-,t'-; - -,% - •. 1 ,,- •-1•••'_!, - .,'.., 0 - 1,1_•:•i:v: - -•`.. .•. • ' ' . ' - ..' r ~7, ,`:''',, , •',V11,, - : 1 ' , ' , .. -. 4 , .. -- , - ." , ,,. 3 ,T4., ,, :.=,;,,. , •, - ;?..-,•:- --,-....- ...'.l •_...,,' -,..!,• ?.,. • ~ •:,, :,. , -. . • ).'',' :. -- - , •;''''.."--'11 , ? , ,.;\ -'.. , :"Z%-..,, , ••,:;.. -.,,,' 'f.' •._;.• , - "i. , :, - - , • 1''.,!".. ,,- ,'''.' , _,,=': - • , .- ' - ' - ' , 141, Ai - '' ' _ .. • - -4 414 i : ‘ _,. . G , • 41. , 1 ,•• , ` ,4•IRP IMS .. • - ',' '' - ' 1 g.,PleAitiAite l n i' - '7 - ,'''S - '" ` 4 "'"7: - . - ' . - _ , r.: -.' - _ -'''' : - - , - , , , _ % [-, Ilgr . ol ;L t7 tt *lil l a. t,l ‘;' t 1 in.' R -7- tiri V ao iDrianiss Oi . Talc Ern -- 5 .'-''- iirOlicittri,hter•ves, . 4 P 4 / 1 0 " -414111 lie"""' :' 43 wit ' l'illa c •st iheaker - the nell4nown'Oeu ?='-gaild,lopia4iiii,ooookoLhOlittiAaisleteffilailitioq'-4!1140,--1?f , I°P - ?.f - - ' -' - ' -Wes in) - N to 3iii IR/11:410111V,00040V5%Olte 4 " 4 11 'WPM! Of, Abe -, j; 3'.'-'l' tirdaY. -ri.V 1 447-2 4 ,2, , ,-A.071,1 , .....,, ..,,,,, ',i d * - m j i r e kreinire7 *oldies& or surgical timit;' - ';•:",' - ,.'2; - tfbrefr - 1100.4t• , - W , 15,4,". - im,, vs WM, • • three. ,- ,_ ... t _ , n „,„ ~ , sk - fo - ireAiiri . hiskti - hi io - 4 , 6 fle,-A, , Strilihhlfinstita- - - 4 4=- -4- iftr - -,-- 4 , ,'-'"•-" , 0"?-''' . ,. „.,,, .. , ;-.--,1,*1.- - - - "w6.,!11,*..,,,,J. -, . , °IL - g ~ . n pro -"'''''`-,,„ *, ": pritliewigklF.Vbiii* - iffitffliitiiiklif 4 tEttiliik'itifiri: fo7;;deitaaat,„%o2,,‘,lor, „ll,rearaWalaralind :hes, bee , , --:- :: - ' , AlttlOilleartitpplicniaohed,iilf•atife m o ine e d.int - otikdraCpkyalsisea du ~.Rirope .and Chic - f, , ,;•': isolitilati• -.' ' ptitiod4C4iirr`it two -, 6i Wren i m netee, in .-issi the neat satintleo; and-In -all sawn most legitimate '''.4ilfltiliifeirl,lllo4**lo4**A•kilVe3taiif bathe': ii- b airi;44/4,- - 46; tic l i,ii„og; t ,,,,, • - - :',-, : ' - ';' oll oo ,l 4l l Poli'libi!'libute'''itroteb , "- 41011 ' 6l ll li ii in ,:i4e(vii:4:-Pikt l 4: 4- at ' 'sea P*lblY 141 4 41 71 , E11`' ' Tii j - 4 1 -' 7lo ltter'bfil4f 6 rifa4o4- 017 Pritati -2-25: '''T'''' roeiaisi• Plii*iintiiittest .telow,Tenth,,' , -4 - , r'A , o l 44l4lilielar, - 4110rahttde tilde' liO t ailltiteitii- • -.- -,v- - -,,- , J,.. , , .. - - -' - ''' lll ,,,,''' ,4 o4,,rOleafflilallW/ 4 40: 1 * 6- AaiikPleadivilt .sin e ,: r o c : l - -1, -k g iMC'.:-wr",t,P- t .'-',. 4 - 4 ,, , -„:--7"-0" 1 „ , -„Ml_ 11,110litilafilliaittPciarlealitltrelitleitki*ApslItOito.,- , We would attoMtion to an advertisement --'-: , ::::',4 -.4 pur/l':ift9 7l ll'ls4l l l4:llPT*:;'4ifffie: 3 -27.V, lr -470,3 i , , ,- -la anothstrulsionfwlth -the shove healing, The hones' " - -,', 8 7. 94 P'V-4 , 1,A14t& *-71 16 aakfX , HrHitta74 4 ' tb•-"'"-'S ` l4 NO.''.l% 24 ;:_ali4.W'"lrrth2 Cla'',,P°attaF or'7kra"!'-- ',': eonk, ,,, ,Tlere'• ha 110 , _ itatleik , so,4 - , around Alla Ww4rigli iiiiiiionleiVisleenite'sitk Urge rent: I Tholot ... ' i -- "''''"filldie" , ' , 4 -10 1.Alii , lirafillkal4.4 10 411-4 0 ,11•l!' feta, testaeorp,-illie ilium le in'aesaislala 'lnlir• Nor ' llail ' 27 t 4i). "'"' i4 '' i4 ' .-I t . ''''' l4 Z l°; '''-:'° ' ' 4' ":' ,, ' .: 4attienlin eee advertiseweat or apply to W. H. oar -; , i .-- • '. Wittig' 'lit fa titylosiktraiiiiiiiAntwq o 3loln 4 - 1.* 19 - 01 ,„ taat -„,,.. t . _. - !.- - - jen , t h a k.e. w - - -re'eord43.-Ttkilifirenerilititweisfrit tp„wistul :„. t • • --- - - - --, ~ •'., •• ' ' •-• •'. , ity'efdlilt4tVelitienlififellitd,,,,... ; :10,ahayn, look' - Tin - Carpets Impented exPressly by Reeve L. '' • ' 2 1ft, a1° , h- is.'*t a tt,r l ‘. Alt*. ~.,,,,„,1 0 -I,s l4 °_,NlArlk. kaiiilifilsb (Bei% !Wend 'street, ton las rail trede, .' ": •••• ,, wa 'a. ott;- .., V, .....''''3' "P . ....k ..4 WIVTAS Would _snake *fissile% taw long to desatine., They are L" - • ~trotting yeeliedeyOW St wuraitut -?“-e*tattoni -i f ett ,, gt ,i, -1 3 ,-. . t i t - _- • _ ; ' ~.- 'll.li, eqtft#loo, - *A2l).s6llilitliil4l pre- ,- , _ - . ~' '. .-- r i I a, - • vioncomoie , ,tiologiowiwmoicloti.- 2 2.41,,, .....i, AtOtagartith billlinney -of style,. nide it , an ''--."''' a lk i r li k *lia til,i' oll L.l'an ilks t- 0 .".•:, ,, •' ; ': -. ' , ' ,,, 'L1. ,- :'-''',-', i,,..'•„ --- .."• 1- ." 'Auk*, 4 . . , _e thrt4,0411,11•A101.0, or PulirnThnbratlieo, '' - '''''''''' - '--- 1 14i --11 ' ','rvrr:it...lcee,OF -I,keireier -assnanunnrsa by Riousitsow: etitmestet street, are ": " 7",„' - ltnt trillia , Midi framer, ci ..I4 ifii i - &doh* not cutuillid hylhose iiiported.'• c'" ' ''' -' • ' ' : ' ' 2 ' ' ''. 3r il roll al g. :E ptgla i liftois al t a t i e r t ia i mn i n,, , :. --, Pict's Paiir.-Wei met a returned "gold hunt ., att ahltriite,Aratlailore - tthe'..tiolnoseine - - W e ig,,..,,,.., ...,,=,.. , or rr , , yesterday; who'gere,* yowingseee; f unt of the lir. , - - - -itholit.",terts"-th entitandAwAeterWiarein ittendatioe forsaasumnleted teonnd„Pjaale tac k . e descr ibe s th e ;--,'- ti -- elluktifiedlit*liiikr 4 :ll4lloCiefoi iftWur traertfel, infterlegi and privitines of maim!' in a irsphic man. PtilttiAndife4lol4;lo,t!itric apsilt. lti.lolin Mor- nor,' and-rays; ~,. Re travelled tor Sato and nights - , . zlitay . ,= - iiind- , liun Ifyrii i l ruCteric, diattegnithad for -Wither & previa-ions: or- shelter, and should lneritably thefr trinfolieldf.-litertialici,r it:venlareilWol* - U1). ..have'perished with cold on the' plains,' had it not been ' - •Oa iiialifen; - :44l.,_waixe,:,nittt so Jorttutito ,; sor, those for ok - e substantial texture or his - olothicis; ' which,' be " . whiek he - h ii ti . ad a , ho mi sof,- Ji g , -- •,_. -- -•,-,-,....: --1 , ,,,mi5--ta --- 9 "1/P 0 - --- . -said; he bonght at the ' Old Pew :kiln Hall Clothing _ , • magmfortad to be nicreer „to the amount of $6,000. , Emporiu „,, , o f gi: R . Et•chidie itii 821 Obistunt street: - .Tharft,wO2te Akiliyani,lia,glW On' the ‘ -griored; On!" - E , d ,- , - ; i f - 'open : baretteliny,Orentrituteksilik iewerlitg ittliwo,4. - ...tyMo:f_owas I ,ii! Prueerb I or , beauty -' • ' aSfraiisArtiAlwistl,ifietlibli: ' i,'..•.."-:,--i ._ -:.. -- •--•,:',; 1, #,,r,att7;"•-• ,, - - `,'- - , ' , .' - - • ' • ---.Theri ceen_he - Ao,,deulif,litat- ittle,Was e fair end= ' , ;,iyi r i it..lnoto Mimi*" or Iriii.•---4*Prenek let --- milltiirtlttiwillitWEßinifzifie::thtwew 3 bylionest " 1 :-,., .writiiiiiit itist the ' " Iron tirowo ii, et Italy is not • : -11 " 1104 r 61 0 1 1 1 4 4 *:•* 0 - 44001. ** 401 'kli t ittil' 4 - 1* 11.04 crown 'stall, tut *refuter tom stair. • The -24110 .# 1 6 1 4, 11 , 1 1011*tiaT4.0iikilitokaliqtY id. et it ! int WoutObrhisto"fr sots bark to th* olxib ' 'in -tiiellihnntk - uttlitrdh - teint ' t - - ' ' , - - 0 , " • •t , - t ' 'lll4, l aaata- es' tor tie' yheodoliriel - Queen or Lombardy, too , failtlitjtfirolArti,b " ,I:thi t inoof_riyialoo4.44m: - - ° F Yo , q - _— ,K b ' at this rake foe ' watt trattlil 02".111011aitilifiPlora , ? Th eaters Wes 110Trillition Of the , Jelet:rriYalt.r - 1 11 77 4 .'" obarlaulagne . egnalipeadllinadliklAl - 71)42ollrgeti, '. , • -, . . - treenrowned therewith by _Pope 'Adrian "I',. Indio 1087 .- When Oikiiiiiiii,itiretiriniglit. upon. the track, 019,1'10 ..y Woe iroined;Witti•it ,et Itiolotrea ' Napoleon - , riorkited,Militipitelutistideofiteing badlyerippled i I orewsed biesset,ifituei,l6os, ,In Philadelphia we - - ~ s tii.llittaked rind-Jtobbleji - *long. while Whim was do net allest!neit_toys; but nettles' unreels*. soberly ' I " aill'Arli"--0-"t/0-42441k, Arlie.reault showed andieniabli,iti,4tirtwiata ira.cored *Vika Biswit Mons IlialYt-hiitlllek"*a-:#1 11 :4 4,11 0 1 °,?0:0 3 41 0 1 ' 1 1009': blethltiii.Hall Of Hisitlaillk • lirastat,"l74 . -1608 and aos ~ r, 4 1-i. m .,,w.,14,4, 4 14r0;:k",, , ,C, ~...:.- ' ,. ;' - 'i '-., soh:o44i ;kiwi, 44;4. kiiui: 7,.. • - -r• • - :, • ' , !" - •-• -- •, -. .r .. 3" - gli-i • • •,-,- • w,.,44.-4 - 4--Ti„, - , , ,k , ~,...4 , '„,,- ~,,,_ . . , , • , '-'-' •": ' --, ". -0 ,• , '" 5 a , • . , -- ;• PlibiaE ,, EtoPetierit. , ..f i , • - •'•i"-• -,::,', 1 ,:: Tiii sao,p or-WAR ,Lswoo t irrin„..-This noble W:ivo..„iiii-iipi, - i'iiii*ltit - ,kkiitt,ttrititoti.o , r:;onw Vieenterzactshoi•ilyliapait la ointolsaion, sad artni , ra• ,_=,, Egieict*e3"CiniiiiiiiViiittaiiiiilli#:kii) ;,'_, ~..- .. --': `eked on her destined orates in the p.m. We learn • '., v ' 1110 iltliliiiki*Voi;Titild-VitAireV( l 4,4i , P. , : 3l : that it le'thwinterition of hie nomwander, in addition - : -- ::'21.1 . !140 4 01- 1 121"tittaidl!ktitrtoollti, ;:t i.triti'brtitt.';'' '''="trlf.',l°L?:7-.1 8 .71,,,,' r, .. 11 , , , ,k4,- ' Y - -,'"iwlsti• bi.rid,i - ' w oman ;- sr:: irmi... drat alothao, Net the raised store ot:Grii - - - ' r iv "W . 40 464 ° 6 E' "a f tek ll4l / 1 . t'4 1 4 4 -. : iiut tii,kii P/e.lof Ohaitaut/striati the' betterio II- Oisoiikoil,* thillitiielfeitY:,: Whlloolbiltwo/0, %Art , 4 4 , i t id t i,j uth i k ,,,, a t ro ig. ' . - ---- PluntheltielilithiSiii , Tont '-this'etnititer's inuits," . - - - „--, . - . -' ' , - 7 - - --4 1 14P;011ita, " pitgbies,pulitiot oitl-teitintil4,thelatier , - ' fi r; , '--,,::' ''2s- , ` ''' ', ' `-,- -. ' - ". ..„ ''-', dNklkit : '.atilik*Oblillrini, 4op for the vine, . . 111R1:-.Rit7i' tough -Tapley! ' in, •• 'tangos, ' - 'tarpot.' '' '' 'Vtittift4ktieritly:' - when • the , Milner . ; One of 'them,' who was run ' over „by his .....: iiisswit,ikiii,4l' -., " l iij.V e ini - 4.eisprentd - . "thy,; ' favorite machine - xperlenoed no injury, and.,was ''''.• , ..- , YeiritilWilviiiiiiiiiiil ! - '' - 11W,i , kri"deitig-hife; itrotaonelo , XhoW I,,, e it, Vert th e engine any-! s litt%44. avecisitiftkain*tOo l -'.l4UViali - -to ilii. :'. l -" 111 "'" ,---, -, bleingirtilifreriwnarkahlilJor. tisiri 'than ...-: 1 .- theie,gitilitrisirliC .• fii-k - „ rcitindly--- did - _-iie =what, - kir ~i4O-ibis,':,,bleitie.'neitid itoi.',withbblCs very -pro ! • -veklittreptv,-,whoiretipon the, brunette leaped at --4. - - ,- liskrOneeirlikein tigerirand wouldhave ,atrsugled 2' --,z , 11* , :i001104,04 - had - not. her iidveriit9+,,,t:obtelsii ./..•!':' ; ',/terStilt,Stalliii4V! . . , ' , ,- _.''' ' ' ',--- ••• • • -:.t_ -,- ' ' hesilistititted, Ito, ittai*ii ' tki,tiktisdiiii " ...',„.. 'tiiiiiktitiffit.iliiti,'lAtatifr,tion'aiergeticiallyi , -='-.. ' " ' i#Vottiloilieleiblitakikitirijitirlios.te '' lei one atilieaffistee,Moiataditetih inury;'f i llieti:: 7. ' Ilfst iNideilifittclit,to*imigioktrill, siArt tlitilia ing" - mmiteilii thet - Aiiri,st - at:leat two; or ' - lirreol 4 4o - 110 1 %141014444 fikiiitits#!knd 0 .40 -,' a cieisetliwAticilittlities.,;i : ',, , ,,„- t v",-N-i,„••• -,- .:, ibibilubettoilf, thittlittimai orYilliviMe!!! l ,; - • - aitkip!Nmv..-0 "Orpitraidt , her Iniiiiind for deserting' . ," • bar Proillict,h& Oath ern:kill binitatorialtiyil'of, , .• thersii."-tlhit;,h - iiiiina,tertailieg:liiektiii,wigt - oki; - : Atli iiikiiiiitii - sieitibt4iii,l*.wawrunitiet of, icitiv-"Astotbat,*o:6 wifit,Lisitd.ekiwith.ottothoir ~._ wonsitilibitsititobijunCwished..:to• ; ltitow,the,dit,- ferearOrin'theirtneraillegiviiO 4 ,,,,, , i,'" -,-. 2 -,_ -,-, - Thkrat_li. 00,01044.1herdOk-Wywd ICietippe, whi; by waysOisiwoli,)Mtlibi bad slwiyilbst•l - -•-,;,:a,.,-,b.erii a,-addraliv Ormali-tatf hi,. , '`„ „ lbv . olleneparoip hefhishetd, the l - r' a ~ii*,l*.e itirPi fielibleekieWeikuk;el- ,' Ataiskittionsetbilbtllililfsmoiklbln . - :• ..- ',l4l*ltititi - Rsiffi'. ittiiiiihniblier - pnitlisi, tore!» ;fiiiitaiiiiiiihkiitii - Pk i iiiabi ''f.'. '''" ' - r - '.. -, -i --- -!-: -s - - -,---'- Wheifusiiiii*liiiiriskise - Rekiiii*4444f*ll , - Ziagtifildittfdainh itellifoo l o o 4Altlik* I'll fewer•nr.noi#liiii4 ; th Catiiiiigsesiilt;4l hotighlsit• ' 11 a maa-loe-iiimli' •11;fi1!:',.50,4*11.0-i-,hoW they bad '• - 1 , 0 *,..,_t at Ulti defilV-1.5•34 - - , ii1..c 2 ; ,-- ;,,i -, =',:.; , ‘--. - ' . W,tioakple,c4tommeglibotivitantls`pen,ho for months boiii - enatioreditteselintlier's, _ disliking thillOttin litoordliilys , The consequent* 'war "sue, elOpentekt,on A certain , " -. .- ," „ :„,:• " ,• , n IOC !ih i 0 i both. .hippened-t0,***9044441:114)40t1ft-1 , ,11. fth4ialittt,tiil 4:4100 - ieltOstjlatid,,s. .: 7 ;'filetultrsilt"net - ippeeritit,,ibitall*.ill4;. r,-, , - ,no4tboiwAke etoofsidnelOoinouinßefT esseil*lrbielitieene:pridekreliede4- - :.. -- . , - -- - .._.--siNiititritiiiiiiiiii_thitir loierklutiliharred !bar '' :• - .72sesati - de,.,-„ , ind,'„theteibretoiteteitednotinueis-, , _ AA/0i iiiirbikmlbst.:tbaY- b e- truth" iv". ..- '.• , egreestlil tojtkciii,',Wtidlearit tiya'lllMoreallltitt•Palt ';•kieliii*,`,,,,.`." -- 4,;;. - ,- ,, :i i i..:7;..,4 1 ...;/;:,..,,,v,„-v.,,0- ,•:,,,. -,, -.,, '..:; • - . - rf Thoiiio.:4oWiii,iividwai r iiiiil ttle,-4.oriilia •:• 4 &"4 1 0/10 , 414001iiik ailettiaßvocto; . o9nu et, -'••••. 14siokibilivii.bioild tve-ii.iiiaitionithey herd -- eitimedr•ViliitiiiillOnitillietii!eitililiy,liiiitl ~ .., w erifinelinif*itMieritli4eol o l o ttle.flttAle hitilisitdOitis;:inillif,„ - :" .-2 *ilt,--..f:,- . -"5' , ''4 , '._TilliAiiceOgptilt - ritliste,tirok'd*Oti °kill.. 3'4 - ' • miiiiSitii - Whilitti4, - ,lo3iste4itiiibodi . :alidAlw drOlCParttleresoCtawthe , Afili-lalhaddijka?!kr -. "4lsl4.l4j oif ittliOiil( 4.74!),Cr -, ,..t, , g.,:,, , , , , ,.. .. , .fiAitiqi** ll :4o,4`, l 4 . *itln*; ..- . i evening,'4 iii;litior:O rrn aiit"-MqPilis - 41tis.:abaSs, ' eliamPlott*'iliiiiitiiii, - *aill' - ‘liiioe * -Y ,4- lrilr',. --6 ,,ii b7,-, 43 ,1 1 ler-f-NekhAilt - 'll l o l 4.ii l l'iar,:"444;;:ind othe'ri. - -z.hfii Eit,t),16.4 - 4 ,bilnig; A t , oiitil, , :ail,tt t.hi *.. : foitimitiefadifiridthie.: ,- ? ,- ' - e! ,, - , ,". -.; i r t-.. ,. ''' I..iiiii*4iilliiiii* - joi4lie.l;:ndidli - ilid ,ituidei . lin ,expiisatoirAttititineetli;liniitlett4rsititudik; - At41;410 - 41/ixiiiir;42r. infati an Ornicisfon , ,arthe:".prir; ' - aarlailcrPrabili*Plarlrkfirliair3tiat PilitialVlA, bitiliAtiorttiriiii4rlta;natintotthe - ritairlrlttar ' , bitilitiWt - rtroOtitktipithtoibt , .3iid ~.,i'L. , _,i=-1-. -.,..: - ,„.1,1:40-*** - mkjigofok4firfejin'iskteueetuti. laili: ' : - ikoniebfraimw.44lhave , liiver i- before.. wit' L - - - - eikarbini:grOit.alut , r44-atmiirvo4 . loelft :';9irtisii.olfitil on,the livtiiii,rfaliterloa. ni-e -';'-‘.: '"" , ;'.iiikrill..'lloo l ol6;_*o l ooo 6l o , Sorizi, yare.iii4 -•-•- ::' , 2 - pilteg;if.,4ll6l,Ce - it:ioo' tilitery*jil,stu#olNiz' Woos piei#9,kotts ili4.tcir faii - 0( xpealcrl.ean,'lzati tadolc.O.'eskiiiiiittOicA o Dloot.,b'iiiiirAblijACror - tbitAsoitlidArAlatifteetztighed maniporiniyarif Oaf i • .- it Booknii:Alo...iioroid*Watrihibert n alikittrerl; ' leaesookiits;:44ifilki.,4l•ori 'aiii!iietti-014.11tiliiriiirl, • ' Itlrrotittilid !if bliMplittlfrOlistiletiitiid:*W;, '' - --Tbilitiii.egolOnesleitthtt OW) .4'o:l l im •" - r,' fibilif 'iliisa' Aalli-VV.X__47XiliiirMs.:siyil. - Ww,i4 ',•_, ~ 2 - onf.'t,4l , l•',lk. 1- ')W - liWrilf 7- - 1 0 24 4 °4 l ai riii:Aiiii • *se', 4AwAlitc 17. ma,y,oiiiiitsyr, '- - - wit*Losti, - ": livAii•ifeschesictotin - -144, °took .-- • ...otiity lit•;:owlit , boo, butoile . ,orritottAto woo - retioas parsitoo.Aargaeb,' Afili - sig -, diseWitie",fer• this ilinr4.l,4lloMl , itAistievoristrwoittmikt ,4(kte ' ,cifilminds49ll; - : 'lntl', Abititeligi iill'irati'vAk .: 1 0 7 /theifrsuif.ditiffikfills l oo 4 ***.4lA 4 C I :', bOrm,, Oethaiiiltr . killottlil#4 l lo !* -- -Welfard4 irei' - -- : ' • = Ftnt l 4"Ailn*liiiirque)peop 4.- 4ApplauseT ~.1 •-, :. !--;#llnßkiitt oletaintyiteientliitieni- by. lerptcw, trattWol'isinaiks. , ' ?hank"; you Most, sinostrely, i • - litilritelditkferMt - 414, j; ki tid Ai& kighlY, II ett - , tafillii intsille.-in:MiltrulliTilerio ni-7.101 1 M, - -414 :1 1 1 - 4 444 6 . 22- o.,_* 4 . l libtflit,kl!!!- 0 T 2 .0 1 .-t , -'_, littierl ifriiiistee-la lrloielOiier.., hii - ,ish, heart, -.. roii? ,4o ‘!:y !J4;:1:',c.C.1 1 4 )1 1!1e'r 4 .' t lo,?S i°44 '' -:. • ..' ,pprxj!le„.t.,•,./.1!&;;,t.•; - , , - --it,,,. e ...-,. •••••4-,.: . . . ' - -.., ionmire•-•puoinuna now et-Asnove.,iiik - - - bid salleatli'liiiefof4--,the Ail* otriltWitrat . moil , 41 00-0 0.1 1 44 4 fiFtliditillOarinaitra fliiiiiient cotes ;-"e0w5tm,,1.4.T, , ,,,- ..",..„,_,,,-.,„‹.-,,,,,,;-; - : `-- '- • _ (Mersiiigil viol/Rigid sipPleliii.l •.:- • ..::,,, _ , .. ,e sire ..--, ~ , .'urr.,—,.”- 'diyo ago, 7:•.e. - 'lib' Ur- thit*Otw ill Alegi ' ;t1...-0* ..1151R... ikolinrit,7l - it bawl- -4,..‘,.,4 A lit mits gtoii 4 _.#7- 1 , 1 1 too 401114-i Cot for 67 Ira' -, i,,ii 4,0°, ,f.:4lo, :itioi. , A , - via. ; w .ronizitipt'it , egfir emitill it flritta. liar@ .. log ir ot , ti ~ amp" i W - "treProlklutiatO*l.'ial,'-.44141. &i-,q4,1 'al -e- thrie,l4l iiit.-!,, -ide eitPtal. bestrimrisd, -?.ei' -l i,itiii.l36 fit eepsq ',r''-wirim.,- tat* "'"?....,'. "litlittr4l4al 7' 09 0111P.S, , *114,444 Th ese ' ,_ -,-- y...,....'-' iiffa ... ,, ► _ ___-, 'lll tyil'Ae` 717 Ow .!1- -„thvc -,..-•tußgr "Nr4rlTotibc4b!.,,,stioste..llol-,I • :46,11M,biettiOtrrsiMilliIVIVbit41419***X.:, • .I."u,l34lViOrs,27lUfili3Oabut ay,o.4PAaYti - : ' --, 4 5 i-Oilpiiiil ~irbilliiik- 5-..'''- `e:fatipagni 10100:1011t4;#19rjiitP,'sialitietr,:saturiN711 L."tzh , ; , xfaz ofttrtu ~',eest :4: .•0a,,..rr..2-,,lirti!,4reer4lo*- a;Fis " ' -it,„' .- ipik -.1..-.. ~,------ 4-,44..., ....Alol.i I,' '•• . few r! -.1 .ZO7 %Nil . '04149 lit**44lCt,'„4- 44 3 4 - Isll-4°.' ', - - ' ...w..111 .t,ritlf•--04-:, - - tits 0 - 'Art- -A1itt,....t.--- ;:041.-. At -', 1, fi1,,,rt..4)5A1N la fothi, - ,1 -,,-7151. , .ftlislirrindil, --4-Id74o,;s7)diAir>ol4" e .11141-044 ibl-,-* cnejtr!,-,..c.-1,14041°11 sad, 411 ..rr,' ' e l eterl!..... ..itgogiv=.72.airol. Wilt, lib". r 1y714,-.,-,.- .-1.-, ~,, Ah ....„,1004111 .-..i.,!,.4.....-..,..,T. w g , . .. ~,7":-....., riGiv itil4( '' ,_,... T. ,-'lsjragt? ':'-', ? ..-.., ,, At;g...;a - k-k - k'f, - . 3 , 1440yA..:,:- '_.L -i' . q - '-kl4. i -:;'''''''''..-V--t*iiS,T.,,X '`,..", c • ~,,, t'?"- , ~ , t' , .7 , --. --,-....00dwar"4 ----s;rlfAir;i7s#9...e,. .-A,-",,{gett., vi hapthru., ''" - 2.7 liiiii -.77,1,;;T0r01gik•514., 'nor - , - z- - ilitoy ,4--"atst It prnarlis, oast, sees.lv,,,,•;lnmeos` . ,en,lidpor griVitaT or.iii _.-.l*Otaili° t'AblrM'"-altiiii ks , Oil "aka** 60,1060: • illik flalik' et ilikio4olll6, dit g . c. ,I! ti.hic,,w n! * -*,ll.c.itt*Viit* ,. .., , illittag7rll7=o,374, .-. r,u4tivittttk._,__74.l liFT;t4fittrii „tut . _ ...,o-i.r , _ , .. , 4...t.tp..,,,,,,,,r ; , ; - tited!,,,441,14.it a sk, , ** , otsit _Lee ..,„:„... rt.,- ireil ,, .l-1 . 1......,,,„,!_ t i z , - , 4474,44 ' - gLikiii= • , Marlia4litegigente• 13:r 191;rs t rif PAO! • Nkiniepoidereee qf the repo.) , • ••• •Niev Your, Zone to dirfOrmdi-shipleramenie 4 Polenerirrene Antwerp.- ; , I=-111-.lolileoakiVertMe - , P 7 Day:-Muter which abearid lenterdsv lot Liverpool by ildenuod A Fonder d. f/o, ban on board 147 kids and 41; k gm getereitrote bark, 70 tone Wig ore, 12 tam 'palter drool, 40,boxee tobacco 6 make "o'd Yelillw•eleilll4,l9.ol2l4 cube . 166 *erase bmer. lBs gm:,) pO,l. 46,Me 0100_ if mem mdee • and 123 tierces, ilia. Paieen 11,1 ale, of ,Bic di.Mueeire, drat and 221 n the • o illtearambiO :Nest' . on, derNew,kkenee,iirivied et re York, Kellyi from Richmond 81st -Act cot' Preiledalptila - •'-:6ltearediiplreadeiblito jooforfre..fai lulrlifvePtln and Harm,- eleared sulker TO* rsitorddy, , , :.c.ghtpSakelf;torillo, for Nto'dm.9iorirc,,lll4l spok e n OW tilt; at 57:lang 6 to. ' .gbig Star of Nobs, Pearson, franeNallio L arrived at leateisiorie yesterday. Ledelp it Linde, Weenie, from Eingmpore, arrived at New ,York yeateiday. , , ; - • - Ckeique#. from idanilM forßoaton, use spoken ,Nleroel(lactie 08, tong 60 " • gItIOL. orithitliti'flato!; for flaw idesselaeo,' °leered at :: AVO.Nark r -feretradagiy..: - xßank 110# Dirac Rolrmi; from' Rio de t r aieiro; war , • - „uffew Weirdo:Ma Slat ult.) „ . • bfogatu - ,powailiukleiromairei, Vino Nun:de, ar;' 'vivid at Ifiliktork yeeterday: ,- - '. - -• , - • • Obiii-Keen; (Mittens tintnßrosnon Oros toi Bt N . ktomma, via meotere7ti u t, lit 2 w, long 90 W. Bark; firrearb,6arelay,` (Or Booker, from o,llto, ar- Avidsp it Baltimore? yesterday - - - ' but JoldWeliiing,,llimigdos; from Rio dm Janeiro 231 NDHI; it ew York yesterday . - •-• • "Bark I,lfarpret, Quig s for Phllutelnida, matilikfroni ,Itio Or. • ' - , Bank filos( el'ollq,A,”10 1 i . 4 :4 11 04 83 NOW 11.0 41 , 6t0r ; dy terfislvistemm",v - Ben. (Dan);tinoltli; from New 'Tort; arrived at Mined roviit - MarthaJane,_Corbett~ hence at Orebro, NB, 20th nit: - - - TfamOnVVlntied at Bangor-28th nit. ter ItrifannAiblinthi. donee, arrived at •Portiniontli Baltimore,Brig Monticello, fax sailed' from Rto . da ' heeler, dwelt 2:3!='," - -". • -- • ' Abler 11/- Mein, for New Oriemai,Vallmd ,"•,frele • '— • Beler.ClMatre?Joly,fof Newport, Del, 61'1174 at DO, ligeorrigiatordalr'', lawiroi, morticed at Itoetoir' Eska l'iltrito.t Tioo.; - Ortoolo Wave, iodide, ileflemert"Gromeo.-Weimiar. °Moline - Herneez litweii,.6s- PWNlMlViNuiteeeemirrothireelfroaltaft," elisbam, bewee, weird it.L7imitel_li = • • Bob'. OFlainaertferertonill Ileibirimin, and ,•Nigitingile,Nrege,:ediered at New York yesterday for rare G."‘W. ifireanelleirei.ifkalden. and Dieklmii#;l<pr PhtLdblphla, cleared at NMI ,Yolk yen. Mateyo ; • ".•,=.=-- -4- 4 - ' peke Traattlielsrt, Mayo, cleared at Boston 81# Behr 8 Pita* Oparts . ori-for-Plilladotoblii, called from Mita Adult: -t , ' Behr Mary Neirabitk; Watery, benne, arrived at Nin -"tolerioo6llmq Woeleto.,atolls - iitrioa, and Vel• od. spilt:1010i kitenat Blebmond Slat ult. -•- ' OURAT4I; AT iTifil , P4INqIPAL HOTBLe, wili&ox xoltztra. •:-_` 41ISATID 11408*.fitietitat .ittresi; &dor Medi. Js ab Potty'. (Memo, , Neiman litfroap - , - CO Iftttebtria Buffalo „•IV W - flasonek. Buffalo - ,A - 2,_.,A'Bortiov.larriarllla • . - ,':-Aterfter.lt Conlon, 7.oulevi, 4 W.47etraan,fneboaagolfir_ MIN Were. Xedlanalso,qi '7 It Levfenen.-Vs , , - (74. Jarrett,Z.vetville. 0 Gisv li Hove, lif r - - .-'''' 7 11,01bbor. f olumbla, 8 0 AO-Sher& Lady, Abe •-',' 7:4Attriel WegfaufseN C IF B A. 14.11 0 ".,! .-- . ;" - :;..',10I11 1 11041.11:1.1." ,S- 1 1 110 • 11 ; 1 51 Y - '-' - , % :- AN RlVerral. 8 0 • : , Afferellresh: IS 1 ,c ' ' ' ' • ,---- Kr Bras/tit la. NY gnomon s Woresitar. Maar Wee Bayard , N Y ltili-Oka le & la. WfDerstor Jl.V.mnip., il I/" - , ~ (I:liir lc vite;,Ptitsl.64 -, , :,.. WM* .... , ' JEN/Irma.. Woundafttora ~ ',„ off Drain; Botttn - Ifiarestatratte, - 24.9._ .." ..',' I Nor 1 Nottorr.p. N Oteti. 74tar 11, - A-Tentals.'N &Mit ' - A Blfeß4lllau, Pittsburg r_lelbettelAk lama &step 1 B If 114.0...1 it 1., Mom • 40 Vim O r p , Oot.rrecer, oc - L., Igra'A It Dowlavol, NV • ~1;:-, • -'_„• , •'4'-';.• : 4 " - ' Wielded , - kit flowlaud. Jr, NY -• 1,;.11 Wobliefar,'7a-Corebstr J Van Wawa. Davenport .49 Via WaNalipmaport J . lf Hanson , lNN:llia 'NI Cornelia, - 7 W Polito! & wife. Boston AP WlAbturau, Bt Louis „ Mho Wfabbnan. St Louis A poised. emu •._ _. - - - 'II it fleet. pimeds _ , •Yamsi Ball A Is. tif T''_ ,- .2 , ' (Ise 1 1 / 4 .8A0t, N y , Aeo 71Taber, Y,, - - ,' •:•';.- A Biala; N y . : _ ~101deta - -, L. - ‘ - f, - - ntareas:fY , .704 r ' resnott . fl j:',' ' :i . Rephail V ifitoe. " ' JnalACTDArii -"- lobe °Ozer; Jr; I. r ' c - „ BR Eta:, Wfatietend; Ti- , sane stoviiic t. it A ' ." vost noit..ArAft t g4-GC- 'fj:ll-1( Lamer, Atirea,"(fa ", /obeli_ leuair. Mara, qc.-:0110 obammiut. s o . . . 1( .1 0101110;1 4 4 1r. ,- . - .:'. , ..;' , ,' , ;A: I. Jarrett, - Md „ W 1100. 14-T 010 100.;N0014 Mo Y bile.. -- :" X' N V- Vlreadbooluar& son; . '-- , l-- , , - : 4Alrolf;oliiolitiiol, 0 • ..Jl, Wolf-efialpiiiti, 0 VirltbiNNlO: 00111y.11''" ' ; Vera Prardilln. 13 B Id, 4 1 6 7t . ti ,if r II HA: ' ' J p n. 0.60, Ps.: , o.llll3llkitlio,`,*trirsoissilt, sti•st, 1,0:4440. V.1:114.11.1r. , Vh51.i, ,';', -- i-7:. I 1404 ,- , NJ- . .. linLosay...N J , . ~'.. : Ml' . Imes'. B i BB a &alm& la, flle i ,J e l 4 MIAs .19 A Cfribser, Pi 1 Miro" fd Orituna,Olearaeld T Verollg _VI, $ Werreittra..- , :-- .. !....; _, ~. J . P. 8.4.. ., &,. is. Boston *is 0 Cotitlfug, Pa " • _I Train * Clearfield If M. Soltrlditn. BottilOunn.... .1,13,L00100. Mug - .T.N 01ntOrlon: If :-..;.,,.:.,,, . , .:L 0 Hill; 21 V' ''7rSank Bream ,-_ -- • , •,,,• 1. Potesr, - Lowiehur ',or trOtimb.o In; iii:. ~-, I .V gaidocidd. N Y I kintoadt 41 Y, : , , ~ . .bl,7fiesess ~ i tettileheur • - I.7.940 1, 010: 1 ? ':, ~. • :' ~-. !,:-,....4. , :a1ke1unn0t, zoo ' -:~,~: ~, t : _lf .~ Xtbkr.'l4.i ' linbtlfOriftb. Oblealro 061 , 11 I - 61-rfarrloozi & la, ?rework' I Bono!, Ootoemrgollt J,31 ()note!. Peuebleipole frAlohasoa,tyne, Mow. it Mockler Moos BoblOPOO:tfool , ; , . F looter, Phlla - Snapp 11,1 d, lit WilwawarevVartas, 0, i Megan sea, at Louie ltwokerle Resew, Retinae , Mao L Conway. Ito i ff *Woo. -01 Deniarest, N ,I 1 ilifattkoway, S Clo&no - Wlt Wallace. If 4 111030011 C .: --J-0 o•Woad Balt = Ileao:Balt - - joky) Belt __ W W ?wales. U S A. kt K Taylor, Va .r. , . Miss Eidson, Vs - W Tall or: Va', P Va 4. 4 fpetaa, kid ' : Pao Tokilin, Paterson I half. f i ell ' nedtera:.L t eel Ohowelar. U 8 A i„elmeleya, California , Tilos Oleek,Melifotnia• Blsosit t At Leal*, r'd tlrhater, Ueda ` r fL_WEOP,AW,1.1911:11110Illa et skonalirik, & le, Ps Oilforell, Pa „ • ;foe Thomas ,Pa - ' O By ti t L Moor, Oaten; 111 . Jon B Abbott, Ind • ' iporoor,Blalr,ato-, . Minion Clearfield , A Manwell: Ida - OA' Deere, 'Brooklyn :Mose West. Wortoo •.; ' D . F Mood, Balton ~,1140.0orty:&•Is„.11wooritig', • N T kraltaaahra la Pa, ' 1:11 5 , 1 W, T fraddardi Berton ,;"` lir Shwa. le 0' ,t11,4001:11oo'on • " - fraddaa: Poem* 'l6/11%*•111c4iP4:,,,,, —___., •MP Natio, °kw, ,K 1 1, 44. yr, Jam*, nu; Asp Bissne, OX ,klboro Antbaaroffr . to f 4 remell ' • &am p Price, Philo , • puller fleet °baiter,: Offrk Faller, Stan, • , P E OnithniAfiront4; OW .I . A Williams, _Conn ,; 2110e,0 cenando, Tna-, bee W . P 001e1aid,fna ' ffloottopf Itootor,lltott Goo Carlton, Jr Ififorb , l 'l43ll..o,ivietairc :obi Savage; Wastilagtan *neater, P terldenea Brayroaa. MOotar!lb 41 . 7 CRok, 9ati Wilmcdst tit tr o #sotenat at.. Wow Vtharth. - '• • Use* D Stites* dm, W V i • . -, ,4•ll,Tgetteif i 41,94,Stmig 4 romps, ,Port Oerbou, 4 a lieteseet.N MattedT Vakitoosiand Jul 11.3040) '$ DreokiSef N litiWearierizit' 141E4 V:2 goat - ilrA.-1100414§1:9100144,24.14 OlephasejThel• Ingtou tioveti _ - .N3ljeVl4 VA q Ou O K 4l,- F.Osbyo, Ohio ,' • &UPC Obesitie no 3 JoositailY 0- Ooreleo..Dprer; Kr IDL - ..feyleti'Mayiville;Si--!:/:Jordoo, Drown eo, S Delany, TokaautOr W Thountei Lonoutor Knott, 2 , 2lelinto&d t Piqtani Oluelnpall ,1-2.1000 1 ; L.WbinMn, P . 0 W.0+17-, Pa - - 2 It 011001110, , , - Philar. & fifideirty,Oleirffed 'JaKNewell,'Obeiter ' A 7 Walter,. Leiffit.6lm • H I Colberpion, LegOi&kwei I fillirolk, Ooklesblit.Ti Jelin 20floy;Spreliblarg Wilottey, Ustrisbutg .040.-Vemli&, Pssv:22ooOros & ycat.o4pOlty Iv fr,Binopitittobpirg - -- • , BiraArithillA4.oolA44. bolorr Vine. - Ol : {itt6ib6,P..ke"ed WolltiltifoliVoholteokall 0 q Galt; Gemini • ItNUB011ortlt: Doilestoito RIPeoO 4 .IN - Dollietewn zeitae:, , :tisitinitia: • , , • - •1 pootsigf Eitc•saftbutit • ; 1 00•Totesi'lw - ;' , ' - Ilialltlsitari•iiroititiiiiis lit: , abort!' Chinowatp. 'A4140111; Qsiskiitolirit 'll:4 2 4 o = ll l,l , ffil .'' •, ' ;', • ••,- • - 1-D . V.aiki mss,- • " ' NATIONAL HOTEL—Race et.. .bore DlWiliegr, Seedfatngg 8 Wilmer, We ivereeille W Aflame & 1.. 5911Ittntown T B-Ttompsos. D Verner, Allentown: `Ollll hfurplie,y;Tork co Capry D Wiley, Pa ' Manton, Lebanon - Reulleg. ' JE Houck, Potterllle Swims Wineteeillo • HIM , Weimer, Theenizeilie R: 19 emilerb Tottwille JTliempeoni Okto' Meese Meete t lllosisyllle L'ltellee &le, Oatewien . D Ohrie4.l..oVairilte" J,Staktileger; Pottsville T Wood, rit .. • , '3llAktil ROTIL—ThIrd it., aboie Rise Robinson, Merest. co B Ramsey, PhDs, - P Stelitens, , Deit - T H mown 'Panne Speakman •; Del no ' 1111 1311.1heimer, Philts T Q Trnitte,West Chester H Bates, Phil& • Oftwiln, Obeiter , no - Duey; Mostar no ' 3 V I ealie Illsester 'J Yarnell, Delaware no A Halley, Vermont W Smith, Delaware ea - O Lewis: Chester no ' H Drown, Denville, Ps' Owens, Berwlek HoOahiss, Jamestown' 'X St Doreen, Penns J Patterson, Penne ' .13 Peale, Delaware eo A Grey, Perry to 'lt P Johnson 'MOUS, Pa Dr 3' Bieber, Lshigh no • D'A Ohaviller, - Penns , J D Dailey,'West Grote 13 Jo See, N y " T Bailay,2l 11N/ON HOTEL-3iroh street. OM!' Third, • L Alitgolt & Broth). ralexn. N. 7 ' 'liens,' Hastert Pa' ' OSt Winger, Lebanon sis 'Pm Hennedl, Bath, Pa Mrs N Boyd Be,ok p a ins it, Mnihsllon, Bath, Pi A bi a:lsfahan. Allaiesr City Win UlxtegraN, Hagerstown Mu lit Cook,Rarrlebtirg IrtilDonaldieCTevaima& W tate, /Masud B A Huron & la, Tamagni ft it Morgan, White Haven J H Waggles, SST , - T D.Yale, Boakeeter, NY .T B pargnsoa, N . D Mace Ss la, B I ' Mrs X idtlikallen, Bath; Pa • AfiItORANTIP,GOIIIIIII..Third at., above Oallowhlll, U B gator. Leicester co J PTAIb, Laoeuter . eo A Gratter. Warren, 0 . A Penwell. Canada Weit W H IVaberi Bath,- - • Geo W Wolf, Mt Airy, Pa J tine, Pa - P rfarrle, Ifellertown D Morey, Mende/Me , gets, Beading Oilrenlsor, Rea tog J Yeager, Beffdebafit Beef biotin, Reeding .,P.Galaman, Allentown • - Jobe liftro,li,Meyeratowl„ . • • - MOUNT VAPOR ROTblWeona street. above Arab. Se. Deveopmt, N Y Win R Marrtson, Boston Gee Benito; Lyeoming on P 8 Etelehtear, Mote% Ps P Weikel!, Anent - ma J R Alma. Slier co . ' 0 Forshee. West Cheater. Z atom, ft P Lowry, Malan, Pa —-Wm ninny, Beaton, Pa Beml Williams, Bethlehem • . .114GLI HOTEL—Third abOve Rao. Jas Grabartei Trny, N X 0 Millar, Lyoonttvg co • Hemp tl Jones; Basks no • Andetton Calvin,' Easton Ohu ntaitnarl, PA a Vanoittai - • tiara Varmints, Po' - 'J T Barger, Qaakettown Jacob Hsaainan;Bioke oo fitfitid ,Natres. * tf rreWP:p.rifyi l -,Terr are - . the eve of lbw tarnof life ,I t's period when, both and femalei the body reOuftiil twitting pp, to nnablett to rouna the point, not onlywlth safety, bat with: freedom from dia• cunt after. 1100PLUNIP8 GRAtialg BITTERS, the beet Nilo in thi world, Will itronithin your nyitem, and:glye you vigor of frame, that will onableyouto pue safely through all Critical period.. 'thine Bitters are for Palo et the principal oftioe, 418 ARM/ IStroit, delpilla Pa., and by all &unfits sad dealers In medl einem, at 76 ciliate per bottle. ' - It . , . ~ Buck Beer i Buck Beer I I of superior quality eau bUhad at the hie/thorn Witter, Ball, 632 Third st., below Ores% THIS DAY, for the last time this Sutton. It*: „ -.-- - TB. LADDER. ffMßeduction 1 -Great inducements wtll lbe offered during lUt 11, to *lose my exten sive opting Mock Of Raven, Bacon & 00., Runde AG Mart, Oslo & Co , sad Hallo, Ve?Ltot Volta. I. B. ODULD, Seventh and Oliestwat, jelani When yen ask for Kingsford's Starch, see that Jon get Xi. le the baes'Eltarsh In , the world Ti C•nsureptises.:.—Persons wlshlog is have . their Ilinisioxamlned by, of advice from, Dr &fhenolr, - DM plus* defer it until !SATURDAY, June 4th. as he has been piotestioailli called oat of the ally. mpBl•ttw To , the:i.adlea,—Eaolr sattentiaaAa requestikd to - Dr,l IBARBRIE - , I BATAKENIAG BANDAGE, (or, donthifirateptir,) anew and highly appeared artieta. 'female Pappqrt,lrs, Alastie. Delta, Ladies 'waited on in private rooms, by a competent - tamale attendant, ' ANIBSOISS EMITS, , my3l=sC, Trail Ogled, 88 Smith Seventh street. An Infallible Restorer of the Hair and Sight. :—JUL)OB lIAUEL'S RAO ATOENIENNE SAIR BYJ• STOREit sots beriedidally on the sight ae well as on the hair. By stimulating the' outiole, it odor& health to titahatr, *geeing it arm and - healthy, - presenting bald 'nela, Ind pausing a, new growth where it previouilly e:risted, and changing gray hairs, to their original life color. Bold b)• allDruggiata, and by =LISS & CO., Ito. ?Oa OBBSTNEI2 Street, Philadelphia. . , Elegant Spring , Clothing, at.' ROBERT H. ADAM', flouthteet oornerilertnith and Market emote, embraelog ovary ierlety or Cfitiroints wited to the careen, cut In all the latest styleg t 'ma de equal 'to canonry work " EEPEthBLX FOE BITAIL BALES," and et the most reasonable : , taiEptr , Saying - Farad—National safety Trust Com• l'Attlf.—Oharterei bT the State of PanayWAWA, • 1, Money le received May dab and in,any amount, Large or small, - • - • 2. ,212.2 Pill DEPT. intermit -Id paid for money DOm day it is put In.. _ 8: :The money Is always paid back in GOLD whenever It Ii called for, and without no'dee. - -- •.• A. Mons., le reoelied froth Rzseueori,: tors, Oiliardkvia, ecid other Trustee', in large or email alai, to renter* a long'or short varied.• - 6 The money received fromDepositorale Invested In Neal Itetate, Itoit/Ogee,' Ground Rents, and other thvt- 6. Offles epee; every dey—WAlitillt Street, loath• wed earner TWA street, Philectolphla. spl6 Stager's Snorts* Itlistehlue.—The great pert. Mrity orthiee nuietifnel may readily be understood, wizen the Mot le known, that miy good tamale operator can urn, with sae of them ONY TllotreitlfD To every, Tailor, Seametreke - si t Dieenneker, and @soh' ledge Wake. fa Mace-witty, (Ilea these eneidefbee be bresinablo. - , , . I. MoIfINOBB, &, 00., 002 OmISITMT Stmt. "Paq'sm 0 . Y. D4 l n6, Agynt :Greyer Ss Debella Celebrated , ItOISIiLIadIPAAILY SWUM • - ' .111 W 1141)II01110 i2lOlB. - TOO 011.18 . 0117 T, ISTRYXT, - PHILADBLYIIIa. c 4 At tin Ogee aroatlitent bleahlnes Slow loefare the we bare used :two, aid morally watched lbo working of the third, and honestly believe I:MOVER& HaICNIVB to be. the voti boot We here seen."—rDo!n woro Mote Itoportor: • _ 0p20.1y OnadPrica Clethtog et the Latest *Wee. and snide In the beet meaner; tweedy for ASSAM setae. We mark Ottelorreit rallies, prices In SLAM planed on atoll entitle. All gorde make to order are warranted esttereetory, and our inur-ranoe ,5Y5219( Is Strictly aut hired to," We bolters tele to be the only felt we ' dealing, as tbirebyollaretTeated alike ' TONES a. 00., 601 alkalTaT attest 028•tavZ • 'fiewtsien , a Fluid—Northwest Carnet of SZOOND and •WALNUT Atreete. ItepOsit• received, to mall and lerwe amounts, fiord all claws of the nalth'isid allows' interest at the rate of Ave per ceaxt. 'per armlet.-- " Money may be drawn by cheeks without lon of into., Moo open dilly, Prow o,9n#ls cy , cdctolt, and on *OD. day and BaißdaY 4 3 10 1 In'tka aaaRIOS. rroiltdon t 'hanklin 1.11; Tamara end Swots:Ys ahem ,~ktarciages: - In Hopkinton, Now, Hampshire, May Slat, by by. Holes D. Chase, chaplain United States Nay, ataisted by Bev. Mr • Eames, rector of St. Yeah!' Church, Con cord, Mr. RIGINALD n.. WADI, of neat Cheater, Pa., and Wu SUSAN L., daughter of iosaph titacemod, Seri , of Hopkinton. Op the la lat.. by the Bey Henry Pep, Mr. 080. W. TURNICH to Mini SOD fd. SMITH. • On Wednesday it bit, by the RIM. X. A. Da Wolfe Howe. O. W „liotaroa, M. 11., of this city, to JO LTA MARIA. daughter of Deter Q Wallington, Riq , of Washington, D. O. , ' • ,Ituts let, by the Bee. Thomas 7. Shepherd, WWI Milt VICO to Mist ISA BIALLA,L, WILT, datightanf ;gab Wilt, 'Erg„, all of Oa . * Ma yr 23, D Pant's Mathodfst• , Hplaatial Parson site, 624 toratiiirini :out: br Dec. 7 E. Meredith: Ur. 11. all&TIONDIDOilli , to Hier SUSAN mom, all of this, olty. On the •th tilt, in Tilnekley Ohnrch, by the pastor, Rev, wiliiam T. Brinker, Mr. ORAB.BllldMnanntiti la &THAI:TA 7 , only daughter of p. $. Warren, ph of this alt. T- At Bound . Crook, New Jana, on the 25th tilt.. by Be, ft R. -Rodgers, Mr. 1 C‘ILLINB of netioloifq fOtinerly , or, prietol i - to Miss 8 &MAE; daughter of Hiokard, Conover, . , fointeg Meatim. done 'lst, GORGE SWARTZ, formerly of Per. • 'county, Pa.. aged 80 Yearn. , On Tuesday. 81ot ult.i at the residence of his con in. law. Robot Patterson. set Philedelphiti, SAMEGIL NlyiNß; Lo the 71st year of bin age. . • - Via friend*, and throw of the family, are invited 't o attend hie funeval, at Bt. Mary's Ohurch,iLootist below ..Tlll. street; West Philadelphia, on Friday' sateroood, Bd . loot,' at 3 Oclock, to move at .4. Intarrnent at Woodlands Cemetery'. Oa Wadoellday xpernirt, let lnat ;-.17.1T11 L. lobo.:ttes • 4,, &ater of Ansan O. and the idea 71r. Lorripeo - 74 'Henderson, in the 10th year of her age..• Tyte relatives sad Insiods of the family are Invited to attend 'the funeral, from her mothoria residence, No 1010 Rue-street, on Friday, the Bd lust , at 8 foclealt ' oat ' BadderliV, on the 81st nit,, Writ MARY ILIEGARY: widOis of the 'laki:James Magary, in !halal year of her age - The relatives and friers of the family are rennet fully fainted to attend theltrosral from Nor late rest - dente, Neater street, below Vadat, Ibla (Thursday) of -00,840n, at , . - - * On • the BDtle ult. - , Kra: OATRARINII MAT, elder of sobit Orate., in the 47th year of her ago. Her. relatives arid' friends are respect:Oily turned. to strand liar funeral, from her butband's residence, ,amts Mn,i No:ll67.North. Sewed groat, between Norris and Du ms nd : ntreeto; this-. (Thursday) ' aiteruc . Par 13 - 2 o'alceit. To proceed to Oithodeal tunestery. - '* • Outhe Slot ult., at Gloucester, N. Mrs. SARA]; eg'd 37 leers, • - The robitives and Mende of the family are /*Woof fully hirlted to attend the fusaral, limo the residence or her brother-in-law, Cot: Wawa! Graham, No. 318 Jorrlo street. Mollistelphie, thla (Thniseityy ia init., it 10 olitoik: • pg • „ • On the Slot eft ,•ruestis WALTON, in the 73d year oh hie agePi • - • •0 iV-Blon4ay; the 80th Mlu JANBTTA O. SWIN- T e friends of the rattily are trispeetfullv taosite4 tp attend the funeral from the.reoldstice of her radheri; Grape street, - opposite tna Dutch Reform.] OhOroll, hiamlynoh. UN (Thursday) aftericaiim, at olotoek . The; take" plate 'at, -the RoZborougit Bestlet , Atierando May-20111, et the residence Of Thomas 7x, arse, 11 , 4 . nest Wiircilbgton, 1/111..e 1611,7,173„ NOTT Pi NINO-TON, sou of Orland fi and lOUs Ann Penington, lu the 707'year of-his age, „ ' guosiral thin (Thursday,) 24 Jona, at 8 o , clook;--to pro.' seed to the Oergotery at Wilmlngton,lo9l, - _ • , • - At 6 Olelonlr 'Loa the afternoon of Thursday, the goo; Nre..BlLiAN 001 BRWIN, Widior Of 'the late Robert lirwin Tog., and daughter of the late Moses, The Mende of the family are reapectfully invited to attend the fittleral, from her late reeldenoe, this (Thom. day) mooning , une Sci, at 10 &cloak, without further • notice. Interment at °falai OburcliburODS 'ground; Faith and Auk streets. : o* THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA; TH'U'RSDAY, NNE 2; 1859. Nazareth Halt FLEVlelon.—./11l II iertner Paptie end - Tomball of - Neseretir Nall are re 'quested to stteed the Plfth Manuel I:teeth:icor the Be- O T rdOit Meordatton, to beheld t tbelOth or ags. et 40. o'clock A.. 11,1 n A or UG.l{4l' at Me. liptuanaptuppotoktr,Pll. Thela mordloge have afforded those who hire *treaded theta roeh Oeasttrebleterieyal atoll eoualateeee that Olt( neret 1)01040t40 , " . Pinup A.011.1021AN. " - , • :: TINTAND qopsyblttio , : instil:me JONAH, Pniztoeurors, June lot; , ' - Cure' SPYIOO' WI ter''onre 01111nNtlt etiLL PhtTedelthla county, fin. the treatment of all ehronlo and abstluate Omegas. Thtc Institution ban no rival hi Dimity: oh• teatimes, and healthhasse of location; to the parity bf its nomerone springs Of water and all load "Freitag*, and h now omitesseoly the leading end most eusoesetta hydeoCathl'e lentltnte to the counter, . jel-tf .Dll. avelpal., WNDER Resident Phltralika; The Anntiet , hleetlet of the fiteckheid. ere of the Pli/LADIII4PIIIAATIII6I6at P DOOR COMPANY s tr ee t e held M O ND A Y , tIORTR foot of Vine, on Jane eth, 18t9,nt o'olock noon, for the election of MEI DOLEI;ITIM. sad for the tranesotion of otheibnelnore.. , , .- ray2o-etlt . • WM. D E NNIS, fleoty snit Tre- rep. Notice.—A4 Election tor SevenDiilitterei by the eteehholders of the 411111111ANTOW itirlisllT COMPA.NY,.wiII be beld on RATuBD4t N , ,the 4th day of Jace,18.69, at the Office of Iceepli King, on MAIN Street • below Mill street, Tweatylecond Ward, Philadelphia, between the beers of 4 mull o'clock P. M. -,. .10$201.:EIMM, Iny2l.dtjell . , „ heoretavr., 'Philadelphia Steam Tag Cesepaai....4 Meeting or the Stockholders of the et)Ve este. ;meg wlll be held on MONDAY; Awe dth.l6Ml, bettreed the hours of 10 At. If. end 2 P If at the Oditie Hit.t. Mama, No North TBIRD Street, to sleet Pito Perms. es serve tie Directors of the said Dompitip tor the analog year. J. RILL ,MAATIN, soy2e4f eh - Peoretaxi., • arSecond and Third.st. eat Paisetitter RAO WAY CIOhIPANY.—The Second inetalroett of Ries Doctese pea Pildell on the new issue of the WA of this Company wilt be doe end parable on or before the 26th of JiTtell. IANDY OtIARWOOD, my 26 thaktje 26._ Bieretsty., ~_ Public Welcome. to the National Divtiii V: HO* OV THIS W.ol` T. NORTH MEIHOA. Pennsylvania State Temperance; Soelety hare tendered to the Committee or- Arrangements of ,the. Grand Division, a Poblin Reception to the members of the National Divielon during their tendon to this Mkt, They have secured the Academy of Mode. Broad and Locust itreets, for THURSDAY SIVRNING, .Inne The Mayor of the eLy hoc been invited to preelde, aod give there the welcome, which will be responded to by diatlngulebedMembete of the National Divedon in short addresses. Amongst those expected to be present will be the Urn .0. L. Thief,' of New Brunswick; ~Indipt Mee, of South Carolina; General- Carey, of . Ohio; Molienry, of lowa ; John Moffat, of CanaddWeet; Neal Dow, of Maine; R, Hinkley, of Kentucky; ned bf TOwnsend,of 'math Ovate.- After the reationeel, that distinguished oratori Dr CHAPIN, of N. Y., will deliver a Leotard on Temperance _ The Members of - the N. D cod .the Ofiteere of Mak Grand Division will weepy Beata on the etegterlth the Managua of the State Society. . A limited numberof tickets can be procured at SS: ciente. Reserved Seats, 10 cents, which can be ebtalark( s; M at Beek & Lawton'arto Store. Seventh and Chmtr nut, and Parry illnlittilanle, Fourth and oheatent Perrone having pap:hued tickets, and otableg to a;• change them for reamed seats; eon do so- by implying mabove. , • z0y25,0.28,81&je2. lierrnantewn Pave nger Railway PANY, Office 228 DOOR, Bireet.—Pnicanarf rare, May 18,1889 —Notice ie hereby giian to `the Btookholdere of the Germantown Passenger Haile* Compeer, In accordance with the 'provisions of the Obarter, that an election for President, nine Manaleni, and Treasurer of the said Company. bald at theft Office, No „WI ROOK Street, on TH.IIII.BDA.Y, June 1 4 1859, at 11 o?olock Lathe forenoon. myl94je2 , W5l. 131NGARLY, flecreteq. FeirTeeple's State Conseestiesi.—The 01t11. some of Philadelphia, and of the several.eoun. s of this Commonwealth, Attached to the' TEIPLE'II TARTY, sad ill voters *lei stiopposol to the Wort, unwise, and extravagant measures of the National Ad. ministration, are requested to tend DRLDGATRO, equal in number to their several representations In the Gang ral Aegembly, to a OONVIINTION to be bald at Mit 11113BURQ, on Wednesday, June litb, 1869, at 10 A. M. to nominate Clandteetes for AUDITOR GIONIRAD end ISURT.IIYOR GPN DEAL, to be voted for at the geaeril election In next October. , • ' UNNRY M. TULLES, Oheirtolut. IFtwaiet B. Mime, Becretary. spf-tt, tyareOffice reausylwarda Railroad Company, c .PRILAWILVIITA, April nth, /869 —The Board oil Direotors hare this day doolared a sead•annual Dividlnd of TREED YAR MIT. on the Capital kook of the Company, clear of Mato Tax, payable on and after Maya 16th, 19i Powers of Attorney for collection of Dlyldeode can ba had on application at the Mew of the Company No, IN Booth THIRD Street. THOS. T. , IfIRTR. ireaintrer: Oinei attO tiquoxe. Li pRINOE • IMPERIAL. " The undersigned haring been appointed sole Agents for the above brand or BUPERIOR "CHAMPAGNE WINE, Are tow prepared to supply it In any, quantities to REEVES & DEAL; 204 MARKET STREET. PURE AND OEIMP BREAD, dIANUTAOTIIRED .BY TUE MECHANICAL BAKERY; • Oki BE OBTAINED AT Tan //MOWING MECHANICAL BAKERY, B. vtt corner of Broad and Vine streets. J. GRATENSTINE, " S. W. corner of ,Twelfth and Wallace stre•te. 0, M GLARY, Poplarth. street b•lov Ten H. S. corner Kith and Goatee streets. Mitt. II BEON, - No. 405 Oallowhlll street B 1 PASICOAST, No. 910 _Spring Garden street. 30M9 G. MOREY, - • No 1223 Vine street. • T Ill; No. 11$ North Fifth street: T.TAgge.ri B. Et. corner 'Fifth. and Spume streets. W. W. MATHEWS, B. E coiner Eleventh and Lomat streets. ' D. KNItIHT, Broad street below Wal nut. GEORGE GARVER, No. 1. 41 9 Lomhatd street. - D. COURTNEY, N. W. corner Sixteenth and Blue street*. S. R. MASON, Youth and Germantown Road, S. R.•WANAMAKER, Bederal street above Filth. B. LENT Z, Corner South Fourth and Johnston amts. , L. HOLLAND, B. W. corner Sixteenth and Ggden streets. DAVID SADDLE R ,No 200 'North Eleventh strait. 7. WEIGNTMAN, ' • 14:14 Je ff erwm earner El eventh and st. S. S. TOMPEINS,'• No. 1040 North Front • street. H. 940048, B. FY corner of Seventh and Pine streets ;ANN ItIII'ERS, poito lith ea stre etoat. below Thu. %e st V. Itt. WOOp i fi • W. curnerliranhlin and Castes straits. F. MOBIUB, N. W. corner Tenth and Stitypen streets. TURNER, No. 1215 South Front street. SHUSTER, B. W corner Broad and Psvrisb streets Corner bilasteanth street and Bilge avenue." 11. V. Corner Ninth and • Federal streets. Twenty-second street ab. 00.tes, Gotten street above Seven teenth. Corner of 511th end Chris. tiros, Camden, N. J., store 1 t Atch street. • West Ptilladelphis,3flth et. above Haverront road. Lewd, Penna. • Tremont awl/2ns Grove, Penna.. Beadow, Penns. Wait (Theater, Penile. Atlantis City, N. 4 MOS. T. MST, B B. BOWX ENINTYRI!, E. W. TIIINTAII, ALEX., FULLERTON, ;. L. BlOlc.g, Cl.ff. RAINf VI, B. L. lt ARN31,14, ?WIN BARIONEr M. R. PO4, GEO, B. TOWNSEND, 00. L. BIOHNB, JAMES GAII , LiN,R,' Ospe r Alay, N. D. AIOATON, Plortneo, N. Jf. JOHN BODDR, Wilmingto n Del Jatf legat Notices. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF-PENN SYLVANIA YON THE Nitirl'llll DlsirsicT. ll.•!111461 /ZELL It At,,JAMES MA*. WNLII et al 91. As 'January Term, 11361: No. 46. Rhe Auditor appointed by the °mut to distribute the runkpaid into Swart upon the above writ will 'attend to the duties of hle appointment, on VriIDNEBDAY, no e st 4PAt , his oinoe, Nil. eve WALNI7I Street, in the city of Philadelphia, at which tints and place all persons interested ate rennired to, nuke their 'claims, or be 'abaftd tram coining in on geld fund: OItAttLIS S: VANCOAST, je2.lotili - Auditor. NI 0 T .1c E. Sealed ,PrOposals, endorsed 1 t , Propoeale ter Smiles a Glass Pa:titles In the St John•street Seconder) School, Slitesoth tectlon,l , will. be received by tie undaralfruedi' until IFISDItEEI DAY, June Bth, 1559, stal o'clock 4 M. The plan of the Prirtltlon can be Seen at the Wilco of the Controllers of Poblle &boob', sontbseat 'cor ner SIZTU and Al ILPHI Street!! ' • cyder of the Committee on Propetty, ROBERT J 11101PHILL, le2, at, - BorretsoControgeo a POlia pdhoole • WHERE is richness and. that which phtiaesevertbtdy, in the Ltre•ef s Photoerathe fa Oil made at REIMS OltlipilßY,llllooNp BOW, above Green. • • atR . , lINVANA. BEG<'d offered to dealers ILM at favorable ratan, of, variants Mass and brands, 1,001,4 partagas, Cabanas,' Coro, Mono, Gird, rentlna, PAT. Ply, and Pontiac Also, Paper Began, by OTISPrIBM 11:101:7ST rc BOtse, je2.403* , . , Sontlr "PANT AWOL DRESERYING GLASS JAR And 'imei ocmia; HARTELVA PATENT; no no. moot required; hermetically' sealed in moment by slight turn of the corer. No danger ,of poiecn from metallic cape. BARIBLT, & LETNEWODTpt, General Olseevere Depot, Dp. Di North FII TH Street. Q ,17.4111UM.A. very handsome and well. atooked AQUARIUM for sMe at half its coat 807 North RICIOND Strast. loy3l.Btir TlA.—Three-pound eanisters of excellent Tam, for St, IMPINIS TV. OOMP&NY, anal-Ot* 'BW Nortb SECOND Mess, suit purchuers Breab. rcrfautte ke3a)"pittstichtioite Thla Is Areadla—thln the land That weary some hays Sigheil for; This Is Areadles—thlgthelkSy , . Sterols beetle have died for; Yet, strange to tell, Ude pretend land Has never been kyplleil for r A HIM BOOK DT TUE AUTHOR OF THE SPARROWGRASS PAPERS row siosirk, ACADIA; A MONTH WITS TILE BLUE NOSES. .11X .tEDIONTO d. 00ZZIN8. 'Two Elegant Illustrations, by Napoleon Barony • One Voltime. Pelee $l. Alin rl 'hew edition of The fpbrrowgreeepapere, Price au. " The humor or Mr. Omens is sustained and spirited, and oontinually flows over 'sands of golden senee." Cloritarrille Jaunts:. "Mr. Mennen wit le genial and refined ; no taint of ..Iful fz ue o r g l t t o y . dl s ils t r e s . h v is a w a slt e l l o t g e s. Els humor is bealthy." t " Mr. Coszene , s ran to not of the vollichlng sort; It idqulet and reined, calling for no boisterous recogni tion, but irresistibly appealing to the Inmost sense of humor In the reader."—(Buffeto Express "bfr. Minns bee aohleied a reputation an one of the liveliest of our young writers, and It is rare that a celebrity no unladen and so well mer;ted is accorded to any one."--tN. Y Reining Pose. PERRY -& JACKSON. .PUBLIMIERS, - 110 NASSAU MEW, NRW YORK. TOR SALI BY,ALL BOORMLLERA pa.st PUBLISHED THIS DAY. BLOAN'S CONSTRUCTIVE ARCHITECTURE: A411:11DE POE TIM TICILDEB AND OABPBN TIB; Exhibiting the Coastruotion of a Series of tie. pipe for Roofs, Domes, Entree, and, the Tivit Cimino or Aioalrotrdarliosiootra rri.in the best aPeolniene or Grecian lied Boman Sri, with the B o red dimension,/ or their-hei g ht, Projection, and Profile. To which is added a Treaties on Practical Geometry. The -whole It. IthrISSTAID BY PirrY-01% PLLThi, and accompanied by explanatory text. By Samuel Sloan, Architect, author or the 6 , Model Arabita4,l) City and Suburban A ohitinittire, ,, eta, Ste, One velem*, 4to. Price $6. J. B. LIPPINCOTT -& 00., 22 and 24 NORTE POPTII STREET. jet St • desi o• DOCTOR. PALKEIVB Ws ,NW BOOK. TRH NEW AND WM OLD ; Or. CALIFORNIA AND INDIA IN 11011ANTIO PROT& By d. W. Palmer, N. D author of and Down the Irrawaddi Beautifully illustrated. Idrao. What a femme Snalith Reviewer said , of • ZOthen Will with justice apply to The New , and the Old," at well as to ita predeeireor, "Up and Down the DM waded : '2 f , There it a wide Cl/arenas between this book std almost all other recent book* of Its elms the latt.r, for the most part, furnish ne with the names of places and of things • this repreeente the things themselves ; tee latter script, feats and statistics relating to the Bait or the West; this gives us the very Hut, the very West, in all its -own gorgeous or gloomy realities. Tonohed by this felicitous band, the remotest objeots leave upon the reader's mind not a series of mere phi. tures, bat a sense of actual participation." Moreover, t. The New and the Old "PI a book of starlet, based open veritable and remarkable sips neuter, mainly true as to loadities, persons and events, and having ail the dremetio interest of the famous ,fl Diary of a Physician " *or every one who hes ever had father, brother, lover, or friend, In California or In. dia. Also, now ready, A DAMMAM'S STORY. A Book of Love, Philosophy, Sentiment, and Humor -By Oliver Bunco. lwol.P4mo. Manila. Pylon M. These /100116 are sold everywhere, and sent by mall, ma'am; vacs, to any part or the United !tares t on the remipt vf the price, by BUDD & OA RLETON, Publlshers and Btoltgallera. N 0.12 0, Grand street, near Broadw y, N, Y. jet-thlc FIFTH EDITION NOW READY. VIII PI/ BLitt AND PRIVATE/ HISTORY or tretPor.soli TUR THIRD. NT EASIOEL N. SMOOZER, A. N. Opinions of the Press. Written with ability, and is quite inteceoling.—Phila. Oity Item. Mr, Smucker's volume is a good one, and will be to pronounced by the majority of readers.—U. B. Journal, New York. • . . - It is the most complete biography of the French Em peror yet published —Baltimore Republican. This volume presents no with inlereettnit details of the privets and publics career of the moat auccessini. ad. venturer of this ase.—N V. levenselist It le a work of thrilling interest and great historical value —Author's Uwe Magazine. This work dove full and ample Judie, to the subject. —Phila. Dispatch. It is an ably written work, pre/renting a. full and com plete hietory or the remarkable career of the French Emperor.: Legal intelligencer. Mr. if meeker le a leading American writer of popular historical work* i thin life of Napoleon 111 it very in. terestlog —Graham". Magazine. Mr Smacker hat here proiliteed a mesterrpleoe_ of, Eststoricavemarposrtion." , -modeyTe IsZlyte Book. It is complete, thorough, and artistlo.—Mohawk Resister Per sale at (I. G. V.VANS, Great Qin Bon% Store, 439 011ESPNUT Street as TEE NEW AND TITE OLD," Or, 0 ALIVOIMIA AND INDIA IN ROMANTIO ABPBOTB. By 7, W Ymmer, M. D., 'tabor of " and Dow]) the Irr►waddl, , , the. Being the adventures and experience* of I medical man in varioue parts of the woeld, written in s most piquant end amusing style. tai 1 mo $1,26 TRIM BACIIELOEM STORY. ByOliver Dance. A moot charming story of s Beehelor's perieuces; sold to be 'mildly as InteTestififf The Bustles?' by Marvel. 81 ONOPFRIFY 71AIIIMAI, a Not& By Henry (not Obarles) Kingsley. Spoken of by the Nnglietieriflos the pm:mottos novel of the day. 1 vol f1:98. LYIIOIID %Novel. llmo. T. 113 (111 NOP TUN DaNIIIIII. Ilr the author of “Plectola 23 Tramfeted from the French. Paper. 38 amts. METSO MB OF ITALIAN PAINFIR9. By Jameson. Blue and gold. Maenttt. to ,- We beix to call the att InUois of persons about gotog out of town for the rummer, to our love eta& of BOOKB TOR. INJURER READINE}, comprbiag all the pew 1011 itanderd literature of the day, on whloh, to thosabnytor a number of hooka at o liti•.'we mike q maxim . manger f oft mu. Our stook or STAND/LEO AND MlSavadaNgotra BOOKS IN PLAIN AND PINE BINDINGS, MiiREME=EMI LARGEST ARSORTMENT from which to Oeleot, and eitho LOWEST EEWEEL we ore toren mode only to toll the attentlon of the Publics to our establiehment, to satin& the= that we offer the OREATEST INDEOELIEbiTS TO BOOK BUYERS. ' Strsoge•e and otberowill Bad sipleassot, place to pm an kati.Vov too at the . . . . . . . METROPOLITAN BOOKBTORM 01. IikZARD alumina, OHRIATHIIT Street rsiEWaootts I I , IIIW BOORS I THE BIiOnLEOTIOSEI OP GEOFFREY NAM LPN. By Nears Kingsley. 12mo. 81 25. UWE OF MARTIN LIITHBit By Ghanaßar Buli mia. With an Entluiato nf Lt therla Clharaster and Genipe Thhrese Carlyle. 24m0. 60 cent.. OtIBIBN4, 'WEIN QUEEN OP THE DANUBE. Be' the author or Pirotola. , t Bro. Poor, 88 ots. MEMOIRS OP EARLY ITALIAN Pa INTBBO. By Kra. Jameson. Wm. Bias and gold. 75 cotta. DfI3OOIIRBES AND TREVIBBEI ON TM ATONB MItNT By Edwards, Smalley, Maxey, Emmons. Gm- An, Barge. and Weeks . With an Introdqtary by Edwarde A. Park 810. WI, Nor Bala by 0. & Atrium' ireurm, jet No, 800 011118TNUT Street TE FALL TRADE.—Business men, Who intend competing for a abate of the very large Pouthein and Bonthweetern trade anticipated UM tall, era now offered the wirertlelog medium of the enturnua of the SObl'VEOllll ISIONITOP'. and the RIOtIbIOND INQUIRER. Terms reasonable. Offiae, N. I. corner WAI.Ncr/' and ACION Streets, meoond dory. je2.4t " PUI4BI6LEHL I AND OWER, _BARNES. &CO.. D 114011121 /N bIIBOILLANDO'44. BORODL, AND BLANK 1100110 AND STATION/MY, , .N 0.87 North PRIDD Street below Ara', PhilWslphfa.- • ' Path"hero of the followtvg popular School ROOlcol, which ere selruouledgeB by s 4 iesehere who hove OM %oet a mefi(l examlwition to be unri -11,1164 4 1 their edsptition to the purposing intended: ,'-• BANDEEB , NEW ONEIEB OE READERS, Cronatittng or Benders' New Primer,_ " Pint Boiler, . rcht, 4 llo, ‘ ,4 e i, 4 i . 1 thith Reader, Speaker, " Opener, " " Beoond Reader, Poona Header, ,( High Behool Raeder, t 1 Young Laalea , Aestaf i c. inS B ' 140:11111 PEINAIii AND MENTAL tTEIHNTICUI, By Prof. H. Brooke, or Leneaster Normal Bohool. Egf,TON'S SPLENDID SERIES Or 01:iTUINE NATO. They are especially adapted to Moils beginning, se well at to those more kciranoed in the study et Geogra phy, 1 41 they seesive from them a otemer ant more cox reot ooz:option of the character and relative else and position of every physical and political feature, than can be obtained from any other Mayo extant)! All the publication!' of 144014 as, MINIM; Arlo 4, B. BABNAO d DURA. NZW YORK, May be found on band at N. Y. Publishere , rtte.eo, ape-Bei If l‘alantataer fiafee. 114 , SALAMANDER SAFES. A lasso anelttoonf of VANB A *ATKIN'S PNIBABBLPHIA MANIIPAOTURRiI SALAMANDER OAF VO, VAULT DOOMS ' Yoe Banks and litofaiii, BARK. LOOM. Tonal to any now In nee. IRON DOORS. RHUTTBRO, too , Op All goo terms as any ether astablOhnient in the Vetted States, by • - RITANd & WATPQN, NO.IO South YOttlirli Bll'obt Philadelph i a If NIVA lil A OALL. antii..tf ,flatten $56,000 TO LOAN, in sums to Snit applimints, won Dlanionds.Watehes, Jewelry, Guns, Merchandise, Clothing, &o. on mode- I M Mb qillfP ! A:il it Ts tabliehed for the last gri years. Office hours from 7 A. M. -to? P Setend.liand Gold and Silver Watcher, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, wog() cheap, at one half the original cost. • ' ap29-11mIr RAFTS—On the anion Bank of Lon -41-0 doo, and Royal Bank of Ireland fn anmd to ann. ter tale by - 19/ILLO, raitaL i o & 00., mylaatatt 400 OBBtifirur Meet ttetal ilBrD 530.0b0. DOUBLE -SKIRT ROBES 800 OR'' ANDY AND JACONET AT $2.50 AN]? $2.75. S HA.RPLEiS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH STS COVERINGS. 1,..7 Pronelt Twilled Bright Stripe; • Wide Gies 3d Striped Chintz/44 4.4 Slate Linen!, Parniture, and , • Carriage Slip bivalve, SHASPLISS BROTHERS, Jet OaIIEITNIIT and DIGHTTI Streets gryIEAP ORGANDY ROBES. `Li Jnat received, , Horohliq Jaconat aloe at $2; Rich Doable Jape Organdy, $2.60. New Style do /menet, $2 50. Extra quality do Lawn. $2 76. • SIIAHPLESO DHOTHERS, jet CHESTNUT and,EIGOTH Street, • N T ESTINGS. AND CASSIMDRES. A full line of rummer Stuffe, bfareeillee and SU Yestinp, Light and Dark thin Caselineeee, Thin Habib! and Panay Coatings, White and Fancy Siren Linen Drilie. SHaRTLESS noTavas, fez CHESTNUT and ElGtirli Streets. VINE FRENCH MANTLES. Fine French Lam Polntea, $6 CO. French Laoe Pointee from 1,6 50 to $10.60. French Lem Mantles $7 60 to $ll. Migh.emt French Loom Shawls. Obantill7 Lots Mantles, $5 to $2l. - ,Chantilly Shawls; with deep ruffle 1311 k Mantles, shawl pattern, Empress shape, all silk. • Silk Dusters and Hormone. Genteel styles Silk alsottee. Cloth Bortionsand Mantles. Cheap and Fine Dusters. Oar own superior mate of Mention. • Some cheap Auction Lots Lace Mantles. ' Special attention given to our own mate. N. B. Note.—Styles, the newelit and meet elegant; material, the boat; workauwahip, none batter. Intim Garment pleasing, and prime moderate. COOPNIt & 0011A1M, ray2B 8. H. comer NINTH and 111111 MIT. J3AR EGE NAPOLEONS, DOUBLE BA:REGIgA, TABURTINZE., ORAPEI BATUMI ANGLAtS. Oracleliss, Poll de Obevrea, Banana and Challis, Mirages and Berege Robes. Percales, sad Organdies. Bspadate Mohair' and Travelling-Drama Materials, new styles 2,600 yards new.eityle Pine Lawrie. in Browne, Lilies, Amaranths, Pinks, and Blues, at UK cents—the beet goods offered. Hosiery, a One assortment. Embroideries. do Linens, and Linen Cambria Erandkentlf ere. Shawls, in the shawl-room, In great variety. Black Lace Pointe, Borneoe, and Mantles, $5 to $35. Black Silks for Circulars and Domes Wide White and Blank Dames for Circulars, kcs. Patent Hoop Skirts for Ladies. and Misses, from 75 cents to s3—a full line. CHARLES ADAMS, roy2B BIGHTII and ARCH Streets. Rbi341.1.d THREAD , k.:„ MANTILLAS AND POINTS. Just received end will be opened'ios„, TEIDRBDAY. MAY 26, MAL CHANTILLY - Id ANT Lila AND POINTS. ALSO, RRAI. BRUSSELS TIIRRAD POINTS, AT WTI • PARIS SIMPTILLA. TOB CREISTNIIT Street, my 26 J. W. PROCTOR, & UO. INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT!!! QISDAT OPRNINEi OP LAO CIOODA I ! PRIORS RAN436I VROSI $6 TO $BO ! !! TER CORAPIST GOODS IN PriILADEILPHIA I , VIRP RIOU AND DLEGANT MUMS! BOUSIBT FOR 0 Mat IMIOII PHD IMPORTER! Irma: Lace Should. i`reneh Lace Palates. Preach Lace Talmas. • French Lane Mantilla,. Very Rich Ohantilla Mantillas. , Plain 011 k Dusters, Pain:mit:cite. Silk Mantillas, Silk sad Uwe De., rco. &e. Ale?, a Largo Lot of BtaoE RILICR—VREP CHEAP ! NANOY bILKS, HARRODS, LAWNS, S t e., Act, at T7IIOIt.NIARY a 011Itim'S. my 7 N. R. Corner BUMPH do SPRING °ARDIS% LINENS FOR MEN'S WEAR. American Wien Company's superior' style Brown Linen Coatinge, X and N, various shades; Brown and Bleached Linen Ducks, various stylee ; Brown Linen Grille. A choice aasortment of the above Goode now on sample, Andros gale by JOSEIPIL LBA, dle-tr 128 and ISO 0111tErrNITT Street. Zarpetings. CANTON MATTINGS. r. F. & E. D. ORNE, 13000/1880118 J. 45° B. ORNE, 61.9 O.I3WASTINTErr °PPM,/ MI surzaouel, 1,1 kV B NOW OPEN rim SPRING IMPORTATIONS OP OARPETINqs. - 1,000 MOM oP CIPAINTTOZT ACCILTTINGI3, OY ALL TUE DESIRABLE STYLES, ♦r LOW PRIC3F.i.S. mar 18.8 m It AUSTIN BROWN. WHOLESALE DEALER IN FLOOR OIL-OLOTH.S. 'ME Lotossr STOOK IN PHILADELPHIA No. 164 NORTH T 1 RA STREET, my28.12t B. W. corner of Rate, up staira. Wattbea, letnelrg, &r. B AILEY & 00., POMMY BAILEY & KITCHEN, Here removed to tholr new Wite.proof, White liable Store, 819 OELESTNUT Una Int 9. LOW THE GIRARD BODO, How opening Sher hal Ego* of IMPORTIID JAWILRY, PLATND WADES, AND PANOY EIOODS, To which they bolt° tlye atteaticua of the WATOE I / 1 8, DIAMONDIi, AND PNABIA soll-if tl JAMES WATSON, IMPORTLP. WATCHES, JEWELRY : , 3r0., No. 325 MARKET STREET. Mutantty an hand a fall rafortment of Yothoron and Clonatantin Watolkaa. fel-6m Ouretiszopeo. IVO HOME WITHOUT A STEREO not,E. Tnx, woNranes or TUE STEREO/300PN Largest assortment, by repent Importation, just re ceived, at tha lowest orioles. 13T.19R2.08110P10 BAZAAR, 112 South YOURTII Street, below Chestnut, my3k6t M.J. FRANKLIN, Optieleb. fitattourp. HENRY COHEN, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO STATIONERY. ALINIJIAOTURER Op ENVELOPES IN EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE. muna FOR ARNOLD'S MOLISE WELTING FLUID. 507 CHESTNUT STREET, mikr22-am OPPOSITE THE STATE DOUSE. Picture ,fraincs. NEWLA.ND 86. CO.. LacaiNGA MANURAOTU Leas AND PI RN OTURE•NRABIN • lIEI L WHOLBSALII AND S ; TAIL. An extensive stook, of OIL PAINTINGS, eto. All et Teri LOW Priam 604 ARGIL Street above SIXTH, PhiMeinhas. %pl6-2m it "OLD DOMINION."' Old Dominion' Old Dominion Tea Pots. Old Dominion - Coffee Urns. Old Dominions For Rotel" Old Dominions /or Boarding Ronne. Old Dominions Per Restaurants. Old Dominions For Steamboats. Old Dominions Pot the Million. Over forty different varieties and styles, of the celebrated " OLD nommoN" Coffee a n d Tee ' Pet e are nom manufactured. Being based) as Dr Rail,' of the Journal of Malik says "on science and' common sense,” they are rapidly coming into nee, and are des tined' Stem to supersede all others. They can be ob tained from or ordered through any storekeeper, or dente- in housekeeping articles., 1D Merchants who have not received our Trade Circular, giving prices, term, fee., will be immediately. supplied on application, by letter, f o /MINING, DINGMAN, & GILROY, 117 fuld 119 Bouth TAINTEI Direst, Philadelphia, Bole Manufacturer, under the Patent. jf - • also, _mannfaoturera, wader the Patent, of AR-' TRIM.% ORLEDRATED Ate-misure ING 'MGT OANS AND JARS. - iala.thatodim LIVE OIL.-50 boxes, qiaarte, for gala by wirninuat BROTLENa, Not, sod 49 North ODOM) Sired. ' 13301 UtANTEI).. - --$2,50() on Mortgage for 3 pram; On Yam Property worth:Sypoo. A per teotli sale torestment -• Interest payable parketaallY) andyrinelpol at 'tottotity, • 444rets R, Press 04teit t - Jr 4 • B o l `.. • - '4s ;, - - . WANTED.44bbokleeimr having charge of thgi hoehisiatabrieipoxideneg of a 472toleeele Notion House, wilibe open for an engagement after duly let. References to present - employers, sod others. AddreesißOOKß, thLi Office.- - - . ' 3e2 Boa $1 000 $ 3 ,000, $4,000, , 510,000,. to in itypt.og.t:rtrEtgat , 'Cita P eyato; 11* uts WALNUT .Imll, A -YOUNG MAN well am:tainted with the LA , Went, a siltation to Collector or Traitlllok Agent for some 6ret•clres mercantile house.. Rasmus to 'character ; &o. &Mem TBALYBLLXI4 of title Jon Srel. A SITUATION by a young man in a Dry -rAeoode Jobbing Houle who osa Influence some Western trade. The boot of city, references from last employer. Address with namh,l.7., at t h is (moo. iel• Stet , IritY A STOUT AOTIV.E,,YOUNG MAN, 1 11-il , a Situation on the Whirl ea ont•dieirOlerk;or In any other repeat!. The beat - o references frm lut eteptOyer Addreas Int , WENT, f et We Wade. JetBt* "IVITANTED.—A• graduate of 'ft Orittelf den's Philadelphia Commercial' Oollege”. Idabel • Ostnation as Bookkeeper or daetatant. Refe rence given. Address' STUDBRT, Press °Mae. 4181,3t* QALESMAIT WANTED—In - a first-class nosiery and Notion Home •, one who eau .nfineoce a fair amount Of &nimble trade.' Address; with name, Ter.sieneee, and compensation matted, BOX Ito. 2251. P.O. my.Thatek an $3,500 tiCbtetirtfanttlactLEyt ty, i 3 eB ; making money, end can be largely increalad by gal. tional capital. Pattictilars harniabed at an interview, for which address MANUPACITIntEII, Stood , s patch stating time end plane. - myBl-Bt* VVANTED—Odd Fellows in every city and town in the United States, to eat as Agents for the ODD FELLOWd , 0 MOUT AVID REVIEW Liberal compensation allowed. , Address LONGLEY DROTHELL; 168 h VINE( Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, or WM. V.DAOR,LIVID, Sig WOOD Street. Philadeltdela, Pa. my2B-atnth•Btag „far Sale - ant( CO fa. HANDSOME CHESTNUT—STREET ma itua DWRLLING YOB, BALE—NO. 192 i, first door rest of Dr Bush's mansion, Lot fa 235 feet deep. and 22 fast front. The' Ileums le fonr•story,, and three story double back buildingd, end is built to the but manlier, and replete with *very. modern Convenience, ties, hot android water v whit o marble mantels In ovary room throughout. The yard, le handsomely set with fruit trees, shrubbery, flowers, resell, &..c. The house loi n complete order POILSOM3tou can Wiwi Immediate sl.l,ooo may remain 00 the property. Oen be seen any time by applying to W. H. OARRYL, in the ELL aonio Hail, 719 onzerrnixlr strut; . jeg•tf SUMMER RESIDENCE ,TO LET,- 2.4. A new and handsome Cones., Imitable for a Amity of six or eight, near Norristown, one-third of a mile from the depot. surrounded by gardens and welt shaded ground.. Bent for four months, Eat. Address G. X. AARON, ja2.21.* Nonistown, Penna. i m TO LET.—The commodious store, No. 834 KUM Wr Street, below 'Fourth street. apply at No. 423 PINN Stpoet between Bend. 10 o'clock/1 and 2 and 8 o'clock P. M. - Jo! .12tto aDWELLING TO RENT—No., 808 BUNCH Street,'betweea Ruse sad Vine. Rent 1255.4414 W TAU R. BACON, - • 'RV ARERV Streit - -TO 11ENT-:—Housii 1017. PINE Street. UR. In complete repair, pleasant location. Deairable House for a mall lemlly. Rent s32h. Apply 38 North SIXTU Street, to [m7Bl St] B. J. WILLIAMS., ea TO RENT—A Desirable COUNTRY ARSIDRN3B en the DELAWAIUS Biter.—A new SODAS no the Delaware two miles above WIWI, with six chambers and large dining-room, sitting-room, parlor, and' kitchen Ileums heated thronshout. bte: iee-houee, bath-house,lio. with I.lg or 11.1 i acres of ground, well shaded; garden, lawn, fruit trees, ahrubbery, Sco Thiele a beautiful and healthy sites. Lion, high banks, walled and terraced ; Be.. gravel shore, and within a avian of a Railroad Station. For further particulars icquire of IL (}81114,130. COM MONWEALTH BANK, or at his reeldertee, adjoining the above. myBo,6t FOR SALE—A STEALS EIiGYN E, twenty-dre horse power,' nitwit - new, with 2 thirty feet boileri, thirty inches in Munster.- Also, lot of Abet - Nog. Mogen, and 'Pulleyer Aleo, Sint, Moulding, and Tenuanting Niobium. . For' peeks lare, inquire of 0. NALL, N.' W. corner "TWILITII awl EAUILTON Streets, or of ISAAC BAIENR, No. 144 South ROUNTR'atreet.' • mp23-12t* dig TO LET—A - Furnished Oottageititua ted on the Germantown Salbroad;onti square from Tina Station, eorner Twenty-first etreet, with bot and cold water, bath, gas, earriage- house, stabling, large garden, with every hind of vegetabtes in the ground, grapes, strawberries, ko ko. Ccrmmlinieatnns with, the pity twenty times a day. Apply on the Inomlses. myth-It-tf - gm FOR SALE OR RENT—Two large jr.i. and convenient mantle BRICK HOUSES, entirely new, with all the modern improvements,. surrounded with shade and ornamental trees, No. Mt and US 17N/ON Street, BURLINGTON, N. J. Apply to - E. P. MIDDLETON, a North IPMONS Street, or THOMAS DUGDAIN, toylo.tl BURLINGTON, N. J. dpvw Oil , ' r. - i'`.• JEL A neat and. roomy Cottage at ()HYLTON HILLY, oesr North Peroorylesnla lteltroad B from the atty. Apply et 421 MARZET S tre et. - . apla-tt de FOR SALE— On MAW _Street, ipO,ANKMOIID, a fines largo Ditsriunt, and two tine STOMPS, with Dwelling* attached i one Dry Goads, the o th er Boot sod ghoe•atore, each doing a good bneintao•SnpnLa of, ISAAC . BEIALICIOBB S U R D )71)14u Priokrotd.. AIITIO peraaaa are cautioned N„,/, sweat traethea any or the erew of the Dutch Brig 01211821048, TWO, master, from Amsterdam, ae no dente of Their eontreeting will be paid by osptstu q.; lisigneem. ItieNett BOHLEN & 00., ie2 at =land its South 1,01311212 Street. 10DPITBLIO SPEAKING.—Having been 50. Melted to form a CLASS for the 81'17DY OF ORA TORY, I will reoeico a limited - number of pupils, who desire to become fluent and finished Pabbo Speskere., The course of study will be thorough end 'practical . , developing wetly and perfectly the powers of the man, and the influents, of his tempetament over his style of speaking, and lOU emhtice itiosotionat7l)ril in the cultivation of the lobte, veell' M the ability to deliver a flue oir-hand Speech with sate and cor rectness. censtent and competent instruction will be given In all the details of the art of public speaking, Leaving the pupil In no doubt as to his scores, yee obliging him to conduct himself precisely an the atter exercise of public life will force him „to do. Ali- I am no believer in inspired oratory, any - mon of ordinary powers can, under my system, become a good speaker, and by constant practice!, Tsai orator—and his pro. gross will be so Tapp sa to convince him of the feat. Partmulpo may be obtained on aprilication to me at the ofOce of in0r4111041.1 & WUXI aldB, 889 North SIVA Street. fmyThtit) DAVID WILLIAMS. A GENTLEMAN AND EIS WIFE, or L - 31- two stogie geatimen, eau hare a mond-dory front room with BOARD, in a private family, at AST 'V/Nli Street. 310ereama required je2-2WF .e.eueememempoiregeme eau" ebuzatianal. QMITII, WOODMAN, & CO., 609 ()NEST NUT Street, want gOcil teachers of Muelo, /ranch, and Drawing, to go South and West. Several good Schools for sale cheap. Parents supplied with school circulars. ray2S-10t* LIRYANT.& STIAA.TTON's NATIONAL ALP SINHO&NTILE COLUMNS, tooated at Balla- MAO, B. E. comer SEVENTH and CHIISTIHIT; Hex yolk, Bata% Oloveland, and OEloago. Tor In formation, call or send for OatolOgoo• re9..tf .Q SNYDER LEIDY--JAB. M. LEIDY, Pri.oxpeas of LEIDY BROTIIEBB , ACADEMY, N 05.140 and 160 SIXTH 131.11E1T, near Race, where a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-SEEPING, and A81111.103T10 le made certain to every pupil that may enter. AOADEMY open day and evening. , n 022 gum= licootts. _ CONGRESS HALL. CaN..1=.3671 T.EX.A.T•7I:)„ OAPE MAY, N. J THIN WELL-.KNOWN - FIRST-CLASS HOTEL FOR THE RECEPTION OF GUESTS WEDNESDAY, TREE 16th DAY OF RINIC WEST & THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS fficbitittal OGROF GLA, WHITE SWELLING, TET .TER, SCALD MEAD, And all Eruption of the Bkin are radically and perms neatly cane by THE IMPERIAL DEPORATIVE BOROPULA AND WRITS SWILLING, though obstinate and stubborn diseases and resisting 11,110ILDINART EIXEDZSB, do not fall to yield under the unequalled o IMPERIAL DEPTlrative and healing R pro ATIpeVE. rties of the One or two bottles will convince the most skeptical. TET TER has proved the greatest stumbling block to the ordinary remedies of the day. Loral applications a l one d o no good, and often do WWII MUM. The Me. ease meet, be eliminated tbornugh.y from the system in order to effect a complete cure, and it Is ELie radical lotion of the well•known IMPERIAL REPIIRATIPE la expelling all vitiated matter from the blood that has !educed no many to pronounce it the Gazer eracipto for Terre*, Sta. THE IMPERIAL DIPURATIVE WILL OURS TETTERi aid all disease* originating in _ IMPTIBITLSB OP THE BLOOD. '- "- - Tar Orel BOTSLII. Prepared and sold by „ MAM . H.OIIOI' h BED., Late Lounsinuty D. On., No. 60 North PIOTH Streit, rahl2.atuth if Bat Phllaitelphis. Cloffse Pots SPIRITS TURPENTINE.-129 bble Spte 11.7 Turpentine; 40 (to guide do, landing from eahr John Roe, for sale by ROWLET,ABHBuRNsit,* ote., layal No. id wrath WhacTini. BEESWAX.—A B=ll parcel of superior quality, uolir landing from •• Washington Butch my, senator sale by 011A111,118 THUD, my2o-10t 130 WALIIIII' Street. VARD,-170 bbla No. I Leaf Lard for 11 1 -A sale by 0.0. B&DLSO. dr. 00., 4.R0 Ittrs.t. re-, Dad door above Front. rasa CASTILE SOAP.-100 boxes for sale by WITHIMILL dr .111tOTHIR, Kos. AT andA, 4p tUardo. pevintittl, 3ioarbing I=l 3.llMettrteltte. yv - z w :wilitruT43TßEEl - - J., OCISNI33 NINTH ANDIVAMITATILIETS,.. --- -TEEM ZYPlll23o...joael, WAOOIIEITA. -'- ' , Wa3ovete., IL A. Perry; PresiHal4Wll7,=f• X 2, E 00 / 1 I OnefOarter;llire.-Difileld: 2 JACK 1311.11PPAND: " IseA 334eYard, Xra . H . A; Refry 1 - A. Perry; Wonothou Prices a Admission-Amami Tie ! esatllemuy and Third Tier, 25 reente f.Perg(not. SIX sena r Press °I. 31 •1 50 mats; Prlroto Beam, soootale to their locale, 115 and $3; Mello Wits la °rehears owl privora Bozo, 75 mite: , - 0 Doors oven. at 7 0'0100k.^" AU* it V.."' to 3 tATELCIPP - THEA.TRE.—= v WALNUT Street, a6i3ifBlisb;h. - %TEtlB SIVIIKXB6 , , - 7ent 2, • - Bbyloalr, Mr. B. Mina; Basteado, kr,: 1..11a1w isia; ,Portia,-Nrc Bruit. „ ;/108 ITTLIS.- • . BobNettieli Was Oliaadierj Dr: Bwlab,Mr. irainurr: mammy max:l2—pm* ofrei...pa-Parourt,z mate; ;family: Olialti; 15 dent ; 02 1 *A40a,cliairs, -18 canto; Private Box. feats, 80 - : Note open at quarter litet 7. . partaln wtll , riee at 8. AMERICAN A.OADENY;OF MUM.' • - 11LORAL „„ ,- The Oran( Entertainment of -„- BEAUTIES ON ELORA.' • - • ~'1 on THE LAROVAGE OE PLO wag*, will bepressaied - ' , - - SATURDAY ATTEENOON, Jane 4th, at 8 o'olook precisely, When the 290 little Children wilt appear for : the last Admission 25 cent; to ill parts of the house. . But - ranee on Broad street. - Tickets to be had on Bridey,and Wanda at the Academy, Beek to Lenten% and Ontokering ,/k., Bone, Chestnut Weld. . Doom open at 2 O'clock. ItINDONOUGH' 2 GAIITIES---Race St., below Wed—. THE ATTEACTION OP TES CITY. MIN FANNY FORREST. Mee 0. MOBLEY, MIDI MARIE. 808 SEIRPPARD, BILLY. THOMAS, PD. ABBEY, BILLY BLOOMER, JOHN WILLIAMS, JOHN -CON RAD. lel BAND OP . ABE COMING. MORRIS BROTHERS', PILL, AND TROWBRIDGE'S MINSTRELS, AND DOW-BELL-0-4IANSf: Prom the School-street Opera Honee...Boetan. THE LeNHEST.IBT, AND mow maw:RAI; BAND IN THE WORLD, Will open at the ASCH•I3THENT THEATRE. Jan Vra. TOR,TWO NIMES ONLY. • " Por tall partioulare pea fatorebtheand.newapapere. LON MOBED4. Battasealteamor. ORAL A MORRIS. Agent., inyZA titit V,OCEETA.. AItMONICA. • FIRST CONCERT oo TITCRBDir EVENING, Jane 2d, 1889, at 8 &cloak, at Id.IIVICAL !LIND HALL, under the direction of LEOPOLD lIIEDDEEN, Erd.,Oondoetor of the Society. Prof. 001.8. Trams, Plsohrt. - - - Tickets 25 eents—to be had at the meafe stores midst the Hell. THE THIRTY-SIXTR ..eauftrm, EX SIBITION 07 TIM PINABYLVAIM ACADEMIC OP THE num ANTS, No, /Mb OHABTIrer 8,7181111 t, 28 lIONV onnt 'DAILY Otaa1•711 eloteld) from 9 A. it; tO o p. M.; sad from ty . Admietion A 6 cook. Swoon Tjelioto,NlAtlL . t.' - .usor • , erooKnotimus ;Au rimetre therviogiiirys application at the othee ofthe 'Academy. !IOW" Spoxling kA. GRAND EXHIBITION HOREIRSL—An r*hthitioa of liaises, hiolndung. Orate, Broad Harm Stallions, Road and fladdle . Rorsee,- Alec., Wilmot 'peed by weLl•harown lot home, irritAta ' held at the groat* of the eIitiIBRNITT TWA , AGRI- OULTURat. SO 3DITY, ea TURSPAY,WZIPHODRAT;: and THURSDAY, 9th, Stk„- and -Otk .lOne r _very large and choice collection of stook will be on .nittubl ton, and liberal premiums awarded..- 'The toots ere now open -far eatetfirg mock 8t the feeretary's Oflee, in Norristown, and at **eau of the . ilamemm.street Batas. Eames •3401441 r for. sposd,, ig - each, all other. U.:4101411Am. Presideot.-Dr. Offmtl.llB ta. - 4 - aolasta; Committea-011ARLY8.RViter. HAM X. IfAßTtAlarr.,-doL. - - RDWARD 8 ECIIIVROZ, _ 88111. , -do. oakum J . NATRYB, do. • Secretary JOaft .r.'HARRRARrr i Northtavao Trearnrer— OUARDI43 HURST, -•- Obving Q _ PRING GARMIN SAVING FUND 80- 011ITY OP PHUALDELPRId; • - - Office, No. 881 North TaldD Street,- Allonsolleatibn Bait 13 - Witting ' ' • OHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE Op P.14,-. SYLVANIA -.- • , Deposits reeelved onmeCt OneDollarandOmTh sad repaid in Gold, withoit doties, with - lit GENT. mums!. from the day a deposit till A! drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Instltuttion has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and I The Spring Garden Saving Wool Society " - was was akar tared by_ the Legislators of .Pturcylrania to Supply skis necessity. The Mnnegere,in organising and locating it, base been govern e d wholly by a desire to accommo date the linidneci interests - and wants of the my large and enterprising popnlaticat which It is isForoilod. 0051.01 OP&W NUM, " - irons 9to 2)1 o'clock ; also , on MOID/T sod REM - - DAT until 8 okiloolsin, the inedis. Pr ot tiok Lett; Daniel Linderkaer, , , Wert* Steaks, • • lands Hart, Jebel& P• teCieser - Sohn Ressler; Jr., ' George Enselit,- - JeSnes Pringle, • - Jacob ' Joseph Non. Win- ZElVEllasda George Woolpper, - . Geo. T: Thorn, - POW G. 3.l.lthhim, - Robert B. Derldece. .TAMUT O. PRINGLE, President. Faswate Haae. Secretary. • • • . haSC‘ttit eAVING TUND--EIVE PEN CENT. IN- S3III.OY COM- P aNY.IIIA.LtiIIT Street, Southwest corner Of THIRD Philadelphia. Isoosroluvan,wr Tall. RUM ,OF PUZIERLT4I4II. Money is reeelved In any sum, bagger sznall, and in terest paid from the day of deposit tothe day of with drawal, ' , The °Mee is open every day Iron 9 &dock in the monies till 5 o'olook in the •evening. end. on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. 110 N. R.S.NRY L. nIteIISKII, President, ROBERT BELTIBIDOZ, Tice President. - Ma. 7 Bean, Becretszy. - DIBIOTOXS. Hen. 'Hemp L. Renner, 11.0arron Brewster, - Edward L. Carter, . Joseph B. Barr, . Robert Selfridge, leaflets Lee, Simi X. Ashton, Joseph Yerksa, .0 Landreth Moons, 1 Henry Dilienderffer. Money le recetetd and payments mede•dMly. - The investments ate ends, to conformity with the erorblone of the (Darter, In Reel Bettie-Mortgagee. Ground Rents, and !noh aret•oieee seat:Atm as will alive lettuce perfect tecnrlty to the depoeitics, and which cannot tall to give permanency and stability to thin Institution. . FIVE PER CENT. SAVNG PHILADELPHIA iIVINGS AND LOAN COMPANY N. E. oonter of MIES !NUT and TSNTII itrostir PHILADELPHIA. • .D : • 1':.N,:..1` [ AIIMORIZED CAPITAL, 1600000 MOSBY XS BEOEIVI6D Dew; In coma from Ono Dollar npararda : VIM PIM CWT. INTSEMAT Is paid from the day of deposit, until withdrawn: Any pram can be withdrawn on demand, by Maolane otherwire. OPHOR OPEN DAILY, ' Troia 9 to 4 ; and on TtllliDAYlll7BNlNGB,fromlito 9. Thu Clonipsuy ass alarge paid up Capital as a &Nulty to Ltspositors. Tide Institution pald all Its Demands In full Awing the Bank Etuspenalon. JOUR MILLER, President JOS. W. hOTTAIR, Vie& Pratin. J. L. HUTORINEION, Beery, mL9B•d3m SAVING FUND.UNITED STATES %%MT OOMPANT, corner of TRIED and OHM NUT Streets. . - Large and - small tams recsived, and paid bask an de. nuked without notice, with VMS P.llll, DINT. THIRST fromthe day of deposit to the_ day of with drawal. - Office hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock. every dab and On MONDAY EVRNIRGS from tuntll9 &cloak. nadir TO for sale on Rutland, Ireland, and amtland, from .£l. upwards. , • - - • President:•-STBPSBN R. CRAMMED, Treasurer—YLlEll FISH. Taller.,4AMl9 R. RUN TIM. Jnonrancr Eompanies. A MERWAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., L - A. INCORPORATED 1810—OHARTER FRB PRTUAL. No. mo WALNUT Street, &bora Third, Philadelphia. Flaring a large peld•up liapleal Stoat and earplug [nested In Bound and nvidlable Bsaaritiee,cantitinsta iamb on Dwellings, Rom -Furniture, Ilierebandise, veuele is Port and idtelz Dirges% and other persona ( Property, All louts liberally and promptly adjured. s D 13207088. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Weigh, James R Osmpbell, Simnel 0. Morton', Rdmand G DirtMt, Petrick Brady, Obse.W. Potatoes, Tarsal Morrie. GEORGE ABBOTT, Ppsildea. TUOMAB R. WAN. Beatetary. .362.9-yif GREAT WESTERN INSURANOE AND TRUST COMPANY, • . AND 4111 PARMIRS , UNION INBUNANON COMPANY OP ATHANB PA., Having oonsoliluted their business will hereafter eiMt- duet the nine ander the name of the GREAT WESTERN -, INSURANCE AND TRUST 00ffintillf, ' Office, No. 403 WALNUT street, (Company's Itellffing,) emlisninaare, With a'sombined Capital and available ASSETS Of OVIR $: 3 60 000 1 Invested, for the moat part. in 'nun BONDI and Moly °sons, bearing air. per rent. interest s on improved pro perty. north double the amount. FIRM, INLAND, AND MAIIIMI 01A11110 EMS Taken on the moat favorable terms. DIRECTORS.. Charles O. Lathrop, Williams Darling, Alexander Whiildin, R. Tratly, John o.llunter, James 8 . Smith, Dusan Haslehttnit, 0. N. Shipman, J. R. MeOurdy, Francis Tyler, Tkomsa L . Gillepie, Charles Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jonathan J. diaanni. O. 0. LATHROP, Preeidtust. Will. DARLING, Vice President. JAMES': Secretary and Treasurer. G. 8. R 4L. Assiatant Secretary. '3H/PHAN, Second Vice President, - aaal-eit.Ni tr siascre wawa New York rptiE B OBERT MORRIS FIRE /NEU -1 BALBOA COMPANY OP PHILADPLPRIA, 409 WALNUT STREIT. This Company insures against Lose or Damage by Vire on Public end Private Buildings, Furniture, ntoolcs of Goode, and Merchandise generally. The followingproriaion in the Policies of Ws pany guarantees their ea:rarity when mignon as cot. lateral: - This policy shall not be invalidated; or, to 04wlee affected, after its assignment an a tollateralavermitylo a pound-rent, or mortgage, and Abe - abutiital of *act. 'assignment by the otp.ee, by any iventleret erMinyinee of the mortgaged, prerabgei, by the tneneoyAke game ,:: DIKVATOI:SI' - ' , Paul T. Jones, .. ..4erendali M. Brooks; John Untrue, Bob larks_ base B. Waterman, Paoli leicnon ' , Zdaard James,, - WLWaineVandervear, Joseph Jeameti mi: - ' Theodore euyler, , . 1009 0 , H. "- Samuel Butner. - PAUL . .TONBii. President. TIINDIRVIIIIR, Vice President, laiLkuuP B. kgsaLiNo beetetesT, • alT4t
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