e," - >- p: >4 , -4- , 4 4Sl a ( - 44 1, 0 , 9k1, jalfAttbr, , •.% '' *WO , ' -t ellll , . '74'1% `-' .m%. ~. •.,41447.,,ibel 44.4.11tk ;,ANiniould ' k--.''W,..1'•?7-7-iwwi.,a..44tetiri-''6"tifire liiiiiiii?! t „ 4 .7., , -,4... ..;16,6A„3.7.,..,-, 1,-,slia-„ ~-,,..'-'l,.'','7944T."7l4k`iritlk''.-?"."....0 ."714k`iritIk''.-?"."....0 4!"rlix.iiirisratw ~.:,.t..). i,.....,. 4., ~..., ~ 1 3, , ..,. ~.,..- - 43111* 1 - 1 -.34,404 111 ols 4 i"' ' 1 - „" 4 . liAir . 211 1:-...,---- ,;,,i._.-, thiplyi :.,,, ,_ t ' ,14- ~--•=,Tit,-,, .4 ~Pr'49•1,711: ''''',::':': ,;.%;: ,S. i'''''' w e t4i,* _1 ,1.,7i--'l, ii,} 016, 4 , l '''' .:,).;:g Ti i 1h i 71** ;1 . . -,4 " -,:t • , .4i.-4 , ., L ,-..''''• '',...... ittliiiiiv'Thaiolii:oaat ''':,,,i " - ' 4 'i-'' ':"." 1k -441--lqitaiitta64;l°-.112 --'',,2:-,„„4-tivi•ta, ,---4_,-ottraPalkiiika-stWO4O,-,v4iial IPrk„ -- artsio l4- 2,1444#4' gido?yiliiiovikk4r ' 41417Aboitimet # , I f..4Lthttitrixiwiplir,,,,V,tl- Toiirc", 4.01441:::, 1"-J-ligoit411,..,...144*:..t r§rkt.)klit , ? !,,uT r, ..,,i,k44_,,,,,,,,N7iwt,k0421.1w6i.1awetr, lit. Mb. 'l/4;411.1657.nr0.)/}4....„..,;*-4'ig,ti'o4 g ith rii i to move .`.',A:tt.M aiiliTittawsi„,, ,ratte4t.iitt-ta, T.lni,a4clb.!YroillrYZE"-‘l6 ikij#l4AlirtiWteilk i-Ifo7tt'il.),Tiqi,ll4V,{ll34tii e# .37,,Iiiititilok zr, -‘l4l,gt 1ii,,t,.. ik-risil*m - you! lite -...0,,N11 .110kasallf 1!•,,_ ___'liotettil _ ~• , ' C--itttafr wo g ' - t,-a. „-- ' 0,041',. -*, i i-j.kr- -, ' ft; rol**l4ll- 1v6... J ute . ..-.,initse 2 • :) . T- ,- 44azIk Ask 4 1,614tit-talltifi'tl4,'. ssi4ArT, -: Xtit4itit lo Vitiori*ti - , : -- : 0ti.:1,:...at-rollic#4l-• .. '',os)ii`tiii4upi t 4lol 7Wl 7 7l ß i l iiiib°, ..'''_, fti s ' ,-. , -7 ico,l2o,9*,l4iatlliat,if jr; vialitt im fiiiiiit,l•44..,;a6.-4*4110-1,-,,„-litatibiol,444,l4 7 F l4lOl -'A . ' '' .- '4114* "'-- il*id 11 f a m ed '-'" -,,,Flitairl*,ll,lt ',444264 ' #4014, • 1,4114• o ,$ .- on., ate. ' s 'llifilialt.:(ol4,finiao,,, - -1/4 lad - ..,'_,,,A ; ~,,4 ...,.., -f ~...-,witithvo..,, jkitilt-, ,t,,.;literlor ---,,, -v-,- to, lieuktißlo, v i „ filir-49. *pivot, 0c440 Aim -,1,410,,,,..: '''''' '. ,:4 1-Vabit,tlo9l,.,.,roklit-7itimpt,:94;r: L ' '.l42.ZW4llll4*iiriql)T4V,iiittatv-",--: ' ,r.',f,, , ,, r tfi1i.,9F0,4°,1,-Notpott. 111,46-AI4IT a.,:Niti;t• lvt:tiit' ii*.;,..0114.41.0f; ,T214;14701"--01411)'Iri,itio,111‘,116,,,iiiii:d ion/ . p' 4°404e-tif4if,"llll, it..P.faAlllfidel4; g ' •nt.: l 4t” v,a 'tit4il f 11411.4. "ilatrhr , 11 Y. 4, -f". ,---;., ;, 01! *7; -r-.;.:iiii 4ii-,:iilvii°4%, 2., ,-,,A. .voisidiii .kitost - Irapil - :;(010",-- Thi,,,,a11k.1,-7k, slimr, =4;1:104! w a v y dep,ll Tione`, ''‘i--;:7i.lW. rnit....11-70,42*,:217-41";..1: sinit ti illeZ .oo-1:0_,..,....,...7:atitt 4'.0-146.1* : frebio-Ari.,,, ,,, , 1. - *III' r').- , -„ '',......-i . * -..,(.... • 1 , "..,,, m . 5 .7 - - ,'''' ' rit.:,;PlN:?":;'.fl\l4.".t="l•`iiiiirliot.ll.' f' : ' t1.,.-1-0.,:5.4111, w i th a 041 e," 1 ;,..-.....-iiiii:1.3,44,4" , been onr-- - •-t-,,:,.7 4 itAg i kiti ,. t - 4610,40,,it ,a,,„iiiYaleW 'lttkik -41.1i1k Of4to"iii.4,4ooi..!Whkrj! iTrZali47 'LlV#44.arTall*%/irL'iiiir. 484010d*. 411*,,,,ii.,.0211C:=1:1:41.111--;.A.4 .4- i 5 t?•,.,;,-,.• - v 'L 'o'l4 14034...;'41,11 "7 --?, tii tiv: 45 ,0 1 ; ..tfaxelliii,•„w., .eria . ..6411 kri!f', *-- ;Iter, • ',:..14*4-ild'F- Pija"..lliitioul:soolB'2,',-• i ,--,:o,11.:,---fiwy:iii,%.14•V,-;;;;:irorkl)„In s`six7lq,:i:tilmti" . ..,,,icurlyoAlti Ailp*.l2l! - 1 a:4l-ff!e-- agaslol3 ig."4„.....„."--,,,a *1,4 ?' "" iit6o(4l; - = , ...N.A13.? ~....:_,,g...-7-,. .L/$46 IrNI, .- . -.- ~',......i'• 417,......w "atict "- ,hiiiwt "s • s'" i • 8.,..t,iiir4t41,4"....-j-Wliikli , idooh was Aft.m.----.71 - 444- te rr, f . Rf ft,-.;4osiar,t,reeetrot -,itki °IWO ritri'' (1"144":14. 441-P-aiall :might: 7-' 'AI - A .. pli ty*t•''744-16,taltmil%kiocthi: 7:14 , -r , . ittitik* b3.441:-mfirti::l6whet.,l rI ti i f. 111-47strirtattl.,,,tdill -itis.-.I --,.4440tait-0...1,i,..pz.‘,0-!rf: gitis 4.ll,o itigov! 7, 4c: , --tri.,3 11: fumittli*ilatch'‘riwoc,biftm -1;i titriArk4,ol4oo4 mien, itztYty,provi osillAtffii**.s ;14,i!im‘4°11117146•11C111,1 '''" • * / -1,4, ii,.',lipp#l,ol.,-7, -4.- ,-,,.::,--i'''':,,,...iook. ''..g r 17; ~,,..,„,4,:,- i tUllernr...... -kliantwti • 5 ,Vtljor prevent_ lut.h°ll. .retvi• .., , : t a m mi ,, , i ;ip 4174siblf, 1 redo 7riltliit AG .11" , 0 .4" off , ampa'""t, :•• -04 iiilfih — fift.----0-z- ---.- --va ntAtiFk.. (ii;b4nOtnit4,43l - i - j C 44 nnaf,l 4 4niaTik , #94ll 2 " hi lf:0 0 001 it..!t --__'_ liA 1044°0* t*Fti i""- Ai 11,Iii an ' xergoa:itbae , 'eonfeeeed to Whit , the **air 'of OttleetTaillosi:fr,r4;' f ~.--;, ,„;41" , R , 1 -- - .. The iieired4l: B t44,- - i* * ltheveli her, Penne .. Jo' 44 eiti*kligyjx*ati t eeet4xo 3 .aitaetddent, C"'- ..'oer;3l.etiiden.lttio,:-Vegeap*tiWit.ii6iifil but '11411114%1'a ieletOtei)" . o l *V 00infiued"b111* to t latorAlkatiostwiertoi„iiNtil: ,let*illeiNtlie -"VI 611114411 * #0 1 9,-"*.***4 - ':- . :i - - -- - ' : , 1 0 6 0.40KOrkiK** - 41,i4t;t4iNiino‘k a 40 1.*40-04.# 11 4 - 144u=4 ci and - o*a' . 1 1 1 , 1 10 1 ,40 61 4rit-.Vfkllko ,l oiF ,- q•':':‘ . 1: 1-, ..- , ‘ .. Vile4tiiiiii *4)144 biiielist i ritiiiiii t ia:= I' 'ialt4 , litviiittoiiiiiiiiel ltitoolkiiiet;))44ll' • .:. , JV " ,, k - ,- - . ,[ . - ill . 11 .0 ? I. Itt ir *,;;PPE:A n williitllevi - gilaint, "4.. , ill l */4 11 •1 1 4 , ~.Alktinditogiewliklioet of ,- ",•'lnte, 6 :limn - AinPitt norlitinny*fr , -; Mist% _ ..' .ki'VOniliniikiiir( 6 ol4in!.**Citiiiiiia,tlietit over YY. 3 o, • ;ifuijoikio , l4.it for Ida hif,rlsti, auong ~, •flc4ilNEhilit.iiiiiitimiiPti-1444f*JmOills '" ' l. ' s g.P. t t -6 e* 9 1 1 1 4:**-NfOrleank.:;D'eltai 044441,4' hi , :ailli ' r lair ' -, , I,Tba laetAilifirenGweis , that lie eyes • : stoiletp 4 ,4leieleptydatget• borbild oti • the ' leteeti3 qhfitzJitlitiotorwitkauttei'Ahltater' ."-tir7. ( o PolitVibi747 s .Prlti.iiifridalit:Fl ,"` ' i' - '4,tivoli:tade4-init • ti - o deaths ta`itito 1- 6 3/-1 4 1: 4 4,,V4KIIT4..isfaelaiti"Aer hod 4 ,- ' -''';* l 4:2lik' ' ' ', VC... : ' , l'''''' , ti: i , ..,lolllli,Tll4thers wenttonitnindredliad - ntne.". ..,.. ; teen death. lieftvealtiiiiitemselet ten'tei the' :Ipiitt;, - ,i y: , :glU..i qTbk.,fiquidt...at ..geadttoli, Canada'. West, into Oa eitetioof the m 11414141 tit thie `Great 'Wilhite' Ballifii,, neat' l' , ,e,enditi,Yieulted ilt - a ;isiitiot' ex. onet*thltanl,o o 4,,„_'lnkilginn'ali thane. . 94,04t.f....7-, in the Court oUdyer , and•TertoV witr;Litii,..friat of Bealepdn'AFralsk for they in der ot , Altionsal , Litstinii,oi4inemiea,; l '; , ,:f . :. • - --:,..,...:qm , .-k- -,. - - - --- --" - ,4, '•- - . - 4,iVt','XefrOrooies.afitk4r;' ,3 - - .. ,;- ' - - , - - 7.,*VitlzeatiAr. , 4l9iiiiisvr e,,,tutlcteilni the Ar.4 o ? 'f - te . 1 041 1 .11-,0 1 ,,e ,Nrile* 9f, fino, , *411;:41,7 14407 - 034.1 1 4114.1 nneurinft , 'Oh*:;APril gi 1 # 4 4 1 9 ; 1%10 . 40:01 8 ;t r .*: -°7 1.**** jikkkifilviPtciiivPx;koililif*iuk,intiler, 4: WA*: .'o l4 ' 4 i'ii o ,llo o 7 . ,*titted 60 the Olfeadireileik 6 le* 4 34 the Aineriiint. peipie: _Thilyßoiehitilie':,, el'et , 1440 4, 'f iraklnal3i : ° Fi' l k il #''' hil ie l l t ;;; '4lil l iv i r i! i ilert' - ihC -Ole **lool4::tt**konvi-:Arhiikinagimnniy. ifti'lli t i i iiadit 4 lo'o-07,4 1 -PkeOli.. l i , .'-tV#ol**AgONW;7iin,kiii itiktg‘ le ' t . •ow - : - ,PIA . 3 44 411 00: 0 thieb 69114 0 141 ',Tbe! * ' ,:fildehirkr: ol 4frokbe , g-Thkoiatilia4/':wieOlor.o464l43iiliiii . .-,).:, milit',o*4o,6,ooeli, -- I*yrtodzi*Firkes-1.45PA .-.o4o...**F' o .l 2 ***ndint; 'the , telierable olwgifeennti ...edlolate&-** 1 prealdeitti :who Nuee• •teiseikic ths-i?linlyseteelsietittetef of - first Iyiedoot ; 'it'd ' rojtifiatutz C. 0, , Ceidibretted, , ' eatel , X,eaClPteedbary:Weln' of `elaiti)tialdititte,` " - 'lttolilletaa),toeii:dient tannest in We 'eldibrit. ;1414;itesulJuntalanit sipped, obiatoet a "thgre*** l 9AnAnninlilf. -In a intt4r , contottnt. - eittafthiedittliftlie week - ,he e,xpteioned Wear iftheinnticnt ;Wig ', *AD* Annsentinir Oa , inafnribwinki fOr:the." - .44ltiretilkan ,etrivititthei- .eirthel*it.oetebration of 4 4 Ble.:141r. 1034-:?1%40, to wit; mist -- : :fecolfaitirldatifr,Aratoseliotight tato 'civet and itnis)(-q tlktu., - qnno wowirp.th k me h -' - ling * ► ' tow — Ar 'V zt . , It writ be fe-' confotot PIC ' . _lie Iteist4ato opposition : i -... _und o illena. tleei,,ty---' ,l , -,-" 41,1011*, ,ef; , . tnelejaseelt;iitt this brit :h al t * , ' • t "tilt "talon* the :; &A in , -,,i'lletiorpf '.• * . ' ilin:frionlit nta id , - -„tateenra,l4o2 ll ,l .., . 2-4,41-..pmeteate ' ',-- „Pr .thal-i4 l lO ll . - :- :4: 1010 r;u 14 4, sad 'r; -Veit hr; 2 ' , t • ', i.-**,10,, : 7 .mw, ir 'gA lit ifte l A .r --- s ''' '. : 0 1.4.- - sgi . : , . 6 V,lse r ‘lbrolg efirDn i -,,t ~ 411411,01y04, - ffireorth, :ffietherdere- Or '...---•-, tlieMpliW, II: -1' ', --”' r , .. ~ -1,:-,! : : , ~7•; ' ,,;, ,.. ;-4-4,,A , ..t . ,-,,,, , y- f f4-(4",- .- / f.:;-- ~, - sl^ --,214,0* .ii notArlieni .th tilti - islented n 1:p t . t -$ The' Chestnut Cid Walnut-street Rail- I Public, Amusemelds. '' ' '.'„ AfivaY a . ot I Mrs. Bowers teteninated lottr-brief theatrical he elltilkxPVM9 plelieeier railway legia- campaign, ,at Gra , AcademY of Music on Saturday latiowieetna to llaittrit,A)eng*.,beert poached:l evening ( which , was what id celled a,ticket night), Alter having grarOot 'chi:ilea ferlhe nee • of `,',land had iorowded house. I Celteeted as her very 'ellamtevailalde Otwieti:tite process of acid-6,miaaellancime coMpany WitS, with little time Or 004 th e s e ; 4 1 ,,, e ii A t i e :, oi e s ielietd„ Th e , opportunity - for culling and picking—though she • .' • 7 ' -' t... 7.... ,`'. ' ' ''' 3 t"' 7'. - '' I I paid large if:Garb:et—As may ,be said to hive combination Let Iferriabrirg,"of - the once rivet • . l achieved almost a mews, Bat 'the atage-manage. Germantown and Green.street interests, rut , , I meat, which - she necessarily had to delegate to dated the "united passenger railway • power in , other hands, was wholly incapable. Still, there ttl , 3 L ' eglolciture 40 011 11 enengh to possess tut in. were a few good performers. Mrs Bowers hereelf hfei!lie_io/d . ;aentriViing influence even over the headed the company, in capacity and popularity.' 4WeAtiri.Pee.AlllAzWehaie always advocated MlB3 Annie Lonsdale is an efficient and attraMive Weisaireisk,_ , - sen,firieWet -o ,ppolied to their ' eon- actress , who is atiquisition" to any troupe, and Itrectlim - lain, gioksbiut end' Walnut atreets ; Mr. Walcot, Mr. W, Davidge, and Mr. W. Rey 'baitheiwectuidingabg last week have naturally void", have alsodeoidedly made, their mark here. The remainder do net, merit particular , notice. ii 4, 111 14 (welled great disgust'and elarni ; for .!bey,*re - or a cakitacter to indicate that the There ril is, a ieport that, immediately after Easter, • B• will resume the, reins of management with Public Wigiariiiibieoininciintirely,lesti,sight a good eompanyand apapable stage manager. op lull the guirdlinei of the pdbllo interests • At'Arch-etreet Thektre, Mr.and Mrs. Wallsok converted inte . niefeteols of*eMilators. The bevelled no 'ordinary' antasese, during the past : 4 11 3'.' 46 i 4 4 i llef" i ‘ re of the but' action of Week- Bing Lear, and tho Baron Chief,have been e s u n igSzs z di z ,f:thi• . :L eg i s i s ts re , i s th e f ac t decided bite. In the latter pleoel(expressly writ tbaiiich`'itti, thOsebiikts has demanded from ton for Mr. Wallaok, by the late Mr. Wilkins, an thepartiesi to whomsthey severally propose to ob& dmmatist,) Mr.,MoCullough a member of tfii regular compan, played the .pat of the I give the_right of- way - over our great central tibbst Grabill with so much ability, that we be. iltßigii.ek 'great of-;100,000 to = aside:in build- lime him worthy of being entrusted with parte 'of int ibtidge iTer the Schuylkill. " ',- more importance, in some of whioli we hope to gee We-haVe - 110t k shade of preference or'feel- him. This evening, " London Atill1r41100" will iug, for ,or against either of the contending be played, for once only, with the following Hoe partleilWhose = rival Claims to the route over opt : Lady Gay Syankor, Mrs. Wallack ; Grace ohoitoof on aVidnut streeti will irobably be- Ilarkaway, Miss Thema Taylor ; Sir Harcourt go - 'Mei fr:am the present condition Cfeurtfeg, Mr. Johnliiilbort; Dazzle, Mr. Wol of the con troveriii; i en s - tofl - 1" ti t'' a lack i Charles Courtlsy, Mr. Dolmen ; /Tax lJtite arkaway, Mr. Wal l is ; and Noddle, Mr. S. D. the public:interests will probably not be of Of this lad character, by the way, it is ad:y : the decision between therm But there doubtful if there be any better representative la,* principle 'involved in this matter' which, anywhere than Mr. J. B. McDonough: Mrs. WM= in ,` our . jerdelent.'*itally' Abets "the - pee- - lack's benefit take's place to-morrow evening, the PM "ef r Ph Bedell:Oa. In . is question pure. pelmet being "Douglas," " Black-eyed Susan," :ly municipal in OM ~.bearings, we re- l `and " atey turned Lady and th into a regular opera in London ) ) The Devil." Kal4flif:'"!liiii.idy _wrong that the state 5 te .' ,4/1 11. !4i'e,, aliedld, stirmpater to itself Cu. r:fdlin6 ellede'wfotrric'•aotiOrEaelgal t ish w O a rg u ra t, Company sT t T h e atr e, ' havea tr ' proms pOwer„,„: oven against the will of our P during the past Week, viz :' Cinderella, the el e row e n , OitY.betinci/s.',The latterhody is responsible, biamomit, the Sonnambnla, and the Daughter,of to , Philadelphiene alone ,and they should be the Regiment, in which the 'principal parts have allowed, through their Immediate representa- been taken by Miss Georgia Ilodeon, Miss Rosalie .. tives; to decide • ,npen everypasienger railway Durand, Mies. Ada King, Mr. P. Lyeter, Mr. F. -flejest , theit,tho State ` Legislature may chorale Trevor, and Mr. liondinot. This, evening The 44`1 40 10 k4e. ' Ont . city, • with all . its great aid Pt:hernia* Girl will be given, and is, not to be i.e. :ii ri e tt in4est h e i oho 1 ,,_ , to A dt od to ,peated: This company • have been snooessfal so r o o t t-o s idr r di ; i i t ' oati l oota l ! li li o ;b y t he 6 9 - c - entr i a a ,far. Miss evening showed a crowded heti ' se, singing,aner a D r u e r w an d d 0 . w b n y g h r e e r a t at, a tin i g la a u s se w eli l a n s t h h e i r s ilatlipiliAt Itperlsburg. , Me abontd have the right of - regulating our local institutions for, opera, and ill those already pr p odneed, Mine Rod turrieltes, Jai tali as that right can be exordia- son takes what are usually known se male parte. emit without alititiient to the citizens of other But the feet of a woman playing, eneh parte in portioni , of the State. I VA, railways, should:be opera is sanctioned-by the most classical (tom laid dent iii:Gbeitrititantiltraintit streeteat all, poems. s We have seen , Alboni play Arsacc,• in niatiaCiet Well tweetaiiined that - oats citizenide sire them; yet With thli pant still undetermin• Denizettial '" Lucre's% Borgia ;" Malibran and, it " 4l " P " "- t34tlnt.Flunido," and llioffeo Groins, in Vestvall appearing as Pow° in Bellies " Ito -0;; 44,1iiiidlignilled, break - neck coin. : chase was memo e"Gulletta:" A few mo nths ag o o Madame 4 ,neenced between two bodies, Satarically ternted Ghioni played Cher:aisle, at the New York Ma gr dolibetatlye;!'"for precedence in advancing dewy of Muds, in Mozart's "La Nozzo di r•giro ;" the ` . pecuniary interests •of their respective and Rossini wrote the part of Taneredi for a con favorite companies. , The'aciion of the Legis- tralto voice., Owing to the extremely high range 1 1 40_ Vfah especially nndignified and disgrace- of Mies Durand's volooormitting the duets with ild,inAlha, hot '-haste, and = the 'repeal of the Miss Hodson to be transposed, and the transposi- Iledsores solos with the contralto ffhelesOMe kew requiring_thirty, days' notice of ties of Mies thelinieteitiieopeadrig of" Subscription books regliter, the tenor parts in this opera troupe are rly, firatelass parts, and, in te 10i,:tli e ;benefit - of,,the' new' corporation , and. fina eal lise and concerted contralto pieces,, the tenor parte ar h e educing it te three days Was `li fitting climax filled by Mr. Trevor, so that the mule remains , Kilo* . tet, itlhiglegialative proceedings. We intact, and with really' less , alteration than in 4 T ° ea, :il ~ tbattw , the ,reldat , of all this excite , . moat Italian operas, as played: Putting a tenor - nientmoVerneirinkan,resoltitely,did his duty (Dir.„Trevpr) into the basso part of Dantlini, in by vetoing,thi,hilifor.the - •UM charter. RIB "Ls Cenerentola," instead of the basso (Mr. Bort arguments against;it were' unanswerable; aid' •dinot) is nr,jast, not only to both singere, but to the if Is;greatly to thi'discredit of the:Legislaturi' mu ' i° lo r e lf. ~ • - s -,- , ' , The present will be the last week or tbe Na -that they, were disregarded. f ~ ~., ~ _ - , . . Genet - Circus performances. A great array of varied talent will appear, each • night, previous to the performance" of "Cinderella." On Friday evening, the benefit ot Dr. R. P. Joioes, agent and direotor•of publications, will take place. Signor Blitz remains one week more. The ve teran favorite Ands it 'difficult totakti leave of his " troops of friends." . At MaDonough's Gaieties,. Race street, a new singer, Mr. George M. Miles, commences en en gagement this evening. Mr. Sharpleylt benefit will take plaepon Wednesday. " The Mar, uertide Sall," with singing, darning, and dramatio performanoes, Will constitute the leading attractions at Thomanf's Varieties. Moore Vanier; Mutirosr. AHD DRAMATIC loss irna..`—We refer to Die programme, in ourAd vertielng eminent, for partiontans of the first of theseperforinanoes, to taktiPlace at the Academy of Music,• this' evening: The array of talent ill mineiderable, and includes Miss 0, Richings, Miss Satan May, Mr. J.•J. }hazer, Mr. Peterßiohingr, Mr. P.., Rohr, and the Germania Orchestra, with Mr. Santa% conductor. There is no extra charge for reservedeeati, and the performaneee commence punctually at eight o'clock. " - '.„.c.: , '. Th9',Vetling,fti,the,fitsite. : -HA; tVeini,irlii l thiongh.the.nenntiee of Non . , tais," : TAlas - rnei.' and Schuylkill, during which . we r" - had. - many oPPortprilttes .or meeting the iii:600;,44. only, erniiirined ue in tie opinion 407::- , ,e:*pressied --in ' these Colunansi ;th at no .. . .., ., iiiiiifineite tit-is:l4les within twenty Yeire, has ete . sit , p4i * inch.,:mide 7 epresd- enthusiasm, :and liiirakenedscfliflirtyl-reepanne,ne Met:for the -titl:l - "Veflliti,t i OentPeMee:iitie,." - ,Cdniention it , t,feitriinizieibn:ivedinnday f tlie 38th of It only to;toit't4e.piairle, 61:ftrp...W6 Alt „ha d - not ers; yoke , in .approval .. . ~ . , , _ approval -of lie course orthe , pineeedinte of the °ince= hipittireeMtreition; „eyen', the men iit ,plece were iiii4in'iWeitia..to -it; While- "every .disii-, II -I ~.. I . , . ~.. . . .. . . , r , .teriestedr . De ' Int eatneitly andtileteritly'nen ! li - idiMed'4, , 11104fennit. iniljetk4"UponAhe :.I*‘44ti4:l, lntniti4tien: iir-,ieereeht, public 4ii r i iiiit titllA#oo:Cji l P 4 ,#4 r o Y ES ti # B l i , if liiiii -N ' ,, ,Cfnirlii Unt:l;Penirentl4l , .;invtoelirnek 'lie i4i*iftitiltfiiitnidest f, member ot, tSe4iliox!- - 441,3ifaiIiiViiik4iNitiWitiii**iiii:im neo ,- , et= 4 3 / 4 iiiii,fA4:44',lniiiiiiiiiiiinili:wiiiikt , be:. sig. :frestect , lbrite: befere , the the;; call: ftor the Mith' 'of 1 .!l it e l l.,, t t i , i i,#. „ . 41-1 0 1 0 - ;r 441 *.i:0 4: k'dizakitlait those H:T‘f"!/*W:ll.4Zfiti,i-tis;'-,Zpi,„,i',...,::,,,,/!.- ,' ',-_.., i#l l #o'il'it . tWlaif.ifii" ",Ait* - Filr;alved - ooii.i I ,:i*PrOrigo-' , l l #o l 4!l ; :iiie'=4:Ottowirit 4:ol.Pipoirn, 1 TP`iiiiaiiiiii iiiit**;-liiiii - Wrifer-ilain i' ligitr6 intendliliate,'ol4rtiett eionnti:abiy tind,l•ego 7 lit.,o,i,liefiiiiiMtid; in . the, of the I: ..ith ntliWil-i ,, • , • - ! -1 - , ..:.. 1, ''. ,' ' -: - - ' - - 16k; :i iiiinitik:; '' ': -, ' , ,Viniei iatret,.. Ar i'S;llllsiefp Ili :' -'' Levi SpOisnii, , - ' t D'i'fily - Flinalog l ,, '-. ..-"- ' " B.7.'..flates, . ' - • .lfeiffy,Kerni,- ; - i , „ - ' D., C. Dale; - Abihtn,Gatet, ,';„ „' ~: Ism Caldwell, - lob's PiDelii; ' •! , -" - -7... ',Maj. jobn Roes, Eielaird Priertian,, '",, - ,Ilon„.W. L: Moore; , ,T.'W.'llifettiplpn, '", -, 'Jacob Hoover, , 'Willliar Behan; , '.. -. Jobe Young, Capt."A. Adakentli,": V George Wilson, . Jcihnit" - Orhundegi;Beti;', Tolbert Dale, , ' Col: 9, B. Worrell, --, , "Jacob Maiik,' - . -- - CM: Rabbit Smile y :: ',-. .r.W. Potter. ,"" • • '''''''''''' .. Aiiriarserichiis -.rircoguse' co tuffs. • ~...11, 1 04,a0i100d a call for i fonvontion' of the DistweMpfef theildtatei=to meet- at Harrisburg tbelZtbs, ofApril neat, we desire our names to be appended -to the tall;. as .Deatoorata heartily ip rovbigsftba,nbjeot. . . Yours Truly, `• March .24,1850.- • • 1:V.;.- . Ar;Wileon, - ' Jno. -II Humes, - "George Braw, ,-- - , - ' - Charles Bubb, Henry R. Dural,• - ' , David Die ffeabsoher, • jos, Swayer,: :."., - - Henry Shire, C. I.l,,,Sbopbeli, = . Geo. Guisgle, James...apa;:ble„• ~:. ' ' ::. . Albert Miller; Jamb Smythe, , • Abr. Hartranft, W. O. ShonbeU, ", ,'R. M. Lowsbe,_ 4441..,MaK .-. et,„ - . . ~,,. Geo. P. Aurand, Joseph. Ronald, - - ~ : M. A. Gamble, • , ' - John,G.-Blsokwail, ' ' Jobn Wolf, J. P. Maids, ..., , Henry. Hippie, John Drist,' : , = , . 'Mark 13obioneeker, -- Alm D :Putt, = . , - , - Henry Keyser, ' `,Datilet , Bleker; -, , ' J .N. Sloneker, eflobael.M. Stone, . ' C. M. Loport, Joseph. 111nggo,i .. - BOA. a. Morrison, - .A2: - N. Brown,. -, .—' 4'• Hugh Shaw, - /Li M. Brown,- T. 0. Dingier , Ai , a.:truz ' , - • - Abu 0. Bailey, . , B. Z.:Ph:test.' -:: '- ' Beni; Berofield, Jr'llf. - afeffet, Jr. - . . Michael Batt, " - Wpn: II; Browne, . , , David:Stevenson, M. Roblrso , ... ~ : :, J: Q. Bidden," Daniel OilleY; ' : --= . : NW- T. Forster, , 'John Mowry." • ' John Keyser, - William Riddell. : " ' • ' ' : ay.r..ussonuve, SNYDISIL COUNTY. IlistbanielMoyor, . .., ~ II P. ilotteustein, , "„ ~. i , , 1171:11(a COUNTY. „', • EI H. Stabs. lobiumed; ,4 aIP 4;.; th#; Amara' •- ..' Waussorio, TiogeCounty. Will you pleat* place my namis to the call for the ponvention ?:I am a Dem ocrat of the straight est, sect—l have always been and ever shalt bo ; k 'owe no allegiance to the present National A 4 wkiwistration.. Its heresies' I -cannot support. lam loyal, to the great doctrine. of - popular rove. Ofickoz•in • - •• HENRY Fuanwoon.• 4 .l,fr:.Shirwoodis present chairman of the Demo erotic Standing committee Of Tioga county. - -.4lYe,:the .uudereigged, citimnis of Germantown; *Wilms to - 441..0104 omidentnation of the course of thelitte 4 Deameratio Convention at Harrisburg, .liideitouneing4ur, worthy advocate and atindard lieater,"Mrilliam-P, Tooker, whom-we reoognise:as ,a•jest indaimoreibla tuan,,- 7sustainor of dhose hinbrattek in the -Cincinnati platform, the ihb . indo - siterit °l:which, proved, so - eminently. -attiessifid iii - egaiting oar present "Chief. Ma is. tfitelltenee_wei conceive it to "be our duty to re pudiatejber *religions 'Made - by "a Convention etatiplAid ofeorrimt minions of an Imbecile Ad- Yainisttation:: 7W,e. heartily actittleitoe lit, year call for apiinventiiiii; ind sdeilro, AO oar names may apPeadenflolt: - '4fours truly, - Thomas McDowell, 'And W. Gayley, • 4- • M. , Dillon. Ohas:;Doekintk,Jf., - ' Enos P. Reeder, • • '• ' • D. Kansa. ...piLAWARS• COUNTY. , : "Me fully endorse the course of our friends, and hope that our names may be added to the call for a•Demooretio Convention on the 13th April . :PeroiPhor, Baker, - Daniel E. Thomson; 'Edward 'Toting, D Jeremiah Stevenson, 'William Hinkson, , ,Alexander M. Wright, Simnel Palmer, •' • Wm. Lear, 'Joieph IL.lllnkson; 11: S. Hawes - , . Thomai,Liursidge, . 'Samuel Shaw, 'Welter - J. E: Clyde, James Riddle, Tr • goluillo34tker e - - MoDivett, - :Isette„LlMiokman, - Charles • Hall, g • John Craig. ' T O 'Shoeniaiter 'J. L. Mehl ' „ Ptssitr4s'ilahr. 7. -The' managers the Penn, j's.lloltaist: thiibity,for Indigent widows and single women, "lave - just - published their filth Annual Iteport.' , om 'this it appears that the Asylum now containiCthirty ;inmates, their aged varying :,fitits"sB:toMltlSitabld,; that the Bair, at Jayne'd ltui(dilay,rand June, realked $727 in atd of tihat the iisoome of the institution for he hutf:jetir was $2,875; the expenditure 82,502; and'illak - thi,baltinee' in; band, on February 1, attiOurilittlanlyot2; sat, the Asylum, mutter "llnrataalinTl dettis2,,s, , , then $3,419, In debt. No vdttaritable institution In the city is conducted with *re pkoprl4o, - or ititb a bitter-atm. 2fiiieh'2l;--tin /friday General Paul =ddtibaeh,:ot tovioolOp, entrusted a otoft of 140010's hilglOor toy ttho pupae of depoolilog it In „ nelifiibei, it , now appear'', Ithit *spotter fq _gas draft, sad tas • !seen • 'OW BY MIDNIGHT MAIL - • - . . Metter fFti,n,n d 4 ((i'pr,rillipc!td!seeof f, , • • ; WAsaurirror, : Marith 97,1859 The Omission ofyour Offiemhoiders' Convention to cemplitisent Judge Magic in their resolutions has It dow:oily • offended the Attorney General. Ile had folly earned the approval of that distinguish- Adassentbiage. -He Was theatratto fall down and worship the- Preeident's treachery, the first to "o3y bavoo and, lot slip the doge of war" upon all ilea who would not approve of that treachery ; And ban engaged himself in writing all kinds of editorial newspaper denunoletions of Gov. Packer, Judge Knox, Judge Douglas, and others equally of fending ; and that he should be overlooked , in the praises which have been song to others galls him terribly. I, notice that .4ho Washington thtion copies a whi t ning article from a PennsylvaniWn Administration orgaM, rather complaining of this studied discourtesy to Judge Black. Bigler took better care of himself ; he was on the ground and engineered the resolutions, insisting upon a Trope r endorsement at the hands of the' Convention. But 'that Oolleotor Baker and others on the spot should have assisted to igtoie the Attorney General, -with all his intellect, his toleration, and his su. porltot Democracy, posses comprehension. There is no doubt that a formidable movement in favor of the Hon. James Guthrie for the Presi dency is on foot, both in the North and in the South. It is asserted here that the Hunter and Slidell interest prefers Guthrie to Wise.. The Now Orleans Detta, . the Mobile Register, and tho Mis sissippi organ of Jefferson Davis, at Jaekeon, have indicated their preference in the same direotion. The press of Kentucky is said to be a unit in his behalf, and feelers have been thrown out in some of the papers of Pennsylvania and Now York. Of course, Mr. Guthrie looks to the Charleston Con %Neaten for a nomination. I give this as one of the on dits of Washington. ' Do yon recollect that while you were a resident of Washington, in March, 1854, a Democratic State Convention was held at Harrisburg, which renominated the present Senator Bigler for Go vernor? The KawasNebraska bill, asserting the great principle of popular sovereignty, was just sheet passing into a- law, and the Democratic party, all over the Union, was taking position in support of that bill. The Administrationef Presi dent Pierce earnestly and enthusiastically ...sus tained it. Muoh Interest was felt in securing a proper endorsement of it by the Democratic Convention of Pennsylvania, but Governor Bigler resolved that he would prevent any such endorse ment, and accordingly be did so, even while earnest ly- assuring the friends of the bill that be was with them. The Convention (presided over by a . Mr. Shannon, of Pittsburg, who wee subsequently ap pointed temporary judge of one of the local courts of Allegheny comfy by Gov. 'Bigier,) was complete ly muscled, and although Mr. Harrison Wright, (a - delegate) - of Luzern°, since deceased, made a vi gorous effort-to obtain a vote upon a resolution in suppertorthe bill and the - principle, Shannon re fused to entertain' the motion, or even to re cognise Mr.' Wright. Bigler was afterwards forced to advocate the measure which. he bad: thus .esteceesfully attacked, but his hollow insincerity, in-regard to it is proved by his readiness to surrender it again under the whip and spar of thai Federal Administration. This re tiiill/11061100 suggests a very dasnagingnontrast be tween the Administrations of Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Pierce, The first has turned - the whole power of the Federal Government against Gov. Packer bemuse he ,stands by the prinoiple of popular sovereignty and the solemn covenants of the Ne braska bill, in defiarioe of the mandates of the President and his Cabinet. All his friends are denounced and proscribed., and the organization of the State usurped and perverted to the basest uses. Under Gen. , Pierce, although his Adisinis. , tration stood firm telthe principle, and a recreant Governor of Pennsylvania deserted it, no crusade was waged against Bigler, no proscription of his friends, but the harmony of the party was pre . served hy-a system of generous and liberal treat ment of all Demoorats who did not feel disposed at once to accept the Kansas-Nebraska bill as a party measure. The reminiscence is suggestive. I happen to know- that instructions have gone from Washington to Philadelphia within the last few days, commanding your Democratic City 'Con vention (which, is shortly to assemble) to applaud this General Administration, and to ignore or to do nounoe that of Governor Paeker. Collector Baker has visitedWasbirigton within the last few days, and - is now, no dOubt, industriously at work to enforce - the bidding of his masters. • ' ,Cess - wiul taken very anddenly ill yes., - terdai, and was bled, the .yhysielans remaining with him all night. understand ho is better this morning. 4 curious difficulty is said to o*lst about the post•offioe of Detroit, Miobigan. The marohnnts and business-men have their mulls aunt to Toledo, thirty miles distant, km , of the - most experienced politiolans new On the-ground assert that nothing oast prevent the _calling of an titre s'eselon abode the first of Sep tember.. Every day adds to the complleations and difficulties of the Post Office Department. Who now corruption fund upon whioh tho Ad THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1859. ministration relies to; iti,fatire opotations against the DemeerattcrSentiment of the country is thot ' growing out .4t;,t4e',,apOintment 4f, deputy. shalsto take 'the'new onamus It Is summed that • everybody 'Welatii - Office; and -that all the. loial foliticiani will he tanning after"thesis places.` 1 are made without number; and as • the appointments will not be given out until the I last-hour, it is expeetedlhat a good deal of in, terest can be manufactured In this way. I would not be astonished If we had another investigation, something like that of-the, anthraolte coal, grow.: ink out of. ibis new:sourise of patronagO and plunder. . OceAsiosret. z• WASHINGTON, Marsh 25, 1859 The statements made by your correspondent "Hampden," which Appeared in' your paper of the leth inst., are not only strictly true, but the, picture is not half disclosed. Were it drawn to the life andtht; curtain lifted so that all might see, and could the thousands and thousands who have been the victims of the tardy justice; or• rather, swift injustice of the' Elecutive Govern. meat; pour forth their complaints, an outcry would ring through the land which would. strike terror into the hearts of those into whose hands the ad-, ministration attic, people's affairs has .unluckily= fallen. You cannot walk from the Capitol gate to Willard's Hotel without hearing the angriest, and, sometimes the Most' touching donut °Wiens against the heartless and utterly ' worthlees aeade of departments, who aro either too la's) , or too in-, oomperenttuattend to the business' of the people, and who are more than half their time closeted with politicians, instead of despatching the bus!. nese of theiCoitizen masters.. All this is as com mon talk in this oily as the §iokler affair ,inselfi and every day you may hear the Ilatime mingling their condolence and sympathies over 'their com mon-sufferings and ill usage. • One case,- in particular, bee been much com mented on, of s gentleman who, on a small matter of business, visited one of "the departments thirty- Ave time!, sat waiting in the ante-room two Dun. ,dred and sixty hours, and walked, between- his hotel and the department, fifty-one miles, before' hie business was, disposed of, and when disposed of; his tavern bill had nearly absorbed the amount of allowance, to say nothing of' the loss of time and detention from the engagements of belie. This statement is made on the authority of the sufferer himself, 'for he did not hesitate to pro claim it far and wide, and hundreds heard his, declaration. And yet this is said to be the pee. pie's Government ! • . What right, I should like to knot, has any- I head of any department of this republican Go vornment, to, require any one, even the humblest of the people,' to trudge to his office thirty-five times, or keep him waiting two hundred and sixty hours in hie ante-room, or to make it necessary to wesr.his boob . ; out in walking from his boarding house to a department, bqfore his business is des patched? , But I forbear. I give this ease only from among a 'thousand which have Come under my observation, or are the &Meet of common remark, and I turn the subject over to your correspondent "Hampden," who,: dimbtless; horn his way 'of writing, has behind 'zesty a thing which will verify his charges,' and litiohit Would be interest ing to the people to know.- Letter from' riarrlgnarg. Vlorreepondenee of The Presa.l S' An act relative to sales' of canals end railroad( cooder, mortgage" war rerd in the Senate today. -It provides that whenever any railroad, canal, or other improvement, shall be sold under proceedings at MA, or, in equity, or by trustees or oorporatore, any mortgage hertipfore or. hereafter given by any such Companies, where, by the terms of snob mortgage, the franebises of the corporation Sr., or may be. pledged for the pay ment of the mortgeg debt end interest, and the bonds` leaned ituder ouch mortgage, the yurehstiers at such -sate shall, in addition to the corporate power, with which -by virtue of such tale they. Ellin be legally vested, have power to adopt the. corporate name of the original company. or any other corporate name; and to barrow on mortgage any sum of money necessary to complete or equip finch improvement, and to pledge in rush mortgage ,the property and franchises thus and subsequently acquired, and.to Inuit bonde„secured by Mich mortgage, with or without coupons, provided that no bond shall be issued, for a its mom than glue, and providid that reels mortgage ib9lll be recorded ; and in came of a chattel mortgage, that the engines, can, and other property bound thereto, then have markej thirteen the word"mortgaged " , The act incorpoiiting the Anion Railroad Company, oe palmed and aligned by the Governor, le In detail as follows : „ SW OS 1. Be ft enacted by the Senate and noses "of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Perinsylvards in General Assembly met; sod tv to, hereby erected by the authority of the tame. That "J., Edger Thompson, Et M. Veltan, Robert D. Cuten lidward 0 Da'e t Feeder. iek Greg, Wm. H.Matroter, Friel Coolly, Eitricklabd lineage; John 0 Crown. /lobed, . Stockton. Joseph Myrrh.; W. B: Moorhead, John . Liodaay, ;Wm. B. Forster. Ochla Mild, and B Cashirlabinoir Any five et them,-be, And they ars bushy, stipulated somMissiortets to receive eabeariptione to and organics • colligrij osier tire same , style ; and title d , The Boron Ital d eur rimy. with _power Ito build ,gollreadvrith one or more tracire Aral the iseerassiVsidloga upon tomb line as will noun eat the several rallreids entering the :City of Philadelphia, and to coestruct • •bridge for maid road. over the ilehoylkiltriver at any point north of Cheat-, nut street and.oonth of airili i settees bridgo;liod tunnel LW etresibbietfeets in slid city, omth of said 'Chestnut street, bet Ween the flehnilkill and Delaware "rtrara,dhiatesier-Iser-riecepaeary to tuccry cut'Slieratatee Wit 'ottfeet; and ilettitiitlAkercwww.ararprivilegesand subject to all the'restriatlons preneribed by sold anti. Cod it An net regulating railload ..compsnier,ir. }11.: preyed the'oiniteenth day of February , dine Domini one thouaaud eight hundred and forty-nine' not )Hobo. listed with - Mimed; Provided, that said company shill 'not bare the right to occupy the Keats it soy street foe the - /entill One railroad track east of Twenty second street, or wait of Fr ost girt et -13n0..2. - That toe' said company shall have power to erect, at such pAriteon their railroad as may be deter totted, station station anti depots, and to lease the same, *rimy portion thereof, to the several railroad companies whale roads enter or terminate In the city of Philadelphia. ' Sao. B. That the capital stock of raid company shall consist of forty thousand !hares, of fifty dollars each, to be increased, it deemed necessary by the stockholdenjto carry coot the object of this act, to any amount not ex ceeding sixty thousand abates, and said company shall' have power tole/me mortgage bondsnot exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollar., if required to corn. pieta the work... Sao. 4 That it shall and may be lawful -for any railroad company burin a termioud in the 'city of Philadelphia, to eubacribe to the capital stook cf said company such amount as the board r f directors of said company roar direct, and if deemed necessary by the directors of ouch eorarany to lame the bends of ti e onnpany in payment - for-the stock subscribed Bra. 6. That the,loottfon of said road shall be ap proved by the Select and Common Councils' of maid city . of Philadelphia before Its construction Is begun. The adroit alders, abettors, and advocatee of that prodigy—the Philadelphia Ot'y Passenger Railway— whose conception has been the most immaculate of the, inonacUlits since ,Legislatures became fruit/0, have followed up their magnificent bonus-giving enterprise with a supplerrient, (which will, of course, receive le gislative sanction, despite a Governor's veto,) which exempts this company from the provisions of the let section of „ An act regulating Railroad Companies, ap. proved February 19,1649, , requiring the COMII3II6IOIIONS t I give at least twenty day. , notice, in one or more newspapers, of the times and 1 , 16048 for opening books, ke The commissioners, or two thirds of them, are by this supplement empowered to receive enbeorlitiortr, ko., after giving three days , notice. If their profits, as a corporation, should be in propor tion with their speed and amen in legislative coop ers, It may be put down as the “Jastert institution , ' of UM "first' , day and generation. Parties in the interest of the other road have been here for letters patent, but the Governor Is said to be holding the matter under advisement. ALsicor. Letter from New York. TIM OLD-LINE WHIG GATEERING -PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES -HEAVY TRANSACTIONS IN COTTON AIIENE3IENT TO THE STATE BANKING LAW - JOSEITA R. GIDDINGS ON JOHN QUINCY ARAL'S - TOE NEW REGIMENT OE' MORGANS ERS -RANTER'S WEEKLY-NEW BOWERY VIEATRE-JEMMY MAS SEY, VIE ENGLISH PUGILIST. ICorreepondenee of The PreNe..l The gathering of Old Line Whigs, at Hope Olivet, butt Thursday evening, to listen to an attiring from Kg- Governor Hunt, IMO respectable In point of numbers and intelligence. Hiram 'Ketchum, gag., presided, as. esated (on paper) by several prominent citiaens, who were not preaeat, in propria personea In the coarse of the Governor's emcee:, three names were mentioned, either c f which, he claimed, would command the suf frages of the old-fashioned Henry Maraud Daniel Web. stir Whigs. v's : Elward verett John I: 'Crittenden, and Winfield Scott—au annctMcement that we, re. spaded to by a vigorous eprorse of Abe throat and hands After a cursory glance at recent political events, GOY. Hunt recommended that the Whip, Wee who were and are Whigs, ahould emulate the notion recently token by the Whigs of Kentucky and Virginias and see If aomethtrg couldn't be aecomplished towards bringing the old party Into life and ulefoloose Thursday wee a great day among the cottoa•dealere the soles having amounted to 17,000 bales, valued at about 0,100,000, which is said to be the largest hue. nets ever done in cotton, In this market, On one day. It certainty .fords pretty good evidence of the general revival of business. An important amendment to the general banking law of this State bee been introduced Into the 801:18.0, making It lawftil for the superintendent •to Imo par upon stocks bearing five per cent. interest (such ea are now receivable), but in no note than such etooka be taken at above their per value, nor shore their mar bet value. This amendment applies only to bank ing amoolationa the securities for whose notoa are wholly stocks. The asaendmont also permits banks now having mortgages depoelted as 'security for their circulating mace, to substitute 'nee-per-sent stook in lieu thereof. No bank can deposit half fivo-per.cent. atocks and half mortgages. glymouth Church, Brooklyn, was neatly flied, on Thursday evening, to listen to en address by Zothua Giddinge, on the trial of Zahn Quincy Adams by the Twenty-seventh Omrress. The new Highland regiment are In high glee at the &althea which ,permits them to adopt the Highland uniform. They are to be formally muttered Into ler , vice in about two weeks. The 'officers of the regiment have sent to Sootland for tartans of the same Pattern as ,thit worn by Abe Macern and men or the nth corps of 'hoc Britannic Majesty. The colt of the materiel order ed will be within a fraction of foul thousand dellam Mr. Jerntoy Masse,, the Ikea yugilletta Impartation I from the old wintry, gave a sparring exhibition liat Thnradsy evening, at Hoymfe theatre, in the Bowery. It wee, I hear, largely attended by the high and low. I rich and poor, who, somehow or other, seem to have a peahen for the head-punching business. Mr. Mooney announced that he was not open for any fights, but name to this country to seek hie fortune in some legiti- mate way for the benefit of his family. The general Impression' seemed to'be, that, as an ff artlet,ff be was inferior to Morrissey dr Australian Kelley, but . 'as a fighter he would be ableto make his mark upon any aspiring personage dethrone of a professional 'lnter Vie!, rHE LATEST NEWS BY TRIciEGRAPH. , The consideration of the City Pasreoger Railway, (Chestnut and Walnut streets ) which WM vatotd by the Governor, was resumed. The bill mused &tally over the vet,t—ayei 25, nays 4—es follows - : • e • ynia—Meinits. Baldwin; Bleed, Bawer, Goff y, o r m g , aq,,ney, Francis, Gezzam, Gregg, Morris. Keller. kliller;lifyer. - Pelnur, 'Parker. Randall, Rutherford. Peofleld. Phaeffer, Schindel Steele, Thompson, Yard ley. and Creswell, (4 4 4160-45. Wavii—klesurs. Musette, Nunemacher, Pennell, and Wtight 4 The bill having received the constitutional majority of two-thirds in both lionises, le a law, notwithatand , jog the veto of the Go - valuer. The following bills were passed : A supplement to the Citizens , Passenger Railway Company An Pt to incorporate - the Western Library Associa tion of, Philadelphia. Tka supplement to the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad wee taken up. 'On motion of Mr. P,s the provls4 requiring the content of Consols to thehill WWI stricken out. PHILO HAMPDIIN UARILISIMO, March 20,1850 Nsw YORL, IlJarah 27, 1859 PelArifiyivAnia .Logislature. ..y• • y _ - aAllBlBl3trlgl, March 29 RENATE Tha'fienata mat at 10 A, tit Also the provlso requiring the Company to nay an nually are thousand netters to the Oity Treasurer Phi Menials., and five thottested dollars to the State Treasury. - The bill no amended : was then paned—epee 29, men 1, - Mr. Wright be ng tho only one to vo.e in the nege. tire. The bill requirlog the Willlameport and 'Elmira road to taco() their rout waft dhicaeeed sir4-Itaeinec6 moved en amendment, to moire all the 1A4011,18 of the State t 4 fence their read. He made thie motion. be said; for the reason that if one com pany wee to be required to tonne their road, it waH but jot and right Ihat ell should do it ' The eubjeot was disarmed till the hour of .ad journment. Adjourned till Monday et three Y. hi ILOUSEI. The Houre met at 9X A. M. • Mr. Caeoe offered aat pplement to the Philadelphia reneger railway act, and moved its consideration. Agreed 10. The first supplement repeals the Brat seotion of the so: of '49, requlrsgs the coromisalonern to give twenty days notice of Ulna, and the opening of the backs to receive tubacriptions to the capital Moot and gives the new 0-mpsoy 'he privilege to receive su bscriptions after alvertwing three dap - The bill created care derable excitement, the yeas and naya being called at every stage of 'the pros-edings, bat a deaMod majority ware iu Pa favor, and the bill gamed finally, Tale 69, nays 17 ; es foil we 91118 —blears Barlow, Bayard, Bertelet, Boyer of Chatfield. Brim, Burley. Campbell, Chase. Dar bovow, Emmen Bllreeker, Evans, Weston, Fisher, Fleming. Male Good, Gray, Green. Grititirm, flamers ly, H J arding, ackson, lieneagy, Ketchum, Kinney, Laird, Lawren'e of Washingtou, Manoallishaffey, Matthews, bl'Olure, M'Dowell.. O, a, Palm. PArce. Pinkerton, Price, Pugh°, 'Rohrer, Rouse. Bhar gava', Bruited. Smith of Betts, Stephens, Slyer, Thump • sow, Walborn, Walker. Whalen, Wigton, Wilcox, Wil liams of Bedford, Wolf, Zoller, aniPLawrence, tgpeaker) —6B. • Nam—Messrs. Abbott, Acker, r bomb. Fester, Gal ley. •Grehtm, Gratz, Neall, Mill Prondfoot, Etnte, Midler Shields, Warden, Wiley, Willenton, and Wd don-.47 ' Mr ma • LMte moved to reeommit bill No. 608. enti tled " a Bopp ement to the eat to Incorporate the ' West Philadelphia Railroad Company," to theJudiolary Com mittee, vitt& wee agreed to. • A lorg debate 'mead on a motion to'adjourn over to Monday afternoon, hot it Wad finally agreed to. On motion of Mr. Timex, the BOTIMO amendments to the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad awl-meta, ,fittikieg oat that the cement of Omens shall fleet be ,obtained before occupying the etreete, elm the provi sion to.pay ten thousand dollars annually into the city and Mate Troartoy, were chucurred in—ayes 99, nays 29. Adjourned. From Washington. - WARRINGTON: March 24.—Commander Newell has been ordered to the commend of tin reatitting ship independence st the Hare Island Navy Yard, Califor nia, vice Commander Fairfax, relieved. - Colonel Yoseph Zobnaton. of the Fleet Cavalry, a relative of Minister McLane, left this clay, pastor day, for Mexico, it is said, under ordere from the florernmerit. • The new eloop•of-war Lancaster in to be finished and fitted not for sea with all posaible expedition. files will probably be emit to the Paoills. The Land Office. eitnated at Buchanan, Minnesota, has been ordered to be 'removed to Portland, in the amen State. The Treasurer's weekly statement oboes the receipt of the week to amount to $1 818 OCO. There lea net be lance in the Treasury of over 87,000 000." - tot Lander will leave Washington on Muiday to re arms work on the South Pau wagon road, for the pur pose of repairing damages sad sh• rtening the route as fee is practicable. - The President has recognised Frauds Augustin Borsch as consul of the Netherlands for Mahn, MIMS. chinet's, Now Hampshire, and Rhode Island, to reside atliostcn. The Pike's - Peak Nail Contract. Wasn't(Oros, !demob te.—The eontraot to carry a dritly_mail from Leavenworth to Doraville, Pike's Peak regien, was made tinder the cot of 1826, authorizing the the establishment of special post rental!, to be sustained frenithelt net proceeds. Birch is the arrangement in this oar that the compensation fe in no event to exceed Ilse bandied dollars per annum. If the poet routs bill had beebread, and o*of root made under it, thie service would have emit, f2O 000 or uo,coa per annum. The neetysitoss be 'nolo!), compensated for their out !ay, In the carry fag of passengers The Boston Post Office. I.I3IIINUTOV, March 26 —The Becton poet office Wilier was eensidered yesterday at the meetinw of the Cabinet:- Mr. Capon and the parties representing the fitptet et•eet interest had errand interviews with the Pcatmaister General to day. , Late* . tkom Havana. ACCIDENT TO TIIII STEAMER ILLINOIS. oiloonsorrox.,- Ittrob 27.—Tbe attiouship reabel bout Orel. from Rapine with tette to the 26th hut. Theiteemsht C. Illinois wes at 'Laren& with a broken 4b t. She will g$ to New York for repairs. e schooner Dr. Kane, from Be4ma, for New York, with a cargo of Molasses,- put Into , Key West leaking on the 4th instant and will barn to discharge.- BiAlitC[TS —Angara firm, but quiet, at rests; nothing doing; Matt:ova:do% unotkalgad Pn1013104010 4 teals] Muucovado, 5 rests; sterlios txabsilge droqp I nrat bill. 011 New York, pt sixty. Ait.fri 10134;4111count ; blue on New Orleans, at throb to 7 l inmyuw- 7 _ , - • -- The , Elnitttriore ti,Wwiltrifitnnwr ridlthniu, own OF !IRE ant- TO Clidltall rnE ItORDER OY ti AfttOTllhit PARTY.. _ • Hst.rinioan. Match 28 —The Patriot or this atter rem o micros a long statement, prepared by the friends; of Henry Garobrlll; one of the condemned eliminate cow awaiting execution for the murder of polite Meer Beton. giving the affidavit* of certain.partles to show the another perty,ltiobard nerds, was the heipetra lora( the murder. and that he confessed the deed to Certain parties It le, however, not deemed worthy c f credence, as all had been considered by the Governor, end rejected by him some time back It le the last deeperate attempt to Rave the life of this wretched The New York Boarding-house Poison. ing Case. N'Ew Yontr. March 2G,Mr. Robinson, one of the benders at the house In Fourteenth etrett, died 10-dify from the effoo's of the plson adminiatered at tho morning meal on Tburtdey, , lie le the second Illtooklyn Water Works Celebration. Nair Yo c, March 90 —The committee rf arrange- Monts for the epprogoblog celebtalton ti the Biooklyn• Welter Wefts. ben decided taextend invitations to the enthoritieg end fire departments or New York, Phila. delphip, Ihltimoro, Waehlegton, Richmond, end tarty othiy oftioe. glailing of the City of Washtngtou. , ,biaw-lrone. March thl ntesnolhip City of Wash logiOr4 Capt Par* Pallid at noon for Liverpool Aihonq her pane gore is Charles O. Bolton, Esq., editor of the Baltimore American, who, accompanied by his eon Albert, visits Europe for the restoration of hie health. The City of Winhington carries out $190,003 in epeole, end two bncdred end fifty parieengere. Wreck of a British Man-of-War—Loss of New Yors, March 26 —The British man-of-war Jae senr wee wrecked ofilanalea, on the night of the 4th of March. • Her crew took to the boats, but ten of them were subsequently swept overboard in a gale. One of the tints, containing the captain and nineteen of the men ,Tni arrived at Cubs. The other boat, containing thirty men, is miming, Accident to the Steamship State of 1 Georgia. BLVANNAn March 2C-LThe steamship Mato of Georgia. bound for Philadelphia, when off Helena. on the South Carolina, coast, on Monday. bruPer her after ,erosetetl, bent her platen and disabled h•r mao"inery. She reached Charleston In safety, bavtnf put Jaime distaly fi,r th t port. for pmeengerS were transferred tothe steant•hrp Keyst,no State. Later from lirtvanm Av.ttistau, &arch 26 —Adatees from 'Havana to the 20th that etwe that t.e aohooner Alice Daudet, with a darsoot 090 Africans, bed been captured acid taken into Porto Rico, where the crew were imp:4 , oll6i Another cargo of 000 Africans has. been landed at fteme dna,' °atm At Havana, sugars and molasses were int. Pf o Yin Dwthanges were declining. Morin)le Tragedy in Wisconsin—A Ma- niac Infarders lii Parents. HAREM. Margaratte county, Wiscooslo. March 26. Two residents of this place, Jonathan Post, a B:ptlet preacher. and hit wife, were bath killed, yesterday. by their eon, while the latter wee In a elate of frenzy. The murderer le about thirty year; of age and has been Insane for severM years. although he wee consi dered harmless until this sad occorrence Be' made no effort tk. escape. He will beaonfinei in a place of safety. Canadian Affairs— fhe New Tariff Bin a Law. Toattpo, March 26—The Goverusr.Goneral gave hie amseht to the CAW tariff bill thib afternoon. - The lavegma into immediate operation. This hi:motion has assumed a posit:on of political importinee, end glee rise •to a strong oppositiof feeling: Front. New Orleans•-T,he Departure of Minister McLane for Mexico. New esLE:Axs, March —United :Yates Mintster Metoitai will depart for Mexico by the steamer Quaker Cite' n the morning The eh war Tanneasee is still cn the 'dock)) under plug repairs. explosion of a Western riopeller. Camino, March 26.—The Northern Tranepottation Compeny'a propol cr Lady of the Lake exploded her boiler when half a.mile from Teirport, t).day ') he vessel wne suck, and the cook and one of the firemen were hat There wee a cargo of flour end provision') on board. No particulars have yet been received. Arrest of an Abortionist. ALIAII7. March 27 —Mr& Media Masten has been :admired on the oblige of killing Mary Ann Snyder, aged '' iB while attempting abortion with Matrumenti. The unfortunate woman died la .t night. The stewed is Di yearn of age, and has been carrying on the heal nein for yearn without detection. She is now in jell, and wilibe indicted for murder to-morrow: The Expected Steamers. BANG 6, Mame, March h7.—The telegraph lines Bast Kremlin interrupted. and there le no chance of hesrms nom I.lllltair to night. The steamships Nispra and Alps are both over due, having been nearly sixteendrya out The last despatch from Halifax was dated yester day, at half pat two o'clock P. M., when there was no sign of the approach of the steamers Trial of U. S. Marshal Tyler. Dcfncifr, March 26 —The tr;al of U. B. Mar.thsl. Tyler, for killing Copt •Tonre, of the brig Concord, at Port Laiaid, Canal+ Went, last fall, wan •omoluded thid of Wog. The km' retained a vordlot of lovolau tart menelanghter, committed in the prevention ct an onlawfulaot. He is also reoononended to the tarry of the tend', ; Markets by Telegraph. leaw Caimans, March' 20. Cotton unchanged ; 10,000 Wee sold. Corn aot.ve. Mesa rink, $10.25. Lard, In bb'a, 113(o 1111 h on New York advanced .1( ; ligbt Mlle, par to )( premium 011401Ne.471. March 26.—Flour doll, and no Wee of Imputation. Whiskey Orin at 24g. Pork steady, at $17.80e17.76 for ideas. Lard 11)(. On. imams, March N.—Bales of oott,n to-day 70) bales. The market closed firm, and there is a batter feeling In the market. SAVANNLII, March 2d —Cotton firm, but unchinge.i ; 700 balcr. iold• THE CITY. - : , .A. comuntelMition was received from members of the dividend of ten yer cer.t.e , nt,of the net frovulatirs 'et past year • the 'pa . eat to'he 'Marie the - 21 - of April; - ' ' : • lowa mission robins for a transfer of the widow and Thiele the drat di vidend sineE the coropany wised to ' • 1 three children-of tbe Roe George Mon Brown lately &511:181111ENTS THIS EVENING dem:teed, to the Bet of claimants of the Phradelptila , , - fattiest . • , pay 6 per rent; per mama on the stook,while flusatoin Andintur or 510810 -Grand Musical sod . Dramatic Veatival. Bishop Scott the question of law having bean referred the work was in progress. l, „, to him) decided ralectently that the Conference had. no The Po'tsville Bflpigrj , , j'aegngeti "ur fikiii morning Conference. • . , , New WALNDTARTRZET • Tuatavas.-t. The Bohemian right to grant th's eminent , , . , Girl "-', The Morning Cell " "The heavy mine of.lesta seek dronned *Mae More On motion a committee of three was appointed to re- • D O' " -'- _ • . ~- 2 : RATtONAL Onw,roB.-" Oinderalls l, - "Lent's (limos - active ' , heritable Contribution/1 In behal f of the widow this ood adfoltifig region', which falba" ekel(0 41 1 1 13' Oompsny"-" Equestrian, Gymnastic', and Acrobatic and fat'erless. , than one half of all -the collieries below water level in feate.rt Tb e 0 ommittee on Church &moll es b &slog a eir'ed leave WEEETLEY /t CLARICE'S ARCH-STREET TEMATER. - to retir e , th e pf,„he-v, hoped that their apnotuto sate for the various pulpits would be considered binding, and du 1 There are but few order id theinarkr:t, and the mental to some extent.' Thei - trade ' however, - )e-vary "London Assurance "-• , Consin Cherry it AC &Deily OF Pleg ARTS -11artholonameht Ste/as of that omen/ the preachers would get sick.: - best policy Would seem tobe,,for nor *serer4 to mire is gradually sti potteible until about the - Ist of bley.. A Oernmunteation wet received from the Trastess of tc Pendia° Lost ; Or : Eve Repentant 11 "'the Pennsylvania College at Garriebnre, - proposing a The mil d beacon beeleft 6 , l9;Se:take: Mart entarlyof pre. , FloDerroorlaVe GAIETIEB.-Seleationo from' Plays, eenier sr that instituVon to the Philadelphia Confer- rued geol. in nearly all the • markets; ',blip; yin- last notillday - There will, „in 00 oeNtosbileebe . but little Gems from Operas, Pantomimes, Dancing, and flinging . coos, without subjecting that body to any peountery Tummor'e ventertse.,--- ,, Genie from Operas, Nigro embarrassment. Referred to the Committee an Educe- demand, except for manufacturing purposerciand. for Eccentricities, Barons, Singing, and Danalng.” . lion this the run Is prinemally on lump and cheetout,- Coal ASSEMBLY BOILbINOS -Signor 131 its. The election of candidates for deadens , orders wee ' is now offered, on board, at- Port .iiichmoad. at lower next taken up. The following pereons were elected; prices than ever before. Thia, how - ever, 1-Cfor Stooks District , on hand, and for second quality Doh, , ... John Perrin .- Thomas E. Peterson . ..., 8 . P lll /M° lB h/... ' eartiiiimPlito . 8100 IE amosialiCiN War, N Philadelphia. - Marsh 26, 1859 : • - Lewis Chambers Wilmington . , - Petah Brsdio. (colored) , ' Easton. RETORTED Is? MARLEY, BROWN, it co.,ii.urc-warir,MYool, John Brinkley Snow Dill. , AND iIIOREIGIS oapazooloirriwaaroomia MID Peter Parkinson N. Philwielphla. min ogisvinry awaawea. -,.,, ~ ~•„., _ - feats B Smith - ' S Philadelphia. ' PIEST 110 AND. • James Hareey Barton Wilmington, ~, 8001 Penne 50....i0tq sag SOO Bead R,,ssarikint 24% ?Moro Wilson ••• • N. Philadelp hi a- 30X1 City es .... cash 93 lop , -do cash 21% Joehua B•iuckley, (onlered)..:. ..• • Wilmf neon •., 7000 do lots 91 fri. : do. , - otate'2 , .% Opposition was made to eerie candidates on this list 1009 do New_lots tO3 .fo_ ,do ;Arch 24% but they were notwithstanding elected, 1000 Sum Out es. abyss 35 SO do esieb.2.ll4 The eleotion of kcal :demos fer, eiders , orders was lf 03 ••• do - Idya 35.. lee ,do ' B 24% the next buelnese in order. The following persons 1000 do Bye 35 150 do bt wo Wo 25. were elected : 1000 Clies 'Val Als .. Fall% 3 Penns It 47X 1001 do 41 ,1 do lots 48% 1000 0& Am 61 , 89.15 S4 s 1 0 10 5 Norriato R.:.0 t P 5: % VICO do bS 14% 9 Bear Meadow „R. •5 7 X 2000 Read Res 't6..b5 75% 47 N penes it ;.:tot" 9% tOOO do b 1 75% 10 Frank & South it. 61 . 30)13 do nail ... n'l. - 10 West Ptilie R.... 51,% VICO Wilmington B 6S. 115% 2 Cam ic, Am ' R. 117 lOC° Soh 31 ImP6e.esh le% 10 do eOll7 , 100 MISCUE% a 2 1 % . /00 Big lit Canal Co.. 1% 110. do 24% 60 - do - ' 1% los do 74%1 10 Leti , gh‘ Nay- .. . • • . 51 . - 50 • do ....24% 150 °stew R4lots:.bs '6% 100 do ,r , ..,24% '1 FATIXI & Meth Eh 59 it 100 do .esiene int 24% 2,5 Race • & Vine It it' 443 c BEMUSE .111311.1111514 , f:- - - • 5000 rob Nat 61082 b 5 714 1 2 Minehill 19.-..^.1.6ina,59X 200) Leh Nay es opg,. 97 15) Richmond Gas cash 10 . ' SECOND &win. - - A viRY LAitaw might say Unusually large—crowd filled the Walnut-street Theatre /a.t, evening, to hear Mr. God! wd preach the seventh of a aeries of Sabbath evening Bervi^es, under the auspices of the Tvng Temperance Refuge. Many faces, strange to us before. have become familiar—facet, too, that we hive no doubt rarely new a tabernecle. More ladles last night than tonal crowded the &eel cire',e, the settee of whom was manifest in the superior character of the einclog., In this last particular, ninth negligence ha. bean exhibited but it could not have been much b,tter than last eyeninr. Four nymus, prayer , the reading of the Bible, colleetion, end a 11. , 03013—th.5e were ibe features of the service. Rey. Kingston Goddard preached the ser mon. from Luke atx, 19 : ' For the Son of Man bee come to reek and to Me that which le lost.” It watt animated and brief, end tonzhed on the arils of in temperance and the honors of a druntardts present ard future fete. The perotst en wee passiottate sod thrilling," few sem/live Utiles in the dress circle, and many sensible= men in the parquet, weeping, as we noticed, very freely, By nice o'clock the congregation departed with a benediction. If we mai , judge from last evening and the evoniug preceding, the exsrtionn of these gentlemen of the P.efuse ere being rewa-ded wttb great mimes. An in cident whit& Mr Goddard introduced in the closing remarks. tells very well as to the results attending their present labor—we may sly of love They have our warmest wishes f.r their success, Tonvonnoiv the Scott Legion parades. It will be the 29th of March, and the 1211 a anniversary of the surrender of Vera erre. General Scott commanded on that.occeeton. ald many of the mere bora of the Le gion parVeipated. The landing of the troops took platoon the 9 It of March. 1847, when General Worth, with his brigade of regulars, were . puton obore The voinnteer,brigade followed next, and lastly, General -Twigen brigade of regale-a 'were landed at daylight .neat merning. On the lath, the whole force. munbsr int 11 000 olan,were on ramie, inclndlag theiteavyfer. tillery. Pine wan then openodfupon the city which wag kept up almost loces.anqv until the 200, when the enemy heat a parley. After two or three dare dieere sloe, the castle of Fan Juan Vlllloa and the city Ife , e , surrendered, the garrison marching out end layinir down their arms on lbe 29th of March, 1847. The small number of lives loot was an event unparalleled in the awn"; of modern wnr. The Legion will afro, it in ra'd,' perforni a double duty on this occasion, by paying - mplimenta to ()ap ish, Sullivan D. Breece, and Lieutenant Thome and others, of the Legion who depart for Pike's Peak on the let of April. Certain Wm fl Gray will command. THE ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT of the Penn Medical Univareify took plans on fia•nriay afternoon, at 3K o'clock. The hall was Mel. A band played MARIO, and Bey. James Ohallen opened with prayer The regu'ar d.gree of M. D wse "conferred on the fol. lowing member% of the ladies' and the gent.emen's classes: Genttemen's Clasi.—Phu W Conroy, It I.; john T Hampton. O. 0 ; R Pima H. Kline, Ohio; N. B. Charles Morton, N. J : Achille Monied, Cuba; Cherie. Bohm., P. ;B. E. B a by, N. ;B g Willard, Maao.; B ZeberPa. . The honorary degree of M. D. was conferred on Horace Webster. LL D .of New York, ' Ladles , Mass —lfeanah Birdsall. Ind.: Sarah rald well, Pa ; Marianna Nirno, Germany; Parali A Rice, Maas ; Emily Ridgway, Pa -; Angelina Wilson, Ind. Dr. J. Pmerson Kent delivered the vatedloloty. It wet an able and impressively-delivered prodaetion. In thin inetitntion both sexes enjoy equal advantagea in the vomit of their Atudies. The eynteixe of teach. lug embracka other precepts and doctrines than those combined in the Alionalbie system, while none of the essential principles of 'the latter are repudiated. Tilt (MARGE made by the Western Engine Company against the Good-Will Engine Company hag been investigated by the Board' of Fire Engineer, ' and the chsrge d enlisted. This afternoon the (toad Will will home their new engine. They have engaged a band of mimic, and Intent tasking a parade thiough the principal etreate The following is the route : Down Richmond to Frankferd road, down Fraukford rood to Laurel, up Laurel to Second, down Second t Arch, up Arch to Sixth, down S „nth to Walnut, down Wainnt' to Third; up Third to Chektnnt,, np Cheetnut to Tenth: down Tenth to Pin. up Pine to Terelf:b; up Twelfth to, Race. out Race to Thirteenth, no Thirteenth to Vine, out Vine to Fltteeoth, down Fifteenth to Rate, out, Race to Sixteenth, up Sixteenth to Vine, out Vine to Eighteenth, dawn Eighteenth to .Arch„ down Arch to rif eenth, up F,ftaenth. to Race, down Rice to the engine bonne, and d . BEFORE COMMISSIONER HEARLITT, on Satur day eternoon, at 4 o'clock, a man named AndreWlCel• ler, alias" Dutch Helier," had a bearing, on the, charge of mac leg, paasirg, and selling counterfeit mo ney. The accused 'wet arrested by Deputy -Marshal John b` abarliev, at a house in Amber street - near Trout. The officer menaced the cam in • 'eteditabie manner. The prieorior was held for a fartherhearing. A final hears. g was 5150 had in the case of Obas. Win netrack and his wife. who were arrested fifths early part of the week, by Ofileer George Lewis, of the Birth po lice district, for nagging counterfeit coin. The hus band wee held to $3OO bail to answer at oonrt and.the wife in Odd iIETINTITE BARTHOLEMEIV caught a sneak thief on Saturday, with about a hundred yards of very pretty calico in hie poaseesion. Ile could not ac count for the caiteo, or for his - ownirehip in the inane, and an hte repot diva has been very bad, be was taken in enatody. lla will' have a hearing to•day ,The addle° bears the frosrk c f the Pacific Mills, and nialts a claim ant at the; detective oMee. The name of the young manse 1101;44 Bottle, with a euphonious elias of Bene dict It. Robbins. Ile is a young man of very pleasant RPPearance, sod has beau for one term in prison; ire Likeness also bangs; on the walls of the detective office. 131 m, ,Dam• ant!, Samuel Owens, two pick -pockets, who 'were Viivefvni: by '.2ireelerv." fiumnrere and Levy, of, the detective pollee; had a 0461 hearing beferei Alderman Ogle "on flatnrday afternoon. - They are ad 'with tally a gold watoh and ebain from . nod a ellver watch. front 0 • arias Wannemailier, at the poet Mee They are old Oritnisale, and have already been one year within the -prison walla: Their dagner reotypekadorn the walls - of the office of the deteetive'a ofihe. , The alderman committed them to prison. HOSPITAL 04,56.,- 4 .-.GeOrgo Winding, a colored man, aged trenty,theee Jeara, was ,admitted' to the Peensylvacia Hospital last evening with his head bad. Mont. It appears that he had .been imbibing freely yesterdsy afternoon, and while walking in the vicinity of Twelfth nod south attests waa straok on the head with a brick be soma person unknown. Ile appeared to be stiffering exceedingly, and it im feared that oinges• Hon of the brain will eneno. Conotran's Caaa-:—A white man, named Thomas M,Kew, about ninety years of ago, wee frond deal in bed, yesterday morning, in the basement of a hour° at No. 740 Shippen street. The menet held ao mcnost in the case, from which we leam that deceased pn•cbased a pint of brandy on Saturday evening, and, after drloklugft, retired to bed.about nine o'clock Yerdict: - death from intern; cranes. . JOAN KANE. a respeCtable old citizen of Southwark, who has been Inspector of Tobacco for the last quarter of a century, and wea well-known among our citizens, was buried yesterday from his late resi dence to Mollraine street, The Interment took place iu the Unitoa burial ground at the corner of Valli end Federal strea'. A large number of people followed the remain.. Tltt corporators of tho now railroad on Chestnut stoat, as appointed by the Legislature, will meet recording to announcement at the Pelletier 'Rome on the 16th of April. to dispose of the stock. There te every prospect of a very pretty quarrel between the mu nlciral and State Legislatures en this subject. Toe ViTY COttbIISSIONEttO bavo already granted 2,100 tavern and restaurant licenses. Wineh number will be largely increased by the first of April, at which time the power to grant them testes. The largest Lumber granted, FM far, in any one ward la the Fifth; the Sixth cornea neat; and in the Sixteenth the trade appears to be ehletly in the hands of widows. A noun 8 o'clock on Saturday morning a horse attached to a wagon came into collision at Race. s'reet wharrwith a carriage. Mr. Cooper. the driver, was thrown to the ground, crushing his hand and In juring Ws aide He was conveyed to Lis - residence in Pine street, above Front A Youna MAN named James Cassidy was committed by Alderman Tittermary on Saturday to an swer the charge of tarrying CMDceelvi desd'Y weepnoa. Ile was arrested at Waehiagton street and Passynnk mad. and upon searching Min a heavily-loaded revolver IVO found In one of Me pockets. 'A LAD named Joseph Campbell, about ten years of age, fell into the Delaware on Friday evening, while playing on the drat wharf below Christian street. Ha wan rescue t by Officer Brown, of the Second district, and taken to the residence of IS parents, in Christian street, near Second. Tun DEMOCRACY meet this afternoon to elect delegates to a Convention to nominate candidates for City Treasurer and City Oornoyiseloner, is be voted for at the ensuing election. The Conven•ion will as. semble tomorrow morning, Wining Garden Hall. THE CASE of the Bibernla Engine Company, reported by the Hope Engine Company, and which was postponed on Monday last, will be resumed this after• noon at half-pest one o'clock, in the 00=00E1 Conceit chamber_ A number of witnesses have been examined, and both parties are repreeente4 by counsel 'JAMES G. BAttnwarm has been elected prino pe.l of the Livingston Grammar SchooLrifteenth section, to fill a vaearroy. Mr. Barnwell lately blind tho pooltion of briccipet of the Germantown Grammar School. INSPECTORS OP THE EASTERN PENITEN- TlxXX.—The Supremo Court of rear aylvania have Sp nointert Richard Vrox, Alexander Henry, John Bacon Simnel Jones, hf. D , and Thor. H. Powers, inspectors of the Eastern realtentlary of tho Brute. EnonnEnx OrEssnrsz died at his home, in south Third st eet, yesterday morning. He had been connected with the Fourth andFitth•atreeta line of om• albums for a number of years, and died well known and respected. Tire CADWALADER GRAYS, Lieut. Sickles, are endeavoring to secure a portion of the new arsenal as anarrnwy, The National Artillery, under Colonel John K. Murphy, ere also endeavoring to get into the arsons I. TEE DRY (MODS STORE of Mr. Samuel Sim• inane, at Sixteenth and Vine etreeta, was enteral /1 Saturday rnornire, by forcing open the bulk window, and robbed of goods of considerable rater.. IllAvort "Unity on Saturday morning signed the gas extension bill, atd it fa now a law. MEETING Or THE CONEEEENOE.—After de votional exercisea, which were conducted by thew. a. AL Cooper, the minutes of , the preortling day were read and adopted. The attendance of members was un diminished; the galleries exhibited a slight falling cif from the crowds of the previous dayt—a fact doubtless due to the hourehold duties of &lordly. The Dee. Dr. Qatgley made a statement on behalf of the stewards It wee at first feared that the receipts woolt fall short tf the amount o• loot yrar, end state ments had been made to that offset. Dot, after a close examination, the gratifying fact appeared that there would be no falling off. The secretary reni the annual nib bit nod report or the Book Concern of New York. The exhibit of the agents is a very sao• Aleatory one The a ratthr of the Bandar Bthool Union of the M. E. Mut& Tes rext iead The number of Co . Tandems reported is nearly twice as great as the highriv return of soy preview yam A communication was received from the Central Committee it the fund to be raised in America for the evangelization of Ireland, calling the attention of Con ference to the subscriptirns that were made, end the collectioeS that were ordered in lie behalf $25,007 of the 5100 000 pledged, have yet to be providel tor. A einimunication from the Executive Committee of the Tract liodety or the if E Church, at New York, ceiling attention to the interests of that soolety i was referred to the Committee on Education A report of the treasurer of the Centenary Fund (for the relief of aupernumerariesoke.) ear read, setting forth that there tea Warne of MO on hind. A reso lution prevailed that the steward shall be at liberty to draw a draft for that amount ; to be properly applied. Disiritt. Francis Pearson • ' S zPhiladelphis. William W Wise 'Reading. Charles P Straughn ~....,..Scow hill. Benjamin T Sowell , Philadelphia. W J. P Tograbeni, Fi Philadelphia. James WlsedWin, ........ Philadelphia, John Aeheratt " S Philviedobla These eleetiorm mounted urbre'than an hour. during which time the attention of the Ciniference and ens gregation somewhat relaxed. , They were oondonted,by Iliehnp Shown, by whom Bishop Scott Wag relieved. The seventh regular question: Who are the aupernu merariee? wag taken up. , A ssrlee of 'resolutions permed by the Board of Mana gers of, the Treat Repomtery. was presented and re ferred in the Committee on Rdocatinn. The roadie tines thank the Conference for the kind and unequivo cal su• port aff o rded ; commend warmly the egencv, as an indispeosoble aid to the Prosecution of the tract enterpriee; and earnestly request the re appoliement of the prefect 'agent,' Nev. A. Morelia, 44 to whose zeal and euergy i under the bleeping of Cod, we attri bute the marked • prosperityof the w within the bounds of the Philadelphia Conference.". A report wag reia from the Rev. S Hi ggins, agent of the Pooday school week. •go Trotionr the report WWI 'Staffed to the Sunday school Committee and a copy orderld to be sent to the Okrise , an Ildrocaie aed Journal for publication. The examination of the sopernumetary lie; wee con tinued at Intervale. The Ray. 1. Mitchell. on coconut of his extreme age sod infirmity, was superannuated , A long discussion (dining which the time was extend ed) arose on the clotted of 'V Bmith=toa plate on the supernumerary llitt • - The Rev. Rather Wiltshire made a moat eloquent epeeoh. which thoroughly amused the Convention Re said it would be a charitable thing, to restore Mr. Smith to an effectlge Place, and the Convouiioo should run the risk if there 10 any risk , It was Ter. hard to be supernumerary. }lather Wiltshire, at the ege of se. vent) , live, felt ;strong enough almost to be effect ye himself Mr. Smith was roatored unanimously. . FA, al appointments for preaching ware male; after which Conference BO mimed.- THE COURTS SATURDAY'S PROORRDIHOS Reverted (or The Presqj UNITED STATES DISTRICT Cotrax--LJtulge Oadwaleder.—Tuac Latober was brought op - before the cool for - pet:dente. - It in, - be roman:Ai:ere& that the dvrendhot well convicted, at the lut tern of the court. of puebla counterfeit money. Sentenced to three year; in the Be Worn Penitentiary. Artier. ned. NISI Paws—Justice, Strong.—Motions foi new trials. Nit Pam—Justice Read.—This Court was engaged in 'mating rules, motions, &c. QUARTER Snssions---Judges Allison and Ludlow —At the opening of the court Mi. David Paul Drown said that ha anneamd now for the fourth time in the case of Men Yarn which was fixed reremptorilv for bearing; but 'Mit he came with no comelatht about the we, net beirg proceeded With ; that he was fully aware of the i.te domestic affliction in lills.riet Attorney Lousheacre family ; that Me. L. had written a note to him asking if he intended to proeeed with' the trial of the. case. Under the - aircumetsn•ee be, (Mr -Brown) would not urge the hewing. ; The cage wax amordinaly mintioned over. - Habeas corpus and desertion ewes were diep,Meed • With, , Ores AND Taurnan—Jidges Allison-and Ladles - -Another Himilide Case.—llenjainin Welch was charged with homicide, in killing Thomas Bands. The allegations' neon 'he tart of the mautoontioo are. that en the 18th dav of November 1858, the defendant • stabbed Thetownende with a butte union the right side' of the sheet t that this cue Is one of a reckless kinl or Wiling. which ill truly deplorable; that the dere.- ' dant stopped to see a Mr. gads, in nipper' street, who wee a brother of the deceased; that the defendant re. mined from 3 ta 5 &Clock, as life Okuda _was not to be aeon; that the - defendant and Sands then enraged in conversation at the bead of a flight of step, leading to the cellar. where a restaurant Wall kept: that the de. fondant bad vomit bad feelinga against a dog, belonging to Thomas Buda' brother; that - ha look- out -a- re and commenced to cut the dog ; that the decedent then stepped up and said, Don't butt that dog.-if yen have any respect or feeling of friendship for I:D7l:mother. as be fa the owner of him that the defeudgot than turned around and stabbed Thomas Bands;_ from which blow or shah-Bands died: - • ' The deceased was a IM about 16 er Tr-years-old. ;era the defended is about 85 year* old. .; The ev deuce In this esa,,`waii publiebed In e brier when the 'ease was beird•beforriAliernein" ecting as coroner The jury rendered a verdict of gutty of rate slaughter' James low.; was ddquitted, of botareide In kitting Harrieen Williats. in Second street, above Brown, at the haute et - John Green: GOSEKON Places —Judge - Thompacin.Jadie Thomrson (Miami opinions to the.folloaring oases: Ommingbatc - es Cunningham. Motion for new trial Rule d'albarged . Ohew's Executors es. Obey. : Decree for plaintiff. Goise's Widow vs.. Goiania Executting Regort.of • auditor assigning dotter, ,Report. continued with, "amendment.. ' ' Henry Apple's estate, , , Detroit, for :amcittnt, awarded, 114xtei.•,•iticiee otVileriera ppo :neat • id.: • L. - . and *a. wiles estita. Citation 'swards* • adtttionel scoontit.. • " " ' • Late 7, kotne's estate. - Exceptions to auditor's re port. Exceptions dismissed , Hillis Kinsey% estate.'" Soceptions to auditor's re Vireeptione dismissed.' Wro. flanse , e estate. Exceptions dismissed, and re prat condrmed With correction. - Later (hint . the Gold Diggings. ARRIVAL DriWILLIAH H I ,sit,'*,l,*vr 9.isn $4OO WORTH OF GOLD' DUST, WHICH Hg DUG IN . TWENTY DAYS, WITH VERY IN - DIFFERENT DINING TOOLS. We had a call last evening from our old friend William S. Walsh. Esq., who has jest returned from Denver atty. Hams that the road to with in ono hundred miles of that place is lined with emigrants travelling in all sorts of ways—en here back, mulebaok, oxback, in wagons,- with hand carts, and on foot, but they all seemed to be in exy collect spirits, and were getting along Seely. BT experienced no difficulty from Indians, He went to Denver pity by the old Santa Fe route, and re turned by the Smoky Hill. Re says that the latter is decidedly preferable to the former;and advises all who aro going to take It, from the fact that it is nfuoh nearer, and wood and water is in abun danee all the way. Ho made the trip from Deaver city to this point in twenty-two days. Mr. Walsh brings with him four hundred dollars worth of gold dust. which he dog in twenty days with very indifferent mining tools ,lie sap that the country is very healthy, and that the- miners are in high glee, with the most brilliant prospects far the future. He leaves.this morning on the " Sover eign " for St. Louis, to purchase a stook of goods for the mines. Wd have kncivin Mr. Walsh for several years, and his statements can be reliel on with implicit confidence.—Kansas Dotly Leig,tr, of March 17. New York:Stock Exchange, March 26. 8110000 BOARD. 5210 1.7 9 611067 1.693‘f 75 Pit3lElo II 8 Co 1,00 70% 1000 Missouri Os 56% 10 do ' 7854 4000 Erie It eon B '7l 30 50 CM &R I R boo 5R% 2001 Note 11 41 mth 50 Ifo Her 11 Poet 610 39 4" 16000 LaO&MLGEI 18 WO do b 6039% 5000 do 17% 600. - do 30% 75 oh. Del &I C Co 10041,00 Read It - 493' 200 N Y Cen R b 1 0 .79 25.1110 h Cori B 61$1 200 do 79% 10 Papua , R • 317 k 1 50 do 03 79 100 Gal A'Clal R 630 68 100 do 010 797 i TUB MARKETS. ABBRS.—Smell lot, of Pots were sold at $6; Pearls aro nominal at $5 873( 41 , 100 ml. COTTON boa not varlet FLOVR.—Tho demand Is fair for desirable lots. /fold ers meet it freely. Pikes favor buyers. Sales 9,000 bble of all kinds. • Wusar.--nalea 20,000 bushels at $1 4801 50 ro r red and amber Western. $1 for white .Ken - neky. $1 00 for Chicago spring, sod $1.35 for Alllnau bee Club Coss.-Belea 20,i00 bushels at 00 for mtsed Western, ani 88,,k; cd9Oolor new yellow Southern and Jersey. Bro.—Ss/es 1 We bushel-at 950 Boetar —Bales 20,000 bushels State and Venda at Clsc 85e. PORN —B.les 1 000 bbls . ast $l3 1234 tar New Mess, MS 25 for heavy do. do., and $lB for prime. VlnisaßY.-Balee 410 bi:ds st 27„xlete28e. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Money Market. PIIILADIMPRIA, March 9.6, 1850 The business of the Stock board to-day was rather larger than usual, and prices were firmer than on yester day. Pennsylvania Railroad shares advanced another „V, closing firm at 43X, anditesdinglltellroad stoat so d largely at UM, with an exceptien of LO shares at 25. The tenacity with which the bull interest IA - Reading has maintained its ground In spite of every adverse element, is worthy of a still greVer‘sncoess than that hitherto achieved, and the operators for higher prices appear to have no doubts that the gmid time coming is near at band A few sales of passenger railway clock were made to day. Pace and Vine-streets brought 4436, Fifth and tiiath•etreote 61, and Weet Philadelphia 6130. The NIT° York Tinits gives the following ,4 opinion as is an opinion " about the coal trade of 1150 • We ree no•reaecn to doubt ilk correctness, and trust it will prove rather under than over-estimated : One cf the Philadelphia merchants, long eogegod in the coal trade, gives ns hie view in regard to the MAl:less of the year as follows: He estimates that there will be a demand at tide-water for 1 000,00) to 1 200,000 tone more than last Year. The Increased sop ply he done not think will eacerd 1,000 000 tons—say From the regions delivering coal near New York From the Lehigh region nt Ft ilndolphitt. From the dahuylkill at Philadelphia.... Total tone 1,000 000 Prom which, however, meat be dednettd the stook on hand tact season at the opening of buateces, there being none en hand at pre sent Which leaves an 'etre/wed supply at tide water of only about. If this by no means extravagant view be correot—aLd, be is spare= of cars sound judgment rod well informed —there must be darlng the summer and an.nron a good buhlne is for both producers and carriers of coal ra The United Mittel Treasury balanceforthis week, I $lllO 090; amount of receipts, $1,817,000; drafts paid, $1,168,000 ; drafts issued, $1,960,000, a redaction $112,010. The Louisville Couri.r says the Hon James Guthrie has sold 1,018 of the first mortgage bonds of the Louis ville and Nashville Railroad, amounting to $l,OlB 000. He has made the sales tight here at home among our own aspltalints, without going to Europe or even to New York for help: Ouch financial ability an Mr Guthrie line shown in these sales, pilaus the earl) , completion of the Lotesville and Nashville Railroad beyond a'doubt. We dial' have the iron horse darting from here to Nashville by neat New Year's day. The managers of the Now Jersey Central Railroad Company hare determined to pay their tharaholdera a MO City 03 99 100 do 99 701- do - 99 700 do 99 10001 Read R6l 'co 1.5 FS -5000 do 55 P 5 4 Norden R.Ct.P 514 3 Frankkaontlt Et 61 1 do 1....61' - OLOSI;e111 PR 'Bidt•Asitur -'.- • - - Sid. 4664 ...:04 106 ' Rohl Nay Imp 61 711 7 5g -.••. 98g 90- a Rtoele - ' '9' ''.- •9g R 98% 99 -... Pet • - :2 8 .1116;€ ._,. ' 1iew...10134103 Wotan & .151mB 02( 9J4 People be 93% 93g i_ ale let rag '...- - -ng ..73g Reading- In 2404 25 A a VI. -- - • 15 ~ bdi >70.. 94g 65 IILOag biland.... - - 70.1(.4.1g • ~ me 68 '4l, 92 95 1 Ettnid Bk Con.:-60W 50% " do 'B6 793€ 78X1 Leh Cost le Ns,. big 53g Penns R 44. 445(14shigltBcrbS..• -- a let mt 64,101g101g re Penns 11 - 91( 914 a .28 mt 6.1 .91 : 94)4 . .a 66 - (di( 64% Moe Canal Con. , ' ' ... lithrersidt' " - - 34- ti dly eg 4034 66oatswips 8.... -a: 6,v Pohl ' , 82 72 Far3 olX1 g 73 e s g . I .6malk:ziae.;;;.' - 74 1g h ee 10 131mirs R Idoyamacerg Gan , 30 150 Penn55........45 44 12 do 2dys 15 do 2dis 44 JO do b 5 44 10 do, 44 20 do 44 ONO- V.lOl 11 13 62 ) 74 ems. es... Philadelphia 4arkets. PIMA rustrusa, 'March' —ltrenlog Therela no change to nots - in'Plour, but the market is dull to-day, snd most holders inaloW4:llc444 the - only- sales we - bear of are to the 'extent of abbe t 500 bbla Western and Penniyitolneitriiii $5 87Xwe3.1.0 . 4 standard sure , fture IS held at ourloweat figures, without finding buyers, except lu :111411. /OW to Vl* reds, at - from thiu rate rp to $8.75, and $7,06017 75,5 r bid - for oommoti,tonhales anksiline - extrie lied fanny brands, as in quality - Bye Flour is quiet, and_beld at 7 7 35 bbl oOrn ?dealtlMOlmes *mires, and aliale of 500 MIS' Pemorylvaula was made, ,to arrive,- at 03 11.7% - ,a' bbl. Wheat—there Is • not much demand for it,-bat gales of 2,00948,900 bus are reported inlets attl 50 tot E 0 for fair to prime red, and WO to 1.80 for nolite,noatly at the former figures, Ryes mmattled,- anClower, - 101,000 brut Pennsylvania sold at 984 o; delivered Corn a not so active to-day, but about 2,614 bus - Southern yellow sold at 890, afloat Oat; canUnue:dull, with further small sales of Pallor/lain% -. tojunta • at- '04055ii. Of Barley Mali a sale of 1,007 -boa ,yrair made at $l and 5,003 brie Rye do, at 002,1,ontime. , Ride—iloareltren has advineed, and araide bf 0011tdo Ist Ro 1 eras made lit $ 55 V' ton- • Ootton—thd market le Had, but quiet, with furtherealeeot about 1051 - -,:balet;'osly to.tits at fully previous : rates. Groserles and troileimis , there: is rotting new; aid a - lltalbse Imbues "doing- in the way of Italia, meetly in Eltgail:foYielnini,otitains kept private. Feeds—therelea teen some Mt - It'd...- mold for Cluserased to.dayytuestly io len, Sarah,. sad 100 bass name - lead ao'd at $57608 q' boa a male of inferrer Timothy was alio Ada at $3 80 tVbrae ; do. nestle Fhaileadlawayted at $1.76 .1p brie. Whiskey is about stationary at 20Xes2le' for drudge, 27%u for hhds, 280 for 7,est on bbl., arid IlnisßOoTor Western and 1 prison do. C I. T_Yi, IT:E'*4'-o= ORS - BALR,..-OP Pairkiii fli t! , Oldthinott with alarginnokberof enrcitiseas, we visited; On Mar day, theimMenie gallery Ofhil paintings new being en htbited to the public, by Meagre, James 8. Eerie & Bon, at their former ocons,• Oltostititytrett; WOO° their late;Whialt Wilt commence on' Tubeday 'rno*lng of this, week: We hive not seacs-L.area if _We were" competent to" the taik 7 :l4i enter ;In.detail 'upon - the merits of thht,estenelvieolleationt, ,at, the mime tins,' "je an bait the dgnient of those more &killed heinch matters to tocashatte In the vest ow,thate collection of pictures so numerous; so nnininiily good; so varied in chancier of subjects: so reepeetabli In. merits, from , the least to 'the greeted; and Withal. endearing, se large a proportion of works - by eribite ordietinatiori; hie never heretofore been offered,at tildegba. Pobliesaliter ;this artlietoittiditd , `sage named trittWeetiottOtiait - z :noulift-f :doubt; will ocinumnerniajnseeneetSessa raft! '_arm,--ea 1 . 51 'eider and Wriestiidii-mail; tralm Wool* iteh", -W tion Among the most remerkatoiein theCialleitlen for merit of execution we may name Horne, -by Mason, copied from an original; bY4Sted; a Siena on the Moneekey,, near R9ltleheincPal by Boutelle-- a life like and refierhiniptetnie ; I doettlight. mithe LebighLennally admiraSle, .by the same artist; the - Sorcerer predignete Winter; IV that be would die by: the band of an assassin, by Tirtmot—iplotarenr great artintio merit ; --Nelson's VietotyP - tovied after US Battle :of frafalger.. painted after Stanfieldi bY Morse; also, the Storm - cif Natant, end the Wreck - off the Meet: of idaine—two spirited original Octane:, of gnat` Merit, - painted' bY the same artist ; the Os. t e Mn, by Weber 7 -kplobare lilt; of sub limity, reprmeating 'a scene nittewhiroWeber lived On the Wing, by , Ranney—a eporting_plotartof a h i gh order" of merit; Poetry •in the. Woods, by - Ling;_ a - Washington, by Rembrandt' Yeals—i perfect'. Copy of his original picture, and, of its class, the gem of the entire gallery; the Fouventr of Italy, by Sonntag—in whiCh the varied - 1 features of Italian scenery are de lineatet with wonderful saga; a Bc.me on Lake George, (another :plan* by Weber) in Ishtar the piaci! lake is reads to mir-or the most gorgsous sky and moan. taco scenery; and Its% (of -,those we shell here name,) The Ou'et re-oily,byßobbei which la, in our judgment, she work of the entire collectint: Its won drous beauty and fidelity to nature. to lovers of pastoral scenery, are irresistible.' The heavy-fleeced uurinterd of the family in the foreground, casting their deep abs. down'on the grein turf beneath the nornday son. are in such striking. yet natural, contrast with the shep herd, with hie Book, end talthfuldog in the distance, wrapped in' tin shad .w ontoemnier:oltid,thitt tie whole seems to spring upon the mind as a reality. In looking at it, the b,holder forgets the season, and as he drinks in this charming rural scene, covered with Ito 7tily thunder-boding sky. and antrounded with pri meval forest, yielding in torn to distant" mountain waves, he almost, pants for the vast embracing shades' , that tempt him in the distance beyOtd the bleating flock. 05r readers should not fail tovisit this collection to.day, as the sole will commence to : morrow morning. TIT 6 WHOLSSALE CLOritING Trtitifn.—No depart ment of the Jobbing trade of Ohio city, during the pre. sent season, has furnished a bet'er !Castration of the advantages of gotticg up stocks early, sod sufficient in extent to meet the deo:lards of buyers, that the depts t meat of Wholesale Clothing. Those cf ors leading houses here. where trade le largely with the Plinth, have already, in covered. Instances that we know of, ex ceeded the'r venal amount of lspring sales by several thouraud dolla•a. There who Wei' moreexclusl rely to Western and Pennsylvania trade—whlch is cf a rather later character—are aloe well prepared, and are It fact, now diirlog a brisk burbles& Of this _fatter class of houses we may name, as among the Most enter pelting and extensive of them; the large eatablishmen t of Messrs. Stratum & Goldman, No. 300 Market street, above Third. In locking through their srfcek a few days ago, we fogad It unusually heavy, and very irm pkte in all its dryartments Liming the requisite facilities at their commend for boyieg at the most ad ranta;eciort 'Prices, their facilities for selling cor - responling low rates are equally great,' se that taking all into the account, there are pfobably few - wholesale clothing houses in this country prepared to offer greater infucementa to buyers than that of Messrs, Btrausi Goldtal*, iirrEWARY ANDLVIDISARY THIS EVIaNINg.—The thirteenth pablie meeting of the Prescott Literary de. soalation will be held thin eyenirg at Garde' and Haydn Halt, Eighth gird Spring Garden Meseta The lomat exerohee of these meetings will be varied irithia lasfluace with the introduction of a debate, after the in ter& eaten, on the question, " Does Great lintrdn pea- NOM the Elements of National Durability to a greater extent than the Gaited States ri The occasion will donbtlete berme of meth Interest, as the anneal meet age of these praiseworthy Einoclatlone generally are. PURE WATER may always be obtained by Wing one of Evan': PRtelB. For sale at 105 South Fecund street. - JONR Yasuo. THE COM:LICT BETWEEN VIE STATE END THE Ct2v. the Cheatrint had Walnut street railway qtrs. tie; Involves acooliot between the City and State an thorittee, We learn from lifareiaburg that a committee of both Efonses are coming down to the city to racer, cile,mitters If possible; bat, above all, - to secure for themselves new and elegant snits of Spring garments, at the Brow; Stone C'ething Hall cf Aoekhltt, Wil son, Kea. CO3 end 606 Chestnut street, above Bath. TREMENDOUS EXCITINIENT,--DuriDg all of 'act week the hotlines of Obestnut street, and other farhiont able theroughtareß, were aatonitbed, siighty, et the crowds cengregatel about the faiblonnble Clothir g Emporium of Granville Race, No- 807 Ohnetnnt street, On inquiry, we learned it wail neuly„impoealble Ugala ingress to that popular estabileffmcmt, in con sequence of the mat to obtain elegant Spring Clothing, “'sun Sretno time is-coming, - With - sting, bird, bee, and, flowera.” Altai the'storM of rain shall hays paired away, we may rapeet to see, a glorious gashing forth of sweet things from the bbsom of old mother earth. Nature will deck herself in her loveliest garb to meet the - throne 'of the monarch of day; and, man, the child of earth, will array himself In the gracefal e Spring Style' of E• II Eldridge, proprietor of the "Old Pea:Alin 'Nall Clothing 'Emporium," No. 321Ohestnut street. TEA TRkES of every quality, else. and Shape, front's dime emit to $25 per set, are sold wholesale and retail by li. W. tarry( & Co , 714 Chestnut street: BIRD CAGES of the most beautiful styles, from Et to $lO, ars *old wholesale ant retail at Y. W. Oanill & Co re House runrishlng attrel 714 Ohestruit streel,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers