?..."Psr=l , - -', "'. ". •-•;-'-?,',-- :•'‘' ',-- - s ..-" ,- . s .„; -- 1 :A. ,, , , :tfi,"- - --z -,- ••=t" 1.- - rt:''.- :- ' •," ''' '-' , " ' ••; e- , - ' - •-••• ---- ------ - :' , = ----- -ss• - g"=.4 ,1 r:; , ; - '..."*T. r'' - ' - iLe 7 ;.;••••-,;••::;/.;;-,::--,,,.-•;.: ,;-;,:.tk.yj-i:s-, ,1 , ,",-. , .. '. ,;', ,- -- •• - :.7c•":, ' - ~...; ? .1,-, f c ~..i.,, , '..1,V.,-` I i , I`. ' ' ,91111111151 i ~...,:.,,'V -....107011.2,t. HOTBL•4lmottintertreet. abets SiGth• ',l ~,.;;; ; ", , ,,,771114tWife '' •• ''4 i."7:644:80.•," 1 ,P.;4,•."itt. !tt - siff , ;;lV.." IS 3 Leborn Phila .;"2:, 'l'f • 101 la 0 4*6 1 trtlith t•"'"P ' '' ' '' rt-„,,; '',.-:-:-W: It: .2 :,'" -:;.i's./ . -o'W 2ll l.•2* l ll[6 l Prit, 1 "Tai . "nWillau4._s 004.1. - 17:1: - '' . " , - V- X 4 Clerk afaalloiaifi 9 - -- - - •, - --4r?-.!. ' -,,,, ,; - • - , -v . ( .+:1: , ' ' ,.: .. .ii: ' .2; r ms, ..,scar, 2 k ' 4. ' '`,. "V "".,.. •- , g-' ',.'.:41-. 3 1 0 gal,NiT" , kl. , l-.',1,, , ..„:1 1 .kpa&30161 10 . ' 1 ---....... - - - '. s ''''' - :" . i''''.... - ' ,? • - ' 4 - - 4 ::.";"4S ".7,51/04, 9 9 1 2- ,,-7 s l'i' :" i X till**Pi'lls;i : -i .l. ii-'i's;,. l :7o l tre7s - ult r ' n r`9, : -. Y . -- - 1, - " •- ' ,-, - - ,•'; .s6l;ifi;', , i' - ',;; , t 4 , 0 - tifilitti - 4!44440,, , , , .. ,1441 Alisizy ,filt.,, ~ , ,,ILklimwa)„ Brat, ~ .„ '' ;' -' &kW ,1 1 r-- ''''l'. Ode ! - rie. A l iii At !PS, N X'''.‘4 l , ... .I;..s. , WoNlerrnA ti t.. , , ,•- .. ~- - -- - - :::ci!sitir '''' r P' ' '.'"'"'• lie. i' ' 1 / 2 .' ''' ' • ' 'me* Mitoks 001thil,A7 •". r , -- 11 (1 11 4 , D 780 . 11 l• • = :-5 ,5.. ,, , -, ~ el', ' - 0 M1,U,.m , .""r1 * .1i . , fi gi ii-",04 4 1. k : .1911Wellity,lerou Clip :`,.,..1, Sy Itcyfiton, N Y ~,, i , „.....,,,,„, i., -• p r o r - ~ - 177.tatt!e. .9 .14 A 4 4 874 , 8 00 8. W 3 Cunnbasbanh NY ,' • VIS Clumsy, Melt • i 11 _, I;( '' , i .:;C: s . ;IV .s :es - •Aill*Aelkee.'.44497o,..o4lMSPekee****- 1441 r ol lo o ‘ 0 01, 904 ' - i' ,:. 'W.7 Morgan, Columbia .o* - 000**i A.:#4.Wyele."- - ,,4 1 :-.- -.'.. ._ -, J-310:Ialeb, Alliii . . . ' " ' ` --- ''"---''-'-' ''''" --7.- • '- tatta-,WWIMIGe ' s'Ytt •''J W Palk, Danville, Ala ''. - ,•., - ... 11- 'iiej•-7...-i'lia - SePsf-P7hiltfal th ssitl , '-'' '''''-K. -' ' '.ffly , le; iota -- " ',; :.L W Earnest Dalton, ei 1 "•.•• -1 .•;.,..i - :•*c.:•.:;14p4 , 4411,Cf.. , .111.`;.' 1 ; '''','" .1" , • 4:11 Ore '; Djiltia, Us ' ' -II Owen, , Glahrinel, Va ) ......: ..,.- '',..",,,' . -, ...:1,,, , , ' ~,,,_,,,..-;,:', ~..„,t7.:-. .0 W Gehliy.Sy • 7 - ' 7A Rose, Ale. '. ":.._: 1 1---. ,: ':.'-' *if .'''lr,!;', l ,' . ." - *** , •'9 .-- -..T.'. - i.?;,7 , l..ii i iiii-,". . A Lichen - Alt ~ ,_ , ~,,, , P,A, Lwi, chile ;.."..„..,.., ..: oimienamilliderof 4; - c,ithed,, ,, pfer; ~.. „••; 1,,,'•- ~.. 0 7 Genie, Yee . T ~ . , ,qi'f.. - - , 1 :0,i . . _ . 1 *11• 1 4 1 11' .' 1 i Biwa .. -if ll'Orogkiti, NA' i!, 2 : All RalPhift•ltr- ,•.; lin g : , ,•_ ~:lim i. BB B hBB • swelienkiiimpridutabontto yelMopech, Iry ;•: - "",..,":,:Misia Meek, Bedataa". i'• ' - - 'itaitioiMM - ....7:11,0e; *1.81441110aW1. 2 u wogs', If it . .. • ,-;',,- 1 ,- , , ,,i O rd ity'llas„, .• .. , Phibbourtirl2#'o63 4 ~..88 8k liqmareWwl, ''' /Pi Jill ,L 2 Turner, do ;, ~1 ..,W w,ltdatleg: 3,417:„..." . i • i , • . rohi•,:, , wilier, - orettoot, , ,kiiweetheLoasee • . m ei W a Widker,'Palutyrei Aro i'Ye'W UnnOrs, 319 :-.,- i . • • thiratiorhila,siiisiilß4*'lloo l om l t'iNhilt " 4. 1040 1144dir Mo ' 1 " " r ' 2 . X a 1 ' c•ill•lo., ' 1 derldalitCooB4obliaGrattakeripplitl=',i'iwitti• '3 i ch in - ill,- ki. • - -," "car in t ail e r,liveghig,Yii . - 11818 ,),! t ts******* * * 14 , , XiVe.s.dsi -l '''''''' - ` ; • - ..g.5. : - ',,m..y....5.„' s 14 '' - -, 1. Oared Vous, N Y - - . : . ~ mr..T.. tv sprout', v• . Tif::,.tmotomoK.i-- ,44 :', , - .....7 1 1`..'•••v••••••••:) . , , Geo %Crump ",Pa, •:.",:". '''', i.; - 4 , Dr IPkillPa; va • ...' ~. „ -, • -;,, ....., ,. , , f ,-,' . - -tt• , ;' , .1;;"7 ~,.,4,,.i.,, : a 3 - wiliou, To :.r. . /,-,..,-, A.Itooto• v& i . - - ,t,,,..,,, , ,,..f. , v4ivitigi0ntriC/j. g nt - '.fir - • • .= 'l' I.oii,.cvLsoc.tr. ri..). - . ': ,; - -- 3 •• P -thusil,Pulne-z • - --- '. - ''.-.si r ftiitif - Yr r 'it *IS' i' I 911 "" z1 " ' ' '' U 814-14"4 lo ' ' ''' • - '"Arrired, saiiir:1 Bhh 6:10 1 0: 1 . jliaai' - 14 776 1' 4,814 .11' ,: moiritiri • iiition'ittirtallii.r 4 :14 obeli Arih.: 1 , •`• .44600 1 0 - kiltawntai W. 919 tit 14999 14!? C -991 ° : 1.4 Atwood, Watiaud !- -- .70,p Clamorott, Salt ' -", r• ;-; s• '''. 3 . 5 • 1 _ 1 0 0 8ilr." aft*****.i'it; l, 7:-''="?'"'" ° -'4•"' ".; , ''''' , l - "P"R""'• ; Illwood er•en, Esciii!gto;t2:ta tan wit , - - - 1- i .., . -,. _, . „ ~_. „.• • ..„•,„.. - ,; --- v,fe::',;, , y ''. , e,; - - ,lll:6B6SAllaitil/k• ' ltieburg ' 1 ". '..todekhtlitpOeiN' • f t -ad ; o l eo s •,-;;.,1 ,,, 4Ji , ~„,, •,1 ~•t,ll•LetePhlia:l;,,F •,t;' ,. .:,,- . ._ 1104.10 1 griai P • ,-, • :•:„.-•-•: , ,rs •• '4:";-••• It. : ',.• , 119 t 9111911 , 9 4 •J '` -NL,Adm BIIAD - 002111.L•Whitti at, ab'. OdlowhllL . .s.-.Avelesk itamilobletddlekoMuy , WrieWeer. Tore shipi "c" .• - ' , . i '•'' ' q - 1:1111464416e1e9444.114.„„_ , Yina1k;410•11,4;fr0e Henry Klee; Daft ; '1 '," 7 Roatls, *berry ~ - ' " • . . ./1 11 , 1 10 . _VII*LW19 . IlleW2 NOV Turk: , .„."-P ., " - ._ -", I Roode.-Ityberty ' '''', i• - ,' ' ' Seisecolfell: Pe ' • i .„ , A.,".. 4 =:-.., - . -, -- - -,- ;'lfota *Watealle; Mara 17. -I , A Beekspen,- . 7ssetesrllle ~,, ,Yysak Miller, WiOnneytown Arirlialli'skieWlithihleelletilleti Xotc,, ~.,, ,„,, . '. , i Denj Hrubbi Le:tidied,. Rs - -' , •' , , ' 1 - ' --:,4 - :-0-...71 , "4 - .,:43,3 , :' , ,,44 ,,, f - 1 -4, 'Ao • , '''' , "4-- - - , , '''l , .•,' ~- ------ 1 , - --. :-' ' ' '',. "'"NtliOillibt, : ' ,-::;" '' - . BALD:IIAO4IIIWid-Oeat,'Obove,OallowltUl. i -BiemaphiPOilfiefilleelierf:loifaar_hasai - aiLi Adsm liiiiii; - lii i : - (leo Hower, Norristo wn ' ' nth hot --- ' ~,".' ' "-" • - t '-•: '' '-' ' - ' t. ' A HelleiA eon, IWO!, Pat -.-- • . • 1 Pt St•illliiiiiiild ' 1141111*AillibiladjAhiicie - itiiio• l 4 Aplehlyi at IbeWatlalftett:B:l7 , A. , o; t'''''‘'';*-^ '..,-, 7 2 " . 4 - ' ,--.1 ^"" ." -.. "..7. -7••o ''''''."'". . 8,41011114 . Stir .44 'ACW 999 0 99 71 9 ,1",:4 13 4 11 ': . i . ' , : % ,' ;5 ' 2' ''''''': !-`. 1 1 4 :' ,llot -T it !Se • - • '‘- - '' --- ' • ' ' 1 • Gth lettaa PfelelfeekiiieGOOP.:;4,lA. - 1.t ,, :., :"."1;i: : • - 4 •- ' 0 ; . i'• 8' t h 1 .•86,"• B , t v" •N A : .-.1. i t . if,T,o„Thi h " • Ship Diewatett-ImaediC l tiletweWittfleif Ter Oth _a t II - a .0 ' 1 ;' air e .2„ . rut , i0n.,0 r .itim„,„„,,, ,, - : -.,t,,,,.• --,..,, , : - ...0- .5 , 4 , ~.....-• Illfirlt - NA7o4l9Alalt7ll2i - or Germanteem,, to Mlas akt .,c ohm , hl .. Ernint .. frozi lo ol o44- iiik , , 4 6 , - k e ft peuergAighgectsenlxdaughtettrlfee Pamee Han. YorkiimititiT7ligewrienetbereP;WMGoiSe*B.4 l l4( l it "' :4 , 4 . 4 1 4 ";'- latb.r . 111 P. 2 l ll , ll€ lP. ll !". ° • l7f !' ren* ",.. °t . -"'" .......r.awa..s..le .........„.a.tre . -;=.:•,---, --- ! • . 1 ,, ' , .. tile if I ()bora - , - - . • • - - '. "--r•-;,..v-v-r- '' , —;•••-ns - •"" ''' •-' ''• "''' '" - 1 '''-• '' " -•• 1 't•'•t I '' =b tb Bar Sting eletpAlikalitle, Istcalter,o2 diii 2 i4sii.disitt! - On t,k• et!' notas • • 1116 etlkill. r e. t. . ,ist ee kiksu i lio..usiy,:-,:.. it' ..4.ii-,..,-:'-v- 1.'4!i1. , .,- 4 -e- s'' ...:, -, 4 Irwin,lldr, =JOHN KSETZliten, of Wan Pun, _to • ;:todo .441.4;G•attle0aleW02 - ' it ~ .,010.0liS, 10.1 A„P.,W,! . 1,1, yAlp.r4lFop ! ,!?!.,/ , "*.111" 31 ° , -. 2 . 1 1.1:&7 . . skir-Amotordani..."" , ' , ll l "--...; , ...v...-1,,,;ir; ...4, -i---,?` ;- .- . 111,,,,, . I ,va;Pa IL! , '`.-- -,••• .'- . - ' . _ ; ...-_-;•.eedi, , ereteaelp - ; - ; l oedapeC. , olo 7 Joe Clewed 'at -111 n the Wit inettotott Wog Sou, by the Bev ; Bung, •- , • fig o hnivgthdtowy4pdiggei hpdgeor o o t t o .; , ao ph a d w t., lfrete. - 111r4Otql PI4OOBP, of Tioga ,00ttidy, Psi, ,to 5e0.40,11 ; %0i.5 4 y..i.".4...i.triPi;-0..i,.,..,- 1 55tr., , , , .-i i,,, ,, , , ,5.p. ~"5 5 Wu 111BilE00/1. A 0., ;laughter of lade Archer. of -. •," Bark ThothoOAlilbeiki,'" ,i tttoliipais; fir' Philadelphia; ripade,ol.‘,"''; -;;; ,' ' 4: :" - .irms.d.owidlo see feel:trier' Orleans dtliinst. •• r S. • .;". ;; • .„.", . : „. 7 ;l', _ ; , _ ' - ;" 37 . 44 /P 81 0!) aim Paw". ' 1 !" .1 4 41 8: 1 > i!,: * . g 14 16* '.. 1 , 1 _! 4t4a ; i" - : , , ~.;,.= ,-„, ,:•-•; '., - . ._•,.. ,- . : 12th fata l - =,-;,,";:, - =_•'.l=•__r - - 41 ,;' '..• _,'"• ":' "••""_;-"- 3 ' . .. - -' ' , - .: ( lOtitibi• p .' . ' '...r , larnallbsitittilittOn . 11,12 4 44 * # ins ; . il. - a - 11 4 1 . 11 " C ' Onkb" Ilik I 'debt "41 A' 0' ''' hi la latWillaitiek,hc't,il:ss - -v-i. ---'^., Pig -..,..'"'", 'l' ',- '.:- - , , 9 ~.... 9 fuOf a telPdary, rea Ince a i tieitin m e in o 4 - i t a to `'. k en ' - s. f o i'D iu i.4,'" s p a t - ' h i di, Philall , rels -- ANIIIIIWA,I,Z_AiIIiTH wife of lextobyrts• ~f r o do iakiwoo g o i pththott:.,2-,_•,, ! ..,••--- ,- .1t,:- ; •• „ x„., .., 1 , : .,!p„.. - 1: : ,. .aesr, ot- ineelernPaine. , ,sesabbiy.ot.the,, bete Mordecai - - -.. . - . , , _Tedloved , Philadolpiela, in tate' tette year or her e. ''''-' Bahr I r "'""' eldt ' l i k ' n "' l * - 411 4 .16 F•fl i ; 1 0 1 ' 611 1 'Her friends sad relatives - are' resneetfolly invited to "" , "111b1iiet..„?DrYirretia/..,_;._ 7 1 . 8 0 4 .,_L'",....' 14 '=.i,,,..."'" , '„ .; ~,."..- .p . '''' , , ; ,,.".?, attaiml.her "Tniterilil.l6's leive the - residence of n: rt.: • „ -- 111sitC ~,,, ~,_,...1..1111,7,••"••„. ~ ,,..Zi t t = pl, r 4Yi •IMeeell, Me 12t8 - ittimistred:it tet °Weak: Second day = ' -11 ‘ 14- "'"" m 7-r.T , l""'”" e,.... -- - -- ree - =',.."..„ -- 4%;;t (Wooday).sttersuMa, laths-at runner nitice. • . ilk'- ~ '-fletteilt..7," - it . _.2. , ...."11,7 --- `,.. --. 74,c7r.ii...a . ''''..' .- Oa the 9th inment,LOUISA, wife of 1:101111.11hr., ''.- I/07 'fflatallivw•L• • e'v.;"..- ; --- .Z 6 1;• - "•• .'"--- - ' 'Giber` and - daug hter of Thorny:aid Ann Jane Pry, aged 'aim"'•:: t ." - " - jealliiiiii,,,, 14 atiP „ - VP .„ , , ...• ;„, l• iDamPaw' , - t_ta, 1 •!!!•78,1!!1 5 i,-„.. -- l!"il l ,'..!`T'i tie relerreisediriendi"of tie family. *its ielopoot; 1 - :411dthiiisti,,,f,"00pt...444-44: f i l ii-4 t r a i':a44;; ; fully invited try atteidtherfuneteli hind the reddauei .. ": . ..' '' .'h,pB w , , , ifirc= l llB n lBBl,....espuggkhowiwoo gluegf : 0 -'llarlArrmia. - ,,We -1224 forele Seventh etre!, thief:for., „1 *WI af two:von:01, o'clock.; Patient to proceed to Gerd .."”: '"didlisi the _ _. ‘ „,_,liiiiiikar ''', o lo a- 131 2 10 , b°66 'L 4 " l ,'.."` ~.' •• mantowlia,. - ..1 -- ; - "P .: -. .- = • - ~• - - • * ; --'.: 1,;:4;•7 1 . .OeWPD.- issiare il mtV"'"''''''" 4 7.• - 1 ' Oa thel2.hinstenti•EDlVAllD KBLLY, in the 89th, • 1 ,„ , i tialnott: .Plolodelpl4 " ,_'•:: , 3 , 8 . 68 , 10 ... 811 . „„.,,,,, ?., ~ _. _.,,,,,, I , ~_ - 47- , _ I .oaietilLietateal7aAk t; 18 ••''Y I *, ?.., 1-: , Thwawlettveimiilrlende 'or tie family : are reopen: liteishk.„-,-,":„.;,-,,,,s_,...;•-•;•:;:,..1,-,..;‘,".:6;,-,4,01711.2•,;•4•";:'4" " c 4;••'" - L' , ‘ . i full Invitee to Mond the funeral, from his late net ~ Orktle;Kl&at4l/BW4l o lpelsithr,6l 4ol. , w .9l l4 ,,l.E'.l ' lai'it'r'; dines No :9611,011M0nd *treat , four doors below Hun:, 7.otb toot-for Phieetlperts, -,„„ ~,., ..„_,,, .- ~,.• _ , „.... , , t ~........,;,:-... ,8‘..w. ....,, 0u r ~. . . :street,'„ - bn -Tuesday morning. 'et 8 3( o , olook: . Seht49o*Wifell9ll*SAA,ttsAl*Wes. 9,Fr*"*.'"" wrr --, 4 Amaral serene 1010 Amex Ohnroh. Interment at St: , pall hiss e ts . „- • ..,,,,,,--..-"..-- -.- i ' ""L '-',,,__.;'',.,'„,,,,,, Mary's Cometery.,' ' , _. ' ' ' * ' , 1.,,,`":1 1 *0gr,r„ 41 . 0 9 00 ._,.,_• t Wa•a110s !IP" ** 3 *en***'..*- .is the 72th inatnek,after a short IlLuem. BINWAWIN" ' . 4!** , ...... " . P ....; .' . .. .' ' .' ' ''''' '' ' ''''''' ' ''' '' l'' ',' f HO WARD son of oeorge - W. and Mary Jane /Craft. ln, '' - - - - 1 -'.5 ' 51-87 ,1 4 2 W4111 0 05i9iNPaillataidi'ai,aa. 11 0;rea, ,rni the Isth pier or - hit itio. - -!: ,-, ' ;: .‘ •<„ - - ~,, ~,,,,,,, ~..,.. „ • . , qr.! “."' . ...1tA,..'.•••__2' .- ,_,- - --, ,1,.1.„,....? "---• w; - -,..'s '-,;.,'-' -" .;,;,;.i - .1 The elateres add friends at the faintly -Re respect. '-'''''',. A 4 M . .- I ......elt , .....i:*`.!***S*.**'"''''''" - f Golly invited to attert the funeral from The insider.* . -.lie i..,./1 8 e,, "eademph -;• ..e ,::: , .-- , ,,, , : : ....z t...••!,, , .. , "4. - , -i. of ale. parenbullfo -WO Korth Tweatletivotrest, belowi ~ •.' 7 iiotioutoiertorontoc *.4 - fie;rilid• Iplit•.' 011 • mil - 11,,,,i,i.ign.eir " '" BY morning,lsth' instant; at 9 olclod - .* .ellflegditet.,.. 14.3„. 1 41-zau1..,..4: 4 - , :-' , l_ , _, -.---- __• ,. ".7'55,',,,,"' •,;AeWesteloliter.• Per. on Om 10th tothee, aftsr a abort .. • - ; tdirieleire* - W ii t m fll,irttlffiWro:Mlpa ' ,r 1, !•..1 and ( etvtretUneos,. JOHN ;ST &RR, eon of Wiry A. r;.inas,Owill4l - ,'__„,_:., ,„ . . iig,'1 4 ". 1 t. , " , , , '-',. ,•!',7_."';ft 1 Mid the late John Starr, aged 17 yeara ' - - . : • , ~,, - , , ,...!r: . f.Thiiislatives and frietds of tbelfttntli me reaped "; .• - ' .441 ear•-.l4,Pierpiniie ',..5 ; .6.:we0l r ,w 4 .fully,lndtedAn MUM 04 facbiral; • from the riddance' etiltrAl3o3l2l,l2„ ~_ ~t wmapvax,, Aor.uvonzr - t of hie mother. No. 610 Worth Seventh attest, above - ."";401.1,042010 1112 ,10 11 1840. 4,.:4 , ,, ,. i Greeal_o*-Yeeleter altenellasyst 10 o'clock. , ,To proceed, ' ''''''' ' "'"'"'';';' .. ..'"' " *-• ..,.," . 'II , !le Lased Hill Oemetery,„'. , .; . - J.- . we -, latawaieitt Atmet,kaAppiWkoti l . -- ,On the 11th natant, 2RGIDBRIOK. WITLLEN.,eged A . The relativestan&fileads of , the t" family 'are ": reaped.; PIMP Invited tO attend the Olesisal s from his late reel-, deseeLleorthemm. maser- of , Tenth and Mouth streste, 'Obi (ioddly) lIIDISIthir; at 9 o'clock. Ynneral drake, at,fft.;ParsPel.ohnrob. , -•lnteMetit at St. Miry'! Cetus Sr' 1, i• OBITUARY. '' ..• ' • - ~ it .firart7lia free' -....!:...- r . ., ~. : ..-...., !TIN 111/1120[6*Ittp--3 !that alone i .: ~ to . ••1 rmiti_bee.i;vh , •.; . " The rout can eomfolt, el ', and 311.' 1 *A p0u .4 4 ;1 84 - 1i i i , ... , 0 4 0 . 4 c i aci tr e„ , _ Benr . tir e. - , . Dled, on the 9th Ind:, Kra. 1.0(1181 Elllll.lollElt ' Itileelloll,l9 r."‘1."55t-i i d ... - _ , ,l* j jushooloyimoti,s, ,i i. -The writer vemrprlvileg it to be present at the cloolog ...,-,Tin.ini k ainix,*l.-:,, ,- .:-1 , - - ,.. - . , ";.;:as"ollatimit",l4,, ro w * - „ seine pf tho ' beloved- sod , largo sled • lady, woo bu to; :... ~ ,..j v iei t tin i A , - p.v, , t„,.....A, , , , ,t,w,184 .. 34.-hithg , Bp6 B ONl B ; soon been taken from • elrele of admirlag 'donde It 'VW Were 18tInitegwe' - ' 2 ...• • Wiel DierilLeedebarai,q- i. will be long remembered' as ahe drew near the yeller ippipta, ft e g0 w .„,„4, , .i.,,,, , tge5•Newh0i1.....„-...1 , 74 ~.., where the pale.•kord lett& rider marks the chill , " - '34 l LRala kikto,Oifr ; lutionatinif or" ?,i - GataPof.deltia et th e brow of hie victim; 'bewail calm, 3...t i ewawe,r4s, , 2 ,...._.t., ; ,;„,-,yr e hie eattat - Apiha ww ,;,. • . !talk:seise d, teousettous of the„ pr;esnee ,of , the Kb/ ..1061 4 - i l iHk7i;.• ~ ,,,1-3,,-,,,,,:; . ...w a Tho r kv.,.. = -7 - . :7;7.-' , .,• •• w ho was,threning. hit cold pestle pier bee earthly . 40 , 80 , 008 0i,- , ,T.i,i,..•,,,,, , , ; -iligiii•lii i iiir , fB'.• ~r -1 „tenement; end While age and youthAretattear, te Watt ".. eg x ~,,t , ,,,,,,(..„.„.„,,..,......,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,..„,.... tile *last .whieper of the part:ng spiric „ the haute ' ' Alfred' Clielle*li =''',7,4l, .Vlelksy."lfise itii;.:Pi ;. ' 8 . 01 - 1114 ** . IIIN"; 1 4 1 0a , -thly - l-- MIS. t,, ,-, ' lam ' going 10 wee iteprpOilekt=iP t I; wilt KIN B B O . B O , ~...,.-.4., , ,, - home you sapposet"2.-as if armlets that bar last "J" 1, LeeperilleemerPl'.',N, 14 Al•pfeetweivuo B , B 4 -__„l, , testimony. „ might be heard. if I *III ge)11111 tene t , ' dm ETA6 . 0488 c. 8 ..,,, , , , Nr i 1ab c .N t i0.„' I d. repeated; ,t, - Jeiruirettelie met•lhe' enuage ls"dark:but I. 7 66iiiieliinG, igiw i ls ittio-i"i- ,, . ,, 411 '''t ,-, `',- ',1 ,- ;" ,- : e•avveaut I shall ,arte my Attie 11ary....00.1-7Mmet A2O nfii; •0 ,, 8 i. N0tm ..„. ,; _...w., - Nua r „, N oi t g; B , -V.- died away upon bee, lips - as abe 'drew her last breath; A w (Hai m i v . ~......., ,, ,1„,-: : 48,0(-18 1, „ ty.k er ,„ i i . T : , and the eplrit pertol, from Its clay ,tesetnent, to dwelt ,-pp l ajoa r s Os' ...,-i-S -, . - - ; , .:- - ,stioz i go! .-, , - ..-•,''F,• : , , ~. in iliwParadies *beret, mall its, union In the Nesurrec. Ligi b ii. , ,rit.a ,, .- 2 -.' . `' '''' , Ple,jaim ic ii - . ,sin ` y. -II -' i tl sn, when the cold clod of Ahertralley shall respond to • - ae7-WWatii;Ok o l ' 2- ' - 4 -, ,' the trump of die Archangel. - The fond heart of the .6. , Y e eAiff 'iNitelio, 015ki - ' - "'r"'' : ' ' Mat mother whispered ; (even ' , in doom, the name of .. „ 4 0#8,40 Nt•keh o pp"B Ny, ;, the, little one ono burled' c•Ftlj. Clew montba before, ~-614,•.; , ,- IDillfailide,l4" i alt ir =gato t tr a - , e4fely - this - teeter ; shoot' hal, on irilriil.----T,'llt ootha-- to atoned . the ;bent of :,.the fond .nnlittennejlt# l ',7e"'%'" A '” ~ ~.' mother. Many arc " loft 'to mourn her daps/Irmo 4004erser'o•- " 1. - the:: beautiful, and' :the - lovely ; 'so soon toter, J:A.110:; "., whip, ;the aged - grid Mann lead upon their sta ff , -; for 'support , ' and hive alealy shaken' 011, thi duet recta their medals. In antielpition of pining through '.. the dark valley to thearorld . Woad. wyderfons Pro isidinetf.,s Nta'nele regret. her departure:_ Pith and Ho 'e liavegivin Wiliuroneetlkat should dry p the tear, -'•;,:-."7.`ileliffer-power,IsIliegiwrigtaiii..ggwiii,hir ,aad-kesd "the , beet or tbe afilt.isd like a - liok to. the '-• ie,m.. ;71;41phiteu+se hrjr,v,: - .---: , Sellers where bar spirit le' at rant . 'Pend like are --. iis„!..44,iptiikirtii i 4o - ," : ; - i , " .. g therbig, flowers of life from' the, valley of dettb, - w L:44 • xi _ ;•'- whole: 'fragrance ,sbeir cheer ni 'cin our journey to an ...eh m N o , ~ ' • imuitital bomb . - Her, portaid'aike• a lone pilgrim be." -.....45.1' telti kethippiOlke Weer Littii'daak idler, to , cheer 3 08 #a 1 ....b40,P*'?"40* " 4 .44441 ! ',' " ', '''' .: ' , .:"' h v h jal vt ' s Z ) el r o l he 't '' ' - I .6 .-,,..:_: .1 .•;„ • flie boas crown that is Immortal, ~,ts . ~. -And "home with like just. , , • - i._ ~.„ , ._,....:„ , ;,,,,- .. , i , - '', ,--, • ~,,", ' ' roh14:10t; - ~„ , . • " - 'Efiltlllll _Report.' " ~....-,.. e. -- ., r z , :' - , - .., , ~. - - - - , . . -....' litewew Ornes, Ward: 12,1858. , ',LipMti-..71:;..r•;•'Vr',161,,,.. , Dderetatai,e("l747p/Of Peikte/piii'from the 5111. to „, ... ~.,, --, •-, eke 124,4f.,Afarch.14119. . • 'AiegilioteriOtaat; , . .. •.-;” 1t,,...., . . Ir- V l-1 1 1-7,14,1a„ ; •,.• - ,•-._ - "--..:.-• -...,-..., - - •ittiiintiiiiifittmiii 'Of:: , ~,, _ OO*oite. , ~, ..e.. ,s 1 ~ or sssss a. I 9.1 ii - ,- . , - • it Atiittilithiii:N i . iii,:i:.`tt , -, I ' , id, it. 1 : , : XX vloser , Willeveleali';-;:, 'Teo it . •-- 1 T..-flisilifiDeleitir •1.":3,;'-; ,•-• 1 Algona .1 1 fever, -.Typhus... • ' 1 " KreldWiale...llPs-,,,,•-•,1•3:-:, •-, .. -, :•., Apopleity...-.:.:,.". -,1 Peva ,r Typhoid.... 1 ` ',1080:10101•K•tp,-1.-ts.ti...., , Cancer of Stomach 1 Herbage • Uterus:. 1 Tel_fPaniolol.,;..„-r ,ii - ; - ' : ~,, 1 Cancer of Uterus.. -r2 ;," : unt an iti on Bain, 1 8 birt Talbot A dan,:eleast.;: - Osinnillthis . t 3 Inilamin Br'onohl,. 1 1 .. . :AK Miller; Ripon-, Mats . croup ,-- - 1 e,`• , 0 -., , - Liver ' 3 . ilfm - A,fieills,t a .....•, "" , Congest'Aef Davao l' l --;ti : Lung5 .... .....7 14 A Mimed .ferns•;' 5.:;' , ".", 4 4. •;" ,- c , ' of Drain -4 3 " 8. & Bowels 1"; 2 D kerefmr,:faue - P. , ", • IlleurnmOnaf Lumps •24 2 , "'. ' Larynx.... 2 'O4 el .4,lfeets•troe ' i Clonyulsions 1 9 Inanition • 1 3 ilVeelerk. .', - ..e4" ...11,:;;;_:s ,•0ran051et.......".. . - 2 Tatuallee s ... 1 T;ltillthiliOltlitir4-i..;_l; ~,,,.. ' , Dlarrbcao s.: .. ...".... •:' 2 1 Mania.l•Poty..... ; 1 rimer -DO ' • ' „ , -.1. : 1,- • Dropenßrata :I,s.':: , 11;4 Wireamits ••• -" .21 5 _ ~.. I? ;ray Yana.l.Kij."." = ..--0,',, , -Clhest,:..': .4 , : Weitslee .• ... ". .. .•• . 1 _ 1 , .....4.-;."-ll wealtymi;',lll ' , :i Diwasite;`,Bratn::....' ;-11 • Old Age 1 6 Ohio • - "-"..-'4. Witiineedip - P •,,,--; ''f. . Mart .... •2 2 Palsy 2 -,...iiiilitlePatiir..-i,i=liaiia. Leer.' •,,,, "Dr0wned.........: 41 , Still-Born 16 4 ...f. . l, 01 7 .t,..1.1. , = , -,.%•-lit 11 Gory- ' : Debility ' • '- • ' '6 . 4 ruielde :. ... . ...... 1 . )41/10110,, , VA 6,.... _,..•..;-.,•_,,. . P.WILPIP •lineephatolit - i• 11t1,8hooping Lough.. 1 3it W00dwi14 4 . 90.10 - _ - <., --- _--31 II ' INivir, Ri11005,:.•.. I , . 1 II ' '• 1- A 1 - Liire,'Ar , ‘---',---‘':,.-...-""."`" „ ;Fever Searlet..,.. 1. ; 6--• • . , ' „ • :96 100 , tieirilniliWlPrifsio,?`-;!„ - ' ' i ? •i- .= ',..'. 04 vu. /5.1011111 Mao ersine-.. . _' ,W anivotrre a*, 'nolo' . ;Under 1ear.1::.:....:..50 ProM 50 to 611. ' 5 1 • ' Llf llittautiLeptiv,e .•,- 'Prom I- 2 ' ' 19 '. '6O to 70 / 'itrillMAPefiddt ,- , : !, 1,74:4 0 :6 1 - if , rt. To t o •go 7 ' Ailitalight, '.:. let_iiir6444o '' " ' 90 to 100 V • - ;.."4. WWII*" - ,5,•. , ' ' •tr • , t .400 to' 110 0 ~.... ._ - - Total 166 ,f-----; `2"4lo#l44iiiiittiatiiki3Otiotibm.l 0 - 00414ii.ltrul' .- = :: , -,ll.ll 4 .4tastaliAC,c w a soyamatOK*244o,- ,Talki Llama & le DO. .3/111,Pisik Missl-: -, ~,,474:.1'.1114)amithiejlloviart.,!i I 3 IlhfahatiAtie - ` , '"- - 1„, , ,,,'1CT PUINN!,"Pr, N,x,r 4 41, gßoodoor,o*ii - : , : ,,-- 1 - 1/410mIstiomor, - - O m Maar; BALM . " :' - '-`,l' IPlNaNalii:ladi'lNd 1W Nositosi Dar 1 .' 4, •''' ''''','''_ l 9 • daliglitim 'Samoa • • P P tharmy r Dal P• W A raMleman Pal ._, - aallsiralaga,N Orimiala ' , o•WParialti Nit - --, LII Bites., Del ~‘ .', 1 ' ' .12 r rokict iri; re, • , - Alen Douala, as lramimM WO Onts si - Bellyamtar'L ': J 1 1C r-re„ , t_tp, ~..._„1O 3 liesisp,-"Paltamea : '4,Plrara•frill , P •• e , t'' • ",.; 7aa Okatem,li,,zomi •• 3 i ii ii4 , l o ., , L, , kti.03 . - NAAW'I Wail' Oil, Walmille le ai pm -11ttlelastas ".. .„-Wai DWlLlbrolabNig 1, , IV Albsteli ZOWOor„,_ , .z.9lelr Ziale XV. "ir, / ,Ila psis kla o .fna,,r:s F f eambiatitz - N .Or ~f 10 1.1. 44 , 0 , 4 ,1( . 2 ,-t -.,,i viiittl Mattes; Alaimaa 1 . rOtitss, if Tr...-':.-',-- °,:._,;-ir a Thif; - 7,,... - ; -. 1 L', ID•Dthlistit,l, ~,3v, 1 , ,F,-; , • 'ilratai Imaisp,"N' 'f • 'W X le14:PIC: , AMIN OMlLila;Pii -.7,7,1, Thakey;Mlai lark I`, ..:- ' I - 0 KIM i_ ~''''DVIIRINKi,''''tIiIYNtKIVIINIO . ".t. , " ,T L Liam, aummam".' , , ,. ... , '..PDKOMmi- , w,motot ~ i ,,, P:Lampat*Lalllakatri 1 ••• .'11,,t, Nialalf,9lo:lllbilart%ol. 11/0134iimal. Na46',N tft ) ;' , .,_^• l •7' , N l - ' -'''_,_.' ;. .-,.^ , ~..., A:0 Plat, Oaarlada,' ... , TP, llll 4 o cLamiteml` l ''' ' NWEIDI,N Y ...? -,‘ -uatali tam, x oilcan, 1 Y 11410002, 11 0; ` --• -'.." at OaXi; SO .. - • .... . •'' ~ ~img.cogiiiii, . ., ' ',"- - "Plil /oliasoa; Oat 4 - ''DWailliattilteelll '•-` q DVatia 'Oh o '''• ' ' 0 Hainame. - Oble-ft ...47,,' .r.D.O - Pmas, Ohio:: ' LI I IllempWai ,O 9 ,0) lt - Albenset, ov . IrMwsimpre;l- ~,-; -,-- All Papa' yie .., • XlViatatOl - Val - '.f - 4 -'= '-•'”i"','4o OeUsbenyVA; ~,',. vita AtAeneof -k lease;ts ..0 , , .."14000 , 4•Rm . M6.Z..c..,>4 1 0i*Mages.1.samtCMit . j,& m,lla w /4 41 tAkt. 1 41..- , 1)* WirliklbsieLlt V '''''''''' Tors NiallaillS TO' ' 7 ', , 4 0 W 8.11111111 1 -YL „ .' ';.:. ':.‘1111D1 , 10 , 17:' 4 11"• ' W I,llo.ooi:Virtg 4 ;t=tt Olteetamov;l4 ?-- -, , A ItirolibleVelfie Va - ,' 4 - WlDirliati eli,DanVin WAR Th.teticins.Dheilit . 0 ipt Weer if Pk!' ,nr. Ili•tS re OrlaUce, 1 A.Keitigokier. liseMit 0;0 41flatia0 Vi i: - .;llaaal . 44.7tpirir . , , , .11 Ili i .`, 0 ..-k ...>"4.IINoIotaINCNODIIi'V. Pasal4 Dpaat. , Pillt .. , ..; 4 1lr'it 'MoteNsH; Il.i '`,', 1 ,J a 0 r i . lt r i p ili s t - 1 , 14 4v, .166 141 es", !fie -, A. I *WV _Lin. .! ',PT O'IIOIICA wiu j i _ irg al, WON leVireillO: 11114 .41,1t%' ' ' I • Pl* *IWWWW...."''' ' 4 'Cr , "Wei -It 6. =. I 7 6 . 6 odoesitt .1 . 1',' : Levi ''' .N Y r' N lifialarisitis A r;, '. - "-,:--"Aut ' ' „II 1r ' OP-IIiAAAAVV - F - 4- 5- -- - - .: - ',.[a nus "silt. .'. ,„..-,; -' , 1. Willikti 'UAW 1 -' 1 -- :' 3111, Ittul,P0: 1141 .!ti: : a comya soma ~ ', ' " --.- S Maar'," , Y., ' ' a..ipht ,, ye,-ii;-' , - !... ,72 , _1! ji Winder, Phlli ' Z 00iiiiiiti 7 gri; arty :: ,,,- 117 aattly Is kW.' meateriviite rime: i ',.. i) eras MiSiTism t lo Y W Vidditat'L;-.- . '.. ,p,Partittiattr, Pa ."." , ' 41617 4 1 =- i : ' -!'":I liV r fdildrPme • ,`, ow 1,. ,-..:,, , s Ora, • ' ',..-- •,,`,‘„, 'Amitioxiam;lialt7l. ~...: ND_OrtaiN,ll* .7 . 4 . 1, 11 41-i - XV 4 Wi'? ~?„,.., ••• .k.i•-.. , roi - ,?....r.,-r , - \ - ,, ,-e - ?-110111L,- - "Atia a.. beltryt AWL 74 mikiwithipi ,- , -firoii .-`,/,, aii r acid, wiuia3ropprt Jal JamarsifOlNorapiNW, 3 w , airmg;Tenit T., 8011440110, ,•:, 3, . - --T Groff, Tittiblarg ' - 11.P_Ownit.n..NYfc , ., ,, , I-... it 0 Sylmar, Art , _ -,<, JOba:tiladk. XS,: i k ,- * , , - 1 , ...., 4 ' 4.11 /ggillasTati 40paul t ~‘ .0204 ~ 1 „.; ~, f - W 0 &Mi. PI 0 . maYaltim , & data, ClaaaJ. +1 1 lIII^P, Coen . A ii. MOW; loplei,,Alits ' .VT, at., 84 `va, NOR , g,' Nm A Otills,l, a .... `' ,"- 0-1 A -Tat , IVegAtfAi, Vona • A Howard Ales s- .' - t"'T - ',TA Paw, Tali --'" - 4 D kirtar, vs.: .' 'N'.4 LaPrtalay.thatipolis Thai Des ~, ,, 'Tosts.-.(e. ---; , 011 Haim Vasa •- - J W Clot -. 4 4:3: - ..,;(: ,- . ~ - ~ W iheleard obi* T141000 1 „011A.,: , 44,j41 , - - --.1.a bitiall, Obi& '., ', , i V am 7, lid ,-"' ' ' '''' .1 , - 1 7 , l4*yes - etibee -,. =-! a lt. 4 0 arPliell , ': c.s-"t;'Ull TtWitwilt . '/E";:. - ' . - 1, - '-i: - ,' el if i Oale ' ,', oel Auseoi - Peigni, 4 , - - , - r , -•-• ydatpagic - r. , liagaranceN 0 ---, -!„ ort.•, • , Raelryo. No- •' . -., icilialorkTA ~, ...'„ . . ~• W itilMr; VA, , . . ' -,1-: 3 a lromwll4, °me-. , - ....,0 X Ablpowa, Ponna,.. AB LOS, .A.P-''''t - t':-..t,a' eraft, Pegaa,-,_ ~. , esallffii`Taiail ' - , -,lairolgoratAt','Pesai ' W illogriedau, Pitaii"2",, , , ",1 Mimi; Peens Llt lialanti_lolaip - pi - ' ',L. it ialtasAA: 40, , ~, ZtkellacilawAmitt- , -- ,, , ",--' „bit ivratoii,34.at , ..alsythw.poigikel- ,,,, 1,1-7 Pall Mm. OefiLaton . ftlitallaWiNkti W ' olfe; ,A 0 Pilek. Nana'.. -,1 vetoserilOOL . 7,,,- '-',. ' T A tong, W 0 ` it alloatbalf WA i"'• - -'r • ft ''''W I Bill , Tou . r .- -, - Alllllsl4 Tama :, "P-;:f---.'''' A 0 - Z Zortosii Tsai ' ' :l`, 3110 - oAAWAttli;Tinie: - lit Zer)iiill, 2fo -._ ' ''' ' .. aka litafti*, are; ,,, -; , 1 1- (rather,' airdos; 11" 4 0 ,`. ',, it Miaka1&44 , 401 , '..1 - ; ` ''-N faallitati.' le a•. - ~- 'i eStakki:itttiO N r - ; yttemeatte•ta, -, A - 11 - w-IaMIWA-alm,Yift , l pralia ,l'illOgaimri& xy , A P MSOLW, PAA,435,-,....t X , ValleraicOteeisasO, o -• A Vilferielklty "-" ,-; , .. , -,IP It NNW Padvaoh, Zy: : - ' l Erir taut Pe' : --';'• 1, , ' OLOilliessede, qua., ~: -`Os. iVre_e,,W4 • • e 4 '4'.• •Weft sZwimiiir l love - -, , '- A- , Wall W*o4lll ~ ,-.;. "' 'LM,..? ,- .2 4 aw r s; straws - Wiall[elAid._ , ;9Plig'4;; , - :••-1. , W itahti Tow 1 - ,MOPP:t4:110Orl:0, Paataldshaeti aboiti This, P E ttla*t.rio 4:0 - 41:Pield Theiss4 h; lie '• - le.- - ,IA-V-:',l"' v ~,- '4l? lkyflieelfr , ;ti , ,, 117 'n t ' I Zillia. II Oh ---14.0.1,fotiv , whiti ft , .. - is , - miralimmaitimak - i , - 4 4et , Ima, C- - -T, , '.,--, , a 01 - 45,; ,, ,,,m4ta0,441 0 ,Liegr0get; it y-,:. ~' :, . /A Plissw - Sileahetes ,,- 171:0 Westehah-td*A'' ,-;, '-,,;"' 'I I blillah,'Pedeli ,;„ ' .‘Ol Peinisile,lCr - `, - ---'-', - Ka likalarOdaaPO , i -, ' '*- -1 , 4 4 1 it Palal , „ Pal' ' ' x ' ''" IVA Valsessi 11 IN - 4 , ',, ,1 , inklawlai-aalfilsorir 1 PA PaokaaV, 7 4 l 46' ;i 7 "` I****llllooiireit: tii ' ' Tim &411 , 0mvia,i!iii , ., ad .., e ikTlaian,Phlla , r -, Z fg - Phi1 .'2,... 1 -4 $4 . ,.,1"; - ;,•.9IAZE - Silialook, Pink ''‘). -,. , 41 - . -, , it-r-,,,....64,E.,..N3( /Xi* 4 14 , ' -t3- -, '-: '..r - ' if,, I T flraik , f„;F" `0 • 1,' , .., - ;.. -.1 , ~-.',, Alija:Mille? + ,"11,041Asobsatserest,eises, jpii6 j , ,, 4 i A..;.L....,,, ~m..4,:,l,lCOmersii; Of ,-; ' 4e.,t, 1: I. ° 1,,;7 ,,„. Klicaurallirs - - Olek; -;,`, fla .., 411.12 0 4461PR0W1EMN1, MY' , ~'.„ 1, ' , 0 . Dignane't 33 Id Meentetea, Oa ,-,,,',.' .1 , ..-.44,AlMotavailas; 'kr .: • .A 10 alp ~ , - ,f•-•, A I- 1 4.4-y.TW.W.DieDIOMODO '-. ' 14: , M./- ,-, ',.. , ',5Yyr.,.-lmoarallialeatlial 0 --, '- ' E ' J Oala 30 11440, , ,11ea5a1y A 0',,,t , ,•; , ----,,)- -,,a., 1 , ---ilis Devilissly z . liiipit6Si wifiii*i.43.l „- tA,,...„.,, , , , ..AV.-14,5*Aioar,,Ta-,,:-, , .. ,-;.- if jo jonion eri l im - 414, ,,, m, , ,;,,:,; ;y -- D opssike, Poo a = 4- • r , A A e4 r omismipelse ,- , 4,5 - iil'A lisasseso 'A I ,„,- -,', li r ~ OPIPIPOPPIAVArk ,- ,- -,71 Mika it 114 PIO?, I. 1I , 4 1 7X 1 / Mt VC%-: • , A Telner, 'lona '1,3-, , Z . ,, ~„.... . -4) . iriV ig .. ..-'6 X XTh", TOO ',.. A ' ' ' .. weir 41,11,rke, Y t1.,'"1 :,,,,1 AT Whitt', Wettnl,ll4 ~ , ,I I - siffirio,ltiOwWw: , , /.11,0 Browa i 'fa . --, , , . ilrell,s'eK'-';',.,' : -, 4 0, P Panyria ' ' ,' A art_ s., ....-, „lt. yr Marls, N 0 .... " 114 10 111 44* AO. ", ~ ..,.;,,,., JeleAllsortesai,DeV: .7.”! , . r `,..,4,,,g,A algtal*Dl4KT • ,r , , . ,41 C . ' , '' , ".4 ?,- ,•r- , 1 W.Waritillas ,I l jekbeeik t vs , writ PAselt,:Oteelekr OP , AS! MVP. ~ ,77--- - ;;„ , , ,- 1401 1 a1OVI'l Pa. • kPl 44 *** lo 'r# o44 .li; ool, f/ Tk ix 0 .._ ., .. , v i rus tifott: :i . -,:z 4' -VO eui. xrilii;oili,- i, .= * -LOW4II-, c`:.` , °''''') ':'IN ;$ iSiatitteluaged,VA • Sear VINO', Wilti **Via Or Vs , ..., Jti se trtea,, '44,00 a - Alawc In 47 Jil ISsiNaletiltip no,",,,JoAsk Ayes„ la.-0 - ~,; .Aorti - InikAilkilikie ' ,-, „"1 ltbeeiainCgoeinsili Ms A knliervAnetaaaris Alat, - ZI-alrA,laialleifir,Vatiess,PJ. Dmitri D Anise, teutssi-litgala! - -filiio4l4,ll ,-, .. N Mouui, Irtatoor lct , - - R . < ll ls at*Otami ol 4.* -- '. ~ a mlyaaattl i l., - :', , li'',. All/ i ref" ,-, \ itlegtors,9 ~ ; - - --, ; •-..z..,;, , ,, : i. . tipi - t reelher l 'lrs , *Plea.., Slaaa;34' lOC "Vt` D,J. zOP Az ifOWD/ 04- 1, gum,- lic , ;, 1,, ,,,, v,i...a1f , 40E44. Amitiairti - , rii -0• a orai i .thai_ak4'tikralnittrsiamianvii, o aaMkkralmiyanutioAte,Zlo Annkieentin an t 0,,.. NOh •1t1. , .,,•-;•.-,_ , ..,,,../, _FA Amur, Too -, 5 ., -4 ' ' f•Wklits.,, , t' .I v , ‘ , =.2 ., VM l4o ThmMr, - 6, -AT - RwwW": wilWWldpk:' , ... :0 W10101416W - -4, , - : MOW 911 , 10..41 , .., , ..P..t. , t1IAIWW1Wo; nit 2,0 , 2 .ap , k,4 ;,40 *gat Lamont* '-, ~11;WIMftikiii,„..-44.4 alio ww f amisto, -1 •40 IL rilmow; - kb All Mew !cid,. Pr atiAills,' , , - - "R ,, jL-11111 , heissi .1,0 , , PIP al a i-', - ~ . ..,-6,- ,- 7, t-,zWY",,.1,,-- - {V.-A,:"."..gi-Z. , ~ r _ ` , "6 to 10: .4 "to 16 . 3 f.*to'3o..f - 'BOI4 .50 : ( lAA to, . ithe ' c l oli° o 7l *las "":;:931 L lik,,fit.:ol4 - , . , :ic1it.T1111311, I l'Oopys 'of Odor, 18; from f Borl 0 i Girls • - 0 " - , 0H83. - 11Itla °Sear 1:7 7,'-AlllllPrikiiii,,- NU- :Dti Cllllllllll.lllCi iLL3 , tier iiturtio' or lector's to Logos upon this Mons 'of Izokiroolor - TO-110.81t0W., at 4 P. M. at .`ANUISLY BUILDIPIGB, OEUIPPNIJIC and fOtOto fottha,contou, .81mg1e Ligture, 26 cents. ;Ticketegtliii,,dpor,- ; •;, • - )13•0. lileurrleiefibeelevy. mow Meetly`` , ,'-iilltAielialdAbielllONDolt) aventou it slog ,041 1 00 b, le:-the - ,1101-:of the' Eloalety: 'ATJAEItiEIINV 1111111,D111(p4,..ry,.. , •,...-;-, 40113110R41111. fl& . - ; • , mho7 2 t ~.- ,: -,- ,1: " , ' liecordloideoretaiy. - ii.rtritere.fortit ~ .W.,VerM atey,, Erg ,' wil I Jeetore ot Mrdlais MB' ' O& YOU/till and: ' t '`Otriatdi 'PO SATURDA.Y , VIENING next, Xli t? 0 lent; for the behest of the Mort* Literacy In 'Oita* ' 8objeot.:0! Atoerkoorntoteionerr.f , 'rickets A eelle,,,to be Itia,or_ttio- Committee salad the door l on theirrentoc- - •, , ' -- , mlilfAete . , , - '0 ar ' ~gig>:euNitsa,saibWAT COMPANY of "rsud. pleLPHLi.—The fair% invtilinett of - five dollars pee Ahern on the ayDail *Pik of thin Oompanv will be due -**El 114$00$1iiit the ONO. of 10,0oilanny; WALNUT threet, ei , bi‘Vore the dert' tit • - next: 0028-inwf tapt N LION, Tiessarer. rDWKw!, A:-.C/111Pilevr lill deliver bis• • greet tutors Woinith mid 'ter Work," on EBILLY kirdNilge,; Meek leth;st (*Nazar HAW; tor Vie boaedt,,ef the , t Union Temporary ink sale Ilt,Parry k MeldilleiVe, 6. .I , :t 4 on,trOurtVirid,Obitatatit l -Yreeb r terlon-Book: OrkeiMbietrout: street; below!. Dried, endllower ) e. N. ACUlteiefollioth.askllloe;' teeter* ti,ter B. 'mbl2 4t 11.-r ielnutton, riqua, and Indium flathead . "COMPANY. 9r . . Akaiiretleo +of the -floadlietteta ,be held at the 119411.0 Mb TRIMS, ROOK, "605 Chestnut atrest, ed 11110NDIN ;text, the 14tkituit„ it 12 eialeek M. &repel will be, Reheated in relation to the present favorable eeaditlen. of 'the weeki whieh la rapidly ap *usable' Oetopletlew aed tun sati:p oneital attend -06 fe By eidevof, the Committee, • 21* .•• iupmes, rawtesq. illrThe : Mem la OffWatOi balers fhe.Phile risathiars Soefoiy lbewanveraity ,of Penneyl:. vanbforlir - be dellnefed Or th e COLLIOR Lb,. on TURODAYRVININW' Ifireblsth. at - 11 otatooki by CARROLL BREWEITIR, Req. Tickets may be pro _ramafilfare,`atabefrookatrite of Burn; /a- Stec A. W. oninerlflyhth and oriel - mb12.80/ ' 111. e! ,W. A. diaries, (reoentlivretiarxed Ilrfrocl , the 71017- 1412,7 4 !FIR - 401Irer a ootirse.ol fotiris et-rkTlOfAil eoulmsoclogon T77/113- 'DAT IVl7datili, 76that 7N 5001coig. extdbl.tlEg it - 1700Oilptlire pylptifigt,''od 20,1.90 iiqtl/101611tOr Mtn -714111g4 Idliffe; eiginntioolicwftk The dilitidhi Visit 710 Mitilitlls sorethiipi lesue ) , .! immidint - of itholirionr,, ,i ; oiddavintidon 4,7, rind. bla ididENNiolt avitikatclte.1 9 10 - W4lo‘ but Thum:lily dies. fag:-1'41111d.0 'twenty Otte' *tad lead' of the door.' 14.: !artolifiatioetvditd'iastat; m472-41t .--- gr- , eltgrek at tette- dilly, Trimly,: "Vitae' tjetreet, rat of lllttfaheasi Squire. - :',, ' .. ..'•t " ,, - ,- P; ,'-',:-. :r SiLE , OLIPEW Sl' , ' - ''' ' ,i_lhe ,Poire -,01/1 bO-diepoied of. I. the Church, on iullltlltbiTlAlo.ll2KOOldi Mirth 111,11; eammedelag it 4 Walcott, ,-. ~ ~ - - =, ~-., - -,,,. • ~,- - . • .Itie row' tiot jahrillelY 'told iatiihrt day, will be held for Pr'llti' 01 * ,4 0 fiLthe:fitt4T MI ' , APRIL,' atter which time th.y wink. pitidid, -' ,..- _ • ",i.4 itotemittiretittto Vett" will !Win ittelidta ee at the llhlettla - bidlualthdl Thdruldfi"dit4 Saturday at Waco ...i i f : lieliAlile y - ire, 4 Otirataelci t O Mk, soy Informs - wadded' „bedieltred In 'relation to the method' and loaf egaidttiatlei Prierar:.Plarorof.tbe Church teat y tie hid ./ Vas *ad tints tuad plette. c' ~- • - .1 - . pailiettee et ihe'Opititog4t theOhorelerodaeryteee viii publicly Shen. • - - -, ,mbll.et 4ge eckyloge ed. fl eet y ,of . the — ir - ' 0 - Ujr-r:PliffilidgpliiidWityrseAlrerliql ot *lid Maiden pc r one ydowuryll . lll,ltAd_._9lo,rroi , itiosir oviai r siyr it illi!Af: t ! l l .sl 94.: 3 l7N D, Ax 4 AlEf". -H,,,,-„ii 4i i t 1_ iii - : d el t ir eied At. ,t the Ilea: :,410iiiatrf - itifillGhiJ.Wtithitif DI Komi . , cud Rev: A. A. Mille. .t:ltelt. to -. be„', bid 'ersillyn4 l ,t ; et *.lll,ncT Wow **,, thioetAutatreet." , ._ ~: --. ~_ „.,... , - • ,-, 1 .iiiireltilys; . 161 . Ii;p4mIst r .,iiperth add' glymktetit ii ,r i ~ „ii_.4 - 1 . 00.1cii:.-03 Arch, street',,_ it' , :,,, :, _. 01EMIntilit Watket street - - • - : ~,,,,,,, ,;,;, 1. . eitee mittoi,ast 0...„ ,t4d, st r eet. .. '- -. •"`' Brat it "rlf • stret . tEhrhth eed.Ohetteet, o.ol:)i:•ikraft:l!o,6!,'S:CkillsiF-9":- - Wier Eno, TIP Ppm and. sobn-itif 12=ZEMI A 'Conran 2Oi Test __Lectures oil 'Zeologyi 112 Will be delivered between the hermit 06 and 6,14 the AFTERNOONS Of TUESDAYS and Tat:Rum/as, in the iMIENTLFIO and OLASSIOAL INSTITUTE, • ORESTNUT "Street,- N. W: corner of TWALIITII, by, ei the- institute. The Outgo of thie course is to 11119 W bow 611 animate nrirembreced in one grand aryirtsilf. 'This wentrerfal "stem will be olearli desorlbed;and the position whiob all animals 00enpy—i. both tboie ocw.iiving, and those Lovirliblutr to formai geologioai onlbdez-will be plainly pointed s out. Terms, $2-, Introthicitory- Lecture, March 29th, Tree.il Entrance On TWELFTH. Street. mhliliast* , ENNUI, 'Principal. IJitter eon Medical tilloge.—The Annual . Oottimenqement will be bold at the. i 111010.114 rdEl MALL, on TIIIIBDAY next; the 16th loll:, at ISotslock.- The Chart. t o the Oradmiten will be de • livenA by Protheses. Beebe.', The, Pupil° is Invited' to attend • • • • • mhl2 St nietlce—Ottlee.= of- the Pittsburg, Fort 08.10/100 :RAILROAD 00.— Pai7atrais, February 26, 3859.- - =• •=, • • The Annual' Meeting of the Stooltholdere in thi Pittsburg. - Fort Wsyne,: and °Mango Railroad Clota. piny ", trill ha held at the .Boone of the BOARD OP TRAM, in the, city of - Pittsburg, on TUESDAY, -the -Stith il•Tof March next, at, 5 o'clock P, M the Report et the Dlreetora tor, the year 1868 will be presented: - - ••. - ••••• The •:eleatioin for fifteen blreciwes to serve the en= suing year will be held at the same Owe ; onICEDNES-• BAT, tbe 10th'proxitrio, at 10 o'clock A.M. -,•'• The Trinefer Books' trill be • closed from the Slat to 130th March, both inclesive and the' holders of Stock lathe Ohio and Penneylvable, Ohio' and •Indiatta.'or Fort Wayne and Ohicagoltailroad•Oompanies, ,which has not been converted Into the stock of the new com pany at that time, will not be entitled to vote at said election. Stockholders Presenting their oertineatee of steak In MIS Oompany to aity"Tieltet Agent on the line of the road; will be • sold an Ithearsion Ticket from that Sta tion to Pittsburg, and return for- One Pare the round trip, good from Mardi 28th to April 2d, both inoluetre. By order of the President, • • " • = - f025-dtrobl3o "" AIIBUSTIIS'BRADLEY, Secretary, Ro e arm DodvisoN, Dew Dr.. Wadarta, n Chaitaut Sprig Water MOURN; at Chestnut . 1141,'Pailladellphia antntyi mums EXPRESS COMPANY-, GREAT IWUTHERN AND 13OUTIIMMITERN EX PR. NEW 'ARB.ANGIIMINTS.. ESS RATES ,REDUCHD. The A RAMS' EXPRESS CO , haying completed ar rangements with the Norfolk and Pstereberg, Peters burg and Lys &burg, Nast Tenn., end Virginia Rail roads, Do.. fro., are now prepared to give QUICK DISPATCH. at much REDUOSID BATHS, to. goods destined for places in,VIRGINLS, NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA. GEORGIA, ALABAMA, and EAST end WEST TENNESSEE: The establishment of a THROUGH INLAND ROUTE from.PHILADIMPHIA. to MEMPHIS, Tenn, senses to Southern said Sentbsiestern buyers a safe and reliable means of transportation at Tory reasonable rates, , and avoid, the risks of ocean navigation. Shippers preferring this Inland Route are requested to mark goods -« VIA RICHMOND ), _Those selecting the route Tie - Obesapsake; Bey, af,i6 Lowma amen or rlarbar, will markpackages I , VIAL NOID/0LR. ,1 113 - .pty Goods, Clothing, Boots - and Shoes, Books; fec.,of merchandise generally measuring six. fast to the' 103 •poiands, will Lunn. and BULKY Goona,takom at a reasonable means* 011,011/4T PIEIGHT lEITZI3.' 117 The long-eetablabed Line of- Express to tire South and Southwest, by Steamers to Charleston and Savannah, will be oontionsd as heretofore. . • S 20 CHESEr For Cheat, TNUT further Information apply at the Office, No tehl•in DBESS GOODS NOTIOE. WILL OPEN ME 14Y eptersibi Itssortmeat of - sx..mvx.?Dat, GOCIDEL Worthy the epeeist attention (loony buyer visiting the market. JOSHUA: th . 218 HAMM STREET, , PitILADELPHIA. lt 44 W.TEOPOW&N TEA. ETOEE.". TEAS !''TEAS ! TEAS ! A choice selootton of GREEN AND'ALAOR. TEAS, - OP BROENT IMPORTATION. ALSO, COFFEE, ROASTED,AND OROTIND DAILY, ns STEAM MGM "YOUNG AMERICA." ' CHARLES SMITH, Not 913 and- 913' MARKET STREET HAMS r- HAMS ! 'HAMS ! Prime and mager-oared 10 MINTS PER POUND.' Also; new sugar-eured Shoulders AT 8 QopTA PER POUND. • CHARLES SMITH, mhlf.ltud — NOS 913 slid 013 DIANCET 'STREET. THE OW-ESTABLISHED AND UN RIVALLED :,MOUSE.FUENIARING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN A. MURPHEY & CO., 022 °RESTA= STREET, war ROOFS AT FAIR MOM inll4.mirt tf TP :TIM POSSESS AN , AMBSOPYPE' at; a'Dignerreotrpo of pion departed friend, 'la 'can get's Life•elet Photograph 113'011 mad* from it at REINIEWS GALLERY, SECOND St.. above fireao.lt* OFFIOE- OF THE PHILADELPHIA READING RAILROAD 0014IPANY.--Ps newiA, Match 12, 1849.—The' Ratio or ireight Tope on Coal trampoited by We- Company' will • follrwo, from 14th March, until farther notice : , To Atehmend ' Philadelphia " Inclined Plane it Nioatown ' • Germantown A. It " Palls of SobuyikUl Mansynnh Spring Mille. Oonahohnoken and Plymouth A S. Rambo , s and Potts and Jones..... N rriltown and ilridgport.. ...... Port Kennedy '. Valley Porge Pbcontiville Royerts Pord Pottstown • Douglataville Birdsboro , Reading Between Reading ik Mohraville.. Mobravllle ' Hamburg Orwig.bnrg fIiFFIOE PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS, BLutoic 12,1250.—PROPO3ALS will be reesived et Me 001 es, until noon of I'aIDLF, Maros 25th, for lioating.and for Hoisting Coal out of the 'Wats at the First Ward Works, to he paid for by the ton of 2,240 lbs. Berority for the faithful parlors:now of the Work trillbe requirsd ; the names of the Pnration hple Mafia In the proposals. ' JNO. 0. 0112500 N., man tmb26 Engineer. :AUSTIN. BROWN, WHOLESALE DEALER IN ,FLOOR, OIL-CLOTHS, ,THE LARGEST 81006 IN PIULADELPHIA. - No.ISt NORTH THIRD StRIIRT,- mull•lm* 8 W. corner of Race, up stairs. ItifiaLIGNANT SOARLET FEVER, or Lvi Putrid Bois Throat, CURED. nine cases out of ten, by the nde of EADVORD II POWDER ortficerated Month or Throat . . Prepared only by W E. SATTE ,THWAIT. 957 North SIX l`H Street. Bold by JENKS ,dc, WIDEN. led North THIRD Street. robl2 St* MEW ;YORK. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENOY.—The eabsorlber is ready to transact, faithfully and promptly, any business tbat may require "an attics, intelligent Agent In the city of New York. Order' for -the oollsotion of debts, either by halt or ;otherwise; for the purchue, elle, or renting of , pro. petty for the purchase or eels of any articien of met , chandote ; for the settle= ent of accounts, do.; &se promptly attended to fora moderate commission. Orders (poet-paid) solicited - RANGEL 0. GALLAHER, • No. 115 Applet Ares Buildings, New York: Refers to Mesta. 01111 & CAPP, 03 DOA street, Phi. ladelphla. mbl2.6ttr 'NEW AND IMPROVED MO TIV POWER =.l'lm patentee 'St a new and improved Motor, I. ;MITCHELL, of Maryland, is now stopping, and wilt remain for about ten days, at the JONES HOTEL,. (in the occupsecy of Mame. Ma Intosh to Matthews,) on CHEriTNUP Street, Phila delphia. for thepnrpose of selling Bights for the dif ferent States Ospitaliate desiring a moat :swim:ars tive Investment are invited to call, on and after Satur day morning the 12tb Inst., from nine A M. to one P Et , and from three to slaP El , when will be shown the model, and the philosophical principles of me ebonies involved in its construction wilt be ful'y ex plained. • mbl2-Btis 31.44.0111N15T5.—A - rare chance is 1-now °thud of purchasing the entire interest of • manufaeturing Maahine ha:liners, the present troprie• tors below induced to sell only for want of means to curia on. It ean clew!, be demonsttated t t l any per. son having about $O MO ta invest that ti very lucrative triteness', can - be reilised. r Terms to suit Address, INGINIVR. et this Office. , mhl2.6t* ma EXTRA. EARLY PEAS, Early Oab .w. bego t Lettuce, Radish, Beat, Egg plant, Tomato, Pptnach, and other Seeds, now In season for sowing. Also, onion Seta, Mushroom Ppswn, Aspragne Roote d Party Kidney Potatoes, &o , AKEEII , B Peed. Warehouse, 82T CLIESToUT Street. R I B N O B BOOTMAKER.—AUGUS i k BICKER, No. 186 North FOURTH Street, re spectfully informs the potato, and SOUTHERN and WESTERN MIROHANTS particularly, that be con tinues to manufacture Yeehlonable Bootd and /Moms to order; assuring those who patronise htm, that he will guarantee the; hid work wilt give satisfaction. both as regards superior finish and excellence of material: Priessreasoneble. faltl-Am BUCKS, - STONE, LUMBER, &a., .71,11 , foe sale Vogul, above Wittiest/ street. Apply ID:TENTH, above Tbompson street. mitll.4tlV, • _ NATHAN W. ELLIS. MINTON'B ENCAUSTIC TILES •Aor Ornamental Olda•ney Tops for cottages. Garden Vexes spd /mitalnn. - • Vitrified Pipe for dr as it'd water conductors. Imported and for silt 13:A. 'HARBISON, • , tilt -tr lel° Ott IIitTNIIT Street. IRON FOUNDRY CASTINGS, of all di- Windom mob as (*Were, Ballroad Oaetioge. Ma obinaq, Giate Bare, !to., on the beet tame. 0. OAR NELL. GENIANTOWN amid, sh.llirth et. mbhan A.K II M .—A large stock of American 7 1, -.1 Navy and Navy Oakum on hand and for dale by W.NA.VIIR; MUM, On CO., N0..28 North W. 4214111 Street and 21 N. Wll/11111E1 1 . ; - inhl2: CHEESE. -425 Boxes , Herkimer - county Cheese to store end for sale by O. O.4IADLIAR & 00,, ,EUrsoit: 2I Thor ahoy. ltrnnt, SUOULDEIaB-100 hhds. dry saltiShotdders jot received and tousle. by , 0. 0. 84,1M8R & 00.,' *ROI Street, 2d door &terve Ilford.- 11011 K.-31 0 bbls. Mess l'orkt,, of New rrey;" - etaiii,,ll"hibidcr ii t ti s rAlliair, fallible by Mani & 00., rabl2 ABM Street, Odor Above Trost. •";`., ;: - . 1 r „ -THE,-PREsScrriinAtotttlii, EYRE & I4A•ST•DELt; ' , trovivrß AND ' , ARM , Are now opoutog Spring' goods or the aeweit styles LOUBLE:BBIRT BILK ROBES. FANCY NEW STYLE SILKS. ORGANDY AND HAREM ROBE 3. IPICING SHAWLS; NEW STYLES.. ' BLACK BILKS WHOLEPALH• t • . DEEM GOODS OP NEW FAUNS. IRISH POPLINS, 011010 E COLORS. FULL STOJR OP STAPLE GOODS. Nevi goods reellved ERRIMAO PRINTS.—FIFTY-SEVEN - STILES. • • - - - ; • LL tont ,; MERR A IMAC PRINra, THE ONLY LARGE ASSORTMENT ; ' ; OP • MERRIMAO PRINTS THE UNITED STATES. MERRIMAC PRINTS FOR BAIA DT 30101IIA L. DAILY, 2IS MARKET Street, It MEW' FRENCH - Goo r , R-FRO3I Nitw II YORK and OTHER REOENT IMPORTATIONS, 1 - WILL BE, OPENED THIS MORNING.• Very rioh . Mange Robes Tiiiique. ' ' • ' ''• Do. , do. Robed 'Lee. , ,• _ -- ' • .Do. , do. . Robee, Double Flounces. , Gay China colored printed Baregee and French Or vindiee.' • t,.. Nest and medium style Drench Lawns. 60 pieces super }Welsh I do.. ••-at flO ctn. . , Viatula Bstime, , ~, Wench's, , Br equines. roll de Ohevree, . r. . .. •, blote Detainee Challis,' - Brown Poulard ' Slik, Henry rich Black Mike.; 11.dium style Bayedere Mous de Chloe. i Do. _ do. do. Plecolomlni. . ' Do. do. do. Holuars. 'Mixed Grime Cloth Lustrine, a beautiful irtirde ior, Priends. , Pink, Buff,./Nue, and Green Brilliants. Pink, Buff, and Gram Percales. Scotch Gingham, in variety. A. splendid assortment of 12. g. cent Chintsee. BLACK LACE POINTS. MaNTILLAS end VEILS. - SPRING SHAWLS. FRIENDS' SHAWLS in variety. , - '6-4, 7-4, and 8.4 Lupin's' White Bane. 7.4 and 8.4 Lupliale Mode Arid Black Barege. ••, . .7, -. • CHARLES ADAMS, - ,mhl4-mwf•tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. ANOY FLANNELS FOR SHIRTS. F Striped-bright colors Pre h e for Travellers' Shirts . ihnn°l SHAIII - PLNSEI BECITHISS, rolil4 CH11817113, snd EIGHTH Streets.. • QUETRIOR. TIMINGS. k 0 Extra goility of ooHou TbOdugs, manufactured expreeelrfor Bunny nee. SHARPLEBB BROTHERS, • ' mhl4 OTTESTNIIT and EIGHTH Street': BOYS' CASSIMERES t , LP Now anode, In Plain, °heated, and Fanny Wools lens, for Boys, now oriag n ao ili ntw i t mbl4 0111STNIIT and EIGHTH Streets: ADAMS EXPRISB CO ISE IV PAR LS 'DRESS GOODS: • L . J. .r,EvY 80 00. Have received by the "'Sutton" 12 'oases of Noureautee from Studs, coneleting ac • MOTOR 25111201DER1110, NEW XI -lISSELINE DI SOIEB, GRENADINE ROMs, ' NEW ASSORTMENTS OP SOWARDS, ORtIANDI AND LAWN ROBES, EMBROIDERED M'Cli LIN MANTILLAS.. 809 and' 811 CHESTNUT ST. mhl2•Rt if 'FOULARDS.. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A LARGE AND HANDSOME ASSORTMENT • OP - FOULARDS,,, IN .NEW . AID EM-4 3 A,UMX.PITIA' 331E8XCaVIFL, THOMAS W. EVANS & 00., • 818 AND 140 °nor= sTREE!,, utuu.st krbe. • • METROPOLITAN RIBBON ROUSE. - RIBBONS, RIBBONS, ' RIBBONS, t ILND MILLINERY GOODS. Or every deseviptlou. CRAPES, BONNET BIM, TRENCH ELOWEINI and SPRIGS, INJOHES, &e., ke J. CI. TABER. No. 25 South SECOND Street, tubl•Su It La' it 2 b 1 I. 'a, t 26 t 20 t 11 2b 1859 MILLINERY 1859 AND STRAW GOODS. New and template assortment of , BILES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, - CRAPES, RUCHES, LACgS And every other article in that line. ALtO, STRAW BONNETS AP E3MELO.VT RixOrraclng in all an assortment unequalled in this city, and to ahlaliwe invite the attentloa of buyers. Those parobasing for cash, or on ihort time, will do well to glvous a will before selecting elsewhere. , M. BEANHEIM & CO., fe24.2in No. 21 EOUTII SZOOND STREET. l 2.0 I )6 11 It It 1 10 s3n (Inn $20,000, $15,000, and various 1 1111"FU, emeller sums, T) LOAN on MORT. (MON or unlnonmbered olty property. Apply to R. JOHNS, Oonen)aneer, ltit Nat 129 South SETENTN St , above Walnut. VOmmtERCIAL AND "TRAVELLING 0113DIT8 available In all posts of the world, opened with the house of Karim GROSGM WIABODY .h 00., of London. Apply to GAW, MAOALESTAR, & 00., feZtf WALN UT Infest SLOAT 'de CO.'S FrAirrlO DOUBLE-THREAD PAIR-STITCHED, SEWING-MACHINES. For simplicity they have up equal; for durability no euperior • and for exactness of work they are unrivalled, melting six different stitolces. Instructions free. Machines guarantied. Plain Machines, complete, Ito. H. G. SII,PLEE, Agent, 12t SOO CHESTNUT SI RUT. STERLING SILVER-WARE,' AT HANUFACTUHERS , PRIOES, TEA-SEIB, e RIMERS, GOBLETS, OEM • KNIVES. - FORKS SPOONS, &c., On band and made to order at the Manufactory of 'MEADOWS & CO., mar 10.1 m , ' 910 CHESTNUT STREET. 920. BAILY & BROTHER, 920. No. 920 CHESTNUT STRATA', IMPORTED CARPETS, THE LATEST AND MOST DINNUABLI STYLED • AMERICAN TBREE•PLYS AND INGRAINEf All or lebleh will be bold AT THE LOWEBT OARR PEICIIIE nier4.3ai 1)11t18011OFF' s no ebrated. Glottis and Doe-' JUIr Atm, together with' other deeireblemikee of ass Woo pern'llons,Just matted - and for gale by - UAZARD S febt4aa 'An Okatitaid etail Elm QUAL Inoneg. WILL OPEN TO-DAY LARGE STOOK Consisting of JOHN OROSSLEY & EIoWS VALVE'? AND TAPESTRIES, , '7oaaDmv. ixra AN UNRIVALLED ASEOP.TNENT LSO, AND AIittRIDAN M„ARCH• i• • ' e , r ". , 14 - ty Art '1859. larp vi.arobef W STEWA.RT socc):; s 0 6 BiAitiT ?toputftt and De4ette BILKS, FIikWLII, ORAVATS,MOKBAZINES, DREBB GOODB, Ece.,..to We are constantly receiving New (foods from Nevi Pedestal Philadelphia Afictioni,te witch we Invite the attention of purchasers. febttn4l FARNfJ4I, LARNED &icoi Nos. 86 and 88 SOUTH FRONT ST., AGENTS YOB THE GLASGOW ODA GINGHAMS, Are aoriatantly receiving now etylea above de/arable Goode, Vibloh they offer to the trade on favorable tern* PHILADELPHIA, fdiieh 9,1969: - marlo Btlf SAFETY! ' COMFORT. ELEGANCE! ARE INSURED DY.WEARING DOUGLAS SHERW'OOD'S: NEW MATIN.E 4 E , , CEMEGI PATENT DETACHABLE HOOP FASTENING, AND ADJUSTABLE iiIISTLE. 2ABWIT 1 slime it effectually obviates the danger arising from entangling the feet, or foreign subetancee; in the hoops. COXIOST ! I beanie the muslin skirt can be in. stantaneously removed from the flpring . byl 3 lT/DNT DET6OHAIILII BASTIMINOB, washed with other garments, and at no greater expense, and replaced on the hoops in a minute ! - 2Lpa /MOE! .! because the eolentidorut of the mos; lin skirt, end the finimiterial of which it le composed,, give a grateful fall to the robe worn over it, and will, in hot weather, enable the wearer to dispense with any intermedutte skirt. The MATINEE BIIIRT has eleven hoops, weighs but ten ounces, 18 BD/Jag° WITH THE TRADE MARY Cf Messrs. DOUOLAS k 81111RWOOD, and le the best tilclrt ever Introduced to the public, and quite Indis pensable to every lady who desires to combine In her apparel SAFETY, COMFORT, and FLEGANO.III ! Fey sale at all the prineipal stores In the United Stater and Canada. • - ' marl•lor JOSEPH'EEA. DOMESTIO OOMMISSIOH WAREHOUSE, Noe. 128 and 180 NHEBTNIIT STRNET, COLTON, LINEN, WOOLLEN AND PRINTED' . 000D13. CARPETING'S, Invitee Southern and Weatem buyers to examine a large and desirable esaortment of CARPETS, Including many new pattern, not before offered, Tim : • VENITiAN, WOOL AND WORSTED, COTTON-WARP, MIPERYINI, , DUTCH, INGRAIN, &0., BLLINOTON BM:WILLS, Carefully SILECTIM in the looms, ,WARRANTED of uniform quality from mid to end, and being made' chiefly to this Vicinity, can be sold on more favorable terms, sod by the UNRQUALLRD RAILWAY FACI LITIES of our city, sent to all Weetern points at leas expense than from any other market. , jade-Moir CLOTH STORE. 1-IN.Z.TIR,"X 0. x4-DLL, NEW OTYLES Ir'ANOY OASSUIERES and VESTING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Noe. 4and 6 NORTH OROOND STREET febl4•m th tt , T 0 THE TRADE. THOMPSON'S 03LBIPATED air.TST -,.• FOR BALE BY EVANS & HASSA.LL, 61. SOUTH FOURTH STREET, ji n ' ll2.s l i vie DOOM ABOVE 011EBTNOE. VENETIAN BLINDS OF EVERY BTYLP BND PATTERN, PdA.NIII7kOTURID BY KRONEBERGER, . NO. 1$ NORTE( TWILVTII STREIT. BaUstaotlon gamuts/. OH Blinds done up, and mude equal, to new. mlll2-ot* H. P. 8c W. C. TAYLOR, IhIPORTIRB, lONIIIAOTUR3II9 OP PERFUMERY , AND TOILET SOAPS, mhl2-I‘n No. 641 NORTH mina STREET " Warren's Composition Roofing." .11T A BARD woo GAB PROVED IT. In these our own United Billies— Land of the brave and free— None doubt that roofs should e'er be light, Though men should never be. The crowning virtue of a house Is, all admit, a roof, By l• WARRRN'S COMPOSITION" made Both Are and water proof. , Neeth suit a roof, when storms arise, A man may calmly rest, And though the rain descend, no drop Will fall upon his breast. If ileum from some adjoining house tiles high as lofty spire, No brand. that on hie roof may fall Will set his home on lire. ' The flames and tempest may unite, And both may wildly roar, But they'll ex end their force In vain On pebbles from the shore. The "ROXPOSITION ROOFING." then, Should be our bout and pride; It tire and water proof has proved, Whene'eritbeel been tried. • Another virtue is its own, Which we to sight will bring, Far cheaper than all other loofa Is that of which we sing. Of merits we've not time to name The Roornia" is possessed ; Enough for all to know that 'tie The cheapest and the best 1 All imitations, then, avoid;_ Their worthiesenees le known ; If you'd be safe from fire and flood nave WARREN'S roof alone. Right moans to thq Richange,' , Nis name is on the door— The Farquhar Buildings,” Walnut street, The Moe Number Four. H., M.. WARREN & CO.; MANUFACTURERS ADD DEALERS IN WARREN'S IMPROVED FIRE AND WATER PROOF FELT & CEMENT ROOFS, ROOFING MATERIALS, 4 V ARQUHAR BUILDINGS, 228 WALNUI! STREET, OPP.:qIITE EXORANO,E,, marll•9t PHILADELPHIA CEIARLES MULLIKIN - DBLIAB IN PLUMBERS' MATERIALS, AT NEW YORK PRJOEI3, PS MINOR 131111111%.. NOTIOR.—Any Gentleman having Real -Estate to place in the hands of an Agent will be certain to have his business strictly attenald to if plead in the hands of 11. P. 1 1 / 4 11r 011 ELL Agent, Office, N 0.1030 Routh RISPICRE NOEL Col. Lemuel Paynter, Mr. Peter WIlllamoott; Mr. Thomas MeGoy, ~ Rlljah Jones, .. Rdwerd Belly, " John Allen, <, John Lanarster, .‘ Thomas Barnett, ~ Geo. Kelly, Capt. Pansl. Mob!enemy mh2. thm St* WALL PAP RI WALL PAPER ! Thom) persons wishing to plrohase Wall Paper Will find it 'o their advantage to call at H. A. BEA TON,B, No 115 N. SIXTH Street, es he has jut re ceived a large assortment of the latest Foreign and American Patterns. A' UST BELMONT, BANKER. 7ef BEAVER STREET, hewn Lettere Of Oredlt for Tratiellers, available In all parte of the world, through the Ifeeers.Rothehilde, of Parte, London, Frankfort, Naples, and. Vienna. and their Oorreepondenta. Ania-dm f 31 ° L 1 1 4 11 2 1IL II LTIVA I TCID At iTiftun E TV I SCiiii N a E pp Y r i cants, on deposits of Watehes, Diamonds, Jewelry ' , Plato. Gone, -bierolitadioe, &o on moderate tome, by JONIS di. CO., Brokers. N W. corner THIRD and 14.11101.11 L Streets. below Lombard. Established DM. Office hours from 7A:M.to 7 P. Id. mll2-1m if OLD TOM GUN, LONDON OORD full supply of Oda superior Artois fitin been received by the Lyltende Iday. For sale by V. D. 108130ElshIP, 217,8 'DONT Bisset, sole importer. The Old Tom Gin ntarbe had et alt She Principal Druggists and Fesblousble Droems. mhsl42tAk c.iANGS OF RIGGIN , made to order by WILLMAR. Firma, & 00., No. as N. WOTAN. and 71 N. WNARITNEI, „ mb4 USSIA HEMP" AND YARNS for sale by wRAVER, MINE, & 00., No 92 North WITARvIO9 sod 18 Nottb WATIR 8t mb4 DEA COAL AND PEA' AND pup-- it. Best qualitica for , atom, constantly on hand. MR 18, Richmond. mhll•fm w Bto ROBERT PALETHORP, ATTORNEY AT•LAW, 815 WALNUT Illtseet, Above lightb, fi11044101%. (41115.03 glublitatimio. THE HORTIOULTV4IST.—VoIvno XIV commences with January, 11368: This popular Journal, established by A.;. Downing in HO, and no* edited by Y. JAY SMITH, embraces within Its scope the desoription and cultivation of fruit - and fruit true, of dowareolnwering piaata and shrubs. and, all edible plants; gardening u an art - or taste; Witaidealgus for ornamental or landscape gardening; rural arobiteoture, with designs for rural cottages andirilluaarm houses, lodges, gatep,vineries, ice bonus, ke. t and the planting and culture of (meet and ornamental treel. The Correspondence or the HORTICULTURIST pre , sents the experience of the most intelligent cultivators in America. To all persons alive to the improvement of their gardens. orchards, or country seats; to selen7 title and practical - cultivators of the ;to nursery. men and unhurt/al gardeners, tbts journal, giving the iotat dim - rain and improvements, experiments and aorinisitlons in horticulture , and. these branches of knowledge connected with It, is invaluable. The work is homed on the fret of each month, In the beet Style of the periodical Oen, each number contain.' ing forty-eight pages, embellished with original- en- graving. z Terms $2 per annum. An - edltlon with solored platei also pubilehed at $6 per annum. '9,W. D. ZIRD/IR, itS South THIRD Street, is the agent for Philadelphia. Specimen copies m died free on receipt of 25 ;tante In etamPi. , tale /4-mO2O • TIIST PUBLISHED—V olume 2 Of 'Patimsows , - Edition - of '; • - ' TBN WANBBLNY NOVELS, Containing MAN'NHSINO• Price 26 canto, . . This edition is reprinted from the original Edinburg editipn that was issued In forty•elght volumes, and eon., time the author's last corrections end additions, and will be published, entire and unabridged, in twenty-six large octavo volumea—..east compriling an entire book— printed on floe white paper, and the whole making up-.: wards of 8 HO pages. , ..te the work is, already stereo. typed no dela. can take plane. The first volume of the series-117ANBOE—was Lpublialled on Saturday, March Bth, and one novel will be published regularly on every Saturday, in regular succession, until tile whole twe e . ty-six volumes are issued. and Will be furnished to any person in the United State, at the low pries of TWENTVFIVE OFIN'PS FOR EACH NOVEL, or Five Dollars for the complete set: , Booksellers,• News Agents,..Oanvassera, • and alt others will please send on their orders at once. • Ad- , dress all orders, to receive immediate attention, to the , publishers. T. B PETERSON & am) HERB, „ No OS OLUDITNUT Street ' mhl2-13t . Philadelphia, New jack Elva o..sobs ijousee. SPRING. TRADE NOTICE. IbIPORTANT EVERY DRY•4OODS MEROIIANT IN TELE UNION DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, Are now receiving their oaring Importations, and are exhibiting at their SALES-ROOMS, 80 AND St 011AMBER8 STREET, N. Y., The most extonalve, elegant, Tarled, and eomplete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS • RYER MORN OPPEBED For sale by them,and preeenting attractions and a& vantages to the 14e generally, and from all mull; ouch as are to be met with in very few places.' Their extensive etores on Chambers ;treat, which they occupy entire, enable them to appropriate to each Class of goods a separate departmenti end to have, in fact, so many distinfit stooks in their warerooms, each of which will be complete. Without speeifying the artieles em braced, they would name the departments, via DRESS GOODS, SILKS, • WHITE GOODS AND LINENS, CLOTHS AND OASSIMERES, • FLANNELS, SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, YANKEE NOTIONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, PARASOLS, DOMESTICS AND PRINTS. To their Domestic and Print Department they call partionlar attention, embracing all the leading Makes' and styleti, whioh will be sold at the very lowest rates. They bare the entire production of the WARREN PRINTS, A print whisk hes done more good to the retailers through the country, the last xenon, than perhaps any other low-price print. Their Merrimac, Oocheco, Sprague, flamer, Donnell, and PACIFIC AMARANTH PRINTS, are of the very beet seleatione. CLINTON, GLASGOW, LANOASTER, AND SCOTCH GINGIIAMS, in emery vamety. Their DOMESTICS embrace the following bran-de: WAMSIITTAS, HILL MANIIPACTURING CO DATES' MILLS, NEW YORK MILLS, MERRIMAC, LONSDALE, ARKWRIGHT," POCASSET, NAIIMKEAG, PATTERSON, PEPPERILL, WHITE ROOK, lIEBRON, - CABOTT, METAMORA, LAWRENCE, ATLANTIC. AU thaltall : knawn, Inakep,ot. TICK/I, STRIPES, and. DENIMS, York, Llamilton,,Pembertin, &e. &Molting, Arran on liberal terms, they Invita settee to their llonee—street and number ea alma. te24•lm tOntelps, itmeir2, fOt. AiAMERICAN, , ENGLISH, AND GE NEVA WATOLISS.—New and faehlonable GOLD rr AILEY, with floral, Cameo, Lava, and Jot Settings; Gold Mains, Braeelets, Miniature Leickets, 6hlrt Studs and Sleeve Buttone .!ce ; Silver arta, Spoons, Ladles, Ice., of standard S ilver ; plated Spoons and Yorks of superior quality. Watches and Jewelry promptly re paired, and warrant, at GEORGE RUSSILL'S, mhl4•lm No. 22 North SIXTH Street. JAMES WATSON, IMPORTER WATCHES, JEWELRY:, Aso., No. 325 MARKET STREET Oonstantly on hand a fall somortuient of Vaoberon and Constantin Watohes BAILEY & 00., 10811111ILT BAILEY & KITCHEN, Hove realoved to their riew Wfte-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH DID.R t BBLOW THE GIRARD HOl7Bl, Now opening their Pall Stook et IIdrORTID JEWIELRY, PLATA]) WARES, AND ' TANGY GOODS, To who they invite the attention of the publle. AMUR-WARN, WATOHNB, DIAMONDS, AND PXAIII.9, IMEI3 earriapcs GEORGE W. WATSON'S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Nos. 1217, 1219, and 1221 CHESTNUT STREET. marli-Sm CARRIAGES or TIM MANO/A.OTtlil 01 WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, 1009 ' CHESTNUT STREET 1011 feblo.4mo Cabinet Warc. CABINET FURNITURE AfiD BILLIARD 1.../ TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 283 SOUTH REOOND 8 PRBET, in connection with their extensive Oabinetßnahiess, are now manufacturing a raperfor article of BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a full supply, finished with MOORE & CIAhIP r ION , I3 IMPROVED CUSHIONS, - which are pronounced by all who have used them to be supericv to all others. For the quality and flnleh of these Tables the mann facturere refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. laid-em ijats anb (gaps C H. GARDEN & CO., ALAtiIfAOTTIREBB AND WIIOLZBALII DNALDBA HATS. OAPS, FURS. BILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS ARTIVIOIAL FLOWBBS, PRATHI2I3, RUCHES, ko., ko. No. 600 and 802 MARKET STREET, Southwest corner of MTH. EXTENSIVE STOCK, BEST TERMS, LOWEST PRICES. febl4ta 1859. SPRING STYLES. 1859. AGARD & _CO., - 828 MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of Buyers to an INTIRI Kai ind complete stook of RATS, car% STRAW ROODS, .to., Which they offer for Malt or on the tunial otedlt. fab2-Bm* IIIST RECEIVED and in Custom-House aff Storte,loo onto Belteette Itooliehe in qtuotere and eighths, *ltch we offer to the trade et the very lowest market Frio. 1011: P. TOBIAS & CH)., fa2R-19* Noe; 908 se4 SOS South FRONT St. II AIR JEWELRY. I The neweet and largest alsortmeat of Heir Jalleiry, by - 11101111 ITT & STUBENEAuOII, feb2ohais , 928 011BOTNOT ) um Teeth at, Wants. A if • ENGLISH GRNTLEMANoifinatire pars and tonfidontlal `obaniotar, is about visitliag lb:gland, wad to return to the Milted natal; would tua• dortako thsahaiga oral Youth of (Other non, or on In- Valid itsairovuf Of gotngas , also to tranaaat any business, couitrorolalc. - or. othe rwise, requiting iniroatb , gotlo* and ntausgomoiit.%-litourity, if' inidad,la- or. wadi with high - tight/nada, Addreas ALBIOIfi Press Office, - tohlit4t* , PARTNER WANTED.--An .aotive anc respectable GENTLIMAN, posiweshlt good Nude noes qualitien, with a cash capital at $10;000, is deslred sea copartner in • ke•peotable Usnatataiorlng. 1161 4 neea t already establiahed In- this atty. Profits- /air: Address w PRAOTICIALe , at tills Office mhl4.mwt tf WARTED—A. SITLTATIoN;:bi,a,ive • :00 11, 3444 Lod, 27 Yews of age, In alnoloss Cirooery or Cotton - Oomminion Hours • one who_ Ira maks idouodt immorally torefuto Best of waren. Iren.• Ad. e • r 0. , of , WANVED—In a:(Soth' , store, a .Biet4iite: BALIISMAN, who caw. influence a neer ootuatit trade. Apply, by letter, to Box 2280 Poet Office. • - Inhl4.2t*'. • •• - • A P, E R AND - EDGE-MARBLE& A IvikraTED.—A Mau who is mister or the brutinesi and of good character ran obtain 1 , Pwnstaxonitawl sizable situation,: Address; with referenoe, Box-2882; P. New York city. - • ; •' mhl2 fit- WANTED—BY A YOUNG ~ M AN S -Ai SITUATION es BOOR HERRIN, in •' Me motile Boum or Manufacturing Nstabitehment. Hat bid several-years , experience as Osishier of a large Dry-Goods. Jobbing House Belem to present em.• ployeri. Address K., Box 877, P. 0. .•mhl2-2tir - BVANTED A SPECIAL PART.NER, . with Copan, in a Dry-Goods Oommissien nese, Sorely° and Demesne, by two Young Men, pee-? seeehig perfeet knowledge of the Mildness, and well acquainted with the Western and City Buyers. -All ccsununicatiosui strictly nonfidential. • Address To with mei name, at this Office. • • 110 ,A Married' Man desires sIII.I7ATION as BOOK-KBIIPBB or Assistant. flu had several years' experienw - Best, references given. Phtase address MIBBBANT, this Office. - fiIWARTED FOR ISt UNITED BA:4I.TEIif PhYALlVl—Ablehodied; sinwarried men, to when Will he given good pay; beard. clothing, an medical atlanano. /NV from In to 592 Pat month. • No min having a wife or child, will be accepted. 7.itplay, hir 110111VTIli bIIRVIOB at No. FIT NIABICIT Metit i , inn llightb, north sin. ,- -.-I. N. 8200$1, - aplt•tf lit Lint. let hragoone, Iteettrithwi Olgeer.. idearbing. PERMANENT AND' TRANSIENT. Mar ried and BID& pentium can Mid BOARD at No. 635 ARONlitroot. •m1014.3ta SELEOT PRIVATE BOARDING, at No 226 Wirth TENTH Street. Iteterems ezetuerged mhl2.Bi. BO.,PsRDING.—A few GENTLEMEN can . have large, airy Beeond and -21Ord•ritory Column. Matting or Single Booms, opposite a Public Square. Three minutes walk from the State louse. Address BOX 2088, Port Office. •-• Inbfl•ltdr • BOARD, two unfor. Withal Second etcry ROOMS, front" b.ok, with Gas. Bath, &a. Apply at 'lO2l MOUNT VNII.- NON (formerly Washington) Street. talgi-tf an to set. de TO LET—HOUSE - i 132 'NEW L. Street. lolth Ten Rome, Gee. Bath, &a. Apply to I. lIIILLANGEE & SON, Reel:Estate Arnie, No. 414 GREEN Street. matt.itt* RIGERMANTOWN PROPERTY-FOR BALE—A neat DWELLING. on Main street, with about 2 aorta or Land, oppoeite G.V. Carpenter,' and another, with handsome improvement., and a Lot, 140 feet front on Main etreot, a shbrt distance above the battle ground. Apply to 11. A. 0. PRUNE, No. 20 North TIMID Street;. - ' mhl2 Ste im HOUSES AT CHESTNUT HILL FOR Mg. BALD, within a few minutes' walk of the Depot; one with kg amen of ground—price 19,510; one with • 1,40 lot—price 55,800. moth command. a fine vie*, and here all the ammo:demi of bath, hot awl sol d wooer, heater, range, Ica. Apply to nthl2 St* • 5/DNI/fir AD&WS, 520 WALNUT Street. go FOR SALE—A COUNTRY PLACE, Da with Stone House, Stable, Hay Howie, /to., with two eche of Land, neer Pottstown, Montgomery coun ty, Ps, Inquire of 1. B. BET, No. SB2 WALNUT Street. , mill? 2 • HOUSES TO LET=At :$600 3 s2*(), Ma' 1203; 1108 $l6O, 179, sod .$BO. Also, , • Jame 11JOBS, imitable fora Manufactory. looks of JAMES YOUNG, 612 BPBVC amt. Inh1I.8t• . 10111 APER, MILL TO RENT.—The Paper Mill known u HARWELL MILL, idtusted on the Wissahickon Creek, and km mile from Chestnut Rill Railroad Station. -This Mill adapted to make fine Book Papers. !them three engines, one four machine, 62 inches wide, and all the appurtenances for the sue ante roanufsekureof paper:- Possession stun imme diately. Apply to, or adftass, GRORGR H. LIMO, No. 80 South SIXTH Street rpo RENT.—On the let January next, tne very superior and oatmeal,. ROOMS, (M, Bd, 51.11 and sth ffoors,'esoh 24feet by 148) of the NEW STONN, 589 MARKET Street. The WHOM". is one of the Sae improvements on the upper aide, between BIRTH sal SIXTH Streets, towing two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good aarta 90 ge way feet into SIXTH Street. APPLY on the premium: , F". BALE:=-ESTATE of ZLIZAUTII IM EL, and DATH&RINE CILSMONT, Demised. All that valuable Lot and live-Story Store and Dwel ling erected thereon, situated at the northwest .•ornar THIRD and 011EIRST Streets, containing :on Third street eighteen feet, on Oherry street seventy-oar feet six Imams, theme running northward, forming an L or ninety feet, boot of stores situated owThird dr est. For further particulars inquire of.. 1: • S. SPAN% • • • Tall.Ao.B9ofifl, • 148 liortliTlihd-street. JsB'm ii not EVERLY PROPER Y FOE SALE.-;:A. LOT - of 16 Aetna, situated near the -Goopertown road, about directly back of the Railroad Sta tion, wall fenced and in good order, , with about 20 young apple tress, In full bearing. -This lot is par ticularly suited for a truck farm, sad Is in a rapidly- Impreving n eighborhood. Terms amOmmodating. - Apply to SHAH. ti. 1104171111,- mhl2 1210 127 South BM WS Philada. Bodo and 331)cnes • pHILADELPHIA • BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY. S. D. EDSON &, CO.. NO. 14 NORTH 10IIRTH 11!TNNET, Have now on hand the finest assortment of ladles', misses', and children's BOOTS, MOIR, AND GAITERS, With, or without heels, to be found In the city, at the lowest clank prices. EDissolutions anti Copartnerships. DSSOLUTION AND COPARTNER JJ —DROWN, HEWETT, & WHITE, beg to entwine. that Mr. 'WILLIAM DROWN his pm , chased Mr. 8. CLAUDE interest in the TUOKERVILLE AND DIAMOND VEIN COLLIE. RIES, and th at the business or Mining end Shipping Coal bons the said Collieries will henceforth be carried en under the name of BROWN, HEWETT, & BROWN," who wilt settle the accounts of the late firm, _ BROWN, HEWETT &. WHITE. tiliraars P. 0., 1859. mh2-wfm•4yj NOTICE. Pam/mamma, Mirth 1, 3869. Mr. ANDREW ROBS is this day antedated with na In general copartnership. PHILIP Ir. HBLLY & 00., Hankers, tithl.tr No. 18 South THIRD Street. • Opticians: QPECTAOLES, OF GOLD, SILVER, AND EL &SITIO STEEL FRAMES, with Pebble and fine Flint Glasses. INSTRUMENTS for bildbemetles and Surveying. Thermometers. School Appetit - us. • .. . • MICROSOOPES, made and for sate low by , - JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Priced and illustrated Catalognee cent by mail free of charge. mht.Bm Saving Snubs SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO OIETY OP PHILADELPHIA. °Mee, No. 881 North THIRD Street, - (oonaolidatlon Back Building ) - CHARTERED BY THELVAN LEGISLATURE OP PENN. Deposits received in sums of One Dollarand upwards and repaid in Geld, without notice; with FIVE PER OENT. INTEREST from the day or deposit till with- drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city and "The Spring Garden Saving /and Society" was char tered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply thia necessity. The Managers, in organizing and locating It, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommo date the business intermits and wants of the very Inge and enterprising population by which it is surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, Prom 9 to 23 o'clock • also, on Moaner and Taipei- DAT from 5 until 8 o'clock in the evening. MANAGERS. Frederick Rlett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy. Hon R. Strong, Daniel Underkoller, rederiok Menke, Primate Hart, Joseph P—LeOlero, John Ressler, Jr., George Knecht, James 13 Pringle, Jacob Doak, Joseph M Cowell, Hon. Wm. Millward, George Woelpper, Geo T Thorn Peter 0. Sllmaker, Robert B. Davidson. ' JAMES B. PRINGLE, President. ramie:a Hlal, ammeters'. 300 AI if CHEWING TOBACCO, IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT 13=1 FINE OUT CreiriViTlSTC4. TOELEN.CpO, Geo been adopLed.l* Wiwi. N. GOODWIN & BRO., of Now Yoar. TOBACCO, of the MIST QUALITY, Is selected, neatly wrapped in TIN TOIL, end Patent Preeeed:' • The great advantages of this over other brll4lda Eoll old In the else of the packages, rendering it more con venient to - carry in the pocket, and by being PRESSED aolaD it keeps 'MOIST and PREBH, anti improves in quality as it is used; while in other brands, as soon as the package is opened, the quality rapidly DETERIO RATES—the -tobabco growing dry 'awl 'littering the pocket, to the great annoyance of the oonsumer. The Dressing which the Fine Oat Tobacco undergoes in the proem of manufacture frees it from all grit or impuri ties so objectionable in the used Ping Tobacco. Chew ers will do well to give the Pitent • Pressed a trial., and judge for themselves. For sale by Wholesale Merchants, who receive it di root from the Manttfeeturere. _ . E. GOODWIN & _ 41117 wad. 209 WATER Wed, New YoTk febl7-WcWlin it LIVEBER & v MANIIPARTURNRS S ' AND WHOLESALE DiFAISIR SHIRTS, COLLARS; 'BOSOMS. - ALLB, ,to.; &o. - No 217 ORIIROII ALLBY. To which they 14•11. the Ntockt,lon 07 p 1401111110; , roVPIS moo - c2l,lMWttitth._',zi _ . ' - ' '. `Mtr:lll , ,-A MERIOA.if ACADEN. - MX r. -- ; !L -I L., MST. 0. P. acnrksg. - NUN' iii4 Di . . ' Jim I% P ErWisil -- ' '-",:,'---• , . Hu the honor- to .examunce, tilt , thie- freMfoliMfum • satablishmout will be ooenedfor a" • . - ... 'LIMITED - 131BASON, - ;! - = '''-'-! - 1 in order, with Ile unparalleled resourom, to - MilieMell / with eerneet fidelity to their anthem. and .THN 0110103VIT DRAMATIO WOBES, tO wore Vie" 'utmost ealelezioy, they will be Mit !mined by the effort/ of - • • . , • .- . ARTISTE OP THE HIGHEST OBLEBEITY,"I-. • In - the' Bowie of the matem many • distinct/haled names Miltbe added to - the list of thane already an cart, the whole fornaimen "?' --=''.- COMBINATION OORPANY unimitiOled in ntimberlind taint, And willing „to take thom premstoial emmilloni whielr may Mt In aim , elop ing the - Udell:deft opts.stot - of the Dzarnatiat. ' - . - The Pint Perfornisniti - Wall betimes inv ,=-- r-r-'• -, NO MONDAY,NITENING, MAUCH 1eth,1869,„ - -- aid the Geni_mlifor QM imam; _Will he sastalsed by Wieland Gentlemen ieleisted from the annelad lilt Of ARTISTS',7OI TIM OPNISING ISIONT : , --- Mr. WALOOT, from-New-York. • :;•-• -. -..--- - ---" Mr: W.- DAVIDGE, from New York. • - • - -- ' r ' Mr. JANUS MART/N, from New York. '. - --- - - - ' Mr. A: W. 711/NSlG;"from New York. -;.- -- - _ -- . Mr. Wif. BEYNOLIDS, finer Nati York. " •, - ' -, Mr. J. B. HaLSTRAD," of Phllidalphle.- --`' .•-' - - - -- Mr. lt: O. wintvas, from New York'. _ • .-'-' • -.. - kr. if. A. TA.NNTRILL' Of PhlMdelubili: •" - - Mr. J. W. ALRANGN, leom New York., '.- -- • '' :Mr - 11. V , /INGHAM. from Boehm' -- = '-'-', -' - -Mx. IL MOSPITTBM, 'of 'Philadelphia. ' " • :Mr: DH lellON, et Philadelphia. - ". , - , itr.'DAY, _treat Loilden. -- ' - . , : Mr: NORTON,' Dine Boston; " Mr. MlTSON;frobilliew York.= - . - = ' Mr. 1 / 1 110T, from New York. -,- Mtn ANNIE lasepALL from New York. - - • Mies MAST 'A OAMIIRONi from - New.York., Mn; It . A. TA.NBINHILL - ,taf Thilidelplllal' ': Miss WELLS, trot:allow York." - • ' -.. 'Mrs, HACKETT, of Philadel th yl 6witle ''. '-='-"' Mr O.,CHISTNIV" • ' " litagillfanicen.; Scen rdrobe ery bt - '- ' - - ''-- ••- Acadenty - Areaste.' Wa -- - • - 'wt. PrePirthu b.f ' ' ' ' ' Mr. C. I p.a.:, C Lail, ' Carpentry - by ' '' - -= . — ldr.Mighbee, hi . /n additionta tht Om the Managemant4ma 'the pleasure to anionnoe encasement' penditc with - other emitent - ertiateLlsoliedint tkiesi of Ike Intritant ' -- - • -- • intENow coiktpAgir or NEW-10101, - , - . - under The almotlon *flatten. Midday/ncidence,: "- ' THE - 011011211TRAD DRPAllaffalM " " I will be imslained.by the oslebrated " -----• i . - - •.-_- ' „ Q 42 MAM, '!:ILND;' ? --; '; l ' - -- '‘ "' - in. 0 ailli sheirz -' - - - - " '-' togitaii ',..,,' Mr:Thiln, Pint 'Violin; • • Mr: Albrecht, Olarteinat, , Mr Reinhart, lint Violin, Kr. Young . qbac - .- Mr. Greiner, Second Violin, Gr. Beek, liatarmi- ,- Mr. Iflolle, Second Violin , Mr. Scherer:almi, ' =:- ' ' 1 Mr. A. Schmitt,' emir,- Mr. Balks, them: '- - • .' Mr. 0. Smite; Oslo, - - Nr.loilig.true;' ". : 1 Mr. DuekneeYßei/10, ',. ill r.ltaper, Tlilf.ti -' Mr. Hoch,- Flute; ' - Mr. - Brown; Blom, • , Mr Maier, Olarimiet,_ r-- lico• Ao.• '• - The season - wilf commends en - , . _ MONDAY ETEWISG; MAHON 14. - • -MOONY . - The celebrated Comedy by Mr N. B. Lytton, will he Produced, &worth/a to the *righted text, and on a scale of dramstie grandeur 'hitherto uneaten/oft& The -' - "-- - , OLDS BORNE OP INN THIRD ACT , ; will be restored, and will be placid upon - the stagy ha a style hitherto unknown at home or abroad: ' =DISTAIBUTION OP OfIANAOTBRII: - ' Alfred Evelyn • ' ' " Mr. T. H. Tailar. "'', SW lohn'Veser ' ' ' " ' Mr. W. Darldga"."' , . Lord Glen/more - ' - • ' Mr: 16 A.%40=6 - - Sir Prederiek Blount - " - Mr. Wm:levitate,.;_. .' .- ' Stout " Mr. James Merlin. - Grans Mr. - Mr. Wept. Oaptatn Dudley Smooth ' - Mr. P.A. Tannehill.: Sharp_ Mr J. W.: /tibia/pl.:" Old Member - " Mr. .7. IV Htbetoad. c Irina Member -' " ' Mr. T.Horton '' - -'.. - Second Member • ' ' Mr. De.Lati. -.. .1.71" Crimson - Patent' ' ' - Tabotret, ' •. ' IlfrMAtossitir; - Grab ' Mr, Wtlllams. Plat ' ' --- - - • Mr. Burns. -'- -' , Green - ' 'Mr. Oarroll. ; Nvelyn't Servant - ' Mr. Sandford. - .. Sir John's Servant •- ' 'Mr. Roblaron: - Ohm Douglas - - " hfre. - 0. P. Bo_ . _...irerc. Lady If ranfcli,' ' min Annie rmasaille Georgian,. ...'- ': ._ . -__. item M.. A..4)emMon: • Qtllcere, Club Ramberg, Natters, Etstmutte:_ - &M In compAtm of the fleseimhistion of the Memo: went to apply the nt moot Went, 1;5! the intelneehm of the Comedy'. there will be NO OTHER 'PLAY ON The PerforManee will Coneladel with the 'MADDING. blellOß OP.MINDIffeeIIOBFW Performed by the celebrated - = • OgitidAetAllhNo; LEADER M r The Performance will anemones at Th - o'edoete; hpaie OVARTE/BN BY ; THE O.II.OIpIeTRA. - Deers open at e)i o'clock. Adnebalon, fifty andlortienty:iiii wits, In Balcony, Balcony Obeli, - Parpeti aad Parquet Clyde, without eitra charge. rleNaliegy,withaeparate entranea, for respects*, Deleted pereems.. ?Ante B01;81, Es and ElO each. - nehlit NIATIONAL OIROIIB, WALNUT 4Te, .1. - above - M . OH. ' - • "- • WRIB (Monday) ITARIAR, Ifaroli 14. JAIL ':DAN RIOT. the -original Ht.niorist. WIL7I-,TALK - i and NXOELSIOR, the Romani rare endowments, WILL TALK. 1, TRANI" COMIC MULTI. will opal for themselves. Also BALLI3I - BTIONISZT_ ,Muter RAAB will appear in ado of ligdestrianislik. - RIOT AND'ALL TH.3 lITABB :19/LL APPALS. Cards of Admission—Bier Lunde.........::cants Children andel. nine pare of , age '66 CI - Family Circle • • • - ' • Chain in Private Bowe 76' cents. Largn piing! Boxes 58. - Brun Private Bores $3 —; WEATLEY OLARKE4 AILOH.r. - TRKATII . JI.-16111Lim irderiffita j lating: ajt BUlPatanager. . • - . T II IB-(Molidar) EVANING, liarek . 7 - 0869i; —.-----. -• = • Liontei, Tu. W Wailack7 Polexeiss, Dol man • 111Qrosechir. Stowell Werailona Alfts. Jai; W. '- • . , KILL" OR - ‘' ' Adadidosi 'BIM. Bummed Opts in Drees OtrideAlt alit; Onaliestrii 8 10 ate; Sabi tarrivats,Bours, eta; ealleryi ets ; Bessltlsr r.Coloir4Yeaaoia >Dell 1 Private - 1W Is pota4p,i Piri l 4l ll ,lll4 Whole Private Boi s 41,: ,„ , •D00n',44.,1 , 14.1 T, air" WALNUT-STREET - TREATER ) doavraz Nutrit - opIvALNIIT - inunWor.::4 - - - AaLag sod Stile. jaiim4o . Business Mansger Icoaph D.liurphy, THIS (Monday) EVIININCI, Much 113 166 p, INGOMAB I- - • logomar, Mr. H. A Perry; Pol7dor, Mi. 11,mpl• Parthenia;Mits J. M. Davasport.- . Mies DAVSNPOST will sing, en tabliasuri in Um "O&M langasge. the French Ilsmn otzwerth— }l.ll-9BILLArni." L. YL! Pecan of adrandon—itaeond Ttar:and ltsedkr Offer, and TWA - Tier, 26 orate; Patifalti _oat* - Wane elude, 60 eon* Private- Boxen,_ leomeng — to "twit 100511,63 and 66; Single Seats in °reheat* and Mei% Beau, 76 cents. DOOM open at quarter to 7 Web* Oartedn fiat it , 7,xj o'clock. TIIHOMEUE" B VARIETIES !=(Oafii %AN- A. tent,) northwest corner of JUTE and ONNJIT:. NUT Streets. THIS SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT SALOON,' which stands without a rival• is this country for the variety, excellence, and economy of its amusement, is OPEN EVERY EVENING, with A CONTINUAL ORANGE of Vocal. Inetramental, Terpsichorean. Ethiopian, Comte, Eccentric, Charecteristis. and other Entertainments, supported - by''VERT: SUPERIOR ARTISTS, among whom may be found Signorina E. V. PABAVAILI, Prima 00000; LEPOLLE, Praia ir Minimise ; VIRGINIA BITERS, Bantams* and Bd. Whit; Elsa JULIA PRIOR.' Soprano; 808 ED. WARM'S SERENADERS; JENKINS, the fa mous Humorist; Master SECRET, Plazdst, mentos aselsttnts, Choristers, AL, A 0.., THE VIR GINIA MUMMY will croneinde the performanee. Doi* cart commences at 7% o'clock. Admisdon,lo mate; Parquet 16 ramie. mhl4 T. AMECKRT, Stage Manager, and Conductor. SIGNOR, BLITZ.-&BBEMBLY. BUILV DIGS, TNNTH and camitttur Shasta. LOVE WIIItIL BUT ONS COME AND -LAUGH. Come and 11. e tie limo Blitz, the Amusing Mite, tke Remarkable Butz, the Laughing Mils, the Popular BUM, the Blitz oho makor all happy - PERFORMANCE RIMY NVENING, aommeoehrg at o'clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AI TERNOONS at S o'clook. CONSISTING or WONDERPUL METAMORPHOSIS, aatonlehtng seenee rn Ventrthelero, the Learned Oa. nary Birds, and the Extrao rdinary Exhibition of the Rope Dancer.. Admission 25 cents. Children 18 setae THE GREAT SUCCESS OF it OUR AFRICAN COUSIN " AT • IdoDONOUGHI GAIETIES Is an acknowledgment that it's the ONLY BURLESQUE . That bait yet been written upon "OUR AMERICAN COUSIN!" Au 'hoed see G. Don't tall to do so. - • A rout • and Instrumental Convert preemies the ‘i Cowie ), on each evening, commandment 7je o'clock. mhll-ti r3IPENNSYLVANIA AUADBILY OF 11.11 FINE ARTS, No. 1025 OPURSTNUT BTItHRT, 18 OPINDAILT (Sundays onepted) from 9A. - till 6 P. 11.. Admission 25 mints. Children 12 mats. Shwas or Stook, treating the holder's boldly toed.. 11111111.011 at AU Name, ED. WILL SOON CLOSE • BARTHOLOMEW'S STATUE OP PARADISE LO3T; OR, EVE REPENTANT, • 16XICLEITIEG POR TEE BENIPIT op THE MO:. THEE OF THE ARTIBT, AT THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP TELII )tall Amp; opzinwor, snLow ELAM= STRUT. Open from 9A. ht to 6 P. H., and from I WISP. IL Single amnimaton, 20 cents. Oldidien =dor II ',Ars halfprice. Season TH322s, SO Tents. 201441 A - MIRIOAN ACADEMY , OF MUSIC. XX. D. L. OARPENTEBNI - - FOURTEENTH ANNUAL FLORAL SOIREE will take place on TUESDAY, April /2th Ticket's are only.'fwo Dollars, and to be bad of John Thor:day, Esq., 811 Chestnut street, of the Private Committee, and D L. Carpenter, Washington Hall. The subscribers are informed that" their tickets are ready for delivery, of which more than one half of the , limited tickets are already engaged..' Those wishing to attend will please call early for the purchase of tickets, which entitles to one gentleman mei two ladles or one • family. This Festival• will out-rival any affair ever given in this city The examination of the Misses end Masters for their medals will occupy from eight to half- • put nine o'clock. Allwill be seated until tke children • have finished their parlor donors At the oohed of the gong the tidies and gentlemen will then participate un. til three o'clock in the morning. - The programme will be ruck that all can enjoy them. selves throughout the evening. The decorations' of the plants, Sowers, &0., will Nur. page all former ocasslons. A grand and full °rehash& will be under the supervision of Professor J. Sistine. - fe2B--Swe AITSIO/11.1 FU , HALL.—TILE l MANIA ORORISTRA giro Public BRILIARS ADS every SATURDAY. Single Tickets 2ii rents ; a peoraire of tickets for $l, which may be obtained at Andre's,llo Okeetnut street; Bark & Lawton's, corner - of Seventk and Chestnut. and st the door of the Rail. The performance commences at otaisak P. 11 .41-" BITY'VAN HA&GEN & ORIENTAL .DETERSIVE SOAP lEE3Z3 - DEBT AND CHEWS? WADDING SOAP krei made in this country:. All Grocers keep It. Whaling@ Dopot, - TRAIN gIitoICIMPIA. 22 SIMTH WHARVES, mir2•wfm 6t ADAMANTINE OANDLES—David Main Jr. Co.'s superior .ohemical Sperm Candies, Bv. drautte pressed.' D assorted sizes, constantly for sat U by TRAIN & MeHEONN 22 South, Wharves. mar2.wfm Sk - .„ ORIENTIIII TOILS =parlor article, manufactured by vsin•lfugen In - breßen no for Ilia 6 constantly, wholesale, by Tll/& McdtILONI:! 22 South Wharves. - teakePortm et' OLEINr SOAP.--4c,citnetaxit - supply' of ,Van Haagen & AieKebadi °LEINE, OX Ina t OAP, warranted superior "to any leap of that name in en irket. For /ale weoleealei` by THAN & AteKKONP, fit goal& whartec mart wt to et' TOT, 00E. ag.00. , s a/ ADVERTISING AND bommisinos-Auitsov't 4894038TN111 at., 2d floor, PhlicaciPhish ied.:••:; ..Triburie Buildup, New York. 1a0ir,4:10.8,-&-. CO. are the Agitate for thi mat Ruential and largely circulating Nell'Oplipeill' United Stites and the Caoadac.: - -2201r• - aiitheehred-':. tbtp.reCelee ecteertinetseuta aud pager' Atha Gawk 411161,1414
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers