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'', NO. •ita2 ALTA. , , ET iarr.; 1 : , .S., . 1,44. , * ,V',;: l f,iol-s• ---- . , . 132•. , 47 , 1=Aviir AND Mir A T 4 44 7 04 ;17, 4‘ - , ':4--'; ~,•,,.,6,(11r.f..., I S 0 : ' -) um 1 --4-L1 1 , i.. 4. f.0.-'y. , : Em5 :„.....".,,,e, IFi l vris ..:?,4. 4 ..r , trilk*lr cIOODS. on NOWTM 88008 D B r B ' , ; ' , rimarstarink• $ 6......-•, , lia _ t . t . i)s AND , sp , ADEs . ~.. ..: .0, 0 - , :WILLI.A.*S. Dom" % i-I iiizET • W4 - < _, - i-• . km.ift iti i n 81 XT,IO ..F•' , . 1 ' ' •1, , ,....`...--+ ,' ' ' ignited ‘ , ..*,..- .Y:t.••• , •.• li Mt . _ , ;, ~ "1, . kl:, 1” ' ' , ,r s - , ' , ;..., -• T -,, • . 4 ' 4 ' ' , eVialoiAli;', 14; ' '' j ,- , . . in gtrzrz : ...-. --, •.-;140,0-4 • EMS 1 . , ' f t , - • -"- ,q,,01.4„..;, , -1, %, -1 4. 44 1WiiiNitiitlftiiiilWiiig 4 kAn # ll Af 'lollolollllat Vikes,* lll llkr, Ott; - 14010112k*orixt: - 4,IISor*WICO fit 01110 IlltlitikifitiMitilruktiiit:fetaibt** / "Ntr iriilfk a t doitr rP tP . e .V V4_ fit! 4 , - I r : 4 ,,rAearteree A,#11,4631".Av 4; difoi.-=.4 AOC; A.0.4m1.0* , 4 1.1 64* * 513 V ;If iitt,:oool4oP lo ,l 4 dit' 0,b . 904; ,411440,0 s i ! sit ' _ 1 4!) . 4 4 1 , ; 4 -. 1 4 , 1 4ar IAIO-317"-s '' " t .""'-?"""400-1,44114 TOTH I rr I , sx,xkle iit'Aoiffo4lo gootta. saint 1 1 , 4 1 #101M - 7 1 44 11 04C 410_41._ ZgluagefitnoiAttipStragii - .P , '3,t24,- 1 ItAtitP, ll l4Atc,444oo,_ .th0 1 14:07 4 91 1 - • :A41 0 1104 1 t , "! ,01 : 4 * 1 7.7 .- ---41 itii:OliPtVlitsigositeditinti -10 • Moir Mile; rrn'tog '7!`,.. :"- WWWI' lit irate 40. 1 , lr-Firrrs - 0 -i, - -- -' ; • .. , ~--r"V., - -,- 4 01 . 10,., n01riP. '` lc , ei, - . ~;- .-...''',. :- z, • , ~._. ,• /ft true sei.f_bliatrebe.esee bie3ieleenr - -- ,4 alg:g2KM4MAllrliele4 o 4 fl * 4 i l areO !, iz'„ veeeyqtaiii,4lteseasevelbe _JelikatiktaKuNitliidaliao pano' attlie - f to. . ~..pmuittapilliiiitsietthiLlAkiialogipist isid beet-a. ... .400•404/14iibrede Is inift.to intait ; 1 *lollllkiiiippyliti-tiogiont to' Ode ='-. -'' ' ' " -- ': I..i.pruliiklael•Bkiniy*., , !A 64.shiezilIeroarin. be. , 1.;.-e...A.k.P.t....t . 73 , ,C..";e: A "... 1, ..w- f , . 'R'."- :r%. • ---.' -•- , k ...... _ 'pr - R,giunirt - ik-s,Com - lowsivi H ALL feLOtEtrtief ...1110A.k 1 sul'ItOutliti 1 ,114iii*, 4 beiwiii4 , Vilti - iiiid, „ ~ . . . , t • -- ~, Z=... .. , ... ,`"' ''' • '-• holetiale Clatbing ' icLorransrat - • - `ac • #oo4fiif Arm* • '11.t143,5 4 1{(4tAir ,r . , -,,1tr.. -- 4tilX 4w* l2._ . En k![ :1 4 5 1 0.g .--- • INVITI ?al AWAINTION OP 71)7410?..., ••= • = kaVI.L."—LALWI3:: '• 1 ,„ • TA^ -7 - 7-- ' - - / `' iko4fWi.A:--ason4cyns }{j ,tirov;4o ,, kicgoe,v :7, 41 Ai , ,kf„. c-;", 4 - • 135,4 ' I f: >:i . -q : •,, N f i62l .r ` A al . l .l* - - 8 1 1 , 1 4 Z 47; -Za • 3 0 lt"( 4, 1 0 110 1 •!!‘s'` ,`Ouoitacu AND •,4!.n zaartf4m • 4 , tl..o?.l3..l4ll4rEttAtErtlarfOßY, !OW 17 4 t_ , -P e l xs,T,lit'lCT",..;'s zxv.B,EbT • VAilitiAata : - , - . •!..„ ~, ~, i . `.•:4 . ,. -11 ,4 1 , 7 7,,. 4 ',? ?:2; --'! ' 5 ' - ',,,, ',. ~ ' ''*;1....,,,,,-"--,lhatopActinil ..m , - 1 :77,,,,,- -;'l..' 1 , , 1 ..' . 1 r .. ... ..Z -; k''''' . ' '''''''' -- -''''-'• ' ' . '' l b l il S ' ''9Wlt ' l7 "' l.)(l4lJU. P . '%;',P.. i , • ' $ ''.-. l: " J ' ,;.':-.; 1 ... ' ' :" ';' '' ' - ...`:. '' •'. l " . 'it" '' i‘krOSITOBT, . -' - • :. ~', ' ,.--, : l ''tl - ~:i ' '' ,-, t' - - . fa:l - , :' A" -'' .' •,- ,' , in 'JOU ll' k . ' -1' ClLEgattiln +,•••• ,- i , .. rivoill.:4111 4 - - , ' ' - 11 00, ,-HENszr4y&-00., . „ 1044:-410 *MVP; sat 410 cxnunintox • - 11.1ri&IDEtiPHI4. -1 ; . -14_ :41Fg. 4%4k i • - , or .}1,41 7 133WARE; ) It. • • .1. - • Otrriaralr 6D210 aO. rod' oir!ted t!'llit.lroo,o 4 V** Tonigi.l r. ' ~• " 1 4: 3 '1 41 4,4 ' v. *;' , ',?: - .llll44liitis i ,4loi4titAliNB HAtirirEti4 , oot4l:l7. GUNS, ETC. 4- 1•80 q TIN cis, am, p 4.7 the moat fairer. 13.ROTHE13 , f,c CO., DIALERS' • ;‘ , $.40011+1111:1 # 1 3 -`1 , t • , vi-rt r efirss, • Iprorow; act., MOT. WrEgrar 0 29 NOR' 1511111, reik 1 :044,0 1 ;%, ODOM VS amblonable eOLD, r itylookOord. antat Settings ;. 431)1,14:414•10/00•1041;litatetals nap stOttirierliattinis; &CI RUTIN /NOW SPoetdi-latililt "Ikeli-*UOMIPS. Whir vltstail •Sporal erua , s irooui Fuseriaigaiutir,lMAtebei :Of limilty petopty, iF „parl4- - 1 ,42010)1 AUSSITaiti SIXTII•Street,, 1 / 4 - 'le. - rlittElf '&: 15/4 •,;,,,si oir , , i Iwig4immiiicia, wARF. , 7 ~'V- "- ' ' ERs` 171 A obini TWA - PIP 1 1 1!"3 * - V , ftkeisidx.--, e. ' '' ' .-I;_;=b,„,l *Actor viSsUth• Itlhati 11146 H,,, . fprimWlint sz Ol u i l n , Inass4l4 Gowns ouPaAt trainvis, , ~ koArro_IBLF, 7 , , 1 °* -►-,,d ill ii 14 6 0 1 0.04 41 04- =, , • • •., • ' , tifkiroat's -, !..ts . wE LAT 0 Ikci ........ -• - s , • Ontrait. ' fcio f f r o*Aicli.bwrio - o,.!lo l iiron - • • ithrbirat, iti.'" 4106. 0 4 **sit • twoothiltoor, wMto MONA 0114 M is ;19.F1VFi1 , K1Vq.):0 0 .. 0 : 12, A 10 , T)tromi , 110,,0P0, 1 404 , ,50.*1e -vriaso, AND , elo4,l*##,*!ol4 , y!ki#lmo-0..... :ninirin4 pli - lraim!nBf Fiaonni, AND - ~t • 2 - • , • tr. .011.; . BooTA, AL to *wings sallow. bon •Is 7 1101,444614“ 1 , - at yor, voltam.- at TTON , II, 1. .1 1 1 Notth 811001411 Stiohl• A. oast ild.,) • • t. -'•••\110ove/litoli [ • ••. "Ming 0/...21191 - 1,9,. 13 M » ••••- -... ,rrth f•Art•ii"4—\\ 4 - . • 'mg Va b fr QllfdflB6lolt liogaes meckobv,m: , piIdit•ET;kiNUTAOMITit*SS, .41;XWBOHO ' NEALS: ( fIraikANTOinf , • .ON" • 6,r DIALERS ItQ OAItPSTIN(i, . lace% ko. SAtENOVS* bro 9 ORIgSTSI:4;STOEIIy o' " okvogrx Tat ativa nova. • - -We hero i~ei ` on henb at" hitaiadva Intact of Carpet. 414 'c#l44.'tnolio.;t,;irldili ire invite the athia s ilair or Wisteria and Eloittivitn ie2l,2ar` 5t4,14, ROD, MARUDAOTORE t . WILER '''''''' fit 111 EITHEpT, • aP4-11Th - ani:Axisnoviti Tau! x6 © 222 2, . :,.0,17P*T.111118,. '; , 7?;•' 111111117.1.lif111101Di AY , is 0 le. • With vides wooi; *cn Aitn) ocyirom; and , '• , • -7 ©` OTURIW ' ' l!Tuat. 8 1 1 ,1411 Plow !'•:47 per is ' Ael 1 .4.4*" . 1 1 , ~., . fy mat, 14.10.2 dat Yulelir, rmoits4 b ... • ..,, Owe!. I iler,oheir-- ...- , STAW:II9O - .l4ovrgil'Oilr:;, -- koss , --22i , SSUTRTII!T-H STREET, BEikri WALNUT. a3:44ni AGENTS 07 Tam - - - MAITOIIESTER 164 ibeir Iteif btore, 6 .4 10 ' 31.71r,:k17 BTAX:33OT,` (aliis of Mt the goiNlds meenrsetared by the itidielieater'Opsepeey: HA LAIHIB~ • 4:01,14,LL101, PRINTS_ and 04t141 - 4014 the *aft derirable!etyhie of three go* ever Offered to‘the trade. H W,E4 & oEY. Are 'also the INge Agents for, the "sale;iii thisaarhet; ,. of AhePHoid p g-/I o4lllo uNn W4OLLR (ANDY fie r l ,9 l !r °°°l)B • ti. 00. , ' eltithlthil4t & , 004 • ' • a. bEir**IIf.ACE4OO4BICOOMFANT, • OATIOS, & - ALbi • e*Slllr , ' • - - r ' BROtFlr , AND BLEM*O COTTONS : 7;4 , 44,And To whlek the ettenthie, or blOtpre Li eelteltiet. thil ( t • ' riAl4o_s_;Bo . 5*171.T134 • N Witir /17 :,I)ffinr“ doai ouliin;oi evarrawritesta, , th• terg,itt abeintliiitit of ',.F ,. ,?". :7111" •. 1 r :° V71/ 4 1 71t0 4 . • z.crinr • *BR, !'• fti ti xi i mmi 66 . ; AL for wiptoir sumo: • •. "749.2.11 at ODOWAY, '0178814ER; Bc ' Op.y . • - • • - Itnierteik'otWOO 1.148(8, -Ate rseefirhog fmntut smile* of - „, ~ • ", • • , - IANOT CAPOIKIELES, 818. -Prim the following ISelebrsted mennfeettirers—: • - 11211DESIO NitONEilh. (Little Tleket.) W.JORANNY , A811011. , ' , AiliVI AI: I18, laid , l2. Olathe.) • „ ZAHOOIik--BROTHRItIi. • ;.„; TOEniwka_", 3oibl43in , 208 OXEASTNIIT /greet. 1,;', - 10 . e r ,XXSOSI•S;' i ‘ OIG.OLOTLIS, AbfD4IOIIN4EI, WOLF 4, - WlLSON, — &`dcb.; volinaittnoNisznotwit; . No. ip9RESTN7rtvritprri . TAPAlritV;lTtilf4l 4 ,,. ":" • - •VINNTTikft, HEAP, DLlVijk ; . „ ; 00110 N, I,lBr;asd BA G , - -CLA, R 3?4 TS , *blob we eec ZeoMving dolly from the Lteetthetereze, awl ortpropred to,offor the ti*le ottliberel termi. Bayles the Agercestor ewes of the beet and moot der ,arable goodelore *3 offer loduaemiOti'obt heretoforeto be lad in Plitlede!phil;' et Menu fotureee pria - o.2.orde,miitrofallrattfutiod to. • ' ;113".'.4 1110- i ASente for .Blaolt sod, -Mae Weadlrig, s large lapply'of whteh we' have *exultantly= FARItEpL & MORRIS. commioardzi linqunumas Ibdl'o T NV* 13 pie Vaii,.,Dolleir.xii,e;;.NT'a. 232 OftBSTNUW„BTREET, SPIONia.,TRA.DE, 1859. •simpnr;!TiAxespi &:HUTOfILNSOIT, Ae leew opening a Is* and VIEW spot of LAWFIII,I4tAWEEI; rtiliTif, and other -- , th s e . trde Is invited Alen, - DONLESTTO7 - 00.0DeS ClOilir,ol4l*llll4-.oenebttegiiiWirdientit DoeUltes, IleoienlYeetinsind Harting', Mariner& Stripes, Mae Drine:.7set , PaddingOtcdta, - ' la OM-F.ISW SHEFAINGS-7-just received 4.w" 061 for bj," 1911y1•1114,fLAZARDi 11131'081199091, - 119Phiutnet *treat _ BlBoo.okt's ceAtibriii3d OlothwAitd.Doi. 4, skins, together with 'ether desirable •roakes or asersseMoollosw, just reoolved and - for sale by , '‘i SHIPLIr HAZA&T) .& SITTOUIDMON, foblldbn • -- - -112 Oheethet • • gabbing la#mare, R. WILSTACH & 00 ,MANUFAOTURERS, SOLIDDLAICIVZ 11,A.2tIrCVA:AlEt CARRIAGE' 111,IMMIITGB, ANT) 11ABNEBS .MOUNTINea; - . 140, 0 /thOtt TRIED SII.I.EET, Between Market and A,roh, - PpiLiond,PUlA. LAIN,IPP§Topir.O, TRH cm.; r.r.iggaar TEut ootamort arritatrp._ fte)?2-02 j ioro);trarEß , & WHOLIIMUSI DRALIIIIB PROVISIONS, And oftaus of 01-10.10 E, MEATS,. . No. 31 N WATIiR Pa., and 964 and 998 N, FRONT*, 141047381iiH1A logs ' WAD, and ati, asserbnent of , REQvgitors generally, hielodlng TO4KIESI, end D!lelP of our own enrlog,;);(44 elty and Western, colurta4itlron bind ; quality pannstfed. BUI KB ere particularly InTltsd to o'all and examine oar stookv; , feta•en*" LIMIT/Li ALE, DUBLIN POUTER, and • 1400/...1113H, arrivs4 re *hips Tamerlane sod don• for tide by AIME ANDI.III KBAS, '10417. 414 #mil,ll 'nary's!' . 'A t ..., , . ~,, , ~, ' ''-*ll' .'"1--. • •• ' .-' ' - - - -'' -- ' -' .-' - :- ' ~....,. - ' . ,L,;...e.11 1- ' - t.- i ' - . , . --.- - --, * .A.. -,-, ~.0.2 . - ,,..: - . a ~-: f'-• , • , - - ''''' , - ur '-' ' , ~'• ›`' ' -F.,.....‘4,_,„ ,, ,_ ~ , -,• -- - ..:. ' , .',,g , cir'„ , :. i...'1 - -.,'4,i C A 1 7 7•;",, ;, .Y 1 , ~ ~,_ , ; t i . ~.., ,i• 4, -, k -4*- k__ 1, ~.-'-;_---: ,' • P " ,-,- 71;c_ •V,.,,,,„1ft.,• ..„4,-p).,.,,,,Ari„„i-,,,~,:-,-.....-..;-.:., .-. . .-11.,,,A.,,,,, ~,----,..-,..!----:':' '':' •"..',.-''''' ' :',..."_:'-', -.,.. ,- , .„ -.,• , ~N, v , ~, ~,..' ~ ., , ,,,v.,. : :.::-.. -•- ...-- -, ::', , r4t I ,: :„. : - : - - ;,, ,:,..„,,- .' .; 1 ,', -- - ; .z - : 4 . 5 , ,,,,, :. , ';', 5,- ."': - ' - '• ' r ' - 2, - :, ,„,- ',. ,:, :,, ', '-; ' ,-,' ` ..--•.?"--; ' - -,l * - - '' . ..' ' ''., -,- ,„,.-•`..,.-.,, ~i1 . .- 1‘ iA15r1 4 .41 , 4 4 ) . - 'I ' ..:-, A24.? .: 1 ....... •". - :'' - '4itit .44 -, - -, -- ..--'. 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' - fulireiddences In the Valley of the Wyonfing: i Theitried le persuade lters tie leturn; keit she ,4'einsed to - do so; = She had always lived with Ihe; Indiana since- her 'capture; they!hed al= ' ,ways 'i s Ci ) ia Ittii to her, and 'She promised hei' ;date In:island on hie death-bed, t ha t l i she neVer . ,• • , FfeUld leave the Indian country. , Is 'Were not ' inaeugkin , this 0411110 material fir another 4iiillamplay.by Jena, BROUGHAM ? WO‘failed - ' 'to ".lisunire - what had become of Frissone 'and tier.:childrari4 :but there can-be no doubt that' she ''ime long since been gathered ' itoi' her :! tls I:il4ehilirna:s'il6i;hih6neii. ~• ' ,haige,iir ttltD,'ih;reenterliihe tilo:ipi , theirtl,lirceires'thiLscka. tnye:attrik::oteso:th::stri., ,viileinn:arla,trag:ii:e, i in::ewmile:fo:unbaoi:y. ,iat rd:.thei : eiifwonioi sa,rtiu,i:pastnd.so4tvst Arlr; Inerent . ig a landscape orwondrepe - Man t * ;;Whilelnthe centre flows the. Staring.: *nails / bright and tranquil sheet, and to the, north rises the towering ;range of the 'Nandi.' oki,',Shawneey-and Lackawanna mountains. , 'NOthing niOre , delightful eould , be desired titan Olde:iti' fine , weathcr.'(pring k summer, or antagia) - thrOugh thia luxuriant and lovely re glOW-Linierne county le plentifully supplied with irnt-Pirninnti . ; and in the olden time - (be. fore,, the - _Susquehanna ! was _dammed :at its atelitt6 the shad fisheries at Wilkesbarro sup plied:thousands orfainilies, and attracted many .pureltjuars. , ' Shad ;may still be= found„but in ' rioti4 like the abiandance of fifteen; years ' - ::' . .lprhaung over the 'Bioeinsburg and Lacka- - WAna . ralfread te"ftePert,"ami leaving behind ,a- t OcrY , roug h,: country, ; we renewed the ,' n. 4 1/rn„ ar or . the _Suaqtioharma river, and the 1 N . RlthiiranehOanal,(Uot then ready foe boats,) ireaq , enjoying the'romantic ride. A mere' ' :gliteParnittiloonisharg.on'ofir bona - award way ' *grail Of compensation. 1'414 finely situated ' i/n*:'44/dni: groiand,ribbut 'tie milles;north Of t z lie.Ansquohanna, looking-like a bright anti ' 1467:jAlice, The North Branch Canal passes ' 1)444 , 0 the:river and, the town:: A number : of fttAtces. and other iron Manure:climes are • ' tO'h , lihtind'itt the iteighborhood' El ' b " 1 • 0 OWJ3 ttrg' is .ti.. : , present eapitdl of : Columbia'' county. Ifelitlek; nearer to pii Taizeine line; ii also a ,' IforAlting:berough in, the ease ' county; '44 ,1,,e4 - hl-,.» , '1,1,,-,-.oditimlY 'abOve the , North Branch Dinst,-;WhiCh passes .aleng, the elevated bank. /IlletOich the : town is built. , . • , ' I , , -",At•Aupert we changed cars , and took- the pateWhisa; Williamsport, and cars; Railroad,, ; reefgrig on the tinin BUT F. A. Fenn, (Super-' ' inte*ent of that; improvement,)' one of JIM ' atilt loMoStrellable, railroad - o ff icers In the Unlti) * te eryoSe`sliiii a nd , ittention may be at: 1 tz o i o v f tili o t Ili a : safety ' m so it vc li n . .o i : f f r 0 0 8 e t h t h e e l 1 e i p: a e :s b e s :cm i tl d i g g O e i r s s: w h i e n h l i n e, ichcrossing ooand" sion*. Much unnecessary , alarm. We' can painf,bo flair' picture 'the Country Jhrettgh . :widgrion , this; route, 'We traversed towards Tehaftlii o * rocky and ungrateful, soil .4,4::;;:44148, fns "climbing huge mountains. : ....t40,,,,A4,1A, Ols.t?:, pursues, JO :pgursq.-. :very" ,-'lF,',,zif•Ailiatio.e, _and -bid i . few -- habita- : 11 ) .! - _,f; ~ t iwe7o.:., : liere; ~, we, are again, ~ ,;,,, '-,,,;..,,,.._ . _f : €l!'stryilie , iff-Aiiii4citizezifip 'int:according, to, a. beautiful,Plan'ol gen: : ' ' .:407 ,- gtfult 're; regularity, and 'very neatly brillti thd,CountY ,Proventant. „'Arriv ed at Tanutibt.; and 're.' buildings are located on a spacious square.ln Trashed 'at* uriri6 ll6 4 Hotel - of ifie Messrs.the centre of ,the 'town, knOWn as !'t the Dia- tirm „ ei r wliere we, enjoyed ,a capital dinner, mond." It has• a number of, Churches, two and saw many Iriends, we, Jooked around and douriabing academies, a bankidth an immense' found ourselves ,bi the midst of • the. great Capital, anthracite fttrnaces, and rolling milli, SChuyikill. coal region,- or which Scranton besides other 'Manufacturing Cstahlisinnente.. and its vicinity may be called the powerful The, orth Branch divlsion'of. the Pentaylva. rivals. Tamaqua, and all' Schuylkill coun- Ma ,canal passes ;through Wiliesbarre. ' The tY, have ,searcely• yet recovered ,rrom the history ,of . the , noble men who fought' in effects 'of the 'prostrating panic of 1857 i but fts, valley s; the ; poetic halo which inspired inhabited, as they are, with a' elnewyPePula , guano, has flung around its' early memo- tion, and surrounded, with inexhaustible liesj ' the„Public.spirited citizens who live wealth, Tamaqua -cannot fail to resume its there today, and . who figured in the busy activity in a few months. - The town lies in 'and . bloody scenes' of the past;--a!! these a deep valley, shutin by the Sharp and Le would . •furnish , material 'for columns of oust mountains, and is some fifteen miles end interesting reading. Wilkesbarre and 'Wy- of Pottsville. oming Valley are inseparable. They are hap. irere let us pause and turn'our faces from pier than most of our other Pennsylvania Philadelphia to another region traversed by localities, in the fact that' they have had, in the Catawissa, Williamsport. and Elmira Rail- CIELRLICS Minna and GEORGR PECK, historians road, by •the North and West Branch. Canal, such as few counties or cities can boast of. and the new Northern Central• Road, which To their books we meat refer those who de- connects it with Harrisburg and Baltimore. sire to know , more of this' Classie ground. Northumberland is situated at the junction That there should be some rivalry - between of the North and West branches of the pus two each, inland cities as Scranton and Wilkes -` cluelaanita, an old town . Its fi rst settlement bane, situated in the - same county, each advo- was iiy . the English. Doctor 4 . RIEBTLY was sated by men of extraordint4 enterprise and one of the earliest settlers. Many years ago ability, is natural. The old town can 'scarcely ft was a place of considerable trade „with the see• the new / displaying its gigantic proper- branches of the river,' in lumber and plaster. Hone without emotion"; nor can the"new town Piaster was brought down in arks for the 04- be indifferent to its advantages, or fall to Ply or the farmers for a large extent of lOok forward to" a condition of independence. Comity,: It, has ",a bank of, discount and de- Hence •Scranton, fortunate in everything 'else, Posit,the first one chartered on either branch is not fortunate in the fact that her lawyers of tlaeSusquehanna, and is amqng the best mnat go to Wilkesbarre to attend court, manned institution , ' of the county. J. R. while Wilkesbarre ,seeMs to be quite re- Parzonvoon of Dr. PRIESTLY, has been its solved that Scranton Shall not become the r eon- cashlir from the beginning. , tre of a now county if she can help it. There . Dafvillo, eleven miles above Northunaber is enough in the history'of the one, and in the land, na the north brancholas a rival town at progress of .the- other, to inspire a generous a latet period, and bad 'a population, in 1836, pride in the Welfare'of, both.. , - , . of but 800. In that year the first antliracite An incident in•conneetion with one of the furrier was erected by Bunn PATTEESOR, /Sq.; many romances of the - Wyoming Valley'may who sas.the -pioneer of the manufacture of here be mentioned, especially as the writer of iron vith anthracite coal. In 1840 the Mon. this article (while the editor of -the Lancaster tour lompany commenced ', the erection-of Intelligence!, more twenty years ago) was fernads and rolling mills for manufacturing an bumble instrument in unravelling probably Wheal iron. They now have three first-class the most -touching mystery in thc'.records blast firnaces, and two rolling mills, of cape of thin theatre of Indian and Britishharbluity city toproduce 50,000 tons of fi nished rails: and crime. At Scranton we met a membpr of The Bough and Ready mills :were built at a the , &mum family (one of the,energetioplo T later pe riod, and: have - capacity frir the mann. neera of.that town), and recalled to his fatten- factirn of 20,000 tons of finished railroad bars. tion the fact that; in 1887, while Mis. Maur This - bstablishment his been conducted with Damson. waspostmistress of Lancaster, Penn- skill and success. " sylvania, (an excellent woman, who only lately • Tho Messrs. GROVES, have One large first departed this life,) she, sent us a faded letter, dm enthracite furnace, and are now' in pro written to her post Office )i , a gentleman named rem of erecting another, which will be finished Geo. W. Ewan', and dated, we think, Logani. ly theaututnn of this year. With the abun port, Indiana; in which he desired to.know if ranee of very superior ores of this :region, any of the &must family lived in that neigh- :fossil ores,) and .its close „proximity to the borhood. He detailed In this letter his visit mthracite coal field of Luzerne county, it is to an Indian cabin, and his discovery of the lestined to become a great `manufacturing long-lost Fitasions Stoma, who had been town. The present population is about 10,- stolen , from her father's family (Mr. Jou- )00. Aside from the manufacture of iron THAN anootea) some- fifty-eight years be- - Aare is much , enterprise ; some of the most fore by the Indians, and by them carried into oubstantial buildings have been erected within captivity.' After every effort had been made he period of the panic of 1857. Iron fronts to rescue the lost child, or to even bear of tier .re quite • common on the main ' business whereabouts, the veil or years fell like a, dark . oroughfaros. , and impenetrable cloud before the harrowing Danville is the County seat of the new corm seared; and her' brothers and their pesterity ,ty of Montour. It is situated', on the right mourned over her as one forever lost, to them. bank of the Susquehanna, directly on the line We published the letter in the Intelligeneer, of the railroad. It is sixty-seven miles north and,' aided by the Rev. Belmar. BOWMAN, by east from Harrisburg. 'We rejoiced to see (no* Assistant Bishop of this Episcopal dio- such activity in all branches of trade at Dan ces%) himself a native of the Wyoming re- vine. Seriously affected by the late panic, it gion, we were enabled to send,the first infer- is rapidly recovering from its prostration, and rnation to the Swounlautili; Thepublished it !snow estimated that from two to three thou letter fell' into 'the hands of Mr. Breaux, of sand'perions' zu.o regidarly employed in the Wilkesbarre, ,who; was a little boy of, tw' different firrnaces, rolling-mill s , and fonndries years of ago when his sister PRANCES )51/ in that locality. There are, we believe; four taken., The remainder of the story is .a house weekly papers published,at Danville, and the hold word in all northern Pennsylvania, but I literary depot othir. CONKLIN (the news agent may have, been forgetten In Other parts of tli or The Preis) supplies the whole country with I State. The family, seek , the little Ettemai all the,new works of the 'day,• . . , sixty years' atter her captivity, and find her a LewisburF, Union county, on the West the home of the Miatnee Indians. They go Branch, la eight milesaboio Nortbnmberland, into a cabin• where . they see an' Indiai and is a town of considerable importance. .It -Fenian„ having • the appearance of seventy' is the depot for the produce of the great wheat five 'years of , age, , painted, jewelled, • an and corn-groWing. valleys of Buffalo, Sugar, dressed like an .Indian queen; nothing be and the eastern part of Penn's valley. It has her hair and colored'• skin indicate her origii also sonic, advantxtges for the manufacture of By.the aid of an, interpreter .they convera iron, having now one first-class anthracite and are satisfied that`thig is their long-let furnace, together With a - very extensive ma sister. She had forgetten her Christian - Dale, chine shop and foundry. There . are at this and the very language, of her race, though Se point saw mills ' and steam grist mills, Rec. responded to it Frances," and admitted, in N. Lewisburg is a . substantial and, haudeomely- Indian dialect, that that was her name:. Wile built' town, the, . buildings mostly of brick, her- brothers and •sister sat , throbbing;nd situated immediately on tkoweet bank of the weepleir,.irt OW Strange - revelation ; the ter IdlualurdiaPru,?' The Baptists , have, within a :SATURDPri.ArirL ', P P' :./859,• .4 Trip iii Mashers* i!eifleitiajos,a l r4 i .l" l iVfl . " are ifidebteW tie's fribiiti'fot t h e follo w- 1 t ...i.• ' - a -• ' ' i'l " a- - t 1 trig gt4thio , ....esaiption or tts n, t st,nox traportant . 'Uoat Oity'Of - thin irOitdoifitliLttelitt.k litmitnto rekkin i'-'' ' ': ',"'' - -,- i -,t , ;S-` , ''' , ., ' "'' '" ' ''''' Pitta taCit s tands, , s: few ,17,P0n the spat whersi , now . , years age, the traveller might .panne ensile 4%; ' lighted,wlth the, il4 '414 iembette•Wititterf; ' 5 ., , ,,2".. r ;" Pittston is situatit on the Oast "and west baiktret the North Branch:A:if 'the Busviehiume riier,'nine Miles north tif,'#ilitesbarre, and - alike, distance loath of 'ilerentonv It le divided into East Pittston and Neil Pittithin aid 'contains - a Population 4, B,ooointaltitants. ...., , i . . , ~,,, ~ Jt r, i,,, i t,:r., There' , ere, eleven :coal- : zeimisiniftimpoediate vicinity, open -.tn. d.in hegira operation.i: Tko Penn-1 • sirlVania' Coat Company; alone .:Produet46oo;ooo; tons per aunam,"tital.'ittive, omPlOytiti , hal 'abotit 1-:500 oPeritiviie,r, They pay for lattt,ihotat $40, 7 ". 400' per month. The boat of this ,00kapaisi !spent by' gravity'' railway, a ~ fibitlip*O'rfettY•fit , e taw,' to Belden, in ,lirayateounty,-inaLtheratas shiPped *,oe;POldwhreatal'lludiontratial'sollitindout, on , 'the'NoithTilittsr,'.MOrha,' ; 'ality;*iltfa';4'Oh4hlioit'Y rof Nevi Yerk; and - Oleic% by bergesio the latter i pla'oe..: The coal ii, itnthrlabititatill:44 a ' 'inlet in ali,the Now England 13nnee...-lherit;".s. ti - eight churches, or tlifferent denothinatitaii in Ittsbani juoludinitino nearly OtaiPleted,': .l _,','!':"; l 3 , , ;,- It is connected with,New- York by 4e , New, `,Teratly)Janitai, ilur:Ditlatitirki,Lailuniannit.;',:a ,' ai Westernd' AliSe -,ltkicaWitiiiitt and Ilicianabing railroads,: and' aftnoit connected with' Philadel phia, !Trenton,` and Belvidere _rettiond.? relay almost, because there are four miles of road yet to be finished hetweedlielvidere and Bridge , to , form a throligh Conneotion betivien Philadelphia and Northern Pennsylvania and Central New York. This Whole ohnin"Of railroads hat(hearroonatruCted through the onterprhis,of oni. neighborihig city ; and even `when they pleee . ikinoni-lonverito ant-' pate with them, by finishing theloir Miles of 1.'014, , We stand and look oh Without Banda in our pockets, al thouili,mi were ,afraid Our ,money,' would run awaY.and finish the work itself,;.:lisay,'Philadel phis,: finish- this road 'if you want the tiatiok Of , ,Nortlatili aid-Beate& Pennsylvania , I .f . Again; the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg road Js another/few York enterprise: "Itfs now oaaplotad atufwerkine to Rupert ' , • - " - - ' This' road conurcti . • with the: Clattorlika; Wit-' Rampart, aid Elmira Raiirtiad" in',ltipart,tiOniO six miles ahoy! , the town of Camases, there* failing another, complete ; road .to Philidolpblitiv through a - Country act vastly, rich in, mineuti aid" other resources a.s to be b_eyeng'bektbatibtilonbt. The North Branch' Canal also pasatiothrititgli ' this place. Pittston la' he hettilftitiMuns of Chid canal. There •are two machine shops and t'Wo *kir Wile, employing a largo - number of,iyaltmett,'lii& a largS 'oar shop Is nOwitialni erected.''.:l4:batiklis . . now in successful operation The amotint of ooal mined - and shipped fpni place is over,Boo,ooo tons Per annum; four,f.fthis or which- is from thesaines of the VW; • ' The Pittston.Gaiette and inegenza Ant tkeite Journal 10 0111, name of 'One Of the moot ` spirited and leerier:3 nerraiiiPeri in 'tbn' tun'te, irmVistikd and edited by J. Henry Palestoni • gad& man Of ability:inaJadusiry.• - ; .We regret we did not haie - an , opperiefil4' ;of visiting distanfroto. Scrattloa about 'eight4nmilea. SnfrOinnle4 as itia with inisociatitine;,and' , l4' ii:Tropudatioa of P ennsilyanta :„German :nil: the'deeeendu antu . , Of,"lhe, `original jitionneotSont settlers; it haSattained a! high iosities in Ihrs'katieY . Wyoming awl the anthracite,coai; llV, flk O l OP':aPPW 64 ...,2 3 l4 6 ",idtft '404 Tb :population, is ihibied, to heiwelythetisilitil Deriving its -tante; as it dues, trOilijhaisto• dietingaished' , o,v.ertitet,:.or-;416 cause in the ;,.Witisii the Reviationiqylr,ar.;:43o,4c#,24ll;kiinic;, dtTiei risid ~~- eiootdcl.;:veiy buildings: for college aitil'aeirefitaiju 'deriartukeipttp are in allotkihil?g 3 d(inditbiri." ifortbnlikberJaii4 -county; InJorai tuila"s .above, "add' icii;nnibb 6 , 14dr torn than' 14h*Libilt1,*Cri:Iniedzaa 'Ez4We of Milton; •atiait4isateriark Ita lax*); iortion of 'Hi trade. - It Is . thafjenetioni CalaWliaa,,nnd*4l . - lianisioit Road, WI We' Anuttnry ' and-, Erie Railroads,. and Is the deppeof, a brie amount, of wheat: and eetv,:Whiell" its tentiyoif iidinjdkill and Ltierna'contitieei " PeintabOrmigh,nr Mannity; 4fedinitatcontt ,ty; is 'dome o•f above Mitten! .fies'A poPulatine':'of ahchit 1 000; andliti the outlet, of e,onsiderable liitber;'inaimittettireil in the vicinitp' • ' - - • Willldmaporta capital, of LYCOming county; fifteen Milia"aboVe; has' become' ' town' of great_ impnitinee by thgcOMPletion of the rail; readi'-'.,the urititleil of thO Erie, 'fitid.Williamipoif and Elmira Railroads._ The 'great - Satir-Mills; ot'llie hundred and pe venty-six saws, have ,a capapityttinienufacture `one hundred' millions of manitfactnied They 'haie threi3 r arid'insti arid ` door manufactories: Theltroduct :of these mills finds a market in Philadelphia and paiti-, This town liaS and Intone PoPialation 'of' teri r therisaitd.' ' Ziiilliamsport hat AdvantageSthat Orightto matte *one ef the' great' inlaild'eltiet ,of,the "country, It has everything but direct veal: 'Miry to tidewater tinirottid' it'With yea commerce, and long'Affer y th`e'hand 'that peria 'these lines Moelde'ring •in final' WillianisPort will occlip,inPoiltion tideonfto, `few Mingle:en cities not 'situated 'on the sea- boaid.' A-busy; intelligent; and enterprising population,- adniirMale: public' and ' private. schools, an excellent local journallorn, and a' site in the midst of a salubrious and romantic region, we do not .wonder- thatit should have been the birth-place of so ,many„distinguished, men, and that" even now its sons, judges, and. Governors tura ' from their, high „placei :with warm hearts and longing eyes to the :epOt, where they Were born.' , Jersey . Shore , hi fifteen„mlies' mites`-above Wit-. liana:Vert, in the same ,county: It has oonsl 7 ' :derablei a mpertance as lmnber toviniand the prospect .of an early completion-of the Sun- - , bury and Erie Railroad has given 'cimsiderablo Impetus to improvement: There is very little manufacturing done at this point. The Jer sey Shore Bank - is located at this place: `Lock Raven, in Clinton' 'cionntir; tWelie miles above, jersey Shore , is ;comparatively a new town,And - .Was, a farm; in 1840.• .They claim `loop' nit - filen - of-6 000. The dem which feeds the, Penniylianie Canal is directly op-, positetho,town; andmakes a good ; harbor for the lumber, which is floated from - the head-:'• waters - of-.the Susquehanna arid its tribritaries.. The estimattileithia year ; hi, that -there Pass throaghthe'ilibtit' of the'daullnmber,... to 'the value of JAvoMillions dollaitt, censidera, bte of „Which• cbariges; hands At, that point. There Is a ; saw Mill Mipacity• equal to fifty,, ptillions oftrianufacharediumbor, with planing milisianitesash and door manufactory, the pro l , ductof which flnds:A' market in Philadelphia' morei'• Theie -are' two steant trig mills, , one of which, bee capacity, of pro ducingsix hundreitharrels' of flour s per day. There triO first:9l4Be hotels -the Ration Ticiusitlaone of the largest and heat, appointed hotels irt, the', interlor-Tef ,PetuasylVanit—be : ' 'shies quite - .a Dumber of secondoluulti-hetifift; :No ,:tOwn interior-Lae - ' more enter prise thanl;Loett - Haieni;'-Itli &nate' at the jtinction of the 'Etutimrit ' - & - ',Erle and 'Hiiirok Bi - Ittene is expected,; will. ill,he,' ciMpleted __earlY :Mason. Tile_ i t l- 1 4:4 3 P44 41 •ON b frlt id A c vett-atiageWliatattentia. In 'MI0: • 'or - the Little , SimfifißiiT -411 "" • 'lntkirelOota the `Beading Rsiir` Port ()Union; iliteetrimiles 'oak • 'Of Pot and so return home. }Vo liars already st of Reading in former articles. It ie Onrinter tion, shortly to bestow several days uporkpottv . viiM and its surroundings, its present...position and future prospects.: That which'everywhers I impressed us during our twolate trips through the region referred to,, was the rivalry; and sometimes the jealousy,:existing between the, interior towns of Pennsylvania.. We ; hai , e spoken of the competition existing between- Wilkesbarre and Scranton,' and 'the sojourner, cannot fail to be surprised 'at the spirit whiqb animates the peoplo of the north and ;north. west branch towns in their' reference each other. Compelled by their railroad uonneo!. tions, which tie them together, to rainkle ; in; almost daily intercourse, they, are, we are afraid, a little too apt to see the mote in,their neighbor's eye and to deny the beam in their own; and yet, although 'this feeling is often carried to extremes, we do not censure it. Good may come of it: One town may times be only too,glitd to depreciatelts neigh T bor; yet • the tact that "emulatio , ri. exists be-,' tween them will serve to promote the general welfare.. „ , • And now, having Arrived at Broad street, we take onr carpet-bag in our hand and send this hurried aketch•to TRU Tans; The Sick Poor, [Vor The Prose.] 'Mn. UMW! Allow me, if yen please, a small slow In your popular journal, to make a few ie• marks is regard to the slokpoor, and particularly those under the 'care of the "Home Missionary Soddy." There is comparatively little trouble to rasa the beans and purses- of thosO having - an .abun damio otlthis world's goods, during the' winter tteasorgiii behalf of .suffering humanity ; but when the spring opens, and mon become immersed in Wines; they are prone to forgetlthat there is any' further nooeabity for their oharitlea, when 'the fact is, there are large,demands for aid, and a few, hundred dollars would enable the society to do's vast amount of good in sministerring to the beoessi , ' ties of the sick and suffering worthy poor, and in very many oases smoothing their pathway to the, tomb. . , It may not be out of place to Say in,this connect tion;lhat the society alluded to above, aims tons. °owlish three things. She Arstis to spread the Gospel amongst those - who do not dealt opportunity' to worship God in the sanctuary, by carrying' it , to their own homes. The second, to adudnister temporary relief for the physical wants ' of these who are of industrious babita, and willing to labor when they can obtain work: And lastly, to obtain homes, particularly for children, in the county; thus removing them from ,their old haunts and habits, that they may grow up to become Useful . men and women. Tie moiety has three •regular appointments for. religious services The first; and perhaps the Meet prominent, is at the corner of Fourth and fleofg.e streets, where the moat .popnlar and eloquent. ministers in our city preach every Sabbath after noon. This appointment is under the charge of Mr Tames 'Nolen.: The second is in conneatiOn with' the navy yard end receiving ship, looking to the benefit of seamen; meetings for prayer and eaperlence are held on Sabbath and Thursday af ternoons, and are under the Charge of Rev. R. W- Leigler. The third is 'at , the "-Home Mission Rooms,'! 1131 Boat North street, a prayer meeting is -held every Wednesday evening, at 7i o'oleok, audio under the oars of Mr. Geo. P. Arrison. Be-. sides those, the missionaries 'make thousands of visits annually; in 'the prosecution of their labois. - The °barflies of 'the public are dispensed at the laet-named plaoe from 8 to 11 o'clock, daily, to an such as have been visited and are found worthy. And;in addition to all the above pained efforts, an intelligence department is opened, 'through which nearly one, thousand individuals Imostly children) have been sent to good, - comfortable. homes during the last three years. • In oonolusion, lot me say that this noble institu tion is now in want of funds to oarry on its refor matory work. Donations will be very thankfully received by the treasurer, Thelma T. Mason, No. 434 Market street. — „, • - INDIAN GRAVES Piseeviantn.—A. Mr. 1301- yin residing near 116nongihela city, recently dis &pored a number Of Indian gravesovhile plough.' ing in one of his fields, bordering on Pigeon creek. The graven are covered with flat stones; A short distance below the surface._Several al thicnhave been opened, and the bone exhnined. bane has been examined, and pioitouisbed tdhave' belonged to a human being at least .eight feet in height. Implements of war, pieces of crockery ware, t„ supposed to have been used by the abort , . , t h," o , rere a lso found with the romaine. -The Vi`esteris Pennsylvania Ineterical Society - should send a committee to examine-the' grounds; and report at the next meeting. Pitts. (Pa.) Post; • CAUL F011.31E8 •BE,TATOERENT.-131.0 great basso bas got into a pbysidal'diffieultY at Cincin nati, Ohio. , Mossra'Ansebuta, Satter, and Thornee refused to perform at a concert ; to which, bolt , over, they went, -and oreated a ,disturbance, but were ejnoted, in the Oourso of wh!olf proceeding Dir. Formes slapped Ansetnitz in the lien= - Formes, in kortrd, subsequently stated that he did, so on account of 'Ansehitis thing halting expressloptt fowls" twe finproteeted ladies,' ' TWO. . 2 .,CE , 7 taCOYD - ANlttitift#, ~ .111ftli.Illasts,Pritt e aUsts. i • • ;;1, • VERBATTIMEYOZTI EY--TELEGitAPH WAsthsarOw. - April.B,--Vl436llgre for *dult imo. into' T . than hi therto., As soon smiths deohowerip,opithed, , the open sp.too reserredf.lbrftdiedyigiette „ tory -,a!o• 31 V. • : .. Bo ap peered in court. Besidetthe gentleinenirtask4few, TOrk already mentionedkwerboticie, tbie geognhigi hioGgifskit Rie/!*. .o4tiec ...al wit. !Rai* - Mesallit%ll4,iild, Palo*: mirisimtionsit °xi both sides.-o tri , .(* • Most Of 'fit* Neirlork wibietiseitlsmir4ned for ttie'def ? nce are fO, r eapPOrt the Oharaohir,and reptt, ,tatioii•of 41.{.1Ooliidge, the principal attempt to sinvalidate hictsitimony being *ppm-. handed.::;. ,, .'" 'L ' ' ; ' • ;:' l Theioijetit of the P.140016n in - iyisimoning Arminie.-reat 'aid Dillon le ,innocoat . kn i t i i eon ,, .11setea•ith the marriage of Mr. Siokleid. I ~;it ; t4There Is also *doubt as to the admisidotrofjusti. **dory evidenoe,•and. along .argument is &total .patod on that _point." If notndnatted;the trial may end on Tuesday. or .Wednesday-tegt.) 'lt milted it,win Occupy s week longer, ! - • ••, PRUOINDI29IB 40141.' Judge ' oriiiford 'lank 'tilslitit'off Sliiltioh at twenty minutes past ten'o'olOVOtpiLignat art thltiate'd Style Elf .. Ojos," " / 4 4nagiTt40 debaty marshal. • • • • Oolline'Le4; •Of . ,llel!b#4o) t inilitt p Utlio Court ' Appeals,- 'of . aralost reeldii Judge oreerfOnl. " • •"' • There was perfect sting.. hi:the - avoided aenrt, 'Ai the Meisel' of the Wainer was awaited. A littirter of an hoar 'elapsed before Ito 'Came in ao. 'eempanied by'ther deputy Marotta and several of Lie friends. Ha took'a coat in the' dook, and then the names, of the' jsrens - titlltA t ; All an ' "The drat witnesi stilled' .E , iiiiiio o 4llfolleton. ..wosild•qatimswer. t.,„„ • • *Thn•Plet , l'' ' ".1-2 • • • -• . . • rho Distriot AttoineY repreUnted .1411 ab Wirt that bit. Pendleton was an,intportandWlttese, and had not been here yesterday or to•day.: : He under- stood from hie bre therthat the 'witness wan slightly ailing 'et his . resideficie Georgetown—lie wait porhapit the only ,other „witness that , Would be examined as to the facts of the traneutlon. If stoic, he would not, eftwurse, insist . onhis being present, but be Was a veil haportant Witness, and he wee boxions to have his testlniony, He asked,that an attaChnientMight be Issued: ' . ' • The judge.: 7lf the.ThetiletZAttorney'approve,': an sattachmenc'ef &tune, Will be hutted. , * " ' ThiDistriot Attorney rircimlsed to de eo. • Mr. Ohliton informed the'Distyiet,Atterney over the it, table that ' Mr. Pendleton w sick. , The officer who served the submits Infornied th court that the witness had been in attendance dome he we, snmesoned. An attichment . wai ordered. Mr Chilton infornied the 'mart that a neighbor of Mi. 'Pendleton stated that he'vras at his bro ther's 'house last night,'arid 'Clew that - , he was slok. The Distriot Attorney said - that he had no', objection to the °Mut instrocting the - Marshal to report the condition of the i r4nesees health. ' ' • Mr. Carlisle. A cartid Ann', a - physlelan would be satisfactory. ' ; • • Judge. The better eon* *kilt btr to issue an attachment.. If not able to corne,.that report can bo made. If able, hie nttendancesitotild be com-'• pelted. Thomas Woodward, COroner;lrseiist *led dor; - • but not being in ilton dance, was sea e siante• into court and was °sanitised ..bylite,TlistilorAti. *•,' The witness stated: that he - I,' lt tieratioli of the chanty, and held the inotteit.on e body of MY Key ;, that - occasion a pliant was delivered to his keep whieh be, *derma." 1./Cita.Deirim get pistol, stocked 'to the mutate, ':about Wien. Joshes long, wide rifle bore; 'ramrod • absent; maker's name, J. CV Byres; on - the leekl , 'lllkw Dinner delivered it to him ; it le in thesante ison dition as when delivered ; he examined the body and'olothes of Mx. Key; be has the clothes with; hint. if the District Attorney wants to sea them; be Unties a tandheroblef and takes from it hie keys and the ease of an opera-glass; he cannot say erhother . the eaten was open. or aloud. • The oatmeal ter the defence examined the. hely They, are ordinary _trapdoor leer, _ationtot?re i l Inohos long. • • • • - • Witness, ;Thli'liaidkiro'lilet `was talso in the pocket; he examined. th e body ot:•the dummied .; one 'ball had entered his side . ; another'the thithi-i near,ithe great utery, and there wet a bruise on the right side, and a alight ,wound on the band: l•Witeeis , unfolds the kundlew- It#lllDi glebte" - 44.' 1 1i - there tiny othernuesk intinsArett? A. Yes, herets e notherhole on the.right side. Judge..l36tifarii o'it' the tight side, ure i tikey..?? • Witness. No, air; one on.the District Atterney,tolthe yea 'e'en sed - these - marks,'gentlemen ? Judge. If they wishie,:the vesittanlyi - handeti to them. ho !est wee then handed.to the 'jary.,- It Is of a gray;striped material, the intnnktle.the pants.]: . - - Witness. Hete is a hole in the side of the'ooat. m[Holds it up to the -light.] The,coat is a tweed materlaVof ,a browalehilue: ;•• ' Mr. Brady:did not - see Ilio,!thatisiltilttiotthie - • • - - DLstrie tAttorney. We are through with this wit nets."' , Brady asked to suspend the ormakixamina-, Con as to the olothea till they hadiime to examine The"Judge'seld tha't course can be taken. ' lar.'Brady, Oh ' , the 'iniggestlon of Mr. Stanton, said : Never mind we win go en-now: -.- Oross,examlned _ Mr... Brady,--ITound one handkerchief' in Mr: Key's pocket ' ; thinks he liettld the eased the oneragrlaes hitheildepeeket Mr. Stanton einmines the the ; ,one and One Outside breaid4oeket, 'and . two sklit side. - pockets • • Q. What pockets are in the pantaloons? 'Witness. Two peddle and a,small watch pocket; four pockets in the vest.-tiro on 'anal side, abtiVe and, below; found nfithihg elect than' the keys,- .opera.glass case r pietel, and money ; .found no let ters or papers; there might . htive beenn. email porte which • be deliiered 'thinks there was else a blanch of keys on a ring , which he handed - to the clerk of tho 'court, Mr. Smith, • ' Wee there anything else on the person of Mr: Key which you have not produced ? •- • A. Nothing-else, sir; first saw. his, body in the . Club House; he was dead at the, time ; am not posi tiro whether his chat Ives ; Cannot Say positively that this is his Goat, but believe it is; all fhti money and effects in his pocket I took, out and:delivered to the dirk of the court ; I have got a list of the witnesses 'exathined at the Mildest; thends -it to the ,Tudgea there were a great many preientwheit I held the inquest; about a htindredvrere and about the Club Horde ithatil arrived there ; fifteen or twenty were in the room ; 4 knee' most Of thern - ;_ some were strangers ; do - not; know thateify per-- son bad partipuler charge of the body; it was be: , tween three and fOrti reeleek *ken I arrived; had been? at home tin GeofietoWn; agentlernin front York = eame, foe tne,in..a Attek;• this rerson's name was Alexander; it may have.beenßranois ' Berle; accompanied hint 'Mimed! ately. ' 'The, examination of this witness ,- the Coroner, here, closed.. Re was directed to hand the alothes Of the deceased to the Marshal. _ • - Eugene Pendleton, -the witness who had, been absent in the morning , appeared and was sworn Re said : I , wuut not present on the oemosion of the death of Mr. - Key ; near the niece where he was- shot,T and -saw two of the , shots fired; was .walking en the south side of the avenue,'and got near the eastgateleading tethe.President's house,' 'when his attention was attracted by bearing the report of a pistol r- turned hie head and 'saw two persons near the corner of Sixteenth street' appa: rontly in a muffle ; one was attempting to rid bun; ' - teltof the other; „one wits 'retreating, the "other following him up ;' the One nearest `me succeeded in freeing himself , from the ether, and, ran into this middle of the street,, fellowed closely by' the other , whet, at the same - time, threw something from his hands; I-recognised the one who retreated as Mr. Sickles; Mr. • Sickles seen • turned and brought deirti . the pistol on the other, being separated 'about ten feet ; the other exclaiming,-_" murder! , murder! don ' t' shoot;" Mr; SichleCared;. the shot gleamed to take effect; the gentleman shot`awooded or wilted; as it were, -with his hrguispreased to' his' side; he turned and . started", for_ the; pavement; he either fell or ,lay down on the pavement'; followed him up, and standing 'ever h i m - fired' - fired' e 'second time an the other Inv at his feet ;. - he then Presen ted. a ?feted again in the vicinity of the -head or. shoulder of the other; the iiietof snapped; Heard the explosion of a cap; at that' time 'Some one, -approaching from the Club House,' placed his hand on Mr. Sickles' shoulder; Mr. Sickles turned round suddenly; there seemed lit lie "come words passed between them; but:l-Was not near enough to, hear what was said the same ;one. came and took Mr Sickles' area, and they walked Mine the street; continued walking on; very toon'personS began to collect, who took'np Mr. Key end con veyed him to the Club- Rouse.; -when- I, armed there the body had beet(ta)ten - in, and then I was informed. 'that the pervert -Was Barton' Key; -I turned to welkshomei and discovered a man on the opposite side of, .the -street iishincout an :opera' klass; "thaeorai about fifteen& twentylardisfronx the avenue,' up Sixteenth' street;' it wail hearer the , west side of the street; think it was alittle above the second boa. - ' 'Q Was that 'opera glaes' the arttsle you saw A. I cannot say. = • • , , Q. Were; the partlea, when yp,n suats,it thrown, in sok sltuation'as to - alio* it to fall wherelt Vas found 7. • A. Q. - At Tibet time waS this throwiiig • ; A , ' It 'oiettriedlitsbnaltr.''Sioldett freed playa from the other: mad :lot into . the middle of the .street , LlMlt ;all lie, get, intorno street this article *wait thrown; he was , going from near the remand, 'trait - to the' oornerr;• it wee `nofori 'the aven ue; the wilt:tees oonfirmed to walk when he first sew them, and had peered the small gate, when .the .seeond 'fire teak plae"; did 'not see any pisthi ifithe hands, of-Key; the first time hese* the pistol InStokles hand.was at the time of;the wend, tire . did not See the - first - Bre ;:did net see whether Mr., Stokles bad a vistoria his hand at'thBttme - of the souffle ; notonfrateralp near to see what kind of a pistol it' war—whother one barrel or -more; -heard the re. Vert of three tilltasi, saw two of *IP ; whoa I -r.-^ - non= 41111.' 0 n p 0 4„ ow i tt*smowr otu• loom mei LI abut tlut fa -4 ' . Isviry .. - Win at ow tows seirostamo 4: 4 ttii*sioo of tkel4l - ilk lomat bi w • - , .•?:= iti,littouto to kositiomo : 1 "44;.k, )rrvise Irkil! t 1 .6 daY tocalittat, itt‘ tla Immo* it~laata~~ or ii.o ittotoidukttosit2pw!trilltott Interim t- .(: . .f.."--I.:r t 1 . 01.t.i4; • • 7 *lit . . t that yWm on K liditi !., t ;Zedp .s. fliiidwrictired for a few minutes. Oa .: .hie".rettirs the exemination was resunida air bus": The beetle lasted ;till one of AM, party weerpowsredother, and lra• of abort amities.- - mince ; It tdok piece near the oorces,ised wills*, - .thoeght it wastmemidiaielf og tho Psfelsonfii'lilltt ...- lot reedkiel more thee oue enap.r;.rirfre'iv: . • • . By Mr. - Brady. • Wit:ems!, 'attendmeetwas.drilwei to the partial . bylearteg_ tie repertef a plellefi. • did not go into th e Pleb Moan.), J . ~__.-... ' .... .• - • B u yer . Otdd. Did not asii , pay o tte r Pawn =. ne ee Pirtle' until the gentleman: came from ' • theSitati /to* ;" gi good . entity ware standing near- - .Mbase ,helliss; ; a member of 'women were In fdlte .4 .atneetrainduine gealetnan wait verimaelloi• `••" Cited, , doe'S wittkhe Wart , •• - .."0 . 0 , ;.:, - ;;."..".: • - ' .: —", .. ' iortoOlLiniemwalit' 5 7 4 ' , .."`" -' '' • - ' -Dr. goOlitigd - WihreAcria—firedeielreiinilio- - tient of thii,botrti*Mill one St the Oinblloems;. ' whith flietsiallie deliiiiiedhls'epOthis,,were 02— • omit, vett;'inditantigeoltil;" dfit 'nit teraove any of - the ellithingentirettfhin thiapte imin, bet opened --; the Clothes tii'iiiii'.'wherii;'.,the Weende were • de- - laded bid notelisied to; hreathe when I saw him .. 'filefe! it' that ' partial; smaminatien ' I "saw one: wooed 'an' the left ilde, , between ilii tenth Ma :. eleventh ribs, the ball barisigevidently" traria:lid •• " the body three and Or; Ear Whit- ebove this hlp.tiene,-, en"- the . ..left' tide;' and 'Seven inches from ." the. dent,., ... a `the' 'bath; aro end the chest and under the _clothing . ; er:c. the opal).- elie eide, rthove ' hip bone, I felt"two Inches below the groin ; ,there was another'..wound, the ' bill having pealed 'entirely. through' . the thigh, and came out jolt in the groove of the buttock and the thigh ; that it all I sew -et that partial examination id ter the octane, stuitaisried,,Ele ,' the clothes were,removed from the bodyby Dr- Stone and Myself ie'the Prairies of the earner and the "jury ;:.in' removing - this efothhig * wad Tu, foga d on the Lee stliti'iLaCtii the lannedietir'yietnity of , the wound.on,thal. side; ,htit. whithir that wet was'betiteif the - coat' end the'*estoost or.be tween thir'weinotieit ried•the dart,: I do' not ha w ; I firit 'taw It - at it wee falling on th e 11,7. Q. - "'On the lift side; you say ? - • A. On the left tide ; I handed it to some one of this/orY; lathy strippiirat tha hedf I discovered In the immediate vicinity, of the ball; at about the eighth rib, a "elight nonoision or 'abrasion of the skin; erit.emainththg ' the! coat ' anti - :waistcoat I foendithiliii4erferatsd by.* bill: whjob, le my oplehinfiliMidd the aliaifon Of the Abr rlfootild not be' midi frointhe eentruilon !nerd, . , _the inside:* of the first bin; ratio Wight that I rotina a wad there. and I aisaj have" laid ati et the time; but It proved to,be apiece of isotton with . which the waistcoat ' was ettiffia, and' 'which': Wes. probably black and whIM; -- Whethei-it war blackened blackened or not by the spereage of the bell 'I cannot Say ; the following nieritieg, eighteen hours ifter the death, a full'peet.moiteat examinetiOri. wan Made by Dr. Steno and'reyself ; 'we found there "was A 6, inj'ery about the ' head; 'the injuries about the ;hedy, es ter:tall/ - xeirii , •these I have desert [bed it • WAN a Slight chri stenon toe 'Op . d i the' midi* finger of the left hand. '' ' ' " - i' :" ''..." ,:.• ~ , I'', Q.' Was there'd* blOOdidellit.ltt. ‘',"-,1t.... 4 A. Ito ; the blow of a llamas:sr Might litFre done something of the kind; or something.,passing through witheit batting the 'skink there was no blood' on. opening . the rod ~,w e ttlintg.a large quantity:of blood t o the'ea ty Mt ifte hiediy; and • sabsequentlY found lite eine :of 'lllitymil, - "deseribed an entering the left sal; to be fhb it broke the eleventh 'rib, wa r m:it the Mitiiiiidit of thempleen. =that reitlirisrbleli'llisii deaf the Isiekkorie ; it made a slight groeie udder its hirin 'radios ; it made a meth deeper reeve serum the whole neves .. . part of the body of the leftham r.it did. noillio. • jure the great , bleat:vileisistif?eiledi," th e twO greet - tninks, nor It ilidind'"tte 'lntentiteg Or i - the stomash ; Itceittiralf the:large ' lObti; "'Brod ' mast of iheliverinationlehlii,; It )1(a( within halr in inch of the itietieitterthelveri &Cite trasek ...• ' , retie fissure ;-I de net . hatemillsehr den deeerthe it • without using " a• little.="taehitimd, Isogon* ; it ' - transversed this whele:thleleitient - Ordbe Jobe of. the liver, ant 'entered' the.right esittity';: t p chest, i,. without wounding, the itmgei;' it bee . • eighth 'rib, 'rib, and' lodged under the `flfili , eft sit. of .. the chest contained a Large qiuintitier.b/cod—A quart st least ;._ altogether, the amoirt opshatel Wild between thiaie and fear gnarls - ' ~ .„.. • • Q. M . Was et a mortal wound? ‘ - ",..," ...; ' ot 4 ft 1 - I orient/led t}:e‘ heart; ' there ' wise'.e'i iinste,...t - 1".. anosuel.esnowat er litl„T gepoSit, on , Sidi • • of the heert i ;let. r theAtmmfamt ectyis , . itiitt-... woo healthy.'‘... is."-i " ' ~z ,;,,!,...; ...,".: . i . ,W-1.:_.! .. - Q. You hied ;Itainiftlit . letlbsifhW_. i. 'Of . Me ball Visielettlifaio . .7thd...IOW :I L, ,do 701 /- infer at a scientific gintflift — 'mf i jsM, iffi , . 4 .. ". 01 .,.... poi !tion Of "the'desimeed St mi lkiitoitti!itea t ...,.0 41 *„.• .uiic-,. the jury totry. , 4:•i„ . " The Inettlet Altera* amiwouti pc *at* Deeper Im. ...,..--t-. . *m - 114 Pt—...eo !Preinillie'.4o ; an.., r er by intent that _eettesei of - habit at Merles very: tortuotte ; fornied'a the orate, in Chit otlib leAlkittct4p body mustintreilbeerilda' , Seniki*nellientpokurit ht ether efordi;lhat Rely ineuit'literit; been lying on Wright side, the bedyliver to Itte - vight,=midlhe'sisaildiert a little - higher ; then thehips;pi;reiiitiindlteiithi 3 Olipn, the, kidney, and the Wier teild beie beinded in -: the previmermaiinei they:v . /era **lime llißliedy.was in' that - ptisithin",;! iMilinstbild r that • bellinity litivifesoipterthe inteitinciriPdirtousach and 'the 'greaVirterf - in",er diffelinCpeeltfon, al -1 thongli therpiehaidlitiee' azilltat;,lynairin that - Lisositlen, Aimed Pte - ,•",fhts'Aglik,. the . stentichlehdr - inteetilies 'fall fotwird;_maiting the probability -of:; th eir- , itieitief *Mk Alietliall the - neater; -penile° teid ,with-the'airnitpf the United Stites; aitaiddlitant einglion';siki meanie - - blY'Miiicehot - wounde; . - - 4,lutve no doubt that 'this wound was ;infiloteC 011* lilltol shat-,-bilt in our lenient - 64e oenurals by firearms gaa•shot wounds. „ Could; you g i ve ani_opinien!is the style of pistol:slinky/Meth this - wound was infiloted:f; - - • Mr. Brady objeoted. . , The Distilot " Attorney that the Anestion Ras proper. • -The Judge ruled against it -Itesumod.'llient out the bill hirrael (aid thinks he could reads - ice it; it *Remarked; [a pistol ball was handed tolliefeelbiess-1 , ' ; • _Unit it? " ' • Toike - best of biz * * *ledge and, belief it la ; Musa the inakinede on it in my presence by 'Dr." Sione,,Or rine exitettt l ike Q ,To what' paitioular ! does' that ball commeitlybeloug? j-Mr. Brady ob jaded:l CI did iMerictior that a pliqahlan isfUn ex-_ port in the' niardifiaboxi Of hiearms:. Diatriot Atfoniny Ceitalitly . - "is,qf -be is a physician in the army - if , not; he camot diseharge his duty. Mr. , Brady. think 'he Mmi discharge' fi t s duty without discharging firearma.t;ftmightuf 1 - To Mr. Carlisle; Thiele the-ball we - extracted on the right-side ; - it is the onlyball'We found; the itrthe groin passed threitigle.j, This ball, on . being applied to' llte'Dorringer pis tol in' court; and 'which: , hav-alieet Nire;'islound to Target for it, - solliat there - Must havibeen `la third pistol ' ' , the-bore - ot.thialre; - folver being still smaller - •' - The witnessdescribed the nature'd the Wound in' the - groin; saying, - turrong , :other-things s , it was near the thain'artery,'aid-just abode the 'largest - branch; the onlyvessel wounded Was an extornat vein-.a flesh wound ;severity, would - depend on after conietprenees; Ordinarily suith a - Wound would not be severe, but might have left lameness 'for a long time. "- -By Mr. Brady. Witness's attention was tailed to 'Mr: Key by the shots he beard ; - no ,person came for him ; be went into the - Club House and found him breathing his last; not more-titan eta or seven 'parkas were there, tooluding two colored men • to the best of his-belief the" white - pe4sona were'Meests. Dore. Martin, and-1101On ;!artut not certain he raw ldr.. • theft war no person having charge - or Mr. Key, etrietly speak ing ; was present when Mr: Rees pockets -were saarahed took Bleepers ease from the left sideToeket'of hie -coat; his impression was - that theOsse`wsit:olosed and empty ; be raw two keys. but could riot iden 'WY-those exhibited ; pulling down-the:pinta leons to ascertain the nature of the wound: fblt Rune loose money and the keys be thOught every thing was handed to the coroner; kn'ewireehltrac teristio, presented by itself, which could.deterinine from the abrasion the course pursuairbyahall Mr: Brady Inquired whether' there wereindices wbioh would infallibly 'determine that anabrasion was made with a ball or firearms, '•- Witness: -The holes in the right side of the coat, waistcoat, linen; and flannel shirt, ; settled the matter in his mind; but this opinion ..wait`not in fallible; he merely assumedplustlthe hole in the clothes was made hy.a hail. - By Mr. Brady. - Did yen ever see anYthing else that could metro sttch a hole? ' Witness.- No. I- judge- from. the frequency have seen clothing pierced - with shots.—. : Mr. Brady. What is the- peculiarity ore hole in a vest or other clothing made by a - ball ? Witness. -You ask my opinion t the marked pe oultarity I- cannot desoribe ; you have asked my opinion.: .s: • Brady.. You have - said that the cosine of a pistol. ball: :al frequently' tortuous: Is there any law which reiterates such woman? , • - . Witness. Not at all. The ball does not IleeeS. BMUS. ne in_ a line-of -perfection: There'is noth ing at *post-mortem examination to toll amours° rota ball,: -- • . further. interrogatories •-nit'th'ese points, the. witness .said: he thought-. Merits,' Key 'and %skies were nearly of the UMW height-11v Key Noe probably 6 feetilinekee.-.1 , • • Mr. Brady., EinpposertWO men - /Are *enzsgell in a sonale or toads, each endeaviiiing todetwoortte the •other, and struggling fort life- or' death,. - one at tempting.to throw the other, or, she dischar ging ,pletot !• is there • any - possible .wfititiaef the •par ties -whialtwonid show the shot auld•prodtme such " Witness. The position of - thy-body meet have beentri tha right aide; with the ihouldertra little more elevated thlthlthe =hi thelbody , iiieltied to the right,,,Whather : the:body- was-suppOrted by the, arm and not- any tldnrelse,:/Slonitlmew the csntrsiot - the bail must: have depended on the position of the bodyi as I have deseribedit,!l , „ - .Dr".l3torte,lrlio ,assisted at the' post-inertenn ex amination, ,testilled-es - the ;Ohara-otos .of the wounds, Identifying, the, ball wh4la -Isar taken from the hody - - , e Jury to ok a - reeeis at one - for -Ave Aftifthe retiasi.jramesiW: heed, who Jed ex amined yesterday, villa malted by the, District At -Tali stated- yeadmdei, that; Whin ,yettnsaw 46 1* P "Want Om- 901404 alit leg ttlitttog _, , ;~z~a.2ai „~~r=ns max:; IMRE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers