• . „ . „.4••••4•::...'siiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiß.--The - dila*, _ : ksivritiOt• 'are' • f. •;;;"=:" gifitlV•Pl - 114 - 4*lit, ttlibittorFili iii'lliiiisiiiti dr;.' !„ • .:.: AINEZ•rty, - to r• iliuldliiiii, OW .:;.,-. r elh are ,tlo,loamisig tir• • p the t - '' ' ' - 1 ,tr,sor• '4ilsitruott•to. - - Ttrie :•' 404 4 „._ ___ oll, *lBfrilolfism.'" l, oobms - raltidd A 12 .-, ' e- • l inult• ll P #01OlorAo 61 1 14 • 4611- wol'It Otalt3V " .. ..*-1011100,111114f .11111,41010 • to, tb• oliaol,V4o.' '' . .'11018,00 4 ' _l4l . WitiP"'Plog 'ioftloorli4a. ll'. 1 .4.,,A11t0f . N44444,4* 104 b 4.4 Ai., ---%riat. Artyrotilmor •44 ,it bur: ''llitit of ~itt Atoe.:fittur , Allarag '34; ao•urts lito'stelimo ----,--_-- - - _ Z . .. . 004 itllliff*Al4.l4oVpt. bu i • ' tb. a• t=gf i Zlatrili Mrt t er..A l -••' , el,lotot/westrudatases SC akisrmo -;_m eloaks,gwolis th, mimirrip Ina in , bylrilatistAittlpithy, rtilelt prAdornil • 4 , 4 I.okttbigaiitly Kew* or tteo'nte ..';-46111 2 11• ..„i,.. . 4 #5 tthirrorici or ammics •:%; 4-',.-= ' 4*J'; Outta•ao4 14 tiltlr N 4 ir „ ' Otai•tzt•nt to ottiyllo:4l,., • 4 'l I I " tit #j ' iiiiV*l4 ll 4o , olot•ort lueltatt apt& lwre' B. ' aim eistoly imaittlsoi by Al• ~..4eratialltbirritai aw , • ,to ”st 4 or tbs eliw le ' tt .. . --- r' iiArtx:r, 4 t..ki'' Vi, - '" , -.P 7 Ar,v;:tV , f , Ns* Atanuipar;44kinewlivniugement r VIA tllligUrbil44l l oSirnr - YbirdlOr", t , P '' lllll ,o, 1 U liorrlafie , Th. , s: *et - V :It itl. ' 2 0 , 4 " , , 6 4 .6 .. . _.•‘. ! 4 ( , ~, A„Tre, . .4: , i l l: , ~. .... 2v64 - -,......c................ ~,...• ..,..- ~ sge.: , , , Thit•alris Si ," - omittinter t Itirstsily ifs terflolobtlit! . free ream oa the 444 84,01014111de1a -irgt be 001 - 04yrifir , ,tio, ilityAvOlp,bily• ,j , 141, , J . , li t '. [ward. ,• .: .‘Z . ... .'11: 4 . Ting 7.4ii4 " , 11 .4 11 1 41- Mg. oa e7FI r . t3:4 4. 1 t: ii,i iri lig,sitymbiasirAliPArat.' • f':-... -: troftk *lt , .4,llokoftleolad 4 .. ebb tb 6 ti,turblim ',mutfroairk ' • ''‘, . . , r; Toreptealittre•ot,-',103W-1101111 Ilkii 1 ;r.: of taattinoti;'•Wtki,i.. 4 laiitr , • r''' . i...„ - . .f ottr.fili", - 784 . 4W - C,.... - 2 : -- Nsooltolli*liiir • 1.".:;' , ... i D r Z l i l f r 111 ., ' •447 r . • ' 4 +4. ' - 40 i ji , rippeo n "-...,. t a ° W *4--ivAta ' '.-'' .t. 41 ; ",- ~, 1 1,1 tr:jl 4 4l l t ~,._. , - ~.: , .-Al t .":.. •' • '..1754i- t - ' t r 1 • „ a __ . Stf r * , , c v4\N itiiiirOlitaii&4, 16,-. -,•fiellis4*iiiitilt..., —, Tiiiph - , far''o6-taf 'Piiithji * t,r.ittiki#4l4ide isterdi view with:Atli '''' . ' ' V lt aftlet - LI , t i g - ety r 4p.„ CC Usual tan _ A trAf; ~, A i it filitly, .1, - kfai ' tilleeebbf for ga ,ll,6!il li;' i l l - - ` 4 t 6ll F all' s r,11.4 ' 134444-- ~r, .. ~,... -,,, ~ ~ '7 - ,, -,te J.' , lrwri,Pispiolifg ,imkritoll tu-14 br, , it)iii k 'ettyy, 'boar yesterday raornlogja Germatdlnt iiiistie; above TtunessiottY trq s- 844 4 his; * 4ltk.tSA te4lieiW•sle'; tik , fterff 41i44.012' 'Slss € It eiff-a - vibffik , ~ Par' _ k `dithuet, ffrova fihs-vre'etifralf*- ;414)1 4iirsioatoi t-1..„,„..1 AVOW by ii Jier wets. Pm JI4O4I,IIMIIIIPjAIV-111 - tit , Krecsitettlig Owlittsif ,4004(_Ate,g14,01iikPligibier EMI. Itt-it _., 44 ; 1 10r e n umilt '•.i l kotrsileilatve I MII• # mo' vfor two `Witt t i ttisthrif '4lollseVystutdtebitt -31 • 4 440?4 - ii` *4ol 4 see there mitt be . - . - A, di eileWeitztlitatztifiln i. , 10' titlf ' AtfitYielyslflff 41E',1 r ~..,''. Y -' ‘" ' ' r - , tit Milittritt a - 1_,.. , 4 • I datien - of ibe ettv of Phi. , 1 MI ,-6,-,..-Oerybe trlfelgatii,lo4, Robert T. Croarait Wee 'l:a z / 1 14e 'AIVI II-- "iik• - • 0 10 14 0 241401-10firThiehlt 4444,:fi11ait ibolttley,Of , $1 MO/ "fir tiliblablister VW stf , s et. 0 1 4 .0 4 1*,.fr4,1 1 .1t#14 4 0 4fA1 i t i• ''''''' &l-- 0... i L, , - ' t*Mkr# l 4 l l-W lll 4 / 1 . 1 4ng •• =1=0: 14 4=40.4i1ir n ,04 1 ,24 1 , l if4"4 - roilio7 z itetbifikliftflindii, ,-'' - iiiwor. , .-sik , "dalriptioW _ ILLlfillh47.: 40.1101*- .tt,trilitilitC 1111 3,ACW, 1 , ,er 1 , 4tatf'q - '. -.4,, i1 5- ' 4o, Off , ', ti - ' 4,ll4 f l PWW*Tilit , c loll 4 4 **** l ooo4.Thilts4o l l 4 ;141& ,, a 1 4 14 ( 44 0 4 ' 1 4A 61 11/ 401 4}T 11 4.4. 41- 1 11 k ' - '*i ii ls If #A 1 ,41 14 4, .-1 1 1 141 # 4 . — */4 110 7: , *.. 14 1 T'ittl i 7 l 4 4 rews,,i'Arroi 4 puto 1 t 4 . '4o , i r r 4410 OM, Av ig rAtti - it .14 411' ,1 4.8 . 1 444414.4, 40 4(4W/ie . --1 i,t,,,,,,. :; ,,,ic A 4ikv.v.,-tY4I, .1 . 8'4.-.k'Y'r t 2 A4.1. A 0t s i ol-fintral I 41* - 104010:sitirfWei 41, 04,14 _,Ptei , L .- 1,4% ITion)fifigith; E . ~ yf .., _ yhrs_. ..ve . wallets -WIN k . Ir l at‘eit " ' 44411 = 1 4=f V - ..,, ' , 149421: 1 ,4 , ' , •.*.'i• - ' ,)** . . 4 ' t '`''- ‘ 9' - fl'i*,,,topir'7"6lfittrit*Ziir API :1 5 44.4 4 44 4 4.4 ' 447 ftwattrlstrotmetrkvbe 1 Ifieteyeedt iv , .t -akkteliag,anisitAitoacoal i , Vistit " 110- 0 4 .. 4_ 41 T*•0!r. in. !.44 4- 041'. 4 **4 '\ - ' Agtol'All+lPMlTwilaill. ' '.-`''' --4 r! ',, ~;-_-'' i , 4 " Weirig-A l thOSlieGoote -- IttVol, - 041 - ' 1 1.601410 1 0 f tiOrT4ooOmook:**isustu tob i „ Imo , Ar oa,,finur-magol..iateistialos on i -, 1144114., .:411M141fi10v r A t4 e ? " - : *iyi - - .. -Aff 4 - 9 t , , " ", ;11114;"1 f. ',:-_=, - AraalellaW 0,10,. / Ale#, igifilt e 'fiitelli Green, ' - -V i rte.l. o loV o li s iON 67, litilt o447, 'k , • i =o ° . -TT ' ' ' au, th e inerimatyl ~_...,1 4 4A ": 1 - i r- -• $. 7 • ,-`- 1 , - 16.6 7-*t..rk-1 - • , ; ,4 .•r# .- - - - ~ ''' . '7, .-. 4 6,4 1 ,Vki15 ,,, A.0.,-..pta...frall? , * . ka ,, z ,- *$ i -, -- *II 0 4 ili 6 , k , e;:li f iiitaiiiiikits 4 kr ' - issnressavesellas‘ai r ' 44l.:--111 ? 4 -3: 4 - QVA4 ll l l ‘' 8 # loo,ll fr' ' Iluttc, ,il 42 t , Old - 0 110110fitl ) *?* 1 1 141' it & ooitistidl /11 11PWAROOP ik 9' 1 . _ #4.40001116401 iat tht Nrate Oi' 444 e. Isgel Mbio,4 grow primat - t , ProAtitesit 144 , 1; taro Ot•eke Ita 101, - tri W 4. 06 1 10 tie e t. .....w., ~, _ la , kite it d/ lyiditia, , V ta , "MO *hi , aroma, rho YirC ..q Atql. l % 064 Ow/ wore tobrelf th eir .s „ 70 1 11141 K Wm il , 4 , ..„....,,,, ..., i . toterioa rorseatora , si it ibig fIAW h ti. ti r stitot Wei con3plol4lll 1 tbooll4 .-- _ _ , t lie beat lineal:Wm* 1 IMO* ' e t th _ 'if e t .P 4 17 P 801 4. 6 . 11 1 • 1714 V=b l i vtiteisir Zell= to g iadasti 'izlitt eivslitin - It4its: eirplritaPdlisatbroillselei rifeil if " , -- IV -i tr7it i eltrt 0604 , 11 Vtreriar. xprrt *lag fa tbe oat m soatailec/411,4 V s * 11=44 MI Oseatthil theIIIIIIR tailvaslarwmfk.', , A lem-1"00,11,64111 -, iwatir, Imo iitrariet t it i gt e et s he a ( winkr ib we= '-Tel I, Protigio "'A ei b firt i ,_ a *:,aplatog sto. Imetoh." "Wows ' twOrolio „ftrireo l kikty / row A,,,i et Lli f 1 1 0 1 .#1 1 " l j -! k. :Ttiti:;;.,4 in* Villai ,~;:A i t ~~ ~'~'~:. . 7 0XNALS0102e:f0eregegartirtilist. eters *gm „.... 1 .1. -mflrrispiri Net ~ - J Ihrng Potts , 4 . lilli s e, Wr-e 0 / , X Y ' ..,OhasiAltlfdoortheia. PA .....i- k'..., -,1. ~, , : linittir..tiliettnittloo, -- " . glg *Way; *litigation .4evimurtgnmed;;JlNC he Nook, WaihatiTOA ^ "tabu Pads*. B att ,, ~ o,4gYinm,a ,, ,nsattaiterteal **-o , olfteepOlereltietV'a• --- "211 , 100Peal VP -pipe bee been pay dPPH: Wat TOCIIIIT.Y/1. . ~ „ W P prism, "spawn ~,N4Nhdix r-i3el.-Ittr 4 l - " , 9 fi., - , -, ' • a 'Advent'', NAF . 1 . - .. , • ••" , .P - E - Wittlana: PrAvldoaos ~thi,',4 4. -"1,,,, , ,,, , ,.. - ,:':'-- ` , ..-4.'tii% •'`-' - vai" ii' .t.•..`" , •• , torlitlii Sonnett, if V • -A P trinetkeeter, re y ietcrit Wm; Sfl7•s• 9l ol , mitiNt 04-eepaeo fliwit,misel su sumenb.rf, N Y ,:),,,,', [;:I Neat Brooklyn . settitiatt ll Zok o 4o4o, 6 **: 3 / 4 4, 1 0riONst-ix 4114, 1 - - - ii &Pm - 4 Yo,* e . , ' , *lf BSTifir.Wbbin gtOti I . - , , : t iatilk 4OO4III , :"WISVOMIW.iittr.IOIIIO 021 learetre,'.l4lt,'" ; ,-..-, - Oen A Paihor, Nano 2 r ItiViklo*,',iaMoipliiittgliPjrililfe; 7abil 7 040,0111, Nat ,;-,1,. a tifilastr; Cleveland, 4 ' 4 1 0** 1 el ? 1* - ...Y.f ' 7,e 9 1 t , ...'.r; - ' - 'f. , " ' 4-, g'il V- , A o,Ao,l?wttANnekatto.,, ,7,,y N ON .% N-N s =•la - ggerdigiiiiit,iitelimitilient :-. , -i ii ....a- - z ~ m-- r , '.• '` ' ' '' ' ‘ ' 4'''4ll4llge ti, aft 'l7 4 4 , 4 l tiriost " l4 l"—, t a r •P it rro s & '.ll 7 "i s iti l " MA, ek 4....a.tee' 1 - , e, , ~ k , OW a me, , ,- 41 , - ..........--, • Al l Broete, • to* 1 - ,4k.-isit Etampton. N - ".`' - ' '-: ''l WO tifiro, Pialtawh i13,-; , -.1 0 Flonang, Leak Iftvet - ^-tw , a'#% ,-, = TH Wadthil_OhnialtnA,, 7 P Hamar, Ma • i fislist r tn•T:P l 4 o ls o 7S tf•,. , :r 11 044 1 •WiP!II Ft a ik* ij3r adlan.,. -. , s , -. 4 ~,. W Walt, PP. ' •• • . I OamPboll•Tol, r ..: ,„ -.: - IT goal* Ohio a• Louth. r ta,ni.JlDOiliii It Drag; /ohaptown, Pa Ja 1310Arar,'Phili ..„ ~. .., , H Maar, Mangold. Pal Mies BOotellaai,`l , a^ .. , I Wows, Bethlehem, Pi If Ritter, INertieberg,Pek, , Nil Comfort,' Pa _ - • [4 s HiLiftbeusf;fietikei Pal Spangler, Barna. Pa 7 wusiisi_zedqu7s,pd , ,. A Mooing. 'Nati ra,, • - 1 If y/ . * inm,liarriabiMg , ..0 Nilo', Delltioll , 1704110,' °tumble - ', .. ,-,,, 4 gtalOs, Clearfield r, • I , A 34,,,Ipttfilit, 1 1 41 0141 ' '''''-- irMilifilemit-Phird it.. above sus. __ sum sod% wbodst,osik - s,shdlohisss, Paint' Ittigl l d`ohd. Otletrnra, Pt 7 MaratookOkeeter co -. einlia. - Oanainina ••• , A Otrovagoc'entiladdo CO Wm Witie.+lti -•-z-. ,, " Mire D_Onvoltog. PA ,„ , -Wm Ong", pinch 11111,314 A 0 Thirdouitle, and N 0041414renette, - Mo -' Natal, „, SWni Newts Jag Md 'X 76aq” ADr• , - = '--- ,- T Merritt, Iteeten,Md II Dieked,letomen,Ps "7 Pierce . Dayton, Ohio ~1 1` De_ 1,.e1t4 ...WM, N J J G , Jitiase Wilkettfirre i ' - I'"".i Lit , 'tot - '7 McOleiloo. tkettyabnof 1 W Bahr, MD,PA , - N Camel, Salim, Ohio M P,MArner; Mangold, 0 - ,, 0.0 story, °hider co H." Molly, LOW* , I„, , ,wimune, obame, 60 - . a xumar. atautranii, ; _lll its Vertu', Jr,POl. , 4 ' it $0 oiarit, rblls .. _.L -,Jeteirgetti Wag* - ' ; - i Balaton, Lades - • Nliettett: chasm in _—' "J.D7oteii, Lehigh **Natter; Weetilltemer I e . .,00MIEINISNAVINOYNN-4txi etrAt. labial; (meet - ma il WA Nritioti; Monts ea Deo De Bentre lc de, N 1' ;Y -, - -- , w. MallatorPfhantin i /I,Dwriocrotterlil. , , t es ~ , 5t5 , , , ,f.:, ' X', t,'.71,. 4,lo'etalfy, Wait 01Sser = S it 5ab2439010 Doi sa Mirk; Cheater `to ~ - 1' 11. Tayler: Cheater no .3)1 15 15.1inb1e, - ,thester '' 0 iterlel.rt, N Y ~ , Ittratilitela ganoniehitre '`J Blirgotity,yhtw',•' ' raimpernaka: Netiarr , Patti Wiley ae Ti. Pt ' , li Nutrollin of, N.- -r ., MIAs atrill well., C ott , ----- 5 H00550511e.1f 0 , ' qtt 0 reon•beker, 1011ntori, 1 "1 . .=,..:,5; t ' AO diosoysidds, , Pd , ' .„' : 11100.1eluktria, fetterook 'VI 5 *, s SIIMAIDAIDIPIOt Mo*4l.o o ' , 4 P9; 0 1, Vr N t qk e lto= ---t. .cmgoi4*?Pesatein . ", ;, '', ~- :- , - • - - - -'0:e'..,.., „:,, ~...... -, ~etts ,z , t ,' ..,746...i1itt0 11111L711=iiiiti ii:•giitomatilfrotifii. ~,,, f , -.-i,' '' , l. itertatw, _ , Navesit - , ,_ ,W C Inlet, ruin a Oap 4?--,7,t7: 0 triti,mnite,' Pii' t ‘,.. - t Y ''loillitigel,ll.llittow4 - • i< '-;P-I;f7 ,41551titter. , 10/15111110 : ';'.-Stnettn Neteraerir,,,n, alla B leanurf av -- ,- xi lioati,sothiebosn ,‘, • ~ , , ,„;,_ ~ ~,, .; ,,, k , ~.., ~,,--= t: t- !_, • ' • V ''''' , . 0 . _:‘ , ~; -).. ••_t• ','q .‘, :,',' • •••• •• , : : ,• 4.1. i., th'q.;.4l,,s, cr '''' ,0 , ' ' 'SI4 I §XOU '," "'•' ',...' ~.-..- '"." - '- ' '''''"" ' Z . 4- '' —A, g 7' i-4. , '',-;'' • ~,-".' '' ' 471404,440 1 1#0451 00 4,4" 14 V ''' '' ' '''''. •-•,, . ''..: , ..0, - 1, , , - .--.-a...4 ,- titr - ",''' ' , - ittiol:eis , „.. ;overeats) . .,...o. Watt.' Zisins , qtair fsoni tat. rosier ..d vita son Olt sod battery. „Seta .! ilitsriit., to • tivish a Mtn, - 04 7 11Htliolostaate,.0 0 lg Noon tscra I. 0 f.tbs" Ovldsnoe sd d send -17 XII Allig Ass ,friablinstion'. -,• Tao despdant .174 1 4eJ; teas 4*ff/rib:l.:oho' mods an . !Palela In hils bekalf. - : Mao defastA• A. 10,040 i,•17 tais• witosstas and -At A• *flu/nanny' a:101W . Is tail •stegt:lox...,.••itss. spossassl how Om 0011,-,,.. 0 , actfeel.ll:llke 2101 r aount.4. 'U ' AtAtle . ...l ~PbK. taidtsd •tt , dallassats:. Vpgrat of tao 000l,t Mop sumo is , y4p4titt , _. 340 , Ab0 , Int :ooaat. sad" hot -00:3•1•:.••••114-goant:tlirttsadia.,tfog ?los de. iot,..t - ~ , :: : :fiiiit ... :;:f•tvi. or.:;:''' , :""" ~,. lads* .ktiniongo.oolll,lWpgiv. itinghnotaa : • . : Pas:7,ll I.sapssigfilltngtotiliti•Lt tint nosisty Pelson. ...'. 1 .-? , 4,-4h eint.•+tf?. f- - r.,0_ti , .... - , ' . • 1 olkart Oliela.ipd;lassag IntorOsmeng. on. gosh' to; o collo* ttlio3o; oat re oti(rot to ...or bon at the : • niXoto,lit goat tot., I. tha sum 01 WOO Oath to be o ' Isobasisr .red k... tips sores . .' •• , t• 1 1• 6 1 11 r 0 4• 7 . 1707 • 907 . 11 • • •• It•iloltills sol (WI eon fa. . mind iod.loatd,laborta tail F.togors PoSti•otll7.7. ism: Kills! and nissyls. Itatailistg, loosen font Asoit lota oo:iostaly-trison..l it:, - - • - • . Art g- 17 7,'4 7 •annitz soallitia "a l Ootiact I V ' ' '-: ' • f.': .S..".; fte .£ 3-1 . 1 :" . : T :1‘.::::.1 :•;:• ' . ' • . • A ann r:ind • swist ineslegobtra USW hhossar,ta .stentaaes. Xibronl s ilidoaehlt aogsontaing.tbat tkijrigik.,,ot 14,,prooittir,stp)osi. anion malyfiritAslllidi, ' pessosted atm from laipcal ass • losarisr olobinsp tarn Ohl/44W . '7 1 41 71 ; 1 7M1 14 .. OS 0.1111.1, 6041$04141htillgearf istolost oiLiii 60 Pao _ fir. P iitout, 1 , 1tf.:.k014 :60,11 1 •44 to •.. 14 .51.5t.y.e.: - .,--i. 3,ive i , otozr b a n rittmtnn. as *folk, 014,111 to Peg tea - jlitt of Oallic, assl• convicts profit' to as sant to las .llts Ada. 7, whlio th • Isnialss . Kafir Moyarnaisiog. 11;:a tine is so syska oaot. k so, i Inktottnito• tint Mori ' I toesetbing la '• lama latos': that will so amply" tail toliod'Aint:/tantli ito to "'stow' alif • 1 eaust - tbs ,tottors of ttsoi oinnsomset. :- - _.• , ar ip ksoonsg sajno rasd,ostil tale morning at 20 o , slook. • i • oolimoip ••<PratAo---icidgen • -.Thompson - and. Lidloon.uorklor Ulf i sat y slim's,' for. tat boor; og or tsaa eshaer ;, Ohl the applt aaa on of lar..loallins rot toe, hity; XialiOdit'irsests4 list part Cr Loading atlaall11; of 'twastyskistb- itesst,'ls Man • rang : tltion th Valrroostit•, Poeii,mbik. will ritolottiol pia' t et 1.1,4• P Irk set ibirt 74r s'•ZooloslesiiGingisetio sobroltSo pills ot ground. itt iiimikovaxvtkititlreed aritt.Myaltd am* tolinistkid Oitriklai g - 13,0viiiii11:-Tba. aritimnit. list,:ini, tviadart itill? filoatist,"tais'itiotsisig; tot titlpritil‘ for a i yi.''" -..,r,,... -' .. 7.• ""' .:. •CI .s. ; DlitfllGT .Ckinsattifi. ' otiriant. inOtiOlt. Ile; , . , *at tem Alp. _ Nolmaoptior.oni#iabiii tiviiriagi . ea ii.s trio:ult.:l4C •-.‘ y ia ~.v. . ... --t>.. ~ . ~. • . 7 The Grand ' Juii! fir tie fatiartior Besolowp ;yosty. -. masa ' hail 'iscantkMtge. thitty.elso ' httlh... tiroatrptltrlsi ot„watolonristif Mined is ..... tins *,,, ud . .stztes. as ‘, Ignored. , : Tv ass !attar ..sr* prisinpally lot tritial.nosaaltS Not bartstisl sad petit I sntnotel.' • ' X 7, S'isara etclatey, Ilia Katt' olath, ts n regent 'V , ases, hoer wears- todisponitlaw. dcrairtless imports -11:W kr onostsat 'Moon= to Als dens* of ate post. lir_ rwa r It's; et, (a e .Isrars ofilist4r.lll am tilling tas 4 t ol i tgos t°T t ' lCi wttha ta i T t n ( f "2" 7,..,; '- .2:= Pia 7,l tg dolly swolsor ism srolitabl• as his ssiglasse loartery to wards .11,0 o cos rubor, of ti. bar, 1111111:1111111 14101111• Stir . .. , -.'.!...',= - C e.',.....!,..,.. • .r.4?riarsittlifinal4lllG,--Tliti'raidiefik sue' i ' hilkiii ilia 4fOnOb lifeiondr; Who Now va'...,_bo....lo:4lfroe‘dif moon in .Piamyrn, Mar • 4 °4l, ilf "kid.,o4 - Of Now York : lirporaniddf 110!;:wgiii,`," ii be' strimited NO liavesloped la Spa l Voir leet set Ltittety4tit ittei; ie. OfiatfiViberiatar phidir; , Thdolliblindo of dap I/SE r . 1 111.%!110aLred attipiliktabieb of born. '. ' ', 1 1" - "IA itid ' ' is ',tonne % in , ... ~. • ilentittus,n , ,,;,,,, ..,.`Plog A Pyeaer. ify Wei Wiumu „B play Y ... PP A Pretended. ii:X=.; T 0.11 - iiditt belt frt•oparialorot - - .9,Veteidlatv. 3Pat 11l tenet, Beaten 11, 7 ** '.;; A 111 itathboutt, tr.lreeston'& fla,Baltd li'llartouptuut, al :7114vrot,t, Bat P Septum. Balt ZW-MicilsarY - ;ILA liforris.lltekmona 141441afalimoad •," Iscut Winetnti. Jr, Ala Meaties;'/Gil V if Beebe, Halt I.l4llrthrtHittaitowilt Piet"- WetTimbinman.lrealtult Who WOW'S •PPM ammo .1 Y Llilsr, Glliihmthe,o liontweN - "An tl Stnediah. 'la lilltatnitildl lidw DeWitt. `Beaten lase Rey, Y „ Jo" ft Lells; NT, Z @ Penis& ie. Muted BauGileoth, „. B.Bouton,, , 45 112 PSLIRWAHVEL—IttetiVitied . baldly kelt. Otelilkswf. J ' 0 Notrboa N L . (3004 Dino, alternat, Jait 0- !ideate; liteehshp iik*)ratt G o iraNit ',l,2ll , l4opiptt. Alktein = •Itl4 , art ilk toitlytr„,lits4.-Gummteg. 'Brooklyn law Plod& de i',Plittetiinteu&er.Broultin oh Smith, l.l . Mttentit: Plank, liarll.le: Pa, Wittlititilatßsie, Pa- PS A Stereart,Harrlabs• VlBirlaalea *4 , ' , 44 sc sieo Cohen Turk, Asa, Medina. Toth ao a lte 0.9 Pitt. Blitite.te - Hoer Paobir, Pa - D YOWaseadj DP Batty. oat ' Je , Rsaa.Oa , • leYa - -, -; , •B Humphrey. Open Welend Hindu:eine -It L Othitsi iletatebent • ' 11I t arVItistan, LU Ebilk,?p, Jr, bid iilllllllll4JANNO44474Theshrali44 - .40v0 MN*: ,- 01411106#1144kii litrin.:h. DOwnlngton Pis l 94l49titinil Niaiteratut 4 N Y' ': tjaerreffildl Mot 70onaiN V, 101.1ir l "lf_lf I DIOR. Oblasgo 47:p11/°* ffaltiedati. Ohto ant 'MAO •Vaaßyt,, V V Vile y et i V Potteville P ftwerif ttaronitrotte,Pa Ipprett„tt at It RAW, 4 711•1*:46 thieted. Giontaz. A Trlfoittir,loider,l'i",; 0 ItiefseteK -0 11116 yl Yordece fray 00 1 1r0fe, N N 1 1.41 , MiNOYSiktoa, N , „=.lOll 7 Brawn. Dot ' . • w 'mania 41a, N 7 1144weeloolitN-TA ar ChM' , Beth. 010' .- 41t P - Lettie.lod 91 , 0intiltde ta 11100 , 42. & - ii. N 7,4elmadort;•N Btfuttop N Y 11 , 44441t0ri - sr ,, - i• 'it Ntilion, UNION 11 . 01/12e;.Areb street. Wire Tb Jr•V Piteemper,.Thviou, 0 J 114 Revised, TroV? • I rite o D' Myers, mans „., i.JSPy. Me O etan, Ps - Preston, °lnkster en , ti ROA, Dlllsbary.pok. • • D•Wermile, Proneblown, NJ W Berlin, Pa • °•*'o4:llo•sirdieeli, Wltbera • 8 Olerikr.tiosperg • ~;•• 'J Pittabtirig,...%, Itijeftsglirerren . , 0 Int Obampton,betreit J I - R obeebtet,Detreit,., 11.e8 ,11, litT o titii/3, 0 r1 4 1 J Perr.lll.*lslitantlle , 81, Bible . Tim /881.7,1irelbie s .B.1 • W 111! et I g oy, .1341Umore , TlCTUlTlHnteograt 210 1 / 4 .1 r 41T •-• Bal.e..ll:ll:VltZege; • o'irrz-ny, Waebloggtoa AI..N beater, ', N Also J WeAttsizte, , N Mr/Ideate. N r iga 1 8 ,Adenis,Xl • gbh Xile,el4ll4.2ff, 43Bilfillori - - 1 ,ceu,.. t r' 44 1 'l 4 I' • , , ' 60:Ver. I ":ifut . talirly, 0.7 i• .: itriltitiossert, , - , •-;:tz• - ti V PoP7,ltictoppeli,L, "rillict#fitio34tdhribtedilßty,.. 4s,li TWia r f.o.!tr. Trod al, artfr • 1 .. 7, !' or ebrioloes, PM* •A...mat e _ eirsizok omink j . s 4iff 0 '• 1 4 01 :' 4 , mie; LOTtr;. Eititink , , ~,t,104:401. ; 111 5 .pt0n It It ICsaixter,lliaton: ' ;•Td . ,EF.O OTaOti & )a, NeWArk,WF.: Toisbna,t al e ity ;g o , ;Janes Pericles, nerrlabterc, L ovine; Merr 0 Borstee, Weet mono - fir 4 1 14. 4 ea that 'rime 1.41) Or ClodOtigt ily eiliOrma boot Portia% • fikt ;1% lviia~etleQ'. . m ''.4lo l Wed ersloon. ekiisam , • et aR ti)*t> d'RtlWtiC ==a baser 000 Inured froint N. • • efoattimptlog , 11{7, npcnx Mr. .tton • 114 t 4 , l , psesd tbe kin U."! Mt gtagglNger 4 " 4 " . t . Pl. - . oo ra i r l • - - -• ,1111 r •- • ; 4:1;,z 16d all 6allty r Web know * 1614 lb.' UN* V. et la;sfillni. i r ..Id Ricipf, 0403; Ay; Alitie Este 740'0113ga Olito I) Barkids,le, IFfahvili• ' Bald Whltt•Dgtou-plkAW.rhpboa .? toptengs, pia% O mo..r4,rbita , Zeds, Va. , . 60; Pi'.; numicoi, - Uotamstern* :E pasiriek",' Beading, T6a 0 Vol Hummelato'n. liiatefOiolins Grove ' Loebrlok: narrisbl SJ nimahm, -- S;T 1d Cleat; St . jnrite:, cJ II Willi, ••• • Pa •• 2 .. . I r ? wihois;:baivipo' 'O'W Sama^y, ‘; . . •• ; , ' s • ••Irk" , ,, _ •• • • PLAUro BRAWWCIT1146011Aiddlt4;:160111:0110911MO: W W•Oupkti In &la, Ps.. NNlVarile,at c Mcit L Brcarn, tit .01.4 Zpi , Mtu Oleavety it Chats re.Por' 008pinibezi• - • 701 HAI minivespnins TobIL ,l i *"•• • ' t.,•• . , 'ilolool2,tSpf al.: ••••• cs auflocjo (~.ddeiti7l2lilds; ma p. .Graham & Go; d do Ilharc t rilslnoi &Go; lido et oart .captitta 411.d0 *Wray & i3o:' 84 moss 81114148 wrorlt Gillilia. 1 8 00 0 le 22hslooW Watson* Ocd:3_pliga mdse. Ostiody Waidia & Go; 16 do (Wrist, Joy & 1 do /16 bales do Lewis & Op;, ado T Thotopeod 0441 ass do Bidd & .111 Y t 2 do 11 Colton; 4 do Bates, in. Costes; Ido G Gloria; do ilhattoor .20 1 dloo & On; 3 do., Cilltaoro &, Go; o 2 do Romer. &Broodars•t; 1 do Wells • & I do bltto §.B. Beneett; a do 8colth;. Hill1801,&.Go; 184 ti 61011p:11e . .fs Row 1 bait A H- Boons ffoo •I do Btioioc Garparktor," 10 Ciess . 2B bales' Geo. A law is. Book 0o; *ours, meow). Jr Toologtou ea. Bo p ; 2 . iluaq Barton'lc Go; Ido W ohoi & Roo; lide . & GO; 1 . lists W Boatman B Roo; 3 dciDo Con'..;. Lifoaraado &...0o; 3 T ,&. Bosco; 1, do Wright & Brotro;, pig s `do Bharptisrs Brothers': bits eirpetteg B b Haight; piggy mdos AlOcidgo. Wg dou A Oo;.-21 brie iliac., 1 bile blitiketi A Stide.•. Co; , 3 ti . 24 sun Vlldeliit '1 gelded ik , GOV pito° 'pkge,for. oi es Batter. tirowholl & Co; 100 to bloaollog F 010071 1.. .1 TAW= 84 din" soda nab alios &, Waisted: . 21 do sal. uoeis 88'en soda ash 1 & 0 Tsocall 00; ,(1. plrei re Hp oitiboairsio 0 Hille'&:00; 40 Gaeta soda ash ,A Wero;;108 tons idg lion 8 & W Webb; 1795 NIL iron Morrie,.tesireo & Co( 875" bOri 20 Idle do • 6 pkgs. ).1,41.1111 , 11 W G Hoopoe; 811630 Tars iron Gurett . & Boa; .985 bare do 0 Corwood &boo; 22 6 Mid 8.111 'sheets do, Potts & 868 bi le do Morris & /mod & 0o; 112 Wild dos) Theo pc amith; 60 do 18 pease scrimp P 8 las; tie. & Co; 18 do etco.l A M Watsoc; 240 lies tic Plata N Trotter*. Oa; ldadls once N & G Tar lor, 2 pkgsh&r. W &G W, Aliso. Bdo 51 Gig. 1 do - A. 8 Shipley:A; di Widow &' Boo; '6 do H l Eitasbridg. ; do • Mao. ph; &•00; I .in Hooisadisos & Jailor 8 do J i ll Dialer; Jr ; Ido 0 M Obi - 144w & 0o; 6 eiers ' 6 bdi. Vara* & 6 ,pirs Yds' 'Qstheimor it Woodhull; 1 do. Wald & Budie;, .29 do Hi inn. A. 00;, 19 do W. 'll 1 1 0 was,• 8 dolt , Wilortailk; 78 pigs, earthaawate r & 180 doWlleon.Brains in Ce; '_lll H • 4.looghoirSo• ddhsoks lido oim.olghth do. IL A Ira say.; diusedbod hides -34"pligs mdse 107 UM 45.8 4E41 2'0104 oabla1;17 . toi uda curial/. 40 Mult) lAA soh :29 cis bloaeldimipowdors 22 pigs euthenics:is 10 Mills wool 8 caidatdshoos 3014 e 110 plats order, ~., ladna'JiWllgence;::.. 8111 7011111T6.PAla. ' ;; ...a.m.. •, . , ..1 ...,, •s .- ' ' Nor Toss, imiels ' ' Arrived, shle Efeer Irrwld, from Antwerp; Orient. fur Liverpool; tistkiitrit Den, from Clacton; Bohol Leo. nerd. - from .4w:tine/ow - renelori. from Havana; .76h1:1 Payetn, from Arioslbo; 'Goa Miro. from Gardens.; John if,.., from It Jono; 11 7 Shaw, from Humane; Anrs, fm Marcos; brie I nor Atwood, from Peed; Roma. IStato, ',rem Oarderme;.Dlevoood, from Ardrooon; lima Swarm, from Derthernme; El•f1111:111:101• from o4lvostrm I fl o ps. f a . Port Spala; Titanl a. from Clenforguit L T 82101, from 'Cardoso; Jahr Starlight, from Mottos/a. • • 'Noßrotx. VI. June IS. Arrimi;•lislisi alp Oluroppo, from Callao, with • • . • •;.- .• -• • MEMORANDA. - Eteareihri 3 Oidtowbe. Smith. for Havana abd Now Og trine; olesprd at New.Tork reetorhy. .• I. , Ship Alliance. D• Forrest. for Cork for ordara, 'Waged' it Ointritatonittb lett:, with 4025 belie cotton. ' lthip. Oasts, ICiopptit, !row.. Brsmts, snivel ht RIM; mors yestsnisr• Ship I Gmity. Cutts?, from Ns* Orissoo tot Lim pool, yss iippliss K.? it, Ist 41 45. long 44 SO.. . , - Ship kinds; Ontlia, from New Orloani,arrieed MA . rork reeleider. •• -; , • - • •.-• •• ,l• Ship Meek Hawk, BOON", from Zuwhiblaullopritss4, it Now York yeatereky •• • . ; ~..„... .. _..... „ Bark' Aowass. Apsdillsii, from IlittimhiitiarOppl at 4.. York yesterday. • . •• - • • •., , • '' Dark Tire, Dole, troispilirralho, siziiips if,gs,pe e k• Edge Malmo. T I AliMiill; '' . 116 "4 1111 A l ill i fi A hence at A:name/2 lb /nate ••:4 - •• r te, t• .• ' ti . —1.% • Brig IN ranee, ,'X' intim; elserisf at m ini . a issalow for 11211.44p1i5. 2 • , :' •.• ..; ". 1 l Bei.Dithl, allane‘ benne, woo at Prireaii pideill O* nit, reported for,11•Wroo no. -.-...... ~ ' an, JX' Ifti . K.Taism so, hence, at Peekent9a, 9th lna6 , ahre v . 's'. iioir's; Wlretoi, sot !Arra; siar o iii, lone*, at Newitailford iltk Init... ~A ._,' ..,_. . ).`..' ;. 1. febelbtocopeleasSMADlAW l ,,MM,4 l 4,llll,,r4Prr*: tivo 4l 4 l ) s Sw York yearebty• ••,-,c- • ...,i. ~• ~ . ••• ,-. •!: Per trobimil.illorr,smOws t ellisradtMltiltacter:4li4 Dot for PIO 11 1 103 1 i 4 t....:•• • •..• . ''. 4 ••/.lfelel.'rr••.- ••• .... I I• MeliPi .6o. 'WJg 0 4.i"*iqt a % , • 16 . 9 Prd .. ,1 41 0 1 4'- I ."OS•i !1 .. "I'att t .' pai• - • ; .• Flea at New,York,posuptt ~.i ..," 1. V., it •,-. ,•,". -.4 ~ ' ' I Behr Irotsos Beall, emu, ;Bata iii‘ NiiwArifilifai 'f4l tilt for Philsdelphie., , • ,': ' • '', :' • I gator W. g owe. ilotieh; filtriliffie'llitc;" trod field . 'Fish, sad hisitWglisi 91Ww#131•1104 arrived at T,- , Bahia II W Wellington; ili . ells, Writ Denote; Proven, and A Basooniel, Tata*, hones t wired at Boston 11th loWdinialaiFalli; hero. for Atorrebeirriat Iledmea. Hots tot; so , li Palled *gain r also polled 9th lot. Sohn Nary Clark; / I. Deo, II /I Dieoost. It J Pickup, Nary Nett, 'John Compton, learn. end Dolls. • - • Behr John Jooes, Stevenson, from - Delaware City 19 T.O e ;Wel:fleet, taii rst Nolmon , HA* 11th last •• r'• ••• ~._.• • •'-, Seto 4•00 Smith Donahoe; and D4l BOW Joleirelwi• from Bastes fee Philadelphia Balled IWO/able Hole 11th Ineiaat.l..qw.7-•"..: 1 . ;. .. 1,,,, Bala Z - Blirsttoii. basso for , Erini'efaa" at gomeo note-nag - *malt - Bch lassie arall; seadezeon, from Ram tot Ildia delphis. sailed Brem 1101mta0Mols 11th instant: - Bak /I S Einiatoni:Plislthitm, hence] for Augusta: at Bath Huh Latina. - - Opetiat liTetueq. On motion of C. E. Liz, Esq.; fieniy Phtx- LIPH was Mb day admitted to medico is an Attorney In the Platriat,(ldart, ond Mart 'ooatmint Pl.sii, for the alty, sad empty: at June 0,1'650- • ' filmed News.--What better -news .to the at. Mated then to inform them of a remedy that- is going to restore them to heeltb Hare yoO the Dyspepela 'Or Ural. Oriestiaint I 'Aro your dlgeitive organs debilitated or yoir !iereorts system ibboted? If so, at once resort to the nee of HO9II4IINDT aliEtitAN DITYSIRB, and gen gill be ioniplately intipannanently cured Yor male by ttruggistaaud dealers in medicines everYibera; coots per bottle,: Also- lry t the proprietor/1, ger. .JAOHBON ih:oo.-,4111141)11/3tteet,-ylailaggiphijo'; it It v 41, 11 Wei Corrode the Render, Itakti:entr,rni.:4l3,olll3gkllkVie 'Ltilit id 'Vrgetii lielfeir obarigie — gray or - fed bah. b f . A tuo #o49FelPeek, brown, or obettent color, Withoutiiiiteinry to the 'heir or Orin. It Is irastly 'etipertor to any Ertdole of the kind eier offered -0 the public. Sidd bj• ell Druggists, end kr JULIiIdII4IIEL & Uo., No. 701 OLIBITIM i4keet s Pbtladelphle deb_ jeauellon 1-Great Inducement's-will bi Wald &trios aptmto olosi my exterl.: stve'syrtoi stook of Eavon, BEM, rkOo.y ?Naos , Olerk, .04s k Co sod *knot, Dells, IC:- 00. Plano Poites. ' J. E. aDtfLD; Boma awl Chestnut, 161.-1* ' Elegant Spring '-tied Santiner, Clithtng,"at ROBERT H. ADekts , , - Southend cornet govindlioi3d - b:larked stroets. lloblt cloth. Casslinera, Alotos i -Linen, :and Grua Cloth Coate, in all the latest ehrlei.' Tait, eta ,yea r te„ Legend ilirlety, , all maim 'op satarman . . ~,... . . . ...,.. 'QUAL "IV' 9[lll'oloA , ;. prp!sir, Ana eaLI4IITI Ai , : Tag 14 , 2 , t" liiitioeseti PllldEt. /59402.2 Witelk.y•st slk'lar Kthigiforp, 111thich, that - jail g•rit. - • It is tha,beii Stsiolifia fitrever.nr. Biker's Valet:sten SlOlfilltene,PANltt 11A011INN9., new ernace or XVDOCIED • 780 PitIbADALPILI4, , ti.Ot the three, prominent ,klenbinee DOW before the public,we kites Hued tie, and carefu ll y watched' the "'Dikig of.the thud, kid honestly bellerikoillOpin HAKIM'S to be the Tony . boot we knee re,Ma.”—[Dele wire Btitalloporter..- - - - " lips494l"_ 'invites Furni:—Ntitisnek IdstOir Tinst Co*. PAlifir.,;!l:l*erOd b 7 Ito iitign otyOunsylvanis, ' „ 1. illousiis rsosioed may day, and in any amount, Jorge or small. "i • ;, 0 R. FIT/11 Plat ORNT: 'hat4West is paid , for . money Min Oaf di, it is put in. , . „ doo, In Thonoy, is slisaii paid bash in GOLD whonTrer .. it is soiled for, awl without notlas: , '.. 4. Mossy is received Man Extotors,. Adorinistru. , torf,'Chirctiaisi,iititi Othiii 'frort.aem;_in la:rge or iinal nan,s;kOriiiniiiii.lonic 4: ekini period. • 6 . - The mousy yeaetrlel tram Depoithrte ".8 invoked h 3 Beetlll44, around itente,4ml other', qrst 'Wass ; ' '' '' ; • OSee open <lvory, day—VIALNUT , Street, south• west cornerTtttrd etieet,'Phtledelpltta. 418 • -- „ . „ Slngtitoi geeat popn. l ike/04 0 0 miehiAee may .be uneefefeeel whin tha foot la tr-Uown, that any good Amok , Opotutof Minim, With one of them,' ' - • ' ' ONft Xidol4Bnlip 'DOLT,ARS A TRAIL ionielej ii r, Beemetraee , Dresplualtai,. and eeeh Urge felnllPln the nein*. one of those mikohhos would be invaluibla. ' . „ ,„ snons 00.; Goa 611EiTNZT f!) treat' AP 8 0 4, 1 1 - - . • .0. A. DAVIS, Agluit. .Seamen's ,tonalu6 Band-,-Plert.haveat of .O.IIOON and WALNUT. Otfaste. Deposits feesived In malt and larg! . .atoodate, front all alarms of the comeatudty, and - , allpwe aa '9, o ' rat . or dra "poielient: per annum: MOW may be drawn IT chink, wltteret lon or hits teet " • _ • - Ogee Dm daily, from o,antil 6 0 0 ,4100 k, 0.476;4mi m . daSe and eiturair watt 0 inthe,deeniow. - Presiders I Treasurers and #iaretars:,-Ottsr/es oast{itoo Lledq In the beet, jitanner, iipreedi tgaiiaau, gLLte r Wa.xdsek ear Icatest selling pieta In :rvaier 1101INEIVIM side All::goods 4 41 44 40 iii*D4 bil,t 4 cdrd44o.;4fatig Atriatly berel to '1 , 1,0/0 only -fair vi 4 *lO tieiebrallase treated , J °NMI • Nowtior m MAIM attf*e THE PRESS.-PHIL,ADW.PHIA; 5 ! t: t .:4 1 4101 4 iM ISOotikt:Z.C-Akt L ,• ingba, or Cbritlioni lf. 1., to NW App,TAIDSI rAmise,SPAßlble., ot:l.lolodflphifi , Oo the 9th laitiot. by the ay: -Mr:-May. D rt, JONATHAN W: ME 4.194.1ri, to , blbol LIZZIS OTTIt 4135, both of tb)Fitly.,*, 4 , :•' the oth I totout, at. Trial ky . by the BM. - ThOrnit Martin. iltOtt. ,4'DWX4XI M MS.ll.',Wa/einwi io of grooklya, New York, to ARA LiWSDN y a t on.4mi dgbbtr , (41' poir,to,(3opt. Joint, Direborri a. of tkl ri • . •,_ , . . . • ••••te'f.eNs •• i • •- • .•—• • •• •,.. 33 . • ib, a ih s tco 0r , ,,,0•11 . aid) • 0* Imo* goon***lo o i• RQQP/di: the 87th rear of Ids ante . , , • , Riau:tale friends and those of the fettitiiiire *AMU larlY tlirflielttot attend- bit ftutersii , title (Tehlkily) afternoon, et 4 o'elaelr,' .from late ,redrbisas' .1t10.4 South Tweoglitoond street, below Ohontont se, • Intitrorril at Woodlanda.' .Delaware piy,ere wilt or 1... en the 12th !natant, : Id &tall"( KOORNI3PIRGNItet • lie;, In the 80'h year of Ws age. y • • .The,relativita aril friends of the family are'reepeet. fully liovitße to `Attend' his itirisfid:frhut Melee. real?. donee, No. 888 Christian 'etreet"on Widnesday after.. noon. the 15th indent; at 3 o'Clolik." Intajiment , n yseeiobpreh,-jtingsessioa....; •• On the. itith t year 0f hie estae t , 1 t1 147011ti..,W5472;111 • .The relative' and friondrof •thir faintly; ite-Tisifeehi• 'fatly invited to attend..Abe:linear. OM. VC WO Mi. d 11411.1 X.l!. -1 0 ° T u.. ono:, yupith....73moralimer, 111th inetant 10, &Mask' , y Oa the tteh lastat:l374Z,,t7.tliftifi '4lln, to the 87th seine? tier ••••• :3 ..m,he relatives and Mends of UM are teirltipt to attend' her 'lnritial; (tool tkerrieldeiseerof No: 481 Intirptisii Streit; 004 Fouith; thin (Tneitriy/Jafterntiolt; - . (Mosta To, pfoosed to 'Wharton-street hi JJ:,Oborab. -.Oa the 12th instant; MIOIIAIL ItILt140 • Vflt, in the • .82d year of Waage „.. , . The relatively rdti 'Mende ',lf the fami ly nrifiespeet• fatly invited to•atfend the .fru...17.1, from the ~.(canoe ,of Me sister, Ili," Ellsehith' Bevy, - No 227 'Greenwich street, above fipound.. tbie ..(Tilesday) afternoon, at 8 Q'elook To 'proceed to'Luthersua Chetah, Pa•siaok. * On the Ilth Inetant.'7ol3lBPlllfddB, eldest eon of Jose ph and II:mills Br /*JR nub tith. yeer of .his age. • • , The rotative" and friend" of the featly ere re. spiel-fully Javier& tti' attend the from the real. *donee othitt'pareutd,' 2088 Vine street, this (Tuesdef ) afternoon: at 8 o'cilooliti• c • • • Oa the 11th instant. SUSAN, daughter of . Joseph az& Mitilds Fifth, aged 20 yenta., , • The relativee, and friends of th e famil y ere respect:- folly invited tot atfeixt the-funeral, from the reAlitroee of her papenteilith 186 Arch street. below Second, this (Taaada?) ?ittaraway at 2 &cloak, Inthost farther nottee: , • / .• 0 , •e' •, * On -, thd tail'', MARY '.IIOBINBON, wife of losepit Robinson, aged fif years:. - '.• The - reittlies arik friends of the eye respect. folly invited ta.ationd the funeral. from hey halbead'a restdenat, Ito. 810 Dogen Attest, above Fifteenth, below Spruce. this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. . Ipter meat at Oethedrel Clemefery • . • • 0 on the nth inctint; • OtlditL,llB sea Of Jain and Margaret • Onrab, la tba 20th year, of hi. age. , The relativei• ana • friends' of the' family ' ale re. .rpoetfuliv frivited to attend the-loneral. from the reel dance of his father. ,No, 083 North Tenth street. this r.nesday) afternoon; at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Ger * After a short lilosse, ,CiIiABLEI4 RIOT, la *blank *ear of Ink age. . .: • The reletivectiod eciendi of the fsmili ISM 10116. falls !netted to attend the funeral from ea Igo le sidencia. No. 164 Breed street. this , Towsley) stare p0ta4;41,4 o'oloek, itithout forthe; sotto*. !. • ' . Notlen te. Ilondbelders •of the North. WIOTERNi RAILROAD OOMPANY.—At ; , hfootior of 'tho Bondholders of. the 'Pilot .Mortgago Bonds , of. the Northerestern•Ral troad •Clompsoy. held at the Otrited Mous*, in the .rittiar Philadelphia,.en the .18tb d.y of „Into. 1869, a Ocitarnittee, amalstine of Thorciro D. granklia.'hilettatil - Malone, Wit. llam Maher, •Phllip .Colllne, I. lllrst, and Gems B. Roberta, Wst *Notated to commaatette with. 'each Bondholder on .the sobjeet of a sato of the road Aid franchises: odlortlied. to take plare.On the .6th clay. of Joly.nest. ond:rtport to an .sOlonried Meeting, to barbed st the 64trd Routs, In the city of Pel'sdalphts, tat prom; on PATIIRDAY; the etooad day of July,roszt.- ;Thi tmontual sltend ones of all the Boadholdan tgi s. opeotfollyrequestedet that tice • •. • TB03.;.11.1/11ANKLIN, Chanson.% • id . so. 11. Rosman, deartipp : • /44 tar 472 Mlmpidifint" , to Pseudo}, and otbere.—=An. ,A nod Meeting of lb. Onions of to. Booth. western' station of the oily will be held at the ODD • Bli11,1•596 , HALL korner of Tenth and Booth - streets, TIIIH (rowds)) xvstax June 14.1869, to bear re. ports front Oommitteee appointed at the last =tattoo, sad to adopt took , other mesoorad ss may be brought before the meeting tO taboos Parmare to Mahal tOUTII Hired tram Tenth street Weetward,,a etsn t for the tale of th eir country Ptodoes, in &montane* with in Ordt. nano* of City tionnolle appropriating said Street as a Market Btand.• . • „, Partnere in the city for the ptiipose Cr attending the Market, on Wadi:lo.day, en cordially invited to attend. Panotnal attendioca on the part' of Citisacti lo thavle olnity, and all leiteranted, le particularly daalred;. L Jinn, 310Kaaa,, Secretary. rry. A Card:-.=Trl brit.' et Thauke.-Alth dere'epted -L. for the Ladies - aeroolated 4 . 311111 tnerlgement' of the late FESTIVAL at the Iterfratu o.rden, elven in aid rif the &hoot Peat of St..lteneal Xpieeopal Ohniele, •XligNeeaing avail them. selves of the Oirileit Moment to ex/weed to AN D 11277 It PAST WICK Erg, ;the proprietor of that celebrated imitate. their Mei appr , clatloo of the 'philanthropic spirit which probrpted that tentlemah to offer the pt. tattoos ore of hie baantlfat ironed. for a. purpose ao emitted and w. rtby. Thii noble liberality manifested on this., am on previous moneloo, can never be for. rotten ly , vrhose . privilege nod hipploesa it hal beirwro be partlelpaare and en-leborers itilifort• Wkittti have barn atteodellvitlinak gratifying limits. The node:MOO'. worili b l, therefore, tn . babel( or 'Bt. Tarniel•Pertab now' Millar to Mr. liastwlek and family seknowledgmeiti for thb valuable litt - tbey hare Ws rendered the Obru.th; end the holy vacua' It gooks to 'Cherish and promo's. Venetic . . . VIM. WILLIAM HAltHiltiPtrieNlMl: Hiltmteuing, /line lath', lade . ;' • It'. SrThe Ftell.-Floral.: eh& Fowl Festival Atte* IBLOOXLIT BAPTIBT.OHUOAti.wIti re. open' seek day _from 2:until:lo o'clock P. M., Weston , EVZNINCN 17th lad. Vlattets by thewey.9l - t.e Went ,Phlpidp)pia, flute:lgor Beltway will stop 'at fillnuiloAnbonne Bola. calor obarou. A,f kam.sua 1 1% contr. lore on ligotleond from Trani and Merbett 8 melte ; from the pep{ 8 ovate. Jel4.BtC f at wad .SF, I ..BALL .11100,1014 14111g16th If IThiley„ She Jewsiegeweetwt.: ' thj pliforsist.93nameltalba , ,OkurchoT :he tithr.MWp . .loe thur *earn at tbel'OUNG.lO MN'S 0 BR,IMAR•RwaLk. VION OP PulLamistrate, • .* ••': _The , hdbalorkarr,wotk of Abe lavolvidi • largqee expettoihinr, to delrerwhich le one of the pillow, pal objeote of the Yee - ideal: ,• , • • . Papettous of -Vtl4oll, .7tlollooll, fates, Clogfauttorm.: as may be taut to the, every day dunes Abe restive!, sod will be gratefully rewired, Durlpg the Ereologa the °melon will be eollisned by au ebaellent Band of Ilusla. PJeleON TION ..::..........25 011ei T 5. 51AiL6 Tloolll'o " 10 . MONT& ' To Do had it Sho.BOOKBTOBES 0,04 PUItLIOaTIou 11.011t/AN ato ROOM of as ABBOOIATION.Iior.IOO9 ''andloll OLIN9TNI3,t Street, _ 7 , Orrrr . T. •xeDfuting , J. ,Conylaltko. - • -wkr.,-,BolerraitiG: - . Office of Sacoid 'rind Thlid•Straiiii 1,3 SINIONRIII6II,WAY 'COMPANY op ?MLA :DXI./PEUA., 93Q WetNOT ' etteot, •PRILADELPRIA, unelOth; 1850 p':ind OW 'I4OND 4,1,18 th bum, the cies thelnabwood Dithslora of this Railway will 'atop at the Exchange:, "Paseengera going bane' Watrait' sheet will be I nralahed with a lama over the road froyi :That point, which Will he good for that day jell etti - • _ JAS. VNIIREE, Preeldent:- . L ev•=e Nettes Is hereby ghren that Meeks wilt u,3 be opened for the purpoie of .reoetvlog Subeettp ttons to the Cepttel Stook of the lINIONMAILIWA - D COMPANY. on Aloe lOth, i 869, it 10 o'clock A. M.ld °rig& Buildlog, No. 220 IVALhtIT Street, la the olfrof rellade/phla. BDCtA.R T 005150 N, SAl9l l ortlfd4'GkllGEE' _WILLIAM B 801310111,4a.,' STAIOBLAND KNBASS, ' I A. COSILY. . WM; tk MOORREAD' . _ -JORK.LINDVAY, •Couuni ~. _ er, utone. 0 A. Ware, CI OOLKisT, P ORAFP.'. ', ' , • ~- '' s '• • T6so. 01717ai11,. - M43.l . .oottiur jelo CaSeBo ~. _ ~ ', %', -,-. '. .. , • Duttei Itionse HetK Coltipitly;:-As 10 • bunted IdetVIPS Of • the flatieriOtmt al the Welt of The Butler Rouse , Hotel Coinpaoy'l for the pur pose or idopilng a Nithiß, for the Rotel tott.the.triuto action of other endow, will behold At the Hood of the 'Board of Trade, Nor 605.OHNSTNII r Street, on TIIILi- DAY. June 14th, 1669, at 12 o'oloah 91. PULnatUal at. tendsnas Is rsonestid. , - jal.o-St .l. MIGRANT PRISB, Seeretary.. • tyitoi. 13ei6ocratIc - rilleettak=-Tlin rienteeinele U:g - OrT/ZINB OP - THE Or, raII46DRI !PHIL are Invited ifl attenpl, a MASK to be held on WNW/L . BOAI vSNING bent, 16th lane, tart &cloak, in the COUNTY' 0441AV.Houals, Socith end corner of .sixth and Ohestbut street', tot the per pone of raining into oonsideretton the' expedieney of organlatog a YOUNG lON'S .Dltls2oolt VPIO =P .M -, TAY.* OOMMITTEN, and providing for le .1020211ellieleat Orgaelzalloo of the Party. ' ALL DMMOORATB ere called tipitn to be present." Jen M.* DI.. entice Commons Wealth Insurance Cam. PAWS 01 THlm STATZ OH PBNNSYLVAIM, N. W. corner or , PQIIBTO sod WALNUT Janata. PAILADOI,49IIA, ;Um) 0, 1850.—The Board of DlisotOte of the Commonwealth Inimance Company of thoLlitatio of Penosylraula, s ilemie-thle 'die declared a , dlvidiind Of SIX TIE MINT. on the Capital Stook of !AMO6:6OIIAV OM of IttaUayax,,pszalep °gland lifter thelthinetm4. - • = • uallaML 11.,110051, Secretary. Nottce.—,The Bleetitrieref dhe Stockholdere of Cosa atiONN AND ATLANTIC NAILIte,AD COMPANY will be held on TNlntt..NAy,. Jose 23d, 3863i,betwein theloure of Ltd A, M. and 2" . , at the CMOs of tke Company. Cooper's Polidt, Camden, Now Jersey, to eleot Directors of said Coin• piny to sety,e for the aumlug year., • Jed-V2!) Roßr. MAZUR, lleoretsmi. TN THE ihEA.TTER'_ of tho retition of 'ora.rfAftrula It , ATiON, wire of JOHN W. -VtAt sou. to be declared a fame Bole trader. . . . To JOUN W W A.TBON. or whomsoever Brno.). concern. NOTIOB I 9 Et BRINY GIVBN, that I role het bean rehted ici the abort, race by the Court or 001:11410II Piece /or tho.elty. end Omit), of Pbilsdelphts, return% able or SATURDAY, June 25tb t 186tl t at 10 o'clock A.ll ;to show cause why the above named OAT/IL NCNB WATSON' ohould not be declared a fettle tole trader, nioording to the not of Mom* in stmh ohm made and fircirldrat - WU. B. Plllltoll, jel4•tuth4td. Attorney for Potaloner. G . Rhi:NDK AWE STEAM, PLOUGH,,throwing Elrht Fourteen- Inch Harrows, and capable otPloughing Pour Acres per Rourotill, at the ?tiniest request of many citizens, be exhibited et OXPORD PAIR; near Prankford on the loth, 16th, and 17th inst: Excursion around the ring, from 9% to 11' A.l4', and from Ii to 4 P. 31. Ploughing from it to lg. A Id , and from 2 to.BP. M Anthems will , NO delivered by prominent Wirlculturiate and others en each day Beck's Brass Band will he in tendatme. , The Fifth and 111xth•etzents Passenger Railway will inane excursion - tickets to Yrankford, where coaches will be in attendance., Admissionge unto. ,Jrll-11te, r IPE-SIZE ,Fliotograpini in Oil aro fast • % taking iho place of mutat...painted portraits ; visa RElMEnt'Sinctensive Photographlo %Wary, EiBOONII Street, above Green. 'lt* 'HERNIA OR RUPTURZ—Tho atterttlnn of 'pampa thus crossed la ear iseetly footfall to ' PATEFITMint MEI, • entirely, new prlactple, and differlog radically from all others. It combines many leeward valuable points of great Importimeo 7 and le recommended trite oim plia,ty, efElelenar. and. the. cue With which It le fitted and It Is believed that more positive aural MAY be effected with it then with any Trost In tae. . 0 . Ingsplatli;,.lli,lY. owner of TWIIIM:PH and 13.40 streets: Is the egehtlor their 11,40 . 60 eAjnottnent, ---- 0.13.EAP.-TRUNKS YALISEB 'Li PET .06014, '- - wctuizAtia - AND Tr.FrArb. • •- - - - A. 41.—P DUCTON, No. 3.11 plodh, 80 . 00 ND Btre - ot, m72B.3stilthaintt „.01.6t Bide, above Arch., t_LAIIS;=-;120 . tierces extra_ *igar-aured gr;A:.ooos;ed,iltais. pecked: by ,Gardner tlo imogre. John ; Shay,. ,Tnoitiott, Hiatt & ViroOC, 841)1,11t feu , ARM Ottioh atOos4 4qor abo y ya non, trial 3Toticeo. TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1859. - w. _EVANS -.44; . • -' " thir .tiIdA.NON 0 . 1 THI<IR 34001[; or, • •- ..4,* :14 VII, •y : 4x. to. „, , - DAESS GOODS, AaREATLY, REDUCIMY PRICES. - 414.1, 82o‘bliES'iNIIT,'STREET. Jp1. 4 ;•4E.;:,: - ENV ARRIVALS'. T!L~I~ 6T:BA3SI,R OITY. OF WASHII46-110N, Xt, 3B I , l' CI LACE 'MANTILLAS, .ROINTE4i ✓IW ,B9URNOUS, 1 ;11411E1i ItINDS, PaiobeseA tiPlitle at deprnoteted pzioes under the 'lnfluence of *Le WAR PANIC 3. JUST, RECEIVED, VIM WILL BO 1 11, . THIS L!,AY, ~,,., 'AN JALEGANT COGLEIOWON • oAiinatlVAY .1.:210E aountsstma S"OINTES 40URNOUS AND MANTELETS, 'Wh!eh said at pricoui usiily TWENTY PER CE,ri.aoii.itt thou ; 14 . 4 been demanded for the some Elooda heiehtfore this Rotation. ;.THE PARIS *AI4TML'A' MPORIU • 108 OBEST.NUT ST. S. W - PROCTOR & CO. A •-•-• - • - • flgfp .4)ublitations. ; VITAL :41E ABAtIT F(gt , ,'4)TJBLIOA t 4 C41 4 4 9 11 4/WMPA tEPORT6, , vorx,i4 miTitioiort -caurelidjadged-In. the invent *Lit of pennsonnit. - 137 ~TOBPtOA:9II7, 0110 R6 r rter : . , Tntilol4.o 101 entitnyl the anoisiono of the -Court, worineatir down to dote: SSAYe TAW .TtOOKSZLI+IIII3BiPtIpLIBRBEt9 & 19 &OIITii SIXTH STREEr, jol4-tt „ - - - , PIETbsiaLPHIA.,, HENR 3 ir WARD BEECHER'S - - ." PAPERS"STAR: ,APPRIR IN THE INDEPEND.ENT; 'EVERY WEEK. - Among the onoterons other Contributors tette adenine, ,iropurrBRICORDE. BTOWII, Bar. QM, D. , „ QEDIRVEB, and JOHN G. IVAItTTIBIt. Terms—Tio Dollars a year, payable in Meuse. Pnbilahed-a4 No. 6 DEEKILiId STRVILD, and for sale by, ALL NEWS AGENTS. ' 3•104.1i8gs . • 4 1 015/0i ITE'W.BoOK. - -Tllll ANGELOP TUE lOESERG, AND OTHER ISToRIES, Ily•Dr. John Todd. • 'lame. 76 Gents. - • TRW WARS OW • TIM ROSES i or, Stories of the Struggle of York end Lancaster. • By ..f. G. Edgar. Mlino. 60 cents. THE YOUNG MEN OF THE BIBLE, Considered la a Berlos at Imbues before the Wong Men's Obrie- Gin • demolition. By Dletiagalehier Clergymen. Idmo. , • -MIR LIMITS OE RELIGIOUS TEIOI7GITT EX AMINED By Hoary 7, Menial, B. D. 'PI: A CONSIDERATION OF TIM tIISUON - ON TUB MOUNT. By DanielH.3llll —lSmo: lb cents. - bIN POUNDINGS. By Rev. B. 25 cent.. • - THEOLOGY IN BOMANOB, By Mrs. M. Leslie stid.ltsrr A. B Biker. 2 vols., 18mo.. St.- IdOIVERB OF TEM BMW:. By Mrs. d. 0. A shtiss „ • THE GLEANERS,. AND •THR YIELD MOH THEY 01108; 18mo. 25 canto. - - _•- • • for sale by - , . .t , ',7i11111.63111. ottATRBID jali bro. 606 01139821.113T8t-ceet TIT'. BRESB. .Al4O ! WILL BE Issuzi? A. July lei, Me' - _ 401 . bligi COOKMAY FOR THE PEOPLE, Embraolos an antlrely ! new mum of Plain cookery and Domeittelbeoncriar„By AIMIC.IB SOISIS, author of " Modem Effollaitlfe..! , 4..o., 80. 1 vol., xoyel, /Bmo. Publiehed,ind for mile by OTTABLIIB DESILVEa, ..., , . • jell.tit ~ 71COMISEITNUT Street. thttedelphis. „ • QIC . OOND:: TELOV§ANDI-'---ANNIVERSA k7Zit -,tiNNINSa ON MINIBTSRT&L , TINION.—One coil 10 cents; six, 60 cents t fifteen, $l, -put free. 44 What - e; food or truth” is cieMpremed ' thin emelt pamphlet of thirty.six page', 10"—Pitts burg Christian Atlvoeats. - 'alt of opfooz thought. breathe', an excellent rpf t, and, - wiedoubt not - will produce the desired of feat.ti—Lutheratt .otmerver,' - For male at;theFookomores. Pnblieherei addrese T. It. STOCKTON, , 1 , • 1400 ONESTINIT Philadelphia, Pa. SOWER' B Y A A RNESo C • O' " NIIDONALANAOUR t 8011.00 L: AND 'MANIA DOORS STATIONSItY, N 0.117 North 111/RD Street below Arab, - Robb/diets of the following; popular School Books, vehloh are eeknowledged by ail ittelligent teachers who have given theme careful examination to ba nnri railed In theirsOeptation to the porpoise Intended: SANDIORB I NEW EINRIES OP ILDADDREI, ... .. - . Cloniditing of DOOdoes l NOW Primer, i , < 1 - First Baader, ... , I - " Third Rambo, ‘I. " Filth, Reeder, - - . .. 't, (t lo , Bom, . CI CI -0,01., ." “ Seconelteader, c , - " Fourth Reader, ' ,/,‘ tfrotl &boo' floodoe, ' 1, IfOoD6 Wise Reo6ol'. • BDOONB , NODAIAL PRDIABY AND AINNTAL . Ann' attart.ol4, - ' By , Prof. B. Brook!, of 7f4uoaoter Normal Bobool P.TiktetcpsBPLENDlP BEl=B OP OUTLINE MAPS. 4, They are eapenially adapted , to those beginning, rut well se tolhoce more advanced in the study of Geogra phy, as they receive from them a clearer and more cor rect commotion of the character and relative aise and poeitlon of every physical mid political feature, than can be obtained from any other Mope extant' , All - the 11%0111:m11o= of - IVISON & PHINNNY, A. S. BANES to lIMW YORK, May be found on hand at N. Y. Publishers' Priaoe. 106-803 • fiLD BOOKar-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS. V The Undersigned elates that be ban frequently for sale books prated between the years 1470 and 1600 early editions of the Bathers of the Reformers and of the Puritan Divines; in tram; Braaten, Lrttleten, Dar [caldera', Gulling, Donat o Ooke, Bale, the Peer Books, Bypath', &th i ef(' often to be found upon hie ebelven; Lexicons, GlanelliAntbote, History, Poetry, Philonopby: heleuce, Political Neonomy, Government, Architesture, Natural History: Treatises upon these and othiii kindred subjeote are being coot - Wally dealt in by him. Beebe, in lars4, and ewe' quantitlea, Vat chested at the Oostoot-Hdoee avenue Bookstall, OBLIBT NUT Street- above Yourtbiptilludeinlils mylB Bm /01IN GAIIPBBLL, rIo , THosE who 'are about to purchase 3. bruti, Paiute, White Load, and Window Glu, we direot their attention to so unettrpasead and meted stook of stink goods, which are to be bun I at the atom of ZINGLISB , KOMI ' COM; of P.llOOO sad WO= §troots, ptertossropets fiNperigr - , ~:.7-BTEREO,f3OOP;9y VXE 1 ,4 15, cv . I '• ( - I%* AMMI.TOAN SORNL'RY, ' BY TOE BEST .BriGGIEM•AIITIBTO. : A Rat I S - BOQ J EE, , STREHT. .1414-2 k. -• • s - • 't 0,01(iltE WITIIONT A STEREO ... xnAw9NDlllns...qi TUE STEREOSCOPE!. The largest assortment of BTEIREOIIOOPEB' end . STEREOROQPIOTICTIIRES In the cotintry,,of merit. Importations at the lowest prise.. For relit' Whole.' Bale Mad IVtatl . , tyx,savisOs t OOPlO BAziadtr. - 1:11Eoutkr01:111.TO Bt., below/ PII.BtIT • j Optician.. • IlvivlOrko. BRI.L:LIANT P A •: SUPERIOR QUALITY. • • ' AMIRICAV, AND 'CHINESE. aSY-nooxivra, • ' , „ , ROMAN 04NIII 9 ES, ' • •• COLORED SUES, WRICELS," • FLYERS, RIMETTitI, - FIREMEN'S TORCHES, - • TORPEDOES, „ - FANCX PIECES. FOR '134L8, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY WHITMAN 45e CO., „oWON1) AND : ORSTNUT, STREET 4 , : ., 1314.tvith&law: Zummerliefsorts. CI , IORESS , HALL, CAPE; ; BLAND, (MPH MAY, N. T. Thad well-known llret.olase PleTlll/ will ke opened for the reception of- guests on WI6D9BEIDAY, the 16th dap of 313iN8. • WEST h .111109111.8011,, • jel4-6W Proprietors; BRIGAN . TINE BOEIRE, HENRY SMITH, Proprietor, BRIGANTINE BEACH, N. d - Thie bra Swat' delightful resort for families., The Bathing at this point is uneacelled anywhere A large the'BRIGANTINE EGIXE, his been. yoolutly, built. The location is coot and delightful ) being situated between the Boy and the Ocenn ). ,lfinn:filshitig_ and gunning throughout the season. DAPTAIN TilllNSlVß,new boat awaits passengers at the Inlet on the arrive? or the me at atlinitle GitY, from which the BRIGANTINE HUME is dilated, & distance of three miles, being a pleasant Inlaid sail. - Terma for Boarding moderate Jal6 1859. OHIO WHITS SULPHUR SPRINGS. OPEN TO VIERTERft BURR* HE<R OR PLR& WAX, PRO tt To‘wrosou 187. • itOCOIdidORATIONS - voa OVER 800 WAITERS. , . Tint OHIO WRITE SULEERR SPRINGS are . eitua;. tiad In Thilarrtre county,' 28 mile" north of Columbus; Oho capital or Otdo,) on the Scioto lifer; 10 mil/us from Dolatima; 8 maim .Trom the 'White Sulphur Mallon oil rorIngdoldf:1110. -Vernon: and, Pittsburg •ilailniad,, end 10 mllee` trout Pleamint Valle,f Sprlngti 'station, On the Columbna, Piqua, and lndlana Railroad. ,The medicinal qtalitie. orthebe Springs are Tltlittli• rued , those of other. lidhiersl Raters In the For RoOm,:or Other 'lrtformatiori, atdrraa : , ANDRIItrI2IESON, Ja., "- White Balphor Oprings, WHITE - SULPHUR- -ARI).I- CHALY, T • =BRATIVISPRINGS, at Dousbnia GAP, PA-, are new open, and virirteaey'er mom ids Harrieberg;, Armee op the Oemberlond Valleritoad to Newville thence 8 milelidagint tn . the Bpringe, where yen az , rive et 5 P: ffi. name-day. Avery arrangement io eom. .plate for Valera. Board.per week, 88; per day, 8125. 'Reduction for famillee: Itefereners—Jas. Steel, Mer lon Itobikkael, Bareroft & Co., 11. B. ;annoy, sr., & Co. Reference to the Aoettrati of the Waters, U. .0 Booth, AnalyttoelProfeesor of U S. Idiot. Address Betfritle P. 0., Boorr tt:•001LB; ja7.Blno_ - • • • - • _RForisiord 11 . TWINED STATES 'HOTEL, LONG IL/ BRUNEI, N. 3.—The enbiatiber takes this method of informing his friends and the pnblie, that on and ,after JUNE 20th hie hones will be open ton raOsPtion of. guests, when wirers effort will, be - made' to please those who may favor , him.: .The, heist is gen. Nana,. Innate& on ; fine bluff, With, lawn in front.l:A fall vieet oaths WWI. good roMhit Ac•l mekp it M OtriOtTe_iikany Manse in the ottnotry. The - tom.: mnaleation is ateessible by iwo toot, of Wathut-etaest leper, viz t 0 A.. M., stui2 P •-.ltereraßee—idrandr, Warden, ,t_Cle. 2.10" attestant street. . - •-.-B. A. BIETONIIPAEIi4 - 1 z - $ 1 , 1, 20 1 0-• - • 4t • •,•••• . n . 4:; I • Proprietor: 4-.TRAAPV:-- - -VM.144 1 15/ON ':11611411f. iont:mr rikuilutri*siopao, Ala fumy, 13,1r0*; OP,Aft for treeste::- Totehhoteedeeee of eereepiallttpeolitignity to the', batik, eed.lttreotiesi neis orate adjaceorgroutete; Olt house is • The proprietor how aparod.no:pitas to irking ibi s Hotel all that ocoslcl be dashed by ratters. - 461.402 , , "',111:1Z32: UA it - L ISLE. yr 11 ITS ISULPaIIg SPIIINtitI, 01311131t1lLAND 00., P,a. This favorite and fashionable Watering. Place,' ilea smutty lOtated near the •base - of the Blue MOnntato, four miles. from Carlisle. Pa., will to open for viaitirs on the '2oth of Jtlt ' The waters of these Springs are highly impregnated with minerals, and for"drinldng sod bathing aro not surpassed by soy Sulphur Springs in the country. The buildinge are well ventilated, and are surrounded by 1,200 feet othaloonles.' The scenery is of the grandest kind, and the acoommodat loos (or the reereation,', hesithrand ;railed of ',liters are anew eeptionable.• Goo d fare, plealant drirea, - fine Sule, billtarde, bowling saloon, and other omen, ant all the amusements ritually found at Watering P Marie can be en: Toyed here,-"Waiters leaving Phihrdelphis or Baltimore in the morning train arrive at the'liprings at S o'clock P. M. , Daily mail. For farther information addrsaa OW.IIN, OLIINDTNItt, It 00. OABLIBLHOPRINGS, Pa.' 'Disxairtairs...—Jabn 0. De Obits, Diq W lliam 'A. 'Rhodes, Esq Thereu C. Percival , leg , Philadelphia; Alex. Klrklaud, ; P. ifloillas,,tialtireore•'Jatinb Gideon, Deg., Diehard Walladhi' Washiegton, D. C. , pay3o7.lxt 'FHB UNITED STATES HOTEL, AT ATLANTIC!' CITY. will be opened for the re ception of visitors on the' let of JUNR. The Rowe bee bean thoroughly renovated and improved, and is supplied with elf the appliances and comfort+ of a first oleos Hotel. In addition to other improvements, a railroad bee been constructed to the helical., on which the guests will be vionvoyedrfree of charge during bathing hours. rovAnani CONRAD Jc 11INRLI. BEDFORD SPRINGS. , . This well.koown and delightfill Summer. resort will be open for the reception of visitors on the hist of JUNE, and kept ppen till the first of October. , • The Hotel roll be ender the management of Mr. •A. G. Allen, whose experience, courteous manners, and at. tention to big poem giree- the amplest,. assurance of comfort and bind treatment. - .. .. . .. . Parties 'wishing rooms, or any Information In 'regard to the plane,ia address th eutmoriber will e ~._,. . A, G. ALL - M.l . c' my2o.6w , Stiperinsondent.Bedrovd Mineral Springs EPHRATA - 110IINTAIN SPRINGS, LAND eliTliß COMITY, PETRA: Thu lavotate imabliehment will be opened by the first Of 317N11.' attested on the - ltpkrats. Ridge, fa mites west of Pidisdelphle, - 18 south or Reading, 33 north Lf Lancaster, 40 east of Harrisburg, and haring theUdvantage of the purest soft water, every variety of bathe, the site elevated to 1,200 feet above water lesel, with graded and ehady walks In • dense forests, sod the most extensive laoddoape scenery in the 'Union, It is not surpassed as a snmmor residence. Accommodations for 400 persons, improved stabling, and good carriage bootee ; also a good Mock of livery horses and earriages. with amusements. a. good. band of mule, billiard tables, ten pia alley. ft le easy of woe's from all the aborepolate by rid tread and coaehea The proprietor spares nothing to make it a home place for comfort and health. - Par farther particulars,- see' circulars, to he had ' ,by applying to Joseph E. Myers), Third - , and Vine streets; James o..lesrle, 816 Ohestout street; or to the Proprie , tor, • • JOSSPIT Kourcisucaunt, Ephrata Poo oaks; - .11113.3 m - Lancaster County, (I,4I,LEDONIA SPRLNGS.— The . under fidgned takes pleasure in eutionnoing that she hag rented front the proprietoro these celebrated livings, 'and trusts that, from her long experience, and oaring mound the services of J. W.:ROYSTON, and with prompt attention to the wishes - of her guests, she will be able to,render ample satisfaction to all wbo favor her with their patronage. Her terms ere very low • and, in thus reducing the price of boarding, ebo hopes ' to place It within the power of eVery Sawa er.vesorter to again Indulge in their medal reereation. Persona testing the city by the morning trains will be enabled to arrive at the Springs the same day, by the way of Gettysburg or Ohambersburg, where ;mashes will be in attendance to convey passengers to the Springs. The nation will commence on the let of lane, The terms are to fol lows : Board per day • " • Do week 6 00 ,Ohlldren anderl2 yew, and torrents, half price communisation addressed to the undersigned, at Ohamberaburg, will meet with prompt attention. my In thstutJyl HANNAH M. 000PSR.• riIHE MANSION HOUsE, • • JL" • - RBADING, MINNA," - W. L. DB BOURBON, Proprietor. This well-known establishment; the favorite resort of citizens and visitors, has lately undergone exten sive repairs, and Ia now one of the moat commodious, elegant, and thorough hOtele in the Union • beautifully located at the corner of lIPTH and P ENN Streets, beading. - Its accommodations are drat-clue the rooms spacious and airy ; and the table corotautly sup plied with all the Inxnries of the season. Persona de eaten', of spending a few Weeks In the mummer in an agreeable and economical manner, could not do better than make a trial of BOURBON'S MANSION BOMA at 'leading. ap22•tf PERRIIi B STATIONERY ESTABbISII- MINT, POURTIL and RACE.—Plema about eotn- Monolog boalness oat, end, on our ehelveS, a good as sortment of BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, Promteaory Notes and Dratte, Letter, Oap and Note Papare, and En 'reform, with &general assortment of Stationery adept • ad to Oonethig brace nee. Our stook la bought I a large gnantittee, exehudvely for CASII - ,.glYing UN opportuol ttem of ;felling goods at VERY LOW PHIOES to CASH BUYERS. Orders bymaltpromptlY attended to. Addrees W. G. PERRY, Agent, FOURTH aid RAGE Deo lm PERRY, STATIONER, FOURTH and ItAoß.—a,ooo RPsme sMorted Papua, it:minding some very flee qualities of Vote, Oap, and Letter Pa pers, 'which we are closing , out VERY LOW. Wlif PARRY. Agebt, POMMEL and RAGE j.o.lre A LARGO assortment of MISCELLANE -13. OUR HOOKS: suitable for summer reading, RNLI, ING LOW • at PURRIthi. 11011141 U and RA CIR 'fleo-1m SP.BOTADLES, • - - OW GOLD, SILVER, AND ELASTIC/ WPM BRAKES, with Pebblesod fine Pilot Mmes. INSTRUMENTS for Mathematics and Surreytt g.. Tbermometero, Salmi Apptratat. ' 3110E0300PM, made sadlor sale by - TAMES W. CRIIIEN h. 00' 924 011ESTNIFT Street, Philadelphia:, Priced sod Indented Catalogues 'lent by mail fete at. claw*. . - zahs..4to-- [CIO OOPPRE.-1,000 bags Primo and Bassin:lg RID; lap beoe aritio Lever& Coffee for axle by JAKE' tutsaArs'A bATIT/A PIMA, jig/ Wants. VIV ANTNDt'AY: ‘TeT loll, haying”Xillaidll& V T evade Ynowded¢e of rims in tlcanatal matting, alitlnallon: In a 'house- of goo 4 Islandingotherarlt i an advance capita, an in.. tenatl•o4l4b, girtgi M it tinS:"T Zr s " -** 1N O'";' some Malaga' IFIW t doubted BOX 60 7 Tag Ulm. - ',l-7129•6tik 16604 direlltnr~ in thi,oeenpsntar . pf . prisorlif4 fmilr. • Pdei nof:fiiixdfid fif , j dotrain perifeek7, 7 lfififfeisailufW oeptionable.f, Addreie 7tudite, offiae of Tlte Press. ltre IaffI i TASALE DRUGGIBI , 3.-,14. ioVjgt d ajo h liqn:lv it e ' lntlle e sge liitle6te in the InUsice, de stroilt in engagement., Addrees BOX 77Z , Phlladol pip Poet ' • • AX ,TELF-.. SPECIAL PARTNER, ,v• v :_wit4sicatls to s2o;oolTataltal; In a Yri-l - bionir 'Jabbing Mesa os ALIIIXIT'Sttafti bavitigitigood tablioned Isnia;mlshlog to' oalirgaThOlr !nod ins. :Wilt ' a good. inveatment: 710/116"adereat CaNklli" tato °Moo. all aomonzhThatldno - tainadoutlat: , • • DRY: GOODS 001EMISSIONAGS$T; A daily ttion the'Philvligptdir Clite:6*; would be glid to m a otoTht,tl,f twining or iiniortlrig Mimi; to eislr roods Oa , AddreselloZ- lam; P. b ".1410.4tt_lr,f ' I IarANTED—By , a 'young' Ihtuly,—.ll-‘ Sittifi • turn ugovinseis In ik - of t4tlit . oitrfqy. - adress XLIZABBT,II,RfIIce of • ' Te 10.444 DRAINHTSMAN of. coniiderable ex= _ .. -portenoe 'dab:get aiiitiietibsi lifscitilzie.l3hop„ eicK 4 refelenoo Oren. 'Addrepli ALLIO:fl!, at. thla Waco. , 110,04t* Exishange,',ss,o(lo';foith a: & fre 7 i f t m 7 b o: t e L = l l7tlt j o " raster; bonds and stooks:: *Mess G. H. BARI:MILLI Ossbotblown t . t -24.1118PFUNTS , "Hin1Ix,, - - - jog mit , , ~. - YO'CrltTit Streit: cti Eihte aitb SUMS OF $lO,OOO, $B,OOO, $O,OOO, to Pm oh moraclutz. S. W. TIIADEARA, 294 South THIRD Streat TLET-7The Second-atory back ,ROOM 1 B[l6. 431 ORESTNUT Street. • jel3.tr AA TO LET—For four - mouths,- a small linreteheB Cottage, large • garden, eosola.bonee, floc and 1t.0.,"0ne tonere from oration on Gefirmlltlkili4 Balboa. Apply et 484 prtIVIIjIIT Eltiget . - • trif 1,0 *FOR SAVE.-10.Share—f V0ltook in. the Ganite , lanit , Couipmir 'ot tbis ell, of *lOO cob. — L IND-paid Eteek will be setil ehetp for Cub by A.,.. T. - Goomoia., Coney= o bor I No. o 8 stook YOUIitTIIBOWeEN , . i , ,- pu.eve 141(jR,c a&JA :0013:11 P—.loo acres' of, prime 111: ittalny VErmlind-fa Gloucester ttecuray, gor pattpulars, apply at MIN °Moe. • • . - • FOR BALE' OR- TO- LET.—The lore; messe Noe. 5 and 7 BANK Street, and 'Noe, 10 lad 118TRAWBSBRY Street; adjoiningeach other in the roar?, and making two' storee extending from Bank to Strawberry street, The rent will yield twelve per tent. upon the prise et whleh•they are offered. It not sold before July tit, they:Rill be torrent, • Artilj to - , _DANIS At •BIBIlitr;• ' jeloAt , „ No.'2sgotitli THIBD Street • GERMANTOWN RESIDENONEOR, MLA hiell..;Adetikkefurrelidefese, thrinegy . 900 1 1,4 by John Grigg, geo , ,in good Awaiting dronre,, eerrtele end preen witAneluirtiro,seren of land., :The heeenee aeh taittehdly laid out. and ,well eheelidowlthi Urge old evedgreeeklued Other and` well :rev*. eitsugve, garden,"welke edged, and wed stetted with fine MAN. , Terras easy, • Apple to J, 8 _OllBBB., jo.ort. it - - :06 Smith BOTIATEL.4treet., AN HANDSOME ..OHESTNIJT,STREET mEL DwaLuNaa JOH, •BALEZ-No.'ll4le; inatAckw" went of Dr -Ruble miedrel.. Lot ii 192.0 feet dAeji,. and 22 feat front.: .whe- Homo to _fons•atoryr and Ores,. OUTY doable bleklmildingui, and' le built, 10. 5 the beet mangier.' and mate with, every modern , einnifillazieii• Oa, hot and cold Miter, ,bite marble minatela in every room ihrodgflont; The yard bands° poly. pet frolttreee, shrolbe-y, flowareoroeet, fro,The home foie complete order. komemion can bediatimmedlate, 17. - $14,000 amy remain on the peoperty.-„Vms be seen icy time by ena:lying to W. If; AIME% Jn ,The ma. cool* Ha 11,71 9 OEIMMTATIT Strait. 'f Jet4f - ; FOR SALE" OR 'RENT-Iwo. . 4 8 JIRL glad oonvonient mania }WOK 11011868,21sitIrdy tali, with 111 the- i , improvementili,Mloolldede with !abode sod ortaratirtat tree:sato; 96 0p195 Uniott. ptroist,FNURLINGTONi N. J. Apply to • .70,...P.,•511DALZT0N, 5 North.rtiONT.l.treet, •.- or 71101666 Dutmerli, mflo-tf ,BIIBI4NGION, N. J. 44 - 0 - 01711TATRESIDENOE TO LET:=:- . 1 1. - neat Mad room] OottiMe at 011Bli7'ON . HILLS; 'near North Peonejlvania' Ballnied..B miles 'from 'the :eity,, Apply at,42.1 litAltlißT Street, - • - apLl-11 ..„ . - J 3 Pat'bilig TWO SINGLE GENTLEMEN iiraiitio en gage. two °ammoniating, seeortil•ctoly zooms, either Inn: abed or toilbrelebed, with gae,.togiither with, part or whole Boarding, between flair_ sod ,Ntine, and Vow* and-Twolt , b, etreete v in reepeptatO and 4ttlit private family, with, whom the options er-a - hinee tisk, be obtained.. Serail innit be restonabbeL^ - 81ithiNeterT references given and required. • Adieee42ll4 a Ate dire. Altai* TWO,PLBASANT LODGING:I;OW, - lor - Gentletion.Hwith or "without-Breakfast, at itkeet "Iterittienee exehtliite4.4) 104:Stfr.-c!. to? , g:ti to 1 0 . the 'Oreentsy be: aeCofteiefiekil.- Birard WI& PielestalleeMO, it the- Qum Plimi.eararra luunty, 20_miud,tro R mlifitt•Iphijk rani*, Bodlens4 The_ano,iitia retylif solibeidthi., APAT to - otAtl Vfitott,!:"o- .111P)Tr.."‘.1V1t4-13'504 ; WO", Ini.rit"FirTltzt!",-...Augromik-4,„„44,,m7 .. _ ,_Uictare;:lrames:;:; , :ITHAVYLAN:I2';ETC:, (140„. Looll.l.l4(l , otilliANDPlOTtatiCiplOr • L ; 14A.N1323,0Tiragak"•,1 - WI:COLDS - 4LN AND Itir,AT.D. An eztenilia We* . 4rott. PAINTEDIGS, ete. All at Toti-Lint pl•CAANlNfilmot 'boa SIXTH, Philadelphia— - - - - •wlO3-2m eati 3 zillv3 9 * CANTON . A.A.TTINGS. S. F. & E. 13: OR:LATE.• 817005188018 TO 619 oxaw,smasncri , STMIELTHT, °Main THAI' OTITI-1100811, HAVE N,OW •OPEN:, %WHIR SPRING IMFORTATLONS OF C3ARPETINGS. • • 1,000 PIEOHE off - CLAINTTOIsT 14. - Pi.'I I I9EIsTGEI, ON ALL TIMDYHI&IBL7 81tYL113, LOW , PRICES., • 'mar 18.9ra nburpat4ir -establistmtento. CHESTNUT SPRINGS WATER-,CYURE, c..zwierzsrvr PHILADELPHIA COIMrY, ' - Itor the treatatnit of allehronie and obstinate diseases. This institution is confessedly the loading and' most encasement hydropethic establishment fn tide country, and the vent resort of health seeltere, • JO3gPII.A: WEDA Je9-Bmif lidngeratoro. WINSHIP'S PATENT BELF-VENTILATING - REFRIGERATORS„ , Tali ONLY THOR 01301111( TEtivniaTzp AND - ITHALTET REFRICHIRATOR:IN T . 11 1 .11 - • UHF* 'WIWI ZINO) AND TDB oisma PILLED •"IVITH olimuloAL Prof.Billitnan, in Ms recent rrotk lin:Natural Philoso phy, tome drawings of this Refrigerator to illustrate the circulation of air by he combined effooto of mold and heat, and he mays of Sit operation. ''_:Ct is in beautiful acCordence with Natural Laws, having a motive force or cis a tergo, to establish and maintain an outward constant current of air, and consequent ventilation." The ne:rliteratorhas been used. and is highly statue. mended by Profetwors allltmaniPorter, anti tkisatbkor;lif Yale College; Prof Mapes, of New-York , - Prof. Chsae, of Providence; 'Commodore Gregory, 1.1 N. D. Q. Clark, City - Physician, of Boston, and many other prominent sciontitio mon. - . . - D. B Pernald, Proprietor of ThilmiZdarket, Brooklyn says: •• Io experimme of twelve years,l barb used and been familiar with every style or. ..Rairigerator. noon of totrich wilt compare with Winship's. I And it ventilates perfectly, is economical in ice, and, pre eerves meats eplendidly.” idveryhoneekeeper who wiehes a pure, healthy, cheap, and economical Refrigerator, should purchase one-of Winship's. Please call and examine them. For Rile by NORTH, OHASE,4 NORTH, No. 209 Wirth wolf!) STROST s And:, ARNOLD •d. WILSON, jel-am it No. 1010 CREoTSUT STREET. "OLD' DOMINI:ON," Old Dominion Old Dominion Old Dominion Old Dominions Old Dominions Old Dominions Old Dominions Old Dominions • For the Million. Over forty different varieties and styles, of the celebrated OLD Dosfamon" Coffee arid Tea Pots are now. roataufantared. Being based; as Dr Hall, of the Journal of Hea4/e - , says,' On. 'thence - and.coramen 11 , 31386," they are,rapidly owning into nee, and are des • tined - soon -to eupeneede all others. They can be ob tained from or ordered: through any storekeeper, or deals^ in housekeeping artieles. 1.17' Merchants who, have not reesived our Trade Circular, giving prim, terms, &0., will be immediately enpplied on application, by letter, to 414T,R17/t, BUENHAM, It MRCP, • , • 117 and 110 Bouth TANTE Streit, Philadelphia, Dole Manufacturer, nnddr the Patent. , nisnifectOrera, under the Patent, of AR ONLEBRATED Erfar-avar, INN-PRITIT.CANI3 AND JAIN! isila-thatofim 11/1 ACKESEL.-L= 425 bbla.. Nos. •1, 2,-and 1.1.2 L 8 hitialtarel; in whole, half, sod qnkrter bbla., Original Paokagee. 0..0. .O.A.DLIta & :00, Anon otraiddiemit dot OM boat. • 04 Lit knit 4k, BBOTICir . *glpftttotly ionXetiei fiat . tfiei bare Inertial thowth . platifbrosetk.: 1,001307 BUBB r. wltltteko*lssittvfOrdre 1001111 4 k • iROH-STREET_ TEINATR - L! , , i-tv-kAt ; MONDAY BVININC* Itxt idniduthirntiii . 4 ;0 4, tg POOKIVOIYAk• Irmaf Or • lipMticriturfazir r , Plask,v4olmtig”itiotoralD • stufaltaWAND'ooW-IMUCKGIA* lintoense meow Crowded koalkee. Brink BroWole- , A: AXidarde , A. mile,: IRMO 'P boot*, and en tike nentf r Olda'prkii"initiattlestebetii aote, dances vitt r *ed , olllll , linag4WO:Titaifor,.., WiIDNINAM.YI4I43 Ora" , arS.AIVOO BOOOat tendered $0 PBAI K Beinlio:4,•grAWlLlt. w in b e ori Adallilooo L 3l geilifitptodsgir' t7X Gents; lereastra Stalls, do outs &sop "kelifti:- Boson, 76 olutor:401 110 7? - 2 1 ) 0.4044 (Whirl. toko9lfirpq Persons, 26 tante; evil** Box in Gallery pt.!, Peiloadry Door .pen at 7 D,o7c,tv,,mx3rpra.:-at A o&DEItY, or, music. -ri-lagetwOmerifivioptaratooitiossitxviv-A. ." ON MONDAY z-4FP. ATOM AikllßlOAttkOlithlitlf,'ES43l,lBH)• ..-,---EmaDureridthaosmiPloll434o7oV,P--1k ' numbering over .00 1 e,Oundroi-Andi4l, tity,,Sifft peifoeinenanMitleiliiktti, The .0 . 1 6 - eleetgrompueittnesurnit.the Oreat -- eawnw . ,„,„;: . will to weentediin of lijle =+" 4 -A.';` , 7l'': - ./44- _ • ; • . ,cfgaNIWOR kID On TUB SD 1f.„,anne.,212 ,8 , • A .411:AliP 1 :141:181.01L,EIC114153; : . .. ,Bythri u P Arfpf , OAMAOIS',OciDB”.. , kthe ierMinis leiivsll:4ttmi-RallatartdiLlisid L er - prinu the commaodiottastglilidtignio Mama Mitostota, w . ustrolo en. mlribly'heptbiattlit:,l4l4llfittOtri"-iihWaiG ereate.i.eomminifine itingtag re;r.tine, . I tammtetit:OFrehjeitr-r,; , .: - 'Us, And fioniing lei the /Renee. ' Ttekete :ter thit'Apiemr . or - 4,441; - )04.6C=4, :15 - ... Forte PliMiec2B,etente,,, • ~„4 r' -They cuu be hid at eal. the Jii:M4,iftee; Itfut. liloteleor the Midimy,niet on thA~rifiXkinno!o!..,,,.,„ Woods, And anyver‘thi.ntemblni air '...vi - , President of the Arieneielleno3,3iittg: , ' vtee „En , eleenatet. 3 1 tordenenp- , ; , Treneerer=4:llt. Am. ~ - - =F;V:=C3II CgiIifLTTRR • Dr. T., - MEIGNEA, Chairman. ' - Blesara.,,Canateztrke, ,05rf0ri,11;,44.1/41P40,1*V.,t.:., Stoll, Mealier, Wagstaff IM*ctrz.,l Thiseder,sollsolsai 33Olimak Dit„va4Xia zer, Audre, Se'Ciri,4lreer4Aanas.k. qeSIAANSt" 7.l) , 'SfaipbsEßAtioaig,;:yrilkirt:f, " OIINVINCMONiPhirnmks. - • • Seats, Wallop's's. HeIIier , MANINS;OSSOTEXT-j., ' CORDIRTOBS O.I,, , TAB.IIONCART,ATOICHIA6Oa S ' WHIP i- - De. Holguin, Caii Sentai-Dr-Oasaligtcei___,., - 1,• CONDUCTORS OP .THII CONOIRTAT,TA 1011 =no Shrum Hassler, Jobe Oreita,• - - - LUDES. OP TRH OCVP/LVOP! . CROP - ISTSIS . • - • Leader of d Bind dfzlfittiatilinut: - cs . leifotiett rot thefroitai littl ", X440 , 1„1 , ,itt " opoltotrini.m - : ,IGIAAIIES44I4 IVJL below Third— - = - THE IdIBB Utea O: issormay, , mign tfirat_tx.-,5 & c.: 808 8 1 1 11 1 1 PPARD, , BILLT.TELOWAB .111:-=WOLILT4A 7 -4, BILLY BLOOMBLB, Joan. ioultAra-.: JO - BANO'rOT-811RIN-Hll:DTBdhr,,,f,-,77,4er rpRE - i imitirr4ixtit'4gbitreziACz - i,c AL - - - ILIBITION:' : , 5Tc.....7:'?,,,,,11,r-.:,q,41_,,,, ,:..,, PIIIINSYLVAI4IA-I.OI,DRItYVVIIIHMERI V*44 N0..1025 011IISTISCIT, BTN T; - It NOW Anti' DAILY (Buidseil 40061466) fOO L. M. to fi P. 11. , Aaa froaqjg- tin 19 P tasilattion 25' amts. &Mall Tidatif 60 Oenti.- 9 231 :i - areal 2 ',Ants. Er,I3I`OOIWOLDER6 theorfiles of theloaideorj:. 4U4 * ft' ., 1.011 ' 1.1 -` ; - MME" COPARTN4tl3nix.i,,biiretplOre,:ekt=,--- -.L. was between lheitadetei Jiiairlikkeiiiileo( ° . - lILIVL PIPSII4: - 'OO4 - Is - thleWALWeed7hsj.! mallet consent. RAWL 0, l'iPoo zed tenth the hailuourof the tati ,r,„ PhipuleT p hts, Mine 10459- . i TH. 4- WHOLg.SALX,;_Dilt:GOVitibilie'' am will be coattail'," melee the etifejatldAW4l-4 RIPIOL - 4 00., et;No; tin mtmuuregtto*L rlfll 00PA.1111741011VVVAER - IC.TO,;' - iat "tiar . .. Attig atikeidsisti 114 ditrolved hp the elthdisTed ne bellow or the, late ; -lee eAtled, DEL GDE ST, , ithostitt use the - namosoll 4,301e . pw, smut .semiktioneltheltitaisi-itedArerfPia . . badness it the old stead, 139 SOUTRll4o4o4.teef:: , tAt'fOINIPSent.,4- • ,VOPARTNEEMIEL". -Andergined purehseed the lutenist of SLIVIAMILSIETO ate . .-ilt 00- tu theeioldaid. !Chemise" 'ea arf-W'dg: :Works, opposite kfausyueh, heel , this dap forteeksitiek"r" mertiortklp'euder`.thiethsnof DICEUDIAIII,STILWAtt, dc CO :for the efrthkesalkfaste:rer aied .Dpe Woods and Oketaletis, all ite brasebui, _at She -above muted worts. 02sei %%Me - all*, _UW 110171. r .5.T.111 /treat; - ELILS DruariLt, • - • - ' MMUS. Tulle 1. 185 E. - litantesl. _ , LIEIMBEIk/Lgrf:Aincintizlnellp BALH Olt viLtALCatglillol7*MOt.M : w.enwlageotrxXV.l4)o+ l2tortntt efarosakk . ..proierel - Atik . „.. •- isfigovibe attaaneyllttlitrUilkPrW* 640.011t:::;' ttadaralifood. - addift telOodiallitiOditkaadat atV, • twee, will sell beforwthe enratUddifedopeAreell ty on the OBOOtfp"MdtitaffAlt ciaini4rdtql__ -- ,taat being eanaty courk-day4bak.waltiebde late% of boat desafibactia astd - deci#V , `, l 4 44 1 11-61441i -g e Pe‘ 051, or' „Ural - of:' oad:004 ; ;LIMY odaka%cf.r War Wick; - aid buxom cc - beitt,*lli afti4 4 :,Xfeb, iseve T net; cogaithietiffe - * L ai : iglu* intl . Mittle.,*** . V. 0485;1 ttfaill'ai lei#;l4lbepoit 4 pftwCirsoCik • coaviied by Attu' tam/ fljuntialll IfdriffaCida, by deed deed i 4300 4 0 f 4 / 0 016110 s Moe of _Waiwlok:boaliO'':Atift:i , ,t : TbartV 4 land le verirealniblelukeiered":theesse,,f - ledyklo on' Inc paninsola ' tylakbabweeaAtit: . 4oo4 - I*_ Zi e „__ rivare, and abant half . 7 ,,we.ebeterseeneMlFWM lianiabnik - -Theis brelOaAilir4ii,nnitiii , Tt !oftataavbri will with ongliteet ISO-bnieepenner/indf :tadd ; onbataik. tlal Erick DWeillngin tnormzelt - kayak: Bo mach IA cash altvit gel . lb* 'mos' 0110 !abOYL. - meastoced salt utd the a4tOmeo lialo,Oodtsy , /* Per reeldne Wcrailt of tweire "mOdthe, , ,wild_be 'ittreen , !AB l 4. -pnrobeoer pie'-band ;rail good ' fertad payment, with interest from the day of bale. ' I.slB - 178.16 - 7, 1109(D/Int:, - 9E4=48 81 kITORY3- . . • ' - cottonlesiniVri. Of the above lanhi, 180 exist ire in, itne,.enltoratiow; , balance heavily tiMbered_wlib_elmering-:. white oeLk (far, ' ship building,) and pine; the' pine *nor beLke"Worth CM per cord on the bank ; any amohnt'ilin `ba,con= tractad for, for the New York market: - - Any inf9rmtetion in rota:saes to the patter ma, babott - by addreselorr New - coder &...Btonebteket, 'Elidfdatitay , Mt. or by applying to 8. Patrick. Opining the, 14111 e, at Wail* Outat Hattie; Warwick county, , jel-eat - PRINQ BA.VINGIMNIIS4 ?; 013 TY OY-PHILADELPHIA . . Mate, Re. 831 North TROD' Stratt,;„; - (Oonsolidstion Bank Building , _.- • OHABTEBI6D BY TAR. .411G1fiLft.Tlyalellfl SMOLA:- • - Dirpold ta received in sups G! On e Boiler sing-ttiw*- & qt - h ant repaid . in Gold. *Abed :notrute, WANT. INTBRAST from the day of depotittilkiftW. drawn. - „ responsible and reliable Hai:lugs Xnatitation - lias long been needed in the Northern - part of the eith ' , The Spring Garden Bating Pend Society ).; tered by the Legislature of Penisylvaninas necessity , The Rename, In orgenjeteg oiled '1049 1m It, have been governed wholly by a dealt° to aceoicartod. date the business interest* andwants of tins very-1 and eaten:prudes population by , whieh it, is sirsounded. OPIOIOIO OPiri DAILY, - - - Props 9to 2y,_ o'clock j alseon Kenney and taupe. DAY from 6 until 8 &cloak in the evening, - 61.k.NAGSBa. Prederigk Riett, . Stephen Jobe P. Levy, - Rea H. Strong; Daniet Undarkeflif, rederiekdteetei /ranch; Hart, ' Joseph P. Leffler% - John Ressler, Jr., George Resent,' -.- James 8 Pringle, .... Jattob - - Joseph 61.,00vr,e1.1. - George Woelpper, • Glo. - T. Thorn - -.- t Peter 0. - Robert B. Davidson., - JAMS 8. President. lesseoin Gine. Reeratery - i ta2o-tt if GREAT WESTERN' INStrRANCE Alin TRUST COMPANY, - 1AR4411116 , , VNIOIQ ITEM - SAN T" as ocuipiir OP,- ATHENS, - • Oaring contolidated ibeiir hulloes., will - kereeqer duet the name under the name of the r - - iffIOTRANOE TRUST -,OOMPAZCZ, Office, leo. 403 WALNUT' Street, • ' (iloutpanre Buildingd surtatrear.rate, -- - - With a :wedded Capital and *sellable - - ASSETS OP OVER , Invested, for the moat part, fn BAST BolFba and )10* &toes, bearing six per out. interest, on improYo4 yrs: petty, vronh double the amount. • FIRE, INLAND, AND Af./ABlltal 0/0410 BIBLE Taken on the most favorable tehrta. . . - - DIIEOTORS. - - CharleeQ.Lathrop:- c , WllhamDatling, _ Aletender WMIIIIIII, al. Tracy, John 0. Hunter, •.• - James O. flag*, Lase Eisslelinret, , O.N. Shipman, J. R. McOprly, • „Prawns Trier Thomas Its Charles Hudak 4 Daniel L. Collier - - Jonathan J. Sloestra.•, O. O. LATHROP, President. WM. Its'nr.lNG, Vise ,Priiiissit. • TAMES WRIGHT, Beeretery and Tressinsr. • O. 13.:RIIHBILL. Assistant &mangy; ..' _ _ _- 0. N. EHIPM.d.N, Ss:ond Mos Predidenc m.b.22-dkW SLUM OPPION, Nee York.% A KERMAN FIRS nfamixos. 00., INCORPORATBD 11110-OMARTIM.P.IIB- PETUAL; • - 4 No. 810 WALNUT. Street, &tore ?3d 4alphlB. Mains 11 Lure plild-up Genital. Stock end Parolee Inrested in sound and sestitible - Feentitieel t oiatittaxteto insure on Dwellinge,3toree, 'Furniture; MOihontlise, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property.' All bosses liberally and promptly iidjoeteu„ Oo!Tee Pote • ' ' 'DianGrose. - - George Abbott, ...- - John T. Lewis, John Week, _ denies B. Campbell, Bamnel.o. Morton, Airriond G Dutilk, - • - Patrick Bnoly, Chu W. Poultoey, • ... _ - Israel Morris. OBOBGE ABBOTT, • Preeldent: THOMAS R'' MARIS georetary. • - 0.28.ytt Coffee Urns 14r Hotels For .334kszding Rotinen, 'for Reirkaranta Nor Ettqambpsts $50,000 TO LOAN, in sums to alt applicants,upon Diamonds, Watebee; Jewelry, Onus, Merchandise, Olothing, &a l on, ,mode rate terms, by JONNS & CO:, Brokers, N. ,W. corner THIRD and. GAMUTS Streets, below Lonsbard..:24- tablisbed for the last 86 years, ...Office - lioure.frotraf d. U. to 7P Ef., Beoond-band Gold and Bil•or Wittehoe, by - eminent makers, warranted genuine, tor We cheap, at one blur the original ore. - apU-Balif DRAFTS—Ott. the Union Bank don, and Itoyal Bank 'of Ireland, in non to snit, !or ealeby --' WYLL9. Allian, - ft - 00. - , 400 OIf_CI3VNIII , p,;:rto,,- npAR AND P1T0H.=.250 bbls. ;. 200 kegs do 460 lade. INQa in - atone, end f if 1114417 110'64'13SY, ;"'No. - 16 'e;.PTPt ,'IDtRVEEi. BURNING FLUX Aud' phene manakatneed aid fox iuda 1 y ZOWIVYs ABIIIII7/tNIR; _ 09 10 1,0 FAVTS WiDAYagh (4 01 4 4 • 9kinsm. ~ESI~~.~.9IIiLP.~-c :te r Y:~ a~.-_a Saving ,Situbs. •Jnanrante in.r;ll,panico. Inotten. MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers