V'"" -1 & -k.4.*1 ..` . .;.'r *-0 - •"-- , ... - AN".e - --1" . "-`•: - ' --":" • n c : f•-•til..-•-,‘2%;-,-ireliiiif- ,- ' ,41 - , 9V . AV121 . T , g , .. 1•-..,, v9-2-.li • i-,-tic k kt- t -0,-. t, - ._.„-' , ` - ./ . ;_„7, - t,,,i-„,,,,,w,h,j,,,,',.*.tf:Tz47-5,-... ,U 4 Dip'ee,,•:l,fek lei 112A:5;;11 ; 4';1 44,10i i, 01! . i' - ',. - !,-, *. : ' ,if, , tl - 6*:,trelvii, , tuiiiiii,:amidk : i,i,4o, 7 ,ft t .:44 t7 aol.i` :#4tq', .'l. Willini23YtioliSj m ui, Ricer, pi'i, , r -...,;=,..-g-:, , -._,.,:, 4 ,% , 4i ifolli% a :„,,,:::" •I=--,:.:,,i-fi: ~ 0 ,r044 4 4 /1 ,0 f 0 r,,, , Z ,F. , • ;:=...., I'AP:-,''',3::::4,,nrarh:- " ik ' w- 17 ;ittmalt a Aso 4 - 14;4 444 la, . .F; ~,. ...- z•,,,,,, ,- --0 ,- i -- ,0 00.4.0 ir y artior , k._ o °)- 4 ..,__'- " . : 4- i:Lit',;,':; 1„.7/ " . ' -- , - .1,..:, , ,iiL i f,1* - , , ,-. -, 4h to .. e ? ''''' ' " l: l l4**e;. * * tar.34442Y140*-4,.. i i ii Del 4.': - VF -, ;',1,. ileliCAPPLefhili't 14 1411 e 4,30 V, 7 .: 24 ..- ' 7 ' ' t 4kd4r4 r t 4*i. t " a1.41j-t.: - tlgl l ~:l•`':fl_.fte4 (r ote ./ 4 : .lii_eertaAiiici"t''''';ta,,- - , 7-ttopiduir,BlssysootmVtt 41?! from Lie:. i . :;.. ;00biiw$0/I°l, P? _rt , e 1 jTh: ,:f '7 ,• : *:•l3t;isititthatii-,t- -' ct" , , , i -11 . , .f - :." f" . .„..7_,1 - ''m'-__, 0w." . - 5'4111i1; . 44!! 4) '...- t 4i :, to - 7;'' . :l- ' _,_ - ''' ', -.1'.;"1.€;',.'-''''''-;34>,,, . '-'4 : " l r j=likiiii 24 . 44 ,4 - .`'' Aid Tod --10*z.V,Tblookl".7-'?l% p0,,e4 kot ~, / --` PAkt t (4 / 1 1,41 4 4 , t ia t F e l s aatil:. laiValiyW , -_-, -•-•',.1-' 'igiiii,4;.,iiv4iet., itro.iirrom.e.apip.' '.=:- - 'r; ,41'.:01,1h,=ffit4 itatihatt._lll4o.lloP*ollll..T..».44 V.-, '-'-:'''' '1.4-4 -‘..../...—S#l4whis:tifiltir - lorkil: , -q''' '':' -- '''` '; /4 " ~....:.,: -,!.,=-•-,,,,,°'" -- ' . /ti-:- •,', • - r..` --• ' l''N -• .-',' '''';'-'. '-',..' i' 1- '-' - : .1' '‘,;;;•!.•7-.I.-'-?.4.t.`A'.44,140-1121,9*•-,'I''' ,q7il;k ! -'-,--_•, •-;,- • Etpit'wildiVositainititl,flo"t4toPol!!i*ltilt! F -.-- 1 5 .' . . „ '`'.?,` ~- iO,-Irittaiitayha'ooocnn„,,'"",,,......''''f t'r-iii,-,iiiiiiiiiia' -- .. 3 • ; ''.' 014a40,111,„ilkaaPktra".. l'fightiViloiTlTotk roserity. Vt. €::',. „..""-.•` chatlYtitlfr'444-os4 - Shiite* fOir WNW& salty 4' ' :j '''' ''- i) k t i. t ( ktra ' l4 . ilt /a* 7" 4 " 140, ;V * -' ' . ' '-* 1' 1 - 77- -i =l l 4l;ityti r .4 -1.411:014" gl'al-)l.l ,Y• 4r°l* . I' v 0 . - ,-` , _ -". ',•'' - Piticliattri l l.,*• - :' , -! ,, •_•,`" ..-,-, if& 1 i i - • .`,l; e 4 ~. •.• - , gl i b 1.-ronikwohk:;Jullai.,, faircpt_ ~ 0 a , , 11. , r.`,, I. iibtatrzul lAA tp4t., ~.„. . , ...,- . . i. ,•.4 or , . • ter , miss i r. kbiladiatibbi, eltate4 at. - abill" , I,S '", 1,, ---, .% , ~, .. -., ,_ , Ltittpdhtl olo-1100 ,' , , - - i- - - .3,flirA tt :i t ob l i o irriv:a f, ,--' , : ablvilnigliwros, V. 049113_ 3 „, . , , .• at tioationatimitAiklmt'e '- ''' it Ile At ilverpool 4 :..- - . ktirpoiyiLinga***, l Pra , *b„ , , . _ t...' - .. -, Bilip Bold 11-t t o , l' . c . : •),.4r--?',." 7':--' , . - ' - :'',''- , -•- ~ .:I'''„--:', .',' , ,- .',, , ~ '-',- !,-.,,.? f.yl.,r, t 4 e 'x r aat i •xm , i,i*k,9,tg---; - -o , . .4.i 1' . :. . - . q ro q - 4 ~i..-, r i . h • i . . t - .r . i,i, . k -i . —t ' .,'ii ..- .. : - .7, -- . '- , ! --,--1111,• ~ "!lee}eoelyg#A-Y - n4, g i -...-' , :Z, , 4 Militst'Ai)Trl 6ialivimaoi tpr- AiKTIM:/T k1..,,,i 1, - e ra ? fi' ' s ? lkAsi ' v A ritgtai, 4 64 4, ie4,,l.t„,: t- -15 w e At• p 4 mci ftesii - ii. - s .-, 4; r ' - -4 -A o ' 4 ' y aopmand 1811 lest. " - :lt 4 44ii o 4SotiEfti4•lol 4 •'.la gjol 4 ot 4)V .41st uj` i'e" , '' - i , ;Bak AoVc ft#!; uon , (a is, , i, lii4 t4tii a wit hams,4lE?k riestaa i ii i i o. iii; e f.4 , f( . zi 4 44:4%ioi;bi nee, was ,filt i , , ,T , a , ".. 4 1 ,:• • ' - ' -I° 28° *41.7 ' , NP` 612"4 "ii1; 7';,),!fai.iii, luitoa 31th Alt: ~ " - ` --- riartitakthq; t!gy01) , At_ ,t.„. - ~ ,- -..„ , , I ' "„- ~ - sitteed steles' „MO derl.wr-+ • , i - i :,, '4 , .. t i -,;: skeloid '' ''• , Schecoo7Wil 1 hoadlo".!!F- I t. 1 1 . , - ._ ~ ..,'...''' 25- terig - R. - 4 ,i , Rent s, arrived Ay apoton salb ieeteer • i ..,,,.:,&,- ,1 9,,,„„... 1 ,4 - Sot;- h ! . _ . 4 chtikred at 11 thlifall 112 - 111 ' 1 9" , r! 11 , 1 * . .• ' ~-,.. ~..: ,:.,`-. 5112#4100.10-4.0.-ci—ijphiJaiiipidamii /coins • : "SalkuPgitirri 4 7-?' - ,-: . -, t, , •1,•. ' • I .`" ° '"lrvii ink , p, -6 . -- :iinixkr7- I tia. 1/ ..! / ) , 'kusoPl4lol**filit4ll3"2ll;h Ith't i'isiii '4l - li liat; • ,delite baaWatl, A A r f# , !, , ,,r. 5..,. „ ‘,.-. 7 „...,-. for 21,074,.......:fi P viy.i34lpfas ' •ii4,ll,atii,3. ' -'-11407 • 11 i.lar j u iffi s .-R° l ' t W o kai*"l o , ll ° 4 * ,- ,e,".{. , tab; -.,..- • . ~... ~,,,, -..: , - -,..' Nautili: ,-, het •` , -- 7 - i • Pityltgi for te** 1441 ug*4l"; ' " ivtd at hew hnlittlati4:liihi '05.1 ) ! 41 ° "" ',.. s ! r _, o, l, o:L , ll:tritraigit,laiti o ;-ilei loo ,'*aiia;4 O i.DIX O t OO - - .,:214-#4, , ,,, 2 .,%•,, .• ~ •:,..... ...... : ~, .. • • : Im6 t r il tir4 Aic * lr°* , Val Bedfo rd .er k ilt Ws. Bcidm , ? ulawiey, neck", _ .. f rom . ~. :: - *.hil'l4 t i ii, t r,it ilik ' d , ti ' ll . _i;;t1=1: - tire;re s ll,'AiPln• - 414.*thtiillittiatt4tteher, 1 0,.&- et:lear,- A• - ,•.1...-A--Daguuduziar.-Xino) tq. nie ." , F." . "'",' M l', • ,t - ,•• ' •• latiliat. ,. .. :," ' , g_:- _ r ,--', 0 ' " ji 541,1* Bums , Dilleti, Weaver., itle,,,Grestthe r & _II , d at bilitioslokillirrii* , f'ffit'e, o ,4f at ti!!'l '..,',4:1'.7' -;3111D*09,041C-9ideTP4.oloollCW4lo4 l ool*' rt Ono". kilikelicifilfieCtior4ii rade.of DikielbOati,"oo4 in.Lodidaua a fewilikji - 2,l,`theltgti 4onAtiesips of Ottoitinatl:nz , yeste,tierofriViv.toosei,*it e rected there, 'do Wit: . 4 rAhy,,, oriacrOveif '. - bptheiChr , CilitiOst; biatet into rr vouidtaiiiittpwhiolt , thei".;partr;wo4;.vtiriminic", lived 'Aq•Lebtinon - ,- aildk was Oil 4 - '' . - 4ii; - *MI -W.ct - t -- ok ~.,,,-.,--_;-. ,-i:,giim ,Isiil. - eit , tit& 1 , : am .. o_, , , f - '' . -..' , ', - ''-' ,, -" idhiipiikai - 4oiuitt - ; 4 - 1/1d,,: - iiiati4ned .' the ;:, fblletrieg i - 4''''i''' , i'l'' , '' thateleY",,iftaettleirlee AOC titimittalthit:iiir 110-, , '' ', .... 4-- .4V -4 s " gro -- 'iiiifd'ii.',lgik4;';"= - id)iikc:ohit4r.Ai. i.iithlicClatths , . :.;::'-,, ' ' -'i•tittir,lisiiihj'intle..Ohi(ibii,47,lihalf:w6rlelor..tlis* ! ct: 3 ,-: 1- r-4' s s'i,. , ileiv*:bytai - yhtgria.. - ixotit4fpiailiiiri,4o l / 4 iipir4 2 '.4' - '''''''-'-' -i- ilii - Jeirlits;'?4vTidirbetiiiitigillOgf calicipluiii,n: 't ' ''''' -rf ' 4.!..3:' ' 4 'or - "Si44 iii i .exibi'"risietthlitnae thilatid It - ii4Wil* ......- --, ,.z--;,-,rs„ -,.... „,i , ,....„ „._,,,) ~...<O O , ~,,,,,,,,g ,,,,%F,t,-•-,-, X'-',",-1 i 'f ? ' ' ' ' /If °' ?4 " .l4.d iO . 4f.Zii:: :. 4 l :ll=, t'44.&i ~-,- -, ' ,-1 ''';'l.;:', 1t=3.1 , --< - :-.-, = : - 'i :=,-:** - o. .I'9;pool(;;!#fr , r, - " ui,..OA , ‘J ,-, -- , , s: .-1-,,,,,,:.„..,,-,,,: , e,,,,4 - R - -- -, - ,,, teizidiptoui.4giutititlitiiit,b4lB*-N W „ it•P'-i - -37 , ; , .C=q5-'- .---`- --- , ' ~ -..L - I:, albi o Ti.ii le V•,"' .',' '. ' 1.::* ,f, 14.1.(4., 4* 1. 11 0 1 . 5,:.!r!tr. t ..A,. 4 1,p0 1 ic lei , ,••• : .. 2 . .: . .'- . .:::: F . : - : ', :: : S.lifi-:;7441, ..H.4l , liiiii , , , Z -: -:•. >': O'X maiso iiltit::' ,l ;': ,- 4 1 ; ' omatios**::atri, l :- , " : , 15 ' ) # - ! 4 :0. 4 b0tm .k . !4' 1 .1_ -. , : 15• 1 t.. - '- -,L - ', -, ..'1.Y '4lreseii4 Illteetatedl - ~,,,...: ,14- Matilde:alto tte).,.-, , .::, , kg '-- -2 1, '-' - ' , s,ll4lketett',ttlf) ,,, - -s 'sr - kettitte - MV , ,4.-.-_,:='....-(,:,: ,tvvstawaoot ItTir-q..t-H.l,:i-xtireitlietlet,lit„Stlfq, 1,,V - - ' ----,:- ' - ''4Et'ffel - 44•;111014,gazt. -- -- , '" , ,Olrlikttetterkwfj,lqail . ..,.._ , if_±.- - -' - -:,:;" imperourft4 oo 42r, • --.':',D;.,i,-n.P-SoffC-11,#fel!.y.t-J -7, ,?:.:- _;2:,1.1. 14169dr-*".-740/C-1:-&-l4,!!:,Itkiia=9111iii4a; li.:;- = -,:-'1-', 1% , 11 4,14 *:, , t ; i'ukIVAtillitestrilt11- - i'-.- . .,f.d. P . " - „-,!- : - • - .= w fx./ 4 4 , i , , -- .A , t,;‘- , .NA'sTr,iivi#4, -- AgOttip, ; -, i , ,i - rf , "'-_ - ; - -: - : T zdirv r i - , t ,' '' 'V zi'l' ' '', - u TeTZ l riritiieksiiiL;, l', - ! - :.: - '-!. - _ , : -, V- , :;•.T : lb(' 0#1,,11".-7;1:X-V,-;411-aivirtaarat=,-?x,e -p'': Mg rltitfl ', :.W . ..i - 4r4imikopii - Tivw„ 4 f -4 xofti-efe e tt:IOI,4t74ICOTA:O*III-*,,reltark. ,e,f , .??, - c.,,_„ 8 „ 0 ,-, i t t _ frir , -,-;,-- „rAirii - airepant•Suov_kl/fs, : .5 5 . - iijilv,iliiinit: jetli]-I'4,:g" a;;,1)03 li - OrisOeloodou'' 4 4,'," 1'7., nt , : ''''':o':A..-.1-11 * stil f ,r . o fr A c k 3 : --- _ .l'64 4l l ;tm ` irettlif";(l ~ -,: - ,: -...., ,-, - , , ,, ,i-- . - -i iiiiia4-#o4te., - .57,:.191*24, - ,-,,,,-:-.--q a :: ,r,•. =i-'- , ,.. - .-..- .., Y. 46tissiiii 11 PilithualitOlA At uteri, ;44 - tt_oxix,, c:, , g -:-.--„,'‘- ,110' tattotlitcri,\;',4-xilf,otiomnorlfif,7*, 1 -, --:- '2 ,V,Bief A tOt lt m l igh,4:, J -.2, „;f4t,Z , 14,d i ii„, .' ii tkaitossi i'g - ,' -, ` , • . ' , :',., -. 4 - - , 4. "' - 1' - -,:" I" -`. T?,:jitid,"ftbil*. 'Miles% Aitte,,, - WkWl Beet% JWhi. , ..r.,,, ' -- •- 1 - • ',.'-w Oa tor wittrott4';w , i ,4 , - ,fraisr: 4 4 - 404/01e01,, , r, .—'•6 ritltti4liisivzottioii e- ,_Titofte#,Alsiko. 4 -* ' ,:,::, ..• .• ' 4. t 4340011q-Nejlill.::: rAtkyormbitteitioyito:_, - . - '.." II reao. tt ~..,..,,,`- • ;;', :. ..- . .- . , U ir44- 0 10- - , r :i ,a; , : ---- ',.. -. _vp.tino44.sstiooritri 4 4 , 7••: l -f Waloi . yerisils!slore ' ---gwvarttlit,Lr'Ykr.Talli=rl? ,---.-1-,1 4' -. ?•": . 1(4. 141 0 .1 0 6 2:QV; . v;47 . : - ,': - . ,,, " - /frwilidii . qat" , fAW=l4citaltilA l rs"-• 74 ' P. 3711 idiCh T'" 4 : 4 ;" ' ' , '“' , ,: • -1; : '- '.- ; ': :-4: 0100',Irrgive '-- r , ', - , -, ;;;,"' = !f ,- m -, .- - 4 - 4174,1* - ;l4tifofi :it i;;; - ' , Li ': .----., ~. •-;='.-'l.iipi4 li lvi4m-tiotkvi,iiinii,ltT'lsallariktii;Wl4l,ooB.ai: ' - - - " : -Pill r - - ;;' ,- ' ' ! ' ' - ;Vili ' !i, " ft•om " iiroiiiir' , ;:::;.Wiiiiifisidecti - 1ia4.5 r 4 ......--'..:,'• - ; 7 .41103,0;cii , -_ ,-- ; - ,-, , ,i,.,-,...? , ;:s uktiiloll, gal ',--,,,,,,riaakiparm- 14;!::•...,,;:nv.,-1,0A.:W4.411.410111101110141-0Atv,15 ' l-L- VZ - •11 J 4 ' ':,,Vhlegt,,,-;i;.:,:-=,2;i0*FetIcri,M-15LI =r,=,:,- g, ..,, .., ._ . '` 1:: ,5,4:;;',/etetri.Peti ' N iF s . l , i ,,. :, fleil i t tlai; .:-• : -.,' ' '. : 3 .1:1 1 1 " 4, 1 *Viift - iiilifil%':r a -ztoio, -, ghti siit - ' , f'.'‘:; - •':' , ' . .:, , it, , kr Whtti'tltfeiefA . ....;V -.-s, ':.,lfiehelleitit , ;(l!te , ',, , it.i , -:, 7`ipi Vimelelitelklygis l o. o4ol l4atiVeet!Wii; '-',': .." ' giailtko"OF irilfili:Vl,,fil..i: V ::;'' '' ' - ' ' ' ' ':' ‘i ' 'l ' e ab* et 9 t V4ltt4aillet •A =lloi , e,', ksz: ,- ,-.-- - -,/,st:KAdirioAssiii4):? d ",,clotou, ,oisii - ..Tigtiy4 p .-., 0:: . :,,, , ,,_ - - v.: - K - likirTiolf4; ~ 1 r.V -, : , liiirtems‘troodio,',A i ,- .*:747:w:1t - couhm i stl . .1 1 "' 1 : 0 , velti r .g .. : : 0 :-. -.: T- tto”.t, tt4tteest• :1,... - . ; ,-„44:ll,ttlee i Ne, _2 :: , , .„1 . , „, -,:'''... ' „itsnotrow& , ,..44 . ..NA,l*olciatipgmfrar T.:l-.,;... - 0, i 'lgnifi Halioatif lrir-- , .., ~i , 'lr. it gt l 9sselo(4lifaitl 4 w; '' ' '"liiiiiiiilaiiiiiii:4lol4l:4lfaiistk.-Atlit, below Aye'', lamoMo4. 1 r 1%3_1, 11 tailtar; Claitorati -.- witro•ieslitapuk .57; -- -,-- irtiorato rlid" :bo0 41144 "1 aa - - •,' l:, - ., R i t - 4 1 ', B ' W re s ` susee ., 04 . 444 ,%-"I ir "-.17,7' -: = I va*,. /tmsilk as t i:l " 4 l l l/ 1, `,. - , : ivaisnoßiAllitiiiiiiiCY ...' 4ki ii-iFilogitilycilJi;z4kOtatialk...oo,llllPi. . -E,04, .. d 0wi x,.... •= , = ,--- :77iiil;, - -4:6 - 44: - - - bali , i4',l ~,,,-,-._ _, „,,,,„0 0„„ , _,..„,..„0 . ,„„,....,,,,,..,.., 7..-k! .. ,,-:-21-4-104147„ . 11 barlaj",,,vriftolik * thIslio * " ;-...',.; '-',Airril h1ki1•••'`.041...,7,:: D WliodiePtellatlV.; ' l ` .. , 4:..,_,)---,;-;,'...Vl l l l .,„AlltAtEt., .....P' `.4, , .' tif-*ltikiidAllA ,, ,, ,, •,' '-;-•''.--"-,`! Z . - .l, 4: h f l r oi , 0=737; , - -",c',.:` ;:',, If I f ilooftki ~ •t••t - % '"-'-' '' :.! ~,.:,-, - ' : ;' .: :iftue,,,,lNAtittiote. .." - I'-:, - A A,840.1 1 , 1 ;1N1Ve-: ~..' . - ' 'Joke gar limo 'Time 7 .. ''' ' lfi li ltliThtn -.. ' 7644 "-' 1441C144 - 0 4 10 14 ",,%- z. , 3' ? 71 , . , .I. ' ' ..'' J aollsotoltil'Ait!M, 6 l o itS':: - '- "! I '.; ' 7, ~ , . A ‘ 1„ ,. .::,. , .v. - I:.ii• ,i.,. , , , ,- , r- , - ,, '' 1, a ii mm - ilitc, , . JarliSt 101P.b-ITheittam elate* __ , z ~,. ''', .', , • ,s-1 100 , r 7 4 . - :flax ftolllPtltt AI% -,, , ,4 1- ,./ .. it 4,,,,..,w- Audit ,48 ..n_.,...,,,-, 5. 4 t ', '. F : j 1 -1 f J " 04 0.91V1,444:'141V 11 - 1 11001) 4°14 '' ‘..'PJ,r".7' Y,WM;110111 1 041f , , -, :f .i * , iff . ..o..:WL,tonjiht ',- : .. w 4 i IliiielOr *.*,grlia ' ., .)" . 1 .°4- " - Wfm - Ntliato =','' c - -.`" .-% twat itiiinglatt' - . 1, "...:,,,, ;, - Fir i vyrawi ti it yr, :,.--, ..--- :-. :. -1 se itr;4l4,-Itfr - P - : , - ~- 4,oolldoitlrike' '''.. -,., °/1 " 74 ' i il'ai . ',' 4 . •,-, , .3 , I I ',4 . , filitl ; It il.4141111/° ''';-.l ` -? `fi ' lltg a ßtl i rt fa - \ ' 4: ,' k,., ',. ,-, '' ,I 0 V 0 r 042 , 11,; f,,,' ', ~ g -,, .;:n - R.lF'tibirmia., 'Mt ~ .i -.. i' , ,- - ; , u'Rogt`lii,o' r -- "--=:,. aoial-PrIl!ff:1#401!,'; ' k ' ''''' 7 ivisit, Trottoll - . "'" ' - 'll If Mims, la -,, , 9ipt-litente4V, tr a Al t ' , ', - - 1 '' ' Bleti6 D r ..-• 1, 1 ,, A. igbbinitiggsl- 44 17....... ..,', ~.7...V.- , 4... - - X Zifi`_;.-;,,,,z",,c,1470,17;t6fe,:".,,:;,,}5., - ' it iholittei ,6,„,, -'„,"i tck ROC ;,' -„ ' ' p ',7 4 1W y .„ ai o , ~- - t. • - ' - 442 ,744,1 tit,- ..,..., irstititriet'llbolre 4 ',' , - , , , ~=,triiollllo,Tll74rik. sitio:--t!...nri • .T0'•1 i 1.,,, , -.:, :. „. • ITr girdiV, 4 ,,el` , „2 ft_ toirt-J,,, -, .•- Is ,-;-.)-= 7. 7, it 11 .A 4005, 74.7;',6„ fv y . '. ,-, , , ,•:•11r u - 2 1=4 , curio iie;: V Y,S;'v ;-' I Kfatirr'' ' l4 , et, , :-,:"-- ITAmitili 1 0 'lv z''' : • ' • 1 V'‘ -rttilks.,,,..,:.t,i.,,r=rsit, ' -14- ' ' :., '.0e...i tvasl4:4 " 144i1140.e, re. Ali-onemi; cheater ot ' e '''''''"' ` . 1401 "-fl * P` "` wan oottinadi, roe 1ii,05,..7, iii Ist ,„, 4 R 'mu bari i l t p 4111 mi.p ri iii s ~ _ ic.s 4 yty, Oa . . 2 . . , g P,..----111te, 01461611., - * D400 , 00, -11,,. ..f... - •i , 7.„ -11.#0,„„,Z16..,14 eci.,ri',,".-., 401, '.?..-14 Third. , I '' ''''''' '' 1: '71,,,e,..i..,,' 1611,1itrimi.,2,014 lira:Wm?" r, r ,_.„ , * - ~.:niv,H.,,... - waciiire.... ,s i , -‘l' C ' '''' - itri NO/ . til46 •-0,1,611416b4.4".41itrbu5it ''. l " -,J,R,DruLlit,'Do2l4„l,4o., -010?„!'ut 0> ~ M UP ' . soisl Aliabt.;oll.", 1111,40 '4 . k• 1 1 :r`Cllgi.-ik 4" priaLli!.Y y:)11D /41.41,152,iig-Ity :,` ~limiii7 al 011i foki .. it=laidnitit'Del ; " '-' I'M .3.14,4 ielsY#o- O A - Ttkebuirtio , l.l / , -t ,; , , ‘t - . 0' 1,-,v,,,, oiia-pritwits; togas ;mu 0 i ,o,r , . mit .- ,- -, 0 ~, -.:. 0,41,„,kat, • - It -,...- ilt 0 , ah ,,,,- - 7- - 10,w ‘S .- ', 4 fi 1 ,...--o,ariasi - 7 0 =( .: .i. , - ,L . , I ~..„„...t2-41riliniii , s ft. abtrft , 1 •- , . -rativault,A•rt.777.-v.icstutiocitt ~' ~rod e -, - , - „ .-, -Ibielatilito, •- hbi to, .Ir . kob i tk kotty. JP.."7 ,' .- k , ' .., ; , ,--„Acnorustet-_,I. ohvtql.---,` 314 " , 4,74 r,04,4,- - v,, -,, . . I 1,41,-....,4.-1,4 -4 -,, , ,,, -;i:4 2.171 icTiqa,Maiwititt'llißd F '-- ' r e'' ••' ''....a t h o ta''" , ji lt picell ": ' ju id obritior, - 1,',:1', "- ".;:', , idam(lllZ,lisig-,V4teAr.l thßoPlig4,(/ jk,'',"' fc . ' ~..2 .If srll,l4Wal et" ff,', 'l) l l,4ltt tßiliV ":-.;', (-- ,:- ' Vrii."400,0043b 6:-i'va'3lo9B':'oblec:,- ‘ , -,' )----`....:,- '" ,`..t lea - lif i rv,- .-, , *,-'` '• it I* a s..`. , t rf ry e 6 .r• ...„110...„1-141 1 ,,,, norr , „i , , a ~,.. -,, if Wgirat ait4f6rnraoi;al Vial IMAirdt, 1....""1114" 'e.,5- 1 I,V ;I. t:' 4. r° -wogierAllaiie ;il9l*ii*l°6".s7;; fli i Z1; - ,,..> P: .13,„,,in , fiaftud ~- -•, - I %Mail= ow 06; Pk. ,'"'"., 7 , %' ;'1 -- `7, 4 l kt j,, •- 214:Atit,„ 2 -, . ' • Ar4-:,-;:;::::l:l4kiir*fietmPr.lt*-, x4„,-,i9ifig"/11-1: 1: :, ;JA, -- ;: 4 ;*"- - ' '''llailigi;:igirtriii(ii4l-;;'- 4- • 4 , ~--.. , . r . )- - ipi- - 'tiillialilitAligfeal*Potviitticttl: kai sios i y- -",,-?'',lii,lit.. ,4,it4teNft. i. ''''' ~ tilli p ., I Igtoharou'Ativ •, 4 ', . V " -. . ;; ',1- ,- -I ' '' '. gr. - . ;:'-ill23r,ftku,—,e_' 1.1t,* k.,x. * a`' ''' ,1; ..7 --, ^ '.:tat ' -1-.)i .--i . 4 . 1. -fly g -,- ,.•.---itt tt L5.414,,f-Pi,,.: li , i_m",i'.i, / r ' -' ~~~• - "= J4TXMOMWObOsbooIi L. below lromth. „ T - **Griffith; ibrilforir, Del /tßubst, Width .Nreekobi,Nl, JobillbleoWe,l Malrool, Loorete. - •Ioni) taneemer virloger; , nibiniuq..?A' " Nist, N J fowls; MsOi -M D Pjefoh; NY • - , 'Jab flteetoW, MDbiebeili PitaDerlee, Del - Bait - Jon 0 Di', N y ICll' /OM B n erell, N- MOONNyii,FigN ROTleandl'etoOf. above Arch. :; D ]Mere, Olarlon, P. 'II Allen, Dioto b ; •,, OMeue,Nortlamptitao = 7; ll 4tridt.''Ps' ' 0 McCann, N Y VLoycrk, , ,Yfttla - Brord, 03or. .I.Eak. Pe , Wale. '- ' Ohac W.o i , Oloarfteld - 11- 4 111 g e tt1,A) 443, - Tif Tliomeda, Clearfield D-Ort!BY ilOyNtwek si.. bMow vine. • Woov 'es, Trenton • ,To_booton, Trenton; N J Thocbialallieneyi Pa Mewl *vane, DeapaNi.NY Jan Williams, New Rope ,WN OookeFOQ J ohn Itmgoo, , - - • it ihiinekeri Tian:foil; N7' • - BLOOM -11 AM, HOPID 7 . ird et.. stare Callowhlll. * P Appple, Ylseap;Yalipp Henry . loffertt, Pa P Nehelbseb,'Dirlie Coy ; • ,- - Jobn Pa - M}SolieF, Allentown • - '-,fttattuNcts: -;-.'" ,- 08 the 28th lust , Dittborow, JNO. TWEILIR to Miss - NATE - IC. 11.2.16 ER, hoth of , Milo city. (Oatifornle paPirg Film° c9°*") • - * 04'01 11 .2 0 th hest, lathe PiT{OZlnge. 720 N Nteeteeoth street:ebeetiro rtes' hi Kee. .7; II: - Toir.er, Me-TRO IA/di 0:',4440/ 1 / 1 M _htlee: .1 1 14124.111T1L J. A.LLNNi • . eeertlet-Of the:2B bleat.: by Rev. Pranklip - Moore; Mr 1J: O. hlteltNN.to Mlee'LINA OLA.BK, all of thlepiti:, , - (lithe 26th hist', Nee..r. Betold;.blr to Mies APNL11414 . 4 'Nitlflt,'of this • : * .01 the'lltk. wit ''...by,Bey Opp. flhoxoller Mr. NLON U4__...twit '....by,liey of 4 MitaoC.Oliuuk; to,Vso &lib - Alike A. Oildkla - . • '3":l.l—!••Arlidthe - • ' • At Ittearaudol'ldi42oth, at thi issidenne of Thomas W. Dien. Esc, near ilmiagton, leel., MILLER' DU NOTT Ti NINGTON,- son of-Ryland B. sod Ellen ton -Denbigh:in,' in the 281 year Of kid age. • :(...- glinerilntio‘Thnrsday, Id lune, at 8 o'clock—to pro. owitto the Cemetery at Wilmington, Del; . *** ~ in DenAbgteirse,e on,ni2On I O a inst., EORGE BALT) .- )91144 •••- - ' Anima will take place on gourth-day morning; the let June,lnemAliel , residenco - of Zebnion Thotaas ; DoWningtownl-atll9Wook. , . ' - = . - Ole , - lust ; Mr. DAVID 0. NEfP, ;Aged :W - years/did Vuumtlis.• • - The .rebtlrea find friends of the lankily are respect ',fadlrifinfteulAo attead , the - fuoaral from the residence - of his latlari-Mr. - John D; 'Neff,' No '605'8. Sixth et ; lreidar South, on- Wednesday afternoon, et 4 o'clock; without further no .. 2 .•• - - On the 20th inet , Capt: LEWIS 110BINEON;In the aid rear of his age. • - ' • The reletives: And friends, also Ilarmony - Lodge, No., 10;a. are: respiatintir invited to attend hie funtral, from his /ate residante, NO.. -1814 Wood street; ti O .en WedgeladayTifteinceinnt ,Vo'alocir; without-fto-_, toffee. ~;•• _ --- - 83 • flatitiday-evening,2Bth• last., Mrs. MARY CINCH _MAN' 0A RL191.11,. poripbolove6 wife of Henry Oar _pole; or this „r•g:7„,7,7 • "Due notice will be - 1 . 0411 of the funeral. - _^ At Voundelii, on- the-29th Met - HANNAN 8., 406TX11, , daughter Of Dub H: and Esther Ann Porter. ' The:relatively, and Mends of the 'family are respect- . Daly -inVited‘to'attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, Cooper street, three doers below Fifth, - north vide :this(Tuesday)efternoon, at 2 o'clock, With out: b r iber settee, To moue& to Evergreen Come. On Suoday morning,- he 2)th lost , GIDEON SOULI4 in'the 179th year-of his age.' - The 'male friends -f-the family are invited to attend his Innentl. from hialeteresidetice i lio 918 Spruce at nn Wednesday Morning;•Jitnelst, at l 0 o'clock * On'thol.lBth:biot.; , l46,llYo:idalighter of Borah and ,the;ihte CkC leb Newmeniaged 10 vebni:-', • •- . '-`....TherehitiOwoudinondo of the (amity are'lievited to ittand - the' funeral, from - the,reeddeoca of her mother, WinthinwtAortier-'of Etanktin. and Wallace streets, on tubii; at: 10, o'clock, without, further 'notice,- To *mead to IlLittiiment Cemetery. , • 40 OR Erblity,-the 27th lost.; Mrs4EMBIA M. ; wife of j.- r WArrits. Syy thelathyear, of kir ago , Iler,redetires.. and Diem/Wm respectfully invited to atfend her funeral. froulher hothead's residents!. north. }rest - corner.9gEintit - and Noble attests, this , (Tuesday) liftirenoint; Mist init.', it go4Ack% - , * • „Car, the .IStk hut 11(11PRY;oon of Henry yaws bud 9 months. friends of, the family are respectfully invited to ittind the funeral from the residence of kb parente, 'LebasiOn Street, hativeen And Tenth,-below Ca -ahrldato3ll.Taawdalf)ifternoon, O'clock, without furtharAo be t ' „T9Jrcemed to St., Joseph's • Came-. At 6 o'clock-on the afternoon'of Thursday. the 28th Jost .0. lirs. , 6l7SAN -pox ..yeawltz, widow of the late .li , bortAtrwin, Esq., and; daughter of the late Moses - Ths.fslendeot,tlo;ifentillyire'resiwitfulirtanted to' ittondatfe,funeral, from ter lota tooldonce, on Thurs. daY:inoroingoltine. 9dElit 16 -o'tlook, without further nothwi2lnhatmeakat chtlaillhafalfbaaTing ground, lifth , anflArthAtrastai, - -, • - r •'Attio ttifilaittee, of Arrsoireakantaifor tits Iscaptlon of Mr. MOXPEitwilibist mtihe A THHINAIIi , .71114 ART 211NOOkrAt. 5, °Mock; to d,bltior 1k.k 0 4 1 ; 4 006604,11 , Its Office of the Penteilters of Plaine Scheals,' 7, m 3 rumrstnicsov DI% rIitOT.COVE'SNNSTLTA"- 411 - Aitialititalg Mat. 21thi . 1189......nt • blebtfot - strike_ Coittrollers of PiblierEkshoold;_lfirst District of toonsilesils; hold , tbiCeontrolleter Chamber, on 'l'..llllSHDAY4dayUeth,tl.Bls2, the following iteeolntlon. thoolcol, climktb• Sectional Boric sod Tareoctors of &tool Itietileta; bieantbarlsed. to their disorstios,to 'loltoaßressaroff finis tile lit of Ince to the hammer !I,iiiolcake - WI be, gettnari, Ileitonduri; end Micheal.' MON:id Mitointit &Chola Oh Passion tki commence. it tricalihk/, ii.iheidboottniis dye thine, in: :Alcatel sihalfaieer.recese.',.. , - ELVMKIILL; Paorstary. -11rTheAssialiAllettrlag,st _lbw St sok hold., - - f ore or tb•PIIILADIMPUTA animus OIP DOOM NMl:will bikkilidatNe:4o)l) Noun" wiroavzs. Idept - prAliin itri*keibiONDAl4Y.,June 6th, 1909; stl2 'o3lo,l6bon;for.-.00 - eleettois orlrys,NEEtYrolxp,, ichit torAlte* . asilieticin ill, °Mir bintoles. ',, .....-- -,, -e*-prr z , :3,,ht„.1)7.141611:c Berl a4ll.:Tiesitappt. , Ir.PiiiittojtVeleeinie_t• the firastoinst Fllln OP Cif NORM UNICA. hii'Peinsyliitilai-fliato Temperance 'ihrolety hare hindered. to _the' Committed of Arraegemeate of ,the •ti•*tdDlviiribi4i Public liliception to the members of ;theSittorUlltieleicirk dariog their session in thin .Pheitiwie eared. -the: Acadeory of _Neste, Broad hod', lotnuitittrente7"ArillilThdliAY JUDO - Sl!' The Idelor of tkeref,P,-,lial bsetOnviterl,to preelde, Mn d jitetheraithiOrikome;irbletr respanded to by distiriviiihrid =Oben et the Natienstriivisionle short addreeree,-.4ortaisirt those nil:mated to be present will • be)* the'llon• D. of • New 'Brunswick; Judge 'O'Neil, of South- Carolina Genera - carer, of Ohio; •Judge Streffrintil - 'tif lOWA Reba Moffat l 'of Canada West; N sel'DirS., of Kleine; R. Sunkis t ; of Kentucky; Mn M. tIP.; It',D,':Toirossod, of bon li After the `, - reikeeprjr, that- distinguished- orator, Dr ()RAPIN, of 11.!.:7,, wilt deliver* Lecture on Terneoriture , - 4 .Mhe Member, of - the 11.'11 , and 'Uwe Officers of the Gthd - Divielcia will oeenpy seats on the stage with the -,Managere of fitatmiloandy. - Allindted'numbir Of -tickets ,osn be procured ot 25 Iteeereed Nests, CO cents, which combo obtained :at - Nech & Lawton , . Music, Store: Berecth and Chest. 'fiat, and Parry. & Poldrth' end Chestnut ..Peratine hewing purcbtsed ticliote, and wishing Inez thenkfor.rearrred -seats, can. do so be ; applying ''ireeboee. r noy26 26 213,61frj52*, Alwp Illihefleld, of Bestow, the N'oet•wrlthig ffidinuLthrough whom the Optrite Mweezewered, - .3uori then - qty. 'tbotated lettere and Rueettonet' -the bet tone, year*, Witt remain Ct . the "UkION - 110TEL",, ABOEI, above, Thtid street, • few ,Oetlifeieger, Aunts from OA, M. to 8 " myBB-Bt-0 - - _ or., Patter Hoare Hotel 'Company. =A. Fps... ,elethlsettug- of, the Sobseribers to the Stock of riallatle,eltousw toipanyi , tor • the purpos e . of aeceptlegor rejecting the Supplement to the Oirsrter of-4`.s pissed at the last 'elision etthe Legie. raistre,'ind the transsetion of 'other tordoess, will - be ,held' at the - Spool of the' nosed or Trade, •No. - 505 011BSTBUT htreet on,TUNEDAT: Bey Slat, 1858, at 171 o'olestY.. By clot or the - Bribd of Managers • • I. SIRGRART : tiVir7,•o ll 4 3l - , Secretary. Vtfoi,NOttoOt.:- , ftittrEleittett ie ire e tors, bi the—iltoekholdere RARIKANTOWN IIIiSBRT,OOIIYEARYariII be bold, oh - SATURDAY, 'the 4thedrif of Jone;3Bsp. it the Office of Joseph King, on. Maim _l4lll attest, -Twegpseeeed , 'Was. - thtledelkhle s betifoes the _bourn_ of 4 and 7 &flask?: St., ' J9S.IIPR KING, 0117 dtjr4 • , - Peorers7, ryigiwe- Reception -,el Urn. Wliltam 8. Reed 13,,5V The enizialtteChiglmi the Mitttee In theme :a epeetful.y.,, em:lanes ;that Me. REED will meet hie fel il.ts the BOARD OP TRALE 11001114, oaßer3ylT Street; AlMire ?nth - .on TUESDAY ILV.EN INGOIitiy 31 'The 'Meyer, or the ay will 'tate the elltaltlitS - , mi2o.ste Phllidelphts7l team Twir Company.-.A Uai'Meiling ;Alba Pthekholders a the shore Com. 4,nanewiil !albeit,. on MOND* Y;ince fith, 1869, between 413,1 twain or, 10' A. U. and 2 P' M . at the Ofilee of J. BELL hirt,Orni,lilo 217 North 'PRIED htreet,- to elect, lire Peptone taserra .21reatore of the 'aid Compan y tor the esenlag Year; •- HILL MANTINi ;:ma26.tieB '_- ' - earetery. •toitp- Geratebtown -Pais ler Rallgrai Cony 11,3: PANY, 012ae 228 -1:000 itreot—PsitJanct, re1AL,..16•7.18;1069-Nollas is , hereby given to the 'ilteekholders thit'Airmantown. Passenger Railway 'Cornewayi.tes , seeordanee with. the inoTtmone or the Charter; thit ea election for President, nine Manama, And Tteaaltrer of the said Conspany. will be held at their Offleicifo , 22BDOOK - street,,on TISURBDAY, June 2, '1862, at n coop* A th a forahoOt. - WM. iILNCiIiRLIP, ElearotarY• Meetingi—Dneinese I.L.V.RDAYSItiIIIATINEA held DAILY, et °Week, At ttiA - . BA_Npost-staxiati - 4):11:7110, beiott Ninth et. literatthattOnerkeicaS an Others eonindly invited. Cokii,lo 'bridts Ottlyiwltk you. theff-tf PeePle'll „ State fenVentein.—The cocc -or Phillg l o l o l l, awl of the 11(ferid 001112* t 14,0 of trill CloinfOowealtle, ottoolte4 to the PEOPLE'S ,PARTY; and all Sotaretfho are_oppooe4 to the tudast, orioles. ao4 extravegent rraesenreaor the 'Neticinal Ad. valnielcation;l4ol, requesiektonend INILIIATI94, equal in noaraber %their several retvesentations id the Gene-, fel kreembly, to a OGNVGNTION to lid held' at HAS.. on .Igedneeday, 71200 ati1,1369, It 1.0 L A, M. to 'MIAMI% 011414141466 for LIIDITOII. MINIMAL and itiISYNTOWGIINEItty, to be voted for at the general "leaden In next Chiteher - MINIM M. PULLER, Ohairmesi. IP - LUIS()); Mani; Secretory. - ap&tf - nips OrCoo Penstityivania Railroad Company, 113,=-PlinadaLrixia...aprit 16th - 1000 —The Board of Directors boys this day declared ismicannual Dividend - 60114E11,PM OENT. on the Capital Wok of the Company, cleat' of State Tait t `payable on am; after May 46th. 'PR. , ' - • Powitifof Attorney for colleation of Dieldeode Can be `lnset on appnalitron at. the Office of the Company, No. -2134130 nth 21118,D, Street. . . T. IfIRT H. 'crammer. . - VrAir.-` 2 O - idar 4 e l ?Chestaut Spriege Water . CDR*, et Obeetret. Itill,,khitedelpeia, !aun Ity, 1 ty, ; s a, " , 0. _ E:.. SAMEN'' , PATENT 10E.OREAIS' PREYZiIIt. t, NILYRS A.WaRDED BY THE AldfirltiOAN ' NNW YORE, - i -, u , 'ANI3II4, I II4IELIttINBTITUTIIIIPHILADEL. , liesnirenturea sea for asie NolldiToriti SIOOND Itriet, above.Baea, east stdai Plitts4slPbbi. lb machine is warranted to freeze a4O quart oan in `4olroinatee p , 24 r ut" ten in 10, -18 qt olio In 21krain.; ,12 - qtferin in 38 min. , and Nqa.'eini 14 - mfra: ; ',18,•13,41411331 pariottage, that this zaaohitte will :frees* ionigother . than it can be- frriten by any other pro. h e e e n o w i n nee, ,wittalese pit sad , ioe, with the came Aietlifiatt dream, under • forfeiture One. , Thousand - 611*.Sa ba the ruing ,ot colt ,. pod 100 in wiles tosMigoo is abootoofhtlari . -. - ' thtqilifittly fooplved sod promptly attended " ' :0 re :. • : I GA rap, Ina dorib Sieset. gaily arafin,, but sitory" Pity<dirtnitte rot moikinvill kinds "of PlLotograpb,s and -QtpkititrlC'44.,*tfiYtatidgoine and ! - Aitactitie Acttribitt#lo!fatiat #ll4 its don 821 , bitlfffirtiONV. swot. •.„ -= . myBl sr* sll;='ltliretS-ROlibd`-Canlsiera of Orkelleht 1 2 .- - -1 A 1 1%; tor.4r,i. - ; „,lnidilkill.7lcA COMPANY,. 82TNott)0609ND , 8treet , foe tale by. 2"12! 11 1/14 1 04%*;'1,Bilgerliaik NW. it and 49 - FIRM MW111111111141 , 7_ Agal Xc'piTOtiklio'Oeits. -TOOICTON's PARAORAPII TESTA ;MARGINAL READINESS COMPLETE, %Tat INDEENS, INTRODUCTIONS, AND MEMO - IN'MATCH.VOLEDINS. - FORTY DIFFERENT STYLES: ATrERIOES TO BOIT ALL. ADDRESS ON MINISTERIAL UNION, 10 aenta; SERMONS FOR 'TER PROUD, - 161; TRH BLESSING, for Children, 9.5 cents; STAND up Ton 'SEMIS, 40 and SI cents; cad other Rooks. 11. STOCKTON, It " NY. , eorhar BROAD icidOERSTNCT. HAE AHD's MET OF NEW AND EN TY,RTAINING- BOOKS -TUB' BERTRAM. A novel.: By- Anthony Trot lope , author of that exceeding good story which met with no muoh oneness— 'Dr: Thorne. , ' 1 voi:,l2mci. st: ' AOADIA ; or, A Month among the Bins NOM. By Bred-B. Clowns A. chatty and amusing acconnt of K a 'a Ulf , epOrting,,hall -health.seeklng,' to Nova [ 12mo SI: ' ' • TO CUBA AND • BADE. A Vacation Voyage By R. H. Dane, Jr, author , of Two Years Before' the Mast • A truthful and very pleasant= account of Life and Things in Cuba. :75 tents. _ GODFREY HAMLIN The new novel by Kingsley. author of ‘• Alton Locke," Yeast." - A book which the English - trains say will be the monition bo o k of tbi, year: Itbeing the..o4 powerfully written of all WIG author's good books. HOLLYWOOD HALL - A tale of 1715 By Tenter Grant. Bathos` of Romano* of &a 4 Vol„ tlmo 25: . THE TIN TRUMPET; or, Heads and.Taile for the Wise- and Waggieh. By' Peel Chatfield A volume abounding in the food or " sweet and bitter fancy," that nibble at it as often as you may there will still be_ many an sgreesblemorsel left. . - MEMOIRS ON: ITALIAN PAINTER/3. By 'Uri. lendeson, author of ' , Stewed and Legendary Art!' Legends of Madonna", ko. Another volume of that pretty colleation• of the works of this pleasant author ess in blue and gold: 75 center - ' THE ROMANCE OF A POOR YOUNG MAN. From the French of Beinllet. - A - simple yet charming story of 'Wench Country Life. - TG E VAGABOND Bodeen. A collection of very pleasant and entertaining articles: SI. 117 In connection with the above, we beg to notify BOOTIBUYEES. and the nubile generally,_ that we keep constantly on band the, LARGEST ASSORTMENT ' BOOKSixEVERYDTPAttTM NT or LITERATURE, via STYLII Or BINDING . . Having eonneetlone with leery hone° of Importance in the country, we are enabled to otter to our custom ere new Publleatlone 'se ■ °nag publlehed. MI welt es a large stock of ENGLISIX and FOREIGN BOORS, and at the LOWEST PRICES, , affording to PIMLICO au& PRIVATE. LIBRARIES an excellent opportunity of obtaining bode. Por sale by HAZARD BBOTILERRi . . • ' AT TRICIA . . • RIETROPOLITAN BOOKSTORE. myBo•St • 724 OREBTKUT Street NEW - EDITION • OF MAJOR HILL's WORK. • A'OOSSIDER OXON OP TER SERMON ON THE MOUNT: - By Maier Daniel H Hill. Second edition revised. 12mo. 16 cents. An expository treatise of 'this kind, from the pen of a ruithematielan and a military man, In certainly a novelty. Bat the chime of thin book by no means rest on its novelty alone It le really an excellent treatise, and all the more attractive because It Is sof. gearris. We canteen to a much higher appreciation of the , Sermon on the Mount. since reading it, than we ever had before. His logical mind seems to dwell with pleasure on the logical • Order of that Inimitable die. course, and ho makes his reader share that pleasure. The eptrit of the writer le worthy of all praise, and we most cordially commend hie work to our readers as one which, while it is sore to instruct and profit, possesses alert a penciller power to secure and hold the interested attention of *home who peruse it.”—Evangellcal Re. 'pository.' • Published thin day by • - WILLIAM 8, k ALPRRD SIARTIEN: s. Wed . • No. 808 ONESPNIIT Street. READY , THIS DAY— , •THII TIN - TRIIIWPBT; OH,' MUDS AND TAILS /01 Tilt WIBIO ODD Wt.:mum. A new American Xdition, with Alterations and Addi tions. 3•761.. 12mo. -L126 The TIN TRIJeIPitT,” by the tate Pant Ohatfleid, b 14,101 W by Jefferson Handers. Esq.,,Was first pub. liehed in London, In the year 1536. It was immedi ately republished in this conntryibra owing to thelaot that much, of itspratter was of purely English, local, and temporary interest, referring to the political and religious equabblee of the timer, the name of, the work here was but temporary, and it has long been en. Ural, out 41 print:- It eontained, however, a eotnolent quantity of slt and wisdom. original and seleeteA. to make its rrensoitation at this time appear desirable The American Editor. to who& wan eat:noted, the of- Orel of prepping it for repot:intuition. horthought while pruning the original of all .that. appeared super. acenuated, and of,no present and lasting interest, to embody, with what remained, nth relentione from his °maroon-place book es appeared to him to come legit!. nudely within the design of the author. The original plan of the book—an alphabetically arranged collec tion of the wit andWtsiora of many of the beet writers; ancient and modern•Lhis not been cheesed. Bach as it now is; um book le committed to the Amerlean pub lic, with the belief that, while_ it will become a mine of easy quotations to many of our ready writers, it will eerie yet icier* to while away plessiantly and natant prOfitably a summer afterpooit or winter evening to the general reader. In - the Tin trumpet," the 'melancholy ,ZACQUEB end the motley Teumurrogis go hand in band together. (. Valid Obunlut of Snider's I , are, garni with the wild est Bowers of wit—metingit a book to be gravely con. stilted for lustroction t or trippingly turned over far en. tedium: t eat, with 'egaar-yeaeon, Abounding la' the food of Sweet and bitter fanoy," It is a ;Pohang that, nibbleat it as often as -you may, there will still be • ninny - a wholesome and agreeable • morsel left. You, thoughtfuln es read it through time day, but It will last your s • D. APPLITON k CO., Rnblisbere, m)2B•St Dew York. - El VERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. -MLA 'Jtiat"plibliabad, TEN /PITON/ OP THE - AMP; -RICAN 3101.116T10.PRA0 .1016 OP 31106iIOLNia,11DR OMIT, 088T/THIO6; DlallABo6 ON, WOMIN `AND 0 ' MAT/NIA '1611DIOA`„ , PIIADIPAOT; WITS OLOSSANT Oetato, 7/6 pp. By W. Paino, Profealor or the Theory and Preatioe of Mull ane in the Peleetie Medical College of Peonsylyanhi, Philadelphia!; It - 10 one of the moat ellinient guide* to No:maths; Practice- e'er pnbltahed. • It Includes the practise of Allopatby, Nommspathy, Mydropatby, and all ether .ayelema of Medicine extant. Oases or Medi cine actop,mptny the boOk when desired, 00 th at every One may auseeasfully treat Mamma. , • - . Also, TIER VOLZOTIO MEDICI AD' JOURNAL OP Pi/MAMMY/ILA i 60 mac Published Monthly, at $2 00 per annum In advance. - Designed for. phyainiane, and /Olio reading'. • - , - The Epitome:is for este by YOUN GLADDINO, No, 60 -South nOUNTII-litreett Gal/PITH &- RIOH. SECOND and ILSON; BITTINIIOI3BN, SIXTH and OALLOWSILL, and by the Author, No. 120 North PIPTII Street. Priem, P. ms23.l3tes TIESILVER's NEN,EUPER IMPERIAL SHEET MAP , BRAT Of, WAR, ltinbtsaing a full Map of Swope, and complete Maps of Santini* and - Lombardy, Amble end Italy. The whole embodied in one super imperial-m*oe%, wee 88 by 44 feeler, funaiablag molt reliable geographical infer mutton, as cannot be procured - from any other genres. Thie sheet also contains' Btatlrtia , carefully compiled from the latest reliable authoritlea, giving the strength of the armies and navies of the Powers of linrope, with brief accoonte of the Leaders and Generals of the op- posing smites, lh tbApreeent , ALSO 00164.N0T AND RAND3O24R FORTRAITEI OF Lonts Napoleon 111, Nmperor of 'France .Alexander 11, llmperor of ail the Uniefaa; Prabote Joaeph I, lm. peror of .A.ustrLa i and Valor limenteel 11, King of Sar dinia.. The gnat emcees* attending the notification of De silver's smaller plate Map or the Seat of War," has Induced the publisher to teens thie extended Map, prepared from steel plates, rendering it Isetly superior to the common Lithographic Maps, now Issued. This splendid /sap will be furnished at the following low prisms - • Handsomely Colored, In mules 'V. 00 in Sheets ' 50 Or either Or the Ma ps of Barone, Austria, Sardinia and Lombardy, or Italy, furnblhed separately In sheets, colored, at 95 cent', - Published sod for sale by OIIAItt.KB DEBILVEn, • NO. 7/4 ONEBTNUT Otreet, Philadelphia. Mr The Map' eau be obtained of 'Booteeliern:News Agentn. ko , generally, throughout the United Staten, and ere oleo furnished biomes. by G 14. EVANS, Phila. delphia, and EVANS lk 00 New York. They will be forwarded by melt, poet paid, on realist of advertised price 117" Agents wanted to canvass for this Map, in all seetionn of the Tinton. ~ ,Terms liberal. - , L` Country papers giving thin a prominent !neer on, will receive soapy of tits Itlaps post paid. saps.f.ot OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS. The tindersigned slates that he his frequently fon sale books printed between the years 1410 and 1600 ; early_ editions of the lathers of the Reformers and of the Puritan Divines; in Law, Braeton, Lyttleton. raf fendorif, Crake. Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Books, Deports, O. are often to be found upon his shelves; o.volopedlas, Lexicons. Classic Authors, History, Poetry, PB IIOIO P II T, holenee. Political Economy, Government, Architecture, Natural History. Treatises upon these and other kindred subjects are being continually dealt In by him. Backe, in lfrge sod small quantities, pry chased at the Ocatom-House avenue Bookstall, CHEST NUT Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia mylB Oa JOHN CAMPBELL, . SOWER"BARWES . , B ec CO.. J.ND DISOLBLI. /Dr NISOELLANZOITS. 1501100 L. AND BLANK BOOKS AND BTA.TIONZRY, No. ST North TIMID Street below Areh, Publiehem of the , following popular Bohool Books, which are acknowledged by, all Intelligent teaehore who hare given them a careful examination to be unri valled In their adaptation to the purpotes Intended; BANDIES' NEW EERIER OF READERR, • Oonetoting of Randers( New Primer, " First Reeder, " Third Reader, 4 ( ( 4 Fifth Reader, 44 44 Sneaker, ' 44 Ppeller ' " " Second Reader, - 41 " Fourth Reeder, " High School Reeder, 4, Young Ladiee , Reader.- ' BROOKE , NORMAL PRIMARY AND MENTAL AHII'IEOOIIO/4, .lity Prof. B. Brooke, of Laneaster Normal Reboot PELTOPPE SPLENDID DERIES OW OUTLINE MAPS. "They are especially adapted to thefts begtnnlog, se well 141 111 theca more advanced in the study of Geogra phy, 1411 they receive front them et clearer and more cor rect conception of the chareatet and relative else mei position of eVery physloel and political feature, then ran be obtained from any other tiara extant." All the ptibileatioas of - , PRION, d PUINNEY, AND A. B. , BAIINNB do BURR, NEW YORE, May he found on hand at N. Y. Publishers) Priees. sp64mlf • NOTIOE TO BOOKBUYEBB. 81.8 IN resUeotrolly•announoes that he hse for gratuitous distribution the Catalogues of six Valuable Libraries, _to be ;Told by Auction during tide month, in New York and Philtrielptila, • Ihn•ORTATION- OF OLD BOOKS. J. 8. will' vlalt Europe thle submier for the purpose of purehasing old hooks, and .ventures to suggest to Llbrariane and Bookbiryorr, that an experience of over twenty years In the book buelneee in Europe end AM. Moe, will enable him to fill any orders with, which he may entrusted, to their-entire satisfaotion mylo, tjel 81 Borah MIXT II Street, phnsdalphic ESILVER' O MAPS OP-TRIG SEAT'OP _...-.. -. . wAn, OVBISPING Oi? A COMPLITS MAP OP 'EI7II.OPII, Size IC by 26 inches. A MAP Olt 2211 Atliantili 14MPlit1, - viiii a plan of WitylidttDY and NUMMI. Blaa 14)i. by 19 huhu . - And a complete Map or the Kingdom of SARDINIA. - Bree 14% by 19 inches. — ' Compiled and - corrected • from`tbe latest - Nuropean antborttiec, and formfog the most 'complete source of Information now to bo attained_ - - , The *hole three mope, h andeoroely colored, are put 'tip in one volume, podhet from sod tortdebed at the low of 75 cents, by 011'ARLREI vEsiLvan - 114 off EIITNUT iltreet, rbiladelphia,•„ COUNTRY, P.A.P51113 giving tble a prominent tunic, NMI, will riordce 'A copy of:the Maps, poet paid. ... mylS—w„ fIASTIII SOAP:-100 boxes foe sale by BUT/111 ) 05.41 and Peith,UPWlDlitzeil, rrl44 o 10, ': - PittESS i ,-.;- Ltol-titak Ot4 1 111 A, ' : r it.ESDA. : Y . . MAY 3i, . AO. Nt Publicatiotto VE LADIES' HANDBOOK T' Min AND OBNABIEINTAL WORK, Comprising directions and patteras for working in Ap plique, Bead-work Braiding,- Banvaxwerk,' Knitting, Netting, Letting ,• Wonted-work, Quilting - 'Pateh work.ke, Illustrated with 282 new en6viogo. Compiled from the beet authorltiee ' by• aloe TlOrentie Hartley, Published by - H. 0, DVANB, • 489 CHBEVENVT Incept, Philadelphia. 1889. This IS the most complete and thoiough work of its Ind. By writing in a ample, straight-forward style, and reiniting all Irrelevant toplos, the authovbss Palm ens. bled to embody in this Volume an Immense amount of rueful and valnabie information, and by far 'the Most extensive collection of elegant patterns that, has -ever b•en brought together In one book; These patterne are engraved by the beet artist", and printed pri exoellent - paper, and beautiful etyle. Of "mune, mob- a volume , Is the rage with the ladles, who can appreciate tasteful' patterns for adornirg heir persona and they dwellings, Theyy know the value of Rartleyle Lpillesi Hand- BoolgO , and ere ordering it with a period 'rush It Is an indispensable book for all who would be perfect fa ornamental work . . Besides the subjeets named on the title-page, we ob serve that the volume embraces deseriptions and epigra ms of *ell the various kinds of stiteltes and deserlp lions, with illustrated patterns, and a multitude of other matters inoidental to the eubjeat. The number of useful patterns for working in this book is greater than eau be obtained in any other way, by paying ten times the price asked for ci Hartley , ' Ladiee' Hand rook.” This valuable book for the bailee will be sent by mail, for The low price of one dollar. BVANi will mail a copy and a handsome present to all patens re mitting one dollar for the book, and twenty-one Canto for postage. - A new olassided catalogue of books and gifts, with inducements to agents, will be peat free on APPlicatiOn• Address G. G. EVANS, te - y27 et „489 CHESTNUT Stmet, Philadelphia. flats, Cap, .Vc THE BON TON STRAW HAT • FOR .YOUNG GENTS win be found way at OAKFORDS'. 624 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH. ' Every varlet) of HAT•or OAP arill be found at this myBl:6t ' EBTABLIdIIMINT: Otcreairopo3. JUST RECEIVED, A fresh emortment or STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, Of our own Importation, inehhilog ENGLISH, IRISH, UERRAN, SWISS, EGYPTIAN, AND HOLY LAND SCENERY. • ALBS, COLORED AND ILLUMINATED GROUPS, in Intrlety. EDWARD PARRISII, roy24 ethth•l2t 800 Arch Arent. IVO HOME WITHOUT' A STISREO nopE THE WONDERS OP THE STEREOSCOPE ' Largest assortment, be reeent Importation, fast te. calved, at the lowest raises. STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR, 112 South FOURTH Street, below Oheetent, rayBl.oE M T. FRANKLIN, Optician. Evoking-6lasseo LOOKING GLASSES. Now in stove the rood extensive and elegant aunt mint of LOOKING 4LA88138, rot every spate and every position, and at the moat' moderate primps LOOKING MAIMS In She meat elaborate and the moat eltaple framed. LOOKING GLASSES ' Premed in the best taste, and hi the most enbabosttsl manner. LOOKING GLL3EINB Furniebed by us, are marnirodurba by onroolrer in our own eatsbliabment. • - LOOKING MASSES to bfialOGAlirand WALNfIT frames for Conakry Bales. JAMES S. EARLE k SON, Sl6. OHESTNI7T STREET, 'gm vatunsLriva 'S W. 'JACOBS. • ' No. 625 ARON STREET, Haa dwieltbd and far sales full arwortmeut of aU Vas Moot modern atyles of CARRIA •GES. • ; Also a great variety Of .le:doabl e 8400f1D•lif GAIIRIAGISS, that bay. been but very little used, 'Alai will be sold low. mar2l43m GEORGE W. WATSON'S OARRIAGE REPOSITORY, - Nos. 1217, 1219, and 1221 CHESTNUT STREET. inarll-Gm CARRIAGES , ' OP Till MANDIAOTITAE Ol Veirj . JAM T). ROG-ERS. - REPOSITOItY, 1009 OFIESTNUT HT#NET 1011 feblB4ro Cabinet-Ware. DESK DEPOT. THE LARGEST IN THE UNION. Baltable for Hanks, °Mom and Schools, In Oak, Wal nut, and Mahogany, of handeome•etyle and pattern. A. L. ADAMS' IMPROVED DESK RAOK, AT IMOGRIIST t!tc Ta - ETTTODT 43, (RUM:IIIB9ORa TO) J. T. FIAMMITT. No. 259 SOUTH THIRD STREET. aple-6m CABINET FURNITURE m BILLL&RD V TABLES. MOORE ea CAMPION. No. 261 BOUM SECOND BrRBRT, , In connection with their extensive Cabinet Dualness, are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES end have now on band a fall supply. finished with blOOllll h CAMPION'B IMPROVDD OUBRIONI3, which are pronounced by all who have need them to be 'ulterior to all others. Vie the quality And fide& of these Tables the mann. reamers infer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the ehamoter of their wort ;e.14-15m El/rugs altb 41Chemicalo. ROBERT SHOEMARP.R & N. F. COIL FOURTH AND RAMC STRIIIITS, PkILADPLPIIIA, WHOLRSALL DRUGGISTS, RIANUFACTUREDS OF PAINTS IN OIL, IMPORTIRS OP "BENCE PLATE AND WINDOW. GLASS. DIALERS IN ABIZBIOAN WINDOW GLASS. 'p2l-13m Oztoing Illadjinee WHEELER & WILSON UktiIIPAOTOXING 00.'s SEWING MACHINES ! Superior to all others for general we, and for MIST ItIAIISRS, TAILORS, AND DAESSMAZERS, NSW STYLE ONLY FIFTY DOLLARS. OF/10111 : - 639 Chestnut street, Philadelphia 7 West State Street, Treatoo, N. 1. Over Jolla Titue , s Wore, Beaton, Yonne. 7 Rut Gay and, Wait °heater. SUB AGENTS: EDWIN ]LOBES rd, Moorestown, N. J. WILLIAM PATTAMON, Salem, N. J. Permanent Mos will be opened shortly, by me, in Seeding, Allentown, and Lanaaater. Penna. lIENRY COY, Agent. my7-4m HP.A RlS's BOUDOIR SEWING NA °HIKE le offered to the publle ac the most re• liable low-priced Bowing Machine in nee. It will wow from six to sixty stitches to an !nob, on all kinda of goods, (rem commit bagging bathe lined nembrlos, II le, vithont exception, the simplest In its mechanical construction ever made, &admen be run and kept In ord.) by a child of twelve years of age. The DVIABILITT of this machine, and the 411ALTIT Or ITS WWI, are 11/11• rented to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed mega from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per mi. nuts. The thread used is taken directly from the spools, wlrsfour rue :zoom.* or awsnenorne. In fad, it is e machine that le Wanted by every family lathe land, and the low priea of TuIRTY DOLLARS, - at wldeb they are sold, brine them within the Matto/ almont every o ne. - O. D. BAILER, Agent, 421•46 m W ..lownatn 720 Altoll OILB,-12,698 gallons Whale Oil, landing from schooner A. Et Otheon, and for sole hf ROW [AY, ASlllO3ll,NIlit, & 00 , tio7Bl No. 10 sonth Wharves. k,Z I PIRITS TURPENTINE.-129 bbls Spts Turpentine ; 40 do Crude do, landing from Naar 4olin Roo, for Mie by • ItiioPilarillASUßUßNllit, & W 3/ 10 Plait VA/TM Carriages 1113rn ectobo. GREAT REDUCTION ELEGANT MANTILLAS THE WHOLE OR MR STOOK ' ELEGNT SPRING CLOAKS MA. 'T s II 'THIS DAY REDUCED IN PRICE INVENTY TO TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET LACE MANTILLAS, POINTS 4ND BOURNOUS. T 1111; LARREBT, TUB IMMO; and t THE CHEAPEST STOCK LA.C3E MANTILLAS IN THE CITY PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT ST ALBNCION LACE MANTILLAS, OAMBRAY L6Oll MANTILLAB, OFUNTILLY L WOE MANTILLAS, POINTS AND DEMIDOtNTB, BOURNOUS AND MANTILLAS, WITH ONE, TWO, AND MEN PLOUNOBS, IN UNEXAMPLED PROFUSION, xcorrokicAL PRICIES, PARIS MAN TILLA 3EI Z.& P 0 It ! Y TY 708 OEIESTNUT . ST. J. Wf. PROCTOR & CO. 130304 f -VINE FILENOH MANTLES. Pine YrenghLene Pototes, $8 60. Preach Lane Pointes from $8 80 to 110.60, French Lace Mantles 17 60 to $ll. • aligh•eoss Preach Lace BhawisJ Chantilly Lees Mantlee, $5 to Sal. Oknutitly Shawls, with deep ruffle.- Edlk Mantles, shawl pattern. • Empress shape. all oak. • bilk Dusters and Bernal'. Genteel styles 8111 r. Mantles. - Oloth Barnette and Mantles. Cheap and Fine Dusters. Oar own superior make of Mantles. Some cheap Auction Lots Lace Mantles. - Spools' attention glyen to our own make N. B. Note.—Stylus, the newest and moat elegant; material, The beet; workmaufiltip, none better. halite Garment pleasing, and prince moderate. • COOFFS. & OON ABD - 8.1. corner NINTH and MAitlth. 1124L8 EGE NAPOLEONS, DOUBLE BARRON. TAIietRTINNII, CRAPE MARRTZ, BARMOfi ANGLiael. •Mraziellas , Poll de Charm, Mugabe' and Marne, Damages aneilarege Rubes. Brilliants; Percales, and Organdies. litayariere Moberg and Travelllng-Dreae Materials, new striae -4,500 yards new.style Fine LI1111:111, in %VIM, Lilacs, Amaranths, Pinks, and Blues, at 32.ji cants—tho best reds offered. .' , lllillery. a fine anortment. Icrobridderiee, do Maeda, sod Linen Cambria UtuadYerchlefe, Shawls in th e shawl - room, In groat variety. • -' Black Luce Points, Borneos. and 2dantles, $S to $35. Sleek Silks for Circulars and Drosses. Wide Wbite and flack Baroges for Oirenlare, &o. Patent Hoop Seine for Ladies and Hems, from 15 oasts ga—a fall line. OHABLEd ADAMS, my2S NIGHTLY. andAROEL Streets. QOOTCII DRESS GINGHAMS. N., - Very superior qualities In these goods In new, brilliant idyls.* of Plaids, Beyaderes, and Cheats, too. poried SHAV.PLIM ' BROTREIIB. m 064 CHESTNUT and MOUTH Streets. NEAT CHEMKED SILKS. A. variety of styles sod colorlogs of out Cheeks 11)10TELBBS, nty2B If OMESTNIM and RIGEITII Streets. MOSQUITO NETTINGS. MIL Whites, Pinks, and Blues, from 90 to 108 looked wide, In good qualities. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, uty2B.4 CHESTNUT and BUMPH Street!. INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT !!! GREAT OPENING OF LAOIS GOODS !! PRIORS HANGS PROM S 6 TO VW!!! THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN PHILADELPHIA! VIM MOH AND ELEGANT STYLES! BOUGHT FOR CASH PROM THE IMPORTER! French Lace Shawls. French Lace Pointes. French Lace Talmse. French Lace Mantillas. Very Rich Chautilla Mantillas. Plain Bilk Doctors, Qnilla Trimming, &O. Silk Mantillas, Bilk and Lace De., An. Ac. Also,* Large Lot ot BLACK BILKS—VERY CHEAP! FANCY bILEB, &RUMS, LAWNS, Ac. Ac., at TIIORNLRY a OILISM'S wy7 Corner AIGHTEC A SPRING GAUDIN. J.NENS FOR MEN'S WEAR. American Linen Company's superior style Brown Linen Costinge, X Ind N, various 'Wee ,• Brown sod Blesaked Linen Dual', various styles; Brown Linen Drills. A Gimlet, assortment of the above Goode now on tmple, and for sale by JOSEPH LEA, dlB-tf 128 and 780 011ESTNIIT Street 'Hatlrctab Work CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY •STOCKS FOR SA.I.E. Tho Rooks of the Tarim' Passenger Railways now in operation in this city and thane In course of con etTnction, and which are expected to be running Blandly. es these stoats are not generally before the Board of Brokere, we would invite Lour friends and the public whe wish to invest is these desirable seetirltles, as well at to gain Information respecting them, to glee us an early call. WITHERS & PETERSON, Brom AND BM:MAMIE BROKERS, No. 89 South T}3NED ST. 33linds anb Sbabea BLINDS AND SHADES. B. S. WILLIAMS; = No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, 15 TH2 MOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURER 07 VENITIAN BLINDS AND DEALER IN WINDOW SHADES OP EVERY VARIETY. PURCHASERS are Invited to the BEST anortment In the city at the LOWEST prices. STORE SHADES made and lettered. 11:7" REPAIRING promptly attended to. nux2l-13m Parasols, Sat. pARASOI.4 . S, Of BIOS and IDIAUTIPUL STYLRS and BINIOLL SUN UMBRELLAS, MOUT, STRONG, AbD XXQUIBLVELY MOUNTIES FOR BALD AT LOW PRIDES, HT WM. A. DROWN 8c CO.. 246 MARKET STREET. roytam TBE Spring busineas at ZEIGLER & WITH%B, owner of SECOND and EIRE liN Eltreete, le opened with a superior *stook of Drugs, White Lead, Zino Paints, Window_ sad all other *Wales usually foond in a Wholesale Drug, Paint, and OWN establishmenttf ILLUMINATING COAL OlL—Warranted equal to any-tor brilliancy end durability, and is nou-ei•ploeire. AlSo Lubricating Ong OIL It. 8. HUBBARD & HON, meo•Am 100 Haunt Whs.:vas. inRUDE TURPENTINE.-60 bbls. °rude V Turpentine, in store and ter esle hi ROMA; AEUBURNER, & CO , ini26 I% MI Oath Whams, irlyn oøø Jobbers. BALLARD-VALE lINSHRINKABLE FLANNELS, 3-4 7-8 8$ 4-4„ V.A.RIO - 013 QTX.Ek.LITINIS GAUZE FLANNELS. BLUE, GREEN, AND RED PLAIN AND TWILLED FLANNELS, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE JOSHUA L. BALLY. 213 MARKET STREET. epobs. FIST RECEIVED The FATAL OOTAQON HAT, the Novelty o[ the Season, by LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS. TO BUY STRAW HATS Of Loy style or quality, GALL ON LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, (TWO DOM ABOVE MAEONICCTEMPLE.) my 23-0115 CITY JOBBERS Having •ardern front their country correspondents for RIBBONS, STRAW GOODS, or MILLINERY GOODS, Of any kind, can nowhere be better suited at this stage of the seacon, nor at more reasonable rates than at the gtore of ROSENHEIAI, BROOKS, & CO., 431 MARKET MEET. roy2Cluthtt Wit C.arpfting, Oil (Tlatbe, tVc AUSTIN BROWN. WHOLESALE MAILER IN FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS. Lertoisr STOCK IN PHILADELPHIA No. 1.61. NORTH THIRD STREET, myB.l2t 8. W. corner of Race, up dere. ANTON MATTINGS. iUBT BILOSITZD /4110THIR LOT OT ;66 /5 IX XWE V 0 XVI' 3E11) CANTON MATTINGS, CONSISTING OP 4-4 5.4 and 6.4 "EXTRA PARLOR." 4.4 5.4 and 6.4 RED CHECK. 4-4 54 and 6-4 WRITE ((MARRING." 4.4 OREM AND FANCY do. Pll./OES REDUCED. BALLY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. my6•dtje4 CANTON MATTINGS. F. & E. B. ORNE, sooosoioao To I. 4- B. ORNE, 519 cialiasTracrm STMLEIIO"r„ OPPOSITE TEN 137ATE-801:1111, HAVE NOW OPEN TEEM kiPRI.NG IMPORTATIONS Or OARPETINGS. ALSO, 1,000 MOBS OP 1049.11 . 01•7' IVEATTI:1•1 1 :21-6, 01' ALL THY DEBITABLa STYLIIS, ET LOW PRICES. mar 18.8 m !if CARPETING -S, OIL OLOTH3, AND MATTINQS, WOLFE, WILSON, & CO.. OOMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 192 CHESTNUT STREWP, Agents for PAPISTRY 'VELVET, THREE PLY, INGRAIN, VENETIAN, KEMP, DUTCH, COTTON, LIST, and DAG • (JAIIPETS, Which we are receiving daily from the Manufacturers, and are prepared to offer the trade on liberal terms. Having the Agency for some or the beet end moat de sirable goods, we ran offer indneementa not heretofore to be had in Philadelphia. All goods sold at Menu (anti:lreton prices. Orders carefully attended to. Also, Agents for Blank and White Wadding, a largo supply or which we have constantly on hand. febl-4m ezittlrtnen's Santiobing C!1 no G. P. E. C. MEANS GO PURCHASE ESHLEMAN'S CRAVATS, 631 CHESTNUT Street, below Seventh, :I . AYNE'S HALL. Inv2l.lm R . 0. WALBORN ik CO., (Now) Non. 6 an 7 NORTH SIXTH STRRNT, MANUPAOTURERS - or SHIRTS WRAPPERS, ARM STOOKS, ETC. /Were in every article relating to the GENT'S FURNISHING , BUSINESS. iny7.3co 'WINCHESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN'S PIIRNISH/NO STORE PATENT BIIOULDER-SEAM SHIRT ANURAO TORY, At the Old Stand. No. ma CHESTNUT Street, opgo el te The Washington House. A. MINORS/1M erlll give, as heretofore, hie per goool eupervlelon, to the Cutting and Manufsetnrlng departmenie. Order/ for hie celebrated style of Shirts and Collars Owl at the shortest noUce. Wholesale dello oupplled on liberal terms. J. 1 ,24.4 • lied (Tatatc, Otorlis, &'c. RICHMOND 8c ZEPPS, GENERAL WESTERN LAND AG'ENTS, For the Fele, Trado, or purchase of Lands in Pawl. Tanta, Missouri lowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Kansan. Abetracts of Mies furnished, Collections made, and tams paid In the foregoing BMW. OFFROE No. 1, MOND FLOOR AMERICAN BUILDINGS, B. E. Omer of POUETM and WALIWP BILILIET, my2B di PIIILADILPHIA, PA. Ototionerg. HENRY COHEN, IMPORTER AND DEALIR IN FOREIGN AND DONESTIT STATIONERY. SIANII/AOTIJIMIL 017 ENVELOPES IN WM VARIETY AND STTLB. tu" AGINT YOR ARNOLD'S lINGLIBII WRITING FLUID. „. 507 CHESTNUT STREET. oaraHin MOM au um wpm tUants. WANTED:—A graduate of cc Critton. den , s Philadelphia Commensal wishes a Bawdiest asi Bookkeeper or Assistant. Ref& reties given'. Address STUDENT, Press Ofiles„ rnyBl-BPW - SALESMAN -.WANTED—In a - ftret7class nosier:. and Notion HOMO j ONO who eon Inlinetloo is fair amount of dooiroblo trade. -,Eddraia, with name, referenne, and compensation - mulled ; BOX No. 2251 P.O. F731.13tat • A BOY WANTED—At the Machine bud nese. Good references required. , Address MA OaINIsT, Blood's-Dispatch. - - $3,50 0 C WANTED—In an - es , tabitehed Manutaotory In Ibis oity, now mating money, and oar, be Largely increosed by addi tional capital. Particulars furnished at an Interrlew, for which addreu 11ANTIPACTIMEB, Bloodbi Div patch stating tlmiand place.T: mylll4l* A SHTON's COBIMEROIAL AGENOY— rx. 605 0 1 3.118TITUT Street —Au Ineurenee Company in good condition and standing wiskeS, 10 engage the eervicee of competent Secretary. To airmtleman or undoubted capacity, °hamster. and burliness Influence, n agreeable and fairly remunerative position is or, ered. my3o.Bt* . _ §—The advertisex deigns - ICo In - 3,000. rest this =mat or more, with hit me and energlee, In a sarelynatablished and lucrative butinese. Addreao with fall partionhirt, referenda, &e., i , hilltiOnti," ?its: Office. zny23•Ets WANTED—Odd Fellows in every city aod town In the United States, to sot as Agents for the ODD FELLOWS> OARRIST AND - REVIEW" Liberal compensation allowed. Address LONGLEY usw 'VINE street, Cincinnati ' Ohio, or WM. P. BACIILIPPS, 837 WOOD Street. Philadelphia, Pe. - lorribatnth..Stal far gale anb ea Jet. is DWELLING TO, RENT-No. 808 ma. BRANCH street, between Race and Vine. Rent $250 Apply to WM H. BACON, 10731.31* - 923 MARKET Street, gm TO RENT—Hones 1017 PINE Street. Era In completetepair, pleasant location. Dssirable Bonus for a small family. Rant $326. Apply 18 North SIXTH Street, to [myBl Pt] B. I. WILLIAM. fig TO RENT—A Desirable COUNTRY. 111111DINIJE an the DELAWARE - Birer.—A now HOUSE on the Delaware, two Miles above Bristol, with six chambers and large dining-room,dtting.room, parlor, and kitchen Bones heated throughout. Sta ble, loe.honse, ba.h.house, &a , with _lji or 8j acres of ground, well died; g arden. lawn and, fruit trees, shrubbery, &o Th a is l is a beautiful healthy 'Qua. lion, high banks, walled and terraced.; fine gravel shore, and within a squire of a Railroad Station. For farther partroulare icquire of EL GRAMBO 001 - MOS EALTH BANE, or at his residence, adjoining the above. mrBo.Bt FOR SALE OHS AP—One Hundred Acres of exootioot Land f ill Gloucester county, N. J., 19 =Nos from Camden; and 2 miles from Williamstown. The lend Is unimproved, and has a young growth of oak timber upon It. For particulars, apply at the office of this paper. • my2SBt FOR SALE—A STEAM ENGINE, twenty-fire horse power, nearly new, With 2 thirty feet boilers, thirty inches In diameter. Also, lot of ghat clog. Ilsogers and Pulleys. Alen,' haw, Moulding, and Tennanti4 Machines. For particu lars, Inquire of 0. HALL, N. W. corner TIV2LBTII and HAMILTON Streets, or or MAO BARER, No. 144 Booth FOURTH Moat. zuy23-12114_ al TO LET—A Furnished Cottage, Edina ma tee on the Germantown Railroad, one square from Tioga Station; corner Twenty diet street, with hot and cold water, bath, gas, carriage.house, stabling, large garden, with every kind of vegetables In the ground, grapes, strawberries, ho Oommunicatfons with the city twenty Uremia day. Apply on the premises. my2f.if-tf ea NO. 1924 CHESTNUT STREET FOR BALE--Lot 235 feet deep, 99 feet front 1 elegant four. tort' house, three-story double back buildings, replete eitlt all modern conveniences. Apply to - W. H. OaRitYL, tnyl2.tf limn% HaU, 719 013.213TNUT Street. AUFOR SALE OR RENT—,Two large' and convonlent outlet BBIOR ROUSES, ,entirely new, wish all the modern improvements, surrounded with shade and ornamental trews, No. 96 andel) UNION Street, BURLINGTON, N. J. Apply to 16. P. MIDDLNTON, 6 North PROEM Street, • or THOMAS DUGDALB, zoylo-tr BURLINGTON, N. J. LL COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LET.— ma. A neat and roomy Cottage atMELTON RILLS, near North Pennarvania Railroad, S zellea from the city. Apply at 42t MARKST Street, apl2-tt Boarding A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE, or ER two single gentlemen ' can" have a eeeond•atorw front room with BOARD, in a ;nitrate family: at 687 PINE Street. - Reference regnired. , mlBl.2te Clo GOOD NEWS FOR THE • - INDUSTRIOUS ! I The introduction of Machinery In Sewing, and the increseLng demand for READY-MADE CLOTHING,,, Have Induced ne to organise a If &army, where, by the employment occipital and concentration of labor, con stant employment maybe given to 'a Meritorious portion or our corninunityiwe hare lamed the large and airy building, - No. 221 South SECOND.STRERT, - (Having sixteen windows on each floor), where we are prepared to give constant employment, the year round, TO SEVERAL 111111DRED . HANDS, BOTH BIBN AND WOMEN, • dt the highest wises paid, in eta, every week. Any indttetrione woman, at all expert with - her needie,nan earn (working ten hours per day) from ,$3 .. t0 $6 per week, and men from Id to 19. Oome, then, and make the trial, and provide - yourstlf with the means of enjoying the comforts ante, as none timed with health need now be without them. Strict order and decorum Is preserved in our pitahliehment, and every necessary eomfort'provided for. H. H. KING & CO., 224 SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW DOOE r EIROOND STORY. my2Batn&thBt Ulattbeg, ittnzlra, &r. JAMES WATSON, IMPORTER. Or • WATORES, JEWELRY, &0., No. 825 MARKET STRUT. Constantly on hand a full assortment of VarSeron and Constantin Watches. fel•dm BAILEY & 00., 101/111ILT BAILEY & KITORISN, HITS removed to their new Fire-proof, While Marble More, 819 CHESTNUT STEM, ftORTH SIDS, BELOW THE GIRABD HOMO, Now opening their Fall Stook of ' AIIPORTED .111WDLRY, PLAT= WADED, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they Waite the attention of the publle. SILYIR•WARB, WATOII3B, DIAMONDS, AND PZAIFLB, COMM ATO BUY CHEAP WATCHES, go to orthweA an frt corner of BROOND d HAW Streets n Inp4-41m*1 I. VIIIIII. .fitionen. 110)111LIP F. KELLY & CO., "- (ROVORBBORO TO ROBERT J. RORER 00.,) No. 16 BOUTS THIRD STREET, PIiILADDLPIILS DANK NOTES, COMMICROIAL PAPBB, LAND WARRANTS, 8011OLIT ADD BOLD. Also, Mocks and Bonds, but only on commledori. Special attention given to collections throughout the country, and customers may rely on prompt ad vising and rottans. aro2-tr illercliaftt Tailora. S . H. MATTSON, MERCHANT TAIL - Olt:, 1126 0.11282 NUT STREET, Third Poor below 'twelfth street, Booth side, PhUeda. A fall assortment of amenable 00028 now on band.. mylo•tjyl E • 0-THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, N. E. CORNER OP SEVENTH AND WALNUT STREETS, OPPOSITE WASHINGTON SQUABS, Invites attention to his stock of FABRIOS, imitable for the present and ensuing season, adapted to the wants of all classes of ehoice custom, which will be made to order with personal titre and Mr necessary 06- sermee of fashion. N. B.—Partionler attention given to at of PANTA LOONS. - r.pl2,:tuttAa det. itottiectionap. FOWLER & TOWNSFTTS WHOZNBALD AND DRUM CONFEOTION-RY, IED EITCrEt.363, No. 916 MARKET STREET; Below Tenth, South Manotecturore of the purest and best Clonfeetionery, end deem in troth imported Bruits and Nuts. Orden fro= the eoulatryut olsawdeto ptomptli attended to., , anuit22.tx 11.14 Ale VHE' Lk' tEY 01.401111'. 3- ZAR' Orr - St•-:i • v THlElMiti,--711111-9)11S/300411 4 141-"9'"' FLAW xrz metur-orvirsiv . -' FAINT_ HEtatT tiNUFf. WON - Milt Bing Charles Mire Emma Tsyler;Aay Chaim/ Mr. Wheatley; Duchess, lies. Drew. ' • • - - „ HOOMITMOOI7.-aid TOODLES...- - - Admission, 28 diets. - Puttered Beate InDrenibtreli, 81X oenta ;_ Orobeattsßtalts. 60oentsf Beets ittrttsge Boxsa, - 78 Santa ; 13eastai G-a3lerp ter °Arta Remus, 28 cents; Private ,- Box, to Geliary for Ogloi Femme, 88 cents; Whole - Private Dor, s3._ - Doors open at 7j ( _ettleelt: Alszteln 'dam _tt'nartai _before 8. _ - ,E W '.WALNUT-STREET rIEATEEi.r. COBNan NINTH AND wraaqtrynmrs. THIS DVDDINffi. Nay al, 1889, - DIODAND TEM: Doke of (UMW, ffir A li.*A. ,Terri; Qualwiffi.tinbeth;_ Mn. Duffield; Illohmoud : Mn: D. W. Rena.- DOUGH DLAMOND. ..•`• Sir Wm. lirorenm ; Mr. Dubois; Prices of Admlation—ffeeepd Tier and lamllq Otrala.- and Third' Tier, 25 bents; 'Pariltot, atfi awls ; Drew Circle : SO 'cants; Privity - Dozen: Awarding to tier loads, $6 and $8; Moe* &Moo Orchestra nod - Pare% boors open at 7 o , olook. tattitsin at quarks ; A o'clock. WELOH's' NATIONAL TREATEW74, v v Btreet. above Bigh*b. - - THIB IVZNING, Will be presented T_HB LADY, OLLY 0118„. Maude Melootte, Mr. W.-J. Itainnt.; PAUIiZe; Mlis --- - - OURRINT PRIG 8 E Z 5 —Dress tooDus, said , Priviort, 2b cents; 11 smily•Oirols, ]5 oasts; Orihestrs Chairs, Sr stints ; Private Boa Beata, 60 cents. __ • ' • ' - Doors open at quarter past": Curtain wilt rise AS: - ARE COMING. MORBIS BROTHERS'; -- FELL; AND TROWBRIDGE'S - -- MINSTRELS, AND 00W-RELL.O•GIANg. • - Froni the School-street Opira House. Reston, THE LARMIEBT. BEST, AND MOST ORIQINAL BAND IN TIER WORLD Will open at the ASOR-STREET TIERiLTHE - , Trois Sm. YOB TWO WEEKS ONLY. -- For full particulars see future bMe and newspapers, - • - LON mama. Business Manager. MEAS. MORRIS, Agent. myBo 6t* MI oDONOUGH'ff - GAIETIES-4140s • St; JUL below Third; ,Ttlumpliiint -anaemia nrowis - our aorta. Beet company in PhlLdelplia, leetnding the besutilid FANNY ROBBBBT. the Queen of Bong. Win O. MOBLNY, the celebrated aengetreta, Mille MARS), the magnificent Daneense, Hlta N.PRIOB, In a cholas se lection or songs, the mirth provoking Cohcallan BBItItY, the comical BILLY THOMAS, the hinny 808 BHICPPARD, the humorous BILL BLOOMED,. the great ball..diet JOHN WILLIAMS, theeentimenial eongeeter JOHN CONRAD; the Perraninr of the age HONE. THBIDON, PROP. YOST Planlit. Great bill to-nleht, Berry will sing the Core Tot - Spouts, Billy Thomas will intrude upon Conrad, Bob Sheppard will Go Around the Horn. Ao. Coma early. my 9 I. °OBELI), stage Manager._. V!IEE THIRTY-SIXTH ' ANNUAL - IX , UIBITION • •• DIENNBYLVANLI ACADEMY or TUE MINI ABU, No. 1025 CHESTNUT STAMM _ IS NOW OPEN DAILY (Bundayt szooppd) tiou A. M. to 6P. M., cad from IX tilllOY 6Md - 25 mots. - 13911012 Tickets 60 oaiste. &on 12 emote. - Er STOCKHOLDERS will - reitelve Hate ttekete ee application at tke oleos of the Academy. . *ASK: SCROFULA, waltz SWELLING, - -TER, SCALD HEAD, - - • And ell Itruptione of the Skin are radmally and penis neatly mare! by TEM IhIPERIAL DNPURATITIL._ SODDY/DLL AND WHITS awskusia , „ though obstinate and stubborn diseases and resialing„ sll ORDIWAILY WIDLIS, do cot fail to; yield under unequalled curative and healing properties of the IMPESIAL DNPIIIIATIVN.- •.- - One or two bottles will convince the mistjikeptionl.- -, T.ITTED bee proved the pasted stamblinjr-blook to: the ordinary remedies of the day. 'Local applieattmaa ,; alone do no good, and often do xcow wiebirdle ease must be eliminated thoroughly fro - system = IA order to effect a complete core, and it radiestU 'pion of the well-known - , EMPENIA - 1: DIPIIBATIVN - In expelling all vitiated matter from the blood that has t induced so many to ponounee -it - the eau, 1171101110- for Tynan, &e. . • TUN IMPJOBILL DIPUBATIVE WILL ou*A and an ii 11815611 originating-In • -- - ID.PUBITIBB OP Tall BLOOD. - - _ _ Tar On Boma. • - • Prepared and sold by - • . lieolflollol, & Late Louredeeryit No. 60 North KORN Street. nakn-etath If &a , Pbl3adef a. SPRING GARDEN RAVING POND 80-,' 01.311 01 PHICABELPHLt..- • - =- ' Wine, No. NI North VIM BUM, - (Oornolidation Bank Building ) OiIA.P.TEBSID BT THE LZGISLATIIBM 91 PENII BYLOANIA Deposita rewired in sums of One Dollar and_ _Rpriral ',- and repaid in Gold, without' notice; with ' VIVA PEE OANT. Dir.lll.lllll from the day of de drawn. - posit till A responsible and -reliable Parlige - inititirtlini his long been needed in the Northern 'part er - the 'nib', aunt 4, The living Garden Biting Yund Boalety Tao chars_ tared by the Legislature of I°lsansylsaida tiistippirego necessity. The Managers, In onsaxdsinirand loootine it, hems been governedwholly by a demise hi date the buelnessintereettand nests of - the:seri end enterprising population by which It is Mt 011101 OPEN DAILYi WO= 910 234 0'0100k; 01A - MONDAY sad - 1111114P,' - DAT from b until eielook in the sisening., - MANAGSBiI. Pradesh* Matt, - - - Stephen/Imi*, - John P. Levy, Eon H. ' _ Daniel Undetkofier; redetiok Steaks - linnets Hart, ' Joseph P. LeOlink John Hessler, Jr., George Knecht, James B. Pringle, Jacob Desk; Joseph M. . Hon. Wm. mtuirart,- ' George Woelpper, Geo. Thorei,- - - Peter 0. Bilmaker, ' Robert B. Davidson. ' - TAMS B. linssma foeretery. larbinern anit Iron. pia IRON, Br,oom, &O. CABEEN & CO., N0..209 NORTH WATER STREET, AND • . No. 208 NORTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, 01111 101 BALI AMERICAN FOUNDRY AND MORON , PIG IRON ON IND IOLLOWINO omoo, CORNWALL, TIONAGELHORN, POOO, PIONIER, GLINDON, HAMPTON, ENTSTONS. ALSO, COLD BLAST CHARCOAL PIG IRON, FOR OAR-WHEEL' PURPOSES. BOILER AND WIRE BLOOMS, BOILER AND PLUM IRON, WATER & GAS PIPES, AMERICAN BLISTER STEEL, &0., FOR BALI LOW, TO °LOAN A CONSIGNKINT. 500 WATER PIPES, NINE PEET LONG AND ap42•&m TWENTY INCHES DIAMETRAL (17"Agenti for Watson's Amboy Bite Brisks. (Ns Sixttmes, _Camps, iirr. GAS FIXTURES. WARNER, MISKEY, & MERRILL, STORE 718 CHESTNUT STREET, WARNER, PECK, & CO., 376 BROADWAY, N. Y., Would respectfully Inform the publlo that theycontinue to manufacture all kinds of - (}AS 71X711108, And that their large and varied stock comprises the simplest as well as the moat elaborate patterns, designed by their French artists: They also continue to keep at their Store, No. 376 BROADWAY, a large and fall assortment of all their manufactured goods. Dealers and others are invited to call and examine. myll:/-12t EXCEIANGE, E . NEWLAND 13c CO., LOOKING-GLASR AND PIOTIIKE.NRABLI MANUFACTURERS, WHOLKSALII AND UNTAIL. An extensive stook or OIL PAINTINGS, Ito. All at very Low Prices. 604 ARCH Street above BIXTII, Pl2llAdelphts- no4= If • "OLD DOMINION." Old Dominion Old Dominion Old Dominion Old Dominions Old DOMiDiOnB Old Dominions 014 Dominions Old Dominions °ter foity different varlatiell • Ityleff,' Or, the eelebrated M.D./Dominos' , • ares. now manufactured. Being ,baeed ~ of the, Joursal of Elea Mk ram- oh • sense," they are rapidly corning - Into use, and are des., tined GOOD to.. supersede all others ; They can be oh tamed from or ordered through, tury . storekeeper, dente- In housekeeping articles._ - - Merchante who have not received our Trade - Circular, giving p-ices, terms, - &0., widths immediately supplied on s,ppiteation; by latter, to _ _ ARTRUR, BURNHAM - , k GILROY, „ UT sad 110 South' YIINTE( Htreet, Philadelphia; • : Sole hianufactarer, under the Patent. - - - Err Mao, mantifeeturers, under the Patent. of Alt -THEWS ,CELIBBit&TED • AEA-TICLUT SEILP-Ma., 1/4IIR (14Ali OP 4* 1014-I)uMANI ~tmu~iemtiiis.`x mebicinai. ofining MANUfACTURERS, 4URANDOLEB s BRONZE, !to., Oco., picture „frames. Coffee Po its, Teo Pots. Oottes Tiro. Pee Rotel% *or ppargmr:U!Lata/a. for Mambo/AL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers