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'' Of vomit I '.:.' tif * ,:-‘ imowr-b5emV!...,,,,,,,,, -''i: '. -1 .-------01flos:-**ttousty• tall ~✓lf'.''~.. ~. ; . ; i. ~~~~ - - :v. __ =-~, a, {`^ Cik —7- 4117 7 17:14Fir ItgkettiWts • ; 4l4lPl.l ' "Y°o 14.11#,,1FAM„ t iLr , 144"41' SEM ~ ' ~' ""w#l' ,- • ~ .0 NWT° i?.'!:"- -- ."I- , a, . 0 4 .. 0 ........ ~..,.......„, A ,0 1 ,11 1 , 0 ". 1 trak s.resilskoini 4 , 444s.l._tii t it q L*t ei .U. ) _, .4±L. 2**-4_, 1, /.I,Mr.i 4 V ',', ,Tikottbliiiikviltilatki t i r s tgiirce y t aiii,„4 9 Y- - - ' ire ~.,:-, k --- ' - 'll,, iamouiremer s , ' - - iiitc.A.74.4l'Av fet,t4 it o:ay. 0,40 .41, itratjatali - A-1 - -i' 0 , 3 , vo,lzWv,pr - A., , - . . „•,?: pieiew pr kai l f ~,,,,, , 4 ~ wA te c - 1,-1 11, 1 11 1611rehrilifilitill ' g lt aL t . l4 ,. t , • VilseltAimorn.lproy r-r eoVit le?pirizivi iCist - fetractii.<- 1.76 1 / 1 / 1 02- Is Vi itilk eIP OWILIKIVot the polarties 1 1._„„ el Haeleitialt of OirAtos• th a t es id,b4e laitted - theor is Doa k h_oto erea, mark the se ere o,old i *-.. fl if 6it , Ir v. . 0 1 4 1 i s" i t , • ~ A A oaeifor 0 aimse r...„.. NALNITT Strati Wow VIM Press. Alogrik* , -*iis,,Vrt(3/1 :„ - " , , , , i ,L ~ ' ,lvethillk./. 2 : A , ~ ~ .11 4 ,‘,, , 4_,°47Wirit_ l 7 -0 0 74 fi l °,411,9 ' x , 7 fAtildef Skerie 4 ;t4t*Oilietthijort ftrr.`t,* ." 7A.47 117 firt70 91 4* . A . ark jra, sen t 11 c oat% ) 1, dilbiclio , 2. ' talk, 67 46: loot Ilrior 1 e g, =if , 0 11 °V,Ltr t* . ‘,4 141, " 4 P7' ~ I, .1 , 1 ot 41"11.40114144i5ir or , SPA& man , 'V biort Pww-ral"mbez 411, , ..Aut irtbst , siv ~,,...74 = ty., = !==s w ia ‘ rtat i letly from Hear' a girt -, o ",i,„ w w 0 , 0 1 00 ., g ht feet by fitly ClarHiglaifilisiseireri eanhereaterly bli Saw booheVatheiglere 0 oree-rasn, reitpl 44l4 ,ll( WhilliteakYrtirfOrtrel V) " l4 , 4ll ,. (e f t 7' " A A -4 4 * , 7 : ,- , ee t 1 t 1 4 1 4 4 4 Melt Ar r tir: fl e di 00 wilddiV 00141,4ifilete. -Dkrialot Jolt, ikeTotrkf W ik 11 rekideo PM 4 4 /" 3( ' twaheariterlte(de of Work skeet andsoull=l „ t a f° al oals• A lftiCt " nrig"ll4 %, aaoltpdrelLitiliti r Z .biti eg r ossi =tr Z i eltr o ter u ta ~,%ccomiste., to Naha skeet Xbe•- is a hsegtre etwark-tjailitin *sort, Deramar TIM: Bsl42 o la t 4 14,6 4 r 101,1 4 Me Lot ea northeinerly tio a - 5 t,... 152111 ;,7 4 ; 1 704,,,,,,,,, : g:1gw "* • ". .b: Mr fee 61: t= '8" aird : , wolglithwileiNues bylaw kred and fifty-throw tolpskUttalnamm/ 40 / 016 A and' Nblot mhtli Z i1.4,n4 2 4, it <I .i• ~ tr Zl to il o W eri lL, Ira° . ukr hitierwAsinrtriejr load, peeenabir 7 rerm, .01 103 / o ;`'PadiSr =o*,,,,A o d`dietti t t rila Oltigorf ,afrestmort, ty. o feet o wee e. fr a . t... , t 0 za .. , i,„ .. ........ 4 „.„ ~A . ,, ..., 7 ,,,,, r4 atte s t. , sfmatmeth ward. 01;-*Ciekaditilif406 IT- Ms erf "Olfikreor Who or,feret?b..Apetivere ~,15,stribt Hied, December Term, Nish _XL t ie, Neirteg;Hltlelfi. Lot ea porter de,lN,Yonk-,Miteot,normiety.two-fset-southeistarly ; two hula* end , thiter eigfeet by - 1 6 •W i t it*K A f • St Or! 12 9. 4•1 i° I gi ml " 1000 0 ,, , , rt i l SIU Ym‘it - ri. i ,- * - 1 fiessinaorpipenter okneini wiri repoted owners, i or who. "011 ,4 7 lAMIOVP ..fA Natift COPtir Mamba Term, I OlLl ig iadfc. 4.t,Yerleirliffiller Loi noutheasterlf side of ~00 , ' ,ova" angels! feetAnnalestesterli from °ear - , pap hundred and sigkihteafeet y • one in F t," • wolatt 4 4 o fat eta and mooquarfa bates iiiideliiitilekakilieetokosth wad. . ” -• . , gates' rivimosidtA 1; u ted em~ertt Ia shis'e ll ' a" i .- o 1 r tiny , ;a. i.-rilrrs'atireir:tatbi: h 0 r tlurl= La lll3 fiefl- ith irel4 V4l7inee oa r kindle an (our nab a=iireitilikkasaidelitielid 430066 dgr lifeatedibeqehemisaregnawbet eara ithrlith es eabdireift*lnAtoeelsgoli Woe , liftlf along - Hat rit WI ema End DM*. fat two. riertabeabeteilestrateet; , themernirtery-teo L trim altedralf torfalieterg the said York Itreet to 'OMeld qiiiiiittE WSW 4 `fINW . p Hame4~,ferrotodf l oola he -ofersieri;? Market mat, Dec ember ' ortrie IWINANI.-Lothottlawesterly eat- . lareetif arty-fora fat by Apo sad _ Ws* fat six andhne • quitter fr ovut ilairmilift d i t r e d imm steti&s i gwA t h ,*• =a4 - --- 1 .L.,-_----t0t i . ,, , , ....t... , fader a reputeg owner , ea: ge r , _ Oblisdell Court, Deeendra abireglifial ' Oda: Paha, 111,241' lat northeastern igerforkif Y NWTpiliy etra mi ti,'Weventy-two rest by ‘ la i T a 6111161117 Y 4 T0 f t Web ladies to Em- 1 ' ' f - Nilihneatti ward , -- ' ~ .14Ylor 'Maar ic so., Owens or reputed terns/re, Or,,whravaroar be etweer- District Court, De ism Mk, tha.ol.` i airing, $312 60 Lot and itortek neeterneoroer claws" acd latterly 1 % ,01144111117 2 4 "end tiftY feet throe bolas, by one g• neolftWeek Allkot • osotk rf6fdt i / ill ensmaarva, owner,. Of Muted owner. i.laillirefen,ntlf,ke santaor.i, District Court, keoember TIM% PO; Nli. 9. 'Pies", MO 02, loos, n orthw e st_ only stasist Nora steak sod erathwesterly side of Ad , sow georkondortbelrAoriy eide of Tsylorstreet, one /4 1 047 01 oratt4rr t.o etniet MloolXibYtri=tritt)2,36 /VIM 714174W.iiii4i1l owns ei nada *Mar, or vlikoorog ,giN piparesa.,,ONserla OKA Deelmeer TerrOads 219.791fei WRAP PO rattherateetr ebbe of Heat Oath mar z wag ad twesty-four feet Iltrikrio t t e r , olhbdiJno orierietheatorly from oust. Nil been a , sixty-thref said* mad ono half Inches brasighlyfiaL.,lfinitiwatianrud., s .„. -, .„,- linste irst - anorLnkano,Alftlitte or meted owner, pr "honer may be cabal ' Dania Court, December TIM, /5[040 4 garing,4ll7.ll6. Lot and frame eteddeeek 4' olotterAlf 0 0 1'sisoa gootioildoo straits, eiglit end tareadourth Luke, by one Madrid ft , ideas the aid Huntington street. .ftiae ,E,oolon IrNi*, - -Heollosnese pi:canted owner, er who. ever may to alma. 'Darla „Dona, December Term, i. r;No• d6:`, , • ye, 6MA. Lot and 'brick dwell. g`. mato 'roma ef t Coral and Iluntimplon 0 kil rat y evateen feet /don • the and inn -1 or,atasie L r ah oss *W y t*li be irli o t Teis irni st " l glitimil D erill ete . 1 W et Co reim ur te t, d De e es ms mbb ni e Term, 11156,N0.02: Paring} Mg SO. Lot• end glees diddogr Nkkkeinderlf eateer of:Took fad Doke skate, 1 16 : f 1 4 6 4 5 BTr a op ori hams e Brown il t ' eigh thnr • s , r i t r;1" b . vgu l est Udrord e"e th a114 1 ":1 01 : 4 68 : 13: s 1 : 1: 1 1 4 1 : 1813"41 4: 77 t ir si h t f li k : p p tenl7 7, ll :e : s l r : el 1 kh n o : g : I n a l it e 1 111:14 : 186144 : ° e 1: : :: 11 4 0 : 't1: 01 1 .4 a f a a y i l'etedell'°ll,,,P December : a t : 1 86 t e th i ill lisle I e l i n G o v't rad"rau n Tt e l h ab rv t o 4t e r f: two : 84 : 111 . 1 hod th e 1 •:"IP°I 11(1taa rIt.9:41 11 11 0.1th itt: ;: 1 111 1 4: ; : th il l" : " : " Oi lle t tle b il : I ll itretlf ol eei: Yo n etl r be k it : t r e v In : e l 1 It citeor n al e t hundred iodiforniaglafeetond four Ischia, to Almond street; theme norikeirdaly along the northwesOrly limo of the kialokklemak.ostreet one hundred and ilfty throe reef limn imitoodteurth Lichee, to Notion street; theme northwestinly along the southwesterly , Ike of llltbd.kiddarliiiiitittrest three hundred end twenty-seveo O SIMS and *root:earth incluse ' to Haul street ; them* along the itositbeesterly li ne at kis said final !keit ORS hUtldrei and. twaty-dve feet three inches, to IbLIVIO: 1 1 0tahielf. , • .. „.. , s Wsitopiter O. Iforiall, wirier' or Mated *we er, er wiseevermikt be prom- Distriek• Court, •March Tara, iddifo No: 0. Taviag,l267 OS. Lot Southeastern mama of .4fortr aid „Wilson kiosk. In -front On sea leek street, one haidred and twenty - seven feet oleo aid ireanalgials inches by one hundred feat in awn. ~.. Hew ve. same, *WOK or reputed Arrow, o r whoever 0 may be 1/111M MUM Wait, March Terrn.3Bs2, NO. 6. Patow,eall IL Dot, westerdy eerier of.york sod Wilma stosetsaa !taut on the catch York duet ono hundred;end hrentyasveri feaby one hundred feet In depth. Nineteenth wird. le the Court of ginissoon Mem for the city and comp ty of Shtladelpkfie The City of Plandelpkia, to use of Adam Winamen sad James L Barron, vs. Samuel Dilirt, i , weer opreouted,oweer i or whirover, may by o~N:red:Omen Plea, December Term; lag; No. 22. Paving, $62 14 Lot and brick tavern uortheuterly career of York street a n d Neaten avenue, twenty-two feet on said York street: them* seventy feet two and elan Inches along linst,or mood mow foloto of J. langeNeth to ' e gnat. thane Coon feet fen and three , nat ter inches northwesterly to said Trenton arena., tbaamanktli tepssa ttotwo feet to tke_said2ork street. Nino vs,At‘asialus 'Tel,oraser of related Owner, tr Whaarer Ney be eerier WOO" Dias, December 0r5 7 , 12 1 1 6,170 IS. Perfai,in62 l lo. Lot southwesterly side'cot area., pia bandied 'and, twenty-tight feet north risf trek** northweeterly side of &Tyne drat; -far, NO pa York street to Ora street; thehiefatal :Nay street _eighty-eight feet eight floo sie,* Mabee to • point ; thence farther along the said Nay street forrytkree feet three-eighth Indies to Oar del skeet; thew* forty feet four inebeeklong said Om doe musette apoint ; the rth rms noeesterit one hundred and tweetpliblll fee l alt ' one: eighth Makes to the plate of besisolag4,,,Naraerath wad. : ~ 1 game vs: Nweriett'k Nagle, owners Sr reputed Winery or W a rgrar may l a .w..,. r Commonroom, December Ter , 1866, No. . Paving. NM 62. Lot loannina oily Ode of York etreetiphintypfonr hot northwesterly from the Martkweeterly 'olds of &rift street, thirty toilet hfeisee hundred and twennaine fist Ada and bun glith tuba to (laden street. Nineteeuth ward. gamislo,iaseirst Natestiowner or reputed oweer, or , !AWN. TOW be moue, Voloolog romp, December Tank ilk% No M. ioning, , S6ohf. Int southwest soilw Kee t er 'forklike**,• ekkaseiern feet six and thllld. 4110011 teems ormweasse rly acetate soutesaaterly side a TFnts •yeas sidghteee feet by aventyaight feet wren and one-fourth inches on tko narthweetarly line tistalef ; -by kilrantsetwo-feet alt end eevenalghthe Naha on aka southrrister4 stile thereof. 'Nineteenth num 1111. MIL owner or Reputed ewner, or whoever may be owner, CommosrPhres, DecemberVerm,lB6B, No. 27. ravio l i:OM. Lot ad brick dwelling south- Westerly ilie York street, eighty five fat she and three-eigktle es llootheaterly from the southeast erly side of Trenton avenue, eighteen feet by seventy -1,,, r s stlx cad perenrettlith tnobr on the horthweet at iregitr i ll,atk l es=ltanirr:or d bli o nt Utak ward. game a. A. Leapareth, owner .ornivatited owner, or whoever may be owner. Common Pies,, December Terno,lo6o, No 10. Pairing $101.13 Lot Southwest. wily Ma ilitlk street, firil-feer , feet southeasterly hem the noummeterly eke e Selman street, thirty slx aut o at tl eil ip orn Vollaktrs q p• Hot six and one. duet, Nineteenth ward. gamer. eiteterfrOl: or reputed imam, or whoever may la whew. De:ragas Plass December Term. 11368 tge l te ik rTihr-5N),67,: Ldi'hortheaterly Aide oi .0__,... , ,ore,ernesty-four fat trosazafiee • *lsiah inches 01 7".. adareeeelpfrom, • ilke,sertbovesterly Woof awns Inesetor *Mao Hat hy ono hundred and twenty-flaw feet three babes Niaternth wad. xkYeeree_,, Pe - 44althr,ltettert, owes, or reputed owner, fi r = ll‘7 b errY 7 :4ll ° 6l m lir . E Piles, ' December SI ItObt P etlet; l Ne ittiediest ' lle ° 4 8 1. 4 t y i - h twoVe i t siolyrndly trpictlimieittiemtitulllysidit of Teen. Ft i akititer a tittaV•eistiMb2r pa hundred and twenty.. , Meaemak Wend. Alma oft, Pearl Nolikler, mar or reputed OWDOT or ilkifiirer TINS he.ownem, -Common Slam, i55 e ,,,,,j," Term, 1666, No. O. Paving 266 62 Lot southwest sit, ___of York, Ora _7l,,Mree,. _trfat inetlaaterly rpm*. ......a OM o .lo l o ll la street, thimplour feet by oefejetikkennini toasty*, feel six aid Poildiarth faaso, Ifirmtmotbo ward , - ~ o ' - Ono viol lauptrah, owner or ranted owner, or whetter. may b, owner.. Demsen Pleas, December form , OOP, - NV 761.- 4 Pang; 6101.713. Let north- Haan ,si te .of Took-street,-forty-four feet month. adorn farm the rendessestalyslde of Trenton id IMAM, thirty-" feef by one, hundred and twenty flee feet three inches. Nineteenth ward. Mom vs. Moor ledittere ' 'Milner or reputed owner, or Wheeler may , be owner. Common Plea,, , December Tam ; 116016, foo, go„ Yang, 54. 97, Let walk. wosiblairatile Of ral'etlier, - eighteeti fat 'Meth easterly from Dar streeb,sorsentema feet by arty. agifie).. life oth wird. r , , , l , i llente vs: Mtn. _. Eiden and I.'lllainiost &meant, Imam of tok gpsoMen Jerboas, owners or reputed Oran or, whoirrele liay be ' - owner . Common Pleas, December Term. 1878. No 61. Paring, elle 69 Lot, 0010111000677 Mika T 04,1440, fick-foser feet north wentorty from Cedar etreet torrent on said York street, Ater last wen end ona- half ladies byres low OM ried twerityadarsieet Assad onefourth Melees in aid Mr4' 24 l 0 1100 iNiddilddlt word. ', 7 gam , owners or ratted owners, or olio. ever may be owner . 00M03031 Pleas, December Tenn 18611 . PI/ ?iffiligAikkil. i ger eenthertfetfirlyi side, of rem rifest,lovertn.tho tat northwesterlyrrom Goot•.,_lit OA Jo , Norialfal laid iritrif Area .thirtf-ein feet y one Indeed sea twenty-sine feet six and ree l liget i ri b r I l e tri. , (oßi°riPlail.t.irtio-Itue .., Sams et Conrad isume, owner or reputed owner, or alearara'rei be roerearoo Common alai, Dbeebber Tom Ink, No, 180 . Paving ,, e 1 07,27. ,L 0 and food Altrallar senthwesterly side'of Vienna street, meaty fon fied won *kir - northwesterly from Queen Meow; In front on sad Vienna street sixty-eight foot 101 b gi e etr a ttrtfeei Id 4•74 11 - - 4 fifietaentil Word ass Onset•or ripoosh oWner, or roily be owner, , f ,Hpamen Pleas, December TOM Me i No• 178. ' , Pallor, gee 76. Lot and frame dwelling eathwaterly ride of Venn" dirt, one Ma. dred tied reap:dries • feet five lease northwestern Irtmdionookstrooti a twat co sat Violins hfreet foi'ty. 611 reothiceloaltee, bind:4loth, doppo Eighteenth gialli ye. Hiram (fatten, owner or refitted Mena, or whoever OW bit' Otner. Common Pleas December Toftles B . IMP( riNIP2I ifp ditf - ILS4 nod fame diva g at western Side or Y e na etriet, one bun. shed eno6o l wDostedietkishies Mouths n ieetarly from Wreak. .....ka amikUr Uelet *Neat Whim& greet eighteen feet, !itdiv .f.. 4 thy#4.,....frit In deidd- Melt laina re. lielt.Penneekc Owner or reputed owner or 'whoever may bet poor. .17ectreisort Tim, Deco T.ltatisolo, pm .6,0* los 411. t Lat n orth. t w i g u telag i jo amiri , ; s treets, i soy onsr o lo . -ki k t VgAro... 0014, 102000% *so hree r e 7 , , •i t ga i pt rot *we, Oyrnits or reflood eresierfroit I , be Varner. Oommen plea Dealeihor TeM011666;ti0.4 , 641. -, Paring, Um rt. lA, r=42_,i_ow_l elf• of. Huntingdon street, got. kw, Mom Rae"! etreet, one htindred feet by OA": vti 044 lif aka- A~~tks, mrsza 47'; ::~ ~'"~i Es=l=l3ilME=El !EZ=MISI o Inodreedendilmai 60 4, t o NUsebeth .11Ine.• tiMithife l 6l. .e- e e. goeieLys Min*: OWSere iibuted iWairi, or who., eree maybe mayowasr+ Coennon Pons December Tirm 18 No. 2 1 1 -'' $l.Bl l / 1 7. -el I lmtlnortbeesteri; bide of Debt igurleticer,One nuildred and sitty' feet northwesterly from Iniereld street, one hundred feet IT one hundred and 1tUM26,2 feet; thlEllesbeth street. , IneteenDiW , ardT , , _ . , • • . 1 . 7 Barrel V , C , liirMie Darter, owner or'reputed owner; or , Lnhoaver In y: be 'miner, • Common ' Pleat', December Velmi 1868,a(IN 860: - Review, 120,42, Lot and brink 7dwaithr gibitaesiteil); Sidi of ' , Coral -street,'one' hint gmninety.three feet eight ant three.feurth Melees northeasterly from IlUnliogUoi , street,' thirteen feet '1 six inches by sittpeli feat fiviitteltes on the northeast. ogrly line, by el.teriblht feet rierkilliehed Me the moth, Westerly t , gante.inaohn-Vititei lawn* , or- reputed owner, or orNoever may be in113 4 / 1 %, , Clortikttin Plea 6 ' TIM) 1888 ,1 14( 4. 277 . Paving, 881 07. Lo t northemt• srlY earner or Ilona ecd Danpida'streets, fifty-six feet eia , eat , tared. eighth lichee fertpolglat. feet seven •elot fireosigath lathes. - Nineteenth•wardt Nunel rereem4ownlii=on. tainted Owner, or whoever may be owner.. Common PleseDecember Term, 1858 Vorltiat oTovingtslo 69. Lo t aonthetitelly Md• .!.31` Odra ARO, arly-els.liea , Mx sod , three-eighta • ireflee aortheeiterly r frOM thwhortheeeterly bide of-Dauphin etrset fourteen feet by forty-eight feet seven and' hes ' eighth InelWrr'9,llheteenth'irard: •• Same ve. same, owner or mated, owner, er whoever May ~ betowner.• Voirt' of Deletion Pleas, Dertainber Term, 1858, No, 360. Raving, 190 09. hot southeast orly,ohlorior Moral , ttniit; , aerenty feet sit and Weer eighth eliseitee amilleaeterlf. trom' • the -aorthesaterly 051 e of Dauphin street, fourteen feet by forty-eight feet Wee endhvantglith Melo. Ntietmmiler wird. game mu eatne, owner or reputed owner, or whoever May be orbit' • - ' , Oomiton Nem, Deeember {Term malt , 888. Paving 990 89. Lot mathemterly Mee Coral Weet.:eightYfour feet 'Mx and 'threle-sighth. inches' itortheuterly fro* the northeasterly- aide of Dauphin Street, fourteen feet by forty-eight feet seven and aro eightlriaelte ,c7 - 29makistA , , - , Means Tn. lug*, owner or reputed Owner, or wnoever may be owner lloremon . Pleis, Deeember Term, 1568, No. 282. Paivirelis9ols9.,Let aotatimaterly aids of Coral Street, ninetyesghtlfeet ;sit and:Mare& eighth inches northeasterly from the northeastly side of Dauphin Street; fourteroi feet bytorty.eight feet 1141YeiVaild AT*. eighth inclose. Nineteenth ward. game vs. ISM, owner or reputed owner, or whoever -Puy bir owner. Common Pleas, Deeember Term . , 1858, NO. 279, Paving, 120 69. Let abutheasterly side of uo• re.l street , one hundred and twelve feet six and three.- Siglttlrinefisiiiorthibuteriv from the northessterifilde Of Dauphin street, fourteen' fest by forty-eight feet amen end lire-eighth Inches. Nineteenth ward. dame 'emus; owner or reputed Owner, or Whoever deny be owner: • Common=Pieta Dm:amber Term of 1858, 0.1711. Paving, $2O 60. Lot. southeasterly aids peered: itreeti one hundred, and twenty.ert feet six and three•eighth inches tortheratirly 'from' the north. miterly ildiol Dauphin street, fourteen feet by forty eight feet seven end' Ars-eighth While. Nineteenth Ward. " _ t dame ia. imme, - owner or reputed owner, or whoever buy,tte owner: ~00olmoii. Plebe, December Teem,lB6B, No nt rairludifida,4ll . • • Det - uoutheaateriroorner of acrid sepilefut 'tree% farm:Melee% bit:m*B4kt feet Eleven and dve•elghtledoehes.' Nineteenthirecd. dame ve,,hturkßelderethm, owner or reputed owner, Or whoever may be owner: oommou flow March Term, 186: - .No.' ef.l.‘, - - Tnview, MAL Lot otouthwesterly . aide Of York etreet,:nbout forty-four feet northwesterly Irom Gaul street, fourteen feet by aft - pail feet, more or /alai Ntilot•Onth ward:! : - - • e . , , Fame TO. same, owner or reputed owner,', , or whoever tiay be owner.' Common Pless,'Maroli Term, 186- No. 47. Poring, ULM:: Lot emithweeterly _Me lof Perk' httestilaboutiltiyielght feet northaseterly from Gael Street; fourteen Wet by etxty-three feet, store or, IW. ALnetelnith:Werd.'i ' Some vs. ssme ; owner or reputed owner, or whoever merle: aster. iCknairlOil Tbilisi' March - Ter#, 1869, No. 46. Paviog, 4.13.23. Lot southwesterly earner. of, iYork4alt Gerd anode, fifteen feetten Inches by Atty. ;11iX feet, more or leis. 'Nineteenth ward. • - - • Serer n: , same; owner or riipetat owner, or whoever may brlonner. !Common Neu, Nardi Term 1869, 'No. 66. - Paving, 41909 . Lot southwesterly Term, , of ',York street; about Mesa feet ten Inches northwesterly from Gaul street, fourteen feet two motors by:6Bpin: .fast.!more or lena.„Withiteenth wad. • • • Same vs. mime, owner or reputed owner, or whoever `may by owner: Coniston PIM; March Term, 1369 ' . No. 487.08.'' Lot southwesterly 114 e of York etrest, , ,about thirty, feet northwesterly, from Gaul ;West, fourteen feet by fifty-eta feet, more or less: )Nineteenth • " ' ' - • bean, Yd. George W. Geer, owner or reputed owner; or Whoever 'May. be : strnsr.'; Common Note, Mitten I Tent, 1869,. $ 0 12.011 .Lot South westerly side of York street, one hundred and twenty nix feetmorthwesterlyfrom Gaul street, eighteen feet .by one hundred Lod twentpaine feet Six and a fourth Imam.' Nineteenth Ward. • lame vs. =lcowner or reputed - owner, or whoever :nay be owner - Coltman Pieta, Idareh Term, 18t2, 'No. 42. Paring, 242.04. Lot southwesterly side .nt' 'torCetreeti otos hundred end eight feet northweeterly from Haul street; eighteen feet by one ha - wired 'and !twenty-nine feet Milted a North incluse. Nineteenth 'ward. sp24lBt. - A NSW BOOK BY ,MAOAULAY, AZ ", • WIDDIitSpAY ) APRIL, a, VOL VL-11017BRROLD LIBRARY, TS-Ix: 'OM" PITT. Preeedot fir. t 1 a Life Of Pitt, Earl of Ohatham .PRION 40 OUTS. DELYSSEIt &,PROOTER, kilIA A_ Ws, . 401 IN ICISAIIMUY MITOTINVG, M. D. "-• LatipTrotiiimor ot , thb Piraetten of ideclinins in aeforsonModia4l college or PhW e lPhla, ko., I° ' - 1441 . 11 i, tr#,Ok TAD'ORKAODAMODS OSIGIN Or AIAIIM9I:II3'.AND BPIDIBIKI TUNES. - AK ZITAVATIA ANIMAS. MAGNSTIBie DD VITAL INDUOTIQN. ON, Mil iIiNETBATIV3I43O/3 OF Y.C.VIDS ON TON PONNTNPTIVENENI OrGAO3B. • • OIL A , W PEIOrTOi' I N iatrill ANN , ONNONOO EHEAMATIOM.• ••• taito 0,-Wita =roma; 14ataxes wahytdoinT to the P 1044405401. Avo*/.40e1, , for Medical InstruotiOn:. -Lttoo,, Pr10•10..26';' I E. LIPPINOOTT & 00, E - • • 42.01_24 NoTth_soußvi &et. otps4t ripii7; BOORS, - • THE Pawl, ot? VIRD ; or, Israel in . Bond les the anthor of a The Print* of the Douse of par r z-'llll - 11111011 OF Till • 1101182 01 DAVID; or, Three years Lathe 'Holy City, , By the Bev. J. 'D. la graham. 3.2m0. THB,LIP ADD TIMB/3 01 CARRY, MARES: BUN, AND WARD. 'By 'John Clark afarahnian. 2 vols., OATHIRINO. By, the author- of Agape- and this, Little Hey. a 12sno. „ ' vII,OIIIAN/612 IN; AlllitlCA. .11y gey. kalaa W. Olark.. - 16mo. ‘1811411.11/21 , 411IIIR08DEB160TOBT. A Guide to the Doctrilies and Discipline, Officers' and Ordinances, Principle's slui Pactice of-Baptist Churches. By Ed. *MtHissiox. D. D `DAYEA , TtiouttaTs 1011 A opm. By blra. Thomas -Orgelart. '.16m0. • RULN3D :OITLEEI ON •TELD BAST. By Rey. Dr . , PATINNOB'TO' ABB PATIHNOBI TO WAIT By Marlon B. Welr. " • ' • -. Nor male at low priceej by • • !ALIA* P. & ALYAID - ap7 "' 806 OBESTNIIT Streit. TME , COTTAIIE d;A:RDtIf O AMERl _.CAidentsinion PIIkOtICIAL dtieottoris for. the of iLOWSRaiIIipITa and. VIifiETABLBEI, Nature and Improvement of Polia, Maumee and their applitation. =very article in Oda book ill stand the mutiny of practice. Pelee .50 sent' _ 0 111008, BUOTIMR. & CO, /2C Fubp& r 6, 806t4.1011RT8 fittest BABE,GULAG, AND VALUABLE , Boppboagltt, sold, end exokiziged by J. BA.BINi To Antique Boot Otero, 617 ' 27 Boath Irani Street. C , 11.4A , RDEN & MAUWACITITADDS AND 19110148ALD HATS; CAPS, FUItS, OILS AND STRAW. BONNETS AND - BTU'S*, CtOODS, A - • ATLITOILL . 7LOWIItB, ATVOIDS, RINNIND ) &a., -844. So. 600 and 602 MARKET STREET, L Southwest comer of SIXTIIi EXTENSIVE STOCK, BEST .TERMS, • LO,TVEST TRIOES. 1859. Bi4/N4 BTYLEL :1859. • • , 828 111.8.*HET 'BTANET, Invite the Attention orßoyere to In INTIM! NNW ocka ; complete etoey of, • • • • HATS, OA.PB,'BTRAW 090D8, go„ Ithleb they oftecefokeesheioik the tumid meat. tld4extc- • , • • , •- ituarrelltio, nnb Pirasole. SIMPER &.E'ENNER, Whuteeete Malialiotaren or tIMB EL, L AND PARASOLS," , sae sta.RICIT STBIIIIT PHILADELPHIA, . 426 now mays than , • cme hundred and filty dlfferinie rerietlee or thiabtellsec eyery lass, tram 22 to 40,Inehec -- - Their eeeertuient oL ,PABASIIIII3 is 'aleoyeryhtge, and tor vatidty of Wage, styles, finish; and pekes, era cocas that of any previous semen. Buyers who have not had a. & Pis =eke of goods will And their time well spent fa looking o rer this well made sleek, which Includes MANY NOVELTIES, sot so Is rest WO, - , febtEm et)ina Clunnoware 1859 EENSWARE. 1859 • • .i34t - stp & gTROXID,'. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Rove 12011/ OD hind ■ complete Mock of .17RENEWAND 'ENGLISH. " OHM, GLASSWARE, AND, QI7ERNSWARE, (At tbOltsOld stood), „ NO. 82 ROATR - FOURTH STREET, (sour doors below Merchants , Motel,) TomMelsibtotrlnvlte the otteMlon - - • • *IIDLISALE - 11111111113:• . ' fe9l-80 VP — I2;OOREMI e r,. Estaur DRON,3II AND .comosykii on. ideatint :WititiY on' atfolL l sidBlf}'si ale. COPNOTIONB PROMPT x MADE. inh 3o .Bm NORIIIBTOWI4I A. • nign & CAPP; 228 -DOCK Street t ^above , 1.5 Walnut, STOOK BROKERS, and &Mere In Mer cantile Soper and nowities. generally. Attend the Broken , Board daily, and All sal ' Orden for the peir chase or Bala of 13TOOKII i i BOND% sec. Ja7-ly 1 MONISKA man AND 11X0HANG1 2110)111118i --,114 • 0 84 . 3 n,_th T/ 1 4 10 S t r eet . , • • ' I SAHA 040y,111110 of i!b, ilsac 1t7:13/A. AND :AMERICAN TARRED lipiebt k ii;tiseett l it4get anuanfaottred and tor Rale br Vit, vrtunt wOOfiNa , . Rarth wkna PPM 0z.1,1124? WErAt l / 2 72. to 7d • - • 7 .. 4 0E1[4ptim.,,,PatttAY,. .APittti 'B4. 1859. Neon Br. ALIO/14.11' 608 BROAWAY , N. Y. liato antr Cap. ''':' '''' 3 lliaii.'" ' '' ' I tif i!tti %,0"0/16 J. T. PIGGOTT, • 1 , smpotTisaklL lip 'FP B kuk-9 7 . ROBS, i RIBBONS, ; - • • _l9llllll, WM/Moto.; &o. • • HAS SEMOVTD,.TO'; No. 16 , NORTHIFOIJETHiSTREET, lies a fall line or the."aliote; Goode. 'Also; reoeiviing &By, JOBB from Auction; Cut and }Mort, time Bayern arisinritikli. • - • • ,M 016.2,1: 'SPRING,WADE. ItH)titißlistd. oq., ' ' " Noe. 26 and:2B -NORTH EMIR= EMMET, Have Jeat opened their remit - ' - . 7 'inir92.2ATIONS , - ow N LIN /I' 1 4 RD G.N.RmAtt,' HOSIERY,' ' GLOVES, , AND, giIWAL I LWARE3, And aolloit an iaapaatik of theti , eoreplete and well : „ atiazied dock,' ' " • - - ISP.IIOIALLT-JCOAPT•ED .40IITEERN• AND BOUTITESTERN TRADE IJRNETT,I3E.XTON k SWEARJENGEN Are now opening st thsilrlitors, No . 409 - MARKET STREET, - Above Routh, North 131de, A NDBOMI AOSORTBSIANT OR NEM,APRIIVG, SPYLBS- FANCY DRY GOODS. Or =SIR OWN IMPORTATION And selection, which they olfoifor sale to beim from In parts of the 'United Stater, 011 the most liberal terms. feb94ba 3 SOHAFFER & ROBERTS, 929 MARE= STRUT, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 9109IRRY, 0L0999, MALL WARN, 009199, BaumEe, LooalNa•ane9BEß, GERMAN . AID IMIENOII TAROT' 00099, AID j - TAI6IOI , TIMMEINO9. 3 fel-am ghat Sinbingo. WM. JOHNS '&:SON4 Onooessor to the late Igo. T. :ohne ) ) • !. Importeiti sod Dealers IN 131108 STIINVB and - TallatTNOO, LABTINGII, ' OALLOOIO, ' • ' LACHNITO;ite., &a. • AT , THE OLD..4TANH., Narthead 99rner,of,101311TH rod 41911 Streets febl43m LAINU - la I . No. 30 NORTH -THERM 'STREET, ' Txiiiiitisteigi of, iiad Donlan In, SHOE itrANOPAGTORREs , GOODS, 'And All Mail of Shon TdOln. - _ • UPPIELDE PATENT BOOT TREES. OBEHEING MACHINES. ' " LEATHER 4001Affe MILLS. " SEWING MACHINE SILKS, NEEDLES. ENGLISH, IRISH, and AIONIIOAN MOB THREADS fol6.tmayl2 EDWIN W. PAYNE. . Importer and Dealer DOGS, 81101, and GAITLR BUTERTAV, Iron Building, N. W. comer ANON and iota' H Ste LASTINGS, GALLOONS,' • 811311 TINGS, . Xl/INOH MD, ' ' PATENT LIATHI6II 00NOREE WEB, TOTLET - EiLIPPEIVIIPPIiBk. ' febi•Bm] MOH THREADS, LAtlad, nib. ffcr#iii{erL, AMtI : LIOAR datTA.RO, • - - Suet JARVIS -ISLE ND. , - • We take pleasure in informing farmers, Dealere, and thethe public generally ) that, Mein; been appointed by ABIERIOAN GUANO COMPANY SOLE:AGENTS, For the Sale of this valuable fertilizer, In Philadelphia, we are prepared to rarnielt it In any qaantlty, from the stogie beg or barrel Jo a; Alp'a cargo) at the seal' of pride adopted by,the Company, elk. ; r4owiliOlo-444. kso, bioßouktils, , .......duitto the Oatmlistrild• - anti nude iiidifJAVD3 1114 AND,, and IT: itu r GUANOB, upon , all kinds of soli, hare . , in eve instance. molted in fewor_ef the termer. mane are now enabled to ocrogratulate the liegtimiltural com munity upon haring within its mob, a =• GENUINE GUANO, - At A 41430NABLE The khip iIItiNARD will shortly Arrive at this port s direst from the Lamle. Weare prepared %take crave , fdr dal Tom earl° or fro th them of the aWhite' Swallow " and !‘ Plyi ng Nagle." ' - ALLEN & .NEEDLES, No. 42 B. DILAyAnAI AVENUE, and No. 41 B. 1 1 1!ASTAR BTRIIBT, PHILADELPIIIA. Sole Agente for the States of Pono9Poolo, NeP Jersey, and Delaware. • rei24,mw GUANO, SOMBRPRO ISLAND, W, 1 13oultainto litnto; cit Mick, Her stoat 120 miler N ➢. of ft. Timm's, and le of ioloanlo formation. It is found by analyale to 'contain eighty per sent. of B@HB P1108PHATB" OP *mg, audit nearly fifty per cent. richer In Bone Phosphate than ground bone,. • the Book It mutter, awl applied to land like 'looter. Thle Guano fe , for gale by the quantith or fare, tti Beaters, ettier graded or nnstoOnd t Web, tb Inuineke, La begs or birrele,nt Deeper ton of 2,000 lbs., by JOS. B. 'HANSON & 10D N. DelewareA►enne and 100 N. Water Bt., Sole Jiro:its for Philadelpbla. N. B.—Pabvblobs and_ Oitcrubers tandibed gratis by the Alma,. - • febitin a f rpAsKER- & ()LARK, . MANUPAUTUREEB OP PHOSPHATIC PER. TTLI.r.,ER. AND MEAT:AND PONE COMPOST. ALSO, DEALERS IN BONE DUST, GUANO, km. Price of Fertilizer, $B5 per ton of 2,000 lbs, et the Factory, or 2 cents per lb, if less than s ton. Price of Compost, $25, or 114 cents per lb, Price of Bone Dust, $B5; or 2 ono* per lb. Price of Bone Duet, superfine, $4O, or 2 neat. per lb. Terms mugs. Address '• • ' restos & CLARK, S. W. earner EIGIITH fitzeot and WASHINGTON venue, Ista Prime Arent. ' inh29.Bm VUFER FgOSPENRE OF LIME, made o 00 Bone end Blood, by BLAII,IBTON & WOODWARD ind for male to dealers sad oonstiatere at their No: 47 North -WAS= Street, below Arab, surd mbl7-Iro* Went End MARKET-Street Bridge, Xor Salt (tub to KO. de FARMS, FARMS.—Some of the best JfBY Parma In Chester, Montgomery, and Bnoks emu tleefor sale COTTAOBS and other desirable modern styIoRRSIDNNOBB for esle or rent in and around Nor rlatewn, Hotels, Oltuttry- Stores, either for male or rent. Par fall gartioularn, apply to R. R. CORSON, inbso.lM • Norristown, Penna. maFOIL ,13A L E.-. ; RCIWN43TONE MANSION, one or the SAW , id the &Ay. with large Emden and aosdk-hone. .Lonation ueenrpeased. For fnst.ker parttantive ultimo, with real nerve, W. 0. 8., through this (Mice. mh29-I.2t* S4LE ATLANTIC. CITY PROPER, MT.—One, haudied *ash fifty 1111114 in Loth 'alba. ble fot riotels and Cottages, In the best wad most de /Arable !mantles is Athiattolhty. 'Alio, - tor ' eater the lINITiII STAUB HOTEL at AthusUe bolos the largest and Irma% boatel, most eatihthtial, and but artangatilotel at that place, b 7 . THOMAS U. DUDLEY, mli29.lm* RECONR Street, Camden, N. J. -TO RENT VEILY LOW.—A Brat— dam Roos* on Washington. Square, for the nneZ• plirwl term Of a lame. Nor pattloglara apply at tllla - mh294, PERSONS.DEStRING.ROOMS for /EL bisnufrotering or ,other lingo nag, with steam power ettiehei, it, Xtalltling about to be erected in a central part of the city, will call and eon wlthfer CllMMllNGSicidobiteot, 14A Botth ITILTROU iltreet. 3 • wan.* lm I)APER MILL TO RENT.—The Paper -Yill known as HANWELL MILL, 'ghetto!! on the WlNOtoken Creek, and one mile from Chestnut Rill Rollrma Station , • hie atgted to qloil , 600 Bat Papers.' 'lt has three engin,* 'one four luiehine, 62 1661161 wide, and llto uPPtr4nsoese for ,the sue meal autifsetrite of paper. ` romession given imm?. 4 !?_ t - 61/ A . - -4P St •!!' 't or i-a-r-eF kIIIORGM IL 141 V 12 , Ito.nellosth SIXTH Street: gIHEO., D.- EMORY & GO. 0/21011 Nd. 182 South roumn 8t , Phil% - • Bole d gotta of GEO. O. PUTTS & CO., 'lttluerfittud Shippers of the • LOOMI'DALSI GOAL, • /tom the Unit Mountikin, Near Johlend, epletroj SOIRFSpapt..IIOI7NTY.'Pa. • W. 0110011$:_ 0,0., 2 - _ Dentercandibtripers of goallYl{ll.4, erkel littOdli TOP SEM IBITOMINOTra COAL. OStee 284'; POURTH Street. Viid;''BßOA.ll - 0440t, i?elow Pace. sp2-0m VIILADELP4I4. 't ..; ;'-' litat,gkri '1.445ti0• ',RAPSOIsPs- N 0.159 NORTII EIGHTH STREETS • ' Asv nowopenizg,'inkrrui goitinue . # 0 - _ , NNVTANNI4A;(I2IIIIILSTIENS: 'IIADES! DRESS TRIMMINGS; ' , tIII FANNING BALES. ~ R I*,T ' S Liinsiliusaynnaistote o add ZNPlira Wrolat; man74m; • CORNER. EIGHTH AND WINNUY. 810111KBA ' - •' - X 41. - N -V I L' LA ' - TOR. TRH ' WHOLICSALRI TRADE, Tp_whiolk we invite the Attention of 80IIMERN AND WESTERN J. W. PROOTO - R & 00., , ten • .108 - ORESTNUT Street MHZ -BEST-. SPOOR - 0' FOIAITAS IN PHILAPELPRiA, ! 1 - , , , „ - THORALEY & CHIEN - EIGHTH AND 13PRIgG G DINS Are positively pelting' • , • 141,A0N 13TBLLA. SHAWLS /that $$ to $3 Gra thin some other Mores. Thle fact has beep told then, by WIG" tberoselyes buying at our etore, liAvlug seen the ewe gdods elsewhere.; - Our prima range from to 8301 . /0 4 47 "Olor °metre, of ,Stella", cheap.. ! very Mob. Embroidered and Wain Crape Shawls. Erenbii Las And CLenfilla blantillas, Eoints; A prime lot -- V . • , ery rich and beautiful Fancy Bilks. , A great valety of New Dross Goode, Deist INTIM LUIENB, of our own importation. Opt hiceived—' • - , - , , 1 case Linen HMIs., very "heap. ' ' Clothe Cashiers' Muslin"; Ilannelsy &a, at __Titoßstine—a war N. & pPRINU EtABDNN, TJ O IL ir ° B7 l ;eu dil* h "ll i g e n ' 4 Ei ll : l o l: o l'ill lt ait4C OPll 64 o aßt ili t li t lt .ll ;:l3 7 l: s D E s l ll .7 1 The d MEN'S, sod goods generally appertaining - to, the Hosiery business, for ladles', Gents' -and Children's Wear. 'Upon examination his - stook will be found to be unsurpassed for variety by any other lo 'the city, and Ids prices as low OA those of-any regular house. W HOFMANN, mlill-fmw ly - 9 North HIGHTH Street. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT, ;of all -CA- the New Styles of SPRING GODS Is to be found it 14011LROVS, where they are oonietaaNy reosleing bargains freut Motion - A splendid' assortment of Bias of all grades. and qualities. A: lot of Piney Bilks at $1.12 and $1.26 very cheap. A handsome lot of Savages at SS and 76 cents, worth $l. A beautiful assortment of Stella Shawls,' Nil, de Chesres, Oelaines,De Ospaogs, Satin itlolustrs at the lowest sash prises. , , • .Cloths , Oassimeres, sad Satinotts for lien's and Boys' wear. Table slid Shirting Linens; Lawns, Chintzes, Sheeting'', &0., &o. . A -beautiful assortment of Smisiolderies, !rigs and Oanihrto Muslims, at very low prices. . beintlful assortment of Linen Cambric ladkre. "At . MoOLROIVS, No:11 136tith NINTII Street. P:B.-:-Dealy In tooolit ot'NeW Goods: • tuikr-tt . _ .INENS FOR MEN'S WEAR. AZlnriolll/ Linen Company's superior "style Brown Linen Coatings, X and X, various abodes; Brown and Bleached Linen oaths, Tarlosur styles ; Brown Linen Drills. A choice •Anortment of, the above Wads now on sateple, NA tor isaletsy • . • JOSEPH LEA; • 'dlB-tf • ' 121 and 280 CHESTNUT Street; eniresi! eompaniCe. FAIIGO, & CO., NEr*YORIC AND' CALIFORNIA BXPREBEI AND EXORANGR OOMPAITk OAPITAL ,$600,006. 400 CiIIETNIIT'TILEET. CALIFORNIA EXPRESSES leave on the 6th and 20th of each month. ' • ISLAND OP CUBA EXPEESSES by all the reguler eteamers—say 24, 12th, 17th, end 27th of each month. COLLECTIONS made on HAVANA. with prompt re- Pirna • 'We consign to our Mende, P. O. Slombeller 00., ,Havana. EXCHANGE en ant PantoiBoo,o4lloolt, St2IDWIOtt IiILANDIi, and tLivana, for aide in enure to malt. OAEIPURNIA: COLLECTIONS. , 117 - Our BAN ntesorecti home gives sortie at• tention to collections on ell points in California and ,Oregon, with, prompt returns:, lifenufselarere and merchants making sales for California or Oregon, can 41.AI:twilit their bills of tiding thrqh our honsis, and hdve the involeen paid fob on ant of the goods there, thtle purchaseta full benetito time on Saida, end yet the sellers maintain control of their property until paid for. D. N. BARNEY, Ja.,-Agent. marlB•gm Mtn AVAR EXP" 3 GMATBUUT 13013191WATEBN '3X 'PREM. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. RATES REDUCED. The ADAMS EXPRESS 00., haring completed ar rangements with the Norfolk and Petersburg, Peters burg and Lynchburg, lead Tenn., and Virginia Rail roads, ho., ho., ate now prepared to give QUICK DPSPATOI, at inrielip REDUCED-PRATES, to goods deithied for pieces in VIRGINIA, NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA. GEORGIA, ALABAMA, and EAST and WEST TENNESSEE. The establishment of a THROUGH INLAND ROUTE from PHILADELPHIA to MEMPHIS, Tenn; slicauee to Sobttharn lied Southwestern buyers a Bete and reliable moans of transportation at very reasonable rates, and avoids the risks of ocean navigation. Shippers preferring this: 1114 a Route are requested to mark goods a vie RICHMOND " Those selecting the route Vie Chesapeake , Nay, at * Lowrie earn or skinner, will melt packages VIA NORPOLK." Irr Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots and Shoes,•Books, ho., fir , merchand ise genexellY, =tainting - elk feet to the 100 pounds, will be deemed and taken as Betio , /freight,' 11 - 37, Liaise and Solari *loon* taken at a reasonable 111 1 0 1' Vie li ttifittlifEilit - iiiiito — the South and Southwest, by Steamers to Charleston and Savannels, will be oontiuned as heretofore. Tor further information 'apply at the 00Ice, No. 820 CHESTNUT Street. mll7-Bm, - ADAMS EXPRESS co. -SIOPPMII FOR THE I3OUTH-011.6.BLES TON, SAVANNA H , and HAVANA STEAM. . 11.71iSTONE STATE, Oa taro 0..5. Matahman. G STAN! ON i IIORNVIA, tabs John I. Gerrin. ISABEL, ,Cap6aiti Wm. Do • • ' NOR 00ABLERTON, 8.0. '- The U. 8. -Mail ,Steamehip 11EYSTONNI STATE , Captain Hershman, through in 98 to 50 hours, will sail on Erdlay, April 16th, at 10 A M. NOD SAVANNAH, Ga. The U. 8. 51411 Steamship STATE OP GEORGIA, Capt. John • Garvin{ will sail on Wednesday, April 20th-at 10 o'clock, A. M. The splendid Scat-olwes Steardehipa ENV IRONS. STATE 4410 RTATE_OF GEORGIA now run as ahoii ever ten day*, thus forming a flve.day arm mihiliation with the South and Southwest. Er Goode reoeteed and bills of liens signed every .; At both. Oharleiton and Reeenneh these ships neot with steamer! for Florida, and with reproads, Ac., for all plaaasin the South and &nattiest; and with the Steamship ISA}iED . , for Weans, on the 4th -and 19th of every month. - . - _ NBEIGIQ REDUCED. • New Rea York s rrei g ii amship - ainitvers g iiiilliper sent. , below te rata. iNI3I3BANON. ~ . Freight inedlosaranas on,alarge'proportion of GoSde shipped South will be found to be lotUr 18j , thella ships . than b y sailing reseals. Cabin Passage to Oharleeton and Savannah 815 00 Steerage " it dr 800 Bleurelon Tiokete, good for the present Year— • . 80 00 Tickets to Haan& 66 00 TkrouglEaltbio to Ne*Orleens 89 15 Mobile . ' . Sidntgomery, . 20 00 13* - Aubia7, - cs 24 00 Do Columbus Ga. 23 00 Do Atlanta, di 28 00 Do Macon, Ga 21.00 Do ` Palatka Fla ' • ' 2300 __ __ Do' Picolata , , Fla. SS 00 Do JaekaontiLe Pin. 21 00 Do Pornondino via. 9100 No bUhi of lading signed eftWthe slily bra ladled. No freight received on the day of eilltng. For freight or panne apply to A. ENRON, Jr., Southwest earner FOURTH and QUEST NUT. Arne In ( 8 11 a L y te n er. 0 T. A 0.1 R T. l i, 111118 : ' _ FOR. RICHMOND, VIA, NOR -7,• ' VOLE AND CITY POINT.—BPDING AR. ODMINIT—TWICX A WEAK.—Union fiteAmahlp - Ociripany's Line Bteluucklim—To cal BVERY WRIIDIMAT and ,13ATI,BDAY, at 8 o'clock A. IL, until fOtthar notice. PLINUNIA, Captain NOLVANA J. RA el ly. CITY O I DICHMON e D, n p D i T Z Mitchell. Thou doe steamships will nail as above. Thayere handsomely fitted up for pomanders, having microns on deck, are provided with Pransia , s Patent Metallic Life lioats,'Life Preservers, fro.. and no pains or expellee spared for the comfort Or safety of ?imagers and the protection of geode. Thus line offers the quietest, cheapest, and most com fortable route for passengers, and Is in advance of any other for despatch and economy for freight to the in terior of-Virginia, North Carolina, end Venatesee. - - • No transhipment by this line. Usage to ltiehmoud or Petersburg $B, meals included. Do. Norfolk P i ' meals Inoluded. - - THOMAS WEBBTDR, Ja.. Genera/ Agent,' 'felddim It North WIIABVZO: agiiSTEAK TO OLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BBLYABT, DUBLIN, 'AND LONDON OMNI% without delay, for 130. Return tickets, good for sin months, to either of the atom picot's, by ILO steamer of the line, 00 for the round trip, out and bleak. - =lll=3 GLASGOW, Thoninon, ilotonlay, Noah 10th, at 12 iPolook noon. BDINIIVOGII, Damming, Wedaroidon April 18th, at 120 , 01001 noon. . GLASGOW, Thomism, Batardiky, May 14th, 1.2. o'clock YU% GLASGOW. EDINBURGH, Clamming Saturds M GLASGOW; Thou:mon, Wedueaday Y , a A: 1 ;11 1' 20 1 1 th. MDLNSIIEGH, Ouranting, Saturday, )dsy 7th . BATES ON PAKIAGEL - 1 i - num GLASGOW. 11011 NNW YOWL IfirstOlses 15 guineas • First Olsee • g 75 00 Menage, foaled with ; Steerage, found with cooked prorisione 8 'i cooked procialowl. 80 00 Ohildren - under 72 years of age ; half hire i genntn i n Moorage, free. : Bet= tickets *callable within els 'Months, by May ebsganer of this line. • ' Bird Olses 8149 Steerage - - Soo An experienced: Burgeon attached to sash Steamer: Yor freight or passage apply to - , - , - WORKMAN &.'00.,198 WALNUT - Streat,"-Ptilladel. phis. , _ 110 BER - OBAIG ; 17 Broadway; Kerr York. . - BALL & 'LOBBY, Buchanan's Wharf ; Baltimore. , mill - NEW REMEDY FOR -NEURALGIA AND HIADACHSI-11. W. TROXFILL'B NED RAL4IA' BALPA fi et sovereign remedy for this dia• ease, est well an for aeon headache In every 11119t54160 whim ghee been applied it has produced & certain and speedy cure. la-eases anneals yew , standing, after every other remedy bee failed, this BAUD like magio has been successful and relieved the patient entirely with the use dens box - ,cfsiy. Prepared and for mile, wholes retail, at Ids Drat Store, D. W. dinner BI,X.PIE Mgr PLUMBIC streets. Phila. mhta f-f QOIIOLZ .& SANENTZE.Y., 1.7, 116 13onth EIGHTH Wrest, beton Cheetnnt, nthORTSIts ADD DEALERS ID' AIiTIBTS , MA TERIALB, Benommend to Artists and , the public in general their l'arge stock of Juvenile Paint Beim, Wilmer & New ton and Geo. $010207 & 09.4 OH and Water (Colors ' Drones, •.Igoglioh and German Canvas, Whatmania Drawing Pe re, Colored Crayons, fitadieo, Colored Platurao for framing, &0., &e. Dinootutte siren to Teachers' and Beminarlea. Conn ;Donlan Irlingled it trade prime P76 -am ',II2IIIERS',.M A TITIn 11010T4 , ---/ERS'-31A.TERIALS.—A latgo and iLL . Taried(lmottment annitantly In Store, to whieh I oat] the„sittenVon of the Trade. , Prices to low' an tbW o .9fan kontSLIII HAW York. CHARLES litruntix, - n0.40.4* 628 MINOR Street. .E.egal' atim. TIEGAD STREET-..NOTIOE. TO OWN.; 9-P , BR9: ' • • ; 't Notice IS hereby given tinder the order at that the claire% appointed to names the can e n c. taioed by the 'opening of - ORO kb Street from the Ger mouton" Turnpike Road to filietocn Zane, veal meet at the Office of the Oity Noraiiisetonira, No. BTATR iiObEIN.ROW, op TiCTREIDAY; tke nineteenth' , der of , April; 1059, at three o' look At -ghee and where ell Priieholdere - irothid taken by said Arcot apikeqttaated td attend, * and also =to appear% tionrt upon the brewing of the report of-Ntid,Jttry, it they kereeny objection to mike there•c4 - • JOBSPWP: BRINTON, - 'Attorney for Petitioners. sp4-Inwf4t* NOTICE.—RELLER R. ORESSMAIT and J.® FIRMLY 8. OBEEOLIkti, oo:partners , under the firm of R. R: de H. OROBBM AN, having evaded to, me, March 29, 1860, a general assignment for the hene. fit of their creditors, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those halting claims to present them to. THOMAS d DINAL, Assignee, L. , • 680 WALNUT Street: 101460 t N THE - ORPHANS' COURT POR THE DITY AND CIOUNIT OP PHILADELPHIA:, - ' ESTATE,OP WILLIAM 80/TE, DEOBASID. Notice hi hereby given ) that BAB= W. - 80PflEi the widow of Bald decedent, hai prasents end flied in laid Court an appraliement and ,petition, cloth:ding to ta -tain'pernbnal eaters therein mentioned, t, the value of POO. ender the eel, 'of Aseemb'y of April ditt, - 1801; 11 and the, rams 'will be approved, on the ,35th day of. Yana, 1810, unnee exceptions be promoted, thereto,, 01 - IAttLBB Poi Petitioner. apl-ftwit Notito SEALED PROPOSALS will be ,recelired at the Office of the PHILADELPHIA kW.: WORKS,' until noon of FRIDAY, 13th of April next, for delivering' at the Gas-Works, or stanch wharf in, the port of Philadelphia an may .be designated at the time of delivery, the following, OAST-IRON PIPES or any part thereof—the offers to be'endoieed n Proposals for Pipes," to wit: 10 000 feet of Pipe, 2 inches In clear diameter. ' —lO,OOO do do. do, 8 do do do do.' 10,000 do do do, 4 do do do do. 2,000.,da, do do , - 0 do do :do do. 2,C00 ,do do, do, 8 do do do do. Together with each branches, drips: sleeves; and re dOcing pipet eie than be designated at the time of exe oodng the cootract,.the whole to be 811144 in a per feet and workmanlike, manner, free from overlaps or projecting teems, and made of strong, tough iron sults, able for drilling and dressing; the moulds to be Muted or blackened so se to clear the castings from sand; the pipet 4 0 he proved at the furnactuhdrr a pressure equal to 300 feet head of water;' the said ptoof to .be made tinder the inspection of an .Agent of the Tinsteee of the Hee- Woiks, at the - einem!! of the theattfedtiter, and 'to be =bled, on delivery, to Inepeotion and ap proval by the Engineer of-the Has-Works. The dimensions and forms of castings will be re quired to Correspond with the standard* adopted, at these worts, unless the contrary, be expressly agreed on, and ehould any departure from it be intended i the weight must be named in the ' proposal ; • The weight of thoee now in use is as follows: - . . . . . 2 inch Pipe, 6 feet long, 60 lbe, • 8 do do, 9 do do, 140 do. 4 do do, 9 do do, 190 do. 6 do do, 9 do do. ZOO do. 8 do do, 9 do do, 400 do. The thickness of metal in the, branches to be the MUM pa in the Pipes. Proposals must state the price per lineal foot for the Pipes, and the gross ton of 2,240 lbs. for the other outings, and also the proportion of each edge the bidder can furnish each month. The de. 'leery to Commences in May, and be completed on or be. Fors the let of beptembor neat. In • ease of failure to deliver at the specified time, the right is reserved to min:lase of 'other parties, and dharge to the contractor any logs or damage oomwoned thereby. . Any bid May be accepted, either In part or alto gether, at the option. of .the Trustees. The terms ofj payment will be four and`SLl months from the time of each delivery, in two equal instalments or, at the op tion of the Trhstees; payments Will be In °Aliff, with legal interest dedueted. 6.atlefactory security for the fulfilment' of the con tract Will be required. .701124 0. °BERME( ' Engineer. Philadelphis Gae•Worke, March 31, 1859 mull grIFFIOE OF THE PHI ADELPH ill READING RAILROAD COMPANY. pumice, March 12, 1852.—The Rates of Frei Voila on Coal transported by this Company w follows, from 14th March, until further notice To Richmond if Phßedell:dila ri Inclined Plane, - tt Nicetown • Germantown R. ft. tt l'aUs of Schuylkill " Hanayunk' • • " Spring Mills Oonehohoolien and Plymouth R • tt Rambo's and Potts and Jones.— " H. rastown and Brldgport ort liourotay ttValley Yorge tt Phtbniiiille ' 4 ROJOI'II 2ord ",Pottetown ' DeniglaenTille 'Birdebsresi tt Reading Between Reading & Hohraville... tt Mobraylle it Hamburg ,Orwigeburg By order of the Board or Almegers. mhl.44m W. H. MottALßNllßVOmetary ,QPEOIAL NOTIOE.---Dealers In Ctoodyear'n SO' Vatentfor 'Vulcanised Rubber. Boopenders, 8 1161 . 11 4 Webs, and another Pabrics said articles made by covabiu log fibrous substances with threads or silents of valoan .lled rubber aronothied that unless the same are properly 'stamped or labelled with my name, and by my,saithori ly, . they cannot be legally disposed of in the, United 'States Merchants and dealers are Invited to examine ;specimens now in store, and to give their orders for the ;Spring Tin4O tithe underaigned, Atom:TUVE clyl4- 'XII. OP TDB TITLES Amp ExcLuetva'BlONTfl IN TEE PATENT for these tootle, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and many others. MOANS= TO MANUPACTDEB AND BELL `—and the Terme—may be obtained on application to meet No: l 8 CORSTLANDT Otniet, N. Y. n24-lx . BOVCAO2I U., DAY. FAMILY' BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND YOUNG ALEN, at POTTBTOWN, Montgomery County, Penna. The ensuing Summer Benton willoommence ou WED NESDAY, May 4th. This School is confidently reoom mended to parents, as affording advantages equal to any of its clams in the country. Among theme may be in stanced: Seasonable terms; a healthy and beautiful location ; a thorough comae of instreetion, conformed 'to the future business of the pupil, so tar as it may be reasonably anticipated ; liberal provision for the corn. 'fort of popils,and minute attention to their personal habits; mild and parental discipline; An experienced tetehet for every ten pupils. gimlets, grafi frill partienhus, will be promptly forwarded. Address • RSV. M. /GEM'S, A M., Prinotpil. BirSIENOSS IN THU OIXt. Tames L Olaghorn, Ere.; James 'B. Caldwell Esq.. Z. Westeott Batley, Eeq.; Solomon' M. Bonn, Esq ; A F. Glass, Bag ; John W. Olaghorn. Itre ; Joseph It gums, Bee.; Alfred Basaltt, Esq.; E. V. nallada, Bre lley. /obit Felton; Bev. George =Bald. aps tt 1%/i USIO LtssoNs.—AtiSs OttEROLL, No 622 South TSNT.II Street, third 'door above Shippen, continnee to give 'swine on the PIAN0.17011T111; either at her Madame or at the :homes of pripile Por terms apply as above. ap2-I.* NEW LONDON- .S.OADEMY, °RESTER J. 'I COUNTY, PA. 1 Prof. EDWARD D. PORTER, A . hi., Principal. The EMI golden of this well-known tkhool will =ammo May 24.1859. It in located in a retired end healthy village, lastly celebrated for the salubrity of Ite olfmate, and the elevated character of its citicene. A poach meete the morning cars from Philadelphia end 'Baltimore et Newark, Delaware, to oteivey students to the caderet. , VIREO-886 per cession of five menthe. The Prinelpal may be seen at the GIRARD HOEBE every SATURDAY from 2 to 5 P. M., until May 2d. ept-Irn Vl] - UTE HALL AOADEMY, three milee T T west of 114.1111.1BDUPG, Pa. The Betentointh semi. annual session will commence on MONDAY, May 2d. The attention of invents and guardians ie solicited to its advantages. Terms, $BO per semi= of 21 weeks. The Principal can be seen at the Tinton Hotel, every afternoon from the 11th till the 16th of April inclusive. • eity references given. For Oirsulars, address D.-DBNLING.II% I:lA6o4Bt* Harrisburg, Pa. VOTING LADIES' INSTITUTE of HAT- Pa..--2nmorr Beulon begirds MONDAY, May 2d. For Circulars Address '3311104m* H■T. GRO. HAND, Principal. 11E1E' WEST- CHESTER ACADE MY, W 2137 °MIST ER. Pa., will ocurunenos -its 10th Session, under the charge of its present Principal, on the first of May next, The course of instruction is EXPENSIVE and THOROUGH, designed and arranged to prepare ;boys and young men far College or for the business requirements of active life. The GRIDIAN and FRENCH languages are taught by NATIVE, RE SIDENT TEACHERS of tact, talent, and experience. Average number of pupils 76, under the charge of Teachers, including the Principal. /or Catalogues and full information apply to mh7-2m WM. Y. VEERS, A. M., Principal. liadroalt Cue. gia mming TaROIN T I T. C4Ets .. . SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST, - Vl4. PHILADELPHIA-WILMINGTON, AND BAD. , ... TIMOR.; RAILROAD. Through. tickets can now be procured at tho offices, of Gala Oompaoy to thefoll wingpolatn : Waahington. D. 0. „Knoxville, Tenn. -Richmond, Va. Nashville, Tenn. , Petersburg, Va. Obattanooga, Tenn. Norfolk, Ira. . Grand Junction, Tenn. Weldon, N. 0. , Memphis, Tenn. Wiliobintin, N. 0. Huntsville, Ale. ~ Charlestoti, B. 0. . Dalton,.Ga. - Augusta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Maoon Ga. .. .oolumbwi, Ga. , ~, Atlanta, Ga. . Montgomery, Ala. , . . ,:Mobile; -Ala. New Came La. . , Baggage oheokei to all the above points. The- etmunatelp ISABEL leaves CHARLESTON for, HAVANA, on the 4th and 18th of each month, and offers a very desirable rows to pun/engem for the latter pOrti avoiding Cape Hatterse.. Tor ticketa, or information, apply at the offices of the company in YORK c 229 BROADWAY, or N. J. B. R., foot NEW 1 of 0001ITLeNlYS street. . - N. W. coo. SIXTH. and WIEST RMLADIALPHIA/ NUT Streets, orBROAD and PRIME Depot. B. M. SALTON,Preeldest. Pin: A., April 1,3E59. mb213,9p , , NOTIOE.--OHESTER SIMANNE VAUNT RAILROAD —PAS UNGER TRAINS NOR DOWNINGTOWN' AND IN TARMRDIATE STATIONIK—On sod after let Janu ary. 1859, the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN, will start from' the Psedenger Depot of the Phlledel phis and Reading Railroad Oompany. Comer of BROAD and VINII Streets • mantra TRAM for Downingtown, hang at 7.20 A. M. • ARTIIINOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves li 8.80 P M. 'DAILY (Bandar troepfed.) By order of-the Board of Managers of the Philade phis and Reading Railroad Oximpany. den. - - W. R. MoILHIONNIY, Reoretary. Cabinet IDdre. OABINET TURIZITpRE AND BILLT AR lJ TABLREI. MOORE & CAMPION, • • .-15i0:461 . HOIITFLISBOOND 8 0.11103 Ti In commotion with . heir extensive •Clabinet 'Dulness, Ice now mastufaeturing -a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a full. enpply, ilahthed with ohloolll ti OAMPIONiii IBLYROVED OUBILIONS 2 ' which are prumunced by all who have Used them to be NORD rto all °there." - tho quality Bud finish' of these Tablee the menu , focturera refer to their unmerorte patrons throughoht the Milo% who are familiar with the Character of their work. iali•em 141al, THOIL49B ar. 80/nAti'f . OA • Nee.-180 141.)101311i 10Mkrit Megan; Mannerly N0u.61 end lea' PING eaLINI— STOOKS 41111,111.11. L 1S1'•711., , Ninth Elpriag Bile l2tli April, Tenth Elpring 79th 11:77 Pert of the Ithodbilte for atekof the spay malts low SOO; . ' ; . . - ' -,' STOCKS; As. -•_ ' • . - . -, ' f - . - On Testallay livening, _- • ' _.- • • ; April 12th, at 73 o'clook, at the PhliadilYkul.BX. change, will bo told, previous to real estate- 7 . 1 110 _ shares Wed " Philadelphia Mrittialfaviiii land and Trust Company, per $6O-.'.of which $4 per share , has been paid. , ' 1 share Arolvstreet Theatre Stodlr, with ticket. : 1 share Philadelphia Library Company.- - • - - $4Bl scrip of the Delay am Mutual ins. Cd. - - • • 1 share - Pemisyloanis Academy ,of Plzuvarte. . 1 share Mercantile Library Company. - - -:- 1 share Philadelphia and Haire de Grace Steam Tow floe4 Company. • - • • --,, '.- --: '`,. - • !. -1 shaft in the Point Breeze Park Association-, - . - 111pi8ea.T.tpee Dale.—Shares In the Academy of IllaeArta and Atheasenni. -•- _ - ~ . 1 share Mercantile Library. . _ 1 Shiro Phllidelphia - Athenseam. - NINTH -RHINO SALT--AVAIL 19111, Will irroldde ' net,otorto peremptory Sale—Estate of Dr. Peter She eirberwer. Deceased. TWO LOTS OF GROUND, east side of Broad street. north of Federal street. Bach-22 feet front, and 200 feet deep, with two fronts , Same Rotate TWO LOTS OF GROUND, east side of Broad streeti south -of Federal street, erot 94 feet front, 990 feet deep, with two fronts. • 'Rome Bella- 1 4T OF GIEOUNDreeit Ode of Broad street, south of Federal street, 20'feet 'front, 200 feet deep, parrowLog on the rear end, two fronts. • Same Estate.—LOT 01 enotato, southwest corner 'of Broad. and Federal streets; 90 feet'-front, 278 feet deep, three [rents • - Pamir Estate.—TWO LOTS OF GROUND.- went side' of Broad etreet i i tleof Federal - street; sate - El feet front, 178 feet dee with two fronts. Some Estate —• OT OF GROUND. emir 814 e O f liz `" teenth, street, south of Federal street; 93X.leet front,' 278 feet deep, narrowing on the rear end, two (route. . Muse Estate.—THßMl LOTS OP GROUND, stet side of Fifteenth street, south of Federal etreet,..eleh 11 feet front, 178 feet deep, with two . , Same Estate.—TWO, LOTS or GROUND, 'Muth Side of Medina street, east of liftelrethetreat; each 18 feet frost and 110 feet deep " if Same Nstate:-.TWO LOTS OF GROUND,-north side of Federal street, east of , Fifteenth littera, sash 11' feet front and 104 feet deep. : 0 ' Same Estate:—TWO LOTS OF GROUND, 'east side of Fifteenth street, northef Federal street, each 18 fest front, by 101 feet deep.. ' • • -' - - Sams Estate.—LOT OD GROUND, south aide of Fe deral otemet, West of Gloried street; 18 feet front, 107 feet deep tame Estate—LOT OP GROUND, Southwest corner of Padova and Clarion etreels,lB feet front and 108 feet deep, two fronts. Same Balite —TWO LOTS OF GROUND north'elde of Federal street, west of Clarion street, 18 feet front and 112 feet deep, • Same Estate —TAT OF GROUND, 'slat hide of Witte street, north of Federal 'street, 16 feet front 80 feet . . —Same Estate.—LOT OP GROUND, west side of Ole , Mon street, north of Federal - etreet 'l6 ferit'cwnt, 611 feet front. • • Same Setate."—TWO LOTS OF GROUND, east side otWatte street, south of Federal 'Street, each 16 feet front; SO feet deep. Some ,Detate—TWO LOTS OF GROUND, west side of Clarion street, south of Federal street, each 16 feet frcint,l36 feet deep. Same Estate. —LOT OF GROUND, west side of Thirteenth street, south of Federal street, 10 feet front, 109 feet deep, two front,. • ' • Some Estate.—TßßßE, LOTS OP GROUND, north side of Federal street, tut of Thirteenth street, each 11-feet front, 101 feet deep, with two emote.," Same Estate.—TWO LOl B OF (MOUND, north side of - Anita - street., , west of Twelfth .streetiese,h - 16 feet front and about 79 feet deep. . . Same - Estete.—LoßGß AND 'VALUABLE-LOT OF GROUND:—AIeo, the undividerlone.fourth intermit in the lot of ground northwest corner of Broad and Fede ral streets. 103 feat fronton Broad street, 920 feet deep, three fronts. ilk Selo of the whole of the above estate peremptory. 11:7 Full particulars in hasdbilte.. - - Orphans' Court Sale—Ratite of Lloyd IT. ' Motley, De- VERY VALUABLE OBRIOE PROPERTY, No. 820 Walnut street, between Third and Fourth streets, lot 20 feet front, 82 feet deep.r At present occupied as ,omete• ET' In one of the most valuable squares in I d Welntit street. - - = To Maculae:arm and Others.'- t t BLiTLANDI7III:I3 PROPERTY , -Store, 18 dial lingo, ice.housei mill. dam, stone-quarry, and 18 *eras of land, with 050 feet front -on the -Darby Passenger Railroad. 1 mile from Market street. .117" Pall particulardin . handbills, and lithographic 25 i2O p lans at the auction rooms: 25 I 20 To Capitalists, Brick Mallefe, - and Others. 1 ~,2 5 1 , 20 _ To TRAOT ON LAND, over 11 stared con , .. "Li ' tainhtg a large body. of brick clay, Long lane, nea r 1 25 1 20. road, ledertal street, and the gray' s, Perry, Passenger. 115 1 20 Railway. 1 251 20 Orphan' , Court Sale—Estate of JliMillt White; Deo l d '. ' I. 15 110 spring trafaen: ~.. 1 13 111. afore e ° 4 e u l t r ,:n d o l3 w A l t e 1 II ~C o l l :s t ::::sl t i qr t B t " , lTe e t r 15 t ' 10 Some rtta1te..4.19111,111141011r BRlOl{ ,_ DWELLING, la 10 northwest side of George street, !eat of Nineteenth St., l 1 I 10 , late Spring Garden. - 101 iUU , Same Estate.-4ALUABLII BtfillPfESS STAND. .1 1 1 n (0 1 ., is .o 'I T I 1 :o f I -1 1 :: 7 7 ,1 7 : , 1 " 1 . 00 Of Coates and Marshall street"; I 00 1 00 -. HANDSOME COONTRY PLACE , 19 LOBES, at the. 25 95 junction of the Bristol mad Baitleton turnpike, a short, so 50 dietance from the Paisienger Railway depot, trardtford,, 80 80 Twenty-third ward. - 20 00 '• Also, POUR ACRES ADJOININO,at the coiner of 80 80 Abe Bristol turnpike and Bridge street, well adapted for building Iota: . , HANDSOME NEW IBEtitmeNoz, with side yard, stablij and coach-house,- Prankford road, north' of Somerset reseot, iff feet - fronty IEO feet deep, two fronts, Immediate posseseldn. ; PINE ETRE ItT.--Tbree=stary 'brick dwelling, No. 2501 Pine street, west'of Twenty-third Mreet, PINE ISTREIT.-11andsome modern resldendd, Ho, 1009 Pine street, west of Tanta street. Immediate possession: • Peremptory [Bale —NEAT THREE-STORY BRICK dwelling. Twenty first street, between Arch and Fil bert streets. Bale absolute. Immediate possession... BII.ION,KILNB, INTED3,"LNABN, &o. _ This &finning, April Ws, dt *look, at the brick...yard Long , below lldok Lane, and nearly, cppoeite Bast & MoCtody , s. fitely oectiniall by Taylor, -2 good brielt. Mine brick • preps, Sheds, millet pump,: brioB . opt*, tools, Rd. : Alio, the good-wlll and leasi foesigttt, years. , gale at No. eat North Pith Strent. f ill Niratil i nfltEtt:JtOSlllWOOD PIANO OVAL N 6 mTlizognsmitroaar , "" Morning; - Bth instant, at 10 o'oloek, - at No eel-North YNtth St., below Coates, the gentiel lurnitnie:, rosewood piano, oval mirror, on panties; Broe•an, carpet; , s gentleman leaving the eity. Also, a Wilder fire-proof safe. sa F7 2 l2ay be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of Rae at .No. 1120 Walnut Street. HANFEIOII3I FURNITURE, SUPERIOR PIANO ',mica MIRRORS, ouattnzuzsa, vELTiaI OARPETB, RIOS OUT GLASS, &d. On Monday Morning . . • . Aprll.llth, at 10 o'clock, at No .1120 - Walnut street, by catalogue, the entire furniture, Including floe toned rosewood piano, wade by Bacon & Raven ; set of wary rieb end elegant out glass, &o. frr Null partials:, In catalogues three days pre vious to sale. Sim:dote' Ssle onthel.remiAae—Green Street. - BESIDZNON AND YORNITGBI2.„ On Tuesday Horning. 12th instant, solo Woo*, at No. 1010 Green street, .between 2`,..nth and Alacenth streets, will be Judd on, the premises, the neat modern reslddnoe j 18 by 20 feet. Clear of all'hunmbrance. 1 0 - Bull particulars in handbills. , 11.0II8RHOLD 111RNITIINE. Immediately after the sale of the house. will be sold the neat household furniture, tspeetry carpets, two gold watches, . - Bale ►t VOL, 180 ►nd 141 South' Booth Street . . . . . OUPEII.IO9. PUNO-FORTIIB NM' PRENCH'PLATA MLll$O9ll, 114U881M4 OAR vales, &a. On.Thoirdif Morning, Ai 9 o'clock, at • the &netted stare, en extensive assortment of excellent saeond-hand furniture, elegant piano -fortes, 'fine mirrors, carpets, eta., from fales declining housekeeping, reinoved to the, store for con venience of aale; 1 . M. CitrAlMEr& SONS, , ON • BAAL 31113TATII AtIOTIONMS Ho. no wAwarr intim? OABD.—d. M. Gumsnorfc emus, - suotionoont) min hold regular sales of Baal lotote, Ranks, fro.- Also. AM:toehold rural:Aro al dwollinge. riuVLl)ikLLfl& QT On our Private -Bale •Register wlll always be lomd a very large ancositt of real *ate iseluding every desoriptlon of city satticomitry yroper is J. „012518i1Y & BOk , Real Istate Broken 520 W.IIMITP Street, below Mai T HAL f D, AUOTIOI4I6 IFJP- ♦ND OOMISTABiON'3IDBORANT,"O.II. loomet RPM an4RAGN Streets ThiIKENSN SALE OF FORFEIT D OOODF—OVER 2,000 LOTS OF VdLIIABLI FORFDLTED 00LLA• TEBALS. On Monday Morning,' April.lBth, at 10 &cloak, at Moses' Nathan's , . nun tton store ' sou th east earner of Sixth and Bane streets consisting in part of diamords, wattles, jewelry, fowl log places, piatole. mantel timb-pierce, dressing - case &o , a number of fine single atone aull cluster dtamoo breast-pins and finger-ringsprilliantsof Mellott water' and some of The largest and moat valuable ever offere. atpubllo auction. ,* • Particulars to-morrow. MONEY TO LOAN Allottay to loan, in largo or mall amounts, on mer- Ohandise generally, and on all articles of Caine. Ali sums over one hundred dollars two per mot. per month inclu d ing storage, &o , at Nathans , Principal Eatabliehment, 8. 1. corner of SIXTH and BADE Sta.- GREAT PUBLIC AGOOMMODATIOR. MONEY! NORM ! . MONEY I I Honey liberally advaneed in large or small mounts, from one dollar to thonaande, on gold and allver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling -planes, lamina] Ingraments, fannture, dry goods clothing, grocerlea, cigars; hardware, cutlery .- books , lio ness , vehioles, her. nese, and all &Moles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Natkonsl Prencipot .Establishmans, Southeast darner of Sixth and Rona streets: . . . . . . PHOMMORY NOTIII3, with eollateral, dlecouated at the lowest tztarket :aka. . . GREAT' BABGALINB RN WATCHES, JEWEL - 117 . , 0., AT PRIVATE ULM, at NATHAittli PRINCIPAL ESUBLIBRIESNT, S. H. Corner of SIXTH and BACK Streets.—The following artiolea will be sold fallen& than half the used store Pine gold English:patent full Jeweled and plain, of the most approved and beet ' make In hunting 611104 and double* bottomed. Bine gold eliespement lever and 'lepine watches, in hinting ease and open face, some of them extra full jeweled end but make.' illitur English patent lever +watches, a capement lever and lepines, in hunting ease arid 'open free, come Very superior Ileglieli, Swiss, 'French, and gaudier watches; fine gold vest, fob, - neck, and chtldren's ch ains; fine' gold pencil cane sod pens, bracelets, breastpins,linger-Tinge, ear-rings, deb, me dallions, and jewelr ygeneeally. Superior Manual:if/ars at $l6 per thousand, in boxes of 200 eaoh, will be sold by single box or quantities to snit purchasers. 14u mesons fanoy artleloa. &e. kn.. &a. -. r • ••••• AT PRIVATE MALE 41 A parader Are-proof chest, 4-feet high by 3 feet wide.: Also; watch es awl Jewelrfat enerydasorlption ST. LOUIS, Mo. WILLIAMS • & BOYLE, Averrommat AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 10 North MAIN STRBST, Sr. Lome; Mo., (formerly with Menem Myers, ()Leghorn, & llo.sPhilidelphia,) offer their servmos - to the merchants; maingeouteis, qnd others of Philadelphia, for the ealehf dry goods, oar. pets boas, shoes, hardware, jiwelry, , &e. oash,adrauees made on receipt of goods. Scittlemetitstriade three diva after ode. emeAstaworts. Monis. layers, Olaghonti & Co., Phila. w Btuart & Brother - ,t w Van Wyok, Tom:U.llnd, & WOITINIS, New York " L. &'B. Curtis & Co, tf " Wood, Christy, & Co., Bt..Lonts, Rio. w Crow McCreary, & Co., " Mr. IL B. Wood, N 0.28 North Third street will ad vice with parties consigning from Philadelphia. mt.f m QDptitian QPEOTAOLES, " Of GOLD, SILVER, AND NLASTIO DUEL, Allin t with Pebble and dna Flint eleAlee. INSTEMANNTS for Mathematics arid Surveying. Thermouratore, Seturel Apperettle, - nuonOsooPEs, -. - made molter ogle low by - JAMES W. WEN a. - 00 - 1 i OE4 ' CHESTNUT Street,‘Tkilludelpbfil.' Priced end illuetrated thirologinui ifent by mail free of oherge. whb-Egi wimmffffff!lifffm FlaiiAtigS/3, aal No: 419htb: itlnit WSW -41.1411 1218, OM:roft '9l' Moult*, '41.81T:891, - AP:: 0 APO •=the atte lotion -of -- ... - smisiukie4 - 1; *nee 01, to - our male of, I.w hundred Inca ikreuels. , 4r, .409411, this (Yridayy - morning; Aprll . Boh, et 10-,:oielock;. by , agelogue, oD ell eoteprielat essoitnieet-of desirable glocig. , e . Befallen, - , BLADE AliD OOLORED .11111144,11iikt AND - - nit Morning • Oonsistinr of 60 pieces 24 and 40 InoyeiP:natent" bleak silks for 3 pieces 60-inch - 0.1i, - inktent Mari - 16 plodes 21-looti black ggdreeponit desole -28 - pieces 26 luta 86-Itch heavy bleak gros do Rhino: N placer 10 rad - 21-4nati -nest talsbetV and traders poult.de rotes, . pierer,R-Ino4 !Oared gensde Eisoin and taffeta. idnenine. ; , 77 pion Odd, *tripe, and baysdaaa fantail. 3 ainchino:_ , _ 110111ARD .AND 'OCTv DH 130111 1108113,:11117r • • LANDWD WROM. 111711i,_PSBERA,,Atili Hd LV7OII 01? TH.II I.ldpapir ATNN 01 11.71311118 PAYOLA & CO: -68 plain solid oolorelfonlerd rotier: 88 Pula quality "broths_ two-Houma:A - PUP 0- 1 robes 20 Palle finality double Stine robe - 068 chine and cannelts two-tionneed rase: -„ 80 eitraquality black robes; _ 3,500 SH & W L I3OI / - TEMIkI7ORT&TION OF Musses- - DEWIG, dc- HAWDTEB, AND - OXRIII3. 3 'Conslating of. ' e • - ,12 4`broohe and mlutcadbOrdered Pails Stella /24 nr w style mantilla. elkawle. ' 12.4 new style plated Cashmere 'hawk. - • 12-4 plaid T4ibet shawl' white' and colored. asps: - —•' • - BONNET RIBBONS: - ISO oortone new style bonnet ribbons; _ PARIS PRINTED JeBIONZT AND JACONNT ROHM, ' 11121t1113 Boxanurvit 'PRINTING. 800 rlobi Barb juin - net Obi', double jupe,9 - prin t ed jiment bongos, h¢ - _ - - '• HALM OF PRENCItt GOODS: ' ' April; OtteM 10 o'clock, by eatalpgai, on 01 months?. credit. 400 packages and lots of fang end Maple Irina diy - sows, cornrows sueneral assortment; - 190 Itloll 0011421 DROORn : AND .111.e.011. POIIIIP . Dll 80114 ROSSS-41381a 120 extra rich Perle chine bn.sehe and'Altietwpoult fit mote robes, for city retell trade.- - • , - 1,000 PRINTIDD otemazitit, AND ar.nria.! • . - - *-- - - tide • : ", 00014.4 anti Panted fleohmere - - 40014.4 rink bnenite-bordarid Stills • 400 super gnallty,blitek greed, Bike, and bent . ma FANCY. 110.8IIET ORIPII3. - 85 plebeis 'super quality snorted colon fancy bona. unlatitbitirb"LiciaN ' • CRISPS. 800 dozen fine to superfine 1840012 broad-00w Hum: - cambric handkoroblefs 1211W13TXLII 00/fill MOIL DR mum' DU-+ ' " OAL_ P &a. • Thus At , oning, e55e5,..1.50. - pieoes,meii "style chine pelt de ehema 2 cases; lolpilaw, new style duals: all ratan - is; 2 cease, 9D pieces, new -style• chine bayadexe, all new' . 1 owe, 100 clew. 9.8 Mick - aid 4'lllW/wine. 1:011588 81.1.88--JllBO 1..8.100HD • 12051 . BTBBIOIIIIB 125 pieces rich' new style-plaid, stripe, and Oda& poet de sole - - ~ . - • BLACK .G 3102 DD 24 and 494r0h-orper glow 810010 greeds ' 13421 OP PINS PARIA EIILL4 ailAwLa.. - OP TIM , . • 114POBTATIOy 04,5111fdadl;LADWAIllt8,4,14411 , - ' -ThD /fonder; April o*, at 10 o'clock; metalling— An aesortment - or 'excellent; glinted' Verb, Mlle shawls. of different , qualities - , irlth andewitbont tamale; Batlrelp new revereable printed Paris 81.11 'drawls , : A large line of Parte - brochli-boidered Stella abawle„, Bliooßll-BOSIIIiRED'.' STILL& AN D DAllfibilDßß BRAWLS-3 MT • , • • This Morning. . oases broehe.bonlered haw Paris stylas' insitaa . shawls. . , --- (miss printed beidered ipee' shawls: casts. entirely sew designs' gritite4: Aitawle. le AITUTIONIZR, .No. 481 MEM= man, opposite the ifastra Vowel. between FOURTH and FIFTH etreets, yOBITIVI OALB OP 800 OtifiEft_ BTRA.W 411•11911. - This blorxdog.- - - - Bth Instant, byeatslogre, on aired% 800 sue* tier oprlog styles' doe braid, lace,lsad hair bonnets. bralt and Leghorn date aid bloorosiri,:rdsseestol,alatiLeat,. -bonnets, &es, oteipristig a fall and troetdesiribia oddment of fret& od,e suited to beat city oats. - 4 PLOWEIid:" -', - 'Also, a Has of Triosbertileutlilowers:— _ PHILIP—IFORD, -,, ,-ANOTIONEM- N 0 . ,. 630 !MUM MINT; bettiesti no= pa SIXTH, swath side • - • -•— _ I, &BON rOankma agii. OP STRAW` 1114)(Th1i3, , - - • on Monday Mointrt,_ Aprll 11th , at 11/„O'oloek precisely, will be Wad by c sua c i g ue; a binte - abc,' Mumble assortment of Wks , and taltoes , ;strati _an6„dlit helmets; Leghosn Oaths:- bleemsrs, & men's and-Ance straw hats, , The- - assortment will - eomprisii ins6l l3 e 6 of ffelltinl6o#6l_ goods. of the latest styles. ~ Mr' The attention of the trade, la' • .6 1 .170/e01±4710. iloode arranged: in' nits. 161gaes, early on the - =coring nf sale. - - • • Ur , ALF4EI1 1 IiERIKNESS, Dnua& BOBBIN , LAND CIABMIAIIII Ba 8. It _corner of NINTH mad 81.118011181%.11311;•Do twean °herb:lnt and Walnut Amato— ; - BALI- 9)1, BOOBS, OARBTAGIS,dce. - ' , Morning, , • At 1.0.0 . !Clck, will be :cold a catalogue of 'about AG homes, some am suportor. -- . -, - - Viso, some decirabla outlook including 2 largonar claps, and 2 totronohos, by order of mouton. - 11 , 7". No postponement on account of -the weathe IrrinienotWiries and Carriages entry mytawAy WINING, 04 10 ohllook,', , - - . - or Carealinn *wiry W - RDZIEBDAT.. ' - .oattle Sales, eemi•moathlf, 4soand and North 117. Ogrlaves at Privide Ogg. , - BERRELL 8r.17 FLELI); - AIICTIONUIta- - - pintiatititmluT4 - - . _ • '82.1411 - DlEcoiromigainnizartuts. Apriltilth, at 10 &slab, r at the *notion store. will . be sold a large and superior "avortmeut af• aew sad se- Cond , tand fornltere, cotopriaing, iniperior dressing and plate bonitos, washstands, tees, eidas,•rockbg and_ well obairs. cone-seat chairs, superior Jew Mg bed , " steads _feather beds. mattresses &c. • • Also, lot of second-hand Ipini t rare table culle l 7 spoonscrac. lOU MANZ! RIBEION8:- in sale ibis morning -aerw,as npring styles vault do cols, bonnet ribbon! plaids,highcolors and irldie;:rlohilvired, - 137-Itignlay sales of verjauperior household fur niture, pianos, fr..e.„-keld at the auction store, every, Monday, Wednesday, and Nriday mornings. Ad 10 Welook, comprising - , elegant Jenny Lind bedsteads, - dressing baresue, , totes. rockily: sad parlor chairs, centre es3d,bouguet tables, &a., /co. Mt' We will give our attention to nisi of miss tate, stocks, merchandise, household furnitura, entrusted to our charge, upon the toilet reasonable terms. We will sell household farnitufe at dwalltege, or at our store, as may bs regalred. flash advances made upon all kinds Of itoodnaaa merchandise. - WILLIAM. H. STEER, GENERAL AIIOT/ON - AND OOMPLISSION anutactwo, No. 11411 North NIGHTIE Street. below Arch. 'l. A. MOON. AwrEouser. Hale it the Auction Store. - • - .NIW AND' SBOONDMAND 41017SIROLD - TIT RB, OAItPDTS. MIRRORS.,BNGRANtSGS, PAINTINGS, PIIATRBR B$DB, WATTNESSIIS, At. On Saturday Morning, • At 10 o'clock,- will be told the tonal sestenient of Inpezior rosewood, walnut, and , ntabogany furniture, carpets, mirrors, pointless, beds, mattresses, 40., Ad. REOND,RANDHOBNITURB. BILLIARD_ TABLAS. ' _ - On Saturday Morning. At the auction dote. commencing at ll'o'cloalt; will boeold two enperlorbilliard tables, with marble Pens. patent cushions, balls. onea,'racka, counters. _ IJJ The tables will be ready for exudation on Wednesday mon:Lining.. Croristenmenta of new aield second-hand how*. koldforaitare, pieutortes, carpets, watatee, Jewelry, are, reauctfully solicited, on which 'Mega auk 'd unces will Denude if revdred. • {[p' Out-door Wes ittended to proraphi. Mined moderate u airy other boccie in this rat,. AT _PRIVATE Bali& Two large beavy Trench plate mantel mirrore, rlebly framed; rise of plates 62,190 looltes, and IMAM babas. Will be sold low to close ao ammant. QA.HITEL NATILAITS r AUCIT/ONEEE IC Ilia ROMP% LOAN CMOS, 190. 29t South THIRD Waves, below Want, moan* 14v at., way eight dome below the izekaAge. Hoars or byelaw,' tram I Weleek, astil 19 Welook is the @ming. Out:door Wes, an Wee at the ACAS* Nov., at tawded apes the mart ntlitbator7 terms. OAPITAL Isoe,ooo. YeuUiriedfir sha last 341a1g nift. *fiances made from one dollar to thousands on lOW monde, Silver Plate, Watehei, Jewelry, Hardware, Hirt Osman, elathlawiltroltors, Bedding, Olgare,_ I(tA cal Instrumerria, firpra, Roma , Ontrlsgsa, and Chose of Story dasortion. All goods ip can ronsla nap length or , thus cannot Pm. All Adams% fronvani hundred dollars and uparaidol will be anarged 2 per amt. par month; Vtab . and am, Ike lowest market rata. . - . . . This More House having a depth of 120 feat, kas Inge gre and thieflmothisulis to atom all valuables, and pill Tate watchmen for tha premise ; *lan, c beiory Lusa ranee of eeted for the lichedt of all per haring goal N. B. aament of having as inthoited capital, ofthe Is prepared to make advanced on tams mat i=and accommodating terra" Das any other La ty. Monty advanced to the poor, to saran samants, with Oat and Marge. • Al' PRIV.IIII 6411,.V. Etold Patent Lem and other Wateltal, taiseLty, sad elotblar will be sold at Mooed otiose- sal-lv Frmittess VITETHERILL .& BROTHER - , DEUGGIBTB t MANTIRhOTIIIIHEB, Have removed to their NEW STORES, 1.4. 47 and 49, North BEOOND Street, and are 'aimpiving the Trade with ' PHU WHITE-LEAD. PAINTS, OILS, GLA.7B, DRUGS, OTIBMIOALW ALCOHOL Ci9ipttliN3§; YILLTD, &a W. MARTIEN, • J• INSURINCH,IIIIOKNEt AND ADMITNB, °Zoo, No ED Bonen FOURTH &roe; below Chestnut, ' . FIRE, MARINI!, INLAND, twnd LIP INSURANCE effeetel, it the ,Loweet Rates, in re - 111)001We Offices, free of, chugs to the *moored. rati22-em AUGUST BELMONT, - - BANNER, 76, NNAVRA STRUT, Issues Letters of Credit for 'Travellers, available in all parts of the World, through the Went. Rothe&llds, or Parte, London, Frankfort, Naples, and Vienna. and their Correspondents. rnh7.6m TORN - O.,HEYLMUN,, Dqalor fa REAL ESTATE &Venda to the examination or Titles to Lands in Tenneyliania: and all the Southern and Weat-; ern States; All WALNUT Street, Philedelpitia; rekle-txrit . R°BERT ; PALETRORP; ATTORNEY; ' AT•LAW, 81.5 - WALNUT Btreet, ebore /eig hth llittelobta, • • fenr. WEE ADAIIER EXPRESS 00., orrio; 820' CEULSRN TIT .Braltr, fwiratets PARcir4 PAOKAO3I4 7 111110HANDIZZ, BANE NOT'S L itPROT/R, slum 17 its owp .IaNBA, or .1a ocantWat with Other =rues cpurarriße,. to all the Mrkill mil awns of the unit,4 13. BANDIVORL 1 eassral lairarintraded • A - 4plc. 41 - oIKINNWri - • ' - - ATTORVIY, ALL' „ , . 11, GRE221811111W;14.; Win praatlee 4A Wtetraorelind, A.—antrshai and. On* Counties, 6433,
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