v '' -’. 4? ' GENFIt ALNEWS. v « j •: Vv<n: ' Attempted Buigidb'op Stahvation.—Mtah£el ’Julg,' who/ti'wiil'b* **•?. numbered, was convicted of«ienmjf<to'r and committed to the county jail to awaltq- new trial, has for a motfih’ feaa|?beiEt' a^despo rato effort to starve bimB?lf fa death*;-H®; ¥®f ®f" bitually destroyed'itie food, taken Jo hlrdi and ab stained for so long atirae tut> ho looks more like an animated skeleton than'a living man. He has beoomJ»#Qspy; aohr, and malignant, and will not allow any person to touch him.' His finger nails havegrown toan extraordinary length, and thi* f together with hU makes him disagreeable to everyone with ' whom he comes in contact He an ‘earnest desire to die, and no doubt wl|l yet Odd-to the act he has already committed tho melancHoly/ono of. self-dostruotiou. ■— Gin* Enq. _ „ . v _ The Syracuse' (N", Y.) Courier of last Tuesday morning states that James Davis,- deputy sheriff of Albany, who was assaulted at the Voor hees Hooso during a iraoos that occurred there last year, has sued Capt. I ,lsaiah Renders,'©f/New York, for slanderous words and expressions used in' relation to tho matte tf in - the ! State Contention as* sembled. Sedgwick, ; r AndreW«, ,;and- Kennedy bring the action for tho plaintiff, and li. W. Hall, Esq., is retained by Capt. Ryndors, 1; ' ' A mah was arrested at TYihdsof, opposite- Detroit, a day or two since, dreMed-Jn ,woman 7 s clothing; Hia manner attracted notice on the, oars, and as soon as tho train arrived at the depot tho conductor caused his arrest*: He told.a rambling story, but it is believed.that he is.tha man who as* sosslnated another in Canada) a fewMgb to since. Information of hiitfetentioh was despatched to that city. . -v. i - t Sciiool-Hodsk Btoww. UPi-r-The - 'Beech Hill school-house, in of .the.town of Westminster, was tptally.destroyed oh Wodnesday night last, about half-past nine o’olock, by* being blown up with powder/' This echbot-hoiise-has 1 lately been removed from Its first location,' and great exottement tas boon produced id the district and town by the fickleness of the inhabitants of the district as expressed in their action respecting Spy. , \ Death from the/Biteo? /a/Shake.—lh Rockbridge county, Va,, a man' natijed^.Walton was bitten on 'the 'middle of hiarighfchand by a copper-head snake, on,lftat Kridiy aftetpoon, end died ih preoisoly twenty-four.hours afterwards. A quart of whiskey was admthtstqred to him v and the thought that death was caused bythe whiskey/i. Walton was a very. iempo rate nwo, nndjhejre.sas.no discoloration or exter nal mtfioation of poison on theeprpse. Health OF f ,QiiAßi ; EarqH.--the editor of the Charleston (8. C.) (Courier. .is; indignant that re ports have been circulated stating that his city is unhealthy, and he says: “,We proDotmoe tbeso stories a base and woaton.tiander/' It is a pity that these lying Jongues.oanuot be put to silence. We have the pleasure of saying- again that the health of our city, up. toithe present time, is un paralleled, sod that there Is now no reason to ap prehend a visita^onTrbm.auy.epT4emw/’ i . / BdfponebV.ih the" Mr. Bart lett, of the Tabernacle, in. Hew Yofk/after a brief sojourn in Ihe Franconia l region of, the White Mountains, assumed his pulpit, when he discoursed from the texiyiJi Bring ye. now of the fish, which ye have caught/’ which was quite appropriate, in asmuch as the last Sabbath previous to nis depar ture, it is said, hepreaobed upon the words, “Igo a fishing.” -1 . . • A New Lpspw/CoBiL) girl at San Antonio* Texas, keops'i’bowllcggaiodn, end offers herself to roll with any amateur, ip the country. She' finds plenty who are willing to try their hand with her, and she pooke&Jhc vCumeej never aa yet having boon beaten. She states .that Jn six months she cloared Considering the time, isn’t bad. . . Bod* Fouhbtn NiA<TARA,RivEE.~The body vf C. H. Wilmor, Esq.) who fell into the river on Saturday, has hot yet boea recovered. On Sunday ft body was discovered floating in the whirlpool, perfectly nude. It was reached by moans of a life-boat, as it neared the Oanada shore, being in tho rounds of the whirlpool... It jvaamuqfi bloated. A Young Mik named Robert S/ Peck", for merly of Norwich, Conn., committed suicide at Now loDdohj/dn Friday night last,’ by taking laudanum, begaus&.the step-mother of his ladie loyo ” wouldn’t'let. her marry Mm before Novom ber. ««The oodrse of true love,” Ac. Green Beans imd Corn in the Winter. I For The Press.) The Press of the- 13th 'instant tells how some-' $° t “y“‘S0 n to , t touw«na/i,I opine, for we < country folk know better than that—contrives,- to havo green bean! in'; the win,tor. Now, it is all well enough to have thorn, bat my wife says that eint tho way, and she knows. She has a stone jar that bolds just a bushel of prepared beans. She has had it those twenty years, I believe, and she will always have it hcr.tcajf to fill it is.this: First get tho beans, then'string them, next cut thorn as for present use, oorefhlly rejecting all that may bo scold as to have tho bean formed inthdm; then rub them woll betwoen your, hands with fino salt, after which pack thorn in,the jar aforesaid, a layer uf beans and a layer of salt, till tho jar is fall, lie a piece of oil cloth over the ton of the jar, and the beans are ready for-'user They will form a picklo for themselves, and dome out of the jar ss fit for use, three months afterwards, as the day they went in. As fa* cooking, either soak them over night, or change tho water in boiling; boit slowly. I have heardmy wife complimented on having beans bo early by parties eating her old ones, kopt over as above sctforthr’Try It,■'some body. Your correspondent, doniUell bow tohsvetbo corn to cook -with the beans. Shall I give my wife’s receipt.?.. Get some' sugar com—Stowell’s evergreon us the best—scald Ft two minutes and thirty seconds, to cardie the juices only, not to boil it; cut it-ibOni tbeoobyanaput it in jarsin a pickle strong enough to hear an egg ; seat tho jars. This com willcomo on tho table as white and fair looking as if taken from the field tho day itis eaten. In,.serving up, add a,tabio-snoonf.il of sugar, to compensate for, the juices withdrawn by the salt. Try'them both ;■ they, are not hard to take, separate or miied. ’ W. Chester ooynty, Sept., IBsjl. . ,t ■ IMPORTATIONS. (Reported for the Press.] •: CHARL EBTON—Bark f Aaron I Hartley, .Miller—l 9 bjUes rope caftiaM Jessup & Mwre; at bales cotton H ®»JH.feetlumber Wm Cummings k Boa;' 100 bblsspts turpentine Kates & Fosteri-mdo Greiner * Harkn«ss; Wbbjsrosm Cochran & Russell? 0 tonsB rftsks old iron Morris k Jonds k Co; 311 bars iron Phm nix Iron Works; 99 bales floss order. •; ‘ - tho ß / s h MS' H / A BOASU ’ OF TKAM ' ‘ ' LETTER BAG* It.THS 1 t. THS BICIUSOE, PHILADELPHIA. in* @i«W®; :.uv;.Bij»,o 2SS2 Brig Clara, Herdflan ;v... l . i.. *.. .London, soon m n - >p i r^xr' ro ? r ® .Kingston, Ja. soon Bngffriad, Wooster t .Kingston, Ja, soon MARINE iNTEtMGENCB. FORT Qg 3ep*. 22, 1839, gfe- 15M . 18UwaETB^r . ; :rrio 8 d Bark Aaron I Harley, Miller*, 6 day* from Charleston, with cotton, Ac. to Win Cummings & Son. On the I7tli jnst, off Cepe Lg?k<>ut.baßsedsxhip, apparently in hal* bine fmlfinTho cent,*?’ 6h °' ?lnga * 1,, “ "*«“* wi,! '» 'fw' r ° rb " " r »e Stsoutifrom New York. from ? erniuda> . ‘t with mdsjuoK Adoodepft cfo!*'*?!» W*-.**: ' B £.if ‘ N I B.T Thompson, Bamea, 7 day. from Boston, lnbalUettoVnnDßMn,f(orUm,Si;Co. , , .. , Bear Adela]do,l.xwrene«,s dare from Middletown. Conn, with atone to captain. nS to 7w < ’&? h<m ' * rtor " Bu.l. Riv o r,witl, SchrJ Csdwalader. NaS'torifroin’Pfovldence* ; gchr Onunn, Carroanjroto NeVYork. ’ " fichr J B Allon, Allen, from Tuokorton. fcchrMatt Watt. Marts, from Tuekerton.' ■* gchr Jo* S Howut. Hom, from Wilmington. &ohr J L Redner. Endleott," from Egg Harbor, hebr Arietta. Robinson, from New Haven. Schr Gaa/Uei,Nsylori from Rockport. §chf F Mown, Avery, from Now Bedford. Schr H A.Week#! Godfrey, from Gloucester. CLEARED. : - » f - Steamship Delaware,'Copes, New York.tiaCape May,' 3 AHUerdice. r 1 ’ Brie Umpire, Higgins, Kmsston. Jft^Outert'ridge,Ear* ' Week., Godfrey'Bditon.’iß Milne. * Co; Bear FMerwin. Avery, Providence, * do ■ Hchr Adelaide, Lawrence, New London, . do ‘ Bohr Jim 8 Hnwitt. RoM. Bpafott, C'A Hocksher ft Co, Schr Rvaßel.TntoniEostoli, . s'. do ■ ■ Bohr a W Billon, Marte.fio,ton, Ir Boihcnnel & Co. Sc ir hlary Watt, MartJL-Georgetown,. do Schr J Cothraiader, Naylor, RGckport,.Noble, Ham - ■ Schr C M Nes!,Milton, do , .•<>■ , do Bchr J L Radnor,.Bmucott, Portsmouth, Van liuson, Norton & Co. , . . , §°fc r « f TThompfcmJßarn mVF ro v#enc«, tdo ; Th / !«. . The Kingston left here this morning with 4 boats in t<>w, laden and consigned as follows? ■ ,' ■ Wm F. Ingles, bark and wood to captain; Sam Wright,' railroad iron to Reeves, Abbott & Co; Sf Carr< lime to ghesapjialM end Delaware Canal; Thdmaa Hunt, do to (Conespohdehceof the Philadelphia Exchange.) • txr v > r> *--IiEWJBS. Del, Sept,2o. Wo had elute on Saturday evening from the away her masts, to avoid Be tiKdrivenoDthebeftoh. The Ml.r Fanny Fern, Horn felon for WhmoSdXdVi? saile blown aw*r! the captain haa sent to Now York for WMI; th,rt)rv,wh “ harber - Yours,. WM. M. HICKMAN. , •-* V - memoranda! ! ' Ship Isaac ieanes, Chipman, sailed from-Marseilles 29th nit. fotGlrgftnti. « - - c • . * Ship St' Helena, Cotter, from Bombay, arrived at Li. verpool Slst-ult- * ( < . i - r . r Ship Essex. Ha rtz, from Bo in bay* at Liverpool 2dlnsti Ship ModeraTtraes/pvattoflifotNew York,waaloftd-' mg at McKean Island July a. . .V* f _Ship Chatsworth, Jlome, for Philadelphia, sailed from Boston sour jnitr. '• ,r Stup wsaAt Ciyita Vedchuvttth ult, to sail next day for a port Ip Sardinia, td load Salt for New Orleans. iA recent report; stating thnl the carkd of good l sp |I d ” nn B W, incorrect} it was discharged in BartrS H Watennah} Biiker* for Valparaiso and Gal-. !no. cleared at&w York 20th inst., ;■ “ : Bark Canady Mltcbefi,'at Havana X2th inst.'for Car siperilOgalltf • nhds forphilndelpjiia,at fo?¥en*SS^ , V 1 ? fmm K«7y e *t llth >nst. Hrlg Emma, hence at Bolton 20th itiaV ’ i«.WihTA\'fr ■ ***»***#* bmZ Brig Emily, Saunders, from Providence fprphiladßb phia. at NewportWtiunst, . .-j..-* u.-«, i - I-Khiassiass; do. at J7th mat, and remained AAtWth. 02? h $ P°r«r and % p Renton; henoe at Danvers, Bohr MarfftßoJWn'fl,hehcefof Portland, at ifdgartofa - 0m :Eaßt inh « irSM4wt ram ™ ! ’ I ’“ m6 - cW , INjayitANCE , COMPANtES. VTVr’T ' EDUCATIONAL. ■jyORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPLY, '• ’’ * rf ’ EBTABLISHBB IN 18M. 1 ’ ' j. L. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. HEAD OFFICES: LONDON, ABERDEEN, EDINBURGH, GLAS '• . GqW; : PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. 80,898.800. ANNUAL INCOME UPWARDS OP Sl,tW)m Poltoios soaiintied by the unlimited liabilities o nearly 1,000 Shareholders.' . Lostea promptly adjusted and paid without rafarsuoe to feondon, by , < WILLIAM GETTY. ' / AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATER OFFICE, 1 PHILADELPHIA BANK, 1 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, rmi.4Dit,rmi, i . j REFERENCES. Messrs. STUART & BROTHER, la Bank street. ** , MYEItS.CLAGHORN, AGO., *B Market it '■ ;W.M. MoKEB A C 0„ » South Front etroet. " MoCUTCHEN A COLLINS, 6. W. ooraor , . Front and Now streets. “ 1 SMITH,jWILEIAMS, A CD., SIS Market st. 1 “ JAMES OftAHAM A CO., SO and a Letiti» at. JOSEPH B. MITCHELL, E»q., President Meohanios’ . Bank., JAMES DUNLAP, Ese., President Union Bank. Hon. WILLIAM A. PORTER, tti Walhttt street, into . , Judge Supreme (Mart. jyS-tuthAetf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PERPET- No. 310 WALNUT Btreet, above Tliird,. Philadelphia. Jlaving ajArie paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vusted in sound and available Seourities, continue to in* sure oUj-Bwelungs. Stores. Furniture, MeroKaudirs, Vessels in Fort and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted* i :o»*4 George Abbott*. joim T. Lewi*, John welah, James R. Campbell* . Samuel C. Morton* Edmund 0. DuUlhj Fatriok Brad) t Cha*. w, Poultrieri Itr&el Morm. THOMAS*. MAJUsPterqtal-y. 801, "SSfely if Life insurance and trust coii fANY.—THE FfeNN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, Northeast corner oC THIRD And BOCK Btreeta. 'Assets, £902,225 28. .JNQVREB LIVES for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—purchases life interests in Real Estate, and makes all eontraots depending on the contingencies of Life. > • .They act os Executors, Administrators, Assignees TnuteM.aml ; Daniel L. Miller* Samuel 8, Stokes, !»%&,«. : Kltefth* william P. Hacker, Joseph jt. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Easton, . Samuel o,'Huey. ■ Theouhilue Paulding, Charles HalloweU, ' Edmund A. Sourer, Henry 0. Townsend, pamelji. HiXtohißsoit RpdejlphuS Kent, John wTHtirndr, William H. Carr, Blits 8. Artlner, RV. Duflow, - Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Rasin, 'John O. Brenner, P. 8. Mioh er, Easton. „ » ... DANIEL L. MILLER, President, . ' . SAML. E. STOKES, vice Pres’t. John W. Hornor, Secretary. aulB-ly rpm ' QUAKER CITY INSURANCE A company, Philadelphia, p». FRANKLIN, BUILDIN<?B, No. 408 WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL, - . 9900fi00 . FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND Fire insurance, limited and perpetual, on Buildings and Merchandise of all descriptions. , Marine Insurance, inland and Ocean, on Vessels, Freight and Cargo to and from ail parts of the Worn. GEORGS H.HART P , F p C re?ident, E. P. ROSS, Vice. President. 1 DIRECTOR*. •QeorgeH.Hart, E. W. Bailey, JB, P.\Rom. Andrew R. Chamber*, - A. C. Cattail,' Charles 0. Irnlajr, Fosters.Perkin*, H.R. Cogrshall. Samuel Jones, M. D., Hon. H. M. Fuller, aul Delaware mutual safety ins BURANCE COMPANY. * INCORPORATED BY THE I. SO [SLA TttJtS OR office A^ooßifSiWm6. AND WALNUT n MAlu'ne' In'bW AN C E ON VESSELS* 3 CARGO, 5 To all part* of the World, F ’inland insurance . On Good*, by River, Canals, Lake*, and Land Carriage .to all parte of the union.. ’FIRE INSURANCE)! On Merchandisegenerally. . On Stores, UwellineHouie*, &o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1698. Par. , • UTiiriff Valut. $103,060, Philadelphia City 8 V cent. L0an....9105,144 00 $llO,OOO, Pennsylvania State Loan* 101,425 00 $50,000, U. S. Treasury 4X cent. Notea... 80,113 50 $50,000, Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mortsage _ ojPcent. Bonds., 45,375 00 $20,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort .KMe*#* ocpL'Bonds If,ooooo #15,000,800 shares stock Germantown Oaa Company, interest aha principal Sntied by the city of Phila la... 14,925 00 #B/00,100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad #5,000,100 ?JoVth Pennßyivknia itkii- W road Company...... 850 00 ‘ #*,6», Sundry shares lce Boat Company, Havre de Grace Steam, Tow Boat Company, Sa vannah Steam Navigation Com pany,and Philadelphia Exchange i Company- — t *. SS*™: *1 0! - W ' m “ fills receivable lor Insuranceimade alanoe due at Agencies— Premiums on Ma rine Policies recently issued—and other debtsdue the Company 01.388 1 Scrip and stock of sundry Insurance Compa- Cash on Deposit in Bank. DIRECTORS. lames C. Hand, Theophtlas Pautdinx, MlT*" Joshua Pj Eyre, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry flloaiv Robert Burton, John B. Semple, Pittab’f, p.T.MorKan, “ J. T. Logan, “ M MARTIN, President, !. HAND, Vioe President, iretary. mh29-dtf • William Martin» Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. Souder* John C. Davis, John R. Penrose, George G. Loiper, Edward Darungton. Dr. R. Mi Huston, ■ William q. Ludwig, tjh Craig, near MMlvaine, tries Kelly, lones Brooke, obP.Jonos, VniiLLA! KFWRY LYLBimi?. 1 8eci XjlAM® INSURANCE COMPANY, INo. A 411 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. arco«oM® pffla ,vTHß state of CONFINED TO PIKE AND INLAND RISKS. „ ' DIDKCTOKA; _ Sahokl Wright -f WriKlit, Broe., A Co. William wht,»m Bpan & Co. CiiAELBs RicnAHDeoH.. J. C. Howe k Co. Ghorob A. Wbbt We«t, Fobee. k Lloid. Babclay Lippibcott ..- LippißootL Hunter, & Soott, JACOBW.STOUT... CltafTee.,Stout,l6o. Hbsbt Lbivh, Jr Lewie, Bros., k Co. David KBibsev Davie k Birafr. ' A. H. RoeBHBEm itoeenheim, Brooke, k Co. John R E11i«0.y....:... John B. ElUbob & Sone. Joh* W.Evbrmab...*. John W. Kverman k Co, Thomas S. Slabtij. Savaee k Martin. . 9AQEOB W, DAY, Preaident. /,, ..Jonathan j. blocum, vioe p«e’t. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. SeeVi au4~tl TNSURANOE COMPANY OP TUE ’ M 6 W WoT CllPital January 1, ■ AU invested in round and available securities—con tinue to insure on VesseU.and Cargoes, Buildings, Btooka of Merohtmdiise, Ao^im^ibeja^wnm. Henry D-Shcrrerd, - 41 i Gemge H. Stuart, - Simeon Toby, Banjpel Grant, Jr., Chßrtes Tobias Wagner, ' WiliiarnS.Siruth; Thomas B: Wattaon, Johnß.Badd. Henry O. Freeman, William A, White* Charles 8. Lewis, George C, Carson. xxni t tam BHERRERU,President, . wJLLIAM HA BPKW. Rflaretarr. le 9-wun tf THE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU. BANCE COMPANY oe philaurlphia , n* Ll *' iO9 WALNUT STREET. This Company- injure* against Low or. Damage by Fire on Pubno and Private Buildings, Punuture, Stocks of Goods, ana Merchandise generally-. The following provision In the Policies of this Com- their security when assigned a* ool ** This prfioy shall not be Invalidated, or in any wise affected, after its assignment as a collateral security to a ground-rent, or mortgage,and the approval of such aa sigryUMt by the office, T>y any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged of the same.’ 1 foTiEtt"’ ' • teiffi 00 **- •ado Sj Waterman, David Balomon, SdwardG, James, William vanderveer, , oseph Janney, 'fheodore Cuyler, Josephi H. Coilins. Barouel Castner. ojf B F"v«VEE R , Vioe rreßidonl. ~ B. hticbmwo. Saprafiv*' mvT-tf Howard fire and siarine insu rance company, No. 413 WALNUT Street, rmiadalphia. Thoe.L. Laderr, DIKE Irfeoh, tefe- > K*S“' Join OrJamee,. H. H. Shiliingford, A- j. Mcknor, • . c. E. Soanjler. i&feW,B«ton, H. H» Houston, WHftm Raifrael, Wm. H.Love, Edwin Charles F. Norton, John Gpmson, Isafto Myer, 1 E. 8. Warn®. ■j- Seoretarr -CHARLES A. BUY. dell LEGAL. IVOTICE.— Letters Testamentary to the i-Vfi".?'? ?C PREnemCK KLETT, tote of the City of FhUpdelphia. deoeaaed, having been granted to the undereigned, all persons indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and those having claims are fe nfiUVy e U account* without delay to LoW A DA^A^’ REcSnd end CAL JPRANKj(iNO. JONES. 631 RACE Stieet. »n ,-tathB3wAßep d-toth«3» Exeoutort. DANCIIW3. DANCING AOADEMY, Northeast corner of ARCH end BROAD Streete.—Mr. HAZARD. ¥“l'!’ sn , <l ""'I l P>' l , wn inthi" eitr e" linving lino the largest and most fish/onable Dancing Academy tor many years, has the honor to inform his formftr patron* and the pubiio that he has returned to this city, and will Aoaderay at the place above named, on » MONDAY, the 28th of September. Mr. H. will also cltwiea in sohools and private families. Mr. H’s df danoing is plain, easy, and graceful, and can oe acquired in a short time, An easy and graceful de portment, ns ,we|i as a perfect knowledge of tho present "«cb. M l* done io the very bestso metyi Will lid imparted at once to.the scholars, and no time waited in learning old steps and dances that are out ijiwhton. For terms, references, etc., nj>i>[y at \*fARMING AND VENTILATING BiLm w® s ‘- CVL REP'S NE!V R GAs'nUKNINa f iTf/x/R i 1 FURNACE, Tbfl ftbove Furnace has nowlieen in use during the last two Winter* in this city, and has given universal sat fraction.. The large heating surface being directly orer the flame or the fire, and the conical tube*, through Which All the draft* pass, are su arranged as to consume the iargfer part of the gases from the coal, being en tirely of iCnst Iron, with deep, sand Joints, ir now of- to the pubiio as the most complete heating appa ,,Httas r iidw in this market. C. W. being, a practical mechamo, will personally attend to all heating and ven tilating,; •’j?*^'vSiie«of.Cooking Ganges, adapted for hotel and Coilins’ Patent Chimney Caps for venlila- S aTfr °f smokey chimney*» with a full nssort- SS?Am f iuf* g i 8 d? r 8 ftDd Ventilators of every nize and nVsl ^ce BJ° ', e*» Katiißoilers, Ac, « promptly attended J 6. • • ; hith« ».« . OHAB. WILLIAMS, aua-tuths-Sm Late Bjh*h & Wji.maMß. "WHISKEY. 125 puncheons Swff breloßG#WHiTE®. M, ‘ lt ’ in "^Asr 11 Broad-street, institute FOR YQU,NjQ RADIES has reopened its Fall Session. •»Vor terms and particulars, apply to Mrs. B P. COOKE, No. oil BROAD Street, below Poplar. f TNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA.— wSB n op M,NEB> ARTB ' AND The Course of Leoturea in this Department will com mence on thelat of November. • > ( cWAftt t Aslfcrl!S?rt ,f ‘l ftn 4 SHetniatfT.’;, n .1 l S tqmmtion apply to the Janitor, at the College, North Building, or to FAIHMANIROaKfIS,, * . Bran of. the Faculty. «16>gt 802 W, KITTENHOUSE. SQUARE. Law department—university OF PENNSYLVANIA. ATermofthis Institution will commence on MON DAY, October 3d. The subjeotsof the different courses are ns follows: Hon. GEORGE BHAKSWOOD-” Persons, Personal Property, and Mercantile Law.” Prof. P. McCALL—“Evidence.” Frof. # E. SPENCER MILLER—” Equity Jurispru- The Introductory Lecture will be delivered on FRI DAY EVENING, Bopt 30th. at 6 o'clock F* M., by the Hon. GEORGE BHARBWQQp. gl»-dt3p MUSIC. —A. R. TAYLOR, Teacher of Singing and Piano, 6ffl North TWELFTH Stroet, below Coates. s!3-im* PUSTON’S WRITING ACADEMY, A f BbM 6l ' soli ' , ToGetttlemeh a. idpia add. elegant uiisiness hand is imparted. To. Ladies a', neat and grocery! epistolary stjje.. Clatsex Private, Cards written, and every de sonption of Ponmanship neatly executed, ■ sl3-3m_ ■pOLtTECHNIO COLLEGEOFTHE A BTATE OF Philadelphia. Incorporated 1853, And organized with a full Faculty on the plan of 'the Industrial Colleges of Pans and Ger many,' comprises a Preparatory Department and Four Technical Schools, viz The Bohool of MINES. ! T le Sohool of PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. The School of CIVIL ENGINEERING.' . The School of MECHANICALENGJNEERINO. Architecture, and Topographical and Meohanioal Drawing are moluded in tho Engineering Course, and the most extended Field and Laboratory practice is afforded. i The seventh Annual Session will begin on MONDAY, Beptember.l9th, 1859. For Catalogues npdfiirtjier infor mation, address DR, A. L. KENNEDV, • a!2-Sw • ' President df Faculty. ' NO. 230 SOUTH FOURTH STREET— Mr. THUNDER hits resumed his professional practice.,, • , , Mil-lit* TITESDAMES CHEGARAV AND D’HER yoyNo.iix'Crt?soartomG and dAy school for FHiLaBKLPIUa’, No. 1809 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE STREET. Madame C H E G A R A Y respectfully informs her friends and the publto in general. Chat independently of her Boarding and Day School, directed by herself and her,me.ee, Mme. PRKVOST, in NEW YORK, she in tends. in oomieotion with her niece, Mme. D'HER VILLY, opening m PHILADELPHIA an Institution on preoisefy the same plan as the one above mentioned. The Principals will answer applications and reoeive visiters on and after the 12th day of September, and the Sohool will open on the RPh. &USI-lm* Ilf ISS 0. A. BURGIN WILL RE-OPEN her Bohool for Young Ladies on September 12, IMS. Circulars may bo obtained at the Bohttdlrdom«9ll WALNUT Street, where applicatidn tor aUraisiirin may bp on add after September Cth, from 19 to 13 Ttutt, L.~ Johnson. uua-im* (ITRS. BARTON’S ' • ■ BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL TOR YOUNG LADIES, mL No. 1929 CHESTNUT Street, Vb.Ua. . The Winter Term will open on the second MONDAY in September. \ oung Ladies received of any ago—and taught whatever pertains to a thorough Education. „ French spoken in the family. Tor Circulars and par tlculars, apply as above. ftii2r-DWfcCal-9w MUSIC AND SINGING.—MISS LIZZIE CARROLL would respectfully inform her friends and tho. public tnat she has resumed the duties of her Srofession. Boholars will be received at her residence, EovSa South TENTH Street, or taught at their own homes. She refers with confidence to ahy df tier pupils, or to Mr. Conrad MOjer, Pianb Waiimaotuter. Terms moderate. . du2fl-lm ItfIARY L. STACKHOUSE WILL OPEN -IJ*. her Boarding and Day-School for Girls, No. 1030 SPRING GARDEN Street, on the Ist of September. For Ciroulare apply to the Principal. au3S-lm* TTEJIAN ALLEN, A. SL, Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Alien may be applied to at the residence of his father. Professor Allen. No. 81S South SEVENTEENTH Street. rf.im Academy of the protestant EPISOOrAI, dHUßfclt, LOCUST and JUNIPER Streets. The Autumnal Bossion opened on MONDAY, Septem ber sth. Applications for Admission may be made to the Trim oipal, at the Academy, daily (except on Saturday! be tween 10 and 12 o’clock A. M, JAMES W. ROBINS. A. M., sl-thsmlm Principal. TADUOATIONAL—Miss ELLA WATSON «*-A 235 North TWELFTH Street, will' recommence giving Instructions on the PIANO, at her own residence or those of her Pupils, after September Ist. 1659. ■ au23-thg&m-gm» MISS M. W. HOWES WILL REOPEN JLTJ. her School for Young Ladies, nt ISM CHESTNUT street. MONDAY, September 18. nu2B-dtflol7-gtuthtw» MR* WINTHROP TAPPAN’S BOARD LTA ING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LA DIKS,I72r VINE Street. Hear Lognti Square, Will open on WEDNESDAY, SeptemberJltll. RePbHsScb*.—Pres. Allen. Girard College s Hon. Joel Jones, Rev. J. A. Vaughan, D. I>., Rey. A., il. Vinton, D. D., Joseph 6. Mitchell, Esq., Philadelphia. Prof. J. A. Alexander, D. D., Princeton, N. J, Prof. R. J). Hitchcock.D. D., New York city. Hon. R. C. Winthrop, Boston. • aulMnati^pw* The hemans institute— rcv. jas. J. HELM will open, September 12, his School for the higher education or a limited number of Young La dies. Persons to whom he is not personally known are referred to Prof. C. D. Cleveland, Prof. Charles Short, Rev. Drs. Morton, Stevens, Wilmer, Howe, Furness, and others. RESIDENCE, 1315 WALNUT Street; SCHOOL. 1313 CHESTNUT Street. rf-tet. 3/00 00 SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYB.N. E. cor. EIGHTH ano BUTTONWOOD Streets.—Resumos duties MON DAY, September 6th. Number limited; all pupils un der the immediate care of the Principal; the govern ment is that of purely “ moral suasionreports sent to parents weekly; the Moral, Intellectual, and Physioa Education of Boys will be carefully And conscientiously attended to. Catalogues gratuitously at the Academy, or 459 North Eighth street. au2s-3w F. PONLKAVV LONG, Principal. PENN INSTITUTE.—The Session will commence on MONDAY, the oth of September. The object of this Institution is to prepare pupils for College or business. In accomplishing this obieot, ra pidity, and especially thoroughness,are desirable; and to bp thorough requires not only that the general diffi culties must he met, but those of each individual. The method adopted for giving mstruotipn. is to be come a co-laborer with the pupil, efforts being mode to have him lend, and reserving for the teacher to point out errors, remove doubts, or suggest the manner of pro ceeding. For exemplifying tho principles of the various branch es of Natural Science, apparatus is fully provided, and for practical operations fn Surveying, a first-class tran sit of Philadelphia manufacture is furnished. Besides pursuing the various Studies with Text books, Lectures are delivered in regular order on Natural Phi losophy, Chemistry, Geology, Mythology, etc. The Rooms occupied are thpse on the second, third, and fourth stories of the building at the 8. H. corner of THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, entrnnoo on Filbert street; they are targe ai)d freely ventilated,am afford ample space for Recitation, Lecture, and Play Rooms.-They are now open from. 9 o’clock A. M. to o’clock F, M., where farther information may be ob tained. au23-tf R. STEWART, Principal. PRICE-STREET ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. mt OEOHGH R. BARKER , PRINCIPAL, The Fall Term of this Institution commences Septem ber 6th, 1869, Tho course of instruction comprises all tffe branches of a thorough English Education, together with the Laltn, Greek, and French Languages. su£Mf 803,804 70 The misses swing will open a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES AND CHIL DREN, on MONDAY, September oth, at 937 SPRUCE Street, whore Circulars may be obtained. Rbvjskbncbs, Rev. Albert Barnes, Rev. W. AY. Spear. D. 1)., Prof. C. D. Cleveland. au!7-6w* The classical and English 80H00L of H. D. GREGORY. A. M.. No. 1108 MARKET Streot, will reopen on THURSDAY, Sep tember Ist. nu2s-lm* rpilE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEE BE’B Boarding and Day Bchool for You nr ladies, 1705 WALNUT Street, reopens WEDNESDAY, Sep ember 7th. au2-3m FfUIE SUBSCRIBER AVILL REOPEN lIIS A Bohool, at WO LOCUST Street. September 0. ftu37-4ff* B. KENDALL. RITTENIIOUSE ACADEMY—N- E. cor ner of chestnut and EIGHTEENTH Streete, entrance on Eiefitoentfi street. The next Seeeton will commence SEPTEMBER FIFTH. 18SJ. rt-lm A LLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, -t*- FRANKFORD. PENNSYLVANIA, aix nulea from Market street. Philadelphia. .The course of Instruction in this School is comprehen sive and thorough. Parents and Guardians who intend to plaoe their daughters or wards at tine Institution will do well to make immediate application to . Mbs. E.L. THOMPBON, sS-tf , Principal and Superintendent. Bryant & national MERCANTILE CQL7.EGEB, looated at rhila delphia, 8. E. comer SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chioago. For in formation. call nr send for Catalogue. f*9.tf PBNTRAL INSTITUTE, N.W. CORNER V/ ofTENTHand SPRING GARDEN Streets, will be reopened MONDAY, September fi Boysprepared for any DIVISION m the PUBLIC GRAMMARSCIHOOLS, for BUSINESS, or for COLLEGE. au22-fiw* 11. G. McGUIRE, A. M., Prinolpal, /CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, VJ .DEAN STREET,beIow LOCUST. The duties of the Classical Institute will bo resumed on Monday, Septomt>erfith. au27-lm J. W. FAIIIES. A. M„ Prinoipal. THE GERMANTOWN ACADEMY WILL reopen on MONDAY. September fith. 1889. The Principal will reoeive a limited number of Boys into his family. J. H. WITBINGTON. A. M., aul/-6w* Principal. XTiRIENDS 7 ACADEMY FOR BOYS, East of 41 North ELEVENTH Street, will reopen the 29th met. All denominations admitted. $l2 per Term of 22 week*. au27-lm* WM. WHITALL. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA. GERMANTOWN. AND NORRIBTOWN RAIL ROAD COMPANYf NINTH and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia,Sept. 16th, 1859. - , The Board of Managers at their Meetin* on tlae Bth inst. declared a Dividend of FIVE PERCENT, on the Capital Stock for the nix montlis ending tho 31st in»t., whioh will he paid to Stockholders, on and after MON DAY, the 3d of October next. Transferwill not t>o made for ten days after the 21! instant. W, H. "WILSON, sl7-stutht3oc Treasurer. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Good year’s Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Braids. Webs, and, all other fabrics and articles mode by combining fibrous substance* with thread* or sheets of vuloanixed rublxir, are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by By authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the nitedßtateg. Merchants and dealer* are invited to ex amine specimens now in storo, nnd to give their orders for the Spring Trad* to tho undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWNER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these gmMls, whioh embrace all the st* leg heretofore manufactured or im ported, and many others. . _ ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and SELL —and tho Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 23 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. n*4-ly HORACE H. DAY. TVOTlCE.—Persons having business with the FLOUR INBPECTOR will call at No, 14 VINE Htreet, between the hours of 9 o’clock and S P. M., where they will find the Inspector or his Deputy, F. M. HIEBTKR, G. M, LAUMAN, Jel7 Flour Inspector. The cheapest brush house in PHILADELPHIA.—Look at the following list of prices for Handsorubs, and oompsre them with those bohfbt elsewhere; No. l, 83knots, ttH per dozer, No. 2,62 knots. 78 “ No. 8, 66 knots, 87 » No. 4, 80 knots. 100 “ No. 6, 83 knots, 112 “ No, 6,100 knots, 128 " No. 7, IQi knots, 280 “ No. B,UO knot*. 175 ** ’ HENRY O. KCKB‘/'EIN. 62 North THIRD Street, twlqw^Vroh, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 185§. NOTICES. BRUSHES. SAVING FUNDS, OPRING, GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CUARTEREI)' 1 BY t ||jia.|ojSLAT&iE OFI'KNN- Deposits received in sums of One Dollar and upwards, Rom SI $"3- A responsible andjraliAblo Savinge Institution has long beett ttMtlda lh the Northern part of the oity, and ” The Sprittg Gamdh Bftvitirt Fuhd Bpoiety ” Was ohartered by the LlgitlatllfO of Pedhaylvama to supply this necessity. The Manager*, in drgaMlsing and locating it, hava been governeAwhol y.uy adoaire to scoommouate the busj ieas imerCltana wdhte of the Very Jdtge and enterpn ,,ng ».h. jygog^jd. From 9to 2>i o’clock: also, on Monday and Thursday from 6 untilS o clook in the evening. MAMAOBBS. < Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy, Hon. IL K. Strong, Daniel Underkdffer, Fredenok Staoke, Franois Hart, Joseph P. LeClero, John Kessler, Jr., George Kneoht, & B rt,W.li. fe¥»iuw«d. Fbancis Hakt,Secretary. iaSO-tru CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN- Samira Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylva nia. Monoy is received in any sum, large or email, and in temt jaid from the day of depoait to the day of with- The office ie open every day from 9 o’oioek in the morning till 5 o’olook in the evening, and on Monday and Thuraday evenings till 8 o’clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. w ROBERT BKLFRIDGE, Vice President, WILLIAM J. Rbbd, Boorelary. i DQIBCTOBS Hon.HenryL. Bonner, F.Carrotlßrewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph £• Barr, Roberffielfndge, Francis lies, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Ycrkes, C. Laudreth Munns, Henry Piffenderfer, Money is reoeived and paymepts made daily. Tho investments are made, in oonformity with the provisions of the Charter, in .Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and suoii first-class securities as will al ways insure perfect security to the depositors, and whlohoannot foil to give permanenoy and stability to this Institution. aul-ly CAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, oorner THIRD and CHEST NUT Btieeta. Large snU Small sums received, add paid back on de mand without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. - Office hours. from 9 until 6 o’clock every day, and on MONDAY HVEmiiQB from 7 until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for nolo on England, Ireland, and Sootlnnd, from £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK, Actuary “ A little, but often, fills the Purse.” ORANKLIN SAVING FUND— No. 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posits on demand. Depositors’ motley seoured by Government State, and City Loans, Ground Refits, Mortgages, 'hril Cdtbfcatty dfeehvs jSifotV better thad large profits, fionseqijentJy.v(ill, fufirio riskwith.deposi tora’ money, but have it at all times ready to re turn with 6 per oent. interest to the owner, as iiey have always done. This Company never females', married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and such deposits oan be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to reoeive mo ney from trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL BUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 3 o’clook, and on Wednesday ana Saturday evenings until 8 o’olk. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus CadwaUader, John Bhindler, George Russell, Mafaolu W.Sloan, EdwardT.Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley. Jos, R.Satherthwaite, Ephraith fil&bohkrd, Joseph W. Lipnincott. JACOB B..SHANNON, President, STBtfs CxnwALLADßhiTreafeUrSr, _ 18-y “ A Dollar saved is twioe earned.” BKEAD MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. Comer ifi * BROAD and VINE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. This establishment is now in successful operation, day and night, and all are rejiMCtfpJlj.invited tqqaU and see the whole.prOcefs. bf breatwhnkmg.for. themselves. The undersigned takes the liberty of Baying that for thirty-live years he has been a practical Baker—fivo as apprentice, and five as Journeyman in one of the first houses in Scotland, and twenty-five as master—during which, time he has had the opportunity of making many experiments, and observing all the improvements which have been made during that period. ■ In this establishment, of which he has now the man agement. m addition to the complete labor-saving ma chinery, he has how facilities of many kinds not hereto fore possessed. Being unrestrained in the purchase of floor, none but the soundest and best shall ever lie used: and he has no hesitation in saying that Bread of all kinds can be de livered, unsurpassed in quality and weight by that mode by the ordinary process. Families in which the Bread made by. the Mechanical Bakery has not been tried, or m which it has been tried only at its commencement, before the machinery was in perfect working order, ate respectfully asked to give it atrial now, the undersigned belieinug it would lead to mutual advantage. JOHN G. MOXEY, myit-tf Superintendent, pUBE AND CHEAP BP BAD, MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, OAR BK OBTAINED AT TUB POLLOWINO PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W. corner of Broad and J.QHAVENSTINE sY'^.’corner „ .. .... and Wallace streets. C. M. CLARK.—— ——-..Poplar street, below H. MaßElL.— —B. corner Sixth and „ , .Coatesstreet. MRS. 8. BECK—— »..Nn. 406 Callowhill 8. PANCOAST— ~..N0, 910* Spring Garden street. JOHN G. MOXEY— No. 1223 Vine street. T. P. BMITH..— ..No, 1)8 North Filth street, T. C. HORNER—— 8. E. corner Fifth and W. W. MATHEWS.— —.B, Eleventh sad « ... streets.. D. KNIGHT.— —Broad street, below Wal- GEORGE GARVIN..... .No. I*l9 Lombard street. D. COURTNEY.——..N. W. corner Sixteenth .and I’inestreets. 8. R, MASON...— .. .Fourth end Germantown Road. 8. R« WANAMAKER——.FederaI street, above Z. LENTZ———.Corner South Fourth and , „„„ . streets. L. HOLLAND.— .8. W.oo me r Sixteenth and Oxden streets. DAVID SADDLER— -No?**) North Eleventh street. J.WEIGHTMAN— 8. E. corner Eleventh and Jefferson streets. S. 8. TOMKINS.— No. IWO N orth Front H. BROOKS.———B. W, corner of Seventh JANE MYERS, —.....ConteiTs tree lo w Thir „„ leenth street. F. M. W00D,—..8. W.eow'* rFraaklinand _ Coates .eels. F< MORRIS..—.—.N. W. corner Tenth and E. B. TURNER.——— .No!" ills 's’ou't'h Front street. J. BHUSTKR.. ——B, W. corner Broad and Parrish streets. THOS. T. BLEST—.Corner Nineteenth street _ . . . and Ridgo avenue. B. 8. DOWN.— N. E. corner Ninth and . _ Federal streets. J. MoINTI RK.... .Twenty-second street,ab. Coates. E. W. HUNTER.™ —Coates street, above 8e- ALEX. FULLERTON,— Corner of Fifth and Chris* J. L. HICKS N. J., store 1)9 Arch street. 0. H. RAINIER....——West Philadelphia, Mth at, _ _ . ab. Haverford road. R. L, 1 AItNELL.~*..-...-.-Louni, Penna, JOHN BARNDT....— and Pine Grove, Penna. M. B. BOX. Rending, Penna. GEO. 11. TOWNSEND. .WestChester,Teima GEO. L. BECKER Atlantic City, N. J, JAMES GARLAND Cape May, N. J. D. HORTON .Florence, N.J. JOHN BODD Je2-tf _____ Wilmington. Del. CABINET WARE. HOGUET & HUTTON. manufacturers of DESKS AND CABINET FURNITURE, „„ N 0.259 SOUTH THIRD STREET. OlRce, Bank, and School Furniture, Extension Tables, -bookcases, Wardrobes, oto s9>3m fUBINET FURNITURE and BILLIARD '-z TAUI.ES. MOORE & CAMPION. ' No. 261 80UTK SECOND STREET, m connection with thoir extensive Cabinet Busintfsi, are now manufaoturmß a superior article of billiard tables. 7u«noVt„ ,, a r il3?;. d 111 I » l '»>>»v.a.ea lliomlol* ’AIl 1 ? .“J" 1 fmi *h «r thew Table, themanu f is V holr ,I.u.nortm* natrnri.throudieutthe Union, who are familiar with the oharaoter of their jy26-6m IVEW PLANING MACHINE, Embracing foodra„rß«x p itii°ir’ wii " - woru xf B¥r .? nnoip J e ° r seeding. Great Saving of Power. .Maohmes of vamma sizes, 24 to 30 inches wide, for sing o or double surfaceing, with or without matching heads, for salo at No. 23 North SIXTH Street, Plula. Call and examine. *IA-tlmtii2m GEO. W. COLBY &• CO. WE HAVE DETERMINED TO ADD t. inu J l '!’, 111 *Y <; nml Retaiuno of TAPER lIANG|NG3 to our liuaines,. anil solicit from all who are oomroua of decaratmx theiwiioiises an ex arniimtion of oor atook, .elected from the best factors, foreign and domestic, and at the right prices. Paper hanging in any part or tho city * Smie, by „ .... . lonostrkTh k mb\! to, 11 ' lm _ IH Nortli Tllinn Street. NIT JACKETS, tho Cheapest in the A.X. oily, nt the Manufactory, from Slo per doaen up, a superior, nrtioie of Ribbed Herhn and Lined Jackets! Al«, Hosiery, ShirU, Drawer,, Comforts, ft o . _lM2t* No. H rETTF^R^ne.‘MdrdyaWe°Amh. STRAIN MILLS —GRAIN MILLS —For y* the Farm ami flantatlon. ThelRON-BURR MILL has no oqual for Grinding Fine Meal, Feed, Coffee, Spi ces, etc., by hand or power. Prioo 58, ®25, and 845. Now in operaton at 126 South SECOND Btreet. Auots wanted in every county nnd State, by »MW-*ss K PAnrfELA- CO. pEAC'II BOTTOM ROOFING SLATE— -■• Of first uuality and aIJ a/zea, connfantlr on hand* and lorsale by DANIEL WILLIAMS A SONS, rpi . H-. W.onrner of SIXTH ami COATES Sts. Theal«ve Slate is equal in quality to tho host Welsh * latn - «u23.|ntns-lm T NICHOLSON, t.xr.Txrxw Msnufachiror of SHIRTS, LINKN nnd MARSEILLPS . , . BOSOMS nnd CQl 4 LAllfi.' , ' KS A large nnd choice nssortincnt. nnd well made, a!- W? °n hand, unto wlurh I particularly invite the at tention ol oashnml promut-iiaying riiort-timk burer*. 8. h. onrner orBKCOND ami ARCU Streets, Fnu.Mim.puu. rlO-W I. O , XES AMERICAN AND J. WINUOW GI.AHR—The most approved brands, and of every size and oiiahty resulted ,)6nlera ' SKCOfjli DEFINED SUGAR.—SOO burrols various r . W’ 68, lw bblB WSl'aib sifted and powden for ad. by JAMES UKAHAM A CO., I " iaf> I.FTITt* Slr.it, I\BW Nos. 1 & 2 MACKEREL—A small Kensington^andYoraUe’by ’ aseo ' lan(bn * Oomßteamer VfM. J. TAYLOR kOQu _1 211,1 JM SililTH WHAKVf S. (VYACKEREL AND' ALEWIVES. —9O bb!s. and 80 half bbls new No. 81 2QO Lbla and 180 f .dei., naw la,ee ko ' s HHMWfcfe _|»to JW NOUTIf WH/ItVFft HERRING. —275 bbla pickled Herring, also, 328 boxes fimoked Hornng. for sale bv a 0. C. SADLER /c CO., ftld ARCH Street, eeuyud door.&bove Frost* RAILROAD LINES. tttmtmmnm Philadelphia.and ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE— OUICKEbT ROUTE tn Elmir*. Wilkefbarre. Buffalo, Chicago, Rock /eland, Niagara Falls, Milwaukee. Bur lington, Montreal, St. Paul’s, Detroit, Dunhetli, and St. Louis. , Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Read in* Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) an follows ? , MO A. M..DAY EXPRESS. For Elmira.Nmgara talk. Buffalo. Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,.Rtiok Island, Galtina.St. ralll’A, BUrhhgton, and S . p M _ NIQHT expbksS. For Elmira. Niagara Falls, Buffalo. Detroit, Chicago, Ml dS U i e? ui?° ck Islarlil » Galotta.St. Paul’s, Burlington, , The 7 alj' A, n M. and SJ& P. ]tf. trains run through to HARRIBBURG, stopping at all Stations ou the Lebanon Valley Branoh. The 7 JO A. M. train conneots at Rupert for Wilkea barre, Pittston. ficrnnton. and all stations on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. _ Baggage oheokod to Elnnra, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. Tickets can be orooured at the Philadelphia and B ° r KXBRBSS FRliloilT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad streot, below Vine, daily, (Sun day excepted, »for all points West and North, at 8 P. M. Freights must be delivered before 3 P. M. to insure going the samp day. . For furtlior information, apply at Fffbdd ifnOAD, below Vine, Or to CIIAS. SmTAPPKN, General Agent, N. co/ner SIXTH arid CIfESTNUT fflreeli. 001-tf Pniladelphia, ..OUANGE OP HOURS : MlNtmiN, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. Onanilaftor MONDAY, Septemlxjrflth, 1859, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon,(Express,) and 11.10 p. M. For Chester at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon, 4 and 11.10 P. M. For Wilmington at B.lfi A. M.« 12,4. and 11.10 1. hi. For New Oastln at 8.15 A, M., ami 4 P. M. For Middletown at 8.16 A. M., ami 4 I*. M, For Dover at 8.15 A, M., and s P, M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. M. For Milford at 4 I’. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltiinoto atSJO A. M«, (Express,)9,4o A. M,, and 5.25 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.55 A. M. and 9.20 A. M., 1.10 and 8 jeavo New Castle at 8.45 A. M., and BP. M, «eavo Middletown at 7.50 A. M. and d. 60 P. M, leave Dover at 0.50 A. M., and 6.40 P. M. KSasMSlSUftil: , leave Chester at 7.44,9.60 A. M., 1.45 ami 9.15 P. ftl. .jeavo Baltimore lor Soafurd aud Delaware Railroad at 6.30 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester ar 8.45 A.M., 12.23 and 11.40 P, M. Lenvo Wilmington at 9,20 A. M., 13.65 P. M., and 12.20 A. M. SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore, Only at 5.25 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIGHT TRAIN, with PAB3KNGKR CAR attached, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perry ville and intermediate places at 5.45 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryvillo and intermediate places at 7.25 P. M. Leave Havro-de-Graoe for Baltimore and intermediate places at 6.40 A. M. Leave Baltimore forHavre-de-Graoe and intermediate places at 6.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 6.46 f. M. Jyl 8, M, FNiTON, President. fSiattaagasm PHILADELPHIA, aftß. TowtmffifioA 6" Summer AKRANuii.MKNTa- On and alter further notice. Leave Philadelphia IW, 8, BX, min.. R), 11, 13, A. AL, 1,2,3, 3 X. 4,5, 6h», 6,7, 8,5) 10, and Ilk P. Rl. Leave Germantown 6,7,7 k, B,Bk, 9,10,11, A. AL. 12>*. 1,2,3,4,6,-6,6k,7JL8,9,10k’r. M. 4 , „ ,ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. AL, 2, 9,8, 7*, and 10H Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. AL, 1.10 min., 4'. 6k, and 9A£ P. M. , CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8,8%, 11 A. M„ 3,3*, 4,6 k,«, 9, . Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11A5 A. M., 1140,3.40,5.40,7.10, P. M. , ON BUNDAYB, Leave Philadelphia 9.00 mm. A. M„ 2.5. and TH. T. M. IjflaVe Chestnut Hill 7.60 A. AL, u.OO, 6.10, and 8.65 ‘ FOR t O°NSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Ldfiye Philadelphia 6,8,05 nnn.» 10.05. mitt., ilk X. M., L«miri. t 3.(f01niri.,4H,614,©L lW PJI., Lhave Norristowrt 6,7,9, IT A. Al., 1, 3>f, 4k, 6, 7)4, Leave Philadelphia!* 4 P. M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M.. 1 and 6 p. M. , FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 nun., 8.05 min., 9K, 1005 M.,1.05min.,2.05m i n., 3.05 min., 4k» t%, Leave ManavunkCk, 7k, 8«,9k, 10k. lltf A. M.,lk, 3.05 min., 4, 6, 6 k, 8,9.05 mm. P.AL. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia? A. M.,3. 4 P. M. Leave MaffAyunk 7k A. AL, lk, 6k, V,i P. M. „ H» K. BMTTH. General Superintendent, my 7 DEPOT, NIhTH and GREEN Streets. TIIE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. 1859. 1859. THE CAPACITY EQUAL TO THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINB BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New A ork, and all points East, and at the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Cin cinnati. Bt. Louis. Cleveland, Chicago, Burlington, St, Paul’s, Indianapolis, Louisville, New Orleans, and all intermediate points in Ohio. Indiana, Illinois. Kentuc ky. Michigan, Wisconsin,Minnesota,Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and com fort by any other rffut?. Express arid Fast LiHeft run through to Piltebtirg, without change or Cars dr Conductors. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train; WobdrufTs days excepted. . Mail Tram leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. Fast Line, “ •• 11.50 A.M. Express Tram leaves “ iokO P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE A 8 FOLLOWS; Parkesburg Accommodation at 11 A. M. Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia,2.oo P.M. Columbia “ 4.3 Q P. RI. Passengers for West Chester will take the Mail, Parkesburg, and Lancaster Trains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station. , Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo. Niagara Falls, aud intermediate points, leaving Phila delphia at 7.16 A. M..and 2 P. M., go directly through. Tickets Westward may bo obtained at the office of the Company tn Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West; also on Itoarff any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio Rivers. S3u Fare always ns low os any other Route. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chioago, mnke this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT NORTHWEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, fvoidmg iwi drarage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling Public. FREIGHTB WESTWARD. By this Route freights of nil descriptions can be for warded from rinladolphia. New York, Boston, or Balti more, to any pmut on the Railroads or Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or .Missouri, by Rail road direct. , The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any Sort on the Ohio, Muskingum. Kentucky. Tennessee, umberland, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Misouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Red Rivors; and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago, with Steamers to all ports on the Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of thoir Freight to tins Company, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to any point in the West by tho Pennsylvania Railroad are at All times as favora ble as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Itt. Be particular to mark packages 44 via Penna. Rail row7 Merchants in the Wcstordoring goods'from the East, will do well to direct them to lie shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of tho following Agents of the Com pany: D. A. BTEWART, Piltsburg: Doyle fc Co., Steubenville,().; H.B. Pierce Sc Co., Ennes vilfe, O.; J. J, Johnston, Ripley. O.; Jt. McNceh .Mays ville, Ky.; Onnaby Sc Cropper, i'oriimjouth, O.; l’addook k C»».* Jeflersonvillo, Indiana; IJ. W. Brown k Co., Cincinnati. 0.5 Athern k Hibbcrt, Cincinnati, O.j R. C. Meldrum, Madison, 1ml.; William Binglmm, Louisville, Ky.; P. G. O’Riley k Com Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Gra ham k Co., Cairo, lll.iH. F. Bass, St. I/nuis, Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris k Hunt. Memphis, Tcnn.; Clarke A Co., Chicago. IJ1.; W, IJ. H. Koonts, Alton, III.; Murphy A Walle, Dubuq,uo. III.: or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. Parties attending to their own shipments from the East, will find it to their interest to call on the Agentsof the Company nt the following places before shipping: or letters addressed to either of them on the subject of freights, will meet with prompt Attention: K. J. BNKKDKR. Philadelphia. MAGKAW A KOONS, 80 North street. Baltimore. LEECH A CO., 2 Astor House, or 1 H. William st.fN.Y. LEECH A CO., 64 Kilby atroet, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gon’l Freight Agent, Dnla. L. L. HOUPT. Gon'l Tioket Agent, Phila. . THOS. A. BCOTT, Gen’Jßup’t, Altoona. Pa, US.t« 1859. mmmm® 1859 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT—NEW *ORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO’S LINES. EROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW Y&RK AND WAY-PLACES, KHOM WALNUT-STHBKT WHARF, Will leavo »b follow*, viz; parks. At 8 A. M«, vm Camden and Ainbojr, Cam. le, Am. Accommodation .. $2 2S At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersoy Ciiy»(Now Jersey lAccommodatiou 2 25 AtOA.AI., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 00 At U A. M., by Bteamhoat, via Tacony and Jersey City, Morning Kxdscbb 3 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. A A. Ex press - 3 00 Ai3HP, M.tby Steaml>oat, via Tacony and Jer sey City, Evening Express 3 00 At 3)» P.AI.. by Steamboat, via Tacony anti Jer soy City, 2d Class Ticket 2 25 A 6}’. M., via Camden and Jersey City Evening Mail 3 00 AMI V. M., via Cftmdeu and Jorsey City, Night Mail 2 20 At 2?i P. M,viaCamdenand Amboy.Accomodation, (Freight and Pasuonger—lst Class Ticket. 225 2d Class Ticket. 1 50 At 5 P. M., via Camdenand Amboy, Accommodation. (Freight and Passenger}—lst Clans Tioket 225 2d Class Ticket ....... 175 TheO P. M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Night Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Bolvidere, Easton, Fleumigton, *o.,at 6 A. M. and 3>6 P. M. For Water Cap, Stroudsburg, Scranton. Wilkesbarre, Montroso, Great Bond, Ao.,at 0 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. AI. For Mount Holly, at 6 and 9 A. M,, and and 0 ' WAY LINKS For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 3>£and4>£ I\ M., from Walnut-street wharf, For Palmyra, Delation, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, Ao., nt 1 and 2'* P. M. Steamboat John Ncilson, for Tacony at 11 A.M.,and for Bordentown and intermediate places at3J» I'. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Tacony at B>g A. M.,and for Bristol, Burlington, and intermediate plaqes, at 13 M. and 4>« P. M. Fifty pounds ofbaggage only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage hut their wearing apparel. All baggage over fitty pounds lotto paid for extra. The company hnut their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not bo liable for any amount beyond $lOO, exoept by special contract. June 1. WM. 11. GATZMER. Agent. mmsem FOR THE SEA-SHORE. On and after Soptombor Ist, and until further nnttce, trains for Atlantic Citv leave VINE-Street Wharf daily,(Sundays excepted.) Man Tram —. 7.30 A. M. Express “ 4 P. M. Stopping at all Stations, eoing, and returning, I.KAVKS ATLANTIC CITY. Express Train,- -.—. .8 A. M. Mail, “ 4 P.M. Fare to Atlantic. $1 80. Honed Trip Pickets, good for Two Days. $2 60. . , Freight must l>o delivered at Cooper's Point by 1 P. M. The Company will not be responsible for any goodsun til received and reoeipteil for by their Freight Agent at JOHN fl. BRYANT, Agant. IS! m NOTICE TO SHIPPERS eaSIIHISSiSiS OF I.OOAI. FREIGHT. The FKNNBYLYANIA RAILROAD COMPANY ar. now prepared toroceivennd fnrwnrd freight tothefol lowing points on the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL ROAD: ... Lock Haven, Lewtsburg, , , Wayne, Northumberland, Jersey Shore, Hunbury, . Linden, Treverton Intersection, Newbury, Georgetown, Williamsport, Alillnrstowii, Munoy, llalitax, Watsontown, York, Milton, Hwwer Junction, ALSO, Gettysburg, and alhntormedlftle points on HANOVER RAILROA 0. All goods gent to Freight tcation, THIRTEENTH and AfAKKHT Streets, will ba promptly f irwarded. V. I, «NRI?|)K if. Freight Agent. ROAD, MORNING LINE, for POTTSVILLE, READ ING and HARRISBURG. Leaves the Depot, at corner of BHOAD and VINE Streets, at 7.30 A. M.. UAlLY.tSundays excepted.) for POTTSVILLK, HARRISBURG, and all intermediate pointß, connecting nt Harrisburg with trams running to iMLlmrg, Ac. LosveatS.MlV M./IIAILV, tor IWTBVIM.K and harrisruSg. At 4.46 P. M., DAILY, (Snndaysexoepted.)for READ ING, and intermediate pointß. „ apis W. IT. MrILHF.NNY, Secretary. 81-OAHU SODA,—IOO kegs for sale by WKTHERILL & BROTHER, No«. <7 Md 49 N, SROONBBUeeL Jti :j railroad lines. tiSlMbsssfHKl NORTH pennsyl- VANIA RAILROAD. Afe«ii3Ste® WILKESBARHE. Ao. _ On and after MONDAY, Mur lath. MW, PMienrtr Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW streets, i iil ladelphja, DAILY, (Sundays excepted:) , tor Bethlehem. Allentown* Mauch Chunk,Wilke*- barre, Haselton, Ac., (Express,)at 9.50 A. W. . For Bethlehem, (EnpreM.Jat 4 P. M. , For DOyleflttJwn, {Accommodation,) at 8.15 A. M. and For tort Washington, (Aoootnmcfdation.lM 3.16 P, M. and6.au P. Rl. T TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bethlehem, (Express,) at 8 A. M. and 4.10 P. M. Leave Uoylestown, (Accommodation,) at 6AO A. M. and 4 P. M. Leave Fort Washington, (Aooommodation,) at 6AO A. M. and 3.46 P, M. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia, for Dovlestown, at 9 A. M, and 3 P. M* Doj lestown. for rhilada.* at GAO A. M. and 6.46 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, 91 AO; to Maaeh Chunk, S7JSO 5 to Easton,9l.6o; toDoyle*town,Bocents; to Wilkosbarre, $4.60. Alt Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains,) con nect at Berks street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. Passengers for WilkesUarre take 9AO A. M. Tram, and arrive in Wilkesuarre at 7 P. M. mvlfl ELLIS CLARK, Agent. west cues- KSi 1 * AND PHILADELPHIA , _ chaNue op hours. On and after Sent. 4th, 1359, the trains will leavs PM- Indnlithm, from the Station, N. E. corner of EIGH TEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.16 and 9JO A. M., ami at 2JO and 6.46 P. M. Leave West Chester, from the Btation, on EAST MARKET Street,at 6.45aud 9.30, A.M.,and 2 and 6.16 P. M. UN SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8 A.M., and 3 I’.M. Leave Westchester at7JO A.M.,and6P. M. M HENRY WOOD, rny3B-tf General Superintendent. fmfflfMffigl NOTICE.—CHESTER RAILROAD—PA- B RTRAINB FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN- Ik STATIONS.—On and after Ist January, 1R59, the P&tsemser Train* for DOWNINGTOWN, will start from the Passenger Depot of the Philadelphia and Railroad. Company, corner of BROaD and VINE Streets. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 7.20 A. M. TRAIN for DoHnifigtown, leave* at DAILY (Sufutos except&d.j d3O W. /l. McILtJKNNY. Secretary. SUMMER RESORTS. HfURftAY HOUSE, , NEWARK, OHIO, . Is the largest and bert arranged Hotel m central Ohio, is centrally located and is easy of hefcCM iiyim all the routes of travel. It contains all the modern imt>rirve inents.and every convenience for the comfort and ac commodation of the travelling public. TheSlecpim Rooms Are largo and well ventilated. The Suites o: Rooms are well arranged and carefully furnished for familiesHnd larse travelling parties; and the House wil, be kept as a first-class Hotel in every respect. H. A. MURRAY 8c BRO., a024-3m * Proprietors. gEA BATHING _ CONGRESS HALL is now OF BOARDERS, attd the Subscriber will f* happy to ug his friends who may favor him with their patronage (Ving the season. je2s-3m THOS. C. GARRETT. TIANOS. A SEVEN-OCTAVE $4OO BOSE n f riMvoon piano for less than 8<?oo, payable in ensv sunisoi 83 per month.—The PHILA DELPHIA MUSICAL SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIE TY, chartered by tho State of Pennsylvania, April 3d, 1869, will hold their first Public Meeting for the disposal of Stock, in the Third Series, at their Office, No. 1031 CHESTNUT Street, on TUEBDAY, September 20th. 1863. AtIH o’clock, P. M. This is the only charter ed association of the kind in existence, and gives great inducements to those who may desire to become the owners of a first-class Beven-octave Rosewood PIANO, made by the celelifutedmanufacturers. SCIIOMACKER A CO. POrsotin Wishing to avail themselves of tins op portunity should make early application, as the number of tnefuliers will be limited. Several of the Society’s splendid instruments Will be performed upon. Let a! who love good Piano music, and desire to possess an in strument of their own, attend this meeting, N. If.—The Books are flow open to receive the Sub scriptions to the Third Hrries. For further particulars, call upon the Secretary, Where circutain can be obtain ed. WM. A. ROLlrr, President. 11. W. GRAY, Secretary. 1021 Chestnut street. siT-n CIHCRERING & SONS, mm* __ MANPfACTUHKM OP WAREROOMS 807 CHEBTNUT STREET. Constant,! m store a Jarre stock of our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQ UALLED INSTRUMENTS. We have been awarded, at thediflerent Exhibitions in this country jaGcffi) AND SILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALB. PIANOS TO RENT. Jn*-lr fgggw} RAVEN, BACON, & Co.’s, fjTn* Nunns & Clark's, Hallett, Davis, A Co.'s, and A, H. Gale & Co.’s superior PIANOS, Also. Ala son A Hamlin's unrivalled MELODEONB and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Churches and Leoture Rooms. 8y Pianos and Melodeons to Rent. J. E. GOULD. myl4-lr SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. |fflgrag?i A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN rTTTT* pianos. , RCHOMACKER A CO., lt>2l CHESTNUT Street, invite the mnsio lovtng pubho to call And examine (heir rfetk aiid suc cessful improvement— _ THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of tiie Grand Piano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding aUthe objections generally made fo the style of Grand Piano, also diminishing the cost of the same. In volume, purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, and evenness of touch, with exquisite deli cacy nml sweetness, these _ SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIFULLY-FINISHED IN STRUMENTS are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums, ana are pronounced by critics to be far su perior to any instruments over manufactured in this country. Constantly on hand, a large and elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. Wo have )>cen awafded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding the Prixe Medal from tho Crystal Palaoo Exhi bition. New Y0rk.1863. sel-tf MEDICINAL, A NOTHER PROOF OF TIIE WONDER FUL EFFECTS OF TROXELVB NEURALGIA SALVE. „ .... » Pbila., July 7th, IS6B. Mr. E. W. Thoxxll—Dear Bir:—l have been troubled with the “NEURALGIA” for thp last 14 years, and have suffered the moet excruciating pain, compelling meat times to give up my business entirely. I could no] eat, and sleep waa a stranger to my eyes. I suflered more than tongues can tell. I hAd the advioe and aid of various physioians, and used other remedies, but all of no avail. Having notioed your advertisement in the papers. I concluded to call on a person whom I had learned was cured of a case of 30 years standing. He applied the “SALVE” but once, and I felt immediate relief—ft second application removed the pain entirely, and I now feel like a different man. Bmoe then I have slept well—something that I have not done for months, being obliged to sit uj> all night in a chair. My appetite has returned, and 1 feel grateful to you for the restore* tion o mr h '"^|}’ ARLEg J| BAKER, Tobacoomit, CARROL Street, above WOOD, Kensington, For sale.wholesale «nd retail, at 8. W. corner SIXTH and PARRISH Btreeta, and aUT. R. CALLENDER & Co.’n. N« W. oorner Third and Walnut sts. ap3o-tr Dr. westcott’s celebrated tar CORDIAL. Westcott’s Tar Cordja! cures Consumption. Weatcott’s Tar Cordial cures Bronchitis. Westcott’s Tar Cordial oures Coughs and Colds. Westcott’K Tar Cordial cures Bore Throat and Breast* Weatoott’s Tar Cordial oures Palpitation of the Heart. Westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Nervous Debility, Westcott’s Tar Cardial cures General Debility. Westcott’s Tar Cordial oures Diseases of the Kidneys, Strangury, nnd Gravel. Westoott’s Tar Cordial oures Bund and Bleeding Piles, Westoolt’s Tar Cordial cures Female Weaknesses. _ Dr. Westcott’s Tar Cordial Depot, No. 832 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. Also, Principal Depot for Dr. Westoott’a Anti-Sorofu* lous Syrup and Cholera Mixture. Dr. E. R. WEBTCOTT can ho consulted on the above diseaaes.freo of charge, at his Consulting Rooms, No. 829 ARCH Street, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. jylo-tf HOTELS WETHEKILL HOUSE, SANSOU Street west of Sixth.—This deservedly faiorite place having been purchased by the undersigned, will hereafter be conducted on the most enterprising scale. The host Game, Oysters, and Refreshments, prepared in the choicest style, and tho finest Liquors, from the most popular importing houses, always on hand. The patronage of the public is respectfully invited JOHN J. BARTRAM. ■Er’ Pm ate Rooms for Buppers, Arbitrations. Com mittees, Societies, Ac. slO-lm npiiE union; ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD. PHILADELPHIA. ' UPTON B. NEWCOMER. The situation of this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business Public; nnato those in search ol ploasure, Passenger Railroads, which now run past, and in closo proximity, aflord a cheap and pleasant nde to all places of interest in nr about the citv. ivW-Sm WINES AND LIQUORS. CARD.— MAREUIL-SUR-AY (CHAM PAGNE), JANUARY 15,1849.—1 n consequence ol the frequent invitations received by me to renew the shipments of niv Champagne Wines to the United States. 1 beg leave hereby to tnjernt iny former customers and the public in general, that I have appointed Messrs. F.C. BROUWER, ANCHER, A CO., Bole Agents in the United States, for the sale of my Champagne Wines. My Wines have been so long and favorably known in the United States, it will lie unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than to say that my new shipments will in no way be found inferior to tho former ones. BILLKGART SALMON, BILLEGART SALMON’B CHAMPAGNE WINES, both CABINET and VERZENAY. for sale and con stantly on hand, in lots to suit purchasers, hr F. C. BROUWER, ANCHER, A CO., ap27-0m 61 BEAVER Street. New Yorkv CLARET.— 100 cases Barton A Guestier’s St. Julien; 3UO do. St. Estcphe; 300 do. Washing ton Morton St, Julien ; 100 do. do. Talonce. pints; 60 do. Chateau La Roso: 60 do. do. Leoville: Scotch Ale, in stone and gloss; Younger’s, Harvey’s, Falkirk Brown Stout and London Porter, in store and for sale by auo A. MERINO, 140 Bouth FRONT Street. MACHINERY AND IRON. SAMUEL V. MERRICK. _ WILLIAM H. MBRRICK. fiOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET®, PIIIL AOEI.PIII A. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service, Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ao.; Castings of all kinds, either Ironor Brass. __ fron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, Ao. Retorts and Gns Machinery of the latest and roost im proved construction. Every description of plantation Machinery, such ns Sugar, Saw. and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Bteam 1 rains; Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines. An. Bole Agents for N. Rtllieux’s Patent Bugar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; nnd A Wolsey’s Patent Bugar Drain ing Machine. a U 5-y CHOCOLATE „ SUPERIOR QUALITY. .. , KDWARD A. HKINTZ, Manufacturer and Import or of French and Spanish „ „ CHOCOLATE. Btore 8. W. corner ARCH nnd NINTH Streets. »9-3 m f Factory 814 Fillwrt atreet.) HAMS. —100 tierces extra Sugar-cured covered Hnms.paokeH by Gardner, Phipps, A Co., Henry Lewis, Jno. Snay, Beatty A rapscntt.lleiatt A Wood, Lewis Staggs, and l)ui*'i* v . For sale by O’. C. RAPLKR A CO„ Ilf! ARCH Street, second d<mr almve Front. HAVANA "CIGARS ollercd to dealers at favorable rates, of various sixes and brands, in cluding Partagas, Cabana, Figaro, Nono, Bird, Floren- U„a, F.re FI,. ud F^^ le3-4m* 418 Mouth FRONT Street. /p*. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER 'IaBk CHANTS will find a splendid assortment of Fall Milliner), at Mrs. .M.tf. BIBIIOP’S.No. H 6 CHESTNUT HtrcPt. ati.lO-lm HAMS! HAMS! HAMS! Just received a prime lot new sugar-cured Hams, 10 cents per pound. % CHAS. BMITU, Hitt-lin* on and am MARKET Htreet 2HEGLFR & .SMITH, corner SECOND A ami GREEN, lime acquired a rrent reputation by the voae and prudent course thev have pursued since their cammenceinent in burners, by selling ft first-rate article at ft low figure. el3-tf COFFEE.— *500 bags low-priced Rio. 100 bags primejinguayra, for eale by JAMES GRAHAM k CO., ftulj LETITIA Street# SALES Mr AUCTION. BLUENESS, BRINLEY, * CO., ,_ „„ No. H 0 MARKET STREET. SALE OF FRENCH DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, DRESS SILKS. SILK FLOUNCED ROBES. Ao. „ . On Friday Morning, ofP 1 *", at 10 o’clock, on 6 months credit, & large as sortment of French goods, consisting of .. r BHAWLB, 'RL ; ««? l^, »* u l a S tUr fi of Aligns* Beydoux- Seiber, Sc Co. J,«W fine U> extra fine qualities Mack, mode, and high fringes ™ shawls, extra heavy silk and wool ALSO. . 400 new pattern printed Thibet shawls. 1,600 very rich broche-bnrdered Btella shawls, blacks, mooes, grenats, and assorted colors, on superfine double-twilled centres, just landed from steamer Ocean Oueen. ~ 606 very rich all-wool broche shawls, desirable assort ment for tho Philadelphia trade. extra superfine oftd very heavy reversible wool RICH l 'pAßis e pRI?fTED MOf/SLIN DE LAlNES eight, ten, and twelve colors. 300 pieces rich Paris printed mouabn de lames, eight, ten. and twelve colors, *ll new Patterns. GAUFFRK DE MILAN AND SAXONY PLAIDS. UK) pieces high colored gautfre de Milhn. 1W pieces high colored Saxony plaids. RICH PARIS DRESS SI LKB AhfD FLOUNCED SILK ( . ROBES. . , . 300 pices ricll lantj Bayadere stnpo cbene anu plaid dress silks. , . „ , IXO pieces very rich new sfyie flounced silk rones. ALL-WOOL PLAID LONG SHAWL& , , 900 very heavy and oewstjle Scotclf plaid all-wool long shawls. Philip ford auctioneer, No. 530 MARKET Street, and fill MINOR Street SALE OF £U) CASES BOOTS. SHOES, BROGANS, Ac ffns Morning, September «I, at 19 o’clock precisely, will be told by catalogue- on lour months’ credit, 800 cases Wots, shoes, brogani, Ac., of city nvd Eastern tosuufaetore. com prising a general assortment of men’s and -boys’ boots, shoes, progans, gaiters, shppeis, overshoes, Bco.{ lamss andmisaes’ boots, shoes, gaiters, ties, overshoes, Ac. Ww Catalogues early on the morning of sale, when buyers urn invited to attend. OOAT SKINS, COCHINEAL LININGS, Ac. Includoq in sate will be found— SA> dozen gbdt fxms, cochineal linings, striped bind ‘”S’’ 2K) CASKS GiNGH/j! UMBRELLAS. Also, in sate, samples of JW cate3 Scotch gingham uoibrellas. Goods open for examioatma, with catabnesi early oaths morning of sale, when buyers are tnviUdto attend. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHESTNUT STREET, opposite the Custom House, between FOURTH and FIFTH BtToets. T M. GUMMEV * SONS. J * KEAL “ T^ L W°2IteT B AE CT . CARD.—J. M. Guramey A Sena, anfitionderf. will hold 1 regular sales of Real Estate, Stoctlr Ae* Aisoooimt hold furniture at dwellings. FIRST FALt SALE. On Tbut"day, Sept. 29th. at 7>* o’clock in tne* evening. wilt be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the ftrtfow ferefiiptory Sali—BlJ7s.—A yearly sround-rent c'f f 76 6o,iesuing ontof lot of ground northeast corner o wain and Seventeenth streets, 17 feet front by 67 feet deep. Peremptory Sale—B2JW.-A yearly ground-rent of $l6B. issuing outof lot of ground *eet side of Sixteenth street,36 feet south of Brown street, 33 fee! front by 73 leet 8 inches deep. _ Peremptory Sale— Bonu and mortgage fw 82.800, on three-story brick residence and lot or grounx east side of Seventeenth street. 34 feet north of Swain street; lot 17 test front by 67 feet deep. Peremptory Sale—9l.6oo.—Bond and mortxace for 5i.580. <St\ tot of ground South side of Brown street,23s feet 8 inclie# westward from Sixteenth street, 18 feet ‘"fVi] SkPrarL'E LOTS 0, GROUND, weat »id. of Turenty-nfth street, between Snsquehanaa avenue and Etamettatrecf, 3Sfeet It inches I/oflt by 111 feet H inch deep. Clear of all incumbrance. _ HANDSOME THKEE-STORY BRICR RESI DENCE. with la/gd tbreb'ilory back buildings, and furnished with all the ditra moderS conveniences, situate No. 611 North Seventh stffK The house is well built and in gaud order. Part may retoSift oh ground rent. . THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, iitoaM flh 724 Sansom street. Lot 18 feet front by 94 feet 6 inches deep, to a back cutlet. This is a valuable property, being in a central location, and rery desirable lorolfices. HANDSOME ROUGH-CAST JIhBIDENCE. fur nished with all the modern convenieitoes, large lot of ground, and excellent stable, south side of CdS'per street, east from Fourth street. Camden. N. J. Lot 60 fe«t front by leO foet deep. All in perfect order, and buiJt espectady for the occupancy of the present owner. FOUR DESIRABLE LOTS OF GROUND, situate on the north side nl Vine street, extending from Fifty eighth to Fifty-ninth streets. No. 1, corner lot. 120 feet by 300 feet: No. 2,120 feet by 288 feet; No. 3.190 feet by 275 feet; No. 4, corner lot, fio leet by 261 feet. Passen ger railway paases the front. GERM aNTOWN.—Desirable lot of ground, south aide of Herman street, east of tho turnpike, CO feet front by 100 feet deep, within eight minutes walk from the depot. On our Private Sale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including every de ■onptiou of ct, SOKB. Real Estate Brokers, No. OO W ALN UT Street, below Sixth. THE BRITISH AND NORTH ROYAL MAIL STEAM- , FBOK KXW TOEX TO LIVXEPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. Second Cabin Passage....-.^...76 . . FROM BOSTOH TO LIVXEFOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. $llO Beoond Cabin Passase ........ 60 The ships from Boston cal at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins, AMERICA, Capt Millar, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, NIAGARA, Capt. Ander- AolA, Capt. E.G. Lott, son. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EUROPA, Capt. J, Leitch, CANADA, Capt. Laog, These vessel*carry aolsa whiteii/ht at mast-head; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. AFRlCA,Shannon,leaves NYork, Wednesday,Sept.!4. ELROPA, Leitch, *• Boston, Wednesday, Sept.2l. PERSIA, Judkius, “ N York, Wednesday. Sept.2B. ARABIA, Stone, “ Boston, Wednesday, CcL 5. ASIA. Lott, ** NYork, Wednesday, Oct. J 2. CANADA, Lang, “ Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 19. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced BurgoWi on board. The owners of these ships Will not be aeeoentabte for Gold, Silver, BuUioiu Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are sign#*) therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas sage apply to E. CUNAJU), 4 Bowling Green. ■KMI New York. FOR TIIE SOUTU.—CHARLES- S4^T0 V^gl«v a cBeSTE“PB - Freight at an average of rtftisn per oenL be low New York Steamship rate%_ FOR CHARLESTON. S. C. The V. S. Mail Steamship KEYBTONE STATE, Cap tain Charles P. Marshman, will tail on Saturday, Sep tember 2t, at 3 o’clock P. M. Through in 49 The V. 8. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Friday,September 30. at 10 o’clock A. M. Tbrnoith in 68 to 60 hours, only 43 hours at Sea. Sailing days changed from every Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Billsof Lading signed day. The eplendid first-class side-wheel Steamship* KEY STONE STATE and STATE OP GEORGIA now run a* above every.ten days, thus forming a five-day commu nication with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships con nect with steamers for Florida, and with r&ilroaos, Ao., for all places in the Booth and Southwest. „ INSURANCE. Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. ' * N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risk* from these points. _ GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare t»y this route 26 to 40 per cent, cheaper than by tho Inland Route, as will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on tho whole route, exoept from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: m _ ijclaud pans. „ To Charleston ~~. $W 00 Charleston $» 60 Savannab.~~._ UOO Savannah.— —— 3100 Augusta 30 00 Augusta...*— .-*• 800 Macon 3100 Macon.. 33 73 Atlanta 33 00 Atlanta 3100 Columbus 23 00 Columbus■ - 3800 Albany 24 00 Albanj..- 37 00 Montgomery... 36 00 Montgomery....-.- 38 00 Mobile 36 00 Mobile 46 W New Orleans ... ,39 76 New Orleans. 61 00 No bills of lading signed alter the ship has sailed. tor freight or passage apply on board, at second wharf above Yine street, or to „ , ALEX. HERON, Jr.. Southwest oorner FOUTH and CHESTNUT, Agents in Charleston, T. 8.4 T, G. BUDD. M 1 . Bavannah.HUNTEß & GAMMELL. ror Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers fit. Mary’s and St. Joan s. every Tuesday and Saturday. )>fl GLASGOW AND NEW YORK nffirOT STEAMSHIP COMPANY.-STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRYY-for 330 mow XKW YOlg. GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, October 12, at 12 o’olock, no^n. EDINBURGH, Cuniminr, Wednesday. October 20,at 12 o’clock, noon" raoM ola?oow. GLASGOW. Thompson, Wedneedar, September 14. EOINBI’FUtH. Curaimng, Wednesday, Septembers. Bateu of Passage from N trw York, Phnadelpma, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, orLon* dondem, first class, $l6. Steerage, found with an Sun dance of properly cooked provisions, §3O. An experienced Surgeon attached to eaoh steamer. No charge for medicines. For freight or passage, applyto WORKMAN A CO., No. UB WALNUT Btreet, Philadelphia, „ ROBERT CRAI# No.» BROADWAY. New York. U. S. M. STBAMEBS HAVRE AND SOUTHAM PTON, ARAGO, Captain Line*, will gall July 13, September 17, norarnwr 13. ¥ U LTON, Captain Wotton, Will «ai) AugustJO, Ooto bar 13, December 10. First Cabin passage. Seoond Cabm passage 75 For freight or passage, apply to 44 .. _ WILLIAM NEILSON, Agent, At the Warehousing Company’s Philadelphia Office, Tobaoco W arehouse. DOCK Street, Phiia, jeS-Om VB. PALMER’S ADVERTISING • AGENCY, N. E. corner FIFTH and CHEST* Subscriptions taken for the best City and Country Newspapers, at lowest cash pncea. t*&-3kn MARTLN it QU-AYLK’S STATIONERY, TOY, \sv FANCY GOODS E M P O k l V At, 1035 WALNUT STREET, BKLOW KLKVIXTH.... ISAAC ROBERTS, Kral Estate Agent: , SAMUEL U. ROBERTS, Co>vsta*tcer : Olfor for sale, on tiberal terms, FARMS AND COUN TRY HhA'iS. m Pennsylvania, New Jersey, relaware, Man Unit, and Vireinm; and DWELuINGB arm STORES in Norristown, (jetru&ntova, and Wiiladei phia. LOAN MONEY ON FIRST MORTGAGES. Examine Titles to Real Estate, ami attend to CONVEYANCING in all its branches. Ofnro MAIN Street, uear the Bank, Norristown, and No. 233 South THIRD .Street, between Walnut and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. *l-Iri* J. VACOUAN MIHBJC*. A lex. McKTNNEY, XJI ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENSBURG, PA, Will practise in Westmoreland, Armstrong, and In diana counties. —ll-tf THE ADAMS EXPRESS GO., OFFICE KO CHESTNUT Sfreot. forwards Parcels, Pack ace*. Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own Lines, or mronnection with other Express Com panies, to all the principle towns anti cities of the United States. _ E. 8. SANDFORD, aul-tf General Superintendent. |*jgj SALAMANDER SAFES. I®!® A large assortment of EVANS k WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES. VAULT DOORS, .. For Racks and Stores. BANK LOCKS. Equal to act now in use. IRON DOORS. SHUTTERS, 40., Ones rood terms a* any other establishment in the United St it<*s. hr EVANS k WATSON, No. 36 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. Pt.fi.ABK nivv. m A CALL Ladies 7 hair braids, wigs, fri -BKTTB, and CURLS, manufactured in the very test And newest Paris styles, and of which we constantly keep a very large Assortment on hand, sold wholesale nnd retail, at the lowest possible prices. Orders from All parts of the county solicited, nnd prompt!) attended to. Also, a new HAIR PYT> superior to any in use. M. IILTOIS; No. 12 TENTH St., Au3o-.ini* Between Market and Chestnut. Economy mess shad— Nos. i and 2 a pmuo article, in store and for sale by v WM. J. TAYLOR A CO., null W BOIITH WHARVKB SPANISH OLIVES—In bulk, in prime order, for sale by RU A. MKRTNO. 140 South FRONT Street* MENTON LEMONS.—2SO boxes Menton Lemons, sound And in prime orders for sale by r!7 A MERINO. i4QSmith FRONT Streat, GAN ns OP KlGGlNO—Manufactured of the test mate rial, nnd for sale by WEAVER. FITLER. 4 CO., 14 No. S 3 N. WATER and tt N. DELAWARE Av SHIPPING. BUSINESS CARDS. PHILADELPHIA. SAXES BY AOCTIOrf.* " M* THOMAS & SONS. -——l * No.. IUSOUTrf FOURTH. STRSET dAJLD.-TvMi.W BALKS REAL ESTATE,JtNJ> r v STaCM jit THE EXCHANGE. MBo’cloci^ms 13 o’clock KOOJ, of t» Gw .reel.,. FALL SALE S dence «od furniture. No. K‘l9 CllQ^ a Seventh Fall Sale. 4th October, at t£« Part of the handbills for each of £?• ****a now ready, STOCKS. LOANS, Ac. Sept. 27. at U o'clock, noon.TrJfbe eold, at the Phßn phia Exohaage— shares McKean and Hk Land and Improvement Company. The Suabary and Erie Railroad t* *>- c&ledthroucb the Und. 23 LOTS BIOUNT MORIAH CEMETERY- . Alao. tots Nos.4J 'to 49. iDdustre, 67 to 76 inoRWJVW# ZU. 22t, ZU. 225.233,2». S 3. Z 9. section No. Id. Also, 1 store Fhitadelphta Library. fourth fall rale—September aw, N Eat resi i) IS c^l^VW^rT^fTrxitvrr, No. 237 North Twelfth stmt. Q , „ _ On Friday Morain, Sept. 23, at 10 o cioek. will be *ofc£ witVsat reeerre. tdt the premieea. the neat modern rrpdenee, lie. TV North Twelfth street, is feet front and C feet deny, witfr ail modern uaprcweweat* sad ceaveoicnce*. A km. the entite toosehotd famitar*. earwrte*. ffiirrme* euperior dining-room and chamber fararatr*', i kitchen form tare, Ac. _Alao. A eepenor fire-proof cheat, made byEraoi A Wauoo. A9*TAe eahiaet farm tore was made by Allen, bar been ia use bat s abort tune, and is in excellent order. The neat modern rcaidence will be.aold at » o'cock aregiaetf. previous to the sale of farm tore. £7* SALE ABSOLUTE, of both ml estate and fct rntnre. «8 handlsU* snd catalogues for fall par tumlafx. FIFTH FALL SALE, SEFTEJtBEE C. AT BOOK, W ill include— Exe. ntoris Sale— E*ute of Darid Shetibne. 4ee*4 M LARGE AND VALUABLE PROPERTY. 19ACRE8. with iniprovemeots,oppocite Dr. Bond's elegant reei* dene*#*. South Brood street, Thirteenth street, JUtaer, Wolf, aod Porter street*, and Moysmeoiuu road* ExecDtcTs / Sate—Ertateof F. J. Kramph.dee d. ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE, LANCAS TER.—EIegant modern Americaa-lutian nlla. with stable, conch house, and 3 acres of ground, Cheetaat street. Lancaster, t'a. _ HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE —Fcur-etorr brown-stone residence, with doable back building*, aod all modern conveniences, No. MW Pue street, went of Fifteenth. VALUABLE BUILDING LOT AND TWO DWELL INGS, Brown street. Judge avenue and Fifteenth street. Lot 66 feet on Bruwa street, 66 feet on Ridge avenue VALUABLE FARM.—ViluBe fans* 173 acre*, cm the ertd Drove road, 2 miles east of Puttstown, Pott*- (fore township, MonUotnery eouniv. Pa, HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCK-Foar-ctorr brick residence, with double back buildings and moesrn con vcßiences. No. WOO Cbc stunt *t .west of Eighteenth- PINE STREET.—Three-etory briek dwelling, No. , 639 Pine street, between Fifth and Sixth. FOUR DWELLINGS. —Four modem three-etorr brtet owelhnga. Noe, 1490 UtP. 1404 and I4GB Marnna atreat. north of Matter. Twentieth ward. Peremptory SaIe.—LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT. north side of Pine street, west of Tiii, Twenty-fiamh waro,^lo6 by ud (eel, with three Croats. Sale abso lute. VALUABLE FARM.—Valuable farm, 279 seres, Ba |M«nr township, Lao carter county. Pa., I mile frtn EeartoUe, and 7 miles from Gap station, on the Pena sylvantalUtlfoad. _ _ , ~ to)e—Ee'ate of T. J. Heston, dee d. LARGE VALUABLE LOT- northwest auto of the Darby plank road and Mssenjrr railway, between Mary and William streets, Twenty-fourth ward, 60 feel front. 210 foet dee*, two fronts. VINE STREET.—Neat and convenient three-storj brick residence. No. ISZlYine street* west of Thirteenth. OGDEN STREET.—-Three-story brick dwelling, No. Itw3 Oi<**n street, west of Tenth. STORE AND DWELLINOS.-Frame store and two two-itary tratne dwelbngs. Wood street, west of Amber, Kcnsm e ton, tot IS by 166 feet, with two trout*. BIXTH FALL BALE-1»t OCTOBER. Trustees’ Peremptory gale—On the Premise*. Estate or Hoo.T. M. Pettit, dec d. __ RESIDENCE AND FURN TURE. No. 1019 CLINTON STREET. On Saturday Morning. *Ocr. Ist.at W o’clock. be sow, without reserve, on the premises, the well-bui«tk'eo-*torj brick residence, wuh three-story bark baiUf!*i*. end a I modem con tesiences. No. 1019 Clinton street, between Tenth and Klevdfithstreetf. Lot2o by toofeef. gjr Skip AMotote. Immediate po6»«*on. Sir FUR.NITUJIE.~Tto furniture mil be sold uaroe diately after the hotisg. SEVENTH FALL SAL£-4th OCTOBER. Will include— _ __ VALUABLF. DELAWARE WHARF,9B feet6incb«a by 4S)fe«t, with privilege of 200 feet more, briek dwell ing. 40.. Beach street, between Shsckamaxcm and Marlborough streets. Kensington. „ HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. No. 1633 Spruce street, with all modern improvement* and con venience*. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. South Sixteenth street, between Walnut and Locust streets, with mo dern improvement* and conveniences. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT. I*> feet front,on Twenty-third street, near Girard College. PEREMPTORY BALB.-2 three-story bnck dwtU int«, B. W. comer of Eleventh and Haxe\ streets. toTWO-SjTORY BRICK COTTAGE, Market street, LOT OF OROTND.eart side of Front street, above Race, extendisK thronth to Water street. Twolroat*. LOT OF GROUND, with two-story brick dwelling, N. E. comer of Almond and Somerset streets. Nine- ward, (late Richmond.). _ BTABLE AND COaCH-HoISE. Perth(Ute Robert son ) street, between Parrish and Poplar andjbighth aad Franklin streets. SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. ROSEWOOD WANO FORTE. 2 DO. BILLIARD TABLES, 2 SUITS ELEOANT ROSEWOOD DRAWING-a OOM FUR NITURE. FRENCH PLATE PIER MIRROR, CARPETS, Ac. CARD. Our sale this morning, at the auction store, will comprise, besides GOO lot* of excellent second hand furniture, large and anterior fire-proof safe. oad9 by Parrel and Hemnf; superior rosewood piano-forte, 2 superior billiard tables,with batsaadenee complete \ 2 suit* of rosewood drawin (-room crimson plush; French, plate pier minor, m gilt frame; Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian carpets; bed* and bed ding, China and ghuwware, Ac., forming an attractive assortment worthy the attention of ladies and others desirous of purchasing. C7* Catalogues now ready, sad the articles arranged for examination. Bale at Nee. IS and m 8o«th Fojuth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH PLATE MR* ' BOIUJ, PIANO-FOKTE. CASPETB. This Momuuc, At t o’clook, at the auotum store, an assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano-forte#, fine mirrors, carpets, etc., trim famibesdechiiag hoflh keeping. removed to the store for eoaveatSßee « *ato- Afeo, 2 superior billiard tables, with ivory balls and C asw. a suite of elegant rosewood and plash drawing room furniture. Sale No. 237 North Twelfth street. ELEGANT FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO, MIRRORS, VELVET CARPETS, BOOKCASE,Itc. On Fndaj Morning, _ 23d insL. at 10 o’clock, at No. Twelfth street, above Rato, by catalogue, the enure eletaat furmtare, comprising suit of superior walnut drawiag-room fonit tuie, rosewood 7-octave pispo. very eto*ant French plate oval mantel aod pier mirrors, fine velvet earpets, superior walnut library and diomr-room furmtare, eto t ant book-case, dinner ane tea China, superior chamber furniture, fine feather bads, and mattresses, Ac. Alto, superior fire-proof chest, made byEraiu A Watson. Also, the kitchen furniture. py The entire furniture was made to order, has been in use but a short time, and is in excellent order •> The neat residence will be sold at W o’clock, prencu* tothß m)o of furniture. 96 r For larticulaia see catalogue*. Sale is Germantown. „ SUPERIOR OAK FURNITURE, CARPETS,PIANO, Ac., Ac. On Tuesday Morning, 27th Sept., At 11 o’clock* on Mam street, opposite Qu«mii, oermantown, the entire household jumitnre, including a suit of superior oak furniture, covered with morocco, made to order by Vollmer, walnutdinuu-room furniture, walnut and mahogany chamber furniture, Brussels and ingrain carpetings, oil cloths, fine Canton matting. Ac. , , . , . Also, the kitchen furniture, eisM-day e»ck, Ac. O' May be examined o'clock on the mornnij of sale. Sale at No. 129 North Sixteenth Street. GENTEEL FURNITURE, TAPESTRY’ CARPETS, Ac., Ac. On Wednesday Morn in*, 26th instant, at 10 o’clock, at No. 129 North eixteenth street.cornerof Cherry street, the genteel household and kitchen furniture, tapestry carpet*» Ac., of a gen tleman leaving the city. 87" May be examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o'clock. Sale at No. 1113 Girard Street- SUPERIOR FURNITURE. PIANO, MANTEL AND HER MIRRORS VELVET CARPETS.CHANDE LIERS, OIL PAINTINGS. ENGRAVINGS, Ac. Uu Friday Moraine. 30th instant,at 10 o’clock, at No. 1113 G'rard street, by :ata!or ?. the entire household furniture. 87” Full particulars in catalogues* Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8* E. eonsr SIXTH and RACE Street*. LARGE SALE OF RICHAND E7.EGANT EMBROI DERY’. VALUABLE THREAD LACES. LINEN CAMBRICS. FANCY’ GOODS GENERALLY*. Ao. Bern* the property ol a French importer, the whole of winch have teen imported within the fast few months, and will he sold without the least reserve, for cash. This Mommy, 22d inst.at 10 o’clock, at Moses Nathans’ Auction Sti>re, southeast corner of Mxth and Rase streets, as - salesroom, entrance upon Race street. Consisting in part, of richl) embroidered skirts, some of winch cost 615 each; children's emb’d bonnets and caps; ladies emb’d collars.of various styles and cost: emb’d handkerchiefs.eo»t from 515t0 91S each; emb’d rctee for children, cost from $$ to S2U each; enjh’d robes for Udies. with flounces, cost from SIS to $3O each; rich inserting of various kinds; lice and valen- various widths and cost.some very costly; Pivot laces, various styles; black guipure collars; linen ciHitl'ric.m pieces of various Qualities, Ac. FANCY’ PARIS ARTICLES.— Also, ladies' work sacks, fancy papier boxes, ladies’ Russian leather work sacks and boxes, pocket-nooks, porte-mnnnues, watch bearers, pm cushions, glove boxes, do- furbished fancy brushes, ivory nail cleaners, shell do., shell ear cleaners, very rich morocco portfolio, travelling do., chessmen, sculptural and ivory, marts for card-playing, various French tames, travelling cases for ladies otcar bearers, rich nail brushes, tooth do., shaving do., clothes do., hair do., children’s shell combs, ladies’do, pocket do.* and numerous other articles. The Trade generally are invited to attend the tale. The good* will be open for examination, with cata logues, on Wednesday afternoon, and early on lha morning of sale. WASHING AND IRONING. Ak WASHING AND IRONING DONE ftT®? With NEATNESS and DESPATCH, for Single iyV Ladies and Gentlemen. Families. Boarding SoluxD, Hotels. Steandxiats, Ac., at DONOVAN’S FAMjI.V LAUNDRY. No. 233 South SIXTH Street, comer of Prune. Family Shirts and Collars patent polished. Everything washed by hand, on the 00m mon wash-boetd. The whole business w stnctly attended to by female operative*. Mr*. DONOVaN. >t SUI» Bnpanndendadt- CHARLES JONES, No. SC6 North SECOND Street. I Successor to A. f9lf Gallagher, would respectfully call the atten —” tmii ot those desiring stoves to h:s extensive rrxrtmentof Cooking, Heating, and Parlor stoves. I have purchased the exclusive n*l t to the r<faii sales ard rrpntrj, in Philadelphia, of Gallagher’s Celebrated *’Mornuii Sta r ” and “Sunrise” Cooking Stoves, well known for as the moat satisfactory Proves in the market Also, his new Flat-top Conking Hove Daylight, which combines all the useful im provements, and operates admirably. I also manu facture, in a supenor manner, Silver’s Gas-burner of the best Russia Sheet Iron. These are t k e most economical and easily managed Parlor Stoves in use. s!6-3m rpUORLEX’S FOOD FOR CATTLE, I As Imported from England.' For Horses, this food is indispensable 1 promoting and sustaining all ibe animal functions i n nstUhand vigor. For Milch Cowait is invaluable, in«ret«ee the quantity ami improving the quality of milk For Sheep and Pigs the eifect produced in one month lU exceed all expectation. The addition of this food may be attended with a sub traction ol other tood. to the extent of one-third, thereby tendering its application one of economy, while at the same time H materially assists the digestive power* of every animal, in extracting a larger portion of nourish ment from the ordinary food, whichwould otherwise be lost, consequent upon the impaired or defective actior of those organs. Depot, 302 DOCK Street, * sl7-toc? PHILADELPHIA. FRESH FRUIT JARS~ ’ -*• _ Those who wish to avoid the uncleanlineas at tendant upon puttinc up fruit, Ac., by the use of the old sty le Jars with metal covers and cement, will be please*", to learn that the whole operation of Preserving can be perlormed in lew than one half the usual time bt the uw of KARTELL'S ALL-GLASS PRESERTLVG JAHa, pTonwinceu by phtsieians aad tcienltho men to be the safest and most reliable Jar ever made. A untie inspection will *otisfy any one of their incomparable superiority over all others. r Manufacturers under the Patent, HARTELL k LKTCHTVORTR, No. IA North FIFTH Street, Genera] Olaas Depot. PURE CONFECTIONERY, MANUFACTUREDB? . . EDWARD A. HEINTZ, „ Late of S. lleimpn. Stsr* 8. W. corner ARCH and NINTH streets. Sci (Factory 014 Filbert street.) jyjUSTON’S ENCAUSTIC TELES lor Ornamental Chimney Tope for cottages* Garden Vases and Fountains/ Vitrified Pipe for drain* andW&ter oomluctarm. Imported and for sale by » tf lmo C TJORK.—26O bbis. Mess Pork, of New Jersey, Ohio, and Philadelphia packing, for a&la br * kumio. c. a SADLER fc Co., si ARCH Street, second door a’jove front*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers