- •'firt ---- ir4. 0 7 1 . 7 , ~,,„. -7E....„...*,-4%-itir --Lr''''-‘7ll-'—,4•1i,.. itti, goo ~„,,,-.--40itt4,'—• bek. ?t - ti ilf a t oat'l 111)71:42ViitiAnt 1, ' 1)71 „4 .erslisa- littifitttitr, f riiiiO4V6:pigalT rl iZit.7(l„,f 'DILI-74 s• ' - -4, I. ,-4=iikea. V* ,-aint4,l;iton ' ot- it w aste nu ,-,-;., A-do-te,**-0 - 4414.,-,oo'l,oiyktvl .4 P-7„. ~, .. ,- , Ap". i, ....air44.,.,.,..-11, . *44 046% ~,sat 4=C '-'d ' ' p hi, .fit,4,l.,' ' . ''. .'"ideltiw.4*. , , . 41-, A t t, mi--,-x,,t-iitf i ' ---,l„,:ti s - 4 1 ; ,:yyt, ailL,,,l'ou,c-i ~,,,,,t7w.0.. z ',- ~r ia it*rilirlill, ettl;e:',#.• N „Al I t ~,w:: ~ if,,:,,: r .k:9644Vitartolo---tv,grat'iitioidei-"tk r'',:-,--:241,*--14.1-..A.140t 11;a74",i'V‘Z!4".- ... -L'-' ttscoi t. tial'Aiimi,K7t,ir,iii**t; • gm,: '. . ' "rtep, 41410,644 ttigto'i4 *oteratr' - R Tiettia,lltbe AA t4illitit iu,r ' s-J•ieeit 1)1'41 , t'oib* miTirwtlZ44 ' ...:`,1•11t64-14?Lt#44.414.a,,.0,1„?: ..:,-44;i 'it. It , shmatiZiredirt"''*44,4l-toi4* I /14;411, To etiff stiki trisiTVl=l;%liitt!:" "Virlos°-*Vt24l4tWel%li-Cr,l4',-='- ';',Vitt :, rtntikiii2l464l °:1:41A.0:114,' tr, NCL.zeikas t ; ,. A , 1,14,t1:1.t, 4, A.V. 40.',44,"',A111' 111101 it = 26, i,..rukiliVkvfrow A &Pe ‘13.4C 6 k ..• '''' -ibX*"141"74;4711484...ati, - , ,' )lIM.. ~ql' ikio. ~. A. . _ll • a liil,''' ' - Aat-teibil;r kw cs,, i,r5...' ,mitioiktZevblr.7l6..ivolat aor - 1.4-1,'"„4,..(t1 11l- u - t -: ' at 414,40 ,mk.impdatil',;ihal,,,..! ',. - ..,...4. ...-L , "ow. .., ~,--,,..0(,. ---,‘..; .toroh, ..ry.,:. 1.091,au1t -- r 37„.., 4tvoi,; digiti, tatljiiikaTlMl t.th%fr.” iraib.44*,.,. tiliOt aneff„ iid VA „..thik.„.4,4----, 01.1.7--444144441!”! ihtorietGstt l4aT°k°'#tk,zit'mo!4!vps';,;'ttrt ~, tins f„,c44„.:,..4:tri.71!17.e4 4,,,f1ii....,,m, . , Th,11,,,,,,h.,,14,1 „. , it.ml4_ra toitt,,k. , iiy.---4,4.1, 4rs,,,AlAtitw i iiirot7i3.** ,r.a."li' •;-.., ''' tre":‘,4o.-- lit -*-ttlikstkaeki,u't , i pc. -- • ,f.. •IP' , V braid lo g ';,- ' ''.**444s.limmtliS. 'l,w, 4VV.ief`)°,-A4l'Vllteit: tp f , r, :-aVir -INIFir-r. iatigia";„u`6•l=l4,llM' t se, brAiii*--4-kverfiklatit flti. • 1140/4„ 42., ~, 4ft--.0",,A .64.41 -'sit Atm,: ',. ,' -17,1,,i,*- Tht_,,, ':?•-'tby,„ ' Itibiti ', t, , ' ' < : -tic" otief..taaaL l ' r< iiii44iar ; -,f112' i L ,', _r they iiiaTiet_ t _taiWlll44l44:3l4 ":::‘ 'theitfiliattriK77oefilAthl td l - 13 e 3PAs " ; ittfl'aa°,i4, -r4,-.l,.„fit ‘ixfittqa:-4.: , , ii.10,..4.1,„r=f,,.iqi1it,./ty#11,,,,04,ti ;• ~„ Thilni'"ilioNt*"tk iliaiity"ta --, - ~ -,=, . Hi t igrOr 4iik,11044 wos4 , ~,,,-fiWL I,i,ft-__ieite, iit ,i, - -*,AArßinek of r'''` ,', t , ..--I,triikWlrui#ol'L iktb..-, •.':-.',A=4l-41770 4.f'ft4M--t'T,F,..:'i,'!'-4 • , i, . ifoi, , foi 4.k.A.'q„.-e4lic,_,,, brwlis ,ead a * ,gelontis.l4-'-g if511,40,if..., -mast wit, fl4O, - 4.117iy1 - •41) -a. id vi # 41 -tom -b. a 1,.. , .3411. ~ 1- 4-,- •ir,„imi,l6 eye 3,11- I', I'4 ,rtivill, ~ThAft v, )I`.-. 0 tliwki-,14 rik., ,i,nkrgsizt, 05t.444_,,044-cra A. -„„1, .i.di.c,,-k.-1,10,44',..:,-ithst-,,tt: „attag4ll,*.. ilk- 41'1,774,1,-kre 'l/taidi.'";;;; wily ~it,i-ttat thio.o“o4l,:i , bad_ t :sill:fit li -'l. ' • Ati"orieljkrpittir=l lui tiitili...s;," ,--: : . alla"lminfslittoolTelii.,7„.„.„--,11,3,„17.170, , 1 t,741:mtarf,,,1t 7 -7 , 2 , -;i6, , ,t0 t : 04* ,,":./0774, .(771-3,11 4t.4iii,:ittiet 4.4.,,-.;;4,:etiit A,` ' '' tai:l"' ..,'°:*-61)161#-Irtilll'itli#St414 ''''''? '',..`'.414- i:44.1.A ,k - -9' 'it...L....v...91. . '/#4llth- AO( - :;,-.;, t•'bYrk v ~i-ilx. ..,,, iciret,---**l ,-, ,-*P„..', 04- -; ...1"0,4*-- , ,izilicc--4,i1,0- A-, , -7.4„..+ , 4,..,11....0, IFllkl, ll4m/1d -^ ;, -, t .....1 . 4 .- --- . 5 . ...,,.. i taw tn al I k ruziuk 4 : .., 0 ' ' -1 61 igc:llol2.7oifittl.2„.- , imme= * ‘,071 .44.11,4* 44 • - ~. . . '''titi II? ." wi1913 id ridtp: Well' .10,1t4k Of.'lliti ,—;014-„u.." litir - ' , I • /11', , ,IB itc----tioi , 1- r --, • ' lr ' - ~',-til• ,0 4" 114teuha...,. prT', , 4 , ' :'",/„-,T='" fi ' ti:as,--taesalV q , ',l ' ,',.• '1,2- ...MI, VI, '4.= -51,i1i4t.,' _ ,I l'lT.' , = ' C''......„ rf'rt.# 41`7;4'''t ~ /1a.,, '•'' 1, ; 4 0.1f14446,- -I,T4'.t.'"-t4C-" tll,l6ff - Li ,0 zr. t - tfaiti Kt ,;,,.,..„.\,.- - , 11. ....",,,A=7,.!=t, "fix pi.:,-.: f4-3,.---ii4,: ,Ah , 4 ••:• ,i *,. • Aott: I f,:.--i.j--"-4 'imi47::,,Xl 4- - 1 41,44V41it ‘ 4l at -7,. 'l4,c. 1'.45: -,'?e,,-.F-o°. 4'. • '.'- ”- - flat sirptlit l iaiac - • it. itsai* l 11.11"-. I°lre"ri te Mr iit pat ' hleiris;kiiritfittlit "•*"'"!0•.. *), :., -... 4:milt*: ,:„, IK,O I-14 ,• 1445 1 4 % . 1 1 4 " 1 --T i .' dai ty i; • ,:, , .. _ , „to t l ,ii#ll , l ~,71,511P4i . 71 4 1 0 - 4 F-Jr, '''' 4 7 l ,l t tis, IV* ~.t--._ s:, . liiiiiii:i. ..., i , -. 1, ii.f...,: :a ,., , „yv is i e ., ,t;1:•;117 . faviktepk - 1 !or. 44 :""It - r 3, i'c•ie - -4 1ini4,4412,0**1.*_1,. • ---- ,' - • [. k; PrecniaT.ft - . t i " s 4, " 1, .-": 0114 ., " 1 1P16. 1 . bium •t v4 - 14 ; 64- 04i4 lil4triL*o64l, kt fkor. W. 7,, —4 bkhgtgi Amilifty-mspbtium;mllo724:4Wfsty ~ -, k ze ------, " -.e.. ~31.-6-4,- ) .k ii3.33lmty ,, irifmihiengs• -- , .3 totaist.4s,-•-, i.: a , • • , t ho, - 4- -'•• .1v,.# 9 ,4 - h - r-'4'l w.f. :1 , 2J13.t.1 , •,4A . f .•;,.,. 41, • ..,,, /3. , , hi - ... Adigltfoi airidgirs 5, ';`,• ado /19 1 .;014 - 1,? '. •,.. -- el- ' 7, - - '•:•*s•fi':, likAtimmearit4"4ll6#ll4l46.lp ' • 4 ' •• i - i'sv . • 4.401,00014101! 7A::;' or; _lisi#.,•-041•,* .<`.‘-‘ -„ , , •,,"likt - filriAiKKIA : l 1 . 4, r . 0“4 iiKitsx, 11,111 -% AA , lAct holume4 °lirllghl •• yilirl , .1kt.;...: .iiiihnnottia . .; .. u; 1 - 41. ,-, .. -,r 4,1 t , • viii,t.t.ii... T ,, 1 1 r 14...• lrlisif fs• . —• i .0, 1.,„f.1.e,-0- flair iq'. .!.'' /7i,• P 7,7n'r'''•i t i'k'•i we ta p .',2 P"1661"4 ., 1 ...i.i,5;: l. 55 *A10* 1 a 1111444"`7rk" r .hii g the 'Oi*6 ~90 00 7 Mi-ti7liiapriog ._ i i i. gtAvkiet-• t# 4l- Atr i aWc - i' l le l Y' t_01. 1 47. 'f.:'!o4 - , l', ll t ) " 4. " 1 - , 7 : irl .._ --.,,- • -• . r' • .. , miumbil .F' 4.iftl .„6.:) . a •:.r . r.s,. - - ~11 0. , , ~, 0 . ...t , ~, ' , , -Ts • • Ltt•- 4— ` 1004 '.- nd • - ..k j ••• . • , : , .$ 14101 ; 11 ). 104111 .fitt i .. •'t V•t ‘ ..; ' i t i 7.6 l oiii ii illi' -I , 4 4I I IOWiIti.K"KITCA- VA • • .. Z l. ' e t , a liik*/ ( 4 6 • ' '• 1 • 14 4 116 014 -Iff.V.V . O, • 44t.•'-'•1-i Alt.4S- i ' el: 11037 41•4tijkot ?"'' .. " .j - . , Z.;41141g5 -, . ..•••:' ~- A 4 3 0 .._-..;, ,, ..... , 40.4 '... • etlZ-.- .- ItowliArnittpr,l4,4o, ..I,7rptiowe p p , • Y : -: .1: - Wit' ''' . rprt i ..Amc., - i ~., ~ .. i..,4111,iw 100 , ,,.!,4 6"1".1.th.. „..1 "..if ,-. .:: : ,, , :c.pp00 y:0-4eitt lii—liAgioiss'ooduri, o 4.ll - (PaavThrze.'l!... 44 7 vig „-- 44,00.444*.44,04...t. - sii 4 s s iO4 -- e4*.q-.49# , R54 , ?; , 4: , -ep t tcis)., : ? ,- ft-:..c.-t i .-..-ystivi4e ~ i ... : - ...44.4***4 9 4 F . 4 . r.., .:,,-- - v..,,.44l,:rgic,Aiiotal-tikit-iikl (1': - w.,*.iii i .i ristum#t*ii...-0,,,t, :„....,.. -....t ti • . , .remikuo, roltilcv viic IfiVe. • 2:4 ....)- • . WI tT4 , -.A.,.„)„,- - "?.)-# ligt - i Esitiii. fa: 410904 ..-,• - ;:c• ~ '• i1e5.k41441.3,7, •=r , ` Ili t. -0314; - ..•-"-t --. :-• -,• evoittstoirAttersi t kitt,To, ' 4 . ...-„ •!'s'. , -, .• ---:,. *atiortiffs. ~`" • - --: :, •••.4: A`•••e•••• 13 '-'. :.Tigs-;si.iiiiiYo.4l.•_l.4.4lotwOlL-Y"itti: " .. i4;ornlo g tiorwiiiyiktlynkisol; 0 t.isstil'a **IA, ....,, • -Y . ,'"q ti.th6. bo..ot.iimsaiie.to ,/A 4 , 1 11.4• loold klivite.' - --:•14 .% Lk . •0.63 efq•• 13 3 44 r 'fire ~ :tini4414,444, . , , •;?.. r . l u e ~.c a seessibiAkiinii#4.avoisi . with,i d at tgit '';;• , 'V.'llys iiwirilit - ai , wit* ktzon frtm he fo -4114-'•.,::•-•1244irdiiiiii: bosloarik; , 1i#1 1 ..014..1.w0b 41 . .:4:-;,, 0 -016:eatiii002 ;1, ! :$l - :'.. :- .',i • eig 6; o lllo iiiik:bilif . .. _ ~* ;..i t 6, ? ,.. , '.' •;•,e; `•,i . • prifeitilulstc girtemiti,/,,. ~ ' _ '.l,t accociiiii &If thai:l 6 ii, - ,44 . 4.* , • -. l 'i'...5.1 .t :1:: ; :••• • : Ha ar: t, "b"° kl*ol, T*l9 , t"" I" .. 1"1" . --6314 ‘, . 41 :AA ., .. 7 ,,:..,..-, oz.co . omf it: : ' i ,:-.,•%% ••••••;,'...:' ‘ . A CA4iiiiiii r inil..4).waggi4;4o94l.,. : lrboor .IW ., • l umi "fro, by dAiritifittii kii;•: r i o' i al ll rs, ell* egt i, .V- i - it •'. -'', ' - „ L .• . 1 - ' y y ~ A' l ' ". • sogolitiou" 4 441 - ::4• 73 nt - P, ... ), 1 1-,,,,, , _:. ---•- --$ Ma.'" ''' 403 -. Th, A- ' 4 . 3* - 110 1 'AllA.4s2o- /44-41..cairj4.M.;-:01.4-7-,-,:-44.41i19sisimA 45 r `fil.t";l •-•%; 3 A T - -' -"' -.- goo.f•all.i.-43xripoiwito-40.f. in.islal. 4 ,1 ' 1 " ! • 4.,4P- lA.I '.1• . •,.,im- " r- 4r.f.fli • 10 *, c . , • IP,M -..4.,,,e•A1•-••:•- 41010 i •:. , • ; •? :+ 4r:41:112i.' 'i. ''''.'..flk: 1 1 004 44 1" . .•:- • ,415 -•• - 1 -" ! ...k.-e • '.:l iArW.?Ylii.''''''' .44frir*I*' *bio tOUr . j '. n_. .tikykot*@icN4-13 - f;W:,01 - 0"W 11...id414,164.191(144.440fa,...t.u, (0; lleey ~ l , t otg ..IjAiblitglf,,virftef.. o,ik., ot t 4 .4 XiilltV=likk: l3 !fti lOmph MoAridk!ffotibot mot Tani Clip:iptliscliii,Po&l4,.,: 1-4421u0iel o,.Thotuul, glom Rundo'phr N ir • 5. , ,, , t?x ^ rer ,-gar I 9,VORP,Pr , illne.'l466lAltiti4r4o64 Tree. 'V - Mosiorotter ,-, :rvinnok , 7beter . i.:t015 7 1 1 . 1 ' .41 t; it`the'iteniie l bpi )toe' 44461-i„ awl Mod. &Ora-- ifur ohlidireiwvilso , tegldelti IMlebe`hilekikied , ?*arabout thirty " ;rite, ogg &" lkitib - gtiyheit•by twOrgiaittee.„ 46 lb* mintier Ndii . - .111 - ow:T*4loy ;&light,z&V And struete; ou'tp,i) ofaitguof2s*ptjtik,tO,ittktbe pocket toii'-+l'hirt/ikttftfk;At4s* that ; caught .the: , throkosz-wltbfilitiZboulf_ju_ 4;461(4, aid,V2st" eke kAitret.hl4l , ,llbi:4oliii4•tbab obi zobiso44:l4' gmbookikkOCAlookoobiolo,•iiktuaiirbi -The fink. 4 rut iimoiltted to_aiowor: - ,• • - Y 11: kis hi been :. th rath bold for a - day or „„ Alio. Imat,l4o4lsetirdsxtbe. frou‘riulitulto'llbsfp' old nip „ About sov4u ,- , 011°0C-titers zorau-i-,elight fall of ououq.,,duly,4: upeobluou'of ,Irbgt-;iii tare: tiadi , lV - whe ortrs a few miuutos;s44:lff•-nnW•kogran Anoint as *glow sir it,-thi'-wit4:oo vbatdi ontj (stored us *pine *Snow': • •• - ~.;',A/tirsiGED.VCg#I IO P:if e ,?I 3T O LIEN ;mac sawed ;Charles ltrorra,at hissep{d'eaoe, to Rage *ieet,l4oo*, - .lBlrhpon She - charge opYeeatYlug goode~; son *Mao& it SIX , the gams to he ' etolea:; 86 4114 - atinirolEte4 to AnnoinilbeelititWat oulfofaCeirifinlheouirgetristeituit b.,tiwob trim 4boitotio itlttirjrrOvhitb, 414.;;; - tok - lkfultotdtvtat: otlintin4WfrAnn bffs 8 ." 4 ” , , 11,100 6 ika11iPte,43.11 5 AtirtliElikftistraet; 'A number , to .artfolva wire fenod'inAiais'prossetslen. 'Vitt itir4 -, - • -- - , 1140/4.44 - Pittoti - Men. Wire' itkokid - with timid in fbe'robbery of Mi. IXarstsiter - ,,0f , .0.100 on yea -411 ; Appi named ,beingQhaiiel Rock Woo ser`,inneiy injured Byer eciciag, by run, over by:the' oars Melba frwmflie B r adt : 6*h at r•' -flit ciiijiiitine a nature .thio - 430 ItOiientWontwrislnen of Ms recovery. , ; • ir,i; 4? aid o a IfteraarfOd for rii!) Ple*y. - Henn tre'a;obia Bmitik. Before reported. An whoa if : :Itledloteet44,yerd.otior,thetlefendent. , 4l, , ; fitfsffred rfie.t.ArrA-atiaef , ...gai - 64. •Artiaelfria.solvetC-Stnetier_ye. the Faith' erased...trek , : etiviet r PlevengerßelliaySlompany. , In Equity ..oolnion -.-tti;:viCtri ',Woodward, : Aid . now,'../aprft dth,1.160, o n. ,Inntlen_of Writ 1112 Meredith, Bt George Campbell , GrOlfir.ffilitillhitioethe - defendanta,,lt le ordered tIU . t 'A . I.IPOPIIII-thieehtleh ,lieretetere Adler ed , and, vented tn:tbia.oaes sodthe same ,is hereby, die fill'isd:cjktildtllett,,by the enevelnantn. dinehernedi to • b 01 , 4 14 6 4t , Sohn W. Caldwell. le things of Baokin & kirtin,ve.- thernwident end D/reetet of the Prat Inkal n in apnoea fittti , Psstr fit Tirsotiv-,'Clootifin): rthfildvlphis branch Annotton On s policy et_ I nanranee given by,tile chtlen, 4 - 4,ls,oatbiK r brivtt it o p;Th owned by the plclntiff. . 1 1fit, filtttifirtt tirAlt.ltilifeinalylwere _totaled to effeet., ..taVhs. loannina*, the kern being 4W - A 2, Wheni ailAlptoetolnded. „. PcObtlittot,rtaiki.44warraillisoli,-,;Pritchard, , a minteir stir: ,e BeiiriortlibtEiltbirollr , "A`Otion for ;$10.25;ea ih Iteireoantthit,ttinr'alue . pfnendedellvered le $3O: t- Clayn t ier.-:-netion nnder rent iisiftehilifii*Weidlet tor, INWOOD • itynf -PtillidelpidwWs.4itebaFkarlant,A.wit • 'Otion - lorgetylog Veidletforldatititf „:104114'Mireew ' , Vsk 1.2A02 - ititn.l , - , Ari *ikon forgrk4e laolttoddellinirod;;TY-wiliet lei plaintiff 292 CO, i a rbi Ideldede 'geld and dell-- • -e v i k a , i 4 t ifj oi iv.l,,, , , , ,,•-• • " .rnserne 'l6.4ndeireoia;-. An, lotion for geodkeo ler and --„ - I 'Z.l7lllpp. &raw - Atiiiiiiii;COtrr;- - Jrtageir daiitor atoCidodiiittaiiagteisiki*: - Itiribieni.` `tri3O.Centioued. : to Monday oOrico4oot of asulde di tteiter; one of the comilet in the (mite, -- , Parttelirn:Bakerind:Ple ye: prowl. Verdi,* :Vir,pliantyrnyd4eatrec • " ' ;ovaitoo bf , Bitten va. 'Lehigh' Coil and Nailgetlon ,Oretipasij-werti Ornate l y , gout to next term by coosent .of..3the , ,pladotlff, gia , sFeennt- of hie not being ready to 'Precind ,- - , Oolita onion glalottlf.:;"4 . •e,,Q0,4104.F I , `, l l,lNddionii4 , -.Tudit,6 - 1 Thotinmon.-- lie freitipted*Ot.t*Von end4.oo,pir like day - JOdge. Stroutk—F isher` le--'llsireettifore`regibrtit-': Vardtdt!yriat thrtiditu -Iffi •sOndidiKkaY.'":AffinetbnilitrnplAiiin for winaliaborr IISIctoal" ,nenibe c hatnee,,barned4A4 =-- , De: m; iosioirj.tolo , Oil - trial:* Tookl. -Phitirdfr2o4 3 .okl , ' 7 : - • ifs Atatiqophi jf.dwairdOritOwnoutior,the'nernw at 2 , 1:, I.lo.raham;ra,.. GonngeJlPgeArrlllban. Woinae;39ll- 11sennreidner, aid Andre*, roF tor. • 041 , 404ton::_iatth',61,1044iisi44-7ox 'relations .o.o.lteall,rnrin end tifeerf:*`Oarybt; tiradinOtko,,'re..; Verdtctfeit , he defeddint. , - - • • " 4.- - Wotbart. Aotfori `44Wrarver-Arivint alleged 'to - be' due &nearer: ,Yeldlet TO *held ititifr .- r: 411A-4 ' britliANAP:ool.4l4 - ERCIAL.: viltar Al, A "Ail airiritibbi4lennlnierahree,C.talledtto lodnenee. M• ifiltitkOn,W,Ao,tny!rn2b,ere,jlivi,,Oin iner1ke144 , 50.1.; 4lttilfltr."4 l e 4 rA'' l *Wit 11:111•6Vki.!;484?I'ittl.' Ng hPeMe lswia Sail- r ..1b,,,iAeda.v_4, , .ar,#,,rt.Pf.:• 4 .4. #llb'''!;.' fluißt.f4sr, first-, 1044 !gene* ezi,nt,tlte!,iiatei:tiot taken•ln by 4.4e.> liiik l o."ilinriitinV:dallanii Obtatiad WittV:l32. lirioititiO4'.4llKeitiqh:94o**44ftii!,hefietiyttime *ire, IWOniiiit:WitlitinfieisaftifOr - effa;efght4rid,ttinitiotdhsi itti!i; i6a , ebght ' to alas n'er. , Oent: Ike! annnia. - , L. *O, 4, 4 .10;thell'Ainifyilinida k id"tAtn; r tilxT fromo rt eereeSilfiliddee4lliin , -inns riesiedthe" fltinenntlbeprenentattree wi t hout opposition, end I l tylotrlkoobilith 'to In the thWilfli-PAilett4eyttWiirkit riotrbilart „0124:4141144.11. - ;,5TWV.'1t3.944124.21:.4ALdit 441411'61W' :vbrookaao itoorria & co., sora.aora, lint; %.!.#llllp li giLiAlr , ifortiwan mums mill *at'. doost' 4m2. _„opt fo 10tc..;95X.20061,ithr.11. ; lOW do ltfo loi5:',081[ 1 100 4,, Q Oatmrials, 7t.bb.t.% f• nem, &„ -.. ea Or, -taaoxs,*„," e 6 0 0 . lcoo a 5 60 .14100 - 1 41;;.:Zdjir.495; 1047!, , eia.n 0556.251( 401( , ; ; ; do *Bwit 2615, zloaal.P.itio. 61..x:041( 100'... do - wti.2sX '500515 Poona 11 101.14.90 x 100 -do oswo & 1nt.26,X • 100 . .: do Mon & lot 26X. 10001. Val It 63 " : 90: • 100 : fthwu & fot 26X owl , . It toe .1. Oa, ~7011[ ICO.: rdo eDwa , et Iqt 71.1 f 400001 i At 61.48 , ys Qi 7. Poona It 10 10t5...43X 1000::" . - A17ik:8434( 6 blechudes , 1 0 0071:5541t eo ,d0.:..........28X 1000 Elm Oat 101....70,X 75 N Ponca It Ox ,2000' do ,- /.."..:70 CIISII...bi 49 10000 & *l6 84'70, : ,.66}d ,v.6:11,11 NtalkiNkt rs e o li&tx - W irrx V. liAO4O- "..:,.. ...... 114,4 110iii):' ":• 1 F ' .'-. • -• Ititillialleol3 . V . ./.*: OM N iiii,ll l l l 4l4l 1 Wel 14.... e to lA, A_ lc& 'lO P. 403 X 14 do' ' 43X 1-24 , ..: I' do , • ' • 48 1:-te .i 'di ,•• •- I 18k WOW Baba.... ... . . iag nr,. do ' • '404 " CrUliSinanuth 8k...21X B MOroOl'Prtsh lin .3 0 5% :`2 • do ...4 -a 5 irn.lik If 01ie4411 1 / I DY.. ; Witlig 414.;::1011-' 7 1 .4f .°)C4tA ° l t 41741 ~ :!!!!t. '''':" 2- •*.e7c „ XP . L,: . 5 ,4 ' 40.•.,%; ; .:olirti ' illl4.C'dol ...gull .63 pp I pa .lii % ~ A d o. P lin: 4SA IMll* - '44 4A)4 WO do Now. 211 . 0.103.11 •Id9o Vol tiadi ..ls' • , "tlBx 190 r) VI. 1113/4061 Don Td.d2l6 10(0 N Pant, a ft oi.. ...UN 1 2%0 24 3 / 4 . Silt II Is.; AO( 1 "rto6 - •do • 01 )4 Allo3' 44 ~..../... D5.91}(, 1- 1 v... ' ' OLCISIXO- rill ' , ti 4. Ara. 4. =4::..T.'101 'l4 . •: . 1 - t . .,:,: its Nit W . ,:i.... : :•••" . . ' , -.,f",..r1ie1t:".63/1$ ...I'.q' '. ,;IfilA , ...i flt".**1110 1441,2 ..t.-.711V- ; 4 3? nb:41411 1 , ' , 2141 ,4 44 11 42. 6 ir 0 , 1$ 90 48 ala t X: KOS Clittairt44X 43 WAIWI4/ 011 • 34b1 4 wa;',lll 14 4.- — , ,i,c- , • 1 ( •,' i iffd 1 ,450.17. iiiiteitv Oka, 5 1 ; 4 4r0;,,,1..• • lit 11, If 71 lim.B , k • 11101:!tir...1; 11W1171 11 k ow a 2c...is)* be 77•F.80 73( /14-' p43i 64x .. .. 09, .41 „ ) t i lira t ai, 6: l‘ Ves34o & South 11 et 121&377ta. 4734 oag44. isT'''' - "'.. ol4lstKeAttlekgellCV TEtPAGi, • • z.y , 4 ll. oo44losailliVit s :•••• loorrfoaawn, letbeg .) f...a)..lla4ratd. Tow Aril IMlEltth.trfsil 11114irml iritai,2l/owITVIC.Ipt Julio te, ..t40 1 ,4 48 01'"I'lv j•'‘ , •• I, b ; -. 1 . :• - ; E r: • - *fitostAmpa,ggi - 4111 gradisaaelail 4l .. . •.• .. • - i_esaii)oo-.Doa,•.oopeolionesi 'MIS at:Now 0_,•,14.4!4!ft i v iripaimailii T iiiie• la Oprivse t 111M4birisi;Iiiiim4- filt'i4'it Boofoo 7ow Naos.. • : • Lion. is , ~ . 5. ,! Phi P Pola garlloy, $19744; Lion. "AM. WWII 10 'os4lt•Tlnif rksfsraol.;'.__-.;"1„.;:•4 4, „s:‘: ! .I.J. _-_-:'_71.% . ' . Lk r OrphinteAnrill, r:lls..M.wrar anitle‘r.t bl l itin ;1 , 71 4 erti:a111114;4; Iligi faffillt i ft owlo c ibo r ivlifi4rl;4ll - a.:.,Z-j.I?:. ..t...1 z , I ' , fgOp 060.r10t of Puma s Kftyoor s liOstAts,litor,,yrcX. *, Pete Ar Orifin InurdlPoiiit;t? ,ri .1:, :,::. ' ' :, . ~ : . 441 lielloa, rinktrY, Pr TOMAH. awl Mira, trOa " 1164, 0 9110 b .4116ERV4Off Orlikaa. iiiii ialcitt tiiiiliao Lo 04 1; ;4 Ik• 1. .o.lsonatitii AU Owed., sa F1e.14 , ...i.tiP.; r•,l4o;Vt>ol,b'als•.%parao•lKA: di*, raii.b4i,)kuct asiWi l loi*JP* 4 la the vi.,: 4 . 1) . vomit pous4Lit4l .Ao ,ournt, Tha it ~, .. ,ii i ik: . i t _p c A. ifej. . IBIS, via. 28,9 %mit, i ! i 4. l A, ow moikkr, r,t , mli",foo, or ?or 9 mut, yid; rA f 4 ik 40044g* e (Dr. 111 ),.... WI. ~Irtv- r..-. , Jr' OK *NO it (ick- ybitarfsy. . brit ftrityps groxif from P. 4 of.nainb, ooo 2 / fh - Pa; ii;lvpdAt flirt 39f.1 1 1 , 4 1 04N1''' ''' ' i d t ; l ' ti i, Brig reidaleratity, pcp.,,,, licia, Fr Ye * a Ott, va.c..,1 ~ ~ ~ - -...... ~.,..., - c, .. di " itir fez , Ellis. : 0 14-,,, Vigra) , 40. ` data }}'' rota br; Gail ' - ',3air or okpii.lft tanc„ at 89; „Ow; '11•15 ~ -. , . ffitiMMPi Alit; :Ma" rit,lllo. 4 D4 ° F. 8011111131i,k.nAlle t '14 nieti4; rOt tt4t l ! 4ati " l . 14 1 4 . poi PtoyidAciaptinit it - ilea:- ii , 11 - ii 04k~ . i It'pdg . e, for !ilt: It : ft F ariVatlitiarior. P 1111441- e1 ;i 4141 ii "` - "••104 - Aei .61 • last;.:: ;. '... ~ •,. • 1,.. • ,'' iloi rii; airtwhigetWelli si•toillly . corer • {ti, t ' 1 01047 1 101 , 4 1 114*. bl thb 114 ,:i1f , ••,...,, 1 4 1411- Nri riantlua mot t ko ' ll. . - "St Pititigiojblii.eutlel• it 114194101.100 bi , AtAk•it‘tri-Forlirovonst iti 44tHielikletribkitlelilrbiriltoreli: km,* *OW vrikoati, u It ik 14. 4 04 44 :" - : . i. 1 eoltbeitusivistitoamobi . molt:004i 4:0u:, 10 , 70tow yw k oss r et,PbpsdelfhliiP 4. spetit42. Wildi010b1;114, ili.ftddikiiobeinekeer.. illsMirifilh 4* (A1004644.11,011ci01l .141 S, i• ikupyriti:ctirturoo for Bilooteo; Pilltiounlo 1 494 1./ 111T "i - ,1 1 #" 4, 't'd Bich", ; It4Po,fii , Mterl,o4, ;ffiNaleileo , 'Oil?* ktadb, cur _...,ool,l,lJ949Nitit wax, wilole4slo. !od retail, m,:. .0,../lp . loWboiltar rittoLorili stoutest Dorm.. ".• ' • Vi, Illitialr PATTritr, ON OFMT/SOT etroot. Effli OMMI M=MMl= kitßtYlitS, Ap_ TILL - MAI turns, tti!4,.. ";4ihirosdikrOfilifg 'llolteditg•l :,. 01 i l , l,- { *- - '4. - ,„.,;-11.„; • q a', , r , - f 's r : , i ;,` ni r Z . ..1,111 Still; HOhelyr•Dieetpiit Street, below l ellattt. t, FhenleeLanWeei , s , r ; Itsemgardner, - Lenosster WA MoVerliod, OW, 0 . II dllontt, Mliemukas • Mrs apopmetuoug! ~ , ...E 0 Brooke & la) ri Y , -,r Pete, Chicago ~‘ •B A. Defoe, ,Pitts ,W Usiseitinst II 0 f ~. , - a Smith, N.Y Xll Stephens et is, NJ . , Mips Stephens, NODDY ' •MrsCooki Newark, NJ ~ , - , r hi Beulter, NY , , IM. Walton & leg N Y 08 De Gra w. N Y $/$. Llity,'N - 0 . -.:- - , J,A Merien, 1 , 1 , Y - • Busel•e:N, Y`' ' ''J Miter SOIL, Balk/11 s ' J II llarbine, Ilayto - n. 0 ' -Ig Bowei St Loafs , • P lowlisrd tr, son, N Y bilis Lowherdi N Y• Miss Le Udy, , lelt ' • •• ,L M Panneobsom, it Is N r ,It a Scudder, Preston • '' l' Jae COrtlan, Jr. Baltimore $ 11. Vandola. New 'York • Geo Itutbrio, Troy, Nlt 1 •gt I/Powell; II 8 A .., ` -.W B - Itatobo, Norristown John 8 Spson; Intianopolis P 0 Pew, Cairo, 111,- Simon Sraweim, Lanoletsr ;dr Weir and Met, I's ;a; Itomsn,lderylend '', -' , J 8-Wells and. Wire, Boston Mrs Maiderhan, Pend.* • • • ?Ore !Idler. Penneyltinits Geo,ly Ileiderson, Vs • Chits le Milnor, New Yolk 0 Goodell, New ,York ,•, Levi Ilefdolly New Yosk John 0 Statisrd, Va ' ' 111 Maddox, New York' , John Smith, Dincilyfranta It Until. New York ' 313 Todd, Kentucky • _,' 1 D Blebeson, Tillable • Geo W TtiEtairy. Boston •', _A.,B Crowell • his B Madhanr, Vermont II Mormrd, Boston Mrs Lesdermer, New YOrk 3 V Phillips, St Louis W A Shepard, N V J Gillett, N it Wm I, Bradley, Conn N L Bradley, oona • Semi Colt, Conn _ 0 W Cereal° ,r N'V CIA Were:fifty, N Y -W Y Lambe°, Nl' • ' A. Ltimin, NY' ' /ildw Rough, N Y - Al red ttill, Boston ' Joe Rognet, N V - ' JO we tok,Ark .__ ' Geo A Beaker, Boston , , Mr Cochran A dear,,N r is I:forking, N Y • II I Hoyt & la, N. Y. ' •Miss Bair, NT Xr It Boma; Vs„ --• , • 0 Mist, Jri Washington Saadi) Baker, Vs , , , Alm ( Volonler, Boston Joh&P.Brimoh; Vs , B D Smith. la J Polton, Vs, , , • . II B trusibert. Vet 8 - M Cobnro, Mars 1 /tr. Murray, L I J D Cameron, ilatrlsburg Jae Dotty, Maletta W Bclibration WA. Culbertson, ' II T McOlnre, Lordmille Henry Pally, OM, 6 Smol i Fl eilatoe, Belt -,7 M Nuttinan Pt Wayne , DI Minor/ & is N Y - 3 Id Raymond, N Y MDBOHANTIP notEL,Bourth street,. below Arch, Wm (heen s .Willianupt • • Wert, New , Barmy. - P Grace, Ohio T B Birch, Washirigt, Pa 80. with, Ya J Farrer,Washingt co Wm H atearthiir;N A Livingston, 14, H B 'Bedford) 0 Deal Beware' 081 4 May, algae Job Prineei Maine W BSmith: Boston 1 • Caws Kessler Beading HI, Miler, BeadingDr fitester,lteading D T Powers, Ted,' ,• • —L H Slmer & la, N J .N B Arervill, Halve - W W,Sioon, Heston 'CIL Reed; W W Bette, Clearfield -Nathan Worley. Pe Jt3 CM., Ohio , .I , lt Caldwell, Washington J Mott, Ohio - Dr DHanoverire , - a 8 Hal kW. HasletOn A Pardee. Jr, 110filaton -OP Beets, Wilkesbarte W Petriten do la, pst iohn Brass Pa R Johaston,'Pe '" H AA eal Belt - T Clernenti; - Boston Tette, Pa - .1) Itopp,-Yort, Pa P Penniok, Ohio ICEirrnit, Lawrence co - • 7 • JONES' HOTEI-Oheithint Street, above Blatth., • :, JR Boiedliii, PhDs B Allan & la, Det Oity ?Sim Alien, Da! City N B French, Indiana Bridges, Tod ' 0 ()cram& Savannah O r uneethew:• Sanford,,Batt Bmstern; PM'S' II Ferguson, hid Birrie& Ben, NJ R tunsay Poole, Phil" .Mrs Rowaitt & sts;!iyash - • J 0 Hopper, Phyla M Y • - W W Thatcher; N Y G L Bdtven. Mass - Jae A Dobson, Bait Haley Pawlery, Balt J Dr Wishlogton, Balt j'P•irker, Jr Bait' D idUatelinati, Balt -0 V * Ote'N y T W Ward & wt. N 0 ,W J Osoe, ' Va; , * Nt It Hook, Wash .1n) Bummers. Vs " Jr R Poster,- Ind Uri Brown, Va ' 'AMERICAN HOTEL—Cheataut at.,, above Firth. 0 II penal, N Y.W m Itenderson, Et' Paul Jefferisoo Lovett: N J : Jon Bancroft, N.l Win IL Oarroll,'N Y " Thee if:Turder tc la, N Y Mina At A Yam. N Y 3 0 McCreary, al Chunk ,Mieellelentllcielemus,Md , Molter, Pa • - Wlteliclinvlinitton A Wyckoff, Elmira - W D apiesiter, L.nasstei - A W M'nlleot, Mrs Bourdett, Ya John Wilson, Wilmington W J Nilson, Wilmington M R Corbett, Vie • ' 13bepnerd;ffrnakfott; 0 ' J 3 Thomas. Va • „Emil Flans, N W Bseeeil, Wiohingtoo T Perkini,WashlnAton 3 A McGrew, Milwaukee P,Pieher. II Amboy, NJ ' Jet W'Oltirs,'lt, Bait Jae,A William; Pa • - PMo,er, ar Mahe. Taunton , 011 Oloott, St Louis Crßenton,'NY• Paor i-ft aysnt, N - ON. Flynn, Tit " ,JonVimmtis,hl4 ItTosnle,'Nestiniton,'o,9 0,11 Osten; N ink - 14.4044'N , , , _"„ - • ANIONANION„ibnie , ‘GT,lfealibhio • Wheeler, N Y MI am Beall,,Keen4, 0 .:A illosgroee, Warrinton, 0 'Aaml SUSIIII3OII, 011 . 0. Wineheeter,o J Slog ' N Georgetowiat 0 • HO I 0 Geo Dotard, North Lincak Joke P DOWI,IIII, Ohio AloOlellen. Wooster, 0 • ,871, Pettit, Snalthitrid;o W Oemplay Allegheny E Giok..7r,Eroltheeld,.o A Allen &dia, Massillon, 0 Mies Kelly, Massillon, 0 W hionanne, penningaonv D - Tboman Lewistelsn; 0 W Berger, Middletown, 0 B W Gilbert , Reading Wm MaOreary, Lambeitr , e It 3 Mulford, intidgeton , JB.Prootor, Mayo Wm B Breitenback, Ps Wheolog, Vs 11 Weber, Marietta, 0 - D 'trainer & eon, W.u.aport John Cramer, Williamanorf IT Green h ton, Carlisle .11,Beak, Leeaburg, Ind B Winegenofipthee, Ind Over Chembereburg . John. idedl,oharnbiOnrg, ' , Mrs Wm Dater & oh, Pa T • 1111 Defile; Elision D Alf Ilendolnhißridgetani J atetens, Conn .3 11 fligginailflern'ten, NWin 8 Sinarp N - 3 Lerch •,13ethleinara - 'Allates, Pittsburg; : xr,. d ikheu r cterote:lit Y ; 7 W.Vendertwook, P Byron -P,ll Limburger, N Y ;Mlles B Witght, L t 7 Turner i - W.llm,norolo - ' , PKASBLINNOLiBN—Ohestnut. street, &boys Third. -A G Springs P Minnick . ; &MIMIC Gill 001100; N Y. JSkedd,N.Y Z Gaynor, N Y.G Kellogg, N Y hl A. , Weigtetr, & wt, °bib, Wm Gaw, Washington P Lemon, Washington Jobn 11 Jones: Pa IV a . John Miler, Y - Jobn 16 Noble. N A MoLlntook,-N J fieltnari,-Ohio Ti Conner, Boston Oonoetchostm - - Joe Webb, Boston ..REZO, "f- P Thompson, Pa Get, L Slone, N Y - tioekwell, Coon , B Peato, Opmrigdeld Ilisagen, Dalt ' • A-Taloott. Coon • P Ballard, Ohio;" • "G T GonldiObio • 84.•!‘ - 6113'11;IXON Upyilt—Aiiiricetjt; abbro '3. Britiain; Ohio - Ohio - las Conbeti4iali :Bar*/ J . It Leina, Juniata Go , -john Mayaft tastisbarg - Wm Moir 670401014 re , Bltotattqtalitititiio - " St ambhall, Ohio John Dios:ll3d: , , Thos Martin, Eitorgetora Wm .& liotharton, Ya Chas B Ailller, Phiia, fkliighleutOa Ohio _John 0 Boolott, BloVeyton , , NATION VL HOTE L -Have et.. above 'Flklrd. • T Burnett, ~ V llkesbarre 0 Woraton, Porentou • If T. Will., Georgetewn .. 8 0 Paters,.Pa • J. Meta; Ph Soot rink. Providence L Lesho, Phila %ra Angle. Danville . 8 4 411,, , , ,, p1e r 0 . P A Beitermen, Pa • • Beekman. Easton ' los Oooli Pittston • Lnos,.Pittston • ' . . Pot.srill• . • Jobn'il Miller, Lebanot ~ 7 b gutton,_Lebacon 7 ?dyers, Lancaster no _bast Myers, Ps • . • Hon G Betult4ron. Lv4 Alter AIN I T Hatt's, 'stouter P Colman • , Lancaster ... 0 Franey, Puttavllle /11. Headier; Pottsville ..., Joton Arndt, Insulator eo Idetblae, Louisville, 0 , .11, T Xlingsmsts.Lentsr, 0 tabus, Liwisturg !in it . Mdten. Pa . . K.Walter, Ashland • .g Walter, Ashland F Bsvage,,W sssss settle Blekel‘ Pott.vble Edo o'o, noon. Pottsvllle Zi Wager, Pottsville W . Pang. Dustin, • Tads 0/anp, Mu:Ay. Ps , E M Groton Erg., Ps I A Wolff, Stoner, . . BBLer, dtPlesaatit GM'ltemesy, Pottsville Silva V P&UCCAIIt, Wllkesb Ir Illerader,Seranton. ilUraoger, ,AY Wolter, Boludireneton • ISIBONT VERNON 110iBL-1345014 otziet, sbove £rcb. Thom L Mgter, Arentown .11.1 Nam liethlehrtn • . B Flak, Montgomery oat Newton logbam, N Y )(TOM Pa W P Leven, Northqoo oo John 8 1 heather, Ohio . Theo DS Baird, Pa • Birj Stevenson, Pa J P. L nogilson, Heading Otegorp 0 W Carpenter, Jr, Pa BLACK , BBLB INffa-rath and Merchant streets. W A Praker. 6blrleykburg J 4 ,411500, llooteratown 7 Taylor, WhIVI}, Pa W Oomsor, Virellsboro 8 G 1181.4rederlaktosra West. Obeetet 130 ' 7 W Beekley & le. Pa '. Alfas A Biirkley, Pa • J N , eojcolos, Mo • 8 T Reynolds, Md W P Brown,Ttaltryslt as,irthorp, Chester oo alianoa, Otester d 5 ' ' A Genoa, Chester C.O W Mtinliotiftb; . W Minter ft B kvane, West Oheiter npodgooo, Cheater co • Mu Penoypioker, ItALD . 'SSG n OTltt so a it.. ab?ve J /,, % Boiserd, Monroe oo Jan W 11.*.mmeror. , Pa W A riialro. LzooFolore oo Miss' Werti, Yard'oyt i llle W N Welker, Otv.rryiglle I Evian to le„.Rlchoto ' oho Wilion. Thieve ai }V Wes, 1/6.thit ao .Thoslo Kistler Lefiro to Levi slitter. Lehigh no . J BBpatintli, It Shark . , Denottli oo . BurngardOner: Ps J Kiloboir, Palmyra Taornat, Quakertown E V Barnhart, Oherryvill • Mae . 1113 older, Bethlehem J 6 Ache, ' Lebanon 00. . DIAILOK pßea TOTAL-Third et., above Callo'ltDDD Razodi, Tramout, Da Alves Pot ell, Aljeatoira Elstobez4, Olasstille airs B . lls,nbudi Glabevlllb Danko', 11,idtog • p Lehr, Oreitowit • • 11 Lehr,' kl esstnirn Id Bonner. Iteory ilsopor, Pa Joh,tl Celts., PA t.ster, , • . A W Lodei, Catsia4as Dire A I l oair, Oeteeklaa• • • 1188181 r 8ll9aP:.110111L-84wond 'treat, boll* 'Vine W Deviation, Cheltenham V TeMpeet,.lea , IlopS Stoner, kb .• J Raymond, N J Neliton . 13 Piakering, Pe . mbrro: Willow oroye T P Uhambers, Newtown W Rowtown Wetherell, N J W Clowns, Porallilasant John Ryan 811 Lain.' RAW Own T lfierdlln, Trenton, NJ " • • ' The moat terrible foe we barn to encounter this country le Consumption. Pint manifesting It pelf In the firm of a . siight cold, it gains strength while fb vietiro Di unsuspicious' of danger, and sooner or later, frj Mho easeicont of ten, terminates fatally. Amon r the Tarinua remedies before the publio fir the etre oi Oil terrible dlssase, none le equal to ROOBLANDI BALSAM() CORDIAL.. Ryan this may not ours you; if the &wire la not too far Advanced, you may con fidently rely upon It. Try It. .Prepared nnly .l by, Dr. .0. d f 71.088011, No. 418 ARM 'BlllifblT, blirdelphln, and for sale by Drng. glut generally thlinithintt the United *Rater and Cana , pt.. Trine 76 etiAte per bottle. • • :Naylug F0nd,,41 1 114..1Pei Cent, interest.— NATIONAL 601,IVANY, WALPIIT iltrael, 8. W.' cornet..enlal), Philadelphta. Money' recelved• In any gird, or and' Interest paid. (rim the do of dipoalt to :the day of trlthdreeral. ,goney 1e reoelved end payments made dolly, withoni mottos. The inveatnients are made In Real &state, Iforifteges, Orotund Rents, and inch flratecleas wart: this se the charter requires. Ohio hours front 9, o'clock 14 the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and on• and Thursday overdose until 8 o'olock. 145 Fonda) ;Elegttnt. Spring Trimmings • ; OPSNED DAILY. • , • ••• • J. G. lI&XWELL lc SON,: •••• Ladles' Trlnailnikti, DWI aid Zepbri Stdre andl/Itetay; : • BISYMNTII see CIIESTSTIT. 10iiii.rilce • Clothing of the Latest St /leer Ind gads In the beet manner, expressly for a/Uri SALTO. WO meek 01111. bleat gelling prices In tLAu /111011116, On each article. 'All garde mule to Order are warranted 4ticraotory, and oar OXI-PRIOR aroma is strictly ad ..lotred to. We ballevs this to be the .only Mc vsy of pWosr ag thereby all are - Wetted alas. -aotiza•&. CO., •asolitif 604 ISARX.ST Street. : sewlng Macklttire.—All persons • Who haie Nitta !rotated to bay &ming Machlies 'WWI sail not perform llitritork that purchasers expiated them to 40, 'are informed that BINGER'S 116.0111N738 never fail to do - soy kind of work. No oas is ever disappointed ID thee* Machines. I. M. SINGER 00.,• ja2l.Bm dd3 OtIIBTNDT Street..'. . Slnzer , s Sewing Machines,—The new paw. 17 , 86w1rm Machlnes, et VP Lott VS, artattraeihilkatil. .feint attention., attention. : Id all eseentlskitiOtruilltlitj they are inticbi'thi, bait . blarldneikeiSitifitietatiiiey prlii I. M. MIMICS & CO., 00.7_0ELESTODT Streit liFlioolar OS , OIiIiSTNUT Fil`. -- „autige44 l, - 4 = • .= ‘,5 Smitten), Saving Irund—Northwest ClPTallf tiltikititi stud Ni'Atitfr,Btreetat,. Ifenoolia nenained in small and large atimaenta, from all Omni of ; the oinampiity, wad - 1042 , Intafait, at ,41.40, 461, Oar annum. • rNei be drawn by .aheolso If4hant Ida of W T .., feat. 011iee open dolly, from e. ∫ o , olonk, end ort! Moro lig 'mat ifaturday untll , 9 in thet et4hlrtg. Pragittent, freAtkila Telli Troiamaar i ,aia ,i3aoretart, ClOtelee , „ A Sew Article. . A _lien, Article. - Phiion liotile 'Coal:Ana for ` the , Pheloa to Bon's Voooine•for the Hitt. B o hai= h Bon'e Cooolue for the Heir. - Beat and Cheapest Atlole- Beet and Cheapest Article For Braesing, Beautifying, citlaning, For Droning, ,Beeutlfyini, Meanies, For Dieeeltig, lieentifying, - Ofeanieg, 'Cirling, Pimentos, - ' ' and - end Bettering the Hair. - „ Restorloc.the Heir. Restoring the Hair. ' inquire for Phalioulk gonfie Caeolne t • inquire for Phislon k Bon'a CooOine. -Beware of boitotirfelts. - Beware of oouiterteite - Large Ilottles,4l.lty Cents, Small Bottles,,Twenti.ftve, Comte. Small Bottles, Irsterktyltee Bents: For sale by all Jobbera, Druggists, and Bang Goode - ' Tnothd.every Part of the United StateS. Wholesale and Netail Depot, Nos; 617; 497, and 197 - BROADWAY,'New Yorli. B, PETERSON & „BROS., go. NS "OHESTNIIT Street, Wholesale Agenta.'. ' fei9.4l Decorating on Chtnn Having tondo the decorating of CHINA 1 partlonlar 'Wench et our boeinese, we are piepered to exeonte orders] for all kinds of 11 eirdlog and Gilding on OUINA DINNBIL, • DESBERT, and z>ya DDTS,, • • With Create and Initials, or of any destgliordered: Deor Plates and Furniture, Number Plates, tco , da eorated to order, and at, short notice. , Articles of CHINA matched, • , - All of the itork,e.teentid by ne to irarrttritedlo plane - ' W. J. Huta & c 5.; ' C ERNA HAT,L, oaref.tillT Street, apr.ttith&e-ht Opposite the Stara llento. Greyer a; Baker's Eatebrnted'ramili Nosing MACHINES A NEW STYLE—PRICE MAO., This Machine, saws from two spools, as purchased from the store, requiring no rewinding of thread ; it Hems, Pelle, Gatherer, and' Stitchis'in a cap style, finishing each semi by its then operation,withnut re- Course to the hand needle, u is required by other ma chines. It will do better and cheaper 'ool6llff than is seamstress eau', even if she works for one sou an hour. fe2fi•tf 1:17131111ID FOR A IMEOLILAH,aI • - Inariiaate. Oa the 4th halted, by toe. S.7ohneon, 31r. 70111 , 1 ft. A EELS to Min OANUAIIIRE L &TAMS, all or PhOa delphia. • - • - ilDeatbs. At DroadonJ on tbe .18th of March, BARU" ZA LOCiaN,wite of Thomas N. Belton, M. D.. of this city. - ** 012 the morning of the 4th instant, Mr. JACOB B. W.BIBER, in the 64th year of Merge . - The 'relatives and friends of the family are respect fully tuvited to attend the funeral, from the residence of bie defer, Mrs. Elsa Jackson, No 913 Charlotte street. -on rriday. Bth inst., at 8 o'clock. Interment at Odd Yellow" OemeterY. . On tho 4th instant, OHAIU,OTTN, wife of Stephen 11. Ohm. The reletlysis sad friends of the resally .nro respect . ... faly invited to attend the fanical, from her late real (lmam Mary street, above, Grren, Twerity.rourth ;ward, thin (ThorsdaY) morning, 7th Wt., at 9 o'clock, with. ont farther notice. .; On 241 , 314 y, 4th !intent, ELIZA 0., wife of olniton 13 Rogers. , . - . , The relatives and friend( of the family are reepect rally Invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi— dence, N 0.824 New street on 9ixth-day morning, Sth lust , without further notice—move at '9 o'clock. To proceed to Mount Holy-Cemetery, N.. 7 * On the 4th Instant, JOHNCPBBIEN, _eon of Mary and the , late Michael o , l3rfen, aged IT yearn. The relatives and friende of tho family are iespeCV , fally'invittd•to attend the funeral, from the reddeuee Of id* mother, 1811 Nodtnan street, above - Thirteenth and below Lombardi- on, /May' afternoon next, at S o'clock . Interment at Cattedral Osnostared - tt On the 6th instant, JACOB ICRIPB, fa the 66th year of hie este.- . . , .. - ;The re/atiree and frfeade of tie Wetly ere reepeet. fatly Invited to attend the •Innetel, from hie late reel• donee, on 'fart lens; opposite &nth Laurel EMI Verne terr, on Saturday: afternoon, at 2 otelneki- without further notice , - • On 'Monday evening, 4th 'lest , JOBB J. 1f..81D.11% In the 78d year otitis age, The relatives and friends, and. hie Masonic.' Brethren of Lodgelio. 114, A. Y. Loud order generally, ore re. epectfeily invitee to Attend the funerai,...grorn , hislate residence, No 136 &MIMI streett en - Yriday afternoon, April Boa 1 o'clock: Interment et Laurel -11111 Berne. ten. • a, On the 6th Instant, Biro. auras ANN TAYLOR in the 65th year of her age: .• . . - The relatives and friends ot tbe family are respect. fully Invited to , attend the funeret.frons her late vesl dss3ce, - AO Ittlletitistvpst lata4.llevu „ - P - favyvmertrocrosTWo woos: *:, On the 41)4 b1atant,44441`,44 . 6 6111tatiVt,414 thn 64th year of hti age • ' ' ' relnOves and trtepda are rassesifullildvited In 'aEfendol"e funeint' him hid late residence, r earner of queen and Warren streets - , *lghtsenth Imo gen.,' sdabin,'en Friday afternoon, et 2 &clock: - * • ,- Lotus° •Tahalititt. ttaCpacertillail.—Pros 113 . lassos .1.,8W18 on: "Noses And Modern Philos°. plArg Tioksta at door. De,', Ito es+ third Leet4re in " Aeolic 113 Dinlnratlon,'>*lll he oltioersd ths Oho UNIVERBI Y PENNgYLITANIA,"on YET PAY ti sr. IRtI, April Stb. Doors 'cyst at 7 o'clock, 'Leo- Ours colStnern4s o'clock.. TlKets,Eo,cents, Dog . a - lady and wgentletnan. , , lutrrCrtlog Lectsire - To-sise.t, Con -I.I,j•CEWT RAIL !L-Ptofevslr lAMB 'on a The Philosophy of Moses and the Salentine Research of our day's interesting 'to the Uhristian and UMW:- te3 , Anse to Ordinance at P M. , , Tleketa at goer. These of 17th of.nfeich etilf4bod 4tAr 'iy•-• tiro Slavery 111 Penney vitals —Personal Liberty Jor every multi - ending resident on our soil !-4 tubilo Sleeting 'Di the Critlfie6 of Ybliedel phis, without respect to party, will tie het , / In VAN pQed•firitint ffittri c on ItRIDAT...IIVSNING,.at b'eleek• 'to !Insider OW ought to•bil done to senate to rem inhabitant at the ewe, not oherged tvith dime, his Inellenable right. to liberty, ad to eve our Coot. taoutteelth from the far her disgrace orbiting the hunt. log ground or slave catchers. 1 , • Ito 0.3. Removal et the W a'? Sub•Oftlee. Post Orrice, Pblll3elphis,Aptil 6th, 1850. ne Western" Pnb Post 'ooloe has been rtrobeed from No. 1621 0111C8TNU T Street 19 No. 1713 011E8T- Nul ,to the nut squiote. west. . GIDEON G. WEBTOOTT, spa At . Postmaster. cirtiptterelty Yertnettranlit.—D, parts MINT OP. AsTi. , be I bird Tprzn of the College gear will epee on .11'8IDAY, the Bth lest. Candidates fia Admission will appear at the Umverslty, for examinatien on that day at il half. past 0 o'clock, 4..111. Tuition fee etch Term GE01144 A MEN, • 68t..• beadily of the ?scatty of Atte. fir Public Meeting .es Women, .The Wane; ge, e of the ROBlNS tesoorrioy wish to in- Tit, the Wonien'ot Philadelphia to attend:the *nodal i l l ebt of r 8416.3 at the LrouigltA24 April 7th, att o,tmt. the reto'mation of unfortunite females Is the' object of the Assooistioa, and they hope that every . Wpmen, suety friend of virtue, will give their tattiest oe.epers. lion to the stints of thta tamely. SO .10 nr-• Dividend Notice.—Office of thn Amen u..3 GAN FIRE INSIJItiNCM COMPANY, Aptil 41860. • , the,. Oinistors !into . TIItLB DAY declared s ifikisoff of Bl' rgWorder, for ilas • list six iiiootbi, which wilt be .taid . to thoStubkhollero, or theii legit 'spiv listitiftet, on or idtar he 14th lottiirqf Hr !Acta LI. apt-10'A . TIIOI3. ES. bikftftl.debreisry DrDi. Thowto.'l " Leonine, on Indio. Dr. T DOM AB will ?give hti Wee and lut Ego. tore India at 6101IIOAL TrIISD HALL, on num- DAY WIRNING teat, April 7th, at 8 o'clock. Door* open at T. Subject—" The Recent blntloy in Indic" Dr. Thomas was In India daring the while of that groat tragedy, end in the immediate vicinity of the scene of some 01 the moat remarkable events. • • Price of a Finale Ticket 60 o•nts • of • Ticket adoi . t.• tine a gentlemen and two ladies sl. ' Tickets to be had at the door. • • . ap2.lst ar? at ten, ' —The Corm or the Second end' THIRD-HURRY RAILWAY COMPANY Leeye erudone at MOND sod NORRIS !Wants, and THIRD andQUERNwICU Streets, every It toloutee daring the Morning and every three minutes durlog tho Afternoon ayl•dt fir. The !Stockholders of the Orr antown PABSSNOt,R RAILWAY 001i1PANY ore here by rootlike to meet at the Mae of the Company. No. 228 DOOR Street, on MONDAY. May 21. A. D., 136 D et 4,6'01°0, P. H., for the purpose of Liking Into COO. SidOrttiOn the Supplement to their Chatter, palmed March 22, 1869, and elm la relation to the dlepoeltion of the htoak end the pathos of the Road In operation. • WILLIAM SIILLWAHD, • !apl.dtte2 • • President. enci-o A Large Lot of needy-in ,do Clellt , ng of 1.1,3 all hinds. for Gentlemen, Ladies. and Ohildtoo, for male at Lb. ONION BENEVOLENT BTOR N, N. W. comer of Boionth mutt Baotou= streets. &111o` off at coot. tomato .00to for mow sopplL e. ap2itutt,Otlt age. Notice pursuance et au. Act at As netoblr. Uainied Clarch 20 b, 1859. a ' s.leeung of the STOCKHOLDERS or the . DOOR 00AL COMPANY will be held at the Mee of the Own may. No. 221 South FUME Stieet, Philidelphis; SATURDAY, April 16th, 3850 ; all o'clock A: Al , for the Election 'of Five Dl rectors O'BRIEN, drDr. , Weilerts Chestnut Springs Water Opal, st Ohostliat LIM, Philadelphia county, Pe.' 1.6.1" . , • Zppl Nano. HE AUDITOR appolotid to audit, Bot tle, end adjust the fifth attornant or EITZPDBN POLWILL, Acting Executor of tea lent Will and Tes tament or SASIIIII, RICHARDS, doomed, and to Wake distribution. will attend to the datlaa or. hla appointatant, on TUItaDAY, tho 19th day" of April i A. D. 1859; at 934 &olden •P: M., at th e. Saloe•of JOBEPSI.I3. T iWN6111.1),./f . q., Ka. 818 ARON. Above EIGUTII Street: allPh ea to 6t IFE•SIZE Photograph a In 011, owing to 1.4 their bolos Infallible .Ithenetsomi sod superior piotares,. tbe Wont suitable decorations for prarloro, It made at REIMER'S GALLERY, SECIOND Street., PLYMOUTII 011UROIT,'BRoolujytT.:..- TO AROBITBOTB.—Tbe Trustees of Plymouth °Lamb denlre receive PLANE, ON.OTIONO, sod BB TIDIATIS. fors 011(.1B011 sod LIKOTURE BOOM, the Ohurch andienee rotioi to contalit sittings for 0,000 per, . semi. Pon:flume w)11 to given. of $5OO. $260, and Bi6o (or the best plane, eutleet otindttloas tuentietled in the Trustees' statement. Thlif statement may be bed open application to 11, Si IeiBLD, at the. Plymouth Church, or at No 44 WILLOW BOW, Brooklyn, New lock, Secretary of the Board of Troahlas—lf by letter, poiege ethinp fbelosed ' , , The Piens must haunt In byllollll4o4.lday 10. end pins will be received after 12 o'otaek Ilderif said day. i By order of Trustees. JAMB, 111111BLe ND, apa.et •• '` - -Protean!. jriliNlLL A',BEA.NI3 —Various . grades, now Pont Impoited, will be told am wanted,. MOON inutairt,' ishelett ;Oa *OBIT itHitntoti , iir,„'Nl 4 - 1 -"tATRAL - 59 - 11 I T " • .ttetilit b. 34 Pg,at , 11QPIES! ,PATENT SEIR4ADJUSTIIM PiETTEDPRISHOIiSKIRT. - It tsidrattek.trbitt thorede nothing en _nntoh, needed toe', ft 104404 innralegant'ffinfelo a tan; qdreell ae a ektrt *do - kiln .Berg pedllontar; this deetrahli elejeot ~• ";.••'. 210 market fr fill of Spring iliflrtioume -of Sheen, well stoodldlended, sod malty of them known and ad milted to be wortStenr( biiti , ALV,,of lhaio Um which are overcome. in oar SELY-...ADJIISTI NG NETYID BISHOP P ',Oar I;ptligelareolf aan. parka' gnallty;!inal ionieoted together by a fabric, of Net-work (made !bt hind} aolorns as to throw all the' 4'alneee of the - 410W hick, ' feroehig a uniform SAPP alio" from the top to the bottom, while the front of tali laid' hit& 1 - perfectly istfalght, 'sad 'AL WAYS . LINTAISINt+ 'l42' ,SAMO • GBACSANI; en& P ß—NßTO ß;#4 l l l4 s iir t IT)Y-44:. sa to !he.? fame with all We hate 1:041) 6'8,61 Imientent inegiotereente in the term and Itoteh„of one alilit,siniY;haire added a BUSTLA SIISP9SY.S3, , !,,Whtea - gtteit the BISIISS SILNESS AND SYABILIYY nat 'l'ornd Sri any °that" skirt. Theta are laveratregons why the ' PATEINT, NAT TED: NIE 'NOP jekiat " kips fiiiinee oliet all Ohara: 1. IT 1140 /1,014011 /Nit* NOT, IN! POUND IN ,ANY SR DRIN' ! 2 ft is made witOotible iatension; Mid oin easily be tufted to an,7 Mee;,, • - 8 The net-work betweeit wtU preient tile dress flom falling In and showing the ,posltlon tbehoopsitbsongh, the deeps, 'and pielentieoldente whfolr theladieil lap deistand. 4.4flaWat•WOkitilkopttatrtiete4iihatwbeirpresoed, 'o4t a shape , Its• it aunt Pbe when the lady la walking, with another petvon, vie onnoette elde rertstus itarfa• - ti0141111,10b 4 la notthewailocwllli arly . alher land, ~ ~ 8. A. he tibiliasinidied with attiailealiving away (u the ladiei tad will know la the fait with all Me'r stylea aaw In aseVas 'Oa apringa Awl supported by the LOW who have need all the 'approved styled . , from $ l 2 down to $1 60 each, have pronouriced**Mite Shift tittpitior to sli othetedit /OM, DIDIAMI.TX; AND by ABILITY-, BMWS, Iffe. recommend in who whh for a good Skirt, SI,ABTI9 end, PLIAOL74, with a GO 'lir 131:1100'YfAill: fO.lookeit' OVN PATENT 8E14'4 ETINet NETTED,BNIIIOP Before boles say ith s Whet•SU le. the bead Shirt mainfaotured, 'OB ere, gift:jar...etre the preference eith ~l'.'lr,..2!,"_,need by the increezing demo d. fero4 l 4. u rf 04 iit; etently g ► iAlng firer- iiith 4 th'ilittlie: LADIES' 617,24,,ar1t1i Er, tc, 20, 12, 28, 14, , 16, 21, 80 411145,6 mm $1 60 to ' Mltaea him, with 4, T 8,9, and 10 airings. NOR 13414 atmtisbzi to . morel, 9;22 and 824 PINE tykant, sp7-theaMn 6t ONDON pr,R,4O I Juit opened, hisrdoirof ; ' Lsteot sill es at t.aollos Paßeglgitksintetes., Nest nape* and Itixtutilltottidti. , .•••• French' OsestmeressliNs_,. Dv; Cheeks, DWI. ihialMinte.c4l . tr.s e Novelties ktVes 43061413 • _ ;• % • 111.0THEAS,e , 147 °alio $ and Oars etieetc. AOE MANTLES. french Laie Ohanii. • ' • Chantilly Coothr,Of bast fatitte;' , In all the vailettell4zew lsaLsPraisa utioTitscres, - - ap7 OltlerartlT i . oußmircroz,firogegagitf otwrs. , Just reoefin a case of BLit= and WHITS rilaa7 BOOTCJI'EtINGiIIArtiS At only 12 cents a yiria; 13 E S N-; MOIIENING STORE, No. 808 CHESTNUT STREET. N. 13.—WnOLV8ALtlii0118, woad and third SP 3 RINO :0-re94KS MANTLE - I,A,S oplaisTrivai MOUNING r A . 4,i s - . 1 , !::71- , - , -.43("fr ~, / _ M ANTILLA •EMPOBIUM) +l. V 'oa C9T EF3'l' TU 1 .61'R7a7TT; J. W. PROCTOR & 00. SPRING GOON. LA. COIIPA.GNIE FEA-NOVE' tiara now-opan a vary ahctioa 11114 complete , aanortment of _the followlocET.1001! 0001)8 of their OWN IMPOUI'AriIiONS.I_ '.I3ILTC'MANTILAB. • LACh PC l ll4 . l* MW MAIITILLAI3 READ THREAD, oextimie, Ai,ENcciN CLOTH DI.JIER,S LACE DEPARTMENT: MAL THREAD VEILS ain't TA 'VEILS THREAD COIOURII9 REAL THREAD BARBES FRENCH bACIE •1' 4.atios tot cOLkiritetis Also, an elegant lot of REAL Imp COLLARS and SET 3 In POINT DU GAZE, VALIINOIENNE 4 , BMW SEM APPLIQUE, NONITON, and EtALTESE PARIS JdUVIN'S GLOVES, FURNE.II & CO, 810 ORESTNST STREET. rASSIMERES, CLOTHS, SATTINETS, 'Li CO 4TINGS, 171118T1604, CORDIIItOII3 dno, pomprtsing a most complete etoOt • ,i4INIS AND BOYS' W.llA2t, Erma low l4Ace vadat, WILOL B.LW and 'RETAIL. 000PHIt 00HAtt D, • B. II:gooier NINTU MARMIT Mit e. bkiilliucrg earibe. MRS. M. S. BISHOP; 119. 915 O.IIIOT.MIT STREET, - WUlnpen a full ausortateut of spxtrwa• wczimarniro.-sr On 911UBBialf. April apl-at fru ' AIRS. M. S. BISHOP, No. 916 We, ORDSTNUT Street, will open, on THURSDAY, April 1 . - lbe West ar.cl moot restdonsole styles or Put t Maw armatimr. , - • ITO St* l•p s 11[4 SSE s, O'BRICAN 914 . OFIESTj WA NUT, above,Moth, w l ll open Perla for the Nprtagi OA TatIREIDAY, Aptll 71k apkAtt, LiNcota, , wopte; & -irpogoLak - _ 725 'OIIIkBTNUT BTREET, :Between Sermtleind A i 4th. . BTRAVir knd PANCIY , 111808 AND Ontilagiiiisß FLATS,: imooNturipc .10,081E8, cAyi YLOWHAB',.ItIBBCNS, 81301116 i, L.A.01118aA0.,:, Beeretiiy. 'STRAIii" Zags ! ATRAVF HATS I • The subseribers Invite the itttentleri,ot Bayerir totheir spleisdid. stork of STRAW ilATS,Arbish em braces a toll live of all theylealrable styles of the sea, LINCOLN, WOOHi , B4 NICHOLS, _ - - 725 Oiii4TlM A.III,ERT, BEITWEIN BEVIINTH'AND 3IGHTEL 1 4 5. 1 135 1 9 ' ' ' TO MILLINERS. J. 'HAMBURGER, 1-16 NO,TII SE_OOND, . „ lirkolesalesdesl!a in MlLlifiliti al;d f,71N0 - Y flooris, kiyeatrtply aell I,be Mtentlohof the!ta4o to his large pad e*plaiistook of ; - 7 Ste Opting OP..3kOVAIROt bqseeileii In thin city, oith4 as SO 11120113 , in'. Hese • , Lure Mm a call Were probs• slag elsewhere, ay644, IN T/INIR PARIS BILK MITTS, it: , 10., dm Ne isr:Vtibiiiiti f::-/- R ltj `", ' ",!,` I;i3R -1 61 ' :.MT - .111 . Hit ' ' Sr-. n2ST-iDiA99.xt,!.vBTileTB4i YittlLlr NIWEIPAp;R,, ' Palos Five Carers The Publishers hake the pleasure of annetureing that they commence, tht week, the ' publication of 'ar(lllustrated serial TaWar Ameriama , Life, enuued "TRUMI ) ,S." BY GEO. WILLIAM OURTIB, Author •ot It The Potlplar Pepin," «NNe Notes a Bowadjl, ,, &o WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY Atie*USTIJS HOPIIN The First Number •ppeere du ELSRPZ/VB WSSkil = fin vii. A. pelletal of HARPER'S Willevir will keep persona living In the country THOROUGHLY. POOTUD• 011 the news of the day No othOr putalootlon eyes so imp' AND 00 0110101 NAVIRN Ifo fit . lll , ,jllniteeted's htetos7 of the times, in which we live NIVB lINTd A ritrjtaßi-87.3U lel HARPER & BROTHERS, FKA-NK 141 . N QU ARE, NSW 'TOM net it T: & SON, Strra. Orirt;:, , Eahlii E LLIOTT; er; Welis.ln ibis Lowest; By, Ray /aloes , obalien ; outbor of ‘ l ,- This Oaye othleebps lab,” Christian Morale," &a. This-is a tale of the Xioeteeath Cestury t -the mate rials of *Mott ate dtadn from setae lifeese seen In the city end lathe mat digitises tosong the lowleitt.e, forgotten. and the neglected. In' it there ere no eter tiog,deyelopieents; Daimon,* of horror and Wood, at Toveieu or,of Leash - bat life, as seedendltnewnntnStiff tn, nodes the daily, mantra of trial and toil,. sweet ened Sid sanctified' by religion — the metal of whieh appeals to stety, bear; Thewcierliaerteted.fiemantione type. - on fine eaten.; dared paper . l2roo op F 47 Ciotti SLAV. Pr er Ciao in the Sabbath. TUB , RE MO., OF DAYS. By a - Laborer's Daughter, 'with a SkethtkaitutkOr s - Life, by 'herself, and a Preface by an Anieriaan Clergyman. Firdaragravinga Cloth, gilt backs 81 dents. • - AtopoTE Tdint tILIBSE Or 11)8 Itr dotes, • 21110biliter. B. 115 .Tyng, D. D. Cloth, gilt back, IU , - •, •• ' o** ," The Pearl or Anti dote., have resoled a idle nestliltlo,BJd,copiee in England We have jolt ilsSed thtm la elegant style, and itiidiiced Tikes. Also, New Bdition : os ' aLIDGB 'WILSONS NEW ITIBTORY OF TIM 00N' QUIST OF MEXICO: • —" This g-eat work, which' wire en - severely criticised by ,the partial rerlearerin the Atlantic Monthly for April, 1859; controverts Primes:4oa theories, and pros& con al =yolk that his lotory of the elononost of Mexico la not reliable. very 'Person who makes any pretension to Li• terature—every welbseleoted' public or private Library —every preacher, lawyer, aid teacher, Rama peeress a copy of ibis work - °both, $7.50; Sheep, $3 ; Watt Calf, $3.50 • By milli . post-paid, on reoelpt or the retail price. sp7.3t potTABLE PRATER BOOK. Btatm & argd, • Ohnreh Pribusbera, 800 OH pirNVT Kate fast tamed • Partible lAttlon of TUB DOOK OP 00111NOK PRAYER, Printsd on floe opaque ',poser, with new, clear typo, maktok• book lean than th ree-eighths of an.-lech in thoikaeri, dud bound IA A virtetillf the, belt styles known to the book-making art. - Theytthlo - FM:llth tif Prayer Book NINBTY ObIBB BTICINFI AND SIZES, Making an assort” , ent fOr t e various noes of the Book noenrreased by any stook In the country. • • Booksellers' - Indere atitiolted, and llama dtscounta made to posetutaarito quanea., t titt ape 2t ESSAYS or --JOHN KNARSLRY MITCHELL, M. D., - Late Professor of the Practice of Medicine in Jefferson Medical Oollege of Philadelphia, /co., &o. MAE UPON THE OREPTOGAMOUSI ORIGIN 01 /Cat IBIOtIB AND EPIDSM ID . • AN MOAT UPON ANTipt NAGE/MINI OR VITAL mums. - ill ON THE PENETRATIVENE2B 01 ON TUE PENETICATIVENBEIV OF GA8213. ' V. ON A NEW PRA° t ICE IN ACUTE AND CHRONIC • ' RHEIIMATIoId. Edited by, B. WEIR MI COHILL, M. Lecturer on Physiology lathe Philadelphia Amputation ' • for Medical Instruction. One Volunte,l2m. Price PIM. Pnbllsbpd this day by J. B. LIPPINCOT T & 00 , apS•in 12 and 24 North POI:MTH Street rIUiE PILL&R OF FIRE. t • JiL LINDSAY & BLAKIBTON, NO. 93 South SIXTH Street, above Olosatant, HAVE 'JUST REOEIVED. THE RSV J. EL INGRAHAM'S NEW BOOK, THE PILLAR OP VIRE; oa, ISRAEL IN BONDAGE. • ALSO, BY TEM WIN AUTHOR, THB PRINOH OB THE HOME' OTDAYIDI; TERSE YNA.R4 IN THE HOLY OITY. A NEW EDITION . . Carefully revised and4 . .)orreeted by the Author. Together with all other " • , ^ • NEW 1100103. ji9:I4.I3ILLING AT THE LOWEST PitIONB. aps A, T, E - 0N TOE EVIDENCE. Via*GLIBII EDITION, WITH ALTHBATIONII AND • ' • Ity the 8..14418011:P11 - 1#11 0 8 aad TEIOB SAME 'ABNOLD, /act, one of the Pollee Maiontrates for the Hitropolie. . FOURTH ArnatioW, - ptanow, - With COWEN k. HILL'B NOtee,' Mid with m 4611061 Motto and Beferentes to the English and American easel to the prevent time, inoloding those' added to the lest aditinn by S. Wrenn Pin Oott. 33 - 5 r 113.A..A.0 zrevinaappia, 001MISLLOA AT LAW, • - • In . 8 traittmee. Price $lB. - .„ , • . Itilb,Pnblighed aid tonal, by 144 Norma st , N. Y., and 476 Broadway, Albany, N.Y. The unequalled work of Mr: Phillips On the Lieir of Evidence has long bean ackeowledged. , '_ • This' edition has undergone a thormigh revision" 6y bli:•Edwards, and has received an. itterneuee *mount of leboi, and It is now &I lowly perfect so pin be nude. The• American labor . and talent beetowed•upon the work are not lees • than that derived from the Dudish source. The immortal noise of Mears Qowen ' together with Elmo of h4r. Vau Cott, have been cars. fully preserved; And -indeed of being put in a voluble by themselves, as formerly, they a e now pieced below the tart—ie diets:MUM of them !bleb will very much fa• cilltate referelioa. ThE ratite note and text are arrang— ed in three detailing volumes, with* table of asses, and • eo mitreneely frdi Index to esah. Mr. Edwards has cats, fully opted sup:little:ellum that may exist between the, ind AmOTION law; and bee added all the late `Ameriden deeleloaae•://or side by BAY & BRO tIIEBA 19 Pout 91X111 street, Philadelphia, Apl•OEB „ O T 14E PU 13141(1- . . tow lO MMiOM - 41 - '! Deit Ulm to - Witio molt P9Pciiir ' - t - t • • Modes et the daj. The enbearlber beget tiiiitionteCte`‘,* publlo that he eIIt Inane the :.J But. oueszifs *Otitis's New Monthly Serial, entitled ..... . "ALL BOUND T.EDI Elmnitanettiely ilth. lie epletarinei,4*Oilk'lnthe let ikir Publlestloa *anti .',4pWilow44 .;:~~ " HOUSEHOLD. :WORDS,", , . "ALL,4ovpii - TES Visa oontain; s lewil' dffioa ii;'th(l:2lo)l,;2l9TOri b yn / P' XUken ! r A s ,Tt .r 9T_ Aida Closely, oonneCO * Niti-4 0! ""isnmal i - 4.l4ta i s andhapplowuof thb peopte: - ,, - ••• • • kr. Dickens will lit iiiistat'l4ll4k4fell - llentilliti= torsi selected from the most tininee# Suttees of Hie age, where articles Cement - fail - to sod - enliventhe fancy Ite's*deri , f4l*otiljeCtite- Teai." . - • Price 25 cents each Monthly Dare:, ,13 per sinus, THE BUBSORIPTIOWBOOKS ABE NOW Aii Prasoc ,h 1 , 022WA1D Tdß AIGITST OP, EIT'BSCAIPTIOX Ealint AT ;ONOE. SPEOITIIN COPIES' Six Viz by Inalosing a Tam _ _ ' Bubsorlptionsiskinsas follows : : i - ' - , ~./..- I: ~.., if. Thies months f 76....: , Mt mouthif " T ` — '- -- s 'l 60 . ' ' monthsNin 225 < : 'twitiri months • • '-'• ' • •ti oo ~.'„ Address P. A.; BristeY Piiblisher, of ploicessts Householik,Words, AW4:Ali'lloww,i'lliCY, % No3'26;ifaiioi ' ettri;t. :The tride T. 13'. PETERSON 4 ! Oli:01111180;:, 3013 CHESTNUT IRTIPirr, - PuiteDscrau4", And for tail:az' bir all. Booltaitters , sind th4ughont the United' Eaten aid NA L BOOKS. THE mists. 01 Intl j Or, iass: Jic;aidago., By the anther of It The Piiheett theAloteltet biertil.P7 limo • THI P.BINOIPOR MBE HOLM OP 5,D113714- or, Three yeam in go ,lioly,9lty. , By thailag..4, graham. 3.2m0. Tao LINN AND TIMES 'Off CADDY; KARIM; Ai a", AND WARD."By John Oink Maishmaii:4 yob,. OATIIIItiN.B.- By the author orm • Agnee and the - Mine Key." 12030. - s NOM ANIPAI IN ANINDINA - : By'• Bev. Bulnn W. - - - ,-- Taw:lmp ract DlitiecißY: Guide to the Doctrinal and Digoipline, Officers and Ordinance', DrOnnylee and Practice- et 'Baptist okurptger.-. Brz , X4- waif' D.L) .18me, s•ss DAILY - THOUGIIIII- s rpa , 9,i1y , .p. Apt, ThomasDeldirt. 'lenity.' • ' - - • RUINED. OITIEB ON - THE MAST: 'Merr:Dr PATIRMCH TO WORK. AND, PATI3MfOR TO-WA IT I3y Mallon It..Witr. 10mo. Tor sale at low ;does, bp' "• WILLIAM A. it - ALYBID IMMITMIN; No. 80A,OHBATNII? Maid. trrtHE COTTAGE' GAIIDEN - 0F„,, - AMERI-, oont.hai.ff PAM:RIO/J. dlreethaitr ler' the' °ulnae of PLOWI9e, watrra;dievierrAnza, Nature and Imirovestent tf:Botta, Mantra* widelehr apalfeation., Avery snide this book will:ahead-the eurotiny of praettea, Mee 60 ciente - ~,11088,:BIOTTINC-fh 45-12 t '"Publisheraile !oath 1101:111T4' altrette. jj,ELEOT PRIVATE, BOARDING at . No FJ, 226 NorStt TENTH Elitist: Befiii*iii . **obanged sp6 6t* ' •c• • " - BOARD.—A gentleman and wife 46314 rospeatitair Shutting !Or thillittitmaijithiatleti-. bothood of fifermantownot'Obbetiiat ' SUL , ' coutaaleat to !ttilroal. . Adtresa htIIRIOUN at Ma Onlee.-aaltt PHILIP, F. KELLY C 0,4 ~„ - ff (aucessooßN TO- Roam .1101111 ,) No. 16 'SOUTII-TURD'FI'AgeT;,, DWI. NOTES, codmißcL&L lIMIENIMI BOUGHT AND BOLD Alio, §totiks and Banda, but only ow oommlailoa Sitelal attention 'alga 'enlleotiOns' ,ttirongtura Jam country, and,'ena4ineri . , inaj4edinai',ll4nn pt ad ,il4ea and retzOtr: olat t goTioNs; . • ..,211110trtigolni • 1 7, OANADA,-. • rk!.:- 4 -ritoite-rra• - tiatql • AlartoWnSCCIFI&(lO ) ;' . BANKERS, No. 17 5017,TY41RD STRBEI. 4pa5.19410 • • • 4• ieD BIBI Z R O /A- L,, ' A ND OENDlTEl , availanin in all i TRA:VII4II4 opined sink the hones of Mem - ti Va r da ti of4111"°61‘. 4 c. C0., 0f London.. Akily,tomiL --/A"4IPDY' , L - A-'l'_ - .• - •:4 , ... , ... , _. 1 .. eillio‘nOALEßTLlt, , itToo.•" ,- f Mr ' ' ' ' -' '-''''' 1/15 IVALII-V,P;llenti:-.:,. Al ORIOULTORAL; COAL, ,IROPF, - AND. -111. OTH IfitiEtklit - astk-trow'sAtz, in the .County of KANAWHA-, rifife VIKOINIA. The subsofiber offers for este Ills 'noticed 'Adres oiiV Land, located mint river, the tribu tary , tirAke .Ktinawhit, and nivleable An the month; one half of which is well and heavily timbered, sod' haring great depth of 1011, je well adapted to the natters of Tobacco, Wheati,'Oorn, and other corells;and_pertlaularlVM the grogiti of firma andAraper therotherliHrabounds in „calmer atirt other Coale,: frtin, kioie , Bc.,siva le • ?di.' lope pardessleg tlicizignialtelinimint of capital, a' large , amount of mones cosy be realrf ed. in -ft, abed time. Petrone cidairoolialontabiaincwlll be tarnished with a Map or the lead, exid;•'geolocriCal.report;-:by call ing on me at ream ND 6711111/IRD Hoops, Oheetnut etreet, or leavings nota , for. toe. at the Offiae, stating name rind residenCe. - - f,' MIMIC -COGSIIB, , apl-6tet OrlianewlMCourt House wa. • 11.8515-1.1.5 5,:5ALE.-,--THE eT)3IO . N Ep'; ins..t—iii94a-trksoltsistko• 2EOOO AORES, WITH $(00,090 'IMPROVEMENT& ,1 THEREON. Oa THURSDAY, 7th April, 1869, at :12' 0 , OLOON," - NOON, will be sold at POW, by cider of-the Panigneos of -WILLIASIV , 11LlittIta6, at thi Hotel - of ISRAEL INGLIda, lathe city or CANID.IOI, , Now Jersey. • The ostensive andiraliable; property kitown u 'the fileN .19-TATV , situate in the counties of Clam, den, Harlington, and, Atlantle, State hf New Jersey, containing about 28,000 tares, with a I:ige and wetly Stone Kinston, and - well•lencei and cultliretid ;II inn 'attached Also, anew Stone Paper Mill, twoilawlifllls, Barns, Stabler, Store . Houma, Manager's House. an ti numerous tenant Manes) the whole improfemente haw- , Ins cost In addition to the land) 11100,000. -It Is on the line of the Camden and Atlantio Atailioad, *pit 1$ miles from Philadelphia; end the new Eel -from Raritan to Delaware Bay. now being constructed, will pate about 14 miles through .this tract, The lane is mostly of the best _quality, principally covered with yonog timber.— - , , It will be sold clear of ell inetunbrance, and with an Indispatsble title. , , „ lull particulars in handbills. . - --- WALTER D. BELL, Assignees. ALBERP W. ALARKLET, M -THOMAS 80(08. Anotionaara. - mhBo Apt 47 if ;189 and 141 South FOURTH, at TIISOARORA. ACADEMY,Establlghed in ISM. SUMMER. SESSION 014N13 TUFJ3Dri; NAT'ad- The chief attraction's of this school are: Thorough instruction in English, Latin r greek. andliathematies, Literary Eoo . otloll and Libraries ; mild but Bra disci pline; healthful -location In the ocuntry; beautiful surroandisg scenery; freedom from temptation! totes . ; superior moral and rellrious.intinences; vicious. paplis not retained 'Constant regard-bad to the zulioniril, mars% and oomfort of the pupils. • „Boys undern ware of age not admitted. .Plotts young men cordially wel comed, Tatters, 660 * per'sorsion of 6 monits.•- • - ' For lull particulars apply to. - . A. 1111Ubf SEIB, Principal. Ifg mh29-tutbs•Edit Aesdomill, Juniata onnnty, ra.-. HOSIERY. 30,000' DOZEN = . Jut reoelTed DlBBOrtrons'the best - ' ' GEIIIVIAN /OD,BNQIii9H gAntrifkOTURZILL .ALBO, . I,ADLES , LIBLE TRW GLOVES :GIMITLETB, THOS;' &lELrLOR - • • ..B=NORTH THIRD BT4EET, P &DNLPHIA. EN'S FINE OALF SKIN "BOOTS, INA - BUMS commies 'GAITERS;:km . Veit — city arehutaotare, at low prices, at DUTTON'S, No.lll North SEOOND Street, (east Bide ) ) • mhlo4bittilms • !' 0 0 - „ Ar a . SIGN - OF THE IIND"BOOT.$0 IVIVNTON's ENOAIIBM VILII4 or fl ore. Ornamental Obileney Top foi'ootiaged. Garden Vases and Panatelas. Vitrified Pip fof.dradal aed water conductors, Imported and for fade b-7 f R el l.7 11 IPOTATOES.-150 , buhele. , ex‘shIp 1 Tamerlane, for Bala by .4 LLICANDIIII aplO - -4.44 1 1 9 1 4•WWIKAlk, • IRON FOUNDRY- CASTINGS, of all dl minions. such se eiraers, - BMlxoad' CaMinga. Ms aortal,. Grits Bern &0., oa 0011 - btet terms: ' O, OA NRLk maymANTowitlowt. INTO BUY,. Oge AP- NA.TOBES;V, Pbithieht isoin'ar of. 8.1100141) m d I.olWllisite, Nu. S4'3. , [al4. ;SAO], ;1•;•.:.• J. VRIES. —. • P Jr , A:On. ;1 4 Irt:E:11 - A.ND' GRAD, jar VINES Tor site, , (LE ,Rottras. I IbP 2 •00Co --- No. In LIASEET Streqt ) 11,11HILLEili,81IBETINciS FOICE.X la , " IMAM; inAgAdinD, h - OWE Drappi.• , HEAVY k LIGHT SHEETINGS, thatilde _Tor EsPertt for $4 • SoOh' FR OTHT G SHTMa W LLTITI A 'Br.' WIRITE TURPENTINE: AND 28 Ws BpilitS TUTU:MAO ; VA do Tar t hafts from Bar E. L. B.Waltm. For see by +, 11019/08;-41611180114F.P., it 00 , op 6 No. le Aouth Moines. ~~em`~~aBlcatioii~`~ ` Boatting. LAND WaIitANTS) , Seat estate' Octie.:',; Obuiational S. HAIRETBoNvi. iirto cimmerNlTT atro.t. SERIE 1 14 — lEMAlnartir sun msradisr (Themin ' OUR AIRRITOILII CO - randhart,noitimertaitikai l teitite, Make; Lord D rArpir r Y )101 ri swim* treiabardotec mailagostame..4k4isit mms,ut -.',441%! Met Oralieatas AO ,aleams. orrij eine% mim ic elitipo o ok Priiste Agic is 904111 .o}o inlid• MOO itati i, ,ppors (Vire' id nooinly- • 4=x ' . -- I‘TE.W7 , ITA -.A 2- _:Ni - zonvita - Nuts' t 1 'llf , , _ :Airlixtead Stllll.o.l"S i i,r • I'-'4,t'', lledriera Ifeitscsr u.../.;1., '„ . 4.oli:is fi L:4.- , :•; 1 91 l iM, ili itiinr-u,'/,-- 1414,...6....i,V5ti11tt'"ei ''''' '7114 ,Th*,:•.iihaly de L r iA"'` -r. mw. 7- 414 4. triiiiiiWigt0; 'sad. rod.:Thri:. • • = ll l4r. ,- l c, ty.” , AmiblEme.":'` 1 00. 1 •48,400 kiiito-mr...,, ~•:-.. , ~ , r .-- 7 Al-,, - -_-',-,::, Souk TA *NW, ,___,...- ,'•7;-4741: 1 Cil**- - 4''';-, D9 r ge ri at 'l• ‘,'T' ,,T. '" - - 7*-777,:r... 3 L , ' 1- PhaZITI. To g:ifyPitAßß.ll; Ding W. dottrel* Urd' Iva a cimmatiunp.:,,,,;., -TABY - 00/510101T.lia teitheanag 14,00, "Wirt. 4 *:,. OPPOTI4O ., Mori of your ability Am, an Allirst; NW- saramtlatiV,“---, yon , wi ll be Kr kindlfie to 41111mM. -tb• time tag qt *As tost agreeable to youreelt. - - • I ' . 30/11/ W, Notaty, , , , Gibson Peacock, .Petitrusi • .Zerper , ltarting; _ .:Darted -119611010Yi,C.- Pred W arson, B Bbelton Mackerali Delhi 1 - a. Morrie Harding, ~. ..- , - . .-Gearget H_ekß•l4.- Alex: 3,,:tiao BC!, - „Alsgaember tkeitireq• m Iss R Steers,, J. J. BeHlbelte`e.,.., Joseph B. Craig; Alfred .11:30ataittli; I. AUred , B6Benteey, W. tikt•tuttlir, -1 , 1 1,4 '4, 4 , I Philadelphia, Marsh 98d,1859. . jot haye,dote AO6. to allaktb."l/011,-0 - April 12th, at the Ma tfett Sued fill, I 'am gentleman, goer obeetteet , 1460 Merry et., 7ffarek WIMP; I 7B44111: 128, 11A4* - 11t :'AIoDONOTTGR,LGAIPII 431- belowi r nitc:Al i! xemorto#s4nta , - PLAOM,=-3 , -' , • I ; LOW GAYLORD, TITM L OMEAT BANJOIST; * 5ll l , Viu.diMsM, " - - , - PAS- SMOIM„ - HILLY THOMAS labia tit trotiP4ingioii; rilliOmEtrrolrAßlSTlES• tgo'ilitriOirk:, - , , iceift#::',44,..o4Plopt- - is NOT 03trifett. - _ - " 4 „ , v- • It lBol tattillillNlNlAltrarill„.„.*Pcf?' trirßglr, Bynum aoaprLieg Oomfo Add eist 41111Alic-dlFmagF orr..."wit IN iloporid a lY :Rau: usivin , : 1 : 111tHaTia : 141114' 11 " t • • • 110:10211PIPAUMEINti•A*•••tZ:.: 01114 dialsikii SI oegif; mar taloa at iallthkorapilV 1111810AIPPUND It*l IA 011010/STEA ituiTigaki'MWAW •-`• ALS every SATIIIIDAT: — SkyleMeJ4kooll , ol.ollll II scamp ottiotep tor.sl, !Sok biefil*****Vr 'Andres; 120 Okeetnatsereet' E. ArlownerAhkeerkelei" , ' at Seripik and ss Use des IMIWE'r: - Tki seteunieeee "atlekeeir..Weereo - _ ~ ;niUaii ..,rt. Apigloalavotiotifoittinks' - ~,,,, THE' itifillikaT 4014 - 400 M int.zl , l', Tux ,WOsKi.AND , TO:wilailts . 01111z.z7 - , —A certain ripumilretiasigestisded, glilitifi::;,-: Thi . excileVainitinent: ; einniniar4iiii..., teinnieit,.f 4 anracter and addrtas wilt Ma Ibi-j*ltiint Kitsikr,‘ ~ lutinergivs, , AddrresiriAml,ofisaa anatincerli:and.:l' - tomer occupation, - T. X. X. ,T zoo Mu. Cji-41.110-art , .:, A SITtIAT/Or sloe -CH- MIRO 41 4 8 1, 011( kV1A 01,1 .1 1 4 ia ,0 901016 1 "' House Hu a komiWPACliftt_ • apa-St will make bluseMsuoully:100 . 0;o . roma! itiormt AlkitUOL, OISUAUx goig.r.ktlfr4 - .4.*.f e 112tREWEICUPTIP.'4401,401r" 111; 4 4..-the rhkgeit:' , l4lWW4 " 6 'timebetwiten4aw_•PaCmpaut .110111*: Ithfrvaglir PNtiClaikrrer. Otiralif,oll4.l3l,- 'at I. .. .. TAT -twits grAtTiontrit ate. - 50,- --r - - v• w -we't4-ifiv. 104 5 imilit Atuiti Tattilit.v4 4 . 0,- p , . • Pithrfe!..- , , '!""?..- .1 : lOW. .'..e ‘,. 14-I''=--p. t .2. 11 O R 'RA= Talciable ,ill4llPZl;f4it="oi. - = -111 = . 4 4 4 P 4 4 1 ' 107 .136 e: rII i t- Alettitiat WOOD, 11icr.1124 now mew - • 'DOB. SALE—An ,Old4whiblished 1111CD4 WIT , aToss;aolit iivilivaiblitikei4 , ibid.:, usatisa,aitiatrav , tricalllAlWild' ii' - Ai b_diumi. tains iltaiithir: ' Ailfriory , , , SlMOsse W- i. ,Illood% Deipstok— , ` ~ .;r2y---.:1,-, r 2y-- - .:1 , - , - U , tior. , j-r: - A dm VALVASLE - 4ltiliffair-Oninris.;A MILPROFIRTY• 101 WIAIII-zAituirilistifiNridaLsA Ware Sermatli Auld i'llglik , salmiiii, -, knoviFiliKitlit --;;E 'warn - 73 , 11ArBOTARttISIV-IseVeittlfoP l 7-r -", *oat on Market street, and„eittsedlng ;St leicamoste or tem, to filbert strestit Ter Inrittes.*Otemittooleell ea itse' owner Aa.the_ proiregth Al. U Gimp, skate _ Vila Betel, /MOB. Street,. f t , ,-t , t,it - ,:itsi-~ 11. TO RENT, withßoard, three - spatiotor dothuhumaaigattaaviirceri;swoestitteavt-tOae 'Beek 'Parlor, with or witlicookprivati table, at Ul i, ate4t, , ilitrastweei, 5 141 4 ,114 *Te# 4016 iIIir.4iNWEJAMIkIar. , VAPA'AambeAKTIA ma lot Saledroopoe Shedwin blii eeMr - proporry.:2loo2,4,4fortht. , , 111*g Garden, Web. -..oosioidoeoso. moor nevi/ dqnfoliP::', , Loestfiel!Olisktra.' , !t 11041. MIL 12213 WILLNU Et4sV Thirteenth Btretterisitrth , atela :24 fealeroad by_us Om, Living _evarr oonvetionai—luvi gialaigalash , ? two _fri k tfcroonw, two "fiftilioeir, - lOW ightto. - 0940:10. talletV Ito.<=, ,stapco,. of -each _sumo .;• mein oh Mortgage at live heitiesit iiitere42:f " OAT to .8. 8. WHIMIN & 00., 10 410 4 rP ,Street.' , .10 A fICIMM,Y,RESIDXI^IOS TO LEL ootudatiog - ark s ( iiioit;iistd Woos arid BARN, - with &glamors* at laud; sambas, at thajobotiouairilkollaidlaNiakitaid abo . North Pennsylvania 'Railroad, wr uw..-1304 &rift .4111, op, street) Bretton. Tor tumor picusgailkikularal: W. B. oh' titailraftidaCtit orq op2os to *SO • !9i-?mere! A ARANO : 1011,.ki , FARM of .126 awes, ' 'gusted on Whlllellabeille teirepiafhiamitsappetein miles from relladetplla. and only two and a kilt adios fram • railroaddepot.- Well idaptedfig a llalvitara4 - stream of later:, pasdag.tbrasglr-the, grandam be sold a great bargain. Torras very way. TOI fBU particulars apply to - R. B. 00ligON, Norrietawa, oe N. 11.1121 RY BOYD : 24 N. rams-inret; pkuareptis. de TO LET -HOUSE' No: 122 NOST/1 EEL TRONT Stint, Vitt Tikri ItOraa .inly to I. -& BOkilmaillettt, 414 - GB:111IN SUVA. , t'd= 'Mt* FQR - SALE itiOxV M lotus - BIEUXIIIION,4IB whit lane aide yard, soothers orporarei graperyalow ens "'Lot 17597 feet.' T. location haw .ansiya been the ga.dpriepot Of , thiit *aloft tithe etty. - Teo hone has all the toodeni.Jniproilimente, end - -billed bees pip -ra, painted, and pat in aompletn rrimur. 'Edna $10,090. , Terms eery. Bent $550., Apply pa the pre .rolsea, or at 8% - Snick BLXTH Street, (second - story.) ap2-6t _ _ _ Missolutume ankeiroarttuvilAs. CO.PARTNERSIIIP.-- Tha r - .undersigned have this day asisioisted' 'tamales* together, tinder the awns ardstyle of HANDY s KOWA, & 00., kir the home* or sollbg b t rough-ha Tabiii, , il46 &0., nouitiftettutd - al the ibuobeilead Nail and. ,Iron Works, sad for translative& leave! Ira OM. anion business., =NKr 'HAMM", , (Leta aitimorea - OHARLIii MOBIOB. Moo, B. E. cor..weimirriii;lutoNsittreete. March 13,1960.. ' ' ashle-ln ' SOW EIL:BARN_ _,S - 1 . 1.i0 -CO., pubmbammis azio,DitAmuitclffl, MISONDIADDOII4.ISCHOO6 , AND DUNK BOOS! - • No. 87 North .below Areb, — " - Thilederpide: - - Pabliehers of the tolloWing popular School Boehm, ' which are aotnowledged by • ill_ intelligent towelisse who hays given them a asrofolexamisistion to be wort; j• - - milled ha the,r adtplatiott to the purposes 'aoudad: PANDIBite , 'NNW Contdstint of 't i Feat& New Primer, -" First lender, - •'• • - "", Thlrd.gehdfd:,, " Pifth - lisede; • - ; • [Amur,. • - •"• -" , Beitond - fleader, • " Ponoth Reels; , , High liekoollised Yousg Ladies' Roeder. piORMIC - Prilthlr AND MINTAL • •„.„- - ?&BlTiltdsttos, By Prof. N. Br ooke, oftatitaiitarlidfinal School. PlLTOPpliptlapsinx• ElpaiLES,Or 9DTiINii MAPS. i n They especially adopted (altos. bstianisjosi__ Well ni to thoo more Wowed to thit.tney of .thicigts., jM ,thirreastie froth tittintaidehhiraWkware taw: - , real copooption or Ififcbirsitter.apti., - rilittive'slse wed ' position of every Physioil teititeses`es : elsithe obiaLtiedArom Pay_other WV 00110.” 2111- - rvxsoN & paINNIff, •- • - *Ulla & - - igras,.:zie F.; ' „slit Akar; - VrOVO agrtl - -.,;.7,..,,• ~..„.,. ~ H"R" P! . I ".,4P.TAX.;_ ''' . .- , T4 6 :r#4l, 4l3Slat *T nitiff s 3 r'-' 1: - :',7hOßAtil s 4il6llii4fif: : : : :2 l Ros.4.aub 4 Itoypi 094 . 11kormilf _:----'----'''',' 310111UL211. 1011111 M, "uk"o. 202i-WALiltlt Street. 'inlaVotiattOw* thasiblpia. 4, 7:, ?T.:V.)1724. MMMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers