tt*#? **>/s*■* p-. . i-.' -rt •; •. T n Wt-.H -A ox?-, jin f» ", ; XoiyjUm ChroiixcU .of tfo"3UHf,ttss;.#reat EwtVfl: ; “Thl# \ffi agtudjS en t shipi“thelargest in tho world, ' was yestetday bafoially on ‘ outwards’ 1 atthe Custom commanuer, Captain Harri. s6n, New Yors. Eewhrno.polleUa ofiusurance h&vebeeii taken generally unwilling to transact any ’ VasineM^vUnul!the,! - of the -trial trip. XAlmsst;--tbe\bnly for this course is vossel not getting safely out i:- {©f'thVThames. It appears’ that some hours pre tho pubUoatwn of Mr. .Lever's amended ito 1 , chapter. the Groat Eastern,a reply had the company, again declining to 0n ,1;';,, * ~ V.v, . -* ; f ; JJabXondoh I Tlmu. of thoSOth flays, ini re "^-^ard’td'iheGreat Eastern:,“Early Oh Saturday xnornlnghh,lmperial - Highness/ the Grand Dak® ConitanUrtft paid a.long visit <_ toutbis vessel. For pf three hours his Highness remained on t>oird iuspeoting evoixpart clothe ship, from tho lowest dock to tho iron masts Wd colossal woodqn n^yarftfli 1 ' He expressed himself perfectly astonished tcc atthe magnitude Of tho. whole .undertaking for a nommsrcialspeSulaUQq, though, merely judging of "It from' a nautical point of view.he has little doubt • of it# auooeM. for the Russian Goveru- credit brhavihg the seQonAlateesfc vqssel the-'.Gehorol. Admiral—though, as regarded,finoaess of lines-and. beauty,of ho* Great' Rastera-to as much surpass t *vthatman*Of-u r ar as she did,in siseand power. 1 * His Highness, of;;luttqh. with, Mr. ,Oaptaiiu. Harrjsqp,’ expreSsod n wish tho new stoorlng. apparatus. " This simplc, jhopghmost-ingenious, inventfonwasacoordingly Lhhgley'aand commended in the- highest terns. After leaving thfs'yiid .themanufactory of. Messrs. Humphrey*-<fc Tennant, and inspooted ;innrih,o;.engihM' making for the Russian Goveriiftcht, vailing in power from 300! to 600 hots#/ ,The; £ pumberof;vialters tb tho ship on Katarday was itnmonse.L&nd more than double that of any prevlbus oeQisioh.” , , : The mate of.tho Ainorican ship Conqueror, Boatfllle, was brought Up again at the LivCr- charged, with tnemurdor of. one \ of the .crew TfcOlinvestigation .... iotc the prisoner’s QrhpfnaU.ty resulted Is his "being j»V"llntfty, it,.Appearing that the court had no’ ,s\Jurtsdlotlon; «,;• ’ >‘‘ v ; 1 u ’ :,i ” The DubUn iVifion announces that <f pur il . . lu,9trlous.o’ountrymah f Patriot McMahon, yriU ao« depVwith gratitude ll the sword of honor, proposed to bo presented to him by the Irish 'people'as soon ftsrthtt raquiroiaebte prescribed, by the rules of the <-■ T'reoeb' gorfrlce shall bave been complied with.; ' MfIHWtoTAuPAOHA, j who. has arrived |at ed Europe, proposes to opon ' liisYfcioons'to European soptety,'whlohm cbhgldered (V’romarkqbTe !aot of Innovation on the part of a -high Ottoman functionary, - Louis Blanc, Victor. and G«n. Changarnier, has been aooepted hy yelli pyat, by Victor Sobdloher, and by tha’ great majority of the' exiled French- - Pascal Daprat,' many others 'whose voices rweio somewhat dUAgi-Ofeable to Napoleon, and-who are now,;of •' ~ eonriey. silenced. ‘ At Vienna, the Cturb bCcamo ‘frightened by Napoleon’s : boldness/ «o mnohthe ' more since'liouraueney^has. already reminded irv Count'Colloredo ;Umt an .amnesty was one of tho 4 „„ points of the. Villa Franca settlement, and that Ms master having disoharged his obligation in the most thorough manner, to see how the Court of-Vienna.understands that point, not even tho Vehetiau Modenese prisoners of State having been, sot free, and tho Lombard deserters • caughtin’Bavaria in fetters.- - is thuasrA.—The Times corres- pdndenfrflays: The’ohanso of ministry is Austria, looked forward to hero with hopes that *■-,«* 3t-* hotter understanding" Dotween s«s disappointed expectation. spreadsalong thoßboresof the Bal -'JJ.ViOr-s-It*-prfl3enoe„iii.Baiitzio is officially acknow ledged, a n trell as in Oanabruok and Elberfold, and - it is reported to have made considerable ravages at. Hamburg. - ' •.’> ’’ The Ktoz was so ‘&raoK-better on Uio 25th nit. that the Gazette vaa .ablo to announce that on Saodttf the last bulletin would bo published. Xtls at leoglh announced, that the whole of the 'KubiaiUoannns beedsubscribed, and that the an* plioants will receive tbofdll Sum they subscribed for—so accurately had the public gangod the pre* "; l rßopt'nacowitica of the Ctar. ’; CJ ..‘Spi ! L , 7 Tho, qom&popdenfc of tho Chronick ' that elx hundred Moors attacked Ceuta, but ;•> put to flight by the Governor, at the head of his ;gatrieOb, : ood ! otebtldlled. The Spanish Go* f ver/iOiCDthaMehtreinforcements by.steamor. ,/•■ Gfcßjsos.-r'Tho correspondent of the Morn j Weriiid' say a:. Advioes front Athens nn- oouttoo IhA,t baa been dissolved, and . K that a.' roval;deiree-hw ordered a neurone to be iha day fixed is toot mentioned.” ...State of. Affairs -at Rose.—A letter 'of tbq23d ulfc. informe ua that a mill* _,,t*vrv epmralaaibn, appointed to investigate the affair '/ , -;Of;?erazißi had delivered rvjudgmoht condemning ' \i • tlib chief*- of tfft'revolution. 7 The Government —quashed the judgment for Inloraality, and a com* v V'mandefl aoowtrial., j *’ *5 \ The Roman Minister ofFlnnnoo. at Ding-9f th{« yca'iy published; the budget for 1859, •ffhioh-ebbwed a fiutylua of 68,000 crowns over the expenditure, The budget hfts been .examined by of Stale, and approved by his Holt* new! Unfortunately, at the ,end of the yoar, the expanses, &s calculated by tlm budget, are almost : ';Tulwnyafound to beincireasodjtn consequenceOf tho 1 * -v bgfrftoriUnaty oredlto demanded by eeveral minis* .. .iara. _.Ud-to .the present.period the budget has • bsfin Icareased to 500,000 oroßfos, and more; Daring • .previoaf years of, scarcity the Roman Government sold bread to the working olasses at a lower prioe 4 tban that’ obbrgod by the bakers. This :en* - laUed'a loss of 105,000 oroiyns.The budget of ’ hte. been , further inore&aed by .100,000 crowns for the oyponpos of the Camerale print* ; 1 ; v.> i ; It. ie.Biid that thePontiflcai Government, is about to publish various decrees. remarked . „ tb vt the secret printing-house of the Quirinal is -; :aoU ( yely. employed.■ » is resolved to reduce the Lega - tlons frt obedionco beforo lie introduces any men —- -»qr s of reform, and, as his own forces are not suf* ’.'/.flclent to quell' tho Insurrection,' ho in net demand ’ thanid.oftheCatholioPowers.' Sant! of ih(i Svriss-who 'qttttfcod fhe service the King of Naples have requested au enghge the Pope, and have been accepted. , v 'Tbb Holy Fatherdqos not quit his study, in .. of & slight sore -on hi* leg; otherwise be and gives bis usual re ceptions/ ' ■ * * v ; The Duke do Gr&mmont, tbc French Ara - je not expeotod to return, to Home before endorse'month. J /- . K-f- advjcea have been rocoivcdto the - v l*2T® «Hfmo... TBo , puke do Grhmmonfchad held a Tpith.Cardinal AntonelU on the subject u ;.jpf:,fh&rtorgatiixation of tbo Locations; Atfaiusin the Central States.—-M. Ponl . , atowakl writes to bis chief, M. Walewski, that he ' iJ •• kns great hopes of succeeding io ' bis mission, tehlohia understood to be the restoration of the Grand Dcko. ; i. .. A .deputation of tho Modenese NationalAs { iwablyj of the pomm&hdetir Malinpini, Count Arfani, Jeff on the 29th ultimo,' for intrusted with a tpeclil mission to his Majesty the Emperor Napo- Jooqlir •, r '*-> The-departure of the deputation of the Tos v V iew National Assembly for Turin, Which was to take place on the 29th, bad been delayed for • several-days.,, . : -- r; . Asvwes from Bologna, of the 28th nit,, , .atatp.that the,elections throughout tho-Romairna had taken plaoe with the greatest tiiniuilllty and ordor. * . * ;;v -The first results of *the electoral assemblies are tbe following: Count Bentivoglio, . rrineo Horcotanl, Prtnoe Siqwnettl, Count Marslii! • '-SignorMlnchclU, atod.Signor AlleSsandrini. sj.. ;», f -TnE.offlcial Piedmontese Gazette gives a de „ ..-nfjrfU) the'roports of political digseosioas existing v; the. membors of the . Sardinian Cabinot Cotmt'AToso left on tho evening of tho 29th for Paris. r;; 7 , ""TnBWord of Brussels States that an opinion : i'. Mists amonzth? best informed" persons at Turin '.j- ? thafKtng Victor. Emmanuel will accept tbeprfn '*** :2elple:ol-tha sovereignty of tho .Italian Duchies when it shall be,offered officially. It is not believed .. ; tbat.thequQ3tion of the Duchies will be discuMed orregalated at Zuiioh in its. present state. If ■: tho rsvtcraUon of their sovereigns had been ac ‘ -* ’ v espted' by the people, the - arrangomont of the > .rXn»er«qoer existing between : the dukes And their ffuty'gots might- be submitted, to the Conference. *-• *bat caao the question would not the International law of Europe; but the ■ 4.- : moment tho violation Of treaties is the matter to be . considered an European Congress alone, is compe >. , ,teqt. Nprd nods that the idea of a European .x. i .Co ugtesfii in iking progress, and that M. do Bala. ~ -.,.£>o® a noto to the Austrian 7" 7 * QovejnmonV lh; whieh tho Emperor of Russia ' Y ’r oa awessity pf assembling a ; ’>fnß,r»UTy o? Italy ix the crisis. V':if . tFiatii'Ue 1 Lbndoif Times.]' 3 .;c r Cpder thb proteotion of the Imperial promise tho 'pound of Central Italy to freedom and prosperity J»#n* safe and euro. A little firmnoea to repel tho idfr formidable or too earnestly-direoted blan dishments of;Prince Poulatowski, a resolute ingra <- tUudiJowardB,thoir liberator, whose tender heart will bo wounded by- their obstinaoy, but .will per haps bemeated'hgain by their acclamations, and the names of the deposed dynasties will be heard no mOro .Ip 1 ltsf, 1 Thoiowt step is already ro solved upon. They have unanimously desired to weld themielves into one kingdom, whereof Victor Emmanuel shall be the first sovereign. Wo cannot ..? &6aohlVo that, if All ohanob for Prinoo Napoleonbo . . put out of the question, tho Frenoh Emperor can hpirtyobjectiontowohan amalgamation. *» --TblaWprk of tbo restoration of Italy will be, ifit shall ! r\ ,; 1 I R‘ principal glory of his reign. lie will na >. 1 " 7* lt saOufd boas in&rked a success, ‘ gi Veas vis I b led mohuidentte posterior as pos ! 4 -Piedmont, with twenty more Duobfes amal- - gsmated with it, cohld offer’ no Object pf jealousy n ./rOP*qUtmBi'lo France- It is not comprehensible, ‘■a v> therewrfiU that any stronger sentiment than dinlo* ■ delicacy bon induce hiorto put pressure upon - the King of. Sardinia to refuse the territories,now Sroffered'te him. -Moreover, wo now know that its pressure will be ontlrelyofan argumentative ‘?'4&sulpfotb£iio character. It seems to us, there-" V./} .ffttei nsm&tters now stand, that Victor Emmanuel . the offer of the Duchies. It would, {‘lt’Tdrhapit «ot be prudent definitely'to accept it. t d' bo more wise to assume the Go yernmmit jpvbyisionalty. preservo order, I fhvofulldn/ and keep out Other qew ord?r of things is oonwli rfr.f - V ® r3r raah or vpry|mad conduct fiboutd .occur .tot mar. the pros- l9 no * BcC aro ' •We will wi;“ “ e :.- j AND IRbNiNG. ! ' DbNB LtKliea' and OentlemGn, s'fPS|?., Hoisl.;; BtenmeMU. ’to:, D®loV*tf S ■" - | -r 1 - - U' Sls^sll^^ 3 -® ilfic k; conier "aJS(;OND eOqtHr&d a KTeat rephtetlon by they have .pursued since EDUCATIONAL. C AtJK£)ERS’S INSTI^tiTE—>Y ES T ►3[ PHILADELPHIA 5 INSTITUTE. 4 . The grouuris of this Seminary aro Seven' Acres In ' ixtent. Pupils remain through the entire day—or irom Monday morning to Friday eveningrpr through the whole session. . . . , . w - No Seminary is more lt is situated on the West PhnodelphiaKailway,atMAßKETand WILLI AhISU. Address Professor K. B. SALNDERB. SKLBOTNESa marks this SominarY-j-npyoutlj what /sverof; rude manners'and. neglected-habits being re ceived into it. . . , 1, Among others, the following gen tlemen have placed •sons orwatesiq this Institute.* ; _ * ; Va • H011.N.8, Browne, Judgo Robertson, ya., ; C»pt. Vogdes, U. 8. A., Chief Ju.tloe Lewis, Hon. Wm. Buler. .Mntthow Newkirk, Tlioe. Meiskill, I,a George H. Mertin, William wilatach, Hon A Frnnoisi.mios, Fla., Judge J. Limpkins, Ga. JJ. G. Swain, Kil. Ledger, Rov. Dr. Newton, Morton MnMmhacl. Judge Conrad, Cat, llev. Dr. Blackwood, Capt. Newton, U. 8. A.,* - Col. Foraey, Ed. Press. s!4-3t A LADY, of some years experience in Tegohinz,-desires board with a family where in atniotion in English branches. Drawing, Painting, or Frenoh. would be received a« compensation. Address “ J. R..Gant,M 609 CHEBTNUT Street, Philadelphia. sel4-2t TIfUSIO.—A. R, TAXX.OR,.-Teacher of B‘nging and Piano, 676 North TWELFTH Street, below Coates. sl3-lm* . 'WRITING ACADEMY, •lii S. E. corner EIGHTH and BANSOM Streets, OpeudailylromOA-M,to9P.M. . . . *. To Gentlemen a rapid and riegant business hand is imparted. To Ladies a neat and graceful epistolary style. C/aire*.Prtt«iff.- lOards written, and every de scription of Penmanship neatly exeeutod. sl3-3m •PPLYTECHNTC COLLEGEOFTHE A BTATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, PiULADEi.pnu.] Incorporated 1853, and organized with a full Faculty on the plan of the industrial Colleges of Pans and Ger many ; compnsos a Preparatory Department and Fobs Technical Schools, vn: The School of MINEB. „ , ftlSK§fc p i%? E p«® T f' The Schoolof MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. , and 4 Topographical and Mechanical Drawing are included m tho Engmeermk Course, and the most extended Field and Laboratory practice u afforded. The Seventh Annual Session will begin on MONDAA, September 10th, 1859. For Catalogues and turther mfor niation, address 1)R. A. L. KENNEDY , s!2-2w President of Faculty. TVOj. 230 SOUTH FOURTH STREET.— XI Mr. THUNDER, has resumed his professional practice. slo-12t* TiylSS DYCKMAN, formerly Professor of XfX the Piano, and racrauer of the Jury of Admission in the RoyalConservatorio at Brussels. wiJi resume giv ing lessens September Utb, No. 1619 CHESTNUT St. sID-fit* - Ilf ESPAbIES CK3GARAY AND D?HER YOUNG jY ’ S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR PHILADELPHIA, SQUARE, VINE > Madame,OHEG ARAiY respectfully informs,her friends and thepublio in general, that independently o her Boarding and Day School, directed by herself and her nieoe, Mme. PRITVOST, m NEW YDRK. she in tends, in conneouon with her niece. Mmo. D HER VILLY, opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution onprecisejy the same plan a* the one above mentionml. The Principals will answer applications and recoive visi tors on and after the 12th day of September, and the Sonool will open on the l6*n. nnSl-lm* Ilf ISS C. A. BURGIN WILL RE-OPEN I"-*-, her Bohool for. Young Ladies on September 12, 1859. Circulars may be obtained at the Schoolroom, 911 WALNUT Street, where application for admission may be made, on and'after September 6th, from 10 to U o'clock. Rbvebbncei.—Rev. Albert Barnes, Wm. B. Page, Me D., Prof. C. D. Gleveland, Ambrose White, George Trott, L. Johnson. au22-lm* Tlf USIO AND SINGING.—MISS LIZZIE XT-1. CARROLL would respehtfnlly inform her friends and the publio that the has resumed the duties of her profession. Scholars will be received at her residence, No. 622 South TENTH Street, or taught at their own homes. She refers with confidence to any of her pupils, or to Mr. Conrad Meyer, Piano Manufacturer. Terms moderate, . au26-lm HfJSS M. W. HOWES WILL REOPEN ITX her School for Young Ladies, at 1334 CHESTNUT Btreet, MONDAY, September 12. - auaa-dtseW-Btuthgw* M ARY L. STACKHOUSE WILL OPEN ITX he r Boarding and Day-School for Girls, No. 1030 SPRING GARDEN Street, on .the Ist of September. For Circulars apply to the Principal. . auaMm* MISS LUCY R. MAYER AND MRS. R. X»X M. BIRD will reopen their Sohool for Young Ladies, at 1215 CHESTNUT Stroot, oa MONDAY, the 6th of September. ou3Q-3w HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the ‘ VIOLIN and PIANO.„ Mr. AUen may benppliod to atthe' residence of his father, Professor Allen, No. 215 South SEVENTEENTH Street, s6-lm THE HEMANS INSTITUTE.—Rev. JAS. J. HELM will open, September 12, his School for the higher education of a limited number of Young La dies. Tenons to whom hff is not personally known are referred to Prof. C. D. Cleveland, Prof. Charles Short, Rev. Dr*. Morton, Stevens, Wilmor, Howe. Furness, and other*. RESIDENCE, 1315 WALNUT Street? BCHOOL, 1313 CHESTNUT Street. nS-18t ONGLIiSH AND CLASSIOAL SCHOOL. The Sc'tool of the subscriber, in RIMES’ BUILD ING, on CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth, will re open on the SECOND MONDAY, the 12th day of Sop- CHARLES SHORT. HfRS. BARTON’S aOAftDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, . . No. 1929 CHESTNUT Street. Phila. , .The Winter Term will OP.en on the seceod MONDAY in September. Young Ladies received of any age—and taught whatever pertains tea thorough Ed ties t ion. French spoken in the family* For Cjrcularß atld par ticulars, apply as above; ante-PW&CaI-gw SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YQUNGMEN AND 80Y8.N.8. cor. EIGHTH ano BUTTONWOOD BtreeU.-lUsumet duties MON DAY. September 6tli.. Number limited t all pupil* un der the immediate care of the Principal; the govern ment is that Of purely ** moral suasion, reports sent to rarentswoekli’i the ’Moral, /nte/lecfual, and Physical Education of Boya will be carefully and conscientiously attended to. .Catalogues gratuitously at the Academy, or 469 North Eighth street. , .a035-ew F. DONLLAVY LONG, Principal. PENN, INSTITUTE.—The Session will commence on MONDAY, the sth of September. The object of.this Institution is ip prepare pupils for College or business. In accomplishing this object, ra pidity, and especially thoroughness, are desirable} and to bp thorough requires not only that the general dim ouUies must be met, but those of each individual. The method adopted for giving instruction, is to be come a co-laborer with the pupil, efforts being made to have him lead, and reserving for the teaoher to point ont ejrors, remove doubts, or suggest the manner of pro ceeding. : For exemplifying the principles of the various branch es of Natural Soienpe, apparatus is fully provided, and for practical operations in Surveying, a fitst-olass tran sit of Philadelphia manufacture is furnished. ' Betides pursuing the various Studies witeTevt books, Lectures are delivered in regular order on Natural Phi losophy, Chemistry, Geology. Mythology, eto. The Rooms Occupied are tbpse on the second, third, JpMm FjJlwrt Street} they are large and freely ventilated.and afford ample space for Recitation, Lecture, and Play Rhpms/They are now open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 1 o’clock P. M., where further information may l>e ob tained. . au23-tf R, STEWART, Prinoipal. PRICE-STREET ACADEMY, • GEHBIANTOWN. PIUtADELPHIA. -'GEORGE R, PARKER, PRINCIPAL, The Fall Term of this Institution oommenoes Septem ber Sth, 18» r The course of instruction comprises ali the branches of a thorough English Education, together with the Latin, Greek, and Frertoh Languages. au22-tf THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, re moved from No. 1302 FILBERT Btreet to No. wr North TENTH Street,* will reopen on MONDAY. September Sth. Boys prepared for Cfotlege or Business, All branohes of a complete English education, the Clas* X, Mathematics, and Modern Languages, are taught r s system which insures thoroughness and rapid progress. Circulars to be had at the School. ' , o.seidknbticker, „ . No. U 7 North TENTH Street. R*f*a*HCKs.—Rev. Mr. J. A. Vaughan, Rev. Mr. J. H. A, Bomberger, Rev. Mr. Wm.IL Furness, Benjamm gerhsid, jEsq., Arthur W. Little, Esq., Clias. Short, Hw-» Prof, Joeoph Leidy, Prof. Conieiins Felton, Cam bridge; Theodore Sedgwiok. Esq.. New York. auiß-lm* TPHE MISSES AERTSEN ; S SCHOOL FOR J. YOUNG LADIES. PRICE STREET, GERMANTOWN. o The Fall Term will begin on tho FIRST MONDAY in September. . Instruction in the usual Ehomsh branches, with Latin, Fbhxch. and DhAwixo. aulG-tf T’HE MISSES EWING WILL OPEN A wa«Maa Street, where Circulars mar be obtained. o ßi*srincw.~JW. Albert Barnes, Rev. W. W. Spear. D. D„ Prof. 0, p, Cleveland. au!7-flw* nPHE ARCH-STREET INSTITUTE FOR A YOUNG LADIES.—Tho Eleventh Session will commence on MONDAY, September Pth.lfiW. For cir culars apply at 1215 ARCH Street, one door east of Broud. au!s-4w* Miss L. M. BROWN. Principal. npHE'CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH "SSiIOOL of 11. D. GREGORY, A. Mm No. IIM MARKET will reopen on THURSDAY, Bep temborlet. - auM-lm* TIHE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEE emberTth. au2-2m fpHOS. BALDWIN’S ENGLISH MATHE •f- MATICAL and CLASSICAL BCOOI, FOR BOYS, Neß.oorneror BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Sep temberlst. aua-im* qriHE SUBSCRIBER WILL REOPEN HIS nu2M k*°'’ at 1830 6 trfl6t * Septo^iib^rG^^ RITTENHOUSE ACADEMY—N* E. cor ner of CHESTNUFand EIGHTEENTH Streets, entranoe on Eighteenth street. The next Session will commenoe SEPTEMBER FIFTH, 1859, s3-lm WEBT&OTT, { Principals. ALLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANKFORD. PENNSYLVANU, six milos from Market street. „ The coarse of msiraatioa la this School isoomprehen sive and thorough. Parents and Guardians who intend to plaoe their daughters or wards at tin? Institution will do well tp mako immediate application to . , - Mrs. E. L. THOMPSON, s3-tf Principal and Superintendent A NNIE CHURCHMAN HAS REMOVED -t*. her BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL to-No. 908 FRANKLIN Street, above Poplar. Term coinmenoos September 6th. • au!9-lm* ■ORYANT & STRATTONS NATIONAL gurssgsysv'M New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. For ip formation, call or eenri for Catalogue. fftfl-tf CENTRAL INSTITUTE, N.W. CORNER v/ of TENTH and BPRING GARDEN Street*, will be-wwnedMONDAY* September* Boysprepared for au22-sw* - H.O.MCQUIRE, A. M.. Principal, /CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, V L . DEAN STREET, below LOCUST. The the lnstitute will be resumed on Monday, September 6th. , au27-lm , J. W. FAIRES. ai. rfIHE GERMANTOWN ACADEMY WILL A. reopen on MONDAY. September Bth, JSW. The Prinoipefwill reoeive e llmite J number of Boyo into hi. family. J. H. WITHINGTON. A. hf„ nnl7-Cw rrioolpal, Friends, academy for boys, East of il North ELEVENTH Street, will reopen tna 29th Inst, All denominations adimttedi Mr Term of 23 weeks. au27 im* WM. WIIITALL. ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST and JUNIPER °‘ ,en m Boys able to read, and not less than eight years of age. ayereoeived assoonn* they have begun to write and oiplier, and are conducted through the various classes of toe Academy, with a rapidity proportioned to their ability. TJia Tuition Foe for thoso in the lowest class is ftfio per annum, lor all others $76 per annum; payable half yearly in advance. .Besides this fee there are no other charges: instruc tion in the French language anil Drawm*, ana the use of the, Gymnasium bemif afforded without.addition to fhd above-named prices.. Applications for admission maybe made to the Princi- E" al,attlte Academy, daily after August Slat, between io hours of 10 and 13 ociookA. M, . . - . i JAMES W. ROBINS. A. M„ . ante-tufeth-lm Prmoipal. WEST PHILADELPHIA FEMALE SEr MINAHY, LOCUST Street, Becoral door wem of WILLIAM Street, West PhiladslJihis. , : ni,-.. - C. C. CHfSMAN, Prixcipal. . *b9,next Session will coramenco September Hth. A WV hoarders can be received into the family of the fA-. pato ? eiirly application. Persons in the city dcai from MONDAY, A. Ai., till rmda x, r. M.. e/lp liAVtccommodatCcl. aii2o slimw Tlf-ISS DICKERSON, TEACHER OF THE PRES&-MLADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1859. NOTICES. NO TIC E—DEPARTMENT OF SUR SURvIy§R OFFIOE 0F CHUSF - ENGINEER AND PniLAOßfipHiA, Sept. 6, IB6o.—Duplicate Plans of the EIGHTH ©f ihe Survey and Regulation of the Iwenty-first ward, boundod Northward by Erie avenue. Southward byAllogheny avenue. Eastward by Fifteenth street, and westward uj Thirtieth street. • Part of the SECOND DIVISION of said Twenty-first ward..bounded Northeastward by Township line road, or .wjssahlckon street, Southeastward by Logan ave nue, and Bouthwestward by the river Schuylkill, and TENTH ShOTION of the township of Blookley. in tee Twenty-lourth ward, boundod Northward by Columbia avenue, Southward by Haverl'ord road and Torr ave nue, Eastward by Fifty-sixth street, and Westward by Sixty-sixth street, aro nowprepared for public inspec tion at the Offloes of SURVEYORS and REGULA TORS of the Eighth and Eleventh' Survey DistricUr, and at the Office of this Department, City Building, FIF TH below Walmit street, and the Board of Survey ors have appointed MONDAY, the 19th instant, at 100 clookA. M„ to oonsiderany objections that may be urged thereto b, any citim intore.lod K nkABB, s9-dt!9th Chief Engineer and Surveyor. ePEOLAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Good- year’s Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Braids. Webs, ana all other fabrics and artioles modi: by combining fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanized rubber, are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex amine specimens now in store, and to V v © their orders for tho apring. Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUBIVE OWNER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or im i>oalB6’i,'iSenses to manufacture and sell —and the Terms—may be obtained bn application to me at No. 23 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. * „ „ n24-lr - HORACE H. DAY, IVOTlCE.—Persons having business with i” tho FLOUR INSPECTOR will call at No. 14 VINE Street, between the hours of 9 o’clock and 3 i-. mU u tho £ r AM" ,r> Jel7 •; _ Flour Inspector. BREAD. *pURE AND CHEAP BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, Catt BB OBTAINED AT TUB FOLLOWJHO ' PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. „W; oorner of Broad and _ Vine streets. J. ORAVENSTINE.—,S. W. oornor of Twolfth and Wallace streets. C. CLARK.——— -Poplar street, below Tenth. H. MoREIL.—* —B. E. corner Sixth and “ Coates stroet. MRS. S.BECKNo. 405 Oallowhill street. S. PANCOAST———.No. 910 Spring Garden street. JOHN G. MOXEY——No. U 23 Vine street. T. P. SMITH..— No. 115 North Fifth street. T. C. HORNER.———.B. E, corner Fifth and W. W. MATHEWS and D. KNIOHT.™— Bro'atf.'root.'telow Wal nut. GEORGE GARVIN——.No. 1419 Lombard street. D. COURTNEY.———.N. W. corner Sixteenth . and Pine stroots. S. R, MASON.—— ——.Fourth and Germantown Road. 8. Btreet, above Sixth. Z. LENTZ———.Comer Bouth Fourth And . __ Johnston street*. • L. HOLLAND.— .Brw.oo^nerSixteenthand Ogden streets. DAVID SADDLER—No. 260 North Eleventh street. J. WEIGHTMAN,S. E. comer Eleventh and Jefferson streets. S. S. TOMKINS..-. . No. IWQ North Front street. H. 8R00K5....... —...8. W, comer of Seventh and Pine streets. JANE MYERS.——..Coates street, below Thir teentn street. F. M. WOOD.—— .S.Woorn' 1 iFrankliaand Contes .cete. F. MORRIS.——.—«.N. W. comer Tenth and Shippen streets. E. B. TURNER.—— ..No. 1215 South Front street. J. SHUSTER....——-...... S. W. comer Broad and Parrish streets. THOS, T. BLEST—. Corner Nineteenth street and Ridge avenue. B. 8. 80WN....——..—N. E. corner Ninth and Federal streets. J, MoTNTYRE... .Twenty-second street, ah. Coates. E. W. HUNTER.—— Coates street, above Se venteenth. ALEX. FULLERTON— Corner of Fifth and Chris tian. J. L. HICKS Camden, N. J., store 319 _ Arch street C. H. RAINIER,™.—West Philadelphia,36th«t. „ , „ : , _ ob. Hoyerford road. R. L. YaRNELL Penna. JOHNBARNDT....-..—Tremont and Pine Grove, Penna. M. B. BOX. Reading,Penna, GEO. B. TOWNSEND.—West Chester, Penna GEO. L. BECKER Atlantia City, N.J. JAMES GARLAND.. ... Cape May, N. J. D. HORTON..,.—Florence,N.J, JOHNBOBD. Wilmington. Del, i.i-tf ■jITEOHANIOAL BAKERY. S. W. Comer J-'-*-. BROAD and VINE Stresl.. PHILADELPHIA. Thu establishment is now in suoceMful opemtidp. day and night, mid aU ere Tespdotuulr invited to call arid see the whole process pf bread-making for themselves. The undersigned takes the liberty of Soyihg iHiit fUr thirty-five years he hah been a practical Jlikcr—five ns apprentice, and five a* journeymen m one of the first houses {& Scotland, artd wfimy-nve. at master—during whioh timo he hak hod the opportunity of making man ' expeximepts, and observing all the improvement* whioh have bpen mode during that period. In this establishment, of which he has now the man agement, in addition to the oomptete labor-saving ma chinery, he has how facilities of many kinds not hereto fore possessed. Being unrestraiued in the purchase of flour, none but the .soundest and best shall ever boosed: and he has no hesitation in saying that Bread of ail kinds can be de livered, unsurpassed in quality and weight by that made .brthe ordinary process. . 'Families in whioh the Bread made liy the Moohnnica Bakery has not been tried, or in whioh it has been ti io< only at its commencement, before the machinery was n porfeot working order, are respectfully asked to give it atrial now, tho undersigned believing it would lead to mutual advantage. JOHN 5. MOXEY, my34-tf Superintendent. SAVING FUNDS. CPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIBTY OF PHILADELPHIA, Office, No, S3i North THIRD Street Bank Buildinr.L CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OPPENN „ SYLVANIA. Deposits rooeived in sums of On? Dollar and upwards, and rep»id in Gold, without notioe.with FIVE PER CENT. INTERESi from the der till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long beep needed in the Northorn par( of the city. and “ The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society ” was onartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, in organising and locating it, have boon govefnod wholly by adeeire to accommodate the busi ness interest and wants of tho very large and entorpri sing population hr which it is surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From 9to V,i o’clock;; also, on Monday and Thursday from 6 until 8 o'clock in the evening* ttIMAOKRS. Frederick Ktett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy. Hon, H. K. Strong* Darnel Underkouer, Frederick Staoke, Francis Hart, Joseph P. LeClero* John Kesslar, Jr.* George Knecht, James B. Pringle* Jacob Dock* Joseph M. Crowell, Hon. Wm. Millward, George Woelpper, Geo. T. Thom, Peter 0. Ellmaxer, Rotiert B. Davidson, „ , JAMES S. PRINGLE, President Francis HART,6oorotarr. Into-tiit CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREBT.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street. Southwest corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Stale of Pennsylva nia. Money is received in any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the da> of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office ia open prerr day from 9 o’clock in the morning till 5 o’olock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday eveninss till 8 o’clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. w .ROBERT BELFRIDOE, Vice President, William J. Rxbd, Secretary. „ DBIBCTORS. Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Belfridge, Francis Lee, Samnel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Munns, Honry Diffenderfer. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the Brovtsionsof the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, round Rents, and such first-class seeunties as will al ways insure perfect security to the depositors, and which cannot foil to give permanency and stability to this Institution. * aul-ly AVXNG FUND.—UNITED STATES ' TRUST COMPANY, oomer THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small sums reoefved. and paidbnokon de mand without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office bourn, from 9 until 6 o’clock every day, and on MONDAYrBVEMNUS from 7 until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. IMm®* 01 ' 1 ' PLINY FISK, Actuary. “ A little, but often, fills the Purse." EIRANKLIN saving fund * No. 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posits on demand. Depositors’ money secured by Government State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mortgages, Ico. This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with deposi tors’ mpney, but have jt At all times ready to re turn with 5 per cent, interest to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors oan deposit in Uieir own right, and such deposits oan be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter porpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to reoeive mo ney front trustees and executors. LARGE-AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 3 o’clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o’olk. . . „ DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Codwallader, John Shindler. George Russell, Mafaehi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos. R, Satherthwaite, Hphraim filanohard, Cyrus, Treasurer. dlB-y _ ’* A Dollar saved is twioe earned." HOTELS. WETHERILL HOUSE, SANSOJI ,* ", Street , west of Sixth.—Thie deservedly favorite place having been purchased by the undersigned, will hereafter be conducted on the most enterprising scale. /The beat Gamo, Oysters, and Refreshments, prepared in the ohoicest style, and the finest Liquors, from Jhe most popular importing houses, always on hand. The patronage of the publio is respeotfully invited a—.-. 4 „ , „ JOHN J. BARTIIAM. Private Rooms for Suppers, Arbitrations. Com mittees,Bociotie», Ac. slO*lm rpilE UNION, ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD. . UPTON. % NEW®R? £L#IUA ' The situation of this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business public} ana to those m search of pleasure, Passenger Railroads, which now run past, and, in oloso proximity, afford a cheap and pleasant ride to all places or interest mor almut the city, jr as-dra WARM AIR FUKNAOIV THE NEW CONK FURNACE GAS CONSUMER Will thoroughly Warm your house with o.vf-thihd i.kkh coai. than is required by any other Furnace. Satisfaction in nil cases guaranteed, Buildings Warmed nod Ventilated by ARNOLD k WILSON, slO-tf IUIO CHESTNUT Street. TXAVANA CTGARS ottered to dealers -■ -*• at favorable rates, of various Bizes and brands, in cludinf, Partagas, Cabana, F*gnro, Nouo, jlird, Floren tine, Fire Fiy, ana FogtgjJrt. Also. Pacer Cigars, bv BTMPHKN FUGI/ET k h6n, IM Hnnth FRONT Htrent. fJUAIN MILLS —GRAIN MILLS —For the Farmaml Plantation. The IRON-BURR MILL ha* no oqunl for Grinning Fine Meal, Feed, Coffee, Spi ce*, etc.# by hand or power. Price 98, fas, and $43. Wow in opernton at 128 South SKCONI) Street. Agent* wanted in every oounty and State, by *ul7-Sm fe. FARREL A (.U CLATE MANTELS, iP Tl ?, e Risheet and .moat Beautiful Specimens of Enamelled Slate Mantels, ever oll'erod for Bale in this country, manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania Slate stone, and for sale very low. „ ARNOLD k WILSON, •MKf im CHESTNUT Street, INSURANCE COMPANIES. ASSURANCE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED IN 18M. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. HEAD OFFICES: LONDON, ABERDEEN, EDINBURGH, GLAS GOW, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. $0,298,800. 1 ANNUAL INCOME UPWARDS OF 91,000,000. Folioie, guarantied by the unlimited li&bilitie. o nearly 1,000 Shareholders. Loeses promptly adjusted and paid without reference to London, by WILLIAM GETTY, AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES. OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA BANK, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, rEILADKLPnU. REFERENCES. Messrs. STUART A BROTHER, 13 Bank street. “ MYEtfH, CLAGHORN, k CO., 232 Market st. “ WM. MoKEE k CO., 22 Boiith Front street. » • McGUTCHEN k COLLINS, 8. W. corner Front add New streets. “ SMITH, WILLIAMS, k CO., 513 Market st. “ JAMES GRAHAM k CO., 20 and 22Letitiast. JOSEPH B. MITCHELL, Esq., President Mechanics’ Bank, JAMES DUNLAP, Esq., President Union Bonk. Hon. WILLIAM A. PORTER, 623 Walnut street, late Judge Supreme Court jy6-tuthts tf rjiHE WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE OOMPAN , FARQ.UHAR BUILDINGS, No. 280 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1857, unde r the General Insurance Law of Pennsylvania, Authorized 8500,009 Subscribed 200,000 Paid up Capital ...^.— 334,800 INVESTED AS FOLLOWS 1 Bond and Mortgages, first lien $62,170 Bank, Railroad, ahd other Stocks and Se curities. 54,900 Cash in Bank~~. - 8,630 9IUJOQ Insures only against LOBB OR DAMAGE BY FIRE MERCHANDiSE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ao. Also.onCAßGOtfSand FREIGHT tp and from all parts of the world, and Inland Naviga tion and Transportation, on favorable terms. OFFICERS ft. Sfloretary, DIRECTORS. JcsperHarding, William Imlay, O. C. Butler, Wi{tiara Wrighti Henry K. Strong, P. F. Tbrrey, D. D. Jones. Jno. Torinbr, Alonso Butler, wm.B. Grubb, J. H. Kayos, Charles O. Imlay. roarlB-tf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO„ -fA. INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PERPET UAL. No. 810 WALNUT str«Bt. nlwvo Tliird, Philadelphia. Hnvm,alaieepnld-unCapital Stookand Snrpluiiln vested in sound and available Soounties, oon«inue to in eure on Dwelhng., Storey Furniture, Merchandise, George Abbott, Wa * c John T. Levis, John Welsh, jamoe R, Campbell, Samuel a, Mbrton, Edihund G. DutiSi, Patrick Sra-1), Chao. W. Puultnff Israel Mom#. thomab u.Aa,ir Wi r,e ifeSf Life insurance and trust com l’ANy.-THE, PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU COMI’ANV, hiorthpast ciiruer of THIRD and DOCK Stroots. Assets, $902 26. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of life—grants annuities .and endowments—purchases life interests m Rea! Estate, and malce* all edathtefs depertUirigdn the Trt^"'S'GMK'l■? , A*™™ t. • , t TRUSTEES. Daniel L, Miller, Halnuet S. Stdkei, Bculanun Coatee, WiUiam Martin, William 11. Kern, James Euston, Samuel C. Huey. Theophilus Pauldingj Charles Hftllowell, txlraund A. Souder, Henry C. Townsend, Darnel L. Hutchrasoi* RpdWphus Kent, John W. Homor, William H. Carr, EllisS. Areher, P. V. Duflow, Samuel J. Christian# William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Earner M-ta. JJjAwSt T w „ Jdiix W. Hobnob. Secretary. aul8«ly THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY* PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. <O3 WALNUT Street . CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL - . #BOO,OOO surplus. .mm FIRE, MARINE,, AND INLAND INSURANCE. Fire ituqrance, limited and perpetual, on Buildingsaud Merchandise of all descriptions. Marine Insurance, inland and Ocean, on Vessels, Freight and Cargo to and from all parU of the World. GEORGE KJUrTSW H. H\ CoulißH At'^EccioUrT. 8. H. BUTLER, Ass't Secretary. „ DIRECTORS, George H. Haft, E. W. Railei, E. P/Rdss, Andrew R. Chambers, A. C. Cattoll, Charles O. I inlay, Foster 8. Perkins, H. R. Coggsbal), ~ Hon. H. M. Fuller, aul SELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETV IN ORPOK/TEII A BY E T^‘ t l£a)slATDi:B Ot „ PENNSYLVANIA, KSS. OFFICE B,<E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT . Streets, Philadelphia, mvMdV SrIBuSIANCJ! rREIGftT ITo porta of the World, ’INLAND INSURANCE On Goods, by River, Canale, Lakes, and Land Carriage _ to all parts of the Union. », fIRB IkBUR AN OKS Or Merchandise generally. On Stores. Dwellme Houses,Jkc. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, „ November l,im Par, Jlfgrlrd Value, S 103,050, Philadelphia City 6 eefat. Loan....sM»,H4 00 110,000, Pennsylvania State Loans 101,425 00 §30.000, 0.8. Treasury 4)1 & cent. Notes.... 30,113 W AW,OOO, Pennsylvania Railroad jd Mortgage 6 vLcent. Bonds 45,375 00 $20,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort gage 6 oent. Bonds 915,000,300 shares stock Germantown Gas Coinpaay, interest and principal guarantied by the city of Phila delphia 11,935 00 95,000,100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company 4,337 60 93,000,100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company 860 00 93,650, Sundry shares Philadelphia Ice Boat Company, Havre do Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Sa vannah Steam Navigation Com pany, and Philadelphia Exohang© Company.-^-., 3,030 00 8340.700 . _ , „ 8319,199 00 Bonds arid Mortgages, end Real Estate, Of fico Building • 71*363 36 Bills receivable for Insurances made.. - 201,601 38 Balance Aseneiett—Premium* on Ma rine Policies recently issued—and other debts due the Company 612881 Borip and stock of sundry Insurance Compa nies 3.220 00 Cash on Deposit m Bank. , 42,067 8i DIRECTORS. James C. Hand, Theophilui Paulding, James TrMuair, WiUwni Evre, Jr., J. F. Pemston, Joshua P. Eyra, Brtrauel K. Blokes, Henry Sloan, James B. M’Farland, Thomas C. Ilsnd, Robort Burton, John B. Semple, PitUb’j, _J. T. LoKnn, " MARTIN, President. ’. HAND, Vice President, iretary, rah26-dtf William Martin, Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. Souder, John 0. Davis, John It. Penrose, teorgo O. LeipßTi dwnnl Darlington, r. R. M. Huston, William C. Ludwig, Kce^vai,,,, Charles Kelly, H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, WILMA THOS. C. HENRY LYLBURN.Seoi Fame insurance company. ,no. a«l CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED STATE OF _ CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. ... DIRBCTOHAI SiMtJßt, Wbioiit, Bros., k Co. William W. Waltubs, William Ryan & Co. Ciublb, Riciiabdiox.. J. C. Howe k Co. Gkobob A. West West, Fobee, k Lloyd. Babclat Lifbincott... Lipoinoott. Hunter, * Sool : Jacob W. Stout. Ctuirees, Stout, k to. > B«»bt Lewis, Jr Lewis, Bros., k Co. V*y, ID „ D - Bibnhv Davis k Birnsy. S’ A. H. Rosbxbeim Rosenheim, Brooks, k Co. £ John B, E11i50n........ John B. Ellison k Son. l WrLLIAMS J l%sicHA%R^°“’ P™«’t. b Williams i« blanchard, seoj. au<*t TNSURANOE COMPANY OF I’hE p.AfTATE OF .Pennsylvania—fire and ma nius' INBUiiANOE ~ No ' * exchange build- IBM.'sMe 6o”oo' Cllpitel January 1, All invested in sound And available aeourities-oon- HJMM» toinaufe on Vesselsand Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, Aom on Ji bera) terms. •n «ou DIRECTORS! Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Btuart, Simeon Toby. Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalepter, Tobiaa Wagner, William Smith, Thomas B. wattson, wty? Henry O. Freeman, William R. White, Charles 8. Lewis, ' George C. Carson. wtYTt , „ SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM HABPkR. Heoretarr. la fl-wfm tf THE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY r 40, vKmrtfkEKT. of Goods, and Merchandise generally. The following provision in the Polioies of this Com fateraf- Uarantloß tiie,rßecum J when assigned as col- This policy shall not be invalidated, or in any wise affected, after its assignment as a collateral socurity to a ground-rent, or mortgage, and the approval ofsuoh as signment by the offioe, by any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged by fha owner of the same.'’ i, . m , Dlltl£ulOßS, Paul T. Jnnee, Jeremiah M. Brook,, John Hulme, Robert Clarke, I.aao 8. Waterman, Pjvid Salomon, SI G. James, William, Theodore Cdj lor, I’Ali/r.Jo'A KB, Cu.tner. S. s£nfe Kl Vioe r "^, 6 7 n t t f I ! OWARI) FIRE AND MARINE INSU pILVphiaK C ° ,Ml ' /NY ' Ko - WALNUT Street m . , , directors. Thee. L. Under,, Wm. F. Leech, {; *V)?'n *i 1 , 10, . n ‘»» > Jil'l.t. W. D. Truitt, M.W.Baldimi, Win.K. Hriiilm, i"'V n S.v't P l ™* !!■ IE Shillineford, A. J. Buckner, C, Jk KDnnvlflr John W. Rexton. i J!2 william ituiguel, WinVll. Uve"; phnrles F.Norton, John Garrison, JjaaoMyer, . h, S. Wame. Presu ont-THOMABJj. LUDBRB. Vioe President— K a WARNE. Secretarv-CUARLES A, DUY. deW |S| SALAMANDER SAFES. MB A large assortment of 1> II ILA 11 tji l ’ U< AU F ACT Ult HI) oALAMANDKK HAKIM. „ , VAULT DOORS, BANK LOCKS. »■«>■ ana Stor®. inom&rsHW*®-*... Unas good terms ns any other establishment in the Umtod Btatp*. bv „ EVANS & WATBON, No. 28 South FOURTH Street, PLEASE GIVE US A CALL, RAILROAD LINES. j 55 PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE OUIOKEST, ROUTE to Elmira, Wilkosbarro, Buffalo, Chicago, Rook Island, Niagara rails, Milwaukee, Bur mgton, Montreal, Bt. Paul's, Detroit, Dunheth, and St. jouis. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Read ng Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, DAlLY,(Sundays excepted,) as follows: 7.80 A. M., DAY EXPRESS. 'or Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook Island, Galena, St. Paul’s, Burlington, and St. Louis. 540 P. M., NIGHT EXPRESS. 'or Elmira. Ningata Fulls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, dllwaukee,Rook Island, Galena, St. Paul’s, Burlington, and St. Louis. The 7.30 A. M. and 8.80 P. M. trains run through to . [AKBISBURG, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon ' r aHey Branch. Th 07.30 A. M. train connects at Rupert for Wilkes- Pittston, Soranton, and all stations on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURGRAILROAD. Baggage chocked to Elmira, Buffalo, und Suspension Bridge.. , Tickets oan be procured at the Philadelphia and EJinira lUilroad Line’s Ticket Offioe, Nortfiwost corner of SIXTH and CIIKSTNUI Streets, and at tlio Passen ger Depot, corner BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, bolow Vine, daily, (Sun day exempted,) far all nhitlt* West and North, at 6 P. JVI. Freights must bo delivered before 3P. insure going the samp udy. For further information, apply at Freight Depot. BROAD, l>elow Vine, Or to CHAB. B. TaFpeN, General Agent N. W. oorner.SIXTH aud CHESTNUT Kt oolfl, ocl-tf Philadelphia. EZtm izmmm new west cues- AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD vu MEDIA. CHANGE OF lIOURB. On and after Sopt. 4th, 1859, the trains will leave Phi ladelphia, from the Station, 17. E. corner of .EIGH TEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.15 and 9.3 b A. M., and at 240 and 5.45 r. M. Leave Wost Chester, from, the Station, on EAST dARKET Street, at 6.4Caud 9.30, A. M.,and 2 ?. M. ON SUN DAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 2 P. M. Leave West Chester at 7.30 A. M.. nml fi P, M. .HENRY WOOD, my 28-tf General Superintendent. iSt «n CHANGE OF HOUHS. PHILADELPHIA, WIL MINGTON. AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On ana after MONDAY, September sth, 1859, PASSKNGER TRAINS PHILaBeu'hIA, For Baltimore at 8.16 A, M., 12 noun, (Express,) and 11.10 P. M. 'or Chester at 8.15 A. M.» 12 noon, 4 and 11.101. M. f vt Wilmington at 8.15 A. M.,13,4, and 11.10 P. M. 'or Now Castle at 8.16 A. M., and 4 P. M. 'or Middletown at 8.16 A. M., and 4 P. M» 'orDoveratS.l6 A. M.,and4P.Al. 'or Seaford at 8.15 A, M. ot Ml f 4flAllis'RUß THILABKLTHIA Leave BaHimoro at 6.89 A. M., (Express J 0.40 A. Al,, and 6.25 f. M. Loavo Wilmington at 8.55 A. M. and9.2o A. M., 1.10 and 8.40 P.M. joave New Castle at 8.45 A, M., and 8 P. M. .oave Middletown at 7.60 A. M. nrnlfl.w P. M. je&vo Dover at 6.50 A. Al., und 6.40 P. M. .eAve Milford at 6 30 A. M. ,eave Beaford ot t. 65 P. AL joavo Chester at A. M., 1.45 and 9.15 P. M. jeovo Baltimore fur Seaford arid Delaware Railroad at 6.30 A.M. ■ . TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester a: 8.45 A. M., 12.23 and 11.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 9.20 A. M., 12.65 P. M., and 12.20 A. M. BUNDAYB Only at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only At 6.25 P. M.. from Baltimore to Pliiladelplua. FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attaohed, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate place* at 5.45 P. Al. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7.25 P. At. Leave, Havre-dB-Graoe forßaltimore andintermodlate places at 6.40 A.M. . Leave Uftllimdro for Havte-ds-Graco and intermediate places at 5.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia arid invdrmdoiate places at 6.46 P.M. Jr* fi. M. FELTON, President. fSj £a mt&Sk&U PHILADELPHIA, GER MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD-SUMMER AHRANGEMENTS- On and after Monday, May 9th, 1659, until further notice. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7, 8,8&, min., 10, ll}£, 12, A. M,, 1,2,3, Stf, 4,5, 6X,6, 7. 8,9, 10. and 111\ M. Leave Germantown 6,7.7}*, 8,8H,9,10,11, A. M., 12HL 1,2, 3,4, 6,6, 6}*, 7}£, 8. 9.lo}£P. M. M suotiavs, Philadelphia 9.05 rain. A. M., 2,3,5, 7%, and 10H Leave GermantownB.lothin. A.M.,1.10 min., 4, 6 H, and 9>j p. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. , jLbjvo Philadelphia6,B, Stf, 11 A. M., 2,3«, 4,6 X,«, 9, l*flave Clientnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11.J3 A. M., 1140,3.40, 5.40,7.10,8.40, lO.lj V. Al. orfsUi.DAYfl, Leave Philadelphia 9.06 nun. A. A1.,2,5, and 73£ P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7,60 A. At., 11.60, 6.10, and 8.55 ‘ FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,8.05 mm., 10.05, mm., 11}* A. M., 1.05 min., 3.05 min., 4K, SK, 6*£, ilks P. M. pLeave Norristown 6,7,9,11 A. Al., 1, 3>£» 4>j, 6, 7 H, Ltfavo Ph 1 1 ad el pi 11 a . [Vat ifl \ r. M. Leave Norristown 7 A, Al., 1 am! 0 P. M. . JfUR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 imn., 6.05 min., 9?/, 10.05 mm., ID* A. M., 1.05 min., 2.05 min., 3.05 mm., 4>», 6}£, (Pi, 8 11 Vi P, M . Leave AUtiay utlk 6k, 7lf. CH. ik, Mf, lllf A. AL, \k, 8.05 min., 4,5,6H»8, g. 05 mm. Leave Philadelphia ?A. A?!, 3, 4 P At. Leave Manayunk 7H A. M.. 1)*, P. M. H. K. SMITH. General Snpormtendent, my 7 DEPOT, NINTH and GKEEN Streets. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL • tw .RAILROAD, , 859. 1859. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD 13 EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, and at tho Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trams for Cm* rinnati, 8L Louis. Cleveland, Chicago, Burlington. St. Paul's, Indianapolis, Louisville, New Orleans, and all intermediate points in Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, Kentuc ky, Mionifiim, wisconsin,Minnesota.Missouri,Kansas, and Nebraska— thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and coin fort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, Without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train: Woodruff's Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trams. Tho EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mad and Fast Lines, Bun ayMai?¥rftih leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A.M. FaetLide “ a 1150 A. At, Express Train leaves “ 10.60 P. A!. WAY TRAINS LEAVE A 8 FOLLOWS: Parkesburg Accommodation at 11 A, M. Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.00 P. M. Columbia “ . 4.30 P.AI. Passengers for West Chester will take the Alai!, Parkesburg, and Lancaster Trains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, aad intermediate points,leaving Phila delphia at 7.15 A. M. f and 2 P. Al., go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the otftco of the Qompanyin Philadelphia, Now York, Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of tho important Railroad Offioos in the Wost; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio Rivers. ■fat- Faro always as low as any other Route. The completion of the Western connections of the PennsylYaniaßAljroail to Chicago, make this the DIRECT LINK BETWEEN Tlfk EAST IND THE GREAT NORTHWEST. Theoonneotion of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saviug of time, are advantages readily by Shippers of Freight and tho Travelling FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route Freight* of all descriptions oan bo for warded from Philadelphia.!Now York. Boston,or Balti more. to any point on the Railroad* of Ohio, Kentucky. Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa.or.Missouri, by Rail road direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad also conneots at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can bo forwarded to any Sort on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, umberland, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Misoun, Kansas. Arkansas, and R?d Rivers; and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago, with Stoamer* to all ports on the Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to tins Company, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. TIIE RATES OF FREIGHT to any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times ns favora ble a* are changed by other Railroad Companies. few. Be particular to maifc packages " via Penna. Rail road. Morohantsinthe Westordering poods from the East, will do well to direct thorn to he shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Slapping Directions, apply to, or address either of tbo following Agents of the Com puny: D.A. STEWART. Pittsburg: Doyle k Co.,Bteubenvillo*o.; H.B. Pierce« Co., Zanes ville, O.j J. J. Johnston, Riploy, O.; R. McNeely.Maye ville, Ky.{ Ormsby k Cropper, Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock k Co., Jeflersonvillo, Indiana; H. W. Drown k Co., Cincinnati, 0.: Athern k Hibbert, Cincinnati, 0.: R. C, Meldrum, Madison, Ind.; William Biifgham. Louisville, Ky.; P. G. O’Riley k Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Gra ham k Co., Cairo, Ml.: R. F. Snss, St. Louis, Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashvillo, Tenn.; Hams k Hunt. Memphis, Tenu.j Clarke k Co., Chicago, III.; W. H.H. Koonts, Alton, III.; Murphy & Wallo, Dubuque, 111.; or to Freight Agonts of Railroads at different points in the West. Parties attending to their own shipments from .the East, will find it to their interest to call on the Acentsof the Company at the following places before shipping; or letters addressed to either of them on the subject of rolghts, will meet with prompt attention i K, J. BNKKDER. Philadelphia. iIAGRAW k KOONB, 80 North street, Baltimore. <KECH & CO., 2 Astor House, or 1 8. William st.,N.Y, , iEECH. k CO..M Killjy alreet, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gon’l Freight Agent. Phila. L, L. HOUPT, GenM Ticket AgentrPhik THOB. A. BCOTT, Gen’lSup’t, Altoona. Pa, » 3593,804 70 1859. 1859 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT-NEW >'ORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO’fl LINES, EROM PHILADELPHIA TO new yDrk and way-places, EROM WAI..ICT-STREKT WHARF, Will leave as follows, viz: fares. At SA. AL, via Camden end Amboy, Cam. A Am. Accommodation - $2 25 At C A. M., via Camdea and Jersey City,(New JerseylAccomniodation 2 25 At 9 A.M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning .Mail 3 00 At H A. AL, by Htramlioat, via Tacony and Jorsey City, Morning Lxpmss. 3 00 At 2 P.M., via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Ex press 3 00 AtSJj P. M.« by i*toa»nboat, via Tacony and Jer sey City, Evening Express... 3 00 AtBVg P. M.. by Stoanibont, via Taoony ami Jer sey City, 2d Class Ticket 2 25 At 6 P. M., via Caimtoa and Jorsey City Evoning Mail 3 00 At 11 P, M., via Camden and Jersey City, Night Mail 2 25 At 2J£ P. M, via Camden and Amboy, Accomodation, (Freight and Pnssonger— lst Claes Ticket......... 2 M « . 2d Class Ticket Ifo At BP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation. (Freight a*\d Passenger)—lst Claes Ticket. 225 m,_ „ „ „ ~ ... 2d Class Ticket. 175 The 6P. M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Night Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Relvidere, Easton, Fleimngton, Ac,, at 6 A.M, and 3>tf P. M. For Water Gap. Strpuilabujg, Scranton. Wilkesbarro, Montrose, Groat Bend, Ae., at 6 A. M., via Delaware Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 5 A. M. oml2J\ M. For Mount Molly, at 8 and# A. M„ and J 1 *, 4JL and# ■ «M. „ „ . , m WAY LINKS For Bristol, 'I renton, Ao, at 8)4 amlD* P. M„ from Walnut-street wharf, Kor Fohnyra, OeUncn, Uovorly, Durlillston, Bordoo town, Ao., at 1 and 2% P. M. Steamboat John Neiison, for Tacony at II A.M.,aml for llordentown and intennediato places at 3S P. M. rrenton. lor.Tncimy at B)» A. M.,and for " r, , , K , }».P l l r J ln kton, and intermediate place*, at 12 M. and 4X P. M. Fifty pounds of bagcngo only allowed each passenger. 1 nssengers ere prohibited from taking anything ns bng gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over filly pounds to ho pan! for oxtra. Tho company limit their rosponsiluhty lor baggrtKo to one dollar per pound, and will not bo liable for any amount bejond 9m exoept by special coQtraot. v J uneL WM. 11. GATZMER. Agent. JSSparamarega Philadelphia h r^{j: , t W« amillXltlUSilftßO. ’ U Leave* the Depot, at corner of UROAD nml VINE Point*, oonnectimt at IlnrnslnirgMutU trains running* to Pittsburg, Chainlwrflbnrg. Car i* e. Simbury, An r , AFTERNOON J.INKH. ' IISSMVSI J)AiLYI tm i’OTTSVILLE ”o A d\ato^m^». aT " eXOOPtOd ■ , far JtEAD »PlB W. 11. MrILHEN’NY.R n , „ FOR TllH SEA-SHORE. Oi l onilnftcrHeptP'nlwrl*!, nml until further notice, dail'i" Clt> lellvß VINB-Ktrcot IVlutrf fc’j.W •' 7.M A, M. Stopping at alt Station*, coin*, ami returning. LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. Expreaa Train 6 A.M. Man, “ .. .. .41\ fll. i *fn re v? Atlantia, §1 £O. Round Trip Tu>kota, good lor Two Daja, CO. T .„ V 1 . SUNDAY TKAIK. Leave* Vine-atreet at.. . __.s A. M. Returning, eaves Atlantio at - « l\ M. ftottnd Trip Ticket, t’oycl for tluatrain on!>.., ..$1 25. freight muat be dehvorert at Coopor'a I’omt by i r. M. Hie Company will not be responsible for nov goodsun* ni recojveirana rooeiptcd for by their Freight Agent at me .Point, •Mm JOHN 0. BRYANT, Agent. HAY RUM,—S puncheons very superior R uni. in ah>re and for sale by Uft A, MERINO, 140 South FRONT Street, RAILROAD LINES. BJJ KM rgßHiWn NOTICE TO SHIPPERS OF LOCAL FREIGHT. Thu“nnSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY nre now prepared to receive find forward frerant tp we rot owmg points on the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL- Look Haven, 'Lewiaburg, , , Wayne. Northumberland, iereey Shore, Bunbury, . itmlsn, Treverton Intereeouoni Newbury, Georgetown, Williamsport, MiUerstown, Munoy, Halifax, Wateoatown, York, Miltdh, Hanover Junction. ALSO, RAlilftOA^* an< * a ' l * nterrnei^"# Points on HANOVER All kowJ* eent to Freight fcgftrion, THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets, will be promptly forwarded. ItA-Shti K. J. RNKKDKH. Preieht Arsnt. NORTH PENNSYL- VANIA RAILROAD. HUMMER ARRANGEMENT. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLEBTOWN, EASTON, chunk - iiAZl ' K ' toN ' On and altor MONDAY, May 16th, IM9, Passenger Triune will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phi ladelphia, DAILY, (Sundays excepted:) For Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wilke** barro, Ilazelton, Ac.,(Express,)at9.3o A. M. ' bdrßethle})pm,{ExpreM f )at4P,M. . For Doyleetowu, (Accommodation,) at 8.15 A. M> and 6r. M. For Fort Washington, (Aooonunodatioft,) at 9.15 P. M. and 6.20 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bothlohem, (Express,) at 8 A. M. and 4.10 P. M. Leave Doyleatown, (Accommodation,) at 6.30 A. M. and i I’. M. Leave Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 6JO A. M. and 3.35 I*. M. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia, for Doyleatown, at 9 A. M. and S P. M, DoyfestqWn, for Plulada., at 6.30 A. M. and 0.45 P. M. Fare to Betjilohdrt, $1,60; (dMaach Chunk. 92.60; to Easton, 91-60; to Doyleatown, wcetui; toWukoabarre, S4AO. ' All Passenger Trains Biiftflay TrjiittS,)eon loctat Berks street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. Passengers for Wilkesbarre take 9.30 A. M. Tf&in, and arrive m Wilkesbarre at 7 r. M. myla KLLIB CLARK. A,cut. EJ mi NOTICE.—CHESTER RAILROAD-PAS SENOKtt TRAINS FSR IIOWNINIITOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONS.—On and after Ist January, 1859, the Passenger Train® for DOWNINGTOWN, will start from tho Passenger Depot of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and VfNE Streets. MORNING TRAIN forDowningtown, leaves at 7.20 4 TAAIN Cor Bowningtown, leave* at DAILY (Sundays excepted.; By order of the Board of Managers of the Philadelphia anu Reading Railroad Company. <l3O W. H. McILHENffY. Secretary. SUMMER RESORTS. Kittatinny house. , DELAWARE WATER GAP. Thu plnco bavin? been so crowded, until within a few ua> s, as to prevent many person- from obtaining accom modations, tho Proprietor now announces to suoh, end to those who wish to spend a few days or weeks during the dohcbtlul autumnal season, that ihoy can l>e accom modated with comfortable rooms. 'The months ol Bcp tombernml October are not only the most pleasant season at the “Gap," but afloru the additional sport of. fine Fishing and Uunmng. Passengers leavo WaLNUT- Htroet Wharf at 6 o'clock in the morning, and strive at the Gap at 12H o'clock same day; or by the North Penn sylvania to Easton in the afternoon, and arrive at the Gap next day at 12)* o’clock. au27-3w L. W. BRODHEAD, Proprietor. TVIURRAY HOUSE, I’A NEWARK, OHIO, Is tho largest and boat arranged Hotel in central Ohio, is centrally located and is easy of access from all the routes of travel. It contain* all the modern imprpve itierita,aml every convenience for the comfort and ac commodation of the travelling public. The Seeping Rooms are large and well ventilated. The Buttes o Rooms nre well arranged and carefully furnished fo families and lnr*e travelling parties; and the Home wil, be kept as a first-class Hotel in every respect. , • H. A. MURRAY A BRO., au24-3m Proprietors. gEA BATHING CONGRESS HALL l. now OF BOARDERS, and the subscriber will be happy to sec hiR friends who may favor him with their patronage during the season. Je2s-3m THOS. C. GARRETT. RIANOH. rastk» CHICRERING & SONS, rmV MANOFACTURBB* O 9 GRAND. UFR'GHT WAREP.OO.MS BOT CHESTNUT BTREET. Constant,' in store alarve stoo< df enfr BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS. We have been Awarded, at the diderent Exhibitions in this country an< Europe, saGOLb AND SILVER FJRST-CLASS MEDAI.S. PIANOS TO RENT. Jn2S-l, «*z=m RAVEN, BACON, & Co.’s, mnrn Nunn* k Clark**, Hallett, Davis, A Co.’s, and A. TL Dale 6c Co.'s superior PIANOS. Also, Ma son k. Hamlin’* unpvallea MELODEONS and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Churches and Leoture Rnotilß, . . _ *7"FiaaoiandM6lodeon*toßent.. _ _ J. E. GOULD, myll-ly SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN iTTfn PIANOS. HCIIOMACKER k CO., 1021 CHESTNUT Street, rospoctfullv invite the music loving public to call and examine thosr now and suc cessful improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted tho Tone, Touch, and Action of tho GrAml Piano into that of a iteunro Instrument, avoiding nil the objections generally mrido to tho style of Grand Pmno, also diminishing tho cost of the same. In volume, purity of tone, groat power, brilliancy, full ness, depth. »nu evenness of touch, with exquisite delt rnov nnu sweetness, these SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIFULLY-FINISHED IN BTR UMENTB aro wholly uneanalled. They have received the highest encomiums, and are pronounced by critics to be far su perior to any instrument* ever manufactured in this C< Consi.intly on hand, a large and elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. Wo \iave been awarded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding tho Prize Medal from tho Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New Y0rk.1863. seMf MEDICINAL. Louisville artesian water.— An analysis, by Frqf. J. L. SMITH, shows one gallon to contain 915 H grams, os follows, viz: Chlor. Hodmtn 622 grs. Sulph. Magnesia.. 77.00 gre, ** Calcium GO*' *' Potash 300 u “ Magnesium... 7 “ " Alumina... XuO “ " Potassium.... 14 ** Magnesium 035 ** “ Aluminium. •i 3 “ Bromido '* 0.47 '* Phosph. Boda. 2“ Bi-Carb. 1r0n...,. OA6 “ Bulph. Boda 73“ “ Magnesia. .3J30 “ “ Lune 29 “ - Sold by tho barrel, gallon, nr in bottlos, wholesale aud retail, by HASSAKD k CO., Apothecaries, au2l-tf CHESTNUT Bt., cor. Twelfth st. A NOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER -tV FUL EFFECTS OF TROXELL’S neuralgia PniLA., July 71b. 1658. Mr. K. W. Thoxbll— Dear Sirl have been troubled With the "NEURALGIA” for the last J 4 years, and have suffered t}ie most excruciating pain, compelling mo ut times to give up my business entirely. I could not eat, and sleep was a stranger to my eyes. 1 suflered more than tongues can tell. I had the advice and aid of various pbysioians, and used other remedies, but all of no avail. Having noticed yonr advertisement in the papers, I concluded to call on a person whom 1 had learned was cured of a case of SO years standing. He applied the "SALVE” but once, and I felt immediate relief—a second application removed the pain entirely, and I now feel like a different man. Bmce then I have slept well— something that \ have not qooo for months, being obliged to sit up alt night in a chair. My appetite has returned, and 1 reel grateful to you for the restora tion ot ray health. CHARLES H. BAKER, Tobacconist, CARROL Street, above 'WOOD, Kensington. For sale/vrholesale and retail, at S. W. corner SIXTH and PARRISH Streets, and at_T. R. CALLENDER A Co.'s, N. W. oorner Third and walnut sts. ap2o-tf Dr. westcott'S celebrated tar CORDIAL. Westeott’s Tar Cordial cures Consumption. Weitoott’s Tar Cordjal cures Bronchitis. Westoott's Tar Cordial cures Coughs and Colds. Westoott’a Tar Cordial cures Sore Throat and Breast. Westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Palpita'ron of the Westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Nervous Debility. Westcott’a Tar Cordial euros General Debility. Wostcott’s Tar Cordial cures Diseases of the Kidneys, Strangury, and Gravel. . Wostoott i Tar Cordial oures Blind and Bleeding Files. Westcott'a Tar Cordial oures Female We&lmesses. Dr. Westoott's Tar Cordial Depot, No. 629 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. Also, Principal Depot for Dr. Westcott’s Anti-Scrofu lous Sirup and Cholera Mixture. Dr. E. R. WESTCQTT can be consulted on the above diseases, free ofohargo.nt his Consulting Rooms, No. 629 ARCH Street, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Jyls-tf WINES AND LIQUORS. CARD.— MAREUII.-SUR--AY (CHAM PAGNE), JANUARY 16,1859.— Inconsequenceot the frequent invitations received by me to reuew the shipments of my Chainpagno wines to tho United States. I beg leave hereby to inform my formor customers nnd theptiblio in general, that I have appointed Messrs. F.C. BROUWER, ANCHKR, & CO.; Sole Agents in the United States, for tho sale of my Champagne Wines. My Wines have been so long and favorably known in tho United States, it will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than to say that my new'shipments Will in no way be found inferior t^ta BAL^I6N BILLEGART SALMON'S CHAMPAGNE WINES, both CABINET and VERZENaY, for sale and con stantly on hand, in lots to suit purchasers, by F. C. BROUWER. ANCHER, A CO., ap27-flm 81 BEAVER Street. New York. (OLAKET, —10U cases liarton & Guestier’s V>/ St. Julien; 300 do. Bt. Estephe; 300 do. Washing ton Morton St. Julzcn; 100 do. do. Faience, pints; 80 do. Chateau La Rose; 80 do. do. Leoville; Scotoh Ale, in stone and glass i Youngor’e, Harvov’s. Falkirk Brown Stout and London Porter, in store and for sale by auo A. MERINO. 140 South FRONT Street MACHINERY AND IRON. BAMOBL V. MERRICK, WILLIAM n. MBRRtCK, _ n iiiu,mu u. inpnn.Gi,, ©OUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, MERRic^& H SONS, ENGINEERS and machinists, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service, Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Castings of ail kinds, either Iron or lirnse. Iron Frame Roofs for Goa Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, Ac. Retorts and Uns Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. Evory description of plantation Machinery, such u Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines. &o, Solo Agent* for N. Riifteux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer*, ana Asptnwad ec Wolaey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Maohmc. au6-y CABINET WARE. FURNITURE and BILLIARD tables. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 931 SOUTH SECOND STREET, m connection with their extensive Cabiuet Business, are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a full supply, finished with MOORE & CAMHON’B IMPROVED CUSHIONS, whioh are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to all others. _ For the quality and finish of these Tables themann tnoJUTers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who aro familiar with tuo character of their work. JyW-6m LEGAL. IVUTlCE.—Letters Testamentary to tho ll Estate of FREDERICK KLKTT, late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate will please innko payment, and those having claims are re quexted to present their accounts without delay to KRCIVK KLJ-VjT. Jr., 1233 ARCH Street JOS. W. DALLAM, N. K. corner SECOND nrnl CAL- JONES.(B2 RACE Strnst. nu 9-tutlia'tw,V«iepr»-tuths3w Executors. NEW Nos. 1& 2 MACKEREL—A small invoiro of aborted package,, Umling from mourner Konsmitoii, and for sale |jv „ • WM. J. TAYLOR * CO.. I.H SOUTH WHARVES. TJ AMS.—IOO tierces extra Sugar-curcd P covered Ham«. packed br Gardner, I’hvpni.t Co.. Henrr Lovria, Jno. Shay, Beatty & Tapaoott, Heiatt A Wood, Lewis Staggs, and Oul»'.»», For sale _i!? ARCH Street o ',wnnd *r. gvl„,i Havana cigars — of the following celebrated brands: Cabanas, Pirnm Hojas dp Oro, olfm?: Upmann, Neptuno, Pruobesc, Yonl.ul, Vegas. Ac A a., An. lualiliefl, «»n hand and constant!) .e -oeivmg from Havana, and for sale low by aulfi-lm CHARLES TETE, m WALNUT. SALES bV AUCTION. [FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO,. V Ho. 499 MARKET BTREKT. BALE OF FRENCH GOODS. On Friday Morning, Sept, 16th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on six month* credit -600 packages and lot* of fancy and staple French dry good*. BONNETS, BLACK GROS DE RHINES, On Friday Morning. 214Z33 inch bonnets, super black cios de Rhine*. Fancy drefs silks. An invoice of rich fancy, plaid, stripe, and plain poult d °”°PARIS PRINTED MQUSLIN PE LAINKS. 300 piece* rich new style Pan* printed mouslin de Wilted cashmere and stella biiawlb. 12-4 Scotch printed oubmere sbaw Is. 12-4 French broeiie-bordered Stella shawls, ii-irrencn w, f| ONNET ribbons. MANCHi3TEK fI GINSLw"BrCHECK MOHAIR, Ac. itaocbester Gingham*. Fancy check moliatf*. darseilles toilet covers. f finey chenille searf*« * * , Printed cambric and madder lidhrs, Ac* MANTILLAS AND CLOAKS. 75 lots cloth mantillas, cloaks, and Raglan*- B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHEBTNUT BTREET. opposite the Custom House, between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets, PHILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 630 . - MARKET Street, and 631 MINOR Street SALE OF 090 CASES BOOTS. SHuhS, BROGANS, ko. Tin* Morning, September 16th, at ID o'clock precisely, will be sold by catalogue, on four months’ credit, 809 oa*e* of men * and boys' boots, shoes, gaiters, brogans, <fco.; ladies’ and misses’ boots, shoes, gaiters, ties. Jenny Linds, Ac., of city and Easternmanuiacture. suitable fur pre sent SKINg> cOOinNEAIj LININGS, Ac. Included in sale will be found 100 dozen goatskins, cochineal linings, stripo bindings, Ac. 3UO CASEB SCOTCH GINGHAM UMBRELLAS. Alsof included in sale will be found samples of 200 cases Scotch gingham umbrellas, various sizes. 19* Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when buyers are invited to tend. T M. GUMMEY A SONS, J. CARD.—J. M. Gummef k Boss, auctioneers, will hold regular safe* of Real Estate, oftoks, 6tc, Also noose’ told furniture at awbHings. FIHBT FALL SALE. On Thursday, Sept. 29tb, at 7)4 o’cl<*ck in the evsniag, will be sold at ;üb)io sole, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fotiow- Sale—Bl47s.—A yearly ground-rent df 876 W, issuing out of lot of ground northeast comer of fc warn and Seventeenth streets, 17 feot front by 67 feet deep. Peremptory S-ilo—?2^o9.—A yearly jrronnd-rent of 8168. Issuing out of lot of ground west side of Sixteenth feet south of Brown street, 35 feet front by 73 feet 8 inches deep. . . Peremptory Sale—B2,9oo.—Bona and mortgage for $23)0, on three-styry orick residence ana lot of ground cast side bf Seventeenth street, 34 feet north of Bmun street; lot 17 feet frbnt by 67 feet deep. Peremptory Sal*—<?ls66.—dood and mortgage for 81600 on lot of ground eonilt side of Brown street, 235 set 8 inches westward from Sixteenth street, 13 feot fr T\v({ DeMrabL'E LOTS OF GROUND, *srt mde of 'fwenty-fifth street, between BusguehanflS nyeiue and Emmett street. 36 feet 11 inches front by ill feet H inch deep. Clear of alljncon’brance. HANDSOME THKEE-BTGRY BRfCK RESI DENCE, with laTge three-siory back buildings, and furnished with nit the extra moae/n cmiveniences, Citimte No. 511 North Seventh street. The house is well built and Ifi gtxxt oTdor. Part muy remain on groend- r TIIREE-STORy BRICK RESIDENCE, rituslo No. 734 Bansom street. Lot 18 feet front By 94 feet a inches deep, to a back outlet. This is a valuable property, >eing in n central location, sod very desirable foromceo. HANDSOME ROUGH-CAST RESIDENCE, fur nished With all the modern conveniences, large lot of ground, and excellent stable, south side • Cooper street, east from Fourth stroet, Camden. N. J. Lot 60 feet front by 199 feet deep. All in perfect order, and built especially tor the occopancv of the present owner. FOUR DESIRABLE LOTB OF GROUND, situate on the nortb side of Vine street, extending from Fifty eighth to Fiffr-niftth streets. No. 1, corner tot, I \V> feet bv feet i No. 2, XX) feet by 2t» feet; No. 3,130 feet by ?76 feet; No. 4, aorftcr 10t.99 feet by»l feet. Passen gor railway passes the frofit. On our Private Bale Register wID always be faend a very large amount of real estate, including every do »ri,Lca ofoiar «f JVT bond. Real Estate Brokers. No. 520 V 7 ALN WT OtlcCbelow Sixth. THE BRITISH AND NORTH SggjgghAMBRlCAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- f*o« HXW TOKK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief CabinP/uwagS..B)3o Becond Cabin Passfee... 7s »rom Boston to livXxpool. Chief Cabin Passage..— .^...5110 Second Cabin Passage 6d The shiM from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt Jadkifis, AMERICA, C&pt. Hiltor, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, NIAGARA, Capt. Anaeri ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott, AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EUKOPA, Capt J. Leitch, CANADA, Capt. Lang, These vessels carry a clea white light at maet-head; green on starboard bow; red on portbow. AFRlCA,Bhannon, leaves NYork, Wednesday,Sept. 14. EUROPA, Leitch, ** Boston, Wednesday, Sept.2l. PERSIA, Judkins, “ N York, Wednesday. Sept. 28. ARABIA,Stone, 41 Boston, Wednesday, Oct 5. ASIA, Lott. M N York, Wednesday, Oct. )2. CANADA, Lang, *B‘ Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 19. Borths notsecureountilpaid for. An experienced Snrgeon on bc«rd. The owners of these ships will not be aeoonntable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stoses or Metals, unless bills oT lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freiehtor pas sage apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, ilO-tr New York. FOR THE SOUTH.—CHARLES- anb savannah steamships. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average of fifths* per cent lie low New York Steamship rates. FOR CHARLESTON. S. C. The V. 8. Mail Steamship KF.YBTONE STATE, Cap tain Charles P. Marshman. wiQ sail on Thursday, Sep tember 16. at 10 o’clock A. M. Through in iSlojto hours at Sea. The V. 8. Mail Steamship* STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Tuesday, September 20. at 10 o’cloek A. M. Through m M to 60 hours, only 48 hours at Bea. CT’SaUine ‘laya changed from every Saturday to every five Goods received, and Bills of Lading signed splendid first-class side-whoel Bteahuhips KEY STONEhTATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now ran as above every tan days, thus forming a five-day commu nication with Charleaton and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah,.theiq Bhips con nect with steamers far Florida, and with railroads, Ao., for all places in the snei^outhwest. Freight and Tosuranoe on a large proportion of Goods shipped BouthwiU be found to bo tower by these shivs than by sailing veesels, the premium being one-half the rate. N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking ail risks from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 25 to 40 por oent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will bo seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets fr<?m Philadelphia via Charles ton and Bavannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery; , , IJfLAttD PARK. ToClmleetoa~—sls CO Charleston—. £2350 U 0 Bavaunoh——. ..... 3100 Augusta... —.. 30 00 Augusta.... 26 uO Macon >lOO Mooon..—. 33 7s Atlanta >3 00 Atlanta 3100 Colpmbm..—... >3OO Columbus.—36oo Albany 2100 Albany 37 00 Montgomery... 26 00 Montgomery., _ 38 00 Mobile 35 00 Mobile 45 90 New Orleans ...39 78 New Orleans-. 6100 No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or passage apply on board, at second wharf above Vine street, or to „ ALEX. HERON. Jr.. Southwest corner FOUTH and CHESTNUT. Agents in Charleston, T. 8. k T. G. BUDD. S?' w Bavannah. HUNTER k GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers Bt. Mary’s and St. John’s, every Tuesday and Saturday. j)23 GLASGOW AND NEW YORK Sagjßi STEAMSHIP COMPANY.—STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY—for £3O. „ THOM raw YOBK. GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, October 12, at 12 o’olook, noon. TBO2C GLASGOW. GLABGOW, Thompson, Wednesday. September 14. Rates of Passage from New York. Philadelphia. or Boston* to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or Lon* donderry, first class. §7O. Steerage, found 'rith an Abun dance of properly cooked provisions, §3O. An experienced Surgeon attached to eaoh steamer. No oliarge for medicines. For freight or passage, apply to _ . „ WORKMAN k CO., No. 123 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. ROBERT CRAiuj No. ZJB ROADWAY. New York. U. S. M. STEAMERS HAVR£ AND SOUTHAMPTON, ARAGO, Captain Lines, will fail July 39, September 17 .November a. FULTON,Captain WottontWillsail August 20, Ooto ber 15, December 10. First Cabin passage.—*.*^.sl9o Second Cabin pAHamw 70 For freight or passage, apply to , , _ , .tfILLIAM NEILBON, Agent, At the warehousing Cojnpanr’a Philadelphia Office, Tobacco Warehouse. DOCKS tree t, Pnila, je23-6m VB. PALMER'S ADVERTISING * A6ENOY, N. E. corner FIFTH and CHEST NUT. try Subscriptions takeu for the test City and Country Newspapers, at lowest cash prices. teS-3rn Martin £ quayle’s STATIONERY. TOY. and FANCY GOODS E M P O It } U M. 1035 WALNUT STREET, BBLOW RLXVKXTH, «Mm PHILADELPHIA. ISAAC ROBERTS, Rkal Estate Agent : , BAMUEL C. ROBERTS, Conveyancer: Offer for snle, on liberal terms, FARMS AND COUN TRY SEATS, in Pennsjlraui*, New Jersey, Delaware, >lM7Wmt, and v ircinia; and DWELLINGS and STORES In Norristown, OeTmantown, and 'fl'.OAN MOSEY ON FIKST MORTGAGES, Hxarain. Titles to Real Estate, and attend to CONVEYANCING in all its branches. Office MAIN Street, near the Bank, Norristown, nml No. 333 South THIRD Btreet, between Walnut and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. al-lm* VAU6IUK MBRHICK, Alex, mcrinney, attorney at law, _ GREENBBURG, PA, Will praotise in Westmoreland, Armstrong, and In diana counties. >ell-tf The adaais express co., office S2O CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Tack ages Merchandise, Bank Notos, and Specie, either by its own Lines, or m connection with other Express Com panies. to all the principle town* and cities of the United Btatoa. E. S. bANDFORP, General oucermtendent. JSAAU K. WKIGIIT & SON, LEHIGH COAL. OFFICE, NO. 131 Soul'll SECOND ST. YARD, CATIIARINE-STREET WHARF ipflEO. D. EMORY & CO. OFFICE No lit Sooth FOURTH St.,.■Philos., Bole Agents of GEO. C. POTTS A CO,, Miners and Shippers of the LOCUST DALE OOAIn From the Loonst Mountain, Near Ashland, apl-sm) SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa- SW. GROOME & CO., • Doalers and Shippers of LEHIGH, BCHUYLKILL. and BROAD TOP SEMI BITUMINOUS COAL. Offioe. No. 1« South FOURTH Street. BROAD Street, below Race, Ipl-Bm PHILADELPHIA. mHE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN JL PHILADELPHIA.—Look at the followipe list of pnoes tor Uandsorube, and oompare them with those bohght elsewhere: No. 1, 63 knots, 62K per doxen. No. 3, 62 knots, 75 “ No.A, 66 knots, 87 41 No. 4, 80 knots, 100 " * No. 5, 83 knots, lli " No. 6,100 knots, 125 " No. 7,104 knots, 150 “ No. 8,150 knots, 175 “ HENRY O. ECKSTEIN, 62 North THIRD Street, below Aron, Philadelphia. "Dl-GARB SODA. —100 kegs for sale by &isr * bkothk *’ Ko * «w* SHIPPING. BUSINESS CARDS, DEALERS IN PHILADELPHIA, BRUSHES. ,BALEg BY AUCTION, . M THOMAS t SONS: • Noc. 15, and 141 SOOTH FOURTH STREET < Formerly Nt*. 67 and V.) rr^r CARD.-PUBLIC SALES HEAL- ESTATE ANB STOCKS AT #H£ EXCHANGE, at» o’etoc?, noo.v Sales of real estate and stewks will hereafter be mU at 12 o’clock Boos, instead of m the evening. PALL SALES STOCK AND REAL ESTATE ' bird Fall Sale,auth September. ’ourtli Fall Sale- 23d September, Fall Sule, fTth September, Sixth Fall Bale, 4th October. KV. Part of the Wdhiiie for eaoh of the abort sal« now ready, „ . . HEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, kc. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tucs* daXial.noon, during the business season. for. Handbills of eaoh Property issued separately, to addition to which we pobUsn on the Saturday previous tQ each sale, one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form giving fall description of all the Property to be sold cn the following Tuesday. FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION BTORE every Thursday intfnHnr. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. a W e have a b»r&e amount of Real Estate at Privafa Bate, momuing every deccripbon of oity and eountry pro*,., Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Reg ter, andadyerUsed occasionally in our Public Bale Abstracts, f which IJIOO copiea ore printed weekly,) free of oharge. STOCKS. LOANS. PEW, Ac. „ _ On Tuesday, Sept. 50, at 12 o clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Ex change— For account of whom it may concern— -81,140 convertible mortgage loan of the Cambria Iron Compaojt payable January Ist, i&6, with arrears vt interest.' 2 000 shares Chatham Cobalt Mining Company—par 85. For other accounts— , 1 share Philadelphia Library. _ 23 shares Ridge-avenue aird Manayonk Passenger Rwlvay CHURCH. Also, Pew No. 122, esst sid? of west aerie Csirary Churcn. Locust street, west of Fifteenth. Choice loca tion ; cost 8550. THIRD FALL SALE, SEPTEMBER#**, AT NOON, Will include— Peremptort SaIe.—VERY VALUABLE FARM AND COuNTRYBEAT, Io7.acrea^with superior lmprove nents. Montgomery county, Penns , about 14 miles frma ’hiladelphis, 3H miles from Wiesabickoti stafaoa. North >nna?)van>a Railroad. S3H*nte absolute. WALNUT STREET RESIDENCE, with Urtesyto lot (toxethertf feet Croat), No. 1536. near Sixteeetn of. HANDSOME MODERN RbSIDENCETNo. 633 Fraokbn street, south of Green street, with adi yard valuable arch street residence, n«. 1013. ad/cnnlng Mr. Wadsworth’s ehureh, above Tenth stteet. fir Sato abeo.ute, without reserve or heuta “oERMASTOWK RESIDENCE, WIR K.U. ud CO LiRU > £‘VioAN'f'KV, U2K feet b. 93 feet, Boltea %VvRmIITMoW?-AXT> DWELLINGS, N.W. cornerof FooithardSlhpfkUStreeta. Reptingfor S So*D J eRf( DWELLING, No.JIO Green BL, between ’'THR'iifeoitvSßlCK DWEiUNO. No3OSootb Eleventh street below Bhippen street. “TUCKER’S ISLAND/! or •• PLAT BEACH.’* abrut 600 acres, on the sea shore, Burlington eoaatf, RESIDENCE. TithUree >ide > *ii. No. 1318 Coates street, west of Fifteenth street^lot U by 130 feet, with six three-story brick dwellings in the STREET—T.o DOM threaten? brink Nos-SM and 6*5 North Futeenlh street* be low Cost** street. , . . . „ BUBINEBS LOCATION.—Three-story brick dwefl ing. No 1216 LocnsTsUeet. above Twelfth street. BUSINESS STAND.—Tbree-etory briok store »nd dwelling, northeast eorner of Jefienon avenue and Sa lanaksfreettFirst w»rd. _ THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, adjoining the REED STREETz-Tbree-story bnck dwelling, south side R^edstreet, eaut of Jefferson avenue. *ir«t ward. trvALUABLE BUSINt>S IfTAND. four-story bnck store an 6 Warehouse, No. 126 North Fourth street above A Peremptory !»!.,-ELEGANT iIODERN POCR STORy BRICK RESIDENCE, with f«r story back buiidioge. w<th all the tnofieta eoove meneea, No. IPIO Spruce street Lot 21 feet lrcrat. 273 feet deep. 09~Sa!e abeolote. To close an Estate.-—THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 1211 Shippen street, weat of Tweuth street, lot extending through to Bnntoa stmt. Two fronts. FOURTH FALL fiALE-SEPTEMBER 23d. Peremptorv Sale oaths premies® NEAT RESIDENCE AND SUPERIOR FURNITURE, N 0.237 North Twelfth street. On Friday Morning. Sept. 23, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, witbont reserve, on the premises, the neat modem revidenoe, No 2 37 North Twelfth street, 18 feet front end S 3 feet deep, with all fnodem improvements and conveniences. Alto, the entire household furniture, fine carpets, mirrors, superior dining-room and chamber famitnre, kitchen furniture, he. ' , v _ Also, a superior fire-proof cheat, mxue by Evans k cabinet furniture wst inode by Allen, has been in use but a short time, and is to exapUent order. The neat modern residence will bo .sow at R) o’clock precisely. previous to the sale of furniture. ft#-a ALL ABSOLUTE, of both real estate tod fur niture. See handbills and catalogues for foil particular*. FlFrtl FALL SALE, SEPTEMBER 27, AT NOON, Will include— _ „ , . . . Exe crorie Sale—Estate of David Shetzlme, d*c d. LARGE AND VALUABLE PROPERTY. 18 ACRES, with improvements,oppoaite^Dr. Bond’s elegant resi dence. South Broad street, Thirteenth stmt, sutner, Wolf, and Porter streets, and Mo}*m«asuur road. Executors' Sale—Estate of F. J. Kmmpb. dec’d. ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE. LANCAS TER.—LIdgant modern Anieneon-ltaUan villa, with etaUe, coach otm'se, and 3 nazes of ground, Chestnnt "haNDSOMb'mODER-RESIDENCE-Foor-'lorr brou n-stone residfUKe, with aoubto back baildiß«e, anq all modern conveniences. No. IsCS Fine street,« set of Fifteenth. _ . VALUABLE BUILDING LOT and two dwell ings, Brown street. Ridge avenue Fifteenth street. Lot 68 feet on Brown street,6s teuton Judge avenue _ VALUABLE FARM.—Valuable farm 173 acres, on the old Drove rind, 2 miles east of PoUstown, Pdtta grove township, Mont osier* count*. Fa. - HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE.—Fonr-elcrr brick residence, with double back buildiagaa&d mocern No. IAD Chestnut sc, west of Er- hteenth. PINE STREET—Three-s'ory brick dwelling, No. 833 I’m* street between Fifth and Such. FOUR DWELLINGS.— Four modern Uhrew-itotT bnck dwellmvs- Noe. ItOO Iks: l«M and 1406 Marvuaa street, north of Master, Twentieth ward. __ Peremptory SaIe.—LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, nefrth sioe of Kme street, west of Till, Twent»-foonh ward, 1W by DO feet, with three fronts. W?- Ssto abeo lute. VALUABLE FARM.—Valuable farm. 270 acres, Sa lisbury township, Laneacler eoonty, Pa., l mil* lr m Beartowp.and 7 miies from Gap sution,cut the Penn ey 1 vania Railroad. SALE OP SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ELEGANT M.INTEL AND OVAL MIRRORS. HERRING FIRE-PROOF SAFE. BEDS AND BEDDING, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. CARPETS, Ac. CARD. —Our sale this morning, at the anetioß store, will comprise, besides 600 lots of excellent fur niture, two elegant French-plate m-ntel .mirrufs, ip gilt frames; elegant French plate oval gilt frame; larre and superior fire-ptoof chest,made by Herring; beds and bedding, Chipa and glassware. Brus sels and other carpets Ac., forming an attraettve assort ineni worthy the attention of ladies and others desirous of purchasing. • . . . , . v’ Catalogues now ready, and the artioiea arranged for examination. Sale at Noe. 15? and Ul Sooth Fourth Street. BUPEKIOR Pi RMTuhe. pjunNcn FLATJ3HIK* HORS, PIANO-FORTE. BRUSSELS CARPETST •This Morning, At 9 o’clock, at the aucuon store, an assortment of excellent eeoond-hand furniture, elegant piapo-lbrtM. fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from families declining bousa keepinc. removed to the store for ooovemen** «*>» Also, 2 large and elegant French-plate mantel sclrron. A lan.e and el*gapt French-plate oval mirror. A large and superior tue-proof cheat, made fcr Farrei & Herring. Executors’ Sale. No. 219 Vine street, SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSfc.W.*OD PIANO. PIER MIRRORS, OIL PAINTINGS, PLATED WARE. BXVSSEIA CARPETS, Are. On Mouaar Moraine, 19tWnet.,at IP o’clock t by order oi executors. at No. 219 Vine street, the superior furniture, roses ood piano, F recch-plata pier mirTor, oil paintings, fine plated ware. Brussels carpets, hair mattresses, bedding, China and glassware, Ac. May bo examined at 6 o’clock on the morning of tire sale, with catalogues. Sale at G«rraantoirn. SUPERIOR PURNITUftE. ROSEWOOD PLANO, GAS CHANDELIER, BRUSSELS CARPETS, COW, CART, Ao. On Tueedav Morning, Sept. 20, at 11 o’elock. on Main street, near JJanheisn, nextdoOr to the telegraph oinoe, Germantown, the su perior furniture, gas chandelier. Brussels carpets, rose wood piano, fine cow, cart, Ac., of a gen tleman leaving the c)ty. May be examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o’clock, with catalogues. Pale No. 11l South Sixteenth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO, VELVET CARPETS. GAS CHANDELIERS, MIR ROR, PLATED WARE. Ac. ■ - On Tuesday Morning, 20th Inst., at 10 o’clock, at No. Ul South Sixteenth street, by catalogue, the superior household furniture, comprisin' suit of handsome walnut drawing-room farpi ture, one Parian marblefiguresand ornaments,aepenor rosewood piano (made by Wilhelm and Schuyler.), fine velvet carpets, gas chandeliers, superior walnut dining room furniture, fine elated ware, handsome oottaga chamber furniture, bedding, kitchen furniture, Ac. * H7~ The cabinet furniture was made to order by Klaa dor, De fc enthor,A Co., has been waU kept, and is in ex cellent order. May be examined at S o’clock on the morning of sale. ELUANT ' F Ft® r^: le, MBK, a ■Sffifea PLATE, Ac. On 'Wednesday Mornlsx, .‘■'apt. Slat, at 10 o'clock, at tie northeast oorfcer of Twentieth and tireen streets, the elegant faoowhota furniture, mirrors, silver plate, Particulars ut catalogues. , SILVEB.s Also, a complex set of silver, manufactured to order pt *» uscn. consisting of tea set. forks, spoons, ladles, fibh and cake knives, napkin rm.«. 4c. .Alto, three superior Sheffield plated trays. ' rur’The cabinet lnnutnre was made to order br Moore 4 Campion; has been well kept, and is in exoet lenjomer. tt?“ May be examined at 8 o'clock on tie morning of the sale, with catalogues. ROOMS ON HARMONY COURT TO RENT.—Af* ply at the aactipn store. AT PRIVATE BAl.E.—Shares in the Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries and Athecwum. AT PRIVATE SALK—The valuable property* corner or Fifth and Adelphi streets, belov Walnut, large bnot building and lot, &b> fttfs feet. Tiro fronts. Moses katuaxs, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S.Kooiner SIXTH and RACE Streets. MONEi TO LOAN. Moxby to LOAX, LX LARGE OB SMALL AKOBKTS. Ofi merchandise generally, and on all articles of value. at.t. SUMS OVB* OX* nUXPEXX* DOLLABS TWO PSB CBXT. PK» month, inclndmg storage, Ao., at Nathans' Prinoiwi MONEY! MONEYI! MONEY 111 Money bDerally advanced in lame or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on -old and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, rowllny-pieces, musical in struments, furniture, dr/ goods, clothra*, *rocenes,ci gaw. hardware, °uUertr,D«jkß, horses, vehicles, harceM, amiail articles of value, for any length of time acre*? on, at Nathans* Pbjcipal Estarushmbxt, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets. PROMIBBOR Y NOTES, with collateral, disooucted at the towest market rates. tiiau hall the usual store pnoes: Fine a old English patent mil jewelled and plain, of the most approved and beat make, m hunting cases and double bottomed. Fine gold eecapementlever and lepme watches, in hunting case and open face, some of them are extra full jeweled', and best make. Oliver English patent lover watches, escape ment lever and lepinea, in hunting case and oxen lno6,Bome very superior; English, Swie*. French, and Quartier watches; fine gold vest, fob. neck, and chil dren s chains; fine gold pencil cases ana pens, bracelets, breastpins, finger-rings, ear-rings, etuds. medallions! and jewelry generally. Superior Havana Cuam at $l5 per thousand, in boxes of 200 each, wiUJm sold by single l«x or to suit purchasers. Numerous fanoy artidlce, Ac-, Ac., Ac. . At prtvate sale. A superior fire-proof chest, 4 fact high by S feat wide. Also, watohee. and jewelry of overr desoripaon- Y ADTES’ lUIR BRAIDS, WIGS. FBl if SETTB, and QtRDS, manufactured m the very and newest Pans styles, and of which we constantly Ke^ p J*Ss° RMortntenton hand.sold wholesale Had retail, at the loweaj posaibio prices. Orders from ad parte ol the country solicited, and promptly attended to. Also, a hew iUIR DYE, superior to anv in use. MT HUTOie. No/12 TENTH St.. Between Market and Chestnut. JjUJiILY CHOCOLATE „ .‘fITERIOR QUALITY. EDVViHJ .CHEIIIT3, Manufacturer aud Importer of French and By.:ush „ „ w CHUCOLA7K. Store 8. W. corner AitCH amlNlXTHStreets. sQ-3m (t-aotf>ry tiU Filbert street ) MINTON'S ENCAUSTIC TILES for floors. Ornamental Chimney Tops for cottages, bardea Vases and Fountains. Vitrified Pipe for drains sad Water conductor*. Imported and for salo bp iom sSJlt. TIfACKEREL AND ALE WIVES. —9O £ Vr. S. 11 *' !lnd , 50 ha lC Mjta n«w No. a; soo btla. and l=n )Tl» U» SOUTH WHAIJVTiR. a SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER ,cat.»sg«M ** rftat - lIAMS! HAMS! HAMS! * ,rime,ot M,, «ssrs§ft&“* auSl-lm' --9 U »c 4 815 IrUgltTn' Btiait,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers