.-,;‘- • 4 'A. Y •-•,1:/il'' ~,last*V* r. . f n ?;''. l .,''';' . ;'i ~,,,_,,,. 4;',A.--,i,-,-,-,,f,-,,, h:~ :`~~=-:fit: 4,1., ~: ~z. 4,:, b4A;iii -...-:.:- - , -.;: ttt., 0 - ',o'iri ttaLS-PI ).... p,, 41, K ,il .- *; ..,,,, , ''''-, .... , , ,, YX , ,t, ~., I...%P''''' MEE , w 0 - t,_ • • , • . sr, • • • ~ _ •.'l,i---C-:,e,:ft ''', 1 " ,0 1 —..._. •,,,,1-::-,.,.*:.-_-,,,... i rk, o •.. , "-:,7';'--",•t 4'2 -,--r" ' ' —,-A- ' 10, ..C.e, 6 asp froat‘'Ailiittii iii, :,ti's -'3%-----%':` --.,"i" •A.-" - :1 4 Th awnsSalabs l 7,liiii Irlilr , ." .,,-- 4,-• - •.;‘ , Ai 0 , 0.:11 , . ag ....114 , .'ii;:.-- v., ,,' et ,, 1, : -,` , •'''cA":Al,'' 0 rittiOle isilyni;Dikl,: ,i , ....71r. , liedimo lgliftikicn , t , tl ,. .b. , .. - .. ~,T ; •..1 _ollollt4ollolololtra*i -.. 1 ,..' 'F'',. : " . -%, • ,;;, „ , ~!: li ,-, 6 ,..., 4, ,,, , 1 10 .MT 1 .1.,:,, ....,itrz, , ,,.., ~; ‘ ,ti-, • •,i,..r..z -, 1 -,,- - ''-`T:-:-'‘ -4544i1U ';`'fieliailliDVlsi`; t''-- ' - il i; ...s•-', - ••• - - - i-,t,..4grormibip ~ iiNilifflx#,iilltsgioplitigOkaiTylite, E t o n . ' . _ - -T.llllkOpvp-4 - ''''... - 4 1 4 4 140 - 01 1 . -1 !::,!!---.•-• „ , ,..4 , , --,,,,_ ~. _,_ ~„ ~pIA 44.11. ';9101111fil".` ~ ~ =. =MI - _ ; .r. . - ~'~ ~- =lll Mal litegt lll' tit 0 0 0* ,Tdia 01#4M 'Thsess, _ V i i=iliVepiretsot, 604. rock Dee s AUF11 1 11,4,4001t041", Nititli '7 4 1 , 1- 40sjarilrio• SAT DIAL beietedwit !VIM , S i zw i thaumw- 011,111 = 000 0104-1 11 . :M; ay. oN:1,11 4 AO , O nliniWtiiollVVefi Ahlwite ,4 1. 4ialpartax-PIAW011:a: MEKIP7IIOIO, " ' . 1.0440.• - ~za.~g~ ~,„'~~. a ~~~ • . _ . . -„., • ' •'••'‘ '•-•+ ••. • • ' - • itsr, ~totic, Es=3 .4114 i eeem fiord trots ‘poilouie. :VrOMAkt , 4 0.,1 • tlagassa Aids Cab, tit last or .oiiiriAtt(we" Re~aatu+; eli~r~fi Bfvses,Yft szA 6th test aitstrii -- at Selfitdin, ,-. ~ ,ViliTe, 2:3,44.H.i.rit1f ~ ' ' •„' •.. ..„. ... . :-.0. :fri:4l-.A. , -nt MAWS; : tittiroittp-vvir. , it .n 1 r- • . - ~........ 4 ntrAVIACM:4O';' ilieblM .614 D Olieikßitka)); . w . , „..- - 0 ..,*A.VAl i tait ''.4:.- • - . " !. • r istir-ur'sv 0 - 041-1- .• • t• f-., r -e. r, .„_.,.. ~ , , - lortja a gw,.o%,44l4liiiititie Tbnlit ,Ai2l,' 4: 41 ! ' -li ail VAOTlfitilD 13 eTiiii .l. ' ' ' f ` ' :7 -.0 - . ic#o49ltikkqfehiFilaUffrk#ol4o,lll. ' .1' , 14 . 0R . L4 ,4,c. ,kVlSNMS,Flrrii4tlffiNt3l"‘: s- MEOT - 11 6, NICAL: B A KERY ,- , 1-7,,i-4,-. - o..vitalt.t.-. , . , 0 , .. ,, ~,-1, 4 v.,,, ,, ,..4 , ,,,-...:• , ,-; ..-tk •,:„ - , -. I- 1 - - ,on BP, 088U1C18D4.*1 4 041 FOLVAING ~,i'' -1 - 4.0...-p- 4. 4 •; , : - ,:r , !: r,,i,.,.: .., ‘ ; ' ,• ; ..v.-5 2' , : ,,•.„ `;` ,, :' , - - -:.;,-- ___, -..kci l l ''' ,l._ i,,f'-'''l , i,„,ylkr:, ~—y!) _''rte :•;,t ' 2 '.*'!'' -,;:,,:, • j'` . .1,„ 4- `,A,. i. : 6 :'-'4 , : - ; - i• 0-_'t -,' -,- r.': .'- ' • ~, , j;v: ,`-X,(,F.'•!,A V , l_'-' ,-,' - • , ... , :'-.3 '. -. 'il • 7 5 ,„• 7 . 4 .... t .1 i , 7.'.1. .1!._,.. !-.:4•...l !!: : i ` • - = ,5 ! i , ” ?- ,1", ,• - r9 i..,. 4n T :r % - I' : 4 •:`k '1: ~ ~.: ':-'irt io e i tn o itiii:l.Vit- - - -, -, , Ora ~. ..r.. - ~ ,, t •r,, ` ,:• ,;-:j .-F-.'r.f-:'•ii‘::: , , •.....•. ..... mom , .. i t ~-. 45.,110 .,110 , - i v • 4,:-,1i4f , ,r,t 1 ,.w,.: I t .fe ***** !'tv-5 ! ,74: -.- .1 . 4 3 1 / 404 " .1 4,0 um - - ******* :: ** r:!, - -., ' - - -1)t - r) 4 4 '..Ztit . ; 4 4At•g ; sk s : 7- - Ait i t. " l.: mi ... A x, ,,.. c. ..1:- . , v .i. , !, 3 . , ..:.10 A ~ _ i 55...... • . t .... ...'" ---- 7ii iii . inirlictittror r,sto ipiri.poirs”, per, rtiti , ' Wile; lart-tai abuts kr.* la i - -T ' 41- tr*lll•bil 312114010P1 14 7 41 * . ~,,...,.. - 4 •44l 4 =ao si face • '- :,•!- , ...' • I ''. :•. ?1,711.211$ ..,,, -. , ...,., .--. Tium " "iti ireatafte* , - I.t !' ' F•r- 0i I VAC* Tin ftr i ji , i A 4111 -, ' A A l N ll lPPirtitittaZtlAriti l 1141 limey W 4 1 4, I* *Ai" 1 ' illt l i crtpermi.v. =,774 ) ;:% ra g ?. viresist .. oo , 66 ,, t..,... ~::4•.1..14:6:0. MEE ' : .;,...,L• .r .. *'' 4; . '. -, 1 444,11 1 4+.,,, i S i :I ti — leriisalhowa L -8.A.. .. 1 • irmiiitosangdu..".4l4.A,'‘..... :0 relett , , r - ..4i . ...0. .... . ...,.. wies.4 - .= .. ** . ~... I =t 6 4 4 4.4%;i. 61t , ta VA:, , -- NliplA tattis , a4lio,:., 7, Nersidtawa- 1 , --Beidiiirre" -411101+11L4047iiii.1 rthookrytirei • •1970 g l'Ord I ' A. P.40149, 1 111 1 .., - ;;;;.4 , 4N4'.4',41.•• I .If LI!!!.,-11 1 t,tre!,,,satilt•At . piit :- A __''. p r li ilm;344oo . l l r**WMllit , 'l,' , o l l oc , Pi:, . , - ' 't•tt,, „ _ „ A ' l4 . l t; . ; c ir HT I 4; 'l- 11 1...1+ 7)1 1` 114 7, --,-, .....49. •':- . ' - q" - '4 , :'• - - rir -- 1 - yrrlifi.kok althais iLti,:iti.ii GO • ' -SAKK4l4vintigtolioapßoroaluarriulbs - did likuW,'Oliceriliilll .2400 N V illaraiotatilit, ititV"Wilislirto ili#,lllistibt if its' Witleitiaplata Qatifiiiii* 11141411glicrOolitarldiatowitisa , Woska; r a ii2lb i t tqf • 'AL fk :oll44:W w o ork tigi .. 4 i 'As te, d in t-In ntu tt - , scortth as , uwei wat t k . Vrig "tki!pitkligleoidi4ititti cud W tal , •3, :'..1. WPYFP-ZiEl4-41FAC:"4,40,114161'. * iar o f t 14, AargatiLtagOTKM..".i-Delitigitiittifne,lC :ildeliffirefitlio" liiiioll.6l4r ailf =rs4l3lsids, . kbn atlii=rriii.luto4B eft aftla i rvi= litiabilawl.lo,tubliriii the Puns sus prbparly,, (4~idielltire* nd tby idy arr~.• .ir 4111diatillil**Abpseit of-1n1,164-172144: - .. , .ii istlisassereetword.totto.sumino. iiiiarlunt Isitilarepasotto Ore tails ordevi fora.. 'Tisane thiraithowlgioimivlX.olll7BllTS OWN. Arga 11114111410 7111XMIARITIASICRITS: plirnicravrar foltuaditidasi,-.00.1146bi550 - ill 00710 0 4(10 4,.." ) !Mir."-!' I x Wittritilelle TO scuitrirtiiiii ostri .kkiol th. ,terei.marbirpbtaiiiimi'voa, applipitios 14 iiis it Xe - .IIIIOOIMITLAMDT IlfrimotilkOr , ~ , ~ • .: .., . .t ista_. , .. „.,,, ‘ki.',, , ,,, -. H9R,401111:11AY.- • • ..,. .. .. - - , . deli cam; 161 - If itl i, 14 Affilditroicartie**4otszt. A.".; 761116. Pria 00 -14 14:0 1 • 0 1,- y,"*16,*64666-Matwit'. 6161 ; ; ; 441 1 . '11i61.16,614666 Vompir, _Dert,t, 4 nr i61661616 o,l4,6oiiiiiae - by she Chancellor in Akt . 14067;6(.4660.6!: 1 ,1 Ft.4 , -' • 150,t1Wet0nt9tier:4100,6666•46&66, two satia66lr ti py6l6ol66ll**466l6 l 6l , 4tartihey la 9 rt. Attiaie '6l6l46lo*Abrilleallitla TresktOri nn , akhoy,`Ond-lirovisOfinit bittikiirrtor 444 or ar , 1ttiarti60nV6r1466iir16604110111611614604 til4o4ll•Te. !6161666664 46inssid6 6611266 rokllkies"ll6,6y; idl4l6.lsig; Isiathil triiiiith6lata Mad '6666e,m' titoymlll f64lloo6o66llrOnitimi66l64666t.euois dividifindramir 1 10 0 4 0 , 4t.4 4t94red lo 001, - 4 • ' ?fln WILSON - 'eyatiaiikCA - Ct9fl tYi . URYHAii s te OA T4Oll,- VELE. attjlr4tirtfrirflglantaal" — grert-ib ow. 1,.'4 0 :krt4i4 6 10 44 ;40 1 0~fir ,664,66a64 - tuctF3 - 466606- 6t IMILT412111P11: iisloWta# Opyrultionsigorgageadoroirriowa lurmikrelietribmgoirgbgeroairgeors thallium)" elks POPMSA I I-C# 1 0 1 # 14 .4 . :P4: o4l ffitieM 6 ia tile . % 6" TIVYYPIV-rnatire,7444l-.A, t •oS 4 1 0 11 1 e Ate de-.241 tion9l i!ritt_rsidgir*" (rodrigramprali . -10BLW COMlll,4lsittioil-i irSTATLOX t aTta i rzlonititt. Iritguarf, Writtrusrirrairom - itinroxistateer-;:omegrtgarni - gartgra, $11•666601; llordiglopftstlaA4toAV. paborlimPueogiq if iiiby iia Jatilionf *ad- Ilor+it,r:ttiioke,.ia i"' la " . n 7 "lf i a g' l9 ' C 4 ,:‘, / . 4 , 1 1 4 4* *11111 ." 41 quoit tininWriith - •""." - faii;l6lntOtrotori -4 ' liAli ti * airltreAt. him* . t ...'IVVV:44 - :YEP.Y.llltettartor..4lratiMi.'ll -.• iii - Annos.-•or.."*.T TEEN= AND wo , :yistitimr4Tairre, PAREI1140.1111„ WIT couraNr.divpiamouncrapt. sow To. a /*mums scritannas, oso m 1 4 rIIIIIIV.s.DAIII.S,, VICPAN t BSi;CO:, - - OFFICE 2210'0111ISTNIMIsisetjloitruftPrateetS, bolt. mu, *mamalse, ItiAtlitotoitfokst Spode, *Maxbr :Its Oro Lines, Or-iII 1M14 . 1100#04 101 other Ispiess Cotopsotoo,Oo'slt jilholpat form • on/ratios of till Dat.talitiCen' l ": l ;PU P: 1 4:14 L noniron, . wit•tt,' sap rinundent• ILEZ ItdIETNNEr, '112r041:9T-Ar, LAW, 02111 , PA , wrii WowilArscistroasi,::ind In. "Ws ' _ pellAt J. : W. ItAletTlAN;r;',)„ , -i . nterraitret aeon ai - An. Al:titans, wise, Ito no Boma !HOBS Street, below Okortain, - , • 41;114,1111L1111.1 , - MARINI; MAID and nietrunin arolsalolllllo.lo44,_ticoremaapir , Ofilees, boo 4,4emt,tiM Alaißed. , 4612-ina . „fkulglaT BZWIONT, BANICIR,4I , IIB,IVIIII, STRUT, , lamer Lettiiehl-Oredit ,Thokeller";avellabl" all plata of the world; through the Mum. Rothchild", ed.,P)lriss XClAl9ht.inkagoirts 2 flideo, Yhtne, Nib = lateen ~~3cokcrs: rip 001113,0 ' 13 " AITAVX?- 3 /"EVA V I7I .?...COMBYAN* ONit. mopt 'Ammo OS GOOD MORTGLAIII. ariamations - ritomrarmtAm 'asksui AtORILIBTOMI.PI-t roar* DAlT,i_tattoor:stithet;itioto N.F_Arfaitv aro% mu:moot, ipa 444.10ir la Ma; inisiillo 'Pk* , `s,cisitarc semetely. Attend 4* Proketetikerd Ale , itr, lt:Apia% for thipar:. aluumi or Weer liTOOXic in Ite. CRON A1L1ic..0042 - snots-Am No 40totati.T01332 Vises, _ 1711LADI‘PHAA., 41. . ited snows ouridhaidpids. I. I iiirotscio _mu occooKriugy...wirwspuel totfandat to TO° Ewa Of OW Oil a rogalareapply of superior quality We:hada On. ootopiratliiiii , free (roar water aka alto. ateii;;Ofia lighter 'malty. lad - iattailatair a lOper 'pot - imam, of Ultunteiger 0111.44u)ft , sloy, other erer olezed topeale la thle Market. ' 41.1104';ea - Oil • eatairitiie article' of Oeiwlewi Vittloteted Map ul 0001914 which w 1:4 -not ohrigi addraiipl to ill* womizon, oolitprynt, or GlOopil anDEIG 00;-1,99 wooDAtow, Moracrita, wilfiriesiv• pt.otapt ittiAtlink; (11ANSkii (MAU j)II,S;— . o,lkiki t Washita/011e Wittl4l , l•4iii rittlArtsqi Oredii 00143114,e1ut" stappliar toralarly irft* r alp pitiao guilty st lidakt tetrads* Or Orvd• quad 00* 400141thil, addrenathiff .ROVRIE 00 51 1 11 7 2 RO• woo Ift6synertotaft - • ... iattiriAildrodosi *11(.1/, /0 1 041TONi Pl l lo' pie; raegytistompt Ittegtimi. ra /164111 f1pANNE14 0 8 , 0114.: 4 .229,6b1k0pf; find 0 01 1 4 t fikoce satuov " 14 ~,,011?ttr.81:1.4.11D '&:11101C „ F ;, a.lQ46ontkWDq~row.,, V.,egailVatlltiOtiox IN THE PEIHE 0" MUSK COAL.4.MirlfOtrettribissT:—Ayn. .111,1 4 ,014, Ira win ion oar large stook at .frashly eidanilnithartein embracing the ale. bestedi Wert Oriel ihnnatithtaattWilkestiarre, the toehighierniigation 176a1,"af the topcwing title . • 00 per ton. !! 816 - -7 1 - cc :0 - , larolleacg rififv ,y 8,26_ I ,f, _ -- ` , Attir the itL prelim* no n41'6,4;41 , 61' Womb pole ton, ,itf;:il-14'-',--.5 - ' AtIDSSItIIiD & BOntltllll, 1 _ ~ , „. ~ erimereartenoet Depot. - ~, ;:,4;,..., , r - i4 , .WAThit Streit above Callowbfll, _.. 7.' amid Wharf obey* Oallowhtlif troot i polirnini.", ' rhikidOPNlS 1121 _! 10 1 11,59 ' -7: - 1•111401 - 10...0.--zmpur .Br, CO: ': ...-. ', , `• ~,:-, ri 1 4111411.111'0. 132 South rotisTs at., rm., exa l . s° C", telt 0601b4141! of 3ka 441/.21;13 00.33 - , Now Malaita '• - • Cl!';1')..- towsiiittrare 40 f mitt: wu' Th iArratiLtk_'- lag g 011 1; - 77 - sprcrunf8 ,ato, ri.iT 4 • , „ t •0: ' toth2 1410"0"Plari- tai l ” Brow 'll4lOl X2rek l. ,, sa _ $0,16,4 Ilkirers4 I 4curitsildui oimirs#WcrV eild left eftilit a wujilifioo `%' 4 liirdwitaieF and leftl4l3o. , . 11'Wiled P aii ipo rig for tai dral o v sad watt ocradairtots. ,-.4.lportS jM i t Villkifl AMU!, 1341E8Y, Br Wroorner of Broad and line streets. W.Aorner of Twelfth ' walliaa street!. " Poplar "itriet :IF slow Tenth'. Ocala/ gri'llla stroolii rapr'NlNl end No. 4O Ir t kko wt( !it 4,triat - • No: • epilog Otalati atroet.„ , ~ "No: %428"fitektriet. ,, ir ‘,.I".:(IB.AVAINETT_N*, O. Y. Mat, )11: tal.P.. it. ion3A T. P: MO; No - NOW "Nth' and oirnee Streets. kj.1.9. owner Dieter,* Ind Bala /inlet below Wit. net. - Nt/.. - " I : 4 CT JAomh a rd - Striet. ," D COUBTNNY, N. W. coiner niateenta ; : . isrid.Piro streets. LID. MASON; Pbtuth 'ars& aerittanfonn B. R. WANAMANIN, redeye' A treat above Corner South Fourth and Johnston streets., ' - S. W. earner Sateen* and Ogden *tree*. No. 1160 North Dlotenth ette • • i LS 'co st. rner lletenth wad Jetlerson streste. No. 1040 North Stout street. S. W. corner of Seventh and Pine streets. Corder etre* below Whir. htenth street. S. Ti'. earner Itranklin and Coatis struts, N. WI corner Tenth and • Shipen streets. No. 1215• tiontit Pront street.V-,;,3, I.''F • B. W. corner Broad and . 1 Parrish sheets. Corner Nineteenth sireei s , and /News **Dna. 1.11. obrner 'Ninth, and /Federal streets: - ' ihrentpeeeond street ab. Clefilee- , . • &Atm street 'vote POGYan +Cotner Of Pllth and Obrbt• thus. " •-• Camden, NJ.' Aar* . 110 Aron street. - West Pniladelphis, 880 et, "bore ilaverrord road. Lanni, Penna. ' mr• WALOAPHY. ,IMIGHT, MOVIE tIAILVIN, Z: LINTS, L: HOLLAND, WIIIIGHT6ELN, 8. 8. TOMPKINS, H. BaodE 1 JAI'S IttYBSS, A. M. 3V,09% 1, atonata, i ~ ~I I. B.TQBAYA, 1;81 1 $0 1 111‘1.110 t;5 1. i so I -'.ta lig'( l I.l.Clau 115 t 10 11 1 10 tll 110 1 14 1 10 too 1 00 1 0013 00 I 00 1 00 1 ICO 80 SO 80 E 80 . po 80 , Aull 11111:10T1911, 41100. T. agar, mows, T:~ytoINTYSI; M. W. JII7XTBB,' 1. It: itli)KB,- O.H. RADII IR, •L'L YABBDLE, JOHN BARNS?. If. 3. vox, , 410t1p. , 146WNBIMD; W4O 06Altar, 'Penns 080., L. B!OBHB, /Al l / 1 13''GA,BLAND, D;g9r.... JOAN ' , IS)IIDT, itekfto e AIIEOIIIOIOAL' BAKERY, S. OOttiGr; pi BROAD and VY6I6 Streets, z • ' iris enablishment is now-be eneoesetul operation day a n l •=firliii,l 411, I ate irappetrolly , invited 44;011 see the whole process or ,bradonaliffif for them "'lMMO r .• tl - r" r ' ' • Th. WPdiffi.iPtli %WI t4eAtDistY, t payleg*t for 4 thirty. tire years heist been.* PlUtiftrbater — a" . " toewentia. end Atli Pd i lawiltlllita , 010 ,of a*, nouns In Seotiand an twenty- re iur snester4t-neng whieb time bittloteltba op,pp war of making tome experiments and observing She itoesseements wash, haelabeen rade daring thst,beriOd, • : • ' ;,10111110119abliehmini, Owlish he-ear'neWthe Spies. ifilkeithin Addilkwto atimple,te laborsaving` enhietrouratee nowyasilittia et lone,: kinds not here , , ',afore poitlettetet_if i • - , lasing luuteifishal4 In the piirciaile.sedatir; none bit tkg seemliait ate ,best eyerirD endhphis no hesitate= In awing that bread or all itindt l etatt' be de ansaryalwatin weallteraotWatight. Mitt ze, %u the ardtatyproceir. - lamillestw,whlak pothread wade by the Mechanical Bakery, has . nos bee= or to with*. It lot beak tried only at its Dersonenoewent, before the nealditmert 'lrtai Jaribetworktrid order, tacreepattaly alluid to strait e, trial now—the tendersigned • believing-ii would hod.tisistutita sewerage.: f - . • raytelt • ZOlitt m;,1110,1e1Y, eniot. . AT,-42CG.7,17.N1Y-4*PrirE PER CENT. IN= I.J. 4 49lWlVP4ltill',ioidAi , ' fitifirt - 'MUST ' 00i1. ii.ionrwivisam liVoset,licuthefeal corner of 411111 Di •••9ifillani_? , •atriii„ ll ,:ijsirit firims. oi Port sis.vairie.. t - ow/ .liseeelesal In any ado; large or sittell; and to. tarist,pild 4 fronstleadej of depijatt to the day of with: 'lrani ..„,„,, Ili. ozo• lie mi•tohnir i 14..fx012; , 9 0 , oloo)c la the lincrantittill I O'alabk, in Ike evening, slid on Biondi/ illd Vuusdivi ayiintess till 8 04.t00k. • .„ •• SOS. MINIM L„lilitiNllß, President, ' ' '.' • ~' ‘ ao Ban 1311147/1Mill; Tice President. -Iyie..-7: ition, Beerstary. , . , .; 4i-, 0 ~ i ". ; pliiasontio 1 , • , , i 1 Bear 4 Benly , ir. Beimest -. if. 4 1ennil iiiowiter; -,) Bairistle. o i. r, ~ • - 4 , Joseph ii:itair, ~ , z 2obert Seib , :,, 1 - rratinti Lee , , • ~, - 8414 X.••& 111 aI:-, , ~ , Joseph' lertiM, ',, ---- o , 'Zifildretti,Afidolii , . ' Mary Difiriaaarrpia' Atonetie.reoelystana viyinents mute deity,, ; '4 , nieltieastaterits Ma made, in wt.:mity With t he' GProrislone of the Obsess, in *nil Bottle -Aleitilari. uidinid'ltentiii end 'snail 4 frest•elisa montages is : 11l always inutre•perfeet imourity•ao the - depositors; and whielt",eannot fell to give permanency and stability. to Shier instissitlonl: ' , ~, .„ 4. .:, _ . , sni•ly Orvzirrit- OBlT:'46.l7Thrgi ' - 'AND LomccogrArgy Kr/1901w et. OBES cAtrt: on& !A')INTu. strode, OILISTERDD BY AYATI OFPNIttiffYLVADIA: 1.1;1110BIZ&D CIAPITAL,:S6OOkOO. - gusty-n-41= I.VED -37#411ir - - -In sun twin Oiii"Doliar irowsmiii! ' YIDS •PDS OINT. IN TIMEOT • I. phi from the MI" of dwelt, withdrion. Any eras goo be with4reine on ampule, by ehooke or therhiee. • • - • t .j - - Oli/014 OPEN. DAILY, tom. to 4 told or TUXODAT By/ININGR, bom to IL Tbla OaisPasikim ii:laitpaitl op Capital ski tiaottilty 311 imatittiloa paid 111 itilDimazda is Drain:tile Usk Sup.soice. I•• JOIELN MILLER, President •. - - • • JOS. W. bQUDiIa, TheP eet. WI XWTONIFLOS. Spery. , sotiftl;dB4l. QAMild(ir , FUND.-:-1714/TED, . STATES N., TRUST CIONPANY, emu of . Tarp and MIST NUT Stream. • " - - - Unkind mail rims ileatand, and paid book on de nand. wi th out pato*, with TIVN PIN OINT. IN TRUST from the day of darndt .. to the day of with " Ueda from 0 nctlt'3 &block. ovorj diy, and on 'NO,NONT 'EVANINGNIrona liantil 0 otolook. , DRAlrtglor WO on littoglaud, IFidand; and Bootland, awn At. ntwagda. •- - , • Traddent—STNPHEN R. OnAwyoxtz, Treastroz—PLlNY FM. Tel B. HUNTNIt. EYE_ „ . oititaixaT "x• Aoa - zivisT, 04., now eda s l2Nott Dithitiesa l end altinisisas of theltre er.Ratterletah require either Medical or 204- 01011. DR. TON ROODU2D3kIIW-the onir ZNULT/W 4lll NUROPRAN OdULUIT AND AMOR that has ever 'tatted the United atatet. - - ..- • • • Tattlatonteis from the non Eleaster Ptigh, ladge Mo. Bean,-et the Topzetne 4 3enst, Professor ltdekson, of Okarleston. and other treltdußnen physicians. " • Patients *he With to eenault him ow, if desired, be accompanied' either by their runny physician er any nuttiest friend. . • g AmilinglAL salsa Illeantan. COX9XLTiNG} nevus . No. 925 WALNUT OTBIRT, • RILOW4.INIT/L 1 RUTH 91DX. floats from 9 A. U. to IP. lionad Demi; to 6}i P.M .g ,P - ATO - Tsioz.b.amat mato( JIN SIMS MIDAL4 _AWARDED, ST TIC 'AIOINIOA.N,* INSTITUT.% :NEW " YOWL, — 44 4 P.YIIAX.OtN,I44II%ITOITit, 141L0 - , , . il ltr artlfilt:ite:tll6tkitAi?'! sl ?" Tide resehlahld warranted Wrote" e 40 quart cum In 40 ininlitee; 84nt.0.0 in act nib; ; 18 qt ozolita mini 1.1_0: eau In indid qt. on la 14 aiwursti,: g ittraut4iet that this machine will freMbenomethmAleo It can be frozen by 4nlrather pro. oeseliew - inmoordth lees pelt an& lee, with the semo ca0r, ,, ,. ander n forfeiture Of On, Thoneend The Marone' In the eating of satE and tab in' ue►ng ,h1e 20 1 0,1 0 4 1 $ 1000 G - All pilerethenirfally renewed add promptly attended to. U ANILLA: HOPE—Astiorted aisee minit:. J.TJL Ikoturct aucl, for sae ktiorioat Now York prbbes by WEAVE'S. Y 121, 1 011, & CO., No, 93 NorthIVAIEB amok are RS xounliflilltVlll ory92 tio DEFINED, Yellow JLI• (1c li, and • coffer, melted. muted, and Patric. Iced Sugar for Lao by - /AMBIB OBLUAM • t- ' . • ToOt t 4oll OIL Tar, iri4rinui order; for 4al• wzavaa, FITLSR, & CO.. Minh WATIIIt Street fund Zi WORTH' %IMMO( bozo Herkitner County sv Okoooo la atom 0. 0. BiDLIIt 4% 00, ARM titroot , titroot, Hood door novo Prost jell N. A. VARIIIIOON, IGO 011.118111117, 1P.:15. Julir . 14.. is, 50 .'_ , " " - . , .1 ' ,4-11ft:Igi d 4! • . , IC PitESK-4 UESD A V.1.-I:, ..,~,l ~ , , z .. : ri, Trelp9nt aa4 Pine'Grovi iles4tn, Piano. • - AtJudi° City, N. J Cape May; N. T. =MO Zi!l ,:tititte4 =!=MOI , . AANTRO -.2.1 , .50.438 South 70173 TH illzest i batwoosst 0 Pkills4e4o4sP, 1 9 3 Ficars/Sors ) Isisicre4; -LSOssilassest Itygtsr, Rest jWies. C10i44.0 tease 404 Wee !Ibis' lags *fits; cisslngsraly Tau 'to - sfsklrith here' At all mil' nay irp.lC i per amt. tatetsattb the Verner, fg TI/ISooltrilly !Win og S W, win ,• delkillWlD - ,altir 'owtotibit,ViCiaide depose austsi ilia by their eonssilL ''AniOlAirtiol. luomparsted by tbdtltlu ' Tohis:lo giOdtEClaligotillt elloysliss -, nsrAttliiiadet'ittrA d idErvw-• s9-t97o l ol l 4Aipt !illk°:°! 01 !!. !- . ..1•fi n ,..7, - - 61 4 4: - , isaati 66**,119415i Saki OA s. *, ... _ _Aunt BiglOstl,`' I T.1171m 3 [owls InstabAsa .t ROMPollils • 1110bolso Rittesami,, Zltstitssitsierater aepat.ll4Outhyratts. :Johritus' 4AOCIB V.M.l.Wllltygreoldent., 3 VP ClMnr,im,Anes,,Vittoirmr. iNviials tiles ,-'..- .t, qt , l: - - ‘'- .. -' , , rit-J l .= t Y Aji.t'v'':.. at 11: ,A.l.U'i!,..V':iil 5' , ,,,i: IA i 1 :---. FOE THE bO l 7lll-70gARLEK. TON, 0 &VANWAW, andI2B.9.ANA 81'14.11. 40.128..„ • • - 11i888861231 BTATiogiftWiliP.littkaw-oi - ,1 - - 82,2.T1 OR GXolLlian, uaptatri/Ohn J. llairtn. 1118.10811,,, Oantain Wm: Wilma ' , 80)1 oErt l,l vl,B, :it , 8.0. * , Os t!.. _B. _ltat! 13 'Lama* BUITYWEOI2I STATE, Captain nerahroan, iii withdrawn to raaalia taw boil ers ,Will aell apin „on Wednead.y, Iwo 22, at 10 ton savmmin, is. The 11. 8, Mall Btesioahip IRATE 08 - 4310AGIA, omit. John J Garvin, will slam Ilaturday, ante 18,, atleitli The splendid dxst-olass side-wheal Stoat:44a KEY STONE STATE on“iTAT X ,01„ GTIGIA. now run abOre erortionidayiythao formin kiire ;day nit?, saaillaation with the South sonata writ. -,' • - tor (foods roaolrod ,and bWa of Wing alit* el Al both Charleston 041 • *se atlas oon neat with stamen' for Mond*, and with railroada, for 4111 plums in the South and Southwest, and with the ,Steamship BABEL, for Ilayanal on the 4th and 1915 of emery month. Sea NM= auprow... !re h t ntrnu aronto„of 16r;51ani, 6olOir New York istosorodda vitro: - • • INSURANCE. • • heig ht indlnsoranee on a large probation of Goads 'Shipp , Booth I'm be found Dabs lower by these Wye thin by sailing yesseia.„ ' • , N. B.—lnsuran c e on all Railroad Freight is intirelY, jcitticissary,, for4ql tlilinAlka;Nton RgAlaT=2o 3 4l Abit Itailftiadliduipasies 'taking , sal 41eitsz frau i tare points. L oadn Pangs to Oharlaiton and oimsatu , al ne 00 Steerage I. It te 8 00 If motion Tickets, good for flie:Prolant year.... 80 00. Tickets to Marano.• Ad 00 , Through Tic k ets to New Orleans BO 76 Do ' ” 6fOldje; , : ~,,, ' .. ' . 8600 , Do liontgomery .•r, ~ .!. , 1,,,,1., • t.1 . ~..,,„ CZ Do Albany, Gs Do - - 10olandpus414.— - ' -WOO- D° Atfatit" sk. ' . 1 4.t.;::.:.......10.0 1 ' - Do lifidat lel& • • ' • '''' '.'^ skint Do Nlatia, ILL 28 DO' i Da Plilf"' 31 4 t 26 00 • DO - Funasopyillearla. 2l lie Do lerandins; VW - 4100 , No bills of Lading signed after the ship has aalled. •No freight reeeleed on the day of sailing, . • - ?or fraght or : passage opply to - ~ : ' nth ,- i ) "- 4 ,4.-: ~, At arum, i ty,, 2 . I .t , ' - ikireet art r'7 tfliTll and 011BETfMT: • {Agents in Oliarloston, T. 8. & T. G. BIFFID: , ,- " Daannab. 0. A. GRIMM A OD. • ''' „ . THE BRITISH AND •NORTH itURRICIeIi ROY .A.L 104*z MAK WOO. , • 'sox 111 W To to tntoirei Chief Oala Pedwege • $lBO Beoond Cabin Routaug9.... ............ 76 : " ••• -Pacts'notroit TO rawintrOOL. • Chtei Cabin Passage SME Booond Cabin Presage • The stalpthrern•Boston call 01411f4e.•? , --- • - ` PERSIA, Gait: Znaktior, " CANARAVOMpti.a r 4, ARABIA., Capt. T. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Miter. ASIA. Capt. E. G. Lott, -NIAGARA, Capt. Ander- LERMA, Ont. Shannon, eon, , • :MAO P 4,440, J.Leitqh. Those ruses catty 'door irkttoilirlit at Mattehold ; lreen on starboard bow i red on port bow., AhIaRICA, Millar, MIMS Boston, Wedotodity,.huels/ AsSltle.; Shannost i , " Task, Wedresday, Jouse,32, 1117110 Latta, a Boehm, Wednesday, Intl* 29.' Judkins, MYork r Wednesday July 0. ARABIA, Stone, Bodin, Ifedneasy, Jul 13. WIC, Lott, tr N York, Wednesday, duly 20. 0A 77 0 , PL, Lao& Boaton. Wedneediy, July 27. AFRICA, Shen.oO, i•lt IN York, G rlnesiday, Aug. 1. Berths not secured pit 4 for. An experienced Surgeon on board. ' The owners of these ships witl , not be secountable for Gold, Oliver, Bullion_, Specie,Jewelry, Preoleus Stones Metsds, wases,hlße ,of dtog arp Blood thorefor Rod the value thereof therein oxprowd.: N . or ,ftelght 1 Or pimp: apply to I raorBl.tf 111 , OUNARDot Bowling Green. e, GPASGOW_ ANA-NEW YOR K ^ • COMPANY:—BTBA:3I LIVERPOOL, BBLIWIT, DUBLIN, AND I.O24DONDBERY-1.480. Intol4 NNW YOUt. • • . 6,63oo W_E;ThiThil i As SktUridynith id); itin Aoon. EDlNBUtuitt Otuumlrg,Wedues,lfy, Ist Jane, ec BLASNOW,, Tolnvioni; • •• ~• AstA /My; g , NDUIDURIM, Cumming, c , Slip July, TROY OLAttGOK. LoungraGs, Momlag. Saturday, 7th titAtiGOW„Thomism, , 11th June. 31DIDIBUROE(Aummin4. - 12d 411 1 .71-1 ma Or Ito l gt i ,. o t r o r e a ri S a ge my;fT,,,, 19, 1 „,e if ; ltdolluorrYi 'Eltoorsge,lotmd with in ! madame 01 Ittoperly **LAO. prrtlatom;s6o,' ' An eXPeTleceld Ouritritoiiitttachstt to *sob. steettior 0110 thugs for medielnes, yo r 4ol g ht poesege4lplinot`j,.l.ilY,i. ?:".. I t WORKMAN & 130., 'ACqIAVALIetiT met, Phila. . 110BIBT attAIG, $T,9Mt1Y44,./ler;lGTlt*• '",d~DiiiitiaA: 'SCROFULA, WRITE- RWELLING;TET , TBB, SCALD ROAD. And all Imptions of the OkinVise ndloally mina , neatly cure , ' by. soß.nettLe, AND fVfliXtrillte.l4lNill, though obstinate and stubborn dlsomes a reolatigg ell mooting UHADIIIB, do not to yielit under the Inisgualloilouraticrrandbeelletrgestloool • IgITIBRIAL DZeonitTlvlif: • • -•• One or two bottlea will onetime the most steptiell, t Unpin bag proved, the greatest stumbling Noels to !the ordinarygemedies , of the day.r;lcioslopplications alone do no good, and often do Wien rums. The di*- tw o spurt be ellminated thormighly from the system in miler to effect a complete mire, and lt Is this radical &Idea thtwelktptmv • - `i , IMP EMI keret PlaliTg ' In expelling all vitiated matter from toe tattooed so malty to proem:wit tt, the_. essay, santotefo Neese:at, he. „ THX WILL OVU vBTTBI4 antrallefitenha atlalnethstm uansrriate OF truchr*ip.! ‘'r Tau 011/1, POTTLS. Proparlaila ley!' _ A -• ° ' ' N0.'150 Jlorth- YYi'T tweet ' s ° Settatoth tam ' Ks , . NO MAR' CAtte,-* NO *mho • , NORM 11.1[Iplitkrism, Oi Stipteis ' o f ihe' Toiats,'Likt4llago. , tfeadockos, Toothaches, ottriviforffigpo n t e htfirmittes TUB It&PLD Alp 00 IteliETEI EADWAVS- •;'; itgallritELANg,- , . IN INBTiNTLY STOPPING' TITICIBOTT"BOBU-: af4r1.0:9 rOftl44l.lA AOOllB, /Mtn, 801;1448; UPT9ili , ol3sll43:-:;; BiggiggB, go , go., lanais ft' thit corm funny keep a IMJCPIT of ft In tho boat*. - Armed with this remedy, a household 10 always pro tected spinet chddihi eitteekeL or lieu of persons hare been caved ler it* timely use, wholwayeendoonly asked lo4he Wahl pecewithitirlmPui Spume: VA:Ming, Oliciers, - Firlir;'and other violent diseases. Let t dose or this Remedy 1.9 talien internally, se the cuie.tuay, require, • whet; augdelallY sailed ifl Pain 01 ilicippies, - ancrewill -hasten pre- Rate the patient frit, paiu, sod arrest the Meuse, , RADWAYSI3 RIADY BBLIItif - HAS OUR= In four 3 1 01/ra. ' ' in nerholif. OIt&HP - 1.1- • . . . . ,i? .;linen ;minutia. DIeBE• in 'fifteen minutes. TOOTHAVUE. :henna mina*. SPASMS • in fin minutia. et= 11MADADE111 7' ' • , , °RILLS ANP ,PRVAR • ' o t.ln l etre n n ln m i gt t rs 041Lig. AIRS In l!teert minutes IN !I'ILVIRNZ A ' In sin Abtun BURS YRRQAY - - In ten 'Monte, URNS. ' . . ~ moor . iiiiier re •,t , i e••• t t • :: i i :TS UM 'ay - it:o44es: AGRI Rai= PARALYSIS • - • LAIIIIIIESS • ..'s 'MID ALLIIOIIIB,..oI' DRWOREI, • • • - • - F r • ; -. • - .; • 408.21N5 The moteetit It fe empßed to tie iojered , parte; ' • PAW ADD UN aitorwatip C 112251. Loop,- out toe eoptddelte intfiatoi4; , „, Podium only ..„ • RA.DWAYT RMADY.RRLIRT. -• • - -• Tribe 25 @elite, 60 . oente1 and St per bottle. • Agents in this city • DR SW&TtiR & BOIS) . • ..) ,• • .WOR.-21.28ER • myS-teftn TR. OALMNDIR.- • 'IVEURALIDIA. • : • The following tieitimong le (trots citizen of Phllsdelphie,c in - refuel:we. to :TILO*IIWiI IatIBALGId. BALM P.Shavalsorksfilkotad IrlthAfturialacinggiske-lip• Tec r ll e tilrgy ti ed= auTt l a T i l ly i tt l e ll° 7 P‘Vtirivnium . suggeotad, and wag got; do. Tailor. ,Y.:Oraajaiddoad to liy,,thia Lad altoO astagla s lo On.>,:bwif found 'domande rang.' • Th orpata , all4oft t ato, Ina I lava had :xi ratan of IV ribtaatatili tad ahocatully, istannatead Itelandhavo lota 4 1dijace fthooo latallatly 01444. tit* om kat., ,3 / 4 fh4Voi -oCooltif." It isaha o#dialut dm* Wolodr. rat I sq „ , urea YETTARI; aatoOPpritzhtli; r. • - 1110; Nooth*Lttirettektirbi " iitoltealo lind'istekstlkiT( (*ma MTH and ?ARMOR , atTeedy 2410 TOI , VALLENDID. 0o.)o, NOV: oornor, tbla oiggi•V, spitzw.s ' • .• • .Pl7Bll OCID-LiVllOOlO, s s s' s PIRECCITLY SVlSTiallgb .PAYLUDIdd,s• mean. !natured it Norrrougargyi tor .filkiKeriegr!etophlpom freed) 44 heigthy riTere, 1 4 4 4414;'14 !It ke.lr 441 dP 6 rei We, gmr gte snowmen sga:guritt or the Qii while Vie nest ghror Verfentljeorered, endlke 0,11 trttordetkhle"itig • , r4treguptyl - ilig TAe •.froggletort•ot, I:4ll , ; nergfrin lun s peo In baying tVetriTir t i rgierlrpeepurg - t at dieirfo sod, e glelt plum grh eta" Was tonrchtie nun In Bm:44g* nil 011 - le. Troggensty iropelre4 by Tall oil `nom other apselaa of the God.. fatally, IDS. only that toiatas tam the'C. , Beaks , ' can be relfad ityoa se the genuine. ,- • Our Oil bee teen auslgred s and grimotioeild to be pare and the yorteeficut pt.t re quallty-robarigkrieuee whit* ,easble ,19,y4tiositst, VB. evsexiptilw•ovor otbor lands. • • • - • •,•• Prepespd api far rile, Watiltitial4l2 -4 4 4 ) bY item Co Sak42:t! al4'ollSBTti rgtESTNIIT GROTEIOI, ONAY.--0. do. NI "Into 'menthe csikshrapthiE'of, impure spirits, knowing their Injurious weeettrOpost.themmetitutiou. 1 0 bas Ind - noted the offering to thrs,pu o 'oi on artfoli which the =Aviation of Protestor 0 Iton, dsoilyttoal Chemist, of New York, and *AWL tk, Garrett, a Cameo, of Philadelphia, POTOTYOII altatitstion, if , be the mostpure and superpose ,leroltdedrorrookephire Ever offered the Auterisart FAN , - ~ „, '" , ". ,' , :-CBILTIPIOATX Oinatfit SAVULLTON. ' I here analysed ammipls df Clisalmutterors Whiskey, received:tram hiv-OHAP,LXB IYII4ITON, .Tx.. of Philadelphia, Josork,lumisig 'Oase49llaited ' it;l I am pleased to state that It flo , ontinlp. , o Vf froinpotootorot or deleterious eirbstairods,". It Liao orgurordlyrysurs and dpe dereredriuorty'of indium; . • ~ ,- . . • ? :3„ , : . - , ~ ~ itintACINTWN, D., • . sew To* Sept; elikil. , Atislythisi.Chemist. PituAnALut4., spt, 9, 1858, • DUI 8131 WO RtltO eNeft.4l4,..te .the .-0... Ohootnat-GrotretWauket' !niab`yo pint us, and Bu 4 that it !Mutant norm of th polsonoue et 'steno known las ;rude Oil, which to the eimmedetteLls axe kilter's/ ingredient of the Wkjilkeys IN 04.4ktx,4 1 M. 0, . i. --r ' , 1 ,4 4•40 ,, 7 eStiolly BOOTH, OANNITT -a . to CANA() ) ' • -f& 0hei.0.4. . _ . . 16.0.,,,,,,,,,, w0„.,i.,5,,,, No'. d 4 WALNUT St.j ehtladoloblo. .:, , . .;,. ; , . > - ,0021.4trn : -::' ; :';;;;;;;, f -' . -' , L,A r rertalierS • .' )'' ' ' 4 - ' ' 11[14- • .. —„ -14 81 4ttitt il leollI ° R i tig k" ..6;!,;11 4.4l , 'it i i.ll'o ion. Tlid.Alt.'4d4D "b111.4,1' AND , MOM COMPOIIT. 'Afto; glll.lolflo IN a(mls ' piny •, (Mum, * a . 'Pride o!lerlil l Ofi,S B s r . ir lon' Of, 4000 1141 1 - it . the Zootolz - ort Mint * pbrt , ~.,...,. . tOn., - . 4 ~ , ' -Pilo* of Compo4, r . lit ttoptir ter-lb: , - 1, Ergo* of . 090iiTait4 i 'or 2 Oetito iir- lb: '.. - . Plitul of Bone Onittomperfloo p s 4o, IF 2,pnitiioi lb. - 'L'orlzus oolls.L.A.daross - - - J. - - '-:, -,-,„ & vt.tim • itt#4."'l,kill• - •3l%taaTivotort !treat's; PA* street . • )11149,4tt Om* friflE - GALE “if ,, LlStipttlar Favor 18 uoirrdif ttiiiactc`tsitadiihedstatlAcsatiiiii t d. by zittuma es SMITS, Corner of MICIOND and GIEBN Strode, where mey be loud •s obotee auortment of Drop of floe quelity u well se White Lead, Zino , Paints, and Window allot which are suulyalled. ajoiN•lif , iint,i,hiYALikti,,l4_ jog ItAtinATSAtT zneunexoll-- 09311 , ..431E, of New L Cash Assets, 1; lehti ' , 878x989 ismiitterigt-B -,6••= 09 INB~IRAttOgyOOI~kANY ;. (': - 44 8 4 411 i '641,714 Now= :,,AMERIOLIV ' " a1k n 01t..00,104" teiteit",bid, " , 13'. 1, 'WO 06 0911: `.!,' • ; of New Yikrk. - A** MillOir-Odig' 'KIER ..1 1 161iBAN0i_ CiptiPANY, es. Hottest. " • 481.110411,; 630,079 'Sr fi,othtisieti4ded, Aikittti prcrpgy plitd, WAgowty, by., 1' qiolB WEILL' A WILEIONI , Agents,. ' ribaeftr • Dl6 - Vapftl .. T;s2733Br. T 1.1-1 k ' *X§ll-11144,:rtdiv: , , • FE AND AI:6IFtIiNE. . . '• _„.,#0,.,23 1 ), , WALATUT, STREET, ;' 4ll - 11 i4Tirc • 1aix* . 1 4 4 4 1 ,. 10.116T 2 1:614er tie EteparaUlosplitut.Lfoir • ; 0.! texakaybran.4. .4atkorialed • 550b,000 '4ontibe494eitsv - • • "- soli,sofs 14t44 . 'ciiplif '114,1309, ' ; IMT=STYD Ae poLioir3 , Bctagl andldraig - sgar, first mei $ 11 ? 170 Bink t Billrool, and other fRo`olOp: • , ;:„ ~„ Inintino any spinet LOSS OR DA.I.IAGN BY BINA ON <l3 l lll.ol.NGESillEklitOlinnßlSßi'- - BOtIBBHOLD YORNITORN As. Also, on 0 IRGOBS.snd FEB MOT tolad from ill polio.' of the Walt; s i nd'inlond Naorigt• ton Ind TrOspop4tl6u s On r 1401 1 .334 , PiTIP.NRE 4 ‘-' , Int Ataii 4.`isttd:r WW~td.WOOMT,,Viao i r easdent, : : „ O. O. Burulit,',e'etre ry a 44, NABIBORaBW; ,414giattiit,fifiratitit Teelieritartang, 0,.-ti: Diner , -... Rentz It. strong, It ILlthieei . into Butler, gb 104114yee; , ' • j 4 4o. l th c. t •IIN IRE ANIYINIAND ~R ISICSei—FARE I'-'I2 au~tIIPOIOO3IrA ' - • , --+ A .= oaptiaLt.ab.4-e.i.rampoo. ~ ,Lt , , ,-, (Orwhafsed Wit tlio Ault bf AMftbl.f reldUie to In. atuanitellatipsulais_eputsed.4pyll W, 1616) , ,T • t , - ~- Amu in OHI 9IT M2' ptylligatqplllt, , 1 Ibuntsel - Wright,- - ' • , ', Ilenrjrimisar.,, - - - .9rltliesuW. , Waltorg, -1-: c B. B:111isilb• ; • :ITherbrintelts, - • John -W... krarmna l • - - 70.00 b W: Stout, - , ” , ' A'. H. Itoveliheilm, • ~ • , ..lisarolszLippinoott; '. - • , . John IS Elliaoni - ; (*outgo . Al. witit, - - -- - VT, 'N. 'Knight. •• - iW + ' -: GlO EiltW. Iy•SC, - I . , xsiildont. L i, BLlNCarlitDAMOriltirti. ' • ' 7 ' %, '• ' 11/4T rrnE, ly r ticEß,, OITY. LINSUBANON 4 0011 P _ PHRAD.I3II.PHIA,IPs.. , VItANK4I4 1111WDIfiGEWNo; allt4.l,lfuT Itttmot. isAitTiOn PM* , 1:14.V , 8” ealkiirriity4R4vo4 74 82 4 . .0 51 42 . too,ooo - tiFor,dsmage by fire grid the perils of Ott avigi4ton, ..!#l4 Transportation, 014' f,Sixdoil,loorl,ll.o terzas. ' , 4. 1 LemioA.Orc/Pti, ?Pr. puma Ok. • . " 06140.E.Vatti,, - • , . Bois;" ' "Snow R. Oitszobort, ;♦ Q:Oottell, < G. Mat Ct. Dale H. 8.. Ooiggehall, Roster Y. Portins, - &sotto! /ones, GEOBOi H. fiiikr; rispid•l4: - ROM, ~ina'Pzio4aant,.; 31,`; oaaq.azaid6 qv:WOW* iftfl Treasures'. .13. BUTICilin Met': *WY: m 4 1. poifiI:INSURA.NOX:V4D.TRUST 00M , :'pArtr.:=l , A4. TRW ;tart" 'Mgr.: toi.oomAxraiorOlisat orison. ; of Tlitallizo!' p4l)g. 80044, ';05p1t,01;5412,725.0.1. , itialaßlLLtYla Sor abort term!(, or foi the wi*ou' p9pc., litoz.vouts.ionottito osid ondowoloOto—loar- Ohoosalgo Intotoots to tool lota% and basks; 514 aon praota ,dopoinltOroA the - viiiitlogonotes of LIN. They ant's': Bxdoatori, Admlgilotnitori, 4solisoooo, TFRoio4o,,aAlikordJaoo. I „ Taxon] IrrooVlll%, ' ' „III1ohaid S.r n trOlioold, WWl= V. Weiser, I Ma'am .Ef , Istaltakll. tickey, , , Itallpyr#ll, 864210. `Baolpluti WitllamH.'barr, ' Ildward Wl4llllllllBObliellall, Wsraer Id- gado.- - j. - t4.lr; S t , IMO t. • . .rowt.W.t.troamax, ', 1 , fipßs ROBEltt'ltbnnlß lotz IN$V ' Irnmairamors., , , , , • • . • • -• 40*24-11-T -ST 111 . ,110*-Cdutplayiescureatiotmat Lothar- Emile bYlfthil "on Yrildteatod Primate lisitibige, litoth*Of Ifoodig AO itatohandithsmamilr:4 • ~-- ,,E hothEowing proclaim irithe•Polthim of thfaClate. , paorguaranteral Oslo small whaelethigned aa 21,e1. , • • =later_.lW '! - t‘• nit pelley that Dot be invalidated, or in sny *Me :ardistrid t anetitcasidgfautotna I collateral maarity to' rinda•lcii4, or mortgage, and 'the , approval of anoti assignment by the dam; by , any trimitar tor,mtiteyane. tholtdded Dreirilsaa, b,l the owboroftbe same. l, DIRBOTORS; • 4 4 Jowl Tacna*, •••• • - Jirramtah Df. Brooksi iohnlinime •• RObertelark, Watkdrian, • alavidlabnion.i • Edward G.4lMita, ••• . Vandervear, ' JOSOpiadarinej, . Theodore tidyllir ? 'Joseph •• IsoirierOastagg, , .V.htfL aQISIY.B Trastilita. =.'• • - - WU. a DIIIIVX dii k 'flaii President. 'ethane B. licastind, Sametarl• , • MEM ;QAFEGITAAD /14.91 MANON COMPANY la 8. Z. ()outer of FIFTH and 1.4.L.1fUT ,Wadi . 'llaiilnal - palB 4k (ioctrill,T Lniedo4) 000,000 , „. ,ft.p.4l{l 81469 , X4l,o9mtoir.# Wing bait thadugly roorgalltillll now road} o ' d* Inenronev upon : Sonde or pro. Pat tleBtAllollao. due :LW of DAMAO* rsp, Ir./RAJ:writ, upon favorable birroa.. „ • , DIRNOTORS. , 4560 N: Kobe; li on. 8. B. LAIN; IFra4o.ll)laafbtirnii, Charles V. Wagons, Rtibtrt P. King, ' Who .7. Baldwin, ; Rogllah. r - GOWid LaHY ' Airoß.Olose, 7ollieo B. attepl• • 7obstld t .Botaik, - Jolul Proatios, ltattheii Kelley, „Edward Liwrente -P. 10.11troVlead; ; - Alfred 0.14 p, Henry Foote. - •Wsn. I. For ea., /18.8011 IMMO, PreAldent,; Maar B Vim BearoVar. : . • PRILADILI!HIA, pea: ~,, L. • azt.tr I.IOVA-1W VID,MAS,INB INSI7 IAL R 4,2421 (10121.P.4322, No. 412 WALNUT DIRECITORII. • Thom. L. Loden, Wm. N. Dosak,; J. Edgar Thomism, Robt.W. D.:Truitt, Id. W. Bald**, Wm: 8. llamlia, ;obit O. Jima, R. F i ngford, A.J.-Briiknor 0.-31: - John W. floadin, • 11.11, Onotog i , Wiphim Esitgoo/, - Woo. LS. ild 2ooth, Caarlikr: Notts*, ' iitapiatsdkni • " ARAOI4IIII. - E. WWII. Prooldor2—TUo2442 1.1121220 " • Vloe PriordOnt...E.? B. WARI4I2: ' .24Orsitory- 7 12i1A22,E6 • a&1- IMULTOIT I I3 - — INSITRALW9E" " 4Thrurwr. IN AND' 0 0 1 . , W41010, 98.01016, No. 608 opiroTHIPX 6trorit.' _TUT, &MUMMA.; Proofs 4if LAu rid titbit. reciolitlteo mtuto . out for oar. tfOr onatntiting lost Of, itnntsio by Are to properti /4. oared; fuliboinOtnnon artttt the iiittlonto oonAttiono, of ,goiloloo. of Inanranoti, tn *nob ; mum* an to ob yiat. plea iirtMOvtio,tdr•teduation, or Ittletimi, 164 to tbelintion atlifs'otlon Puttodexattontlon tiot ooltsouon of olaltno against Instirabee goro artiy..1011.444.1140 t battroot to consult, tbe un -4Atlgnta664ooo Aftor The ttro of poroiblf, , • . u slime for oosoultation, • • nal isutt 1 VNIII/PRISE 1 , INSURANOg 90144., NY. ~ , . i PIIBBNT 04,BITAL, 41.00,09.0. .. ~ . Allieilain stet Ittrastiul , lie acaaubliY inane BIA/Uallinkt I VIIIINITUR1; mid alß9irempo joiiiripu h vainet. lose or dunce, by'llte, ~ - • T irmit 'ltont4i Mortiltilie. Seeilmtles , Lim, sad etbetiaturitlaa on Sag SAO.; win 411 4 be' gi"ill'lV itieurel, is deeirmt, 2 ' - ' '' -'' ' ' ' aualorona. „-• .: V Ppitahropt StAIT I Efordemil L. Daimon, ' Bililllun BMW Gwen 11 Stuart, H i Nallto 'Frasier " ,Tolin It Brown iobn K. Atwo o d, , "' 88. , Pabnestollit t Berl T. Tredlok, `' " Andrew A. Ciaah, Wbatioo, , J. IM•eingitoniirrlnger. ,, ~ . ~' . Henry, .': .• ' l it. , TiATO 888 STABS, Pre..ident. INIBB,EiYa Vi r .. , 03X11; BeetetnEe," Teelposivry 0 fikee.-162 South VOIISTII Street, twill the completion °Lite Oompanyls Buileing ' S W. , 0013NEA FOURTH AND WALNUT BTO tc7.18-'Joe . , . , • , .. . , WELLS, .."'A r litrEko. & 00., • NI YO GI AND CIAILIPORNiA. EXPRESSAMD EX OHA NEIN COMPANY. CAPITAL /00.0,0&*. 90,0. 0-rIESTMITT STREMY. i °magma& leplttabxs hairs an the 6th sin ' S SON; of oath postai, , „ • NsTsg—Tsiit 11,3rie,. Mo. per lb glow Repress{ 60 rr 'ISLAND" OP - vim, 172CP1211611188 lama • by all the regular eteahaere 7 asy 4d, 14th, 17th, and. 27th of eaoh taostli. COMMOTIONS Slide on MAYAN ' S. with prompt re. turns: We coneign Io sin .. blends, P.C. itomballer & Co., Harem; -- IXO MING& on BAtt AsArtotsoo ) o =l'o4, EiAIDW/Cil ißlalleD3, and likrAgs, , for sale in ems to salt, • .MALIPORNIA.' adtiMitITIONS:. • • • Our BAN Pitoo/$OO halm giyes impede' at. tmq" to el; Pplina 1)1 ,Clidiroo2lll and Oregon,* antaP*onlit returns , etanufaeturere and maroheute melting sales for California or Orogen, can transmit their bills of lading through our house, and barn thaineoleee pall for on Arrival of the goode there, thus glib* parehessis full bon:mato( Ciao on ewes, and paid for, et the el ere Eaainteing co ntrol at their property until • — •• - " dn D:l )301,1,117; ~ 'AS:gent. ' 1 641 .16 4 1 13i'T ";t.: IPRESS TO ATLANTIC GIFT. 100 AL .111.8PR/1011 attitinreee Pro MA ,04441 . 44 and Atlantle Raft toad; tie as Min' ' Tho proprler re.hnere. also. arranged triObeok Bag. gage !Rot Hotels 'arid Bitablatieda through, to be de liSared /4 ettlabtio Olti. • wesim 044..1400p frotoßotele ,upd Besiderroes to Al the railroad debota IA the tuts. Patera. beggege, and marehaudiseoltdhered throughout the May. por • the greater - iwamambdatioh of the piddlo, /MANOR 'OPPIOEfi hare been eerabilebed where isalla eau be registered, tab% will rewire prompt at - Outloo k For pertioutirei Nati, airoulars at an, of the nriviott ontaati. •••- ••- • < PAEMAti & 1:10. Proprietors. QTRUP 11 01AliSSES.-250 bbd and Ws. 101 New York and Philadelphia Syrup for ea je l l JAM OMUAL 4.90.4/41/TIA West A9ll).kini •WilltibvWslgkt, P. r. Torrey, Tininer, Win. D. Grubb. • islf; - , • Samna p ; Vetillam ..4 lrt ,• • .. 7 1Pla„0.• 6444414, Joseph, Trotter. Itit#on;, , • • TheoplObviSulail 2 l6 - Mama& A.hoar; rsplet/ .4,11 , 014009,002, otta,W 'Akron., 2111.1441.'Ainhlv. 114=4 -04 Istisv, 0•0 0 ,0 K Rmbooer lish ohs 4if. Am - sr, Mtton, •^, , zMIGLIIR., - Prsildeni. 'RUNS, Yiei P•rit!t. try - = A 6184, 3AME3 FULTON, Ing;iraftes A dJuster xpreas Comiaquies. MN r, agnggig A..44 1 .440*11 R 9 * PTV , ' ` • BRziww„ F 1 1144ELPtil4.AitlilitifbiikaT4E"- •.4 0.0 r. x..." , , '4 ! 0 "Tlt' WittiN '' l ,l 4 l gaifiiißOAD 604 A.N . ollit. leased Oa. pr e pered foactAith,l9o3 OSIESTAX /11, i ttr: • IWAID OOMPAter 'are eto offer-, evens:fief ity, -for travel and the transportation of fiefiht betwelan Thifadelphlaand West, cliesterom,terms akresinnsable 7.1.5 cab be offered b.* extriitkor mate.,. Reasengereean • snake yid 'VIC' titroigjt. eeenby idle OS W 47 - eV* Hold, with esey7;assittaffNftlfatetY, 8, 8981 81 ,f. 'TA ac tO•it Us' 8 see lief 1 est ester, tail e est 2 leventh` hid bitaiffatV:dati y, at 715 A.. It .11&,; Mgt BoP.m: 1344diti, atB4o hf and ereVitibilif f esttflieiset , e(l be Mislead at the ' depot,. eer of Thirteentliiiiid Id het etreetil:`. ~ 11018-tf • 1,, • - I 'NEW , VAST "OIiES:- ' tat; AA D • .1/.11.411P#4.' A D **re 111914:‘ "., ____'''. , '''.' ." . . .1 , s , I '-' 4 .11.11ihtlia. 444NGElassuar T., ,5:,...: -..- ....,` 'On aaFf45.M,V1,29t1u1859, thil Tryiltur,,aygl., leave_ 'Phttida 'i,, - frpat ;ME Station, • ;i. 11., eoreet, at. IIIIfIEW .Irrr.exat aftall7 SiTsptii aa: . T. , I I D'I /.. 1 , 'A. ht.: sire 2 51.80, had 616-P3l. ,"•-,- ~: 1 !: 9 Leave West" 'Chester,' from ' the Stattire, pi' NAST, MARXISM Street, at 1.&1, t! 9, and 11 ; 80 A, *„{,AnS! Mid I 5 46_P. at' ', • - • . - -.- 'ON SUNDAYS—Leave Pklladelptilli at S A. M., and 2 P. 11411; liasVe:WesEakiatit'ilt..7.3o l 4l.l:lli; and dad P. d . •IA 1* 'T HMIDRY - AVOOD,.. Aay2B4B 3 i .01taeral 88parlatandant.. Foil; ?ME - BEA 6112611111 i CAMDEN 11,611) A5L4612101/AITIAROAD. Olirs 'TWO'I4.ISD Al5l ROOM TO :SRO ,02A ;Add Oiler 2.6.11711• D sad anti' tar. . 4 0 ° :that 00 . 05°°41 ftr,ttam° t° 4t l ,°°Pl 1 0' te tt" , ftletterreteelest:t Os; Itatti . 64, , leres,ylr ; Strtiat Ferry.l.llo A., 34 / , 6.4. op dm x idi o d., , .• ,4k. 344 ' p.)14. ' tBtoppGivicelf for wiod iitlct water.), 3'4 1 11 . 66 Ersta. (I•2lleroAsester rattselosl) 4 45'A. A5066161656t10`n • Train, (13pg , Ilettor,), leaves Vine - gteti? " ,L 121.6 t, 1'. 424 ATLA.I!TRI oo p. st: Pitai N*B6B, Trflh leaves - 00 A, ht. Beegndi 616% • _ , _ • • ' ' 4 44:11'.1.1. 2 1 ' 6 4b 1 `""' • 12.10.605. At reirtolit(Sa l lgainleaiehtnillertar....4 245?1.. 14.; ~- 4 1A111/01.117e$ZO'400021110DA''1.0N. Lesfes oelsverhi 7.516 t ' 11 : 00 . 6114: Lesitalt•s4baileld ' - I'oo VIC Leards,Ctoofielok Polio • , • • '4OO P. K. idetailleadenaeld •• ° 14%." 65:" Ysre'to Atltialle,,"vrhea Tiohetafare , purehais4 before hts efiteithasars • $1 80 241$5 , yxip12shetriircs.5. for tvri 56$spie ant tool& Oc'tram, • - ' 2 60' 41052.fier Jaly 2,1; arid order, tlattirdty thumb the &Wiser, the 11gg Harbor' A r eeirstmodatian raid "will r tt i l t 9thAt° 4 titittit'tE° l tetut° °"IY i°l Monday !reit t itvatt74 Millit , iFea tit poelier,ts , Rolla ,hy 1 iTI6I: I 4t 6542,h62.150ne11ge'1212 say rosss um " t r i 7 d 41 1 419 7 •4 1) ! ° A t r 1t ', 40 -4 1 ., &•' 2 4tT • /5•14:."' 71 . 1MADELIEITIA AND nginrse" EAU,' 1194 D, *OttpIINEF LIN for YoxTswataa, BEAD • - t'W*W3 - 1411,1488iT14,- - • ' poon6r of 'BISQAD VMS trifeta; 7.50 A. M., VAlLY,'Ociodiyi neiptf 4,) for 'POrrairAliio:l(4llßlM/44; ste - all Inteemedisto pOinti;OonneoUng ;it Ireirlatvw with trims woPPlol to Illt4byts . 4,olo43aboiablits;tisrlistki 80,r,' & 0., • I ' ' 6 rTZ4HOOS LI NTS ' 11 Li .1 mo atlollßll 8 BO P 't • . DULY- for, POTTIPTILL2 and ttla! At - s - 4b-Pr - M - - - r - Do.ll/7;-• ocirta;rl elo•pums a fur REDING, and intsrmedlstOSsilds: W. H. IlfollitilNNY. Boorobiry. Stimpuit NOTIOX:—OffESTER AIT PAILROAD —PAS If AW IRINSER•1•11511.1411•1011 DOWNINCtTOWN , AND 414 TiVALUDILTD4STATIONEL—Ort OM' N ottor,lst Jaun t 0%11ai85 94e , iseasspr WA* tor LIOfIiIeWN,, frilltat- 41 froth flfo :P ii cent it Potof of Abe : Nff Model,. awlfilmadlng• Railroad Conway. saner OS /MAD an& VlNAtOtroo ,tO •-• , • .• • • NORNIKe TBADIfot Itingoligtoorf, bans ikt T 90 ll'aralrealf TRAIN for D ' - 1 * ,. ,4t0 .. WINN 11LL tvkaidatre n ardor otitho.B4rdof lithsetta ot tkeinilll4lll Oa and Bs4loi ama Oompsay. dap * U. PiloatHaNarlpY, 8.1411,011;1/. / Mal — ialkolk PIRLADELPHI - A WNW WAIN& RAIL= =MIN 11017 TN to Elmira, Wilkes barrp„BriNalg, ttieago' ~'•Boak- l alat4; Niagara giiirratiier4 Montreal; Si. ge' i rlarrf ul ik , ' A114410 . Bergin fill.Taiul• - bsptity-aoraar PROI.b aart,V , INN ptsioti;diny. ataapted.Aaa - 1 30 A. M. DAY EXPILINM, : Niagara,' Ninan'iltritato; Dattott," Oblf ate Itilwaakee, gook : r 110, 4 , 11 etlloll, et.#102111; ark agtgq; NULtaile , ' -•-• • •• - gso P. , NIGHT IVIA138." ;If of , 211*the'ralls,' BriNaio n ' Damia n ` o Milst9i id 11 natio, Reapilwi l lialiput s ll,.P,4l4lsll,qrlo4mai ' TlhaT 8o t . M n and BA P. K. totlni : „tua.thavti3O MAIMMSBIMiNi stoptbg at allittationsimolo.: :: ,lo4l : s ionn&iffigaitiiiert," bane, Pittaiort n . Barsiatimi, ;ill;itiiticais - car,' Mi's IAOKAWANNk AND BLOOMIMICOMPP.AIISCIAD. • IB Iv" tbitcaTi.Pl spa -&yO4O. E Dap mots ilai; be riV 'A r t. lidarienaltusiMei (AO MI; tipith'ittilf: ,r)4 4 :T boaxilt 414,0/alit 713641:1"4"-FqCt?•NT' ger lisjiatioarast 1360 AD lad TT N. 'XMIINITINN.MX.PANNI_N)I 9HT TRAIN , . thai , l4/o,lficiad;atrootilkilovilrise, lA md #4 ,l lf • g t,w l l 2-P 4 ,*WE 9IBI I 71 4 " 4 l!PF?'s at 6 • "•- - • , arvirittr,lo ile:gfrd),#6o,‘2ltY,!ll{ll,,YlAMF, .V5 4 ',-rart!loF :Ad It ,Broil,lolP. , 8 .3 ••• ; ""cittiVs. TAI , 111;lianaild Atont,.. • _ .-N„F,4oiriar MF.Nt j inl clkiplanitpiete % -ciq'tt:";,i; iikk agiusa - ,„tgatopoll ,T.purrs' , . 800TH AND SOUTH MT ", 3 4A'2/4,AHALT/44, Villtnnlli '2014 Alit , D • - TIMOR/ HVOLOAD. re tit CHoleteelln now- be .proonmenc at,the of .thls Cempsoy to She followlarpellitaz , 1 Wl4lsgtorr. D. 0.. Tenn< - , Biolmmoan, Va. 1 24.14. -Petirebent.Va.. ObaltalPongb WWI* lArantr 4anatlon, Tenn. Weldon,-24,11: - - Aleomptile, Tenn. Hnotedlle, Ala. - 0 4 R-44 a• 0. Dalton, Os. ' Aempute, a. . : Ha. Inaiman•-ea. ' Colniebeut Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. ' -Mobile; Ala, - : New Orleans I. r ; Baggage okeetet to all the above palate. The stesmshfp IBABSL laves MIA/L/BTO/ toe ',HAVANA, on the 4th an/ lath' of isele month, inn offers • very desirable row* to passenger" for the latter port, avoiding Cape flattered. -Ihmr tidbits, or Infornmatfon - depply at the °Maim Of the Oompanyin 229 411t0A4iWAT Nor ' B foos NJWir TrUC 't ,00CHTtitillT,01reit. 14 . tor'. SIXTH - snit CWIST: NUT Streets, or BROArann •••2/111.1 - . • • 0.41.2/LTON Ere/dent /4; • ' • ' ' b2s4 iffititighat i t SPE MA , )3t ,, ItANNIMIANT,,.• I.I,MINDTDN, AND DALI'.I - MORE AUROAD, O 04 atter MONDAY, Apri/ llth, 1430. 1/40151N0N8 egtAiNe 1,249.11 PLULADELPRIA, li l°, 7 1 2 , 17 4 278 , hi, ,36 As 7 I•.P noon; ( 712 F 7 M0 8,2 4 } 011 Beater at t 1 13 A..' M. 42 pea, 4.80; 0611 p.m. eor ImiLegton at 8:16:A. 31.,11, 4W, al 11 P. M. • Per Der Oaatle a 15..14. 4 aal 30P N. Nor tiaddletewa at 8.1 4 .1i„ pa 4.30 p. • /or DoVer at 8 144. , sad 486 P. M. For Beiefor4 at IF 15 AM. and 480 P. At. ' TRAINS FOR PHIL angLeNTA Leave Dahlia!, et 6.30 ALM'', traprelli j ) 9.80 A.. M. ) 'wad 6 OLP. 151 Leave Wllaibiditati 6.55 A. M., and 6.20 ' A. M.; 12.44. and 8.20 p, 4, ' LW, Iteel Oaatla at 5.415 A. M., 811 0 7 taP. M. Lsay, ialdtatown at y tot A 54.. as 34 P. M. ve Dover et 0 554. M., and 6.26 P. PIN Peafor4 at 3.16 A, 14(4 sad 245 P„ , eave DAexter q 4 2.44, 960 A. Al l 1.30, ando D. I kea ve,Bpltaoro for Seaford and Delaware Railroad At si %nap, 80 A. M. TRAINS POE 42,70 , 16101t1. Lea d V• 02,1 1 1. M 64 4.14, 32.2 A apti II 89E. DI. 12ILeave Wilm s :Tito rit' 0:20 A. 61,1266. e Aid 4. • niND4I7, 5,44 tt rant ialdlaftbhla to Baltia ' at 3 06 P. M., from Baltimore to P10t . . 40 ,, 1tic PILDIGNIT TRAIN, 'with 9 , tesEnulEar,' A g stt i,6 44 , viltlrup a folios% X BB7B PAIIA 7 e I Pat 4 f° 7 Pe7 13 741 `74 and intermediate WINO, at 5.45 P. X. , . /maw .Wilmlaton • for Pee,yeille sad Latencalate pima at 726 V. M. Leave 111, Yrodo'griet 'toi Daimon and intermediate Oyes at 940 A. M. LeaTO Daitin'Ore *lt - Rana d e Grassed inte r mediate playa at 6 86 P. , • Lem Witadirata n fpr malaiplita ant Intermediate places at 6.40 B. 21, ap9 !J. YIBLTOIQ, Preitdent ,lam_ tow 1859. AREAS 01151ENT—IeleW YORE LINES w.M.51 CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PELILADELVA AND TAUNTON RAILROAD CO 41 LINES, PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOUR AND ,WAY PLACES, ' is WANUT-118181 IPRA.RY, Will leaf foaOwS, L , WARN. At 5 A. M. via Oannten and Amboy, 0. k/A. Ac commodation 82 25 At 6 A. N., via Camden and Jersey City, (New Jere ey) , Accommodation 2 25 Atilt A; N. via' Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mall 8 AO At 11 A. M., by Steamboat, Till Taisony and Jersey City, Morning Express. 8 00 At 2 P. 51., via Camden and Amboy, 0. ress 00 At 8,1 p( P Id., by Steamboat, via Tunny and ,11,7- 8 asp City, liipeolmtExproas .. 800 At 8)( P. 51:, by Steamboat, via Tawny and Jer. aey City. 2d Obwe Ticket 2 25 At BP. 11 Ile Camden and Jereieypity, Evening '- Mail , 8 00 At 11 P SL, via Camden and jimmy City, Night 2 25 At 21( P.M., via Camden and Amboy, Aeoommo dation, 0-frowitand,Psesenger,i—let Class Ticket..." 2 25 Wises icket..." 1 50 At SP U., via Camden andAitiboy, Accommodation, (Preight and P. easengerl—lat Olass Ticket.. 126 2d Class Ticket....l 75 The 6 P. N. Nall Line rune daily . ; The 11 Night Saturdays axcepted' ' ' le. Express Lines stop at Principal istations only. or Belvidere, Zaston, liemington, Ice., at 6A. N. and 830. M. For Water Gap, Sixondsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Strent:Bend, to., at 6A: vitDelaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. Yor /toehold, at 0 A. M. and 2 P. N. Tor Mount Roily ; at 6 and 9 A.'11., and 211, 43 and 6 P. N. _ MAT LINES Tot' litlatO1 ) Tenton, too., at B)if sad 4% P. H. from Wal. 'at-street wharf /or Palmyra, Delano, Beverly, linrlingten, Mor dentorrn, &a., at laadlk , P. M. SteliMbOlit Richard Stockton. tor Tawny at /1 A. M. and for Bordentown and intermediate places at 11% A'. M. _ • - Steamboat John Nallaon, for Tacooy at 8% A.M., act Sorttngton and' intermediate places, at 12 M. and z " • - • ' ~„.• TIN/ Mounds along* only allowed lath passenger: ragaddlrafli ere brObibited from taktag.,aayttlag aa bag gage,bni their wearing *owe'. baggage over My. ponade 16 be paid Or extra. The tompany 41mit their a{ l 6 be e for baggage to one dollar liar pound s ait4' will not be liable for any amount beyond . MOO, ex. rept by nodal, natant. Nino 1 , OATZhalt, Agent., ILLUMINATING COAL OlL—Warranted. -I. mail to logy for bellioncy and &mobility, and la skon-ex.ioatfa. hubrioaling OW Oil. 111311011.11. D & BON, OM* eon% Wham% r^-P-e , l,' • I 1,, ,, , Af ,, e31 1 ,.,21%:t..re.h1.11 . ...%•r4.'6; , 1.•Cr,"." 1; LT,I! —Mac, gt 44d,iiix•aciura4atrit,TII (YoutuorVxo.4eriat Adetlteetzster'e 1.; - • • • . OTOOBB / - 4%05551 t Tlevthog. - ri Inn" „14tki,ot hlt e AV the PilttelaildB,lll.-t.l . 0188 8 8 t19 7 Ket , er.l4le/hlitaater--- 5 ,• • . 8 1* 8111 114110.43e8h 4 .•1.1 olutreellreetnthat Itepttiveltreit' ando)-,' 4er s2oo—full pat& - , • )1411.*813 es atrßeakstiocki 5 '.'„'Alsoolo,obaram-Itud4tateAlltixtotio! .0411:pptrfeir AOak—P•a4loo If no. 81, Atelf.etreet . Preehyteirleit 41ktiteikaPt t : .)11114, werth , eirooet ;400/ , -; • - - ' ll fibize'PolllB *Wee Ruh 48eoeleeqi. e ,117,1119 abaclinte. Tars ThllAdelpliiillhe:ntontai, 0 1711121" a i ntarlPE1FG BAI4i=THIB' 'ranStEk. IFILL hialtidor,4om? , l'enetaptory BaIe—VALUABI4 POMPBETT— HoteI 4 , ndikfro: MAWS largh•loi;,hld'Litieastse rteripik‘ , Sensed' 'greet end' Plorida;ntoreek` Mae : •PliOldelphiy. , Latta lOW tfort ~ 4 gale atiointert -• ' -; - • t- mWO . R.PaIDENOPS/ Taw Mielle-Inert zott a tehat eindeeninvenanded•br-rialillagtot• a MiglaW lnanklbrieuath M draroaaonty onroe streets, horrptgleet MedPlo • • •=== ... - titimuatat /Agit ATM MOMMTMY 3 MMAS-107q1 Wu= *Stir hapermoinsata,licretbsal Meinelite. lik r ott;' .goroery amt.?, Pa , IS rolls* tun* PhiTatillya.Mi'l iteitbm Wiesalitakon etattoiljon the Mar* fons ,, - s. o. • • '• 2,2 ahippes street,. between Manentgandllittegittegte::•! , E•remptory hair._ 1 BtrittblNG Utile $bW If sit ,liblhodel p lcie liss 4 :Cotopliay,ool*MVOlNlibit;aaa' York *treats; qintereeg, • pieei.grato Aingogleay-neeond ,ntreetaiNfeatllilladelpidi": frrialeriginMele. at tha atuttlotratans: =•?•• •• •-• • o - = - .•'/AM 11, 1 4 3 1, 1101t15,4113i lye - irkentne,,stlintie *may. Seer lentay,-2 valise orike tattrogt , "pot, Aboenbst,nkid I niiiitttatityAtliimEs•Oleri - pWSLLlNfiAllDSTlaul , Tialefi• ling sal pstinitilat 1140teest 4:llorri and gateoandelfroadland7MthtoesrliCaleastil • P 4 remPborY , Mil•Lerliaili:BTOlLY ~ 1 110.10S, D WIltV., LING -Fo s SOth Arnie, 'anal% `et' OK— den street, ShriogAitilliti;4 frr• AM, abiolste. +mamma Busmen liTAND•lthrwittirr bride iktomand.ditrelliargoinelntik. stable. dewtranakebnanr hf Market and Teens's* stmts. Terse front*. JACKSON' nTlMT.. , Mero•idnfArlak'direllin 4. Perent • Aide or, laglluion street; bet*sifietthiefAuterl , 4 " •ingten, nod Tenth ant Maven* atreete: • corrmia zsg - lcurr • Onstratiz-Noi• •twa-MoiT . I frefek ketkigo,'aintheast 'wiener M Mignolle" sod South • Walnut inteete;Weirtthester P. •Lot too by 460 feet; Two fronts. SOUTR 'PROF r'oralurtwiphil.. , stoir, hriek • direr.: ling, No:: 100 Prithirront, s#l, IPa4 BMW* IFtrastx, • VALuskim BTABLI , PROPSIVIMI:.fwo dinging, 74. , glektitbricit .between Woad' end Oal awhlll, lot .to by . :112 feet (sha• blingforla fir , - h tr, IitaRSHALL -11TailiTI=Meat" oneheralerallineeMO. 4i9 „Maraud!' stiseti between Teplazwind3tesadtMilt: MaN I MOIMI,PARK ARM MOSIMTRY SMAT, Mae' Great Valley,'Obsiatt eanittypote lane frame's; - Motion' on the Ohester Valley railroad, and tett nine; boot n Mahon chitin. Raiding tallrolV iO4k iimefiarivimemOr. • • ' • . . „ ftrainir-TtuaDTi ltr Will lailada ,era- Sicts-I.4urrit time; "lnpbere•Oottitleder , ..Refetti-oVßernan Olßailleen, coo CTRRIZITIVRT ,ed Milton: offeet; fbetiiiira sBlivitith , ord3Tweltthp inns. 411wletlen, sod Camenteretzbete leaf m9sensimalte.,.,f - iptikinktorp , Bales-Ilitattirc Beth (loam dOld, - !LARD) AND:, , TALIIABLIL , IIIISID.IOII3II, • AROR sTamer, between 'Twelfth endrildeteenth oilmen A*, 1214 ;, ne lot ft' 40 - ofeet frost,l76 In; depth' with Oalen, eorob bons. end elegant Mon saran.- , file by ardor Of ,Ifelrer-lnlete late of Abrekein Delner 44:wend 'LAWN; AND. VALI:MUM _T A OT,: OR 134.0 T• 0 • LAND, 26 40DR11, Ittelemondefeeet,;(forenin Pchnt4 no• Point res6).'Twelity• third 'ward. Wolf have {mute co six other Mosta when opened. o NALLIABTID n'x-story *ink ',fore sad dwelling/11a. 214 Non Noodle itreor,- , between Ban and TAO Ntrfail. Ear iMiqldigt. pas sedeoW. , . •:,,A ;;:/ ,o,f WarThDine LOT- south Woof olniatladetreet, be , Life. * Twelfth , and Tblrldentk•fdolete;olate Royeomio, Par tonOilsid-AllstAleot4lnWAns• L. Polik, .afi*LUABLIFI)DIIIIOI/1111$TAINDtt-threfetetery brick ire sododwomediolliwelld , "NbrliwPonnfroteet, ' , tweet' ObetrY nal Ran etreefel , oetoo '‘, anine, Rendo.*NILIVUOTINITRUDWILLINQI-14o;- ,141 9 , Addbrortstreetilbetworrillebteenarliold BLdso fiefolhL ord sbeete.o". 11 x•eutores , nal*.aatateo6liattlibrihalibilseustit: , 16011661we10 STANlkl,eTturgi-sforr'infelf for bet. and N~ren nth e een .11 Ind ii51 6 14. - .1141 'Nona s vv r o, a Ptioh Attie 'lritiCalrainsViazigiai vein: OngltinT WN.="4.mili(Ole "thw*El'er.hfrflers*eg earosidewei- nib 40 feed' frootilol.4o,4lliligiv - • • 1 Raft vAtollitar - Ott- WITEI - TOUR t Nna 8131;feeton rand 460 feat l':16 eyeing 261;yeet.'ors Nerenly•yourth egeetfolot '..%7 feet 'On Tweet-path strain,Zweekriatit woad. 82 11010741111.8,11T-,,'Zin titAft . fe•titito brick dwell. PrftWiltt"..4o44*%litk West'&Wu/olio:I-tot ildis Vail Oreet.-betraen unity and ',tree* ,Pialektord.t -11440:180,1oi Norma Jutti twigs pan* wells, bottherair eeerkei;or Stivietb *lnt frd - A 12(+ teed dietii 7 1reratrw - - - " • I.llllQle Or .LAWDi ika9o - ' derea„Kornt . Taboi,' testa OraatY,-11a4Isid;13 :idles trot* dditeadiead to hove tbellbaJeebtrb Bit vet , ) - ziewr,mormapi anismimuseatio id !!!! , n th bSeY b 4 1 14 . 11. 4 6 ~01 14 0. sompaleastes.- Bata • No. al. MILT NOVIIIIOULDt1111114n13111; ) 01111 0 1 1 ,9 ; V-rj Tide - • - 14th 148kistit welett. at9e - .lllllrB'lae Weed, the bette•hold furelttue; pattlitemb, *46 *OW 41311,2 v 0 br od , was* • 5 4 r t g l eOlte, - PoTe - ! tart- - - f ma irr, 2 4 .7',62040 1 1 "/"F • - -" NALlll4.iddiddirr-d: Amu, Ateasr..,, r kt il t i r44.lo : : to, pls , acye l tai , l , o - , tota l r2z. 7 . 1 Ara e i 4 ,14 at ',VW Chriattesdar: met** Oars, eau ,beveel4 ;rate Itbrair, riersadidos radiadde sad araargard ardletakc Ps YariMl rebigets, togetkee witkAleingold-sat - vti ks , 'Until trot* Sea liquarefeditlone: • Also.rmeefeel tratlo.aaera of earadeat,ftlfirPdastik 'gold watolto Add *Oat 4iral gat 4140,;-i &e.,,by oplee of exerdtar."-- 1:r Ch dal oda ea 101 l be rawly , edilte:besl,7angel fat examtrattaa pa. 140.1441 , mended. ' -- " .7 _ ,- y Wral ASS - Pranklin street: • rrt OPAWCUI - .. 10051213111. lEAPIE0111,11AZI.Z211 : OP Wednesday Wining, " ""' • - rlyssls,ols at 10 coolookiat lio.r..ol4lyraisklin streas;' , below tiobbt, kniparior tonatior‘topeob7f is; fine. -zataresses,":& l 34 ' a giatleinan; pystaikr-In, goy sal be imagine, ite B,Voloitk an Os marnlingise, e. r 4 10 0t - 11/000 box "re, b Beanoileaboa. _, .. . . BALE OF ItTBONLLANEOUSBO9/cB. .; . 011 , WidoesdAy Ev.an A ng; June lan k at ther Anotlio; store' • s ooptopott of sato" collanoone booiro,'oOpO. t i, oo loo, &e.. o. '; -' JD' For F ogtotu o r o oco ootslog o oo. , ~, „ , . Pais it "Noe: lit am - Botak.i itraat. 14OPEN1011:110101/T111234 =PLATI,I I 4.I3, Roly3; P.4.11(04011.2.11.,81114111314..CARP1T5. rt Ait p 641,14, - st,Aaa itaatian. nor% 'AA simorobist id a l at aacataa-laguid.:4aznitax44. abliPlaa Pat>. fortemOtai.alltloiv. ; moat*, etc; 'Alma tandum katiketegidagrrl4l.Mo 1 4, ilkoo yealaaas of , , • ' • 'Ataa, , a* sothilks 6440 . 007, Wald with = = Akio, *a elloatllaaila baakipmaxama ;Abu I with inarbla. - , - I aafaiahsre atic. - , , = Ala% mlutatnre , AM P. „ ; • Also, very fine bronze soo:, pArlia t figured. gleam. o set or Tor/ o ',;agasitzloAly.aat OAR 'w* 4 4,. 200 Ai") 'al N , Aladia aka dinner aat. • • COLDBOTZDA OP TA! m ba r wy. - • • : ' PAINT/NG& • - Ou lrlday Motnt - Joao 17tb,"at 'the ¬ion eta. re 6ll ,Bloe. 289 and 141 Boat% loud'* street. aornaieaol*.iieb 11 debit, w i l l b e fold a obleable, pOveta eope• ot I , fr a ilidup. abiding o lendampo piloted tn lody-1418.12i.f0.: Dr. Klag ; (way P olB r Bll of in MI " 141°11 ' '°°°", Oopely. 1782 ;the oblebretad pio:gre of the /oat 000rO, by Weenher4, lOne B sotlog 2°°'° " ° ‘ °f fr. 48. M, exBlbltad at the, a,: .todookr of Pine Ax 88; •••••- 1858; 801 l ratally, by Re iolignea Baphetli,belBll GOY of otated Poi celebrated ,plotayells. ,"" ova of • Or "ohm's depart:or& trom Tillage by Elreati,4lth about 84ty u: Wading_ several modern Englleh polntlogs, rose aod ',torte, b) the Old Masters. rbs - M04.010444411 be arranged for lnspeotion deo litejlouil to the. Kali; with aotalognos. Paloat No. ARi North Ninth Arrant. BlP:qtßyoB,,yuaNtroArf, 11.08AWOOD PIANO, MIR .O.InP/ATly PLINKS, &n, - - Po lfritbsy Slornins, June USA, at 10,otolook. at. No. 423 North Ninth Wort, Aboro.Willott Arent, by Catalogue. the onporior' prior, tbintsg-room,And thamber Inroltura of a grin tioroandsolinlog honookaolang. er..tha,eabin o t furniture mut made .to order. and ottkihrtt Mart wad. .do Mey,be examined on the uiorldiss of sale at 8 lock. ROOMS ON muemoir—Ap COtaT ply at the auction store;.; AT TitITATB BALL.-7.4bAns-la.fhi'PillAdelphis ant neteentlle:LtprAquiAAA AthimianwA. eriitilritJgobarcri, &t. E GAR MERINO, . „ 140 BOUTR I 3 .'lPRONT'Street`, offers for isle, from • More and , Bond, the following favorite Brandt of Salle Nnava Ziop. Regal . liners itiep.',Gonoltaa; Light Guard Entre Anton; Amelia, I,odilooe, 4 lfsbajae, Lon dr**, let, 2d, and 2da g Garantleads, Brenttandoe, Copi ng** London` Ospitols Oorollea. - Iglordse. Zarenens, Clubs Patria Londrini,ll.llbio Londen,Bino dee, Breves, Mlle se aperite, Beliani 'louden , Boum LondOn Vino, Prinelpna, Manilla Olteroote. „ - 250,000 Pon'„,Tr. D A 6. 1.04E-8707'iiii, perloe breeds ;Imo, liepanole, - Golden irk Petrie. , Velionves, lrlgageaneena;l4",': UP 1 4 44 , Catena'', ' Partner, ' - Caden,"&o.; In 1.4;1.2,14 end 140 boxes, of all slam qoalltlee, bow landing frem tiWavithortea Bvitahto,” jun arrived from Hanna , and for sale low, bt. CHARLIE' TETI; 10 WALNUT Street. I_II"AVANA SEGARS' offered to and- at favorable Naos, 6r various sizes and brsodia,,' lioludingPartagas, (labium, /ipso, 6i0n0,.131rd, swath:is, lyire and Pasties. Also, Paper Began, 'os StliPitaff MUM POLO,— 218 South 11)1014T ,t. 00 D, COAL, AND', KiN,IYLING WOOD: .TANNE't a iIOOATBSATUD WHARF,' Nave constootly on hand rga arid Pa rior a rticle of PINE. OAS, and itfoXo.ltl WOO D uand, having completed oar arrantements, are' pmporod to mi. the WOOD BY Wfilitkid ?comm. , - ham also on Land a superior quality of Lislito.ll.• 00AL. of all sizes, seleeted with care Dealera arid Consumers will find It greatly to that;, advantage to paschal* it ladling Wood of no. jet-8m , LY (oatim-! PAGNI),_ JANHASY ISCIB64.—In consequence of the frequent limitations reesitotiby me to renew' the ihliniteute of toy tthampaitao Warr to the 'United litatee4 beg leave hereby to infrnm my format eon. , !mums, and the poblio" ,fn mineral, 'that I hone ap. pointed/Wm. Y. 0. 80.010inlit, ANOiIIS, 00.,. Sole Agent& In the United Staten, for. the - was- of mj Obstopligno Wised. My Milatti have! been lo.lotic ant faeoribly known In that:ilted Matey , it :will be on. Amour, to comment on thett quality, further than to say that my new thipmenia efj,4 in no way be found ;xt-- futon to the termer, one& „.- ,- BILLZHANT SALMM, BILLIOART SALMON'S OHANPAGNI both OABINIT and IrEgurar, tor mile and eon., Madly' oil hand:lo We' to cult 0, BROUWIR, ANOLfIN . / 00, ap27411n 61 BIAVIII Street. Bair York. HERRING, - 250 bbls. Plokled Herring; ALA oleo, 250 barito smoked Iforrlog, for Ws by 0. 0., host. OADIJOI & Olb s 418021 doer 'son " _ sitlff IPPX IAPIND4449EPANZEISV•PMfik4,-;') sprmipeateerivulDvAssu r xis, sAIA, 21.4."sorzter" orarrimit sad aaroffanf. , tingna Obattsrat and Wahnttattiato: - rAzr OARRIA.G2B r ,„At.l.o6,4ibmkr ono sidirs tiollsellqAtt,duointPlt p, poatitskostarOlikat or . t . ajakoithatAkaannuminisOl ,--1 . . ,01011 0rttplin ... 4 14403 11 .40471 R•Twaißctrost4opost,- ; ‘, -31 : 11 ,01160101110111#1 - : - 'icit::uouitiorror tarty ompoic-vwfmoitt,-• lifoon.lll, And , ftraf- flitaitia" • !arawariarickstravorsiorsoursatir,' mss-ookmrprotaiarrimsonisra, at: • Oa - 15 1ht . bY PWeiciao, flO Vilna, wUt IN fold atltOntal 13164115ww. gradilig : ii :tall"1.01-#19rtiMA"-!" t ,„ • • Cambrits,,Abil tittaliirtiodisai ' 1.6.3050t,;• - i:1„% t• . - =The satire beloaaa of a mast fiaportatfon;alo amp , beftera•atiMisaa fa tab =4O. _ f•';LIN3Ift:01,11100110 HANDLIIRiburn. - „ . flooluilod 4i0441,' tant`i* 'tiys • bofdir '6 rka}a- RH P atid' , aorpstated-bonterlfaskwaii,ilo kotolasafa • Irp fAilfoa!zlifmoh;ezobfddarod hialkozekalivioileat= #frfirador•;•;;, , , r exprifAimar. ORO, also ; - Swat id, fa 01ali ,a- firefin anon - . cant, in la . Toni of I'm:it/1 1 -I.OU faapAllaykk, sagqoi4-._ a 50641. ,31 1 311 1f011 , 11 , 41VISILY: - -_ • • - Also; allieptlfafaet *Meal flowara:-• •- • Also-016k blocada_aadrmlk:siia•tiobrigliklpoleaola; 111,1 •' • ;• -&. . r11.4=0.1 , s - It etomputarttt.tutt- • • • - • ~•.‘ •-• • •^RIBBONIO;DARAtift: Ras of.„.e.sltistroCtibill6aar'dstatoi,'plitsi-s.ii 44.0,001e* Whit;TßlntwattO_B-- - • - • , .14A fOttsdi and lintSlciiiteClmadri: „- - YAHIi • - t d - IftW; 41011 i000OlialiTik . - Also, a Uni - Pstis Silk Illift)fdiAliii and abort. 4Usdiasi imrcriso bf ,••,. •.•`• ••• • aspg (.074711,&w /mow:, •June .1111,,k; will 2 tsi - 5.04,14 :OsAalpia•-•, on, •st,ervalt • eolnminalsic at UN oNslocK,4-xiigwirAwierams4 ktitsw-soodkaqshitiddeit, itid- =topes bo:anotsonnts Mad bore 110: ' - • mar.; And:Vail Ateassertat , vs; auytattiqn Nr 7 ekthe mantes of psis • - 1• • . „ - - IL7SARELLS 2eII3SLIVAITOTIONNIMR. stuirlC - olove 4 1 / 20Thw o.i1ssaesIJLI 0r 514111. , 21 Sal iLL; 14.111VIPLIGIIr 14311011$1•Intintliii the jiii4"Amird*,.** dßa•dtfidbudfdlf - ACdrhsy de. kildtddoWtdie es; itlldite,rararoodui v No.. 808 litadirelidnoort. „ , 115-- ruultdri; , rfelyliPlidneoddlo litt4 Mir* gitrriddgdoie I.otree!ook4. iccr esiciaair,sabrai eilltrialk4b4gUe.' ---, - 1 , doh at No.Pd'illioiwt,lriessos dimwit , ..-- -- OTAIDJOII'IIIRNrIr Stltlrrel/14040ATIL itifilligif . Hifi% murang, VIOEI Q/BATtikitf: _ itt•,, lOUs indois 4 et l i tokkiek4,sdigo;"llll , iffietrreirlio ~' lots Wooltlorwo ,sdatot, ," Wolk Twolfskstrsot; II a, !dd. illokrrewoofl lwrl•rtaralloreiLsoperlor- u t "4 '''IdMPAI! thsralz.l l l44.filetlos loons tores-e : tOrtqffeerrlref,Briuwelo;sidd fors% lsorgwees etegant nerd!' plate mate!' m irror, minter, rosewood Thar - ... MA* ' seorotaW , d3lxklesisi, '614 tyritatsof V4dry., Aida; 4 . e,; or a Beitliwou3rovlng Ow' ear. 3 -,' , !ID- May be • isodnod it "I, koNstalgiontlti mimii , ng ' Ptale. -,` - '' `-. -= 4 `', -',.- =:•4 - 0 L. M.:-4.- ._., .-..., _.,' '' ' ' ittii's't NW OS isi4Vit • Etirmq. — , dpi.ISION W a LNET AND' - ROSEWOOD, , ,Ignim , , 1 -1 , 1.- ..:;:.itills:lCASPll.l2,`,"„dit.l. ,, ,,l - ~ , I ~_,•_.,- . '„i, coll.Artdpowtsd Iftradig.,-- ,-, ,'L .- , -t• , -- , itipyklMill *A 1 . 040 44 2 k; at4a*lotyrisani,* 4 . bil . '. iip141:4'1670 PS 0kkr.a.1.40.54:4 at ara,rriquii. , ' ip , Id finkltire... - eenetil.l4-it Mipplor Ativ,„i i i, taaq .„ Wed peisii , ididel,"drersfog blivr.". ... tams .' ble.toyvastatandiWwiiitalitli cowe'' .. 4 .I,a ~,„1: bloi, aribtia4gar MI 4i miettkitetiibc' e s v p si pas , rimire-patattaamailanaatanis-.o::kra aittaalasi taVa. , ' 61; 1 1•11sLIta , _ ,-5 , il 2 , ~,,, .nat...,-.-. - ..-e- ~ ,t,,, . , ,-, , 7 1 . , ""4111 . 7418, 10na k intr - ifit:'!' Aim,. TrAn3., o gi .lt erf rilt:talAtiliAlutialti-of isityzed ,- ; Assod, ur:attirs. . -: ' P i ff o it - lrOßßritiitutia-sooDs., • -, - : • s' kinfrind*rnul - tiltalinittrimirztio4 Oblialligig or door el M-tielorte; milk - briblisey4" fabo; , optis ba=se;' " ea Imatt , slotbso.tousti,sa'aisortibent Cl boasts, piwpolfow,•kdirlWosetbrkt. sttenv,,4l; oi,' , • . - 1 kel 4 1 i1o4 1 R11.ENIS•t, f ' , 3 Abls, Mak aaliall'Acka_44ll-: "'n --'= 'a lU t lntSZßEV:Blinnair_ s'. &l:ii):' , IL' , - • '-11170i 4swititorarr ST111111,:: ... i ,, , 1 1`; - ' li&I.W-07 781110011., GOODS, -' ' - 12 Jana lith, at 10 o'clock, by oitikrili otaliiiii , P d itln - ~,' -;- ,- s. -1, - e --- ' •er:-, - . - : - ., ~ - .L. ,,,, ::-11 , ..,1 LM0.,1 401 " o '4 1 4 AM * 4 1 -,91 . -0-AttlC I Tfir 114040i0 0004001410r*Iiiii*,410idikil r." , ... ~, , ..t.6 ,;;....: )1, , ,,1,.4 1.,. •-',.. , ,- .. 7?. -:, - - f_ , ~ , *,girartni , ,Aoo2l9l9ratiti,ltoi, :- ...Sae 11 4szn , 0.31.tirseat'Xicile JAM ~-,, ..., , ,,:f . 4 ,,,,- ~ 130 Arrpluroo9ollMtinitiPAlA,Al4,*i '-'-Preorimictoti., _._,.,._,,,,, ~ ,v,-4-,1,: --.ftemoid it , 6 ,- s 0, !-,.., 1 , - Jane 14* at 10.-coolidi fivvidoo*lirrtt 'ilr'''"ai-lii lat iloclui Oar ~ J alliklii**11 4 :11 1 1O~,-fi l u- 6 4iv * bo d , i4otki,goi;_nootorjr" , illuokodooLopeliv•iikti t ..--k.‘", to Oloiortlitiptoisk or sifkolooLlirkomP fko r . 06.1"- • Atol . ;-"sit iii - Ocoescia rior s i44 - 44 - ~! eiataßlV, POillthrs - fat 00.4/KlVoilir,!4----r.-''' Mr: , °"" l °l, Iti".s. ; 4 4 4, ot , - 1, 4 4fL4 - ',=-W-; - • l ikiiii':; . "Y - Z . 1 1.. P -, - . -,,, ". .Lt-, -,,9t,,,E,1i - -4- f %Alii4'4.lo-Ttirorti=t I; - Pi !" "A" ? .. 401, 1 6 41.04 0 9kk:0F04 if.p : _, i .g!iii'..l'V, ; -; - 4 - - 7 - .:- . -.^7 4 : ,- .;7 ., -. - - ,- . -, 7 -',..-",.-",•:'-- ~.:: . cliEWOka=llolwi - i1....if boaiprist3T-:,!":*41 , :.i . :. ,-„Z•1 - 4(.4 - - t r lr, v -fli *ON; Oko kolkMkoltallOotaiiiilO 6 44reC ' lig - " l ltilatattlionOtolit*ts Ofovarlligoi " kr. bfaosoits; goo** 410 - 1,- -,, - -----. ..---- -.- , - - -'i --f. :- - • 14141Witilira t i . 44 4 - iii 4-. 1 4 4i - dr :' l r lina ' ''' ' , Ohm s i stfatenorilittlioNop_itin4ortlifinta *flank: Fos. trent poot otoitV , oloititueitikiNeblisitai ‘ - iii . „ CIO+, • Slta.•'i'h4rtadt7 Iv„ lltlIBIONO.4. „ -., „ a'7 - Nia , indtaur at - 1 o'elelt, , at t- P01f0014 4 Margo toll bool 4 * ' 7 BIANWILII-WOMMOBT --- 11.14Thannk,- i iihi c " , ;boot') I VS-taaatcalftmak haildtad!yiatid ad AnStb ;orltio all :WWI, olfttolattattaaa lastio alit,,v72lli tfortlolfwitatistfa *oat, tb Voll*011t; VIA r''. , late ;radar totlit fest treat by43lNfdimi a ira2o.f. ; NIL? IteDINUS - ItanDiaiOli Weak, . up- AG( ;Barak Slasootlatetroat, fatolabadtrild tb , ,, tootototaa, aod la ootaplotot ardor I' lot ••7 jeg.ggrgost bit perscoptoTy sslit of the I.:illy:Air; im biu“ ; ;. ~-. 1 • -sl,llo4—biod And ...41,0e. f, sl,2lpe Olt lot at gromod, northeast earner or 7f-- - sad l ie Itoeta, Germantown, 120,feat ty.ljr -`1 , 4 . p eremy , aMr cop. , ~ , Pale • - • * 8600 —Band rod toe - 4 1 7 f0i , so w 0 ,,' ~ th,,,,,,, r i 0n . ' brick " "g e 14441 'r ray% tuid moth olds! orelliad .aototrao, stator Soy' " - • -7, •AltllO !treat tot 40 Soft by 80. * -'---•• Peremptory g ala.,:. ,:" . RI. 000 -A.' ' '- ' - - ...id 'and mortgage for 11,000, see inal 1 4 7 mi l l tiz a r ur. ‘":.nt4t *so; wr oat of a lotag=: , se4to brldt tborodradsp a i . l ' a A-t - 0 ", 4 Coral armor. f s : Poromptory Sod*. - • r ilet,4oo,—Oround.reat of $B4 }or- ansour; Italleldi la's. of lot of groood ter! 114 s of Broad street, rm.*: el r.,ngqttekseana avotrol., 44 foot bJ Isrdeop... 8 1,0004.-Grintod.robt 0 160 per . almaiM /waft oat of lot of ground sontkoaateolg olde of Bioir su tra, Mom Brldgodatito. SdootydatOt wood. -, - t-__ ,- • . Juddaleattgabod A.O. coons; dooatod, torßalF., 1 O.Alilk-LJ: bf. Outarool & Sobs' adotlosiOtitA of bold rag sales of Real Istits, Stooks, tr . „ moo, hougalsold feraltars at d ,istlltogs. - -• . - fry- on cue Prrvata Bale Raeder: wiV, &Ivan ba found & vary- Urge amaiud. *MI6 thalObig everydeaariptlan of alty as_rautrypuw a nty, - - • 1. , t":0IIIIIM- IN ptu% • :„ • t Ad. 1 196*Llitt itabet;,below : 'tt If A. TUANtit,'A • cnosKER AAA , App comuleateN IIiNfiDNJ9I7, 8:111. some BINA% AND NADI fittoote.q - MON.EY TO, 2 OAR. ifoity to toes., in tank or sinsifailinimits;cal taet abandiee Lgeneri//y, ftect on-102 anVelea of rang. 'an seems °err oat ***but donors' . two po tiest:ips montA inotaiiing atm" &aAt Natjmoit Psutolis Ittabltaittooot, 8 At. oorner of, ' UNTE. Asti SALON IN- XTBUO 7 AMXIOMORARIAIR, '2tONIIIIII - - 'HORNY M 110111! II i 1110 *.e7tibernILY Limbo* hi' /pm cetrisdratnemetii, fro= one` slope{ to tdo . r!,t/ cwa wi too told led onticridoto, .diamonds, vratcher,tdtry, fowling-pieces, . okuloot Isurtratnooto,rtiroltriro dry coeds, .olothing groper's& Ova, Ruder's* =garb books, kapies , kV' ISt* ea& itrtiolos of valsoi firr - any length of thoo WWI /fahtopie Pr iespef :Rtrabfishineat, woathinireisoraor of- EttXtleWed- Rade "basin. , PROMISSORY NOUS, with endettral, dlreountodit , the larrootroarket Mom • - r entr.IIIBATAINS IN WATORRS, ,TRYPERR, ST EIAL.I; - it NATHAN P RINOTP A L 211TABLIB8litlINT ;Lk IL Omer Of 81:Xtliand R&M Struts.—The followintiozitelas willbO sold for le,oithan WMe oroal dare woos: .Irjoo..irdd. Egon& patent fan ponied and plain, of the most approved and bawl awake, la bunting, ammo -4x61 .donblo bottom id, lino gold es c ap e ment iever and lepine tratchWin hicatlmp ease and open face, ems of thou( extra lißloiroakk and -beet Silver liagliatilpatent fever watches, ea ceptnewnt least and lepinee t ia kanthra owes sad open, Stee n some very superior: ingllsh, Swift, Wench, sash Qoartlat ,warchea I Sae % - vest, fob, neck, anfi childrn , ' akainiq - Sze gold penal Omer' sad pro/ tosorletrOxosortplos, itnatervingivecx-rinifsi "tut my dolltOse, and Jewelry generally, etoportor Urorrook gro. et $l5 per thotmeml,- ht boxes of brgloweli s will be "alei by single box or quantitioi to kilt, protium., ~e-mboss mboss farxwarticlat t ßa., Re.ohti. ,„ - , A'r, , ' Mda superior Ore:freer ':olosot t , - foot tdo, 1 7 , a p f_! ,' Also. *Mai shod jewelry of "Tar Y d. ororlotton. galitmlinfier y Is SALMIAND„ ia sAFEs. . • . 8, WV' Sig4 , 0 _ .. L ateot of . s , . NYANB & WAITONI P//I ".DV i at,ln. MAN,IITAOTIIIIO9 4INANOIIt SAL ,113 VAULT .DOORSi pi, -M 7 . , /or Bank' and Mont. • . , -- 7 / 0431 .', , Equal to any _now In Ise. 'MON DOORS. gRIITTOBS, /kn., On an goo 4 toms as any other establishment In Ms United States, by ' - • - NVIN4, fr. WATSON, No. 95 South rolnxTu ittreet, Pidl44elphla. &ulna, II 1111711, US A CALL i?RUSHESI BRUSHESI BRUSHES-1 2,000 desalt Tied Whitewash, 1,600 4 Bailed 2,600 to Ilandsornba. - 1,000 " Olultpe, - 800 " Damara,. '6,000 cc Ehoebritabee. - - • Far ° l a;° - iQwW tkilka ' iax L1( . 1'4118.111 ' thw by - O. soxtreenw - ; a . 2 Forth TiElißts Street, below Arch . IRILLB & SHEE TINOS FOR EXPORT. smaainen. .sLua DRThr.s. 'HIATT & MST BHSSTIIi6B, . Jitultable for 'Export, for IWO by * - , 11 0711.1NSITAN & WYLLB SositAt ittg.NT S T _, Sa .L.SITT - IA ST: '0018.11.: • -. • .. 20PALE ROPE AND_ TWINE ALPllleed lind for Isle by %Bevis, JTll,ll.lk - 00 jiro,' Mt Nooh', Atrial end 21'3101T11 . • _ . 'U A M S pieces City-nooked Elam sad 13fouldsra she, M3O pieces extra eetax-Camd Iteens, for sate by 0. 0. IIIeDULS d 00., araU titrsts siroadl ikws stare front k 4 Q'~ROI:3IDERS.-76 bhda. Dry Salt Shoal. dart, justraerlyed and for We by 0. 0 slza34 4 QQ., AMC 14x•et, mead Um almave boat 09,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers