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Qui, - _ pn ~,'; ,i!** 6146 4 . " '''' .' — 3,:..l,leinisdisi 'Mader , - 0 . , ,.. -f.: ',^'':,, Y. Ravetioatiritifta, Presidant. ,-aliatilia W:00X1k9909•9417," -' , l . 449akiliiiiii - OfilCiVri ,'"' 2.)*H 4q i iteilittir:'liouitifli Wiiiiii. ';.; -- r':;;:.c:;;:;. - ', - ; DiorAwARN9.II/Tii . SAL-,SAFETY. AST; .f.a......4.7•461:11LAN01C00MPANY1t4 `," ' ,,, L_.- - ' - - XN o o"itioirtrizo , any TRW zrseiszarvits 71 iiiii , iiiiratZWIlliMIV:r --- 4 , f,, ~ , Ittaste, Pjailmilifii, OP . MI • 11.2 , 19 A ., q . ky I A I N OM ~ A% . 1 $ ammo, ' 14,411-'peW 6 - i;i. *oriel. • ' -fi , MIGHT , - tti.skk,ltri Alvort Veal* Lake% and land (bulge, , _-- to all nen of the Man. - , ,84111111 311p11:31 , A;N 0 H./ , ' • t 4 ', ea Ilanbandirelininny. ' ' X 0.1514nre, Inenhw Inane `C- , • . , - Amara or rm obraktigt. a - -- -,-.-;,: , more Fur 1,1668.' 4- ~,,--,',7 ? ...',' ~_ ~, , ..-, ,---- , Marko: 'KINN. V 3llo' ; ' , , k l9l 4 49 .ohistitty oar int. 1ean,5105,144 00 ,000e-Pabligingia , Md. 1.0100..4....:..103,4/3 99 ,000,11. IkTrateneASant. leans. E 9,112 60 kPi11a09933199N1r, ,11,1, Xgq- -, - slat oiri Vrte 'i 5 ~4 4,1rr0 oo • , ;0 1 :00zikreskieriveWs•Uroadli4t. , ' 4 j` " .iierARPARWIN2OOO.2 ' • /2.000 00 12A.000. 0 ene ale* ,dUeonnanta Oat t„,..?- ~.4 f i zczattann and principal - -, ~,,-,- , ,/.., bribe /My sit Plana- - ~, 41 911 * 14 92k.00 '), lev inane Pental nal* Itaidreadi" , '-= 4 V''2 , Oompany 4,337 60 , :leariekllllWAlNtiv..Putrytriiiphit 1.,...,',-- ~ ItidlevadAlenneb oa - ' 140,00 0140 - ' - '1114909 , 11s flee- - - 1 ; . li erann T t' . 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N. ikipataar' •• 4.1 • ' Irsoolo 'Tyler, • • lit , ) *I.:. Obarka Jesetlulilialliellille • t lirm.matiaziti;llfra JANES ' zinnias, sat Truallalgt . IILiItI7IIIIIILL, Aadallsat tlearstiory.: C, N. VS* palindatWLitt . oissai7 - am - - " - • _ . ittti, - J ill, 1 1 'Pe • QUAZ - , t rilrnlcii -, 0 . iTY amiLt it s,L B r o gu 1 it A.11 ,:c.. 417. 1 IW.l. lt iehililma i , Ji 43 1411TVAL:— '' • * - .Itl 44. ii,,,..5t,..4,,E, ilaitAirin ' . .. -, tip4 o -- P 4* INA vr dillosirib kr via 0 1 0 taik Pe :'• 0 14 . ass.' I" ti N t.r. a ."ll4 rlptim2 " , •An ! .. tIVI!l%0)n 1411 .?In ; i ....: .. 7 . 5 . 1 1 ; firrorsh •#ZWRriraptlY 65/4"44 ud -• • '.' ' ,), , .... .. r ... , p111141 ,,. ...• Atiiloy ' F = • f • ,4,.. . tier , illl"4l'. i ;t . i • L ; afaigi, Oiliktiti) ::• • . ;IV ' s .1%.' ;.4. , 4:-.obuteag G. bigirl''" **" • , O. 061.141., - .v. , onotai ....-i,jelluatt... oose ~ .nitst I. zoitiaL i. - ii.'w l, ywur. Immo r , - .• - iurr pne•Artit. ,„ „ 44*0116/11 ll ' I/ 1.4045zt. 1 ' A , rIll"'" V 1.% Beeretarr end TrelraM.-: ITAI7OOO i, I& gatniary. ' 101 tiiliOnl74 . ma , BOLO, 4 1 t PV.Fr. !:tir - 91 7*..^ . ,', in sr.witta. X/le - 114114'4 ' - .. liirlifidi h us sidle si . thialia* #. IMAIIERibir small, it ibs: 'Mom: • "go "W, Al -.10 1 r 4 11 9 OP 14 01 J oak 4 2:46PliPsi r .6„...4„..„,40,4,..ei1a5iteabd1k• It leftlfeeilriodgell#olllo.oeir tie Itif, 41441fiViiiiiiiii.4 slipig4lmpfis acts iiiirdfiliieWiirosity* it: ', 7 •107, •irslimeastm“ co Tmaiedli:iNliii MIMI aim f ewte, en RIF r to la wifejlagialthipiw elan. Ile Apid Ma* those lualetellellherm lie* r ei Altars per a 4, W. The thread Ileallahthealllreetkr from the welly. Th°ll l,l r" rll=r 1 , 1111 /eize la feet, It, lee gist le ono faiaur in um hoe, ad - TiIIiMMIOLLAIIa, lel irtiltr fweio , llollollleale WlHtte the AMA at elawal , awl : - -'- r -7 1 -49:A. kern, Asset; -t* MME=I '..,:', -.`; "- • . Aft. Nilo -, . , • ~, , •:-f, 7 1;r: 4 -'::,.. : ;.: ' , : ... . ii i l i Ir wi t ufarammiju : : : "l u tert :l: 6 : 2 ' 7setweam.B 7 l.3 i ooo,. ' ityri: e6 7 ll7olo: : :o llll :7, :: 6,:su 4llll : .,,,s..... l i.. . c :. l ,5 it rit iotwg",2'Piet'•••4 /,', , m11,14.1 it ~,r19,...:::, iiainer,o.ll4l,lllDi jis - .. 610 .1. 0 ffiZ.:,:4. 411 rira1l -. * CE AN ~cw# :; ~~k~~tei; I trsiirspOrist 704:4441:5 'To.-Dx PUBLISHED W'EDNES'DAY, APRIL -0, - *at Yr.—HOUSEHOLD LIBRARY, TZLIEI Sar.M OF PITT. z -L • .-- D4 r xecede t or V e Life of Pitt, Earl of Ohathatn. I PRIOI 60 OMITS. BELISSBR & PROUTER, 3 608 BROADWAYT - N. Y. j - ~ ES B. SMITH & CO., ~ . !nit ADBLPIITA, , /LYE JUST PUBLIIRED TRH FIRST OP A SE- Allii OP . YOWLS% "sop cooeteltalug i oullection, of , MeEpeecheined Writhigeof "Deli - ['the public men ' , t o rs country as possess sufficient eminence to justify . a publication of ..,. , -„.., ..- •,..,, THEIR POLITIOdi PRODttorroNs! t ....-- it lost Volume, which is now ready, will consti tu te A f 11 collodion of the Speeches, Messages , and other ,• WM logs of Eon. Aisear 41.: Baotou, a Senator in Cie es from kileslesippi4—formerly floyonsor of that 11410t—poefaced by a biographical sketch, and a per. Malt (on small of ittee;,diatingulehed tsphject. Edited , bf M. W. Oluskey, Erg , anther of the Political Text -t• The above is complete in one large octavo volume of 620 pates bound in sheep, beet style. Price $3. ' 'Bpoksellers should and early orders to insure copies hauls the Bret editions (Myles of the &bre° sent foes.by—mall on receipt of pvizie. Clubs of six. 616. - so; just ready, a revised and much-improved °Al fieri of - •• 1 CLIJSKEYOS POLITICAL TEXT BOOK, OR ER. tCYCLOPEDIA, , litialuable for political speakers or writers, contain. Lo gi thalistoryfift every -polltioal guest on thAls,the subject- liscussion. The Most important - polities' documents and Congressional notes are contained in it Over:Boo,meg tor.nvalusit,l4l; political: matter ,ie,em lors4ed,Prise same as " flov..Brown,r , Same terms Mt. Clubs; - ALrforkirAtmiiigisinstrivrA-'editifiecif '7!l - - -.• !- • --'2 , . .1 BURTON'S ANATOMY OP MELANCHOLY, - 'Corrected nod enriched by translations of numerous Alloilta from the London edition. - Clori•volums, 706 pnces, aro., illustrated with Steel Engravings. Price $2.60 Oita volume 700 peps leo : illustrated with ..„Striel Endavidge,,liltr:( '', —' 714* 4.00 ;Address orders far Sca Oboe; to lisinni immediate at tention, direct to the Publishers. . - r „,,The nallarsignad also publish over 200 different works, in, every department of literature catalogued of which 'will be ant to any address on apdiestion..•••. • ', `-• • • • • ' - TO - AGENT S .i.riAgents will find-Misrabovemotyksireey profitable and Ideals. Teires'orilfil shove, is any OT one ether •*PAktationi, and •All, information connected with the 'Mane's, Mali known an applioatiod by letter. - • t JAS. B. SMITH k. 00., '' I - ' Publisher', Wholesale Booksellers, t • and Blank Book Manufacturers, I • •• , - ,-.5, Nor- 610 Chestnut sheet;pailarielpkia. ... Ai112. -, mtlilm' , • TBE NEW BOOKS ;- ; , . - - OURIOSITIIII OF NATURAL EUBTORT. *Francis T. Bnekland, M, A. - Being sannelng and -. vitultennthe Wootton' from nalebrated Wadi and - Venture* of eneineekt . 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Scorn London edition. , „atiikWTheee books are sold bran Bookaellere, and will btiint by mall, peatsgefree, to any put o” the 'Baited Otater;Ontentds ot - - BUDD & CARIJITON, Publishers and Booksellers, No. ISO GRAND Street, near Broadway; • rot3l-thetn tt • New York. 'DARE, SINGULAR, AND :VALUABLE • A.A. BOOKS bought, sold, and exchanged by . , Autlqn• Boot Store; :5. hill • c" . " l7`BuhthSlXTe:'Btteet: ~ pianos. STEINWAY & EON'S GRAND and EQUARB fIANOS, now univereelly rise, and vesommended try the beet Artiste, probs. 'What an 4 martens performers, of.thle country Atom. parbron with .the best-Other Makeri easili satisfy thelparebarser of their euperlovlty, se they speak for themselves, mid sere thee? mousy Sod trouble. 1 BLAsnis BROS , A26-Surs. 1006 Obeeteot street. t itlimem SUPERIOR...PIANOS. rrarrill WILLIAM KNADIS to , CO. 14- , nolo-roam itsigursoTuaiss, .1.3, 6i sad .7. North' zuraw Otraet, and No. 207 ,- ' BALTIMOBE: Street, between Charles and '• I ' , - Light streets, Baltimore, • Wen a lways on hand a lugs aworWaant of their ropertimlltde WNWletitandskby AtertMeatels, from B. ThplberelltrlikhiklaariVither celituatWillrerformain to bri equal if not superior, to say made la this country.. aira dual:lNp of thalr Pianos will be warranted for giv y ears, a r i abo a P u r ld ir ti e ry n o o f t sit ,gilr ha e e 4e ntbna gran wris d fao tri t t ita in . uflotaring Iwgely, we will sell *hotted* and re "*l• 4') (4, 7 , , - t, 14!, ,A $.. ".14 4 1 " . 41 " 1,11:11 leNill/14: 7 00; li keeps. LBE •& - WALKER, No. 722 011ESTEIIT .ati•••• t, rhiladelphla,' are our' authorised Agents, and Itg in k tr e=o l ltintly on.Bliad sad sell odr i Mnoli at *f OlitOktßlNG-Sr.,BONp, „ ow. • 4IBANDi 9411A1131; OPRICUIT , V - =4 PIANO-WORM. wmitzsooms isoT i somor ptui tly in Apr/ a 1 09* of 0401 Ulllll7l. aiii YT irlustaarriietalatrateora: - i here been' av i r4s )ViA l ti ai rfr# 4 )? lt .t iiil k i k# 4 3 1 .1 1,141 1, RlVitiritarliiOriii PIANO IrORTZEI. 'hut r•dolvs4, so Civil obi& of & Amt. oo & 00 . , 111121 Pill k °LAM. LOAM, DA. 711 6 00., and GAL' & t/6108. 11.XL0011- OXS cor boort %Witt, • ' B. *calor 1 7t 011411arrinIT sic Mishits, Cabs. . • r • THERILL- & 'BROTHER DRUGGISTS* IHANOIAOTIORESS, Rs" raloy•d ttlAbetr mew aroma's, Nu: 47 sada°, North BBOOND fltrort, AM are aopplythe the Trade with -- • PUU Minn LBAD. OILS, °LAPS, DRUGS. 0111114IOALS, ALCOHOL, 'CIAHPHSNH, yLp.tr:k; - to. W. MARTIEN. •—• J• iNsuaarici paolitikCianirank. ONce, No 110 Aosta Jetilit,TH etrestilmilo*Ohodat . tint.i.Dat.PE A., .1,1.#$ • • . . : • - ..•.. .• , . 71.11111, Nil, INLAND; and uniurstntimbn wricitim, it um • IsolValt Riau, in miponAiblo Oft pea t rroo of char, to the' Mara . • tn 1.22. Soo A .11151178 T BEOIOIIT, - ...... • , :CA..... BAU.IL je 13EAVER ITOBAT, Santee Letters of Coedit for Travellers, available in ILI path! of.thswerldi,thraresh the Nemo. Rothchild*, Otlritiii•ZondOs. tookft"-Naides, !aid And Atte: ir Coerespondents. . • JOHN 0. HEYWIIUN; Ifealer in REM; BBVATLattoollpio tke excalutton of Mtn t 0 Lind/lin Pannier and ttt• aotithb to 1014.V14 . 4. 4 nil elates, 414,y + trawqrsty$ puladeivniA. g OBER? .:PAPIIITHORP . , ATTORNEY. ..T.LAwiono.wwipr Vapid above Xighth; Nics.ao 191 . ADVis - ranumszoo4 orrios, 11111111117 N IN //CUNT; loivairas PARMA, PACKAIM 11:111BO II AND11111 BANE 1 4 16713 Mad rillti . .lt r aZl l l6o7l;AVl l 2 B , lo so an ta tiri !OM awl orrus Ik• 17010•41 Stately. SANDIO ,lAD thinsta en perfervid* mi 4 A l6 ; ll , K lP. l Plumial l"B i lri A - 0 " dro/ 3 s*. 88. CORSON; "• MW, Bangs Betoisit AND. CONVBYAN ORB. • EIONSV LOANED ON 000 D MORTGAGES. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY. MADE. wb.9o 3m , • 111011413T0 PA. CiKIEk OAPP,.' '8 POOLlitteet, above WAlnet, 81•01:11S.BSOkEIRS, rit4l doolorp la er oiatlle abd etteritipa gelibrilly. Attefrt the BrokoroSoori Ihel' tat an . orders! for the pur 'Wit* Ws et 0011.8,80ND8..40. JaT4y • • '' • • ‘, mon AND MICINAIIO. slientilit, • X•.4•fionth Ism Steseto t* • r r..' I .I.III.ADISMUCi 011 4. 11110 410 •Pf ! . SPEIT-0 B:,_ .. . • • 9f' (1011), AILVDR, AND ELASTIC' STNIII. !HUM WIDA Pebble And AAA lillat plover. tloe " 2 ;:411EITILUALILNTS DDAlNibliklial ma Burying:.; - - . INMANOANANAA. &boo! AppArttua. • : I 't '.! 11110140649 PEA, •• . e . ' AAA for MAW lo* b# • . p • I. •' .- ' -,. ;., - 1 o Atilii W. atrass A 00., tat uIIZATNIIT Sheet; Pkllsdelpbis. Priced and Ilcurtriktiof Oitipopep moat by will trail et thugs. '- '' "A ':—:•• "". • , - nat6.Bro ............--- __ °obi. • oassns, & 04)• GENTIMION'S I • IFUMantleiteroitll - • • Oman aibvi SBA* ; k , 7701tr:i • • , o • &int Old lam no. is 0 inlay, 0, 3 .0. 0.0193tp0n410011,4 . , Ah.'WLWIOR X , allll of hireeefore, kti Dee. , tonal earatvaloe to the Chn ia4o 4v ott ati fitantithetnring • sate. Oiders for Itts! idyl@ of Blast. • Collars ailed et ,the •hotles- Wholesale • inappliol on Ittoyal Unlit • - • - J• W. SOOTY; (lap 'of .theAleoz of WM.. a entilivak*NOMldicillN2LlllllNV IPVIINLOR. mu ATOM! and NILS? MANICUPAOTORYL 911 ;RI fit r•!• . o,..filotuyoppodt4 Girard 7. W.B. WOnle reipsittally win the attentton of his er iStrOul iiKt &tondo to Lle lOW Store; and Mt° fill orders for SIMMS at abort notief. • ft roulade& COUNTRY TWA anDPAill with r 1511151113711 eiadIOOLLARB soo.ts , . • 7IEGLER,' & 13MITH ) '(WtioLaSszar Datra• LA (Hama corner' of 81400 NO .r 4 0101* Streatai. smiir orerlog their 'largo stoat of their oita ' PAINTh, of all eototo, and 39 HIV* SAD at rice* leitontahisgly low:„Alio, IVINDOWi kita; of allapartot (Vitality, the, .arvllkairlaa WS. at of at Ohnep'tatee. , Daaleta la this above arklalol. ail . do Wan to en nini flea. Talcm u desat4tiona ot ar•thigreitablishment, and telly erIII dnd Aim q~L ot bper airdi batter qualltj than they ass puroSsa• k im oc:4•. , /. , tsble•if . . • • . , - - 1,17 :E • 8' MATER : sasOrtment eoninsalaj. •1110see..1gotaidlt. Galt Ws ittirothin -of Owls of anytottal to flow.lfork. - • v•lvr • _ l7l /AR-sgs K. M. t'• f . , suott. • Tll:l3faritgsS-RMADWAIII.4qI I IOIIMAX,- APRIL 7' • -1859. aseier Teviactoomr.;,.: =5 ,INFORTBIR AltD JOllBlll OP • LAOtB 0. A • "1 . Stia ; : IMBROIDIRIN6, 7,:rattit#3l4ool:4i &o, • IHAB REMOVE!). TO • NO: /0•;5.011:**917,4g1,1.13TRZP7, Has it; frill Has "'bore .11ormici Also, geoettryig dolly;JOBB from Atiotion, to 'whloh ,01111 aniCAlteri,tt time Pupil* kelavitttC mart-50X, S Pi i4s9 : TrkAph; :7 NciV 26 and -28 1011:11.7413 ; 111 , BEA Have just:opened Uteri re 4,4 ' • ' MN/ITO/ONO >. - .E - ,19 , .4.1,811. - AND , GERMAN 'HOSTETVZ,' - ' GLOVItS,:'.4IIIIII , I3KALL'irtatES,, And sollcdt laaptsAloa of, tfiadr,ooppliti , and well *molted sto9k; n, T's o • sow/ 444 i ANP:I 3 9#g I Y 227 O. 2Ii ' AIM fOOO-Sm BURtii*gt, 04X21',Oltee,AIVSARINGItN _ Arai:mere - oOn at their Bore, - : . 4O a'• It'X' T 193 B Abere Yoart!t, Wort Olds, iniebinCASSOTOMENV 0! NEW ; 3P.RI,2VGArYL'RS' ' FA:lst - CV. . OP TEEM OWN INPONikrION selection; whisk they oiler ler sal. te,buyerarretn . 611 parte otthe United Stites., en tbe moat liberal terms. SCH,A.VE.E.U*IIO,I3E,WF,S; 1414DIOBBEAS:, • . - • 19Mlaifi . - / • paraMOIO66IIING-Gidiabie j GERMAN Nn , p49r.GOOVEI, fei4n.l 'WM - JOHNS 'Ss 1345N,;- - - the late Toe: T. Zane ? ) importers an 4 ' SHOA,TTtrirark*INCIT ! - iABTORIti - ; 1 • ThiLLoONT, • 1 74T.TTB, he., Ziortheart writer ot!roupkt,* Asoaniree!g tAING :, O',REET, 151705 .ITAINP,AcITLTOO' ,GQaDS, And at kindsoi elm *o4i. g , P.PILD'II kit.ENT`BI)6T - TUES. ~ • ' ORT.IP/iHY. 10. 1 0111tIMI: LEATH.III:,'ROtAtiIa ;MILLS.. 011 WING THREADS, end NEILDLIS. ENGrasm,eatuiraphli: snoraltaßADs -.2.415: - tideive, • • - - • .gp WIN W., P83(143 . 7E, Importer 11 BOOT,)3HOE, ud GAITER Iron Building, N. W. oornii AUG iknd !MOTH !to. LASTING!, ~ GALLOONS, : • ' ' • 1119!NOG • •' PATENT IZATBIK tioNGams WEB, TOILET SLIPPER. ,febl-Bmr MOB 1.11181AT113,-LACIN3, COHOSPAATIC 'GUANO FROM RAVASSA. ISLAND, tiARIBBEAN SEA. Analysis b y Pr. Ohestos Bickel], ialtlmors: Bate Phosphate:, ,84,18 t 0 unteloleg of k hoiphoile Add 88 !IC: . Ifleorido of thstottim 2.84 CatbonAte of Lime • 6.83 Petotide of Iron es.B4ll9:olsOD, • •••• •. 8 ... Water, /co ' •.. 4.88 1 .. ! The ottraoddlniiiiilo': eantaie of Phosphate of Moe*. above gated, recommends the article at ones as a superior Phoephai4Oaint ' ~., . . , # - ANIMAL F,EftTILIZER, . • SUPER PHOSPHATE , OF LIME, - num, • THE NEW army' MANIVAOrCIRING AqblyeitY by Al aybityas Liebig, totiotls4l sod A541:11441 -• . Ohoinliti% Pliosphato or Liam 20 Bulphate of Limo 15 Orgeole Miter yte ' ding 49010011, • • 41 Ai:Madge Rate ' - - • • ;„,,,,. Iniblublp Onie . ,stied thatter. - , &is Boilable 84115, Chlot. 44 , 105111 h. of 041 • /8 Watt and lots • • • ' O. 100 This ensnare le composed of dead animals, blood, onitl, and raw boom , ' Every one of oar crastomma hailog found oar manors what we represent It to be—adapted to every soil and crop—we recommend It with the Whist confidence. 840 to 400 The per ante bays frequently laereusd the yield fifty per cent_ . AIeo:COLOMBTAN, SOP? COLOMBIAN, and AMMO. NIATED COLOMBIAN GIIANGS. AU al the above YEKTILIZEIIB In belle end Darrell. Din 120 t 01145 per 2,090 and 2,240 The, aecording lb quantity Indkind parish/sad. For sale by l'tti:/nAItDI3 MILLIIII,. Po. 210 8. 11119812 tit., halo* WALNUT, Marl-tti lb a 2m Sole 'Agents In Philadelphia. OARMERS 1 1 ARMERi3 U 'FARMERS 111 l• SUPERIOR TO 41,L.i , • 00Einosr. PIII.SEIIIEND BONES., Ths &Wale of BON2B so well known to all ferment sad in lit Merits io gegerally acknolrledged, that It le wet *tell extrolielng to find thi Odsmioat. Poo' rattan Besse, reanorsotured by ?Ismail TIBBS & CO.. fast superseding all otherfertilfaers. By their successful dlaeoniry and preparation, the °guy objectloo .agaln.t the article boa been removed, (via: Its slow reenlte.) Farmers sod others now gat a Manors which they Sec understand," always yam always sellable. It Will at once enrich the sell, poph,forward the crops, asid at the mime the be L &Stift. TIBBS & 00 1 A supEtr-egospasto 'or Ltldß. Thft desertsdly popular Perilllier la prepared by •Ketare. Tuttle & Vo., at their Oarbon Works, and le pr otionaned Stpriintle Pdr Limb Stone Land, It' fe Wieldable. Its effect upon the tend and °rolls le rink and lasting—with all the bent rite arising trots risen, It hu none of Its eihsusting effeots. It Is need to about the ante quantities and for the same put , ,posea, sa the Ohemloal Pulverised 8.011811 , Thetis popular Fertilisers are pat ap la begs and her 'Me, convenient forhandfing. Ivey sttention paid to farmers sod others wishing Information. The latest pipers and pamphlets always to be found at on' ante.— (Nods delivered free of expense to any pert of the city It;vstirosA depote. . ffr -e ealt is soliblted. tilrAttfB k. 10 and 12 South Whereas, Woe Market 14., • Philadelphia I's. N. B.—To avoid the bustle sad delay on the Wharf Of on Water street, papas will load in alley adjoining. ' vishll4l4thilm WPM grASKER & CLARK; MANIIVAOTURBRB OP PHOBPHATIO YU TILIuItII, AND MEAT AND,BONE COMPJST. ;AL'3O,'DEALBRB IN BONN DOST, GUANO, ke. Tel!, Fertiliser, ItB6 per ton of 2,00 lb., at the Dilatory, or 2 Gents pee ibi if fere_then a ton. Dries of Oompoht, $25. or 14 tents per lb. Pries of Bone Dint 536, or 2 cents per lb. Price of Bone Duet, 'towline, 140, or 2 dents per lb. Terms curb. Adams ?ASHER & OLASIL , B. W. corner EIGHTH Street And. WASHING TON tootle, late Prime Ares!: • ' inh22.Bm SUPER PHOSPHATE OP LIME, made of Bose Bad Blood, by IMAKIBTON d wOOOweRD, Pal for tale to dialers sod oonsumere at their stores; ' No dT Ndrth WATNB Street below Arab, aid Ethl.7-Im* West lad iddletHre• Street Brldp. . . . • FARM 6, FARMS,—game of 'the bed Panne In °heater, Iliontgomtr and Bnoke coda • tined and other desirable modern otylellSS/UVROBB rot Atle ot teat In and around Nor ristown. lintels, Country Plottro,,eltlter for male or riot. :For roll particulars, apply to k. R. ocatioN, I.nbao • Norrtatown, Penna. SALE.—EBTATI of ELIZABETH IMMuist, and oklit &BUB OARHONT, Deoeued. 'AU that valuable Lot sod rlevoltorg Store sod Dwel ling eroded theesseoe etluateB at the northwest corner and 01111fiRS ;hetet', gentalnlog on Third street elgateen 1841, dd 011etry• *treat refenty.one feet As Inches, thence running no/it:tee/led, forming as L of ninety feet; bask sr stares situated on Third 'Wet , You further particulars Inquire or.o BPANU, 111A.A0 IiOONB, 148 North Third street. AS-m w tam FOR BALE .—.BROWN-FTONE SIR MANSION, one of the limit in the o;t7, with largo garden and *ova'. house. Locution nnuarpassed. Nor further ninth:Owe address, with real name W. 0. ~ through this Ofilee. mhdate. 841. E ATLM , ITIO CITY PROPER- Tv.—Ode hubdrid itid fitly Building Lola, 'mas hie for Hotel; and Cottagra, In the belt and most de• idiable localities In Atlantic Oliy. AAlec for 'sale, the UNIT/ID STATES 110rIlf. et tlantic OD/. beteg theistical.% and Coast located, moat Oabitautlal, and beet armpit Hotel'at that place, by TAU/WO U. DUDLEY, mb29.lm*.. . 111/CO,ll arrest, Catudeil, N. J. it TO RENT-VERY LOW.—A. first— ol • afaHottie on.Weablfigton Rillate, for tho urea trod term of a lasso. Tor particulars apply at ibis m129-tf am PERSONS DESIRING , ROORS for miLMilogaotazlng or other purposes. with atom iattsehed, Ina large Building Meat to be erected Tr medial part of the alty t ifill call and eon withter . P. CRIMINIIi AroWtsollit file' toothlloo4lllllol3 m PAPER KILL TO BENT.—Tbe Paper knOwis es HANWY. t MILL, eituated on the Witsablokon Creek, and ; one mile from Chestnut Hill ptallrosd Station. ?hie ?dill is adapted to make toe ,Boek Pspers. It has three &tense, one four ambit:is, .411 loottea wide, and all the appurtenances for the sea. Mural manufeatereof palm. Poiseesion given Imme. ?poly. to b or address, Grow* If. I ottil•tl ' No. BO goalli SIXTH street. =`Slue ,iFf~lbltt: I:ertUi4eta. Sre Odle . aittt .10 fit. & .LANDELL, = :FOURTEf AND ARON, geode of-the neirett - parsig:B(l.TEß , DILE RUBES. - • FANCY NAI7DTYLD BILKS. % ORGANDY AND DARWIN ROBES. trifliqk iDAWLD, NEW STYLED. * BLACK SILKS WROLVAALE. DBMS GOODS OP NEW PANRIOB. :MOH POPLIN, ONOION OOLOREI FITLL STOgli OP BTAPLI GOODS. pl'a* goods received daily RAPSON'S • No. m . NORTH EIGHTH STREET, =Are, now opening, and will eortiloce to receive, . NEW AND BNAIITIRUL EIMER or LAMS' DRESS TRIMMINGS, FOR TUB SPRING BALM. • . iR A P S' ' 'o N S LADIES' DRESS TRIMMING S and ZEPHYR STORM - onird-Fm CORNER p ! xedrn AND 'CHERRY. 18 5 Mg atfirG stidl&s9 9.0" N, BUMM A'N'TILLA.Bi DOR TRU W,IIOLIBALI TRAM To whtott wo IntrltO the attention of BODTHERN AND ,WEATERN I'ADROHANTD. J. IV. PROOTOB, & 00., '7(B OHNSTNUT Street rIPHE BEST STOOII.' OF .SHAWLS IN I. 'PHIL tiIiELPUIA !! • THOUNIXY k OtOtillf.; ZIGHTU AND SPRING (MUM, ite'potitively selling - - - - - '- BanOK LITELL if SHAWLS from $2 .to sB' lees than some other stores. .Thia tact hie beon told them by Ladiet theniteiree baying at otar store, haying teen the same goodeelemihire. • Onr primq wig* from $t to 2 , 20! Every 010 centre of "Stella.; cheap. Vary rich Embroidered and Plain grape Shawls, Enperb French - Lame and (Mantilla A/Antilles ) Pointe, &d. ' A primelot of BINA Mika, Very rioh and beautiful Fait* , Bilks. • A treat variety of New Dregs floods, Heat:HUM LINENO;of our own importation. • Just received -Iwe Linen Mite) very AMT. ' Clothe, Oaegingeree, !dueling, Flannels, &0., Ao. at • • TROB,NLIOY 4 OfilNbL'Eff rob2l ' N. S. Corner XIGIITH do SPRING. GASDXN, T" QUESTION -TEAT ARISES , IN the mind of the publio is, Where can -we spend oar money to She beat advantage f The answer that we Would give them is, At tdoIeLROVS, where you can Col everything in• our, line at the lowest possible prices: SPRING GOODI-IN ANDLES3 VARIETY. Poll de ()hems, Detains, Valencial, Silk Foulards, of various styles and superior qual[tles., - A beautiful assortment at Black Silks at low Trices. &huts bt of Marseilles and Alendale Oeunterpanes from $1.12,4 to $2.10. esteneive assortment of Cloths, Caselmeres, and flattnehl, Very sheep. • Table 1 inon ; Toweling, Shirting Linens, Chintzes, Alerge lot of °oilers and Infants' Waists below reign: tar prices. • I tells; iroohe and ShetlfUid - Rhawle Vary cheap. A-large lot of the celebrated Princess Royal Hooped Skirts, warranted the beet article .of the, kind ever munsfectured; at $1.20 and SIAN.- idoiILROYIS, • No.ll South NINTH Street. ' fe24-thstn-tf LINENS FOR MSl+ll3-WEAR. American Linen Company's annular style Brown Unto) °Wings, X and X; Tarim shades; Drown and Bleached Liuen bucks, warione styles ; Brown Linen Belle. A choice assortment of the Above Goode .1113 W on aamplo i end for old.) by JOSEPH ' dl6-tf . . lilt and IRO OnESTNIIT'Street. txprz69 WELLS, FARGO, .8c CO., NEW yorut .AND CIALIVORMA EXPRESS AND EXODANGEI COMPANY OAPITAL $BOO l OOO. 400 CHESTNUT STREET . 0 ALIPoRmALIPRESsEs leave oft the eth and 20th of each month. 'BLAND 01 'One E/PBESSES letTe by all the regular ateaknara—aat2d 12th' , 17th and 17th of each . . ; ; $ !heath, - , OOLLEOTIOIIB magi on rtsviNe with prompt re in* We Conalga . to our - friends, P. 0, Bombeller & Ato ,flarstt. - 340 FIANGIO en HAN FiLleettlee, Oneeol4, RIODWION Idt,cron i and IlAyeart, for gale in some to ,ettlt." . :, ' . O&WPORNIA OOLLEOTIO6I/9. . . Kr Oar PAN • PRANOIBOO bottle' gives esposial at- Mutton to collections on all points California and Oregon, with prompt returns. idannfacturers and merchants making solos for' OfilifornWor °ninon, tom tracamit their bilis of lading through, oar holm. and have the. invoiced paid for married of the goods there, thus MTh* pp benetitof time on ealee, and yet the selleni maintaing control of their property until paid fotV• • - D. N. DAD.I4BY J JA., Agent. toluill-Ins, , „ADA E • 'RI SE G N! a lit out gßl?" ND oO cu ltani n .. R.RBs KATES BEBROiIb.. The MMUS EXPRESS CO , haring completed rangements with the Norfolk and, Petenitnny, Peters b. end icriohhargillisuo Tenn., and QUICK DISSESTO , at much REDO ID ;in -- gnosis destined forplates In TIRGINIA,NORTII and SOUTH CAROLINA. GEOROIA, ALABAMA, and EAST- and WEST TENNESSEE. The mitabllatimentof a THROUGH INLAND ROUTE tronaPHILADELPHIA to IdEEPRIS, Tenn, Secures 'to Southern and Southwestern buyers a safe andrellablo means oftranspartsktion at very reasonable rates, and aeolds the risks of ocean nailgatlon. - . Shippers preferring this Inland Route are requested to mark goods „ PIA RICHMOND Those selecting the route Vs Chesapeake Bay, at a LO VIA SATE or nazism, mark package* tf,VIA zaossowx.. l l. .Irr - Dry Coals, Clothing, Soots and Shoes; Cooke, fcce.,'qr _thercilandlse ednerally, meltsurlng ' elf. fest to theed 100 pounds , will be dies* and Wail ea RSilfY wrifit 117. , Ws: and Boil* Ciootel taken At a tiasonatie advance on Hasvr lizawar Berms. ID" The long-established Line of Express to the south end Southwest, by Steamers to Charleston and aa►aoaah, will be continued se heretofore. 117" Par further Information apply et the OfAre, No 82a onEsTNII,T Street. mh'f•lhn ADAMS EXPRESS CO. lii4Lpputs. t< , FOR THE -SOUTH--OHARLES - TON, SAVANNAH, and HAVANA STEAM. BR PS. HDYSTONB STATE, Captain 0. P. ldsieltoom. STATE 01 GEORGIA,Vaptain John J. Garda, *ABEL, Captain Wm. Rollins. FOR CHARLESTON S. C. The U. S. Mal fiterunahlp NIFSTONE STATE, Captain klarehman, through In 48 to 50 home, will sail on rnilay, April 15th, at 30 A 61. ' - , ' /011 SAVANNAH, Ga. The U. 8. Mail Steamship STATE OP GEORGIA Capt. Jobe I Garvin. The splendid Brat-olass ride-wheel Steamehipe NET. STONE STATE and STATE OP GEORGIA - now run as above every ten days, - that forming a flue-day oom minloatlon with the South andiktathwest. Mr Goode received and bills of lading signed every day: At both Charleston and Savannah these ehipe con nowt with steiunste for Florida, and with railroads, &0., for all plades in th e South and Southwest, and with the' Steamehip ISAMU., for lawns*, on the 4th and 10th of 'every Month. SBEIGGT REDUCED. navy !freight at an average of 16 per sent, below New Tint steamship rates. , . INSWiANOII. - height and ruenraned oh a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be loillOt by these ships than by sailing reseals. Oabin reasage to Charleston and Savannah 115 00 Steerage Et • it c 800 Esectualon Tickets, good for the present year.... 30 00 Tickets to Havana 65 00 Through Tiekets to New Orleans 39 50 Do Mobile 35 00 Fl 3, S A I PX, .. DtireY4 25 00 24 00 Do Columbus, us 00 00 ' Do Atlanta, Oa 28 00 Do - Flacon, Ga 21 00 Do Palatka, Fla Ti 00 Pleolata, Fla. /aohnotrrilf.e, Fie , iiel 00 IZ si 00 Do Fernandina, Fla. 22 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship has MUDS. No freight received on the day of railing. . For freight or passage apply to . A. HERON, Jr., Southwest corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT. Agents in Charleston, T. S. & T. G. BUDD. sf ' Savannah. O. A GRIMED AOO , FOR RICHN.OND, VIA NOR VOLE AND CITY POINT.—SPRING AR RANGSM ANT—TWIOR A WEEll.—Hnion Steamship Conroy'," Line of Steamships—To sail EVERY yrs NICOBAR and SATURDAY, at 8 o'olook A, M., nnt fdrilier notice. VIRGINIA Oaptsdn ,T. It . PENNSYLVANIA, Captain D. Tell - CITY Of RICHMOND Captain Z. Mitc - b ell. ' - These fine !steamships will esti as above. • Thayer", handsomely fitted up for ptiesengere, - having saloons on deck, are provided with Franbis , e Patent Metallic Life boats Life Preserver'', kn., and no pains - or expense' spared for the comfort or safety of passengers and the protection of glade. This line offers the quietest, cheapest, and moist am finable route for passengere, and in An advance of any other for despatch and economy for freight to the in terior of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. No transhipment by this line. Passage to Richmond or retersbnrgl6, nods included. .1:00. Norfolk $6, meals included. 2.110111,1,0 WEBBTXIt, Js.. General Agent, felo.4m 14 North WHAVBB. - . gigSTEAM TO GLASGOW LIVER PQOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDON. DEBBY, without delay, for PO. 'Retell% ticket', good for "la month", to either of the shore "hem, by any steamer of the line, See for the round trip, out and back. 111011 Now roan. ABSIGW, Thomson, Sato/dap, , 11sroh 19th, at 12 o'clock noon. ADINBCBGLI, Cumming, Wednesday, April lath, at 122 , 01062 moon. GLASGOW, Thomeon,Sstardsy, May 14th, at 12 Oalook MOIL, nor GLASGOW. EDINBURGH, Onnuning, fiatneday, March 19th. GLABOO W, Thomson, Wednesday, 41111120th. RDINIIIIRGII, Onminusg, Saturday, May 7th; BATBO OP PABBAGI. I slow GLASGOW, . /sew iiir roar. tint Visas ... ._.16 guinea, Vint (lieu 876 00 illoolulle, found with „ Steerage, found with 'Cooked provisions 8 w cooked provisions, 80 N Children under 12 peen of age, half fare; Infante In Steerage, free. a ' Return tieketa mailable within els menthe, by any Steamer of this line. 'lirst, Oleos ~....8140 Steerage: ' $l3O , An experienced Burgeon attached to mil Steamer, for freight or plunlege_ apply to ' WORKMAN & SO:, In WALT:Iy Streit, Philadel phia, ROBERT CRAIG, IT Broadway, New York. ' Efk f Ll. - /c LOBBY, Buoitanan's Wharf, Baltimore. nch . graEORGE WHITELEY,, No. 185 South ILA YRONT Street, offer* for eats, in Bood only— ' A. Belanotte Briuody, 1857, - Dale and Dark. antes Robin Oogoon,lkEd andlBsl. - • Tinton Proprietors' Cognac, 1854. ' Neat, & Oo Cognac., 1860, 1557,1888. A, Canada Rochelle, 1557. Polloroloin Rochelle, 1869,,t0 arrive.. 18 Jtattell & 00. 9ngnao,ss, 1851, 1818. Jamaica. But6;2 years on Bond. • Mei/art% Peet& Burgundy Port Wine. Melly Madeira Wine. Holdall* Champagne, vilee a n d p l a te. A fall agoortmensof Olaret Wine, in oaaaa and woks/ 10 arrive, , jidA•Smit ega ; olites. I . TH THE 'OOl7Rr• OF, COMMON ;FLEAS 1 AL ROB TUB CITE AND COUNTY ON THILADEL PI4A. - • ESTATE OE NIARY, HELSIDOLD: • " ' Sur Atuteent" of THOMAS-WILLIAMSON. Trustee, - , The Auditor appointed by the Oourt to andtt, , esttie, and &dint - the iCeohnt bt th e said Trustee; arid to re port distributiol, - win hold a meeting tor that purpose, it his'offloo, No TOE WALNUT Street. Philedelphisi on TUESDAY, the 12ttidsgot April,lB69, at 4 o'clock P. 1.1., when and where all parties interested mar at tend. mhBl4hatri Stet N THE UREHANS' CURT FOR, , THE. - CITY AND COUNTY or PHILADELPHIA. Estate of RIMARD R. TAYLOR; doOasi3d ‘The Audltorrappointed by the Court to audit settle, and adjust the eccount.of EDWARD SHIPPIN, set!. log Administrator of the - estate of RICHARD M. TAP. LOH, deceased, and tomtits distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will' meet the, parties , interested, for the , purposes of his appointment on MONDAY, April 18th:11569, at 4, P. M , at his office, No M 2 WALNUT 13treet..in the city of Philadelphia. apt-tuths6t • WILLIAM EUNBT, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS'- COURT TOR THE OITT AND COUNTT OF PHILADELPHIA, • • Notate of JANE It&E; deceseed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the -aeoonnt of JAMES D WRIITIIAM Executor or-the last *Maud testament of Pawl] DAD, deceased, sod to report diatribution of the balance .in the hands of the accountant, will meet the patties in terested, for the pnrovs of ,his appointinent, on TIMM/AY, April 19th, 1859, at 4P. M. at bill o n ce, No. M 2 WALN Street, In the city of " Philadelphta. aps-tuthtst - WILLIAM DIINST,, Auditor IN' THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP paiLiniepprixe.- Estate of, DINNIS al BISON, decearied." Noticeliberebygirru that BIABGARBT OLE LOON, widow of said decedent, his flied In said Cotter Alija "'eatery and Apersisement of 'the immortal and real Co.' tate elected to 'be retained by her under the provisions of the not of 14th - ' April, 1861, end unless. eieoptiona thereto are primented before the firbieeth day of April, 1869, the same will be they approved end confirmed. 'JOHN B. OALAHAN, - apt.m&th at* - Attorney for the Widow. , iN TER ORPHANS' COURT FOR THL -IL CITY AND COUNTY OP PH/LADDIPM.A" In the matter of the'Eat‘te of JOHN W. CABINS, , deceased. the appraisement under the 6th section of the set of 14th April, 1851, having been filed In Me matter, sonde to-hereby given that XLE &NOR 06.1tL1113, the w dow of the said JOHN W. OAII.LIIB, claims to re tain thred bundred"dollare not of the 'proceeds of the sate of the raid real estate of said.decedent,•mentioned in said applateement and will apply to the Orphans , Court for approval of the maid application of the acid sprit cement on , ffltl.DAX, the 16th day of April, 1659; at 10 o'clock A. M. P. D. listssEgr, Attorney- for the Widow, 28 North SEVENTH Street, ap4m&th•4t* riVOTlOE.—Application will be made for the .1.11 renewal of Vertificate No. 9, dated July 6th, 1866, for Two Hundred and Fifty Shares of the ; Stock of the Rowteeburg Iron and Lumber On., In the name of the tubecraber, which has been loet CASPAR SHIINR,‘- • fel7-tb.2,n - .CORNWALL. Lebanon oounty. Dicdicco NOTICETO 0 TRA TO.--BEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed Proposals for an addi tional Stairway and alteratione to tbe Marshall Pohool Rouse, Pranktord, Twenty third &mien," will be re. calved by the undereigned until SATIIRDAY, April 0th:1850, at 10 (Moot A. hi. The Plane and Fpsoitlostion of the above wort can be aeon at the Mee of -the Controllers of Public &hoole, Sonthealt corner SIXTH and ADELPHI Streets. 13y order of the Committee on Property RODEIPP J. HEMPHTLL I 4841 Seddon* Controllers of Public Schools. SEALED PROVOSALS will be - ieeelysia ,st the Office of -the 'PHILADELPHIA GAS.. W 011.1113,. until noon of- PRID&Y, Bth of April next, for delivering at tbe, OrdoVerke, or at such wharf in the port of Philadelphia as may be designatedat the time of delivery, the following OAST-4110N PIPES of any pert thereof—the offers to be endorsed Proposal, far Pipes." to wit: 10 000 toot of Pipe, 2 Matteis in clear diameter. 10,000 do do do, 3 do do, do - do. 10 000 •dodo - do, 4 do do do d r. • 2,000 do do do, 0 do dq do. do. 2,C00 do do do,B do do do do. ' Together viith Budbranches, drip, sleeves, and re• decing pipes 81 shall be designated at the time of inte grating the contract—the whole to be finished in a per fect and eurkotanlike manner, free from &wisp or projecting seams, and made of strong, tenth Iron suite. able (Cr drilling and dressing) the mmilde to be dusted or blackened so as to Clear the castings from sand; the pipes be,prered at the furnace nod.r apeman equal to SOO feet bead of water ; the said proof to be made under the inejfection of an Agent of the Trustees of the Gas. Works. at the itinerate of the Masufacturer, and to be subject, on delitery, to intpeetion and ap proval by the lngineer of the Clatiforks. ' The dimensions 'and forms •of castings; will be re quired to , correepond with the standards adopted at these works, nukes the contrary, be eapresely - agreed on, and should any departure from it lie intended, the weight must be named in the proposal. The weightof thosenow In dse is as follows:. g inch Pipe, 8 feet long, 691 W. - do do, 9 do ' do, 140 dd. 4 do do, 0 410 do;10 40. 0 do do, ' 9 do do, 800 do: - 8 do 'do, '9 do do, 400 do. The ttiekoest of metal in'the branches to be the same as In the Pipes: Proposals must state the price per lineal toot for the Pipes, and the gross ton of 2,240 lbs. for the other castings, and aleo tie proportion of each else the bidder can finnish each month,' The de livery to com'mente In May, and be completed on or be fore the let of September nest. In case of failure deliver tittle epecifled tfie right ip -reserved to purchase of other parties, arid charge to tHe dotitracdor any loss or damage ooratoned thereby. I Any 7 bld may be Immepted, either in part (1 alto getber, at the option of the Trustees. The terms ofj payment will be four and min months from the time of I each delivery, in two equal instalments, or, at the op. bon of the Trustees , payments will be in Ongli, with legal interestdeducted , . datisfacdory seettrity for the fulfilment of the con tract will be twinned. JOlltk 0. 018109808% Engineer. Clat.Worke, Earth 81,1869 • mhin OF OE 0 IE P:I Ati LPII ItEADVie lISTLROAD CIOMPANt. bstPitrA; Mitroh 12,.1850.-The Bates of Wel Tolls on OW transported by 4h15 Odutrtny*' folicws, from 14th March, until ftirtfier Wade To 'Richmond Phi tidal obis "Inclined Valle Nioetown "'Germantown R. R. ii!Peabter Rolmytkill " , rdemayunk ... Rprlnt Mille lRi Oone ohobi and Plymouth It " 4am Os Poti# and Jbhen..... , C relettiwn dad Ilrldgport.. .... " Port Kennedy Valley Paige 4 , " Royeris ford " Pottetown 4. is Blrdnboro' • " Readleg Betweea Readlag &Mehemetlle.. Diehravllle " Hamburg... Orvrtgeburg By order of the Board of pfsaagete. robla.lot ' W. H. htoILHENNBIi, Becrretary OTICE.—In pursuance of a Resolution adopted 'at the Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the PItNNSTIVANIA RAILROAD COM PANT, rebrnary 7, 1889, PROPOSALS will be renewed at the Office of the Company, No. 234 South THIRD Street, until SATURDAY, the 80th - day of APRIL, IVO, for ftinalehlog the eaid Compauy with Property on the Delaware-ricer front anywhere between the month of the Schuylkill river and a point 2 miles above Riot mond; deemed suitable for Terminus and Depot for the said OD mpany.' , r . Certified copies of the survey of each property that may be offered will be required to be deposited with the proposal, which will be returned when the selection has been made. Such proposal will be considered binding either la whole or In part, The right Is re served of rejecting any part of the ground offered, and to appropriate to the use of the Company any property or properties that may be epeoified In any of the propo al Nona submitted It Is desirable that tho propositions should be pub tented at as early a date Se practicable. Prop:ware will be addressed to J. k DQAD THOMSON; President. fed 2-toths tdp.4o DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS.—Of. floe 8. W. corner CHESTNUT and 118TH Sts PaitaiitaXnrA, April sth, /859. , NOTION TO CONTRACTOR& SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the under signed, at the Office of the Department of Dighways, until 11 o'clock AI, of APRIL lath, for the construe ton of a Four Feet Cheater Calvert, on the line of Emerald street end Susquehanna avenue, from York 'greet to the west line of Ranee* duet, in the Nine teenth wend. The prevails to state the pries per lineal foot for OhWert complete. Also, the price each for Inlets that may be necessary ; and all bidders am invited to be present at the open's:lgor the Proposals offered, on said dey at 4 &aloe§ P. M. Specifications may bo had at the oMce of the Department of Purveys 0. It ANDRIMEI, Chief Commissioner of ilighwaye._ faPEOLA.L. NOT/O.E.—Dealers Goodssar'S 1177 Patentfor Vuleaniaed Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and another Fabrics and articlea made by combin ing Simone substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ised rubber aro notified that unlace the saute are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally diapoeed of in the United States Merchants and dealers are invited to examine specimens now In store, and tome their orders for the, Spring Trade to the undersigned , EXCLUSIVE OWN ER OR THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and many others. ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —aid the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 23 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. n 24-1 3. HORACE H. DAY: _ft attrgair .lEares. THROUGH TICKETS TO THE DOLTH AND SOUTR'NEBT, VIA PIIILADDLRBIA, WILMINGTON, AND BAL. TIMMS RAILROAD._ . _ •• 1: . . . Through ticketa can now be procured et the dam of this pompany to the following points: Waehington. D. 0. Knoxville, Tenn. Richmond, Va. Nashvitle, Tenn. Petersburg. Ye. Chattancoge, Tenn. Nor. olk, Pa. Grand Junction, Tenn. Weldon, N. 0. Memphle, Tenn. Wilmington, N. 0. Huntsville, Ale. Oherleatoil, B. 0. Dalton, fas. Angnata, Savannah, Ga. Macon Ga. Columbus, Ga. Atlanta, Gs Montgomery, Ale. Mobile, Ala. New Crime La Baggage checked. to all the above points. The ateamesip ISABEL leaven CHARLESTON for HAVANA, on the 4th and 18th of oath month, and offers • very desirable ron a to ?mangers for the latter port, avoiding Cape Hatteras. For tickets, or information, apply at the daces of the Company in me iv vozur. 229 BROADWAY, or N.J. B 8., toot I of OODRCL.SNUT t'treet. N. W. tor.'SIKTH and CHEST RHILADELPHIA NUT Streets, or BROAD and PRIME Depot. B. M. BELTON,Trealdent. Dana., April 1,1819. mh29-am MIRAMAR NOTIOE.--013ESTER 'VALLEY RAILROAD —FAB BENGER TRAINS NOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE ITATIONB —On and after let Janu ary. 1859, the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN, trill avert from the Paemener Depot of the Philadel phia and Rending Railroad Company. corner of BROAD and VINE iltreete MORNING. TRAIN for Downingtown, bares at 1.24 A ._M. - ARTABNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, Imes at BOP M. • DAILY (itindaye excepted.) By order of the Board of filename of the Yhiladel .hie and Reading Railroad Company. dllO W. Ir. AforLDENNRY, Feeratary. CPEDS, TWINES, &0., manufactured A--/ and for eats by WNAVER, __PITLNB_, et 00., No. MI N.WATEnni. and 22 North WaANYNN. zolat THWEAZ k, fklltS; ""' • wear ilia - 4114 8017211 : 701:11111X wilworw; ill*zoottrilas. ST .0003 • • aPitiNG came—wrOintß AND 11111.11 - 111ET#Tp. Elath B Pring Sole • - Ninth flpriog Pale 12th At FAL -- - • Taoth - aprint Bole; VOW apif. ' ' - 17? Part of the keodbWs for eeoh of the eboyeeelt aow foal, - _ • OALIS OP IMPAIR:IOR - IfIIBNITORIk. NlBROftd,' THRBII Pl a N04011TBO: • OAR% —Our ittle rooming ' , at the ¬ion' store , will comprise, besides - 550 ' cote of . extellent .oenond-hand furniture ' , elegant roeswoUct,P,l29,o4(ool, mute by Ohlokerinu ,• elegant. rosewood p i anofort e, made by Gilbert & Co. Wrench plate masts) tairrors i 15 colts plated cottage furniture, 'with mattrissei to lit; 1 bags and superior fire 7 proof info; madehy Rens es - Watson ; lot of shelving saunters, ece., office tablee., book - cases, high-cue, cloak,. Brussels, _ingrain.. nod - Venitian _ carpet', beds and bedding, Orkin* and' glees- Were; &o, forming an attractive assortment, worthy the attention of Moe and others deidrons of parches ing. • IDIP• Catalogues now ready and . the sitieles _arranged , STOOKS, &e. On Woodsy Been*, April 12th, at 7,,q iPelixdr, at - the Philadelphia la. ohawee,will be told, _previous to feireetote—. - 110 shares West Philadelphia mow Swing Pond and Trrod Company!, par46o—of which $4 per Lahare has beam paid. 1 share Arch-street Theatii stock, with ticket. 1 share Philadelphia Library Cowpony. - $O3l scrip of the Delaware Mutual ins. Co. 1 share Pennsylvania Academy of Pine Arts. 1 share Mercantile Library Company. 1 share Philadelphia and Havre de Grace Steam Tow- Boat Company. NINTH SPRING - SALB—APRIL -• loolude— . , EXecteo et Peremptory Sale—Estate of Dr. Peter Rho enberger.- Deceased, TWO LOTS OF GROUND, east aide of Broad street, north of Federal street. Each 23 feet front, and 200 feet deep, with two fronts Same. Estate -a-TWO LOTS OF GROUND, cut side of Broad street; south - of Federal street, mush 24 feet front, 200 feet deep. with two front+. Same Estatei.=LOT OF GROUND, „Cad side of Broad greet, tenth of Federal street, 20; feet front,' 240 feet deep, narrowing oe the rear end, two fronts. - SameZetate:—LOT OP, GROUND, Sorithweet corner of Broad and - Federal streista; , 2s feet front, 178 feet' deep, three fronts • - ,„ amelstate.—TWO ,LOTPI OF GROUND; west Side of Broad street; south of 'Federal street, each 25 feet front, 178 feet deep, witb.two fronts. - ' ' Same Estate' —LOT OF GROUND, east eide of teenth street, email of Federal etreet, 23 feet front,' 178 feet deep, narrowing on the rear end, two fronts,. Some Estate,—THßElll LOTS OP GROUND, east aide of Fifteenth street, south of Federal street, each 17 feet front, 178 feet deep, with two fronte. ' • • Some Estate.—TWO LOTS OF GROUND, south aide of Federal streetoest of Fifteenth street, each 18 feet' frost and 110 feet duet' „ Same Malta—TWO -LOTS OP GROUND, north side of Federal street, emitted, Fifteenth street, each 17 feet front and 104 feet deep. Same Estate.—TWO LOT OP GROUND, east aide of Fifteenth street. north of Federal street, each 18 feet front, by 105 feet deep. Same Estate.—LOT OF GROUND, south obi, of Fe; deral stases, west of Clarion etruet, 18 feet front, 107 feet deep Same Istate.—LOT OF GROUND, eouthweet coiner of Federal and Clarion etreem,lB feet front arid 108 feet deep, two fronts. - _ dame Rotate -TWO LOTS OF GROUND north side of Federal street, west of Clarion street 01 feet front and In feet deep. Same Estate —LOT OF GROUND. east side of Watts Street, north of Federal etreet,' 18 ' feet front,- 80 feet Same Estste.—LOT OF GROUND, west side of Vi sion street, north of Federal /street, 18 feet front, 68 feet front. , ,• , • Same Estate.—TWO LOTS OW GROOND; east side' , of Watts Arent,. south of• Federal etresti,•aeli 10 feet front; SO feet deep. - • -- • , Same listateTWO LOTS OP GROUND, west aide of Clarion street. south' of leder-al street, each - 11 feet front, etl feet deep. - • • Same Rotate —LOT OF GROUND, went-61de of thirteenth street,- south of Federal street, 19, feet", front,lo9 feet deep, two fronts. - Borne Rotate,—THßES LOTS OW GROUND, north side of Peteret street, eut of Thirteenth eine; each 17 feet front. 157 feet deep. with two fronts. Same Estate.—TWO LO OP - Ci %MIND, north side of Anita etreet,-west of Twelfth. Street, each 15 feet front and about 79 feet deep: Same Petate.—L ASCE AND VALUABLE LOT OP GROUND,—AIeof the undivided one-fourth interest in the, lot of ground, northwest corner of Broad and Fede ral streets. 100 feet front on Broad street, 220 feet deep, three DIAL. , 11177 Site of the whole of the above estate peremptory. UICS• Poll particulars la handbills. •• - Orphans , Court Sale—Notate of Lloyd If. Watley, De . VERY VALUABLE pyrxos PsopinrY: - .NO:ne Wont street. between Third:and ponrth street's, lot 20 feet front, 81 feet deep. ' As preterit occupied as Gears. • 113* - In one .of tixe moat esluable &pates In Walnut street. ''- • - ' To tianntseturers end Others _ _ • - MAIPLANDYILLE PROPERTY —sltore„lB llnge, ire. bowleg mill-dam. ,atonevourrrP, and lid 'Ms of land, Vidth 850 feet front ori the Derby hummer IteAlroad; 6 mile from Market 'Must. - - IDBull patticniara in hendbilin, and lithographic plane at the auction rooms. •To,Ctotteliets,Briell tielqm, and 9there.- IALFATiri TRACT oil;;Uffl,..osercon taining% large body of brick olsy,,Long lane„near ' Suck. road; fiedeial street, and the Gray's Sorry•Paseengq Railway. _ Orphans' Court Sale—laiate of /sines' White. Deo'd: THREE THREE•STORY BfIIogDWELLINGS east . aide of Nineteenth street, north. of George street, late . Spring Garden._ - _ Sindel.state:-.TRIVIE-STORT BRI - IC DWELLING, tidrthaiest iiide of George Artist, east of Nineteenth Litt Whig Itardiso. Rawl' Estate L =PALITABLII BIRRNESti STAND Twostod brief Mae shit dthllitg, rukthifest Center of Coates and Marshall stfiefi.,' -• " HANDSOME COUNTRY 1011 it Alo3ZB,st the junction of the Bristol and Bestieton tsfriisll4; a short ciistanee from the Passengerliallway - depot, sithilitral, Twenty-third ward. • - ' COR ACRES AWOINING, at the _corner of the Bristol turnplleand Bridge strrat welladiptad for building lots. HANDSOME NEW ' RESIDENCE, with aide yard, stable, and coaeb.house, Pranhford road, _.north. of Boinerset etriietiatfest front , lEiribet deep, two fronts". Immediate possenton, - MB OTEBSt—Three,stery -brink -dwelling, No. 1301 Plne street, *eat of Twenty-third street. PINE 5TR31112.-41andsoxide modern residenee, No. 1609 Pine street; west -el Tent - !street. immediate possession. ' - - PemimPtoryTHElN-STOST BRION dwelling Twenty'srst street; tintween. - Arch Ind Nii.- bactetreste. Bale absolute. Immediate possession. . . , , ASSIGNEE'S AALM—TIIE I , AT3ION 2 / 3 TATNA! . • Tide Morning, - April 7th, at 1.2 o'clock noon' at ;the Hotel of Weil Bog Ash, city of Camden, N. J:, extenalve valuable property known as : the ~ Melon- Sstate, , , , oomprialng 28 000 acres of Icon in the counties of Camden, Box llngton;and Atlantic, New Jersey, wlthlmprovementa thereon, costlag about $lOO.OOO. Sale at Nos. 189 and 141 Bontk Pour% Street SUPERIOR IIIIIIIITURB, PIAII99.IOIITES, PINE "BENCH PLATE fiLtAROBBCIRMOIELB OAR- Thie Horning, - At 9 o'clock, at the suction store , an extensive seairtment of excellent second-hand farnitare, elegeot planodortee, fine minor!, °agate, eta., from - fsmilies declining' hoosekeeping, removed to the store for con. sentence of sale. , . 001 PAGE /IJRNITURE, &a. • Aleo, 8 aeta parlor and chamber cottage • furniture, of the bent quality, made by Haley, Ware, fr. Co. to order, and but little need p 8 hair mattressea; dining ta• hie &e. Also, a superior fire-proof obest, made by Emus & Watson ' coat $176. . Aleo,l, lot of sbelving. Also, 15 snits cottage furniture. Also, a' large and 'superior fire-proof gate, made by Evans & Watson. Also, a 'lot 'or furniture, by order of the admlnie . - trator. • BRICK-KILNS SHEDS, LEASE, loc. - Ott Fr iday Morning, April Bth, at 11 o'clock, at tb, briet•yani, Long Lane, - below Buck Lace, and nearly cpposite Buet & MoOn.dra, lately occupied by :Taylor, B good brick. kllne, brick press shade raUle pomp Wok 'effice, tools, &o. Also, the good-will and lease for eight yeast. ' Sale at No. 631 North Fifth iltiect. ,OENTBIII, FURNITURE, ROSSWOOD PIANO, OVAL MIRROR, PAINTING 4, BRUSSELS CARPET, &o. On Friday Morning, . Bth instant, at 10 o'clock, at No 831 North Fifth St., below Coates, the genteel furniture, rosewood piano, oval mirror, oil peintiog4, Brae els, carpet, Ac., Ac., of a gentleman leaving the city. Alto, a Wilder fire-proof safe. Er Maybe examtned at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Bala at N 0.1120 .Walnut Street MANESOMIS FURNITURE, MIPARIOR LARGE MIRRORS, CHANDELIERS, VELVET °AMERICA, MOH CUT GLASS, Ito. Oa Monday Morning, . - - Aptilllth, et 10 o'clock, et No 1120 Walnut street, by catalogue, the entire furniture, Inch/Mug flee toned looewood piano, wale by Bacon & Raven; set of very rich and elegant cot glue, Ire. itr Pall particulars in catalogues three days pre vious to sale. MOSE NA TRAM is, 4.UOTIOREZR AND COMMISSION biIIiOOANT, 8. A. amain BITTH sod liAirni Street.. - butational. WIAMILY BOARDING - SCHOOL • FOR al' DOTS AND YOUNG MEN, at POTTSTOWN, Montgomery County, Penna. The ensuing Summer Session will commence on WED. ITESDAY,AIey 4th - This School is confidently reeom. mended to parents; im ainrdiog advantagesunal to any of its elms in the country. Among these may be In. danced: Seasonable terms; a healthy and beautiful location; a thorough Course of Diet:motion, conformed to the foture bualness of the pupil, so far u it may be reaeonably anticipated ; liberal provision for the corn. fort of puplia, and minute attention to their personal habdie; mild and parental discipline.; an experienced teacher for every ten pupils. Circulars, with full particulars, will be promptly forwarded. Address REV M. MEIGB,• - .A. It , Principal B,2IIIIBENOSE, 12i THR CITY. James L Ohighorn, Erg.; Jamas I.Oaldwell B. Wealoott Bailey, Beg ; Solomon M. Bunn, Bait ; A P. Glass, Esq.; John Olaghorn_, Paq ; Joseph lteans, Esq.; Alfred Pasant, Seq.; B. V. Ballade, Brq' Roy. John Patton, Bey. George Duffield. M USI 0 LESSONS. - MISS LIZZ IE LTA OKREOLL, No 622 South TENTH Street, third loor above Shippen, continues to give lemons on the PIANO•YOS,TD, either at her residence or at the homes of pupils. Yor term apply 88 above. ap2.lni* NEW LONDON ACADEMY, CHESTER .1 COUNTY, PA. Prof. EDWARD D. PORTER, A M , Principal. The 252 d seesion of this well-known School will commence May 2d. Ind It is located in a retired and healthy village, Melly celebrated for the salubrity of its climate, and the elevated character of its citizens. A coach meets the morning cam from Philadelphia and Dsltionme at Newark, Delaware, to convey students to the Academy. TERMS—SBS per session of five months. The Principal may be seen at the GIRARD HOUSE every SATURDAY from 2 to 5 P. M., until May 2d. sp4-lor WHITE HALL AVADEMY, three miles west of IiARRISBUNG, Pa The Seventeenth rembannual session will commence on MONDAY, Mae 2d. The attention of pa , ante and isuardlans ii eollotted to Its advantages. Verina,ll4o per session of 21 weeks The Principal can be seen at the Union Hotel, every afternoon from the 11th till the 15th of April Inalusive. Oily ref mattes itirea. • For (tirade:a, address D-DENLINGIIIt. • roh2o.l.Bt* • laarrisbnrg, Pa. VOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE of HAT- A. BONO', Pa.--Bumnyr Senior' .begine MONDAY, Meg 2d. For ()Iranian adArcia rchiMma linli.HEO. HAND, Principal. 'rim WEST. CHESTER, ACADEMY, .L WERT • OHRBTIR, Pa. will commence its 10th Session, uheer the charge of its present Principe, on the first of Slay next. The 00 . 11.1116 of' inebriation le EXTENSIVE and THOROUGII, designed and arranged to prepare boys and young men for College or for the business requirements of soave life. The GERMAN and FRENCH lane - mom are taught by NATIVE, RE. /MEET TEACHERS of tact, talent, and experience. ATerage number of pupils 75, under the charge of 7 Tegehera,lnoluding the Principal. For Catalogues and full information apply to . 113:117-2¢1 Wet. P. WPRRS, A. El., Principal. VieUSEIA. AND AMERICAN TARRED ir ve Zar idges_Otanutaatuied and for el% tweet ani w ksav ir l i uu . WATUt WW 2/CBES, Iffiati;'& 00 4 No, 429 mmitargriur. - t "-RIALEVV- 111,1114011• ooOrtii. "' • on Rrids3c-Marningi, ; iprilDth, at 110 o t oloser k by oot.spBBol l ,, On 8 , rao!itize 400 realigns aid Meet tinny svd - stipio / Norm — elidl , goods, oompristog a geeeral sarortment.,c 1.20 RICH 011 IND BROOD.' AND )81.40N. P 13111.7 801 . 11 .RODID—JUNT LANDDD; • 120 extra doh Pane 'chine broche able robes,ferr 0121 'retell Dade, , • - 1 I 000 PRINT.p OckM3llB,lll AND 811414111 C O n d l o ll lTh COO 144 r3oli printed tiammere khak is.' ' , - 40011.+1 rich brodlie-lxirdleiettlitills shiSSM; . 600 super gash& bleak we diVitbine end Isee - mapc " gANCIY 'OROS 40 please enpei quality assorted SolOri 'twig bdenit - ELFAISTI.iOaIIID,Liernt chkuri,Bio HABONSBe - • 0111111%. „ _ • - 800 dozen doe to itipeOge 1 8 4 ,Dielt - bria4-liem Cambria handkerehlele •• ' NEW arms cam POIL oamvao DTP • 11•113,..to- On Brhioy Morning, , - 8 cases, 180 'pieees, new elyie chine pelt ahem 2 cases, 102 piece:, new•style ducal& allicew 2 oases, 40 peace, new otyle chine bayadero, all new. patterns 1 rase, 100 pieces. 9.8 hitch end white lawns. ' DRBBB BILKS-717NT LANDED FROM 11T2 &MIR 128 pieces rich new style plaid, stripe, 'and chine ponit de rale , . , . BLACR GROS DX MUNN& - - nand 40-Inch aiper ginner black grin de .Ithinni - SALM OP PINE PARictiPELLI. SHAWLS: OP THN IMPORTATION OP M.R S EIRS..LADRWIO dc - HAND TRIL. .. , ~- _._ ... • •Oa Priday,Morning - April Bth; at 10 ololocbt eoroprising— , An sasortment' of. "eseellent printed Perim ,Stella Shawls; of different neellties.'witl sod without tassels. Entrrelynawrerersable printed Peri! fltell*.stawbi.: A large line of Paris troche-bordered SHOORIPBORDNIZED „ItTALLA-" AND'PRUIVID OAMISIBRII 811AWLii—.11:112 , .. - 1,11.11116D.. - - • - - Oct , • • •'•-• ours troche bordered - new-',Per;s styles i!telbe shawls, eases printed boniered"new Patin Myles Stens ehawle. ' eases entirely. new &signs - pouted Coslmam 813011`i dr.; AOOTIOXBER - i , No. 481'. • . IHOOMITT ATEBST; aptealti Ike - Outwit: 'MUM between ~ 017RT13. . .and JDTE strooto_ ' POBFRIVI B &) OR 800 ,OABIII3 ,8!171.11!" OWN. tin PrkyieMcirnl42e..L • Bth ineint;bil eilidotaefel a WU% 300-asi6g anW spring 'es doe - braid, Iseeceral hair- bonnet : brad_ and Leghorn Adel/id - bloomers, *Wee and anPa boeneur, Sc., &nuptial nt a fall and:Ant/it dogrel:game... sortment of feeakraieited bestelty ogee: - Alen, a 1108 of Baena aflame' _ - imonruP roRD, Se. ' 'lBO IttARIBT 8110111T,110,1kpeartniTN *ad Lakin Pogivrlva-lIALLOk B00111,:wing, tide- . PAIIB, GAlTZllBo33oeAliAl,!ke r ,„; • Thla ,Hiprisling, April 'at 10 'P'elookr pre4d'sly, will ps Ohl be cs'alogne`on - 4 months' Oitint•ghtlfeatiell 'Mien and, boys , _boots,ahoee, , :- - gaiters. - slippers, Ite.,-121100,,, and misses', OUP!, leek boots, Jenny, dia, ; Martha Washingtons, , _arnoprislog selection of fresh goods of - this city and bittern - itusne,,; - fanfare, desirable for present-sales; ' IE7 Goods open for examination, with ontaksael, , earl on the morning of sale. r irj',The etteotion - or , perobewerels pifiticalatlj In LAHQIi ?081 TIVII-SatE" _Or STRAW GlieDti . „ e . .On Monday Yoiniog , • April I.lth, at. 10,0 elook, prealeely:, will heaold ostologne, a.lesge, and - dealzaWsupertnient of ladies'- and =lanes , ' 'etsew all btinilitis, -- Lsgboin flits; bloomers, de men , i end 'and, boys , ' striier .hater, &n: - the aiptirtment eoinnese lIITOiISIIB. of frith imported tootle. of the latent. styles. • - rhea.Tr, The attesalon of .the trade - le partlinhisly gy- Goode arriagid for exiininatiOni- with oils, lognea, early on the morning of Wei_ • - BY -ALFRED RERKN7.33,-I,IIILA— DELPHIA WOMB AND Maßolagilt BAZAAR, M. earner; of NINTH suid SAMSON 8Tt11721, tween Oheetnnt and Walnut. street*: BALI Or 110115112,A3AlittlAGESOto: - On -raturdsy Morning',- ' • At 10 o ' clock , will be sold a catsdocon of c ha n t tiorese, sow') eery superior, - - some desirable conitagen;lneludingil large:ear. Maass; and 2 barouehes; by ordat jNo postponement on AVX 4, 44 01114 MORNING; st-lo coda*. " , - 1- - • -- nor* Bales of Carriages erary WNDIMIDAY;.:: , ;1.7 - BERRELL - _ No. / 12 -13011711 tA 1 9•FgaillitaPri,b*Ii , 81 , 1411.11 r.. = nettafiPigili ten.Oteld et the suetinni einnW•Ten7:' , AinkianTi ;Wsdnes 1tri41.77-iiiiiitpir.:et_iGT,. 4Polock,, dompriaing, Aeon* 4orney:,llnd,--leidsiSisinc dressing ,boreaus,' t o t e s ~ roistilne stitia Centre and boi(net,tibleqeviii - Atf; • err We will .I.mtv ettioitlos to mail ofittiff*,:',r2 WS ; stoelasnatielehiedliiio¢¢9.ol44lll: intnuited our "siiiirgs,:. upon :tho - nissittlMMlllildat teams. Wkwill "WI housithoWfatiiltOelit. dire - Aingei:c.-- or st one stors,iusistylie , , U:7! Cult advffisoei sma4atipittlll4thie,(WWlaCe worehandlar.,'„,,, WTGLULIIII(.IOIRSi t GBOSlralei;? - •!' ; ^ 4 3*iZM 1 - Bale atNo.M , ' Itit itatalltj will Weald thialipaeleetainibdWifc. , i tare et the Role eeeldeaokatingeitiataapatee.T . Lind beditelkii i CP!Altkaid cant-sitst sofas, raaltag ahaireY) 3 o ,lll o s a k a - an*J - -". 7 French "plate mirroni;,a3o ' ll,l "takire! 4 lbitliVid- Immo, and 14tahan faratta4r` ' ' •- - ~• _ , - • , At the - suitterialstari:eonsammelag Atl.t-Mdcat Ike ion vac: impirsiat btussittotet, rlt anbisme, orml._* 1 0 11, !,;• 01 !,41 01 ,0*4 6 , Er- The ,44Y -- , • _- ncr' 'hold faudture, pisooefortes , earpetsr eiatekeeiielealr,', reepeeUti solicitd. on whietel vendee will to teas it required. • tieik, „ : Irr ont-door'este•iktaintectirdiatir as moderate sr in othiir i*UNI it - Two IMkeleiserylfrenek plat. *Motel framed; else of plates 1.2190 drieltelyand WM be sold low toeless as mow* it. GUMMY; Si-1301113; - . -- • aft • RIAVIBTATRACUOTIONIIIII9 - N 0.410 WALNUT 11 , 2 ouvr. - - roo o rireritiooJEALm. - - • - "Rile-tag, - • April lib, it . 73‘ erdoe/r., - -at,herik lta• °hinge, will be sold— 't- Peremptory Sale,- -Estate of John. Turner. . IRRIDPIRIS ammfettotrsrocworr otrotro4oo, • lestang out of, a lot orgronnd'initthe - -west "side of ", Swanson street, need Catharine ertieett, let Stfeet treat, - by 90 feet deep. ,, • Peremptory Ifale.--Verse Retate..; TWO-STORY PRAWN DWELLING AND' - tat or: GROUND, north side of Qtleell street; No. 109, be tween Front and Second etreets ; lot 20 feet - froat, by 46 feet deep. Peremptory Sale.—Same Xritate TWO-STORY BRIOR DW-ILLING - AND LOT 01 GROUND, No. 111; on the north MI of queen 'street; 20 feet front, by 100 tat deep: :Rabirest to an frawteene- able ground.reut of £4. Peremptory flile.=Saure'Retata. TWO-13TORY PRASI.II'DWRIJANG 'AND LOT - or • GROUND, No. US, on - the north :aide of Queen street, between Front Ana Beeond streets; 14 31rfeetfront,,by, 109 feet deep. , _ _ GERMANTOWN.—Neat two-story atone cottage and lot of ground, situate on Centre street, Germantown lot 30 feet front, by 116 feet 5 Inaba deep. Clear of , - all ineumbrance. _ = (1233MANTOWN.—Nest thrmetery ,iden9 out) collage ieddenee, containing parlor; dintrirroom, - kitchen, and floe chambers, altoate 'onMerinlue greet, near Morton street ;'lot 86 feet front, by 180 feet deep. XLEGANT MODNIIN, EBBIDENON, MBAR LOGAN_ SQUABS.—Four-awry, with threestory doable beck buildings, and furnished with ill the titre 'mte= conienleneee, athlete on the south side of lime street,' - Bret hones west of Nineteenth street; is fleshed la 11 superior unmoor, with hussy marble dom.way,essti bule_with marble sides end, tiled Boor, hear) cornices, • sco - lot 19 feet front ) by 3d9 feet deep to • BO feet Wide street. .WALI7I.IIIeI PROPIRTY.—roar story brick store, No. 614 Swanson street, below loath itreet; lot 17 feet front, by 100 feet deep to Pentt street, on which trout is • three-story brick dwelling. THRIE•BTORY BRION STORI .11 , 11) MILLING, and three story brick dwelling in the rear ! —bittline No. 2014 Lombard street. Lot 18 feet front by 78 feet deep, to a back outlet. VALUABLE LOT OP 011013 ND, with six fronts, nitwits on the west Me of Twelfth street, - at the dis tance of 67 feet north {from Jefferson Meet, PE feet front on Twelfth etwet, by 896 feet deep to Thirteenth street, crossing ,two Intermediate thirty-feet wide street'. 0610.4-4:111. Gum:my - 'it Bone, auetiOneezi ' will hold regular Wee of Beal Idate, kitooke, O. Alio, hunashold raesiltrua at. drellinue: Fr On our liele Beerier will eAways b. lowed & rosy large amount of rotste fooled*" eery doisimpflon of city Rod oonittry propor M ts • J. QIIMMAY &BO , - Beal Rotate B ISO WAIizITS Street, below QAMIJEL NATHANS, AUCTIONIEL io and NOWAY LOAM. 011101,. No. 2ilt bout% THIRD Street, below Walnut, uppontlit Year'lA., nab eight doers below the linking.. Bonne of bualneee from V' °Nilo*, A. IL, UM- Hi Welook t o the evening. Outdoor sales, and gable at the Auotlwe Me" al igenhd upon the most zatiersotory tense. • , OAPITAL SM,COO. Wrtetiishodfor rig lass TAirly Wars. Advanwer nude' from on. dollar to Womb on Bt. monde, Silver Plate, Watehee, Jewelry, Hardwareshanese, Olothing,Parniturs, Bedding, Vicars, Mated Instrumento, Gum, Nome, Oerriages, and foods of everydescription. All goods gas mein any length of lime ;p.m PGE. ' All ode ,aasea frost w 'ore Dandled dollars and Irma! will be charged 2 per omit par =oath and over, Ike lowest market rate. . • . . ire Vlibl ind a ttror.ltoor °"e ee h ti viri tsVell tk allTrillab teei CSll l" ,andl i ri Tate watchmen for the premises ; also, a tem tuna • Nam Mated for Waal. of all ?mons hulas Veda adveaced rpm, N. 8.--ft seam{ of hating - an anliMilted espy sJ, this ones is prepared-to make 'adrsnees on more sails ih#,ory sod asoananalafing *so than any Gear la thhi atty. Mosey adeassistiki this pomp, hi assail mann* with oat any sham. -: AT. 211141711 DATA. Gold Podia Linn mid other Wskadd, Jew lii Motbing 71.11 . 1* sold at idledtaloa. - A NEW REMEDY FOR NEURALGIA Alk AND lIRADACHN—Di W. TEO:Y . DLL'S NEU RALGIA SALVE la s. sovereign remedy ior this dis ease, as well as for severe headache In every Inatomee where_ it has been applied it hen produced a certain - and speedy cure. In eases of fifteen yearn' clouding, after every other remedy bas failed, this SALVE like magic has been stomeseful and lettered the patient entirely with the nee of one box only. Prepared and for aisle, wholecalaypd retail; at hie Dint Store, 8. W: corner SIXTH 1811 - PARILUIR streets. Phlla. , ss,hzi * 0 • SCHOLZ ar JANENTZIEY • 116 &nth SIMNEL Street, below Cheeklit, IMPORTERS AND - BEWARE IN AMBITO NA TBRIALI3, Recommend to Artiste and the public in general their large stock of Zuvenile Paint Boxes, Winsor Y. New- - ton and Geo. Rowney tilo 'a 011 and Water Colors, Braaten,. English. and German Cantu, Whattusn'a Drawing Parer Colored Crayons, Studies, Colored Picture. for naming, . ' Discounts given to Teachers and Seminaries. Co*. Dealer. animlied at trade Dries. AKIIM.--43eat American' Navy - and Navy X.l Oakum in atom and for saba by 'W.2 , 3:2231, LER & • 001 1 ablo. 23 • Vorth'W•ATllt St. and 32 floral COFFEE,- 1,000 bags Rio, ZOO bags Cape,: 600 bags Java and Lumina Corse ler Bale by -' - JAMB ILIBAHAM & 00., NO3. Y 9 luid,92PlT/nA latregt,
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