JSetter-iWm'ftneticc'.V ; ' lCofte»wßd»nc»o(.ThoJt»wJ, V- .'r./.i'iVrif fif *•■ Augtufc . . ; TM» t % isjafjf:*fit tiflj&m -StWSi: d ... Am. r TEs Wau« amitd tilMUyvtls pa^wSdnlii etfKpf : 5 , *H%kißitSsr tbe'St. 'lpjtwrende'flfclt, ,t)*| flwUfid); ■cations of , of frame bousos stretching fbr mllM. the said houses being.baUt pWw ! . rlrer side and immense Cliffy the tops of whteh are : the limUalpf number of . gponthd ;eyb .’is,, flaedohdbo; stalls; odd V todde n 1)»Ud In the river hctngafbe eUy,:ln 'BlgM,j ! liind-t Ihg.yon'.ofWnrSe, havo tofbrie jrowAw^thi^i^gb; d Snttitddeofn Jeh«^ > ;«Ho»t^ : ifp(>MiMO,bltiro; pewisjW.oiM.ebtrfeivn ©fiptf hsgijsgiir|jfti even thosb af.the grwjtolttssf ;SewToft.. litre a carriage, * M!eobej »'-ee*na; an dumlb'ns, • ot ( w»1k, end iomodUtelyafterWairda; Jen are; fi-; eehijlPg* hiUsteepqr audioßgerthahahyXknow, 'cl in the regions of odV own > Right before you la ono ofthe eitygajioa, and oan-j non .are frowning from (ho battlements. A« yoii j near the gate yon toe a'sentlhei'fittbftfsf loSnAfip. - ■ (The gate ,1s passed,- and.yoiiare In. Biel upper; town,-., , •. -.w.'-ii.-tijirtiiseiij i ' Thdre are five gates which lead frohl the lpWeV; to the tipper town.', At all the, gat«i, at*3l times, Brittshsoldiorsnroon duty, At ipldnight ns! at, midday, in midwinter as immidstunmerTthe ten,: tinel (s ever at his post,, -At eompdf'.tbe 'gatos, Bqnads.of soldiers are .always 'stationed; they, arc. prOyJded With' a All the street* are very narrow, crooked, np;hlll and down-hill. The elde-walka are mostly of wood;; audit Philadelphia lady IB fuUdtewWenid 'rtqhira (tnore.jtpjiqo,,in promenading,- TboyhWises“aW)a4 • rently hevo taoro. front ; thandepthitand itttpSj he* thrown upon the whole .city,the. dttitofeentoites.; J Buildings are hero .still in sefviod that were’btißt .early Id thMdvonteenth century,infld JheylboJf as . If they ooalcl withstand the gales of i centnries yet ‘to oome.-t 1 ’ ' /’■- v .•■••.vV- tt'"- ! i z ' s ■ ' „ . Thore are many sight*, tosee, in andafonnd tHi deity, and a woek oan be spoat-.pleesantly.nnd prp, , , Stably her*.’ The OUadelisan ob]ect'6P peculiar A sWdier tt at'onoe detall^W*ocombany,c*oh . nt from the ipublio v The vlewiOTsa'-iMat ' piH'hf'the'ToHlfeaiionsWhloht^er'fooiitbe.rfref . :oan .acarcoiyr be. < » high that it ie aild nnosnoonbalV osstb® thrown ftont the,fivorOver this waHltUd((*lB*l SSjurM • now at wOrk constructing additional; fortlflosiffonsi •one of whioh, overthenrtson-where theoalehrated Papti>«ta was conflned dnrlag:th»,“«bclllon,i:is - wWabiltCthe. Thoreare abontfortf.aores.'edeloMiv’At'preeent. in the Citadel,;thorc must he sti or HVenhnndred 'Many of ttre^idiers.i^reiSlipM'^mtntifem, l • and there: Bn oerwnly Mme.hnnd'redi of children • at preient within thc cnotoSttrss!; ' Ahelf pound of • : S^f®n^^Ww2S ycars of agri ' Th* »)t<K«ra reeMvoThn ’ Kdgilsh shilllnts.adav.’ ThSternrof cnifttinCnt 'ft'fwatfa'.. ' oMjeare,They:a»o!ad,;tao«t..od,ialortahly, ! *t!i .very, polite, many, of jhem ■fatelilMnt.i»nd'*U seem to'heperfeetlychntentOd wtfh their:tot; .A greatmahy oflbem.woar:th'4Crlinean;itiediiU'ani some had modal*,for aerviCoi randered ln lndift years ago,, ■ ; .ettl-vd.,'.h;, 'aa i , I witnessed on Thursday the sith regiment t 1 sa lutethsoolorsi'', : Tha ; reglment maronod on, the Esplanade, a largo open space, gravelled, con taining ahont a-dozen ac.rca, ..attended,.by their, hand composed,,isf forty-two membeth The regi ” ment Isdindst- the command o? Colonel: Monro, it, aplendtd-lohktngofiocr, whose hjfeast w»s decorated' . - ,w(th..ths insignia of many, iordtrs -oonwiouopaly ■; ■. *m6ar wbkh RbpQs (tb«; «row;ot, ib« of with drawn sword the flag of the regiment,(uiDie of MjiioilMtfy feitnro), as iftrdi' borneTfy ■Mown the whole length of, th’e.line, i the hand.piay . log “jSod save the Qaecn.’-’s n'.i r, • a-g»»Ji . Id what may be callod the great sanaTe of the' city stand the French Cathed.ral.iori ono eide, and. ■ tbe lirillsh Barrsolt on, the other,; In the largo :ESSS^SSjSe ~ owhefs,'andaelllngvegetables., Thtjßarrack was, V. foraterly tho'Jesuita’Collegi), and erected sometime about the: year IBM, The bulldiog ts Tefy iMge. . Gariy in the morning tho .roll is ealled, and the. drllltakej plp!ie,';Tiie»6ldier9,ar« aome mornings . potthroughoartalnexeroh#*;, Altbewordof .the, ■ offldr thd soldiers thiuwOnt their arms, life them - /L over their heads,*and whirl thosc round and rdnnd,-. This, I suppose, is to.eipand.ihelrcheiU/and de volope their ihnsonlnr power, ? The Cathedral Is rnOre beauiifn! than the great , C!m'rsh .of .3S;otro-.Bah,e, at ,Montreal; hnt inotso large;:,'Adjoining.the Cathedral.is.tSe Theologloal . Bcminary, lnono of the chapels of which are foor, teen, of the most splendld painttugo in America; all; . of. thorn,. of ,oottrse,;are:Bctipturaf, and oyer',.two i'- . The woatbor is. , VejsctMfob.lt biro L . hro weeka bebind,Montreal. Xbe fieT4a *&.ilibUagQ Zook like early eimm/er, with oa.; We have' mip berriea erery morning for.brei&kfMt. ' . J -1 : h s;ISLBXVAIUsOCSe' ~. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINGIPAITfO'ffiIiS: 1 ;dj> T6.lio , dii)iw'ii»» , in#HT'.' v M'„ f •; ' QraXK'D HOUSE~<3hftBtJiht'»t ibelow Nintlu - ' 1 ‘MfEcVertVPiv r ' L ‘ ' t MUgVßdUijt,Pa '-a = - *'l Mrj»Liwm*n, Pa , t J AErMnrUooMtAr . '. w* spsaa; Svirfollti T*' * jlmo*-'* .- W H 'MeOttkle'. 80/ • ■ ■ « c Ktek f - S 0 •' a»«^a V Y -• ' a Whltft. TVwton - J-Hrtlrn«»‘‘Jr.'BAltipmr* ■ EJlHnnton. Va’/ Jnd/njnuakfla & J»j SO' v MiM.lJunken. 8 C _ ; ' §™ l ~:|tei{^^S|!r'W/- •;: 5 :■ ifmx&'Wh i e . P2&«orth. W|* - ? *,B,gtque,.WaiWagtori f -: rr ■ " 5i '■'PwJßw* |?£%# ,t ’ n ’ .1P JNHMrifi/NO ...•.-' ;:.r/J,E3iiO«i*V» *%*" i-: . .-■■ t !$$«&,»& ’ • OBtiroWifiGfartaKoii..r D*4.te*ir*W-i‘»^’' Jwf P<»<»r<riß t NT' - ■.■> v.M«j?Sow*<Y* s Vri - -Mr*£HS<y>4*chd;Ark ~CA*ed.nn. Ga • .' HCft*flf. . :■ «; Jo»,TA«af.2tfo ’ •• -KjJScJraf'n,NY , • Broil)) BjroMtTO.NY V v rtSjWJ&hfj.trny.N V; iTt ftkH C<iainy. ; wnro®rOr ! =' Trance, / HJamee. Baltimore WC SMt'heus^WJieoUngi.. -. i ■ Xif Hamii)wrrTci>?U l * £*W*tart.F«oj,/W JttjMnivAOtdhio ■-& . - . ftl^sp n ris’i&^*^ ford : f ! - 2 ;• &: . ■7 - .* •,-. A-T/SoodmaiuWnuontaini FS-nn«e,Mluonj £* , -.TS'ihMMr*nead'ng - ' Pa : - * " p E*i> CMriwi™, 8.0 .. - WJ'ni ntai'.yprf.yd *J 8 WUMth, S»bni»k» - .CEtt*r.NY - ; . ,; ; Z«4,*»i * J»( twin ....l ,■ .MrtMiter4twojTeim.; , . : , ; --a- *v s«lssi£-!Ste!*' --. Mfa^.Ky's MgAfc 4jMgggg&2; pM|hmn*i<ir V& -f”*■' pN&V I S?» i',u., 2Si»»c ]|||^?' ,^SWl^ 1 ’ tr '‘ i . fciERC IT ANTS ’ ifo QBTS-Thi hi it abovi Callowhill. J Bhellabarger, Lebanon'.. L«tenon a»ffißG|sSW&?; Pfe&Jfehi BofljOrS)iTM?J#;K W SamfMeHMe,Alentomi • HimtaKtitor, CajWu».;;.Jl*vW Swart*, Cata«Moa NATIONAL HOTB LrJKS” "treat,al»tr« Third. ' E Ohissler. Muienmlle John Steiner,'WmertviUe ifmp f J ." MrDimcan&,!a,Laoo , John Hunted. Texas A Landis* Harrmuurff . ‘ C Gould, Harrisburg t wm S Miller, Ailt'ntown ' i jCAae Allentown . STATESUJiWN-MMjwU 1 -. at»va Sixth. JJ l/escller, I», fc JcK,III ...B WHinkjp, Atlentio Uitr JBviroay, Qearfield .JT $ Hume, Yon?co, Fa ft ■<; HSuMwiit.ienoiwterco P or»ljill,MecliM|iyliarr \!nUo Mtl\er, Lmiciurter io ,leaoo R FtSMt, Reeding ■ Mr, E Miller A eon, 111 rV/ /V Pngetey, Clioeter oo .BUAtSKABEAR RdxiEL-iMrtl;st; eiwys,cJllowWll.; B Willar4,';N-J.-r; -j- 'A, ' 4 LeVi B.teee, Mertutown, . p'Tfmt, Readmit > ' Olios Finney, lUrlsville WnvHarner, Fennsburtf 4 'Cba* .Harper. JonKjntowni Frank ,Tom»fMon.Hv.wwjr. Hoeoland* Bj)»m Dlkehtel.BeehtelaviU'c uA Chapa Bwder, 8 Easton J Gftekeni*ich,li@hMi co' 'MWORckenwcheLohiKh ; Jno BtrAUd ; Jertta>^lle.., M .,y.Wm Thomson, Zionsriito ' 'BAHtirßßEiVjisSna rtrief.'iaiiw Vino. 3*ho* JjXifn&dvt Nowtowu - * B-N Mil**, Book* 00. > John Bomur»Bucks oo , , iWCaifl fcift, Buotanghm Geo Flower*.Fa*• . , • JWateon/Bboksco J 8 WnatOu. Norristown, v Jo*h?s F®U» l*®. •. WM' KiJlt&l*. Pa 144 TWEpI, . ThosßLin tom: NewtownJEEkfredfJN PHR luo&Gßeed, Jr, Philo , ,r. > , j,,« >-,■-. .* j BALD EAOXiB HOTEL—Third at-, abi Caltowluil. 1 , Mia* 0 Pende, Ear ton - >Jphh GorteL -Lebanon, Pa. K vr Holrorlinx; Wejwport'W<A OrtvetvW«is*port. BenJ Lord, übnt ;1 ••" -*. * : Jacob Ldsh'-Fa John H Leah, Pa, Miss 8 Moore, Allentown - John Harbster,* Reading/ : Mrt Kiebtlnei AUontown * Wm 8 Shirk, Lana co, Pa Sorn. weisjnort r 'Htoihdnt* Ohio*. v,«. , ;,BF HoinhanL-Gfrerryville r r*' 'MOUNT VERNON-Seeond stto fa a&ove Arch. ' \ BMEUin«,Attantlo City OOVAnhorg,AUantioCity WHOwn.PhlW f . f ,-., ; W-TDunmrtx,Pa * * GJohna‘on. J PA^'-' /f - £ iMWcßßond#nPa : t ■ West Chest*# j J D«(*k,BethJebem',;.': JOjBenQAt/West Chester; 'O >7Harrin|tnn*Cmc»go >l B Xm>atis, „ ■ W-Butbujeli,.Easton i , t Oheelnlit. j h PAx»bni'Wnm’ton,Bol» A B ‘ GMoore,ThifaJ Povoe, WestCheatar JFaJrland &iMi, ( W,Cha» r B EprCtioh, Chica«o r . T J HUains, CiCrelahd/O ! B Ppxer, Oovieeton 1 M Smith, York 00. ; i fijmil co J Harlan & UW: Chester • J B Riley & la, Munoy, Pa •piPpRTATIONS. /fßeported for the Press.;j r;. m'-* , . , Wrr,MWGTON. TkM,Mmtiiier lun»enoh A Sfoßhia Jot of’old iron A Whitney & Bon; la ttfles pottpulP pkyrmdso.varjnui contfaneea., , , MAMtNE INTBUtOEKCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. •" .’ ■ •'ARHIVEOe ' 1 ' * i Steamship Delaware,. Copes, frnha Now York, with nidsa And paM«n*ar* to Jas AHdordirO, Passed a brie nfT Marcus HookiJAqd another at the Tjazaretto. -Schr Darid Faust, Mosfnmia& d date from Wilming ton. NO. with naval store* to D 8 Btotmn k Co. c schr;TalerMph. HazM. S.daya from Smyrna, Del, with f^JSrfojSOT,SfnVe,4.d»r9 from,Salislmry,Md,with 'i Bahr^Einuioiißjj.Thßampeon,3 Jays from Laurel, Del, wtthrrajntoJW’Baeon. , I< , .. , , . Snhr Ywmr America, Tuft.l day from Port Deposit, with'wheat to JL Hairier A*-Co. _ „ . „ Sit®wfa& ,l,> i%Mwl? a )kW* Rheoo * t * fromCnmden, Del, with R Mloatetdltißewifty-Ai Co.,. • ■■ » • • Sehr Sarah LAvinio. ConWell,'2 days from Camden, - •’ 1 - - ' ' Steamship Vlryinla, Kelly* Richmond, fte.Thos Web : steri Jr.« ,, ‘ • 1 ' Bohr Maweret Reinhart, Paterson, Savannah, Pettit, ’■ Sf' HrE IRsy ner, Raynerj New Bedford, L Audeiiried Pitehdr.'BoekUHd, " ‘ do , &WsmGnTl9ri}hM)t''3ev£rlr.-' ' do Sehr Julia Antin'. Hardinx, Charlestown, do - oWillett*,Cvanmer, Linn. > ■ • do '■‘flchr Harriet Jc Sefah.Tiee; do R R Corson fc Co, , J S Shriver, Dennis, Baltiniorej A Groves, Jr. hr mnoutfi to tr»? pit bml >■s‘.■6 >zr> Arrived, brix Tornado, from Areoibo; Brhrig Henri iette, from Harans. -; . 8 t 3, ' ArrivAd,Bhlp.Manlius, front Cncmstadtt brigs River Belle, from Turn Island; Munro Park, from do; OrellA, from do; aohr OrlA&do, from Aux Oayps,' ’ i -• v . . _ . * Hamptow Roam, Bept, 13, ■ Arrived, ship Fleet Winr,llO days from Jarvis Island, ' ?; • > ■ *l* -.. . /.MEMORANDA. ! , '.-’ J}teamship-Kp|mMjM.H»nd, hence, amrod at New Yorkyetterdar,*ndolcpredioretunj. /./■ - •vStwimwp Afrwat Snatmon, oleared atNetf York yes terday for Liverpool; , •• Sisamsbfp Champioa, fnesr) Fletcher, frotn Wilfuinff ton. uel.arnvodatNow Yorkyesterday. - ' * Ships lAfayettetSoide.and 110 Klv, Livingston, from Liverpool. aTritwdatNeW'York yesterday; ’ 1 - ;BArk' AnpMtonjBt.-Davis, from nto d« JatfelYf>ld\Ut, from Elo do Janeiro Any 3d. raports: Anx2,m sight onhe harbor Or Rio. swke from Rio for Baltimore; Amt 14. 1at747 8, lond-H a, saw «hfp Shooting Star, bound to the southward. r Leftdn nprtibarksYirslnlan.Lowry, and Roebuck, both from Bahia, *rr JnlyAlst; Glenvood, fr6m Darien.' alsohgrfCfara Hiumll. Dutton, from Rieh mond.Ao; Adelaide, wlnrate. from Baltimore, do: W A Bank?, frpm Darien, dm Hannibal. Aline, from Savan nah, do;and others as berore reported. ■ .'•j Bng Thos BWattsonr Monday, for Now York in two davt. was at Porto ripholio 3Pt), ult. , Brig Bohfo. BArtletL from.Porto o&b*Uo3Gthu!t, ar rfved at Now York yenardar, • <. ' • Jftno ‘ ro^u * y *®» m- •• ; *” Sp()KEIIV, i * BnS'sui'h S. -June So, off : Cf»W) Fora. from .Ltyeypool April tjorSan Fr*ncwi7 - ; -jrjulf:U !%ts«Mß*lo!i?,7lW'W'.‘SbiP <t Oommonwflii)tii- Crosier, from Boston April 30 tor Bap. FroodUco.' . • “ • , Anyl3* jftj.32aoN.bnsr 4749 W, shipJndgemaw* Pnr ker* from New Fork far BhaLhyfcao< / v xv; \ -v r Cnffrar. rwth of this city. •' *, » the IOtU ,Tnly* ISW. At the Parso n*<re;bv -Rev; T>r. j)no/whet, Mr. Louts F. Caron to Miss Bailie eWestdajjtfhter of'the ; late Capt. Oeojree />f this oftyP?* ■’PRIEB-PITZSTMMpNS.*-On the 10th November; M 53, to Alderman Johd Swift.■ Mr. John, L. Fried fo Miu /AwbeMnrift Fttßsiwmons, litJ of this oUr. i , * the 4th uk'by Rev. J. t>'„ Wlltemeott? W. Fwlejr to Mitt Isnia Of : yr. WiJJjirrtyS.* SirtUjj, aJJ ofthis 'the ft)? instiuit, by Itev. Mr. ■Brooksj thoAtiTent GbqrehVHflnry p. Stroup ipßSffli&’fesfe' HatUdß. CofflßiU4, -,‘ >: v• - '' • •■ ; ♦ tofMh* ■ ' ,J TAYiA)R.-*At FwmkfoWion the evenjrir of the 19th Jhsmnt. Anna, daughter of N, H, and l>. H, Taylor, la 81st yrarofhor S*e.~ -i' • ’-■•• , H*r taends. and those of the family, are particularly invited to attond thefnjnefftVfrom the residence of her jtrsmlmotber.Phebe .hTusOy,' Frinkford, on Sixth day oQ&rnnon.ihs 16th mutant, 84 2 o'clock. , *** ..WQfl|iMANjrln ■ Burlington. -N. J., on tholUh inst., Mre.iWtt* A. Woqfmah, axed 68 years. <’Funeral from thn reeidonoe of her husband. No. S 3 Btwjy^irtreet,thij( Wednesday) mornmif ,!4th instant^at LASpE .on the M>th instant) Mrs Anna L^tort.' fa the rai fear of her A*e., - Her latp: residence, Tilt street, above Mftrkot, W«Mrt-Pht|aderpfeift r (his (Wednewlrm aftar qoon-at2« o’clock. < *'• < * 1 . op the Wh instant, AqriKHovland.dauthfgr of the WtV Jamef H. How iaaa,«r|Tovßed(ord,:MaM., end wife .of Lehman P. Ashmend,lnthe&d ydarof herseq. > oSMater 4 Ana ..Funeral fromJotuisouitreeti Q*rmanfoW«,dn Thura* dav afternoon, at 3 o'clock. - ><,?, ■■ j ■ * ASH-'-On the inh’inxifat,; John T. in the 70th -. Puiieral from hit late residence. Nd;'Btt Swanson -***? /Wednesday? aftomoon.^at iitown, on the 10th instant) 'Puneral from the. resfdenoe of-her brother-in-law, Mr Charles Miller, fa lia/na* street/ Germantown? this aye. Mrs;iMatjrWl«on. ‘ frtttlii trni rt«denM husbebß/Arroei JmteSSSWfflSSm. V l ? witdenoe nf her hMteba/Ko. ISIS Cwfoni street, above T*roi(lh7thlf< < Wddoeeday I'morn f tbeiSth instant, Wn. Mary' ;Mmpert..iii the rath year of heraxe. •/ ]. ' - ,>£ l y? ora^A<:,m »• residence of tor eon-ln-Uw, No. IKB Hemiantowp this (Wed A«44r) afternoon, at ybVJocJr/'i < t -* *. 7/ ■ -e,. w Uihjnitant, B«ima E,.Mltu>n, in' •toi lftn leaf. daosbta/ufjQnG» and Mary Ann Milton. - 'AL^rW)iJ , , V>th Jnstsßt, MsiYAUlson, ajed poniomption, Mrr« JSliaaheth Ann, wife of James Lord, fftte ta this «ityi r< ’( r ► BBjjllfiNGHßv7-At'.Chftn,l}en’iUe, Delaware, oh the ai® c fwf L ” 6 !f* h ?*° rgo Mpunt, in tto ‘i»w*^^SMrr*I 4 l* XwmrnW^k^f u tv° ? ' iticfu •* e ri»jn p™r_lrl*\ topYint.^, . V;. ’ « .BB Olovl#*Riid Oaontlalu, ■;/;! ’ 3-MourolaiflMlmoTU«kfrt<r. U’ -■ . t.^li Bilk*. " * ASTI'SWIMONT IO ws B4u JiSjfEwWffsfc P&U4I& BE&TOR23II *,cUitn« h«r*!i, cirj’ ancj vttr : s$ |«ssrpi:;s Kifapigkfoli Hfrotntirrtlß,: s «iylot'jfjwg?it &}dp„ No, 201 rjaiadeblUft, ‘ dW-«t i ’ <-' ' . . /• f T I T;-,! / S4WO VvW—yAxiwii SAFETY Trust nf . XU jkorw fcbi&iifamT.. I **’ anJ . in •» •(w* large or .mail, i g.FIVE FES QEKT. iatsmti* mM for mo»«r from !&•«•»•* #SwMWW»Hil.!*»iiWWf*t ••. ..'■■&j\ . •■ {* reesi ved from ExtiVtQT** AdmiHiitraterif ■Mn'Mtuiti hhd 'ether, Tru.toei, in large or .mall asm.,; wfdn&datWghi'ahotkp6rio<L‘ - j Stinimm received i»,touted>» . and ether Rr.t -' day-WALt?ui: atiietjfcut Wmi Philadelphia. • ujW" THEf W^ESDAY t SEPTEMBER 14, 1859, SPEOIAIj NOTICES. ' WitKBLBa & Wilson Srwikg Maohinks, •"Philadelphia Office. CHESTNUT Street. > - Aforehanta’ orders filled at ih® SAME DISCOUNT As by the Branch offices m Trenton, Netf Jer sey, nnd Boston and Westohester, Pa. eeU-4m ‘ HoOPLAND’S GBRMXn BITTErtS wil, posi tively cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, NemuaDe biUty,&c. Read what is kaJd of it by the'KewJ. H.Tur ner, Pastor of Hedding hi. E. Church: , ' - • Aprils, JfiSP. Dr. Jacksos— Dear Sir * Having used your “GER MAN BITTERS*' in my filthily frequently, I ani prb parod to say that it has been of great service. I believrt that fn most cases of general debility of the system, it is the ' safest and most valuable remedy of which f have any. knowledge. r ~ ' . Yours, te?pectfully, . 1 .. .730 north .NideteeMh'® treet * For sale by Dniggists and Dealers in .Medicines everywhere* at 75 .cents per bottle, ' Also by. thb proprietors, Dr. Q, & Co.,4lBAfchetreeti PUiiadeiphif.. . O.vb, I’rior Clothino ok tub L-vriw Stvi.lll, inurfo Itt thfellest nifumer, *tprea,ly for UK TAIL 8A1.88.. MWEBT.mIUm price, murkeil ih Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satis factory.,. Oyr ONE-PRICE system isstrietty adhered Ui, aa. w*e beUeye this to be,the only fair way of dealing., AU are Hiereby treated alike. JONES & CO., • ’ ' ' m MARKET Street. Gboybr & Bakbr ? s OxLsgxayfD, Noiseless Family Sawiita-MACHinss, AT RSDUCSO PKICBS. . . temporarily at No.fiQl Broadway. Will Tehxrn to No. 4M In a few weeks. : Salamander Firk-Proof Safes.— -Avery '&tk* assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason-; able prioee, No. * South FOURTH StwetrPhiUddV- .‘EVANS fc ■WATSON- •uatf’-vvii ' SbAmbn’s Saving• Fund—Noriot^t Cobkxb-SxOoinr and Walnut Streets.—Deposits ■re received in email and large, amounts, from aUolassesbf the oommunity,and allows interest at of five per oent. per annum. .i, , ; ' Mondr mar be drawn by ofceobr without lot* otin terest,. Vl / .v ’ dally, from 0 untilAoi’olook, and onMon day and Saturday until 9in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL and Secretary, CHAfI F..MORRTR hfASONIO NOTICE.—THE OFFICERS "and members of EASTERN BTAR LODGE. No. . 195 TA. Y, M.. and the member* of the Order ’generally, art renuestod to meet at the'HALL, Chestnut street; THIB DAY; at 4 P. M. to attend the> funeral of their late Brother JOHN T. ASH. > ' <* S y . ° fder ° f th ° l'. LITTI.B, BBCre U.r,. LITERAKV INBTITIITE-THiE »l 3.- nnnnal election wiU take place on THURSDAY EVENING, Sapt; 16th, atB o’clock, at the HAliL,Frankf fordroailand'YorkstreeLi • Punctual attendandance is requested. • . .-gU-2t* >, ? JARRET.W. TAYLOR, Secrotary.' rV*s=» BANNEKERINSTITUTE.-A STATED U meeting-wiU be held TIIISC'Wednesday;EVEN ING, Uthinri., at 8 o’clock.-, , „ ‘ • ' * ' •j. c; WHITE, Jr., Secretary. f NOTICE .-THE STEAM FIRE EN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY; at their Exhibition, at Philadelphia, during the lost {bur days of September, are requested to appoint each one Delegate toa Conven tion. to bejield.et the office of tbe-Booiety. No. 628 CHESTNUT St., TliiWilplim, on TUKSOAY EVEN iNG, tha 13th of September, at7oclook; and the Hand Fire Engine Companies each one Delegate, to meet a Convention, to beheld attho lameplace,on WEDNES DAY EVENING* the Mtnof Beptember, to adopt rmes and regulations to'govern., the contest. This invitation is. extended to AU.CompftnlVt thronthput the United States. . , ■ , m DAYID TAGGART, President. ' A. 0. Heistkr, Secretary; ; . . »2-ftq&w-19t nCS=^-FAIR ANH FRUIT FESTIVAL TO AID • in the erfictuid of the lidw edlficß of the'PßEfl- BYTERIAN CHURCH is now open DAY and EVEN ING, in the ODD PELLOWB , HALL, Franlcford. ; j^ani fey minutes. «7-9-12J4* fTr* PROFi o.' $. FOWLER ! WILL COM 113' MENCE a Course or LECTURES ON LIFE, its Laws. Organs, Functionssand Improvement, utancht hr Bhrenolory and ’Physiolorv. at MUSIOAI, FUND ifALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, .Sept. 29th, ami give professional opinions and advice daily at his rooms. For particulars’see hills and papers of the day, & fY*S»KOnCK-OFPICB OF THE HESTON '\3 VILLE, MANTUA, AND FAIRMOUNTFAS SKCgESjRAILROAD CO.-The third instalment; FIVE DOLLARS Off each share of the stock of this Company will bejhio and payable nt the Office of the Company oh WEDNESDAY, the slat of Sept.,- 18W, * sB-fat • • 8. M, ZULlCK.Bflcretary. ’ , At a .meeting of the Commissioners named in the apt incorporating the Thirteenth and Fifteanth-streeU Pas senger Railway Company of Philadelphia, held Sept. IstAaftd.atNo. fflf Walnut street, it was resolved mat the Books fur auwonpHcmsto the capital stock of the Thirteenth, and. FifreSnth-streeta Passenger Railway Company be opened on THUMDAY.Bont.2Jd; 1869, at 9 o'clock A. M., 4 Southi SEVENTH Street. „.. . . , DEND\ SHaRWOOD; Beeretary. Notice is hereby given, that Books far roeelving »üb cotiptions to the stqskof the Thirteenth and Fifteenth streets Passenger Railway Oqrapany will be opened at the tkne and Place above mentioned* * A, Q, HARMBR, B. 0. KROMER, k HENRY HAJNEB. ».w4 ’ 4 s3-dt22 ‘ • Committee, aorJB». .... Toth'e Stockholders of the City P&sien fer Railwar Company.—An instalment of FIVE DOL LARS per share, on eaob share of Stock of this Com* pany. will he due and payable to the Treasurer; B. B. EDWARDS, at the office of the Comganv. No. 162 Bouth FOURTH Street, second story, on THURSDAY, Sep tember 15,1869. By order of the Board of Directors. au3l-ts6ls . W, M. fiINGERLY, Secretary. HILLINEIIY GOODS. THOMPSON & JENKINS. DBALEBS IN BILK, OABSIMER, AND YTOOL lIATB, CAPS, LABIES' AND OHILMIEN’S FANCY FURS, SILK AMD STRAW BONNETS, FEATHERS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, Ac. NO. 528 MARKET STREET, BKLO'V SIXTH, SOUTH SIDK. The attention of buyers is invited toonoxamiiL** 5 of our Block,,- - fl£im CURTAIN MATERIALS. WII. OARHYL & BROTHER, • Am nowr«‘'«i»m.'lb*tr 'Fall import*.linTin nf CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS FURNITURE COVERINGS, CUB TAIN TRIMMINGS, POtt THB , - ‘ m t ., PALL RETAIL TRADE. Tp-rfiich we would invite the Attention or our many friend*, oostome/s.. end .the public yenerallr, A* we ere en<**ed exclusively ?n thie Iran or business. we are ronfidentwe cai) please the most fastidious. a* to qua- nr price, pur itnak la larger than ever, and hw been with vreatrare. We have in store. aSTc^lL^'r 1 ' I *': 10 '' Ei ' 1 “ h - ” orth *“* TAPEST/UES. • MOQ VETTESy lahtinhh, WIDE FRENCH BROCATELLE, aH fobr'l'"' 0 "' FRENCH SAWN BE l A INKS, TABLE COVERS. CoVEltf> ' - . . , WINE AND FRUIT CLOTHS, WINDOW CORNICES, ROSEWOOD CORNICES, , CULT CORNICES. 'FLVET CORNICES, WORSTED AND SILK TASSELS, or every .tylo end price, from 54 ty > pair, up to S«0 per patr-a full lino, all prleee, and m great varioty of patterns. , .wpmsm. ,rom « U '. <UWI ' *«*' legal. T ETTBRS Testamentary to'the estate of plnsffi?hF ( i-! Jl ffiW! A V®£ hto. of the city of jm, l PACKING YARH.—ltalian Packing .r % »!. 0 »to engine., manufacture,l of tho bet material, ur/co., seH No. MW.WATKH unit »N, ~JKtaFV^R. fN ANGS OF RIGGING-—Manufactured ” of the best materia!, and for sale liv m SOOTH FOURTH STREET. 11S STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR ***Great Emporium for Speetaole., eorrootly •ultod to the «,«. it * ,y Artificial Human Eyes inserted. ed-lmlf . HAV ANA CIGARS —Of the following eplebrated brands* ‘ SWdo’Oro,. ~. , . oioffa,’ ’ \ oWG||e.Aml qoaliti.j.on hand SdtooiuturAly're eeivijg from Havana/anifor aftCTo*’ liy v anle-'m QHAIH.EB TETE.Ife WAIiNUT. 1500 rt' B OXBS ' AMJSKIOAN and IJNIT AOKETS, tl,o Cbeapost In. tho »ss!a?as|sa, ! =« ' a.ia-, hc.RmiMfea?,v : PURE: CONFECTIONERY, I»a to RITX I Store’fJ.'Wi cMJr AffilH and NIHTH .tie.!., tfjjm - Jgt Filbert street.)/ , , WIEGLErT' W’U, cpnipr .SECOND M-A a fid wReEN. baveac9uire4AfM.it reputstiou by thei wise and prudent coursd they have .pursued *laao their eomraenoement in hutipm, by toiliuu a ftm-rAto hrticlo etaJoyag\<ru« 4l • ‘ y • «>a.-tr ,«r, I^B ? yfi;wiußV|g, : : , riOQKING RANGES. AH Iti Vant rtf ‘the Bect Eldynted double Oven OnoltiPß Rang#, W . g o v»g * fitraet. i TJORR.—2(IO bhjs: 'Meps Pork, of New A. Jar.oy, Ohio, «d fain hy alO AHOffStreet.saoimd doorahny* Frntit • DEFINED SUGAR.—SOO barrels van mis m bb " W’* .nail • - , . , . LkTiTI A StT.it, pCONOMY -MESS SBAD-Nm. 1 and'2 * prime »rtiole,lin BtnfO'and’fgr sale fty ; ; *nB 1 ’ i mshu^BWß^iwiia, NEW I-lUJEICATIOKS. JJY SMSOIUpiION ONLY. Appleton’s Now American Cy clnpodia, S 3 per vol, wiss^sssw 2 volumes,«' Life and Adventures of Kit CarsonL Dr, Pancoast's Ltldles Medical Guide, #IAO. • - , SwedetilHirg’s Bgwtfitfon of the Four Gospols,by Pfof. Agents wanted to canvass iu every county. s5-m\vf-9t . • . . AND I’OPULAII TEXT-BOOKS. JUST J'I'BLInUKH, • ; ’ MORAL PHILOBOI’HY i . T Inoliidiftß Thenrotiusl and Practical Kiliios. My Jobkvh Jlavkn. D. D«» Into Prelowor of Moral and Intense* ' tual Philosoph) in Amherst College: Author ot Meu . url Philosoph).” .Royal )2mo.,cloth. SI 26. .• * Siehigh reputation gained by Prof, Havenrin’iwi ontsrPhilowipliy,''wui be increased and confirmed by the uewwork ou " Moral Philosophy/' It ia eral nently scientific in method, and thorough in discussion, and its Vieivh on unsettled questions in morals are, dis criminating and sound. It treats largely of Political ATMirti a department of moral* of great fiaportanco.to American youth, but generally overlook coin text-books, in the history of ethical opinions it is unusually noli and elaborate. Instructors in Seminaries andCullogoa will find it an exoolleuf. text-book, greatly suponurto most of the manuals now in use. 1 ]. H. TURNER. , MENTAL PHILOSOPHY t Including tho Intolloot, the Sonsibilities. and the Will. • By Justs pit Jlavev , D. D„ late Professor of Intelleetu . at and Moral .Philosophy, Amherst Colloge. • Royal 12nf0.'924ft Cloth,cttibosaod. , ' 1 his work has boen oommendod by many of the best oduoaters in pur country as superior to nny otbor text book in use in our Collates. licombmes many advanta ges. 4t ttoats, of t)io whole mind, instead of ft shule class of faculties, and gives ft 'careful analysis of all its powers, It is atriotij scientific in its method. It gives the latest remits of {ho science, and the history nnd li teratUrd of each topic dissussed.’ „ ‘Sit is Uigtinguialied by ft complete ami exhausting di vision, [uoid ftrrftUKmout.artd <i stylo at onoesonoiseftbd olear, simple ami elegant.”—,N. A. Review. ’‘Tins work of Prof. Haven is. on the whole, quite the most successful effort yot made in this department. 11‘rmooton Review* _ , ... . ‘‘ It others Judge as favorably as wo of Professor Itt v6u’s work, ii will become tht text-book in Mental Phi losophy for colleges and higher seminaries of learning. Review. i ‘ . HAMILTON’S LECTURES. ■ , ' LECTURES ON METAPHYSICS. By Sir WaiiAM HAMtLf oti, : Bart., Professpr of Logic nnd Metaphysics in the -University ol .Edinburgh. .Edited by H. L. Manse], B. D.. Oxford, nnd John Veitoh,'M. A.,3Sdm ]>iir,h. Royal octavo, doth, S 3. < - ■■ The sale of two editions of this great work, in lees than six months alter its publication in this country, na tcs timony to its bieh value and to the American ; taate for metaphysical study, it is admitted, by xeperai consent, to lie the Ablest ana most thorough aispussiou of the pro blems of Mental Philosophy accessible to American students, and it has already been adopted as & text-book in some of our best colleges. . ; 1 GOULD k LINCOLN. ’ „ 1 so9-awjcs • No. 69 WASHINGTON ST. BOOKS! NEW BOOKS !! THE NAPOLEON DYNASTY! Or, The Hl.loryof the Bonaparte Family, brought down to the present time*; -By th&; Berkley Men. With twonty-thtee au thentic Portraits. Bvq. 62A0. LESSONS From JESUJ*; Or. The Teachings of Di* ’'^'.feH^TON&a^&E^^RO^'^CrKNT WluMh&Mar^^a'MSit 12mo. do cents. 11 ’' ‘ 1 1 W FO I ft I ?' r VE'ARS IN T'ft’EWILDERNESaOP PILLS •AND POWDERS. ,1. . i > sr.r by WM ’ B : wsmmu p ATUCART’S SERMOXB OK THE SAB sMsd TSTOW READY. THE ILLUSTRATED 11 NEWS 0? THE WORLD, of Aujuet Hlh, with steel-plate portrait of i Hon. JOSEPH TVARNER HBNLRY.Jtf. P. Price iff cents, post-paid to any part of the U. 8. Peou ¥R^'2B l NlbTo/Tili l^<^™vlaS^\mih. B ir P AUL THE PREXCHER; or, A Popular and,Praolioal Exposition of his Discourses and Speeches, as recorded In the Aots of the Apostles. By JohnEfuiio. D.D..LLD. l2mo. 81J3. MERRY’S ILLUSTRATED BuOK OP RHYMES, 16mo. So cent*; MAGDALA AND BETHANY. By Reu.». 0. Malan, M. A. 18mo. , 40 cents, Jack en1 0 author of " Unde ° e £iPE and LABORS OF »EV. DANIEL BARER. 12mo. Sl.wT For sale by WILLIAM S, k ALFRED MARTIEJL - | No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. rULVMBERS’S ENOYOLOPJ2DIA. VJ (To be in 86 monhly parts, 15 oents each,) supplied Mtt'rMr 1 ™ 15y0,0w “ fl *' ’' A '- AiicAiiE hotel. «n chestnut st»«t. Agents wanted to oanvass in every countf. au27-lro OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS--OLD BOOKt The undersigned states frequently for sale book* prmtod betwfifinlhpJfAftra I*7oand 1500: earl) ediuouy of the Yaihersfid-we Rafornior* and of the Fu ntan.Divineq; mL&Wi Braeton, Lyttleton, .Puffendorfl, Grotiui, Dawat, Cake, Hale, fiixw Boot*, Bepo;u, £o., are oftod to bq fßiuidon fits qhoWest Qro ppediai, Lexioons. Obiasi? authors. luMory, Poetry, PhlUMwphj, Scienoe, PpliiioaJßoorwray« Government. ArohUeonirt, Natural History. Treatises upon these and other kindred suhlectsare being continually dealt in by him. Books in large and small qaantitiea,jpurch&sed at the Custom Uooig^» CHESTNUT Street, above mWm 9 P JOHN CAMPBELL, OERSOY.&L*—Tha Suhsonbcr informs liis " w> friendE and tlie public that he has Honored liir from 1400 .CHESTNUT Street to 102 South,TENTH Street Jost below CHESTNUT, where he will be glad to re ceive their calls, _ HisJSdHions of the PARAGRAPH NEW TESTA MENT, with all the MARGINAL READINGS, hAvr been pronounced tho best tn tfn world. They are in one, two, threo. .four, op more volumes, up to (Went)- seven, nr eatA Book by ttstlf.iwl in manv styles, if prices rnnfjn» from 75.cents.for the umsla TRACT TESTAMENT, up to $lO for copies In fancy calf, o T Hiji a^ l |ti r oq C ol‘lluME & TRAGKLLKS’ INTRO YAR'.ous rciokb o? Vhk NEW the only Anteruan e<itlion,nrnl vx most convenient form, aq well m of groat value, rrires from $1 to 9$ W neatly ruled, end with head-lines for tvtry ju the New Testament. Pnoos $1 to ®S-to. , ’ . .All ttie above are sold in sets, or separately, aade m.rf other publishers, (but none without the (Mam/iaTitFadiHgib and other useful works, oou ilwflm y 1^1 ! 11 *" ; e "U94mHfBSirTON. .-KjrHSuvaET-SAUXIN & WOLFF have A|< Bpmoved to No. 3i4 MARKET Street, South side below Pourth, whero they offer & obotoe assortment of Fall frnti Winter Goods nt very low pncaa. • removal. THE OFFICE OF THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY . OF LONDON He* been removed to the NEW BUILDING of the Phi ladelphia Banfc, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURTH STREET. »l-«t WM, PETTY, Ap.ot IJEMOVAI, “ DAVIS & BIRNEY HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE TO NO, 87 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ,i-ut V. , , CARPETINGS, GIL CLOTHS, Ac. gAILY & BROTHER, IMPORTERS OF OAR PE TINGS, .NO, OSO CHESTNUT STREET, Ac. nap, npautus thalr FALL STOCK op . VELVET, TAPESTRY, and ‘ BRUSSELS. < ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THRKE-PLYB AND* INORAINS. And an nmumal display of aed-Sm FLOOR OIL OLOTHiS. npo MERCHANTS BUYING. OIL r- CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, BLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, I 4« NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Wo invite the attention’ot dealer, to oar large .took ol FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMRRIO, a beautiful article for eiiade*. The largest .took, nf WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market, at prine. which defy competition. ati3l-2m JI’OALLUM & OO.* OAItPET MANUFAOTURKRB, GLEN EQKO MILLS. GERMANTOWN. AI4O. Importers and Dealers In CARPLTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING. RUGS, &0. WAREHOUSE 900 CHESTNUT 8T„ ■, (Opposite the State House.) Southern and Western buyers are respectfully invited to oall &D4-ftn HOGUET & HUTTON. MANUFACTURERS,;OF DESKS AND OAUinHT FURNITURE, • NO, 1130 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Office, Dknlc. and Bohuol Furniture, Extension Tobies. Bookcases, Wardrobes, eto h9*9iii TMPORTANT TO RYEftY MAN WHO a |H|ep. m no, Emiu riilAfii It dtg«. tiio latter anil niedToinnl nro perlion noutninO.l In Bprlne (irase or in res, or other unripe borlyute. ia oaaantial to herbirornue animal*, as « nperaten in aUaiitlatitii Urn. atanMU nnilillseiUYC or «nilj to lisslthr nrtioi),' This OjilnpoimlV oi- oomlinicnt for leeiting pattlo nr kaatputmt ritoir jfboij. i> oomuoeod S»w,w XW"V>i¥n Ilteftnr, tamo of winch i« highly nrtmiMlf,. >or kaeplnv h»r«eH m good condition it i« unoaunlloi l . Low koopen will Itnd great ndrnnliitto in till! Jnoroeaoa 0 tin ntity.nml improved cpnllty of the milk dorm* lUuse. All amnia y nro bonofitid by it. Tine rood (Uin only ha had ).emmie,in th« State of W apply Iny to the Sola feent fur that ai lin win AlAltKß'l^twt.^iljildofih.la. pll ESH FRp it' JARS. tTndJui^ ?, h( lcemBnt,wlHjje pie-aaa'l '<j«nerQl ()lftßs pei>of. • UKMOVAIiS. lIETAIL DRY UOOD.S. j^EIT^^ELE(JANT~ FALL STOCK ' I J; J. LISVY & CO. j Aro dull, receiving addition# to their now and very 'choice assurfni.n’tor iiC i r . r 4 ; i FALL,AND WINTLR. GOODS,, , which comprms&t this time oho oTtho largest ns wells* tho most select,assortments of LADIES’ DRESsi GOODS, which enn bo found ui this country. Every new fnbrio which has been manufactured for Fall nnd '\Yiutor wear, as well aa their usual assortment of STAPLE GOODS of superior qualities, will be found in \ariety, and at prices as low as similar goods caube purchased claewhore. L, J. L. k Co., havo tffectod .arrangements in Paris hy which they will be inconstant receipt during the sea son of small <tunntitie « of every approved new article w hich may ho presented to the fashionable trade pf that city. The selections will be made from the houses in Paris most celebrated for their good taste, , BGU AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. sIZ-3t rjASSIMEKES, CLOTHS, VKSTINGS. Heavy dark mixtures Cassimeres. ■nr - Wl t,h and without Sideband*. . Black Cauiraeres and Doeskins. B ack Br. adcloths. $1 60 upward*. . , co sfcm, TVBW FALL CLOAKS. The Bubsoriber* NEW FALL CLOAKS, «•“»»?»»*« ‘'*^^%||f|p S oAK cB(fl A (ilJEg , to whloh they respectfully invite the attention of Lodios. < . - , ... • / . The Paris Mantilla Emporium, .UM -i.i, 4 , ]VEW FALL.GOODS!!. I . .’ SPRING Stroeuif* 4 ’ of Ei ° HTH “ d «« ~H*7d just received ft lot of Handsome Fall Do Laines. New Fpll Chintzes. &0., Ao. irAtf n are. verv desirable and very cheap, BLACK BILKS AND FANCY SILKS 111 Light Cloth Raglan* lor fall weather. Shaw]*, Dttfters, ko., in *reat variety, , Good Family and Fronting Linen*. A mrgesTook of Domestic mualme, ' Great quantities of Flannels. cLosiNm^^rß^^r** 0 - Silk Mantilla*. Lace Mantillas. Barege*, Organdie*, Lawns, Ac., fro. . 8.-WB BUY AND SELL FOR OABH.” auJO-tf . , TIfERINO GAUZE UNDERGARMENTS, dren's wear. . ( Hosiery m .medium and superior qnalities for Ladies’ Gents, and Children’s wear, including a lot or Ladies’, open-worked Lisle-thread hose, of very fine qualities; apd fttotoflibenand Lisle-thread hall hose for Gents’ wear. • . ■ . Gauntlets in silk, silk and Lisle, Lisle thread, kid ana - Nubia Scarfr or Clouds, oflarge sise,!n white and oolors, for sale at ’ ’ , HOFMANN’B HOSIERY STORE. ausl-mwAftf N n . 9 NORTH EIGHTH street. T UFIN’S FINE MERINOS. Olio hnnilroil pi»o»» ot Wrtm iieMily »»d a»»ir»Wo oolor.iil.SJ CV. . One hundred pieces of fine quality and of same colors atTfi septq. . . , ofiered 8 o^l iaVfl ibc moat value df anythat we have °bT * and EIGHTH TVEAV AUTUMN SILKS, L 1 Just opened ten oases of *elooted Stiks of our own importation. Plain Poult de Boies, from the lowest prioes to the finest goon*. Rich Lyous Rllks of the newest dotugn*. Plain Black Silks, glnasy and heavy. Neat figures aud Bruoade Blacks. Black and Fauoy, two Junes. ■ - o^feima f?NQLISH SIURI'TkGS, Jttat received a choioe lot Of neat and medium style* Engliah Blurting*.Pnntt, New designs, good colore. j. te», Dress goods. •Rich Bonquet-pattern Wool Delaine*. Lupin’s Preach Mennoes, 76 cents up, Cheap Delaines amt Plaids, Fall Poplins, Chmtaes. Ac. r BLACK WOOL DELAINES. Lupin’s Black Wop! Delaine*) 97 and 43cent*, Lupin’s finest quality do,, 60and 66 dents, Black Bombasines, Alpacas, Silk*, ko. - ,c BOOTS AND BIIOKS, JfAZELX, & HARM®, i MANUFACTURERS A!fD WHOLESALE DEALERS ix BOOTS AND SHOES. NO, 128 NORTH THIRD STREET. 4 ; A full assortment of City made Borland Bhoeacon stantly on hand. ; slO-tf & M. SAUNDEKS, NO. 34 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Near Merchants’ Hotel,) " Call the aturatfon of buyer* of BOOTS AND SHOES To their Stock, which embraoea a general variety of PHILADELPHIA AND NEW ENGLAND Manafftotured goods. ao9-toc9 J. W. MoOURDY & SQN, 321 CHESTNUT STREET, (M FLOOR.) LADIES*, MISSES*, AND CHILDREN'S ROOTS, SHOES, AND OAITERS. Manufactured exprestly for the Retail Trad*, anll-km g # p. williams & go.. NO. IS SOUTH FOURTH STREET. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE,) Have now on hand & full acgojtineqt of Eastern end Philadelphia work, to whiob they invite the attention of Southern and Western Merchant* au!s-2m j£EENE, STERLING, & FRANKS, WHOLESALE DEALERS 1W BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 413 ASCII BTHEET. Purchasers visiting the city will pleaeeoall and exa mine their atook. aul2-2ni WHOLESALE DEALERS Ia BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 913 MARKET HTItHHT. Ml-I |pALL STOCK «r BOOTS AND SHOES. JOBKPH 11. THOM BON A Co' ( 114 MARKET STREET, Have now on hand a tage stock of BOOTS AND SHOES . *«» EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN AND CITY MADE. Purchaser* visiting the city wiU please eaU and e*~ amine their atook. Jr2B-tf LEVICK. RASIN. & GO.. BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE AMD . MANUFACTORY, Ho, tfOfl MARKET STREET* Philadelphia. We have now on hand an extensive Stock of Boots and Shoe* of all descriptions, of our own and East ana Manufacture, to whioh we invite the attention of South* era and Western buyer*. acs-3m NOTICES. PHILADELPHIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. gUMk AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OP.TH? ADOVE NAMED CORPORATION 1 , BEH> Al NO, M MEHGHANTS’ EXCHANGE, At tO o'clock A. M>, September 7th, 1659, the follow* ink gentlemen were unanimously elected Director* of the Company, viz i GEORGE H. STUART, 8. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, , CHAS. MACALESTER, and JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. , The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION t<\ t*a CAPITAL BTQ,CK of wd COMPANY arc now open nt tho al*ovo tyitppd Office, vrV.« all persons favorable to tho enter prise are reefer .folly Invited to auhsenhe. sa-tf TAR AND PITCH—I3B bbls. Black and Yellow llojimo.k.rs' Tar. WO hestt North CaroliaA Tivr,BCo larte Wilmmcton hbje. Pitrn, .0 tiMiißmht Ship Vermeil, for sale l>r ROWI.EY, ABHBUSNER, t.OO, No, 10 Soi*th WDARYEtI. i ,1 DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. Yjr'l L L 'o'P E N i T H I S D A T, ANOTHER INVOICE or THE MATCHLESS PRINTS, for sale by- tjie piece ob packaqk at SIX CENTS. .. . von • ’ BEAUTY OP DESIGN, AND GOODNESS OF QUALITY AND COLORS THEY ARE WITHOUT RIVAL. JOSHUA L. BAILY. 213 MARKET STREET, FHILAPELPHIA. J.W. PROCTOR & CO., IMPORTERS, MANUFACTBR ERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, L A I) I E S’ CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the Attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS To their Stock, comprising EVERY VARIETY OF STYLES in medium and first-olaa# Goode, including FINE AND COSTLY YE LV E T CL OAK S, HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES* CLOAKS, &0., Ac. NEW STRIPED. BOVSNOV 8, BOURNQUS WITH PLAITS, Ac., Ac., All of which will he offered At Low Prices TO CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS. j. w. PROCTOR & co., THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. \yM. S. STEWART & GO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, 303 MARKET STREET. Are now daily receiving from the Large Auction Sales, end other sou roes, a full Assortment of desirable PALL GOODS, purchased FOR CASH, to which they invite the Attention of Cosh And prompt Six-months buyers. Full lines of Black And Fancy Silks, and all the new fabrics in Dress Goods, constantly on hand. s9-3m 1859 FAI,L IMPORTATION. 1859 JOEL J. BAILY & GO., No. 210 MARKET STREET, AND 208 CHURCH ALLEY, PITOAWLPHIA. Hav« received by recent arrivals, aid will oontinue to receive during the season a full and complete assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of HOSIERY, GLOVES, AUTOS. AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES’, MISSES’, GENTS’, and BOYS LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, BILK AND COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS. GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS; Black and Fancy Silk Scarfr, Ties, and Cravats. Linen, Canabrio, and Silk Hdkfs. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, Ac. Also, a handsome stock of WHITE, LACE, and ' wriii.iNE7rt-w©o®o-AmrEMBROIDBRIES. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a Urge and cheap variety. “JOUYIN'S 8Y81BME.” 5\S$T QUALITY KID GLOVES. A assortment of colors anffsizes. WO% 9&T& HOODS, JACKETS, NUBIAS, Ac Together with a large assortment vf QUARK’S tupc period sfx-tord u Silk-Finished” and “ Enamelled” COTTON, Abo, their Sewing Machine Cotton, up on spools of 9,400 yards each, to whioh the atten tion of Shirt Makers and Manuifccturers is particularly requested. CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHB BUYERS nr. invited to examine our Stock, which i. os, 0 the largeet and meat attractive ever offer,! Ui ttioTrade. bT-Sio PANCVtIRY GOODS JOBBERS. JJ t DUHRING Ss GO., Nt* » and M NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now receiving, by suoceiaive arrival# from Europe* THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS o» ENGLISH AND GERMAN*. HOSIERY, OLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, WOOLLEN YARNS. MACHINE SEWINO BILK AND THREAD, Andaoilcit an inapection of their oemplat, and wait ataorted atook, /jll-Snt ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO 1 SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. gGHAFFKB & BOBERTS. 489 MARKET STREET* importer AND JOBBERS car HOSIERY. GLOVES. SMALL WARES, COMBS. BRUSHES. LOOKINQ-OLABBES, GERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS. ANJ> TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. auS-Sm JJURNETT, SEXTON, & StVEAKWOKN, Above FOURTH* Nor h aide, . k RANPMOMX ABAOBTMMT 07 NEW FALL STYLES* OF FANCY DRY GOODS, ov thbir own ita,?oaTx»iox and eeleotion. whiph they offer for sale to huyeri from all parte of the United States, on the tnoet reenable terma. • j auS-2m PEDDLE, & HAMRICK, Importer* and dealers in HOSIERY, GLOYEB, AND FANCY NOTIONB, NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Five door* below the Merchant*' Hotel. Offer for sale the raoet complete stook of Goods in their line to be found in the Unitid States, consisting of 9 HOSIERY, of every grade. /, ;iNEN 9AM°fi'RlC K llUKi'B“i FRONTS. LADIES 7 ELASTIC BELTS, with (jlasps ofen tireW new designs, with an .endless variety of NO* " W-CTs 1 MBWwbrh BUYERS. aus-J*n BROTHER, A BREWSTER, R 3 NORTH FOURTH STREET HOSIERY. IiLOVBS, AHP , FANOY GOODS. We have afinestaok of Imported and Domestic Goode, particularly adapted to SOUTHERN TRADE, To whioh we invite the attention of firet-olaee buyer*, aufl-lm — SPOOL COTTON. Just received, A FULL ASSORTMENT IN WHITE, BLACK, AND COLORS, For tate by CHARLES FIELD, NO. 30 NORTH SIXTH STREET, AGENT FOR PHILADELPHIA. (JO AL OIL. PHILADELPHIA PHOTIC COAL OIL WORKS. TURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS Mauufactured and for eale by □ELSIE, SIORRIS, & CO., THIRTIETH, NORTH OF MARKET STREET. a3-3m T NICHOLSON, * SHim j]s[W anTOARBKILLEB , BOSOMS and CDJOiARB. A latg® and choice assortment, and wxtfc mack, al ways on hand unto whioh 1 particularly invite the at tordionot cusnand prnmcLpayinr snowT-viMR buyers. 8. E. oorner orSKCOm) and ARCH Streets, Pmi.ADXtviiu, - I^OFFEE. —600 bags lotv-pnoed Rio. 100 bags prime Laguftyra, for eale by «pk . WANTS. SITUATION WANTED:-!’'fireZdass . uj®**fX2ric Salesman, who commands a l&rco Ker»- b « refisrene?/ 9. ( 1- da } loltae \, I T o«xcept?on/i- New York P.O. AdU "Kentucky,” Box N&VST, YI^ANTED-— By a Young Lady, who ’9 f v fully competent, a situation at Bookkeeper, or "I^ANTED— By a Young Man, 19 vears T* of age,a Situation siftsnt Clerk,or inaar department where his serneca might be required. Hilary not so much an oldest a» an opportunity of learning r nsefaj ><rnneh of trade. Best of reference wiR be given. Address ”J.r.,*' this office. sl3-6t* . ___ Y^TANTED —A Competent Salesman in a *▼ Wholesale Dry Goods House. To one who can influence a fair amount of trade, a good compensation will be given, .address ”P. & Q-, tins office. sl34t* V^ANTED —A Purchaser for a Patent v T Right of great value, of an artiole of every day and largely consumed. This offers a good opwirtu- P*ij_ to any.person haring 89,000 in. cash. Address Woodson,"Blood’s Dispatch. sW-St* Y?ITANTED—To dispose of one-lialf in v v tereat In a safe and profitable Manufacturing business, already established and doing a good trade, which is constancy mcrenstng. 84,000 in cash will bo required. Address, }or particular*, “JPaotarj,” office o\ this paper. jg« VMfANTED—In a Manufacturing Busi- T, ® B ftSf fi '’ B 7«?™’ in the eity'of Phila delphia, yielding a pet profit .of from 2S to 9» per oent,, an actve partner with, a capital of 84,000. oroaewho oau command a sufficient sum to h UT ou , tV- «.t>btiflh. menl. , 88,000 cash would be requlM. duatryAgf/rrr office. *B-thmw-3t« WANTED TO BORROW, SI,OOO FOB v f six months. Good ifttemt and real estate se ourity will be given. Address *’ C. K.” office of this paper. iiMt* A LAD WISHES A SITUATION IN A Store or office, to learn the business. Can assist at a set of books and would be willing to make himtell use ful. Address ** D.,” at this office.” sl3-9t* A YOUNG MAN, who can write a fair p*ha«d. wishes a Situation a* Light Porter or Runner in a wholesale Store or Factory. Good testirooniiUs will b* given as to character, &<j. Address ••Robert,” office of Tat Press. >, gys-gf A COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER haring two to four hours share time every day, would be willing to t\ke charge of a jet of Books, at a moderate price. Address”B. J. T.*t Box 48 Post Office. s!3-Bt* ttC AfiO —WANTED, FIVE THOU <JpiPtv/vrVfe BAND pollan on First Mortgage on fFarm, 26 miles from Philadelphia, in the State of ennsylvsnia. Theaeonritr da more than doable the amount. AbonosoT $230 will bdaliomd. The interest wiUbajMud autarterly if wanted. J/Hnu 80X'717, Post Office. Philadelphia. 1 - ■ • aP-ft* \|T ANTED TO EXCHANGE for improv- New Jersey. The Railroad from Camden to Bridgeton, shortly to be laid, passes within a short distance of the land. For further particulars address J. IC., office of Th* Puss. • FOR SALK AND TO LET. Valuable property for sale. .▼ The Subscriber will offer for float public auction, on TUESDAY, the 18th day of October next, at U o’clockt at the Howard House, m the low® of Elkton, in Oectl county, in the State of Maryland, the follow ing property, vis. t Lot No. J—Being a firm timber and wood lot, consist ing of 174 acres and 16. perches. , Lot No. 8-Having sixty acres of-fine cleared arable land ,the balance m timber, and being In the whole taj acres and 18 perches. Lot No. s—Being a good farm, with suitable talld inrs, consisting of 203 acres 1 roods And J 1 perrhea— loo acres rood wood and timber, and the rest cleared land. Lot No. 4—Consisting or a fine wood and timber lot or 104 acres 2 roods and 26 perches. Lot No. 6—Also very fine wood and timber land of 124 acres and 20 perchea ; • Lot No. 6 Consisting of 74 acres and 3 perches—4* acres cleared, and the balance In fine timber. - No. 7—Being M aorea and S 3 perches—nil of which am cleared, except about 12 acres. No, 8-Beine a farra consisting of 184 acres 1 rood and 32 perches, with a’)i suitable buildinrs upon jt—H»a«ras cultivatedland, and 84 acres In wood, easily cleared. *o. B—Beinx a farm or wr acroa } roods and M perchea, orwhlcb there 120ncre* of cultivated land, with gfK>d buildings, the rest fine timber. ~ . 1 W Cn, l.ndt'Kilh atid 0 r * Bna &nd timber lot of 93 acres B ; J?«fe4fll® J:ceJltnfc l* rTO ’ *<*** bnildmes,~eon rl9* n j res W perches, all cleared except 40 seres of wood end timber land, *»£.?• Awy fina Ibraj consisting of about 280 acres, in a. * n (arm-hoaso and suitable out-baiW* 14-CV.ntaifllng 174 acre# 1 rood and W perches of land, aud has upon It a large steam sawmill in good repsir. » ! No. li-A wood and timber lot of ffl iiore, 3 rood, end 91 perches, . l of very fine timber &ml wood, con taintpg ffl sores and si perches. This property lies ina bodT.andisgituitedin the low er or soutiiern part of New Cas*te eo»»nty. Delaware: it is about equally distant from Philadelphia and Baht more, betweenoOand TObwlea. The road from Massey’# Xroad to Smyrna runs throuth it. Itn distant from ojnynyi abfJUtfiinllea in a uorthweatarn direcnon—lt is about fi tnifes from Muklletowu* anti is sltnated between t»nt < tnriM from[th»l>«VMr»ro Rollrood. Thi. rrowr tv lies on the highe** portion of the peninsula betaoes two bays—tho waters on the one side running into the Delaware, and on the other into the Chesapeake. The situation of t.he property is hehsved to be very heaUbr . and there is not an acre of swamp hind la any p\rt of It. Its natural soil is very fine, ooosistmg of a loam of clay and sand, and woro.ea«ibr suscepti ble of imprnyeme&L Hyery hrt or farm hns an outlet u P°. a J public Tho woods consist for the moat oftk * chieflr 018 wh,le *»*, fiwe terms ol the sate are one-foarth the purchase money to be paid m c«sh,»nd the balance io equal {»»- stahnent* of I, 2, and 3 years from the day eT sale; credit payments to bear semi-annual interest, sad to be by the bonds or notes oftbe purchasers, fhoao who wish fbr»her iplWmatren wifi apply to the sphecTiber. or his VCAt. Mr. J.H. DULANY.whn re sides at MillingtcA, Kent county. Eastern Shore of Ma ryland, wtU show them the land. sH-ws-at No. 89 Court land strecLßsitimora. PUBLIC SALE.—"WiII be sold fttpub- X Ijo SATURDAY, the 17thSepLat P. M., i n Buckingham township, B»ik» co,, Fa., a small farm oj 27 acres of land, wetlyroodca/well watered, with abundance of fruit, suph asapples. pears, peaches, plums, good tanipike road, over which ttagep pMaiteiry. eon ne4tmg these Places, nma near the within two miles of this farm nro «l£ stores and sixchurchee, belonging to persona of db'ffereat rehtious dcaomina tions. Good uehoola are abumlhati Social yin the neigh borhood vjie^ceptionaVla. Copditiorut madr knftWu o« the day of sale by the un nrWWHn^ifl!l of the last will and testament of CILARLK9 PAR \l \ , hue rham, deceased. ANTHONY WORTHINGTON. CV— FOR SALE.—A psop of Sorrel GehUate, 15>S haafo hKhj seven and eight Tears oldl sound autikind; of high spirits and good bottom; win trot in about three minutes to the pole. Price $1 OXI AVto. a Cheenut Borrel Gelding, 18 handaUffhi nine years old; sound and kind; a square trotter, nnd of great bottom; has always bega to the pole: and never been in training till te** roomier, when he show ed 1.14 to his h*lf mi{S. Price $1,400 .Canbo spea ou application to 8. SAGERS, “Point Breeze Tracg. ,r seltht* m*ANY GENTLEMAN desirous of se curing a Brat-chms residence on CHESTNUT St., has now aw opportunity of pnichsnnx the House and Lot No, .IJW. first door west of Dr. Hush's dwelhag. The tolls feet deop to Bansom street,and O feet front. Fonr-glorr house, three-story double back build ings, finished m the best and most substantial manner, and replete with an modern conveniences. Tho house will be open for inspection every day until sold. -Apply to Messrs GVMMRY Sc SON,or to W. H. CARRYL, 712 CHKSTN UT Street. Price $19,000, and 814 000 may romam. gf4Al7-2t ©1 70ft WILL BUY TWO MORT yAsIwVf GAQEB cn Ojtr Property, amountine to #2,(MV No applteation need t>e made after THURB PAY. oeaiemberli. For farther information apply to J, St HUBKR. gW Booth FOURTH Street, lt» LAST CHANCE.—The Stock and Fix tureiof the GRQQRRY6TORE, Southwest eorner TWELFTH and FITBWATER B'reets, is offsred for on the most favorable terms, to a cash purchaser. If not sold at once it will be closed out at Auction thie i week as the proprietor isaliout leaving Ike city* att-Bt* SFOR SALE—The well-known and old established Hotel, at Woodbury. N. with large log attached; one of the most desirable s'ands m west Jersey. Terms easy. Apply to B. P. MIDDLE TON Sc BHO..aNonh FRONT Street, •» Ct _ TO LET Two Largo Rooms in the Budding Northwest corner of PIPTII and CRRJT NUT Streets, they arp nearlyona hundred lection*. ; nnd well lighted with eight Inige 'vinoers's. Apply to P. HERHT A CO., on the premises. t)2-tt* §FOR SALE—The neat, well-built Hmise, with all modem convenieuoas, S7CMAR IJ, Street. Appljjm the preuguses. sW-i’.l* M'i'O LET—A Convenient House, with all the tU'tdern itunrawmenbr. hot and cold tilths, Ac. No.fcft UNION Street, fiarbavtoa. J. AwSvia %f K.F. MIDDLETON, sjrdt N<m ft North F RONT Street. For sale. The Subscriber will di epose of the entire Stock of PINE MONUMENTS, STATUARY. HEAD AND FOOT STONES. 4c., &o. AT THE MONUMENT MARBLE YaRD, No. 1829 ARCH Street, West of Eighteenth street sl-tm WM. HflJj MOORE. FOR SALE—A FARM of over 200 Z AQres, well fenced and watered, in a good state of cultivation, admirably adapted to the growth of gram, grass, vegetables, and fruit of all kin tie, ptrticptarly peaches, the trees of which live to acreatAge. Situate within two wiles of a Railroad Station, Kent County, Delaware; comfortable buddings. For particulars, ad dress Box 32, Chaster. Ponnaylvanis. suSMm* TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS.—Roxbo rough CottacaLots for sale.ad/ninibJy located on nnd near Ridve Avenue, above the Six-mile Store. Passenger Railway Cars now running near, find wiU soon run by them. Apply to JOHN FRARBB. Architect, ans 7 Im* No. Street, BOARDING, 9A4 WEST WASHINGTON SQUARE, Bocond*story Oommumoating Rooms, fnr uishM Ap parlor and bedroom, 01 aepaiateL* Also, single Rooms with Board. ' - 13-^t* VACANT, WITH BOARD, HANDSOME * Commnnleasing and Single Rooms. No. 38 SIXTEENTH Htrent, fear doors above Chestnut. eo-6r BOARDING.— Elcg»nt end »iry Rooms, uiub end i« win. with BnArO. for tho Boiuo,r, You, wwl VTinwr, or Wlo KVrStro.t. MIS-fttl PERSONAL. TIEHSONAL.—A, D. ANCONA GIVES A MT jiirh prico for Ladies' and Genii’ Cast off* Ooth ing. AiVLeiJhMdSOUTH Street. >l3-61* EDUCATIONAL. C AUNDKRS’S INSTITUTE —W ES T © PHILADELPHIA INSTITUTE. The grounds or this Seminary aro Bxvxx Ackxs in extent. Pupils remain through the entire day-or from Monday morning to Friday evening—or through the whole session. , , , , . . , „ No Seminary is more select. It »s on the West Philadelphia Railway, at MARKET and W ILL f 4 M Bt*. Address _ Prc'fossor K. D.' Au . DEiIS. BELKCTNEBB marks lh!s Sominary- no y mtli what ever of rude manners sod neglected habits being re ceived into it. ... , , Among others, the following gen t exam have placed eons or wardsjn this Instilutos . _ , lion. N. 11. urowuo. Judge RoSort*nn»\a., o*pt. Votdos, T. 8. A., Chief Ju*tioo Lewie, Hoti. Win. Bister, Matthew Newkirk, TUoa. MatnkilU La George H. Martin, William Wilstach, Rpn.FmncisEppcs.FU., Judge J. I.impkins, Ga* M . O. Swain, Fa. Ledger, Rev. Dr. Newton, Morton McMtabael. Judge Conrad, La., . Rev. Dr. Blackwood, Capt. Newton, U. 8, A., CoL Forney, Ed. Pres*. aH-3t A LADY, of aome years oxperienco in Teachin*. desire* board with a family yhere in stniotiouln Eiivlish braachea, Drawing, or French, wuuhlbe received na compensation. Aridrew ‘‘ J, R Gant,” 609 CHESTNUT Btreet, philadelrhu*. Weell 3t DANCING. DANCING ACADEMY, Nortlteasfc corner or ARCH and BROAD Struets.-Mr. HAZARD. From pnrij •udvfllkiiovQ In this city aa haying bad tho largest’and most fashionable P&neins Acadomyfbr many years, nas the honor to tnfbrtn tys/oriuor jotrons nnd the nubile that he htta returned to this city, anil Wilt A«Ademy at the place a hove named, on thc gfith of September. -Mr- H, will aHo teiwh classes 10 schools and private fiunil'os. Mr«Hs of dancing is plain, easy, and graceful; andoan &»ic«uiie3iu a short time. An easy, and itmedfui de vprtment. u *o« »« » rorfett ,no«l-d,« oHlie ritsenl ■rale of dancing, such aa is done in the very bestso- S.\etY,°win n be imparted at once to the scholars* aud no time wasted in 10.-ir/ung old steps and dances that nia out of fashion. For terms, references, etc,, auplr at “StlUlk ' • ■ ' : " •»«-«<* AMVHXM&XTM. AMERICAN Aolß®iroFMuScr~ *4 special rkqcest. S& f LIET ■ • wi.b »‘ h " T^aTS ts'lr^TH _ ’ OP THE . GRBAT COMPANY OF ARTISTS Will bee/uDM<vd, focethcr with A GORGEOUS MWE EN SOSKRt w*m£v& ®PWRR3. LOOT Esccrrjv v.n. J. tr, a NEW ORAND^ifl,"^' n DfvERTIBEIfSNT, 2IGNOHINAS OALETTT,' F.NTmF. CORl>s T, DE BALLET X N NE W Hah E7E ' VIKB «!*• woiurt.***, Dw'rsopen at 7 o'clock. tn rnmmnnne at m before A WHEATLEY & CLARKE’S ARCH* THIS H OTHKLIA).—OOieUp, Mr. Edwin BoothTlaLo. Mr. To concede with the of _ THE DOUBLE-BEDDED ROOK. . BcalxorPeicb*j—Admission.sscent*; SecuredSOßli “rP^ 18 Circle, Sn4 cents; Partuet.&} oeau. «r»2? r ! 7,0 clock; performance to eoauMftOO _• w \XT ALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ’. ' , Batmeta Ar«ot_...rfr.iog. D. MWjfPUT^ ?H'|Bwf||3|j; & ISHIl; - : : JmmmSn’ Commeaemg MONDAY &>♦_ kri» Commencin* MONDAY EVSNfNQ. t Jfc* Dram* MISJB i?S£ - WitewoM ’fin vm) . TVi !»*•**! Hu -*iif X!» »v»otV<j ituctjon Add iatnp amotion P* IW -’ rt * i Ana inters emotion - M&nifetted by tfe# tboßyhffeL MamHeud by to* ♦WiVffi Br over 13 auditors, fir over auditor*. naSfiKSaa r ‘*. Who tiMLthMtre who crowd the theatre mzfctijr, . ,-. ; • Of.iU preat merit. I* ti» T*r» bf« hM Of iU great merit. -• .*• with "w!« SKfe-.- ■■-; r -; With it*newaceoeo» „ iv ' r rWulMwic. : M a 4«^SaS- EtMtifm Musie.’ ; OheraeterUtfe Ouaia« CAaraeterUitolfeM* , Eftou, Afrgfair Qrfind Kncembl* Giftod EacembW ' And X AM ' Great Cut. - B. A. ?£RRY as Faoet., wmism s -■ *#s3iCT£:;tefc fflBHSSsat 9 ? review to ih* Pram* -OPULAR.FARC* Each Eroo »j. Efottf TTttrß—H! Withon, «t» ehup! Without extra change! AS USUAL. JJKTCRN OF THE 8. C. *Moaicft! Director. ■QT Adiowen 25 capU. roriorttir p&rttaalm 9** ■mail end tarce btfU> Doom open tst 7, as b ojckwk. lewis juirotsifr •‘-M AitoS, SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE,. , ELSVSKTHitmLhawtMCTiMtnatwa>A BJJn’SSWffKiSrjEOOTE, tin im#it fiTery «r«Bin* mßit gmtHoi*of ChHftoMa* Door* ope a*t 7%. Cammeooe sti _ Adouaaoa*e«RU. Chiildr«m U oooUw. • N““" OVEL ATTRACTION AT FAIR of ■ Mr. wM. w, WILSON, vbo has. for % nsn&erftf j«ar». beentngaredasaDirer in raitiar cnktaiw mU and seekm* for )o*t treaenre st the of Law* Ene and Mwbvnin an!11 nr** Exhibition of a no-w ‘^fiSass^^KMSsSrfEJaassa. ■®SSEraHS!Hsfe«m®W.TO *nli sire an exhibit’On of itrncnrert and adrvnra-ea by aralk\nc acTOM th* bottom oi rta SeVuU'ul %*& Wire Bmtto.oa the atore-iteoed afterno'n. hoc c*«a the boars of 3 ami i oViock _ _ Th* Nrtebmttd UERMaN’JA QSCHE3TB.\. CAUL SRNTZ, Leader, perform* In Faittnonat rirk ewr afternoon. m* l Race and vnr»- STSEBTS RAtuWA\3 niil confer perrons V t£a sround evf rj three mining K. toil 3t T|| cDONQUGH S GAIETIES—RACE ST.. MwtHIKV; TIIE GREAT^ItOMISIE BLANCO'S U°AGIC BVf>RD. With New Scenery, ffewUrsssei, and tfiw Appclne* meats. WONBKRFUL TRICK? - Price of Admission 10 and 15 oasts. Private Bootee 23canu. Free music at fairmocnt— OKEEN AND COATES-STRKET RAILWAY. ““'Germania band perform ere nr afternoon and erestna at Pvnnount. The caraot the Green end CoatesHrt root ItaiN - ** ps»* along Eighth and Co*te« streets, to Fainaetjat. every five minutes. Pare fire cents, anis-cmwthtf WILLIAM KRA'D.Suter.nteatajt. rpH£ PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP A thf. fine arts. _ No. KBS CHESTNUT STREET, la-open daily, (Sundays exempted,, from 9 A. M- tffi I P.M. Admission as oents. Children under lsyearsoaU 9 Bartholomew's Statue of EVE BRFENTANT now no exhibition for a short time. HASSLER’S ORCHESTRA.—M. HASS LER A BROTHER respectfully ancons re th"t they hare toeatad their Ofioe at thfiir ycsidecee. lAd LOCUST STREET, where engagements ooa be made as lOaL mH-Sw WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. 32(j CHESTNUT ST. ggg THE OLD-KBTAB I. J 6 H E D STAND. NO. 326 CHESTSTT STREET, J-iiILADELPHIA, IsaU>ot t» bo given up. Previous to the elating, the proprietor offer* torh* puUic. b) nxTlovr ?bic24, the whole of tfio large #rt*rh of WATCHES & JEWELRY, nutf-mr-it BILYER AND PLATED WARE. 326 CHESTNUT ST. 326 gILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite special attention to their stock of BILVER WARE.whioh is now onnsuatty large, aConbw n va riety of pattern and design unsurpassed by acj hour-i tho United States, and of finer quality than is tured for table nee in any part of the world. Oar Standard of Silrer.u 935.1000 parts purr* The Eojjlijh 5ter1ing........P25-IWM •' Amerioan and French, Thus it will be seen that we fire thirty-fit® parta purer than the AnterteananJ French com, and ten pans purct than the English Sterling. IVe roelt all oor.qwu Stiver, and osr Foreman being connected with the Rennm; P-e -partineDtofthe United States Mint for several y»an,w« guarantee. the quality as above which 14 the jSjuic that eaa bf mod' to he wrrjWoifc, and will rha aotion of holds inucA befter than tSi prdimry'SiL’tr marm/actMrrd, WM. WILSON k SON, S. W. CORNER FIFTH AND OffilEßY STS. N. B,—Any fineness of Silver manufactured as trmd upon, but positively see# ittftrior to t\<nck an. J An*-** can standard. Beelers supplied with the same standard » csed In our retail department. Fine Silver Bars, Stt-Mtt) parte pore, constantly cn hand. bc?4-Jci COPARTNERSHIPS. TVOTICE.—The Copartnership heretofore * existing batreea the Subscribers is dissolved by mutusleoAKeot. THIS Day. , , THOM*B T, MAh ON'h.svmr purchased CH*KI.ES E. RuBJNSOJf’S entire interest lathe *>nrern. i? a.ooo authorised to Mitt* the >• & CV^ PniU»A.,Sept. 7,1859 C. B. RoWS'iofr N.B.—The DRV GOODS JOBBING Burse** aril! M continued at No, 4*4 MARKETS t re ; t. u nd* r tbj; name, by THOMAS T. siaSON. Vna»M.- B - vi ' la TVOTIOE IS HEBEBY Gl\ tfctt tna II s™ of WARXICK, CHADWICK. A BHO. n tM, da; dileolved. TSe Beater. Ranre. and J will be continued under tbe name of CHADS'ICK A BRO atUt.SQffi.eait ojngrrf^ BtrMU. FRANCIS A. CHADWiCK. Philadalphis, July 11. MW. WASHING AND IRONING. IJBCIT. ASHING AND IRONING DONK ViANEASNEBBand DESPATCH, for Stn-h _ V 2» LartiM'kfid. Gentlemen, Faraili**. Boyd’s-: Bohjpfo. traeamfeoat*. Ac., at T»O\o^A>il yA?S9fcSAVNDRV, No, 333 South SIXTH cofttirpTxrtme. Family Shirts and Col’.tr* yitect polished. Everything washed by hand, nn the oow- TheylwieSutaenri, rtrietlr attended *"*" fenali cjemtaTM. Mt,. domjyan. ,y gg.| r ftvror-nri $50,000 TO LOAN, IN BUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, WatebM, Jewelry, Ours. Mer chandise, Clothing, Ao„ on moderate JONES CO., fcrokarf, norJ hwwi enrn*r ofl HIR p nrri QA3 KILL Streets, below Uunbord. Established lot ICO tar ssyears. Office hours from 7 A. >Lto 7 P. M, Second-hand Oold aad Sujet. watchef, by eminent makers, warranted genome, for kale cheap; at une-h.w ttsoniuta «** ~ -MltoHf .900-1000 «
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