S " ': `~~~ ;,;tr;; `2'l`^.' bible deekti le Mb whit youth widish 411 been it sad. Nblotbd i _Away %fiN • Vtl i ,' ,l , ;leas Siii‘4 4/o" , it h ---14111iiiikftt tgkaga h egi latiWit , 4l.lll, tifigyttio llithill l .ll l " l "" *it 141141461"Yrgiasibforer Mr...144"1/1' elerg* Ibriettieet- ,"I,lterbectuder- noilatis Itivi,-trieilettisne4;'.l'"esirleottnteesede rseekow et 31 &Nos Vaititlinabb P o t ee k titt hi m di ` ; '~? 726kf h ,' # 4"- iiiist - ebekbre-alko 3 4 „ kis bugs 41,64 Alui Weldable a - • ‘battionv=4. Aaverbte weer ) .I.fr"` more feoditila ehaibblotv In d i r 1, titer; Alibikieg ':1644 ebILI*IIII4-ailrerdebetbbethak thra ;-; IfirmiliefAa•;;lraio-mimuded)Artowel ,14661111.14e1be1501101144 iVel"entegilvi.higirati gleeC viteikoftaeleetl7,-w• xis efrlfligit'74l4.lol4l4itte,..64,kobb UM' kijariskiilb,:aftilt."6"PlFAH. itsat ditiatrtgral"" l l it i r e verse 'l3 2‘.-Illers %Zia/01(1*in IthyTtliti,ltZki,=•of ,Vloliiu fti :4l !..,thi n al g t o make IrseurTi:l4:llleklee 11 ,AlutakIld - , - 4 14 is pti hfisaenederi It% ViPbelllolo44-t01119,2,41www prOfilly ‘444llosbirdanwidno, :rams Wendt* 41 s‘:\,l" JlALZ:iiittiteata /11411"iin ''llll l . 4 7l llebtlieetOkelle 41 0 W ;SA 114 tat . "'""7 ; 1441406trififiAtAlki,Lw. d u a ta r lu dia ionsfettik. with thiefulkuelt_ -7r wit _ ;7_ _out 41bt-***rlidai4h-opetentrieoststowies 411141,1A7riaijaklee*Iqultilak-lt 011/0 001, 61.1 4iall=a .k;74.7t0 IW, kll4 14:11 tjelktiliV l b r".&lll ll ?o74 004110,1="ialiA/?$.1 W4l6ll4olr*...y.rilitiliii th4 o l4"l l/. yettikPrieV-71,44400/4/i M I . , A l 4, ;,...,, - Vaelii#oll 1::: t i 'E.:I rk.a.c ti. th•i -I,o* - 410 . 14 '' ' 'l Is' -,' tab 1rni05.1c,.34, I •.--- i,"*.4 441161,111VisidtimosfiaTivli 41 / I "!2)let riat - thelialeoln! -q -..:-,---,-- ,ii. -tql4 )44tiril-141-1* ~.t.trousAmilheall 4 ', 3l6 iiiiidlifirlitlatillitliW•-•7 44 , 4wie leigifi, fia l li n 7 nbi tt --n.-- 4 1 110610 simm4 . 41 91. , JellivalkoProir_l 2 ,_,,,.,, itkett '''. - ' ;114001k 610 . 411 " 37 ' `ll=4ll4l6lKi ''' 'c' -400 40101 41/0 11414 ' ) flit .. „ _ uriwitawata ~,,'.' ,:,-- 4 401164 - Witiglioo"l4"; -', , lt* - ''' - ' 40444111114; .. - 1011 ,-''-,''';', Atikt w pisisidi s. igg j u i t i Wirittfil iini ,4 * '''''. ,l c-Sofo'' fittik. ,.....,, A1 . 0" ...„.044200_, ...",:'--4-'>,, . 1 „. 1 1 4 . 11. -r-- -.....1-4....5.-.3llliplutied: ,7 . .,7,--2 a =r.A4 i74•l7:L*'' -"ribloolpialh --is ist -.," 41Fa d - I * -- 4 1 0 1 - , - biik• ...• •. 4 , ;CI I ';',1 7 ; ;:- 'Z' 1,4 -9 1" ai-d.-414 ' ...••,..4--filiker, '•:..- -,._ 5:. , ' '' ,• i- A woimikej l eor. spl a„.. 150,k41.14, 41 att kutlerWllZ az maitoalsoblim4se,4o -, ''' :„*i11014,1r•i... : , . . . a . „ a .1 I I g "" 9' " Nti..,.......,„/4„---- Isl. jo o kei ro r ~-,- `lollmiliVZk'ltNlOP ; aptifiliAlikirbil(AL*. Aa.,..". -, 't Ocwi tie-fellaria Zot-itirogiimivoilv, ti,n7 ''-' 446,,..e/Stk*iltallt 41/101101. viibliartra ..1,114,', •, 3--; 2 , .41...,.**18444.= ~ , • .;‘,l iimilria,,oolt —;„,,,.. ,-... ...4,.....,,,,i1i, ...:.,:r __*460,1,. p"010,47,1478) 1rthef.,‘..,..47.0` ja Altill.--..m.KT attrwisik Ilii9tiori Itlairolirf`athei&` i1ta...4114 t" 1 1 1 O •1411tht.1714.47tha."1"4"1114 11-Ckiti, ,;",''t aktaithq."4 l • -41.apin 114040101° .''''„,f,isiifthr l ci a igi,tl' ,PA:Aittkbp ..ittswietrAitt ' ---,.-bov.44,ltAtli, 14 o,w,,c,stp, -„Zitisilo:4ll ...=, Jkiol=,,,,,44,:fritiv4 ,-,..,,' - *Aftsvilir _ _,zse,....hult4 4=v, ` Tostam-ipiol.l '`''' * -"IPWIIO.2P lid ~ Iti o rto ' ..7>r/-1.- -0411W,seidititarii“&m, i . l ' i ntalik, ' 4 ' , ' 7 ' 2 4 , 'l'l.'.. 4400,,,..,11103.404,14W.TAFFik:ribi 94 4 4 oiwat—ftif- Tbisol i bni, ltilf.fay 41 , ' -',1,A.,,v•-'—ioo I"lTLv'igtr '74;;;;F011t UN 0011114- ` ` ,31,Mtik tor 4,Voilt 11114: 1611141.41 444 .46 ,alogpitlvoilisita' 4 0 Om AeliPl ,1- , ,liiial -it figtivitnitiesso i linoed",_ -t4igi 71- ,`-riety.V.l.Nrtei CA Whit faitiMME, g "Indslig 4,4141145b1-wrt',4l#l,slrllloo4l i'Ullrivilit ~,01440, 4 0 " * LI! - ,4111:01** lagi iwis**ll4 ,ffp,al-4:1 , If 4,. awe -* , imvliritgi ::,1; 4 : 1:11,4t, ‘ 41 &11 . cr , :4; 4:" trou%ltdl~''Leltcr;hom,ea•Beorotarp, Stanton_ on rotrio,3l4lo 0ne.1 , -: 7 a • -- te Americanism 11 ' in 3 . ltia ssachns ett s 14 1 04014 0 ,4i*:10454 60 66 AhorPOli, tuali*the," - Mintretof politician. oppeSed part"; that the that , S tate as she - lbolitionistq are In Virginia, 144,144e4Weltpcef!_leire 'Therefore -reittlated Onlkeritellittntesttii:srbich - arise , . are , not t be - ksteett !Mil/00044 and their but bititlWletitifititipt thelattor; who imarly, ittic,titinelke:', - et.tifil-ptineltial features of . the YetiA,,iitfii.4.4*4Milte*Tlertj e , VieiCregarkftitha tenets of the « American" of lkirrf*lfiiiiilitie;4 l #o.l44 ,l°' ;'i l i i ; as, diatit/Oiettie mtititititeats 'they left to *fait tbe raaortiti.of:: ii4p4g,',o4nifoltki , and a law which prohibits ,fi t s e *.all who :their 3 - nitnes of the 'United States, In <; the=Engli s h;: language . This ab- tittralliat iftrik r zio' hotter .4bl:iodation - than the #10,4 #;,'Xtb,y":,:l4 . ettlea;Aii-iiiisetili?veris school :OZ.:3n: the,Pliiiiiheli'eitaitsi French girl `rtilitt'iiiit,lniderstai:elis , jargon, supposed t ose who`. did; riot fnlly,iinderetand to be, supremely; ignorant. Manjr teet, , , Most: patriotic,t'tisefel; and , intelligent f4144,14ti4 41:44.:14#44 44 this State could noti,]tayB , Noted it,: the 3 absent ii4 B #4 4 /*Ate! , l2*l l 4 6 4e* enf9 :S f id -i t? re-;' thrown to Aiti while of tfie= American element of the Bay Suite` -by ttifiAiPtitar-Note; ow:Oak 61h of Xtiy, 'Sett; a t,itristitittlorial ` amendment ,,' which" , :providee that:xiv*Stoo'oiiio - # iifaseachn settecintiLtsvo years after the :date of htipitat 04440,1141 k 3T / 444; 41444duioit ,=4hould, be *OO l wbilitp-bread and rifer.thelfmilsh language or`, ; thee ezeiQtm ai .the:l44lo'o Maisie, by adoptedy'siitlienil; while i:fagitive slaves , are iulioige privilege' Csikriteitc*ic4B 3 itir:iii . ,ilMtftite., A did= pe'idloss•a , character naturally, ox itteitetielktiebitii:7**ti*stp:Cf,theitunte•-• 'renii;Nderm44 - member, of tile . _ latikittititigliotif the Unfortkiantytheri3fore tue a nti-Airi e r , Republicansin 3fitiatcji#toitto I*l':444o43*Make strenuous efforts to de *it ,ttie,,iiittibieritieendinent'ai the coming 'eioxitleit if4,41, - reente Is looked finiariA to Ittfit.toistderabie bites : say as it :may, ,exer kl44ollWPAAW,lt**l4c fai*PollF7 Otif_seaiicilifteatfiti)aige ;very in tegigent teat influential °Mateo: .4teit 41:11144 401 1 10.5: oleos 40.000, toufoodt tc d.- ome. . @lmam. WO thO wa to Ma c Auktratik %AMMONS. Ilike Viet 1111109111 1/21= The New Teat. ';iheJtew teat ,fiof Peinocrady which the m tmiSts of' the Souttq`sided•snd abetted by the esd 3 rP thi g telmtablieb— of.Oongressidaat Protection of slavery in the Tirtljoileitqu d'elltacb of the will of the peo ple who Jelietgale* , '" d , TOW -lareSard Othe.vitat.principie of selfloyernment—ia a+ itriking ‘ ool l i PW'ef nuddoikt with 'lbieb. sometimes attempt jto per - , vett political, organlaatione from their - trues objects original -RotiOsee. Under' the; new Mine& is to mean:an active and nuinsitifinlons ch ampionship , of the Interests' of t • sidAitYr Aix AP utter deat6gthill o f the principle upon-which the very name of Deroo &get qa . To - ar!ditid. `There never was a more complete noinitonitOi, , tbei, tbei• which exists 'toclamicai tie oilfield objects of the Democratic' Varkrt,ioditbe;•Piiitiose!rtO, which it la now frOposoil exclusively it. , :-Its' found= era isetorillidefided to inane it Inv agent , of refeYil„.4 l 4 l4 *etid 84.11 Is as fornignitunature the eatabilahniant s fnonar'chy or the creation of an ti,ridied creeds !Malaita IdtadlY4o4telintai4ate of • alsvery4, ;I,l4:4.**4l*icinVtli tba l sObJekt id a 'more 4 4,-#0440 .474 q ,9 50 90 te ., : t k 0„ ei fe e Abo Sgs•Stibll ,011Ff t bW bit!t f •ii t ' leitenoo44obr,.4 ool lllol Wet rn , insulting tblenb it to '-' t4 l 4 - 4404404. iWis#oo other.ahni 41044164134.'11if.:46ii4ti0n'' silyory; 01/41$3:tolgIbt .09i4 Isivitheildiolclinitorhil ',tomato of 014 'ke:tfoarf*th, '"teigtOn3:find f. hat tia4dtDonmbiniiktintii Sate COEsil; intiliairfohldT , Astkibrtned, and iew , States self *lttg.4l4tbe 11 900 1 °"° 1 414'34 t , 439 P' , grwiftakitresiliptsk be invoiced to, prtitect atotefett l -tbißteleilatf4that tho!Fightif property * l4l4iiyeirdtalftiKeitae* , l ',With a Spacial, pe j . , kitNi ant higher Sanction th an th e title to IMPt t fitit c t:* _ Mellen& lit'XsattolpstoCtioin the first, that Ouaniza tair-,weekty periodical, 41+ All _ th e ti* * ** 40/?..:. obiouTd.ch will InvariAly ;Wrestle Itito!gAll'ROuld ilat??) Would be republished eta n nitan e ons t y inPitigkold and Chet,l4 ll 4 , 0194 4 -i .Indtaqd,'# ( 4 a *Og= we , sew- the,actuadiertieleettt,sreement, to POKS l 4o; a petifiev.itt, - I:4*W the American of Wto at what tie; must e`alfe merirliberskpricei Las. pnrchased•thia fight :stmnlisieotta, publication.` - For the lieeot:of4O:citt tio!! t h ese uttieleu, exeented , ln4opimate, are signed by, WillAtilie,lond Obi:American friend, and uptsiriss Drowast, sntpeditor, and WILME COL. tl i±lsoP 4 .- (sl"it*"frf the romance called otamewead , ,Eloor. ote!ert JAC t Eituitgoi &T.lO of York,- tf tik 4 6 W -2 '4 4 4 ° 140 1, W of DlC,tansts' , now serial, lit , the.firat'nura#er•of Which wlli be+e,initineeir b i ltorWbr Dtailenn, 'run VterleCliiitat sii.,lnenthioiCtiMe. ;The' retail rices,'off LII the-Tear- Starnd" will• be fear 41400411#4.4Z**,#iiii, this ,°°ftnitYo A l git' umen., which -tibti ktblie will, not I,ldgel, ...tcpistitrittoniot?havlng the work i ' l ;eii) l , l-4- ek4it4r . :;toi l 4 l the present New ,Yerk.ieptiblicationof Jisusehatd woisu, from viltd.':etiti "wed& alter date. Duplicate L lOtiOilitellintelc 'sent' ent's_teiltdibt`in ad vane enable the • ipowth .., etton take I, ,,teee low the' Ade de, in "London and ,New fiat we ; do Waderstaud ,• how; the first gskbor;qe44tl l # XF*;s tieing ad 4 iortiopedm ito take plieselal.ofideif on Betnr Aity,4pril : 3othAwhirstrmeener, delivered to•the •XlSl'sPii'SulAri49s 401 ' 7 / 1 ), 94)..isatieruide that: 44 oB,llot sivantter. ap , - Ott l l i f i i 6 T 1 14:1 1011. ? New To*'?llNYeliteill di1Yi.447144 0- :;,: We iii,iif:4o:oli,*(atied,'o6 1 ? 0 . oßpn:ripoc, , to,..o4ol'B; : lt!cfneirei and dial, f*Oi ' Sf e ;# l t l4 `*! oki W. the 4folie.tsAlly:•!•Tho4 o ,o;:if.4o *414_4 1 00i ; 27th) be .441.041A441))430pWilttiiiip!iii Leedon, and '44)iesSi ;stokepptaiWW l , ;#oiyilretiffy,',EliOsaaw, & Ocr. will tuipro l 00.4;: 1 0*;tfrel. dzaiglmo4 of lipping a aiiikefier hope: that• Mr. t 0094) 105 ‘,);f4eil 4 12 ' irea,•l6•tberhaiil Way In tile London papers. ,] Vpiktti cOPFY,', , bIpXP IO) S I 4 IS will 4 01 1 1- ine* - o,ofilifAirAik 44.14 s aitoup4o4B tr,,, , , , Torkiiy an eaterOisieg Stt4o6lo' as 01.4 t the ••••1 :eat' Winner for : the•Merby; Ser.; wen- I tot at ttte:Priesideatiatebaiir, wo.prefer thui !.'4.!li#lo:4l4ilist`~now 0f .910-aryeagemefiti ,therighlire:Alliblisk(Wiiirilie-• Pi ) * 10444eSitiv -, ;,74 , • • ' 1 1 ,kb:04 , i;'^Wher'ito 'oar sarprleopete confeei—'- ;0 - iitsgpißoio4o :). o ,! ll *i,by lie iteittiii.llo44ll44o.3itioe4 l l44.l,*; l3o Yo l l. j 'expieaaly . ', , Tor , the * l 4af‘.., P. 014 1 911 9r hte liiseitiOtTeibtoh It; atiteiti;4 at -ii i fit aidttieftlitAtttitteettPublishecl.r, et,".10- ? B,9C*4.l4 4 4:**o*,;'.fite ( itiNs 170.4 Statesi hnethe elan' elm *lter#o : '.4 00. 4 0 1111tts et hi the Fall. 444 11 1"; :11f0,0 11 04#* l'‘4l4' - Or 44210itottionistioerifill Ord appear fas+j ;All Vit e ttwaltaiti,„ -, :a,nr , . ~ ,,i,iii,t1. 3 ,;:!,1..Vi •,zl ., ...,: , u 4- ,;.e:11: _ . ,1',..,: - ~ , ,: ii iiil l. i. : ilium ; 69a1,4401, Trfolli''tTh""'"lC. ‘f ;j • • 40 iillakitrilittitiOaikit*iOf 43.• SOW,' r.r. 7 .061:41010 060thieliittilitilitiliatr01 1 setipw , of t "ioit goittitibit;* Vpli Olt, ini •Throday IDOrlipir, IL f Akillki 2% ' ; . • -''' . ' - . . The Ditehesii:of _4 large anatomic, attitttliml4treiii' Theatre t gile • htiarfiaeln4tiooeihir. and Mrt. Waller, and, ;Na may tithli to' Mr.c Sheweli, mini,luip ttumetitither; titrOne of the stook company, to, play=a higher range of Characters, than; with hir,4 Over tits head, for. him hope' .at obtaining. The . 1)16y Websteir'ii "Duebeas of Maid," adapted to tie 'sense of 'pro, priety which audiences of the *Mout day feel , more delioately, than our forefatbers•dhi l in the early days - of the drains. - The real name of the play, under which it was 008.4t04,,performeut in 1612, published by the author in 1823; 'and reproduced, iit . 1671 i, at' the 1140: Theatie ; iil London, Is t , The latches, Cf' milky the.wny, 'those - who stiekie for "tliO • Websterima menaeruf,ollenging the Anal syllable tre into ter will thank us for telling them that the e6itionaffl.6l6l;."Yrinted for D. N.-4.T,.0.,and, are to lie Sold by Sieben 'Neale et the did goons inTedforil street . ta Covent Garden," states theleit to lie ' l 'as nevi acted at the Dde's Theater " The :pliy may be • deeirited as a vary tragical tragedy. ,- The Duchess of Matti, a young , widow, has 'two brothers, Ferdinand, Duke of Calabria', and another,,whe is .e Cardinal, - , They are de- Sirens that their slider shall not contract aeecond marriage, and'place as a spy upon het, while they are abaisat, a ;considerable ' ruffian, named Boa-, sola, who 'has - served his apprenticeship in the galloysio• add .at their ,solleitation, the Daqhess makes her Muter of the Horse. Thaa admitted as one of, her household, he uses his eyes and ears freely, and, with a, rough ; tongue, passes MT as _a-sort of hard-spoken misanthropist. The Dolma has a young and accomashed Steward of her Household, 'Antonio Bologna, of whom she beisentei enamored, aid, In a soene,of great paella beauty, beauty, whiob was delicately acted, frankly offers bia her.hand. Her only confidants ie Cariola, her ,favorite attendants -a true•hearted , ,woman. ThaMerriage remains Secret for some time, auffi.- OletitlY long for ,the DUChmis to - become a Mother: 94 the eve of _ again assitrainktuatarnity, Reseda. ilineovers'the Secret, whioh he liommunioates to the Duke and , the Cardinal. 'The 'the fourth not, is that Duke Fer". dinand bee the Duohess put ~to death, and than her death•soene, whether ,itt . the writing or the.aoting; there. is seereeiy anything More int. Preisiiri and tOttoldneiri the' hole range; Wide as it ia, of, the ,IgnAgiiniz,d rania. a:aoknty, who adapted this...l:Amy for-modern rOiresentatioi, hats out - out, or' rather has weakened, one of the finest touolieS in it. Realest 'Words, as he gives them, addreSsiogVesrieles, are : Pray "you look to toy little toy— ' health—la sickness. Wilt zpoti - Cariola can only gush out the words—, ' ; ; , ifdadam! madam!" and the Drugless continues— • "And my poor little pirl—beseieh thee, let her • Say her prayers, ere she sleep." • Tn the the words spoken by, the Duoh ., ess are „'„ prey thee look thou &est soy little boy Home strap for hie cold, and let the girl erher prayers ere fibs sleep." • • Certainly, the old tent, as the simplest, is the finest, and Mrs.-:Waller judiciously restored IL There is - something like it in -Lookbart's ballad of Count . Alaross. To our failing, it norm - 3T 'ore tenderitesit than Lady A401501'8 • , " •• maim he 130 i resembled My father as he slept, X lickdose The inti3rsat of the drathi, does riot ones when the: Micheal .Duke Ferdirtandi: who. has here6o4 beea plialdihratil, is firfolFweitt ie merle; when his .sister -is murdered, at his orna , iaatidf and turns on Bossola, who had carried Mit hie - ordeie. The Cardinal, more tutblese, - resolves ,that,Antonfo 0811 - perish also, and the death of :BoilOohs is also leen to looin in the,future. There is a sooner of • novel power,: in Whirl Antonio, ignorant of hie wife's death, has responses of his own Nerds made to;Mm by' an echo from her irave. 'Next •time. „Echo mast fain her 'voice. Benda, repentant, seeks to save Antonio!: life, but; aroldentally Maya , bin< in the'.. dark, 'and is 'threatening, the 'Oardinal, when the 'Mike; mad ,with ieniorso rod, - rain, kills, both, receiving his 'owe death-tab from Borroirs: The curtain falls on thelonr.dtad men; and an allegorical, tableau: folio - We t ' • Mxe. Waller played the Duopo about as ably' as could be played.. The most exquisite Mono wise Abet in -whioh cbe woces Anions°, Without Overstepping ;lbw modesty of her Ilex. , The most '`effeatissi ire& h,ei__destb--which was abboat pain fbily: , Wailer seitieoly Pleased us until after this death of Aber Duchasi, when his ragebeestroi subdued by remorse. The whole of the flitli act , wad nobly &Mid. ' ' . ' fihecridlhedltttio'si do WE AIVPStio, except speak the-WM . 4s of, hie part aconiately; formed with equal care and care. It was a new ,pert, r toii.. -All the oompany,like him, had 'eery brief, date to etude thelr•Parts, but siere generally very Palest. Aossolq,4l4ocl lbm villain of the:iiiime_very ably. fiirs,Leonard was - S.Pcetty ,Ottriota,4 but , Mrs: Duffield, if she,:con; s tfiane 'mt.', of :tholcompanyiehmirldliqe playe thhi Ilesoomb as Palo was—lifr:Baceonib. :The Ade, of a matilpetstually golireitirross the 'stage irltkiltiailli,„*li t aba, 161 .*# 0 0 ilart CragiodY-WlttiAlidieristitl lei - gine -L- 10a bid' Afr-...rokiholfiel'i hliVifai,beiiii4, irherrho -Prereated a ' : thabby earnature of Aliiiisqlzilliebbr in Ilttiee, siotion; arid' Utterance. An r ltallen, spoke of going:, , ctis'ltcsini,!,' an one tbeiCalsst serlene partriet the Play,'llter. illy 'rebid a laugtii by speaking of palorn Oe - • , .-•`; 'be Play wee well pieced on the stsgeour . d the dresigs-goad=lhoseof:the:Wallets eplinuildi espiqbe, Claud's:rani miserable apology for , sneer !dotal - Vestiosite. , ' Thoiochoes iri:the , stlinotmere Seirpity,airdible - Iti , front, - and the ' hone showing riding' -to Heaven, - in white-muslin, wali a needless Intorpolitioir, Dir t in the very last incliner thii, Antonio Once- more speaks of its wife an still alive, while hand be Might yet-keen In Jda. Neither,' when the play 'Was ebded, did -we like the pause n'eaaisary -to ihovi .: a sort 'of Apotheosis of - the /hoboes. Mrs. Weller was 'oklled for; at -the end of acts , And, with Ali:Wallet, again at the ' °him Mr: tiheWell wail 'then 'called nut; also, and reaeiveitnyery winni r Wninocee Wore life iiimg‘nianager . ; we should-have tined him foe ,speeoli, to the Midianite', though ft Wee brief,, sensible , Slid to.' the pUrposo. But speech. making before the. Is a Custom more the breach', then in tho observe's:me. " Distills of Matti" will be repeated this ivening.— • ' , BY, - MIDNIGHT MAIL. ' • Letter from " Oceasional.” ' [ollifesPondeheit of The Rae] • • WASHINGTON, April 25,1859 .Tbel?foldout le considering the' appointment of ti:Stiterlifiendent of ?ohne Printing in the that! Of Brigadier General Ccorge Washington Bowman, -the present, Complier of, the .WaShington, alias:The :Cloaseitation; , , Ai good, many names have teri l atiggestisi' for this hihly important 0400, Atpytrits haviatiatelsect out' their Mania ferlhetlittering prize 'from every eeetion. That highly .etstsertstaished 'gentleman, Mr; Heart, late Or the-Charleston Dietary, now in Shia pity, is nained. 'ltlfiurbibii proposed, too; that some dia• tinviishekjeurnilist from, the llouthweit should take it: , AII-olierilor 'Barn Medary, of Hanna, worthd gladly - resign - his :TerriMiial Governorship and ointah it, to partially satisfy his ambition`with its fat tfoliings. - 11 Is an' unctions morsel—the last :Contrail lifted the cover and, exposed.lt to view. Mr. Buchanan, in his. search_ for the proper par to-seise it; seems finally to have settled, upon 'Mr. B.M,arratt; Of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Who, possesseisfnallliestioni, new deemed_ indium blyneterairy, in an eiirtiOrdiiaridatieU, Vida. Iket :)ffr. Barrett is she present partner of a very l 'egiiill:yetifiggentleman'inoterions for large wealth land no brains, tend he; Is'also the. past to nester of iholeSsim , been, Mits-„aniegonists,'Of Mr. Barrett li likewise knewn to Itive beets the steady end• constant friend of.,Gen. Calitetren;fanCto have, adhered to him through fire lasid Mf.'flatiati„Was;'inderd, 2 ,the, single 1 representative-, of, the anti n linoliantin party, in L- Penottylvanits , wben there mere very few to hold '4 the' Wheatland flag: • Mr: .flarrett , was the Cfrierid "4 Mr: Brodhead; and it is supposed 'that Mr. HrOtibead wasted to pay his share in the - old Xsystons. Me. Barrett was the repro meditative of the old Shunkoppoottion to Buchanan; ; Mr. Barrett ham', Written More bitter- articles firchaninthaisanY other man, living 1 or dead,. not Musepting wren James Cordon Ben nett; Mr. Barrett has announced repeatedly that he', *mild not support. Mr. -Buchanan, notwith , staiding,tils nomination fOr the Presidency; Mr. -Barrett bad to be • dragged into , tAi support of Mr, Bushman after be wee nominated in l 8511; 'Mr. _Barrett is at this day' regarded An - Harrisburg as ready tottipport any party or anY man of any party. [ lialtratt "la to-'4ay nu* ilk, editors of the 'Harrisburg Patriot. an'tk, Itniati;:and Yet flu' dare ,' i• not attack Mr. Cameron, a bold and-fierce asials 'Mit of, the VadaratActnilniatration. These' me the °IMOof MK'Bsrrettto'thevacantstiperiitendency' etssiblle printing: Having. matiMid,,Gtiorge W. Bowman;theYilest and meanest opponent of James, l'lldilianetia man bought over by , the enemies of In 1841.48.4aving sedated him-to cendat4 'CM :Administration , Organ, a man 'whose , private dorrespondaSea, IP,developed, would' dig °bee more calumnies upon the personal and toliti- Cal character or'hir. ' esti could elss ,where be:Obtained, It Pi but a, just oonsistenoy that such is man as o.o.ilarrett shettild appointed • atiparintandent public _ptinOng--right thnto. B. Barrett alninlct tread In the shoes of the great .I;(erteral GeorgeWeithithgtOn Bowman - St is the hope of the goal then here, who look to the' spread. , our. influence and out Oonimeree - throughout South imerloa, that the late Paraguay expisdititi,'howaver impotent In It, conception, 'may result ;to our etiVardate,. Our gibers have, it seems , aotidilWoommenditq!!‘piCOlety;. ; to .limie/done:SierAlait; In ,Shaly,:toWlir, to soothe the prejudiced ' and, on the contrary; to ex thy Mardi of She. Solt 'Americana for our =ZEE E PRESS.--PMLADELPHIA, TtrE.SDAY, APRIL 26. 1859. institutions, and especially for ; pur,snannfaottires, and, mere-than all, ttOmpreee thine with our friendliness towarde theni;:theli rights, and their progress. have, -trust, opaned Urdu that slob and delightful regfoitbew fields for tha.isever tiring eativity arid interpriiie of ihe'irien of the United tat- us ty,ith •rejoloing make a white mark for the 111)0 furrikdied-.14 the istration- - -oolle:teral and however unlooked for it maybe. . I am pained to announoo that Mr. Buchanan oOntinues 'to employ the present anthracite coal agent' for Pennsylvania, Dr. Kanter, ikfier, the, unanimous fordlot of Committee of Investi.: gatimi of thi3 last Hausa reported his utter , vforth. legatees and inoompatermy as an agent Ofthe.Go-. vernment. also ,hear from a confidential friend' at the Navy Department that orders are still Sent' 'to this man (Hunter,) ankthat;he iff haply de-' lightedAhat Mr. Buchanan should continue to. . - favor him-,while 4anoupoing ,Governor Packer aruk his State ,Adroinieiration t , put Dr. Ranier ,hai the advantage of poet of you raenjn ,P,enarryiva nta-.-ho wan, never Mr. Deohaphn's friend, and can therefore claim the honors. „DooierofAr:. rH E LATE S „ NEWS BY - Foty Dap Later front Europe. HE CITY OF WASHINGTON AT NEW YORK, " TEE WO, 1y93101213 14.47411t7G? 144E24 CONTINENTAL ADVICES PACIFIC. COTTON -LOWER-CONSOLB neon INDULAND CHINA. brim ironic, April 28 —The steamship Qity of 'Wash ington, with Liverpool advieee to the 18th lost ' arrived at this port this afternoon. Her nano hifosr days iteamote Asia and Bonnlata hid arrived "- Tim, Prince Albert hid pet Vick. to Oalrini in • /WC 10i akintloo. • ' ' since the departure or the last etaamer r war rumors hare been circulated to a very alarming extent. But the latest continental adduce ire or 9 paclilo nature. The armament preparation's continue with unabated • The Calcutta and China mails had arriied at,Lor don. - 'Teas were dearer. TUN WAR urzaTloN, • , • The war question monopolised attention., Rumors of the most alarming nature had been cadent, and rt was at one time asserted that' Austria bed eetually do. Glared War against Piedmont. This rumor proved to be destitute of authority, but it.was, nevertheless; re• seeded as the shadow of en event not far distant The 'Continental fournale 'end oorreapoidencir were filled wits warlike apprehensions, and the conviction fp. .peared to be general that the Miele _was ohm at hand, and that mar ,nould not be averted. On the afternoon of the nth, however, there was 'somewhat of a Intl in the war pude, and. under the influence 'of some reassuring rumors in regard to the Congress. the funde became firm, and prices advanced both in Parte and London. Tar PIONGRISS. The Paris Pays of the Ilth dates that, if the tutor madon it has received be correct, the difileultlei which obstructed the assembling of the Congress are definitely removed. The Powers are'asid to have agreed upon the conditions trader which they will disarm sienna& weously,and therenptia Anstela had given la her ad ; beetle to the Oongr, es. which would main a few days, The Papis publishes this news sander reservation, but believes It le correct - • - - In confirmation ot this, the Loudoo Postunderetaude that the Bsittth government hadrewired. tom Aus tria the anneal:ice that the Cabinet of Vienne Ott totttO ins steel on• the disarMing of Piedmont ait'w necessary preliminary to .the'Poosteme; and bad ;protectedits readiness „to accept terms wh oh would not call uPon /matha to sitbnilt tolwilliation; • ", The 'olibtial' Prussian Gdzette of the 11th 'me the hope still.remetned that mediation might.poetubly be proceedet with. . The latest - correspondenee from Paris intimates that &despatch had been reosieed from Count Pool, which appears to bold oat a - prospect, that the Congress; may ananiblo, Monti& being diet O•ed to make a compro. miss on the subject of the Sisertning of . Piedmont. . , (MEAT I EITAIN. . , . . , . Ni ( aivrea generally aoaddered Inevitable and niuch depresnton prevailed until the 11th, when ,reseenring rumors !Ifni current and.- announcements. were :made that the cosoesalons made by atotria in the prelimi• nary conditions gale rendwed hope' for the ineitlim of the Congress, and. canted contlderable'recovery In the fande at Louden and an the continent. .. , . Austria ban propelled, one the other Paiere; it to saki; have toeteentpd, to a istatultineone Mourning L,- fore the Ooontese beets. The Zogltah bllotetere have been, premed, In Perlis- Meet; to glee a at tement with - regard to Muroran al. lairs. They promteed to do - ao CM tee 25th , Partliniant will probably be dLatolvtd in about a week Blootioneeting is actively 'pew tossing, The House , or Commons bar , zejerned a teiolntion In tarot of the ballot by *bine majority. The Indian loan or seven minions :sietilig had been formally Antra:Weed into 'the 'Loader' mar►et. - The loan is for seven years, seemed On fonvhet oent. debaa• tares. The London N.ws intimates a ankilimental loan of five ' , /n,the noun of /cods on the llth, the Earl of Hard 'wicks Intimated Mit the Earl of Malmesbary would' make bit pun:cited statement respecting foreign rola. Moos, on'Priday t the Ibtla last - • „ la the Rowe •of 00anuoPel, Lord -paltheretott; tn.: guirid of the lhateetlor aT the Ezeh.gaer If be woad' state:the preelie time when , he norild•tnaki Ms pr o . mittd statement ste to the %Petra or JUTOpe ' Be also : hiped,Government would state more - clearly than they , had done mien the • prorogetion bad the diesointloti of, Parliament *mils take place - ^ ' - Mr. Diemen raid it - would be convenient for hitn to Make his statement on - Triday; the 'ltth iHe expect 4 that the ilzorogatiosioetuld take p'ea, thi .191 b, and the almolution ea sten thersoltor as vr.scoro„. alatent with deoOracu. , . . . ... .... . .. "i Blt 0:0 tey.pretud'frir a ineivi'434oolt *war, when Mr. Dineen protested et:eat Ihnsbeteginilled opoo tie do what no'il event:runt eg hid over bake tailed upon +0 do, under aim ilar,eircnmatimeas.' ' Tri‘Govein s tatint bed "'nigh-Whatever to:delerthp itie;olgOolitbrit: he peen pct to be ratted upon to name %Olio - - _4,!" . .- On the.igth instant, id the elenselef COMUlires,' Bit' B. Hall eatectilsed the,Govemounit'ue,to thy:dieted. dlamisaal or kstlrement of two or • three ,Lotds of toe Admiralty, beaten:6 'they hed' MOM, tin:Stiodiat 'the; approublokiel , atren tor the borough tot littimi. , = . i ' air., rakingtes explained that it was I lMeght highly, desirable tbet the Admiralty ehould' be repreeanted In Parßounent-broomenf the sealer LeVit4'ead Ciptsin. Clarneglio -bid bud ',appointed to albs ktu the Wider.' standing that be shonkt obtain a sett in' ?ardantent: He bad alnee deelned - to comply with this - condition, and had resigned - hie Wilco in Conaltptonco. 'fbr•tt. Monday had also tatedinal his ree•geszioni to prefer ence: to enter.ng upon a PatliamentaxX, neaten; but it had`ncit been accept. d.' . -- Mr. Berkeley'moved hie resolution ja hirer of 'Taing by ballot.' A debsts'enined, le which Lord Johnße ball mildly, end land Palmerston strongly oppoted the prepoaltlett. It - was rviatintby 10a to titi i rceprity 8. L ~ , humors had been current that efforts weild be midi bY the Oppesdlcia to prevent a diasolutiodd Par.la rment, but there wee hale doubt' the natubittriki pro.; gramme would be carried out.. . The tibial Cla.tette 'omelet an order fa TrAyor and thankieferlag to au the ehn.ehen on Mtn& i the let - ol goy, for the suppreeslon of the Indian re Moe: - -- The Gazette eh° contains the titles if the newly :created peers, eta: Colonel Wyndham to he Lord Le. eutiold ; Mr. Egerton to be Lo d Bgettatt,. Ltd Mn Oberlin Bergen, to be Lo d Tredegar. • i . . gin Healy 'ilswlinvon was evected to inMzinei - lir. Murray ac British Mt.:aster atlee Persian Cb art *.- - Ltent Gentral;Bliiiiiepti The/Awe:l, an yid dad dig. tlngulebed mambas of the :smith army, is The Indian loss of 1,7,0e0,000 had twat fdriuslly.M. ; treduovd, to the 1.0:46a money market, %he A lun li far *guest years, ce.nred op deheetores twirteglenr.prr cent. tautest.. Dee Ulf of the entire ante. J649.1 ) 0 paid op on hleih6 and the remainder In Jutitfue9ttly; The betty Notes reinatiti that the preeentlekniag very *hint', be, followed by ,a eiapplemeniti :one, of The London Titnas•atinonoCes the death; el if., de Venue:llle. ' : - - ''..' li'. '.-- ' , FRANCA., 1• :' :. - ~,,,-• . . The Parts Afortiour punt:when another arkehtl article to conmtlate the Garman Powers. - ./ ' . Praocie repudiate* the Ides of late:faring . krlth their indepentieriew rr__-'' '- Vulcan warlike Whore - au Inge to olrfer e fling Paris. ' The Bed 68 was bioyant on the 12th—threilindeitilee eosins at OS: . , Vibe ktottitepr . bad enbUebed another earidingletel artiole on the relations of ktaime a d OannauX.Y. , eerier dteolattchcip any intention, on the pact of thePrinch Oorernraent, Of interferin g Willi the itdependenos of the Gernianid Con federation - , the efontieer en: thg French Government hen nothing to 'conceal lishaiss it has nothing to ditown..' The painter. it had ed tii the Italian (attention far boo varrant.ng thellatinct In °arrow, ought> on the minter,. to Inertiett with eintidenoe. Prance could non think of - &thinking •In etermany what A 'when, to, atibidn hi.ltally r ,,- Her pc; ?icy. *WI% 'disowns elf ambition for campmate, follows only the ruins 1514 'dem* . by 'iriterna4vinet Ihwe, the happinese of peoples, and the Inte'catir of Ativpit. In fiermany. as In Italy, it wishes= nationalities,' trOtsi mete by treaties, to be mainline t 'lna stangthinad, because it: nookdere th em u one of the sesentha basal of order In Europe. , • _. • .i - , ,i, ,"- --_- -f , i , TO repri cent leaned as hestile to German antlonality is not only as error, but a contradiction The ticrern4 meat of the ,Itruperor has lot ten yearn egei,ted tte lni ildence to remove 4161m:111cl bad Kettle them Wits.. biy " ! ..._'. ; It then crlt Mee the - action of Trance irVreepect to Spate, Switzerland. lksorntrir, the Princlpsiitiesr do.; and concludes as followd : . . ' The poLey, of Route has not two weights net; two measures; ehetWeighs .lo the same mules tire iut.reats of, ill nitrous.. ,What`she intends to make nippy lid in Italy the will reepeet bargain° Eleeinany r ,et we wan will be menaced by the example of 'et national Germany, - which won't! co-ciliate Its federate iz a 'Von - with' the mutetry tendencies, the ittinelp ; ° of which boa been already, lestablietted in the great einoi nierelal onion of the Eollverein. Everything 'whloli develops to neighboring. States rehab na saisated:by commerce, industry, and , prograe, proniated sinlira tient, and everything which promotes My fingtoss-rinits France.”. The 'Parte corregpondent of the Daiiy ifews aka that the above entitle is gene ally regarded is" a prell; minery to a declaration cf war it lo; ip substances recipmeellation to Germany to remain quiet waild France Settlea accounts with Austria • The, words' especially, that what France 6111 rati&e,to be resperded in the will know bow_ to reeprotin Germany, la at once equivalent to an anuouncement !thatf/raucer:lo about to fight tor Italian natlr nu try. • • The Moniker publishes a decree ordering the spoor, tiohment of 100,000 conscripts among the d Miriam des - partments. Thor is the who aof the oonUagent Other year. Inordinerryeate $O.OO, and in some cases pail • 40,00 1 , hate been palled, out., ,• •.- • • -;• Attention to business' Is said to have e petted the Erni perorla health, and he -bad left Facia for e few Meti Ame n ng g, other. unforinded intuits iris mutt that the Austrian ernbaseadar fit 'Ririe bad received MS petal portal and that orders -bad been given to the, antler Id pus to Move down to the South. • • ,•• • It was reported that a Trench army of obaervatloa; 80 1 000, strong wee to be soncenireted tn the (rootlets of the Rhine, Aire. that four French and Sardintan.wer steamers had been despatched to the Adriatte, to lie in readinese to b otkadeTriaate and Tspiee. • , • It wee 'dated that a council or titellf stasis Wee to 'lneetlat the Tuileries in a few days, to be prettied over by the limpelTl ' - - • The Memorial Dlpiontatigta, a journal which had exhibited A decoded ,egoing towards a penile eolutlatt of the pending sliffieulty; had received . an, intimation that the patnicatioti must be ammended for the pre,senb, ihatls, oolong as the dilate /rote - TOO den:Mott' itida• egoism, en advootte of pekes was regazded sn'yeli pig. blatant: The London Adverteser publiebeil dPailD6 Delft, to the cif Cl that it was 'asserted d eis m com dhlie peient Military eircles that, by the • let If , June,•lelola Napo. leen will Alias 'COO men ready-to istarek, 0t• fihtch -180,000 are to be need in the Ten:Wader being for other eventualities .' • The Perim coereepoident pre.) 1 pndon /Lintel &dye It was expected that within a fortnight; it - latest, hop. • tiittfes would be commenced. " • ' • The, eltbe , s Pale correspondent rams:eke that every Item of intelligence pasts to immeoiste war.', , SARDINIA. • - Fardinis has sent the Marquis D. Aeegtio cap speetal mission to Loudon.; • , • U • , ,•`,'"Att3ißiA. • • - • The Vienna idileig hail been very warlike; but had slightly merated at the chnie: - , • , • • , The Aus trian troop/ iii Lombardy eonthued to ad= lance; Inn' threatened, the Iroistiets of -Pledmoat, - , • •• •• ' ' UMW r! Th 6 Oalifutts Mall to ?death Oth. andllong tioeg ad vices to February 20th, have ilfstred tp golltnd .ofilie-IndiaoLlinyermitstit h as imposed lea hineratted duty on imports, the market for which tontintied der• preited4, TEE I, fabler (By Telegraph from London to Liverpool.) .. -—— --Adeepetchfrozn Perle . soy L . o27 th n o Ot .. e 8 ' g tue dnwie it grir n p o. p lo .ng ttto n of woooroll ASSURESIENTS, THIS EVENING diedrotsment to the plenipotenOsrles, _ • The' Tither soya 'the 'pabifleadvities from Pals pro- ' knneiviordnlA. AtOADIIIY OV 71t5 Fllll ARTS.—fix; ,d u tja•ve r y tittle effect on EngOleh - funde onlheaday. htbitlon of Paintings and Statuary. • . The -pub /0 do not believe that Napoleon intend& to 915 CWIIBIIOOI. STRESTI-- , .Merotury, Cupid, and *magi promotsapaaide adialitment - on the Issue , that OSA by_Oorregio.l? -: early --,11001111/09 treaty 11 1 09 of Afuifflop kfiriarterr C 14110 1 ,8 AROH-STIRIV THOATmer consequently such , as Min be accepted by that - Power, Nom of The Our American (leuelnev. ~,,,,,,, Will jetterly disappoint 'Sardinia. If the ir- .0 0 'onion:lent& wore', patched op to morroir, with-the i • ! New Waymire-breast Tummy.— o The Duchess of hun Nonage of Prance, Austria, awdlinis I and Rue- Mald"...-o The Laughing Hyena. ), Ma l e ft In Vey, the prospects of repose n Europe • would not be In the slightest degree better than at filoDanovohls o.l.ll7llB.—ifelootfona from Plays, this moment., _ - - Game fret* Operas, Nintendo:lee, Diodes, end Singing There wim, yesterday, a further, 'inferrable move- . TiorillOV'll ' from Operits , - Plegro -tient in the Austrian ?Stem." •• ' A " ' Nocentrioities, Heroes, Singing, and Dancing. The correepooßont of the Herald Pais thilt: notwith' *tending the - punts assurances. -warlike proparat one oont'nde in France on a tremendous stale. Trorps are inning into Lyons from all points. The Park Petrie, which is the organ of Napoleonli private; eablneti -xpeelis of clest and ',supreme effort which, England and Pruned are making behalf of peace.' - Referring' to - the Austrian prop 'titian for a general disarmament, the Pavia exerts that Prance Is 'still on a peace footing...9dt ham collected no army on her frontier, and has not applied to the I;egislatare for war oreditd-wkiliAustrlte; haring increased her army in Icily to 100,000 men, might commence a campaign to. morrow. The r atria concludes with a threat, saying that, If Anstria means that a general disarmament is the reihilt in the - mainterianoy of singes quo th - Itsly, and not 'l3 resolving the Imperious dad:miles of the present entastioorit lout not ; be expected that Prance will be duped by anon a demand. tW GERMANY. - A letter from Munich stater' that the cavalry and in-, pantry of the Permian arm y are to be placed on a war footing, and before the end of the month all Germany will be in arms The Hang Kong edvion by mail are to the !,.11th of February, 'The January Sagitah mall had not arrived . The supplicant were failing, all the tea dirdriati having been swept, and the low qrialitles arriving show there is very little more to' come - Coneidtriog the qua-, lity, the , prance are extremely high. - In the Balaban districts it ti reported that the plenta are mattering fromdrought. . , At ifoo-Ohow, the tegument of invert; Mace the lest need from England has advancedprless 2 and 8 tilde. At Shanshae, also, a further aerates has °seeded, and the tendency is still upwardoising to the scarcity. a Commercial Intelligence. , , (Per the steamer City of Waffiangtou.i LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, Artier. 12.-7 he circulars report that the ewes of the past three days amount to 21,000 twee, including 1 000 to epeentatore and 8,000 to exporters, at a decline of I.l6eJd in prices. The decline to chiefly on inferior qualities. • - • 'THE LATEST, Await 18 —Tim' Cotton• market is dull ; sales of o,ooo,bales this morning Meows. Claire & Co quote Orleans Middling at 7"i'di and Uplands middling at 7d; ' • • LI VhRPOOL BREADBTITOFB MARKET -LThe Breadatuffir market is firm, and prices are moo. Meters. Richardson, Spence & Co. report Plaid' Ilrin— Wheat advancing—Coro Steady. • • -•,• VIM LATEST, -Apart. 13.—The Breadstuff/I' market continues firm, but qu et. LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET.— The area tars report the Liverpool Provision market with an ad yanCing,tpudetuly, Beet le buoyant There Is a Istge speculative fitting, and holders demand an advance of 2K05301 Pork is - quiet, holders demanding higher' Bairon quiet; ' Lard. dull LIVIMPUOL PRODUCiII MARKET -.-Sugai Eire quiet.' Coffee quiet. Rosin dull. Spirits of Tur pentine linnet 428 THE TrirtDii —The Mancheater advices are cot fa, vocable, the waste being ginerally qulet;but steady.; • LOADON MOREY MARKET, Arad. 12 2. M.—cee , eels are quoted at OK, . • • APRIL 18, A. 81.—Consaileare firmly held et 05X. The money, market contlimes without change. , !There, is a good demand -for American securrtien. The marketnloned quiet but steady. , ' • The Latest. LIV.IOIIPOOI/, 8.30 P, Td.,, April —oMton has been flat t4day. and pima tend downward. ' Salmi 6,000 balm; 600 for export.: Breadstuff's iltm, Provis.ona generally weedy. • Produce markets generally without material change. BIBADSTOPPS —Mama iiitkilltdlol4 Spettoe, & Com pany report that the .000 warlike news had imparted more tone to breathy/Ire 10 genietal p lmitirtatura of pa. OHIO rdalolll caused a +pilot . market. yestirdiy ' Flonr was a , shoe firmer, bat quotations erat nap from 103 elle Bd. 14 heat WW/I improved Ittinoht andprirel wets the turn in f avor of 'rellbro: Western red f.l 9deb gs 41; white , Se 'Melds; PontbernlOsielOs 91 -.Corn quiet bat steady ; yellow 84 81e8i white le 24e7s 4d, FROM CALIFORNIA. CENTRAL AND SOUTH 'AMERICA THE ST. LOUIS AT NEW YORE 84733,000 in Treasure. FEARB:ETL ,EARTFiQVA.ISF, - 2111.E' CITY OF : QtYOO DESTRO'YhD TWO THOUSAND LIVES' LOST w IMuc, April 261—The etesmshiW fit • dries, from with,the California minis of the 6itt tnet., plinsengeri t end $l.;/11,1?..10 in Osse:ire, orrivnil this port this evening. s" • The lit: Loarrasde a trip of a little •ower twenty .days. The United gtatet elllpt (Whets, and James'owir, sod the etoreehip nailer, were at A epinwall. 'alt well. The principal consignees of • the treasure are so follows: . Wells, Pomo, & ed. $360 000 - .• Ambriosn'hachange Bank ' 210,000 Wm,„Hella & Oo • 111 000 W. T. oo l emsn & Oo - 78,000 ' Dancan, lehennask,. &'oo ' - ' 118,000 +Freeman & Oo - 71 000 - - Win. Urge & co-40,000 11. Patrick - ' " •. • 80 000 ' .E.Belly &Co ' -- ' - • , .41.000 , Jatnes Patrick 45,00 - The Oalifoxrda new has been anticipated. . An attempt at rerolution in ®en Satrader was speedl utdown. he edthass from Ntoatagui are only to March 23th, and merely Confirm the news already received A fearful earthtinike destroyed the; "mtj or Quito With over-9000_1mm. The loss of life is cemented by come so high as 5,h23., The rims property is said to among; to 68,090,000. r A number of smith towns to the northward ware - also; destroyed, an:taxes davaige done nt Ges4aquil. Dr.'Xrevitt the GAited States eonaut et Valparaiso ,• has' bad fileititrwithlha (taverna:mixt. "Se'veral -of thai prhysicei4rearir da,4he l oinroollr.or ihe Oar of refuge fn htt Itduse, which *ea twiod redid ky armed pulme w ind the , young Man were taken patentors ' The 'first tinge the pollee were driven off but, 'on the nest day, the consul' was obliged to inn, 1 : 9 4, 99 der protest. -f-Pr. Traritys ex/guano. has !sera Queened by the Pai s urgent' The rsrointion'at Obit' hid been nearly qeelled. - ,an engagement to 'pognimte, the trovernmenti forces were furied ,to retire with the loos of 95 men.' The Revolutionists lost nearly double that number: In Bolivia, the OppositiorAparty had.,bseu b.aten in au engagement with the Government forces, with a less of 65 killed, Winding many of tze leaders. - GeneralOordoba,, the eth President; bad made his sp. Nuance on the.ftontiers, and troops were sent against In rquidor the bloaltee at Guayaquil eontlou es. - California. - , The etiamer .Oentla,corta expl^ded her boiler 1p San Fratmh co harm the 111, Bour,llves were lost, David Winslow (may,. formerly-of Albany, aged thirty Mitchell Budth.ha.keeper of steamer; H. B. grander and George McDowell, firemen. A man named Itruttor.itas aho repotted killed - -the fiNred *coo Me Bean, of Ban Yranoleso, badly saaidea ; •Wilsott Hob ll ten, 'of threnited States Mint," probabLy. fatally sosicted ; „John Lewis, captain of the .tesmer, not deer:mouldy ime %Onion, not eangerowtly, and a Spaaleh women slightly. , • • TWO:Witte Oosta wurs,e4ng , with another boat. The, `engineer was arrested: ; 'The schooner tveglo,itnericen boa been lost on the west, kith tour - o o f her ;Rex. . , is an Carty at flan Joev, on 29th of March, two per: eons named Crosby moll. P. Ifirhtunin were killed, arid, two otherelnJorect; „- • • , , Men. Walter•liaarirrhisci California; and, acoora leg the pattern, Intends 'aain Co try his fortune In' bittarvicti,eis room ae DlrlYilltani Gore Ocieely departs. Ha has' bottling to 'do wlth•, Oeuelal Hennlngearee prPloot,at BOBOZA. °aside, „Pendleton, of the Britt& bith Sarah Park, is cn ttial for lakumantty, In beating bile crew with a "netted lope .1.4 . inch In thickness. The whole crew were in e t enookintraiste of laceration- One was burled The Son Fameisco aesthete Bore in • gloomy condi tion, and is fropooOlble to sell Almost any Mod of goods aithout submitting tolnaterial tednotwas in the. airei4y Lo anal q4ptat.uas. . .11estrnatiic. Firea-. in Michigan. Dlytgoll', April 80.—The mitehine shop, containing four loComotives, and about 'two thousand'•Corde of *rod, at Windom, belonging to the Great Western, Rtilway, was deattoved oy tire on punday morning.; The Lite is estimated at $7O 000. Nine teriemente ands large -furniture manufactory, at the oorner , of, bush and tieraltet marmite, and_tro huildings,, at the corner at Hastings and P anklin Streets, In this alty, were bunt last °toning. The lose, amounted to $80,t00, - on which there is a psrtial in , , • „ h.ll these Oreehre euppesod to have boort the vork o Went • .. - Steamboat Eiplostoa. • .• BEVENet-FIVEI LlYi ttl I.OsT. , * Clacstavel, - Apt"! 26.-4 - apoolal dispatch to 'the Commercial - Says that ttie'eteardee St. e. lobelia; from 'tit,- iotoll a bound, to tlea , Otleacii, asploded her boilers lut night, near Efolans, Atkansaa. 'Berenty-are lives are ani 4to be lust. , , The National Medical Convention. Lootartnt c, 25.—Arrangementa have been made by moat of to e railroade to .ttnneport dotal:Woe to the hationoildadioal Convention, to be -held in Shia Olt.n 02 the 9ta or May, at half the .uattal fore. The Con. YeuttOu prßmisea to be or great, interest. „ , Sickness of thc . lion: John Let Cher. - tualroi,e, sprit 26 —Ur 'Hon. Lacher eon Mumma ill. ", • - •To OASITALISTS; BUSISESS•MWI4 - pereMPtery.sale of firet.olais Real Relate, Ground- Rents,' its: M. Thomas k - Bons Invite attention to their extensive Mlle, this evening, comprising over siaty properties; forty five of whioh are to be sold peremptorily, inoluding dome of the most valuable rota estate, and nine ureillsoeured old ground., rants, by order of , Orphans' Court, executors, the 'sheriff, and others, Bee pamphlet catalogues and 'advertisement& The salt wlli commence at SOVON . 040100 k. ,Piovonret NRWSTAPERS.—DrooI Oanandei 00., South Third and Walnut etreets,,we have re eelved the Illustrated r Ewndim News 'and Mu's ; tressed News of deo Hroild for April 9th- 7 -both very good numbers. • : Sixoutin DISOoIrarSILVERoz OP SILVER ''old:fashinned secretary; belonging to a well-known Treiber tr one of-the learned professions, end, 'doubtless prised as au heir-loom, was sent, a day or two ego, to gagers. Brewster k Fenn's, to be re. Faked. 1n 'the process of repairing , a sort of slide, held to its place by a spring, and containing three small drawers In front, was taken out, and behind them drawers were found three eorreepond, .in drawers, opening in the opposite direotion, and alich; when the slide was in ,pleee, were offeotit, ally concealed: Un examining these secret drawers, one was found packed fu tor silver, coin, of ail denomina: 31oris, from a dollar to a sixpenoe—amounting to Jahout ilft: dollars. The newest, of these is an Atneriesn half dollar, dated 48:30 ; and the older Ones belonging to thelast centaly. There is a con siderable lumberer Spanish Iriarterc.which have_ Owe to be .a deoided- rarity in these, parts, but which,wo, presume, are still In request for gro aeries. - " The family front 'which - the antiquated piece of furniture canto will very likely ilratteara of their hidden treasure by ',reading this paragraph: Luckily for them, it felt:into honest hands.—New York . Paper. A . TOWN .142017 T TO an SWEPT AWAY.-- , ThO Atotintoad (Atacyaonyakisk,' La.) Democrat, of the 9th', mot The wader is fast enoroaohing upon the town, and the most sanguine are compelled reluotantly to an koowledge that ltiohmond is bound to go under. Beth bridges acroseitounde w ay 'we're swept off on 'Paesday night; and nearly all the property east of the bayou is !leaded. A levee is being constructed to prciteet the Court Rouse arid propertyvvest of lcavis# the balance to the metal of,ttle waters. THE CITY. " • ;City C01111611E4 ` Both branches hold a titated y tneeting yesterday. - 551.1113? 13 . 013N01t. Tide body met at 8 P. M', Mr, Cornman In the elfeir., The following,communicalleAkfmale4Ciore , were. l4 ?: mitred and appropriately.referren: . a _ One from the trusteee.of,the, , ,gas works t asking. that Councils make an immediate appropriation to pay for, .the lighting of the street lamps. Ore from the City @e licitor, requesting Concede to receive Ali Opinion from him unless said opinion be written by himself. The Bolicitorrthoda no fault ..with any member of Connell, Jet he reSpentfally suggests that hereafter no verbal opinion be reoeldred - as coining from him Ore from 'mtlema, stating that the, public cloak at Borba Garden ie In went of kepeltd. One from prOperty owners 'on Llecondstreet, between ereeowja and Ports streets, Mating tbat a gu Mein' be lila in that thoroughfare. - The bill plodding for the abolition of the'racalne phydielens was Orel in order, It . was taken up,lutd, after roatifilfeht - dtconeelon, tree finally ,poetponed by a voteof tl6. " 7 • Tho resolution from the Committee on Trust And Pire,Dspartment, &swarming With the services of the Protect o c Hook and 'Ladder Company, for disobedience to tee order of the Chief of the Hire Department;'-was , agreed to. . A bill providing for , Maim to smell bridge In The Twenty-third ward was pursed without debate. The bill from Common 1:lounoll, authorising „the lifaYOr to attend the sale of the bridding now occupied by the American Phllomphiell'Jloolety, on Birth, be low Chestnut Street, owned by the tioited,iltatee and to parallels the came, provided the Sumrequired for she; mane doss not exceed $78,000, was unanimously concurred in. . The.,bill from the same Ohamber,,antherleing the paying of, Norris and other streets, less returned, with amendmets. Belted Council receded from its aMend, ments, and the bill passed. Thirbill antherlziog the regulating of grades In. the First ward, . froth" the river. Delaware to, Broad street and,Paseynnk coal, and from Wharton to Snyder stree was passed. - , Twenty- Met street, from Bhippen street to ramyunk rote, wee ordered to be graded, provided it can be'done at a omit not asoseding.s2lso.:: • . Owners of property were-ordered to open Need street, from Rieveater to Broad, •and Wharton - Street, from Bloventh to Thirteenth. ' ' ' - • The Commiselonet of Machete was authorized to re• pair certain wharves. - • The bill providing for the pay of public 'magistrate, wee read three' Mines 'andlpsaaed , withont debate. Mr, Voyles aubmitted a bell prohibiting the Philadel, phis and aratonville and', Mantua, and -pairnioent Pas senger Railway Company free:Cueing the wire bridge at gairmount for railway potpies ,• and for the Violetion of-this ordinance there Chan ,be sasessed a „Faulty 0f '16.000, to be sued ( or and.recovered- by the Mayor of, Philadelphia. At the request of come of the 'members. Mr. Onyler read the retort, as onginally submitted by the Ball coal Committee to the lioneeof'llopreeentatives, which leaves it optional with Councils whether said road obeli he laid. The bill, as finally passed, wee, essentially d ifarent from that originally repOrted. - In this bill, ho waver, there is • promsionthati unless Pennons tate action wlthine,eestain time subsequent to the passage of the charter; theiethe naidebeepaby shall nee the said , . Rhe ordinance prohibiting the same was unanimously agreed to. • , Mr. Beideman, froeithe 'Titmice Committee, reported in favor of confirming the nomination of *arta it clerks and a Messenger le' Tak Receiver's department. Agreed to. ,- ate Beideman also reported a bill 'appropriattog 1800 to the Controllers of tile, nubile - schools. Agreed to. Mr Heideman millidtted refolution aurhorlaing and directing the City Sollietor to institute proceedings sealant the_ Germantown' Railway Company; : and to prevent said company from using any or the public highways withoat dint obtaining permission as requir ed in the seventh tie"Ottdnd!theirset of :incorporation. Agreed to Mr. DisiaterOitibrnittid' a: rerolnilph; mithoMing the Commissioner of. City Property, to - Re it - the mi.ltary to drill is Independence - femme' it m ' certain hours named:, After - eoueiderable debate, the resolution, wee Minded: The' bliffroM Common' Coatioll, iiithorhaing the ox- tension Of s bridge over Mill Cries, on a line with , Milmut - strest; in the' Twenty-fourth ward, Was con slurred In. „ The resolution- anthorizieg the construction of - a temporary truth', by thoNorts Pennsylvania Railroad Company, as amended by Common Council, wan con- Tire reecintioen which Radted COmmon Connell, an: thortatog the paving of certain streets in the upper part of the city, were concurred in. The bill making an appropriation to pay for the uniform of the, reserve corps of police ,was called up and weed' id tt Milne Mere florMon A resolution from Common Couecii, accepting the services of the Revolution Hose Company, wan eon , .„ At o. one stemending the' Northern Liberty Regina Company was concurred in. - The resolution anthoreeng ,the Commlssioner of Markets to rent stalls in the market houses on Market street, from Front to Pigeth, wair• in order, but, on motion of Mr. Crtyler, the Ictursidoratlon of it Wee in definitely putponed. The resolution authcirtsing'the oily to dispose of the ri McCrea lot" wan next considered. After cocurido robs discussion, the price firr the same was limited to 1280 D—that being the sum originary paid for it. A second resolution on this subject; providing for va. eating two - streets, ewe:- fifty feet wide, being up for consideration, a lengthy debate ensued, rafter , which it was agreed to. The bill from Common 'Council, which had been re turned- by the Mayor, and which was so amended as to allow wegons for - sale or Aura produce to stand In Market etreetybetwern the sweet side of. Bighth /treat and the nest side of Twelfth 'Attest, until the drat-of July, wateousidered, and the amendments concurred in. 'the bill making an aprirOßi - lition -- M dames.litehobt, a disabled pellets °Meer, wes peeled as It canal from the other branch. A'jrurned. - „ COMMON 001311071..—A special meeting - of thin branch oft outsells Wan-called yesterday It was bairns:4 three o'clock before a gnomm was found to be present. - A conadrusteetton• wee received from, Mr... Ring, the 4lty Solleitori - teiking Members of Connell not tegtve as opiate .e of his, opinions he never mitered He Wanted them to understand that all othlimpl•Losoi Ayers ex- pressed to WritleHO Mr, Hacker male a pi - roan/I eiplaintlon;dis 'terming the utterance of any optulo es es those of the Solicitor. 'A number of other communications were presented. One from Andrew 0. Craig, president of the Trustees of the Phitidelphia list Works, , repremativ that no prOprfatlettthed'beell'anade the - present:year' for light log, eringulehing, oltatialog, and repairing the peblie lamps • a petition of et I:My-four citizens residing In the vicinity of Spring Gerden:Hilt, asking that the city clerk be kept in running order] one ask rig that T lamps be erected In Mount Yen on street, between Twenty. second and Twenty-third; One, linking for a te legraph Orr-slarti box In the house of this Columbia Engine Company, and one presenting a bill for adrer. tieing. All of widish yore appropriately refereed,. Mr. , Flah preeehted a resolution asking the Mayor to return the marketordinanee pealed at the List meeting, for amendment. Agreed to. , An °Miasmas praying for the supplies of flour fur nished to the Guard en. of the Poor was adopted, , The resolution passed by detect Council releasing the securities of Mr. Minute r Ogden, lite chief. engineer Of the water worts. was read _ Mr. Gordon objected to this ammo. He - - said Mr Ogden wee a delimiter, end until his indebtdness was nutted .he was unwilling to rieleare these seousities. He moved to postpone the subject for the present, Mr. Bleacher declared that this allegation was with. out foandaton. and that , the sat etude,. upon these Donde was not to be entered , itt his accounts were made satisfactory - to kthe ' Controller and the present Chief Engineer. Mr, H. Miller did not knew that Mn. Ogden wee a de- Mr, - Gordon rimiterted that far, Ogden's accounts were not clear-n - Mr. dreitey called attention to the feet Hist S commit., Otis of - seven was appointed. rd , the - 10th of May7iast • year, of which Mr Gordon was chairmen, to examine the accounts of the drffereot departments, but up to this day they had sabmitted no repo t. He declared the charges against Mr, Ogsen .L as hue as they were ground less. The motion to postpone was lost, and the resolution pissed. A resolution transferring e an item of $2OO to pay for clerk hire in the • revising of the rounimpel' ordinances was pasted. An ordinance or Select Council, authorizing the al teration of certain rooms In the ,Girard College, was ' Concurred in. An ordinance prohibiting the Mentuaville Railroad: Oompacy from laying its tracks on the wire bridge was, offered. . , . • Mr. Gordon moved an amendinent to prohibit the', company from I. Veit its 'tracks on any of the public: -highwayit- Rejected. Mr. Riley moved to refer the ordirianee to the Cern algae° on Railroads, which was lost.. ~,*. 'I he ordinance was then passed. - Mr. Bullock offered _a reeoltitiOn prohibiting the Worerth and Zghtti Street Passenger Hatiroad'Oodappeny' from laying its rails nett' the unseen of Councils be „, 4 obtained. After some debate it was passed. A message was received , trans the Mayor returning; the bill relating to the market sheds which had been passed at the last meeting.`. The ordinance was reconsiderei. and the Chamber I thie Wine leto' CoMmittee of the Whole, Mr: Gordon, in the their. , The amendment was adopted "The committee then rose, sad throligh . its chairman , reported the ordirienens amended, and asked its &drip- I tion. It was then passed An ordinance providing for' the weighing of the coal pun:Maud for the - nee of the city- was called up and; passed—yeas 86 ; ,neys 7. • • • - •No gnome' voting, I the AMISH WWI Indere/6,j and it was found there was &quorum present Mr. Holley moved to postpone the consideration of the bill, which was agreed to., A resolution providing for an adiournment to Friday afternoon; and avant/lug with the stated..meetieg , on Thursday., was dieposed of. , an ordinance appropriating the - sum - of 1230,030 for: the purpose of dightlog. , entlagulablog, cleansieg, and rep eitidt the public lamps for the year 1859, and for the erection or new Wipe, was calico up. A motion was made to postpone its consideration;, which was agreed to : ." • r - - An ordinance - wee prevented by the Committee of asking , thet $4OO be appi °plated to the. relief; of one demee Nichols, who hail" been injured while to the discharge of bre duty, and .rendeted, unlit for *odes:duty, duty, Adepted: • ' - • Mr. Treace (Captain Day being in the chair) moved to take up an o:distance apuropristing $620 to repair ; riehoo'-lroilees in the- Roarteeeth , deetiOn.' Adopted. - Aelleyrnoved to take up an ordinance eppropria ding to for dhe expetwes inured by Coroner Delaven. - Along and animated debate ensued. - - - Pinally, the peas and Pees - being 'milled, no quorum voted, and the Onember adjourned , An informal meeting of Connell "will then order to Make erraneemente for their proposed Veit to New York. The meeting was a priVits one; and WAIF held with closed doo-e, A MEETING or THE BOARD OY ThADE was held last evening fn their rooms on Chestnut street, above' ?nth, Mr. Morton in the chair. Alte President stated that ale had beep:waited on by a deputation in favor of • steam•bne io Bordesdx, • , Communication had been presented to the'Bustd on the eublset Mr. Busby thought the 'Beard of Trade should take anion in the matter of establishing a line of steamers to ilordeaux Re did not Me the manner of subsoriptions to a line like this. There was a greet desl of unemployed steam tannage in this to.untrY t ying idle, sad what nor :would there'be in building Steam ships when there are so many veasele irlngilie? Peer.: tures should be made to psi tie; who hays_titese and there should -bel some_ kuitautse to etch that, by making this city • port for their ade(they' would not lose-Atlithing by it. 'Patties tr ',The Psiesident miggesied the appointment of A com mittee, to pouter with the' parties who' bad wilted on him. that 1' Mr. Busby oda e appo a _t eat of a coin - mites. at tat" stele would be'prematute. ' , - The Preeident tbettaht, , aatep should be taken in a matter of so mock, Importance as this. The_day Is Miming when the steamship will supersede the sailing vessel, and the looser Philadelphia acts the better for kerprospettty , , ' Mr. 'Person thought this was net the time' to band' fiteaseships, but; • buy them, lie would prefer a poste pooement until Mole was knOwn. ids cad no doubt !hate Ter that,•in time, a sock' cotrryag line would be er.r.t ansotmfal. • Tbe thing, no doubt. may mimed. bad yery little faith 14 projects like theea, whisk' _!witeld need WO to perfect, them. It would take two Pete tokulld new steamehips, and - we do not know. where we will be two years hence cociversition eseuel, and the 'matter wee drepped.. - The provialone . of the aietion law, se passed by the, late begelatare, were thee di cussed. • Mr. V drnon moved to gorijourn.-•" Mr. Derma, previous to adjournment,- thought some, InOting should be tatted to We's larger attendance at' the monthly meetings. Re moved the secretary canoe printed notices ty be sent,to the members prey'ons to the meetings. • , The motion was adopted, and She meeting adjourned.- TAN Geo' Fair,owe'- Pialog.—The parade , of_the Oddf Fellows, ',Witioh wilLiome off today, pro% , m'ses to be a grand affair, extenatre preparations hey. ing been made by the ditrarant liadias that intend par ticipating. to celebrateOpsylitio - Ming and appropriate meaner; .the rolieth. aaatratiaty of the founding of the order in the United States. The drat event in the pregramme for the day wilt be the dedication of the new Balt of Pann.tmnship Lodge. at Twenty.first street and Ridge 'moue. The dedication will take piece in the morning, and we learn that -the oration delivered by , Y-R.Nichohon. P.M. M. The line of parade will form on'N'orthißroad - etriet . at one P. 31,, add Move' at Ilairf tut f ine o'dock'pre cdsely over the rot owing toots' • ; < oountermamh.down,,firostio , SprietliMtlent dm% Spring Golden to Twelftb.down Twelft htedrish i ldirn„ Arch to Elevehth, down:. Eleventh to - Obeatnut, down Chestnut tOPonfth. up Pourth to Green,' - tip , Green •to Twelfth, - up Twelfth to Qtrard - avenniy,:up Girard' seance to Ridge averinit,.. bp ',-.llldgi„ , eyenne to :the , Edmund Brener has beentselected its Chief Marshal, andElsoryst „bpi° and , Yoneph„ Evans, .A.'do, Assist entszWillinth'rLY.... IR - 1w Charles witharaii„ lames ier#7, Olalk D 1 , 1 5. „ • - we / 4 1.4'4 p hpodeorne ` haulier. painted ,iihreeve,- will 'WC-presented nievilens'-to the parade by Ray, Mr. Ballow. on ...behalf. of the ladles, to ffitoisett Iltiend's Lodge No. 100, - The ;premonition-nil take ',place at the church In Eightliiaireet;',4ellitttddle, Blower's Twzarmhisaa.-71lioaaryeTwofttli' ,Mass wee riliniiedin'fisteekvio;iigeaisipik , , Church, 'Eastei liinday Morning:lW, under the borma Ounnington, assisted, by,Proferanr,NeWlend. who pie :sided at the organ. The sololiti oil time ocamion were Miss .Wahtoga and ../dadatiLl PriMer. Mid ffergfeld, and they acquitted themaelyee; one and - all, in a way well worthy of the mode nail the'ocitalloo. In addition to the roinano solos In the masei,tdim Ricking' swig, at . the Offertory, a "Grattan hgasousn,,,Which was lis tened to with the utmost delight by tholiwpieoccon se of persona In attendance; for, ,in .truth, it wen a cam-, ,pt /Rion of rare esoeffence,,roede*, with a finish and nicety =Of - eiecudon rarely ittsinalie, even ,by the meet' gifted, of the children-of song,” The superb solo, •. Et Inearniirm,ti wad given with singular beauty by Mr. Primer: as 'wall as a spirited 0 Tauten, Dominum ittroduaed from LamlitilattoP , for the oc casion • TheOboinsr.was large and efficient, and-sang very creditably under the able leadership of the non-:. doctor. The - basso, Mr. l!orgferld., added very mate rially to' the enemies of, the affair, his fine Voice tatting throughoht with - marked - offset 'The - auyatb Matte finely interpreted, the oatemootea of the-altar, with the edifice alai to Pa utmost oppaffity,by an hitelii!- Ent auditory,- MI tended-So snake the mene a very ito preesive One, and long to remembered by_thele who ,wore fcrrtunate'enough trihsvatiein present. GuartoLtata or TUE 1 1 fair. ` . 1 4 listed meeting of this body yaaterdayikttirioa at tkier office in &Tenth street, above Market—lr. Recall in the '1 -• The total number of persons in the Blackly Alms .house last Betorday was 2 873 ; same time last year ,2,417 ; decrease' 44 Admitted during the past two ;weeks 176; births 10; deaths 20; discharged 748; eloped 36; boned oat 9 ;, famished with lodgings 03 ; - furnished with Meals 166, The treasurer reported that he bed received The steward reported, that be bad collented SUM 15, and paid the amine io the tresaares. - The oubdeor agent, Mr. W. K. B. Selby, retorted that he has collected, aline hia`previons report, 5103 60, and paid the lame to the treasurer Mr. Brown said the, Cannel s had appropriated 3603 to , carry the'. membe rs is and from the Limshotist ; Yet' cone of t • is money had bees expanded, Mr. Hoopes' moved that' theihecretarjdiew *warrant 'for $3OO for that purpose, which was agreed to. . Mr.' HaMellninoved that Oki necri•tery idiartimetir , 5;000 folio 6f anthracite `coal, said- proposals to be ne— calved on or,before.the 9th or. May: Agreed , • • --No other business of importance wee um/looted. Ws MATE biteninfcirniedAliiit.i3iteniaire ptei parations are be) ngmade for ,the approaching anniveiJ eery celebration Of the MIRA nf,JMOPlienlftrard * on the glut of,. May niXt, at At noble educatignef institution. which he hue so -- endotied! ' The Ailliiither• hood," compared of gradatess of the coo*, will num upon this cameo." commemorate`, eighth anniversary. Tow literary friternitywas organmsd by Plizinent Wro, I, Allen. and undeehis - adperediory Care lisayieepearid exceedingly,' Ste - members:are ,to be found ire every portion of Iltie,Conunonwealtti; some ocenipyifig honor able posittone,' aneall'punming 'the piths o(, honest industry, Mr David W. Obertibers,hlOhilmbirsitinrg, I Pa., and William Vann. Of Ahlanity,•hilie - been noon& mouelj eelentiid to deliver addrestaa at the tint' an nual meeting of- the, Brotherhood, lehich,: ln7ppoles of attractive intersects eirinctad to mined any that bat h preceded it. ' STABBING.: Aarant:=Shortly. , before one o , a'ook yesterday morning a woman named Sarah Shinn wu discovered. by Oilier , Gardineislying on the eldewaik of Thompson etrest, near flermantown road, In a bleeding and helpiess'eonditioh. The wounds In flicted on her Iguana arms were evidently awned by the use of simile or other ehini hostrifteeet:i The Un fortunate woman was unable to state -anything about the smelt, bqt the supposition *that rkea was waylaid by • roe person, and' that her wounds were inflicted without cense or provocation She was taken to the Eptsopal" ilospitsl. A woman roman Sallie Buhl, Who is euppoeed,to,hive,been noncottied.ln:' the, *tabbing affair, wits arrested aind , held la $l,OOO bill to'andWer. l -7 ; ANC/TUBB. STABBING APPAIIt.-41.t a, lite boar on Knidai realdeifia Penn street below Lemb.ad, went - bathe In a surly hu mor and commenced beating hiS'irifi in Ma roost cruel mrnner. A young than mired Jaelee ltilef rernonstra: ted with the inhuman wretch hint iota-fared to voted the women, when the angry.hiubaxat drew forth ',knit" and plunged it into the ,1.11 aide,of, Hlt, , , Inflicting three 'severe and dangerotie% Wounds. " The wounded wart - arm takerrtii the:Poenoylvenlii BolUtal Lionel was taken inlet ustodyiandyesterdayroorolniumuut m ted to answer. - CBNPBRIEN ON.—The eau' 'of 'the t llait ifyileVailetu thie're'errileg;)ri Bt, litettherhi Lirifier•ii3ObiretiA New street..Titn proprlate)sddresei,,was delivered lest eienhig, hy,the Praeldent,lter, A. Greenwald, otilleatoe, Pa. _ oirzoliari'voiltriVaam . , Rebeee4. tn . the neigkeinheed rat - Stith - Inn Baker etreeta, - eorsoultad suicide yo,torday by , jumping into the DeleWere, et Blimp:Greet wharf. wee led to. the conuntselon 'of the fatal abibilneanity. The coroner held an. inquest, and retained a vordiettii-so cordance with the facts SKOUTLI , afternoon 'YejOerdiyydnring-the alarm of ere, a Eight necirindlitweenfthe adherents cf the Good Wilt ends ,e)olre 'Aloe ampule', Pnter Me- Amnon. =Bltiertiiteritif t llll4 Mad tiff - 4 1 1"W illinsVfie and held to ball by Alderman Shoirnaker. liseeral pet.. eon* were injured during the disturbance. Accibiar—lWaite reFefinsoli, a bokfabout ave JOAO Of Itilej was severely injured yesterday after noon by Irving ran over by a 'cart. Tae accident co. ourred'arlmakfordi: ' THE NATIONAI' GUARDS made their brat parade pentads,' In their new uniform: They num bered 107 musket*, wale accompanied by BedkPe Baud, sad made Ayer, creditable d ; splay._ A. , 'Nes, warded IdeClaslin; 'was severely: jrued last evening, by being ran over by a east, in Bane street, near Third.,, 8e wee conveyed to his residence, in Aspen street: ' •'• ' Tat ataxia or vox, yesterday, was caused by the por s oing tweAnown p ied dwellings, on Col. leggy sienna. They were ttafrperidefly &dried: grip posed to be the work of an ineendlary. -Tao Hoop, of Leyik , :oefuitoher, frp Queen Asset, was entered on Sunday night by climbing over the roofs, and tobbed•of two ponkat books, coutalotbS a small sum of money. - _ A 110 , RsE was so soferely injured yOstorday by coming in collision with oat No4S, 00 the Second attest Railroad, that he bad to be killed. - A anootifsa Araittt ciciittrred-iiiirachingten county, bliss., :a 'fair dayirago. ,,, Two nomad William and liebikt Board; were - living together. Willtsni,had ,a - very4retty wife, with whom the-younger btbther t ßobert , became madly Infatuated. A :thingiial. intercourse between the two.hitel,heisti carrlisclieirfor some'time, but, grow ing weary ! of ihe'reatraint-imposed-bY the preeence of the injured:husband, the younger, brother de termined to add to Ma. other , crime -that of fratri cide. On Wednesday evening of; list wank the outraged hatband and brother was, morderad,,and on the Sunday following Robert Buford; the double murderer, committed suloldel,by -taking; strych nine. The misguided wife of the murdered mail. with two children; are, left_. the .tiole memorial of this chapter of horrors. - AN ABSCONDING OJeI a CAUGIIT.—LaNt October, Jas A. Moo:kirklo, cashier of the People's Bank, Richmond; Indiana, suddenly disappeared, narrying.with him NM $15,000 nnieflgieff to the bank. Mr: N T, H: Robiratolf,Veptity sheriff of the county, was employed to aseertaiti this where abouts of the. abeeonding -cashier, and has been absent the whole winter in this undertaking. News;has just been' reoeivedl that, after a long chase, he found MoCorkle at' Ski Antonio, Testis, that he has left New Orleans witirhis prisoner on hie way .to Richmond:. (Pretrial:at to Chia affair, IdoOorkie had anattitnedan unblemished ri3putti• tion. A STEAMER TO PIRO PEAL—A steamer has , just beep built at.,Plusbiarg to:navigate the Kansas river to within a hundred and fifty miles of Pike's Peak. She has ample" itOoothatodation" for, passengers, and ix fitted up with, muott,_taste' and. elegance: Her aiaft, la only six timiliodat the item., and seven inches forward. , 'Hhe is one hundred and tJairty-firti• reit . on ditch, throe feet hold, and, carries two hundred torts. A Gran ofninetoen; drooled in men's 'clothes, was arrested at' Ditrole on - Saturday.' She was frem - Oaiiada, bad stolen money from her father, and was on her way to Pike's Peak, which she Supposed Sella somewhere near Ohicago. She was taken home to her parents , CITY - ITEMS. - VALVADLD rT13,8 AIIth i IiTOOLLEN GOODS ere pre served h by uiing Aetorti Moth mater_ osshes,auts, flies, end bags osnrot ex ht where the powder'-le dlffased; Depo6 t co2o 'Market street. „ . . WATER COOLERS for'atore . e, hotels, and private familiesjit iarfeijr;Sicond said thistnct:,i TRH EXCELSIOR REFRIGERATORS for eonveni• ante nektons, and hillikr ire not alopluned, Poi sale br the znanufaatueer, wholoraia andTatap, st hls store, lecond and Oheatnut„ - .7019118 YMIT.6II. • . WATER FILTERS that are warranted thoroughly to purify our muddy hydrant water, to; sale at the Old Refrigerator Stand, Sedond and Chestnut: • YnegNaDAY,.r74o another beautiful-.day;• the wir was soft and balmy, and the blue birds twitted gaily through the green boughs ,that are no budding forth in their spring garidinre in the public Eqbares. Chest-, 'tilt *treat, Arilh Street, Eighth' etreet, end lb fact, all the ;other ettesteirere 'shy* wilb`galli-attiriol feint nines and gallants to their holiday attire. Seery one lo ok ed gay, Seery one,looked happy, and every inziaMine'worei the heti:dill:ll spring styes or brewyille Stokes, the - fashionable silothier,l No,-667, Chestnut street LET lio'sf.tw; be asbamedlo work. Let no aian, be ashamed of a hard flat or a sunburnt countenance.: Let bird be; a s elairned only of lgaciranee.and sloth. Lot . no man be ashamed of poverty. Let him only ba ashamed of diehonesty and idleness. Let no man be, ashamed to follow our advice. 'and blel - clothing only at the w Old Franklin Ball Clothing Emporium', of E. U. Eldridge, ho. 821. Chestnut, Mn. W. B. Rean AT Peals.—Mr. Reed, after. figuring among the Celestial', Mut brought up at the terreatlal . , kindle - a; of palls, and a few day* ilspelto, was introduced to the Emperor and Empress by tee' American minister, Mr. Mason, and wan most gracione.! ly received The Erni:neva was particularly courteous, and expressed her hope of seeing air heed again at the Palace The reorption toa( place In one of ihe private 'saloons of the Tuileries; and was of a Moat cordial arid flattering nature. Mr Heed d d not wear a court dress, but he appeared in one of the elegant cute of citizens', Clothes which ke hsd Obtained at the lircnirialtafie 010`thing Hall of Rockhlll & Wlleon, Nog 603 and 403 Oheatztut Street, share 3lith, ANCI A VatlP _ ._•,. ; The ete ek mult e 2 _4lB l lB 4 4l 4 ,4By.stlllollllesittil F ., , :. _ lbgeellldrdo'sitil eies following, self.,":llfsi,-.)2iSty_siik-iiiiiidileSS to /ad teats Palo stifBlolt efeet M ,Thete ntitafmesiflieltitteithiiiiehatter ittie4,ttsh4s2llBfletsni e°l ' ,ool s4 l l4 , 47.Afr.Bl4itin'iiiso:, ThO ,egvegstes-_cosspare wiBll-itysi• 4stsesettelll'" follows ~?Azg 25 . - F4,1 4 4-Vit• t flipiial .11/: 693480 -.8.11.898.Ui5215/i LOADS • 27 84,918; -A2.108408. De. 220,1811 Bpecle - ;95'entar,.'68041.214^,lise gds 218 1, 4 ,„ ou r Bu t : . 2,-00s,as4 ::. - -2,214,4174-De magma D. to, sess.Sks.. 4 4811482 t r ..4,1189-146. , 78,11 1 19 Deposits. 32,804.212, 17,8211,404..D5c-26,282T plzeolatien. ' 8079,138 f-„,,8,864,6131....808086,288 -.''... ' , .e-1 1 4.1,Vrt.a.rilag - , - - .;V;`•=,..1 :e. (0 441-ils'aVr.. , tl - 2.-01 ILIC Ti,- . - sty .7 4 ; " WA 1p , rplllair , s, :1 p P : :. : :: • : .:' !Ili -.: ** : •:,:r.::: , 11 7.! - :- .:,;-::: /s::t 7- .c , - II --/. .'1 t , •:'t , •:'S-+_ v.-: z; ,k;- - -..14 ".- :17 - Ci. Y- 1.. iltig '4 - t 15 ifiiit§ 5 2/§fnE 7 oo jt fat anittnillgikt II I:? /•:i: ;, ' I_ , :;:- l'-':r:-::.,!- - ) :, ,',.::: .it'' . 16 • . 62 .ill -0,16. gie515ag141 , 211:4112 .e 1 .... __,...,„... g, m 1 . 4 ..erc ,- . , Arteo"o.l*!:wolokioeo r :G 2= l4 gMagsM,MVlXS,VgietiVEtr 1 , :.y. - =, , ,e , ,,. V,..::;:.-'.,: ,_:.-,... --- z 1 W " Ut4gMrAtOntlgx V fE -rat-i.nr ;q4 - ”°.:' , 51"...'S : ; ~.. . . .._, _ tl I tg.^ . B2i=v,Sitg,22§§sfel !". ..,-: -I! n f te - itc.wes . , , 'T - tr . 's-0-1, 11 'a: g -.0--? , .. _-. P.P. - - JP- . t a VS.74r.E.CaggaVdallilc-4140' 44 0 ix -a ga . .mtdtp o "."...= .. , -k 00..,. o . , la-0-0,F,t0.0.!0 1 gog It r0,00. 44 4,04 60...4:1 , 04-pae,00,7. -.ls . . - 44 -4 r.r .4 22 2 .241 7 4 :474:F AR 41.3 43 - ; 4-ELW „:‘ 4 --- ; i,. .. , ~,.: ~,, .:. : . , t-,--- ~ - .10---.-1, , err v2 l -1- v.f ., iT - -rtiVOltagB33gllglaSlS-1, Vl:ateJektnafklgvitg it, cose,-..,!..t....c0c0.,..... sac 0,... . ..7 .0 ^ t• .e,' .-- :t. ‘. ' i - ;- '' ''''.+..f. "... I . ' i , .... ' '...,•-.' .“: , ...6...41 .. - .::;,i.. ' to ' ' 4".' m( VltC ß. ?. , ErolitraSSatVgia 1 5. ~, .. ~......---,6-..r. E._.> B " . ,T. .gIS'c"V".V" - '" — B3 a a u i 0 , 0 0 40 IT 0 , . c 4.0 41..._ 0 0, 1867. • - Specie: 'Clroalst'xi.' &roam, Nor 4 .... 2 1,199,462 - J2,611,4640-2,1641 . 18 A 5,6331788 1858 Jat, WI .4e 5 - 4 4 J. .21,811,928 ' '.6 .131 , 5,377' , 2;432,181 4 13,1556`,848 1859, 4tit - .26,461057 ' 6 063,356 risreh,L., :26,719 883 , - 5,916,716 %2.901:387 - 70,871,38& • 28 987,429 3298 293 3 019,2551 17.013060: ' A r a 1 ' 1.7.1 7 ,2141 ifml4l-,114,11 17,164170 c, . 28,108,106 0,404-873 r 8 304 5311 ' 3 3. 81 4 4 17,009 W " 25... 2!,817 ; 918:6 689,g11, 3 173236. - 77,17 (18 ' "ge ,4 1 4. 1 4 , 059, 0 ta5 014 1/ 711 3 '- ittatemenVo7tOitotsllttstri6 J lhoß4l44ssl*sl:lliiirbig ;Houma, for Nto-,15514:5555419004514y,94412513,i8511: 1859. 47 - 4:115351550 7 , ;11141aoass paid. Apell 18th.. ... ..83 4 864 12 359.950 63 " 19th • -- 4`089,603,78 143E116 16 - 2001 `4.0 , 8,6801 - 198.148 r 0 " 2154 ' 3 61(.619 23 ;303 689 .25 at ."• ~391,3.11-83 9,U8y,t64"20'•180 14 .. . . • • TOtif 323,043 264 04 111,439,683 go, PHICADBLEEILA - - . ': , 4144.1251 t.. taroassnlav Kiiinarr,saowir, * tinti-son, orairi,l AID nausea UMW, lIKIMMIIIS 00**777, TI A 9 Alp maxaviros anutem— • - . - " ' 71281. BOARD. 1700 City 65 ....cosh 1605(.110 RSDAD 6000 2,:;!*;Ati 7.203 i la; , ',155 AP • 800 do 100; 000 do -100 X, 200 do, 70014, 1000 City irif.r;'.Nitwitatx 600 do 703 x ,, 2000 N Penns I . 1600 1 ndo 65,7(1 4000 "d0 ' ",..... ..: ..85 %1 1000 do - 05% 700 Cam & Amen 'B3 tin 1000 Sob! Nov 66'82. 76 2000 Bunk Mountain 01 75 100 Cheater Val It 8. 60 200 - do • -- Kr ; 10 0 Union Col 61 1360 p on, a 6 87% 1000 do ' 101 1 9 00 N:keliner / 1 . 1 94+'; 9 4 X illTinll6l 2000 Cat's Ist m 74 eslog ROO L Maud IL - 12 , 100 VIM/a& A. ,12)ij =- - ' -,., %I. .-, z ir 1 • -12I ''''" ' ''' 162044N111268,111);'' " -- ' , ' i ' '''''''-.. " 1 .2090i42.04 /1 / 00 X1 ill'eMm.R ' 1 " -f ';'„41 11000 1111mmi1,64.. .:99;81,36 I - .41 0 p. 0 0; . - ..5.0..i,..a.5..FC 000 Blierlioiliiii 434. 78-; flll ', -' 40 ' ll ' .---- ""' 1 ` 1.11 1000 Palq OW 63..2110 8.3% 10 1404114tmin IL ...- I 190080124 y lm 64 toti 84* 10 lloyamenilpg , (444. 14 oo) .86-....4,1-4 - .3 WM ~ 1 4 144tm0* .K-: , -.....4 . .. --am ' Soo do ... . 1. -4584* 3,11m44011 - 9 6034 1000 A Pinas R . lol 0441 20.-144.41.141,.3.4.834 1000 Penn* asa ../1% 90 20 . " :44••• - - . 1 . ... 24 • • , 0/.011114-1 . 211:1121i- - Ilfilre ,:.1. . X ' l- - - -jitar..441444V4',.'.-'-' 7 ;,--4144L.Ailort. Q Bsi 14.. - :.•.7,7ei7ii - efe , ini zr_ ~,v- Iwpcii t 7:l7,7l,) i etas as - nointoi, 6 ,,t - svf .. 20:::19.1i . ~ -,:. R. , 1:".; - a003(150K Winert &Nita lin DV 914 • w New ... 103 105 X •u ~ el* 5p.V..0.8145 Peons 58 -- 94' ,951* :‘ , . - 33; . .. k . 59, 53 - Reading IL - 25}‘,253tirionit'IlL17 , , !it OA2g .. bds , 7ooo34ll,3s,4lL•leffloM4 l Neerf AL; .f AS t o 4 '. int dir , 4l-Vd 95 • tr Panna,"4.:.,: , tii' dlir_ 2 , :•.g , - do - ''Bel6 76% ~, a5... - .:....: . ..,iftx.,66 -, .. 'Peons 111,... .. :.. Al* , 104 ~:, 4 . /PO ...t0(4.,` , i sl4* 96g. .. 24.11 ULAN. 514 , , Wt, 4, '14e,1411,...17'54-- og nor Coand. Con. n 54 I,' ' let wit bde ' 561(:)NIN " PTO dricitnp_AungllNWlC.l4llA:R.62 ,‘ . _- , Boil low do It -76 k TO pa & - 8d 9t2- eiAIXAAC-• ...cc Impda-... 44-.35 - lams itli'bee Bill .: - .- 43,1 i ,, _. _ „Pialladtlphita. ,Mattlteta. • ' '” -;` "-• , The Plottintiikiiii iniabiakiolatit faifittatAfai, and the retillein and .baireii ardibouttlin - Wlify buyers, at from la 12% up to $6 4041.25 for superfine Utz& sod fancy brands, aoootctinip •toqualltye ab r tmta nut r the market sheet, kid standard brands ate held, at ottr_lowesilitiree.' , Caiii Meal to tither dill to-de* at 101 laglot Ppausypr . atoa. 4 It.KFlouiva a!aitoci t _arPmrliP/ tail.. l ; $4 4 4 . 1f V4 l , .7/4 4t, rP- 1 , 4, s°t4 ffe , 4 4 4 44 1 4 44 , 4 1 4 1 1 , ._liff4t4 it•41 , 6 -6' .04:51; for wood redni and $1 act:GS:tor isiliMar, and about 1,500 biz Poutuolosuba via at RW2041 (loot - ii mares, but _lke ~demand, Is ,moderate; 2,040 Pennsylvaile yellow , at- - ',BBa,` f.'"' - itfitte inset with a fair legit* • frdm' the holder's ask 620611 e for prime lots, which is aboiwthemiews;of buyers. 31111 Reed—A. sitiot 800 baclihiketefffiwas merle at 1127028 4P: ton!. Bark iefirrn tint it:di - eat $3B for let 1.14: - 1 Quei r oltio is • CUtiol 'l2 ti - bab litpa.;itioatgretl after; a few small lots kevibsenikan.dtiAtiai-10 180 for - middling. fair tfplaads; cash: , °tomtit lita dull, idtk kaialurthat salient. tharai:exiitoffeg at 4 teed,* print." At'ai r iation,lb,leaeroiiiiii;hh pe: leans aiieisr, dankild on imiage"of &se bark ITh - Ormui 80144. a DV* (loot, !lc ae:i ett4oll,lo,•and, 210 bbls do.:lledeseteribitilfee 39340, cash. Pwrbaotta. are unchanged, and'atstnali basilicas don't. in `Pork; . Baton; Ixid - Lard. Seeds are quiet, and prism! about tfiensem ; l ye quote Clover at $504.25, and Timothy at $30226 qfr,i, bum. - - Whiskey- Is in steady Xefor:detidire;26B:6,4o for hhda, and 26)10088 for Pittinsyl4 , lh:% Is Philadelphia Cattle' ":- • APRIL 25,185 e. The 'arrival! of Beef Cattle at Marilee and - Bull'a Head reached abode 1,40014 ii. ; thisarketwiuttatier dull, but prices without any quotable ohmage. dhoti% 200 were taken to New York, and the balance dispeud of at about lest week's irbie,i7 The following are the partial:lap ekthe i pklei at III) ditt,ent„yetala: r .Bileake Abraltahia, Lancaster •oonnfy. sloeiltao 100 lb . 18 Gads** EtheilbY3earki ocaty;"slool2.. 120 liciaaaid . - tab .ney, Co., Chu. and Lancaster °ovally. s.o.ootell 50 • 28 J. Rsu!man. Lancaster county. $lO 76011.75. itstahung. MARIA *acuity., ill. 52 Crones & vateis, OhM, $9OlO 50k 26 Hamaker, Lancaster county. $lO 75e12. 70 Jos. need, Ram octutty, *8 Oflet0 ; 50, 26 .7. ErLer, Lancaster ronnty, $lO ioan. 14 F. Iltdebaugl. Lancaster ruanay.#Bo,lo. 62 Job., Bar d..reon, trMod'eudrity, $lO 60011 76, 4g 8. Rhodes &Oo Berke county, sloel2. - 51 /05.*InitlidY;Fadreliter edltfaY - 4002 ,- H:?. 105 . Doinefie0o., Ili a. aped in NOW Yolk, .50 Baker, BBL oteothi sped to New York. 70 Indite Bletebte, cfilpicOU Lc 11 neleonittlite f.ennatter Ayala/ -to go 87 Beldomeldge & Co.,_Lancaster county 1110 20 Unualman, by Mall en, Lancaster r oanty,"6ll - "e.O Scott & P amble Cheater county, $lO Well 50. 19 .Kimble &41Irk, Oces;er ccon , y r 40p11, 50. le W. Road tOlieeteVebbety,toolo• • •4. , 59 Alba boner, by, P. Alci'dlen, ;11012 .13erryMin, by Elstbiiiiy,. bu1611L75 40 Kirk & Kimble, Chquer county, $lO 50011 60. 87 A. sarbff.' g..4 21 t, anbrvsb I.4Pflt 4 r c OOlll 7. 11 60012.60. - s., Yb J Oheettit eapnt7,_,El9oU AO, - -LVI 6 Houston, Laneastar iotinty, $ll 600,12 60 About 6,000 threp mixed, at,Martat.'„e ale week, selling at fnim Bergo .IP , la gross: The Market wee bzl k. About 200 Cewkend Calverkwere , at market and Ica at from $3O 40 for good to prime, end s2.oetofor es. eood grainy, i' laxis Xzeicsa Borne 1,860 Hogs arrived at Milos , yard this weak, and nold at from $8 600$ 4"100 lbs net. FIORTING ADOIN A ISTIGLITCAP.—A divorce ease is now on the tapla in Cincinnati, Ohio, be tween two patties . , both young, and taunted but threeyeara; *bode disegtesitatut: atiloi .ont. of a nightcap which the wife initiated upon wearing in quo of bar lusbaricriiivhdles, petitions, tear; oaths, and commands. _ 4 . 0 M MUMS Airrpolt gola t uun, • was sold at public atiollon'in Cincinnati last week, - Air $40,- 000 The purchaser was an agent of Mr.ai!rancis A Palmer of New York. , After the sale, however, the college was trinsfatied,to ;Mc' former ;owners, free from debt, and will be immediately reorittn ised. THE 61;10h:1W! Price Current, is Informed, by a 'letter firm' 7sokeon, Tennessee, that the peaches were completely killed in that part of the State by the fees o of the 10th and 12th-inst. ".I,!Yhe weather, on,thavOplt , , at this place hue, been ingot unfavorable for' vegotation,'ned enlen lated to hinder the, spring,yrork of the agrfeelloa rist. A law amount of rain tell " floireit otiehteage; iy'ho has been d,tezted in-preaching a sermon written by thejtey. Dr. Guthrie, of Scotland, says that la obtained it by exobangi•at,inaaiiatfiair.with N Qu ew thr lf le o t r o k b o a le th rg e y a m uth n o ; V a . n - a - ''A ouirLD:_•sl 117 . 1ltfon; "of Cheit, Creek, Olihrllold, county, was_ killed by osay:hglAotliO longing to tho fatber. A LITTLE OgILII of ,George Rovorrltt•Bru.lt Valley, Huntingdon' oonnty,4arr trilled by a dam of hartshorn,..wllloh Rh elder lad,gave it, of court* without truing aware of ito °fibula : °visa floo,opiltions of dollara ' , .worlq of new buiididge Oto . .how oourie of.oreotfoo'inNew . York. Fooa otillaren,belongiOgifert -Nr..sTotfcb, oriforriabingi wore 'bittew matil dog ozi a H 1 do 41% do ' 41% . 712,041140W4,15,e1ah 53% - 5 do"' '' "'cub 53% 16 d 0.... ' - 62% 5 do - ' 63N 10 424 m 8 1163 14..0211' . 55 "121 2011illoa Bk 23 6 do, 23 ' 7 lane Gebyl• R.- 211... 20% 23 Hantaborg R - 67 K AS 10 ; Moyamaa stag Gaa 10% Bk or ft Aroecca 142 Morrie Onl....Pref 107% ;11 - ;41VX EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers