND CAPS. ZEPHYR KNIT ILAITHIIA AND A MULL NTOCK OP TKIAINtiNnx. AT ItAPSON'S LADIES' TRIMAI (NUS AND ZEPHYR STORE Our. OF ARD CHERRY ST& •1841 n I.IOYS , WEAR. MEN'S WEAR. Passinicres wiper:UM , / for hurl. Coat?ngi, for Boys' tall and %litter Warm Caorinieren or extra weicht at 67 mite; Furor grades in Eanoy. I'l4lll. and Blank. Mack lioe,.kinn, extra! quality and cheap. Auction Into Black Cloths 81.6 U 116. Ladies' Light Colored elcakings. COOPER. & COIYARI). NINTH and MARKET. N. 11,71ndufninnnte to the 'Pnilorine trade. so2o nLAUI: FIGURE!) SILKS. ALB' LYONS BLACK 811C1.8, in nil the new tlemiKne of twit h imam n linvnitateir I.II.ACK FLOUNCED AND CPR ROBEB , of medium AO Brocade dorn. BLACK 61.0:,:5Y'ci110.9 ItIIINES, of all widths owl 101111 ties. IiONNETB TAFFETAS, front medium to the moat +month nititien. Time punk IMO been colected uith groat care, for nor best city troth. 811ARII,HEIS MOTHERS. ol C111 7 .14TN IT and Eiown Streets. .11EN'S TRAVELLING S(iAWLS- In n emu variety n( dente): find nnaturen, eludinit the finest k nodrtn the mew. s tillawls end Rennin ‘V rappers. lIELOTHERfI. 01 CHESTNUT and EltiliTll. n bAcii. CLOAK VELVETS--All widths, of the Lost L)ons Goods, Just roroived,carefolir ottlotaa Inc &Wolter ttado, being' smooth No and bright color. Also, Black and Colored Homiest Vtdroto, SHARII,ESS BROTHERS, 01 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. FINE WOOLLEN SHAWLS. French, Bcotelt, and AMO nean BLANKET 811 AWLS, in new and choice deairne. CU /WEN STODDART A. BRO., 4E4tand 464 North SECONI) Street 1436-34 above Wiliqw greet BROCIIE LONG SHAWLS, In Viennese and Paris ' , Arica, in now colorings and Patterns, From the late Auction Salmi.) immense, and varied stook, which we oiler at REDUCED PRICES. CURIVEN STOP DA & BRO., UP, itA arid 454 Nettle Second Street s3O-'t above Willow. 14 1 ALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR Men and Doss• wenr. MOVEN' STODDART k lIROf lIER Have now, and roc in dad) receipt of intoAveLoTns, ovEitcoATINGs. cAssoTER VS. YESTINOS, k c., c., front Auction, 'which we too propued to 1 , 11 low. Nos. 460, 02, and Jul NurtEr SECOND Street. a3O-St above Willow. JIUII FIO URED Bow the tele Au..t ton wiles. BLACK SILKS, CURWEN BTOD DART k BRO., L 7 J, , 454 and 434 North SECOND Street. 8.30-3 t above Willow ICII TWO.FLouNcED BROCADE CURAVEN BTODDART k BRO., . 30_3 1 Nos. 450, 152, anti 45t North SECONDStreet. rthrtvo NYIIIIIO, BLACK AND COLORED GROUND 'FOULAV.D!!, 11l new desiring. CURWEN STODDA RT t BRO., 450,1,2 and 451 North SECONDStreet. e3O-5t above Willow .treat STELLA SHAWLS, ki Additional lots, in Black and Colored Centres, at leas than former_prieen. CURWEN STODDAIIT ,Ic BRO., 450, 442, and 1511orth SECOND Street, et.) -3t above willow. CHILDREN'S SHAWLS, Wl' ELLA SHAWLS, I.oNli and Nil. Utt RE BLANKET SHAWLS. CP RWEN STODDA Rif BRO., Vv7,, rind 454 North SECOND Street, a3d It_ SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. Auction lota givawlit. at,12 50.10 $4.00. Pinar grades Svella k `Riawls, at, cost and less. FALL. CLOAKS. Ladies' French Cloth Cloalte of Light and Dark Shades Habit Cloths. Prices Folios NMI Sat to 88.50. Cloaks mado to o sets rder, at one day's notice, COOPER & CONAHD, NINTH ftnd NIARKET. HOSIERY GOODS. —J. WM. 110E wt-..1 ANN. No, Ii I r th Eimati Street, has now 011e,n 1115 FOB fil,,ock of esiorx (Mods. vial arvests Drawers eft:moat ht and Warne ris superior mann. facture, for Indies' and misses' wear. Merino Shirty and Drawers, fur cents and youths. Merino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery. Wool/en Hosiery, Gloves and (Mont lets. and Roods Reactivity apportainicK to the Hosiery Nosiness. J. W. H. restwctfoll) solicits the attention of families to his stitch, assuring Mein that hie stock 11 un pxcelled for variety by any other in the city, and that Ilia prices are an Inwae lhueuul any other regular litiuso. N. 11.—No abatement mode from the prices named. slit-ix find DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS FROM NEW YORK. SV II I.e nrransed tins moriong— Printod French Merinos. huh colors. Printed French 'Merinos, Polkd Spots. Fruited Fro pd Varmint, Chintz Figures. Printed French t-nslinicres. Printed Imitation enkhnierts. All Wool Plants, Satin 'Prat ors. All Wool Moonlit) Lalllen, Pfllllo4 111 great t imely of nglen, owl min) other kinds of Dress ioods. Also. a full line of thi) Mote nod Wa.hineton Alills Blanket, Long, and Squlro Shawls, of ontirel> now de mons 'm od ho t , qnsluties. equal to French Itlseket shunt Is. Also, net ernt Soles Res entible and Rolla Blanket Klou Is, of entirelt new designs. Black and Brown Contra Stella Thibots,linin 8310 to /18 ouch. Brodie Long and :Novo Shawls. A new stock of Hoots' Neckties. Dnloli sdnik Kid Olot es An. WI 1111,1 ES ADAMS, Eildrrit and ARUN. Streets. POLITICAL. pEOPLE'S TICKET. FOR AUDITOR tiI:NEHAL. 'l'll 31 AS E. COCHRAN, YOH 81 RVEVOIt OENEHAI., WILLIAM 11. KIIIM, ll= FOR DisnucT ATTuRNEy, WILLIAM B MANN FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE couRT COMMON PLEAS, CHAR 1$ E S I). K N I Ti IT T FOR STATE SENATOR—Secona Thor (lEOR li .1.; R. SMIT Id. FOR ST A T t 4 N krou—Foultit .I.)t,tttet 17 F.: OE. (I 11 C 0 Is: N 1.; I, L. FOR .1SE31111,1" First EDMUND* Second thetriet—WlLLlA)l 13, TURNER Third Di3triet—ellAßLES iiffirrz Fourth Dietract—HENßY K. STRONG Fifth Distriet l =JOSEPll MOORE. Suth District--.CRARLES Strentlt Dixtriet—J. IT. SELTZER. Htzbili District—JACOß E. RIDUWAY Nutt !'atrial—NA'rllAN SPERING Tenth Dtetrict—S. 8. l'A NCOA6T. Eleventh Di.trict—lSAM) A. hit EPPA HD Twelfth llintriet-111011A1tD WILDEy. Thirtennth thitriet—JAMES 110 LOST Fourteenth Distrlet—J. B. ALLEN. Ftfteenth District—J. F. PRESTON. 6Lxteentit District—UE.oll.l3E WILEY Neveuthenth Distriet—CHAV, R. AIIISOVI. MEE p lIILADELPIIIA CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY AT AN ADJOURNED M EETINU OF.TIIIi ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, NO. H MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o' olook A. 11., September 711. 1 ,4 19, the gentlenson were unanhuroolly eleeleo Directors of the Coo:peon vtz : GEORGE 11. STUART, S. MORRIS WARN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CIIAS. MACALESTER, AND JOHN EDGAR THOMSON The BOORS or SUBSCRIPTION a the CAPITAL, STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named Office, where all persona favorable to the enter price are reupentfulk invited to eubenri be, 884 f GROCERIES. R. S. REED 80 CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Nn. 115 ARCH STREET, DF,LOW SECOND IMMO On hand, nt all timeg.girletly Plims Ilan Coffer; Love ring's, I'enneylernia. nntl New York lip and Honey, in barrel!. b2:1.13 DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. DRY GOODS NOTICE. JOSHUA L. BAILY, IMPORTER AND Jort33Eß, Zl3 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, / jmitps special attention to ono of the largeet.-And WINTER DRY GOODS IN THIS MARICHT, EMBRACINO Ald. THE NO vEurrEs iN FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS. A superb assortment BIDICHE, STELLA, AND BLANKET SHAWLS, or the FICA .19t and choicest at. tee ENIILISII AND AMERICAN BLANKETS. All NIZCR and dual tier WRITE. SCARLET. YELLOW, GREEN. Au. BLUE WOOL FLANNELS. WELCH FLANNELS A OENERAL ASSORTMENT CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, SATINETS AND VESTINGS. The newest Printings in MANCHESTER DE LAIXES HEMET Standard makes MEETINGS AND SHIRTING% CIIECKB, TICKING.% AND STRIPES, van CANTON FLANNELS. A f , 'ELL LINE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS, AND THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF MERRIMACK PRINTS UNITED STATES JOSHUA L. BAILY, NORTH SIDE OP MARKET STREET ABOVE SECOND, SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS We beg leave to call opectal attention to our stock of DRESS GOODS, Vow expobed for sale EVERY REiAftER Who lm) visit ffBW YORK will be amply roPivid the expense of his trip, by selecting out of our splendid vs.- nay stfles different from those to he found in other itiatkOh. NYE ARV, NOW OPENINO 60 CASES DELAII4FS.IIOI , 7Iifi really beautiful 200 " WAMBUTTA I'Rl:i rs, tie* styles. 100 " WARREN PRINTS. 1,000 CLOAKS,SACKS, AND MANTLES, 3,000 SHAWLS, Imported expressly for us. We have a nell aunt) of DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, OF POPFLAR BRANDS, Ent to the above we ask your notice in particular. We 'drill not quote prices, but suffice it to Hey, that by this itdvertownent we weer 10 nrrost your attention, and the Goods and prices will enable you to arrant the at tention of your (11 , i0n111,1 , the counts round. DE FOREST. ARMSTRONG-, & CO., SO AND S 2 CHAMBERS STREET, K2l-tr NEW YORK, W. S. STEWART & CO., JOBBERS OF' AUCTION UOODS, 303 MARKET BTREET, ABOVE "FRIR Hose I, in Store n full lute of DT,AcK AND FANCY BILKS. BROCHE AND UTHER SHAWLS, SILK MANTILLA VELVETS, 01 nil grades, and nil the new fatly, In Dre., I;n...dm, to \flinch we in) to lhn 4Dention of CASH AND PROMPT SIX-NIONTII BUYERS. e 7 3!n SPECIAL NOTICE. It 1: CEIVED, PER LATE ARIVALS, A LARoE AND rt'LL ASSORTMENT Dv BLUE, BROWN, AND BLACK CLOTHS, or the most demrable make , : and fiat h. BLUE CLOTHS, nednnn and heavy. BROWN 110., do. do. BROWN do., Superior BLACK do., plain, twilled, medium, and heavy weight. DOESKINS AND OVERCOATINOB FOR SALE BY FARRELL & MORRIS, 1134 CIIE6TNUT STREET, ezi-dinos Importers and Comm:mon Merchants W. PROCTOR 6: CO., IMPORTERB. MANUFACTURERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, L A D I E S' CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of ENTLEMAN and Wife. and Two Young Alen. cnn obtvo Hood 13.nird. with use of Bath and Pts, at 313 ABER TIEFIi Greet, between Semen and Onion, and Second and Third streets. 01-2 t• PRIVATE BOARDINti.—The House at 415 SPRUCE Street, is now reopened. A few pleasant Rooms may be had by innnechato application. In medium and first-class Goods, including I eat-st• WHOLESALE BUYERS To their Stock. comprising N.VERY VARIE ry OF STYLES FINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS, lIANDSOMIi BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES' CLOAKS NEW STRIPED 3OURNOUS, 13OURNOUS NVITH murs. &c., &c, All of which will be offered at Low Prices TO CASH AMP SHORT-TIME BUYERS J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE P A It IS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. pRICE. FERRIS, & Co.. I AIPORTERS Or WHITE coos, Liritums MITTS buittorbEß LES LACAS, MAriTILLAS, &c. N 05.695 MARKET ST., AND 422 COMMERCE BT. ST Our Stook le ielooted by a member of the firm, in the BEST EUROPEAN MARKETS. eve-!m 'IANILA ROPE.—A large titer of Ma Rote, all mizesonanuret - ontre,l and for kale at the loworo how York pocoy, by WF.A.YER, 1 , 111.131?. & CO., of No, 23 WATER and 13 DELAWARE Av. DRY GOODS JOBBER 9. SPECIAL NOTICE. For the accommodation or many of our CITY crszo- MEIN who cannot leave their stores during the usual biNiness hours at this season, as well as to accommodate COUNTRY sieuctoot re who wish to economize time, the ~rare will be open during the month of OCTOBER, Every week tiny evening except Baturdcy. The salesmen will be in attendance to show buyers through the stock until 10 o'clock I'. M. JOSHUA L. GAILY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER ov FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, 213 MARKT. I' STREET, PHILADELPHIA, got ti 1 59 FALL IMPORTATION. 1 859 JOEL J. BAILY & CO., No. 219 MARKET STREET, AND 208 CHURCH ALLEY, PIIILADELPIIIA, Have received by recent arrivaln i and will continue to receive during the neawou a full and complete an wort uncut of FALL AND WLNTER UOODS, Coionsting in part of HOSIERY, ULOVES, AIITTS, AND DA UNTLETB. LADIES', MISSES', IiENTB', Ant , BOYS LAMBS WOOL, ItIERINO t BILK AND COTTON SHIRTS AND FASTS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Black and Fancy SA &lyre. Ties, and Cravats. Linen, Cambric, and ilk HdMS. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRR, 4c. Also, a handsome stock of WEITE, LACE, and MILLINERY GOODS AND EAIBROI DENIES. COTTON. MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, it large and cheap variety. "JOUVIN'S SYSI EME." BEST QUALITY KID ULOVES. A splendid assortment of colors and ekes. WOOL COMFORTS,IIOODS,JACKETS,NUDIAS,..tc Together with a Ilrge assortment of CLARK'S supe parlor •tx-rortt •• Silk-Finished" and " Enamelled" SPOOL COTTON. Also, their Sewing Machine Cotton, put up on spools of 2,400 yards each, to which the atten tion of Shirt Makers and Manufacturers in particularly requested. CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS are invited to examine, our Stock, which is one of the larKest and moat attractive ever offered to the trade. a7-2m R. WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING NO. 309 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Fall and Winter Stock Now °ampler° and reedy for buyers. ma-7m • WANTED- 5 TONS OP COAL, CHINA, ta,AB9, PHILADELPHIA oc3-mi, f tf WANTED—By a Young Man, a situation in any mercantile e•tablishrilent where he can make Ininrligcn-raliv useful, edier in the counting room or store.- Address "ILL. A.," at Oil office. nd-3t• WANTED—By a middle-agtd a f 4 ibiltien ar Porter in a wholesale Grocers or Drir. Goods House. .13c.b of city references ran be oven. Aeldreso •. William. "Pre, t (dee. 03 it W V ANTED—An expeneneed Salesman in a 'Wholesale Dry thank Muse. dome a large Southern tratid. To a competent person Who can id,- Mel trade a li teral aalar) will lie green. Address • W. & C 0.." this office. 03-3 t. - •rr ED—By a Youn • Man 19 years IV vof asa,a6t[, m a N't holeaala Store. is JO taltictvt and write.' a fat, hand. Com omomtion not to mach n ryrrt ai em lot meat establithment %hero hr canolnd. , trft.nrled Bost of raterenca L won. Add reg., " pt ..fide, p3-st• WANTED—A Situation RS A.mktant Clerk in a Wholesale bolo.° or Factory. Pr a wank 11141,1 Pd man. al ho can flirllool the beat of teat.- Inomala an to character. Adaress P.L.," uthce or this paper. $OO WANTED—By a gentleman who . in4t vatetite!lanln..ention are rat mend and utilit, h To one furno‘hing the anonent an oral mil tere will be xi% en. Addro. fur (Idea Oats. ..'ll , in throO. Blood's Dicta (ch. 0.7 -3t* AYOCNG WOMAN WISHES TO OR. TAM nBltnatton hi t o o Homework in a %mall fa mily: i s a goal Cook end Ironer. Apply to 721 Morris street. 03-20 FOR SALE AND TO LET. A VALUABLE DMILNESB STAND. An opportunity is now otrered the Dry Goods Store nt N. W. corner of Elitith and Mnrket, by the trite J. R. littages, with the stock of Goods. Good +sill and fixtures. the More. It. 4 FOR SALE—That large House and Lot. ttoutltweAt corner of EIWITII and LOCUST Streets. Apply A\IOS BURTON. 139 B.BEVENTH Street. enrner of Walnut. fp FOR SALE—Neat Three-story Brick llwelling, N 0.420 REDWOOD Street. Price liA 5O clear. S. Ailly from to to A. NI , Km) from 2 t0 4 r. M., to . CHU PI, Agent, No. 2(6 WALN T Street. 8,10-41• pOlt SALE—A DRUG STORE in a good • bonnie. her awn in thin car. and doing it holesalc and retail trade, principally erp,ll. Taring Addreg., confidentiaii),•• DriN f rint,” pliia Post thrice. FOR SALE OR RENT—A large Ltha %stn., Brick HOUSE, with all the inodern un pro,. melds; lint andc.dd water. pas, twoters. Sce.. al in comulPte order, Nu. Vti L man street. Burlnulton. .tpplt to L. P. MI UDLETON. SN. f. tIf_TNT Sireet. to. 11.1I)MAS 5t , ...1 tf BURLINGTON. J. NEW STORES TO LET.—Tltree large Ftt.tr—tr; Store, tm the et% VZ side tor FOURTH Street, n latle Sulth of Chestnut Street, tire now reedy for ton.tntn. Then. , titoros have Ireon arranzed and constructed will, much caw, with a view to appearance, strength. Ind coin cmcnre, )1,111: :0411011ra light, Mllld all modern ementa to adapt them to a large riwia.lor it hutch tile Klatrein r,ttlifirl? appropriate, twins within a low r,tali of the Custom I ouso. and cur roundad In) bankti and other Puhhc Itlititeittone. ler ""'"` , Ppl , ER AL muINN, finuCt• No Mn FINE. Sure a. rllO LET--TO LET--TO LET—To LET. In rue seeolld ktorl N,;rthe,.t corner vnEtvrN LT nod ED.HTStreet, Ivo 2.5 feet.coon- Lle tor a Whole , ,le Boot old Shoe, or Si rAW AISO. A Lar,,t, I bird-goo Roo, e , ,„ t h e acme me. Also A IA rzo Seeotol-stor. Room, St by l:Steet, S. W. corner BROM) end WALL CT. Alen, 1 I.ar4Q Two-story Store. to BROAD Street. nbo‘e Pme,23loll2ofect. Appll to J. H. EDWA R PS, e 25 in% thin,' HO WALNUT Street. ta AT PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, - .a...0ct.:2,1W. on the premises A Valley Farm," in Chester Lount., a.holtun.: Cain Station. on Penn -3)1, anis Iladroad. three lades uest of Dow-run:town contmuue 12.5 Acres of eaLollent q uaht 3 of Land. with ,00d Budd:nig. nod poh , catin: many 14,yr:ital.:es .1 watc r. roads, and other conren , enerl. For further par ticulars call upon 3XO. E. FOX. Executor, No. South '1 HIRD Street. Mk. 9 - 10 LET—A Second-story Room, cance- A. Meta to the State Noose. suktahle for a Lawyer's Offire. Apply ill CIIEST:STT Street. sld gl FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.- ta The , sub4enber. in eourentratinz his busmen on Cheithut street, west of Tenth ntreet.orrefe for sale upon reasouble tempt. his hirai inanuf tutor.. with out huilditiza and true lot of e.TOUnd iroottno on Ruth. Mar shall. and Minter streets. aultatle for almost An, humor inuurneturip: buninepa. For panic -11%u inquire. oh ALFRED FIT!. R. Conreuneor. No.:I N gIXTH Sure r. or to the !subscriber. No. Wort CHESTNUT St. al6-ho ROGERS. y 4 l OR S.U.E. The Soherriber will clleense of the entire Stock of FINE; MONI'VENTS STATVARY, HEAD AND FOOT S lONS AT THE NONI'MF-CTRCHStreet.R lILE YARD, No. 1.3.5 A West of ENhtconth street el-2m WM. HILL MOORE. $50,000 TO LOAN, rx sum 8 TO SUIT APPLICANTS. .upon DiAlmonds, Watches. Jewelry. Guns. Mer chandise, Clothing. Au.. on moderato terms. by JONES & CO., Brokers. northwest corner of THIRD and GAS KILL Streets. %ohm Lombard. Established for the lair 3.5 nears. Of bouts from 7A. N. to 7P. M. Second-hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent maters. warranted genuine, for aide obeme- at one - hal f the orminal ono. net Set-if nOARDING.—EIegant and airy Rooms, single and in soften. can be had with first-elaaa Board, for the Summer, Fall, and Winter, at MS WAL NUT Street. anS-2m PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE--MEDI CAL DEPARTMENT. N,\lll • • SESSION OF * • - • FACULTY. IL How IID HAND, M. 0., Professor of Chemistry. 10Ry " Presence of Me .cos. Ll.wts 0. If sms.ww, M. P.. " Wm. ll F or ernes, s, e. WlLL'sm F.itsusss, M. P.. S urgery. sir,o T ,MM listens, Medici All MLI,S. " lesntutesolMP- . . . . divine. Wm. 11. Gonnt ewe, M. D.. " Anatomy. swm: A.DFMNE, M.D., De won:4110ot o finatomy. The session of 14.11 i-N wilt commence on MONDAY. In. snit terminate early ni March Fine Cliniques will he held each weak define the entire session—two medical. two surgical, and one obstetrics. Second course idnilents are furnished with tickets of nilnuscon to the Plitladelphia or Penns% Ii ante Hospitals, tree of charge. R om , s tar practical Anatomy are now Opon. od-dt LEWIS 1). HARLOW, D.,Dean. • WASHINGTON HALL, SIO SPRING GARDEN Street.—D. L. CARPENTER, the In dependent Society Teacher of Fashionable Ila ncing , now ready to take Pupils at any time, either Private or in Classes. For reterence, call 1111,10...130ne the respect ability already besan. D. L. CARPENTER can he seen nisi nightly for tennis, he. 'Phis in Isis twenty ...einth year as a Teacher in this city. n3 -1m• PROP. SARAcCO rc pcctfnlh infot the elite of Philadelphia. that he Hill /span toe Con s:4lstory' of Danciiig on Ootol.er WM, at 3.5 South ELEVEN'FII Street. At the le a nest of many 'amities, the eervicee of Amonnt Ladies a ill be dispensed wish hereafter. For terms, apply at the Academy,on the Ma, Nth and Nth inst. od-bt* EATH E:R—LEATHER LEATIIER.- 4 Oak and Hemlock Sole. Shoe Skirting. Rand °it'll. American and French Calfskin!, Kips, Split.. Pink Linings, itoßll9. .ke., Sig. Also, damaged Red Sole Leather, nt low pricen, wholesale or retail. American Sumac and Leather 0( nit klllll9 bOIIIK lit for cash or sold on cominisnion. WM. R. NEWFAM.D. e23-4t. Ne... 11,5 North SECOND Street. WANTS. IS EXIIIIASOE QUEENSWARti, Addrees, 13C;X 19ST BOARDING. EDUCATIONAL. DANCING. Amustmewrs. lir HE A TLEY it CLARKE'S ARCH EET THKATRE. THIS 131ONDAY)}:im•mic. Oct. 3, IRISH AMBASSADOR. Sir Patrick O'Ploniim. Mr. Collins. HOW TO PAY THE RF:!.T. Morgan Rattler, with Songs. 31r. Collins. To conclude with the YOUNG SCAMP. Scats or Paicas.—Admtsslonal cents; tleaaredßegabs in Dress Circle.373i cents; Earsitet. AO cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; perfarmanoe to comment* at 7l o'clock precisely. IATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT Street. ~ etween Eichth and Ninth. MARSH'S JUVENILE COAIEDIANS. THIS (MONDAVI EVENING. Oct. 3. 130. Se presented Sr Walter Scott's MasmieentSpse tecin of the LAPY OF THE LAKE. King James. Miss Lome Aran; Resleriek l. ick Alpis Dhee, Master Innis rieh. MY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE. Jonathan Smith. G. W. Marsh; Mrs. Smith. Miss Katy ; Mrs Sornertwarn, Moe Loots, Doors open at T I.'elock; Performance to commence at 7.E. Admissinn !Scents; Parapet and Dress Circle. 50 cent*: Private Boxes.ls Orchestra chairs. 75 cents; Orchestra chairs, secured donne the day.soeents. It WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. • sols ... M. A. GARRETT/KIN. THIS MON niv) EVENING. Om ..t. THE WEPT OF THE WISH-TON-WISH. Narrstuattah Misr Macrae Mitchell. THE MAID WITH THE MILKING PAIL.' Mlllv Mru Marcie Mitchell. WANDERING ROl - $: Or. THE CASTLE OFOLIVAL. Count de Conway, Mr. Perry ; Paul. Maggie Mitchell. Sesta or Piticae.—Dress Circle, I Seats secured with out extra chart e.I 50 rents; Parquet. (Seats eiteursd at 50 cent/1,1374' ; r(eeondTier and Farrah Circe. and Third nor. 5 cents •, Private Boxes. accord int to their e. 15 and 83 Hunts cats Orchestra and rani* Of f iceßoxes nts. Goa open daily, from HI until S o'clock. win seats can be secured in adt-tnce. A3IERICAN ACADEMY OF MLI3IC RAVELS AND NI ARTINF.TTI FAMILY. ]ION DAY) EVENIN.3. October M. KI3I-KA ; Or iIK A DVENI URES OF Ali AERONAUT. Ventilator. Gabriel Ravel: Kim-lut Francois Rate!; Fre ttr.bti.bu•ro.fthe. Nils. Frances. FOBERF SIACAIF F. bk) , ), , ) , » strop, Francois Rarci; Robert Macarre..A. Fat F..—tarquet. Parviet Circle and Recony.so cis; F emit* ftrcie and Amphitheatre r rent.. Box Office open from 10 A. AL till I F. AI.. when Seats coin to seottred without extra charge. Poop open at T o elm k. Performance to comment. at Tikiio deice. ol THE MARTYRDOM OF HUSS is now esh.totior. with other Mounts of the Dal sEr.Doßr coLLEcric.N. an the tionthesst Gam of the, ACADESIV OF FINE ARTS. NIONMOIILM;31 SANFORD'S OPE&A. HOUSE, _ ELEVENTH streist.l6tween Chestext and Distinst. Open for the Season. BANFORD'B STAR TROUPE. the lama Company in the world. In their erskelleneiee every evening. SANFORD appea rs Every evening in fas_ireat Edo of Chub:tar& Doors open at Mt. Commence u & Admission 315 cants. Ckiikloon 1S cents. aerS-Ym cDOSOUGICS GAIETIES—RACE ST., below THIRD. THIS EVENING. THE GREAT PANTOMIME BLANCO'S MAGIC SWORD. With New scenery. New Dresses. &Ili New Appoint- MCMg. WONPERFFL TRICK! GREAT SCENIC TRANSFORMATIONS! MECHANICAL EFFECTS! Price of Admission 10 and LS cents.. Posse Bosse 23 ream SPORTING ^ - ... 4$ .)...* SUFFOI K P IRK TO-P kY— ' trAINIIII'RFB . will leer; FIXTii am! 1 CB ESTN IT Streets, at quarter before 2 o'clock.. fr,r the Depot rorn.r ITROArt rind PRE MB, to -onnect w th tha cars for the Great Two Mlle Raee, to come off TIIIS DAY. between •• MartbilWatainJton." Plinet." " lient.e. ' end - Bay John.' A!so Alnteh between ' Lady Jack" and " William Wheel:or.'• . . . to nIl r‘tts of the PARK. to cents. lt• CRIcKf:T.—TILE GRAND INTERNA •,--/ TIONAL CRICKET MATCH between the best kieven placers or all En _ltrAl. arla Twee ty• two of the United •tstas,vili take place on the St. George's °MOM, lt the Northern ternar us of the Tenth and Fleventh 4}re,t fintlro - nh on MON Lr A V. October tech, and follow ingit., a oommencinz at 10 o'clock A. M. BE.CK'o NAND lea been en a_ ed for the occasion. Comfort-o,le seats writ be prorated for the accommoda tion of I-ottas. PII , CE•‘ or Aoattamos —Day tickets .9) cents: Season tickets, 41. To be had at the gate, or of the Secretary. its order of the Committee. CHARLES H. T. CoLIJS• Beef. OZ . Walnut FEM.!. N. B.—Carrts;cs will set down heads North en Twelfth s treet. oSTt • PAPER HANGINGS, &c. PAPER HANGINGS. PAPER YOUR HOUSES HART, MONTGOMERY, Is CO., NO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET. H I‘e a sale el ery variety of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, &C„ Whieh will be U . 44 at the loweet rifer, and pet UP by °lreful wortmen. 00-dtitole WALL PAPER IYAREIIOI.7n. HO NV ELL & BOURKE, IT SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (seccoor Mame) ,1,71 D OTFC" , I7‘ ULICUAIGT svaxx - e, Have on hand a large led sikendid aaeottinent or WALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS. T.Tehieh they invite the attention o( WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. an2e4m WATCHES, JEWELRY, he. IILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Ink rte special attentim to their stock of SILVER WARE. which is now unusually large, afforihns a Yu net, of pattern and design unsurpassed by any /miss the Iluiord States, and of finer quality than is isanofir tu red for table 0/0 inlay part of the world. Our Standard of Silyer is 935-1000 parts pary the Engnab Sterling. 925-1000 " American and French Thus it will be seen that we give thirty-five parts pater than the American and French coin, and ten parts pares than the Eng h 6h Sterling. We mot all our own Silver. in.; ',or Foreman Ici ng connected with the Refining De canine nt of the United etntnn mint for several years.We :usrantee the quality as above iOP, which is the Aiwa 'nut ma tr made to be aerriercalta sad will resat the tction of acids magi tette, tics tie "'glittery Sikes 44 I.:wise:v...3. WM. WILSON Br. SON, S. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STS N. IL—Any (*menses a :firer manufactured as armed but so.thirir none .iffr.Or to Erma. cad AMTS.. an standard. Dealers supplied 'nth the same standard es used Ut lur retail department- HATS. CAPS. &c. E . T. MOCKRIDGE & WHOLESALE DEALERS HATS. CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS, (LOWERS, RUCIIE6, AND FANCY FURS, NOS. SS AND 31 NORTH FOURTH )37'.. (Newly opposite Merchants' Hotel.) PHILADELPHIA. FALL 'TRADE.IBa9.IBS9. C. H. GARDEN & CO.. Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers to HATS, CAPS, FURS, SILK AND STRAW BONNETS. AND STRAW HOODS. ARTIFICIAL. FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, &c., KOS. 1300 AND 602 MARKET STREET, Southwest corner of•Staxii. EXTENSIVE STOCK. BEST TERMS, LOWEST PRICES. HOOPES DAVIS, NOS. 19 AND 21 BOUM FOURTH STRIST, (yr starzed PIiILMMILPfLit . Idanulantnrera and Wholesale Dealush: WOOL, FUR, AND SILK HATS, LADIES' FURS, RUCHES, Am., •c., now open for inspection a new and elegant stock, to which the attention of buyers la invited. an2-2m CLARK'S SPOOL COTTON. Jwit received. A FULL AI, , SORTNIF,NIT IN WIIITE, BLACK, AND COLORS, For sale bi CHARLES FIELD, NO. 20 NORTH SIXTH STREET, AUENT FOR PHILADELPHIA JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY GEORGE WHITELEY, Iniyorter of Brandy, Wine, &e., 135 SOUTH FRONT Street, offers for sale, in bond only, STEWARTS CELEBRATED AND PNEQ.LIALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. CARRIAGES OF THE MANUFACTURE OF WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, CIIESTNTIT STREET. 1011 C --- lIEESE.-320 Boxes lierkimer-County Cl er,. is Etn re and for sale by C. C. SADLER k CO, ARCH 'Met, 3ewad door strove Prost.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers