17. Am* , - r ttiV 'rl ' . R 1I - 6 .40,„ , * fit,,,i _I r hir ,',..' . f ; " ll‘—_ .4i 14. '',''' juk,r)ritiftrAMci•Y-1 • - i lc Aria; ~ ‘• --'-' , " s ilt . ~•' -11,,,,44 - Irey ' • CA' lig" W. W . S * ' re , ,, ii,;, l -742,i0 mew i ' , V.amtiiio Mali ~ ,„ ~lonrsin - itgri:itorid.,,, , ~,, ira,_ i ~ -fli• • - aj t itra "'", ler lk. Ls. : 5 c ,"4" :4-k• ?-41111:' H`' Z; 4-:' +rtibkil( 4 j ??4,i 5 = 4 l ittW e'i :4l - - - 11'02? ''" • - , 4 , e!', a It • ' I", '4100611011‘lif: nirOsilontsi.lllq r I Niall'inlifarjr V 04101 4114 /..:. r • s lim - 0 '. *- s:',Y o 4 l o.TrAlk. o :-.V4 , i'lliki.V ' ' -' r ' .1 4 NIIICTiti Siii[4* - Wil x i All-':..)'lrmitoll• ~.. t. , , 1. 1. B' '' Waft, Mitt' 2, - , iv ',wiet4*.Ao r. -.7: MI ' - ._:•101,i ini, A.- ;,.., 1314' '' - Wite"- gm ,1-,',, rdw --, - widmlor_ ~• , , , 1 it'd H` • :'iriitoir MIST ; ; iir , -..- • !Natal ligs-,-, • ,s , ~ Iltritili4 - WsAllifgre , ~. ,eO - ,' .', 'Weltdilkars ,I. y O&M ' :'lFitLilillfri *A •:# ittellA%l7.ldiillie : - ,-.6. , IMAM* p -111A11,#•KikAlicb.',;, '; -W - link - --„,42 a Utiia i t, aiit••••••-t- wil0:11/1V-; ~,,,,, Ta 49.11' ' ...iruirlai)lNKlA4 • - .4 7 - :i.lr khr§Ofsmik lk- ' #,f.1,111•1 e , na th wilpt . -- • i I Nr '. r 4 V 1 2 1ilatikla r t,T: , , 1 4 4 A" ,;•44 . w .• . 87 -" actlrit ; :;i 4. p*ollirg 4.llr, u f t '• F. . 1- vi - , l 'l47,a=lvathu tizr:. , ' ' - =b - * 'o soi u Nii, ..-- . i..te4ro, , k , ..,6;,41ntr44:14; '-: ' 4; 5 7 7 i-: 2 f t ----" • j- miii‹, s Aitiliti,ll4l42l,7:- - '` 4 Z, , , - r , '''' k1 i r... 7 14:t 4. ati,. , ;‘ , l gip ~, t p,A,l4-inr i tia-000 , -:lr , 4v , , ..,..„ `emesig44 - ,T4N,_)4 l saif.e,_art i i itir=j6; yr -1-1,'T.,.,40-11**111111;*7-4* :yv.z •.- a - iiiWielkoir tea 4 , .......tt , :,,,,-; - - ,‘, '-r'' ' ' ' 74 1 , 't- 10/0. 000 V !CV , ' I d 1 'Clr-•, G-6 - ' ' '.1)0a1111! ' - 1,Wit..,%: -t z .ltsaii' :V .Ors ff , 2 Thoglialinn 4;;V "c.N.1....A: , IgnifiG it.iie, . 7.... ,-,.„.„, 6 -9,..!,9,/, ' ''''• • • imit' lL t.l.' ita - C!'.',tr• aiiii,44. i fF , 2..• - ' 5.- -...,,,,,.. •n -j. r'X•dmissilv-V ( , ''• it- '4'''' '': -,!,• 1 ,- - ''',l43, K-r, ,- '`, , ' - kr - iik i llilwai,4 Pte! ,ve n . 04 eitp i tg ..s ,Y:Xlm I, ..1 .• - "‘ ~..., 44l i, ~,, , i.s•,_it Oasis lk:c_ gt.,.: i - _ - ...'lhitiesilt It'l'-,^7ohinSilAv.,AY .. f4kwidisinkl,;,,i, ritraar,.., •11.,,1741C4477;-:4-, . , -,,,,i4,. 44 1.P1A K . v rn iiiit i „ lag tfr, , „.„„- ~.,,,t, o , ' iirct - iii -- - tea ", ._." -''' . ''''':: k r ilhke.liilPA,;;& - Areakie , , pi:;: , -, '‘----- - t. ip - Tvai -- . - -almil=- ,- 1•VI' . ..kt , . • i ,r , , , ,, ~ t-irAtoornwpm.:,zl.4u - Ako, - w.v. : ,, N J , .. Ammentatip,t, - ••=: .,- 4„ , ,-o...Arfc. ~,- - . - . - -- , A r sota.---4-.4,-, JI4 4 ,‘.. ~ i . - T.; ,; . , • ' 'AilinWill 4.:p ;1••* -- ,:4 la',4._ ' . '-'- ' 11.20214411 1 i,-.44 ilni_gril -4 ' l -^ • , -T I ZT a .:, to:- '' '.I4IIOetACTIT' V441010/71i ., 1 , '4, Wrak* r Tir 11.111: 1 I f ir , °4l 3lloo 'irratWilli n a r l a filin4i' ! : __ l.ll4llB ,Jo 34 .l. 'XllWltokU...,,fiV:lner..Zli` f=.7il T Zt.. -• : i ' ' i= li c A v it; 1 - 11 awn i 'l4iattz,n,,.:..- ,, - i , Bo , cy. Piltas,FtWokti, .1 , +.444f/riou II - : • g • _Evaair2bas Aes Carso.,,,_ , ,-• - - 4*/02 ,- hc'r Nnallik. 1-21 .i,,,7, 1, r-a 1 1, 2 3 T...- -,, ► , slors,-.1 fowißm, - " " -..- '-• , p,44 , llllllll ll ostonsitka 14-,10441EY,N. ',.. vls, - nal air: ,- , Lint Aties#,A E 1 a , , •' f ~ ~.-' '„ . "..,447,,, ','- ;Loki* arT '. I 41441114641, 7 . I ?'4l,* - ,',, Impia,,lL Ti.‘ -7- :-. • 1 0 .,.. 1 0 1 : 4 CO 1 0ivid • ''',' I e at I ,V, ~.q- , ,:i. 1 . ,•", Abbot *a 4• , t .';--,;::, " Tfed4, Bap Ili k , -4 INO 0 ~ic,4 um/4 w... L'l: - • - `r_ -, 0i1',,, ~ l koitAsktrozx ki , ? : l44iiirmettsi s ity e i, 4.l.ulltliggj a ll.k i 'f'4' l t: 4 4 l V4 1:4-1-,t'-i V oi lk-gri r 1.1 , • ,gi"4. - '4l ,i'Ajj';!----414:11141 i' l ltreti l l l . l *At• ' N ti c• 4 1_,JeficerviltiltlFr; aillitCrlfil h.11 , 010/111: ; _,-- ' TAMA Gail , liiip • - ::_alair M 2:2cf-Altretakit, -, i-- •‘:-.. ~-L.CoC ~ :"4-.4. - Airboalsail,2) - i. Locust, lik Own- , .r . ' 10111 02 441.1da •101, 4 41,YeaKOW i' yc, . .. - 'matt 114 04). , - '.: ' - 1042,111,0,2iiiglaiag. -, -: _ 1.1 unieme: ~,.. iiieor WWII /ohm i; Malty 1 ; 00 111,19 . .=-M 201Ilf_ alifOapt :2410i411i0r,.2 , 1028 , imorattigiaiiik., , , , ,ftyAliktv.,:ip_w 0 , =go sae ~, Boirle2 Al ,- "- ~rd a • X -' '''''''' ;So *VT illoinegibeaktpl t4/. 2 401/ , ' , r Italtso l ** l3l, , 1141 -4i * 401• Ib i kl.k -1:1461:161°11414: tirp=t,TB=3 . 4,7- - 11.:11.a.,5,,,, 4 - ' ' ' disiiii.2 2,2i- - gailtis Par.”, 4 ,_- s tr et im ik " alt :',' :' , .: , i . „4;goliatid _..? Xelleila Grob 2,:, • 114-0 K *MA k 212#21un. If, ; '-'l[o -AG •; ' , c. - ,'-- ' , vtio , kolf,oltit. , ; i v - - - - 4, --, , : - „-,' ',,,. :I),......iiiiiiiii#4,, „. ~- ,'"4,-,;;',,ri.uu.k7ir,-", ' - ~-i ,74;„1. 7 ,- , ,r4- ,, , witiftbkiir: 4,- Ritatkutrashio 1 4= - inci°l4e ceb ) Y;lll.L ' 46 ' itrolrilLil Barn = I ulf4 011isoa'0 8044 ligalausblin s /Wird a arm ' ,, ' , 43R•iideophigato' melAssiklielno Saiwistselo"-11,411111libMid ir,-,,,%- , -, it e gm i ght fkly, ; 11 rig its a iko, -, -, GUI 1 r - --.! 20 * , 1 0 1 1 rV , 0: 71 4 14 -I ,.pit,__kill'i„likUtivoix ir, ! rat r altire • -.- ititiiiibucw 4 .a ., o , Nadia, L 84 4giVin 112,m ‘ r •,F ° 140% )141 ' a' &Clivk ,1 . ,?:, ,,, `: ' . - sfil graitiblir Pi...04,41,8v , ~I rd:ouildhilt.' f,4 Imilitilv I 0 ../ ; . 60 0. ,111111 1 .M.4 01 4.1Kgr - ik. o : - AX,Nr e4l-4. L* , mw a1 7,1? -; ' , a ‘''''.., ' l(..,;(lnomfigk..* : - ,1 .4 2 11 sr - ,,_, 1- it 0 "% • i,f•ft(M.' Xl - 31;q' r l'fA i Tir ~..a. IIOOftVi a, POIOC.: =I/ 61-4° rea .24 1, 1.) lot Avr,. ., • •• , „•• ~I• •• - Wit 4.4lvoodrow Ark, , , , ,, t - 7 .' ;:k v 'sif ilt4"l"l " 4VC;',4 Oars lii i, , 1 ,114 , - , - ' - 4 , if . Mahon Wm 2" 1114Thilt, , , • moat siiiip,.- ilitegANCt-.t.Lisugorgineg 4 , Vaned riglekv-f,f3t20002 2W ,i2iabflwo P. V -!' ,:• , C ,lierilf.MlOKY _lllitrAliM SIVA ...14~ . 4 EtAt, - ' 4 •••• .)" 1 10 1 4 1 • 41 t4gra llishow-r o, -:, = ' i4,„,.1-,Aiiii. Leici-*.itamis x -, -e• .., ' - •-' /Mlle, aliankell Iliall7Cliosaidealaydv , Mr 1(41, , ,- - 1 ..," SkissiohtlaiorcAbdtridr,,fic ..: , . . ilmsiiiptloile.,llll.orAYo , 4l : !,' tlibrok-icbe -,, .......axinibouutz74.F . ..4-4,47.7411,:„;,:, , ,i!„ ...._____ll.-, , ,e p„>/-461161.4 -Li-..irt , 5110,70$ pr,. , , i ,z, ~ ..,,Immpipmosik:47,.igionaml,,,-„mosedso ydf,,,,, ~, ~,...quomar#WB4- , wikulini ,W1 0 .1 44 _, 7 - ,.. --- t ''''',' 5.:•'-' J6B-161 44Alt=i ' 11 ,t;'1;:, &At tu, • ~,' , -,. •Igeptyli m o u itafr;u t o ~:.-Insigiiiii lip "::=7,i ii iip;Allifteliall lial" il 1114; 111 ;:, IlliliS -,llll.aWal ,.. ..ltilargitAiiiit-''', ,, l eggragilt,g Viliiiiirfeltiri.. elAliftilloollagotlV Olorlotfami,jm,4* Ilort,LIVO - ;t" . ; .111114WII.IFf It ,, ;-',. ..inw - 4, ,, 71',., - 4 Zoo - A:7!. ithticitiw— ~..., --'.- df2R.i'1 , 1 11 4 5 : Bt: "•ili - 4. Millesilllftog''''' ofatilll4(gexteiagiguigoit4ls.4 Malt *1144' , f l ' , Olitlk lobt "51herry ?kw - •' }ldler 011 , 16 , 4 4: '''' i.l'iLriaratim . `,."ThigY, SUAIVIV#rV4'I 2 'el . 01.: * . A-ire- E imitighgg i gt,: : :2o4o. 04'27 , -esivio 'o,; kcili to sify, i i: 1 74,-;Ali ,„ 7 . 4 „. i . .. iv 4i.,:.`,,- chi_oc— • - ~rt.'4--parwogiiiNV 5t -' -..jag ifig : 14 1 ,,....- ~,ts ~ . ,,, _ , . 1. , , -? :t":, : r-. • p4i 01410 ft = 13311111X111q 3 0 ;;':5„-j;mikwa / , tAopi ,* _ 1 4 1 .` t, C . • 111 4 2i4 dai ii = lbni ?ftrxdfAXlßPArk,ii: ~1 1 d&d,„/V5.;,,r,T0W0010-PA.b.; iOdludiGeriD,Waftrtain ~ tryttle - Mrort ; ,Volol,l2Bo4i22Atiltrittibk.r ,i!r•Tdr•Bedbialla•A i4rlrk:A,.l'cftorroft -OVA i11111,2&-e-AlthrldBliWist , Ht ,- , ,, r: ,JAW Rarditre•Okehl „:Arliberexr&X';‘ , ..l: ,,, Todt , A . Bledard 0210ftidadkftf , 441120 , & rdt ilLf , . . weardft My - ,Pswirtm -15tmogi •• ' Di IP22Oholllar''s !'OndhD.rttiloaitopiclitw-T N.!? iabitwwlC , Airdard,kAßSl.T•J'r -Wstionator • • 'A:4OM 2 DlOUghist,.‘ DoWlawink MX/Aftdix ap..,VfilodrurrtWm. - 114 Aradmovreseg -11-30.sAVatoort& Sown. ,DoniloONoLo:OSSinAthDA4Jx"-3-...Woiron 10ttw00n2,14 ,- -41nditra -- • --- - -Wororksmt 1 idlidoiffitifisofiLlinat 10 Tdridde-tr•WirgfirdsiVri 'Ts' , ° 'Vb.ftrit-•41.4*'31148843-,B“,•-•;,, :, - W e Bte• • I =l, 414-iagrXmaitiii.ouftil k..WsAftwaikft A WOW - Patir- • ,•;•; TOO Xr'L- 7 - 7 WIWP O a4; 1 1 / 4 4tia t t4 4.! I .rif = - SolUip r lay ‘i...1--;I4IIaVIS4DiJii:- .1 Mow" E,;;JAlliaigill . 4loaryl r ig iti- a -likoweet6l4is, o:llinttlioThoiAL. , . %Willw 'MAIO PeaUaln Buda' Idwd Ward Oda" 0 144.000A,W.'1nrIthlobny - :., - ; - WolkOr! L Menially , Jr+ &oath WOO Wait W Bursa! ,pionowe io-L . ;Mininh•fhoo. 40 61 ,0 50r..6;4*; ih6lloVlLowlir2•Wervit Ohm W'- ; Serra' , - Dpfltt &.,06;;;;;;A: , wacr6; - ; , - Pia;JD'W. Smith & 06 Thew WatekAA H 8' 0/0061'61rit,Z,AluttOrZardoc ; Vigidit AO if a tl Od' , BONA ,0111,-4,stlidieddl,Belbert s X NdiddlieWr3L;MAlnyddr.Ddirid Wertialiteir Madden* 2oWlienytion.4ol; -- Weis I , Bc P ••.,t ~,k, l lMartri Wm - ..-Behrare Hftftßralt ,F o lkorAltra' ~ W Ordir Theo L, , XdOpey,o:l4, ; •:: - .7.110,apt W 011.156 L y? ,156 - 660,0• -LA pon. di) - WltorßlT'Alt •-;• t •Irra_ kft_Arrr' , *) 3 , , , Staistt - 6• l •XWltiti rolki ;AgYip0.46 4 “ , ( 0., Xtillad J W mrywAsirru,*. . BlThrlos•o4o ,,,4 Whorrod Win , ' ,X,sysokbrit.L.lr Slarratt 111 F WhdeloiX H ' litarslodOrlisb •t , -letriftidire aka B 3 Wldtireol W ' • Rot RraD Rm . WfirdeeLt W s;WWitarz:Altivtaod66'o66';l( l . 6 6 ll-000-0 .0 R i n0L,•,;;:41161-0116,6: -t-I , •%fliidirkf Di 2 )1' 4•lBiaftsaddiCti ";Wilißist 'Bide 11 - &:11'0,1r - W ~,, intim Bid Itildirftdriletriekkaude :wolf." a T - • HI _ Bt&apion t Arwood Winter W H' • , IloksonaoV ,- ,; *Von ."'IA*I“4 Wimps, A A • 0,_01746,',i'1066 . 6it W .Wirona,n , 44 SY - r . W"t;',',sttrOligif,ac: CO Villisna ;", Std B B. • Chas 2 bthlt :16110, Albert Wiftir 'XBOO,IXI•othera H Hon ' to,00:": ; , 'Mannar; Thrls Mir/ , RiOiuth . S2# 001fiootjoir ; Geo, - . :: - .2tiahaim.tiOn s- Woodioit Riley D. - 4- -e3Aimoser•yt Wood Art Chu , Bobileou Jai ' Wriod ruff G B Roprorßerri - Aidttokyrni ••,•,', Wood John ' , V6it•doVhoil JOitwinoil o,fikk 40-Teloraffiii ;-•-•,;" W4:64 Hew 0 ; 2.2r0b1a0 ; ;yawn, & •71frillitA mALmo - M id iirtH, -- I.rldtp • • Xoipt , ,llTEACHidiaiV: , Wrlghe.l 4 7 , Ong S Rotten= Chas , tnton B SodIVIAO9 Harlan Bop) ' las* zmeak -. ..Tialioil tie\ V 6666166 06v I-- ..,46,0k , 4,- ; , - .4;` , .;.; -, .400666Diuria , ." iter 13.60•60/ Thompson - 1 It 1 - Yteller'dohn Jiaoh Patterson-, Thordron Bjrdd — TaEddrbreß T -bawd John .. 1 1filioiopiont 114ii'lVastInolYw ' ,Soneoltilton, thompor,Wm Vinson. Win ; ,ftreftdbiliter , 4 7,4.lTbaniadJobd,:-;z. , Tdittitidellner "",Thowayrl4 ,, . ;Valentino Hakikea• 2 -•••rismazi.loo.l, ',Bros ' &..,DoldiireD 2, on maser B Baran lamb :I,l' , TbdrAlell . :Valdes Padto thyorodir OH_ .Thoriog & COoTares Joseph . ll ' iswerAt tJo ,' • Vona Jac Young,WW lirge6l6o66ri L YOung G alpspti 0..-WESTOO !Ts , 1.1 . 14i2 r xi 2400-4 o blito66 tem ;!lifiter_Vitirsf<tcl*M a lk - Utznn„s,e roiwilfgmtymmticruts, March 14, 1849.1 tiailVitalie.':7:l"7-38*-16:18i;;;;-".6 -62 10 4$ - TM iratititoshililEijiton4lo4o;lifirtitman, 47 houie !Watt Oliiiitatott, with cotton, rite, &o to A Heron, Jr. - P411$174101,TAIleklif;;10 Cr,,Willlithisd4iii 0 Stook, tdW Dim4i44#,CAAhomsi4.o 11134 p; • i g. - filt',.7qhl4loolll4ll4tik**i . Ma4toi,:Owtgtorti wad , Zi7bfr741741-74ba500";404 - 4,"'*7l,olB 4 iter, *p&p) to _6 Alio:4r Cape howirtntipatiwd Mbamaldrpalal&buf&WAhatailiw,,froitti,N 170th,hownd ailles.a math' of. Cape Hotta. A*, Alp simian ot.irlitta alsrwith _tad ball, .601144166016:' 61166611p661664 thres:www44 ear - iirrartaaokmbitit+ IttlaGswo:tod ,baltsr 4 Y bf, off 1240.4111011 d; Meat altiai Mat* of Oeoralat,i lmtammkamktitOlotoolikyi tafili 35 =ilea lloottrof Aralopoo_i - apokalprig libtimlicati of obarlecoo, bound, to Pillia4•lpbta; off Ospro, tvbaslr Mauling le.; ' StillOwhiP lottaglratili, Taal, from Itiottmorol, Tao Norfollti It 110braiwIpt t ttollai and plungers tolThoc hatirs - tend Eti, t • Oir.,', With' =die satidisoivigent 1116116160V-"' • ' - - - ,IBM*. Collo , alallia,.llalMo taw frocorlnhotegton, ISClopitlrooralatoratto;sitto Belot ' "' Bryomidiileißrooker;4l) days trim Midi .bspligid• 111riori!tlaraftprilka./tw ft - ,YlllIon - • - . ...411iir Agee Unit, , 21 , 441 from = NOw Wel troorto.eiptoht:lifaith - litt,'oirYl6., LOW ' et Jobe, from Peisitools , i'lkitAlsltiklairte-OolOontl4 &cis from ilionfutkOk, ; , liMiliwVbrto:dtwooi sc Arric-ar , ' , • 4111114 41 144.- 1 11.•. -2., ;; 1,0 ''llikrisgaiiiiDiptirriallik)Darrestjl24l4o from May; licuisilottiViropiklkovtoVltEkowtotell. - goiorAtilisAnopltrar, lidos Irokr tborkstOwa, W Oro Irk llittrilliatriollktolir lk 0o. ; ~ , A olW/Itlittlitalabtradr, from laokoorivillordo WU. --7ridirstorttlr las6ferto Doltoarroadomer &Co. 41 11 11100kritkAtylkkro - Yonoorille, NT, wlth. ritotooksit.i. s .141.0 r Dom Riodatirk;CDii, itartiallarratt* eon' el,ablitadit Arbil*: ileodsraoin rlay . 11ors' Odeon, with - groki . • :107 1 ;- ttio a rif r dhr2 days from, , Dover, u --'lllohelews; ittiyark k dor lio . 9piewport, Del, with ioakAdlotota days from Now York, wtttruidos to - oqtalw:7 •" ' - Bahr Boa Wiugnellith.ll fiom Now York, with _wheat to.ll. IlOatto4 &Co.- -- Carter, aria, from New York; with *host t• exptain, , • , , • Dokr Corrsio,r.Orraroll,-61sysrroor , Dootonywith Judie to-Orowoll 4 414 44, Bobx ismer Wpinuneon; i2r,•;Whinenoro,4 days from Belem, 'with incise to Twolli & , Bahr Odes Obainnishi, Cdsyn Co. , from .NOrwl,oll;"witla Wabv „Llitplai&:oo. , • „ &Air Alids4Ohipowr i days troth; LOadoo, o with Anti;Blllee;e days frOsa,iertlsod, laths, &e. to X • Bonder & 00. • - • , 4 Behr M %Leonard, Lewitt : 4 days froneriederieks lintwOrsArith aborts to L Howley& CO. 506141111147111114ek, Rhineduirti 8 dip twin N York, -withroddieniele Oorgni:A Netinjltastings, 4 days from Lsiersl, With lorsabor :LW-Daiwa* ' - ' • - • . itianaip Bosica, Bellew, treir,York,l Aldordloo, PTol4llb4Dortliesl BOultlia. ifebtaAll, ,Caue,; Vility.o2gton,, X- 0, attioou'ee • 7 1 ' „ 4 1 4.1 D JOluz Co , t, 'Mstaskas, Btaitatt, 'Behr ll: Palmer at 0o: ' llohrittotit, eltiOnl.Wthalogtoul Ni' 0, lartna'Baker. i• Behr: George itheatida: Baker, Portlawd, H: Rte. Behr .!HasitkltAtitildt Paler Olumleaton Baneroft = •• • - lehr Whits; Midler% New- York, do. BahrWSselebery,liadsou, New Pork, J Heed. • - • Behr 8 111. Willetta, Thompson, N York, B Miles 3 Co. Haiiversport„ do. SlahltlPShmesotykLerte;Hostoo;!Blaklnstorers on x, BO John Compton, khan), Proeldetelai ' do. Heidersol, Norwich, Hayes God. I "Olikihith aistinallkodfidlitiTottdatett,Nortou Mr Judge! Tenney; Cratatid,:thilida, 3 A Bonder - eitir 111 . ,ro,wniend, „Williami, D 6.044 Nob Rim/. iintt ." -•- • - ' Mar 21 4 0 .1tuWilYeit Bditinir • do , -, Behr PlAway,Dmisi-Boitooiaroirn k watt*. • " glokr 0"A orienerriiV,alydro 80, 1;4'0144104am & 0 10. rest. Bak e Rico, Mayhew; Notilroik, Stoke k Co. -Bohr B Vona, Jones, New Rork, do. Bah avo _orteac*ldattittewpait, Auderoreld & Co. Bokridgiodak, , ,Rsicia. frondenw.Timirton Coal oe, s , Behr 1 . -B, emith, Math, Nor leak., do„ • • imtur.;A T l. Dayton, BOootk, Braintree, Blarikiaton & B , tot4BiaAnn,'ltinto4444ildeniii, do. Bohr 'AM*o.. o Nira ctimtippois, Reading Rill l•road oOloprory, „ BobrAi Vhaiday;p4iiiior,Proilldinee, J R 1 9 ,1101. - 4obraltridliaddie, tioilagyi BoitoO - mar Xvii Rotbaiy v ileotra' Sabi J ,R, Johan! ti4oluisoa, 11‘,utt?urigti, 0 A Adbeskar 44tikAisoatociatoril!tftbuorio: el*,ll, oRu:wins tit Oa. eirdlismo s 4rown,Newburyliorti do. ",Sokr,Pidooek,Bondadhs; Aehr liLemr, mar, saitaionya urtiTes, Jr: . . . 1111111110 ;- "iteatathiplealiatibailltillookirot '• Mimi; ' gad New *leaner isiled•frOurNetr• York 12th inst.' - • •,• • x ' 41talner vi t Weser;: Waspefraani from cialgioatob,- at *.,. iltaikaaatitv Virsiata,'Hallyi' Imam, a rrived at , Mk -, • enoterlith.vast:l .-: •,•:.,,, •'•, - Ito -.:".••• -, ; .-•• ." '.• • ,•-• L -1114.0011, oityet Dalthnomleltablealled from Na, Xerirl2tlt Wet - ter Livartelot.•-''' ••• -'•• 'i ' ' ' ,I ateementipieiliebeli head banermarived 'at N York , •_. Mini Little Baresi , ard - Itra ' sita,ilaraink Bolton, and a N 'rnekinytot‘Lalphla, wore Wading at likrer - Shlp:Piaildne,iildeloir, ' sidled train, Liverpool 10th nit. Icallalledalabla.;J:l , ,,, ...• . ' .:-.., - , , ,- - , ,-Skip D Willsiailt i - StaiisOn, for Philadalpiiii tailed lea/ ,alvorpOol 19th an:, . c, •,,,,,,,,,: . ~ - -,...: ~ --- Skip: ,Strirkaa,:yindyka; hones at annul Mark, TI, i !hip That - Wee /L , Peridaie, WaTitei tailed from Liver . Peollilth elti hit Ptillidelpithf. '• • •", , - --i - Ulf Plutiatm; Peterson, altered at Boston 11th bet, i-"OhlfrAidrai; -11elKirear: Tome, Chili; arrived ,at , Boltinvfni Ilalnote,t --.. ",, l , -..g4 ?e - . i :1 -,B6llll . :Daatel Elliott, dmill, or Rob inson)b aliarad al boadon 22.1 nit- for Bombay:A . Skip Butfosin %Owen, hoora No/kin .A , me loading at Liverpool Liverpool afth nit:,„.. i - Shlp Owen llowlaall'hefaitier tar Bombay, was In the riverr at Liverpool 2ild alt Onward bound. - skip Cartulet,laufilla NrOnotioo,leNved at N York ';itiv that,: -.. - , -- - - pkaaallaaal, *KW' p ' i, - fm,:at Petorgbarc'clesred ' ;1 - h Netrlltheint larle'lt - ' 4 ” tr ":, •, -•• • - - • - ---- . Andi, primoo4,.f.nwltfilinnot, "i/Nh t N)o . , tone railroad 4rettiarrivetalk - Mikaola ad lust '' -; -- -i, •-- -•- - • ~...• amp, prolus likomurytaylor, from . coma roe Hllllll% -:' :ligthrelithi Williceppl* Pb ads tat 16,32; /oat toot ~ „, * , Vk ri Llii 4 1 Davis , sallad: from llama got nit- Ilblip;.Lireastai!!Rioatan';koi r iavaiina . k., soiled from WM* ~, .. - •...11, J .- /N/P;Jl4.l4.,:NArklatoS,Ahroeicoct , * for, Stu -,ranchos, 41404 it.NSON.York laliirat. ~.., „,., , ~,, ~, ~ , , . i likiii Loop Wrifolorts4 4 lliikels, froni'ininy,',liiirod lit' N . s 4 -7 . ,.._,,,,_ _ _OW rlllitr , lisi:J4l tni' eloid theory /blithe/L.: • 1 1 , 111 . i'lluid son ~ otkor 4ausaigo. - ...i . -. --,.. v.! -' - .4.1,' • 4 1,10 •1 1 , P P., , frOm.loll%&Yrf,Arrta ,0, rTirik ji r l°‘."lllll g Pi nt a” ' ' '' . ' L ' ' $ 11, Bake r , fro, .. , ,M1 ; Parlii orriYid_ . 0 rte(: • _q> , litado4o. 4 Nno. IMpro.:Arli, Mario ant iia1100110. 0 . 1 45 0 4i,d,wlnoNfilkyli: ,, _ .'44 , 14 .11 0 , 0 ,0 1,04)P110 1 ,; 3800si) . Welsh , , oultaf,oon neaumorp pin nor. for ro.ittpO and Jat. igNlC*l":l,PgrittiatilP lilUerk K"26; avi, Workl2 a Apot.„ ~,-,• : , ! 1- l , Salt tP B. KomoatirtmigA , Onsln - to, arrived at - , - 10 titiMi Ilk° illikin4 lirldroW,•**4 Burpit,, Cli 3 Oluk, 1 09* nix lergiriat Okialastoi Ink fastr '.,,,. t 7,,;4„;;.. • 340610. 'lNtiiitiaspiudittitiosifeom;.k:oltaqkbiqylatikt ili,t *TOO at Noltnnoto lak 100tii.! ,,, ,f-' .., : 4 ~,, , 1.1 I', - t , 4 ut .-„, gr , % ,,0- A d ' p.,0444 f...Pii.64 , ,s 4: • li OW -At o, . ! _, ri t xost uth x.A T te. , ....lotuov, : x.**, szt two had. -, iAladigidolu o iti... ~,,t .. Cootio, WI) for `.110N10044114,049#,k0 11 40Wk1N0P: : ~.•,, . --:- tanDa: - •:,-).01,ctirVubitrations• • 4 r,g , •= j.. , a - 1);:f , R;:'1311F,LT011- -- X4OKENZIE;t 'lDvionpyr! , Notrrgfs IrimaatiDiToic : a ; • , • , NUBLIIMED TIIIS iiiTirrociii , r. oo.; r • 22. and - .: :7, • - - NITCHELL'A .LECTIIICE S _• AND Tag . Mifflin AND 'ABTRONOHY: • • ,LENINJAP:& DLARIIIVON,- , • ' ---. • '- N0:.16 Death: SIXTH' atheet/abore Otteetnut, Hers a . = .41111-11181:111.ANDANTRONOMY. -,, Anlixposltion of the 1116116 M Clossiology,sand He Belittler:ls to Nat Ural ,By • John Henry. Hurts, DI, V:, Professor of Ohureh'ilintary , ity•the Univannty of Dorpat. Author of" JO iltaanal7orsaerisl , Dietary,” - &e: ',Translated fens' the Third • lad .Balarged Herman Edition, by T: :DAlluienton •". • • • • • , • Ohap.74 Theology and Hetet:l'lBlllmm. - r•AL = 2:-TheTeistie arialfanthsditio Theertee of the tua 8/A - uniraist ithrtery of•the dolours.- - The Biblical Theory 'of-the Origin, , Develop, • - - I meat/ and Omurammstion of the Universe , e 6. Aetronomical Inveatigations and Besults. Irv. 6. Sonfilet andllecnithity between the Bible and -In one volume, 12mo. Prlee $1.26. •-•: Theauthor to pArtlimiarly distinguished for his learn= ing hi. orthodoxy, lax, liberality his platy , and hie erilltialditY: , ' Be writeie ;With:great , (awns and con , densation, .and presents -in. a brief compass a imountmatter. :Hie Tatou worke,And Histories; hive received the h ighest endorse.: meat abroad In their, popularity and multiplied edl-1 Liens, and are • commended In"the strongeat terms by the most eminent divines. Cittericke, Bruno Linder and Budelbach land his ' - Hi s tories In the ' strongest tame, and the Po/angelical Stirlen, in the United: States,Ami hunlahed evidence of hiagreat merits from authentic source . Eruuth, of Gettysburg. mhlt ANEW SPEOIES OF : JUVENILE LITERATURE This AO le published,* newsmil improved editioni betiethefArentleThormand, • _ ROBRIIT AND HAROLD: Or, The Young blarooners! on ll* Florida Odszt. "By V.R. facul f wg.• , Withs 12 floe Illustrations 16mo. NOTIONS OF ,'KKR PRIISS. There is In this little viabertue a"singultir blending of feet with Sutton, el curious and ussfulinforniatlen with exalting lidirenture,' tempts' its to set it &parts* anew species of juvenile literature. The ad-. ventures of the Young Marooners are nearly Jis and exciting as Robinson Orme i and yet, we under stand the authtir'tOtily; they+ are ieubetantially true: 'The incidents orthe entry are adroitly arranged to beng into view a greatvariety or i el:Wow: information, ranch of larch le as useful as it it novel and stirring. Altol, getter we do not laminate to My that tiles remarkable little book, and will undoubtedly become _a great favorite with the - young,rie rib! well, deserves the con-, tidence and favor of parenta,—Biblical Repertory. ' "•Publishatby ' - WILLIAM 6, I,ALIFRED MARTINN, mhlo_, , _, _No. 808 OHEI3TNIIT Street. 3 UST 11.1)3L1SHED: 1 1.GVA:_ _ - PVIONT,' AND • "- , DIVIORIPSION •" ' Its Inleitbiten - Onstouni, Mises, Niserabt, July His. tory, - Modern 2 ilibusterient,•RtoFoß4 PI- • ter-Oceania (7anal;indldani. • - fest c eatiny. • . By PETRA) , STPUT,, Latea Baited States Vlce-Oonsul. As Vice-Causal Stout hid.upcsuil •foollities for becoming acquainted with the prciduettons of the coun try, the character of its pioq, and the poli ti es' affairs of this and ndjoluing'Sta . •He saw most of the leaders of the Central Am dead 'forces, Ind glees a history of the Filibusters with a - graphic but tzuthtul and impartial pen. slllllooV)iiii,lsotTe to threw much, light on the groat OentralAMoriein problem now on , copying the attention of statesmen. mud c others in our. country. 872 pagno;l2mo. Priori ' For sale by Bookeellers and News Agents generilly, or sent by mail, post-pald, on receipt of the price. lONS B. 'PO PSBR, Publisher', • 'mhS tr Ol7 SAMSON Street, Polladelpldeiln: DAB', S,XNGULAR, AND, VALUABLE bought;iold, sidixeliaaged by =' .71, SABIN, Ye Antique Book Store, - fel7 - - . • - 27 South SIXTU. Street., .ffertiliiers. . AMERICAN GUANO, , PROM •JARIIIS"IRL,AND. WEUke pleasure In informing Earmers; Dealers, ands the pnblie pterally, , that, harlot been appointed by: /14:21iin/OAN GUANO • ,P9I,II.PASIY • • . :•'-'-" , =BOLE AGENTS lterthe este rif this Saluatla to we are preparedlolundelfit to Say quantity, from the single rap or bartel ,to &aides tiorgo,- at-the seals of prises adopted by•the,Emnpauy, sta.:, , • - • , • - FROM" $BO TO' ROY PER 2240"PC/171MS; Adecoding falba fount parehased., - Esserhisents mado.with JARVIS ISLAND , and PE RUT/ANAWANOI3, ups:pall kinds , of :miff Use,' in elrery s lostarier, resultOd favor of the former, and-we iire'nOw enabled to congratulate the agriottlturraroOM- mtualti upon bash:kw:thin its rasa, a•:. • , . . . . • - 131•ENUINE • GUANO, xi ,13 4 a, 9NABLE The ship REVEARD will shortly arrive at tbtS port, :Niece from the Islands. We are prepared to take orders for delivery from her Cargo, or from those of the " White Swallow" add " Tying Eagle." . ALLEN & NEEDLES, No. 42 8. DELAWARE AVENUE, and No. 418; WATER STREET; PHILADELPHIA. Sole Agents for the !Rates of - Pezineylvarilir,: New Jamey, and Delaware. ,fe,l2.smw 311: PHOSPHATIC? GUAM?, SOMBER? 18IpIND, IV; I. SOM.O!!itRO lIILAND, Or, Boar, 11811 about 140 miles N. B. of Bt. Tioniaa, raid hi of volcano formation. It in found bianalyabi to contain ilea), per cent. of BONY PNOBBILATB;91/ Lifttni and la nearly fifty' par cent. richer in Bone Phosphate thins ground bones. The Rook Is ground, and applied to land like Plaster. Aide Cimino le for sale by the gam:ally, or cargo, to dealers, either ground or unground ; alao, to Farmers, In bags or barrels, at SZO pir too of 2,000 The., by JOS.'S: HANSON 100 K. politwire Penne suollos N. Water Bt., Fole,dgents for Philadelphia. • N. B.—Pamphlets and' Otrataars furnished gratis by the Agents 4:_ : felaN4inuyt2m, v ri a FOR - THE isOUTH--:OHARLES• To,Njfkv4NNAli,,arypilAT4NA'finiA/d. - _IIIIPBTONII llTATM i lliptain 0. P. Iforphion. BTATB OP GEORMA, OmitOn John J. OFTIn. IHABSL, Oltain Wm. Rollins. -• " - ion OItABLBEITONB 0. The 11. 8. Mai thouttnekip, sayivrome STATI Bl Captain aisktnits,' through in 48-to - 60 lima, el' mall on Tuteday, laralt . ttalt A tt . 2o A. M. 'JOB eAVANNAH, Ga. iltessuhip SgATE 01101LGTA, Olytidai Telln OUtin, will receive freight anilt 3P. M., and sail Saturday; March 15thi at 5 P. M. The splendid drat-ebtas rale•whsetestostdps KAY STONI STATIC end BTATII AV G EORGIA now run u above every ten - days, thus forming a ilve-day imm roanlostion with the South and Southwest. dsr Er Goods vomited and' lading signed every y. At both Ohsrleston end guano& these MO non itifsaudi railroads, Ica.; for all pluss in the Ninth and lionthwest, end with the Stems - hip 13ABIL for Hivalia on the 4th and 19th _ If every month. - REDUOID. • Hew /might at an average of 18 per cent. below New York ahmtiuMip rates., . . INSURANCE.' • •-; ' • Preight endlnararadeison *large proportion • of Goods shipped Nouthillit bisfound•to•be lower by theta ships than by galling vessels— 4 --- „ - Cabin Paniagoto Charleston tiost Mb 00 XratinionTicketii ;Mod for the present year.... 80 00 Thikete to Havana:. ,i• • 85 00 ,Through Tickets to Havana.:.,. irleans - 89 50 • '• Montgomery • 211 sO • • Do .• • Albany, Ga • - 24 00 Dd Colnmbus, On 28 00 - • ••••- Atlanta,4la • 28 00 D 'MOOD, pit, 21 00 Do • ,• Peaks,' • 28 00 , . . . Yicolate, Pia 23 OD Do Jackeonville, Pit '• 21 00 Do Pernindina, Bla. 21 00 • - No bilis ofisdlng signed after the chip be. , Mt fridght'veaelved On the dey of sailing. -• • For freights.; pescage, applf • •e. in BON. • sontbiost obraeilOUßTHLand man! Nyr.; A l iens'. in Charleston; T. 8. &,T. O;BUDD. 8 4 meweith, qR II 4EM..,k , - , ZQR F RIQRM(yN4,VIA , NOR SULK' AND CITY POIGT; ;=-13DIttNer AR hfitilehlaN4T4TlVlON A wsgs._;_tim on stumatin Oonieenyte - Line 'of ' Steemehlim-LTo Nall ; , NVEUI WIDSRBDAY aid' SATURDAY) as 8 o'clock A. M. , until farther nOtibe. • ; VIRGINIAS Captain J. ft: DANNSTI,V APRA, Captain D. Teal DITVG,IGITONIZOND; Captain Z. hfltehell; ' 3 2 There fine steenuthipi will sail an "hove. They are handsomely fitted Asp,for.pusepgers, havingsaloous on deck, are provided with Trandie , a Patent Metallic Life Doets, WeTreservers, dtc,, and po, palvos.or czponse gearg,ter the eotefoieor safety of puserigere 'sad the protection of goods. ThiClifteotierethe qtdekeat, clieoleftet.,m l B Mind Corm' Portable route for passengers, and le In advance of any other for despaych and economy for freight td 'the in.' tailor of 7irgtata,•Northcarolina , undlenueeeee, No transhipinent by this ' Plumage to Richmond or Seternharg 88 f mode included., D o . Norfolk $6, meals Mended. , , . -THOMAS -,WMBSTRE, Is., General Agent,' felo-20 - North, TutoryEs., PtialtlD.N4 AND. GAS I FIT; I. • TING is dozie fn. a Wortinicallki Wanner, at 1 r4 1 4 moderatechtagforibyt,WlC MATTON, N. V. corner TWELFTH sat SPGING.GARDIN, Niß.--4 161 1017 . 1 0 05PrOtOPUT attended to, re2tol: . . tit AISINS‘,--1100 boxes' new erap, pride 140094 Sitc,o,hi'.ooo . 4ll to - law *ad for "le 111 - - • A. KUM% ,enfE.R . RWRAITYPPAO AIAA t r Y "pit ki„ r :Li I Dg; rrin ,oz4Dgsg,.. .4, i yi 0.1 I :1 3 : ` rix n"; TA—B , llll3lEig El , 812: -13ont-tiern,end iyeetern naerehentn, are, invited ,a „ k a evainine our tells sesortm'ent or ' 13/LVER• - ,TEA- ;SETO .Ii'ORKS 13POONS —-- • t • 'LADLEE!, ao., .!o. All "Icl th; of our own nutioture, and microntea biglioat o t tandot t dsApicer.. , , Porionilnkylogord‘is for iremiame roi. APitTP I M.TPR4L ,Trestel an the moat Itbeiel terrae v and eatisfaolloti guaranteed: "` ~ , , wg.oLEsetait.443 w4w.A41,1wr4.11 ! ,, • Orders promptly Wooded to. - WIVI , WILSON,46; SON. 8. W. C0R. ,, P0111 AND CHERRY STS f,e21 . •:112¢ • I_ t • Oil* and 9:TlZetietpare 1859 QUEENSWARE. 1859 ,11(3:1 7 1Y 8i IBIPORTE10). AND JOBBERS, Have now on bend II complete stack FRENCH AND'ENDLTBN • CLUNA, , GLABBWARE, AND QIINENBWARE, (At their, old data) • No. 82' NORTH POUNTH'STRgET, (Tottedoore below iferohante fletel,) To which they Invite ;the attentlon of • TTROLISALE BUYERO r 7177 & c 0.,,., • - IMPORTERS 'AND WHOtESALS DEALERS - ,„ • _ - o}lfN4 & QV, N0g:,23 'and :t2l ; : Eciilld.fr 131'010:_ • Between Market and Obiltitiit, ' . PHILADELPHIA.. . . , 137•CILAIWAM.,, ciiin. • tir b,ibe Thiel*. 'tel9-16 FIRE' INSURANCE. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. • , Cash Aaseta, 71111. I, 1850.. ~. 81,867,920 ; 08 MANHATTAN pm INSURANCE COMPANY, of Now York. „ ' Oaali /Watt, Jan. 1,1150 'SPRINGFIELD FIRE ,AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. thigh Assets, Jae. 1,1859 445,754 85' NORTH AMERICAN ; SIRE_IN6IT- - RANCH COMPANY, of Hartford. Club Amato, Jan 1,1859, I b .- 985,860 00 IRVING PIER .INBIJRANON COM PANY, of New York. _ . . _ Cfalt Aesop!, Sao. 1, 1 9 59 MIIROIIANid, SIRE INF:Si:MANCH COMPANY, of Hartford Oath Asista;'Sgin.l, 38G9 239,079'83 Policies issued,-and losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid, at big Ageuey,,py .1309WtLL &,:iV,ILSON, Agents,: : 0311234 i , No., 210-WALNUT STREET. THE MUTUAL . LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HEN "ND RF; • ASSETS OVER 115,300,000, The wholoofwlCohje the property of the inenroi. Thie 13Onifini le now Prepired • bane Pbbolee ep LIVES OF CHILDREN; pliable at the age of eighteen, , twenty : ono, or t wenty.flve,yasrp, either with or with.' oat the R'ETURN' OF THE TOTAL'PHEMIIIbi PAID, In care the party Naomi 00011 pOt attain the epeolfled fIEiL - For rata and other partionlara, apply.to . F. RATOHFORD STARR, Agent, No. 152 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, - feEl.lto PHILADELPHIA. EN TitRPRI.'SE' This Company Itamraa lintlatne, _ b:canttose t , and me{ohmcdili gionniCy, againat loss or dantaga ty fire.: The poppies oi,thte,Oompany expressly provide that when assign as collateral sesurfty, they shell not be loir Of the owner of tie propertyln reed. -Entire security is thskextended to the holders of Gaols]) /isisie - and Moires/ass; notirithstandthip- Gent , Reol•tiool of the Coorte - Ground 'Rents,- Mortitaide, - hfeelinnice , 'Liens, out other Beetulther Mal llstate; be specially Insured If desired. . , = L 1- * . • ZIAIIOTOBB.- - Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, Wllllem bill Eve, George U. Btusrt, Nalbroyressier ''John hrown, , , 'John Id. Atwo o d, B. A. shoestook, Bent: P,lredlek, Andre* D4,,CasAi Henry - Wh;rten t J. Livingston Irylnger. P. RATCHFORD STARR, President CHARLES W: 00.8.11, Secretary. TEMPORARY 09110 E ' 152'13011TH FOURTH - STREET; tebl7•Sm FUSE QUAKER CITY - INSURANCE COMPANY ' PHILADNInfIA, Pa. IRAN/ELM:BUILDINGS. No. 403 WALNUT Street - - - • . OtitaßTEß PBll.l.2lTlr.kb. • Paid up Oapital.and,Surplue ' ', 4444,861 44 Chartered Capital r 600,000 00 Inures against foes ordamege b+/-Piro and the perils of the Bea, Inland Naehgatten, anfr,Transportatlon, on the moat favorable teem. , Lome promptly adjosted'and paid. , - . George H. Hart, ' X W. Ridley, B. P. Rose, Azatew R. Okembere, A. 0. Oattell, Market O. bailey, John G. Dale, • • '11: Oeggehsll,- Poster I. Perkins, , , Xernnet Jones, Hon. H. AI. 0771011113. , . GRORGE H r HART, Preaidept. - R. P. ROW VieePreedent: H. R. COGGSRALL, Secretary . and Trauma. 8. H. DUPLEX, AWE Secretary. , mhl .VULTON's INSURANOE,ADJUSTING, AND COLLECTING OPTION, No: ao OIIEBINUT DTHEET, ''" TimanovratAr ' , The undersigned hiving been`practleally engaged for a number of years in- different capacities of the Iran ranee business—for several years in adjusting losses exclusively for the Insurance Companies—now offers his services to those sustaining Loss cis - Damage by lire to property Mimed, In malting • out - their proofs of such loss or damage io compliance with the intricate and cunning oonditions of r Petioles of Insurance, in such a manner m to obmate plea *or .ezonee: for reduction or litigation by companies so Inclined, or others. it. will give particular attention ki,the Collection of Claims mama Lammed C ompanies.. , Partin, initialling" loss or damage by fire, as above, will And It to their Interellt to consult th e undersigned as soon after the firs as passible.' - fe Zl•lndfit ' • lAMBS YULTON. I_I6.REIS'a BOUDOIR SEWING KA. ORiNtio offekii telhe public ail 'theMciairt. Liable low-priced Sewing Manakins 'in he, It will es* from alx to sixty etttobee to an fresh, cm all kinds of goods, from onareeethighig to the hneat cambric'. It le, Without' hooption, its' Manholes) ooMrpotlon over mode, moll= be run and koptlno!da Dy o child of twolvo - yearat'igo. - The Wohatiamr of this machine, and the utrardwr OF no wozz, *so war ranted to bewasurpassed by any other., Its 'peed ranger from three hundred to' fifteen hundred Minh. per ml. nut?. ,The thread needle taken directly from the epode, which: me aroun' or, ,hinsorais., In feat, it Is a raaohlne that hi wanted byhery family In the land, and the low Fleece • ' • - •- • - .• I THIRTY DOLLARS, ' at whabh they are eold;bange them within the resolve, almeet every one '5.33. RATER% Agent, dal•dem W-sow-ern 720 ARON STREET. y B. JABBER' & BRO. it • KASI7/4021/BUO. AND 11001T1110 01 SILVER-PLATED WARE, • ; No. 804 Okeetnut Street, above Third, (up stake, Philadelphia. Oonotantly on hand and forage to the Trade, it BETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS PITCHIIRS, GOBLETS, MIPS, WAITERS BAD. YETB,LIAGTOBB, , Kbavits, SPOONS, TO RAH, , • • • • LADLES,'AeI, d o e. GlldlniandDlatineon all Wads of metal. Mai JB. VALENTINE Sr. CO., • • '002411:1SSION MBROELAATH _ /OZ IBM HALE Or. AMERLOAN . MANIIPAOTURBB No. 51 otudelox STRUT, N.E.W- 0 -E'L EVc N.B . B . 'f4o*tteptlon evon ~t 4idins linitanzengntt4ns Ti3M WAREHOUSING COMPANY PATRICK - BRADY; PLINY P.MK, AI•II7CANDRIL BBINRT, GBO. CAAR/80 , 1, A: J. - PLMONTON. WILLIAM NBILSOK; WM. 8, STRWART, 8. IC ORAWYORD, ' • • PATRICK BRADY; Preitaen. - ' 0"; R. 00041,0% The PfeilWent, • • • WILLIAM -DUNN, Tresenrer, OLIPPORD 8. PUILLIPSi-Warehome Keeper DUE WilitilOOLtßlNEf GOWAN* or 'RHILADU Whatiiir in Ilona or, Duty Free, et Current Rater, alrp willisaaireoelptifotriarranta therein: ' Alipitaatton may be uvula it tlielr ; z 01 ,1 7 91-Ikni 10)34000 -12411TAND !MIMI UXITED'EfTWit ‘ S Jiatitinie ,;(Ibiriticiniee DIRIIOIOBO finning lilat4ittes. tUattlice t 4retuelrg,, gromnitosicrit *nuts'. OF POILADI(LTRIA. DLIMOTOIIB. A 6 PUPiUO y 0 R!10),111 1 iN 1304:03 Off 3~Pew,~. ~Quhlitazt~ica: w'. W9P-17 , w;r:EYs , Pic)lo,NAßos IN, PHILADELPHIA. • „ . It will lie ittab, by the 'follMiluir 'oeitilleate, that WORONSTERV 'SERIES' Or DIOVONARIES have bean introduced by .the Board of Oeutrollere, to be need In all the I:eite Schools of the city of Philadelphia Orme OP EDP boxiabitatris'6 , IDSHOOLE, pIRHE DDITHIOT. OP PIIIINBTLE;ANIA. PHILADELPHIA - , Peblllll/11 . 0,1819. A,E a meeting. of the „ Orddrollere et ?obit:a Sohoolei iraapiltisint of Penneylvania,held at the , Clonttellere, Obambar, on Tneeday, February 8 , 1899, the following • ripolntlerrartta Mooted: • - "I Jirsolted, That WOROEBTEIVS SERIES OF Diu- TIONARIES be Iptrodueedf to be ,need in the Publia Schools et, Ship Dia tr let. , _ "ROBERT J. 13 . °91°11ILL, Secretary." WORCESTER'S MMES. DICTIOIVARIES, • t 4 . 00nrrnia OF MOTIONARY, lII' -TIIE ,COMPREUENSIVE 'DICTIONARY, IV.-THHIA.CADRMIO DICTIONARY,' , Y.-THE CRITICAL DICTIONARY, •, constantly adranoing,in poplin (Ivo!. ,The hooka have heart' introduced, by 'aittheilty, into' flimoola of Eoaton,-New York, Philadelphia, WashinglioneD. Obleagoistidrnost of the prinpipatplaerX Cf, the trailed Statec'•Th.fy repineeni the Ortliograpby andiPronnnelation need by the ,moat eminenitsaholare, both in England and America. The definitions aroPeoneleely fixpreesed, and toldom leave anything to be desired. 'For all nehool parpones they arelhe,beet Elotionartee extant. They, need only.to be examined to be universally adopted. REAP ti.g. puow,nra.TESTIMOyiALS Ron. Edward Everett says:-- , . I have made constant Ise; of Mr. Woreesteria, •Xlletldnarlea Nina - their . first Pablleation, His'ettbegreidiiendiromi . dolatlchs tepre= sent, as far as I em aware, the' moat approved usage of oar language. definitions saidomleiveuuything to desire +, • , Willlem U. Prescott, 'LL.D., sap lieTe long sines learned to appreciate your valuable inborn, Which have done eci much to establish the accuracy, of pro.' nuichition, While attordifig the reader, by the citation, of authorities, the memos of determining' for litioseli.", Washington Irving; ELI); says As fer as I have bad, time to eitamine,tio PrOnounotng, - EiplanatcWy, and Eynonymous gives...roe great ristisfse-. 'Oen, and appears to me .to he well calculated to fulfil the purpose for which - it'nrofessee ti "he intended-4d supply the wants of beinmod Soh oole':,and to be a sum.. rdent manual for iettools of a higher'order.n , Hon Josiah , late President of Harvard College, soya The public have long !Ince patted Judgment on yeir tinilificatione, and the hpsi of many years has confirmed Its earliest decisions." . Itev. Edward Ilitch000k; D:D., late President of Am-, beret College, nays:—St Having been to the bab't of usisg 4ite 'Universal and, 'Orltioal Diotio nary; almost exclusively, for several years, I shall welcome the new one, with its improvements and additions !! 373.239 09 Hon. Joint McLean, LL. D. l says Ever since the publication of your large Dictionary, f have bad it near_ me In my libr ary, !Lod one of tb,e spieler editions I bare alifsyr had on my table, every piaci wham my public duties , - , Rev. DHphalet Nott, D D ;PrMildent of 'Union 04:, lege, says :—" With the large work ( th e 'Universal and' Critical) I have long been familiar, and can obeerfnUy bear tentlinciny to Ita gnat nierlte.:ltie at coos among= went to the honor of Re author, and to the country thug signalised by lila labors 241,864 81 Prof. 0. q. Felton, LL D ;of Harvard College, says ••-•‘' The Influence of yorir works is relit* extending, in spite of opposition, and I am very sure that your great Dictionary will become; the standard evorywhere.” Rev. WlWant Stearne,,D.D., „President of Amherst College; safe:—" I hive already looked into it (the *Memlc Dictionary) sufficiently to see that it lea great low ovement on your r 'ormer work, which, to any of any work of the And, is the; greitetit hey. Charles G. Finney, President of Oberlin College, says It le, and timely, a - highly import'nt book. , It in needed in nearly every family, and will be much: valued by the render." 'tee. James Walker, D.D., President of Darvard Col lege, stye It (the Aosdemle) is, beyond question, the most convenient Dictionary - for the study table, and for common Imo, which I have yet seen ,) lion. Theo. Frelingbuysen, LL D , President of Rut gem College, rays I shall prise it as Is meat valu able help In all its departments. , ' . ; Rev. Daniel Rirkerood; LV.D , President of Delaware College, says:—" I regard the work as ens of great merit, admirably adapted' to the sees for which It is designed. ), Rev. James B. Dodd, President of Transylvania Uni versity, says ;—“ Nor the purposes of convenient eon inaltratlite, by readers of every:otitis, and more especially by the student who would gain a critical, a practical, and en extensive acquaintance with the Rogliek and American language, uramilled, there is no ,Diottonary equal to this:, /ter Itevjemin nate, Thp ;Preittlept of, Hobart Free Cellos°, says I have used your Dietleuary for mauy yearsimith•greot satiefsetion, and your etoul!er one have beau in the hub*: of reeommendlOg for the 1188 of puplisd, Roy: 0; D D. President of Dickinson College, says I take pleasure in saying that It (the Aca demie) seems to me to fulfil the conditions of &common reference Dictionary more perfectly then any ore now before the publle." Bey. William A..,8001th, I) D., Prendent of nandolph Macon nollegoiaaysl—• , I am hippy to state that your additions to the plan usually pureaed rn worke of the kind are decided Improvements, greatly increasing the practical value of a dictionary." LV.I):, Prlnapalot Patna' Academy, Andover, says The Dictionary seems to me to com bine unusual °neonatal's, and i.e a manual for general nee, and for high schools-and college'', it has no cope- Rev. Mink Hopkins, D,D , President of William's College, says The work -seems to me to be very complete, and as well adapted for the purpose intended ae anything can well be. I have yonr.large edition la constant use."' • Rev Leonard Woods, D.D., President of Bowdoin College, eays:,“ I assure you that I, hare found no occasion to alter the favorable opinion I long ago formed of your Dictionaries, in comparison rlth any others which I have bad an opportunity to examine 1, Prof..; Arthur M. Perry, A. M., William's College, says: Ido not hesitate to pronounce it eminently adapted to high schools and scaderolea.” - Prof. Samuel K. Smith, A. K., Waterville College, says It is, in my judgm ant, the most co.crenlent and valuable Dictionary for the use of those for whom it ie especially Assigned with which I am acquainted." Rev. Alouio Potter, D. D., Bishop of Pennsylvania, says:—" Your larger Dictionary has been my principal resource fiver Mace it was published." Rev. .R. R. Pettison, D D.. President of Waterville College, days It is manifestly superior to any other work of the same general design." Prof. S. G. Drown, A. ii , Dartmouth College, esiye It eeeme to me by far the most comprehensive and valuable manual that I am acquainted with." Prof. 11. li. Darney,'A. bI , Commissioner of Public Schools to Ohio, save I cogent' Wore 'toes Ele mantary,and Oontpreherdtive Ml:Donation as the beat school dictionaries extant." Prof. Aaron:Williams, A. 31., Uniterelty of Ohio, says /I is uadoubtediy the best • 'standard whloh we nave, as to orthography and pronunciation," Hon. Horace Mann, LL D., President of Antioch Col lege, eays 1—" In all my writing, 'waking, and tomb I ng, I bile endeavored to conform to the roles for Ortho graphy and pronunolation as contained in Worcester's Dictionary." Prof: Francis Lieber, LL D.','Bouth sop :--‘!3 . consider it the best of all American diction aries of the Beglesh language." Dor. John Wheeler, D.p , President of 'University of Vermont, eaye:—" I have used Worcester a Universal and, Uritical D otionary in preference to any other, for conetanereference." Charles Sumner, United Biotite Senator, says :- 1 "The 13olversal Dlotioiary I bare need constantly, and almost daily, linos ite publication. I have, no hesitation iri oiling it the beet practical dictionary of the English language." Prof. William U. Won't, Superintendent of 'Schools, Ottleago, 111., says tr-.." de a standard of orthovaphy :and pronnoalatlon, - the conipllatton of Mr. Worcester is t rier in advance of sit other works of its close," Prof. James T. Champlin, Waterville College, says: —" As a median dictionary for common, every-day use, know of nothing equal to it." , lion. George Baicroft, LL D , says :—tt Oa questions of orthography, X shall make it my standard, allowing 'myself rare deviations, or perhaps no deviations what- COM)) Horses Webster, LI. D., Principal Frio 'Academy, 'New York,' says g• IVorceeterio Dictionary of the English Lacinage‘ bre 'been' in nee In this inetitntion from Its commencement, and le coneldered a standard work. The present edition, containing the my's:maims 'of the language, in much superior to any former one, 'and possesses a high degree of exultance.), Prof. E. A. Johnson, University of City of New York, 'nye :—" The' fulness and comma of the vocabulary, the minute aid careful attention bestowed upon the subJeet of orthoepy, the propriety of the orthography, the cleanses and exactosaa of the definitions, together with the , nice eritioal notes on unauthorized words, provincial wage, ho., which aro found throughout the volume, are 'anatomies which distinguish this Above any other thotionary within my knowledge." /oho 'Ethic LL. D., Principal of the high School, Philadelphia, nye :—. 4 The work of Dr. Worcester is, in my opinion, one of uncommon excellence. As a pronouncing Dictionary, Its value is very groat. The principles of orthoepy adopted by the author ore eeuod and °conservative, and hie method of notation at once complete and ample.' The exhibition Of .authorlties, In the cue of disputed or doubtful pronuncuat.on, to a source of great eatiefaotion to the inquirer, giving the Inoue of an intelligent opinion with very, little labor. lint; independently of'its merits as a pronouncing Die, Mogul, Dr. Worcester's work has a high value as a comprehensive and learned vocabulary of the language; 'replete with information, and marked throughout with the logical features of the author's mind." We might 'fill , a,volume with similar extracts, but .be foregoing will suffice to ahow that Wormater'a Dic lionartes ere regarded by the Utensil Wan of the Coun try m the atindard works of the Snell& language. WOROVITER'S QUARTO DICTIONARY Is rapidly approaching oodapletion, and wo hope to pub lish it in May next. We are preparing an edition for subserlberS at the low price of $7.60 per copy. It will be printaid on extra flue paper, with liege margin, as per specimen copy, whiob may be aeon at the book store of B. 84.1 TH, & 00., No: 610 'ONESTNIIT STREET, fe26 • ' PIIIIAD HUHU. . I OTICE, TO' DEALER IN CURTAIN FIXTIIIIIII3.-1, have appointed BLALitON UM Sole Agents for. , the ode of my,Ouriala tem In Philadelphia. The Tube will be Impelled it ihetory prim, freight Wed,. a, a. RtiTithfil. POOR, rdisto • tiot 10, . • RAPS • flow °penis& end Will continue to receive, , - - LADIES' DRESS YOU TUN IiPaING MEL R - A P S 0, 'S - - LADIES' MESS TRplhif NOS gut! SNITS STORM, 1 „ :COBNEit imnsm ADD OIIQRBB. BUrcri WE `ARE NOW J-IJR-F , OPINING OUR SPitiNG Ind 9i BUBIAIEst ' - WA iit_r L /Oa Tex . TRAM!, -•- To which we Invite the 'Mention of, • • , DOOTHERN AND 11116TEDN MYHOHANTL ' - .J:-W - .-PROOTOR' & CO., • ). ';708 OHIISTNIIT Street, N Evir_ SPRINGFGOODS . ' ==, = TIYOBNLES & OHIBM, • . = • - xxstEura ANP aourict QAPINEr; - ,Arkdally rocialeing New Goode, • • , .11QUOHT CUTUP ,P,OH . OABG, - And which, to maintain their fir-Samoa reputation , for • - ••• -• TRIM , They are determfixed to Nell for, , . , ' , SMALL PROFITS:" - • = Birth Fancy Pilka, _Post Black euk., _ Good Plain - , Handsome /3aysidere Bilks, Plarcaline and Florence Bilks: Patin Charlton, tiliiiisiFalanclaa, Menne Itostoria &o: An immense variety of •• - , New'and Very Rich Patterns MEMNON ANT, ENGLISH CiTINTZEO, Beat- Wronttntwed.,lPantily] LINPIIII,' of onr own direot importation.- - - = Clotho, Oaraimeres, Hollins/ Flannels , &0,, &a. , 2.11 1 9EiN - 141Elt .011I8M, N. N. Corner NICHITH & RIMING GARDIN, 1919 BELIeYOIIr CAPP,ANTPBUTAINN•PRION : QUESTION - .THAT . ARISES IN • , the mind of the publio - 'ii Where can we epend our Monolith • th e beet adviinttigo Jr he &natter that we would give them fa, At 'MfildLROY , d, where you can fin'd everything hi cur line at the lowest peatible SPRING GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. • Poll de Ohenea; Deaths,' Velenohui, Billtpoulsirds, of various' atyleeend autierlor ginialtlew • A beautifulyweortment of Bleak, Sake at low prices. A large lot of lifousellles and AltindiGe Counterpanes froth SIM% to $2.60. • • An eztowaye assortment of Clothe; ,Oinuantorea; and Satlilete ? ,Yery sheep., ' "' Teblo :pen, Toweling; Starting Linens , Olatuteacc ' A large lot of Collars and Infante' %fate belmerogni Ise prices. E tells; Broche and Shetland Shawls very cheap. •.A large lot of the - celebrated Princess - Royal Hooped Skirts;' warranted the beet artfels of the kind ever panutachired,nt $1.25 and • ' • MORLBOIi''S, fe24-theta-tf ' No. 11 South NINTH Serest. LWENS FOR MEN'S WEAR. , Amens= Linen Ootopany , * superior style Brown Linen Coatings, X and X, varlons abodes • Brown and Bleastied Linen /MOM, various styles;' Brown. Linen Drills: A etiolate assortment of the above Goods now on sample, audios sale by • • JOSEPH LEA, , dlB-41 128 and 180 011EATRUT Street QPRING ,OHINTZES.:--Sevelity-nine new: ti 7 styles British And Merrimack Prints, nyi - Fins 44 English and French Ohlottes. _ . ' 84 and 44 neat and fanny Starlings, UK and 181( Ms. _ & OONARD, mhl S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. - INNEN GOODS. —10.4 Damask Table L Clothe, good at U.N. Breakfast Clothe, ST to Et 26. Red• bordered Hack 'Powell. - Fine Huckabaok and Diaper Toweling. Ticking', Sheettege, Shirting". •- Pine and htedium Fronting Linen". Heavy Linens, by the piece. COOPER in OONARD, mkt S. i. corner NINTK and MARKET. I.ILALCS. MIXED POPLINS. .5-1 And flrcilkflaadvfnat Opened,!l large lot it 18X0 Beat Poll de °harm from auction, at 2b ate. ,One lot new Robe Wool Widnes. One lot new Satin Mid P.dbi Deregeo. - - - CONARD, oOrner NlN'Plrer INARRIT Ktgat Notices. jN ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Rotate of JOHN BUCTERWORTBI, deceased. The Auditor • appointed , to audit, settle, and adjust the account of EMORY W. BUTTERWORTH, Mx miter of the Mutt will of JOHN BUTTBRWORTII, de ceased, and to report distribution of the bal m w in the hands of the accountant, wilt meet the parties in terested on MONDAY March 2lst, A. D ; 1859, at ex &cloak P.M.; at his office, No. 703 WALNUT Street, in the Mt, of Philadelphia. • roh9drfris We._ ALEX. G. OIIMMINR, Auditor. iNSOI I VF,NT, NOTICE.:--N5 Creditors will take uotheathat I have tonne& to the Court of Coal men Pleas for the benefit of the Insolvent LAITS; end tkat the Judges hare fixed the 14th day . of March,lBs9, at 10 o'clock for hearing my petition.. in, the Room of the Court of Common Pleas, 011EBTIMT Street, between Plfth an& }Math, mb7-inef et* .for sale anti to Krt. ete PERSONS DESIRING ROOMS for MI. Manufacturing or other purposes, with .etoem., power attached, In a large Bulldiog about to be erected In a centeal part of the city, will call and confer with G. P. CUMMINGS, Architect, -14 e Eolith SOUSTU Street. rol3lo.lln* Iglu FOR SALR=A BROWN ER STOMA 047.1ALING, one of the finest to the el% with large g vies end coach-home. Location nano roused. For farther, particulate addreia, . with real name, W. 0. 8.. throttO this Office. rchlo-121* eg t FQI3, .FMNT OR SALE--A. handsome La' MANSION and (oily or mesa acres, near Gwynedd Station, ,North Pa. Railroad. Admirable - for tammer Boarilink house or country residence., Apply to P. N 4 LYNG, 5$ S. SIXTII Street. - mh10:124 ditt A DESIRABLE AND HANDSOME 00IINTST AESIDENON FOR SALA, bißr/AR,. TON, N. d‘i lot 100 feet front on Main meet, by 2EO feet deep; beautifully shaded. gravelled, & o. - Baru and Carriage Hones attached One ndante'a walk from steamboat landing -or railroad depot: Contains 12 Rooms, large Parlor, &a. For terms.inquire of Mr. ROM on .the premixes. Boat and ours atop 10 or 12 times - mh7.l2t* gig VALUABLE HOTEL PROPEAT zu for BALD, pr LEABE. kliglbly situated at Goranstown, on the most publie thoroughfare 'running out of Baltimore, only four miles from tho Merchant& Rochange, supplied with an ele gant park, gardens, fruits, &a., together with seven acres of ground. The Rotel is new, built of brink, three stories high, with fine cupola, and arranged with all the modern tm provementq, situated upon high. ground, and command ing an unsorpassed view of the.otty and surrounding country. Regular lines of omnibuses pass the door. For further information, apply or direct to WILLIAM T. ktaRRLAIII), No. IW, Portland street, Baltimore, Rd. ml•l2t gm FOR SAIL•R=A FOUR-STORY BRICK WA DWELLING, No. 1715 411.011 Street, three•story back building; parlor, dining room, andkitoben on the drat floor. House built in the beat manner, with all the modern improvemente ; to. complete order. Poe mission given about the Idth of April. • Apply to , •J. li. OALDWELL, 822 OIIESTNIII7.IItreot. IRON-ORE LAND AT PPBLIO SALE.— A. Will be sold at 'labile silo, - on 7,01 , DAY, the 18th of 3d Month, (March ) 1869, on Emblem, the. 2 followlopdescriced TRACTS OP. ID, longing to ,the Estate ,of Jacob Albertson, deceased, situate on the Plymouth end' Conshohocken . Turnpike road, two miles from Conahohooken : No. 1 is a Tract of 8X scree of land, on which is a vein of ore about 32 poles long, about 20 of whioh has been worked over In places, to water level, and from which 6,000' tons of ore have been taken out; the re mainder is unbroken. The ore vertu in width from 10 to 200 feet, the vein increasing as in descends, enters the water at 80 feet, and is believed to be inexhaustible. The ore le of the beet quality, commanding the highest market price. ,Its convenience to the Purnaces over a turnpike road, passable at all emulous of the yew., renders it increaeingly valuable. Upon a neighboring tract, on thasame vain with about double the, length, 76,000 tone of Ore hero been taken ont, and the cost of transporting to the Suntans is 20 cents lees thin the Chester Valley ore. No, 2 is a lot of 2 acres, over which the same vein Is supposed to run. Shafts WV now being dug with favor able prospects. On this lot le • Stone Dwelling, in two tenements, with kitchens, cistern, barn, and garden Persons wishing to view the premiseswilt be shown. the same by Samuel L. Albertann,on the premises. Bale to commence at . 1 o'clock: P, 1,1; Cond‘tions easy. MARTHA. ALBERTSON, J. ki. ALBERTSON, It. ALBERTSON, L ALBERTION, Executors. mhB-tmh36 IVOR SALE .OR :BM:MANGE—A large BANK, within a tew milli °Vile city, with itto-k wad farming Uteaelle. Apply No. 252 Nor'h MTH Street, below Vine. whll.Btit LOT OF GROUND FOR. SALE.-A Valuable Lot of Ground, 1 48 by 100, having three [route, eligibly located in a rapidly improving neighbor hood, in the gonthweatern part of the city. Will be cheap to a cash purchaser. Far particulars apply at this Office. nitit.Ote lOR BALE OOTTAGN aITES, ,for Suburban Residence+, two squares fro= Tloga Sta. tion, on the, Philadelphia and eertnentown Ihniroad. Apply to T. L. IST irLSPIRLD 28 North bEKTIt Street, or TIN lA. Street, near Plank Road. whi-dlm* 8.111411 ML W. Emma TRIO. D. /MORT G ROOME & EMORY, OOAL DE:ALBIN. LEHIGH AND muumuu, 00AL, Prepared expressl for Family nee. YYARD,'No. 164 'BROAD Street, below Baas: Orders lett at CRAB. EMORY& 00,93, Backere, No. 16 South THIRD Street, or sent through Dispatch or Poet Office, will receive prompt attention. jalf.gross LIOTTSEILESPERS, - LOOK .TO YOUR /NTEBEST.—Great Reduction in the price of COAL. Cheapest. and beat.. The subsoriber having made contracts for hie supply of Coal, to enabled to offer very superior Emily Coal at the following re. duaed prices : Broken Egg sad Stove ....... ....S4 00 per ton Cooking. 816 " IC Large Nut a 80 Small Nut • 825 :: It Warranted to give eatisfaotion and full weight in all eases &Wick's Old Central Yard, S. B. eor. MARSHALL and WWLOW Streets'. d9Sm ffiruge anitr Clonticale. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., WHOpiII3ALI DRUGGISTS? NioNtsoinreri andClittaler - PAINTS, VARNIEDIND, %ad WINDOW GLASS, NoAbout coma FOURTH and U.ON Streets, PitiLdelptita. Bole Agentai for the Ws of the eolebratscl Flora* Plot& Otass • - LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES 8. EARLE a SON, 816 ORESTN,IIT STREET, Opposite the Girard House, imvotanitB AND BLANIIPAOT WIENS or LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PIOTIIIIE PRAUSS ' OIL' PAINTINGS, AND NNEIRAVINGS. EARLE'S GALLERIES constautly open JIGS MSS. ROOIIFISII SHEETINgS=Just received ikad for alle by IiSAZARD, & BUTOHINSON, Obeotunt"Ptreei, , - Mr THOMPi t,irts: NON% -- INI • ffe#: - 160 . and la sours lot7anl,lii3o4 .- • ,-, irdmiKiiNociffAnd HEAL-XBrArßi' BTOO,KII - ; Painoblet • Oataleireev , now ready - , containing` 6111 deaoriptania of latrpfoperries Su. - Tilaa• day next, .161.6 lidifitnl;. with a.llat °Coulee - 1M And :fhb Invt , and 616;ofid 12th ..!,,oilli . oomprlaltgi6,liTge amount of valuable property. , • • -- TRADE SAID TO BOOKAILLAIRS 117. The Eittpsecoad Philadelphia ;TPA* .of books, stationery, eco,', cbriudenetioq 21s t Mardi. Catalogues now ready. ooittaluing IttiOteee tram the prineipAl lithliehere throntitont the 'EARS - • • SPRING. 6A1 , 118:43T00KS ANA FINAL 11'TAT11:.., FaurthOpri6g Bali, 16th March. Spring 2616, rtdltlarch. Blxth Sprlilg Salo, 49t March . „ Bevibth Spark gale, sth - • - ghth Spring 13619,1 Aprlli ''''Part of the W 41661116 for each et thiaboirii - sarei bow isAy, 11TOORS.."SORIP, PEW, &e. • Ou Tuesday ltroning, Minh 15thiatig,a , olook, at the ThitadelPhia Ex; ohanna, - 9Hll bellold— - •- • •••-: - ; $25 aorip Delaware Mutual Insurance Ogropany., Pan NU; 41.1; Cadddla Mar; addia 'Mardi of the _Epiphany. - • 1 share Phllidelphliathensium'•• ;1 ,_ • - • -A1a0,'4.2 'shares Lykosuf Talley Railroad Company= par $2O. . 136ausreo Little Babnylklil Navigation .1141roal and Coal Company.: - $75 Union Mutual, Insurance CoMpinl aorip. - To close kdoneer 4 — ROO Auras Parmerie and Eleotiattite Bank at Oaraden N. 3.—par SOMME SPRING PALI 2 =II/1064411 Will Include— Orphans' Cann Sole - • - ' • - —" Ertsteata'Rnbertlolszet6n7lieemiased;`.'' THREM.I3TORT BIMOK.DWRGLING, N 0.1837 Ad- , Moon street, west of Eighteenth' street. between Pine and Immberdetreete, usarßittenhonee Square. r, • ,1 ELOGANT-AND AND OCNJN TRY43IIO,I69, sores,.,with enperier Improvements, known u" .Brookfield In Diver Merino toWn iblp, Montgomery county, Ps , Merl& onemile fret° Depot pf -the. Reading Railroad and Us-Norristown, Ralirokl at innehohocken. , ~Immediate posesesion. . ' PeremitoryOale., 7 COUNTRY SRAM CllittMANTOWN—Valnable ioun try eeat, : inhool meet, ,(tormarly_Ochoolhousie. lined 'Germantown Oil Diet front and,, 403 feet deep: - Immo- Rxecutorl Sae—Rein of Abiii:iasia Wilk; Dieeevied: TUN OALLOWIIILI, STROHM ..:19T - TOP.Y AND" FIRM BRICK WiNtrrAinolacetalOwhill etreel.,! between Thirteenth audlßroad Wires's, 103 feet front, 140 feet deep—two fronts. .I Pull particulars in handbills, -•- i j - , YALUAWJS MUSINISI • OTANI/ =The; Arno :and, valuable ,stdre, No 13 ' , North_ Eighth - Orlin above. Merheeldrest, with substantial warehouse in the rear,, 24 feet front, 182 feet doer.- •,“ • . HANDSOME MODERN 118181DMNOM, No. 706. Pine 'street, between Seventh sad'allgbth - 'street!, 22 feet. front, 183 feet deep, to a any feet wide street. poesession. _ , - , - smut T,R ACTS LAND - 1N. , ..11,1114NRE10TA-303 48-000 acres, Minato in Pine county, MirumeotaiBo. miles north of St. Paul. -Title indisputable. - Er Roll particulars In handbills: - - ' • .EkoentorN Sole —Rotate of William awe - 2.y; recoased, VALtuaLE BUSINESS STAND—Three-story briar store and dwelling, No. 228 Arch street, west of Second . 137. An amdavit, from - 0. W. Iddingii, Minnesota, giving a fall description of She lands, max be seen sr the auction rooms, - - , NOM% YIYTSENTIE hTSBET—Two and a half story brietr. dwelling, No. 22L- North Fifteenth ,atreet, above Sons. _ NUSINESS STAND—Two and a , haN•atorf 'brick store and , dtrelling,-No. an North Ififteentht'sUeet, aliova Race, - - • . . , LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, iSt.• David ;Outset and rivet Schuylkill, near Vinte stebet, 148 feet front and 280 feet deep, to the • ' ' OR) STROM—Modem (four. sairy. - lbrieir resi dence, 8. W, corner Oren, and Eighteenth streets.;•_ senuox BTREBT—Three. story brink dwelling, No. 419 Sprueestrset, near Tenth street. ,. -Immediate pos. session. ' " • NOSTB TWELFTH. STAIIPIT-=Nest modern three story brick dwelling, Slo. 934, !fortis Twelfth street Geer Poplar street. . • . . - TW.ENTINKROOND EITRIBT—Two thrss-story Melt dwel:iDge t Nos. 321 and 893 North Twentrasepnd street, . . °OATHS BTRVRT—Three-slory brick dwelling, No. 'l2lO Coates,street, west of Twelfth, - PRATT STREET—Right three-eto ry brick.dwel lings, Pratt street, seat - of.lraltmoust street,-Pifteenth . . - PIM& STERWT—Three thres•etory brick dwellings, N05:1209, 121.1, and 1212 Penn street, west or Twelfth street. between °Gates and Melon streets. .• • • VALUABLE DUSINISS LOSATlON—Valuable lot east aide of Stith stmt, abovi Market street: • Peramptory Sale. , SOUTH • RIGIITH STRESS ThreAstery brick dwelling and large atable, No. 8188onth - Eighth street, - above Olarndlan street. . - • Tare nptory Sale. • . OOTTAGNS, WEST PIIII,ADBLPIIA—Two. two 'story stone, cottage averrord -street, adjoining ' , the Peonsylvanla Ilospital grodnda,.West Philadelphia. - STAND—Three story - brlek ' store and dwelling, R. W. corner Ninth and Buttonwood streets, late Spring Garden street. .. • - TWO-STORY. BRICK DW2LLING—No. 1003 Ward street, 'south of garponter street, and west of Eigh teenth, street VERY VALUABLE- PALM AND MILL PROPERTY, over 02 saw; with site! for country east% opposite the fotir-mile stone, Lenses:4r turnpike. _ BTATUARY, MONUMENT°, FOUN TAIN°, °co; Thia Morning, • - • JNQ. L. It t.YB „ 14th Instant, at 11 o , otook; at the &nation store, se • coed ataxy, • cholas collection of ace Italian martde atatnery, moron:septa, fountains, mantels, joist reoelyed per bark Pennsylvania. 117N0w,, ready for eiamiestfon... ; BALD OP VALUABLE' AND .111EGANT LONDON AND AMERIOAN 'DO,OKS, FINN , NNOLIBM NN CIDANINON,' &a. On Tneaday Deming, March 15th, at the auction store, cooehienolog at eg o , olock,A coltect'on of, valuable and elegant Donato and American hooka. "• • - Alie Van Invoice of fine engraving by iminent.Loti, don &AIWA. lIT Yoe pettleuleks sea cAtalogrois. , , _ Sale at Roe. IS9 and 141 Sontli Fourth Street. SUPERIOR PUREITIIII9I, PIANO-RU/ITP., PP R* PRENCR PLATE MIRRORS, - BRUSSELS OAR PETS, &a. On Thuraday Morning, At 9 &afoot, at Um' auction' store,- an extensive assortment of excellent seriond-hand furrdtere, elegant plano4fortee, fine mirrors, carpets, eta., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the store for cow venison of sale. . Executor's Sale—No, 133.1.4aLLOWHILL Street. Estate of Abraham Miller, deaeased. STOCK OF A PO TERRY. F IRE BRICE, TILE, STOVE CYLINDERS...DENTIST FURNACES, OLAF, MA CE/MERE, .11011.111,.WAENINS Ao.. - - Oa Friday Morning, 18th fast , at 10 o'clock, at No, 1834 Oallowhill, St., the entire stook of the late Abraham Miller, deceised. By order of Executors. 11-.2- Full particulars in catalogues now ready. . . Sale at No. 942 Poptar'stseet: STOOK AND PIXTIIIIRS 09 -A PAPDR. RANGING . . 1110TABLIBIlliENT. - On Wednesday , Morning. . 284 Instant, at 10 o'clock, at No. 913 Poplar street, the entire stock and Munroe of ,a paper hanging estab lishment. , Er May be examined on the morning of sale, - Peremptory Pale. VALUABLE ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, JAMES BARU Jo EON'S -GREAT SPRING SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS, WAPISR DOLOR DRAWINGS, &At " On Morales. —th instant, at 10 o'clock, wilt be sold, by catalogue, without reserve, at the auction store, SOlllit Poneth street, a collection of the 'moat yaluable and highest clue pictures ever offered at nubile gale • - They are efjectiOos -from Menne. Berlets galleries, of the producanne of the most celebrated gar peon schools; of their 'own importationiwith additions of tho recentworits of the most distinginalced'Amerloan article. 1n the collection will be found speoimens of Ham moo, Ischaggenar, De Grout, Stevens Robbe, Taukate, Ilaumgartoor, Bogiehar., Schmidt; Via' Starkenborgh, Horace Vernal, Andre Plamot, Laurent de Meta, Gull- Yerboeckhovea, Jaeokel; Dints, Simpson, 0 0. Bingham,- Weber, Gfo. Lambdin, Richazda, Rd. Moran, Bontelle, Louts Lang, Sonatas, do , &a.' 07. The palutinge will be ready for exhibition, with catalogues, dye days previous to the sale. AT PRIVATE SALE. A - bandaome residence. with "stable, eosoh-bonse and large lot, Main street;Bnedinnion, New Terser. BY WILLIAM H. ATERt , 'G ENERAL AUCTION AND 006161/06/661 . 8T08J6,1,..N0. 46 North EIGHTH Iltroet. below Arch. ,J. A. .11,JA8ON. Auetloneer. • al e` at the A uotloO 'More. - ----- SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, AND MAHOGA NY HOUSEHOLD FUeNITURE, - BitßltOiD3, OA* PETS. PAINTINGS, SILVER-PLATED WARE, &o. On Wedneeday Morning, At the auction store, at .10 o!olook, will be sold the usual large and superior mortment of parlor, chant• ber, and dining-mom Runner*, mirrors, carpets, paint. Inge, dr.o. Vale at No. 911 Noah 8 ath Meet THE ENTIRE ELEGANT 11011SBEIOLD FUBNI TUBE; ko., OF A GENTLEMAN DECLINING HOUSEKEEPING. On Thursday Morales, Commencing at 10 o'clOak; by catalogue,' at the above residence, comprising in PARLOR—Liandso tete,a-tetes, - wall chairs, reek , , log and arm chalrs,`ottomane, Brunets carpet, Wendt plate mirrors, all painflog*, ftogravings, Nenitlia blinds, rugs.kn. 011AAIDERS—Etapetior walnitt and mahogany Jiinny Lind bedsteads, drafting buteansosatbstanda, looking &tame, shaded, Ingrain carpets, lounges, DINING-BOOM—Pfelnat' estenslou dlning•tablter, chairs, china dinner and' tea sets,-Idiver.platod tiara, carpet, oil Sloths, " • - , Also, the kitchen furniture coking utensils, Ac. Egg. Catalogues ready early with* morning of sale. PEREMPTORY SALE Of THE LEASE,' fIIRNI TURN, AND PIXPIIRES oP. Tip BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOOSP, IL CORNER OP EIG.=PH AND OIIESTNET STILIETi DEIIOND STORY. . . On Friday Homing, - 180i,tiiiltant, commencing at 'l2 No ook, will be sold posit( Without reserve, the lease, furniture, - and Ditutea of the above saloorie ' oomnrislog - • • 1111.1.2k11.1280.005. 4 auperior billiard tables with marble beds, balls, cues, racks, counters, cushioned chairs, settees, of clothe, .ke 4 alleys, pins, balls, marking slates, matble•top Vey, washsoadds and atlases, umbrella stands, walnut tables, mahogany desk. mats, oil c °the, lee cheat, eight day slooka, cushioned shafts, stoves, gas RS . tures. &o. OIL PAINTINGS, FRNSOG PLATE MIRRORS. 1 /err oil Painting, kOZ.IO, of the Waßadii naval bat tery at Vera Oros 4 French plate mirrors, cosniotatulo view of Lowden, &o, Also, bar fixtures, bar demT,bna, decanters, &o. Alto, large street-lamp and transparencies. ID' Consignments of new ana seoond-hand house hold furniture, plano-fortes, earpeta, watches, jewelry, hay respotfully solicited, on- which liberal cash ad vanceswill barnacle if required. 117 Out-door sales attended to promptly. Charges as moderate as any other house in thle city. SAMUEL NATHAN% AllOTlOlinlit s asid MONJI' LOAN orricri, No. $24 Bontt THIRD Street, below Walnut, °spathe Pear Al, 014 el ht doge below the laobange. • - , Hours, of baldness from f alatcoak, A, IlLoilitti II O'clock in the evening. Ouadoor sales, and Wee ,at the Audi= HOW., at model upon the mast eaUditetory terms. OAPITAL - 1200,000. Istabiisasdfor 4 4 tan Tairly,Years. Adviusace made from one dillies to thousands on Ma . silver Plate,,Bratehist, Jewelry, Hardware, Mr Shendice, Clothing, Yonsitare, Bedding, Biwa, Busies' Instramente, gems, Clattlagel, and floods, of every description. , An goats asa,anisuit . or Weed „ All advances, from one hundred dollars and,upoula *III be charged 2 per, ettuth per month ; POO sod over the lowelt motet rate, Thin StNis eonanhaving a depth of 1.76 Nat, Ire and thiet-prOotimullte No Stare all valuables, and U XII vete watchmen for the premises, olio, a heavy lull tatted effected for the liensat of en persons haring *dm advanced upon. N. It aatimat of having ea, unlimitedcapital, thle oat* prepakd to make - *drawee on more ' Ballo tentory MA' accommodating term ithiai'uoy other la We oily. Money advaneed to 1,14 poor, b mull Wan* w.lthi oat soy charge. AT PitITATI AWL' eold natant Lever and other Watnlisos ?Mega Ncii Wog b• molt at %WIWI st" i - • - 41. STaWn":" ,- -7' BOWLING BALOON. . VITANZ?gI, RAMA ri" , 2lr 004 • " - -"lte.42fy wain examitr,, gorLARITAIR_GARktkiii'AIIp,ANAN - - - DRY. - _ MalnhiElp*-10 efflookoinf6.nuinitts smear --402'plekages as& lots ok.-I - 4 . 3:24 its42#Asple -- 11,sttSsort4 t and dome dry goods: - figOiples and tetAki • isee es.o3; on Vesissol#l; at - .. pining immix.. mama; sm.selysi".424s:RDS , On Toesesr Morning,„ SO pieces "-Anon retiSitlitlaokOlotbi.....:- . 42 Asses essieGmfx44 doeskins. - 88 piece - grip doeskins:, 5 e -1 _ - 1 10 Pieces 6 4 IsmstessAispgA•blarkersoye.,s-- - • LIMAN iDRU44I,4 mAssiThramo VNATINQII, AND STACK AND , Willva:Dumag r op %coma ,-. 040. 'lc ,por im . ay ;obits. sisnlUsgs.? • . • NoseeiLandoss heavymkiteesill block Awoke. 1 use satisiy-eolored - Slaohews., - 6 4 BLACK - ALpAoAs AND - 4:4-SHIRTING LINENS. 3 caged 6-4 doe Mask ilmesse4,i -2 c aeee At ITAc t it .804 inA'elikinkiked DeekonersiOuteds: ' . OAlit ON - XOT/iiik , kiUSSIALLAUCII.AND MA/13 ill cdtico4'4.4iibite Denton matting.: 40 111616613-4 - do ' do do. - 200 tapssE4 litnsaels togs --' ' - • _do , - de: , door mate. SAID OF•• DRENCH GOODS Or TIED IPOET.1:1101t 81583Di3.: DENKARD & 1117TX018: - ' ,ioU'Vediteaday X 0 ,111128. • !dutch 181 h, at 10 0 1 C lock, by catalogue, on 8 months' credit -800 lota of fancy. mud. etspla Drench dry soOda, eon _ elettrigrof— _ . - - - .•_- 600.4decee floe to caperflos moinalln lease, In blink; mode, hid tail: coloen, Paturle,Lnple'& 160"pleitie extra • riebprinted 'mouslin do banes. , , -20) do -,do- .• do bareges.- - 200 do do do baron& - 'double jape., double flounced. -_. • 100pte`des jndnslin de _ begs a ot llo - 11012 salld• . ' 200 do - ` extra super gemlike da40'0261.4.14 ducatertnollne, , - • - 200 plenee dotible flounoed enddeuble • Jupe , rebos, to new dram attars, )03 please dabble lboUrvisd silk robee.-- - • 100, do black and eplereledreas -• , 10/0" do magnum boriunkquilltlert block tiffetsa end - ponit de sofa, Bonnet end ParniOil'a make. ;- 2-tOO bleck,Meide;qad,,Olgh,,Dloitxt-Titlini extra evert* i t capttes, audierixlek -gring.B/ Pa' th `ee Lookm 's outtfirthre. - ' • _ 1,1300 long end liners. woolloa fringe,Thibet 'Off/very rich pointed !mark, new: , dealguer. jag 1,00 prlntedl.„ Otrula 2,000 very riclibroebeberdee iftella shawl.. soprano centres, eeu and all now deragne,m -blank , mode, brown, wblts, and arited eolo:e. 6CO ' rich breefieeguare and long ebeiwis, of the beet rf 4 l_, "nsuclittoi.aonake4- - - 1101011Litr...rojI AttrciTiortgEiti-_,- 580 STIUUte, Irl O weeiii MISR - awl . • - On Tuesday Morning; -- - at 10 N o'clock preoleely.- we will mill, by catalogue, on six months , oredtt, about- 250, pieties - of Ingrain, Venetian tad ooltalpi carpets ` of the beet city manufacturers, consisting of - plate superfine quality all-if-orate; andirotil gralue. pieties super quality do do tnettinni pieecis.4-4 super- - quelitrall•wool klieg and ,was. chain Tenitlan carpets pieces 3.4'. super quality,. all-s 00l dtling end wax chore Veutlan carpets. . please &a - super q carpets. - all•wool 'Mt and Wan chain Vrenittan carpets. -r• - - . plecerf4-4 woof fillingVemitlan carpets • ' pieces 8 4 end 6-8 wool filling-Vcrittissi circlets. , pima fill an 45.8 Tory heavy cottage carpets.. EEPThe goods - will be arranged, , with -oetaloguss, early , on-the morning ef • • LARGE BALE OP .BOOTd, BHU&IY,BEOOAIid, Ago. On Tharadsyletentutg, Verdi - 17th, at ]G o'oloek, will be sold by ea'alotres en 4 trunatttt- credit. , 700... esses;:lteets.,altosei*to• gang; allpliers,Ao.'ef..eitfand Eastern. nuoinfoottufk, to nitlek the - 11,21E0n the trade BSCOTT,AtOTIONgEg, 4gl • t " CHESTNUT' STREET, opposi ti- tie* Cairo= !loose, betwean:YOTTATH and Pirril Strada , ' # ' ,BaLW OV =BOOTS ANII2BILOWL Tbraziforning, , lath Instant,' wilt be; aold, by cata4=Aiva, oonistusonlng at lON o'clock, an assortment of— = blenfii boand and wobosiisd kiplwrojtana. • t9and and nobotiod hip biogaas. arid,doel7oall - Ladles , raiding and morocco gaiters. . I.lloea. - • Ladles , nEite,ailpiskin;-_Sea., ko., -of beat atty. anti 11:77 kippple Eastern a , catalogues early on tls • morning or sale. -- = "#, • -= The inrileolar attention of %fraud c ountry trade Is finned. -,_ SALE or spielioimalums; war * aoons,:ao. - On Wednesday Morning„ - . .16t5 lost t broktalogne.on a credit, COlXlMOgleiaf at.lo o'clock; large egportment of desirable good utcr.. coy retail rodeo.; .- - Embroidered boot; Swim: cambric, and .1 1 19, 1 01 t Ka lars of latest iftYbilf bock and jaconet esta,wellara; and sleeves to - match, iltwikr *ad banded aleerea,,flaciiton, Maltese, and thread lace collari, Ae. „ „ WHITE-000D8. _ -; - , An fa assortnientof Aneafid medium qualiti plala and dotted Ihrise irbkta cambric, and 3iConetmrudins, tape checke:,nensjoke.,,blaliop lawn, /lain „lawn, ,Oirt log linen, Act, - • I Tames eimpliiic-HANDitEROk;M. A full line Ot gekide , and children'e lineereant. brio -- .8.18110N8, - 11111,1NZRY GOODS; Also, boriderribbonsiedrass trimminga, Jcipedblonde, bugle braid, Ire: , , : BALE cop*Attraims OIL pArtqtroita totowtinr GALL, Ry..c0p,1124911b. •Drunicourrit swpwaT, yoror. - • Yburiday ittareh 11th, will b, - bi0...1019,0b - sedirat - street, (late-Paricinaolea onrotnenaink- - iat W 0 ,411404 precisely, - it, nbofter "ernliestion of OR pahithigs 'hew the gellertot the abgere*e3l-knowit Arm., Particular attention Sil k y:tea to is be found' 14 loatidalT rkani reeked 'pleter4-01' great value, [together With::iikklee by cetokrated cc,ltste of worke`ot - aclikewledged - - - The entire collection lekne of great : l4Am, conga& log landreitaes,- - marine view., interi ors , e zt,m,, x ,l fruit,, Hower", ,hc: are richly:trained indArii well Worth, of attention. 67- Catalegnetirtil be ready, and the qtinga open for examination , ffont - datnlday until Um morning-of sale. — SPECIAL - PEREMPTORY SALE Of locio CASES ETSAW GeOEB, MEECH BLOWERS., 7.ELT II&TS; &43 On Monday Morning,- . March 2.olh;by catalogue, annmenaing at lb &cloak, will be sold a _large • ionorterent of maims Ind' boys' •allow bets, men's and, boys' Legbom hate, ladles' Leg. horn and straw- bonnets, :fano, allh bonnets,' j duel blonde, Preachilowere, men'e felt bate, millinery ms-, terlala, &c., &a. - • - 7 • ' - GITMICir Eil3t).NS, al • &NAL =TRU • - No. 62.0 WALNUT- STRAIT. - • Peremptory Bale. ' 012 Thursday Morning, • ' - March 17th, at 10 o'clock, on the premises, will )a0a1.. , tively be sold at public auction— TUE HANII4O6IS TURNS-STORY PRIOR MI DBNOB, with three-story double book but din" situ ate No. 9M. North Sixth street. The house la built in euperior manner, fornlehed with all the modern con vselences, and in complete order. Lot 19 feet trout by 90 feet deep. Er Iwo May remain on ginned-rent. . . Peremptory Sate—NO, Oil North kith street. ELIE/ANT lIIRNITURN.IIIIIIIOItS, PIANO YORTZ, CARPETS, &0., ,&o: - "On Theis* , • March 17th, at 10 o',elock, at 911 North Sixth street, immediately after the tale of the house iiod lot, will sold the entire, furniture of the oopmlant, declining 'housekeeping, coneisting of Brussels am:l4 - 4E l %in ear pets, oil olothe r. atipsnor walnut and oieboiteny led, steads, ankarior marble.top bureaus, ago, lounges,. l ottomene; parlor mirrors, looking glasses oil paintings and engravings, rugs , Vatlethlll blinda, ' shades ; card. and 4.xteosion tables, brveldsat, tea, and dining china seta, kitohen frirnlture„&c.. &a. L Ostalogoeo ready early on morning of We aRCOND SPRING BALI! On Thursday, - March 17th, 1850, will include—. - - - Orphans , Oototlale--Zetate of John Metal, Declaimed. ' TWO-STORY STOUR -AND DWELT...TE4,/JP - 0-6t i` above Arch, east side, lona by 45 feet. - • - HaNDBOSIISDOUBLIETHItEN STORY RESIDINON, - with aide yard, northeast corner of Theirand temeth streets; lot 60 feet front, with a three-story brick dwelling in the rear. VALUABLE STORE PROPERTY, finished with the' modern conveniences. sttnate No 913 Market street; - lot 17 feet b inches by lait feet deep. - Estate of Dr. ;oho I. Mitchell, Deceased. VALUABLE LOT,OP GBOUNDoonth aide of Mar. hat street, west otTiventy,Hret street, OS het front by 125 feet deep to Ash alley. „ HANDSOME COTTAGE RESIDENCE, supyllawith all the modern conveniences • northwest corner _of - Plea sod Till greets, West ihtladellatia; lot 100 by -175 feet. : ., HANDSOME HANDSOME POUR-STORY RESIDENCE,. (math fropt.) with two-story double bank buildings and ve randah tack, and furnished with all the knodern2oen-- veniencee, N0:155 North Fifteenth street; lot 18 * feet by 100 feet deep to Heysham street - . VALUABLE LOT OP GROUND, and the buildinitii thereon erected, southwest'. corner of Market and For ty-third ttreets,loo feet front by 214 feet deep WOW street • - LARGE on, FACTORY, THIN BRICK DWEL LIMIB,.AND TWELVE ACRES OP LAND, withltil the r.eceinstry MR :buildings, and built In the moat sub stantial manner situate in -the borough of Chester, Delaware count y, Pa In the build ng are eleven Oak iron etilla, with els condensing tuba, containing eleven coppor worms alse.all the rem:delta 'underground tube, iron tante. shafting , large water pumps, 'throe" oil pumps eight blenettirg kettles, - aerial the necessary appartin for manufacturing oil on the most trAollfLrel scale, The wharf on the Delaware, In front of the Premises, •Is 800 feet longi and wdl accommodate res eals drawing doyen feet, EU' Further particulars and handbills can be had at ths office - HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, three.etwy, with two•attity back buildings, sad furnished with' all the made= cotivenieueee, Bhutto No. 409 Pine Meat lot 19 feet by 81 feet deep to a flack outlet. THIRD lIPRING BALE , On Thursday - March Slst, 1869 - on tie premilis BLRGANT BUILDING SITU c every desirable else, on the Township Line Road Oholton Avenue, and Lime Kiln Turnpike, near fameekntown, W 7 Lithographs can be had at the office. cdltD.— M. a lagiVieY• aalaa, auctioneers, will hold regular salsa at. l6 4l3lstate,•Btaaka, &a. Also, kdiselL9l4 le.rulture at dwr43i RIAL ItStATI AT PRIVATI BALI. J On our Private, Bale Register will alive be found a 'very large meant of real estate including every desengtiou of any 'and country GIIM propertl. at IBILY & B, Beal Estate Brokers, 520 WAIUUT Street. below Wadi MO 8 X B.NA T Et A .N 8, AUCTlOLissisig Jim AIXD COMMIESION ILBSOIIANT, 8. 1. .or • - 'AT PRIVATE BALE. A superior fire-proof chest, 4 feet, high by 3 teat wide. Alec, watches ani jewelry of every description MONRY TO LOAN, Money to loan, in large-or small amounts, on mer chandise generally, and on all articles of *aloe. - - All sumr ov r one handrail dollars two par cont, per month, Inolndlug atoraged.o ,at Matti - one , Prloolpal lietabllahment, 8 N. corner of SIXTH and RACE Ste.- ST. .LOIJY3;'Mo. • WILLIAMS & - BOYLE; Avorionszlea AND COMMIKHON MERCHANTS, No. 10 North MAIN, STIMMIT, ET. , L01318, Mo. , ifOrMerly with Messrs. Mere, Clasher°, I. co., Philadelphia,) offer their Berri gee to .the merchants,' tnanttlintarers, and Ohara of Philadelphia. [(tribe sale of dry goods, car" pots .bodti,"ahoes, hardware, jewelry, An , An. Cash advances made on receipt of goods. flettleineolli made three days after gas. SIIIMRIIIIOEB . - Memo. Myers, Mlashore, Co., , " Stuart dr. Dealer, - " " Van Wyek, Townsend, & Warrens, New York " L& a Curtin & Co, ,WOO 4, Christy, & Co., - St. Louts, Mo. • . • " . Crow, McCreary, " • . . • m 4 Ymw.l4.- 200 ItSLS. No. 2 ROSIN in store and for ale b 7 -0. 0. VAN AMILIN_NII, - 0., felO•tt 'MW4OIOI ,Aarigi - „ , „
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers