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Y t o - A litilleiv.lll 7l ' - itivilWoh.44 4 . :7 1 : 6 1 1 P 4 U reiiiit,r6o , NlPieto AvY1;1::::, T =1: 16 1 tot i ulym a. 4,4, wirriatlia - Re- ; - 400 lef,iosy*9l . s,,, 41 ; _ kb* To'1171=.V;Ii:: gtirty'rt. .T o - ' Woe Rock" - S'Seem, 7114 , ItCPWFWZA ; .. ritiehl V- , .^Eoititoollt -, • A- .1001. ?miss , -. ; 01.-•111•D Pr f ditimi•Obiav -- :C. , ,- ~, Towilsvpd 8 ••,:-.-, 1 illori Via '..: : 'Reilli:A" - :: %I I 'Tomer G - 4 "' , i it . Wl-;•;i •,.il._,LfliffeillAt:i', Oruclwin [rapt a aiwiaja , j,y,.= , iiph,D tr. , - - -- 'Trea4eti'w.d - typis:say ~ ..,-t.lliyoi4 T* 4•-,'-'!.'; ' Troth Nverett ', ', g m .. ..4.7. 'll_, ~,,,..frW,i,sigAilovi-e,-it.'' , , 1.04 , ,(taci, •'''.---" , • , VA,Sr' l " ' - 'l:Atilge Plf '' -L ' !Aiwa. Otilaiki ,Ail .t - P soloi`oikairifp,!: - Troicip tiiikr V'' ; 7iV,p',.:---.!liititellitoiiii,J; ~ T taikati Derryi , ', . • -1-''.... - -- -..41 easttinvild* Oki.' „. *00,16. Po __. 1 W, 3813, - ,4 - -.1.n: soott semi. ; 1 ,-.-A.'-Willivii3son 0 8, .., Moo* Oimot'f' l .,,' i r seog.W4o;,,; - ,, , y1'8144,8,18.; t c 1 cr, - -- ft4iiitivtr. ,-„Pntlktag.,;,`:.ilso VA 8, 3. 1 -',1114001,;,!4':::;igolliot, ,8 ~:,,,,,,-,,, ~,•-.1y8,"1,#. .„ , ti'er, .„...„..'llAyll7.:. , •., ~.7,14 ,WiltbiziggrAe. '1 bkomipik:..,•;; - Bqoteßol4lr: - Sir illhmon.4 .0o 3 1, - 1041:•„.4 - 7= e4ottlobu., . - --,-' Wiatoii:P/Aci N : tWlrita : ....;4 31 . 1 11 1 4XAW,7;1 ' 2 - WP3 1 1..A. A A • `- .0 3 0 3 / 4 , , G 1' :•,- jitivqb trjl,,, ~„, .1V330,•.. 8 * offi-,---,----711acAtzttioa z',: -( 'Vntiet6 Titoi , finrecootr:Nl ',.. eiriterlohn W - Wilson A. 7 'imbold Chan H_•- 84§41.4,joittarit ,• Wilsotx_Sstactel._ Wrirci-4113aAirAllIss WI , 1.1 Mott Jo r ~ 4.11- 4 6-N , Al - thaitailoish- A - , 5 • Winclostdr LH' __. . _ .. —.— WllsOn jos 2 • Beirgi BOOM , : , B JIMA* . k. ;;; , -;--r • Searer , Riej 2 , - Wilathel 132Drianoll-M Seller ' Wllllimsoa 'oldoeldWro - LT..111,1474.1e;,110.ed,,r;Wi150n.T. ,7 ".. I welders , Wileint T 'elgtini•Houti 2 I OpyTill~niit ;: S' BeettsY'OlLsar -s j' Wiltbeith White , 5, - nyerton`O ,2- . 1 2-lalatiloak (tem; Woodriniadw. - Ofblarada,pindf& Shank:WM 2 z • W604 - 2c2.0e;; , : co_" , Worrell Henry 1 Obenderf &j • aatir 112.1W.Tai r os 'Woodruff Wm ; Payton Pat, -- _;ll.lnalttJohn • Wolverton R - • 'PaltikOati s . l ;2; Alharre.r. , - ,, c . T.' l ;•Worid HMI I :Parry Rao , P. PIM : Wtiglo7 e Palmer PP. -'Strippen atoba , -Warner Warr Parka,H.3 -Shosner.Ssm'l PiaterlibirOiS Maud e 202. 1210 214 • .-Wwaernrw ,, d ; Pditerlert W*lP•r- JLZ A 41, 1 0 Dr - 4; Simplon tar 7,, wale N 1, 4 1 27ti1r , e's,rflaaltlk.Thos Wallower& Son 1111 914DADDI - 1:i r BtaiDLl4l4b , . , Witner &Oo .rlqbp.a2kismi...; , t,Pl.3Mth Josiah Warner' Wm It f PWOmaraos_'_=,.l.4ollta Recall Waits 00l a 19,- • kilAr Okaui _Breath Oraw2d.. Wade Wm, F. , ~ P .OditorffliheMßinlthlrober- t `._•: , waltertr/ • ,Pe)lease Gea Oass-H- Wade tiapt ,Pallseilterabar ,Sooyfises , l,2ly, , `Watsonf* thtUp Quo ri. K- song .! 1 ,1916T104 f: Wale la 450 , :VoiOgilff , i9.o ll) , ,, toloot A Watermen I TOW' 11 1 ,5 2 '.../LIWHAISS'r, ,,, r, ,;‘ , 4.ll.oauant ,;iiii-Vr-r-I • 2areanersr. ll ' ~Weatherbeed D L 1 Pkt,9*.A.Bolialfr. ;s,Arke .7 IYetherllt Meyer *.atahooke-Wm- - , Weateottltodad , 't/IlleMeq,--atOkArree (Wetait , Oept • Ite " 2 - - - ..... - 11tiiroltHeary 0 "WasteobergerW_ Sandford 7,0 s Welolaolur It • afreit Btewstral2 Septa, Weller Geo H, Fork 0611.Watk .ffteireaa:iet4 ; *eat Neat - ,j, Welch:old, -,,, Rerereae mu!: - Wentworth,/ 7611otis,1,0•Witortithei ' : Weittltei N' 'PorlaOtable::',`,Wolokniary 8 ' Weider; 'Wiliam Preaereirlifertill. ,- ftddartfihosl. - -Neat 1:Feolt '- 'rortillettikllll;Btedliet Wootton/ Di 'W aiIL TT T Baotou . W eb e r ,•, I 4 JOULE < trlo• - hfrP Stokes Natriff ; Whitmore- Wolff, L - Doria Co 2 OMR eROSWICSniyIj f74;44 . ' . L .Wlrall Henry • lame,Osulel ''',7".Wharton Jas :Stitrosbury 'trpt Whattakerßobt Prontr&RlOW7Sl. - Wblatensona Rs *delta/4S f. ,,,Steptienson Ospi Whitley James Rs* _ _Windmill _B. 1. Rs Ottfp . : t i n :meson • , Namonao 111411, - . Bowmen Oapt .W Vanee.a. B He ph;- ,:7„ tilladerhuld B llptonitea L ry. •.- Van Allen Jno Eslastiof2WmH .R•sfoir27.4lHrd,:.Bol.lllltati:oo3 2 l.2:-Unlon [olio Min 414401,4tffeetorp: NifetO , Zeltia „.. - boseeit" Oo 1311emaji Michael • - Bald Mahar - n - 401m ~ P andr e t- K emp I J Re,YbeitASAlrinar 2rOrlorJral,L' • "Vaniradall , ReetTiiiheldh,,Yrtiht Thames, „ VanartediOrat Beldedets Vanrum Jr I lloysoldcalrm -- 12i.T4rnalga, arm • -.Veddel Ord R 2 BByni ~..; ,Tholsnaitimaharr Roma ," 'Yardley We?, :AVON; OyfruiA - 3fnarko:R - r: 70411. H W :," "i i tionmal 41; - 1 7 4rnal w WRaTOO ,TT -P AutßarOit!" -01011111ftitor-tastireisj 7 - - [l,otENllTZsoB4lß4k4ibejdisep.4:l,47 agar 47 tolelf , d t lATIPIO—Boak Ansirls4o-315 tilde sugar 85 bia 80 10 0M lawBtBW,Att;Slits*tlek,ooo.bis suit .',18„1.. Sr, f,Ttn , Ar PitliAillistALWßOMlD-OR: RAMP. ' DissOwas, 4 i'? , L -- - .f • .2-"_ , , T. iglailidisM oicilt%lllairioni,qi mu Mom. i , , ; -.LETTER: JJAGS .zzahisireiThitadaphiA: illik*Wstinamt, r....-. Liverpool; goon Ati . )46 Janeiro, 80011. rag seavit,legtor t - ' "p ... . goon ThoiiikCirelterafforth " • "St" BirisolOia - -.Port Mt Paao+3,lloQ4 Beigimko eiocid:.l,;.:::.Portgpati, IrizadAdiscops Maw Rohletta4llsai..‘"' .... .. , 0001110LfibizartOeiritt,. :::.Crar;inars;sociti tpiiii•*4ll#l,7l#o!i . - Plgivimer.;;;'.l4siltneyp, 24Kgt RO *9l,l"lllEatillBitßatitiBllit. sos Akre' difor:yoririllArrorpool.-,:-. - : V.•. ,i..0184PA 10 fAmouls":4.oi4i,. - ;111.1tc0..1.1vap001.,..,fAyi1l fi FOl l 4O - 4.p.;,...4,42•N-,Yorkairrorpool..+.. - .....Aprii 11l NrirWMorir.r.Liviirporib. . . SS Asti - • - "New Irotic..LlTorpool - ' Alit& tO h* . .01loiai. • ;4-.00,100eluieslori.W. • - Ittrek 1111 .► .• .• • 40r7401111 , re .. .... ir. • 4lprll rati April a :.April 13 angdpi' •ro4osplit.4. - .; .- - ..rieW-Sork..oonthqopten, &a Pain sot . - Haufmo2l2.4.l'..Thimblirt.pNaN-Y0rA.....,.,11111•Ph 18 tr-008ltod.Q1:te‘iltretp'ooliAtir-Tbilt . . iatatol2 10 ity.of BiltimoteLlyerpo2l..Now V0rk4.'“.•..0103 , 010 80 'PrirtaceiAlbo2.4.:oowak„.i.liiirrNOrk ' April, 2 titopLii6-y. , ...ontharsptaup.'Ne* York - April-8 Naktflu - April= 3 rl7',Nbe - front New . p0rk..94 tiot 004,510 th of 004 month..- - • •pf• — o -Thilitavut,op.amara bin*, New,: oFk, on .the :11414:#11:110a POO MAO each niouth, litidNkPries , 8 0, 62 the 4tAw24 When the abOye 4a2f12 1 ,-. the ,atelimrs 1 611 - sag aa-J4**i,'.4Bol2ls Ito* New Orlefine , run , olkfitimanuarinitinurik os• 1858. SUN *VI SO/fIpITOI. 0 70 Step! rrabipMirghMai Billy, from Richmond, via Nor igilikrbOo•Dh..iritk . I M 4 P B Mid pagilengers to' Theme,, @bud t r * lt.' roam off .thir Copes a double-topsati 1 fA Add. bilayug,din. Passed barks Washington til r ,Satellaript HITIUM,'IIItd. Lem!, Btu, for Moble, going Ma an Friday.' 1 . 1 1 11 W4 1 ,B•EllialbOorMand; ;N 24 how; from New York, ,vii may, with in t im: sad pamengers War's Ander. Bee. Parrot cif Bombay Moot ;14,1 F kl, a ship la tow if stram•tugimpelop, hark Oak, from Briton and brig g ßiles Beigard,ceia rravithieue abore Reed y lilac i'pArkstOtlia. Jermed'a.iiy; rrmoardcwa, wit* rigiril&Ejaiktet to a& WsWalih.... —. ~,...., wit4o 9 4 l _ l l ll , , RVON•r, 34: Friln rival Madmen, iligarlhi'molgainpayw Stewart „ cation & Co. , . lurk &thadoes,,Vookrea4m2 "Asp frolp Othalr, itltk anger to',49lr,,W,Welek, t. , ahlgiregnsialriPai.B4o, from /DiwburfPortr im, w , .114 . ciplalli - ” 7 .'• . ~ , ~, 1 e ,lainhallygilsbyliNieri, 8 , days from New Lon, St& ial tO,Mboher; minting& Co. ' letif, Muftis*, Disney'.3, days 'from Nowicanott, ' irtkiridedto ilooA` Wood:- " Bohr ,Xlrlcuado, Williaras, 8 . days from * Laurel, Del, 08 theilhorlia,lB Sodom, ', , - =. , • . Bohr If IrOBill00;11 d a ys from ilooDD');161 kakil Of ?Welly& CO. -' ~ , ' , = Sabi ", 1 8801*44.4 . 1.4 . ; Oties,.4 days .from Norfolk, itli tem* Irani* avails: - tegigAit Olotomen, 2 diam from OkarleatOur Ith - COMonAudr4e_wite ILO Mahlon &Oa. • With weitilthatii, A. tla,ys fro m Lakesville, With Ivuoltar to.J.WDaecia Ilr Co • t. Illotw - David IfenrietWeitly, 8 drys from Seaford, Del, ' l .lrehr wra ll&rg Oleyht:trrei, 8 days from Laurel . r , with Isiminir to J W Bacon & Co, Re'br , Ida Poodor; Wilson. 2 Jaye from Milton, Del, th grain to Olulettaa k Carron. • , Behr Lesteetv.Porard,„l day from Christiana, Bel, Mi tt grata to Christian &Barran. „Rohr Standaud i Cox, 1 day from. Pennsrille, NJ, with len to 1. IP lietrwson .. . „ . - Bahr 8 lockiroo4, Wraith -from Camden. Bohr Millainitel Merldriukson, 1 day from Odessa, DM, with mem to Awl,. Bewley & Op. Mid 0 A Pithier, LZ lifeliem, 2 days from Milton, Del, wltlrdiriffiairr'aw Stied . . -' " ' 1 • Behr Thos Robinson.. ermaa. 2 days Lewes, Del. with earn to J L Bewley & Co. ---" . •• Bar John- W - Halli'lLorris,lday from Little Creek 4WD.* ';' Del; -With &hut to 'J L Howley & 00. , temiellip Bootee SW erar 'Now itork, - ded Aliderdierh Is t ark Thounig Whtt, D il i,Liftmen, vie Port Spain, O Brig MUM itiodylitia,l4t dogo do Onbe, 0 W Berra. di& Bro. _ ' .•' -"k. - "... • , ' rig kll Nothirte, r oo_lsem, fistive:lSlk W Welds.. tqlolla .11,811:01; RklaelrartVirihnlngrucc NO, D 18 ns Corr • thei r ;Jr; ,i; j us; l4 , l N O2 barype , rl rt rr , olll 7 .. W r oci an d k .; 11 Dr : laddedlieedti:the. Wilm ington , Hil, .1 Baker . tPOW km 31e, imam , Saltin:lrre 1" Webster, Jr. , hr .4f Lorkwoorlefrulth s lluverstraw: I II White. Jr . .. Irgliiiiimr,lllw, Baltimore, A Cfoves Ji • t e ilrfillapOwdarre of the Philadelphia Budiange.) ' " • . LBWS; Del.. Much 26. there are shod 4Lity.oeleels at luirbor, wash al , riv slaw yesterday 13000,• among them errahe follow. In vadat Mary Miller, John Blihnuoi, Mary Patterson. li. Dixon fiao. li„Townsend, Plawft, Mars, Carleton, J o, Bret. WhitW Mist, I. Bettedlet; 0 Iti Rogers, De.' t il lle, Albert Field, FralloBl, Ben Butier,‘uomnran. 11.0bior Brave, Mary lb Elliiireth Rardscrabble: tie; o. * Baldwin, a „piker, Jane Wild, Etyma, Leh Bows , and A 0 Aitken: 'Wind strong from month -wets, and cloudy, -. I Tour. &o. ' WM. M. 11101114•18. . 4 1 - 71,miss ; DM,:Barob 26. j .....•Ake ' four:wing - mresrilsware at INS2bI), mat evening: Sekro lnekila Treat. Sea Witch, Georg* 11 Townsend, FM Taylor. W f *Ohio, White Rook, .811sii.Leugh. , tme, Mary 0 Ives 'Botany - Burley, Mist, D P f Boson, . :oof t ensader•in•Ohnif, Panama Britton (look, Daniel il/ 41, no, Juliet, Bardserabble,'Brays, Pooctrooke, 0 II M tier, ' E stem:hew Amer**, aad-ti • ls ache Dela- Vila. Millrlfillif Fraser peiga to net last miming in of t a ng gunerien ' Ti. wind is now NN W, awl most _IN ith• Beet will probably leave tole morning. The le . or ther le cool. f .:, t Yours, Be. , ' MEMORANDA. "Is V . Porrindol4l4 l Of "Ulnae?, tb the Meson* Slate :of rgfe, - trom - fiiredirdiN for Philadelphia, Bee tele. „graphia news. (-7 glieamship" Olt/ of Richmond, ' Mltoholl, hence, Cr., rived - at Ilicknionit 118thjor; ~-; ;!•,.; z j .. , ) ~,, T 1 s ef - Map W D ritiwill, !dation, cleared at Ohn , les lon 241 ,not. for Liverpool, with 2801 baler cotton and 81 , Stip NonnijAtitiifi, iiii!it from' ithailgaloar 21th " Aza tor Liverpool. ._, 8 4. gAty9.19 , 20,.F. , Liverpool, cleared atTit John, Wili iglast 'paid) ? Mardi 0 Day, Obese, fronilialtirooie, iiiiiied at , ' ISIIOAWk4BI nth thee, r = , , • ' .„ , .139p Nlttard,..l4 tati ,cleared , at St ` John, mom - lAt to K r boodOn •"" 1 ' - lbiWrelyi, Sawyer ,' for-I.lvbrpool, cleared at 81 , ,Jotlitfill,Sam rout. • , „.. - 8 Vithitliier Litlogrion, Eittoproo; from Myrrh ar. ' My litltßwirorkStlibfitt - - ileil 11 Mitiorildelifilt, for San Yreneideo, cleated at .• Ps Very 840Ado'10rogol.1 for Viriania, (co report:. 64 4 0 1 11 1 1 . 1111 "f raa I li f 1 4 6 ` 611 •"" ''' A' '' / 4 ‘ t -..fn, - ,: - , - . , -,14,t ~, ,• • - - ` liA 4 1.;;'_,T..4; Rell th lel • •kaik:Atnetta:ireAfeireVerrisralt.Niiintelii:' 26 t l C • _ inst. far traipse,be; • ' • - ' Bark Goldin - 11ra, Thorndike;olearcd at New York 2001rtnat lor - PhiLadielphis. - --•- • , Bark Mart•Elitabeth,:Hiekljorn)ltakoll,•lolYed at Bark Radiant, Blion, for Philadelphia, cleared at Ea. vanesh Mid inst. with 80 balsa cotton, 13 do rags, and 126,280 fest pitch pine Mashie. Bark gelah. Gould. from Baltimore for • Boston, was 'atiloboles' Vole 264 Dalt, , ,•• Bait ilephia:Glotil,henoe 'for Boston, remained at Holmes , Hole 25th hest Brig Bonaparte, Sterner, cleared at New York 261 h lost for Philadelphia. Brig Delawure,,,Abbott,•remalnad at • Holmes , Hole 25th hut avers Mora, Nelson . ; lied - Ingemar, Qum, hence, an. at Wilmington, 24th inst. •' • ••=. Bars At pYosrek,- os, liu l glies mid Marietta Tilton, from New a Wiiintagt6ll; NO, litst 24th. Bohr Gee W GrieserPalmer, hence, via Alexandria', arrived at Richmond 25th' bast. • , ••••.; ,• • = - 1 Bahr liariaPlelcup, Baker r from Wilmingtoit;NC, at: rived at Boatel:IA*100. , • • • Bohr W Rummy; Taylor, oleired at Bosion 25th lost for Oharleaton,, -• • • , Bohr. Ired , k'Ettgard, KW, from Bt Seoige for'Phila• dolphin, sailed kens Holinerniole 25th inst. Bohm W JAL Austin, mid• David , Smith, (returned) hence—for Boston, remained at Holmes' Hole ibils instr,,P • - ' Betas David G Floyd,Hactett , rromement, and Gil, I Bert Brown, Weaver, from Lynn for Philadelphia, were at Holmes'Holel6th " ' Bohr J L Orooker,.Piesisrat, for• Philadelphia, sailed from Taliatonletillnetiragd was it Newport 26th. Behr Alvah, Greenweadifor hia, cleared at Bt John, NB letklnit.2 • . _ = ==• .• fiche/ 0 Baxter, Babcock ,- for Newborn, cleared at N York 26tli pre -, A nehr Mary Blisabith, Measr), foi ` Philadelphia] 1 11 cleared at New York .28th lost. • , • • Bohr D Heffses;llen o e,arrived at' Bogus. 9th inst., .. Bohr 0 toot. , Stable's, hence, arrived at .oeade. nee 11th inst. - - 5414,11.••Manderson, HenderSoisifrelit'New - York, at Matarems 9th inst. Bohr J IT Allen, 13pragg, hence, arrived at Havana 12th inst. • Bohr Fannie, Vanceffrom Norfolk; arrived at Havana 11th Stmt. Bohr J U Moore, Ingersoll, c leared . at New York Mitli inst. for Wilioilgtorl: NO: - • '-" Bohr Prank Day, Flatter, hence, arrived at Baltimore 25th bait . Bohr Hannah Matilda, Pricer, hence at Oharles'ui 25th last, lieperienced heavy weather on the paasage; stud ins BA 22th Irian, lat. 32 29,-long -77 26y during a W : Net' gale, spruog the rudder stock. - Behr IfillOarter„Riske, hews for Boston, vallod iron; Newpprt2lol inst. , ) ' , ' , y ; „Bohr Elliott , Weaver . hence at Boston 25th inst. , Behr Jamas Martin, Rardiog, railed Prom Providence, 21th last, for Philadelphia, and went into Bristol. Bahr MiiherS4 Brigga, , for Pitilaielphla, sailed from Bristol 2Stia inst.- ~ - T . :. ••• - • , Propeller' Aiithracite, 7011e11; elesied at "Nei Yierk 28th inst. for Philadelphia. . . ..- NOTION TQATARINI4B3I,• ' , The Nantucket Light .hie has broken-adrift, and was, lien oh the 24th, between Rock . Island and Gay Reed,, eteeringtotyllmard Bound. i ',l , F •,.., .1",•= • . , • ,-. '` :::311 9 .4t41 1 Y gromPanio.- T HE - WASHINGTON" FIRE 'AND_IVIARINE 12•7917.11.eirN0N1 00X4i'i.A.ZTY' s PABQ,UffAIt .BIIILDIN9O, NO..2W.WAIitOr STREET, PITILA.DBLPHIL. IneOrporeted in 1851. under thefienetsl Imaranse Law rennwramc - Allik444.:0111041 $500;60 BittledWA , 200,000 Paid tip Oapitil" 114,800 IVINSTRD AS FOLLOWS: Bond and lifortgagii,"firat lien $52,170 Bank, Railroad, and other ?rooks - and oeourities 54.000 Oaah In Bank • - ' 8,030 -------8114,500 Invurtorosrir against LOBS:011 Dhithill''Bit BIRD ON BDILDINOB , 111111.08.48D188, 1101713880LD &o. Also-en 0 aBOOIOI and FRB iGHT to and from all parts or the world; and'inlimd Naviga- tion and. Transportation, on favorable terms. _ .r- r.. •;,' ,Cll . ARiBB Gi IMLAY, President ' • Jespor Harding, O. C Biala; Henry K. Strong, D D: Jones, Aloono Dotter:: .7 7 K:Horti ron*/S4f- FIRE' INSURANCIE.: compwz,..eif . , Cash Aseetol4ll.l, 1859 $1,807,990 08 MANHATTAN, _BIKE ~INSUBANOB _ COMPANY, Nei •, ADO Awls; lan. 1;1859 4.. EIDRINGIIBLD MD AND MARINI INSIINANDE COMPANY. Cash Meets, 18551 - 445,754 85 IfOETII AIitI3IOAN2YIIIII RANCE COMPANY, of liartprd. Oastt Anoka; Pin: 1; !Me TIMM MBE. INSEMA:NOB COM PANY, of New York. : • Oath Meet/. 344.1.1 2 M1 suutarmara , 'Fnun INsu4llol4 0011Pktiv;9t,pAttoi4. OishAliso* la.?, 3 3 1859, 239,079 83 Policies 'li ft ed, andlosees adjusted and proisjAly Waist ILWAseney, --- s9qw4ror. - 0, reb26.11 = WALNIPVBTBRE7.- NTE - RPRISE' 7:ll7EitthASTbill COMP • Tiffießiennieny Buildlopy :porniture,„E and • nteniiirindiso pheridlJ, egatost lose or damage by ffre. • Thii Whiles ofillibribkipairitsepreitsif provide that wben assigned at eollaterallieltrity, theyikniVniit .irr:onaaiaarAatut the ownirOof Entire security, is thueentionied to thitoldimi' tor ariointb Rears and MOZTO.4OIB, nOtWilkstiistAtig* 'ant derdeursa pr the Courts oT i Ur., - Reintr, — ifforts44ei, • &testiest& Lail, and !other Securities on Best Elute, win alio be epecially 'homed if desired. • , • DIRXOTOBB. - „- H. Bihtehtord 86irr, I.;.1)&wson, 1111cme„ . George U. ‘. Nstbrd - ' Jotti TI. *own, • it: A. Yalinestook; • • Andrei D, Clash, BenzfiVli4triori, , -• -J. LtylniatiollittneGr. H. RLTORPORD STARK, President OiIABIES W„.,oollCX,Beare4r7. .•• Tal6osiB7 162 SW:MEI. rouitTit STREET. 410,17.1114 ; • • qiita _QUAKER prrir INSURANCE t•-111.: COMPANY, -PHILADRLPHIA,iPa. 11/ FRANKLIN BLIMNOL 40A.WALNIIP Whet. COARTICI PERPRTUAL. - Paid up Capital anitiVirpl,lni 1221,8 M. 42 - Chartered Capital • • eogpoo:oo . insures sweat welter damage byPre" sod the perils of the Sea. Inland Navfgatlon, an 4 Transportation, on the mist fayorlble terms . ' • r • -- - Lowed promptly allasted, an paid ; DIMIOTOIS. George G. Hart, H W. Bailey, E. P. Rom, • Andrew Chambere, 1 A. CI. Catteil, -.,‘, Markel G. lin ay, 1 John G. DAle, 1 VPrter ii P Per kin'''- Femaellones, , Han. H. M. Faller. . orstonar r - i 4EolUlle IL HARD, Primldent. Z. P. ROM Vice President. - • a. H. COGGSRALZ. Obaretsri ad - Treasurer. 8. G. BTITLzn, met Beeretasz. rahl GREAT .WESTERN-INSUW"OE AND ! . TRUST COMPANY, - - Ann 4,161:11118'1INIOIA INSURANCE' COMPANY OP A'PHINS, Pa.„ Miring consolidated their. bushaere, will hereafter non duet the same under the name of the GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE 'AND TRUST COMPANY, Office, No. 03 WALNUT. Street, (Oouipaio.l 4 o Buildlng,) PHILADELPHIA, With a combined Capital and available ASSETS OR OYER 1 , 60,000, It:treated, for the most pert; In hie? Boone and MORT. GAGES, bombg six per sent. interest, on improved pro- Pints. worat double 'AND unt PIRDi INLAND, MARINE CARGO RISKS Taken bn the moat favorable terms. • :Charles 0. Lathrop,D iRMOTORS: William Darling, I - Alexander, Whilidin, , ' 8' Tracy, • ' ,Tenn O. Hunter, James U. Smith, :Issas Hasiehnret, 0. N. Shipman, :J. R. McCurdy. %ranch, Ty/Cr... -Thomas Li Gillespie, Obariellfarlan, 'Darnel L. Collier, Jonathan Z. Slocum. O. 0. LATHROP, President. WM. DARLING Vine President. - JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. C. S RIISSILL. Assistant Secretary. 0.• N. SHIPMAN, Seeend Vies President, intak.d&W tt Bannon OFPION, New York 141LERI8'B WOO/ r SE WINO NA. ALL, CHINN is offered to the' public se the snort re. row-prfeed pawing ldaeltine in WIC It will OM frIM SIX to ailt7 „stitches to un that, al en kind/ of goode, - ficen coesseet bagging to the fined santbries. It re,ivithcrat ,exception, the aimpleot in rte ancobonleal conntruction eyernuide, endows be run and Ireptinorder bye child of twain years of age. The anntenntrrif of thio =thine, anadthe QVLLITT or rre worm, are War. ranted to be unenrpassett by any other. Its speed mew frOut three hundred to fifteen hundred oiltelass per la nuts. Ths'thread needle talcendireetly frowthe spools, Wainrour ran :looms or notecenrie. In root, It ,il e ranoldate that is*anted by every ramilr bathe land, and the row pries of - 11t1.1114' DOLLARS, at *blob: they ire sold ) britigittiera within the seek n 1 alined arm oriel. ' B. D.llil[llll4l4ent, - ' ttil.dqm W-eow.tiat r • l'2o 'Mktg STRUT. • V,011101.4Z & JANNNTZKY, k.ix 'Mb Sontb SIGIITH Street, below Obertont, IMPORTIRS AND DNALEBB- IN ARTISTS' MA TDDIALB, Reeinouteed end Lhe &Olio bitenerel their large 'dock of Juvenile Belot Boxes, Wiper & New er.% sod tied. Rowney% do. is , and Water Colors, Brushes, Bosh& nod German Cenves, Whitman's Crewing , Pepern, Colored Stadia, Colored Minxes for framing, &0., &e. • Diseminteglven co l'escierg , ftd Beithiaries. Con Dealers supplied at,trede anions,— -•, Ja26- $m IRON; FOUNDRY O.A.STINGS; of all , tit itstefislOns. snob u;:lkirdientthoittl Oistiao. obinery. Orate Beni, the Witt toram. • 0; OAR NAM, OINIWANTOIVriIefI.d.,OI.WItth gri "Inh3-am WM. M. lITOICHAN NEW YORK ORNIMAL'IIObiIdISSION'AND• CO!,LEOTING • , AOUNOY.' I • sOOl4 88 APPLiWpOII , 3 BUILDING. Goods 'of_eyory de,orlEldn' bought and sold fot.a inodetato OtonnitaiiOni- Partienlai attention siren to thd o011eation• of, debtoi'ennir•dttO paper, and OW= of nenanatit adjusted; pstont' rights - disposed ofi rind patented artlitee 'introduced. • Advertmemente reeetvett' for ttiwapaPera throughout tbd United kitattee and Oinadia, end 'pro mptly it:Muted let ,thipubliperejoyreet totem: Ordoro sOlieltod' • •- ' - ''B OA LLAillit .4. CO., • , fOkAPPLIITOWILBUILDING, , - - • Y OR K . Hofer to Meagre, (MIK:* CAPE!, 63 ,DOOK Street, Philadelphia , . 'ml2224iiet A tICCUST, BZLIWNT, , rtedea 1142410141., ,BEAVER STREET,,LetIore `tot Credit for Travellers, available In all iparte of tke world, through the Mem". Rothehllde k or Pude, poudow,- N5 P1! ,1 1 ,61 14 Vi omp l an d OeliCon:opoi , 4!ntt,' ' • ;AT. =EMI -AVM. WRIGHT-, Vice President, - 0 „O. Beetetary, -, 11..0..0A40900ER, -Assistant Secretary DIRECTJUS, tmliy, William Wright, It—Torrey, Jae: Tanner, Wm. B;Gratt; ' Charles G. Imlay Onsing THF 4 P ig§. ; ---,rifif4ADSAirtilA t MONDAY, MARCH 28f 1859. EYRE Afc' LAN • T 4, , „ 'FOURTH - AND ARCH, J. now opening agriOg goods of the owed. skyles, ibusr4osro . .sius. Boßie. • Fetcy•tair STYLE in.tas:' • ORGANDY .AND BAR.D6EI ROHM. SEATILS,NEwst SLEW. EDSOEBILEE'rEILESALE. • DRESS GOODS 'NSW FABRICS. s . men 'pbpios,ollo(o.l3l COLORS, , TULL. BTO7II. OP -STAPLE GOODS'. New EdctDl ieeeteeddegi: natl44m No. 182 NORTH EIGHTH STII,Ent Are now opening, and *ill onnunne'to renal - re, NEW AND DEsTyttiftrt, STYLUS talit!s , DRESS TliiiikturNap, z . irok INN BERING PALENI. „R A S N LADIES' DRESS TRIMMING/3 and ZEPHYR STORE mad-2m CORNER EIGHTH AND MURRY. 91.859,0PENILAOULOA and /859. tiIIIMMES MANI T2:1;4 . Fon THS WITOLISAIN %%ADM, To which we invite the attention of • -,BOIISI.ERN AND W. 1167611111.1 5.11110HAN15.' J; :.PROCIT hitt ,1011 0111113TNUT Street. ABEAUTIFUL ASSORT — ENT of all thiNew'fityhe of SPRING GOODS le to be found at MoILRt,Y'B, where they are oonstostly yecelrlng: harlots's from auction —" • A eplendts .aflortment of Black 81Iks.• of all grades sod vendee.' A lot of Boner Bilks at $1.1.2 and $1 26—: very cheap,.. , •. ' • • handsome let of Baregee at 65 -and 75 cents, worth; $1; A beautiful itwortmetkof Stella Shawls, Poil de Chearesi-Delahair, De Repatigei., Senn Mohair', at the loweet taah' pries'. ' ' Oresioteree• and datinette for Mini sod Dope' wear. " Table and Shirting Linens, Ultra, Mantles, Muslims, Sheetior, /co ; fro. - A bow:stile ,amprtment tdilmbrolderles, Swipe and Cambiloldusline, at Very low 'priees. • A beautiful assortment of Linen Cambria Ildkle. At • • MONLIWY , a, , No South NINTH Street P. In. reoelpt of Noir Goode fmw-tf MEW FRENCH! GOOf B--PROM NEW .L YORK and DISKS DEOEN,T IMPORTATIONS, ' WILL DE °PAINED THIS MORNING. - " Very' rich Range ,KoSlia Tvnigws. ' - Do. ' do. ,Rehes a Les. • , do '.. • Robes. Double Flouting. - •' Clgy Ohinta,eoloastprinted Barnes, and French Or-. patties: Neat and medium style French Lawns: 50 pieces super do. at 20 ote. Vlchria Matinee, Vainest, 11. enlace. Poll de Obenes, , Motto Delatnes Brown Foulard/ Mk, - Heavy rich Black Silks. Medium style Bayadere Mons de Obiue. - Do. - do. do. Piccolomini. •• do. - do. -Mobalre. Mixed Grass Cloth Lustrine, a beautiful article for Friends. ' • Pink, Buff, Blue. and Green BrilliAnts. • Pink, Duff, and Green Percales. • Rxdoh Gingham, In variety. - • A eplened assortment of 3.2g•cout Ohlnteem. BLAOK L&O.B.POINTS, MANTILLAS and VEILS. , • SPRING SHAWLS. PRIDNDEO SHAWLS to variety.. • 6:4, 7.4, and d 4 tioptu , e White Barege. 7.4 and'B , l Lupin's Mode and Black Seine. DHARWAR ADAMS, mhl4-mwf-tf • - • - BIEITII and ARCH Streets. THE BEST STOOK. OF SHAWLS IN— PRILADELP ! • ' THORNLEY & 011I8M, AND SPRING GARD3N, Are positively selling BLAOICSTELLL SHAWLS tram PI to IP3 lees than some other stores.. This • fact bee been told them by Ladies themselves buying at our store, having seen the name jastis'elsewhere: „ . - iGur prices range, from $S to $2O! Every color centre of Stella., cheep Very-n eh Nmbroidered and Plain Grape Show's. Superb PrencALtae and Ohantills' Mantillas , Pointe, /co., . , A prime lot of Very rich and beintital PsneY SIGs: gnat variety of New Drees Goode. Beet IRISH Willie, of our own impottation. suet received— ' 1 cue Linen ildkfa cery cheep. Clothe, Ossalmeres, Mwllne , ilsnoele, tto., ke. at TBDREILEY win Oontorinelnw & SPRING GANDER; 373• M 09 iallnerzaYOß merps'wEeti:-. - American Liam Compopeo enyetior ISO" Brown Lim Coatings, and *, rations diadem ; Brown and ßleaahod:Lintar Auks, , rariona ‘stylea; Brown Lhasa Drilla. A °bolos amortmant or. tie , sibova 'UMW now on am le Mot for sale by JOSEPH LEA, dle-tt /SS And 140 OREBTNEIT Street. 906,860 06 "RIMS - .LYONS SILKS.* ' 7 • 7 " VIIMIPLEsI3 BIIOTHICESI haws resslred, bit re. tertt &MIAs. a aomplela isrlety of the Us% unmans. tares of LYONS' DLSOIC TAPPEPA, of —esti ,and glony texture. se well is Mask PO DI 801)18y 'GROS etRAINS and ARAM RN& '" • 941054 51 ALSO—SWISS CSOB minas, In iii althe and quelitiee, of approved mates, erh'elk are offered IN h great . conadeneei se regard* prjoe and the wear of the fakirs. BAYADERES STRIPED -AND WATERED BLACK BILKS p DOUBLINELOUNCED BLACK SILK HOBBS. SHAIIMISS , /swum's, - mit‘a • CHESTNUT sod ETWITII - Street/. OFMA.NIv ROSIEII7 , f3yoß,E.l—Tbe 1:11: undersigned eolleits the etientlon of famillea end ' others to hie. STOOK :of , BOSISRT. IMMllleAtt- IdENTS, and goods generally , "appertaining to the ,Hotlery buelneee, for 4idfei', Ciento, and Vighlren's :wear Upon exendnithlditit tdock:itUbe found to be inneurpseeed for tails Cy, . gin -olth and.. lhie peel er,low ma those of any'regfatio bottle, J. W. H01fg.12724;__ • rahli.firet---1 - irtrortti3llollLTil. street. `WIDE BAREGES AND :MATINOES.: 7 , 11:-- - and 8-4 colored—White sod - Mich.-tor ißonaßa, 01128TNIIT and EIGHTH eireeta. • Sattcp Org ftbdobiy;' - ': ' 15. J. T. PIGGOTT, 15. IMPOIITSII JOBBBB, OB LAOEB, maßopco, ' . „ izonaoroinuas, , WMTB GOODS . ; tee., &e, HAS ItEMOVBD - TO e t e No. 15 NORTH FOURTH STREET, usis a fall Bee of the isbori , Ooode. . itlsoireoldving daily, 76138 from Auction, to 'blob push and Short time Buyers are ' --• mere.2or SPRING TRADE; DOMING & 00., Noe. 26 end 28 'NORTH FOURTH 6MP/A Hari fast opened their recent /EMOATATIONI3 os ENGLISH' AND GERMAIY •'HOSIERY, ' GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, And solicit an inepeotlon of their ampler,e and will , ; aasorted ' " • 1111 SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE febel-am MARTINS; PEDDLE, & HAMRIC7R, Isfrennens AND murans IN HOSIERY, No. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, RIVE DOOEB BELOW THE MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Offer for sale the molt. complete stook of goods do their line to be found In the UNITED STATES, Mutating of HODIERY of every grade, ,GLO,R# for men, women, and children, comprising ait assortment of over 000 kinds lINDNESEIATII and DRAWEBB, LINEN BOSOM BEIETE and OELLAII9, LINEN O.ASBRIO HANDKERCHIEFS and SHIRT LADIIWELASYIDIDILYS, with claim of entirely new deem, with an • endless variety of Notions, to which - they invite the attention or. • Y;RST-CLABS WESTERN AND BOUTIIIRN BUYERS. fel-2m BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEARINGEN Are noir opening at their Store, No. .4159 MARKER STREET', Abore Itonrth, North Side, A lIANDSOMit ASSORTMENT 01 • NEW SPRING STYLES or FANCY DRY GOODS. Or TURD& OWN IMPORTATION And selection, which they ogee for We to bcypto from alt paste of the United litotes, on thorned libeief term. febe-Sin MoOMILET,BF.OTHER,& BREWBTER, 23 NORTH FOURTH STREET, - Hare joist opened an entire NEW SPRING STOOK * or HOSIERY, GLOVES, and FANCY GOODS, To whit& they Umite the attention of dret•elaea bayete. Oar otocic to purtleularly adapted to the SOUTHERN TRADE; " • tat SOI-LAXPER & ROBERTS, 429 MARKET BTRZIOT, . , niPORTERS:AND JOBBER'S or ' 1100114alr, OLOTBB, • SstAIL WARES, COMBS, LOOKING•GidaI3B, GERMAN A*D raENos Poin 00014 Mtn „ TAILORS! TRIMMINGS. 41.41 m IIRE MEDIOATBD ' BRANDY imported solely toy AUG - Lion & tSMITII , corner, of SI COND,and GRllllN,l3treeta, nv4 more thin any, othot- atimatant; becilice of Its purity and the good ottecti monotony hare experienced from Ito use leo.sea of Dyspepsia, Diarrhlea; and Debility. 'nohledr, (10EDS; TWINES, &0,, • manufactured IL/ via be vile by WiAVRIii MUM & 00., No. sia •IL WATP. at' ore 3 'alrforth WEAIINI4O, .0# OLOVIB, and PANOY NOTION, Neto publications. t ilaitES .8. WITH intaanicrria, • IIAY% TITAT:PDBLIAHRIPPBB fIIIbT OF A 88. RIB i OP YOUTHS.% each co , t•ining *collection of the Speeches atd,,Wrliingt of anoh ,of the - public men o f th e euntry as &seem sufficient eminence to justify suoh'srpublioatton ni - ' , TEEM POLITICAL PRontrenenvs) Thefiratvolume, which is now ready, will onnstitutri a full collection of the speeches, Aledagbi end other writings of , Iron. 'a LUERT BilOitzt, a ' Senator 'in Congress lios Alisaissippi—formerly Governor of 'ail phm- r prefaced by a biographical Alma, and a Int , *Mg.)* steel) °film distinguished subject. .Edited by Pt W Clrkey, Efq ,Anthor of the Political Teat Book. • The above le complete In one large °Otero volume of 620 paves, bound in cheep, best style, • Paine $3. ' • BoAsellera should read early nylons to insure copies from the Bret editions , 0440 of the ab3ve sent free by 'real on receipt of Trice: Globs of elk. $l5. Also, just ready, r ts retired and much•lmproved Von of .. OLUSS.EY'S POLITIOAL TEXT' 8008, OR EN ' OYOL . SPSOLA., Invaluable for politioal speakers or'writers, - Contain. lair the Watery of every . politioal quest on that la the subject ,of direneal , n. The moot important political documente and Congressional notes are contained in it 'Oyu" fito. pagan of, invaluable political 'matter in ern. braced' Price same e r e " OJT. Brown." Sime terms - A neavandpsuct-improved edition at • -.;" - BURTON'S ANATOMY OP AIOLANOCOLI 4 , , , L Corrected and enriched by translations of 'nume l otts extracts from the Loudon edition. • One volume, 703 pages, Sao., illustrated with Steel linravinqs, $2.60 ,One volume, 700 pages, Syn., illustrated with Steel EograViogs, half calf 4.00 Address orders f.m the above, to in ore immediate at-, tantlou,'ditect to thetnblishers. The tioderslgned also publish over 200111ferent works. .in weepy department of literatdre. catalogues of which will be sent to any addreie on appljoation. Ti) AGIN ta Agents will Bad the above works very profitable and saleable. Terme on the above., ed any or 'our other publications, and all information 'connected with the business, made known on application by letter. ' - IAB. B..ssniH Sr, CO.. Publishers, lilboleoele Bookseller% and Blank Book Alacufmturers, N. 610 Ohestolit street, Pillidelphia. • tribal-1u th 1m N EW BOORS—.NE TV EDITIONS Or WILSON'S NEW HISTORY OF THE coNgUllsT OF MEXICO. OSBORN'S PALERTINE,PAST, AND PRESENT. BARCLAY'S CITY Or THE, GREAT KING, BELL'S OARPE.TRY vADE CHALLEN'S NEW JUVENILELIBEARY. 30 vols. JOHNSON'S RADII IN MIT'. • HORNET'S 'AND AROUND CONSTANTI °GALLEN'S CAVE OP DIAMOBLA. onaLLENTI CHRISTIAN MORALS. °TULLES'S CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. CHALLEN'S GOSPEL AND ITS ELEMENTS. Issued this day, PRAM. OP DAYS. SO cents. lITAVRWS ANTIDOTE. ao cents. In press—PßAhlt JILLIOTT. By Rev Jae °hal loo. 347 pp, $!. Booksellers are requested to - call at No. 25 South Sixth street, second story mb22 St 'AMES .OtIALLSN & SON, Pnbllehers. SURPRISE PRESENT. .E.R.OOMPLWER WORKS OP EDWARD PATRON: being hie Memoir, Select Thought', and Bermona. 3 NOTICES OF TRIO MVO. . . . _ A e this to a der of eurprise Presents, wa know of no book Which would be a more suitable present to a pas tor then this. • If you surprise your pastor by pima him them volumes, he may surprise von some day thohld he, while Andy Inn the Life and WritingS 'of Dr. Payson, receive of the same spirit of which he was baptised —Prest4teriatt Witness. Fo naintatar Into has ever lived In our country bee left Si better impression by his life and labors than the wan whose writings and memoirs are introdtioed Id these splendid volumes.—New _York Observer. • Just published by WILLIAM 0. & ALFRED MARTIEN, mbdl No: 606 CHESTNUT Street. UST PUBLISHED. - NICARAGUA: PAST, PIiNiNN2,, AND FUTURE • DRIOMPTION Or Its Inbabitantii, Customs, Mioes, • Minerals, Early ilie. ,tory,,Modern Filibustertsm, Proposed In ter-Oceania Canal, and Mont .- -.- - fest I esti ay. By PETER P.-STOUT, Late United Staten . Vice.Oonetil, As Vice-Consul Mr. &out bad unususi facilities for becoming acquainted with the productions of the corm. try.„the ohataoter of its p opts, aid the political Weirs of thle end adjoining States. lie sew most of the leaders or the Central American forces, and gine history of the Filibusters, with a raphio' but truthful and Impartial pen. - 11.1 e book will eel ve throwritmeh light on the great Central AnieriCark problem now soo copying the attention of statesmen, aad - others in our country. 872 pages, limo. Pece $1.28. For ital. by Booksellers and News Agents generally, or sent by Mall, post paid, on receipt of the price. JOHN E. POPPER; Poblisher, 817 BANBOBI Street. Ps iladelphia, Pa • RA"' SlNGU.beli,..s.ll.ll VALUABLE BOONS botight,eold, end eteheoged by J. &SHIN, Ye Antique Book Store, fell 21 - BoutAt BIITEI Street. Sor Ontenutb to Itt. QECOND-HAND WINDOWS FOR SALE ; oiroidat and oath's Windows, for public buildings ; Donn, Dash. Counters, Marble Mantels , Bulks, ,a t the Depot, EIDVIDTH, &bars Thompson street. Cash paid for sundries. 'thl>22-12t*- = MMUS W. BOAS. GAPE MAY OOTIAGE FOll. SALE. JIM rotate or Stortb Stntner, demented —For ,Ssle— Tee OOFTAGE! and belonging. to Paid bEtate, at opposite. toles Oongreet Hall, at °ape bland, known se one of the-.TwinCottage/. For pertlonlara apply to • - • , , P. STEINER. - LOUIS L. PAIILY. Ir v .. a t o ,. ra11234 f m,ew No. 9 BANK atroet, UOl4 SALS.—.IOiTA.T.E of .El.l 2. A libTki 13111111, and OA= /LEINE 0,001014 Y, Deaessed. ;MI thatialutble Lot and Pica-Starr Store and Dwel ling erected thereon; situated at the northwest corner .THIRD and 011111tRY intents, containing 'on Third straet ,sightoesi feet,,on .oberry , street terentpone 'teat six inches, thence miming northward, forming an ';L a ninety feet; bank or 'toren situated an ,Third street. .Itorlarthet particulars ingrate of IBAAO 1tg044 • j e&m it t4in 148 North Third street. OTDSY ~ 1 1..algittref to li nte g lit i ` by - ltto feet, ad. 'mirably iodated in a • rapidly-improving neighborhood, In the southereetern part of the elty Par partiott.ars apply at this Office iiihl7-10t* . ••-ret.. rERSDNB DESIRING BOOMS. for JUL talutiriatoxinif 'Or other purpoees, with • deem- PoWer aitsohed, in a large Building about td be erected Ina central part of the city, will call and confer with G. IE.. cunonwea s A rohitect,,l46 South roman Street.. mhlo.lm* 101112816 MILL - TO RENT.—Tho' Yapnr ,Mill known is HARWELL HILL, Masted on the Wissahickon Greek, and one mile from Chestnut 11111 lallroad Station. This Mill is adapted to make fuse Book Paters.. It has three engines, one four machine, 62 inches Aide, and all the appurtenances for the Imo- Oeseful 'manisfestare of paper. • goesSesion Wen IMMO- ' diately. Apply to, or address. ' GEORGE H. LEVIS, d29-tf No. 89 South SIXTH Street WWII SALE COTTAGE •SITES, for Suburban Iteridenrea, two evinces - from Tioga Eta• Von, on the Phlladelpbls sad ttermuktown Railroad. Apply to T, L. lITSLUIELD 23. North bIXTII Street, or TI3O A Street, near plank Road. mbe-om* :011oz'titibittg. wm. ilonisTs Bc soN. Oneeensorto the late Jos T. John,) Importers and Dentate In BINE STUFFS and TIIIIIKINGS, LAPITINGO, GALLoorio, LAWITS, AT THE OLD STAND, Northeast corner of INNITITH and ANON Streets terd-831 , LAING & MAGINNIS, No. 80 NORTH THIRD STREET; Imparters of, and Dealers in, SHOE MANUFACTURERS' GOODS, And All kinds of Shoe Tools. UPPIELD'S PATENT BOOT TREES. ORIMPING MACHINES. LEATHER HOOLING MILLS. BEW/NG MACHINE SILKS, . THREADS, and NENDLES. ENG 161811, IRI1311; and AMBRIOAN BEOI3 VIRE A D 8 felfi-tme7l2 EDWIN W ., . PAYNE. Importer and Dealer BOUT, MOB, awl GAITED, DIATBRIALEI, Inn Building, N. W. corner AMU and FOURTH ins LASTINGS, GALLOONS, SUBETINOS, - TREMOR HID, • PATENT LEATHER CONGRESS WED, TOILET SLIPPER UPPERS, febl•Sm] SHOE THREADS, LAM, rec. fertiti{crs. pHoSpHATIC3 GUANO, SOMBRERO ISLAND, ll'. 1 80mBsta0 ISLAND, or 1300 E, Ilea about 120 wiles N Z. of St. Thomas, and le of volcano, lodation. It in found by analysis to contain eighty per cent. of UTNE PHOSPHATE OP Llldig, awl ie nearly fifty per tent. richer in Bone Phosphate than ground bones. ' The,Rcolc is ground, and applied to land like Plaster. This Guano Is for sale by the - quantity,. or cargo ; to dealers * either ground or unground ; also, to Farmers, bags or barrels, at $lO per ton of 2,000 it,., by JOS. B. HANSON tc CO., 100 N. Delaware Avenue and 100 N. Water ft., gale A genie for Philsilelphis N. B.—Fampblets and Circulars furnished gratis by the Agents. febl4•m w f 2m QUPER - PHOSPHATE OF LIME, made of Daze rod Blond, by MARMON to WOODWARD, sod for stile to dealers and consumers at their stores, ' No 4f North WATER Street, below Arch, and ruhlt-Im# Wept Sad MARKET-Street Sedge. IpeRICK•MAKING MACHINE, WHICH JILJP makes the brick'e and tempers the clay; makes from one to three thousand per hour rewards e thirty In nee 'Patented February 3d, lets. ideatrinea and Itfghta for , sale. Counties, or one-fourth of the Patent, will be sold. known to be the only practical one in nn Address fr. VAlMELL;Gerrotintown goad, above Fifth street. Philadelphia. mbl7-12t* A, NEW REMY In FOR NEURALGIA AND RAD aelal3-11 W. TROXYIWN NEE:- RAO:IVA HALVE is a sovereign remedy for this dis ease, ai well se ler severe headaehe To every instance where it has been applied it has produced a certain end speedy ours. Ip eases offitteen years' stondmg, after every other remedy has failed, this BLINN like map° his been successful and selleved the patient entirely Woth the us of one box only. Prepared and for pale, whoievale and rstail, at his Drug titoredd. W. corner i3TXTIIond otreeto, 1"0110. 0244 teg al :=Ntititekt: - ."` " IrN THE ORPH&NS I 'OOURT FOR THE JL 'CITY AND COUNTY OW PHILADELPUIA. Estate of °HAULM MILNE, detested. Not* Is 'hiwebtailven that ANN BYRNE, widow of eald deoedent„hes filed to said Court 44 Inventory and Appraiaement of the personal and real estate etc ted to be retained by h.r order the prdeledonaof the sot of 14th Ap111,161111, - end unless lat.:options thereto iv* pre. seated on or before the Brit day of April, 1869, tho same will be approved and confirmed. , - — VEIN B. OULATIAN, mh2l.rath Attorney for *Mow. Dloti tee. QOHITYLBILL NAVIG&TION.O not o tit ecniunigim, COMPANY{ - t mAnoit 14t The charge Nal the het of Care end for TO ffii bdte Ooel citified on the fiehttyltrill Nark , be as follawe fwther notice: • • To Philadelphia Manayunt Ppring Mllie. ' 'Oonehohooken Plymouth Dam - Bridgeport tio,riatowo Port Kennedy Valley Forge Pawling's Dam Port -Providence Phaeoiarille Itoyer!e Ford Pottat run lauding Port Union Birdeborough Reading Altlu uses. Mohrmlle Hamburg Orwlgeburg Landmg The charge alit be per tan of 22t0 lbs., lees are per cent allowan7e for it ete, as aerial, and no oherge leas 'then twenty•ltte oetiM per ton will be made for any, dte r tenon By order of the Managers - ••• . mb22 12t ft YR&I;Zir, President, CIFFIOE OF THE PHILADELPH MEADVIO itarmoAD COMPANY. DRI.Plif A t March 12. 1859.—The Rates of Prel. Tolle on Coal tran , porterl by thin Oompsny Ifs folltwe. from 14 h Minh, until farther notice To R.l3lunand . 4 Philadelphia.. , 44 - Inclined Plane. " Nlcatown " Germantown R. G... * 4 Tall. r.f " Manayilnk :.a.l .. Spring Mulls • • - Oonelrohooken and Plymouth R " liambols and Pate and Jones..... N rrielown and Brldgport. " Port Kennedy " Valley Forgo " Phceolxville 44 Bayer's Ford 44 Pottstown " Renew seille , 44 Birdsboro' . 4 Reading. - &twee.. Reading . 44 Mohrairille' HaMbarg 4 4 Orwlgebnrg by order of the Uoard of Ideusgers. W. H. MuLf.HKNNEY, Be, ITUPARTRENT ' OF . PUBLLO • Ott H WAYB=Odloe, Southwest comes OELESTNUT and FIPTH Sttests. , PipthaVSLPHIA. March 11th, 1868 FOTI . JE TO CONTMOTOBB Prorrale will be received at this Office until 12 o'clock 21. of March 28th, for the donetruotion of the follotting Cul verts or Drains,: On the line of Martine nod Master etreete. from the north lice of Jefferson street to the intersection of Master and Eleventh steets, to be of brick, 2 f 6 in. diameter. On the lino of Girard 4late Franklin) eve• rue, from Grummet Run Cana' sotothweetward to the northerly lineal' Otis late Wood) street, brick 8 tam. circular. • On the line of Teoth street, from the north lire of Master to intersect the Culvert on ThoMpeon stteetilniak 21 ' f 6la theater. On the line of To on. Meth street. from a point 140 het north of Race street, to intersect the Culvert on Vine street, to be a vitrified Olpy Pipe, 10 inches diameter, with branches of 6 inches diameter br every two bootee. The 'Proposals, to each in- tanoe, to state the price per lineal foot for Culvert or Drain emplete ; and all bidders are invited to be present at the opening of, the Propoeale offered on said dry, at 4 o'clock P. M. Specification may be had it the office of the Depart., merit of &arroyo - O. B. ANDRESS, nth 12 19 28 Chief Commissioner of Highwayn. $1)n• FOR THE sOIITIL-=-OHABLES. TON ekvANNAtu, and HAVANA ONAIN. REYSTQNE STATIL - flaptain C. P. Hershman. - STAMM UP GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin. ISABEL, Captain Wm. Rollins. ,BOR CHARLESTON S. 0. ' The U. B. • litiOt ,IReamehip KiTSTONE STATE, :Captain Marehmau, through to 48 to 60 home, will sell on Tuesday, April sth, at 10 AM. - 7 , SOK SAVANNAH, Gs. In eontrquence of an acoident to her machinery, the steamship state of Georgia will not sail on her next ro sier day. Doe notice will be given of her next sailing day, whioh will be on or before Saturday, April oth. The splendid first-claws side-whett Sterkmaisips STONE SP ATE end STATE Of GFAMIjik now ran ae above every ten days, thus forming a Ste-day port muntostion with the South and Southwest. • • ' fEr' Gimels reoeived' andi o = ng si gned e v ery , At both Charleston' and Saiannali these ' Alpe oon neat with steamers for Florida, nd with rillmsda, Ea., for all places in the South and 'Southwest, and with The Steamship ISABEL, for Havana, on the 4th and 19th et every month. .= ... • . • _ , , ....; PEEWEE REKORD. Heavy freight at an average of 16 per cent. below New York etemothip fates. , " • INEWEANCE. . . . . . i. Freight and Inauranea on's large proportion of &ode 'shipped POO% will be Wand tO be loiter by those ahlsa tha t h, ealltnv initsida -...S 8 .... lilabin - Paaasge to Obarleaton a nd 515 .00 Sternum ig - go ~" 2l. 8 (10 Excursion Titlets;good for the preseat year.... 30 00 Tiokete t 6 Itaraila. • • 56 00 Through Tickets to Neii Ericaue 39 60 . , ' Do ' Mobile .- 86 00 Do ' Montgomery 20 co Do Alban'' , Ga 24 00 Do Coltunhtui, Ga 28 00 ' Do . ' Atlanta; Oa • ' 23 00 Do Macon, Oa 21 00 Do Palatka, Fla 23 00 Do Ploolata, Pla• 23 00 Do Jacksonville, Fla 21 00 Do Fernandina, Via. 21 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. . . For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, Jr. Southwest cornet FOURTH and CHESTNUT. Agents in Oharleston, T. G. BUDD. , Savannah. 0. A. GRIBBB dc CO. FOR RICHMOND, VIA NOR FOLK AND OITY POINt - --BPRIN4 AR RANGEM ANT—TWICE! A WEEK.—Usdon Steamship company's MO of Steimatitpa--To EVERY WED:4EBDAY and SATURDAY, at 8 °Moak A.,M., notil farther motto.. VIRGINIA, Captain:. It. PENNSYLVANIA, Captain li. Teal CITY OP montionn, Captain Z. Mitchell. Three fine steamehipanill nil as above They are handsomely fitted up for passengers,.havlng saloons on deck, are provided with Frauds's Patent Metallic Life Bone, Life Preservers, Mt., and no pains or expense adored for the comfort or Wets of passengers and the protection of goods. Thle line offers the Ail/irked, chespesti and most com fortable route for passengers, and is in advance of any, other for deepa‘nh and economy for freight to the in tenor of Virginia. North Carolina, and Tennessee. No transhipment by this line. Passage to Richmond or keterebarg $3, meats included. Do. Noifolk $6, meals ino sided. THOMAIS WgIIBTNE, JR.. Gemara! Agent. felo.2m 14 North WELABATO STEAM TO tiLASOOW, LIVER. Strff.,POOL, DRUMM, DABLLN, AND LONDON. DERRY, without delay, for "SD. Return tickets, good for eix months, to either of the above pimps, by any steamer of the VID for the round trip, out and back. QM= GLAEIG9W, Thomson, Saturday, Much 19th, at 12 o , olona noon. EDINBURGH, Gumming, Wednesday, April nth, at 12 °Woos noon GLASGOW, Thomson, Saturday, May 14th, at 12 o'clock noon. /ROY GLASGOW. - EDINBURGH, Cumming. Saturday ; March 19Ih G LAEGO V, Thomson W ineaday ; Ayri 20th. EDINBURGH, Cumming. Saturday, May 7th. RATES OP PASSAGE. 11011 GLASGOW. • • 110 N 111 W First Ohm -16 Raney. I Bird Claes $7O 00 Steerage, found with 8 eerage, found with cooked provibions 8 . 1 cooked praelone. 80 00 Children under 12 years of age, half fare; lniante In Steerage. free. Return ticket/1 available within elf months, by any steamer of this lice. SO Clam $l4O Steerage. 660 `WM experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. /or freight or panne apply to WORKMAN Oa 00., 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel• phis. HOBERT 1:111AIG, 17 Broadway, New York: HALL LOBBY, Bueliamanie Wharf, Baltimore. mh7 - A • . toniiniseton tonins. OFB. VALENTINE & CO., • COMMISMON MERCHANTS PDX WO BALE OP AMERICAN MAN CFACTUREE No. 61 0051610 N BTILENT, NEW ORLEANS. Special attention given to etoHeating and Itemittirg exchange. d2g-aco* (! )ina nub 04tetitsware. 1859 QUEENS WARE. 1859 BOYD &I STROUD, IbIPuBTERB AND JOBBEILS, Have now on hand s complete stook of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, GLASSWARE, AND QUEENSWARE, (At their old stand) No. 82 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Four doom below Aferchante , Hotel,) To which they invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. foal-am ncalitmal. VOTING LADIES' INSTITUTE-of HAT now, Pa.—Sun3oa r Session berina MONDAY, Mar 21. For throulars &dame zeblo.lm* lisi , GEO. DANA, Principal. f4IIE WEST GEESTER A &MISSY, .1k WEST (MESTER, Pa , commerce its 30th Session, nreer vie charge of its present PHl:Alvah on the first of May next, The course of inatiuctien to BrEBNEIVE and THOROUGH, designed and art soged to pr.pate boys and young men f:r College cr for the business requirements of active Ufa. The ORR AN and FRENCH langttlgeo are tangitt by NATIVE, RE SIDENT TRAOLIBR9 of tsct, talent, and experience. Average number of pupils 75, , ender the charge of 7 Tt.achers, inoluding the Principal. For Catalepes and full Information apply to mh7-am We, P. Id lidtllB, A. M., Principal DSLIO&TE, and those who are pro s. noune(d cortratoteent actor a long duration of 111. noes, are let outmoded to use alight atironlante. We ran in' all conldenee, gem:need the PUKE POEM WINE of our own inaportatho to 111(10 who ate al lowed the 'natty:. It in a fruity, lumoue Wine. • ZIEGLER. & 8311111, rah/G-tr • fi.I3OOND and GRPN Bt;eete. by - - 114- - T 11011146 & SONl3_,_ Lent Nei, 180 and 14.1 ootrTre fOr gra ffr lanT,, r • - fryniarbi Plus. el ane 8TOillf.8; REAL ESTATE, Sto.—TtlitbDAY Pamphlet catalogues soli , ' ready, - oontaining ' descriptions of ail - the properties to be'sold on Tues day next, 29th' instant, , wits 'a list of sales stb; 12tb, 19 b, Pod 28 , 11 'Aprll, end 3d May, oonßrising a ]urge amount of vitrible property._ • • , OABD—aTUE Tit/Wei BALE TO BOOKBIOLLEItS Pill be continued throughout the weelt, - selling mum- - log, afternoon, cod eireeteg. ' Bee eatslopie. •.SPSING SAtI9B--STOCKS ASS S TAlle Bitth Spring &a, 2.Yth Maroh. , Seventh Spring Sale. PM - April. Welch Spring Sele..l2th April. Ninth Spring Sale, 19th April. • . Err Pert of the landbille_for eichof the above Wee 'BANE AND MINK 11200103. ' ' •-• -On TOesday Word*, • Mooch 29th, at 7h , 0 , 010ak, at the Philadelphia Na change, will he old by order of adminiatrator— 18 shares Mmohantel acd Meehaitier ,- Bank of Wheel ing, —par $lOO. "1. et,are Columbia Bank and Bridge Comp an y otook-- poisl.ofl • k • Porititre Bale —Pew No: 40, north gallery, Pt. An drawls Ohnroll, Eighth :street, above Alproce street, Amite eis perfume. Omit 4200. • I ebare PhiladelphiaA.thensolm. ' - - $2Bl in ado" Of the Piot of PeondylvOolc gill:101m* (marked goody on the Bank of Pennsyl vania. - - SIXTH SPRING SALR-LMAROR nth, " Win include-- ; " • Orpbanai Court Bade—Estate of Wm p : B ikner , m o ld. TWO-STORY nala DWELLING, Marlone street. between Poplar lane and poltert street , Silleenth ' Aeolmeee'a Peremptory Bile.-:-lIIRBDIIBRIBIA OHODND•ItRNT of $45 a year, clear of Wee; well teoured . 117' eale.abeoluto. Asslguee;; PereuiptOry ,E6)lo.4tuourro T lnor OF na A' YEAR; ol ., ear of tam*, welt neared. 117'..8a!, .P6r6ceptory Bois ..-.TALUADLE ,TAVERN; PRO PITALTY, with stabile& &a., sotlthwest corner of Ob. yard evoeue awl, Lewis street; 89 feet front_ on Girard avenue. Irr ?steal:leolute.' VALUABLE EUEINE 88 LOCATION —Vont; three - - : story brick dwelling,. northwest corner of Pront street end Drinker's a11ey.....L0t 36 feet Blnches trout, 4.105 . _ leet deep. Peremptory Rale —FIVE HANDSOME MODERN 17 , 011-BTORT flatcar RESIDENCES, Nos. 84e/S4B, .348, au), gret.B62 North "rout Street, betr en Vine and Oallowtall streets., Ur Yttll pertiOulere is hendbills; Sale alsolate. - - VALUABLE BUSINEA STANDS —Three three-114;11 ry brink stores and &Wallop, northeast- corner of Twenty, tenet' and Coat s streets: They will be eotd sepdrately. _ . - .V ALI:IA.I3LE BIIZINE3IS STAND —Brink feed s to reo and stable,- adjoining the aboie. fronting on Twenty= fourth street, south of Coates etreet„ • VALUABLE - FARE, 44 ACRES; on-the Camden and Woodbury_ turnpike. two miles from Gloucester( sig miles from Camden, two miles ,from Woodbury, and'a quarter of a mile 'from Westville station, on the Cam , den and Woodbury Ilailroede in Gloriesater *minty, New Jeremy. • HAND9OISIE ItODERN RRSIDENON,EittI , randern Unproven' , nts. No 1009 - Eine"atfeet, went of Teta sheen 'lmmediate - possession. • 3 • LARGE AND VALUABLE LOP OP GROUND; northwest corner •of Tulip and Wayne 'tower., Nine teenth ward, 105 feet front: LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT Of GROUND, southeast side of Tulip street, between Cambria and Willitito Atreete, Nineteenth ward , let feet front. BANSOM STEEN:P.—Three-story bridle dwelling, No. 1520, 000th-ride sensom attest, between Fifteenth and filiteenth attests.' QtNTSSG RROIDENON, WITH OFFICE, - sad modern onavenienoesoriorthoitat a rotor of Eighth sad Etreenjitreets. - mmedjate poee'ootoo. - lIANDSOMEI MORON RESIDINOR, with the mod ern oonvenieneee, - No. 811 Ninth Tenth street, above Brown street. Iwo:Satiate' reasession. - - FRANKLIN BTBI9Bt. handsome modern reel- dente,-with~al modern poziyeoienoee, weer side of Franklin street, Sisk beam ssisth of blaster, street. Immediate aosSessiOn: • ' VINS BTREEP.; , -Ilandseine at - adorn residence ' with all modern , conveniences, No:1019 Vine' Meet, Pal myra rqnsre, between Tenth and A terenth' dreetc Norvnywzrarra STREST.-Nest modern dwel . I hiaNOT 22 B 7 4;iWT7a;litrarreet.:;;;;e7liZesireai. T*Ci nitro STORY " 8 TORE 8 AND DWELLINGS, No. 244 and 240 Queen street, tenth of . Merlborortjh (late Rlnsington.) JAMES 8 EARLE t Bol6'B - GREAT SPRING BALE OP 'VALUABLE ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING/3, - WATER COLOR DRAWINGS; - &0.; (4..6 ' On Tuesday and Wednesday Mo rnings,' March 29th and 30th, at the rooms, No. 4:8 Chestnut street, op stairs; in the building-lately occupied by Messrs. Batley t Co', will be sold by oatalogtle, with• oat reserve— A collection of the most Valuable and higheet-class piontree ever offered atpublic sale They.are selections from the Me/ere. Earlee galerier, of the productions of the most celebrated Ear:peen schools, of their own importation, with additions of the recent work, of the mocodistingniehed 'American - artiste.. Awn them may be found_" The Death of a Pron.. deur," Stevens, (Paris); "p quiet Family?, Robbe " Portrait of Washington," Rembrandt Peale; " Wyo. ming Valley," Weber , i Marisa," M. W. Turner; Archduke of Austria oo Horseback,t , H, race V.rnet ; "On the Wing ', Denney; "The Home of the Macgre gore," RUseell Smith; Fealuntet," -Magxm ; tt Frigate Oonstltution," B‘rots ; Storm off Maine," Edward Moran ; Dar De Oren:; " Italian Girl* Spiraling? Waugb y " Poetry in the Woods." Lang; "A Souvenir of. Italy," lionnteg ; "The Mother and OhlW," Geo. O. Umbilici: The collection. oompri•ing more than 800 ploturea, *lll be on enhibition, with cataloguee, tour days pre vious to rale. Sala at Rae. 139 cad 141 Smith ?Mirth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITO RUNO-PORTIO /1141 BMWS PLATT _ _ 98V88 U4 et& PXTRI, 10. " • • • • On Thuiadar Moralitg, At 9 (Palm*, at the auction atoraj an antennae assortment of excellent 'seemed-hand furniture, elegant plano-fortee, fine mirror!, - earl:tete, ere.; from families declining housekeeping, removed to - Vie store for con venience of sale. „ Sale' at tto 1724 Filbert Street, - SUPERIOR PP R NITITIFS trilltßOSS,. TAPSBTBY oeßp'sTi:iir_4"* . • On Priday Morning, . April jet. at-10 oleloelt, by _eatelogne, at No. 1714 Filbert etreet, the superior , 'tarantula, French plate mirrors, tapeetrpra-pete, fine plated - Were; 40.- , Also. lhe kltehen furalt. re. - ' 113 - May be similar° at 8 &Wok on the morning ° EIDHLIP FORD, - - AUCTIONEER, o. 430 MARII.XT MIXT, between - MfTgl and - fiIIATH. south side _• BALI OPilti'ETß. On ThuradajMonsing,- - - „ Neveh_29ll4...airl.4oabiy, we will sell, by - b - h%logne,. on six months' oreart,, a large, and desirable assortment of ingrain anCtendlen -carpeta, ,from the beet city manufacturers, consisting of ' •' pitcat heavy 4.4 - superfine all•irool and porde' Ingrain carpeting. , „ . , pieces Viper 4-4 medium !resin carpet ing. ANC! 4 4 ext a quality nil-wool filling ingrain carpeting. , - pieces 44 meal daerfeekVeitltian carpets, ell.wool chain and flax !Mina. .. _ . . ' pieces 8.4 and 6-8 royal damask ltenitian carpets, all-wool chain and llaa tilling. . . ~ pieces, 4-.4; 8.4, sad 64 elver plain ' woollen "written carpets. pieces 4 .4 heery cottage osiplite, ~ ' To which the attention of the trade is !netted, POBITIVII, SALE , or 800 ' CABSB:BTBAW 090.178. On Wednesday Morning,- bleach 30th, at 10 4;eclock precisely, tall be sold by catalogue, &brad 800 cued, comprising a deentable Baitment. of frentatraw - goods. eoeefeting of and misses , straw bonne's of the latest. styles ;.men's dui boys , etre* hats, being a most,dealreble line for the present trade, to widish the early attention of buy ers is limited. PORTIVE BALE QV BOOTS, MUM BLIPPIRB BROGANS &a. - On TharMayidorning, • larch Slat, at 10 (Octet& precteely, *Jar be Bold by os'elogne on 4 months? credit, about 800 cues men's ati.boya , boots, getterii, shoes; WILDS, &o;,•lathe'' and'udesee , gaiters, Ono, sboes,lace booth, Be. , being InVoiCad - pr ,treat goods of city and Eastern manu facture.' BALE OF'IfIIITE GOODS. RIBBONS, MANTILLAS,: srstam. SHAWLS ' ' ' On Friday Mooing, April let, at 10 o'clock -precisely, we Will sell by catalogue, on a cravat a large 'ovulate of rich French mantillas, consisting ot-- 2130 rich - lace trimmed Parts mantillas.. - 160 rich poult de sole mantillas. 100 drab xmh7r clr th mantillas Also, a large line of Stella ahawls, - Parls posit de sole bonnet ribbons, dress goods, Ito. Also, a splendid line of white geode, *ululating of most desirable goods for the trade. ID - Goods open for examination, with me:slogans, earl. on the morning of sale. MOSEB NA THADI lo AUOTIIO.BI.IsB.II I.T.R. AND 00K141138102i 61381101W8T, 8. Z. sonar SIXTH and RADII fittest*. BALE OP PORPRITZD.COLL&TERAIB. • '2,000 tors. Nathan& great sale of forfeited collaterals will take place in Tuesday, April Sib, 1869, at 10 O'clock, at Nathan's , auction store: eoutbraet corner of Plith and Race streets 410001 o 0 second 'Mary, entrance tram Race street. - Consisting, in part. of WWIOr overcoatv, Raglans, cloaks, dross and frock costa, pantaloons, Teeter, Mats. neck tle, boots, shoes, shirts, elegant silk dresses and dress patterns; ram too; bombazine, moue. de lathe, Go begs, chintz, and calico drreses and drew patterns; rich embroidered white and other Canton crape shawls, BOMB of which cost $75 each; handsome b:ocho, Bay State, woollen paid, silk, and other long and square shawls; silk velvet, silk, cloth, ana other 'circulars,- inantlllas, and brogues; scarfs, veils, and a floe as Bert meat of under-garments. gaiters. shoes,parasols, !ha blankets, quilts, spreads, billow-Wes, tablecloths, umbrellas, parasols, and miecellaneons articles; two superior cowing machines, carpenters , tools of every vestal., anrveyorai, transit, air-primp complete, roulette complete, donelo and tangle barrel fowling-pieces, pis tols, splendid dressing rase complete, with solid silver covers, flutes. ano other musical Instruments, books, Havana egere, gold and silver watches, gold obelus,' ear rings breast pins, etude, Heger rings, Jewelry ge nerally, and a thousand other articles. The goods will be open for exeminstion'on Monday afternoon preceding the eale. umbrellas anb parasols SLEEPER & FENNER, Wholesale Manuraohirers UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 886 kidaRS.BT BTREST, PHILADELPHIA, - , axe now making more than one hundred and flfty different varieties of Umbrellasi of every size, from T 2 to 40 inches. Their assortment of PARASOLS to also very large, and for variety of deei;n, styles, finish, and prices, ex ceeds that of any previous season. Buyers wt o have not has S. dr. V , e snake of goodp will find their time well orient in looking over this well made stock, which includes MANY IiOOBLTIES, sot to be met smirk sidefithCa. I febl-Em Opticians SPEOTAOLES, - • OP (1-01,D, SILVER, AND EL MN STEEL FRAMES, with Pebble and line Flint Gimes. . . INSTRUMENTS for Mathew Ake and Purveying. Thermometers, School 4 ppamtus, - MIOR.)BOOP.E.S, • mate end for sale low by JAMES w. QUEEN & CO. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia; Priced and Illustrated Catalogues sent by mall free of charge , mhs.Bm SAMUEL W. GROOMS THIIO. D. 11110IIT Gb.OOME• & EMORY, ' ' COAL DEALERS. LEHIGH. ANDaODUYLHILL COAL, Prepared expressly for Family ass. YARD, Lo. Itnt BROAD Street, below Race: Orders left st 011 AS. AMORY& 0008, Bankers, No. 111 South TDIRD Street, or sent garotte' Dlepatah or Post Ofdee, will receive prompt attention. ja.l7.Bapit ZIEGLER & SMITH, (WHoLs_sm,s DRUG. mem) corner of tECONu and GREEN Streets, are Iva offering their large dock of their own moon. factored El ROUND PAINTS, of all colors, and WRITE LEAP at prices astonishingly low, *•leo, WIND JW. 01.4:34, or a superior qcsality, they are likewise dis- Kelt gof at cheap rates. Dasle.s in the above artielen wonlo do well to examine tt earvarious d.thiptions of goods at. title establishment, and they will find them cheaper and 44 better quality than they clan pureheee elsewhere. ruhle•lt ,lousuisst); Blustatir;„&vo - „, iu- - so:.As”sidia vrAttitril. - - ' s,s - La oklatßownsz ipinotsr !al* - Olt - *wok 291 b, 10 - 10 Way: Ai by abtabgtos, - bn c ftoptake , . 400 isetagie sod late of pasay owl Maple 3uipi.41.4f1 anddopm,l4.'s Ih7 goods, comprising 11 04 4 0 r 41 -. 4540 0" . . . Samples aid naldriiiies early. an the morrdng of eels. • -;!, —fftNE -170Z610.q. 0A14"1"'9 ,......' I -76 pieces fine warty divii".mixe66(6•66 7 .__9,-4n±e 6 . • 6 do blankdoea4lllo,42laLer",,,:,-„... BallitßlP BATING 1 atatithie quilltinomeie bliiika r mitrif • taus 6-4 , tat lalamk atparaw. , • 1 ease London blaolt and whiti ohatka: - '2 oases side-band fancy Mien - - I ca.. Loid6a - LON,DON ArBLVAT ' BOWS 1 51 ID . -DOO 11 &7 3: 103-large alas 150 dol do dchr"nonta • --.,-- =OA WrOl AT4 , 15M.: , : 100 pieces 44 and-s.4.anpor - wlsite Oaten matting 9EIia7TITHEO -- I . 4.NAN 045187110 -MMUS, ALL SIX/ dos IsdieSilliii-itenoi.sittaildlisielicsambrialsdkts, 1,000 STILL VANSiIIiIXIED OAFBRII3IIIEHAWLI3. - On Tvwee4_,llorning, - = 1,000 1.2.4 super godlevind pelletal Csahniere thealle. PAIItB -6-4 ALL WOOL vaTV108,2:6141/ CIAOBI - INJARBN FOR Oily Tlf - - - EO pieces caper cew style raris 511-•M'omtingi 6n4 qlissitnereA side-binda -• • - . IinSIMUFIWORIC SIKIM I IDBnI3i3.• An Invoice of new stile eneroldwies. - - • • • Si LE OW !SENOR GOODS. ' • ;On Friday Moratag, April Ist, at 1 b o'clock, by dalslague; on of montbcr otedit. 400 psakagea aad-lota of Saucy and etayla Breach dry N. B.—Fa epics and earalcgues earlyea =ruing :of aa - :14ERRELL At l'aLl),: - .§.IJOIIOWEERS, 11-11 No. in BOUTS -glean( /311SiNr, below IigBTNIMITPII,ItIet. = —1- ' - 14R013 lila Tan IdOglilias JUROR At the suction tosses. at ..tlatrbalanes oSitte - latock of a Cabinet Mater declining business in addition iA the mini large assortment of superior houieboid tangos* found in oar sales, comprising. In -part, elegant wand totes', rooting and parlor stairs. centre and bon rin.t tables, whet-nom, jenny Lind badatinisi dressing bureaus, washelandsifeatber beds, mattresses, Ingrain 0-spets, &e t • - _ll7` Itegalar sales of very superior hourehold fur , ' Siture, ,, planos; &e.„-brela-arthe stletion - store,_ every: Monday, Wednesday, sad Irldsy mornings,. at 10 4 o'ClOcir.:comprfslog elegantlenuy - hind-bed' oats • dressing bureaus, tetra. - rooting sad' parlor - chairs„ Centre and ix usuat tabled, &e.i We will 'give our atteutlou to ides of eeatss tate,- diets; trierchandior; btaussbold furniture, &c.; obtruded to our chino. upon the moat reasonable terms We vrillaidlhoueabold frribiture at dwellings, or at our store, as Talky be required. _ advances roads upon alt, hinds or goods and therehandlos _ ILLLAI STE$ll,_ lON - NEAL icratittir , AND _oomacracaoli No 44 North NMI% newt. below Atek, - - soeettoseee hWr • Oonetsumentiol wet eleid,weeniddissel bane. hold forsitem piano-fortes; centetili - yritaitede idwitteb he., reeeeeUnlly whetted. on eete limes Cllr beatuide if required.; • - Irr Outdoor ages attended 10 ' 4inetaPtil- ' larlaVte ae moderate %a airy other-hoagie to this car. _ - SOU , A.UOTIOIMEEti - No. 481 Be,. _QHIiSTHIIT 8T.11.11.16T, . opposite tke Rouse Dayton POLIRTII, and 'FIFTH Street.. pAliG6l A 1,3 LITRACTXVII .214SEOIDE. 13(4)0D11,Ae.„: ' , - ' " - • On - Wettufflolkitlifibaintt , • 30tb. Instant, by catatopnef °as credit. commencing at IS o'clock, precisely; eomprieingthrilellowing'nee - and seasonable gcois; to indult podia:Ulu attention Is in 4 . . . . .. . ~ , .IfiIBROIDERIES—IUSr 1d15110.. • - Just Isoded from steamer Rtna, . 7 .- cases eutfrslfaeir and rinh styles "canshde and Even embroidered-40M* and s ets, ot. wellsasiontidqualities; suited to best, eft rtmillonida AND BLNDB . & line of juionet avid Swat flonr,eings, esin brie and BRIMS bando. - - r.• • -„-.SMBROiDERED SKIRTS— • . Lsdles , rlably embroiderAdj.ceeet ib3 a. . LINEN IMXBBIO-.IIANDKEROBLI/P8 Ladies': tsPi: byrder sod ,hematitehfd I I toen-aimbria bandkv chief!, ;- gents! plAip and printed - bordered Ibsen eambilq 49)11dren'a lineavzobee bomdketakiere: . . .PAILICHLAOK Lao TEILe. New designs roue dire= era earls bleak leai;.Ouipure, end.eleneon ',elle, lies &glares; lissbes, Ate, : - - Also, - 1 - of = ' -.Filttsi, las t and - Ajort , spimEtill.BßONS . = Web "spring styles Picot de idle' libbcass, ind a fall aesofirasat ef,t , tagatog Abbois; *fie antiques. filages, , besids.,itift, the .t4tire tames Wife and weli-Nelealottet44,-ta be perempter , l/y sold Iske ass" en viola Also, a fall line of, eiserted widths 11100 :FLOW t,21,4 eartensiter apriruz Akira* Prenek - irlddelet Ito Were. - • _WHIT& GOODS. - - Swiew and book mwline, cumbeine:•JaapPelif - Mad' Sookei bishop:le livirn; dotted and 'Attired _ A large lot ot eupt t ib teary wrier!, ;aye, ixreake, filed panted jewelry.. • - - • e,,_2 ewe . lead" pencil". , . . L&IWE 4'OIIIIINR, 80140 Or STRAW: 400ni, : &0; - Agrillet;110114 043104A:swill be 10th by, eitiio t ti., - oik , a credit; I hit pest odor -styles ladies , , and' intesea , 10413 ) .1:wild, boia, ', Al.o, hoWeets;iittlii 4 en 41,411- dren44 bloomere ink gypsies, 10000'e and boys! - -14trew tp•• The siiintioi of the Ueda IV igratieompthwa kstas of tht.beetl WA34l , ite the` - . IT`PFLTVitTIi SUM ' , . Two largo 'bevy Vroookwlsto.rmo_ mirtotoi riablx framed; site or plates 6200 jacbew;laid 66X@6 . .t00)uw, Wil!!:to sold fow to close aciouot. • . 1 - Y. GIIMMEY Bg - - SoNg; INILL 11814111AVOTIONNIIILII , • 2E0:120 WILINIDT • ' - TIMM SPRING ALLAII . i., 814; 1859 on the - liaGiarr -!stlLVAntitmla.S. sly*, on the Z-iwtoldti Ltal itnad, 011Otaaa'Aleatttoirl Liam lino Tarttplkaotatit fj:r,Llthoststolitam - taltad at the "- . - rotraTu - •spiazaciaf.. : 7tb, at 73i Wolk!, at , theknitila . l . deludtlaji,"_ ohmage, will be • Peremptory Pide."L.Petate or Yolin Tirizat.• Deed, DIREVEIIII inlig GRounmatcr OR VW 00;100, . teenier out of_at- lot• of 'ground on the treat - side of Pwawiroa street, : imer catherineetteet lot 20 feat front, by 90 feet deep. r - " , - • " ,Peremptory Esta t e, ' - TI9O.BTOBY".PEAttiI DWELLING" AND LOT OP - GROUND, north aide of queen' West, No. - 109 . , be. tween FrOnt and Feeond attests; 10120 - feet front, by - .15 feet deek. - —' - - - Peremptory" Bete.--Same Estate. TWO-STORY DEMI DWELLING .bilil 1,07 OP DIN-111,-6a WWl:teeth Bide-Of• n street i • 20 feet front; by 100 feet deep. 130.1e0t to an irradeena. able grow:Aleut of d 4, • ' Peremptory Bale - -Same anat. TWO OTOOY PRAME IllailLlNG -AND - 1,07. OP GROUND, No: 116, on the north side of Queen etreat, - between Front end BooOnd Otreats ; lot WI toot trout; :to , 10) feet deep. • , . . GE alitA.4 TOWN.—ireat two-atory stone cottage and lot of ground, allude on Contra Area VCiertwtotown ; lot ad feet frout,,by-U6 -feet 6 Inches deep. Wear of all Inoumbionro. - GSBDIANTUWII.—Nest three•story stone (rough,' oast) cottsge residence, containing parlor, dining-room, kitchen, and fire ebaneers, Minato-on Herman street, near Morton stGest r lot 88 feet front' hi - M 0 feet deeP. ELEGANT MODARM 111:81111eri01e,'3 7 11A11 LoGAR OQUARM.—Your story. with three-story 'doable beet buildings, sod. furnished with an OA extra modern conveniences, linnet. on Vie - south side alines street, drat hones west of hileAcenth strsef; , is:finished in a superior manner, with heavy marble door:Wax, veal. buts with marble sides and tiled fioor„ , heiveitternices; key lot 191 , 1 , 0:front, 1ii129 feet deep 19 feet wide street. , - YALU/113LS PROPSIVIT:—Hoor story brick atom, No. 614. - dwanson street. below Faith street ;= lot 13 feet front, by 300 feet deep to Penn atteet r in Which frolablir throo4tory brioli• REIBIE-BTOBY BDIOK 6TOIIII AND_ DWELINfe, oral three story brick dwelling In the rear—WelesisAr.. 2014 Lombard street.' Lot 16 feet front by 76 fief Mier, to a back Outlet. - VALiJABLE LOT OF (+IIOI3ND, . with mrtiiiiite, Waste oo the went aide of Twelfth etrettlit ..tee - lance of CT feet north ;from it.ihreem - Street. Cd feet front on Twelfth attest s by. 3915 feet'deep to` Thirteenth. street, oroseini; :two, - intermediate , wide etreete, - 43A8D.-1.•12. Gummy & &nut, suotioneets, will told regular sales of Beet Mutate, lite:ire, &o. totieektold furniture at dw•llinse. REAL ISTAT.I AT PRIVAT7 BALM . . . Er On, our Private fee Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate. laaltutlag every deionption of oily ten 000ntry property I. Al 411/RDIRY s 3014, - 'heal Ands itrokenr, 620 SPA riOT Street, Wow Bluth Q/LIKIIEL RATHI OW, AIIOTIO.NEEB, L., Lad MONIfy . LOAN= 071111711,"No. 3121 Mal UMW &root, bedew_ Wald, opposite Peet at., only eight doors below ttellsobinite. - -• • Moen of bask*/ fen= I. &aka ; A. IL, RIAU El Veda* battio eyertfirte._ Ont-door sale/eon& ..satoe at tko late= Um" LS. thaiictitsatidietory • PITAb 1,100,000. -• -.l4ibliihakror.o4 last Thirty nut. Meanest made - from one dollar to thee:mane at INV frond% Silver PlatoeWritohee, Thereby, Hardware, eaandlur, flfrithingpfurnitare, Badding, Cigars, Idastordl Instruments; Cow, Norm, Ontaleitea, - *pods - of refry desoriptlon,- All goods nes Mud* any hog& Of that wail Pon. • - • All adranoes 2 bore one htuldred dollars NA operate' . will be ehera.ed 2 per swat. month ON and Orr, the lowest =Arta rsta. , ' This Store House Wring • depth of IS fest, lasi largo Ire and thief-prooffnalts to store &II valuables, and pl. Van t &tenon foe the - premises ;• idso, • heavy inn tune stetted for the nova of all perms haying goon tinned upon. •7 - • N: LrOn swoon of having am unlimited °sleet, ibis cam is prepared to maks advances on more ante :Edon and accoromodatiog Into them any other la this city. • Hooey admen to the poor, In null ammutts, sith tat Ley dumps.' • AT PHITATI SALT. Gold Patent Lacer and other WAN, Ponehie. mad tifethkif will be told at reamed lateen. • • and ly ST. LOUIS, 4itt). WILLIAMS "Ei BOYLE, "A.UOTIONE.ERS AND COMMISSION' .MEROHANTB„ No. 10 North MAIN gnilthT, Br_ Lome, Mo., ((formerly with Mllessre. Myers, Olaghore, & Co..hilamielehia,) offer their serv.oes to the Merehtatte; manufacturers, sod others of Phlladtlpida, for the sale of dry goods, car pet, booti;dlo4% Itirdireirl!, jewelry, , &o. Bar Oaah advoocoa made OA receipt of goal. inrr•Settletrients made three days after sale. ISFEREACHB. .tessre. Nyee Oleghorn,.k. Co Phila. " ' Stuart & Brother, " Van Wyok, Townsend, &, Warrens, New York " L& B Curtis & Co, "" Wood, Christy, & 00., St, Louie, Mo. Crow, McCreary. & Co., ' 4 Mr. :1) E. Wood, t'o. 23 North Third Street, will ad. else with pertirenontigning froutPhiladelphla ind•rm way SIMES'S PURE COD•LITER OIL, PERPECTIT SWEET AND PALATABLE, manu factured at Newfounalluid for the Proprietors, , from fresh and healthy hrens, by steam, at - a low tempera. tare, thee preserving the aweetnese and Inuit! of The Oil, while the natural Baby flavor ie perfectly covered, and the Oil rendered - palatable and agreeable to the taste. The Proprietors of this Oil epare no expense in haying their 011 properly prepared at HeWfoundland, the only place where the Gadne merrhua le found in abundnme. • The true Ott is - frequently impaired by admixtures - with oil from other-specter' of the Oadus family, and only that coming from the a Banks tt can .be re' ed upon LA the genuine,;.., • , Our has keen analyzed; end prononnifed to be pure and the perfection or ffneuuslity—charaoteriatios which enable It-to maintain. Pa superiority over all other kinds., - • Prepared and for site, Wholesale sad , by - IIABI3AIID. & 00 1 , . 133114-1! TWBILTIO WE18P.117. 1 P 4414. EIMER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers