~~~~` ~~~Z'Y Ca*lut- - • - 07,r 1 * • , u=sool46.4.lTrokftwiiiil, stook . . 11 . 114 0140•3" 4lr 4,1 - I, , wer .'6011:!,31104mk• r, 44 ' 1 - 44 . 6 $ - . n 44144° 03 805 .110 4r em i l v i it art io:gy--; 'l , -.;. , -soft-L'A".,41 , 00.1(0,01 , 00114k517Krirrfr.,,, 1=741,411.-4 -etf; _.7 Sabi :ftllM , krt!Tbilihs ,L *W 111 :•:= 1 0# • , -01,4 Phi *Maid • a saihiloit4imit N - 6 4 -; tazokicauli '0 -0 4 - - ii - W4itk; even ~ T = •_'t Ag a , o 4ne•FR 6ft IV*, ltil ßehr . iemue s - amkiao, . • 0--Ati , a,„.--*, bets 'q tr`*ovi Teh U, " - - .444;4-111Pijag-g.siaki-itii4kAiT ) "I'A401F1110*". 4 39 " / " ° :" t ”ll,TAtt e o "‘"-YP.' , .-2 7 '.? froOPil i atr. -5.8121 , .• ..P -,zeiboor. - . 4 • r;4!.f.41 - py: 4 eukaltriNSWQ , ollol; • ,4,4 4 *4 #4 . WMIO/:S• lets • • `.lll, '1!"?‘ '•: 1 `;-Sold/rlilt , ..._ ~., ,13oliviarNiitt,..16*-. , . , ~:_ --, :::,----- 0 5 ## .11 4, 1 0 6 ,1 1 00 01 41.--11rilmbiftear'illirli.; 4 ';'•' , 7:: ,-,, ;••:,-;' - iya 1 ..4, ,, ' - EP - 0 1V4114 . _-'. • iikiiiiiiiiiiiii,4iirovs_ 4 (=rat_ "B lb* wi;leti_ : , aiLlCTkati:xmorwtioatAttW*) , M , 's ' _ 'itebx - tri r tgO i reVeit::oo:ltlV4igif og ' i .--14throkleadietm; , Oriltipptik*Onidirair" , do . , ',-• • ' -..,-... Wit Trlaltipk•kth , Otidiall t.. .l:. , '". 4, .: , - - z , =', 49 , ',.. .•- ' 301:wiitismivaTik, , ,!10‘40 7 ': - ?-_, SOW= Intedia l ail 4.4,...:- , , „do : ::,-: ; I d ls tida g*lll:itti ' l; r • - ' 1 . VerVOPLeitoilitAtigieriOattlr iliaigiiett &Caldwell. _444 13 60 ? -9'W-St."- ;L' ''-•:' :'. ' - • -. eidtt:ll,4,l3llbdost," ofookeri Jim bosidii t iTlyekton - Cal 00-, , ,v,AilMr :, - 4.-0gfr„ ; 143..ww.-0, , ,,,,iir1eg0 . 4 rz ':: 'i s grOWW4P.tiMA., B 7,4ok4 1 V 4 4 -, , : kiebili.ibiiiiits.;iiiiitai ki t*.Nuinriefaiya . . -.-. Biltx litiiAnti Gaimaillii " , lobmood.'-' , q =',,- •• • , . - : sebeJW. woormoisksidtrikilins,i:lgp** Co. ' ,;,so.r,Balityllidey. Hotek, Boodmi,- ~_ ;• , , d#-,,i,:,..'' /Lenz sartoa,--iikkliLnrkuAN - ' u.011 g " .11 ,,..t .! k.. hr ' 1 !4 161 21t-t- ~r - ---",--- --,----,---- -,--- --.., • ,seke Talogralib u illfel*AirMatkWitlkkliffiNtLeo. • • Ache II A. , Weekr;-Walgicablikid;o AH•clitiiie&lld: - Beßtr litati'd'Yeux, Iff killgrlkwts)p43iumat Ogle* Co. , -' MONA ftet, thown,"osh Ili• A/tibial, x• • - -Seim Iciflypk:lgarob;llLattlisir Bo s to n , Eltiplekson & , . etrv . sr;z : • • ..,,, L. ,, , ...,-, : .5. .'T V,'. ' = - ,z4clei Bist V erdstea*,.Bodioo,Yea &me T i Noi /' tAVOade ea i e, y , 4 d 6 Ileiet_,llleta,Diaatetelat,: . do do do e. , ton; , , So tabk&Clf . 64.6l.lßart:Tisuntwal,;***,l3Bl. l : AM 004 2 04 1 . 1*1 —W04LVAM:?!. 1, -- 'II4W " AIN* istOgNikOth 4 boots fa io_islil Mid ,da 2 0: - Vair0 4 ' oo Urni' 3 s o- Maio AL_Tayion - nu Lantos, chiosaista ' *0 4441 A 4 4 0- , I: 6l . l 4Abliturvittr 4 1 V 3, ,W 4 4-MO-ck ;Ott Itaitc )411. 0 U - 444 - 54:Argo - 0 - 4 , -, , • A dia'Wintani '••-FOragtoell'aigtWoistivil*: MOW rbara. - Bunsa .Is4lolr-IHOsis*,_44sall ,We bie j :7! tAi %Il,Tlitiely ntifintiii:( `•-• ' • A. **rut oft.' le , th• hhtli • I h d l ltsfAV l ZOVl l ii i _rebr i lit t =o w nt, Ink vac slnatels4,4 -- „raik' n ,Immrpcinvals , Utes lass, Nat Oh. 4443414410440 - ssUissiftssitt, Algat MO buss ot cost* ~Assitsst„hs *tears., osptils - inol'imirof Usk Ililigsle; SIMS coeStirmisTist re_ isTs 2141vssast: 404041 nstka4b , oungo ".% / 1 4 11414 i*dai ',ls 1 - , 1 4 ,f 4 t -..i...---",-•: - .-1111KOIUMDL.:. - ,-,-;--„.....- 11 4011iteialitiotAftVtirsts i " sal 4441 1 1" ,_. 1 , 9 2. /"4 1...< - ' 5l , il IttroSlatiU4&A II& Nrolit-1A 1 44 1 1 'Karam., M57,9101M. it' .4.,r,0n1P rilktiali , ILU.A.K ..., • - X/11101/000WW•64.tikeatra*M014/0449/441*„ Erma Olissleato*Mitlijnisv,",ml.* liatt CoriteltkpojekttpiptiN • t, at Helms! , - - - Itottationa 30110- ttio*gwAtztoot,Pv.4-fw 19glaialkitigavi weix - 4 , §4 i , lat 14410e1t0 slatraWECtheptcote_,cs4 beelteL'W k1'i., , M414 --KILtLT L - aft tigerdiell JollaWsl.hattel; inlays AllnliPlk tiOt .02.100 . .144 .. * lig t.td -Nl' , VlL , P,aiVlt_' ,l, 11 7lligalkftV 414111 ,44 t iCt -d1104 ! I.kr ink s iz. =Gigtkitere447,ll4i;ziriariv • - IYtIP -mase.-;..ficidriiwit,, 2. 1..2 , . , , ;ASI/1 ' i• SViltalt-VP4 LI - • Aliktkr..l4l4ooWl f 2 - 14,,104944.! *nit to ny i NWA m i„ - ; Tht i - 4 . l4i ta l ak , ,:itedt ;, ,- v-A- --). - • ' A " ., • 3 ••'„`Y.-.k •.'" -!'_,•' V41 . v... ••' WO , ' - lir, Ibliffiltli traipoitia` irtilikiiti `lirMArel - ipil l ~ ,IlinnAL• l4, I L #,L_•s•. 6•,....12), - .1.,-; , ,...- F' ( - 1 tig*rie r tE 7 ' - Atiliiitki: ds , • ill treol4 - 3 Orli tl4ll,tfer : _Tayl o r; do ter, - Ijitt. lolls; .. , Toads do. . for r . Oa Ms.- Ttw • wislet! IF ' -WA , . ,-' -,'-^ ' ."- - Pl i ' . r t i Behr It .741i4 frefiffilOiliiel .-- ~. Iterac t for eel o'l .APT, - ,,t,t , ,,- , , -. .f ,M 4ll, ! ,1 1 4 1' &kV A;A ... litilliek 7414 M list MIL flan . a•vimw=giiiilliklArattlitiliillir."lo2/16 '1 • e fAithia . ,• led I*Ailitm; Biliaii iti,r9**Bniwat Dull ;41 r ;11WO:Winiontr7ri'arA4i,- Bostoxii atemoriormusgoNidlthistPro.r. ,-.. , e14•04".11144-tnyorpillitielphlit 1,101 11.11.:-A t r. oiei ll MZejtetr . 16 4ptirait - 4.lguth - - , AMIN , s t it•qr"- / limetimsy - • c r - ' . tam litiippi, 1104. 1M itit 4114014 l =tilasui-lbiebte 80 4 1 04ke foitew - 13€31t , 04 . "trf Ad A Vr_F. *O--, tAttaair - - air ~ 4, gild - 11 , 40 *18,13 - , .. silt MM.r...- „..- r7; , 'atuM lepainnt44:fr - - :Dg t ..4si,, , ilb J:11 4,0 0 • „ " T• • • WO OD • - Xacisig - • etteeL': , ,:k1 • - • , tatels; Trek , brifi•l=d - I*l l 4.4iofiblitre. tioijitborf b I ar , ht same ComiiiiliOr to *WOW - pi; VilltiitiOrss I ; • _ • v: Aid's d -ekAj4: -1; 1 .- 0 14 " 4 I t ONSWIRL -1 174 1 4 •;. , ;1 , 46d.r. • • -` - /-. T 0 , 4 , ,Iswfrirratkgri , , 4 1 0, `1116.14400010,2111i0L''.;4,104.00%.0441111441131,44 J. 1114 1 144444#44.4 ~,,,,,,,ek . ., ...—,i, -. ..', , ,,,i ,:,...,,,, rt-rue'/ , - .40a,ai8MMA.5..!().%1,i - . 7 ~,'€ ' teinitlfadiVailttf*NMPlONlCV - 100F , ' 1LE21115,44111.VA1111E80 CO VW :_NIG I . 4 . 'Aux/ ,ztaksists,lll-BOSIIVEr TOMO.. ike 6 , 101640111MKNOWANil fle Wig , , 411 1 ,1`.-pfil,„ iii i iinfiaraMiSfithirisai kre -...Vsiaof loWiwks_2l;orAtnti. ..",,..;,,,,,„; .-• 18660,fArg i i7" 7" ° %Fc W ritff# 1 .ti!7 1 ArrihkiiillPlKGrilj s lr , "& Thatil i ovi . „ , mc'4oari l 4 7 4c*Vo44.l4-:. - " 444 ,r ,444446.4 1 C 1*2111441561*" • A'; rjl ' tat° VRESZI 4 WIT C I : I 4 ' , „Y - rgaotitol*re- - !1!.'1:1 --,t•- - L ; ft ili* n;j?* t i ll ff#Wo** lo 4. l . e t1 1 1 4 1 *‘ 14 ); p 0,42211L:t it ,;; - , * l4--0-.444fit *' 01114114 "11,19NP1T,A,,; ' V 14 ,0 • .01 ~ s - .;:•••' , - ,. .: , ',--•,: 1 : 77 -::i.,-4-.;, - ,„••, ir /M 4 - - , ) ,. 1 , l . , Oir - lejetir4tpite ;ii li k.1.1 ,91 5 g . 7 3 '; v. ' ;-. c i "- 4;17- t tizlt:4Vi - , ,''''''''*•" - '7*: ; l 7.1/4, ~'-,---- 'airiii, - ,l*.i'-;a1;., _.loo#ol4—Wf :fi , . il&kt"' .411 f r. -i , rns 4 s''' •44 , —• ... _.,_,...__ ,^, litr4UniO4 VILOWP',?i:i 3 Stk .31:11:RTAMPAAMLA.MC4k.„M T 41 1 t OFFICE OF BEOEFVRE TAXI4S, Z ' ' ' AsTr, - Emmet:amen% Jane 1, 1860.5 • .Tirf .I.4I';;F•A , •yP Vtd:r 4.fnrr. TAX OLAIMS. Vrt141164 .'.4ll Q tr e th i e ll' ap P i r" wr i etlVet t tratat wn int ar lirt 44 2o2 s-P ag rP sin Pl it re tl . •,e, ,or g r, lag reepeetive pygrortien therein mentigned hey. beau itf o ' 4 ,' „deep, Tony. +7 .30 A. EL ;644 end that mita itteitifelfirdetf - Wilf be -Te-4,00 M; on after one week from the above date, unless the 04 - 1041 are tatiCesl42 , BMttltl3.l.l4.Tß Street; tistame,etay, 4 l u, (m PLOMISBYFLT, ' ler .01eVe)!,, .126. ! ••••••• • 660 .51- IN' THE 0013 - 124`,11Ft„e03303,341112¢§ ; FQI4-; fi ?-t , tr - iITY AND COUNTY PHILADELPHIA. ` c}43fity of-Fbiledelphia-TeAnn-Eringht.owner or 'reetu ed owner, or whoever maybe owner • ,March_Tern; &e.;;W:rl4%. - 31.10etailtzt.•11r•Jr•6e 1859• No 1 ; State and city; Tist f 1866,•' own' m• relinefizgg stupor... "1..51. 18511 . and 1857, $26 54,, ifeaftisbliWit mei - ad; kiti; West 4.,MADDONIfIE,LD -3000111itODATION. lola de f Bleanion screet;4o feet &MOW 114 feet deep. l' lW o o nA p l 4. § - 1\ • • - .441e, le ye Ifittrcliterst4ll32o, No 2 f tat a i r O'V-Ip,..*N- 1 :100h 1 110.kiir,:Antintficatteetan 1001141.46 vOrk•"*""" .1, 141 1?-2 1 P flrli t eroa ? Wiiiiiir3 l eVefe l ltrAgMt,t, 8. J,WIaSB !Y s Yt°, •55F , 54 An'A i rr-"JAIT -64 1 1',54 186641510 flot4ti,4 - iiitith,iiiaie - CA -‘ VOti'ettfto.:; • - 00 oisi t moo to c o " f_o , ooda yoo f V a T i te: T zt o ? in t fiat ".• ••• -I#B/ & •4 0,1 4 14 ' . "11 % .." 1 -"' 44.94 $•"i11 • 14 4- 4 4 ', WF. Tali 18,54 elg e 9Vt it il ", &4l ; 14 '. 6 1; 4 01' 4,arm istens , 4 1 :1 5 :4 1 • Gerry road, month 1tiefen5i4904.10:14 , 71140 debt to g 4i; 1 - -" • 10,,144- • rtirer • First ward. - 1-4 , ri."•. , •-r.a •fl , ?", A' • • - it 14.41 , ri 4. 4 . 5 . 1 -1. Ashlars Oil pr't 47 5fireh , TerM"lB5l)•TN* 5 f Tax Asset - hetelleltymekoss eitropekep,-Toige-wy 1,854. Oa 47 . 6 fOnth Si, of Federal N Tee .151 • r - - , • -•-• , lot iordoeswee et-Twenty-sereath,4lo feet by 160 to 7, 4 ,4„g fre e T e s t lireanthlrak I t iaae9 Att , -15314 1: 7b 1 14.7 0 11 2 5 t, -.tja, 1 2T. 5 4.-sAttf. ;0;4851,4828 ,• lot. fter. , ;teresteolde of , Broiol 'Atreet, ' 10-deripl4: ,- *" - 10H24:43 IttitraNT Ageni' AO feet north of Maraltalt4o by 100 . fedit9iiiit Ward. • - Ts Michael Catdpbelt; Meta Term: 1352; NO 7; • ' u ' Ateit - 1854. 86 81; lot,e3teitteitlieldliOf.4lhtlett4n '448 feet weet orliftlloeAtreet, , ,l6•hroll6 , ,feet Brat v o yg, ' , Same - - Tetai:lBs9, No B; • 141818111 - , - 81T9Oritt;.:AFotouth - We Aubnrastreet, 129 feet 8 hashes weekof Eightlialteeti 16 bY 48 'Test' 1: inch`; Second ward. r.•:: - 4 1 , „ ' Benne ye RooliengingiairebTertniii69, NO At; jr4x A 854, 818 01; lot, & berth aide of:Auburn street, 217 -Oat 0 inches east of 'Ninth witrivet,,l6 , by..4B , ,feet; ellictind ward. .11.3 0, re B 130bineoi4 Matta Term, 1850, ; Tex p'l'lBs6 and MO, 8306 68 ; lot,' tbe 'Tat , Tenn street-. *0 feet;sonthweet from Maiden etreet, 76 byloo feet; reeenth ward. • game vs 0 H Horn ; Morels ,TermelB39, , NO, ; ; Tax 1854 and 1855, 81 8 ; lot, &o tieutheastaide of Oslthioll ;etr,c,t , t.l7o feet east of Somereet,,o2 foot 4-Nine teenth ward. r• t !,, r.. • Fame vs Illithati Volt 1-aferoli Term..lB6oo,No, 12 ; - Vex 1866,484 88; lot; troaAorth tide. f. Doges • attest, -118 feet northeteit corner of Nineteenth and Deifee, 47 bl64lebt fletenth,watd, , ,•, • • ; Same to Oatheitne McNeal March Term4862,N0,13; Tim 1660, 1262 A 011'. 4 Iat.:AME; 'Ode of Pine street, northefilitoOrnerlrwelftli and Floe etreet, 14 by 46 Spot; 4d totii, ,' Elteitfq 12514 No 141 tat 1868;280 OD Flat dor* hide BYO ttliebtle dreet46o • feet northlrest of Fifteenth and said street, I• 18 .by-45 - feet; 45ilittfitIti , Mird?',-- -, ll • • I_, ..; IMMO TII Mrs Tisdale Or Catharine-lfluntlan.) 5 4 1 •4 1 1' , -term; 1859, No 16; Tax 1556;241'211,40 sett= sign of , Leilsbard'iltfiet, 81 feet, ebitherest.enznenof Seventh. ,and Lombard street, 86 feet 6 inches by 78 feet; Sayenth . - , .Beue4 - Te Bird titillith't•March Terin;-1868;Nola t. Tax. 1.855, 817 68; lot, &a south side of Miller etrpst;llo rept son theast corner - Broad and Millbettreeti, 12 by 40 !Sit; Fortrteentliteard. Same Te Mr Wetherill Term:lBso,NQ 17; Tax. 1856, $9l e 4; lot; tbs., north 'aide- or BrOWO , atreet• 84' , fiet,northirialt &rimer Drown and/raged streete4lB by 87 feet; Fourteenth Ward. , ' - Santa TfilAdirMAT,Fiaithi; Moira Terni,lBs9; NO 18; 'Tax 'Me; 40 sob '&9: ;south side" of M,lller-street 18 feet. epiitieeel *bid and Miller streets; 12 by 40 )(eat 4,ll",t,artientherirdi-a , " •'' ; "- Same Ti floorie F Gordon ;,alarettMerni; 1855 - , - VO 19; - ;Tat 1856,120 89 Jot. Ateti.eist hide Twelfth stree t' '3/ feet, northeseiof Tridttlf - end Whiter 'streets, 17 by' 50 feet; Fourteenth WILVII, Samson Tb lanai Verm,.•lBs9,'No 20; ;Tax - 1856, 153 83 ; lot, toit:;Vontli Bide of ;Market street 116 feet, southeast, of Twenty:ssoond and ,Market Jackals, 22 by 325 feet '-N inth ward. - •; Same vs B Dungan ;"Muth Term. 1859, No "91; Tex visooas2 02; ; eolith sae of Arch 'Street, sontheast'fitiiinlirtrwenty-firet•andAreir" stunts, .147 by 115 feet; „Ninth, rte.' • Same Te James-Morrie i lideireh 'terrii;'l3s2, 'No 22 ; Tel 1858, $ 3038 t- lot; tco.;‘,Prankfotd Toad 79 feet noktbeast of Dedfordetieet, 15 by 100,feet; Eighteenth - - 2,4 • , • ,1, flaative asme,;?Mareh•Term; x 1869, No 21; Tak:lBso.- $1960; lot ifiehkfairoad: 70 rat nortlieriet of Bedford street, lit td - 190,feetr„Eight•eatit ward. „ -- '' (lama 'er.• lleisrY - Veri • March Term; 1859,', NO 24; 1.356,119 29.; ' lot, lecis,north edge -Queen street, 41. feet from northeiitlorrierAf,"Okelif . 34•06t:93 by • .190 fed 41111ghteepth,Fard. - Same vit earittit.Mi i tehterni, 1859,'N0 - 2,5,;' tat 1857, 418 50; Let,'.'ite, 'west ,eldecof'Qnsen'Otreet; 61 foot .61;4 sweet et ; ipkietrylqteet; 1 1 1,2 ,by 200,tee , ti , lighttienth Mud , -,01 , • came wi-Jacob Coriliran'; arch Term.,lfibe, 26 4 'T61418,68; 27,6-,72; 4I ; eStr inert hold. of Queen wrest; ' 1713 fesh,ll:ll4aseet, ettet,..of Stitch streeti2objr4ll feet; Same game YO Name ; 3fireti'Velni:loio; No 17ritjaii15 . 7; 125,071 -Lots, Are,-norttieldanf,Queen Mreet,3BB feet Incheietitit of fittithfittljet,2llll Poet; ,hireiectd; r Dame Ti-Peter - ,Sherinberger) , ittXeyni; 1059:No 128; 140, $146 - 12 Tat len cotnek of Broad inid,Areleystregte, hy-18.fileet,to,Ontbberke.tr,„etty,,,; . : ;lime Ts Benjamin Blair ; - 51sreh"Term.18pit,rtri;oek. • *ex 1850 $5B 82;, Lot wed-040,0f istb„...attaa, 5 .• 15 7 Atetrfrgin ilenthWeliVeoroer Fitterth 851,4nFiey „striate, 26 feet, ry94 deep vlsitith'lret. • 'B M° '''Y' ,2s balf, , Fife' j , *doh_ term; 1810, NI, TaxlBso, 2111 81 ; .tot, •hoest aide of Stephens etreit:: ,10 8 feet fecal Chantatreee; formerly Columbia afixoe,, - end 100 feetaguth -or Market street; Ninth ward. , Win 11 . Pidtaa ',Marsh Terra, 1850; No 81 ; Tax,1856 161,84; Lot,'Ati, Treat side" of Fiftwinit. street., 267 , feet from Fifteenth And Market,etreetiOn Ifiont* 20 feet:..by•loo deep; ',Ninth *dd. ' ?flam,,Te• Morgeti allecla ; 14arett Tenn Twenty - 32 r_Tax,lBpo,.s2l . o 5 4; Let Art, , ead olds of6 4solla ett'eet,"notithiniet cornet ,of 'twenty-avow! end .Barbel ,etteete;, late Act; alley,•180 by 1 90 feet deep; ;Ninth weird' • • '' • ' ' Santo ye William Denny; Marsh , Teri No. ; Tax 1856 $47 69 ; Lot &a; Cad aide of Twenty-first etreet, at the northeast corner' of Twooty - -firat and Apes, street, in front 83 feet by 62 feet deep • Ninth ,Same Te - flertiMil - Fenn; s lifereh Teim, 1859. No 84 ; Tar. 1.850; 80868 ; td;A.e.- on the north Bide of Filbert street 52 feet,from the northwest oorner ot Twelfth and • 4111'44 streets!, 10 143 - ,67 feht; INinth mard.- - ' • - Satne vit.,Wialtindelpii; Tam; 18 , 59, I 7 0 •815 ; Tax 1660,11067; tot 'west Side of terenty-first street,. .102 felt Wan }mothered corner of Tweityitiet.eprl ert - Streetirtu - trma - 18,1 oy to feet;Ninth were. Earn./ ye Name Elratek Terat:lB69.No.-116; tex 1856; .$1112; Lot nail; side 'Wyoming Street, '79 feet frioninottheakit timed' of , Tirenty;tvoond and Wyoming etreetee in front 9411y-41 feet ; • Ninth ward, , • "- - - - Same f ThomiteldeOnliongh March Term, 1859, No ; T1121866;310 Lot ,k.e, east side Twenty-seeond ittmeet; 'IV the nortlienin4 'tweet oF mwenty..second sod• ' , Wyoming_ streets rim front 1838 feet by 4441e5t1 Ninth wool. leame vs 3 A.ll - o - eliinel Maidh TetAS ;4869 ; No 88; Tat; 1856,: - .. 8209 601 Lot, ke. south, tilde of Market ;street. l• gm:ahead ;corner Of ,Twanty.Bret and, Market streets ; 41."fet byl66 . feet deep; Ninth ward: " '. ;Same To same; March Term, 1859, No . , 40; Tax 386 . ,E 5 $9442; Lot. &o , southeasboorper or Ninth street. 96 feet from the northellat corner of Ninth and Filbert streets i 19 feet by 73 feet; Ninth ward. Same ye Wee Mania; March Term, 1859, N 0.41 ; Tax, 1851;2119,08;,Lotlfse, south nide of Arelistreet, 21feet from lonthweet corner Twentieth and 'Arah =streets;'2l feet by 187 feet ; Ninth ward • i Same Ts Wm Thompson ; Mirth Term,- 1859, No 42 ; Tax. 1856, $1741 ; Lot, Eco, north side of Filbert etrect, •15 feet from northeast corner Twenty-third end. s'llbert 'a hoste l /5 fellt by 511 ; ,Ninth tart., , . , - . I Same Te,Wie. Shaw - ,• March Term:lBso; No 48; Tex, 1856 324 7T ; Let, Ac, east side of Sixteenth street. ,northeast corner Sixteenth a nd Molloy streets, 18 feet •hylitrelititit *," art r - • :•• , • •', Same vs Freeman Scott ; Maigh Term , 109: No 44 ; Tax. 1886. $ll7 77 ; Let, fro, east,eida, Of Eleventh. Street. 24.0 feet OD Eleventh Arent. 04 feet on Olive h reel, and 88 feat be floated street ; Fourteenth ward. lame Te Wm 0 Kilo.; March Term, 1859, No 45; :Tax, 1.856',818 114 Mot, AS, sonth'side - Recover 'mare' et. 204' fist week from nonthwiat corner EanoTer and Queen street', 18 feet by 140 feet; Eighteenth ward. - R~. :,F.. n „{yam ' ./~ +e~x~t rsyt§s y ¢w __._-,~ _ .4 1 3 ,7 0t4 i k; TLAN't - 41` • P/i liVl Y LIIOAI axr will • Porfrimi-imi- Ocadwa .8214 Atlantlo ; .41/141104:11 1 10011flth-.ti6-4.tip atAIIiiskO44.PPNAANG 'ir. ' a Po l iP. o4 4 eLt a i,, ri p;„. o . o .l.. tiot -- Ittiaiv;.,:tiroals..koggaiiC, ti'Atiffir q094040PA-,0t,,0us 40114 B P g.th tsurkoottiOotherotib; - ±egutiomaitekix p r oremompoomvon-. , .r piwAliNespiiip A qtrowlmfit, tif AN Eno& . , • ropriewira, Ma% tUith , Jragittrai . 1 ! -t4 11 J ' — "4 ft EN .o v EN - .E • t • ~, ~N, i SX OUt . lfM , P ,_ #(3ll4tt , • ' , • _/ 1 ...s oluiN i t s it 4 ro :, imm a milioicii gi,.. al l o li c v tqlfklitolltotoi •Ottk eismidoi tot tie sale.or sk. '4lslWitliiiiii7.9e,rtilissi: 3 . . 4.0rr5a wind k PO 4.4 4 / 4 44 1 64' bt,b4bs " iribalit I r 4 Wiiiillibit, , Admit tolkopleolkOotodOtAimi • lttaidEOlantl.7; , -, • - tc,l•ast , ;s -,c• et 1• 4c $•,..,- , s i " - 1 ,- - Mt rEklal z te 'QS ZI`AIITA ~ A le , :, 411 BIS. 4. 7 gUiliiiviiiar4 4 o: l 6 4l la ii; 11-1 1 ' , sticktur•isttea to ampere ilmorably with my hi 4 ; th illtArs 0 1 7/bi k b 44 Abi r iltliMs‘bile,;;;•' b 'E 447 6i0i...'1 , .. 4415,r+ wila .14:66 IT I "*: 7 -1/10i 111dth0001116411.0110 Ot, ihe •631e600 011ie,' ' tiV 1766/oid ra lvissios,-;sasi is uskso.frosa • 3 0, ) , Atl i t ~, Rovi f ig ~, t , .., , ~4 : ,::.. 4 7411ki"P 41 4 14 4 4gm l oirti MAW' thewsli-kamniflonse..d. J/LOQUAL AKllligiiieoo it l bilaeilietvastonedliatio* ha ,fritui f t wa4 - tkfeikdaiiiik*thiiiiitoVotiroieou.'A inl 70 MA iiikaeAtili" - Aiffla , 01( f g /t 7.7 14404 O 1 4hili l b 40141 m forpie epellentioot UN. wines. _ ..„ bo:&6dattha APA 0 '6 1 A11 , 1 4 6 0,4 ,Zll , 10,7. , Iva. 0110rikiiii 611 1 1 4M0 154 Wawa et.'; TROVii4 tostatlaialliDeekatz. I SWUM WALLER, 281 Cleat :121 - 006 ,4 - -rosto & 00e.; 206 o;•Ppnt et.,. Ns Ai;tant;ll4 11.4hisCitiVIVernsiOi;101ixials1 , 1 30100-lirleamill4ol4o , 6o2.4 , lsrumai Ort NorZ , ; ffifk WilettaallairDwaricaorawv.Oltealant Atol Broad .; 3,ll:PAtieris,jr , Twain.% and ObliablUttlanc sgArtc.,l4,..asiDefo9 - Itagket set rBtmos 8r6641101W10n4 illioth do Winm,:ll2o Doti-W*4', iggiontoc itSlO:Ol.5 804th Xhlrdit - LiiiratthefoUMONPUtitollawifm... l ipuisolovti,,Passelmrilisnapk , oo4l4eanixof libtrajtialric era es laltr~q(s •t po.rmispativ a acremi ci,litoKut• .itakcigo,;.7ll $ I z, - ; „ alai? ! at •IA 8x fe E, .32134 WJAL, 7 :ll,tit Mast 'T. MG roes tr amnion itroatk , OrMOSOVIGAIIIISZA: AYS'WilleXlit' 'Dr kt - t •i• '"U i f" 111116 OXllMitted 4 Mingle 'onSlior pOniNiriiik4iltidio?poq 1 pro,pSa fd4l4 , ll!ill i o n IpatTlC, ''''ltr; , %,j ,:MSCif4ilittist;vtit'Pbali.,,' - " " ~,rcountat., 1111, i i, ~,,7 ; - - , , ,; e' me rll, l l iit , , -.-", -'- "' -_;4-h . .- ~, ernedaliiildKNAS"' "' • ' ' - 1 :: , A; .? •i-( 4 , .3 -.,- , ' • 'i , - ...,..... ..„:-. -.,„.,,,,,... 80,41.08 E BliEtrld'Tl /1,, Oyeglwelirlic.dr.fiee ~/ninte,,Lumbligd, Headaches, - ~-,„,, 1 2 :Airfikes,er - Baff dein/firers otl!er_ , 4 , i '. ''' '' ' - IMO isantittazi. . , - •• '' ' Tiiiiii:Tfir BID &let - MVPS BiItIOBOY tii '- I• • • PaDiVial • iCialt tkiiiiY , STOP PING _ma stosir xx.#s4tri? k,, i ~..517A- F ina, -P Aispi AND AOOBB, =BNB,' .„ ',, ': l l' - .);`,4;C: ,13g .' ° 117 T 4 . * 1131314 D.8 , ' ; , : , .."-, ".. ' Astriass, k0,;&.0.,., , - : • , iinidirt it;impaidint ibet,Yet7 0 , 1110/.T; keep a NUPP/T 1ia1 . 1 0 100 . 011 . ,1 ,•:;,:,;:•_, 'La ale au y, a letiesehold is alm ro a , p-, tented igitnit'inlddinl'stleugui or stekneai. Thonsands 11 .41= r ilf4120 9 7=Irtte rni tiZtt 4 t Y lig l iei l = g P o il . .- evii,s,onnelier'ehopera,, , Tellow , lfever; - and other violent dligenei ,,, l4l dot at ate Renee b etaken ' rinterseill' fres the caler"tony require, 'when suddenly banvd., let le Tehreleluetemic line it will' lletenthe-lre:' gJi.f. tatllilident from pain mad arrest the disease. „, , .........-r4 , f•••,, , , ' ' -1. • • • ' -- BADWAY , II BIBBY ItILIB1" --- - - __,_. • qtAtitoolixtr , :... 4 .l , ...- iwatiillBll. 4 . - In roux itm; NNltieleefi.k.;".o • oAio, , - i .In ebe 4011 r., ,011111114 .. 4, . ..... .., ........ ..In taw minute,: '11pa15h..........,..'-.4....- ....... an Btfeenadantes. 1 T iII'OBIS - , --- - - i„ ''-'"- - -- • ~In one thlntte:' UK_ .8..., ~-." . ~. ~,,,r,i,...;:, . „.-..,an Bee minutes. - blO/E,JUVIDAOIIII - In ten mantes. 0up.,,.,/04, :Vielque=: - ± _. • In =teen allnntes. , 'OIII,LBLBIBB ........... ........ ./n !Owen minden. TSAI' 11,,,e'" - i.".i.;;;W.L. t ,l; . :, i., an six horn's. BO "tri / 08a,. - . - .,..".- . : ... e e :. - .:...11.n ten miintes. Is ta lit .7,_;„ .. ":: ..;,• .... . .... .. .In tete sty mini:Wee: ',Rost. TM. ". V &,„ 11ifit•44... ," , ~, , ' ‘„ ~ --","' ~. s ' ,'• , ,'. -'. t t B BablaT,`_, ....,:,'.., c , , 1•431,:-.1 IWAP 2 9 4 I'.',- -'' '' 4 ' ' .. '; = 4' ; ' 4- . 1 • ~.• .. _• I. 4,,--t t•:o33gßtai -`'-'',,.' -,` 1, ~...-„ ' ' .." litifB, •1 The tiiiiinentili blllet ! tiPtiiinia'h;Bjet..h . i, en ' , 1, „ lir l'AtV:4#l4 , NIUUNIRIS . "m i l* ' r • I 34° t'uf IN -AN D, It t #,A o / 1 7 1 1‘, 4 PPP. , -: , ' i 1 - - •-•___' BAimexttifilitet sEctis v. - ' „ t llTili filleneclinelltili - Bud fit 'per Ithttlii."2 .- '` ' .'-' = , •=l•4 l nita hi WS 11.,,,t-i; tv.:ARISVAIN)9 & BUNG, • - nryirtitair -", ';., ; -,,V.`,,i , .51ALL 1 `4,,,1t. „ , . - i` . - . . „__ 4 /144. 1 . _ _, , CANNEL -COAL OlL.—The LOGES() 0 OIL 0 0 1 0PANX ata iremwe47 to ipecac's to ;c -hloral of Coil 011 a reviler supply of ruperior guilts , e 4 Crude 011. eomparatively free from water and bite iwen, of • light's gesvlty.-and - cocacining a larger per OA** of Illuminating oil taws cox other ever offered for rate to this mash*Lat-,14_ ‘E 'rb i-ILISO, to Oil' Dealers a miperior artiste of Odorless Ilght-wolge4 ilaralag Coal 011,,whielt will riot change 10r4.../...!1- "4., Lotters addreeied to the Li 702100 - OIL COMPANY, aIgOBGE 0 0NMEN0410..1.39r WOOD Street, mow; will receive prompt attention. (my3o•lni UPERIOR CANNEL COAL OILS. -Deafen la Bnming 001 and Plaids, and NUMB Of Olude 00111 Oils. eau Se supplied regularly with a an imator qtallty ofatiopoi Darning on-Ogude Cannel pima ' td t me. oappe roe "aapalse tdautlt el it:by ;IkddieWAT 'WORTR-Allll6o_o OWDOIIiP.ANY, 'A WOOD attlet; PiTTplittne , Matters riddreesei to WM. P. TOTINSTON, PITTS. BM% Pa - , will receive prompt attention. myBOam DR. ycort , likosegzirsKAß,, "6 . ett:4 - ,xot , — ; I , IlattOnet hkeossoltell osibitteriede Sod eli Blandon of , stitelrris hirifehtliitfiCtilari either Medical „I', „ 11311010 , 101.0011L15T. AND eittftrar :AMU, heti 'over vi.letteitettectreited. letateei osaitaidansulted On .611 Pa= OLlNOW)allingrrio out ire ethiah - reittare tordiet4 orJot: -Ilestorenottione ~ .4.,Tsatisaoatala from bananas or-tike-most mown altt.• Ames 4 P4iiteittoe!re,liew_ Orlsoidt,9eielitillii, BC. totila irerr d ir a talre i 443l,,taitt i e , d, b t y ., 47. 11, tor At ha IftliieZ 4404: a Nig frOloß:ll.„Aleuit sitli7 , lifiejtolo4l4., th , Boortiote Couit„Vrorpreor. .. - Okeleoti,,otoott, attaa pkysi, PL._.kaiktir , ,4;l l l4lafit IlliaaaCta Melia the iOadtasi, nr9l. , gnon„ori*Ris 447, aa lip Iwo deot In other• blaLapinitioaa cat„,thiAlays , rti,iiykallialoaafeata wlko alaCto OCamalt eau If - 51 481111 .01>tioAaeleyeeite4 either by their family piyetcleo / „-, - - tit Io 4 AFINta - 99M14.1410144 an fatty etutoreed se one :atOt; ` iipfrt-atugagne bib* hrettob of ruedioot 9 1' ‘`'` . 4.) , l - Vraiintigfeit'Natiota/ *.feh , .oolo:abAitly.Atto Woltet,ttniAe, hie Aussie is teltitted bylettire of some et the pb,atetaait of ,‘arapa traits polantry. Neat aritall3 itoetbstiker kiut bar( *Hilo* klidialf a re•E `abide'Aiith 'thOee !ho have been bonatipal ATAl.Cooratlaaa, - acio ng ,, s inamory Waif Ant.eleozoitioti in the fauna/Litt wty,,,rir o or, his some raolttozrl. t ' • . ;<;1-1' ° -14.926 -WALLA TT ' 6TBAzI~ , ,-7121.011 , "TXtrift soll' , 6Aicaeix ?;. llt • •.„.:-J.PA T 3 STICI&ONEAKIIIEBZ - gR;r • •'• . "- , - tt , rA ',.: - SILTSIPId7SbiLe. AWAIIIIXD BY THB 1 • ' utvuttatut4-niortrure,--, lis sir . worm; -11. . 10,:' - ,-,O7Blblll5APt /11..1111N8TITICTS/PaThAtD.wt.. 1i ~...--, -. , .--4 - - f.l'•‘-t , - , ...'1', - 1 , - 5 -'-' • , Itasiiitliartieid adter We et me, 157 Nietii MiooNp Rat,etweWititeeqtaist nide, PlithtdelpbliGc ' •• ---; rldi.nittekbolitwareatted:toireest'a-,so4itoWea n to leinnt.6ol , --.84.`41k. eintotBoAnto ; 18 0 eau In Fr! te . . ht,l iiclatt haliheiekand e41.-`esa 113 14 ndo:' , l.J. , - •'.•- 7- : 14.1 7: 1 MINNNVinsrantetrot.thet thje. - Wldebtoe twin ease innoettekCuocit toue.be frozen by soy abet petis tea now in tuottwith lean nett end lee,".witti the , ' Mono eality of wile* nnfteLo fdttetoere -of Ole l,fiiudital - Thedifferibiee In She seetorlor silt 'and kws int' ' thiiii ' in mnObtao.le_ibelit oneAudt....., ' AgorderelCuo,, , ,ktoltreeeebeed it'll prom p tly attended' i An 000.4r&V • NA-CIGARS -or the ' lellowinfir ihiyettoebiakide i e " .. ff;;Vikti '''' •• 1 •' • - •.4 be". ' 7/ 1 11104.10ir5..8t , 0!, , ' , f) V ~,'? Ooldiet 1 1 / 6 , ? Pettli,, Vegas ,del /tb;, -, • -.-. , NedinVietid .1 .,, i --‘, ;-,' -.--. , , , „A l hogii i l. 1 :. i ..i,,... , • -. "ttenn!op - 'ta eit , i-4 , o'- , sk.:- Msbetibeit , -•-- -.-, t .- T05eit 5 4.1 1 -.. ..- . - , Cobden, tee 4,:tbre.l: , '1- ", .. -1-4;-.1-2,144,41.-10 boxes rot alliNew tecg quillltito,, - . *ding &atilt Weektekton Butetier,” Joel sir tletk, ' • ~• .'.. ~/47/451 4 1 1 8 . 0,,..i1151tt low,• - by - ; iV .- -:g ?-4... ,•,- • ~ • .' , ...,;e:::. - :. , . 4.f:'4"C 7 ? 1 .. -,T.... l';' 'OSAICLBS Tigni 9 • '•• ..F n:49 pe '2' ulvie, - ,t2w i. - -; pip TiApilivaritte _ , , teragNcrijord. ' Sams vs Priscilla Whiteman;, March Term, 1869. No 43; Tax 1858, $ll a f Ilia, &o, idyll:QU6 :4 et the dis tance of 37 feet from the northweet corner of Collard's alley end False* alley, 16 by 56 feet; illghteenth; ' lame iiillOrabe itebeitk; Stroh terin, ISS ; No 4 ; Tat 1668 $ll 81' Lot, cr, aoll'llb :aide Palmer street, 294-feet - froth sonthweet - corner of Brown and Palmer street, Rtghteentir ward. ' ' ,r- pi - , r,,,, rF-, -% ,-.-, , Same -th - adatri Hill Broi 'Sarah Term ; 1869; Nerggi Tax 1866,514 79' Lot, &o, east side of Queen street, 175 feet from tire aoutheliet corner of Queen and Bishop etreeto,..in front 20,by 1/6 feet i t Righteenth ; ward. ..,..1 1 , _,...E• .. 5 ,2 ~,- i• ,::: '. , , --• lame '•is Thome bteffin •, Mirth TSrm,lB6o, ' No 49 ; Tak 1856,113 6i; Dot, lird, east side of Crown street; at the distance of 83396 V from the solltheall corner Sr Doke sind.Orown, streets, /8 ,bp, 199, febt;', /eighteenth jilaroe we 0 11 H. ONSIII ;. March Term,lB6o, No 50 ; TAx 1864,1865, and 1866 , 5196 40'; Let, ko, eoutheaat ebrner of Hancock and Phrealt streets, end extending in front 60 feet, and In depth 80 feet ; Seventeenth ' Ward. • 1 4 1 -rrie 4 4oll ll' 3.o6Blsgarnt`teriii, 18'119,310 . 51; Mai. 1357,33185 I Let, &b. Muth side of Lombard street, 276 feet MM. abitthwest corner of Twentieth and Lombard IsttnetS, 82 by 78 fret; Seventh 'Verdi: Same we George Heady; March Term, 1369, No 52 ; / 1 ax1858,811 60; Lot, &s. south aide of Lombard street, 227 feet from the southwest corner: Twentieth and Loth - bird streets, 10 by 18 reet SevtepSwbaid. I j• Pares Ve same; Synth. ornt; 1859, No 53 ; Tax 1860, $l7 64 ; Loy smith iddeor Lombard street, 227, feet from bolthiriet cane!. Twentieth and Lombard street, 10 by Te eat; Siwinthirard.--' •,- -. -'' -, -, '• -' ! ins vs James Brown ; March Term, 1859, No 64; :Tax 1850, $3l 85; Lot, 560, w ent side of Barber street, 4 ,76 feet from the' nOrtheast'torner Of Ilghteenth and Harbor streete,ls by 70 feet; Ninth weld. _ ~_ same vs Adolohns Lex; March Term, 1569; No: 66 i -Tax-1364;-53 67; Lot,- ,te, north Old. of Snrquebanna .ainnue. 110 feat east of Thirtieth Street, in front 60, bX -120 feet; twentylrat ward, • • •,,' --• ,' •' - ••• (Bathe is Ithikard flossy ; ManGo temn, 1660, Nis Its ; :Tax 1854, PS 01; Lot, 'Oro, *first side • tif Broad street, •bagtrikthFet the Wfist•line tit paid Broad, 95 feet 2 etches'isolittvor •- Westmoreland- Street; Tirenty•iirat iSame meiolin Newman. deceased; March Tenn. 1559 o 57 ;• Tax 1854, 8240 88e Lot, &e, in the Twentylret ard, branded by: land or George - Cadwalader, Horde 'ilik ltosvek, and eethte of 11.,.H. Scott. deceased, nod by Philadelphia and Reeding Railroad , and Philadel. • obis and Norristown Railroad j mutat:slog 14 towed and 115 perches. more or lust Twentylrat ward. ' I Same „vs.frooker, , March .Term, 1869, Plo. 68; Tax 1E1541124 22 ; Lotedili., • w'est. Side of Seventh greet, Muthwest corner of Seventh and Susquehanna avenue, 1101 feet ag inches by 235 feet X inch; Twenty-first ward, - 13arne ye. James Hall; March Tenn,- 1859 No 69; 'luxes 1854 ; - $6 62 ;: Lots,' &e.,'• east side of 7 wenty. T :Wreath street, 13 fest 10 /Relies ; tenth or Dauphin street, BO feet bj 110 feet; Twentylrat ward. ' • B ‘,„" 4 l•TS,Joatiott L Delacrolit,• March Term, 1 8 69, 'No co rfaxeer '1656, '23 62 ; ' Lots,' & 0., east aide of Twentyleverithe street / 96 feet, 11, (ashes 'moth of Dauphin street; ritifeet 11 (tithes by - 110 feet; Twenty &at - ward. ,-• ~ ..,.., , „ f Same ye lieotor Orr or And: R. Chamber's; March Term, 1859, 110 'Ol •;•Tex 1854,0 93 ;Lets, Ac., south iilde of Dauphin street, 111 feet X loon east of Twenty 'sixth street. 54 feet by 120; Twenty-first lewd:- - ! flame ye Frits Seibold; Mirth Term, 1359, Ro 62; 1 Tel 186432 18 r Lots," goo east elde of - Twenty - ninth . street, 18 feet 6,X inchessonth of Daripletnetreet,•lB feet • ' 5,)i Inches by 110 feet ;•Twenty-iirat ward. f : ' - 1 Same vs Charles Harliell, ; ; March, Term ' .1850., So" 03; Tax 1654, $ 2.18 ; Lobo, '&o, east ald4 of Thirtieth street, 47 feet 8 inches south of Dauphin street, 18 feet 64' Mallet/1 110'feet; 'Twenty Seat ward: • Same ye Jacob Rots; Mirth Term, /855, No 04'; Tax 1864 $2 18 ; L int, &o, eolith sida'of Bm'mett street, 110 feet 'east - of Thirtieth etheet, 18 by 120 feet; Twenty first ward,J • 3 - ., '• - ••• r- • •' • , ' • Seinen William Su nder; March Term, 1860, No 66 Tax 1814;1534 ; :Lets; &e,' emit three, Broad street, 40 feet north of Venango:strett, 86feet 7X inches by 102 feet; Twenty-Aret ward; i ' . . ' ' " ' i ' air i'4 7B 6s 4sP2ri k illlZ l L t r Aterliß e f n 4 ". 4 9 ‘f il T o w e et! ty-nintlestrast' and Sasquehenne avenue, in front 110. feet *lnches, and in depth 112 feet 0 inches; Twenty- Orat ward. Same Te George P Gordon; March 'Fermi, 1850; No 174; Tax 1857. 219,47 ; Lois, 6 : 0, east aide of Twelfth itraet,,,Bl ; fest northeast or Twelfth, and Whiter, 11 by 60 feet rithitteenth Wird. •'• • - • '• • •• • •- kSame vs John Melee; March Term, 1859, No 63 ; TRY. i . 58. $97 98 ; Rote, &o, smith - aide of German street, iitbweet corner or German and Passynnk road, 42 feet tcn Pas link 'rimed, 107- feet on German street, and 28 ot on Fifth street; Third ward. Same vs John McCabe; March Term; 1859, No' 69 ;' ex 1850, 825, 83 ;„ ,Lots, &0,, west ,side of Thirteenth Street, loutheist canner of Thirteenth and Rates street., In.f rent on ,Thirteenth street . „ . l6 . feet 10,604 Thir d ward. ' APO we Jane Vernon ; March Term, /850, No 70; Wax 1860, $ll7 60; Lobs .to, northwest corner of Swanson and 'Catharine streets; 80 by 108- feat i Third trend. r Sentove F. Rrider rillarch Term, -1859, No 175 ; Tax 1850, $391 i-L6V, mirth eidd" of •Fttiton' attnit; 10 by 00 feet deep ; Third ward. • Same ye Ann Briiiiiiistid - ;• Mireh Term; 1859, No 72 ,• ;Tax 1616, $33 13; Lot, foe, tenth side or Cuthbert street, between Twenty-firstand Twenti4eirondetri4ta. 10 feet Nora the rigtheast corner, or Twenty-second And_ plibriii litreeta,-28 67,48 feelj Ninth ward. " ' ' ' lathe ye - David Maretob ; March Term, 'lB5O, No 76;'_ :Ta*/$6B, 16424 i Lot, &o, eouth Ode Green ettlthts - - . THItifIRUSS.4&IIILNDELPHIA4 IFIIMAYij i1.M.'411.)1859a-ifi • _ MT/ twat distant from sentkiideVilatliar'Mliktisalelitand, ; - :Oreen streets, elifiest tx_reitxteentts, ward. . - dame es Obarles"Waraer 110 1 mith.tT0rra, 1850,1yn;74; Tax 1856, $5l 72 ; Lot,,,noelpfhinlde,Oß,,hortee street, below Eleventh, 64 feet frondtbii.,isortheriet," corner of Ooltas and 111e1Tr141'0111.t+413 kndi`Onth want. tharo.,yek Term, 145 . 1 1 ; Tex loop 49 &a, nofrOivretteef4ferpukti and Palmer streets. BB byld.faat;:,lllahteenlll ward: Noomos,ma; idarOhM6fm, .1,821 1 , N 9;. Tei,1866 ~ tot 4? meth-Aide, Re 1 4 5 ,0 0 4 +;/ ,4 IPPP 19th , , weefootner ofltois inenerFleti etieet, 11 by 7s,1• 1 0.;. Elabiteenth ward, : n , rh: 7 ' 4 }O," eats* re Wsnailainess ;...xtexeil Tem. 1859. No 77; •%; 18581 $lB 47 ;',Lot,AO, north Ode of heal atreet. 424 feet front riorthetat "dorneilof_trankford .road and Deal atrent, 88 by.loo feet ,',ll4o ‘ ifeeeM wad., ' 41010 evB I.lgargt 18.703 NO 78 '4 , 0111850 $45 WI- Log &b, least Merl OrasOt distance:326l feaEfrom attrtbaaat otner of Geeofis Weerton etreets. 1.4.6;5/30 ftlet ilFonrteenth ward ell ea e Ain.so.lXtunly4 adarstilTerm, teat, -tivm; 850. E 19 19; north Oda ofhltbert Street, the dletbooe,of,ll4 Nit .from, norstieeet aarilet, otxptipat7 : •„ mita tatt."4l44 airn6ff'pr ipy 61) ; Minh : -- vadxfirfeltatbaii fline.lney 011041 Tarns:oBod, tltatr tof,'&o. l .3orlK,lllda W. 7007 114 itreilt,44 ?mg fro Vite lierthwatla Corner,* Wyoloo , l4lteit and Wyoming tfir Ott 4t'feet NM% ward. - Bente en. Johnston 0FrIf11 , 1; ; March , Term, 1850, No 81; gaiE 1888, $l6 82; Lot &o, north side' 06,19i11aw, streak, 155 feet from aouthweet copier of Twenty.thth and ?Ina. 18 by 150 feat ; Seventh wed: -- dame vs David Marston 1 Mara- Terill; 1859, No 82; VitxllBsB. 848 821 Lot, are, tooth aide of - Eileen streak, Nolo* Broad, sad feet from vouthireat corner of Tliir•' teenth Ind Green streets, 17 82.4 wet Fourteenth ward. . game ye. Nano Handy ; March Term, 1.859; lea 88; TaX, 1856, $ll 39 Lot, tr,0,,, . o r Lombard street, 227„feot toittb of isontbtrast ono of Twentient:. and logibard; 16 by 78 feet Boaenth , gems gradtqlols .41 , eabternaoltt ildaroh Tam a 1859, Nn 84;' Tax 1857, $B9 89;.Loicii &a., nortbetat reinter otTentli and Morgan streets, containing in front on Tenth. artist 17 feet and in. deOli'll6l feet; Tentb namt fit ftaAfriatt licettl March Terra, 1859 NO 85.1, Tax 1856i1y2,3 61; Tote, &o:,'..contli side of Catharine street treat of Thirteenth being 111,feet li?d it ward.:..Third • • .•••, •" - ' • •tar Ritmo se same; March Tern, 1859 ".No 86; Tax 1886 ; $28,00; Lot, ,to , root& aide - of Cialyiarloe street,eicift of Thirteenth street, NO 1884, lotja by 90 feet; Third . • Dime vs•Wililam Springer ; Marsh Term, 1859 No 87;' Tax 1.855 s $69 82; Lit ~ nrl ,tred . ,•three.atore brick; four twontory, frame, enebne Mtn, Carpenter •abeti, south Woof Uinta street; west of 'Minh, Nos 524, 520,4 p2B; 536, 632, and 634'; Third ,wal; , Same ye same ; ,11farch-Term;lBs9. No 88 ; • ; „Tax 1856, $1.45 01_ ; same property sa above ; Third ward Dime vaWm.,Arrrotrong ; _Marob T,0rm,1059,3401/91 .Tax 1856, $30,58 ; Lot; nor! aide aide or Qum ap garetti a a.l.4ol,tittenifft9l7 brick brines thereon; ist 16. Up feot j Thirdward., , .1„.• o Daniel veeintie ;;Ifaielel!Min;3969; No 99; Tex 185 ff, sBo' 65; north" aide of Ohrletian atiest,„llo /331, adjoining 14.0 poet:l9ly 811 foist ;„Third ward, , TOsl6ine f 'Hardt Term, 1859; No 91; Tan 18514. $l7;e4T Lot" ein. tooth aide , of Kates ntreat„,west of Th i rteenfh„Nri 1882; 16 by 6 feet; Third ward. ". .., Amite *gasses ;Ifaroh Tenn, 1859, No 92; Tex 1958,. kit 01; Lot. 40. soot!' .‘ aido of Rates street, adjoining Aboive. NolBBol, Third Ward. . ' ' • -111.arcoisr Wm - Armstrong ; /Kerala. Term, 1859, No 93; Tag 1857, VW 78; Lot,. /ke g , north side Ohristign Otriet,ENo2B3l;;l6 by'6o feet; Thlid Ward: • j ; Same We same ; Mardi Tem; 189 ,NO 94; Tax 185 7, 439 78 ; L0t, , ,t0;• north gide' or flatten *Meet ; 190, 1922 i id 0 7 tett Third Ward. • ' .. 13anin , re same" Mires' Tenn,`lBs6; No 95; ,m,,x1267,' $l4ll ( 2,6t;iirm staith , side of Nate! street, No 38301 ,10 by 491 feet j• Thirdward- ' ' "- " • Aleme♦vs Sage v-Marbh Teina,;•lBs9, No 951 Tax 1,997; . ,El 7, Orr Imt: - bra - aterth' aide df Wolin Weal, N 81332; r by 46 feht; Third ward: - Same ye Vreeman Slott ; March' Term, 3859, No 97, ; mak 1555;* $ l5, 05; Lot;; ke,, smith aide of Oath/rine etreet, , No 1342, 'with -the -three-story 'brie& house thereon; Third ward. - -• • • •-• , • Barns re same; March Terms 1851), No 68; Mai 1856, $1005; Let,•,fte; :eolith side of Catharine street; No 1814, with three-story brick hone.; Third ward. • Same va Orman/midi ; March Term,,11159, - No 99; Tax 1857,, , $2229; Lota, fr,a,s6t4h sitter Oatharine street, - No 1542 ;,Third ward -• , • -• , Same ye same Harsh TernerlBs9, Sob /DO; Tat 1957, VA 29.; Lot, &di eolith side Catharine etreet,l2o , 3344.1 Third ward., • •, Beane Ta Wm • lktoVoy ; - March TermvlB3ll, 'No' 1011 .Tax 1856, $2B 71; Lot, ko, smith side of Queen street,' win of, /fourth, commencing 185 feet ewit of DIMS *tied, 29 by 88 feet ; Third erifd.' , .. = ----= fame Inflame ; March Term, 1859, No, 302; TaxlBs7; $B7 19 ; Lot name as above • •,; •,•- • • • • - Same vs 0 13 Tenderer; litsich :Term; 1859, NO 103' TO 1868'616:85; Let 'south , elde of flatharine - attwet; foot 8 east of 'Fourth; 111,feet 6itabes92 fee 4 !ashes ; Third'waroV • '. •-•- - Same v 6 Si ;a Whlttely Marsh'' Tarn,, 1669, No'. 181, Tax 1866,132 71; Lot, &o.iontb side . sitowater street, 181 rest Mot' of Thirteenth, 18 *thy 61 deep; TILL itertL'• " ". " ' m ime vs ihnithers t Marolt,Tertn,lBsll,'No. - 106';' TeX 1856, 3138 e 9; Lot: &O; itenth'side Of lulatliecioc street e, 171 : le t east of Fifth, 44 feet' 7 inehes 100 deep i t, Same vs' Jaireit_bia'jart - Merck Toren. 3659, Na 106 ;' Tex 1366. s2B' 88; 'Lot; Odo /Guth olds Queen thee, 17'4 feet east of Fourth, 2t feet 10 Ltehos by 81 feet j fareaves JohnHodgers Marcia"Terni.'lB69,,No 107 TexlB6o, 310 47; Lot,•&i, north steletMlisrineltreet,, 1$ feaVessit bf Slostetor &Hon Streit, 15 feet 3 Woken' by 67 heti niches;-Third Wart ' Same versainutt Moidallee; March Term, 1859,14; 108; Tax 3857. $23 00 ; Lot. &.0, welt side of El oaneme street, above Ohrietian, soutl{west.oorner Union alloy add fliansonetreet, 17 feet by 88 'feet 8 inches ;.Third ward. - - 'Some vs Paul Beck ; March Term, 1850 No 109; Tax 7;168, 1623 27; Tan aed ground-rest; on the writ side of -Print street.- 146 feet Dont; of flatsarine street, 203 feet 'l6/ inches by 27 . feet; Third Word.- -- e 'Some vs same; March- Term, 1859, No 110; Tit 12,67, $2O 48; Tax on ground rent as above; Third ward. ,Same re Barbara lenider3 March Term, 1869. No 111 ; Tax 1868,`55701; Lot, &o, wee!, side of Front street, 148 feet north of eatharine,2o2 feet 6 Inehes by St feet; Third, Illitme Albert - 040ton; March Tend, 1869, No 112;` 'fax 1850, $34 88; Lots, &e. north side of Queer, street, 311 feet north of northeast corner of Palmer street, 85 fdet on queen etreet, and 197 feet deep; Eighteenth Ward: Suns r; same; March Tenn, 1350, No 113; Tax 1367, $B4 FO; same property as above Iliteheeenth'ward. lame vs same; March Term, 1469. No 134; Tax 185.5„ $BB 38; same property ae abovalighteenth ward.' • !Same TS same ; March Torm„lBlt.„,No 115; Ten3los, pffteen ward. - Same are helm of, Rebecca Ash ; March Term, 1859, •No 118 t Tax 1814)628,801 Let; hest side of Swanson street, 88 feet north of (itteen street, 18 by 72 feet; 'll,lrd word. Same ye earns ; March T 3 nn,1859, No 117; TaX 1865, 610 61; same lot as above Third ward. 'Stine vs came; March Term, 1969, NollB • Tax 1858 , 38616; 113; same as *bore-- - -' l, -* • / Flame va mute ; March Term:lBs9, No 119 ; Tax 1867, $B4 80; same lot as above i Third ward. lame vs W R Dickerson;„ Marsh Term, 1859, No 170 Tax4B64, 341 60 ; Dein letreet,l4 feet from southesat corner or Duke street, in front 09, feet, mad rtirmin r ih depth to the Teat of Elliott resson's estate; Eight eenth ward.' ' "'• : ",e • . - • - • ;Same vs same; March Team, 1850, No 121; Tax 1858, 349 51 ; same u eb3ye ; Higlateenth watt lame art same; March Termilss9, No' 122; TaxlBsB, 61585; mute tut above; „Eighteenth we'd, 950antezai same; Mere& Term,lB69, No 113; TailB67, 148 f 1; same as above •, Eighteenth' ward: = ,Same vs Wm N Nearly; Hersh Term, 1869. Na 124;_ Tax - of 1856. 2181301 Lot, itl3, north side of Harmony street, 100 feet 9 Inches „welt of Fourth street,l3o by 08 feet 4 inches' Third want. items -Se Plana Elsie; Marbh 'Farm 1659, No 126; Tex of 1860 $1071; Lot south olds of Stillwater street, 120 feet 4 inches seat of Sixth street, 20 feet lashed by 91 feet 49nehoo VTlOrd,Ward. - ' - Soma ye Jacob Carrigan ; Mar& Ternt4366, No 126; Tax 1856, $26 46; Lot north olds or Queen street 178 feet I inches east of Sixth street, 20 by 48 feel; -Third ward. - Same ye John Divine; March Term,lB69, No 121; 'fax' 1808, $6l 14; Lot, &o, north-side of Clatitarineatreet, 49 feet 7 tnottes west of Filth street, 89 feet 5 ineites by 86 feet; Third ward ' Same vs same ; March Term,lBs9, No 128; Tax 185 1 , 660 87 ; same lot as above ; Third,ward' , . .tiamo vs . George Hand:s ,• March Term, 1859, 16'170; Tax 1857,316 56 ; Lot, &o, south side of Lombard street,,l27:eet southwest. " ofTw,entieth and 'Lombard; Seventh wed: • "-" " " ' • 9ai t 3 vie Allem & ; M4rtlu Teriioo2o, No 1a); Tait 3855, $l2 89; Lot, fro, oast side of Amber 'street, 40 fect.northeaat of Otter:atreet 20. hr 80 feet• • Six-, teeitth treed'. , Satne r ia sane ; Marcia Terni, 1869, No 157 ; TeiXlB66, 111 08; same as above. Fame vs Tamos.Megee ; Maroh Term, 1869, No 151; Tarle6s,llBllB ; Let; &a, west ablator 'Howard street ; 90 feet north,west of Master street 18 'by' $6 feet 1 Pesenteentla ward,. - - 41001.03 David Lenon;,•Afetrah yend,llls6, islckl424 - TrixA36o; s os 4.6 Lot. anfithisset Omer of Cladtraleder, nod Ij2ford stree ts; 60 by 74 feet; Serenteentliwort. - 1 ;Elmo vs Wen'r Johnson; March Terin:1559.410 18 'Fax 1851, $ 3360; LOC ake, of nem railed Tlteon' etrest,'lss,loo" 4 'inches neetKed ;.00413 street; 1714 124 feet 4 in 'alma ; Pohth 2101berfL *MC' Sl ears Daniel Campbell ; ht i erakierro,l,ss; $2220 j' Lot, &o, north side,. of hen on' street, 110 feesfrot4 northwest center 'of Behool and Denton streets, 89 by 02 feet ; ,Sixteenth ward/ • • , • , Same ye earns; March Term, 1869, No 18.6 ; Tax 1856, $ll5 42 ; 'same lot,"&o, as above ; Sixteenth wa.td. - ;Same vs .91. Tido ; March Term, 1869, No 136; Tex 1854, 523, 78; Lot, Sco, north , side of Aroh street; 73 filet east of Freentreereond street, and northwest cor ner of Washington merest; South Walborn' ward.. • Some vs Wm 0 ; March Term, 3.850 'No 121 ;- Tax 1817, 616 89 ; :Lot, &o , -south a ide of Hanover etreet, 204 feetsouthwatt of Hanover and Qnse Streets, 18 feet 2 inches by 140 feet; Eighteenth ward: 'Dame it David Marston ; Math Term.lBso, No 188 Tax 1867, 648 28; Lot 'tenth side (Moon street; 300 feet' o3uthweet from comer Thirteenth and Green etreota,l7.l by $2 feet 4Fourteenthe ward: j ,Bsms va came; March. Term, 1859. No 139 ,• Tex 1867, 661 19 Lot, south side Green street, 877 f ar. south west corner of Thirteenth and Green,l7 by 82 eft deep; Fppetilenth *ord. Same rA Samil McKernan I March Term, 18611,No1401" Tax-1865, $l7 28; Lot, 40; Test lido of Applastreet, 81 feet from northwest corner ofjefferson street , 81 foot by 117 ; Seventeenth ward same vs same ; March Term, 1849, No 141 ; Tax 1856, $36 69; tame lot as above; Seventeenth ward. -Some vs same; March Term, 1852, No 141 sTaxlB69, $1710; same lot as Nog 111 end 190; Seventeenth ward. Same vs Wm Ft Dlokereen March Term, 1860, No 348; Tax 1855' 517 - 68 ; Lot, &o, call side of Sixth street, 149 filet, northeast corner of Poplar street, 19 feet 0 Inches, by 100 feet ; Sixteenth ward. " • lame vs William It Hanalei; March Terni,lB69,llo - ; Tax 1650: $6l: 63 ; 'Lot, north side of Arab street, , back of 26 A corn alley; Lot, Ate, 235 „feel 7 tootles from northwest corner of Front and Axub streets'; Stith ward. Same ♦e Arthur Murphy; blarot Term; 1859, No 145 ; Tax 1855, $25 88; Lot, ho, east aide of Eighth street, 200 feet north of Gathering, 40 feet by 77 feet 5 inches, Third ward. Same vs same; Maroh Term,lBs9, No 145 Tex 1857, $2B 71; tame lot as above ; Th ird ward; qiaose vs Noire of John Taylor blarolt • Term, 1859, No 147 ;,'TiB 1855, $B4 44 ; ..e, weitaldtrof Oweo too street, 18 feet- north, of Pirrhain l s alley, lb by 05 feet; 'Thlrd ward. Oame re John Gallaher; March Term, 1859, No 118; Tax 1156, $l4 41 ; Lot, Sso,weat aide of Essex etrett,lo6 feet blushes south of Catharlfie, 34 by 29 feet • Third ward. Bamnes Illehard Shields; Mardi Term 1889, No 150; I Tat 1886 , 828 88 ; Lot, &o, soot hide of titible street, 57 feet north of Catharine otraet, 48 by 50 feet; Third Same ye Atha Medan ; fiareh Terra, 1850, No 151; Tea - 1856,416 88; Lot coat side of Tenth street , 88 feet inches south of Catharine, 15 by 86 feet 0 makes Third ward. -- - - - Same vs game ; March Term, 1869, No 162 ; Tax 1888, WO 81 ;Lot west side of Stewart - street, 88 feet south of Bata :Arius, 16 by 86 feet; Third ward, Same ve Wm Primmer Charles hard; March Taint, 1859, N 0153 ; Tex 1958 ; $66 20; Lot east aloe of Ninth street, 24 feet north of I:Whitten; 58 by 08 feet deep ;, Third ward. Same vs A Server ,• March Term, 1867, N 0794 ; Tax 18E6; 218 87: Lot; &c, north aide of. Bathe:rine West 77 feet 0 inches must of Blehtla, 111,,feet frost by 910 deep, and 49 feet on rear end; Third , ward:- Same vs mime; Mardi Term, 1859, No 166; Tax, 1867, $1642; came Lot cc above; Third ward. 06MOTII Doctor Bsy ; 'Morels Term:lBl9, No IE6; Tax 1864, $BO 47 ; Lot, &e, east side of Second street, 41 feet north of Ohestnut, 10 feet "0 Inches by 37 feet deep ; Oho:ln:tit ward.• Same vs Richard Holt; March Terra, 1809, No: 168 ; Tax 1867, Pi 60 ; north side of NORM street, 118 feet from nertherest 'corner of Nineteenth street, 47 by 01 feet ;, Seventla ward, Sameirs Nicholas Oran& ; March Term, 1889, No 169; TAX 11365, $3210 ; Lot, dcei east aide Second street 184" feet from the northeast corner of Second and Master etreete, 29 by 100 feet; Seventeenth ward ' ' ' Bame -vs ;di Stitith ; Tiferah Term, 1860, No 100 ; Tax 1857; s 3lo ; f Jot, Oct, south side of Lombard street. 276 feet, from southwest corner Twentieth street, 82 by 78 feet; Seventh ward. Same ye Wetberill ; March Term, 1839, No ISt ; Viz 1888, 00 04 ; • Lot, ,ke, north aide Brown street, 64 feet from' northwest corner of Pokson and Browit ntreets, 18 by,B7 feet ; Fourteenth ward. , flittno WM Blotionigal ; March Term,lB69; No 162 Tax 1856. $l2 401 Lot, ho, north side Christian street; 83 feet 9 'inches 'west of Tenth street, 16' by 92 feet; Third wird." . . Same Ta Jacob Mod; bleach Term, 1869, No 103 ; 'Pa* 1855, $22 2,6 ; Lot, ao, oonthoost corner Randolph, root and Fr,anklln aTogua, 3.1. by pi foot; Biztoonth PNotittot.T. 1.4 Cfri 0.13 e yd Reeve feferqh Tifjoiel.B69lfo 10; TO 1 866 , ivs 7 2 ; tot eenttielde dreattisifne gnat, 247 feet seat ptßroad Street, In front 16 feet by 90 feet; ,Thirl ward. I - Tex Seine y GeorgeG JUn Lotee; No 165V-Pderah 'room, 18119 ; 1856, , ,ice, Feet Fide of Florlda etreet, •-109 feet south of Fitzwater 'Wrest, 16 feet by 54 fo ot ; I'Sblrdward. :::1;,, ; ~, ,•,-; i , c ,,,_,,.,. , , I,„ l gerre es beers of Jahe Turner ; lizio.44e'rn; '18514 l o 166,; !Tax 1856, $2l 85; Lot ha, west side of Seamen strest, 10 feet.north of,Qathariyee iltr,Set, 2 0 4' 6 1 41 )7-00 tfeet t Third Ward. •- - ' . . i ,0. C._ ,-:i • Ouse ve Nosh Malone; filiveh Term. 1859, No 167; Tat 1850 $4B 89 ; Lot kd, weateldisof Wetter asset 84 feat itorith' or Pines 18 by 41 foot; Stith weird ~ SSlne Vs ilannsta knight •,111areh Terril• 1050 , • 17.168, • -TeX:l356, $ll - 10';' Lot. kli.iintlf etde of Itiee street', :411. coat 10 inches east or Second, 14 feet 7 inches by 41'feet; Sixth ward. , 44618 to ltphrellO Nabsei; tiara: Term '1859. No 110; , Sit bf 1358, $1005; l i st, ag...wpate„ , de of Weter.ett et, 50 feet south - Of Ytae otreot; 15 by 41 feat iJflliih'ws e rd.• Ste vs 11 Penn oc k ; March Term, 1859, Ito 170; Tat ,1856 $3B, 23;, Lot, :to. west Ads of Water Wept, 65 ,teet oath of Vine, 15 by 41 feet; Sixth ward. t',.:Sanie re Heroic; Ifarth,T,orm. 1859 ,Nol74,Tax 'B sB t 454 sli ; Lot, ece, „nirth eide Of New street, 181 fest T inotib a went of front, 16 by 4$ feet; SIM *obi Nana to Into honnoity ; Starch Term, 1859; No 178, Taxi 1858, sed 80 ; Lot north side of New street, 113 feet g ieser of Second. back of 187; in front 38 feet, and itt 'Ten th ID feet; Sixth *std, etatia ie. Nye Arundel; ,24arah Term, 1859-Nri 173' Tsw`l B s 6 : $B9 42 ; Lot; Zen, north side of Base Street:2a feeti east of Fifth, 16 feet 10 inches by 60 feet; Sixth ward Barns is• Allen' Weld ; litaralrTerrif 1850, No 174; ,Tax,.:954, $l4 99.; _f.,ot. 40.0,,,n0rth side. lit.awater, street, TO foot east of Ni nth, by 26 feet ; Fourth ward. Samil.re McGee; •51arett frand, '1869, No' 1751,Tai 1854 $BO 64; south. NW Sbineen .street. 20,feet weak of liglitli, 59 feet 6 Inobes by 78 feet ; Fourth ward. Sanyo ye. Peter. Shades ; , 1 1 ilsroh' Teraii 1859: No 1181 :TslBsl, 870 09; Lot , ko, west Me Seventh street, 23,f et 6 inehes north ~f Bedford, 18 by 42 feat; Fourth ~ into Sc Ali Abrahamx at l l iationonth i. hisretne, 1858. ? /10 ).77 Tax 1166 $7O 56 ; Lot,. 551, north elde Floe ,street, 9 8 feet west of Fifth street, 17 feet 10 inches by 70 feet; Fifth ward. Same la:la I,l9lrenni, i Ifireh , Terin. 1859. No 1781 ,TeX 1856.049 86; Lot, aa, north ride Obriethin street, 'l,lB feet 4 jcohaa east of Fifth, ,20 feet by 66 feet; 'Fifth Criiro, . Sims ve Joseph-Ash, 0 ,F 1 .Mairoti..Terrn, 3.85 9 , N 0 -1701 T, ,, ,x 1855; $B6 - 89,- Lot; dca. - -,..ersirt 'aide SWAns,otl street, 149 feet eolith kif Althcind, 30 feet 4 Inches b y 152 ;feet 1 Fourth vra.d. •1 ' Brims re same; Marsh Term, 1850, No 180 ; Taxisr6, 450 52; Lot..Oce," west eldeliwitusen 'street,' l43 feet south of Almond, 86 feet 4 inehea by 152 feet; Fourth ward. 14.T11110 ye soros; March Terroo.Bs9, No 1811 Talc 1851, ~50510 ; tot, 4 5.0, 'Neat cute ;Bwenson„stras ~143 feet ;final sosilfaide of Almond street , 80 - feet locket by .152 Meet ; Faurth ward. -.. Barna Ts dodge 007; Mardi Tirin, 1059, No 182; Tax 'lBtO, $57 74; lot. south side of Oniherine street. 85 net west of Twelfth .atriet;lso leet"o fiches by 105 feet; Third ward , • Rime se 11 0 Quinn ; March Term, 1959:N0 182; Tax 1854, $9 28 Lot, I,lttle Malott street 180 feet went tit Iligtalx,tia feet by 313 feet I 884888 tr6r4• ~ 90100 RI Cbarsberlein ; Mereb Tern, 1859, 'NO .4.114 1 Tex 1854iVill 65 ; Lot, weeSaide Of Niahthatreet, north. went eorner;of ,Illghth and, Marriott, streets ; Second - NW"- ' Same vs Ester Hei mi an ; March Term. 1859, Na 1,85; Tex 1884. $l4, 861; Lo , et able.of, Tenth street, 83, feet north 8f Margaretra; feet inches by 71 feet I Stolond nrre7 , er 4 ''.• • - ^ ..11 Nan Hash Mullen ; Mare: Term. 1859, No. 136; Tax 1854,611150; Rot, east elde'of Ede street, 95 feet 5 inches north of Fitzwater, 16 feet by 42: Beeood wird. . Some vs Philip Mallen ; March Term, 1859, No 187, "Ta. 2 1064,1.88 68; Let, Sontherest -corner of Tenth and OhNetlen streets, 14 feet 0 !solid; by 60 feet; Second ward. • Pame vs 'William McDowell I March Termi 1859, No 188; Tax 1881. $l . B 66; Lot west side of Tenth street, 111 feet 5 ineltee,annth ,71klawater . , 18 feet 8 inches by 111' feet ; &teed naid, . , . (inns vs Hcollrgeworth & Morris: D 0, Meech Term. 1859, No 16; Fll5 26 ; south side Merchant strertll3B, feet 9 Ine.bes eart of Fifth street, 15 feet 8 Inches by 165 f i ef; Stith Ward DlBTilef 001713 T, M4llOll TERM. 1859 „ of ilade,lo6lh I'Blin WBll,Oll j Mtlrolt Tsrm, 1840, Ne ,P ; Tax-0.857, 1116 26;. tot, &o, southeast cor ner of Eleventh and Olive streets, 140 feet on Eleventh by 04 feet odollve street, and 35 feet on Costes street, Fohrteenth, ward. Same vs 7osepb,Psnr4ek ; .?,latch Terns,, 850, Nf. Tax 1856, $0 00 ; Doti &6i- nirrtheket- C A orner ,Eighth tied ,flathariee *treaty, ROO feet on Eighth nsel: by IR feat 6 inches; Third ward. - ; - ; . 4 . Same vo Demon Reed ; March Term. 1859, No 3 ; Tax .1360. 5291221 Lot. &o , south side nekferket street, 164 feet (0 Inches west of Third street, 17 feet 16 Inches by 43 feet 131.1111 ward. „ , ' Onilie ve sr hmln ti Piti field I Disiots 'Osier; 1E56, No .4;; Tax 1859,8207 85; Lot, &o, went Bide of Cumber-, etieet, beginning at northeset corner of Chitabir laadenteamee'streets,lhence fn Chntobarlind , ntreet ,2,93 feet S inebee r tbence at right angle; 438,feet. thence. sot:thew:twat* 45 feet 8 inebes, thence south 916 feet ill a r wil , lllsyware ow this lot 51 beaten; Nineteenth 81Me' 're site; March TerMlBl9, No' 6 Tni iksic 8205201 esme , letwl above described ONlnateehth ward. , flaunt vit serge ; /Sarah Term. 1850,270 6,; Tax,1551, 15541 18; same totes abnve described ; Nineteenth Ward. Aims en same; March Term, 1859, No 1; , TarlBs7, 'f s3 l 03; same lot as last described; NiSeteenth ward. Same ;11r1Clinsbetlt ' ostonl Merck Term, ,1659,,N0 8; Te 1856 286218: Lot. &e, seatfi side of Dade Street, 216 feet west et Bixth, 42 by 13ii; 81Xtit Same vi Gabbard Herzig rldamt Tent, 18644 No 9 ;. Tax 0856, $19161; Lot, &o, west eide of second street, 115 feet 7 inches north of ice :street; 19 feet 7 Inches by 783 feet r Sixth wand. ' • - • '.• • Same vs 6 lbert Haloes; March Term, 1859, No 10; Tax, 1816. $ 30176 ;t Lot, &e, oast side of Front street, 41 feet south of Blarket street 21 by '4O feet; 812th ward. Slime Al John Donnelly; March Term, 1859, No 12; Tex 1856 5176 52 ;, Lot, &o, north' s i de of Nett Street, 113 feet east of Second s treet; 38, by,eo feet, Sixth ward 84cile ecteletY for Cheittffrolnielsi March Term, 1809 Na 13; Tax 1856. $l4l. 02; Lots, &o, wont side of Fifth street, 37, feet south of Tine street;e AO by 80feet ; Sixth ward. • ' ' • ' tame vs Mrs Elbbinn ; March Term, 1659, No 14 ; Tax 1856, $l9 04; Lots, *o, east aide of Fifth street, 239 feet notith of Vine street; as by 60 feet; Stith ward.je2 dot MUNICIPAL, CLAIMS.'-I , IOTIdE is thereby 'given •to the owners ,ot the properties mentioned In the appended Memoranda of Claims, that _Writs ot lithe raeles will be shoed thereon In three months froth the date hereof, Oleos the earns are paid on or berbte that tithe. 8. T. VAN RANT, Attorney for Claimants, 432 WALNUT Street, below Fifth Street. 'Philadelphia, April 1,1859, OhAIVI 808 (JOBBING, PAVING, AND OTHER - • • • In thi District Court for the City and County of Phila delphia: - .Tbe City of Plilbuielphie, to use of" dam Wartbrean and Tames L. Barron, vo Peter A !Copier owner °ere • prated owntr. or whoever may be coiner. District Court, December Term, /858, No. 12, Paring, 8187 48.' Lot on solithweeterly corner of Vienna attest and Pemmican avenue, ninety-one feet six inches by one hundred and thirty-seven feet. lishteenth Ward: ' Saute is. Andrea' D' Cub, miner of ieptifed ottneri. or wlidever may be owner. Distrlet Court, Dedember Term, 1858; No. 11. Paving, 804.98 Lot on south: easterly side of Coral street, fotir hundred and twenty. one feet els dud • half inches northeasterly from Hun tingdon street, one hundred and fifty-eight feet by fifty feet eight and one-eighth. inches on southwesterly line to thO irankford road by one foot eight and one-guar ter,of inch to the said Prankford- road.' Nineteenth ward. Same ye. William P. Biller' and J. Dickinson Ser geant, Triteteek of Beptira Estate, "ortnets or reputed owners, or whdeeer may be- owners. District court. December Term, 1858, No. 17. Paring, 8814 44. Lot on northeasterly side of York etreet and southeasterly aide of Date atreet, two 'hundred and thirty-sit feet two and seven-eighths inches by one hundred and arty. three feet three and ons•qtuarter inches on Duke street, by one hundred and sixty-three feet sit and five-eighths !aches on Commerce Meet, to Neaten street. Nine teenth ward. , . . _ , _ . „ Berne es. lime, onmereior reputed ewners,'or erho ever may be owner'. Distriat Court, Deoember 18t8, No_ 18..c.Pav1ng.11721:.98. tot en .nortbeasterir Ode of York, titrest; twenty feet soutbeirterit from Al. mond etriet,twoluedied, shirk-four feet rime and ireienalCilitlie "Mabee by die' htliolted snd dftf-tbtee feet ttir.fse4tiorter itched to Zanotti street. NtnetiVintk ante, &Imre of reputed M. who ever may be airners. , Dlitriet court, - Decomber Term, 1868, 1i0.14. "Paving,: $3,14).04.• LOS oh ' - northeasterly aide -of Yore Street; ewrenti-two feet northwesterly Vain Oedirstreeti one hundred and twenty-four feet seven and a half inches by one hundred and twenty-tire feet three labiten to Ileutett ettent; Piteteteenth ward,. Name 46; lathe, minere or repti•ed • arliefej or who= ever may be 'owners 'Patriot Contt, December Term, 1868, No. 16 . Paving; smug. en' nerthesaterly, aide, or , YOrk irreet, serenty-tWo feet southeasterly from Cedar street, two hundred and thirty. 8)8. fest by one hundred and twenty are feetthreelnehes to Deaden street... Nineteenth Ward.' . . fgsnie we, Ammo; owned or repilted oapDere, or Who ever may be owners_- Distilot Court, Deeeto6ei Taint; 4855, ti0. , 16. , Paring. gage: 'Lot aouthirezterlp nide of York street, fifty-fonr feet southessterlr from Ceder street, one hundred and eighty-two feet by one bun.' dred and. timely-nine feet six and on...quarter Moles to Gordon st-eet. 'Nineteenth ward. ,Ta. BeDiathlll` 11. Pitileld, - „lner-or reputed owner, or lehoetier map be owner . D ist Nett Mini De. comber Term, 100, .No. 22. Paring,l2o.34l - Lot Boathesittarly corner of York and Gaul streets, begin ning at a point in said coraer ; thence ono hundred. and fifty feet els and ohm-quarter inches thing said Gaol street toi Gordon street ; thence one hundred and four feet ten and one-eighth inches along said Gordon lames to Weetatretti thence fortrtwo feet three eighth limbed along said West attest to a point ; thence further along the said Weet street one hundred And fourteen feet two three-Ostler Wailes to York street; thence ninety-two feet ten one-half inches along the said York street to the piece of beginning Nineteenth ward Dame vs. Philip 'llamp, - otnair or reputed owner, or whoever mar be owner. , Distriot Court, December Term, 1858 10 Paving, 8163,04. Lot southwesterly corner of York and Lemon Weals, fifty-four feet by one hundred and twenty-nine feet six and one quarter inches to Gordon street. Nineteenth ward. Same we William N. Witte, owner. or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner Diehict Court, December Term, DM, No. 20.. Paving, 1203 01 Lot northeaeteriy corner of York and Tulip streets, seventy-two feet by one hundred and twenty-fire feet three locates to Dm ban street. Nineteenth ward. ,Name vs. Wohard •Keeveycowoor or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. - .District Court ; December Term, 18158,12 o; 9, Paring, $290 92. Lot' nordtwest erly elde °oral street, sad eouthwestrrly aide or Ad ams street; andnortheasterly &do of Taylor street, one hundred and fifty feet three Inches, by sixty feet, along the said Adams aired and the mild Taylor street. Nine teenth ward. Same vs..7accb.De Haven, owner or reputed owner, or whoever, racy be owner. District December .Term. 1868, No 69 raving, 8178.86 %Lot northwesterly. side of Coral street, four hundred and twenty.four feet three and fire-eighth inches northeasterly from Hunt. Ingdon street, sixty.tbree feet six and one•half Inches by eighty feet. Nineteenth ward. Same. re :Abel Lukens, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. District Court, -December Term, 1818, No 00 . l'arlog, 8117.60. Lot and free stable, northeasterly corner of Coral and Huntingdon Amts. sixty feet eight and three-fourth Inches by one hundred het, along the said Huntingdon street. Nine teenth ward. , game vs. Sheets & Dully, ownere or reputed owners, or whoever may be owner. D.strict Court, December ,Term, 1858, No. 82. Paving, 8585 80. Lot and .glasa factory; southeasterly corner of York and Duke streete, in front on York street two hundrelfeet. Moe snd three. eighth inches, - by one hundred and one feet. six and one fourth filches to depth along the , said Duke street, by ,ninety-three feet three Mabee along the northwest aide 'of Brown Streit. Nineteenth ward. Same ye, same, owners or reputed owners, or who ever mey be owners, District Court, December Term; 18N, No. 83 Paying, $l,O U 28. Lot, two glass fee. torlee, blacksmith *Mop, engine house, en the north, easterly corner of York and fiscil streets, beglening at a point on said corner; thence ektendlog southeasterly along the northeasterly side or the field York ;area'' one hundred and eighteen feet eight and Mill. eighth inches to a point ; thence further along the old York Street_ two hetedrod and forty- sight feet and four looker, to Almond street;' thence northeasterly along 'the 'northwest.riy line of the said Almond street one hundred and fifty three feet throe and one•fourthlnoheil; to Dollen etreet ,• thence northwesterly along the southwesterly lice of thweafd Dorian rarest three hundred and twenty.meyen feet 'men. and threelourth inches, to Gaul etroot ; thence along th e southeasterly line of the said Gaul street onshnedred and tweuty-fiye feet three inches, to the place of beginning,' ' tome ye. Zophor v. Howell, owner or reputed own• or; or whoever may be armor. Dietrlot Court, Meech Term, , lBd9, No. 7. Paving, 1.361 OE Lot southeasterly corner of York end Wlleo4 etresta. in front On eeil York street, one hundred and twentyuelen feet nine and aoven•eigbth imam by one hundred foot In depth. Nineteenth weed. • Sonia Vs some; owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be • owner, District Court, Nara Term,lBBe, No. 6: , Paving, $358 78. Lot, wes t erly corner of Yotk and Wilson streets, in front on the said York street one hundred and twenty-seieu feet by one hundred feet In depth. Nineteenth ward. ' In the Court of Common Pleas for thOolty and coun ty of Philadelphia. The oity of Philadelphia, to use of Adant-Warthman and James L Barron, ve, Samuel Ellie, owner Or, reputed owner, , or whoever may he owner. , Cletimion Pleas, Deeember TerM,lBsB, No. 21:, Paving, 16114 ' Let and brisk tavern northeaaterly , corner of York street , and Trenton avenue, twenty-two !sat =leg " Xerk thence teTeuttelght feet twp, geD4l-.X4lice4, itud‘a lmiffinninte along Ups ofsroned new orle,te of „ Lgogetreth re a,ponit, thence eleven feet tea and tbres quarter Inches northWeetirlY td sidd 'Trenton creme, • • themtneighty.two feet to'the said York street. - Nine. teentk Ward..', t. ••, , , , 1641 9, 1 e,:idth 6 Pluilitd, P;64, 4 7 , 1 rn " 9;,,teri ,i 414 or WhoDY!F may be (Muer. oMen Terut.l6oB,'lto' lb. Pailog,ll62bs: - Lot southwesterly side erlork street, one hundred and twentreight feet nortlirrenterly, from the northwecterly side of „flepriya Arad fifty-110feet on York ,street ,tf. Gray street; 'themes along _Gray street eiglity.eight fest eight flys. eighth Inches ten point r Glenne further along the cold Oreilitniot feel-piles teat threei-ofirkth , inohee to Goy don /treat ;Itbenoe,forty feet four inches along said oev'. I don etreet tea pubis ;,thence northemterly one hundred and twenti.nlne lent six one eighth fiches to,the place of begliMingi Nineteenth ward.' • • , A Dame li.'llrefett d toglef OlineSlOr reputed OWAllre or Irt.,oeorer may be calmer. Common Pleas, December Term1859,,Np.21. Raring. 105.62. Lot sentiment. arty tide of ,Yorlr. stre - et, binety*fotir feat northwesterlY froMthe norditicatiro olds 'etreet;thirly four feeVbf Otte bottited hod twenty.:rone feat udi and One eighth' belies to Gordon SWIM: Nitletrath SIPIR To. Lopptretivolmer or reputed owner, er dWrist.i,,Oe 005 P 11510 1. 046 °R , b 4 r 'Y , Perm, 7868, No: It;. Pwrlog; //01.1 ." Lot 'reouthwest orlynide of York'street; fist" .todi feet' sontheiteterly from the southeasterly Bide o f fiords% street, thirty alx feet by one Atudred end tweety.rdne, feel, siB , .and one• berth inches, to Gordon etrret. Atthe.tt , htt * ll4 Paine ye. Ramo, owner or reputed owner, it wbeerer -may be owner. Ocoronort Ptete , Deeember•Terms 1868 No. 19 . Palbgi - 160.67. •Lot northeasterly' aide: York street. neyentprour feet dye and Aye eighth inches hortirforterif troth the northiterter]tehte of !Sevin etreet, eighteen feet by one hundred ank twenty-dye feettbree infheAC - Itlneloenth trard. ,4 = ' Same vd. Peter Robles, owner or reptiteiownerr or • whoever may , be , owner: Common -Piess,---Deeember , Terns. 1868, No, 23, Paying 195 62 Lot sonthltest 614001 York street; ninety feet goutheasterly from the eouthereterly aide of /lope's's street, thirty.fodr teat by one bundmid add, twenty-nine feet Mx end one -tottrtli inches. 'Nineteenth ward Mame re Longstreih, owner. or repnted owner, or ithoeter tun be °freer. Common 'Pleas, December Term., 1808; No: 20 ref mg, 4181.18. Lot north. easterly side of Pork street; forty-fork feet south , easterly from the southessterlyaide of Trenton 0800510, thirty. nix feet by one ,hundred twenty.flye feet three lathes. 'Nineteenth ward, ' Slime Is. Minor Rodgers, owner or reputed owner, or Whoever, may be owner. Common Piece, December Terra, , 1858, 1.11: 11 2401 . Lot north westerly tide 'of' OoPal' street, eighteen feat north easterlyfrom Dauphin, etreet o eeyenteen feet bt arty four feet. Nineteenth word." Same ye. Wm: P. Dollen and 1. Diekinscrq Sergeant, Trustees of the Sourly& 'Estate, otrnerie'or' reputed; owderii;OrwhoeVer tidy he! owner. Dominion Pleas., December Term. 1558. Na, Paving,' 1113 OS Lot soutbentateilk aide of York street, Sr iv.four feet recrth:. westerly Iran Ander Atte; rit'freAt an said York street; sixty-three fdet seven end onerdtelf Indite i try one hun dred and rwentymlon het MA And Mnr,foiretli kdhes to depth to Gordon street. Nincteenth wadi' • ' Same Va: earda, 'nknere or reputed oienersi' ever maybe owner. , Commod Pleeti December Tern", 185 a. No 68.:' Paving; A 98.11,. Lot "sonttiriesterly 'eldo of York streek• setenty•tero"feet northwesterly from' feetstreet, In (rent on Cold lark street thirty-six feet by one hundfedliieCrtdientriitne: feet "biz and ono-fou th inches in depth to•Gorten invest. Sines teedth ward. Dante us. Wand Himme l owner ,or ryputed owner, or whoever may be owner. Com Mon Pleas; December Term, 1888, ,No. 180. Pining, $107,27. Lot and frame dwelling southwesterly elde of 'henna street, keyway fonE feet daten Ltchas northitesterly, from ,Quaen Atreati InlrOnt,on dart Fianna etroet slaty-dig i t feet ten' inchen, by - thiftY feet In depth. Bighteanth ward. name ea. Jaeob Bennett, Diner dr reptited evtuer, or whoever and be °Weer,. Common Pleas , Dadetaber Term, 1868, No. 113. -Pnring, $80 . 16. lot and frame direitiorflouthwileterly, skda of Woman, street; one hun dred - and forty-three ,felt Are, ladies northwesterly, from Queen street, Di front 6n geld Vienna street forty four feet ntne hobos, by.thfrty fent Itt th Eighteenth lewd. 114¢ ie vs .111reint Garton, owner or reputed oridar,,or wooetet -zany owner,. Common Pleas, December Term, 1888, 51 . 0.119. Paring, 188 56. Lo and frame dwelling southwesterly elde of Vienna street, one hun dred end nine feat al: lushes southeasterly fnritiFrank. lin avenue. In front on said.Ylenua street eighteen feet, by nee ptindred and thirty-seven feet in depth, Night seatu ward. • . . - Same vs. H. 11. Pennock, owner of reputed owner, or whoever may .. be - owner.• Oeirimdo Pleat, ,December Term, 1858 , No Nil. , Paving, $1913 47. Lot Borth, motet', corner of York and Cedar streets, esventewo feet by one hundr ed sad twenty-five feet three an one.' heirMetter', to mien strept.—Nineteenth ward. Same -ve Mae ette- feed,lts , guel, owners or repcited' owners, or whoever may be.ownef. _ Orimaion.Pleae, December. Term, 2.868, No, /09. Paving, $184.17 northeasterly side. of Huntingdon street, slat* feet northwesterly from Emerald street, one hundred feet by one hpadrefland twenty feet, to hlizabeth street. Nice teenth weed.. • Barns vs same, owners oe reputed owners, or who, ever may be ,owners Common Ptees. DesemberTerm, 1558, No. lel. Pairing, 2184,17. Lit northeasterly aide of Huntingdon street, one hundred and Deity feet, northwesterly from Emefald Masai, one 'h,rindred. feet, by.,onir Mindred and .tiventy feet, to Illicarieth, atteet„ Nineteenth ward. 7 game es. Stance Oarner,,owner or reentele - .. 12 1P1 62' whoever may be Omen Common 'Plena, _December. . Term,lBsB, No:850. t Paying.ls2B - Lot ;and-brisk dWelling southeasterly aide of Coral street, ene, , dus. dred and ninety three feeteightunt,thrwe-funtlt inches nollheasterly frowc.Hiintingdon - etreet, thirteen , feet sin. inches by elute , six feet Ova inches on the northesat.. btlylitie.trelgtpeight feet seven Inches on the south westerly line. Ninateilath 174 4.' Bann vs. John White,, Owner or repeited owner, or whoever may •be owner. Common -Pleas, December Term,-1858, No. 277. Paving, 581 07. Lot northeast erly ooraer of Coral and Dauphin streets, fifty-six feet Ms and three.elghth inches by forty-eight feet seven and five•eighth inches, Nineteenth ward,. Fame vs. Miele, owner. or reputed GOMM, or Whoever May be metier - Common Pieta, December Term 1858, No. 283.. paving, $10.59, Lot southeasterly side of Coral street, fifty-slit feet six and 'three•elghth belies northeasterly froM the northeasterly aide of Dauphin Street fonf teen feethy forty•eight seven and five eighth heehaw Nineteenth ward. , - Same vs came, owner or reputed Wrier, Or atwitter May be owner, Odurt of Common Pleas, Dedember Terre, 1858, No. 28b. Patti:4;oo ttl. Lot touttletilt arty We of Corsi etreet,- neventy feet Mx and Nu ea eighth inches northeasterly ffeen the northeasterly Bide of Dauphin street, fourteen feet by forty. eight felt seven and five.eighth inches.-. Nineteenth nerd. :Fame vs. same, owner or reputed otiose, or whoever may be owner Cordmen Pleas; December, Term, 1858 No. 284. Paving P2O 59 Lot southeasterly Woof Coral street, eighty-tour feet sin and three-eighth inches northeasterly from the northeasterly side of Dauphin Street, fourteen feet by forty.elght feet seven and dee eighth lathes. Nineteenth ward. dame re. same, coiner or. reputed °fair, or wnoever may be owner. Common Plate, December Term, 1668, No. 202.-Paving, $29 69. Let couthesaterly side of Coral street, ninety...sight feet els and:three.eighth tenths' northeasterly from the portheastly aide of Dauphin .street, fourteen feet byforty.eight- feet seven and tire eighth inches.. Nineteenth" word. , fiamens. same, owner or reputed Owner, orwhoever • may be 'owner. :Common Pleas, December Term,-1868, Ito. PTO. Paving. $2O 59., Let aontheaaterly side of Do tal etreet, one thundeed and - twelve feet six and three, eighth inches northeasterly--from the northeasterly aide of Driephin 'treat, fourteen feet by frirty<eight feet seven and dfre.eighth Metes. Nineteenth ward. • dame vs same, owner or reputeVowner, or whoever may he owner., Common 'Pleas, December Term, 1858, No. 278 Paving, $2069, Lot southeasterly side of Coral street, one hlindred tad tefeitty4 .8 feet aft end thrett.eighth Indies - northeasterly- from .the north easterly side of Dauphin unrest, foneteen Met -by [mat eight feet seven and fire-eighth inches. Nineteenth ward: . • • , Same ve. name, owner or reputed owner, or Theever may its owner. Common' Pleas, December Term, /868, No -281 - Paving, $2241 Let southeasterly earner of Opts! and Price gamete, fourteen feet by fluty eight feet, seven and fisweightti inches. Nineteenth ward. , Fame vs.lfark Ilalderstine, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. Common Pleas Micah Term, ' 185, No 45. • Paving, $37.03. Lot eo: t ivreiterly Side of York street, about forty-fom feet* westerly from Gaul street, fourteen feet bYlIftY-ela test, more or fere. Nineteenth ward.- . • -- - - Same vs. sane, owner or reputed owner, or vilioteflif may be owner. Common Pleas, Marsh Term, 185- No. 47. • Paving. $31.08 Lot southwesterly side of ' York street, about Ofty.eight feet northwesterly from Gant Street, fourteen feet-by sixty-three feet, more or lees. Nineteenth ward. - " 'game teitnefi7prited owner, or whoever niay he °feel'. Ociontion feat!, March. Term, 1869, No;15, ?twirl, $43 28,.. lot andthffeetilfly fiercer of 'grit and Gehl etceets; ate 'petted 'Potted by fifty , AL: feel, there tir feed. Niue eenth we* Same vs. same, owner, Or -giat63Emder,or ihoever may be owner, Common Pleas; Mirth Tot:los9 i No: 48. Priving, , $l2 09,' Lot sontheresterly aide of -York etrest, about fifteen 'feet ten hulles northwesterly from Gaul street, fourteen feet two inches by - fifty-six feet, mo re e or lees. Nineteenth ward. flame vs. same, owner or reputed owner, or -whoever may be ofter. Ocintinon Pleas, Hari& Term, 1859, No. 44.- -Tavlng, $3708 . Lot sontheresterly aide of York street, abont .thirty feet tiorthiteateCly from Gaol street, tonneau feet by ntry-six feet, more or 'less. Nineteenth 'teed , rape is. (ieorgeN. Geer; owner. s or.,reptit i g owner, or whoever may ,oWner, .oomeion PI Marsh , Har Term, 1859 ,- N0.,,43. Patine, $49.05 rat. smith- Weriter7y aide Of York street, one Itinated and twentr aix feet - northwesterly from Gaul street, eighteen feet 'by one hondred and twenty-nine feet stir and a fourth inches. Nineteenth ward. - Fame vs. same, owner or, reputed owner, or whoever may be owner Common Pleas, March Term, .1859, No. ,42 .Paving, $19.05. Lot southwesterly side' of York Street, One htladrad and eight feet northwesterly from. Gaul - street. eighteen feet by one hundred and twenty-nine feet sit tad a MM.'S Wobes. -Nineteenth ward. spite IN THE EIIPREHE COURT OF PENN 111.8YLVANId 1?Oft THE EASTERN DIBTRIOT. , SAMUEL D. PEtNN r'LEILL et ai ,vs JAMES MAX , WELL et , el. Fl.'He Jantutry Term, 1857. No. 45. !The Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the food paid into Court upon the above writ will attend , to the duties or his appointment, on WEDNEBDAY, June 15th att P. At , at his office, No, 416 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia, at which time and place all parsons interested are rsonired to Make their claims, or be debarred from coming to on said fund. ONANLEB 8. PANCOANT, Auditor. IN THE 0013 RT, OF QUARTER SEE -.a. AWNS FOR THX•OOIISTY OW PUILeDfILPHIet. 114 the matter of the 'vacation of BIIIPPEN L&Ntl. Notioe is hereby given, that on the 10th day of Marsh, A. D ,1869, upon the petition of tereive freeholders residing in the vicinity, the aforesaid Court granted a 'rule to show 0111..0 why the said /Thigpen Lane, from . the north eide of Petleral street to the southern line of teed bold by Mechanist Holmes and A•ohard It Bryan. should not be oloeed up and wielded. according to the form. force and edeot, of the sot of Aeaembl• of Bth May, Me, which rule is returnable on SATURDAY, the 4th day of June, A D. 1969. at 10 o'clock A. M. .TOBBPII CLAY, Attorney for Petitioner', 971 Sooth BIPTH Street. By the Oenrt JOSEPH or.oomßrr, Inytl-ftuOt VRTitTE OF JOHN BUTLER, DE .I2A 011A8ED. Letters of Adminietration with the Will annexed, on the estate of JOHN NU eLza, deceased, haying been granted to the subscriber. all persona indebted to sold estate are requested to make payment, and tam hay. log claim to preaent them to CHARLES 0. LONGWERERH, Administrator, - _ my2o ll3l* No. 607 North emu Street. El - STATE OF MARY BUTLER, .L'.4 OE tBED. ' Lettere of Administration on the eatett of MARY BUTLER, deoeaaed having been greeted to the Bub scriber, all persona Indebted to seld eetitte are requested to make payment, end those haring Ohtima to present the come to . ORARTAB 0. LOWMAN tff, AdmintorMor, my2o f St* No. VI North SIP ['II Street gN THE OOURT OF 00111KON PLEAS Pon. THE CITY AND .00UNTY OP PIIILADEL. PHU. On Mendel; the 10th of May, snot., & petition of THE bIANATifiriK PRREOEVERANOE • BUILDING AND NeVINCt EIIND AKKIOIATION wu filed, -praying to be incorporated, whlab will be granted u Bleu exceptions be fi ed thereto on or before the flat 94OND&Y of June Terns. A D. 1659. LAYOOOK, iny2o 27,034 ' , Atto7neY et Law, Oulamiutber safeo. [a SALAMANDER SAFES. A large alanelmena of EVANS ar, WATSON'S Pil/LADBLPITIA. MANITPAOTURAD BALAHANDBR SAP 68, VAULT DOORS, 13Am - Loam, Ifor Banks and Stores. - Equal to now In nee. IRON DOORS SRUTIIIIIS, !to , On u good terms ss any other establishment In the United filatea, by .11vAN4 & WATFON, No. 26 South FOURTH' Street, Philadelphia. 11 %IVA 1:031' A OALL. p 3.1841 CAUD& TURPENTINES-60 bble; i3rude Turpentine. in store and for ale by 497007, AbliffindNEß . , & CO , 41 0 ' 4 0 413%.W411011,' THOMAS & SONS 4 Nos: let-and 141! SOUTH - 1017RTH STREET. mannerly Nos. ef and 68 ..) , - OTOOKI3,' BOBbII. 8.19 W. &a. ' " - ouebeer• 811Yerder. " ' Jane 713tirnt 8 'Walla*, at 'the 'Philadelphia na, 1600,00urnb per eent..teed t :Pesah nottere Slate ' I.lxfieg Oompeay of 31trytind;due 1863 Also, offbeat' tete ire, lot saisetuit of — Whoui Ithasy 00730.111' . - olaJthare (20 new) Sett Weanlaw Lin&Aimeolstion. , „ roe othee.downwte, ' - . 2 eberee Pldlidelkida and Etsweede Glide 2teend *chi bort Obmpenji. - - ; - • • „ - 1 dews Pkiledelpbfa Atha:warn 18 agree Regime Mukluk) Insumeeeimpany., , . 131xeardoes Ab!ol,nto Selo. „ •`• :""Pew No: WI Teeth i'reebyteilem 0101(41:' 24'6 idWci.: ..,-2ol , llooonnt of whom It may-Ooneern. •• 1 4 ,00 9•fi•T° C 4 4 3 0 .0 bone, Ja4llo 2 0 uPctal ;01/, freak si ofemEer, 851. $;,4)00 Camden and Atlentla locoed meet tite ponds, all tolneWle on., •• ;,• - •. tinnarEmwrix i3PRINci )0.41;E; JUNE lilt,. Will finitude.= ' ` • '• • .'" ?lath ~orderrot,tho Anatol , . timers] of Teinisyl,,. vanie,tiod,ermoneedloga ioJatekeat, ot, th e, estrileo! Thomittreharkey, &wield." '_ • - LOT; OOIPPINATitHET±Lat 'of teretind, with Mimi .shed; northereadenief or Viippterared gays meets; te tween Mitt% slid, Math green Ilemte lets t.l" Wm . Connor. deeeesed. PerenintOry' Otile- -, V1114 17A OL'Il 1r 0 P i" YRANENGED—vsatuibie lot; with framehousee , Prank ford tetropilte. (Trintydbird ward), feet front on the, tornMke,,flild Upton a road Amding to Oermatithirii. iEr( Shia etiolate - • ' • • '' TeremptraT •851111E87 , VALUABLE MUSKS f- BTRAB g STOW*, with- granite front', NO' 403 Market street, Ant atm !rental /porta etost. ar gale an• „ solute _ - 'gate Iste of iisie r illiidlerOss. - deeettstd: atires' 'with ' improventantei on the Trankford end firbtiol Turnpike, At the 9'-ntile stone, sbottonemne from and two Miler from , tialerelthflt MODERN- ViliimiNoll6; 1011 VI la • street, betenen tenth and klirfenth otrooto; SO by lel - _ COUNTY PLAO3, TOftßlSlllendicrniemodern eottage, 'with l 4 Soren; on the Mvir Delawitie, , at pony, 12 miles trom Philadelphit IMmedtate posses, EiTilllAT—Three story brick dweitlng, 21113 Winter street. between Twenty f dret and Twenty second' and Setee - and Tine streets. • ' •0111113TPIIIT ar.,,wsar , PHILADILPHJA—Likge lot of ground, with two houses thereon, south side, of Chestnut_street, east of Thirty.sLath titreet,. (Twenty. fourth 100 feet trent, 220 feetidienta I orkstreet; two,fronto. „ , - A XISOUTOWS BALE itloisaier;deel. InaIIitENTABLB 'YEMEN - htROUTD • lump of 824, , secured by • thrse•story brick dwelliruf MODISH AEU vsticat, - L0x",40 ItanT YRONT: 2 Oaott( olOoAir Mester' otrogE,`Oretlioiedliest of dliteehth iltreet:; 'l4O feet front, .8t 'hot doili,to Xliis _moils I konseT 29 foot itoot, - -Mists' ',with ,alt ,fliodena oonvonionoilWifde yard TO' feet front, pleated with `rapeilnes,4learltruittarens,:and rigid:ante ; aLitl&IlLII (IQVINTAi 1114186 acres, With esteidreampreieth — entirirbirldisheryi &e.' 11 'en the river Delaware, Ireklanding above Tawny, 1,600 fiat' front on the Hier adjoins; the 'country' seat of Joseph Harrison, Req. TWNNTINTH SPRING BALE, Bth JUNE. Peremptory sale on the premises. - LIANDSOMIS RitSIDSNOR'—GIiteIe,NTOWN. On 'WelneaderAfternoon, ' • Aloe Sth, et 4 olcdoeki , will be cold, without reserve, co the premises • • • - The valuable atone reslenoe, cornet - of Main and Sharpnatk streets, Germantown, with qoaohbonse, g den; Zoo.. Lot 140 feet front On Mainstreet, 51'14 feet 10 lushes on 'Shirforank. Street:. Three fronts. The bones is large andoonvenient --The fiftieth:et' is very hiathoine—s ehottoiletaztealronhe battle ground. Terms only one. fourth 410. pH el9n. Err Sale ibiolitte. • • On Pregii4l,4oiiianioa. , - - 'Aka, at 43( e'plook, oo Wm. 110/00 , tke remises, will be bold, two - newatoni raiddeneea, wnth . did , * of Wouthinto4 lame, (Gotrosiikiwn), /f east at Washington • lane elation, Chestnut - Mir Helloed,. Will be sold 'separately. sash lot 00 feet front 210 teat deep, wiLli two Lome. Titlit4tl 29th Will haolnd*-- • Peremptory BaIe—TALTIADLA PROPAIITY,—Ho tel aid two atone dwallinge,with Large lot, old Lanes-tar_ totnplae, Donee* t meat and , Ilorida ,etfeet, (time frootal,,Tfeet Rh - 114484h%. , Lot /43 by 2/7 feet Bale , = . TWO .13,ESIDENOAD,„ id AA A Two Diremirfory raughtaet teeth:woes, tonoded by . Witelibistoa" Doyley, Franklin, and Monroe alfeeta,horoogh Dela no:et:aunty, Pa. - • - , TALI/ABM/ PANNE AND COW/UT BRAT-407 aerei4 with itoprowementa,-Horshata. township,. Moot-, •gamely aototty, Pa ' , JO tallest 'you Palladelphfe, 3;(. toles. isont.itlesaillikAttetliatieth an E/" , " 4 " 031 rania-Rallroad. crfi tifiIIRPAN fiTI/NST—Twoietory:inteilt4wellizte l .282 Shipped street; bettteea Somoza sod Third atreata.' , Pertmptory:Pala..34.BlllLDlNO-LOTA of •Nto Wait Philadelphia-laud Ootapaay, ofiNpreOsi 3 Ohistatit s and yorrr notate/,between ',till/ter-Ater and--411Vaetraid streets, Welt Philadelphia 1171110 abaolute„. Plana at the &nation Moro- • i . PARif 101 AORES— with mOrovemente, Atlantio county.. New Jeremy, 2 mum went Of the eallzolA• depot pS - Abeecom, and 7 mtieo hom a %tante 0111. DIIBLLING 'AM) STABLE —Three story brio* dwid , ling and br,ek stable, Meg street, between Obercy and Rate, and Broad and:rifthttienth street*. • Peremptory gaIe—TELRESETORY MEM MIL LItiO—NO 845 North Thirteenth etweet;alaistl'of Og den street, late Airing Thirden.,, Ogle absolute YALUABLN B(7810108 STAND—Three story brick shire and dwelling, and brick stable,goutheest conger cif Market and Terentlethatriete: Tana fronitiC " JACKSON TREET—Two-etory,brlek dwelling, wcat side of Peekeon etreetibetween Carpenter' and Wseli• Mena. avd Tenth and Eleventh streets - - COLUMBIA AVENUE-4bl 6stary brick dwelling, No. 14 11 Wen:obis anemia, *est of Spest Zetreet, Elghr , teenth ward.• • ~,, ,• , COTTAGE I N WAIST OHNITNE,Now two-dozy brick cottage, sontheatt" Corner of Magnolia s aid Smith %elent Weide, Weal Cheater.* km:: Lotloo by 200 feet. 901refi PIIONT 81 1 1t11111'—fibree-etory brlak Ileg,,No. 105 boot h T Pront 'street, thlz . bpro'below ., Ehtopeti 5/1•00t," • - " k HANDSOKB BESIDESOM, OAMDEN=Atoorner of Market and beetend 545 eta; boa all modern improve. manta; 179 feat front, 100 feet deep. Tao ftonte. Admintstiatrix Filo. LOAM, 1100.1XWILb. TOOLS; &a:, .01 A BLACK 0391T1N1 8001'. *One da; at 10 Alook. on the preadeeiOrill be sold, by, order of,' adrEdnistratill, the blacksmith - chop. late or,Ratrioli Kiernan, @a )(Matt .street, shore Math) in the rear of the Williara Vasa Motel. ltadedtrel the ea , eXPited /OMB , for, 7)( peers, fealfilf, took, stook of old lion new shoes, &o. =dal one of the beat'stande in the oily. ' WWI BALI OP OIL PAINTINGS, - ' - Aids" and-daturday,, • , dtti Mine, valltabte and extensive oolleatiOn'Of , fine gallery and cabinet pialatiage;try oitlebratedMasters - of the 'andierit end. modern imbools.nomprisintmany firstelsis speolmere of pared, MythOlogidel, it - ohitectural, and ..mledettansous subjects, by Nobene, .Vandyke; N.,Powelia;Clarrarajdo_, A. Wraith! -Hao Albano, Jacob de Witt, Erma de Plidle;Dramberg, Gi , per, Meteor, Saisdlerate. C.- J6l3tlellei Dolor, Nondecorder Jell° Romano, D. Touters, Bums- Wet, Ostade,;Brafieh,,Wonfermane,Pranolm the elder. Alto, by Battonl, two large Octanes, 20 by / feet, Dins. hating Ora. The moderns kande—gelled, Tamer, Hogarth MarlOw,Bhayer, Huggins of Liverpool. Bette of Brasseleolfosbne Ilhaw, Van Gel% tionner,j(rease* man, Darren. Winner, Danford Hums, Van Ssrandonok, Northoote, paineborough, Morrie of London, An., &a., with Man y ofter - tiorle of tirt,:bairg - onenf the lamed and best collections eler_olfered in Ode city, the pro. parte nf Mr. Joseph DtchardsOn. peremptory sale, in conse4neuce of his going to Euro pe intmeolately. • • gate No- Cil2 (Wide. ;NOUSTHOLD FIIIINI CURB, lISPXRIGI4 P.TAN 0, MANTEL AND PION MEItiGII6I. This Morainal -.- ± • : 'Tune Bd, st 10 o'clock. et No 612 Spruce street, the Nouslhold ft arsito re, supertax rosewood 7-octave rdade by 'Gilbert, doe Mantel sod Pier Mirrors, &o. Alert, the Moho° Baratttve, Beteigerstor, /We, the °Moe leitralture. , li=/' MS)! be erfaultied the roortierfet sale 'it EY '•• , : .„. , , ~ . . , , • BALM OF. iEtREESTiEefj ABB V ALUABLII Mgt OELLANICOUI BOOKE, A'rop.Plor; BROM , A LI: HILARY. - -- '- '. • - -On TuaadarThreating, June 7114 at the, aviation atarf,*ctallation ot,tnlonat• !snooty' works, a pnrtion trim a library: Er Bur partionlati lee astatognia.. TABOR BALI, 08 VALI:MUM LAW BOOKS. • I On Wednesday Afternoon, mune titti, 1859, commencing at 4 o'clock, we will cell, it out euction atm*, Yoe. 139 Ind let. eolith Fourth' street, a valuable Lew library, together With a onsaber of new Ist books. Catalogues Will be ready two days ;tortoni; and the books arranged for elimination.• • , *bale at fbie. Mead 141 Woutlelaurth Street - BUPERZOE IFUENITUaIkt WRENCIT• PLare 2:11- ROM, PLkNO-MORTI, etkarsearra • , •, On Ihuriday Mowing, . • At ,P o , oloch, at the auction store, an assortment of excellent' eeeonA-hand fornitnie, elegant piano. totter, Bite mlirare CarPeti; eta., from families de= dining hqueelteepitig, "terneved to the afore for con venience of sale. Bale Noe. 808 and 810 South Elerenth Woes. HOUSEHOLD BUREITURII, LARGE MANTEL AND Villa AtIti.ROSS, OIL PAINT/Nei, he. • Oa Pride,. Morning, • • June 10th, at 10 o , oleek. at Non. 803 and 810 South 'eleventh street, the Household Furniture, 4 large and ales - ant Mantel Mirrors, Bookcases; &o. May be examined on the 'morning of Sale at 8 o'clock. sate N 0.434 Franklm street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CARPETS, On Wednesday Morning, tune 15th. at 10 Waioek, at No. 434 Franklin street, beldw Noble, the euperlor furniture, tapestry carpets, floe hair mattresees, /to., of a gentleman going to Europe. tEr May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Also, a large Iron safe;by bane to Watson. fi00)18 ON_ HARMONY 'OOILET TO BENT,—.Ap• ply at the sluttish store. PRIVATA 8&L1 -Shares in the Philadelphia and Manuall6 , Librarjes and- Athenmum. Riot eetato 910 LUMBER MEN AND FARIREBS, BALE OP VALITADLW TIMBIIa LANDS, IN WABWION. 0 MINTY, VIRGINI&. By virtue of . a decree of the Circuit' Court for the County aforesaid, pronounced on the 25th of March, 1859, is the chancery salt of Gambrill vs Whitbeck. the undersigned, acting es'Oomoninaion erannder the eat d de • area, will sell before the Court Meuse door of said coun ts on the SBOQND TRWIIBDaYAIIOIIBT 'next, that being county court day, that valuable tract of land described in said decree "es all that certain piece, par cel, or tract of land, lying end in the county, of Warwick, and known as being part of the • Rich beak regret,' containing one thousand and eighty-eight acres, (1.088,) more or lam, being part of the tract of land conveyed by Augustine Gambrill and Margaret kin wife, by deed da.ed 28th June, 1558, - gni recorded in the clerk's oMce of Warwick county court." The above land le very'valuable and easy of access, being located on the peninsula iying between the James and York tilo:s, and sib 'at half wey between Hampton and, Wil liamsburg There are upon the premises a steam now mill with engine of 50-hor•e power, and geed substin. tied Brick Dwelling in taorotuth repair. • - - TIMMS OD SALE. , , ' fie mush in cash at ;riti pay 'JIM omits and the above mentioned snie.d the expenses of 'sale, and upon the residue a oredit of twglve months will be given, the purchaser to pre-bond - wills good security for the de ferred payment, with interest from the day of sale. LEMUkL J. BP CHABLIS K.lakuoni, , , Conan Listeners. Of the above lands, 180 tiaras are In fine cultivation, balance heavily timbered with superior white oak (for ship bni;ding,) and pine ; the, pine wart being worth $1.76 per cord on the bank; any amount can be con trasted for, for tbe New York market. Any information in reference to the matter ban be had by addreesing Newcomer Btonebraker, Baltimore. hid., or by applying to B. Patrick. 8.011014 the lands, at Warwick Ootut Howie Warwick county, Virginia. je14106 itartit SA LE M DAILY LIRE.- Steamer MAJOR lIHYBOLD will leave WllaftP DAILY, except Sundays, for Salem, Delaware Olty, New Oaatle, Pennegrove, and Obeeter, at 2jj o'clock P. AI., Ret urning, leaves Salem al7 &Moak A. 111. for lioodetown and Bridgeton most this beet. n0,104=11 COFFEE.-200 bags Jamaica In store and ror Ws by JAMBS GRAILtit t CO.. . a liSO R. 4 34 44T1T44 Oaltivbira - uttiattiaal. , l9- FnaalizakaßlNuir,,avoch,-4, „ _ +a MAUR? _ ,11, N 1 4!171INCIFtra09,PNI : • buns gds - s_tlOn!ellnekor nfoinlnir,teatajoilivon 11 . 1 400 peotraie . e ead_krte of te4eracd depict ~/rMetit sale #. l 7 3*pled and ,cleteloc444e4e9!_fin._,_. RIAAIPPOINP-DULUINOON, a invoice 9( 7 . 13 to:14,1001'041Mo reel pelet - eageet. whieh ire the rielleet,.neretipst*,a, ere - cost goods imeeeted: PARIO RAND-NADI 41 , 11 , 1 . 1 . 1111 , 25. :41,10, an jeroise hand-51014 Part bLisk Old Nettle.- Tide ri lldongne. , 14.4 +Mt rinted Cehnotre : * " 33001.24 nrinta p d Ind brooks louden. etells'ebout. 14000' ..DOZEIWz paINIEBO311031;1111?4 !IMAM Cd.aßikla •; - f ZOO doien' jirinfedtoi-, er,danalfa r eez trot _•400 do ze n had° dozen flooto.o Won Mk* 17 • ' - oases aßliz#s4.lCD.P4osimll4 l .-- , ••17 , Seotaligineltoon sod Oa musibrialt•-• •••,:- • * = ,•-115 egms Dlahirund friar d - foottPeide • , _.BLA011" OR ittfilLLit LAOII6 - 110!4144.111: - Joo blaok'ohnitut o hos nizatfllse - _ IPANNeit- Las) mazhrtf.43 290 Mtenotil_ H i l u : , _"' . • ' BLACK CHANTILLY 4.0.11-POIETI ; ~- . B . HAWAR l nf; p g.LtimeaL.. „ 160 near riati'blidierliinttli iointe offer slawls sad mace les- BLACK GROB" to t RIIINN - DVATII Rs 200 new style zlehlyArßnattorlblicAtiosallbiaAdaik..4 'BAIN (PIILDA.I)' 11 011NING4711NTI A .0,4111i-.The attention QI inzrOliiiaire lit irogtus IG.Chl* Phi a Pronoh 4 gol4lo-4105 At r flAsyl - ;one Bd, it •10 c4talogne, ,on Irniongloit - orndlt. "poi:uprising • lova nomortpent .of sowasbloi- NOTION TO lINTATI,OII9,4noIOO *.- 41 , 141 .. -I ,API, • Inornlng. will be fon 4 o-- 7 ', r • ,100 extra 2401i11001c otisnitllylaosshnolo gnu tninuon.: • 75 exba rich YononlsOo polntoolyivla snd , 0144415, t 0.3 • '5OO 14-4 printed Choltamie , _ 71- `6O peen doh puohn And pointd , Aleniiiin 300 dos snook. long and 44 7 44 - Pub brook Allot mitts, of-the bent.qn-slltf•lcapo,K4e4..- 7, - 100 blot& neon tinthine dalliers _ -•- '.l ROO dm Of* owl_peloPANnowoombrio • , ' c r ietTON,M&TT_llia. -;•44 4 Thlfe - And,inid 455 k - Ot 4 4041144,d01it.01L4ak 1111REELti'&' 4;i No t 805 1 1 1ARK . IfF STAN! - esurot.l2rbe topierilin4leirer .100leefetitt ' l'hicaselvea,togathse as 13111,11111,10 for the' tratietistioh of jreriehit IghttkinlAut referlieetre bur& need, mil meet restieetrittlthifitiet'ette.filetife;ml' the ipothlle seeerenr.thit itooti prepares - to 'eve - oar' prozuptpitioniliittentioii to tires of eltdeeeflPtiome oTY morph itidise; tipeiV the' I.rh trileet„ - er It 'our iteetk' spalgOas waterootaid,'N* !Sit tisikot strait' - 11401101 R Biampll4; • •-• • . • '-'" - _ ::: 141%11741011.111111111161;.-1 , OP ILINT (M/1331403. Monday - Mori:dog; - ' ne 6th, at 10 o , o'oolc, by tiatalogue: at tie saettoe. dote; (i•cood:wory'rnotne),,Pro 80$ 'Whet street, hy order' of-Wm U- -Horn; theillf,' -large - sad general nebrinnot of flint, gliktivore,:oormistlog of .erseleitre, ealtaitutbe,` thiituree AMC, zstonsi re aeleeny eleetskial lure. via, angnistAlaimwife, Ina* gleeent,.gtobee,rfais, Tien' gOode *Of birarringed`forisjtrille en ottiaogn, on the morning et sale : ,; !' . - Aboitoniasiii ilaqrroot ""• r- Sale Na 110/1. Nark/ afoot:: 13UiNNION PI&NCI.NOBTN, , 811.L9'CASPWNV&e: - 11t atAlit, motto% , etore, 'rift be lielidocf aeeortment - of - larrtsebold , tontitturi; Sapltior seocoul hattd - rosswoodpisoo . rotto; Bnatoels art tpittaln - carpets rte., • = -- 7 • , 7 - 7 = Alta, one Tetrad& old violin and alas r quantity of ratongt-kaad , turniturit troni-n -private Alto; coif pro-pfoof t - romur-:.7010), , .. - Atrattomic2s; BT;Lint a dir 4133,1';1111"1"IF151'1" iff:14 4 i0W2.4.;:‘,4it6±10/likau; 4104:41ii, antllVEMSTD,lll2n i trpadlaw Chita& J-4, :lloase,,,befvfasa 41101:1/ISI,N4, •:=4 f-.14/Is4ll - 14.1,p401f smoky , •1, • Tufo 24, w11141re: seddi , 4b, = oalalodallade•lvefollt'a• - - - large amnions t °radios , atid- - fdlialatibasailtr, sass's= spa bODO. Trim ' , Beast: oad::Padaraieltatailka. - 01t4,- koluded la ails at the morataa:alltbffloos 1 . Iris :II Ladleapp4 toilalmo.42rltlfa sad dam ptdalloapab... Da 'do , and -.'ll.faellsicta ac di m Wild bonnets. -3'.3 - 4 3. I.f, Ladles/ aufmtegoof Illeapollfarisod'hale %midi; ' - Do,: 4- • ,do •faady dad t 77 , - Do, -'do - apt* llok,4f o !okb * Oankere., , Do ' do , flee Lealkoro. - f 7- -e Da __do falai riga/. - HaTB Also, - a fall assartm at of facoi't and laypiTlpal ant Panama hots - BRENOII.9LOWIIIe. diso, a line_ of rioh , styled, reaL Be ash - artificial - ippY._4l;kalitoCrifEßSlT.EBB; hilLe. - I.lf DBLPECIA 1101i3111,4311) OARBIIIfiIkIIaZAAN T S. ti..,aorner cf 14114211.ata1,13A1f8031.013311311,. tweea Ohestaat and IffallattattweteZ ALM_ 014 liopsio f 9rs Satits47lffornine-: , - , At 10 &alp*, at tliCaszaat, _Horses earriages..and , hanure„ inalWiat *par ai iainable and - feet Atoplog 13111700 Monet.. -teas estate of Jae. I.;9aasyekal. Ibmi.oleeewmfl. - Aleo— - - - A pair of bay oarniejes4horsea, omit ;1,000. - A tom tau, black bone:Arm elms to 3 manatee. A dapple brown Itoree, 7 years old.- - • . . A shortfall bay horsey( years old. - The catalogue wilt embraos 30 horses and a Large. solleetloa of easflages, and hafailet, A ilel3o/41; - *PA.. BIA.L Aki& ATIOT10111110113" ;-„:No.,1q10 bni3Jß...f • OARD 11C,Ilimuiey,;tr; DWI AlatilOntienly4lll hold regabir.nftirotitealaatate, Itioski,d4f,Allto„ hOsekt#4,fainalthr, dijilpass. • K 7 On out Peyote - Salo' Bogtstor wino aliars be Tamaa rery large - stootntrif real tstato, - Acalarling rrory derSqlslo* of olty sod - country . property.- . , hIB GIIISY & 15068, Real Istate Brokers, No. 620 if.41.11/I_lltrootv below blob. M °At ER' SIXTH. .121 D. BACE Stieeta. = - •. lifONllf TO LOAN. - ' .111oasta joani - ia taiga, or man amerroaga:4 - mar: atiandla,...ll9l•43 l kkOWdfat !al lalalanf - 41-1" rums otrr , Org :Aorld(rd dollars two Fot - .per invsor,'lardedig - staagei Nakao. Pftattta . Notablialitoenl; 13.11. aroma of SIXTH - sad Sampum - 0.101a2' 'MUG- 'ii0C10111pla11011." - - MONEYI MONJOY: ! " - NONAY 11onoy,libenrally atorsaed fin :lOrge atonal anolualr from ma dollar te thouraida, on gold oar al-reeplada; diamondar - wardiraLlowarh : Maud Inatesunents;forniture,Ary goods, clothing smarter, cliVnli hardware, ad!ary: tiookaclann:'noidolos;kar: neon, and all arnelee of tisane, for any 'astir of tam &grad on; at, Afarisonaf Prraripat kstablfadarsss, mailman conar of Rath and Baoacaroata..' • PROMISSOIIif NOTION, 'Willa collateral, diner:idea et the kresattaseitee rotas: GBEAT :WATOHRIOTWISLET; 0k,0., AT #EIVATE LE,itiATHASBPPRINOPPAL 111CPUBLIaltilllirl, aril; Carnet of HUTH and RAT/11 !Ikeda,— s folltrifligittietes "Elbe edd fee lON Ike" half the usual store price" 1-Ilue "good_ English patent foil jeweled awl plaliri of law mart - aprceria aka 'beet make, in huntimr• caner and doable bottomed. Othme gold mespementlerer mut ,lopino ,tratiliemi knothea case dad open few, some of them Ekes fall Jewelltil an 4 beet make. blLrle&lab latent layer trilliums, -ea - otporitent leid "04 lepines in hunting' ease and open - • WA, iontaxerpoimerfig., Jnglfah, anise, Wendt, And .quitratr - 'stokes; : :_tins ggoolldd Teat,. fob, s hook, aid ekildrolPo 'Mina ; Rae. gold putell; eaves sod peas . howdah', briedptas, llogerdings, oar-rings, olluda,me,,, dalliony and jewelry Etuperior Havana Mum.' at $l6 per thousand, hi, toles of, 400 amok, will be sold by single box or quantities to snit pore. - Hu morous fumy ukelele. &e., &0.. M. 'L AT PRIVATE SALE. A anpisrior lire-proof abu t , 4 feet 1 1 / 4 by SMg wide. . il;o istei feats jeialr . Tof evaydesitription Wy. AgOITIS, iATILLIMES - -& 'BOYLE, ,Atroniazzas CoMMIB3IO/X hi ESCHANT3,. No. 10 North 11/11N-BTaldirl, Sr. Louts, Mo.,(formerly with Messrs. Myers, @bighorn, to Co.. Ptilladelphia,) offer , their services to the merchants, manufactureri, and others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry goods, car pets boots, shoes, hardwire, lordly, ho ate. . Clash advaricei made on receip t orgoodis.' ii r Bett4emesta made:Wee days after Ws.. untszoss. ' • Mesas: Myers, • " Stout & BrotkOr i . r , ' " Van Wyok,Vawnsood, &- Worms, Be* York " L. &B. ChillEO &. Do, " Wood, Ohristy;& 00., Et. poufs, Mo. ,r Crow , Mrkloory, &'0o: a Mr. D. B. W ood , ho. DB Bort h Third olzrestOrEl ott. the with Fortis, oansigning Prom Pkilsdolpida. ' Viroveale. NOTIQE.—SeOed Proposals, endorsed J. N "Proposals for fereeting • GlearPartitloo in the 8t Jobrpstrest Secondary School, Sixteenth Section >, will be received by -the ondersignad,• until -WXDBEIII DAY, ;rw Bth, 1889, - at }I o'clock AM. • • The plan of the Partition can be aeon at the &floe of the Controllers of Public Schools, sontherst cor ner SIXTH end At ItLYIII Streets - , - _ - By . orair of 14ie leOn t g o l aP itt BecietsiiCoptrollera of Publie Fab ...2li oule, DROFOSALS_ FOR BITUMINOUS O GALS 4-l'etaled proposals will be received at the °Mee of the . Pllll.4ll.EuPtil GAS WORKS; No. 20 South SEVENTH Street, until noon of FRIDAY, Joe 10,1819. for any parlor the - whole of filly Armand tone of Bitumiwnill GAIL 'nimble foe the mannfaCtaxe of - Gay to be delivered' at the Gas Worke, on the Schwa. kill rivet, in ends monthly gam:allies as May be speci fied in the contract, The first deliveries ,to momenta in the month of August next. - , • The coals most be fresh, clean, and drj. an d or a. qua lity to be epproved by the Engineer. The propoesie , must state the part'cular variety of coal itis intended to furnish. and if or, a kind not before used at these works, samples fortrial Will be.reqiilred previous to the time of opening the proposals. ' The gram ton of 2,240 - pounds wilt be comiidered as the :Weight intended in the propo- , sale, milers otherwise expresasy dated.; and if it be pre feWted to deltven,bY ineaeure the struck hostel of 2 888 hellos will be need. in ease of failure to deliver • the coal- , according to' agreement, the Trustees of the 7. Gala Works limeys the right to prirehase wherever they - may,deem best and charge to the contrantors any loss or deinageeenelegtitint on nook failure. The paymentd will be, made in two equal instalments, at fettrand six menthe after the specified periods of delivery, the 15th of each month to be taken ' the avenge - of the monthly deliveries; or, at the optioo of the 'Trustees, Payments will be made in earls, with in terest deducted: , , Should the contradors prefei to deliver the Coal ear lier than required. it mar h received, if convenient to store, but payments will be made to date from the tams (Twined: - Satisfactory %enmity for the fulfilmeoibt the eontraet will be required. JOHN 0 OftESISON. ' Engineer Philadelphia Gas Works. to7le-M.410 May 18, 1859.' rips: Eo. D. EINORY:& 00. 1 OPNION No. 289 South FOIIIITH Bt., MIL, Bole agents of . GEO. O. POTTS 'Es CO., Meets and Shippers of the LOOOBTDALI COAL, Irotti the Locust hiettotidn, No r Mikis d, 5p2.6301 goavyuchr, tIOITNTY, P. W. GROOME 00.; lA_,. n • • Dealers an and Shippers of MBI . 8011111LXILL, ind BROAD TOP MI, BITOMINOI3B COAL . Moe No. 3.82 South SOUUTEI t BRADARIIII3- 10, 1 10 w B s " 4 • rakttiatipit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers