■lisp: : ~~-,£t- J* #*■>!> V* V- »*'*♦ -"j ! ,i _ v ? Mu. iiSagli thi lhHofiligibla; ftnsft?- ■ and Esq.. of ':-..,sbout-aye^^yMf;'WiW>n2jWi®^' B f?i?' . •■ Uty. at thtacdfag(<>n .OoiM>t)<;.W < Pd a yiiMfaiol As ,; WM ■ '■• farther' the Sundqy.'Sohool- oanss, whiotl -every V.'-AboordtnilT he senk.out a general luTltaflon to :;.;> air the Suri3»y.«ffiiHtr/ k ahd;reMiteil'iTh'l answer a ' hearty respStMiTomib™. wlmtheNioeptlon of i -:= represented. 'On tit* mimag. »r..M?t°™»r.*r/an - \)V BebVs Bond of you* . city,and Jhftefocma theohWnm ftrtoOfin^lOh'eflo^gspfßarlingtem . meeting W^e»,^hd^ohh“lh-^aStlBM*J>Wrltf, . »W«:h»WolC; ;ft» ii oUldrehi 'immimmmam name,;’; Ac,' :iXiy ; b»rnei{ ffifstSm- then offirid - tt«itooythii l^4|*»ad«}bil^:ihy’ifi'e, rhitdran, were then d»!tter*4 pT «er.*Henrylß. Ohapin, of , Jrahton; R^SjE.’Hdwlatti'nf-Wewlßrnngiriclt, • all’ofWhioh were;Soqoenf and.forpihle, portray ;. -fair-the happy reraHfl'oT tfc&' Banaay-soncol cause. - ;i^i6rthh#M'«hefiiSoh(#n9ed,«^oj)p(urjta f nity riven tor dinner.;; T <«s-,, t . ; :>. r,- , ; fr ! ■;.*. At three o’elock a. proeetsion waa formed of ail **e»ent, : .headed by the band, .which., jnarehed AhbSabbeUi■ aebooW.Vepresented,. wiia held oh .the . large stand fronting the. trsot.. ! ; SpeedeeßjWere „aad%.by«eme al* or,more,,- whtoh were limited th , iMklhrinatae; foe~the. : pnrpose of adyanolng the . interests of the eanse. Thw dsfwas;lrtatit^fal,: the eah sending 4own his mild rays hpon'tne Scene, ] ;seww|nr to. bespeslc that Qoil was smiling upon the, jGRsi from whom oil blessings flow, n ; Ac., was sang by the whole concotimiprMent, ami; the benediotioa^inouopMei,,after whMa bly began to Sopim?;fflat'tliiB may be a new ere for*Che better in' the Sabbrnth-sohool ofitxu. , . Xrgmalp##*!**, , t■:r<'*nkLvitiVt IJWW»Mr-for-Tti«PrM».l .... . „ . DAHVEK, o*-BmV J«ddo, fMttta berpfflfvlbmrdiCqtihnin/b Huwallr-- s ''" ■■' ■ - WM H / A BOil™ of txadk. ~..... »i**»r«oo]| Oot 3; BvkAnaEUiiybetb. Norgrat*,. .♦...,v:myAmygqsn; ••it- ihHtmjnt *oon) rftetK'lWth tojjrww r-t-'.‘h-!!t0t-'- ■H.’tA »;*'*>". ':)■*-* ■ a t JMo do Cuba, won,’ "SBStStorfS'H'SWat.HPiKUr.Caiaaiw, -.,, ! ■ KrwlM4tAnra». *opa MABffljffi 'Pt^TiajliljßEXCE. fort or PHii.*»Ei,rarA, s«rt. i«, ism. _6 4TI BUS BETS ""wr&S U aomm^s^ifn^'KL 1 . Bohr EyinMkjj-Ventiil Unys Trom Lron, in Milford* Pohr Som«T*; w>mißo#ton,, u t -, ( MnrHctfdfc6rt,‘Smith,irora Provfdencfl. , . .. r,:Z. SohrßB JohnwmSinHn,>feomßaiein.,51 ;<l t ; y. Bchr W>ttSeir«,vTOrn‘‘PoH*bs6iith^ 1 *? 'h: Saar H-Curtu, WilljswaLtrmn’Wilttioitom J.i O flehr Mohawlt, ;Watf, into* Baker's Folly, ! ReutuAm Baatoa,B<rii?w?sr<nr ■York, via Case Ma)r,‘i J« AlMfltdlon. -' : : ’7 ' ' £Mp Kiobard Menwt,ourer,NeTrOileßciti Bishop, iiv Moluirti tfanj rtjlneak Co. " Schr-Aitiinn, Cor«on; Salem, CA HeoVaclrnr & Co. - Jehrß-8 MnioniSmttSiSAleraißsHra. Orle&Go. •_r*guSi H.BiigigotKSmith:jail Kivor.TiyertonCgirlCi. • -K< Scfir W. Pfinxi Honet,PrMlieMe, BMiatorf «s<>:, 4f. tfehrJFrainbes, &>rae ni]kxton t SlnnfcJgon k Gloror-* Echf JT Comcton. Cor«og; fio«ton, Baum. O*|o SrCo*J •} . 4 , fc g°Br„ li,Majfomr : HewUt /• |oj>r . Boston, 11 do*^* l <• jETcrrowttd;WUuim*.Bbitoju ;- „ • M J r '■■ Bohr R Boston,Van, IJa*«n. J'fo|'-- " do •" Bcnf w l>D»itoßi'Onvwfori; wBton, r da < ■nrSohr ~ ? So - , *> ;flchr GenTarlor,Banter, We w Haven,;?.,>*, do : cS®^o,BiWo*on.; wheetph, Cheka*. 4 ■dq WiUt4m*,,Wa«hiflcton,*i' , do *' *- fehrTjSSJP'stßyensVshiwi : ! |ehrf & * ■ «*■* do Be h r .1 ob n, C poper*.Huto bi a gt»Georgetotm, - dd a flehf Fwwy.fitokMi'i :uTdo dq - . Amanda*' e ; Filet, anthracite ooftl ufZ *” Entorori&fcrßrosd Top hKnmincaa coal to.-if _ K,9qr|OQ^^;.Wf•M^'Anth l rnei^coaltoX)•lGlty , * , 1 V? 'A V‘’ '' •' The - iadeo •. Andponrtejtfd•jrWlWfW;t-‘-‘-.0 «.. v -„ k - . 7T'i *v A-B]U|B Rebar, UKnttocapUin; MaiorlLMia]«,«Tain i to nor k Stont, bark to Wia.Fiohwpm'k,Col«ldioata;to .*• **pUin; TrMoSllisp^lroa^lw.lo^l^^|t&^v *• j / ■ Kewitt^^sjSf^dO^wriUifiS^i •, • tontttWMt.* t-• l-'z cgT&x&JKiii ,vyi # %.T~ -I : ame «™nlnx to repair her proselier. Bhe rrae rft-ie-.il i:^h!(i ,de;j*n»!TOiah alt. - - mf*, irii;.-”' ‘-- -;~"3llis--?rrthenon. Bonne, rTrys-atVaiyanriso July 31., to oreat two Cliinin porU Mr Mljr&rpaSSirjcjtt tin.. | r Bart Cord«U&« Roberta, hortee, arrired at ! '-rJiuaUht. - - Bnjs-wlaon Ad*ms, Vork T ticuce, arrived at Fortlantf Brie Laniarotte, Hamman.ulled from Kjneaton. ja.; ' ' (A fort reported lost JM,nit. had a c»tbo of «731*>xes ancar; 1 *‘Sffii r 8 B Wintate, . .rmpbi Sophtn Ann. Georgfa. and Thos il Skinner,ar^ dr^lUsS^* , *i - - ; 6e!ir , .Kv& ; B*Ut 6m»o .W^tYsaiW. 5 jOßfeve,?*lisJw» hence at Boston s ‘ Deb at Bth in*f# andreraained lath. / Banvpra for do, and ShaTon.Thnrlow* froartfewbiry portJor do,«t Bthio*i.andeai]eancxrdar;: t Wat. II Rowe, WiKiae, bonne at Now Bedford •tA"--’ • * V-.'-.l ',3 f , t ?*rth«one,C«n), benpa,an-lv«lat,Ni>W Bod ’frftfffPettipm<orowhlii - KHbinrtejcntßWladelDnia. y - 1 ii iItOTB tontßrfri^sSnitoSiAjieUte-JWlrMßiCbfa Safhpr ; Bphr Clooro/Bnrroueln. iuiled, ffont Jproywonce.Utb "'' h * nc ** 5 ',?•“£?«/ jjornmoiloirorao, Knifed; arrived atAlainn- .j’ 2. ■** * 1 ‘1 —^' g .*■ ? _a > ■ ' ' . .PEM-EMIM- • ' '' : ■'• • »-.Xw^.-j}W-.}Cvr.;: ■ ■-/• ij’-, OPTIC®, NO.-JW* SODTH SECOND Bl|-j; ‘ YAM, OATHAnrifE-STBEET’wiii'it.i ,• „ i f „ tlg’tft* -- - •;: a APKLgHrA;,' * _i 3 - . CJ , ■ f•'"■ * ■ r":.. MMftit-- - wHttyaa&ifCoOTtt. f*d:4 •: -osqome !~-r ' importation;;,;”; m'Vmt «#* t£LfiMis£SiBEM6L^'i^’ * i sbmetoerh:i?iii iss9i' ■'*■' -•' “ ' ' ' y ~ - • > - • - ** ~,.T .. ■"■ '' . *- ■. ■-•■*.>- /tJWJiytr,' - .... ~ EBUp^IONAii. IMTUSid.-—A.? Bi TAYLOIt, Teacher of I\TO.. '/:2SO' SOU'rH; FOURTH STREET.i- TiflftSS-DYOKMANj_ formerly Professor J of • &&& w«xbt>orof the Jury of AdinUfruft D °t2 JSlJr’Sti?, jSS g !lS l iffuT Stf f ;CHEGABAV AND D’HEiy AND DAY SCHOOL' FGR IHIIiA»BSYiOA I i'Rtf. V.n$E Te»i»6otfijUy her rtomtiraiicf the public in grirteral.,that independently of ier -up&tding-etui-BlJLsehpol*-directed byherwlf and Ar,‘tt»eerMua./PltEyOaT» InTNEW YORK, she in* sncra, icr totmocnon ~w»h‘her niece, • Mnie.' D’lfEK- PHILADELPHIA an Institution ■ oflrwrtieitelg the nme pUn as the one above mentioned, i TWPfiuoipsh! win.angwerapphbationsAud receive *■variUtt on and afteTtheTJth day of.September,-and the , ■ / 'iriuSMin* SlT:'’ MARKS' .EpESCPPAIi ACADE&iY; -*,■»! \‘,i ";. , IWIH ACE Street.' .TIfJ^A.Q-BRI'KIEUiiy^-OAlUf^iLresnme, cTfl’’’fhe duties of hor School. .aa/paußLop MONDAY. : :MlS^;p/:'A.:Biai«lN-.WILLKE-OPBN I ! ’4*-"r:ilwr School'for'Ybuhff /Ladies on Pepterijbeyl9, l may he obtained the.fi^jhooinfodi,.fill. WALNUT Street, where applioatiOutor adrtiisjuoh mar: Trott,*L. )- Johu»on;■ r< -.>«•*-"jV-.vci- ;,n, , -auffl»lm*/ Tl/f OSIO ANDBINGING.-MtSS LIZZIE homes. She refers with confidence to any of hat pupils. fffl?i iIWTSS: IfrW: ‘ HOWES- WILL REOPEN 4»# Ji«fBptoMrbrYoto't<tdte»i atISStCHESTNUT atruotC MONDAY, Baptemtor-12. .U3ts‘dtaa37-Bt;iff^qr‘ M ARY L'i WILL. ;OPEN 4^-*-,'herlJoariJinr Auil Day-Schoo] for GlrUINd. IOJO SPRMaGAKDBOtreet.pn, the l«t ofßeptember. For Clroillars apply to the Principal.;,., , ; ■ au2B-lrn* , : MlSs'htfPifß’.'KlAYEß - AND,MRS. R i iSihoCßeptembef, * - aQ26*sw », 4|fßB; BARTON’S ■ ■IT*.. boarding • - ■ -i a ;. .. -jjp , r* DAYSCHCKJLPpR'young LADIES, *' ‘ . . yj 0( j 9» GHEBTlurr Street, i'hila. . .The Winter Term ymlbpia on the secaqd MONPAY iti September.: Young Lames received of any ' taught whatever pertains to a thorough Education. ; ~ FrenchepOken tn the family. For Circulars and par* ripplyas above. .•■ , au2fi-UWfcCid-6w 1 HEAJAN AljLlfiNi A. M/, /i’eacher of the VIOLIN add Pf ANO. Mr. Alien, may 1» applied mpi JAS. Jl J. HELM will open, September 13, his Sohool for the higher education of a hmitsd numoer of Young Lad dies. to whom he is notpersopaUy known are referred to Prof.C.D Cleveland, Prof. CKarleaßhort, Rev. Pff. Morton, Bto vena, Wilmer, Howe, Furness, aml otherß. RESIDENCE, 1515 WALNUT Street; SCHOOL, 1313 CHESTNUT Street. , aMBt i English ASS 'Classical school. 'openonthe ’SECONP MOflpAYjthe 12th day of Sep j-iv*'1 V'- 1 cham/es sb6rt. ! 'PENH,,IISfG'ftTSm—The Session will Iv: <»mrasßMjon r MON3>'AY, to 6th.of Saptemlwr. •Tho ohtmjtoT,»hiiCli»ttWtion!«. tp.,pr«Mt». pqpiU for cSJeto or biumes»... in nooompluUiii uutotooot, ra pidUT, .ml .specially toorouglm.M, aro ouilrntilq; nhcl to to ttotouih rooul™. ao t oolr. that, tto wnotu dtffl oultt«« mowto root, tat tlKwoftt-SftohTnairiitmiT.. , i ' Th..method aonfitod, (o'-giving inotnioUcn- is to be pomo & ooTiborer.vmS thp pupil, eSortu being mode, to E»v, Um rojorvini for the.WMhor to point out jjrora) remove fioabUi or euggo»t thomannor of pro- Momril&lM toprinolpfo, of thevnrion, braheh- JieofNaturnrsotenoe.appnrfttue fullr provtdedi And orprwticel operation*JO Sorrepioe. s Erit-cliu* trsn- WiotnuHdolpWnmeaufooturjmfurniebed. . , , •: fiMidm.p»r,ofn*tbeT»nou«Studie«inrith Toil took., Leotura, *r« delivered In rogutir ord«ronbf&turu Phl lo.opby, Obomutr/ftieologrriortiioloari eto, - • ; . The Room, occupied. *t« thpee on the .econd, third. Filbert street; they are Urge freely ventilated, arid afford ample space for Recitation, Lecture, and Play fioptosTlThey are now open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 1 o'clock P, M„ where lorther information may be ob* ' f‘: * f UUSTEWART,YrinetMi; pRIOE^R^E^CAD^; p^. , berAth, JwrrTbe course of instfrioiioa, comprises all the branches Of a thoroughEngUsh Eduowtion. together .withthe Latin, Greek, a»dFrench Laagnaaes. ai&t-tf OB GARDEN ACADEMY FOR L 5, YOTJN& MKN AND BOYS. N. E. eor. KiqHtH aorf By'fTONWOOB Streets.-'Resnmes duties MuN* DAYi eeptember sth. s Nombef limited ? a\l 'pupils un* der thaMmdiediata care of the Principal vthe govern* ment it that of purely l7 moral suasionreports sent to patoOts wepkU Ilhe MiWO/, Jnjetjettuat, and Phygid Education of Boys will be carefully and conscientious y attended to,. Cgtalognei gratuitously fti' the.-Awideniy, -orriW North fighth street. ; , ; , :au3Mw a F. JONLLAVY LONO.Pnnoipal. np.MTII CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, RE ■ lrrmi No, WB FILBERT Street to No. W Street, will reopet* on MONDAY, September Mb.JJojfg prepared.for College or BasineM, Alfbrxnohesof a complete English education, the Clas ata, Mathematics,ana; Modern Languages, are t&ug alter a syetem which' insures thoroughness and‘rap • . Uiroalftr.to.bfl* • . Mr. J. A. Vaughan, Bev.Mri /. H, Jußomberger. Rev,Mr. Wm. B. Enrnew, Benjamin • bnugai Theodore Sedgwiek,Esu„ New York, auifl-im* riIHE MtSSES AEKTSEN'S SCHOOL FOE Jl YOUNO UADIKB. ‘ miBB 'STREET, GERMANTOWN. \ : Fill Tenawill b«pa on thoFIMT MONDAY In ~4i,truction.in Uta'umtl.Emu.H makchss, ■witb lA«a,FonwOil.atidPaAWijm,: <~tf ’i" SnU-tf TOBE MISSES EWING WILIi'OPEN'A 4f»p .iMfearai mtsfc gtrwt, vbcra Circular, mar tKtabtainad. ' A b«t'“Birttei, Eori JT. ;W. I’rof,o.o,Cleveland, . „ .. aul7-jSw* 11 inpHE AECtt-STREEiI' RISTITtITE FOR .t*.; ' YOUNO' ; LADrKS.--The iK!BV»ntli Bouion will commence onMom)AY£Bejwmber«b,lB». For cit- win E.&kASSt O&ii AND ENGMBH tember Ist. ~ , , „ , aug-fm* T<HE'imisses;CASEY AUIJ’MBS.SEE- rnHOS. BALDWIN’S ENGLISH MATHE* CLA£SICAL.fIGO6L FOR ROYS,' N.E.coiner ofBROAD and AROH,>wiU feopenSop jembernt.-7/ •_ . - V ? .. * aug-imy; fpHE SUBSCRIBER Will, REOPEN HIS RITTENHOUSE ACADEMY—N-,E. cor ne, of crnniii w,a eighteenth ?,i«ets, “-r* 1 'feta !Brinoipal«. ,;A;DEBN; GROVE- FEJIAKB SEMINARY. f»-“FRXNK#<(aD A -.PENNSYLVANIA, Be mile, from M»rJ(«taff otiPhiliidelpMo. - ~ -. • j „.TH, oonaopf mitnipilon InthliSohMl ucomttolian give and thorough, : Pareots ana' Guardinns who mton< 1 toplaoo thejf daughwri or wards at tlns Institdtiouwi 1 m fe^Mrsby, • s3-tf ; Principal and Superintendent, STREET COLLEOTATE INOTI >i f M.'»i ; d.STf>IOSEPH’S COltE XAjVN.Y-conwror F(f,BERT nid JUNIPERBts StudiMwUlbe resumed- on.-MONDAY, 6thi Annie churchman has remold school, to. no. dm •FKANKEfn 'BW«t,' above -Poplar. Term Commence! SeptamtarSth.,;- /, ~ - - , tr- aal9-lm*r -X>EYANT « STRATTON'S NATIONAL Mf».York,..Buffalo, Cljv.lwxd, and CSioa*o, :P o r in ffflrmatliW. w«rtutnd focCataliwne., 1 .- ,frp-tf CENTRAL INSTITUTEi N.iWb CORNER and feama. oardeH street!, trill - -- iffillfeVAt^f.TPrihcipft], fILASSiC?AL; INSTITUTE, , m &u» THEOePmtSWN ACADEMY WILL A -jmmb ,oti MONDAY] September 4th, It®.. The S 5& 1 am<-fiw? J f’, yy; m ■ •>'- i t.-. • -.. Principal." IRIfctENDSL vA OA D WHY. FOR: BOYS, lA'.'bait of « North ELEVENTH Street, jriUiiopen the eth init. All denuminationi admitted. <l3 per TefaofB veelU.’. ■ - r .. . I , | il«», o. : - v -.i ■ ■...,. vm.WHITALL, 1 pIAMILY CHOCOLATE r 11 -' •■- ' kahqfactllTeraildJmportorir; • ’ • ®rIMANTELS,! fcJUchOliand.rooit Beautiful .Speoiinjnß, of jsnameded elate Mantels, ever offered for ,t»le in this country Pennsylvania Slats :-Plffrtr 1 -';■• ■ L . ICtn.OBBBTWUTBtreet.,. f |gig^^p. : ;!pps for arainiand water oonduotors. -Imported nnd for sol* by •- - - .. t f ;fi»AYANA -CIGARS .offered' to dealers “ '■*«, il iSftfiwilo' ibtoit, o( tfttfoo? rises and. brands, in- W*tte*>armn*d Plftpta jle.n.: Tb<tftPlfrsUßß Mltflr hM Etna SW*T, Ifted, Codes Igpi :i 1 ; ■££; '• «^ --KowJaoWratopaii^aoiltLßECGNOStreet, * *»«r c!);1( iSENNSYI^ANtA^STATS'AGRIC®' TURAI. SOCIETY EXHIBiTIftNi-Tho NINTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the PENNSYLVANIA iWEDNESDAY. THURSyAY, and FRIDAY, the 27th, '23th,29th,nndSothdaya next. On them ;of September, the Becretary tviH remove lo tho Rooms the PldUdelrkiaSoQietrlor the promotion of Agncul toroWEwl??K Letters addressed to the SeoreWifyi at Harrisburg, to A. 0. HEISTER, Boo’y.T 1 , 0 , fflEv&T-'tFeiMllzaMO ' VOTICE ri HEREBY GIVEN 'that ap *• v nlioation has l»een made for a re-issue of Certifi cate No. ICO of (iBRMANTOWN GAS BTOOK, Five i jares, in the name of Dr. T, p. BETTON, dated Janu nry ad, WM, tho .om. hnno^gl^oj FhUndnlphin. luno ffl. tsfli * l% °™ “fe^SSS,' Not 1 ! cif-i-UEPartment oe suu -OoRVEYOR??f,iC!B PiULAnxLpmAj Bept. s.lB69.—Duplioate Plans of tho EIGHTH BEC'UQH oi Ihfi Surrey and Rexulatioa of 10 , bn^ rl ® avenue, Southward nr Allegheny avenue. Eastward by Fifteenth street, and westwardlyr Thirtieth street, or-wisaaniCkoo street, Southeastward byLocnnare nuerand Southwestward -by the river BehuylkUl, and 'of-Blookfeivan the Twentptoarth ward, bounded Northward* by. uolumlifa avenue, Southward by UcYerford road and Torr isve nue, Eastward by Fifty-sixth street, and Westward by f ixty-sixth street, are,now prepared for publie insoeo on at:thei Offices of BURYEYORB ,and REGULA TORS or thbElitiith add Eleventh Burvey'Diitnots, and at the Office of this Department. City Building, FIFTH below Walnut street j arid,the Board of Surveyors have appointed MONDAY* Hie Htnmstant', at 100 oiook A. U.f to consider any objeotions that may bo urged thereto hr an, oitiaen intomalod fe^ ANl) KNEAf)B , sf-dUffth. , _ Chief Engineer and Surveyor. NGTI6F.2-lDe^erf f :Tn Good- y, ea CAT. Pa^n > yuloanised .Rubber , Suspenders, Imidsiwebs, anCau CtherdabrioiLand aytmiew made fcombmins fibrous substsnoeß w th threads or sheets vulcanized rubber, are notified hat unless the same are properly stampedxir labelled w th my name, and by my authority, they c&hnotLe legal y disposed bf in the Jmted States. Alerobants and dealers are invited to ex amine specimens hPW,tn store, and to give their orders or the oprine Trade loihe‘Unaertlgneu, EXCLUSIVE OWNER OF THE TITLEB AND EXCLUSIVE f Sv^dtl|ci§^ 1 TO JMNUEACriIMI nnet SEEL r. c^»; pti:c “ on tBfeo nM-lT • • ■ HORACE H.DAY. XTOTIOB.-i'Eersons .having business with tho FLOUR INSPECTOR will call at'No. u lINK iStnmt/Wtwnfs the'torn of S. o’olqck and 3 ; . M.. where tho, will nod tho Inapecto, or hr, Deonty. F.M.HIESTER..,,. ..... LAUMAN, le!7 j rv? j, ; our ipgpeotor. bread.;; pURE AND CHEAP BREAD, ’ BY’ THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, CAN BB OBTAINBD AT.THE FOLLOWINO PLACES: Mt’dIiiNICALIiAKEnV.S. 'Vf'i cornirof Biiadand’ Vine streets. J.GRAVENSTINE.Jw^w/..B;iW v eqroer of Twelfth and Wallace streets. O.M. ObAßK.^.^,,...Poplar street, below ’• • Tenth. 11. MoREIL.»~* r __ r ~* r .B. E. .corner Sixth and 1 r - » •* -. Coates street.- ‘ MRB. B.BECKw__. r ..No. 405 CallowhiU .* * $ ■:* i>/,f *i jhO-r-street. ii * . 8. PANCOASTNo. 910 Spring Garden JOHN G. NOXEY * Vine street, T: P. SMITHS llihforth FffthsVeet, corner Fifth and Sprucri streets. W. W. MATHEWB.——E. cqrper Eleventh and D. KNIGHT. ilrt«d U !tree?, 0 &loW -Wall GEQItdE GARVIN-i-. ! l.iNol’tiiS Lombard itreet D. COURTNEY. W,, comer Sixteenth 8. R, MASON, .Fourth and Germantown Road. ’ * 8. R.WAN^MAKER—^ street, above Z. LENTZ-L _l.™-.'.icomor'Boiith pirurjh aiKi L. HOLLAND. .8. W! conic rS fifteenth and Ogden streeU. DAVID 6At)DLiER»~~Ui.+No, 2®.North: EtovenUi J. WEIGHTMAN-.~.-~~~ ..S.*E. corner Eleventh and 'Jefferson streets. B.B.TOMKINS,. No. m lWo, North Front ‘ street. ’ * ■’ • • "■ . H.BROOKS, W. corner of Befrenth •• * VafadFinestreets. ,• . > JANE- MYERS,.-**, Coates street, below Thir . . teentn street. K, >l. W>D.™w.u..Bi%.oort* iFrankHnrind • Castea- .eeta. F. MORRIS..—. comer Tenth and J. SHUSTER-..V., corner Broad and, THO&, t. BLEST J JJ-i-loorn6f , NfaSlrtft!»tr«»t , and Ridge avenue. 8v8.,80Y(N.,... ■.........^ and J, McINT YRJS. .v——. Twenty-second street, ah.' • Coatei:'”’' E. W. HUNTER,.Coates street, above Be* , venteenth. AtEX, FULLERTON.—Oornor of Fifth trad Chrii- J, L. HICKS Camden, J., store 119 C. H. al O-b, HAvarford toad» R. L. YARNELL..,,——-*..Lenni, Pernio. s .< • JOHNRARNDT. ««~*TrhmoDt and Fine Grove, , ,• • Popnm - • , M. B. BOX Penna, ' GEO. B. Wpst Chester, Peuna GEO. L. AtlantioCity, N. J. JAMES GARLAND- -—. Cape May, N. 5. D.‘ HORTON...I 1 .,-. Florence, N. J. JOHN Jsa-tf . • ■MECHANICAL BAKERY; S. W. Comer. XTA BROAD And VINE Street*, PmLADEJjPHJAr Thia establishment i* now in eunoessful operation, day and night,and (ill are respectfully invited tocallnndsee the whole primes* 6f bread-making for themselves. 1 . • 'The undersigned takes the liberty of ssarinf , that for thirty-flVe ybars ne has been a practical Dhkof-five as apprentice, and firms journeyman ia one of the first houses in Saotjand.ftflcL twenty-five as master—during wwcn time he Has hsA the opportunity of making mvi r experiments, and observing all the improvement* which have been made dtmng that period. . :in this establishment, of wfiioh he has now the man agement, in addition to the complete labor-saving ma chinery, he has |iowfaolUtie<of many kinds not nereto- Berag unrestrained In the purohase of flour, hone hut : the eoqjndefi and bdsfe shall ever lie used; and ne lias no hesitation.in spying, that Bread of all, kinds can b* de livered, unsurpassed fo quality and weight by. that made I^uS&esS'%cS C tha*B»fcd mad? by.thftMechahica Bakery £&« pot been tried, or Ip which it ha* been tried Dufy* at before the machinery was - perfect working order, are respeotfaUy,asked to give it atttal uowttha undersigned believing it.wpnld4ead to mutual advantage.- * JOHN 0/ MOXBV.s my94-tf Supenntehdent. SAVING RDNDB. OPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO - ? (UoosoUditiQUßank ßnild|jw.r. CHARTERED BV OFPRNN- Pepbsits rboeived in snnis or One Dollar and upwards, Spring Garden Sayings Fond Society " was chartered by, the Legislature n£ Ppnnf y l vania to snpply thuoeceMity. The Managers, {n organiiing add locating It, nave l>e»n governed wholly. Dy a dfliire, to busi- B l svemw*^ a ” dair ' Btefick Klett, 1 '' "■ etephen Smith, i P. Levy. Hon. H.K. Strong# , iei Undarkoffer, .. Frederick Stnoke, iQis Hart, .' Joseph r. LeCTero, i Kesslar, Jr.# ■ • George'Rneoht, ! AwoDDoe*v.„ T».KQI« H*RT. Siffetorr? ‘ ■ 1 loai-lflf : CJAVING/FGND—FIVE PER GENT; IN TKRF.ST.-MATIONAL SAFETY TEUSTiCQM PANY. WALNUT fitre.t, South weiltoornar of TfllflD/ Phil-violphla. looorporotoii bf tlio Stole of Fonu»jlv»- oporf f teiT day from 9'o’olook in the morning till 5 la the evening, and ou r Mouday “V -.: William J.Rked, Secretary, ..,, _ _ _ ostECTone. ftMT 1 tef 1 , , .Robert'Selfridge, , Franois, Lee, * . fSamuelKiAeßton, \ \/> JpeephTflj-kea, C, Londreth Mumifl, Henry Dioenderfer, Money is received and payments made daily, i, /The-invertmenumirroade, In the proVjVicmsbf the ,Charter, m Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Renta, end mUh seeurities as will&l -• wayß tufure seriept,security to the depositor!.'and whlohottpnoiTall.io giye permonenpy and stability to - -TV - hulAi CAVINGFUND.—UNITED STATES £5 trust. COMPANY, corner TJIIRD pad CHEST- Ifyl OhVOS4< t j 1 ~ torn Use dtty 01 deposit the day of withdrinral. PB! , ai,§aHaSS t AL!L% <,k Sf„ , Wf 4w,ht“l oa rffi ujtisleon Kc^lanJ^lretainLandßootlaml, fr H. CRAWFORD FISK, Actuary. ‘ - eelLly - 'I |i V!Alittle, testoften,JlUii^pFpnie.”i : CIRANKLIN SAVING FUND—- , . Depositors* money secured by Government State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mortgagee, Safety better than large profits, consequently mil run norisk with depori totr mprfeyi bat hare jt at Ml times f eady to re nt with 6 per cent, interest to the ovner, u ey have always done. This Company never married or -amyle, &nd J Minors 'can deposit In their own right, and fuoh deposlUfcan be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter eerpetua}* (ncorpay»ad bythe State of Pennsylvania, With authomy to reoeive mo ney from troeteee and executor*. XaRGB AUp BMAIjL;BUMB RECEIVED. Omoe open daily 1 from 9* to 3 o atook, ami on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until So’oUf. DIREOTORg: ' " Japo’bß.Bhjtnnoo,- j. . Oyrue Cadwallader, John Bhindler, Georgeßussell, MMaehi 2 W r Sloan,r. pwanLT. Hyatt, . LewisKhdnbnaar, ** '* Henry I)eianjr, ,k li Nicholfis Kittenhoiue, Nathan fimedley, Ctbu! o*pwai.lXi)k»,TrsMifrer, PI3.fI.TV-- ip ... i. r.l;-1 ADcjlM,M,T«d.iil»l‘ 1 3 eurnpd.” " ’ ' HOTELS. wiiHERILL^^ ▼ f Street West oT- Sixth.—This deservedly favorite plaoe having been purchased hy the undortigned, will hertafter be chnductid on' the mdse eptiGpfisniXiSeAle. The best Game, Oysters, and Refreshments, prepared , in. the choicest style, and finest .Xdquoja, from the mbst popular importing houses, fllWh on bancl. Tiie patronage of the publnm respeotfully Invited 1 « ' V o -JOHNJ.. BARTIUM. tSr Private Rooms for Suppers, Arbitrations, Com mitteeg, Sooieries, (to, :;r < *;, ? sio-itu ,rr«nE UNION, ‘ i 1 • Alt OH STREET, ABOVETHIHI). UPTON S, NF,WOS^ a k UiilI ’ A ' awwsD^o/jboßffilffflS^ife^ll^feMlinMsrch olvloruiua, P.wunfiH Railfcmffi, wßloh noC rlin aha inflUttoWoxjinUf,Ufordi ffhanuid »l,u*nt ri* to all planes of internet in or atant.tha mty, iy fiMm WARM AIRuY'URNAOE, ’” lh - T^fAfM^ ACE . ' »!<>-« a Wl? CHESTNUT Street, INSURANCE COMPANIES. ' NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, established IN ISM. FIRE AND 1 LIW INsURANoIe. HEAD OFFICES: i LONDON/ ‘ksfeRDEEN, 1 EDINDUROH, OLAS- 80W, PHILADKLFUIA. OAFITAD, ®0,a98,800. ANNUAL INCOME UPWARDS OF $1,000,000. Policies guarantied by the unlimited liabilities o nearly 1,000 Shareholders. , , ' Losses promptly adjusted and paid without reference to London, by ; - WILLIAM GETTY, AWN’r FOR THE UNITZD BTATfeS.' , OFFICE,' ‘ PHILADELPHIA , BANK, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE'FOURTH, i •' ' ' l , " 1 kEFERENcfcs. / i'l STUART fc 1 BROTHER, IS Bunk " MYETO, CEaOHORN, A CO., 233 M.rkel rt. “ WMi MAXEE * 00., SS Soulh Front itreet. “ n MoOUTCHEN fc 'COLUNS; S. W. oonwr " Front n-ml New streoti!. “ . SMITH/WII,LIAMS, k 00.. ,1S Mnrlret <l - JAMES QRAHAM * C 0„ Aland »Lftitia«- JOSEPH B. MITCHELL, Ran., Treslde'nt MeobanlCa’ Bank. JAMES DUNLAP. Eaq., Jreaident Union Bank. Hon. WILLIAM A.PORTER. «J, Walnnt Mreat. Into Judge Supreme Court. JyS-tuthkß If THE WASHINGTON FIRE And marine , INSU,RANOE’..COMPAN p FABaUH-AR BUILDINGS, Noi asO VYALNDT STREET, . .. ; PHILADELPHIA.. ’ Incorporated i|i 1557, unde r the General Insurance Law , )t «,- - V* Fcnnsylvannu . , Authorized Cabital~-^~J.$BOO,OOO Subeoribed Capital... « 200,000 Paid up Cabital'. —..—- 114,800 IIfVBSTKD AB FOLLOWS I ' Bond and Mortgagee, first 1ien..50,170; Rank, Railroad* and other Stock* and Se - Cash in Bank~U~ ■ 8,630 ~ ; SIH',BW againit LOBB OR DAMAGE BY-FIRE MERCHANDISE,' HOUSEHOLD 'URNmIRTb, Am AUo.on CARGOBStHd FREIGHT to and Gom all. part* of the world,. And Inland Natlfc*- land Transportation, on favorable tenna. officers;' " - 0.-O. BUTLER.Secretary. . -H/G.RAMiJORGER,ABK»tAnt Secretary, , . DIRECTORS. * • ■ wffisiwaah, •• 1 Henry K.Strong, F.F.Torrey, ’ D. D. Jones,, ; ■ Jno. Tonner, fr&dv ' • marlB-tf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE C 0„ AX INCORPORATED 1810—charter PERPBT JAL. tfo, ?10 WALNUT Street, above Third, ATiiladeiphla, Haying h- large paid-up Capital Stopkand Burplu* In vested In found and available Securities, continue toin *ure on; Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merohaudixe, /easels in Port ana their Cargoes, and other rerspnal Property. AU losses liberally and promptly adjusted,, < S* * . PIAiCTOBS. ? • , Abbott, John T. Lewis, < ohniYelshi Jamos R. Campbell, iK^rX 500 ’ * oSoSoI°AIiBOTT, FtMidenfc THOMAS R, MARIB. Secretary. jaO-ly if IMFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM* DOCK Streets. AsseU, 2fl. INJURES LIVES for the whole term of life-grants auumue? and endowments— purchases life interests in Estate, *aod make* all eoatr&ota depending on the oonUngenoie* or Life. ~ , . They act *« Exeoutors, Administrators, Assignees Trustees, and Guardian*. , , f. , TRUSTEM. 1 " • ! wvyelL-Miller, SAinueiS.Stoker*- . { etuamin Qoates, William Martin, * ’ ichard s. Newbold, James B. McFarland, ! Wi ham p. Hacker, Joseph Hi Trotter, william H/Kern, James Huston, ■ . Samuel 0, Huey. Theophilu* Paulding, Charles Halloweil,. Edmund A. Bouder, Henry 0, Townsend* Daniel L. Htttohinsoa# ■ Rodolphus Kent, > John W. Hornor, , william It. Carr, , Ellis S. Archer, • Warner Ma RaSin, John O. Brenner, P, S. Mich or, Easton. Johit W. Hobnob. Secretary. aulS-ly THE QUAKER , CITY INSURANCE. COMPANI', PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 408 WALNUT Street. S CHARTER PERPETUAL. MARINE V AND inland INSURANCE'.; ranee, liroitea.ana perpetual, on Buildings afid Merchandise of all descriptions. « . Marino Iniuranee, inland and Ocean, on VeMea, Freight and Cargo to and from all parts of the World.' OVVIOBBS, SSBSS. DIBKCTOBB. George H. Hart, E. W. Railev. anl tvelaware mutuad safety IN O* „ MARINE INSURANCE - *i ON VEB3ELS, ] CARGO, > To all parts of the World, P 1 ''INLAND INSURANOH - Ob Goods, by River. Canals, Lakes, nnd Land Carriage , .• „ . pffl'YSJSftife. On Merohandiso generally. oaau,rf smroYWc%%PANY. November 1,1868. - Par. _ ...... Itfartri Valgi. $103,000, Philadelphia City 6 V oe»t, LoaD„..$lO,l4«:(0 State Loans... 104,425100 s9o,oos,U.s.Treasuryi»4rc?nl.Votes.,,. 80,1 U’M $60,000, Pennsylvania jKailroad id Mortgage _ „ 6 V oent Bonds /.TT. (6, 97000 $20,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort~ ! • um f° Company, interest and princinS [ guarantied by the oity of Phila- i -■ aelphiA.. OO $3,000,100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad \ -$O,OOO, WOshares a fiort’h Pen nsy i vania Kali - S37 | w road Company 850 00 sM6o,Bandry shares Philadelphia loa i . Boat CorapaoT, Havre de Grace 1 Steam Tow Boat Company, Sa- • , ■ ? vanuah Steam Nayigation.ftom ■ } ' Mny,andPhlladelphia.ExohSaft Company ‘j&Qioo ?or?ds Gqd hnJ Roal Estate, O;- ‘ fl ; ficeßuilding....... 71Af1595 Bills receivable for Insurances made 201,664 86 Balance due at Agencies—Premiums on Ma ; 81,28* 1 Scrip and stock of sundry Insurance Compa nies. .. OO Cash on Deposit in Bank. 43,057 85 . , DIRKC William Martin, J Joseph H. Ssal, Edmund A. John Ci Davis, John R, Penrose, George G. Lciper, Edwnrd Darlington, . Dr. n. M. Huston, william C. Ludwig, ©efß;* I"** 1 "** - • H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P, Jones, W7LLIA HENRY LYLBUm 3 8eci Jam«« G, Hand. , r Theophllus Paulding, Traqaair. ’ William pyre, Jr„ I J.F.Pemeton, Joshua P. Eyre, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Bloan*. James B. M’Farland, * Thomas C. llnnd,, . t Robert Burton, • j John B, Semple, FitUp’g, D.T. Morgan, «“* J. T.Loznu, “ Si MARTIN, President HAND, Vioe President, rotary. , ,rah3fi-dtr Fame insurance company*-no. 411 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA./ INCORPORATED BTATE : oF , • CONFINED TOjFJRB AND INLAND RISKS^ ' ‘ ’ niBBCTOBSI' Samurl Wright of Wright, Bros., k Co. Wu.liah W, Waltbrs, Wriuam Ryan fc Co. Chahles 3. C. HoWe k Co. Gbobob A. Wr5t....... west,Fobes. A Lloyd, i Babclat Lippihcott.„ Lippiuoott, Hunter, A Sdott Jacob W. 8t00j.., „ Chsffees. Stout, k Co. . Hbnry Lewis, Jr..Lewis,Bros., * Co, David D. Bibnbt Davis k Birner. s A. H.RossraißiM Rosenheim. Brooks, k Co, John B, Ellison. John B.Ellison k 80ns. , , John W.Evbbmax...*. John W. Evennan k Co, WILLUMsmWoMfe’ 8 TSftt TNSURANCJI COMPANY OF 'PHE (NOS. { Chartered fn 1794—Capital $200,000-Assets, January 1, Uw,8347t448-ftMDO.- - ' - f All invested in sound and available securities--bon-’ tmue to insure onVessels and Cargoes,Buildings,Stocks of Alerohandiee, ko,< on IlberaHsnns. ; r . k_ v. „ * .jHRECTORSi - . » p Henry IVBTierrerd; * George Hi Stuart* - Iw&w. • =■ *! ypm 8. Smith, , Thomas B/Watuon, j Johnß.Budd, Henry O. Freeman, Wilbamß. Wfajttu "jQbftrwff.Lewis, (feprgd 0. Cation. tarnttam SRERpßD,President. , wIILTAM HATlPKß.fieoratttrf/ ieO-wfmtf rtUIE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU -X ,RANGE COMPANY, . . _OV FIffLADXU’RfA, ’ „ <OB .WALN UT street. Thl* Company jnsdrctasalnrt Lom or Damage by F rd on Pubfio and Private Jaildinss, Furniture, Stocks olGoods, and MetohSndfee generally! 1 The tonowiug provisloq In the Policies of this Com fateraf* 4^*** I** 1 ** their security when col- This polioy shall not be invalidated, or in flriy wise affected, after its assignment as a collateral security to a grounu-rent. or mortgage, and the approval ofsudli as signment by the office, by any transferor conveyance of .tap mortgaged Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John Hufme, Robert Cfarko, ' if? 110 8 i Waterman, David Salomon, . -Edward 0. James, William Vamlsrvser r Joseph Janney, Theodore Ouyler, 'HWfeJrs‘ ' / s > . WM/VaNDERVEBR, Vice President. GriiXSr B.BTKRtin/t. aeoroterw. rorT-t? Howard fire and marine insu RANGE COMPANY, No, ,U WALNUT Strutt A; J. Buoknor, 0. K. Spangler, . Shaw. Sexton, Hi H. Houston, william Kaiguel, Wm. IT. Love, ' Edwin' Boi?th, Charles P. Norton, John Garrison, „ Zsaao Jttyer, E. 8. Warne. President—THOMAS L. LTJDERB. Vice President—E. 8. WARNK. Seorptnry—CHAßLES A.DuY. delg f&g, SALAMANDER SAFES, Hj| ■ WATBO«'B PhTl A DKLFHIA M A N U P A 0 T URED For Bunks and Stores, BANK LOCKS, IRON BOORS, SHUTTERS, to., , OiiM,oodtBrnn "k.onr lo tl.e U “- EVaW A watSoN, No,M Sooth FOURTH Stru.t, . FhiljtdutbbUL PLEASE GIVE U 8 A CALL, < . optS tf BAItKOAD LINES. fSSmPtBBBBHa PHILADELPHIA ANU pyMßffpsasiiaic Pfueenger train* will leave the Philadelphia and Read i pg Railroad Depot.eoruer BROAD and VINE otrecls, % ch iw , li!wauk«e,Tlook St. Faul’s, 1 \ho 7JSO A. M. and U 0 P. M. trains run th rough - to stopping at all Stations on the Le &non The 7Jo A. M. train ©onnects, at Rupert for Wilkes . Baggage checked to Elnura, Bufialo, and Suspension Bridge, ,-i < ol SIXTH and LHLSTNIjT Streets, and at the Passen ”rD®k«! IMsTOIShT THAIS SuuM>MB*l?or j^ombf^-utud North,°at r |ip.'%’. . Fr.illif. mint, W uslivared bifora 3 P. if. to ituur. * For iartUor fufariii.iibiii iippljr or > 1L W. oorner SIXTH and oriESTNUT Blreels, 001-tf Philadelphia. NEW WEST CUES AKD wuladelphia CHANGE OF HOURS. . On anti after Bept, 4th, 18W, the uajns will leave Phi ladelphia, from tno, Btation, N. E. corner of EIGH TEEwTAand MARKET Streets,at 7.W and OAO A. M;, andat2.3oandfl.jgP. M. ( ,^FL/lt^e?2!^teil: S A B )5!: 0 . n na 0 ?JA 8 S myffl-tf General Superintendent. TTm iiwri ir imrai CHANGE OP HOURS. 1 ti PASSENGER atB.lB A. M., 12 noou,(Express,) and; "jor Qhlater At B.IC A. M-, U noon, 4 and IUO F. 51. I Fm Wilmington at 8.15 A.M., 12,4, And 11.10 P, M. ' For New Castle at &1S A. M., and 4 r, M. I For Middletown at 0.16 A. M., and 4 P. M. t For Dover at 8.30 A. M.. and 4 P. M, For SeofoTd at 6.16 A. M. Fof Milford at 4 ?. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore M6AO A. M., (Express,l9.4o A.M., and6J6P.M. Leave Wilmington at fI.M A. M, andQ.aO A. M., 1.10 and 8.40 P. M. !eave New Castle at 8.45 A. M., and 8 F. M, eave Middletown at 7AO A. M. nnd S.CO P. M. save Doveb at 8.50 Ai M., and 5.40 P. M. eave Milford At 6.80 A. M. eavo Saaford at 2.85 F. M. eave Chester at 7.44,9.60 A. M., 1.45 and 9.16 P. M* eAve Baltimore for Seaford and Delaware Railroad &t<L9QA, M, , , TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater ar 8.48 A. M., and 11.40 P. M. .Leave Wilmington at 9.20 A. M., 12A3 ?. M. t and 19.20 ‘ * ‘ SUNDAYS 4 Only at ILIOP. M.,fronJ Philadelphia to,Baltimore., ■ . will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia,for Perryvilie and intermediate places at 6.45 F. M. Leave Wilmington .for Perryvilie and intermediate places 6t 7.25 p. M. ‘ , 1 Leave Havre-de-Graea forßaltimore andintermediatb plaoes at_6»4o A. M. _ Leave Baltimore for and intermediate places aLILfO P* M. - Lodye wilmingtod for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 8.48 P. M. . Jy9 8. M. FBLTON. President l RSTte. nm.i»in«ii FH[I,AD£LPHIA,O£R TOW^^^^MUMMKRAHHA A f!"oESE?i¥f£ On and after Monday, Mnt 9th farther notioe. liehve Philadelphia 4?/, ■ 8. BV, min., 10, 11K, 12, A. M., 3,2.9, B>4, 4,6, , 6, 7. 8,1, 111. and 11 F. M. i Leave Germantownfi, 7,7«, 8, sk, 9,10,11, A. M., UGf, I ,M,4,M,W,7^ a P.|| _Leave Philadelphia 9.08 min. A. M., 9,8,0,7 Hi and 10K E. M. . Leave Gernumtown&lO rain. A. M.,1.10 min M 4, 6)4, “ d ’ CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. LeavePhiliulelphia 6,8,0%, U A. M„ 3, Hi, 4,8#, 6, 9, 1 LeavechestmitHill7.lo, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11A8 A. M., 12.49,8.40,6.40,7.10,8.40.10,10 P. M. Orf SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia9.os min. A- M., 2,6. and 73i P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.60 A. M., uio, 6.10, and 8.68 ” , FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,8.05 min., 10.05, min., 11>4 A. M., M. 3, m . * ’ , l ," . ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 5 and 4 P. &L K.VO a P. si?' L*av© Philadelphia 6, 7.05 min., 8.06 min., 9V, 1008 rmngju* A. M., 1.08 min., 106 min., 6.06 mTa;, *Ht 6M, Leave ManayunkeV, 7Xtav. 9H, IQX, \IH A. M., l>g, 3.05 nun., 4,0, 6}£t 8/ 9j>s mm. p. M. , ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3.4 PM. ' / Leave Manayunk 7X A. Mm 1>», 6X, «ii P. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, myT , DEPOT, NljilTH and GREEN HtreeU. fTllffi FENNSYLVANIA OENTBAL A RAILHOAD. 1859. Mwmmm 1859. THE CAPACITY tfSgftggtfM EftUAL TO THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN, PHILApELFHrA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and aHpointa East, and at the Union .Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Cm* einnati, SLLoan, Oleveland, Chicago, BorUntton, St. Paul s, Indianapolis, Louisville, New Orleans, and all Intermediate points in uhin, Indiana. Illinois, Kentuc ky, Ml bhl gan .Wisconsin, Minnesota. Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and com*, fort by any other route,. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train: Woodruff lm"fe c |sN , s %sf£?M! , .W«fe > Sk leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. Fast Line “ ~ IUOA.M. Express Train leaves . “ loio p. „ WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWOI Parkesburg Accommodation at 11 A.M. Harruhurg Acoommodation, via Colnmbia,loo P. M. Columbia „ - 4.30 P.M. Passengers for West Ohestor will take the Mail, Parkeiburg, and I«anpat(er Trains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Fattenier rftation, , Passengers for tiunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, BpfTa lo, NlfttarftFflUi.audmtprmediate points.loaving Phila delphia at f. 15 A. M>, ana 2 P/M., go directly through. nlSrtf* lB y r^lf a 5 d , 1E ffi7 be,obtained &t the effice of the Company in PhiiAdelphfa, New York, Boston, or Bal any of the important Railroad Offices in the West; also on board any of the l&tuarLine Q f steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio siH-kmfiffew The ooanection of Uaoka by the Railroad Bridge et Pittsburg, avoiding ail drayage or ferriage of Froight, together with the savin* of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of freight ana. the Travelling „!* « FRBIOHTB WESTWARD. J . Br this Route Freight* of an deeenptions oaj) be for warded from PhiladelpniaJfpw Yqrk.&ostop.qr Balti more, to any poiut on the,Railroads of Qhio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wifoonsiu, lowa, or.Mt«gouri, by Rail- The Pennsylvania Railroad ateo ooijnpcts at fittsborg with Steamera, by whioh Goods can he forwaoJefl to any port onthe Ohio, Mnskittgnpi, .Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, Miuißsippi, Wisconsin, Misouri, Kansoj, Arknnsasi.andßed Riversi and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago, with Steamers to all ports on the Northwesters Lokes.. . . . hbrohont* and Shippers entrusting the transportation oflheir Freight to this Company, oan rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT toany point in the West by the Peons; Wania Railroad are at all times as favora ble as are chnyged by other Railroad Companies. B3w Be particular to mark packages “ via Fenna. Rail- MeVchantsln the Weitorderifjg gwidf fromthe.East, Will do well to direct them to be shipped for this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to,or addresseither of the following Agent* of the Com- PMjri $! A. STEWART. Pittsburg: Doyle k Co..E toybenvjUe.O.: H.S.Piercc k Co., Zsnes vilfe, o.*, J. J. Johiwttn, Ripley, Q.t R. hfoNeely, Ma;t ville, Ky.; Ormsby A Cropper, Portsmouth, O.; Paddock k Cq., JellerBonviUd, Indiana; H. W. Brown Sc Co., Cincmaati.O.t Athern k Htbbert, Cincinnati, O.t R.C, Moldrom, Madison, Ind.r-WiUi*m Bsdkham,lxmisnlle, Ky.; P, St Co., EvansvjlleTlml.j N. W. Gra bnm k Co., Cairo, 111.; fti F. goes, St Louis, Mo.; John K. Harris, Noahville,T e pp-J Jforns A Hunt. Memphis, Tetm.;.Clarke A Oo.uGhiaaco, ill.; W. K.H. Koonts, Alton, 1114 Murphy A while, Dubuque, 9).; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different pointy m the West. Parties attending to their own ihipmonts front tho East, will find U to their intejre*t to oall on the Agentsof tho Company, at4!ie foßowins places shipping; or mteit addressed eithsMif twOGJJ thasuhfeotof UKEOH k CO., aA«tor§ou«o”or , * r N°hKS"tt!ffl.y. WEC K»i|;i;ateM r ,r M , 1.. L. HOUPT. DeoM Ti.Y.t Jigtnt, FhiU. THOB. A. BCOTTI Oen’l Bup f t, Alloon*. Pv UUt $6993M7Q 1859. Ms&tmsm 1859 DELPHI A AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO’S LINKS. F-ROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WA>%PLACEB, _ IROM WAbAUT-STRSKT WHAKP, Ambor, Oo,n. k AtM. ABK *' Accommodation .. 82 SS At 6 A. M.» via Camden and Jersey City, (New JerseilAoqommodation 2a A idafl Camden end Jersey City, Morning At 11 A. &C bV-kleainbo&t' via Taoony'aod Jersey , City, Morning Express 300 Atl P,M.; via Camden and A|uboy, C. & A. Ex- Afslfp.M.', V'y Steamboat, vla Tacony and JeV- soy City. Evening Express 3 qq At3)J r. Di.-bySteamlMwit, via Taopny anu Jer *eyClt/,2d Class Tickot..... 2 20 At 6 P.M., via Camden and Jersey City Evening Mai 1..... 500 AL, via CamdW Jersey fylfot At2V P. M, via Garmieunnd Amboy',YceomodaUon, (Freight and Passenger—lst Class Tiokec. aw _ . 2d Class Ticket. ICO At,o P. M„ via Camdenand Amboy, Accommodation, (l'teightand Paueuger>—lstClassTiokeb a 25 .... 3d Class Ticket 175 The OP. M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Night Mail, Saturdays excepted. ljeivulera, Easton, Flemmgtop, Ac., at 8 A.M. ForwaterGap.Stroudsburg, Soranton,Wllkeibarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac..at 6 A. M., via Delaware, Laekayrunua, and Western Railroad. Fur Freehold, at 0 A, M. and a P. J|f. f lJjr Mount Holly, at 6 aud BA. M„ at}d 4K, and 6 * * . m WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, &o, at 3Xand<H P, M„ from Walniit-atreotwhiiff. tf r ‘ Tlr : Steamboat John ijeilson, % Taoony at 11 A.M..and for Bordofatdwij and intermediate places at BJ* i’. jtf. Steamboat Trenton, mr Tacony at 8X A. M.,nnd for urging ton, and intermediate plaoes, at 12 AI, Fifty pouiltls of bagsago only allowed each passenger, Passenyers are prohibited from tAk nx anythiny a* Jwr gake but their wearing apparel. All fmxgago over fifty pounds tube Mid fo? extra. The company limit their responsibility for Mxgage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable tor any amount mimou 4'iwi.oxoept by spocmloontraot. : June L WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. PS.PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD, MOIINTNo LINE, for POTTSViLIE, nEAD- Lcnvea.th# of BKOAD » n il VINE ?OTTO'VItLlfHA'itlfJ& pQ)nti,cQmiacting at Harrisburg with trams runniDg to Pittsburg, Cb&mtarslmTte. CtvrlislejfiunbuTy, &q, HA®lSBfeWG* “*' ILY * for POXTSVILLE and , bL, DAILY, (SnndiH.xoepted.lfor READ ING, and mterisiedidta pomu, «P» V. If. gcIL MH*IY. Sapretarr. Bg« | CAMDEN AND AT - 7JO A. M.‘ v ' N ' $ Sr rp*-„ JA.M. K^<iTrip'Vwu>tVo"i L. r „ v4-.tr » A I T „,A M . tl\o r ¥olnt,' ”” laaaiutotl lot bjlhoir Eroiabt Aaantat ...‘’•'"V JOHN 0. BRYANT, Aeent IJAY RUM.—S puncheons very superior : Utf * 7 BAIX.ROAU riNES, RO W^. 8v ' n ’ issfewd, * aa&rv .' il»verf>fl Intersection. ' N.wtraii'. Gaou.town, Wj||i(ipu»orti MiUer.town, Miinoy, HallfaSt w J&!ju«Uo». ALSO* « RA?z!fisAs' and all Intermeam point! on EANO YRR WjM&lJ&Pt to Freight fcttinn. THIRTEENTH and MARKET Street*, will bo •romptly forwarded. IrMm , R. J. BNBBQKK. Ftffisht Ageofc fvmris&s™ On and. After MONDAY, May 15th, Ufi9. Passenger Tralnajrill leave FRONT and WILLOW, Street*, Phi i tedelpbia, DAlLY»(Sundays excepted:) 1 >or Bethlehem, Allentown. Msuob Chunk, Wilkes barre. Haielton, &c.,(Express,) *L9AO A. M. Forßetlilebenit<Expreu.)at4P. bL • , ForDoylostow* (Accommodation,) at MB A. M. and For Port Washington, (Accommodation,) at 3.1 S P, M. and 9>w r< M. pave 1 4.10 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at aJO A. St and 4 P.M. m Leave Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 6JO A. M.ands.s& p.m. „ L . ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 9 A. M. and S P. M. Porlestown, forPhtlads., atffJOA. M.andJ.43 P. M. < Fare to Bethlehem, s}Jsi to Mauch Chunk. 92.60; to' Eaaton, 91 AO; to Doylestown,BooentajtoWukeiborrer, 9»AO. , All Passenger Train* (except Bunday Traintjcon ieotat Borha street with Fifth And Sixth-streets, and Second and Thint-afreet* Passenger Railroads, Passengers for Wilkesbarre take 9JO A. Murrain, and arrive inWilkesb&rre atTr.'M. wH . -•. ELLIS CLARK. Aiept* NOTICE.—CHESTER RAILROAD-PAS-1 B ( fe,NQM‘T^TSBFS)tDOWNINGTOWNaND W TKRm EDI At B ATATIONB.—On and after latJannary, 1600, the Passenger Trains for BOWNINGTOWNTwiIIj start from the Passenger Depot-of the Philadelphia and ?f?fe n itre\la roMl * t % npany,< ?omer of BROAD and’ TRAIN for Dotmingtown, leave* at 7JO TRAIN for Downlngto*n, leaves at' DAILY (Sundays excepted.) . * £&iSftf;. 0 /& a i? 06 Jn 0 *ManagprsofthePhiladelphia ana Reading Railroad Company. <l3O . Vf. H. McILHKNNY. Scoratetr. BVMMEH RESORTS. KITTATINNVT- HOUSE, , • ... DEL AW ARB WATER OAF. This place having been so crowded, until within a few days, as to prevent many person* from obtaining accom modations’, we Proprietor nqw-apnounoes to such, and to those who wish to spend a few days or weeks donpg the delightful autumnal season, thstthoy can be accom modated with comfortable rooms. The months of Sep tember and October arenot only the moitplßasaritse&son at the Gap,” but anord the additiottai aport.of fine ‘Wseaagers leave WaLNUT- Pwl 6 n* ” i Q } b ® morning, and arrive at the Gap at liK o’clook same day; or by the North Penn srlvania to Huston in the afternoon, and arrive atlas Gap next day at Uii o'clock. * m2Mw L. W, BRQDHEAD, Proprietor. '■MURRAY HOUMB, i\ , Ju • J NEWARK, OHIO, , I* the largest and be 4 arranged Hotel in central Ohio, is centrally located and is easy of oooeas from all the routes Of travel.. It contains all the modern improve ments, and every convenience'for the comfort and ac commodation of the travelling public. The Steeping Rooms are large and well ventilated. The Btdteeol Rooms are well arranged and carefaltT furnished for families and lane travelling parties; and the Hshuo will be kept a* a fim-olast 0 gngg-am Proprietors. gE A BATHlNG— or&°pi^'\sxM§¥& f z ■... hi. friend, who may f»yof him with their patronate daring the Muon. . leaa-im , , . . THOB.O. OARBETT. LEGAL, IN 0®! ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE. CITY AND COUNTY- OP PHILADELPHIA. I „ Eetate of,WILLIAM KEYSER, Deeeaaed. The Auditor appointed by the Coart to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Sarah Keyser and Andrew Miller, Executors of the test vriJl and testament or Wil liam Keyser, late of Rising Sup, county of Philadelphia, deceased, and make distribution of the balance iu the hands of the accountants, will meet the parties inter ested. for the .purposes of his appointment, on mOV DAY, September 26th, 1859, at 4 P. M., af his Omoe, No. m WALNUTBtreet, eity oS ER^ elk-rowfßt ' Auditor. IN TIIB'ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND OOUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. . Estate of ALEXANDER HALL, Deceased. sur citation io surety oi former Administrator to file an account. Tho Auditor Appointed by the Court to state an ac count of the said surety, In conformity with said cita tion, will attehd to the duties of bis appointment on s9-fmwW* • GEORGE W, THORN, Aoditor; MUNICIPAL CLAIMS. Notice is hereby given to the owners of the properties mentioned in the appended memoranda of Claims, that wnts of,scire, facias will be issued thereon, in thrpe months from the date hereof, unless the same are paid on or be fo.e that time, / WILLIAM D. KELLEY. Attorney for Chaimants, „ , 411 CHESTNUT Street. PuiLAbxLrnu, June 29,1859. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PI.EAB FOR THE _ CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. The City of Philadelphia to the use of Jsonh Bartholo mew vs. Lay &. Brother, owners or rprqted owners, or J hoover may. be owners, Common Pleas, December erm.WW, No.affl, Paving, 91G3 99. Lot on the west side of Church street,s7 feet 5 mcMs south of Franklin street. 106 feet by 104 feet. In the First ward. Same vs. John Alexander, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be otyner. Common Pleas, March Term, 1669. No, 17j. Faviug, 960 SlTLot on the east side of Church street. 338 feeUOinohes north of Moore street. In the First ward. Same vs. George P. Johnson, owner or reputed owner, or whoever maybe owner. Common Pleas, March Term, JBS9. No. 172. Paving. 9113 15. Lot on the southwest corner of Church and Reed streets, In the First ward, Je»-wlst PIANOS. (fISSJftM CHICRERING & SONS, uTTm _ MAXCViCTtrBSBS ov AND UPRIGHT . WAREROOMB W 7 STREET, store a terse stock or our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS. We have been awarded, at the diflerent Exhibitions in this country ana a/tO I'kNT R PIRST -° LASS MED^Ls.^ fCmtn RAVEN, BACON,-* CoJtt, iTTTTI SJsmi t Clatk’a,Hollatt, D»vo,, & Go.’,, and A. H. Oa’e Jc Co. * superior PIANOS. Also , Ala- MELODEONS and HAR MONIUMS, to dasiraole for Chbtohes and Leo tore Rooms. tgT Pianos and Melodeo ll * W Rfint E 00 myU-ly SEVENTH and o£[ls¥n?T. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN k 00„ IA9I CHESTNUT street, respeotfullv invite the musid loving public to call and examine their new and suc cessful improvement— _ _ THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Fmno into that of a Square instrument, avoiding all the objections generally made to the style of Grand Piano, also diminishing the coot of the same. In volume, purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, nnd evenness of touch, With exquisite deli cacy ana »weßlness,th«Be_ BUPKRIOR AND IN , BTRUMENTB - are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums, are pronounced by orifips to U far su perior td any mstmments ever manulactureu in tine on band, a large and elegant assortment of our uorivafled PIANOS, we have been auranled tho r irst J'remiuins, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding the Prize Mean! from the Orystal Palace Exhi bition. Now York. 1663. sel-tf MEDICINAL. T OmSYILLB ARTESIAN WATER- 41-i An analysis, by Prof. J. L. SMITH, shows one gallon to cqotftin e)<>« grqms. ee follows, vjy? Chlor. Sodturn oSgra Sulph. Magnesia.. 77.00 grs. Caloium W“ ‘‘ Potash 8 00 ° G Magneylypt... 7 M “ Alumina. . auo !! »Zn.::i): » Phospb. Boda., Di-oarb. Iron oij “ • W “ Magnesia. -S-W “ Sold by the*barrel,'gallon, or in bottles, wholesale and retail, by HAbSARI) k CO., Apothecaries, auW-tf CHESTNUT St., cor. Twelfth st. ANOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER* -tS. FUL EFFECTS OF TROX£LL»fI NEURALGIA SALVE, . . Pnit a., July 7 th, ISM. Mr. E. w.Txoxxtt—Dear Sir;—l have been troubled with the the last 14 years, and have suffered the most axoruolating pain, compelling me at timeeto give up my busiaesseatirely. 1 could not eat, and sleep was a stranger to my eyes.- I suffered more-than tongues can tell, I had the aqviee and awl ol papers, I oonoludeato c&u op. a porepn whom i had learned was, oured of a ease of® year* standing-.He applied the “ SALVE” byt onoe, and I felt immediate relief—a second application removed the pain entirely, and I now feel like a different man* Bince then! have slept well—something that 1 have not dene for month*, being obliged to sit up all night in a chair. My appetite hfls returned, and I reel grateful to yon for the rpetora- ‘ loa ’Ldßte^fe^sas,,, CoJiiN. Tpiro aftfl w sis. > affi-tf Dr. wmcoTT's oblebrated tar CORDIAL. Westeott s Tar Cordial cures Consumption. Westoott's Tar Cordja) cures Brooclulis. - Weitoott i Tar Cordial oures Coughs and Cold* Westoott’e Tar Cordial cure* Sore Throat and Breast, Westoott e Tax Cordial oures . Palpitation or the Heart. Westoott** Tor Cordial oures Nervous Debibty, Westcott’a Tar Cordmi oures General Debility. . Westpott fl Tdf Cprdial oßros Digdayea of the Kidasyt, aniiaravsl. Westoott’s Tar Cordial oures Blind and Bleeding westoott's Tar Cordial oures Female Weaknesses. Dr. WMtcqtt’* far Cordial No. <3B ARCH AlsnlfnncttftFDepot for Dr. We«tcottVAati-So;ofh ‘“"d^O. I WWa on ,h. .W. WINES AND, LIQIJORS. PARD.—MAREUIL--SUR-AY {GUAM- V PAMB,JitoA»V j,, 1869,--Tn oon6e, B enD, o! th» fr64ii«n( mviMtipn, rte«ivej hy ins in rimew the jhipmetits m In, CliMtlPS.s. Yiine.loHiaL’nited Sl»to>, I bsg isft v , n«r,by to iftfonn my formor customer, sno United States, for the sale of ray Champagne wines. |?y Wine* have been so long ana favorably known in the United otatei, it will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, farther than to say that my new shipments mil in no wtj W lon# mftrfo Will. Iprm.r oner BILLEOART Salmon® CJfAMtAGNB 'WIVES, botli CABfNET «r,d for ■»!« olnl coal .tootly oo 4 c npff-dm at BEAVER SueeL New Yqtll » I^JLARET,—IOU ettaes Bftrton & Guestier’s Vil SU J alien; 300. do. St. Kstephe: (too d<j. Wnshinjg tod Atorton Bt. Julien r 100 do. do.Tafence. pinto; M do. Chateau La Rose i fiO do. qq. LeoY»y? Ai*> i« etone and ilase; Yaunsere. Harvers, Falkirk Brown Btoutand London Kv*€r-in store and fnr safe by aug A- MERINO. ]4O South PRONT Street. CABINET WARE, . CABINET FURNITURE and BILLIARD V/ tables, MOORE & CAMPION. No- Ml SOUTH SECOND STREET, \jx connection with their extensive Cabinet Business, are now manufacturing a superior article of it billiard tables. which are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to Bllathefe. „ Far the quality and finish of theia Tables the manu yol‘k- feW-Sro HAMS!. HAMS! HAMS! 4rrin! ' lot «»*»tlF»r ou«il Hum., SAX.ES BV AUCTION. piJRNESS. BKINLEY, * CO.’. *■ , No. *33 MARKET STREET. • - T sale . A CARD.—'The«ijeofstairlh'thi«<Wsdßs*day)inort»-. iog, Kept. 14th. at Jtf o’clock, com* pad* 4fill and largf Miortrapatof the most ftform jfMfoTttouuip* fecture and iroportAtlpn of Msifre. Ifr H*fth«*ma aTCoa to which) the particular attention of tbs trade a re quested. r • « r* NOTICE TO RETAELERa-Ifl >«*!* this morninf will be found" ’ rl * A full line of Pam black motielm deUlnehkawl*.' Do , do . „ Cashmpreanajitertßado. Do doublp twilled manno ion* *ha¥&. d° , Paris and Vienna bh»neiea*re and long do, •&, .«p?Mi r o Sf?£ l , b . : • Do , P»n.dtmb i -fMedßerUn»iß)»»nell»»h»lrb, I>v -rapArquflitj Ul-.wi plaid Itmi do. Do goW-bordor pruned Cwhraoro .ml Teikeri 001 ’jlZroe AND SPECIAL SHAWL SALE. ofth 9W dfc.ur^n^ L , f . To bo .old b J UR^ ESg) Bojsj.gY, t CO.. At their Auction Rooms, No. 459 Market street. Tidi Morning,. 1 , „ Bept.Uth.at 10 o'clock, comprising a fall and com* "HjflKSfiftKKjl SHAWLS. Which, in point of variety, seliction of patterns, cha racter of foods, or assortment* cannot be surpassed ia any market this season. All oi them fresh goods, just landed, andalarge pro portion of them not to be found elsewhere. The sale will consist of-"* - , PLAIN MOUB DE LAINE. THIBET, AND MERINO „ SRAWLB, rise to extra fine Qualities, wool fringe*. dhBicb A VERY RICH PARIS PRINTED CASHMERE BTEL a „ ij* j t*A SHAWLS, - / A gslleria and fond, plain. r • ELEGANT AND PRINTED RATE In very rich patterns, on plsm and satin-striped Cash m FxE P im M ?« R B Si^s. ooKA?HE Qnite new. ' ’ The most extensive assortment ever offered of PARIS .JA&DINER Online to extra, fine pentres, in choice assorted eolors rupEisr"» "slwAlEil'tO ’<&*{'TRADE. ’ *w6SIi&?ScED BERLIN SHAWLS, In new and elegant patterns, and a very fall and oom plate lino of ■ ALL-WOOL PARIS AND VIENNA „ SQUARE AND. LONG JffiOCHK SHAWLS. BALE OF fRENCH GOODS. ■ On Pndar Morning, . Bept.lffth,at lOo’cuock; by catalogue, on six months oredit— «# packages and lots of fesey and staple French dry foods. , , B SCOTT, Jr,, AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHESTNUT BTRBET. iteeoeite the Onstoja Hmue. between FOURTH and FIPTH Streets.. CARD.—f he tale this morning Will consist, in part, of— ...... , • , Richly embM medium to high coat jaconet bands. Do do do « infants’ waist*. . un do do 'jaconet collar*. Do do da laeonetaeu. _ ..Do, . do do lace collars. Fall style* belting and bonqct ribbon*. A toll assortment of nch trimmings. ■ French artificial flowenand leathers. - Fail sty las fancy Lonnet*.-. _ Gingham umbrellas. ' Hats and caps, bydrdef Of the sheriff, Ac. To whicn the attention of tie trade is inrited. iw|f# EsrUffl ® w “ * r 1 This Morning, Uta, bycataio.'Ua, on a credit, aomroencing r.u. l OTraSfel. • A-fuß,itnAoffali styles Pompadour. and silk, fringe tmnmingsjfiguredai&pltfn cloak galloons,Usekvel vet nbhon*,nsh figured do., btack aad plain uioirean tiaue. Ac. FRjKfCH FLOWERS AND BONNETS, fßAlao, non stylet velvet and chenille Paris artificial flov6 '£l ,^y^^ d ßTNtoi u A&^rypi.B^l,"'' , • .Fine to medium dualities dimitrbands, neb new strip Pans black lace veils, Ac. CLOTHS. Also, French black and fancy cloths, eassimeres, and vesting*.’ ' STOCK AND BOX-MAEXNG Also, included in «uc. |a lot* to *uit porchatera. the entire stock pf a box-making establishment, consisting, in part, of a lance assortment of boxes, suitaoto to the jobbing and retail dry goods trade, druggist and jewelry boxes, band-boxes, Ice. , FIXTURES. Also, two >*ll* of shears, with tables complete, cotta ter*, benches, block*. Ac. DHILIP FOBD, AUCTIONEEB. No. 530 A MARKET BttM!,.ndMl MINQR Street. . BALE OF Bbo CASESTMOTS. HHOEB, BROGANS, Ao. On Ttnndar Morning, September.Wth.stMqjolook preci**iy,.wiflbe*oidhy •ataloguc. on four monOLß* credit, 900 eases of iMifs and boys’. booU. ahoa«, f6itfi»,;broga«* c Ac.iWHe*» and Hu**e*» boots, shoes, gaiterx-ties, . Jenny Lmds, Ac., of city and Easternmanofsoture. suitable for sre sent trade. > . • . GOAT SKINS, COCHINEAL LININGS, Ac Jne.ludod m *ai* will be ibusdioo dpsea goatskfas, cochineal linings, stripe bindings. Ac. . • auu CABEb bCOTCH QIffGHAM UMBRELIaASj Also, included in sale will be found sample* of aoO case* Scotch gingham umbreUis, various sizes. jfcr Goods open, for examination, with catalogue*, early on the morning of sale, when buyers are invited to attend. ~ , ,■ ;. . • • : SHIPPING. THE BRITISH AND NORTH mrmcAN royal mail* stsam /. jupKjm toik to urnrooL. Chief Cabin Passage si» SecondCato*Passage.....— _ . . _ FEOM 868T0.T TO UTOIPOOL. Chief Cabu) Passage.. ..#llO ' Second Cabin Passage. ~~ - 60 ■ - The *hip# frooi Boston call at Halifax. ; WifcfcgunJß. AFRICA, Cain. Shannon, EURO?A, Cajt h Leiteh,' CANADA, Cant. Lang, Those vessel* cam a den white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow ; red dn-portbow. aSSyss* - E|aasiK A6fA,l*>tL ** NYoik,Wednesday,Oct. JJ. CANADA, Lang* “ Boston* Wednesday* Oct. 19. Berths cot secured nntil paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ahipe will not he accountable for ®oWi Silver, Bnliioo, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Me Lais, unless bills of lading are mined therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freightor pas. saxeapplyto B.ODNABD, * Bowling Green, •«MI New-York. atm loir flow Yor^ 1 8team°Ki Ver! 'M. 0f , ' rrtMl * J»- ° FO& CHaVSbsTON, 8. C. ThtJJ. B. Moil MtoSbir JtBYSTOSfE STATU, c*r~ tain Charts* P. Martninm. wili salt tember U, at 10 o’clock JU M. Throosn in43tofio boon at Sea. . ®Kat ® o’clock A. M» in «to 60 hour*, only <8 heart at Sea. i»J*.>llMfpmiill*. iro-3»r corenm ttteabon with Charleston ana £avnn»& L and the Ikxith and Southwest. At both Oharletfgii and Skips eon nact with »t*apieri at Tlonda, and with ruiroaas* 4a, Freight and Insurance on aiarge proportion ofGWi •higpod South will be Gonad to ba lower by uiaeeahiM tnan by sajbng vessels, the premium beu>s one*hairthe i Tate, N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight it entirely SWo«**Vr» farther tlwa CharUatop or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taJanraTtrisks fromtheeepoints. I ■ ' .GRBAT RBBUCTIOJf IN FARE. i ..Fare by this route 25 to « per oent cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by tha/bUowias sche dule. Through tioketsfrom ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whme royfff.ejpfpt from. Gmnmimi andSaran nah to Montgomery To^«rr-*» . AusmU Bo to Aosuu..... ,lt Mwon.... 11 So Muon a& Atlsntiu. gO3 AtiuU— 31 60 Columbui..„, aDO Colombtu ssao «'»py «00 Annoy.. 17 co m oro *7r: SS SS No billtof )»dtn*'«i gn»4 ift« AL ** W For miKbi or puaH. »,ply 00 bo*rd, »l •.ooad'.k.rf obove Vioo Itreol, or to . oorn.rFO «oi?(nFF?BT , NU , r. Ai«nt« m C(i.r(e.ton, T. 8. k T. G. BUDD. 1 f in . Sivnnn.b.JJDNTßßi GAMM£I,L. Tuesday**** om Oharjesioa» steamer Carolina every d. r r from Savannah, •learners St Mary’s and : Bt. John a, every Tuesday and Saturday. jyg GLASGOW AND NEW YORK SlaSSbw, UVEBJ’(X)L < ? o Ba£pAW\ AND LONDONDEkKV-for »£, ' " IROK RSW mi. GLASGOW* Tbotbpaan, Wednesday, October li, at U o’clock, noon. Viov olaiqow, GLASGOW, Thompeon, Wednesday. September 14. SotwolPimro from New York. AiUdelpiiio, or Boston* to Glassoir, Liverpool, Belfast, Pcblin, or Lon donderry , first claw. SW. atesra&«» found with an *un aarioo qf wqpoilr cooked provisions, $3O. T ' * CO., No. 119 WALNUT Street, Phtledajpluh No. aBR&ADWAY. C ji.w York. U. S. M. STEAMERS . .Ooptila'Wotttffli■willw) AuutK.Octo berW, BeoemlMr M. glut Butin —9UO Second Onbia p&ae&ge 71 For freight or paeeage, epelr to _Atthe Tobenco Vfarehome.DOCK Btrooti Philn. Jeß-gm BUSINESS CARDS. v B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING NUT A6ENOY ' Nl *• corner FIFTH and CHEST- ~0k Subscription! tftkea for the beet City end Country Nawpnporg. at loypat ciuh price*. Martin * quatle’s 1055 WALNUT STRE'ET. BILOW ZLBVXXTH, PInLADELPHIA ISAAC ROBERTS, Real Estate Agent : BAMVKL $3. ROBERTS, Cojyhascw. Offer for sale, 00 liberal term*, FARMS AND COUN TRY SEATS, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, And Virginia; and Dw ELLIN tft} and STORES in Norriatawn, tieliaantown, andthiladel- Ch LCi,\N MONKY ON FIRST MORTGAGES, E*»miM Titles to Real Estate. And Attend to CONVBi AnClNu in ali.its branches. Office MAIN Street, near the Bank. Nornauiwn, and No. 23S South THIRD Street, between Walnut atul Spruce streets, Pfrilsdsjphia. al-tw* 4 LEX. McKINNKY. fspsitar- Will practise m Westmoreland* Armstrong, And Is* diana counties. eell-ti npilß ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE **' MO CHESTNUT Street, fonrayds Parcels, Pack- M*f. Merchandise, Rank Notes, end Specie, either by itiqvn Lines.or in connection with other Express Com “• to LVSljs'Mr eul-tf General Bunerinteadent. BRUSHES. T’HE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN ■*- PHU,ADELPHU.-Look at tie faUaviu Hjt of K“t.^?f: nib *'‘ n ' i * m » a * *’* th °“ go.]. gtaote, OX Ht Aura. No, «,wq knots, w •• • No. 7,104 knots, 160 ‘ No. B>uouoti.ni “ c. ECKSTEIN. m North THIRD Street, below Arch, Philadelphia; HAMS.— 100 tierces extra Sugar-cured covered Hami, packed by Gardner, Phipps,4 Co., Henry Lewis, Jno. shay. Beatty A Tapeontt, Heiall k Wikkli Lewis Staggs, and OuW#». For sale fcy " C. C. SAIILER * CO.. ARCH Street, aanoml iloor above Front. •MACKEREL AND ALEWIVES. —9O 1” bbla. and W half bbto heir No. * j *OO bbla. and ISO sAiEmAßcri(E'' v ' HI THOMAS A SONS, . -TA. N<*,H»M<Ha SOUTH FOURTH street aitMpl reaJ OMXtAt .ndttcki A*rtafUr ba Mia at »i)i;t,ia«l«ii<lof U thercnriir."• • ' CARD.—TiI* TPrida SaL» to BoctoeSore »i)l eixanat cnT»rerfw,SoreabMiA RvOauJooM BgTlftadj - ■_FALT, HAIRS STOCK-AND HEAL ESTATE. V Fifth Fall Sale, SUi September. * WEAL -jyiTATJL BTOCEB, Ac. , FattUe Sales at the f htUdebua Exchange every Tan* asy, at noon. dan Jar tha branes* season. , . fBT. fltodbtlia gTeach Property ivoed separately in addition to.irmeh we pabusa on t£i BatordaT preview* to **<*» f***f.ooe jbogeand oatalegw* in pamphlet foam mrwl dwynytiop of aU tbs Property to be sou on SALES at THE AUCTION aSl®’vatb walk. KT Water# alarge «£#*! &£& Estate at Priva-*# Bale, memding exeyy description of city and country property gngtea terti may be had at the eooCiog store. • , PRIVATE BALE REGISTER.„ _ h,3ei) Estate entered oo oer Private Bale Sec *ter» asuiedyertM eeeaMaily in o«r Pnbtie &Ue AbeoeeUf CfljTwhiah eoyiey are printed weekly ,)7re« of VRW, ke. aiu o’clock,mxm^lt'to*Philadelphia Kx for spooimt nfwbomit may concern— l,i» convertible mortgage loan of the Cambria Iio« company* pajaWs January Ist, Idas, with arrears of nterest. f.OOO Scares Chutiam Cobalt Mining Conpur-*yar sf. . For other aceooate— . 1 share PhiUdelphiaLibrnrT. 2$ shards fiidjte-sveane and Msaarnnk Passenger Railway Comirtny Sk p iid. - ~ flfortn Cn.LY.ARV CHUHCS - Pey Hq. m, exit «2r of we** aisle Calvary Cbur&.jiociuisaeer, wesiofFiftofstii. Cnotoeloc#- tton»cortf«g/ i , . , - v eEFTEMBEft 90th, AT NOON , valuable farm and COUNTRY BEAT* 107 acres, with superior unprove* AFsSeaiJoSSW. „ * •J^AUnri 1 STREET RESIDENCE, with tenre side Si ww'fflMarA IMS, adfqtefay Mr. Wadsworth’* efaorek, abort Teeth asteec. *7 Sale *b*»im«r without reserre or ftj&tta rGEßAUirroWN' RESIDENCE, with slaHe and coach noose. Loeari street.' • • -; LABOgVicINT lX>T.U2tt foetbf SB foet, Belton * l ?Sl)/WliK DWELLINGS, ff. W. corner of Fooith ar4 Shippca streets. *ST Beating for s»a a yeay*' »No.lW Omen Sc, between DWELLING, ?To TU BboUi Bevento tfneeCbeknrftnppenttreec - - - BEACH.” ssrei, on- Uun sea. shore, BorUcgtoa county, "StbmVoDKRJI RESrBENCR.iriIA faun aid. »«4, Nor UU’Coetea«treet« west of Fifteenth street. k>t ii by I»foot.with «x threa*torT brickdwejHnjsiSi lb* rewon Krebay,'streec FIFTEENTH STREET-—TwcmoarthreS'StOTy brick tfwettßga,Noa.ktfand U 6 North Fifteenth afreet, be low street. , .BU3LNEB3 briek dweli and dWftllmg, northeast earner of Jeflsreon arenas sod S»- DWBUJHG, Fomins (h» above. - ' t - • Wore M e w»rehom», No. Ut North Foarth itreat ahor. Areh street. • -.> * I Pererapioir SaIe.—ELEGANT MODERN FOITR BTORV BRICK RESIDENCE, with four *torr ufk bOLWSDga, with au the tnodern creiremences. No. 1010 Bmoestreet. LotUfoetfront,iMfeetdeep,- Sale ahsohite. fSiSL street, kd extending thnntgh to Brinton street. Two mmts.: - *„ . -. * •.' FOiMth PALLEALE-SEPtEMBES SM. NEATHra, .®®S^ Li ™ ;,,E ' .W J***°sf> witbowt reaerrr. all modern imptpv«m«jtta sod conveaiances. Also, the fnmitnTe, fine carpets, mitron. tapenor diaing-room and chamber fttrelhtre, kitchen famtura, Ac. - a superior fire-proof cheat, made by Etna* Af T *F _ .'lhe cabinet ; ftrrnitare was made by Alien, ,n * •bortLoe.awtwmexeetisnt order. »iSibutssS: p*«s CARD 4 _^^ t^^'AßiUCAtPKTS^P iXG ' to-Bomnr momioc. at she auction Store, wm ooßpnaeTpMtdes OXt lota of excellent far mtore,.two etessfit Prench-t-lato mantel mirrors, in silt Dames; siesaat French elate.ov*imirror,tngilt iTeme; Isrie gad superior fire-proof chest,made br Herr,of; bee* and bedding .Chins and cisssware. Bras •si* and <ntwrcarpet* ho.,fonn>iu*aaaraotiTea*B>rt« iiMn .wortuy toe totestion of ladies and others fanrees ofporchisjim..,, , Ea? Kni “™M ( * .. . 9f >. hands* Morning* . At J oekjck. at-the aoobon store, anesaortmeßtof •seeuent aMoad-htod form tare, sisgaat puno-fortee, fine minore, «arpets,eto.; from fhiaiHesdeehaint hnin keeyins. removed, to the store fo* mtim - Also, j large «d eleisntPrcßch-plate mantel Bhnon. A Ur;e and elesaptFrefteh-pUtociina) mirror. ■ *n« superior fire-proof chest, made by Fhml iLi.iL.a.L.-i- * Sale at Genamtowu. - Sa Pj- ®’ *t H JnTSSet- near Minheim. woodpuaojfine en.revmas, oow.csrt, Ao.. of a gen tlsinsD {eavtng the eity. ,*r w examined on the morning of aUe.at 8 o’clcck,.witb catalogties. - . . „ ’ Sale No ill Sooth Sixteenth street. BUPERIOR FURNITURE,. ROSEWOOD P»lNO . On Tuesday Morning, *JS I"*** if 10 o’clock, at .No. ill South Sixteenth street,.by catalogue, the superior huosshold uumtnre. SS P aneV«^^Mlritofi rad drawins-roomfarpl roWTOod phiw-.)e>d, «<yf Ntiww{tff?n» velvet carpets, gsf room, form tore, fine *pbited ware, ehamber Airnitore. heddms, kitchen fernitare. he. i , *s*" The catenet larmture was made to order by JClan- Be Co., ha* been wall kept, and u in ex ceUentotder. May be examined at Bo'eioek on the monusg of c .•. t .05 Wsdneeda'y Morning, lwpt.Jlat, ftt » o’clock, at the northaast corner of Twentieth and brsaa ctreats. the elegant hooeebold (urmture, mirrors, silver plate, Ac. Pert*caUrs in catalogues. . ' SILVER. Also.* complete set of silver, asnnractnredtoordcr by Wikon, consisting of tea set. lorks, spoons, ladles, fish and cake knirea, napkin rmia. &c. Atepjtbree •aperior Sheffield plated trav*. xtZl farmture was made to order by j^^^^Carapion» has been well kept, and i* ia sxeoL 17* May.be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of the sale, with catalogues. ROOMB ON. HARMONY COURT TO RRNT.wAp ’’Xt 'ia tbt mww,u» M?iAte'ft.t I °-g.T£h lAf, ° br - ck Jai. GUMsanr & sons. • - real Estate auctdmcebm. * T „ No.C3DWALNCTBTREET. OARD.-J. M. Gnmmej i Sons, uihoiMn, win hold rectiar udu of Real Estate, gtocks, Ae. Also house hold furniture at ftwtUinga. FIRST FAIL SALE. _ .On Thursday. Sept. 29th, at TH o’clock 1 n the evening, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the follow ing: _ Ffjejpptory Sate—Bl47s.—A yearly around-rent of sit SO, imnu; out of lot of ground northeast comer 01 Bwnm and Seventeenth streets. 17 feet Trout by« 7 feet 3 peremptory Sale—A yearly grcwsod-rent of 16S,iesumg outof lot of ground west side ofSixteenth reet.M feet smith of Brownxirdet.Jgfeet front by 73 teat a inches deep. Sale— 85,800.—80nd and TOortraje for 81AO0, orvtbree-storj brick residence add lot of ground east tide of Seventeenth street. St [tat north of Strain street; lot 17 feet front by,67 feet deep. Peremptory Sale—Bl &to.—Bond and tnorieate for 51 MO,on lot of ground south side of Brown street, 23d feet 8 inches westward from Sixteenth street, la feet froptby so feet deep. TWO DESIRABLE LOTS OF GROUND, west side of T*enty-fifth street, be trees Suseoebamia avenue ami Emmett street. * feet It laches front by ill feet ?4 BRICK RESI DENCE. with lane thrse-story back buildings, and fumitned srith all the extra modern eoaremeaces, tltuMc No. 511 North Seventh street. The house is well 1 bui|t and m good order. Part may remain on ground rent. . THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, situate No. tsl oansom street. Lot Id feet front b) 04 feet 6 inches uepp. to a back outlet. This is a valuable property, beiug In a central location, and very desirable for offices. .HANDSOME ROUGH-CAST KKSiDENCH, fer tusbedwith all the modern conreniejapt, targe lot of ground, and excellent stvMe, south side dPCooperstreel, eusfwrotn Fourth street. Camden. N. J. Lot 69 feet front by 180 feet deep. Alt in perfect order,ami built espeetmly for the oecupsncf of the present owner. Four DESIRABLE LOTS op GROUND, situate on the, north aide of Vine street, extending' frota Fifty aighth to FifW-ninib streets. No. ]. comer lot. 13) feat bf Mofeet; No.l, 130 feet by 2& feet; N 0.5.136 feet by 87$ feet; No, 4. eorwir lot. tv feet by 231 feet. Passen ger railway passes the front. KE. On onr Private Sale Register will always be found A Imi* wowat of real estate, including every do of oi^T _ Wo. B 0 WALkl^*^SilfbdoPsiW MIOSJSS tiATIIAUb! 1 XUenORLER L AKD COMkUBSION MS&CHANT, g. K. comst BiiTHand RACE Streets. MONEY TO LOAM. Mojrrr ro noair, ix uMi ox sxAtt aMdxms, on merchandise generally, and on aQ articles ofvniue. Au. sums ovkx o.vs onxntxa nouo.a» rwo rts cant, rxa Money bbe rally advanced inlaireer email amounts# from one dollar to thooaands, on .-old and silver pis to, diamonds, wmtntt, Jewelry, wwling pieces, musical in struments, furniture, 017 goods, cloUuax. rrecencs, 01- gare, hardware, enilenr, txwks, bones, vehicles, bamesa. ana all arUeles of value, fee any kuagth of time aricod on, atNaraaits* Itefeirat, EcranttsHicur;. aouUxsost oorntT of Sixth and Raea streets. with ooUateral, discounted at th« lowest market retes; . PAL JSSTAhLIBhSent. S. I:, eoruer of SIXTH And RACBBtrflets.~Tbefeltowicx amcles will he sold for less tuan hail the usual Store vriess: Pins gold English patent Rui jewelled pttu, 01 the most apprered asd best make, in huauar oases and doa&te bottomed. Fine gold escapementfever aed Upise watches, in bustist case and open free, aaseof thsai are extra fell jeweled, and beat make, silver «*B*h patent, lever wateaes, escape ment lever asd repines, ja hunting .ease a»d open &ce, some very sapenor; Eaghah, Swiaa, Breach, apa Qoanier vateJes; jSae gold rest fob, neok, and ciuJ dren’e cb»i»t; ane gold pencil esses and pens, bracelets, breastpins, fiager-nagt. ear-nngs. studs, toedalliona, and iewelryesaenuiy. BuperiorHavwna o«ari at 5U per UuMssaa, tabcXM of aco each, wißbesoMby s:ngfe boxer goanblies, t»sait purehasera. Numeroua (utf axaefes, 4 **‘ 4o^!^ flrv - AT c salv A.snpenor fire-proof chest, 4 feet high by 3 fret wide, Alan, watches, asd Jewelrv of ererv d sac rip bon BT. LOUIS, MO. WILLIAMS * BOrlS, AUCTIOXEEKS V , CGMNIMIOW. NKBCaiNTS, .No. W North MAIN BTREST. St. Lorn, Mo., (formerly Meora. Myers. Cischorn k Co., Pfelaoelphia.i Oder their services to the ruerebants, mauufaccnrere, acj others of pAiUdelphift, for the sale of dry goods, carpets, boots, shoes, hardware, jewelry. Ac-, Ao. A. Cash advances made ba receipt of goods. Settlements made three days alter sale. .. „ „ tmtucu. Messrs. Myers, Cteghorn, A Co-, Phils. ‘‘ Stuart A Brother, Phila. !! 7*l s; 7jck. Townrend, k Warrens,New York. “ L. AB. Curtis A Co., „ .. Wood, Christy, A Co., St. Louis, K*x *• Crow, McCmry, A Co., ** *• ro4-f m w-lr • LADIES’ HAIR BRAIDS, \TIGS, FRI SETTS, sad CVRL9, mMiuEsetnred in the nn test sad newest Fan! stj tea. sad of which we constantly Kifco a very &rs* lUsoftEueston band, sold wimleaila sad rat Ail. ftt tbe ]<vwsst ik«ini prices. Orders Jrcm all g&rU Cm the cmiatrr solicited, and rromjtij attended to, Also, sbivHalß Di K, snpenar tnsav in use. M. HUTOIS, N«T» TESTH St.. Market »nd-Ch«*«lnot. (Pta SOUTHERN ANI) WESTERN MEK wmt* i&xhim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers