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W:if.. l 4 l4 ekul,k d ' • ' ' 0 •4 1 1, 1 1# 11 / 1 0.:, ikatt, - • 'itilil6l6-1: 2.a . „ 44). - Wait: 111131111110,‘ • • cookii; vaoja.v,rataar,:i Coesse,aliiieesti 2140 • 2 P.';140 , 111; oorsukr--Xisti:' • ,r,14 - ,Nedheral itcong. J. Yellfll4~ Tiwatp•oomm , atne 2, , 2 * ! - Aulftlai x,; ; -maw. 11 41' 1 4 4 Pfi114 'West gliniags•sitio : , rg•loo.4le, U) • - - , 0A514.11,21D; - IH . A:,-9400.4.11110.1-:: -, 1' = -•;t --falf;-• 1 - 4.;•WTCOrn " • iLI BROAD aid Viltifiltrists,"polisosiods. ThilsostaldoOrii•ollsatnerOsstoseartliolirstkili siOtolite-aid tall arO: trspoottalty - toOf tat to salt sot rl4llllrNe, oho; Tboarsiedgi iiAtimitiiths 41"otosv, Wit fee.. ; thirty twoossurbOjiart WOW lolstr:-Irs ea stronottos. lid ass es Jiatakinalro.la' aut I st Was'OSIV• Moos Ilsottroir tiara latiriltrilWito-atrotor-darter Obisbasket AOOPitotOolti** 6ll ble ai " 7 ;:,101patilisartatsialliiiesiltil whisk : -. ll,lttatattetiONONO Arostat,432 otAition to tas °motets. loomioktots vtor , *WSW oi:1101;oot . _ 4 . 2 1 4 •iroat woof:Jae - II 111. lib* pereims apse s bap ars solution sow boot shall ooss.bikortsl Liaik be Aga too; /militia to win tau wad .41.1 Weis •sikbr • livenr4i [ 4l 4l‘tfltik,t - otitisio ' - raai orlo.wtBok,ttroloitpd io4i4P: k Alitir4o.9o l o.l 4 o ftirth44s ll o'. tri 4, ez r oKiskiss2 tire sarathisty tsar . * peel* . s - ii:*** l l6olf ictit o is-Ak hot to *O9 sOirsotriop s .T,L, -1011441 , t '4OllllA. 4 lllOXlllii , - -'~o~ietiif~ ~ ! bil`l~CiQi~j~~Y~c'°' CANTON , . JUST it.MORIVED hio i nt23 - ,LOf or Pli111621L" AtT.',l 3 o'2lt3ElD, ANT. 614: - •":'l4,AorTrNds'' • !,_l, • 4-4 '6=4" and 6-4 ;ILED - -, • - f-4,4144114AtinTC!!/44,51D1NV 7- • 44'CIWIINWANDI,ANCIT d9:- - ;: •,! ' e.r! -1 1 111'-t it- EV- , IV D 41 D4' = B - 0 TIEITA:Ri, ORDST.NUT,DWDENT., - ;:, • • - • `ts = .411 , `e - - T:3'3l' wubi Aborotta*Ci . .‘ oo Ofrit" ih - -461910teiy atov'f reNto(ll4:4ll4#: to tie bilici* rau"."- 7424 et *wail kir!, - - • MEE ~„ -411,441;4T, -11-44164„ - ,;, - • , „iew OVA iiit iidatax4;!l7.sl • ” TOW! wilt M r roidr -- • ( - 4.reolaG.E.w..2wArrscoN's ALA , orimigz„, 47V • 9,11; Isn' t 1210, as& 1221 - • " it,* , . • - !'i2tEtv'f . • ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0p00kr,,,,,,..., , - - 4-tiv,,lo„z- - ... Y2.-..- '-:1 . -1e...=1- , liAllt,, tr 112.1, y 4-- - 4 e- • ," lintirOil; iZ ' =, - s-' • `,"- ..1 7, ...; „,41• :,r;"•,-;; : ,= Lx-: tig1, 4 .,,1a.: 4 '.:;.-ill , l,'' r i • 4.4irr titteT. -' ' • V 010, 04 114 4 1 12 ' '',' , .. e ..4 •••-=-"*=- , _.,_ ;V,,, ..Sl3: -, :1 ,- . '„ -;. ,--- te ~....,,,v,,,,T.,- t o ai4iiif -- -iiiri 44--;'.. I m tr 4 1 . ...7,- -, --. 4 ,- (x . .lanVf)3ll. 3 ilifiLlitLoillirW t "iii, .r.,' _ - rfluill4t7,llo4 '..- „ 4 4‘ 15 %,''.4 , zi1it -, , , ,:01-v.P.J f , • Jai • ';-', ' 5 :-'llllpill c.e4,4-,:§"' $e cf*. l l Ivy - • '','',l: — i-VOU' : (k.46 '.l''s !r.t. -, ;: 4 i'. , ..':!i•lilYid;iii'lptiii:`,',liiiiiiiii:', ':.'r,..7_. Iri ,11PII ;I EAI TEMEdi 1. 1 itT,PitlNi'S IVA:WNS;`BAItEGES, ErS'L' s (3'.0"45'13 S. , - OOTTONADWPRILLI3, liD OTiIR Goon! FOR 4.ll) , _Boi ; St, *gig, BEIM J O$HtJ B AILY, - 1 • 1.8 -4 STRKSW ;*ljel_iti ,; t t! , `~6raige:{.aab.~`4~ljeuiicals: ROBERT ; SHOE'_ t ;,• , , • • ‘, 11 1.,/r. 4 4 o P.•R?Ylt'nfANDt o l l o: lll3 = o, rart4D , , 4, 1 4t r GINST 8 , IikNURA OTOBERSOP TEl'.* OIL, . _liDl*Taiii:O PLATE W I )- 1 4: ), W Alioxemrivneoir elms. ODA*. G:..•P. _ E. . OiSHILLEMAN'S , CRAVATS. 3 681 oaliaTNlli Street, below seventh, ji'lr; 4l E io 11[-A - _ „.. C WALI3ORN •'& CO • 1 lIORTEMET111411111; MiStirthitlßSHA- „ *4_ „ . 0 . i.i, 4 00 11 0 1 0 411 .4)*UK4OOO. bt, , i,lemaenka elteriertiele Matti/ tO the 12/BltTil3'*liitifp3Alll4;'BUOlNEElls , V;;_3171,11,001,110 - 010)uk PthIMIT:15110011111R-SIAIII 1111bIT ILINVPACI. pppo- ROose. - i/CWXlRigittll,lo , lllll•lr, piltio»totore, Mo per = it " V ' OiieVti b staitat i litral l el i r il r to 0,4 ~ Clolbwrillied it tk*:shartiistmdiec- -411boleuil• Ssumpollift,tplllllpfol *gram • , •_, 14ate,'i trups; &r. Hip so I,e_26.itik A itgAir *ter , - ''ATNG'6-ENTS '"- - is• &MO al/ . f t . ;824. OH : EBTd~7UTt " BTREMIT, : . • - ;,• BirraNtii! ba ra, at WO eiVAE' i rT ot : Yit/14 1? , !-J -I - ~„ - (pontrEk'atiabsitt- , . - !Vali Won •'.4 0 - 0 KA - N 01 - 0 ri"A'B'o'.o :tiiii44o!tion;ind at ti. moot LOOKING GLUM pi.thimmet alatlitato awl Via most simple /„LOOKttiO,BI,IOBTO - Nuthilo . beit , t , eatth and ilk 43.1• saint sabo r taattal l ai rm_l , , ~LOOOINO 01,10001, its,',arbi : obitbitanbt by ouralvii Is cotr ova . • • -• I- spasm. - - • ILATopANT.II4: I IwiImII2: tlamai tat Otountry• JAKOB 'llALtilla 'BON, - T R *CitOOII.PBIII,. 11/40incrg :nub „pin. IG IRON; BLOOMS. &C x I b . E:E g 41'14 it; B T R 111 .3 !ki•ifi#4so/1141)*4:14161 AVINUBI P/T 4 4 l gßiqAt': ANINICAWNOUNDIT AND NOWA II 4 j : ,1110/4 ' v tit OkilitAiii../ ) ,4 4 # 111023 ).- Poe% PIOIAIII, • • -. • GLINNON,, HAMPTON, ALSO; COLD *LUT pRABOO.Ati - PIG kRON, • 701VNA3AIpplErs - PURPOISII:O.' liOiL*4 l4l o ll . lll- **WC, 230ILNA*RD'ILI:131 IRON, rc:VATgat 'ed .. a -4W Pli?Es; AmmuciAN BLDriTatklEl;, a;2., PDX BALI , Low; A- cloastownisr. , 1500 WATER' PIPES. . vals4Aiim TWINNT =OMNI DIAXITIA IrriltimAg ter WaSsouts Amboy Wire Mob. * MLl' F. *BLLT 004 ,(0*5 . 1 . 000 io i tonuit! C 0.,) Nor 003417111 'IBM: STRUT, [6ILaDIL?HIai) P*B; .4011i0IIT AigOHKO Km.' - - I A*: Minliklund "WO, ty,nt only' on coma ninon . 1i#411i,1,0T1,1. : f i r! . , i° ' c ai r ti " ffi- " tft g bmt ilk• imasitaii, sad nrantnnorl nosy rely on prompt ed -14C0nni1,411,.,--„_ ,1 ;ilitelllorks:, ' ' RNM iortumzsTAL MARBLE WORKS . , , MI igisiskt!y on isms's% Oyer, Imo Ossorissesit of ipiiittistitrriC ' i' - ,4! :','. ' -:, 11 ), ..-TOWS.UREij and ,-- 1 .. ~; : , k :,- . GRAVZSTONES, cit ~ , tus drips , num of tks mows 1 ,; itibiAlN OD1.;40 111 ( WI, IdhanMs, 4WIIII ko wilt, rill it greatly sidoSodpriosi. 'is also ' ' id id . loossit van tits most. favorable . "i sist ,ropeettai ivito the Roue rue :suy to I hid Most Ulan perdathissilsowitors.. . 1 -ADAM`'.ETEiINbiETZ , I :';.•:, lioniilatilifable WoSiss, ' -i- r ATIXIII4I39Ir*PAry Itsysoth am; , ' opWarts Us; ,::, , ,-, - , ' Phltdelpidsi DAVID P.."-NOORE, • UNDER tV) V P 1111 ) 1 -* P n riio 4lo . „ strOnkicqz, 'AE?o..l,344tOits,‘,ivarenteA to ~ give latleisotion. WA.Tnii.4IO6LED.IB, - lined with Nit:l6l6in. EMERY BEISIGEItATODE, very convenient. PATENT VENTILATED MILK-PANE. ' •EED DEDAE.ONE6TO, mothproof.AgtelOpAlai3 exp'prrEss, And a genutritemortonent el' uppruli 11611SPAryttEl'ilIGNO,GOODE. - !ttyri-tanwtJel - " - THE CELEBRATED GENUINE ..a.itoTzes xtturst - maintamomk, ROB BALD ONLY BY Till MANUFACTURERS AND PATENTEES, JOHN A. MURPITEY & CO., WINSHIP'S PATENT BEI.ir—YENTILATINCt'REBRIGERATORS. TDB ONLY TROBOUGIRLT TRNTILATBD AND , RIAU= RBBRIDBRATOR „IN T Bll . , NO,BRIT/ , WAD WITH AND„TR,BRABiNif ,191111 D ' - Wint OriartdOst. Prof.Blllimin, in kda summit/oft on Nt.teral,l2hiloto pity, nave drafutp of this Beftlyrator to illustrate the eirsoletionof sir by "theaombined effasto of oold and heat, kfil'ise eels 'Wits operation," it is in heentifel accordance with Natural Lows; having e motive forte or Os, a. forgo, to estob4obord trotittolo liketitfefi constant ensrent.of air, and eittistortsat istatitation,ii The Refrigerator has Mei Witt, end It highly reo nimided byProfeoeore eill.zoes;‘Portet,tod Thatektr, of Tale College; riot Mists, of Nest York 'Pref. Chase, of Providence Ootnitiosore Gr e gory, 8 N. Dr. R. G. Olirk; Clity ' Phyaleleig of Bosnia; fed many other promintat elientife men; 7' D. 13 Tettield, PrOris 4 or of Union Market, Brooklyn, layer Iv an tapes:sane of twelte yearn, YY hare need and Wee familiar „with 'eiery, style of. forigeraiiir, wout of which' temptirs ODA 'Whlshigit. I dad it ventage+ ptrfeetlyi it eomioninal lniae,end oc arina route spiondioty.. l -• . - :llveryhoneektepeu whi.withesti healthY, cheap, sod tioonomieer :Reerator, shoold purchase one of ITlnship's. :Biome frig and examine them. Nor eats by - NORTH, ORLON, ,b NORTH, No. 909 Ntrth'SBCOND - ARNOLD A- WILSON, No_ 2910 OfilitTNCT STREET, LAND *ARRANTO, BtOiIANGN &sae* no :5e The FATAL • 00iAtiON - &kV, the Novelty of tine Baiion,b LINCOLN,' , WOOD, Sr NICHOLS.' • ' :'• • S T RA,BV H A,T S Of say style or guilty, =MEI LINCOLN, WOAD,. & NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, _ ,(Ssv'o 'poolto *Boyz.kiesoNla Ti 111111.11.) za r 2B- gai • • Mcntant . Tailors: S MATTSON, - • • ' BIRRORANT- TAILOR, 1126 CHESTNUT STREET Third Boor 'below twelfth doted, South side, EhNada. irr fall assortaieat of Sessonible GOODS , flow on bend.mylo4jyt Parasols, &r. pARASO.LS, Of 11161 and 1111AUTITIIL 13TYLVEI and TINII3II. Sri UMBR,E LA. , LIGHT, 1TR0N0,1212 IiQUISITELY MOONTTD • NOR SALA{ AT LOW PRICES, DT WM. A. 'DROWN & 246 ISAILKET . STREET. ' myMin ' liem' ovals. REIVZOVA - LL' R. xrairEna ffi ao_ Hoye irotooved from the N. E. co noir of FRONT AND AROR STREET To their NEW' STORE No. 115 ARCH STEM, The eighth building welt of Front Street, geyet-Surniol)ing eSolabo. NEW HOUSE-FEREISRINO STORE, No. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET; (Oppoed, tLo ieide!ly of Nine Arte,) 'W YA - RNALL iittinVon to Vs alsoitniont of er ilittft HOUBE•IrURNISHING WAIiE•ROOMB; 922 CHESTNUT STREET , e gecators:• - neat eitate, Olathe, &e. 'RICHMOND ZEPPS, GENERAL - WEETEEN LAND AGENTS, if or the ate, Tradi,,Or pantie. of Lends In Tenneyl venia,lfissouri lona, 1111601 e, Wlsoonein,' • . Minnesota, 1101(835as. , Apetraote of SAW fninfehed, Ooftedtione made, and kale piddin the fiiegoingltatee. • cirrigkzio. 1, egoom) ritima AMERId'AN BUILDINGS; s. 1. Corner of •1OU&TLI and WALNUT STUNT, r2B Bt PRILADDLTALA, P. Itaitrocar OW*. CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY ' • STOCKS FOR SALE. The Stooks of theMmions Passenger Itsprays nave in operation la WS city said those In tonne of. con rirucdon,, and which ,are expeated to be running shortly. As thetas , stocks are not generally before the Board of Brokers, we would invite our friends and. the public who with to lyrist in them desirable eseuritles, as well as to gain Information respecting them, to give us an early call. WITHERS ic PETERSON, STOOK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 89 South THIRD ST. Sewing Oat!lines WHEELER do WILSON meirmaneontno SEWING-_ MACHINES L §UpgrIOT to &ll ethane for general we, an for *MIT 11,91{111tS, 'TAILORS; ANTI DiIIIIBII.A.KIRII, NEW' STYLE ONLY FIFTY DOLLARS. OFFICIEI : Ipli Obestont Street, Pbllo..elphis 7 Weet State Street, Trenton, N. T. • Otet...Tenn Titne's More, Easton, Penna. 7 Nest Gay Street,' West Chester. , SUB - AGENTS: EDWIN ItoDEn Stobreetown, N, J. WILLIAM PATTERSON, Salem, N. J. - ; • - , Permanent Offices will be opened shortly, by me, In Reading, Allentown, and Lanouter. Penno, myl-4m .EEH&Y COY, Agent. IFIARRIBm BOUDOIR • SEWING 8.44. • offered ,10, the goblin as 010 11160 noble tow-priced slug lifeoldne in ues. It will sew from ale to duty ; *table to, an fn.*, on all kinds ol geode, tram tferztda bagging to the finest cambric.: It' Is, without exception, the simplest In its ineehanled tenstruetbon ever nude, sad eau be run and kept in order by a child of braise years of age. The AUF.lllllirrY of this =whine. 'diddle latieurt Os as woes are war. rented to be tutenrpaseed bY any othei. Its sp eed reaps front three hundred to Staten hundred !MAW/ per ad mit*. The tidied needle taken &redly front the epode, wit : noir itch "Adman or RaWIRDINO. In taut, it is a' matins that Is wanted by emy family In the land; sad the knr prise of - at *Mak they are told; brings theta Withto the nook Of Omit my one. D. D. WEIR, Anent, . 411.deini W-enor-ant 7SO AROD IiTRZDT. VIKTO SITY CHEAP WAVOZEgS,,go to Wort/meat eorner qt9ctip aatt lOW Streetii • m 4441 PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, JUNE,- 3. -,:1859. Bummer linarta. UNITES.-StATES .; ROTEL'; , 'LONO BEANO% N. J.—The sublorlber takeoff title method of informing his friends and the public, that on and after TUNE 20th ble house will - be ,open* for the; reception of guests, when scary elf rt will ,be .rnade to please those whomsy laver him, The; hones ir plea gently eituated on a tine bluff, with lawn In front. A full view of the ocean, good roads, stabling, ate., tusks nu attractive as any Noose in the cohort/. The boM municatism is omissible by two Maly Hoes front foot of Weinnt-etrett wharf , Vs, 6A. it., and 2 P U. - Beterenee—Grandy, Wisrdea,.k. Co 261 Chestnut street_ ' B. A, S EA BATHING} .—TIIK, MANSION POMO. foot of Perineylvannt avenue, ATIANTIO CITY, h NOW OPLN for attend. rur Convenience of arrangement, contiguity to the beach, And attractive nese of the adjacent groundt, tide house te -nnri abed. The proprietor. has spared• no pains In make ig this Hotel all that could be desired by visitare. - jel-am CARLISLE WHITE - SULPHUR SPRINGS, °TIMBERLAND 00PA. ' This favorite and fashionable Watering Place, plea santly located near the bade or the Blue MOuntatu, four miles from Carlisle. Pa,, *III he open for visiteni on the 20th ,of JIINIV. Thp waters of these Syringe are highly impregnated with Minerals, and fdr drinking and bathing are not durpaesed by any Sulphur Springs In the enuntry., The buildings arevrell ventilated, end are eurrounded by 1,200 feet of balcontea.- The soenery is of the grandest kind, and the accommodatioas for the reoreatton, health, and comfort of clatters are unex ceptionable. • flood fare, pleasant drives, flue mimic, billiards, bowling saloon, and other genies, ant all the ammententti usually found at Wateilng,Plates can be , en joyed here. Plettere tearing Philadelphia or Baltimore in the morning train arrive at the Bpringe at 8 o'clock P. M. Daily - mail. For further information - address. OWEN, OLENDENIN, CO., CARLISLE' SPRINGS, Pa. O. De 0011t1I, Ebq W,llllllllll A. Ithodes,Zsg , Thomas 0. Percival, Alex. Kirkland, Esq., R. B Rollins , Ba ltimore' Jacob Gideon, 'Rag., Richard Wallsok, Esq,, Waabington, „ , , myBl/412 TARE 'UNITED' STATES: HOTEL, AT yy ATLANTio - ornt, will be opened for the re. caption of visiters on the let of JUNB. The Hon a has been , thoroughly renovated and improved, and to supplied with ail the applienees and oomforte of a Ant. dam 'Rotel. In addition to - other improvements a Wined has been constrnoted to the beach; on which the guests will be conveyed free of charge daring bathing hours/ myllo.lm CONRAD fr. HINE.LB BEDFORD SPRINGS. Thle well:known • end delightful Primmer report will bo open for the reaeptton of visitors' on the diet of JUf P, and kept open till the first of October. The Hotel wilt he ander the management of Mr. A. G. Alien, whose experienee, courteous mermen, and at tention to his guests- gives the -ampleet aericulnoe of comfort and kind treatment. •. - , . , .. ... . Parties wishing rooms, or a ny information in regard to the'plaaii, Will address the eubsariber ' . . • , A. G. ALLEM, rey2o.6w Superintendent Bedford Mineral Springs. ' OHIO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS., AIiNGOIEORYMET OkTRE PROPRIETOR POEi TRS 6EM3014 OF 1869. • WIN OHIO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS are sites tad In Delaware county, 18 miles north from Columbus, (the capital of Ohio,) on tbeoio .sr mil e r fro m Delaware, 10 miles freim the W hite Selptturatetion, on the 1 , priUgdeld, Mt. Vernon, and Pittsburg Railroad, Cod 10 milee from Pleasant Valley or Spiegel etetion,, on the Colmobna,'Plotta, and Indiana Railroad. These Springs will be open for the reception of visitors ON TRH FIRST DAY OP 'JUNE. • The !Mori:memento of 1880 hays been large, enabling the proprietor to accommodate from Ave to six hundred guests: Among theseimprovemetits msv be men,tbkied • large and elegant hetet, nii* Cottage flies, additional. buildlogs IMidsemente mid recreation, eaten/ISe bath.hmises, a steam&6`.' tlpon,the estate there are fire Sii , infor, all Within the lawn, tour or trhieh, the *bite Sulnliai,le , °hal) , id bee, the Magnesia's, and the liallue Milt ate, are deoldedly medicinal, whilst the fifth is remarkable for this ,Ite water. - , THE WHITE SULPHUR is a beautiful Artesian fountain; situated near the rcoky bank of theSoloto Sc ioto At the depth of Ina feet below the level of the ? Horns the remarkable 'dream of 0010= Which SOPHIA title Spring. Tble eLhilatn Iran disliterered some 80 years ago, by a gentle anitiknonasttha°r"osmeteb°rh'thel e r nrrf a se ad e t ; • -T n h tl e w has ater e ' v w e h r e tt u in re co ach co ld n: tinned to flow, during all seasons, without change or abatement, either in quality or volume. MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. Nor years these Springs have boon' highly eithiemed for their medicinal properties. During the past pease, their reputation to this respect hue been singularly con firmed. They were administered by e. uhysielan, Judi ciously se to quantity, time r f drinking, centlnnance; &a., and under ibis systematic plan the mites were numerom and gratffilng. THE WEISE SULPHUR WilEtt to peMillarly see/losable In those disorders of the Liver and Stomach which so often entiot gentlemen who haVe been too closely confined to business, and perilous Of sedentary habits. THE ÜBALYDI.ATE SPEINati are permanent Wales. Their effecte tlpho gratin down and debilitated mustittitinne hate been Dot tran sient bet looting , giving to the blood a new vitality, and to thilipereon new - Ilfe and vigor , • • therm which can contrib ute is 11 Ntfi 6ndbnw~oii. As a delightfel retort allying the summer months, the Ohio White I:alphas tiptinge have no rival in the West, and hat few en the United States. The location is pe culiarly healthy ; the ' Scioto here* is a rapid. rooky' stream; the tt 011 If Limestone tt a formation hundreds of feet In thickness, through which the river Ws_ its way, Is everywhere, either at or near the surface; the grenade of the estate' ere beautifully nodniated, and laterepertpd. with Mimenthe ravines - which carry off all saporiluons water, thug renderlog the 'soli drywall the atmosphere free from that. !tumidity so prehtdiolal to health' , these circumstances; taken in summation with the altitude of the pier*, about I,coo feat above the level of the ocean, mars the locali ty se tree from mahatmas 1141301:1081_111.11 a mountain region. - ihe Spring property consists of 320 acres of land, one hundred of which Is covered by one of the most beautiful groves In Ohlo. This -r..wrier.-1 le handsomely laid off hate walk, and dates, one of the latter ,being taro miles in eltent. • Itathing hero, by the Dan cdopted, is brought into feireompetition With that at auto Nit Warm slid Hot Syring e. The water is heated in the bath, tab by steam pipes ; the heat nht being raised high enough tbprectpl. tate limonite, it is by Ude systmia applied ' o the 'desert of the bather without the lose of Its milieu ingredients. • TELEGRAPH ortiom.. .-. • . - - A Telegraph Office, Cothantolosting with' all parfa of the country, has been establiehed at the Springs. To he thus in connection 'with distant points, will be a. great Minvenience to gentlemen who can hear from and dareat their holiness ailaire daily. All the accessories neceniery to health, pleasure and amusement, visitors may expect to fled at the Ohio White Sulphur Springs, no the proprietor is determined to mete it, In every particular, a first-class watering plum. Gratified with the liberal patronage extended lest year, no effort will be spina to merit its con. Uousaae. A livery, well stocked with bowleg and earriages, is attached to tho Eiptlnge For further lafaimation, arrangements for roma, &0., address ANABAW WILSON, 'Th., Whits Ssiplthe P. 0 , Delaware Co., 0. VPIIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LAM aIiTIIR COUNTY; MINNA. • Tide literate astablleh neat will be opened by the first of JON.S. Situated on the Ephrata Ridge, 89 miles west of Philadelphia ' 18 moth or Reeding. 18 north of Lancaster , 40 east of Herrisburg, and haring the advantage of the phrest soft water, every variety of bathe, the site elevated to 1:200 feet above rater level, with graded and shady walks in dense forests, and the most extensive land.cape'eoenery la thelJnion, it in not impasse& tor a rummer reindenee. Aceommodations for 400 persnae, improved stabling; acidd good carriage boasts; also a good stock of livery horses and outages, with amusements. A good band of maga, billiard tables, ten pm alley. It is easy of access from all the abort) points by ralirisd and coaches The proprietor spares nothing to mete it a home plate for comfort and health. Nor farther part - miens, see circulars; to be had by applying to Joseph B. Mien,. Third and Vine etreete; James S. little, 810 (nee nut street; or to the Proprie tor, JOSEPH RONIGUAOHIIIt, )Ephrata Poet Office, Lancaster County, Penna. ATLANTIC CITY I ATLANTIC CITY! NATIONAL TIOTIL Alin Etoußatox HONOR. BAST & CO., Propriotora. Tide Rowe bee changed hands, and will be opened on the 20th of MAY 'for the accommodation of Bearden nod Eicureionterte. It to refurnished in the beat style, - with neirltuntiture, Bedding, &o. l The National to admirably situst'd on Atlantic aye nnei eommtnde a-fine AEON of the Mean, and but one square from the beet Bathing Ground on the Island. A splendid -Ball Boom and Dining Boom being at tached to this house, makes it particularly desirable for Bzeozeione. Inylo4m* WILOREHOE HEIGHTS 'HOTEL, Flo-- a: ranee, —The subscriber., having leased the above named popilar noose for a term of yearn, intend opening about June let. The former patrons of the house, and others, may be assured that no eerie on the part of the proprietors Midi be wanting to ren der it a truly attractive summer resort. Baths, Billiard Tables, Ten Pin'AlleyS. and Stabling us the premises. BOBBINS & WILLARD. ID' Rooms secured from a diagram of the Reuse, by application at the odloe of W. WILLARD, 489 CIaRtSTNIIT Street, second floor. mydlm SAOHEW B HEAD HOTEL, NEAR. GIIILYORD, CONN. The subscriber, having purchased this well-known first-class fashionable Rammer Rouse, would inform its former patrons and the mib,io generally, that it is to be refurnished, painted inside and out. pat in Complete order, and opened for the receptean of mummy on the first day of JUNR, ender the immediate anporinten dance of SAMUEL FOWLER, Bee., the popular sod universal favorite at this establishment for the last ten years. The Hotel is of modem conetraotion, built on an en kande* scale, with aura 01010datiOpt f or two hundred and fifty guests, commanding a tine view of Long Island Bound. Phillard, Sheltie, and Bowling Booms, at a con venient distance from the House . Good Fishing and Bathing within tire minutes walk, Arrangements have been made with the New Lon don, Stonington, and Providence Railroad far a new depot within one mile of the Howie, called the Sachem's Head Station) , Also, for Bzontulon tickets, for the boarders_ to and from the "Tontine Hotel to the l‘ Read,l , at half price. N. B.—Mosquitoes are never seen at the Hotel. TONTINE HOTEL, BY H. 'BORaNTON. NEW HAIIIIN 'CONN. • I have made extensive Improvernents in the TON MOS HOTEL this Amine, in the addition of new Booms, new Billiard Tables, and Beth Roomer with hot and cold water. gamines can have suites of rooms at either Houses, as low as at any flat-class hotel in the country. Beery attention will be paid the guide Of the two houses. Beteg the eele owner of the ff gaohem's Hied" pro petty, and having a plx years' lease ' , from Sammy next, of the I ONTINS 110TAL, my whole time wilt be devoted to the comfort of the guests. myll-wfmlw H. LEE SOBAIiTON. EBEMOUNT BOARDING ROUSE,T near riorrlatown, Pa., (fotabliehed In 1855,) wIU be open ter boarders, June lot. It is one hour's ride from Philadelphia. The pounds are extensive and well ehaded; the t001:1311 airy and pleasant. The lora. tion is high (150 feet above the ilchayikill) and ex osedingly' healthy, CC can be shown eartiflostes of medial men. The place is admirably adapted for familial with children. The bin reit:minima can be given. Terms modetatc. Addrses fabIAYEL AARON. Norristown, ipi?-voft 12t ;L1V,03) Thfo. is Arooritaahlit the Itiid writif bib! hewu igMdd ter • - Thie to ArratiLthle the land ,Ilorofe beerA Otto dted for I Yet, Rtrange telktlON, promised lead llotriievot "ippllod for E A Poofon k VIM 14001 ET THE 813TEDE !PIM SPARipIiVGRASS PAPERS L roprtetoe, OW MOLDY, A bidiTcH T l-1 B; BLUE EB. '¶ BY S. COZZINS. - Two Eliigant,lii§trairoi; Nir _bipoloow ~ ,r B. LEHI. Also, a hair eftioa of Theieparfhargrase Papers! I P,ice $l. , • "The bunaor ov,. 6:areas is sustained and spirited, and oOntionetly !h. over sands of golden sense."— [Louisoilleleurn : ' Mr- " r Matins% IS genial and tefleed ;no toint of I , enloaritydisilatres a veritinge. 13 la homorts healthy." —Poston SAS nrderaasette. "Ali. 'Coarkifieelrfiriefotif , the relizak Eng noir. ; it le quiet and ~ redrievilling for no boisterous retotei• 'lion, but - irreeletib ~ s ppealiog to tho inmost lease of humor itLtill reside =...fituffile Expies7 "Mr. fier(sue he achieved ti roonsetiOn ,as one of tae liveliest Of out. qs *Mid I. and nls rare that it OelehHty As Seddon fl , so'weitninfited' is aceorded -to any one."—filf: Y. 4affiing•rost. - '., ' • _ - ~_ 1 —.. i DE RB , N • 46. il'A -, P. 4 0 ON,, _ •.. , . ALIgatES, -. , 110 143.32 A T/p,F , TS WV : TO - RK• !OR • BALE t tr .0.1,,, lI:OOKIELLBREI.., jaßt . ..;,:,,• 1.) , . ; •, „ ptrßLls 'ED , TIIIS DAY, sthi.ws • OONSTIOTOTIVA AnaatrzaTtrit: A OUIDR YOR RUILDRH AND OAUP.Idif- TERI Zziklbiriftg t .Honetinetionmf a Stirlen of De. tifyib for Rooli,Defmi,'Spiree, and the )trill Sunnite Asontrauroaa, limited from the bed goal:um/a, of Grecian and linmanari, with the figured dimenelene of their Haight; 'Ptotetton, and • Proale. ' whiotrafe added a Treatise onfriottcal Geometry The whole 4: LII(STEATSPAIr tzsrloix PIATBS, sad accompanied by explanstom tcgt, - Samuel Sloan, Architect, author of the ‘c Model Artitect,i) "'City and Suburban -Ar chltectnre,”-etc:, a One volume, ate' pride do, *ill be reedy nit, week—SWAN , l3:O/TY .ANto SUBURBAN AMC HTROTURR ithlblting nuntmotUf Designs end Detailifor Sahib/ Idiflces,"Prirate Red. dolman nod EferconSe'Dilldiegt. Illustrated lefth,lB6 folio Rograrlage r ioomparied by apecillestlona and Historicist and' ki/anatory Test, By Samuel ihoanj author of the I. HaelArehlteet,” "S'oav'e Oonatrao. Rya' Arehitcolarel etc. One volume; folio. Prloe $l2, • J. 8.. LIPPINCOTT -& Cos, 22 and 24 FOTIAT.II STBZET. Joi fit • FIFTH BDITIOITOW , IIKADt. PtigLiti A till OW NA.P.OLIONTRILoping,D. ' - 71 r Bator. le: litoolutuii • st. (loom's or :fie Nese. Written with ability, and isijult• Interment* —phlist. .olty Item, . . . , • Dlr Sqictkiea' voltime f a &rod - col and 6111 lb e 8 p_ronannoed by the atejerity el retdera.-11. E. Joetnel, New York., - It is the roost nomplet• bingriptyof th• French Rm. Paror yet pubipled •—tlaltiolorißepubllcan. Thus vOIUM.II plesents ne with isiteristing detail' of the private aid !subtle career of he most aarcessful &di venturer of :hie are..-41. Y. Nvinualist. It is a wort of:thrilling inters: a e d greet hietorioal value —dnitior , e ' Thiewetk dot teli and ample ,taatiee to the gulled. blepti•oh'— It le on ably writteliwerk:preeenting a full and tom ide htstiti et' tho; trthibie eraear of the /teach NOS, inent3e2. • Air Stoilikey ale g Amerie#Aliiitet of popular bletorloallrott Vie of Napoleon MU very in teresting --firehun's,lifelet!no. S~yyr Sloneker bait lierepodnried a toiler -plead of' ledyie tha k. t. Is eel:I/lois% •tb11•0 , artildie.—ifoiumfr Seeger . Por Bole (l-. 4: EVANS, —, 9144 Gift Soft, Storti, Ako „-, ile • „,,1„...•• &Met. ‘t . O . T. Affe-nr a:4":152 " . " alum. Atratitgrail and oxperiatioe‘of a - medical 1136111 iwrippe ppus of the world, written in a mostpkvant and annulus style. I mi 51 25 TEM excuEtore STORY. ByOltver Banes. A. Anad,chatzr.ingptOti of ilathelor , a Txperlanaes; said to be'equalluaa faferastia4 as "The Itoyarloi,". by Maraolo,ll. • GEOPARItY , HaltfAlf, a Hovel. By Henry (not Albarlea) Kingster., Spoken of by the English orates as 'the sensation n Iva of tha day. I.vol • ELIO. TIGHE UMW. a Nosel t llme. 11, _ _ OEIRIENA. TEB QUBBN OP TEES DANIIBB. By the author of 4, Peetola I t Translated from the Preneh. Paper. BSc:ante. • • 81.1.51018 S 01 ITALIAN PAINTBILEI. By Mrs Jameson. Blue and gold. Id cents. Er We beg ti tall the att ninon of parsona atent goung out 01 toorlorjhroutarser,foputlarae Mot of BOOMS TOIL 81311 MER, RCADISICI, oomprising all • theadw eta standard literature 81 the day, on which, tdhosebnyi.sp a namber of Poeta at a time, we mate atigattal. 1115000SY Yoe deeii. Onr stoat pf STANDARD AID Tdrgommirliqim Books IN PL&II AND PIN.P. BINDINGS, In tionurpansed Irjan} hoar° In tiro clot, and whir* *e oiler the .. . LIROEST ASSORTMENT from which to emot, and atth4 . . Lo wR,RT PRIORS, , ~ we ate sure It node only to cal the atteotou of the Publle to our estbliehment, to satisfy them that we offer the GREATEST EDIJORMENTS TO BOOK BUYERS. Straoge•e and tbere hill Sod a plestant plate to SUS 1112 hour or two who INETIOPOLITAN BOOKSTORE of IT AZ iltt. EROTEICES, CHESTNUT Street. rtiEtE FAIL TRADE.—Basiness men, who ll intend carpeting for a abate of the eery large Poathern and Elnthweetern trado anticipated Ma fall, are nor offered lc advertlelmt medlam of the columns of the illairfalliN DIONITOII and the fitolltdOND NNW:UREA. Isms reasonable. Woe, N. N. corner WALNUT and WON fltreets, seimattetory. jeVitic VVERY MN HIS OWN DOCTOR. JUA aunt poibbised, THE EPITOME OP THE AMR MOAN ECLECTIC PRAO elOlO ON MEDICINE, SUR GERY, OBSTERIOB, .DISHABEfi OP WOMEN ANx• ORILDRISN, lATBRIA . MEDIOAI Pdkatiazir, WITH GLOBULE Octavo, 116 pp. By W. Paine, M D., Profseso Of the TheOry and Praetiee of Medi 'doe in the Eepetie Medical Ooltoge of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. It it one of the most efficient guides to Domestic Prsdoe beer pi/Misled. 'lt includes tho predicts of Alipathy, Homeopathy, Uydropathy, and , la all other ey e sof Medloine extant , Oasis of Medi .oine &comp the book *hen desired, no that every One met etc fully treat dinette. - Also, TH E °LRCM MEDICI 1.1, JOURNAL OP PHILADELPEA. : SO pegee. Pnblished monthly, at $2 00 par amnia In advance. Designed for physician, and public reins. The 1 pitona to for sale by JOHN GLADDING, No, 60 South PGRTII Street °' (11117P,ITU & RIOII. SECOND and Aosc; u., RIPTENIIOIII3E, SIXTH and OALLOWEIL; and by the Author, No. 120 North FIFTH Street Price, $3. my2o-61* no BOOS-OLD tiOOXS-OLD BOOKS. V The undmlgned states that he has frequently for sale books pitted between the years 1470 and 1600 early editlonef the Fathers of the Reformers and of the Puritan Irises; in Law, Braaten, Lyttlaton. Par iendinti, Ocoee, Dorset, Coke, lisle, the Year Books, Reports, Ao. v ra often to be found upon his sb elves; - oyotopedlas, lmeone, Olisele Authors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, Once, Political Heonottly, Government, •Architecturepatural History. Treatises upon these Ad other Mired subjects are being continually dealt In by him. poke, in large and small quantities, par. chased at theloetom-House avenue Bookstall, CHEST 'NUT Btreet,Ore Fourth, Philadelphia. Mill dm 1 JOHN CAMPBELL. QTATE TRISKEY INSPECTORS' OP PION folthe Port of Philadelphia, No. 234 North WElttltV3d,otwooo Baca and Vino stmts. 1 !MANOR Triage WESTERN OFFICE, Northwr corner el Broad OBR anICEd Cherry streets. SOUTHERN , No. 138 Soul Front st•eet i above Walnut, (Bast side.) At each othe above of coropetect Deputies are ready at &Mates to execute orders with despatoh. The law,pres the purchasers of domeatia liquors, whether fosonie consumption or exportation, a right to demand ieertifleate, which we will furnish free of charge, - oat Liquors inspected by our departMent, setting forithe proof and gouge, which should 0000 m. puny - each dl of sale, so as the purchasers may know that the sole is what it is represented. All petals gauging or inspecting domestic distilled stfirite, where not our pupa deputise, will be prose• rioted, as q intend hereafter to fully enforce the law in.regard finspootions • COLLINS & CLARK, Inspectore. P. B.—A our certificates are printed beading, and the coat aims of the Plato of Penneylvanis thereon. my SP EOA L NOTICE .—T he SUSQUE HAM HEUER and NORTH and WEST BRANOH TBLEET 00 eIPANY has opened an Offiee ha th e PRANK BOOBS,- 317 OHLATNIIT Strset, and Is now re to do- badness promptly and efficiently, haying diet commtmioation with the greet coal and. Iron regid of Penneylvaola, the valley of the Snipe. harms, aiboth branches connecting with reliable lines through rthern and Western New York, the Cana. des. and rthweetern States. , mill•lme QPETAL NOTlOE.—Dealers in Goodyear's ts,. Patifor Vulcanised Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs mill other Fabrics and articled male bY *main; ing librdsubstances with threads or sheets of ynicarr iced rub are notified that unleas the name are properly stumped; lobeliad with my name , and by my authori ty, theyannot be legally disposini of in the United States s:wheats and dealers are invited to examine epecimo now in store, and to give their orders for the Spring !ads to the undersigned, BICOLUSIVE OW N. MR 0141111 . 1 . 1TLAS AND EXOLUISIVE RIGIITO IN TO PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the et heretofore manufactured or imported, and titans tors. r AiM TOMNBRI3 TO MANYJPAOTURE AND MILL —and Terms—may be obtained on application to me at ge COIIIITLANDT Street, N. Y. WWI ' HORACE 11. DAY. TO:110SE who are about to purchase e t heir Paints, White Lead, and Window Glen, We die their attention to en tunrorpeseed and Select steak each goods, which are to be roan I at the. store of , ZINGLBH, k BMITH, , ap* corner of atioorto and GBREN Btreeti. Notices 4, 11 g -; z SUNS , tititokeiiire. ' The history Inventierni is if .et Interest. One oeB to know how 6 Particulaidiecirrery was ;nada ; whence. came ,the idea , what . cir-, emu/stances, led to, its .being I eilowed, up bY, experiment,' bow mach of: thelappythought' is to be credited to other serves;;: by what gra: lotions of :thought and labor ft 'was' evolved into a practical fact; what improveMenti were effected upon 'the .original invention; whit beneficial, retfulte accrued, to the ,public; and What 'rewards, in reputation and in wealth; were received by the diacoVerer. „ *bo: -not Interested lmowing . that.tho chat idea - of-making Steam, a great workman occurred' to JAitES !WATT, while yet 8:school boy, long 'before 'he :had beard of the haven- tion of a species',of *Mu-engine ilkie of Wone a spra his aunt to him , ct latliA an;Alte boy I . fake is hook.,and,employ yoUrself use fully for Abe last hour you have not spoken a inord,,but taken off the lid of that kettle , and Put it em ' again, holding now a cup and now a silver spoon over thu steam, watching Low it'risefi , Mon the sport,' And catching_ and connecting, the hot Water 'it falls .dt:fdiptinot nano:tied 'of apemlineynmr time, ti*.! way Jtiai 1150,, (as iintearn froM that excellent . book, Altar - - I,ife of James Wait,) the feture great eogineer: was aged - 14.. The apparently idle observation and playing with the steam from , the tea-k - ettle; was hisfirat Seriously reflective tlOtice'of the condensation of steam = a power,` then, unknown, which he subsequently sub deed and brought' into compelled obedience tq the - human mind and will, In that great ivOnderwerker, the Steam Engine. ,In like manner, who does not feel unu- Susi - -interest in s ._ the details -of • the expe riments. made - by !FlitTOs' and Frivol in ap- , plying SWAM to thd pnrpoies of navigati on Who; Once entered 'lnto the' ' perusal of Dr: Sarrara'' Life of Gaoaos Srarasssoit, cares it; lay the book down until he has read the Whole account of his improving the speed,- safety, and certainty of travel, by making steam • do. the work—gradually advancing the speed from four miles an hour to fifty, which Is about the average rate of locomo tion, by express, on Eaglisil railways I. 013 some occasions, a speed of; sixty miles has been obtained., In June ltde, when the Now York Oentral Railroad was opened through, from Albany to' Bdffalo, we-41re inditer op these Tirtnons linen—witnessed a greater speed still, part of, the 'journey haling been ScOOMplished at the rate of seventy miles . an lion?. Neatly all tie great itrientord have had their dimaoteriecl challenged. iite know AM, hoW wirer, the credit oT rihioit had , happilj . been zenclered to ita hiteiihir; That hi=the,instra ment-ciclied The StetticalconVi, 'Which medical men - eniplat for the li'iirilose,of ansaultatioip , This taliafits name from the Greek words stethas, the breast, and skaiiid ,to examine, a term : which is scarcely accurate, as its appli catiee is not limited to the hear/ alone. WEB STER says that the Stethoscope is “ a' simple sylinder of some flne-grahfed; light wood; as cedar or maple, . pertbrated longitudinally in the Middleiwith‘ one extremity ihnael.shaped, and furnished with a conical ping ; ibe other 1 with a cottiparatif y large cirbicular ivory plate fasteted by screw. This instrument is used for . dieting oiling the sounds within the thorax, and other'ettlities of the body * the r ow, .. . %,:,t4„ , ,kay . tit • either with or with- Our own experience with this little instrti- 7 1 moat is slight, as well as oat of date, bat we have netef seen it deed with the' plug retained at one end. Auscultation is defined; by *M.: BEER, (on authority of Dr. Lainnso,) to mean "in medicine, a method of distinguishing dis eases, particularly in the thoraxiby °Nerving the sounds in the part, geaerally by means of a tube applied to the surface." Auscultation, derived from the Latin aw ait/o'j to liEttott, is treated at considerable length in Vol. 11. of the Netb Adel:lean CycloprEdta, And is there &Scribed as consisting mainly in distinguishing the *Stilly or Unhealthy state Of the heart and bangs, from the sounds pro duced by healthy and unhealthy action. ThiS la al good gerieral description, such as befits a Oyclopmdia to giVe, to people who look in it—as all people do—for general informa tllin. But for a thorough treatise upon Ans. cultation, one mist look Into a .profeasional work. Here, for example, are pages upon pages about it in the first volume of a very Comprehensive and cyclopcedia book, Cop land's Dictionary of Friction' Mediciae. The definition is 'set down more minutely than above, "as the study of all sounds indicative of disease, whether beard through the ones sisted car, or through the medium of instil:i nmate ; and whether arising naturally, or pro duced artificially." In the latter case, it is called Persuasion, and was used a long time ago—sounds being introduced in various re: gions of the body by Which physiciane'mlght judge of thestate of the subjacent parts. CoaVisanr, the physician whom Harmon thought most-highly of, having come across a small Latin treatise, on Percussion, written In 1701, by a German physician, translated it into French, in 1808, and thus the principle spread all over Europe. So did the practice. Next, after studying diseases, particularly of the heart and lungs, by observing artificia2 sounds produced in them, followed a like ob ' saltation of sounds arising naturally to those regions. Three of Contimar's pupils, Don- Beirtn, and LAMM, followed up the study of this episode in medical science, and the result was the Stethoscope. Oopland's Dictionary of Medicine' bas a very able ten-page article on Auscultation— ,the essence, in fact, of many volumes. In this, which we take as undeniable authority, K. Lamaze gets due credit, in these words: cg He is clearly entitled to the honor of disco vering mediate auscultation—of inventing the Stethesc spa." We are able to state, with precision, not only on what occasion M. LAENNEO did actu ally invent this instrument, but can give even the very day, on the authority of the person whose peculiar case suggested it. For many years, among the English fa culty, Dr. ,A. B. GRANVILLE, of London, has been held in high repute, not only as a practi tioner, but as an author. (We may here in- terject the 'information that one of his daugh ters, who inherits his literary talent, taste for music, and facility in acquiring languages, is Madame JULIE DE NARGIIRRITTES, author, among. other able works, of w The Ins and Outs of Paris," the very best book ,on Pari sian life in our language.) Dr. GRANVILLE'S works on the Spas of Germany and England are perhaps best known here. In 1864, he published a curious medico-statistical work on lc Sadden Death," in which he relates his own expectation of death, over 40 years ago, ' &Om heart-disease. In August, 1816, at Paris, having ,colasulted Professor Hems, he received a confirmation of his fears that he had a declared disease of the heart—unwelcome Intelligence for a young physician, with a wife and three young chil dren. We toll the rest of the story in Dr. GSANVILIe B own words "At length. hearing of the great and rising re potation of Dr. Laenneo in the treatment of dis eases of the chest, at the hospital Necker, in whloli he bad succeeded to the post of prinolpal physi cian, on the death of Mongenot, which bad taken plaoe In 1815, I obtained admission into that hos• pital, through the Minister of ' the Interior, as a student, and for a time followed that professor's Malice, waiting to see bow his diagnoses wore verified by dlsseotions, before I again submitted my awn ease to the consideration of another French physician. ...Lt was Laenneo's t obit, when examining a newly admitted patient, laboring under pectoral disorder th ro e to peronte him (as I had seen invariably , done in e ClinsOi of La Charlie also) in every ' part of the chest, both in front and at the bask, as well as on either side. After which he wont& apply the ear to any Tart which hsd resounded badly or imperfectly. One day (it waethe nth. . TWQ,C„ANTSis';':, . :• .1,;.•;, , );n21, , t , /,..,;44,7 1 , ..vil . I of September, L 1 314,1er.2 toolcaskote.of ,itpsen nem seemed dissatisfied With:this *mit of per. *easiest aid Ithict'aivhsultatkilOribwint r but obscure cue before/ law i whlni.thrublit i M t°- the 6/1") pf .P 1 044 i a T`l44 4 / /91 0941 4 4 lillys' Said,lie,,',should We,net . aria bitrailved Of lite help which'esioristfoityiebtlectisibtionkinglis.: taut sounds room 40 , 1110 f. .17th - greghthS - PrthrrPirt enables the dull of„ Hi lo,beir e, et etrillo/ kir:tenant inbe 7 ll si W - arehoivisit'oenseye trthis litipit , Wteritsitla'attdiblolsesuilKltha tonv. tefe4 dlreatiodalef thc. ollstilr Allow i' iths. 4 _ 4l kb- Of, 4 watch, placed , IP th e ;end I a long .""t a heart loudly blither ear sieplied'iollhis othirei= ttemitli:n tube; thereforipapplisdueudiedungei or to the cheeks/TA:the lies" mitt itjmetraohlui, more, plishaly,, thomik,,our aars,„ with Ille okra" Mesita add soun'ds going on within;' Mit forded* , snatohing the 6dhur,*stifsesgs front Ws hatelaot the nearest elivq a,gtern and : roiling it aphpnithn, Wire to the shape of a cylinder, hitvlid a !Attire; Veit 'throne Its iris;=be applied If litit'tehdia ifidsi , Of the chest, thin to' tha other; and igain 40' the batik, ? between and below, the shoulder ble t dcs,,and declared . what we alrknow ta - be ' trite) 'that' he 0 could : make mit with `screatee-distiootiMast than with, the nskeiC ear , applied pier the parts, their' inward • conditton.„from Astir respletive ,eemsde, which he thenleiedbed. --" '' - ' '' ,$ Snob was the lieth of that femouit Instrument, at. first denominated; by its *venter, peeterileque, whiok slowly, whining, Its, way finny. the, Mathis, hospital," bearing the nen:it& its founder, the an = lucky Minister of LiMiSAVF; to corner - of turope,and.:to ;the New Werld, hsw,laid ;open MI the mediae/ men, in almost every ituttaticei the. *sense et diteatee inseted - wlttibighiMOni`i "faith before - baffled- dateellon: Tie Inveittieut;of the' itothmoope, simple and„ accidental:es ; it,may hid's', been,,marks a striking era in lhe idstory of 'Medi.' eine, 'and 'is second only in - inipiirtanderof Sindei to.the dieloVerY made by: the immortal BligT 4 V2- .-‘, On the follOwing,daY.,Laeiusse_Aakprocctred proper eyLinders, made otri thick'pasidebeard,lte' which he not ilottraftermsbatitided hard tivii) eight' lushes, long,: and, one ; and a. hail ipeh .in diameter, perfectly smooth, with an even pisiti: ration in its centre tbriugheit Ili ails' It had the tiro ends- somewhat hollowed'ont; sodhst , the one whish was applied ,to ,the oonses puts of ~the.. chest, as well' as the oppoidie end; to ;Ode the ear of enterninei ism af pliet,'llited &desirably' for both purposes., !Such „aniineessoneut, 51,this 1 brortglit,to England in November, 1817 x (that i t., .* year after its inventioni whets I irit nettiad Ply' self down .10 praetiatilrf - Bstilieltow - riad,kwell remember how most of, my aordemporatiply to , whom the instnrment was-exhibited and eipl failed; made themealres'merl at the ' orediflitylof Breath doctors and my owl. - - . This is interesting, but It differs from Lester nso's own account; which" rune thus 2 • 'lli 1818, Twits Oonsalted.-by , is,‘"-ioungrwoman affooted with the, general symptoms of.dimme,of the heart. In her ease, pevitssio,n of, the wills of the chest and application of the hand,lrerti of 'ne avail, beoaniershe Was eimisalingly fat , ' Vial. la- - mediate application of the ear heingobjectionahle„ I happened to recollect the great !itilidnettleff with which we hear the iorateber si",pin at arm . end'of apiece - awed, by applying our spairat the. other end. Tide well known foot le acoustics led ; me to think it might be turned:to accouriton the present ovation. I tolled a quire of piper into a kind of eylinderoapplimi one end Of it to the lm tient's chest, and the other. to my ear, and was surprised and pleased to find that I could perceive the sounds and :vibratione of'the heart's lotfon more distinctly than.l bad ever been able to hear them by the immediate eppliention of the ear lerom this moment I Inge/Med that Means might' be found a, ascertain Me character, not only of the action of' the hart, but of, every species smind 'prOdwied - hy emotion of all, the organ,' within the cheat." - ' • 'a - Hero are tiro acerinnts;' , Which is Correct? Dr:. GltanitiLtay himself - the Iptitierit,' (who, ' besides remembering hit own'ease - ;totknOtte - at- the - tittle - and ott " the • spot, Which hiltre= - served,) says that the dieCorery'Wearnad ; tifeward- of the Ifdpital Necker. - Ihkr, ffttEti tranefers the. Seine- te fig"oiin culumlttng-Vootti, aild makes a fenialelhe ject. 'As Dr. Ciitarriftum;''whe la iipitse.: - dee, is an honorable man, we take his account , as - the brae - oils; anti put Itisitszo's 'le the Score Of French 'gailcinterie 1 - 7 " We ate unwilling to coriolnde without - again referring, with the highest Prectfostr' to Oepland's Dictionary of Mediciutijnet cam. , plead. Dr: Oom.s.se, when he Coinniefided thin gigantic work, which is a Cyeloplidia on . -I the 'great imitioctit treats of , brought thirty , years extended 'etperience in practice W*6,l task, which' now, after much labor, ideiccii&, plished. The observation of nearly half 'a- century-Is in this work.' •He may be said to Piave 'exhausted the' ttable6t; orrall p On medical bibliography, be is particularly strong.! pathologica ; . classified and folly indexed.' A. Las, of New York, has edited- these three large Volutiiesiaddibg largely, wisely , and prat=tinily, from Ameridan "efnerience *IA liters-• hire. The publishers are !Lanvin Baoinins, of Now York:._ This is'but a notice; en pas sant, for we hope to review the work more fully, on our first open day. New Books. The Rev. Charles Kingsley, the well-known olergyman and ititlior, has -a brother; It seems, who resided in Australia 'Wag enough to become perfectly aorptainted with the - geography, Manse' histofy, scenery, productions; manners,' _ and bi habitants of that erianttY. This Henry Kingsley has jest written (his first book, we believe) '•The Recollections of Cieoffry Hamlyn;" the roan, of which opens in Devonshire, moves to London; shifts off to New south Wales, and finally comes back to fair Devon. 1f "The Cantons" be a 110101, then Mr. ifingsley's' book is also !I novel= not otherwise. - Rather would we call it a life story, for it contains vietfe of life in various phases; enhibiting a 'great variety' of character, and a good deal Of exoltinviotiori. Men will like it, boontiee it is - full of adveriture, with:the iiglite and shades of passlod, Mad Women readers will like . the - book on this remount, and alsc; because it con tains more love-stories than, in' one novel-refuting' experience, we ever met with within two misers. The " Eta:mite:Alone of Cleeffr7 Hamlyn " are ae earnestly and impressively told as if they recorded real eventi. Perhaps they do; for life in Australia is very unlike life innober England. Ii bringing his heroes (he has half a score of them) to Austra lia, Mr. Kingsley reminds one of the trensfeienoe of young Caxton to the same locality—brit here whole families are so' transferred. Klageley's Dr. Mullane, a great foreigner incognito; reminds us a little of Dr. Iticcaboaa In "The'Cantons." Bet there it ends, for Henry Kingsley is not a copier, but' ono of the most spirited, original, and entertaining writers of fiction. This bock, in which - does not' odour any page which the reader'oan skip, has al ready caused a striking sensation in England, and will sell in thousands in this country. It Is repub lished by Ticknor t Fields, of Boston; and brought out with' oven more than their wonted delicate beauty of print; paper, and binding. Mrs. Jameeon's Lino of She' Early Bohan Painters, with a portrait of Raphael, has been pat into blue and gold by Ticknor dc Fields. It is worthy of' a place in that charming library of lite- . racy gems. It gives the history of Italian paint= lug during 350 years, from the thirteenth te the of the sixteenth oentniy—that is, it Mates this art T history through { the lives of 'the great Italian painters from Olinahne to Jao - obe Rossano. Thiele a very interesting and reliable book. Ono of the best novels of last year was "Dr. Thorne," written by Anthony Trollops, son of the old lady who, nearly a generation back, Saucily lectured the Americans - upon their "Domestic Manners." This same gentleman has written (and Messrs. Harper, Now York, have republished) an: other novel, " The Bertram," on a totally'diffei: rent plan—Mot foreign adventure, with graplile Scones in the Bast. It is as readable .. and 'agree able a novel as any one can desire to have in his bands. Delisser 16 Procter, of New York, have published two new numbers of their popular Household Li brary. One contains the 'Life of Martin. Luther, by Chevalier Bunsen, with Carlyle's estimate of Luther's Character and Genius, and Slr William Hamilton's adversely critical anthology of some:of Luther's opinions. - The other volume, is trans fatten Lamartine'a Life of Oliver Crotntoell. We have spoken Several tames in favor this well-' seleoted biographical library, anti have to add that the present additions are worthy of the pre oeding oompanion•lives. The 'Virginia Springs, and Springs of the South and West, is a handsome volume, neatly illustrated with a map and plates; published by T. B. Lippincott, of this city, and written by Dr. Moorman, resident physician at the White Sulphur Springs during the last twenty seasons. Though this work, as might be waded, is chiefly of a local character, its general remarks and informs- Hon on mineral raters will be foitnd widely' use; fut. Whoever desires to visit the Virginin Springs must take Dr. Moorman'a book with him. ' Peterson s Brothers have brought r out, lovar's Davenport .Dunn, with four illustrations by Phis, - in one handsome Sm. volunie., it is, we think, one of the most faithful portraitures of Irish society, of the presenildii; ever written. William Swinton's .pufF.ol,l among w o rds: treating of their poetry, , historir, and wisdom, is_ an important addition to the study of oar vernaeu-, las tongue. He treads on the ground which Home Tooke, French, and a few others hero traversed, and seises on many points which they bad overlooked, or only 'lightly noticed. The obapters npon Medal; oh Names, Synonyms end their Suggestions, and the Orowth of Words, are especially 'worthy of at tention. The Sat of French words recently con tributed to the language is' liner titer, we =l= Oft 2 olgpobiofftoe• " " 4 r M U ! i," h iff in aimt r th jfaltiAfl;l - : name of the writer. En orkitild bow frainalksmi fa the typography, bat ear data throboot oboottt Ile *ratan upon.".A 1 wephzu be giiistik !weft to suminia is rmall "•;bibtikei purrent °MO of 111° Pitik4•4oFV*VaiAilig,o, pt• nosois ,t,th r ,iTurnimot,g erviez, :or **mite pf popputio..,.; puir init4juitiSima iffirbeisitesist bE to the "a• = pod lid 4; = Tork. r''' •,. 1 : : ',: "'"I• •PUBLJOATIONO REOVIVED. r- • prom W. B:Ziober: , • • Blachoooerilissighno f orilftfrf:Anareallint tanabat ;.; •- • .41V .. :Art Tostruolfoi:1471.111,114: floul ididapYldelailichooki sisd TIOcIdIOOT engravhsge on atoll sad woad ; The London Quarterir -Rev** York Ye' rabliastkar,)v aoataladagi.alatkllollfr,_l_lllo Stradss-• cf. whid, 11" , a 1 V••::" Ndt1 6 4 1 44-faudri ds."— g gouge 111 and,-Charier. Janifloa,,Toa,... •.Tits litinatzelay,•ati&soU•Addll,L and `•! The 1 ‘ 9 4' ‘ ' Trona-hi Panidagtou ijoa; , Tke Got gonsoW liragq•zfnoMillah),lbr and Thl6 is 7 .tha o . l4sah. pfyfiodioal in the paglialt lapguaga v eatihdhd r aid rear! before Washiagtoklada boryi„ ,It 106 day, a valuable ;specter, at aatiquarial carp iora. Broome arraaran't pablislorgyMeasta. Pennington_ frapply for . s6l< year,. which is mush nada **ENO& Idal. , Esielle. - _Efts,e.", lere Whoa aIL Worts wosld tleer thF pew, Let thyfelond tor one rehears • What lot feeli,ll humble ;car ; hior the spilt that - •In thy aiiitiasinhAtsy oar- To thO wiiraholeehoili sad griOe • -.2inereeiloW biootheol late 414 Oka. •;-, To meek owoolwirwltohnoinolwit-i" That charms us in thy ootthri stalls _ • YkAr thy liais a* - f unriloorgilloi that On ' - Key thj - - . Shah year MI:MR. thin %Utast t` Par from ihooldrolt OostMs4-teprath;.r Thine be only jop's croon path. • For the sprits', who lore this well. - Will guard torero tea /4,11 e. The : Siretal Nearly every section of our amai' if seers air' less engaged in the growing of : wooVinid - a very large portion of our population, as the month of June'approrsher and . new Islip is - &beet - to be shore,' are deeply iiitelietad in 'the stibjeek, either , growers; deiderS,,er initatifiotsurert'' For !any - weeks this ialeier Wool- have beeruen'unieulita r to 'tender - the itinatipiotatiens Merely rimiest gretr:; - '' ing out ef the feet that wool Was 'irosthigteelmaoh'' I¢ propdrttau fabric 'Made' ff.:runt. "Io is , kaosin,- too, that the' clip would be melt liigee' !than for : the last two or three years, great ease' 'having been bestowed by the grosiert nparitheir • deals, • and-the sheep - well Wintered,and - the manufacturer has bean - Wattles — fie -thi' Weirs' clip if new prices. Bat.london . and Lfreipirel are the great wool marts 4cf the iforld, okay lug the - English lianfifecteree - ceith their'' wools,'"and vast ' quantities 'to the 'ffscithiatai States of urope i 'and le this eiturtiy:-I• Theire! Which' all Europe is 'wee' engaged or &tidy , tereSted j has 'not" tinlj'eat'off = the` Contisiutai dielasikt for the London and Liverpool wooli; brie' ib 'obliging tie - large imodnteof *kit.. going direct froire'Soutti'Arierfoi4 trete; ant to And it',,iiiiirkeiVielliereveati prevails, and the lot t itteitt'liffule4etitipeople deuutPds th e reedy; the Eneitir maiket te:gtitek the lessening dime4 - 4trciet Abet "Ifitikic#,F States, and the inereietticreeAtt.te'fiptri:ther*lt-ir#:: dieing countries. Seery - Steatite!: b!iapi. flow bf: a deoline in Priee,:iincFat i tetaostati - of wool reeeived eisry 'Week' tries Tand, - artif : ditlee; froin - _BrurioeAyritii, The'reeelpfi ef,.Weed frem 9iliforata' arid Tides arditow .. quits lare' in the aggregate , and meritelidorrtffrig ever year;'. and tbequality Impiroving. the These Wlrt kis.l)4*i *obi 'districts beferereirtyyivire. InfiliC:fibi of oath feats, with int:ns/144s inoreasiagr and' gold leaving the ootuttiy at 40 frori'tailes to fide ikiiiiMiepeslmia:l;frlM:leitaiorintinutioitmit • who goes' tato the itOuitiifoTiiiietthireints stitinotztnal irt'airked;foriricel;orlie *min who hold their clips at such rates, will set fool al In and very Mori regret the opening rates of butt yoir it be unwire for any erre to Aida la rge amount of gool;fotst:, general engagement of the Freepost/ Powers • war will produce effects beyond our present atipeal tiling:ins. - The 'Dre Go - dets Reptirtefor the 28th of the'New'York of note hes trans. moused in Southern Ohl*, hat avielif.feciii-thit quarter state that be dim, 5e0re0:,.....2be prlesw of goods . and genet d„ prpopeuts • not-wormust, manufaoturers in paying Mak ratesorhilo certainty of commercial erafri" talteiteral - deters dealers from speculating. at anything - 41k, matt rates. If the new wool amid be bought at the nrioos ruling last shearing time, :no doubt' there woeld,be • distica tolturoltese_thwely,;• bat be yond -those figures it is' not 'in:adds that the ape mistime spirit will be ' • - And tan idnsAnir :Aida JOHN L. Downs .tsnornon'a woor.,,minniutn. LIVERPOOL, May 13, 1859 -.-Ottr - Publhisaloi ' 19,000 bales "Low" Wool oommenced bere L yee4-: torday, and 5,374 balsa have already been brought forward: ' The Otteadanee of borers more nu- - meroul than' until; -and greater -animation is Shown than was expected-, :-Tbe - competition for ' home consumption is steady bat, exporters are . quiet. '2,580 baled Ilast India 'Offered, teeea opened at Iv - detain*, eempitriend with danuary saes, of 10, t0,141.-perib upon the sups- , tier Carding kindr,and about id. usp . pennd tonz., medium and low qualities. which form the hulk, but as the salmi repeated the latter deseripthros etiffened and ate now. almost .oqttal. to January rates. 1,300 'sheiets Doniedtli *oils met With - falk aom petition:and sold at fully recant otorraney, vie: a decline of 13. por lb upon short/toplod kinds. .; and id: to 2d. on' long-stapled oomparod with high' 'vitae' obtained - early this leer,. 828 bigsr Peru, Chill,and.Linia:. the two formsemithdrawn - end the latter chiefly , sold at ,583, to 111 d..,, 154 . helot .13neite 'elmesting :shwa entirely of unwashed .4ttkdssi Metteand - conunols; sold it St; .-. to 4ti. 24 bales -Bunion -Antrum sold at 614 to (ltd. , - 90 bales liengaskoso writaabedilpsaiih - and Lisboo,,and 130, ba les .tukwashod,ltwkol, The London sales of Australian and Cape - pre. grass steadily, and the opening rates are fully sustained, -Bay is reduction-of-11d ilk, 3d, per lb. upon washed Port Philip and Adetaide r aad ld. to 2d. per lb. on fiydney,and Cape.. . , The same steamer bringd Trade Reports trash phich we make the following lettascnasren.—The German - and other Conti newel merchants are , eking ; next to- sorting. They are receiving bad amounts, and their custo mers are too mash in the way 'jet now of cancel- _ ling orders The India bbyere ire makingsome offers to spinners, but at a firtherreduetion, whisk the latter can. hardly be Induced to swept. The Eastern hoboes are leas disposed to parolees cloth _than they were a few days back, and any offers they make are rather - lower. Altogether ' the goods market Is fiat, bat its pthiltion is merest ly deteriorated in the 'same degree ,as that of yarns LEICZSTEIL—The impending war has put a stop , to the energy of business. 'Some American orders have beett - givtiii 'out, but on a ieryliailtatiscale. Worsted yarn 4 have been mush easier to purchase. Wools have • receded considerably; but there is now a more eonfolenr, tone in. the market.. : The condition of the market is somewhat anomalous; everybody bee - the slime reply to give to inquirers, •." Nothing " doing." ' Woos, —The market continues extremely.quiet, and so little selling that the, cpsotatisne are mere ly nominal. ' BRADrOILD —There Is namely anything - doing - for the Continent, and parties wko have orders in hand feel some delloacy in giving thud out; that they may_ have ro:oolletrinelnd them. -- Manufacturers are still well employed to order; but the case with spinners le different, and there _ islittle - doubt that ere long mote machinery be stopped. Great complaints hive been made against several American - merchants 'like :have taken advantage of the present crisis to minter- • mend orders they have given out to the manure's- - tutors, - and the same cii,egge , brought against several borne bottles; • - „ The foregoing facti, and dodtudlOns therefrom, it DUMB, should Montalto caution among dealers and manufacturers, and, convey an admonition to growers not to hold their Mite at snob rates es to drive mannfnotnrers to the non of foreign wool, against whioti,their prejudices are so strong that necessity only will persuade them to use it, In. stead of our domestic fleeces, News from Axizonis.: MOTZIIRRT TOR .AR INRAPVIRRAT.O39TERNICRNIF. The follow.ng proceedings_ at: pniollo meeting look to the establishment of a Territorial Govern ment, and are atiorig 10 disapprobation of the °out se punned towards the Territory by the United States government. , • , _ • At a meeting of the eitizens of Arizona City and vicinity, on the Sth day of May, 1850, the fol lowing preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: , 1- Be it resolved, That we, the ,eitisene of Ari ioniv City And svioinity, invoking the'guidance and - protection of DiVine Providence, do hereby solemnly determine, with the commit and eo-ope ration of our fellow-oitizens throughout-,the Tent • tory, to establish and maintain aGoveroment for Ourselves. 2. That we earnestly request our fellow_ throughout the Territory to - Units with - nein this effort to redeem our_ adopted oonntry,front the ravages of °rhos and rapine. • . 3. That we hereby recommend' to our fellow-eiti sena that an election be held in'enitable - pleats throughout the Territory on-Monday, the Nth in etant, for the eleetion ef 'delegates to a Territorial 'Convention, to be held at Tuosen, on Monday the 27th day of -Tune next. 4. That we also recommend thetilidTeiritorial Convention, when convened and organised. alum have fall power to adopt organic l aw , for the fame government of the Territory; • to appertion the re presentation, and, if destined neileasery, 'to elect, temporarily, the various elhOete oUthe Territory, and 10 do such other seta and things as mid volition ehall deem mud, end proper. • - •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers