M Wii. taio: 'from - Niagara Faua, :joat aa wo go'to rfr«s this’ otternog*' an* nouUorag" that''Bbi6{djJ, y y t^P;,man aohoribood to r'janap from ,V/faito*3 plCd3urakVoandsinto .Niagara ; : river;fg have but ments iu jumping, which cetraedbubdess broking. ThiJindiridUal haa relations in this oltjv bis ml narno being, wo Wiovo, O’Conner, but of this wo are not certain, MacttUod.'upon its the other day to take exceptions to our- notloo of.bia intended feat, aud 'that Is the only time wo ever Baw hun. Wo thought he acted I&o ono laboring under slight monml derangement. ‘ ’“Ho-'had nerer made any jumps in public,- ~■ although, bo Announced himscif l tho, renowned . jumpor,’ and. all we know of him in. this way was, what . he*,told of his experiments. And ho " was sot disposed to talk much or boast of what he ■ could do in this line. We know nothing of his an* tooedfnts, and from:, bis usoommuntcatirodisposi* • ' should \ng t expect to gather much had he <. .ifvett forever.” - . .. ' Fatal Accident at .Memphis.—Ou Thurs ’"' day bight list MU* Teresa V; D. Auen agod about fromthc second-story window of the < Philadelphia House, in Memphis,'Tenn.. causing her death in a few minutes. She had been ill of a fever for two weeks, and it is supposed fell out "while in the act of throwing a. pitcher of water from the window. v }': & XErrEJtTrom Mr, Longworlbi the largest wine'manufacturer iu the country, writing, to the ' Cincinnati Commercial anjs; “wo may now feoi certain of a large crop of grapes,, probably as large yield as for, too ■ last, throe years. One • reliable Vintner, who." a'few years since, made, 1,000 gal lons from an aorej expoote, this fall to meiko 1,200 : gUlon*.” ‘ -) AmVAI&AT-THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS CT TO 12 o’clock east night. t.GIiLAKD HOUSE—Chestnut it. , below Ninth. ji> Chambers, P&- <-*s W M Rockefeller, Bunbury •iitobt CtHrJr, Cincinnati - J D"Winslow, N V . >Oeai/Banks& Ia. Y&M .-MU* Hame.Va . WmMTuckerjOa - J HBiorker A da, Ala ,'A C White & ia.Va •'/ Miss Ah Kent. Va 1 Rd/Vanduraen A-la. N Y bln Mp/rell & J oh, Pa ZX Winkler.Savannah AGKenncit.N O §*MoUoy. N Y . WmTjdd, NY Jllamea-.Balt-.. • i williams,Jr.Va WraA Shepard. Va :.• £ A CapehartA la, N C - ’ : /:|% s K.Vc -■ - A Hortbn,-Boston 9 W Sappington, Fla Dr JO Fjter. St Loaia . . S Patterson, N,C ’-LtOon w infieldScoit, USA lb MoMu!!on,.Ky . PKjKn.le. Bustietoa David E Stout, Pa ‘ ?. P y Pa E Maynard „,, BKJohnson.Xa - .- J SoFisher,NY . . TBMitcheUft.la.NY JohnKAlien,NY 1 K - - Miss Ward. ' 3>.P drown, Pottsvillo Mrs Robeson, Pa wOrutoben, Vicksburg - MissCrutchen, Vicksburg C HCmio;Jrortlaad -- - B Mitel A faro, N Y CLMnrs.NY- ' ySßliowell, Ky J L Mott. NY A K Murray. Md -AOrisfield. Md - DR Man »an. NY . . ; XL'Watkins, NG - ' J G Donaldson, PottsviUe B %atop, Gakestoft , _ IA Miller, Paris, Ky _ ' 'WjPTaylor*.Richmontlt.ya P Gparley, Riohmood* Va JBWnjsh NewWrf.NY Lb Baker, Cal Wm g 'rinplott, Va • Mrs B W HaxaUtVa , - -TV P Atarttn-Ala ' L CHirschbers, St Louis Adams. Cincinnati " Geo B Bassett. N Y ''wttiA Wheeler, N Y Wm Gray OJ Williaroson. Macon, GaMjss L F Williamson, Ga ftFLtomtt{«r,NY Jwßrooks,Chipa^o 1 ’ Geo TCoulter, Balt-. MissMietue A sister, Va .lo*oi6bPMi'’hi*rVa AC Brownell,Brookljn ' ' Mrs LCDanham, La- -> ‘ B Lynn, NY. ' , G EMtiteele,BC ' JMoFarran.NY ’ y fi/aofcson.N Y . J‘M #tewarLVa ■ L Lamar. Macon, Ga . - C Hornsey, va < Mrs M ATCehlinger, Ya £ Bond, Ga ■ „ Jyowle, Boston > . • - J'W'Weedm. Rt ~ It Hobbs Albany B T Suit. Bait River, Ky \W.J La Rue.jCy- Mr Bird, Fla ''JJCbaares.Fla • ' R R Lawson, Ga y*p CLockwood, 111 : jo* Wouhtmaa, ill N J Bond, 111 , BD Harper, Va gCMooff, Prop, RI JlMßteelo ' •JONES* street, above Sixth Sami Hartley, Keokuk- J Newbury. Keokuk W BDorothy,.Keokuk^. - Jaa J Bmiin. Balt J BttxleUiiova -- Edw J Fox «la. Easton, ’JL O Victof;Va’ BM Freeborn, NY . Plume. NY, .. G F Racdolph, Trentou 7hgo F Ruadojph, N Y John A Collr, Chicago . A Thompson, Bordentown A Perrine, Bordentown lA.Winchostor, Balt, Chas SShorter, Ga Mrs 8 Shoitor A i da, Ga WIIIA. Bante b la, Ala CHscevart A la, Ala Jos RAnderson Ala,Tonn Pr J At Groen & la, Ga John It Jowoll, England HCbase. Ban or. Mo • A G BowkerJc la, Chicago JAGraiism, N Y TUos Finch, Buffalo , J U-Fer uson, Md • ObaeCoUlns&la- Bcnj N Y *, HK Walker, Nashville . DavmDavuUonJerserCity O Fite Guy. N "V - K H Whitakor.-parhani.Pa H C Whtwkor. Md „ Geo Hudson. rr.Y , W H Gilpin, Phfla W C Whltford. nel OLFiltyan.NO • r , A H HiktricktN Y N X Greeno, ProVi R I * : E’LBnow.NY - Thos Lynch, M&jw % FRANKLIN BOUSE-rChestnut street, above Third. John PDa’e. Boston ' Jaa Tomias, Lancaster Jos I,eland, Lancaster JP Alger,SarateiaSptiuss A B Stoner, Lancaster * w W FQlmer Sc ja.Dojlstn , HA Al GrierTllanviUo WMason, California , Cbu BnU, Cal i t JWylaad, Oregon . JFWalter, Oregon r M Ganr.ood, Ororon . ■»& • ' l5 Kocco, .Memphie p Cartoon, Phita W C Satterfield,Md . S Y'mohe»t»TiiU .. * F Readmjs, N J . L.Haraood. Pnilado ' T J Huems. Cleveland, O . Cbu.W Leeds, N J Robt Uailidays, Bait P Myers & la, Ind ’ T Garretson, Poltsville - W Brown* wash.-p.C , ORtce*Watertown*NY B, H Aloprmann v Cincin, 0, T Krumber/; CinomnaU.O 71 URulime/ClnoianaUiO HBterens,Alass , w BAd&inSi SC Am Early, Baltimore THE, UNION HOTEL—Aroh street.' above Third* - , ? s v o M&, r * . 3 Ltroistgr er f Ohio J a Noutrslar, Jii J BurAtafft Alleibeny City 8 Ermcntrqnt, Readme H W Hudson, Carbon co . Miss L Hudson, Carbon 00 ' Master Hudson Carbon 00 A Tomlins< n. Ohio . It Jones Ohio „ •• W L Dennison, Ohio M B Preom a, Ft Wayue J M Ainsworth. Ft Wayne M MiUor, GreenviUe,t> WC Browno it wf< Ohio ’B H W own. Reidinr „ £ Phillips A lady, Pa Mrs Pinkerton. Pottsville Mrs oodison, PotUriile .J Reaver, Weineelwro w-FSbaffser.-Imi J D fir) *s, Ohio v J N Campbell, Ohio • - f&ste Fiv Haraea*Grahatn,NO OH Weaver, Kansas j*tf MlUan.N Y . - Y.^gamberu. Aurora,lad WBShaffer,PottaviH* '-Arhilyoa, Berlin, fa - . BF Ctoniso. Altj AIJ Bohan, Ky 'l MERCHANTS* si., below Arch. f Pa J A Cobby. Chlcaso JG Davidson. Ohio Mibb Sheppard, N J HSheppard. Mo - G West,Ohio G w - chse, CUrkaviUe Mrs R B Show & fa, Mo Godfrey, phila ' J L Evans. Tenn . LMsijpn/ ChariestorT v AWollo, Bethlehem 5W M rocker, M Chunk MisiJVlenchem, ji Chunk -.HBeis. Omo,, -■ T M Taylor, Fa . L B ward, Ohio - - Cfe Leely &la, Pittsburs «• ""J Li*«lseman,^Hhippensb’sr GHStewart. " A G Brcxjhefld, Jr. MLClumk 1 6 Bruner. Columbia, u -- Xwbodward. Phua - - ■ FLit»nmith,NY GSRiohardson,Md ~ '-’-Mr*THCollins, Aid 1 w A Mart. NC < OtaAroold, SU vernon* O Jm Griffith. California 3 A(> Wallace. California - H Hooper, N Y F Hawjtifi* Tona JE Creamer, hoover - J k fctma,'Hanover E M Pollpck, Harrisburg jSranel-iLroomins- WfSaylor,lll NWeiser, AiTeDtowfl, Pa 1 Pa E Hlmp«m,CW’ & B RR 2,PHo.ue,-Wat«?ntown - 8 C Fletqher A la, Minn Eh Crowder. Mobile EA y - ||T^, Y « k ' r ‘ ' Gao ACrtig, Washst’n/O -wx Campbell, lowa J A Eyster, Chambereburr L Jljpiberxor, Wash, D C Grow Shelton, Conn, Joe Rhodes, Va JD w Moore, Clearfield J W Lybrand, O MOUNT VERNON—Beoond street, above Arch, • • GWBraRb.'NY ‘ J : J B Thompson,A-la, N J M Baokmsn’ ’GCBtewart, iIT-- - vr&irpenter,PJji|a WH Bachman,PhUa ~ JOKesser,-Eastern , ifjiaeaett, Pastpn - •W A Equinmik , -jbo*Ccr?on. fhiie., O Christman. No ms town Bl .?in* Allentown /.w&.tei* ‘'JCOMMERCIAL'HOTEL-Bixtit at.; above chestnut. Rev J W Gcm.lor, Phila J Falrlamb, Phila 1) BUIoa-s,N Y t •- v v A 8 Pdlows, N Y ; v.Haney,itocliester,NY. JVan VYerf,Nj , Lancaster, Pa J J Gorman, Balt T Thompson St sen, fa • .EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, abovo Race, T 8 Ashton, Balt J Witaon, Easton j Xbompaon, Boston 8 Jones, Pennington Ta.j'cuUdrChester co C Jones, Woodstowu A Kimr; Chester eo - G 8 Hartman, Chester co - j'Jindersop, Chester 00 . JBrownmck, Chester co ' '' ' - N feooypacker.CJjcst’r co ‘r3£ ar fr c & e ? terw ' LBhulor, Chester co A V Baiithj X)e\co . , C G Lons. Chester 00 ..TR&ptt,Chestorco R Brook, Phila . 8 Griffith, Ch oilerco ASUiRICAN HOTEIr-Ohcjlnut «t„ above Fifth, -*3 Gotlpf,iJoatcn . MEHice, Button T tit e#, Boston ■; Uvv KeitL, Lrnn, Aiwa . 'A ipiasis, Ma»% ' T E ua>don; N y WFvrinau>niVt HOPAvia, Vt ~ l&El'aVi’enn , JlAHofi’. Reading ,0 K Eoato?, 7 iJfooib'fl , J Biir/ou,jja t Treoton ■ « «\ i 3 Dojan, ifouchChunk s E Graves, ya i Opnd.num;Mtu, M Morgan, Jix J,M>Merlc,la,Bt Louis ‘ ;.L Ertn*or. Graetisburir FB Wilbur,M. Chunk {?/ V.Al|on, Wpv Bedford w H Alien, Wow Bedford • V Knabh, Jflea4m« YrjSoaburs, Ya • « SyW? lo * 3MP wW-WltberarN C . NYrßcaiea.NC UjßaU • Causey, NO s ‘ 5/Mnuieoti,‘!iy i BSuußlai'Srla, Ohio •■■ fcfe'&Wf ■ NC & s°a?ir k ’" 0 fi ?0»,, M ,0 johoLdfciusiWilKaearra M-Maaorttßoston . H ttaaou, Boaton . - \VIIymM>n,NY HNor ravo,i ! ex l V», H Butrotfiht, N Y , : XisVfJtoiAc - " M MilSodog Taunton . ,'• S . , VPuoibH, Mo • 'Jft«BUjaa«,N'C' • - ‘AG'ipJuivme.N 0 K 0 , Wiu N florktea, Afox, V& ? r,££>o?d. Al o x, vs H JJaQJver, i'rov.K >, N -■ - - H /jbatopurt £ {a.« V , f * 'i A WilUama.PhUa', Tpßlack, N 0., - -J II Crow). Cleveland jobaMaJcwell.N Y . ' Surfath ft/ . . Boston , , Gao WCook*NY . >' BAIiD EAOLE U(>TEt--Tlttfd at# cb. CaltotohilL ' . : 51apo Kittler,'Tanneravil o J Mont< oo< Pa “ iflabatkyLotemon tt>, Pa 3 KTg»wx.^Manover.p a HOTEL—TIiIrd et, above* Caljowhill. Jo&n ■ c WCooXqu Aitertfown , C UJvirnc/.w?iVtfr«eav’o John &®al, dermanivill© STATES UNlON—Market »t., above Sixtli. . £ $ I': un f *’ Eewhst'jwrt, i'a W Brawn, iluiicfliinon, pa : B Kobimoii.'liaEcuter; - J Schilling, Ohio "- WCr/ins, AlftucJj Chunk Baton, Milton,Pa 4 Bbcwlar, JLaacuter JHdßeufler,i,aoo4«t«r : e Mpoio, Columbia „ Kjew, Jrj.ElixaMthtoKii ■ J Wertiior, Fraaiilm 00, Fa J W Herne, Mercer eo, Pa - J E Shorter, J>ei i:o, P* Al, Her, Butter, Pa ”'i TrJtuWe.Poile ■_ - SOqrono &■ la.Harriib’i >3jj .Conrad, a ttaetao City Mre Vail, laniisier E lievtt.Meilia, Pa - ' AE/one, rittibor* „ TooßrCOMe.iillcoo - M HotiMr, Bbippen,Ja irßhreiaoc, Colombia,Far- JHiilopimt, Perm, Xy II innbar,;Pitt»hUr/ i - Wra Mo Vey<H arrifbu rg v-'Joa Moya?iilamawit* volbbac Btaekj Columbia Third. • * ~ &"TfjWa«, Fotuviilo *•* Tl B & fa, Fa a i Ll}FAtt*&&.tAtanoii I*-WLosbe.Ohio fietajraSJter.i^ncoaterco BDKinard*CAtawiMi A Esglitooh . 91) Bilvbr. Moorestown V Burn. Aioorea town • . A Alcjfttoirfc, AJJe s Jienroity : t Jnocßa.aet.Lefenoa r - H J BendJorr Pojttvul® wmAtiH; Annavjlle v ' W H&n*hc. Ea*ton . -Tiiso Cdiam&n. MraKicluroß, Mass “/ ThoaPumda&la, ift ' OJtttdrrii-Kftviuo • ' 1 . . - , ■ MERCHANTS’ UOUBR-Thlr<l «t. *bav-« Cillowliill. - S-Ebdriy,-Milldtalnirg ; M ShkjTer, Germintown *-* - K Mott .cy/Allentown *• ’ AmdsEttijiger, Allentown J-C Wilftott,* Jenfcshtowa . ; Cot Fjyanatmt. Bucks co '' -;R KltntiTfevorton ’ 'WraHeekiJr,.Allentown aJßebollenbet-briP^ J . ‘ KMsehoUonbcrgef,.Pa '**, Wm Roman,?* . . .J W Wiest*tahnyltail Cincinnati . JSha*Buele,LHi*,,Pa ! Jolin dterk, Lnu.U’ft -*■• H Chance, Llewellyn .. H Grietemer, Pittsburg BARtBV below Vine. 8 Walton & la* Pa. • • . BE Wrirkerrtatu Ladyvilie GHFUdior, Leojville * W Cheltenham 3 L 8 Yeatman/Trentoa ' C Frets, H&tboro fegsffltet'. •> • .-tasK^ , 'TP ifo'tfMS* "A- supEsioa' yAtuA- r -' OPENING' -OF -NEW- ESI. Hr.' w. and B!e«vpS. for helfuico, at b MMHSothbe. @ilssgKi>ONlNaSlACHlNE,<Ei?bnw:ing ■to;iouti @1201,i1l to .tV.m; 11 e■ >' <io,lo r MHdUjulWf fio.al«p!lli : B&TI( ] Btr9oliilillii) i . IMVOKTATIONS. 1 [Reported for The Press. 1. . BLACK RIVER. Ja-Bris Lnnjsrotto, Ilarrimau *R2Uft.-'spunento 123tonsJoKWorHl Td.balesrass 4bt\lea wool to bbls Old metal to hides 6 hbls tringerto PuncheoUs ruu\ 1U tea sugar 4 bbls do D N WeUlat. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. WM. B. THOMAS, > WM. C. KEBHMLE,> Committbbof tbs Month. JOHN E, ADDICKS, \ LETTER BAGS AT TUB ÜB&CHANTS* BXCHANOX, PUILAOBLVEIA. Ihip Tusoarora, Dunlevp - Liverpool, Oct 1 lark Ann Elisabeth, Norgravo..—'..... .Havana, soon Bark Gessner. Lankenau. ••• v .London, soon Bark Thos Dallett. Dill Laguoyra, soon Bark Chas E Lex. Almeida. Portau Pringe, soon Brig Canton, Crowell (V ..PoTt au Spain, soon Bru Delhi, Kenny* Havana, soon Bijg Klla Reed^Tu,z0...........-St Jagode Cuba, soon B? 18 Charles a'Fro.., H-.WIU. SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. SHIPS LEA VS . FOB UATB. Ja50n............ -New York. .Galway. Sept 15 Bavaria New York. .Hamburg t Sept 15 Am NewYork..Havre, &0 ,Bept 17 Weler. Now York.. Bremen.. Sept 17 Europe .Boston—Liverpool. Sept 21 Kangaroo.,. . .Now York .Liverpool, &o Sept 21 Ocean Queen... .Now York. .Havre Sept 24 Persia New York.. .iverpool ..Sept 28 New Y0rk.......New Ynrk..Bremon Oct l Sof Baltimoro. ..New York. .Liverpool Oct 8 lasgow/....... * .New York. .Glasgow. Oot 12 Asia. New York. .Liverpool. Oct 12 Canada...............805t0n. Liverp001..........0ct 19 TO ARRIVE. SHIPS LEAVE FOR DATS Kamiaroo. .Liverpool, .New York Aug 31 Persia Liverpool. .Now York, Sept 3 WorussiA Hamburg. .Now York .sept 4 Now York....Southampton..NewYork...- Sept 6 Nova Scotian... Liverpool. .Quebec Sept 7 Arabia. Liverpool Boston -. Sept 19 Oof Baltimoro... .Liverpool.' New York. Sept 11 Vanderbilt... .Southampton.-New York. Sept It Glmuow. Glasgow. .New York Sopt U North Arnenonn.-Liverpool. Sept H Great Kautorn... .Holyhead.. Portland Sept la Prince Albert Galway. .New Y0rk......... Sept 17 Asia. Liverpool. .New York. Sept 17 Circassian Galway. .New York Sept 17 Hamraonia. ...Southampton. .New York. • .Sept lft Fulton Southampton. .Now York Sept 20 Canada..... Liverpool.. Boston The California Mad Steamers sail from New York on thoatb and 20th of each month. „ „ . .... _ 4 . The Havana Steamers leave New } ork on tne 2d. 7th, 12th, 17th, and 27th of each month, and Charleston, S. 0., on the. 4th and ttth, „ - When the above dates fall on Sunday, the steamefs will sail on Monday, except from New Orleans. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA* Sept. Ift, I&SU. SUN RISES.;. 5 6018 UN SETS.—^.,——.6 10 HIGH WATER 15 ARRIVED. Steamship Kennebeo, Hand, 30 hours from Now York, via Cape May, with mdse and passengers to Jus All derdtee. Brig Lanzarotte. Harnraau, 19 days from Block River, Ja* with mdse to D N Wetzlar., > Schr J Williamson, Jr. Wmsmore* 4 days from Salem, tn ballast to Binoiekson & Glover. _ Schr Vandalia, Cooper, 2 days lrorn Smyrna* Del, with grain to Jas Barrett* Son. Schr Delaware* Denby, 2 days from Smyrna, Del, with Wheat to Jas Barratt* Son., > „Schr.Ladies* Choice. Strong, 2 days from New Castlo, Del, with oats to Jos Bnrratt & Son. Schr Henry Wolle, Johnson, 2 days fromMUton, Del, with gram to Christian it Curran. Schr Lancet, Bayard, 1 day from Christiana, Del, with gram to Christian x Curran.. Sohr. Olivia, Fox, 1 day from OdoMo, Del, with grain to Christian & Curran. , . Sohr S Godwih, Hendrickson, 1 cay from Milford, Del, with oats to J L Bowiey A Co. Sohr Wm George, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to J L Bewley St Co. CLEARED. Steamship Phineas Sprague, Matthews, Boston, Henry Winsor., ... Bteamihip Delaware, Copes, New \ ork, S Allderdice. . Ship Nortliarapton, Elwell, New Orleans, i) $ Stetson It Co. Sohr S N Smith, Smith, Charleston, Pettit, Martin A Co. Schr J. Williamson, Jr, Winsmore, Cambridge, Bin nickson A Glover. Schr John Walker, Farren, Boston. do Schr R J Mercer, Robinson, New Bedford, R R Cor son & Co. Steamer R Willing, Claypool, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, (Correspondence of The Press.) . HAVRE DE GRACE, Sopt H. 1852. The Kingston 101 l here this ll boats, laden and consigned as follows: Thomas Craig and Thomas Blanchard, lumber to John Crau: J C Crawlord, do to Brown St Woulaperj City of Philadelphia and Joliu Harris, do to Malone A Taylor; « m Cannon, bituiuinous coal to Wrtmmgtoni Paxton, Frank Fidler, Unitod Butes, J Ji Henry, and Jaa Post, coal to Delawaro City. * (Correspondence of The Fress.) .ThofoUpwinK boats from Canafpasseiljnto theScbu r iktll Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned ns Jollows; Major Zimmerman, lumber to Sami Bolton It Co; Che rubim, lumber, Ac. to captain; AShirk.doto Norcross k Sheets; Two Brothers, copper ore to Wm A Crocker; Maryjrpn ore to h A G Brook? Tradesman and Morris, do to Eckert & Cp. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia ExobanxeJ . .... LEWES. Del. Sent, 13. The steamtug America is the only vessel&t theßreak water. Two schooners audit sloop ore now 19 a Mi going m. No vessels in the bey outward bound. Wind southwest—weather fine, WM. M. HICKMAN. ST TSLBOBAPH. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchango.) m, .j , \ CAPE ISLAND, Sept U, TF M, The Breakwater continues bare of shipping. Two fall-rigged bm.s and a lew light schrs passed in to-day, and only eight or ten colliers went out. Wind northwest —woather eooUnd pleasant. tfouts, , THOS, B. HUGHEB. BT TBtKOKAPU TO TRK PRUSS. . „ Bostox, Sent H. Arrived, bark Bounding Billow, from Beyrout. .". 1 1. , , Hamptom Roads* tfept. H. , Attivoil, Bbip Archer, 75 days from Callao; schr John W Miner. U days iroin Sombrero. . . , rf! .Nk w Orlkans, Kept. 14, Arrived, ships Juliet und Trumiy, from New York. „ . , L . „• MEMORANDA. BtoftOiamp Great Eastern, Harnsou, entered outward at London toth ult. tor Portland, via Portland, E, and Holyhead. Steamship Boston, Sellew, hence, arrived at N York je&verday... • - • Ei&junßhipijt&to of Georgia, Qarviu, hence at Savan* nahldthinst. Steamship City of Rlctaond. Mitchell, sailed from Riohrnond 13th Inst, for Philadelphia, .Steamship Philadelphia, Harrison, from New Orleans, via Havana 9th insLarrivod at New York yesterday. Ship Wa*dennit Jew, from Callao for Hampton Roads, wna spoken July (at £O6O 8, long S)3uW, . Ship Revere, Hocko, for Baltimore, sailed from Cal dera July 34. ' .Ship Red Gauntlet, Lucas, for Shanghae, cleared at N York yesterday. Ship Harry Kaßtings. Tucker, from San Francisco June 4, arrived at New York yesterday, pwrt to n uU?” 1 ’ from Bombay, arrived at Liver- II Tucker, Tucker, from Charleston, ot Liver- Ship Simoda, IUU, from Akyah. *J Falmouth 29th ult. , Ship Bunker Hill, Elliott, from Melbourne, at Singa pore'July 7. > Ship Invincible, Johnson, sailed from MaoooJunett : for New York. _Bh l p Wm V Kont, Wilcox, from Liverpool, arrived at Cadiz 18tU ult. for pErtadcPi? o *’ ol * ne * clesro(l at Liverpool 29th uIL fo Good win, sailed from Liverpool 27th ult ’ Ship Arthur Whue, Kelly, for Philadelphia, ontored for loading at Liverpool 27th ult. Ship Kalamazoo, Taylor, from Liverpool for Balti more, was spokon iSth ult, lat is. long 2 2. j Hhiglaamn Crowell, Turnor, from Boston, at Calcutta Bhiuilarrisbure. WiswoU.at Clvita Vecohia previous to J6wi ult. from Now Orleans; had been ashore, and se riously damaged.her cargo (tobacco.) jßark Volant, Burgess, from, iMauritius, at Batavia 2d Bark Fairy, Blish. from New York, at Hong Kong June 27, awd sailed July 2 (or Shanghae. Bark HohejistaulfeD, Lamke, sailed from Broraerha ven 2£tb ult for Philadelphia, „Bark pello, Ryder, from Boston for Philadelphia, at Holmes'Hololllhinst ' ' Bark Alary Edson, Nickerson, hence .arrived at Bos ton 13th mat. 'Brig America*, Robbins,.from Beverly for-Philadel phia, at Holmes’ Hole nth mst, • %*£ Beadling, sailed from Matanzas 4th mat. for Philadelphia. Brig Rißaiq/m. i Br) Small, sailed from Rio do Janeiro 2ith July for Philadelphia. Brig CHBnmpsop, Porter, hence for St John, NB, at Holmes’ Holellthuist.nndsailed again, Brig J'D Lincoln, Webber, hence, arrived at Ports mouth 9th mst. < Brig Maria Wheeler. Wheeler, cleared at Portsmouth Ifth mat* for Philadelphia. Bn* Anna Lana,«uew, 337 tons) cleared at Baltimore 3St to inst, fat Rio Grande and a market, * Brig Indm, Allen, cleared at Baltimore 15th inst. for Bio de Janeiro. Brig Mary H* Baxter, for Philadelphia, sailed from Boston llth inst Schr Chnrios Kent, hence, arrivod at Richmond 13th inst. . ficjhrK W Tull, Townsend, henoe, arrived at Mobllo Bth inst _ Sobr F Dyer, Cottrell, hence, arrived at Marblehead 13th inst. Bchr Eclipse, Cook, from Cardenas, arrived at N York ’lSPfen. Qiiall, flhArp, Sarah Ann Roe, Baker, R i Shannon, Marts, A Hammond, Paine, Raven, Roso, Homer, Salsburr, New Jersey. Smith, Vnshti Sharp, Half?, Constitution. Btrout, Excelsior. Riley, Frank •Herbert, Mayo, and 8 V w Simmons, Godfrey, lienee, arrived at Boston 13tto mat. Sohr Madonna, Voazie,at Boston 13th hist, from De laware City. _ Schr David G Floyd, Rackett, banco, arrived at New Bedford 12th inst. Sckrs Starlight. York, and E F Lewis, York, henco at Portland 12th met. .Bchr Governor. Nickerson, ftoin Boston for Philadel phia, at New York 13th inst. Schr Thatcher Taylor, ‘Wilson, hence,arrived at Ran vor# 7th inst. tfcbr £ M Clark, Clark, banco, arrived at Fall River llth test. ‘ Sours Geo Fates. Kelly, Lewis Clark, fioooy, Percy Heilner. Gandy. John Caqwalnder, Naylor, and vvilfiam Lgper.-RobinsqnLhencei U & T Cramer, Huntley, do lor Pawtucket, and J R Mitchell*Morns, from Delaware City lor do, at Providenoe 12th inst. i^BollijL Weaver,sailed from Provideaco }2th SebrO&l Neal, Henderson, hence, arrived at Boston 12th inst. ' ; I.OST ANO FOUND. LOST Between Tenth nnd Chestnut A PACK- Atib OF BlftP SKINS, a suitable reword will lie paid if returned to BOWEN & CO., Southwest comer of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Street*. it* POIiXXICAL. Ttf consequence of the misun 1* derstanding between the Gentlemen in the Sixth Representative, District, J oiler myself ns an Indepen dent Democratic Candidate, • , jt» GEORGE EARP, Jr. EDUCATIONAIi. AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE.— Schools and Families supplied with competent Teachers, and Teaoners with positions. Parents gra tuitously supplied with School Ciroalars. TRefot to-Faeulty Amherst College, Mess. J Dr. Low ell Mason t Prof. Qeo. F. Root ; Mason Brothers; Hon. Tlieo. FreUnjhdyflen.L.L. Pm President Rutgers Col lage, N willmm Curtis, Limestone Springs, 8. O.t Hon. John C. Rivet, Washington, D. C.j Hon. Albert Pike, Little Rock. Ark. SMITH, WOODMAN <fc CO., too BROADWAY, Now York, and Sia-3t m CnESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. A CADEMY OP THE PROTESTANT z*- EPISCOPALCHURCJI,LOOUBTand JUNIPER Streets, ‘ 1 The. AutumnalSesaion opened on MONDAY, Beptern bertth. ■ Ai>pUeatibns/or Admission’may be made to the Prin cipal, at the Academy, daily (except on Saturday)be tw»enll)»nrtUo'clock A. M. g robins sLthsmlm Principal. MUSIC AND SlNGlNG.—Thorough Tn structionon the Plano by a Lndy Tdnoher. at her own residence or thntof her pupils. Tertris—34 leieons, SIQ. Address “ Musio Teacher,’’ Blood’s Dlspatoh. 814-3t^ UTR. WtNTHROP TAPP AN’B BOARD- ItJL ING and bay school for young la- DJESJ7Z7 VmE Street, near Logan Square, will open on WEDNESDAY, feptembor Uth. __ , Allen. Girard College J Hon. Joel Jones,Rev,J. AYanghau.B. D.ißcv. A. H.Vinton, 3). D., Joseph G. MitoheJl, jßsfl., PhUadnlphja. Prof.J. A* Alexander, D.l)., Priuoeton. N.J, Vrot R. L. HitehcockJ). D., New York citv. . Hon. R, C, Winthrop, Boston. auM-tlwtii-fiw* Ij’DUOATIONAL.—Miss ELBA WATSON Jtu gfc North TWELFTH Street, will recommence giving Instructions on the PIANO, at her own rosidence or those other Pupils, after Beptembcr^stj TJEILLS AND SHEETINGS FOB EX' ■ . M South FHONT eu.aiM LBIITIX Street, I ■ THE PitESS.~PHILABEJLPHIA 9 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1850. SALES BY AUCTION. NJaW TfQBK. CTION NOTICE VAN WYCK, TOWNSEND, & VAIi RE NS, ON FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, AT 10 O’CLOCK, AT Tnp.lß SALES ROOMS, NO. 14 VESEY STREET, ON SIX MONTHS CREDIT, SPECIAL AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF FJRENCII WORSTED GOODS, OF THE IMPORTATION OF TIIIRION, MAILLARD, & CO., COMPRfSfNG 1,800 pieces fine to finest qualities imported black choice shades and hiuh colors plain find Bajn dore striped MOUSSELINE DE LAINKS. 000 pieces fino to extra superfine quality choice colors MERINO CLOTHS. 3ftO pieces superior quality saleot shados, double width, CACHKMERE D’ECOSSE. 250 pieces sdlendid quality Velours spingle POPELINS and GRISAILLES, all fresh and desirable arti cles. 100 piooes superlative quality blaok TAMIBE. 200 piecos super quality s~i blaok MOUSSELINE DE LAINE. 500 pieces splendid''quality black and olioioe shades REPS and GRAINS DE PENDRBUP, double width, for best city rotail trade. 100 pieces very hi*h contend choice styles Paris print ed CASHMERES, for the retail trade. 500 piooes fine to superlative qualities blaok BOMBA ZINE. 07* All the above are just landed from steamships Africa and Arago, and comprise the oiltlro balance of the importation of T„ M.,& Co., in this description of goods. • ALSO, LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF RICH DRESS AND SILK ROBES, CONSISTING OF 1,000 pieces, comprising a most choice assortment, from medium to extra fine qualifies, including the most choiae styles offered this season. 500 jiccesextrarich styles CHINE, DROCfUET,and BROCHE two-flounced and jupe black and co lored ROBES. The attention of the TRADE is solicited to the above sale, as it will comprise the most CHOICE and DESIRABLE GOODS in the market. Catalogues and samples on the morning of sale. It CHINA. AND QUEENS WARE. 'J'URNBULD. ALLEN. & CO., NOB. 28 AND 2S SOUTH FOURTH STREET. IMPORTERS AMI Wholesale Dealers in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEEN6WARE. PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. supplied with Glass at Manufacturer’s prioes. aus-2m jgOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have sow on hand a complete stook of QUEENSWABE. GLASSWARE, arid FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their Old Btaxd, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH ST., four doors below Merchants’ Hotel, to which they invito the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. Agents for Pittsbdso Glass. aus-3ra CIGARS, TOBACCO, <&c. MERINO, 140 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Has in store and bond, and Offers for Sale, & Large Assortment of GIG ARS, Received dlreot from Havana, of choice and favorite Brands. auft-tf B* . MANCHESTER SCALES. AfegAt No. 23 North SIXTH Street may bo found a general assortment of COUNTKR SCALES. PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALES, dormant warehouse scales, „ . T XAY AJtr>COA L BCA LKS. Also, .RAILROAD TRACK SCALES furnished at short no tice All warranted to indicato sUndard weirht, accu rate and durable. The style and finish or tiio alx»vo goods best known by exaniiuatjon. slg-ttistuftn GEO. W. COLBY k CO. i^ANDLES.— -400 boxes Hydraulic, Sperm, and Adamantine Cnmlles, in store and forsqld by , ROWLEY, ASHBURNER.& CO., ■l5 No. 16 South WHARVES. fmUDE TURPENTINE—3O bbis. Soft and Hard Turpentine, in store and for sale br ROWLETT. ASHBbRNKR. Si CO. *l5 No. 16 South WHARVES. if? 051 N.—1,500 bbis. Wilmington Ship «*-*/ ping Rosin, in store and for sale by ROWLEY. ABHBURNER.' Si CO.. *l5 No. 16 South WHARVES. CPTS. TURPENTINE.—7S bbis Spts. Turpentine, in store and for sain hr ROWLEY ASHBUJINER.&CO., *l5 No. 16 South WHAKVt-S. UOCtUET & HUTTON» manufacturers of DESKS AND CABINET FURNITURE, NO. 259 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Office, Bank, and School Furmturo, Extension Tables. Bookcases, aO-Sm IMPORTANT TO EVERY MAN WHO KEKra A HORSE, COW, SHEEP, or PIG. _ THORLEV’S PQOjJ FOR CATTLE, rosaesamg, as it, does, 'the bitter and medicinal pro* parties contained m Bprinx Grass or Taros, or other panpeiiertiage.isessentinl to herbivorous animals, as it operates m stimulating the stomach and digestive or gana to healths action. This compound or condiment tor reeding Cattle or seasoning their food, is composed purely of vegetable matter, some of which is highly aromatic. For keeping horses in good condition it is unequalled. Cow keepers will find great advantage in the,increased quantity and improved quality of tho milk during its use. All animals are benefited by it. fins food can only bo had genuine, in tho Btntoof Pennsylvania, by applying to the Solo Agent for that State. B. M. SAUNDERS, _s7-lm I7bt MARKET Street, Philadelphia. pRESII FRUIT JARS. , Those who wish to avoid the unoleanlinesa at tendant upon putting up fruit, Ac., by the uso of the old style Jar« with metpl covers andoeinont, will lie pleased to learn that the wholo operation of Preserving can be performed in less than one half the usual time by the «?» o f KARTELL’S ALL-GLASS PRESERVING JARS, pronounced by physicians and scientific men to be the safest and most reliable Jar ovor.raade. A single inspection will satisfy any one of their incomparable superiority over all others. Manufacturers under the Patent, KARTELL ft LKTCHWORTH, . No. 13 North FIFTH Street. *3-12t* General Glass Depot. J NICHOLSON, • Manufacturer of BHJRT«. LINEN and MARSEILLES ' , BOSOMS and COLLARS. A large and choice assortmeiluand well made,al ways on hand unto which I particularly invito the ot tentmnorCAsiram! prompt-paym? short-time buyers. S. E. corner oi SECOND and ARCH Streets, PIMLAIuaPHIA. slO-lm* WARMING AND VENTILATING „ WAREHOUSE. 1132 MARKET St., rtnla.U BUILDINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ’ ..WARMED AND VENTILATED BY CULVEO'X HEW IIAtS-tIURNIEO WARM-AIR , „ FURNACE. The above furnace has now been in use during the last two winters in this city, and has given universalsat flsaction. lie large heating surface being direct 1) over tho flame of the fire, and the conical tubes, through which all the drafts pass, are so arranged as to consume tho larger part of the gases from tho coal, being en tirely of Cant Iron, with deep, sand joints, is now of fered to the pubbe ns the most complete healing appa ratus now in this market. C. w. being a practical mechanic, will personally attorn! to all heating and ven tilating. , ALSO, Six sigesof Cook f ng Hanses, adapted for hotel and private use. Collins* Fatent*ohunney Caps for ventila ting and cure of sinokey elnmnojs, with a full assort ment of Registers and Veutilatorg of every size and pattern .Fire-plaoe Stoves, Bath Boilers, Jco. Kr Jobbing promptly attended to. ... m . CIIAO. WILLIAMS, ftti22-tutliB-3iii Late Baker k Williams. WE HAVE DETERMINED TO ADD the HOUSE PAPERING and RETAILING OF PAPER, HANGINGS to pur luimtiofla, mA solicit from all who are desirous of decorating thdKousoa an ex amination of our stock, selected from boat factor*, foreign and domostlo, and at the right ppises. Vapor hanging in any e^by au2o-s tu th Im* 12 NqrthTHIRV Btreot, PACKINCt YARN. —ltalian Packing Yarn, s n itable for steam engines, manufactured of the best materia), and for sale, at the lowest prices, by * * WEAVER. FITLER, k CO.. ’ sell No.» N. WATER and 23N. WH ARVrcg, fJANGS OF RlGGlNG—Manufactured of the best material, and for sale bv sell Nft.MTf WA?P, U‘.^lH gg ri. el AW 1 AltK°A 1 v. 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOBCOPIC BAZAAR—Great Emporium for Stereosopppaandfitoreoscopic Viows, American, French and English. Opera Glasses, Microscopes, and improved Spectaoles, correctly suited to the eyes, at „„ a .i M *rk£M«KLlN'd. Optician, __ street, below Cheatnut. SGT ArtifiomljlumanLyesinserted. s6-Imif 1 k nnn boxes American and At»,UUUFRENOH WINDOW G'LASS-Tho mo.t approved brands, and of every size and quality required for city aud. ountry Rt urieeß asfonuhinglyiow. Send ymir orders to ZIEGLER k SMITH. Drug, Viimt/ Glass, and Varnish Dealers, corner SECOND ami GREEN Streets. el 3 tf UNIT JACKETS, the Cheapest in tho X*. o ity, ft t the Manufactory, from $lO per dozen up, a suporior article of Ribbed Berlin and Lined Jaokofß. At*,. Hosier/, Bh.rf, Dmj.Uj, Oo^. 12*121* No. 10 FETTER Lane, Third, above Arch. PURE CONFECTIONERY, MANUPACTURKnBV EDWARD A. lIEIim, Late of S. Hcnritm. • Stero 8. W. corner ARCH and NINTH streets. siMm (Vaclsiry Filbert street.) PORK.— 200 bbls. Mess Pork, of New Jersey, Ohio, and hir sale by s7O ARCHBtreflt.B»‘cond donrabova Front. REMNBD SUOAR.—SOO barrclß various grades. 140 bWa crusbed, sKtedand powder nl for sal« by JAMEB GJUIUM * CO., mi«> LF.TITTA Street. PEACH BOTTOM ROOFING SLATE— Of first quality and nil sizes, constantly on baud' and lor Bale by, DANIEL WILLIAMS & SONS, R. W.oorner of BIX’l’H and COATES BUI*. Theabove Slate is equal in quality to the bent H elsh Blate- augl-tutlm-ln) LARD OIL 78 bbls. No. 1 Winter Lard OiLflO bbla. No. 2 Lard Oil, for sale by ROWLEY. ABHBHRNER, k CO.. No 1(1 South WHARVEB. aid OUGAR-HOUSE MOLASSES.—IBO hlids. *3 t«roe.,Mbarrel. i fo & .«l.b^ I nv2o IjBWTIA BU«9L. NEW PUBLICATIONS. gHBLDON & CO., 115 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK, PUBLISH THIS WEEK A NEW BOOK BY SPURGEON. SMOOTH STONES FROM ANCIENT BROOKS. BY THE REV. C. H. SPURGEON, Bein* a collection of sentences, illustrations, «o<l quaint sayings, from tho works of that renowned Puri tan, Thomas Brooks, lvol. 16mo. Price CO Cents, Extract from the Preface Render, thou hast hero presented to then, m a cheap and roauahle form, the clwico sayings of one of the Kind’s niighties. The greatfDivine who wrote theso pre cious sentences was of the race of the giants. Ho was head and shonldors above nil the people, not in his stn ture (like Saul),but in mind, and soul,and grace. Trea sure theso germs, and adorn thysolfwith thorn, by pat ting them into the goldou sotting of holy practice, which is the end the writer always mined at. Use these “ smooth stones ” as David of old. and jnay tho Lofld direct them to tho very forehead of thy sms, for this Is the author’s mam design •' „ A NEW BOOK BY BALFEKN. ' LKSSONS FRO 31 JESUS. BY THE REV. W. P. BALFERN, Author of ° Glimpses of Jesus.” lvol. 181110. Price7scents. Extract from a notice of Mr. Balfom’s former work, by (he Rov. C. H. Spurgeon. A book whoso theme is Jesus is over welcome ton place in rnr library. For tins rqnsnn I hailed witli plea sure tho advent of this prooious volume. I sat down to read it, and soon discovered its innuty: it was a feast of fat things, a season long to bo romemborod. I have readit again and again, and would desiro to adore too Holy Spirit for that gracious unotion which rested upon me m its perusal. , . . , Would you have perfume ?—here tt is. How sweetly doth *• my il/nater sound I” ‘‘ My Master!” As amber* Kris leaves a rich scent, so do these words a sweet con tent; an Oriental framney—” My Master!” Would you have beauty ?—here are glimpses of the “ Altosother lovely.” Would you hoar niunio r—listen to the harmony, of tho sweet verses in tins book. In fine, would you loam tho road to Heaven?—God holpuig you. you may find it here. Behove me, gentle reador. your faithful friond, C. If. SPURGEON. THE NAPOLEON DYNASTY; THB HISTORY OF THE BONAPARTE FAMILY. By tho Berkeley Men. New Edition brought down to tho present timo. 11-, lustrated with 23 authentic Portraits, including a now one of the Empress EUGENIE, after the celebrated painting by Winterhalter. 1 vol, Bvo. Cloth...- Pnco $2.00. SIIHLDON Si Co.’S LATE PUBLICATIONS ARC THE LOSING AND TAKING OF MANOOUL; OR, LECTURES ON THE HOLY WAR. By Rev. A. P. Patton, A. M. / Illustrated with Eight spirited Engravings. 1 vol. 12mo. SUJtMER PICTURES, FROM COPENHAGEN TO VENICE. By Rev. Henry M. Field, 1 vol. 12mo. BLIND BAHTIMBUSi THE STORY OF A SIGHTLESS BINNER AND HIS GREAT PHYSICIAN. By Rev. William J. Hoge. lvol. Idmo Price "Scents. THE CHINA HIS SI ON, Embracing a History of tho i arious Missions of All De nominations among the Chinese, with Biographical Sketchos of deceased Missionaries. By Wm. Dean, D.D.f twenty Years a Missionary to China. 1 vol. I2mo. Price $l. THE BIBLE IN THE LEVANT; THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF REV. CHESTER N.RIGUTER. By Rov. S. Iremcus Prime, D.D. I vol. lo’rao .' Pnee 76 ocats. THE CHRISTIAN GRACES By Rev. J. P. Thompson, D.D., of the Broadway Tabornacle. I vol. Itfrno. THE GELDART SERIES. Five Choioo Volumes by Mr*. Thomas Gcldart. DAILY THOUGHTS FOR A CHILD. TRUTH IS EVERYTHING. SUNDAY MORNING THOUGHTS. KMILIE THE PEACEMAKER. SUNDAY EVENING THOUGHTS* Iflmo. Gill back, price of oacli SO cent'*. NUARLY HEADY SPURGEON’S SERMONS— Sixth Sbiiiuk With an introduction by tho Author, and containing a steel plate illustration of Bpurgeon’s Now Tabernacle. lvol. 12mo. Uniform Pricesl. A VOLUME OF SERMONS, By Rev. Richard Fuller, of Baltimore, LIFE IN TUSCANY By Mabel Shnrmau Crawford. 1 vol. 12mo LIFE OF MARY STUART By Alphonsede Lamartine, lvol. 18mo Prico 50 lonia, FOR SALE AT ALL BOOKSTORES alsfc]7-Wlt A COMPANION TO MICHELET'S LOVE. THE DICTIONARY OF LOVE. Con la ill ffi eft Definitionoi ell the terms used rn the HISTORY OF THE TkNDEJt PASSION, WITH RARE-QUOTATIONS ?ROM THE Ancient nrd Modern Poets of all iiaiions. Together with specimens of curious MODEL LOVE LETTERS, and many other interesting matters apper taining to Lpv* never liefore muilisbed *, tho whole foimtngatemktsnble TEXT-BOOK FOR ALL LOVEB, as well a-a Cmnylete GUIDE TO MATRIMONY, ami a COMPANION OF MARRIED LIKE. . Translated, tn pattt/romfhe Frenth, Spantth, (nmian, and Italian, wtth several Original Z'rantlatiens from tht Greek and Latin. BY TfIEOCBATUS, JUNIOR. 12m0., oioth. Gilt Side and Back. Price 6 - l. PuMished a ß dfiir«tob A pKTEHBON& jmos<t s!5-3t No.SOJ CHESTNUT Street. •CIOUHTEEN THOUSAND SUBSORI- A 1 BEHBI • APPLETON’B NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPJBDIA. Volume Seventh wilt be out on the 25th. It is not too Into to commence taking this work, which is now established in the category offamous literary successes. New subscribers can have a volume a month til) they overtake the issue.. , , ... The enormous subscription list has been mainly in creased by the subscribers themselves, who have brought their friends and neighbors tosubBcril»e, as soon as they hud satisfied themselves of tho sunpAhsixa kx- CELLENCK ANO VAt.CEOF TIIK WORK. JOHN MoFARLAN, Agent lor Pennsylvania, Arcade Hofei, tßi CHESTNUT Street. , Agout, also, for Benton’s Debates ot Congress and Frank Moore’s Diary of tho American Revolution.' s3*stuth*9t f 'IATHUAKT’S SERMI»NS"ON TllK SAB x-J BATH, reviewing the argumentsof Hov. Dr. Borg, [lev, Johr, Chainhors, and others, to be had At P>>rRH SON’B. CHKBTNUT Stroet, and IODAN’S, BLCOND and BUTTONWOOD. Pnco, 10 cents. sIJ-4t« PAUL TUB PREACHER; or, A Popular and Practical Exposition of his Discourses and Speeches, as recorded in the Acts of tho Apostles. By MLItRY'i/YlLuhtkATE?) jfuOK of rhymks. M SaGDAI3I*AND BIiTIIAN Y. By He/. S. C. Mabn, M. A. Mino. 40 cents. . , UNICA; A btory for Girls. By tho author of Undo Jack.” Mroo. 20 cents. JEBUB ON],Y. By J. Oswald Jadcson. Wino. 25ct«. 81X SOUNDINGS. By Rev. J. B. Ripley. 18mo. i'3 ° e UFE AND I. ABO ItS OF BEV. DANIEL BAKER. Umo. For eele b/ ALpRKI) M . BTIEN ,j No. CM CHESTNUT Street. —i’k b llE ' s s—b Hhs s : COMPLETED AT LAST! THE BOOK OP THE FIRST AMERICAN CHESS LONGKLMt, Containing the proceedings of that celebrated ausem blage, held in New York, in tho year 1867, wi|h tiro napors rend in its sessions, the games-playert in the Grand Tournmnenf, and the stratagems entered in the problem Towruny .together with sketches of the .History of Chess in the Old and New Worlds. By Daniel Wil lard Fiske, M. A.. O/fioial Secretary of the Congress, Editor of tiie Chtss Monthly, Ao. Adorned with a magnificent unpublished stratagem by Mr. Kuoesk B. Cook, in Rlxtf-ouht moves, en graved and printed in colors, Onn largo I2mo. \oluine, 541 pp. Muslin, elegant, price $1 60. Also, now readv: TIIK LI FE AND TRAVELS OP ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. With an introduction from tho pen of , JJAYARI) TAYLOR. Ksq. With a new steel portrait, engraved expressly for tint*, work, from an original photograph in the possession ot Mr. Bayard Taylor. One largo Ismo. voluino, pages. Muslin, price $1 25. A new and popularhfo of thisdistingiUßhed traveller and. author, from original and authentic sources, com piumng his Life; 'CrnvelH, andßeientifio labors, togethm withßkotohosof hm teaohors and coJaborors. Anagree ablo. ontertaimning votuiuo. Either of these Books will bo sent by mail, postagk frek, to nny part of tho United Statoa, on receipt of the price, by RUDD k CARLRTON, sS-thAatf and Booksellers, No. 13Q GRAND Rtreat. near Broadway- N. Y. OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS Tho undersigned states that he has frequently for sale books printed between tho years U7q and I6OOJ early editions <]f the Fathers or the Reformers and of the Pu ritan Divines; in Law, Braeton, Lvttleton, PuflendorfT, Grotlus,Dowat, Coke, Hale, tljo Year Books, Reports, &o..areoften to be found on his shelves; Cyclopedias, Lexicons, Classic authors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, Science, Political Economy, Government. Architeotine, Natural History. Treatings upon thftfio and other kindred sahjectsare being continually dealt in by him. Books, in large and email quantities, purchased at the Custom- House avenue Bookstall, CHESTNUT Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia, IWW-toa JOHN CAMPBELL, NEW PUBLICATIONS. gPECIAL NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE INDEPENDENT, New Yonx, Sept. 12,1839. 11l compliance with tho wishes of numerous friends and subscribers, we are happy to annouooe that wo shall commence, in our next issue, and shall continuo week ly , the publication of a series of SERMONS BY THE REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER, They will consist chiefly of those which aro dohvored on Sunday mornings. They will appear oxolus'n e)y in THE INDEPENDENT, and will ho tho only reports given to tho pross which receive revision by the au thor’s own hand. Tkkms—Only $2 a year by Mail j delivered to subscri bers in New York and Brooklin,s2.sQs Single Copies Six Cents, Address JOSEPH 11. RICHARDS, PVBLMUEB, No. 6 BEKKMAN Bt., N. Y BW-2tJ FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. f* G. EVANS’ BOOK BIST—ALL * infill? ftre ftt the lowest prices, and a hand- MlT \?v. G! v 7T ' worth from 60 cents to $lOO, u given with each book at the tune of purchase. HENRY ST. JOHJlfSoiitfiifale or 177 J, ’7B. ByJ. £ SlWSfflto Onp ynl.. Bum., cloth. Price 41. MILDUItN, THE BLIND MINSTREL, ono vol., 12m>>. cloth. Price ft], • I'lfK AND LIBERTY IN AMERICA. By Charlto M S;rfAvU. , i“ , U t <!,'U ono vol.. ]2ino . clotli. Price «1. RHYMES OP TWENTY VbAKS- By Honry Mor ioril. o„o vol.. 12m0.. cloth. Price SU. AMERICAN CHESS UONOREBSnnd Paul Morphy’s I,ri'jmphe. m America aucl Europe, one vol., 12uio. t cloth. Price $1 SO. , O £OWR YEARS ABOARD A WHALE SHIP, in IAW* W- 67-'W-’69, By Win. B. Wluteenr, Jr., ono vol., 12m0., clotli. price &i, ,MV THIRD BOOK, by Louise C. Moulton,one vol., 12(110.. cloth, price $l. EOUTHWOItTH'g NOVELS AND A GIFT. HENTZ’ NOVELS ANDAtiIFT. 81.25. Ail Die NE A BOOKS and a til FT war ill Irom 50 cents to SKX), given with each book, nt (LG. EVANS’ GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, No. 439 Chestnut street. Phila. IVEW BOOKS!'NEW BOOKS!! 7: ’ DUNALLAN ; Or, Know What You Judge. U> brace Kennodv. 12>n<> 81. ORANDMOTHEK TRUE; Or, When I was aLittio Girl- 18tno. U con's. , MILKSLAWSON ; Or, Tho Yew*. By the author of iv.*XJL° * ec the Knylith Lake*.” oto. 18in<*. Ml cent*. VIEWS OF OBAN, STAFF A, AND lONA, with de scriptive Letter Press. SAnont*- . VIEWS IN STRATFORD-ON-AVON, with descrip tive Letter Prose. 2fi rents. MAGDALA AND DETiIANV. Uv Rev. S. C. Mu lait. 18mo. -tO cents. UNICA. A B'"ry for Girl*. ISiim. 25cents. , THE roman QUESTION. By Edmund About. 12mo. tiOconta. For sale by WM. S. k ALFRED MARTIEN, «16 . No. 600 CHESTNUT Street. TN PRESS, BY T. B. PETERSON & A BROS. 1. THE OLD BTONEWANBION. By Charlea J. Petor aon. Esq., Publisher of ’‘Peterson's Mnxazino,” and author of “Cnii»inK in tho Last Wg r /' ‘'KfiteAylos fordr’ *'Valley farm,” &o. Ouo volume, 13m0.. cloth. Trico $1.25. THF. HAUNTED HOMESTEAD. By Mr*. Emma D. E..N. Southworth. author of “ Tho Lost Heiress,” “The Missing Bndo,” Ac. One volume, 13im>„ cloth. Price $1 25. LTZZY GLENN; Or. Tho Trials of a Seamstress. By 1. S. Arthur, Esq., author of “Seven NuMe m a Bar Rooml,' “Love id a Cotta*©.” “Lovoj« Hi*hLife," &o. One volume, cloth. $1.23. Address all orders to T. B. PKTEBSON *. BROTHERS, No 3M CHESTNUT Street, Phiia. fJIIAMBBRS’S ENCYCLOPEDIA. (To bo in &• inonhly parts, 15 cents eaoh») supplied to any address, froo uf postage, by JOHN MoFARLAN, Agent for Pennsylvania, For Appleton’s Now Amenoan Cyclopoedia, and Ben ton’s Debates of Congress. ARCADE HOTEL, 621 CHESTNUT Street. Aicnts wanted to canvass jn every county. au27-lm MILLINERY GOODS. THOMPSON & JENKINS, DEALERS IN SILK, OABSIMER, AND WOOL HATS, CAPS, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FANCY FURS, SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, FEATJIEnS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, See. NO. 528 MARKET STREET, , JJBLOW SIXTH, SDL'TII SJDH. The nttontion of buyers is invited to an examination f our Stock, sli-lm QPENING. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 735 CHESTNUT STREET,. TWO DOOM WEST OP MASONIC TEMPLE, WILL lIAVJJ TIIBIR FALL OPENING OF BONNETS, Ao. f THIS HAY, THURSDAY, THE Bth INST. «8-tnll JjIALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, 805 CHESTNUT STREET, Hare now opon a ootnrlste assortment of FLOWERS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, VELVETS, GRAI'ES, LACKS, .Price 73 cents. AND BONNET MATERIALS, To which they invite the attention of the trade. ‘ &uZS-lm MARKET STREET. 4£\ 9 RIBBONS, Of every; kind, in immense variety; NEW BONNET MATERIALS, BONNET VELVETS, SATINS. ORO DE NAPS, LINING SILKS. ENGLISH GRAPES, of the best makes, FRENCH Sc AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUOHKS, Ac Also, newest Fait stylos of STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, And STRAW GOODS, of every description Now open, and presenting altogether the most com plete etookof MILLINERY GOODS in this market. Merohanta and Milliners from every scotion of the oountry are oordially invited to o&U and examine our •took, which we offer at the CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, A 00., auiO-utovl 1859. FALL mvDE ’ 1859. AGAKD & CO., 393 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, RUCHES, FLOWERS, Ac., Have now in store a full stock of Goods, to whioh tli®/ Invite the attention of first-olass bu> ers. auW-fcn* J HILLBOBN JONES. Importer and Manufacturer of FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS. artificial flowers, FEATHERS, RUCIIES, Ac Tho attention or Cjtr and Country Doalors is invited to a largo and varied stuck of the above goods, at 433 MARKET STREET, &u9-Sro Below FIFTH, WHOLESALE CLOTHING. HUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS o* COMMON, MEDIUM, AND FSNE CLOTHING. Wo invito special Attention to onroeinoleto lineol MACIIINE-MANUFACTURHD GOODS. NOS. 454 MARKET, & 419 MERCHANT STS. auS-3m . OLOTHINGI AT WHOLESALE. 0. HAEKNESS k SON, M 8 MARKET STREET, lOCTUBABT CORNEA 07 FOURTH STRXIt, Offer for salo, on the most liberal terms. A new and extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, ADAPTED TO TIIS SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS. jr23-3m GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, QENTLEMEN’S furnishing goods AND TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. LONGOOPE & PEARCE, HO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have now in store a full assortment inthoir line, to which they invite tho attention of their customers and buyers of such goods. au3-2m JAY. SCOTT—late of tho firm of Win • charter k Scott-ftENTI.EMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and HIUKT MANUFACTORY, 81 CHKS'l'NUrStreet.fnearlyopposite tho Girard House PhUadelokia. J.W.B. would respectfully call the attention .of his former patrons and friends to his new store, and is pre pared to Ml orders for Bill RTS at short nntioe. A perfect fitguar&ntied, Wholesale Trade supplied with fine Shirtsflnd Collars. jyll-ly Removal.— martin &. wolff have Jteimved to No, BA4 MAJRKJST Street, South side. |>clow Fonrtli, urheio tlioy oiler a choice msortroent cl pnlinnd Vinter Good*, tit very low priors. »13 2m Economy mess shad—nos. i ami 2 a prino artiole, in store anil Mr sale liy W.M.J. TAYLOR k CO.. aua IJB SOUTH WHARVES. 431 MARKET BTRKET. REMOVALS. RETAIL DKY GOODS. PJfiW AND ELEGANT PALL STOCK. X,. J. LTSVY So CO. -Are daily receiving Additions to their new and very Ohoioo assortment of PALL AND WINTER GOODS, whioh comprises at this time one of the largest as well as tli© most select assortments of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, winch oan l>e found in this country. Bvory now fabric which has been manufactured for Fall and Winter wear, ns woll as their usual assortment of STAPLE GOODS of superior qualities, will be found in variety, and at prices as low as similar goods can be purchased elsewhere. L. J. L. k Co., have effected arrangements m Taris by which tboy will be in constant receipt during the sea-, son of small quantities of every approved new articlo which may bo presented to tho fashionables trade of that city. The selections witl bo made from the bouses in Paris most celebrated for their good taste. 809 AND 8U CHESTNUT STREET. Sl2'Ct rjASSIMERES, CLOTHS, VESTINGS. Heavy dark mixtures Cassimerea. Do. with and without Bideband*. Black Cassimeres and Doesk'ns. Black Broadcloths. Ai upwards. Light-colored Cloakings, #1 25 up. bail and Winter Vestings. COOPER k CONRAD. «8? NINTH and MARkV.T. TVEW FALL CLOAKS. Ll The Subscribers „ are now oponing NEW FAf.L CLOAKff, FLOMBIERE STRIPE CLOAKS, CHESTERFIELDS, CASAQUES. Ac.. Ao., to whioh they respectfully invite the attention of Ladios. The Paris Mantilla Emporium, 70S CHESTNUT Street au3o J. W. PROCTOR k CO. NEW FALL GOODS!!! THORNLKY fc CHISM, comer of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets. Have lust received a lot of BEAUTIFUL SATIN PLAID POPLINS. Rich Poulard Kills*. Handsome Fall De » aiues. New Fall Chintzes. Ac., Ac. IPAicA are very Heritable and very thtap, BLACK SILKS AND FANCY SILKS!!! Light Cloth Raglans tor fall w»atbor. ' Shawls, Dusters. &c., in «reat variety. Good Family ana Fronting Lmon*. A large stock of Domestio Muslins. Great quantities of Flannels. Cloths. Cassimeres. Salmons, &0., &o, CLOBING OUT MUCH.BELOW COST: Siik Mantillas. Lace Mantillas. Bareges, Organdies. Lawns, kc., kc. All Summer Goods of every description. BtTHORNLEY k CHISM, EIGHTH and BPBINO GARDEN. ‘ r N. 8.-WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH.” tmw-tf Philadelphia centiul shawl AND MERINO ROOMS. Will bo arranged this morning from the two tnrse Auction Sales of Hennequin’s k Lupin’s FRENCH GOODS— -20 Lots New BLACK CENTRE BTELLAS, from 95 to 918 each. Now Style Paris Gauffro Shawls. Do. Double-faced Berlin do. And many other kmdrf. 100 Fioeo* LUPIN’S FRENCH MERINOS, in plain and high colors, Blocks and Whites, at 75c to 91.25. Rich Printed Moussolind Delaines, all wool. Also. Just opened- Large Stock NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. Satnj-faced Valencia*. Camilla Foulards. Satrn,Truvors, Plaid Satin do Palestro. ruilde Chevres. Super Glossy Silks. 8-4 Black Thibet, for Shawls, Broche Shawl Bordering. Round Corner Black Lace VeJle.Jsc, Daily additions are made. , . _ CHARLES ADAMS, sl-thsm EIGHTH and ARCH Street*. T UMN’SHNE MERINOS. Onei hundred Piece* of extra quality and desirable oolors at 91 00. One hundred piece* of fine quality and of tame color* at 75 eent*. Those goods have the most value of any that we have offered. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, 85 ______ CHEBTNUT and EIGHTH Street*. TVEW AUTUMN SILKS. T * Just opened ten cases of solocted Silk* of our own importation. „ Plain Poult de Boie*,from the lowest price* to the finest goods. Rich Lvons Silks of the newest designs. Flam Black Silk*, glossy and heavy. Neat figures and Brocade Blacks. Black and Panov, two Junes. SHARPLKBS BROTHERS, 65 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street*. English shirtings. Just received a choice lot Of neat am) medium stiles English Shirtings, Prims, Now design*, good colors. SHARPLESS BROTHERS. 85 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. Dress goods. Rich Bouquet-pattern Wool Delaines. Lupin’s French Mennoes, 75 cents up. Cheap Delaines and Plaids. Fall Poplins, Chintzes. Ac. BLACK WOOL DELAINES. Lupin's Black Wool Delaines, 57 and fS cents, Lupin’s finest quality do., 50 and 55 dents. Black Bombasines, Alpacas, Silks, Ac. COOPER A DONAH!). ses NINTH and MARKET. BOOTS AND SHOES. J-JAZELL & HARMER, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS lx BOOTS AND SHOES, NO, 128 NORTH THIRD STREET. A full assortment of City made Boots and Shoes eon itaptly on hand. slu-tf J & M. SAUNDERS, NO. 34 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Near Merchants’ Hotel,) Call the attention of buyers of BOOTS AND SHOES To their Stoek, whioh embraces & general variety of PHILADELPHIA AND NEW ENGLAND Manufactured goods. auo-tocB J W. MoCURDY & SON, 321 CHESTNUT STREET, (2d FLOOR.) LADIES’, MISSES’, AND CHILDREN’S BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS, Manufactured expressly for the Retail Trade, null 3m JJ~P. WILLIAMS & GO., NO, 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. wholesale boot and BUOE WAREHOUSE,; Have now on hand a full assortment of Eastern and Philadelphia work, to wnioh they invito the attention oi Southern and Western Merchants. auU-Jm STERLING, ft FRANKS, WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 413 ARCH STREET. Purchasers visiting the oity will please oal! and exa stock, eul3-2m & CO.. WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 813 MARKET BTRHBT. JjiALL STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES. JOBEI’H H. THOM SON A 00,. >l4 MARKKT STREET, Hhvb now (in hand a laM« «took o! BOOTS AND SHOES 0? EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN AND CITY MADE. PurohMors visiting the city wiU please oall and ex* amine their stock. Jy2B-tf LEVIOK. RASIN, & GO., MOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE Alto MANUFACTORY, No. MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. We have now on hand an extensive Stock of Boot* and Shoes, of all descriptions, of our own and Eastkr* Manufacture, to which we invite the attention of South ern and Western buyers. aug-3m NOTICES. PHILADELPHIA CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY, 4m (ÜbWETauuam at an ADJOURNED MEETI.no OF.TIIE ABOVE NAMED CORI* ORATION, NO. « MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M., September 11U.1859, th« follow- ing gontlomon wero unanimously elected Direetore of tho Company, no GEORGE H. BTUART, S. MORRIS WALK, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALF.STER, and JOHN EDGAR THOMSON The HOOKS of MIIMORIPTION tn the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY ore now open at the above named Offico, whero oil portions favorable to the enter prise we respectfully invited to subscribe. ,6-tf DRY-GOOD!) JOBBERS. ILL OPEN THIS DAY, ANOTHER INVOICE MATCHLESS PRINTS. FOR sale by the piece or package at SIX CENTS. BEAUTY OF DESIGN, GOODNESS OP i JALITY AND COLORS THEY ARE WITHOUT RIVAL. JOSHUA Li. BAIL.Y, 213 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, J. W. PROCTOR & CO., IMPORTERS, MANUFACTUR EES, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, L A D I E S’ CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, [nvite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS To tneir Stock, comprising EVERY VARIETY OF STYLES lii medium and first-class Goods, including FINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES’ CLOAKS, Ao., Ac. NEW STRIPED BOURNOUS, BOURNOUS WITH PLAITS, Ao., Ac., All of which will be offered at Low Prioea TO CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS. J. W„ PROCTOR & CO., THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. S. STEWART & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, 303 MARKET STREET, Ate now daily receiving from the Large Auction Sale*, and other sources, a full assortment of desirable FALL GOODS, purchased FOR CASH, to which thej invite the attention of Cash and prompt Six-months buyers. Full lines of Black and Fancy Silk*, and all the new fabrics in Dress Goods, constantly on hand. s9-3tu 1859 FALL IMPORTATION. 1859 JOEL J. BAILY & CO., No. 219 MARKET STREET, AND 208 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, Have received by recent arrivals, and will continue to receive during the season a full and complete assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES’, MISSES’, GENTS’, asd BOYS LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, SILK AND COTTON BHIRTS AND PANTS. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Black and Fancy Silk Scarf*, Ties, and Cravat*. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Hdkf*. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, Ac. Also, a handsome stock of WHITE, LACE, and MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a largo and cheap variety. ‘■JOUVETS' aFhri EME.” BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES. A splendid assortment of colors and sixes. WOOL COMFORTS,HOODS, JACKETS, NUBIAS, Ao Together with a large assortment of CLARK'S supe perior fix-cord 4 * Bilk-Fin»shed” and “Enamelled” SPOOL COTTON. Also, Choir Sewing Machine Cotton, put np ou spools of 3,400 yards each, to which the atten- tion ofShirt Makoraand Manufacturers is particularly requested. CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS are invited to examine our Stock, which is one of the largest and most attractive ever offered to the trade. »T-2m FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. DUHHING* & CO., Nos. S 3 and 33 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now receiving, by successive arrivals from Europe, THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS 0» ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY. GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, WOOLLEN YARNS. MACHINE SEWING SILK AND THREAD, And solicit an inspection of their oomptete and well assorted stook, jyll-Jm ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO 80UTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. j§CHAFFJ£K & ROBERTS, 4‘J9 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS HOSIERY, GLOVEB. SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, GERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, AMP TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. auMm jgURNETT, SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN; Are now opening, at their Store, NO. 409 MARKET STREET, Above FOUIITH, Nor h side, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT 07 NEW FALL STYLES OF FANCY DRY GOODS. OP THEIR OWN IMPORTATION and selection, which they offer for sale to buyers from all parts of the United States, on the most reasonable terms. aus-2m jyjARTINS. PEDDLE. & HAMRICK. Importers and dealers m HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Five dofica.below the Merchants' Hotel, Offer for sale the meet oomplete stock of Goods in their line to be found in the United States, consisting of HOSIERY, of every grade. GLOVES, in three hundred varieties. UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. LIHKN-BOSOM SHIRTS and COLLARS. jINEN CAMBRIC HDKFB. A SHIRT FRONTS. LADIF.S' ELASTIC BELTS, with clasps of en tirely new designs, with an endless variety of NO TIONS, to which they invite the attention of-, FIRST-CLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. auS-Jra jyjcCAULBY, BROTHER, & BREIVSTER : S 3 NORTH FOURTH BTREJET HOSIERY. aL(m GOODS. We have a fin* stock of Imported and Domestio Goods, particularly adapted to SOUTHERN TRADE, To which we invite the attention of first-class buyers, aog-2m - LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, Ac* OORNELIUS & BAKER, MANUFACTURERS OP lamps, chandeliers. GAS FIXTURES, Ac. STORE, 710 CHESTNUT STREET. manufactories, 831 CHERRY ST„ A.VO FIFTH AND COLUMBIA «8-th»tu-sm] AVENUE. DANCING. DANCING ACADEMY, Northeast comer of ARCH »n,l BROAD Street«.-Mr. HAZARD, from Paris, and well known m this city as haying had the largest ntul most fashionable Dancing Academy for many years, has the honor to inform his former patron* and (he nublic that he has returned to this city, and win open * Dancing Academy at the place abo re named, era MONDAY, the 26th of September. Mr. H. will also tench classes In schools and private fnnnl’fs. .Mr. H * style of dancing is plain, easy, and graceful, ana can be noquired in a short time. >n easy and graceful de portment. as well as a perfect knowledge of the present stjlo of dancing, such ns is done in the very best so ciety, will bo imparted at once to the scholars, and no time wasted in learning old steps and dances that are out of fashion. For terms, references, etc., apply a* tho hall. icH-3m $50,000 TO LOAN, IN BUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry* Gum* Mer chandise, Clothing, Ac., on moderate term*, by JONES k CO., Brokers, northwest cornet of THIRD and GAS KILL Streets, below I<ombard. Established for the lot* 36 years. Office hour* from 7A,M.t07 p. M. Second-hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale cheap, at one-holi the original cost-. *u4 9ai->» HERRING.— 275 bids Pickled Herring, also, S2sboxes Smoked Herring, for sale by c. c. Sadler * j^o., slO ARCH Street, second door.aboT# Front. AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ” 1 8ol» L-wm- M- A- OABRETTSON. Stair. M»ca.,r Hr. K. F. REACH. Buain.u Afent--. Mr. JOS. D. MUSPHT. THIRD WEEK OF J. a R ORFF IS. THIRD WEEK OF J. 8. ROBERTS. unabated success. wst aVQCSas - EAST THREE MIGHTS THURSDAY FRIDA^FAUST AMD MAROtfllff!.' fSSBIV, S 3 M 8& Sept. lAth. Mth, Had 17th. fo »r SPECIAI, (or the mamficeai patrouaj:e extended einee the op«b jn*of tLa Theatre, beg reepectAiUjr to ennooeee St. notwithstanding the great racceas now atteodun? ilia production of Fauai and Marruente • bnpdr*dg Miar unable to obtain aeata nirhtlf.lit MUST PofirriVCrV BE WITHDHAWaN.AFTERSATURDAY NEXT, in order to give place to other Attraction* er*« viouily en^a«ed—coosftiiueuth, THURSDAY. /Hi. DAY, and tfATCRPAV. w.K <U ,JU * LAST RKPRESKNTaTIOKS Last refreshxtatioas For the pmeai. For tie pretest Those who hard not yet seen rhoa* who have not j e>t seen This Speculator Maeterp<ec« ~ Thu Spectacular Mattsrpieoo fcnoulu embrace the present opportunity. „ Remember, last three tuffiU. Seats secured without extra charge. sels-3t £V£RY I>aY. AT THE BOX OFPICE. WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH* STREET THEATRE. „ THIS iTHURSDAY) EVENING. Sestembar lf- KINO LEAft—Kinc Lear. Mr Edwin Booth ( Dole of Burgundy,.Mr.Steams; Cordelia, Airs. JohnDr**l Regan. Miss Emma Tailor. JTo conclude with the Comedietta of „ the laughing hyena. • K^ AXK ° r Paic**—Admission. Scents; SeocredSetl m Diet*Circle,37>» cents; ParQoet,£o cents. -♦9L? r * ?**,?** 7o clock; performance to command* at 7H o clock precisely. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THIS (THURSDAY) EVExtmo, September*»* M v „ . FIRST NIGHT Of the Romantic Plat of ISIDGRA OF BYLVAXU. L „ FIRST NIGHT Of the Now Grand Ballet LA FGNTAINK D’AMOUR. »uPPoi^ C B^^ E E^ or THE UNRIVALLED COMPANY. Mrs. D. P. BOWERS. LUCY ESCOTT. Mrs. J. W. WALLACE. Jr B J. H. TAYLOR, Mr. A. W. FFN NO, Mr. J. J. PRIOR, and Mr. /. W- WM.LACjt. Jr, the SIGNORINAB GALKTTI and PRaTESI and the GRAND CORPS DE BALLET. * ?m"arat°on E£Pl;i ' fractions ™ ADMISSION FIFTY AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. <2*v he d.ulf from Eiaht A. M. util F.r, P. M.-THE OFFICE £8 NOW OPEN. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performances toeommeaoa at >4 before 8. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. HOOD’S MVTINEE. BATLRDAY AFTERNOON. September iMu Admission 23 cenU. S.x TickeU for ooa Dollar. OT ,.?.'f;: | i cr-en *t j. Coranj»nce at 3 o'clock SECOND APPEARANCE OF THE MEYERS <HSTFRB rtfu „ LOUISA JOSEPHINE. Who will, on this occasion, personal*. T EVA AND TOP3Y. In scenes from the celebrated storr of UNCLE TO-M'3 CABIN. After wbibh. the rrmd Spectscl* m the . „ ~ BEAUTIES OF F-.ORA. In Fine Tableaux, introducin'3inrta? and Danefut. To conclude with the successful Comlo Pantomime of the _ FOUR LOVERS.. ... In which Old Grandmother and all the Little Children Will appear. Tickets to be had at all the Musi© Stores. erlf-hl* RETURN OF THE AT Ml'SrCAl. FlSfl^RAyE 8 ’ COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 12. end Erary Evening dnrinv the Weak. The World-Renowned.On.inelandOmy GEORGE CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS- , GEORGE CHRISTY k R. M. HOOLKY, froparStops. __ S. C. CAMPBELL , Musical Director. . W" Admission 23 oents. For further particulars *M small and large bills. Do«r« open at 7, at « o’clock. LEWIS A. ZWISLEB, i7-lot Agent. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. ELEVENTH street, between Chestnut and Market Open for the Season. SANFORD’S STAR TROUPE, the largest Company in the world. Iq their excellence* every evanimi. SANFORD appears Every evening m fit* great Hole of Charasters. Doors open at TH. Commence at A Admission 23 cent* Chiildren Uoaata. aaiY2m TVUVEL ATTRACTION AT FAIR- S° achossthe botto, ‘ Mr. WM. W. WILSON, who has. for a numbered years, been engaged as a Diver in raisin? sunken vee- and seeking fcrlont treasure at the bottom of Lakra Ene and Michigan will ei«*e a Fr»*e Exhibition of anew and improvwife'rßMAßfNE ARMOR. »t FsJnpoCUC On THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Sept. 13 iSST In order to give pubhr an opportunity to wrteaa* l)ie workings of a 8 ÜB.MARINE ARMOR, xr. Wil*©* will give an exhibition of it* powers and advspUiea by walkin* across th* bottom or the Sebuylkill. below tha >V ire Bridge, on the ahoie-named a/tenso''U, batwat* th« hour* of 3 and 5 o'clock The celebrated GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. CARL SK.YTZ, Leader, perform* tn Famnocnt Park every afternoon. , The CARS of the ARCH, and RACE AND VINE STREETS RAILWAYS persons to toa ground every three minutes, Nu 3b Til cDOKOUGH'S GAIETIES—HACK St., UJL below THIRD. THIS EVENING. „ THE GREAT PANTOMIME op _ BLANCO'S MAGIC SWORD.' , With New Scenery, New Dresses, and New AptauC* men's. WONDERFUL TRICK! _ GREAT SCENIC TRANSFORM ATIONB! mechanical EFFK^rSt Price of Admission 10 and 13 cents. Private Sales S 3 cent* Free music at fatrmount,— GREEN AND COATES-STREET RAILWAY. Tho Celebrated GERMANIA BAND „ , perform every afternoon and evening at Fairmoant, The cars of the Qre»n and Costes-street Railway pact along Eighth and Coatee streets, to rainnowt. emr h\ e minutes Fare five cents. aalS-smvtl tf WILLIAM READ. eopsrintendewL npHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP A THE FINE ARTS. No. IQS CHESTNUT STREET, „ Is open daily, (Sundays excepted,j from 9 A. M. m l P. M, Admission29cents. ChildrenooderUyaareoatf Statue of EV£ REPENTANT bow OO exhibition for a short time. HASSLER’S ORCHESTRA. —M. HASS LER A BROTHER respectfully annoonee that they have |<>-ated their Ofnoe at their residence. IX6 LOCUST STREET, where euagemenU oaa be made U «n«l. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. gILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite special attention to their etook of SZLV2& WARE, whioh is now unusually large, affording a va riety of pattern and design unsurpassed by any bouse the United Slates, and cf finer quality than is irjwiufiHV tured for table use in any part of the world. Oar Standard of Silver Is 936-1000 parts pun. The Easiiah Sterling 926-1000 “ American and French- Tluu it will be seen that we give thirty-five ports purer than the American and French com, and ten parts purer than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver, and our Foreman being connected with tbeßefims- De partment of the United States Mint for several years, we guarantee the quality as above (935), which is the that can be made tobt J<rr*t«*4A!,aad will resist the action of acids much bttur rao» tkt ordinary Siltor manM/acturttL WM. WILSON A SON, tf. IV. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STS. N. B.—Any fineness of Silver manufactured as agreed upon, but putUttly *on« uUmor tu fVsncAead leterL can standard. Dealers supplied with the same standard u used la oar retail deportment. Fine Silver Bars, 959-1000 parts pare, ooastastly os hand. aUM-Sra MEDICINAL. SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, HIP DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD HEAT), Frpprions of the Skin genemily. and all Homors and ImpuriUes ot the Blood, are radically and permanently cured by the celebrated I>n , ERIAIj DE p URATIV T:. Ithaa \>een a very important a. ent in th* care of CANCEROUS DISEASES by Dr. Loonsberry A Co., fbr a number oCjeara past, and its treat value m the cure of Cancers i* abut Jaatly established by the core# In C SCROFULOUS nffectionjiu remarkable curatitw etlect has never been equalled. It cores the most oteQ* “tTEtSeR, SCALD HEAD, and MI EropCoo. of ti. Bkin, reodilv yield to a moderate use of this Medicine. Malignant Ulcer* and Sores are itkadily cured by the use of a few bottles. Prepared and sold by „ , . _ MacNICHOL A BRO.,(Late Loucsberry k C 0.,) lv To.W North FIFTH Street, below Ardu For sale by the following DruKCists s J. F. Long A Co.. Lancaster; C. W.Eptmg, PqJUTtUej J. 1!. Racer, Readme :S- S. Stevens. Resdm? ; T. A J. MeClintoek, Eoaton; Jos. Giwn, West Chester i Win. Stabler. Norristown; Simonßou.Bethlehem: Dr.Llye xey. New Hope; Dr. l-eslie, Bristol; Sqhimdt A Co., Alientows lEllis A Bell, Mana>unk. Pa: J. D. James, Trenton; De La Coor, Camden; Brewster A Co., Bridgeton; Robertson A T.ippincott. Salem. N. J.: Mg- Inall,Wilmington; L. S. Hoopes, Wilmington; T. F. Hammersly, Milford, Del.; and Druggists generally, ioll-stutfidmif WINES AND LIQUORS. pRINCE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, DK VENO3K A CO , EPERNAY. FRANCK. Tmt is a peavgcytY Pcrb Dilicats Wnrf, from the Vineyard of Messrs. Do Venose A Co.* whose estate lies in the centre of the far-famed r*o»»pagiw District ef France. It has hitherto been oonfined to the beat tables of England and the Continent, and has only very recently been introduced into this ©ountry. its rare quality, combined with the moderate price at which it is offered, is already achieving a successand popularity unprecedented m the annals rf the mrt Trade. _ Sold in this city by REEVES A DEAL, No- 3W iLUV KET STREET, and at the Principal Hotels, and byaU the leading dealers throughout the oounUr. E. V. HAUGHWOUT, Corner of BROAD WAV and BROOME STREETS NEW YORK. JyW-tuthAatoif COPARTNERSHIPS^, THE FIRM OF BEATES, JACOBY t & MILLER is THIS DAY Dissolved, hr the de cease of DAVID 8 JACOBY. Tbebnsinessof thelate firm will be settled by the surviving partners who wfl* continue tbe business, st the old stand, under the fir* of BBATES k MILLER. H. BRJETES,. «15-dt* WMiXMIoLER. TVOTICE.—The Copartnership heretofore •L* existing between the Subeditors ft dissolved br mutualconsent, THIS DA*. , , THOMAS T. MASON hsviue P urc b » *«> <lO H>RL B. ROBINSON’S enuromterest in tbe^ge«rn.i*alooe authorised to*nt!e the boamewof MASt N C.B. ROBINSOV. PuiLaDA., Bept. 7.ISW N.8.-The T)RY GOODS JOBBING Borneu wil] to 01 - No - 151 «Slia IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the 11 firm of WARNICK, CHADWICK. It BRO. if ttl« day dissolved. The Heater, Range, aruT fltovebnijaeee will he continued under toe name of CHJLDtflvX.fi BRO., at the Wor&eut cori^^ StrMU ' , . FHANOI8 < 2c*S>witaL Philadelphia. Julr Hi I&S. JTU-tf SOLE IMORTBR,
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