a t 'elifiv.„„ ~..,-,„ zi.- , - , z---0-iditipl.iataiiikolr.444.o,ll,4voluthn; hi the - ' - ' 7 " . • " aatig ioidadel 'lttitirdiledaidtild t . - " 92 - 41 4 1 t-i!-?: - isrikec 7 - Sdc.ima . 11" ' ;4 4, -. 1 1 : 1 4. -7 417V it aA 1 21 111: lo t ,;: l tit't';',4 , ;:dth Aberfi7lWlNllll64lr, , „4 , 3.l . 4iiitta.,:mt ,iiii ' ~,,,,_-,:l:._: 4 ;‘,.1 0 -ti g ialti,r itadlieill;-" fourteen Intle(1 r •;" -- 's , ':, •;")-' ' •V 6 ildt 4 e:-liiii 7 caut cid .. iiiititatalb* ••' :: ‘. - Tg - - '' ' 4 ' 3 ' ' - ed I vtrii,, , 41 ' „--• _. -,,, ~...516- 4 .- , -, tissilail,, 4ve hue re a a tad ,SO , a -,•.,' :'.''-' - tiftlittitiO 6 XMir t ,, ' Vald,i,;* 'n . ''' ' , ' 1 .,:: ''':, -, ;:,l l ';,4llliiil:444t,illigi":l l **igl,ti s iio - fkiii , ::: Fe tiiit: ll / 4 ,•-: -- ',„-f : •47 7- ' - 4 , - ,4i4itilaii„ Oilliilttitfiriekti 6 . 4l i - WO"; 6 - ;,.1 4. ,, - ;: n , 4 2••telistlitixtelltifit foli,4)lor)ilohYlktin,thq ' -:-;•-:: . L ," - 4 1 04 . 7g4 . 4 17 - 61-o *, 4 ltififijuMnlo? 6;.• .. ,,:'..t . i .c ,''''.• T ., ' , •‘-• - ecaciec:•*:iiil_alia:i' the' - residencii otlhe t' .. •'•'-' - ' •:.,,, - ; 2 - ' '.I44 . II kM''9 I I ) • 44I r 7 Y I F , OAIMA i i n V ..4 ,', ••-'4'''• ;- 1-'. i'aillOitriaA 2 o l ),-90 1 4;11014 - filliYwt a t. wa4l ' '''' '-' •"I"tes'"-' - „Tatitlir )4'o knifes' 6f iltithilehein` there •• ,1 : , •,:.';••i'‘';.' ,4 ,/a•Fz-e# ---, -t• •••• ---•••• •••••• •• - -- l i• ~----• `'``- " ;a• Fc - ': ,, , , !'': ' V! !! l93tdeli t t liT:" el4"in ' '•''',", i- - >r,•'•: , 'Yjteisinilak h il ls, .‘,!. ? ' dleatters•Ofcro, rl - `,;, -, :: - •,::: '; '-:;*geirk' ' te - itite 7 C - or Atha "'Tom iscagA"rc - if kin:ols f:.l4.A-, 4 , ', ‘, - 1 - 401 „ . - ,lia ,irs'iliCiftrtere Ain jag:algid - of, the ' ' .,-; -;: ili , `,. ; = .;••l4l4,aiitid etiefifilog Lettith, The Vila along the ', ''•- •'',2,'`' - ` - r4friairiitia;dalliitefttis , iii r tilkh ), hike, eilinolintalne •- '- ' :'-; - - -- ;": s !Att•Yibig - tiiii ant lllo °lit 0 141 . 12 * being interrupted ' '':" .:,:- i*Adirei ; •lldiliteigli* - -lk" IMF "'""lFk " 6 - * -,1 -- - •• ' ' •''' c i' other, 41 , -isitted - lsolatiii` na . litio`onot and s• . *ireatfil,,lalitts -, in -rolth arithers, an d together T. , "- ' z- d 'ifat4 ri f , s , . „ .",-.illrggitiiPt-•,E 1 0 3 10!P„, 9 1 iAln), ••••_• - _,••',g , iftUTOll4 TO aw*.ilik "the direetion` due nartheaat fitiiitanthirest. The Maher hills, in ram; placer, ' --, - -, piett;i4:ooi„faihit'..,iuttaot,%WAntudatio,e,_ 0 / .. SAY • - '',aidutilde llidestorirootr; edd also a foliated gheie• 1 4 4 1 4. 0 041 - illifihß j1 1 .1 1 e7 4 1 •' '„ •.:, L -, -, , ,'„' ', ' :--=,• --.•- • fi underlaid with Ptße aitlifliateie4o4lattei inidOmiitbig:. At tfoV l iliiaodriifiiir, , th;filite iaii Aie,Wtiakiitiqii c ite4Ointniiiiiiteillc in*efeWeitie , tertieVaitrifi;a6heof thin : I(dilicara4tltivticazioT ili*'' , ,i;iii# iiiadift.= :Alf :- ale rititiitfreat -Al bleep lan - tee, • white oottages - ' • , - iitictiwiltiati , h.4s6ies Are. scattered along these indidteiriedd,,4ieslikiiti ,t 7Ts'id`thiireldlfy - or •,DesidelfaiWpfilttfilifartd)iodioidd , cottage, vircriiiis• isUitily siiaitiroi;liithitiiiiilisides and 1 ' -445V4iiiiiiattiiir,reitlitil, , ialtioVOttriiiiitided by --`, -- - - -I re lati',Atit eicirt i t.:3611 Cf'iditttlyAries,'ldnd” Itialated - --.;-• ,i be 0, e atawic , Viiiifit a haun ' fal 'oCiatrutio the eye. *o . 2krl when we turn from : AO re)iiilii i.; ;fist bake- of fhb ' Lehigh, ' 'Viand , -T - hloigatbeb; In t blowit,ottioglmoiy, all the feed- j - tudiajOf etruti'lltillih*viigtothi4 feel that " 41iiiiis f lititeritofhtdit,hy' i te•C hhaiigii."'_TLe're are Olititt.ilitttlileGthers la number o( the raost,beett- i :,•ilfilktfeith• Atiltilltltil4,oll tyeltbj whic h, . With ttliAiiflal 4 4;oliftlijik.oyirgiiiikiAg : the didiii , • for liati•ttaa",'We'alia;" t liktriftettillti picture a truly '' 44l4 gl i C IP 3 :01 - 4iTA 's 'iolliOti 'l4s thin Awes does diet, rinr.4A o, Y.." 1, 4 8. !! , .4 , F40_4 1 . -- .r 8. 04 .4 -014 ,1.. sat alarklingatreatn,2 L ike 141 monntalg, a troams, , Apxft;.'Xolt*ltikiNcti. , i.fif* a ki*,t4*t4A 4 l l° ,vlvq. l l4:ta ieehhir-sadloeitiiit toirrantt We soon tifiho, ,ifia.c.liagtfandafitiltie 411tattee. , * Ong , firit .o.iiiift-dii"*.wii,'elierP...fioinc jiiiir,,inioe 1.... t rosorkblorloottiotoov , qta , situation...to oommandi , titZAditoiltAfiii iii P ` a.iPAll C,1P 1 , 1 ,,t' aid ; Vila 47,27;ethit. iteiot-la,ettditoit;ad the, north ode of the . 1 . ~ 11 1 1#,Iii i34,alillfelfipbig terArA,theyll:lVol'.3'zlt le" ili ltii*ticirYA_r - iferthitiliktedixiady , i l C,llie line . Ntahittliiideit banish :and ifirthangiben countles , 414 (1,4,iihr.. 1, 9r - i4f3P#P i5ii.4.1t0144 - 7.04. 11 ii - tivo .• =iv, north' #4 3 ldladelphla, , .. twidve :wag - o f l'iliitdii,i'4l•',7 l 4k - Vitltee - Octm df. , ,Allcii tiiii it: , -In ,tiiiia "icii,tle,irttie l ittllia•Jiijtitf' fifOreirazi town sollOot*— neea largeldid,444ately, building. On : i t.K,ll2{4l;444COmittUdini 4 ilew_ct . ,th.n „Oyer andialle end ,mountaine in the aids - nee, elana ‘ the legiles*-hedmlage.-,-, ati,-front -,or oßpopite •-the' aiiete,Fi , IFelthilvis'thaltirge'tkorattan Church. P .0 1 1MI 03 ,ITY le ?the - ola dbarob;ltio ' swore ' - ufki 444 4 thkilndoi - e•NAukr Hoen e ; ; alittiiifait4er ".`.of 6igko`fatlfaritdOettililkiiolO r gloal Institute. Still firther on aid 4e . nomeioNieellylllll, a been, Orel and -ionia*Ot;iktinaVe*Oe.lriree cooling 0104,11:44its4Wittr9,*41411upl I ttir iiik4;o4oxigirs - etpUlausf the , tedlotabouYs on whet mntili.dai, d i ct* D if 9.oioa,_ n net, -4 1-- 00,1.1 10 , - fiktiq:wllliitla aue geese Of.iiinn.lellne.diatanoi , rimlnde.tnent 4i . ifAny.ire'littlief esettf.- 4 33nt . ' , ,ei11)1 had many ` -1 WARI, JI4, 11 1 1R 9 V*. -Us:, W44o* one 4(thopi. .7"lft.th strung& end...iitfuniqiiiindebteq to the'goed 1 Roc Of - sibtl' - '4ild'Atail4lol',llTitihi,iiiiltii'oloBo ro =- iniiiitidWriiliii,:i idt,tiiiitilfitt shady grayed But to linifou-tnAlinednoutlonal inetitutions. The. town 1 4 0 6 Wllik l Argh*,.. - . l itOrf.it,t:e 4 .4ol: it 147.- . 4m. briii,ltoridthilei,4llld,Zooritairke„=yeiersts hundred bediel,eif v ,. ) , X',l4'ltlinale,netaltiarllunindefthe onin of.allidftlikellkitiolWiiki 's..:ii Wed. the " In. 'opeotirP. , 'and, ttntaina--, neark; 19.,, eabolanq ' 01,1 1 ;110 -0 ,01K ' 0 1L :Aeiteite 11 4 11 , 4 3 14 00 1 Pd.q./.0e. Iniellotondiacti3Uf:Air.ekli.Y, Itaiiptifatin; All theilenre alio - 1110.1%1 th`Celtnreh'i r riiiStle pke• 644 ,, TrffitSaVOf=Vie allObtifir,llo9liii 4 1 Ondipli ' fund." --21 0iali,ek - siiiillkl4t l Fibirit 4 bout Lsoo iiielliy the; infjoxity or whont 441, -- ef•!Oarniati origin, 1 11 nt.- , 4sfe ry„ indleltituil -. le= dohieriant with b l ott tho2ReiglieltAtud- preianl4tignfgee. Toe T o e ariat atirineiVirorie - ot ci ' l 34zuriif of, which ADM. , zjoi'fiiti beast spoken-liar° In Bethlehem and elli . **,/itora s ytan'irtllaget AT aettlement e . ; The alitailirroulieW it'intreek:Rsovided for' single adetedkaandie einteeliki 011ie, r a sideline! taper. fitiiil*4 - si, -' llieAll4iii - ftirligi.w itt . 00de; 4K tiriitiolta'grill,V. poor•widow. belonging to the tith, ' . graltiatietii. lilreali:),,,ege ',.., there was iv honaeAai , 1 104; , tolki`i if9iPtitdo of iliiti.: kililiiiin but 6; mta„ , xongeep l ia4, v elisteootq '.."ll:iese'..eielet:formoo = tatted l'a Mori &time "A It iiiiiitfnolhe'eciiiiof4; famollin,,Al;thi% asttlua4o Malitleet4of: the Aim!, fi*stilsetatt hiill?itiely, Adldbuiromv . In prlnie jelialllT:ViiiilitteerwitiViiltriliti;ll2doinvian, nui l .4tadettot,,'Utialttlei_dfolie2! lea* ayafem," iiksoutu4i . atlaten ,s , #dly Mikis up with those of othlit'llenointnaginur, untp, at the; present day, - tbolidifulitl*ii -raliMiti-eittially - dlVldedi 06 - 16- ' tatlaii* elitith4,,e.t*t _cle hail th ii,, TA 414 4 4hl n *Aga:the idopteisi,rthere are ' two tifOgrift4liktellee l ` 4140 Lutheran" and Sermon ';...10104,i4 ' .4.A..; 4 419it. 4 0 16 ; ` ' , "', ', • 1 .4k, Arlditiht'ehafolies sad vkoid bafridiega; Mitt .., ihiAla k ,tftkiojo,4ialrePitli Prkirittioaideacee,_ antottmi, bulldlige offnatu.7 ,- FAtneng.the priyate 4 . # 6 1* - tr r Y , 4 1 0 6414 04 ; 114 ,1 4. 4.7 !hi , tvingq, .firsAiwoOloupsi, l o4iturEpiipt , iiiton, OoL . 011)11Mli ,/fvf*tioil,4,4 Others; and on thicTio• - *llol,.s9.4tfitWojiroL. , ,4 , maim t 4/1. `Bayie, .(qiiiitiniendiunliffiW..riol l t4 Vil loißEiliroad)# g . ,o_,,..l.4l4'lliele#xiiatiiikik4oo (ot 00* 4 , 40 4n. - , tt4l . 4 4l *, l o: fi kf 4 -# 21 .14ft. n allePoP, 0 - Mr. .g)tear 444! t4i1d0 11 0,0'..'4 "liii 2 l':Xiati rfll tife !lii itili : olll U:'.l,:P , OPYS 4 ' l6) PntilP'W Alit& 6it itillitlit s b) liiitOtite; a iiiiiiilf filiike,:oloo, if i ) l l i , r r oi f l t ili ) / . 4Zik n /i i n tt a a ll r u * t * ilse , a fl t i i a g : g -1 4 'e * sta 4 bl6i . e W hm F enf4 , hiesii44l4l . .Odfrfeld,'oo, , recitan)niil i, o te f ittra)iitiriethilnixionta iirlatrilieloi:thitaip • *Wu Pf YttAk i `litPk.ibi* *- 0,i.0,!'-it44.oiii, ~ar,,eetfetl- o x:O.ftlyethertito- i ßir i 4 : w h o . 'hal joiteliinstienfed'fileAlWifilaktlte if flnetOla ilk.;,slf4Afteirofiehtaliad Militia Ire nfhe ' , glut tifolaviiramtude, to what lii called the ,'ls4mtit viitey. - , - Bottatkota, higilifililidio'n Tillie: 414,linfilii;y114 1 0ieitaluiliniielltlifi! 4 iti over. 4004 Irflivilkiii ' l llii i 3iiiit'khif-iticif during 4.,loinkSiqiider tic ';' , ',,,ll4:itcoat'retttllettief. and • tiowdiousp e iaatitutionliTOtAhlii , lAA' iiii •'the, 1 9 1 410 4 '.f iceitliPlig l iaef'aidthief42ii";bi - ifliti,Xl44-rt,Ahirei4yEilien,ztio.wliekly7l.44,l4 plitalakfit hhti4Oie,.l2eif,,iltop t ' kg:l4'min °tate Oi r ai . _ OWE 'll l4l, 4 #4, 1 1"-ii;o94,,i;ia'af fierriaioe ott, Ai% at hill'adtata , to thlkpleavent Otitef9l4ll4; 4'gt,_id-faaie-e,l3e'thjehfta'and'the moii, ir, , t _ ,itiikgAjet..,4o32r4 ,:rtidit,,*Atitt,44torditioh 0 unk,'EttreptloistAzl'oar foyi'la - o? this Valley or siss.:Lehlitts:, 'Bitlilittiun'le'lhe : ferrefnee of the 1r T oikAi , wyortlatkitojtoito,:i4iie 4 oommots ~.. g&ifittlaillifif italleilele-illtitgirib..ifoliej, ,- **4 - 401t4pM4em.11 . aatonSiri,elo 4t aiiiiies with 'tft# l 3o 4 lo.WV.oo ll /..l o ll3 . selc.Ohnnic,';,"di g . Jupie4l AltSeit,,,:::Naypitillnred tbe,oare id tyt*Wfaites . x4.,,vittl,isoded - aranotitoiin; } !Su ToOsiBl4ll4ofritOia<Rtrdetit-itCiioitntkrikititriif-d..'-i`4ng.l4a:ln"gphe -4culak,(devin a', deaddi.;tlebtri - 7Xlie' ooninle• t 0'15 4 OW - 41 4 , 04 Vt0 44 4 14 7 1 riefa ler: • floating ind lajoitoto - .44',lrenitiiia' this " steiabielatnli -ji-41.017*#'0**1410 /0W: 4 4114th . :Valiii irogd: 74. 1 ,0,':.detti1 5 e,tra0h . ,...11 to,-extend front ,410402,441,;3,ia`T.:4tit1f4.14';',Aket., autiejniaililiiiiti ' , ..ntOaal Toe, ff., , ,dipg , acid , •, /dietitian road Ia . . 01 0c.i.:4 1 ,1 4 W* 111 1 , :cllibtI - ,' - ;aaligeki?,Si Z - , i',„, r ; bir etigottimiChaiiniti, l4 ) . l, l 4,4olrxr * tor Chit 0 *NW 4 -11 0, 1 0iiketidifoi ) thil`rifird50 1 `11 i 4, 6 *ii** f ti '46 ffia t44 :if loll t- iii - Nat ,New "otortkLartgoth4 - ,, na,ti n k lei; Jur g, 4,ltr l'the Ind ;~;~ ~.h.~; i:-.--;.. ;,',-;-..,:•:-:.,,,,' ~. Sit 7:.,7."--%.,'';. , - - li::' , -; ,, ,..,-a- , ,,t , 5 :ii•t-f#o.' At on. 'ef, the : printing o ee:Y notteeil VOA Ititely . forined for th4wW9uuf¢dlare of:011' kinds of tilitaiiii*.:infl44.seatii;.ficrittineineral. found 1 00,10. 11 Y.43004tilisio*,—TfiialifiarteOrft if ,timpritlitietieddriiiirothist:;vispOti'ik • rikigtrir 9ta - t:fif);_af *Mali - It 0 0n 1 1:: tna_dfetanoe,.i we' ii Upon a ;s oloeor ijk1, 1 11;(4. town hapas attractive 4Futlitainikai It date, aixia prettitat and Vtiarb fa *Alit abowi these'eaetern Peaniypianti.tattaa that at aataatt*tetha tiiireuegt na t ae,andtlitit ar - 4 tiiiio/0 8,1 n, " 10 4 thitzr OntklYttrania - German; as, a general taiditd prid" mapthitlheici i s ppArpA,ofail Inotiee meeting Of 60 . 44:9f the prominent citizens of the town,. the ob. !idouimunisv° 6 '"* , " • hi, *omtillWettaizi'faefloutiteri • StataZr 7 ; At this 'rd9ltibkj_lapiistititteitivaiadoi3ti4- wlitqlk person ao4d taalal Ohirnoter 11 19 , :./Ps9Pnkit;ti,pentebtirtif this assootation,by_otiur t.;6;41.:nd tabotinfr on the domain uofter.the000711101111.1:45 of theasinalation—thei ig7 tif ss,ooo 7 Oubjeet 'tti iiiorease Labor is to bo paid for on a'. gra'. diiitedadatif of noinidirisaticin--;must all bepiossett triii istittiiittiiiiiiiini'Ol.tho'-discotion of tbo ? gloat., itidn'-;anditifforlti giants are iolin'ilt- N iAal bel ; ancoe duo individuals, o , :cliatokipkrif f , , to be:erediteit es disputes to be settled' by. arbitratkin, ;i4Cpitiltiiie j ociiiiiiiit - a Stifi T e t tit k Court-of file colony-any *ember cooking reareitii: outabie td - Waatiellpd," ,041dren 'under ten -.gaits and , the Aied - ntitt arelo.iffitept at ,ttie aaar l e of the inisoutatitin,ti - - wTEepyga~tbMO:thatthefateof-all thole Predo= "cessorsabonld-ke euilleieitwarning those who ruitld Odniiiunist: '<satanic's," or. se ,lVfleneee-..,the'',Ashraditio, as' they Were Qallcdj who . tionriaked.'-`nt i:Hilrata, - in ltnoa.iO4 Criitlitivleforal'the oßeiolutionx the RePpHes, at Dsoiioa~y, in Biiiiretiirtt4ti; or thi iso*nlytnist do oltaleit ottlie,atly:ollyrankfal4ers, tbo Hunkardsi nieittia oommirnistiirsotileties among the Morasi• sne;:in ,their several tattleidents. How long did Ilier"eablt,:,:Ter;,:yihat'greitt object - did they, accom oliab, l ~ifir;eitnese) effOrts of thelreneb, *rid German communists, , to establish fi*itittinuitiiiblal! 2 ,tei l tistrung apd permanent be eauntry.- Bat th is is a free country; and theiO betlerleichei:iban exporienco:". ' .-.:lle: = Allentortn - and Aubotrn - Hatiroad, 'Which it istspritoted vela be oompleted , ,haforelong, 014 NekYbik'neartir:the Schuylkill teal Via - -4:44 4likui4,litgdfiu:ylkill county:, conneele -Pith the Lehigh Yilleyjoad:' Whe:Allentown Ana Norristown realik , isd4el(inlitirtifed many ybkra ego, but the stook could bit ;Old; sand•hOnce it lagged ; bnt . itis,:told . ,that•lttelprospeet forballding the road Isitarr beyond ctuestionl' ••• • • • ITII4IOOI2IIHiIO. • !::',l)keji4m4B - • ' 6r ..10.101.'N$U-1111i; Yeklanxii Phlithey 18,9 0001ath5.19,6410 palioge,xeepe Co & Co , 'PECILADiIiffIiiI3OAUD OY TaAna. B rnomAs;-. 7 -I , ' OI lAI4 , NESL 001011212111 07 THU MOZTII ,zir.TTER: ' ihelddreherntss 'Exchange: Philadelphia. • - 8 111 1;;W„Yoimilvkalarcokf'`' • 't ' • Llyen3ool, soon Bark lrem; Bubre ' - . Itarbadoes, soot }Mg Bblurz de Cuba soOD ',.-Iteu..aria or rim OCEAN STEADIEUS. ;T..,---;;‘ , :k1711.011111HE UNITED jiTIM23. • ' lin'a '_-- •,..,--. 0.: • IigATAI =•-• ! 17 . 702 . - . - - DAYS 0 niWatAligton Nett Vori..Cotk & Itterpeol..July 30 Atrloi.:..• ".....Nsw T0rk.,L1yerp001....”,.... Au c 3 Nei, York _, • New Vork..litemuu !hue 0 Bumps' • - Baston..Liverpo9l.... Aug 10 ,Faltou ...... ....New York.. ratio Ang .20 , ultao - ' New York..Efsere Aug 20 filaagow Net Yoly..Altagow Aug 24 10 AHRTVII. Sam , - I.IIILYS.. - • nJta Kautmonta;:' . Eoulhainoton..Now Y0rk......... July 18 Kangaroo Liverpool... New York' July_lo Oonsultuselo.Bouthotnptoi2..New J?ettio - htvorpool..liew I.•••Jialy ..,Bouthyor olbu..New York - July 17 July 17 Cilangow...4k...,elBsgow..NaLYokk Juiy,l9 - 13roulon 13 . remeo..Now York Aug 8 gr , ,The Alallforttla Mall Steamers gall from Nett rorkien the fithind. 20th of each month. - - - ID! , The ljaenne,Stenmete leave tOtw York, on the liath;llth Yttk, sad 27,42 of 402 rionth, a.r.ttehertes- Tenltlq.on 1.V112. inovettatee fall On - Ounde) , ,, the attantera eolifnnier, except franitiew Oriente. - ". Maitre 4114111.0 m: 1,0117`0/9:18111WIDELE.111-9.. July 98 1859 51361 , 11.181118. 7 ...1 ..... 63 1 8136 . 1;8E'L'S ' 111 - - API 12 79 Deg , Nelouta- Stfol4no, Jr, P Worley. 8 dojo from, at. John, NO,With - latbit and palings loPfrelie de Co. :Attic Otwan - Woro-`4lorron,ll day* fro-Ft New Poi, with cement to - N Boltdor - Zo 00: , ' . •-; 4drig-iforeat sista; aturtere, from New York. •••` Brig Judge. Whitatut, I"y:final. from New York. Behr Jonathan-oone, kiehoffey, 6,dayalrom town, 00 01 :3"Ith 'stole, to deptato. - • „ Bobt - filloonnoek, Burroughs, 6 bye frihn. Boston, .with too to orphan • 4oltuf enfant: fiftoft, - Airwits, 2 deye from Chesapeake Christian & Carron - - ,Nokr-ydre. Ponder, _Bruton, 2 days , from Aillton;Del, Ofiristariutt - ine ' • BayolVl4arreis,4, , neittitiil day from Chundon Daly with Corn4tO Jot L Cowley, & On.. ' -Sokr-Youorretinertos,•Tuft f deye from Port Deposit orittt. wheat 'Wiwi L - Bewley & Co. • robrAlm,Gihrge;Jookion,l day from Smyrna, Del, withartrilowneostrn to Jee L Bewley et Co .1:Bohr NAAR NfidatOrtlitykoretsii, 4 deye from Dooton, With Estee, to Curren &00 fins. .. • ... -2thr, Wandfdin.trOdopor. 2 days from Smyrna, Del, witirwtorat to,JitoLorro , t & Bon. —Bohr-Vt. MoOolleY, Deputy, -1- day from, Illliftrys -Del, with whiatitodeorsiro J.ll NoColloy. " , liotarDstairare, - 4,11,10rby; -2 .days irdm nmyrno, with wheat te - JOs haulm &Do s. 800 irior ttloC,geney, 2daya from N't w town, Hsi, With lions Lb Tasilerratt do eon. - - iollo3lo,44rpriso, fainelo. 2 days from Newport, Dot, 1001'Pb - tot to Joe BittllitK Bon. - 'Bohr If 6Dananito* ee, Miter, from Boston. haiii - rf a htereht., , ,ot xi, from Boston.' - Nxieloior, - Davy, rool.l3oatOti. - • - .Behr',Atd,Legtiall, from Bolton - . • - four Gssello. Noytor, from Pentiagrotro. Behr notk Halsey, Paril, from Port Jefferson. Behr it G Purror fi litedern, from Donveregant. • .. B opi-.Nivil,'.lhoon, from New Noel ; • - Behr Dolnient, Gibo, from Yrovidari .. • --. 4101mmit.1100,103 Green, Pi hours I , New York,. fritierpdße 19.4,1%11444 kOo. 0141.431 ED. • '• Btp~rueLitl Didaitoro, Oars, Vow Toi ? e, via Ospo May.. , doo , Alldoi ids; - - -' - Dark Bobert Penn4ll , Rtatocd, t.?!ni , Bedford, Rep knoirdo .1; - ' BrlS,RoF,fist fpoweto; Tolland, 0 - A - ReolieheT - - ',lkdst" id, Egglieti;BOsaii; - • do Raft Judge Indian:l,' Fleury, "4100011 3 , Ban Loots - " Naylor, Bodoni fable,- Hammett de: Caldwell. Eater Ikestdor,B4sjfclliston, babrlievle, Salmi Boston, L dtolsortod & Co. bone 1 A Dinonhosor, Utile; Soto'', 'TY Johns, : gear. sea kravidapp 5. Sarum, Ogle & Co. 7alnpr kkattlw, thod!og, Eti."l.44mos,l3rotoll & dobr ,Clftht Dayle. Bowerdei, Blattleklaw • ,„ .1361041 Portor,Ehdion, Danytrepoiy, Mims ec co Ottilti /hitt PAun,"Boo.on Oayes Br, Clod.hall. ;dobilinTsio%k - iiitAkb,, 'Deo, Lynn, L ttotOormol k Po Voemee, OharltYtoWn, t to • • tiotit OistickxnitAiVog,lforbor, _ do ' 104dedon Oox S+l.lu , Ouse OittAllikratV.Pxovldends. do. - ' —Bolke.Q*o litylori Ramer, WOot Outer, do. Bola rialftcontz,ereen, Portland,-- ' do. 0 4' 4-1, a•Meili'Or; INI•OolocO, A (itores, ir, Shiefeeeontleoee of The Freee.l • revolt PR GRA-014, July 2 1: 1 8 5 9. - The Wyoming ion port this wonting ellti a hveta 111 toff, livien gut aoralitood as folio --011oe• I.ireillgert lumber to Ham! Bolton 0(4 ' Atria' ehirk r Ooal to Delaware 014: ' _ latirrismidenie of the P osts.) • • * 11GOLDING, July MS, 1809. "The folloirfogbitoll from the Union Oanal !mired Into the' Ookoylltill:Onsil,:to4sy : bond to Plum:Glottis, West aridoooilinict mi follows: Lneon, MG:miaow dont to Sas Perot it Boo; Pljte's Pe• tiou'ors.to X& G Brook,: alsgoolls, Imo. bet"to"lohu Orsio :booth Jeie, aa¢ Gallsman & boo, Stain to - use: !seems' /Mary Doulss; pig trop sod. gruln to Aol:Tout and Dcuilailsber to Voity. .AGOrreipouttisi4 Of tbiq PlGlirdislo is it:rob:mg& y Jut/ v: fahl 0: iiit . oliailsoni Morrow, Goal Oarbed t oes lout wllftmugsr .ar.d.•_lOClltates, arrived bra Ines singing, and wi ll by cllialzied a few dap.' - - teerrsqe Went" at Ile Philadelphia' Nutting - 0j • • , • - ":" „ LIMNS.deI y- 20. ';The *tar Irony Not - rester, front lie nortesee for es; viral put , la here Nita the - a/twain, trek, ittll re mettes, &wattles the hi - rival or, another oieteht horn N ,Yorlr.•.: The' *this 2Ooob Blrdieli, W B- 4rtiktee, P 4 ,Taterl_htity, Ann- Predatore;-Jattled" ii 0 00,' , 1111134 B Ireobeitiserthtn, Caroline-11e11, hierinah b4lllocroni, ebattrood,:rhos Brandt,-and Josenhinei female, et the. arrivedPlitly Wan tIVC, brigs and ten , other ochre larch last evening. The brig Ade/wee, for vropooletin; went to aeseleatorday. Wiad light from Xlielonthestst.:, . - • rootiti Pic • 117.011 MAN. ' ' LOT tittaeatrif.l - ,Sloreopendenee of tato ktilutelphin Meehenge.) - , OAl9$ labile., July 27, 7 41 b` Id, The Areeffs, for Charleston, and bark. CamiSla, for-Xer Wait, Went! opt We 'eteroteß. A roil -rlggod b. , Flg "rent in. Wind . NW. Weather warm. - TOOROtb;:; - •'- - TROD. B. atatilit. 11326fOttaNDA: Ship Westmoreland, Dean, for fAverpeol, was towed tD fiea from New Orleans 13fluftst - Skip Amen, Hugon, from Manilla for A.idney, NSW, .wes epokett fday_ll,- tat 1142 fi e Mug _K2 24 .Is, , - 6/41'40111 Jul:mend, for' nine, caearda at Charles• too fibth mot, Ship J iI Tucker, Itiliott, for Liverpool, cleared at ObOicatnn-• , • Snip 14intia, Storer, canoed at Poston 213th inst. for Melbourne, • . - - Hark Leland - foe ealveaton, cleared at Boaters tOth , • 1147100 A 7 , 'L lialey - , , beace at Portland 26th t. ' Soh! aandner-Waiker. Sinew, hrnce, arrived at Bar. bedew' 4th tuft madlktuttl . tth for St Thoma s , __„_, OAT; for,nieir Yorkorentlo . /0 8 4kontOilikaactOn 2ttit Snot; _ Sche - a - 8 l'ffitche,l; Doyle, hence *rayed at, JI it- fordnetinlcat •,t= • . - Rehr Hannah Watitiels,,Shiopelilze, hence, arrived et Alexandria 26chfneti; - Bohr Healy Dthf.ei, 49108, arrived at Pharlacton 24th fialr.? 8 SElKent,Tc maven; hinco; arrived at Plitt- I. mole 2niiiinac; Oahe ' °tatted' it Baltimore 26th • iast,..itarThilattaipw a . -- • ,odit.tuata.alainiattetion, ter.oi, arrived at Banton lath • - • aligits , TPf 4 tifirl4iiiiTheinie,ir v ired lfe —Mr Ailianp,,llibictr, haji6aonriVed at Providence Ihttlant:' , scina ricer tiellishil Get df,`_ad. liCifven, Packer, billed fronc PSor,tur,npilith Inet; foe phitadciptua. cdemen, mitt) Itlfinst 110 aranite - - .• , i. 44; tit iliit : :' Pli , foi4 i: c 4, (atilt' Nil ma 4014- 044, r ( Jo -- ling ' 4 li 85604;.-100 k -- I* -- it _ I.utiventaltii ~ , age, or , ealo by 94.'16_,11M/T-ittost-; 4 ''.- k - . .. 1 " • ' " ' "3 4 # 9,, 47 and 49 DI, 4ief441..,irc.,:;-‘:-.....,: - ' 'ld ' 4l =t ;' l., `- ,: tr;! ,l •'.;- ' r;. ,', , : " . ANNB ) 1 / 8 ' , :011.;:=220 Mg qE Sitaligiand etfh , e) And foenia-s bi- - • • ,-,••• 441:ttunnAnis & /30N, • 7- 4.1* -101- YHA miatttg NPRTMERN ASSVRANCE 'COMPANY EITAIILIBRED IN 1838.. FIRE AND 11/FE INSIMANOE: • HEAD OFFICES: LONDON, ABERDEEN, FDINBURGH, GLAB. , ,GOW, PIULADELDRIA. CAPITAL 86.298,800. ANNUAL ltiClo2ll3l UPWARDS OP $1,000,000. Polities guarantied by the unlimited liabilities u nearly 1(00 Shareholders. Lo•ses promptly adjusted and paid without reference to London, : by WILLIAM GETTY. AOENT POR TRPI UNITED STATES, OFF,D3E lk 0. , 87 SOUTH TIIIRD 3 " PIIILADZWIII.I. nzysnixoza. Messrs STUART & BROTHER, 18 'Sank street.' OLAGIIORN & 00,, 232 Market at. ' ll "WM. MR all St. 00., 22 South Front st.' IdcOpTOIIEON & COLLINS, $. W. corner ' , Frost And Ned etreetit. • " OMfVE, WILLIAMS & CO., 613 MArkAt at. " •' :AMOS °HAMM & 00., 20 and 22 Letitia at. JOIEPH MITCHELL, MN., President Mechanics . Dank. A 61103 DUNLAP, Erq., President Union Sank. Hon. WILLIAM A. • POSTP.II, 023 Walnut street, late ' Judge Soprecie Court. jyo-tuth&s-tf FIRE .INSURANCE. AETNA XIIffURANOV Q041.1. , 1NY, of Watford.' - Gish Assets, Jan. 1, 1869.....51,667,920 08 MANHATTAN - 'FIRE IDIOIf:CANOE -001IPANY, of Now York. Gash , Assets,"Jsi.l; 185% 873,939 09 SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND AI WINE 'INSIMANOE "OOMPANY: Cash Amts. , lath 446,1 01. elf NORTH, AMERIOAN. PULE INsU. Iti#o.ll 9931PANY, of Hartford. ' Coah Amato; JAIL 1, 1369 365,860 00 ISVtfIQ FISH ,INFSUBAHOH 1114 York. Osah Aaeotai Jan. 1,1 5 450 534.1,104 51 11EltellANTEP FIRE 11013RAHON .003IPANY; of Hartford. Omit Asiata ; ;au. 1,1889 ,1239,079 813 Pollolea bganed t , and loam equitably aijtusted mid promptly paid; at Ilia Agency; by • .13Q4WpLI. Sc_WILSON, Agentt, fab26.tf, „ No. 216 WALNUT STREIT. THE WASHINGTON FIRE - ANI) MARINE xx:sjs - p - 13..A.1.T0m comp 7A.Reitidit BUILDINGS, No. 2110 WALNUT STREET, introrporktat In 1867, ender the Genera. loeutanee Law of Penneylrenla. . atticxitea Rapßai 5600,000 - . linbaaribad Capital . 200,000 Paid op Capital 114,600 itintarin da POLiOWI3 Bond andlilorigages, Brit heti 632,170 Bank, Railroad, and other Rtocka and Peonritios 454.000 Rash in' Rank ' 8,630 .-----$114,800 Insures ONLY agAtnet LOBB OR DAMON BY FIRM ON- numneras, BILRONA.NDIBE, I.IOIISRIYOLD WURNIT ORR, &o. Also, 00.00100. ES and if RH MELT to and from all puts of tba world, and Inlend atisa- Ron and TrankpOrtatlon, on Won . 010 Wins. orrledas. ' Pro Meat, wiacart, lhee Trent<liont, 0. - 0, BUTLER, Neeretnry, B.LABORG4R, Asegtant Peretirys iitrifidTono Gqintitii. Imlay, W Wank *right / Torrey, Jae. Tooner, Wm. B. Grubb - , Ofzirliin G. Imlay. Jeripit Ilardfrtg, .o.'o. Ilatter, Healy it. 2traug, D D. /ones,. 3". D. Dago. msrlB4.f ' rynk; IibBERP MORRIS FIRE BitwitocineArly, Or rnif"torLrnfl, 409 NALNLIT'II,T.R.EIIIT. Thlti thOmpanyillßUree rtgltait LOU or Damao by Vire on pantte and Private Slnitdingo, ifurniture, fitooka of Goods, andidetchaudive generally. The fullowl or provision in tho Policies of this Com pany guarantees their security rhea assigned as a col lateral: - This policy shall not ba,litvalidated, ot. Sow wire &Molted, after - ah a eillateral vseniity to a rein:Wl-rent, de - Mortgage, dad the approval Of each averment by the office, by nny irnosfer or conveyance at the mortgaged Pfe11;!1 6 4,,,,by V . 1,9 ownor of the came,,, Diszi3foits Paul T. Jonas, • - Jeremiah 31. Brooks, Johnllutms; • Robert Clark, - Dago 8. Waterman, - David Bateman, . .11d , sard 11011 - lamas , Vanderreerj TosaphTanntiy, - ' ' Theodore FL Joseph Collins ff4lttael sust.ik. " - PAUL k i JOgleei Pratildebi. AN lIRVE tit, Vice President. Galina, 8, ersaLINO, Searstary. ml7-tr T"(WAXER CITY LIMP:MAHON cONEPANYL_ VIII , ADVLPEIVA, rup!lcuti imiuDiNgs. No, 422 W.PANOT Street. - CRAMMER PERPETUAL. , Paid•tii Capital And Surplus E 424,361 42 okettua Capital. ' i 600,000 00 Trunirea againet log, or damage by Dire and the parka 40, the Bee; Intend Naligati en, and - Transportation, on thalami:favorable terms. Loma promptly tol,litipl 0,14. 060r#0 /t - rukil2ton n art, • - W. Batley, ET.enoss,- Andrew R. Oltambert, _ 0. - Odttell,. ;. „' Charles G. Imlay, - John a. Dale, E. It. Coggehall, - Poster I. il'oa U. M. Dollar. 0111 . 10Enkt. .10E0114E H. DART, President. - N. P. HUBB Viso ?resift, ill. lE. R. CUGGEEIALL, Bearelary and Treasurer. B.R. 1P3T1,88 Reargtary. mkt IyiAwARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANON CO 31PANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PEININSYLVA AT rA,116.36. OPPION 11.36: CORriElt THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. SIANYNN INSUAANON ON 1 7NRBIL9, CARGO- >To all peril of Oho - World. MIGHT, INLAND INSUltanita On Goode, by Mier. Canals, Lately and Land Oartiage • to all pans or the UntOn. ' . SINN INSIIINANONS On Blenebandhrigonerally„ • , - Con Stores, Dwelllugßoueee , See. ASSETS OP Tlll6 0004 PANT, - liotenchltr 1,1603. "A 0 Atarke.f MS. , Philadelphia Oily ip cent. L0an.5105,144 00 ;MOO, Pennsylvania State Leone - 104,4-5 00 080,000, U. S. Treasury 4,tf, FO' cent. Notes.- 00,112 60 p 0,009, Per!asylv4lia Re !road 24 Mort ' gage OOF cent. Bonds ' - 45,875 00 MOM, North FOntiiiy leant& Vatilrosoi Mott gip 6 410' cent. Amide ~ , 616,006; eta obcrea dock flermautoun (#a9 Oompany,interestand principal iyearautestl by the city of Phila . oulphle 14 015 00 esitcoocto °pares Pennsylvania Railroad Gomptay " 4,037 50 $6,000,100 'Moen North Pennsylvania Rillrofti Company, PAO, Sundry shame Philatelphla lee ' Spat C2capa!ty,yityre do Gras +6t45Z.11 To; eikit Cotnpatti, Tannab. atesni NtvrtAstion golh psny, PhiladelpblaZlohnngo (lorapsny 5E40,709 • • • 319,199 00 Bondi, and liortgages, and Real lea% Ot- Moe Building 71,868 25 Bills tteeelvelue for insurances made 901,005 30 Balance due at Agee.:lee— Pratt:dune on Marine policies reeemily leened—sed other debts dal the Comtunt, • 61,288 14 354 aid stook of notary insurenoe Oompa- Wee Clastion deposit in Dant , 8,220 00 42,057 85 DIRIC alk= Martin, Joseph Ii peat, mrogitA. Bander, Jobn (T. Dade,- .. John Penrose; George G. Lelper, Ildsrard Darlington, Dr. R. it Huston, Wm. 0. ImOrrl2, Ugh Spencer Charles Kelley, Jones Brooke, Jeieoli P. Joao!, VITAL& • ROB. 0 11EPtA7 1.21.110 RN, Sec TORO. :Ames 0. Rand, Theophilua Paulding, James Tragaslr, William Byre, Jr., 3:1". Tenratan, ;mama P. Dyra, Damned E. !Rolm!, envy amos D. Pritailand, Thomaa 0. Rand, Robert Button, John B. Semple, Pittsb's D. T. Musa, tt Logan. 14 hIARTIpt, President. . RAPID, Yid° President. tar/. zah26.lllt 11.1.F.E INSURANCE. At( D _TRUST COM.- ' PANY.—The ReNN MUTUAL Lire; !MX RANCE OOSIPAGT, Gortheaet corner of THIRD and .DO M throng. Capital, fd1.t,1245 03. - InbUnns EVEB for enott terms, or for the whole term of - life—giante annuities and endowmente—pnr. chases life Interests In Mal .ISetete, and thatea all eon• treats derndltnr on the 000tlogocolos of Life. 'fAey act m Oxsoutera, Administrators, Assignees, Trnatoes, and Guardians. • Daniel L, itiwer~ Itardtruln Costa's, Richard 8. Ncwhold. William P. fluter, tiara, Eauntal 0. llaoy, Chariot nalloWell, - Hoary 0. Tormaer.d 3 Rodolphas Kent, Wllliam It. d►xr, , litdwarcl. P. Mott, William Robortaari t Wainer M R►sin, Y. 8. Mite Eamuel. 8 StokeN William Mart n, Tames B. McFarland, Joeeph a. Trotter , Jlllnne Huston, Theophilo Paulding, r Edmund A. F.Onder, Dluiet L. Usttningion, John W Itorner, Sloe 8 . Archer, 83.191191 J °bristles, Joseph M. Thomas, - John Brenner, - ler, tattoo. L MILLBIL President. . 13TOILES, Vide Presq. aulB.ly DANA SAM. dorm W. Hozoma, Beets DR Li T' CELEBRATED LONDON a DRUMM , Quality la More essential in a Hair Brash than in any other Voilet article. L'E.Ol/Vd 0/117:11g3. whe - ever ;introduced, have at owe taken precedence for quality !of materials and for solentlfin construction. lie tisk Brushes, combining a peculiar cla,tloity with the re. 'lttlaite Armorer, are found to pane uniformly and rimoothly .7tilionort the hair rather than roughly aud harshly Oran it, thus 'Oleg the proper stimulus and ecntestont. freedom - [rota dandruff to the ritalp.skin without injuring It, sod thre; too, insuring a naturshy glossy, healthy eocilitlon to the hair ilia TEETII,'. NAIL. sod 00tIB BRUBQ&9 are'equidly desirable also for their peptise uses, all combining, in a teinerhable legion, cornpieteet nialfulneas with extraordinary A toll au olment of Pitidll ql ettrerior inoluding t ome.entirely new patterne together with a 'tree stock of ItibWil desirable BOin and PEllt• xUNr 3Y, just imported direct, ramie and COMM, Koet.),, wholesale and retail, by - "SASSARI/ fs 110., Apothecrofee, • " Jr43l, ' .'O/I.E 8/1.11:1T Bt, ear. of Twelfth Bt. CUBESE.—=3SO boxes Herkimer County. Choose In Moro and for vat) by 0. 0. BADLIIR no .AROTT (In or a ho.ft Yrnnt 1,2 p~ULQIiY. 40" tibia, prima quality Ouba s't YETI? , 3101.,A55E3.--"260 Iltbdi and bids. DcAL , Uonoy.r.or is&rliiinlas, 'TA for sato by hi.-2dN• L. New York and kb,tisdelpbls, gimp for misio by DIU% lattflositd RAM ain ; XES Walittr4 & laiT/TL4 strata. lIU - ' THE PftESS...;-PRlL4.l).pf,‘PfflAt, ,111f.14811Alr e ; JULY 28, ;82lpi, ,oniptto - • - A ,NERroAN; ':iNEltriti.iitYl CO., INGORPO.RALTRD 1910 -OHARTSB'PRIL P.STUAL. - No. 810 WALNUT threat, ibioti Third, Philadelphia. !laving ar largo paid.uu ;Unita). Stook And Butiplut Investod In sound and arillable •Ele3tlritiescoontiattato snenre on Dwellinge, Blorels, Furniture, gerobandLie, Veszale In Port and - theft Oargnesi - and Other Personal Palled]. All Lulea liberally and promptly adjusted. GeOrgeatbbo4, ;, • Datatit'ollB. Joba T, Lewis, • John Pi'elab, James It Oinh,,ball, Samuel 0. Martha, .ildmund G Patriokprady, , Obas.W. Poulin'', - terse' Montt, - GEOlOOtl ABBOTT', Premident. THOMAS R. MARTS' fleiiretari van vinia AI , TD INLAND. ligliB.--LedilE /1181ThAt10.11 COMPANY.CaPiteI . $1.00,000. (Organised ender the Act of Anomaly relative to In surance Companion, passed April 2d. 1806.) °Mae OTIVAINUT 81., Philadelphia. DIDOSOIORS. Samuel Wright; - Henry Leiria, Ir., William W. Walton, D. Ti. Charles Ilichardson, John L. W. Hverman, Jacob W. Stout, A. H. Rosoulieltn, - parole: UPoinooll, - John Ti George A. West, W. W. Knight. GDOYfID W, DAY, President, W BTANOMIRD. SAnrattrv.. I^l9 Li ()Willi: 4D FIR] AND MARINE INE RANom OOMPAHP, ,No. dL2 WA LIM T BUe Philadelphia. vntEorons. , Thos. L. Ludern,_ Wm. P. Leeds, J. Edgar Thomson, .• Robt. W. D.,Truitt, BS. W. Baldwin, - Wm. John 0. James, H. H. Elti Langford, A. 7, Buoknor, 0. E. Spangler, John W. Beaton, U. 11". Houston, - William Bala - nil; Win. H. Lore, Edwin Booth, Charles P. Nodal, Jan Etarrison, lean Myer. E. 8. Warne, President—THOMAS L. LIITDICID Vice President—E. 8. WARNA, SliarAtArt--OHAELES A: DEFY.. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE Jr. STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA—DIRE AND MA RINE INBURANON—No: 4 , IIXOHANGSI DHILDINGI3. Chartered In 1104--Oapital s2oo,ooo—Ateeta, Jana: may 1, 1818, UV ,446.50400, AU inveatatt in sound an( available eeanritlea—eantl one to insure OIL Venselii and Catioeti, Buildings, hltochll or Herehanditse,W.o., on liberal terms. DHOW/VW : Henry D. Bherrerd, Georg 11. Smart, Simeon 'Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charlet' blaealeeter, Tobias Wagner, .Williana S. Smith, Thomaa D. Watteon, ./slhp 11.804, lloary G: treSl2ll% RP7lits Chhilee 5.1;011, George Careen. • HIUUtY D. IHIBRREND, President. WILLIAM H . Smeary. leamirm tt 161,13,i3. WINSLOW,. AN ,YSP,ENINNOBp NIENISP L Pnyeielett,"preteeit, to tho :Wanting of Iro:4ors het • FOR - CHILDR)IIT' TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process .of teething, by ocat-nlog thn gnine, todulolng thilamtastion ; wilt allay ALL P (IN avid spasm:male sotion -aid Is SORE TO REAUL&TR TUN iIOWILS. Depend upon it, mothers, it. will give rest to your Mess and .11.BLIEF AND MAIM TO,VOIIIt INFANTS . . . We hare put up and sold - this ertolle for -over ten years, and can say, In eon 8 , ifientie and truth of it, what WO tare never been" able is say of any otter medicine, NEVolt lIAOP US T AILIID, In a BIN , G st rriwr own, TO rS lipqr A °girl, Ahen - limb*. used, Never dtd "no know an Instance of diabatiefaetion by ani char' who used It. On the an trary, all, are deligh.ed TO with Its operations, and apeak, in terms tf bigkent c.inmendation'of isil magi cal effects end Madinat itr tues..,We speak In thin matter - "what ,we do . 40 knoir,i , after tap yaw? e3perience,andpledgeonrZ reputation for the feint meet bf what we here de H blare, In almost brery I netanhe where the Infant, It null nring- from pain sfll exhaustion, relief will . be l foetid in fifteen or twenty minutes . aft.r. the Pimp Igo admin Stared. Thin valuable preparation n is the preacelption of one of the most IS P JP. IL I. „.,`" EsiCED and SKILFUL litildn'aß In New If ugiand, , -; and' bas been need with never-failing ance,rss In s 2 - , TROVBANDI OP C./4W13. It not Only relieves itre„ child abm pain, bnt in vigorates the stomach awl.' bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy," to the whole system. It will almost imtantly re 1$ Ilvve ORIPPItr IN TUN BOWELS AND WIND t s COLIC sialoverlome con vu/sione,- which, if not 7, speedily rcalealod, cod in death. We believe it the Ffi banned Barest, Htted,' fn ifie *arid, Id of a. , te of rid IIYBaNTERY and Melt. RINE d. IN OCIII.Eitt3N, 0% *bother it ariees frtlzt teething or from doy ;Ikn °Wee. We Would My to Oro, mother frho has a" Child goltarlrt from doy Of the foregoing a tlipleote, do not let voile ;relit Coq, ntl r tWe prep:moms of abort', eta ea betetreco 'or collaring child and the retie(' that will MI ISURE—yra,. btlsll—to follow the the cif this medicine, if timely, need. Pull dire°. tidos for nil: k ,will accord esoh 'bottle. None genuine helm the fact of 017RTIti & PER KIN& New York, is on the citable wrapper. , 10 - Sold by Druggiste taroughottt the world. Prlit• elpst 01110 n, Pia. 13, UED.4.It Blreot. New Yolk. ,ay2s.lr - A NOTRER PROOF OF TILE WONDER rx. rut EFFELITB Olt TROXELIA9 NEXIBA.LGIA Prime.; .Tirly 7th, 186 P. Mr. M. W. TsoxuLL—Bear E have been troubled with the "NBOltar.G.ta." f.,r the last 14 y sera, and hare muttered the moat excruciating pain, compelling me at t,mee to gird up my briefness entirely. I. or nit not • eat, and sleep nu a s'rwager to my eyes. I suf. fireddwore than tot Rue can tell I had theAdttoo a mid of Various physicians," and used Cher iniaedies, all of DO avail. Ireving noticed 3 oar advertisement in the papers, I concluded to call en a pinion whom I had learned Wall curet of a Cato of 20 yeare etanding Me applied the BALVIV , but once; exull , ' felt immedi ate relief—a second spplicatien-rdlimved the Pain en tirely, and I cow feel like a different mad. Mime then I hare slept *wl.—something that 1 hate not done for months, being obliged to pit up all njght'fd ply.appetito Bab ad I lest grateful to ion. for the read:lath:in pf mY health.' '— • °MARL Ed B. BARER Tobio&mitt. ' CAREW', titreot, above WteD Kenzlagtrui., Poe sale , wholesale and retail, It „If; Corde4dlXTß and Per strwste, rind et. '1!. ALTIZRB.SIIA corser.tli,rd and.Walent Ads. - 'eptd.tv tt.. ESTOVIT'd 0ELVD14.11.17.1) TAR comer, • Westoott'e Tar Cordial care. 0 enfuMptiOn. Westeott's Tar Cordial aurae Westeutt s Tar Cordial Goren Con a and Colds. Weotoott'e Tar Cordial ewes Sera hvet slid Etched, i9estcott's Ter Cordial ttteS kaipttetloit of the Tion l .3. WastrotVe Ter Cordial cores Nertans , Debillty. Wastoott , s Tar Carcial ogees Central W eittcott's Tar Cordial cares Diarrates of Kidneys, Otrangury, aud Gravel. Weatoott's tar Cornea awes plind and Bleeding PUS!. -WeetootVe Ter Corgis! cum PeMale Vreerifeeti. Dr SY.e.e.tcoXeT ai Cloceal 1421, tio. 02J ARCH V.,VA 'Alio, Principal I epot for Dr. TroaMott'a Anti-Scrota. lons Sirup Ina ()bolero Mixture. -, • Dr. R. R. •WilerCOlT can be, Om:malted on the ebore Miamian, Dee of °bergs, at hit Conentlatton DOmne. No. 029 ABOlt street, from 10 A.. 11. to 4 P. M. 17/0-tt 154146" P1:11111 00D-LIVAIt OIL PARPROTLY 814IET AHD PALATAIILA, inane. Isetttrel et Newfoltildlend for the Proprietors, Miro need and healthy liters, by 'dent i st a low tempers. tare, thu' presetting the sweetness end purity of the Oil, while the =Ural fishy flavor is perfectly covered, { and the 011 rendered palatable and sgtheahle th the act's. , 'lhe PtoPrietors df thie (.111 spare no , espentie io bavirt their 011 properly prepared et NeWfonndlilud, the holy place Where the Oscine inerrhtia to found lb shundanre. The true till ,ie freitiontly Impaired 13y adriiiltfurce with ell from other epeoleb of thp Omits famtty and osilithat corning float the 1 ' Sahli 1) elan ikshl'ed Iti!Oh the g'butilne. Our Oil beet ' en analysed, end pronounced to be pure and the perfection or Soo enality--charueterletion which enable It to mittitatn tls superiority ores all other kinds. Prepared and for sale ; Wholorobkarol BrII, by arb22-ti TinCLiTri and CraZI R T, Ph 1431214. 12,000 00 NOTICE TO SHIPPERS yaltalgighOF LOCAL #10.101:1T The era ,Adltt.V &NIA BAILEOAD OUAIPANY are now prepared to receive and forward Itrelabt to the following points on the LIORTLIEIIa OSNTRAL ItAitalo AD: Lott Helen, iewleburg", }ain, . fierthitrabetdand, lerdo9 Ehbre, Shubert, Medea,- Trererton IntaraeatiOn, Newbury', (leorgetown, Williamsport, Milleretown, Ituncty, - Nalitut, Watoeuturba, York Hilton, Hauarer.lunetion. : ALSO, , Oettrabnrjr, and all letter4edliktepiAte on RANOtillt IS/it DECPA D. All 11000 deut to Freight Stalled, THINTEIPITII and tlealiET Streets, Lit be promptly for eardedl. jyB 3,u la. I. SNARDirdt, Freight Agent. --- NOTlOE.—Persons Laving bnniness with 4.1 the FLOUR. 1118PROPO2, will call at No. 14 PINE Street, bat orkocn the boars or 9 o'clock and 3 P. nt. , whore they will And Lttelnopactor or hi e * Deputy, P. hi:HESS - I'AR. a; Al. LaIIAIAI4, ' Jen - ' Plonr Inipaator. C. , 09 3 e01 71? 'eI'EGIALKOTIGE.--Dealers in Goodyear's Patentfor!willed Rubber s.ttspendeen, Braids, Webe„and all otherlabrices and Artie./ made by Gambia ,lng fibrous eubstancei,rtlth threade or uhoote of !Wean. Ind rubber arena fed that uolds4 the rice are properly stamped or labelled with my namo, and by my authorf ty, they cannot be legally dlstiond of in the United States Merohants and dealers are Invited to examine epeeist:tens now In store, end to give their ordere for the Boring Trade to the underelgned, RXCLUBIVE OWN ka OR VIE TITIaIB AND RNOlNfortrit RIGIITS IN TUE PATRNT for there geode, Which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or Imported, end many others. ALSO, vtoznazo TO mArfuritgruna AND BOLL =4/3d the Tenne—may be obtaJor,d. on Application to mo Ct No..I.3OOLIATLANDT Bt.reci, N. Y. lIORAOII R. DAY. NOTICE.—An application will be made a the neat searioe of the Lt &Ware of Penneylee. nip for the ihborptiratioa of n Bent with general beating privileges, with a capital of 1470 litlVDano MID NFU TilutidAND DOLLARS, to be called the BlABllpitOl MMUS' BANK, to be located to the city of Philadelphia. Ltr9l.a Oat ralo LUMBER ,NEti AN D FARMERS.X. SAW?, p? vpAynAirAypln.l!.,L.A.NDB, IN WARWICK. COUNTY VIRGINIA. By 'virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the County eforessid, preformed On the 2eth of March, 1859, in the chancery Emit of Gambrill re Whitheek, the undersigned, acting as Commissioners under the Wilde area, will Nell before the Court Nousedoor of said coun ty on the SECOND TUTTRSDA V OF AUGUST next, that being county court dap, Mist valuable tract of land' described In said deords ao all that certain piece, par. col, or tract of land, lying and. in the county of Warwick, and known to being part of the 'Rich Nook Trott; containing one thousand and elghty.eight acres, (1,080,) more or loss, being part elf toe tract of land conveyed by Augustine Gambrill and Margaret his wife, by deed dated 28th June, 1868, act recorded in the clerk's &lice of Warwick county - cerirt. ,, The above land is very valuable and easy of woos, being located on tho pentasnla lying between the James and York 'rivers, and about hell way between Uampten and Wil• liamebuig There are upon the preinisce a steam saw atilt with engine of 60-horse power, and good anbaten. Val Brink Dwelling lrttototighreyalr. T.NRSIB OF BMJ. Bo winch in cash as WM pay She costa of the above mentioned snit and the expenses of sale and wan the residua is credit of twelve months be given, the purehster to pre-bond with good isspu r ity f or t he d e . tarred payment, with interest front the day of Ode. LIMUEL J. ZO Wore onewata Commissioners. Ot the above bode, 180 serer are lo hoe cultivation, balance heavily timbered with superior white oak (for ship betiding,) and pine ; the pine , wook being worth $J.7.5 per cord on the bank ; any ateccant can be con tracted for, for the New York market. Any information in reference to the matter can bohad by. addressing Newcomer k. Blowlbraker, Baltimore, Ltd., or nyapplying to B Petrick, adjlinieg the lands at 'Warwick Com t Nouse, Wander. county, Virginia. jet.eat ittebiunal. SOOTE(1.140 . SYRUP. Nciires Real Estate Or Lino nit'quaamm . _3Uhi3LEß AR ..,710.-mgRANGEIBLENT. 'pRILADELPIIia WiLSIINOTON, AND BALTI• dawn RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY,. July 4th, 1859, PASSEINOBR TRAINS LEAVEI PHILADELPHIA, Flir Baltimore at 8.15 A. Id 1 0 noon, cgiprota and 11.10 P. M. ' • For Cheater at 8 15A:11., 12 won t 4 , 80 , and 11.10 P. 51. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 19, 4 80, and 11.10 For New Castle at 8.16 A. M., and 4 80 F. M. For Middletown at 815 and 4.90 R. EL For Dover at 8.16 814 and 4 SOP M. For Seaford at 8.16 A.. 55, "and 4 ao P. DI. ' - • -TRAINEI 80A. EL FOR: PHILADELPHIA Leave Ilaltimore at 6., (Elyrese)9M A. M., and 6.26 P. M. • Leave Wilmington 6.65 A. M., and 9.20 A. M.,1.10 Mad 8.40 P. IL' Leave caw Cantle at 8.45 A. M., anal 40 P. M. Leave Middletown at 7 60 A 61 . and 0 84 P.M. Leave Dover at 0 60 A. IL, and 6.25 P. M. Boa Leave ford at 615 A. Id. and 246 p. Lear° Cheater. at 7.44, 9 ' 50 A. M., 1.46 and 9.16 P.M. Leave Daltitlore for Seaford and Delaware Railroad at 680 and 940 A M. - TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE'. Leave Cheater at 8.45 A. M., 12.28 and 11 40P . Leave Wilmington at 920 A. EL, 12 55 P. IL, and 12.20 A.M. kt/Alll Only at dl.lO P. M., fi from PsliadelFhla to Baltimore. Only at Oat horn Baltimore to Philadelphia. PIiBIGIIT TRAIN, with PA6SBNGER OAR attached, will run as followh: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate plum!, at 5 45 P. 51. • Lnavn Wilmington for Perryville and, intermediate Fiasco at I 95 P. M. Leave Havre-de-4race for Baltimore and intermediate places at 6.40 A. to Leave Baltimore for Havre•de-Grace and intermediate places et 5 40 P. Al. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and Intermediate places at 5.40 P. 51, jig B. M. BELTOtt. PreeMeat , NEW WEST CHES. TAR AND PIIILADBLPLIIA NSPLA. OMMUR On and efter hi AY 2th, 7560, the Trains will leave Philadelphia. from the !Nation, N. B. eorner of BiaciTN , P• rrr and MARKET Streets, at i and 11 A. M. • 2, 483 end 675 P. hl. 1 , re We c nester, from the Station, on EAST MA :treat, at 020, 8 and 11.30 A. hi., and 2 and o-- e ON BONHANII—Leavo Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 2 P. at LeaYe Went Cheater at 780 A. 141., and 0.18 P. M. IINN NY Wan. Geplrsl,l43perintdndn4t, gtoi my FOR THE BELL .5a.i.ML WW I - BHORD. Is UALD:SII. AO ANORMINT. OAMDZN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ONLY , - TWO AnD A HALF DOORS TO Tali ODA --- MOREL Pa and after SATURDAY, May 2lst, and until inn. ther notice, three daily trains to Allende and return. On ADE DAYS, the Mall Trein only .3111 ran. Pirst,.lllolTn .. .siii, liming Tlne- street Parry. 7 no A. fa. fieSbod, ziprogs, ' ii 1s •i 4 ~,, L i a . Stopping only for wciod dna water.) Freight Train, (with Pesaanger Car attached) .4 09 A. 61 Accommodation Train, (Egg Harbor,' leaven Vine. duet 4 601'. id - LEAVES ATLANTIO CITY. First, Exprese ) Train leaves 6 00A. M, Seoond, Mail, " 440 P. AI, Preight, cc ' 12.10 ActazgamodatlOn Train leaven Egg Harbor.. 16.00 A. 51. SONO tY TRAIN. Learn! Tlne.street Perry at • 7A. 31, Iteturnieg. leaves A Moth. at 6 P. U. This Train wilt Atop only at Waterford, Egg Harbor, and Itbsocom. up.ingnrriV) AfiCOIIM.ODATIO.H. Leates (loomed rbiat • • " •II cp 4.1 1 7 Leaves Haddonfield • - 146 P. Si , Leaven Cooper's Point 2 Opl. . Si, Leaves Haddonfield . 366 P M Para to, Ationtle . , when Tickets are purchased befOrd entering the bare....: . i ~.".„ i• • 31. 3.0 Ronod Trip Tickets, good for two days, on any' regular train . - . . • 32 SO On and alter July 24, bud Ovary Batarday throdSh the Sommer, the Egg Harbor Accommodation Train dill run through to Atlantio, and return early on Monday morning.. Freight mast be delionzed et flooper'e Point by 1 P. M. The Company will not be responsible for any goods until roomed and reteipted for by their Freight Agent at the Point. my19.450pl JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL WAD ; inOarilNG Latin:, for POTTET/LLE, READ itIG and HARRISBURG. Leona the Depot, at eornet of BROAD and TINE Streota, at 7.80 A Si.. HAILT, (inniaya cicaPt , (l,) far YOTTBVILIA. HARRISBURG, and all Intefteedhite points, dotimbltng at ilarrttharg trafaa ittaidag fo gitamboretEtirk, 0 .0 1 . 10 . allaVaril &a. krittttid24t I,fNgo., , Learn at a :ea P. K., Ana', for kortavituz and EIARRIF3I3IIBe. At 4,45 P. M., DAILY, .03nodaya except-4,T for rupg.nitiG, and intermediate points 6'148 W. LI. iIiaILUIINNY, BeeretlF T. '7? . • NO TIOE.—CHE STER . _ VALLUY RAILROAD —PAB TRaINS pOIt'DOVVIIINGTOWN AND IN TSI torATI9NR —On and after hit Dann. ary. !SU., the Passenger Trains for DOTRIUMT.OWN, will start from the Pamenger Depot of , the Philsdel• phis, and Heading Ralired Company. corner of BROAD and V IN 2-btreets MORNItia TIAATZi.for Dotrainatotra, leaves at 7.t0 A. M: • ATTICRITOOK TRAIN for Doerningtorra, leAveg o 4.46 P DAILY ocudly, ittepte, Df trii• XII iT% po , D.+l uj ,4s . Avivil of 180 Pinlado phi: seed BeNitro; Issilroad -,120 W n •ranTLEIZNE , TVIV. Notaratakyr. igaragVilgW 1" ELM ADELPIIIA AND EL IRA NAU RUAN, LINE—QUIGNEOT - 1•00TE to Blmlra,Nilkea barte, Buffalo, Ottten:go ' nook Wand, Niagara th,llo, tstt;lll 2 gteh,EttPttre%l. At. Rowle, Potvit; rinpliethi sEti Lodi!. PAnougOr trabli *Pi lowre the Philadelphia a”4l ResAlus Delmt, tbrner DIM+ D and 11'021 dteeete, daily. rave excepted.) as rod ha: 7 4 C g.. riny *x..ettp.9s. For 331Vri, .gArit Deigalo, P.tridh M.egj - Aoozl2tdad, Chilo.fta, Et. Pies, arliiittoh, and St X;CIliB. " 8 80 P. hi , NIGLIT 11XPRISS8, For )Thrtira. Niagara Falls, Duffel°, Detroit, Chicago, ilivattaee, Rork Island, Galena, St: Poetic, Ilnrlington, and Bt. The 7.30 A. H. add 4 :OP. al. trains rub through to atoppioz at all Btationa on the Leba non Vaitov Branch. 'She 7.:1% A. IC train connects at Ituptzt, Ur Witte's hams, Pittston, Scranton, sot all stations on the LAOICAWANICA AND B1,0•413BUR(1 ALAILItOAD. sMM==ligUi Dj" TiChats can be - proonred at tho Philadelphia sirtt Elmira Railroad Linn,la Pnkat 06 . ce, fidf thrre3t; Viratr OttElolll,' Stroei+, and at the Patten ger Deo .4. corner iIItOAD and VtN Z. THROrGIi EXYILEB9 FREIOIII' TRAIN • • Loaves the Dam, Bond aired. below Vino. daily. ffnodal excepted,) for all pante Vieat and North, at 6 P. M. Vrelghta mat be delkrored beforo 8 P. M. to Immure going the same day. For further information. apply at Freight Dept. Broad, holing Vino, Or to . (',ll AA S. TAlTEl2o:enerst Agent, ET. 19. do:nor binth and Oheetatit Streets Philadelphia 1859 k Ma. 1_859. TOWS. LINBS. Tl.lll CA,4I/1114A •1 ND AMBOY ANDANDI: O. . 1111,ADBLP'A mp A 11146:T0 RAILaOAII CO swim PIIIL4nPLeIIIA 0 NEW YOIU AND WAY PLACER, Yawl ivaLtitn•Eralia? 4NI lethe eel follerre, viz At 0 A. et. fif+ ysnioeri and Ainilby, 0. A: A, Ac commodation 52 25 At 0 A. M. via Camden and Jersey City, (New Jersey) Acconsunodetiou 2 25 At 0 A. K. sir. (Jambe alad Jockey City, Flocalsg At 11A. „ , by Steamboat, via Titcony and Jersey City. Morning Exprene • 800 At 2 P. ft., tia Onminn and !Any, O. A. A. NE- Vona 8 00 At 8K P M ,by Atinodbnat, via TacOny au4 Jar • nov City, Meenirg Ilapree, 8 00 At B,4'P. 51.,„ by lik.areho.t, via Tccony and Jot coy City, 21 Claes Ticket 2 25 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening a 00 At 11P. M., vla Camden and Jenny City, Night 226 At 2KP M., via Camden and Amboy, Accornesodation ' (Freight and Paceenger3-3nt Olann Ticket, 226 .21 Olenn Tint et 169 At Otraden and Amboy, Accommodation ' (Freight and Pamenger)-Ist Clan Ticket.... 2 26 2:1 Clans Tiehot.... 1 76 The 0 P. 28. Mall Line rang daily. Th.o 11. .Night Mall. Saturdays excepted ill 14aprevi Linos atop at Principal Stations only. For Belvidere, Rotten, Flemington, hc., at 0 A. M. , and ax P. M. For Wafer Cap, Strocalsburg,Seratitnn, Wilkeeberre, Montrone, Grout Bend, &a., at 6 A. AI , Ida Delafrare, Letotagrar.na, and Weitern Railroad. Far Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Media nay, si 5 and 9A. AL, and 9K 4K and 6 P.M. WAY LINEa For Prtatol, Prentm, &t 3N and 4N P. M. from With ut-ntreet wharf Nor Paltivra,.ffelauoo, Pe,erly, Burlingtin, Bcrr dentoWn, k.,0., at land 24 P. M. Steamboat at Stockton, for Tacony at 11 A. M:, and for Borflaut?yrn and intermediate places at 3..36 P.M. fiteamboat John Neilson, for Tacony nt A. 141 .2 and for Brtatol, tturlington and niternandiate pianos, at 32 M. nod 4g P. Fifty poundo of baggage only allowed eaoh paesenger. Pewsepwers are prchibtted. tram taking anything as bag- gage but their aTeAring, appaf el. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their reeponaibility for baggage to 0110 dollar per pound, and will rot be liable for any amount boyonl .$lOO, ex opt by spesial contract. June 1 Wit. IT ANZSIER, Agent. FEULADELPRIA, 131311MANTOWN, AND INUtclildroWN iintratOnli—o(MlNlEß ARRA NUE AIENTEI —On and rater Monday, May 9th, 1869, further notice. FOR GERMANTOWN Leave Philadelphia 0,7, 8, 83, win., - to,u,si 12, A. Id., 1,2, 8,3 x, 4, E.; ,0,7,8, 8, 10, and, 11, P. DI. Leave ilertnuttann 9,7, 7X, it, BV, 0, 10 11, A. DI., 12X, 1, - 2, 3. 4., 0, 0, O X, 7 X, 8. 0,10 X P. DI. ON d LINDAYS, Leave Plillade72hln 2.05 min, A. M., 2,3, 5, f) j, and lo P. D 1 Leave Otnnentomn 8.10 min. A. DI., 1.10 rata., 4, ex, and 9,5( P. M. CHESTNUT 'TILL ItII.ILII.OAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, 6jb, 11, A. .61 , 2, BN, 4, 6,g, 6,9,11 y Leave 0118:tallt 111117.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11.66 A.Ol, 12.40, 8.40, 640, 7.10 , 8 40,10 10 P. 61. ON BUNDAYB, Lucre PAlNrielphle. 9.05 min. A. 07., 2,5, and 71{ P. DI. Leave Oheetnnt 11111 7.60 A. M., 11.1.0, 0.10 and 8.00 P. 01. FOIL CONETIOTIOOKAN AND NORRIBTOWN Lease Philudelphan 15,. 6.06 min., 10 f.. 5 min., ig A. At 01 8.0 win. 4X, , lig P. M. Lease Norristowil 0, 7, 9,;1 Id., Bgt4x„ 0, 7,4 P. M. ON BIINDAY3,, Lease Philadelphia 0 A. M., 3 arid 4 P.M. Lease Norriatoru 7 A M, 1 and 6P. M. FOR MANAYUNII Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.r6 mia , 8 08 infix , 9,10.05 min ,11.,W A. , 1.05 min., 205 rein., 3.05 ruin , 5%, 8%, 8, 111( P. LI, Leave Manayani og, 7K, BW, AK, 101( 11% A. M., 1.34 , 8.05 rain , 5., q caln. P. DI. ON BINDAYS, Lear, Philadelphia 9 A. LI., 9, 4 P. AT. litanajtitik. 73i A Di., IX, 6X 8% P. M. H. li. SMITH, General div•erintendeni. my 7 DEPOT, NINTH. ateGtuir.m fIARD.--MAREITIL-SUR-AY (CHAM PAGNE), JANUARY It, 1859.—1 n consequence of the frequent Invitations received by me in renew the ehipments of my Obampagne Wince to the United States, I beg leave hereby to inform my former cue , tomers, mod the pibtio in concral, that I have ap. pointedbleurs. L. 0. eROUW VA, ANotikn, n 00., 8010 Agents in the United States , for the sale of my (Mammon Wince. My Winos have been so long and favorably known In the United Stems, It will be in n:meets:a to comment on their quality, fnribor than to coy that my new shipments will in no way be found in ferior to the former ones. 'BILLET/ANT SALMON. lIILLUOA TIT SALMON'S OtIADWAONN WINDS, both OADINNT and PNRZENAIir, for sale and owl. stoutly on hand in lots to cult pnrobasers, by 1. 6. BBOUWBR Go. .11.14YkS Ohm!, lieic Yoh. oak tine% IRE -ff-MEi NORTII• PENNBYL. VANIA RAILROAD. . BOMMfift. ARRANGRMDNT. • Yoe RETLILIIIIRId, DOYGRBTOWN, B ARTON, ; AIILBNYQWN, MAUCH' 'CHUNK, HAZLIIVDH, ;WILEIVIsHATtaII. • h. 6. - - On. And .after MONDAY, May 10th. 1880, Passenger, 'treble *ill Isere PRONT and WILLOW litreeta,phlia •dolphia, DAILY; (Stindays excepted -- - - - Bar Bethlehem, Allentown =Manch Oli ti nit. Wilkes. ; herr°, Hazleton. too., (Biome ) at 9 80 A. M. Pot Bethlehem, (Express,) ' 400 P. M.. for Doylestown, (Aocommodation l ) at 1 M. , . for Port Washington, (Adoonoliti B dat s 10n, A. ) at and 0 TRRYNB - • 216 p 61. and 620 P. M. FOR PHILADELPHIA: . Leave Iletblehem ; ( Express ,) at 8 A. M and 4 10 P. 60. Leave Doyleatown, (Aotionmhodatlond at - 1 ,080 A. AL and 4 P:11. Leave PortWashingtort ; (AoSommodstlon.) at 680 A. M. and S 93 P. M. ON 817NDAY13: Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at - .. 9 led 8 P. M. Ddylestown, for Pbilada., at 0 80 A. M. and 6 46 P.M. Pare to Bethlehem. 21.62; to Menai). Count, $2 ; lc! Penton 51.50 ; th Daylestoten ; BO cants; to Wilkes. Barre, St PO. , All Passenger Trains (ogriept Sunday Veins) con fleets at Berke street with Plfth and Bixth.streeta and Second nod Thlrd.streeta Passenger Railroads.. Passengers for Wilkesbarta WO) 030 A M. Train, and arrive In Wllkeabarre at 7 P. 14. mylo 'I77.I4BI:ILARK.,Aseat. THE PENNSYLVANIA OE NTR AL RAILROAD. 1859. Alittfts. 1859. . TN CAPACITY OP THIS Itoa 0 IS-EQUAL TO TURRC ANY OINU GIRS A COU NNOTBYR . TRAINS BETWEENPUILADELPDIA AND - purrssimet v Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New Portend all points' east, and at the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Din• clonal-1, St Louis , Olevisuid, Chicago, Burlington, St. Pantie, - indhinspOlie, Louisville New Orleans, and all intermediate points' in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kee— ;why, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota Mieeouti, Now• sus, and Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities for the transportation 'of Passengers unsurpassed for Speed and comfort rasa any other route. • Ex Press and Pact Lines tun through to Pittsburg without change of Cara or Condildtmm. Smoking Cars aro attached to each Train; WOodruirt Bleeping oars to Express nod Past Trains. The BS: PRESS RUNS DAILY t Mall and Past 'Linea, Sundays excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. Fast Line C. tc 11.50 A. M. - Express Train leaves" , c 10 60 P. U. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Parkeentrg /accommodation at 11 A 01. Uarrishnig Accortinsedation, via Columbia 0.00 P. M Chltimbiti tt 4.50 P, Passengers for West Mostar will tale the Mail, PAitnibtitt, and Lancatter Trains , at the Pennsylia.. pia ails ~d Passenger Station, . Passengers for gauntry, Williamsport, Bincira, Daf fato, Niagara Palls, and intermadiate points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. U. sad 2.00 . P. M. go diroal7 Cachet. Tickets Weetward may be obtained at the OSSee of the Comfany In Philadelphia, New Tort Boston, of ; and Veleta t antvidid sinY of the import alit Railroad °Mega in tits Welt ; alio on board any, of the regniar Line of Steamers or; the MisSialcippi- or Ohio Rivera: Itirif * always ea low Weany o Route. The completion of theterconnections of the Pennsylvania, Railroad to Chicago, makes this the DIThkOT LINE BETW2gri TER maw'. IiND TEA GRNAT NORTHWEST. The conneatng of tracks by the Railroad Bridge a% Pittsburg, avoiding ail drayage or ferriage of height, together with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by hblppers of Freight and the Travelling Public!. FRVIGHTE) WNSTWARD. Ily this Route Freights of all descriptions can be for warded front Philadelphia, New York,' Boston' or Bahl avow, to any point op tho Itatirotde of Ohio, ICentechY, Indiana, }lnhale, 'Loire, or tlieroart, by Railroad threat. The PenneylvaulaOroai alto cormeniteat lettfiburs with &unman', by which Goode can be forwarded to any port on tlie Ohio, bluskinglim Kentucky, 'Pennessee, Cumberland, /Wools, Miasitettipi,l4lllconvin, Missouri, Kanifte,'Arkafittds, and Red viva; and at OleVeland, tiouddity, add 011tokt6 Stainer - a to alt porta on the Northwestern Lakas. Merchants and Shippers - entrnating the transports tine of heir Freight to this Company, can rely With contbleuco on its speedy transit. Tlitl RATES OP FIUSIGAT to 'boy pant in the West by thePeunitybraula Railroad are at all times as favorable are charged by other Railroad Cora. W 7 Be particular to mark packages ct Tie. Penns. Railroad, March Mite in the West ordering goods from the last, will do well to direct them to be snipped by this Route, For .Ftelght ()outvote or Shipping Direction, apply to, or address either of the following agents of the G6E3pany H. A. STEWART, Patentor; Pone & On , Steribentille, 0.; H. S. Pierce k 2anserille, 0.; 3.3 . obwllon,lllplv,o McNeely, Ky.,• Orreaby & Cropper. Tctrtrantitith, 0. • Padlock & 00., Jeaersonyillo, Indians; H. W. Co., othaftati,.o. • Athern & Mibbert, Cin cinnati, 0.; It. 9. sididruna; bfadiSon, Ind. ; William Bingham, Lentstille, liy.; P. 0 °Miley & O ETana• villa, Ind ;N. W. Orsham & Uo.. Miro, • in• W. Saes, St. Loma, Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashri e, Tine; Harris & Hunt, Memphis, Tenr..,• Clarke & On., Obi alga, lii ; W. H . H. Yoonta „Alton, Ill.; blurphi A Waite, Dubuque, 1111 or to "freight Agents of Rail• roads at, different points in the West. Paryte attanding to their own shipments from the East, wilt find ft to their interest to call on the Agents of the Company at tfiii Hillpilinl . pleses before Shipping; or letters addressed to either of ifieni..en the subject of (eights, will meet with prompt attention. E. 3. ONEED.Bit, Philadelphia.. M 4 GRAW & KOONS, 80 North atreet, Baltimore. LABOR & 00., 2 A stor House, orl S. William st., N. T. 'Mod. 00. 6e Kilby street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, 0 en'i Freight Agent, Thils, 110UPT, Gen , ' Ticket Agent, Phila. 'IDJS. A. gOLIT, Cowl Sept, moon*, Po. , sbipping. FOR THE 8017TH.- Lan& TO NEW OALEA.I3B AND IN- TllttoluDLA Tig I.oLtati. OHnEilinaTON AND SAVANNAH ROUTE , M Goods rooPtypa AV, 00,_*no blllO of Millis elgood at sebooulthke nboro tine Etna% 11111 011eUtIABTON, .0 2 Cs. Tlinll, S. 11411 kheautehlp REX - STORM atATS, Oxptalo 0. P. Harabsian i rill sail on Friday, Animal 6t12, at 10 o'clock A:H. 1(114. BATANNAII, qa. Tye U. O. Etati Mannish* STATIII OR GEDEOIA, cart. John J. Garvin, will OW on Sitttirdny,Joly ED, 5t10.6.11T. The splendid flret-cdass side-wheel Steamships mks- STONE &MATH and ESTATE) Of GEORGIA now run to above every ten days, thus forming a Elye-day mon tannitation with the Routh and Southwest, connecting with steamers for Florida. and with ralirecds for New OVeans and intorniediate Eo:nte .0" ft.,1,14/1t.01 . 1 41.z,D130;11j, . freiglat At ah ANifQa a IA ptr Oat Maw New York etearaAbip raters. 1148171tA174N - - Preight and Insarecoe one Largo proportion of Goode shipped Smith will be found to be lower. by there shill then by nailing ressela. Ineuraroe cm all Railroad Preight is entirely anno• oessary, farther than Cherseeron or osesonab, the road Companies ,aktrg all Tithe from there points. GREAT BERL' , 1 . 10 , 1 IN PA Pare by th+e route 26 to 40 pee cent, cheaper than by the Inland Route, es will be eon by the following eche dole Through tickets kern Phdaielphja ela Charles• ton and PICIRO.II6h steAmehipe, INOLUDINU MEALS on the whole route, eXtept from Oherlest m and gni an nah to blontgotuerys INLAND 10000. To Charleston .....015 03 Chula ton 123 60 havanuelt /6 01 Sarennals 31 00 A uoxitit "1 co augu ta. ..... .. .... 21 00 Mao es 21 00 llaoon 32 76 Atlanta • 0 50 A• lents 31 00 Oolumbue 21 OD Columbus 3 3 00 Albany 23 Or A. Many 37 01 Montgomery.... 20 t 0 31-ntgainery 38 30 Mobile 80 00 Aiobas 46 00 Belt Orleans.... 30 76 New °gleam 61 00 N. 11 —Passe , gore by Cies rcuts connect with the In land Route to South earolltik mot tirorgia. trarelinig by the saw, entirryancsa choose to Now urleans. oo Dills of 'ening signed after the chip has pallid. , No freight rec 410034 on the 4630 of .11111/0.1. /for freight or pump apply to ALEX. HERON, If. Southwest ourner gOUP.T.U. and CUISSTNer. Agent.. In Charleston, T. B. k T. G. BUDD a Bayanntla, 0. A. tiIIBINSIt is 00. jy23 GLASGOW AriD NEW YORK bTEA , I6III.E. CO , IPANY *TEAM TO tiQkv, IaVALYOOL, ILELFABV, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY for $.39 FROM N 1351 YORK, GLASGOW. Thompson, hrodnesisy, August 24th, s 12 o'clock upon. FROM OLABOONV GLASGOW, Thomson, Wolueaday, July S7th. Dates of rms. ke from New York, Philadelphia or Boston, to triaegoir, Liverpool, Delimit, Dublin or Lon donderry, first class, $75. Steerage, ft nod irritlit an al/nodal:ice of properly cooked prorisioue, $3O. An paper/raced burgeon attacked to nook steamer. No charge ler niedie.pee. Nor freSglaL or panne) apply to - WORKMAN & CO., 12,3 WALNO , otrt-ot, ROBERT No 29 BRO.IOW&Y,Nntr York ; at . U. S. M. 'STEAMERS 101 - 11ATRE AND EottIIAMTTON, AltA.43o,oaptain Lines, will sail July 23, Lieptembe 17, November 12 9'UjIVo 1, Captain Wotton, will gall August 20, Octo ber 16 DrZam, , a 10. lint Cabin passage $l4O Becouci Canto pateane 76 Poe •reight or presage), apply to WM NEILSON", Agent, At the Wareliot9ing Clouipany , a Yttiladelphia Tobacco Warehouse, Low; Street, PACs Jell-Om rakTHE BRITISH AND NORTH AMBER:MN ILO It A L MAIL BMX- auiru: TROIS NSW TOTE TO LiTirooL. Chief Cabin Swage Viio Second Cabin Savage. ..- raou BOSTON TO LITIRFOOL. Chief Cabin Passage ....... .. i., Second Cabin P'aeserge The ships from Boston call at ilabfax. I PRIISIA, Capt. Judkmn, CANADA, °apt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar. ASIA. Capt. N. G. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. Ander. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, 1 eon, SUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. These vessels carry a dear white light at mast-head; green on atarboard bow; red on port bow. ARABIA, Stone, leaves Boston, Weduesday, - Ttily 13. A,IA., Lott, 44 N York, Wedneedar r Jag 'A. CANADA, tang, 4 4 Boston, Wednesday, July RT. ArRIOA, Shanuen, 6 N York, Wednesday, Aug 3 BUBO 'A, Leitch, 4, 'Boston, Wednesday, Aug 10, PERSIA, Joekirus, 44 li York, Wednesday Aug. IT, ARABIA Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, Aug.. 2.1. Berths not secured until paid for. An esperieuced Surgeon on board. The owners of theme ninon will not be acoountable for Grid, Silver. Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Freeland Stone* or Meta's, unless bills of Biding are eigned therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. for freight or passage apply to E. CUNARD, gllOWling Green. New Yolk. Cigar°, OlDbart; at. Q.E t Altt4.—A. 11ER/NO, 140 SOUTH FRONT Street, offers to 157110, from Store and Bond, the following favorite Brands of Began : Nueva Env. Regalia, Nueva Slap, Conches, Light Guard Satre Antes, Amelia, L0L1 , 10,0,, Nebejui, Lon dreg, Ist, 7d. end 810; Garsotizsda, Prousandea. Capi tol% Lonsoos, Capitols Ocosonav, Iglesias. Farman, Cuba 811 Petrie Lonfirus. El Miro London Fine, Geniis. dee Bravos, fells es Operas, ti spans Lonaon, Eepana London Psno, Principe', Manilla Cheroots. jell-t 1 1.1 - AVANA SEGARS offered to dealers 17. x at fayorable rapt), of "allow, nixes and brands, inoladingrartogna, Cabanas, Figato, , Mono, Dird, Mo. rontbia j Into Rl7, glad Fontica. Al so, Paper Snare, by 13T11E111:11 RIIGUBT k 80;48, 216 &nth !MONT Eltreat • DR11 , 10,_84 SREEtINGS FOR EXPORT BKOVITN, BLZAMIkI), & BLUE DRILLS. lI2AVY & LIMIT MEE TINOS, 81451'010 tor Export, for Betio by I.6OII(INGSAid & WALLS 24 Soistit ENONT s2'., ¢ Eb LICTITIA ST. CHI BE SE 435 BOXES TIMIXIMER COUNTY 0100.111111, In store and for sale. by O. 0. OADLAR fr. 00 2 ,s Arai streets &I Satr dm /mats ~y THOMAS & SONS, • - ' Not.-lag ared.l4l-Eliarati YOVRTU REMIT. (Formery Noa.brand ARAL XeLiTll. eIYCIONO,' Palate Elates at the Philadelphia Etches's* ant. Tteslay -evening, during the busiaere 5011,500 Er , Eland/dile of each Property, inatted Separately,. letteditiop to uhlah ace pubtlaS "on the /Saturday pre< visas to eat% gala, one theitsaut Ostaleguegi la - pamphlet fermi Biting full description ei all the Property try be sold oath.) felbieriag Tuesogy , - r - tT i PORbIiTOREI 8 tLEB .At TITS ,Al7OllOll - Ovary Thitradaysnorning, • RAUL EI 3 TATS'ATP.R.VTATbI SALMI. irr We have a large amount of Real Estate ac Psi; vote - Bale,- including every description of city ,eottetry properly. ' riland lEsto may hi 'bad: at the adatlo,2 atone. - - • - PRIVa..R SALTO ItHOISTRR. irD. Real Rotate entsifd on oar Private - Bale Regis, ter, and, advertised - occasionally: in 'our -Pubile Sale Aberneta, (or which k,090 copies ate printed , weekly') file at °barge. OA U RD:/a July stud Atuguat anly meadow.' Wes, heretotore—uot ogYeay week, se tzt.the bneiners gamut. 4, The Mined Statue!! Hotel,” mud 100 bulldiug lots, ATLANTIC CITY, oth August. Er'llee handbllla. ' TRUSTEE% nAI , II-04' time premises, at At] attlo city, United Stites Itotoy) mud about 100 building lota. OARTE-1111A.L ItSTATII BALH 113 1 h AVt3V T,_ 'thin sale will include au elegant count'', lie", 2) acre°, with arlparior froprotercants. near Darby Putt particulars in a day or two. 47 The Stock, Burnt t eye, to,, wl.ll be sold ou,,the premises a taw days alter the rule of the pliee • BATA O 5 817PEFUOL1. 3171INITURN, 6 FREDIN. PLATE 1811911498 , 5. Peens tI'ING; 011A115, vcioaaterg, vaßssme RtiItRAIJO, 2 IRON onia Ts, olitfdoßLlS OARPNTI3. a a. OAIt D —One i ati this morning, at she auction store, sail comprise, besides. 600 lots of excellent me- Cold-nand Inrolture, 5 French. p'ata mirrors; (Aral ror in gilt frame, 7 postent•verittiatin g abeire, 4 apps. rior bookcases, 4remieg.buteaus. 2 iron chests. Brno'. eel s and other carpets. dans and glasaware,, beds and -fiedding, tr.t forming en attractive. assortment, worth: the attent ion Of ladies and others deeirona of parchasing— - • • - Oataloirace tloa randy and the articles arranged for examination. ' Cafe at PI OP. 189 and 141'8onfA7lositis letreet. ' LCINIVRIOIt PITUITUE.II, TRENCOI - 14,AT8 MIH ROBg, PIANO-1,09TC 1 39:0981Ltil Won, , , • At 9 &clock, at Ode *maven score, ; en SOPOPIZIP46 of excellent etiond . -hand annityd,_•elegant piano fortes, One mirrors , ateepate, eta., fIOM flics der alining housekeeping, removed talks MO la ebn vaniewte of sale. Also, by order of edosinlotratrix i a fine dOttble-bst reled goo. . Alm. • nuperior,bazate3lo tible;vrttb. belle curl ones Oomplote, 'trusteela as the Pro Mimes. UDITSD PretTNS sorni, ASIVEIMIIT,IOO BUILD INIt LOTS, APLACT IQ CITY, NSW , On Saturday Morning, Anottot 6,1669, at 11 ate oak, oe gold at pub. Ito Cale on the premises, the United 'States Hotel and stout 'OO lots, Atlantic Gitt v New Jereay, M' Bali &striations and lit'aographia plans may be and at the auction room*. ' ROOMS ON 11,1111110:4Y OOONT 'TO BEINT.-4 ply at the ataftion itoft. . &T PAIVATX 'faL.ll.-911sreo In the PMWOW& and Meroa4tll4, Librarfee and Atheotaarin, AC PRIVATE:OaLEThe ralnable property 2 nor • nor or 111th sipdAdelpbt areetes, beady Wathna, Argo natal billding and lot. 84 by,99X feet. _Two frontal. JOHN BINNS, UOUSH and OVIIIOIII, 11.6 South ezxrn Street, . (Nearly opposite the County Court Miura ' ) PHIL &HELOT fit., lie bee. by t 0,., .101 power to a4minister Oathii and Athrinetione, and tate Testimony to be read in roil. donee In any Court of the Oommorawealth of Pennell- Tanis H He le a 0 ansmlselon er of the United Staten, and also, e 00111MifiliOUtT of Deeds sod for the Probate of do chants, fer nearly ail the States in the Union. '7 001XIMIOR101:10 to take* Testimony, (row any of Vie Courts, In tble State, or any 'of the Courts in the United States or Territories, promptly sad 'oareftdly eteettted kla•tf f4FFICE - or -cc THIRTEENTH . AND PLETNINTILBTIMIII - PAIBIINGXR RAIL WAY 0042A.NY OP PIIILADELPHIA " Room Ho. 4 .PA.LLON',4 n GILDING/I,IM WALL' Street'. Myl4-ti PEE AD ARS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE 820 OEIESPNIIT hireet, forwards Parcels, Peak bzes, Merchandise, Blair 'Hotel, 'Ltd dpecue, either by US own Linea, or in connection with other "apnea Companies, to all the principal towns and sties of the United Mates. E , O. flarcAl?OltD, - - anl•tf General . ilepertutendent. ALEX. MoKINNET ' ATTEIRNXP AT LAW; GIUDGMBIIRG, PA, Will prseible in WotanWeiland, ArmAtzons, anA., In Alton connties. Atiatrwr BELMONT, BANSIM, 78 BEATES STEBBIT, Tames Lettoro of Gin:aft frtr Trove Hero, eorallabla MI ports of the world, through tn, WWI. nothohildt, of Marie, London, Frankfort, Kiloton, and Vienna, an d Mats. Cornsapondonta: uth72eM Eth34olnitarto tub copartnerships NTOTICS IS li1ilE131" GIVEN', that the 11 firm of WAS.N.C.H UUaoWlclt k SHO., - 11 the day ainolved The Heater, range end tote bud nem will be continued under the name of OHALWICK & .111t0. 1 at tho K.. B corner, BsOOND and Anew Ittreeta. JOHN 11 OHADWIOH; rA .NOll3 A. OHAiriVIC.K. Philadelphia, Julyll, Ith9. ' jitirtt THE, COPARTNERSHIP. heretofore OS hdlog.between the bobeenbere le Made, dieeolved by mutual eants.nt The business or the firm 01$1 be settled by .7011&P8 B. LIAN:ON, who le authorised tb mottoensone or the Ilan JOASPR B. lIABSON, - IqOBROOD P.arittaa, July Ist, 185 TOSEPII B. HINSON will continue the 'tobacco Otenutbseton bieloeia, and nano) , for the enle tit Som brero etutno, ea heretofore: N 0.106 North W ATER gtreet, No. 100 North lIMLAWARE Avenue. GEOUGE BOLDIDT, • NORWOOD -PENROSE, MS North DELAWARE kimatte NORWOOD PRNROBB, (Is.te of the arm of Joseph B Ranson C 0.,) le this dly issOofeted with um.or.an BOLDIN, under the stile end arm of BOLDIN a; PRNBOLIII, for the yorpOse of conducting a 'labium Oil, and Ctederol 'Comnitsilon business, July 1, 1859. NOT/0 E.-THE COPARTNERSHIP L heretofore existing 'between the nubscribers, under the Firm or WM. H. CROWS & CO.,' is Ude day dissolved by mutuel consent. The bueiue•e or the firm will be nettled by CORNE LIUS J. Bits.DFORD end neDINIEL LU CZ, who are authorized to use the name,or the .drm for that par• poss. War U BROWN CORN J. BRADI;ORD, SAMUEL LUTZ Pnits.ostratt, 7th month let, 1859 TO THE HARDWARE TRADE.—The IL subscribers, AGENTS .FOR THE SALMI OP FO REIGN AND DOMESTIO HARDWARE, offer for sale the following goods at lowiet.rstes : Lents' supe rior Chains of all kinds, including traeo, log, Muter, fifth, breast, wagon, tongue, coil, ship, wino, and other Chalon; P. Wmght's patent and other Anvils and Picea t L Horse Nails; round - and oral Bake Pans; short and long handle Fry Pacs,..Exaelsior &yet! Fuse for blasting rocks; Bod Sere re; Am... Mean Slate; Black board Crayon. and Clarpootere , Chalk; Table and Pocket Cutlery; Cast &eel Time and Rasps; Cut and Wrought Butt Hinges ; Strap and T Hinges; Gimlet Isamu; Emerson's loaner Strops; Hodgea' Mahogany Knobs; Whites' Brume; Shovels, and Spades, all kinds; Hay and 'Menace Forks, Bakes, and Hoes ; Southgate's patent Wrenohee ; Locks and Latches; Door and Shutter Botta Hand, bledgo, and , Stone Hammers ; Hooks and H i nges ' Tanks, Buds, Shoe, Clout, and Finishing Nails; Wrought Nails; Blocks and Dies; Hatch's Tea and Counter Scales; Corry Combo, Amerlcui and 'English; Scythes, boythe Moues. and Rifles; Douglass' Pumps and Rams; Molasses Gates; Paucete, Saws of all kinds • Axes, Hatchets, ammo, de., with general assortnieut of Hudwaro apg-dtl ritHEO. D. EMORY & 00. a. OPP/OE No. In Booth VOTLETH St., Phlia., Sole Agents of GEO. C.' POTTS & CO., Mane ant Shippers of the LOOOSTDAI,II OOAL a from the Lomat Mcantatn. . .. Naar Ashland_, ap24lm] sornm-caru 1 113IINTP, P* Q . W. GROOME & • Deelen andShlopare of BOUUTL.KILL, aba BROAD TO! SIMI BITUMINOUS COAL. °Moe No. 116 South BOURTU Street. BROAD Street, below Ram apt Om PRILATERLTBT4 I. AT oo D, GOAL, AND KINDLING V WOOD JANNEY k 00 ATEU.RITAST WEIARII, nal3 eoneiantly on band s Firge and superior *Mole at £1.1411, OAR, and WOMEN WOOD snit, having enraptured our arreavoments, are now prepared to tae the WOOD DY 131`Elial-POWllit. We have alto on hand a superior quality of LhIIII4II COAL, of all sizes, neleoted With acre. Denlere and Clonsuinert will flu.'. It greatly to their advantage to parehans Kindling Wnod of as. uo 00 ris OHNA.PEST BRUSH NOUSE IN Pll .I.IADELPIIIA —Loot st the followiog let of prioae fop Hundectubs and compare them with them) bought elsow bozo: No. 1, 53 knots, 023 p dceen. No 2. 61 kook., 75 4 . No. 3 00 kooty, 87 .. No. 4 80 knots, 100 .. No 5, 13 knots, 112 4 . No 0, 180 koote, Ith. No 7. 104 knote, 150 .. No. fi, 150 knots. 175 1311NRY O. 101111TZIft, 61 North THIRD Street, below eat}, - Pbfkdelphm. INTON'a ENOAUST/0 TILES for M _ Ornamental Chimney ropssor cottages. tlatdm VP.S63 and Yoantaine. Vitrified Pipe for drama tad water condnoton. Imported and for solo by U AM.S.--.1.15 tierces oxtra sugar -cured BAL covered Dam. pulled by Bard sier t Phipps, & Co, I) eury Lstrta, John tinny. Beatty & Tapacott, Iletatt & Wood, Qufgley, and others For sale by 0 U SADLER. & CO. 3720 ARCH at ., nesond door above PIT,OIh. nilo WESTERN AND SOUTHERN Dieß -1. 011 AN Td —& large stock of Manila and J nte Item mocuteotural and for Bale at the lowett. New 'York prides by WHAM, MUIR & CO , jrld 23 North Water street, an 22 North Wharves AMS-115 TIEtOES EXTRA SUGAR 211-11- OTI It, D LUMP, packed bi Gardner, Phißip; & 00., Henry Lt irle, John Shay, Heiatt& Wood, Beatty & Tapecott, Qalgly, and others. ..Q.,IIOIILDERS-90 ilitDS. DRY SALT 1 , 0 11HutrLDBILS, just receivt.d end for esla by C C SADLER h.. 00., ~rD 6 rob stropt.2J dnor Arms Front CHE E S E.-875 BOXES HERKIMER ll COMITY 01.1E.66}3, fo Store and for tilde by 0. 0. SADLER & CO., yl6 Arch stmt aocond door above Pont. DAVID P. BIDOB,E, U. 1 1 1" TLINB J No t 1199 YIAS aircet. Divitolll4 13 ttsineaa 106 North WTI Utast arbutre. W. G. G&WI8 & BON., 4110041131ER0N street 8. a negnisoti, ,1010 011.88TNOT S reel • O. O. OADLEII. k, CO Arnh wl-rsat Reeon4l d..ne Our. Front pftnAr FORD, 11.170110201111,- /10. - sao mdßairSTßANT;Bstwesa KITTY. eolith, sitte.....„ VIDAR LARQB, TPABLB4I.LB OR BOOTS AND MOMS • - FOR - ." On There* Metal: • - - Aegis* dk et 10 otglock pcamaity, will Ve - sold bf ontslogue, on lons - nienthe , bre4O,„ooo - /mai boats Oh %Mang; OefoiM,tieg. gaiters, ehild•enie end ,, : alleges , alums. ladies' showy gentee l - basal , and Tontine • 13.11 , 0ra lief; gsl;exe _boats:: brogans. !ea., - embracing &Urge sod aunt desirible egenetum* of beet oily and Eastern inisantaoutte, NVI-AiNt)7,oo; igtelitiOXlLOr eity and • inapt)" 4,4m5, as IA! . We will be neditire lad kelt-bon* teetzsee.: • -.-- - ' • •> • ll7* donde ?MI eaansined on the mareinrof rsld . • - - EfOOTT, ar.; Ai7oTIONERIA, _OBIWLVEST STREIT,' oppedie Otretta vends. between YOUBTEr and NITER Iftreete. - • iiitikultado; twill 149 i 1, 41• - OtP., 449 VABNUT :511531NF.' T , BAAL /BUTE ATIOTIONsfiBB ' Mo. WI WAIWIT.IIIIIII2M. Giummapy & .oaotfasessic."ll bold regular oalea of Real Iletala,lltookajOat:A*3 hO6Jekol4 fainitnie at dwell!tive,' ' - -• ' 11:3" On, our Private Wei -- Registei” wM ,slerayi be found • s birge"soonnt:ef 1,4 Weadelt•fwlstblf emery donosiption Of city and nounnie - - • •. J. GUMMl'&MOlfilei 149 ,Mreet,,beloW 8 ' NI O 3 ES NAT HA NS; *IIOTIONEER oz. - Atilt COiIiaLSIONIVIIMITELSIT; edema MTH. 41.17 D -Beet( Offsets. - " • MOANY.TO LOAN. - • • • Along" to loan ; ia hargi ar small aisioissar, oa nogg chaadise Omn, art4eldo of *ON. AO sums' 0,11111,:0,*4 Wired donors two par ps - month, Inobottiag - nonage; ?do , at NatbasitY Prise)* odnoar or_ATXTEtardIIMOR, . POEM ,20(; , 45101M71011. ' - -; - btOlOlY-1 -, -.-K011011.14 Mary Ittierally.adral tn4arge or cbsuiliAtaeturat i from one dollar t&tttonsanda r oh gold and-Wye 01/0 1 diamonds, watcher, 3crockYr , lowUnelleoag,' =IOW Sastramsats.Surrazra, 4rY. .10 0 4S1 - ,ClozzlnA.p PiPotrigl, cigars, hardware, autism ocoas, awns ceiriales, big ness, and all artiolea of calati;AW allY:leir ti me agreed qn,, - Itothans?. "Esti southesat Conger of itirtra `arid Use streets • IPAOKEOSONT NOTElltiolth da Went, tkeloweatmartat - ' ,','BEAT; HABGLISYS ,NIATORES,-ThWILB , _ :Aso., AT I'IIIYASI7 BALV, at NATESARV IRMOLEASA swataLISENIENT, 9. - 11. - ()outer or SIXTH and AMM sueece - ,—"rhe rollowfAtartlotea wiltbd sold tor less ilia half Dor tonal, storo pnossr Thor grad Erfelith Weal full ksirtlod Ind 'AIN of _the orost-Approrrd and Wet make . , -bit tfroroggea`and :IWO% bottomed: Piro gap. cschierdeg,t lever an& leetai watches, hazddsz corearid open I).67,lzoboTtllesioilialoltjOgretadisif testrocke. eilyar-14: 1 10 leser,watehek, - racement laver slot lapinei burial - 4 allo . 0;5 . 91 4 A We. some Tgry gagegior -.lliaga4l2tjt-23Wils . itPrekkal_ greartier watches,' floe - gold ve7 l / 4 . 'OP; =Mr; - 00 0 Olaldgcat'S catalog; Ike, gold pencil "Vimell and raw bratelets, brsistylisg; loger-ringg, oir-r3Zll , l lo mmf_ Wilms, sod Jewelry genermtly. dinvelagi at slll'perthotuota4, lit bOrtea of 210 <Loa _ini.s--kd by single - box, - cr Auarditlos _ta dotty it. morons roofry idtloloscAto;.,ito.ido: . . • AT PatVATZ ", 7 A 'snub* Ira-p:Del itiulft; i fael:Wk`tir:3 fsik Mao, waieit ;funNi. s littie:bat int''. oa - Ass.talf ISAVIN4 11b: 136, &Wale 701111211 kerOst, bettratin apatont and •Wakiit 2 pap alt positoti , saorfay akated by aosimulcant, state,, and o!ty Lestre, .q.rorautSrnta, *in* Tht istim, !cc: ' • Company deems SafetybetbK. • OM lute profits, consequently will 'run- of i with:dn. potitors' money, but hare it at an Thews ready to return with per cent intereatto !Ito o . rorner, se they hate a'areyedese..6l4septapmay cirm I Vemaies,riarritid abiiie; and "Emil ',cis' deposit, in • their own rfght,'und sash deSta U van be ittadrawn Gams by tbeiicouseut. • Charter perpetuaL ' - clanorporstod by eft Illatti 0rP 0,0,3 7/ranisOlith Authority ,t . iP remise mo ney om treetops and executor* _ ' LARGE AND /MALL EMS RECIEIWLE. - - Offtee open. daily- from It to ".3 &cloak; and oni Wednesday:and Saturdajeyeelegs errill6. cOett.; - Usk* B. Bbncsan, Clyran /On Bißadicr. - MAlsobiW. ' =ward Lento Krumbhsce . ,., • , Henry • NI oholas Rittentioant, - . Nathan Bincerf, .„ Tot. S. Batherthltaite; - ' !Orsini Blanchard, - ' .7080;111'W. TAppleola. • - - .lAO9B BIInCINOIT,-Pratldant . , Omerfa - ClADwAm..unia, - Treasurer. - - A Dollar eared. Is twice orame4 Q.s.vING - - legs D--FilirE PEE GENT:. INRIIBT—NATIONAL SAPATY TEMT -:cto MANY. WALNUT Meet; §kuthyr . e . Aftei,9f- :0 Mom/ Aria 'sr wut OTATErOII , PaxasniASEi • - - Money le reaeiyea in eny bum, Isrgoot sad lig• tereVad fromthe day of &poi:4l3llm goy, olltith- . Theiffiloo is optro every day from 9 o'clock. in _tae morning tilts o'clock. M the, evening, and and ThundaT.evenlogs tin it oklock. • -_ _ lIDIL risfißY akinsurz, - irriadaisi . • • - xi:rawer 811LVELIDGS, floc ieeideaL NFL £Lacratary. - - - - DITaCTORS. Hon. Eterfry L. Benner, *ward L. Carter, - Itatotri Selfridge,. naltton, . Joseph Barr,. Joseph - Yericin, 0 Laadretfl 3fntne,.: Bent, Dittenderifer., Money In recelf.d and pirienta made The investments are "xnede, to eon rongtiy jwilb the provisions or the Charter. in Real' Bststa Maximo/4 ft round Bents,and k.riVolsta Atittixitien ar always samara snob 1 1 ertent.sentiritY.14Lbo.;ge-;mr.-„, and Which cannot fell to eye pemytneeeyup nubility this Imstitatiow. -„ _ . ,- 1112.147 &VINO - FUND.--1111/TED .-STATICEI P• 7 TBIIBT OCIMPANri tame ig TMIRD And .UMMM.. NUT Streets. Large and mall - IMMIX received, end pistd.backwu do. mead without uotioe, with , fSYS: Ala liT._ U( Tratvax f. - .ozo the iies of gopocit to tl.4,dwr,vi, With drawed,. Office htnili, from twill 6 o'43l4*.bibrilla) , , S2l as MONDAY EVSNINEf from until WOOloek. •- DBAITS for sale on-England, Irelsr.4, ardl Boot ia' from Iluroardo. PreeDiemt—ATEPILER Trosocirar—PLlJOY PIEP.. Tailor—J.64BB R. .11UNTAlt. PELNG GARDEN SAVING FltL D aci OIBTY OP PHILADELPHIA. - - - • Moo, No. 881 North TRIED Street, . • - (ilanoolidation Bank Building ) OILLBTERED BY TAE LEGISLATUBB OP • - SYLVANIA ' - - Doodle received in awns of One Boller and uyver.: 4 -i, and repaid in Gold, without, notice filth- JIVE nu; OBNT. INT.ARIONT from the day of deposit till ph* drawn. A responsible and• reliable Serlogebistitntlint hid long - been needed in the Northern part of the city, and The liprlng Garden /laving Surd Society was char. tared by. the Legislature of Pennsylvania to - minty thia peceesity. The Managers, in orgenialba- end locating It, have beenAoverned wholly by a desire to socereines7 date the business interests 'and wante of the vary Issel and enterprising population by rhinh It to suirounitel. - OPPIOS OYDri DAILY, to 23 o'oloole ; also, on Idosnav and Inua,g -- -nu tem b until 8 Wolof& in the evening. lIANAGRBS. " . Yralaxiakitittt,- John Levy:. - - - EL K. Wain, _ Daniellinderkoder, ' - ' ,rederioklltaske, - 'Branca' Bart, _ - - dbaupb Logien, - - John Kessler, Jr., - George. llnealet., • lama $ Pringle; - Jacob Beek, Joseph id Cowell, _ Hon. VI m..BllUward, George Woelpper, Geo T. Thema, Teter O. Billasker, Robert B. Resident. ' - ;MOM Preeddent ritutato Ma" Paarattrir • • - ilentatlf Viaries. iff7olt AVE N, 'BACON, NM, /G. Clerk's, Hallett, & Co and S.. H. Q•le Cc Co.'s warrior PlaliOS. - lato, son lc Hamlin's unrlvidied ALRLODZIONB 11 AR. eIOSITUHB, so desirable for Cbareltee sod Leettire Booms. - Planes sod Melodeon! to Rent - - J. 11: @MEW, - 8 - IVISTI4 and 04ISTNUT NffriSUPERIOR PIANOS. _ wmtiAtt.zezAos & co., - PIANO-FOR A% NAN lIIAOTIIILIBR, Nos. I,S, 6, and 7 North _SUPAW Street, and No. 207 BALTIMORE Street,. hetweeil Oharles and Light an -tests, Baltimore ' Nero slways on hands large assortment of their superior Hanes, recommiindol ey certificates from Thalborg. Strakoseb, and other celebrated - performer/ to to tonal If not caparlor; to any roads in thlieonntrf. The daretillty or thelrPianos -hri WitTankot far fire years, and a prisilege of atishango Amsted within sin months, Olinda they n . okaitre entire satisfaction; idannfactunng la. ire will mill wholesale and re. tall, at the melt naisanablb _ --witraeat-ENABE.stito.- Kamm LBB ti WALKER:Vo/ 22 illilißTE . l7l' litreetladelpbia, are oar authorized Agents,: and will keep constantly on bed awl' oil oar Plum al manufsatarer'a prim: , a • svpi s omaxsitm - G apm - - ILUMVAGIt'i I tB 60 - GRAND, SQUARE, AND I.TPRlertcr RIANO-FORTEa. WARDROOM% 807 OIIRSTNUTnroogr Constantly iv store a large stock of ow DNA lITIPITt. and lINEQUALLND IhidTRUM Ell TS. lie have heed awarded ; at the differeatZalxibitionig thLemortry - and auro SS GOLDL Awn iTT.y iIII.BT-CtliE6 VVYALE.. P1A.1.08 TO REST. ria - SALAMANDER. 84.P.E8. ' . Alta& snortmo.ent of ' NVAII3 St. WATSONM PRILADBLPIIIA AIAtitIPAGTORNII OA-LAXANDNA BARCH, • VAULT DOORS, Wor Danko =A 0 &Oreg. - . BANN LOONS, .Eqtal to soy now in too. - - • IRON DOORS. BEI OTT.Inn, &•e. s On as goon terms no,r.other estohnintmemit loth* United States, by BYANS & WATSON, No. VS South POIJ.WiII Street, Pkadelphla. non& IVNto d _oelL. rim THOSE who ' are about to purchase Drugs, Paiute, White Land. and Window GllO2, we direot their attention to an nosurpaased and soled stook of each goods, whieh are to be faun i at the atom of - • ZIRGLISTI ar2o tf Corner of Second and Green Street,. HAMS -125 1 RCS. EXTRA SUGAR CORED COVERED HAMS. raolced by Gardner, Ph , PSs.k. o o., Henry Lerve, John Shay- Balsa cs Beatty It Taptoott, and others For see by 0 0. eADL.Bit CO., jJ9 Arch street, 2d door 'above front. reciE be OAP?, 223 DOOR Street; above 'Walnut, nom BROKERS, and dealers ht Mer cantile Paper and reetuities generally. Attend the Brekere , Board daily, and .111 all orders for the par <Lhasa or .04 or nom& BONDS,. &a. - - CASES PRIME RICE in store rand for • ale_ by nnyLNY:, - 4 on.. tr. 16 Rol:vett ssl7o_,Rviza - - • - V.ALAD ' quarts,- 50 bovr for site. by WITHaBILL & BBOTItt 11, AO m r -st. Finowe Urea* , FORK. -810 bbli- Ideas Pork, a. Nexi Jersey, Ohio. and Philadelphia peekicg, for Bale hy 0. 0., HAULED.' ea CO., ARCM Wrest, beoond doo , a bovePirmt. • • 1025 pot JO CIOPPEN.-1,000 bags Prima and LL nosativa Rio; 160 tags prime Lagnayne Coffee fen Attie by JAWS eitallAkt do W}., LYTITIJI • fall , 11PEF i lNED BOBAX.-20 oaaea for sale by wi l l , imam BROVlE3 3 llos.tteadO Erin*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers