- t'Yir a 11 .q.4-1:44t -- A ; ':;. , . 4-4. ' Niiiithittiiiegot7; 4 MFA Wo 04 . '-- .. ,i . ,... , AP 1 1 111 1iti.„.,...,..„,.....,,,,- „I i g avvi I PPOitigeqtt 1rf.A9'444-ft6 4 " -'''' . WiterßA Uittliv i . extA mot ,,, A i gigN: l l4Artri, iesV,lPfr itt e y ' rn°7 4.v , -- -"4oigeolabtat affirnet ll o 1 .11 1 , i ijo;wylaei,-1 :'-._ Th 4 pbrisaill*Olouth Ati"‘",07..„,„,...,,.. - ..0i40#1 1 4 021 1 Athintle 4 4 - WAS- I ' 4, r , '- ::4,41**M . , 4-Riiii- a!VdiVref2l4/4, ' - V*lll.444Wil la " .<l ipe - Island N, J AKKI CII OI '1194491410 0uL1l 340iipti:j I); ,i r 1 , , 1 ". TteNtolol.o4l44olot - '4 44, ~ '4l, o Th l i tima t - " iwclitiwi' —i m, , -', 41 . tbiselsWattiftilislaiisii. --- ; .L., tiklikMil*AbliC M,. , 44 . 44a6t. utdt4ftikitli§4 l 3 ll 44N, ,; , i , , ''' 444 .* ? ' ‘If t, L61. * * Tta zi -tV•O l ?4,` : '''' '' al` whr.'" N ""' - 4 : i: ••y s is f , k ' 4V9rk.4.1,, V a - ° woo l sb parnampstase..-P to g 9-4 4 06 9" a' - • Fi sl b I* shirt iNtNiki!UoirilN.Wiailli 4ulsl 4 l o.4 l9 -r, , flail YiNiiPg_ii, 1 ** 191 , 00 .4,,A 4 ,,,# 4 , 1 71. ~ , . tx , - , 1)::". i i zi . ...:.. , , v. ~,,,•:,,,, ;•,,,, ::;:4 7 , - , , P IZ ;T:tire,S - 6,,;. , '-',--,,, 4-,"-:! '0.z; . , , ,'4 - , - .6 i - .-- , -„A, , ,-- •'---, 0 -„••:,;•!-2 :, ..`• Ti., -- ' , ,- - 31i , .' -, ,1", - , - . 4111 - .. ; !• , , ,: 1r„ , ,1r0, ,,, ?.• if •i , , , .it4 ' , ....te ~ , ,J, '..-- - ; ; -:• 4 .a - •:ie, t , ,..),:-.„. , .., ,7 , ! 3. "qt.,..iy. : ‘ , -) • "?. 5 31:r.. , '-:- h•-4'"'U ' '' 'lti ! rititil i . 4 tr ' llrift t il : itliti '-'' ' ' : ' ''''''': - t o . 4titiN#!iit#,,,V,#4 4 k , ietinprixianitiat ;Ad L;l4;l.tOrtil':,Deitioirtktte;:,Noi4sithnti 14411406y' Arlt,7,44eligttitte'sbeiAligetioev,Oklebrationq'et: 31ie;FPtit<tt to MUloid,fisx ;'? ThePonetb at Chian iik.;o44if ggetliikClieritS triiitriefcriniiii Perk' ;` tip ir4i.ra4 Qaabio • flak'Hyv:P.,,,eWi...Pkr?iii...4l.)4l*AFiroz,n *)2YF. ' : Prot' AtjvklA oty_wiar ;me , Jeep :tack, ttterok,bed , -bran zdayisilient, frbolMiridife the= tfie deist* eiflthtf itle had` `tlotshi4iioeiii4,4iattareitktplito6 - 01 . 16* - 4i , v. dl ~ip{y the :The le6te :0106)OntittitiiitAixl - tp4feli!thio4o.7itikpire th itife:thlay • tq,.ll:Opfoepfd lisk*k i tAPVir arriy4pirkil3trigt. deepato teastate thattheirratob „h 10,4 htia et , Mizioto.'i -Liverool`4ottOtt - : market irasdtat trialitiesi*Wktilly`#ziohitijed titi.,ttif*iiiffilmko:tteleif.:',ll4 - liiiir; TimAtltii 4 viatot+,mstkit irsr. dull. tOko - TAtittititagiai on "atithini*, tinet*,,f;gol4ol4lllsesityp,llvse,_tablio7ihydranis in'himpt#sits.Ot thaKoitlir:Tidi Is ihifsbeiii,ifty!: to 16 Offtirtin'l4 (16CotiiictilafeW9t: 111411'80 Imo itt !it r -t i t VP l ORFer. , .f o ;, bit uses ofiAmperlspog, gas,Assosstotedi: ozospt ftte' elsoitoli" of steward; seprotsry,l stud , house-blirr Mr.Aeindeprissrwelooted steward.' -Mri DerrM-; ger 'go -Awls; ssereSary; and - Mr. !, Dirty: Von henea o fi r k: • , •0 - - fills Ror ` X. tnicio,,*.ce;!i? , .;(6 - r tzte • Droves street ptht(iiireb,.igNeat . York,`.Aa. ,` F ThFtr,r4.9, Waite batb4ng." , :fn.isnother, Parfut oar paper the "par, , • tionliStrif the melanotfolrerent ate given. - 4 7 14t1g1) ' ' 412111aatiiiiriVVallinlitr ; Complus) , announce *eV Intention, to, run their . lure to • Riagi,p4lngstre s ig4)l4sitf , s the,.Wis aahlogeis i anal BM, 1P 0 M 4 : 4 4 1161 4 J —Vireit-Pkahtthgetainiag. OA 'dor keirmitrailisi.M. Mi., dhow and, 10. G,` Davenport, editor of the Edentchk", Off Express. Mr. Daveaport,htaileDl. - fiberr with e , hickory 'Wei several"ttkik,'whelightiDootor sno• quailed Inotypthig',etie ettei . ont of the' lianiislol ••Mr: D. ihtd octinreieneeTaierii4o)llmW,hereepee 4 P-Atit'ititir,fsf 041 the tot ' . ‘Atii , ,?eletitegt but fortunately did Pot tel‘wOreet.;l4ikeiliikalV aiew our a &afoul.' girg leiserkez , iiedCbiE , Dr:ilbeWieliitifte r. • ki:"•-••• DaT41460X;6441302,1114 - , Aertiikrgi6rlAliktaer r w* Me,'ettelef the best, itneyerala that leer, grskiror:or'whie ;pit here: naky be ' 4° P ri d tt ilt, 4 -iP I YO O.- t sl l / K* 4 SI 3 )SC•I ) PC grape • ,44t 4,44.0144:4490 '4)Pair , IPPe reaagX 9Paitiitagkor,“4* 4 l, l 4axing! 0/4 5 ` per iolbea4 --tACtbereewrokeete4-tlie‘erp,tfit - iield , $6OO ebitit in kiteploOttlehlt:etiP)blie, PraiioV Pi* dt.Yoq, A litgr,ro - a , ',„7, 14 b40110 , 01•41it1i rays := k.M.istmdlotroloteek Skierhornitigsome iscOuti-- dset .lAnitsdakag4powAerilitdeti bed Owilotia9 been ttened under thoemith tibtre,it'Port Gibson; and akorst,tudi, the bonding, woe blown tii.atoros. The shoriffehoffibegadobsfag Wes- distroVid,' and hie; aultAkb bed arabout pantsofdha hailding4l, esoospeilantejared, '••1 , The • &togs to 'the betiding Is estimated at from $10;• 000 toisl2 I .Notelnbfbealettbemdleeerlered , ett t 4 4,0 perpetteters u(. statelicttioveett” ; The Palette Of Di.` , Towitetuketi' New YO.CAmiti'llOWiotii. %:76:p3 ti,i 9 4 - `9 o 4 l aill Abbotif4',.tYeT,B,4l6i,4o*-bile plitAbased it, viiii ( 7 .sit, tit, elegant, lqrniturei, for. $200,000 Dr, goon:44f, iiiiiithir- - 2131snitirtitigtieliiiiIiiio. Vero ¢a%!►SPClvgte ' c acp + isojr'abijut i store of Jim% •• procolotzt inNew Yoitt • on Tbutidiz qrfitt'olijcii) YrakiebOileilt!ti - refs.; tiori.tp,:o4ll))liefirttp7 - of4: , adzior4t , liotjAh",#, m 1, 0 4 . 10 1 1; geld Ato,fo.ll:Ntlth..iin-indopogdetit tiokoti'oeit • others -dog med-it se-trapoleistoiiiirtallo4;2lll4; Plooitoot* Rottpc_po,espili.fifi." th e , .:semaoli' at DrlarrninfoTbottx4l, , Loildbiet - aitd.ousdio 411..j1 evoing 4 ;ctonk - ko - Z144 the thtteetf,4o.o Or,:)00,,-(4,7,461.144-0=Proie in,a4141mritylOr.P, -pititii; - T 443 - Anifititir States •fhtit- the IstO'battfo ie to be Mira tho :fettle :oil3iliferitio, fit'pr„hatirs which place IGivesfought. The details of`.tthe notion have-mot-7st heen redelfsti t bift4nrifigh `fatly;: . isidnotrafiffiAW*Vonjoss,p`n both sides has - b'eonverylvent: , ,t Cappanr4 `troops =One4 l loe , Aniacp with their whole keit eventually 1 0% ,1 *Ott nt the= tP 7 , 6l ', otrtot ~ b 0,1 O 11"19Sti rinhoiiiing , to :MS Shti = P" er ( d el' et fPfA i t t V e fik ta i l- # 164 0 0 -:05 1 sonent;.indianaordleg.fo2a4livati _despatch; thirty five thoussadwatepiersed Aire di r obabitt; Sad 16 { ilsge 'i utl`.=7B ` caution : t ken. the Em-Perfr;so o4 4 o ) l reporied. to hove been in the hottestiorthe battle, which is''sanseli Pr° ll PreiAtOli; 44 4 4 _ Ye44.404, 1 4 2. A 0 Am niain Noonsparatively lak , liosition,- from Which he.• toighViikeve; his trooto; -- Be' bad' the satfifiell4;of;o4lll4, 4 ,tlionighi-iffer, tho battle, hs..ll4evo*,thatt . hnd been - ohonpied by the be •t et t t li',S• l et 4 eh-ri; fi:ek;lAtir ll,, trio • might orierai?,:Alece,-thsttio 'the 1-Prenoh, Awe . 01 ' 04 . 8 e4 tvi,tili-lott4nket *Alive ?I' I 'l o 4l eut'lm ' eatidefifiY; - ! 4 = 1 4,0 within - tiffelasnoni Itiste=" ~seal 841aiifor:' v= jape - stet ~ta ;Ware-coupfieVerio-q It firesid - that' at- loud Ainivtc kino and worin,4l4 k •;tdinoni 'the latteiVrtre five• of -theft,' generali:i?-ther , Nfitviass; terutlq f4 3 : 11 ,40#1 e,`4o determined ', to fight esotho7greashattli , bsfore syrrretsitirink their iharOd„tha r*,:of ,(ixonseta t Oink superseded General 41111 -; „Bse •thet;;reptaiatjpiErof:,heing` best stmt **OK JP, iii l oo,4l:7!Thit4netriaa jaiiipWitkitiCtiPitifitnilit7feihg'Alifde wilt utlift.fatikiii,:iiiinjiinfinfshr , the cienoy ihts „smle; presence at' the' camp einb*lansis , rather, „than aids "General B e e t ' _,J . ; - 3.74,uuir:troppap.plifia' A tostrian reserves, . all Of *him have sdriredmore thenalgli t years, art , , , „ no Oita Y - t Idt. lllll " l .l4Aftbeir , iiintnel,ifie Auettions have still some grOntide Tor Oen the, ` O C -1 14tat~ ay Ct:bes:#itiett;7q :their ' aft liew4Olopree-. ,I,4k..**l'''TO'i t glOgrai - OVAfiff4 l 4;tiw , - s , l***bilc - .w ir TA 6 qtre4oh , :9yiokrittioty4 to 444 f 14491 iiii#Wi1. , .. 1 01 4 004 1 ‘. 1 .0 1 44 quit. ar tAto4bA,'&•' * 41 0 1 1i 2 4 -, Y44y4 - 10104 11 4 411 0,41i 1 '!q#, 00'61%i40 • - MIES Paimerstou 9 s , l3iflieUlties. -_Lord PimmasrMes, plittistryis threatened "with opposition; comnion4l4.witii: its- cry formation. , There , are Ihiee BRIGHT'S frotn , the' Cabinet ; ,the 'neglect - 'of Irish 41,34 •:and''inteietitfl, and Groinsiont's tOonstate v may: • ':Mr. BRIGHT is- foltUnate in possessing two liewspipers :w'holly: in his interest. These !are the Mortatzt Star, of London, and tho I latter.7.l4tir , d nal arivte;l4,-;ervgenemi,i=grounds, that suck a idisthi`gnislidd !fetid:J. 'of ill& popular party as • h the 90knefo tAtil the../N:rninglevn Post 1 4u8lions .that st, hiC.s BRIGHT has, :both • w'e believepprivatigy given it to be ldfstinetliNiindfirstOcid:lhaV'9lllde net iainhiffoiteelal-'thatPlie` -10 disiptedr . to; *hat UT: Says 'ciktrkeanii;Madiliere is,'norke of the mock; iißdiiity. of the 'nolo. eilsc‘O - pait ont 'de "clgo*psi,p) feetegiat he is merenseful . as an ~ rniiiponlifrrat:matolmithat,„imeeryea his noun-• i t4 T beetti when%nnfettered, and thdt in -taking • effloe,t,thoughitia would 'sacrifice no principle, indst perhaps, for the sake of carrying -oil bitisiontily - ,, yield >us assent scarcely give. his entire ap- - brobaliMO' , . int, Barcrr's other chani 14h,, iisfei.hinggfai';iells'a . different, story, ittleglii on:it. Office ruse „not tendered to 'Mr. 13aranr because Qtieen Victoria,- annoyed •'at ' 04 11 k000*P00i0: 1 #;',.,thi 5 iMige.of Royalty ; and '-hia-,,mnioncealed con- Mmpt tor thit'Oligirchy *ii?: ride' England; had 4 consent to iits . admittelon , :te office.' The livespool Post; ,a ! L iberal jintrual; cliucheff the' ritatter, by_say lPSfthe*ta-rtsrepOgnieed: as Bit/GlieB dpecial orgiti i •nniwould not - have 'ventured on n'gre,vii:CliargeVrithnift den authority. r.l3iMirios onslaughts en the'aristocratic or. -deKhava-doubtless rendered- him-- obnoxious' in 'high "places 1 and it is a 'matter ,of flied itt : , the 4,Oxilon .01nbs, and in • other quartere ,, likey*be well Informed, thOt 'the ,Q06,11 - 4itipteqioSe save an :offer:, of jrelend Id 'Oriel"; it - accents; bee : M . llQ., Mr. ,n; Peel ite, and:, it, Lan :eitshiremenhy..birth,-.Tanallr-connexion, and adrientien,'hed - been Made Chief Secretary iii.ilkiid:,'":lcilteiciiihe,";saPs the Dublin _Free. mon's<Joctitat, - “ which of all others should be ttiffid t hy, tuklkishetait;lia,s been:conferred on an who never been ih - Ireland .r4ktiowiv - inothing whateier' . '"abortt' Oyer here. With tiinin perfectly aid, like* itettaMi - eiviperhaps to lower the ":itlipertanite ofthebffine as n' reliminary to its 'uf } timate:'juerger in 'tbe,z Home -office." The ~ante;••paper compare -.l?nienk 's diiingiq'hiYespect to friehnioia in oillao, with ..P#Lnattirren, and says, "In Lord DER Br's liministration, Irishmen had their fair share. An "Irishman % was fUnder:Sedittily War; qui Irishman was Secretary tolhe - Atimiralty; Walt Sedrebiry to' - the Treasury; Aaitcl; iWas - 291114it e dietary, foF juidei,ZOrdtibin of the Tree- JalarY,..titid;ifndetAlioreitiryship :for_ the Colo. _eleti4C.;tll§,only ,ofticon which have-fallen: to traliromi .. ,irt.,the Palmerston Administration:" fito, , ,Ffterisqnf•nalght, have'-ndded that' 'Lord T'i4etrmisroet •!, had re-kip:anted' -' Masiinn Aid.ent Dish - worth ,$4 - o,o9frn . fear`f " ':. Mr:;(lraniticiltea ease is the third difficulty :Lord PniatinsxMt 'hag already_ encountered, sittcehe resnmed, office. ,Mr 4 W. E. GLAD. irests,ns a politician, is its slippery es an eel. (1) - edenther,q8 . 52, bilk Speech, eloped the de. and helped 'to defeat the ,Oerby,,..Ministry;• -In -1858 , 'he - Voted - it(the aiajori#,syhichAreve Lord, Pintisacrreit from iner - in , :ptiwer;, .34sequently,:"_ he. look" 04:cinder •Verii, te, the tot~ien Islands, and,more lately, voted ontht „aainority . tin,kyck,ot,•l,Oril Derby's - ghtubliu,"ikei4sitlit in - 'IBE4 against --.-B.arimessrpar -in -1858; - agaht,_ with Dirtn* lu 11.859; aritla shddenly=_ witli', i Pd LMEagTow. Onne it. 1.00 01 2, !en , - 44yd:inter,- GLADEMOKE re. Atrnsented"the.'llniVersity r. of Oxford,' and •-accusing him :td- - ;:yor.onsistermY,l,!;lative: ptit' np = the -Mar an, opponent, 4e= stir - 10 , ,I‘-=,s, , nun be= placed in ,ptbileo - IMan ,opposed;;- the, off' :113. 'Derby ldin'stry. t and immediately atter taketi office ivho, Meted:and Ceirieitthatvoto., el, with Crimean. War'*,.. when '_ltisn'is`,C.linee'llor-cif - the, • eilen - ner ' ivith ,iinving'ettitilidlite,#,Overninent . to reduce . the astintiiies"lind'foiode, *hen the 'War was over . ;- havine:thvecttenekte' "reduce - the -0(340' #iifiltlqtenitstoneng;nhickthe - Derby - Cis .r oiernment;hadlittnly increased.,ln general Jefins,'lM:deninit eintrgea; but "the Thizes ft' "c 4 With t rendWc(t e i ntly saying respec to S11". - 1GYADST;D*111'8 ' COlldlaCt ;in the Cricrie„an, " r tit!, dt-14,..tinhaptillY, fresh enough in the -Ito began by.in 'fletibg_that the expanses of the tear should be inet • aml, - ,tbiti sopefiliVroliosalwe beliete,that the terrible ,liiriStetsv , o'p"lBs4•',s•.:*eie ariginslly owing. ' Mr. GIAD• - ,iipS,X*§itertiettla to-break the fleet which .40i - jruitheeit're7leWed at Spithead were . only ' lon:nne4ool;l_,'atid _we declare, what-Avery +taint Man knoWs, thet faith was broken with the sari:tett- who bud Milted; nay, almost Im. :olored,,.to,,enthi(in 1854; and-who were turned 004 tiro qesre.l4tei; to' till the •Aniericati 'pcirtit With'COMplairits of the ingratitude Of the -:vre eve-glad to learn - that as yet ao reduothhicrhave,been Made; the 'new Board hiVing beim consti. letedLitittOr r e trust flint the public indignation, hioh the mere 4Pinfehe'netetCef anydesign to dhitittinh tho'arinaments. for . our 'national de tentselfina - excited-will prevent the:possibility,- :totami'fT, — ,ali!o4 - 141,b..01;g!"' entertniend. even by Me,,,Qi..tnartini, :Met Cosine, and Mr. - Gm If the Marquis Of Cu.isnos ware a :MaMolintellegt,...tustead.,Of being a very coin. moit-pldee person, be might have setae' chance againstt.M6 4 o4.tisroiriti'agniii - st-whem "there . 'in Oxford. The election ' , :e4lllist-thr,e•ctsys,:-ati - 4- it is diendiantasecius. for Gist:lBl , one that the clique tte "of the OniVersitY:, prohibits, - candidates tromp:neon. Ally , entivaseing, or from making speeches 'on the beatings, when „ , • • Let:ife. 941)in 'decline a seat - in the Oabl nety on his return to 11 ngland, (Whore b filial*ek(loolislf toe On the first of July,) and tnr2d Piziiiiprou will commence his - Adrian's. cream's w ithfour nriplensant The fear' /aye later European news, by the steantablp, Hositirtan, - which loft Liverpool tin the 29th, gives nodotallsof the great battle "pfslile Mthcib : : 'lt' ls ' nnly lthown that the •riatilantOiad'r retired, across the Mind°, „followed' by the French; and that Nor :maws had:Mkeii - 8,000 - troops; with thirty cannon and 'three flags.. - • - . , -lyheSfettirephrpese or Austria can only be suredised.": Anti 'has -Yet'twe great fortresses near:beri-rlfanttutand Verona, Ire 1798, NA , - - Perno* livraddelayed'ldx Months before Man t4; ,which stands. on an island, in a lake fortrie4 "bitheVnelo in Es pissage from the ;Alpirtio..-tlae, Po,- and tir much stronger now ibaii;it. was -then, - Verona, the frontier city ef; , the'pld Venetian dominlons, stands at the :entranCe,of , the great Valley of'tbe Adige, on tfithighroarlfrom , the,Tyrel into Lombar dy;llle::Ariatilanit lose this stronghold, they lose !They' may then, retreat farther into Venetia :proper, brit retreat is ruin, to thain. , „ Itappfgtra that Count Gyerar's successor In tha "command of the Austrian army As not Genera). Count Son.torc, aged 60, but Marshal lelvoilid seem that, in Ana trla3estiniatton,4he value of a soldierie esti. mated-by4lla years.: But only one RAD.ETZKY, - . 10 4 4r0 ageftlid'victoriona, arises in an: age. : , Letters from Abtoixd Th o "oOrretiOildit4 w - vq'in," Indebted inlevet4ing:totteiii,froin Italy, Whiph we iltistain'afately2plaoing before our read. Ann', nee favored . ua With , an - ndmirible oorranunt eattedfrWraleubittne, dated jene /5, said 'with -'tfje ]erne of ittnii .. '2otb. : deterThes tiatitaini - .Vette'-Leman; the valley of the Rhone, ejutiotion of the Rhone end Arvo,) the esetle , :erid dunaean of OhIlleh; o . la rette,lntmortalladd' itiltOp`seatiti Veff! tfie 'thire o A ut 4 .ol t 1 Chtlde Harold." iWiKeheß letteron'ideriday. c , , CO4IVZ BQ . ili!wr , of:.l",isis.- .4 2b 1 ,fi tho new :Itolititteof Petareotta'-'oboair pita. atitroph of:the Wh;ratiiy" ifavole: Tboe, to a BOTt .vontittOtto thittieheattaohed to #, being thettory inotinettort, of Blr Walter t3oott'e' fertile genies. B Y MIDNIGHT _M. tetiftr„fif r:clete4outieule 9 Ulltio „ - : • W . l.BinfiGiffitf:44 6,1959 - The Boldieretiente, whore, the-President is now boated with Mist Lane, is a delightful spot, some four miles from this city, upon tins deooratlon of which a large amount of moneThiS been ex pended. The buildings are reolyi the grounds : 1 0i1-11.tit_in.exquisito WWI and_the whole Wattle , tdd, in the eoureo of time, to form just suoh a rest donee for the summer as will be a good refuge , fronohef.:ersciaria of. , the. White lionsei and- tho :oppresalve: heats of ,weehisigion. Every. day ren ders those appareitths necessity r of removing the ;Presidential mansion from its present situation. The Treasury fhipartment line_ alreadytrenolied coneldcribly neon the, grounds, east of, this man sion; Mens:Abe wants of, the . Government are oorkantlY inareesing, other, acCommcdatione will e6on be demanded.n Nethingoonld fie more im posing . ~ pesing than' thO erection of a eontinnons and her montane range of national ',edifices connecting the Triaeitii; the liter, and the' Navy;and the pre sent White Meuse, all In one group.;' Some !dea • of the - magnitude of the maohinery of Govern ment may he - getliered from 'the fast 'that not more than two generations ago the Patent Office Was eenteAned in a' little two-story building on Eighth street, and neW the various models and other par 6 Of that inimenso, branch - of the Go vernment bid fair to take poesession of almost the entire new interior building which oovere the , magnifliieritsquitre:runnlng between Seventh and Ninth Arise% and.eatendlngfrom Street ll' to 'G. The Navy' and, War Departments , aro miserably contracted: ' Some - of the offices are located in .rented house's In the neighborhood, rendering it ex,, tremely Irksome and annoying to those haiing bisinesii to find them Ma. • Every Secretary ought to have a building of his own with all his subor dinates within hall., Ihisi ivill,,ne doubt, be ac complished in the Amino of time. . 1 , -. . . The address' of Mi. Robert Tyler, chairman - of the AdMinietration Central Committee of your Eltate, gives groat 'satisfaction to Mr: Buchanan. T, must dO credit to Mr. Tyler's courage in bring r : - ing forward"bliVirginia'abstraotiOns and holding the Demooraoy 'Of Pennsylvania responsible for them, He takf ground pretty squarely for a slave cede in, the Territories, though,l peronive' that ari attempt is made to prime the ,reverse. , The New York - Erra/d, however, puts'llto proper construc tion upOn fide pronenciamiento. Your Adminis tration 'Mela are really to be comMberated. The Preildent forced the -candidates, for Congress friend fy,to him upon the Lecompton platform, and defeated all, with two exceptions; and now, out of his earnest affeotion for bla other friends, and be- Roving they will 'submit to anything, be insists thralls supporters Shall take a mush more bitter dose, which is so hangeoni that it is even rejected by sensible men in the South. Mr Tyler, as pod are aware, fe 'o, great friend of Governor Wise ; and'aa the Governor 'his acoepted the slave code ma part if his platferm; his champion and friend ncidotibteoneelied Whist to Comrnit the Adminis tration party in Pennsylvaniale the Same dogma, There is plush in this, anyhow. lion. Alexander C. Walker,. of Georgia, Who had been nominated, to succeed lion, Alexander IL Stephens in the Congressional district lately re presented byllse latter, has declined the noneina-! tiers; and in his letter 'ettitee that in his judgment, policy and patrietism demand that andge Doug las should be the next candidate for the'Presi deney." Judge Walker is' ne of the sibs!. liatin gutahed Dernooratain Georgia; and his Suggestion shows the hold the " Little' Giant" has secured in that Stateirptm the affection of hie own party. Tile telegraphic despatch on the let July, an 'nourteing the SeoizaMisai dismissal of twelve ex press routs agents,- from ,New YOrk to Cincinnati and Chicago , was humbug. The mon are still rtmning.' This hi a cheap Way of getting a re putation, ' —er Vie given oat'atihe Post Mao Department that the postmasters in the large cities aro to he allow ed to go on' s heretofore, and .pay the clerks and incidental °remises of their officOS monthly, front the commis - Stone allowed by law, notwithstanding the opinion heretofore expressed by the bee General, that snob' a course would *l ath:m.ol%W! But there aro other gentlemen quite as learned as the Postmaster General, who are of Vie opinion that the acts of 1826 and 1838 plea° do ooMmisalcots under the absolute control of the postmasters for the support of their effuses, subject only to the directions of the Postmaster General, and that no speoitle appropriation is neaessery to enable them to pay their exponses—Oongiess fiat= IN( prescribed the way they shall be paid,,and - the amount pf eonchlissions to he allowed for snob pur pose, which to A.:virtual appropriation of so much msney as the, coMimlestons may, amount to. ' The little hand-organ of the Administration in Cole city has opened its columns. for the printing by publishing the diatribes of Attorney general Black on Pommy, his favorite subject. , He scolds lon like d. vbry drab;, but it is supposed that you may survive Judge "Blaeir - tetures to Penn tylvanie,some twenty-one months hende. -1 tinders tand ,that the control of„ . the Demeoratla party of ,your has ma been committed by , the' Administration to John Hamilton, le , Our-% veiyai . of Ytittrpcirt, and 'ibberi 'Tyler, Esq. In tho great, nasnpaign of li3o, in fiennsylvanis, of lwiitoh yon, Peihips, have. an indistinot roman- Gen, the services of Mr; Hamilton oonitisted - chiefly in giving aid and comfort to the coinmon.political onemy,'by his bitter Jails at Mr. Bushms,an, and hie Violent petsonal attacks; upon him:: ,Wheit I re float that nearly all the men of Pennsylvania who unstained Mr. Buchanan in publielife for the feat quarter of a centary,, , aird whose long-eohtinned and gtnesonsexertions finally resultedln hie del vaGori to the Prosideney, have been disoarded and frowned 4111* trent the Famed precincts of the White 'House, and ' that suck man as Milton, - whose only political significance con listed in his ' , animosity to, the President, Is now exalted :into the position of an Ad. ministration leader In 'your city, I confess thatl feel somewhat serprtsed at such a denoue ment., The other generalissimo of the Pennsylva nia Demooraiy , --Mr. Robert Tyler—is, : I believe, the only advocate and champion of a slave code in the free States, and hie seieotion, at Chairinan of the Deincoratio State Central Committee, in view:of this fast, is a sure indication of the design and desire of tboAderinistration to win favor at the South by, the highly catered tone dills mani festoes,' at tho oxfonse of Demooratio EllOOOBB in ,youiStati,loounty, and district contest'', It is a singular foot that though Pennsylvania has received a number of diplomatic 'appoint , manta, norm of thorn have boon given to any of the Old friends of • Mr. Baohanae; unless Jones, who Was eent to Austria can be classed under that heal. 'The other appointmonts were William B. Reed mi Minister to China, Joseph' R. Chandler to Charge to Naples, Mr. Backalew as Chargh to Ecuador, Mr. Quiggie as Coned to Antwerp, and Mr. Spencer as Consul to Paths, (appointed' nerd. nally from New York, but really froin phis, through • the influence, of Mr. Robert Tyler ) and not one of there men, .provions to 18g11, over rapid his 'voce or lifted his ponin deform of Mr. Buchanan Occasional,. The Cause of Uungary. : Mr. A. Asboth, No. 55 Bast .Thirteenth, street, Now York, Priblishes a paid inv the Now York Times; of yesterday, in whloh ho says that ho has been "instructed by Louis Kossuth, Pres!. dent of ,the National Hungarian Committee, In Italy, consisting of himself, General Ktopka, and Count Ladislaus Teich!, tt inform the sympathisers and friends 'of the n Ifthigarian - cause, and my fellow countrymen in America, tiMt a Hungarian Legion, under the auspices, of the Sardinian Go. vernraent: in organising, and is already partly formed at - Genoa; under Hungarian command, °Mooted by Hungarians, bearing Hungarian - colors, and rreitringlbe Hungarian uniform." Mr. As. both, who is hithaelf a Hungarian, requests all of his countrymen who contemplate . Joining' their oempatriots •In Genoa, to forward their names to- him, - and alto eolteits inisteriar'aid " from Giese favorable to the liberation of Hun gory. He says that Shepherd Knapp, Esq., punt dent of the Mechanios' Bank, No. 33 Wall street, New York, will rimelve contributions, which, from tiara to time, will be published, together with the names of the reepeetive donors A committee of American citizens is sow forming in New York city; which will apply these contributions to the objects in view. All gifts of arms will be gladly remarry& by the committee, and shipped thence to Genoa, for the, Hungarian service. In addition to the above, wo are requested to State that the Hungarian residents of this city are invited to meet next Tuesday, the 12th inst., at 5 o'olock P. M,, at Mr. Pranklln's, 112 South Fourth street, in order to take preliminary steps to form a Hun- garian Committee for the oily of Philadelphia. TALL Warw.—We yesterday received, at this office, two apeotmon wheat•ears, grown at Whist. noming Park, near Bridesburg, by M. W. Bald. Till?, Nut., wbiob, if they may be at all regarded as indicative of the stiooess of that invaluable ,cereal in Eastern Pennsylvania this season, we should think no slight guarantee of a bounteous harvest. The specimens were of that known as the White Miohigan." The ears are beardless, and for else and plumpness are really extraordi• nary. The,larger of the two oontains nearly one hundred splendidly matured graini. STOCKS AND RNAIt ESTATE, TIINEIDAY NEXT.— Thomaa Sons' sale at the Exehange on Tuesday next, 12th Inst., Will comprise a large amount of valuable City and country property, by order of Orphans' Court, executors, and othera. See pam phlet catalogues Wend today, and adverttsemente under auction bead. Tan ruivertisoment for a spooked partner in a wholosale.driloods bons°, whioh will be found in another column, is well worthy of the attention of these desiring to secure an interest In it, wen established house doing a safe and profitable bast. TIM ' Tim fins43nows,--The train for Atlntl° Oily will leave Vino street ferry at seven o'olook, on Sunday morning, returning 'to the city by eight o'olook in the evening, See advertisement. TH.E PRESS.--PHILADELPMA, SSTURDAY-, JULY 6, Isl Lptpir; 4 - 13wYotk. Anoinuip, pr,voloAir.lok . 4Nrcjim.aPwBro Onosr TBR k , upftlis P -t -r UST4O. ‘ DRINKING wittRANTN -- .. THE iiNOW=NOTRI - NON.3Y4BING,:I I T - "NERNY Tit - Vl_4; ON iet.lottlyrii-.4tiaatoVAL TROY—NSW PNNLWATIONN. - Lthirreopccip: Thit - Yo*,:Juils3,lBo. Among the inside managers of the trao,*lngs of the Demoeratio party, in this State, the contest in reference to - the manner of choosing delegates to the National Demooratio Convention is, main. with 'moaning vigor, and, as -the day ap• prOaphis ';for holding thp ,tatrif Convention, , More 4 demoneirative a proocedingsarn inTaug4ratOd.' taki etrening the ben:tomtit: General COmmittoe—of "AWL Fernando Wood is-The rulincspirit—met. ,at Atosart: Kalb ono • hundred-and; thirteen being present, and greatenthuciesm manifested., A Eortes ,of, resolutions wag actopted L atiirrning-TfirSt, that the east State ConventiOnf'er this nominatten of a State ticket should be.ooirflood:6o9y ,trf t hat purpose, and toticatters of general interest in Sate affairs, - that 'it should carefully abstain froth all dise'usaiOn' as to the mode of choosing 'national -delegates, to the end that this' question may not beortine a :scores lof discord, which may tend to weaken. and distract the- Domooraey in-:the suing fall campaign ;, second, in favor of °hogs log delegates by Congressional distriets ; third, that - a large portion - Of the DemooratiO press of the State have expressed themselves in favor of this mode of OPPointment;' fotirtit, that;' hiving accomplished an anti• Tammany organization in every ward of the city, they (the ward committees)' invite those of the 'Democratic masses who are opposed to, Tammany Ball to join them in the effort to save tho, party ,Irom disruption , end demoralisation ;" fath,that, although TammenY Nall hag all, the leaderi, Mozart flail his ail the, people ; sixth, that the issue againstthe TOinmeny" men will be carried to the polls, and that shall again present - .Mr 'Oren' ticket, nbminating and supporting, as at the cast election, indepen dent candidates throngbean". The last resol akin to of so bold and decided a obaraoter that Loopy it entire, not doubting but that the Democracy of Philadelphia will rend within:torrid a manifesto so staffed with sutphdr and saltpetre : " Resolved, That standing thussupoit * principle, • and contending for freedom 'fib= the osrmption and selfishness of Tammany Hall, our .friends must be on their gnardmgainst tho designs of men belonging to that organization who intend to ob• Min our nominations as well as their own. While' we shall not ask the endorsement of Tammany for any of.our candidates, stm do not intend to endorse any of •the Tammaby candidates: We go for' in.: dependence throughout; a union upon everything or o,uniou upon nothing. •No man should noblye a nomination flit any office from our nominating convention - who does not belong to; and will nor .pledge.hinvelf,to sustain, this organization and no other. Those who are not openly and manfully with us must be 61!4 down at against Us, and, of course, cannot expect our•support at the polls.'? • Von can readily infer front this that there will be lively times in tho party at the approaching' oanyention and election. , - th , e Astro leipal authorities have at last inaugu• , -rated something for. tho hourly comfort of .they thirsty thonsands who constantly move up and 'down out groist thoroughfares. Last evening th . ; aldermen authorised tvrenty.flvo Publladrlnhing hydrants to be erected; to BMW with, to 'be fol lowed by others its , fast 'as they may be deimell necessary. 'The drinking saloons will fool the effect of this not a little.. The. Know Nothings are bestirring themselves for mitten at the nest State election. Last eve ning amnions of their leaders was held, delegates 4pearlig fromseVeraf parts of the State. Daniel Ullman was present, and okpreised his tenet' that the party could this fall poll 40,600 voter, if properly organized. Upon adjournment Orli was some talk-as to who Would' bo the best' °ann= date for. President. -Most .of them thought Judie MeLeanTrould be the man if he wore not quite as old. Others thought Orittendeo, Bell, or Bata, with'klanks as Vice DrOeldOnt,the beet ticket that could be brought forward. Bates and Banks were Considered arprobably.the Strongest team. This nations, although a &mil one, woo' composed ] of some of the ablest members of the American party in the State.' and in its result Seward and his right. hand man Weed will find no little trouble, fait will throw many harden in the way of their oar.: rying out their nice plans. • • . The travel between New York and Brooklyn, on the, 4th, is estimated at 77,000 persons, 20,000 of Whom,oressed at Fulton ferry, 1040 at Banat• ton-avenue ferry; 'and the remainder at the twelve other ferrieS. ' • ' 0. L. Mao Arthur, formerly poittneater at Troy, and a "ford" delegate to • the last Democratlo National Convention, has beeioramoied from the collectorship (or, rather, deputpoolleotorship), at Troy, to make room for General Ragadorp,,editor of the Troy , Midget. The General edited the Syracuse Cowley until last year:, when it 4, gtiv . cut." ' The Appletons have in presiVaughan'e Rive. luttondin English History; Revelations of Rue; Heteksview, by the author of Sylvan HolVe Daughter, and Jowett'a Epistles or St. Pant to the Thessalonians. Van 'ESITEIMUSE Inistinartnal ,COUPANY,r-- The building recently Commeneed for the aCtoin• modation of this oontpany, at the Southwestoor bar of Fourth and Walnut streets, is now nearly finished. Xt presents n decidedly neat and pretty appearance, and is. maple for the lowliness for which it-is Intended.. The company hays eer• tainty ,given evidence are sound judgment end wise economy in th e construetion of their build ing. It is but two stories high, end cost but a small amount compared with the many buildings emoted for similar pitrposes. If the.oompany son .duels' all the departments or Its ',manses with a similar .eje to econoniy, its'rapidly augmenting' capital Will entitle it to first rank Artiong.ottr in surance Institutions. Olr Wednesday evening last the Young Men's 'Union Democratic Club mot' at the Mer chants' Hotel, ar,d, after being called to order by H H. Doehert, Beq., the following officers were elected: louse Leech. Jr., chairman; Ed H. Flood, Samuel H. Du Bois, secretaries. On motion of Georgo W. Baker, it WAS retolved that the chair appoint seven of the committee pro sent for the purpose of drawing a plan of organ!. sation, to report to some subsequent meeting of this committee. The chair appointed the follovr: ing: George W. Baker, James H. Robb, A. J. Wester, S. J. Randall, John Heidi, John F Alaqohor,-,T. T. Owen, Robert McCoy, and IL B. McConnell. , , --•• • . , , ' Adjourned, to meet on Wrlnesday, 13th loot at 8 o'clock, at the Alorchante Hotel. ••t 401100 L 00iiTflor•zoir..—Mnkoue A.' Davie hits been elected to represent the thtoond soden in the Board or Contro hers of the Public 6:heals THE LATEST NEWS 'BY TELEGRAPH. , • Washington Atrial re. WASIIINCITON, July B.—Among measures contemptated la our course with Mexico is a lim ited reolproolly treaty. This, holaever, will not be mimed during the 'pending negollations on other subjects. Mr. Grico, the naval construelor, so lone sta tioned at Philadelphia,: has been transferred to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Henry Hoover takes the place vacated by him at ;gala delphis: Mr. Henson has been transferred from Portsmouth to nostoh, The following officers have passed their final examination, and aro now passed raidihipmen in the navy, arranged in the order of relative merit : Goorgo A. Bigelow, It P. Bradford, IL L Pay thlan, Aog P. Noire, William.' E. Evans, George 8 Shrylook. Le Roy FRO, Joseph W. Ruth*, Thomas II :Eastman, Chester Hatfield, Cherie; T McDougall. Thomas R. Porter, Jae 0. Moseley. George 11 . Perkins, Ihorge Blodgett, W. W. Allen, and Nathaniel Groan: The Flre.alarni and Pollee, Teleataph of BaltimOre. '- ,• %unmoor, July B'—Thin ere-alarm and "'Diks telegraph of Messrs, Robinson & Phillips, which has jest been ocuipleteeil, hos already proved itself a reliable inetitution. The publie tests made by the Chief evginten of the fire department :gave perfeet satisfaction. • The inntruments usea are peouliarly appliortble to thin pollee, lire, and rail sued Bessie°. They are an improvetnent :upon those used in Nom York and Phitsdelphia; and were lately Invented by Marlon Robinson,ftq of New _York. " Thee e vening, at S o'elook, althe dry belle wilt be rung by , telegraph. - . Acel4ent to the. Steamboat Express. ' Nonvots., Va . July B.—The steamer Express of the Reybold lino, hence for Sassafras river, got aground - last night three miles below thetaity She discharged tart of. her cargo and floated off this morning,- with' sligh t damage. Farther fgorn Alexia°. Noe. Ont.seers, July B.—The steamer W. S. Wobb,, from b,lluntillso, 1140 arrlrod , up. be following additional intelltgenco in furnished : The eoudnote. of live Willow. wal releeeert by Bohlen on the (termed of Minister McLane, through Capt. Sur mut. of the V. 8 eloop.of.yrer Dr4oklyn. Tip, war news to unimportant. Oen Cohoe woe reported deed. Xx•Prosident Zainga continues under the protection of the Brit!Eh to ulster, (Reny. Mama had decreed the reetoration of Beate Anna's privets property. Accident - on the New York Central FLVH OR stx, V/1/1110:18 /ICTORQD ALBANY, N. , July 8 rwo paPaanger cat aSr the New York O,utral Railroad ran off, the track, near Oneida. yesterday, 1 ;luting Eva or MX perform, There wore tuna i Med t but Mr. Sciedell, one of the directors of the road, wee badly hurt. New York Politics.--The CharleAou • Convention. flaw Yon, July 8 —The Woad General Committee MO /*et evening, and received to rein an indepeiadent tieket for delegates to tte Charleston iJonventioha The Commerce of lialtimore.t, riLiimA N , attly B.—The port of Baltimore returns for the quarter ending on the lat loot hre ag follow': ,Imports ' $2 266,1100 Yuporte 2,276 OM Tonnage entering and arriving 676,020 tong, Number of Vegeta 1,068. Ilsont,Ensm, July 8.--d large inanral cave we dbl. covered Mar this place yesterday, and partly soldered by J. P. Parke and other:, Markets by Telegraph. MILTIMORE, Silly 8 —The Flour market In very doll; Wee of iloward street and Ohio at Wheat has n declining tendency I new choloe white sells 0 , 8100 Corn is firm, but not in ;Wive domand; while and yel low are quoted at Ito. Provisions are quiet. bat un changed. Markey dull at 270. OINOIM2101 ) July 8 —Flour le steady et Windom, te WA Whiskey le quoted at UN o Provisions are firm. Lard rolls at 110. Moan Pork 818 76. pecou sides sells at 10Xo. Itaiirottd. Dieeovery of a Cave. 1;y1y1 . •' llik's Latcy# .601),,, - s ''' Tll "- STRAIIIEit 1, ftillitAßlA.pi /::,, OPP FA'"gEcgß l'ibitilr. - . '''.- . . • , . , - i trill? , lIATTLE :01? THE IIINCIO:, , r,otio Prisoners, thrie Flags, and thirty Cannon I - Captured by the French. 35 400 'AUSTRIANS REPORTED TO DE PLACED HORS DE COM'. Loss of the French 12,000 Killed and Wounded FIVE FRENCH GENERALS WOUNDED THE AUSTBIA:NE3 PREPABrNG FOR ANolninit BATTLE. frAten. %Viet appointed Mdrahni of Franie General Hess Conimander-in-Chief or the Austrian Army. Ii.b.:SVLGE 01 1 THE NUNCIO BY THE FRENCH. FARTHER POINT, below Quebec, July 8 —The Steamship Hungarian, from Liverpool, has passed this point on her way to (Inaba(); She brings dates to Wednesday, the 20`..h alt'.'' and has made the trip to this point In about nine days. • Tho titeanudlip America arrived out on 'the 26th, the Irammonl3, on the 27th, and the Indian on the 29th ult. ' The steamer °By of Baltimore, having had her propeller replaced by a new one, eailed on the 29th.ult. for Now York. The steaMerVesee has boon deCained on account of an accident to her propeller, and was to Nall from Bremen on the Mth'olt. From the seat of war there have been no move- Manta reported by the Allies PlllOO the battle of the 24th. The details of the action have not been received." A despateh dated the 25th of Sane ' from the Nrapetor to ihe Hutpress Eac,enie, tmyethrtt " the 'enemy withdrew last night," and that he slept in .the'rootn occupied in the morning, by the EFspe rar of Andric.. • , General Niel has .been appointed 13 atsbal of Prance. • . The Austrian troops orossed the Minololor the 'Purpose of attacking the Preach witb'their whole' force, but were obliged to abandon their position and withdraw to the loft bank of the river, after blowing 'up the bridges at Gorta. The and also Nov, " We took thirty cannon, and 7,006 prisoners." A private despatch says that the Austrians had ,thirty•five thousand pieced hors de combat, and lOst sixteen tinge and seventy-tive cannon There has been no circumstantial mount of the battle published at Paris Private despatches intimate that the French' army has suffered IRV severely as to be unable to resume the offensive. Vague rumors also put the French loss in killed and wounded at twellst thou hand. The battle was fought at Salibrine. r • r The 'Austrians are preparing for another great battle under Gen. Hess, who has already dis placed Gen. Behliok as commander-la-ohlef. The Emperor Nanoleon issued a stirring address to the ar ny after the battle of Salto:duo, The Austrian despatches acknowledge that they wore obliged to retreat after suffering extraordi narily heavy losses. The Emperor Napoleon woe constantly- in the battest of tho battle, and General Larrey who accompanied him, had his horse killed under hilts. ' General Niers corps covered themselves with glory. • The Sardinientc fought with great fury against eaperier numbers. „ The Disposer of Austria is to return to Vienna on important'business. The Paris correspondent of the London Tented says that another battle is expected, and is con sidered as inevitable before the siege operations Clan" COMMOVOI3 Largo. reinforcements are constantly leaving Franco The Minch on Venice was expected to commence on the 28th. ' One hundred and seventyflve thousand troops from the Austrian reserves were on their way to Italy. They are called the flower of the Austrian army—every mon having served upwards of eight yenta. - Five French generale were Wounded at the bat tle of SalfOrino. It is rumored that an English fleet of twee tyQve sail was cruising off Venice. The Gazette de . France says that preparations are making to raise within two' months an army of 450 000 men. Great naval preparations are going on at Cher. boarg. A despatch, received at Paris from Cariani, on the 29th tilt., says that the Preach troops passel the Moot° without interruption, tho easel bat ing withdrawn thorefrotti. . On the '2sth nit, Prussia made a proposal to the Fedora( Diet to place un army of observation on the Milne, under the superior orders of Bava ria The proposal was referred tO the Military Committee. It was reported that the Emperor of Ausfria would soon have an interview with the Prinoe Eth. - gent of Prussia. The English maws it not important. The Atlantio Telegraph Company bus issued Proposals for subtoriptlons to the ,now capital of £600,009. THE WAR. The follorlrg telegrams .eontaln all that in knownio regard to the great battle of the 24th of June: • NAPOLEON TO THE EMPRESS. OAVRTARA, June 25,1.00 P. M.—lt la imposeible as , yet to obtain, the details of the battle of Yesterday. The enemy withdrew last night. I have passed the night in the room occupied In the morning by the 'Emperor of Austria. (lon. Neil has been appointed a ilfershadef Prance. Mco.vtirs,na,,Tune'2o, 11 30 A 51.-- , -The Austrians, Wso had erosied the Minato for the purpose of at • ticking 119 with their whole body, have been obliged to abandon their pesitiona and withdrdw to the left bank of the river. They lutie blown up the bridge of Gehta. The loss of the eneum is very considerable, but ours is much lees. I,tre have taken 30 cannon. wore than 7,000 prisoners ' and flags. General. Nell and hie corps d'armbbhave covered themselves will glory, as well as the whole army. The Sardinian army inflicted groat loss on the enemy, after having contended with great fury against suporlor;forces.. The Porte Frew soya that private ruesao4ca from Berne are spoken of, whiah put down the Aeration loss at the enormous number of 35,000 /core ds ,comhat, and 15,000 taken prisoners, to gether with sixteen Hags and seventy-five ptoces of cannon. This, however, lacks confirmation. - . The following is the oiler of the day pet' tithed by the Emperor Napoleon after the battle df Sil fork° : " Cesnustc., June 25. Sol di ers : The enemy who believed themselves able to repuloo us from the Qhtese have recrossed ,the Minolo. You have worthily defended the honor of Fromm "Salferino surpassed the • rosollostion of Lonato and Castiglione. In twelve bourn you have re• pulsed the efforts of one hundred and fifty thou sand men. Your enthwieeru did not rest there,— the numerous artillery of the enemy complied for midable positions for over three loagues, which you carried. Your country thanks you for your courage and perseverance, and Minuets the fallen. We have taken three flags, thirty cannon. and six thousand prisoners. "Tau t'ardinian army fought with the game valor against euporlor 1016C8, and worthy is that army to march beside you. Mood has nor boon shed in vale, for rho glory of Fromm and the 11.1 p• pinescof the people ' • No circumstantial account of the battle had reached Paris. It was inferred from the telegraphs that the French army suffered so beveroly that, two days; after the battle, it was still unable to resume,the offensive. nevi were yam° rumors of 30,000 to 12,000 Numb troops having been killod and wounded. THE AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL ACCOUNT OF THE BATTLE, The following is the Austrian °Modal viscount of the battle: VERONA, June 25.—The day before yesterday, our right wing occupied Poszolenga, Ballerina, and Ottyrians, and the left wing massed forward as far es auldisculo and Ons-Ciblfrelo, but wore driven buck by the enemy. A. 011161011 took place between the two entire armies at 10 A. M. yesterday. Oar left, under Gen. Winupen, advanced eis far as Oblese. la the afternoon there was a concentrated assault on the heroically defended town of Balferino Our right wing repulsed the Pleduaontese, but, on the other bind, the, order of our centre could not be ries tered, and our losses era extraordinarily heavy. Tho devolopneont of powerful masses of the en• only against our lett wing, and the adyance of his main body against Volta, cautled our retreat, which begun late in the evening. ViENNA, June 2.s.—The Austrian correspondence contsina the following : The day before yesterday the Austrians crossed the Alinoio at four points. and yesterday came upon the superior force of the enemy, in the Ohiesu, After an obstinate combat of twelve hours our army withdraw across the Minds. Oar headquarters are now at Villa Franca. The London Time. , says that the Austrians have moot candidly admitted their defeat, and that history siarooly records a bulletin in which such is disaster is more explicitly avowed. The Nottiteur says that the battle will take the name of the battle of Salforino. The official Austrian correspondence of the 27. h June contains the following: " The Emperor of Austria will NOD return to Vienna on account of important business. Tho command iu chief of the army, which is preparing for battle, is given to General Bess." Prices Napoleon arrived at Parma on the 251 h, and woo received with enthusiasm. . Forty thousand men were embarking in Algeria for the Adriatic, and at Paris news was expected of the occupation of Venice by the Fronoh A despatch from Borne says that 3,000 Fief montsto, with 700 volunteers, had arrived at " Tirana," and advanced to Bortaio, at the foot of the kilolvio Pars . - The Paris elrrespondent of the London Timrs siqo it was expoted that another battlo would be fought boforo toe siege operations would come on Putriotio demonstrations by the working olasses in Ports were universal. Largo reinftireetnonts for the French army wore eonstatttly quitting France for Italy. A &swim from Vienna soya that the attach of the French on Venice and Tag Memento (about 45 miles northeast of Venice) was expected to take plaeo on the 23th of June. The Austrians have snuck five Small vessols, a large frigate, and three steamers, in the next of Matutuicoo, to prevent the prosage of the French squadron , Prince Eugene, of Savoy, bad lamed a decree extending the forced currency of the National Bank TUB LATEST pAnts, Tuesday —Generals Anger, Foray, Dion, and L'Adwiroult, were wounded slightly at Sal. ferino. There trill be a To D MM. Next Sunday in all the churches of France, In celebration of the vie tory. The Empress and all the gloat bodies of the State attend at Notre Dame. Tram, Tuesday.—An official bulletin today contains Some dotalls of the battle of the 24th. The•Pledmontese were prineipallv engaged at Ban Martino. They.performed prodigies of valor, and took:formidable positions, but could not hold them owing to a fearful tempest. The Piedmont 'ose drove-the , `Austrians from San Martino, re taining flits of their cannon. Serious losses are admitted,- • The daze:to de I tante says that preparations are making to get together, within two months, a force of 450,000 men. - The Sardinian Ambassador at Paris is reported to hove complained to the English Government against the Secretary . of the British Embassy at Paris for anti-:- ifIiDIRII instilfe+tatinris. THE VERY LitTEir Rem, Wodnevity, June 29 —The Monsteur of :hie morniug oontainx the following: " CAVILIANA,I Juno 28 —Our troops have pasted the Itinolo;without heeitation, the enemy having withdrawn therm rPut " THE ATTITUDE OF PRUSSIA. The advises from Feankford-on-the-Maine sta'e th - rit on the 21tb of June, , Prussia made a proposal' to the Federal Diet to place a corps of observation on the Rhine, to bo ern:armed of the 7th and Bth Federal corps d'arroCe, undtr the superior orders of Bavaria The proposal was referred to the Military Cotten:dime.' ' ' ' The Paris Sieelo and Journal ties Debats'ridi cotes the idea of German mediation nn the basis which rumor has plated in clioulation. GREAT BBITAIN: It isolated that, in -consequence of but few re inforcements having been to India for several months, the authorities had determined on send- Inn' out nearly 1.000 cavalry end infantry. The ' Prime of Waite had rottirned to England. an The Atitio Telegraph Company, in, issuing proposals - for subscription to the new stook, pledge themselves to enter into no oontraot without seek ing the advice of the highest soientiffo and prat,- Goal authorities of, Engiapd and America. The Drat operations are to bo to endeavor to raise the old cable: A deputy from Canada had waited on Qaeen Victoria to invite her to bc present at the opening of the great Victoria bridge next year The elections for members of Parliament to fill the coats vacated by those who have accepted office in the new Ministry were generally recalling in tho election of, the Government candidates. Mr alsilicone, however, was being closely preened for Oxford University by the Marquis of Mendes The Submarine Telegraph Company have suc cessfully laid a new liable, containing six conduet mg wires,-between Folkestone and Boulogne. It ie tbo largest and strongest cable over made, its weight being ten tons per mile. • The tundon AdvertiBer utak es the extraordinary assertion 'that Loma Napoleon has made up his mind, at the first favorable opportunity, to make 'a deseenton the shores of Iceland. L Al EST. LONDON, Wedneelay —The Earle of D erby end narrowly were yesterday iovested with the Order of the Garter. " ' It is stated that ldr Lever is at Vienna, trying to negotiate with . Aitetrls for the sale of the night steamorti lately, belonging to the European. and. American ,Steam, Company • Unsuocessful over- , three have been made to France" , The Ddily .IWros' city attiole says that the i funds were weaker on Tuesday, owing to th`e• re newed fall in the Frew% Itentes, which are preju diced by rumors in relation to the cost of the late victory, as welt as by the creation of stook_H arising from the new loan. Consols- closed IA lower than on,the preceding day. , The active de mand for,money, usnallx,experienaed at the end of the qoarter, oantinues, and few bills are taken beldw per eiintilak. - The 'limo' city article twj/t in the absence of detailed nee mots of the battle of Salferhao. to en able the public to judge of its probable 'Toot in predisposing auitrie to tines of shbatission, the funds exhibited heaviness on Tuesday: - • - In - the Stock EXchange, two to two and a half per cent. was paid for short Inane on darernment seem Wes, and et-the Bank there was a little in crease in the demand FRANCE The news of the viotnry on the 25th imparted much buoyancy to the Parte &twee, and the rati tes advanced nearly one per cent Oh the 27;h there was a relapse, three•fourths of the advance beim; lost.. Oa the 23th, the market opened with still tardier decline, bat rallied, °losing eteady at 621'.'Sna. Trade in Paris was tolerably brisk. The corn market was dull on aneonut of favorable harvest prospeots. THE PAPAL STATES A derpatch from Rome announces that Forrosa,, Ravenna, - Forll, Ancona,'and other toms, hays been replaced under the authority of tho Pope by thet intorreution of tho Papal troops The officer who commanded :the Swiss troops in the affair at Perugia is said to havo been pro moted• AUSiftlA. The ylepna oorrespondent of the London Times asserts that for the test ten years matters have been so terribly mismanaged 'in Austria, that it would bo almost miraculous if the Empire escapes dissolution. In an autograph letter, the Emperor has canted ordinacces relative to Protestants in Austria, to be 'blued, without waiting for the revision of the Council of State. NAPLES. NapLns, June, 26 —By a decree just issued, one hundred and thirty-seven refugees are permitted to return, and all other Sicilians holding per. mission rind promising obedience to the laws. For foreign Commercial Intelligence, see Thud Page. CITY. CONTROLLERS OP PERLIS Sollool4l.—Yester day afternoon the Board'of Control heti a special meeting for the purpose of hearing the report Of the special committee appointed to investigate in to the alleged frauds, relative to examination of Candidates for adontariOninte tho'High School. The newly °tented e.ontrallere from the Second and Sixth !notions were morn in, and took their Bests as members. . , , The standing committees appointed by the pre sident Were announced,as follows IDEA School. —Stephen Earrand, Thos. lialg, Jr., T. W. blarahment, Washington 3. Jackson, 14. Elynn _nigh. School for' Girl.q bf. Dasanhnsy, Issas Leash, E MoCalla, Dr. Shelmerdine, Tho's Allison. ' ' ' - • Supplies.--Jobrt.ltittenbonee, D J. R. Angney, A. B wipe, M A. Davie, John Ilunewortli Accounts.—Dr. R. Q Sbehnerdine, Stephen Pthina, Dr. a. 8.. Ankre:y, W. - I.l.Fitteraft, Paul IL darter. Property.— 1. A. Davie. Adam Martin i , M. Blynn, John Robbins, Jr., Wm J Reed. Grant nicer, Secondarth and Prima ;y gclzbal, 11. 115. Darenbory, W J. Jackson, Isaac Leach, Charlee Friebenoth. Dr. tßilmardine. Quarierly Reports.—Charles Fright:oath, W. Plitoral's, Thomas Allison. Adam Shetzllne. Fimance.-11. McCann, Charles Frishosuth, We Haig, Jr.. John Huneworth, W. S. Reed robriary —Adam Shtozline, A. B Ivin, John Rittenhouse, IV. IT. Filtorift. Isaac Leech. Ea pnses —Paul B Carter. John Bobbins, Jr , AfiT , l3l Sis °Wine, W J. Reed. T. C. Hollingsworth Qoatifieations of TeaeltAks.—A. B Ivin, T U Hollingsworth. Dr. Angney, Dr. Shelmer dinv, Thomas Marchtnent. Mr. Ivin, of the special committee appointed to investigate the obargea of fraud in the examina tiOn 'of candidates for admission Into the High lohool. stated that the ho matted bed held a ses sion of seventelm hours. The omothittee had ay. pointed Dr. Aug* , secretary; who read tho fol lowing report; The special aornmittee to whom was referred the investigation of a charge of supposed fraud to the recent examinations of pupils for admivion into the Central High Sahool, would respectfully retort-_ That, duly impressed with the gravity of the charges preferred.—wb lob, if sustained byedege ate proof thereof, would tend greatly to impair the contbiende of this Board and the FILM, in the ad. ministration of the High School, while the exist ence of wrong, if allowed to, go uncheeked, would not do less in a short time than destroy it, by pro. dosing a wide spread dissatisfaction In all the subordinate soheols—it was determined by the committee •to make as thorough examination of the matter submitted to them no possible Accordingly, the Ea.:tilts , of the High School, the Principsi of the Boys' Grammar School, and the pupils who were candidates for admission Into the school, wore invited to be in attendance. From the lat ter, all were detained for examination supposed to have the least knowledge of the subjeot of inquiry. Every facility and assistance was furnished by the parties interested, to further the examination After the witnesses bad been examined. and the testimony: carefully collected, the committee are unanimous in reporting the 'following no the con clotions drawn from their investigation : First. That, although the positive proof se no. onesary to entire conviction was wanting, there was °Odense enough aliened seeming to glow that. at least on tan or three suhjsets examined, certain candidates obtained previous possession of some of the questions. Second. That the original questions for exami nation on isonstitution were aurreptiiioueiy ab stracted by pupils belonging to the Ifigh Fchool The manner iu which they wore obtained, and the parties concerned, were traced nut and de tented, Them:, questions, however, owing to timely. discovery, were not given at the examination, ex cept one or two through inadvertence, Third That there wee not a particle of evi dence that the principal or any member of the faculty of the nigh Scheel, or other temehera en• gaged In the publio schools, had' any knowledge or complicity in communionting to any of the candi dates the questions need in the examination. In view of these conelusions, and as numbers of many of the candidates have, from the investi gations of this committee, become known, the fol lowing resolution to proposed : Reso/ved, That the present ineetnnlete exami nation for admission of pupils to the nigh Scheele be set aside, and that new questions on the vazions subjects to prepared, and soother examination be to commence on Monday morning, to be com pleted in three days. A. B. Ims, S PARRAND, J. it ANGNEY, Committee. W. J JAczsoo, I M DLYNN, Mr. Leeoh thought tho report was very slight. The question ma not appear to have been gone into at all; the allegations wore not supported by proof. There wal no evidenao of fraud on the part of the faculty of the high School or any of the teachers. Mr. Varrand urged that fraud Arad been com mitted and woe fully stated In that event, ho thought the resolutions should be adopted On motion of Mr. Hollingsworth, after conside rable debate on a resolution to amend that the examinati , n be sat aside, and those opener-um who wore known to be aware of the question ex eluded, it was lost by a veto of 14 to 11. Mr Irina moved to strike out the words "three days" from the resolution. Agreed. Mr Allison wanted to knew boo it woo that, if no fraud had been committed, a penalty was in. Mated. Ha considered the report a Very lame one, and deolared that no charge of fraud had boon sustained. The vote was/then taken on the ',solution, as amended, and lost by a vote of It to 12. Mr. Raed moved that the regular °gemination on the subject not yet reached be proem dad with, so ems', under the direction of the Hi t h School Committee, lehteh Wee adopted, after a brief de bate. Adjourned. BOLD ROBBERY.—A party of thieves en tered the silk afore of Mr. 'William Morris, at he 15 Banlc ntreot, at nn early hour of Thursday morning, and succeeded in carrying off about five hundred dollars' worth of goals without being de tested. The thieves effected their Winne° by clambering upon the awnleg and knocking a pane of glass out of the seeoni-story window. There are three private watchmen in the wyeet, but they are supposed to have been looking at a trial of a steam engine in front of Jayne's building whoa tho robbery was committed. Contufeeroripts Poon.—The new Coneiealenere'or the l'oet-,hefl an adjourned moetiog,pitetday afternoon, at the Biotic ley Alms house, the Praaident, E W. Koper, in the chair. Ail the members present. Oa motion the Board went into an election for a Home _Steward. Applications for the post were read frcm James Torbert, Joseph Jones. and john J. Logue. Marshall Ilermay,-William T. Lafferty. Tonic,' Smith, Samuel Shield, Joseph Jones, John J. Logue. and James Torbertwere put in nomination. The Board went Into a ballot with the toll - awing result; Smith ~.. Marshall Itenzoy was _then declared eiaoted. Dir. Robbins voted for Air. Smith, anil Mr. ]vane • On inotion, tho Boaid went into a ballot for Bee rotary. The following gentlemen were nominates : Valentine' Burkhardt, Jr.. John N. Henderson, C. 17 Slater, J P .Fitler, Walter G. Livingston, and .2 M. Derringer The Board then went Into a ballot for Secretary, with the following result: - , • Ist ballot , 2d ballot. Derringer '2 7 • Burkhardt 2 1 Henderson- ' 2 3' Slater - 3 - , - () Fitler 0 Livingston Deacon Mr. Derringer wee aooordingli declared elected Oa motion, the Board went into an eJeetion for Enure clerk. . John Mulford,--James Simmons. John 1)%1lam, R W. Beatty. Robert 8 Garrison, Robert T Gtorge IL Oliver, (Oontrone& °Moe ' ) Walter O. Livingston, and James - McKinley were placed.in nomination: . The Boxed then went into an elution, with the following reenit : • . • ' Ist. 21. 3d. , 4:11. sth. Mulford 2 3 3 0 ) 3 I I Simmons 0 0 0 Deflate - 0 0 0 0 0 Beatty 2 2 1 1 0 ,Garrison 1. 0 0 0 0 Pry 1 - 0 0 Oliver - 1 1 0 0 0 Livin g ston 1 2 .3 5 7 MoKinley„ ...... 3 3 8 3 4 Mr Livingston, having received a majority of the votes oast, was declared elected, Mr. Williams presented the report of the cum mittee appointed on amending the rules. Adopted ,Mr Maris offered a -resolution authorizing the appointment of a committee of five persons to in quire into the expediency of abolishing the ram of Chief Resident Physician, and also to report on the practicability of selecting the Assistant Rest , dent Physician _in, a different manner from that now in vogue. Adopted Mr. Robbing offered h resolution authorizing the committee just appointed to examine into the pro priety of abolishing the present system of out door egents, and of leaving the eystem of out dor' relief with, the- benevolent moieties, of the city, or the Councils. . - After MOO discussion, the resolution litid in order that public attention be directed to it , The followirm committee wee appointed oa the resolution of Mr. Marie: Messrs. Marie, Evans, Creaser', Linnard, and Marks. Mr. Dickinson offered the following : I?rsolved, That the House Committee be autho rimed to ask of Councils. an appropriation to pay debts contraoted by the late Board, and a slim auf fielent to inset the expenses of the institution for the balance of the present year. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. Esher moved that no refreshments be given to tile Members of the Board or visitant at the ex pense of the city. Agreed to. „ The secretary oleo, through Mr. Wiiiiams,,pro posed the names of William H. Todd add Alex ander Cummings as his sureties, which were ap proved. On motion of Mr. Linnard, a committee of two was appointed to settle with the late treasurer and audit his accounts. Messrs. Linnard and Marie were appointed on the oommidee. On motion of Mr. Robbins, the Boar] adjourned. TRIAL OP TEE VirASIIINOTOS STEAM EN- Orrfa —An immense crowd of people, composed priuolpallp of firemen, and those of -our, citizens interested in steam fire engines, assembled yester day afternoon, to witness a public exhibition of 'the powers of Washington gleam Ergine in Fif teenth street, between Locust and Walnut, at which point a Berkenbine plug is !Coated, About twelve, minutes were occupied in raising twenty pounds of steam, when she threiv a stream through a 1.1 inch nozzle with 270 feet of hose, a distance of 220 feet. The mond experinzentwas made with 220 feet If hose and 1* inch nozzle, and a stream was thrown 236' feet, and through a ii inch nozzle and 1116 feet of here, a stream was thrown 237 feet. The avefage playing could not be ascertained correctly in consequence of the en gine stopping to raise steam. The delay, how ever, was only for a few moments She was constructed by Memo. Poole b _Runt, of Baltimore for the Mechanic Engine Company.' of that city, but - owing to her great weight, 10,500 pounds, wee not redettred by that company. Since then, however. her weight has been considerably reduced She has ten pumps 41i inohes in dime_ ter, and a combined pump of 61 inches, which is said to be the largest in this pity, excepting that of the Diligent Fngine. The exhibition was highly satisfactory to all who witnessed the poeformaisse. and th'e Washington engine CoMpany have cause to Congratulate themselves nron having scoured a machine So admirable in all Its parts IMPORNIIT SURGICAL OPERATION. Dr. Charles 'kf Doti - man; of Reading, Pa , on the .2'ith of June last performed the operationjor ti e removal of two ovarian tumors from the abdomen, of a lady living in Ilszel ton, Pa. Chloreforth hav ing; been 'oirefulliadministered to suoltanlxtent as to produce total insensibility, an incision, was carried to the extant of about twelve inches, after which thmeurgeon Tabled the immense tumors, one after the other, from their beds, which were found respectliely to weigh 'Aileen pounds.and.the other one two pounds- and a half. Two days after , the operation, when the Doctor left her, she wee doing remartab'y well: The time occupied by the ope ration was about an hour This is the sixth time that the Dootor has performed the: operation—an opeiation which is considered, by ail BUTaOIIII3 taught by experience, as the_ mcct important and diMoult one upon the receive of surgery. However dangerous this operation may be, yet it is indis penqably nonsssary to tae welfare of the patient Thisap.-4 load 'of bay _iipset yesterday morning on Market street, which caused a de'en Lion of the passenger railwey oars for a coneidera ble length' of time. An afternoon extemporary, speaking of the accident, says: " While this hey lay there at stray Spark, or a friotion match ap plied by come misohievous person, would have probably ended in. the destruCtion of the bridge, and a very taiga porttdn of West Philadelphia would be deprived of any convenient oomunantort• lion with the city, while the trade of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company would -be crippled Another, and a fire-i roof bridge, should be erected with as little delay as passible, not only to supply the plate of the Market-street structure, in the event of accident, but also to supply the growing wants of the community." A JERBEYMAN FLEECED.—Geo. L. Thomp son, hoping - from Jersey, while walking through one of our principal thoroughfares on Thursday evening, met a fair charmer, whop:film,' him into that delectable and celebrated locality, yolept Pine alley. George had not processed far with the young lady when, to his dismay, he discovered that the sum of fourteen dollars had been taken from him. Re immediately left In search of a policeman, who returned with him and arrested a woman, named Maria Welsh, on the charge of having committed the robOerr. She was taken before Aldermen carter, and held to bail in the sure of seven hundred &Mars tO answer at court PRIZE •FICILITERS ARRESTED.--William Mul holland and Alexander Leeds were arrested on Thursday evening, and taken before Alderman Sbormaker, on a warrant from Mayor Henry, charged with buying been the ringleaders of a prise fight. The disgraceful affair occurred t n Sunday morning lost, at Pea Chore; New Jer sey. The alleged offenders Were not arrested without a scums 'and it required the utmost or.- (leavers of the police to take thrhn .to the leek•up of- the Seventeenth-ward station house They both bore the marks of their recent &sheriff; Leeds' eyes patenting a disoolored appearance. and Mulholland's heed having several extra bumps. The two were yesterday handed over to the Jersey aathorltiee. HORRIBLE ACCIDENT ON , A STEAMBOAT.— Yesterday afternoon, an the steamboat Richard Stockton was waking her trip up the Delaware, when nearly opposite Mett.argee's wharf, the en g'near, Mr. Samuel Ayres . s t ied 35 years, received a fracture of his Genii by being caught in the ma °tapers of the engine Us was brought to It's oily and taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Nis injuries 'are of a winos nature and but little hopes ore entertained of his recovery. GUANO II: OrM oue.—The Sunday train on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad will leave this city on Sunday, at 7 A lit , and returning, will leave Atlantis City at 0 1" , M. The train will make but few stops on ih trip This orrangeinent will bo an additional nooommodation to those persona whose business will not permit'them to absent themselves froth the oity except on Sundays. The train reaohee the sea shore about 10 A M, sthich affords them an ample opportunity for seeing, the sights of that highly popular resort, and returns heft; about S P. Al Wins-BNATIla.—The offence of beating wives has become a frequent ono. Abram Dunn, a young man who has but lately taken to himself a wife, and residing on Market street, above Till, in West Philadelphia, was arrested on Thursday evening on the charge of haulm committed an assault and battery upon her She appeared at the hearing before Alderman Warren, and slated, with tears In her eyes, that it was not the first time she bad been the subject of his attacks. Dunn was held to bail to answer CAMP MEETING.—The Camp Meeting at Tulip Grove, near tladdonfleld, N. J , as will be seen by an advertisement in another column, will be continued aver ,Sunday.. The Grove is a de lightful spot, and as arrangements have been muds to accommodate persons who desire to re main over the Sabbath, we doubt not that many will avail themselves of the °pp°, tnnity to do e'. TIIE SPRUCE AND PINE-STREET RAILWAY CODIPANY have made an arrangement liciak the R.KI Balk Parry Company, by Which pareeogers are omveyed from any point on the line of their road to Red Rank for the sum of ten cants. CASUALTY.—The passenger train of ears on Ithe Reading Railroad, duo here at eight o'clock I ist eveniug, ran over a man named Robert Wrigley at a point nearly oppmite Marayntk, curling off both his feet. Re was brought to this city, and taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. WANTED.—Wo3 learn that since the New Jersey authorities have secured the principals of the prize light which took place at Pea Shore, on Sunday morning, they have vs,.ed warrants for the arrest of the spectators and seconds of the die. graceful scene. Hnori.'n ItER ANlCLE.—Margaret Lynob, domestic employed at the Smtes Union Hotel, Market ntrear. in attempting to jump from a table, lost evening, fall and broke helinkle, producing a compound fracture. She was removed to the re sidence of her parents COWAILDLY.—AIderman Devlin, yesterday, held Charles Schneider to bail in the sum of SbOOr to answer the charge of tittaekirp a woman, named Louisa Lockeand, in Second street, above Poplar. ButetnE —About eight o'clock last even ing, a woman named Mrs Little, risidivg in Lam- , bard street, below Sixteenth, out her arm. Tile' wound was a serious one, and the unfortunate wo man bled to death. . . . FIR'S THIS tionenno.—There was an alarm of tiro tbia morning about hale prat twelve o'clock, occasioned by the burning of a carpenter shop In iloward time, near Inonrgomery There was no hisuranoo on the property. Damage about $5OO. ' FINANC I A:L"' - AND4;OS7 - 11i1 o*- The - Nfo r iieir ffniat . = '2 - The money market soutinues easy and quiet. The news from Rnrofe by the !dung's/km 'bows that the nnfar , rable move remote in cet'oe,krgadateff,e - uoni the lauds, which re alluded eirree B till continued, and the (Mot" upon ,oar Kearreihwk e , nese Jabot at all beneficial: TIM bettyyimpo.tbatioas contsrme tc; excl te Mario, last jrieß'e ft viPts being heavier, It is oteld. Qom in any, one seek since the formation of thi Feeeriti ooveinment. We have Uoldea that there will bee pieta or atleame Mal erisis growing cut of - thLifOlti;:butlt can ' hurdly fall to result that - tbe' Empi.r - tere of many kinds of foreign gotclt Mall be =jostled. tiltioutteufili..eut at auction for 60 to- 00'per cent. of thelf'ebeic - iv; abet_ here - done befdre. The pscplo of the thillattilated will again lisya Dee go - As cbfop at the ex ALF, of_ - I be fore•gn menuftialurers, - who atom never to letrm BOY. thing by PaporielliJ. _ _ _ . •',. • The ptotpeot to vary fair fOr their „repairing,. lo re ! turn for the surplus stook of goalie with which they are flooding our markets; a Cerise of accouuti of eileta by &melon. 'with a: heavy ipie on_ the eate itself { aggravated by charges of all deaeriftiorilntoaitiloone interlace of their property Thief to the I) , n'aity_thiolla 4911era,4 importer and. the foralgn 'cortilgmar have hal' Ifs pry, sg lin and agaiu, for the folly of themselves and each Other is overdoing militate; and' tfiellbrii - LeihViiiif portations during thane dull midsumMer weskit giva the impreigion That, they are : tieing with each other in a grand effort to work out the anal prOb.emoneti morn. They will kindly tufa themrolvee and :lolr. fellows, that we may bare goods cheaper than' /Tar beki.e.„ The stook market continues withosit Pennsylvania Beilroad ebaree sold at as Phila. dolphin P. asenurei Railway e filial at 51%,; and Bouthwark at 61; ~ Norristown ..thdroad it SOX ; Railroad at ; 21toirs at SN. and 0 raidrn and Amboy at 113 - Bark storks are not la to great demand Inc the beginning _cf:the monitt: Ltseer priced bonds are heary,andranoy , stooks linnet!) diet: Tor. All solid inveet meet sonorities, however, meta- . Ulu former - quotations. and the' genitial time cf the . market betokens considerable otrrngtb, without any dlalcettton to aptatilata'for antae. _ . , Tho North Poricoylvsnla Ritilrold I.A . nitrpt in Angie 1859 Ivor. - ' L 527 On c 34 Juan 1658 ' 22 )91 93 Ilarn irk 669011 mcse.hs to Jane 30,1819..1187-054 70 Plum:ea lime last year " - 106,406 8Z Trams • $31,187. The rec , e'pts of thebforils Qua] ire u !Petal to /one 25,7859 , 810 696 69 Week eadlng.2ll Y 2. 1859 9 604 04 $110,195 73 TOtal to Jt19.16,1851 1 877- 2.X - 444 ; Weak 603106 .1013% 3, 2858 6,946 841. 8421 - 8 43 is:aroma, 1850 - • • $25A1.25 The New York Tribune soya : 11r Cite", the Asciat ant Treasurer of the trotted States, of this city. is ,tl. Owns ad by the Becretsry.of the Treasury to - receive de posits of hold coin in txaharge Trettau•y notes. hearlrg b 3 per cent. iutereat. They are baler r•ptd , y taken Cl this rel., an 'amount exceeding $l,OOO 000 havirg already been p'sead. • The interest on New York (My . - ethelca - rltt be psi due I, by the-Oily Ultrumbitrisiti,-hh Nis 'Show end Lwttter Bat*. - - , , The Trenton Banking - Comm, Aeifirrsd a divl. dead of s2 , n sack share of the capital st.f4t,.(squal to 5 p.v cent ,) ter the Tait six montlia. - The Bank or America of New Orlea-a a send annual dividend of 5 per cant , matte on eolith bet. . Number Two of Newatt'a Eacya - olodis of Amerlra. Bank-Ncte Coreeney bus been lamed, and is fa , y al wall sneented,as the drat number, wh;ch is saying all Vitt 'needs be said Wpoe -the= subject. Thle work. to Issued weekly, by William Coindlt-410.,C0 i r Nu, ..Al Nefessu street : New Tcrir, - aid VAS be ocrepliote'liabant eeventy-Ore nitration ! , -f outainune,fa similes of II COO different bank notii The p'an is to give a well-ee graved copy, oa a smaller ieale. - of every pecuteo blink note leaned, so that lel a , c - nipaison of nay-spurioa bill with the eau - ravine of tba real no'e„ - •th tte ,fraud will - at once De deflated 7h - e aaaf - of tTe work, for all the iturribefc Will be, sls;s'etim That will be well owiended In Vs :purebiu.p_by those - wheats twat. nese leads them to handle much paper m^ney. 3 1enufs- Innefla Bicknell hive reeiniedie despatch from Pittsburg, dated yesterdey, inforudrg them that the bulks of that city have thrown out the 'notes - of the Lawreota County Bank. - -‘ - • The folic...fog ies statement of The - Lykene Failry coal trade, for the week ending July 2, and . for the Bliaf9oll, ae compared with last year • Lykena Valley Coal Company:.:.l,Blo. 03 - ,140737 0/ Leat year - 2 sso a 2 ~18,122 lli Daorearelolo 08 11 185 18 . • • Sbort Laat year ' "03,302 of - IMI Oi , 16.391'11 Tad amonnt:... /aka year Deereaae -. . . .. .. ' 2 728 , 16 ~. A B, 276 aa, The following' bi - tlia amount of noel irsesportekon the Philadelphia - ita '4efiding:Ralii64 - latilfig - the weeVendinglhurglaS, July 7: - 28 5 95 '':' -''' ' Prom P li r c o ß rtt r iC yl a til l'ib°6 ll 6 ;ray s pn , g - Auburn I , Port Clinton Total for the week 29.875 03 Previously this year -' 819 833 13- _ $ To same time leetyear •"„. ~ The following le 4:ke, amount of eiriq %reimported on the NevientioU.foitherefeek'ending Thare duy, July 7,11459 Prom Port Carbon ' 61 _ P0tt5vi11e..... ... 66 ' Schuylkill Haven" 6 ; Port Olintou Total'for week rreeteaslyi thts year T0ta1.... To earns time last yew . 998,03 OP - PHILADELPHIA:LITCHI( 13Z011AVell UM, aI:Cy:VDU. ZIPOITIMEIT MEXLZT. BROWN, & OP., HiIIIMIMII 11S001, soarawari. 401talli 7112 D 17p XX(MANOIII 1111010.148 AND 131111STICUT ATEI4III ri MST," 1000 B.wlittgr Res 'B6 70 )0 Phll42.lplii. BY 1 sK 10 West Phila R.... 51N 19 Lehigh 26M 13 do .. . ...... 36% 100 Stara R ..cl4O 1 Intorderowii R... 80% • 4 -do snx 1 Penn% R 59 26 do ...... 59 I 10 6 Tmelt. oonthß di 15 Com& hen It - iota 6 IlTorrl4 (11 Pref.joe 50 77 do ' 58% 1000 City 85, Nev.... 103 1000 • ro 103 600 do 103 1009 Wale lat 111 la.. lot MOO N P 51361 R 64... 80 ,1000 do ...... 64 1000 do' - 64 1000 do 64 800 Lehigh Nay 6a .. 01,0( 1000 do 9 494 030 do ........ 043; 1010 do 0114 'OOO do 01}4 2000 do ...... 2000 do 90,5 f 1000 Del R. Rik Hde. 66 1000 Paß2dmBa rash 413( BET WINN BOARDS. 3000 N Penu.R 04 124 ilk of N Amerles-19.3 1900 Sal Nal; 63 'Bl.. 68 I SIMON D BOARD. 8000 Penn& 58.....0&P 90 2 . 11 k of N filnerleo...l39 1000 do OhP 90 9 Union Bt, Ten tot g 20%0 do CIO? SO 2 do 193 101 y 500 W V 61, R 97 J ( 3 do - 'Ol4 1000 do ' .5 944 17 do 2 din 101 hi 1000 West Philo II 7s. 87.si 2 sfloshill 11 504 1000 Del D.lO Ng 89 2 Philo Ilk 1137 70 Penos n 39 20.Harribburg 21 lON' 33 do .... ...... V - ( . CLOSING PRIMP—DIAL. . Bid. kbut. .. ' Bi..i. Philo ea - 93130h11 1 0, 11' . .gok. 8 9 , IC R 9BN - 44 Prof 17X 18_ (1 61. w 102 N 103 Wu2sp't it Vim It 6N 8 - Pena' 6t..1.6 cff 90 90 I,oo9lotsno R.. - 10 103 Reatog R' 20N 603 I.th Mal .t 2ay. ~ 98 V ~ 144'70. SO St IN Perna R..... EN 814_ , , mt 0e 49 P 2 96 PP Pr.......... 0 N 04N P , do 'BBl off SON 70 " 10a 90 POll3l , ft 39 39 ,Oatb.w!oss 1L... 9 ' 6 44 24 in es .... 87 87)( ~ lot mt bds .19X 60 - liar 09E91 Can. 63X 69N , FrartlBBoutbwß Ca div off - P , prep 105(109 & 04 1311 , R... 42 _. 43 3051 Nor Si 1 82 61_ 68.14 Raco&Tine Molt .. 49 ~ Ital. 64 J 2 - 76 I ichangs, July 8. BoARD. New York Stock exam, logo II 853 , f 5 loom 100 ?did) 8 Guar 23( 700 n H nd. on 14t mt 14i>f 00 do 10 0 Gal & Chic 21 85 100 do 630 26 300 u io)6en Br 84s 0) 3(0 cha & Ohio II 610 6 1 1 —_ _ _ PI; Rad 00 89 40 1 ; 40 - 51; , 100 . A 8 $l, 00 do e3O eax 500 N Oen - 70,% 100 do L 6 0 00 Mich Uto R 41 X 00 to OA% 500 Olev & Tol 24N } 80 Del Lack &W R, 45 200 do 04go TUE u IR.E.ETO.I Anted —Tie roatkot to him, with a fair &mud ; sties of 41 bile Pots Pt $5 Oh and Pear's at $5.51. Ficus. 6:o—The irgniry for Western rat al Flour it lesa attire, and to r fi of salmi holier. hare submitted ton dt ohne of Sell, Ife bbl The arrivals are fair The itaise are 6800 huts at $5 f6@590 for sawn Rao Ftme. sooo 25 for extte. do. Pad 59 for low grads of Weitern notes, $6 4000 :5 for ahipping breads of roar ii hotp extra Ohio 56 80-X3 for trade brands do. $6.10010 for It. Louis emu Is out FTC 0 for extra Gesteee, Southern Floor is irregular bit torn active; the ar rival. ars limited; rafts of 1 620 bbl. at 85 Otte 90 for iupst floe Baltimore, he , m_d 50 for the bat ter grades: Rye Fleur is firm and in fair demand ; twee of 200 bbl. at s4lr4 15 00ro moat in quiet at $3 90 for Jersey, end $4 20 for Brandywine GRAIN —The demand for Wheat Is moderate. mot the martet le without mach change; melee of 16 (00 hoe, Ste for Chicago *min in afore; $llO for errs altiwouXoo Olub ; $1 50 for old rod Southern, and $1 20 for new .• • . Rye is role at 88e Otte are .batter, and in deatacd for the trade; sales or State at none, and Western sod Canadan at 60a520 Barley in null and rowital Cs rn in better, and irt fair dinnatd for the trail. and the Peat; sales of 27 000 bwhele, at 853 for old West ern mined, in Btu e; 890 for new raise]. afloat ; hdo for round yellow cod 9C3 for Western yellow, Southern whits and I allow are norn'oal. . . . F1it , 173 —ity 'matey Mix on= & Partridge eon the cargo or back Suitors, from Palermo. as loiterer: 510 boson Valerian oraagra at 53 354:2 ; 351 do do at Fit 85,0285; 140 do 13: 0 a'336 j 333 do do at i 3 25; 410 do do at 53 103 m 1 5 ; 250 Di xie 50arvnt0 mange , at $Z 45; 3'oo do do ar.52 To ; 660 do do at 52 .5 ; 74 taxre Pal era I emono et 51 75 ; 201 do do at It 35; 125 do do at 5; 33ic 1 45 ; 153 da it. at $1.45; 238 do ..0 at 80 as 35•; 240 do at $1.1301 35 ; 138 do do -2583 d. malt 51ousseari to Mill dull aad soma:bat boars, at 220 245 ;or C arid 2511•300 for Mcnov,Oo 57c0f'50 for Porto Ilion, nod 35 12c fo • N•ar Orloana ; the stock on board la computed at 7.600 WAN Cuba 31nrcorado, 3'50 do cloyed, 2,260 do Porto Rico, and 0,570 talc of all kinds. •• - . tar sisione —The Pock. market is tether firmer. with a fair demand. in pert frothilyn. The are 5 550 able at $lOOlO 1214 for new Steer; 5 , 5 760, 15 87 fo• thin 51 ere; 5,5 80015 50 for son- and Mien; 516 50017 for prime Mere; and st. 87015 60 f.r prime. Ilest is dui std hoary- the supply large; [Mien rt . 280 bble at Va 6 75 for prime. Vali 75 for country toffs 102e12 for repeckwl me., and MOO for eXtra. Prime blase is gept at 170221 'Beef Ile vs Orm ; sales of 40 bb's at 516018 tint birate are in limited demand ; Wen of 410 hbde at 0.5 rt6Nif for Shoulders avd 808,1(0 for Hamm. ti,it is lower. and in fair d•maad at the doll; eales of 410 lible rind toe at 10%011n . t-r and ahem, are awake. I los —The .lomaud is moderate, yet Feces are firmly salaamed ; sties of 123 tea at 40.5 e. as to quality. Srcens hare centime' iu lively minuet, coo prices or, Fog kitty butter. ear Mc; sales of 7(0 bbds Cuba at 5, 1 4.26.4 0, and )i0 boxes Havana at fl,tio. (Ito bed grotoid and gestclaiated are to rod request at 9309,40. tcn Sar.V.—The market to bttter.; ealea of atO tb:e et:7c The New 1 ark eofree and Sugar Minket& Now Yore, July B.—At the %notion thts morn. tog, coffee was bald *bona the but ere' views. Wrote are arm and active, and the mined qualities are hard at Xo. higher than yesterday's quotatune. EMCM3 1,770 0) 7,938 13 oa .40 289.00 .415 T .01 .43 615 01 1,012 0 P .: 03 - 9,32103 1.837 CS, . 0 210 va-- ::818..03 15 IMMIX] ......... 66P.019 426 16 ...... 16,411 10 4561_00 2 , 50 C 4 04,444 16 526,783 19
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