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Dl~Lslle 111- 41.1 . 1.111110A11e wntDow GLADE. , , tOtilwities EL.EZVIAN'B._C3RA VATS; _ . OP l 'll# ll 4XM . .stiot, below Seventh, AY'S% TB • wALBO & OP., il l4. ' ,t.#o; a 4 4*, .00 1 T; or DMlofr liiv* in* to the,' art •' WNORZSTZBAt.IO.; GEgTLEREN'I3 I /1131111111011350 MORI ' 7 , Law; 4 •-- - - ' -Wilrf , PPM/SWIM' L OWIT . , St:Nil/AO " *.t, 4.14 laiitt.lio` 705 Ogic*Slll , li" agpo ,•• I,lafiala Wadvislon -, :„ALAIRISORRSIIII val - eafroia karadii* lib • Par mood *lama** " quiWst As& Manufataring tk 'Ordialor ark" of !Mite " a Ft ehlte'l4ll6~ lioU43ll:' , Whtiblia* -Wadi tapplialt eh IBMS ^yt .13414.1 y (~ . ~ ~. 7 vitß9N--1101V8TBAII!:BA. T., GENTS : biCto*E4 • p - CHESTNUTtit Ea!? z F ' ` 1" . 4 0 046 Yr ii. - 4*l - 6. - 4 - Kifpitikti iUI 1w roipla at this — Polintii4skmato. , Ecioilicr,w4issxs. 'Ow al i tr:stoe• Noss nt.e•iy: self eleicuit Eaton ib of . Ie.,100 . .41 1 11(1 . ete.l3ollo, f~siee • , naryindtbmi, and 0 Os mat LOOLTSG Grokssig Iti P . 1 9 0 1W *040414 th o rUiC4lll 9 ll. lholtiliti,ol,4l4llB :tfiluat *A. b,thatl;m l4 moat 11441"61 !WO,: - 'IOOICMG MAIM at t sk sr• nisairpetorkt ter ciusetica to oar I.OOIING GLOOM LlULllCKtlytriall WAIMule • Leisnoo tot otaiitry ,4811183 EAR IA 40 80X, , 815 011,58TNUT 81 . 11.11111 T, " , „ .PHILIMALMA. tu 1. V it. fi 44' l'.4.4icr:;-.e.IVT4.- ".4 ittititt; ips, $9. Yvpi sows.-008./113. , ~iO.l 11 x j . 1 : L ' . % i'l ••=i--1 *, F, > 1!". . .=, , •-- -- ' , -„,. K. •' .. 4 •411 .‘ ;•:-.- -...,....,,,-- ,7X.54 ' d .. -•• ' - i. ~ ,4. : :,. ~ . . -- - ..- .., • _ ~..... ... . , , - t", . ..,... .. 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' --; * 4ll 4t .' ' ' •'' '' '.‘ • ; ''.'. •.:,-: •,', I' .• • •0. . : P•I; !!•,,, , f . 1f.,..c •xi ;..,; ,0:, r , .•.•.,- . 1,...1, -I- 1,..,- ..0 0- . , • , ;,„ _ -.-.• ;• „ 401 ? _: 4 1eir.:4:11401,, 6.01,:a; X4O 3. 0 11P59.' MEE -b-tlVil'V t*.,00-orie pOTTONAR ISEypitiTILS; Am *rani , oiicivi ion JOINT, ANV'PIY.F4 1 WEAR, k=TDITCI -;7',00.4;V:4;Xa; P4X,r,:r; *,,!j3t* - , 1•1!1?: ,-• • •B'~[AESET`_STELLT. MlM= gOail 000 bi MANTILLA 108 CHESTNIIT syrumET. Co gGINT MANTILLA hoarier. AND -.BNIiMBR, T TO CK THE CITY, AT TOR. N.pW c; MZtN 3a MANTILLAS N•xEVERYIVIORNII,I.O PARIS . MANTILLA ExPoligrff. ALL-NILE ,IItLiNTMIAI3. EVERY DESIRABLE NOVELTY. , LinegEsT STOCK IN THE CITK, ~41 4 aus..r,ix.;tsnm,A. lab =Um. 8I L S '°'' M'AfiT T I'Xi~L +: ~'. ~'s ;MITE LA.O.E•PLOTINOINGS, 't .. 6 THEz-LAROSS:7 I _ toarr,,ll .: '....';', ,-' Ai: Pi.ii -, -.. ~." TAA;s. ,, A,t4brkiLaut xitroßium:, MOURNING MANTILLASk BILK AND MAP% ra,B,P4ofsT - §TP'ag,Thr PTE CITY,, PAldi MANTILXA: EMPORIUM. • SPAPIC. II .-Pir.,194 1 4C, CJ.HEiTE:R.Ft.D •- IMMT ':4410T11§; , ._7llWi*LitdiSt ' diock'llst.THE ant, PARIS PANE' FRENCH liAdra;...k/kNritrat,AS, ,lkatixittOutlTA:ND THE LARGEStITOCK IN THE CITY; - 4Tntits: ' '• ' PARIS MANTILLA . .. -4"Ri'ORIVII.: ',oopok' °tot LLY 4A 4 :13E-;MA.WII,LitAS AND, EOIIg3R.. i -TRE /.4,114;31' iroCK plr THE CITY, 41; ' (PARIS {MANTILLA, EMPORIUM. NEW WAS T.ILLAS OUR W,04 -,ROOMS :BITERZ, MARREN% F-R 0 NI.,P-A EIS EV'E'RY .I•Z`-EAM,"R`R: - I•Aitlls. 410 i •... • r • Fa M P 0 111 11 M • • . Bea minds Alta IWike:,ooefidesee of the Publie, 11 theiiiir r. kyieigaii with' the esbeettheyy they ore . Ibled to 'devote their whale tint? Ma ett;ltioh ' - B. X 0-ail S *fID"B . TRICTiY„MODER ATE': - PRObTOR & CO., No.. 708 CIEBSIWIT ItTREtT. q.'dobs. AST „REOErVED , • , The If#YAL OOTA.GOI- the Itovelts of , WOOD, & NIOROLS. • TR... /I FT•• • : TRA W , r a;:coskiktil . :..I LINCOLN ; & • 4xcuctLa, 725 -OHBESTATUT • STREET, 421r0,1*145,A80V11 UMW° T.IIMPLII.) my2.84M5 , „ C/TY J°BBE R 8 Having orderA frm their Ixotautry ootteopondents for RIBBONS, STEAT 'GOODS, or • 'MILLINERY GOODS, . - 'Of any kind, can winters be better suited at MS gage of the pato% Stet. sinters reasonable rates thin at the ROSENHEIN, BROOKS, & (30., :43i MARS-Er t3TREET asy2Ctealiitidt* """ itivrrbattt trailara. SH, MATTSON 9 " • ~141311,011A, N T- TICILoR, - 1128-cateritiT STREIT, Ird Door belitw Titian otreoti 130nt4 aide, Pk'nds. frr. A foil lasoftiiiot of fioublififo 000D8 now on Una; znylo4lo. O. TH,OMPSOI4; • • • .. XEROff &NT •TAILOR, , .11.'0011544 011 kV:TINTS . 'AND WALNUT .; • STRESTS, 'OPP0131:191 WAEIELINOTON ISQ1:4111, Lir/164140mi1a to Ma etoek of4ABRIOB, suitable for the present and ezns Ins. lemon, adapted to the wants of all, °lmmo of oholPY• otlete% which will be code to order efltltireraonal care and all necessary ob: eer, asrsee.of 8..:-Xiartitailir attinticila to-tt of PANTA, PQPI!!! , — 6412-tothks 26t litiffigtrapro. WINSTITPI4 PATENT BELIK , VENTILATING REFRIGERATORS. •THE ONLY THOSOLIGIHNE - YiIItiTILATED AND ' Neuman RIPENJERATOB IN-THE - , • - - LINED WITR ZINO, AND THE OASYNG TILLED WITH OIIAROtIAL. • • Tent Millman, ha bts reedn ' t work on Natural Philos,- uses &swop Kilda Refrigerator to illustrate the almalation of air by lee oombienni offsets - sold, and betatand he tart of Ito olliatioA, to It in boantifni 'moralism with ITatarat Ltitos, haring a motive fowls neralia a tergo, - to establish end maintain on ontwend conetane entrant of airoatd eonsennent ventilation," nTheiletrissrator b e ta been used, sad Ii kiddy room- Wilthd*d Wirchamorw NW:IM, Porter, and Tbatehor, of Yale Oollsgef Prof. Hives, of New York • Pref. Ottitees,- of Proridenes ;.oonantoSove Oregoryi II , pr. L'filarklolty l'Arrloltai of Dorton; and raiiny . ,other, Irominowt mamma chow. , 4 , 0; T or i a m, proprjotot of Union Market, linioklyn, says: slperfetloe *Om yeah, I bare need. lad' bean fainiiite with d•iiity er Re'riserstor, sone of which- will /impart wish Wihship , s., I find , ihmiliihoh prifethlY;.iir soontimithl" Me, hidd pre ,wilvelld Milts splendidly ."" - • • • Ivorkhowitkooper who wlthoo spore, healthy, owit,ooonomlool Norrigerotor. Should purolukoo ono of ,Wbnehles, ranee mil and ertenthie them. - Fos sale by NORTA' 0 HASH,- & NORTH, - North - 43E00ND STREET, _ - And • ' 'ARNOLD . & 1614 t rap, .01q 00.4T1117E: Otit.ggr, PRELAOLIIIIJA:.:, , gOU . : Y.' JUNE 4. 185$, t quloptct. • rjZ IPE B stAtzgr Xfl• BR Off, tiob4iilbot gl* . method or informing his Muds nod the pubhc„ - ttudvn, l snit arta JUNE 2(4r, hie b0006 , ..wll:b0 , 0140:140 reeeption of suede, when °eery stint will,' , be„reatifitS,, ,plole,tboetwhc,o way favor biro, „The bong. Pos 4 ' I fnu t t Y le;roTtb te t 0 0 1; ;An " .'"g e 0o bl i ff r " tc l o ran .i St sio stirsottie es say house iwthe country. "The cote— , maciestion Is aeoessiblo by two 'dolly linen from foot Foe] Walnut-street wine, viz s 0 A.M. , ndS 2 P ' Reference—Qrandy, — Warden, - & Oa . 220- 'Obeotont , otr4t. • ' B.- A. Bapzra&KEß, • jel.2h* groprietor. Q,E A BAT lIING.4—T,Ift VANS/lON] NOUBN, foot of Penneylratila ,averani,ATCANTlo' OITY, NOW OPAN'tor vette. - .Tor coaroulandeet arrangement, contiguity to the' beenh,aud: attraetieel - nese of ,the adjaeept grenade, Ohio house la ailltralleV .The proprieto;., has, abated" no .palea IR tasking ltd.! /Total all that cealdfteadenlted by rlattate." • ' jelAm Lit R LE WRITE . „BPRINGB, 017MBERLARD CO., Pk. Thliferorite and faeltionable Waterlog Vise. Plaa'' santly located near the bees of the Rine Mountain, four miles from, Oarliele. Ps.; will be Open for 'deltas 'on" the' 20th of JUNK. The, waters,. of „thole ilerhtlfg are highly Inipregnated with minerals' and for drinking and bathing are not surpassed by so y Salptanr Springs, In thenotintry. The haldings &rowell ventilated, and art eneronnded b 7.1,200 feet of balconies. The renery is of the grandest kind, and the iceornmcdatioes for the. recreation, health, and comfort of iialtera, are rules. eeprionable. 'Raid fare, pleasant drifts, din MOW' billiards, howling saloon, and other games, Wall the amneemente tautly found at Watering Phlermeenbe en. toyed here. Vieltare leering Philadelphia's's_ Ralflinore 'in tine morning train wisest the Bodnar' at 8,0 , 0100k' further information addrept: , oprpti3OLMBIMININ, At . . , piarasci Itaislastenag —,Tohn'.o . . De 00411, ;IQ Wolltrun Rhodes, Esti, Thoinaio. 'Pereival, lleg , Phlladelplsfa; Rollins,' paltimore rjaopb Gideon, , ZSgrr , /40ard lititt',Wiltirir MOE UNITED STATES :HOTEL, Al" ATTANNO OITY. will be i ped , fori the re. ;444toWie t it teptee- r rerAte.aeto Its Hon e bee been thoroughly renovated' !reproved, and tei Anypiled withal! the *PP/terms nt4•eotafe#4o Ant.,,' In, - addittod, to other"- ImprOtiotenta,- a railredd" bee' been noestrueted to the 'besot, on Ithioll tke:;doeebi will be conveyed tree of Ostia. during. naked-lm „ „ CoNrte.D. d< zcreniLls. ...mop IRD BrRiNGs. - - Thisfwell-known and : delightful liniairser resort will be open for the reception of visitors on the dtet of .4lltiill t and kept open tillthe first of.Cistober.'• • The Rotel will be coder the, monopolist of Mr. L. G. 'Alien, whose ,operioncei constione manners, enact., tentiod to lqe, guests, glees ,the, amplest, assumuste of eomfortand kind iveatmeut. -, -'„ PvitiegMbhl.l4 ,*9OP3S ' or any, Inform:Mien regard' to the Pace, asidresethe subscriber. , • • •,„ . , ." A. G. ALLIMi „'•my2o4w _Superintendent Bedford Mineral tiprin ~,: .sTrr.mitua ,AIiNOII/40/411Ni 04111 i PROPitITOMI TSB BUNN . os-1869. , - _TMLOTIIO WRIT* iItiL2III:I7.I3TWINWS are Warta, tie in Delaware amity; Molise north froin Oolumbira,, (the osPital of Ohio ) en Milk/foto river, 10 mile' from Delawste,ll) miles frms the White Sulphur istation,am. the Springfield, Mt.- Teruon,--and ,Pittaburg Railroad, ,and 10 miles' from Pleasant 9dley or_ gl i pl i tsj station • on the Otatimbiu,Pfgns, and Indiana Thew; Spine Will be open for the reeeption Melte:in • ,TDD PIPST DAT OP .IMIE., - • theiMproremehteat -1882.14/ve been larg e , enablinif the pewit/torte mateic waliterfrom five to fax hundred 'guests.- Anuttuttlafaintprotercente may be mentioned alarge andelegsat view oottege additional betildhip nt for,miumeente -reederaion, ,eltenalte betlethemee, latent • Upon the estate there are Ste Springs, all within the lawn,tonr of lehiels,, the- /White Sulphur, _the Misty beete, the 3111stittlifi, and the 'Settee Obalibutei are yt do•Id•dlyedlOtX111. ' whilst the fifth is remarkable for the purity at water, • , , • , - 241-1341%12111 11111,3111111 " beautiful Artetdal fountain, elttusted our - the rookytanlrof the Seloto river, At the depth °tie°, feet below the leielot,the Scioto. Bowe the remarkable dream et ettlphur wittob supplies- thrt-Siring • , Tale :peat was discuterell ;tome Bit max me, t,ll . glintier who Oratbdriligidt /WC. The eater, It en melted, ft oil& Hose to the saran, end hes ewer eince bon= tinuedto floe, during - ell auseone, Without change or Abatement, either In quality or volume. - M EDICINAL 4'11.014111T sp. • • For jaarettiese Springs , hate been ighly,esteemed for their medicinal proper-Wm Daring the put ISAMU - .I QM? reptantionth title tespeot has been aingsdarlyeon firmed. They were administered by a altysiolan,dodi cloudy as to qusoUty, 416 e. of drinking, eontinueme,l ice., and under_ thle symtanrotte plan the, cures war, ! ,uunerens and testifying. • -.- *Hirai ittfiLiiiitiß ' L Peculiarly terrioesbli in thou dleordereof the ;river! And Stoinaoh.witleh eo often *glint gentlemen who Wit' been too Cloialprontined to imelsroes," end Rotating bedefitery habits • '• , . • • - • • .Ttiti bum:o'o4PD Pint-1 4 08 - are . poiiralbsent -Males. 'Their offsets , Optin brlikeh down and debilitated eiroattlutions have bean not Iran-! Cent bet Westin;, eying t e the bloods now vitality, and) tcs the petwon sew ilfasaid TAOr/: ' •-•— TWE MAGNSU.S.tif AvATS.It • Ws get aporriesa. r „ OW ;tersely Spin eiteryinillitybeing Parldaked them which can contribute:to health sedeomfort.• , As a delightful reeortdming the sztower muothe, the Ohio Whttiseelpienr liprlagt huesDories' in eiselfees,, and bat few" the _ The location .11 . 12 t. cellar* bestiary ; the helot°. here la:a rapid. stream; the g. Oil! Limestone • 1011xUtitCOI hues lirs pc feet in Waxen', through which Om riter-ont4 10. gra t tre...eltkeattpurithittept terepers numerous ra nes w carry a Abe solialfluou water, thee raided's:- the ro ll dry/and the stineophere freetrom that lima Ur, eo prejodlelel to health! these elsounistandee,, Wan, Ist 'ConneCtitut with.the.alDtddio Of the plain, aboittl,oo9 feet above Violate the hush, makes , th e locality- se .free from_ Wasaioue lailuentea as a mountain region. i7heSpring property remade of 320 twee of lend, • one hncdred of whlchiCeovered by. one of the moat broutifnl From in Ohio. This woodland le haedeomely laid off Inter/elks and drive', one of the latter being / tri miles in extent. ~uuthinghere, , bv-th e e plan adopted, brought Inio .fnireompetition frith the at natdpalty Nang fed HU- Effrisags The witek 13 bested In the bath tub by steam dt l iis ! t arn 1 6 tiy b rIN r s a ys th t e e d m ld aPp h ile p rtrtt the lather withoutthe loss of Ste saline Ingt11•10Atil. TILEGRAPH 077100. . • A Telegraph 013se, cownwleating with all- parts of the country, has been established at the Sprints. •To, be thus l 0 einiutailon with, distant points, will be a greateonvenienee, to/ gentlemen who can hear from and direct their bustneu affairs daily. • , -, Anita imousories necessary to - health, pleasure and eanneeteent.lllll,oll may, /expect to trod _at the fillip White Sulphur Springs, as the proprietor is determined to mate Is, in etery partienter, a fintrelana watering llace. Gratified with the liberal pat ronage attended' est year, no effort roll be spared to merit its - eon, tinuanee. - ,- A *tat'', well doe - lad with holies and carriiged, 14 attached to the Springs - lfor farther WO/matron arrangements for lame, &a. address Ari Dav WILSON , White Suipluir P. 0., ' • • -Delaware On., O. VPIIKA.TA MOUNTAIN f3PRINGSi LI LintEITIR 00110TP, PENNA. Title fermate establish Gent will be opened by till first of .111811. Muted On the llplueta Bide, miles west of Philadelphia 18 south or Reeding, north of lemeaateriao •oset ' of Ilarrisinarg, and havin the advientagoof the purest soft feetevery' variety of baths, the alto elevated to 1,200 above Water level, with graded sad tliedy Talkie lit 'MD foreleg, sod the moat eateneito landmelpe Men* tile Union, It is not sarposod is • slimmer residence. - - Aocommodatione for 400 perique,' improved stsibling and good carriage bottoms; also a good- stook of aver? horses and memos, amussmentis. - A. good tweet of lunge, hilliardlablee, ten , n - a l ley. 1t IA Guylf moms from all the sbotspointe bj rdiimad and *Michel The proprletor spores nothing to mete_ it a hos+ plane for comfort and health. • /or farther particular., see efrodisrl ; to be had l td, applying to Joseph B. MOM. Third- -and-Viceatreetoi James 8, .Sarle, KW Chestnut street; or, to the Croprir tor, JON Ha s hSPEiueoßegi, roet Omoo, Lancaster CountrileolllJ. ViIALEDOMIL SPRINGS.— The unit , - itigned takes pleasant in announcing; that dhe t it rented: frOat the proprietors these 'celebrated Bptin , and trusts that, from her long experience , and has Al 0 1 1011114 the satinets of Mr. 3.• W. -11011 TON, and w h prompt attention to the whams of her goes% she VI be able to render ample malefaction to Illwbd favor ler with their pat:rousse. - liar tonne are very low; and,ln than reducing the price of boardlog,ebe hopes to place it within the power of every Mania er•tesorter to man indulge in their usual recreation. Parsons leaving the pity by the morning trains will be enabled to arrive at the Springs the some day, by the way of fiettyebuteor Ohanabetaburg, where coaches will be In attendance to convey • passengers to, the 'Springs. - The season will commutation the let of June. The terms are aa foi bles : Baud per day Do 4 4 week - . Ohildren under lg years, and eerreats, bat price ; All communications addressed to the undersigned, et Obembersburg, will meet with prompt ettentidn.• • . m 712 utettitol ILINNAIi M. 000PML - ATLANTIC' CITY ATLANTIC ()ITT! NATIONAL, Honor. • • AND 111 XOIIRBION •HOTIBE. BAWL" •.t. 00. Yrnprietoni. , This House has changed hands, and will be opened on the 20th of.fdAY for the acoorornocietion of Boarders and IGunustonista. -It is refurnielted in the hest style,, 'nth new Ilain.ture p Bedding. &o, Thelfational Is admirably. ettuat d on Atianilo ave nue, commands a tine view of the *out, and but one Admire front the beet Bathing Ground on the Island. A oplindld Ball Boon and Dining.itoom being at taelted to this hone, makes,. It particularly deeirable for NICIIILIIIOIIII. M,YIO4OI* RE EX 0 UN I"' 'AWARDING HOUSE,. '.a. 'agar Iferristown, Pa., (eetablished 1860,) will be open for boarders, June Ist. It is .one bowie tide from Philadelphia. The ;mina are extensive and well ebaded ; the 'vomit &try and Osamu:it. Tian loos tire hi high (leg feet above the BObnylill1) and ex. ceedlogly , hmattiy, as can be shelve by certificates of needled men. The place Is admirably adapted for families with children. The best references con be Terms modente. Address ; Be,. SAMUEL ALUM. my9-zriwt lgt Norristown, Po. JLORENOE 'I3EIGIITS 'HOTEL ) Flo— more, N.J.—The subscribers, hiving leased the above muted popular Howse for a term of ream, intend opening. about June let. The former patrons of the house, and others, may be assured that no efforts on the part of the proprietors shall be wanting to ran. der it' a truly 'Attentive aummer resort. Bathe, Billiard Tables, Ten Pin Alleys, and Stabling on the premises., BOBBINEA WILLARD. byl irr Room, secured from a diagram of the Rome, spnileetion at the aide or W. VnLLARD. OltilitTNLlP Street floor. • Mind myll•Im • 'T UE '.lrAl`f SION 110118 E ), B.SIADING, W. 1.. 011 BOITR.BON, Proprietor. ' Thte well-kw:ma estabilahment, the favorite relent of °Moat and Visitors, has lately undergone eaten dye repaint, and Is now onto! the meet ootumdllous, gleginto634 tliorOigh lactele lit the Union. bianufhlly boated at the corner of PIPTH and PAN, Streets, Reading. Ito sommticodatidus are tirstaless ; the 'rooms spacious and airy ; and the table nontinetly Rep• plied with all the Irtieturies of the ...aeon, Persons de sirous of- spending a few weeksln the rummer in an agreeable sad ozonomioal menus, odd not dobetter than ratites trial of BOURBON'S MANSION HOBBS at Reading. 50024 r DRILLS & SEIEETINGS FOR EXPORT. DROVE, BLIAORED, & BLUE DRILLS. RI'ANY & LIGHT BREEDINGS, - • Suitable for Expert, for sale by - DEOTHINGDIAM & WELLS, Bostif ,FRQNT BZ, ¢ 88 7.82 . 1214 0015.17_ :I Keno Slublicationg. 11111111E1 .'/DNIKORE :cS)OfETL, ;ISTRATE I D , BY E. 0. , 0. DATLiaIIY tk Volume of We elegeot edition of the Woita )IE, (MEAT AMERICA:Li 110VELP3r " 'WYANDQTTE ; I3'CTTT7aD KNOLL. -44 bed spoil anent* whloh transpired la the then :rasa of Central New York anterior to and daring .**Owianoinieut "of the Revoloticnia7 War. 'AI. h line known nhais a ,few, other !mike of this It ; will be found equal to any in etyla acd IrowneatoYo. .016th .beveled. Priem $1.50._ The 'preceding 'volumes in this !lecke inn t'3E-XllO "&!lONNIXIF6B. mizsaa Bain wtovaor,. tfttly 017 TNH7 11101110 ANS. Unifem, In Bina, Binding, , skd Fritts a ot9arntot Philadelphia desiring the work oak PRA from 9, MoURNILY, 4 06 WALtiIIT STRINT, tittl deliver the volumes etbeeribere regalerly their residendel. ' , wo 613 .3 , BB;tlilixesitOttorm ciAtoireliszas 3 find s prOitabto Itroriaore la oirontitloi this work 'Allidelphis ma 4 suburbs. , For teroso, aridrisi publishon. ALL ABOUT IT 00 WE lgeo ; "X' xixGl. op. T01....12r.; 860 pp..Fripe SI. iLERT BY MAIL 'ON RECEIPT OP TILE RETAIL _ q In this "hone haondsosodll net amount or infornyt liion Jipon . almeat 'merit , 'enbinot within the range rat Art and BE101:169, or in relation-to 'the Meters and . ) tees Natixel and Alin:taint Production'', It affords i Privy in trash, end neryesto poet the reader in thole gtestotottoetterd at !dot and InformatiOn so niaessett **Or) , person of Intelligence, iptl , yet so itteasasibli ITS d T,B , OP ,041411iT.T.,i,i;tattes, boaita, Ohdeobite, and °time I • 4tt , `4lliiotit Oplesl sad italkaiStilreits, 201112% Ob; Of growth, sta. iLL AnOtrt ssi, aid its for Salt sad the Mat Allititi e r loather find 'Tanning; Azovr Artificial liFAßlßl77llllllVetiitaiainirriip-ar' AM, ABOUT Glees, Porcelain . , Pottery, Ohteew►ie, and otter . , ALL ABOUT Texiile Parries, Cotton, linen, Into whiol tLy are woven. ATil ABOUT Cereild, BreadArinfig, Breed Fruit, • eta.; ALb Allol7TButtet, Cheese; Mo. ALL ABErtiT ierminteg *lass, .11eit Tiara, ato ALL ABOUT Ptegelced, eta; ABOUT tiptoes, eta. An ABOUT Metals, lion, Copper, Lead, Tin, eto. ALL ABOUT If Weirle, the Precious Stoma, et*. ALL ABOUT the Attooephere,• Bleittrietty; ABOUT ABOUT Boots, Memo, and iehtee, ltd. ALt ABOUT Ntidialibig, Printiog, the /ate and Eat- chess.' ALL Alletrt .Windo, *sib, TMee, eta ALL•AfIOUT • ThBciesnd Wiwi!sheet:up ilabieato, INVALUABLE 1011 coOmalmrinlimigkemi W. - A. TOWNSEND & (30.. P IT 33 I 4 I 8 IX 3il It B , 40 WALKEII, STREET, NEW YORK. DiVZNPORT D hDrildN ! , •,rubitrbrd br . T. B. PETERSON & No. Son 011XSTLiIIT Street. T. D P.k ,111108. hem just tutted iv- new and tine edition of thle Aeisiza•fliian of , I..hfitzlti DAVENPORT DUNK' Is unquestionably the , best wtirk ever Written by the sytithbr of Oberiss.OltitalleY, , "' Tom Burke 'et& This editiouje piloted y flee white potper. and bound 1n ONE LAMP ,POTA 0 Moe 11.50. T. B. P h BRCS. obi +mantal. to ptibllsli, regtlbtrly every Saturday, a volume of plate - °that. weivioe'oir fits NI, wAveniorr NOVELS. OP ONIREITEIN, Is now ready, being the FOURTEENTH 16U611111R. PRIOE 26 CENTS. The whole to be completed In T WENTY-SIX VOL UMEB. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. TO TILE TWENTY-RIX , VOLUMES. One complete let, 'twenty-slit volumes in all, *lll be sent to any one, 118 fast as published, for Ste dollars. Slngle numbers AS cents. T. B PETERSON do BROTHERS, It No 806 CHESTNUT Street. 44 . 0 DOOTOB, PAMPA' , ,NNW BOOK.- • TRH NEW AND TEN OLD; $1 a • 600 Or, OALIIOBNIA. AND INDIA IN BOIfANTIO AB ' - RECTA. By J. W. Palmer, Id. D , author of "UP and Darin the Zoomed& Ji Beautifully Ultultrated. Muslin. I2mo. $1 Bd. What a racoons Impish Reviewer saill of "Bohlen " will with Justice apply to " The New and the Old," at well at to ha predeeelienri "Up and Mira the /In' watch " There le a wide difference between title book and almost all other recent books of Its elms s the latter, for the mostpart, humid' no with - the names • of planes and of things; Vile represents the things therneelves the letter supply feats end statistics relating th 'the But or the Weet this gives no the very East, the very West, in , all iter own gorgeous - or - gloomy realities. Touched by this felicitous hand, the remotest (Ojeda leave upon the reederdi mind not I series of mere pia. tome, but* sense of actual participation." bloreoVer, 4, The New and the Old " is a book of stories,' bated up= verittble and remarkable expo , Aeneas, mainly true as to looclitien, persons and events, and baying all -the drs meths intermit of the Lemons "Diary of a Physician" 'opevery one whams ever had father, brother,'Weer, 'or friend In California or In dia, - Ala,sow ready. A BkOitILOSAT STORY. ABook of Love s Philosophy, Sentiment, and Rusior By Oliver Bum. , ITol.lTmo. 'Munn. Prlee $l. These Books are sold everywhere, and sent by mall, roman rags, to sty pert of the United States, on the receipt of the pyloe. by „Sit lk. OAR IdiTON,Pabllehere and Btotaellers. Grind street, nese Broadway, N. Y. jed•thleatf pIIBIASHED THIS DAY, VOL. IX. UOIIBRHOLII LIBRARY BY AIRCO/03h DI X.&MARTINE IBmo. Cloth, 60 Coots. - No royal name in Onglish history, at least elnoe Alfred la is more worthy of ceneration than that of One Usurper,' Oliver Oromwell.”—lnoy. Brit L •Ms Life, ably and eloquently written by, tinedost generone and impartial or Prenobmen, is con in this toluene of - TOO HOUBEBOLD LIBRARY. DIMMED k PROCTOR , COS BROADWAY. BOTIPB BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The subscriber reepoottedly inform' the citizens of Philadelphia that he *ill r nblieh his BtlBl.leßB2 DIVA:MORT sit SCos is the information can be collected. Oared and rospowilble men ate now (lacewing the city, sad it 'shaped the public villl give the: necessary Informs time cheerfully A few pasta or advertlsomenta will be Inserted at $lO per page, special places by special contraot. OcantaFiptlon ptiae l One WILLIAM BOYD, 481) 01183THUT Streak, ppos of JOY, 008 1 & 00., 231728.th5et W 0-11, K S 11, .1 TX ~FY_ ~es.zsa /MOAK AND 14781113,Y and Bilic;and the Innumerable Fabrics ' TRH LIFO OP OLIVIAII OROfOCEILL JUNE 4, 1859. 'News of Litortiture. Lipptnoott k Co. have published Obitrles Brook-` don Brown's novels, complete lb 6- volumes, and announce; amebic other novelties, isnewMiodoitj cry of trtnotatiolis,-.from - ,the Greek; .Latin, and modern .languages, ;translated , Into English; -the History of thi Colony and - Aneient Dominlon-of, Virginia, by Charles Campbell ; 'and the !eleventh edition; revised by PtofessorGilliien, - of Beck's Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. . - Childs & Peterson have now-in prest4-in two volumes, royal oder°, the' Expeditions of Colonel - Fremont. These voltunes will.be - richly ilitistrated by 32 engravings on steel and 75 full-page"wood; cuts. These' illustrations which,. we • haVe ex. , emitted, almost surpass those in Kane's Arotio Ex peditions.-- Tbe - Soinerithieh therrepresent were, daguerreotyped Mt - the ;i3Pot,r snd:tho subjects drawn by able artists from.theee sun-plottires. Mr. U. ft:Hillard,' of Beaten, lies eirefullii and ably, made au - epitome of Friimont'il Atilt - two erne& Gots, ;18424844) In which h 6 hie iiindensed the, most interesting details, Then , felle - ws, Dare fully drawn up by Colonel' Frenierit , himielt detailed - leseription - of the third' exPeditiob,- , made in die jolters' 18 4 5 4847;:it0r055 - thertooky Mountains; threugh Oregon Into 'California, and covering the tionCeist 'lad settlement. of, -Mar country ; of the 'Antra exiseditlon, made in 1848.1849, up the -Rinses , and 'Arkan sas 'rivets into' the Mexican licehy," Monate:fist' down - the' Del Norte; tbriergiCtionera into Cali fornia ; 'and of -the - .fifth - takpeditiori;' - Made in 1853-1854, 'aeries • tbb Rooky' lidocritiiins at the heads: of the'' Arkansas -, and ,* Colorado 'flvere, -through 'the Mormon settleme nt! and 'the 'Great Basin into California. This work wiII contain the rotor& of ten 'Years of , adventurons travel.' It will be enriohlid with maps 'aid with special eh op ten by the most - competent persona On the tho geology, the ornithology.; and other solentillo aspeots of the regions traversed. The Money seta-, ally expended on this magnificent work ; before it will reach the public, will exceed $80;000:' , This is an immense' account; but the work Cannot fail ,to be sucoeisfal.- • ' - ' " ; We bovebeenhinob'writided by 'a view if Some, exquisite sketcher and . drawings of rare beauty , and finish ' representing 'Mount ;Vermin - and its revered surroundings, whiob ate toAtipear in a enP• ,plemental Issue Of the Mount Pern'ots Record, in &weedy number of , Vol. 2 of that truly "valuable adjoin:lt to the Ladles' Association. " While •we belie been - literally drenched with every variety of ludo pictures of these hallowed grounds, conveying but.'"a shadow of an idea of• contour or beauty, It' is Waal - -cheering to pod that the pencil of a 'trio artist, by fidelity' f ,do• i lineation and a proper feelingi'oen 'present theed scenes ti us is 'they really'aiu: ' Here a re somd forty or fifty drawings of - 'sOcro rolls said object' f historical • interest within; and iiery beehtlfal same , arouhd that "modest - mansion," as Evirett; bat, alliteratively termed It. - Views "of the 'pie. turesque.' Pottimao; ' upon • - which' 'Washligton has .so r Often , - 'gaunt; an' - hometriosi plan of- the' gardens; sketohei of Magnolias', lemon, and !Jacket 'peer Areas, planted ) by the Chieftain's own band ;- in short, with iiothhig rer nutiohkt unaketohed of unrememberedif meet' valuable , repertoire of and plotursaide oldies for preservation and future refereisce. We predict an famines inidoeii upon the publication 'of this bijou supplement to the RecOid, totes" enti tled Pilgrimage the Shrine" of 'ra,unt Ver on.'? 'The May ifiunberof tide eftddent organ', and to which ere yesterday reforred,shis, in addition hr the usual. multiplicity if lists of names; osontribr tors to the fund;) a capital article upon theAtent Alexander Hamilton. ' ' , Peterson-4 Brother! have published a reprint of some of Jack Dewning's Letters. ;he nen' twentytive•oehte volume of their popular Waver ley Novels elintaitur the Whole . of Anne'of Geter- Harpers, = of:New Yoik; Announce the Life of the Rev. D. lliinties (Or. the Eriattaii Biotin?: dista)(; Light& Letters eti idodein Aktionlitire; Dr: t Charles lifickey'e Life and Liberty ;n Asiatic. ,e• Sword ' and Gown, by the author of "day lAvissgstem," and the Stwient'i History of Bravos.. Charles Mekong has purohared the dopyright i stock, and stereotypes of Household 1 118 tinihtiritatiat a titafti% Matt:in. Etc late partnirnipinPose starting's pa riedleal in the 'place of household Words; of *Mali it is UM, Mr. Camel mess, literary art* of *Mali ti7lll,bet diter: ' , Gould d. Lincoln, of Rohm, hale - ift the. Pram a historical work called The' Psiritans; or tho Church, Court, and Parliament of England during the reign of Edward VI. an 4 'Queen Elikalleth, Also, by the Rev. Dr. R. E. Patterson,. d Conti/watery on Ephesians. fete tetrint of Hugh Popular Geology has reached a third cAitleti 'within a month"., New Books. Dr. J. W. Palmer, et New York, one of the. then ad9oniplidted and genial of our rising. authors, has jolt- prbstkited the *orb& 'with a new book, published by Rudd Ai Carl ton. it Is called The Non -and the Old br, tinliforitin and indict in Romantic Ar pect. ; and has been liberrelly illustrated by John hfottenati, , the dbjg ditlit Ad is smpplying the *bfy illtritrations to Dickens's new, story, in liarper's tes4. The,or three years ago, Dr. Palmer broke ground, as suitor, *ith a lively, accurate, and instruetive - book about Burmah, which he Galled "Up and Down the frrairstddlek.,adinsidedly agreeable book, in which information and arinuismint ?ere happily blended. The Old and the NOW, it strikes us, hi - tin its = prevenient upon the former one. It is evidently the production of a mhn who has travelled much and observed olosely,—who has an adventurous latute, , ..and who, in addition to possessing a good Misfile/7i ilea the faculty of writing with ease, grace, and fordo. in this pleasant ' , to. lame, "The _New" Is none other than Gall , foinla, in which the hero - arrived in 1849. "The Old" is India, in 1857. After having dareftdly read every line in the book—how tde- Dghtftil to find a book, nob as this,' or Geery Banyyn, Per:rants, in which, for the life of you, not a line oagion skip i—we hale arrived at the oritleal doneldion that the scenes in early delitOrals ate a little—a 4.ary little better titan those la tulle. ,'tot sttoh spiracles, in the Indian moiety, as " Asirvadam, the Brahmin," and that sad story of "The Adjutant's Grave," era very admirable. Stilt California is a place in which we feel a sort of proprietary interest, and there fore desire to know all, about it. Never, to 'our mind, bas a better view of the early American days of the modern Dorado been photographed, than in this book.- It isnot merely authorsblY= We the actual /Ws of, the place, ten years ago, in its infancy, We have called it entertaining. Bo it le—but it is touching also. Tho pathetic. Ind dents of " The Fate of the Farleighs" show what Dr. Palmer can do in that *line. Surely, a sadder story thap that of Lucy Mason has rarely been narrated . ' 'there is a great deal hare, curious and true, about the gambiluthoases; Whioh, at first, flourished so prevailingly in San Itianeleco. Bat wo need not go farther, in out rotioe. The book is a good book, and a true book, written by a scholar, a traveller, eras very able author. We recommend H.most earnestly, as a book full of interest to all classes, of readers. It is, sold, of course, by all booksellers, _but we received our copy through hazard Brothers, Chest.: nut street. „ Nara le another Amusing and iustraotive lame, by a popular author, also a New k other , It Is aallod, Acadia; or a /ifoirth. with the Blue News, and is written by Frederic 8 Omens, au thor of the_ " Sparrow Gram Papers." Part of this volume mega in the Knackerbeker Maga zine. Aortae _ls the genteel name for Nova 83o tia, and the " blue noses are the inhabitants thereof... 16.'doszeas traversed the country, on a sunuuer tont., and besides telling no what be eaw; boar 4, and notioed, glves a good deal of historioal Information, The publisher is Mr. C. doilbner, New Yoik. Mr. , Henry H. yield ,has written a pleasant; readable book called t 4ttnimor PieturOs : from. CoNnltoen to Venice. It clean with a deserip tlon of the voyage, from New York to England— sketches Mekong and Spurgeon in London— crosses the Channel to Normandy—revisits Paris, and notes the improvements there—thence pro ceeds to Holland, Benntark, r. , Germany, with their capitals, *ends hit way to Venice, Milan, and Novaya, and gives a brief but spirited won* of the strife between s Austtie and Sir.' dints,. In 4848-4. As we hive said, a pleasant book, sketchy, lively, and observant: Publiihed .by Sheldon do Co., of New York. Sold here by '2l. H. Butler do Co. The , Rev. Joseph P. ThOmpson, pastor of the Broadway Tabernaole Church, N. Y., lately deli vered a series of lectures, entitled The CAristian Gracm, based upon 2 Peter, 1, V, 5-12. These have boon published by Sheldon A. Co,, of New York, and handed to nit by E. H. Butler A Co. Ifttoning the author well, we were prepared to And, In this book, some principle, great leading, capful ObaOratton, and unobtradire piety. Nirecto Two _milts. mid ilkthli k anA evpii " SnowbalOstiettbisaiitilt La lier4littet" 'we' Alava- nov 'O6 'slightest lies..'•• tato bitvfiii isat ,, tbitz -look; ( (Warned Coitib Lectatis;oni..suallkinks in , Beniraf and nothine. in particyleir,),wc l ostuis:l,l h Y.‘kty alat9 1 ??117-711;lin!xtpKe of Aim 414,7ankeg Prlkt i gitog.ftil,m l 4AnsTA•l lll Nrts , 'Put a1i,"4104 'At Alji tit Abe book' , li . ,Piibtikliedf VPA.: 4 1114..ii, New York,' Aficbi:Patificriay & RELIGIOIts:MTO IIO EkeE• " Tni Bosson PILOT . (0.121101110 PAIIIIR) on raw' Ferments orNeroxinort::--The ciirremt , number of the Boston Pilot is ont•iin au ertfelo defininti its pinion on • the course of the, zEniperor o! the' Frenoit, -.Xt refers et some length:to o thy, gine' which N,apoleon has, heretofore, held-in ; its, iteciei - Crain, brit:o4lllY intinsibin (in which it evidently , ,speaks Wdviiailly,)? - tkitt - the "eippo . rt; Of tie' Catholic Church stiff' lost le - tom: if the pottoy . foteatsidoweit : he '4AtitTO4. The freedom With' whioh the "Anterlitaie peen hes followed 'the - wake • of Edgiiali tjoartirdslis endorsing ;Napoleon, sund • accusing "Aladin of being, the aggressor, is sefferely,oommented upon; smithe prediction, is spade that, this tnpoiwilrbe ,effeotually, changed an pools as the : new ! key=,note 'nitric& in Englind, - if'aftnillutnyt. that Na' poleon 111 is bent ofi lcitieevertitrin - of lie 'treaties tOf derire for Wer'll'finifssonlY exposable 'upon ibeiritind 'of having , deterrained • to' break'filth*ith, :the Church of .whlelthe was :formerly the Mead, ` and of which, as,, the nionnrik ;of .Franca l ki r , l2- traditionolly, 9 the eldest. sop.". • /for 4 , 014 62*. lotarfered to restore Pins ,ik"rjo his throne thet Emperor's serrioeis are remembered; at the tame thin ICS it ismitideti if what the - chureit bee &Sze fothini. • 'Even it'll@ hid no rallgicialeenidetiona' eons thtilirritet,le to trot. tdanytbing cot :the togiort - dt prinotplistorAnotizing the' ponaiinotioty or dy nosty, and that; if her.doee: intend to throwsniay' his hopes of kpransirientdynastp hyheecomliti'a perspoutra,ef the.Okureb,, and &traitor to rte prime pastel,. he., has everything reason that pastor,. wltot' dei;ar giO on ells ltiotyo Wall be broken; lint on Whcitißicriei it : Ate fell it Willtiind Min W4)04'4;11.'9 " I , ClonnsouWurtracr:-Lrn m ou g an irah the fiftieth anniversall - .of tkeinsarateff&oftE4M; Dr-Osgoixi. Bpringfield as eelebrated n .I:ewe rs' hundred trare'prenent; and vii4tO6k of a'bdun- Altai collation - including She •ifitnitio'Clolf," whisk wan init by the, Doctor hinunlf,...and thieved ling sluff disposed of as in tbe,days,of yoke.. The , andiron of the venerable isMr except anti in Bso rope ; were all prevent; with:their. twenty or thirty trandelrildrest i having ; come ,not only from ,New York; Boston, and"Woreeter,- but Oen ~ _ . Ließiv'To! , mistral+ waitc,"ltef.lir..Wiso, son of Geverpor -Who, a yonag , lipiitiord man of ly,iishmaid,' y e ., has ao far „ departed „front "Briliacipallati ideas profirlityi as 16 pwatelt with out notes.: .fl aba Moser& Aketliriertlr meats, mid, appears in bit ordittary,Arooknot even Weiuing white eravet' to layman: "lietalka very bdtdl, th tittediviilioldere; about,theitreitigioitaidatint to:their saivinti. , /1./4mi/a Jsitestone..- , --; Bev,: Remy .Boardatta,ti, a&tive Airloan; and nenhaw 4fileip2 king, was married in Nati 'York, on %Vasa' iy i at this week ; =to -att admitted Modena • I (dr Mont • Bea if more. and both. sailed3rnmedtetetv• 111 ... 24161011 / 1 0 11 'to Alibi, in opniparii.with:Rey,„lia greato4 and, wire, retaining - CiViati J. B.ipieter, of the Mariner ' s • ,OhnikohAn , Philadelphiiii : in t ide' Away report Motu. tho Aye .Intudnfr Loam. hive 'bean' oimierted duffing the past year.' ills °hunk how amphora over one thousand metribre. Asseieemzum-,One of; the.-Letekei , pinta says : liere Beglsed we need-to- Dare: an V tabliabed Ohnrolt;ind - We have it Witte but eveip 'ewes letiatition elinize the goglish religlon.!! ~.; ttizo Ann-211MteklitOlM, Of Plaquemine, La-;,liaa ,contributed,bo thousand dollars to; the Geltaial AssembliiiNatilialiilTrae Ohureh,'WagbingtokeW , , D.. 0 ifor Ow:erect/6p Of a parsonage house. aLLTERY 'MIMS NO,TRODISL — The. Wear C Adzodisie isys' shit all the Pies° is or the .Pdethot BplecaparDhureCliortki, Sept two, hare beep diiiren ont:offflutpvhl embolden. • Canaineroin • Acoespion.-.Tbe &diem - the bfl of Milwaukee for a dleonealon otlipbooPaer. batbeea Nerd ,Prifeleorl..B. Terser, or q a4acFrtge,'„ otifiw, iat• at APiTiithiniF Pa., has accepted a nitnlmonstelffrom Wargo., GA church at Dorm Wyeadtigetnlelty; IU lezir:: Da. F. , irtirion, - offlilolloai , 'lolllll7, isatOerr In general, ,bealth, end her reburied i t t a ta , ...d.ateAlts' JOllOllll !eh _ .der Deemer ox Taxes —'Be,- Alexander Gregg has been eleoted ..EpOoopal ,Blehop,or,the Warne of Texai•. A Donble4lleaded li4nocrativ Cernienf (Carreseendsorit of The Picayune.] • ' talon Rotten, May 25,1859. I have attended &Imola eferj palatial cenvei tion,'of'whatever'easte; helt here for Many jitter,' and , overy - sesdon - of. the- lighilatate iihme the, wdadocs (1) of the State • made this; the:lteat government, hilt have ,nalter yet; seen thelown so full of people' , W is hazy: 4 Weis nerittes tionably owing :to the "ermitement: wohlfeal. o'reles occasioned by the hittersehisot in the mike Of the whilome harmonious Derneerioy." That harinfony whiob So long contented the party has been interrupted its . smooth :waters hove i been troubled;, its old, harness begins ,bs. ehafo the *Anger. steeds, who etion.unmistahable algae tot itialsting the-curbed bit and tightening :reins tie dengin.the hplate Tolitical - It Is, indeed,a novel tight that presents itself to-day in the' capital of the State: Tiro' Seta of 'delegates in- a Deimeratle Convention' to 'Mike nominatione for State- othoeral .endLeseli , set de , termhiqd not tO yiel*, but t o , Rent to the last: 'l' pt &loss IM*, to ''eltiselfj them. - Rare are, Op replant and the 'Melba ; Ftlta and tits towizitners the , Eltates-right Arresters and the Union of tiontierritlfsi'eomgroliarei, the Administration clique gad the' -attlVAdmbilstra- F •tlon faction ; the - Homes party sand the Slidellites:, • Te a dlsintereated, looker'on in Vienna" at l aril herd; it itt really a fenny fight, Or prom i ses to ,be; but, ad: time, for Cho timetrabliag of; the 'Convention has altdoat arfived,l will here pause, and go to the mene tottruselieut for (teem -- • ' Well,- after• any riansei'vrtdah has-been of two hours' Aeration,. I , rresume my •pen. • _but, the' mamma whith I have, itnessed at the State Treace beggar all description. Precisely at "twelve o'dlordt=the ball of the Hoare of Representatives being densely platted , with delegates,andoutside' speetaters—vosfferons Gelid for Mundy and Pugh to fill the chair,• temporarily, were raised; and mob a din of confusion 'has not been heard since the time of Zabel, as then ensued. Mundy, who Is said to beef the anti. Slidell 'stripe; rather got the can, end he itabordlegli took hi's seat as prel siding ether. Mr. Pierce;, , lote- Senator from , Manville, and ea-Lieutenant Governor Mouton, were requested to sot as secretaries pro ten Moody and Pugh wereput in nomination, and it was proposed to call the parishes in order that they might vote'. Plaquemines.wii first called, - end' gave a divitilczt,Ydte. Plaquentines has three, de legates; and ib - Wall declared ' trout the seeretaritst desk that-Mundy had one 'and a 'belt votes and Pugh tine and a half. - Then a general rioting sad rauspassing took place. , Some arishes had Ore sett of delegates. Who 'wets to deidde whiet set was the sistan puree?.- At'leest a deism gentlemen:(eam, of whose meets may rosell/If be eonteeted) attempt, id to enlighten the mqltitude, and shim them how they ought toa st a and vote :' The ealdollottona of some of-these •gentlemen • were . '" sr clear as mud." -jai sorts of motions end subetitates were Offered and debated; butte no effect, • until the Idea occurred to Mr. Minton to have two presiding, ,offteers, vested with equal powers, to: appoint le committed credentials—the committee to eon:- eist of nine,' and after the appointment of four by sack the 'choice of the' ninth, or odd member, to be decided by." drawing straws," :or ,tossing , or heads or tails I", This double-hendedides met . _ trittananlmons assent, and Mr. Pugh - was celled' - to ateat , by -the side of Mr. Mundy s. ,The,Pred doloy *env° tired to name the .oommittett,,and there was a brief recess. When Abe preaidendy, returned' to the meeting,' it Was' found -(how it was done no one knows) that it had hamed ten, instead of nine, as the credential committee. . •, • - Then here is a regular: double-headed concern all over; • The Presidency Is divided; and the" eon,- mittee equally so. ,It reminds-Me et •the Bawdell. flog or 005 4 .0 doable-beaded ,ettgleone bead looking to the north.; the'other to the' "south' 'There way -ke eamethints -in this: • But, ':at - • events, two heads are better than one, Rime I pause again, and go to " see what I shall see," as the Frenchman said, . Arrival of Stephen A:Douglas. (From the Dew Orleans True Delta of May SSJ Yesterday Morning the Intrepid eteleaman of the . glorious West :readied oar. city, from the . North, looking as hearty,_ ylgorous, joyous, and, don't-. 'oareish as his warmest admirers and most devoted friends could desire. 'There is no despondence in' the glow of his' healthy cheek,. mar in thefiro of= his penetrating eye; on the, contrary, everything about him indicates the - composure of the well poised mind, and the daring resolution te befitting the American statesman. , He/aughs, as well_ he ' may, at the amusing fabrications of the lholianan, press; th-'t' a reconciliation - had taken place" be• tweets them (Buchanan and - hiasseify) monnkly:to'. cover Up the abandonment of the stitiltistetter; Sovereignty doctrine, which the ihnsier and his sitellites hid - formerly maintain's& afternetee maintain, at the North; and which 1160,fialtfe tend to uphold, by snob, olinspyllstsW,S,l4,;klutf4 Slidell,' in this region. . , t Judge-Doilies will see hisiztrieldtkitlial'ali Charles during his 'serf brief etby here, 'bet!** departing for his plentation MisilesipPi) at pre sent overflowed; and Wilt 'ii tisfy any one curious in 'Scab .matters,, that, ark 'far as' the .outer -man is an index,of ;the placidity end happiness of, the liner, no atatestnati in this or any other country !s more at dase - in regard to himself, Or betterpleued with ill this world and the rest of mankind. , , . . .. , . . A rapt:memos of olfolk d .foe le proposed at Clinton; Oneida , county, N. Y., on the 4th,ofJel. None are to appear in the rake who are under eeyenty. nurrnm. o4Hiim,Nmammrrs. 14 ,r 1lilf.tc , • beit fa mind Moli4,l4Okr ;, v 1 Met. a rofA o , L. Or g r i o 61 ' the suds of two 14•Ste} ;!kif.ooloOkloomloo be the tOollnials bot.OeWl ot Jima be jo ypouColt - 1 # 1111 ;# 1 , i4rAtltillOa r U• 'oirrentlioirilirtio Ulmer, the mown of Vie othitatiLllto fairooto - Pilidalsiiitiraillitt vtrt 'Monet. tag to the griontatifkoi -t- - • 7 -1 . rsifid4p* mar --." The predate markistelsarst 'begot infrissedve knee oar . tuft Mew, and forkseadetatrr generally lower fIPt~R : h am:.kollr:seerpyd without leading. initesk badvelLZ 1/44 10-010 0.4 4 4."5 Remit bag Met:a stkirpliskSini ipviim kat nt• *neon there was rather Snore Millnt,ginlAWArlidnoratinnel depremed.f., coffee, lingerl raid *Awe lie been extremely valet and filt.thisislier,grlein amslower. In Piet the transactions Jenesrient Maellolitnes are in limited -densand.---The Zion market le flat, and prima uneettlint:::'lLeatber meetiligood golrY;nastielets Me gillmsintained.".Variber is .tesenotlret. Nernklitores amousber gym. 011 a .sris steady attenviontlinotekess:,Pisitir blower. 'Preshriont ex* tem lest quiet at &Met" quotations. Minis Balite scat. 0101 , 0M001 le 'urinates demand; bat in Tinkotbrand alassied-xerg little ari unobanwsd:t•Tobosnkr-and Wool bre ,dall," surd .foci then latter Minter* detaining. Whiskey is also lower,- In ,Drs linods till agog bare been llsaited r ena the• market dalis - bat not more so thanlasnarat this sesestk Asa skills* , =7 _nottee. Boot and•Elbni *ado is Mao • WI; • -•:!!-,•.• !. ! • ". The =skits for Dtsadstaffeappes4 -assetti•d and.iintl, and for wet delettPrils Iswer , Priess were: incepted S • .Ints with mos,Oritide amounts from Butope OA of the dielhie . T been rimovered; et , the - close, howirier - , - the' leek 'Motive, andpriees ontite wee: .-Tkir sidles of Maw b eads shoat 0,900 b 2 prit for, shipment, et 3 6.76 a'f, for ocimunon sat .ruiperflue,,olosiscat the latter reM; BUT Or axiom ; 37.31 k for:Bran - djwine:' wod - $7:5OPeSbIl lbrAnitroTenattr. The bulk *elite , ssiet ince et Weatentelejletrlne and ,extrallonn,OrsitletteAlee reialloni,end :bakers have been williWthe'elaffdfr,444vldigf•-ditures. and faitoicoli atiSss $0 PIM Rf• "bar aid Near*/ qiiief, - .Stith gibs Of6ooll4de' of the flirinte bi note lt VS4: 6064 ISAMU fßo:bbli — of the Uttar at 30 87114 PIM-hbfl :700:bbls' Biadywing Meal alto eeta-M , a introt o ;b o rlPdalc The followfie. la .the limpeodon. - ef o sit , . Reefer the week iindlnehnisday, - .Juite wn= 3,0159 : nonrets Anikettne , - • - ''" ken , D 0.,.,, Do E'Clonalfeal '• 1,09 - - " - - 6117 rataktio Oete - 96 ),', , WRIAT•—Thr Market is well supplied; bat the millers coma forward slowly, and prices hats been snsanied k soles af 18,000 Iva Junkmorbid, at EOOal Td for' red , • sad' $17k1•.85 for white, ebbing timer- 'Ave has beam katadi ' , roped, and 4 000 bus Paaiwybraulstielkiit'emit ' isarrtving free% and 4oll l- bffArkttlalluPutsi aid atom, With, maw . *:25,000 - bas _rdloirAtAlit ale ineludinglaine la; 4514_,;(1asium* itt at 83035 a am. 814 fChita atirldititY aterf'dilf, • with. Mee otid ON No &autism - land P4lnarffral _lds at 5011520 ),-,` 0004 ;,st the lean Allan 7 Prillg" Bar* aud,Barjay „ Paovretons —NOUN, map tort - rani stoWly, but the market hse 'bean 4 imetirsi PO* 1401 4 la Satan:late $lB6l/3511 , wantrextrs Wavy as 610,,and MOW Dee et 4 1 1/4 1 ) , :pLiCiolmilL'. " 26 of India, poi Baal war mods aV533... jai, Boat roman at Ind 00' 'loiool . iiasiarwitlady ihianaad. &fat otHanas• 446812101 W )plaif' nig &nay eared; Alessi lalalOirrsentiltuddersat Borne 0 0 altir, 11 _0 0 0% giassAnatailkaaadarr, mold at oalo4 for the former_ rand - Valor Ille)ailaja, Warn stoats arsisfair rider elbow. be salk - aftbs;, itt -*TAW 10inifei lite anad shonideaslicamaribeie. c tiralflaanbapenlai atlllo for bblo•laal !el ; 11•040011. is faalla natier-, 7 llolleoutlututs to: meoCa-,tair,bspidiry at 131150, and (*lid pAakat 9a10:1 rilar 16„,91naere Was 4941C' and4ftp' at lifseper donna inaterially. 'my dill: and dor*.RIE iron "dm era W• mote at IS $ 22 , and s2 l Por,loa, as Arab; fortLaitras nanatorr, , wadi - .moderato eau AVOWS fi l lniaala soak& Pfeil 'UMW at 1120 pie toe - A`asiansela Oisreoal illocialttrateatede afl6s; iht Bari and Bails ersinstledr' dersindoitursiiess rata.: Lead 1 0altellallsitit lialutatoooZlol l 'Thula* St SAO, perit'austisarg. . Beasc:=-Aalanalltave it • botaer: dein with further 'Aisles rkI2IV bbdeitillifted fort: No 1, awing at the latter prime ferlinstrinead. - - Tea sers', Berir ! in in:11•114., lioaasadvAritk salsa of 4 8 Pmislctkak 4 14 0 14 6FIRlaftn- uk at SAV_Par 00rd astire; 1014:401 pulls* Sil ram made erte 'bet '• • ' • - ' t atmtaa'=FoYAdatQSAtteaabedimairal fo 008{6100 , w lb, 6 mu; Bperna Oiindloraita bet at • 4 4 4 . 20, " 1 - 7:Coez.-46 -' itaroltir: of .‘lateele!,- tke,ad -*ivied mars of fradeitodamandard motor burinian anditto mat* ir &akar former quotatkaila Blattebioni knot mob !wart& for, and.we quotait at if&Per bag , . ,Corraa.—TM demand is lisitteal, bit learn are 'analtapeed. - with 'sales 'at 4,000 hapPrltio atlina MO, part inetlea, Ind 000, haps Lei toseta at ltichrpirt on thee - Ottnumr4 - -- 1 -Tbe market has Wei dan anamuet• tied> Ullaithe4UNkrishad4lll,ol4 flOtAlMphattag WY to. PRIPV hantirlista wantajn:antiolpation Of a furtW inehid• dolt 000 ,balsa at Diddle Iblbr aild6ll4flif allualfo;iiratfy The following le the eitroeseet dime :At let titoteterlesst ecpipftee4-with- 411 * pt a 9 • '• • • 1 11Vr - • 'lllOO. ' Ikteits st - Parto... - .8. 8 75,0002,194,01X120141 - .000341A1X0 Cr. to.G.Blitain-.1;ra.0001,4119.0011101,4279.1=2,441060 •ag: to hints:... :' 384,4111 1- 3411,1XM1 . 110,001. 441,000 NI. to othori.r... 401,061VA111.901F , ',844)11. - 4111,000 To ezporue.-. - ...tees,Ote 5tee% 00 120 1 3,0100504000 Stook on bar54:.....„410,4100. , 1010100, 1119 WO vididit.a* l iit. l 4 : 4 4 o:l l !o:4:pdd 1s toe above: - meensit iota. 21,0 0 1018006::3O.000 i1x:50,(1,11r1ta1a..... - 'atOte '44,000' 34"000 ':40.000 1 '&t. to Yritide ' • 1600 '1.000"0400 :4000 Itx-othsr P. P 19.000 19.000 0,0oo:' -31, 009 Total imposts - tow - ..64.000 '45100 34,000 'Donna Drag z—Thete is but little doing ; 8111%1)g - the lisassetkins amiotes snide Brimstone on prtsato tonne. Soda Ash at . 21_ ,sno• r enteb; dio '.l3ieso t t u k l i n nrrifdass ist "SO, 'awl Manilla Indigo at Psetnatittioll slowly at 48a470rier lb for • Pow—Poi IldiekerePprteet are fam;butike'do- Mond le small ; stet* Voted , are , 51e.64a17 ler Is, s16.60&10 fork' era= $1.00.0 50 for-6s. - PiekTed Herring rare !seam, and , tope Mewed teS4. Codfish are dull, and 'Prime - stied . j at 416'0 perlb. • - „ ti ..Pnurr.—The market his beat - WO ; own sales of Oranges and Lemons bays been made at $2,50a 550 per Wyk, Si in quality ; small oohs of earrent• at 60, and , Clitron at. 18}e pi& lb; millets: • Do lomite Prodt ,, te uitebanged," , *Ph -BMW sales of Drie4 Apples at • 800 and Dried Peeekes at-from 7 to 100 for urepared.. Fanients.—AMonetbis, iiiregemente to Liver ibot We net.tee tierce beef" atis;Abls deßsi Metal 17e fid, Smallest at 271 6d-; 4,e - Leedom we .quote at,•18420s ton, . mold watkakesi. up to.load Or: Perto Biao. Pad - bask at. ',soma slur, and a bark to Cubs and book at 38e fora:Ow; to Ban Fronde* the ratetrange from ,17 tolOVir foot ; to - Deaton theiteameiisgettinglie for otr, 600 for: Pork; To for lambi, and , Se piir foot, for mea surement, goods, , Oat freight's are unekanged. and vessels scarce_ et — sl. 00 to Boston. - - - , Onaso:—Thara hi but littliidionand for any do• sorintion and no change to, notioe in prides. - Hincr:--The stoke kinds it light; and the - mutat dull c • , - Moss remain Inman, with some further salmi Of Corm:ems, beim.? -airlval, at 25 ,o on time; a Sale of Calent's goat skink was ma& at 408. and. glue Bast - Indiadry aid slialglitar hides at $l.lO al'2o. all finionths. , ' , .-Rops.—The dowsed is limited, with smell sales of Eastern AI6A Witatern at 12.160; as in quality. Li.entnit.—The 'Market " settee, _W it h good demand for 'elegiac*: ikfill - Lei - sew --White itediYallowPinallintrds range from $l4 to 18. ,seeordimt dektteelity.., Lathe are ,selling at $ l - 5 045 2 *: Asilielifts are w°l as 6l7 p er ht.for 484f:f e at. gene. Bowie 'sett at $13.14. Mares sood.l3ielqa` are very dal and %clots nearly -'• ' - - F - •-flohlsans. The stook is light, but the market is dull ; sales of olayed Cuba at 27.290, and New Orleans at 428430. 4 months. , 60 bids claps& sold by auction at 25526 kt, cash'.' " NAvAr, Smuts.—Tar sod Pitch are dull, at pre clons'quotations. Si:dribs of Turpentine -Is unset tled and lower, with salami of 350 bbls at 570, to, ar rive • and lots on the spot at 53e.540 . . ,Bonin ex t . changed . , with moderate sales. ' Ou.s —Liziaeltd Oil is selling at 62a64i easko 'ant, tads ' • , Litrd , OUT is! Amity held, at 95&116o. PorPish Oils. there-is a steady store• demand; at previous rates. • PLASTIM.—XO 1 is scarce, and selling, on arri val, at $3 per ton, which is a decline. =on is dull; and rather bolter; with gales of 200 toe at 41a41e; four month SALT la firmer, and. an invoke of 2,600 sacks ground, and.two 42'imm of coarse sold at ,a Ovate bargain.-,, .• ' Benne.—Oloversed Conies' forward steely, and there is more doing, with Wei et $5 25.5.60 per bushel. Timothy hi-quoted at $1.8702. 1,000 bus Calcutta Linseed sold at about $175, , and do mestic atsl.7o.par brio - - 13marrs.- - -Tbere has been more'doing in Brandy and hut ' Withent change" In prided: -NCB. Bum is selling at 285 to 400: Whiskey has fur ther declined : sails of Ohio bbis_at2B - 40e, Penn sylvania do 27a200, Abdo . 27.200, and : drudge,at 264280 perArallon,,oloslngst ottrloriets. Straelt.—The market la *eV an% And'prioss arinniettled and lower: with Sales of-300 hbili at •61470 for Oztba;liaTio for Porto Moo, slut Oldie por lb for Now Orleans, o n time. ... r , • - TALLOW Ulm, lint the de M and is hinted at for oity-renditriet. - ' • TBAS.—There ie "rem little doing, but prides are maintained., , Toattco.-'=-Tkere' Ites 'been Car* little inquiry for Leif or , ktantifactured. " • ' Wochl-4111enufsh tetras; both -here and at Bast: ward, being well supplied, the sales have been limited;and ata - conoatelon on previous rates: The heti clip will:, be tenting forward freely inn a few An motion tale-of. pulled Wool was made fOrAtto lintotiore Asitodatlon, of which the follow ing are the pfitlcelars: • `B,ooolba 'Merino, 42a441e 4,250 lba N0..1. 34a 35*0 ; 1.000 its Black, 350; 6,600.1bs Lamb's. 364 350.: 6 006 Ile Short Yorke, 380 ; 2'ooo No. 1. 250 ; 2,000 Ibi Coarse, ifio—aqual to oath. HOMO Ku.sap.-4..fine and ',skiable young :bone, belonging. to.. Mr. Josepli,lienk. who Jives on the farad S, Wilton; Etab, neat York; Pa, Wag badly kleked sad Injured 1101110 days tame by anather bitiat ;Altar/Min the same lead, that tplital gn SandoYiset• • -•• • :Istria• li g ht . _ glass r Policiemari'Nutteea hone', MiliwaaiiitObe lithe Welt, imtitntautsi °trots abbot twahkehei. In di .emeter as smooth. sa .by a Pispn,.ol4, sad doing no Oilier 4tßage, Tax..mittlariatnrerti of 'lie* Tagiand 'have 'deeided to' Wild ialtreat'inia'af fabilee at aq•satdl ffsU> auto* der.as ibe.Oenceid'usik la 011:••
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