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S ACM, E „E 1- Y E YAP! 9.K.,,NP " , f • 5i1E:t143.707 '' Cet t ti 3. ; #ool.4.ibrt Asitiglo4.o,Pattatu, , jilyr,ar LINCOLN' - WOOD; - & NICHOLS, 726 - 0111ISTRUT STREET, , , _ - (TWO** AHOYBI ILIEIIO MIPLII.) m774jil .-;;„ - c ) tabolestae T.--LANE. 7' ' WHOLESALE °LOTIONS! WARFRO,QMSL. ; N~o,: ~'SI . Y.:.bL'A , B-YS.Z ' B~TIt~_STt ' ge;' , futio ll ing Ocrßb9 ~11 1 1LOELIBRATBD 00 1" 00$;Y - : -. zsi , "lar , pa .-" t.,...; ••• • `I• • MANTIVAIITZIMIR6I(sp , ?Ai4IO4es, tiOUNIA.aStiII.APTX gYfa_PO... -•- I . 'NOUBII-PITRNISHRTG S'ARE•IIOOiIS, 922•95yEllitrr -STRFAT, " '' • ' ' - '' ‘,7ll.lltW leAtt141:1t:114 14* RING. STORX, , No. 1020_011EPT.NITT, BTRE'I . ;- • (OPPOSITE THE -ACIADZMY Or 711d111 ARTS), :111711,Nr4tnitii , :tllotiatt, s tiew idnd ionnenlent liiito - ,itttoffitio: Witt po' touid to 4 9tirefi; 'l 4 *.. Sc l in P ar. pats sad Mattingo atLinvaluabts *W no *idols way 'lonia kbnyez:,.vl •-: - T4444AfiVID , -BRIU 9 BR.kI O 4O> Mg; i30P14/41t1V9 4:01O101:110118e1LATTiff.01101111*.ind , 11 oomploto omottotoot•ot , , liitEitUren_OUtill74FUOgirt.olp - act(iDEL ;-',, ;;` , : ' , • • - • • • 100/014/011; - 11 0 00 1 ! • , -,;: - :.5.- - .: . ".:,::,1859. Ilkivo3-111C.A.ms.t.11,41yis _'••• '••• . - ,-40,0,1a8,pie5. - pouii. • • - new inirtr:lsOod Shoulders - '• - • AT ONTis'Po. , Fotrrriw. ,, • -ITCHARIMS 0 11 174 - silolll4tss SS:LAI* sad SpVltild6.lll.4s7dlNr. • -.. , • . 1, 11ERINO; 140' . • South' irgONT ,SjOoti "sOp'b6zottyl,r ,-‘ tOpiiito tirlittiOß trsAte • • 10 i ' " ud 300 1010 1 1Oft4101.1theavic4iiltaionOi. Wsablogioa )I(ortonP,' Oland: . , , , , , aF I 9 II . .• .numwm 1 07,0 0. p,O hits clgEffe. Arp#o4 jtiee,_Plaregto; Pepper. 0,i4p.F 1 ,410 1 ). I*P , PkY BAN?, ank94 MOGRE, .1 - I::gNHSZEir & CO., nos. 427". =tile Ilasp "eastittly osiklisd a large atook= • .;• 44,10: 13 WA RE * • - - : 3UTLE.EIT; OMB, ia„ ; " Tidal ore Wool itt 811YEVA Liberal Tem.! Gfilß3.lm -t : . • . „ • BROTHER &Oil; 'bisi;Eas - HADWARE, OUTLlfitt,. • ' ~.: r.'' z' .'~` ~Al~ld~gi~i. 3,A.C.0338, 6207:0911.:§i'REST • / Hri Elalahadand tor MI6 4 fa aaaaitasaal of all 'lllO * * ig' * )l i s i t 071" Pt . • , , * CL,4,I,IIIIAGES. ietat,vatiety at daalrabla Slooi#D BAND 04.1111.14111,11, alai have beau bat very LEtie wad, Thick 1,111 biSold low% • - • ' alir2l4lna o.lolaut.9z. Orpsrroax, Noe. 1 17, 12IQ, atul'l22l --cimoiariiT-twrinET • okitit.o:or - • 'WILLIAM rx. Roctrais- =IEEE! ActaFixosinitrx imam ,1411. reaCtai LOKINci • c sssss: NOIIO fq store Ohs most entinslse and *bout wort ; :-.4 K kNlf - Ts All BROs NOi4rvais spans Sod emnipositiag - aid "it 'ths i caret modrrliftuprlisu , 140041btEt at "OS, - inAlre most slabotabs and most sling" Irmo& - -LOOKING °LAMS • , Mimed !ri ths`'lmat meet substantial • vipititea otAseuti _ t " ir os hth e dkr;ke6 "re nurttl:"efured by ourselves In m o d orn tistabl*m•nt.' • 4 • WOKING Otitilza" • 2 . .in' aas. Aiiooo47 mad WANG! Irma," for Country N -.14M00 0: EARTAI .4% SOil, —' STRE EV' s 9, 'PLUMBERS' MATERIALS.--4.liiige and voted aiteittant totistattly Ifi Mite. it which eidt - thcattoMion 'or thw , WS". - PIPos se ?ow_ oo tiame of say home Is. Now 110. .- WARMS WittIAARAN, ..=;.***4lll • r*AIINOSMroat - - PHILAINIII4'37IA, 'tarOntirt. Nano, 443., FI[ABKE' 6 2 9 imply IIZTS, IPOBTS HIDE, 074413 HAPIIIPAOTIME OP REPOSITORY, ~:£oalitng~"~."las~~s: ASIA, AFRICA' AND -.EUROP.Div,; • ' , , • Oomprlsing' „ Visits during le6l, 42, '3, 41, '5 , and 'B, ~. ,-„ to ' tbe Danemara Iron ' Mines, the '( Biros -, !. . (Aerobes?! lihibes'Of_tmy,pelosyra; ''' . ll . ' , ` i •• • Jaresaloot s isteur Siirinlidimi; 2 '' ,3 I, , ' ''' , ” -• '- ' wire erns ~ • ' . ' i '. : ,,l'e, 1 .:, BONlilif3 or THE EEdENT ItUTIHIVE;." (egeflusgiffsed., fewer Ofix,beemeow,nef,e49 " ' " • 0 ',A: 9: 11.111 , lit ~S ,:.:.- . - ) . -;41.,.3.'t 'ILMIANfint, TUN guiripsi!. t tas;vi .4 . lo44pitpr; .1 , - • • JAVA; CHINA - AND ItAtiltliNtii:i -, , ft B l'' ,, JO lIN-B.i/EPAND;;;, 4 I:, I- - • -- , - --- , - ,„t i - wjelinwty, One Duritire4 Illnatilliena;freisli *View * - made on the spot hg the AsstiMis ' ' ' s ., ;sS. ''' ‘. . ,P oall i ; -.-' C a'. - „ In n embossed muslin binding $ et=,' -,, r.. In emboisedhalf calf, extra .............,..046,/ , : Thtivoric is wrttten in the Meat. familiar stylailsud,„ .wit out Metemslotf. , It consists Of aro or ex bvitired , oistawo piges,de largo, fleet typiO4thli 1).1.1PY . 7:0117),•,„ likb' kept by the taillaillit 'aFint. nearly.** 7`t/01111. 4 eterylart of Inge": . The boohts,;morseser, illestzeisd" wish nearly,ene hundred fell pages of lineriminge fi ' 'euted 'by Mr. 7'. - W. OR R, [rent the &fele& that 4 , 'Maidion the spots of. observatlon , ty 'the:other ~ self.; ..t , ' '-' ' ;" -'' e!'..:" ' • -,, ;,,."';'7"'c.- - i.Vt", "•' Note glees' illisstrittotile thisfeolimiliashiiiii#' pied hoof lief otitir ilubliciii633:Ab4 ilteilleilifi*; ill tinthfelieict ill beititifat' ' thi'aitlesi fa iiillirlf ,, i' ''gnashednumber'pi" - pie • Nei* 'row -Eir - ,.ard this *44', tollief iileikti and ecitioilit; aid NM alder Chins:int Ili the beet lithe fait thatliTtellefssim 'day today 'arse a tilear•siihmd, - Olfii•headtcl - tele- ecolia"44l,l 2, einispfrehend of the ONINN I ZAIs`" le0b1,11.:•Tlie eintatie mote, fellable tinfoimattoit'in this iiihJssie ' 1 tre hhve NOM' sisWother simisiii •If le eatoll the - ' elaborately illastritsd +Melees cf Nivel trimir pails*, in this dostiti<y: ' - " " li. Yenf'ordera soltoltad. '- - . • -.:,',:1,14. s. :A. norm° 80 xtow, ( 01??OlITIk 9.81t0t ItOtfi4); • Klis4 ' • J, 13. , 1+11tH & 610 001EIVIlitre senior, AGENTB"/1011 Th!i Tilde enpDllad " 21,4140:4 ITOLUME FIFTH.. v 4. Hiram's Tarn or w:korntortoto , ,• V• For este by • . . 0 AllT7i LW . 81300119500 S TO tr• 'OOTiPARTHWAIT & , 00'.• • No. 009 ORRATNIIT &rest, shove Rlntht „ North Ate. ',3} Atro— • 1. • . .4 , PROM W ALL STRIRT ' OAttAIRV;4r, Point in Asia, -Attlee; and 30rope. By 11.1ref ir lied. • - M OB IMOSILIOS. - By-. t h e Author f( Readier ltpettl; BOPN DIAPARALL 4 or 'thtilitienentnttd ite L OOLiNk Be N.P Lanett*. Boma wren . ACP , 'PUPILS or,' , lllo6itionel -Arr' tweet, Ac,,Hit Mrs Lloonlo_Pholot. , • BRDEMPORIIPPILIFINO 015 Elfotek' for the pulpit . ; the Petite, ar.A ‘ Ote'lNl*; 1 3 .7,Nt , lOW A 'IrfttIOTIOAL TIRATIOR: ,Ok RORIIII,POWNR-RILILWAT,P.I • their : tocetten,,,eoA , 3, streeNoo, Anitnenemenkr with platie ,it e l rates 4:44 their orietdestlim, Atelenrrettov; ; #4. - - gy Atott arderliantan, O. ' ' • 4 ' , `l r PILLAR 'OP Anal ; Tinsel In- ponds ite:,". B Bee - J. 11, -, lorrebem. • 'TUN .PLOUNORD ROHR, end Whet Batrlet'B Meßeerer. • ANNA. CLAYTON' or; the loqutrer Vier , Trittb Bitter, -Ifitoete lfet l on Dtmtntele. A.— • Lieti:re RZLIGIOIIB„,TIRNI*. Nwarp Lennuevillo Morel.. VOLUMP:PIP,Tif,APIIROIIO , OO' ToitAlter •tettli 'loit-end ,etiroplete Nioll-rnoh9 - oP Ittiois to (leery depLrtment of leteritore,4 'WOO. alkoßtwav-Ap 59c904,x8siniaLi, 609,01va iv w, u1 4 7 str .ir oo ire . t .r 4 4 : 44. - 1 1 14- 6 1 7 ' -7t6•1 ___,, ... we tame •of the last panic, *iiiiiielialed, everybody said he would turn Wall right I wad ao It comb to pass." tie !Pays,,itive turned but , till right,—for him aeff. lThitt's.liow twit came to piss." No dollibe was cc trusted for millions." Elk , erile d Imp, "Thia,is the fourth or fifth HMG he hadfallettl, bed he always comes right side uppertiost in the end." . ' • Yes,:it arranging with his creditors, , and returthg• beak- to" his' speculations means" cominecright side uppermost In the end," Javoit lams has repeatedly done so. For, he Is a it bold ,millionaire• speculator,"—ma, king dike. and drakes, with other people's moneyerdeterrod,cc, by no failures or dangers of thilues." Why should he be deterred? 4e tall!;-and the Herald praises him. He gets,wlitewatilied,—and holds up his bead "at the BOA" as if he bad paid all his debtsi in full andnever, gambled. , aft:Mast be up and doing egain.c.' That means, When the present difficulty passes over (yohed' asks how many will be ruined in this tittle Banner,) ho will return to business, and rerumehis position as one of the City Fathers of NervYork. He must be at the old game. gambit*, speculating and failing are 'l3O- . nona niture , to .1:A00II, who, his biographer ap plausiv/ly tells us,'" could no more live with „mt operating in, stocks than could a genuine 'Arent Of a ship.” The proper place for such aperatlagywe suggest, wduld be at Slogans. )ne of the family of Stock.broking operators, iiT.IIITIMITIODON, is already there to do the loners of the place. HHATINGDOIf wad “it 1)1 , 1 millionaire" forger, and LITTLE, says the Verald, is a a bald millionaire speculator," Nothing Out of' the common, in Larriat's allure—ii it would be a very erroneous con clusion to consider it in the light of a comtrier dal bankruptcy," says Cowhided Again. Not i bit,. of Millie. For JACOB LITTLE alias, `merely lost money, which other men have rained.' If ho does not pay the losses, and f they do not receive the gains, we cannot iee how - the cc other men" are to profit by the ransaction. Bat we are furnished with 'this saplanation. cc .11 is in the nature of gam- ding transactions—tho gain and loss have :hanged bands." What! JACOB LITTLE, cr one if the deist celebrated financiers of New York tnd of this country,"—JAoon Idprzu, who I struggled manfully" in.the Stock Exchange —lscort LITvLE, whose elementli " an ocean if speculation,"—Jacon • LITTLE, who : has Itiled''"lg four or five times," and "always omes right , uppermost in the eitd,"—J.koou ;arms, the "bold millionaire' speculator,"— fAOOII LrrThlt,'Wllo cannot live ~ without ope ating in gtocks,"—Jeoon Immo, to be de minced, after all, as a mere Gambler! Truly he nay take COmaided Again by the batton.hole uni ask "Call you this backing your friends?" Yee, the venerable and virtuous Mr. J, G. 3ENNETT—" property holder" of the quiirterr vs on Washington Heights, and the csitia" hereupon situated—even he winds up with an '.expected bit of truth. He enunciates, gainst JACOB Larne and other if bold" mil. lenitive speculators" one decided truth, which to detach s and put in imposing typo t fiIDSALING IN STOOKS IS NOTHING ELSE THAN L. ASIOLINCI. He winds up.with an epitaph on his friend, be five-times Bankrupt, cc He Is the most en erprisinglind honest of speculators." That is, f ateck-spethrlation be 'gambling, which is aorally, and legally criminal, Lame is a the lost honest" of gamblers, This, it strikes Is, is what•logiciamicall a non, sequitur. We tern from this extraordinary tribute to krena, the gambler, (a "most honest", gam )ler I) to another notice, in the letter of -our Few York correspondent, which we published tin Saturday. Our correspondent, who Is a kentlemail and never dabbles in stock.dealings. (this fact may surprise Mr. LITTLE'S eulogist,) ote as follows': I ~ The principal to• 10 of talk in Wall street and mong business men throughout the city is be failure , of Jacob Little & 00,, though the vent itself egelteLnot the least surprise. An ea, it is said. gets acoustomed to being skinned. r. Little has so often been subjeoted to that ape- Hon that failure possesses not even the egoite. out of novelty. It is the fifth time that he has Mae through with. that (nanetal snanteuvre. he feeling among many o the operators in the card of Brelterals quite favorable to " Jacob," ho is familiarly called ; the ?estop of n whic . b is ILLDVINATLITG COAL OlL—Warranted• v r i t ti tlimc.4 48, „tht; 412 in tti t r i t7 Ilt ° o ° ra t TN' I i tt! -1.- equal to any for brilliancy sad durability, sad la noii.ex:yiesire. Atoorm ard. As ~ Saccoh" or so go they. Their J r. fr aa l i t u a r A l g il , k ' g o t , ithle pinned upon hie wo rks. - 08 South Wharves. i 0 The steak whoop? at moor, or Pa r is on. NEW, PUBLIOterIONS. -••-% •-, mouros. st the matlitri or *4 Aly•yie Bolitsry" , 110020, , -• • ANNA-OGAT VOW at,, •Ma "liqtyATer atter.ltra: By air rtaaata M. DltacAlOt, A, IL ROBB ,cprrrips ; sakrooooloaktoo kossat vrAtirow I or the Great, Idea 401 . 2..1014 - 4 Awe of It Vicad. 40 cents. Livia OP tiillo3lii.. gdwara notes by Dean ill oenU : ,. IdDmsn Dr, W. Smith. 110 no ., • 1. Tail :FORPTIOAD WOBK4 OF JAMES • 0.0.1110 FM340196.1. , ..With A tli; Blogesphtes4 ,volt: Blue And ertroins,,noblNA, - AND AIDIEDPD.- By -*re and °old." T 6 cents'. - - l'or:solo by " • • , , iTANZI) 11414 No: 000 OWINPNITT Strut. VEIgNIMOL'E . 000PER'. 8 -.SPLENDID JDITIOAff ILLUIsTRATED 1. 0. 0. DAIL: INC ~.T ha esolitaite, spumy for PbtltAiisibte • -- • ,; , 4100,E011.1'8 • 0i712-120V 406 WAINUT EtrOilt. 3 UST PUBLISHED- MUSSY k MARKLEY, ctopsyquv,a HALL, LIJAAKY tyIIMUIT, • WM* E 8 DPALLIIIIB, A II D 4 01113 . BERM BTBEIT, , • sthiliftlOAN PAONOUNOING DIOTIONAaIf, . OP Wig INGLIRR LANGIII4II.' • ' - si 41;n12111411 11:LAID1411/4 A. IL Principal of the Monroe arationargehool, Ph iladelph ia., PRICE ONE vpmea. This Donn contelos all variable and contested spell ings, Merida folirotionlv primary and, segon4o7 treeta, appropriate prepositiom, 'reform:wet JO writings of standard intuit, daduitions of : geographical names,' and proper names of persons.; translations of foreign phrsaaa, .rules tor spelling, lilts contrestleg the 'wreathe and Wetelarlan orthogrephiee, Ate „ rro, - By the insert of original and well-tried plans:the' work is wads to subierve the puree ate thorough and se lect spelling-book, and of an aid in teaching tho art of linglisle composition, -It bas been especially 'fitted for ties ID Ilebool/iand families and Mean be Made serrine able In a greater number, of Ways than any work of its kind. -It centaMs6oo psges—emsh'page evolersoes throe, columns, and each part of the elucidation of a word' is 'printed in a distinctive type.. ' : ' Mr' On the receipt of One Dollar tbo , Publisher". Will mail the oboye work to any Tart Of the United pates. - - ' ' 1443.1 m ,NOTICE , TO - BOOKBOYERB. - :I SABIN roopootfully sononoooB that he hell for gratultono dlonibotlon the Colikocues of bit valuable bitesaiegoe be Otdd by TAtienOu tinting Ibis ntiOntb, in New York and Phlhdelpblo: , IIittOOTATION Olf OLD BOOKS: - J. 8 will visit Eaton" t blot summer, for the purpose of parobasingUld hooks, and Tuataras to anomie TA Librarians and flookbuyen, that se experience of over , twenty years In the book business in liitrocw and Ame rica. wilt enable him to,Bl any, ordure with .willoh he maybe entrusted, to their entire satlefsetion Rylo 1 )1 South arrru puma, .pt!ilotoptger.• 20t4tionerg. RENR. 1 0.01-EN. IMPORTER AND4ISLER. . 110REIGN•AN4 DOIIESTIO ST4TXONERY. ,itiaquzioitg,Eu or slivuorzs IN EVERY vAutir,rr AND STYLE. AORNT YON ARNOLD'S ENGLISH WRITING FLUID. . 007 CHESTNUT STREET, • i5ar22.8113 ". OPPOSITE THMSTATE EOM. ,grabittet-Ware. I_SESK , DEPOT. THE I.,AitousT IN THE UNION. torßanlit, OAloos, and Pamela, In Oaks Wal nut, and Mahogany, of handsome atylie ' and pattern. A. L. ADAMS': IMPROVED DESK RACK, AT .1.3061T7'3E1T Et. iiouosesons To) ' J. T. I-lAMMITT, No.• 259 SOHT.II,T.II-IHD STREET. aPid-8m ev i nT FURNITURE earri BILLIARD MOORE & CAMPION. No, 2411 BEOOND eRENT, In commotion with their exteusire Cabinet - Buckle% are non manufaduriog irsuperior article of BILLIARD TABLES, arid hare now on hand a fall 'supply, finished with MOORe OAMPION'B IMPROVED 017811.10NE1, ,Whitdi ars pronounced by all who bare ruled them to he superhor to all other's, P.rt the quality and finish of therm Tablet the mann &aurora refer to their numerous patrons throughout ;the Linton ) who are familiar with the ohirecter of their work, - lete-em BEIUSELESI BELIIIIMES 1 BltliThiligS, I 2;000 dozen Tied iVhitswash. 1,000 - Natle4l t. • 2,600, 110116eerubs, 1,000 " 016446, 600 --rr Austere. 6,000 . 0110ebratbee. Poem& lower then kti eh) other house in the Olt); by, "HENRY 0; /10103TBIN, 52 North TElRDstreet s below Arch .r. ,_,--; - .1.J , _ffit`,.olsmbling. 1 3 rimeAlipiti:P.ilibe, Do matter by - : Whom, sift , r/ ted; OlgrAbling, What/war shape', it Ittiirturioi. is gambling atilt:-•;-an, offence liChtillres it the toot of social happiness moral: tylivtith often desolates heart and fi, s' ' ,WWII under he CirCumstancea, can Ormdeil in . 111i . e ,.... er „#-I i ?: 11 1 /1 ?* ieOrt ,T./*,,r,'!, ri - Atop" admiringly, rilited by the :New : X 8 ' 7d, (other-, known as 0210044 qr v, . '',' Ct ° of - ibt ottlebrated.flhOrmy. ._, 9W 4 c lrk lid - 111 , 3qtrfail .I : 4hursday, for, I ,lii'd_Hriii/gP/Wed , by / the" itlO*, - -:llthe admiringly , 4tit,t4tittri of iferi, y,.,wase, iLit it l ifalle.d.Ses• .......'et hbhus Operation! we depteitisktad by' the !Matti ii^itutsonneinCtloll44llltY of tilitaeg ltad WWII ; Vontnienoed 040 8 ilrig thjii . fritatiereet Sir/ wit doinvomatititers; *Ad there Pwill'soonalnire in the,eistrap. Ingkt.mir page, and:the Moths twortl7.mhat, lieibad agreed ti ilitisstindereditinktipt. 2 . 61* dail 'lasi few days' isli , had , ' to suctoutak at, As efliOakagotts on his elel irrogutatlim.,.. Aliso a true Ow WI exeltemeriteirid ha.`,W; tbal,that'Jeeeb-rititletilil , y it oili , the lolliii. . -Asiiity .A , atrietriio. - haa award; 47 , a ob e lig mill pay,71 , 2 .4.,,-b., bot failekoriy „mit isti.righti'ano_ao tt pipithel*ll thithlsSiadwivair rut before':mid 'her would be - Tho „taiga foupth.or fifth t, tintAto atlyraya comes•-tlgtik 'teen& No failures or,dangera s - 60441-(tiditairo speculator.' arab ,84itoratt'intherterviee,'Mat . doing again. ==.sa is likis s'bold beta vtawy.tiotterirsivalreekel ' i KIM sttd int, 100Ellitilie WW I° re bastintetidsfOrgate the has i wore'. l'.7:ciool...titilliecoidei no it opiiatini im; stooks' than rr inel ot er , shipt- • t-,- . tare hasandotibtedlyhatwegted /ewer. it would be a very erro. regard it In tlae light tf aplom b or am • tie itommenoement of a n bnelarea. Idly alookbrokers England—thairfitlinres did not lot men. The tallttre of Yeeob ,3k*okops here Flit' riot alieet Anerde of the .eountry. He bits SAM ,Jtoitey which other - Mien have gained. at-is is eaten) of gamhittat transaotione—the I en' Pion have ehanged horde. If amen good to omblioglouso and lotus ? half nloillion o? 'dolbikthat'oantiot areet 'We neighbore arottnd bilth'el* 4 lCmi , le legitimate business • .7Yealing an 4101 , 4111 nothing dee' than' ;totaling: Jacob been ta very , enooeidat overstep; bat, UFA" fir adventnrons 'men, he ,le sometimes' ;rung „tt the dorm. • Will. hla motto, Is--- , Nothing lento *thing win.' 'He is the roost enterprising Iktiti hit i t Of speoulater :Little tc'pro, Miliendlhe ouirolity of this article to %rtiblitigtifegibin. First, Luria, who has now riftedlfri tames, is prattled to a it velebrated ': - #ooa / V.'—jast alone would tuty a celebrated I: , vt. iizsmiebrated patriot, a celebrated loan ~,.- f ; self**. .t. Then, gambling spectilattanu littylogibiOnglit binkraptcy, Colohrded again —i*Viii for having ic struggled manfully" :gauze itiOrin. The ancients held that one ttitifteid'sights was a good man struggling thittOitßPA misfortune OOr Now York o, t4 ;Pa t,: j 2 o ( 7 1 i ,t , 100 ,...„ ' 031.1 . e . /41T.2.,t_hin_IP 3 1443. tha: an a kru gfe i a t tt: effects Of •WIC. tease I 'e.told tr he dement—an //Isolation is loubts thet, atteits is 1 7. 44 - 44 10 ‘ 0 , _ , table do operatot so reokifill none lo dating, none utterlY•uneyetematio as Jacob , One day -.theljtakidajfir, - the next hole the l'aurtis Major of the street., 'The Prlnoipal came of this, his last lallnie,,warthe large-oontraots • he -had made in merle ecnival stooks and bonds, Rename Railroad • efook;:MisecerV eines; ,Tennessee sixes, and Vie-. gluts , mainly, Whys'_ option: , 'Of these he had -large amennts is receive; he also held a latge amount whiiik he - -had' hypotheoated. - Little , proposes to settle for hie entracte on the basis : of f the average washer 'rice on day the contracts sweeeisivelx.fel, _due ' , though he will not make' any poeltlve proposition until be napertaine exactly, how he elands,, which will reqUire seVeral.daym,- , "One thing seems to be eonoeded quite generally; that it'wortld:beias - the, permanmt. istedroLof the Sleek Ezehaoge, and fo r 'Actsticen securities, at home and abroad, if AC, • Littl4 were stevetto resume his seat at the card.: Hie influence 'on the great' steak valuer' of the botintly bee uttifortily.been perttielons, in two_por• R 0110 ifterniagnitude and recklessness of hts Lew 'them Axed prinniPles .11okle, apprlotour,Atokb and , hopefol 'appitently bindifferent, ythilibef sitetwee or defeat perohea upon, idtbannbitaotifiq Ass infest ga.61041 , 44r th e . and - from habit ; wp b hat Iseonsivirtveteratei it reepeessily, followeAhat the • liifidenee of suott,apessOn osnnot,,endeehhy air onetsta,neee,inipermsperitly adVaurn l; lo" , ber monetary, intireills et thtattelkl tfert."7 , , • Tlda he a diffettnit; and; wC oitegt o a ate,* truthful oeiiniaiii Of the " Thfilinifahn' lions ; of: .cc MOllt ' ' t41614: ;*43. earnestly recommend, the , connindink graphs An the trousidertitiott of the it eift.Yoik , Block, Efelinge.' . - , The , batch , , - a race of commercial people; ?quest - htiniligto 'without gainbliug,,,have oWeititi**Antsietit;Whitirintgkt , s4t4P _tageeitsly'be,4o44 in ;few ,Torks - iii:stihlf cosektothis of sitcl ei bold aailiiondfro ripeort. : , Maters'?atihave fallod'feur`eiliVe timgar ";Any` bankrupt. there • whoovithin4 Ttinin,z `hadfnot paid-his creditors is fail, had .to Stand , `on" whit was called: the Stone of Disgrace, in 'th'e einitie of' thilionrie, 'on three, successive' 'dayS,te - helointed at as tr. rogne, and after - :that was 'never again &Unwed to enter that ,domicile of compere°, and trade, untille had Aischarged every obligation, with 'interest; tall such a ousted prevailed in New ,York, 4r. Saves" Limn certainly could not have , Failed a settond,third, fourth, or fifth time. ' • Newspapers_ are • believed to ibe the _ best Public lbetrieters. What shall be said et, tle Heialdip,' paper With' the second :circulation in Now Yink-fite gicn has much the largest in that city—bolstering up Lirrisis character, with ,fulsome flattery, and, not indirectly, but epenly, approving of the ,unwholesome gam: Ming :which- has now upset tuft «paoat hp, 'neat" speculator, for the fifth time? Pretty Public instruction this I ~,ettel from rjttsburg. footvospordouos of_ The Pintig.j . . , Prrrsaiinp; hioy,ll, 1 8 0 ; Thad:rafted alatea Moult 4 30iirfrif .31V•Inete titan in this phase, With Ron: ICO. Grier and Bon: XVlliort-,Mdlandlass presiding: ,The latter gen• ilerianb, , ainoe his apoesilon to the judiolal hoc, by hia urbane and convivial' demeanor, die.: Unwashed hiMseif Ilit 'crae" of the worthiest oilliera that has ever occu pied, he same positioh. he was always Popular ,in this 'community itice, ipso and a menahpr bf the har t hdli'Aar. his sodd qualities and his legal attalliqielatar he la adaliff' new honors ia'himself by,thejmpgtttal discharge it hie jadtoial datioe.• - 4 very interesting and Important au, was.riecti Yesterday, in which, Bird, Dawson, ;& Hard' irofl Mandactiarers , of 'England, were' plaintiffs, and tiraff, Bennett, & co., lion mannfloittireratlrthis, arty, 'defendants. It Was alleged that the daring.; ants hid inanuflotureCiron &tile request of it Chioago had, upon which was stamped the trade.' math of the- Lowmoor Iran' Armin* et Bradford yOrketari; • Vitglana,,*C by,reason of, the intrednotion of the Iron thine falsely mar** Lowinoin," the, plaintiffs had: been , greatly', 'damaged - in the sale of their iron, which is LoeW orated for its **rani. toughness, - bardsieSi"Of 'weldini,'reaPacitYi and 'durability.' Th. plaintiff' elaluted429,offil went , to elloweAuti t ieitier the iron' npetheitairi iwasipidedlite gen 64 44 , -.oole, , Fred it; not MiEnfilleh Lowzatiorlton,ltit'iher t lit mixt! charcoal iron, at ,the..priced the tat*, and that it Was sold by the.Chleagolouse as American Lawraoor. The' jury found' a verdiot of 9 , 44(1.40 , for plaintiffs. , , - „ . , The ease of Jacob E. Curtis vs. Butler. monh, la on 'trial to-day: is action on railroad bonds. As the principle of these- bOnd , gaits 'IC. fully known to your roadin, IWill riot oconiky any more of your columni -theta by 'tkts., mete MO*? meat.' The spirit of reptullation , his, like an in -00(ms-disease; spread allover the western intr.- Hon of 'our fltate, and" how fong:treare to he "agi ,tated by it it is extremely diflieult today.! 'Many think; that ire- have a legal, delmioa- agalnit our, -municipal subsoriptions, And.they ate determined. to test tine Matter thoroughly.' Thiel. nothing but, - the Constitutional right of everY'fitan, :and every body of men; but when, Ourcludgis, under their solemn oaths, pass upon , these or any &her subjects, we are -in duty bound, as - law abiding Citizens, to submit. It le to be hoped, for- the honor of this portion of our Wet!, that these road difficulties will bo speedily _and happily ter minate4.. ~ The State-rights Bemoarsay.' were Yesterday, ,nrith full fOrmality, read out of the Partrby the Pittsburg , Past. This is rather unfortunate, not for us, but for Col. Barr. Mr. Barr is a gentlehlin of generous impulses, devoted in his friendships and jealous - of his honor, but he has left himself with: , out a " local habitation or, a name." The friends of the National Administration have -thrown him overboard long since, and now that he ham repo& ated the States-rights Democracy, it will bo a 'matter of no little labor to ascertain where he stands, claiming as be does still to be a Demoorat. Oar cause will not suffer materially though, by reenm of the .pesr's indiscriminate repudiation i Meas Ores, not mein, being ur motive , we could do no less than leave the andidates of the htaroh • COnvention, who Sanction° the raviiihniont of our moat sacred prima* "to the oondemna-, tion of the ballot-bo{." If, we . are to be victorious in opr grand regenerating movement,' -we must be vigilant - and active; vigilanee`and activity will give ps strength: We must continue to leave all to the 8114115 condemnation who repre sent principles so repulsive as those enateleted by 'the March Convention. We meat teach the lead ers is well as the rank and file the necessity of 'obedience to political pledges We mot surrender no part of our principles, for we are right; and there clan be no compromise between right and wrong. " There is a spirit of inquiry arising In our midst in relation to this matter, which is giving the Ad , ministrationists no mall amount of uneasiness, When once a:popular interest is thoroughly:arm ed, they very well know that they oannot main: tain their present nerDemcoratio positise long: Truly yenta, The Late Francis G. Q. Umsted. Boy The Press.) The remarks of the Evening Journal, of the 11th tut , upon the, subject of the recent death of Mr. Francis a. Q. limited, at the Clarendon Rotel, in Now York, which, no doubt through Inadvertence, ware copied into your valuable pa- Par, have bean the dame of mach pain and Burr rise, and, I may add too, of the'greatost nation among tho Wanda of that gentieman in this city, It would not be proper here to go into the 'de tails of the , t scandal" to whiob the writer in the Boonine Tournal alludes. Suffice it to say, that it was nothing mere than an infamous story trumped up by a young man in Yale °allege, and in itself as absurd and improbable as it was in, famous. Although it was somewhat widely olr 3 . collated at the time; yet' respeotable person believed it; and however muoh distress It might have occasioned the family, the character and social-position of the young lady were not in the least injured by it. The statement that Mr. Masted married her 6 . in the midst of trouble and disgrace" Is incorrect ' Never will the writer forget the brilliant reap tion which took place in the fair city of New von, on the evening of Mr limsted'a marriage. All thebeauty, fashion, and idite of 'the city, the Professors in the College, and several literary men of distinction from abroad, were assembled to do homage to the lovely bride, adorned by every grace of person and mind. Their union since then, to all appearance at least, and the writer has known them intimately, bad been one of perfeet oonfidenoe, happiness and mutual affection. The old w an d er bed died away, or was remembered only with a feeling ofoompassion for the wrotebed boy w h o b a d ruined himself by inventing it 'And now, after theism of five years, it has been:drag ged again to the light, and at the very time whoa the husband of this defenceless woman was lying **fug in his etamber, and she herself almost on the verge of insanity at the sudden and terrible mis- fortune that had befallen her. We are certain that there is a feeling in the breast ofevery htinest man, who has amother or sister of his own, Which, will at once stamp this proceeding with the full. character it deserves. The cause of Mr. Umstedli death was probably the mere accidental discharge of a pistol, which he' was holding carelessly. Ile was reckless in such matters, even to a culpable degree, end. the apprehension had often been entertained , by, his friends that some frightful accident milacultima, tely be the result. He had ne emieelvable - Motive for suicide I a short time previously he had taken and furnished a house, into which he proposed to move his wife. Hie domestic happiness was• Wil l. clouded, and his prospects Mt bright is Ilibse of any young man'in - the country. The Miserable innendo of the Evening Journal, that he shot himself on tteeount of his wife's behaviour before' her marriage, is of a place, with the teat bf 'dos artiole, and utterly without foundation. ;A. . • .., -, • os t irOttr - .44,ailvii" The 'eteamiti Star` fee* isiketall end:Hnsaasion:•the:Ath;;a{ved l gt 114er:reek:oh SaturdiY)10i 11 0111 1 (,, 11 111; v0.441:6, laid ft hog Jo vitpic-: l.; galtrpn4,edilaeg Tehiantepierstieenie, - - - - She reporO teemed; yli'lke . ttlihult., 0 7 ' toilg: 48;fcrolea standing ! ' _ - • Left at hignir ftigatOtoinoile: •. I , ` The priiiiipal °endplate of the ,, triatentir Litit: a t e t , ,-, ~ , 6 .- '7 le ,-.•' ,'-'' : :-. '... ' ... -J Wl , lla al; Intro ~,Itints,ooll.l , , Ateerleati ixeramitilleekt•••••t I r 14° - Perini & trotluire"- - ''"" ' ' - 1 4,600 J i r 's4 011 1 , 1 1 1 , , it' thiteltele.zt.-”strt'ji6t**l 'mem w.,..,, . ;•,.,a„' 48,000' reeteetaloesteeikoo.l4: ....................... t. l .- tA rturcirc was autritit M t - Antintklo2 that inat VI , de(e. is Rive& the *Pie!! ftee-Plehblrlr , lloo4 - 1101,j 'as ,hare both' *Trudy snnelviti'vU--.l7ofllllitidli,t that - the 'Albiratir c hintrtakorealll ofctittlalty fol.' Mewleo riteapt thirmlaintli—'t , / ,,, ,' , .- /.-..- ~ 7,_•?. t, • Th2e-ovplandotaiglit,k4r4_443* IttfiTptt. it': ISan Jose it 4 Alit liit:' -.- , '-"._ ' --.; , TIKC adrimalitan th ollolo o4 o loollsllwelmot_ . .The'hnantit &at qlo,thitroohtirrie which wail sent front „WW emt -,t4„ tratllloaltOn, hat'hiritrlftitleifMigdeeh Wei, 14th • b capsisinlynt-b boat Ac l loloh It losittlaNik. •, • , - I,c , CIALIVAIIIS, kft - , , 'v: , `, ~,-. , t-,..,/, - ; , Alliiitim tiprii P;tilir rlarlftlAlo;9#l,st gold' dad!' , The Prospettkof thif irafittotskal , Anibrtiltte.ill ~.--", /„.1 , ~, l/-.1 - ll,' -I,tttrft • ltcrf-itto,- t'4 , The San Prinalmo marl/Aim _ , ii t o‘ Illads,rit gaillikaridlfrotn/ir - to Vutintelb 4. 3 proatilsletsbint tiltioitritldin' ereltett ',061 - liz4 2 had , intonntlpleAt airstlo4,, , ,Omnimsl ~. , _ weretlawity;Alattoctionsalin ~ , -.; . It AMC. -Coale" deriandil far `• Itingliesn'sAtgrimit, Aolos(43lo4lintroinit -. ar. flour otroGatit: importfAidAs,iiiqd,3oo '• ,Pat little dolnx in ant othifkind. , :-- ' _ - _ ~'ll Obinles Co blend ' he oittibiltilblalielble4e4 tint 'lesslthunt2olhOt H ),/poinids 7 of tram 1 1 1 4 111 rt' ;portion of-which ha ' It l l l ,4 o , o 4eciefe Allo.4olloC 'Mantade. rilicilist,' 'Mr !Olds - barn 000;1114111nr ii il ti emisiti t orhisli l o l oo 4 o[Alatiollo:lo,lllabt rwlllhaversextyintrimplylisilletanittorwboldl Imbibing portleo, 0$ the sity(of kllttynysll4/ itts oire. An mum*. Aso istiipitthfil* **Ai rift.* tta' 'cl,ribtris the ttrirsenrent'rrstoss iittOolzon t' ,ritsg . ' the stage :from 4 1 01 avitrisrbYplayJnga., lialtMlyetit. , the road, The, thimeit. wort•dettorod from ;440- . outing thei r t the d irbi Anson of lintlneersingir an'. 7 ‘ copanyiriver. ..,-,-• 1 ~ .1 alsrld-Mayttimook, to hicblallal illlualeirdu lp llfin: Oki nalllkara entl,of PIM Blaneannotintsbl,p„Jp of Ilas q+i t :gold,Vlllo.l.l7"bultelisl "FWD: How 0 14 1 / 4 1D :Arm Ads , eleltar44.l. Wheeleg's It, wig, ing,,.40, onmax.,-,llllnerstin .tbs, irrinnisie have MICR* deniTery arell,Midlor nowise - other blattiftfOf thirstrinmtulltflitettoji,yint s, season of unusual, prospelkft.,,,,Whira , thcinfil, Oak Pat ditchis oomplet c d,,as. It ; trIA, be nntot undoubtedly the prevent Yastli *4 eaten, I" extended to Coultbrvilbs,' Thirall larger area .of - Hob pleatra nna be , worked -that are ~ alnico untouched for want of ,water. Until' this 'mama, AMC please tninbig bee been dos, trines- the , bird winters of ,I 2 and"o.l. - Twa gnarls, •veins2w4rb disaorereei Igoe weak , i , ~ , 4 i A'company a' the dragoons stittreed, at" Tejon' have 'beet ordered on menial yeervlde ; to ljuth, an en , resort to , / Major Prince/ payrautisr,.. who Is expeoted to arrive by,the• peal, st!aper, - with' money to pay the Utah train*: '' ' '-- :, , A. treaty of Tema hadheon eonolndsd witivtlus Apache Indiana, the moat lump,tribe In „Zia*. Mealoo. • - Alatter rinelved in SinFranaleatifrcinia gentle• ,. maneduneoted with Mt , . Bishop's • partk,ehatitilled_, •1, on the Colorado, mentlons.tha, arrival efAtbnow . - Young men in their a/mm.101404 his perkf of letreateet4- who word travelling from- Pike'll'ealt,_ - ,,t0,0411(01111l: NI- UM:l2th 'of , March- therrwars, "attaeltenby Indianton this sidnof ftte,WITIIIO_,' and north of the' Mahar. 1 riVerOtrui 'Put of th e' -whole ty`..Mily four *tarnish o' t tell the fate' of the otbe concefithose, ten; ams out, ',and the; Obe t after. -4telfering'•inaredilde hitidshipt,, la ,Istadelb y ten settlement on-the Mohave, TheiTinswit 11 1 111 W:-06111111$111, O. Bonyrse:_elid,W, T.-Bream. It appearkthey were attack ed , a t Van ,edg eOf a w ood , and moat ottbit ',party Sht down before retiatanoe could'ite Offered. I , The aurvivorg; irnmedleiretp; mad* for :the 4piren retina; WbOrlt they dethaded !bolaawls ' , MIO° gtoateatbravet7: Vine - young men named' itohYllin;litiaikied'airead raciness, and Coverad•lkeletteat rithistootaradat by ehoOtlog down ovary, indian-tiuttekowed Mtn', self from under curer.: 110 ; tern Abe In-: dients by the home reatieliri • onetliiiiphy the is, volvere of the white* thet they-liktnettenttillii• retreat, offeringoto piftker' prltltltigroit, tn-Aill.' !mare little band. ----• •1 - 4- ' '' , ~,.. lATUTlEile l editilitiliA: ''h ' - `•i - :t 1317 the Brother.4onathenoirldett arrivid,April 14th from Vietortcwe4teye .guitiAttOoeftiggi netts from:the' FraseirtiVea tailliS ':-Tic. .tee rittivdoim armee.: Aitigteitgurfig - treettgre eIF ' irtg.tfilAft - ' 7 'X' 4 4 4 l tt ilmiztil .24 El l . Ifirte7S3at 1 ' " ' 44 1 1 1 ,11 . le " Pr 'grate . eneireilig • iW*rn ill t ' struffiferiver,: . There seems to beWgeitir4fgatturt Peet the glildo!, rado'!•btla balatilltlecljer — Wupper- os Osmee Men tri; littMe blltintletsortaiintisorn the month off the river::_- ..•• • - - - 1, -, :0t. , 7 :-, ,Y'.l.. :,- , :fr. 'The. Britiah Voteniit has the, following lo;ye gapl to tbe Mies* from .port Yale, Fader date of, April 2: ' • " '-, ' '''e - .arc '''- 1 - " The rash'fo'r the - Upper cosuitetioatinuee int; abated, • and the frormerm to baArtialsednPon all conditions of' ,soolety—miaent and - tenders_ foitewallegl ink* Glee; etories 'ale ifloit le to the richt:mad of the - tipper maptiry c and doomed' and nuggets Fe Awooming , tom:con, beta ...being' brought -front , above 'by stinentand 'traders; *be immediately return with'atooks erprovlsierisl - • . Mr.; Samuel -Swift brings the most encouraging news as to ,tbe altimeter, of the mines abovn,the Kilyon. This mining eminany to which hi lielengs wax' Called 'Sanderson Wleshin'tt tra. ' ' , Their claim, is located on an Isialld •opYoalia Plietim i ll bar, about' fifty miles above Fort-Yale: Their: worked. with Euless: '• Owing to bild'ireatiir end frosts they Were unable to - do- nine& work MI6! latter part of February, Their, claim leg tar• Markably well. The largest amount - of Solos taken out in twelve hoar" was fifty (lames ' -and in telex= ty-four hours *treaty eons; . r: The dirt being' all {eddy tallirowlitto the sluices, many * time they hays midi' twenty-five ounces per day ; the lowest amount 'made fa a' day was ' eight-imam ; t the •ayersge. number of bands' at creole, was ten ; "the last day's work to hie share,, after all exPellon wore patd;linalllSs. One pan 'of 'dirt widtett the last day the clalitt• was ;worked :yielded l'bur dol. Lira; the whqle of themlaint is at least eighteen toohoa tinder 'natal', at the lowest stage of ;the river, and theY,norked it by maims Of a wing dim and pump. Mr. Swift - is of 'opinton thatiin *Cy Part of the river, for six or tea miles *beret l?rbe low their claim' from; flys' to eight, &Sirs could be madowitheltdocs, and with rooters from lie to six dollars . , Being well• acquainted with the 0411- ,fornia minas, be is satisfied that this .le better than • miners can make' there. - - ' ' - ''• , • Mr. Winston,"of the faimus Island dleglagt, near Boston Bar, Is in town. LWN two partners carried down forty six pounds of gold dust Jest week, to Ban Francisco. which amount they bad dug Out of their claim since 'November last, although they ' Wore not able to work one-half of the: time, oWlof to the severity , of the weather. he average yield of Winston's claim is Aft, ounces every twenty four hours—the sluices being run night and day: Ai high m seventy 01113008 bas been taken mit I* twelve hours. • v., ' , ' r Bill's bar Oontinues to maintain Pi old reinter, tion for tidiness. Bmory'r, bar, whiabltas meetly, deserted recently, is again ; being worked,hy new comer,. most of whom affirm thatthey mete from fall'• to $l2 per day with rhokers: •!AnOtherrerroltum of pay-dirt has been etruok about three,feef : WOlF the one just worked opt. It is rumortul hare that ex•Oomixtislioner Rieke is on his '. waY'USI simlld with titles for his town lotcjif Odell, tree. a great wrong has been ommottted, the memo , of wbsob will not beegtinot in the =lap of the suf ferers for years.' • - --'' ' ' ' ' ' • ' Balinese et:lnflame slowly '.lO Improve, but the stook, is not heavy. Flour is worth $11; beim 10' cents ; bacon, 27428 cents ; It: B. syrup, in "b gallon' kegs, 59; pork , s2r per ' half ' bbl.; Chltus auger, IS. Impiatxtnts FROM VIOTORitI...'' Mr. Teffreys, inepeator of her Majesty's cue• toms, 'seised, aLeoontrababi • goods, three 010-01) of gunpowder, landed from off the schooner Bald. more, surrootitiouttly and contrary. to - I , Reams by the' customs consolidation sot 'of 1853, 10 and 17 Viotorla, Cap.'lo7. the imoortstion of littoPerrder is absolutely prohibited into British colooles freMforeign countries. -Upon Messrs.-Claire do Granoini, - the condemn's, applying at' the custom house fox permits to Jand the powder, they were informed that the permitr eould not be issued, and that th e rlowder could hot he landed..-" Notwithstanding this,- they aearetly: had the powder landed and, stored its theit ware house.' The penalty for the infringement of the' lawis very severe, and, !masa the confiscation el. the' property seised, the guilty parties are liable to aline not extending 4450. , . On the 2d of April a long line of - oanoes, mace boring some seventy in - all, and containing from six hundred -tet seven hundred Indians, entered Viotoria harbor, They are enpposed to be the vanguard of the fleet with the three Umurand: Queen Charlotte Islarid - Indians, reported by the IL B. Co.'s eteamer,Labouchere, to be on their way. Their:entrance attracted considerable" at= tention, and the peOPle goosed to the wh arves and , Midge to see them pass- on their way to the.en oampment, which, ea on former 000:11151M, was fi r the vioinity of Mr. Findlayson's farm. Upon ;the m-rival of the canoeist the point, the disemberita tion of their occupants, melt, weinen, an&ohil dren, with their goods and chattels, was speedily effeoted, and the unburdened Otafts werellsauled upon the fiat, ' ' • - The political Condition of the State, is Moused with renewed energy, and the conduct of the Congressional representatives (wit:bided With'tuier. bity by one party, end defended...with tiger, by others An election liar tv take plisse in Portland,Alsril 4, for olty iMoess-'--viz.: 'Mayor, coneeilmen v re= corder; 'Wessurer, asseamr, city marebst.-Vor some •of the °Mows there are several candidates. St Is believed thiet twenty die hundred head of cattle hive t.irlshed Oregon'andl Wallington during the past winter.. ORO- farmer •.irt county, me ;learned, lost sixty head in ilfteen'ttisof i3681119e, &Tr. Another in Pelt county: having four brifsdred' head, lost one hundred 'during 'the. minter.' • The loss' was not °Wined to'neat stook. Valuable bones end brood fairer hive .porished. The pan _season hie. been .The most. &matron. Oregon: has overlent.- It. W .not, however; ince ! tartan Ow*,-the Atsekress prosperliY ,the tontstry,, , , - - , THE bitable Nevi• 'York 'Republic tells bf a gentleman just arrived in the eartVort'ide . -tiv to Nevr , York, from Bt. Lon% whore bilia4l louroiliasid some Ave or ten day. eines tern thousand bandit. of flour, tube. shipped throw/zit to New, York,>'vla Albany. Re had contracted the freight through from St. Imnisie Hey► Yo'rb, by railroad 'and river Aarigatiopi for Ave 'ltddlinoe a Ortal." YROX ORIKION; Roma To ciumussiolmatiarti. iitw"clm." 4 4o4.okiragalvii„ ... Steeisar -4 •L' • I Ft e *ValPiiiiiiiiiin as 14111 b. 14 -' 44 ! ( 1 1 ** * *totlj t;4loio+trooti4it.l thitThortskith bit toiOjgo oftl4 Olitit'Oiiatilie wo# lo 4/0 1 grsOlr,Oppa illirfta),laPifegi •tots, iialtsttlior MON% Tor, ex '3■4l, miito¢l ism Oflllll to **Jou 2 ' , Std "!kr°•"ist Abfeeoitattr. rfr , P o r datic icm ns y)"#l7, l . ~1144:1.1 . ti log tow sonexitividierfrii 0**.E.1ii:,14.000,.= O, VgAT4 l4l 4 k 9T44,9410„/X M r; ULUTO/ 11 . — Wgei c ( rratt o .l; , fa, plier 01 - Viiiiirial 'Maxis, Bang*** 'coati*, tnisiirld` thtillitt - t,i;ltigiftp. 'nide& dot. of AO' Ittkie Nitwit: 3, Z. 1 S'.-: , ` , . .' Lid id/ids - Z.:St* lay so Amid ; the/ An Ise"l ' 4°-t. " 1.44 % A1a k . - ,wait Mt ,INtltiatt. / wont to Of pubis, brag but 8 oltiook. 444.4 toptd Ffimpty bitidiii}d: ' Irttkitiore 41% 0 ayitog. At ie MOO, distig iffiii*iiipljr4Otik awl At• 12 010 121411 ‘ttit WOOL 'AU:loml* /*nth Aot iiime,thst tkay tropettjtocoftgAigoir ...t. , sroold lic,rrecA ~I f ' . ii-L.mar .. 704..., ;"- Ifits ,I`,K ' , lttroyllake maw-. 6412.44 " . "'W ' I- - ' _yes,_ "" - lit Is void U2 b90411 441. 4 41** -3 , , -"*A a . paii it- ,! *°"-- ;flkaw.: 7 "4 — - ` "1.- de" e , g• - . use sogetiet j ; p}4 waist ,tbe; , Shield, 0ti0 , 1 , 9_ ,- 411111411M0t5* - 11 - i il rt -• filaiiit'il it iiideAlifidAliiiigistiifi,!,i4V7iiir*"' ,-''' llielY 11 044 111 . 1 . 11144, 0 1 1.:011017=, : - 1 4.;l4l A t ßittatfiiieltiiiiAriet - W' Iltlitliti expkedisistillieiiiiiteriiikill - - .3,42.1„_40-t- C„ln7 d u ßsatelfW;Cif/littige's l k-Ilb*jeollt ,-• ruPort , latibt ruiMs..anCeifigieriel‘Seiti. egniet_had his--eielidatishillisf..whiter---:; hood *herald riaitied; 7 .l4affiffitiaiiia oat ttoa iris - o4ipoulticlet bola - Air fidirliklal le-hfitins- - , a r" ,l4 AfoLwai*** I 'Allid/Millissagodliettoef- , li ~profeasioneli rims/. see=lAl ~..,:. lynollid'OntisoCtlsillaCoreeisienothS - a Tt!! , tdolk r itP,..tuktikilliteddllth Aidld..lrot ,eO.; ...-., ea i z toarersi," tem the WatikrietUt ititiOdaw:iiit Ai, -;.; took , itteadige' , :eliAktkßV:fiiiattalir lar Akeikiftth:-' = libelist sitarrW.:lthei hi wet ibiliting', , r'sioirrietriali on iplink,with his irifer.-A. ,- Lei,44'idyiiyr..,,, , , --_: .:: - .llatadarertna AL ..bnitorta.4ll,-Fitolertp4MlL 1. on -pi* iirditricstther B tlt t l 4l 4 r . a . gke , nig _O - eoutpany, wittieledgegetk In , a" Iron, ; were - assaulted by t`g4it of roWdigit'! " ittluiedrems • rileifirere besdl here' *the - - - .t.iirlioliro.. - partY. •;.Titi 2 er Orli itithi ii - gwirrtillitrir s :, '," ' but nut lisfliiidg:':, Th i ti l ioidiaCtiii*iiKsids ~ it 44, minus, whio l ii : se mliAssintinki:: - -glity.,4alsO - threito - one at tfe.'ilfilliokotteloaghlt toi - tbe. erritt - ' , it the persons peSat itirel.:- Theflidell-said tibe Ike:glee or thiketoilittitTwarrifttits. -Tim hinapazy , refesid tiptitthi ;ntipli - ,tortimity- fire Conte, whloh,bedPipstsleriiilsY--mikaisi-tetrota 1 /iin• -,'Xi r ti lbsiiitir'iiAiigiiki r tuekittr '... - gi.tmET - Volivo;401/.4.4, , ,or 4..Tur i e VridOliiietiiiibiaid*Ed :0404 Wittii:lith , a mr t'x , ' - lhter , Wilai f McW'plittna"llleld - Ile mush - to t tbied prtlyiarekitg, utile; sans time, soma remminitot iimplissiatiryte Mill 'XI Lust Tieidey:oeiting,ilse-,deserted„ huttind mite:his *lb std. kei tAink4 in the settet.l;lirs:,X - Afewsi" . plead trom -,- her 'taint; 'threatening - els •Shsilt - -hina ,- .milets he reirsieted'iblit - -- kir wsa taidittiathri-, ': At' wife, - alum, hod clrefe, iiitli - viktrallCro. - - --,- „nosed to annihilate him Molest kiiinilmdelel;•.-B• isiiiied. theentriS r ti,es.4bettiriatio 0!!!41P 116 - '• - rues:: - ' , l i' 'l iiliillibir,iiiiio46. - 4:gifirii BaTax. - LOnTheieday,nleiht Mita toisi jilting*. lug Wj:Tidnat,:ileiterl'istll6.llfirWeett Titerity - kit street;est_lirkelsearriefiriasiebibitrint ANA. elide M•least homilldemalik;r'Afterjdoking . and slashing.the. Malt and el*, man ßrike;i#,Tor .• : some time, Me liSteriiiid:rinotheret,-pted le seam Alm,' bit -, faibid,'lrid both - 'llolitti_bitteeC' Tit dogs hilorigiteci.lllr.'l7loeald'Aind lilditkiier." .. - . Mai few dayseage;• sad, it= is• eapposedi thatl they -:, :lilt the horseisind serataissioateilite?;libiCiliAls- Mime - The ;pollisomielmutt Aer T - riind Al* selitaeld , z.--. !gig shot . i ,- . . •-, ‘,. ,:-!:,..i r -'4 'bstriarti ttitriert "nrit:tn,i7- - a 1 l i k bi V irt4-- ... jm= two o . defelYMA'tittwlr ~ kit OT:: , o,ldittrilldelw-loid-1 - ikatisioka-c: 1 % - e;•.eseilebaisidi - M - .:-,, - twain IgllseeL:i'Altik:AssOr; , a :-- Orlitili-Yru!iirrapidiwi SC - - ,:;SMSet iratlib -- iitSur italswiChis hfiel'andlaieltsfilliag Me - - either aide or thetayr -111 . 4 theedg:.. - reett* ,, ..4_ . mi . :. ' out alien the foot, and ' • to an .eli.l• rather ulititablaudY.•.••g." , _:- ~.• -,.••,,•- -,-- , • A•aratig•nmuitiel WzgrOito-- - Y;tit TillsrildiCr 144 last,. at She. ! titnis;.lhess-_,yeteg,4lll4 wad Amore; applAsitlan'eriet halo to a mensi.heartetil wretch', - by nimer'of his 'Shoat; forApsimis skin to tare Ids badYinti - this bob . .. ',TIM wretids " ishied to open his door; tiloan theta &pill* to lay his bead , nponi - or,the Moe of,n harm to go for - the:dootor; nor - them - _,lie_reildex.theskittyset- ' sistantse erl uttoyerfreWriefelsi.* Patriot.;, •,. - - - ~ Twoiiikprtilw.oistiheriefwiii,proiMhlY,take :part ii thilmisilig , = - PerhapS r eixiedirjrai, tit :- I ' 'Yount ammo* Bonaparte: - of . Baltieemei f who I. 1 liettetuant in the Chasseurs d'Afritllifejer Kearney, of New "York; whii. - IS• i la i d, - uell et. , • ktorsd the - gaff of one of the :Winch - 9ensmda of Pfv lllo AI a YOUnteiß-1-a".'..1 ~. arijiNTEC .47.gagIFIT: ra.a4xotr-,.A - tem Pa radO of the Seventh Resilient will take place on the -.Parhiem•Catiraos, B iewl'ornitub TuesdiY , i f the weather It pripilioes. • The guially of troops 'will be fine. ind' in the Sakai Nettle,' ems. SAY nor's Artillery dike dotirehßiemenf will beer a part. Tux . ' Fitt sTßA•rxis itiews lells*4-46aning dinner dress just built.by -a •Loreisit - .. Milliner. for some !'serene bliebness.l'_ , Ishii a:white =ground, Unroll with stare of dirk blue velvet ? * skierwith a demi-train. plageditieves, and.uoy quantity of Chantilly lace for trimmings. . ' •• f. Ax Aciaroxir occurred at . Rice's circus, in Buffalo; New York, the other evening.. The horse t. Br:sailor " was heft g.horne on a platform `by a number of Men, ivies he fell from the_ platform "and, several then were knocked d own. • , Sunmar : - Pri•i•si.A.„ eon _ . ,,0f ' Chauncey tneholn, Of: 01113104, A tum., Ave 4earii old, fell upon the bernfloor at, Toreplais of Int:Week, wee ,taken tip_ irwiat Wit, ,-LanC_dled.:on the ' ellowing Sunday, s upposed of, Mibutmettimi of,* brain. PLENTY- oi...W.ririt:=4ThefOinolnuati (Ohio) Gazetteaays that In Longworth'e wine house there to wine enough,of teat- year's growth, to fill ninety • • thontaad bottles, ; The entire amount of..',wine on hand is estimated at upwards of 310,00 bottles. - Igurrinx Viarrims..-oaptiln • Garland* and hie company of New York Oity Light-Guard, will vittt Reading, Pa. on the 20(14 - of the present month - . ' .The couitisiny will, in lillprobabillty; ex tend its visit to Hrrrieburg, :. ,a-; - -.• ,r, , , .Two hundred , young , men were out of employment in Buffalo,. R., Y.,-. on the fret of Jay; - either, directly or ,by.refitinc to, itipt a largely rednoed liorappisition; • • '.., •• - _ . ' A 'lrotrntruL ' Moicanam-- , 4her -nw - tem poral Empartir 'et Japan. le only itievi.yeire et .sbit,tritTs: r s-A•rtriru-dsi'liSpiootartlttlitiS. • - • 'raper - se , d for The Brass.] - • - O,II,IItTIS ' SEsslcoith—J rage ThoMption.— Roktoure was presented to mitigate Alie• entente of George Patton and William Trent, who were convicted of the larceny of large sums of money thorn Jacob Eamtetter. • One of the defendants was a wadable at. Cached to the • Mee of Alderman Gortion...Thirwiticerese tattled Sal to the good ettaiaiter ind henecity.of the defends:rite parterre to the therm. tlilerictetentit he sigh. , ;teen mouths imprisonment in theommty-prium M The Moo : of - Alderman Alien; Da r tiel tend: and lebnAllrearldirWitir The juilaoit of oftir - dittiotered .teatiniloa.T Aideraut, Allen wza read, It - stated Bell cocci& prove 'that on Sunday -the 31 or- 4 ,1869; at about di.'elock A..e.f., he was attracted to the °Moe of Alderman Allen by see mg parsecs there upon the' pavement, and. on entering the office, he found there Zahn Mellride„ end also three other persona. Kerstetter, thuttiolomew . , Ind Carmen ; ,tthcoo contly to gellentbriat Atte billoe."0111Cer 'Patton entered the (Bice with • loather, hody-liteit,amt,offertid It to Kerstetter ; that "Ilartbetritury relabel fuel trek It; that the 'althea*, rell,'Wittld'prittrethathe (Alder. man Allen) Game n and; , apolte to Zarstetthr„and t hare somewhat to'..yen't , and imam. timely gave himim i hrimot at 'the - mioc - tire• ad hare Wine other property batmen. to you in the house, and I will'gri and get ft that he immediately farm% bito the boom, awl returned with • wateb chain ami.rovoiret; holl that be Imo the,wtitak to garstet• - ter, and, M'offering hire' hit' property, Bartholomew took the Minim' ,thaik Eartholomew milted fore tran script of the ehiageorkteh wait immediately girt ca.`o him 'be acute no cithalr wititaemie . that be (Alderman Allen) bad no private tionvenation-with the other defendants, and, therefore, amid not hire eon tithed With Meath dsfrendiferstetter.f. k ' , After heestrg the efildmit of after.dligarrered . Sum JudreThempson refwaid is Mard'a new 'trial, to the derendent, laying theta* Fame histlisny hadlatea given before the jam ly,othor vitheitom,Apg, there fore. he amid not sot aside theft terdlica' ' The counsel for thedotehitnete them - sired for a poet tionement of seateetw' until estmolareent, upon the ground that AldonostAlleh lograAhaoliiy of landlord and tenant thavakarbilkhe aright to WU. before re. celyintwltt'g ifetilooitcotpolliodlOSCCOtitsaal "Toth Du for Martha before the tionritupice ctitif habeas owlets TM disfeedapt is alleged intikiey tinder 'falitispretences. - Oho prseentoritllese thatthaosfmadantobtolued from him Is number at grounel.rent decide, gtoy,titages. rcii the tilitposei of Obtaining moneT, npeatthatn: That the defendant, alter obtain/lag th e deeds, alleged that ma bad made a aide of them, and obtained from John Oplllman (who was the owner of the deem:mute) a fee restocking sale. That la, malty the defeatist hie, trade no sale.' That he trestles deeds minkmortgages for over two years, 'admirer handod them over or the coo- - ea for theta The dalrodsot alleged that this °Sum din not strictly mime under the meaning of the law of obtaining money under Isles ptetertese., After hearing thedefandent Wet remanded to await hie John flit stir had Henri Oaten baCh'hoarlog upon a writ of labeastiorpu, charged - with oompiroey to de fraud the sesontor out of, the. right asitltte to the Oseelelor Hotel, near Bluth and Market streets. Tke rompiricy. this allagedoraals, aasmlosbiaaetidato WO" pill/1010M of itdd•holel-, 3 21 e" &finials* after hearing, ware discharged - - In the cue of Jams Oanotealtdce - Tkonaiginn over.' 'ruled the - *talon for cc 'hew Carbet Wait in the employ of Tillgamll3,llhoinami, noistaile hangng begs of mire from the mill to 'eLwatiael its the Delaware. wan "en to ope a ltbeiltagnaidatilalreatitirat kmdefal out of each. which be put in • separate bag. The 9 ne`tion was. did the dames amount -to larceny, or wee it em" bailee:tem ?.1 The it let %might' it, a larceny. The prisoner 764 SelObLoOti At! mouthg Mitoloomitont ig Ike 491017/41.1914,' MEM
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