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TIO, stuL likt lip XL" S- 0--110z1V--BriiViL^' 1,069,pqit,, vat & O w l ntitorg., - ikinwikr mo#lo+l' gn " • mum 7- TriW'' -litorthirein'tiWk- A-Co - Re Pr ' 1 - situ oultanuii " 'igaliratynrtias& vit I .4! , freesblism4 ,:'?,','ts. ,C. ; 1 ; 1.7 , • fie= Urn+ 1114imer!. --, AEI wor--cik , 3 , 4THIRTEENTE4 , --AND '' , 4;r , i BIPCI i11f.4 - I . :lll.lo3TifA , ABBll6(iNAl sz:' WAttCKLOMMOkokaLtiaDINIIVRIA_W -1 " a '-'-' 4 :- .,',R44431.9 . : 44A,W,PN.A:a ol.gonieti; 4,...o,WALNUT 8 t ' - :?: '''' .'11:',"t0.- 1,?..V , 1 fi.... .21; • '% - ,:c - 7,,,:ij T; ;44 14- V. , , X . '" • •' - ' - ' - , - . E--.A. L.. AMS -.E.XpRESB: 7 -..00. - ,..,0Ff1vE - ; I tattlukStintiVAiroit..Aiiiltatf ,i rate r i i iil i i nkl Neslllstaaaniivonsliklfatrivstur 81.71eforibititer :by; _Ltd 7:747114807111r.-ix:bbeineetlioW lath , 'othet-.llsproso i1vi71777i IQ itrtAfikriluispalttoltas mad osttl97 :DUMB 'lilted ISlialle. 1 ; -- - ---..',...", .' 27. B. BANDWORD, 1474tf•. - -r-r --, ,: , r , ': -,-- .; r, -,- 1 arleral - gupe!intendptit.: - '''''''' \ - 1:1 -- ". .',.',,.:-,-'' - ' .... ,"-" •,. -, -,-..... .`...c1 --7.-:!5?.:.-::,ATIURNEN AT: LAyri! • _ , • : - .. .1 , 4, iki.iiipiiietliWimietta L a riigrOiligi‘ ittid'lm7 '41777111•07101.7777,;:a77,0-%"...-N...,:v j..- =: . ' : . WM!' : . - . YI 1 "01-43(AET T N ' it ADJUsrsat, 4'l'll4at r iCl lia°K2B ti t ti t tmlotrOttestutiti 0 61 1 4 ,1 0 :1 0 8410 rtitt/BYn gti r i Y *r • l' ,4, r i l i ttE l l.. l. ___,. _ _ t,lB l--- Inflatittit, - INLAND, and ' Ltr i„„ Jo i mi nt ib a i tt a q ra ti e ig 409tt4;41 , the . Lowest PAW, . 1 , 22 sh , tr•s,oroluirfrasio " 0 AUGUWBELKONT, 'ltANKlite, T B /03 a Mit alli gg rl itatbit ltr ' ;41 4116' r lt t le r r I °7 " 4" 7r 7ttetrie rtothatnata _ o tre 4, Omagh the , nna „ limn. an .0 014,104/49•441,firet,litilh oca,t.i,4 e ,th 0„,.t. pirotics gritT.tirIIAKEYISSPEOTbRS , ancart t r,7,thkeoto.o.l4.l.l4, Ao. 244 le ortb IMAYAIIar g an4 Via aktim to. ; : ' -`':', l :4ll1 1 41 7 141 8 0 -b A _ _ _ irorthWeet" eavileat.Bietpoesa ahem streets _ -- ffAlortvinutworr ICR --- LlKe.il3Bl3eath aheaaii Weloat, (Meet elde.) At imeh_aCblict.ebolratattee compete t Depatlee ere pladyakell game to-iatelakte eriere,wittylespetehq 'Th t tllier gfe* pittehaaere otdatnestia !Aden. whip - liapartatioi44 - Tiebt 1 to demand ccartititatfOittieh we will !arab& 'free of ihrgei!gsngtjP(tirtfeinti 4 4t.A. by,,,ear deesTimeati inOluOuct tri!ti,ToPt?Rilleapl, whlelveheald ricoom., paiyaeoh thipaielieeere :iney,kpow that tliVe it ie OPTesented-", • ' dettilep dr/tiaiptiStipse damtetio 'dletilltd Oa' pot nta , . legal 'deputies, Fill be prose. ,eathdp bfitet4 4tapciP_FAO 5.9 1 1.X - I°!4!.. 2 Mri ll°lmr ' fa Tfi laspefaene - _ Inspeetere. ' - P:'l3:;:=AU Oataettleeittie ere' printal. , bealleg, and A eihoit,of arms 6f the'litste oriTeattey Irifile: thermal: 4, lay "' • - - • - gkrs4llE ''*, UktluA Noff,t , ,E( and 112aNCji fitracelaPiiipoi.PAN't o li.r,ne into Iciffico la tha 'matxwq -, #1.0.17814 - 817 ;OHredyrZil,T Mr , ft cut fipp iitf2r.reiartidi„lmelnees piihaPT,l7,,tala pfecititly, halleglihkot oanatableathia Swahili° great chef eel lion rifebithot eanrmylttinift,the r.:llerof tbe-Salue' biga}sifialt V r okbrcaapializmeating with Tellable lipen `three& NOrtheia,;s4, *Wm: New 'loth; the bane . ' t ui . ; !o.4 . ,P#ArlP n l 4 r!",10' .; mt° l -in' • - Q1#,Z01.M4A071.0&C.:-DoalirtfititStObay,totie 3- 'lOl Pitterittot TittokiatOeltubber "Buit)bodeto,,Broids, WON, _iiitdiatottioNktios owl articles mode by oombla -40 1 0 114 1 61, 0 t i ttl * Ilagktbkiidli titaitli otiutosn: Furmsroyoltttlotthat A p di . at.t,thop, tio;:tko,.llr alopooo of n. the,l4l4ty lftatia deattiosiolivlted to a:wipe', irunapaPolVi totttellrolt oedema tozalta athiVaide ,w4leratgpoO„laxOtajezTE inLVNICT Tll3 - "itiD 'XX,CIt,traTVIVRICartS IN TNE.INktiNT lar. th epavois, arga4 embrace all 'the AIL* tieratarate plaintrawketad: or famorked; and. ,„ • rdiNdlalo NANtrucrolgi 4.11D . 0114, ` , —aud , t , ta rasaaa—may 'obtotoed applloatton to in" at tto.',2ll,CPßitT4444lty,ttteet,4l. . • , • n 1141.1 -' • - licvaA.o.o3. Di7r Wineq-ant , g1i140113. . _ CARD.-, 1 - , ' Id AREIIIIe#I3Ij4.I;-. "P10190,'-'/ANIIIIIIY 16; •1859: - .4nnonnegnence tke tregnifitt riaelyed byhte , iteer 'the 7shlpmnote • ol',9V,,4lo.lcipnixe„ Wines to the Utiftei itteteeij .11,4 Levi hereby . * inforte say torteei oee;; toteeee,szA,thitilsbliti• Aimee so, pdhitealleitet.' AN0111.11," 004 Bole . 4keiita heiliirthittc4P- tor' -the sew nt • any AniklepereilfAhleil,','My'rWintoe,heini.kepieo 100)4: leyotottitiitrweitolkethitteqtetes ehoetetinntniiihe Rd " h F.I. 9 ' ."7:thst 44.10114f-1M -in nirinli be toned in "plorAolimrlintaft,ron. • • • • ''•ltlaztiosire BALIHON.V 331GLWATAILVIJALKOwtrinishwungivvinani bethilhigNMr4l4 TEBZIRTAY, 10'00 lev , ,t Foe jpeatlkehrtueidtliintifiki p1k .61140 /Mli szrottesiA , 'apthsaif s: -- - 41:11isifla strait; New To*. f*Ela i rktu i rlattOYE,*4.l.,, 4/C-F;Y" - ^"A• 4 0' V4atm to lanes the odoeuniptiot 4 or ' impure Write. lateslerthetriejurions • *dealt upoo the ooustitartiorr biC O44 - 644-1)6 te the,vabitot uctruoii "Iditekbwasktip42,94ProNlitgraitt Anairtical' 0 4134dr og II 04r egilMeaniv J Croneeoghlr 1I 0 4 r be eodalttnoshlon,to Alp, OA snot AdfroomequirrHeirr t epinJruiorus eplrltr iireretrereitthrduuirloserpublie. -- ' ONETITICATH OWilllt-,-ithE:lt CHILTON'. Es - alteidertelmlieeerop . .Chulltut - Hrotold'hlsher. Noshed- front - Mr., Oa a MI, iVii.AVXO4, rbiladdrhia - • aba balr ' Ito 'pleserd to sate that it e§upply free from poisonord or deleterious erihtuese.l 6 fee t Put° owl Ate firma imiutfot Witioasy. , • - • • • 3AIIIIII CIITI.TOI.I, Id. D., I. YOrkjlort. — Auulytlesl Chemist. • ' ' • intlliPt• 9 4 866 : DIAZ ea ON kw", w ',Kum Ake • Sale or - .tuut-Hrore Iptoit poe soft \ dee __fr" 1M4Y04 4 ,1 1 quit It ecetiiiiiitiftir pobieno4-eatgerairo• $14297n 3 to is. Al.et Oil, which Is *a 6hattateriotto and itaxicre Wrieltit'ann 1 •1111thaferPkillberti ~ • - - *loXgrik4Valltic • •- - 4.3arrtresa 1 4 64111Liii:11:111'ilThilici'No./ 16, W4taitrr /4;:i addl4V.7l 40* anb ilista4cintsi. rtailE4ANSir.ownorrsz, ,,, , 11)11D1119...P.11NNA. *.A.A.l4l9iOnitbOtti PidOiteterl - eetabltehment, , the ferortte resort ; et-btu:era ;11-04.1efattarea liteliatelyr,tutderpne eztac eirerepairs,ead fa now one of the moat ceannahona, ittetent, slid tholtnigh kirtehtinUte Wont leattatnlii• kotehtitatAhielestnet.of PIPTILsni, P.KNOI 'Streets,- liteeittaLL ;tAi, atneguaoda , tons are - , ltrebelees ; „the roooktopadoiii said•64ll and tite tiOe pendently ;de viled vith att thiriazartse of the lesson: Pawnee de. ettlitiebVilieseditar •:-feer *Skala the tennmeile , an agriteableasl•eatioadearmazstrosould not do better tbotCloiltel,-#llllA4O9l74lKWLISAttargel , noun ,as • apss.ti Vrifib. . .-cOrner CAt BI.t.PRY 61sr DB9.Kist , as N 119% ' t'Thte eitabliehmentlinew in eneoesafel operation day add 'night, end - all - owp , reopeetfulli:Setylted - to call anS see the whole', brooneent" , bread making for Peid• -Thi‘-in4o4lfilikitiliteitiilibirti of :hying thit for -tbfrty !Inn gennankeibeen,n,practleal batter—eve ae agpttettloe, andibro mriatirerryinan In one; of-the brat hettletrfn Oro tamdmitte , twetrtyllre , es muter—daring , Whlgh thitohaeliod,theumptutunity'pf mailing moue aSperimento sto,d oboirtititst kit thefroptovenienta which hive toren made during that ported ; ' I_ n,thta estordiehmeld, 4 of which he his now the man agement, in-addition to the °Armlets labor-oaring ma ohlnerr, he ban now feeltitlen of many kinds notherr ;Wore possessed" eing unrestrained In the purchase of flour, none bat the soundest - Li:Wheat shill ever ho need land be bele no hesitation in saying that bread of all kinds can be de livered, nneurpune,i, inAnality,arid welgut to that made It t the ordinary prrerem , - • larnitice In welch the - brew:l,lode by the Mechanical Bakeri'hai , not - been' trfed or Which his ' bean tried outlet 'lts commencement, before the machinery 16A bilMeettNoTkits order, ate respeettrilly, mked to eve its trial now—the noderilgned believing it would lied to mutual advantage 17011 N G. MOXEY. i: i':" " : ppiinliii:(l3 . • Art_AlS - - 808 hV 11.11 Y INOAISITANT OP TOWN, 08. 00UNTRY: , PORUBLE GAR GSNERATOII.' Aid menage, etlehes:onannectirsei r-RXDAW/8, C ITS, and dream „to oodles s esrlety of sire and Attie, 'nor , be' Introeueee into''4. every imams°, assist., :odtton, stas.t, poiteepos, a nd 1 . 40T037 the oft:, or - Ototatili-wtauturlntousms;aud at luau, szesese. It la useless to multiple; words in praise of this truly stOuable invention. It must be seen to be appreciated. p,sery pereon'ideilirotts; to obtain a superior F GAS.„7,IGUT AT A LIBI 0 09 T THAN ORR OPNT SOUILf either for city or oottatry. shoUld all before Pinball" log other lights:and eatlaft.therostdres of its great ;beauty, suctassful oparatitkuud,eutireenpetiorltynver VI other Portable - OAI Telghts. COUNTY_ RIGHTS POP, BALI, ' - wnol,ssumt - AttDJITAV .11111 1/ NOY, ' ' 08 South IDIOMS 'Street, • THIJADSI,IIIIO4,,-._-• Itoyiu r thattam -tt:B BOUTULAND, Agent. . EYE AND EAR. , _ . • DR. VON MOSOHZISKER, , ibcrm.s.evr .4.-crizzxwm 44.0 now be consulted on linareliss end all Diseases of 'Driven.. Ilan'wkseh regard - either Medical or Bye , . sr linsiarmEnt. , . ..... • ' , bit VON I,IOBODZISKED the only LnOITIMATJE .1111X0P/11hD 00111.10, AM) SiDIVISP that has ever viiiitisd the United Minsky ate bil Consulted on all DU., Weser the Eye and Au which require medical or son Veil onerstione,i,. - ~, ,-; , 1 , k , -.'-, , 1 .X. astimosdahrfresii lisMdiedi or the most known aiI 'PDC Of Arittsame,-Nevr , Orleam. Nashville, St Louts, Mil Ofrieletitir!who have been treated by Dr. M. for DdefSiefe mid elindriem, std entirely removed, can be `foie at Me office. ' Moo, a letter from Welkin, Beinatir' iMICId• Moilleo, o f the Saprepre Court, Professor OsiC , fillskileston,,and : other well-known physV ' Pri , Viiiebilii siltieyerplemid 0 receive the medical flifoflitiek Of, this atty. as he lifts, done„ in others ; they a iffelootne-vi epitome lila' bpSistious on' the Dye' or , and the patlente - wheileish to 'commit him, can, if deil p irest biiiimorepaniNkeitheehy their family phyelefan , _ormerrintalKilifena:',_ .7 .- ' • ...7. - -, , . . i - 1 - -2 , 1 :' ~ .iferr York ifsenlit; = • -1: , 4-Von Meeeles'alsef , 'si of? intatitte.l-Nnroinn Oen '-Aurlet, inane, amongst as fully endorsed as one of the-meet impart earesions inliiiii Inarilehr of medical . 1,, , ',--- Jirlig ' kitigtini,:tlafignal Inrelignsery; -.- , pr. Von lidosiChifiskpf id "aliinty M en Wallet end An oip end hle stieessi Is beet.tilidby letters Or soma of pie Br , phySilidkne Of iltasopeimaliintideisinntry, " li. ' 4 '. oi . fislarsig=ifitare i lir?ii - rMig . f a re p4ucttieelfri, me prleiros width . yin . 'vide islto those Is o have been benetteit *his. operttione, as long sus . inory.laste; mia.,.' litierimlW toil a rodopittod in the - , natty irkeztaver No name alien be mootioned, • • T: - : • I[l3* "Altividitil)iir es' I*liiiiko . ''4o P ', li tiVr ? - ~.i.t: I I"' ' ''3 P •- . 0 ''. ' ~ ' ..'r .., q . ' n .! - 119 , 1 T CONSIIIISINEI RO,CMile ;i ~ '-`'` ' , 1 .: BELOW IssiIi, , DIORTII BIDE. i ark fron4 4,..14,...4 . 1,.P.,. bd., and from 8, So d.li 2 -. X U'Btp . . , 1 I etas ins : oney; o non *Won "tom Wadi • ' ,onAgens TETE, 4 0 . ; , „ = . -280 , 0a/iNITX Street. 4,MittiZif i # g "t til#B4aXra. ; -1 n DlETlTlk•strat. - 'oll6.THOSlrifili'ci Waits() 41,D uj Plante, White tut. cad Wf Adair Woes, dmi t t hou, stivritimusitervissnowir *lad select , :firmikorAkohritideith4li — krele be fir set eke cs . ! it Want, • -•- ••ro l 4t! - -APonist!WitiWlA 3 !" ..,40.11:1M-st!Aots R041111 0 Elifill& hbillgiDtpsatt:iskoni. I 4. iic t o it sehrraistaiwypiiagra l lfiC 010VASHM1114~4*-001thttp #~eni;~e~l~ii~ VXBOUTORS' I r . lIABLE Ed ; MILL AND WATEWP,OWI4II==WIII,be sold of the meadow., on 4th day, the Stb of the eth month. (June.) 1855. at 2 o'clock, P. M., the real estate of the late Thomai,SMelpiecsaxed; situate in: the borough of, . 'Darby, Delaware county, Pa,, to wit : No 1 All tbat substantial stone Dwelling Goose, - three-story atone Grist MIDI and valuable Water Power. , Waits head and rail of laurteois fietcreith'tbe full and free use of all the water of Darby creek, and the lot or piece of ground thereto belonging, situate on the Mill i'relid and Darby oreek,contsiolog &acres, 85 perches No.'2:' All that large' stone 'Mansion' Reuse -Shrub. I -buy, Fruit, &c.. and the lot or Vela of uround thereto [ s belonging, (adioinlng Lot No. l,) Rituals on the add /carom, containing 1 sere, 122 pardn. No. 9 AU that vaitrable Wharf and extensive Stone Quarry, situate on the said Mill re td and Darby creek, Add the lot pr piece of ground thereto belonging, joining said VoX-No: 2 coatair.lag'reure. ,This Wharf is examalble to boats drawing 5 feet of Water, Mad is valuable as a business point, being the only landing in the vicinity for coal, lumber, do. in I which articles an extenaive trade IA now established ' . Nb Ail that Lot of Ground, eltuate at the south east corner of the said Dill TOO and the Derby Mein street. (s 9 isinide.Lot M . o. 2 ) centalning In , frost, on the said Main street, 44 feet 10 Inches, Including the log part ,ot the said atilt r,oad, (33 feat wide,) and in IMAM the'eald Mill road ss feet 4 ineheS, and In I dtrr ton therear end 97 feat 11 Inches I . t. 5 :AG that Ant; or 'Piece of Ground, with the Prams MeSelaaXeabi the hirgeltone and Frame Building thereon, (called the Bark Donee.) situate at the south- Watt corner of the said MU Read and the main street . , (adjoining lot No 1,) containing 88 710 porches. - ,This Lot .has -funnier through It a perpetual stream of spring water. deemed annicient for any fitment power that may be required on the lot. - The above mentioned property iemest eligibly situ ated for eXtensiviMilling dr idatiutseturing,lt being 'located at the bead cf title water on Derby creek, .a - - Ordain nairiglble premleee for MIMS drawing eve feet of water. The surrounding country, is populous and wealthy, ptaiurugue 'II scenery, and ureurpeased in fertility, health, and all the improvements and oop veniences appertaining - to good soelety - Torme--Goe-Votrd of the perchwe-money to be Paid cash. Two-thirds' to remain In the property, secured by bond and mortgage In the usual way. liar furlbet , pertioularl, plans, land-111118, &o.i ad dress, It. p. DABOIIALL, 715 Walnut greet, Phila delphia. ELIZ ABETH STEIRL, • - DA MULL LLOYD, ' 11011BIAT 81" PASCHALL, Nxecutors, Ace., of Thpmap Meal ; deceased. -my24.tutbScentieS '417:1 SEAT SALE OF PINE AND LEAD -A.J, L Arma IN Fi'etEIIIINGTON COUNTY, MO„ with Mille attached; oleo the well known •Castle Rook Steam Saw and Pouring Mill, in the town of Cantle Rock, on the Osage river', in °sage County. Missouri. Will be sold on the first day °flaws, at the front door of the Fouro house in the City' of St. Louis, at pubqc ,Von fovea of valuable Pine and Lead Lands Erijh a Drat-ohm capable of cutting 6.000 feet in - day lght, and hfointan, alablon Store., 'S l hop, , kg. ail in the hest Lrdr There ar lieVeral valuable basin of read on tile ' said jitopeity, and it it pine iy• - noviered. pith Fine. mo Lut'libiett hap natter boon 'Witched j.t id ihti wilts trout tote Iron Mountain Railroad, 0.5 miles (tom S. t neared pinery to St ' The gale P aps oSttliql and On easy terms, to close a nartterstoe. at the re ;time, and plebe will be told the well known . eg . pile sawmills for cutting Pak and Steamboat - Lumber, oligedod in tae floarialitog Lewd It , °Attie Itook; . ,on the - Osage dice, tam's* mile. from the ;Alao,tho Large Read lowja.,o•ldill Immediately AZ:- joining There doinglin egtonglye and dour. „tabling bneiness, and are under Irmo wbieb ORUI/J Leg , - Rated July lot Terms favor:tile. For pampltiete sag full and accurate description of the Property, ad ettair fraldi3L isTONS. Eeq , Philadelphia, Fa • Idesate. EVltitisON/ PICEtTON .k 00.; Plttaberg, Pal Meagre CAMERON, BTQItj7, & lIALONE. Center, r Ohio; or the.proprietnee, , pox rut k CO., tny4.lm* 77 Oheetnut isti, St Loads, *il croonal 111115thiad N G.—Etay in 4e on so. .IL Hefted to forma CLASS for the STUDV o . k' Wilt! TfillY. I will , receive a ,number of pupils. who desire to become fluent and initiated 'Publie Speakers, Nee course of study will be thorough nod practical, dertlopiog quickly at& pedeptip the powers of the man, and the Wineries of his temperament over his style of irking. and will embrace Eloceitionary Drills Jr the du tivation of the voice, as well se the ability to dapper a floe off-hand epeech , with" ewe and eel , reOtnese. ~2eltipiwiteed competent Inatniotlon w7II be given in all the do eihrof . 0p art of public speaking, leaving the pupil foam doubt ph tft 14a -*quail, :yet obiigtog him to tonduathimeeltpreafielf au UP niP;)f species of public life will force him to do. AD I am' deo belftrer In inspired' ontoty,- any EMI of ordinary tiVloaenititaptiegtigLirreti ?o°riim gooda Martteer: gram il., Van ayeph}tic ....eoniiinati him of the wt. Jrartnulars miebe dbtalois,d'ins application to 'me at the office 'of .MOKuIigOST 5,1i/tAti4 l llllB. '217 Booth „NINTH, Street... fruygltqa : ,~~~~gtimtat QUITR, WOCIDMAk. kt. p•• OHE ST t, U /Rasta, want gond Nadi a / a or '4.1140. Planet', aid Drawing. to go Eputh aid Weld; Ramat goott Baheols for,aale,q4e&P. Palant# 6,4104 wilt' nehoill :okrenlara " "VII LP tz.STRATTON's NATIONAL -.LPL MIIROANTILI COLLEGES, lOaatod at 'Phili; dalptda. Corner ,SEVENTE and CELESTNIM; Epr BnitalOi Cleveland, and Chl9ari. )rmation, oall or send (07 OatalognO. ' fO9-tr SITYDEL'EMY-4.IB.'LEIDY, 1a. , . Principals of LEIDY DEOLIFira , JAZI.Dpg.Y Hot 148 and Ifoll SIETE, fITREET, near Rape , where a knowledge of 4 • V7P,IUNG, and AIIITELDL fa wit* mri,_is R. IIOOE-EZEPINCI to every pnpll th a t nay enter. ' ETI9 ADADEaIIf open arA evening. Slipping 4 GRAND EXHIBITION OF - 4.so.ll4;.jADßEissi.—rap erldbition of Noreen,: Inclndtng ,Noite; Brood blares. litalllons,lßga9 and Steele Hornet Also, trials of rimed by well. known fret /tepees, will be ,held at the groin* of the OHICSTNTIT NW. &QIN OIII.TIIRAI. f 0 aIET Y, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, 884 THURBDAY, ttb, Bth, and 9th in le A very large and photos colleotion of stock will be on exhabi• ties+, and liberal grerolarae awarded. . The bcloka a ill now - peen for entering stork at -the Eseretsryis Offiee; in Norristown, egS pt the °Moe of the Seems -street listSs.. Horses entering for epee; ? *eh; all athe r ri :St:',',Nolte free.. . • . Prendent. Dr. CHARLES U. J 40E80N. couttedttee.,ONAßLES 81788 T -Nonletown, , eAbilff, • T,DWANS'ff -113111Wei..Y, rhiladelpbia„ . DELUDE" do. - OHAltii” BIATHYS. gol r Secretary.,--4011r4 ft DA 2TBADET, Nor: l 4oWit. Treatnrer— , oElAlltah • < do. ;,inr24-tritbsBt4, ;`fP3itis . , driANNBI, 00Ati OlL.—The bUCEBOO si../ OIL COMPANY are prepared to .farnieh to r.- fttera of Opal Oil a regaler unpaid.' of superior quality at Ornde Oil. comperatively free from water aim Mtn. nian..of a. lighter_ gravity, and. containing a larger per 'tentage of illimineetng oil thee any other ever Miami for sale in thla market. to Oil Dealers, a eope ;dor article of Odorless LlaDt-oolored Burning Qoot 011, whleh will not ohmage ottlor. , Lotters addrersed to the LIIOII3CO OIL 00I1P ARV, od 0130 , GB 0 BELDFN, No., 189 ,WOOD Street., PTPToI3OIIG, will reoelve prompt atteat,on. Cm7llo.lor 7 4 UPERIOR CANNEL- COAL OILS. "0 -na•lers In Ill t rOlng Oils and 'Plulds: and railcars of Crude Coal 011 e. can bo regularly with a att• pirlor q uality cf teased Burnin g or Crude Cannel 0, al 011 e In larger or, smaller quwattlea, by addratelmr Nprtmu milintwakN.oll, COBIPANIr, Leo. 28 WOOD Meet, PITTEIDUIDa lL s tters addreassi to WM. T. JOUNSTON, kTIII- Bploacris , will riteetie inorapt,atteatl T l. rp T BO l m Motto) 4,11 Ani-i-TO LOAN, in sums to suit' 1.7 5 0134.1 V applicante, n ...cm Diamonds, Welchem, Jewelry, 0 nun, Iferchandie., Clothing, &a., on mode 'mite terms, by JONES & CO.; Brlkers, N. W. corner THIRD and GABRILL Streets, below Lombard. Es• tohlinhed for the has 35 yearn. , 091ce bourn from 7 31. to 7 P Ef. fecond•hand lipid and Oliver Watches,. by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale cheap, at one half the erigmal cost. ap2B.3m9r fikRAFTS-On the Union Bank of Lon -IV don,,and Royal Bank or Treland. in tomato snit. Per ealoby - WELLS, VARGO, & CO., InylB.3nair 4SO CITESTNIIT Street. .1 Savin2 ,funtro. "A little, but Often, fills the Puree," - SAVING .111: .- 11o.188' South YOUR= Street, between Chestnut Walnut, PhlledelpWy pays all deposits on demand. I.iepositore! money - ea:lured by Government, State, !and City Imam, Ground nents„kfort , gages; kn. " Thfe Company deems safety better than huge profits, consequently win run :no. risk with de positors, money, but have it. at all times ready to return with 5 per cent. interest to the owner, as they hare always done. This Company never suspended. Ifemales,married or single, and klitiore can deposit in their own right,e.nd such deposits can be withdrawn 01117 by their consent, Charter perpetual. - Ineorporated by the State of -Pennsyislanisotitli authority td receive mo. ney from trustees sad oxocutore. , , -YAWN AND SMALL HUMS IntOEIVED. Odiee open daily from 9 to 8 olcdoek, and on Wodneaday and,Baturday eteninanntil 8 0,01. k, DIRECTOR/3. Jacob B. Shannon, - Cyrus 'Cadwallader, John 13kIndler, eeorge tßokii;L sdpord T. Tlyatti • Lewis_ Rrombbear, litenry„Deliu/y, , [Nloholae Ritteiihrinee, •• Esthete ilmedley, Joe. EL Batherthwelte. Bpluralin ktlwachard, Pir Joseph .'Llpplooott: • JAOOII B. BIEANNON, Preeldent, 0711178 OADWALLADIi, Tiesmiter, twice, otirAel..”, • ANING FUND.-UNITED STATE S 1 , 7 TRUST OOMPANY,norner of THUG) and GUEST. NET Strenta: Large and Liman sums recetie4, and Aid bask on de• mend without notice, with SIVE PEE GENT, IN., TINIEST from the day of deposit to the day of with. drawal. Office hones, Genii 2 until k o'clock, every dap, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 0 o'clock. DUSTS rof Ireland, and Bontland, tram 21 upwards: Prentdent-81`11PHInt It.OIMAWFOItD Triessinter--.21,1N11 FISK. Teller-.-7AMEd It. HUNTER. FIVE PR 9Elq. • S#Vllici ; • .-PSILApELPIIIh- • t'SCVINGS ND LOAN" COMPANY, - . - $. - H. comer et ORES Ewa C dud TENTIC Streets. ol'uvatniD'i.4,P4llll3lTll4`2lFOltigtiNtiii.VAlA' . . _ ARTROBIZRD ;APITAIJ, $6OO ON. NIONBY IB RECISIVED, In Attars MAI 'Ono' Dollar opielitdn.- MINE PER CENT: INTERN:IT is paid from the dey of depoolt, until withdrawn. A i sum 'tan be with o dgg i tT dflxLeind, by Ohaoks or trOm 9 to 4 ; eironTIONE D V A SHIGS, tram 0 to 0. Vila °pawpaw kte# a largo p"1.1 pp 'Capital sea Seottrity to Depositors. Tkte lnititation jnitti 00. IteDennadii to full Munn thi Bank thumenalon.. TORN MILLER. Trosidant ./0e; W. eQIIDBIi; Vice Pres%t. J. L. iitITOUINSON, rohie•dam SHRONK & EAPTESTT LiblE AND ItaBTZII DEPOT, )3 W., cornerlll,DEtSlavenue sud WILLOW•Strest, Philadelphts. , Wood-burnt paloliik, dieting, find - Dentists' and I.6epd„PlalitOr „Cement, Plastering Hair, and, MAUI delivered order, or carefully for g VPP I " - • - • • - - myO-lmst gSWAX--:A small parcel of superior XlP,oroelti,noer lantllng .from " Washington ankh : . "eVrandrociialaFkk e;-- " CIIMILBB TETE, 442940 . /pq v yuairar @Wet. THE ; PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA ~TgESDASk ..31.41r - 3,1 1859., ~iiiriiti~x.tie~Dxt~ CONGRELL, a..A.Flil XSX.A.Z.7I7, 71118 WELL.KNOWN • FIRST-GLASS. HOTEL FOR THE REGErTION OF GUESTS WEDNESDAY, TILE 1.5t1k DAY OF JIMB WEST & THOMPSON, !'CARLISLE WHITE SULPHUR BPRINGI3, CUMBERLAND 00 , PA. This favorite and fashionable Watering Place, idea santly located near the ,base ne the Bine bionntain, four miles Irani Carlisle Pa , will be epee for vinitere on the 20th of JUNE The 'raters of these Bprioge ere highly impregnated with minerals, and for drinking and bathing aro not napalmed by a”y ,Pulphur Burlap in the country. The buildings are Well ventilated. and arci , eurround.d by 1,200 feet of balconies The scenery is a the grandest kind. and the aceommedatioes for the reoteation, health, arelhomtort yieltyra, peen , ceritionable. Good fare, pleaeant drives • fine mole, tnillards, bowling saloon. and other games, ant all the =momenta aerially found at Metering Pliven Can be en joyed here. 'igniters leaving Philadelphia or Baltimore In the morning train orris, at,the Springs, at 8 o'clockP. Daily mail: - 'Pori farther Infer -ation address 097 EN, OLVINDENIN. & CO ' •r °ARUM& MINOS; : • liagspirmois *-Joliti 0 De Coefa,'"Derj W Wein A. RbOdes, , Thomas 0. Percival Erg , Phi adelpbis; ale; girkland, B, , It. B Tiernan. Baltimore; Jacob Gideon, Erg., Itlebard leg:,'Welone4ton, D. C. 4 704. , ” - MOE UNITED STATE HOTEL, AT A. ATLANTIC, OITY: - will be onened for the re• coition of 'Aniline on the Ist or JUR& ..The Hone has been thoroughly renovated and improved, and is tupplied with 'all the appliance - a nod comforts of a Bret- Ow Hotel. To addition to 'other improvements, a railroad has been conatrueted to the beach, on which the 'wale will be conveyed free (W charge during batbidg hOd.ld. • 1417.‘30^7n4 CONRAD, & lIINKLbI PFOR.p SPRl.Nagz —v .11.31 me well.knoitt and detightfultamer renc.rt will be c pin for the repeption fir yhdthre Oh the f,itit'pf DRIB ; and kept open VII the pep of COtober. The Rotel will be goiter the. glil4sgepint pr Mr 4. a.. Allen, whose eXperieneefeouiteone manners ; end at. mention to bin gllOllll gt.ee the amplest assurance of dc. , 4lfert and hind treatment. Patties telehticsoonie, or any information In regard t 2 the place, will addreee the eabseriher A. G. AlLlttl, my2o-Ow Ruperinte dspt gedfo - d Annan' Nprlnge. 01110 WHITE ANNOUNCEMENT OP THE PROPRIETOR 'FOR THE BEAEION OP_ 1g59. , ;PUN 011T.0 WiIITIO BUX.PFTII t app,lNgs ore,slus teti in DO/MrITO county; 18 miles nottlf (rem Columbus, (the capital of Ohio ) on *Ole SOIOtO, I VEITIO miles front utilawsttqlo miles (rein the White fluipial'r station, on the l.pringaeld, Mt Vernon, atd Pittsburg Railroad, Ltdltin6tleµ ftot PlpeAsnt.Vollty or 13priogIcetstitio, on the C-lunibits, Rios, am) Indiana Itsi7rosil These Eiptinis will bo ofijri for, the reg , tittlail ON TUN FIRST DAY OP JUD:I`.;: The huorovements of 1852 have been large, enabling the proprietor to accommodate from five to six hundred gdeste. Amonif these ineprovements rosy be mentioned a large and elegant hotel, new obttage rove,l'additional 'buildings for amtleemente and recreation, extensive bath-houses, a steam laundry, do., &e. 'Upon the natate there are five Springs, all within the four of which, the White Fulphor, the °hely dud the Saline Chalybeate, art diaidedly tiiallefitg, algid the fifth le remarkable for the parity of Ito water. „ TUE WIIITB BMW:4M is a beautiful Arteilan fountain, eltuated near tike rooky bank of the Scioto . river. At the depth of no font billow the level of the Scioto, flows the remarkable stream of eulphur which supplies this Spring. This wan discovered some 80 years ago, by a gentle. mai l aid, weareorhig,for salt.:-The Water :V. hap reached, at ono. arose to the ififrfacie, - sty:, hes ever since 4011. tinned to flow, during all seasons, without change or abatement s elthenin quality or volume. . 5111DIOINAL PEOPEISTIRS: ' 'For yea.] V,,;:tze Braille have been blgillY esteemed far ihelemodiolnal propfitln. During the past nevus UteirVeputitiinf in thietespeot haihee,r,, idhattlarly con Were kniintstenzed b'y 11, ollysioian;judt-' slowly aa to nudity, Ohm' of 4f - titling, ebutinuince, &0.. sod er this sysOrostle Vait 'the "pee ie,tp numerous and gratirvind• TUE WAIL'S SULPHUR WATER to peculiarly serviceable he those disorderi of the Liver Btoinsish *Molt Is) of ton sffliot gentlemen who have been too closely costnied 'to • business, and' persons of Sedentary habits. • ' - • TUE OUAINDEATE SPIIINHS ate pernwietAt noise. Their effects upon When• down and deUilluite.d'doustitonopi ;Lave been not bun atent but lasting, giving tsithe bloods' Stet .7 sitsanCic.l tc the person new life snd vigor , THE MAGNESIAN. HATER ' is a gentle aperient. • irnvalide may rely upon every feellity being ,furniplied thhin whbih ten contribute to health end eotnfort. 'AG a delight/mi. Yerort 0,7.114 the paintrierMoirtlia; the Ohio White Fulphurdprloge hive, mooing In the Weil, aid but few in the United States.. The location Is pa.' entirely healthy the 'Scioto - , here .18 a rapid rooky. stream ,• the Olier Limectoue a Formation hundreds pt feetib thickness, through which the river cute witYala oprywhere. either at or nasalise surface; the grotOs of tho - dstilti ore !Stingray undulated, nod Interimertedvilth numerous ravines 'which ca-ry off 'all , the tupernuoue Water, thee renderlog the soil dry •ar,d. the atmosphere free from that humidity to 'prejudldilil trihealthi theta , elretimitinees, taken in connection , with the altitude of the place. about 1.000 feet above jk,e level of the oetlinmehes the locality' as free fret malsiloue lignpnois al a mountain region. - he boring priperke monists of 020 acres of lend, one hundred or which la envered• to one' of the tirmit .bamitiful 'groves in elite. Thin woodland is liirdsotrely laid off into walks and drives, one of the latter being two miles in extent. • ,ill ?lathing kw the plan adopted, is brought into fairoompetilion with that at naturally Warm' andllot Sprints ' Tho water Is heated in the bath' tab by eteam pipe the heat not being tatted high enongh tepreclid. , tote Its salts, it Is by this system applied to the portage of, the bather withal:it the loss Of 'lts Billie ingredlante. • TBLEQQAPG OFFIO - '• A Telegraph Office, ocimmonleating with all partgof the canary, hes toPereptabilebed at the Sprinza To be Ur In aoausattpit - wit 'distant' tillots, wilt bO-• great totittgatoogi to gentlemen who e4n tone Vont apd direst their hostage! sffalre daily All the neoestmclos ueoeeitry to health, elongate and al:easement. visitors may expect to find at the Ohto White Sulphur Sprioge, as the proprietor la determined tri mate it, to every partleular, a drat-plan Warming plane: Gratified with the liberal pstronsge atinded' last yeari no effort, will be *leered to merit its ,con. Multiage „ A livery, wet} etnolred with homes and earriegee, le attached to the Sprit:gilt 71 or further info mattoo, arrangements for rooms, &a.; addrres ANDIttsW WILSON: Jo., White sulphur; Q, Delaware en ,-0. 4TA,MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LAND %BUIE COUNTY, PRENt 'This 'wawa ostahllsh mint will - hie opened by the of JUNE " tituatart on, the Ephrata Ridge, 19 reties west Of - Pbila r detphla.' 98 •euth ltitcding 10 north 4 f Lancaster, 40 east of Berrieburg, and hating the advantage of the purest roft water, every 'variety of; bathe. the site elevated to 1.200 feet - attoie water level, with grated mud shady walks in dense forests, arid the meat extensive latdrospe scenery in the Union, WM not surpassed as a rummer residence. ' ;accommodations for 400 perdons,, improved stabliog, and good earflap:houses; aim a goad stook o• livery Mirces Mid ostriages. with amnameents ' a, good band or music, billiard tables, ten pitiodley. .tt fir eaCy, ,of edema from all the above point. by railroad and coaches The proprietor sparse nothing to make it a home. place kir comfort and beallh. For farther particular'', see circulars, to be bat by applying to Joseph B Elye.s. Third and Vico streets; 'James B. Earle, 810 Chestnut street • or to the Proprie tor, JOSEPH HO NIG Ephrata Post O ffice, Lancaster County, Penna. CALEDONIA. 'SPRINGS.— The under- Wiped takes pleasure in anneuno , ng that sbe has rented from the proprietors these celebrated Sp foes, and trusts that, item her long experience, and baton secured the servicee of Mr. J. W ROYSTON, and with prompt attention to the wishes of her sues's, she will be able to;render ample satisfaction to allwbo Ow her with their patronage. tier terms are very low and, in thus reducing the pries of boarding, ass hopes to place it'aithin the power of every sumu.erlresorter so again Indulge in their usual recreation. Persons leaving the' eV by the morning trains will be enabled to arrive at the Springs the same day, by the way of Gettysburg or Ohinnbersberg, where coaches willies in attendance to convey passengers to the Springs. The 'season will' commence on the let of June. The.tertrut are as fol lows: • ; Board per day $126 Po 4 . week 6 go_ Obildron under 12 years, and servants, halt price AU communications addreessd to the undersigned, at Obsrobereburg. will meet with prompt attention..' • , 4 my 12 thstutJyl HANNAH M. COOPER. , A TLANTIC CITY! ATLANTIC CITY NATIONAL HOTEL I_ • , „ • : BAST. it 00„ Proprietors, ' nn This Roe bae changed bande, and will be opened on' the 20th or MAY for the, accommodation of Boarders .• sod Excursionists. , It la refurnished In the brit style, w.th new Burn‘tare, Bedding An. The National In admirably sliest d en Atlantis avet nue, comm ode a fine view of the Ocean, and but one square from the beat Bathing Ground 011 tlie Island. # splendid. Ball Boom and Dining Boom being at tackled to thin bowie, makes It particularly desirable for Excnrelone, , - mylo-I.mir , VLOBENGE HEIGHTS 'HOTEL, Flo rence, N. T —The sabecrlbere, having leased he abbve named ropuler Rome for a term of years. Intend opening about fund Let: The former patrons of the house, and others, may be Spared that. no efforts on the part of the proprietors eh .11 be wanting to mu. der it a Ugly attractive simmer resort. • Battle, Billiard Tablee, Ten Pin Allays. and Stabling op the premises • ROBBINS & WIILLARD. , 117- Rooms enured from a diagram of the Heine, by application at the office of W. WILLAIID, 4BO , OLINSTN'OT Street. second door 785000 SEGARS just in store,, per bark Wastagtext Butoher " and nollooner "Nam Flake," ham Mamba sor pap b 7 5. 11101:15T & NONtr, 216 Bonn 'PONT Stmt. my2B Ot 250000 HIIVANA• CIGARS of tho following superior brands: Figaro, • - ..Prurbeee, 1 apenote, "Golden Nye, - Pada. Vegas delltio, Velatong, . ' • Aineeno, - Hyman, Oabsnal , Farrago', ~ , Cobdon, - &.o , &0., inl. 4, 1.2,1.5 and 1-10 bores. of all eiz le and qualities, novr landlog from %, Wa , hington Hatober,” ,irtet arrived from Havana, and for sale low, by Off iiIILIO TUB, 180 WALNUT btreet. MASKER & CLARK, mA.Nueecruillmi OP PIIOSPITA PRit• TILLER. AND - ti Am AND DONE ,colstr2. ; ALSO,' DRALBIIB' 1NA3012P3 DIISt, GUANO, • Price 0 , • Fertilizers $25 ton of aioolYl* it• the Pamory;•oeti cents peribi If loss than a ton, • ' RAP/ of Compost, vs. or 14 Omits - per lb: Prfos of Boas Dust $B5, or 2 cents perlb„ , Price of Bone Dust, superfine, $4O, or 2 oente per lb. 'Perms cash. Address . , „ TAdICRIt OTA'AiR," Si W) aorner EIGHTH 'Street and WASEMIGION I , OIIIIQ, late Prime etteet : rain* A.N.ILLA ROPE—Assorted sizes mann- LTA. hotitred 'knit :(or 006 at lowOk York irjeka by WEAVB,Rp & 'OO. No, 23Aprth WAT'at eireo,Ao P.;i9ii,T411 1 1 4 0 1 8." • AWE'. CAPE MAY, N. J WILL DE OPENED P It 0 P 11 I Ea OR 8 Av • EX01:1101.0 p X HOUSE ((Cigars, aobarar, ar. !Withers I"X,oittei I ti• THE 'DISTRICT COURT FOR • THE 11-:,014.TY AND MINTY OFJPPILABBLIpuie„ ,IBAAO B, FABB.Ba TN denim JAOOI 4. - • -Al Vend; Bap; bf „no 605,,, DglarmajN,W, ad JOHNS. FftgiDLY. nod AkaininglitOra et•o;.fdllFL F JeOOBY, deemed,. and . GEORGE W. JAOOIIY Al. Ler.Paa. ' rd: 69,8j4,e „The Whetter appointed by, the Court to distribute the how Arising fro:gibe:We ander the above write, of AU that. lot or ytecepf 'gronne, situate on the north aide bf Illarketetreet, 378 (edit Moine. west Twee,. tiethetreet,lnthepltyof Philadelphia,. containing in front or, breadth on raid Market _street, Pd- feet, _and extending -SP length •or depth northward. ad feet, tO a twenty ; feet wide court, .leading Into - Twenty-flrat street • hounded West by an Alley extending front Mar. kat etteat to said court,: north by mild 'court. teat by a l o t granted, or intended to be granted, -to Bamuel Wetherilli Jr , and ennth by Market street, , will meet the parties iotereqed, for the Planta§ of his appointment, .on , nitIRIIDAY, June 2 , 14.85e,et4 o'clock p. , td., •at •hia , offi,e, No. 431 Beath Fir= street, in ,itaid city: when and where all - persona VA mo i l s to make thelrelaime before the. auditor, or be debarred from coming in upon acid land, T; H. kiARIELAND, Auditor. mj2o•]O * 111 STATE; OF .OAT HARLNE' OHOLitert I!IWELBRE/LS; LIiTTEII3, OW ADMINISTRATION to tkA , :IotAto:ot , OATRARINS SOITOLL, deemed., hiving been muted to„the enhtmiber. notice is iterebir givin-to persona ithiebted to said , Beta te to make Im• moilste payment: and to others 'haying' claims to pr - - tent them, without Soli', to 61110. WILLITS, Admhttetrator, - 1828 MARKET .Btreet.- MO Rib, 1869 GlB T. A.l B o r 4: Ns otiOry' DE7. iel ON.AORD . Utters - or - ralnaltalotrAtion 'on the 'estate of lung Otaw: -denoted, - basing' been granted to thriunder -slimed, all persona Indebted to Bald .estate will plosso mate payment. and thole having claims will present thaaanse, without delny, to Josßgaop,3ll4, Administrator. - - 1528 POPLAR Street, Or his Attvy, (4. RR INOICLN, N E. ear. SEVENTH and PAN 801 i Sts ap26.tnettS, - ',. ' , ; • TN THE COURP OF QUARTER SES -11 OWNS 8o nitt,OOII,TY og PAIL ADSLYSIA. In he matter of the Vacation'of fiIIiPPEIN LANs. ntlee is hereby given, that on the 10th day of March, A. D 1860, upon the petition of twelve freeholder's residing in therkeinitr, tbX,aferesaid , o,nit granted a role to elbow onto , o :afar the said ebippen" Lane, from -the'north side or ijedorentreeL.to I.lWrouthern line f 1414 held by atathartilil Linlreps' nod 4.6lll.irdlir;Dr.q.n, etjogl4 not be closed yp end seemed 'according to , the for* force and Winn. of the sot of Aseernbi of Bth iday, 1864, whisk rule is returnable on Sank PAY, the,4th day of Zane, A D. 1969 at 10 Wale.* A 61. JOSEPII AT CLAY, Attorney for Petitioners, ' • 211 flonth.ltlSTa Street. - *the Court: MESA 0R.80014117, Clerk. • myB-11n9t. TATE OF JEFFREY CHEW, BR., RS4 lIECINOND 4 1111ttere or adniintstratton, de bonio now . onw r teoto: moiato annx eo: on Gni .slate kfr •.le ray °bolt, iir , , Wooing been irrinteeto the urid.rei od. Ealloroono inaittod 'to skid 054te4111"p)ostie .Is . t i paym9nt God Onto boring lsl4frno trIO towont 0 0 ammo, withugt delf.y, 't,o , '4.lLlMlPlTlALRlC.Atclmintokolyfi 841. GERMAN Stzeot, Or Ida d.tt'y . .7, G. BRINOZLE, N. El. nor. SEVENTH And BAN2O3IBLs. op2B4n6t* . j;*l OHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. )11 , , Ruins , ey and others, ," "Complinauta, The Trentonialutual tilfe and On - ^Bleu Insurance , Company, ' • • ~De'ts. - • In puranance nf an order made by a Chancellor in bhe abate - stated canoe, dated the , third day of Decent+ ac, At 1).18W,1410' croditordor CM above • named In duradce OoroptnY,are lierebtnottned, tiiat t.ey ire. re. quired to pissant the rardditig lit Tfentoh, New 'Jersey, and Prove before him, uhlertatY or at. Inflation or tibettrise. as be shall direct, their several palpip aid-demandil again t' flii4l:llituplwittljp plogths thx date of ni t arder, - nf t of"}hey Icily be nxelndij.' from the Imnenta Of snob* dly onde mu beMlade and declared by said Court. - fe22•tn em propacalo. PO ROP OS ALS FOR BITUMINOUS IL , OGALI3.-9exted PrOPOsals will be , rooelVed at the o roe. of ple 1221114.0. HoPIII A. , GAB WORKI3, No:20 B -lb. gB EtITIT fiticet, until noon of BI V, .Ipoe 1 . 4. 1262 or apy rot Bp VIII sylidie of gir t tit sandlOss o fltituminoun Ooals. suitable NC the molt actors of. Gee, to be delivered at the tine Works, on the &Amyl,. kill river, in noelf monthly quentities out maybe speci fied in the contract. The Bret deliveries to' oommence in 4he month of August next. ' ' • - - . The coals must be fresh, Olean, and dry. and of a qua lity to co approved by the Engisper. The proporals must state the partionier variety of coal Rho intended to furnish. and if of a kind not before used, at these works, samples for trial will be required previous to the time of opening the repents , The gross ton of 2,240 pounds will beconeidered as the weight intended in the prove ealaNtilsesotherwise orpresely dated I and if it be prb" ferreflte deliver by wasure, thalamic'. bushel of 2180 duhlifochep will he wed' In aro Of ralinte to dallier the eel according to agreementi the Trtatede orthe ttss Works ,esecve the right to purchase wherever they may deem beet and theme to the contractors any loss or hinge consequent on sock failure. The payments will be made in two equal instaimente, at , four and sit months after the specified periods of delivery; the 12th of seed month to be taken as the aleprnite of 'the menthlY deliveries; or, at the optic. of the Truatees, Payments will be made In cash, with lef tist deducted. bkild the aontractors Vero to deliver the soul ear il r then required it may The received ; irobnyantent lo sidle. but payment. will be Made to_date from the time sOettled. hatiefeotory awfully for theirdfilment of the contract wilt be required. JOHN 0 Olts.OfittN. , . ]Engineer Philadelphia Gas Works. I" Milli% 102. ' myth-citjelo .1111artritta1. , . $1433 35 PUltal COD•LITEIt OIL, PiIEVECTLY SWEET ACID PAL&TABLIe, mann. &Awed st Jeeirrenadland:for Aber' Proprietors, from fresh and healthy livers, by steam, at a low tempera tare, thus preeeteing the , eweeteees and peray of the 011„ while the natural flelfy flavor le perfectly covered, and the Oil rendered peietable , and agreeable to the taste. _ . 'rite Prelnioiers of this 011'spare no expense in having their Oil properly prepared at Newfoundland, 'the only plane where the Ovine menials is found to ab'ondance. The true Oil is frequently impaired by admixtures - with oil from other speoles of the Ovine fatally, and only that coming from the 1, Waken can be rel ed upon as the genuine. Oar Oil ha' been analysed, and pronounced to be pure and the perfection of fine quaLlty—oba-soteristies which enable it to maintain Pe superleilty over all Other kinds. Prepared and for sate, Maolassie sod Retail, by tlaSse.P.D & CO., mh22.tf TWELIFTH and CHESTNUT. Phil.4l,s Etr il lA ro L i al ip A g . testm i ony k from a rill... Miami citizen of Philadelphia, in raforepoo 'to T.uO4ELLIB NEtiltaLGla SALVE. Those been afflicted with mire Neuralgia for up wards of twenty years. Rave tried Allopathm and Eta tneeopsthio physicians, and every other remedy that wits Suggested, and coWd get , no relief. I was indneed to try this save. and otter - using less than oat. box, I found immediate relief. The pain all left me. and I have had IM cetera of it. I voluntaril. and cheerfully recommsnd it, ran I have done sod to those similarly Misted that they may know where to fled relief. It to the only and sore reined y for I have to ted it. JAMES PETERS, Master Drayman, - No. 921 North Fifth street, Phile for sale, B. corner SIXTH' and PAP.IIIBH Streets ' , • ; • 1.020 tf R. R. VI • NO MORNNOPeern,••BioitrEgg . NO ft ORE EUEIMATISH, Or Stiffness of the Joints, Litca&ago Jiertqaeies, Toothaches, or Sirjoringfrom othrr Bodily Infirmities , TUE RAPID AND 00 .IPLETE EFFICACY QP RADIYarS READY RELIEF, • IN INSTANTLY STOPPING THE HOST EXORU ' CIA.TING PAINS AND, AUDES, BURNS, MAI pa OUTS. WOUNDS, BRUISES, , &a., readers It Important that arm family keep a supply of it in the house. • armed pith thl. remedy, a honeeho'd le alit/all pm- tented against sudden attacks of sickness Thousands 9f liveitof persons have been saved by its timely use, who wore 8110f11317 seised, in the night limo with °runt, 81/151333, Vomiting, Cholera, Yellow Parer, and other wgelent dieesses. I Let a does of this Remedy be taken internally, ea the aids may require. when suddenly seized wl h Pain or dicknees, line it will instantly re lirre the pa' lent from pain, and arrest the disease. 'LOWLY'S READY MOP RIB MIND IttIEIMS AT 1181 In four helm. MUIR &LULA. ......... .... tne bout. CHAMP ' In ten minut.e. DIABRIILB I In fifteen minutes. TOOTHACHE. In one minute. fiffAi•MS In five minutee. eIbS HEADA.OIII4 In ten minutes. °alum AND FBVitlt. In Meals minutes. CHILBLAINS In fifteen minutes. INBLUBNZA To six hoary. 80.8 N 'I'IIROAX In ten minutes. BURNS In twenty minutes. FROST HMS ACTIN °CBES •kABALYSIti LAILBIIEgtS AND IN ALL OASES Of BRUISII3, WOUNDS, BTISAINS, and SPRAINS, The moment It 10 applied to the Injured parts, all PAIN AND UNEASINESS 0.14414 E. Look out for counterfeits and imitations. Purchase only RADWAVA RUADY RELIT P. Price 26 cent., FO cents, and $1 per bottle. Agents in this city ; • DR bWalllEl ea BONS, IV. D. UMBER T R. CALLENDER.. my9.tufam pianos R o gjo ,R ',A V E N,, BACON,, & Co.'s, N4111.12H & Co 'a and A. II Gale & Co. 2 s, enperlor PIANOS. Also, Ma. eon ta'llanalin's unrivalled MELODEONS and MAR MONICAI3, so desirable for Churches and Lecture Boone ID' Pianos and Melodeons to Bent .1. Ft HOUTeD, SEVENTH and OILEqTNOT OmSTEINWAY & SON'S GRAND and hQUARE PIANOS, now universally In nee, and recommended Ly - the boat Artists, pref.'s- Monet oad amateur performers, of this country A tom parleort with the beat other makers will easily satisfy the purchaser of their superiority, as 'they 'Teak for themaelvea, and cave them money and trot bie CLAMS BROS , 1008 Chestnut street. mh2B.Bmv SUPERIOR, PIANOS._ CO., • PIA.NO.BOB. al MANDY aCTURBILS, • Noe. 1,8, 5, and 7 North EUTAW Street, and No. 201 BALTIMORE 'treat, between Oberlin and Light atraeto, Baltimore, Have always on hand a latge' assortment of their Bur:otter Pianos. recommended by certificates from 8. Thalberg. Btrakosah, and other celebrated performers to bs equal, if not superior, to any made in this country. The durability of their Timms will be warranted for fire years, and a privilege of exchange granted within all motithe, should they not give entire astiefactlon. Manufacturing iwgely, we will-sell wholesale and re. tall s at the moat reanoaable prim. WILLIAM gIiABE d, 00. planers. LEE & WALIXER, Na.' 22 CHESTNUT Stinet Philadelphia, erav One anthorlied Agonta, and will keep constantly on hand and pall our Pianos at nienufaaturerle prices, m1i5.13m • ' 01110KERING, & SONS, muirraostrirste 07 NAAND; ANN AND UPRIGHT • 1.11•10• FORTES. • -WARDROOM:, 1307' ONDSVOTIVO STRIONT. Docuttently in Moron lenge stook of our BHAIITIVIIL and tINDQu ALIA D itiazuumNNTS, We bees been ireerded, at the different /tihibition in this country and Nome, - - 313 GOLD AND 81.1. 1 7.111 VritsT-oLAsstiNDALS. 41,26.1 y 'COFFEE`. -300 bags Jamaica in store and "," for 116191 7 , JAM la eitaireal & 00., sp6 . . We. Ia IdIT/TIA atria _ ii~inraiuß;'~fliipaiiies fIREAT WESTERisT iltiathiANVE AND ,•Tnustopiemixii ; • AND - 1111 FARMERS' !MUDS INS IO URANCE COMPANY 01 - 'A'PHII3 - • Haying cotriolidated their , hereafter eon-' duet the same ander thermos of the lirtgAM WESTARN, . INSURANON, , AND ...MIST :COMPANY', - 001tuiblo. 403 WALNUT Moot, ,(Companyla . „ • MlL*Dlll4Paia, With a combined Capital and aridleblo dlidaTO Of OVER $.60,000, Invested; far this mast pszti in Prier flown and UMW GUINN, bearthr Fix per cont interest, on invored pro. pert, -wbrib the dinoirni. • . f - 2 .. PIRO, INLAND, AND MARMIII OARGO =nu Taken on the:frost favorable terms. Charms u. LatAr a A in , o Toln. Alimander pi 11.,Tra ay p aag, John tlinleP U. elidtbr illabolinalehrtiort, Shipman, J McCurdy, Prawns Tyler, Thomas Ir. Gillespie, - Charles Harlan, - Darnel Deadlier, Jonathan 7,,Slomun. ' I • O. 0. LATHROP, President. WM, DARLING, - liatga Writ o HT2l3ol3lll4rysnd Tram:trim 0, Oi RUiNELII. Aseletint tieoretdrl' .0: II; offlpf,TAN, E.p o p4 Vraa ?resident, tap.l2-4W Beinon Orson New York. 111 ER WAN' FIER ' INSURAME CO.; nvoo.ll.PonArEn ?Brum,. go. 81.0VAtii13i ' Otraioi, &five Pidladlloll - GCsTW. A' likivt. N,d=up Okpita cud fialTil" iraletod if9lAO gef flifludyfl, gfliiii.4lo, (*fluid, i(*flie‘flig "31 , 1(4111g* StibietYkluAtitre, Meraliemdhle; rim* .41 Plat spa GfaAaco, #` ll 4' other Perilous] 4111o,stes liberalbr prioxiptly adjumted. 0 /OPTORIr: •, • •- George Abbott, -4otio. V .Totlilr' Wollll,_ 7snioa °wadi, _ ftsoniel a • moseozi, -G Pittiak Bindy, lewaltney, isesel T w owAs 11. GEORGE ;ABBOTT, je,23.711 IWT7TE PVT'SYPPIT prIIL4DELPH.II4.4E'D WEST ORESTES: VIA . . P,O4I , TSYLVANIA RAILROAD: The PINNBYLVANIA RAlLRinai OOMP ANY hat , higlessrd the Bea of the WRl3l , 4)llhtiT . 2lll BAIL. ROAD 00,hIPANY are ;prepared to offer every facility for travel and the transportation of freight between Phqedelphie and West phest4r; od term. tufressonsble as can he teeireby'epy other tante lisesengere can taste ttlo tap, though se todn bind, ee tkr airy,otlar Road i 'irlth,every neenrarete'fer saTetT,lfespateh . and so. cosimOstiori. " TVO Pespahger Tratee tor,Weet Phester:leeso the 4e- Rot at Iforpoth mod 'AWOL duty, at y & M.,1l A. ea., and 4110 P,, M. On runners. at 8.60 A. fA and d P .'M. Vreight for West obewor will be iepeived at the depot, corner tif,. l ,c'hillearith, And Market streets: NEW. ;WEST TAllt AeLl „ PHILADELPHIA RaILBOA MEDIA „ 61114111114 • On and Aft* MALY Mir. 18159 the Trans will leave Philadelphia, from Hui. Station.. N. B. corner of and.MARKET Streets. , at I and 11 A M., anti 2, 4 30, and 618 P Leave Wert Muter, from the Station, on EAST Strent, at 2.p, S 80, end 11.80'4. nO5 45 P At. Y 0' • —OE SUE DAYS--I , eawePhlladelphia at 6 A M., and 2 P - Lekre Went chneter at TA A. M., and 418 A. HENRY wool), la) 03-tf - deneral buperlutendens, - ,&; 77lt. ang•;FOß: THE SEA SHORE. OH Mid SR i ARRANGE PONT. OASCHER - AND.ATISOPPIO RAILROAD: ' ONLY TWO AND A HAL? 5X01:1135 TO THE SEA On and after SATURDAY, May 2let, and mall fur ther motley, three daily traits to Atlantis and - return, rodays excepted.) ' - • Iraq mat Trani leaves yine- street Ferry..7.3o A. M. mond Espress,_ e • '• ' (4. •.. 00 P. M. •", “ 1 l'stsleping onieloiwood sail irateo Freight Train, (witerPassenger Oar attaehed).4 44 A.ld Accommodation Train, • (Egg' Ilarlcor,) /eaves Vine areeL.lr...ll •J• ' ' ' ' 6 OOP: M. '- AVICS - ATLANTIO GETZ. First, Express, Traholeaves 6 03 A, M. ftenotid, Mall, - • a 440 P. M. Freight, . • ' 11.10 A.- td. Accommodation Train lea Tee Egg Harbor...:4 56 A. M. ' HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Cooper's Point 11.00 A. N. Leivea Haddonfield • - , 100 P. M. Leaves Ononer'd Point -• 200 P M. Leaved Heddebileld ' " 309 P 'M' Pare to Atlantiti, when Tioltiffe are purchased bans° entering the care '," „ 9 1 80 Road Trip Tickets,lbbt fsr two days, on any „ -regular train • gr 60 - Monthly Helots will be gold at,tho following rates: For the month of Mine $l5 /I 90 e t '”- August 90 " September .16 Your months - ' 60 On and•after.inly 2d, and every Seturdaythrongh the Summer, the Egg- Eilaboi Accommodation Train will run tbrocgli to Atlautio, , kotgra early on Mcladay nfornieg. - • preight -roust be fiellyereil at Dooperia Point by 1 P.= N. The Company will not be responsible for any goods until received and recanted for by their Freight Agent st the Point PHILADELPHIA LOCAL EXPRESS, No. 28 South Mill Street if regarredi call for and Shook litggsge-tkrOngb, fro*. heels one private 14414ences„ can way Roe thetsadvettimtnent. - extlfsOsepl. JOHN G. BuyAtiT. Agent. JAHNS WILSON, Maxtor ,In.Ohlumery • „,, LOH TBIS tiOuI.#. , .4)HARLEg• and a&VANA KSYSIONE BTht7 Captain 0. P. Mar&non. PTATO OP OBORGIA Csptain John i. Garvin, /BABS[., 9oNtain _ 00/I'OIIABIESTONi S. 0. The U. 8. - Mall Btoarobbip MMYBTONM, Captain Marahman,: to withdrawn to enrolee now boil ers Wilt nil Win on Wedneadah June 15, at 10 atm SAVANNAH, oa. The IT. 14.• Mail Steamship STATE Off .GEORGIA, Capt;:John J Corolla, will' sail on Saturday, l autte 4th, at 10 A Er The splendid eritt-elties side-wheel Steamships STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA. now rllb se above everycen•due, thus forming s' five-day nom. mtmlostion with the Routh and Southwest. mr Goode received sad bills of lading signedovery 41 1 t. t both Charleston and Savannah these ebbe eon. neot Witt otoimarp for tiloridS, and with railroads, ho. , for all pieces in . too fieuth and Southwest, and with the Steamship ISABEL, for. Havana, on the 4th and 19th of every month • FREIGHT ItEDIJUND. Heavy Freight at at average of lb per emit. below New York steamship rates. . _ • INK:MANOR. 'might and Insurance on a large proportion of Goode shipped Routh Will be found to be lower by these ships than by nailing vessels N. 13.--Inearento on all Railroad Freight to Hurray unneresa city, further than Obarleeton and Savannah, the hallroed Companies taking all :lake from these points. Cabin flange to Charleston end Savannah 615 00 Stectsgo'. (t I i 8 00 Diem-doh Tickets, goal for the present year.... 80 00 Tickets to Marais • 55 00 Through, Tie eta to New Orleans 89 76 Do Mobile . 86 09 Do Montgoinery 26 00 Do A1t1019 , 04 24 00 Do Ooltonbue, ea 23 00 Do Atlanta, a§ ' 23 00 Do Disean, as ' 21 00 Do Palatka, Fla 23 00 - Do Ploolets, Pia • 28 00 Do Jtoksontille, Pia.- 21 00 Do , Pernandins, Pls. • 21 00 No bills of hiding signed atter the ship his mile. No freight recelyed oh the day of sailing. For freight or passage apply to A. DOIRON, Jr., • Southwest corner FOURTH and 00BSTNUT. Agents in Charleston, T. O. A T. G. BUDD. tt tisvannsh, 0 A GRIMEIR AOO aattGLASGOW AND NEW YORK ,- BTBeIBBUID COMPANY.-STRAIT TO Gi,,BouvI,.LIVABBOuL, lILBAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY—tor $BO. AMOK MEW YORK. - GLASGOW, Thomson, Baturdey,l4th Hay; at i 2 noon EDltf LC RGII, Cumming, Wednesday, Ist June, .< GT4136 OW, Tonspson, - " 6th July, EDINBEFUGH, Cumming, '2'itb July,' " FROM GLASGOW SDINBURGB, - Cumming, Saturday, 7th May. OLASKOW. Thomron, 11th June. EDINSURGEL: Cumming, r< 2AI July. Retell of Panne from New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, to Gla.gow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or Londonderry, Mat close, $75. Steerage, found with an abundance of properly cooked pnrvialons, 530. An experienced Surgeon attached to each steamer No charge for medicinee. Por freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN & CO., No. 1234VALNUT 4 treet, ROSKRT CRAW, No. 23 BROADWAY New York. , THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERIOAN ROYAL hum STEAM- 71011 SSW YORK TO LIVIRPOOL. Ohl et Cabin Passage $l6O Second Oabin Paesage. fawn 008TOS TO LIMIUPoOI, Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage The ships frem Boa ton call at Halifax, PERSIA, Capt. Judkins, CANADA., Capt. Lang, ARAB] A, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Oapt ASIA.. Capt. It, G. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. Ander- ABRICA, Capt. Shannon, ; son, litiftoPA, Oapt J . Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA, Lang, leaves Boston Wednesday, June 1. ASIA, Lott, 'I —N York, Wednesday, June 8. AM aIIICA Millar, 0 Boston, Wednesday, June lb. APRIOA, Shannon, " Itlork, Wednesday, June 22. EURO O A, Leitch, Boston, Wednesday, June 29. PERSIA, Judkina, N York, Wednesday July 6. Berths not soured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on beard. The owners of there ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry; Precious Stones or illethls. unless bills of lading era signed therefor and the value thereof therein ex - pressed. For freight or immerge apply to insahl-tf R. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green .-..as th . SAL M DAILY LINE._ cow Steamer MAJOR RISYBOLD will leave Aa013.-IeTILDDr witeita - DAILY, except Sandsys, for Belem, Delawere 1114, New Untie ' Permagrove, and Di:water, at 2N o'cloox P. M. lieturning, learee Salem IA 7 o'olocir. A. M _ . Q:7 . srsgeo for Woodetown And Bridgeton meet this boat mil° Ern* BRUSHES! BRUSHES BRUSHES I 2,000 dosed Tied Whitewaeh 1,500 64 Nailed 44 2,500 44 - Xendeerdbe. 1,000, 44 Olampq: 600 44 'Dieters. 6,000 It ohoebraehes. Hor sale lower thou at any other hones In the city, by BALE ROPE, AND T WINE Manntao tared and for ,Ale. by WE &VIM, PITLKR , & 00 , No, 24 North WATER Street and 22 NORTH WHARVES. - ray2B [RON FOUNDRY CASTINGS, of all di., meaalons, each as girdere Railroad: Castings. Ma chinery., grate bare, do the beet terms O. OAR- Kura, alitrat iveriar. Tinovt ah 4lfth nolVrt-fltirt irARD.-170 bbls No. 1 Leaf Lard for 'ILA gale IV 0 O. FIA.DLER, & CO., AROlt Orre.r, n owt door above Front rkr2s UOlroatt' gtnes. Oteamboat Lints. ISINRIC 0. XORBTEIN, 62 North TIIIRD Atreet. below Arab Oaks b gluttthit IWI THOMAS. Re SONS, A-T-ao Noe. /Of ited 'l4l S'AiMPI . POURTH )3TMINT.' 18T001113 (formerly Nol.,llYeelet e9.).' - , EBTATEI,,aO.—THIB .11P*SING. Pamphlet estelegeee, coAtelhing; 'de.' eerlptione of all the prepertiee to be 'oo_l4 thhe ( futi.;' day) evenlog, with lint 'of salsa fitly 14th, atel 21i.k Jane, and o' real entste ,at private nale,,toniprifiag a large =mentor valuable property, ' .11PTIOE —The' laige and valuable oolleatton'of - palotlega, by the old and modern mutate, la now sr= ranged for *x=lllo/011 to oar large east room s mooed story, •.BToOBfi, 805. DB. WHIP, T id teltunn. filet init, 'et TX- o'clock, at the Philadelphia E:. change, previous to mile of zeal estate. .• 8 - aria mortgare'bonpon bonds, $1.870 each, &Mei of Virginia and Kentucky (The WentoriiVireqin and Ben tqoky Italledaq end Coal Company' ) /ten per cent coupon bond, $5OO, States of Virginia and California (The Washington City . and'hilining Corn pay). 80 shares Philadelphia and Pittston_ Coal company par $5Ol -• I (old) Even tiara limincisco Land Asetelitillent, Talton Point 13tee5 e Aluipolation. • 1 ohm Tarary Company. I ibitte Philadelphia - • 1: 339 Dawns 1 117..taa1 Insaranee Company scrip. EIGHTEENTH SPRING BALE, ' -This Evening, MAY apt. 69/11 include— - Irararient Peremptory Rale:' PELLSDELPHI a BANE' AND, STONES, 00E NUR OP POtlitTRANn 0111fotwilTer13.,LThavainahle MARBLE / 1 1:111DtvG - rwirkl and nocuPiettbithe lwielphia Sink, end TIIII4OI OTQRZE.gud lot of ground' %eremite belonging.' South win stainer df Fourth and "Oheetrint Meseta, eit feet 0 Inches en 'Oliestnarand 80 feet on pourthstreet, inoluding a Eve feet : alley. lite stores alone riot for' S.: IV, the - corner_ transient eit. _ rant, for wbfeh' SEIOO vase 'offered, making 86,200' rent. exclusive of the banking room . .11 - 7 Rile abrolute, ' by order of the . benk,'sod only one four k.rif the purchase reentry required in cash. in l" It Is one of the most valuable linateres locations in the site For fall particulars see ntmertile --- 'Orphans' Court Bala—Pletate of Bowen , s minors. LOT, BRIDGE B TREET,TwiIify fourth ward—one. fourth interest in lot of ground Bridge ,eticut, essi of Lancaster street Same- Rotate.-7A+.. lkitthinl„VßlPM, ; TRcutj fourth' ttard—one.fouith intirbet. in lot of ground._ Bridge street . cut X;aneastei etreet, Opposite 'the above. thime Vet ate. — LAßGEL4T,Thwerfoyd striet ty. fourth ward eic.tti Bldg. oastorghirty , sooond Orson, feet front. . • tintna Estate —1.411q11.1.6T, *Man /M ' /Meet, Twenty. fourth Ward north side, oast of street, 50 feet front - Saute Estate. - --LARGE LOT, adjoining the above on the west. 50 feet from - , [hone istate.—LAßGE LOS, Bridge street, Twenty, fourth ward, south aide, Cant of Twenty-eighth tr.reet, 50 feet front. • Same Estate:—l;ANGE LOT, adjoining the tabof: the east, 60 feet front ; " Peremptory Sala on at - tempt of vitc(tc St in y 500001 fsl AORE46, with, intp , bverrie to thereon_ in Deptfoni tottnehin:Wonadtter comity, near:Woodbury, Neer 4* ?any: fete e,binlute, ; .Same %state —II at41)30311. 140;i 1 111318.1118IDEN011 OTiTf QP TRIff4T(I.I N , with large side yard, Oileton street fot 100 feet front, 200 test deep; Pale absolute, : Same Estate.—PAßM, 160 ACRES, State of -Mary, laud, In Oeoll county shunt IX miles front the. toga of Nortneaot,and six miles from Elkton. hes sabatantlal stone house, large b , rn, fro., Sale absolute. ' •;; flame Estate —BOND AND MORTGAGE for 55 000, secured, by a tract of land ,in Scott townshli'W*ll4 county, Pa , containing inner 508 sores hunt. th amg 0111, dwelling hot, and barn thereon, Ne. bsolnte I _Saine .ostate.-4 ,AoszkLANDoiltit.tvisble im.. provemsilts Monti anion, store 14 frame- cottages, about 8 lugs lime kilns, cad other improyemente,, &dr, joining , the Telildere and Trenton Railroad. innd front,. fug on the 'river ,DeTaivire, in Warren county, N. 3, 117 Bale absolute. • • .= Same E4Ste. - -r- /RAMA 13111IBING, Nineteenth Wr.lo:*on thlisatitVosst aide of Ricbmoiri street, north east from William drool. lisle ebnolutt, _Orphan.' 9 0 0 f; 4 011 1 . r 3gi " . .1 of John Pftdetick Lister gee, deeemed TURIN-EITONIF BBICH DWBLLI3IGF , Poplet street above Your% street, eouth lade, yip tkm-stary' brick dwellings in the rear. - - - • VALUABLE • -PNABBRTY, "V INN • STREIT - 1 -s3lw three.etory, end one two story' briar dwellingei. No. 410 Vide etreet; between Birth• and Birth etreeta ; lot W. feet front, 800 feet desp:• TWO fronts , Trristen , s Peremptory Hela-,Eatet! of Bev: (100. Boyd, , - • HANDSOME minimal REIHDENOE, 'Diesel%ld street, near the Yrankford , road, Ninettentlairard ; 231 feet front, 24 3 feet deep. Sale absolute.' • • ' To Oapin e llate and Others. - - VERY VALUABLE LOT: 'lO • AORES, TURNER'S - LANE.lllogant country seat. wlibimprovemenes, and 10 aores--land, on Turner % lane, at the jtmotion 'of Eighteenth street fib Lithographic plans at the al:Lotion store': HANDSOME MODERN POUR-STORY BRICK RE. SlDENolo,llniihed in elegant modem style, N 0.31 San eom street. below Eighth street. STABLE AND 00A0H-HOUSE.-Twe'stery brief stable and oaush.honse Robertson street, between Per sia' and Pop's:. Seventh and Elebtb streste. Peremptory SaIo.—HANDSOME• MODERN REEL.: DENOE, with oillce, end large side yard, No. 813 Eourii Tenth amt. betweenOlint n and Pine streets; lot 32 feet front 100 feet deep irr Itemedisee possession. TWO NEW B , VIDINOTIL'OBIIMANTOWN.- - ,-Two new ectone•Taridenbes, waehinron -lane. about 9f of it mils east ;V Wwhington Line nation. on okiesont Hill Railroad; emit! CO foot front, 225 feet Aeep, German- town . , _ PINE sinzkr.--Ilandoome modern residence, with' all modern haprotemeots. No 411 Pine- street; jest of, B. Urth street Immediate rotamaloa• WEST PENN EquenE.-zamitiPonie font , start. Mei Vestdenee, (old) No 4 West Penn NuareAsoutN of Mar ket street. - Peremptory PaIe.—VA.LIIABLN 13178119)188" VW PERTY,,WITLI BUB An ENOIN.II ,&a —Elve - storyt brink butldlogorlth death engine, circular - , Vie and. other sews; mortising and tem:toning machine lathes, &C, No 259 South:2lllrd Street ; lot 19 feet rivet, 123 feetdeop to Laurel street. Two valuable. fronts. - Sale absolute ' . ValdLiOLE LOT, WEPT PH;La.DELPHIA. --"L'arge tend valuable lot, southeast corner of Obastettt and Blogaretbsetreets,loo feet hoot, 220 feet deep. Three BOUT a AIXTEENTIIBTBEEr —NoPt naodereciwel. line: No 417 Booth Pixteenth street below Pine rarest. Trustees pate.-AtOitTir ZWIVENTit Bsquair - -- Mo4e)n derailing, No '227, between' Run and:Wine, with a to' story brick Awaiting in the rear on Sider street. • . BUILDING LOT RICHMOND, north's:est coiner of Dauphin and/Smereld streets, Nineteenttiwird„,oo feet font, 164 feet de. p. ',ND OMB MODERN RESIDiNOII, with laige side lot, No. 1016 Booth Third street, above Washing• ton street . , LoweaD ma ST.—Neat three- atory brick dwell leg No 4 0 Lombard atrPot, above roirtb street_ . LARGE AND V AL lIANA RUT Ridge avenue, north of Ann street, Pifteeoth ward, ISO feet front, about 20 feet deep. Two fronts. Rxeeators, ealsi. , - VALUABLE BOOK~, UN VAItIOI3B sußmors. - Thicio.oin g , ' . • . May 81st, at the onctea store, a delicateo of tote. testicle mteeellaneoue hJohit, to be e3ld by order of rx eeutor. . d so, for account of es.ate ofd E Oarrer t deceased & number of.vsloable arobiteptaral and Scientific works For particulars see catalogues VALUABLE THEOL''GI O AL AND SHBOELLA NEVUS WORKS. - - On Wednesday Evening, tune let, at the auction store, mil be sold a collet tiop of standard theological and miscelleneotut books. ljg` For portloularn sea catalogues. gala at Tioa..lBD and 141 Panth ronrth Street 911PHRIOR FunNrruma, to vr.eeri MIB ROR6, PIANO-FORTE, RRIMIRELS On - Tbureday'ldoirolog, At 9 &Week, at the Auction store,so seeortment of excellent neeond-hand furniture , elegant piano !erten, fine mirrors, cor,p,ete, ate., from fatelllea de cllning honeekeepg; removed to the store for con• eenienee of ssie, ELEGANT DINNER 0 TUNA RICH CUT GLASS, Also. One set very elegant and rich eat glass, coat in London WC Alan, en elegant China dinner set. Almlbl.tratrli Pale LEASH, OOOD•WILL TOOLS. deo., OB A BLACK, OMITH's 8110 F. On Friday ldeerithg, Jane 34, at 10 o'clock. on the promisee. will be sold, by order 0f administratrlx. the bl.okemith [atop, late or Patrick Kiernan, on Filbert street, above Eighth, In the rear 6? tho William Penn Hotel, including the ea expired lease for 74 lean, good will, tools stook of old iron new sham This is one of the beat stands in the city. LA ROD BALD' OP- OIL 'PAINTINGS. Friday awl Saturday, Sri and 4th June,. valuable Aid extenalie colleotion of One gallery and cabinet pOrdiege, by celebrated meters of the ancient 'and modern schools comprising many dretsciass specimens otsaor.d, mythologies!, allegorical, ohltectitral, and miscellaneous subjects. by Rubens, Vandyke,. N. Pou.oin, Carrarajdo, A. °Arnold Bran nein Albano, Jacob de Wltt, Rosa de Thole, Bromberg, Gamer, Matcher, Bassaco, Sams mute, C. Jaeger's, Dole!, Efoodecooter Julio Romano, D Peelers Brow , afoot, Ostade, Broach, Wonvermane, Prancke t he elder, Also. by Batton!, two large !datums, 16 by 7 feet, illus trating Ovid: The modems inelude—btua.t, Turner. Rosana', Slarlow, Sharer, iluggine of Li terpool Robbe of Bruesels, Joabuok Shaw, Vert Goitt, Benner, Krenen man, Caere, Winner, Sanford Mason, Van Sarandonck, Nortbcotc, Gainsborough, Morrie of London Am., , with many other works of artibeing one o f largest and beet colleotions ever offered In We city, the pro. party of Mr. Joseph Richardson. Peremptory sale, in otrostquoneo of lug going to Europe immoolstoly ST. LOUIS; Mo. • tILLIAMS & BOYLE, AVOTIONZEI t I AND OQhfaiDISION MERONANTS, , No. 10 North MAIN BTSEST, Sr., Loma, Mo., (formerly rill( Meeara. Myna, Oleghorn; h Co..hiladelphia) offer their seiTices to the merchants; mantitheturera, and othem of Philadelphia, for the eale of dry goods, oar pets, boot,, ahoes, hardwae, jewelry, , - Oaala &drama made on receipt of goods. rp- Settlements made three days after sale. ILBRIMENONS. Hems. /diem, Olaghorn, & 00., Phila. Btnszt & Brother, " Van Wyok, Townsend ; & Warrens, New York cc L& B Cattle & Co, " Wood, Christy & Co., Bt. Louie, Mo, 44 Crow, McCreary. & Co., " Mr. D. B. Wood, No. 23 North Third street will ad. tin with parties consigning from Philadelphia. ro4.f row-ly Brolstrs. Ipp R. CORSON, • .REAL ESTATE BROKER AND CONTAYAN OER. MONEY I s 'OANED ON GOOD MORTGAGES. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. mlOO 3m NORILISTOWE, PA. O& OAP?, 223 DOCK Street, above NJ" Walnut BTOOS 11110 HERS, and dealers in Mer equable Paper and seoullties generally. Attend the Brokers' Board daily, and 311 all orders for the por Chace or eslo of 8100118, BONDO, Zto. ja7-ly CRONISE & CO., 13PECII E dND BXOIIANQB BROICIERS, No 49100t0 THIRD Street, PLIILADSLPII'd. Refer to the Ilesse Rol tinwares of PhiLutelphis rpHEO. D. .EMOR'ir aA OPPION No. 182 Bonth FOURTH St., Phila., Sole Agents of ONO. C. PoTTB & CO., Miners and Bhippere of the LOOIII3TDALI 0066, Prom the Loonat Mountain Near Ash'awl, sp2-0m) SONZYLKILL "MINTY, Ps W. GROOMS & CO., • Dealers and Shippers nt ugauGn, 8011IIVLSILL . sud . Blloo POP PIMI ' BITUMINOUS COAL Office No. 182 Bluth FOURTH Street, Yard, BROAD Streat, Wow 1000. ap2-8m PHILADELPBri 3 . I.INTON's ENCAUSTIC TILES for Ornaniental Okl.rney Topa for cottages. , luamen . Garden VfteeS and Ponntains. Vitrified Pipe for drams and w o e . t A er . condtiatorn Imported and for sale by , 11119 GWVANGT - 0IIRNE1313;401.11411AT. k :4 1 / 4 04. .= ' t : :,_, '' •O: 429' dia Rh am siquar -•'''''.--- k ' 1 II ' - ,31.L11 OP ItltElioll AND nitrrimAßT u oo Dfl.• _ • -,- ,TAU ifoinine't' • -,:••-_--'_, ~- •I, BUY Slat at /0' o!elock'i , hy• hatelogie'' °all 'neethaa'_, Mitt-. • aoo packages ,andflols' of - Oraitili and tillhili ::iffy, , :- -, pogo, - sale sato!, utdeatirivies!!iily nn the ZgfinkiNt - _ BALD TIM (TVZSDir) MORNING; MAY'27lh, AT 7' ~ - - - •- - itot-To Dealeig cy bi i m labboru : p ~:te.t:tioaof al dealers in ribbons h , -r eq. u-se l - e - ito our aslerlkls,moteing' Ticaday, Mkt flatot le _ . . ide 'Oak, brestraogne, ea six Months' credit. comprising . ~. • UM cartess of neer style 'trimming atql. Bonnet rih;... 1, - h4ni, the balance or the tuiperradan. - .., ~ HALM OF it,SONO.U. - - •Olvrtidaii tdor--;" , awn al, at 20 o'clock ; m tor ov 4 on n i x month, ofoa:r -4" 14a atitad lots of fanoranit staple French at,' a te'ift4 l toilea:ittof eitalogoi4l aarly on MoinfOg of, • • REAL PPreir 2- D 2 ALIINOO'4I LAOZB. An triTolop of_ 12 1616 ( A 02841,64 seal point 4 2 4leoema likee , , roma of whietiare tint tiolteit, nawast patterns, rni bi4heat coat *owls imported. PAnle HAND•MADL":FILST METZ?, • Atm, an intoynn of bawl-mode P . ntis - bleak Wet mitt!: utREELIi & - 3 179TIONEE118, No. 898 TILARRIIT 8,7111110. above Kenna • CARD —The nrnierahwirt hire till's car ea , &Acted theitieelves together ea lIRRREGLA - fr: PXELD for the transaction or a general. ,*natlon ofd . cOmu l iaaton mid!, and we Mon reigeOthilliJnOrtu Otiefrietide, anti the public gedercilr. that we iip'prelidtetrte - We out prompt pofrsonal attedtkili to salecorairdeotddogiins of merohnndiae, upon tha promisee .dc at ditt:Aidl• and opsotous wararootheiNo 868 - Market ritteric - • • - . • GAO _r - , ' BAhltliiIIRLD.-- • : #4SI.O.I{L.MBEW Selo at NO.. 714 Ohretent fit'eeh ' Ill8,1;913 TRIMMI9IOII.-FRINQIS, 80321 TOW, ace 06 .:rawritrS. " : morning. - filet instant , at ID olelooki the frlore.'ito. 729 01180 .1/ 1 2t etreet;holuer•Eight9:- etzeet, bi laid the entire mock or bagle.ll' dress ttleamlnze, tringeir t zephlre, buttons - . bitidiege,'?ce - • -- ItiATEiltEa ADD COVNT3B, 1: 1 1.970;' 41e:warier , itilver•aloonQ plate_ vitei ectihtr - - Alec'. the entire _we:siert-a pf eennteee, - ehalilng. glees sash, ' • ' fir The above etcek will be toned - the 'reignat and bant*.eitortment of goWis oSert4 it'anoiitat tiffs seaman, to .hich the- attentionof peeallaaers le reigiewtea., try- Whe goodt rev he • eltknalned; with oatakiatiefc . on blenqq. - „ . • , „.. • Vl3. TIMOR winiatuat). 0/I.IIPIIII, Oa Weddesday Menges/ At 10 o'clock. at the an • ton Ater. No. GO& Market street; rat ha' *M r & general'assartmant of hontahcild 113h:titan, coreprislug supelor T•nny land - bodsteade,,', fetet..ehatesi wardrobe*/ dreastneand,-thiln - m‘rble-top washstands, etagere., etteristnirtablichede - :, ahead', cane roseaked-windsor abets, Also, Brussels, ingtsln, and rag elertiog - Secondhand Ifunaltur frota • liciT finwilj . i - eon= listing of mabog day Image, Octtro.,loflotoad, esAo•otot 'and yrimbor eosins, beds, Tnattreaansi &a. • Also, slot of kitql2ou fktenailo, • - - - r ADMINI3 I / 1 1.4.T0 5A1.11., • Thoraday got:dint, ;Me at A &Moak, at '146 an plink sot Market a'reet, by olden' estate of ismre'Benell, deesegoe,d; - '-- • ; 3¢ bbla, suprior old Bourbon whlatiy s ltsibeellin the IkamnautoM n the lets owner 4 ieara.." 6;elghth 'oast, Butgundi-port. .•= 4 eighth oaelmiBee Itateire: -•- 3$ beeketa superfiae ohempagnas. _ - - 1 cask gin, *Maley, • , ' • ' tioam. Al Illeriomut of IRETMIII4 end 40. !tici:l6 &rim among wltiOb. - ere "Mine olloine brands`:" Removed to The auction 'Aar._ for-a ',mammonae of ester tr:r. Key be' xaniiiiii4 at 8'o!clook on the ; moiairig of . , Shriff's sale . • ' - • ' 1 tzsr ca f asaitt, O n _Howley Iffornine, - , , - Jane nth, at 10 Wecnit, by oalalogne - ,'st the anntioo store -, (Joeond-story rooms); NO. SOS Market street, by order of Wm H eleritk a large :had •stinenst erortmebt or flint glassware, consisting-of speelejsre,- saltsrsaths, SOMtlar.s t - st.tar, jsrs: *arbors, retort% I'S-- solvers, alestrieal .lartivves-,s.nrslostglesurti:•,l#s,lP• j01.916g, - - The goods' Will^ ba:niqinfi_d - for „eisintitition, wili catatogues,,on the morning or Side. _ . - Also, one large Br e•froof• safel,; _ • • -- VD L-FORD,, ' NOr s3cl IsAmusne erfirtm-Votwina TIME 'alld BIBTH. ronth ; side ~ RUM • Olf .13.34D'iltaDE AtIATELING.,`‘&O; - • , • . - May 87et, M preclieks,,w)l,l be sold Vie Mil Immo gilarge and - d e s i rable a - nortment it ready-made elothliag, oonalatian - of merle end bola', PeckiPME, Raglans, seeks , - .seektakel4l — diaire, - 4.e:; men's end youth's pm%e, sesta, ready-made ebirt3 , collats,4l6:, embractog a great7arietj of sai: - lons styles and raprie.:, FALB OF 1100T8. 4 FELOSS' - BBOh&ILE Hifi* GOOD., — ;ta; - • -- •.. TlioradsiMorolog, - lone. 2d, it,lo' be -oold".bj: Ostia glue, on - 4 lazoothe , ord,lit, I,lrge an-1 desirobic assortment of, men's god boys , boots, sheers, gAitre, , slippers. brnsod; &di Tulles' and selisseOgoltoiS, akqes, boots, sllppers„ ties &e , Also, men ' s and 00 - qe.stialt 1141 e s, a nd . straw bonnets, g loonier*, fists &0., itteatlon of tlis trade's' loTitea - ,-• , - SCOTT; tr.,: ADOTIO.NERK; 410.4..5t, •• .AIIXSTNEITSTRifq, oppinsits - Omit*: ketweeta worraTlE , apd FIFTH atrmAto- 13M Or , -500 101y8 A88013141D 471001) - 8.1;'' • = • ..0,3-Wedneerasi Warning,' 7ine Ist.' by catalogue. on it credit, acapaiimalii-at o'eloca:tOS lots embroideries, white go - ode, Howergt ribb I, safteole, 3e • "- uataleguetp-readi,and' goods - arranged "I",iir;exT„ amhatjon, eatljon the toolaitig• or _ 31;-:EtERKNE.A3g;lititt - tz-. ILAP DELPHI& liqp.st - AND 0A3 44 1&H.9441.&.&3, 9. B. corner . ..of NINTH. In HANKA! lITEIITS, be. twcen ilbeattnit&tia WaDmtortreet.• . • El ALE OF N.ll'ir'4ND SOCOND•HAbID criitarmaß, , et 10 &Ora*" 313: - he Bova', *hi ba ADM iiiazga eoT -leetioa 'of - de aitable new, and BEICatla,P4 outlaw, haiaau, addles , tc a, , . . . ~ . . , - BALII 01 0 110 . 1tB8, CIARETAG&P; &c. -.,-. . , .kt , On ßepute,' ornieg. At 10 o'clock, 44 the Wismar, wilt be aold—.. - - Horse', carrlakee acd humus. betiding a parr of valuable au4 fast trottless .. ms see Delosoros to toe estate of Jim. J. yancycket s Tio , deceased. . ' . = 41.:, GIININEY Rr SONS, . • _ BEAL ' m SPAT t, -B..i'llT MEMOIR,'" " . , N. 520 W.81,1811T STREET. • . TENTH BPIIINd BAWL - .• ', ' • On Thunnini Erening,' ' ' ''' ", J une 24,26 t 8 o'clock, al the 4.lllladelpktii: Az. ohaog• :•, , • e.--. . ' _. . ~... HOLIOOL 110178.11 • LAMS, • 11B111114DITOW Ito elegant lotenf ground, on School douse lase; , heat the Township Line road: containing about five acre* snob [ In a beautiful, bigh ,oration, and within"-a* few min utes walk at the ,railroad station 'on tha!Philidephla sod Norristown Railroad • nal.DBOhlle T •RISR•STOBY - ItnBIDENOS, witlr t br.re-atery back building , , and furnished with eft the modern ocnaeroopeee. eitosto No 511 Nerth Seventh street, above lintlenwood en set; lot 11, feet 2 finite's In front, by 84 lent% inches deep, , , -- NEAT zIHRIE 21 VEX MUCK lINVISLLING., No: 1512 Partial. street; lot 14 feet front, by Sd feet - deep, w•tb en outlet into fifteenth a treat, - = - 610 ACRES Of sumo for timber and farm lard, Oust+) in White county dawns& - - 1.000 ACRES, same county, adjoining the above triot EX CENSIVE STORE PAOTODP BUILDING; abl ate on the north aide of Ober not rtreet, week*f fledge. water Week Philadelphia; lot 43.feetfront ow ()best ial: street. br 214 feet 8 belies deep to Oak street NEAT TWO STOWE' STONE OOTTAGE RESI DED It .ImA. , on Herman street . near Morton street, Germantown; lot 30 eati front, by 100 feet deep; with. in • 7 minutes walk or- th , railroad depot. Perer-ptory rase of the. foiliwing }mantles: GROWSD.RENIi of s3t per annum, wares by • lot Of gri uod on Seventeenth street, 38 feet south or Brown street. 18 feet front ry 70 feet deep. ISONFOAO.I OF $2 800 a , cored by a throe-story brisk hence on the east side of Seventeenth street. 84 feet north fr - m Swain ereet, 17 teat front by 87 feet deep; all the macro iropr -variants in thehonse GhOUND-RILNT OP -$73 to per amoral secured by a lot of g ound uorthelat.corner of Swell and Seven. teenth streets...7l feet front by 87 fest - GROUND-REuT OP $l6B ..par annum, Fecund by a lot of g amid on the west rode, of automat street, 88 feet south - from Brown, Si fret front on Stlteinta street, by 73 feet 8 Iccheft deep MORTGAGE OP 81,500 secured by a lot of ground and three-eiory brick building, on the Bonn side of Swain street, below Seventeenth street, 18 feet front by do feet deep. The house contains all the m dern improvemeuts. Subject to a, mud. rent ,of $72 per annum - - NOTE OP NOD, drawn by Morgan Hindman, payable to bin own viler. • BOND AND MORTGAGE for ,St 800, with interest, due July 18th t 1880 secured by a Jot of ground on north side of Brown meet, west of Sixteenth street; lot 18 feet by 80. -• • BOND AND MORTGAM! for 81.600. wait _Mtute , t, dui July 12th, 1381, aeoured by let of ground, south side of Brown street, west of Bitteenth street; lot 18 feet by 80. - GB UND.B.BNT OF 590 per scum, secured by lot of ground tooth elle of Brown street, wart of Eirfeenth street; lot 18 feet by 50 CARD —4. M. Gummy & Forts, auctioneers, will hold regular sales of Ilentlls•ate, Etooks, its. Also, household furniture at dwellings. Err On our Private Bale Register hill alwayS be found a very line amount of real tatate, 1. Mulling every description of city and country property. " ' J. U. GIIMMEY & SONS,. - Heal Ratite Rickert, No. 880 WALFUS Etrest. below Math. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. Z. corner SIXTH AND BADE Streets MONEY TO LOAN Maxey to loan, in large or-small amounts, on mer oh/indigo generally, and on all erticlea of value All rams over ewe hundred dollars two per cent, per month,: Including storageOto at Nothanal Principal listablishoient; 8. ls:corner of SIXTH and RACE. ate. o.llllfa P 1781,10 ACICOSIMODATIOIC " MONEY! I MONEY ! I ! Money liberally advanced in large or small sinciants, from one dollar to thonsando, on gold and sliver plate, diamond.,' wateheef jewelry, ' musical Inotrumente, furniture, dry gems- clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware, ontltay, books, homes. vehicles, her note, and all art icles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Natkerts , Priticipal Estodifehmenii southeast camera Kit% and Bane streeto. PROMIBdORY NOTIIB, with coastersd, &ix:wanted at the lowest market rates. GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES, navniant, BBr AT.PRIVATE BALE. at N &TRANS' PRINCIP AL AIILISHILENT, 8... E Corner of 4IXTH and itAOll Streets.—The following articles will be sold for less than half the usual stare prim c Pine gold English patent fulljelieled and plain, of the moat approved and best make, lu hunting oases and double cottoned. Pins gala escapement lever and lephie watubeia, in hun•ing eaw and open face, some of them extra full jeweled and bed make. Silver English patent lever watches, ea. co:anneal lever and /epees, in boating o.se and open face, some very superior: English, Swiss, immix, and gnarlier watchee; fine gold vent, fob, neck, End chidren/s chains; floe gold pencil cases and Irene ' ar.esanina: ear-rings, etude,. mena dal ona; and jewelry generally. Superior Havana cigar at $l4 per thousand, in boxes of 200 aid', will be sold by tingle box or quantities to snit rivets/am morons fanny Article% do., Ote..kno. _ _ AT PRIVATE BALL A inperior flrelroof chest, 4 feet high by 8 feet e Also. wstali seard ft*elsyOr oreiydaseription Zalamanbtr Odes Icl, SALAMANDER SAFES. l' i:firge int. ?truant of NVA.NB Fe 'WATSON'S VIiItiDELPRIA. MAt 4I 7PA.OTtr.II.E.T, SA.LOIANDEU Bo 1,08, . V.o1:71,1! DOORS, For Bmiko find Storm BANK LOOK 1, Ronil to any_ now in axe. IRON DOORB BRIITI RNti t Ocn . On an good serum soy other entbiLthment intim United R.atea, by veNd - No. 48 Bg:o2th ItUIISTS Btreet, kidiads pi aIL EUM( US A QUA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers