th fe qo u itT ' tests *i> ,( •- [Reported for TheTriss.J '■ / ’ a v ■: Nisi Pbius—j ustlcdßeafl Qce Is tt e., —John Mooney vs. Isano C. Chadsef, Josapti R.Greii mor. and Morgan Ramsay. In equity. The complain ant in this case nllo/eslhati on the first dayof January, 1553, ho entered intaart agreement vriUi 8, Morgan Ram -801 (at that time theasseasorof High-street ward m foe cityot Philadelphia) that. bo ,( Ramsey f should return him. and procure for-him, theapppmtmont of collector of the State and courtly taxes.ofaaia ward, and as part of the consideration foraaalifiarWce. he agreed to give Ramsey Ins promisor/note for 81,000? that he did, in cortiplianeo with the agreement, pay ahd'dehVer to Ramsey all that ho contracted to pay and deliver, and inter alia delivered a promisory note* subscribed. by him, bearing said dato, for the sum of .81,000* payable to the order of Moreau Ramsey in tube months after the dpto thereof. ■ „ . - ' ' That Ramsoy wholly failed to comply with his engage ment, but ueverfeheloss-retained all,the consideration* handed to him for it, and that, therefore, there was no loeal consideration for tho note. * - That Ramsey afterward endorped the note,and marten it in the hands ofD. W. C. Jlorns, his counsel, whoalso endorsed it, And afterwards the name of Isaac C. Chad sey was written as an endorsement on said note, direct ly over and upon thstof Morris,this, however* not pe-, mg done until alter the protest of «ud note tor non-pay ment at its maturity. - ‘v ,• „ - ' That Chad Bey» on the 7th day of Ootober, <1853. insti tuted an notion m the District Court pi Philadelphia to September Term, 1843, No. 736, and declared therein Spon the said note claiming tho amount theroftf.’aa en trees of tho same. That & jury was empanne led in the' cause, and a verdict was remlorcd tuercm againat hun and in favor of Cbadsey. for tho futLamountofthe note, with interest—via: 81098.37. That he was then unable to show th*t Ramsey was the owner of the note, or to Uy sufficient foundation'to, compel Chodsoy to prove the consideration paid font. That a judgment for the abore amount wpa entered and still remains in full force That on the 14th ffiW Match last, the judgment against himwas markod to the uSe ofJbsepb R. Gresimer, who ho lielioves did not pay. ft price or consideration for it rut simply had itmarxed to hla use. at the instigation of Rnmiey, who is In fact the ovrtfor of, and the sole party l r g ßl n cl»rt at A mall salary, and had no means to pprohASO ,safd judgment, and ban np dimlinss whatever )tv reference thereto with said Chad - sov, and tliat RaroseriiW the entire onntrol over said fraudulently kept said judgment in forco in tho name of Cbadsey and Gresimer for the pur pose of preventing the.effect of an application to the based upon,the gyonnd that the olaira belongs to further Alleges that 'execution has been issued uiumjjhe judgment and Uis property isabout for a special injunction against the defendants, nnd~n' decree of the court that the judgment above mentioned etamstbim is fraudulent and void, and that Grommet shall enter satisfaction up on the record thereof, oild that the defendants maybe restrained irom commencirig- oontinuing. or ordering any proceedings whatever against .him, or his estate, under or by virtue dfsaid judgment, and that they bo restrained from enforcing the above-mentioned judg ment. After hearing, the court granted the injunction as asked Jor by tho oombl'inants, and ordered security to be given in tho sura of 81 600. ' ' . J ' ■' Northwestern Bailroad Company. —This case came bofnre tho court this morning upon an application to have the report of the master confirmed, upon hearing of parties roport ol master finally confirmod.and it is or dered that it bo referred to the master to report. Ist. To whom the deed of themortgaKedpremise* sold shall bo made; 2d. The forms of conveyance to l be made, with instructions to report bn Saturday mbroing next. Adjonrnod. ' V. 7 • •" • ' 'J- ' Quarter Sx.saiONS-rJudgeXudlow. —Wm, Lano Wns t>ut upou his trial bn the 'charge of assaulting Offi cer Rodifor, with, intent to kill. Officer,.Redifer ana nnol her officer Ima arrested a' man for engaging in a fight *nd tho allegation is |that tone came up behind tho officer, and strnok Officer Jledifer in the bead with iv paving stone, inflicting a'severe wound, putting his. iifo in peril. The defence was that the stone was thrown' i>) Another porson. arid ono witness;testified that he was by the side of Lane and that ho did not throw tho stono. Verdict not guilt? on the firstcount.*' An application was made for ooutmnnnce of the case of Sarah Schofield, charged with libel, on the ground of the absence oiA material witness. Theappliqatipnjwns b Tat Bannister Forgery Case.—The csso of James Bannister, charged with making out false jury lists, and with forging the name of Patrick Fejnlon to, a warrant upon tho City Treasurer of the ettf and poaoly'oT Pin- 1 i.adelpbia, was called dp for trial. Considerable time was oonsumed in empanttelhttg a jury, and arranging the preliminaries for tho tHel, J District Attorney (Wm. B. Mann, Kstj. r conducted the rro«Beutton ; William M, Bull .and Lewis C. Cassiday, Esgrs., appeared as counsel for the defendant. A largo number of witnesses were called'upon the part of the prosecution. ~ , It appears that the defendant took the warrant (which is the subject of this bit! of indictment), together with four others, to John Hill, a chirk in the Commissioners office, who made out the warrants upon sociug the sig nature! of the Commissioners to the order. ~. ‘ Bannister, aftor receiving thewarrantsienedhi*(B. s) name to it for Patrick Feyulou and received pajment lor it by tho City Treasurer. . Evidence was admitted as to the'receipt of ,money by Bannistor upon other warrants. After hearing the evi dence uoon the part of the prosecutiou-Judge Ludlow aßked tno counsel in the case it they- wished on with the case ? ilia defence replied that they did not, Jud.e Ludlnvr end that'ho luul no desire to hurry on tho case, as he wished justice to be uOtte to tbeprt uOner. Attachments were issued to bring in witnesses for tne detenco who had been subpoenaed and had foiled to appear. . It is understood that the defendant will not deny tfie receipt of the money for the warrants. His defence is, that he bought them at a discount from persons roprq dentins themselves to he jurymen, and; therefore, ue is not Itawo for the offence. -The defendant can show an unexceptionable character up to the time of this charge. He was appointed,by Sheriff Geo(getMegee ns bis deputy, principally on Account-of his,gpod character.- i ho onse resumed thisjnoru ng, at ten o’clock. We learn that Georae W. Arunde . Lsq. has Jus office at present at No. 211 Race street. Mr. A. is one of the most promising members of. the bar, and his eminent succoss thus for uan be attributed oply to the remarka blo energy and zeal manifested by imnselfin a pursuit that must evoutunllr orown him with golden success. Ho has our best wishes for the future. CJTY^iTEMS. iMTERESTIHft 6ERVIOBS At PotTSVILLB OR Monpav Evesino.—lhddt “ ReUgious” department on Saturday, wo gavo a statement, the' foots of which we obtained from private correspondence, of a great reli gious festival in the form of a popular Union Com munion, to be held at Pottaville. on Monday evening of this ws&k, prior to the removal of the Union Tftberkar do Tent from that locality to a point more adjacent to this city—Manoyunk. We yesterday, loarned from par ties in attendance at Pottsville, on Monday evening, from this city, that the occasion was one of impressive solemnity, aud surpassing, in sorae'of its features, any thing yet recorded in the annals of the .“Revival”— which really still seems to be in progress iu many parts of the country/ It is estimated that over four thou sand persons on this interesting occo cion, of whom room than a thousand participated m the celebration of the Communion of the Lord’s Sapper. Tho exercises were conducted by Rev. .Mr. Long, superintendent of tent, assisted by Revs. 8. F. Colt. J. AlcCool. E.H. Gilroy, L. Snyderj and J. Erhardt, all of vl«om are pastors of churches at, and in ,tho vicinity of Potlsrilie; though, in all, about twenty clergyman of different denomination# took'mrt in the oral exer cises. Invitations to the Supper were.civoh in the Eng lish, Gorman, and 'Welsh language#. Numerous miners from tho adjacent villages of, Port Carbon, St. Clair, and other pincos,'wi#re in attendance) A large number of Welsh attended in abody.'At the close of the services, the inhabitants of tho ■ several villages collected - aud walked over the'mountains, in companies, to tboir re spective homes. Tho breaking of bread is said to have been characterized with the. utmost- decorum and uolcmmty. The communicants cawo up to the tables, spread upon an enlarged platform, in companies of about two hun-' dred each. The scene' presented at the opening, whorTtho itn menso congregation united in singing “All. hail the power of Jesus' name," &c.,ia describe?' as having toon dn.uiarly impressive. In the course or the exorcises, tho itsprc«eht dlvidod aspect, was compared to a beautiful vase broken in fragments, each containing a email portion of tho precious ointmentVith which it was originally fitted. Tho present scene, it was sug gested, was on indication of tho reunion of these long divided fragments, when in a symraefricnl whole, ns ** one in Christ,” it wou’d be again fitted to receivo and contain the,d.ivine unction in the fullness with whiali it had been originally blessed. Popular Unv-Goona Euroßiuir —To the lady portion of our readers the-mention of “Fourth and Arch” is tho synonym of a favorite shopping emporium. Arch street, the .avenue upon which the lon*, front of Messrs. fivEE !c Landkll’s old established houso is located, has had its business, reputatipn largely en hanced, end we may saj measurably built up, by tbe onterpr’me aad .commendable business energies of this woll and favorably known firm. Having commenced originally with the view, more especially, of catering to the Friendly trade, for which iheirlocation is admirably adapted, they still continuo to command largely the cus tom of that excellent, and for the most part, comforta bly-circumstanced people. Notsrithstendirig this, how* ever, they now, as they have done for years past, com bine with their Quaker fabrics, a stock of elegant dress matoriats suited to tho wants of in fact every othor doss of articles' denominated under the general hood of drygoods, which for teste, extent, and variety, will be foudd unsurpassed by any other establishment A Pact, worth ILxowiKo.-rThoseat all ac quainted with tho interior of ike /i* department are probably aware that the cleansing of silver-waro, jewol ry, mirrors, toarblo, etc.—provided there are such tilings to clean—constitutes no small feature of household economy s Also, that not unfroqucntly more or .less in jury is done by the use of improper preparations for these purposes,' In tho nrticlo of “Silver-Soap,” which we nan speak .of upon tho most satisfactory authority',' the very thing ,is supplied which every housekeeper needs for cloansing, such; articles.. It is at once the cheapest add most effective article for that purpose in mo. Everything to which it is applied is restored to the appearance of nuwpeos, and its chemical composition is snch as not; possibly to lujare any raetaUc or marble sur face. Wemave Mid'this much in its f&vor, upon our ovru experimental knowledge, and for further particu lars would rof>er the reader to the advertise ment of Messrs. Bastard k Co.,' ia'nnother’colutriu. Fine PpusHEp Steel Fire Sets. Bronzed-Iron Standards. „ , Bronzed Iron Fenders. Bronzedtrb'n’Ad'd-Irons. ' Folding Fire Poreenkaro sold by - E.W, Casstl k Co., 714 Chestnut street. The WiLLCoi A Gibbs Sewing Maciuse is really the beatproctlcslFomily Machine, Price' £3O« For sale, .wholesale and retail, at 716 Chestaat street, HarshTreathent —ACosta Ricanletter wri ter announces very uncivil treatment of President Mora when he was invttrd to exile himself. The revolution ists did nrtt give : .htfn.tim«to pflt on hi* hat', coat, or shoes, and in inglorious'dishabille he went aboard the steamer ot) route for tho north. On his arrival in this city he repaired atonce to the. Brown Btone Clothing Hall of Rookhill & Wilson,.Not. GO3 and 606 Chestnut street, aboveSixth,where heprocurednnew andele gant outfit. Ret. Henry Ward Beecher nay, of the ‘'item, column” in the n<rwapjpere, that It "la worth more than all the small, fry of correspondents, with on editor tbrownin to boot! Like a stretches along its columns,'with packages and parcels, spices and gums, bitsoffragraßCC or cunningly wrought metals gathered from the Orientand from the whole world be sides, indnChfc ohe’almost irresistibly to buy his clothes at the palatial stpro of Granville 'Stokes, No. 607 Chest not streets' ... Family ia related of the' French family of thoDnka de Levi?,'that they have a picture in their ohateau in' wliicMToah is represented going into the ark, and carrying under Ids arm a email trunk on which is mitten,' 1 ” Paptrt btlonfinitothe Laois family.*' . It is not’ said.'Whether or no, those papers make any allusion to the plegant Clothing.gottenupatthe “Con tinental Clothing H»U” of £/ H. Eldridge, northeast oorner of Qbjtimt tnil Eiyhthatrttotii. ' ■' «AkWE INTEJLtIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE. StMmshiD Boston, from New York, PnnoJ an unknown ahip .and A, liorm bri. alm'e tlie’ hffit <l " T ' fr ”' n Boston, 1„ ice . fichr C MN?aj, Henderson, fi days front Boston {„ ballast to Noble,:Hamniett4i Caldwell. "Mwri, In schr Ella, days from Boston.m ballast to can. tern. Before M theßreakwnter dUmasted P Bchr sararwarrert; Battle,l4*2?fronr Little uraek Del,with wheat to fh Bewley-flfCo/ ‘ - - fl , , Bohr A, Kelly, 1 day from Smyrna,Del, with ofita to J LBewley & Co, , ?■_ , Sc ir VTH Dennis, Cox. .gc «r George Henry, Mhdiff, Richmond, do' Scir D j JWwjeii U>Bmittr4aloni. N Stnrtevant tJ3o, §*hr Kl?Mor,3rown. Bavatfniifa, lr Rotherroel & CO.' he i? Challenge, Pendleton. Boston, do ~ he irFsrgnaon, Mart^-Newnorti j - ■ ■ -do- He irSnllidiv, Seaman, Boston*' . . 4 . do V . Bteomor It YJUUau.CiayptKjh Baltimore ,‘A Grove*, Jr, ‘ ' ■' _iCom»prmance of The Press.) Jcrv^.kml’.'lna'Sn rcrttd f ° r th !' r, rt ’ is ,5 SKCORD PBSPXTCH. , - \ 5 " The ship Rachel, reported aahoroonthe Wostßaos. rolling heavily, Part of wilt tube discharged before she can gj ’ Arrived, bark Warron 'lfalloU, from brirk Sarah Ellon, <Br) from Turks leland. Peflpatoh, sta . Bonaire; Charlotte, from do; Qfodnuno.Jm St Kitts.. Tlie ship Wm Windsor, from Richmond, foundered on t!>e mhrn*. Her «™ .rnved Sopi . gwtjii ' An arrival reports passing the bark Jester, no date, ashore abreast of Beraim Island. Thu Jester was Irnund to Havana. - bavakkah. BepUl. ■ Arrived sWamshirs Aiigusta and Parkersburg, from N York; Baltimore, from Baltimore. r , MEMORANDA. Hand, henoe, arrived at New BWp y philadefphirt, Poole, from Liverpool for Philodel phjA, was spoken Bth met, fat 43 29, long 4510. * Bh{p Holyhead, Cole, from Calcutta, arrived at Boston Messenger, Hooper, from Havana, at Now York y Greely, Cutter, from Liverpool, Chmtiaija, Monk,‘from I/onaou. Forest Queen. Crosby, from Bris tol, Centurion. Cauikins. from Hamburg, and Masoono : mo. Swasey, from Antwerp* arrived at New York yes- Emily, Saunders, from Providence, at New York y ßng d Plantaganet, Morris, hence, arrived at St John, NB,lGth inst. _ ~ . . . . _ . Brig Tangier, Pendleton, hence, arrived at Boston Godfrey, Holmes, from Providence for Phila delDhia, at Now York yesterday. Schra M B Lako, Aid, English, W W Marcr, Bunk, henoe. and Eumco Rose, Small, from Wooa brtdce, NJ. arrived at Boston 20th inst. Sclir Lamot Dupont, Corson, hence, arrived at Salem Propellers Novelty, Bell u and, Bristol, Allen, cleared 8t New \ ork vestoruay for Philadelphia. m Propellers E H Herbert. Dawes, for Bridgeton,and Telegraph. Moore, for Bordentown, NJ, cleared at Bal timore yesterday with H barges in tow. Schr independence, HaU, oioared at Newbern,NC» 14th inst. for Philadelphia. AERIYAtS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOIELS. BP TO IB o’clock last night. . GfRARD HOUSE—Chestnut at., below Ninth, WE Gilman, Chicago, 111 Mrs J W Boardman, IU WI) Griswold tc la, Ind J B Richardson, jr, ind GenlL Combs, Ky R H Cristenden.Ky E JLillr,NO .WT Hursnon, V» , JnoT Walton, Ala ' R T Cochran k la, Del R B Cunningham, Miaj Mrs Cunningham. Miss A Cunningham, miss Wm Seward, jr. N Y nobt J Walker. NY, E T Breamer, Moxico WH Darling.NY ESColes. NY F K Nelson, Va Mrs Nalsnnr'Va Mrs Meriwether, Va MistMoriwether. Va DrMoriwother 4c eon, Va FB Richardson, Va G Mauon Galveston, Texas C J Hunter, Leeaport, Pa J 8 Gle Leeaport. Pa . WH Lewis. Mobile Mr ProbaSco 4t fa, Cm, Ohio J N George* Boston W R .Tones, Bouton 8 P Sulloy, Charleston !A D Dittter 4e la. La W" J Kiltortt DI V Jnn A Graham. Md Mrs Buebman. N Y R M- Tailor. Va R 8 Bryan. 8 C .TBWoods,BtLouis MrßaoA la. England Mjss Rnei Epf land H Cox. Miss Miss Cox, Miss Miss Bennett, MiSs Mrs James fc child, Miss T B Musgt ove.N Y D T Morgan, Pittsburg Miss Morgan, Piitsburg Mrs McCombs. Pittsburg Miss Watson. Pittsburg W Hpmldmg. NeWburyport Jno 8 Norland, La eßpnulding, Newbury port KWiae.NY.,, Jo# Graydon. N Y J Petermad. Albany, N Y« G A Hartford, Ct M W Qluskev. Wash, D 0 Com Emmons,^UflN W C Hichards, Miss Mies L E Richards. Miss BirHenrv Holland, Eng BJHale&wi, NO Mrs Dr Maliott. N C T H Clerk, Memphis F Windier, N Y D S Buham, St Louis Chns T 6ta*g, N Y NCfinethen,NO t . WHendrickiort&wi, NY REdmonds Ar Wf, Rivh’U.Va Mias Edmonds. Bich’d,Va E A Smith. RUh’d, Va P G Coshy, Rich’d, Va JKHoyt,NY . RGClark.Memphis L A Jacauelin, NY A Waller, N Y BijUmp Green. Miss R Lawson, N Y J-Wiils, Paris T 8 Stabler, Conn gConovor. Dayton Col Butterfield k, la, Mex MStackpole fc la,Texas TBR Hatch tc la, La MissOMcCarrolLLa N D Wliituey, Boston., T A Nesmith, Ohio Dr-T Redhead tc win, Miss H B Dickinson, Vo J J Gilchrist,, NC N Waterman. Boston. MB Miller & la, Savannah Mi«-« Bacon, Savannah J F Scott, N C M Franck, N C JH Jones. NO BS Rhodes, NC GKuhlor, N Y R 8 D 8> monds, Mess Edw L Fuller. Mass J Canmtert, Harana lIJ Rivet. NO 8 J Foster, Brooklyn, NY W Fnss, Mifih JONES’ HOTEL—Chestnut street, Above Sixth, -J W Rinehart, Ky R A Coohran, .Th Del fin Fold, Odessa, Del Dr Whitaker, N C i« Dustin, N C. Lewis Ritter, Pa m Hebrew,JUiila Wm H Lawson, Phila Alfii Wy'Att, Pa ■ R J Baker, Balt W F GosliOrn, Va L Markell, ftid EBBowen,Boston J Fillebrown. Mass Geo Hill, Maes S H Shrove, Mt Holly A G Barton, RI Alfred Tliompson. N J R 8 Vnn Rensalaer. N J John Tolman. N Y P Anderson, Lowsll A Peterson. Boston W Rifn, Notrislown • O Brmly, Norristown EG Allen, Boston W 8 Chapman. Cin. O J Boyd, Bait - ’ ' ■ J R Anderson A la, Tenn J D Hogg Ac la. Balt J H Edwards, N Y R G Alien, Va 0 Smith, Plulft J F Bailey,Boston T H Inloos.Balt Mrs p B»rnes. Brooklyn , J Keenan, Del WmX Hirst, Pfola AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st„ a bove Fifth* F Abbott, Ala G A Smith. Ala PhillllSYlri, Mm. TltfconSlurJUa Mips Cpndurf, Mo; J BStewart, Ohid J L Coidflesh. Ohm A Sloan. IU J Armstrong. Cmcinnah Mrs M A Conway, Cinoinn W M EUbigtort. PTO J 8 Maxwell, Ohio Jok R liobortson, N C 8 H Hopper, Md 8 Pdafre, N C A II Granam. Texas J H Lindsay, NC 1 8 B Cooper. Conn T White. Auftista.Ga L HBatPR.BHIt H H Cooper, Balt • L Burroughs, N Y THampton.N Y WOCramby,NY Mias Cramby. NY - M T Cooper. Balt H L S-rTth & la, Balt K P Smith, Del P D white, Del G O Handy, N Y T BSpencer 4c la, Va EB Wilder. NC Miss V L Wilder.N C Miss A B Wilder, N C I V Mies F A Gilmer. N C Mtss C Rhodes, N.C Mira Foui»t, Greensboro, NC Mils A 8 fl.Uol>er. N C Mis* A Worth N C Miss H Gilmer, N C GK Bard. Lancaster C A Kolb. York. Pa V V Keiton.Yprk. pa W W Woodward. Fla .T J Young, N 0 - - W Thoeburn, Atbany Mr Johnston, Va Mr Brown, Va Henrv Schonrk,NY.- MB Wiliioms A la, Mass H N Collins. RJf Jas T Cochrane, Del Bonj Guthrie. Del Geo D Hull, N Y H C HulleN Y W M Shuster. Wash, D C Chas'H flush, Va 6 *howalter, Va J. P Johnson, Mu , GSPayn, Md W linear, Jr. & la, N Y Jos Merrefield. Bait 7. KB Turner. Va A Cuvilber. N , DHndamard,NY R A Anfiestead, Balt J C Furman, Balt Jas MoMullan, Balt MERCHANTS’ HOTEL-Fourth st, below Arch. W J Taylor, Fhita. J A Col Well, Klttanmng J H Soheil, 8f hellsbUrg Jacob S Schell, Pa J N Beddla. Ohio W W Welden, Mo p Carter, Chillivothe, Mo J Conley, Somerton, Pa J Cummmrs, Selins Grove D Birch, Washington. Pa .T Elwood, USA J H KicUoJborger, Ohio 4 T D Beeler 4c la. Muncy .fH Wilson AJa. ClarksvMe F Lauxhead. Uniontown Dr R Frame. Del W p Bha», Fort Gibson J E Curtis. Bethany W S Phillips, Ky John B Parne, Ky E M Plamleo, Knoxville T Smith. West Chester D K IlartwoH, Pa A Mapinley. Conn . ... DBHnnn, Milion J G Hamaker. Peoria, 111 G K Bard, Lancaster Geo W Rodeller, Ya Chns Sheppard. Mo SM Study, Pa „ J C Wrifht, Warsaw, Ohio H D Rerpolds. Toronto JThdmpson. Williamsport E A Collins, Galena, 111 J Q, Henry. Boston JARayl.Tenn Lewis Carl. York. Fa R J Thmnas & dau, Ta A rrowcnfelu, pitwbutg M Loowcnlwch, Va R J Garrard 8 Putr.eL Va ... Ltnyd Lowndes, Va w A !,owfy,.lU J C Allan. Wash, DC C Orieby, Bridgeport J Sands. Ohio. H Cohen, Pomeroy, 0 Hon JB Guthrie,DC -. NATIONAL HOTEL-Race street, abovo Third. S Dreifou. Towanda 88 Easton.pauville W A Jodson, Millersburg - GSohnura, Schn’a Grove R G Uoiors, Muncy, Pa H J McGinnis, Minerva C Cioaswatnr, Pitistou AMDe Hart, Readme M Carroll. York, Pa TO’Noille, Durham, Pa G Ohio AW Gosbon. Ohio G C Thorp. Liverpool, Pa G A Krani, Ohio J P Davidson. Ind W P Jameson. Ind W Leonard, Pittsburg N Wetzel, Potfsville J Woolisou, Pottsvillo G F Reinhart, Lebanon C W Staufler. palmyra C Henry, Lebanon H J Hendler, Pottsvilje W Oberly. Allentown J A Kramer, Allentown _ J Abell, Dhio^ A J Shannon, Dauphin co, PaJ P Hooper, Balt A Sherk. Lebanon, Pa ■ FRANKLIN HOUSE, ChMtnutßtr.ot.abov. Third. T C Gowlbr, Ohio Jno Hawkins A la, Ohio J PliilliM & da Mass Mibb 8 Gibson, Mass Gro M Bond. Phila H Alberteon, Troy FJB Adams, Balt Mrs Baldwin, Balt w H Smith, Boston 1) J Barber, vt W H Leggett. HY K A McMurroj, N Y F Gibbons Phila C M. Nowvdlo, N Y C'W Jocks, Prov, RI JR whittrnan, Maes E P Thointtson, •'ft Ji Henry, Pa 0 Brown, Fall River C F Barber, Troy, N k A M Gr«-ory, Albany, N Y W h Earl, Troy, N \ Isaao Roberts, Norristown ' i STATES UNlON—Market st.. alwve Sixth. J Pearaoll. Snyder co, Pa W Jones, Snrdcr co, Pa .i Payton. Del W. Devoe, Del J W Mattem, Hnntingdon ' J Entrekin, Hantmgdon co L Frederick. Columbia J Cunningham. Pa , Mr Hopple, Chester oo T M J Brittain, Chandlersville F R Moorhead, .NorysviSle •Upen'Mddio, Pittsburg WmRWaU W C Chamberlin, Ohio 3 Westfall, Cincinnati J Huinphy. Wilm, Del H Anderson, Wilm, Del J A Piersof. Pa - 8 Mansfield. Pa AWCreUn, Pa Mr Leslin, Phila Isaao Black, Columbia Wm MoVev, Harrisburg UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. A M Beers, Ohio J 0 Uukfor. Minerva, 0 J WWebn, Johnstown, Pa D Bower, Ohio J h irk. Centre oo,'Pa W Cooper, Now York T Engle, Ha ' ' O H Kulunrer. Lebanon, Pa J Heisel, Pa B Haywood. Pottsvillo f. 7 Forney. Pa K Warner. Conn _JPPorter,View Yerk O 0 W Liohelbcrger, Ohio Wm Under wotkJ, Centre co Geo Martin, Allegheny city E E Deanor, Md COMMERCIAL HOTEL-Sixth *t.. above Chestnut. Miss Roberts, Pa J Thompson, Fhila J A Davis. Md K L Caufljnnn, Phila L Smith, Clearfield co, Pa K D Monntt, Indiana J Blakeley. Phila ftev H A Clayeland. l’a D Welsh. Burnt Cabin, Pa W B Brown A la, Md M E Mellinzer, Pa , C K Palmer. Md F Taylor, West Chester LP&xeon, Delaware J Jackson, Delaware EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, above Race. G Peirce, West Chester R T Cary, Choster co & M Painter, West Chester T 0 Travilla, W Chester J M Anderson, Chester co J Mostlor, Chester co A Km-c, Chester oo G 8 Hartman, Cheater co‘ N PeunypAcker, Chester eo J Joffenos, Hnrnsburg J Yamall. Del co S Wilkinson. Chester oo A V Smith. Del co C C Lovis, Chester co J R Scott. Chester co 8 Gnifith, Chester co J Sisley, Chester oo C B Kimball, Burungt'n co » BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine, ■ C Esstburn. Bucks co J R. Keley* Trenton K&werflr, Attleboro J Blitz, Dauphin co J J Butcher, Bucks co G P Drinkhouso, Pa , Isaao Gould & da, N J GW Smith. Fa T Woolman, Pa J Duncan, ra, John Fretz, Cal D A Watt, Miphignn S RHuseltoiiiLambertyilte Win Abbott, Lamlrartville P Buroutib*. LamberiviUe E K Paak»U A la. Md John Feit,N J. , LB Fretz, Uatboro SPECIAL NOTICES. Tub Prices of SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES JIAVK l BEK? ! ! REDUCED '■ ! 1 s2l-3m Wilmington, Dblawahb, September 17, 1860. Messrs. EVANS k WATSON, Philadelphia, Gentlemen; The Salamander Firo-Proof Safe, of your manufacture, purchased by us from your agents, Ferris & Garrdtt, of our city, some nine months ago, was se verely tried by burglarelast Saturday night, and although they had a Bled«te-haminer, cold-chisels, drill, and gun powder, they did not suoceed in opening the safe. The lock being one of “Hall’s patent powder-proof,’ they could ndt get the powder into it, hut drillcd-a hole in tho lower panel and fpioed in a large charge, whioli wan ignited, and although the door inside and out showed tho explosion not to have been a small one, it was not forced' open. We suppose they were tho greater part of tho night at work on it! We are much gratified at tho result of the attempt to enter It, and if tho above facte arc of any eorvico, you are at liberty to use them. Yours, truly. se2otuth&s3t . BAYNARD k JONES. Knoxville, Tennessee, March 13th, 1369, MesMHU.EVANS k WATSON, Philadelphia. GB&ftWn: It affords me great pleasure to say to you thaftibfwAmandor Safe, which I purchased of you in February, 1838, proved to be what you recommondod it —aeur? protection from fire. My storehouse, together With several others, was burned to the ground in Maroh last., The safu fell through into the cellar, and was ox posed to intense heat for six or eight hours, and when it was taken from the rains and opened, all its oontenta were found'to bo in a perfect stete, the books and the papers not. being injured any whatever. I oanoheer jVdly. recommend your eafes to the oommmumty, be lieving, as I do, that they are as near fire-proof as it is possible for any safe to be made. ! l\jt; THOMAS J. POWELL. A targe-assortment of Salamander Bafea for sale at EVANS k >VATBON’S Store, No. 28 South FOURTH Street,Philadelphia. ’ ’ sl7-stuth-3t , Salamander Fire-Proof Safes.—-Avery arge assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason able prices, No. 96 South FOURTH Street, Philadel phia. y - EVANS k WATSON THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1859, SPECIAL NOTICES- Facts yon inn Fkeiii.e. — Dn. Mott’t Chaltseatb Pills.— The only preparation of Medi cinal Iron sanctioned by the Medical Faculty, and pre scribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can* for a momont, be compared with it. Innoxlouß in oil maladies in whioh it has hitherto been has proved absolutely curative in numer ous cases of each of tho following complaints, viz: In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Incipient " Consumption, Scrofulous Tuburculosis, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Mismcnstruation, Whites, Chlorosis, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Mercurial Consequences, Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism, Inter mittent Fevers, Ao., &0., &o. Debility, Impurity of the Blood, Depression of Vital Energy, Pale and otherwise Sickly Complexions, indi cate its necessity in almost every concoivablo case. In all cases of Femalo Debility its effeots are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever beondisoovered in the whole History of Medioine whioh exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative offeols. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have bocosio forgotten in their own immediate neighborhoods, have, alter a few trials of this Restorative, suddenly appeared m the busy world, as if just returned from protracted traveljn a distant land. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisi tion of strength, with an unusual disposition for aotivo and eheorful exercise, immediately follow its use. For sale by all Druggists in town and country. Price, fifty cents per box, containing fifty pills, sent free by mail to any part of tho United States, on the receipt of tho price. Principal Office, 339 BROADWAY. R. B. LOCKE, General Agent. Wholesale and retail in Philadelphia, by DYOTT k SONB, 218 North SECOND Street. nu2s-tlis&m3m Hoofland’s German Bitters will posi tively oure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, &c. Read whnt is said of itby tho Rev. J. H. Tur ner, Pastor of Hedding M. E. Church: . Philadelphia, April 20,1859. Dn. Jacbson— Dear Sir: Having used your “GER MAN BITTERS” in my family frequently, I am pre pared to say that it Uas boon of groat service. I believe that in most cases of genoral debility of the s> stem, it is the safest and most valuable remedy of whioh I have any knowledge. Yours, respectfully, J. H. TURNER, 728 north Nineteenth street. For sale by Druggists and Dealors in Medicines everywhere, at 75 cents per bottle. Also by the proprietors, Dr. C. M. Jackson 4c Co., 418 Aroh street, Philadelphia. sel2-D4tWtf Whehlfaß & Wilson. Sewing Machines. -Philadelphia Office, 628 CHESTNUT Street. Merchants’orders filled at the SAME DIBCOUNT as by the Company. Brandi offices in Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton and Wostohestor, Pa. selt-4m Onh Price Clothing of tith Latest Styles, made in the beat manner, exproßsly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods mndo to otdor warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE Syslem is striotly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of denting. All aro thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., seS-tf „ m MARKET Btreet. Grower & Baker's Oblbbratkd Noiselbss Familt Sswnta-MAcniNXi, > AT RBDOCBD PRICES. Temporarily at No. 501 Broadway, wftj return to No. 49fi_in a few weeke. MAitltlfcl). RO\VE—PtNOT.—On the sth of July, by Rev. J. C. Clay, Mr. Tbos. M. Miss Isabel, eldest daughter of the late Louia Pmot, all of this citr. * . PARKER r JONF3.~On Hie llth or July. 1858. bv Rev. W. F. Davidron, Thomas Parker .to Abtia Mary Jones. oeXl—jc& AM.—On tho 20th inst.. by Rev, HciVy SteUlo .Clarke, l). D.» J. Howard Seal to Hannah E., uftiuMor rtf John Ketcham. Esq., all of this oity. * RIXTINE—EMKRY.—On tho 15th inst.. by Aid. J. Flankinton. Mr. John Rixtfoe to Miss Ellon Emory, both of Schuylkill township, Chester county. * . HOOVER—COOK.—On tue 15th inst., by Aid. J. Plank tnton. Mr. John Hoover to Miss Emma Matilda Cook, both of this city. * GLOVER—BELL.—On the 19th inst., by Rov. F. T. Cailhopper, Mr. Benj. B. Glover, of Camden, N..T., to Miss Esther Z., second daughter of Josoph Bell, of this city. * CORTESI—HENRY.—In New York.on tho 19th inst.. by. Rev. Mr. Leonard. Sisnor J. Cortesi, of this cit>S to Miss Lizzie Henry,of the former city. * DIED. DEGENS.—On the Soth ihst., Mr. Jacob Ddgeris, aged 29 vearfi and ID months. , . . Tim funeral will take plare this (Thursday) aftornoon, at 3 o clock, from tho residence of his father, 937 Pansy unk road. The friends of the family aro respectfully requested to attend. * BEELER.—Suddenly, on the morning of the 19th, Of oHdgesticn Hf the brain, Mr. Godfroy T. Soolor, m tho ydar of hik agb. Funornl from his late residenro, southeast corner of Fifth and German streets, this (Thursday) aftornoon, nt 2 o’clock. * GRACE.—On the 19th inst., John G. Grace, in the 33d year of his aze. Funeral from the residence of t*is lather, No. 1025 Og den street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o’clook. * RORER.—On the 19th inst., Air. Franklm Rorer, in the 37th year of his age. Funeral from tho rosidetico of his motlmo-in-law. Mrs. Rebecca Cripps, Tacony road, this (Thursday) aftornoon, at 2 o’clock. _ * ADAMB.—On tno 20th inst., Miss Ann Elizabeth Adams, in tjie 39th j ear of bet* apd, . Futteral irdm tile residence df her iuothor, Mrs. Ca tharine Adams,No. 1905 Rochford street, alxive Hnmii tonjthis(Thursdayimorning, at 10o’clock. * DENNING.—On the 20th inst., Ellen Denning, infant daughter of Edward and Margaret Denning, aged 4 years, 8 months, and 13 days. Funeral from the residcncoof her parents. Twenty third street, below Chestnut, this (Thursday)afternoc.n, at 2 o’clock. “ FERAT.—On the2oth inst., Mary Catharine, daughter of Charlos M. and Margaret Ferat, in tho 4th yeai of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents. Passvunk road, below Washington avenuo, this (Thursday) after noon, at 3 o’clock. * . ROGERS.—On the 10th irtSt., Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers, ill thd o4Ui rdaf of nor nee. Fundral frdrn the rosnlence of Her ImSlmmL Twenty. second street, two tloc/rs below Roce, Hus (Thursday) ofternoon. at 1 o’clock. * , LOWNBBURY.—On the 20th inst., George W. Lowns bury, in the 58th year of his a'/e. Funeral from fits iato residence, Dana (lato Duke) street, below Newmarket, on Friday morning, at 9 o clock. * DILIiORN.—On the 13th inst., Benj. 0. Dilhcrn, in tho <Bth year of his *ws,. * iIUTCHINSONc-On tho 19th inst., John Hutchinson, aged 46 vears. _ • AIAWSON.—On the 10th inst., Martha, wife of Joseph Mawoon. ngod 63 voars. * HUSTLER.—On the 23th of August, si St. Clairsviilo, Ohio, Mary Hustler, rehet of John Hustler, in hdr 3l«t year. * BLACK IRISH POPLINS, alt qualities. Plain Grey Irish Poplins. Block Velour Reps. ■. Black Amelines. Black Balm de Chines. Block Winter Gloves and Gauntlets. Mourning Brocado Mohairs. Black Cloth Cloaks for Fall. Mourning Balmoral Skirts. Jlack Gros Grain and Poult de Bcio Bilks, usfc reoeiveu Dr .... . , ~ ~ t BESfIOH Mournitießtore, *M-lr. , No. flds CHESTNUT Street. rr?* THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF establishment of BUSINESS MEN'S DAILY U 0 ON PRAYER. MEETINGS will take place on FRIDAY, the 23d mat., being the day on which the Fiulon street meeting in New York was nommoncod. AfcrV-f,tXt59A°X. lho Noonday meeting m Jayno’s Hall, CHESTNUT Street, lielow Seventh, will, on that day, have specinl reference to this interesting event. . Let all who love tho cause of Christ, and theso meet ings. ho present on this occasion to .loin their hearts m thanksgiving and praise to A mighty God for tho manner m which he has blessed this instrumentality in dnyg past, and to pray for a yet greater outpouring or tbelfoly Spirit upon our city, and upon the whole world. «22-2 t fYr* AMERICAN BOARD,-THE COMMIT IL3 iruttce of Arrangements Will meet THIS DAY, at i o’oloek. at the PRESBYTERIAN HOUSE. U 34 Cheet nutstreet, fH*| JOHN McLEOD, Secretary. I’ROF. O. S. FOWLER WILL COM [k3 AIENCE a Course of LECTURES ON LIFE, its Laws. Organs. Functionsiand Improvement, as taught by Phrenolotv and Physiology, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING. Fopt. 2nth. and give professional opinions nnd advice daily at his rooms. For particulars see bills nnd papers of the day. a)2-lm ryTF* notice.-green and coates-st. ILV PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. The third instalment df FIVE DOLLARS por aharo. oh tho stdckdf ttio Gteeh and Coaies-strcet Passenger Railrdnd Company. Will be duo nnd nayahlo on thoJlth <2/waLNIIT S^^ 0 °^ CB of the Company ,'No. By order of the Board. 816-thstntOU HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. NOTICE-OFFICE OF THE HESTON- JjJ? _ VIL LE. MANT U A, AND FAIRMOUNT PAB prvp nfiiViDn OA ® C u*“?*^ e instalment of FIVE DOLLARS on eaoh share of the stock ol this BSSKI ,h 9 B. M. ZUl,lCK,B«cral»r?. OFFIOE O 1; THE EAST Maha.Noy Anlurt M liab “° ° M PA^ The second instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per Share becomes due, aud is payable at tho Office of the Com pany. No. 407 Library street, on tho Ist of Ootolxsr next. au315716 2201* • A. McINTYRE, Treasnror. |Y"5=» GREEN AND tOATES-IiTBEETS I’AS SENUER HAII.WAY OOSII'aSt Wotio. ls hereby Riven, that all Btiietholilcra n-hoilo not pay the sooona instelraontot their subscriptions on or before the 25th day of September, 1839, will be charged one percent permonth on the unpaid balance from June Bt!i, ultimo, and if tho same shall not bo paid before the Bth day of January, ISO), their stock will be forfeited. 8 ,l °,^. erof lli « ard - BENDY SHARWOOD, Secretary. thirteenth and fifteenth y^ Y fi TRE£TS PASSENGER RAILWAY COM . At a meeting of the Commissioners named in tho aot incorporating tho Thirteenth and Fifteenth-streets Pas i2»n^^I \y ay «S°«.W ,1 l r . of Philadelphia, held Sept !SL' i? w L nl f ' street, it was resolved that jf«tworiptions to the capital stock of the ilurteenth and I’llteenth-streets Pasienger Railway Company be opened on THURBDAY. Sent 22d, 1859, at 9 o’clock A. M. t at No. 4 South SEVENTH Street. V. , L , DENDY SHARWOOD, Secretary. Notice is hereby given, that Bonks for receiving sub to tho 9U s k V f the Thirteenth and Fifteenth j£r®ote Faisencer Railway Company wi 1 be opened at the time and plaoe above mentioned. A. C. HARMER, E. G. KROMRR. HENRY HAINES, COFFIN COLKB'IJ, JOHN P. VERRE^. DENDY SHARWOOD, a.- HENRY R. COGGUHALL. *2-aUa Committee. JPVLEECE WOOL IN NEW YORK, JOO.OOO pounds of very light medium Fleeces, CHIEFLY FROM OHIO, FOR SALE IN NEW YORK, AT No. 61 TINE STREET, BY MESSINGER & WRIGHT. S2l-81 11/lISS M. MUNSON, Clairvoyant Plivsi* ArJi. clan, has returned to her Rooms N<, i?7Rmiti. TENTII-Streot, where she may bo Sufted aJffy fr? n 9 to 2oVlock, for o few weeks prior to her departure for Miss M. has had an oxtonsive and sucrossful exno rienefl in Boston, nnd has no hesitation in promislnc satisfaction to those who may require her aid. Tonus for each examination, if the person is present, si ’ s22thstuGt* SILVER SOAP—A simple preparation for cleansing Silvor i’lnte, Jewoirv, Mirrors. Mar ble, Ac., far more convenient and effective than any othor. One half the labor of Houso cleaning may Im> saved by using this Soap, which cannot possibly injuro fho finest Zinc white, and ns no sorublungis required, the saving in the weAr ot the paint Is much greater than the cost of the Soap. It leaves Resurface as pure and white as when new. Manufactured onlv by tho Boston Indexical Sonp Company, and sold hr their appointee! Anon's. HASSARD k CO.. Apothecaries, TWELFTH nnd CHESTNUT. sai-tf PHILADELPHIA COAL OIL COM- J- PA NY,—An instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per Share will A hg dim and payable. Two Dollars ami Fifty Cents on SATURDAY. Oct- Bth * and Two Dollars und Fifty Cents on TUESDAY. Nov. Ist, between the hours of 2 and 4 o’clock P. M . at 127 North ELEVENTH St, Bv order of the Board of Directors. e22-th2t* J. M. BARSTOW, Secretary. Y<>U CAN GET A LIFE-SIZE PHOTO graph In Oil made from a email Daguerreotypo or Arnbrotype&fc REIMER’o Fhotograpluo tfallery, HE COND Htreet, altove Green. It* Buckwheat flour, the first of tho Season, Just received and for sale, at the Buckwheat-Emporium, No. fib North DELAWARE avenue, the first invoice of the Season, of extra new Buckwheat Floor, direct from Albany. 821-Ct* R. H. MOOR. PACKING YARN.—ltalian Packing Yarn, s n itab!e for steam engines, manufactured of the best material, end for gale, nttholowest prices, Ku No.»N.te&«XKm. NEW PUBLICATIONS. [VIEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! ly MEMOIRS OP THE LIFE OF JAMES WII.- SOW.R fi( K By James llHnultnn, I). D. ]2ino. SI. HISTORICAL SKETCHKB OF HYMNS, THEIR WRITERS AND THEIR INFLUENCE. By Joaapli Baichor, D. 1). 12mo. SI.2S. , THE lIEAF SHOEMAKER. By Philip Ilarrolt. ll lUßtrnted. 18mo. 60 cents. ' / FORTY YEA R 8 IN THE WILDERNEBB OF PILLB AND POWDERS. 12mo. «). THE RECTORY OF MORELAND 5 Or, My Duty. 12mo. 81. THE ROMAN QUESTION. Boston correct edition. 12mn. 00 cents. KNITTING WORK. A WEB OF MANY TEX TUREB. Wrought by Ruth Partingtou. Illustrated. 12nio. 8125. S.UNICA. AStorr for Girls. 18mo. Illustrated. 25cts. For sale by WM. S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, 522 No. 606 CHESTNUT Btreet. JJENRY WARD BEECHER’S SERMONS, PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INDEPENDENT. In Addition to tho interesting matter euntainod in every successive nun»l*er of The Independent t tho pub lisher is Jiappy to nnnuunco that tho Sunday Morning Sermons of Rov Remit Ward Beecher will appear exclusively in its columns every wook. They arc the only roports given to tho press which reooivo revi sion from the Author’s own hand. Among other special contributors aro tho following wall-known writers.: Mrs. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, Rev. GEO. B. OHKEVER, and JOHN G. WHITTIER. Tjsbms—TWO DOLLARS a >oar, payable in advance, Address JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, PUBLISHER, No. 5 BEEKMAN Street, New Vork. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. s2l vrthlm JJY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. WILL BE READY IN ABOUT TWENTY DAYS, WARY OF TUB AMERICAN REVOLUTION, From Newspapers and Original Documents, b) FRANK MOORE. Agents wanted for every county, and for Cunadu. Apply to JOHN McFARLAN, Arc ado Hotel, G2l CHESTNUT Street. G. W. FAIRMAN, Agdnt for Philadelphia. 819-mthlm MASSON’S BRITISH NOVELISTS, . Puldishod SATURDAY. 10th inst. BRITISH NOVELISTS ANO TJIEIR BTYLES, Being a Critical Sketch of tho History of British Prose Fictiott. fly DaviP Mabsox, M. a., author of ■* The Jiiio and Times of Milton.” lCjnd., doth. 76 cents. This charming volume will find its way to many Ameri can homes, ana win for its author a placo by the side of the masters of Knulish fiction, of whom he discourses so pleasantly, it is entertaining and instructive, indica ting a large acquaintance with the works 01 British Novelists, and a sharp discernment of their merits and their faults. English reviews spenx of it with unqua’i fied commendation, as ohe Of the moat genmland enter taining hooka of the day. GOULD fc LINCOLN, sl7smth3t * No. 69 WASHINGTON Street. T" HE PORTRAIT OP JOHN B. GOUGH. tHEJOIItRAIt OF PAUL MORPHY, With a Memriir of onch. and tho ILLUBTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. Or nny of the Steel Plate Portraits published wtih this favorite journal, may bo had, postpaid, on recoipt of ISconts. cash or postage stamps, by H. A. BROWN t CO., 14 HANOVER Street, Boston. so2(J-tuth2t THOUSAND SUBSCRI -«- BERS! , APPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. Volume Seventh will be out on tho 25th. , It is not tno late to commence taking tins work, which is now established in tho category of famous litornn succosses. New subscribers can have a volume a mouth till thoy overtake the isrho. The enormous subscription list has boon mainly in creased by. the subscribers themselves, who have broiulit their friends and neighborsloßubscritie, as soon as they had satisfied themselves of tho suhpassino ex- CELLESCK AND VALUE OP THE WOKS. JOHN McFARLAN, Agent for Pennsylvania, . , Arcade Hotel, 621 CHESTNUT Street. Agent, also, for Benton’s Debates of Congress and Frank Moore’s Diary ol tho American Revolution. s3-s til tli-9t ANEW WORK BY Professor CLEVE LAND. L/C. 4c J.' BIDDLE, No. 503 MINOR Stroct/will shortly put to press A COMPENDIUM OF CLABSICAL LITERATURE, on the plan of the r.utlior’s Cmnpondium f Eiulmh and American Literntuie. By Charles D. Cleveland, for merly Professor of .the ljptin and GreoktLanguages in Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., and of Ilm Latin Lan guage ami Litoriiture m the University of tho city ol New York. This work will embrace a general view of the most eminent of the Greek and Latin Fuels. Historians, Philosophers, Orators, and Miscellanenus Wrnors.with their lives, accounts of their wntmrs.and choice ex tracts (selected or original translations) from their works; and brief notices of such Classical Writers as are loss generally known and road. s2l3t OHEBS- 0 H E S S ! At LAST! THE BOOK OF THE FIRST AMERICAN CHESS „ , CONURES.S. Containing tho proceedings of that colobratcd assem blage, held it) New \o(k, in tho year 1857, with the papers- root! in its sessions, the games played |n the Grand Tournament, and the stratagems entered 111 tlie Problem Ton may, together with sketches ortho Histoiy of Chess in the Old and Now Worlds. B> DamenVil lard Fiske, M. A., Official Secretary of tho Congress, Editor ol tho C/k>j Monthly, Ac. Adornod with n matniticent unpublished strstagein by Mr. KuoxMj B v Cook, m sixtv-eivlit moves, en- KraveUand pnnfodill colorfi. Ooelarge 12uio. volume, 563 pp. Muslin, elegant, rrico SI sb. _ Also, now roadr: THE LIFE AND TRAVELS OF ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. With an introduction from the pen of „„ . BAYARD TAYLOR, Esq. W ith a new steel portrait.enuraved oxpressly for tin* work, from art original photograph in tho possession of Mr. Bayard Ta> lor. Ono largo 12mo. volume, 496 pages, Musliu, price 25. A nowand popular life of thisdistinguished traveller and. author, from original and authenticsourcea. com prising his Life. Travels, andScientifio labors, together wi th sketches of his teachers atidcolalwrers. An agree* able,entertnitmiing volume. Either of thoso Books, will bo Bent by mail, foutagk Frer, to nny pari iif tlio Umtad States, tin reeeipt of the price, by RUDD tc CARLKTON, sS-thfcstf Putdishers and BtvoksrUere, No. 130 GRAND Street, near Broadway, N. Y. G« G. EVANS' BOOK LIST.—ALI Books are Bold at tho lowest prices, and a hand some GIFT, worth from 35 oonte to 8100, is given wiU each tvv>v at the time of purchase. BEAR IN MIND . . . . That besides getting your book at the lowest retail pricft, i’HAT A OIFf. worth fkom 60 cknts to 8100, ACCOMPANIES EACH BOOK, LIFE OF COL. David CROCKETT. One vojumo. J2nio . cloth. Prices) 00. TEN YEARS OF PREACHER LIFE. B> Milburn. Ona volume, J2mo • cloth Price $l-W. THE WORLD IN A POCKET BOOK. One volumo 12m0., cloth. Price 5J.23 FOUR YEARS ON A WJULKSHIP. One volume, J2mo.. doth. Pnco 81.26, , Remarkable conversions and revi- VALB. One volulno.lJmo., doth. Price 81.25. I IIL ORPHAN GIRLS. One volume, i2mo., cloth. Price 81.00. THE MUSTEK, or LOVE AND LIBERTY. One volume. Hum., doth. Pnco 81.26. CP , i!*i\^ , 4.«®^NL* , .and axitt. 81.00 each V/MJ'.WA.TL&NtJVELS, and a gilt. SltXleach. ARTHURS NOVELS, nndacilt. 81.00 each. . ALL OF MRS. SOUTHWORTH’S NOVELS, nnd a handsomo gift with each. Price 81.25. ALL OF MRS. HENTZ’B NOVELS, and a hand “MilSW-b te. 81 - 25 ' „ ... Worth from 60 cents to 8100. m given with each book, nt GEORGE G EVAN'’ , GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, *e2o-3t No. 439 Chestnut street, l’hi la, PUBLISHKD THIS DAY : A FAMILIAR dOMPEND OF GEOLOGY. By Mr. A. M. Hill side. An Elcmetjtary wdrk Dir Schools and Families. The only work ol tho kind extant, Half roan. 75 rent*. JAMES CHALLEN k SON, sU-<st 25 South SIXTH Street. f'JHAMBERS’S ENCYCLOPEDIA. V/ (To be in 86 monhly parts. 15 oents each.) supplied to any nodrcHs, free of postage, by JOHN MoFARLAN, Agent for Pennsylvania, For Appleton’s New Atnono&n Cyelopsdia, and Ben ton's Debates of Concrca*. ARCADE HOTEL, 621 CHESTNUT Btreet. Agents wanted to oanvass in every enuntf. au27-lm PAUL THE PREACHER ; or, A Popular and Practical Exposition of his Discourses and Speeches, ns recorded in the Acts of tho Apostles. By John Eauio. D D.. LLI). 12mo. 81.35. MERRY’S ILLUSTRATED IluOK OF RHYMES. IGmo. 30 cent*. MAGDALA AND BETHANY. By Rev. S, C. MaUn, M. A. 18ino. 40 cents. UNICA; A btory for Girls. By the author of “ Undo Jack.” 18itm. 25 cents. J. Oswald Jackson. 25cts. SIX SOUNDINGS. By Rev. J. Bi Hipley. 18mo. 25 cents. LIFE AND LABORS OF REV. DANIEL BAKER. Uino. $1.25. hor sale by WILLIAM S. k ALFRED MARTIKN, No. CM CHESTNUT Street. f|LT) BOOKS-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS The undersigned states that he has frequently for sale books printed between the yeprs 1470 and 1500; early editions of the Fathers of the Reformers andof the Pu ritan Divines; in Law, Braeton, Lyttleton, Puffendorff, GrotiUS.Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Books, Reports, &0., are often to bo found on his shelves; Cyclopedias, Lexicons. Clatuio authors, History, i’oetry, Philosophy, Science, Political Economy, Government. Architecture! Natural History. Treatises upon these and other kindred (fulliects are being continually dealt m hy him. Rooks, in Large and small quantities, purchased at the Custom- House avenue Bookstall, CHESTNUT Btreot, above Fourth, Philadelphia. mfiS-ftm JOHN CAMPBELL. PENNSYLVANIA, SS: IN THE NAME AND 'by'tAk AUTHORITY OF TIIE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. WILLIAM V. PACKER, GOVERNOR OF THE RAID COMMONWEALTH. w PROCLAMATION. Whereas, By the third section ol tho ad of Hie General AsHernbly of the Commonwealth passed tlie ‘llA day of April. A. D. l&M, entitled “ An Ant to establish a sinking fund Tor tho payment of tho public debt.” it is made the d-»t> of the Secretary of tho Commonwealth, the Auditor General and State Treasurer, Commission era of tho Sinking Fund created hy the s-ud act of As sembly <n the first Monday of September, A. 1). 185 a, umlon tho bnmo day annually thcrcaiter. to report iiml coytify to the (JnvernoMhe amount recened under tho said ant. the amount of interest paid, amt the amount ol the debt nt tlio Commonwealth rodcomed nnd held by them. M hcroupnn the Governor shall direct tho certi ficates representing the same to bo cancelled, and on such cancellation, iseuo his proclamation statmit tho fact and the extinguishment nnd hual'dischargo of so much of the principal of 6aul debt. And wheroa*. By tho innnty-euilitli section of the m-t of thotroneral Assembly passed tho 19th day of April, A. D. 1853, entitled “ An Act to provide tor the ordinary expenses of tho Government,” if is provided, that there after tho receipts to tho linking Fund, to the amount that mav be necoswiry to cnncol the relief issues now in circulation, under tlu» provisions of tho act of tho 4th (Ist of May, A. I). IRU, and the reissue under tho actof tha 10th day of April. A. I). 1819. shall be applied toward tho cancellation ol said issue. And wheroas. William M. Hunter, Jacob Fry, Jr., and Eh Shfcr, Commissioners of tho Sinking Fund in obedience to thorcanircnionts of lnw.roi>ort andcortitv o me, that the debt of tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania redeemed nnd hold by them from the 30th dnt of November, A D. 1857, to tho Mb day of yeptembor. A. D. ninounts to the sum of one million one hundred “nd thirtv.Rcvpn thousand one hundred nnd fifty-five dollar* and thirty-six cents- mndo up ns follows; Certificates of stock loan of April 11th, 1818, □ percent $4lA r 0 00 Certificate of stock loans of various dates, 5 nor cent 1,017.838 20 Robot issues I'luicfillcil 41.071 OO Interest certificates of various dates 41295 10 T0ta1..,. ¥1,137 1M 31 Now, t lereforc.riß required by tho tho third section of tho nctol Assembly nforesaid, I do hereby issue this my proclamation, declaring the payment, cnticell itmn, ex tinguishment, and final due hanre of one million nun h'ybfr™ nnd thirtv-Hoyen thousand mio hundred and filty-five (lolliirs and thirtv-mx cents of tho principal of the debt ol the Commonwealth, including forty-ono thousand and seventy-one dollars or the relief issues whioli Imyo been, canceliodjuid destroy oil, as nuUmruod by the nmety-oulith soctionof the act of tho i:Hh of April, A. D. one thousand night hundred nnd fifty-throe. Given under my hand and tho great seal of the State at Harrisburg, this nineteenth dav of September, A D 1859, nnd ol tho Commonwealth the eighty-fourth CSSB „ n WM. F. I‘ACKErT By the Governor; Ww. M. Hieotbr, Secrotar: oi the Commonwealth. ."-22-fit pERSONAL.-A. D. ANCONA Gi>TT 1 M'hjffiSaM m Gonls’ Cnst-nir Cloth mg, at 810 SOUTH Street. eft-tit* RETAIL DRY GOODS* £IOH WILKS. - Now on oxlnbitiou tho largest and best selected stock DRESS SILKS, (RANGING IN PRICE FROM 00c. TO 03 00.) EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. * Tho nbovo have all been bought at the lato Auotion Sales in this city and Now York at very REDUCED PRICES. Just opened, a lot of Two Flounced BROCADE ROBES, RICH PRINTED FOULARDS. Wholesale buyers are invited to an inspection. CURWEN BTODDART Sc BROTHER, 460. 452, AND 454 NORTH BFCOND BTREET, «23-3 t ABOVE WILLOW. Rich printed foulards, Jimtoponcd, a larso assortment, which we are soiling off dt our usual low prices. CURWEN BTODDART fc BRO., 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street 522-lt abovo Willow street. French merinos, Of choice shades, m desirable qualities, and Two lots Rods Cloth, Select color Popelme Cloths, CURWEN BTODDART tc BRO., 450 , 452, and 451 North SECOND Street, 522-4 t above Willow. Rich Paris printed mousseline DEI LAINES from tho recent Auction Sales, at Reduced Prices CURWEN BTODDART tc BRO., 450,452, and 454 North SECOND Street, 522-4 t above Willow. Heavy twilled Valencias, Of new and novel styles, Just opened, 1 500 jards, which we will run olfat 26ceiifsj>nr yard. CURWEN BTODDART fc BRO.. 450,462, and 454 North SECOND Street, 522-4 t alxtve w ftlow. OIOU FIGURED FRENCH MERINOS. -H-V From the New York Importers, a large lot, com prising choice’stvles. CURWEN STODDART tc BRO., 450,452 and 454 North SECOND Street. e22-lt above Willow street. VELOUR EPINQLK, Of choico stvles and colorings. CURWEN BTODDART & BRO., 460,452, and 144 North BECOND Street, gjj-4t above Willow. Blankets, In all qualities and sizes, of English add Ameri can fabrics. 1 . . Ho’dkeepers, lioufickeopert. and others supplied, by ihd a lantity or single pair, atthe lowest prices. * CURWEN BTODDART & BRO., 450,452, and 454 North Second Street above Willow. Fall and winter shawls, Stella Shawls, of all grades, iu Blaok and Colored cctit'es. Bfo.ihe Shawls, Square anil Long, of Paris and Ve retian fabnen. in new designs and colorings. F reach Blanket Shawls, of choice styles. Lon: and Hquaro Woollen Shawls. Bay Slate. Peace Dalo. and Watorvhet. This stock is unsurpassed by any, and worthy tho at ,.„l,ononVho.„H{,l,^drKg«iltl,„^.T k BRO i Nos. 450,462. and 441-North SECOND Street, s2l-!t above Willow, gJYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCn, STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GO o ns. 1 P 5 9. D R Y .G O O D S FOR AUTUMN. THE WHOLE STOCK OF SILK GOODS. FULL STOCK OF STAPLE GOODS. FULL STOfcK OF FANCY GOODS, FASHIONABLE FALL SHAWLS, CLOTHS. CASBIMERKS. AND VESTINGS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, TABLE LINENS, Ac. N. B.—Black Silks, Wholesale, at Low Rates. BARGAINB DAILY FROM NEW YORK AUCTIONS b2O-liu PJEW AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS. CURWEN STdDiAhT k IiIIOTHER, 450, 452, AND 454 NORTH, SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW, , Have received a large Ktook of Goods adapted to the present ami coming season, consisting of now and beau tiful styles of PRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac , Ac, From tlld lato Auction Sales in Now York, and ready for exhibition. Upward, of FIFTY TIKCES RICH DltEijd SILKE of now and hamlsoa,e st) les at from 95c. to $1.25. s;*U-3 Dress goods and shawls from NEW VORK. Will bo arranged this morning— ’rnited French Mvrini'S, high colors. > rmted French Mcruios, Polka Spots. 'rinted F rench Merino*, Chintz Figures. ’rinted Krcricli Ca«hm«res. ‘riiOctl fmitahoii OafeliliivrrS. All Wool Hauls. Saiiii Trave'rS. All Wool Mows d« t.aiiics, Printed in great variety of utylcs. and m ill) other kinds of Drors GinhJs. Aico, a full line of Bay State add Wnshiiuton Mills Blanket. Long, ami Square Shawls, of entire!) new do signs and fine anilities, equal (o French Blanket Hhawls. Also, snvural styles ltaicnmhfo and Stella Blanket Shawl I *, ol entirely new designs. Black and Brown Centre Stella Tlnbets, from $3.50 to $lB each. Bnicho Long and Square Shawls. A now stock of Gents’ Neckties. DaJou‘« dark Kid Gluvas- *O. • CHARLES APAMH, sl9.thnm ElGiri'H and ARCH Stroet*. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. *L Auction lots Shawls, ut $1 60, $2 W, $2 50, to $4 (W. Finer prudes S*p|!i Hita-wle. nt ctet and lees. FALL CLOAKS. Lndiex’ French Cloth Cloaks or Light and Dark Shades Habit Cloths. Prices ranee from 95 to Q 8.60. Cloaks made to ordor, at one day's notico, COOPER k CONAKD. seTO NINTH and MARKET. BOYS’ WEAR. MEN’S AVEAU. CassimeresoHpecinllv for Ik>is. Coalings for Ifoya’ fall and winter wear. Caasmicres of CKtra woight at 87 cOntn; Fiuer rradoH m Fancy. Plain, and Black. Black Doeikit.s, extra quality and cheap. Anct on loti Black Cloths £1.50 up. Ladies’ Light Colored Cloakings. COOPER A GONARD, NIJ4TH and MARKET. N.B.—lnducements to the Tailoring trade. new WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION!!! DRY GOODS VERY CHEAP!! WE HUY FOH CASH WE’RE SATISFIED WITH SMALL PROFITS. WE AIM AT LARGE SALES. A largo and varied stock of BILKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS. Linens of opr own importation. Cloth, CasK'uierc*, H.ittinetta. Flannels, Muslins, Tickings. Ac., Ac. Blanket*, in nil sizos nnd makes. Marseille*. lWnity , and Lancaster OuiltN, Ac.. Ac. At TIIORNLEY * CHISM’S, N. E. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. al7-tf gAPSON’S, CORNER Of EIGHTH AND CHERRY 8T3., Haro now open a fine assortment of BERLIN .ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. Tho wholo from the celebrated manufacturers. Hertz k Wcjeucr. in Benin. Our customers can depond on getting the best article ever offered nt retail m Phila delphia. nt the lowest pnets. A *PLENDID ASSORTMENT EMBROIDERED SUPPEBS, A VARIETY OF Cloak Tasskl*. Handsome Crochet ObOAK Frtnc.ks. New and iitaiTirva Drkis Trimminos. WnobLEN KnITTIHO YARNS, ALL COtOH*. ZKiunn Knit TaL3iahland Caps. Zkph\r Knit Gaiters and Sleeves. A pill stock of Statle Trimminob. AT R ARSON ’S LADIES' TRDIMINGB AND ZEPHYR STORE. Cor. OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS. elo-2in LUPIN’S FINE MERINOS. Ouo hundred pieces of extra quality nnd desirable colors nt 8) IV. One hundred pieces of fine quality and of sAtne colors at 75 cents. These goods have the most value of any that we have offored. BHARPLESS BROTHERS, s 5 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Btreete. TVEW AUTUMN SILKS. 1 i Just opened ten cases of selected Silks of our own importation. Plain Pmilt de Boies, from the lowest prices to the finest goous. Jlicli Lvons Silks of the newest designs. ’lam Black Bilks, glossy and lioavy. Neat figures and Brocade Blanks. Black and Fancy, two Jupes. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, «0 CHESTN UT and EIGHTH Streets. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. QENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS AMD TAILORS’ TRIMMINGSi LONGOOPE & PEAROE, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have now in store n full assortment in their line, to winch thoy invite the atteution of their customers and buv «rs of such goods. aus-2m JW, SCOTT—late of tho firm of Win • ohostor k Scott—GENTLEMEN’S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 81 CHESTNUTStrcoti (nearly opposite the Girard House * j!*W?!£'wouM respectfully call the attention of Ins formnr patrons and friend* to his new store, anil is pre- E pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A ertect fit Kunruntiod. Wholesale Trade supplied with ue Shut* and Coltnis. Ji2l-ly WINES AND LIQUORS. pRINOE IMPERIAL champagne. DE VENOGE k CO , EFKRNAY, FRANCE, Tilt* I* A PKRFKOTLY PCBB AND DKLICATB WIKR, from tlm Vineyard oi Messrs. Do Venoge A Co., whose estate lies in tho etntre nf lA* far-fametl Cftamparns Disturt i\f fVmtr*. It hna hitherto lieen confined to the boat tables of England and the Continent, nnd ha* onlj very recently been introduced into this country, where Harare quality, combined with the moderate price at which it is offered, is nlrondy r,clno\ing a success i^nd popularity unprecedented m tho nrumli of the Wine Sohhn tlii.citj by REAVES k DEAI,, No. 201 MAR KET STREET, an<t at the Principal Hotels, and by all the leading dealers throughout tho oountry. E. V. HAUGHWOUT, Corner of BROADWAY and BROOME STREETS NEW YORK. jy]o-tothA*2mif 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR —Great Emporium for fiterepaoopes nnd Stereoscopto View*, American, French nnd F.ngjish. Opera Olnssna. .Microscopes, nnd improved Bpeotaolos, correctly suited to the eyes, nt « A N K M N' Optician, U 2 South hOURTH Street, Imjiow Chestnut. HOT Artificial Human Eyes inserted. s6-lmif DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. gPECIALi NOTICE. Received per lata arrivals, a large and full assort ment of BLUE, BROWN, AND BLACK CLOTHS, of the most desirable makes and finish. BLUE CLOTHS, medium and heavy. BROWN do., do. do. BROWN dm, superior do. BLACK do., plain, twilled, medium and heavy weight. ' DOESKINS AND OVERCOATINGS FOR SALE BY FARRELL k MORRIS, 338 CHESTNUT St., n23-dtno6 Importers and Commission Merchant. I L L OPEN MATCHLESS PRINTS. FOR SALE BY THE I’IEOE OR PACKAGE AT SIX CENTS. GOODNESS OP I JALITY AND COLORS JOSHUA L. BAILY. 213 MARKET STREET, »H-tf PHILADELPHIA. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. MANUFACTURERS, L A D I E S’ CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT SffIEET, PHILADELPHIA, invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS In medium and first-class Goode, includini VELVET CLOAKS, HEW STRIPED BOURNOUS, All df which will t>6 Ottered at LoW Frioei TO CASH AND sKOß’i'-'fiftlE BUYERS, J. W. PROCTOR & CQ„ THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. 708 CiIiSTNUT STREET. BS-tf S. STEWART & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, 303 MARKET Si'REE'f. Aro nnw (laity raceivma from tha Lance Aneiloil Sato,, and other aouroes. a full assortment of desirable FALL GOODS, purchased FOR CASH, to which they invito the attention of Cash and prompt Bix-months buyers. Full lines of Black and Fancy Bilks, and all the new fabrics in Dress Goods, oonstantly on hand. *!)-3m 1859 l ' Al -' Tj importati °- n - 1859 JOEL J. BAILY & CO.. No. 219 MARKET STREET, AND 208 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, Have received by recent arrivals, and will continue to receive duhtlg the season a full and complete assort ment of FALL AND WATER GOODS, Consisting in pari of SIOSIHRY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES’, MISSES’, GENTS', A*f> BOYS LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, SILK AND COTTON BHIATS AND PANTS. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Black and Fancy Silk .Scarfs, Ties, and Cravats. Lmen, Cnmbrio, and Silk Hdkfs. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, Ac. Also, ri handsome stock of WHITE, LACE, and MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, n largo and cheap variety. “ JOUVLVS SYSTEME.” best quality kid GLOVES. A splendid assortment of colors and sizes. WOOL COMFORTS,HOODS,JACKETS .NUBIAS, Ac Tosether with a large assortment of CLARK’S niipe peruif six-cord "Silk-Finished” and '‘Enamelled” SPOOL COTTON. Also, their Sewing Machine Cotton, pnt up on spools of 2,400 yards each, to which the atten tion ol'ShirtMakors and Manufacturers is particularly requested. CASII AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BOYERS areinvitod tooxamine our Stook, which is one of the largest and most attractive e\or offered to the trade. s7-2m CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, Arc. JgAILY & BROTHER, ENGLISH TAPESTRY AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, ENGLISH INGRAINS H22*dt(le7if rfio MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & SMITH. MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. •We invite the attention oi dealers to our large stock oi FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for shades. The largest stock of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS tn the market, at prices which defy competition. au3l-2m JU’OALLDM & CO.. CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLBN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. Also, Importers and Dealers in CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, RUGS, &C. WAREHOUSE W 9 CHESTNUT 8T„ (Opposite the State House.) Southern and Western buyers are respeotfully invited to call au4-Sm rpBUITT, BRO., & CO.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, QUNS, PISTOLS, Ac., 529 MARKET STREET. 529 BELOW SIXTH. NORTH SIDE, aus-3m PHILADELPHIA. HENSJ2EY&CO •, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND GUN WAREHOUSE. NO. 49T MARKET, AND 416 COMMERCE OTS„ nB-Sm PHILADELPHIA. Proposals for wood and coal. Offieo of the GUARDIANS OF THE POOR, No. 42 North SEVENTH Street. „ SEALED PROPOBAI S will In' received at this office, on MONDAY, ftithinst., from 9 to 11 o’clock A. M., lor the supply of Wood and Coal for the usoof tho Out-Door Poor lor the several Districts, to be ueluered at such point*, nnd in such quantities, and at times to bo here after designated. Coni to ho free from slate,dust, and othor ismiuritioM, 2 210 pounds to the ton, Wood to be of lirnd quality Oak, subject to tiie inspection of tho Board or its Agents. Proposals must be handed to the undnr- Bipned personally, C. M. DJ*IRIM»KJL_ _ b2lll PHILADELPHIA ANDREADING RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Office 227 South FOURTH Btreet, PiunDKinin, Sept. 20tU, 1859. To avoid detention, the holders of Coupons of this Company, due on the Ist proximo, Are requested to leave them at tins Office on or before the Snth instant, when receipts will be given, and Checks will l>o ready for delivery on the Ist proximo, in exchange for said receipts. H. BRADFORD, »21-dt3o Treasurer. BOLE IMORTKR, SPTS. TURPENTINE.—SO bbls Spts. Turpentine, in store and for sale hv ROWLEY. ABHBURNKR.fc CQ. | s2I No. IBSouth WHARVES. THIS HAY, ANOTHER INVOICE BEAUTY OF DESIGN, THEY ARE WITHOUT RIVAL. IMPORTERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, To ttidif Sttfck. com, fintu EVERY VARIETY OF STYLES FINE AND COSTLY HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES’ CLOAKS, fco., 4to. BOt'HNOUB WITH PLAITS, Ac., Ac., NO. 950 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN TO-DAY CARPETS. OF NEW PATTERNS, SEVENTY-FIVH CENTS. IIAKUWAHL. WANTS. A LADY TEACHER DESIRES A SlTU ation in a School or private family. Incompetent to instruct in any ol the English branches. Latin, and Dra wing. The best references given. Address •• L. E. 8..” Western Snh Post Office. «g» » WANTED —B y a Young Man, 19 years old, a situation in any mercantile establish ment where he can make himself useful in the Counting Room or Store. Address “V. T..” at this office. «23-3t* WANTED— 50 tons of old Scrap Iron, at the Hollow Ware Foundry, South SECOND and MIFFLIN Streets. sa-3t* r NORTH. CHABE, A NORTH. A YOUNG MAN WISHES TO EMPLOY his leisure time and evening* profitably ; writesja good band, and willing to engage *n any honorable busi ness. Best reference given. Address "0.D.,” Blood'a Dispatch. It* WANTED—A Female Teacher, in a .r J Seminary, a few miles from the city. For par ll|3l 3t* addre, *'‘ Cheltenham,” Blood’s Dispatch. VSTANTED—A Situation as Wet Nurse, , by a respectable Youug Woman, who has re cently lost her child. Address ** Nurse,” office ol this paper. a2l-3t* WANTKD A Steady, Sober Young Man. who understands the care and manage ment of horses, to go South. Applications, with reler ence. oan be addressed to "Carolina,” Blood’s Dis patch. __ s3i-a* WANTED —By an Active Young Lad, 14 years of age, who writes a fair band, a situa tion in a wholesale store. Address "Alpha.” this office. *2l-3t* A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN desires an engagement m a Wholesale Dry Goods Hous*. C\n furnish good city and New York refere.nces. Ad d tg* " T. 8.,” at the publication office of this paper. AN ACTIVE PARTNER WANTED, who can command $13,000 in cash, to join the Ad vertiser in a lylunulacturiii? business which will yield a profit of 40 per cent, on the amount invested. No one need apply except those havine the amount required. Address, for particulars, *• Eaton.” office of 2'he Prut. A YOUNG GIRL, who has experience aa • a Housekeeper, wishes a situation in a private family. Would have ho cbiection tn ro a few mites in the country. Apply atMORRIS Btreet. »21-3t* A YOUNG LADY desires & position to teach Music, Drawing, and FaJatifle; English, and rudiments ot French. The city preferred, but would go in the country, or Boutn. City references given. Address "X.Y. Z at this office. w*2o-3t* TO HARDWARE MERCHANTS.- Wanted a situation by a Young Man who ho* had oonsiderahle experience ns it jtalesman. in a hardware store in Fittslnir* and other Western cities, m a hard ware store, ih this city. Address "Hardware Bales man.” ftt this office. sett 3t* WANTED —An interest in a well-estab hshed paying business, by a person With a capi tal, Vrhd is Well connected, and would keep the books, or take an active part in the loisiness generally. Ad dress “ Box 2124, FhltadelpUia Past office.” ee2o-3t _ FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO LET—The first-class Retail Grocer}' Stand, with fixtures, hoistin* machine, conntinf;- hbuse. arid storage roofns complete. No. 259 North SE COND afreet. .For key, apply torn. BATSON, Bar ley Siifc’af Hhtel, next door below. sfl-th»tu6t A TTENTION, JOBBERS.—To Rent, the -ljL liest arranged Chamber* alld fiasettierit in Phila delphia, provided with fine front and back entrances, hoistway, water closets, basins, etc. These rooms are beautifully finished«and are well lighted by sky-lubts. The second story contains wareroom 1251eetx25 feet, and an office 25 foot square. , „ . 4 The third story contains wareroom 100 feetx-5 f9et, and ttrpoffioogtt feetsquaffl. _ _ Thfi.fourth fitdry contains two finejmmisSS ft. wuare. Apply on tlleprertusCs, to CIiICKLRING k SONS, 807 CHESTNUT Street. rtOstntMt TO LET—The Office lately occupied by Okie k Carp, Brokers, 223 DOCK Street, Com pletely furnished wifh Wafer, gas, counters, desk*.fire prooftn wall. 4c., kcu well Baited for a Broker. Insu rance, or Railroad Omcd. 3ViU to with or without the furniture. Apply to J. M. QVivMtV SONS, 520 WALNUT Street. sea-gtuthlOt m AT PUBLIC SALE-On SATURDAY, Oct. 22,0 n tlie promises "A Valley Farm," m Chester county, adjoining Cain Station, on Penn sylvania Railroad, three miles west of Downmxtown. imitainine 125 Acres of excellent duality of Land, with gOW Buildings, and possessing many advantages of wdtef, roads, and other conveniences, for further par ticulars cail upon „ JNO. E. FOX. Executor, a2l-lin* Nd. It SojjtLTHIRD Street, I hiia. a FOURTH-STREET RESIDENCE FOR BALK.—The desirable three-stop- brick cfwrijin*, at the northwest corner of FOURTH and. BUTTON WOOD Streets; gas throughout; bath; hot and cold water; and modern conveniences Terms accommo dating. Apply to HORACE FRITZ. Conveyancer, corner NINTH and SANSOM Streets. jfcs TO RENT —Tile convenient dwelling, dH No. ta North FOURTH Street; m, bath,hot and .old water. Rent moderate. Apply to IJOKACE Fit !TZ. Uont ojaticer, aouihwcat corner HINT Hand RANSOM htr, :!». ,eal - 31 sn TO RENT— Three-Story trick dwell- Mil me, N 0.8.17 North FIFTH Street, wilhraiand bath. Rent low. Aptd) to MORACh hHirz.Ccjnvei ancer. southwest comer NIN TH and SANaOM Streets. oe2)-3t* _ _ ... rSMIIRD-STREET STORE TO RENT— X Tha Rntr-atofy bniMidit, No. SW North THIRD Btroet. Kent moderate. Apply 1 < , K tv If,lit Conveyancer, Southwest Corner NINTH and SANSOM Streets. Ot übO Ann TO LOAN ON FIRST MORT GAGE. Apply to 0. M. WAGNER. 311 North SIXTH Street. M2Q-U TO LET—A Sccond-story Room, conve nient lo the State, House, suitable for a Lawyer’s Offioe. Apply OIOHKStNut Street. *]6_ M FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.— The subscriber, in concentrating bis Chestnut street, west r-f Tenth upon reason*i*le terms, hislarre manufactorv, without buildingsand Urge lot of ground fronting on S.xth, Mar shall, and Master streets, suitable for almost any »arge iiianufficturin* business For paitieulara inn rs of ALFRED FITLER. Conveyancer. No fll N.RLXTH Btm.t, or to tha .übßcntrer, 110. 10% jCHESTNUT Br. For sale. , „ . . The SulworilKir wiJJ Stock FINK MONUMKfifri. STATI'ARV. HEAD AND FOOT STONES, Aew.4«. AT THE ~IFNT MARfhE V^D. 11Jm W..tof M()oRE M FOR SALE—A PARM of over 200 2X. Aero., well fenced end watered, W nifSj/'fJ®,” f cultivation, admirably adapted to the grass, vegetables, and fruit of all kinds, partmmar ? peaches, the trees of which tive to a xreatAge. Situate within two miles of a Railroad Station. Kent County, Delaware!*coii.fortable buildmys.. For P»rtlC“l«ni. «4- dress Box 32, Chester, Pennsylvania. au3o-im _ TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS.—Roxbo rouxh Collate Late far eale, admirably located on and near Rid.e Avenue, starve the Six-milei Wore. Passenger Railway Cars flu* running near, and will •oonrunbi them. praß A/vhaect, au27 lm* No. 113 South FOURTH StTeet. $50,000 TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Gun*. Mer chandise, Clothing, Ao., oa moderate terms, by JONES A CO., Brokers, northwest corner of THIRD and GAB KILL Streets, bolow Lombard. Established for the Jar & years. Office hours from 7A.M. to TP. M. Second-hand Gold and Silver W atches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale oneap, at one-hall the oritinal cost. nut lm-* BOARDING. rilo GENTLEMEN.—A Choice Second- JL story Front Room, with Breakfast, Tea, Fire,ami Gas, in an excellent localit) and private fund'. Ad dress •• W. B D.,” this office. s2l-3t* _ BOARDING.— Elegant and airy Rooms, single and in suites, can be had with firtt-^laa* Board, for the Summer, Fall, and Winter, at Uli WAL NUT Street. «u3-2m MEDICINAL. CJCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, lIIP prSFASK, TETTER, SCALD HEAD. Eruptions of the Skin generally, ami all Humors and Impurities ol the Blood, are radically and permanently cured by the celebrated DKPURATIVE. It ha* been a very important agent in the cure of CANCEROUS DISEASES by Dr.Lounsbeiry A Co., for a number of year* past, and ite great value in the cure oi Cancers is abundantly established by the many cures B *l n° BCR&F OLOUS affection* its remarkable curative eflect has never beei\equalled. H cures the moet otati ° TETTER. SCALD HEAD, and all Eruptions of the Skin, readily yield to a moderate use of this Medicine. Malignant Ulcers and Bores are readily cured by the u*e of a few bottles. Prepared and sold by , . _ MxcNICHOL A BRO., (Lata Lounsberry A C 0.,) No.CO North FIFTH Street, below Arch, For sale by the following Druggists: J. F. Long A Co., Laucaster; C. W .Epting, PotUvule; J. H. Raser, Reading; 8. S. Stevens. Reading; T. A J. McClintock,Easton; Jas.Given, West Chester; Wm. Stabler. Norristown, Simon Rau, Bethlehem; Dr.Liye zey. New Hope; Dr. Leslie, Bristol; Schmidt A Co., Allentown; Ellw A Bell, Man.-uunk, Pa; J.D. James, Trenton; Da La Cour, Camden; Brewster A Co., Bridgeton; Robertson A Lippincott, Salem.N. J:Mg- Inail,Wilmington; L. S. Hoopes, WilmingtoniT, F. Hammersly. Milford, Del.; and Druggists generally, joll-etuthtimif PHILADELPHIA CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF.TIIE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, NO. O MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M., September Ttb, 1859, the follow- mg xentlemou were unanimously elected Directors of the Company, u:: QEORUE H. STUART, B. MORRIS WALN, HATTTIEW IV. BALDWIN, CIIAS. MACALESTER, Asp JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. Tho BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION to tli. CAPITAL STOCK of saul COMPANY are now open at the above named Office, where nil persona favorable to the enter pnae are roapeotfully invited to aubaenlie. .3 tf NEWLAND * 00., LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. All extensive stock of OIL PAINTINGS, etc. All at \ery Low Prices. 604 ARCH Street, above SIXTH, Philadelphia. aI3-tjahf WARM AIR FURNACE. ▼ T THE NEW COVE FURNACE GAS CONSUMER Will thoroughly Warm your house with one-third less coal tlnn is required hy anv other Furnace. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. Buildings Warmed and Ventilated by ARNOLD A WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. SLATE MANTELS, The Richest and most Beautiful Specimens of Enamelled Slate Mantels,eier ottered for sale in this country, manufactured by us, from Pennsyhama Slate stone, and for sale very low. ARNOLD A WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. COOKING RANGES. , „ All in want nf th. Best Klevnted Double Oven Cooking Range, will do w jvbN'OLO* A WILSON'S. ■o 10 3mif iino CHESTNUT Street. THRILLS AND SHEETINGS FOR EX -24 South FRONT fit., and 38 LETITIA Street, ooii-iy AMUSEMENTS. WHEATLEY * CLARKE’S ABCB -BTRBET THEATRE. THIS EjVENING. S.ptemler 2J, Pescara. Mr. Edwin Bc«th; Heiuejea, Mr. John Dot man; Florinda. Mrs. John Drew. KATHARINE AND FETRUCHIO. Petruchio. Mr. Edwin Booth. . Scale or Price*,.— Admission,29 cents; Seeured Seats in Dress Circle, 37>i cent*; Parquet, SB cant*. Doors open at 7o’clock; performance to ctamMuos at7>» o clock precisely. \\TALNUT-STREET THEATRE. VHtS^TVC-RrD'AYYEV^NIN^ffiS?^. «... .. . _ OTHELLO. Othello, M r.E L Davenport; Ugo, Mr. H. A. Perry; Desdemona, Mrs. Anna Cowell „ MV FRIEND, THE MAJOR! Scalr o? PaicK«.--Drew Circle, (Beats secured with* out extra charge.) SO emu; Parquet, t SeaU aeeured at 60 cents, )37J* ; Second Tie t and Family Circle, and Thlni Tier, 25 cents; f mate Boxes, according to theirVcale, Ssand $3; Single tfeata m Orchestra and Private oxe*. 75 cents. Box Office open daily, from 10 until 3 o'clock, when seats can be secured in advance. J)AN RICE'S GREAT SHOW! THE MOST UNItiUE. EXTRAORDINARY, AND ATTRACTIVE EXHIBITION UPON EARTH. Will Exhibit at CAMDEN, Thursday, Sept. 22d. WILMINGTON, Friday. Sept. fid. WEST CHESTER. Saturday, Sept. »th. PARKESBURG. MONDAY,Sept. 26th. LANCASTER. TUESDAY. Sept. 27th. COLUMBIA, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 38tb. MIDDLETOWN, THURSDAY, Sept 29th. HARRISBURG, FRIDAY, Sept. »th. FAREWELL TOUR OF DAN RICE, The Great American Hujnorict THE ONLY TRAINED RHINOCEROS! THE ONLY TIGHT-ROPE ELEPHANT! THE ONLY “EXCELSIOR!” THOSE COMIC MULES! And an infinite number of other nneaoaUed attrac tion*, are ooropmed in this LEVIATHAN EXHIBITION. Fcll Particclaes ie Bill* Return of the favorites. AT MUSICAL FUND HALL. THIS EVENING and Every Evening during the Wee*. GEORGE CHRIBTY'S MINSTRELS. GEORGE CHRISTY A R. m;HOOLEY, FKOVKIXTOU. Jl C. CAMFBELL.Moae&I Diieotor. mission 25 cents. Tor further pirticalan ee« email and large bill*. Honrs open at 7. Commence at 8 o’clock. LEWIS A. ZWIBLER. Agant. «19-4 t OANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, between Chertnut and Market. Open for the Season. SANFORD'S STAB TROUPE, the l&rxert Company in the world, ll their excellencies every evening, . SANFORD appears _ Every evening in Ei« great Bole of Character*. Doom open at W*. Commence at 8. Admission 23 osats. Chiildrsn IS eents. enc3-2m , McDonoughs gaieties—race st., below THIRD. THIS EVENING, THE GREAT PANTOMIME OF BLANCO’S MAGIC SWORD, With New Scenery, New Dresses, end New Appoint ments. WONDERFUL TRICK! * GREAT SCENIC TRANSFORMATIONS! MECHANICAL KFFEOTB! Price of Admission 10 and 15 cents. Private Bose* 25 cents. THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS. No. 10S5 CHESTNUT BTREET, Is open daily,(3undayi excepted,ifrom * A, BC.JCB* P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children nsder 12 yssHsaatf price. Bartholomew’s Statue of EVE REPENTANT mow os exhibition for a short time. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. WARE. k 5 WM. WILSON & SON Invite special attention to their stock of SILVER WARE, which is now unusually large, affording a va riety of pattern and design unsurpassed by any feovse the United States, and of finer quality than is manufso tered for table use in any part of the world. Oar Standard of Silver is 935-1000 part* pare, The English Sterling 925-1000 “ American and French. .. .900-1000 Thus it will be seen that we give thirty-fire parts purer than the American and French coin, and ten ports purer than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver, and our Foreman being connected with the Refining De partment of the United States Mint for several yean, we guarantee the quality as above (SIS), which is the Jinatt that con be mads to be serviceable, and will resist the action of acids tnuek Utter thorn the ordinary Sffrsr manufactured. WM. WILSON & SON, 8. IT. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STS. N. B.—Any fineness of Silver manufactured as agree d upon, but potitivtly none inferior to French and Am*H cdti standard. Dealers supplied with the same standard a* used in our retail department. Fine Silver Bars, 999-MW part* pure, constantly efi hand. aril Bui COPARTNERSHIPS. iVOTICE.—The Copartnership heretofore -!•' eJtistinE between the Bahtcnben is dtssotrsd fey mutual consent, Till* I>At. _ THOM*S T. MASON bavin* porcfaued CHARLES E. RuDINSOX’S eaUra interest in the Concern. u sloes authorized to settle the boaißeeaci MABt*Tt a CO. . THOMABT. MABON, C. E. ROBINSON. PHlHDi. > B*pt.7, 1539 N.8.-Th« PHY GOOtIS JOBBING Bmu,b -win t» cou’iniied at No. 434 ALARK.ET Btr«et. under the nm» Dime, br THOMAS T. MASON. Fmutn., Sept 7, IMP. «s-la TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, th»t tho 13 firm of WARWICK, CHADWICK, t BRO. I, thin day diesglved. The Heater, Raaxe, and Store bnelMea will be continned under the name of CHADWICKt BRO., at the Norfheaat corner of SECOND and RACK Stroou. sfi£cVl^sMicK r KAltwlo a. ynnlMVlwfte Philadelphia. Jal* 11.1389. |f2S-tf COAL. Hickory and spring mountain LEHIGH COAL, prepared with care, for sale o& best terms. Apply at KNOWLES’S Depot. NINTH amt WILLOW Streets *23 tf JSAAC K. WRIGHT 4 SON, DEALERS IN LEHIGH COAL. OFFICE, NO IZi SOUTH SECOND BT. YARD, CATHAJUNE-STREET WHARF. el2-15f PHILADELPHIA, THEO. D. EMORY & CO. OFFICE No 146 South FOURTH BLJPUWfc* Bole Agent* of GEO. C. POTTS A CO* BUners and Shipper* of the LOCUST DALE COAX. From the Locust Mountain, Near Ashland, ap3-6m) SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Pa. SVV. GROOME £ CO., • Daalera and Shipp«r».qf _ LEHIGH, SCHUYLKILL, and BROAD TO? BBKI BITUMINOUS COAL. 08ca. No. 146 South FOURTH Btraet BROAD Str..., batew CHINA AND QDJEENSWAHE. rpURNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., HOS. U 3 AND *3 80UTH FOURTH STREET, IMPORTERS ASS Wholesale Dealer* in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWAKH. PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. supplied with Glass at Manufacturer** prices. . uft-Sm JJOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have bow on band a complete stock of QUEENSWARE. GLASBWARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their Old Btasd.No.32 NORTH FOURTH BT., four door* below Merchant*’ Hotel, to which they invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. Aokhts tok Pittsbubo claas. an34a STOVES. STOVES! STOVES!! ii| JAMES SPEAR, TO No. 1117 MARKET STREET, Is now prepared to meet the want* of the pabhe more cornpletph in all the details of the Store trade than any other establishment m Philadelphia, in proof of which he invites COMPABATIVS EXAMINATION. The following are among his own popular invention*, •ere rat of which have already obtained a national repu tation as surpassing in txctlUnct aad<ca*omy any other Stoves m use. JAMES SPEAR is the Inyentor and Patentee of the lmpro>ed Cm-liarnmt Cockmc Stove, acknowledged to be the !>«st Bti*» e for family use in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated ti*>< consuming Cooking Range, now rapidly coming into reneral u*e. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Improved Bil wr'e A«r-ti«ht Gas-consuming Parlor B tove. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved (Talented! Ornamental Stove Urn. which from tt* Leantj and utility is likely, this season, to be univer sally adopted. _ . JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-savinc ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Kadway-car Heater. For all of the above the Inventor very justly claims advantages which require but to be understock by the public to be universally appreciated and preferred to any other article* of thatc'xss m the market: and ha would herebv extend a cordisl mutation to ail persons inw-*ntof Stoves to call and examine for themselve#. Parties wishing to examine will have every atteati'u shown them, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. eS-Jm <v§n»g/ CARRIAGE BAZAAR, NINTH wSwt AND SANSOM Streets. TWi;>T y.KIGHTH SE.MI-ANM.AL TRADE '*Al E OF CARRIAGES AT rHILADELTHIA. This Bile uni take p’.vee on WKDNKSIUV morning. r-tth September. at Id o'clock at the Bazaar. The collection will vomrn«e at least hv UGH r CARRIAGES, From makers of acknowledged reputation. *?~Tbo sale will be positive, and will not t* post poned on account of the weather. ■e2tt 3t ALFRED M. HERKNES3. Auctioneer. » MANCHESTER SCALES. lr3|Al No. 23 North SIXTH Street may be founJ a general assortment of COI NTER SCALES. PORTABLE PLATFORM feCALF-*. DORMANT WAREHOUSE SCALES. _ , .HAY AN 0 COAL BCAI.ES. Also. RAILROAD TRACK SCALES furn.shed at Bhort ao tico AH warranted to indicate standard wwirht, aecu rate> and durable. The Bttle and finish of the et*yv* good* b**i known by exaintnati.m. __ _ _ •lVtbftnSm GLO. W. COLB\ A CO. Removal.— martin * volff have Removed to Nm 331 MARKET Street. Sooth tide, below Fourth, where they ofer a choice aaorttrentor Fad and Winter Good*, at very <ow pnoes »13 2n ROSIN.— 1.500 bbls. Shipping Rosin now 1 rinding, for sale by f ROWLEY, ABHBURNF.R.& CO. b2l No. l« South WHARVES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers